#thanks Meg!!
the-maidofmischief · 1 year
Rules: post your lockscreen, homescreen, last song you listened to & your pinterests home
Tagged: by the lovely @charlottesmatthews
Tagging: @simuran; @burningblake; @petersthree @seik-o @dasakuryo @knifelesbianjo @ginnxtonic @queerbuck @hoolay-boobs @sansalicents (if you guys want to this of course ^^)
Comment: my lockscreen is me with my girlfriend (<3), that beautiful catradora fanart is my homescreen, i recently discoverd kiki rockwell and her songs slap, my pinterest is mostly saved fanart and inspo.
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sreppub · 2 years
since i take joy out of being an entity of chaos... that ocean ask post? do ALL OF THEM! (unless that's gonna stress you out, then just do your favorites)
LOL rebel that would be a looonnnngg post so i just picked a bunch from the bottom
shallows: what is your typical Starbucks order? vanilla sweet cream cold brew, dragonfruit refresher, or london fog.
voyage: what are your favourite names? I like J names. And arabic names.
cerulean: do you believe in true love? yeah 🥺
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why? my family's language 😅 im not fluent at all (banana.....) but i'd love to pass it on to my kids
tsunami: describe a dream outfit of yours.
lil nas x pink cowboy fit and this
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riptide: are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this? very introverted. i'm fine w it hahaha
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours. LMAO lately ive been putting random ingredients in my coffee at work to spice up the work day. cinnamon and mini marshmallows, yeah sure. tobasco sauce, no, 0/10
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mehoymalloy · 1 year
26 and 27!
26. Is there something you’ve written that you would never want your family to see?
All the smut, especially the Imogen/Otohan ones.
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Definitely Let Me Lay Waste to Thee. Being the first to create something for a previously nonexistent ship was already daunting enough. But knowing it could be seen as gross (no matter how much care and nuance I put into writing it) was especially nerve-racking. Considering I've added three more fics to the tag, I've thankfully worked past that fear for the most part, and I'm super grateful for the folks who have reblogged, liked, and left such encouraging comments along the way!
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claredanko · 6 months
rupaul: i'd like to introduce our guest tonight, he just rolled off highway 61, all the way from maggie's farm. knockin' our door, its bob dylan
bob dylan: hi ru
rupaul: bob are you ready to get your wig SNATCHED or did it blow in the wind?
bob: i'm not wearing my wig i left it at home
rupaul: period okurr the theme tonight is just like a woman so get your leopard-skin pill-box hat and slay lady slay
camera cuts to bob - hes playing with his hair, very obviously distracted
rupaul: the queens, they are-a changing so lets see what they've created! bob have you got a man in you?
bob: yes
rupaul: well, why don't you meet me in the morning? (she cackles, the other judges clap and howl with laughter)
rupaul: so bob, what did you think of the first look?
bob: it was good
rupaul: well i got visions of johanna
michelle visage: oh honey we all gotta serve somebody!
bob gets up. fumbles with his microphone for a few too-long seconds and rips it off. he walks out of frame
rupaul: well SOMEONE'S not there
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cosmicrhetoric · 3 months
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naruto/nah hoe rhyme of the century
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blitzy-blitzwing · 11 months
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I freaking loved drawing this. 🤩🤩🤩
Commission for @ivycorp
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inkyrainstorms · 2 months
Lester's first moments alive
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step 1: fall into trash
Step 2: get the snot beaten out of you
Step 3: acquire gremlin child (sister)
Wooooo Lester is so good at following lists
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katydoodles · 2 months
More Azula x Aang content xD
Thanks @ig-korrasamishipper for editing my little blurb 🙏🏼💓 ur the best🖤
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Aang leaned down toward Azula’s ear before speaking in a low and husky voice. “I will start at the other end of the hall.”
The heat from his breath tickled Azula’s ear and a blush grew on her ears and cheeks. He then placed his hand on her upper back which made her stand straighter. She refused to believe that he had any affect on her. She forced herself to pay attention to the group of young giggly girls on the opposite side of the hall. Foolish unsuspecting fox-antelope.
That's when his voice rang through her eardrums again, “Play nice and gather information from the noble ladies. The scandal will spread fast through gossip and the Dai Lee will find us soon after.” Aang looked around the other earth kingdom nobles were not yet aware that the avatar was among them.
Azula looked to her side and the Avatar was clearly annoyed at the nobility in the room.
Aang turned and caught her eyes. For whatever reason, his eyes softened before he spoke in a soft voice. “I know this will be uncomfortable for you.” He reached for her hand with his other hand.
“Don’t assume what I can and can not do,” Azula bit back, annoyed that he could sense her hesitance about socializing with the bubbling girls and despite her jerk back, he did not let go of her hand.
