#thanks for sending this TvT
rosfieldx · 7 months
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⋆ ⁺ ₊ ⋆ ☀︎ showing affection.
@royalight asked: [ tea ] sender makes receiver a hot drink.
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Today was taxing, more then others. Though it seemed the state of Clive's body was healing due to his connection to the Eikons, inside he was burning. More then he could handle. Clive wore his loose clothing today, for his body felt constricted in his usual armor. It was tiring to keep up the persona of a leader. He was a damn good one, but to not show weakness was something Clive was prone to keeping up. Today, it was different. A change of pace.
❝ You didn't need to do this for me. ❞ A smile was given in response. Clive couldn't help but but smile in return. She sat across from him when she finally finished pouring him tea, then could finally pour a cup for herself. ❝ You are too kind Your Highness. I suppose you've heard that from me way too many times though. ❞ A slight chuckle as he took a whiff of his drink, slowly blowing on it before drinking. Mmmm. This warmth is what he needed. The flames within Clive overboiled in him now, out of his control.
This was a blessing. Clive able to take a breath for himself. Treat, himself... he often forgot to do so. Clive was a man that was far too kind, putting everyone else's needs before him. ❝ This is wonderful. May I say these cups remind me of home. Where everything was porcelain, but I only saw it on rare occasions. ❞
Clive gave another faint smile as he took another sip. ❝ I suppose I'll take the opportunity to converse with you more as we enjoy this pot of tea you made. ❞
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mayullla · 1 year
Hmm. I don't tend to write yandere aus since they're not my favorite trope/prompt, but I do have some good skills in analyses so maybe I have something. For someone like Cyno to be yandere, I can see him resembling Xiao the most. They are distant protectors that start off with good intentions that slowly grow into obsession due to paranoia. They are not as analytical and cunning as someone like Alhaitham or Zhongli when they become yandere, but there is a method to their madness. They are silent killers yet are very obedient to their love interest, but Cyno has a bit of an edge over Xiao because he can also be very stubborn in upholding a sense of justice rather than just fulfilling an obligation to protect. This means he is more likely to stray from his initial path due to delusions of self-righteousness (making him prone to gaslighting his lover when they disagree), while Xiao is more likely to be masochistic in his chronic self-loathing (knowing that some of his actions could be judged as immoral but continuing what he does anyway because that is the only good thing he can do to keep protecting his lover). They can tolerate being hated by their love interest but there is no way they are ever going to leave them alone. If they think their love interest is leading themselves to harm, they may or may not resort to forcefully imprisoning them.
I know you tend to see Xiao platonically so this might not be the best analogy, but this is the best advice I could give you hehe.
☆Starlight Anon
I don't think I am really that good at analysis when it comes to characters. How I write is usually based on feel, but I could not word it. If the vibe matches I just keep it but if it doesn't I am usually iffy of my own work which happens actually rather often but since I can't word it or like see the problem and just feel something is wrong it depends on how enthusiastic I am upon it. I either redo some parts of the story to make the character more "them" or I shove the whole post somewhere else for like a month or two and then look at it again with fresh eyes and just notice like "Ah let's change that" but still can't word it- 😵‍💫 sometimes I give up too, to be honest, and just post it rather than letting the time I spent rot in drafts even more. Cause I know the post is okay, not the best but I definitely tried.
Cyno as a yandere never really clicked in my head, like platonic yandere somewhat easy (not really- Xiao would be far easier--) Like I could understand why people portray him as a certain kind of yandere I would be like yeah that makes sense, but when I try to think about it while writing suddenly I enter loading screen.
Actually, scratch everything I just said I just write at this point. Cyno whatever happens after a few fics I am sending you off with Xiao. To the bully corner jk Love yah~~!!
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*slowly goes insane* Pretty words mayu. Pretty words only. deep breaths...
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years
Hi Shiro!
I named Wanderer "Shinzo" since it means heart. Though I'd consider renaming him if I find a better name.
Nooo 😭 naming him heart because he always wanted a real heart </3 Honestly? This might be my fav name for him just because of that!!
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falsiliar · 2 years
Kaito is just gonna come right in to pick the little guy up and carry him away over his shoulder. Just so you can all have a brief moment of peace to yourselves. 👍
@idyllicserendipity || kaito is true mvp u-u
"Oops~! ♡" But the remorse, no doubt, is nonexistent, and Kokichi chirps merrily while he's hoisted up over the much taller boy's shoulder. Like this is nothing short of normal now (and really, it pretty much is!), he perches his elbows on Kaito's back, legs kicking playfully in the air.
