#thas a lot i just got back from seeing wicked n
gorgugplushie · 29 days
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Calliope, Roxy Lalonde
Act 6, page 5089-5094
uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
UU: i can't see yoU, bUt yoU mUst be back by now, yes?
TG: y
TG: and i am how haxxing up storm
TG: p stank by
TG: *stand
UU: haxxing? :u
TG: u dont even no
TG: my fingers are the mean lil beaks
TG: of furirus woodpeckers
TG: and my keyboard
TG: is a pitiful plank of cruddy wood
TG: guarding a trove of tasty bungs
TG: it is guarding them i might add
TG: moist fucking unsuccessfully
UU: u~u
TG: as my digits rain danger
TG: on this hapless lamptop
TG: the result of my tappy onslaught
TG: is line after wicked line
TG: of leetfilthy codes
TG: aka..
TG: the governments worst nightmare
UU: Um...........
TG: i will be in an out
TG: of the systerm
TG: before breakfast knows what ate it
TG: im am ur cryptogodress 8)
UU: roxy?
TG: it is womon verse machine
TG: a struggle old as stuff itself
TG: she will bring sburb to its knees
TG: and then turn
TG: with her shitwreckingest face
TG: and stare
TG: into the void
TG: and the void
TG: will wonk first
TG: ;3
UU: i don't Understand.
UU: yoU are typing some sort of compUter program?
TG: no
TG: that was all mostly a huge load
TG: all that noisy keyboard bangin i just mentioned
TG: was me just typing all that shit i said 2 u
TG: lol i did type it superfast tho
TG: just like they do in dumb fake movies about primo hackers who r THA BEST
TG: i guess i hacked into our conversation? w/ bs nstead of codez
UU: ^u^;
TG: but for real
TG: im just drag & dropin some game shit in to jakes place
TG: it is easy as a butt
TG: this kiddie game is a waste of my baller expertise
TG: * sexpertities
TG: / obligatory
TG: hey look
TG: a 'totem lathe'
TG: kay w/e
TG: down it goes
TG: in that patch off dirt i guess
TG: daaang
TG: fits on that patch o dirt like
TG: a glass shitting slipper
UU: ah, i Understand. yoU're beginning then. good!
TG: yes im on a roll
TG: gettin my peeps outie
TG: splitting the ball b4 junk turns 2 pumpkins
TG: soooooooooo
TG: what were you going to give me back there? ;D
UU: right!
UU: it's a present i made for yoU.
TG: ooh!
UU: it coUld be...
UU: a farewell gift actUally.
TG: huh?
TG: are u leaving
UU: maybe.
UU: i am aboUt to go to sleep one last time before oUr schedUled entry.
UU: and there is a very real possibility that i will never wake Up.
TG: oh no!
TG: why!!!
UU: it is complicated.
UU: there is mUch to say aboUt it which i have never told yoU, dUe to my adherence to the rUles.
UU: some of which i am aboUt to break now, in order to give myself a fighting chance.
UU: bUt before i go down that serpentine path with yoU, here.
UU: one last bit of artwork from an admirer. something to remember me by, shoUld we never speak again.
UU: http://tinyurl.com/roxyisthisyoU
TG: !!!!!
TG: ssdlkjfs;lkfjdlskfj
TG: ohhhly SHIT
TG: *hooooooly
TG: holiest of shits
TG: the shit.....
TG: is down right
TG: omgogmogmomog
TG: this owns
TG: my bones
UU: ^U^
TG: look at my outfit
TG: want 2 wear that outfit
TG: want 2 kiss + marry that outfist
TG: look
TG: at that lollipop
TG: that fuckin LOLLIPOP
TG: hehhe look at me goin in 4 a lick
TG: like im the queen of fuckall yall
TG: what is that in my hair
TG: is that
UU: indeed it is!
TG: say helloes to new phone wallpp
TG: sry baby eatin jake husband u r out
TG: yes perfection
TG: more like
TG: perferection
TG: is what is givin me
TG: am getting the perfbonerz up in here
UU: i really enjoy drawing yoU. it is a treat.
UU: yoU are jUst so pretty. :u
TG: awwwwwwwwww
TG: <3<3<#<#<##
TG: hearts n hashes
UU: anyway, i am very pleased that yoU like my drawing. ~u~
TG: i love it
TG: i love U
TG: U x2 combot
UU: yoU do?
UU: really??
TG: yes
TG: fo rillies
UU: :U
UU: blimey.
UU: this comes as qUite a sUrprise.
TG: well i mean
TG: not like lets got get space married love
TG: more like ur the best and i like you a lot love
UU: oh.
UU: then the conciliatory type. i Understand.
TG: wait
TG: i didnt mean to jerk you around...
TG: did u feel that way about me
TG: aww shit im sorry :(
UU: no! don't be.
UU: trUst me, that is not how i feel aboUt yoU. or anyone.
UU: thoUgh i trUly wish i were capable of those feelings.
UU: perhaps the fact that i am not is why the topic fascinates me so.
UU: and why i have been prone do indUlge in sUch...
UU: fancifUl visUalizations.
UU: of yoUr people's lovely bright red relationships.
UU: they mUst be nice. u_u
TG: lol well its not like i would know either way
TG: but thats cool i didnt know that about you
TG: i dont know ANYTHING about u but i wish i did
TG: cant you at least tell me your name bfore you uh
TG: maybe go ways 4 ever? ;(
UU: yes, as a matter of fact.
UU: that is actUally the reason i am contacting yoU.
UU: it is one rUle i have decided to break.
TG: oh fuck!
TG: what is it!!!!!!!
UU: my name is calliope.
TG: :o
TG: .....
TG: ilike it :3
UU: it feels so strange to type that!
UU: bUt also good, actUally.
TG: well ty for finally confiding in me calilope
TG: *calliope sorrey
UU: yoU're welcome. it is good to get it off my chest.
UU: bUt i am primarily telling yoU this as a last resort, in hopes of saving myself.
UU: yoU see, this rUle between me and my brother is a kind of trUce.
UU: we have both agreed not to say oUr names to anyone so that things will not get oUt of hand, and so it became one of the rUles.
UU: if anyone were to say his name to me, i woUld immediately fall asleep, and he woUld wake Up.
UU: so yoU will Understand if i refrain from telling yoU his as well. ~_u
TG: so
TG: hes sleeping now?
UU: yes, fortUnately for both of Us.
UU: now, chronologically speaking, i have never contacted yoU after this moment.
UU: so if i never wake Up from my next nap, yoU will never hear from me again.
UU: if yoU do not hear from me later, i woUld very mUch appreciate it if yoU coUld message my brother, and say my name.
UU: it may be the only chance i have to wake Up again.
TG: fuuuck
TG: this is highly terrible and scary stuff youre saying
TG: but yes ill def do that
UU: splendid!
UU: <kisses>
TG: shit now i wish we had more time to talk
TG: quick what otter rules were you going 2 break
TG: spill it cali!!
UU: i want to!
UU: it is overwhelming, trying to be cavalier aboUt rUles i have respected all my life. i'm not sUre where to begin.
TG: well
TG: what i wonder is
TG: you said you couldnt have romantic feelings
TG: or "red relations" as you said in your trolly way
UU: oh, i can have romantic feelings.
UU: jUst not the flUshed kind, which hUmans describe as romantic love.
TG: ok but
TG: i didnt think that was alien to you
TG: not the way u made it sound
TG: like dont trolls have the 4 kinds and one kind is just staight up love feelins
UU: yes, that's right.
UU: bUt...
UU: oh bUgger. this is so embarrassing to have to admit.
UU: i am sorry for saying things which may have reasonably led yoU to believe this.
UU: probably way too many things. u_u;
UU: bUt i am not actUally a troll.
TG: o
TG: rrrrrelay
UU: i have never actUally claimed to be. bUt i'm sUre i have implied it, probably dUe to wishfUl thinking.
UU: i have spent so mUch time wishing i coUld be one.
UU: trolls are a remarkable and fascinating race.
UU: hUmans are too, please don't get me wrong!
UU: bUt i am oUt and oUt smitten with trolls and their history and ways.
UU: they have sUch amazing, coloUrfUl social dynamics that soUnd like so mUch fUn to be a part of.
UU: and they are so beaUtifUl.
UU: i wish i coUld be that pretty.
UU: UnfortUnately, i am not very attractive at all.
UU: sad to say, no one woUld kiss the corpse i will leave behind.
UU: even if there were someone aroUnd to revive me, i doUbt they woUld be inclined to bother.
UU: for, er... several reasons, actUally.
UU: bUt really, it was always for the best that i cannot have fUlly flUshed feelings.
UU: no one coUld ever love me.
TG: oh man no!!!
TG: that is not true
UU: it is.
UU: and it's for the best that no one has ever seen my face, aside from my brother.
TG: but i want 2 c u
TG: i proimise i wont think you look bad or judge you
UU: no.
UU: i am sorry.
TG: :(
TG: then what kinda alien are you
TG: wait dont tell me youre ACUTALLY from urnanus??
UU: heehee. no.
UU: that jUst happened to be a planet from yoUr system i thoUght was lovely.
UU: i was particUlarly strUck by its UniqUe rotation.
UU: it has very nice...
UU: bollocks, what's the word.
UU: the term that refers to a ball's topspin?
TG: ???
UU: it doesn't matter.
UU: bUt no, i'm not even from yoUr Universe, let alone a nearby planet.
UU: my species has never even had a home planet.
TG: what species are u
UU: i am a cherUb!
TG: omg
TG: that is
TG: amazing?
TG: like u have wings or such
UU: no!
UU: i doUbt i am what yoU're pictUring.
UU: bUt aside from a few sUperficial similarities, we are very different from trolls and hUmans.
UU: we are not a social race. we generally will not ever encoUnter another of oUr kind, Unless it is time to mate.
UU: and when that time comes, oUr coUrtship is nothing like it is for hUmans.
UU: it is highly confrontational and violent.
TG: sounds so lonely
TG: plus w/ hecks of tricky sex
UU: it is lonely.
UU: bUt that is in oUr natUre, to be alone. jUst as it is to find attraction throUgh contempt.
UU: now that i think aboUt it, i shoUld have known.
UU: i've been so foolish.
TG: known what
UU: aboUt the natUre of my game session.
UU: i believed he and i coUld play together, even Under oUr UniqUe biological circUmstances.
UU: i was so daft, i thoUght skaia had actUally made an exception for Us.
UU: and that we coUld overcome oUr conflicts, work together, and fUlfill the game's minimUm reqUirement of two players. one of space and the other of time.
UU: bUt i was always fooling myself.
UU: it is now clear only one of Us will sUrvive.
UU: my skaian visions have misled me.
UU: or i have blinded myself to their trUe meaning.
UU: this was always meant to be a session of one.
UU: and i am finally starting to Understand...
UU: the reality of that coUld have conseqUences more horrifying than we coUld begin to imagine.
TG: um
TG: how
UU: the thing is, yoU don't know him like i do.
UU: as hard as it may be to believe, he is even worse than yoU think.
UU: and it's all sUch a shame, not jUst becaUse of that.
UU: it is a shame that i won't be able to play, i gUess for selfish reasons.
UU: i was so looking forward to it.
UU: i really thoUght i was going to be someone special.
UU: that i coUld Use my abilities do something no one had ever done.
TG: hey you are being so defeatist stop that!
TG: you dont know you wont play we havent even tried the wakeup call yet remembr???
UU: yes. you're right.
UU: mUch like skaia, i've sUccUmbed to a gloomier outlook lately, due to recent setbacks.
TG: so whats going to be special bout your game?
TG: aside from that its just your fuckhead bro and you
UU: well, i was always led to believe i woUld be an extraordinary type of player.
UU: both of Us woUld be. we are both assigned extremely rare and powerfUl classes.
UU: they are the two master classes!
TG: oh yeh?
TG: what is urs
UU: mine is the most passive on the scale. a class designated for females only.
UU: i am the mUse of space. ^u^
TG: sounds p cool
TG: whats a muse do
UU: i'm not entirely sUre. i was hoping to discover that on my joUrney.
UU: anyway, his is the other master class.
UU: the most active class of all, reserved for male players.
TG: what is it
UU: Um...
UU: roxy.
UU: i think we may be getting a wee bit carried away with trivia here.
UU: we both have so mUch to do.
UU: yoU need to focUs on getting to safety, while i need to...
UU: prepare myself. for what i hope will be a short nap.
TG: ok
TG: you are right
TG: la siiiiiigh
TG: im worried 4 you
TG: but optimistic
TG: i will call ur name like a million times
TG: and shout it in 2 the void every chance i get
TG: til u come back :3
UU: you are a good friend, roxy.
UU: please take care.
uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
0 notes
maddieinwonder · 3 years
A Lesson In Romance #7: False Start
Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader
Tumblr media
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Just a lot of awkward vibes hahaha
Word Count: 1.7k
Plot: Reader keeps getting caught in rom-com situations with Spencer Reid. This time, they try to confess their feelings.
A/N: I didn’t actually manage to include the definition of a False Start in the chapter itself, so I’ll add it at the end. No spoilers for now!
Masterlist | All chapters here!
It took you 24 hours to decide that you were going to do something about your feelings for the good doctor. Pretty quick, considering you were a living, breathing rom-com cynic. But as ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, once said: "The only constant in life is change".
Specifically, change happened after you woke up in your cute co-worker and dear friend's arms and you wanted nothing more than to get back into them as fast as possible.
But by the universal laws of working in the BAU, catching a break seemed to be the hardest when you actually wanted one.
Firstly, it was like every serial killer in the country decided to cancel their vacations simultaneously, swamping the team with urgent case after case. At this point, you were more familiar with the couch on the jet than your bed at home, and everyone was feeling the strain.
Secondly, if you weren't sleeping, you were usually out in the field chasing unsubs with Derek or Rossi. You had stopped holding out hope for being paired with Spencer — on account of your areas of specialty overlapping too much, and Hotch not being the type of leader to waste his resources — and as a result:
Thirdly, getting even ten minutes alone with the genius became an impossible task, and not for lack of trying either. At the start of the month, the two of you had tried to adapt your breakfast ritual to the road, but it always got interrupted mid-coffee order or even at the ding of the lift. Not that you and Spencer stopped trying, no, but your patience was wearing thin.
So you did something you hadn't done since you submitted your application to join the BAU — you prayed for a chance.
Because every day that you didn't admit your feelings to the doctor was another day fighting the compulsion to tell somebody else about them, and god only knows what a room full of profilers (and one nosy tech analyst) would do with that kind of information.
Then, out of the blue, the door of opportunity opened.
After two weeks of straight travel, the team had earned a well-deserved one night’s rest in your own beds before dealing with a local case, bright and early tomorrow morning. And since your flight landed at 2am and all the trains had stopped by then, this gave you the perfect shot to execute your plan.
Unfortunately, you forgot to take into account the most important factor — your nerves.
It didn't help that Derek had wolf-whistled in the carpark as the two of you walked off in the same direction, nor that Spencer immediately put your favourite album into the CD player out of instinct; an overly domestic action that made your heart beat even faster.
But it was when you arrived in front of his apartment building that you felt the worst of it. As you tried to summon the right words to your lips, your heart hammered in your chest and your thoughts jumbled themselves into nonsense.
"Are you ok?" Spencer asked, snapping you out of your anxious spiral instantly. "You don't look so well."
"I-I'm fine." Your fingers twitched nervously.
"Doesn't seem like it." He looked down at your hands, and you cursed your subconscious brain for giving you away. Then, he placed a hand over yours and your heart stopped.
"You're not alright, that's for sure, but it seems like it's just sleep deprivation." He assessed, bending slightly to look at your face. "You can't drive in this state. Do you want to come in?”
Your head snapped up to meet his gaze, ready to protest, but Spencer beat you to it. "Let’s go. You wanted to talk about something, right?" He called out, already one foot out of the car.
Before you could realise what was happening, you found yourself sitting on Spencer's couch holding a warm cup of tea.
This was the first time you were in his apartment. Yet, it was exactly what you thought it'd be like. Every wall was lined with bookshelves, filled to max capacity with books of every topic imaginable from neuroscience to philosophy. Those that didn't make it to the shelves were found in random stacks around his apartment, standing out against his forest green walls.
"Did you know that chamomile tea is a natural remedy for insomnia? In fact, it is commonly regarded as a mild tranquilizer. It's calming effects may be attributed to the antioxidant apigenin, which binds to specific receptors in your brain that initiate sleep and reduce anxiety." He explained, walking over with his own mug.
"I actually did know that." You smiled. The tea seemed to work its magic because you did feel relaxed, and you must have looked it too, because the worried frown disappeared off Spencer's face.
"Didn't know you were a tea person." You commented lightly, blowing the steam from your mug.
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." He replied mysteriously, and you raised your eyebrows.
Spencer's apartment was too quiet, no rumbling fridge or quiet radio playing in the background to make your awkward silence any less pronounced. It was then that you noticed he didn't have a TV. Somehow this fact didn't surprise you very much.
"You... you wanted to talk to me about something?" He broke the silence, looking down at the hot tea swirling in his mug.
Right. You were here to talk about your feelings. Your face flushed as you tried to summon your willpower, again.
"I wanted to tell you something—" You began shakily. "But before that, I just want to preface, we can ignore this entire thing if you don't agree. I mean, I really enjoy our friendship as it is, and I wouldn't want to do anything to affect tha—"
"Wait." Spencer interrupted urgently, before catching himself. "Sorry, um, before that, can I say something?"
"Um, ok, shoot." You replied meekly, trying to hide your relief behind a long sip of tea. There was a pause as he gathered his thoughts, and you might have been seeing things, but he looked almost... nervous? 
"The day we met, I calculated the probability of meeting somebody that shared my exact coffee order and the result was almost one in a million.” He finally spoke, lifting his head to meet your gaze. “That probability decreased when I factored in working together, sharing the same interests, and... and how I enjoyed spending time with you more than with anybody else."
Spencer cleared his throat, a blush coming onto his cheeks.
"Ever since then... my life just started making sense. I know I’m a scientist, not a poet, and I could tell you all the statistics about relationships in the world, but when it comes to you...”
His cheeks were crimson now, as he ran his fingers through his hair. You had a feeling yours looked the same.
"I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that I think you're beautiful and smart, and I have no idea what you see in me, but I'd really—"
Suddenly, both your phones buzzed violently against his coffee table, jolting you out of the moment. You leaned over in a trained motion, only to see exactly what you expected:
Garcia: No rest for the wicked, crime fighters. Conference room in 30.
Penny: No rest for the wicked, crime fighters. Conference room in 30.
You let out a sigh you didn't realise you were holding, and Spencer looked over at you, doe-eyed and nervous.
“The case?" He asked quietly.
There was a silence filled with words unsaid. "We should go." He said finally. "If we leave now, we can still make it on time."
You only nodded in response, more out of duty than desire, and gulped down the rest of your tea. The thought of what he was about to say burned down your throat.
Driving away from Spencer’s apartment was torturous. The doctor hadn’t said anything to you since he entered the car, only fiddling with his bag as he looked out the window. It was too dark to read his expression, but you wondered if he could still hear the way he called you “beautiful”, or whether the moment had already dissolved into the space between you.
Luckily, you didn’t need to wait long for an answer, as Spencer tugged on your sleeve before you exited the carpark, his face scrunched in worry.
"I really didn't mean for that to be so... weird. Can we talk about this again after the case?" He asked softly, and despite every semblance of logic left in your brain, you couldn’t stop the hope from blooming in your chest and you smiled.
That was when Spencer did something completely uncharacteristic. (You didn't know this at the time, but it was something that you would tease him about for a long time after.)
In one fluid movement, the doctor pulled you into a tight hug that elicited a squeak from you, but it only took a second for the initial shock to wear off before you relaxed completely into his warm touch. He took that as a sign to continue, burying his head into your shoulder and letting out a content sigh.
Unlike waking up to your bodies intertwined, nothing about this was a mistake. Not the way his fingers stroked your back peacefully, nor the way his curly hair tickled your cheek. You felt the stress of the past two weeks melt away in his embrace, and so did any coherent thought, except one: normal friends didn't hug each other like this.
Later when the two of you finally entered the conference room, miraculously still on time, nobody commented on the smiles plastered on your faces but everybody could tell. They were profilers after all.
But for the first time in awhile, you were just too happy to care.
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Definition of a False Start here
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annoyedfanfiction · 5 years
Jim Kirk x fem!reader (4)
“Congratulations,” McCoy drawled, as he took a seat on the other side of Jim in the booth. “I’ve heard hardly a word today that isn’t about you two.”  “Believe me, we’ve heard far too many words about ourselves,” Jim sighed, scowling at his whiskey. “How was lunch, then?” McCoy continued, smirking. “I hear that place does a wicked cheeseburger.” “Am I not allowed one cheeseburger for the whole shore leave Bones?” Jim smirked, shrugging. “If it’s any consolation, it’s spoiled me for all other cheeseburgers. No more replicated crap ones for me.” “How’s the happy new couple?” You all looked up as Uhura approached, smirking. You jumped to your feet. “Lieutenant Uhura, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” you smiled, shaking her hand warmly. She grinned. “And you, Ambassador.” She settled into a seat beside Scotty.  “(Y/N), please,” you insisted, sitting down again.  “Enjoy your lunch date with the Captain?” she queried, mischief dancing in her dark eyes. You blushed, even as you rolled your eyes. “Oh yeah, once they stop interrogating us long enough for us to actually get in to the cafe,” you huffed, tetchily. Uhura laughed, which you considered a success.
“Chekov!” Jim shouted across the bar, as the young Russian was ambushed by a pushy looking Andorian. Chekov hurried away from the woman in her distraction, quickly sliding into the booth. “Thank you, Keptin,” he sighed, relieved. “You must be the Ambassador?” “(Y/N), please,” you smiled, shaking his hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” The Andorian shoved herself up to the booth as you released his hand, with a sickly smile. “How lucky am I to find the senior crew of the Enterprise?” she tinkled, lightly. “Do any of you have a comment on Ambassador (L/N)’s performance in the Kobayashi Maru simulation and her assignment to your ship? You must know that Admiral Barrows made some very serious allegations of cheating.” “No comment,” Uhura replied, glaring at the reporter. “From any of us.” You didn’t miss how Chekov and Scotty both pushed closer to the Captain, even with you between them. “None at all?” the Andorian insisted, pulling up a seat. “You don’t mind if I join you, do you?” Jim had gone rigid beside you, as Bones leaned over the table. “We mind,” he ground out, lowly. “A lot. This crew has not been left alone by you lot since the Captain took charge of the ship. Leave us alone.” The smile disappeared. “That’s not very nice of you, Doctor McCoy,” she simpered, coldly. “You wouldn’t want that to get out, now, would you?” You leaned over to Chekov. “Back door takes you onto Hyde Street, I’m room 112 in Lodge 13,” you whispered, quietly, “They don’t have access to student lodgings.” Then you stood up, glaring. “Alright, I’ll make a comment for you, ma’am. Perhaps we can discuss it outside?” A series of protests jumped from the crew, but you winked back at them, effectively sending them into a curious silence.
