#thanks for the ask anon💙
thissmycomingofage · 8 months
the response to Oppenheimer was good but Barbie's bad because of white feminism as if Oppenheimer wasn't humanizing the man who was responsible for the creation of the atomic bomb. Responsible for so much suffering. As if some of the people behind the Oppenheimer movie aren't also openly endorsing the Palestinian genocide.
Imagine if someone made a movie like that about Osama Bin Laden and told Americans it was ok because he was a complex human. Suddenly it would be evil to humanize someone like that.
I like Barbie. I don't think it's the pinnacle of feminism but I don't think it has to be and I hate the people who use that as an excuse to put it down (especially in comparison to movies like Oppenheimer).
I literally had to deal with people using lily gladstone's nom to rejoice about margot robbie's snub and praising "give it back to the indians" Oppenheimer in the same breath.
And the worst part is that some of those people are nothing but cinema lovers who get too easily blinded by the famous artsy director's name on the poster.
Because Oppenheimer is ✨️art✨️ and is ✨️complex✨️ while Barbie is popular and fun so suddenly all its flaws are highlighted because it lacks the cinematic pretentiousness of other nominees that also have so much issues with their message
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hero-of-the-wolf · 1 month
Enabling you to yap about some headcanons you have for the chain (or any animal facts that you have in store. You always have some fascinating facts)
Time and Lullaby were childhood best friends that grew apart as they got older. They start to reconnect again later in life, when Time joined the war effort against Ganondorf and the Gerudo.
(and then he dies)
Time and Malon have a little girl together 🫶
stealing this from @crazylittlejester but Time’s joints are kinda messed up after transforming so often (esp when he was y’know still growing) so his joints will pop out really easily and get really sore
Time is the OG animal lover. Where do you think Twilight got it from?
side note— I love the idea of Malon becoming something More after her death. You can still hear her singing at night if you listen very closely, mysterious bad things happen to people who hurt horses, Twilight strangely never feels alone, that sort of thing :)
Warriors was very close to his mother. She passed away during the war, and he didn’t find out until after he returned home 💔
(my first thought is that she died from disease, which always runs rampant during war. but maybe, perhaps, Wars’ home village was razed by monsters 👀)
Warriors had two close friends during the war. One died in his arms. The other one betrayed him and directly led to him getting captured by Cia 💔
depressed Twi 🫶 anxious Twi 🫶 Twi with chronic pain 🫶
Hyrule gets chronic headaches and dizzy spells, esp when he overuses his magic :)
Hyrule’s dark world form is an opossum 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
Legend enjoys knitting!! it’s a nice calming activity that helps him destress, and he really enjoys working with his hands :)
I also hc he has a lot of chronic pain 🫶
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soosoosoup · 2 months
If poppy becomes first mate or the robot would branch develop a crush on poppy first. Being mean but still shy and blushes around her.
Heheh treasure planet broppy~
Been debating with myself on how poppy would appear in this au. So far I’m more inclined to having poppy be first mate. Like I know she’d be great as Ben but like- I really want viva and poppy to still be sisters, and also probs wouldn’t have broppy if she was Ben. Not to mention that teen poppy is just too cute to miss out on!!
My plans for broppy is to hold off on romance. I’d like for them to start off as friends like in the trolls movies. So the events of treasure planet would have a broppy friendship develop as I think branch would really benefit in having a friend.
But don’t worry it’ll develop romantically afterwards teehee.
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blu-ish · 5 months
I do archery *brushes hair behind ear*
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*throws meme cutely and epicly*
EHJBDEWBDJBJWEBHDEWJBDJEB she was an artist, they were an archer, can I make it anymore obvious?
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dreamings-free · 4 months
Original post with photo of louis with dolphin is from 2011, it is so long 😭
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DISCLAIMER : THIS IS NOT LOUIS but some other guy
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mblue-art · 4 months
I love your arts so much
I just
I can't!!
kiss your golden hands kiss your golden hands kiss your golden hands kiss your golden hands kiss your golden hands kiss-
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oh,, ,
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blaithnne · 10 months
Oh my god, so apparently yesterday a friend of mine ran into this girl called Johanna, and she had half blue half brown hair. I thought I'd tell you because as soon as she told me I was like, 'REAL LIFE LAUREN??' because the hair AND name was such an odd coincidence.