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"Man, you must really want some alone time with me, Kaito! Did you miss me that much?" And positively pleased with himself, he lets out a light laugh that does its work in making his next statement not nearly as scathing, as insulting as it'd otherwise seem: "How pathetic!"
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joshay98 · 4 months
i do not know how to properly approach people but i wanted to thank you for your continued support these last two years (it's been that long!!). i do see all the nice things you write in the tags; it's because of people like you that i'm brave enough to post my art publicy, whether it be oc art or fanart. thank you, thank you so much. i hope you have a nice day.
-really shy and thankful anon =}
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You don't know how happy I am to wake up with an ask in my inbox and getting to read such a nice message! I'm going to think of this ask for weeks. I guess I now know how artists feel. ;_;
You are like the 5th or 6th person that has told me that they really appreciate the comments, I leave in tags. I just want to say nice things to artists...
Thank you for making amazing art! I know I sometimes don't write any comments but I just want to let you know that I always adore all art I see! Please never stop. ^^
I'm really curious who this anon could be, though. 2 years? Must be someone I followed back then and recently reblogged.
The message is also all lowercase and uses multiple exclamation marks. Also the smiley uses an equal sign and a brace. I might have an idea who this is. >:3c
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tacitusauxilium · 6 months
@foolshonen sent:
honestly ? he's a bit impatient. unable to personally hand fuuka her white day gift in the morning. schedules hadn't lined up. && waiting until lunch or class change, while a proper option, there was something about being a cheeky that appealed more to him.
after all, he'd labored all night to finish the various chocolates he was giving out today. with a tartarus trip right before he'd been able to steal away to the kitchen ! of course things would have been far smoother had his very precious, no good, very annoying, baby twin sister hadn't instantly run after him & stick her nose in his business until she was forcibly removed from the kitchen & exiled away so she'd go to bed & leave him alone. so he's tired, running late, & the only thing that will carry him through the morning so he doesn't pass out is the delight on his friend's faces when they see all his work bear fruit.
&& thankfully, fuuka sits in front of him. so it's super easy while ekoda is passionately distracted in his daily rant to lean over & extend his arm ever so sly to slip a beautiful teal box with an adorning white ribbon onto fuuka's desk with a small teasing whisper, " boo. happy white day, fuuka-chan." / signed, @foolshonen
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Fuuka was just staring at the many notes that Ekoda-sensei made her take--her hand was sore and she was ready to just fall asleep, to just take the L for now. God, who would even TALK to Ekoda in this school that was a teacher, much less than a student? Closing her eyes and trying to drown out the noise of said teacher, Fuuka heard a small 'thunk' on her desk and noticed a teal box with a white ribbon and bow wrapped around it.
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Her cheeks turn pink as she knew that only one who even bothered talking to her and be her friend was Minato behind her. "Did you--?" She asked while turning to face him while he whispered closely to her his response. A small smile appeared on her lips as she covered her lips to keep that small giggle of hers soft. "Thank you, Minato-kun." She winked back and turned back quickly before Ekoda knew she wasn't paying attention. Fuuka touched the box and the bow and quickly hid it in her desk so that no one would notice the chocolates she got--good gods she would never heard the end of it from her classmates!
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musezieren · 7 months
What are 2-3 songs that your Dark Urge would relate to?
Dark Urge Questions
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The first one is so standard it is boring... but Arsonist's Lullaby by Hozier.
Don't you ever tame your demons But always keep 'em on a leash
Used to the Darkness by Des Rocs
Now would you pray before you twist the knife? Yeah, would you take my hand and take a life? I'm too damn young to give up on the light I'm used to the darkness, I'm used to the darkness
far from home (the raven) by Sam Tinnesz
I'm sending a raven With blood on its wings Hoping it reaches you in time And you know what it means 'Cause out here in the darkness And out of the light If you get to me too late Just know that I tried
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muselexum · 2 years
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@sxrosee​ sent: 
// REFUGE :  for one muse to shelter the other from enemies. for akane cause I really want to write with your baby
various scenarios -> [meme]
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The island was a lawless one. The number of them had only risen since the Paramount War, the destabilization of the world’s power structure bringing forth chaos in ripple effects across the world. In every corner of Akane’s journey, she was reminded just how much was lost from Whitebeard’s death and seemingly nothing gained from it- save for the bad actors that took advantage of the opportunity.