“...of course,” the Andorian said, smile returning, “Appreciated, Ambassador.” You slipped out of the booth, dropping your wallet into Chekov’s lap.  “Get Jim out of here,” you hissed, as you leant down to retrieve it, flicking out your room’s key card. “Booze is under the sink.” You followed the Andorian through the crowded bar, and out into the cool night air. You pulled your leather jacket tightly around you. “Can you comment on Admiral Barrows’ allegations that you cheated the Kobayashi Maru simulation?” she questioned. You smirked, folding your arms. “As I told reporters last week, I made no attempt to alter the test conditions. I operated solely in the test parameters,” you answered, easily. “I believe that was also the statement issued by StarFleet command, was it not?” “Indeed. Why do you believe Admiral Barrows made those allegations?” “Only Admiral Barrows can answer that. I’m sure he has his reasons, just as I am sure you have yours for coaxing me into defamation,” you responded, primly, raising an eyebrow. She stuttered, but quickly picked up the questions again. “Is it true Admiral Pike interfered personally on your behalf? Do you think he believes the Enterprise crew is lacking in the diplomatic skills required for their mission?” she asked, the smile now far gone. “I can make no comment on the inner workings of StarFleet command, and information on that is best pursued through official channels. However, I can safely say that the crew of the Enterprise has proven time and again that they are capable of handling every situation thrown at them. There is no more capable crew in StarFleet.” You raised an eyebrow. “Anything else?” “If the Enterprise crew is so capable, why have all reporters been met only with refusal to comment?” You pursed your lips, staring at her coldly for a moment. “The Enterprise crew recently saved the world, Miss Thelev, and the repayment they have received has been press harassment,” you said, starkly, “Intrusion into their personal and professional lives has reached unacceptable levels and if I were a reporter at this stage, I would be thankful that the crew simply refuses to comment and does not file a complaint.” She faltered, and you turned away, stalking back to the door of the bar. “Was that a threat, Ambassador?” she called after you, voice shaking a little.  “No comment.” The door closed behind you.
“We can’t just leave her!” Jim’s voice was loud as you opened the door onto Hyde Street.  “Be quiet, kid, you’ll wake the whole damn neighbourhood,” McCoy hissed back, and you saw him grabbing Jim by the shoulders. “Keptin, (Y/N) is a trained diplomat,” Chekov offered, quietly, “She can probably manage one reporter. From vhat I saw, she has done so all day.” “I thought I told you lot to go,” you hissed, hurrying over to them. “I don’t know how long that’s going to hold any of them off, so we better hurry up and get back on campus before someone catches us.” “What did you tell her?” Uhura questioned, immediately, even as you led the way towards your dorm.  “I answered a few questions,” you shrugged, then offered a sideways smile. “I don’t think she quite got the answers she wanted, though.” “Wha’s tha’ supposed ta mean?” Scotty questioned, as you scanned into the academy campus and held the door open for them all. “Well, I really only repeated things they’ve all heard before,” you said, easily, letting the door latch behind you. “Including industry policies regarding press harassment.”  “You what?” McCoy questioned, whirling on you. “Hey, I’m not the one who cussed a reporter out,” you answered, holding your hands up in surrender. Chekov snickered. Jim was still silent and tense, distant from the conversation, and you could hear shouting echoing from the bar. “Listen, I’ll explain when we get to my room, okay?”
You weren’t sure how your life had come to ushering the senior crew of the USS Enterprise into the living room of your tiny flat.  “I’m pretty sure Leila keeps her booze under the sink,” you muttered, thoughtfully, “Not sure what’s there, I’ll see what I can find.” You turned to the kitchen, hunting around through the cupboards until you retrieved a bottle of scotch and an Antarean brandy. Collecting some tumblers, you made your way back to the living room and put them on the table. “You didn't threaten her or anything, right?” Sulu questioned, as McCoy and Scotty poured drinks all round. “What? No!” you protested, sitting cross-legged on the floor. “I’m not sure if any of you have seen my file, but I went to university before I came to StarFleet. My dad didn’t want me to join StarFleet. Space was always my mom’s thing until she died out there. So he sent me to Harvard and I did a law degree. I just pointed out that given the significant intrusion the press had on your professional and personal lives, questions could be raised about the violation of industry procedures for press harassment.” Jim snorted, quietly, and Sulu looked almost impressed. “Where’ve you been while ah’ve been tryin’ to get them away from ma ship, lass?” Scotty huffed, grinning broadly. You smiled, happily, taking a sip of your water.  “On a lunch date with the Captain, I believe, Scotty,” Uhura put in, laughing. 
You all sobered, and tensed as the door opened again, but you relaxed as Leila stumbled in, obviously drunk off her ass. “(Y/N)! Is tha’...s’that Cap’n Kirk?” she questioned, as you caught her unbalanced form. “And...an’...where’s Spock?” “I’m not sure, Lei,” you answered, gently, leading her through the living room. “You ready for bed?” “Yeah...yeah,” she mumbled, quietly. “Sleep. Luke dumped me.” “Luke was an asshole anyway,” you pointed out, opening the door to her bedroom. “You need a bucket?” “Nah,” she sighed, curling up in a ball on the bed. “Jus’ sleep.” “Alright Lei,” you soothed, pulling a blanket up to cover her. “I’ll see you in the morning, honey.” You tiptoed out, fetching a glass of water and some painkillers from the kitchen to put on her nightstand, then you closed the bedroom door almost silently behind you.  “Sorry about that,” you apologised, returning to the living room. “Leila’s been on and off with this asshole from her bio class for months. He must’ve dumped her again.” “I know that feeling,” Uhura muttered, sending a wry smirk at Jim across the room. Jim rolled his eyes, dropping his head into his hands, prompting quiet laughter from the comms officer. “What about you, (Y/N)?” she continued, not moving her eyes from Jim. “You got anyone attached who’s gonna miss you out in space?” “Leila’s a full time occupation,” you laughed back, “Besides, when everyone knows you’re in fast-track and don’t drink, dating options are limited no matter how many times your roommate sets you up.”
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athena-athena · 5 years
Flying Lessons (Yondu x Reader)
A/N:  Reader asks Yondu for flying lessons, and rewards him later.
Warnings:  None, really.  There’s a little smut at the end.
Tagged List:  @celticheart72 @misfitgirlwrites @animeaniseed  - Just let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from my tagged list! 💙
“Hey, Yondu, can I ask you something?”
“’Course, darlin’, what’s on yer mind?”
You bit your lip, then asked, “Will you teach me to fly the M-ships?”
Yondu looked surprised.  “Ya wanna learn ta fly tha ships?”
He suddenly broke out in a grin.  “Yeah, I can teach ya.  What made ya wanna learn?”
“I just feel weird being the only one on the Eclector who can’t fly a ship.  What if there’s an emergency or something?”
“Ya ain’t gotta worry ‘bout that kinda stuff, darlin’, but yeah, I reckon it’d be a good idea fer ya ta learn.”
Excited, you leaned up and kissed his cheek.  “When can we start?”
Yondu laughed. “Reckon we can start in tha mornin’.”
The next morning found you awake earlier than normal.  Yondu was still asleep, snoring next to you.  He always looked so peaceful when he was asleep, and you leaned up onto your elbow to watch him for a few seconds before you gently kissed his cheek.  He continued snoring, and you smiled to yourself, as you quietly slid out of bed.  
After showering and getting dressed, you walked back into the bedroom to find Yondu still asleep.  Leaning down next to him, you gently kissed his lips, then whispered, “Wake up, sweetheart.”  He continued to snore, and you tried again.  After a few more kisses, and gradually-louder whispered endearments, you straightened up and shook his shoulder.
His snoring continued, and you finally leaned over him to grab your pillow from the other side of the bed.  You screamed as you felt hands grab your waist.
“What’re ya plannin’ on doin’ with that pillow, Darlin’?”
“Yondu!  Have you been awake this whole time?”
“Not tha whole time.”  He grinned, as he pulled you down beside him.  
“Were you fake snoring?”
“Yep,” he replied, unashamed.
“Was enjoyin’ yer kisses an’ hearin’ ya whisper all them sweet things.”
“You could have let me know you were awake, you know.  I still would’ve kissed you.”
“I know, but ya sounded so sweet, didn’t want ya ta stop.”
You couldn’t help smiling as you lightly swatted his chest.
“Get up!  You promised to teach me to fly this morning.”
Groaning, he rolled on top of you, hovering above you for a moment, before lowering himself to kiss your lips.
When he broke away, you told him, “You can’t distract me with kisses this morning.”
“Mmm...” He kissed you again, and, lingering close to your lips, said, “Ya know, stayin’ here in bed all day will be a lot more fun than learnin’ ta fly.”
He was probably right, but you were so excited about learning to pilot a ship that you couldn’t be dissuaded.  
“As tempting as that is, I really want to fly a ship.”
He kissed you again, tenderly, deepening the kiss until you’d almost forgotten about learning to fly.  Slightly breathless, you broke the kiss, and put your hands on his chest.
“If we don’t get up now, I’m never going to leave this bed.”  He grinned at you, as you continued, “But I promise if you go get dressed now and do a good job of teaching me, I’ll reward you later.”
His grin widened.  “That right?”
“How’re ya gonna reward me?”
“However you want.”
“I like tha sound a that.”
“I thought you might,” you replied, returning his grin.  
He rolled off of you, then got out of bed.  You admired the view as he began to dress.
“Like what ya see, darlin’?”
Sitting up, you replied, “You know I do.”
“Ya ain’t gonna be able ta lookit me like that an’ expect me ta teach ya, ya know.”
“I promise I’ll behave during lessons.”
He gave you a wicked grin and raised a brow.
“Might make it more interestin’ if ya don’t behave.”
You felt a thrill at his words.  “I’ll keep that in mind.”
He pulled on his boots, then the two of you headed to the hangar bay, hand in hand.  
“First thing ya gotta always remember is ta check yer ship’s gauges. Fuel, oil, that kinda stuff.  Ya don’t wanna fly off an’ find yerself stranded.”
“Check gauges.  Got it.”  You dutifully made a note in your notebook.  
He grinned at your earnestness, then continued, “An’ make sure yer communicators are workin’.  Tha only thing wors’n bein’ stranded, is bein’ stranded with no way a lettin’ nobody know.”
After about thirty minutes of Yondu going over the basics and making you repeat them, he moved on to actually flying the ship.
“Ya jus’ watch what I do.”
He smoothly maneuvered the M-ship out of the hangar, and you watched closely as he pointed out the steps.
Once he’d piloted the ship a good distance from the Eclector, he asked, “Ya ready ta try it?”
Shocked, you sputtered, “What?  Already?”
“Ain’t nothin’ like some hands-on learnin’.  An’ I’ll be able ta take over if anything happens.”
“I don’t know...”
“Yer gonna be fine.”
You put your hands on the steering control, and stared at the console for a few moments, before you started to adjust the settings and check the gauges, Yondu’s words coming back to you.
You placed your hand lightly on the accelerator lever, and glanced over at Yondu, who smiled encouragingly at you and nodded.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed the lever forward, causing the ship to move.
You laughed with excitement.  “I’m flying!”
“Ya sure are.  Yer doin’ great, darlin’.”
After a couple of hours, you were able to fly around without too much guidance from Yondu.  He’d only needed to help you out a few times, and you were feeling pretty proud of yourself.
“Ya ‘bout ready ta head back?  It’s ‘bout time fer lunch.”
“Yeah, let’s go back.  I’m getting kinda hungry.  You want to take over, Captain?”
Yondu leaned back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes.  “Nah, I think ya can handle it.”
You fiddled with the navigation panel, then turned the M-ship in the direction of the Eclector.
As you neared the Eclector, Yondu said, “Go ‘head an’ let ‘em know ya need ‘em ta open tha hangar doors.  Ya can do it yerself in an emergency, an’ I’ll show ya how next time, but it’ll be easier fer ‘em ta open it fer ya this time.”
“Okay.”  You pressed the communicator button, and said, “This is Y/N, for the Eclector.  Come in, Eclector.”
Kraglin’s voice came over the intercom.  “Hey, Y/N!  How’s tha trainin’ goin’?”
“It’s good!  I just need you to open the hangar doors.”
“Got it.”  There was silence for a few seconds, then, “Yer clear, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Kraglin!”
“Anytime, Y/N.”
You turned to smile at Yondu, and said, “This isn’t too different from driving a car on Terra.”
He laughed.  “It ain’t, huh?”
“Well, maybe it’s a little trickier.”
He grinned, then said, “Jus’ remember ta take it nice an’ slow when ya enter tha hangar.”
“Got it.”
You slowed down, then started lining up the ship for reentry.
“Ya might wanna slow down jus’ a bit more.”
“Oh, okay,’ you replied, dropping the speed a little more.
“Still might be a lil’ too fast, darlin’.”
Nervous now, you pulled back a little too hard on the brake lever, and the two of you jerked against your harnesses.
“Sorry,” you said, in a small voice.
“S’alright, jus’ take us on in straight, an’ land in a empty spot.”
“Okay.”  You nervously pushed the accelerator gently forward and entered the hangar.
“Yer a lil’ too close on this side -”
His words were cut off by a loud, metallic screeching noise as you came to a stop.
“Oops.”  You gave him a small smile, as he unbuckled his harness.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, darlin’, tha crew can buff out tha scratches.”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t meant to hit the side.”
“I know ya didn’t.  Ya ain’t tha first ta do it.  An’ besides, that’s why we didn’t take my M-ship.”
He gave you a wink, as you took off your own harness.
“Ya did good, darlin’,” he told you, as you walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face in his shirt.
“Ugh, I’m so embarrassed.”  
“Don’t be.  Yer fine, darlin’.”
“Thank you, Yondu.”
Before he could reply, the door to the Eclector proper slid open, and Kraglin and Tullk walked inside.
“Y’all okay?” asked Tullk.
“Yeah, looked like y’all had a bumpy landin’,” added Kraglin, who was barely suppressing a smile.
“Shut up, Kraglin,” you replied.  “It wasn’t that bad.”
“I dunno.  It was a bit rocky fer a reentry.  Seen drunk Ravagers do a better job a landin’.”
“Oh, come on, it wasn’t -” You stopped mid-sentence as you turned and realized the M-ship was definitely parked crooked, the wing on one side pushed against the wall.
“Okay, yeah, that’s pretty bad.”
“’Twas only yer first time, Y/N,” added Tullk, kindly.  “You’ll do better next time.”
“Thank you, Tullk.”
You smiled at him, as he continued, “An’ don’t let Kraglin tease ya.  I seem ta recall tha first time he tried landin’, he ended up on tha wrong ship entirely.”
Kraglin flushed blue as you and Yondu laughed.
“I’d fergotten all about that, boy.”
“Thanks a lot, Tullk,” he muttered.
Tullk smiled at you, and added, “An’ we’ll get those scratches out, no problem.”
“Thanks.”  You were still embarrassed, but now felt much better about the whole thing.  Yondu put his arm around your shoulders, and said, “C’mon, Y/N, let’s go get some lunch.”
Later that evening, after you’d returned to your quarters with Yondu, he walked up behind you as you were slipping off your boots.
Wrapping one arm around your waist and using the other to hold your hair back, he kissed your neck, then, between kisses, said, “I seem ta recall ya sayin’ somethin’ ‘bout rewardin’ me tonight if I did a good job a teachin’ ya.”
“Mmmm...” you replied, as his hand on your waist worked its way under your shirt.  “I did say that, yes.”
He bit your neck gently, then whispered, “I think I did a perty good job at it.”
He’d managed to unhook the front clasp of your bra, then started to tease you, as he continued, “Wha’dya think?”
His other hand left your hair as it wandered down to the button of your pants.  He nibbled on your ear, as you whimpered.  “I think… I think you did an excellent job.”
He growled softly against your neck as he finally worked the button of your pants loose, then slid his hand inside.
“An’ ya said ya’d reward me however I wanted.”
Unable to form a coherent sentence as his hands worked, you managed, “Mmhmm.”
He spun you around to face him, and, grinning, said, “Good.  I hope yer ready – it’s gonna be a long night.”
You melted under the look he gave you, and eagerly met his lips as he leaned down for a kiss.
Hours later, after the two of you were sated and lying tangled up together, Yondu spoke up.
“We should have flyin’ lessons more often.  I woulda already mentioned ‘em if I’d known tha reward woulda been this good.”
“You mean the knowledge of a job well done isn’t enough of a reward?”
“Ain’t nearly as good.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
He chuckled, and said, “Ya know, we can have another lesson tomorrow, an’ if ya manage ta land without hittin’ anythin’, I’ll reward you tomorrow night.”
“That sounds like a very good incentive.  Although I feel like I was rewarded tonight, too.”
“Good.”  He pulled you closer and kissed you, then said, “Let’s get some sleep so we can rest up fer tomorrow.”
109 notes · View notes
hanalwayssolo · 5 years
In The Line of Duty
A/N: Timely for Iggy’s name day! So. Slightly departing from the usual structure in which I write my stories, so this may seem a bit... weird? Fragmented? So I kind of not recommend reading this via Tumblr mobile bc that app murders the formatting lmao
Tagging them pals! @blindedstarlight @valkyrieofardyn @bleucommelhiver @gowithme @noboomoon @emmydots @lazarustrashpit @raspberryandechinacea @hanatsuki89 @mp938368 @boo-dangy @animakupo
(Links in AO3) Alternate Universes in Which You and I Belong Together: Noctis | Gladio | Prompto | Ignis | Nyx | Cor | Ravus | Ardyn
Ignis breezes through the freeway, his Aston Martin almost flying through the rainy night. He is never one to drive like a madman, but this is a desperate time that certainly calls for this very desperate measure. He spares a glance at the rearview mirror. A shabby white Mitsubishi and a gaudy yellow Volvo still remain in close pursuit. Looks like the flock of paparazzi back from Maagho’s really is a persistent lot. In the passenger seat, you sit in an unsettling silence.
Fuck these bastards, he mutters under his breath.
Speed limits be damned. His fingers tighten around the steering wheel. Ignis revs the engine and zips past the steady traffic.
“Let’s get you back to your flat, alright?” he offers kindly.
You say nothing.
Suddenly, Ignis finds himself missing your chatty, teasing antics. That silly smile of yours. By this time, you should have been pleading him to let you go someplace else—anywhere but your place—while annoying him to death with your usual smartass quips. You never do.
Months before, Ignis had been perfectly convinced you were the most insufferable human he has ever come across. Funny how he now thinks otherwise. Even funnier that he now cares. Because it’s not his business to care. His job was never to look nor to listen.
But at this point, you have made him break every single rule in his book.
The first thing Ignis notices when he meets you is your eyes.
Something about your strong and striking gaze makes him wonder why someone like him is even employed at your service. One look from you, he is pretty certain you are completely capable on your own in terms of sending anyone who dares cross your path—may it be troublesome paparazzi, or overzealous fans and haters alike—to run with their tails between their legs. Your composure and confidence says just as much. Seems to him that you’re the type of person who does not need anyone’s protection, let alone a bodyguard.
Which is a sentiment you made very clear that morning in the luxurious luster of Hotel St. Regis’s lobby.
“I’m afraid Aranea here has wasted your time—” you tell Ignis as you set your cup of coffee back on the table, sharply turning your attention to the silver-haired woman who is sitting across from you— “but like I said, I can take care of myself just fine—”
“Really?” Aranea scoffs, casting you a challenging glare. “And by taking care of yourself, do you mean going around punching paparazzi square in the face and breaking their camera as you please?”
You shrug. “Well, that fella fucking deserved it—”
“Whether they deserved it or not isn’t the fucking point, you idiot. Do you have any idea how Cor had to shell out his own money to keep that incident from going out to the press?” Aranea sighs in resignation. “Look, this is more than just taking care of yourself. This is about—”
“—my career, my image, and my reputation, blah blah blah. Yes, you don’t need to do all of Cor’s spiel—I get it.”
Aranea raises an eyebrow. “Do you really? ‘Cause if you really did, we wouldn’t be having this conversation and Ignis wouldn’t be the fourth replacement in the span of six fucking months.”
You fall silent. Though Ignis is compelled to say something, he knows very well not to provide his thoughts, unsolicited or otherwise. That’s never in his job description. He had been trained to keep his mouth shut, and he is going to do just that. Besides, what would he know? Such is the world of glitz and glamour that is show business, and Ignis has never been tasked with handling celebrity clientele before. If anything, among his peers, it was either Gladio or Nyx who gets paired with the high profile A-listers. Clarus’s directive for him came as a strange surprise, the initial briefing of his task even stranger. All throughout his fifteen years of service in the Lucian Security Bureau, people frequently assigned to Ignis were government big shots, business moguls, and upper echelons of society who have been targets of terror and violence.
However, in your case… Ignis could see that you fit in neither the former nor the latter. At least for now, that’s what he thinks.
You spread your elbows over the table, eyeing Aranea with a wicked smile all over your face. “You know what would be better, Ari?”
“Don’t call me that—”
“You could pass as both my handler and bodyguard, don’t you think?
Aranea looks at Ignis, then back at you. “Does that come with a raise?”
You lean back against your seat. “Nope.”
“Didn’t think so.” Aranea exhales a derisive laugh. “Then I suppose we leave Ignis to do that job for all our sakes. Anyway, we better get going—” from her satchel, she pulls out a sleek-looking tablet— “you have to be ready for your four p.m. table read and a seven p.m. interview Dino of Meteor Publishing.” To Ignis, she says, “I assume you’ve already been briefed by your superior about all your responsibilities?”
Ignis sits up straighter and nods. “Yes.”
“Good. It’s pretty simple actually, but the past bodyguards can’t seem to do it.” Aranea smiles, clapping Ignis by the shoulder as she narrows her eyes on you. “Just don’t let this moron out of your sight, and we’ll all be fine.”
The first thing you notice about Ignis is his eyes.
Never mind the scar that cruised the left side of his face, that tiny slash over his right eyebrow, or even the one on the bridge of his nose. He didn’t even need to look at you directly for you to marvel at how fiercely green his eyes are, like the colour of a bright summer’s day. However, back in the lobby with Aranea, there is no warmth in his silences nor in his clinical concentration; there is only a crippling coldness. One look at him and you could already surmise that he’s had his fair share of danger in his profession. Though he is lean and lithe unlike your past bodyguards who all seem to be built out of heavier materials, you cannot shake the feeling that Ignis might have killed a man with his bare hands.
Still, you don’t really need someone like Ignis. You never needed someone like him. A bodyguard should have been the least of your concerns. Besides, you have enough people monitoring your every move that getting a fucking bodyguard is as insane as it’s going to get. Cor often reminds you that this is all for your safety, and that as your manager, he only wants to keep you safe. Aranea chastises you that you’re overreacting, and that you’re still free as a bird. Except you’re as free as any bird locked in a cage that they might as well just lock you up in prison.
And in the first few hours that Ignis has started following you around, the fact that he hardly spares you a moment for a decent conversation—except for his courteously clipped responses like “Let me know if you need anything else,” or “I’ll be right outside your door”—prison seems like a more amiable place to be.
By his second week, Ignis finally understands how unpredictable you can be.
Okay, maybe he does not understand it quite fully. He has to admit, though: he admires the elaborate effort you put into your juvenile pranks. It comes in the strangest of ways and in the oddest of days: from your attempts to lock him up inside your trailer, down to that crafty disguise to sneak out of the film set, all of which he had seen you fail miserably time and again. Out of all your many crimes, petty they may be, hopping in the backseat of someone else’s car to escape him from an after party still takes the cake. He had to forcefully “borrow” a stranger’s motorcycle just to chase you down, which he managed to do in less than an hour. Not an impressive feat for someone his calibre, but at least he got you home in one piece—and without Cor or Aranea even knowing.
