#thanks to war which was brought to us by guys like him a lot of Ukrainians are living everywhere. including Japan. ;))
unhonestlymirror · 5 months
Me and the besties coming to America/Japan to look for Hidekaz Himaruya
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witchthewriter · 3 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐭'𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, Valyrian blood (dragon rider), and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: APPARENTLY THIS IS A GUY NAMED DAVOS BLACKWOOD. But he literally IS Bloody Ben. So he's staying Bloody Ben.
P.s. I'm ageing Benjicot up so he's around 24 or whatever age you want him to be that's over 18 <3
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
・It wasn't an arranged marriaged. No, not by any means.
・You had been sent by your Queen to remind the Houses of Westeros their pledge to her. And Rhaenyra had chosen you to go to the Blackwoods.
"I expect you will be welcomed warmly," her Grace said with a warm smile.
You bowed your head and returned the smile.
・You always felt safe around Rhaenyra, she was someone very close to you. Someone who you would fight to the death for.
・The first time Benji saw you, his heart stopped...which was a very fair reaction as you were atop your fearsome dragon, The Cannibal.
・You bonded with the wild dragon when you were 13 - it was the first day of your periods and you were sick and tired of being without a dragon.
・It was in your blood. And you were done waiting.
・Your first flight with Cannibal was difficult - although the blood magic seemed to be strong between the two of you.
・You were the exact person he was waiting for.
・So when your duty came to aid Queen Rhaenyra; she did asked for you to unite with a House through marriage
・That was heavy - a big duty that you did not think would need to happen, since you bonded with Cannibal. Wouldn't you be put on the front lines straight away? Her answer was no.
・But you knew the realities of war and faced your duty head on (you know Cannibal will always defend you)
・Your marriage was a significant one. All the Blackwoods were invited, and Rhaenyra was there to oversee the ceremony.
・However, having all of your family there would have been another Red Wedding, so only a few choice people from your side could be invited.
・Nonetheless, it was absolutely beautiful.
・Dragonfire lit the skies, chasing away the dark. Even Cannibal was having a good time. There were tributes made to him - sheep, cow, goats galore. You swore you saw him smiling.
・What you absolutely weren't expecting was Benji to INTERACT with Cannibal...
・He brought up a bull from the biggest hoard they had. Benji watched as the dragon practically gulped the animal down. However, he wasn't scared - he was impressed. And intrigued.
・You were absolutely moved by Benji's act. Truly. Because it showed his bravery. His daring. And of course his caring. You knew, you could feel the way Cannibal was feeling - and he trusted this Blackwood.
・So you decided to give him a wedding present. A fly.
・By doing so, you broke down every single one of Benji's walls and he knew you were the one for him. His wife. His firt and only one.
・After a tough day, and you both go to your chambers; he'll grab your arm and kiss your wrist. A physical way of saying "I'm so glad you're alive and mine."
・Learns High Valyrian for you. He wanted to surprise you with it. And surprise you he did.
・You call each other: Ñuha jorrāelagon (my love), Ñuha prūmia (my heart),
・ A very particular sentence that Benji says a lot is: Nyke pendagon nūmāzma ao everyday (I think about you everyday)
・Of course he knows you can protect yourself; but that doesn't stop him from defending you. You're his world now. You mean so much to him.
・No body thought this union would work as well as it had.
・So, Bloody Ben & The Rider of Cannibal became a formidabble pair that made men tremble wherever they went.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Like Calls To Like
The Gomez & Morticia Adams
"Think they'll try us?" x "Fuck I hope so."
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Unbreakable Bond
Growth through Adversity
Bickering and Banter
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter
The Politics & The Life by Daniel Pemberton
O Verona by The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, makes me feel weird if you read it.
・Gives you complete and utter respect both in and out of the bedroom.
・Has never and will never push you to do anything you don't want to do
・The first time you were together, it felt like your bodies were on fire. Meant to burn together. The words kept replaying over and over in your head as he touched you. A deep yearning overtook you and suddenly time stopped.
・His lips were warm, his hands cold but when he took off his clothes, you couldn't help but grin.
・There's such desire between you two that even your mount can sense it.
・Your sex life is very active - at least once a day. Maybe you're in your Honeymoon period, but you cannot keep your hands off one another when you're alone
・And when you're at feasts, Benji's hands find their way down your thigh, and slowing inching inbetween them.
"Really, here? Now?" You asked n a hushed tone, trying not to draw any attention to either of you.
"Yes. Here, now. Or we can go into the hallway and I will ravish you there. Upto you, wife."
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potofsoup · 3 months
i love your fourth of july comics every year but this years feels extremely optimistic about biden’s abilities in the face of him letting roe get overturned and funding a gen*cide at worst or letting it happen at best by taking the bare minimum of regulatory action… i mean can he really be trusted at all anymore to do the right thing or act in line with the people’s demands? and how do we know the people behind project 2025 won’t just rig the election again to get in under false pretenses?
Hihi! Thank you for reading and enjoying my July 4th comics every year! I am in a non-US airport en route to a month-long trip in a place with sketchy internet, so sorry in advance for sloppiness in my response (and potentially going radio silent).
I don't think he "let" Roe get overturned, since that was the Supreme Court's overwhelming conservative majority, which really started with Mitch McConnell refusing to approve Obama's appointee and forcing it into a 2016 election issue. The fact that Trump got to appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices is what got us here.
Re: Biden and the Israel/Hamas war ... on the one hand, there's definitely more that he could have done, but on the other hand, they are a whole other country over there. It's Hamas that initiated the Oct 7 attacks and took the hostages. It's Netanyahu and his right-wing government who decided to retaliate to such extreme extent. Biden can talk about how he would really like Netanyahu to stop fighting and step down, but at the end of the day that's not his call, any more than he can stop the Sudan fighting that is near-genocidal either.
So, to come to your question #1: "Can he really be trusted at all anymore to do the right thing or act in line with the people’s demands"?
For me, it's a resounding YES. Guyz, he has passed so much good domestic policies. My spouse works in green energy and the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act halved his anxiety and gave him legitimate hope. The tumblr post I linked to in my comic has links to many of the other great things that Biden has done. Tbh I voted for him in 2020 because "a moldy onion is still better than Trump", and I've been pleasantly surprised. Like how he tried to cancel student loans, the Supreme Court overturned it, and then he came back 6 months later with a different way to do it that didn't lead to a court challenge.
Is he perfect? Hell no. There's tons of stuff that I wish he did more about, or he went further on, but also he's just one guy heading one branch of government who is heading into an election year. (Just like FDR promising not joining WWII, while behind the scenes doing all the Lend-Lease Act stuff). And "the people" have lots of demands, many of them conflicting.
I'd also like to push at the unspoken part of your question... "Can he really be trusted to do the right thing..." compared to whom? Because right now the answer is "compared to Trump." And compared to Trump... I don't even trust Trump to respect the results of a legitimate election. Heck, he might just take his favorite state secrets, sell them to the highest bidder (or just show them off to someone for funzies), and then claim Presidential immunity. A decent Democrat who got stuff done vs someone who probably wants to pardon himself and all his friends and do Project 2025 stuff is not even on the same level. (Do I wish that there was a viable Democratic alternative to Biden? Sure! But who?) Heck, at this point -- imagine if it's Kamala Harris vs. Trump. Who would you vote for?
As for your question #2: "How do we know the people behind project 2025 won’t just rig the election again to get in under false pretenses?"
We don't. But also what can we do besides showing up to vote?
Actually, I need bullet points for this:
The 2022 midterm elections brought in fewer-than-expected election-deniers into crucial electoral offices at the state level, which means that hopefully most state electoral boards will continue to have integrity
Yes, voting is harder but at least we can still vote. So it's about getting out there and getting your vote counted. For some states, it involves waiting in 8 hour lines. For some states, it involves bringing 2 forms of ID. Document. Track. Make sure it's dropped off in a real ballot box and not a fake one. Don't believe messaging that the voting is happening on a different day or location, etc.
A 50.1% majority is easily challenged. A 55% majority, less so. Which means getting people out to vote.
The more people know about and think about the reality of a second Trump term (versus being disappointed by a Biden term), the more they will be motivated to vote against Trump.
Finally, let's be real here: I'm braced for a 2nd Trump term. That said:
I'm still going to go and vote for Biden, because the only way to prevent a 2nd Trump term is to vote.
A Trump term where either the House or Senate is controlled by the Democrats will be *very* different from a clean Republican sweep.
Even with a clean Republican sweep on the federal level, States have so much more power now, and voting the state level stuff will help shore up Democratic goals for the future. States get to draw voting districts however they want. States get to decide on abortion policies. If you live in a deep Red state, there still might be things to vote for that make it easier to live in now, and turn it purple a few elections down the line.
So at the end of the day, it's "Vote AND". Vote and keep living your best life. Vote and tell others about Project 2025. Vote and have hope. Even if Trump wins, at least you'll have voted against him. Vote and stay to build up a progressive wave for the next election.
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model!steve and voice actor!eddie
part 2 here | ao3 link here
Eddie chose a career in voice acting to avoid shit like this.
Forced socializing. Schmoozing with hotshot directors who are used to everyone kissing their ass until their lips bleed. And Eddie doesn’t do that shit. 
… Okay yeah sure, Eddie kisses asses. But only in the literal, consensual kind of way. Usually after a few mediocre dinner dates, at least.
But this particular fuckhole of a director is insisting that Eddie attends the production shoot of the commercial that he’ll be narrating for. Which is weird - that’s not how this process typically goes. Eddie gets the script and records it in his studio. Easy peasy.
“I do things a little differently with my projects.” The director sneers into the phone’s speaker. Eddie silently gags at the oozing amounts of ego on this guy. “I want to immerse you into my vision.”
Ew. Eddie would rather immerse himself into a nap, but whatever. A job is a job.
“Understood.” Eddie agrees with minimal teeth-clenching. “I’ll be on set shortly.”
The phone clicks dead with nothing but a chuckle from the guy. No ‘goodbye,’ no ‘thank you.’ Rude… but that’s kind of an industry standard, so why did Eddie expect anything different?
He folds the script into his back pocket, throws on a shirt that screams ‘Los Angeles disaster gay,’ and makes his way to the studio lot.
Fucking yay. 
Upon arrival, the director immediately escorts Eddie into the green room. Rambles on about needing him to meet the lead model for this commercial.
“Isn’t he just posing with the product?” Eddie lets his snarkiness run loose with that question, knows it right away.
Luckily, the guy is too busy snapping at a crew member to notice. “You’ll be voicing his character’s inner narrations.”
“And I want your tone to be seamless with the energy that he’s giving in this shoot. Got it?”
“Loud and clear.” Mostly loud.
The director swings open the door and reveals maybe the most cosmically beautiful person that Eddie has ever seen.
“Eddie, this is Steve.” The director says. “Steve, this is Eddie.”
Models are beautiful people, that’s the goddamn gig. Makeup, no makeup. Photoshop, no photoshop. They just look better than the general population and society accepts that as a fact.
But Eddie is a grubby little voice actor that burrows himself up in his boxy apartment for days. Very little sunlight, very little human interaction, and a shit ton of takeout.
Long story short, he doesn’t get out much. So this? Seeing a biblically hot heartthrob in the flesh? With his own two eyes? It’s knocking him into deep space. Sending him into an astral projection without sticking a tablet on his tongue first.
“Nice to meet you, man.” Steve holds out his hand while someone brushes more powder onto his shiny, glowy skin. God, that’s the best damn skin Eddie has ever seen. Powder be damned, Steve doesn’t need it’s chalky finish.
Eddie shakes himself out of this spell, takes Steve’s hand like he’s somehow worthy of touching him. “Yeah, you too.”
Lame. So lame. On a scale of one to Star Wars prequels, his response is the CGI in Attack of the Clones. ‘Yeah, you too?’ Ugh, what a dumbass.
The director tells them to get acquainted and to be on set in ten minutes. Ten minutes. Eddie has to be convincingly normal for ten whole minutes. Pfft, that’s laughable, but he’ll give it a shot.
“That guy’s a total asshat.” Steve grumbles.
Oh. Eddie could smother him in kisses for saying that. Lick Steve clean of all that stupid powder and probably die of talc poisoning. Death By Licking a Model is one hell of a way to go.
“Yeah.” Find some new words, Munson. “Major asshat. But he happens to be paying my bills this month, so technically, he’s my favorite major asshat.”
“Oh, same.” Steve laughs. It’s fucking glorious too. Eddie kind of wishes he had brought his microphone so that he could capture such a wonderful sound with high quality recording software. Is that creepy? Maybe he should dial it back. 
... As if. This guy’s hair is sculpted with effortless perfection and his shoulder blades could slice through a French baguette. No way Eddie can dial it back or keep it together.
“So you’re doing the voice work on the commercial, right?” Steve asks.
‘Yup.” Eddie shoves both hands into his pockets. “Indeed I am.” 
Okay, that was borderline Yoda. Get a grip.
Steve seems unfazed though. “That’s cool. Can’t wait to hear what you come up with.”
“Thanks.” Eddie smiles warmly. Nerves mellowing out. “And I can’t wait to see you in action out there.”
“Hope I can give you some good inspiration.” And Steve winks, legit winks at Eddie. Does it like it’s normal too, like he winks at everybody. He probably winks at nuns just to see if he can get them to consider conversion.
Eddie is so hopeless. Fucking tragic at this point.
They walk into the studio and are greeted by a somber, archaic set design. There’s a massive throne in the middle that is draped with fur. 
It’s… tacky. That’s the nicest adjective Eddie has to describe it. Tacky bullshit.
“I thought this was for a cologne ad.” Eddie says, eyeing the snowy backdrop.
Steve nods. “It is.”
“So what’s with the secondhand Game of Thrones set?”
“Mr. Asshat thinks this is his cinematic debut.”
Eddie snorts. Loves that he already has inside jokes with this beautiful, beautiful creature. “Someone should tell Mr. Asshat that this is visual plagiarism.”
“Nah.” Steve runs his hand over the tacky fur piece. Smirks to himself as he speaks. “I say we let him suffer.”
Eddie’s legs wobble. “Damn, you’re hot.”
