#that and the stuff I promised I'd pay back from earlier/help pay for at the store tomorrow
neganium · 1 year
The crushing dilemma of needing to do one thing, but also really really wanting to do another, bc it might be advantageous to me; but also not really having the time to do either of these things bc I'm dallying on which one I should prioritize. hh.
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camsthisky · 2 years
I am so excited for this! From the loyal/protective prompt list, I'd love "get your hands off my __brother__". Up to you which one :)
“I said no!”
A scoff from behind Dick. “And I said, yes, you imbecile.”
There’s a sound of inarticulate frustration, also from behind him. Dick waits two beats, three. A fourth. And then–
“Fine,” Tim mutters. “Fine, but I’m not paying for any of it.”
Dick can practically hear the triumphant smirk on Damian’s face, and as entertaining as the argument between his two brothers has been, Dick is also still trying to teach Damian that he can’t demand things, so–
“Tim isn’t going to set up your studio for you,” Dick says, turning away from the selection of tablets to face the two. He turns just in time to see Tim’s eyebrows go up in surprise and Damian’s sink down as he scowls. Dick raises one of his own eyebrows in challenge as he stares Damian down. “At least, not until you ask him politely.”
Damian’s scowl deepens, but he doesn’t immediately snap in anger, and Dick bites back a smile when Damian thinks it over a moment before sighing.
“Would you help me set up my art studio, Timothy?” Damian murmurs, not quite looking at Tim.
Dick takes it as a win. It’s progress. A thousand and twelve steps further than a few years ago when Damian’s pride was keeping him from any sort of kindness or politeness at all. And he’d even used Tim’s first name.
Now if only Dick could get Damian to treat the staff at Gotham Academy with the same sort of politeness. It’d probably mean a lot less frustrated calls from Bruce asking Dick to pick Damian up from school when he or Alfred are busy. And considering Dick gets a call at least once or twice a month, Dick thinks Damian’s probably been wreaking havoc on the place.
In front of Damian, Tim’s eyebrows have basically flown off his forehead. He opens and closes his mouth with wide eyes for a few moments, before he says, “Uh. Yeah. Sure. No problem.”
Damian nods, spinning on his heel and stalking towards a fancy drawing tablet that’s at least fifteen feet away from the awkward turn the conversation has taken.
Tim stares after Damian before turning towards Dick. “We’re not in a simulation, right?”
Dick snorts, curling an arm around Tim and bringing him to Dick’s side. “Nope. Damian’s been trying harder, lately.”
“Wow,” says Tim. “Yeah. He called me by my first name.”
Dick shrugs. “He calls me by my first name.”
Tim pulls a face and mutters, “Yeah, but he likes you. You and Cassandra are the only ones he ever calls by their first names. The rest of us are distanced to surname only.”
“He’s not as bad as you guys make him out to be,” Dick says quietly, smile falling to something more melancholy. “He’s just got a lot of the al Ghul brainwashing still in his head, and it takes time to unlearn that sort of stuff.”
Tim sighs. “I guess.”
“Well,” Dick says, pushing Tim towards Damian, “why don’t you see if you can help Damian pick out the best tablet for what he needs before we head over to the monitors. I’ll go grab the USB hub we were looking at earlier and meet you back here in a minute.”
“Dick,” Tim whines. “Seriously?”
Snickering, Dick shoos Tim towards where Damian had disappeared to. “Go bond with your little brother.”
Tim rolls his eyes. “Fine.”
Dick is still laughing to himself under his breath when he reaches the aisle he needs. Tim and Damian are both such teenagers that Dick sometimes can’t help but mess with them.
“Hi. Can you help me?”
Dick looks up from his perusing, meeting the dark-eyed gaze of a woman he has never seen before. He’d noticed she was there, of course. Bruce would have thrown him into training a hundred times over again if he’d let someone sneak up on him in an electronics store. He just hadn’t thought that she was going to start talking to him.
Still, Dick takes barely a second to recover from his surprise and throws her a small smile as he grabs the correct USB hub. “Hello. I know I look like I know what I’m doing, but I can promise you that I don’t work here.”
“No, I know,” the woman says. She tucks a lock of brunette hair behind her ear. “It’s just, you’re Richard Grayson, right?”
Dick is too good a performer to let his smile slip even an inch, but he instantly puts up his guard. He says, “Guilty as charged.”
The woman smiles, almost looking relieved. She reaches over to touch his shoulder, and Dick tries his best not to stiffen. He’s not sure he succeeds on that front.
Luckily for him–
“Get your hands off my brother, you vile wench!”
Well, Dick isn’t going to try to stop a train that’s already been derailed. Best to leave it and go over the social niceties with Damian later.
The woman’s eyebrows scrunch up in disdain as she turns her head to the beginning of the aisle. “Excuse me?!”
Dick coughs lightly, stepping back and away from the woman just as Tim and Damian both approach. Damian slides in between Dick and the woman, and Tim stays at Dick’s side. Damian looks furious, but Tim just looks sort of concerned.
“I said unhand him,” Damian sneers. “Or are you too incompetent to–”
“Damian,” Dick says, cutting off his little brother’s rant before he can really get going. He can still mitigate some of the damage, even if the train itself is a lost cause. “She’s not even touching me anymore. It’s fine.”
Damian’s green gaze whirls to meet Dick’s bright blue head on. There’s a fury there that Dick doesn’t quite understand. Luckily, after only a few seconds of silent cues, Damian backs off with a scoff.
Tim, on the other hand, completely ignores the woman. “Hey, Dick. We found the tablet that Damian needs. We came to get you so we can grab the monitors and go.”
Dick blinks. “Okay?”
“I…have to go,” the woman says, eyes darting between the three brothers. And before Dick can say anything else, the woman is gone.
Befuddled, Dick looks at his two brothers. “What the heck was that?”
“She’s been watching you from the moment we walked into the store,” Damian huffs, looking slightly more settled now that it’s just the three of them again. “And when Timothy informed me that you’d gone off by yourself, I staged a rescue before she could ensnare you in whatever nefarious plans she had for you.”
“I think she was just trying to hit on me, Dami,” Dick confesses.
“Probably,” Tim says mildly. “Still weird and better safe than sorry, right?”
Damian nods. “Timothy is correct.”
Dick sighs in exasperation. “Right. Sure, okay. If deflecting any sort of romance with strangers is what gets you two to agree, then by all means, continue to sabotage my dating life.”
“You didn’t even want to go out with her,” Tim snorts. “It was written all over your face.”
“Not the point.”
Tim rolls his eyes and starts walking towards the back of the store. “Whatever. Let’s just go get the monitors for the gremlin.”
“I am not a gremlin, Drake!”
Dick grins and shakes his head. Teenagers.
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askoverlordvox · 8 days
Rue poofs in front of you in a cloud of green smoke. “Screen man! I humbly request thy assistance in setting up a ‘credit card.’ This realm doth make the process most perplexing!” She hands you her phone, which is opened to a scammy website offering free gift cards. The phone is hot to the touch, no doubt infected with several viruses.
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... Okay. I'll admit. This is on me.
Vox puts a yellow quarantine label on the phone and sets it aside, producing a new one from his coat pocket and tapping the screen.
Luckily, the Sinfire comes with automatic back-up, so I can easily restore the device without all the malicious software that... got introduced.
Now, Rue, I suppose I should've given you some of the previous editions of our guidebook to Hell and beyond; most mortal souls entering Hell nowadays at least know how a lot of this stuff works. Again, I should've seen this coming, so I apologize.
But it's nothing we can't fix! So, here's some tips: first, you know how deals work, right? Something of value in exchange for something else? Hell works on that principle, too; if something's asking you for personal information, it's because they're trying to get something from you. Unless they clearly state why they need it and what it will be used for, don't give them anything. Second, credit cards are a good way to get into debt. They're basically you promising to pay someone else back, but not saying how much you'll be paying back. You'll for sure have to pay back at least what you owed initially; sometimes, you may pay back twice what you owed! They can be very tricky. Third, ask someone on my payroll if you have questions. We have help desk personnel and, as long as you don't threaten them, they're rather pleasant people.
