#:D ah thank you so much again! This is awesome
lilybug-02 · 3 months
i saw your "fursona pratice post" and i just had to draw this silly guy, I did it on my style, But hope you like! ^^
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I did his ears look like "Moth Fuffly Ears" cuz for some reason he look like one to me?? ( lol ) but also look like just Big and very fuffly fox ears.
And ofc - HE HAVE RAD SPIKY HAIRRR!! With a cool feather mane 👌, Lion Tail and Bull feets, with big wings <3!! ( Silly snoot Asriel reference 👀 )
I put blue eyes to him cuz- uh well, he looks cool, yeah thats the reason. 😶
And ofc i can't forget his Red cool Shirt! 🔥
( and his silly butterfly tongue lol )
I think thats all?? It was really cool to draw him btw, i think i did A redesing by accident XD
Ah... yeah, i did that too-
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Ok gonna sleep now, have a great day/night my Bread Friend!🚶
AHHHHH!!!! THis is AMaZing!!! eeee omg I love this so so much! This is such cool fan art! The spiky hair and big fluffy ears are perfection ✨🔥🌸🕊️ The amount of detail you put into this shows! >^< Thank you so much for the awesome art! 💜❤️💖💟
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walpu · 4 months
I'm coming at you with the speed of thousand asteroids affectionately and hit you with a "your writing is awesome!"
Also, may I request an Aventurine x The Nameless!reader.
Thank you very much and have a nice day :D
Thank you so much for your kind words and for the request, it was so fun to write <З
Hope you'll enjoy it, have a good day as well 💛
Aventurine x The Nameless!reader
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characters - Aventurine
notes - gn!reader, fluff, a bit of hurt/comfort. Once again, no beta. I'm so sorry.
Considering that the Astral Family and it's members are pretty well-known (everyone seems to know at least their names) he has probably heard something about you even before you first met him.
I can imagine your first meeting going like this: he casually approaches you, acting all buddy-buddy, and says something like "ah, mx , who knew I would meet you here of all places <З".
If your first meeting was during the Penacony quest get ready for him calling you "friend" in this sassy voice of his 💀 Yes Aven we all get it you don't have any actual friends calm down
Can imagine him trying to get closer to you by painting your potential partnership as something mutually beneficial. You could use a friend from the IPC, right? And he wouldn't mind having some connections with a "brave and honorable" Nameless. So why don't you join him for a glass of wine, hmmm?
When the two of you will eventually get closer this mf will get clingy af. Yeah I've mentioned it already in my previous post but you being one of the Nameless opens up so many new perspectives.
Visits you on the Express regularly. If he comes when you're not here, he'll wait for as long as he can for you to come back. Sadly, Aventurine is a busy, busy man. So he can't wait for long. Will leave small notes for you tho, to let you know that he was there but you didn't grace him with your presence
If you come back when he's waiting, Aven will play it off as if he himself just got there and didn't have to wait for you at all, saying somethin like "Oh look, here you're! And here I thought I would have to wait for you, haha. Seems like luck is on my side today~"
He doesn't want you to worry, after all. Also. He wants to save some face. Pom-Pom will rat him out anyway.
Speaking of Pom-Pom, they're probably sick of him at this point lol.
Would ask you about your adventures and listen very closely to every story you may want to tell. He can't help but smile softly while listening to you, he just loves seeing the passion in your eyes. Doesn't matter if the story is about you dragging the Trailblazer away from the trash cans in Belobog (or worse - admiring the trash cans with them), he will still look at you with the same adoring smile.
If you ask him what he's been up to during the time you where gone, Aven would simply laugh it off and say that his boring IPC stuff cannot compare with your bizarre adventures so it doesn't even worth mentioning. Reassure him that you don't care if it's boring, you just want to hear about his day regardless of how it went.
Sometimes he can't help but feel jealous. You're free to travel, to do whatever you want. You have this sparkle of excitement in your eyes every time you tell him about your travels. And he has nothing of it. Simply can't have.
He doesn't have any negative feelings towards you, of course. Mostly some bottled up bitterness toward his fate and himself.
He gets a bit lost in his own head every time he starts feeling this way. Please take his hand and invite him to join you during your next adventure. He will laugh softly and tell you "maybe next time, darling". Even if he doesn't know when this "next time" will come the thought of it, of you wanting to share your precious moment with him, fills him with hope.
Adores when you bring him small gifts from the places you've been. It doesn't have to be something big, really. Just the thought that you were thinking of him when the two of you were apart is enough.
Don't forget to send him pictures of yourself!!!! He wants to know how his dearest darling is doing even when they are freezing their ass off in Belobog.
Would sometimes surprise you by showing up on the planet/space ship you're currently staying on. Aventurine rarely can't stay for a long but he cherishes those short moments when he can just walk around and do nothing in particular with you.
Usually when he visits a planet it has something to do with the IPC's business so he only has time to do his job and. Well. Gamble. Maybe buy some new clothes too if he has enough time.
But with you he can actually explore the planet. You bring him to the local restaurants, small tea shops, seemingly small and insignificant places. But it’s places like these that reveal the real beauty of the planet. He slowly learns to appreciate it when you're by his side.
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dire-vulture · 2 months
i need you to know so much how good and cool Pirouline is. i love him so much. his baking theme + the cool spikey outfit are Such a vibe. im a huge banescale enjoyer and hes just peak hes so good. his colors all being food is fun & he's just a cool awesome guy + i love his lore. ok thanks for having such a cool guy i love him bye
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aaa thank you so much <3 he's one of my favorites too C:
honestly i got him entirely by fate... i used to try to rep every gene, something that ancient's particularly made a challenge. when i was getting banescales back in 2020, the final genes i needed were candycane, sugarplum, and squiggle..and when i looked them up on the AH he was the only dragon with that combo so i bought him. with his desserty colors it seemed natural to make him to be a baker and I named him Pirouline after one of my favorite cookies! i don't like leaving my ancients naked, and i only had one banescale accent in my hoard so i put it on him, despite not seeming to fit the dessertier vibe i intended..but i decided i could work with it and scary-looking dragons that are totally sweet is one of my favorite things tbh so dfgsdf he became the banescale he is today!
and i'm a huge banescale enjoyer too, they are my favorite ancient <3 fun chickens that can mean so much... all of my banescales are fat too, which wasn't intentional at first, but it just makes them even better in my books haha
thank you again :D i really appreciate it!!
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frozenjokes · 3 months
hOtgUy drops by to pick up his visor, and Cub viscerally regrets not googling his name before then (2/2)
“He’s coming! Oh, he's coming! See, he just texted me, he said he’ll be here at 2:00! Look! Oh, what should I say? Something short, maybe a little heart at the end- emoji, or the little arrow and the three? No, no heart, that’s too much. Maybe he’d like a longer message, something poetic! Oh, but I’m no good with words, not like that anyway. What do you think? What should I say?”
The waitress looked a bit startled when Scar shoved his phone in her face, though anyone would be surprised if a celebrity like HotGuy turned around and asked their opinion on something so important!
“Well..” she deliberated for a moment, lips pursed (thinking hard, of course!), “I would probably say ‘Okay.’ Maybe add an exclamation mark?”
“Hmm..” Scar sat back in his chair, doing a very good job of pretending like that idea didn’t totally suck, “That’s a good start. I’m thinking I need a little more, though.”
The waitress shifted her weight, avoiding eye contact, “Did you want some more water then? While you wait?”
“Oh no, no I’ll be fine. Don’t you worry about me. Oh, this is going to be so great. Life changing. Let it be known, the world will never be the same after this fateful meeting. You’ll understand. You’ll know when you see him. No feathers or tails or scales or anything. Nothing against tails or scales. You, miss, are looking positively stunning today.”
“Ah-” The waitress looked a tad flustered, her reptilian tail curling inwards, “Well, I hope your date- uh- goes well. I’m.. cheering for you?”
“Oop! Not a date, not a date, no, however, just between you and me, I’m also cheering for me. Here’s hoping!” Scar rested his chin on his hands, sighing, but by the time he opened his eyes again, the waitress was gone. Where did she- oh! The text! Scar turned back to his phone, deliberating for at least ten more minutes before deciding on ‘Perfect! I can’t wait :D!’
Scar returned his head to his hands, more than happy to daydream for the next fifty minutes. Cub’s soft hands, fidgeting nervously in his lap, nervous, obviously, because he was sitting right across from HotGuy, his favorite superhero! Scar would tell him there was no reason to be nervous, not around him, and Cub would relax, saying something like ‘Thank you, HotGuy,’ and Scar would say ‘No, not HotGuy, Scar, remember? Please, call me Scar.’ And Cub would look into his eyes and Scar would look into his, and they would just stare at each other for a moment before Cub would say, ‘I bet you tell every guy you meet on the street your name,’ and Scar would say, ‘Are you kidding? That’s not my real name.’ And they would laugh and laugh and Cub would still be laughing while Scar would manage to compose himself, lowering his voice to something husky and romantic.
‘But no, I don’t tell just any guy my name.’
And Cub would laugh, but soon he’d realize Scar wasn’t joking, and stop, staring with wide eyes, ‘What do you mean? Surely that’s not true, we’re practically strangers.’
Actually no, he wouldn’t say that.
He’d blush a little bit, and he’d say ‘Really? Why me, then?’
And Scar would say something, he wasn’t sure yet, but it would be very romantic and Cub would fall in love with him and maybe just maybe they’d get to hold hands under the table and it would be fucking awesome-
“Uh, hello?”
Scar jumped up, blinking rapidly. He looked at his watch. Ah. “Hello there!” he said, not a delayed reaction at all, “Sit, sit- oh! What’s that?”
Cub was standing a bit stiffly, but he did sit down, holding a little box in his hands. “Oh, this is the visor. Things got a bit.. distracting. I think. We forgot. I wanted to drop it off so you didn’t have to come back.”
“A gift!”
“It’s not a gift, you still have to pay for it.”