While Akane did not necessarily fear for herself, she took some precaution to keep out of unwanted trouble. Her travelling cloak’s hood was pulled up over her head to conceal her hair, the striking colour having always been her most identifiable feature.
Things all seemed par for the course until a fight began to erupt in the market. Akane had been placing a pack of dried meats into her travelling sack when she glanced over to where the disturbance was coming from. Arguments and violence in these kinds of environments was far from unusual, and yet there was something on this occasion that gave Akane pause.
A head of maroon hair came into view and it was all at once that Akane realized that it was Sahar who was being accosted by several others, the woman being unwilling to relinquish her claim on some coveted medical supplies it seemed. While Sahar was capable of looking out for herself, the situation did not look favourable, especially with her hands full. 
And even if she could handle it on her own, that would not stop Akane from reacting.
Her legs launched her forward on impulse, her body ablaze with fury before she could even register what she was feeling. All her mind’s eye saw was the loss of yet another member of her family and it blinded her to everything else.
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There was a wind that caused many within the market’s vicinity to collapse to the ground as Akane crossed the street’s length. Her focus was too tunneled in to register it, nor how her hood flew off her head in her sprint.
When she reached the center of conflict, about half of the pirates were in the process of falling unconscious. Akane grabbed hold of one of their swords, unsheathing it from his belt before he fell to the ground. The half that were still standing and staggered in confusion did not have the opportunity to react when in a wide-sweeping swing slashed open their abdomens, their entrails falling out. 
It was mayhem now. Akane grabbed onto Sahar’s wrist and made haste, guiding her former crewmate into the back-alleys that Akane had become familiar with over the past few days.
It was only when the two were ensured to be safe and alone that Akane felt her senses coming back to her, becoming more aware of herself as her adrenaline began to settle. She took a minute to relax her breathing, taking note of everything including the bloodied sword she still held in a white-knuckled vice grip. Her lips settled into a hard frown. She had only made things worse. They needed to leave. She looked over to Sahar and it was just then that she took in the fact that they hadn’t seen each other in months. Not since the crew broke apart after the Payback War.
Akane took another few breaths to calm the fire in her lungs before she said, “You... alright?” 
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chuunai · 5 months
husband chuuya ! who loves to flaunt you off. he’s never truly had anything—or anyone—to himself, and he wants the whole world to know. you’re entirely out of his league, and resemble the epitome of perfection. his aphrodite, someone that men look at and wish they were graced with for even a mere moment. he may harbor a god inside his body, but he is nothing compared to you.
husband chuuya ! who showers you in gifts. the prettiest dresses, heels and jewelry available in Yokohama is all bestowed upon you. as an executive of the mafia, his wallet is gorged with cash and expensive cards that only the upper echelon of wealth have access to. and he’s more than willing to spend every last cent on you and red wine.
husband chuuya ! who always sleeps on the side of the bed that’s closer to the door. if an assassin from a rival group were ever to break in, he wants to make sure he’s the first one they’ll encounter. in his unreal and terrifying world of death, blood and criminals, you’re the only innocent factor. as his wife, so many hits are placed on you in order to get at him. he’d never let that happen though. without you, he’d turn back into the monster the world knew he was.
husband chuuya ! who yearns for a family. he knows he has his own biological one, albeit they aren’t aware he’s alive, yet his heart aches for one he could start with you. the thought of being a dad infects his mind and dreams, had swallowed his future and left only one option. when that becomes reality, he knows his life will be complete.
husband chuuya ! who thanks this godforsaken universe for at least granting him one good thing amongst all the bad things. in a world of so much loss and suffering, he has you to hope about and live for. he’s not much of a sentimental man, however every night before he succumbs to the embrace of slumber, he can’t help kissing your wedding ring as a silent promise to be there forever.
Tags: @little-miss-chaoss, @starrs20, @sinfulthoughtsposts, @twst-om-lover.
also guys PLEASE send in more short headcannons or requests I’ve got nearly 550 followers but like 15 things in my inbox TvT
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the-banana-0verlord · 11 months
if ur still doing the fall season event may I have 🥧🍒with Lilia Vanrouge please🥺 if not that's perfectly ok! Feel free to delete, and make sure to not stress urself!