Vox reaches into his vest pocket and pulled out a shiny, metallic blue card.
So, to help you understand how the currency of Hell works, I'm going to help you out a bit. This card is like a credit card but it's called a debit card. A credit card spends money you don't actually have; a debit card spends money you do have. Click this little button here on your phone and you can see your balance. Don't spend more than you have in the account and it replenishes every six days. Now, going back to earlier, I'm giving you something of value, so what am I getting in return? Frankly, we thought the latest security update on the Sinfire was foolproof and you somehow broke the damn thing in under 24 hours. I'm impressed! If you ever feel like taking a swing at working a job, I'd love to see what else you could do for the Q&A department. Secondly, this is a debit card, not credit, so you won't be able to go into debt; it will decline- and, therefore, stop your purchase- if you try to spend more money than you have. Third, if you need more money or are confused about how it all works, just ask.
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sugarwyns · 11 months
Just a fun idea
   If Nova was a romanceable npc in mtas then what dialogues would she have ( like one for each relationship level (Acquaintance, Buddy, Good Friend, romance), you can skip levels or add more lines if you want )
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Hiya! I haven't seen you around yet, so I'm assuming you're new - I'm Nova, one of your fellow builders! Come find me if you need a buddy to go ruin diving with.
My birthday's on Summer 15. When I lived in Seesai, I spent every single birthday at the beach. I can't really do that anymore here, so my new thing is just sitting by the oasis.
If you ever need to get ahold of me, ask Kor or Daphne where I am, they'll probably know! Oh, wait, but...what if you don't know where they are...hmm. I'll get back to you on that!
Kor told me you're from Highwind! That's cool, I've always wanted to visit. You think I'd be...blown away?...Sorry, that was bad. Ignore that!
Uh oh! I forgot my pass to the salvage yard expires today...you think Rocky will let me extend it for, like, a discount...?
Moving to Sandrock gave me a bit of culture shock. I do miss Seesai a lot, but I really think I'm better off here than I was there.
There you are! Daphne stopped by earlier to give me a few melons from the Moisture Farm...care to share some with me?
I love collecting minerals and whatnot from the desert, but I am so intimidated by the Boxing Jacks there. Every time I see them coming from the corner of my eye, I can't help but yell!
Good Friend:
My brother lives in Walnut Groove. He's a real successful Builder there. To be honest, I don't care for building that much, but...it's a stable job, at least. Don't know if I'll live up to the expectations he's set, though.
I used to be the apprentice of a well-known Builder in Seesai. She was really kind to me, even when I made mistakes all day. I was so sad when my apprenticeship ended! In fact, she made me my bandana and pickhammer as a parting gift. I try to write to her every few weeks.
I have a really small collection of Old World stories and movies. It gets boring watching and reading the same things over and over again, though, so I hope I'll find more stuff in Sandrock to mix up the collection!
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Confession Accepted:
Oh? I can't believe it, you beat me to it! Of course I accept.
Confession Rejected:
I'm...really flattered, I promise, but...I'm so sorry, I just don't think we're at that level with each other...
General Lines:
I made you this bracelet the other day. You don't have to wear it, if it's not your style! Buuut...I do have a matching one, sooo...
I've wanted to visit Seesai for a while, but I was always too nervous to go through with it. I think if you're by my side, though, I'll be able to manage.
Hey! What are you doing today? You wanna go eat at the saloon? I'll pay, don't worry!
Honey?...mmm, no. Sweetie? Hmm...Oh! Sorry! Just trying out nicknames for you...baby?
When I first got here, I felt like I had something to prove. I don't even know who I was trying to prove something to! But now that you're here, I feel like the last of that pressure came off of my shoulders.
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Day of the Bright Sun:
• I put in a few accessories I made over the last couple of weeks. I hope whichever person ends up with them likes them!
Showdown at High Noon:
Wow, the atmosphere is amazing! Everyone is so amped up for this. I didn't participate in anything like this back in Seesai, so I can't wait to see who comes out on top!
Day of Memories:
This festival has different ways of being celebrated in other cities, but they all have one thing in common - they're all so beautiful.
Tour de Rock:
I'm so bad at sandrunning. Maybe I'll just...watch and cheer everyone on!
Running of the Yakmel:
Can I tell you a little secret? I'm kind of scared of Yakmel! They're cute, but they're huge! I try to avoid the ones around the outskirts of town when I can.
Winter Solstice:
I've been looking forward to eating some skewers all day! What better way to kick off the start of a new year?
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elephant-bones-comics · 8 months
Theory of Relativity- Issue #2
I've been getting more attention than I expected these past few months, thus I thought I'd go back to posting what I have written for this series. Again, if this is a series you want to see more of, or if you're an artist looking for a paying gig, send me a message. Thanks again to anyone who has reached out!
Page 1
Panel 1
Establishing shot of a college dormitory, with several students wearing backpacks or carrying books passing by in the foreground, clustered into groups of two or more, talking and laughing.
Yellow Caption Box: Two years earlier…
Panel 2
Sonny is awkwardly staggering down a long hallway carrying a bulky cardboard box slightly larger than his torso, his face bearing a frustrated look. On either side, doors to the other dorms are opened and easily spaced out.
Sonny: …Oof… just couldn’t have asked Dad for help… had to prove what a manly man I am…
Panel 3
Camera switches to a side shot emphasizing a door to Room 623. Sonny has lifted his leg slightly to balance the box on his knee while his arm closest to the door reaches for the door.
Sonny: Well, at least I can finally put this down…
Panel 4
 Close-up of the door knob as Sonny turns it.
Sound Effects around doorknob: *click click*
Sonny: And it’s locked…
Panel 5
Close-up of Sonny’s face as he dejectedly sighs, resting his chin on the massive cardboard box he’s holding.
Sonny: Great…
Page 2
Panel 1
Interior shot of the apartment focused squarely on the door.
Sound effects from behind door: *Rumble Rumble* *Clomp*
Sonny: Now where’s that… ah, here it is!
Panel 2
Sonny is walking his way through the entry hall of the dorm, box still dominating his frame. His glasses are a bit askew from juggling the box and his keys, but his expression is a bit more relaxed.
Sonny: This box should be the worst of it. I’ll just grab the rest of my stuff, and I’ll still have a few minutes before…
Voice from off panel: Hey…
Panel 3
Close-up of Sonny’s surprised expression as he gazes off to the side.
Panel 4
Sonny peers into the bedroom to find Isaac sitting at the desk of his table-bunkbed hybrid, turned facing the door and peering upwards from the book he has spread in his lap. On the other side is a normal bed that would belong to Sonny and around him are a few other boxes, one torn open to reveal a few other books. Isaac’s hair is shorter than it was in the first issue to denote that he is younger.
Isaac: You need help with that?
Panel 5
Sonny stands in the doorway taken slightly aback, but in the foreground of the shot, Isaac rises from his seat to begin approaching him.
Sonny: Yeah, thanks. Just be careful, it’s a bit…
Page 3
Panel 1
A simple profile shot of Isaac taking the box from Sonny unflinchingly, an apathetic expression across his face as he barely bothers to make eye contact. Sonny now stands with his arms down to his side, still off guard from his new roommate’s off-putting behavior.
Sonny: …heavy. Uh, thanks…
Isaac: No problem.
Panel 2
Isaac carries the box to the other corner of the room, but in contrast to Sonny, he maintains perfect, almost robotic posture (the implication that he’s using his powers to make the box lighter), his expression still fairly blank. Sonny hangs in the background, with a slight smile starting on his face as he tries to make a good impression with the young man.
Sonny: So I guess we’re going to be roommates.
Isaac: Yeah, well, don’t worry, I promise you won’t even know I’m here most of the time.
Sonny: No, that’s not what I meant… uh, I don’t think I got your name. I’m Sonny Miller.