“I’m thrilled!” Scar happily ignored that last bit, fully intending on paying later, but a gift was simply much more exciting, and it was all wrapped up in a cute little box, too, how sweet! He took the box from Cub’s hands and set it beside himself, pleased. “I can not wait to get home and take care of that. I’ve adjusted to seeing around the cracks, but it’s still pinching between my eyes, which, I don’t think I have to tell you is unpleasant. Though, aesthetically, I don’t really mind it. Gives me a bit of a rugged look, don’t you think?”
“Uh, yeah, man,” Cub squirmed a bit in his seat, and Scar’s smile faltered momentarily. Was he uncomfortable? Did he not like the restaurant Scar had picked?
“Something on your mind? Good or bad, I’d like to know.”
Cub blinked a few times, like he was surprised Scar noticed, then sat up a bit, looking around a tad self-consciously, “I guess I just don’t know why I’m here. Pretty confused, honestly. Do you pick people off the street and get lunch with them often? Is it like a marketing thing or some sort of interactivity that keeps people engaged in you as a superhero or something? I don’t get it.”
Scar startled, “No, no, I don’t do this very often at all! Though, maybe I should!” He thought for a moment, cheek resting on his fist, “I mean, maybe not full sit-down meals like this, but just hang out, you know? I love meeting new people. But no, this definitely isn’t a common occurrence. I guess you’re here because I think you’re special!”
Scar wasn’t sure what he was expecting (floating cartoon hearts, confetti, instant mutual infatuation), but it definitely wasn’t the somewhat incredulous look that crossed Cub’s face. “Special?” he said, distrustful, then started looking around, like there might be a camera crew just around the corner.
“I- I mean,” Scar stuttered, struggling to save this, “You’re human. There’s hardly any humans living in the city anymore, and I guess I just think you’re.. I think it’s pretty cool. It’s a little worrying to see you walking around by yourself at night and blasting music, but that’s also kinda cool? The confidence, you know? I don’t know if I would have that if I was still- I mean- it’s not that I’m not human anymore..”
“I don’t think prosthetic legs make you any less human, no matter how high-tech they are.”
“Ah! Not that! Well, a little bit that actually- my body is like 50% robot at this point, but I was more talking about all the experimental procedures my parents put me through to try and save my life after I blew up.”
“After-” Cub spluttered for a moment, “You blew up?” Ah. Right.
Scar nodded sagely, making a little explosion gesture with his hands, “Bad day! Well, if I remembered anything it would be pretty bad, but it was at least two weeks before I started to be a person again at all. Yup. Not good! Legs were super messed up, and my back was like, super broken- I was in pretty awful shape for many many years. Most of which I don’t remember, which, tangent, is so weird? It was like I just woke up one day and I was 23 and everything before then was just.. this hole. Thought it would get less weird the more time passed, but nope, turns out five years is a long time to just.. not really remember.”
“You- this happened when you were 18?”
“Yup. I had just started college in this city. Bomb was an attack on the campus, and I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Well. I guess I could have been in a wronger place and died instantly. I wished I had for a while. But given where I ended up, I’m real glad I stuck it out, I mean- I’m a fucking superhero. That’s awesome. And these kids- these little disabled kids, they come up to me and they see me and they have a little hope, you know? That everything is going to be okay.” Scar sighed, fighting the knot still tied sharp in his chest. The pain, the loneliness, the aching boredom. The ever presenting looming fear that something in his body could just malfunction and kill him instantly, the pain, fuck, the pain. Genetically and physically modified to absolute hell and back for the sole purpose of easing his suffering, and still he just couldn’t escape. “It’s worth it.” Scar wondered if he really believed that. When he told the world he’d endure it all again knowing this would be the outcome; is that really what he’d choose?
Cub gave him an odd look, then glanced to the side, then again, then again and-
“Are.. You two ready to order?” the waitress asked, and Scar felt his face heat up at his own obliviousness. Goodness, how long had she been standing there? Scar composed himself regardless and ordered; he had known what he was getting for a while now, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a wry smile on Cub’s face, which only served to embarrass him further.
Scar watched as the waitress walked away, if for no other reason than to avoid Cub’s eye, who was still looking way more amused than what had to be warranted here. “Do I even want to ask how long she was standing there.”
“About five minutes. I said your name a couple times, but you were like, really zoned out. Like when someone in a movie starts having a flashback, except no one could see it and it was really awkward for everyone else.” Scar let his head thunk against the table, and Cub laughed, he laughed, and god damn it was the prettiest sound Scar had heard in a long while, and suddenly the social agony was entirely worth it.
“Careful, HotGuy, you might crack your visor.”
“Ha. Ha. But please, Scar is fine. Just not too loud, I’d rather keep it to a small circle, you know how it is.”
“Oh shit, well my manager saw your note.”
“One person is fine.”
“The waitress definitely heard me call you Scar as well.”
“I- it’s not that big of a deal, Scar isn’t my real name,” Scar sat up, struggling between amusement and disappointment due to deviating so far off his imaginary script, but Cub didn’t look too surprised anyway. The expression turned more thoughtful after a moment, not a massive change, but just a slight crease at the edges of his lips, and Scar felt heat rise in his face as Cub looked at him, really looked at him, finally in what felt like the first time Cub had properly checked him out. Please notice I’m attractive. Please let me call this a date. Please ask to hold my hand.
“Do you ever get worried someone is gonna take one of those knives off the back of your chair and stab you with it? Like, a supervillain or someone. You’ve got quite a few enemies, don’t you? Surely there are normal people that just don’t like you as well. Is your costume, like, knife proof?”
“It’s- it’s uh- cut resistant-” Scar didn’t know exactly what to do with that question, but it certainly wasn’t on the list he had hoped Cub would ask. Actually, it wasn’t on any sort of list at all. “The knives are there so people don’t touch my chair. I’ve got a big red sign on the back that says ‘DO NOT TOUCH,’ but that wasn’t quite doing the trick, and the police and government and everyone said I was not allowed to point my bow at people who ignored the sign, then they said I’m not allowed to verbally threaten them either, so I just started taping knives to the handles. An extremely effective solution, and one I’m quite attached to. It’s intimidating enough when I’m stationary like this, but when I’m going down the street they bounce around and it’s really scary, it’s pretty awesome. So honestly, I really hope no one decides to try and stab me with my chair knives, because 1) I’d be getting stabbed, which is never ideal, and 2) they’d be touching my chair, which is fucking rude. So.” Scar chuckled a bit to himself, pleased to see Cub looking amused as well. He was starting to be able to differentiate a bit between Cub’s base neutral expressions, and Scar was pretty sure there was a ghost of a smile there now. “You don’t want to stab me, do you Cub?
“I don’t want to, but I thought about it.” Cub answered that question frighteningly quickly and Scar just had to gape for a moment in his shock, “Again, I do not want to stab you.”
“But you thought about it?”
“You’ve got knives taped to the back of your chair. I’m sure I am one out of hundreds of people who had a thought about how easy it would be to stab you.”
“No one has ever said that to me before!”
“Of course not. They’d sound crazy.”
“You said it!”
“I thought you should know,” Cub said simply, not looking the least bit bothered, “And I thought maybe you’d tell me why you’ve got knives taped to the handles of your chair.” Cub paused again, a hint of that sly look returning to his eyes, “And I thought it would be funny.” Pause. “It was.”
Scar scoffed but was ultimately unable to hide his smile, “Well if I ever get stabbed, you’ll be the first to know. For now though, I think I-” Scar jumped as Cub’s phone rang, though Cub didn’t look all that surprised, picking it up without looking at Scar.
“Hey man, can’t really talk right now, but I’m okay. Hey, actually, could we FaceTime for a minute? I want to show you something before I go.”
The person on the other line was pretty loud, and Scar could still hear him despite Cub’s phone not being on speaker, “Oh- sure. Sorry I didn’t see your message earlier, I would have called- texted- whatever sooner. One minute.” There was a short silence as they switched from voice to video, Cub’s neutral frown shifting once more to that little smirk.
“You can see me, Grian?”
“Yeah, what’s up? Where are you?”
“Oh, just out to lunch with a friend.” Cub turned his phone around, and Scar was too busy reeling from being called a friend to react, staring dumbly at the camera for a second before perking back up, People Meeting Mode back up and running.
Scar waved, a somewhat strained smile across his face which he hoped didn’t look nervous, “Hello, Grian!” ‘Grian’ gaped, saying nothing for such a long time, Scar was starting to feel a little bit awkward, “It’s nice to meet you! I- uh- well, you’re one of Cub’s friends I’m guessing- just friends, right, are you just friends. Not dating? Just curious. Well, if you don’t know me, I’m Hawkeye, though, everyone calls me HotGuy. Just a nickname that caught on.” Scar laughed a tad awkwardly, but Grian suddenly jumped, looking- why did he look so afraid?
“CUB!” he shrieked, and Scar startled, though Cub only looked amused, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE Y-” and Cub hung up, snickering.
“My roommate,” Cub said, like this answered all of Scar’s questions, “He should believe me now. He really doesn’t like you. It’s fine though, he’s just a little dramatic.” Cub’s phone rang again, and he declined the call. The third time it rang, he turned his ringer off.
“Ah.” Scar ran a hand through his hair, suddenly a bit more nervous. Cub knew basically nothing about him, but had a roommate who hated him.. that couldn’t be good. How many bad things had Cub heard about him? Did he even want to be here, or was Cub just humoring him? The whole reason he was trying this as HotGuy was because everyone loved HotGuy! Everyone! HotGuy was so cool- did Cub not think he was cool? “Do you like me?”
Cub blinked, surprised, maybe, Scar couldn’t really tell. “Oh, I don’t know. You’re pretty alright I think.”
“You- you don’t know?” Scar was trying very hard not to sound like his heart had just been ripped into a thousand pieces, but he was pretty sure he was not doing a great job.
“I mean, I don’t really know you, but you seem like an okay guy.”
“Yeah,” Cub didn’t sound too concerned- if anything, he looked a little bit annoyed, which only made Scar’s heart sink further, “If you didn’t want me to tell you, why did you ask? What were you expecting? If I asked you a loaded question like ‘Do you like me?’ what would you say?”
“I would say yes. I do like you.”
“What do you mean, why?”