He sounds ridiculously uncool, so breathy and gone. But Steve shrugs in a non-pitying kind of way, so maybe Eddie's uncoolness is excused. Or expected.
While the camera and lighting crew finalize their positions, Steve takes off his robe, revealing his costume.
Torn, muddied pants. Ripped and clawed to shreds. A billowy white top that’s completely unbuttoned. Un-laced? Eddie’s not entirely sure about the mechanics - just knows that Steve’s chest is out, that’s all he can focus on.
There’s a dented crown that the stylist places next to the throne, right at Steve’s feet. It’s shimmery yet tarnished, catches the light in a kaleidoscope effect.
The product is called The Fallen King, so deductive reasoning tells Eddie that Steve is meant to be the physical embodiment of this scent. He recalls something in the script about his title being slandered by promiscuity and forbidden love. Apparently they’ve bottled up that smell into a cologne. 
Do people really want to smell like a dethroned monarch? That’s a thing? Huh.
Just to make the sexual torture even more unbearable, Eddie gets to spectate alongside Mr. Asshat himself. Which also means that Eddie almost has a center view of Steve’s performance.
Cause that’s exactly what he’s giving. A performance. A full display production of his body, his face. His whole godlike essence. 
It’s unfair how fucked Eddie is from watching Steve pose. He can hold the oddest positions without budging a single tendon. So still. Durable. Strong.
Every last thought in Eddie’s head is impure from that observation. He wants to wrap his fingers around Steve’s muscles until he finally moves, twitches. Eddie wants to watch as Steve’s pretty lips part, falling open with sighs. See how long it takes for those sighs to turn into moans.
Steve slumps back into the throne, legs spread obscenely far apart. His gaze droops low and dark, practically eye-fucking the camera. It’s crazy how jealous Eddie is of that stupid inanimate object. The things he would do to get eye-fucked by that golden sex god up there…
His internal porno gets interrupted by a new pose. A wicked one. Steve is on his knees now, looking up into the camera lens. He sinks into the dreamiest expression. Looks dazed, all spaced-out and helpless. Eddie kneads at the growing heat in his pants with the heel of his palm. Hopes it’s not fucking obvious that he’s so horned up right now.
The director clears his throat and yells over the camera’s constant shuttering. “Can you tilt your head back, Steve?”
And Steve does. So obedient, so exceptional at his job. His head rolls back on his neck, shoulders sagging with the shift of weight.
Eddie is chewing the inside of his cheek, nearly ready to take the horny loss and go jack off in his car. Steve is in the most ideal position now, totally vulnerable. Eddie could fuck him so good like that, let Steve melt into his touch. He’d treat him like treasure, spoil him with dick and praise. Eddie would catch him if his legs give out. Would lick Steve’s kiss-bitten lips until the swelling goes down.
God, Eddie is so sick in the head for conjuring up x-rated scenes like this. In public, surrounded by strangers. Literally on the clock. He seriously needs to get his head checked for having such a whorish imagination.
The shoot ends shortly after that last pose, the one that rocked Eddie’s world. He closes his eyes for a minute, takes a few deep breaths. Tries to inhale some goddamn decency.
“How was it?” Steve heads his way, snaking his arms back into the bathrobe.
Eddie blinks hard. “It was… you were…” And the words stop. Nothing else comes out, his throat is strangled and bare.
Steve gives a soft laugh, nudges Eddie’s arm with his elbow. “Guess you do better when there’s a script in front of you, huh?”
Oh. So he’s pretty and darkly playful? This is too good, too delicious.
Eddie wets his bottom lip, recovers quickly. “I do better when there’s not an earthbound angel in my presence.”
“Wow.” Steve raises both eyebrows. “That’s quite the compliment.”
“Oh come on - you must get compliments all the time.”
“Not like that one though.”
Steve takes a step into Eddie’s space. “Definitely not.”
They just stare after that - mostly because it’s Eddie’s turn to speak but words are so secondary when there’s this much beauty to behold. Gazing becomes his top priority.
And before the conversation can lead to an exchange of last names or phone numbers, Steve is rushed off by his agent. Maybe his publicist. Maybe his mom, Eddie has no fucking clue. Just someone taking away his shiny new toy. He sort of feels like reenacting that scene in Cast Away when the volleyball drifts into the ocean. Be dramatic as all hell about this ending.
Eddie doesn’t actually jack off in his car, although he really wants to. No, he decides to use all of his adrenaline and pent-up hormones for the voice recording. It gives his vocals this strained, chesty sound. Sinful and corrupt. Cracking with emotion in certain spots, spiking the volume in all the right ways.
It might be too much, a little bit too suggestive for a lousy cologne advertisement.
But as he listens back, Eddie can’t help but picture Steve. Imagining snapshots of him from every angle, especially the unspeakable ones. The recording barely sounds like a script anymore. It almost sounds like Eddie whispering the lines directly into Steve’s ear. A dirty secret between them.
This is it, he thinks. Sends the audio file to his sound mixer without a second read-through, without a retake. This might be the best voiceover Eddie Munson has ever done.
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astrofhobia · 7 days
Post-Mortem AU
It would be amazing to have a Tsams AU based on mexican culture, where real moments from the history of that country are interpreted... WAIT
PUM 💥💥 I'm here.
I started designing these guys again a bit, I didn't really like their first designs that much, but I definitely like these ones.
For now, we have three, the most important ones, within this messy story.
The Sun, The Moon and The Eclipse
I want to give a little information about these silly guys, also some fun facts.
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Sunrise. Called "Life" in this AU. Life is the third child of the "Creator" and the youngest. His older siblings are Lunar and Earth. He was born when a star appeared in the universe, the brightest and largest star the universe had ever seen, for this reason, he is considered the god of light, the god of the sun.
His purity caught the attention of "Creator" and he proclaimed him as his son.
Life's arrival brought many changes to the universe. And thanks to him, he convinced the other gods to create things that would worship them, based on the perfection of his father. Life called them "humans" tiny humans who lived on a balanced planet, the Earth.
Sun brought mankind. And mankind called him "The god of the creation" "The god of the Sun" "The god of the life".
Sun used to rule the earth. That was for a long time... Until things started to go wrong, very very wrong.
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Moondrop. They used to call her "Death" in this universe.
She was born when the first human died. The bones of that human had joined together into a sticky mass which had formed a body and finally, a consciousness. "Creator" didn't consider her a daughter of purity. But "Killcode" did, he proclaimed her his daughter, his little daughter.
She didn't usually communicate much with the other gods, she always, always kept her distance, in her own bubble.
She used to have a kingdom, "Mictlán", where the souls of humans could rest for eternity. The place used to be quite... Depressing. Souls rested... But the place was completely alone, filled with the bones of humans and only Death there...
Something you really should know. She's not here anymore.
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Eclipse. Called "Death" in this AU.
War. It was his first name. He was born from Killcode's blood, the drops of red blood fell. They formed a large puddle. And from that puddle, War appeared.
Creator considered him a god... different. He really repudiated his existence. But Killcode didn't, he called him his son. His first son.
Nobody knows that. He just appeared one day with the other gods.
His arrival was controversial. The gods called him "A mad god"...
Actually, Death has forgotten most of his past. He doesn't really know how he existed, or why he is the "god of death".
Fun facts
Death has the same personality as Eclipse (EAPS).
Death (Eclipse) often has constant nightmares. Surrounded by fire as his metallic body slowly burns until he wakes up, locked in a room without light until darkness consumes him completely, bloodcurdling screams of children, etc.
Death's body parts constantly fail, they just stop working for no reason. It's something... really annoying.
Death feels nauseous at the sight of blood, he really can't stand it.
Death is uncomfortable being around a lot of children, he doesn't really know why. He is not bothered by noise, if they are dirty or naughty, he simply cannot be with children for a long time.
Death is the current prince/god of Mictlán.
Death doesn't like the rain.
Death and Life live together on Earth. They live like normal humans, in a lower-middle class house, they pay taxes and are afraid of the SAT.
Life maintains the same personality as Dark Sun (SAMS) but here it is a little calmer and much more depressing.
Life has a place to sleep. He literally has a bed that he shares with Death but the idiot can end up sleeping in a shower if he wants because he's a weirdo.
Life, ironically enough, hates humanity. No one knows why.
Life can't stand loud noise, make some noise when he's upset and you probably have a ticket to Mictlán.
If Life really had to work in the human world he would be a doctor. An emergency doctor, he practically created anatomy, he can work with this.
Life used to run a daycare alongside Death (Moon). It burned down.
Death really likes music with movement, salsa, cumbia, she's really good at that.
Death's clothing is inspired by the catrina and the traditional clothing of Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Death hates fire.
Death really wants to stab Life.
The skull on Death and Death's chest isn't just decoration. It's practically their exposed cores. Rip that off their chest and they'll probably pass out immediately.
Death and Life are Pro-PRI. Life is ignorant. Death is evil.
Death is Pro-PAN. She really is a evil girl.
If you want to know more about these fools, you can ask, my inbox¿ is open
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rillils · 8 months
picking up from where we left off:
some 65 years into the future, steve's plane is fished out of the ice, and they find him, frozen like a sexy hot-dayum popsicle, but still alive thanks to the same super serum that made him go from Smol to Lorge.
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steve is thus brought back into the world, but it's a world he no longer recognizes after all these years; a world where all the people he used to know and love are long dead, and his own face has been turned into a tool for propaganda over the years. obviously, he has a hard time adjusting, and he turns to fighting again, joining this group of kinda possibly superheroes, aka the avengers.
lots of exciting new things happen, sure; but steve is still pretty miserable. until one day, a mysterious masked assassin dressed in bondage gear (but not really), and sporting one very shiny metal arm (!!!!), is sent to kill steve's sort-of-boss. and then to kill steve himself. oh no!!
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in what is possibly the most gripping, most visually pleasing hand-to-hand fight sequence in the history of cinema,
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(NO BUT SERIOUSLY, all jokes aside, if you've never watched it then please do bc it's!!! *shrieks* so fucking good!!!)
a fight sequence which also happened to unlock both steve's and an entire fandom's competence kink with that little sexy knife-flipping trick alone -- i know you know what i'm talking about, don't you lie to me babes--
as i was saying, steve manages to knock the mask off of his opponent's face. and who do you think appears before him? can you guess??
DING DING DING!!! EXACTLY!!! IT'S HIS LONG-LOST BAE BUCKY! who apparently doesn't recognize him??
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confused and upset, steve fights to uncover the truth. turns out, the man is indeed the very same bucky he grew up with and loved. only, he didn't actually die in that tragic fall in the ravine; rather, due to the experiments performed on him while he was a war prisoner, he survived long enough to be found and captured by the enemy. who then proceeded to torture and brainwash him, using him as a tool for murder against his will, and literally putting him back in the freezer when they didn't need him.
which, as it happens, is how he stayed so young in the first place: he, uh, spent the better part of 70 years frozen. yeaaah, are the parallels paralleling or what, hmmmm?? preserved in ice like your mom's best lasagna from last week? plunging to a 'death' that isn't really a death? waking up in the future kinda screwed over? :D
steve is even more devastated than before, now that he's learned that while he was asleep in the ocean, bucky was out there suffering. when he finally confronts bucky again (and it's fucking epic and also fucking heartbreaking, believe you me) steve is desperate to bring bucky, his bucky, back. knowing in his heart that his bae is still somewhere in there, no matter how deeply buried.
in the most critical moment(TM), steve chooses to stay behind, on a plane that's about to fucking blow up around them - just like bucky did for him all those years ago - because if he can't save bucky, then he'd rather die with him.
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only, bucky is scared and confused af at the moment, and he attacks steve, because 1) he has a mission after all, he's supposed to kill this guy dammit, and 2) wtf is even going on here??? who IS this man, WHY does he keep saying that they've known each other their whole lives?? and WHY does bucky feel like he's actually seen him somewhere else before?????
AND HERE IS THE PIVOTAL MOMENT OF ALL PIVOTAL MOMENTS: for the first time in his life, steve refuses to fight back. like he literally drops his shield out of the plane and into the river underneath, in a very powerful and symbolic gesture, signifying his surrender: he's not going to hurt bucky anymore, no matter what. THIS FUCKER LITERALLY LETS BUCKY BEAT HIM TO A PULP, WITHOUT EVEN TRYING TO DEFEND HIMSELF, 100% ready to let bucky kill him if that's what's gonna happen here, because that's still better than living in a world where bucky's gone - a world where bucky will look at him and only see a target, or a stranger at best.
and then!!!!
no this is like, this is THE most romantic shit, okay, like you could try to convince me that it isn't for the next hundred years and i wouldn't buy it, because. BECAUSE.
at the very last moment, steve finally manages to break through bucky's brainwashing, breaking the metaphorical spell bucky was under. and do you know how he does that? i ask you, do you know how steve does that, my love?
by repeating to bucky the very same words bucky offered him way back in the beginning, when he proposed asked steve to move in together. till death do us part the end of the line, baby. romeo could NEVER
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bucky, who was about to deal the fatal blow, freezes instantly, finally recognizing the man under him.
and when steve falls out of the plane, bucky jumps after him, instinctively saving his life instead.
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but bucky can't stay. confused, wounded, vulnerable, and only just beginning to remember who he used to be and what was done to him, he slips away and hides from steve - and from all the other people who might be looking for him, and probably want him dead. you think this is gonna stop steve, though?? now that he knows that bucky is still alive, and that he remembers him??? now that he knows that bucky's not lost to him forever?? AS IF!!
(to be continued in part 3)
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lost-in-fandoms · 16 days
A little kitten knight Max AU prompt because honestly, I will never have enough... Also, don't worry about fulfilling it any time soon, just for when the brain worms want to worm, and if they never want to, that's fine too. But I noticed, a common trend in this AU is that Max turns into his cat form when Daniel least expects it and its like a welcome surprise to him when it happens, cue cuteness and love.
So what about a time, well in their established relationship, probably when he's used to Max's shifting pattern, something happens and he's expecting Max to shift, and it doesn't happen? And Daniel is just like ???? but cat form????
OR one where Daniel is the one in the need of comfort at the time, which is rare, despite Max being the Knight Captain and supposedly the tough one, and Max tries to help him in his human form but nothing works, so he shifts into his kitten form and that's the one that does the trick...