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Thanks for the ask, you're literally the only one who sends me asks for these TvT
for this piece i tried to go for a more chibi-esque style and i wanted to work on the background more to portray the vibe of the scene. (i think it's the first time i've drawn a background this complicated). I also added a little pumkin cause yk halloween.
also Lilian should probably put a restraining order on Lilian he traumatizes her everytime-
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
Your reqs are finally open TvT- could you write some Sean Diaz dating headcanons?
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Sean Diaz x G/N!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing?, so much fluff, slight angst sprinkled in, mentions of arguing?, and mentions of the esteban incident :(
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - ahh, i literally love him sm it's not even funny, he's just sooooooo, AHJKFSdkfaj
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he's so sweet, we've seen that with how he treats literally almost everyone but with you
oh boyyyyyyy
sean is a very awkward fella, but it's with a very whole, loving heart
he just doesn't know how to respond to how amazing you are sometimes he'll just go silent while you ramble or while you're sitting there just doing normal people things
he's a big simp, heavy on the simp
he'll literally do anything for you and it's so funny yet adorable
you wear uncomfortable shoes? he'll give you his
you're cold? he'll find you a blanket or a big sweater just so you don't have to lift a finger
want something to eat? he's ready to cook, chef diaz in the house
but if you point it out he'll get all bashful and blushy, he'll ignore you and shrug you away with that goofy shy smile of his, he'll even tease you and tell you he only does it cause he's bored and you're whines and annoying
he loves you i swear
sean is a softie, and is hugely sentimental
if you were together before the incident, anything from past dates like old movie tickets, pictures, gifts/trinkets, and literally anything from things you've done together in a shoebox in his room
daniel found it once and teased him for it and sean nearly dropkicked the poor boy before esteban stepped in LMFAO
esteban loved you by the way, literally adored
meeting after is a bit more complicated, he loves you all the same but he's very protective over daniel until he sees you care about daniel just as much
if not, more
daniel totally mocks sean by saying that you love him more
of course you tell sean later that you do love him EQUALLY to daniel :)
he'd die for you though, just as he would with any of his family
you're his family, so is daniel
and as much as you three go back and forth, he's thankful you're ready to help him with his brother no matter what and that you love the little gremlin like he does
sean is also very open with his emotions
he's not afraid to express what he's truly feeling, it makes it very easy to communicate with him, but sometimes he can be very stubborn
arguments are rare, but explosive if you're both stubborn and sometimes sean needs someone to smack him over the head and tell him to get his shit together like his dad used to and lyla
and you will do it, full send and it takes him off guard every time
you're the only person he can fully tell everything he feels too because daniel is so young and everyone else just feels so far but you're like this shining light that understands him and feels what he does
you're his outlet, and he's gladly there to yours as well
there's a mutual understanding that you both always have each other to go to, if no one else
loves listening to music with you
even if you make fun of his music taste, or he teases you of yours, you both always end up enjoying it
either ending in a tickle fight or a giggling mess of you going back and forth with jokes
sometimes you even end up in deep talks about life
could hold your hand 24/7
he also would for sure get something matching with you, like bracelets, he's super corny
won't admit he's super corny though
not even if you threaten to swordfight him outside of the white house at midnight with an owl as your witness and an astronaut as referee okay
loves nicknames... cause he's corny, remember?
especially spanish nicknames cause if you don't understand him he finds it so funny, especially cause daniel doesn't speak a ton but understands enough to know when he's being insulted
sean would love to actually teach you both though because he loves his roots, especially is language
but watching you try and figure out what he called you makes him grin so big, you're just so RAH to him y'know
sings to you, even if it sucks
big time clinger y'all, he's a cuddler
he doesn't even hide it either
he for sure draws you all the time as well
whether it's doodles of your face, your name, your silhouette, your everything
you name it, he's most likely drawn it because he just loves looking at you
daniel so makes fun of him when he finds 5458545775042 pages of just you in his journal LMFAOO
sean also again nearly dropkicks him
kisses your forehead all the time, and your cheeks
also loves kissing the tip of your nose
he just loves kissing idk, it's just his thing
you cannot escape him without getting a kiss
he'll die if he can't kiss you (not literally... hopefully)
he's sensitive just be nice to him and give him a kiss
also loves hugs
give him a hug damn it
sean diaz is just a lover boy
but he's your lover boy
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ollie-lolly · 1 year
Mind if I send another baby request (because I love the idea of these men with precious beans)? How would the Brothers/Dateables be if they had babies of their own? I just wanna know what kinda fathers all of them would be!💗💖
Thank you for the request! <3
Them as dads
warnings: none!
reblogs are appreciated!
