#thanks anon for making me think about a character I don’t think of often /genuine
novafire-is-thinking · 8 months
(If you're still doing the headcanons) Chromedome?
Headcanon A: realistic
Sometimes, Chromedome’s old conjunxes show up in his dreams. They repeatedly show up in small roles, but he fails to recognize them even though they feel oddly familiar.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Back in the day, Chromedome used to carry around a dart gun with him; he would shoot Prowl every time he was annoyed or just wanted to be annoying.
Prowl would sometimes walk around with stray suction darts in hard-to-see places, and wouldn’t realize it until someone pointed it out or laughed and pointed at him.
Soon, Chromedome was getting the same treatment by Prowl’s personal dart gun. lol
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
After Rewind’s death, Chromedome gradually isolates himself from everyone. Eventually, he disappears, and no one can find him.
One day, Prowl receives a message. It’s Chromedome, who explains that his health is declining. All those years of mnemosurgery are catching up to him, and his mind is failing.
CD doesn’t say it outright, but he wants Prowl to be there for him until the end. Does he still hate him? Of course. But that’s the point: he doesn’t want anyone important to him to witness him slowly losing his mind. He’s counting on Prowl to feel just sentimental enough to come to his aid, yet detached enough that he won’t fall apart when the inevitable happens.
Remarkably, Prowl shows up—ready to be there for Chromedome.
Old hurts inevitably rise to the surface. They fight. They laugh. They fight again. Chromedome kicks Prowl out a few times.
But Prowl keeps coming back.
Eventually, Chromedome’s condition declines to the point where he’s nearly catatonic, and can’t tell the difference between reality, his personal memories, and acquired memories. Prowl can no longer leave CD alone.
Prowl does his best to keep Chromedome comfortable. He ends up confessing the majority of his crimes to Chromedome, since CD can’t tell the difference between reality and memory anymore.
One night, during a final moment of lucidity, Chromedome types up a note to Prowl while he’s asleep.
The next morning, Prowl wakes up and finds the note on a datapad under Chromedome’s lifeless hand:
“Nice stories, asshole.
You were my favorite person to hate all these years.
Good luck.”
Prowl saves the note. He personally oversees the removal of CD’s body and registers the death. Chromedome is buried next to Rewind. There’s no funeral; just Prowl saying his goodbyes.
The only way anyone else from CD’s past finds out about his passing is by doing a search on Cybertron’s death record database or by visiting Rewind’s grave. After the shock wears off, they wonder what happened and how he spent his last days.
Prowl tells no one. He takes the secret to his grave.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Chromedome Tumbler once looked up to Pharma.
In fact, judging from the fact that Tumbler wasn’t bothered by Prowl’s arrogance, bluntness, and know-it-all attitude, I’m going to say that, at the time, he got along with Pharma better than anyone else (besides Ratchet). After all, JRo made it a point to show Pharma addressing him by name at least once.
Happy to have someone who did more than tolerate his presence out of politeness, Pharma would take the time to listen to Tumbler. Amongst other things, Tumbler would talk about the latest developments in mnemosurgery. Trepan certainly wasn’t going to share any of that.
Tumbler discovered that if someone gained Pharma’s respect or fondness, the doc was weirdly good at giving advice, or at least saying things that could be translated to helpful advice. In fact, Pharma was the one to give Tumbler the final push needed to leave the New Institute.
While recovering from his run-in with Overlord, in a moment of vulnerability, Tumbler confessed to Pharma that his spark was no longer in his work at the New Institute, and that he was considering quitting and starting over.
Always one to follow his own passion to the point of obsession, Pharma didn’t hesitate to tell Tumbler he should go through with it (1) if he had a practical plan to transition to something else, and (2) if it was what he really wanted.
After all, the war was only beginning, and they’d all need to find things to give them reasons to hold on…
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cocoreallylovesraiden · 2 months
How about the mk1 characters getting annoyed ( cause you know women like to sleep with pillows or blankets or something between their legs and just lay there cuddled up with a pillow) cause they're cuddling a pillow one I'm their arms and one between their legs
MK1 characters genuinely beefing with a pillow
(bi han, johnny cage, syzoth, tomas vrbada)
this is actually so real of you anon i cannot sleep unless i have 4 pillows with me (requests open as always :D)
Tumblr media
Bi Han
-Is offended by the gratuitous amount of pillows you’ve managed to populate the already cramped bed with.
-In the beginning of sharing a bed with him he’d just sleep faced away from you so he never realized this was always something you did; and probably took it personally 
-He suggests that you are being childish and in a moment of mild embarrassment, says you can just hold onto him instead.
-Good on him for voicing his needs and opening up to his partner! But you don’t have the heart to tell him his arms are too muscly and less comfortable than your pillows. 
-In the mornings he stores the extra pillows under the bed or on the seats to make everything look neat because you DON'T no matter how much HE TELLS YOU.  
-In the warm summer months when shit is hot as hell you will forgo it because who needs them when you have the equivalent of “cold pillow side” all night! 
-It makes him feel like he’s the little spoon, which he doesn’t appreciate, and you get really sweaty at around 4am, which he appreciates even less, but it’s very grounding and the pressure makes it easy to sleep 
-He always wakes up really disoriented and mistakes you for the blanket (read: almost tosses you off the bed as he gets up)
 Johnny Cage
-This is equivalent to letting your dog sleep at the foot of the bed (except let's be real you’ve probably done something similar to him) 
-Thinks its super cute when he comes into the room after his shower and sees you all comfy and snuggled up, expecting you to reach for him all sleepy once he gets under the covers
-And when I tell you it hurts his pride like nothing else, when you turn around to get into a better position
-Babe i'm RIGHT here (gets a bolster thrown at his head)
-Out of spite he’ll copy you and sleep with the bolster instead of holding you, and immediately gets the appeal
-Because yes he loves you dearly, but he can’t exactly fold you three times to fit under his bad knee (as much as he wants to)
-As time goes on you both now have more extra pillows, bolsters and djungelskogs than you know what to do with.
-(you two both have one except he weighs like a brick shit ton so his is extremely disfigured and looks like a sack)
-He thinks you look really hot when you lay on your side cuddling all the pillows
-You’ll just be watching TV and he’s got the googly eyes ok calm down buddy not while you’re wearing the muumuu…
-Thinks you are building a nest because there is no other reason someone needs five pillows and two throw blankets
-Though this is coming from a man who spent most of his life sleeping on the cobblestone floor 
-Over the next few weeks he comes back to you with an assortment of sort fluffy…things
-You don’t have the heart to ask why he’s suddenly showering you with gifts, initially thinking it’s good nature but hey ok there’s a limit to your patience AND space on this bed. 
-The teddy bears are adorable, but spa…towels? Does he know what a spa is? You have more questions than answers.
-Every time you thank him he gets quietly excited since he thinks this is confirmation that you are nesting and possibly want to start a family with him
-Doesn’t actually mind the part with you not cuddling with him as often, he usually just lightly holds your hand or big spoons you 
-The day you actually ask him about it, and eventually have to break the news that no you are not nesting and that it’s just for your comfort, he deflates like a balloon
-Bless his heart you spend the rest of the day begging for forgiveness and clinging onto him like a koala explaining your side
-“Does that mean… you are uncomfortable with me?” NO IT’S JUST SECOND NATURE SYZOTH!! LIKE WHEN YOU WANT TO BASK ON A ROCK!! SECOND NATURE!
-He looks at you pointedly. Just because he’s zaterran doesn’t mean he’s going to behave like an iguana…. Not the zaterran discrimination…
-You compromise using him in replacement, and grow to enjoy the feeling of your new pillows occasionally squirming under your iron death grip.
Tomas Vrbada
-Will cheerfully use his herculean strength to just wriggle through your grip so you hold him and not the pillows. 
-Wiggles up like a snake coming out a pot until he can wrangle his arms above yours and hug you
-Just starts telling you about his day like its a normal conversation while you lay there completely stunlocked 
-It’s also just a reminder that as sweet and kind your partner is, he is also insanely strong and is just careful to be soft with you 
-If you’re both laying in bed and you prefer to cuddle up with pillows he’ll just stare at you with the saddest, wettest boba eyes using his curled up forearm as a pillow 
-And since you are merely a mortal man you relent and cling onto him instead
-At the same time he likes when you rest your head on his chest and hold onto a bolster, a perfect combination of not overheating and physical touch
-Biggest flaw is that he tends to spook you with how quietly he enters the room, so more often than not he is getting PELTED by that soft Egyptian cotton pillow at light speeds
-He’ll catch it 80% of the time and laugh, the other 20% he’s equally scared and the thing takes him down like it’s Sisyphus’ boulder and he’s the hill
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leewritestoomuch · 7 months
🍙 anon back with another request!~
Can I order a Dr.stone headcanon where they depetrify the younger twin (by a damn second) of their s/o and is just like “until I die you’re not allowed near them, nuh uh.” This would be even better if all of the men are wrapped around their s/o’s finger
I hope that it wasn’t hard to understand once again, I wish you a great time and that you take care of yourself!
Thank you very much if you do this request<3
I love this request! Thank you so much!
Characters, in order: Ryusui, Gen, Senku, Ukyo, Chrome. (The five wise generals :)) Bonus: Hyoga.