Panel 3
Isaac is back in his seat and picks up his book to where he left off, again barely noticing Sonny who lingers in the back corner of the panel, still giving him a wary glance.
Isaac: Isaac… Rozanski.
Sonny: Oh, well, Isaac…
Panel 4
Close-up of the book Isaac is reading, which reads “Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction”.
Sonny (from off panel): So, you’re a physics major.
Panel 5
Sonny is now hovering a foot from Isaac’s shoulder, bearing an inviting smile in an effort to make a good impression with the standoffish young man. Isaac, though, still has his face buried in his book.
Isaac: Yeah, thought I’d go over the book again before class starts Monday.
Sonny: Again? You mean you’ve read the whole thing?
Isaac: Nothing else to do since I got moved in.
Page 4
Panel 1
Camera focuses on Isaac’s side of the dorm, which is completely blank and empty aside from his bed, a table with a basic laptop and a few boxes with generic labels like “CLOTHES” and “BOOKS”. Isaac is still seen in the bottom corner reading.
Sonny (from off panel): Right…
Panel 2
Back to Sonny talking to Isaac.
Sonny: Well, I only have a few more boxes to bring up today. After that, my folks and I were going to grab lunch at the Panda Cuisine on campus. You could come along if you want…
Isaac: I’ll pass. Wouldn’t want to intrude.
Sonny: Hey it wouldn’t be intruding… and honestly, I could use the buffer…
Panel 3
Sonny backs out of the room to the door while still calling out to Isaac, who, you guessed it, is still reading.
Sonny: Well, I still have some boxes to bring up. You still have time if you change your mind. Oh and, thanks for the help.
Panel 4
Isaac looks up from his book to give Sonny an apathetic gaze.
Isaac: Yeah, sure, bye.
Panel 5
Sonny stands outside of the dorm closing the door behind him, but still looking over his shoulder thoughtfully.
Sonny: Hmm, guy probably just has freshman jitters, or maybe he’s just a bit rattled being away from home for the first time. Probably just needs a little while to get out of his shell.
Page 5
Panel 1
A look back at Isaac’s half of the bedroom, only now Isaac isn’t sitting there. Aside from that, the room looks almost as barren as it did the day he moved in, save some cheap college dorm furniture.
Voice from off-screen: He couldn’t be… all this time?
Panel 2
A reverse angle shot showing Sonny sitting hunched over in a swivel chair in his half of the bedroom, melancholy and in deep thought with his chin resting in one hand. Contrast to Isaac’s side, Sonny’s walls are adorned with a bulletin board with ticket stubs and photos with non-descript friends over his table, and a poster parodying “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure”
Sonny: Still, it would explain a lot…
Panel 3
Isaac is seen in his bedroom once again pouring over one of his textbooks in his bedroom, his hair still cut short as it was in the flashback. In the background, Sonny leans in through the doorway with an encouraging smile.
Sonny: Hey, a bunch of the guys from class are getting together in town. Wanna come?
Isaac: No thanks.
Panel 4
A shot of the living area, with Isaac in the background hurriedly rushing towards the door out with a bag slung over his shoulder. Isaac’s hair is slightly longer in these panels to denote the passage of time. In the front room, Sonny can be seen sitting at a table with a microwave pizza in front of him, looking out to Isaac.
Sonny: You’re leaving?
Isaac: Have some last minute stuff to do at the library.
Sonny: It’s 7:00, there probably locked up by now.
Isaac: Not if you know the right people.
Panel 5
In the bedroom, Sonny is pulling his arm through a jacket as he calls out to Isaac, who is sitting in the foreground of the panel idling scrolling through a smartphone. His hair is now at its modern length and he has his eyes slanted mysteriously.
Sonny: Come on Isaac, we worked our asses off during finals, we deserve a little fun before we move home for the summer.
Isaac: Can’t come out tonight, other plans.
Sonny: What, just sitting around watching bad Youtube videos?
Isaac: Only til something else comes up.
Page 6
Panel 1
Sonny stepping out of the bedroom door, looking out towards the living area with a sense of trepidation.
Sonny: Well, no point putting this off any longer.
Panel 2
Shot of the kitchen area and Isaac sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal with his typical thousand yard stare.
Sonny (off-panel): I need to talk to him about this
Panel 3
Sonny sits down in the chair across from Isaac, whose hunched over frame blocks a good chunk of the foreground of the shot. Sonny has a casual, but serious look on his face.
Isaac: So, you’re finally up.
Sonny: Yeah, and honestly I think you might have had a point about leaving early.
Isaac: Really?
Panel 4
Same shot composition as the last panel, only now Sonny is settled in his seat and has a sarcastic expression as he stares off into space and lists off reasons on his free hand.
Sonny: Well, let’s see: Joey ralphed all over my shoes, the DJ played nothing but bro-metal and, oh yeah, the entire place burned down!
Panel 5
Reverse angle shot of Isaac looking up from his bowl with a tired look on his face, eyes slightly focused as that last detail seemed to tick up his attention only in the slightest.
Isaac: Oh?
Page 7
Panel 1
Side shot of the breakfast table. Sonny has his arms held out in exasperation with Isaac’s nonchalant attitude, which the other young man still maintains.
Sonny: “Oh”? Your roommate nearly got killed last night and that’s all you have to say?
Isaac: Well, you’re obviously okay, and I doubt you’d joke about it if anyone died.
Panel 2
Camera is positioned over Isaacs shoulder, focusing on Sonny, who has his eyebrows arched in skeptically.
Sonny: Point taken, but seriously, this really is news to you? I sent you a voicemail to let you know I was okay afterwards.
Isaac: I went to bed right when I got back to the dorm last night, must have just missed it.
Panel 3
Sonny has his elbows on the table and rests his head in his hands, a more collected expression on his face compared to the previous panel as he tries a calm approach to confronting Isaac.
Sonny: Look, Isaac. You can drop the coy act. I know it was you last night.
Panel 4
Isaac looks up from the cereal bowl he is currently hunched over, a bit of milk spilling from his mouth as he responds.
Isaac: Meaning…
Panel 5
The left half of the panel Sonny is back to an exasperated expression, hands waving by the sides of his head with a desperate look on his face. On the right, there’s an imaginary dramatization of Aether fighting the fire demon in the blazing library from last night: Aether lunges towards him with an uncharacteristic heroic bluster, winding up for a punch, while the demon bears his claws intimidatingly.
Sonny: You’re Aether! The guy in the purple outfit who saved me and the other girl from that fire demon!
Isaac (from off panel, bubble laid over the imagine spot): Okay, I think “I met a superhero last night” should have been your lead-off. And you think I’m him?
Page 8
Panel 1
Profile view of the breakfast table. Sonny is now standing up, leaning his ribcage over the table, pointing at Isaac matter of factly. Isaac merely stirs his cereal while gazing sleepily at it.
Sonny: Oh, come on! The guy showed up just a few minutes after the fire started to spread, meaning he was close enough to see it break out. And who just happened to sulk his way out of the party just 10 minutes earlier? Plus, he had your mannerisms, your posture, he even sounded just like you.
Panel 2
Close-up of Isaac, eyes looking off to the side to convey both exhaustion with Sonny’s accusations, and a bit of trepidation that Sonny’s on to him.
Isaac: So he slouched and wasn’t prone to small talk. Could have been any other college-aged kid.
Panel 3
Camera is back on Sonny as he cocks his head and looks off to the side thoughtfully.
Isaac (from off panel): Isn’t that a little more likely than me having superpowers and you not noticing for two years?
Sonny: I guess you have a point… I mean maybe I’m just rattled still from last night and I’m trying to make sense of…
Panel 4
Sonny makes a grand sweeping gesture with his arm knocking Isaac’s bowl of cereal off to table, with a confident smile on his face. The image should be drawn with all the grandiose of a comic book fight scene, with special attention to the musculature of Sonny’s arm, a whooshing streak depicting the movement of said arm, and the milk in the bowl violently lashing out as it spills off the side of the table.