-Will do that thing where he'll place the little ones feet on his, and hold their hands to help the baby learn to walk. TvT
-We now know that Lucifer is at least 10 million years old soooo.
-"He is more than daddy to me, he is like, he's like grandpa."
-Lets just say after being a mom dad to six he is desperately waiting for the baby stage to be over.
-He does not want to handle the little one too roughly, like with his more resilient brothers. So please help him out.
-I can see him in front of a white board trying to explain the stock market and the baby is just there like :)
-He is super proud of his little one. 
-He just holds his baby above his head sometimes like >:D
-I can see him buying a smaller version of his sunglasses and putting it on the baby.
-He uses the baby stroller as a place to store stolen things.
-Will take tons of pictures of the baby of any little cosplays he can find.
-Would use his tail like a baby carrier.
-I can see him holding the baby so they can see his figurines and he would go on and on who they are, from what show etc.
-Will watch childrens anime with the baby.
-Is scared for his life during the whole experience. So please try to keep calm, because he sure won't.
-Loves tucking it in bed.
-Please help him when his patience wears thin.
-Will bounce the baby on his lap while he is reading.
-Probably named the baby after a character in a book he liked.
-Will attempt to teach the baby complex topics, the baby has no idea what he is talking about but keeps listening anyway.
-Will want to be around it 24/7.
-Will have tons of nicknames for the little one.
-Wants to dress it in so many outfits. ♡
-Customized and patterned diapers.
-Wine dad with Lucifer.
-Will often talk about his new dad life on social media.
-Will have the little one on his shoulder at all times.
-Please be with him when he feeds the baby, because what is stopping him from eating the baby food.
-Looks really intimidating when he picks the little one up from daycare.
-Will gently use it as a weight when exercising.
-Will want to sleep with it for hours.
-It is so bad to the point that he has trouble falling asleep without his precious baby.
-He loves how warm the baby is.
-He has the little bassinet hanging above your shared bed, so he can check on the baby anytime.
-Beel essentially takes care of it with him.
-Will have a baby carrier on 24/7
-He will be walking in the halls of RAD and the baby is just:  :D 
-Will gain a lot of popularity with students because of the happy baby.
-The baby will most likely inherit Diavolo's adorable smile.
-Would spoil it with the most expensive gifts much to Barbatos' dismay.
-Will take time off to love and appreciate the little one.
-Handles the worst parts of babyhood great.
-Would love to teach you the techniques regarding childcare.
-Diavolo would beg Barbatos often to bring his butler's baby to work.
-Somehow always knows why the baby is crying.
-Will insist on you resting while he takes care of the baby.
-Looks so angelic when he holds the baby.
-Simeon is always smiling when he gets to be with his baby.
-Luke loves to take care of the baby with him.
-Will dress it in a wizard costume and post "My new apprentice"
-Please don't let him feed it.
-He does not realize how dangerous his house is.
-Next thing you know, the baby has his hands on a wand and almost destroys Solomon's house.
-Lets just say there needed to be A LOT of baby proofing.
-In the meantime, Solomon had to use a spell to make the baby float.
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saintobio · 3 months
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Ummm.... Yeah no maybe it's my fault for opening my mouth xdxdsdgadvd (also for some reason it wouldn't let me take a screenshot so enjoy these shitty pics I had to take from my phone 🤡)
It's a side tangent but since you came back with sn, one of the most fun things have been to theorize and see other people's theories hehe. I honestly read sy so long ago and it had such an impact on me, so seeing you and honestly everyone back here; talking about series and excited about updates makes me feel so giddy and at home. It's been a while since I've had so much fun in a fandom XD
Ok now back to the ANGST, I want you to know this was my reaction the whole time,
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I was honestly scared of even reading the chapter but my GOSHHHH.