Yall might notice I play up Chrome’s beef with Ryusui. It’s funny to me. I know the don’t hate each other 😭
Context for All:
S/O and character met and started dating after the petrification.
S/O’s (barely) younger twin only gets woken up after some months or so.
Ryusui Nanami:
You and Ryusui both go to wake up your twin from the stone together.
Once your twin breaks free of the stone, they are looking, confused, at you and Ryusui joined hands.
They spit out some kind of “who are you?” At him. And he gives them a cheery, enthusiastic answer, calling himself your dedicated boyfriend.
Your twin doesn’t like him. (Chrome is cheering somewhere in the background)
They tell him to watch himself. And that’s when he’s confused.
What did he do?
Then they pull you away often, finding excuses. Eventually, out right telling him to stay away from you, but not in front of your face.
This is like putting him in a straight jacket for a week. He’s attached to you most the time like a magnet, but now your twin is repelling him out.
He tries to win them over too. Gifts. Words. Whatever.
He’d explain himself by loudly exclaiming how much he loves you.
This is worsening it.
I think your twin would come around when they’re around him for a while and notice just how much he does for you. It’s not just things he HAS done for you, he does things too.
Like when they watch you get hurt, only slightly, not bad enough to warrant being carried, but he carried you an hour walk back to the village anyways.
They won’t tell him, but they approve now.
Gen Asagiri:
Another one I can totally see a sibling disliking at first.
When you wake up your twin and bring them back to the village, Gen is waiting for you. He greets them too.
And your twin tells you his smile looks creepy, quietly, but he heard it, and being who he is, he smiles more sinister and says some comment.
Mistake. Your twin doesn’t like him.
Now he spends all his time trying to use his mentalist tricks to get your twin to like him, but they’re really good at dodging all that shit and glaring at him.
Knowing he’s a huge liar, your twin asks you how you can trust him. How do you know he’s not sleeping around.
They heard him joke about harem, and when you all went to treasure island, you weren’t with them, but he joked about wanting a hug from Amaryllis.
Your twin reports this back to you, and you inform them that you can’t take his words at any sort of face value.
He wants people’s reactions.
It would take a lot, watching genuine interactions, for your twin to warm up to you being with the world’s “greatest liar.”
Overall, they’d just have to learn to understand he’s hard to understand.
So for a while, they don’t get that. They are annoyed by his antics. So they secretly throw out some vague threat one night, and then your bf is suddenly not coming around.
This makes you upset, but eventually you notice he looks ever so slightly scared of your twin. And you put two and two together.
I think like how people come to trust Gen eventually once they see through him (as much as you can see through Gen, he’s a tough one) your twin would eventually just notice he means well.
Then they’re just watching closely from a distance.
He’s terrified.
Senku Ishigami:
Your twin is so justified. Lets just start there. This one isn’t even a full on misunderstanding. This would be Senku acted like a bitch, because he’s just too forward to give a fuck, and now they think he’s a bitch.
Not to mention, he’s not exactly intimidated. Just annoyed when your twin wakes up from the stone and immediately goes to telling him to stay away.
You didn’t warn him about this.
Everybody seems to like Senku though, they begin to realize.
They spend a while figuring out why.
And for a while, even with that information. They keep him far away from you because they don’t think he treats you right.
He has an ex wife? He divorced her? He talks to her like that didn’t happen?
Yeah, he better keep his ass 10 kilometers away at all times.
Then eventually they notice how he does his best for you. He’s a busy man. He’s got a lot on his plate. Once they recognize this, they begin to warm up to him.
He makes things to make your life easier, and when nobody is looking, except your twin, secretly, he’s affectionate (as much as Senku can be)
They let him off the hook.
Ukyo Saionji:
It wouldn’t happen.
But let’s say for SOME reason, they dislike him. Just because they don’t want you to get hurt. They have trust issues with that kind of thing. Maybe you’ve been with some men, or anybody really, they’ve watched you cry over before.
They think nobody deserves you.
Not even Ukyo. Bless his heart.
They threaten the poor man.
He’s not scared to go around you, but they refuse to include him in anything. Actively trying to shun him.
Honestly, in this scenario, you’d have to stand up for him a bit because he did nothing to warrant this.
Eventually, with some discussion with you, and maybe some heartfelt conversation Ukyo had with them about you, they’d come around.
He’s got a good record, and he just doesn’t want to see anybody get hurt?
Yeah, they’ll come around.
You were so excited to introduce your twin to your new boyfriend. Because how could anybody dislike Chrome?
Your twin does. Your twin dislikes him.
Let’s just say he’s annoyed, and hurt. And he literally thinks about you 24/7 so how is he supposed to just stay away from you???
How can they do this to him?
This is psychological torture.
Suika tries to help him. 100%.
Your twin thinks Suika is adorable, but he sent a kid instead of talking to them???
They’re on your twin’s “shit list.” He’s the only one on the list right now.
He tries to show off now hoping that your twin will think he’s cool and let him back near you.
If this was the modern era, he would have stood outside your window with a boombox. Or talked to you Romeo and Juliet style, with the boombox ready. But he doesn’t have a boombox. Or any skill to play a musical instrument. He doesn’t even know what that is.
He starts shouting things loud enough so that you can hear them, but without getting anywhere near you.
Your twin notices his persistence, and the way he looks at you, and eventually lets up.
Hyoga Akatsuki:
Your twin immediately heard about what he did.
He’s banned from your eyesight, the ground you walk on, the air you breathe.
They threaten him, and he smiles. They’re pissed, because how can he care so little?
Your twin has GUTS for doing anything about this man.
He keeps his distance at first, honestly just not thinking it’s worth it.
But admittedly, he’s more attached to you than he says he is.
They start to notice him sneaking around at night, when he thinks they’re not looking, just to see you.
Though they think about going off on him, they don’t. They just watch from a distance, ready to attack him if they need to. They’re not afraid of him. (They probably should be but they fear NOTHING)
They notice he doesn’t do anything. Often times he’ll just sit there, and the two of you exchange a few words. Clearly just happy to be together.
And they realize he’s got a soft spot for you.
He’s a cold man, usually his exchanges have malicious intent, but your twin is smart enough to notice that he doesn’t have any malicious intent here.
He gains nothing from these actions. Well he does, but not an upper hand. Just a warm feeling.
Likely they’ll just walk by the two of you and wave, continuing walking, and that’s how they’ll let him know he’s off the hook.
They keep an eye out though, for him in general. Because even if it’s clear he’s smitten with you, he’s still a concerning man.
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Hello, good morning/afternoon/night.
(this was written with a translator, in case there are spelling errors)
First of all I want to tell you that I adore everything you write and the way you do it.
And second, could I place an order?
I'm still learning how to use Tumblr, so I don't know how to do several things and I don't know if I'm writing this where I should.
I hope it doesn't bother you ir make you feel Uncomfortable!!
Lately I have had some situations in which a...family member...in an indirect and at the same time direct way has told me that I am...overweight/fat...and that has made me feel bad, so only if you want, could you make some headcanon about how Undertale, Underswap, Underfell and Horrortale would react to me believing that.
(I mean, they would deny it and say nice things or they would laugh and make fun of me for it and highlight having a double chin and a belly and stuff like that...)
But of course, if you don't want, of course it's not necessary or if it seems like there are too many characters, you can remove them or if you want ignore this and I'll understand.
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
anon, i’m so sorry this happened to you <3 it’s unfair and nobody should have to go through that.
readers gender isn’t specified, but i use “beautiful” and “gorgeous”
Undertale, Underfell, underswap, and horrortale skelebros reacting to a reader who has been fat-shamed
-his brow bones would furrow
-“wait a minute, who said that?”
-he’d nod when you tell him
-“listen, they’re wrong. you’re beautiful as you are. now, i don’t want you starting any diets or anything if they would just make you unhappy, because i’ve heard plenty of stories about them being terrible. your family members just plain wrong. ‘kay?”
-he’d hug you if you were still upset
-from then on, he would tell you how gorgeous you were more often
-he would be even more upset than you were, honestly
-someone would DARE say such nasty things about HIS s/o / friend??
-he would storm to their house, knock on the door, and that man WOULD. NOT. BUDGE. until your family member listened to him.
-he would be harsh but obviously be nice about it
-why do you give a fuck???
-he’s honestly so confused
-like, his brother told him the same thing (which also confused him, seeing as he is a SKELETON) and he just?? didn’t care??
-he tells you to stop giving a fuck
-that’s it
-“why do you give a shit about what they say? their opinions are ass. you look great”
-he doesn’t look up from his book when you say that
-“mm. you could stand to lose a few pounds, i guess”
-(you don’t think he quite realized how hurtful that is)
-if you tell him he’d ask why
-he thinks he’s genuinely looking out for your best interests.
-“they told you WHAT!?”
-he would be FUMING with anger
-but, he would calm himself down enough to reassure you
-he would tell you that you look amazing, and you shouldn’t start a diet that you wouldn’t enjoy just to conform to their standards of beautiful or healthy.
-he would talk to the family member afterwards, angrier than he would normally like to be when resolving a conflict
-you never hear those words from your family member again, trust me
-“fuck ‘em”
-you appear slightly offended that he would say something like that about your family member, so he elaborates
-“they want to police you on how traditionally beautiful or healthy you are. you were happy before that, but now their words have upset you, for something that didn’t need said in the first place. so, fuck ‘em. that’s an asshole move”
-he would not argue this with you
-hes so fucking confused
-where he’s from, food is a scarcity, and your family’s bitching about “too much?”