Aang gave her hand a small squeeze. He then shifted his eyes toward the small blush on her ear. As he breathed in, the scent of fire lilies soothed his nerves. He brought her hand up before giving her a small push away from him, ready for their plan to take action. Azula’a fingers lingered in his grasp until the last second.
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easycompanys · 3 months
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➸ @hbowardaily's 2024 summer exchange for @redbelles 🖤
this gun's for hire / even if we're just dancing in the dark JOHN "BUCKY" EGAN x "DANCING IN THE DARK" BY BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN
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After @randomationality mentioned Starscream getting thrown around often here, I remembered him being shiny for the first few episodes and decided to do some digging and figure out exactly when he lost the shine.
In Episode 1, while Megatron is still gone, Starscream’s chest has a very prominent shine.
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Then again, Episode 2, Megatron returns and he is very shiny.
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In Episode 3 he’s not as shiny as earlier (possibly due to the lighting, possibly due to offscreen Megatron) but we do see the glow of his weapon reflecting on his chest.
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Same for Ep4, continuation of the Fowler scene. But at the end of Episode 4, Megatron beats Starscream on camera for the first time. And when you watch Episode 5,,,
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You can clearly see he’s lost the shine. The same lighting is hitting both of them and while it reflects from Megatron, it doesn’t from Starscream.
Worth noting that Ep 6 does give him back a bit of shine, he never quite recovers to the same degree as the first few episodes. I stopped watching carefully after that point. Make of this what you will. The animators tweaking his design after the first few episodes, or an intentional change to show Megs’ abuse.
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
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TFA StarOp, part four.
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eyelinerpal · 7 months
Data: *insists he's incapable of love*
Also Data: creates a daughter and gives her a name that translates to "beloved"
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feyhunter78 · 2 days
Hi 💕
If requests are still open can you do something Elrond x reader where reader watches him duelling for sword training (or something similar)?
Can be as sweet or spicy as you want❤️
I know you sent this in ages ago, I'm so sorry!!! Also, I'm so bad at describing fighting, please ignore that
Sparring Sessions
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You sit with your friend Taethrien on one of the various stone benches that line the outer circle of the training yard. The open space of packed dirt and training dummies, the sounds of sparring and instruction mingling with grunts of exertion from the younger elves.
“Again.” Elrond calls, his voice sharp, like a whip, his face set in stone, as he jerks his head towards the fallen sword of his sparring partner.
The younger elf, Narion, you believe his name is, picks up his sword, and settles back into a sturdy fighting stance, sweat dripping from his brow.
You know you should intervene, insist that your husband take more care with the younger elves, but you find yourself unable to. Your eyes drawn to his form, the graceful but powerful movements, the controlled strength behind his swings and strikes.
“Elrond is quite intense this morn, is he not?” Taethrien says, watching the pair as they begin, Narion lunging first, seemingly not learning his lesson.
You hum in response, captivated by the easy way Elrond deflects the blow. He has not even broken a sweat, but his hair is disheveled from him raking his hand through it.
There is a smirk, almost cocky, on Elrond’s face as Narion growls and tries to fake right and catch Elrond off guard. He sees right through it, striking Narion’s exposed side.
“Oh, poor boy, he must cease leaving his left side so open.” She continues, frowning as the flat of Elrond’s blade taps against Narion’s ribs.
You hum again, feeling your stomach flip when Elrond spots you and sends you a quick smile, a simple uptick of his lips, but it is enough to make a sudden warmth flood your face.
“Y/N?” Taethrien asks, turning to face you, her brows furrowed. “Are you listening.”
“Yes, yes, I agree, left side, much too exposed.” You say far too quickly, remembering where you are and tearing your eyes from Elrond.
She tilts her head, a catlike smile on her lips, but says nothing of your reaction. “My husband should be along soon, perhaps he will present a finer challenge for Elrond than the young ones do.”
“I am sure it will be a worthy display of both their skills.” You smile, bumping your shoulder into hers. “And it will allow me to see this strength of his you are so very fond of.”
 “I told you of that in confidence.” She whispers, blushing all the way to the tips of her ears.
“It is nothing to be ashamed of.” You reassure her, patting her hand.
A sudden shout draws your attention back to the ring, where Elrond has Narion at sword point, the young elf on his back in the dirt. You grip your skirts, a flash of heat surging through you as Elrond sheathes his sword with a one-handed, fluid motion, before pulling Narion up from the dirt.
“It seems we both may have something, not to be ashamed of.” Taethrien teases, making a show of pretending to try and unfurl your fingers.
You do not tease her in return when it is her husband against yours, they are newly married, still in a phase of infatuation, still discovering much about themselves and each other. Besides, you are far too focused on Elrond as he and Iandor spar, their swords singing, sparking through the air, throwing bits of sunlight as it glints off their blades.
