#thanzag fanfic
guiltyscarlet · 2 months
👬 Fingers intertwining for Thanzag? <3
Hiii ! Thank you for the ask! For this fun game/challenge It was my first tome writting ThanZag, hope it comes out okay
EDIT: I crossposted it on AO3 here
Snippet below the cut
0=={{::::::::::::::> Zagreus emerges from the pool of Styx disoriented. He’s pretty sure he wasn’t defeated this time. In fact, he was just talking with his mother, when he felt this… pull. 
Frustrated, he storms to his chambers, ignoring Hypnos’ annoying waving and Nyx’ concerned gaze. Only to find Thanatos sitting at the edge of his bed. The god of Death rises at his entrance, his golden gaze, framed in silver strands, immediately finding Zagreus’. There’s something vulnerable about him. Something foreign, as Than’ usually keeps his emotions close to his heart, never to be seen by anyone. 
There’s a long pause as they just stare at each other. 
Until Thanatos finally breaks the silence.
“I thought this time for sure, I wouldn’t see you again. I felt it when you exited the Underworld.” There it is, that carefully crafted mask of indifference, slotting back into place. “How come you’re here again ?”
“I’m not sure… I think I can’t leave. But Than’, I met my mother !!”
Thanatos’ gaze softens slightly “That’s… I’m glad for you Zagreus. Now, what do you mean you can’t leave ? And why do you look so… dejected…? If you were able to meet your mother, I mean.”
“Something about being bound to the Underworld…But that’s not- that’s not why I’m upset. My mother thought I was dead. That's why she left.” A thought hits him then, and his voice becomes small. “Did you know about this?”
Thanatos’ features shine with confusion before settling in something like determination. He crosses the distance between him and Zagreus in two long, elegant strides. He reaches for Zagreus’ hand, forcing his mismatched gaze on him. 
“I swear to you, I didn’t. I was sure the Queen left because she was unhappy with her life down there.”
Zagreus feels silly for even entertaining the thought. Than’ would never keep something like that from him.
“I believe you.” His gaze catches briefly on their hands, and he allows himself a slight smile before his features close off again. “My father, however, never said anything.”
“You know how he can be… Try not to take it too personally, Zag’.” In an uncharacteristic display of affection, Than’ entwines their fingers. His eyes are sincere, intent. “I’m here for you. You know that, right ?”
Zagreus barely manages to stammer out a “Yes”.
They linger like this for one, two seconds, before Than’ lets his hand fall away. He steps back, and turns without another word, exiting the Prince’s chambers.
Zagreus can only stare after him, completely stunned.
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onwardorange · 6 months
resurrected in your image
On the outskirts of the kingdom where it all began, Thanatos finally meets his destiny. Zagreus, it seems, has other plans.
read on ao3!
The sun is very bright above Thanatos. 
It’s warm—or, at least, Thanatos imagines it should be warm. As it is, he can’t feel much of anything besides a sort of tingling in his upper back. It radiates outwards in every direction, all the way to the tips of his fingers and down to his toes. It’s a funny sensation; almost ticklish.
Thanatos tries to laugh, but he finds he can’t. There is liquid clogging his throat, sharp and metallic.
Instead, Thanatos blinks up at the bright sun above him. He thinks:
It’s a strange thing, how one’s destiny seems so far off until it is suddenly right in front of you—or perhaps right behind you—wielding a weapon that is to be both your destruction and your making and laughing madly at how in the end, despite all of your wondering and thinking and planning, you never saw it coming. 
continue on ao3
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virgothozul · 5 months
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old art I did after reading dog petting heist by @/robnauts on ao3 // @plounce on tumblr
It’s so tender and fun and soft and intimate and somehow goofy and quiet 😭💕 help i love it so much
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27356893 (Teen rating)
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
Summary: “You’re going to think it’s silly.” “Answer the question, Zagreus.” “... I want to go say hi to Cerberus.” - Thanatos gets a call from a tipsy Zagreus in the middle of the night, requesting his assistance with a very important secret mission.
