#that Tony created ultron of his own free will
queen-of-the-avengers · 10 months
Taken Under His Wing
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Teenager!Reader
Word Count: ~1.1k
Warnings: fluff
Request by anon: Platonic (Big bro figure steve x teen reader) In the middle of quarantine everyone is bored or doing their thing like bruce and tomy joining in to help make a vaccine, wanda and vision trying dishes . Little miss y/n thought its a good idea to do cosplay this time its her brother figure Steve she sneakily used his sheild when she finished her cosplay suit inspired by him . Steve was finished doing his workout routine he plans on sketching with y/n only to find shes not there So is his sheild his eyes went wide and ran to her room only to see her posing for a pic and her cosplay she made is seen. Steve is amazed and chill . He and peter showed her comic con a year after she was free from stryker (shes a mutant with fire manipulation) he sneaked behind her and lol got shy" sorry steb had to complete the cosplay 🥹" 
Summary: While stuck in quarantine, everyone does their own thing. Being the youngest Avenger with a power you can't control means you get to stay in a lot. Somehow, you find things to keep you occupied.
Squares Filled: social media (1) for @happystevebingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Life use to be freeing. You used to be able to go outside and enjoy the breeze on your skin along with millions of other people. Beaches would be filled to the brim with families, couples, and people who wanted to enjoy the warm water. Stores would be packed with people trying to get their groceries before the end of the day. Life used to be whatever you wanted it to be.
That is before COVID-19 hit.
The entire world was on lockdown. People weren't allowed to go to public places without a mask, only a certain amount of people were allowed in stores, a lot of items were suffering from a shortage because of hoarding, and a lot of people were stuck at home with nothing to do. Food delivery services, online stores, and YouTube have become the future for most people.
For you, it was hell. Crime had gone down significantly since people were scared to go outside for fear the virus would get them. There was no need for the Avengers to save people as often as you did before the virus.
Most of the Avengers all in one place with nothing to do equals a lot of bad things. Tony and Bruce got to work in the labs to see what kinds of things they can create without having another Ultron incident, Wanda and Vision are in their lover phase, Bucky and Sam are seeing how much shit they can stir without getting yelled at by Tony, Natasha and Clint are busy relaxing since they don’t get that luxury often, and Steve is training and working out since he never knows when a mission will come up.
You’re just trying not to get in anyone’s way. You’re the youngest Avenger even with Peter on the team. He’s fifteen and you’re slightly younger at the same age. He’s a few months older than you are, so everyone saw you as the baby of the team, but you don’t feel like it. Alongside Pietro and Wanda, you were part of Stryker’s experiments. You three were the only ones that survived and the only ones that mattered to him.
Wanda got the magic, Pietro got the speed, and you got the fire but unlike the twins, you weren't taught how to use your powers. You always failed every single one of Stryker’s tests and he’d often pick on you. Wanda was the only one who stuck up for you and helped you so when her brother died, you two became even closer.
She’s your best friend and you don’t know what you’d do without her. She’s the reason why you were allowed on the team even though you had no idea what you were doing. Everyone has been so nice toward you since you arrived, especially Steve. He’s the one who you grew attached to outside of Wanda.
You’re not allowed on the big missions but you can go on the small ones with other Avengers. You have to be able to practice your powers in and out of a controlled environment. It’s usually with Wanda so she can use her magic to contain your fire if you ever get out of hand, but you’ve been practicing a lot recently so you feel confident to go on some alone.
You know, if the world ever goes back to normal.
You and Peter often send each other videos of things you two find on TikTok to make each other laugh and one of the things you got really into is Comic-Con. You’ve never been to a convention like that but you’d like to go and dress up and experience your favorite characters with people who love the same characters. They even have an Avengers Con where people can dress up like their favorite superhero and hopefully catch a glimpse of the real hero. Tony, Peter, Thor, Sam, and Clint love going to those places to meet fans and try to fool others by wearing their costumes. The rest tend to stay out of the limelight.
If you were to ever go to one, you’d love to dress up like Captain America after the man who took you under his wing. 
Speaking of the Captain, he’s in the training room focusing on bettering his moves and gaining more muscle like he needs it. He’s been training all week like he has someplace he needs to be, and he’s about to start another set when he remembered what he promised you at the beginning of the week. You love drawing, sketching, and painting and Steve has always wanted to learn how to do that. He said he’d sit down and draw with you if you taught him how to be better at it.
He leaves the gym and showers quickly so he can have the rest of the day with you. He checks the kitchen first and finds Wanda and Vision trying to cook. The kitchen is a mess with food ingredients covering the entire kitchen island.
“We’ll clean this up,” Wanda giggles when she sees Steve’s look.
“Where’s Y/N?”
“Last I saw she was in her room.”
He has to pass by his room to get to yours and he pauses by his door when he notices something missing. He sees the spot where he keeps his most prized possession which isn’t there. He continues on his way to your room where he finds you in the corner wearing a homemade Captain America costume. You’re looking at yourself in the mirror with the shield in front of you. You’re kind of struggling to keep it upright since it’s very heavy for someone like you. Steve has all these muscles that can carry things like these, which you’ve always been envious of that.
You look over the details of your costume and notice Steve standing by the bedroom door. You gasp and drop the shield on the ground while trying to figure out an excuse as to why you have it.
“I was just--you weren't using it--I figured--”
“Y/N, calm down,” Steve chuckles.
“I needed it to complete the look.”
“You look good. You did a good job. It looks a lot like mine.” You grin proudly at him and allow him to take his shield back. “I thought we were going to draw.”
“We were and still are. I wanted to try this on. I’ve been working really hard on it. Do you think it’s good enough for Comic-Con?”
“Yeah, but who knows when Comic-Con is going to be available again. What we can do now is draw.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I promise not to burn the canvasses this time like last time.”
“I don’t know, the charred edges made it look better,” Steve smiles.
He wraps his arm around your shoulder and gives you an encouraging smile. You couldn’t ask for a better mentor than him.
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
How the Exploration of Wanda’s Grief in “Multiverse of Madness” Sucks Compared to “Wandavision”
So, Wanda is a character who has gotten a lot of flack recently and not exactly for the wrong reasons. The most recent addition to the MCU’s huge roster of movies “Doctor Strange; Multiverse of Madness” has caused a lot of opinions to be shared about it. It’s reception by fans has been varied. And a lot of people were utterly disappointed by Wanda’s role in the story.
Spoilers for “Avengers; Age of Ultron”, “Avengers; Infinity War/Endgame”, “Wandavision” and “Multiverse of Madness”.
Wanda Maximoff was first introduced in “Avengers; Age of Ultron” as the secondary antagonist alongside her brother Pietro Maximoff. She and Pietro were assisting Ultron with what they thought was simply destroying the Avengers themselves. Upon learning that Ultron was planning to yeet us all into oblivion, she and her brother ran to help the Avengers in a ‘your enemy is my enemy’ kind of deal. They do manage to defeat Ultron but at the cost of Pietro’s life, the only family Wanda had left. Earlier in the film, it was established that Wanda and Pietro hated Tony Stark specifically because of the weapons he created which killed their parents when they were 10 years old.
So now, Wanda is truly and utterly alone in the world, but she begins to gain a new family in the Avengers, and a friend in the newly created Vision in “Civil War”. And in “Infinity War”, Wanda and Vision are dating and are happy together. Vision is Wanda’s only family, the only person she allowed herself to be close to. But worse comes to worse when she is forced to kill Vision by removing and then destroying the Mind Stone to prevent Thanos from acquiring it for his Infinity Gauntlet. However, right after she does all this, Thanos undos it using the Time Stone and reverses time to when the Mind Stone was intact and on Vision’s head. And then Thanos removes the Stone from Vision’s forehead and kills him before snapping his fingers and killing half the population in the universe.
At this point, Wanda had to kill her own lover and then watched him get resurrected only to be murdered right before her eyes. After Thanos snapped her out of existence, 5 years go by. And then we get to the very end of “Endgame” where Wanda is revived and kicks ass, but she is decidedly without anyone. The Avengers end up grieving for the loss of Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff, but Wanda has nobody.
And that’s where the events of “Wandavision” come into play, where Wanda, through all the traumatic stuff she’s been through, creates a fantasy world where Vision has been revived using the town of Westview as the basis which is referred to as the Hex. The entire point of the show was to demonstrate just how utterly Wanda has removed herself from reality because it is too painful as a result of her grief and trauma. The show has an interesting thing it does where every episode is shot and acted like an episode from a sitcom from different time periods. (Episode 1 is “set” in a 1950s sitcom, Episode 2 is in 1960s, Episode 3 in 1970, all the way up to present day sitcoms.) And every time Wanda experiences something that could break her illusions and fantasy, she creates a new setting within the Hex.
The show does a fantastic job at exploring the nature of grief, of trauma, and how unhealthily Wanda copes with said trauma and grief. Until the very end, where she removes the Hex and as a result, loses her children which she created in this false reality and Vision once more. But it’s also a moment of growth from Wanda as she realises that she needs to move on because well, she removed the Hex. She did so of her own free will, so she knew what was coming. She doesn’t try to stop it, because she knows its inevitable. It’s a beautiful and heartbreaking moment when Wanda realises that she’s in fact, losing her husband and her children but she accepts it. “Wandavision” was about the exploration of grief and the stages of grief. And while it still hurts for Wanda tremendously, and she will be in pain for a while, she can move on slowly but surely. That’s a good and healthy message.
And then “Multiverse of Madness” took a whole shit all over it and pissed napalm.
Immediately where “Multiverse of Madness” loses me is in the portrayal of Wanda. Her arc about moving past her denial and allowing herself to heal? Let’s get rid of it and make her experience it all over again! And then let’s kill her off! Yeah, fans of Wanda definitely won’t be pissed and frustrated that one of the only female characters who got a very good mini-series that explored her trauma in a positive and healthy way was then reduced to the villain bat.
Wanda Maximoff is the villain of “Multiverse of Madness” and we get to see her in full supervillain mode. She wants to kill a child in order to get her powers to travel across the multiverse so she can be with her children in another universe where they do in fact exist. Her motivations are fine and honestly, I would be fine with her exerting as much power as she does in this movie to do so, and we have seen she is not above killing people to achieve her ends, but the problem comes in when we remember that Wanda doing crazy shit to deal with her grief already happened – in “Wandavision”. The entire point of “Wandavision” was to show Wanda letting go and healing, not repeating it again and going full crazy. It’s implied that the book she was studying from where she learned about alternate universes (the Dark Hold) corrupted her, but it’s still extremely redundant and weird to have her repeat her character arc, and in a much less healthy manner as well.
And then we get to the part where Professor X goes into Wanda’s mind during the film to try and convince her to stop. And it turns out, the Scarlet Witch (the title given to Wanda due to her having incredible magical capabilities unlike any ordinary witch) is a separate personality from Wanda and the Scarlet Witch is the reason she is going crazy. But this was never established in “Wandavision” whatsoever. Wanda was never shown struggling with a different alter regarding her own issues, so the whole “split personality” thing read to me both as ableist and demonizing Wanda as a trauma survivor.
And then the Scarlet Witch is confronted with a different universe Wanda and her children. The children are terrified of her and at this point the Scarlet Witch/Wanda realises the error of her ways and destroys the Dark Hold across all universes which doesn’t make sense as how could the original Dark Hold in the MCU universe getting destroyed destroy all others in different universes? Was it the original? I fail to see how Wanda manages to do that when she previously could not interact with other universes unless she possesses herself in those different realities, which she can’t do all at once.
It really feels like the writers wanted to make Wanda a villain and have her do all these crazy yet cool things, but because Wanda in the MCU was never intended to be a villain, she needed to be twisted and contorted into a role not suited for her. In “Wandavision”, Wanda destroys the Hex because she sees how its hurting people, a whole town. She doesn’t want to cause suffering like she’s been through. However, all of the sudden she’s cool with killing a child to potentially be reunited with her kids in a different universe? It’s contradicting everything that happened in “Wandavision” and erasing it, despite being a direct sequel to it.
But there’s another part of me, and a lot of other people, who see Wanda lashing out and being upset and see it as a proper “girlboss” moment. Where she isn’t afraid of taking what she wants and doing what she pleases. Elizabeth Olsen’s acting is top notch and she does such a good job portraying an evil Wanda and a mother hopelessly grieving her children, but despite that I still feel like “Multiverse of Madness” does a disservice to Wanda’s characterization. And then they straight up kill her off at the end. I was sitting in the theatre wondering if they were pulling my leg on Wanda dying, but no, they did indeed straight up kill her off. I’m assuming if they wanna use Wanda as a character, she’s gonna come from another universe, but it won’t be the same Wanda be know and love.
“Multiverse of Madness” is not a perfect movie, and overall, I enjoyed it. But the bastardization of Wanda’s character just throws me off a lot. I have other criticisms of the movie itself, but maybe I will talk about those in a different essay. Wanda is a character I love and want more of, but not like this please.
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iriel3000 · 1 year
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I posted 1,929 times in 2022
That's 589 more posts than 2021!
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#clintasha - 1,250 posts
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Longest Tag: 95 characters
#and yes i know that playing with the boys by kenny logins is the background music in this scene
My Top Posts in 2022:
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If you are a Tony and Nat fan, this is your book.
SPOILER: no Hawkeye. What a shock.
I swear to fucking Thanos, WHAT DOES MARVEL HAVE AGAINST CLINT AND NAT TOGETHER?!?!? He doesn't have to have a family in the books.
44 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
Friday Recs - Avengers: Age of Ultron Edition
Happy Friday! Some reading recommendations for your enjoyment. No particular order and more to come.
This is the point in time where we rejected MCU canon and were thankful for all of the fix-it fics that helped our broken hearts. Insert your own profanity laced diatribe to Whedon here.
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Still Vulnerable by @Abboz
a better farm scene than the movie
Safe at home by @SophieRomanoff97
again, such a better farm scene than what we were given
A Little Hell by @enigma731/@enigma731
one of many great AofU stories from enigma731
Age of Ultron-- The Clintasha Version by @forgetregret2132
as they tag reads, 'what should have happened'
an iron rose by @orphan_account
any one know the author of this fantastic little piece?
Five Times Nat Didn't Worry About Clint and the Whole Time He Worried About Her: Age of Ultron edition - Iriel3000
Ok, I cheated. I was supposed to write a new fic but didn't have time. Here is an old one.
If you are one of the authors or know them on tumblr and they are not properly tagged, please let me know in comments and I'll add them. Please feel free to click the Iriel3000fridayrecs link below to browse more categories.
Next week's category: Captain America: Civil War
46 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
Iriel3000 Master List of Clintasha Fics
5 times(or less) Clint resisted Natasha, and the 1 time (or more) she didn't want him to
Natasha likes to tease and tempt her partner. Clint is a very patient man.
Checking In
A lightly charged conversation between our two favorite spies while Hawkeye is on a solo mission.
Claim Me, I Belong to You
A secret Omega, Natasha goes into an unplanned heat before a mission with Clint. How will her Alpha partner handle her confession?
Clint's Blind Date
Natasha pretends to be Clint's blind date.
Come Back to Me
Clint shows up at the compound during the Blip to see Nat.
Coming Home Early
Hawkeye returns from a hard mission late one night to find Nat and Bruce sitting close and talking quietly in the common room. He is not happy.
Don’t Hide From Me
Natasha tries to avoid Clint after an upsetting mission without him. As always, Hawk finds and comforts her, helping wash away the bad memories.