I'm sorry, this AU really corrupted my brain now, I will shut up now and patiently wait for another bit at some point
Thank you so much for sending this! It means a lot to me that you enjoy this universe so much <3
It took me a few days, but I hope you like this! I took the two prompts and combined them into one! Also this is accidentally almost 1.8k.
Daniel loves his life.
It's not perfect, and it's not the easiest, he could do with less dead hour watches and more hours in bed, preferably with Max, but it's good. He has a group of friends he loves dearly, even if they're mostly dickheads, and the last time he lost one was because he left the guards to go live on a farm with his family, not because of war and death. The kingdom has been mostly peaceful for years, and even the occasional border skirmishes have become less frequent, mostly solved with words and carefully placed marriages and threats.
And he has Max. Max, who is his own little piece of magic, who would make this life worth it even if it was worse than this.
So yes, Daniel loves Max, and he loves his life, but sometimes... Sometimes, when the nights are long and cold, and the rain seems endless, he can't help but miss the searing hot burn of red sand and the blinding glare of the sun. Sometimes, when one of the guys leaves the castle to have a meal with his family, his own food turns to ash in his mouth, tasting nothing like the things he used to love. Sometimes, when him and Max take three days of leave to go visit his mother or his sister, he can't help but think about how three days would not even cover half of way home for him, no matter a whole round trip.
Sometimes he's homesick.
He doesn't regret leaving, doesn't regret the adventures that brought him here, doesn't regret this life, will never regret putting down roots by Max's side, but he wishes it didn't have to be that far away. He never stopped exchanging letters with his family, with his mom especially, but it's not the same. It's not the same when he thinks about how useless he'd be if someone grew sick, or died. It's not the same when, even if he'll never tell anyone, he misses his mom's arms around him more fiercely than anything.
In those times, he pulls himself away. He doesn't hang out with the others outside of his shift, he doesn't spar for fun, he doesn't sit down with them in the hazy vapor of the baths, doesn't share meals with them. It's not easier to deal with the feeling by himself, but it's not harder, and that will have to do.
He's sitting on top of one of the high towers, eyes fixed on the horizon as if he would suddenly become able to see all the way home, when Max finds him.
He's still wearing his fancy cloak, the one he wears when the King has important visitors and Max needs to look less like a random guard and more like his Captain, he must have come straight from his duties, but he still leans against the wet stone ramparts with Daniel.
For a long moment, they stand in silence. Daniel can feel Max's eyes on him, but he doesn't look, busy trying to pierce insurmountable distances.
"Are you alright?" Max finally asks, shifting closer, their arms brushing from shoulder to wrist, their fingers knocking together. Even if they're alone, it's not safe to touch any more than that, and Daniel appreciates the gesture.
He nods, not really feeling like talking, suddenly wishing Max could hold him right there. He doesn't want to take his eyes away from the horizon, doesn't want Max to move further away. He wants both, always wants both, and it would make him laugh if it was any other moment, how simply the ache in his heart can be summarised in this single moment.
Max shifts again next to him, moving his weight from one foot to another, an unusual show of hesitance from him that doesn't really surprise Daniel. As lovely as Max is, he never really knows what to say when Daniel is like this.
Where Daniel had been raised with gentle hands and words of love, Max had known bruises and reproach, and even if he's come a long way, he still struggles sometimes with reassurances and feelings.
Max shifts again, their arms no longer touching, and Daniel almost expects to look to the side and find a kitten watching him instead. It's what Max does when he doesn't know what to say to Daniel: he turns in a shape where things are easier and then pours out his love in purrs and kitten licks, cuddling as close as possible to Daniel's heart.
But when Daniel looks, Max is still there, taking off his cloak to carefully drape him across Daniel's shoulders.
Daniel shivers, surprise and sudden warmth making his chest feel weird. He hadn't even realised he was cold.
It's not quite a hug, but he accepts it with the best version of a smile he can muster at the moment, and it seems to be enough to satisfy Max. They stand on top of the tower in silence for a long time.
The feeling doesn't go away the next day. Or the one after that.
It's unusual for him to feel this heavily homesick for so many days in a row, but he doesn't know how to make it go away, and it's clear Max doesn't know either.
He's been staying as close to Daniel as possible, taking care of him in many small different ways, holding him tight when they find each other in bed, but it doesn't seem to be enough. There's an ache in Daniel's chest that doesn't go away.
He's walking through the courtyard, limbs feeling heavier than they should be even after a long watch in the city's streets, when his eyes catch on a shadow, slinking away between some crates, and he realises what it might be that he needs.
"I saw a cat earlier," he tells Max.
They're laying in bed, Daniel's head on Max's naked chest, both too tired to have sex but still needing to be close.
"Are you going to make a joke about cousins again?" Max grumbles, chest vibrating under Daniel's cheek. He doesn't have to look up to know Max is frowning and smiling at the same time.
"No," Daniel replies with a giggle, "even if..."
Max pinches him before he can finish the sentence, and Daniel yelps, squirming away and then closer again.
He takes a breath, steadying himself. He doesn't know if this is okay to ask, has never had to ask before.
"Is everything okay?" Max asks, serious again, one hand coming up to gently cup Daniel's cheek.
Daniel nods, then hesitates some more. He doesn't want to...offend Max, or something like that, but he also just. He thinks that would make it right. Maybe.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course." Max's answer come so quickly Daniel would tease him for it if it was another day.
"And if I am out of line, you'll tell me?"
Finally, Max seems to have enough of this uncertainty and he moves Daniel around until he's able to meet his eyes. There's a deep frown line between his eyebrows, and Daniel almost reaches out to smooth it out.
"You are worrying me, Daniel. Just say it?"
Daniel bites at his lip for a second, but then he nods again. If he drags it out further he'll either end up not saying it at all or turning it in an even bigger thing than it needs to be.
"Can you shift?" he blurts out, almost immediately regretting not thinking of a better question.
Max's frown deepens.
"You mean...I am able to?"
Daniel shakes his head, moving his hands restlessly.
"No, I mean, could you? Right now?" He hates not knowing if he's like making an horrible faux-pas right now, but at least he's pretty confident Max won't hate him for it.
Max tilts his head, eyes studying Daniel so carefully he feels a bit like a miniature in a gilded book, understanding slowly making his way onto his face. Daniel both loves and hates how well Max knows him.
"That would make you feel better?" he asks gently.
Daniel nods again, helpless, unable and unwilling to lie.
"It..he..." Max swallows, frustrated. Daniel is glad that at least they both seem uncertain on what way is the best one to talk about this. "It's better when I am like that?"
And oh, Daniel can't have that.
He shakes his head, hands flying up to cup Max's cheeks, crashing forward to push their lips together.
"No, no! You are perfect, and I..." he kisses Max again, tries to put too much into it. "You have been great, but I think..."
"Daniel," Max calls, half a smile on his lips, grabbing Daniel's shoulders.
Daniel takes a breath, letting Max slow him down again. The next kiss is softer, sweeter. His thoughts clearer.
"I love you, like this and like that, but I would like some furry cuddles right now."
Max smile grows at his choice of words, but he gently pushes Daniel away to get himself some space, not needing to be asked twice.
"I love you too," he says, pressing one last kiss to Daniel's cheek.
And then one second Daniel is looking at his eyes, and the next he has to look down to find the small kitten already fighting with the bunched up blankets.
He laughs, helping him out of them while ignoring the disgruntled little meows. He doesn't know what it is about this, but his soul already feels more settled, lighter.
"Hello baby," he greets, laying back down on the bed in a comfortable position. He immediately feels Max climbing over him, little pinpricks of pain following his journey towards Daniel's collarbone, but he stays still, letting him do his thing.
When Max is settled down, curled up in a little furry ball next to Daniel's neck, purrs already vibrating through him, he brings up a hand to pet him softly, feeling his wet nose press against his skin in response.
He reaches over to turn off the oil lamp, letting the moon take over. He still misses his old home, still misses his family, but the pain of it has subsided in the familiar thrum that always resides between his ribs, bearable once again.
"Thank you, Maxy," he whispers in the silver darkness, brushing his cheek against Max's little body. Max just purrs louder, and Daniel smiles.
Tomorrow he will write a new letter to his mom, will ask about his nephews and about the harvest, but for now he closes his eyes, letting Max lull him to sleep.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 9 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 92... You have been warned...! 👌
Today's chapter has brought back some previous plot points that I and many others have been thinking about for quite some time now...!! 😌 So let's talk about it on this wonderful Christmas Eve, shall we...? 😉
Today's chapter begins with something that we knew was coming...:
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...THE FINALS...!! 😤
Mentioned all the way back in Mission 42, we learned that if Anya does bad on the finals, she will be separated from Becky (and Damian), so it is extremely important for her to do well them...!! 😲 But she isn't the only one worried about the upcoming finals...
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Of course Twilight would be stressing out about whether or not Anya will do well on the finals, but because on of certain goofy spy (last seen being already defeated in a tennis match in Mission 32), Twilight can't even cheat on the test for Anya anymore...:
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(*Sniff* I'm so glad to see Daybreak again, even it's just flashback...!! 🥹)
But since Anya did quite well in Classical Language (also mentioned in Mission 42), Twilight wants her to work on that subject and believes that she could even get a Stella for it... Then this happened:
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After Twilight lost all hope for his daughter to well on the finals, Authens show up and invite the Forgers to have some cookies!! 🍪
While at the Authens' place, we get a lot of interesting information about Authens, but the things that peaked my interest the most are that Mr. Authen taught neurology at the University that he used to work at and that him and Mrs. Authen moved back to Berlint to be close to their son and his family...!! 🤔
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I don't know if either these things about the Authens will lead to anything, but I'll still be on my guard about them... (Especially about who might be their son...! 🤔)
Moving on, Sigmund starts to help Anya with Classical Language by *GASP* using something that she loves to help her with her studies...!! 😲 (Yes, I know Twilight to tried to teach Anya using Spy Wars before, but... He didn't do it properly [as seen in Short Mission 9, which was also mentioned in today's chapter as well...! 😄]) AND IT ACTUALLY SEEMS TO BE WORKING!!! 😆
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And after some more studying, Sigmund congratulates Anya for all of her hard today:
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The Forgers prepare to leave the Authens' place and Anya says that she'll keep coming to the Authens place to study (as long as they have cookies...! 😋) But then, Sigmund asks Anya what's her main goal after becoming an Imperial Scholar, and she says...:
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(I take back being suspicious of him, at least for now...! 😌)
Anya continues her training (I mean studying) with Sigmund until she ends up looking like Solid Snake...!! 👏🤣👏🤣👏🤣
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Anya, you so crazy...!! 😂😂😂
After that, Anya heads off to school (with that permanent marker 5 o'clock shadow on her face 🤭) ready to take the finals...!! 😎 And then...:
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And that was Mission 92, a nice little on Christmas Eve that finally brought back things that haven't been brought up in while (like Daybreak...!! 😆) I loved that Anya was actually enjoying studying for once, thanks to Sigmund!! 😊 And to Twilight, I love you, but... THIS👏IS👏HOW👏YOU👏SHOULD👏HAVE👏APPROACHED👏ANYA👏WITH👏HER👏STUDIES!!!👏😤 My guy Twilight really doesn't understand children AT ALL (especially his own...!! 😌)
I truly don't think that the Authens are bad people after this chapter, but I still believe that they (particularly Sigmund) might have a dark past...!! 🤔 As for the mention of the Authens' having a son has got my theory brain a rolling...! 😵 But, my best guess of who their son could be is either he's Anya's biological father or one of the scientists that experimented on her... 👀
Anyway, I think that's all wanna say about this chapter...!! 😊 And if know me tomorrow is my favorite holiday, CHRISTMAS!! 😆 I probably won't be on Tumblr at all tomorrow, so until December 26th or the next Mission... Take care, be safe out there, be kind to one another, & HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! 💗😆💗 SEE Y'ALL LATER!! 👋😊
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kiddbegins · 10 months
I Can’t Lose You. - Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek
Requested: yes
Word count: 810
Warnings: arguing but it ends happy so 🤸🏻✨
A/n: I couldn’t get the linking a gif to work but this is @winchesterszvonecek ‘s gif from this post.. actually i got it (thank you laptop) but bff this is still for you
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“I can’t lose you.”
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You and Otis didn’t fight a lot. In fact it was super rare and usually not even a fight. Just an argument . The difference being the arguments were always silly. What flavor skittle was the best (the green one.), your favorite Star Wars movie (Revenge of the Sith), which kind of soda was superior (Dr. Pepper.)
But this was a fight. Like actual yelling, crying and all. Your obliviousness was your achilles heel. You weren’t used to, well, people most of the time. Growing up you didn’t have many friends, you didn’t go out places most of college.
The only examples of the social life had been since you started seeing Brian a couple years ago and he basically swallowed you into his friend group who were truthfully always together.
Not that you complained because you loved them but still, everything was new to you. How were you supposed to know the guy that came up to you at the bar was flirting? “Bri, you know I don’t pick up on stuff like that!”
He wanted to believe you, but his own insecurities in himself more than anything picked at his rational, shoving it out the door. “You picked up on it when I was the one doing the flirting. When I was the one passing you drinks ‘on the house’ which you knew meant I was buying for you.”
“Yeah because I liked you! I wanted you to be flirting with me. I didn’t pick up on it, I just gave you my own googly eyes back.” You ran a hand down your face. “Look I’m not arguing with you over this, Brian. Either you believe me or you don’t. Pick.”
Your eyes darted over his, the anger and honestly, the fear, fighting against one another inside of you. You weren’t a liar. And you wanted to yell that at him. Force him to believe you. Because you hated this. All of this. But the other part of you was worried if you pushed him too much he just wouldn’t forgive you at all.
Otis wasn’t like that but truthfully this was also your first real fight. How did you actually know what he was like in them if you never got into one before? “Please believe me.” You couldn’t bear it in yourself to keep up the shield of anger. Not when the one thing you hated most was not being believed.
Instead, your previous emotion was fully replaced with fear. Undoubtful fear. “Please believe me because I can not lose you.” By now there were tears actively sliding down your face. You loved him. God did you love him. Every little molecule that made him had you swooning, always.