Author: @plounce
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darlingpoppet · 1 month
LiminalSpaces— Chapter 3
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Hades (Video Game) | Modern AU (College/University) | PZA | Explicit | Chapters: 3/7 | Words: 21,238 (Chapter 3: 6,763)
Summary: Inspired by The Dreamers, except make it 2010s and vaporwave. Zagreus is a university student who feels aimless in life. His girlfriend dumped him, things between him & his best friend are weird, and he lacks ambition in his studies, all while the optimistic visions of his generation’s future are becoming lost. Until one day, he falls into the orbit of Achilles & Patroclus―a charming, yet eccentric pair who completely alter Zagreus’ outlook on life & death, love & loss, past & future, and the transitions in between. (Chapter 3 summary: Zagreus reaches a stalemate in his relationship with Thanatos. Achilles & Patroclus invite Zagreus back to their place again for what ends up being a highly-charged evening of music, games, drinking, and sex.)
“Ugh, Pat. Why don’t you go get a glass?”
Achilles scowls as he watches Patroclus take a particularly clumsy swig directly from the wine bottle, accidentally allowing some to escape from the corners of his mouth and run in blood-like rivulets down his chin and neck. Achilles, to his discredit, hasn’t been behaving much better. His own glass has gone untouched for a while now, and he opts instead to pass the bottle back and forth between himself and Patroclus.
“I will get one whenever I next have an excuse to end up in the kitchen,” Patroclus says as he hands the bottle back to Achilles. “Consider every sip of wine a kiss from me.”
“Why consider it, when I can just do this?”
Achilles pours some wine into his mouth, holding it there while he leans over to Patroclus and feeds it to him. Wine dribbles out between their mouths as the transfer devolves into a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss. They struggle to stifle their giggles over the mess they’re making, while reveling in the delectations of the kiss.
If they were anyone else, Zagreus might have felt irritated to be made a captive audience to their impudent displays of affection. But as it is, he has difficulty ever seeing their behavior as anything but endearing. And to be fair, he thinks to himself, as he tips back his wine glass for small sip: they are probably really, really drunk.
“We should let Zagreus have a turn at the game,” Patroclus says as soon as he regains his composure.
Zagreus, whose mouth is still full, tries not to splutter as he swallows down his drink all at once. He titters incredulously.
“What, me? I don’t even know anything about the kind of music you like.”
“Don’t you worry about that,” Patroclus says kindly. “I’ll help you with it.”
“Patroclus, no, don’t you dare—” Achilles starts, his voice sharp with warning.
“It’s all right, Achilles! Don’t you want to make our guest to feel clever? And who knows, maybe you’ll know the answer.” Patroclus grins impishly as he bounds over to Zagreus’ side, taking the wine bottle with him.
“And what if he doesn’t?” Zagreus asks Patroclus.
“And if he doesn’t—” Patroclus repeats; he leans in slowly, his mouth now so close to his ear that Zagreus can hear the gentle intake of breath in his preparation to speak. Zagreus feels the coarseness of his beard, the nearness of his warmth, making his skin prickle; he can catch a whiff of the alcohol, along with the earthy, yet floral sweet smell of his dark brown skin. “—He’ll have to do whatever you say.”
Chapter Navigation: 1 | 2 | 3
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baejax-the-great · 4 months
Thanatos x Zagreus | M | Chapters: 11/11 Tags: Angst, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotion suppression, body transformation, Thanatos finds a unique way to deal with having a crush for the first time in his life, Canon-Typical Violence Summary:
“I have come to ask for your help.”
Aphrodite accepts this news as if it is delicious, her lips puckering in satisfaction, her gaze moving to his chest with a knowing eye. “Yes, I see. That does look painful. And have you come to ask for me to woo the object of your desire for you?”
“I didn’t expect so.”
Already Thanatos can feel the pull of the Underworld on him. He doesn’t care. He will stay here until he dies if he has to. Following Zagreus’s example, it’s easy enough. He pushes the pain down, and does not allow himself to tremble.
“I want you to take it away.”
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flowgeeksout · 2 months
I was just thinking of ships/fandoms I used to adore but fell off the train from. And not in the way of "Oh it is no longer my thing." But the "Oh the fandom has moved on so far and fast I can find nothing I like anymore. And I have changed and I don't like the stuff I used to adore." So you just sit on the outskirts watching as the Fandom/ship grows without you.