-he contacts your family member, whether that be finding their address from your address book or by finding their phone number on your phone, and gives him a piece of his mind.
-he would rant for HOURS if he could, or if he could keep his train of thought for that long, about how lucky they are for having food in the first place.
-afterwards he would encourage you about how beautiful you are, and how wrong your family member is
-he would look at you with concern
-he won’t pretend to be an expert on human weight, but even if you are “overweight,” that’s a good thing! it means you have access to food!
-that’s SO special to him.
-he would tell you that no matter what your family member thought, you were BEAUTIFUL
-he would be happy to talk to your family member if you wanted him to
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ryuichirou · 1 month
TWST cursing and dirty jokes hcs
Anonymous asked:
Do you have any headcanons for the twst boys and how often they curse? Who curses the most? Who has the dirtiest mouth? Who says the worst things? Who sounds unnatural when they swear?
On the same subject, who likes dirty jokes? Who thinks they’re immature? Who knows the dirtiest most vulgar things and says them on the regular (think Miu Iruma levels of vulgarity)? Who sounds like an inexperienced virgin whenever they crack dirty jokes or says vulgar things?
Anonymous asked:
Do you have head-canons for the Twst boys cursing?
The first ask was sent quite a while ago, and the second one is today; what a good timing, because I already wanted to post this today! Thank you for your request, Anons.
This ask got me super excited. Funny thing is, I don’t really like overusing curse words for some of the characters because it feels like they wouldn’t use it… But I guess a lot of them ended up using it one way or another huh.
When it comes to Mui Iruma levels of vulgarity though, they still have a lot to learn…
Riddle – not only he doesn’t swear, he is also the type of person to say things that could have a different meaning without realising it. Like, he would say the word “come” in a perfectly normal way, and some of the boys from his dorm (Ace) would snicker… or when he said the word “sextant”, and Ace made him repeat it like 5 times by asking seemingly genuine innocent questions about the thing. Riddle absolutely hates when Ace does it, he thinks it’s beyond immature, and frankly, not a lot of things make him as mad as being caught in these “swearing” traps. He also absolutely hates dirty jokes. Riddle has never said the word “fuck” in his life, and he is very proud of it! (only heard it for the first time like 2 or 3 years ago…) I think Riddle genuinely thinks that if someone curses, it’s a sign of their low intelligence.
Ace – he curses all the time. He tries not to do it in front of some senpais (the more strict ones, like Vil or Riddle), but not all of them – he swears in front of Trey, Cater, Jamil and Floyd without holding back at all. But he is also the type that could swear even in front of a professor if he is too pissed off… He definitely got into trouble at least a couple of times for saying “FUCK” out-loud during class. Speaking of class, he likes to think that he has some, and that he isn’t an immature boy laughing at stupid dirty jokes, but he’s delusional about himself: he is an immature boy laughing at stupid dirty jokes. Sometimes he comes up with a roundabout way to call someone a virgin masturbator to tease them (mostly Deuce), but there are times when he just does the “yo mama” thing. Not as often as he used to do when he was a middleschooler though. He also called Riddle a cunt once... but “bitch” is his favourite word.
Deuce – he used to curse a lot; he would say a 10-word sentence, and at least 5 words of the sentence would be some variation of “fuck”. Delinquent baby Deuce called people twats left and right. But now he is extremely ashamed of it, and does his best not to do it… it’s kind of difficult for him because it’s been less than a year + a lot of the swear words used to be his “buffer words” that he would just stick in his speech while he was thinking of some other word, and now he has to think properly and choose his words before speaking… it’s very obvious when he’s trying to come up with another phrasing in his head because he gets silent for a couple of moments lol Still, he can’t actively think about these things all the time, so he says “fuck” every now and then, and then gets instantly embarrassed. Ace makes fun of him for that. As for the dirty jokes, he can’t help but laugh at them sometimes, but he doesn’t say anything himself, not anymore.
Trey – he prefers not to curse, it’s just not his style, plus it isn’t very pleasant to the ear overall. But it’s not like he is 100% innocent either, sometime he would mutter “fuck” quietly to himself if he is frustrated or surprised, but he tries not to do it in front of others. It would ruin the image they have of him… or make him 100 times more attractive somehow, and Trey wouldn’t really want that either! So sometimes he uses some silly phrases instead of cursing, like “fudge brownies”... He doesn’t like dirty jokes, but if they’re funny, he’ll chuckle. Very sneakily though.
Cater – he curses sometimes, but it doesn’t sound like something “heavy” when it comes from him. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t overdo it and says it casually, like “holy shit” or “I’m fucking excited”. Funny enough, he tries to change these words into “frick” or “holy cow” when he’s around freshmen. Yes he knows that both of them curse, but he’s trying to set an example here, right? He loves dirty jokes though! But then again, he would say them in a very sneaky way not to ruin his cute and cool senpai image.
Leona – he curses more than Falena does, and he started to do it exactly to spite Falena. His brother is very proper with his way of speaking, and whenever Leona says something a prince shouldn’t, Falena always looked bothered and disappointed – this is why he got this habit. He doesn’t swear all the time, but whenever he does, it sounds surprisingly fitting and natural. He doesn’t like dirty jokes though; I guess deep inside he is a prince after all.
Ruggie – he knows a lot of curse words, and some of them are very rare, creative and frankly scary sounding, but he doesn’t swear very often – he is very good at controlling himself. He knows that you can seriously affect the way others see you in professional setting if you go around cursing left and right. Still, Ruggie does say “fuck” and “shit” sometimes. And he loves dirty jokes! He doesn’t make those jokes himself, but he would laugh at one if he hears it.
Jack – he doesn’t swear at all, but if he is deeply, extremely angry, then after all the “GRRRRR”s you miiiight hear one “fuck”. But this is such a rare occasion that it’s going to sound weird coming from him. He also doesn’t like it when the word “bitch” is used as a curse word because now he can’t use it normally without having other freshmen giggle… He also hates dirty jokes :( party pooper.
Azul – he doesn’t normally curse, in general, he would prefer not to curse at all, but sometimes, when he speaks you could almost hear him starting to say something bad, and then quickly change it into something else. Azul got one nasty tongue, but it’s mostly hidden… mostly. The Tweels know that Azul could say curse words that would make a lot of people blush (not them though). Azul doesn’t limit himself when he’s talking to them + sometimes mutters to himself angrily. He also picked up some of the words and phrases from Idia. But when it comes to dirty jokes, Azul absolutely hates them and thinks they are the lowest form of comedy. When did you become a comedy expert, Azul?
Jade – sometimes he looks like he is just waiting for the right moment to drop the F-bomb when people around him expect it the least, but he knows that once he does it, this mystique and this tension will be lost forever. It won’t feel like a big deal anymore. So he doesn’t do it… yet. He is waiting for the perfect moment to drop his first F-bomb! <3 He is also a liar though, this isn’t his first F-bomb at all. When it comes to dirty jokes, Jade, surprisingly, loves them when someone else is the target. But he has very high standards for those and wants them to be as nasty as possible! He won’t say it, of course, but he’s always hoping the joking person will go there.
Floyd – oh he curses no problem. He doesn’t make a big deal out of it – this is just the way he speaks. His parents and teachers tried to combat Floyd’s cursing habits, but no one’s ever succeeded at anything… he cursed in front of Crowley once, and Crowley couldn’t even scold him.  Everyone is powerless against Floyd’s “fuck”… He does like dirty jokes every now and then, but they are hit or miss with him. Sometimes he laughs hysterically at the most raunchy immature things ever, but sometimes he just looks disappointed and says “nah that’s just nasty”. He loves teasing Riddle with dirty jokes though… he always reacts in a fun way.
Kalim – he doesn’t swear! He just doesn’t feel the need to. When he was little, he asked Jamil what a “fuck” was… and then there was a moment when he was very confused about pussies and cocks. What an animal farm! The truth is, people don’t really swear around Kalim, so cursing is still sounds very unnatural to him. He doesn’t judge though! But he doesn’t like dirty jokes… they kind of make him uncomfortable? He likes silly toilet humour sometimes though, which is ??? Why, Kalim? As long as it isn’t too gross, I guess…
Jamil – he is the reason why Kalim asked about the meaning behind the “fuck”, and he got in so much trouble for that that he never said anything even remotely dirty around Kalim after that point. He didn’t know Kalim was listening, okay! He was just talking to himself! But yeah, Jamil curses from time to time, but also all the time in his head. He has a never-ending broadcast of repeating “what the actual fuck?” in his head at all times. He’s a bit similar to Azul in a way that you don’t want to know what he thinks… He doesn’t like dirty jokes, but he isn’t a saint – sometimes he would snicker if the joke is witty enough.