“Why do you like me? What do you like about me? How can you be so sure? You don’t know anything about me, and I don’t really know anything about you, either. It’s not insulting, it’s just true. If you think I’m an asshole for this, then maybe you should reconsider ‘liking’ me. I don’t like when people ask questions and expect me not to answer honestly. I’m not out here trying to preserve anyone’s feelings, especially not superheroes.” Cub paused for a moment, cringing back just slightly, “That came out a little harsh. I just don’t respect people unconditionally, and you guys can be asshole customers. Nothing against you specifically, but I don’t think you’re any better than me because you’re famous. I don’t like how people treat celebrities like they’re made of glass. And I really don’t like not actually knowing how people think of me, so I’d prefer that you just told me the truth. I don’t want to guess. It stresses me out.”
“Oh, I mean..” Scar trailed off, a little bit unsure what to do with himself. But that made sense? Usually Scar found it pretty easy to tell whether or not people liked him, since the people that liked him either asked for pictures, autographs, or kinda just ignored him, and the people that didn’t like him threw bottles at his head, so, all in all, pretty black and white. Maybe it was a little harder when he was Just Scar, and people hardly batted an eye, but regardless, he kind of just assumed people liked him anyway. He got plenty of attention, that was for sure. People liked confidence, toned muscles, and men who dressed like whores, boxes which Scar ticked most days of the week.
But it was weird sometimes, being Just Scar. Scar couldn’t be disabled. Scar couldn’t be in pain, he couldn’t show much of his back lest people look too hard and notice it wasn’t all flesh. Scar had to worry about his legs, about looking human enough, about keeping to dimly lit areas when he felt like showing a lot of skin. Scar couldn’t go home with anyone else without being afraid of what they’d see, he had to take control if he wanted to have any fun, and that wasn’t always bad, but Scar couldn’t ever relax. Sometimes Just Scar felt less like Scar than HotGuy did. Most of the time Scar wasn’t really sure who he was at all.
Scar liked HotGuy. Most people liked HotGuy, especially in this godforsaken city. And if they didn’t like him, they probably hated him, in which case, whatever! Scar had given up trying to change minds a long time ago. He just wasn’t quite sure what to do with someone who didn’t know. Who didn’t have an opinion yet. But.. maybe he could work with this. Cub didn’t have to like him yet (if Scar repeated this enough times he would eventually believe it, right?), but maybe if Scar could prove that he liked Cub, and then Cub would know for sure that Scar wasn’t trying to lie. ‘What do you like about me?’ Well..
“I like your voice. And I really like it when you smile- your laugh, too, which I only heard today for the first time, but it’s just as nice as the rest of you.”
Cub jumped, and Scar realized with a jolt that their food was here- goodness, he really needed to stop zoning out like this! “What- What are you talking about-?”
“You asked what I liked about you.”
“That was like ten minutes ago!” Cub's voice lilted in his distress, and Scar put his head in his hands.
“I’m sorry. I have a lot on my mind. But I do have more to say if you still don’t believe me- I mean- I wasn’t thinking about you that whole time, just about what you said, but I guess maybe that is thinking about you technically, though I was more thinking about myself. I think. But I do like you, I promise.”
Cub looked briefly like a frightened animal, glancing around as if looking for an escape. “I believe you, Scar, it’s fine.” But Scar wasn’t entirely convinced, and if he wanted to be able to go out with Cub again, he was going to have to make sure that Cub knew!
“I like that you’re human. Maybe that sounds arbitrary to you, but it really means a lot to me, that humans are still living here. I want humans to feel safe, not trapped just because they can’t fly or run very fast or jump really high, you know? Humans, too- have you noticed how sharp everyone else is? They’ve all got claws and spikes and sharp teeth and sometimes I just wish I wouldn’t feel a little bit afraid every time someone else touches me or kisses me or-”
“Scar, it’s fine. It’s fine.” Cub’s voice was a tad strangled, but Scar was hardly looking at him- he wasn’t done yet!
“And the first time I saw you, you were with this stray cat- it was a couple weeks ago, do you remember? And a couple of us were fighting a couple blocks down, but The Goat- do you know The Goat? He said to me ‘Hey! You better not get any closer because this thing will snap you in half,’ and he started explaining this machine he had set up in the middle of the square and I was like ‘You definitely do not have a permit for this and I told you last week you need to stop testing your contraptions in public places,’ and I start going over to check this thing out and he says ‘If this doesn’t kill you I don’t know what will,’ and honestly that still bothers me. He said it like he wasn’t even trying to kill me, but he also didn’t care if I died! Like! Rude? Anyway, I told him ‘If you have a death machine in the middle of the square then-’ and suddenly I was launched like three blocks down and I don’t even KNOW what happened and-”
“Did that guy ever get arrested?”
“Oh yeah, but he got out the next day, it’s kind of his thing. He likes to go willingly and pretend- it doesn’t matter. So like, all my bones are broken and I’m barely conscious, but I remember seeing your face and your eyes; you kinda just looked at me for a second and I’m looking at you and you’ve got that cat.. It was friendly and trying to get you to pet it, and you had that sandwich and were trying to lead it away from the fighting and god. I just kept thinking about you and that cat. It was like the hottest thing I’ve even seen in my life.”
“I- okay?”
“I want to be the kind of person that stray cats like, but I have loud boots, and they always run away from me. I want to hold a stray cat. I want to be held like a stray cat sometimes.”
“I think our food is going to get cold- wait, did you actually break all of your bones? You’re exaggerating, right? I have to ask because it kind of did look like you broke all of your bones. And the cat thing- you know if you just shake a bag of treats most of them will come running, right?”
“Oh, I probably did. My body can take a lot of punishment. Still gotta put me back together at the end of the day, but you can do just about anything to me and I will not die- I might not even feel it. My nerves are like. Insanely not functional. You’d think that would be great but it’s not.”
“Huh. Do you ever get experimented on because of that?”
“You could say my existence is one huge incredibly unethical experiment, but if you mean recently, then no. There’s no point, the results wouldn’t be applicable to anyone else because of how uniquely messed up my entire,” Scar gestured vaguely to himself, “me, is.”
“I’d argue there’s value just in knowing,” Cub paused, looking at Scar for, quite frankly, an unnervingly long amount of time, “Hypothetically.”
“Am I about to be kidnapped?”
“Do you think I could kidnap you?”
“Not a chance.”
“Then no.”
“I’m having trouble telling the difference between joking Cub and Cub that wants to kidnap and study me /serious style.”
“I don’t want to kidnap you.” Cub stared. Scar stared back. Cub smirked, then began to eat. Well. Guess their food was getting cold, wasn’t it. But Cub wasn’t done, apparently, looking back up after finishing his first bite. “Do you still like me, Scar, or would you rather get to know me better before you decide?”
Scar blinked, looking up from his own food. “If you’re trying to make some sort of point here, I’m not getting it, but if it makes you feel any better, I’d probably think twice before accepting any drinks from you.”
“Would you still drink it, though? If I asked?”
Cub laughed, and seemed to notice when Scar perked up, the smile lasting a little bit longer before fading back into that little not-quite-smile, “I’m joking, Scar.”
“I thought so.”
“Did you?”
“I had no idea.”
Cub laughed again, and Scar preened, so very pleased with himself. It really felt like an achievement to make Cub laugh; to see the bouncing of his shoulders and the crinkling around his eyes. It felt so good. Scar never wanted to stop.
“Have I put you off, yet?” Cub asked, catching Scar’s attention just before he zoned out once more.
“Not at all!” Scar sat up as he spoke, hoping Cub would appreciate his smile as much as Scar enjoyed Cub’s, “Do you like me yet?”
Cub huffed through his nose, but Scar was pretty sure it was an amused sound, Cub resting his cheek on his fist.
“A little bit.”
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Helloooooooooo! Can I request lee!Itadori and ler!Gojo? Perhaps poor poor yuuuji is having a bad day and Gojo just has to cheer him up cuz he is his dear dear student??
Thank youuuuu^^ (Your fics are AWESOME btw)
Oo, I love this!!! I haven't written enough JJK here on my blog! I've gotcha covered, anon! :D (Thank you so much! I appreciate it!)
It was a strange day when the team’s sunshine was down and out.
Yuji Itadori- a walking ball of energetic sunshine- was uncharacteristically quiet. He didn’t talk much, only answering questions with simple replies, and his few rare smiles were ghostly and heavy.
“Did something happen?” Gojo asked as the day went on, growing increasingly worried for his student. He figured he woke up on the wrong side of the bed and would bounce back after breakfast, but he only seemed to wilt further as the day went on.
“I don’t know- I tried everything I could think of to get him happy again, but nothing worked.” Nobara shook her head in defeat, folding her arms in thought. “Maybe he got bad news?”
“Not likely- it would have to go through me before it goes to him.” Gojo hummed. “Got his heart broken?”
“Hasn’t been on any recent dates. Anniversary of his grandfather’s death?”
“Nope- that was a few months ago.” Gojo tilted his head, tapping his chin. “Did he get into a fight with Megumi?”
“Who’d I fight?” Said boy asked as he walked up. After a quick briefing, he was just as confused. “Maybe he’s just having a bad day. We all get those once and awhile.”
“Yeah but…it’s weird, seeing him so down.” Nobara tightened her arms around herself, brows furrowing. “If I knew what was wrong, I could fix it.”
“I don’t think there’s a straw doll technique that could.” Megumi shrugged, earning a light glare from the girl. Gojo on the other hand looked suddenly thoughtful.
“Maybe not a curse technique, but…” He grinned. “I think I know what to do.”
Yuji was laying in his bed when Gojo appeared, halfheartedly reading a volume of Chainsaw Man. His headphones were in, soft music blocking out the world around him. To anyone else, it’d be a clear sign he wanted to be left alone.
For Gojo however, it was an invitation to strike.
Putting his skills to work, he placed himself on Yuji’s bed, hovering over the younger sorcerer with an easy grin. Then he leaned in so his nose was hovering over the manga, waiting for Yuji to notice him.