It was honestly so refreshing to see Satoru finally acknowledge what y/n means to him and no matter how much he tries she might still be the most important thing to him in the end. Honestly it was a cathartic moment they both needed at the lake but still 😭 my heart is hurting so much for them. To finally stand face to face and acknowledge the hurt, to hold each other 😭😭 They both really needed that. I might just be looking too much into it, but when Gojo threw his ring in the ocean y/n was able to get it back (even if geto was the one who found it) but when y/n threw the last part of Gojo; the necklace into the lake, he went after it but didn't get it back... it sounds like symbolism for something that I am not ready for
It was honestly so refreshing to see Satoru finally acknowledge what y/n means to him and no matter how much he tries she might still be the most important thing to him in the end. Honestly it was a cathartic moment they both needed at the lake but still 😭 my heart is hurting so much for them. To finally stand face to face and acknowledge the hurt, to hold each other 😭😭 They both really needed that. I might just be looking too much into it, but when Gojo threw his ring in the ocean y/n was able to get it back (even if geto was the one who found it) but when y/n threw the last part of Gojo; the necklace into the lake, he went after it but didn't get it back... it sounds like symbolism for something that I am not ready for TvT
They are both hurt, they are both suffering without each other; but they also suffer when they are with each other. TvT
Also, I understand Akemi's reaction but bitch 😭😭 Don't you realise this is exactly what y/n felt when you slept with Satoru. Her avoiding y/n to not make her angry or trouble her, I understand; but it just seems to me that she's making excuses to lessen her guilt and run away so she doesn't have to see what she did to her best friend. LIKE SHE'S SO FRICKING EAGER to play house with Satoru and when Sachi called her mama she was overjoyed. It's just so... sus. I might understand her but I lost all respect for her when she decided to betray her bff. I would never understand women who choose a man over someone who's been there for them through everything. I just think she's taking the whole "I can fix him" 🤡 thing too seriously but idk at this point.
And Satoru how THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP FUMBLING THE WOMEN YOU LOVE SO BAD. If you are gonna be an asshole atleast do it right!? I so badly wanna believe he only ran after Akemi to check on her and explain everything but... I just don't have enough faith in him now :<
I feel SO BAD for y/n. Girlll 😭, I don't even know what to say but I can only give her this message-
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(My asks always get so long so quick, sorry oof. But SIDE SIDE TANGET- I ABSOLUTELY LOVED RIDE OR DIE. I ATE IT UP FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER OH GODDDD. I was a certified Sukuna!hater but you have changed my ways... you have brainwashed me into falling head over heels for that gremlin xd the brainrot rn is so bad- like MOVE ASIDE GOJO)
thanks so much for sending this ask. yayy you finally made it to the askbox on time !! :’D and this was such a fun read for me. ty for sharing <3 it’s always nice to see such long asks abt sn/sy bc the theories and analyses are all so great, like how do u guys come up with those? they’re so detailed too!! 🥹
i agree i think what makes sy11 impactful is bcos it took so long for gojoyn to be honest with each other, only for it to crumble down the next day bcos of their trauma, external relationships, and distrust with each other 💔 like so close yet so far
and ooh interesting analysis on akemi! i like how you juxtaposed her reaction to gojoyn versus yn’s reaction to catching gojokemi. there’s definitely a big difference there :> but i won’t say anything more to avoid spoilers hehe
lastly, rod! omg thanks for reading, i thoroughly enjoyed writing it i was giddy the whole time !!! but same bb same that gremlin has me on a chokehold too 😆
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starb3rrys · 1 year
Ayyy, how are you?
So, I'm kinda new to Tumblr and I'm starting to request things only now and I don't know how it works ://
If your reqs are open, can I ask a nsfw one-shot, Fyodor x fem reader in which they are married. So for the plot, Fyodor brought reader a nice, expensive gift once he's back from a mission. In exchange, reader lets him "experiment" something new during a steamy session.
Feel free to ignore if the idea doesn't scratch your brain positively :))
Hi Hi! Welcome to Tumblr! Im happy to hear you’re starting to request and get used to this place \(^ヮ^)/. This request is very interesting, I tried my best to capture the “Experimenting” part you asked and decided to go with Bondage (I’m sincerely sorry if that’s not what you specifically wanted TvT). Anyways- Thank you so much for the request, this one’s for you, Anonymous!~ ♡︎
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Bound By Desire
Fyodor x Fem! Reader
Dirty Filthy Smut; Bondage, Praise, Degrading Names, Hair Pulling, Oral Sex (Reader is giving)…
Scenario: You and Fyodor have been husband and wife for a few years now. He often brought you small gifts and souvenirs from his missions across the world. Although, tonight…he brought you something different; It was an expensive gold bracelet with small diamonds, it was beautiful…but, in exchange for the gift, Fyodor asked to “Experiment” something new with you…and of course, You couldn’t refuse.