He had your attention the second you ran into one another at a cafe, literally. Your coffee down the front of his work shirt and everything. One of the most stereotypical meetcutes you could ever have but with how sweet he was when it happened? How could you not agree to hang out more?
Were you meant to turn him down? “You swear you didn’t notice?” Otis asked, his voice softer than before, the anger seeping out when he saw how your face twisted with sadness. You were his soft spot just as much as he was yours.
“I swear, Bri. I love you. Nobody else could even get me to pull my eyes away from you.” Hesitantly you stepped closer to him, grabbing his hands in yours. “You’re the love of my life, okay? If that guy was flirting, I didn’t realize because I didn’t care enough to. I care about you. Only ever you.”
Your words admittedly brought tears to the man’s eyes, nobody had ever been as sweet and caring as you were with him. Most of the time he was the second, even third choice. Half of him expected you to drop your attention from him to one of the ‘more attractive’ first responders the first night he brought you to Molly’s.
But you didn’t. Your body was glued to the edge of the bar, talking to him for the entire night. You were his before he even knew it. “Alright,” He let out a sigh, pulling you into a big bear hug. “I’m sorry. I really am. I just couldn’t bear the thought of losing you to some guy.”
“You won’t lose me. Ever. I’m here for the long run.” You took a pause, “And I’m hoping that you’ll figure that out soon enough and get moving.” Otis pulled away with a look of confusion on his face.
With a soft laugh you lifted your left hand, wiggling the fingers on it. “By the end of the year I’m really hoping this finger won’t be bare anymore.” You teased, leaning up to kiss his cheek, just happy that that crisis was easily averted.
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djarins-cyare · 4 months
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Hi, thanks for checking out my writing!
I write purely for Din Djarin (though I read and rec other Pedro Pascal characters and other Star Wars media). Whilst not all my stories include smut, they usually contain adult themes and language, so are suitable for over-18s only 🔞
My writing is extremely detailed and character-oriented, and I research and proofread/edit thoroughly. I never start publishing something until it’s fully written. As a result, it takes me a while to produce content, but I hope this ensures that my completed works are high-quality immersive experiences for my readers.
Please feel free to join my tag list.
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**The emojis assigned to each fic below indicate moods rather than specific genres and are open to interpretation**
🔷 Be-All And Endor [406,560 words]
My magnum opus; this is a novel-length slow burn set after season 2. Din has a bounty on Endor and gets more than he bargained for when Reader accidentally nearly runs him down with her speeder in the forest. Over 1.5k kudos on AO3. [😍+🥰+🥵]
🔷 Never Look Down [13,160 words]
Two-part mini-series set on Nevarro after season 3, wherein Din falls for Grogu’s babysitter but resolves not to tell her… until a drunken misunderstanding results in some revelations. [😍+🫣 and a hint of 🥵]
🔷 Din Djarin: The Contractor [1,001 words]
An imagine-turned-one-shot that evolved from pics of Din holding a toolbox and the memory of Joel telling Ellie he used to be a contractor. Reader needs a repairman, and guess who shows up… [😡->😈]
🔷 The Long Goodbye [45 words]
Flash fiction in 280 characters or less. An examination of the reason Ahsoka came looking for Din in ‘Chapter 13: The Jedi’ rather than waiting for him in Calodan like he asked. [🥺]
🔷 Hush
[snippet] I was assigned the genre ‘secret relationship’ in a roll-a-trope writing challenge, so this fic follows Din and Reader as they embark on a clandestine liaison that they have to keep hidden from Karga… because Reader is our favourite High Magistrate’s niece. Features sneaking around, flimsy excuses, near misses, and furtive smut. [😏🤫🥵]
🔷 Held Is The Seed
[snippet] A four-part smutty series. When a guy in a cantina claims Mandos make poor lovers, Reader leaps to Din’s defence and lists several ways in which he could in fact be exceptionally talented in bed. Din overhears and later offers to prove her assumptions true one by one. [😍->🥵]
🔷 To See A Thousand Things
[details & snippet] [snippet - 1st one down] An extremely smutty, angsty piece based on five firsts and one last. Din has something casual with a gun shop owner over the years, but they both discover that something long-term will inevitably transform into something that runs deep. [🥵+😭]
🔷 Aruetiise
[snippet - 2nd one down] One-shot based on the idea of Din and Reader both coming up with reasons they can’t be together, none of which are the same and all of which are idiotic. An argument finally leads to a conversation about it. [🥺…🥹🥰]
🔷 Final Sanctuary
[snippet - 3rd one down] [snippet] Smutty one-shot (will be lengthy) based on a fantasy Din has when his shipmate spills white dip on her chin, and how he manages to figure out flirting and make his fantasy a reality. [🥵->🥰]
🔷 Din Djarin In Jarringly Domestic Situations
[details & snippet] Space romcom involving a series of encounters in which Din meets the woman of his dreams, but each time, it’s in an embarrassing or awkward location or situation. [😍😳🥴]
I’m very open to requests because having a deadline and someone waiting on me often helps motivate me to finish!
I’m flexible in terms of content, but please bear in mind that smut takes me a lot longer to write, and I lean towards fluff rather than angst (though I’m not opposed to the darker end of the scale). I’m also not a fan of breeding kink (sorry, I firmly believe Din is a reluctant father who loves Grogu but would have to be brought around to the idea of one day having his own) or daddy kink. Otherwise, please feel free to suggest anything that takes your fancy!
Ideally, short prompts or ideas for one-shots are best because I’m the girl who got over 400k words out of “slow burn set on Endor”, so the more complex your request, the bigger the undertaking, the longer it’ll take me to research and write (and the longer you’ll be waiting).
If you’ve enjoyed my writing, please consider heading over to AO3 and adding some kudos to my fics there. Also, please consider reblogging any of my fics/series masterlists here on Tumblr. Both these actions increase visibility and help new readers to find my work long after publication. I don’t have a Ko-fi because I value online encouragement and marketing assistance more than cold hard cash.
I also see spinoff media as the highest form of flattery, so if you feel like doing anything creative based around the universes I write, rest assured I’ll be here cheering you on and crying over how much I love you! It’s my dream for my writing to inspire others, whether it’s playing in my sandbox with me or crafting something of your own.
Thanks for your support; it means the galaxy to me! 💙🩵
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prod-ddeonu · 1 year
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episode 11: put my sneakers on!
pairing: college! Jay x fem! reader
CW/TW: enemies to lovers, smau, angst, fluff, smut, horrible comedy, slice of life, jay gets exposed BAD, kys jokes, assault, drinking, flirting hehe, NOT PROOFREAD!!, chef Jay, the note is a sort of vent and mentions death, skip to tl;dr if uncomfortable with those topics as it is important
synopsis: You and Park Jongseong have been enemies for years. Heck, the two of you grew up picking fights with each other. A hateful war of tricks and deceit turns from bad to worse, however, when you finally trump him. Nobody can come back from having a photo of themself in tighty whities sent to the entire school, right?
status: ongoing!
taglist: open! (fill out the google form to be added! your user should be tagged on the masterlist and the next chapter after you submit!)
wc: ~1.9k
You and your entire gaggle of friends were sitting around your apartment, save for Soobin nervously tidying up your counter for alcohol and setting the chairs neatly in the living room.
You laughed at the way he brought out your mini-duster from the pantry. "Soob," you called out. He turned to you with his brows creased. "You're freaking yourself out again."
He sighed and put the duster back down, rubbing the side of his face with his open palm. "I know, I know," he mumbled, "I'm just so scared of his friends not liking me."
"Soob," Keeho smiled happily, "If his friends love him, they'll trust that you're a good person and like you. It's how we feel about Heeseung, at least."
Soobin smiled even bigger and came to sit back down on the couch next to you. "Thank you, guys!" He hugged the two of you.
Beomgyu cleared his throat. "I'm here too, y'know," he jokingly rolled his eyes.
"I wish you weren't," Soobin joked back, opening his arms for Beomgyu to join the hug (which he did).
You sadly turned the TV on to play an old ITZY song. "I wish Chae and Yuna could have been here, they were so excited when you told us. They just had to have practice tonight."
"I know, but I'll take Heeseung to their comeback stage!" Soobin stood up and danced to the song. "I don't wanna take them away from making these good songs!"
You all stood up and began to have a small dance party together, easing your friend's nerves further before the doorbell rang.
It was around seven o'clock in the afternoon at this time, and the boisterous laughter outside told you that it was Jay's ensemble. "Late as usual," you tsked to yourself, swinging the door open with a big smile and holding your arms open to Heeseung.
He bent down and gave you a hug, confusedly, before standing up and greeting you. "Hi, you must be Y/N!"
"Yes, I am! You never figured that out after all the years of being friends with Jay?"
"No, I did, I just wanted to seem like we never laughed at Jay getting his ass handed to him everyday," he laughed. "You're much more welcoming than I thought, I honestly expected a box of snakes or something."
"No, of course not! This is a celebration, this isn't about Jay. And, plus, I only do that kind of stuff to Jay," you beamed, stepping to the side to allow them in.
They all introduced themselves as they walked in, and it shocked you how tall just all of them were.
Jungwon, the boy who seemed to have his wits together the most, pointed his thumb out the door as he began to speak to you. "Also, Jay is here, but he stopped and got some extra stuff for the party so he's trying to get it out of the car, if you were wondering."
You looked up and saw his form hunched into the backseat of his car, pulling out item after item. "I'll go help," you sighed.
You excused yourself from the apartment, going down the stairs and bouncing a little with every hop down.
"I didn't tell you to buy that much booze, Jay Park," you sighed with a small smile as he pulled out bags and boxes of alcohol.
He turned around with a smile, his hands on his hips in a mock defense. "I actually recall you saying to get lots of alcohol, Hwa Y/N."
As he faced you, you couldn't help but examine him. He wasn't in his usual all-black clothing, which took you by surprise. He was in jeans with a simple white tee and a light sweater, making him look softer and sweeter than the usual Jay. You had to admit, your enemy was very handsome and fashionable.
Jay felt your eyes on him as he spoke. He felt the way they checked him out. He couldn't be mad, though, because he'd done the same thing. The second he first turned around, his eyes were immediately oggling your own jean shorts and white tee, a dainty necklace around your neck. However, he could only notice the familiar jacket over your shoulders.
"You wore that jacket for me?" Jay asks, making it sound like more of a statement. He doesn't miss the way you get flustered as he laughs. "I actually bought food for all of us, too. I was gonna cook something so nobody got too sick in your apartment."
You reached into the car next to him, brushing your side against his and sending him into a flurry of warm cheeks and pounding heartbeats. He stepped to the side, giving you space.
You pulled back out with the bags of chicken and tteokbokki, holding them in your hands as Jay held the alcohol. The two of you made your way up to your apartment, stopping just outside the door.
"Jay, can I talk to you right here really quickly?"
He turned his head to you, putting the alcohol down outside the door as you put down the food. "Yeah, what's up?"
"I'm really sorry," you looked into his eyes. "I've wanted to apologize for pushing your buttons on purpose that day since it happened, you never would've did what you did if I hadn't, and I realized that you were the only one trying to make an effort when you came by the other day," you spewed the words out, rambling in a sense. Your head fell to the ground.
Jay grabbed your hands quickly, his eyes wide and a small glimmer in his eyes. "Y/N, you don't have to apologize. I was really in the wrong, I don't blame you for anything. I'm happy you enjoy the gifts, but that wasn't me trying to make you feel like you had to make any type of effort to apologize. I don't want you to think I need to forgive you for anything, it was a two-way street with out fighting. If anything, I should be asking for your forgiveness, still-"
You squeezed his hands, shutting the man up. You looked back into his eyes with a smile. "Jongseongie, I forgave you a long time ago."
You pulled him into a hug, his arms around your waist and yours around his neck. The two of you stayed like that for a few seconds, before Jay pulled back as the two of you stared at each other.
"I like when you call me that," he breathed out in a slow sigh. You felt your face heat up in a foreign, fuzzy way.
There was a similar beating in both of your hearts. If it hadn't been for the tight hug, the two of you would never have felt it. There was an invisible line between the two of you, but it was being erased further by the second. Every second you stared into his eyes, you felt your resolve grow weaker.
Jay's hand went to your chin, his thumb lightly stroking your cheek and tilting your head upwards. His other went to your waist, holding you steady as the two of you began to close the distance.
His face inched nearer, your eyes never leaving his lips. As they got closer, your eyes closed with anticipation. "Y/N, can I k-"
"Put my sneakers on!" Chaeryeong cheered loudly as she walked up the stairs with Yuna.
Both you and Jay shoved off of each other, awkwardly grabbing the bags, bottles clinking against one another in Jay's hands and a bright red blush on both of your faces.
The two girls made it to your door at the same moment that you two had decided to look away from each other in embarrassment. "What's up with you two?" Chae questioned.
You both mumbled, "Nothing." They shrugged and held out a similar bag to you.
"Look, babe! We got some liquor for tonight, too!" Chae smiled wide.
You hugged the two of them once you pulled yourself together. "How did you guys even make it? I thought you had practice," you giggled.
Yuna held a hand around her mouth to whisper, "We snuck out!" She laughed. "Ta-da! We weren't going to just stay in the dorms when we needed to celebrate Scooby Soobie finding a boyfriend! Especially not when his boyfriend also seems really sweet," she crossed her arms.
Chae nodded in agreement, a triumphant hand flying into the air. "And two beers, a whole lot of convincing, and I guess a romantic moment ruined later, here we are!"
Jay finally spoke after standing, gobsmacked. "Aren't you two from that girl group?"
They glanced at him, their faces going pale. "This may be a problem," Yuna stated.
"No, it's not," you smiled. "He's not going to ruin his friend's party or your image, right?" You turned to Jay.
He nodded. "I'm just very confused on why there are two idols here," he added.
Chae scoffed. "And idols can't be friends with their old friends from before they debuted? We've all been best friends for years," she jokingly rolled her eyes.
Yuna clapped her hands. "I'm getting thirsty. Let's drink!" She walked into the apartment without any other instruction, everyone following her.
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Jay had finished cooking the meals rather quickly, as everyone challenged Chaeryeong and Yuna to dance battles and bullied Niki and Beomgyu. The latter had formed a small bonding over being the self-proclaimed "punching bags" of their friend groups.