What fuels your sheer determination to drive him off his wits, Ignis does not know. The only thing he knows for sure is that you’re one bloody piece of work.
“Can’t say I didn’t warn ya, Specs,” Gladio reminds Ignis one sordid afternoon back in the Lucian Security Bureau HQ. In the saintly cleanliness that is his cubicle, he finds Gladio lounging on his seat together with Nyx, as if they had been expecting his unlikely visit. The air-conditioned hustle remains the same, the glass panels and all the white walls still as stark bright as Ignis remembers it to be. He really has been away for far too long that he finds himself missing that familiar scent of ink and paper, and even the faces of these two troublemakers.
“So how’s your new post treatin’ you?” Nyx breezily asks. His tone is not of concern, but a knowing amusement that Ignis can easily recognize. “The look on your face says you’re either in need of a stiff drink or to get laid.”
“Or could be both,” Gladio adds.
Actively ignoring the smug looks on his friends’ faces, Ignis does not answer them, but instead, he asks: “Aren’t the both of you supposed to be somewhere else?”
“Could ask you the same thing,” Gladio snaps back. He picks up Ignis’s tin of mints on his table and pops one on his mouth.
Nyx loops an arm around Ignis. “Y’know, celebrities can be a pain, so if you’re here to request Clarus for a reassignment, we promise not to judge.”
Ignis looks at Nyx for a brief moment. A reassignment. How come he never thought of that? Sure, you can be annoying and a menace to his daily routine, but Ignis suddenly finds it strange that he has never considered the prospect of requesting for a change in client. Maybe he has his brand of patience to thank for, or his unworldly forbearance in the years that he has spent in this profession.
But then—as if by seeing Nyx and Gladio after such a long time of being away—he realizes that maybe, you’re not that bad. Even in your reckless and determined attempts of making his life a living hell, you also make an effort to make conversation. Not that it’s anything special. He has been wired to being strictly on someone’s beck and call that most of his past clients do not even bother to look at him in the eye. Most of them see him as a weapon, a blade to be wielded against their enemies. Small wonder Ignis himself often forgets that he is a living and breathing person. He can barely remember having a life outside this job. He can barely remember the last time someone apart from Gladio and Nyx asking him anything about his hobbies or other interests or even about his family.
But you do. You try. Even on the first few days when Ignis didn’t know how to respond. It’s just that he doesn’t know how to. He fears that you might have interpreted that as indifference, and he regrets to have responded to you as such. He thought you would have given up by now, seeing how he had acted so callously, but you have the persistence of a honey badger that you use on him to get him to talk, or to even to smile a little.
Nyx looks at Ignis, this time with a genuine hint of concern. Ignis has not realized that he had been quiet for some time.
But he has realized that you have grown so much on him, which is such an disturbing thought to entertain.
“I think a reassignment is highly unnecessary,” Ignis says finally—almost to himself and not to Nyx and Gladio—as he takes his leave. 
By his second week, you finally understand how Ignis can be so predictable.
There’s the matter of his morning routine. He follows it too religiously that you start to notice the little things. He wakes up as early as six a.m.—on the dot, not even a minute late—to work out at the back of your trailer. Three sets of push ups, squats, crunches, all in that order. Seven-thirty a.m., he wraps up, takes a shower, grabs a nice cup of coffee with some of the film crew. He likes his coffee strong and black, no sugar. How you know all of this like the same way you know all of your lines is beyond you.
But maybe he’s not too predictable. Not entirely.
You still have not seen him smile, despite the significant progress in the conversation department. And by significant, you mean that his answers have finally upgraded from one-word responses to lengthy sentences. Considering all the stupid shit you pulled on him, it’s almost a wonder that he even indulges you from time to time by answering any of your random questions.
Though in the process, you have learned a handful of tidbits about his life. For one, you find out that he happens to be an excellent cook. Once, he has shared with you how he wanted to build a restaurant of his own, and that it is only a matter of time before he could pursue that dream. Hearing him confide something that personal throws you off guard, but somehow, you feel quite relieved. You also learn that he has never seen any of your films, nor is he even aware of your awards and accolades—which, frankly, is the most gratifying thing you have ever heard in your life. You have also learned that he has not forgiven you for making him chase you all throughout the city. Which is fair. If that had happened with any of your previous bodyguards, they would not even bother sparing you another word even if you are the last person on this planet, and they would most certainly quit their job the next day.
But Ignis is different. A good kind of different.
Nevertheless, what you now find unfair is that you have never seen him smile. Unfair because he has seen yours a countless times at this point—fake ones on set included. He even gets a bonus because he has also seen you laugh at the most ridiculous things. Ignis, however, seems to be programmed with a limited range of emotions. You have not seen his face look anything but blank or bored, too surly or too serious.
It is only when you suddenly fall sick in the middle of filming that you find a new expression on his face.
Right after the director screams “Cut!” you wobble outside the set, past the cameramen, past the make up artists, past Aranea who’s probably busy handling your next schedule. When Ignis hurries by your side, you could barely focus your eyes. Your mouth tastes like acid. The world is spinning out of control.
Ignis presses the back of his hand to your forehead. “You’re burning up. I’m calling a doctor—”
“No, don’t.” You weakly wave a hand. “I’ll be fine by morning. Don’t tell Aranea. I just need to sleep, that’s all.”
Ignis walks you back to your trailer, looping your arm around his neck, and his around your waist. Your cheek momentarily rests against his chest, and you can feel his warm breath fanning over your head. You try your best not to retch on his shirt. Perhaps it’s the fever talking, but all you could think about is how this shirt looks perfect on him and you do not want to ruin it with your vomit.
Which is why out of your delirious haze, you say out of the blue: “Have I ever told you that you look so good in black?”
Ignis tilts his head. He hesitates for a moment, and then says, “I’m afraid not.”
“Well, now you know. I like your black dress shirt. You look so dapper in it.” And there goes your filter straight out the window.
“Thank you. It’s… nothing special.” He sounds unsure. Or is that embarrassment? Either way, you’re too sick to even look at his face to see his reaction.
Ignis guides you straight to your bed. You toss yourself so gracelessly against the mattress, and you gather the sheets to bundle up for warmth. A wave of nausea threatens to lurch out of your mouth. As far as you’re concerned, the inside of your trailer should not be this freezing cold.
“I’ll get you something to eat,” Ignis says, and as he prepares to drift to the kitchen, you grab for his hand.
“Please stay for a minute. Tell me a story.” You sound like a five-year-old.
He sits on the edge of the bed. “What kind of story?” His voice is gentler than usual. It is jarring, to say the least.
You pull yourself up, your arm brushing against his. “Like, is it possible that you’re a gremlin? ‘Cause how come it’s so hard to—” you thumb the corners of his mouth to make him smile— “see you do this?”
You can feel his face tremble a little in your touch. He looks at you strangely. You know he’s about to say something, but you are ill-prepared to what happens next.
Ignis starts to laugh.
You can’t believe this is what you have been missing for the last couple of days. What you have been missing your entire life. You have only known him for two weeks, but now, it’s like looking at a completely different person. He’s all lit up, his laughter radiating like the sun, bright and warm and blinding. His eyes disappear behind his smile lines, and his mouth curves to exhibit his perfect teeth and that illegally gorgeous smile. Your heart is pounding and you are certain that this is not your fever doing the talking anymore.
“I can assure you, I’m not a gremlin,” he says, wiping his eye with his hand.
“Good to know,” you say, sinking back to your pillows. “But I swear—I will make you laugh like that again when I get better,” you say confidently. And as you drift to deep sleep, the sound of his laughter is the last thing you hear.
The third month arrives and Ignis sees you a little differently.
Different in a way that your smile is now a bullet to his heart. Your laughter, a drug. Your kiss, a secret he would forever keep. Not only have you grown on him, but you have made a home inside his body. His mind, your temple. You have seduced his empty heart, and now it is beating only for you.
But if there’s anything Ignis knows by now, it’s that good things always come to an end. They always do. And he knows better. He knows you aren’t for him, and he isn’t for you.
The third month sweeps you off your feet as Aranea enters your trailer with a new man in tow. At first, you think he is one of the new actors with the way he carries himself with an air of confidence, but you immediately recognize the logo on his jacket.
The first thing that leaves your mouth is: “Where’s Ignis?”
Aranea’s mouth twists. She hesitates, then says, “Ignis quit. Told me he found a new job. Nyx here would be his replacement.”
Your heart plummets. The expression on your face might have been so fucking obvious because Aranea casts you a worried glance, and so does this Nyx. He looks slightly uncomfortable with the way you skate your narrowed eyes at him, as if he has no right to be in your breathing space. As if he has no right at all to ever replace Ignis.
“I can see that you’re upset with this change,” Nyx begins to say, quickly regaining his charming composure, “but by 'quit,' it means he has left to pursue a different career path. Doesn’t mean he left you—I mean, for another client, that is.”
A simmering silence. Aranea and Nyx are watching you with growing alarm. You don’t know why, but something in you breaks.
You force yourself to smile, but it’s not very convincing. Some actor you are. And in the most modulated voice you could muster, you say, “Good for him then.” To Nyx, you say, “Do send him my regards when you see him around.”
As soon as Ignis pulls over your apartment building, you climb out of his car, weaving past another throng of paparazzi. Someone yells “Congrats on another blockbuster! Is this your new boyfriend?” and a couple of other things that only grates your ears. Ignis is quick to follow, and he shields you with his body as he leads you inside the lobby. Probably his force of habit, but it only unearths a memory of a good time that has already hollowed you out.
When the two of you reach the front door of your apartment, he finally breaks the silence. “I’m assuming you have Nyx trapped in some dark alley?”
“No, not really,” you say flatly. “He actually let me go on my own. Cooler than my previous bodyguard, if you ask me.”
“How convenient.”
“So, sous chef to the illustrious Weskham Armaugh, huh.”
“Now, care to explain to me why you really left without even saying a word? Especially to me?” There is a tremor that breaks your voice, and his smile slowly creases to a frown. “Is that it? Was that your grand plan? Make me fall in love with you and then just go up and leave—”
“I beg your pardon?” Ignis looks mystified, as if you have said something completely ludicrous. He stares at you for a long, scalding moment. “What did you just say?”
You scoff. “Are you kidding me right now? I said…”
The realization dawns on you in a slow unravel. Before you can even formulate an explanation, Ignis steals your breath away with a kiss. You have done this before in the confines of your trailer, but this time is different. This time, the feeling is no longer secret.
“You have absolutely no idea how I’ve wanted to do that this time around,” he says with a smile. And when he tells you I love you, he does not mean I love you regardless of or I love you despite, but rather I love you just because I do.
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cuthie · 4 years
Omru: Stuff
  The Vol’dun sun was baking the sand beneath Omru’s paws, not a cloud in the sky to grant even a sliver of reprieve. Sand, sun and danger were the three most common elements of home, so far as Om was concerned. Not that anyone ever truly became immune to their effects, regardless of how ‘used to it’ they were. Chewing on his nails, the little fox boy trotted his way through the dunes, his free hand reaching reflexively for a knapsack that wasn’t there. Those slithering scaley bois better not have taken off with his goods. He had weapons, clothes, knick knacks, trinkets and all kinds of cool stuff in his pack when he had been abducted.  Exhaling through his nose, Omru’s bright orange eyes flickered towards Pazaz. Om was used to the heat, but even the trolls of Zandalar tend to sweat buckets out here. How was the green guy in the blue hoodie not sweltering at this point?
“Does your kind sweat?”
The goblin turned to look at Omru over his shoulder, not bothering to stop walking, “Yeah, of course. Just like yous guys, we sweat through our fuggin tongues.”
“Oh. Wait, what? Through your tongues? I don’t get it.”
  The cackle that came in response sounded almost mean to Omru’s ears. It wasn’t, in intention, it was just.. A wicked laugh. He wasn’t sure if that was something unique to Paz or their species in general. “Yo, just yankin yin’s chain kid. Lil dog humor, s’all. Nah, we sweat. Hell, back home my folks is mostly made’a sweat. Sweat an motor oil. Nasty lil boogers, most of’em. They don’t clean up so good like you an me.”
“Oh. Just used to extreme temperatures, then?”
  Paz shook his head, turning his attention forward again, “Nah. Told ya, elementals friendo. My babe, Luft, is a formless elemental. Best friend I eva made. She’s keepin’ me cool. Like my own private A.C.”
“What’s an A.C.?”
“Air conditionomatic machine. Makes hot places mo’ cooler. Goblin invention, don’t let tha gnomes tell ya otherwise.”
“Short little nosy brats who get punted out of bars for bein’ dung beetles. They build stuff that’s second rate. The Alliance engineers, kindy like what us Bilgewater is for Horde.”
  “Oh my wow. You really just don’t know nothin’, do yous? Bilgewater Cartel. Like one big dysfunctional family what steals from one another and is always stabbin someones in the back. Tha only goblins what joined the Horde. Plenny’a cartels out there. Mo money in remainin neutral in this war.”
“You were talking about that earlier. Your Horde is fighting the Alliance. Burned down their homes and killed their children in a fire, right?”
  It was Paz’s turn to sigh, “Yeah. It’s complicated. Horde and Alliance has been at war since forever. But we got ourselves a real asshole for a warchief. Like, she’s downright evil. Trust me, you don’t want nothin’ to do with her. Keep ya head down til this is all over.”
“If you’re so against it, why not leave?”
“Ain’t so simple. All my friends and family is Horde. Whether they’re innocent or not, Alliance gonna be out for blood, kennit? I don’t wanna hurt nobody what don’t need they’s asses kicked, but I can’t just shove my hands in my pockets and read about my friends deaths in the Obits, ya know?”
“What’s an obits?”
  Paz pivoted on his heels to turn around atop a swollen mass of sand, “This is the problem with hermits. You may as well be a fuggin Pandy. No, at least they was social. Had cities and stuff. Kid, ya gotta million questions, but even if we talk all week, ya ain’t gonna get edjamicated. Ya know? If ya really -really- wanna know about the world, ya gotta get out of Azeroth’s largest sand trap. We gotta expression where I live, it’s called, ‘Where ya been, livin under a rock.’ And for you folks, that’s literal!”
  Omru folded his hands behind his head, daring to look up at the sky as the smallest of baby clouds came out of nowhere to dip beneath the sun. Woo, that’s a good luck sign. “They’re called burrows and they’re comfy. Buut, I can’t lie. Your way of life sounds way more interesting. Why don’t you take me with you?”
  Paz shrugged his shoulders, “I mean, iffens ya want, sure. I could use the company. I gotta list of errands to run, but I can always pick ya up. Besides, yous people helped the Horde out, Horde helped you out, we made fast friends. Could prolly put you on a boat.”
“You know, it’s not exactly uncommon to hear of a vulpera who abandoned the sands for a life at sea.”
  Paz grinned, “Yeah, I know. I been to Tiragarde. Anyways, check it out, we’re five minutes from where I found yous.”
  As the goblin pointed ahead towards the mountain ridge, Omru’s gut knotted up. How long had he been enslaved? A few months, for sure. Maybe longer. Slavery wasn’t just a Setharak thing. Humans did a lot of it, Trolls even more so. As they traveled closer and closer to the slave mine, Omru went over it again for perhaps the hundredth time. He had been looking to scavenge at a small stone building, could have been the beginnings of a small temple. The sands had a way of hiding and then uncovering all kinds of lost architectures. One minute he had been eating a popkin, a sandwich of sorts, the next he had been fighting against half a dozen snakeholes. They had stripped him of all his gear and brought him here, to the mines.
  A pair of shadows crossed the sky, but as Omru looked up, there was nothing there. Whatever it was had moved fast. Or maybe this place was just putting him on edge and he was seeing things. Only thing up there was that little baby cloud.
“How’s the clothes fit, by the by?”
  Omru grinned as Paz looked back at him again. “Little loose, but I tied it all down well enough. I’ve worn baggier. Just lucky you rescued me and not some hulking Tortollan. Though, their kind only help people in exchange for stories. Not that they’re jerks or anything, they’re just ancient and nosy.”
“Everyone’s nosy, kid. Just the way of the world. You uh.. Gonna be okay in here? I could poke around for yins, if ya.. Ya know. Can’t do it.”
Omru bit at his nails again, snipping just the tiniest chip off his index fingernail and spitting it out onto a hardened tan rock. “Thanks, man. I’ll be alright.”
Paz nodded, then lit up a torch and stepped inside.
  Omru had spent three nights recuperating with Paz. He had been reduced to fur and bones by the time the goblin had saved him, but the rejuvenation magicks from the water totem had been no joke. Over that time, the two had shared plenty of tales, including Om’s capture. How he had been working the mines here with a dozen other vulpera. How he had rebelled time and time again, perhaps once a month for half a year or so? He managed to kill one of the guards on his last attempt. Then, as he had finally found his necklace and put it on, everything had went black. He had woken up in chains, stretched out and unable to activate the wooden totem.  If they were smart, they would have killed him, especially considering the magic he had used against their sorcerers back at the maybe-a-temple. However, when push came to shove, their magick was simply stronger than his had been. Bunch of dicks.
“Is you sure at’s all yours? Seems like a lot, s’all I’m sayin’.”
  Omru patted himself down, smoothing out the leather armor, adjusting his belt, feeling his pouches, his weapon hilts and the heft of his knapsack. He had found everything in just a few short hours. In a sing song voice, he piped up, “Got my grappling hook, check. Got my swords, my daggers. Got that acidic bug juice, got a naked troll woman carving. Never know when ya might need to bribe a perv. Got a few books that I know the Tortollan will wanna barter for. I gotta pistol that fires golden bullets.”
“Wait, golden bullets? Where did ya get that?”
“Humans down south. They’re mining down there and making really interesting weapons.”
“Ugh, Ashvane. Sorry, keep goin, I know ya proud and whatnot. Just, do me a favor and walk n talk, kay?”
  The two continued out the mines as Omru listed two or three dozen more items, “And this shovel has a shorter handle than most. Somehow that makes it easier to dig holes? I can’t remember the whole story. Oh and these marbles make fart sounds when you smash them open. I thought it was hilarious, traded a chicken for them. Don’t ask me where I found the chicken. A real desert delicacy. Oh and I got this--”
  On and on he blabbed. Stuff he had. Stuff he used to have. Stuff he wanted. Stuff he heard of. Stuff he saw one time. Stuff he dreamt up that didn’t exist yet. Each item held his curious eye at one time or another. Clearly there was an emotional attachment to his ‘stuff’, and by having found it all, his spirits had been lifted incredibly high. From the mines all the way back to their little hidey hole hours away he chatted about his things, his friends, his family. Where he found the totem necklace, what he had actually been -looking- for when he went scavenging that day.
  As the sun was going down and Paz was starting up a small fire in their home away from home, he couldn’t help but grin at the kid. The boy loved his stuff. It was more than garbage, more than things. They were memories. It probably made nomadic life in the desert a little less lonely.  “Yo, Ommie. I did ya another solid, helpin you find ya things today. Tomorrow, you take me to Keyi, okie?”
  Om plugged a thumb’s up, paired with a wink, “You got it, dude.”
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writingsbychelle · 6 years
Leave Me Here
Summary: After Dean left your home town to hunt with his father and brother you were hoping to forget about your crush. Only when he comes back your feeling resurface but with a demon in town it might be too late for that.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Request: by @maria-wants-it-all
Warnings: /
Word Count: 1,065
(A/N: (y/c) means your city)
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     Dean and you had been good friends, very good friends. In fact, you definitely had developed a crush on him while he stayed in (y/c). But at some point he just left, no explanation as to why and where. 
     He was just gone. 
     All those years you had hated him, he wanted to protect you from the supernatural, you knew that, but you still couldn’t forgive him. Over the years you did your research on all these bad creatures, learning some basic defence against them and the usual signs. That’s also how you managed to find out a demon was plaguing your hometown which caused you to call a skilled hunter who had helped you before. He told you he’d send someone he knew since he was busy to help you with the demon.
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     A day later your doorbell rang, knowing it would be the hunters taking care of the demon you quickly rushed to open the door only to be greeted by a familiar face.
     “Dean?” you breathed out, shocked to see your past crush standing at your doorstep beside his brother, Sam.
     “(Y/N)…It-It’s good to see you.”
     “Good to see me? You left without a single word, you dick! I got no explanation, not even a goodbye. You better get rid of that demon before I decide to take care of it myself. I don’t wanna see you again, ever. Get lost and get away from my property. It was nice to see you, Sam,” you turned to the taller Winchester before shutting the door with a bang and going back into your office to finish your work.
     As soon as the door closed before the brothers, Sam turned towards his brother, a disappointing look on his face.
     “I had to, Sammy. I wanted to protect her and I couldn’t risk that with the job,” Dean explained while they walked back to their car.
     “You obviously broke her heart, Dean.”
     “Yea, I know…but it was for the best. I loved her…I still do. And I would give everything if it meant I could protect her from any harm.” 
     With that the brothers drove off to their motel, to go over the case and find out where the demon was hiding.
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     It was only later that night when they found out the demon was somehow related to your former school, most specifically, your grade, targeting all the people that had stayed behind in your city which weren’t a lot. Sam and Dean came to the conclusion that they needed to ask you a few questions in order to get a clue about who the demon might be possessing. After parking the car in front of your house, the brothers noticed that your front door was standing wide open, alerting them and causing them to pull out their weapons. 
     Entering the house, they silently decided for Dean to take the upper level while Sam would check the ground floor. While Dean slowly made his way upstairs, you were fighting for your life, the demon having previously slammed you against your bedroom wall, causing a huge indent the size of your body. You were fighting with all you had but the demon still overpowered you, your body pressed against the floor, the face of your old high school friend above you, eyes pitch black and a wicked smile on her face while her hands were locked around your throat. Your legs were kicking out, your body struggling while oxygen was running low when you heard your bedroom door open again and a shot echoing through the house. Your former friend's body fell on top of you, her blood slowly seeping into your clothes while you gasped for air. Dean rolled the body off of you. He kneeled down next to you, checking you for your injuries which were miraculously very few. 
     You could distinctly hear Sam run up the stairs, entering the room as well to see you laying on the floor.
     “Are you okay?” Dean helped you sit up slowly, his touch gentle yet protective.
     “Yea…I should be alright…It’s just tha-that was one of my old friends from school...” you trailed off, looking at the dead body next to you. 
     Sam took a blanket off your bed to cover it up while Dean explained how the demon apparently was after your past classmates, killing them off one by one.
     After he was done explaining, Dean slowly helped you stand up before darkness took over you, causing you to lose consciousness. However, he managed to catch your body before it hit the floor before carrying you into his car and driving you to the hospital where he and Sam dropped you off. After the doctor told them you’d be fine and that your injuries were nothing major, Sam convinced Dean to leave you alone and give you some space, even though the older brother wanted to stay behind, not wanting to leave you alone ever again.