Extraction - A Clintasha fanfic
Clint and Natasha are missing after a mission. Steve and Tony find them on security cameras and have to watch as Natasha is forced to make a deadly decision to help Clint.
Feathers and Bones
Clint Barton uses feathers from his own wings for his arrows. Natasha Romanoff makes knives from her bones. But people are not weapons.
Five Times Nat Didn't Worry About Clint and the Whole Time He Worried About Her: Age of Ultron edition
As much as Age of Ultron made me angry, it gave us some really good Clint and Nat moments.
His Heartbeat
Clint's heart stops during a mission but it is Natasha that has a hard time recovering. Tony POV.
How Assassins Show Love
It is a rare week at SHIELD Academy. The Advanced Hand to Hand Combat class has a guest instructor, Black Widow. The Cadets vie for a spot to face off against her. Plus, a surprise guest challenges her to a match.
I Can't Say I Love You
Hawkeye tracks Natasha down in the middle of a snowstorm and forces her to admit her feelings.
I Pick My Poison and It’s You
Agent Natasha Romanov likes to spend time at her work’s Poisonous Garden and Research Center during lunch breaks, and with a certain handsome but clueless ICDC botanist. Poison Garden AU.
I Won’t Leave Your Side
See the full post
46 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
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See the full post
54 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What I Want to See in Dr. Strange 2 but Won't
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A Timeline where...
1. The surprise family doesn't exist
2. Clint jumps and we see Natasha's devastation
3. Bruce finds a way to bring Nat back. Clint now faces a choice and Laura questions the meaning of the soul stone
4. We find out what really happened in Budapest
5. Clint takes the shot / did NOT make a different call
6. Natasha recruits Clint instead of joining SHIELD
7. One of the 14 million+ other timelines where the Avengers lost
8. Loki mind controls Natasha, Clint has to fight to get her back
9. If Tony's team went to prison in Civil War
10. Clint and Nat both jump together
59 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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night-gay · 1 year
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Into the Anthill pt 31 - Ultron Unlimited
Ultron is always a threat, but this made his previous attacks look like gentle teasing. He went full-on genocidal and killed an entire nation full of people and wired their bodies up to operate as necro-cyborg soldiers. Then he captured his “closest family” in an attempt to steal their DNA and make himself a newer, better family. When Janet tried to reassure Hank that this wasn’t his fault he finally came clean about using his own brain as the basis for Ultron’s.
And then he beat him to death with Antarctic vibranium and changed his name back to Goliath.
Avengers vol 3 #12-14, 17-18, 20-22
Hank and Tony were finally able to repair Vision’s body enough that he could return to active membership. In his free time Hank also developed an upgrade for Firestar’s costume to siphon away the microwave radiation that her body generated but could not absorb. Within 6 months he believed that it would allow her to develop immunity to her powers’ side effects completely. Later, while the main Avengers team was out on another mission, Wasp led Giant-Man and Iron Man on a mission of her own to save Warbird from the Doomsday Man.
Eventually Ultron kidnapped Hank again, using his recent advancements in communication technology to send his robotic troops into the nation of Slorenia. Within 3 hours he had killed every single person within its borders and declared himself the ruler. As UN nations sent troops in to stop Ultron, they encountered the deceased citizens of Slorenia wired up with machinery and acting as a unified front under his control. Even the Avengers dispatched to the scene struggled to make it through his forces, now realizing that Ultron had gone through more than 2,000 numbered upgrades since their last battle with him.
While searching for a lead on Hank’s whereabouts, Janet took the opportunity to reflect on how her desire to change him and frequent needling at his insecurities contributed to his breakdowns over the years. The two of them were living together again, but Hank was so afraid to do wrong by her that he barely interacted with her at home. Before she could continue, Ultron’s forces captured her, Wonder Man, Scarlet Witch, and Vision. They were brought to where Ultron had been keeping Hank and Grim Reaper, viewing the 6 of them as his closest living family (aside from Alkhema, who was in UN custody). He planned to use their mental scans and genes to create himself a new family. 
Janet tried to comfort Hank and assure him that he wasn’t responsible for the choices Ultron made, but Hank revealed that he’d actually used a scan of his own brain as the template for Ultron-1’s mind, meaning Ultron’s actions were - to some extent - a reflection of his own thoughts and feelings. After Vision freed them all, Justice arrived with a chunk of anti-metal and Hank used it to beat Ultron to death. 
Avengers vol 1 #1½ 
A flashback story that filled in some of what happened after the Avengers were first founded. Dr. Doom, outraged that another team would follow in the footsteps of the Fantastic Four as heroes, lured them into a flying fortress he’d created to kill them. Not realizing Ant-Man could also become Giant-Man, the trap he’d set for Hank was not able to contain him. With Wasp secretly communicating the floor-plans and locations of their allies to him by insect frequency, Hank rescued Hulk and the others from their own traps. Unable to fit all of them into the only escape pod, Hulk tore a hole in the hull of the ship for them to escape through.
Avengers vol 3 #23, 25, 27
Due to a smear campaign from a religious organization called Triune Understanding, protesters gathered around Avengers Mansion and at all of their fight scenes to criticize the team for everything from the escape of Alkhema (from a military base they had nothing to do with) to their team’s lack of a minority quota and unbiased support of mutants. The Avengers liaison, Duane, was a member of the Triune and attempted to sway their recruitment process to appease the bigots outside after Cap & Thor quit. Despite Iron Man’s objections, he forced them to recruit Triathlon (another Triune member) to their team by way of extortion. With most of the previous lineup out, the new team was Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Goliath, Wasp, Warbird, Triathlon, and She-Hulk.
Ant-Man’s Big Christmas vol 1 #1
Hank and Janet got into a fight because she made Christmas plans for them without asking him. He insisted that her family didn’t like him, so she told him his family was full of losers so it had to be hers. Thankfully, Cap interrupted with a letter from the “Make A Christmas Wish With The Avengers” program that requested Ant-Man & Wasp specifically. They flew to Pittsburgh to spend the day with a boy named Larry who’s extended family was a bunch of jerks, so they decided to use Hank’s old shrinking gas canisters to scare his family into behaving or never coming back. Larry found the confidence to get rid of the last two on his own and invited Hank & Jan to dinner with them.
Minor/Cameo appearances from this period:
Iron Man vol 3 #15
Captain America vol 3 #21
Fantastic Four vol 3 #27
Marvel: The Lost Generation vol 1 #12
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groovycrusadeperson · 6 years
is it true abt what they say that wanda is the most responsible for creation of ultron because she got into tony’s mind? could you please debunk this? why did wanda do that?for what purpose?i dont wanna hate wanda:(
Hey I ‘m so sorry this ask got buried in a pile of backlog. It’s not true and and I’ll debunk it for you anon. 
Wanda got into the the mind of a man she felt was complicit in (and even benefitted from) the destruction of her homeland and her family with the intent to hurt him. She showed him his deepest fear - which was having to live with the guilt of everyone else dying in another alien invasion. What Tony decided to do with after this was a choice he made of his own free will. 
And what he chose to do was revive the Ultron project that he’d already been working on and failing at because now that they had the sceptre he thought they would have a better chance at succeeding. Tony chose to create Ultron, he chose to recklessly stick an alien weapon into it, he chose to execute the absolue worst, most terrifyingly despotic plan of action to combat potential threats in the form of a suit of AI armour (that would report to him) around the world. Wanda didn’t compel him to do this just like she didn’t compel any other Avenger to do stupid shit just by showing them their deepest fears. And guess what? They didn’t do stupid shit. It was that simple.
Tony stans often respond to this by arguing that it was Wanda’s actions that started the chain of events, that had she not shown that vision to Tony, he wouldn’t have decided to create Ultron and so Ultron is really Wanda’s fault. Except causation doesn’t work like that. At all. 
What Tonkies are saying is that but for Wanda’s actions, Ultron wouldn’t have been created. Except they aren’t actually applying the ‘but for’ test. They are mistakenly equating the tracing of the chain of events with the “but for” test i.e. they’re just identifying one preceding event in a chain of events and then blaming the entire chain of succeeding events on it. Which is stupid as fuck.
You can’t simply circle the first event in a chain of events and then say “but for this first starting event the chain of events leading to the injury wouldn’t have happened and hence the first event is responsible for the injury.” If that were the case I could just keep tracing the chain of events further back and say, “but for Tony’s arms dealings and war profiteering, Wanda wouldn’t have wanted to hurt him and wouldn’t have showed him the vision so really Tony’s war profiteering is what created Ultron.” 
Wanda’s actions may have set off a chain of events that ended with Ultron but it isn’t the action but for which Ultron wouldn’t have happened. Because had Tony decided to respond to Wanda’s actions in a billion other less idiotic ways then Ultron wouldn’t have happened even with Wanda’s vision as the starting point of the chain of events. The action but for which Ultron wouldn’t have happened is, therefore, Tony’s. His is the intervening act in the chain of events that ultimately decided whether Ultron was created or not. How he chose to respond to the preceding event (Wanda showing him a vision) is the only thing that decided what the subsequent event in the chain would be. 
I don’t think I have articulated any of this very well so I’d just like to give a terrible example which nevertheless gets the point across I feel - suppose I told you to go and buy…idk…groceries. You got in your car, drove rashly and crashed it. Did the chain of events start with me telling you to go get groceries? Sure you wouldn’t have got in the car in the first place if I hadn’t told you to. Does that mean I’m now liable for you crashing your car? Obviously not that’s fucking ridiculous.
Me telling you to go buy groceries isn’t the event but for which the crash wouldn’t have happened. Your negligent driving, done of your own free will, is.
Tl;dr - Wanda is liable for showing Tony a bad dream. Tony is completely liable for the creation of Ultron. Forget mostly, Wanda isn’t even slightly liable for Ultron’s creation.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
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Like Tony very clearly didn't make the robot try to commit genocide and Bucky very clearly didn't chose to kill the Starks of his own free will but Steve very clearly chose to keep the knowledge that the Starks were MURDERED BY HYDRA secret.
Even if he was afraid Tony would attack Bucky he should've told Tony about that his parents were murdered by Hydra. He didn't need to tell Tony who did the deed specifically- that I could understand but letting Tony think it was his dad who caused their deaths was fucked up.
And the gaslighting thing?
How did Tony gaslight them? Everyone knew Tony and Bruce worked together to make Ultron and they saw what Ultron did.
If it's about the accords being created because of what happened in Sokovia. I would say that at worst it was the straw that broke the camel's back in letting enhanced people do whatever the hell they want at best the accords are named after that because Sokovia was the most recent event where those who would be covered under the accords people fucking over others. Technically Tony who did so accidentally. The moronic Maximoff twins purposefully
That was some goddamn Olympic level reaching right there. Like, I legit am starting to believe a lot of people been watching a different MCU than we all did.
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frostedfaves · 3 years
Dark Paradise
Pairing: dark!WandaNat x fem!reader
Summary: You meet the infamous Avengers on spring break with your best friend Peter, and two of them seem to adore you more than expected. Requested here by my lovely 🐞anon.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY!!! dark themes, manipulation, mind control, blackmailing, age gap (reader is 21), dubcon (saying this just to be safe because Wanda uses her powers for evil a lot here), smut: oral, fingering, penetration/sex toy use, voyeurism (kinda), edging, overstimulation (if I forgot something please let me know!)
A/N: hi this is 6k words, which is the longest single fic I’ve ever written/posted here haha. also the end is not technically the end, if you know what I mean. anyway this took forever to write so enjoy this super far from canon fic and please tell me what you thought!! (also if you’re on my taglist and you weren’t tagged it’s because your age wasn’t in your bio)
“Here, let me take that for you,” Peter offers when he notices you headed toward the car, and you hand your suitcase to him with a smile.
“Thanks, P.”
You close the car door behind you after getting in on the passenger side, instantly reaching for his phone resting on the dashboard once you were buckled in. The two of you had an unspoken rule that you controlled the music whenever you traveled together, so his library was filled with various playlists you’d created simply because you didn’t trust him not to listen to the same five songs for the rest of his life.
“This is different,” Peter comments as he gets in on the driver’s side and catches the opening notes to an upbeat song. “I thought you were going to go with something calmer to help you sleep, like you usually do.”
“Well, I’m not usually going to meet the Avengers, so I’m too nervous to sleep.” You turn to pout at him as he drives off. “Is it too late to cancel?”
“Don’t even think about it. If I show up without you, everyone will think you’re imaginary.”
“Do they think you can’t make any friends outside of Ned?” you question as you open a bottle of water. “Because they’re not wrong.”
“I can make friends!” Peter whines and a quiet snorting sound escapes you. 
“You can’t use me as an example.”
“Why not?”
“Because we’re not actually friends.”
He picks up on your teasing nature and rolls his eyes, causing you to laugh as you lean back and settle into your seat more. You had well over three hours to stress about spending a week with the world’s most popular superheroes, and you’d rather be comfortable while you do so.
“Wake up, we’re here!”
Your eyes fly open at the sound of Peter’s voice, and any of the nerves that left long enough to let you sleep made a U-turn and hit you again, full force. Sitting up straight in the seat, you practice breathing properly while stretching and taking a look around as he pulls into the garage.
“Are you okay?” Peter asks once he parks, placing a hand over yours as he meets your gaze and you smile.
“I’ll be fine, P. I’m not gonna miss out on hanging out with you just because your super family is super intimidating.”
“Good. Besides, it won’t even be that bad! I’m willing to bet $1 million that they’ll love you.”
“I appreciate your optimism,” you tell him as the two of you get out of the car. “But you’re going to regret that bet when I use your money to retire early in some faraway rural town.”
Peter carried both suitcases as you made your way to an elevator, and you jumped when you suddenly heard a male voice.
“Welcome, Mr. Parker and Ms. L/N.”
“What is that?” you questioned as you faced Peter with wide eyes and he chuckled. 
“You’re hearing Jarvis, Mr. Stark’s AI. Hey Jarvis, can you take us to the common room, please?”
“Right away, Mr. Parker.”
“This is so cool,” you comment as you look around the suddenly moving elevator. “How does it know my name?”
“Knowing everything is kind of its job, I guess.”
“Underoos!” a voice calls as soon as the doors open, quickly revealing itself to belong to Tony Stark as his gaze lands on you next. “So she is real.”
“I told you!” Peter defends as you step off the elevator together. “Mr. Stark, this is Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you, kid,” Tony greets you with a shake of your hand. “I’m glad he found you. I was starting to worry that he’d build a robot to spend the rest of his life with.”
“I’m just his best friend, so it’s still possible.”
“Is this your friend, Peter?” Steve cuts off Peter’s response as he enters the room, moving to shake your hand next. “I’m Steve. Nice to meet you.”
“Okay, I’m going to show her to our rooms and then we’ll be back for dinner,” Peter tells everyone once you’d been introduced to Pepper, Bruce and Clint as well, and you’re about to head for the elevator again when someone interrupts.
“How about we take her down to her room instead?”
Your eyes widen as you watch none other than Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff enter the room hand in hand. Natasha’s hair seemed much longer than the last time she’d been in the public eye, but her all-knowing smirk was just the same and her green eyes were even more piercing in person. You noticed a bit of red glowing in Wanda’s eyes, which faded as she probably realized you’d seen, and you couldn’t help but wonder if that meant she hated you already.