“Do keep up Elrond, I know you have not tasted battle in ages, but surely you cannot be this out of practice.” Iandor taunts jovially, a bright smile on his face.
Elrond throws him a devastatingly charming smile in response, the gleam of a worthy challenge in his eyes. “No, my friend, I am simply allowing you the advantage, I would not wish to embarrass you in front of your new bride.”
They spar for what feels akin to eternity as well as mere moments until they call it a draw, both men breathing heavily, clapping each other on the shoulder as they return their weapons to the rack.
You meet Elrond halfway, and he wipes the sweat from his brow, smiling at you, his chest still rising and falling harshly. “My starlight, I can only hope we did not bore you.”
“I never tire of watching you train.” You tell him, dusting the dirt from his training leathers, attempting to banish the memory of your wedding night from your mind. The way he looked hovering above you, his curls wild, his pupils blown wide, his bare chest heaving, the sound of your name on his lips. “I always find such interest in seeing more of this side of you. I know my husband the poet, the herald, the romantic, but I see seldom see my husband the warrior.”
“Truly, I prefer the quill to the sword, but I cannot deny a good bout brings a certain sense of joy to me.” He says, as you both wave goodbye to Taethrien and Iandor.
“You fight well, as you always have.” You compliment, leaning your head against his arm as you walk back to your shared chambers. You must cease these thoughts, stifle the heat, lest you become a lecher for your own husband.
“I am better with a bow.” He deflects, humble and aware of his strengths.
Your mind’s eye conjures an image, his deft hands wrapped around the bow, his broad shoulder spread, his spine straight, his arms taut as he pulls back the arrow. Heat rushes through you once more, and you bite the inside of your cheek to clear your mind.
“Yes, I know it is your preference, but it is not…” Elrond stretches his arms behind his head, a small groan slipping past his lips, and you all but trip over your own feet.
“It is not what?” He asks, his hands flying out to steady you. His touch is lightning, striking through you, setting fire to the desire that had been bubbling within you since his blade had met its first foe in the early hours of the morn.
“Stars, Elrond, simply—” You grab him by the collar of his leathers and yank him down, your lips melding with his, frantic and fevered.
He melts into your touch, lips parting as his grip tightens on you, dragging you closer.
You press yourself against him, walking him backwards until his back meets the wall, a surprised gasp escaping him.
“We are still along the path; anyone could come upon us.” He breathes, loathe to separate his lips from yours.
“We will hear them before they do.” You assure him, though you doubt your vigilance and his, when your lips leave his own, trailing across his chiseled jaw, up to his ear, taking his earlobe between your teeth.
Elrond lets out a strangled moan, the sound shooting through you, warming you like Dwarven ale. “Fenedhis, y/n, please.”
You press a chaste kiss to the place beneath his ear, and return your lips to his jaw, your fingertips replacing your teeth, tracing the shell of his ear. “Of course, my love, anything you desire.”
He groans lowly, his fingers bunching in your skirts as he tries to calm himself. “My sweet starlight, do not torture me.”
You untangle one of his hands, and slide it beneath your skirts, a shiver running through you when he grips your thigh and drags you closer. “I would never. I want only to give you what you desire, remember?”
His chest brushes against yours with each breath, leather against silk, desire swirling between you, as he leans down to capture your lips, stopping a hairbreadth away. “Let us return to our chambers then, it seems you much to give me.”
TROP tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @elronds-pointy-ears, @elrondscalaquendi, @dilf-superiority, @jesticace, @emmyspov, @elrondswifey, @victoria-styles, @90angiex, @lucypaulette
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leeblissy · 1 year
fanart i drew of saionji dying in a glue trap
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(id: a picture of saionji from utena lying dead in a glue trap. he is also in the family guy death pose, and there is a black vignette over the picture. end id)
thank you @lucienn for the kofi request! if you’d like some stupid shit realized, here’s my kofi, i could really use the help :3
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ukelele-boy · 10 months
From the toa artist community, we bring you an Apollo animatic!!!
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Premiering NOV 20th at 9pm UTC!!! See it HERE
Featuring the talents of:
@literallyjusttoa @phoneheadedemployee @moodyseal @randomtoafan @txny-draws @heresronnie21 and me!!
With thanks to @trials-of-apollo-my-beloved, @chaixinni and estelle (estsuya) for supporting us along the way!
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lazulisong · 5 months
Coral Island devs: we're trying to be really inclusive and welcoming!
Also Coral Island devs: we even included an ace character! he is a shark with legs
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I am LOSING MY MIND (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Anyway my new kickstarter is for a life sim where all the cisallos and neurotypicals look weird and if you're on either spectrum you look like a human
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