The entire household was now closer to shit-faced than sober, save for Beomgyu and Niki.
"Why don't you drink as much, hyung?" Niki asked Beomgyu.
He held his glass of water up. "Last time I was drunk, I tried to beat the shit out of a cardboard cutout for looking at me funny. Then, I found out it wasn't a cardboard cutout."
"Woah, hyung," Niki gasped. "You couldn't waterboard that information from me, that's so embarrassing."
"Why, you!" Beomgyu went to flick the boy, who dodged quickly.
Heeseung and Soobin had been long asleep, both falling asleep on top of your bed. Everyone was told to stay over since they were "capital-F Fucked up", but the men of the night were given bed privileges.
Keeho, who had sat out after leading his fifth round of karaoke and stand-up comedy specials, looked around and pointed at the small futon he'd pulled out of his room for the night. "Dude, look at that," he gawked.
The two boys followed his finger and locked their eyes on his target of interest. "Someone take a picture, she's going to be so pissed," Beomgyu struggled to not laugh.
Keeho and Niki took their phones out, both taking a photo.
There you and Jay were in the photo, you asleep across his lap as his hand sat where he had been playing with your hair, and him asleep with his head against the top of the seat.
Maybe there was something that invisible line had been holding back all these years, or maybe there was something the two of you had refused to admit was there the entire time. Something fuzzy and warm, something that tinted the world pink around each other, something that felt like home. It was a force much too strong to accept in the moment, but the slow steps were enough to you.
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notes: hey guys, this isn't a note I want to leave. I'm sorry it took this long to get this post out, I was intending on proofing this tomorrow and posting it but I decided to do it tonight due to unfortunate circumstances. I drove two hours out from home for the week for a job that I cannot leave on a whim, and my family notified me today that both my grandmother was brought to the er yesterday and that she passed this morning. I understand why they held off on telling me, but I cannot fathom why they felt that telling me everything at once and robbing me of my last chance to tell her goodbye and that I love her would have been better for me. I lived with her for ten years and decided to become her neighbor, so although I've been letting my family think I'm taking it better than everyone else I actually can't even look at a single thing without feeling my body shut down a little and think about how I'm coming home to a house without her. I feel guilty, I feel like shit, I feel like an awful grandkid because I was one of her only two and I wasn't around to help or say goodbye. I feel guilty for enjoying my time out of town still, and I feel even guiltier for sometimes letting her passing slip my mind and forgetting she's gone. I haven't had motivation for anything since I found out, and I feel I won't have the motivation to continue this smau for a few days. I'll be taking some time away due to this unforeseen circumstance, maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks. Please forgive me for this, I know people enjoy the story and this isn't me discontinuing it!! It is still ongoing, however it may not be updated soon. Thank you for reading, I'll make the rest of the story very worth everyone's wait!!
TL;DR: Due to unfortunate circumstances, I won't be able to update this smau for a few days to a few weeks. Please forgive me for the sudden announcement, the wait for this chapter, and the possible wait for future chapters! This smau is NOT discontinued, only on a slight pause. Thank you for reading, enjoying, and supporting, and thank you for your patience and kindness as well!
tags: @deobitifull @eladandan @rikakhairana-blog @igotkkaebsonged @222brainrot @sophiko22 @jungwon-xo @moonmoongi @nichoswag @smellypoopfarts @queen-klarissa @luvdroids @sunoosummernights @minl0u @justalivingperson @a-l-i-y-a @b1ndignity @koibiz @cosmiczen @mariji @s00buwu @rinkouzme
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pastelwitchling · 3 months
Thanks for all the amazing Malex stories.
Could you possibly write about Michael and Kyle being worried about that Alex is taking too many painkillers? Thanks.
This prompt actually inspired me to do a two-parter, so that's what I'm going to do 🫣
Part 1/2
“I don’t how comfortable I am with this,” Michael said, arms crossed and shoulder leaning against the archway into the kitchen.
Alex had his back to him as he fixed up the plate of snacks for movie night, but Michael could hear the amusement in his voice when he said, “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”
His shoulders fell. “I’m serious, Alex. This is our movie night, why does Valenti have to be here?”
“Uh, technically,” Kyle called from the living room, “Alex and I were doing movie night way before you guys got together, so you’re the only trespasser here, Guerin!”
Michael pointed into the hallway, eyes narrowed at Alex. “In my own home.”
“Oh, brother,” Alex chuckled, glancing at Michael over his shoulder. “Baby, why don’t you go pick the movie, okay? It could be whatever you want.”
“You’re just trying to get rid of me, aren’t you?”
“Never,” he said easily with a shrug. “You’re my heart and soul. My lifeline.”
“Okay –”
“My never-ending fairytale.”
“I get it,” he said, trying not to smile.
“My hunky alien hubby.”
“I’m going!”
Alex was still calling adoring nicknames after him as he entered the living room, shaking his head and fighting his own laugh, when he saw Kyle sorting through the DVDs, and he sighed, all joy in the world gone.
“Alex said I can pick what movie we’re watching.”
“Oh?” Kyle said without turning around. “Is that what it took to get you to stop moping?”
Michael mimicked him with a much whinier voice, and Kyle slowly looked over his shoulder at him. “Real mature there, cowboy.”
Michael mimicked that too, and snatched the DVDs out of Kyle’s hands.
“We should watch A New Hope,” Kyle said.
“Should we?” Michael said innocently. “Too bad I’m picking then, huh?”
Kyle shook his head, eyes shut like he was making a gallant effort not to throttle his best friend’s husband. “You know Alex’s leg has been killing him lately, and Star Wars makes him feel better.”
Michael softened. He hated when Kyle was right, he hated when Alex was in pain, but most of all, he hated that Kyle had brought it up at all when it should’ve been Michael who’d suggested it first.
“I was going to choose Star Wars anyway,” he sulked, and Kyle looked like he was counting to ten. Now that he was thinking of Alex’s leg though . . . “I’m going to give him his medication. It’s around that time anyway.”
“I can grab ‘em,” Kyle offered, “you get the movie started. Where are his painkillers?”
“How ‘bout I get my husband his painkillers, and you start the movie?”
“Just tell me where they are, Michael!”
Michael took his time setting the DVD player down and waltzing over to the little drawer beside the couch. He heard Kyle stand behind him, heard him sigh as he stretched, and then –
“What the hell are those?”
Michael raised a brow. “Alex’s painkillers?”
Kyle nudged Michael aside, picking up orange bottle after orange bottle. To Michael’s surprise, he was frowning.
“Why are there so many?”
Michael’s brows furrowed. “Because he’s in pain a lot?” When Kyle didn’t respond, instead checking every bottle and its expiration date, he faltered. “What’s wrong?”
“There shouldn’t be this many,” he murmured. “He doesn’t need more than one or two, I’m counting six here.” He shook his head, and Michael had the feeling he was talking to himself when he said, “What the hell’s he doing, taking all of these?”
“C’mon,” Michael chuckled, uncertain. “They’re probably all for different things –”
“Michael, I’m a doctor,” he reminded him. The fact that he was using Michael’s first name was a little more than concerning. “These are all the same prescriptions. He shouldn’t have this many.” He bit his lower lip as he examined the bottles again. “And we have a bigger problem.”
“Which is what?” Michael scanned the bottles again, trying to see what Kyle was seeing.
“They’ve all been opened,” he said grimly. “So –”
“He’s been taking all this medication at once,” Michael finished, and slumped to the ground. He picked up a bottle, examining it. He’d handed Alex these pills himself, and often. He’d never given the number of bottles a second thought. “What the hell?”
“Okay,” a voice sounded inside, and Alex came walking out with a tray of popcorn, pretzels, sandwiches, and chips. “What’re we watching?”
Michael had half a mind to hold up Alex’s bottle and demand an explanation, but Kyle was already shutting the drawer and pushing himself to his feet.
“A New Hope,” he cleared his throat, and smiled. “Your husband knows you better than I thought he did.”
“Really?” Alex smiled, excited. “Not gonna lie, I was hoping for Star Wars. Thanks, baby,” he kissed the top of Michael’s head. “I’m so lucky to have you.” He faltered at the look on Michael’s face. “Michael? What’s wrong?”
Michael opened his mouth to tell Alex what was wrong, to beg to know why he hadn’t told him how many pills he’d been taking, to look him up and down for injuries and make sure that medication hadn’t been leaving a permanent mark on him. But Kyle was standing right behind Alex, subtly shaking his head, and damn it all, he knew more about this stuff than Michael did. Something was clearly wrong with Alex, how could he not listen?
“I get to sit between you guys,” he finally said. “You’re not cuddling up to anybody else.”
Alex chuckled, relieved. “You got it, baby, I’ll cuddle up to you all night. Let me just get the drinks, and we can start the movie.”
He set the tray down on the coffee table and went inside. The second he was out of earshot, Michael demanded, “Why’d you stop me?”
“I’ve seen this before, okay?” Kyle said in a rushed whisper. “The second you confront someone about abusing their medication, they get defensive and start to lie. We have to know what’s really going on here, Guerin, we can’t risk Alex shutting us out, not on this.”
Michael swallowed, starting to get nervous. If Alex had a problem with pills, and he hadn’t noticed this whole time . . . if Alex had been slowly killing himself, and Michael had willingly put the damn things in his hands . . .
“Hey, hey,” Kyle put a hand on his shoulder, eyes intent. “It’s going to be okay, okay? Alex is the strongest person I know, I’m sure there’s more to this story. But whatever it is, we have to approach it carefully. For Alex.”
“For Alex,” he repeated, hands balled into fists and trying not to panic. Not until Alex was back in the living room with three bottles of beer, not until he was in Michael’s line of sight and smiling and seemingly fine did the knot of tension in Michael’s stomach loosen. He sat on the couch while Kyle took the armchair, and held out his arms.
“C’mere,” he said, and Alex complied easily, taking off his prosthetic and wincing despite himself.
Michael shouldn’t have said it, but he wanted to see how Alex would react. “You need your pills?”
Alex looked like he was going to say he did, but he glanced at Kyle and plastered a smile and shook his head. “N-No, I’m okay, I already had them,” and he curled up on Michael’s chest, hugging his waist tightly.
Michael looked to Kyle who met his eyes. See? Alex had known Kyle would spot the number of bottles and start asking questions, and he’d decided to hide the truth. Michael’s arms tightened around him.
“Baby?” Alex looked up with concern, his breath warm against Michael’s collarbone. “You’re shaking.”
Michael forced a chuckle. “I’m a little cold.”
“Oh, well just tell me,” Alex smiled and unfolded the blanket they usually kept on the couch, covering them both. He tucked Michael in and snuggled in close to keep him as warm as possible. “Is that better?”
He nodded, kissing Alex’s brow. “Better. Thanks, baby.”
Satisfied, Alex settled and went back to watching the movie. As the opening credits rolled in, Michael shared another look with Kyle. Kyle seemed to think it was a good thing that Alex wasn’t looking for excuses to take more pills, and made a calming gesture with his hand to Michael.
Relax, he seemed to tell him. He has us here, I’m not going anywhere, just relax.
Michael swallowed and nodded, settling into the couch, his grip on Alex tight. He would relax for now, he would take it calmly, he would stay strong because Alex needed him. For Alex, he thought over and over, whenever dark thoughts threatened to take him away. For Alex.
Happy Malex Monday ❤️
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summaryscar · 1 month
Ask game: Hero of Warriors?!?!!?! 👀
Oh, dang, this was from forever ago I didn’t think I’d see an ask for this game ever again. However, this was one that I wasn’t asked about that I really wanted to talk about, so thank you for asking about it!
I’ll talk about it for a bit first, then share a snippet of what I’ve got done, if that’s alright with you.
So, this is a fic I haven’t worked on in months because I kinda got distracted with other ones and haven’t yet had the time to go back to it. For those who have heard of Epic: The Musical (which I’ve come to realize is a lot of people in the LU fandom), the fic is based off of the songs Survive and Remember Them. I haven’t quite gotten to the part where these two songs actually come into play, but I’m extremely close to getting started on where Survive will happen, if that makes sense.
Besides the fact that I got distracted, another reason as to why the fic has been untouched for so long is because I’m unsure as to how much of the song lyrics and such to include in the fic. There are certain lines I know for certain that I will be including, because how could I not?, but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to have the dialogue be the lyrics word for word, or if it’s better to skip over certain things.
This fic has also somehow managed to branch off into ideas for other fics titled similarly and revolving around the same idea for each Lu character. These ones are still completely unwritten, and I’m not planning on starting them until I get the one for Wars done.
(Okay, that’s a lie. I have, like, a sentence for two written for Legend and one of the others that I can’t remember which one it is, nor do I want to search all my docs at the moment)
Now for the snippet I promised:
“Well, I suppose we can lend a hand or two, what do you guys say?” Warriors turned around, addressing the rest of the Chain who had managed to cut down the surrounding monsters enough for them all to talk.
Wild’s immediate reaction was to run off and charge some nearby Bokoblins that had gotten too close to some of the soldiers. He was soon followed by Wind and Four, the two of them yelling some sort of battle cry as they slashed through any enemy that crossed their path. The rest of them were quick to join the battle, assisting soldiers who appeared to be in need of reinforcements.
After some time, the monster forces seemed to be dwindling, and while it took longer to kill these ones off, — Legend learned the hard way that they had infected blood — they were making more progress than the troops had been making without the Heroes of Courage.
“I think we’ve almost got them all,” said Twilight from across the battlefield. It was hard to hear him properly due to the sound of clashing shields and weapons, but the Rancher was loud enough that it sparked some hope in everyone present, giving them all the more reason to continue fighting until they no longer could.
“Well, that’s good,” breathed Hyrule from somewhere off to the side, treating Legend’s injured arm while still keeping an eye out for any threats coming their way.
Warriors looked around, scanning the area for the rest of his fellow heroes. He caught a glimpse of Wild running through a crowd of ChuChus, slicing them apart with ease, before he lost sight of the Champion. Sky wasn’t too far away from him, using the Master Sword to fight some Moblins from Wild’s world. He didn’t have time to worry about the fact that they were not only battling black-blooded enemies, but also ones from Wild’s era, some of the strongest they’d ever encountered even when not infected. From behind him, he heard Wind’s battle cries once more and came across the sight of his little brother caught in combat with an Aeralfos, the winged creature swooping down on him. That, however, didn’t appear to be a problem for the Sailor seeing how he just jumped out of the way before stabbing it with his sword
That brought the total up to six, seven counting himself. Only two others were left.