“I know what you’re up to, Red.” Tony seemed accusatory as he pointed a finger at the pair. “You can’t bribe her into helping you cheat tonight.”
“Maybe I planned on giving her tips for surviving this testosterone filled tower.” 
Natasha steps forward and grabs your hand with her free one, and with a flick of her wrist, Wanda has your suitcase floating in front of you as they lead you into the elevator.
“Sorry to whisk you away like that,” Wanda apologizes as the doors close with her head tilted to see you past Natasha. “We’re just excited to meet a new woman here.”
“No, it’s okay!” you insist breathlessly, your nerves slowly returning as Natasha lightly squeezes your hand. “I’m actually really excited to meet the two of you.”
“You know who we are?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that I know you personally, but I know that you’re one of the original team members.” You make eye contact briefly with Natasha before turning to Wanda. “And because the news stations somehow get ahold of everything, I know you joined after you helped everyone stop Ultron before he could create that indestructible body and destroy the world.”
“Yes, that’s true. Although I wish I could’ve saved my brother, too.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you lost him...or that you even had a brother.”
“It’s okay,” Wanda assures you with a smile as she lets go of Natasha, shifting to the other side of the elevator to grab your free hand. “I asked Fury to keep Pietro a secret because I didn’t want to see or hear any negative opinions from people that never even met him.”
“And we have plenty of time to get to know each other,” Natasha chimes in as the doors open to reveal a new setting. “This is our floor. We set up a spare bedroom here so we can spend time together away from the boys...when you’re not with Peter, of course.”
“Yeah, that’d be great!” 
They lead you past their living room and kitchen, and you shamelessly admire the simple decor with little personal touches spread about. Turning into a hallway, Natasha walks ahead of you and Wanda to open a door to a bedroom.
“What do you think?” she asks with a smile that widens upon seeing your expression. “I’m guessing it’s good, then.”
“It’s perfect!” you cry out as you walk past to enter the room, immediately noticing the eggshell colored walls trimmed with your favorite color along the borders. “Wow, this is four times the size of a normal bedroom. Wait a minute.”
“Do you like it?” Wanda asks when she sees you pick up the glass figurine on the nightstand. “Peter mentioned your love of this animal and I have a whole collection of them from different places.”
“Like it? I love it! I have the same one in my dorm room!”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I can get you a different one.” She steps forward as she brings your suitcase to the floor beside the bed and you hug the small object close to your chest. 
“Like I said, it’s perfect,” you assure her with a grin, which brings one to her own face.
“Well, I’m glad you’re happy with the set up. When you’re ready to head up to dinner, we’ll be waiting by the elevator. Also, if you ever need anything, our room is right across the hall.”
Natasha points to the closed door a few feet away, and you acknowledge her statement with a nod before they leave the room, closing your door nearly all the way behind them. You flop down on the bed with a dreamy sigh as you gaze up at the ceiling with a night sky painted on it.
“I don’t think I’ll ever want to leave this place.”
On the elevator ride up to join everyone for dinner, Natasha and Wanda take turns asking you questions about your classes and any friends you’d made, what you liked to do when you weren’t studying. You had to admit that the level of interest they had with you was shocking but flattering, especially when they insisted you sit between them at the table to continue your conversation.
“You don’t seem to be nervous anymore,” Peter acknowledges as you sit down, and Wanda faces you immediately.
“Were you nervous about meeting us?”
“Well, yeah,” you answer timidly, avoiding catching anyone’s curious glances by directing a glare toward Peter. “You might be normal people in here, but to the rest of the world, you’re portrayed as powerful and untouchable beings.”
“Maybe when they’re not talking about how much damage we’ve caused,” Bruce mumbles under his breath as the elevator doors opened again. 
“I’m here, I’m here!” a voice calls as footsteps hurry toward the dining area, and Sam Wilson is revealed as he rounds the corner. “Sorry, I’m late. I was--”
“On a date, we know. You only told us that 500 times.”
“Don’t be jealous, old man. You’re married.” Sam grins at Clint as he sits next to him before his attention turns to you. “Do we have a newbie?”
“No, Mr. Wilson. This is my best friend, Y/N.”
“Call me Sam, kid.” He smiles at you as he goes for his silverware, and you’re just about to acknowledge him when his expression suddenly turns serious. “I’m sorry. You’re not a kid. You’re an independent and capable adult, and I should address you as such.”
“What the hell was that?”
“I don’t know.” Sam clears his throat and shakes his head as if he was clearing his mind. “I just suddenly felt the need to correct myself…You have any powers we should know about, Y/N?”
“No!” you quickly respond with widened eyes. “I wasn’t going to say anything, actually. I’m pretty used to older people calling me kid by now.”
From your left side, Natasha asks Clint to recall an embarrassing tale for you and the table livens up again, but you can’t seem to move past the unsettling way Sam shifted gears from calm and casual to uptight and disciplined. The image stayed with you through the rest of dinner even after he seemed to fully recover, until dishes were cleared away and replaced with games, and you suddenly had a lot more to focus on.
“I just don’t think it’s fair that he gets to be on your team again when I haven’t had him once.”
“Is anything fair with the guy who could use his personalized AI to cheat for him?”
“Could I do that? Yes. But have I done that? Maybe.”
“Wanna grab some fresh air with us?” Natasha suddenly asks you, causing you to frown.
“Aren’t we about to play another game?”
“It’ll take them another half hour before they finally decide something,” Wanda assures you as her fingers thread through yours gently. “We have plenty of time, and they won’t even notice we’re gone.”
They lead you by the hand to the elevator once more, going up a few floors before leading you out onto a balcony. Because you were so much higher than most of the surrounding buildings, there was an incredible view of the sun that was probably minutes away from disappearing to the other side of the world. The air is chillier than when you’d arrived, but you had to admit that standing in the cool breeze is worth a few goosebumps on your skin. Your hands are released as you reach a bench near the ledge, and you climb over it to sit as the other two women settle on either side of you.
“Why did Peter decide to share his secret with you?”
“Technically he didn’t,” you recall with a laugh. “He’d gone out to deal with something that activated his spider sense or whatever and I came to his dorm room to sleep after an exam because I was too tired to walk all the way to my place. Anyway, I walk in at the same time he’s coming back in through the window, and I swear we both sat there for a full two minutes before either of us could think of anything to say.”
“It’s still very nice of you to keep such a big secret for him,” Natasha praises, and your laughter quiets down as you take in her words.
“I guess I just know what it feels like to not want your life to change drastically because of one thing.” Your gaze shifts between the women for a moment. “That reminds me, I wanted to ask--”
“Wait, look at this!” Wanda quickly cuts you off with an enthusiastic grin. “You’re about to witness one of my favorite things about living here.”
She directs you to lean over and look at the streets as the sun finally disappears over the horizon, and you can’t help the small gasp that escapes you. Street lights begin turning on at what seems to be the center of the city and quickly spreading, increasing the radius of well-lit neighborhoods by the second. It was a mesmerizing sight that--until every lamp was on--nearly made you forget the question you were building toward.
“That was so cool!” you express honestly before clearing your throat awkwardly. “So I wanted to ask if the two of you were dating...or in a relationship or whatever. I mean, I don’t want to assume anything of course, just wondering because you share a room and floor, and you seem to be really into holding hands.”
“Well, I’d never really been into holding hands or a lot of other forms of affection before I met Wanda, but she seemed to flip some switch inside of me.” Natasha admitted with a bashful chuckle as she glanced at Wanda before turning to study you. “And your hands are so perfect to hold.”
“To answer your question, we are together.” Wanda rests a hand on your thigh and casts a sweet smile in your direction when you face her again. “Natasha was the first to give me a chance after everything with Ultron, and initially I thought I was just feeling grateful to receive some type of positive attention from someone other than Pietro. It wasn’t until Tash called me out on staring at her lips that I realized I wanted more than friendship.”
“The only reason I did was to confirm she was feeling the same things I’d finally come to terms with myself.” Natasha chuckles as Wanda sends over a bit of red mist to squeeze her own thigh. “What about you, love?”
“What about me?”
“Do you think you’re feeling more than friendship for Peter?”
“Oh no,” you quickly denied with a chuckle. “He’s the perfect example of a great boyfriend, but not my boyfriend. Plus I’d rather not have the same experience as MJ did.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know, the ‘close friends to a relationship that ends with each person pretending the other doesn’t exist’ experience. I’d rather not.”
“Yeah, that does sound messy,” Natasha sighs as she subtly rests her hand on your other thigh. “So you’re not looking for a great boyfriend. What are you looking for then?”
“Nothing really, at least until I finish school, but having a girlfriend would be nice. I’d like to be with someone that respects me and can take care of themselves when I’m not around, because I tried the ‘caring for someone’ thing and it sucks when they don’t put in the same effort that you do.”
“Maybe you should try someone older, more mature,” Natasha suggests as she shifts to squeeze your knee lightly, and you start to feel a bit nervous about where she’s going with this. “Maybe two people that already have their shit together and would go to the ends of the earth to please you.”
“Okay, um…” You push both of their hands away with a bit of difficulty. “You both seem great and you’re incredibly attractive, but I’m not really interested.”
“Don’t worry about it, detka.” Natasha pushes your shoulder down as you try to get up, and Wanda cups your cheek with her hand.
“You may not be interested now…” She stands with Natasha and leans in to kiss your forehead, letting her lips linger on your skin as she continues. “But you will be.”
She pulls away and winks before lacing her fingers through Natasha’s as they leave the balcony, and you gasp in air as the tension they’d built seems to exit behind them. You finally decide to head back once you’ve taken a few minutes to catch your breath and calm your shaking limbs, but you wonder how long the calm will truly last.
You found yourself waking up suddenly and practically flying into a sitting position as if someone had pulled you up, but luckily the room is empty. You sit for a moment to catch your breath and survey your surroundings to assure you’re truly alone, and you notice your door is cracked right before you hear an unidentifiable sound.
Despite every fiber of your being screaming at you as one would do to a character in a horror film, you decide to climb out of bed to investigate what you were hearing, justifying your actions with the excuse of seeing if your floor-mates were in danger, as if you could save them. A few seconds after opening your door fully and peeking out made you realize that they were more than okay.
“Fuck! Right there, please don’t stop.”
“Such a dirty mouth, malyshka.”
You’re quick to return the door to its cracked position, leaning against the nearby wall with wide eyes as you attempt to process the image across the hall. The bedroom door sits wide open, giving you the chance to examine every inch of bare skin of the two women spread across the bed, Wanda resting on her arched back with her hands in Natasha’s red hair buried between her legs. Her moans seem to raise in volume, pitch and frequency as she’s brought closer and closer to the edge, and you ignore the warm feeling in your lower abdomen as you hurry back to bed and throw a pillow over your exposed ear.
“Good morning.”
Your free hand quickly shoots upward to catch your water glass as it slipped through your fingers in your moment of shock, and you try not to make a deal of hearing two sets of footsteps headed toward the kitchen.
“How’d you sleep last night? I know how scary it can be to rest your eyes in a new place.”
“I think I did pretty well,” you answer quietly as you step away from the fridge and lean against a section of the counter that faces out into the rest of the room. “The bed’s really nice.”
“You’re lying,” Wanda accuses as she crosses the room, eyes turning red and hands lifting toward your face.
“What are you--”
“Couldn’t sleep because of us, right?” She chuckles when you go limp under her touch, and Natasha ducks between the two of you to save your glass for the second time. “Did you enjoy hearing us that much?”
“You did sound really good,” you tell her with a drowsy smile as she pins you against the counter to keep you from falling.
“I bet you wish you were in my place, don’t you?” Her tone is light and teasing at first, becoming a bit stern as she shifts to push her thigh between your legs and you instantly roll your hips against the pressure. “Or maybe you want to taste me while Natasha fucks you?”
“No?!” she fires back immediately, leaving a red mist around your temples as she grabs your waist with both hands to keep you grinding against her. “You mean you don’t want to cum right now?”
“Well, now that you mention it…”
A breathy moan escapes you as your eyes flutter closed, and if your head wasn’t being forcefully held in place, it would’ve tipped backward. You feel what must be Natasha’s fingertips grazing along your jaw and tracing a line down the side of your neck and toward your shoulder, repeating the gentle motion as goosebumps appeared all over the exposed skin.
“Is everyone decent?”
The fog behind your eyes seems to clear in seconds, and you blink in confusion when you open your eyes to see Natasha and Wanda making coffee nearby. You try to recall even coming into the kitchen, but everything from the moment you stepped into the bathroom to get ready is a blur, so you shake your head and reach for your glass of water on the counter as Natasha responds.
“Come in, Peter.”
“Morning, everyone,” Peter greets cheerfully as he enters the kitchen, his grin falling when his eyes land on you. “Are you okay?”
You open your mouth with the full intention of telling him that you are not okay, not when you were missing at least an hour of memory, and bits of last night were slipping away from you too. But before you could speak, a cold feeling seems to pass through the back of your skull to slip into your brain, and a switch flips.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” you respond with a chuckle. “You worry too much, spiderling.”
“The world’s a stressful place,” he grumbles when you playfully ruffle his hair. “Anyway, are you ready to go soon?”
“Where are you headed?” Natasha quickly asks with a frown. “Y/N hasn’t even had breakfast yet.”
“We’re meeting Aunt May, so we’ll eat with her.”
“I just have to grab my bag,” you explain before heading down the hall to your temporary room, feeling the chilly sensation leaving you as you get further away from the kitchen, and it thankfully doesn’t return when you head back. “Ready.”
“Have fun!” Natasha calls as Peter heads for the elevator again, quickly grabbing your wrist once he’s out of sight. “See you tonight, printsessa.”
Her hand quickly shifts to grip the back of your neck as she leans in to kiss your cheek, and the two women are wearing sweet smiles as you turn away from them to catch up with Peter, attempting to shake the shell-shocked expression from your features.
“You sure you’re good?”
“I’m fine,” you insist as the doors close, in hopes that you really would be fine.
Meeting Peter’s aunt was much more of a pleasant experience than you expected, and it was obvious she adored you by the way she spoke to you, although part of you felt she was just happy Peter had more people around to love him. Your day was cut a bit short when MJ unexpectedly approached Peter, requesting to talk to him, and Aunt May offered to drive you back to the tower so you both could escape that awkward mess of a conversation.
“It was so great to meet you today,” you tell her with a grin as you take off your seatbelt.
“Likewise, honey. You have my number so just call me if you ever need anything, okay?”
She pulls you into a hug over the middle console and you thank her again for the ride as you get out of the car, trying not to seem too nervous when you notice Natasha and Wanda standing in the lobby. Your plan was to walk past them without speaking, but you should’ve known that wouldn’t work.
“Why was she hugging you?” Natasha asks coldly as you enter the building and you sigh.
“She was just saying goodbye--wait. Why am I explaining myself to you?”
You keep walking until they’re no longer in your peripheral, stopping abruptly as a red mist surrounds your legs, and your eye-rolling is cut short when Wanda appears in front of you and grabs your chin harshly.
“If Tash asks you a question, you answer.”
“Without attitude,” Natasha adds, which makes you want to roll your eyes again.
“Sorry, I didn’t get the rules handbook when I arrived. Can I go now?”
“You know what?” Wanda cuts off Natasha’s angry response with a smirk. “You can go.”
The red mist surrounding you disappeared, and despite the suspicious feeling that washed over you, you continued on toward the elevator with your head held high. You refused to let them get to you.