Panel 5
Worm’s eye view shot from the perspective of the now upside down bowl of cereal on the floor. In contrast to the previous panel, Isaac and Sonny are drawn with minimal detail as they look down upon it, Isaac with his usual disinterest and Sonny seeming a bit sheepish as what he has done sinks in.
Panel 6
Same perspective as the last panel, only now Isaac has turned his head to speak to Sonny, who responds with a nervous smile.
Isaac: Did you really think I’d expose my secret identity over a bowl of cereal?
Sonny: Yeah… didn’t think that through…
Page 9
Panel 1
Isaac walks away from the table towards the sink in the back of the dorm, towards the screen, holding the cereal bowl in his hand. In the background, Sonny is still sitting at the kitchen table, staring down at the puddle of milk with a worrisome expression.
Isaac: Now, my first class starts in about an hour, and they last until 2:30. Guess I’ll see you when I get off.
Sonny: Yeah, I guess I should get dressed.
Panel 2
Sonny walks towards the screen back towards the bedroom, still looking a bit dejected, while in the background we see Isaac looking over his shoulder at him as he rinses off his bowl with the slightest bit of a concerned look on his face.
Sonny: Anyway, sorry about the mix up.
Panel 3
A young man and young woman walk down a path closely hugging the side of the building, dotted with the doors to lecture halls and corresponding plaques. The guy has a smarmy, but friendly look on his face while the girl rolls her eyes in playful exasperation.
Guy: So, what do you think of campus life so far?
Girl: Well, it’s certainly a lot different from my old community college, I’ll give you that.
Guy: Yeah, well, I bet they didn’t have nearly as good food. We can head to the food court if you want to get a bite to eat.
Girl: OK, this I’m definitely familiar with.
Panel 4
Camera now faces the pair at an angle so that the hall takes up the background. The guy has a defensive air about him, while the girl seems taken with something further down their path.
Guy: Hey, I’m serious! I just got out of a three hour lecture, and I could really go for a bite!
Girl: Dude, watch where you’re going…
Panel 5
We look down there path and see Isaac camped out next to the door to a lecture hall, sitting cross legged with one book to his side, another in his lap and a notebook sitting in that one which he is currently scribbling in, seemingly unaware of anything else. His backpack is also leaning against the wall and off to the side we can see other students standing on the green in front of the building, talking and conversing.
Girl (from off-panel): Roadblock.
Page 10
Panel 1
Isaac’s hunched over frame dominates the panel while off to the side we see the guy and girl looking down at him with a perplexed look.
Girl: Is something wrong?
Isaac: Just getting a start on my assignment for General Relativity if you must know.
Panel 2
This shot is from the back of the pair, angled downward on Isaac, and thus we have a better view of all the papers he has scribbled on and continues to do so with his pencil. Unsurprisingly, he looks down away from the two strangers.
Guy: You know, the library isn’t that far from here. They have a computer lab there and… well, tables…
Isaac: Yeah, I know, but I have my next lecture here at 12:30.
Guy: It’s 11:30…
Girl: Plus, you’re wasting your time.
Panel 3
Isaac angles an eye upwards to the girl suspiciously. She holds up a finger matter of factly while her companion looks a bit put-off by Isaac’s behavior.
Girl: You’re talking about Professor Nazir for Nuclear Physics, right? Well, I’m in his 9:00 am class. He cancelled all of his classes for the day for personal reasons, plus the fire last night. Didn’t you get his e-mail?
Panel 4
Isaac, still sitting cross legged amongst his books, has withdrawn a phone from his pocket and is looking at it intently while another hand begins to scoop up his scattered books.
Isaac: Seems so, guess it’s silly to be sitting out here with all my books then.
Panel 5
Isaac is seen from behind brushing past the guy and the girl, both giving each other a side glance spurred by Isaac’s erratic behavior. Isaac’s backpack, stuffed to the bursting point, is resting at his side and his posture suggests he is getting ready to swing it over onto his back.
Panel 6
Isaac has stopped in his tracks thoughtfully, while in the background the couple from the previous page can be seen walking off on their way. He now holds his backpack close to his chest.
Isaac: I told Sonny earlier that I’d have lectures until this afternoon, lectures that he doesn’t know have been canceled…
Page 11
Panel 1
Over the shoulder view of Isaac unzipping the front compartment of his backpack and unveiling a crumpled wad of purple and yellow material. Despite the significance of this reveal, his expression is just as blank as ever.
Isaac: Maybe I could get some work in…
Panel 2
Shot of a city skyline, most importantly is a skyscraper off to one side.
Dialogue Bubble from skyscraper: Help!!!
Panel 3
Downward shot of a middle aged man in a jumpsuit with his arm wrapped around the a handrail of a window washing scaffold, which is dangling from only one cable as the other had unexpectedly snapped. Despite his position, he still clings onto his squeegee in one hand.
Window Washer: Okay… Okay… Don’t panic, someone on the ground is eventually going to see you… Just keep calm and don’t look…
Panel 4
Upward shot of the man as his squeegee falls out of his hand and he watches it drop with a terrified look upon his face.
Panel 5
Look down the length of the building. The edge of the building looks somewhat curved and distorted to instill a sense of vertigo as the squeegee continues to fall.
Window Washer from offscreen: DOWN!!!
Page 12
Panel 1
The window washer is paralyzed in fear, still gazing down with a few beads of sweat forming on his balding forehead. Just outside of the field of his vision and on the corner or the screen, the silhouette of a human form can be made out.
Window Washer: Oh God, oh God, oh God! This is it, this is it! What am I going to do?
Voice from off screen: Just let go.
Window Washer: What do you mean let…
Panel 2
Close-up of the window washer’s face looking off to the side, now a look of confusion mixed in with the blind panic.
Window Washer: Uh…
Panel 3
The window washer is still hanging from the scaffold in the foreground of the shot, still with an expression of mortal terror. Now, he is gazing at Aether, who is nonchalantly hanging in mid-air, slouching if that is possible.
Aether: Relax, I can control your fall. Just let go of the scaffold, and I’ll make sure you get down okay.
Window Washer: Y-Y-You want me to just… fall?
Aether: Yup, easy as that.
Window Washer: Just… fall… from thirty stories up? Onto the sidewalk…
Panel 4
Close-up of the Window Washer as his arm unfurls from around the handrail and he slips off panel, an understandable look of terror on his face as he uselessly screams and flails in an attempt to grab it again.
Window Washer: Ah!
Panel 5
The Window Washer’s is now suspended in air just below the scaffold, as noted by the ruffles in his jumpsuit fluttering. He still looks around himself in a panic, with Aether off to the side, still looking bored.
Aether: See? I cut your gravity. Now you’ll slowly drift down to ground level in a controlled descent. Should take about… 5 minutes.
Window Washer: 5 minutes… falling for 5 minutes!
Panel 6
Aether looks over to the side with an exasperated curl to his mouth, muttering to himself.
Aether: You aren’t gonna make this easy aren’t you.
Page 13
Panel 1 
The window washer’s body slams against a flat, vertical surface, the resulting comic book impact effect obscuring exactly what he hit. His eyes flash open and he shouts, facing away from the surface.
Window Washer: Ah! I… I’m alive, but…
Panel 2
The window washer, still prone, gazes at the surface he had fallen through with a serene fascination, which is a translucent window gazing into a board room in the middle of a demonstration, complete with meaningless graphs and charts being explained by a chairman by a council of board executives.
Chairman: …sales from the second quarter continued to rise, again thanks to the Garvas Corporation’s restructuring leaving a vacuum, but should not be relied upon for future market expansion…
Window Washer: I fell… against the wall… but…
Panel 3
Aether, now standing on the building’s surface with a matter of fact look to his face, looms over the window washer as he still has a dumbfounded expression on his face. His palms and fingertips are discolored to indicate they are pressing against the clear glass
Aether: Well, you didn’t want to take the long way down, so I found another way. 