I (surprisingly) have a lot more than this written, it just might take a while to get out, but I promise it’ll come eventually
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
One shot - Sargent Hunter
A little something fun while I work on part three of “it’s better this way”
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Warnings: 18+ (I'm always gunna say that just to be safe), mostly fluff
“I’ve never brought anyone home before”
This is super out of any and all context but lets assume the Clone war ended happy. Hunter met a girl he really likes (who he has been with for a while) and he never thought anything of her not having a family. Let's be honest, the war destroyed a lot of them but don't worry this fic isn't about that. Our female character here does however, have someone who is very special to her and shes dying for Hunter to meet them! Also @lune-de-miel-au-paradis gave me this idea so this fic so this goes out to her and thanks to @cloneloverrrrr for the assist 🫡 you guys are awesome!
I don't want to give too much away so lets get right into it...
Standing at the door to my apartment I hesitate to open the door. It's not like this wasn't my idea because it was, but now I'm nervous. What if Hunter doesn't like him? What if he doesn't like Hunter? They both just mean to so much to me, I just need this to go well...
"Mesh'la? Everything okay?" Hunter's voice pulls me from my thoughts.
I spin around and face him, our faces only inches apart. "I really need this to go well. I'm not really worried about you, I'm more worried about how he will react. I've never brought anyone home before."
"Well I'm sure whoever he is, will see how much I care about you and understand" he explains wrapping his arms around my waist, his hands find their home in the small of my back. I can't help but reach for his face, placing both hands on his cheeks and run my thumb over his tattooed face.
"I'm not so sure it would be that simple..." I trail off. Hunter has no idea who he is about to meet and once he does it will probably make more sense. We stand there for a moment, locked in one another's gaze. His eyes are so gentle and warm, sometimes I have a hard time imagining him fighting a war.
I pull him close and give him a quick peck on the lips, "Alright ready?" He offers a nod in response.
Spinning around, I reach into my pocket for my keys and unlock the door. It creaks as it opens altering to the occupants that someone is entering. I push open the door further and reach behind me for Hunter's hand which he doesn't hesitate to take. The two of us enter together, shutting the door behind. I chuckle and glance back to see the look on his face that tell me he's confused. His eye brows are knitted together as he glances between me and my seemingly empty apartment.
"I though you said he would be here. There's no one here."
I can't help giggle as butterflies dance around in my stomach. His senses can alert him to just about anything but he still hasn't figured it out yet.
"Please keep an open mind"
At the sound of my voice, there's a thud and the sound pitter patter of small careful steps can be heard coming from my bedroom. From where Hunter's standing the view of my door is likely blocked by me and my couch. I get down on my knees and drag him to the floor with me. A small *prrrt* comes from behind said couch.
"Come here! It's okay buddy, I brought someone I'd like you to meet" I say speaking softly.
He poke his head head around the corner of the couch and his little hazel eyes flick between us. I can understand his hesitation, Hunter isn't an overly large man but compared to him...
"A cat?" Hunter's voice comes from over my shoulder. He still sounds so confused.
"I told you to keep an open mind" I chuckle and turn to face him, "Remember how I told you, I feel like we all have some kind of soulmate that might not necessarily be human?"
He doesn't take his eyes of the small creature hiding himself behind the couch, "Uh...yeah?"
"This is him! This is Rufus!" I say with pride. Hunter's eyes meet mine and the confusion seems to be gone. A smirk tugs at the corner of his lips.
"So you're telling me I'm going to have to compete with a cat for your attention?"
My mouth drops open and I smack him on the shoulder, not thinking about Rufus. We both quickly look over and notice he isn't behind the couch.
"Now look at what you've done" he teases.
I give him a look but notice he's not looking at me, he's looking on the other side of me. As I put one hand on the floor to turn myself the other way, something furry rubs my arm. Glancing over Rufus is looking up and me and offers another *prrt* before purring. He rubs back and forth on me for a few moments paying no mind to Hunter who watches quietly. A smile spreads across my face at the sight of him just watching Rufus, taking it all in.
"Do you want anything? Some water?" I ask not really wanting to know if he wants something but looking for a reason to give him some one on one.
Hunter's eyes flick back to me momentarily, "Uh no, I'm alright thanks." I nod before getting up and heading towards the kitchen, just out of their line of sight.
Grabbing myself a glass of water, I stand there for a few minutes and decide to sneak a glance in the other room. The scene before me is exactly what I was hoping for. Hunter has made himself comfortable on the couch and I watch as Rufus jumps up on the armrest before hopping on the cushion, disappearing from my sight behind the backrest. Stepping back towards the sink, I place my glass inside before heading back into the living room.
When I enter the living room, Hunter is looking down at his lap. Not wanting to disturb whatever is going on, I find my place behind Hunter, resting my elbows on the back of the couch on their side of him. Rufus is curled up in his lap, his little golden eyes looking up at the two of us. Hunter reaches out slowly and gently pats him on the head. At the contact, Rufus closes his eyes and I can’t help but giggle.
“What?” Hunter gets defensive. I cover my mouth with one hand and try not to laugh out loud. The interaction is awkward and unbelievably adorable. The war hardened soldier interacting with a small creature in a way a child does when seeing one for the first time.
Sliding one hand over his shoulder to his chest, I can feel how tense he is. I lean my head into the side of his and whisper in his ear, “You’re not going to hurt him you know.” He huffs a sigh, gently scratching the top of Rufus’ head, who is purring quite loudly at this point. My other hand finds its way to Hunter chest and at this point I finally feel him relax.
The sense of calm floating through the room right now is something I will forever cherish, both of soulmates finally meeting. I notice Hunter pause his movements before turning to face me, “Mesh’la were you worried he would not like me or the other way around?”
I can’t help the relief that washes over me, escaping as a content sigh. Finally I answer him, “Maybe…but I can see you both will get along just fine.” Patting his chest, I place a kiss on his cheek before joining him on the couch.
Taglist: @cloneloverrrrr @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @idoubleswearimawriter @maybethatfanfictionwriter
@savebytheodore @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff @jediknightjana @techs-goggles9902 @clonethirstingisreal
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Sorry I didn't want to give too much away in the summary because I liked the idea of a surprise! On that note, I really do believe that we all have an animal soulmate out there and mine currently lives with me. He's been with me for the last 10 years, through highschool, moved away to college with me, was with me when I got married, we got out first apartment, and our first house. He really is something special to me and I wanted to honor him in a fic! I hope you enjoyed 😊
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everythingateez · 1 year
ATEEZ as your boyfriend: Seonghwa
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How you met:
It was just a normal day at work at Toys R Us, when a young man came up to the cash register you were working at. In his hands he was carrying a LEGO Star Wars R2-D2• 75308 Collectible Building Kit (2,315 Pieces), which he put down on the belt. You scanned the item, and as a formality you asked him if it’s a gift and if he would like to get it wrapped, which he kindly declined. «It’s actually for me, I really enjoy building LEGO,» he said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck and giving you an uncertain look. «No worries!» you answered with a grin, «I quite enjoy building LEGOs myself, but I could never afford this set…» you chuckled. Even with workers discount, that sweet LEGO R2-D2 is out of reach. After all, you are just a Toys R Us employee. You wondered what this fella is doing to be able to afford this set. «Thanks for not thinking I’m weird…» he said relieved, he probably gets a lot of snarky remarks about his hobby. «I’m actually not sure I could build this all by myself, so if it’s not too much to ask, we could build this together when you’re free», he suggested while tapping his credit card. You caught yourself blushing ever so slightly, but quickly managed to stop and stay professional. «Sure, I’d enjoy that,» you replied with a cheesy grin. You both agreed to meet the next day for lunch at a coffee shop to chill out and build his brand new LEGO set together. «By the way, I’m Y/N», you said, remembering you had completely forgotten to introduce yourself. «I’m Seonghwa,» he replied. He then gave you a cheeky smile, before he gave you a kind nod and an energetic wave as he headed out the door, letting you handle your other customers. The rest of your shift flew by while thinking of your encounter with Seonghwa, and you went to bed as excited as you’ve ever been.
After your first hangout building LEGO, you quickly planned to meet again later that week. You definetely felt a spark with Seonghwa, but your were unsure if he felt the same way or if he saw you as only a friend. After all, he seemed like the guy who was kind to everyone he met, and he might’ve just been happy to find someone to share his hobby with. However, after a few weeks of knowing him, he suddenly gifted you the LEGO flower bouqet set. He had not built it, since he thought you could to it together, but he brought a vase to go with it, so it would be easier for you to bring the bouqet home. As you were about to leave with your fresh flower set, he suddenly gave you a kiss. You must have looked pretty shocked, because he backed away with an apologetic expression on his face. You quickly pulled him back, giving him another kiss.
The relationship (mentions of Halloween, tattoos, Justin Bieber's hit song "Baby", work, math):
- With Seonghwa, words are not needed
- As if it’s magic, he just knows your thoughts and feelings, and just how to respond
- His love language is definetely gift giving, but quality time is a close second
- For Halloween he made you dress up as Rey from Star Wars, his biggest celebrity crush
- He has a stash of temporary tattoos, since he really wants a tattoo but is scared of commitment
- Though, he is not scared of commitment with you
- You quickly made your relationship official to friends and family, it just felt right
- Whenever he is the ending fairy for a stage performance, he always does his favorite aegyo that you do (the peace sign placed on his chin)
- When he’s sleeping over at your place, he uses your toothbrush without you knowing
- He does not want you to see his personal toothbrush, as it is an electric toothbrush singing the tune of Justin Bieber’s «Baby». He just cannot tell how much time passes when brushing his teeth so he needs assistance
- He refuses to spend money on new socks, he’s wearing shoes anyways, so no one is going to see the holes. You throw them out and gift him new ones on different occasions
- Whenever you and Seonghwa are not occupied with your individual, hectic work schedules, you spend as much time together as possible
- Sometimes you go out and explore different parts of the city and areas surrounding, but usually you stay at each others places just doing normal, daily life things
- Looking at your calm and stable relationship, everyone around thinks you’ve been together for far longer than you actually have
- He refuses to do basic math and instead uses the calculator app on his phone for equations like «67+5». This also means he will not let you do basic maths either, and will always double check when you are out eating and such
- Payday means taking you out for shopping-day, he buys you anything you want. That means a lot of LEGO
NSFW (obviously mentions of sexual activities, but also drugs):
- While he is usually a clean and neat guy, in bed he is the total opposite of that
- Things humans were never meant to see: the sheets after you’re done fucking. Literally every type of bodily fluid is on there.
- Gives you one of those vibrators with a remote control so he can mess with you whenever, doesn’t matter if he can’t see you. Simply knowing what he is doing to you is enough
- Lots of hair grabbing
- «Whose pussy is this?»
- Way too big for you, but he knows you take it well
- Always growling in your ears and nibbling on them
- Also nibbles on your tits and nipples a lot, such a boob guy
- Sometimes he is the sweetest guy ever, other times he is extremely degrading and toxic, but it turns you on so whatever, fuck feminism
- Once, you tried out hallucinogens, which kept you going for hours on end
- However, your sex is always banging, so hallucinogens are not needed for your sex life
72 notes · View notes
stillness-in-green · 11 months
On Heteromorphs and Heteromorphobia (Arc XVI - XVIII, Endeavor Agency to Villain Hunt)
My thanks to @codenamesazanka for providing me a few crops this week for less fuzzy looks at background characters than I could manage working just off the Viz online catalogue. I'm hoping this posts okay, because it's about a thousand words longer than any of these have been so far, but has a lot less sub-sub-sub bullets than last week's breakdown of the CRC volume extra. Fingers crossed, and dive in, all!
The Endeavor Agency Arc (Chapters 241-252)
Chapter 245:
Another installment of Bakugou using animal terms, as he calls Hawks a spoonbill (in the Japanese, heradori, loosely meaning carefree bird).  Deku asks, with some sweatdrops, if he means Hawks; Endeavor’s sidekicks just tell him he’s got moxie.  One of Endeavor’s four consistently illustrated sidekicks is a big horse-like guy, though he’s by far the one who gets the least attention from the narrative; he is notably not in the panel of Endeavor sidekicks praising Bakugou’s go-getter attitude.   
The Paranormal Liberation War Arc (Chapters 253-306)
Chapter 256: 
Shouji is noted as having done his work study with Gang Orca.  I would kill to know if they ever had a conversation about their wildly different approaches to managing their scary heteromorph image, but Horikoshi has not deigned to show us anything to that effect.   
Chapter 258: 
This chapter gives us the full spread of the PLF regiment advisors.  While only a few of them will (as of this writing) get much to do, it’s notable that the percentage of obvious heteromorphs considerably increases at this level.  The MLA leadership was, barring cosmetic things like Curious’s skin or Re-Destro’s pointed ears,[1] all quite baseline, but every single regiment has at least one obvious heteromorph in their chains of command.  Indeed, a solid third of them are blatant heteromorphs,[2] which is a better percentile than, for example, the Shie Hassaikai or the U.A. staff can claim. It makes sense, given the obvious problems with restricting unlicensed quirk use to the home, that the MLA would attract a disproportionate number of heteromorphs, but the full extent of this will not be apparent for some time yet.
[1] His nose I read as more an exaggeration than a trait that’s specifically intended to be non-human-looking, but if it is supposed to be non-baseline, it’s considerably more obvious than his ears.
[2] That is, the really obvious, extreme heteromorphs, who number seven of the twenty-one advisors.  I didn’t count the R2D2 lookalike, the guy with the question mark mask, or Hose Face, who might be heteromorphs or might just be in costume, nor did I count Dabi’s #1, the spiky guy in the cabbie hat, whose concrete divergence of a pronged chin is a lot less noticeable than his being, like, eight feet tall and as broad in the chest as a particularly top-heavy wardrobe.  Any of those that are heteromorphs obviously increase the ratio even more.   