It was subtle at first. A slight tingling between your legs that you couldn’t seem to get rid of. In the very beginning, you were worried that something was wrong until you realized where the feeling was coming from when it turned into slow circles around your clit as you caught up with Peter in his room. By dinner, there was the added sensation of fingers curling inside you at a steady pace, and you hoped no one would notice your hips slightly bucking under the table as you attempted to repeatedly chase a release that never came.
A movie follows dinner today, and you make sure to cover yourself with a large blanket because you were still being edged and you couldn’t stop moving at this point. You even try to slide your hand into your sweatpants to finish the job yourself, and your jaw clenches in anger every time your fingers lock up because you know who’s responsible.
“Okay, you win!” you announce as you walk into the kitchen on Natasha and Wanda’s private floor, not missing the look shared between the two women. “I’m sorry I was rude earlier. Can you please just stop teasing me?”
“How about we help you finish instead?”
You should decline. You should just say ‘no’ because letting them finish you off tonight will turn into an attachment that you know you don’t want, nor are you ready for. Inviting them in will be equivalent to selling your soul, and you’re not sure you want to put a price on it. But the ache below your stomach is persistent, and if they won’t let you touch yourself, someone has to do it.
“Don’t be so grumpy about it,” Wanda teases as she grabs your hand and starts leading you toward their bedroom. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
She pushes you back onto the surprisingly large bed as soon as you’re close enough, instructing you to take off your shirt and bra while she watches. Once your top half is completely exposed, she leans forward to run her hands from your shoulders down toward your nipples, circling them with her thumbs until they harden.
“I don’t like being teased.”
“Oh, you don’t?” she asks in a mocking tone as she reaches for the band of your sweatpants and pulls them down, placing her palm over the wet spot in your panties. “Then what’s this?”
“Please,” you beg through a quiet moan, bucking your hips again when she presses her thumb against your clit through the fabric. “Please just fuck me already.”
“Patience, detka.”
You watch with wide eyes as Natasha and Wanda both strip away their own sweatpants, revealing the toys tied to their legs. Natasha goes to untie hers while Wanda uses her powers to rip away your ruined panties in one fluid motion.
“There she is.”
Natasha puts her hand on Wanda’s back and forces her to bend over, and you bite your lip as her eyes flutter closed and mouth falls open while Natasha thrusts into her. You’re just about to grab Wanda’s hand to lead her where you want, when her eyes open suddenly with a glowing red surrounding her pupils, and your wrists are bound together over your head by an invisible force.
“Did you forget who’s in charge here?”
“Don’t get too cocky, malyshka,” Natasha reminds her as she grabs a fistful of her hair and slams into her, causing Wanda to moan and giggle at the same time.
“My apologies, Tash.”
You couldn’t help your sigh of relief as Wanda finally slid two fingers inside of you, her thrusts deepening each time as Natasha fucked her toward you with her hands on her hips. The sounds coming from your mouth and between your legs were embarrassingly loud, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as she brought you closer and closer to the edge, until a loud whine escaped you as she removed her fingers and delivered a slap to your glistening folds.
“Tell me who this belongs to,” she orders through her own moans, holding you down when you begin grinding into her hand. “I’m gonna cum regardless of what you do, so you’d better answer. Be a good girl like I know you can.”
“Yours!” you cry out finally, sighing when Natasha leans into your line of sight with a brow raised. “It’s yours and Natasha’s.”
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
She slips back into you without warning, and your back arches off the bed as she finally brings you to orgasm. She continues to thrust into you as you whine and squirm away, luckily slowing down and finally stopping as Natasha makes her cum a minute later, leaving the strap inside of her as they both catch their breath. Wanda pulls out of you and sits up to lean against her, holding her hand up between them as they both clean your cum off her fingers with their tongues, and you sit there clenching around nothing as you watch.
“You seem tired,” Natasha comments as her eyes land on you again.
“Too bad we’re not done.”
Wanda flips you onto your stomach with a quick motion of her fingers, using her hands to pull you by the waist until you’re on your knees at the edge of the bed, and she holds one side of your waist as she delivers a slap to your ass this time. Her touch lingers as she pulls away to free her own strap, and you nearly fall over when you feel the tip of the toy rub against your clit.
“Wait, let me fuck her this time.”
You hear their soft laughter as they switch places, sharing a kiss in the process, and you gasp when a hand wraps around your neck and pulls you up against Natasha’s chest.
“I like having you this close to me, printsessa,” she whispers in your ear, chuckling when you melt against her as she pushes the tip of her strap into you. “How many times do you think I can get you to cum?”
Her grip on your throat is loose as she allows you to adjust to the size, tightening suddenly when she slams into you once, twice, until every thrust is at a rough pace that you wouldn’t be able to handle if she wasn’t holding you against her by the waist. You feel that same tingling circling your clit again, occasionally traveling upward to tease your nipples as well, and it wasn’t long before you were releasing a strangled scream as you climaxed.
Natasha eventually stops thrusting into you as your legs shake, and you breathe out another sigh of relief when she allows you to fall onto the mattress. However, the relief is short-lived when you realize that she only paused to let Wanda push into her from behind, and it wasn’t long before the two of them found a rhythm that was pleasing them and ruining you.
Your wrists are freed as Natasha pulls out of you some minutes later, and you collapse onto one side of the bed with your body aching a bit from a third orgasm, your eyes only halfway open as you watch the pair. They remove the straps from their waists and set them aside, and you become a bit more alert when you notice Natasha grab what seems to be a double-ended dildo.
“No more. I can’t,” you mumble tiredly as your wrists are bound by Wanda’s power again.
“One more, and you can,” she tells you as she flops onto the bed beside you, and that red mist surrounds her fingers again as she guides you onto your knees to hover above her face. “You wanted to cum, so you don’t get to run from this.”
Her hands grab your waist and pull you closer, and you release a shuddering moan as her tongue runs past your hole and over your clit, teasing it a few times with the tip of her tongue before diving in to wrap her lips around it. She alternates between sucking your clit and slipping inside you as Natasha climbs on the bed behind you to position herself with the new toy. 
“Fuck,” Wanda attempts to say once Natasha begins thrusting, and you fall forward as the vibration of her moans become too much, whining when Natasha slides her hands over your breasts and pulls you back up again.
“Take it all like a good girl.”
She keeps pulling until your head drops against her, and she moans against your neck while she kisses and sucks on your skin, bouncing faster on Wanda who groans loudly in response as she attempts to match each thrust. The hums of her voice has you grinding against her tongue, and you yelp when Natasha bites down just as Wanda brings you over the edge. She keeps going despite your protests, managing to get you to cum once more before they finally do.
You lie there with your bones feeling like jelly as you’re covered with a blanket minutes after everyone’s bathroom trip, too tired to even fight for sleeping in your own bed as Natasha and Wanda slide in on either side of you.
“You did so well tonight, detka,” Wanda praises as she strokes your cheek with a loving stare. “I can tell you’ll be a great addition to our relationship. I knew it from the moment I saw you.”
“I’m not doing this again,” you insist as the smile fades from her expression. “I’m not getting in a relationship with two women that don’t take ‘no’ for an answer, and I’d prefer sleeping in my own bed.”
“You’re already in a relationship with us, printsessa,” Natasha growls as she shoves you back down when you try to get up, and you push her hand away.
“There’s nothing you can say that’ll make me want to be with you.”
“It’s not about what you want to do. It’s about what you have to do.” She grabs your phone from the nightstand, and you’re somehow not even surprised when she unlocks it on the first try. “Because it’d be a shame if someone was to tell Peter about all the nudes you have of him.”
You snatch the phone from her grip, eyes widening as you scroll through your camera roll, finding naked pictures of Peter scattered throughout it. You check the date on the oldest one and began to feel nauseous when you saw it was taken not even a month after the two of you met.
“Don’t think you’ll be deleting those either, because we can replace them and make things worse.” Her smile was falsely sweet and troubling as she grabbed your chin to force you to make eye contact. “We’ve gone this long without having you, and we’ll do whatever it takes not to lose you.”
Tags: @cordeliaswhore @egotisticalstoner @muralskins @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @madamevirgo @teenwonder @honeyvenable @slut-for-nat
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what's the difference between what wanda did to those people in wandavision and what tony did with ultron?
I have so many asks about this. Hate asks, and people wondering what’s going on. This is the only one I’m answering.
Both of them are responsible for their actions. I’ve seen people try and take away either Tony’s responsibility for that or Wanda’s engagement and accountability. 
In Tony’s case, the Ultron program was supposed to be a global peacekeeping program to protect the people, acting as a suit around the world to prevent events like the Battle of New York. He was doing it in the name of peace and safety. Tony was rightfully scared because he was the only one who knew what was coming. Wanda intentionally enhanced that fear in him and this drove him to create Ultron with Bruce. He has responsibility for it. Same as Bruce. He owns up to this, he took full responsibility and agreed that they needed to be regulated. 
Tony Stark: A few years ago, I almost lost her, so I trashed all my suits. Then, we had to mop up HYDRA... and then Ultron. My fault.
Tony Stark: There's no decision-making process here. We need to be put in check! Whatever form that takes, I'm game. If we can't accept limitations, if we're boundary-less, we're no better than the bad guys.
Tony Stark: That's good. That's why I'm here. When I realized what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands, I shut it down and stop manufacturing.
If people think he needs to be in jail for it, then I’m guessing the rest of the Avengers too since all of them have made mistakes and killed people too. As a matter of fact, after the events of Wandavision, I’m sure that Wanda should be in the Raft, but because she’s ‘a poor baby’ yall won’t think she deserves that. 
It’s a big possibility that we don’t have all the info about what happened in Wandavision but we’re going to go with what we know so far. 
In Wanda’s case, she did it to appease her grief and pain, and I can understand why she would get to that point, she’s been through a lot and maybe she was about to lose her mind. Instead of recruiting Wanda after the Sokovia incident, they should’ve given this girl treatment for her mental health problems. She just lost her brother and passed through a very traumatic war zone, of course she needs assistance. Cap and Natasha were the ones responsible for her because they were training the ‘new’ avengers. Sam was with them and he used to be a counselor to veterans with PTSD. He could’ve helped Wanda with some of her traumas. As shown in the series, Wanda did the whole hex business before meeting Agatha, which means creating that little reality was all Wanda’s responsibility. Hayward and Agatha did exactly what Wanda did to Tony (and the avengers/other people) in AOU. They manipulated her and played with her emotional traumas. Hayward showed her Vision’s body parts and Agatha started to pull strings to know how Wanda did what she did and her real powers while orchestrating against her. 
Both of them have made mistakes. No one is better than the other. I don’t understand why some fans want to make someone responsible more than the other or blame one character for the other. While Wanda gave Tony that vision and pushed his self-destructive side to obsess over saving the world, he did create Ultron, what Tony didn’t predict was that the robot was going to corrupt itself. Same with Wanda, while Agatha and Hayward contributed to her trauma, she held hostage and isolated 3,892 people to create her perfect reality, ripping these people away from their identities and free will to fit her own fantasy. Don’t turn this into ‘omg poor her, it’s Tony fault that she’s this way'. I can’t believe I have to repeat this but you don’t see Peter Parker obsessively looking for the person who manufactured the gun instead of the criminal who actually killed Uncle Ben. Ridiculous that I have to repeat this example. 
Oh and about Vision’s body (damn yall have a gift to turn everything into Tony’s fault for some reason). I can’t believe some of you think Tony (while grieving for 5 years) would give Vision to Hayward. You’re either pulling stuff out of your asses or you didn’t pay attention to the show. Maria Rambeau founded and was the Director of S.W.O.R.D. In 2018 (when IW happened), this is where she came up with a new policy within S.W.O.R.D. to ground snapped agents in case they ever returned. Maria was diagnosed with cancer, then two years later (2020), she passed away. Then, Hayward was promoted to Director of S.W.O.R.D., in his first years (2020-2022) he refocused the organization’s work from extraterrestrial operations to robotics, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence, etc. There, that was the 5 years. Then in 2023 it’s when he started project Cataract, which revolved around rebuilding Vision as a sentient weapon. Tony was dead when this happened. How come yall don’t get this part? I don’t understand, do you really think his dead corpse signed some papers to give Vision to those people? LMAO
Instead of thinking Tony would give up Vision just like that, think (possibilities):
Maria was the head of S.W.O.R.D., she might have just been keeping his body safe without doing anything with him. Maybe she trusted Hayward and he, obviously, betrayed her because he’s turning her organization into something else after her death. 
One of the Sokovia Accords regulations states that the use of technology to bestow individuals (the term ‘enhanced individual’ in this book is defined as any person, human or otherwise, with superhuman capabilities) with innate capabilities is strictly regulated by the government, as is the use and distribution of highly advanced technology. Vision signed those accords ('I'm saying there may be a casualty. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict... breeds catastrophe. Oversight...oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand’) The Avengers were no longer be a private organization and they operate under the supervision of the United Nations. This means they (UN) were the ones that referred Vision’s body to S.W.O.R.D., to a trustworthy leader, Maria. 
Vision died in Wakanda, not in New York. Tony was missing for 22 days after the snap, the rest of the avengers should’ve taken responsibility for his body.  
Why is it always Tony’s fault but never consider that other parties are also involved in this? 
I want to address some other asks with this one. I know some of you are angry because people are starting to blame Tony all over again, so a few things to remember:
Tony did not create the Accords. The Accords were the result of all the collective actions the Avengers have done in their superhero careers. All of them have made mistakes and the collateral damage of that was taken into consideration by the government and 117 countries around the world. He signed the accords because he knew that he could amend them with the support of the rest of the avengers and he knew about Thanos (something big was coming). 
Obadiah Stane (it’s so bizarre for me seeing that some people don’t know who this guy is, I’m guessing that the people who are watching Wandavision are too young to remember or didn’t watch the Iron Man movies at all which is highly probable) was the one selling weapons to the wrong people, not Tony. Obadiah was the CEO of Stark industries and became second-in-command for two decades. He grew jealous of Tony and began cooperating with the Ten Rings in Afghanistan, selling them Stark Industries weapons illegally. Imagine blaming all of it on Tony when Obadiah basically murdered thousands only because he felt a little green. If someone who you trust (he had no reasons to doubt Obadiah since he was like a second father-figure for him) does something behind your back (take into consideration that people like Pepper; who was Tony’s assistant and had knowledge of all of Tony’s activities and responsibilities, Rhodey; who was the liaison between the military in the department of acquisitions and Stark Industries, and Happy Hogan; who was his personal bodyguard and Head of Security of Stark Industries, didn’t know what Stane was doing either), how are you going to know about it? Tony trusted him. And when he realized what was going on he immediately stopped all of it. He worked hard to be better and people overlook that because they want other characters to look better. 
Don’t act like Tony was the only one assisting the military. All of the avengers assisted in one way or another. Natasha (who used to be an assassin) was in the Red Room, trained in the Black Widow Program in association with Leviathan and the Soviet Armed Forces, served for KGB, etc. Bruce Banner used to work for the United States government and was commissioned to create a super serum for them. Same goes with the rest, Sam, Clint, etc. Steve Rogers was a soldier lmaoooooooooooooo like, what happened to Tony with Obadiah happened to Steve with SHIELD/HYDRA in TWS. He trusted the people working in there (SHIELD), served for them, did missions for them and as soon as he found out what they were doing behind his back he turned against them. 