Vil – he curses extremely rarely, and he would prefer not to swear at all, but at the same time he thinks that words are just words and there is no need to be precious about it. Still he thinks that swearing at inappropriate place and time is absolutely unacceptable and shows one's disregard to people around them and their lack of self-control, tact and common sense. He lectures poor Epel a lot because Epel has no business bringing his potty mouth to his dorm. I think there are three situations in which Vil could potentially curse: out of intense frustration (super rare), in a sexual setting (who says “penis” when they fuck?) and on film if the script requires it. The latter would be such a jumpscare for everyone who knows him irl… and for his fanbase as well. He doesn’t like dirty jokes 95% of the time, but when the starts align… and if the joke is, once again, witty and not very in-your-face…
Rook – he doesn’t curse at all, but it’s not because he doesn’t like “bad words”. He finds them very poetic, and he probably experimented with them in some of his private poems, but when it comes to his manner of speech, it just doesn’t sound right. Maybe it’s because he never hears those words from the stage when he watches an opera? It’s not like his parents or anyone else prohibited him from swearing at any point in his life. I think if someone hears him say a dirty word, they would be even more shocked than hearing one from Vil. When it comes to dirty jokes Rook actually loves them, because he thinks they express a lot about a person making them. I guess he views them in a very anthropological, culturological and linguistical kind of way. Please don’t ask him what the fuck that even means, he will answer…
Epel – he knows a lot of scary words… some of which are native to the area he grew up in. Being his grandma's little copy, when Epel curses, it’s very powerful and kind of shocking. He can't really swear anymore because Vil WILL wash his mouth with soap, but sometimes he gets carried away. He is similar to Deuce in a way that he gets those “fuck- oh, I mean- geez-“ moments. He loves dirty jokes though, maybe even more than Ace does, and when he doesn’t have to pretend to be a cutie, he says some nasty stuff. Especially when he gets carried away… he loves being provocative and shocking with his jokes, but people around him usually think that he is trying too hard to be edgy sometimes lol
Idia – he swears, and it's not really a big deal to him. People who act all insulted when you use a no-no word are funny to him, especially when they are super self-righteous about it. He thinks that censorship is stupid, and keeping kids away from curse words is also stupid. No one really swears back at his home though, so it's the Internet that made Idia start cursing. He knows a lot of words that people rarely use, but they’re used on certain /boards/… you know, typical Idia behavior. He doesn’t like dirty jokes though: poop jokes are stupid and gross, dick jokes are too dick-obsessed, sex jokes are too overrated. He is yet to hear a funny one. Do better.
Ortho – he used to have a filter in his "head", just so he doesn't start repeating everything he saw on the Internet. So he used to have a no swear rule technically! And he hated it because he always wanted to say the same words Idia said, and it was very difficult for him to find a roundabout way to do it. But now he doesn’t have this filter anymore and he can curse however he wants! The first time he said the word “fuck” felt like magic. Idia (or anyone else) still can’t get used to Ortho cursing though, it sounds so wrong and weird, so Ortho doesn’t do it too much. Also, ironically, he is the one to tell Idia not to use certain words sometimes because he’s being too mean……. Also, Ortho likes dirty jokes because he feels like this is what cool kids are into, and he is a cool kid! But Idia’s disregard towards them still influences him; so he never says anything himself…
Lilia – he is horrible. I think it’s safe to say that he has the biggest library of curse words in his head, some of which went out of style ages ago, but Lilia still uses them from time to time. Well, these days he tries to be more cute, so sometimes he use cuter versions of his favourite swear words; so technically he would also say stuff like “fudge brownies” lol He sounds like a grandpa when he swears, either a sailor grandpa or a cute grumpy grandpa. He is holding back a lot though, no one would survive Lilia’s verbal attack when he’s serious. He loves dirty jokes though! They make him feel young~ Sometimes he goes “boo you’re no fun” because no one else in Diasmonia really likes this type of humour.
Silver – he doesn’t curse. Somehow, being around Lilia or his classmates didn't affect him at all. He knows what these words mean, and it's not like he is avoiding them on purpose, but they just don't stick to him. I guess he is just too pure for this world. He doesn’t  really care about dirty jokes, but when they’re said at someone else’s expense, he would ask not to harass that person. What a knight.
Sebek – he doesn’t curse, and he is extremely righteous about it! Similarly to Riddle, he thinks that people who curse are just swines with low intelligence and no self-control! Lilia is an exception, of course! I think Sebek would actually overload and faint if someone forced him to say a bad word. He curses in other ways, actually, and he thinks that phrases that he chooses are much classier. Like the words “buffoon”… or “swine” of course. Oh, and he absolutely loathes dirty jokes. Like, he would get visibly angry when he hears them.
Malleus – one day when he was younger he felt a little rebellious and dropped a no-no word on Lilia. He still remembers Lilia’s shocked face, it was priceless. Still, Malleus never curses; those words just aren’t in his vocabulary, despite the fact that Lilia is pretty comfortable swearing in front of him. Maybe the time has come for him to shock Lilia again…which word should he choose? Also yeah, no surprises here, he doesn’t like dirty jokes at all. Whenever he hears them, he feels like a teenage sister sitting at her 7 y.o. brother’s birthday while he is telling poop jokes to his friends of the same age. Out of place, awkward, a little grossed out. Sexual jokes are a bit better, but it has to be an extremely classy one said by someone he really really really likes, or he just won’t get it and get mad instead.
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unfortunate17 · 6 months
I’ve always wanted to write Wilmon fic but nothing I write sounds like their authentic voice. You always manage to get them so in character, sometimes it feels like you’re secretory in the writer’s room. I guess I’m asking if you have any tips or tricks for characterizing Wille/Simon
Surprise, I’m actually Lisa
But thank you anon, that’s so sweet. Let me kind of lay out my thoughts on how I write them and hopefully that will help.
In general, I think you should always start with a character’s flaws and build their reactions to events/people from there. It’ll also give you a good starting place for whatever emotional journey you want to take them on.
For Wille’s flaws: there’s a lack of emotional maturity here. Wille’s usually not intentionally mean, but most of his flaws come from how unaware he is and how he ends up unintentionally hurting the people around him but is often unable to understand how he did so because, to him, his actions are always, completely justifiable. He’s almost emotionally stunted in a way, and he kind of has trouble identifying what he’s feeling at any given moment which is what makes him tip towards anger and frustration more often than not. He reacts poorly to situations and people he can’t control, which is a hallmark symptom of anxiety. As a result, he has trouble putting words to his thoughts in a meaningful, constructive way. He’s impulsive and stubborn and self absorbed.
For Simon’s flaws: he’s actually incredibly emotionally intelligent and very perceptive - but he uses this intelligence to be intentionally cruel when he’s angry. For example, in arguments with Wille or Sara, he uses his intellect to pinpoint exactly what he needs to say to cut them down completely. He’s very, very good at getting the last word and sometimes he gets kind of consumed by that. Simon’s definitely not the super nice approachable guy at school - he’s a cunt to Wille on his very first day, he’s loud and outspoken, and hard headed. He’s also got a slightly hypocritical streak of idealism where he’s an idealist when it comes to the things that affect him, but is sometimes unable to offer the same grace to other people, especially when he’s angry or hurt. He also has a difficult time asking for help and being vulnerable.
Wille’s positives: he’s loyal, romantic, and he doesn’t have a wandering eye, he likes being coddled a little and is unafraid to ask for it, he’s quicker to admit that he’s wrong and knows when to give in, he’s also incredibly bold and brave - he’s unafraid to be the black sheep of the family, but he still loves his family and wants them to be proud of him.
Simon’s positives: he’s incredibly selfless and wants to take care of the people he loves and genuinely likes being there for them, he likes being supported but not protected - he loves that Wille respects his autonomy and thinks he’s capable, he has a strong sense of right and wrong and he stands up for what he believes in even if it might hurt him or if he might end up being wrong. he’s also a romantic and he definitely likes grand gestures and praise.
As for their dynamic, I always liken it to that old Christmas story where the husband sells his prized pocket watch to buy his wife a set of expensive combs, only for her to have cut and sold her hair to buy him a gold chain for his watch.
Just don’t be afraid to make them fight and annoy each other and not always say the right thing. It doesn’t take away from their love in any way.
Sorry this got out of hand, but I could talk about it forever. Hopefully that was even the slightest bit helpful ❣️
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Can i ask for general relationship hcs for genesis and sephiroth (gn!reader), pretty please? :)))
Hey there, dear anon! Thank you so much for your request. <3 I know it took me a while to finish these but I hope you enjoy the headcanons nevertheless.
Characters: Genesis Rhapsodos, Sephiroth
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General relationship HCs (gn!reader)
Genesis Rhapsodos
One might not expect it but Genesis is a hopeless romantic at heart. He usually hides it quite well but once you get closer to him it’s obvious how much all of this really means to him. He often brings you flowers from Aerith or leaves little notes for you to find, for example when he has to leave the house before you wake up.
Whenever you compliment him, he’s putty in your hands immediately. Genesis might often act like he doesn’t care what others think about him but deep down, he really craves these words of affirmation – especially since he’ll probably never stop seeing himself as a monster or a failed experiment. It’s also so very easy to fluster him with genuine compliments, though he tries his best not to let it show.
Aside from Angeal and Sephiroth, you’re the only one he trusts enough to show his true self. Around others, he hides behind a mask of cockiness, even arrogance, carefully locking away his feelings and struggles, but around you, he doesn’t have to fake anything. He can be himself, without having to fear any judgement from you, and that alone is enough to make him fall in love with you again every single day.