Well, actually no you go and make a shit ton of fan content for it that you like and beat people up until you have your own little corner of fandom because "The Fandom may of lost the ways of you, but you will not lose the ways of the fandom." Basically the main stream may not be for you, hell you may not even be looking at fan content expect once in the blue moon! But you can still love and make stuff for it.
Basically in opoion: The Evaluation of "only fan content consumer" to "Fan content consumer and maker" to just "Fan content maker." Because personally for me I never gave up on any the fandoms I was in its just I couldnt find my place anymore so I made my own. That is why I believe there are two different types of Fan creators:
the traditional you have fallen into the fandom and have probably looked at the fan content and start making and interacting with fan content
You have been there so long that the stuff you loved it gone and going back to old favorites just does not feel the same because you have changed so you make your stuff without really interacting with other fan content because you cant find your footing
Kinda like a friend that over time you have lost touch with and think about them and watch from your corner but they don't with you. Or maybe they do but both of you don't know where to start anymore so you stay in your respective corners not leaving
Does this make sense?
God having COVID makes me think to much since I have nothing else to do.
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insomnikat-mused · 7 months
Obsession. Character study. Art.
for Feedback Fest 2024 I went through my bookmarks and managed to choose 10 completed fics + 1 I am avidly subscribed to. Some are novel-length. Some are ficlets. Some are fluff and funny and others are the most exquisite angst I have ever read.
All have an undercurrent of one or all of the themes above.
In no particular order (because Tumblr acts funny when I try to move them) and color-coded by medium for convenience:
Astarion's No Good Terrible Day by Qoboe. Tav x Astarion (BG3). Astarion keeps living the same day at the goblin camp, and Tav dies every time.
Seasons by StinglessWasp. GhostSoap (CoDIII). Four seasons, five countries, six months.
those hands were meant to love by Ahenix. TwiYor (SxF). Five times Loid Forger uses his hands to express love, and the one time he receives love through touch.
keepsakes hold power by dustandstatic. ThanZag (Hades). God's keepsakes and blessings change zagreus' appearance and behavior during an escape. Thanatos takes notice.
Things More Initimate by icarus_chained. Steve x Natasha (MCU Avengers). He'd asked her if he could draw her. She'd teased, wondering at the kind of drawings he meant. In the end … in all innocence, maybe he'd drawn something more intimate still.
i found my heart in your chest by snickiebear. KakaSaku (Naruto). Here’s the thing about loneliness: it eats you whole.
a knife in the country by cicak. Agnes x Rios (Picard). Agnes can't even begin to state the nature of her psychiatric emergency.
Conquest by ProlixInSpace. Shakarian (ME3). She doesn’t resent it exactly, but it’s just very hard to be comfortable in the presence of a 15-foot bronze replica of yourself. (She wonders often which of them has more metal parts.)
The Space Between by theSealby. Sylvix (FE3H). Felix keeps noticing a man in a museum.
must be this tall to ride by viperbranium. Stucky (MCU Avengers). Or how Bucky should probably pay more attention to the people around him before talking obscenities about a National Icon.
I Look To You to See the Truth by BitchBot3000. NejiHina (Naruto). Post-war, Hinata's life takes a different path and Neji is given the chance to dream.
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evelinessa · 4 months
About Death; With Death
Over a year old now, but my first (and so far only) Hades Game fic. Originally written for Trick or Treat Exchange 2022.
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Thanzag | Fluff and angst | 1.4k | Rated T
About Death; With Death
Zagreus was in a more injured state than usual before he and Thanatos began their friendly competition. It was a good thing that Thanatos was there to help him through it. Well, it would be if Zagreus would just let him.
Some tropes & tags:
Established relationship | Communication | Competition | Battling
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argetcross · 2 years
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Happy 2nd anniversary to my zag mortal au fic, “wasting beats of this heart of mine”! I wanted to share more concepts and sketches I made over this past year with everyone. Thank you, as always, to all my kind and supportive readers, who have made these last two years so memorable and fun!