Knowing all of this, how is Tony always the villain for yall? I’m guessing because Tony’s popularity in the MCU, but still, aren’t yall tired of not understanding the plot and having people repeat it to you constantly? Watch the movies if you want to understand the franchise, people. Stop following the crowd. 
Also, Wanda is not a kid, she’s a 35 year old woman in Wandavision, she was 26 in AOU and 27 in CW. Hardly a child. Tony had almost her same age (38) when he realized Obadiah was selling illegal weaponry behind his back. The only reason people don’t fully forgive Tony is because 1. he’s a man and 2. he’s a billionaire. Even if Wanda was poor she still killed and hurt many people over the course of her life. Stop trying to make Tony the villain only to downplay Wanda’s actions. 
Both have killed people, both have made mistakes. They’re both responsible for them. 
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noavengers · 3 years
I hate to rant like this, because i know people really don't care but i've seen a few too many 'how can anyone like zemo' posts and i'm just so confused. Zemo did bad things, sure, but so has every other mcu character. Also just going to say this up front, me saying out loud the bad things your favorite characters have done doesn't mean i hate those characters (i actually love most of them) so please don't attack me.
Loki murdered 80 people (that we know of), tried to enslave the entire human race (because daddy was mean and he wanted to be king), tried to kill/harm/maim his own brother so many times that i've lost count, pretended to be odin so he could rule asgard (sent his old/nearly dead father to earth with no security mesures, he couldn't even find odin without doctor strange's help)...
Tony built bombs for a living, sure he didn't know who was getting the bombs but it was his company (with HIS name on it) and it was his responsibility to make sure things he created ended up where they belonged. He created Ultron (with good intentions but once again, it was his and Bruce's responsibility) which lead to the destruction of an entire country - where countless CIVILIANS died...
Natasha killed so many people in her past that Loki (the same guy who wanted to enslave humanity) judged her and mocked her "can you really wipe out that much red?". Sure she made amends, became a hero, but does that mean anything to the families of those she killed in the past? I don't think so...
Steve knew that Bucky killed Tony's parents (keep in mind Howard was Steve's friend too) and he kept it a secret. Not because of Tony but because he knew how Tony would react if he knew. He kept a secret and it was that secret that tore the Avengers apart...
Wanda (who is my favorite mcu character) was involved with the creation of Ultron - she didn't force Tony to create Ultron but she gave him that nudge that pushed him into it. She and her brother both worked for hydra, until they were like "oh maybe we're not the good guys, oops our bad." (after which they instantly switched sides and started working for Ultron instead). She made amends for that and started working with Avengers, only to take an entire town hostage in WandaVision. And sure, she didn't know they were in pain (she let them go when she realized but those people are still traumatized/lost weeks of their lives playing her 'perfect sitcom') but she knew she was taking away their free will, and she was okay with that as long as she got what she wanted...
I could go on forever, because like I said, every single mcu character has some sort of bad/villanous backstory. So why is people liking Zemo so shocking to everyone? What did Zemo do? Compared to the characters that we all see as heroes? Nothing. He blew up a building (i'm not sure how many people he killed but i'm sure as hell it was less then the amount of people any Avenger killed) and he revealed Steve's/Bucky's secret. He didn't make something up to split them up, he didn't control Tony and Steve (he knew how they would react but they are still the ones who reacted the way they did). Any well-ranked hydra agent could have revealed the truth about Tony's parents and the Avengers would have still split up (maybe a little later but it would have happened sooner or later).
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ladyeliot · 3 years
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Request: This is a request that @mycosmicparadise��� asked me for a long time ago. Sorry, sweetie.
Pairing: Tony Stark x Avenger Female Reader
Summary: After the events in New York, the team reunites to carry out the mission to get Loki's scepter, but things go wrong and your mission changes completely, now you have to go after Ultron, but you find yourself unable to keep your powers under control.
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of abuse. 
Word count: 3972
A/N: Avengers Age of Ultron. Some of the dialogue is taken from the film. Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
Reader's powers: She is a powerful empath, as she can sense and manipulate other people's emotions. Proficient unarmed combatant.
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Hydra, Research Base, Eastern Europe.
You felt like your insides were full of hate and rage, every person you met through the thick forest, the only thing they felt when they saw you was dislike, mixed with the anger of wanting to get rid of you. Your powers worked because you kept your own emotions under control, but it was a constant struggle, as you used to feel inside you the emotions that others possessed and that made your insides filled with every negative emotion.
"Shit!" you heard Tony through the relay you had inserted in the back of your ear.
"Language!" Steve instantly rebutted him.
You held your position through the thick forest of Sokovia, Hydra's base was on top of a mountain, or rather it was the mountain itself, for around it they had built a rather impenetrable base that you wanted to access in order to get the Sceptre that you were unable to take from Loki at the time. Numerous clearly trained soldiers were trying to stop you in your tracks. Jarvis had informed you that the building was protected by an energy shield, which was against you as it was the most advanced technology you had seen in any Hydra base of operations.
"Loki's sceptre must be in there," Thor announced, as you guarded one of those soldiers under your body rendering him completely unconscious. "They couldn't have those defences without it."
You ran across the field trying to close the gap with Natasha, who was a few metres ahead of you, Clint following.
"Okay," you said staring at one of your targets and getting him to lower his gun to tackle him, "so what do we do?"
"Wait a second," Tony interjected. "No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said "language?"
"I know," Steve replied, making your eyes roll at the distraction they were causing in the middle of the mission.
The graze of bullets was almost audible through your body, it seemed to go on forever, you had been going on for hours and all you could manage to do was run into more troops sent by Hydra to hold you in that quadrant of the forest. Natasha was trying to get rid of two guys who had tackled her, you turned to her and stared at one of them but just as you were about to make the mental connection something that you barely noticed made you fall to the ground.
"What the hell?" you exclaimed getting up again and looking around you hoping to find the cause of it.
"We've got an upgrade," Steve informed you.
"Wait, you don't call her 'language'?" Tony complained at the situation. "Okay, I'll tell her. Language!"
At that instant a muffled shout from Clint sounded behind you.
"Clint!" Natasha had effectively freed herself from the two henchmen and you both headed towards Clint, who had been shot from a bunker. "Clint's hurt. Can someone take care of that bunker?"
As if Natasha's words were an order, Hulk appeared out of nowhere to overwhelm the small building and the soldiers inside. You stood up and turned your full attention to your surroundings while Nat continued to perform the necessary treatment to alleviate the blow that your companion had received.
"Clint is in bad shape, he needs to be evacuated," Nat reported over the transmitter, as Thor and the Captain instantly landed next to you. "I can take Barton to the Quinjet," Thor replied and focused his gaze on Steve. "The sooner we leave the better.
"Copy that," Steve replied for both of you, but at that moment he noticed your face.
"Roger that," Steve replied for both of you, but at that moment he noticed your face. "Are you all right?"
You nodded, returning to an introspective position beside Natasha.
On the ride home, silence flooded the Quinjet more than ever, the mission had finally succeeded but it wasn't really in the air, it wasn't felt inside any of you, even though Stark had proposed a victory party.
The following days nothing had gone as planned, the analysis of the sceptre that Stark and Banner had carried out, more than an analysis it was a reconfiguration of a network of neurons that they had found, in order to create an artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence that they used in Stark's secret 'peacekeeping' programme called Ultron, designed to allow the Iron Legion to operate independently. That brought some trouble, when at the end of the Party he showed up to personally attack you, well rather, the whole of humanity, as Ultron thinks the best way to save Earth is to eradicate humanity, he might be partly right.
"Ultron is gone," Banner's voice echoed within the four walls of the lab, "he has used the internet as an escape route."
"Ultron," you whispered to yourself, as one hand covered your face thoroughly.
"He's been all over. Files, surveillance," Natasha explained. "He knows more about us than we know about each other."
As the conversation continued to escalate, emotional energies radiated through the atmosphere, and you picked up on every one of them. Negativity, gathered together with worry, confusion and concern took over your body, you still felt a resentment from the attack you experienced three days ago in Sokovia, which managed to heighten each of the sensations. You closed your eyes as you hid your face with one hand and the other voices became ominous, frustrating your senses. Natasha was the only person who seemed to notice your situation, stopping the voices with a "guys", but just as they stopped, a small laugh from a completely distracted Tony typing on the computer made you burst.
"You think that's funny?" the hand hiding your face disappeared to give way to hard features and a raised, gruff tone of voice, Tony turned and looked at you a little quizzically, but you could see a hidden smile.
"No," he said indifferently. "It probably isn't, is it? This is terrible, it's so..." again his laughter tackled him, causing you to be completely confused and your frustration to grow. "I know. It's so terrible."
"It's just as terrible that you're taunting all of us right now with your fucking arrogance," you said approaching him.
"No," his tone unlike yours seemed pleasant and friendly, "It really is funny, just like it's funny that you don't understand why we need him," Tony closed the distance with you, positioning the two of you in the middle of the lab, his voice had completely changed it was just as gruff as yours.
"Tony, maybe this isn't the time," Bruce interjected in a melodic tone.
"So, a killer robot was what we needed?" you reproached, lifting your chin to position yourself against his height. "The shield that was supposed to free us from alien threats frees us by wiping out all of humanity, yeah, really brilliant."
"Remember I put a nuke through a wormhole?" he rebuked you, recalling for the umpteenth time that night the event in New York. "Tell me, how did you plan to win that? What was your damned solution to get rid of that damned hostile alien army that came through that wormhole in space?"
"Together," Steve interjected quickly, causing Tony to look away from you and back at Steve.
You made the air rush into your lungs offering you some relaxation, instigating your mind to let positive memories come to you. Your differences with Tony were known, your understanding of his views was limited, a fact that generated the occasional verbal conflict between the two of you, let's just say you couldn't stand each other more than you deserved.
The night was long, mostly because there was hardly any rest after planning what you were going to do to stop Ultron, which led you to South Africa.
"She should stay," Nat's whisper reached your ears. "The mission in Sokovia has left her with  aftermath she has yet to overcome."
"Oh, last night was a aftermath?" Tony from the pilot's seat added to the conversation. "Nice."
"You know I'm here and I can hear you?" you asked without opening your eyes from your seat. "I'm coming down, worry about you guys that..."
"Okay, listen," Tony stood up from the command post. "I may regret saying this but I agree with her. I think you should stay here with Banner. Keep you two company. Get to know each other better. You know."
"Why don't you stay here, Tony, and get to know Banner better?" you opened your eyes and looked at Tony, but thought for a second. "Well, I'd better not, lest you get the bright idea to create Ultron's sister."
"He's an only child," Tony countered your irony.
"The roles are split," you added as a definitive point. "I'll take the girl, you take Ultron."
From a mountain fortress to a ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. You entered its interior, a quite feasible target, when in fact what you all feared lay within. Darkness fell over your pupils, the smell of dampness professed in every corner.
"You're with me, aftermath," reported a voice from behind a suit of armour. "Stay sharp, this guy is made by me."
The long corridors soon took you deep into the heart of the ship, they were as eager to run into you as you were to run into them, so it was only a couple of minutes before you were reunited in a vast maze of iron catwalks.
"Stark is a sickness!" exclaimed that robot called Ultron.
"Ahh, Junior," Tony posed in front of him and his two enhanced companions, "You're gonna break your old man's heart."
From that moment on things happened too fast for a clear description to be made. The corridors seemed to lengthen as you tried to keep that enhanced girl, Wanda, away from the others. She was powerful, trying to play with your mind and you with hers. It was a battle of mental endurance, if you could keep your mind blank and safe from all the negative things she was trying to make you see, you could keep going. It seemed doable, you seemed to have it under control, you had freed yourself from the transmitter that kept you in contact with the others to avoid any external distractions, but none of that was enough when a new enhancement came into play making you lose your balance completely, you felt the emptiness flooding you, as if your body was falling unchecked into the darkness.
A halo of light circled over your eyes making you recognise what was around you, you had escaped, you had fled from that ship thousands of miles in space and time. A figure that you recognised instantly was in front of you, smiling at you, raising her hand to caress your face, it was the figure of your mother, she was laughing, but with each laugh the atmosphere became darker. The main living room of your house appeared before your eyes, but it seemed totally neglected, the furniture was worn out, there was dust and mould in every corner, your mother was prostrate on the floor and a figure without a face was on top of her beating her, you heard the screams of a little girl, they were quite familiar, they were yours. That scene began to repeat itself over and over again, reliving your childhood, you fought to try to change it, but you had no control over it or over your mind at that moment, time after time the pain invaded you and although you tried to stop it, it became impossible again. You had entered a loop, you had lost track of time and space, you couldn't run away from it. Your own mind had become part of it.
Your ears only picked up your screams and those of your mother, you kept your eyes open but your vision was not able to see, you fell to your knees wherever you were in reality and you stayed there, until someone managed to locate you.
"I got her," as a faint whisper drifted into the scene you were living. "Okay. You're safe, I've got you."
As if you were again falling into the void your body rose into the air, and the darkness once again hovered over you, causing all your limbs and your brain to go into a deep, eternal sleep.
Without really knowing where you were, you could hear a faint hissing sound that came more and more strongly to your senses. Light broke through your eyelids, which were struggling against their will to open. Familiarity with the space made you realise where you were. The whistling sound was coming from the air hitting the Quinjet, for all was silent inside. You sat up slowly, the mental pain was suffocating, not only because of what you had seen and what you had been through, but because you could feel the same sensations all around you.
You sat up, covering your face with your hands and hiding it between your legs trying to pull yourself together, but at that moment you felt someone kneel down right in front of you and put a hand on the back of your neck.
"What can I do?" Tony's voice sounded cautious, but there was really little he could do in those few square metres of anguish, so you just shook your head. "Okay, look at me," you shook your head again not wanting to have direct access to any more emotions at the moment, "Look at me. Please."
Your breathing was rapid and your heart kept shrinking, causing a lump in your throat that almost prevented you from breathing. You couldn't extract everything you had inside you, nor could you find the calm you needed to let him go, you were afraid to look at him to interfere with his feelings and manipulate them by offering him yours, you were also afraid of acquiring his negative emotions and adding them to your own. But still you felt his hand go to your chin and he gently lifted it up to catch your face in his gaze.
"In a couple of hours we'll be in a shelter," his face was close, his fingers held firmly on your chin. "Do you think you'll be okay?"
A subtle nod is what you offered in reply, Tony nodded as well and took a seat right next to you after having moved closer to Barton. 
Your breathing was rapid and your heart kept shrinking, causing a lump in your throat that almost prevented you from breathing. You couldn't extract everything you had inside you, nor could you find the calm you needed to let him go, you were afraid to look at him to interfere with his feelings and manipulate them by offering him yours, you were also afraid of acquiring his negative emotions and adding them to your own. But still you felt his hand go to your chin and he gently lifted it up to catch your face in his gaze.
"In a couple of hours we'll be in a shelter," his face was close, his fingers held firmly on your chin. "Do you think you'll be okay?"
A subtle nod is what you offered in reply, Tony nodded as well and took a seat right next to you after having moved closer to Barton. Those two hours seemed endless, you kept your hands pressed to your temple trying to forget what you had seen, but more so what you had felt. Tony, along with Barton were the only ones who had not suffered the effects of Wanda Maximoff's mind control on you on that occasion, it was evident from the physical and mental state of the other teammates.
Tony stayed by your side for the entire 120 minutes, worried and afraid that everything that had happened was his fault, and it was all coming back to you.