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SHE’S REAL??????
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ksbbb · 11 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
I actually don’t have five that are my favorite, but I’ll give you the ones I like 💙.
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2aceofspades · 1 year
You're too sweet oh my goodness! Seriously, this made my day fr. No lie, I've been feeling a bit slow and *cough* insecure *cough* about my art lately (especially now that I'm doing everything traditionally and not digitally) so this really means a lot to me 🥹 Thank you so much 💙✨
I drew this lil doodle to express my thanks
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I hope you have a lovely day, my dear anon 🙌✨ Thank you again so much for being so kind 🥺 I really appreciate it!
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ur-switch-boy · 15 days
I'm happy to hear you're well
I'm a little sad because nobody pays attention to me, but I'm fine, thanks for asking. 🫶
thanks again, and i'm so sorry about that, but who are you? how can i pay attention to a stranger?
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ninadove · 1 year
Juelka / Luka fluff / finally talking about their dad / sad/angry feelings. Finally a lil heart to heart ❤️
I’m going to assume this was meant as platonic! 💜💙
“I can stop seeing him, if you want.”
The statement came in the middle of the night, after she had been silently staring at the ceiling for what might as well have been an eternity. Luka always seemed to know when she was awake — she wondered if it had something to do with inner melodies.
She shifted in her bed, the pillow unusually uncomfortable below her head.
“No,” she replied, honestly. “I don’t want you to sacrifice something that makes you happy.”
From the other side of the cabin, Luka took a sharp breath; she waited, but no words followed.
“It does make you happy, doesn’t it?”
Again, no answer. Highly uncharacteristic for someone who could have been the poster child for healthy communication.
She laid there in silence, giving him a chance to compose himself.
“It’s just… It’s not like I hoped it would be.”
“Because of his parenting style? There was absolutely no chance Mom could have ever dated a disciplinarian.”
The joke fell flat. She twisted her neck in his direction — willing her feline vision to let her see for herself that he was alright.
“It’s the way he’s been treating you,” he relented. “Almost like you don’t exist.”
“It’s probably easier for him to connect with his son than with his daughter.”
She had fed herself the same excuse many, many times. It was easier than facing the reality of their situation.
Now that her brother had voiced the same concerns, the words rang even shallower.
“You and I, we come as a package deal,” he said from somewhere in the darkness. “Jules, I’m so sorry. I should have said something to him earlier.”
She nodded to herself, tears pricking her eyes as she pulled the blanket up to her chin.
“I don’t need him,” she replied, sincerely. “I already have all the family I need right here.”
Ask game here!
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writing-whump · 1 month
Helloo💫💫 saw you are asking for questions.. well, your ☕ anon is here 🤗🤭 it's been a while and I really miss doing this!
Here it is: Does your OC's have a ritual? Something like they do everyday, they feel bad when they don't/forget to do, or maybe they feel like something is going to happen/things will go badly if they miss it? (It looked like a superstition when I say like this 😄 so let me ask that too please 🤭Does any of them have superstition? Are they believe in superstitions?)
Yay question from you!! Thank you✨️ also love that prompt with Hex and Olive 👀 it's super cool.
Isaiah has to go through his routine, okay. Dressing up, combing his hair, check in the mirror. If he doesn't check himself in the mirror before leaving he feels dread, like he could have overlooked something and look stupid.
Seline needs her time after waking up. Checks her phone, daydreams with music or writes. Don't wake her up and make her do stuff before she gets up on her own.
As for superstitions, Isaiah believes in broken mirrors bringing bad luck. Seline always looks for four leaf clovers and throws coins into fountains and wishes things when blowing dandelions. It's all in the wishes for her. Matt and Sel share a belief that number 7 is magical and brings good luck to the three of them. Matt has a thing for neat number dates. 14.4.2024, 24.02.2024...gotta be special. Friday the 13th don't work though, he doesn't want to get out on that one.