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You fidgeted with your new bracelet as a mixture of nervousness and excitement filled your senses while you patiently waited for your husband to return with some “special items” for tonight’s session. You weren’t opposed to the idea of bondage; being restrained, unable to move as your husband used your poor defenseless body as he sees fit, seemed attractive…but you knew full well what Fyodor was capable of, and even though you were his beloved wife, he would not hesitate to break you.
Fyodor entered the bedroom holding a small paper bag. Curious, you walked closer and took a peek inside, your eyes widened. Inside the bag were an assortment of items; handcuffs, ropes, chokers and a black blindfold. “When did you buy these?”,you asked with a hint of nervousness, “I’ve had these items for a while now, and it seems now is the perfect time to use them”, Fyodor said with an almost proud tone. You were stunned when you heard that he had these items for a while now…it made you wonder, Has Fyodor been planning this for a while?. “Come Darling, sit on the bed for me”, Fyodor spoke in a smooth yet commanding voice. A quiet sigh left your lips, attempting to calm your nerves as you sit on the bed in front of him. His sharp eyes traced down your body, admiring your beautiful curves. You blush softly, feeling his eyes on you; his gaze makes you nervous…you can’t bring yourself to look into his eyes.
A small chuckle left his lips, cold slim fingers trace your chin as your head is tilted up. His sly gaze meeting your shy one; “Now now dear, don’t look away…”, Fyodor says as his fingers softly grip your cheeks, he leans down, allowing your foreheads to touch, “You know how much I love seeing those pretty little eyes of yours”. He moves his face closer to your neck, his warm breath sends shivers down your spine. Fyodor plants soft and delicate kisses on your neck, his slender hands trail down your body and stop at your waist, holding you still. “Now, where to start?~…”, he asks with a sensual tone as his lips graze your soft skin. “I can’t wait to hear you beg for mercy, but first…”, he pulls away and looks at your flushed face, he smirks and traces his thumb on your bottom lip, “I think I’ll put this mouth of yours to good use~”. Fyodor reaches into the bag and takes out a black cloth, it takes a minute for you to realize, it’s a blindfold.
“Get on your knees.”, his voice was stern and commanding…no longer asking. Without a single protest, you get on your knees, looking up at him. Fyodor let’s out a soft chuckle at how compliant you are, “Good girl…~”, his sensual words echo through your head, feeding your growing arousal. Fyodor brings the blindfold close to your face, “Now hold still”, he says as the blindfold starts to cover your eyes; you can no longer see…only feel, feel the way his fingers tie a tight knot behind your head to secure the blindfold. You were completely under his mercy, you felt a rush of excitement as your husband tied your hands behind your back and whispered lewd things into your ear. Fyodor tilted your head up, he smirked at the sight of you…”Are you ready?”, he asked with a husky voice, you could hear the sound of his belt unbuckling and zipper being undone…the sound itself excited you, you bit your lip and nodded. You let out a small gasp as you feel something hard and warm rub against your cheek. “Use your words. Are you ready?”, he slaps your cheek with his hard cock and rubs it across your lips with a smirk. A soft sigh leaves your lips, “Yes..I’m r- MNH!~”, your words are cut off as he thrusts his cock inside your mouth. Fyodor chuckles, “Mm…my apologies, my dear…I just couldn’t help myself when you look so vulnerable…now be a good girl and suck your husbands cock”, his voice is lustful and smug as his hand caresses your soft hair. You weren’t in any position to refuse, and frankly…you didn’t plan to. Your lips tightly wrap around the base of his dick, you start to move your head back and forth, softly sucking on it. Low groans slip from your husbands mouth, his grip on your hair increases as he teases you, “Mm…that’s it, just look at you…were you that hungry for my cock? You’re sucking on it like a greedy slut…~”, his voice is slightly shaky but his actions contradict it. Slurping sounds and soft groans fill the room, his pleasured noises only motivate you to keep going. Slight saliva rolls down your chin as your tongue swirls around his sensitive tip. His hands grip your hair for support as his breath becomes a bit unsteady, “Mnh, fuck…keep taking me in like that…suck it just like that, just like the cock hungry whore you are…~”. His cock twitches inside your mouth, you can tell he’s close; his breaths become uneven, and his groans get louder. You feel proud of yourself, you’re pleasing your husband in a way no other woman could- your thoughts get interrupted as you feel him thrust inside your mouth, his cock hits the back of your throat making you gag, it seems he can sense your proudness and is trying to remind you who’s in charge here. He grips your hair, holding your head still as he starts to pump himself inside your mouth. He chuckles as you gag and choke on his dick, seeing you struggle to breathe as he uses your mouth like a flesh light. You start to moan, causing pleasant vibrations to stimulate his already tender cock. His head tilts back; the feeling of your warm mouth, tongue, and moans is enough to drive him wild. Fyodor starts to move his hips faster, like a wild animal in heat, “Mm…make me cum, make me cum, Darling…come on you filthy slut take it, take it…take- Ah!~”, his words are cut short as he finishes with a loud groan. His warm seed fills your mouth and you instinctively drink it all, the familiar bitter sweet taste fills your senses. After a few seconds, Fyodor slowly pulls himself out of your mouth, you let out a loud gasp of air as you pant. Fyodor pants softly, he looks down at your vulnerable state; you’re panting, hair is a mess as saliva drips down your chin, your hands are tied behind your back and the blindfold only adds to your vulnerability, the sight of you is enough to make him hard again.