Panel 4
The window washer is slowly rising to his feet, legs staggered and arms spread wide to maintain balance, just to be safe. Aether, in contrast, stands tall with his arms folded, implying this is standard procedure to him. To the left side of the panel (further up the length of the building) the bottom of the suspended, damaged scaffold can be seen, seemingly suspended parallel and three feet off the “ground” from our current perspective as it is still under normal gravity.
Aether: I increased the building’s gravitational pull on you so you’d be attracted to it rather than plummet to the street below. Now we just have to walk to the roof.
Window Washer: Well, when you put it that way… I guess I can manage that.
Aether (smaller font to suggest he’s talking under his breath): …finally (Normal size font) well, let’s get going then.
Panel 5
The Window Washer is still hunched over and is cautiously reaching towards the crossbars of the scaffold outlined in the last panel.
Window Washer: Yeah, just let me get a handle on this, to help me keep balance.
Aether (off panel): If you must…
Panel 6
The window washer and Aether are shot from the waist up at an upward angle to help create a sense of vertigo. The two have worked their way up the building a considerable amount and the window washer is now gripping the suspension cable to his lift, holding onto it hand over hand like a stereotypical mountain climber. He looks over his shoulder and gives Aether a shakey, but warm smile, trying to keep up his spirits. The hero trods along slightly beside him, arms hanging at his sides, looking slightly irked by the attempt at small talk.
Window Washer: Heh, this is kind of like the old “Batman” show. 
Aether: Huh…
Window Washer: You know, when they’d walk up the side of the building. Come on, Adam West? Burt Ward? Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na…
Aether: why do they always talk?
Window Washer: Heh, let me guess, you’re a Nolan fan. Look, I was just trying to make conversation…
Page 14
Panel 1
Camera pans back to show the window washer standing at the corner of the wall and the roof, his foot about to step off the edge where the pulley mechanism to the scaffold is firmly attached. He is taken aback by almost stepping off the edge.
Window Washer: Whoa!
Aether: Looks like we reached our stop.
Panel 2
Front view of the window washer, who appears tense but is visibly trying to work through it and Aether standing behind his shoulder. The former can’t see it, but Aether has his forehead in his hand and is rubbing his temples in exasperation. 
Aether: Well, just step over the edge. *sigh* Look, you’re still anchored to the building’s gravitational field, you won’t fall if you go over. You’ll just step back onto the roof like normal.
Panel 3
Upward tilted angle of the window washer’s face, nervously taking a deep breath.
Window Washer: Just… yeah sure.
Panel 4
Shot of the window washer’s foot slowly stepping over the edge of the building.
Window Washer: Just step over the edge…
Panel 5
On the roof of the building, a series of afterimages shows the window washer stumbling upward from the edge of the wall. At the corner, he’s looks as though he’s going to trip over and fall flat on his face, appropriately yelping in panic, but in the next image, he stumbles forward, putting his right foot forward and holds his hands out to the side to gain balance. In the third image, he’s standing upright with a confused expression, still holding his arms out. The mechanism that controls the window washer’s scaffold is also seen in the background.
First image: Ahh!
Second image: Wuh…
Third: Hugh!
Panel 6
The window washer looks side to side with an optimistic smile on his face, the happiest we’ve seen him so far. In the background, we see Aether about to come over the edge of the building with a casual, comfortable stride appropriate as he has more experience moving under lateral gravity. His right arm hangs down stiffly as though dragging a heavy load (the remaining scaffold, though the reader does not see this yet) as he steps over the machine control the platform.
Window Washer: You did it! You really did it! Aw man, I thought I was done for back there.
Aether: Yeah, sure, just stay right there.
Page 15
Panel 1
Downward-angled shot as Aether carelessly slams the remains of the window washing platform onto the roof of the building, the window washer hopping to the side away from it with a shocked expression, arms scrunched into his body. Aether is still standing on the edge of the building, arm still at the end of the arc from when he set the platform down, hand still grasping the thick steel cable.
Sound Effects: Crash!!
Panel 2
The now grounding scaffold takes up most of the panel on the left while our two human characters stand off to the right hand side. The Window Washer has relaxed his stance and is now facing Aether with a more aggressive look on his face. Aether has stepped down from the ledge, still holding the cable off of the ground and inspecting it rather than confront the civilian.
Window Washer: Jesus, dude! You saved me from falling to my death just to give me a heart attack?
Aether: Couldn’t have just left this thing hanging from the building. The other cable could have given out and it could have caused more damage if it fell.
Window Washer: And you couldn’t have given me a heads up?
Panel 3
View shifts slightly to emphasize Aether and the Window Washer. Aether is beginning to walk away from the scene while the Window Washer, positioned in the foreground looks on with his mouth hanging open, a combination of bewilderment from everything that has happened this afternoon and being a bit taken aback from the hero’s callousness.
Aether: You would have been fine. I made it as light as cardboard before I flung it over the side, it wouldn’t have hurt you.
Window Washer: Lighter… ah, nevermind.
Panel 4
Front on view of Aether as he approaches the ledge of the building. He barely turns his head to the side as the Window Washer is still seen in the background along with the collapsed scaffold.
Window Washer: Anyway, thanks for…
Panel 5
Shot of the ledge of the building at an angle, Aether’s scarf trailing downward.
Window Washer (from off panel): …the help.
Narration box in the bottom right corner of the screen: It was nothing short of a miracle…
Page 16
Panel 1
Downward, angled view of a street intersection, as being viewed from a security/traffic camera. A little girl is floating in mid-air above a car that has crossed into the crosswalk, a stuffed animal dangling limply from one arm. Her mother and brother are standing near the corner looking on, the mother with a mortified look on her face.
News Anchor: 6 year-old Emmy Leigh was nearly struck by an oncoming motorist, her mother only able to look on in fear until she suddenly shot up into the air, out of harm’s way…
Panel 2
Same angle as the last shot, though now Aether is seen limply holding the girl by her free hand as they both descend onto the hood of the car. The mother steps towards them, with a more relieved expression.
News Anchor: …and into the arms of a guardian angel. 
Panel 3
The panel is shot at an angle and the outline of two fingers can be seen at the bottom of the frame to imply that this was shot on a pedestrian’s cell phone. The image itself show’s Aether confronting a white male in clunky, military grade body armor. The man in armor off-balance, right arm now hangs limply down his side after Aether made the assault rifle he was wielding in it suddenly heavy, and his mouth is wide open in shock as the hero winds up a punch.
Assailant: You cannot regulate (in over the top comic book word art) THE MILITIA!!! I have God-given rights!!!
Panel 4
A blatant parody of Alex Jones’ “Info Wars”: a middle aged, barrel-chested man sitting off-center at a news desk in the middle of an apoplectic rant, swinging his paper wildly in the air with one hand, while on the opposite side of the screen, a graphic depicts the name of the program, “WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!”. Also, the show is depicted as a video being played horizontally on a smart phone screen, cluing in the audience that the last few panels were all internet videos being viewed in quick succession.
Host: This costumed vigilante, in spite of what the LIBERAL ELITES may imply, is NOT your hero! 
Panel 5
Sonny is across campus watching the smart phone video from the last panel, with a collection of books under his other arm and a pair of earbuds in his ears. His expression appears uncertain, with the implication that he’s been thinking about Aether all day and hasn’t been able to shake it off. Behind him, Davis approaches with a broad smile on his face and waving an arm to get Sonny’s attention, walking past a group of other college students casually chatting.
Phone: He is a plant sent by GLOBALISTS to infiltrate our GREAT NATION to pacify its people, and make him dependent on him so that the DEEP STATE can pledge our country to the UNITED NATIONS!
Davis: Yo, Sonny!
Page 17
Panel 1
Davis has his arm wrapped affectionately around Sonny’s shoulder, his smile now showing a bit of genuine concern. Sonny gasps in shock, his hand holding the phone jarred slightly and desperately trying to keep a grip.
Sonny: Aye!