The younger boy let out a low sigh as he went to turn the page, eyes flicking upward at Gojo. Silence. Then-
“AH!” Yuji squawked, manga tumbling out of hand and headphones flying off his ears as he scooted back on the bed, staring at his teacher. “G-Gojo sensei! What- how- when-”
“Who, where, why?” Gojo finished, closing the discarded manga and tossing it on the nearby table. “That’s what I’d like to know. First of all: How are you?”
“I uh…” Yuji’s shock faded some, that sad look from earlier returning. “I’m fine. Just…”
“Moping in your room, reading manga and pretending the world doesn’t exist?” Gojo asked, pushing Yuji down by his shoulder. “Relatable, but we can’t have that now, can we?”
“G-Gojo-sensei? What are you-” Yuji began, lips flattening and eyes widening when a finger wiggled into his armpit. He squeezed his arm tightly against his torso, trying to block out the invasive finger. “N-No! No do-don’t!”
“Oh? Why not?” Gojo teased, motivated by the wobbly smile on Yuji’s lips. He added a second finger, a third, and before long he had pushed his entire hand into Yuji’s armpit, clawing gently and earning even more struggles from the other. “Is someone ticklish?”
“Yo-You alreahahdy know thahahhat!” Yuji tried to argue, giggles pushing past his lips as he squirmed. This was NOT how he planned on spending the rest of his “Mope hours”! “Goohohohohjo, wahahahhait!”
“No way- you’re still sad! I won’t stop until you’re happy again!” Gojo shot his other hand into Yuji’s pit, earning an arch and a squeal. With that, he was laughing, twisting about on the bed as he tried getting away from Gojo’s tickly fingers. “Come on, let me see you smiling!”
“Nohoohohohoho! I wahahhahant to mohohohohohope!” He cried, cheeks pink and eyes squeezed shut with mirth. “Lehehehhehet me behehehehehehehhee!”
Gojo’s response was to drop a hand to his belly, drilling into the center and making Yuji shriek. He went to shove his hand away, but that only opened his armpits up further for more tickling. ‘Coohohohohohohome ohohohohohon, this ihihihiihihisn’t fahhahahahhahair!”
“All is fair in a tickle war!” Gojo chimed, stretching his fingers back further so he could prod the back of Yuji’s ribs, earning a snort. “Gonna tell me what’s wrong?”
“Reeaaallly promise?’
“....You sure?”
“I PROHOOHOMIHIHIHISE NOW STAHHAHAHAP!” Yuji cried, gasping for air when the tickling came to an end. “Ehehehehe..hehehehhe…yohohohoohu’re ehehhehevil!”
“Mmhmm! The evilest sensei you’ve ever had!” Gojo skittered his fingers over Yuji’s belly before climbing off him, flopping at the end of the bed with a grin. “So, what’s going on, sunshine?”
“Ehehe!” Yuji spasmed, giggling. With a wave, he sat up , crossing his legs as he caught his breath. “Heh…I’m fine, really.” At Gojo’s raised brow, Yuji pushed on. “No, for real. I just…I had a rough night.”
“Nightmare?” Gojo asked, watching Yuji nod. “Wanna talk about it?”
“....No, not really.” Yuji shook his head, looking up with a small but genuine smile. “I’m feeling better- I don’t want to go back to that right now.”
“Fair enough.” Gojo nodded, reaching out and patting Yuji’s leg. “If you ever need to talk though- you know where I am.”
“Thanks, Gojo.” Yuji’s smile grew, as did Gojo’s.
“Anytime. Hey- let’s go get food with the gang. My treat.” Gojo stood, jerking his thumb over his shoulder. “I heard there’s this new place that opened up; they sell gyoza. Hungry?”
Almost on cue, Yuji’s stomach growled, making them laugh. “Yeah, sounds good.”
Thanks for reading!
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sporesgalaxy · 4 months
Hello! As a kid I always found myself inserting myself into a piece of media if I spent too much time around it. And after a while, I got older and started trying to pull myself away from that, feeling silly or embarrassed. But after seeing your work, and all your fantastic characters and extremely interesting and entertaining self inserts that add to the property they stem from in meaningful and fun ways, I've started accepting my habit more and more. And now I'm making silly little pirates in my head that represent me and a dont feel embarrassed enjoying media that I like by engaging with it through making a tiny me capable of engaging with it. And you were also one of the deciding factors in my reading op. I got fully caught up in under 2 weeks. So thank you, tremendously
AH HELL YEAHHH!!!! IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT!!! :D It's awesome you're having fun with self inserts again and Im happy you enjoyed one piece!!!!! ^_^ peace and love and fun and art on planet earth woohoooo!!!!!!!
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Jamil Viper Gala Couture Personal Story: Part 2
"So crisp...!"
(Part 1) Part 2
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Idia: Panther! Bomber! Thunder! Fighter! Riser! Hyper!
Idia: DAH DAH!!
Jamil: That's a strange dance.
Jamil: But his dance movements are so crisp…! Just watching it makes me want to start moving, too!
Jamil: Hm? Is that a tablet lying at Idia-senpai's feet?
Jamil: I guess he's dancing while watching a video.
Idia: Whew~ As always, Premo's performances are the best.
Jamil: "Premo"? I'll look it up on my phone.
Jamil: Uh, is this it? The full name is… "Precipice Moirai"?
Jamil: "An idol unit of three girls bound by the thread of fate."
Jamil: "Their performances entertain not only their fans, but all who watch them."
Jamil: "In addition, the ages of each member is kept private. Although their wrinkles are very noticeable, their fans pretend to not see them…"
Jamil: Don't really care much for idols, but that dance seems interesting. It may be worth looking into.
Jamil: …Alright.
Jamil: Idia-senpai!
Idia: Uwaaaaaaaaahhh!? Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-You're Jamil-shi from Scarabia!?
Idia: Ah, uh… Th-This is, uh, what should I say… Yeah, I-I'm practicing the dance from P.E.!
Jamil: It looks like a very different choreography from what we were taught in class.
Idia: Guh, urrghhhh…! I thought there wouldn't be anyone here at this time, but I severely miscalculated…!
Idia: A-A different type of person like this couldn't possibly understand my sublime hobby…
Idia: And this is how it begins, he'll spread it all over the school what he just saw, and I'll go through my school days here with everyone pointing their fingers at my back…
Idia: …Haaaah, it's all over… Goodbye, my rose-colored academy life… Oh, right, that wasn't a thing to begin with, anyway.
Jamil: (I knew he was odd, but I didn't expect it to be to this extent…)
Jamil: That's a Premo performance you're watching on that tablet, right?
Idia: Y-You know them!?
Jamil: (He took the bait. This is all for the sake of my dancing abilities. I'll chat him up and try to get some info out of him.)
Jamil: Actually, I've taken a bit of an interest in Premo, and…
Idia: H-Huh… Someone like you liking them is pretty rare.
Idia: …D-Do you, uh… Do you also mix?
Jamil: "Mix"?
Idia: Y-You don't know? Ah, of course you don't…
Idia: No question. Yep, you're one of those bandwagon fans. You gotta be joking if you think you can pretend you know everything without going to a single performance.
Idia: Mixing it up for Premo at a live concert is the best thing we as fans can do to form this sense of unity for them.
Idia: Siiiiiigh~ This is why I can't stand fake fans. They don't ever realize that they're the reason why people stop creating content.
Jamil: (Why is he suddenly looking down on me? Well, whatever…)
Jamil: (It seems those movements earlier were part of a dance call to cheer on the idols called "mixing.")
Jamil: (Honestly, I don't understand why that's a thing.)
Jamil: (But it's definitely true that Idia-senpai's burning passion and wholehearted mixing call did reach me.)
Jamil: (So maybe with this…)
Jamil: Idia-senpai.
Idia: What?
Jamil: Please teach me more about this "mixing."
Idia: …Hah? What new arc is about to unfold here!?
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[Botanical Garden – Runway]
Jamil: It's finally time, Kalim. Leave it to me to draw in the audience.
Kalim: Yeah! I'm relying on you!
Kalim: Make sure you do that awesomely sharp and crisp dance moves you showed during practice!
Jamil: Right, it's not even worth reminding me.
Leona: I don't really know what happened, but…
Leona: Ever since you came back to practice last night, you've been pretty motivated, huh.
Jamil: That's right. It's all thanks to Premo.
Leona: Huh? What's that?
Jamil: Our turn is coming up. Let's go!
Kalim: Yeah!
Jamil: (After mixing with Idia-senpai against and again, I finally grasped it.)
Jamil: (A show is not just about dancing perfectly. What's important is the one special ingredient to pull people in…)
Jamil: (And that's passion!!!)
Jamil: (Okay, everyone… Get hyped! Let's all become one to the sway of my dance!)
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Vil: I can completely see it in how sharp his moves are. Jamil was able to grasp what he needed.
Vil: That's right. The most important thing in a show is releasing the passion that sleeps within you.
Vil: That is what drives the audience wild and creates a sense of unity among them.
Vil: Jamil. Your passion has reached everyone in the venue.
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Vil: …However, I am curious what he could have experienced in one night in order to grow so much…
Vil: Aren't you, Idia?
Idia: Wh-Who knows?
Idia: …Good going, Jamil-shi. You're shining so brightly, sweating it up together with everyone…!
(Part 1) Part 2
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the-himawari · 8 months
A3! Promotion Event Translation - Haunted Western-style House (6/9)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Kazunari: Holy moly. The opening line to get in stretches forever!
Tsumugi: Look, Masumi-kun. There are a lot of couples.
Masumi: You’re right… there’s no mistake about it. This is a date spot.
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Izumi: Great work, everyone.
Masumi: You’ve worked hard too, Director.
Izumi: As it was explained to me, the guides outside just have to maintain the lines and usher the visitors inside the mansion on time.
Juza: Got it.
Izumi: For the guides inside the mansion, once the visitors are inside, they’ll split into two groups and each group will be lead halfway through each route.
Mausmi: No problem.
Izumi: Alright then. Good luck, everyone!
Troupe members: Yeah!
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Kazunari: Massu and I are starting off in the mansion, so let’s get moving~!
Masumi: Let’s go. Alright. I’ll be off, Director.
Izumi: Yep, take care. We’ll be counting on you two as the guides inside the mansion this morning!
Masumi: Leave it to me.