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     You got released from the hospital only a day ago, the doctors being sure your condition wasn’t as bad as it first seemed to be. Upon entering your house, you carefully took off your jacket after placing your bag down next to the door and walking into the living room to relax a bit. However, your plans were cancelled when you saw Dean sitting on your couch, skimming through a magazine that previously laid on your coffee table.
     “I…I guess I owe you a ‘thank you’ for saving my life…So, thank you, Dean. I would be dead without you,” you said, walking to your couch to sit down on the other end of it.
     “Please don’t apologise, (Y/N). I left without telling you and it was the worst thing I could’ve done to you. I felt because I care about you and I didn’t want you to get hurt. This job brings too many dangers with it and I didn’t want to pull you into this mess but apparently, that didn’t work at all. I guess what I wanna say is sorry. I’m sorry for being a dick. I’m sorry for leaving you. I’m sorry for not saying goodbye. I’m so-“
     “Dean…” you sighed, shaking your head at him as you inched closer to his body, “just…just shut up and kiss me.”
     And so he did.
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@marvelsbunch @trees-and-ink @heartbreaker6995 @not-swagger-souls
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sebbies · 7 years
kids in love
Warnings: language, unprotected sex, blowjob, bad writing Note: yikes please please please tell me how this is (ps.this is for @sebashtiansatan) masterlist
Taking a deep breath, Y/N looks at herself  in the mirror in the room she shared with Bucky. He was coming home from a month long mission, the longest they’ve been away from each other and she had thought that a little ‘celebration’ was in order.
“The team is set to arrive in two minutes,” FRIDAY’s voice rang out through the empty room. The suddenness of the announcement caused Y/N to slightly jump, that’s what she chalked it up to because she didn’t want to admit her nerves were getting the best of her.
“Thank you,” Y/N responds. She twirls around once more and smiles, Bucky was definitely going to enjoy this homecoming.
“Let’s do this,” she mumbles as she sat at her desk, acting as if she was busy. Y/N hears the front door of the apartment open and close, her heart starts to beat faster as she hears the heavy footsteps belonging to Bucky walk towards the room. The silence that follows was deafening as she knew Bucky was standing by the door, leaning against the frame. She could feel him staring holes into her back. Y/N stands up and wipes the smirk off her face and moves around pretending not to notice Bucky.
“So you missed me?” Bucky says suddenly. Y/N gasps as she turned around, it was supposed to be fake but nothing could prepare her for the sight in front of her. Bucky was still wearing his combat uniform, making him look hotter and more intimidating.
“Cause I missed you,” Bucky says as he pushes himself off the frame and walks towards the girl who was now standing by the bed.
“Uh-huh, I missed you too,” Y/N breathes out.
“Got pretty lonely.” Bucky’s lips curled up into a small grin as he notices the effect he has on her.
“Well, let’s take care of that,” she replies. Her top- well, his top- has ridden up slightly while she leans back, exposing a whole lot of thigh. Bucky pulls his bottom lip between his teeth when he begins to think sinful thoughts that could land him a seat next to the devil. He watches as Y/N takes one of the little decorative square pillows and places it by his feet, he looks back up at her with an eyebrow raised, unsure of what exactly she was thinking. Y/N then gracefully drops her knees on the plush cushion, aligning her face with his crotch. Seeing her kneeling before him, he realises now there is no doubt as what “taking care of that” means.
“Yeah,” Bucky swallows out, suddenly at a loss for words. Bucky licks his lips and brushes his metal hand through her hair, pushing it out of her face and making a messy ponytail.
“I missed you baby.” The sultry voice she used has Bucky’s cock stiffening in anticipation.
“I’ve got you,” she croons,her skilled fingers unbuckling his belt and gently pulling down his fly. Bucky lets out a heavy moan while she slides his pants further down his legs until they pooled by his feet. Y/N’s nails carefully leave scratches in their wake as they skim their way up his legs before sweeping them over his boxers, tactically diverting her attention to the growing bulge. Her hands come to rest at his prominent Adonis lines, her fingers rubbing the skin gently, relishing in how his muscles contract under her touch. Y/N’s lips slowly trail down his happy trail, before running them above the waistband of his boxers. Bucky’s knees were about to give out and she hasn’t even doing anything to him. The effect this woman has on him always amazed him.
Y/N can feel her mouth start to salivate when she gets tantalisingly close to his throbbing cock and it’s driving both of them crazy. She grabs the elastic band of his boxers between her teeth and begins to pull them down.
“Fuck yeah,” Bucky moans out, the visual forever etched into his memory. Y/N’s eyes were dark and crowded with lust, yet they still hold that glint of innocence as she maintains eye contact. Her lips are quirked-up by the corners and a faint blush starts to appear on her cheeks. Bucky feels the extra effort she uses to pull the material over his straining erection. She scrunches the boxers in her hands and yanks the rest down, leaving it bunched with his pants.
“Stop teasing, котенок,” Bucky breathes out. He watches as Y/N darts her tongue out and begins to lap at the pre-come already oozing from his slit. Bucky throws his head back in ecstasy, wishing that there was a wall behind to keep him up. His grip of Y/N’s hair gets tighter when she had enough with the teasing and swallows half his length down in one, well-practiced motion. Her eyes quickly flicking up to gauge his reaction and when another powerful moan erupted from his mouth, her hands grab his ass in an effort to bring him closer.
“Yeah, baby, fuck, это так хорошо,” Bucky rasps, he can’t decide if he wants to pull her hair or run his fingers through it so he alternates the motions with each hand.
Y/N quickly reduces the super soldier to chatting, nonsensical mess, taking his cock deep until it hits the back of her throat, before swallowing around his length and hollowing out her cheeks. All too soon Bucky feels the tension rise in his groin and begins to tug on Y/N’s hair harder.
“I’m close.” Y/N reluctantly pulls away with a wicked grin on her face, knowing that Bucky loves to finish inside of her. A delicate thin strand of cum connects her bottom lip to his cock and if that isn’t the hottest thing Bucky has seen.
“Bed. Now,” Bucky orders. Y/N nods eagerly and Bucky holds out his hands to help her up. Y/N groans as she straightens out the kinks in her knees, then she turns around and places both hands on the edge of the bed, about to crawl on top of it.
The visual of his girl presenting herself in such a manner, now noticing that she’s wearing nothing underneath his tee, bypasses his brain and goes from his eyes straight to his dick. The shirt has ridden up as she’s bent over, giving him a perfect view of her glistening slit.
“Hold on,” Bucky growls, placing a large palm on the small of her back. Y/N knows better than to make a smart-assed comment, she’ll save that for later, so instead she wiggles her hips, teasing him some more. Bucky watches as he kicks off the rest of his clothes.
“Please Bucky,” Y/N purrs, “please, I need you so bad.”
Bucky doesn’t respond as he’s too focused on lining himself up with her and without warning he began slamming into her. Hard. Hard enough that her body jolts forward and she has to tighten her grip on the white sheets in order to not topple over.
“Fuck yess,” Y/N hisses, hanging her head limply, letting her whole body relax as his thick member fills her pussy, She turns her head to the side and catches a glimpse of a smirk playing on his lips.
“C’mon Bucky. Fuck me.”
Bucky let out an animalistic growl as his hands grab onto her hips tighter. “You’re something else doll,” he mumbles. His metal hand drifts over her body and presses in the space between her shoulder blades, successfully pressing her face into the bed and arching her back.
“C’mon Bucky,” Y/N whines impatiently, rubbing her ass against his crotch. His hands are back on her ample hips and with a groan, he withdraws before quickly surging back in. A collective grunt vibrates through the room and he wastes no time drawing it out or giving her time to adjust.
He’s ruthless with his thrusts, plunging his cock as deep as her pussy can take it, them pulling almost all the way out before repeating the actions again. Y/N enjoys the relentless and unforgiving rhythm. She’s letting out wanton moans as her face is pressed to the mattress, screaming in euphoria when she feels Bucky’s metal hand slap her ass cheek. Bucky bends over and plants his palms on either side of her head without breaking the pace.
“Yes, baby,” Y/N breathes out, “just like tha-fuck.”
“You takin’ me so good kitten,” Bucky growls in a low and husky voice. He moves his lips behind her ear and lets the words tumble out. The effect of him talking dirty instantly arouses Y/N more to the point where she’s squirming around and pressing her ass harder against his crotch.
“God, babygirl, your pussy is so greedy for my cock. Taking me so good, you gonna be a good girl for me?”
“YES!” Y/N cries out. “Yes, I’ll be good I promise sarge.” Bucky drops a kiss to her shoulder at the title. “I’ve got you kitten.” His lips follow the curve of her spine, “gonna take care of you so good, doll.” He can feel she’s close as her hips are actively jerking back to meet his thrusts. Bucky slides his left hand under her body and down her belly, seeking out for her clit. When his fingers gently stroke over the swollen nub she lets out a scream.
“Right there, sarge!” She moans. “Ooooh god, that’s so good, please don’t stop.”
He can feel his own orgasm threatening to explode, so he begins to play around her clit insistently.
“C’mon baby,” Bucky grunts. “Fuck, I know you’re so close, let go.” Y/N’s grip on the sheets tighten to the point where her knuckles are turning white.
“Let go now.” Bucky thrusts forcefully into her, “right fucking now.”
Beneath him, her body synchronically melts into the bed and tenses up. She lets out an passionate yell as her pussy walls spasm and flutter around his shaft. His grip on her hips tighten and she knows that she’ll find purple, finger-shaped bruises tomorrow morning.
“Fff-Y/N!” Bucky shouts, wildly thrusting his hips against her ass, eagerly chasing his own release.
“Oh James!” She screamed, feeling him spill into a chasm of pleasure.
As he comes off his high, his legs give out, but Bucky still manages to catch himself with his hands before completely squashing Y/N. He drops his forehead to her shoulder, the fanning of his breath over her skin creates goosebumps and from the sound of her heavy pants, he knows she’s not much better off.
“I think the whole tower heard us,” Y/N mumbles into the sheets, still trying to catch her breath.
“Who cares,” Bucky groans as he carefully slides out of her.
“C’mon doll, let’s take a shower,” he says quietly while helping Y/N stand and catching her when she wobbles.
“Fuck am I gonna feel this for the next few days,” she murmurs. Upon hearing this, Bucky sports a proud grin and lifts her up in his arms, a squeal escaping her lips.
tags: @soldatbarnes @captainpunk @capbuckybuchanan @aubzylynn @4theluvofall @modestlyconfused @james-bionic-barnes @supersoldierslover @sniktlogan @rotisserierogers
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
Seven Times Great: Part 4
Pairings: John Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, smut, fluff
Word Count: 4,668
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
“So, I’ve brought cherry pie for Dean, cranachan for Sam, Crowley & John and angel luv, I made ye peanut butter and jam cookies cuz Dean said ye really luv the sam’wich, but ‘e also said…” Cas smiled at you and gently put his hand on top of yours on the plate.
“They’re perfect. Thank you.” You smiled at him as he took the plate and turned to start serving the rest of the desserts.
“Dove, would I be able to steal you for a moment?” You looked up from the cherry pie you were cutting and nodded. You finished cutting a quarter of the pie for Dean, knowing that anything less was unacceptable, and passed him the plate before following Crowley out to the war room. He pulled out a chair for you and sat down in front of you with a smile. “I have a couple things I want to give you. Not really family heirlooms but…” He tilted his head back and forth as a small smile spread across his face. “Well darling, as close as I can get to it.” You smiled as he pulled a small box from his pocket.
“I may have cheated a bit with this and piggy backed onto John’s gift.” He chuckled as he opened the box. Inside was a small, round silver charm with something engraved on it for your bracelet. He pulled it from the box and stuck his hand out so he could add it to your bracelet. “On the front would be our family coat of arms. My grandfather, the drunken bastard, was the one who designed it.” He slid the charm onto the bracelet with the coat of arms symbol facing up and clipped the bracelet back on. “I’ve done some research into the ancestry between myself and you and am having it put into a small book along with anything I have before my generation. Just so you know a little more about your… eclectic heritage. On the back…” He flipped the charm toward him so it landed on the heel of your palm and you tilted your head to the side to see.
“This is our crest. I don’t know much about it as it was created after I passed. But that’s all in the book as well. I would have it today but my demons have proven, once again, to be unreliable.” You giggled as he let go of your hand and made two, large, boxes wrapped in brown paper and tied with twine appear on the table. He sat up a little straighter and grabbed the newer looking one off the top.
“Now, typically this is a tradition passed from witch to witch from generation to generation however you are a special case.” He handed you the package and you were slightly startled at how heavy it was. You pulled the end of the string and pulled off the paper to reveal not a box, but a thick, dark brown, leather book that was the size of your lap. You ran your fingers up the spine and across the cover as Crowley explained.
“A Grimoire or a Book of Shadows is a witch’s personal collection of spells, instructions, useful information… essentially a notebook of sorts. Sort of like the one John carries for his hunts; but meant for you. As you learn, as you do spells, you can write down what spell you did, when and why, what herbs, crystals or talismans you use and how they react with you and each other. You write your mistakes and successes.” He carefully picked up the book on your lap and exchanged it for the next package with an almost shy smile.
“This was mine from when I was a child.” He said as you carefully unwrapped the second book. “I didn’t have the natural talent you or my mother did but I still practiced here and there when I was younger and more once I got… older. You’ll notice that mine is written in mostly Gaelic so you may not…” He carefully opened the book to the middle and you smiled.
“I read Gaelic. Took that an’ Latin in uni.” He smiled up at you and nodded.
“You’ll have no problems figuring this out then. Now, do not feel overwhelmed by this; we’ll go through all of this in time. I promise you, I will teach you everything and anything I know. There are also thousands upon thousands of spells in this bunker and I know John and the boys will teach you everything they can as well once you get the basics. I also know a few witches…” His words were cut off as you leaned forward and gave him a hug.
“Thank ye.” You said softly. He wrapped his arms around your waist and tears welled in his eyes.
“Of course, my little dove.” You smiled as you pulled away and looked back down at the book. “All I ask is that you are careful with this book. Physically, obviously because it is as old as I but because in the wrong hands, this could be very, very dangerous. Any personal grimoire could be, which is why you will see a lot of them written in dead languages, ruins or code.” You nodded as you closed the book and looked up at him.
“I’ll guard it wit’ m’life.” He gave you a short nod as he snapped his fingers, making the book on your lap disappear.
“I know Sam would love to get his hands on that. That boy can never have to much to read.” You giggled as he stood up. He kissed the top of your head just as Dean came sliding around the corner like Tom Cruise in Risky Business (but thankfully for you he was fully dressed.)
“Did you by chance make another one of those pies for later?” He asked as he walked over to the two of you. “Because I think that one was better than every other one you’ve ever made if that’s even possible.” You rolled your eyes as you grabbed your blank book to put it in the basket you had brought the desserts in.
“John, ye owe me fifty.” You called out as you headed back toward the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and your basket so you could get the gift for the boys, Cas and Crowley… and to put the extra pie you did bring in the fridge. John, Cas and Sam looked up at you as you turned into the kitchen. “‘e asked for more pie. Told ye.” Sam and Castiel laughed as your boyfriend shook his head.
“She makes you a pie a week, Dean.” John said as Dean and Crowley followed you back into the kitchen. “Did you at least thank her for slaving away for your ungrateful ass?” You smiled as you grabbed the extra pie you made from the basket and handed it over to Dean.
“Thank you, (Y/N). You’re the best.”
“Ye don’ ‘ave to tell me tha’. I a’ready know.”
“Alright, unfortunately, we have to go presents quickly because while you two were talking, I got an email about a case from Jody so Dean and I gotta get on the road.” You nodded at Sam as the three guys stood up from the table.
“Ain’t no rest for the wicked even on Christmas.” Dean complained as he put the pie in the freezer to save for when he got back.
“I’ve faith ye will knock it out of the park before New Years.” You said as John traded you your new book for the basket so you could all head to the library to open presents by the Christmas tree.
“So we’ve black, blue, pink ‘nd silv’a.” You said as you watched John (and his rock hard length) spread the white, cotton canvas on the plastic painters tarp in the middle of your living room floor in front of a large fire. You looked up at him with a smile as he sat back on his heels and looked over at you. “May I?”
“You’re the artist, baby girl.” You got onto your knees and walked on them so that you were directly in front of him. You popped the top of the black and set the other three bottles by your knees as John pressed his body against yours. He wrapped his hands almost hungrily around your nude body as you spread the black paint in a half-assed, heart. As you switched to the silver paint to do the same thing, John growled. “Faster, baby. You’re driving me even more crazy.” You hummed as you purposely pressed your hips back against his and took your time to draw a second, upside down heart.
“Am I?” You asked cheekily as you sat back to grab the last two colors. “Oh, you’ve not seen aaaannnnnyyyyy thin’.” You leaned forward with the blue and drew a splattered, cursive ‘J’ as you rocked your hips back and forth against his. You could feel his hard length rubbing against your wet, sensitive core with every movement and his hands flew to your hips. His fingers curled into your skin and he let his head fall back with a moan as you wrote your first initial in pink. Once you were satisfied, you put all four paint bottles on the coffee table and used your powers to push it far out of the way.
“Keep that up, sweetheart and this’ll be over ‘fore it starts.” John growled as you sat up completely so your bare back was against his chest. You rolled your hips a few more times as you lifted your hands above your head and ran your fingers through his short, brown hair.
“What if I don’ wan’ ta?” You asked as you tilted your head to the side to look at him. He had his bottom lip bit hard between his teeth and a sheen of sweat across his forehead from a combination of the flames to your left and the foreplay you had both thought would be better to do without the paint.
“I’m about to make you stop.” He threatened as he looked down at you. You smiled because despite what he was saying, his hands were dragging your hips harder on his length.
“Tha’s wha’ I want, m’luv.” His fiery eyes found yours and he smirked.
“Good.” He leaned forward and crashed his lips to yours, pushing and pulling at your hips so that you would turn around in front of him. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his large hands gripped the backs of your thighs and your ass and lifted you up. You kicked your legs forward on either side of his as he carefully laid you down on the paint covered canvas. Your hiss from the cold paint touching your back turned into a moan as he sunk his whole length into you in one fluid movement; stretching you and filling you perfectly.
“I love you.” John said softly as his eyes searched yours while he let you readjust to his size. You smiled as you wrapped your legs around his hips and tangled your hands in his hair.
“I luv ye.” With an award winning smile, he leaned down and captured your lips with his as he picked up a strong, steady pace. There was no urgency, no rush to finish, just turning your love into art. Your fingernails dragged lazy stripes up and down his back as his hands wrapped around your shoulders to keep you from sliding too far away. He kissed his was down your jaw to your throat as your hips rolled to meet his. Your coil tightened slowly, maddeningly with each pump of his hips. As his hips began pumping faster, you knew he was starting to get desperate for his release.
“On top.” He growled when he had reached his limit. You giggled as the two of you switched places, slipping slightly in the paint before he laid down on the canvas in your place. You straddled his hips and slid down his hard length.
“I’m not ‘oldin’ back.” You told him as you braced yourself on his chest, leaving splotches of colored paint on his pecs and in the hair that decorated his chest. He smirked as he grabbed your hips.
“I don’t want you, too.” You leaned your weight onto his chest and picked up a punishing pace; his hips thrusting up to meet yours, both of you chasing your releases; suddenly desperate. You moaned his name as he shifted you to the left the slightest bit to hit that sweet spot he knew so well. Your coil tightened deep in your stomach as your slick coated his cock.
“Fuck, bae’, righ’ there.” You groaned as you leaned forward and let him take control, not able to keep up the pace he suddenly picked up if you wanted to. He wrapped his hands around your hips and slammed into you as he growled deeply.
“Can’t…” He groaned through grit teeth. He bit your shoulder; something he knew was a kink of yours, and you snapped.
“J-j-j-… I… I… I… gaa!” Your whole body tensed as your walls tightened around his length, convulsing around him and coaxing his release. He swore, slammed into you once more and his whole body shook as you pulled him over the edge. The living room was filled with small gasps and moans as your highs carried you into levels of over sensitivity; a place neither of you ever minded to be. His grip on your hips lessened as his body relaxed onto the floor and you settled in comfortably on top of him to ride out your highs.
Neither of you said a word as you laid on the floor, watching the fire burn in the glow of the Christmas lights from your tree. His fingers dragged lazily along your spine as you drew senseless patterns in the paint on his chest in front of your face. He kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms around your waist with a sigh.
“That paint tastes really bad.” You burst out laughing and picked your head up off his chest to look at him.
“Yer the one who ate it.” You snarked.
“I think that was the most fun Christmas present I’ve ever gotten.” He said as he carefully pulled out of you. “I’m gunna roll so it’s easier to get up, OK?” You nodded as you shifted so you were laying on him and not straddling him. He put one hand on the back of your head and rolled you over carefully; rolling to his knees on the tarp. You both looked at the design on the canvas as you floated the booties off the table to him.
“’t’s perfec’.” You looked up at him as he slipped a bootie on each of his feet. He nodded in agreement as he leaned back and put the other booties on you. In one nearly fluid motion, he stood up and pulled you to your feet and into his chest.
“You’re perfect.” He said softly as he wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a chaste kiss. “But let’s go shower. I got paint in places it shouldn’t be.”
~~~~~~~ 2 YEARS LATER ~~~~~~~
“I swear ta Christ, Dean.” You grumbled as you set your hand flat on the Impala’s car seat. “Ye need ta learn ‘ow ta do this yerself.” He groaned as Sam, who had managed to get himself turned into a rat, darted out of the cage Dean had trapped him in, scrambled up your arm and perched on your shoulder, squeaking loudly at his brother as you headed inside.
“Oh come on, (Y/N). Rat’s are gross and you’re an actual witch now.” You rolled your eyes as you headed into the library.
“Ye know tha’s yer broth’a yer gripin’ about.” You reminded him. “Who did this?” Dean stopped walking in front of you and your stomach did a small flip. “Dean…” He glanced back over his shoulder with a hesitant smile.
“Rowena. That’s why we called you because you have the same DNA and…” He rambled quickly. You growled and glared at him.
“My gran’ moth’a did this ‘nd ye call me ‘nd not Crowley? Are ye out’a yer bloody mind?” You pulled your phone out of you back pocket as you headed over to the table to grab your grimoire to find the reversal spell as you called your uncle. As you pulled the book over, Sam squeaked almost apologetically in your ear before running down your arm to wait.
“Hello dove. To what do I owe the pleasure, today?” You smiled to yourself, knowing how pissed he was going to be, as you flipped open the thick book.
“Figured ye’d like ta know… Sam ‘nd Dean ‘ad a run in wit’ me gran’ bitch t’day ‘nd I’ve been recruited ta clean up…”
“What, did ye boys find anoth’a witch ta clean up m’mess?” Your phone fell from your hand and your blood went cold as your eyes shot up to your left toward the voice. You met your eight times great grand mother’s green eyes; the same shape eyes that you had seen in the mirror every day your entire life, for only a moment before a flash of a black, tailored suit blocked your view.
“Are you two morons…!” Crowley started but Rowena screeched behind him.
“Who is she?!” She screamed as she took a step to the side, pointed at you and looked at her son. “Fergus, I know ye know who she is.”
“She’s no one, mother! Leave it alone.” He snapped as he moved himself between you and Rowena once more. She scoffed as she raised her hand to cast a spell and you popped up in front of Crowley and reacted.