He’s not one to get jealous easily since he trusts you and knows that you would never betray him like that. But he still hates when others are clearly trying to flirt with you, especially if you’re obviously uncomfortable with the whole situation. It makes his blood boil when others are unable to respect your boundaries, and in moments like that, he definitely won’t hesitate to step in.
Of course, his SOLDIER duties keep him more than busy, and he sometimes has to be away from you for days, if not weeks, but Genesis makes sure to contact you at least once a day, not only because he misses you but also to show that you don’t have to worry about him. He doesn’t always have the time to call you though, so sometimes he just sends a quick text (which includes at least one quote from Loveless as well as some variation of I love you).
Sephiroth isn’t someone to fall head over heels in love with someone or to dive head first into a relationship. He’s definitely hesitant, even repulsing at first, and tries to push you away, both because he feels like he’s not what you need and because he’s just so used to being alone. But once you have him, Sephiroth is yours forever. 
He’s not overly affectionate, in the sense that he rarely initiates cuddles or kisses himself but he would never deny you any affection if you asked for it, especially since he soon realizes how nice it feels to just hold you close for a while. There’s something so calming and peaceful about cuddling with you, and although he’d probably never admit it, he really craves these feelings. However, PDA is something he most likely never gets used to. 
There’s absolutely nothing Sephiroth wouldn’t do to keep you safe and sound. He knows first-hand how dangerous and awful the world can be, and he tries everything in his power to keep you safe from all harm. And should someone dare to lay a hand on you, Sephiroth won’t hesitate to make them pay for it. He fiercely protects the people he loves, no ifs, no buts – even if he had to risk his own life in the process.
You’re one of the few people he trusts with his whole heart. When he’s around you, he doesn’t have to pretend to be something he isn’t, and that’s one of the main reasons why he feels so comfortable in your presence. You know him – the real him – and you accept him just the way he is, his flaws and quirks included, and he loves you all the more for that. 
However, being in a relationship with Sephiroth isn’t all sunshine and flowers. No matter how much he loves you, there will always be situations where he still pushes you away, for example when you get into an argument and he feels like he needs to protect you from himself. In moments like this, patience is key – sooner or later, he will come to you to apologize but until then, it’s best to give him some space.
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed it please consider liking, reblogging and/or leaving some feedback. I'd really appreciate the support. <3
Taglist: @sixdaysofsilverashes @thevoidwriting @theimaginaryheir @strawberrymoonsx
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miintsprigz · 8 months
Hey there!! Can you write something about the mercs reactions to a GN!Reader showing signs of toxicity towards the mercs and them confronting them and rebuilding their relationship together. It would be really cute :3 especially with scout (I just think he's a soft boyo lololol)
Not gonna lie to ya, this one was a challenge for me, I even asked to have it proofread. It’s not often I see a prompt like this. I really like it though—I don’t think we see repairing relationships and changing toxic behavior enough. It so often gets shut down, and while unfortunately there are times where you must separate, sometimes you can work on it!
So thank you for such a raw and real prompt, Anon. I appreciate you, and I hope that this meets your expectations and makes you smile.
GN!Reader who shows some toxicity from previous relationships
Song used for inspiration: Heart To Heart by Mac Demarco
Characters: Scout (TF2)
Warnings: uh, I don’t know—there are implications of past relationship trauma here (toxic behavior is sadly often learned from previous toxic relationships), so please be wary of that. Also, this may be considered a somewhat “difficult conversation”, but I promise you it ends well.
You sat on your bed, staring at your feet as they dangled just above the floor. A fast heartbeat pounded in your ears, you swore you could feel the blood coursing through every part of you.
Jeremy had said that he…wanted to talk to you. He wasn’t always the most conscientious of the connotation of his words. As soon as terror flooded your face, he had immediately clarified.
“You’re not in trouble, I promise! Geez, now I know how Ma felt…no, but it’s somethin’ serious…somethin’ important, ya know?”
That still left a good bit to the imagination.
So as the Scout finally made his way over to your room, you felt sick to your stomach. You still got that trademark knock on your doorframe.
“Hey. All set?”
Ready as I’ll ever be. Which is not at all.
You nodded your head, feeling the beginnings of a lump in your throat.
You felt the bed sink just a little as he sat down beside you—light as a feather, always, even holding still.
“I’m sorry that I made a whole big deal here but…well, it is a big deal to me.”
You truly thought you knew what was coming. You’d heard it before, out of people’s mouths, in the things they didn’t say, and echoing for years longer in your own mind, after the people voicing it were long out of your life.
“…you’ve had enough of me?”
Genuine shock filled his voice, you could feel him go rigid.
“No. Absolutely not. That…that’s not even a thought in my mind, (Y/N), honest.”
Out of the corner of your eye, through quickly blurring vision, you saw a bandage-wrapped hand reaching for yours. You felt frozen, distant. Giving you a moment to move if you wanted to, he placed his hand over yours gently.
“Could ya just take a breath, babe? Please.”
You did just that, the sound rattling painfully. Why couldn’t you get through things like this without getting so emotional…
“I am not goin’ anywhere, okay? You know I love you, right?”
“…does it…not feel that way sometimes?”
The question sort of brought you back a bit, out of the haze of dread that conversations like this thrusted you into.
“Yeah. I could kinda tell.”
Oh no. “I’m sorry—”
“It’s okay, don’t worry, lemme just explain a bit here—”
His fingertips brushed the back of your hand. A few tears escaped your eyes, but somehow, the gentle touch grounded you a bit.
“See…I forget stuff a lot. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. You know it, I know it. And I know it’s not good. But sometimes, when I do that, even if it’s by accident, it feels like ya kinda…shrink back? Or if I tell ya somethin’s goin’ on… Ya get quiet, even after I say I’m sorry, and…I just worry.”
He fidgeted a little, trying to sit more upright.
“And so…Spy talked to me, the other day. He felt bad revealin’ it—ah, who am I kiddin’, the guy loves this stuff—that you said I’m… really loud. And I’m sometimes too… in your face?”
You could feel your face flush as you remembered what you had said. Part of you was mad at Spy for telling Scout, he surely knew this was sensitive information…but…
“He said he told you that you should tell me to cut it out…and it seemed ta him like ya thought I wouldn’t do anything if ya did.”
You looked up to find that he was already looking right at you. He didn’t look angry. Not anywhere. But surely he must have been…right?
“…was it somethin’ like that?”
Slowly, you nodded your head, feeling your shoulders go stiff.
He looked down at his hand, still over yours, and looked back up at you worriedly.
“…I think ya might be doin’ it now. And I might be too. Do you want me ta move back?”
Jeremy’s eyes went wide, blinking quick, before his mouth went taut on the edges.
“…are ya sure that ya mean that?”
You went to reassert that yes, yes you did…but you knew that you didn’t mean that. The contact had helped at first, but it was too much right now. Slowly, you shook your head.
“…yeah. See, (Y/N), this is why I wanted ta talk.”
His hands folded together, pulling away from you. You couldn’t look at him anymore, staring down at your lap through a veil of tears.
“Ya can look down if it helps ya. I know this is kinda…scary, I guess? But just listen to me, please.”
You nodded, and did just that.
Scout took a breath, and it felt like he was weighing each word.
“You want me to feel at ease when we’re together, right?”
You nodded again. His voice was so soft. The normally bombastic and energetic speed and volume had been dialed down. So careful. Very unlike how he was with the others.
“Yeah. I want you to feel that way, too. And if that means that I gotta knock somethin’ off, I’d like you…ta let me know, ya know what I mean?”
A slightly nervous laugh sounded from him, and you were beginning to see what he was trying to say.
He did forget important dates—you knew he didn’t mean to, but it hurt. And as much as you loved seeing him happy and excited, the volume and the physical contact could be extremely overstimulating.
“I’m not angry at you at all, by the way. I never wanted you ta feel like that. Maybe other people have gotten mad at ya for, for tellin’ em you didn’t like stuff they did. But I won’t. I promise ya that. And you know how stubborn I am about promises.”
A slight smile came to your face, even with how hard you were trying not to cry.
“…did people do that to ya, (Y/N)? People ya grew up with? Or other folks ya dated?”
Your lip quivered, and again, you nodded your head.
“Oh…I’m sorry, baby. That ain’t right. Not at all. You’re never gonna get any of that with me, and if you do? You tell me. Don’t hold nothin’ back, okay? Cuz that’s the last thing I’d ever wanna do to ya.”
Feeling bold enough to look up again, in spite of basically falling apart at this point, you caught a switch between the most serious you had ever seen Scout…and possibly the most adoring look he’d ever given to you.
“…I love you so much, (Y/N). I don’t know if I’ve ever loved anyone so much. I’m tellin’ ya all this because I love ya! You’re such a sweetheart—you’re always lookin’ out for me. Very few people have done that, so it means everythin’ ta me.”
You exhaled softly, a muted laugh, and that seemed to perk him up even more.
“And I don’t just love what ya do, I love everything you are. The way ya smile, the way ya make jokes, the way ya sing…it’s all so…so good, baby. You are so good.”
You couldn’t help but smile at that. If he had a tail, it would be wagging. The voices that so often nagged at you that he’d get tired of you went dead silent whenever he talked like this. And in moments like these, you knew he was telling the truth.