Kazunari: I’ll guide everyone perfectly, just like the mansion’s owner!
Announcement: We apologize for keeping you waiting… We are now open…
Izumi: (It started…!)
Juza: Welcome to the Horror House. Please form two lines.
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Visitor A: Wow, that’s awesome! Even the staff members fit the theme!
Visitor B: All their outfits are different. I wonder if they match the setting of this Horror House?
Tsuzuru: Please wait here for a moment until we invite you inside.
Izumi: (Their calm tone of voice and slow manner of speaking…) (It must be due to their costumes. Their roundabout way of speaking sounds typical of a horror house. Or rather, they speak like they’re acting out the roles of their costumes.)
Kumon: Thank you for your patience. We will guide all the visitors up to here into the mansion.
Tsumugi: The owner of the mansion is very much looking forward to meeting you… now then, please come inside…
Tsumugi: I will be excusing myself now. I hope all of you return safely.
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Kazunari: Welcome to my humble mansion. My, my. It appears my friends are welcoming you as well.
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Visitor D: Woah, it’s a ghost!
Visitor A: Eek, for real!
Visitor B: It’s see-through. Is it real…?
Masumi: (This is a ghost…? I didn’t think we’d get to see one so fast.)
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Visitor C: Look closer. Isn’t it a projection?
Visitor D: Ah, you don’t say. I guess it’s a projection.
Kazunari: Hahaha. Now, now. I, this home’s owner, shall guide this group of guests from here. Let us head to the second floor…
Masumi: …I, the chief butler, shall guide the remaining guests. This building has a somewhat complex structure. Please follow behind me as to not get separated.
Masumi: I will be leading you up to here. Please proceed from here on your own… …Once again, do be careful.
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Visitor A: S-scary.
Visitor B: The chief butler’s expression sent a shiver down my spine.
Masumi: …
Tsumugi: Great work, Masumi-kun. Is your break over?
Masumi: I’m done. Are you and Tsuzuru still guiding everyone outside?
Tsuzuru: Yeah. Juza just went for his break a moment ago. We’ll be taking care of this area until it’s our break time.
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Masumi: I see.
Minato: *Sigh*. Kaname-chan, your hair and outfit both look so cute today… Could it be? Did you dress up for me?
Kaname: Huh? Not particularly…
Minato: I’m so happy. Ah, that reminds me. You made cookies for school the other day, right? I’d love for you to make some for me next time.
Kaname: Even though I’m not that good at baking?
Minato: I’d like to eat anything you make.
Kaname: R-really? If I feel like it then…
Tsuzuru: Is it just me or does that student… kind of sound like Masumi in the past?
Tsumugi: Ahaha… I suppose you can say they’re similar.
Masumi: Ha? We’re not alike at all.
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Tsumugi: Please wait a little longer.
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Student A: Aren’t we gonna go in next?
Student B: I’m so nervous~.
Kaname: Me too…
Minato: Hold hands with me, Kaname-chan! It won’t be as scary that way. Also, I’d like to hold your hand.
Kaname: Huh? …T-that’s a bit…
Minato: Ahh… I get it. Sorry about that.
Masumi: …
Minato: Um, excuse me…
Tsuzuru: What’s the matter?
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Minato: I’d like to buy a drink, so can I leave from here…?
Tsuzuru: Yes, go ahead. If your friends are still in line, you can come back and join them.
Minato: Thanks… *sigh*.
Masumi: …
Tsumugi: Are you worried about that boy, Masumi-kun?
Masumi: I wouldn’t say that…
Tsumugi: If you’re worried, then why don’t you try talking to him? You can leave this area to Tsuzuru-kun and I. There’s still some time before the next wave.
Masumi: …Okay. I’ll just take a quick look.
Minato: *Sigh*…
Masumi: (He’s crouching down over there…) Hey, are you okay?
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Minato: Ah, sorry… I’m not feeling unwell. Don’t worry about it.
Masumi: …Did something happen then? You were sighing earlier.
Minato: Huh? Ah, you saw that, huh… No, it’s not a big deal or anything, but…
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inkabelledesigns · 9 months
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
(No pressure if you don't want to though!)
Star, thank you so much for sending me this! Delighted to be included and honored to be asked! While I don’t have a ton of fics out there (and some of my favorite parts of them aren’t even public yet) I think we can pick out five I really love. And I’ll encourage all of you to share works that you love from your own libraries! Please share, I wanna see what brings you joy!
Raindrops and References
If you thought I wasn’t gonna include this one, you had another thing coming Star. XD One, thank you for letting me explore your world through my own lens, and two, thank you for your kind words. I wrote this fic when I was just getting back into writing, and it was an early step in learning to write for my own enjoyment after having been expected to create for others for years. It was satisfying and fun for me, and I’m glad it’s been that for you and so many others as well. I still get emails of people leaving a Kudos on this from time to time, it’s wild. X’’’D Sometimes you give a gift and get an unexpected one in return. I’m still glad I wrote this, it made a positive difference.
Trapped in His Web
I don’t know if this one is still canon to Step Right Up, but regardless, I’m still honored to be a part of @bertrumstrousers wonderful circus world. Thanks for letting me write for Jacob and the make-up and costume department Giandark, it’s a treat and I love them so much. It was such a good time getting into Jacob’s head and Bertrum’s, and the horror and transformation elements of this story brought me so much joy. 
The Kraken’s Labyrinth
One day I will pick this up again, now that I have a clearer idea of what to do with it (thanks Audrey). XD It was inevitable that I was gonna put Bendy and merfolk together, with a little sprinkling of Samsie, but I didn’t expect how much joy this was gonna bring to the table. Still love this world a lot.
Searching the Depths - The Heart of the Studio
Ah yes, my “magnum opus” fic. Of course I have this as a favorite. XD I have a lot of fun working with the entire Bendy cast and my silly little OCs. I’m letting myself learn to just let go and have fun, and this fic continues to teach me everyday what I want in a story. It means so much that you guys have loved Bella and co, thank you. <3
Richard the Keeper - The Studies of 214
My most recent fic and a surprisingly strong source of brainrot as of late. If you like witty banter, unethical science, and Bendy levels of shenanigans, highly recommend this one! It’s got three chapters now with a focus on Richard, a keeper, running experiments to unlock the secrets of how the ink works, with the help of Bella, his prisoner and one of our cyclebreaker protagonists. Richard and Bella have such a fun dynamic, Sammy has been a delight to write in this one, and Wilson? Oh he’s horrible, I love writing him too. XD Please get me to talk about this one more, I’m having a blast with it. 
Honorable Mention: 
The Role I Was Made For
Not so much a fic as it is an audio skit! This started out as a dialogue test to see if I could voice Audrey and a cartoon Bendy (I blame Erin Lehn for putting the question out to the community of what Baby Benders might sound like, that’s what sparked this). It turned into a much deeper script about what makes a Bendy, and how Bendy and Audrey feel about who they are. It needs some heavy editing, but it’s one of the best scripts I’ve written in a long time. I’d say I like it just as much as Break Time, and another collaborative skit that hasn’t come out yet. Stay tuned, your girl got to co-write something awesome and perform as a very animated Susie Campbell, I look forward to when that’s ready to be heard. XD
Here’s sending you all the good vibes! Go take some time to reflect on what you love about your work, it’s very rewarding.
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sunshine-overload · 10 months
[BSTS] Ran Summer 2023 4* Card Story
(note: Starless got hired to perform a hero show at an amusement park, the show is based on ‘Journey to the West’)
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chapter 1 -amusement park, rides area-
ran: Ah, Nee-chan! I was just lookin’ for ya!
saki: Oh, Ran-san. Good work toda—
ran: I wanna go someowhere with ya right now!
saki: Hm? Why, did something happen?
ran: I overheard that the noise of the rides near the stage we’re gonna be usin’ might affect the show. So I’m gonna be conducting a noise survery on the attractions and I wanted ya to come with me!
saki: Ok. If it’s something that I can help with then I’ll come along.
ran: Hell yea! I knew you’d understand, Nee-chan~ Let’s ride that roller coaster over there first and see how noisy it is!
-time pass-
ran: Haa~! That was so much fun~! 
saki: (Wait, if we’re just measuring how loud the attractions are, is it even necessary for us to ride them…?)
ran: Nee-chan, ready for the next one?
saki: Oh, uh, yes but…
ran: Which should we try next then~! Let’s go with that roller coaster over there!
saki: (That coaster is pretty far away from the stage area, so I don’t think we’d have to worry about it noise it makes…)
ran: Uwah~! This one goes crazy high up! The thrill’s gonna be so good!!
saki: (I’ll keep it to myself for now….)
-time pass, amusement park cafe-
ran: Man~ That was a blast! Let’s have a little break, alright? I’ll go buy us somethin’ to drink, wait right here!
saki: Thank you.
-ran leaves-
saki: (In the end we just rode a while bunch of rides, I wonder if that’s ok…?)
-ran returns-
ran: Here we go, thank ya for waitin’! Here’s an ice cold frappé just for you!
saki: Thanks.
ran: Mm, when it’s this hot out a cold drink really hits the spot, don’t it? Also, I there weren’t any noises that will impact the stage much, so that’s good!
saki: Yes. I think it’ll be fine too.
ran: Besides, screamin’ on the rides a whole bunch was some nice stress relief. It’s all thanks to ya coming along with me, Nee-chan, thank ya~
saki: No problem, if I was able to be of assistance then I’m glad.
ran: In this condition I’m sure tomorrow’s show will go off without a hitch! Earlier today with Shinju we were thinking up some cool poses to strike, so look forward to seeing ‘em tomorrow!
saki: Ok!
ran: Once we’re finished with our frappés there’s still some places I wanna go with ya, is that ok? Let’s ride that thing over there next!
chapter 2 -amusement park, stage area-
saki: (Ran-san and I were walking all around the amusement park right up until his break ended yesterday… I wonder if he’ll be ok for the performance today? Ah, the show’s starting!)
ran: “Woop!”
young boy: Uwah! So cool!
saki: (Woah… That back flip he just did, how many times did he even flip!?)
ran: “Wassup. The name’s Zhu Bajie, I’m a pig monster!”
ran: “Wait, some of ya just imagined that I must be tasty then cause I’m a pig right? That little Sanzo-san over there, at least make it a good meal when ya cook me up alright?”
young boy: Hahah!
young girl: That guy’s so funny!
saki: (Fufu… The kids are all laughing, it’s a good show.)
