#thanks for the ask moth!!
beansterpie · 2 years
For the character bingo: Griffith, Farnese, The Fool, aaaand your favourite Eyeshield 21 character, whoever that may be.
<3 <3 <3 tyyy for the ask! most of which I will putting under a cut because this is quite long lol so GRIFFITH:
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Oh were to start <3
Griffith is such a wonderful character who's been living rent free in my brain for the past? Several years?? But I also haven't encountered a character who incites quite so much vitriolic hatred like he does, especially considering that he's written to be quite sympathetic imo. The amount of terrible takes out in the wild web is bonkers, thus the 'everyone but me (and my friends) are wrong about him' and 'done dirty by the fans'. Regarding being done dirty by the creators, that's still up in the air-- depends on how his arc ends. But seeing as the whole moonbaby thing uh exists, I think my choice is valid.
I love Griffith and Guts equally, in large part because of the way they orbit one another, so they both work better as a dynamic (which each other <3) and he's one of the two best characters in the work imo. There's so much wrong with this boy, but I'm adamant that he's never done anything wrong ever in his life, and this opinion really IS like swinging a bat at a hornet's nest lmfaooo. Fight me about it!!
That being said though, in large part because of his Issues™ and Actions™, no I would not want to meet him irl. Even if the eclipse didn't happen, he's just too intense and messy man, I don't wanna deal with that. I just wanna watch and poke him from afar.
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Farense is one of those characters where I really like her potential as a character, but I'm largely disappointed with how she turned out lol. I think her initial character traits were really fascinating, and quite unique! Plus her complicated relationships with her half brother is also really frought with tension, but then halfway through her personality basically does a 180 and all the things that were interesting about her mostly up and disappear. AND, so far anyway, the issues between her and Serpico have just been left hanging. So yeah, loved when there was something deeply wrong with her, and never want to meet her because of it, so I like the version of her that I wish she had been.
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It's them!! I love the Fool (or Beloved, his true name), he is so precious. He is put through so much shit, though that isn't the reason why I think he was done dirty (well, not the only reason). That's for lack of follow through with FitzFool as a ship lmfaooo I just wanted them to be happy together and I was so mad to learn that doesn't actually really happen. I would love to see the Fool in every book in the series, and to be more prominant in the ones that he IS in because he's great and that's that. And he really DID nothing wrong ever in his life, and I'm not even being all that tongue and cheek about it lol. Usually characters who are just Good™ can be a bit boring, but he's just such an endearing mix of mischevious, mysterious, and genuinely kind, that I can't help but love him.
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I've been rereading es21 lately and ugh, I love him your honor. He's kind of a strange character to describe, because in a lot of ways he starts off less as a character and more just this narrative force of nature that exists to make crazy, badass things happen since our protagonist is like, the meekist of meek in personality, and nothing would happen if it was left up to him lol. But as the series progresses you do see glimpses of his humanity, and he loves football!! and his friends!! And he's just UGH so over the top but so relatable and inspiring? Weird combo but there it is.
But yeah he is a difficult character to capture I think, because bluffing is like breathing to him and he's also at least half a loonytoons character. (He and Bugs Bunny should really hang out) So while I have definitely seen good depictions of him in fic and art and stuff, I also see looootsss of stuff where I'm like 'he would NOT say/do that' hfhfh. Plus I have specific hc's about him that I'm pretty adamant about. Also he's the fandom bicycle, and I think the ships are all fairly valid, but the really popular ones are the ones that I actively don't ship so.
He is such a fun character, but I would hate to meet him in real life because he'd probably blackmail me into doing menial jobs for him with no reward soooooo that is also why there are many things wrong with him lol. He's the kind of character that works because the story he's in is also really over the top-- if you met him in real life, he'd just be in jail.
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awnrii · 1 month
social anxiety is making me hate myself for asking this but i was wondering if you had an adult polyphemus design for the band au? cause i adore the child design you have for him but i’m so so intrigued in what he looks like all grown up in his own band. ack, have a nice rest of your time.
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of course! here he is :-)
to clarify: odysseus isn't directly responsible for polyphemus's injury here! think more like a really poorly timed/placed shove directly into a sharp object.
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hellsitegenetics · 18 days
not an ask, really, just a happy comment that i love this blog. every time i see it come up, it feels like some sort of “spin the wheel, win a prize” and i wait to see what creature the prize is this time.
oh look! you got a moth!
oooo, nice! you scored a bird species!