Davis: Dude, I’ve been trying to get in contact with you since last night, didn’t you see my texts? Hell, if half the student body didn’t see you take off last night, I’d thought you were barbeque!
Panel 2
Similar composition to the last panel, only now Sonny has recovered from the shock of Davis’ hug and Davis now casually eying his friend’s phone.
Sonny: Yeah, well, sorry. I guess I do owe you an apology, it’s just I’ve been kind of distracted today.
Davis: Eh, it’s alright…
Panel 3
Shot of Sonny’s phone, which had reached the end of its current video and is now displaying a “Recommended for You” screen featuring a few more thumbnails depicting found footage videos of Aether.
Davis (from offscreen): …you did have a pretty rough night.
Panel 4
Shot of Davis and Sonny, Davis still looking at were Sonny’s phone was with a quizzical look while Sonny places the device back in his pocket with his eyes rolling off to the side dismissively.
Sonny: I’m fine. You know, I don’t have another class for a few hours, and I need to switch out my books. How about you come by dorm for a while?
Panel 5
Sonny and Davis are walking shoulder to shoulder to the right hand side of the screen. In the foreground, another group of college students can be seen casually chatting (I feel that having them not be the main focus of the panel helps convey a passage of time).
Sonny: So, speaking of last night…
Davis: I haven’t in like 5 minutes.
Sonny: Okay, still, after you left the party to go after Isaac, did you ever catch up with him?
Panel 6
Sonny and Davis are now seen from the front, Davis with his hands casually folded behind his head, looking off to the side in recollection while Sonny gazes on, waiting for his response.
Davis: No, I headed off back towards the dorms for a while, but when the fire broke out everyone rushed back to the library. Did… Isaac not come home last night?
Page 18
Panel 1
Sonny is now raising his hands defensively while Davis turns to him for an answer, looking on with a snarky grin.
Sonny: No! God, no! Isaac’s just fine. It’s just… well, this morning he seemed a bit dodgy and I was wondering if you noticed anything… weird about him last night.
Davis: More so than usual?
Panel 2
Sonny’s head is cocked back listlessly; Davis’ expression tightening up to convey that he is taking him more seriously than before. The background has also changed, and the two are now standing in front of their dorm building.
Sonny: Honestly, yeah. I mean… I don’t want to milk it, but I did almost die last night, and he just shrugged it off. I’m used to him being standoffish, but this… it’s like he couldn’t even be bothered to care.
Panel 3
Davis puts a hand on Sonny’s shoulder, again sporting a warm, friendly smile, though Sonny still looks off to the side, as though muttering under his breath.
Davis: Hey, you said it yourself not to let his moodiness get under your skin. The guy probably has his own way of processing stuff like this, so just let Isaac be Isaac.
Sonny: Or any other secret identities…
Davis: Wuh?
Sonny: Oh, nothing! But yeah, you’re probably right.
Panel 4
The two young men are now passing through the doorway to the lobby of the dormitory. Sonny looks a little less rattled, but now it’s Davis who appears conflicted about something.
Davis: So… look, I didn’t want to bring it up earlier, thought it seemed a bit tacky… but, what was it like last night… you know, meeting Aether.
Panel 5
Close-up of Sonny’s face as he looks back towards Davis. The left half of the screen depicts a recreation of the scene at the end of the last issue where Aether callously asks for his cape back after the he and Geena landed to safety.
Sonny: Aether? He… just sort of did his thing and left. He, seemed like he wasn’t in the mood to chat.
Page 19
Panel 1
Shot of Sonny and Davis walking down the hall.
Davis: Yeah, sorry, it’s just, come on, we have a freakin’ superhero in our home town, isn’t that something that should get you amped?
Sonny: Not sure nearly getting burned to death is something to get “amped” over…
Panel 2
Davis looks off to the side a bit sheepishly, realizing how insensitive he may have sounded. Sonny looks on from over his shoulder.
Davis: Okay, could have worded that better, but I’ve always been a bit of a nerd when it comes to these things: comics, movies, anime…
Sonny: Really, never could have told. You only seem to be watching “MHA” on your laptop every other day.
Panel 3
Perspective switches to a close-up of Davis as he looks off to the side contemplatively, his face a mixture of seriousness and wonder.
Sonny: Haha, but seriously, I remember when all these stories about Aether first started up a few years ago; a few posts on Reddit, thinking it was all some sort of elaborate creepy pasta, and then the videos came… and it was like being a kid all over again.
Panel 4
Perspective switches back to a profile shot of Sonny and Davis standing in the hallway: Sonny standing against the side of the hallway looking off to the side while Davis has the same look he did in the last panel.
Sonny: Yeah, scared to death of whatever monsters might be out there!
Page 20 
Panel 1
Sonny’s profile makes up the left border of the panel as Davis reaches out to his shoulder with his left shoulder, giving him an optimistic, reassuring smile.
Davis: Look, think of it this way. Last night, someone was watching out for you, and actually cared about you enough that they’d risk their life to save you.
Panel 2
Close-up of Sonny giving a gentle smile as he thinks over what Davis just said, applying it to Isaac and thinking that maybe he does care about him despite his hard demeanor. His hand reaches up to gently wrap around Davis’ wrist, his hand still on the man’s shoulder.
Sonny: Yeah, when you put it that way…
Panel 3
Beat panel showing Sonny and Davis with standing in the hallway, Sonny back against the wall looking at Davis’ hand on his shoulder as it dawns on him how compromising the position looks. Davis has the same revelation.
Panel 4
Sonny casually lifts Davis’ hand off his shoulder and pushes it back towards the other man with a bit of a chuckle, while Davis gives a more full-hearted laugh about the scenario.
Sonny: Uh, here’s your hand back.
Davis: Thanks, heh, thought I left it somewhere’round here!
Page 21
Panel 1
Sonny and Davis finally arrive at Room 623, the door labeled as standing in the background as the two men approach from the right.
Davis: You know, for as long as I’ve been going to school here, I don’t think I’ve ever been to your dorm.
Sonny: Well, these things aren’t exactly made for entertaining guests, but Isaac never comes back here between lectures, so I figured we’d have some room to ourselves.
Panel 2
Shot of Sonny and Davis entering the dorm, carmera positioned looking down the hallway so that we do not see through the open door.
Davis: Really, the two of you really do have the classic sitcom roommate relationship, don’t you?
Sonny: No, honestly, I rarely hear a peep out of the guy for the most part.
Panel 3
Shot from within the dorm facing the door out as Sonny and Davis enter. Davis has fully entered the room and looks out upon the room (which the reader cannot see) with a shocked expression. Sonny is still standing in the doorway closing the door behind him, his eyes closed as he laughs at a funny thought.
Sonny: Hell, last night I actually convinced myself the guy might be…
Davis: Uh, Sonny…
Page 22
Panel 1
Full shot of the living area of the dorm seen during the breakfast scene at the beginning of the book, only now the place has been completely ransacked. Every cupboard has had its doors flung open and had its contents spilled onto the counter top, the couch and entertainment system have been pulled from the walls (the couches pillows have been also ripped off), and the dining table has also been knocked upside down.
Sonny (off-panel): Oh dear God…
Page 23
Panel 1
Sonny and Davis are now standing a few steps into the dorm looking over the living area and the scene of the crime. It should be noted that the door to Sonny and Isaac’s bedroom is closed
Sonny: It’s like they went through everything!
Davis: I know it’s weird.
Sonny: Weird?
Davis: Well, if this was just a robbery, why would they go through kitchen cupboards and couch cushions? It’s like they were looking for something hidden in here…
Panel 2
Camera view switches so that we are looking at Sonny and Davis from the entry way into the living area, Davis still contemplating while Sonny is more panicked.
Sonny: Look, I don’t have time to play Batman, I need to check my bedroom, they probably got my laptop and everything else was just a bonus.
Panel 3
Same layout as the last panel, only Sonny and Davis are looking slack-jawed at something on the other side of the camera.
(from off-screen): I’m afraid that won’t be necessary, gentlemen.