“Manete!” You screamed, throwing everything you had into the word and praying to anyone that it worked as a spell. You watched her hand freeze, mid-spell and anger ripped through her eyes. Crowley and Dean stood frozen for only a moment before Crowley grabbed your arm.
“Take Sam with you and go.” He hissed as he shoved you behind his back. “I’ll follow you in a minute.” You nodded as you scrambled to grab your book and laid your hand on the table. Sam scrambled up on to your palm a second before you disappeared.
The second your feet hit the ground in your living room, you set Sam and your book down on the dinner table to get Sam changed back for protection’s sake. You ran and grabbed your box of spell ingredients, a gift from Sam and Dean two years before hand, from your room as your hands shook. You set the box down on the table and threw it open.
“Ye think I can do this, Sammy?” You asked as you flipped through the book to find the reversal spell he had given you over a year ago. He squeaked once as you pictured the jaw bone of the first murderer you could think of, Clyde Barrow, in your hand. When it appeared; covered in the dirt from the grave you just robbed it from, you set it on the table and started listing off ingredients, more to yourself. Within only a few minutes, you had everything you needed in a bowl and you looked up at the light brown guest on your table.
“C’mon, off m’table.” You said as you put your hand flat in front of him. He climbed on and let you put him on the floor as you grabbed the dagger John had given you for Christmas. You cut your hand and dripped the blood into the bowl just as Crowley popped in with John; who had been away on a hunt. You glanced over at them and pointed at Sam on the floor as you grabbed a pack of matches from your box. With a sigh, you picked up the bowl, kneeled on the floor in front of Sam, set it down and lit a match.
“Airmidh mi air maponus, dia— na hogalachd. Gairmidh mi air sucellus, dia na time. Till an-dràsda obair uile gu bheilair a bhith deànta. Mar sin bitheadh.”
You dropped the match in the bowl and with a ‘pop’, the area in front of you filled with smoke. It took a second for the smoke to clear but once it did, Sam smiled at you and sat back on his heels.
“Thank Chuck for you, right now, (Y/N).” He said with a smile as you grabbed your bowl and stood up.
“Good job, dove.” Crowley said as you pulled out one of the chairs and sat down.
“Is it bad?” You asked as you looked over at Crowley. He sighed and shook his head slowly.
“’s'not great, dove. But it’s not bad.” You sighed as John walked over and grabbed the first aid kit from on top of the fridge.
“So wha’ so we do from ‘ere?” You asked as you boyfriend kneeled down in front of you and put the white medical box on the table.
“We keep doing what we’ve been doing.” He said as he flipped the latch and opened the box. He grabbed some clean gauze and some tape and looked up at you with a smile. “We keep you safe.”
It took Rowena five days (and eight murdered demons) before she found out who and where you were. That is how you found yourself in an hour long, early morning stare off with the woman from your front porch swing. You and John had been enjoying your morning coffee and the barely chilly, fall breeze when she walked up to the far side of your white picket fence, right on the outside of your and Crowley’s protection spells. She was close enough that if she wanted to talk to you, she could but neither of you said a word. You just simply stared.
“She’s making me nervous.” John said quietly as he watched the two of you, knowing that she wasn’t going to be able to get any closer than she was. You shrugged as you refilled your coffee mug for the third time.
“Call Crowley then.” You responded behind your mug as you took a sip. He shook his head, not ready to have Crowley breathing down his neck just yet. Once he finished his mug, he set it down on the table beside him.
“I’ll be right back.” He said as he got up and headed inside to go to the bathroom. You watched your grandmother watch him and the moment he was out of sight, she turned to you.
“‘ow long ‘ave you known who ye were?” She finally asked. You tapped your nail against your mug and gave her a small shrug.
“Long enuf.” She gave you a curt nod and tilted her head to the side.
“Can’t even say ‘ello ta yer gran’ moth’a then?” You smirked at the way she embraced the title and nodded your head.
“‘ello ta m’gran’ moth’a then.” Her lips curled into a smirk as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Aye. Yer a Macleod a’right.” You nodded in agreement as her eyes darted toward your front door. “Can I get ta know m’only gran’chil’?” You shrugged your shoulder as John stepped back out onto the porch with a gun in his hand.
“Ye take’t up wit’ Crowley.” Her eyes darted between you, John, and his gun.
“Aye.” She nodded as she dropped her arms to her side. “I’ll take’t up wit’ Crowley, then.” She gave you a small nod and glared at John before she turned on her heel and walked away. The moment she was far enough away, you willed your phone into your hand. Crowley picked up on the second ring.
“Yer moth’a paid John and I a visit this morn’.” You told him as John sat down on the swing next to you.
“What did she want?” He snapped as he appeared on your porch; his eyes searching the area in front of your house for Rowena. You glanced over at him as you took a sip of your coffee.
“Well, she stared at us for an ‘our. Then she wan’ed ta know if she could get ta know me.” His phone rang in his hand and he answered it on speaker.
“Yes, mother.” He sighed as you turned him in the direction she had gone with your mind as you took another sip of coffee.
“Ye’ve known I’ve a gran’daught’a for years ‘nd ye neva told me?” Rowena yelled into the phone.
“That’s because the last grandchild I brought you around, you murdered.” He snapped as his eyes searched the street for Rowena. You heard her scoff on the other end of the line.
“Ye deserved that one; Gavin didn’t belong ‘ere. And you won’t find me, Fergus so quit tryin’ ta look.” With a sigh, you stood up and moved so that you were standing right inside your front door behind Crowley.
“Ye want sumthin’ done, ye do it yerself.” You said as you pulled your grimoire toward you. “Keep ‘er talkin’.” You knew you had summing spell in there and you would put money on the fact that with a little alteration, you could get Rowena out of hiding.
“Mother, what do you want with my niece?” Crowley asked as you went into your room and grabbed the couple things you needed.
“Ye mean yer gran’daught’a?” Rowena laughed as you came back to the door. John looked at you curiously as he leaned against the door frame to watch you. “I’ve the right ta know ‘er. She’s my blood, too. Besides, she’s a witch. What betta person ta teach a witch than another witch?” You huffed a laugh to yourself as you pulled the drawer to the table open and grabbed the knife John had there. You picked up the bowl, a pack of matches and glanced at the incantation; changing it in your head on the spot.
“I have done just fine teaching her, thank you!” Crowley yelled as you walked back onto the porch. You set the things down on the rail, re-opened the cut on your palm from the week before and dripped a few drops onto the herbs in the bowl; hoping that your DNA would be enough in this quickly made summoning spell.
‘Thoir na rudan a tha falaichte dhomh.’ (Bring what is hidden to me.)
The second you dropped the match, you heard a loud, feminine yelp as Rowena flew out of the woods across from your house and slammed into the wall of the protection spells.
“‘e teaches me jus’ fine.” You told her as she growled and rubbed her shoulder. You heard John walk into the house, fighting hard to control his laughter as Crowley cleared his throat to hide his.
“We’ll arrange a lunch, mother.” Rowena glared at him as you picked up your bowl and gave her a small wave.
“Good-bye gran’ motha’.” She sighed and rolled her eyes as she quietly walked away. Crowley looked back at you as you simply walked into the house with your coffee mug floating in behind you.
“We need to start working on doing all your basic spells without the use of ingredients.” He said as he followed you inside with a glance over his shoulder. He chuckled as you set your bowl down on the table by your box of ingredients to deal with later. “And make sure you write that spell down.” You smirked back at him as you reached up and grabbed your coffee mug.
“Aye. Don’ think I’ll ever forget tha’ though.” He and John chuckled as the latter walked toward the kitchen past you to make something for breakfast.
“Neither will I.”
Part 5
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princeoftheironfist · 7 years
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CHAPTER 2 - The Electric Bosozoku: Johnny Zappmoore!!
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Characters Appearing (In Order of Appearance): Ace Nonkina, Master Jigu-Jo, Johnny Zappmoore
Chapter Summary: Word of Ace’s goal to become the Strongest Clown In The World has finally caught wind and has been find out by a local Bosozoku (Bike Gang Leader)!!
Johnny Zappmoore is his name, and wanting to beat Ace is his game! Will they fight? And will Ace come out on top?
(Real) Author’s Note: Well it took another year, but I’ve finally got a second Chapter out for one of my stories. Thank god. I may take forever to get something out, but hey, at least I’m doing something instead of nothing!
Truth be told, I actually had a lot of Ch.02 finished since earlier this year. I just never got around to putting it all together because of College and my Kinnikuman Muscle Fight review.
Will I get another Chapter out soon? Hopefully! Now that Ch.02 for Ace is finished, it’s time to work on my much neglected street racing story, PowerGEAR! But until then, Nonkina Ace Ch.02~ TAKE IT AWAY KIDD!
Oh, and one piece of advice: You’re gonna wanna zoom in because my blog has terrible fonts.
Author’s Note: As I wrote this Chapter and the character who’s making their debut in it, I came to a weird realization: A lot of my friends are Delinquents.
My best bro, Tabayo? Delinquent. His friends? Delinquents. Heck, even my girlfriend and inker Dot was a bit rowdy before she met me and I shouldn’t forget her sister(?) Baller.
I guess everything came full circle?
It was a serene Saturday mid-day up in the Diamond Star Mountain range. For the last few weeks Ace Nonkina has been coming to a secluded Dojo up in the mountain, undergoing Clown-Po training with the wise yet devilishly handsome Momotaro Jigu-Jo.
Ace was finished with his training for the day but he decided to hang around to help his Sensei with some chores around the Dojo.
Walking with Jigu-Ju from a near river with some pails of water, Ace asked his teacher a question that had been lingering in his mind.
“So Jigu-Jo, I was wondering….Don’t you ever get lonely up here?”
“Hmm, sometimes I do, but I prefer the quiet~ It allows me to focus more on all the little things~ Why do you ask?”
“I dunno. Guess I was just curious…”
“Hmm…Something tells me that’s not the question you wanted to ask me. Is there something else, my pupil?”
“Well…I’ll be honest, I wished we had another student with us or more Clown-Po users in general! I enjoy sparring with you Sensei, but man, I really want to get my fight on!! You know?”
“Oh I know. I was like that when I started my Clown-Po training~ But I wouldn’t go out looking for someone to rough up. You’re strong Ace, but you’ve still got a lot of training ahead of you.”
“I know, I know….But what if some guy comes up to me and challenges me to a fight?”
“You politely decline. There’s nothing wrong with turning the other cheek.”
“Hmm…What if he has Clown-Po? Can we clash fists then?”
“...Tch, I suppose so…Otherwise no getting into random fights. Are we clear?”
Somewhere across town that same day, a meeting of the minds was happening at Diamond Star Technical High School, with a Gang Leader making some important announcements.
“And for our last bit of news, I got’sa big announcement for ya’ll” spoke the gang’s leader. “As you know, I make it a big point to take down any tough guy who thinks he’s the toughest around. And so far, I’ve made good on that for a while. But now some new guy popped up across town. ‘Heard he hit a speed bag so hard that it fuckin’ EXPLODED.”
“WHOA” the gang Whoa’d.
“YEAH, I KNOW…So I’ve decided that I’m gonna go transfer to his school and beat this guy into the dirt!!”
“But Boss, what about us???” a Goon cried out.
“Relax, boys. I ain’t leavin’ the gang forever, It’s not like I’m going out of state!! Look, if’n somethin’ happens and I need some extra muscle, I’ll drop ya’lls a line~ Alright?”
The gang nodded collectively and began cheering for their great leader.
“Monday can’t come any sooner~” the leader thought, as a wicked smile grew on his face.
The weekend passed and it was already Monday morning. Ace was walking to school today, still thinking about Jigu-Jo telling him not to get into fights.
“Man…What does he know? I’ve got great control over Clown-Po!!” Ace muttered to himself. “I mean, it’s not like all the energy that’s building up in me is exploding out or anything…”
“No…Jigu-Jo is right. If someone wants to fight me, I’ll turn them down. Even if they have Clown-Po…”
Walking by the foot of an electric tower, Ace noticed the gate door was busted open. He looked up at the tower and saw what looked to be someone sitting high up near the still live wires.
“Oh my gosh!!” Ace thought “Who’d be crazy enough to go up there?!”
“He-Hey!!! Get down from there!!!” Ace yelled, trying to get whoever it was’ attention. “You’re gonna get hurt if you stay up there any longer!!”
Just then, the mysterious person stood up and walked off the side!
Ace froze in fear, thinking he had just witnessed a suicide, but to his shock the person appeared to be grinding down the side with a large wave of sparkling electricity trailing them behind.
Midway through the sick grinding, the stranger lept off and landed in front of Ace, who was still stiff as a board.
“Well….That was…quite the spectacle” Ace said to the blond, pompadoured stranger.
Dusting himself off, the stranger stood up and stared at Ace from behind his pointy anime shades.
“Tell me fella…Is your name Ace Nonkina?”
“Uh…Y-Yeah…Do I know you from somewhere?”
“No, no ya don’t…But I know about you….”
“My name’s Johnny, Johnny Zappmoore. I’m the leader of the Diamond Star Speed Tribe…”
“And I’m on a mission, a mission to prove that I’m the toughest fighter in town!!…”
The Bosozoku leader continued in his monologue, going on about toughness and being the strongest. The promise of a fight did get Ace interested, and Johnny looked to be a strong fighter, but hearing him talk on and on made him sound like that’s all he had.
“...So I’ll cut to the chase: I’m here to challenge you to a fight!! You may be strong enough to explode a speed bag, but I doubt you’re strong enough to take me down!!! So what do ya say?? You wanna throw down or what??”
“Yeah….That sounds like it could be a fun fight buuuuuuuuuuuuut…I gotta get going. Have a nice day…” Ace flatly replied, walking away from Johnny as he continued his dramatic monologue and posing.
“ALRIGHT!!! LET’S GET THIS BRAWL’A GOIN’ RIGHT N-” Johnny had turned around to where Ace was standing minutes ago. “What tha’?? H-HEY!!” Johnny yelled, turning around to face the walking Ace who stood in place as his name was called.
“Oh I did, and I declined your fight. Now if you’ll excuse me…”
Running up to Ace, Johnny grabbed Ace by his shirt collar and began to give him a stern talking to.
“Listen here Cherry Coke, when a Delinquent challenges you to a fight, YOU FUCKIN’ ACCEPT IT.”
“Says who!?”
“Oh yeah?”
“YE-ARGH!!” delivering a straight blow to Johnny’s stomach, Ace escaped Johnny’s grasp and ran off as fast as he could in a full tilt sprint. Johnny, slowly getting up from his knees, watched as Ace ran off.
“You can run Red Head…You can’t hide forever….”
Minutes later, Ace had arrived at school. Thankfully the first period teacher was late, so he wouldn’t be penalized for tardiness, but he did get an earful from Hall Monitor Ryosuke.
As the other students were talking amongst themselves about their weekends, Ace sat at his desk in the back of the class thinking about that Johnny guy from before.
“Man, that guy was nuts!! Who goes around just challenging people to fights?? Does that guy think he’s in a fighting comic from the 80’s or 90’s?? And are Bosozoku still a thing too?? I thought those died out in the early 2000s. Ah whatevers. I’ll probably never see him again so I shouldn’t worry~”
The classroom door had bursted open and Teacher Yamada had hurried inside.
“Oh my goodness, good morning class!” Ms. Yamada spoke. “I’m so sorry for being late! Please take your seats and open up your history books to Pg. 100 an-OH, wait! We can’t start yet! *Ahem* Everyone, we have a new student joining us today!”
Ace looked back up from his book. “Hmm?”
“They just transferred over from Diamond Star Technical High, so please give a warm welcome to your new classmate, Johnny Nakamoto Zappmoore~!! C’mon in Johnny!”
“Johnny Zappmoore?? Why do I know that name???” Ace thought with a confused look on his face. “It couldn’t be…No, no it couldn’t…That guy was a Biker, no way he’d come from a Technical School!”
The door was violently kicked open, and in walked the new student, clad in a large white sleeveless Bosozoku jacket with matching pants, large yellow and blue streaked pompadour, pointy anime shades, and knee-length metal toed boot which clanked as he walked in.
Perfectly Face Book’d, Ace did his hiding.
“Oh my~ That was quite the entrance! But I’m gonna have to ask that you don’t kick the door next time…Anyways, tell us about yourself Johnny!”
“Thanks, and sorry ‘bout that! Won’t happen again! Anyways, I’m a fairly simple guy. I like bikes, and I like fightin’. That’s pretty much me~”
“Oh, ok…So, why the transfer from the Technical School?”
“Eh, it just wasn’t my style anymore. Y’know?”
“Uh…I see…Well, welcome to our class and school! Now then, let’s get class started! Hmm, are there any open seats for you? I….Oh! There’s one right next to Ace!”
“EEP!” Ace eeped, still Book Facing it super hard. Johnny looked over at this Ace, and noticing his cherry red-ish pomp brought another wicked smile on his face as he walked over to his would be opponent.
“Ohhhhh, hoohoo~ This is gonna be good~!!” Johnny smiled, sitting down next to his prey.
“Well, well, well~” whispered Johnny to a tightly Booked Face Ace “Isn’t this the mother of all coincidences~?”
“It’s the mother of something foul...” Ace muttered from his history book, still not batting an eye at Johnny.
“This is gonna be so great, man! It’s gonna be fun to get to know ya and then pummel ya~!! Hahah!!” Johnny bursted out laughing.
“Please leave me alone” Ace mumbled from behind his book, still tightly holding it close.
“Ahem” went Ms. Yamada. “I'm sorry to interrupt you, Mr. Zappmoore, but I'm trying to start class, and I don’t really appreciate your outburst….”
“Hmm? OH, I'M SUPER SORRY! It's just that me and Ace-bro here used to be classmates way back when in Elementary School an-”
“WHAT!? NO WE WE-” Ace muffled as Johnny put one arm around him, covering his mouth.”
“Ah, I see~ Well do you think you could save your excitement for after class?”
“You got it Teach!!”
“MMMMMMMMMMMMH!!! (Unintelligible)”
“Thank you~ Now then, as I was saying…”
The class went on, and while Ace tried his best to focus on the studies at hand, Johnny kept on whispering to Ace about how they’re gonna fight and how he’s totally gonna spank Ace’s ass.
“Look dude, you know it’s gonna happen. I know it’s gonna happen~ How about you stop playing hard to get and just agree to a fight, eh?”
“Oy, ‘ya hear what I said???”
As the day went on, it eventually became a week. Johnny kept pestering Ace on with no end in sight, talking about their big fight. He even resorted to sliding Ace a piece of paper during class that read:
You D.T.F.? Down To Fight?
-Yes! -Hell yeah!! -FUCK YEAH!!! -LET'S GO RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!!!
Needless to say, Ace wasn’t phased. He simply crumpled the paper up and threw it back in Johnny’s face.
“Ah. Still undecided huh? That's cool, I understand. The thought of fightin' someone like me is probably making you nervous~!”
Eventually Johnny’s pestering lead to an outburst from Ace.
“SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FLUFFIN’ WEIRDO!!! MOVE THE FUNK ON WITH YOUR LIFE!!!!” Unfortunately for Ace, he yelled right in front of his Math teacher, and he didn’t take it all that well.
“.…I. Hate. Johnny.” Ace angrily muttered in the empty Detention Hall, as he gripped the end of his desk, slightly bending it in the process.
“HEY. BE QUIET” yelled Hall Monitor Ryosuke, who was tasked with watching Ace for his hour long Detention. “I HATE THAT ROWDY BOSOZOKU SCUM AS MUCH AS I DO, BUT YOU’RE HERE TO SIT AND BE QUIET.”
The Friday detention came to pass, and it was already Saturday morning. Ace was at Jigu-Jo’s dojo doing his regular weekly Clown-Po training, but for the lack of a better word, Jigu-Jo noticed that Ace wasn’t giving it his all like he had been these past few weeks.
“Ok, I think that’s enough for our warmup exercises. Let’s break for a few?”
“Yeah…Sounds good…I need to think about something…”
“About what?”
“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just something school related.”
“I see. Homework getting you down? You know you can always come to me if you need help with anything outside of Clown-Po, right?”
“I know, I know. It’s not homework related, it’s something else…”
“And what could that be?”
“Well…There’s this Biker guy in my class and he wants to fight me, but I keep telling him ‘No way, I’m not gonna do that!’. But no matter what I say, he doesn’t get it!! He’s driving me fluffin’ nuts!!!”
“Hmm, I see…Well I commend you on not fighting him, it sounds like you took my words to heart~”
“Yeah, obviously. But what do I do to get him off my back???”
“Simple: Just keep ignoring him.”
“Really? That’s it?”
“Mmmhmm~! If you can keep this going long enough, he’ll eventually tire out. Oh ho~! I made a joke!”
“I don’t know if I can keep that up…”
“Believe me my pupil, it’ll work.”
“Man, I hope it does…”
The days continued, and so did Johnny’s pesterings. Nonetheless, Ace kept giving Johnny the cold shoulder. But it didn’t take long until Ace got to his boiling point again. He wanted to believe his Sensei’s advice, but he was convinced that it was all a big stinky load to keep him from fighting.
He decided that enough was enough. The next time he had the chance, he was gonna be Frank.
As Ace was walking back home from school, Johnny was trailing behind, endlessly asking Ace to fight him over and over. Ace tried his hardest to stay quiet, but now he knew it was time to tell him off.
Ace stood still, clenching his fists tightly and taking in a deep breath before turning around to face Johnny.
“Ok….You want to know why I won’t fight you?”
“Alright….I’ll show you…”
Picking up a rock from the side of the road, Ace held it in his right hand, holding it right in front of Johnny’s face. With one clench of his hand, he grinded the rock to dust, letting the sand pour out from between his fingers. Johnny seemed fazed.
“That’s why….I’m stronger than you’ll ever know. I've got a special power that you don't have. A strength that only lies in a lucky few...If we fought, you'd need more than physical strength and roughness to beat me. It'd be an unfair fight that'd probably leave you crippled…”
“So if you value your life, I suggest you’d leave me alone…Good bye…” Ace spoke, as he left Johnny, walking down the path by himself.
But Johnny wasn’t phased at all.
“You ain’t the only one with powers…” Johnny muttered as he reached into his inner jacket pocket, pulling out a metal throwing needle. He growled as the needle began to sparkle with electricity, before throwing it towards Ace.
The needle whizzed by Ace’s head by inches, coming so close to piercing his left ear. Ace jumped back and saw the needle pierce a telephone pole. Unsure of what it was, he went to touch the sparking blue needle, only to be mildly zapped by it.
“YEEEEOUCH!!!” Ace cried, leaping back as he clutched his now tingling right hand “WHAT WAS THAT!?!?!”
“Cool, huh?” Johnny asked as he walked back to Ace, putting his arm around him. “I did that~ See? You ain’t the only one who’s special~”
“W-What??? No way….Oh my....gosh...Are you a Clown-Po user?!?! Oh my goodness, you are!!!”
“Clown-Po?? The fuck is that???”
“It’s a special power that only Clowns have!! And out of all the Clowns I know, I’d never suspect you to have it…”
“Clown-Po?? Man that name fuckin’ sucks!! My dad always told me it was called Delinquent Soul…Pssh, whatevers…But now that we’re both on the same page here, how about it?”
“How about what?”
“Uh…Give me a moment….”