Chapter 259:
Our only shot to date of the gal who’s probably Natsuo’s girlfriend, who’s a heteromorph in the “mostly human but with some tertiary animal features glued on” mode; in her case, she has mouse ears and, judging by her body language, a fairly mousy demeanor.  Notable for being one of the most prominent heteromorph/non-heteromorph romantic relationships in the series, which is setting the bar about a quarter-inch off the ground.  Even more notable when you consider Dabi and Shouto’s willingness to sling around dehumanizing microaggressions!    I will remind everyone again that Natsuo evaded the topic of his having met someone at school when Fuyumi brought it up in front of their mother back in Chapter 187; while it played at the time as just a young man being embarrassed, this chapter’s splash page makes it apparent that he had a reason to be embarrassed, and was not just that awkward about the very concept of himself in a romantic relationship.     Knowing, then, that he had met someone at school, the question for the attentive reader becomes, “So why didn’t he want to tell Fuyumi and Rei about it back then, when Fuyumi gave him such a perfect opening?”  At this stage, the most the reader has grounds to assume[3] is that he’s just shy, or he wasn’t quite yet at a point in his relationship with this gal that he wanted to do the whole “introduce her to my family” song and dance, especially given what someone finding out more about his family would entail!  Later reveals about Rei’s side of the family will suggest a different, less benign possibility, however.   
[3] I’ll go ahead and rule out the idea that Natsuo is an asshole who’s not serious about her as being obviously not in the spirit of what we know about him.      
Chapter 267+268: 
Mirko has the thought, “Quick as a rabbit!” when focusing on catching up to Ujiko.  Later, in the midst of vigorously dehumanizing Shigaraki, she makes mention of her “rabbit survival instincts.”  We saw those animal references with Hawks as well, whereas it’s not something we see as much, if ever, from people like Tsuyu or Spinner.  As I suggested before, it’s easy to imagine people who have a hard time because of their appearance are more sensitive about said appearances than people who look like drop-dead gorgeous baseline humans but with a few animal features—but only as long as they’re cute or charismatic animals!—pasted on as an “exotic” touch.
Chapter 271: 
Dabi addresses Hawks and Tokoyami as yakitori—grilled chicken skewers, localized as “roasted chickens.”  This is less eyebrow-raising than him calling Spinner a lizard and then accusing him of being oversensitive for protesting—Hawks and Tokoyami are Dabi’s enemies, after all, and this is hot off of Hawks murdering Twice.  However, it certainly doesn’t support a read I’ve periodically seen offered that Dabi Learned From His Mistake With Spinner and Resolved Not To Do It Again.   
Geten calls the assembled heroes “dogs of the state.”  He’s not addressing any heteromorphs specifically, and of course using “dog” as an insult against someone viewed as overly obedient to a corrupt authority has plenty of history in many languages.  Still, I wonder if it’s the kind of usage that is frowned on as insensitive in some circles, similar to using e.g. “blind” to describe willful ignorance.   
Chapter 278: 
First spoken line delivered by Spinner’s #2, who will go on to be a key figure at the hospital attack.  Even the handful of lines he gets here is extremely effective at establishing his personality—grandiose, dedicated to the cause of revolution, and a vocal rallying figure for those he leads.    A few pages later, another panel will reveal him as being unusually short, likely taller than e.g. Mineta, but shorter than any of the story’s other teenagers, even the girls.  This small stature, combined with the insectile legs protruding from behind his shoulders, give an early hint that we’re looking at a heteromorph, while his mask sets up the possibility that he’s concealing something about his face.    Regarding the mask, it's possible that he just wears it for The Aesthetic, save that the MLA—unlike, say, the Shie Hassaikai—don't have an organizational culture towards masks, as the MLA are very geared towards hiding in plain sight, just looking like normal, average members of society.  Only three out of the twenty-one advisors (give or take whatever’s going on with the R2D2 look-alike) fully cover their faces; Spinner's #2 is one of those three.  It begs the question of why—a question the hospital scene will at least suggest an answer to.   
Chapter 281: 
Shigaraki lays out, over the course of four pages, his mini-manifesto on why he’s going to destroy Hero Society, in which he talks about how heroes have disregarded, even actively concealed, the suffering of those they couldn’t save.  While his mind seems to be mainly on his own experience, we also know that he’s aware of how others like him have suffered.  He’s spent months with victims of Hero Society’s repressiveness, one of whom made very clear, by means of shouting it in Shigaraki’s face, the discrimination he’d faced with no one ever coming to help him.  Shigaraki knows about heteromorph discrimination the same way he knows about villain quirk discrimination and the dehumanization of criminals.  His declaiming here about generations of heroic failure serves to stand in for all of that.    Notably, it continues to be the case that the crowd scenes consist mainly of relatively baseline, mostly human-looking folks.  Those are the ones who most enjoy protection and safety in the current system; all of two people in thirty across three crowd shots in Shigaraki’s manifesto have heteromorphic features/builds more extreme than some extraneous pointy bits pasted on, and both of those two are dressed as heroes, not civilians.
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I count the big energy guy in the cape in the top panel, and the Muppet-looking guy with four arms in the bottom.  Everyone in the panel I didn’t include—the one of Tenko walking through the crowd of silhouettes—is baseline-give-or-take-some-pointy-bits.    We hardly ever see someone like the Sludge Villain or Shouji, or hell, even Tokoyami, in these crowd scenes as everyday civilians, and the conclusion is, inescapably, that it’s because the present-day society doesn’t accept people like that as everyday civilians.
Note, here, how Endeavor responds to the accusation that heroes ignore the pain of those they can’t save—he takes a breather while Shigaraki rambles and then immediately resumes his attack, not seeming to register for even a second that this could be an opening to talk, to de-escalate, even if only as a stalling tactic to let Aizawa get a blink in, to buy the evacuation more time, to give his compatriots that little bit more time to recover.  He’s clearly written off Shigaraki’s words the moment Shigaraki started talking, and no one with him seems to have done any different, not even Midoriya Izuku.    This kind of thing is distressingly common in the series: the heroes have absolutely nothing to say about societal inequality, right up until a victim of it turns up acting criminal, at which point the dialogue goes from the stone silence of complicity to the moral scolding of, “This is going too far.”
Chapter 297: 
The Tartarus jailbreak chapter brings us Shishikura’s father scoffing at the idea that Gigantomachia could be called human, referring to him instead as, “A disaster on legs, or a wild beast.  Just like the rest of the animals we’ve got locked up here.”  He goes on to say that “disgusting beings” like the Tartarus prisoners only managed to blend in with society for as long as they did because, “Quirks have warped our standards for humanity.”    This is clearly mostly a villain bias issue—with the exception of Kurogiri, all of the villains shown on the page of this dialogue are relatively baseline, with transformation or emitter-style quirks.  All the same, it’s worth noting that he repeatedly associates villains with wild animals, dehumanizing them in ugly, startlingly explicit terms.  It begs the question: What are Shishikura’s father’s standards of humanity?  What is he suggesting his society tolerates that pre-Advent society would not have?  I would guess that his beef is with those he views as lacking the self-control or moral standards to refrain from villainy,[4] but rather than just say that, he instead goes to turns of phrase invoking the bestial.  I suspect that deterministic rhetoric like his is not uncommon as justification for both anti-heteromorph discrimination and the bias against villains.   
[4] This guess is based on his wording, what we know about his son’s personality, and the worldbuilding lore that the crime rates shot up with the advent of quirks and never went back down to pre-Advent norms.  The crime rate issue in particular would be highly visible in a society that prided itself on being as peaceful as Japan does in the real-world modern day.   
I will note that, of the six people we see making breakouts who we weren’t already acquainted with—five nameless figures and one Lady Nagant, at the time a new face—four of them are visibly, obviously heteromorphic.
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The three in the foreground are quite distinct, and the one at the far back looks like he fits the bill as well.  Only the one to Moonfish’s immediate left looks baseline, likely an emitter.
The guards, of course, are baseline to a man, with the only exceptions being Gyges and Briareos, who, judging by their costumes, are hero-licensed, not normal wardens.   
Chapter 298: 
The Central Hospital staff start getting introduced.  In much the same way as the police force has a relatively high rate of animal-type heteromorphs in speaking roles,[5] Central Hospital is full of Super Mario Bros. joke characters.  This is mostly a silly in-joke at the time, but Dr. Yoshi here will be back to serve as a deeply exasperating, bad faith gotcha during the hospital attack.   
[5] The rando guys with riot shields are always hella baseline, but there are, by my count, six recurring roles in the police cast: Tsukauchi, Tsuragamae, Sansa, Gori, and two unnamed men I suspect to be with the National Police Agency (the one who tries to get Nedzu to call off the Cultural Festival and the one with the HPSC President in the scene where she’s giving Hawks his League infiltration assignment). Half of these are heteromorphs.   
Chapter 299: 
Hawks's dad, whose little elbow winglets prefigure his son's full wings, has a lament about how he could have been, “free as a bird!” There's no animal reference in the Japanese text.   
I brought up a panel back in the Kamino arc to demonstrate that there was a higher incidence than usual of heteromorphs in an area that was meant to come off, visually, as somewhat seedy.  While there’s always some element of randomness to that sort of thing—I assume the background extras are usually drawn by Horikoshi’s assistants, not the man himself—we see the same thing in the subway station Tomie takes baby Hawks to after they leave home.
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Note how run-down the place looks, with cracked floor tiles, dingy walls, and equipment piled up in the open, then note how at least three, maybe four, of the five people in the foreground have heteromorphic features.   
Chapter 300: 
Dr. Toad at Central Hospital, who will show up in a flashback in the hospital raid that is barely less obnoxious than Dr. Yoshi’s appearance.
Chapter 301: 
While not immediately connected to heteromorphobia, this chapter establishes that Rei’s family, the Himura, were once prestigious and much-storied, but had fallen on hard times by the time they were approached by Endeavor about a quirk marriage.  The easy assumption for why Rei’s parents are so okay with the arrangement is that they were just that desperate for money, but in retrospect, a quirk marriage was far more sane and normal than what their family had been doing for generations!   
Chapter 303: 
Hawks mentions Spinner in his accounting of the problems facing Team Hero.  This makes him rather unusual—All Might, for example, will later repeatedly fail to mention Spinner in similar situations, though it’s unclear whether that’s because All Might genuinely doesn’t believe Spinner to be a threat or whether All Might is trying to avoid bringing up the brewing race riot enormous mob consisting of members of a long-oppressed minority group, in hopes of keeping his students away from it.   
Chapter 306:
I’ve avoided bringing him up until this point because his hero costume makes it very hard to tell if his neck is just a mildly caricatured feature like Re-Destro’s or if it really is covering up a non-baseline feature, but Best Jeanist’s outfit at the press conference is the place to start if you want to make an argument for him having a heteromorphic feature.
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If he is a heteromorph, Jeanist covers it up extremely well, to the point that I’ve never seen anyone outside my chat group even raise the possibility that he might be!  But that is part of his whole modus operandi, isn’t it?  To keep up the appearance of things, to present an unassailable image of heroes, even when they’re running themselves ragged, because that’s what he believes the public needs?  Here we see Shouji’s decision about masking himself taken to its logical extreme—being so invested in a harmonious appearance that doesn’t disturb anyone that he doesn’t even register as non-baseline to begin with.    I’m very fond of Jeanist, mind you, and I love his awareness of surface and veneer—he feels like someone who has made a conscious, considered, moral decision to uphold the system, a decision he’s given far more thought to than fellow heroes who never get past, “How do I want to present myself to the public?” to the question of, “Why do I believe this presentation is the correct moral choice?”  But that veneer is, as the endgame has gone to some efforts to explore, not sustainable for anyone.  (Would that Shouji were taking notes.)   
The Villain Hunt Arc (Chapters 307-328)
Chapter 310: 
This chapter brings us the attack on the giant woman.[6]  While the three men—all baseline, all using support goods rather than whatever their own quirks are—attacking her seem to be doing so out of fears that she’s a villain, not explicit hatred for heteromorphs, this is very clear heteromorphobia nonetheless.  There’s absolutely nothing about the Ordinary Woman that suggests that she’s remotely villainous—not her attitude, not her dress, not even something like a punky haircut!  The only reason to distrust this woman’s intentions is suspicion of her height, her claws, her vulpine face—in other words, her status as a heteromorph.  The only other thing remotely dubious about her is that she was out after dark—but of course, so were the men hunting her!    Note here the woman’s strong implication that she was attacked before she ever reached a shelter.  She says she thought to take shelter at a hero school and, somewhat haphazardly, left her home in the night.  She doesn’t finish the sentence, trailing off before apologizing, but it’s plainly nighttime when Deku rescues her, and, by her own words, she’s still in her own town.  The story isn’t finished with her yet, and what happens to her next is tied to her experience at the shelter she was trying to reach.   
[6] As yet unnamed due to some misguided idea Horikoshi has about keeping her an everywoman; even in her character profile, she’s just the Ordinary Woman.   
Deku unthinkingly commits what reads to me as a fairly egregious microaggression here,[7] suggesting that the men who attacked the Ordinary Woman were probably just as afraid as she was of the recent chaos.  They were just understandably afraid, so, you know, it’s not really their fault that they viciously attacked you, an obviously terrified innocent woman!  You just look so scary!   
[7] Though I don’t get the impression Horikoshi registered it.   
The two discuss wanting things to “go back to normal.”  Normal, in Ordinary Woman’s experience, means not getting attacked right out in the streets of her own town, but it’s worth thinking about how little it took to prompt that attack, and thus to ask how abnormal such violence truly is.  As we will find, there are parts of the country that didn’t at all need a slide into lawlessness for an attack like this to be horrifically, appallingly “normal.”  
Banjo compares the current circumstances to those around the time of the Advent—darker days in which people lived holding their breaths, trying not to stand out.  This phrasing is not exclusive to heteromorphs; even something as simple as being on your own can make you “stand out” as a target, and we know plenty of quirkless people were victimized exactly like that.[8]  All the same, it’s self-evidently the case that people who don’t look like everyone else will inherently stand out, and no amount of traveling in groups or refraining from the use of their powers will change that.  Lines like this don’t explicitly reference the heteromorph mass slaughters we will later be shown, but they do lay the contextual groundwork that makes those slaughters both believable and predictable.    Folding that all together, the Ordinary Woman demonstrates very clearly how difficult it is, especially in times of chaos, to be a heteromorph and just be normal.  And when being "normal" is so difficult, what do you do? Try to be normal, gambling that heroes will be there to save you when you’re victimized?  Try to protect yourself by becoming the kind of paragon your society admires, knowing it will cost you your voice? Turn against the society that repeatedly fails to protect you, resigning yourself to a life on the run?  There's no outcome that doesn't demand carrying the burden of a decision that other, “normal” people are not required to make.   