-time pass, after show-
young boy: Mister Zhu Bajie! Shake my hand!
young girl: Me too! Shake my hand again too!
ran: I’ll shake ya hands as many times as ya want, just make sure you line back up again!
saki: (Wow, there’s so many kids gathering around Ran-san.)
young boy: Mister, that thing you did at the start was super cool! The thing where you just kept spinning around in the air!
ran: Ohh, the back flip huh? Alright then, I’ll do another just for ya, watch this!
young girl: Woah, awesome!
ran: And then, pose! Whaddaya think? I thought up this pose with big bro Yu Long!
young boy: Epic!! I wanna do that pose too!
ran: Alright, those who wanna copy me let’s do it together. Ready? Three, two, one…! Hero pose!!!
saki: (Fufu, they’re all having so much fun.)
ran: Hm? Ah, Nee-chan! What did ya think of the show?
saki: You were really cool!
ran: That so? Zhu Bajie is someone who’ll do what he’s gotta do when he has to. Normally he’s lazy and chilled out but when he fights whilst thinking of his friends, he’s super strong~ I was a shinin’ hero out there don’t ya think?
saki: Yes, you were stunning. It was a very fun show.
ran: Thank ya! I had a whole lotta fun as well! I still like idols, but heroes are pretty great too!
*Nee-chan - ran’s nickname for saki meaning big sister, it can also be used to refer to young women 
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tejoxys · 5 months
For the WIP meme, I'm intrigued by any of the TFTLs, particularly hivemind Tooth.
ah, yes, TFTL. I feel bad for this fic, because it deserves to be completed, it's just, I think I psyched myself out with how much I was trying to do with it? I haven't really figured out if I'll be able to pick it back up or not.
anyway, here's a bit of hivemind, and, hmmm, Aspen :D hivemind is fairly early on, after Pitch has been shut in immortal time-out, but before much of anything else happens.
Toothiana was working, of course, buzzing briskly back and forth between seven tasks at once, when a chill wind tumbled through the palace, tickling her feet. Her heart leapt. Sure enough, a moment later, an unmistakable voice followed.
“Tooth? Are you here?”
“Jack,” she yelled back. At least, she hoped it sounded like a yell and not a squeal. She rapidly directed a squad of fairies to take over, and zipped through the honeycombs to find him. “Jack, hi! Come on in. It’s great to see you.”
Jack flashed that wonderful smile and flew a playful loop around her. “Hey. It’s good to see you, too. I’m really sorry, I know you’re busy—”
“Don’t be silly. I’ll—all of us—will always make time for you, Jack. What can I do for you?”
“Aw. Thanks, Tooth.” His smile turned shy. “I’ll try to make this quick. It’s just, it’s a memory problem—”
Toothiana shooed a few stray fairies out of Jack’s face. They became so distractible every time he talked! “Oh, no, you’re still having trouble?”
“Huh? Oh, no, not with mine.” Jack laughed. “Well, actually, yes, mine too, but I’m doing okay with that. No, this is about Pitch. Did you know he really can’t remember anything from before?”
Pitch. That name brought a different kind of chill. Toothiana blew out a breath. “I thought that might be the case. I mean, once in a while, he almost acts as if... he knows about everything he’s done. But I suppose if he did,” she said, half talking to herself, “we’d all be in a lot more danger.”
Jack abandoned his midair ballet and settled down onto a balcony. “What do you mean? Would it be bad for him to remember?”
“Oh, I just don’t know.”
“Listen, Tooth, I wouldn’t ask for help with this... but it’s getting really hard for me to work with him when I don’t even know where he came from. When he doesn’t know, either. He’s straight-up amnesic. About weird things, sometimes.” Jack’s voice was becoming more animated. Toothiana fluttered closer and put a soothing hand on his shoulder, willing her own ruffled feathers to smooth down. “It… reminds me of me, in the old days,” Jack finished.
Ah. So much for the argument on the tip of her tongue—the one about the Man in the Moon most likely stripping Pitch’s memory for good reason. That might not go over so well, just now. Toothiana closed her eyes. “Jack… I have one of his teeth.”
“From the time you punched him? Wow. That was awesome, by the way, in case I haven’t told you enough.”
She smiled a little at that. “Thanks. I think that’s my favorite memory of him.”
Aspen is close to the end. the timeline of this fic covers... I want to say 14 years? and this scene takes place in the 14th year. Jamie is on his first couples vacation with someone new ouo
Jack gave Pitch a shove with one shoulder, unable to stop smiling. “Can we do this later? You were about to tell me how you know my ex’s new boyfriend.” He stumbled slightly on the word ex.
They looked over the roof at the couple again, and it was Pitch’s turn to roll his eyes. “That boy… I almost had him, years ago. He was almost my believer. Before I made my bid for power, when I was still… recruiting.”
Only Pitch would describe systematically corrupting children’s dreams that way. Jack shivered involuntarily and gave him a look. “What did you do to him?”
“Nothing! That’s just it.” Pitch’s wolfish smile faded. “He was like your Jamie, so eager to believe. He put monsters under his own bed and frightened himself silly with them. He invited me. He heard my voice. Given the chance, he would have been mine. I’m sure of it.”
“Let me guess: one of the Guardians rained on your parade and never even knew it.”
Pitch ducked his head and chuckled. “Oh, no,” he said softly. “I wouldn’t respect a child for being rescued by you lot. No, this one was different. He created his own guardian to stand between himself and me.”
“What?” Jack glanced at Pitch, then stared down at Calvin. “You mean an invisible friend? They’re great, but can they do that?”
“No, they can’t. I don’t know what he was, or how the child made him; he was far too independent. And the way he stood up to me—he took every negative feeling into himself, and let the child fear him instead of me. While remaining the child’s friend.” Pitch shook his head. “I never got a word through after that. I came so close.” He paused. The grin resurfaced. “I see no sign of him now. Perhaps I should go give those boys a thrill.”
Jack’s hand clamped down on Pitch’s arm. “No you don’t.”
“Oh, why not? Don’t you want to see this little outing spoiled?” Sharp teeth gleamed.     “Depending on the young man’s character, maybe I can scare him off for good, and poor Jamie will have to start all over. Wouldn’t that be fun?”
“No! Don’t you dare go down there.”
“Are you sure?” Pitch teased, half-melting into the chimney’s shadow.
Jack grabbed him with both hands and yanked him into the moonlight. “Pitch, if you go down there, I swear—”
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senjuushi · 1 year
Noble Musketeer Story: Jitte
Episode 1: The Meaning of Existence
—in the town outside the military academy.
Jitte: Hmmm... a notebook, shoes, and oil for maintenance... (Player Name)-kun, were you able to get most of what you needed?
I got everything on the list.
All good! 
George: Still, we got a ton of stuff! Lots of gifts for everyone... ah! Isn’t this a lot to carry!? 
Jitte: Haha, that’s why we’re here, isn’t it?
Jitte: We came along to help carry everything. If (Player Name) hadn’t bought a lot, there would have been no reason for us to be here. 
George: That’s a good point! Alright, I’ll do my best to help out! 
George: ...ghnnn~~~!!!
Jitte: ...reason, huh?
What’s up?
Jitte: Ah, it’s kind of what I’d said... Musketeers... or specifically, me... I’ve just been wondering why we exist, you know?
Jitte: George-kun and Marks-kun, who stayed home today, exist for your sake, (Player Name). They really are useful to you, but... 
Jitte: Honestly, I’m of no use at all as a Noble Musketeer. 
Jitte: It’s true that I was awakened as a Musketeer because I wanted to help you, but... since I haven’t been able to accomplish that... 
Jitte: I wonder what the point of my existence in this world is... that’s what I wound up thinking about. 
George: Jitte... you’ve been worried about that... It’s alright! You have us!
George: And anyway, you’re useful even without Absolute Nobility! For example, um... uh... ....there’s something, for sure! 
Jitte: Ahaha... thank you, George-kun. But that’s really the root of my problem.
Jitte: I have to find the answer myself, at the same time that I feel like there’s no answer at all...
George: I see... I guess it won’t help if I think about it. Instead, I’ll be here cheering for you! Good luck, Jitte! 
Jitte: Haha, thank you. I’m sorry for bringing up such a strange topic. Just forget about—
Jitte: —ah! 
*Jitte runs off* 
George: Hey, Jitte, what’s wrong!? Where are you going—!?
Let’s follow him! 
*scene changes*
Jitte: Caught you...!
Man: The hell are you doing!? Let go of me! 
Jitte: Sir, that wallet you just put in your pocket... is it yours? 
Man: Hahh? What are you trying to say? Of course it’s my wallet! Don’t accuse me of shit like that! 
Jitte: Do you think it’s yours now that you stole it? You’re not fooling me. I saw you stealing this wallet with my own eyes!
Man: Ugh...! 
Jitte: That pickpocketing skill... you’re pretty practiced. Today’s not the first time, is it? 
Man: I-I just happened to pull it off...!  
Jitte: Lying to me again! It’s time to face the consequences; don’t struggle! 
Man: Damn it...! 
Are you okay!?
Jitte: Ah, you two! I’m alright. As you can see, I happened to catch a pickpocket in the act.
George: That’s awesome, Jitte! Really impressive! But, this wallet... who does it belong to?
Jitte: It belonged to a well-dressed senior citizen, but... I wonder where he went. After I hand this guy over to the police, we can look for him...
Elderly Man: H-Hey there...! That wallet...! 
Jitte: Ah, speak of the devil! 
Elderly Man: You got my wallet back! Thank you, Thank you so much...!
Elderly Man: That wallet has my son’s wedding present inside. Thank you very much for getting it back...! How can I ever repay you?
Jitte: No, no need! I just did what was expected of me as an officer.*
Jitte: Your words of thanks are plenty! I hope your son can have a grand celebration with you! 