“You make me feel like I’m on top of the world. So, could ya give me the chance ta look out for you, too? Cuz I want to. Tell me anything, and I’ll do the best I can to make it happen. I’m always gonna be a little loud, a little clingy, a little…obnoxious. But…you knew that, right?”
Slowly, you nodded, wiping your eyes, your tears having subsided.
“Yeah. And I love you so much because of…a-and sometimes, in spite of those things.”
“See? There ya go!! That was great. May I uh…”
Scout stretched his hand out, and, now wanting to hold it, you quickly grabbed on tight, and tried to pull him in closer. He caught on quick.
“Oh…oh! Okay, hang on…”
Wrapping you in his arms, Scout held you close.
“Is this good?”
You fidgeted a little, then nodded. “Yeah. This is great, Jeremy. Hey…”
“…thank you. For talking to me. I know it can be hard to talk stuff through with me sometimes. I was so, so scared…that you were just done…”
“I knew ya were, babe. And I hate seein’ ya hurtin’ so much. But, I think…when ya love a person—like, really love ‘em—you’ll do what ya gotta do to make it the best it can be. Even if that means doin’ scary stuff.”
“Yeah…yeah, I think I got it.”
Giggling a little, Jeremy reached for the side of your face with one hand, and you leaned into it, craning your head upwards to peck him on the lips before you curled up against his chest.
“I know it’s hard when ya learned somethin’ one way for years, and now ya gotta…unlearn it, I guess? Honestly, it was hard not ta mess around with the resta the guys when I first got here, cuz I was used’ta it with my brothers back home. But…honestly, I got a different deal with these wackos, so the change kinda works out.”
Giggling at his teasing the others, you looked back up at him, feeling your once racing heart now only aflutter with joy at being in the arms of the man you loved.
“…I think this one works out too.”
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literatureloverx · 12 days
Fictophilia: possessing romantic or sexual feelings towards a non-existent figure.
DISCLAIMER: not a psychologist
People have various ways of coping and finding solace throughout their lives. As humans, we are social creatures and crave relations. This can be found in several ways. In your stance, it’s fictophilia.
Although, a simple method of coping and visualizing. It can convey rather other emotions.
According to Mark Travers’:
“Conversely, individuals with more avoidant attachment styles gravitate toward characters who have traits they value, such as autonomy and independence, which reaffirms their own behavior.”
Traits which contribute to romancing a fictional figure/character often lean towards holding a father complex. Especially in females, the longing of authority and seeking emotional validation reflects their preferences in a partner. A father complex package also includes commitment issues which can make an individual lean towards a fictional character. Although, that is a larger story.
— 🫙
Oh wow, you addressed my possible daddy issues so gracefully that I can’t even argue with it. I’m not defensive about it, though.♥️
We all live in the same world but have very different outcomes, experiences, and circumstances. I’m very open about this because I don’t feel negatively affected by my father’s absence—I know it’s better that way. That’s exactly why I’m so comfortable talking about it.
Do I have commitment issues? I’m not sure, because I’ve been specifically waiting for “the one” ever since I started thinking about relationships.
Some might argue that this could be a form of commitment issues, as the idealized person might be practically nonexistent, and this could be my way of avoiding relationships. But I don’t really think so, because I genuinely want a partner. I might settle down with someone who meets the criteria, even if only roughly. Some aspects are more important than others, so I don’t see it as impossible.
(Did I ever mention that I LOVE when people manage to get things out of me without me having to say anything about myself?)
Thank you so much, 🫙-anon, for caring so much about my inner world that you even wrote a mini-essay on it.🥺 You’re truly such a sweet person.♥️
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starboysbrainrot · 28 days
i know that you don’t talk interact with character metas a lot in the atla fandom, but i’ve seen lately that you’re very defensive of characters like Zuko & Jet, which is unusual in this fandom because Zuko/Jet stans tend to demonise eachothers all the time, so it’s a bit surprising to see your blog
so if i may ask, what’s you honest thought on these two characters ?
read under cut cuz it’s pretty damn long
hey anon
first, thank you for your ask ! it’s always a pleasure to discuss things about atla :)
as you rightfully pointed out, I tend to avoid interacting with most atla metas. but I don’t mind responding to some of them.
now to answer your question, I wouldn’t say that it’s particularly a rare thing to be fond of both Jet & Zuko as characters… and I sure as hell wouldn’t call me a stan. I like them, yes, but I like them as characters who are both traumatised war teenagers stuck in their violent & toxic behaviour and who try to be better at the end of their character arc. I certainly don’t like them because I think they did nothing wrong or idk what else.
and tbh, some Zuko stans have a way of demonising Jet that I absolutely hate, while Jet stans rarely openly hate him, they can be critical of Zuko’s character, yes, but they’re often way more nuanced and levelheaded. although I’ve seen some big ass bullshit coming from both stans but what’s new, we’re in the atla fandom after all…
now if I had to be honest : they’ve both terribly written in the second half of their character arcs. and don’t shoot me down before I finish talking, I swear I don’t completely hate the way they’re written, only a part of it.
like Jet ? BSS redemption arc ? him helping the gaang ? working actively on his traumas after his brainwash ? great idea, love it, but terrible execution. his death is tragic but the aftermath is a fucking joke. the gaang only mentions him again two times, first in the TSR, to point out that he was a lunatic that killed innocent people (….ok) and in EIP (probably the one episode I hate the most in the whole show) to mock his death with the most apathetic “you know, it was really unclear” from Sokka ?? fucking hated every second of it. but on paper ? love the character, he’s literally my comfort character alongside with Zuko and I cherish him deeply. I really wished that his character arc would have been written differently but now what’s done is done. and don’t get me started on how mf imperialist warlord Iroh is painted in a golden light in opposition to the 16 yo orphan boy from the mf oppressed side of the war that died under a mf lake. how so many people are painted in a better light than Jet. Jet being canonically demonised in show pisses me off. what’s the point of concluding his redemption arc in season 2 only to compare him to a killer lunatic in season 3. make it make sense please.
now if I had to be honest about Zuko… I’m a book 1 & 2 Zuko enjoyer. he was at his peak at that time and although there are some episode I genuinely like in book 3 that handle Zuko’s character, I genuinely hate a handful of them. (like The Firelord & The Avatar) his redemption arc was working until book 3. it was meaningful, logical, COHERENT, until book 3. and I think his arc’s weakest point is mf Iroh. cuz I may not be a Iroh anti but boy do I have beef with him. yes Iroh, maybe not only giving tea but actively deconstructing your nephew propagandist ideas about the world imprinted in him by years of living under the roof of the mf firelord COULD BE A GOOD IDEA. yk, being on sea with a 13 yo and not trying to work on his imperialistic mindset baffles me. ignoring his internal turmoil in BSS instead of confronting him about it baffles me. it’s not only that Iroh is a shitty uncle, it’s also bad writing. because the show praises the hell out of Iroh for something he didn’t really do (helping Zuko’s redemption arc). book 3 Zuko has such a shitty way of portraying his redemption because of Iroh’s omnipresence. like no, Iroh is not part of the redemption. also, the show painting Zuko as a character having to repair the damage of his forefathers, the show painting azula as an unredeemable monster, while mf Iroh is adored by the gaang and lives his best life in Ba Sing Se after the war is absolutely stupid and downright ridiculous.
now that being said… I love both characters, like I said. I also love to imagine possible scenarios about how the arc could have been handled differently. (Jet joining the gaang, Jet never being left by the Freedom Fighters, Zuko joining the gang in season 2, Zuko trying to bond with his sister, etc)
I’ll always hate the missed opportunity of finalising Zuko’s redemption arc after meeting Jet, cuz that would have been a possibility. that after meeting Song, Lee, Jin, Jet, after seeing all the pain in the EK, all the pain in the world, he finally turns his back on his father. Jet would have been kind of the last part to push Zuko to choose the right path. instead we got “I betrayed uncle” and okay I’m just going to forget Zuko Alone, and Zuko’s whole ass BSS arc, where apparently I was suppose to understand that IROH… had been such a prominent part of the redemption arc.
anyways, both Jet & Zuko deserve better from the show & the writers.
(side note but also I hate the fandom depiction of both characters !!! y’all can’t actually be serious cuz if you can’t choose between either demonising/babying mf 16 yo (as if… a middle ground didn’t exist, yk, as if… characters had… layers…) then idk what I can do for y’all.)
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Same anon about buggy hate here
Yeah I do think it’s especially funny when I see hate from die hard OP fans who definitely are up to date. They just misinterpreted 1082 because they want to hate this character. And for no actual reason whatsoever, other than they want their cool hot characters to be always on top (not that I don’t find buggy hot, please buggy simps spare my life)
I think of buggy more like an absent minded character though. Like I don’t think he’s just dumb dumb, but definitely he has this great comedy moments, coming from his hotheadedness and completely not paying attention. I genuinely think he’s one of the funniest OP characters. And I do think 1082 was big change of that in a way. He didn’t lose those characteristic, he just got more.