A big shoutout to @nanisnart, one of my betas, who drew the lines for the sphinx above and has been a staunch defender of sphinx time during all of Thebes. As this post lengthens, I will enclose the rest of my words below.
Over the last year, the story has continued to evolve and develop, and I’ve been very happy to finally share all of Thebes! It was a difficult year, filled with personal challenges and painful loss, and rarely enough time to write, but we managed to stagger forward regardless. Some of the chapters written this year were ones that personally meant a lot to me and I feel as if I am coming closer to understanding the heart that beats inside this story, at least a little.
Thank you to my betas this year, new and old, jules, nan, and val, who have helped me with many hours of keen insight, thoughtful conversations, and discord yelling. Thank you to everyone in the HHP, whose friendship sustained me in hard times and whose creative energy continues to inspire me. And a big eternal thank you to my partner, who has basically acted as my editor for the past two years. I have found that making art, despite the myths, grows deeper and fuller in collaboration. And of course, thank you to SGG and Hades, for all the hours of fun you have given me.
I look forward to being able to share the next part of this story of mine, as we head into next year.  
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hibiscus-percy · 6 months
Thanzag fanfic writers are some of the best I've ever seen, like if you told me I would one day sit down and willingly read a fanfic that's almost 85k words and 29 chapters and it was an AU , I would say you are lying to me. But I DID and it was literally one of the best fanfics I've ever read in my life, thank the gods for y'all 🙏🏽
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spidaerman · 2 years
when you’re reading a fic with only one pairing in the tags and notice the author teasing another pairing you love in their story and later on they make them a couple too
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onwardorange · 1 year
to live in beautiful terror
Mortal pains, mortal pleasures—Zagreus experiences them all, with Thanatos by his side. (Or, what is the terror of death for, if not to emphasize the beauty of life?)
read on ao3!
For all that Zagreus is charming, witty, and clever, Thanatos swiftly comes to learn that he can also be—how should Thanatos put it?—rather oblivious, perhaps.
They’ve been traveling southwards for about a week now, trying to make it to Athens before the winter weather fully sets in. It’s slow going, especially since Thanatos decides to take them through winding backroads and wooded areas instead of the main road; he’s still rattled from being run out of that last tavern. With Zagreus at his side, however, he finds he doesn’t mind the longer journey.
The days pass in easy, pleasant conversation. Thanatos learns many things about Zagreus’ life in the Underworld—how he was trained by the great warrior Achilles as a child (“I even managed to best him once,” Zagreus had said, his chest puffing up slightly, “though I’m pretty sure it was just a fluke, because he’s wiped the courtyard with me every other time, before or since.”), which of his many weapons he prefers (“I trained with Stygius, so that has always felt the most comfortable, but I like using my shield Aegis too,” Zagreus had said, before turning to Thanatos with a sly grin on his face. “Though, the Adamant Rail—phew!—I mean, sometimes I don’t even think I should be allowed to use a weapon like that. It’s really not a fair fight.”), and how he misses Cerberus, the three-headed hellhound that haunts people’s nightmares, but who Zagreus seems to think of as a sort of pet (“Why are you staring at me like that, Than?” Zagreus had asked indignantly. “Cerberus is a very good boy!”).
In turn, Thanatos tells Zagreus more about himself than he’s ever divulged to anyone else—how he was raised and trained by Chiron (“Wow,” Zagreus had breathed, clear awe coloring his tone, “just like Achilles and Patroclus!”), his more memorable encounters with the monsters of Greece (“I mean, I am glad we let that one satyr go,” Zagreus had said after Thanatos regaled him with a particularly nasty fight with a group of satyrs, before adding darkly, “but I also hate their poison darts.”), and about his fondness for his horse (“You know, I think my uncle was onto something when he created horses,” Zagreus had said, as Thanatos showed him how to properly brush Mort. “They’re very cute! Sort of like a long dog, don’t you think, Than?”).
Thanatos finds that he can’t quite bring himself to share some things with Zagreus, at least not yet. Namely, his parentage and the whole situation with Sisyphus. Both feel just this side of too sore—like bruises that have never fully healed—for him to voice comfortably.