"Stop," you whispered trying to get Tony's attention.
"How?" he whispered and bent his face closer to yours, which was resting on your hands.
"Stop flogging yourself, I've had enough of the others," you pleaded a little rudely, unable to control yourself.
"I'm sorry," he placed his palm on your back, but an uncomfortable gesture from your shoulder caused him to remove it a second later. "I'm sorry."
A couple of hours later, the Quinjet took up position on a large greenish esplanade, the greenest thing your eyes had ever seen in your life. In the centre was a small cottage, cosy enough for anyone to see. Tony held you firmly, as it seemed that your body would fall if he let go. You went inside together, a hospitable warmth surrounded each of your limbs causing you to get some peace in you after hours.
Time seemed to have taken its toll on your senses, as you barely understood half of what was being said around you. But everything changed when two children entered, bringing joy and life to the room, it was the most comforting thing you had felt in weeks, the innocence that each of them possessed was like a breath of fresh air to you. You gently removed your arm from Tony's shoulders, murmuring "I'm feeling better," and he returned an "Okay" with a still worried look on his face. Actually Barton's idea of taking you there had been really successful for all of you, except for Thor who left, but for the rest of you it was something you'd never been able to contemplate in your lives, kind of like what it would be like to have a family.
Sunset was near and the view from that wooden porch surrounding the house was charmingly soothing.
"You look good," Tony appeared behind you with his hands in his pockets and perched next to you, leaning on the railing.
"Thank you," you said, looking back up at the grove of trees that loomed before your eyes. "And thanks for earlier."
" For what?" he asked with confusion in his voice.
"When you tried to reassure me on the Quinjet," you said without looking at him. "And... I think it was also you who took me back."
"Yep," Tony put his hand to the back of his neck and turned to you. "The truth is, that process would have been a lot more feasible if you hadn't gotten rid of the transmitter, it would have saved me a lot of time."
"I know," you ducked your face, but a small smile appeared on it.
"Do you want to talk?" Tony's voice seemed somewhat hesitant after stating the question.
"No," you shook your face, letting the last rays of sunlight fall on him. "Do you want to talk?"
"What do you feel?" he answered your question with another question, ignoring it completely. "What do you feel inside when you feel us?"
"I feel what other people are feeling," you explained, looking at him for the first time. "If I concentrate I can feel what you're feeling right now, or what Steve is feeling, or how the Hulk feels when he turns."
That conversation you'd had on several occasions in your life, but at no point had you had it with Tony, you hadn't been close at any point, closeness you could find in Natasha or even Steve, but not in Tony, that's why that moment was peculiar, as well as comforting.
"It's easy when my emotions are in control," you turned your body towards him and leaned against the wooden railing. "I just have to look at my target and focus on how he feels, knowing that whatever is inside him I'm going to feel it too," you focused your gaze on Tony's eyes, "for instance, right now you're remorseful about what happened with Ultron, but you also feel misunderstood because no one understands your point of view, you're also melancholy about being in this place, a little envious about discovering the life that Barton has, and..." you paused slightly as you discovered one of his feelings, but you chose to ignore it, as he seemed to be really nervous about the process of analysis he was undergoing, "embarrassed because right now I'm feeling the same way you are.”
You offered him a slight smile, which he himself returned a little nervously at the exposition you had offered him, Tony was a very rigorous person when expressing himself and this had completely thrown him off.
"That..." he put one hand nervously to the back of his neck while the other was hidden in his trouser pocket. "Great, I guess it's nice to know I'm not empty. But well, we'd better keep this between us."
"Of course," for the first time you felt a little satisfied with your task just done, it was nice to see that this person could shed his pride on several occasions.
"Well, I'd better go and help Rogers chop wood," he said, standing up beside you and scratching the bridge of his nose.
" Yes, he certainly looks like he could use your help," you commented wryly as Steve had little difficulty chopping wood in one fell swoop.
"Yeah," he shoved his hands in his pockets and slipped out of the place as quickly as possible.
Within a minute you could feel him perch next to you again, leaning his body on the railing and looking at you.
"That's all you found?" he asked with a frown and gesturing nimbly with his hand, a gesture that denoted nervousness. "I mean, there was nothing else."
"What do you mean?" you frowned as he did, looking completely puzzled, since you already knew what he meant.
"Well..." he scratched the back of his neck again, "Do you usually do this to me? I mean, have you ever gone inside my head before to see how I'm feeling or have you only done it this once? Is it usual?"
"Do you really think I want to know what you keep in your head Tony?" you asked holding back a laugh at his reaction.
"Okay," he gave a long nod biting the inside of his lip. "And there was nothing else you said?"
"Do you want me to try again? Maybe I can find something else," you offered humbly, knowing what he wanted.
"No, it's... all right," his words were accompanied with a step back, putting distance between you and him. "It's all right. I'm... going to go help Cap."
"Okay," you bit your lower lip as you watched him disappear behind you again. behind you again.
You watched as Tony walked over to Steve's pile of firewood and picked up an axe to imitate his movements. You remained in your position, keeping your gaze lost in that grove of trees that made you feel so calm, but it was very easy to catch Tony's gaze watching you from his position. He knew that you had felt it, because perhaps it was one of the emotions that was strongest inside him at that moment, but evidently you didn't want to expose it out loud, and let him know that you had discovered it. Yet there it was, and it was going to take you too long to forget that feeling, because it felt too good to let it go.
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Our Doll 3 // Peace of Our Time
B.Barnes x S.Rogers, B.Barnes x Stark!Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
Series Synopsis | After the events of the horrific past, y/n Stark, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have finally admitted their feelings for each other. But is life as an avenger whilst dating two super soldiers any easier than anything y/n’s experienced in the past?
sequel Series to Their Doll
Series Warnings | smut, violence, torture, swearing, threesomes, drug usage/substance abuse
Chapter Summary | that one party scene from ultron
Warnings | mentions of drug usage, alcohol consumption, swearing?, kissing I think
A/n | This is a sequel book/series to my fic Their Doll! This book loosely follows the mcu timeline, starting in CAWS in book one and starting just before AOU in this book. Bucky had been recovered and is safe, and Peter was taken under Tony's wing when he was much younger.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Taking a deep breath, I rolled the joint between my fingers, not really sure what I was doing. I sighed deeply, letting it tumble from my hand soundlessly into the small drawer next to my bed before shoving it shut, standing up as the wood thudded. I ran my hands through my hair, tugging at the strands as I let out a frustrated noise.
The stress, the nightmares, everything - it was becoming unbearable. Every time I let my eyes slip shut, The General's face clouded my mind, haunting the edges until I had no choice but to see it, see him.
My head snapped up at the sound of a soft knock against my door, my eyes drifting from the closed drawer and back to the door.
"Doll, can I come in?" It was Bucky, my shoulders tensing even more. He couldn't find out. Hesitantly, I called out for him to come back in. The handle turned slowly, tauntingly, the rough wood creaking open as the super soldier pushed his way in. "Hey." He smiled, striding over to me, hooking an arm around my shoulders and placing a chaste kiss to my temple.
"Hi. What's up?" I pondered, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head against Bucky's chest. He smiled into my hair, dropping another kiss there.
"Were going on a mission. Nat wanted to know if you were going." Bucky asked, cheek settles against the top of my head.
"Seeing as we don't even know of my powers still work, I'd say no. But you should feel free to go, I'd hate to stop you doing something you enjoyed." I smiled, turning my head to look up at him. Bucky smiled too, a sweet thing that tickled his eyes.
"I'm staying right here, doll. I think a mission might be too much for me to handle right now. Not to mention it's a HYDRA base they're taking down, memories are still to fresh." He smiled down at me, meeting my lips for a sweet kiss.
"There were more enhanced. Maria found them, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. We didn't see them coming." Steve rambled, letting his first connect with the door, the wood spluttering under his strength. "Shit." He mumbled, shaking his fist off and dropping his head forward.
Bucky stood up from where he sat on the bed, wrapping his arms around steve and resting his head against the Blonde's back. Steve tried shrugging him off, but the soldier wouldn't budge.
"Stevie, calm down. It's not your fault. You'd fill got what you needed." Bucky cooed, pressing a gentle kiss to Steve's neck.
"But what if it's not enough...what if the twins come back? I mean we didn't kill them, they're still out there." Steve muttered, but y/n could see from where she sat on the bed the way he relaxed into Bucky's embrace, shoulders slumping and jaw unclenching.
"We should get ready." Y/n mentioned, jumping up as the boys parted, all heading off to get ready for the party her dad was throwing in celebration.
Laughter chorused, glasses clinked against surfaces and mindless chatter created a soft hum that laid an undertone throughout the party. Upon arriving, I had clung to Bucky - who had equally clung to me - whilst Steve wandered off to mingle. If anything, it has benefitted me, as I got to find out why Bucky was such a ladies man in the 40s - and let me tell you, I never would've guessed that the Winter fucking Soldier, the man who taught me to throw a knife and never miss, who taught me how to dislocate someone in over 50 different ways, was one of the best dancers I'd ever meet.
A little applaud echoed from the bar as Bucky finished the song in a dip, letting his arms cradle me as he held me close to the floor. As we straightened, Bucky was drawn off by someone tugging at his arm - I think it was Rhodey? I, on the other hand, was dying for a drink and was already half way to the bar.
As I approached, standing before the smooth counter, a glass of whiskey was already placed before me, a smirking Nat stood looking at me.
"Hey, Nat." I smiled, picking up the cool glass and taking a sip. Her smirk turned softer and leant against the bar.
"Hey, y/n. How's Bucky doin'" she said, brows raised. My cheeks flushed pink, eyes downcast as I mumbled lowly,
"He's good. We're good." And with that I picked up my drink, downing the rest in one and setting the cup on the side, wiping over my mouth with the back of my hand. Nat winked at me, picking up the glass and moving to giving me a refill.
Upon placing the glass in front of me again, I lifted it up and swirled the golden liquid in the glass.
"Do you feel like spicing this thing up a bit?" Nat murmured, my head instantly shooting up.
"And what did you have in mind?" I shot back, and she curled a finger in gesture for me to lean closer.
"I have an idea." She smirked, eyes darting towards a gap in the stairs, a wickedly mischievous sparkle in her eye as we look at Thor between the space, his hammer obscuring our vision of him completely. When she turned back to me, we were both smirking, the glint in my eyes matching hers.
"Tell me everything."
As we approached, me and Nat took a seat on the sofas surrounding a coffee table that the other Avengers were sat around. Nat longed near Clint whilst I shuffled my way next to Bucky, who was next to Steve on the other side.
"Hey, doll." Bucky murmured, laying his arm over my shoulders and kissing my temple. Steve offered me a smile, but nothing further as the three of us hadn't told anyone about our relationship yet.
"Did you guys know that there's a knife," Thor paused for a second, leaning forward so his elbows rested on his knees, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to find his words, "there's this knife, and it gets so hot, that it can instantly turn bread to toast if you cut it?" He asked, hands gesturing wildly and laughing with revelation at the end of his sentence, leaning back into the cushions of the sofa.
Everyone eyes him warily, whilst Steve and me were holding back laughter and Nat was shaking her head.
"Oh wow," Bucky mumbled from beside me, breath tickling me ear, "imagine stabbing someone with that." Me and Steve instantly stopped laughing, both turning to look at the super soldier between up with wide eyes and exchanged worried glances. Nat burst into laughter, as did Clint as Bucky grinned and chuckled at his own joke.
"Well, Barnes, if it was that hot it would instantly cauterise the wound so it wouldn't actually be that effective..." Tony explained, plopping down into a seat the other side of the table. I held back a glare, as did Bucky. As much as my dad had pissed me off recently, I'd rather be civil with him than argue non-stop.
"It's effective if you want information." I smirked, my expression mirrored by Nat.
"Exactly what I was thinking, y/n." She smiled darkly and everyone began to chuckle.
"Guys I have a feeling we just broke Thor." Steve laughed, pointing towards the god of thunder who was looking very conflicted.
"But why would you stab someone when you could have toast?" He wondered aloud, sparking a new laughing fit from the group.
"How about we play a game?" Maria wandered from where she sat, bringing her beer to her lips and taking a sip.
"Oh, yes!" Nat exclaimed, sitting up, "how about truth or dare?" She asked almost giddily as I suppressed my smirk.
"Yes! I love that game." I chimed in, met my that hums of agreement form the rest of the group. "Bucky, you should start."
"Okay." He smiled, leaning back into the sofa more and looking around the group. "Thor. Truth or dare?"
"I'll go truth." Thor replied hesitantly - it was fairly obvious that he had never played the game before. I could only imagine what party games are like up on Asgard.
"Who is the most boring person here?"
"Definitely Clint." Thor said through a laugh, making Clint glare at him.
"How dare you. At least I use a bow, Nat sticks to a fucking gun!" Clint protested, drawing even more laughter from the rest of us.
"But Nat actually had a cool backstory." I defended, and Clint sent me a glare too. "There, your go."
"So I just, ask someone if they want a truth or dare?" He clarified and we all nodded. "Nat, truth or dare?" Nat was lounging again, beer in hand.
"Who is the strongest avenger?" Thor smirked, sipping from his drink.
"You or Bruce." Nat smiled, and Bruce returned the gesture - if not sheepishly. "Y/n, truth or dare?" I smirked, our plan was falling into play.
"Dare." I said lazily, examining my nails and humming quietly.
"I dare you to pick up Thor's hammer." Nat said, eyeing up the hammer as it sat on the table. I scoffed, playing along, and stood up. The others cheered around me as I walked over to it.
"Don't worry if it's too heavy, y/n. I know you're only young." Thor smirked.
"Don't be too hasty, Thor. That girl can throw a punch." Steve commented. I began to hum a little louder, wrapping my hands around the handle. I tugged, and when I heard the gasps I knew it was working. A smirk graced my lips, and Rhodey chocked on his beer, whilst Thor's face dropped.
"Wait, what?" He scoffed, frowning at me.
"Holy shit! I did it!" I exclaimed through laughter, but my laughter was nothing to do with the fact that I'd lifted it. I stopped humming, and frowns settled on everyone's faces as the image of my lifting the hammer above my head melted into one of my stood next to the table, hands gasping the handle but the hammer refusing to move.
"I- I don't understand.." Thor mumbled, and Steve's eyes grew wide whilst Bucky smirked, catching on.
"Oh, you little bitch." Clint whined, and Bucky joined Nat and me as we laughed.
"It's not my fault all you idiots forgot I can literally control minds." I scoffed, but burst into laughter again when I caught a glimpse of Nat clutching her side as she giggled from the corner of my eye. As we finally calmed down, we were wiping tears of laughter from our cheeks, trying to let everyone else play the game again.
The evening moved on, and more laughs were shared as everyone ended up having their go at picking up the hammer. Needless to say, not one succeeded except Thor - much to my dad's dismay.
"So Capsicle, how's Barnes in bed?" Tony threw out casually after a while, and I choked on my beer as we were given pontes looks. I was still smudged in between the two super soldier, one smirking and one with red-flushed cheeks.
"What?" Steve stammered, eyes trained down as Thro and Clint smirked.
"Oh come on, Cap. We all heard you." Nat chimed in, red lips curled into a devious smile.
"I would ask about the third part involved but I don't really need to hear how fast my daughter made you cum." Tony waved off, and my cheeks instantly flushed with heat as my skin got hot.