Page 24
Full panel shot of our intruder: a black man in a heavy, layered black leather duster, wide brimmed hat and rigid, black-tinted sunglasses holding a tattered leather book under one arm, the same book used by the demon in the first issue. He has just stepped out of the doorway to Sonny and Isaac’s bedroom and carries himself with a professional, calm demeanor.
Intruder: I have what I need, and shall be going my way. If you care about your safety, you will not follow.
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helloalycia · 3 years
teenage dirtbag [five] // wanda maximoff
summary: spending the afternoon with the Maximoff twins proved to be interesting... and prom night finally arrives!
warning/s: none.
author's note: here’s the final part to this mini series! i’m so glad you all enjoyed it and i appreciate every note i get, thank you 😊♥️ i’ve still got other wanda stuff in the works that will be posted soon, so stay tuned!
part one | part two | part three | part four | lil bonus bit for after p5 |masterlist | wattpad
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After a few tries and encouragement from Pietro, I managed to win the black cat plush toy for Wanda. It was strange, her brother wanting me to make a move on her, but I guess it reassured me a bit to know he thought I was actually good enough for her.
The two of us headed to the diner next door to find Y/BF/N and the other Maximoff twin, myself hiding the plush toy behind my back.
"Finally, you two took forever!" Y/BF/N exclaimed when he saw us approaching their table.
"Y/N here is one stubborn girl with that machine," Pietro explained with a smile as we took our seats. His eyes fell to the drink in front of him. "Oh, you ordered!"
"Just the drinks," Y/BF/N said, before looking to me as I slid in beside him in the booth. "I got you a Cherry Coke. Your favourite."
I smiled gratefully. "Thanks."
"So, what d'you win?" he asked, quirking a brow.
Feeling the heat rising up my neck, I looked to Wanda who was sat opposite Y/BF/N. She was leaning on her hand as she stared at me with a kind smile on her lips.
"You said you wanted the black cat," I said nervously, before holding it out to her. "Here."
Taken aback, she raised her eyebrows but accepted the gift. "Aww, Y/N... you didn't have to!"
I shrugged, smiling awkwardly.
She grinned, studying the toy before looking up at me with sparkling hazel eyes. "I love it. Thank you."
Nodding, I glanced at Pietro who was grinning with pride before me. I could feel Y/BF/N staring at me and when I looked his way, he was smirking and wiggling his eyebrows knowingly. Rolling my eyes, I focused my attention on the menu to distract myself.
"So... what shall we order?" I asked, hoping to change the subject.
After relaying our order to the waitress, Pietro was the first to speak up.
"Okay, I have to ask," he began, leaning forward slightly as he looked between Y/BF/N and I. "Are you guys dating?"
I almost choked on my drink as I looked over my glass to see him grinning cheekily. He knew full well that Y/BF/N and I were only friends, so what was he playing at?
"Definitely not," Y/BF/N answered with a chuckle. Y/N here is practically my sister."
"Exactly," I added, giving Pietro a look that basically said I'm going to murder you. "He's been my best friend since we were kids."
"So there's never been feelings there?" Pietro continued to question curiously, leaning back in his seat.
Wanda slapped his arm gently. "Leave them alone, Piet."
"Never," Y/BF/N answered for us both. "Like I said, she's my annoying little sister."
I quirked a brow and looked to him. "Little? I think I'd be the older sister in this fake sibling relationship,"
"But I'm a month older than you," he stated like that was explanation enough.
"But you act like a child," I retorted. "I'd be the older one."
He rolled his eyes, though a smile was playing on his lips. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."
I rolled my eyes, too, before looking back to the twins. Wanda was smiling as she sipped her drink and Pietro had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked to me. What the hell was he thinking?
"So you're not interested in Y/BF/N," he thought aloud. "And you definitely weren't interested in me..."
"You made a move on Y/N?" Wanda asked suddenly, looking to her brother with knitted brows.
I breathed out through my nose, eyes falling to the table with embarrassment.
"Yeah, but she made it clear she didn't like me," Pietro said with a shrug, before looking to me again. "So who do you like then? Or is their a girlfriend we don't know about?"
Looking up, I saw three sets of eyes on me and I suddenly felt nervous. Y/BF/N and Pietro were watching with amusement dancing in their eyes as Wanda chewed her lip curiously, awaiting an answer.
"You know there's nobody, Pietro," I said through a forced smile as I looked to him.
His cheeky smile was still present as he said. "Really? I thought you mentioned someone back then. Whilst we were playing in the arcade."
Oh, boy, was he going to die.
"You misunderstood," I played along, before kicking him in the shin to shut him the hell up.
Of course, it was just my luck that the leg in front of me was actually Wanda's. She squeaked an 'ow' as she bent down to rub her leg.
"What was that?" she asked with confusion.
Pietro must have pitied me, having put me on the spot enough in the past two minutes, as he looked to his sister with an apologetic smile. "My bad, Wands. My foot just twitched."
I breathed out with relief as Pietro looked to me, trying not to laugh. He was lucky we were with company otherwise I would have killed him there and then.
I wasn't expecting to be hanging out with the Maximoff twins on a Saturday afternoon, but by the time dinner came to an end, I realised how much I enjoyed the day. And I think I could say the same for Y/BF/N, too.
The rest of our meal was pretty uneventful after Pietro's initial teasing, to my relief, and Pietro eventually quit it with the overt hints towards his sister. The last thing I wanted was for Wanda to feel uncomfortable, so I was glad he eventually cut it out.
At the end of the meal, Pietro and Y/BF/N offered to split the bill between them – something about chivalry not being dead, I don't know, all I knew was Wanda and I were getting a free meal so why complain? – and headed to the till to pay, leaving Wanda and I alone.
She was hugging her new black cat plushie on her lap adorably, making me smile.
"Aren't black cats supposed to be bad luck or something?" I asked, earning her attention.
She put her arm on the back of her seat, leaning her head on her hand as she gave me her full attention. "I didn't peg you for the suspicious type," she taunted.
I smiled. "I never said I believed it. Just what I've heard."
She chuckled, licking her lips. "Fair point... I don't believe it either. I just love black cats. They're so cute and get way too much stick for merely existing."
It was my turn to laugh. She had such a unique way of thinking that I couldn't help but be attracted to. Something as simple as the way she was smiling at me right now warmed my heart.
"How is your hand by the way?" she suddenly asked, eyes looking down to it.
I squeezed it into a fist and released. The purple bruising along my knuckles had turned yellow-green which meant it was getting better, but it did still hurt a little. Nonetheless, I didn't want to make Wanda feel bad, so I gave her a reassuring smile.
"It's okay," I said, making her look up at me with concerned eyes. "I mean, it hurts a little, but it's getting better."
She pursed her lips, nodding. "Nate really did deserve what you did. Bet it felt good."
I raised my eyebrows with surprise, certainly not expecting that. "I guess it did a little, but..."
"It's okay, I'm not biased," she promised with a slight smile. "We broke up, remember?"
I relaxed before mirroring her expression. "Then yeah, it felt pretty great. Karma for hitting me with that stupid football."
She chuckled, leaning back into her seat and clutching her cat. "Karma, indeed." There was a pause, before she grew excited. "So prom is coming up. How are we feeling?"
I groaned playfully. "We're feeling exhausted already. I'm not a huge prom fan."
She gasped. "Seriously? Y/N, come on, it's our last one! How aren't you excited?"
I pulled a face. "The concept of dancing in a hall with people I barely speak to isn't exactly appealing."
She straightened up, hugging her cat closely. "So what, you're not gonna go?"
"I'm not sure yet... Y/BF/N has plans to ask someone and really wants me to go, too," I admitted. "But I've not decided. I might just leave him to it."
She tilted her head to the side curiously, eyes studying me intensely. "What if somebody asked you to go with them? Then would you go?"
I tried not to laugh as I leaned my head in the palm of my hand on the table. "Nobody is going to ask me, Wanda. Nobody even knows who I am."