“Hmm…Jigu-Jo told me I shouldn’t get into random fights with people, even if they have Clown-Po…” Ace thought, as he weighed in whether or not he should fight Johnny. “But this guy couldn’t have any real training, so he’s probably a novice like me…”
“Well? We gonna fight or not??”
“.…Y’know what? Yeah. I’ll fight you!!”
“Name the time and place, and I’ll be there!!”
“Alright~ Meet me at the abandoned Boy’s Private Academy at the southern end of Diamond Star next Friday, 4PM.”
“Hmm, alright! I’ll be there!!”
“Good~ Until then, you better prepare for that asswhoopin’!”
“Same to you!!!”
Johnny and Ace walked their separate ways, both pumped and ready for the fight. With a week of prep time, Ace knew what he had to do: More training! Thank goodness tomorrow’s Saturday!
The next day at Jigu-Jo’s dojo
“YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?” Jigu-Jo yelled.
“Heh heh~ I kinda had the feeling you were going to react this way…”
“I can’t believe this!!! Ace, what happened to ignoring him!?!? God I’m so disappointed in you right now, I can’t believe it…”
“But Jigu-Jo! I have a good reason!! Honest!!”
“Hoo boy, you’d better!!!”
“I do!! Johnny has Clown-Po!!”
“Yeah! He charged electricity into some needle thing and threw it at me!! If that wasn’t Clown-Po, I don’t know what is!!”
“I see…Hmm…Strange….”
“What’s strange?”
“What’s strange is I felt your Clown-Po aura, but I never felt this Johnny character’s…”
“Alright...So what now? Should I call the fight off?”
“Hmm…No…No, you’re going to fight Johnny. And when you win, you’re going to get him to join us!”
“What?!? No way!!”
“Yes way!! Who knows how strong he is with his Clown-Po! If he really starts to use it, he could do serious damage to himself and others! But if we can get him to join us, I could teach him how to handle it and keep him from using it recklessly!!”
“Do we really have to?”
“Good. Now then, let’s get on with today’s lesson~!”
The week passed, and Friday had finally come. It was finally Fight Night. Er, Fight Afternoon.
Ace and Jigu-Jo had arrived at St. Akira’s All-Boys Private Academy, a rich kid’s high school that had closed down nearly a decade ago.
The once bustling school grounds had rotted away after years of neglect. Broken windows, graffiti all over the walls, trash in the hallways. It was a mess.
And in the courtyard, squatting in front of a dead fountain with his head cocked down was Johnny, eagerly awaiting Ace’s arrival. Hearing footsteps, he looked up, greeted to Ace and his extra.
“Well, well…You actually showed~ Not gonna lie, totally thought you were gonna ditch me~”
“Yeah well, I’m a Clown of my word.”
“Clearly. I like that in a man~ Oh? But who’s this robed dork?” Johnny asked, as he got up from squatting, looking over and inspecting Jigu-Jo.”
“I’m Ace’s Clown-Po Sensei, Master Jigu-Jo. I-”
“You’re a Master??? BAH, YEAH RIGHT!!! The only thing you look like you’re a master of is the hair brush and eyeliner” Johnny laughed.
“Grrr…I’d be more angry if that weren’t true…Anyways, I’m only here to watch my pupil fight. This is his first battle outside of our practice sparring.”
“Hmmm….Alright, you can stay an’ watch. But if’ya jump in to save Cherry Coke’s butt from my beat-down, that counts as a loss!!”
“I understand” Jigu-Jo replied as he walked away from the rowdy Johnny and Ace before telling his pupil “Please kick this moron’s ass…” before jumping up to a tree to watch the fight.
“Don’t worry, I will….”
Taking a Boxing stance, Ace readied up for the fight, while Johnny simply cracks his knuckles, sparks some electricity between his fingers, and tilts his head back a little, like any other Bosozoku. The two then took 15 steps back from each other.
“So…You ready for this?” Johnny asked.
“Been waiting a week for this!!” Ace replied.
“Good! I love that energy!! But hey, before we start this shit, how about we make this a lil’ more interesting?”
“Ok, I’m listening.”
“If I win, you gotta join my gang and do whatever I tell ya to!”
“Alright, and what about me?”
“I dunno, what about you?? What do you want if ya win?”
“Hmm…Oh!! You have to leave me alone forever!!”
“Oh…Uh….You have to join me for Jigu-Jo’s training...”
“Heh, alright~”
“Good!! Enough standing around!! Let’s do this!!!”
“Alright then!! Let’s get this on!!! OH. Wait. Almost forgot something~!”
Johnny claps his hands, and seconds later, a large horde of his gang members pour out from everywhere, hooping and hollering, forming a large circle of bikes, cars, and rowdy Delinquents around their leader and Ace.
“RIGHT ON TIME BOYS!!!” Johnny cheers as his gang grows rowdier!
“What the?!?! HEY, I THOUGHT THIS WAS BETWEEN MY STUDENT AND YOU!!” Jigu-Jo yelled out, furious at this turn of events.
“Don’t worry, Pretty Boy!! My boys are here to make sure Ace doesn't run off if he gets scared!! They won’t get in our way~”
“Heh…Me, run away from this?? Nuh-uh! I’ve waited a week for this!!” Ace readies up again. “Enough talk!! Let’s get this on!!”
And so the fight began.
Ace comes out swinging, giving Johnny a right hook to the jaw!
Johnny stumbles back after the blow, and charges back towards Ace. Johnny delivers a headbutt, and a few punches to Ace's chest!
Ace falls on his back, as Johnny jumps on top of him and gets in a few good punches on Ace's face before blocking the blows, and shoving Johnny off.
Johnny and Ace both get back up, and began slowly circling each other, before charging at each other again. Johnny's gang cheered on for their great leader as put Ace into a choke, throwing more punches to his face, with each punch letting out a honk from Ace's red nose!
Jigu-Jo sat quietly in the tree, observing the match. “Hmm...This punk is strong, but he lacks form. Yet his more aggressive style is giving him an advantage over Ace...Come on now my pupil, I know you can beat him…”
Wriggling free from Johnny's grip, Ace stood back and quickly caught his breath.
Johnny gave Ace a smug look and said "So, you havin' fun yet, guy?"
Ace smirked and nodded. "Actually, yeah~ I'll have even more fun when I wipe that grin off your face!"
Ace started to get serious with the fight. As Johnny kept blindly swinging, Ace kept evading, side-stepping Johnny, blocking all his shots, trying to tire out the Delinquent. Johnny's gang boo-ed at Ace, whilst Jigu-Jo cheered on.
“Haha! That's it, Ace! You've got him now!”
"Man...This guy's really giving it to me now...I can barely get a beat on'im...His footwork is something else, and those punches are fuckin' nasty..." Johnny thought, as he looked at Ace, trying to figure out how to counter act his opponent.
Then it hit him "Wait a minute...Footwork...Ah, I got it!!!"
Charging back towards Ace, Johnny dodges another Hook, side stepping Ace, and kicking Ace in his right ankle.
The force of the blow, combined with the metal caps on Johnny's boots, Ace let out a painful scream, as he staggered to the ground, barely able to stand.
"AHHHHHHRG!! That really smarts an-AH OW!! Oh fluff, I can barely stand straight now!!…Johnny must be smarter than he looks…”
Jigu-Jo gasped, but the gang cheered.
“Damn...That was a cheap and dirty shot, but I'll be cursed if I didn't admit it was smart…” Jigu-Jo muttered to himself. “By impairing Ace's movement, he's given himself an advantage over speed...But Ace can still fight through the pain.”
Struggling to stand back up, Ace tightly clenches his fist and gritted his teeth to fight the pain.
“What’s the matter, Ace~? Can’t bear to ‘STAND’ your defeat~?” Johnny laughed with his gang
“Hah…hah…Real clever~ Gah…But your fighting style is just like your pun…Bad and formless!!”
Hobbling towards Johnny, Ace raised his right fist for another straight, but right as he was right in front of Johnny, Johnny slammed his boot over Ace's toes, causing Ace more pain and leaving him open for Johnny to strike.
And strike he did, as Johnny kept punching and kicking Ace to the edge of the ring. Exhausted from the pain, Ace fell back, leaning against some of Johnny's gang before being shoved off. Riding off the force of the push, Ace hobbled towards Johnny again, connecting with a huge blow to his stomach.
The strength behind the punch was so intense, it was enough to send Johnny flying towards the opposite edge of the ring, hitting the hood of one of his member's cars.
Ace, heavily breathing and bruised, smiled and asked "Had enough, yet~?”
Johnny slowly regains consciousnesses, and gets mad. He knew it was time to get serious.
Getting back on his feet, Johnny began charging electricity all over his body, reading up his Clown-Po.
"Alright, guy...That's it...No more fuckin' around!!" he yelled, rushing towards Ace with two needles in his hands.
Leaping high into the air and falling down right above Ace, Johnny landed on Ace's shoulders, leaping off before stabbing the two needles into each shoulder! Jigu-Jo gasped in fear as Ace screamed in pain, still standing tall as he tried to fight through the pain.
"GAHHHHHH...N-Nice shot...I'll give you that....But that's not gonna stop me!!"
Johnny chuckled "You say that now~" Unbeknownst to Ace, the needles were connected to thin electric wire, with Johnny holding the ends in one hand. Clenching his fist tighter, Johnny sent shocks to the needles in Ace, greatly immobilizing him.
Ace screamed louder and louder as Johnny cranked up the voltage with each clench. Jigu-Jo couldn't bare the sight he was seeing, watching as his student fell lower and lower to the ground. "C'mon my student, get up!! Don't lose to this jackass..."
Ace's screaming eventually went quiet. His body numbed from the pain and vision coming in and out, it seemed like he was down for the count.
Assured of his victory, Johnny yanked the needles out of Ace with a devilish grin. "Well, looks like your road to being the strongest ends here, buddy~" he gloated. Johnny's gang cheered on their great leader as Jigu-Jo hung his head in shame. His teachings have failed, and Ace laid on the cold hard ground, shocked to death...Or was he?
"G-Get....Up...GET....UP" Ace thought to himself, as he staggered to his feet. His body was still numb, but he wasn't going to go down like this. As Johnny was distracted by his gang's cheers, it left him wide open for a counter attack, and Ace seized the opportunity. Seeing his student stand up, Jigu-Jo beamed with Joy.
“Yes~!! I knew you wouldn’t go down that easy!! Now finish this cheap bastard off!!”
Running at a full tilt sprint, Ace dashed towards Johnny. Noticing the running fighter, Johnny's gang tried to warn their leader of the attack.
Turning around at the last second, Ace's fist landed square in Johnny's face. The impact was so strong that Johnny's bulbous blue nose didn't even let out a squeak or honk. The only sound to be heard was a sickening CRUNCH as Ace dug his knuckles deep.
Ace stood still with his jab still in Johnny's face for a full 30 seconds of silence.
After the 30 seconds, Ace followed up his counter with a sudden barrage of rapid fire punches, with the impacts of each punch echoing out for miles like a machine gun with his arms glowing red hot!
“Is Ace tapping into Clown-Po for this last quarter of the match??” Jigu-Jo wondered. “His aura seems to be burning off of his arms-OH WHAT AM I SAYING?! OF COURSE HE’S TAPPING INTO IT!!”
Finishing off his barrage, Ace delivered a straight punch right into Johnny's chest with enough strength to send him flying to the other end of the ring, crashing into another car.
Ace stood stoic, breathing heavily with blood and sweat dripping down his body in the afternoon sun, as the Jigu-Jo and the gang were stunned by the sudden comeback.
Johnny tried to get back on his feet, but couldn't keep himself up. He was done. He pushed himself off from the car, but only walked 3 steps before collapsing.
Ace smirked "Stay down, I won this."
Johnny's gang rushed to help their leader up, but he managed to stand on his own without help. He stood there in silence, his head hanging down in shame with blood and sweat beading down his face.
And then he started to....laugh?
Ace was confused. "Why is this guy happy that he lost?" he thought. "Oh my goodness, is he one of those people who 'like' getting beat up!? OH GROSS!!"
“A-Are you...Uh...Alright??" Ace asked as he slowly approached the Bosozoku.
"HAHA, NEVER FELT BETTER!!" he laughed, giving Ace a lil' bump on the shoulder. "Man I gotta tell ya, it's been FUCKIN' FOREVER since I had a fight like that!! Gotta say, you really handed me my ass with those rapid punches!"
“Uh, yeah….”
"Y'know, me and you should hang out sometime!!"
“"Uh, NO?! Did you forget?? I said if I won, you had to get lost!!!”
“Nono!! You changed your mind! You said if you won, I’d have to join you and Pretty Boy!! SO I GUESS WE’RE GONNA BE TIGHT BROS!!”
“Yeah we are~!! Like we're like Turner and Hooch, Peanut Butter and Chocolate, the guys from Perfect Strangers!!"
"I don't even know two of the things you just referenced!!! Besides, you know nothing about me!!!"
"Ok that it's, I'm out of here. Jigu-Jo, let's go…"
Leaping down from the tree, Jigu-Jo joined his student. "Right behind you…"
The next day, as Ace readied for another day at school, he thought about what had happened yesterday.
"(Sigh) Yesterday sure was a thing. That was still a fun fight, but man, that Johnny guy...I really hope he doesn't think we're friends now. I mean, losing to someone and then they become your friend?? That's crazy and unrealistic!! It’s bad enough that he’s going to join me and Jigu-Jo…"
"At the very least I was able to get bandaged up by Jigu-Jo and hide all my bumps and bruises from mom and dad...Well, here’s to hoping that Johnny’s gone somehow…" Ace said as he opened the front door, only to be greeted by Johnny of all people.
"YO BRO!!!"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!" Ace screamed, jumping back in shock.
"Well as it turns out, we both live in the neighborhood!! Hell, my house is right behind yours!!!"
“You're kidding…Right??”
"Nope! Man, THIS IS SO GREAT!!! We're now only a couple feet away from each other, we can head to school together, shoot the shit like bros! This is the best thing that's happened this week!!"
"More like the worst thing…" Ace cried as Johnny cheered about this new friendship.
Next Time on Nonkina Ace: Clown Fighter!
Yo! Ace here!!
Man, I thought Johnny was a real pain in my tush, but Hall Monitor Ryosuke is worse!! Now that Johnny keeps hanging out around me, despite my protests, he won’t stop getting on my case!!
That’s so unfair!! I’ve done nothing!!! And what’s this? He might be the local superhero Bikkuri Ranger? Bah!! I’ll believe it when I see it!
Great Yeller!! Ryosuke Bikkuri!!
Don’t miss it!!
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trulymadlysydney · 7 years
Praise Kink
In which Harry is incredibly nervous and y/n knows just how to calm him down.
A/N: WELL I did it. Barely.  I managed to get this finished before Harry’s single dropped so that I’ll be able to freak out in peace tonight.  I hope you enjoy because this is... kinda filthy.  LOVE YA BUY SIGN OF THE TIMES ON ITUNES!
There are a lot of words Harry can use to describe his current emotional state. "Nervous," being the most accurate. 
He sits on his couch, early on a Friday morning, with puffy eyes and messy hair. In one hand, he holds a hot cup of coffee. The other hand is playing nervously with the string of his girlfriend's pajama shorts.
His girlfriend, the love of his life, sits just as anxiously on his lap, which he is thankful for. She is anchoring him down on this cloudy Friday morning, and he feels that if she weren't there his nerves would send him floating up up up through the ceiling.
She doesn't mind his nervous fidgeting. In fact she finds it endearing. It comforts her just as much as it comforts him, and it reminds her he's here. He's human. He's hers.
She takes a sip of her coffee and the sound breaks the silence. When she swallows she presses a warm, coffee scented kiss to his cheek. "I'm so excited," she says, her voice still thick with sleep.
Harry thanks his lucky stars for this girl. He smiles softly at her pretty face, tucking an out of place hair behind her ear. "Yeah?"
She nods her head. "Mhm. It's gonna be good. So good, Harry. The world is about to change because of you." She's exaggerating, surely, but exaggeration or not, she knows him. She knows how to talk to him. How to calm him down.
He sighs. "Dunno about all that." But he's smiling. God, he hopes she's right. 
She smiles, too, squirming a bit to wrap her arms around his neck. "Well I do," she says seriously. "Who else would dangle over the ground from a helicopter just to film a music video?"
He smirks. "I don't know. M'sure tons of people. Madonna maybe?"
She giggles and makes the face she makes when he's being an idiot. Which is frequently. He loves that face. "Did you just pull that answer out of your ass?" Her hand comes up to cup his cheek and pull his face closer. 
“Maybe," he says softly, before pressing a soft little peck to her lips. "But. S'true. Maybe I'm not as groundbreaking as you're making me out to be."
She gives him another peck and furrows her eyebrows. "You are. Stop thinking like that." Her thumb strokes across his cheek and Harry could melt right then and there. He almost forgets his nerves.
She smiles, pushing her forehead to his. "I love you," she says quietly. "Really. A lot. And I couldn't be more proud of you."
He kisses her again, longer and softer this time and she sighs, reaching behind him to scratch the hair at the nape of his neck. He's so nervous. So vulnerable. So scared. And all he needs is this, her touch, her kiss. There's no way in the world he deserves her, but he wants to do everything he can to keep her around for the rest of his life.
He pulls away, only slightly, so his lips continue to graze hers. "Thank you. Really. Means a lot."
She hums her response and shifts a bit, moving to straddle his lap and face him. Her arms drape across his shoulders and meet behind his neck as she peppers little kisses on his dimpled cheeks. "Shouldn't doubt yourself, handsome. Not when you're the most handsome, talented man in the world."
He smirks, bumping his nose against hers. Whatever she's doing, it's working, and he's wondering if this has been her plan all along. "Stop tha'."
"It's true." She grinds subtly against him and he can't help but twitch. Oh god. "You're an angel, Harry." Her voice takes on a sort of purring tone, and Harry knows now that this was her plan. Not that he's complaining. "The whole world knows it."
Her nails scratch at his neck and a slow syrupy smile spreads on his face. "Not the whole world,” he says.
"Mmm," she sighs. "Yes. The whole world. And if they don't... well..." She bites his lip. "They're going to soon."
He draws out a long sigh of her name and kisses her lips. "Can't tell if you're trying to turn me on or get me nervous."
She lets out a tinkering little giggle. "Maybe both. S'it working?"
"Mm." He kisses her again. "Yeah."
"Good." Her fingers tangle in his hair as his hands come to scratch lovingly at her back. "The world is going to fall in love with you, baby."
"But," he says softly, sleepily. "I only want you in love with me."
She ducks down to press a kiss to his neck. "You already know I am. But now the world will be too." She smiles down at him and his heart has never felt more full. For how nervous he was moments ago, he's sure not feeling it now.
"Baby," he sighs.
"Although," she adds, "they won't even feel a fraction of the amount of love I have." She gives him a little squeeze from her legs and he can feel himself hardening underneath her. "But that's neither here nor there. All I know is, you... my love....are.... a... king." She kisses a different spot on his neck between every word.
He swallows. He's trying desperately to keep his composure but he can feel himself fading fast. This girl knows exactly what she does to him.
Still, this doesn't mean he can't retaliate. And luckily, he knows what makes her tick just as easily. "And you," he says, with a soft nibble of her earlobe, "Are my queen." He nuzzles into her neck and sinks his nails into the soft skin of her hips.
"Ohhhh Harry," she purrs, rolling her hips on his ever growing bulge, "I can't wait for the world to see how smart you are." She kisses his cheek. "Your heart. Your voice." With a lingering kiss to his lips, she smirks. "God baby, you're so fucking talented."
"Yeah?" His head falls back against the couch while he watches her smirk down at him.
"Mm. Yeah." She peppers little kisses on his face. "The world has always known it but now...." She kisses the spot on his neck that makes his toes curl. "Nowwww they get to see it."
She rolls her hips again and moans a bit when his lips press to the spot just below her ear. "Fuck baby, you're making me hard," he mutters, grazing his teeth against her jaw. 
“I know," she says with a wicked little grin. "I can feel you. You're so big, Harry." 
"Christ," he groans. "More." And yes, he realizes he's begging for more compliments verging on dirty talk but goddamn is his heart pounding and his dick aching.
"Daddy loves when his little girl compliments him, doesn't he?" She smirks down at his vulnerable, desperate little face. "Mm. I love knowing this cock is all mine. Fills me up so good.”
Such vulgar words coming from such a pretty little mouth. Harry feels himself twitching and the constant rolling of her hips is helping nothing. He moans. "Baby--"
"Can I taste you?" She asks with a quirk of her eyebrow. "Please. I know we don't have much time, but--"
Harry nearly bursts, and his answer comes out much louder and quicker than he'd anticipated. "Yes. Ohhh fuck baby, yes."
The pretty little smile never once leaves her lips as she scrambles off of him, settling herself down between his legs. Her hands find their way to his knobby knees and she delicately spreads them apart. She smiles up at him from under her lashes, walking her fingers up his thighs to the waistband of his sweats. "We've got to hurry," she says. "Can't miss your interview." She kisses his thigh as she tugs his sweatpants down his legs.
The air hits him with every inch she lowers the sweatpants. Between the scratching of her nails and the words leaving her mouth, goosebumps rise on his skin. "You can take your time, baby," he assures her, and she giggles as she pulls the pants down off of his feet. 
She raises up a bit to pull his boxers down next, and the smirk on her face is sinful. "Could suck you for hours," she says, her fingers tickling lightly at his waistband before dipping inside to tug the elastic down.
He still isn't fully hard yet but he's getting there quickly. The minute his cock springs free from his boxers, she lets out a delicious little moan. She kisses the tip softly and his toes curl involuntarily. He reaches down to cup her chin, tilting her head up so he's looking at him. God she's beautiful.
She grins when his thumb grazes her bottom lip, and she tilts her head to take it between her teeth. He moans, letting his head fall back against the couch. "Christ, baby."
She lets out a melodic little giggle as she pulls his boxers the rest of the way down. "I know how much daddy loves pain," she says softly. He lifts his feet so she can slide the boxers off easier and she presses a kiss to his knee.
She raises up again and takes his shaft in her hands, pumping softly to get him proper hard. "Fuck," she moans, a dimpled smile spreading across her cheeks. And Harry doesn't understand how she can be the one moaning when she's doing such sinful things to his cock. "Harry you're so fucking big." She runs her thumb over the tip. "I want it all. In my mouth." She kisses his tip and he moans. "Down my throat."
He's never seen her be so filthy and she hasn't even had him fully in her mouth yet. "Put it in your mouth, baby." His voice is quiet and strained and he's having a hard time focusing while he watches her. She's eyeing his cock as if she were hungry for it. Starving. And he's aching to feel her lips and wet little tongue all over it.
So she does, although she starts slow. Licking up his shaft, up along the sensitive underside. The delicious vein that's begging to be sucked. The minute her lips enclose around his tip, he's done for.
He lets out a long moan when her tongue circles around him, and she moans in response. She pulls off with a slurping noise and looks up at him once more. "Oh my god, Harry, you taste so fucking good." She licks his length once again, making wet, slurping noises the whole way up. "So good. God, daddy, I can't get enough."
He's about to speak when he feels her lips around him again, and this time she sinks down lower. He can hardly keep his eyes open, especially when her tongue grazes the vein once more.