"Dad!" I exclaimed, almost back to our playful banter as if nothing had happened - maybe the alcohol had momentarily ruptured our hate.
"What?!" My dad shot back, arms out in question as I glared him down.
"We could all hear you." Rhodey confirmed, a slightly disgusted expression written over his scrunched-up face.
"What was it you said - oh I know," Nat began, but suddenly everyone clutched their ears as a piercing ring invaded the almost-empty tower. Then it stopped.
Tony pulled out his phone-like gadget that I'd never understood before checking it, but the clang of metal grabbed our attention. The staggering, almost drunken-like mesh of metal and wires stumbled in front of us, whirring echoing in a soft croon. It turned slowly, and Steve quickly raised to his feet, whilst Bucky possessively crossed his arm over me.
"You're all monsters. You talk about such petty things when you're all killers."
"Stark." Steve bit.
"Jarvis," Tony begun, but was met with no response.
"I'm sorry I was asleep," it's head was wandering, searching the tower as it looked from side to side, "or...I was a dream."
"Jarvis, reboot." Tony pulled out with phone again, tapping the screen, "must have a buggy suit," he mumbled to himself.
"There was a terrible noise...and I was tangled." The robot grunted, holding a arm which lacked a hand up in front of its face, "strings...had to kill the other guy." He explained, and nearly everyone was standing now, on edge. My hand reached up my skirt, fingers wrapping around the handle of one of the small blades I'd strapped to my thighs - as usual. "He was a good guy.."
"You killed someone?" Steve frowned.
"Wouldn't have been my first call," the robot defended, and I began to unsheathe the knife. "But down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices."
"Who sent you?" Thor spoke, somehow the epitome of calm. I gasped as my dad's voice played from the robot, his words echoing as I stated at the mangled, skull-like head of the robot.
I see a suit of amour around the world...
Something must've clicked for Bruce, because he instantly looked towards my dad and mumbled,
"In the flesh." It confirmed, "well, no. Not yet." People exchanged glances. "Not this Christmas, but I'm ready." It explained, looking at itself. I could see Maria take her gun off safety as she slowly stood and took it as a signal to bring the blade up in front of me. "I'm on mission."
"What mission?"
"Peace of our time." It declared, and before any of us could make a move sparks of flying gold-merged-yellow exploded from the walls behind the robot, blurts of sliver and red flashing across my vision as shards of glass were sent into the air.
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lucianalight · 3 years
The fifth episode of Wandavision showed once again that Loki has a heart and principles. Vision's friend says that what Wanda does to him hurts him! Loki's control didn't hurt. Besides, people could make decisions. Hawkaye didn't kill Fury. Selvig built a glitch into the machine.
YES!!! Thank you for sending this because I really needed to vent about this. It absolutely blows my mind how people easily sympathize with and even defend hero coded characters no matter how villainous their actions are. The double standards first and foremost come from the narrative itself. Like the scene in which Hayward was giving information about Wanda’s past, was played in a way to convey to the audience that he is an antagonist and can’t be trusted. Nothing, absolutely nothing he said was a lie.
“The twins were subsequently radicalized, volunteering at HYDRA.”
To which Woo answered “Oversimplification of events”!!! Oversimplification?!?! That was exactly what happened! Maybe at first they volunteered for SHIELD before HYDRA was exposed in CAWS. But by the time of events of AOU they knew they were working for HYDRA. And they wanted revenge. Hayward said nothing but the truth. Actually he summarized the events. Let’s not forget that Ultron was created because she messed with Tony’s mind, someone who has PTSD. She forced Avengers to live their worst fears. She unleashed HULK on a town full of innocent civilians. And after she realized Ultron’s plan was to destroy the whole planet, and only then, she let her murderous revenge plan go.
I was doubtful of Wanda doing the mind control  @silver-lioning , but now it is confirmed she’s doing it. She might not have complete control but she’s inside people’s heads. Her mind control hurts people and they’re terrified. Monica describes it as excruciating, terrifying violation. Compare it to Clint’s description of Loki’s mind control: “Have you ever had someone take your brain and play? Pull you out and send something else in? Do you know what it's like to be unmade?”. It was still a violation and we know how it affected Selvig too. but it didn’t hurt them. And we know from Loki’s reaction to its effects, that the mind control through the scepter could hurt people if he chose to. The way The Other hurt Loki through the hold and influence the scepter had on him. We also know that Loki is fully capable of hurting people through mind magic(using Valkyrie’s worst memory against her), but he didn’t do it. Despite being under the influence of mind stone. And as you mentioned people could still make some decisions coming from their real personality. Wanda has completely changed their personalities too.
Let’s not forget all of her decisions was made out of her own free will. She was never under duress or threat of torture. While in Avengers Loki’s mind was also under the influence of mind stone, and he was under duress and threat of torture.
On top of all that, Wanda is going against Vision’s will and wishes. Monica defense of her that she at least put up a quarantine was so lame. Like they should be thankful that she hold thousands of people hostage not millions or the whole world?!?!
It’s understandable that she went through so much grief and can not handle it. That doesn’t make any of her actions right and defensible though. Like we know that Loki had an understandable mental breakdown, that doesn’t make his attempted genocide defensible.
This is not an anti Wanda post. I’m just so frustrated by the hypocrisy of the narrative. If the actions Wanda did in Wandavision, was done by Loki, or by any villain coded character, it wouldn’t be treated sympathetic, not by the narrative and nor by the audience. But because she is hero coded, not only it is treated by sympathy, they’re trying to find excuses for her and for her past wrong doings.
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bardicious · 3 years
Scepter Mind Wammy Headcanon + Meta
I actually talked about this on another blog of mine, but I figured I was pretty angry in that post at fandom in general, lmao, so I'll reiterate in a more neutral tone.
From what we've seen, there are two types of influence/mind control Loki's scepter (the mind stone) utilizes in Avengers 2012 and Avengers: Age of Ultron.
1. Straight forward mind control, victims have blue eyes to signify they're being controlled and will operate as themselves, but simply as if they've changed allegiances. We see this with Selvig and Barton. Selvig who still showed his obvious interest in learning about the Tesseract and Barton who was still able to offer up his knowledge and information.
2. Influenced Behavior. This one is seen when the Avengers are arguing around the scepter. Making the Avengers more volatile and aggressive towards each other - mostly in speech.
I'll be talking about the second type of mind control for this post: Influenced Behavior.
I've already spoken a little bit about my theories on the mind stone, here, but the cliff notes are, the mind stone is it's own intelligent entity that manifests itself as Vision later on in the movies. Or rather a mix up Tony's ai and the entity that is the mind stone. The mind stone has it's own purposes and goals, and from an outsiders point of view it looks like just a tool, but it's been the core influence of the first act of the MCU. Leading us from Thanos to Loki to the Avengers to Ultron and finally Vision.
The mind stone's victims may include: Thanos, Loki, Avengers, Ultron, the Maximoff twins, and the Avengers once again.
I suspect the mind stone's influence grows with usage and proximity. The more you're around it, the more influence it will have on you, ie. Loki and the Avengers. The Avengers being influenced by the mind stone is easy to see, it's right there in the movie for us. We watch the mind stone glow as it encourages the Avengers to argue with each other. We even watch Thor's behavior change from "respecting" the Midgardians to calling them "petty and tiny" which contradicts many of his previous behaviors.
That's because the mind stone acts as an magnifier for all emotions and thoughts. People influenced by the mind stone will lose their restraint, where Thor wouldn't have called humans "petty and tiny" before, he does now because that thought is amplified, suddenly his issues with the Midgardians are put to the forefront. And that was only with a few minutes of being around the mind stone.
We see a similar situation with Tony and Bruce in Age of Ultron, often times Tony's prophetic visions of the future are either blamed upon Wanda's magical influence and cruelty or Tony's selfishness and desperate need to protect Earth even before it needs protecting.
I suspect that both Wanda/Pietro and Tony/Bruce and as a result Ultron were influenced by the mind stone to get exactly what it wanted. A body to be free and in control of. Not on a "mastermind" level, but on the Mind Stone's own need to survive. So yes Wanda attacked the Avengers, yes Tony created Ultron, but I suspect they were operating on highly influenced minds (Wanda more than Tony, however.)
As you can probably tell, this includes Loki as well, who not only was influenced by the mind stone but Thanos as well. Between being tortured, threatened, and brainwashed, Loki had to deal with the - probably constant - proximity of the Scepter. Perhaps he wasn't handed the Scepter until he went into battle - he was rather confused to see it upon arrival on Midgard, but you best believe Thanos used it on him, because why wouldn't he?
So we must amplify Loki's time and proximity with the mind stone, compare it to the Avengers and Wanda at the time of Ultron. We've seen our heroes do terrible things with immense consequences because of it and that was only for a fraction of Loki's time with the Scepter.
Loki, who's admitted to possibly making it easier for the Midgardians if he ruled (Loki tv series), who's been shown time and time again in Thor 1 and 2 that he protects people who even dislike him (see Jane and the Warriors 4), who was willing to protect Asgard no matter what (Thor 1, 2, 3). Who's shown only once to enjoy the maiming of a person (taking out that man's eye in Avengers 2012) and never again, in comparison to other gods...
So indeed, Loki was influenced by the mind stone, you can't identify it as such with the first type of mind control, the lack of icy blue eyes is practically a death sentence to Loki time and time again, simply because no one would believe him even if he did know he was being influenced. And we see this type of reasoning mirrored in and out of the films. Loki is treated like a criminal time and time again, but then we see the same with Wanda and Tony. Both being criminalized for not being "obvious victims".
Thanos, interestingly, is another victim. Not to the same extent as the others obviously, I theorize that for Thanos he was influenced in a completely different way from someone like Loki. Thanos, who has no qualms with murdering billions of people didn't need the mind stone to influence him to destruction.
And well, that isn't the mind stone's goal, after all, that was Thanos' goal. The mind stone only wanted a freedom of sorts, and being found my Thanos eventually leads it to just that. You see, Thanos has had years of murdering, exterminating people. A true genocidal maniac, through and through. His mistake was leading the Scepter to Earth. From Loki we're told the Scepter acts as a key of sorts, but I question why? Perhaps the infinity stones interact with each other, certainly they have to. But why not just send Loki to Midgard, grab the Tesseract, which we know Loki knew how to use, and take it back to Thanos with him, while Loki is still influenced and the Other's mind is still roaming in his head?
After all, Loki's conquest of Midgard would not have lasted, not likely so. Thanos might've killed him then and there, or rescinded his offer of a kingdom and killed everyone on Midgard while the All Father and Asgard were indisposed. It didn't make sense for Thanos to give Loki such a convoluted plan, or leave Loki to his own devices. Loki couldn't be trusted that way by him, who would trust a prisoner to do so much?
The answer, of course, is more simple than my speculation, these are just plot holes. The writers didn't think this all the way through, and of course, they didn't necessarily need to, we have our own imagination to back our perspectives up. But as a result, we are left to theorize and headcanon. And to me, it looks like the real winner of Avengers 1 and 2 was the mind stone.
The mind stone loses it's persuasive powers once it is in Vision, however, and that leads to its downfall.
...to summarize, poor poor writing makes for good good headcanons, y'all. 😎
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feeling-weirdy · 3 years
**my scarletvision master list**
A giant list of all the drabbles I have written in chronological order for anyone who would like to read from start to finish.  If people are interested in becoming notified whenever I post something, please follow my AO3. 
Please feel free to send in prompts for anything you would like to see added to this list. 
Age of Ultron to Civil War
A Thing Isn’t Beautiful Because... - prompt; “right before or after Vision saves Wanda”; Overwhelmed with emotions, Wanda is filled with grief by the loss of her brother.  Vision tries to help her figure out a way to deal with the loss.
Uncertain, yet Intentional - prompt; The moment before his ‘I did intend to come in here’ line in episode 8 of WV
Silent Tears - prompt; Wanda really lets herself cry for the first time since Pietro’s death and Vision does his best to comfort her.
Unpleasant Dreams - prompt; Wanda has a nightmare and Vision goes in to check on her to see if she’s alright.
Do Better - prompt;  Vision is unable to save everyone in a disaster which helps him learn a very hard lesson.
Never Again - prompt;  Wanda POV; Vision and Wanda watch sitcoms and Wanda gets distracted
Bugging Out - prompt; “Holy fucking guacamole!”; A routine update goes awry.
Vis, We Talked About This - prompt; “Viz, we talked about this”; Vision tries to distract Wanda without seeming too pushy.
Your Electrifying Touch - Wanda POV; Unable to keep her thoughts contained, Wanda slips up but has to find a way to keep herself back on track.
An Unexpected Surprise - prompt; Vision comes home from a tough mission to find Wanda curled up in his bed.
Practice Makes Perfect - prompt; Vision and Wanda practice in an attempt to help get Wanda’s powers under control.
Dancing Out of Tune - prompt; Vision walks in on Wanda listening to Pietro’s favorite genre and throws him off guard.
Striking Thirteen - prompt; a moment where feelings develop; Wanda can’t seem to fall asleep and looks to Vision for help.
Happy Birthday...? - prompt; Vision gets a present from Wanda for his first "birthday"
Neverending Flow - prompt; Wanda gets a nosebleed
While No One is Watching - prompt; The gang starts dancing, but disappears once uncomfortableness starts to set in once the android and witch start to get close to one another.
Heart Over Duty - prompt; What else makes Vision cry?
Overrated - prompt; “I always thought Mr Darcy was overrated”; Vision’s feelings can no longer be kept to himself.  A novel Wanda suggests causes him to blurt out his confession.
Freezing Circuits - prompt; “Vision tries ice cream” 
An Accidental Moment - prompt; pre CW; While watching television together, Wanda initiates the next step in their relationship.
Civil War to Infinity War
Safe and Sound - prompt; songfic for Safe and Sound; After the destruction in Lagos, Wanda breaks down, leaving Vision to console her the best that he can. 
Distraction - prompt; Wanda POV; Wanda is overwhelmed by the Accords and is desperate for something else to focus on.  Vision is happy to oblige.
A Step Too Far - prompt; Vision offers pizza and an explanation for his actions in trying to keep Wanda safe inside the compound.
After the Storm - prompt; Vision arrives to see Wanda for the first time after the aftermath. 
The Little Green Monster - prompt; Vision becomes jealous of someone flirting with Wanda.
A Spark of Light - prompt; “we could be like sparks of light”; Vision attempts to talk Wanda into extending their little walks to something more substantial.
Can I Change Your Mind? - Vision is unable to tell Wanda goodbye and tries to get her to stay with him.
Three’s a Crowd - prompt; “love triangle between Vis, Wanda and Clint” 
Chicken Soup for the Soul - prompt; Wanda gets sick and Vision helps take care of her
And Life Will Always Be... - Wanda POV; Excited to meet up with Vision again, Wanda enters the hotel room hoping to get a head start but finds her plans are pushed to an instant halt.
Between the Lines - prompt; “that was an innuendo, wasn’t it?”; Vision struggles to understand why Wanda is acting so strangely.
Look My Way - Wanda POV; Tired of spending the afternoon alone, Wanda takes things into her own hands.
Cappuccino or Latte - prompt; “what’s the actual difference between a cappuccino and a latte?”; Vision attempts to make coffee despite his disadvantages.
Short and Sweet - Vision can no longer keep himself back from kissing Wanda.
All to Myself - prompt; Vision jealous of Wanda and Cap America’s friendship; The distance they have created has finally brought Vision to a breaking point.