String identified: t a a, a, t a a ct tat t g. t t c , t t “ t , a ” a at t at cat t t t.
! gt a t!
, c! c a c!
Closest match: Hoplodrina ambigua genome assembly, chromosome: 4 Common name: Vine's Rustic
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(image source)
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occudo · 5 months
Given your recent glorious post of butterfly and moths...gently lays at your feet
the luna moth
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the atlas moth
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the comet moth (gives nikola vibes)
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... Give me a minute
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styllwaters · 7 months
do mixes between mismatched hosts and helmets happen? Are they’re knight Hybrids?,both genetically and by a host and helmet of mismatched species?
(Also are the different types sub species or they’re own?)
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Mismatched helmets and hosts do exist! Here's an illustrated example featuring Zetze-ka, a background character for Vivere 44, and Nalka-Imesh, a fan character by @strangecritters.
(Full answer below)
Zetze-ka is a Knight living on the Ihmna Stretch near the border between Ferhaht and Kaat. Their host Zetzeragh is a mountain host of Ferhahti origin. Souwutka is a Kaata plains helmet who was given a mountain name by their Ferhahti Order. It is often the case that a hybrid assimilated Knight takes up residency with the Order of whatever subspecies their host is.
Nalka-Imesh is a Knight with an Aikka polar host and a Fejga mountain Helmet. The names of her host and helmet originate from their respective cultures; Nalka is a singular polar name, whilst Imeshaka is a traditional mountain name. She wears a neck brace to support the extra weight of her helmet (as is common for polar hosts with non-polar helmets).
Hybrids like these are uncommon, but not unheard of. Zetze-ka's host and helmet were assimilated as a symbol of alliance between a Kaata and Ferhahti Order, rather like a Marriage of State. Other times, when a Knight has given birth and there are no other newborn hosts/helmets in their own Order to assimilate with their children, an allied Order of a different subspecies may offer their own newborns. There are many more reasons why hybrids might occur.
And yes, there are genetic hybrids as well! However, all hybrids between Knight subspecies are either sterile or inviable. Mountain and plains Knights can produce hybrids, though they will be infertile. Polar knights cannot hybridise with any other subspecies.
Mountain, plains and polar varieties are all different species of Knight.
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beausbugbiome · 4 months
Hello its me again! found this female at work one morning Google kept telling me it was some kind of regal moth but didn't specify
Thought I ask you on this have a nice evening/night
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Hi, friend! I think this lovely creature is a Syssphinx bicolor or Honey Locust Moth! I’m not terribly familiar with moths, not as much as beetles, anyway. So I had to do a tiny bit of digging, but it was fun!
Thank you for asking, I love these messages! Hope you also have a wonderful night!💖
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misty-moth · 27 days
Your header!!! 🥰🥰🥰
So cute, I love it!
Ahh thank you 🥹👉👈 I was on a roll making all of the princes but they’re trapped in wip limbo 😭
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cawsceries · 5 months
your ocs 🔫 tell me everything and anything you wanna share
HI CRYPT i have a lot :]
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so i have four main guys with an actual storyline (avry arlo rass rocks). technically five but the fifth doesn't have a name yet so we're not talking about her. and then i have funky little guys (moth, some other clones who i havent posted, and my newest guys cobra and lio!!)
avry is in her early twenties! she was knighted roughly a month before the clone wars began and wasn't supposed to lead a battalion at first. the jedi master who was going to lead the 409th battalion was several weeks away from kamino as the clone wars started, though, and avry was temporarily assigned to the 409th because she's closer and there isn't time to wait.
this temporary assignment is when she first met arlo, who at the time was a captain. in their third or fourth battle, the LAAT/i that was carrying arlo was shot down and his helmet was knocked off in the crash. avry lifted the rubble of the LAAT/i off of the survivors of the crash using the force-- if she hadn't been there, arlo probably would've bled out from his head injury before anyone managed to get to him.
shortly after this, the jedi master in charge of the 409th finally arrives! she's an older rodian training her second padawan, rass. she and avry's master are padawan siblings. avry leaves the 409th in the jedi master's capable hands and is assigned on several small relief missions.
of course, a few months later the 409th has an encounter with general grievous. the jedi master does not survive, but she does make sure rass will make it out alive.