Elderly Man: Oh my, what a kind person you are. I’ll leave it at that, then... but really, thank you! 
*the elderly man leaves*
Jitte: Phew... that’s this case dealt with. Ah, (Player Name)-kun... my apologies for taking up your time. 
George: ......
Jitte: G-George-kun? Are you upset...?
George: ...wasn’t that exactly it!? Right, (Player Name)!?
Jitte: Huh? What is...?
George: What we were talking about earlier, the existence thing!
You’re quick to take action to help people.
You’re reliable when it comes to protecting people.
Jitte: —I see. I guess I did protect that old man and his son’s happiness. ...like the officers way back when... 
Jitte: What I did was only natural for an officer, though. As a Musketeer... it’s different, in the end. 
George: Huh, is it...? 
Jitte: Hmmm... 
George: Hmmm... 
*The term Jitte uses here specifically means an Edo-period police officer. 
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Heyyy idk if you're ok with this request, but you're free to decline it if you don't want to do it🫶
Can u do lee gen and ler ryusui? Their dynamic in the ep "Dr. Stone: Ryusui" was so chaotic i loved it, but again if you don't want to do it that's perfectly fine with me🫶🫶
Ooo, the boys!!! I adore Ryusui so much- he is an absolute dork and deserves the world! Him and Gen have such a fun dynamic! I've gotcha covered, anon! :)
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps)
@myreygn, @skribblz (tagging you because Gen :D)
“Ha HA! The horizon! I desire it all!” Ryusui spread his arms out wide, wind swiping at his hair and clothes as he took it all in. “I want the world, and the world wants me!”
“Sure, awesome- mind stepping back from the edge there, Sailor? I don’t think the world wants you encased in it just yet.” Gen reached out from behind, hands coming to the other’s sides to pull him back. In the distance, he swore he heard tin whistles. “Come on before you take a dirt nap-”
Gen blinked, startled. Ryusui had twisted away, elbows to his sides and eyes wide in shock. When it wore off, the sailor cleared his throat, a faint blush on his cheeks.
“H-Ha ha! Thank you, Gen! A sailor’s nothing without a crew to back him up, and it’s thanks to your quick thinking I’m still standing!” He nodded, trying to hide the small tremor in his voice with a hearty laugh. The mentalist only carried on watching him, tilting his head.
“Of course, though- tell me, Ryusui. What was that just now?”
“What was what?” Spoken too fast.
“That noise you made. It sounded rather interesting, no?” Gen started to smile, walking a step forward. “Are you hurt?”
“Ha-no. No, I'm not hurt.” Ryusui took a step back, further away from the edge. “Not hurt at all!”
“Then perhaps you’re sore? I’m fairly good at massages.” Gen raised his hands, curling his fingers. The sight made Ryusui straighten, eyes widening and cheeks rivaling his clothes. “You can ask Senku-chan when we get back; he’ll tell you.”
“I-I knew it! You two have something going on!” Ryusui backed away further, slowly down the path they took to get up here.
“Oh, sailor boy- our thing’s been common knowledge since day one.” Gen smirked, unfazed by Ryusui’s attempts of diversion. “Everyone knows. Just like how everyone knows about you and Tsukasa.”
“W-What?” Ryusui seemed stunned by this, face on fire. This was Gen’s moment to strike! He darted over, quickly grabbing Ryusui’s sides and squeezing. “AH! Ahehahhahahahaha! G-Gehehhehehn wahhahhhahhait!”
“Hehe, I knew it! I’ve grabbed Senku-chan there enough times to know what a ticklish reaction is! And you sir- are stupid ticklish!” Gen laughed gleefully as Ryusui twisted about, giggling like a child. Feeling bold, Gen stepped closer, moving his hands further around to his belly-
“Gohohohhohootcha!” Ryusui twisted at the last minute, grabbing onto Gen’s waist. 
The reaction was instantaneous. Gen arched with a loud shriek, trying in vain to wiggle away from the sailor’s vengeful fingers. “Whahahahit- whahahahit wahahhahait, Ryuhuhuhuhuhuhuusuuhuuhuhuhiihihi!”
“Ha-HA! Just when you thought you had me! You’re a sneaky guy, aren't cha Gen? Can’t say I’m not impressed.” Ryusui snickered as he gently massaged the spot between Gen’s lower ribs and waist, earning a fresh squeal and hands attacking him-pulling at the back of his coat and banging against his shoulders. “Come now- you know you’re gonna need to do more than that to beat me-hehehheheehhe!”
“Ooohohohoho?” The hands attacking his back returned to his sides, drilling into his ribs and making Ryusui double over in mirth. “Whahahhahat abohohohout behehheahhahting youohohohu?”
If the sailor had a retort, it was lost in his howls of mirth. Instead, his hands carried on seeking out all of Gen’s own tickle spots, the results fruitful. It wasn’t long before the two were having an all out tickle war, their loud squeals and cackles filling the space surrounding them.
Alas though- Gen underestimated challenging someone like Ryusui to war. The man was the self proclaimed “Greediest man on earth”- and he made sure that was known as he swept a foot under the mentalist’s leg, dropping him harmlessly into the grass below and going for his belly. “HA-HA! Take this! I desire your laughter, and I shall get it!” Ryusui snapped his fingers for added effect, ducking his arm down quickly before Gen could prod him there. “Now take this!”
“AHEHHEHEHE! REHEHHEHEYUHUHUUHSUI, PLHEEHHHEASE!” Gen shrieked, arching with a loud titter beneath the sailor. He had lost this fight. “OHOHOHOKAY! OOHOHOHOKAY, STAHHAHAHP YOU WIHIIHIHIHN!”
The sailor did as requested, hooting in victory. Gen groaned softly, too tired to move, even when Ryusui all but collapsed across him. “Ehhhehe…ehhehe..tuuhuhhuckered yoursheheehlf out, dihiihidn’t you?”
“Ha…hahaha…A sahahhahailor…dohohosen’t get tiihihired…” Ryusui tried to get up, but the best he could do was roll onto his back, lying side by side with the Mentalist. “Hehe…hehee…I hahaven’t done that in a long time.”
“Have a tickle fight?” Gen looked at him curiously. Though- he supposed that made sense. He himself hadn’t really had this many tickle fights until he met Senku and humanity fell into the stone age.
“Yeah. I missed it, the whole…tickling thing. Heh,  saying it outloud’s kinda embarrassing, now that I think about it.” Ryusui laughed softly, something vulnerable creeping into his expression that made Gen pause, choosing his words carefully.
“I don’t think it’s embarrassing. I think…a lot of us from our time miss things like that. Intimacy. Goofing about. Back in the modern times, we’d get so busy with our day to day lives that we push down those parts of us.” Gen thought once more of his own life- cameras and photos, book signings and state presence. “I know for me, I hadn’t realized just how badly I wanted someone to just hold my hand until the Stone Age came and there was nothing to distract me from it. Sure, we’ve got the Kingdom of Science keeping us busy, but when the days end and the quiet sets in…” Gen shrugged, turning to Ryusui. “Whatever form it may be- there’s nothing wrong with craving touch.”
Ryusui hummed in thought, considering. Then he smiled. Not his usual “Ryusui the Greedy” smile, but something soft and genuine- something so achingly real Gen wondered just how Tsukasa stayed standing whenever the sailor smiled at him like that. “Thanks, Gen. I appreciate it.”
Gen grinned, nodding. Just then, Senku’s bright green head appeared above them, upside down in their vision.
“Found you two. I heard yelling and got worried.” Judging by the smirk he was wearing, he clearly wasn’t anymore. “What got you two giggling like a couple of school girls?”
“Why, Senku-chan. Some things are better shown than told.” Gen grinned, winking at Ryusui as a new idea set in motion. “Shall we give him a demo, Ryusui?”
“Ha-HA! Sounds like a plan, Gen!” Ryusui snapped his fingers, rolling to his feet with ease. “Come, Senku- let us hear those laughs we desire…”
“What? Oh- Oh, nohoho. No, that’s alright- I’ll take your word for it!” Senku backed up a few steps before taking off, running towards the village with Gen and Ryusui hot on his trail.
Thanks for reading!
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happysmilebtr · 1 year
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tagged by the lovely, kick butt and awesome sauce content maker @digitalgirls​ (thank you very much for the tag!) and another lovely mutual but for the life of me my peanut brain forgot who it was so thank you also to you too if you see this!
tagging (only if you want too!): @jinniebit​ @snug-gyu @soonhoonsol @woozification @seokmins @injunnies @chogiwapadada @jeonwonwoo
welp here you go guys! my poopy gif coloring lol. i haven’t giffed much as i just started 2ish years ago now(?) and i am now working a full time job so alas, i don’t have much to really show improvement but i do feel proud with some of my colorings and here are my top 5 (plus bonus two in the read more section hehe) i guess my coloring is more so with making things brighter if that makes sense? keeping things natural but bumping up the vibrance as you can see in certain gifs like the lights one for example. i do feel content with my giffing, granted the quality could be better but that is due to me using ezgif as a converter for making gifs on photopea (i know i can use vs but vs SCARES me like everyone that uses it? you guys are officially badass like gandalf in my books! i bow down to you all lol)
if anyone wants to hear more in depth thoughts of my coloring for each gif plus see the bonus ones that are too tiny to show in a normal gifset, readbelow but if not thank you for checking this out!
gif one: starting off with my proudest one of the bunch, this gif is from my baekhyun countdown series which you can view right here oh my when i say i am proud of this, i am SO proud of this. first of, this short video is pale, REALLY pale. more pale than casper the ghost lkdsalkjda so i struggled with making sure to not overdo the coloring where baekhyun is weirdly colored but making sure it’s no longer so bright ya know? with what i work with, i think i did a good job? it was during this series i started using a gradient map as well for my coloring and ya’ll....use gradient maps lol. i would have used them earlier but i had no clue how to well, use them as silly as that sounds! i found a tutorial on how someone used them and since then i use that. usually use brown to grey to make things neutral but also make sure skinetone is as natural as possible but of course that isn’t always the case, this is something i struggle with as you can probably tell so i am trying my best! overall, a very pretty gif coloring i think! simple but pretty!