Getting Caught - prompt;  Wanda and Vision get caught coming home late
Not Ostentatious, but True - prompt; “my love isn’t ostentatious, but it doesn’t make it any less true”; Vision becomes jealous of how others profess their love and he does his best to explain himself.
Purrfectly Happy - prompt; The first time Vision ever sees a cat 
By the River - prompt; UK shenanigans; Vision uses an anniversary as an excuse to create a new memory with something they had never tried before.
That One Thing - prompt; Vision and Wanda discuss their future.
To Grow Old In, V - Vision worries about whether or not his next move is too grand, but is determined to move to the next step regardless.
One Last Moment - prompt; “one last moment”; Vision and Wanda talk about their options should Wakanda fail to disconnect the Mind Stone.
Wandavision sitcom AU
Love Me Tender - Vision tries to make a special night for Wanda, hoping to make up for the Mr. Hart fiasco.
Support - prompt; Vision offers his assistance as Wanda struggles with her pregnancy.
Cravings - prompt; Wanda’s weird pregnancy cravings; Vision struggles in the kitchen while trying to keep up with her cravings.
Perfectly Molded - Wanda POV; prompt; Vision wearing gray sweatpants.  That’s pretty much it.
Back to Bed - A pregnant Wanda is sick and Vision struggles to take care of her.
Prenatal Upset - prompt; A pregnant Wanda doesn’t feel sexy and Vision is more than happy to prove otherwise. 
Melting in the Rain - prompt;  Wanda goes into labor and is cool as a cucumber leaving Vision to panic alone.
Nerves of Steel - prompt; Vision gets so caught up in himself that he phases through a piece of furniture and doesn’t even notice 
Painting for Mom - prompt; sweet dad!Vision moment; The boys craft gifts for Mother’s Day.
Yellow Brick Road - prompt; Vision and Wanda help the boys go Trick-or-Treating
The End of the Road - prompt; part 2 to Yellow Brick Road
Movie Night: Titanic - prompt; the family watching Titanic
Peace and Quiet Shattered - prompt; The twins attempt to make a little robot and are having trouble until Vision steps in and fixes it with ease.
Halloween Spooks - prompt; Vision getting scared by Halloween animatronics
Unable to Compute - prompt; Tommy and Billy do something stupid and Vision has a hard time understanding why
post Wandavision
A World Without Color - A series of prompts following White!Vision as he learns more about who he was so that he can move forward.
post Infinity War AU
Make it Real -  A series of one-shots, and possible story, following the traumatic events of Infinity War in an alternate universe where Wanda and Vision are alive and traumatized.
Random AUs
Bidding for Attention -  Tony has a bachelor auction and Hope Van Dyne bids on Vision to upset her dad for fun and then Hope and Vision hit it off and keep hanging out which makes Wanda realize her feelings for him have changed.
Pt 1
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ellestra · 3 years
Just cause is not enough
The Madripoor at night was basically Ghost in the Shell/Blade Runner/every cyberpunk story from the last several decades back on screen. The colours, the clothes, even the rain. But I did get a kick of that lighted up face mask.
It’s pretty clear Sharon didn’t tell them the whole truth. Her finding them seemed to convenient. Her whole new life completely unlike the character we saw before.
And sure she didn’t get much character development. And it’s been years since her story was dropped. She wasn’t on the run with Steve and Sam and Natasha and Wanda. It looks like she was out of contact all that time. She could’ve changed. Maybe, she came she came to Madripoor long before she was Snapped and it changed her. And sure, when she came back and it turned out Steve was gone before she found her bearing so he couldn’t push for her rehabilitation as everyone who fought Thanos got it soured her even more. The one who believed so much in Captain America turned cynic about all what he represented. She almost like Zemo in her disdain.
But it doesn’t seem like she tried to contact anyone else really. I’m sure someone with her money and skills could’ve contacted her family. Add to that her complete turn and it all just felt wrong. I just couldn’t buy this is all Sharon is now - stolen art dealer who doesn’t care. And that last moment made me even more convinced me think she is working undercover there trying to find out who Power Broker is. Probably using Bucky and Sam and Zemo’s created carnage to flush him out.
As Karli says he has to react now that Flag Smashers have the only serum left.
It didn’t take long for the new Captain America to start representing all the wrong sides of American “help”. Walking justification of all the doubts everyone has voiced about  - especially one so nationalistically themed as this one. But he isn’t stupid. He knows Bucky and Sam freed Zemo. Well, Bucky did but Sam went with it.
And then Walker decides to go off book to get them. Like a “fuck you” to them for saying he can’t. But it hits so differently when he does it, doesn’t it? It hits differently when someone in power doesn’t follow the rules. When all the abuses of that power they do to get results can be just swiped under the rug.
I knew they would need to break Zemo out when his name was mentioned but I didn’t expect that Bucky came in knowing it too. And that he already put the plan in motion even before he set up the visit. But for all the jokes about Sam not knowing enough about how the Madripoor or the big time criminal underworld functions or even that Zemo was rich and a baron he wasn’t wrong about Wakandans not being happy about Zemo being free. Of course, Bucky was prepared for that too.
And I bet that it’s one of the reason’s Zemo didn’t ditch them - either after escape or later. Sure, they do have the same goal of finding out the super serum and stopping it but Bucky is also only one who can keep Dora Milaje at bay. Still, the other reason is probably planning to kill Bucky too. It’s his whole thing. How they didn’t see he would kill that scientist when they know this is the reason he came along is beyond me. I only wondered how he would do it.
At first I even suspected he was behind the one who shot Selby. And the show makes sure we don’t get to comfortable with him helping. There is certain tendency for people to overlook the bad parts for cool villains that are being useful. The whole Loki-like arc that glosses over the victims and the dead (so for Loki it added mind control too for justification but we all know most viewers didn’t even think of that when they forgave him). For Zemo shows keeps throwing his privilege in our faces, it has him constantly torture James with his past as Winter Soldier and it reminds us of all he did - like killing king T’Chaka.
And yet even the bad guys’ grievances can be real. They can be a real issues that one has right to be angry about. The Avengers are responsible for destruction of Sokovia. And not just the whole Ultron thing. The changing borders from that GRC adds apparently include Sokovia being partitioned and disappearing from map. As person whose country went through that I can feel his anger - that feeling of injustice, of being wronged, of feeling like you lost everything  - and it’s made even worse that the people seem to neither care or notice.
It’s why he is being listed as one of the few villains MCU got right. His motives were clear and understandable. It was his methods that made him a villain. And we are seeing this repeated in Karli.
That shiny add of bright future of post-Blip utopia by GRC followed by the dark reality of the raid was so heavy handed as it was effective. It’s hard not to feel for the Flag Smasher cause when you see the raids GRC sponsors when someone opposes them. With their own branded police. With their unused stores of food and medicine when people died from lack of resources in refugee camps.
It’s not only the returned who have no place any more. Many of those who lived were kicked out of their houses when the people who used to own them came back. Hulk bringing back half of the world’s people made them loose everything. And no one seemed to cared. And there wasn’t much they could do about it. Until they got some super powers of their own.
But like with Zemo the moment Karli went from well intentioned extremist and folk hero to the villain of this story was the methods. When you lose so much and “them” seem to neither notice or care the need to make them suffer as much as you do to understand can lead to dark places. For Karli it was moving from stealing to murder. The hope for her not going bad blew up with that building and people in it.
And this is why Sam needs to be Captain America. Yes, we see all the ways such symbols can go wrong in Walker and all the mistakes that Avengers (especially Tony made) and all that Sharon mentions. But symbols do matter even if what they represent is flawed. They matter because they can represent a better version of that thing. They can remind us to try to achieve that better version.
And people who represent those symbols matter. Especially when you can feel they can understand that hopeless feeling of being wronged and ignored. They can show you someone gets it and will stand up for you. Someone who can show you the way to the goal and never tire of fighting for it all the while being able to avoid the temptation, we all get, of just going for revenge of it. Steve was great at personifying that but he was the WWII era personification. I like how the show is trying to show Sam he can be that for the modern MCU. And maybe for us too. At least a little.
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titaniasfics · 3 years
Wanda x Vision
“You make the hurt go away”
I’m dumping so hard for them rn
Oooh, anon, I’m dumping so hard for them, too!
I’m putting this ask together with another anon’s ask. I’ll link their ask to this drabble:
Jealous Vision, but make him clueless that he's jealous. Bonus if one or all of the Avengers notice.
Hope you enjoy it!
You Make The Hurt Go Away
Takes place between Age of Ultron and Civil War
“May I borrow Ms. Maximoff for a moment?” Lieutenant Colonel Donovan, a newly assigned S.H.I.E.L.D. agent stationed at the compound, asks as he offers Wanda his hand. The disco mashup that had been pounding through the banquet hall shifts, turning into a ballad that Vision finds more pleasing. Tony’s fundraising galas always have the desired effect of ingratiating the Avengers to key government and military brass in the hopes of maintaining a certain image of competence and approachability. It helps when the inevitable takes place and they find themselves in a messy fight.
“I cannot presume to speak for Ms. Maximoff,” Vision answers Donovan. “Perhaps you should ask her directly.” Wanda makes a pretense of coughing to cover a laugh, something he has seen her do many times. It means he has done something to humor her and he derives a jolt of pleasure at making her laugh.
“Oh, erm, sorry. Ms. Maximoff, I was hoping to introduce you to members of my tactical unit. They are very enthusiastic about meeting you.
“I don’t see anything wrong with that.” She empties her flute of champagne and hands it to Vision. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”
“Naturally,” he says, setting the flute down on an empty table as she drifts away. Donovan leads her to the group of young men, all in uniform, all clearly eager to meet Wanda. Vision cannot hear their conversation but it is clear that Donovan is making introductions.
“That guy has had his eye on Wanda since day one,” Sam says, holding his own champagne flute. “
“Has he?” Vision asks.
“Yeah. He’s a real lady killer, that one. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was trying to make his move on Wanda. She outdid herself with that dress tonight.”
“I believe we can partly thank Natasha for the success of Wanda’s outfit. It certainly required most of the afternoon to achieve the final result.”
“Success is a good way to describe it,” Sam responded between chuckles. Wanda was drawing more than a few glances with her aesthetically alluring, red off-the-shoulder evening gown that slinks over her figure, a revealing slit reaching up to her mid-thigh. Vision had been so impressed by her ensemble when she first revealed it at the compound that he had experienced a flash of physical discomfort that exploded along his neurons and landed at the base of his spine, wreaking havoc on his…male extremities. He had these reactions often when it came to Wanda lately and no amount of diagnostics or self-assessments had been able to detect the anomaly to explain the cause of his reactions.  
What if she was having the same effect on those young men?
His chest tightened and he put his hand over it, willing it to relax. “I am sure it is nothing more than fascination—“
He observes the tableau with this new information in place. Donovan’s hand, which is on Wanda’s elbow, slips to the small of her back, bringing him into closer proximity to her. The tightening in Vision’s chest becomes a surge of heat that races across his skin, landing on the tips of his fingers which twitch with an inexplicable urge to claw at something.
“Excuse me,” Vision says.
Sam smiles, pointing at the group. “That’s right. You better go get your girl.”
Vision almost argues that Wanda is most definitely not his girl, or anyone else’s, for that matter. She is her own woman and this insistence by humans to behave possessively toward each other is a never-ending source of confusion, but when Donovan’s snakes an arm around Wanda’s waist and, what’s more, she takes a small step as to evade the incursion, all logic disappears and Vision loses the thread of his thoughts.
“Right,” Vision steps through the small groups of people that converge on his path, as if placed there on purpose to create obstacles as he attempts to reach Wanda. When he arrives, Wanda looks up at him in surprise.
“Vision,” she says and he hears the relief in her voice. She takes another step away from Donovan, forcing him to drop his arm altogether.
“Wanda, I believe you promised me a dance?”
Her smile splits her face. “I believe I did.” She glances back at the men she’d been talking to, tossing an “Enjoy the rest of your night” over her shoulder as she walks away.
She tugs at Vision’s arm and he is prepared to stop somewhere in the middle of the dance floor, but she keeps them moving until they leave the hall and end up in an outside terrace, the music and lights spilling out into the dimly lit night.
“Thank you for that,” Wanda says, smoothing her hands over her dress. “That was creepy but I didn’t want to make a scene.”
“Sam mentioned Donovan might be interested in you. I would not have interfered but I sensed you were not comfortable with his attentions.”
Wanda’s face reflects confusion. “So if I had been interested in Donovan, you wouldn’t have stepped in?”
“No,” Vision answers. “You are free to choose the person you wish to spend time with.”
“But is that the only reason you interfered?” she prods.
Vision frowns. “I respect your right as an individual.”
Wanda steps up to Vision and, without warning, envelopes him in a hug. She has hugged him before, but it has always been for comfort or sympathy, nothing more. But this? The sensation of her body against his, her arms looped around his neck – it’s like nothing he’s ever experienced before.
“You’re not answering the question,” she whispers, her warm breath caressing his cheek. “Tell me your truth, and I’ll tell you mine.”
Vision pulls back, looking at Wanda’s perfectly made-up face her professionally-styled hair, and sees beneath the artifice the woman he calls his friend because he does not know what else he is allowed to call her.
“No, it is not the only reason I interfered.” He feels exposed, like the tiny creatures that he has observed lying exposed to the sun along the sands on the beach.
“My turn, then,” she says, drawing up close to him. “There is only one person I am interested in and he is not out there, trying to add another notch to his belt. He is here, with me.” Vision shakes his head, a question poised on his tongue. “Before you ask, he’s you. I’m only interested in you.”
“Wanda,” he permits himself to caress her face, cradling her incredible softness in his palm. “You can have anyone you like. Someone like you. Flesh and blood, with real feelings, real humanity—“
“Don’t do that,” she says and her eyes flash as they do when her temper rises. “We are not arguing your humanity again.”
“But it bears repeating because there is so much you cannot have because of the way I am made—“
“And yet it’s everything I want.” Wanda steps closer, which he cannot imagine how much closer she can possibly get, but he is willing to let her try. “You’re my friend, you listen to me, you know what I’m thinking, what I’m feeling with just a look,” she is caressing his cheek in turn and Vision imagines he could sustain an entire existence from that sensation alone. “You make me laugh and you make all the hurt go away.”
“Accept this. I know you feel something for me, too.”
“I do,” he whispers. “I feel so much for you.”
“Then just try. Please? All I’m asking is that you try.”
“Ok, I'll try.” Vision nods, threading his fingers through her long, lustrous hair. “Is this the part where I get to kiss you?”
Wanda bursts into a long peal of laughter, the sound more harmonious and lovely than the music from the party. “Yes, Vision, this is the part where we get to kiss.”
“Oh, good.” He lowers his head, his lips brushing hers. He has watched enough sitcoms to understand the basic mechanics but there was nothing implied that compares to this. Her soft, warm lips molding themselves to his, the tip of her tongue tracing the seam of his mouth, sending shivers of electricity throughout his body. She’s leading him, teaching him what she likes and he is desperate to learn, returning each caress, each swipe, each moan measure for measure until her mouth gives way and he can taste her beneath the champagne and lipstick.
When they come apart, Wanda is breathless, her lipstick smudged, her eyes as bright as the fairy lights that decorate the garden. “Wow. Just wow.”
He blinks quickly, pulling her to him again. “I could not agree more.”
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