avry is in the area, so she returns to the 409th. rass is supposed to go back to the jedi temple but they can't fathom leaving all of the clones they've befriended and fought beside-- they've already lost their master. so avry (impulsively) offers to take rass on as her own padawan.
and. well. this solves some problems. this also creates more problems. avry is already absolutely terrified about being responsible for a battalion. now she's also responsible for rass as well, who's basically her little sibling. she's not prepared for either of these things, but she's good enough at faking it so she's not going to think about it too much because she might break down and there isn't time for that. she can process everything when the war is over and everything goes back to normal.
she's very good at convincing herself that things will go back to normal.
arlo is doing better overall-- he's been promoted to commander (the original commander died a few weeks after avry left). he has a lot of confidence in avry. between avry saving his life early on, and the jedi master's competence and poise, he's a little ridiculously loyal to the jedi.
he's also a little bit blind to avry's flaws.
hold on. about arlo's pronouns: she is not thinking about her gender in universe until pretty late in the clone wars. i swap between she and he because she will end up using she/he pronouns.
rass meets rocks when their first master is still alive, while scouting out a droid factory. rass is leading rocks' squad and there are droids coming their direction. rass asks the clones if any of them have something that rass can throw to distract the droids. rocks hands over a rock. a few minutes later rass asks for another object. rocks hands over another rock. he has at least ten more.
rass nearly compromises the mission by laughing at the fifth rock produced. after this rass and rocks are inseparable. rocks, who is about an inch and a half shorter than the average clone, is delighted that he's no longer the shortest person he knows.
rass and rocks are my beloveds i love them dearly.
i also have a fair amount of info about avry here and some assorted info about all of these guys here
beyond my "main" four, i have moth (can be summed up by this and this) and cobra (very new guy. hes living his best life. having an affair with lio.) and lio (full name lio veniid. senator. a bit pretentious. not very significant politically. extremely disappointed by cobra's lack of appreciation for wine, has made it his goal in life to change this. its not working very well so far but they're both having a great time)
also fun fact: i have a curse in which i am incapable of drawing arlo's scar correct on any full piece. it's on the left side of her head. (forgot it) (flipped the canvas too many times)
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cerise-on-top · 6 months
hiii!!! Also, about my moth oc, he’s a tall brown moth lit (half human/half moth) they are kinda intimidating, but when they talk they sound like Elmo. SHSHHSHSHHHHH HAHA!!! it’s so funny to do around friends. What’s Arya’s personality like? I’ve been trying to imagine what my moth lit and your oc would interact LMAOOO
Also, if I could, could I request Alerudy with a s/o who excuses their self mid cuddling session and they later find them crying in the bathroom? Not cuz their sad, cuz they are so happy to have those two dorks and the cuddling made their s/o overwhelmed? Thank you!!
Hey there! That does sound pretty amazing, they sound so cool! :D It certainly sounds like a surprise to hear him talk for the first time! Arya is a very confident person, almost kinda cocky, and she loves to tease! She's very outgoing and makes friends fairly easily! She's also not that short either, so she can seem pretty intimidating, but usually she's just a little goof! Unless you mess with her siblings or talk badly about them, because in that case she'll be very mean and make sure you never talk badly about them again! However, other than that, she's a pretty helpful person as well, willing to help out the people in need when they need it! She has the resources to do so as a noble!
AleRudy with an S/O Overwhelmed with Love for Them
Eventually, Rodolfo would knock on the bathroom door and ask you what’s wrong if you’ve been gone for a while now, not expecting to hear the quiet sobs. As you open the door, you don’t seem to be in pain or distressed however, which confuses him to no end, but he still grows concerned upon seeing the tears roll down your cheeks. Rodolfo would act immediately, pulling you into his arms and asking you what’s wrong so he can do his darndest to help. Was someone being mean to you? Do you have other problems? He’ll listen to you, he’s there for you and will do what he can to make you feel better. When you confess that you’re crying because you were just that overwhelmed with love, he’d go quiet for a second before blushing. However, you wouldn’t stop hugging him. Eventually, Alejandro, having grown worried for the both of you, would stop by as well. Rodolfo explains the situation to him as you reach out for the colonel to hug him as well.