He knows that he probably doesn't taste as delectable as she's making him out to. He knows this is for show, and he knows she's spoiling the shit out of him. But god, he's not complaining. He reaches forward to tangle his fingers in her hair and tug a bit while her head bobs up and down on him. "More, baby," he croaks out, now unashamedly begging for a stroke of his ego (and a stroke of his cock). "Ohh god, tell me how big I am."
"So big," she says, hardly even taking him out of her mouth. "So delicious." Her hand reaches to cup his balls and a most unmanly whine escapes his lips. He can't even help it. Her hot little mouth is destroying him, physically and verbally. She hums softly, and the vibrations make him jolt. "God I love the noises you make," she adds. "You're so fucking sexy."
She gives an innocent little squeeze of his balls and he yelps, accidentally tugging a bit too hard on her hair and making her moan. Oh god, she knows exactly what she's doing. "Baby.... y/n... fuck--"
"Bet the world wishes they could see you like this," she muses, stroking up his shaft and teasing his tip. "So red and thick and...." She swipes her tongue along his slit and he gasps, causing her to grin at his response. "Big."
"You're going to kill me, I swear," he drawls, a smile now appearing on his face as she takes him deep once more.
She hums and gags as she pushes him further into her mouth. When she gags, her nails sink deep into the supple skin of his thigh. When she pulls away he can see she's got faint little tears in her eyes. "God I love choking on you," she nearly whispers. She continues to stroke while she speaks.
"So many people get off to the fantasy of being able to do what I'm doing to you right now." She ducks her head to graze her teeth along his thigh. "So many, Harry. Think how many people want you like this. How many people want your cock like this. They want to know what it tastes like."
Her tongue swipes the tip once more. "So many people get off to the thought of you." She licks up the underside and gives his balls another squeeze and he tugs her hair. "But you're mine. This cock--" She tilts her head and kisses it, "Mine. My king."
He tugs her hair a bit. "Say my name."
She hums as she pulls off of him. "Harry."
She blinks, slowly and sleepy and sinful as she smirks up at him. "Mmm, fuck. Harry."
When her lips sink down once more, he gasps. "Shit baby, fuck, m'close."
"Gonna cum in my mouth?" She barely lifts off of him to speak. "Gonna let me taste you? Swallow you all up like a good girl? Hmm daddy?"
He can barely even hear her at this point. His fingers are grasping at everything-- the couch, her hair, his own skin. His toes are curled and it doesn't feel like they will uncurl any time soon. And the sight of the pretty girl in front of him, cheeks popping out like a chipmunk as she absolutely devours his cock... it's simply too much for him to handle.
"Do you-- fuck.... do you want to swallow?" He's panting now, feeling soft jolts in his tummy that indicate he's almost ready.
She practically purrs around him, too busy now to speak. She's on a mission to finish him off, and she's pulling out all the stops. Fingers, tongue, lips, her own soft little noises that verge on pornographic... really too much. He’s going to explode. 
When he cums, it's hard. So hard he feels almost guilty. She chokes a bit but never once does she let up. He can feel her swallowing and it only adds more sensations to his dick, which doesn't seem like it's going to stop spurting anytime soon.
She continues to stroke him while swallowing every last drop, and when she looks up at him from under her lashes for the millionth time this morning, his hips jolt. She gags again, and he mutters a half-hearted apology, but she doesn't stop. God almighty.
When he's finally finished cumming ropes, she pulls herself slowly off of him, dragging her tongue along to make sure she doesn't miss a drop. When she's completely off, she reaches up to wipe at her mouth with a satisfied little grin. "Mm," she moans. "Delicious."
Harry's eyes are sleepy and clouded and he can't stop smiling like an idiot. His head falls back against the back of the couch once again. "Fucking hell," he says, his voice cracking just a bit. "That was... amazing."
She giggles, clearly proud of herself, and rises to her feet. She hands Harry his boxers from the floor and waits patiently while he slowly pulls them back up his legs. "Yeah?" She asks, eager for feedback. So adorable. "Was it?"
Harry lazily lifts his hips to pull the boxers all the way up before patting his thighs for her to sit again. She does so happily, careful not to squish his now overly sensitive bits. "You're an angel," he says, kissing her softly. His lips trail from her lips to her jaw and down her neck and he hums a bit when she tilts her head to grant him access. "Got to take care of you now," he muses between kisses.
"No no," she insists, although she certainly isn't protesting his kisses. "Today's all about you. Making you feel good."
"Baby." He kisses her cheek. "Nothing in the world would make me feel better than eating your pussy until you're screaming."
A nervous giggle escapes her lips, and that is his confirmation that of course she wants this too. He grins, kissing her chin.
She leans into him for a moment before sighing. "We can't right now," she says softly. "We have to wait for your interview." She tenses suddenly, gasping and sitting up straight. "Shit... your interview." She scrambles off of his lap and rises to her feet. "What time is it?"
Harry sighs, his nerves suddenly coming back to him in one big wave. He picks up is discarded phone on the couch beside him. "It's 8:04."
"SHIT." She scurries around the room, trying to find his laptop. "We're MISSING it. Harry!"
He giggles, amused by his buzzing little bee. "Got preoccupied in something a bit better, didn't we?"
"No!" She insists, sitting back down beside him with her laptop and typing in the web address for the radio station. "Nothing is better than you."
He rolls his eyes, shaking his head and smiling because she doesn't know how wrong she is. She's taken to the website and is about to click a button that allows them to listen live when he stops her. He pulls her close and kisses her, long and hard.
When he pulls away he doesn't release his grip from around her. He wants her close when they listen to this. He wants a cuddle. "Thank you," he says quietly. "For everything. For being here. For.... loving me.”
Her face softens and she gives him the sweetest smile he's ever seen. She looks on the verge of tears. "Harry... of course." She kisses his lips once more. "I'm so incredibly proud of you. So happy you're mine."
He smiles, giving her a soft squeeze. "Yours. All yours."
She turns back to the laptop, the mouse hovering over the "listen now" button. "You ready?" She asks.
Harry takes a deep breath. Is he ready? Is he ready to listen as the entire world hears his song, his concept, his heart, on the radio? Is he ready to face that?
He looks at the girl smiling proudly back at him, and feels his worries nearly vanish. Yes, he thinks, with her by his side, he's ready for anything. “Yeah. M’ready.”
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thestalkerbunny · 7 years
i saw it dont worry will do the other 4 later
zina:Denizen: abraxas( Carl Jung once said abraxas was a power above both god and satan and combined all opposites, fitting her going from being blinded by figurative light with her religious beliefs, to being literally able to see threw darkness from her new eeys, Land of light and layers, the surface of the land is mostly barren, with tunnesl leading down layers, including the surface theres are 9 layers, representing the 9 layersof hell, and similerly have different environments, some similer to fire and brimstone hell some are frozen, but each layer has something makeing it difficult to see, snowstorms, fog, blidning light ect,that gets progressivly worse, till its impossible to see at the final layer at all without the use of her special eyes, the consorts worship horror terrors and also reflect the layer there on but not necisarily negative(ei the lust layer are horny flirty little buggers but respectufl when told no) and her quest basiclly involves accepting these things before she can go on to the next layer usually the puzzles requie her to read books on the various demons to figure out what the fuck the runes on the puzzles mean, ultimately her quest is about accepting the darker things arent necisarily evil and the light isent necisarilygood
Dane: Denizen: Typheus, land of Paint and Frogs, islands amid seas of paint ala super mario sunshine, when the forge is activated the frogs that wim deep in the paint ocean come to the surface and the paint dries turning into a world of solid detroit agate,many of the puzzles involve completeing unfinnished pieces of art, which how there completed does different things to materialise out of the paint(as an example, need to get across a gap and the painting shows someone cowering, if its completed with someone shown defending her shields might manifest to act as platforms, whiel if he drew her about to be shot it would create a large projectile he could ride across, the quest like all space plaeyrs is activate the forge, breed the frog(unfun fact i googled “super mario sunshine paint ” for ideas for this land and there were multiple images of pepe le pu transformation porn, i saw it now you have to know about it)
Mina: Denizen: Echidna, Land of fairys and Elm: forrest with occisional massive skyscraper sized trees, occasionally you could spot fairys out of the corner of your eye, they help guid her showing her the path but she can never relaly get a good look at them till later, and its left vague of there just comeing out of hiding or her powers are makeing them go from mere illusion to real things, the quest is to “bring back the magic” by awwkaneing all the spirit trees, aka the hugeones, as she completes goals the forrest goes from a normal woods with the big trees being the only odity to mroe magical, first things like strnadged colored and hsaped trees, then actual magical stufff like trees with faces tha ttalk to you
Jace: Denizen: haphestus, Land of Veins and Ichor: planet is covered by massive veins half burriedi n the ground filled with yellow demon blood, his quest involves makeing it flow easier, threw blood transfusion at special demonic shrines, got to cut yoself dude,your techniclly a god only you can supply god blood, at the start its mostly a generic haunted area dead trees barren ladn ect, but as it flows life is brought back into it, unfortinatley the ife laso becomes more wicked, enemys become stronger, the trees gian life but become twisted with thorns(lots of things get spikes na dsharp to draw blood from him) an old statue becomes less ruined and mossy but it also goes from being a normal lady to a lady mutated and mutilated and crying blood
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kisskissrommie · 7 years
💟- Wildcard!!!
Andromeda chewed thoughtfully as she listened to the two men in Temple Knight armor. She had a loaf of potato bread that had been stuffed with cheese and meat of unspecified origin, and it sat well in an otherwise grumbling stomach. They had been talking about a Brume patrol and it caught her attention. She’d been out last night, she missed whatever had happened, and these strories always were upsetting enough to warm the blood. 
“Maybe if the dragon bitch had been doing something important we wouldn’t’a stopped her, but she was feedin’ the dregs, and who gives a lance, yeah? So we thought we’d toss ‘er out inta the snow. Fucken bitch is cold-blooded, yeah? See if she hibernates!” The men around them laughed. Typical. 
Rommie shook her head and sighed. She hated that being cruel to Au Ra was mundane to her, but it was. She took another bite of her bread. No one wanted the Domans, and to most people Au Ra were the same. Nevermind that some came from Jade Sea islands, or from long-flung expatriots, they were all ‘Doman Refugees’. And their passing resemblance to dragons made Ishgard doubly cruel. 
The loud brute took a drink from his tankard and spoke obnoxiously loudly. “So we drag her down t’ Steps, yeah? Toss her in a drift and get a look up her skirts? Me ‘n the boys, we thought about having a toss with her for a second, took a look to see, y’know, the Saint Shiva bullshite, yea?” That curled Rommie’s lips. Yeah, by all means, compare raping a random woman to the one time an Ishgardian was nice to someone who wasn’t an Ishgardian. Fucker. “But she din’t just have a sheath to stow in! Fucken thing was carrying lances, two of ‘em! Fucken disgusting things, those dragon whores.”
This made Rommie look up. She looked at the two Temple Knights and the crowd who had come to listen to their story with a dispassionate glance. Tactical. 
“What ya do? Leave it?”
It. Fucker.
“Let it live? Shit no! Me ‘n the boys took turns squashin’ the fucken thing under our boots. Had to wash the blood off later yeah? Told the Knight-Commander that it was some vilekin - not far from the truth!”
And there it was. From here on out, everything that would happen to this man, everything that would happen to his friend, was as immutable and set in stone as the city itself. There was nothing, no redemption, no plea, no apology that would satisfy Andromeda. People laughed. People were monsters. Not the poor woman, she was a victim of the cruel churn of the universe. But those men? They would be reaping what they sowed.
She was a thief. She stole the precious from the wicked. 
As calmly as if she was an engineer looking over a schematic, she surveyed the scene. Drunken men, high enough social standing to be in the Temple Knights, low enough to be on Brume duty. Low intelligence from the way he spoke. Clearly low opinion of women. She charted the thoughts as though she was making notes of flaws in a design, the weaknesses she had on hand to exploit. The biggest note - he needed to boast about cruelty. He needed adulation. He needed attention. Murdering someone for being different was something he thought would grant him social capital.
It was time to give him what he wanted. 
“Hello, handsome~!” she cooed as she walked over to him. She was dressed in felt and wool, not ordained with much in the way of symbols of wealth, but she made a note to have her very large peridot teardrop earrings in. “Thank you so much for protecting the Holy See!” 
The man looked up and grinned. It was easy to assume that up close he’d be ugly, or his breath would stink, or he’d have bad skin. He didn’t. The truth was, monsters looked pretty normal. He did, however, grab her ass. Some things were pretty much as expected, anyway. “Got a name, sweetling?”
“Elsie,” she giggled, pretending to approve of the touch. She leaned in to wrap her arms around him. “I’m a student at the Observatorium.” She was certainly young enough to play the schoolgirl angle still. Halone help her when she got too old for it. With the men sufficiently captivated, she let a little liquid drop from her hand into the tankard, before dripping it into his friend’s as well. 
The boisterous asshole bellowed. “Well, Elsie, how did you want to thank your loyal Knights.”
The two Temple Knights didn’t remember much after that. Something about going outside to vomit, something hitting them. Something cold against their face - that one had to be the stone they fell on. When they awoke, it was even colder. 
Probably because they were naked. The friend struggled first, but it was no use. The bold prick seemed to catch on that they were pretty thoroughly tied together before his pal, though. And he saw “Elsie” first. 
“Y-you! What, what did you do? The Heavens Ward will hear of this, you slut!”
Rommie pouted. She was standing between them and the first broad strokes of morning on the horizon behind her. Fury save them, they were on the Pillars! At the Hoplon of all places! She seemed pretty confident she wasn’t going to be caught, though. “By my reckoning you called me a slut and that woman you killed a whore, and you didn’t get laid either time. Maybe you need to learn what the words mean?” It entertained her, belittling them. It wasn’t enough that she’d taken literally everything from them - not a gil left between them and their smallclothes were fueling some Brumer fires - but she had to take what little dignity remained in the men. 
“Th’ monster we slayed you mean?” he tried to correct her. “Tha’s what this about?”
“No,” Rommie sounded like a disappointed schoolmarm, “the woman you murdered.” She sighed and looked back at the state of the sky behind her. The winds were harsh and stormclouds loomed, promising a heavy snow in Ishgard. “See how you’re shaking right now? Feeling in your fingers and toes is pretty much gone? Yeah, I figure in about half a bell your extremities will start to die. That won’t be fun, but it’s a lot more fun than what’ll happen a bell from now. See, you’re hearty sorts, but all those drinks you were pounding back? Those aren’t helping your case. You’ll want to hide somewhere - maybe you guys will shimmy over to a bridge or something? But it’s when you stop shivering in two and a half bells that you’ll really be in trouble.” 
She was explaining the course of their hypothermia so casually it was genuinely terrifying. 
“Now, in three bells, the morning patrol will come through. And if the storm doesn’t slow them down or bury you, that patrol will have just enough time to keep you from expiring. You guys never are late for your shifts during blizzards, are you?” 
“Fucken bitch!”
“Is that a yes? Oh dear,” she beamed and leaned over. He spat at her. She didn’t even seem to notice. “But, you are in the city. The Pillars. Very visible place, lots of people will be coming out soon to go about their business, right? Someone’s sure to save you both. I’d bet they’d never look the other way, or point and laugh, or stomp on you until you bleed to death.”
The friend finally spoke, he sounded reasonably terrified. Good. “Y-you’d leave us to die because we killed that thing?”
“That person,” she corrected, as if the situation was hypothetical and not very, very real. “Come on, think on it. I mean, your cocks out for the nobles to see, freezing to death, and needing someone you don’t know to be more decent than you for you to survive?” She sounded like she was talking about something wonderful, something so artistic as to be life-changing. “That’s poetry in motion, friends.“
“You’re killing us!” the friend screamed. 
Rommie wasn’t fazed by this even slightly. “No, I’m not. You have every chance to survive that you gave her. More, in fact. You just need to count on the kindness of Ishgardians. How could that be a problem?”
She walked away. 
She still wasn’t sure if they survived, but hadn’t heard of their deaths, so presumed someone had come to their aid. It wasn’t like she was killing them. She gave every single chance to them to save themselves. But she also never saw them again. Never on patrol. Never in the Forgotten Knight. Never around the Foundation. 
If they died, it was their inability to save themselves from what they put another person through. 
It was justice.
And their armor and gil went a long way to helping Brumers out of trouble for moons to follow.
(( @snowdrop-xiv ))
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When The Sun Met The Moon: part 2
A/N: Okay so I got a pretty positive response to the first little part of this that I did and decided to do another part because I kind of fell in love with my characters and wanna see where I can take them! Anyway please let me know if you guys like this! Enjoy! <3
“Niall Horan....”
And just like that I fell back into the fandom.
“You must be Olivia, yer sister mentioned tha you like our music, is that right?” Niall asked bending over a little so he could be on my sister’s level.
“UH HUH THATS RIGHT! I LOVE ONE DIRECTION SO MUCH! Harmony doesn’t like you guys anymore though!”
Oh shit
“What?! It’s true!”
I was so embarrassed and caught up in arguing with Olivia that it wasn’t until Niall’s laugh cut through our conversation that I realized how ridiculous we must’ve looked.
“ Haha! Harmony? Right?”
“Yes... Mr. Horan?”
“Ah please, just Niall! Its okay, not everyone is a fan. It’s no big deal really!” 
“I am a fan! I mean I was before! I drifted away once you guys went on break and all that mess happened! Ugh it’s complicated...”
“Well listen, if that’s true then I’m terribly sorry and I hope you’ll give me an the lads a chonce to make it up to yeh tonight but we should probably get moving because yeh weren’t kiddin when you said it was freezin out here!”
And with that he started to lead us towards the buses to meet the rest of the band. Meanwhile in the back of my mind I’m trying to make sure I remember to breathe and that I’ll survive this night.
Olivia was doing phenomenal compared to me.
Before we went in I decided it would probably be best to give my little sister a small pep talk for her sake aswell as the boys’ sake. I could never forgive myself if my sister got banned from concerts forever for being a little hooligan!
“Olives listen to me real quick okay? I know how much you adore these boys but remember they are people just like you and me alright? So remember when I would show you those videos and tell you how some fans dont respect personal space?”
“Yeah I remember Harmony! You said we gotta use our manners!”
“Exactly! Good! So dont forget to use your manners and give the boys some space okay?”
“Got it! I’m gonna be the best fan ever!”
“You already are babe! Go in and say hi, I’m gonna try to catch my breath really quick okay? I wont be long at all!”
“Okay sissy! Hurry though!”
While she went in I stood on the side of the bus for a second. I felt terrible. How could I have just gave up on them so easily? I know I had a lot going on but I completely forgot that these boys were some of the nicest people until now. Niall had just made tonight a night my sister (and honestly myself) would never forget.
“Hey Harmony, you okay?” he sounded worried and yet gorgeous all the same
“Niall, hey, yeah I was just thinking.” I replied honestly
“Oh? Wanna talk about it? I’ve been told that I’m an amazin listener!” 
Imangine me telling my small problems to Niall Horan! How many girls would kill to be me right now? But I opted to keep the conversation light, I wouldn’t want to weird him out off the bat.
“I’m sure you are but its okay really! Nothing important at all anyway!” I gave him a small smile
“Yeh sure? I mean it, if there’s anything at all I can try to help,,,”
“Nah, I’m fine really! Maybe next time I’ll let you pick my brain about it!”
Did I really just say next time? Who was I kidding other than myself?
“Alright, I’m gonna hold yeh to that! Come on inside, yer sister is ravin about you and how yer the best sister ever so all the guys are dyin to meet ya!” he said with a nudge.
I felt like I was dreaming! One Direction wants to meet me? On what planet is that reality? Oh, this one, this is real. I decided to suck it up and head on the bus as bravely as I could.
Oh. My. God.
“H-Hello-Hi... I’m Harmony” my inner teen was crying but I was pretty composed so that was good! 
“Hello Harmony, your sister here has told us so much about you! It’s great to meet you!” Harry said giving me his hand to shake
“Yeah apparently you’re the best sister in the world” Liam continued also shaking my hand
“Well I like her already! She’s got a wicked name and she managed to convince her mum to name her sister after one of our songs which takes balls and dedication. Let’s have a hug then luv” Louis blurted out before yanking me into hug
“Wait am I dreaming?! I just hugged Louis Tomlinson and shook Harry Styles’ and Liam Payne’s hands!” I squeaked out
“Haha! Harmony I thought you said that we needed to treat the boys like they are normal just like me and you?” Olivia reminded me giggling and doing some funny dance with Louis
“I know Liv I’m trying, thank you though.” I said sheepishly grinning
“Ah no need to be shy love!” Liam said attempting to be helpful
“Right, we’re just hanging out. Just relax, come sit on the couch with me” Harry said patting the seat next to him
“No funny business Styles, you’ll give ‘er a heart attack if yeh do something weird!” Niall shouted from near the door
“Oi! I don’t do weird things ever! We’re just sitting and having a conversation...” Harry replied “Soooooo Harmony.... I just have one question for you”
“Of course Harry! Anything! What do you wanna know?” I said a little more eager than I would have liked
“Your sister also mentioned...”
“HARRY STOP! We decided we wouldn’t!” Liam cut him off
“What’s he goin on about now?” Louis chimed in
“I NEVER AGREED TO ANYTHING! I Simply said I wouldn’t make her uncomfortable, she looks comfy on the couch does she not?”
“JUST ASK ME HAROLD!” I yelled above the bickering
They all looked at me
“Well... why don’t yeh like us?” Harry said 
Uh oh
“But I do” I replied quickly
“Nuh uh Harmony! Don’t lie! Momma says its a sin!” Thank you Olivia
“I like you all as people!” I defended
“But you don’t like our music?” Liam asked
“Ugh Olivia I should beat you with a stick!” I sighed “Listen, I used to love your music and I still have very special and fond memories with your music but I thought you guys had really broken up when you went on your hiatus okay? And when you came back it just wasn’t the same! I can’t handle this pressure! I’m just gonna go back outside, Liv I’ll peep my head in when they have to go onstage.” 
I tried my hardest not to just bolt as soon as I got off that bus, the only thing keeping me glued was the fact that I was with my 9 year old sister who would never let me live peacefully if I decided that we needed to leave.
They sounded like they were having a great time probably joking around and being silly. I on the other hand was miserable again and freezing.... again. 
Suddenly I heard the bus door open and shut and saw Harry coming over to where I was standing. Great. Time to get chewed out.
“No Harmony, just listen for a second.” 
I nodded allowing him to go on
“I’m so sorry...”
“I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like tha’ an’ I feel terrible. We knew when we decided to take a break that some of our fans might leave us and I dunno why it still hurts but I’m sure you have your reasons and either way tha’s not what matters. You’re here and I’ve been really rude”
“Harry you’ve been wonderful! I feel horrible. I shouldn’t have come! I wouldn’t have come! I’m sorry. After tonight you won’t ever have to see me or hear from me again, I promise.” I have no clue how I was holding my tears for this long but I was proud of myself for doing so.
“Ah no no no love don’t say that...” he said wiping a runaway tear from my face “I’ve quite enjoyed getting to know you! ‘M glad yeh came! Please come back on the bus? The rest of the lads feel pretty gutted and I think Liam has developed a bit of a crush on yeh” he winked
I couldn’t help but laugh. Harry was far too charming for his own good.