Tbh I didn’t even mean it in shippy way? I don’t really engage that much with shipping other than zolu tbh. I guess it could be interpreted in shippy way though so yeah… I meant just dynamics that people choose to portray between those two. Definitely just see a lot of zolu/shanks/buggy mix there which is… kinda iffy to me. People already have this type of relationship there but something stopping them from engaging
And yeah shanks and buggy literally have insane bond just on the fact of their shared experiences growing up. Just that fact is enough to make shanks like buggy, or see him as brother, or whatever you want to portray them as. (I’m more on brotherly bond but hey, it’s just marine’s interpretation, so nothing canon! Not hating on any shippers here). And I truly do think shanks just genuinely likes that guy. As in his character. The way he acts. He loves being playful with him, like me and my siblings. For me it’s like someone saying to me “why you love your sisters, she’s annoying”. That’s my sister and I don’t care how others see her. She’s just mine and always will be. You know? So definitely I agree with your point (in twisted way, agree bond exist, just different interpretation)
I’m sure buggy will have nice arc with cool finish. Probably do have some kind of moment about shanks too. It’s just makes sense from writing point and I think deep inside many people hate that fact.
Thanks for taking your time with answering me!
As somebody who reads chapter 1082 every day (a normal amount of times, thank you very much) people misinterpreting it makes my blood boil.
And I wish I could expand on what you've already said but I think we've talked about everything I've had in mind? Like, yes, Buggy is still himself even after 1082. In fact, it just added depth to his character and made him even better. The ships thing is pretty real too, and people often are afraid to engage with new dynamics and stick to what's safe. And it doesn't even need to be romantic, if you see them in a platonic way that's cool too, the point is that Shanks still cares for him and has his reasons to love Buggy.
I'm not even worried about Buggy's arc because I trust Oda with this, so we'll just have to wait and see how it goes.
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plurality-questions · 2 months
Hi! Not sure if this falls into the kinds of questions you answer but I thought it was worth a shot anyway. I totally understand if this isn’t something you can help with though, and sorry in advance this is probably going to be to be pretty long^^
So we have a friend who’s a system, and they’re our closest friend. In the past we’ve gotten several headmates that were based on/shared an aesthetic with our friend (like the colors and types of images they use in their online profiles, that’s what I mean by aesthetic). I’m guessing this is because these headmate were forming and needed some material/something to latch onto and that was already in our mind because of our friend, but no problem, no one owns aesthetics. The issues is recently we introjected someone from their system, someone who happens to be very complicated. Their source is a horror media we can’t engage with for mental health reasons, but we know enough to know that the character they’re sourced from isn’t a good person, they are quite literally the most bad a person can be (I know probably doesn’t make sense but I don’t want to explain more for privacy reasons). And the introject in our friends system, while genuinely being a good enough person, has caused issues for that system internally and it’s still very much affecting their whole system. Our introject of them seems to be alright in that regard, and besides we can handle anything internally very easily so there are really never any serious problems, but we’re more worried about the external consequences. We can’t remember exactly but we are pretty sure our friend isn’t comfortable with sourcemates or doubles or most people knowing their sources so I doubt they’d be comfortable with an introject of That Guy. So this stressed us out but we waited a while to see if our introject would stick around, because we are polyfragmented so we often have fragments that come and go, but no, it seems that they are here to stay. We’re paranoid of our friend finding out so our introject can’t speak as themself anywhere online, but the only space they’d feel comfortable speaking as themself is our friends server anyway. They can’t use another name or profile picture or anything because anything related to them is very distinct and because our friend literally has the Guy too I feel like it’d be an obvious give away. Plus they have a very distinct typing quirk and way of talking. So why bother hiding all this to be themself when it’s the same as just masking as the collective anyway? So they can’t do anything online or unmask offline so they’re trapped and it sucks. And beyond that, our guy feels a bit guilty for existing and we’re all stressed out about this. Our friend is really cool and we have no doubt they’d be understanding about this, but we know it would make them uncomfortable and especially for those hurt by that systems introject. So we want to be honest about this with them because lying isn’t great, and suppressing our guy like this isn’t fair to them, but is it worth it knowing it will upset our friend??
So I guess this isn’t so much a question as a ‘this is the situation, advice would be appreciated’, but thanks for even reading this if you’ve made it this far!
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oh wow anon that is a lot/not neg/nbr
We are so sorry that you are feeling so anxious/gen 
And we hope that the Introject is doing ok/gen 
Honestly…we think that you should just tell them 
Maybe bring up the reasons why you did not want to and the fact that you feel anxious/gen/nf
But as a system that has some Introject that do not like sourcemates/doubles(Specifically me as I’m a (mainly) Link fictive and I’m very uncomfy with Link IRLS, Fictives and Fictionkin) but we know that…if someone we were friends with Introjected a Link fictive  we would NOT BE UPSET or hurt cuz you CANNOT CONTROL THOSE THINGS 
Now I personally would not want to interact with that fictive(mainly due to the fact that it would trigger my NPD) BUT the rest of the members are totally ok to talk to em-
We think that if your friend is a good friend they will not blame you(they may at first but they shouldn’t take that out on you)
Also a quick note it’s a bit (concerning) that they would (hypothetically) not be able to understand the fact that those two individuals are SEPARATE BEINGS and will NOT BE THE SAME as the other one- ( for example we have a fictive that has hurt others in the system but if we met another fictive of him we would NOT get uncomfy with them cuz they are SEPARATE BEINGS)
But again this is just our thoughts and we are just one perspective on this/gen
We do hope that everything will go smoothly/gen 
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strawberryfaced · 3 months
whats a movie that u watch when your sad?
thank u for the ask anon!!! (heads up I accidentally went on a Half unrelated? rant so if you want the basic direct answer it is in paragraph 4)
okay honestly I find that mostly when I am sad I do not in fact watch movies. this is because of many reasons but to summarise it I kind of just find that I am the type of person who REALLY REALLY EASILY OVERLY connects to shit easily like. gets obsessed so watching a movie that may or may not contain characters I will get overly attached to when I am already in a bad state is just. not very healthy for me I think. (also why I very rarely watch shows. if I am this bad about 1-2 hour films imagine me with shows with 2+ seasons)
also another sort of weird but unrelated thing about me and movies is I literally genuinely cannot identify a bad movie. you can show me ANY. ANY movie. and I just. will have no idea it’s bad. I cant even tell you the amount of times I’ve finished a movie and I was like “that was so good! love the plot/characters/etc” and then I Google it and it has 2 stars and 2% rotten tomatoes. kind of funny but if I am sad my self deprecating levels go up. so this makes me feel a little bit stupid
anon IM SO SORRY I don’t think you wanted me to go on a tangent about the relationship between me and movies. but I will say there is one specific movie that kind of is an exception to what I explained which is kiki’s delivery service. something about its simplicity and storyline leaves me feeling very light. i watched it one night when I was feeling shitty and I left the room feeling like I could fly. (also many other ghibli movies are quite good for this too. just doesn’t seem to help as much as this specific one) so yeah here’s the answer to your question!!!!
(^wait also I want to mention for those specific reasons I often to listen to music instead of watching movies when I am sad. of course I am very attached to certain artists and music but I find that music makes me feel a little bit less. heavy? therefore yeah. so if you sent this ask in hopes of searching for recommendations to make you feel better I’m SO SORRY I CANT REALLY GIVE YOU THAT. but I can give you songs if you want!!! anyway if you weren’t asking for that reason just ignore I said this)
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i-sveikata · 4 months
I’m re-reading the last chapter and I’ve just got to say I really like how you write Vegas’ character. Forgive me if I don’t explain this correctly but I believe the original character of Vegas (and the Vegas portrayed in most ff) is very much only interested in being in control and a Dom when it comes to sex with Pete. (Maybe I’m wrong and this is just the Vegas portrayal I tend to see). But in yours he is very into the idea of Pete taking on that role and whilst I’m sure he would love to do do the same to Pete he knows that’s not really an option atm because of their past. But what I love with your writing of Vegas is that you haven’t changed his whole personality because of this. Idk if it makes sense but soooo often when I read a ff of the characters switching this dynamic it’s like their whole personality changes with it! But no, your Vegas is still absolutely mad and I love it😂
I hope that makes sense but if not all you need to know is I love your writing and I looooove how you write Vegas’ and Pete’s personalities and the reasons why they act the way they do!
Hey anon!! Thank you!! Ohhh that’s really interesting!! Tbh I’ve only read a handful of fic about them and I’ve never actually read the original book so mostly all of the decisions I’ve made have been tv show vibes ✨ that I’ve interpreted from the characters.
I didn’t really think that I was doing something that different for him character wise lol I mean took one look at that man being an absolute loser causing problems for everyone else on purpose and just thought hmm that’s someone who is absolutely desperate for love and would be fiercely insane unhinged about it and here we are!!! Lol
Also just comparitively between him and Pete in the show- Pete has a distinct steadiness/ confidence to him that Vegas doesn’t appear to have imo. Or at least Vegas displays it like a game, wears a mask of confidence but defs comes across as emotionally and mentally insecure in a way that Pete doesnt. He strikes me as the one who needs love wayyyyy more than Pete to the point that he’s absolutely feral about it and these kind of character traits seemed to lend very easily (at least to me) towards Vegas being at Pete’s mercy in a lot of ways and Pete being the steady one who wants to take care of him. So yes that comes across in their sexual dynamic too.
But tbh I guess I also just love the concept of Vegas completely ignoring Pete in the beginning/ kind of writing him off as a non entity when he was trying to get Porsches attention only to absolutely lose his mind over him now. To not even be able to exist without Pete after he first dismissed him. I just especially think that turnabout is neat ahahahha.