They’d likely get you on the couch and both feel a bit honored you thought this highly of them. They adore you more than anyone else, aside from each other, so you crying because you love them this much, while unexpected, is definitely nice. However, as they both have a hand on you, they’ll reassure you that you don’t have to cry because of something like that and scare them this much. Rodolfo would wrap his arms around you and place his head on your shoulder while telling you that this is somewhat silly, but he’s not mad at you. Alejandro would definitely put your face in between his hands and give your forehead a long kiss. You’re just too cute. If anything, the two of them should be crying with how lucky they’ve gotten to be with you. While they do hope you won’t be crying if they keep holding and cherishing you like this, they certainly don’t mind, growing ever so soft around you at that moment. They won’t tease you, they won’t slip in some Spanish in the conversation either, no, they need you to understand just how much they love you back. Each of them will tell you the things they appreciate about you, from your smile to your kindness, from the way you greet them with such love to you keeping your home clean while they’re away, from you providing them however you can to you preparing such delicious meals for them. They love and appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. Even if it makes you cry again, it’ll be worth it because you deserve to know just how cherished you are. The night will likely continue like that, going into detail about how much the three of you love each other, that you’ll never be alone since you always have each other’s backs. The world could be turning against you tomorrow and you’ll find a way to fight it off regardless.
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hatsune-jerma · 14 days
it's sososososo strange to be simultaneously a robot, a manmade creation, but also many many animals, deeply connected to nature
like, it really really depends on the day for me. somedays im made of metal and full of wires, other days i know im made of claws, flesh and blood. made to run through the woods and never be stopped
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tatck · 1 year
hello!! i come bearing a question!
do you have any particular design for a super sonic in the vagabond style? past that, is there any shot that he shows up in the next or third issue?
He's got no design yet apart from the one doodle.
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But there's no way is he showing up soon, I'm not blasting the big guns right out the door.
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purple-scout-tf2 · 21 days
It is Jules Fordley, everybody!!
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Loadout made by @lampinspectingmoth !! Thank you for the loadout, darling, he's beautiful!
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lilybug-02 · 6 months
i saw your "fursona pratice post" and i just had to draw this silly guy, I did it on my style, But hope you like! ^^
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I did his ears look like "Moth Fuffly Ears" cuz for some reason he look like one to me?? ( lol ) but also look like just Big and very fuffly fox ears.
And ofc - HE HAVE RAD SPIKY HAIRRR!! With a cool feather mane 👌, Lion Tail and Bull feets, with big wings <3!! ( Silly snoot Asriel reference 👀 )
I put blue eyes to him cuz- uh well, he looks cool, yeah thats the reason. 😶
And ofc i can't forget his Red cool Shirt! 🔥
( and his silly butterfly tongue lol )
I think thats all?? It was really cool to draw him btw, i think i did A redesing by accident XD
Ah... yeah, i did that too-
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Ok gonna sleep now, have a great day/night my Bread Friend!🚶
AHHHHH!!!! THis is AMaZing!!! eeee omg I love this so so much! This is such cool fan art! The spiky hair and big fluffy ears are perfection ✨🔥🌸🕊️ The amount of detail you put into this shows! >^< Thank you so much for the awesome art! 💜❤️💖💟
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corviiids · 3 months
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So I recently found out about Chinese moon moths and holy heck are they beautiful. I got no fun fact (sorry) I just cannot get over how pretty they are.
no fun fact necessary thank you for providing this good moth. the fun fact is that she is very beautiful
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What do you headcannon Dylan's necklace to be? Like do you think he has a charm or something on it or is it just a plain cord?
not to be dramatic but this is making me lose my mind. i've been looking at pictures & it looks like the cord is angled downward with the weight of a charm
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so my first thought was like "oh he prolly has one of those basic ring charms or smthn" no shame, they're great but like??? it doesn't feel right???
so i was thinking it could be a good luck charm - a horseshoe, a jade piece, the evil eye - which I like. he seems like the kind of person who doesn't necessarily believe in everything but he's a bit superstitious & is like "better safe than sorry". which is all well & good, but... why does he hide it? everyone elses' necklaces are shown from what I can remember, even on other outfits, so why don't we ever see his? is this a coincidence that i'm overthinking or is it something personal to him?
maybe it's one of those chewy rubber necklaces & he hides it bc he's embarrassed :/
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miyrumiyru · 4 days
If you could be a moth, which moth would you be?
It would be Humble Hummingbird Hawkmoth !
Their larva has a very spiky horn on their butt
They love sweeties
They're so cute and fluffy
They're diurnal moth so there is less danger to artificial light
They're very very passionate and swift
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