gif two: ah yes....my og fav hehe. this was during the 17 days of 17 event that happened last year almost now and this was for of course, scoups day and i am proud of it still! granted, i would do things a tiny bit more differently even though this is just what, a 6ish months difference in giffing from the first gif? regardless, this one is my favorite and all because of one silly thing...the color changed background. as you can tell in the circle, the original was purple with the lightning background and i actually did save my coloring originally with this background still! however, i was playing around with coloring and by accident, just out of curiosity, i changed the color of the background and when i say i was super shocked...i was lol. in a good way of course! don’t ask me why but at the time, i just loved this small change. i thought it was so cool and it made me so excited so i kept it. could i have kept the purple? for sure, it bothered me to this day if i made the right call because a mutual of mine said the purple looked better against scoups skintone which i agree so it eats me to this day lol. (no ill feelings to my mutual! i liked having the feedback because sometimes that initial excitment sometimes isn’t the right call and i like being told the truth!)
gif three: another of my baekhyun gif series which again.....WHY DOES SM OR WHOEVER EDITS THESE VIDEOS, MAKE THINGS SO PALE!?!??! like bro....this one baekhyun IS truly casper the ghost dsaldasl. i managed to save him in this gif set but when i kept doing double takes myself when giffing, i always went “wait, is THIS how it originally looks!?” like i was so surprised with the coloring difference
gif four: featuring my queen, lights. the only non kpop gif lol. she is the reason i got into gif making actually! my first ever gifset is for her mv “prodigal daughter” (which yes you should all take a listen too just saying) so you can thank her for my gif making! this was from her i think 3rd mv, “in my head” which you can check out the gifset here! this is a perfect example of my coloring i think, the making things vibrant but keeping it somewhat natural and for me giffing this without gradient map i feel dang proud lol. it was either this gif or another one of lights but i went with this one instead to showcase i guess my usual coloring ya know?
gif five: and lastly a baekhyun gif once again. this one is originally meant to be with a pink coloring overlay and font as seen in the original gifset but i kept the original coloring because i liked how it turned out overall! i decided to switch things up with my editing by using unsharp mask and instead of using 30% i did 135% and kinda liked the result of it! i do admit, if you are someone like me and are stuck using ezgif, make SURE the file is super hq! while this does look nice, imo it looks better with good video quality when making the gifs as i did this setting for the last 4 gifsets of the baekhyun countdown and for ones like this one, it looks nice but some weren’t very high and you can tell it looks a bit meh. this is i think my current giffing editing and i feel proud of it! this one is very natural in coloring but everything is more “pop” if that makes sense, things are more defined than smooth, the neutral colors look lively, etc. 
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you guys thought i would leave out these ones? oh no lol. so these two gfs are from my txt “good boy gone bad” mv and seventeen “hot” mv gifsets i made! i remember seeing this gifset style being HUGE back in late 2017ish up until 2019 if memory is correct by an old school content maker. i saw they had a tutorial on how they did their sets back then so i followed it and made my own for these mv’s and man i loved doing them. not only was the setting up the scenes to use was fun but finding the right font that fit the mv vibe was fun and of course, the coloring. for txt’s, there was alot of greens as you can see here and while i like me green, i wasn’t happy with just how dark and swampy it looked lol. i get it was the aesthetic in general but i wantted it to pop alot and thus the blue/purple tones in the overall gifset which i think looks really beautiful! then for hot, i didn’t plan on the pink coloring lol. i originally wanted to do the usuals, brighten and and make the colors pop out but by moving around to color the orange colors, it turned more pink so i went with it (you can see the difference towards the end of gif of how different the pink and orange are!) still my proudest coloring on both and still am proud for the “hot” as that was originally my top set with notes until somehow baekhyun and his doggo took over xD
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diznam · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Oh! Thank you for such a great and difficult question!
A looong text awaits heh (and I could certainly write even more!!)
I think I'll limit myself to only one character per fictional universe, and I'll only choose from internationally famous works to make it easier. I will surely forget someone and I will never be able to choose if I think it over for too long... So, without contemplating too much, and in no particular order (except for the first one), i'll go with this:
1. Dustfinger from Inkheart -- This man was probs my first fictional crush ever and my forever nostalgic number one. He's a morally gray character, deeply troubled, kind, selfish, painfully human, but also gorgeously magical. Oh, and fire loves him. Can’t beat it. Even though for children, Cornelia Funke writes and illustrates beautifully. If you haven’t read any books of hers, you should try one!
2. Fred and George Weasley (yes i'm sorry but I will write them as one unit) from Harry Potter -- Need I say more than that they make everyone laugh in times of darkness? As the youngest, and only daughter among numerous siblings, I relate a lot to Ginny, and really love these two - the ultimate big brothers.
3. Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece -- The perfect paradoxical mix of incredibly selfish but with a huge heart. Luffy just lifts everyones spirits, and he's so stupid, ambitious, and wholesome that you can’t not love him. As someone who has a hard time being impulsive and living in the now, I find him so terrific and almost inspiring.
4. Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender -- Underrated character. I would've never claimed him as my favourite when I was little (especially since i was mad for Katara), but as an adult I’ve come to see just how fuckin awesome he really is. Like, he's funny, kind, relatable, smart, strong, brave and just an all around realistic character. Love. Also, I think I just automatically love all the kind big brothers that remind me of my own ones (♡)
5. Jace Herondale from The Mortal Instruments -- Could have just as well written Will Herondale here, but I’m not going to write two Herondales on the list (especially since they are VERY similar. Will is a book nerd tho, which is like the ultimate perk). Anyways, so, after Dustfinger, my second fictional love was Jace I think. Attractive, strong, sarcastic, troubled, kind, LOVING, and with such character development and ambition. Ya. Just so so good. I think I mostly focused on his hotness as a 13 y.o tho -.-
6. Peeta Mellark from The Hunger Games -- Honestly, I just love him because he shows how truly important and helpful kindness is. Loyalty, kindness and bravery - this man has them all. Plus he's a friggin baker and an artist. Like, come on, how lovely can you get??
7. John Watson from BBC's Sherlock -- Another example of a profoundly realistic character. I thought first about writing Sherlock's name, but I think I might actually love John more. He’s just so complex, but at the same time real simple. And surprisingly funny. Much, I attribute to Martin Freeman's amazing acting skills, but yeah, John's awesome.
8. Katsuki Bakugou from Boku no hero academia -- Honestly, I'm questioning myself putting him on this list, but I think he deserves a spot simply for the fact that his character development is So. Fucking. Good. Almost as good as Zuko's from atla. And he deserves a spot purely because surely the amount of fanfics I've read starring him must be telling me something.
9. Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood -- Ah, okay, so once again an older sibling who is funny, strong, kind, brave, energetic, troubled, and who loves so painstakingly strongly (I'm starting to see a pattern here...). Idk, but I just really like him. And I felt like I had to include someone from Fmab because the show slaps.
10. Victoria Spring from Solitaire (and the Osemanverse in general) -- Honestly, Tori is just such a great character, because in all her melancholy, depression and numbness, you can still find so much to love about her when reading from her perspective. Also, shes an older sibling who adores and takes great care of her little siblings. I've struggled a lot with mental illness, and I can teally relate to both Tori and Charlie's problems. So finding that I can love these two characters so much despite all their issues, makes me realise that maybe I can like myself a little bit more too
THAT WAS TEN! I could easily write more, but I’m gonna stop myself now. Sorry if this was a lot longer than you expected, but I really liked this question.
Thank you for asking it! Hope you got what you wanted. Have a great day/night wherever you are :) <3
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littleoddwriter · 2 years
Oh!! :00 Didn't know you had an ask game going, sorry! </3. I'd love to hear more from AnderPerry from you cause they mean so much to me 😥 (should give the movie a rewatch but :( yk) Also I didn't know you fancy Ethan Hawke, so do I lol :P I would highly recommend the Before Sunrise trilogy <3 if you haven't seen it already <3
🌙, 🍂 and💟.
Ah, hey there! No worries! :') <3 Awesome!!! (Yeah, I understand, I currently re-watch it in steps, like 20 minutes every day, fjkdhfksj, idk what to do about the end, to be honest. Part of me wants to skip it, but also watch it-) Noice, love our taste in men being similar. ;') Oh, totally! My dad already told me. It's just not available to me right now, so I gotta wait until I have money again. :/ Thank you!!! <3 Now, also, thank you for sending something in, I appreciate it. :'D <3 Take care, dear! <3
OTP/Ship Ask Game
🌙 How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation?
First of all, physical contact is important. Cuddling, holding hands, holding onto one another in any way. It grounds both of them, no matter who of them is in that situation. And then for Todd it's important to have Neil walk him through it rationally, to give him an outside perspective and assure him that while he's helpless now, he won't always be. Not every situation is hopeless to get out of. And Todd is strong enough to get through this. Maybe reciting some of his favourite poetry at the end also helps, but only occasionally because it's merely a distraction. In Neil's case it's more complicated. He feels helpless about his situation all the time. And in a way he is. It's a fact and he knows it and Todd knows he can't say or do anything to tell him it's not so. What helps then is the mere fact that Todd is there and his boyfriend and that he's not going anywhere. Cuddling helps, words of reassurance, little love confessions and small, shy kisses. The truth that they are working out, despite it all. And that's what helps Neil calm down and to feel lighter eventually.
🍂 What is an inside joke they have?
I feel like the "I'm being chased by Walt Whitman" stuck with them; especially after Todd's improvisational poem in class and even more so after they got together. Sometimes Neil will call Todd that in front of others, you know, Walt Whitman (any variation of it). No one really questions it, either. It's certainly not the strangest thing to witness in this group. In fact, it slowly catches on within the entire group, becoming an inside joke that is intimate between Todd and Neil, and nothing but a silly thing for their friend group.
💟 What do you think makes them perfect for one another?
The fact that they bring out the best in each other. Simple, but very powerful and meaningful, in my opinion. Neil allows Todd to really be himself and be free around him. Todd allows Neil to pursue his passions and to feel carefree about them for a while, experiencing true happiness and freedom with him.
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