Somewhat to Thanatos’ surprise, Zagreus doesn’t push for more information than he is willing to give, though Thanatos can tell that he’s curious. Still, Zagreus politely lets him skirt around those topics, much to his relief.
That’s the thing, Thanatos thinks—Zagreus is not stupid. In fact, Thanatos thinks him rather emotionally intuitive in most situations, and he is sure Zagreus could not have managed to escape the Underworld in the first place if he was not intelligent. 
This, of course, does not mean that Zagreus isn’t prone to being as oblivious as all Hades, and then some. 
Zagreus’ philosophy in life seems to be to simply charge into every situation full speed ahead, with a one-track mind and no consideration of the consequences. Thanatos supposes this is reasonable, considering he is an immortal god, but he sometimes finds himself wishing that Zagreus would just think for a moment, before he acts.
It would certainly save Thanatos from a lot of heartache. 
continue reading on ao3
part 1 || part 2
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spineless-lobster · 11 days
Zagreus gets fired from his job at wendy's. He and Thanatos have a midnight chat in the parking lot where Thanatos asks an important question
WHOA! Two fics in the span of 12 hours??? Guys I'm on fucking fire!!! This is my first thanzag fic it was meant to be a crack fic but then it evolved so here it is! (I just really wanted to put them in a wendy's parking lot)
Featuring trans thanatos, streelights, and my two boys being cute
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
Summary: To the naked eye they look no different from ordinary trinkets, lucky charms perhaps, simple objects the dead often keep on them in the grave. Maybe they are. Maybe it’s Zagreus that makes them hold power. (concept: god's keepsakes and blessings change zagreus' appearance and behavior during an escape. thanatos takes notice.)
Author: dustandstatic
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darlingpoppet · 2 months
Liminal Spaces — Chapter 1
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Modern AU (College/University) | PZA | Explicit | Chapters: 1/4 | Words: 7,945
Summary: Inspired by the film The Dreamers. Zagreus is a university student who feels aimless in life. His girlfriend dumped him, things between him & his best friend are weird, and he lacks ambition in his studies, all while the optimistic visions of his generation’s future are becoming lost. Until one day, he falls into the orbit of Achilles & Patroclus―a charming, yet eccentric pair who completely alter Zagreus’ outlook on life & death, love & loss, past & future, and the transitions in between.
“Can I ask you something? Who is that guy sitting over there? Do you know him?”
Achilles follows the direction of Zagreus’ gaze, turning to the young man reading. The man doesn’t seem to notice them talking about him, and he doesn’t look up from his book.
“Oh, him? That’s Patroclus,” Achilles says, turning back around.
“Oh, I see. Is he a friend of yours?”
Boyfriend, Zagreus’ mind supplies at once, unbidden, and he steels himself, even if he prays it isn’t the case.
“He’s my brother.”
“He is?” Zagreus’ inner self, still delusional beyond all reason, silently fist pumps in celebration.
Achilles nods. “Mm-hm. We’re twins.”
Zagreus looks over again toward Patroclus, then back to Achilles, turning his head to one side as he considers them both. He tries not to let his skepticism show on his face; he has seen news stories before about miracle feats of genetics, in which natural-born twins of the same parents were nevertheless complete opposites in their complexions. Zagreus considers the possibility that perhaps these two are such a case, and he doesn’t want to be so carelessly ignorant as to dismiss them out of hand.
And indeed—the longer he studies them, the more they do appear to have a certain shared aura between them, though Zagreus can’t be sure if it’s the fundamental, physical shapes of their features, molded by shared blood, or if it’s more the intangible qualities in mannerism of two people who have shared everything—perhaps their whole lives—together. Even longtime couples, Zagreus reasons, who ostensibly look nothing alike, often seem as though they are two different versions of the same person.
“Do you want to meet him?” Achilles asks, apparently interpreting Zagreus’ questioning as interest in his brother. And at this point, Zagreus himself probably wouldn’t even consider it a misunderstanding.
Achilles’ eyes gleam, as if this is a rare treat for him, and there is nothing in the whole world he would like more.
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