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Peep the rat decor ^
If you want a part 2 with the good good stuff, request it!~
I hope you all enjoyed this story, I tried my best to work with the “experimenting” part- I hope I did alright ( ´ ▽ ` ).。
Anyways- love y’all!
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tacitusauxilium · 6 months
@tvstarkuma sent:
“I made you something special today.” Teddie walked up to Fuuka with hands behind his back.
Clearly he was hiding something. Both for suspense and a rare moment of shyness for Teddie, he waited before presenting his gift. A small box wrapped with a red ribbon. Inside was a relatively big piece of white chocolate with sparkling star sprinkles to give it an extra something. The chocolate was molded to look like a mini bear Teddie. Great attention to detail was taken to ensure an accurate shape and features.
“Happy White Day! Here’s to a beautiful Spring together.”
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"Oh, Teddie! You didn't have to do this for me!" She covered her lips, not caring that her cheeks were a bright red color as she HAD to open up the gift. Carefully pulling away the ribbon and opening the box up, Fuuka was surprised to see the miniature version of Teddie from his bear suit. Fuuka pouted her lips, trying her best not to cry, and smiled warmly at Teddie. "It's so pretty! I could NEVER eat something like this!"
She had to look at how detailed it was and closed the box, putting it on a nearby table and pulled Teddie into a hug. "That was so thoughtful--thank you so much, Teddie!" Fuuka kissed the top of his forehead, knowing that was the least she could do for him. "I'll eat it slowly so I can treasure it longer."
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shinobuscanonwife · 2 years
muichiro, giyuu, kyojuro, and perhaps maybe sabito and they have to go on a mission that happens to occur during their s/o's birthday? how would they react and would they tell their s/o about it? if they do, how would they do it? this was burning on my mind for so so so so so long TvT
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He feels so bad :( he tries literally everything he can do to get the master to pick someone else to go and while Kagaya feels awful for sending him all the other hashira were busy. He literally comes to you with the biggest frown on his face and tells you that he'll be gone for your birthday. He apologizes about 30 times and while you were upset you couldn't spend your birthday with your boyfriend you understood that he couldn't do anything about it. You both end up celebrating your a birthday a day before he leaves and he writes you multiple letters while he's gone wishing you a happy birthday and promising when he gets back he'll take you some place special.
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He's disappointed. He loves spending time with you on special events like this one and he felt really bad for missing your birthday. He apologizes and promises to spend all day with you when he gets back. He tries to be quick with the mission so maybe he can get back to you on your birthday but the demon that he was fighting was being difficult and he didn't make it. Even if you assured him you weren't mad at him he still felt awful and came and cuddled you as soon as he got home.
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"Oh by the way y/n before I forget I have to go on a mission early tomorrow." "Muichiro that's my birthday.." "oh :("
Is exactly how the conversation went. He tried to go to the master and explain that it was your birthday and that he had forgotten but Kagaya couldn't get another hashira to go on such short notice. He felt awful and tried to get the mission over with as quickly as possible but he had to stay and make sure the people who were attacked by the demon were alright. He celebrated your birthday with you a day late but he still felt bad and made sure to remember your birthday from now on.
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He has never missed your birthday. Not once. Every year he has a whole day planned for you and him. So you can imagine he was really upset when he found out he had to go on a mission. He tells you almost as soon as he finds out and he apologizes and offers that when he gets back he'll plan something for you and him to do. You agreed and wished him good luck on his mission. He wrote letters to you every day he was gone wishing you a happy birthday and apologizing for missing your birthday.
Thank you for your request! Have a nice day/night
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