[8] We know this because it’s explicitly explained as what happened to the quirkless man in the One For All dream flashback in Chapter 193.      
Chapter 314: 
Lady Nagant drops the ugly secret of the HPSC for Deku,[9] telling a heroic character an only very slightly more extreme version of what the reader already knew from Hawks’ duties and backstory.  This is not specifically about heteromorphs (though the face we most visibly see her murdering is one), but it does point to the possible difficulties in organizing serious movements to agitate for changes to the current system.  The HPSC is so firmly convinced that the Hero System is society’s best and only defense against chaos, and thus any threats to that system can, justly, be disposed via extrajudicial assassination.  What chance, then, would an activist leader have as soon as they started being disruptive enough for the HPSC to notice them?   
[9] Who will do absolutely jack shit with it, and, indeed, come away from their encounter blaming her fall on AFO, somehow.      
Chapter 318: 
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*meme voice Good For Him*
Introduces the Spinner fanboys, a pair of octopus-type heteromorphs in quite good Spinner cosplay, who will crop back up later at the hospital attack.  They’re foreshadowing for the Spinner-as-representative plot, though said plot will not make 100% clear whether or not these two were inspired by Spinner on his own merits, back when he was just another member of the League of Villains, as opposed to after the PLF started pushing his image forward specifically.    They’re with a small group of other heteromorphs attacking a trio of baseline folks.  Deku defends the baseline group from the attack but apparently does not follow through on chasing down the heteromorphs; he just breaks it up and lets the attackers run off, perhaps feeling like panicky civilians (to whatever extent people literally wearing a wanted villain’s colors are “civilians”) are not threats he needs to facilitate the arrest of, or perhaps just conserving his energy for his big fights with AFO’s people.
Later in the chapter, we see a more abbreviated version of a similar sequence of events, save that this time, there are heteromorphs on both sides, demonstrating that the violence has not entirely broken down along baseline vs heteromorph lines.  You saw this in an earlier chapter as well, with one of the people in the group confronting Endeavor being a lady with a dog head, but this is the first place you see it in an actual conflict.
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I dig this kappa dude with the Shounen Main Character Guy haircut.  And good on his more baseline friends for sticking with him.
This chapter also introduces Dictator, one of the Tartarus escapees singled out as sent by All For One.  Dictator drives me crazy because like, okay, yes, he’s a cartoonish and ridiculous caricature of a Villain, down to his quirk name being given as Despot.[10]  But I would ask the reader to look at this guy and really, really think about what life must have been like for him when he was, say, Kouta or Eri’s age.
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   I mean, really.   
[10] Remember my thought experiment from early on about who decides what quirks are named, parents or a government official?  Yeah.  Who’s responsible for giving that quirk name to a four-year-old?   
One thing that’s always felt telling to me about Deku’s brief exchange with Dictator here is that Dictator, in amidst a flurry of dramatic supervillain talk, says, “Taking you in will bring me security,” and Deku, Mr. Wants To Understand Villains & Save Absolutely Everyone himself, doesn’t ask, doesn’t even think, about what Dictator could possibly mean by that sentence.    I know Dictator’s in the middle of controlling a bunch of people and is working for AFO and Deku’s exhausted and all—the story makes it clear that he took a turn for the more gritty and driven after Nagant quite literally blew up in his face.  Still, when you compare the attempts he makes to ask questions and interact with Muscular, Overhaul and Lady Nagant—all relatively baseline when their quirks aren’t in use, and significantly more baseline than Dictator even when they are—his total incuriosity about Dictator does stand out pretty badly.   
Chapter 320:
Ojirou mentions being touched by how angry at Shinsou Deku got on his behalf back at the Sports Festival.  Recall that Shinsou called Ojirou a monkey back then.  Is he not used to other people getting mad for his sake about that sort of thing?   
Chapter 323: 
Some really fascinating stuff both from and about Nedzu in this chapter.  Firstly, Endeavor says that Nedzu’s contributions to “quirk morality education” have made him internationally renowned, yet I can’t help but observe that at least the first year students have not learned anything of the sort.  Their classes and exercises are focused primarily on combat, with a secondary focus on teamwork in that most of their exercises see them separated into pairs or small groups.  There are also special lessons that boil down to being about how to create their own distinct hero “brand.”    What I cannot call to mind are any lessons on the morality of quirk use.[11]  That’s not to say there’s none of that in the series at all, but the stuff that I think of is not encountered in class.  The focus on dealing appropriately with injured and frightened victims, for example, comes courtesy of the license exam, while the lecture about heroes following the rules and behaving appropriately comes from Tsuragamae after the Stain incident.  The remedial course with Gang Orca probably comes closest, and is technically a course, rather than an exam, but Nedzu has nothing to do with it, so it clearly can’t count.    Once again, I am left to wonder when exactly Hero schools start teaching these alleged lessons in quirk-based ethics.  Offscreen, or only in higher grades?  It’s not a real great look, I think, that the priority is on all the cool flashy stuff and not the ethical ramifications of using your power to enact violence on people.  And sure, it’s a shounen comic, so you’ve got to keep things flashy enough not to lose the readers, but it wouldn’t take more than a few dedicated pages now and again where Aizawa or Nedzu talk to students about the weight of what they’re doing.  We don’t get those pages, so the discussion of quirk “morality” is largely under-explored.[12]    This is, of course, not directly about heteromorphobia, but discussion of the morality of quirks would have to include the beliefs people have about quirks, which in turn affect everything about how the world deals with them: quirk discrimination, quirk counseling, the laws surrounding quirk use, the punishment for breaking those laws, and so forth.  All things with significant impacts on heteromorphs!   
[11] Indeed, if there were any effort from U.A. to provide morals education, you’d think Mineta would have seen some consequences for his egregious behavior ages ago.
[12] Honestly, I think the person who’s ventured the clearest moral stance on quirk use is Yoichi in his flashback, and he’s ludicrously absolutist about it, saying that quirks must only be used to help others, never for personal gain.   
My Press X to Doubt response to Nedzu’s contributions to quirk morality education aside, I’m fascinated by his mini-speech that follows:
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It’s a great observation of humanity from one who sits just that little bit removed from humanity, and begs a whole series’ worth of questions about Nedzu’s position and his feelings about the species his intelligence has both enabled and required him to grapple with.  While he doesn’t specify exactly what sort of intolerance he has in mind, and the flow of the plot ties his words to the anti-hero sentiment amongst the civilians, we’re well past Chapter 220’s introduction of the CRC here, and have more to see yet on the treatment those with “villain” quirks are subjected to.
As one who was, himself, mistreated in a way that fundamentally would not have happened were it not for his (heteromorphic) quirk, yet whose quirk gives him a degree of insight about that very mistreatment, Nedzu is in an amazing position to opine on discrimination.  I frankly wish he got way more room to do it in.   
Chapter 325: 
The Ordinary Woman giantess gal returns to tell us that she was turned away from several shelters because they didn’t allow heteromorphs.  It’s hard to overstate how incredibly bad this is—the blatant discrimination of turning away an entire demographic during a national emergency.  And not just a national emergency, but one where the actual support personnel—heroes—are going to be concentrating around the shelters, consciously electing to leave minimal aid for people remaining behind in evacuated zones.  So like, when this is how bad it is, can it possibly be any kind of surprise that there’s a riot brewing, especially when there are villains stirring the pot behind the scenes?   
One thing that really, really gets me is the bit where Ordinary Woman says several shelters turned her down until she made it to U.A.  Remember how I mentioned that the strong implication of her original scene is that she’s still in her own city, only left her home that very night, and was attacked before she could reach a shelter?  If that’s so, then what in hell happened after Deku left her with All Might?    I’m so serious about this.  Did All Might just take her to the nearest shelter, drop her off at the door, and then drive off, so concerned about getting back to Deku that he left before he could ensure her safety?  That would reflect incredibly poorly on him, and put her right back in danger.  Though it would not be the first time he prioritized his mentorship of Deku over his other responsibilities, it would still make him look so bad that I’m doubtful that was Hori’s intended sequence of events.    The other possibility I see is that All Might did stay with her, driving her to a few different shelters before getting fed up and bringing her back to U.A., where he could be sure she’d be accepted.  This option looks almost as bad for a totally different reason: that even in the face of a refugee delivered to them by All Might himself, with everything the country owes him and the nigh universal love and acclaim he commands amongst the populace, people would still take one look at Josei-san and turn her away.    Of course, it’s also possible that I’ve just misinterpreted her initial scene, and she already had been to the several shelters, but couldn’t bring herself to tell Deku why.  Her silence on the topic would be its own brand of Relevant For This Essay, particularly given Deku’s baseline state—perhaps she doubted that he would believe her, or thought he might get defensive, if she told him.  That’s certainly the least awful of the options.    Still, I’d maintain that the way her story is framed—the way she was traveling on foot, the time she says she left vs. the time it was when Deku found her, how unlikely I think it is that there are multiple hero school shelters in timely walking distance,[13] the fact that she’s perfectly willing to tell him about her rejections when they meet again at U.A., etc.—suggests she hadn’t made it to a shelter yet when Deku turned up, and thus either All Might got unforgivably sloppy or there were multiple government officials overseeing shelters who were willing to be gargantuan bigots right to his face.   
[13] That’s if hero schools are the only shelters in use at the moment.  On the one hand, that feels improbable and unnecessary to me, given that HeroAca!Japan presumably has all the same emergency shelters IRL!Japan has now, and Jeanist’s phrasing in 306 suggests that hero schools are being added to the list of designated shelters, not that they are being designated the only shelters.  On the other hand, he does also say the heroes are looking to decrease the amount of area they, with their diminished numbers, have to cover, and specifically calls out hero schools' defensive capabilities and large campuses, while not independently mentioning shelters of the normal sort like I might expect if both were going to be in use.  For example, he could say something like, “We are asking people to report to their local emergency shelters, and will be opening hero schools as shelters to help with the increased burden.”  I invite readers to come to their own considerations on what’s more likely, but will say that if it is only hero schools being used as shelters, that obviously makes the whole “turning away heteromorphs at the door” scenario even more scandalous.   
The baseline dude who’s generally been the spokesperson for the anti-let-the-kid-back-into-school crowd asks Deku if everyone can go back to their old lives after this, if they let him in to rest up.  Deku, who has just been told that a woman he rescued was turned away from multiple shelters, reiterates that he and the rest of the heroes will “bring it all back.”  No matter when he promises this, he will never exhibit the slightest hint of awareness about what exactly he’s proposing to return.   
Chapter 327: 
Bakugou makes a conscious effort to call Deku by his given name instead of the derisive nickname of their childhood.  It remains to be seen whether he will follow through on that for the derisive nicknames he uses for everyone else, but for what it's worth, I have made it all the way from here up through the point at which he goes down to ShigAFO and have not had cause to jot down anything about him for the purposes of this essay yet. We'll see if he can keep it up through the epilogue!   
With Deku safely passed the fuck out, Jirou—a heteromorph, albeit not a hugely visible one—is the one to say that they and the rest of the heroes can’t just bring things back the way they were; they have to make things better.  Desperately wish Deku would pick up what Jirou’s throwing down here.   
Chapter 328:
328 gives us some cameos of international heroes, cameos from the third movie, World Heroes Mission. The one relevant to this topic is Big Red Dot, the Singaporean hero who the wiki claims is his country's #1,[14] and who appears to be a merlion heteromorph. And like, there is so much I could say about Big Red Dot and his status as top hero and heteromorph! So much!    I could talk about the merlion as a national symbol for Singapore, and how heteromorphs who just so happen to resemble local sacred/divine/fortunate animals in their regions might be treated differently compared to heteromorphs like Spinner or Shouji.    I could talk about the merlion's status as tourist attraction and subject of nationalistic poetry, and how that imagological history impacts Singaporeans' feelings about the merlion as cultural icon.    I could talk about the way the merlion's brand image is maintained under trademark by the country's national tourism board, and how that might relate to or impact Big Red Dot's image as a hero, particularly given that we have no idea what sort of metrics Singapore's HPSC equivalent uses to rank their heroes!    I'd love to talk about that, but I'm reluctant to do more than sketch out the above outline for two reasons, both profoundly Doylist.   
[14] The fandom wiki does not see fit to cite a source for this. I assume it's mentioned in the movie? Anyway, if he isn't Singapore's #1, the stuff I said is still relevant, just somewhat less pronounced.   
Firstly, I read Marvel comics growing up, and I am keenly aware that a tremendously common approach taken by superhero stories dealing with heroes from outside the author's country of origin is to just theme those international heroes after famous (e.g. stereotyped) aspects of their home countries. I highly doubt that whoever came up with Big Red Dot was thinking any deeper than "Singapore = merlion, ergo Singaporean Hero = merlion hero guy".   
Secondly, Big Red Dot is, first and foremost, an original character created for the anime, and the anime transparently, desperately Does Not Want To Talk About Heteromorphobia, so I highly doubt they're thinking about ways it might impact their movie OCs. Now, I know Horikoshi comes up with many of the designs of prominent characters in the movies, but I don't know how much he's involved in conceptualizing those characters. That is to say, did Studio Bones ask him for "a design for a top hero from a country of your choice, Horikoshi-sensei," "a design for the top hero of Singapore," or "a design for Big Red Dot, the merlion-themed top hero of Singapore"?
Suffice to say that if I were going to include BRD in a fanfic, I'd be full of things to say about him. For the purposes of this essay, though, I'll just raise some possibilities and then leave the reader to turn him around in their heads some and think about how he fits into the broader tapestry of the heteromorphic experience around the world.
Come back in (probably) two weeks for what will hopefully bring this essay up through the hospital attack! We'll see after that if I want to continue on into Vigilantes or what-have-you.
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