Especially because it’s a lot more fun turning the typical class differential/power dynamic between them completely on its head then playing into what felt to me at times like the very one dimensional character Vegas was acting as. Like it’s very easy to write him off as a psychopath little raincoat murder boy who is willing to go to any lengths to get what he wants because he’s the villain of the story.
It’s 100% more interesting to me that he fucked around and found out and is now entirely swept up in his feelings and desire for Pete as a consequence of that and now he’s fully prepared to submit to Pete instead. To now be willing to do anything in order to keep him. So showing Vegas as a much more complex person and actually a painfully insecure and fucked up one who can’t believe that Pete might actually genuinely like him just came very naturally in this story. That kind of dynamic is much more spicy to me than it would be if it was simply Vegas sleeping with an adjacent subordinate and domming Pete because he likes to be in control. It feels more like a subversion of the serial killer/psychopath/mafia boss tropes to play around with Vegas’ submission to Pete than it would the other way around.
And tbh I think if it was the other way around I’m not sure I would find their dynamic so interesting esp because Pete starts off in such a powerless place in this story- so for him to still be in that position or dynamic obviously wouldn’t be good for Pete re his trauma- but it also allows for less of a shifting/ growing sexual dynamic that’s also running parallel to their own advancing relationship and growing feelings for each other too.
But yes I do hope I haven’t strayed too far from his personality in playing all of this out and I’m glad that you like what I’ve come up with!! It’s not about putting a character in a position where they do something that doesn’t make sense or reflect their personality or actions it’s about twisting the characters thoughts and feelings etc and their circumstances so there’s no other justifiable way for them to behave that really makes writing complex characters fun!
No you totally make sense! And it’s really great to hear peoples different perspectives and their experiences in the same fandom because we’re not all going to think the same about all of these things. It’s all such a wild ride! And truly fascinating to me how people interpret characters differently!!
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ryuichirou · 1 year
I'm kinda starving for Kalijami content right now so I hope you'll indulge me
Got any headcannons for flirty!Kalim that's 100% Jamil sexual but with oblivious!Jamil. Like here is a version of Kalim that could probably charm anyone he wants into relationship or in bed but Jamil is just like "Yes, this is completely platonic" all the while acting like wife material. Kalim is suffering from thirst and its lowkey become everyone's problem cause they're suffering from secondhand tension.
I won't deny any spicier headcannons either too if you have them 🤭
Anon! I’m very happy you’re enjoying our headcanons, and I feel like your idea has potential, so I’ll give you some headcanons. Even though, like in my previous KaliJami post, they’re probably not as nicely aligned with your idea and wishes as you wanted to. So I’m sorry for that.
But I’ll be honest: it’s a bit difficult for me to write KaliJami posts these days. Not because we stopped liking them: we still love the ship very much and I would still love to draw them more often. But it’s been a while since we’ve read anything featuring these characters (we’re focusing on other stuff right now) and my “feel” of them is worse now + they are far from being our main ship, so we naturally don’t have as many ideas for them as for others.
So what I’m saying is that I hope you or any other person won’t get upset if I don’t reply to your KaliJami ask in the future. I don’t want to give you a half-assed reply, and a lot of time I just don’t have anything to say or add, so it wouldn’t be much of a reply anyway. That being said, we really appreciate the love our KaliJami posts are getting, so thank you again.
Alright, the headcanons.
Kalim is genuinely confused about their situation. Jamil doesn’t get or notice something? That never happens. He kind of thinks that Jamil is ignoring his advances on purpose sometimes, but he is conflicted about it… What if Jamil really just doesn’t know? I guess it means that Kalim should keep flirting with him. (People around them are 1000% sure that Jamil is avoiding Kalim’s obvious flirting on purpose. There is no way it isn’t intentional)
Kalim is going to confess his feelings to Jamil but in a bizarre turn of events that wouldn’t work either, because Jamil would still tell himself that it is either platonic or Kalim is lying to himself/confused about his own feelings. Simply because Jamil doesn’t want to deal with Kalim having romantic feelings towards him, so it’s easier to just think he’s goofing around.
Their main problem is that a lot of things that Kalim does as flirting is something that he also does to all of people in a friendly way, so it makes it easier for Jamil to either assume or assure himself that he is just being friendly. For example, magic carpet rides, dances, a lot of touches, long stares in Jamil’s eyes… One time Kalim would spontaneously take Jamil on a date, take him to some extremely beautiful place with nice smelling flowers and pretty lights and romantic/intimate atmosphere, hug him, touch him, get reeeeal clingy… and Jamil would STILL think that he is just goofing around and trying to avoid doing homework or something. Let’s get back already, Kalim. (at this point he’s just in denial)
Kalim would insist on sleeping in Jamil’s bed, Jamil’s first reaction would be annoyed “are you having nightmares?”. It’s almost like Kalim is mentally a toddler in his mind… But when Kalim makes his move and starts kissing and touching Jamil this time, I feel like he wouldn’t be able to lie to himself anymore. They would end up having sex, because despite Jamil being/acting oblivious, the tension between them is quite strong. So once Kalim takes Jamil’s clothes off, starts kissing his neck, his ears, touching his hips and spreading his legs, it’d be an “oh” moment.
…luckily for Jamil, he would tell himself a different lie this time: Kalim is a hormonal horny spoiled stubborn rich kid that always gets what he wants. So of course he would want to also have Jamil. Doesn’t mean any of it is romantic..right?
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thv-jk97 · 4 months
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Hi anons! Thank you for your questions and forgive me for lumping them together, and using these asks as a response to some of the accusations that are being thrown my way at the moment lol
There was a 🃏 that was pretty triggered in the comment section of one of @dearweirdme’s responses about GCF, so I figured I would piggyback off what I was saying in there lol
My thoughts on GCF are pretty simple. I love them all because it’s something that JK created and I am grateful for anything that he chooses to share with us. What I don’t love is people using those gifts as some sort of proof that he’s in love with one of the members. Without being vague, I obviously mean jkkrs and their penchant for using GCFT as some sort of love declaration to JM. And then doubling down on the notion that JM is the “most featured” member, so that must mean something. And sure, I think it does mean something; that he loves JM platonically and is happy to use any footage that he has of him lol.
A lot of the arguments that were being thrown my way were reliant on literal logical fallacies. One thing being true (JM asking JK to film him a lot/jumps into the footage) does not mean that another thing is also true (JK was forced to use the footage). Why are those the only two options? Same logic applies to idea that JM being featured often in GCFs because he’s around a lot must also prove that Tae being featured less often means that he isn’t around as much. The idea that JM getting the most screentime in GCF (and I probably agree with this because of GCFT and the 3J GCF) must then mean that 1) JK is in love with JM and 2) Tae not being in them as must means that TK don’t hang out, is such a silly and illogical conclusion come to. And realistically speaking, the tkkr in me wants to argue that Tae is heavily featured in a lot of GCFs as well lol.
However, I’d much rather we take JK’s GCFs for what I think they’re meant to be. JK is the main character and he was showing us a documentation of his life and his POV. I don’t think they’re meant to highlight whatever city/country he’s in, nor are they meant to showcase any one specific member. Just that he’s surrounded by the people he loves and is doing what he loves, if that makes sense. I can’t remember where I read this, but someone once mentioned that GCFs are like love letters to the moments in his life and I genuinely love that idea.
Moving onto the ITS talk. Do I think the talk was scripted? Yes. Though I should clarify that I don’t think every word was scripted, just that this interaction and what they talked about was pre-planned. And that’s not me talking as a tkkr, but as someone who also has the knowledge that there was a nearly identical conversation that was shot and recorded in incredibly similar ways for another group under H*BE.
And even if I weren’t claiming that it’s scripted (or at the very least, they were given specific talking points), what exactly am I supposed to be taking at face value? The awkward narrative? I know it requires a tiny bit of media literacy, but that specific narrative is driven less by what TK actually talk about and relies heavily on the fun, descriptive subtitles that the company loves adding. Less than three minutes into the scene, BH already used the word “awkward” four times to describe their interaction, despite Tae or JK never discussing feeling awkward/struggling in their relationship – in fact, they mostly talked about how close they were as kids lol (which is something we’ve all heard before). The only time “awkward” comes from one of them is during JK’s private interview where he said that there started to be “a side of things” with Tae that became awkward, which also feels like intentional vagueness. A lot of fandom took that statement and ran with it to mean that “my relationship with Tae is awkward” but again, that’s not what he said? I’m making zero assumptions here when I say that JK’s statement was vague as all fuck, and we literally have no clue what exactly he could be referring to. Relationships are complex, so do I think he might’ve been referring to something real between them? Absolutely. But I don’t know what lol.
Ultimately, I know that a lot of fandom doesn’t like to engage with the idea that some BTS moments are scripted because it makes them seem less genuine, but I do think that their reactions and interactions are still genuine in the moment. Just that some the moments are pre-planned. And lbr, we have literal footage of moments being pre-planned/scripted. So given all the additional context, I have very little doubt that the ITS conversation between TK was scripted.
There’s a lot of nuance and context that’s required when it comes to these sort of discussions. So it’s hard to have a proper conversation in the comments of a post 😅 forgive me for how long this is.
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