“Alright Styles but only because I can only imagine what sort of influence you boys will have on my sister if I leave you all alone too long!” I said nudging his tummy
“Hey before you guys leave she’s gonna be a master prankster is Louis has his way!” He said holding the door open for me but grabbing my wrist before I walked on
“Yeah Harry?”
“I jus wanted to say thank you for bein honest. Its refreshing and I meant what I said about bein glad yeh came with Olivia. I really want to be friends okay?”
“I’m glad I came too Harry, I would love to be friends. Its been a memorable night.” 
And as I said that my night became even more memorable when THE Harry Styles kissed my cheek before climbing on the bus. 
I had no idea how I was supposed to think straight after that but I did have an idea of how much of a long night this was gonna be.
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rickrosset · 6 years
365 Days of 90's Songs
Every day of 2017 (or at least close to it), I posted a different song from the 1990′s on my Facebook page. When I started it, I had no rules and no plan. I just started posting songs that came to me that I enjoyed from that era. To be honest, I had always done a lot of research on 90′s music because in film school (2010-ish), I outlined a screenplay set in 1996 and deep dove into the music then. As 2017 went on, and I continued to work 70-80 hours a week in film production, updating the list became cumbersome, but I still refused to post weak 90′s songs like “U Can’t Touch This”, “Barbie Girl” or “Blue (Da Ba De)” etc. If you like songs like that then please go listen to them, but I’m not going to pretend that I enjoyed them at all in the 90′s or now. 
Looking back on this list, I wish I had put a little more thought into creating a cohesive mix or including my favorite songs, many of which were left off because I ran out of time, but most of the fun of doing this list was just winging it and seeing if anyone liked any of the random songs I did when I was 7-17 years old. I’m going to make an Apple Music and Spotify playlist out of all of these songs but compiling this full list in the proper order already took enough time for this weekend. 
1/1/17 - Guns 'N' Roses "You Could be Mine" 1/2/17 - Ice Cube "It Was a Good Day" 1/3/17 - System of a Down "Spiders" 1/4/17 - The Fugees "Fu-Gee-La" 1/5/17 - Backstreet Boys "Everybody" 1/6/17 - Nirvana "On a Plain" 1/7/17 - Smashing Pumpkins "Disarm" 1/8/17 - 2pac "Brenda's Got a Baby" 1/9/17 - Oasis "Wonderwall" 1/10/17 - Billy Joel "River of Dreams" 1/11/17 - Metallica "Sad But True" 1/12/17 - Blind Melon "No Rain" 1/13/17 - Blackstreet "No Diggity” 1/14/17 - Garth Brooks "Much Too Young to Feel this Damn Old" 1/15/17 - Aaliyah "Are You That Somebody?" 1/16/17 - Santana F/Rob Thomas "Smooth" 1/17/17 - Sublime "STP" 1/18/17 - Go West "King of Wishful Thinking" 1/19/17 - Goldfinger "Here in Your Bedroom" 1/20/17 - Lisa Loeb "Do You Sleep?" 1/21/17 - Bobby Brown "Humpin' Around" 1/22/17 - Bad Religion "21st Century Digital Boy" 1/23/17 - SWV "Weak" 1/24/17 - Jesus Jones "Right Here, Right Now" 1/25/17 - Ghostface Killah "All That I Got Is You" 1/26/17 - The Chemical Brothers "Setting Sun" 1/27/17 - Mr. Big "To Be With You" 1/28/17 - Busta Rhymes "Gimme Some More" 1/29/17 - Elastica "Connection"   1/30/17 - Ace of Base "The Sign" 1/31/17 - LL Cool J F/Boyz II Men "Hey Lover" 2/1/17 - Mazzy Star "Fade Into You" 2/2/17 - Deftones "My Own Summer (Shove It)" 2/3/17 - Beastie Boys "Sabotage" 2/4/17 - Pearl Jam "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town" 2/5/17 - Travis "Why Does It Always Rain One Me?" 2/6/17 - LL Cool J "Momma Said Knock You Out" 2/7/17 - Len "Steal My Sunshine" 2/8/17 - Bell Biv Devoe "Poison" 2/9/17 - Red Hot Chili Peppers "Under the Bridge" 2/10/17 - R. Kelly "I Believe I Can Fly" 2/11/17 - Beck "Loser" 2/12/17 - A Tribe Called Quest "Scenario" 2/13/17 - R.E.M. "Strange Currencies" 2/14/17 - Garbage "#1 Crush" 2/15/17- Spacehog "In the Meantime" 2/16/17 - DMX "Ruff Ryders' Anthem" 2/17/17 - Enya "Orinoco Flow" 2/18/17 - Foo Fighters "Everlong" 2/19/17 - Orgy "Blue Monday" 2/20/17 - 10,000 Maniacs "Because the Night (Unplugged)" 2/21/17 - Dr. Dre F/Snoop Dogg "Nothin' But a G Thang" 2/22/17 - U2 "One" 2/23/17 - Sneaker Pimps "6 Underground" 2/24/17 - 311 "Homebrew" 2/25/17 - Tom Petty "You Don't Know How It Feels" 2/26/17 - Notorious B.I.G. "Juicy" 2/27/17 - Soul Coughing "Super Bon Bon" 2/28/17 - Janet Jackson F/Q-Tip and Joni Mitchell "Got Til It's Gone" 3/1/17 - Faith No More "A Small Victory" 3/2/17 - Korn "Got the Life" 3/3/17 - The Afghan Whigs "Going to Town" 3/4/17 - Goodie Mob "Cell Therapy" 3/5/17 - Charles & Eddie "Would I Lie To You?" 3/6/17 - En Vogue "Free Your Mind" 3/7/17 - Ini Kamoze "Here Comes the Hotstepper (Remix)" 3/8/17 - Soundgarden "Black Hole Sun" 3/9/17 - Seal "Kiss From A Rose" 3/10/17 - Black Star "Definition" 3/11/17 - Harvey Danger "Flagpole Sitta" 3/12/17 - Chris Isaak "Wicked Game" 3/13/17 - The Verve "Bitter Sweet Symphony" 3/14/17 - Shai "If I Ever Fall In Love" 3/15/17 - Jay-Z "Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem)" 3/16/17 - Jeff Buckley "Last Goodbye" 3/17/17 - Eric B. & Rakim "Juice (Know the Ledge)" 3/18/17 - The Mighty Mighty Bosstones "Where'd You Go?" 3/19/17 - Cypress Hill "Hits From The Bong" 3/20/17 - The Offspring "Self Esteem" 3/21//17 - Nate Dogg & Warren G "Regulate" 3/22/17 - Jane's Addiction "Been Caught Stealing" 3/23/17 - Eazy-E "Gimme That Nutt" 3/24/17 - Green Day "Longview" 3/25/17 - Sinead O'Connor "Nothing Compares 2 U" 3/26/17 - Matthew Sweet "Girlfriend" 3/27/27 - Daft Punk "Da Funk" 3/28/17 - Bush "Comedown" 3/29/17 - Missy Elliot "The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)" 3/30/17 - Tool "Sober" 3/31/17 - Third Eye Blind "Jumper" 4/1/17 - Mariah Carey "Vision of Love" 4/2/17 - Weezer "Undone (The Sweater Song)" 4/3/17 - Alanis Morissette "You Outta Know" 4/4/17 - Alice In Chains "Would?" 4/5/17 - Limp Bizkit "Stuck" 4/6/17 - Paula Cole "Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?" 4/7/17 - Placebo "Pure Morning" 4/8/17 - Juvenile "Ha" 4/9/17 - Nine Inch Nails "Wish" 4/10/17 - Mary J. Blige "Real Love" 4/11/17 - Counting Crows "Mr. Jones" 4/12/17 - Radiohead "Just" 4/13/17 - Veruca Salt "Seether" 4/14/17 - Outkast "2 Dope Boyz (In a Cadillac)" 4/15/17 - Coolio F/L.V. "Gangsta's Paradise" 4/16/17 - Depeche Mode "Personal Jesus" 4/17/17 - Goo Goo Dolls "Iris" 4/18/17 -2pac "Ambitionz az a Ridah" 4/19/17 - Silverchair "Tomorrow" 4/20/17 - George Michael "Freedom '90" 4/21/17 - Marilyn Manson "Beautiful People" 4/22/17 - Toadies "Tyler" 4/23/17 - Fiona Apple "Criminal" 4/24/17 - Edwyn Collins "A Girl Like You" 4/25/17 - D'Angelo "Devil's Pie" 4/26/17 - Bruce Springsteen "Streets of Philadelphia" 4/27/17 - Green Day "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" 4/28/17 - Live "Lightning Crashes" 4/29/17 - The Cranberries "Dreams (live at Woodstock 94)" 4/30/17 - TLC "Creep" 5/1/17 - Garbage "Stupid Girl" 5/2/17 - Blur "Song 2" 5/3/17 - Montell Jordan "This Is How We Do It" 5/4/17 - Smashing Pumpkins "Zero" 5/5/17 - Silk "Freak Me" 5/6/17 - Incubus "Redefine" 5/7/17 - Everclear "Santa Monica" 5/8/17 - Wilco "Outtasite (Outta Mind)" 5/9/17 - Ma$e F/The Lox, Black Rob, DMX "24 Hours To Live" 5/10/17 - No Doubt "Just A Girl" 5/11/17 - Destiny's Child "Bills, Bills, Bills" 5/12/17 - Kid Rock "Only God Knows Why" 5/13/17 - Prodigy "Smack My Bitch Up" 5/14/17 - Wu-Tang Clan "Protect Ya Neck" 5/15/17 - Nirvana "In Bloom" 5/16/17 - Cake "The Distance" 5/17/17 - Jermaine Dupri F/Jay-Z "Money Ain't A Thing" 5/18/17 - Soundgarden "Rusty Cage" 5/19/17 - Johnny Cash "Rusty Cage" 5/20/17 - Temple of the Dog "Hunger Strike" 5/21/17 - The Proclaimers "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" 5/22/17 - Nice & Smooth "Sometimes I Rhyme Slow" 5/23/17 - Lenny Kravitz "Are You Gonna Go My Way" 5/24/17 - The Breeders "Cannonball" 5/25/17 - Chumbawumba "Tubthumping" 5/26/17 - White Zombie "More Human Than Human" 5/27/17 - Rage Against the Machine "Killing In the Name" 5/28/17 - P.M. Dawn "Set Adrift on Memory Bliss" 5/29/17 - Guns 'N' Roses "Civil War" 5/30/17 - John Spencer Blues Explosion "Wail" 5/31/17 - The Geto Boys "Minds Playin Tricks On Me" 6/1/17 - Flaming Lips "Turn It On" 6/2/17 - UGK "One Day" 6/3/17 - Fatboy Slim "Praise You" 6/4/17 - Mariah Carey F/ODB "Fantasy" 6/5/17 - Mobb Deep "Shook Ones, Pt. II" 6/6/17 - DJ Clue F/ Cam'ron, Big Pun, Noreaga, Canibus "Fantastic 4" 6/7/17 - Eve 6 "Inside Out" 6/8/17 - Nada Surf "Popular" 6/9/17 - The Presidents of the United States of America "Naked and Famous" 6/10/17 - The Beatnuts "Watch Out Now" 6/11/17 - Meat Loaf "I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)" 6/12/17 - Meat Puppets "Backwater" 6/13/17 - Rancid "Time Bomb" 6/14/17 - Lord Tariq, Peter Gunz "Deja Vu (Uptown Baby)" 6/15/17 - Folk Implosion "Natural One" 6/16/17 - The Black Crowes "Remedy" 6/17/17 - En Vogue "Don't Let Go" 6/18/17 - Letters to Cleo "Here and Now" 6/19/17 - Beenie Man "Who Am I? 6/20/17 - Salt-N'-Pepa "Shoop" 6/21/17 - Mobb Deep F/Lil Kim "Quiet Storm (Remix)" 6/22/17 - Tim McGraw "I Like It, I Love It" 6/23/17 - Alan Jackson "Chattahoochee" 6/24/17 - Metallica "King Nothing" 6/25/17 - Stone Temple Pilots "Big Empty" 6/26/17 - Notorious B.I.G. "Hypnotize" 6/27/17 - 112 F/Notorious B.I.G and Ma$e “Only You (Bad Boy Remix)” 6/28/17 - Soul Asylum “Somebody to Shove” 6/29/17 - KRS-One "Step Into Our World (Rapture's Delight)" 6/30/17 - Spice Girls "Wannabe" 7/1/17 - Seal "Crazy" 7/2/17 - Marc Cohn "Walking in Memphis" 7/3/17 - Pearl Jam "Alive" 7/4/17 - Pearl "Better Man" 7/5/17 - Outkast "Rosa Parks" 7/6/17 - Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth "T.R.O.Y. (They Reminisce Over You) 7/7/17 - Beastie Boys "Intergalactic" 7/8/17 - Monster Magnet "Space Lord" 7/9/17 - Creed "My Own Prison" 7/10/17 - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony "Tha Crossroads" 7/11/17 - Westside Connection "Bow Down" 7/12/17 - Snoop Doggy Dogg "Tha Shiznit 7/13/17 - N.W.A. "Niggaz 4 Life" 7/14/17 - 2pac F/Dr. Dre and Roger Troutman "California Love" 7/15/17 - Too Short "Gettin' It" 7/16/17 - Dr. Dre F/Snoop Dogg, Kurupt and Nate Dogg "Next Episode" 7/17/17 - Makaveli "Hail Mary" 7/18/17 - Liz Phair "Supernova" 7/19/17 - The Wallflowers "One Headlight" 7/20/17 - Sublime “Doin’ Time” 7/21/17 - Cornershop "Brimful of Asha" 7/22/17 - Enigma "Return of Innocence" 7/23/17 - DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince "Summertime" 7/24/17 - Hanson " Mmmm Bop" 7/25/17 - Black Sheep "The Choice is Yours" 7/26/17 - Jay-Z F/UGK "Big Pimpin'" 7/27/17 - Alice In Chains "Man in the Box" 7/28/17 - Dave Matthews Band "Crash Into Me" 7/29/17 - A Tribe Called Quest "Can I Kick It?" 7/30/17 - Ghost Town DJ's "My Boo" 7/31/17 - Red Hot Chili Peppers "Soul to Squeeze" 8/1/17 - Blur "Girls and Boys" 8/2/17 - Sophie B. Hawkins "Damn, I wish I was Your Lover" 8/3/17 - Radiohead "Creep" 8/4/17 - Ol' Dirty Bastard "Shimmy Shimmy Ya" 8/5/17 - Real McCoy "Another Night" 8/6/17 - The Dropkick Murphy's "Amazing Grace (Live)" 8/7/17 - The Lemonheads "Mrs. Robinson" 8/8/17 - Marilyn Manson "Sweet Dreams" 8/9/17 - Limp Bizkit "Faith" 8/10/17 - Fugees "Killing Me Softly" 8/11/17 - UB40 "Can't Help Falling in Love" 8/12/17 - Nirvana "Man Who Sold The World" 8/13/17 - Metallica "Turn the Page" 8/14/17 - Deadeye Dick "New Age Girl" 8/15/17 - Onyx "Slam" 8/16/17 - Erykah Badu "Next Lifetime" 8/17/17 - Orgy "Stitches" 8/18/17 - Chris Isaak "Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing" 8/19/17 - R.E.M. “Losing My Religion” 8/20/17 - Backstreet Boy "I Want it That Way" 8/21/17 - Robyn "Show Me Love" 8/22/17 - Weezer "El Scorcho" 8/23/17 - Marc Anthony "I Need to Know" 8/24/17 - Wyclef Jean F/John Forte and Pras "We Trying to Stay Alive" 8/25/17 - Bush "Straight No Chaser" 8/26/17 - Queens of the Stone Age "Regular John" 8/27/17 - The Refreshments "Banditos" 8/28/17 - Jars of Clay "Flood" 8/29/17 - H-Town "Knockin' Da Boots" 8/30/17 - Jodeci "Feenin'" 8/31/17 - Smashing Pumpkins "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning" 9/1/17 - Digable Planets "Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat)" 9/2/17 - Melissa Etheridge "Come to My Window" 9/3/17 - Aerosmith "Cryin'" 9/4/17 - Neil Young "Downtown" 9/5/17 - JT Money "Who Dat?" 9/6/17 - Outkast "SpottieOttieDopaliscious" 9/7/17 - Wu-Tang "Reunited" 9/8/17 - Sex Pistols "Pretty Vancant (live)" 9/9/17 - Marcy Playground "Sex and Candy" 9/10/17 - Sheryl Crow "If It Makes You Happy" 9/11/17 - The Flys "Got You (Where I Want You)" 9/12/17 - Nas "New York State of Mind" 9/13/17 - The Foo Fighters "I'll Stick Around" 9/14/17 - Beastie Boys "So What Cha Want" 9/15/17 - Gang Starr "Next Time" 9/16/17 - Lauryn Hill "Doo Wop (That Thing)" 9/17/17 - Arrested Development "Tennessee" 9/18/17 - Sponge "Molly (16 Candles)" 9/19/17 - Deftones "Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)" 9/20/17 - No Doubt "Don't Speak" 9/21/17 - The Lemonheads "My Drug Buddy" 9/22/17 - U2 "Mysterious Ways" 9/23/17 - DMX "Stop Being Greedy" 9/24/17 - INXS "Not Enough Time" 9/25/17 - Destiny's Child "Say My Name" 9/26/17 - Eagle-Eye Cherry "Save Tonight” 9/27/17 - Radiohead "Paranoid Android 9/28/17 - Big Punisher “The Dream Shatterer” 9/29/17 - Dawn Penn “You Don’t Love Me (No, No, No)” 9/30/17 - *NSYNC “Tearin’ Up My Heart” 10/1/17 - Pixies “Dig for Fire” 10/2/17 - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers “Walls (Circus)” 10/3/17 - The Roots F/Erykah Badu "You Got Me" 10/4/17 - Bruce Springsteen “Human Touch” 10/5/17 - Pennywise “Bro Hymn” 10/6/17 - Weezer “Say It Ain’t So” 10/7/17 - Foxy Brown F/Jay-Z “I’ll Be...” 10/8/17 - EMF “Unbelievable” 10/9/17 - Peter Gabriel “Steam” 10/10/17 - Raekwon & Ghostface Killah F/GZA “Glaciers of Ice” 10/11/17 - Blink-182 “Adam’s Song” 10/12/17 - Eminem “Just Don’t Give A Fuck” 10/13/17 - Kenny Wayne Sheperd “Blue on Black” 10/14/17 - Violent Femmes “American Music” 10/15/17 - Faith Evans "Love Like This" 10/16/17 - Pearl Jam "Black" 10/17/17 - B.G. F/Big Tymers & Hot Boyz “Bling, Bling” 10/18/17 - Rage Against the Machine “Bulls on Parade” 10/19/17 - DJ Muggs F/Goodie Mob “Decisions, Decisions” 10/20/17 - Beck “Debra 10/21/17 - Public Enemy “Welcome to the Terrordome” 10/22/17 - Dishwalla “Counting Blue Cars” 10/23/17 - James "Laid" 10/24/17 - R.E.M. "What's the Frequency, Kenneth?" 10/25/17 - Keith Sweat “Twisted” 10/26/17 - Nas F/AZ, Nature, Cormega and Foxy Brown “Affirmative Action” 10/27/17 - L7 “Shit List” 10/28/17 - Faith No More "Epic" 10/29/17 - Godsmack “Voodoo” 10/30/17 - Rob Zombie “Dragula” 10/31/17 - Screaming Trees "Nearly Lost You” 11/1/17 - Guns N’Roses “November Rain” 11/2/17 - Wu-Tang Clan “Da Mystery of Chessboxin’” 11/3/17 - Craig Mack F/Notorious B.I.G., L.L. Cool J, Busta Rymes & Rampage “Flava in Ya Ear (Remix)” 11/4/17 - Nas “N.Y. State of Mind II” 11/5/17 - Collective Soul "Shine" 11/6/17 - Aerosmith “I Don’t Want Miss A Thing” 11/7/17 - Pras Michel F/ODB and Mya “Ghetto Supastar (That Is What You Are) 11/8/17 - U2 Hold Me “Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me” 11/9/17 - Elliot Smith “Miss Misery” 11/10/17 - Underworld “Drive Slippy (NUXX)” 11/11/17 - Smashing Pumpkins “Eye” 11/12/17 - The Cardigans "Love Fool" 11/13/17 - Marilyn Manson “Long Hard Road Out of Hell” 11/14/17 - Supergrass “Alright” 11/15/17 - Boyz II Men “End of the Road” 11/16/17 - Butthole Surfers “Pepper” 11/17/17 - Tori Amos “Cornflake Girl” 11/18/17 - Ginuwine “Pony” 11/19/17 - Big Pun F/Joe “Still Not A Player” 11/20/17 - Tom Cochrane "Life is a Highway" 11/21/17 - Prodigy “Out of Space” 11/22/17 - Duran Duran “Ordinary World” 11/23/17 - Failure “Stuck on You” 11/24/17 - 4 Non Blondes "What's Going On?" 11/25/17 - 311 “All Mixed Up” 11/26/17 - Primitive Radio Gods "Standing Outside a Broken 11/27/17 - Phone Booth With Money In My Hand“ 11/28/17 - Noreaga “Super Thug (What What)” 11/29/17 - Duncan Sheik "Barely Breathing" 11/30/17 - A Tribe Called Quest “Electric Relaxation” 12/1/17 - Notorious B.I.G. F/ Ma$e and Puff Daddy “Mo’ Money, Mo Problems” 12/2/17 - The Crystal Method “Keep Hope Alive” 12/3/17 - Natalie Imbruglia "Torn" 12/4/17 - Jeff Buckley "Hallelujah 12/5/17 - Usher "You Make Me Wanna…” 12/6/17 - Björk “Army of Me” 12/7/17 - Teenage Fanclub “Mad Dog 20/20” 12/8/17 - Akinyele “Put I️t In Your Mouth” 12/9/17 - Cranberries "Zombie" 12/10/17 - Lenny Kravitz "Fly Away" 12/11/17 - The Dandy Warhols “Not If Your The Last Junkie on Earth” 12/12/17 - EMPD “The Crossover” 12/13/17 - TLC “No Scrubs” 12/14/17 - Counting Crows “A Long December” 12/15/17 - Limp Bizkit “Nookie” 12/16/17 - Nine Inch Nails “Closer” 12/17/17 - Camp Lo “Luchini (aka This Is It)” 12/18/17 - Oasis “Champagne Supernova” 12/19/17 - Ma$e "Feel So Good" 12/20/17 - Red Hot Chili Peppers "Scar Tissue" 12/21/17 - Better Than Ezra “Good” 12/22/17 - Semisonic “Closing Time” 12/23/17 - Madonna “Ray of Light” 12/24/17 - Juvenile “Back That Azz Up” 12/25/17 - The Offspring “Gone Away” 12/26/17 - Tool “Opiate” 12/27/17 - Cracker “Low” 12/28/17 - Method Man & Redman “Da Rockwilder” 12/29/17 - Britney Spears “... Baby One More Time” 12/30/17 - Smashing Pumpkins "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" 12/31/27 - Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit”
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