Arnie considers green his colour and wears it when he wants an extra dose of luck for something.
Dylan always has to spit three times when seeing a black cat crossing the street. That's a Slovakian tradition to warn off bad luck.
You wouldn't catch Hector superstitious about anything. He will laugh it off as nonsense or consider it a challange. He can def power through a bad luck day alright.
There is one special superstition that Rip has since the day his mom and brother died. Once he ran out the house on the day, he could see crows gathered on the field around him. Since then he thinks crows are a way for his family to watch over and connect to him. Sometimes he suspects it's actually them as crows. That's why he started to climb up to heights to look for them, count them, feed them. In every city he goes through he looks for them. That's how his love for heights and parkour started.
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chapter 3 has got me doing back flips thankyou for your sacrifice
Anon thank you for reading and sending this in 😭😭 I’d sacrifice everything for Agatha, tbh. Put me on the cross, I’m ready
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 2 months
me looking at your art for hours on end is basically my version of alcoholism
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habitual-creatures · 11 days
Awwww!!!! I'm so glad we've been a help to you!! This blog is great and I'm so very glad you are happy!!!
We lovvee you!! Especially me<3 /p
- 💜 anon
Gwahhh- stop I'm gonna cry.
Like- it'd be a good cry obvs but I don't want my roommates to wonder why I'm sobbing, lmao-
Even if I don't think they're home atm, lol-
(( ramblings below cut. Only placing them there cause I kinda go off about my mental health for a bit. Sorry in advance. That's what all those cws are for. Uhh... I'd recommend not reading it if you don't want a quick spiral into my kinda shit mental health. :'D ))
Like, I have a VERY small social group because my mental health issues overall make it EXTREMELY hard to maintain good friendships.
But gaahhhh- I still cannot wrap my mind around the fact that people ENJOY this blog. But the fact that some DO, is just y'know, kinda mildly life-saving??
So having people continuously respond POSITIVELY to me is basically unheard of for me.
Y'all are like a little recurring shot of dopamine for me.
And it's just incredible to me that I actually HAVE that.
If you had told me this at any point in my life I would've called you a liar because I was the "annoying" or "clingy/overly needy" person my whole life. Either that, or people remember me for my breakdowns. My rage issues.
Either way, I "wasn't worth sticking around" for most people. So I'm used to being isolated or simply jumping between social groups with no ties to anyone to avoid the absolute soul-crushing weight of losing the people I grow to care about.
That, and to avoid being used by people who would pretend to tolerate me for their own gain, then turn around and say I was "annoying" later on. Or claim I was too aggressive after I had a SINGULAR breakdown near them.
I got used to seeing myself as the monster they taught me I was, and nothing more. Trying to get OUT of that mindset is hell, but I'm doing the best I can.
YOU ALL ARE HELPING ME DO THAT. You're helping me see I'm not just a rage-filled, naïve, clingy little bitch. You're helping me get back to seeing myself as a person.
And THIS. This BLOG and its continued support is basically supplementing for the people who never stuck around. This is my constant at the moment.
I know everything I'm saying probably seems like an overblown reaction to positivity. But I haven't had this in YEARS. Y'all are incredible and I would NEVER take that for granted.
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nerdy-talks · 11 months
B-But like...could you please please post spoilers for the new Sol card??? The good parts??? The ways my fave tortures me...yet I still adore him...
In my very humble yet biased opinion, dear anon... The new Solomon card wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be ^^"
I mean, it was good! It had very pretty artwork of Solomon. But it was lacking in comparison to other Devilgrams
Solomon created bubbles for an event that Asmo was asked to help participate in. MC assists Solomon with making the bubbles, which are capable of carrying presents inside of them.
At the end, Solomon blows a bubble for MC that pops to reveal hearts. He tells MC that it's to thank them, as well as express his feelings for them.
End Spoilers!
As you can probably tell... other Devilgrams lean more towards romance and/or Solomon's jealous side, which I live for! lol
But I did take a few pretty screenshots, which I certainly don't mind sharing (:
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