She scoffed playfully. "Now that's just not true. You're beautiful, Y/N. Funny. Kind. Intelligent. Someone is bound to ask."
I rolled my eyes, hoping to distract from the heat rising to my cheeks. I knew she was just saying all of that stuff to be nice, but God was I awful at accepting compliments.
She must have noticed as she leaned forward on her own palm, eyes glowing with entertainment. "Okay, what if you asked somebody?"
Appreciating the subject change, I leaned back in my seat. "I wouldn't even know who to ask."
She thought about it for a moment, before saying, "Pietro was being annoying earlier with all of that questioning, but he's right. Is there nobody you're even remotely interested in at school?"
I quirked a brow, wondering if she was serious. The way she was watching me patiently, a small smile tugging at her lips, made me believe she was. And I found that I couldn't bring it in myself to completely lie to her. So, I didn't.
"There's one person," I admitted reluctantly, swallowing hard. This piqued her interest as she sat up straight, an excited look on her face. I continued, "But I could never ask her."
She gave me an are you serious? look. "And why not?"
I tensed my jaw, smile fading at the thought. "She wouldn't say yes."
Wanda's expression softened. "I doubt that."
Feeling a little uncomfortable, I shuffled in my seat. "She wouldn't. And it's fine anyway! I mean, I wouldn't even know what to say. It's pointless."
"Try," was all she said. And in response to my confused face, she added, "Try asking me. Practice what you would say if I was this girl."
I shook my head. "Wanda, that's not–"
"Just try!" she insisted, sitting back in her seat and smiling encouragingly. "No harm, no foul, right?"
Maybe a little, I thought, but straightened up anyway.
"Okay, er..." I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling nervous as her eyes followed my every move. Looking up, I felt intimidated by her gaze, even though she had the softest smile and kindest eyes directed my way. "Wanda, would you like to go to prom with me?"
Without hesitation, she nodded. "I'd be honoured to, Y/N."
It was fake, this whole thing was 'practice'. But God, I wanted it to be real so bad. She held my gaze, confident and startling and wonderful all at once, and I had no idea what to do. My palms were getting sweaty and my heart was racing the longer she stared. My gaze fell to her lips at the wrong time, as she licked them and I wanted to lean in, wanted to kiss her. I wanted to kiss her hard and tell her how I felt. I wanted to ask her to prom and dance with her in the school gym. I wanted to hold her hand and pull her close, staring into her eyes without fear of going too far.
I wanted her.
"Okay, we're all done here," Pietro's voice broke our staring contest. He clapped his hands together, stopping by the table. "You both ready to go?"
Wanda nodded, already sliding out from the booth. "I'm ready. Y/N?"
I looked up and forgot how to breathe when she smiled down at me.
"Y-yeah," I got out, wiping my palms on my jeans before sliding out the booth. "All ready. Let's go."
Prom came upon us in no time and I'd made the decision to attend. My sister ended up convincing me with Y/BF/N, the two of them rambling about how it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and a rite of passage before graduating high school. As much as I hated the thought of attending, I knew they were right, so I agreed to go.
Y/S/N came over to help me get ready, as she was the one who picked my dress. I wanted to wear a cute pantsuit, not really one for dresses, but after her complaints – "you're really milking that whole 'I'm a lesbian' look aren't you?" – I agreed on a dress that she chose.
She helped me do my hair and makeup before taking loads of embarrassing photos of me at the door. I went to prom with Y/BF/N and his date – some girl he liked in his Maths class – which wasn't too bad, but I didn't want to third wheel too much, so I gave them space when we actually arrived.
The school had done a good job at converting the gym into something unrecognisable, I must admit. Plus there was food, which was always a good distraction.
Some acquaintances from some of my classes said their hellos to me and engaged in some quick conversations before moving on. Admittedly, it wasn't too bad catching up with people I'd shared class with over the past several years. Y/BF/N even had a few dances with me, both him and his date, which was sweet, but honestly, I still felt out of place.
Two hours in, I was already fed up of the experience, opting to stand on the sidelines by a cocktail table with a sad glass of punch. I definitely didn't expect to see Wanda approaching me with an impressed smile on her lips. I hadn't actually seen her since arriving, the place full of students and myself barely recognising anyone as it was, let alone in a full gymnasium.
"You came," she said when she stopped my table, eyes looking me up and down. "You look amazing, Y/N."
She was one to talk. I tried not to drool over how beautiful she looked. I assumed she'd be one to wear a dress, but I guess I assumed wrong as she was pulling off a burgundy suit and white blouse. Her hair was curled and left out, paired with a smokey eye makeup look that only complimented her eyes perfectly.
"Says you?" I replied with a smile. "You look gorgeous, Wanda."
She smiled bashfully. "Thank you... so what made you change your mind in coming?"
I laughed uncomfortably, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Partially forced by my family, partially felt like I had to."
She laughed alongside me. "Well, I feel like you made the right choice."
"Not too sure about that," I joked, before straightening up. "So, who was lucky enough to bring Wanda Maximoff as their date to the prom?"
She rolled her eyes at my compliment, smile on her lips still. "Nobody. I came alone. Well, alone but with my brother."
I was surprised at that, but tried to hide it with a nod. "Alone works, too."
"Says the girl who also came alone," she teased.
I couldn't help but smile with amusement. "Yeah. Says she."
Setting her purse on the table, she began to open it. "I was looking for you earlier. But I couldn't find you."
I watched as she fumbled around in her purse. "Yeah? And what did you need?"
After a moment of searching, she finally pulled out two slips of paper that looked like tickets. Holding them up with a small smile, she said, "I've got two tickets to the Paramore concert happening in the summer."
My jaw dropped with disbelief. "You're kidding."
She shook her head, holding them towards me. I accepted them, looking to see if she was pulling my leg. She wasn't.
"These are really good seats," I pointed out, before looking up at her. "You scored big time."
She laughed as I held the tickets out to her. Accepting them back, she said, "I did. And I bought them for a reason."
I raised an eyebrow as she watched me.
"We've got to get matching tee shirts somehow, right?" she joked lightheartedly before looking to me with certainty. Green eyes sparkled with hopefulness as she said, "Come with me."
My mouth went dry. She was asking me to go with her, holy shit.
I opened my mouth, about to speak, but she cut me off.
"Don't say maybe," she said, chewing on her lower lip nervously. "Say yes."
The music and the dancing students and the lights all faded into nothing as Wanda waited for a response, stepping closer to me, way too close to be platonic. I was overwhelmed, definitely not expecting this. Never in a million years did I think Wanda Maximoff, the most popular girl in our grade, would be asking me to see Paramore with her. I didn't even think she knew I existed! 
Her eyes darted between mine patiently, sending shivers down my spine. I could feel her breath tickling my lips as she waited and I looked down to hers, suppressing the urge to lean in.
"Yes," I finally spoke, voice barely a whisper as I swallowed hard. "I'll go with you." 
She nodded, but that wasn't enough as she licked her own lips. I looked back to her eyes, only to see her looking down at mine.
"Can I kiss you?" she muttered softly, making me freeze in place.
Her eyes looked back to mine, dark and patient. I managed to nod weakly, and she wasted no more time when pressing her lips to mine a in a slow, gentle, warm kiss. Her hand wrapped around my waist, tugging my body close to hers, as the other rested behind my neck, giving me goosebumps and turning my insides to jelly.
I closed my eyes, melting into her embrace, one hand planted firmly on her waist as the other rested on her chest. She tasted like peppermint and her floral perfume was infiltrating my senses, making my head dizzy in the best way possible.
When she pulled away, I opened my eyes and was immediately submerged in pools of green. Still so close to her, I kept ahold of her waist as she did the same with me, eyes flickering down to my lips once more.
"I've wanted to do that for a long time," I admitted breathlessly.
She looked to me again. "Why didn't you?"
Her lips were swollen slightly, red lipstick ruined. I could only imagine the mess on my own lips, but I didn't care.
I smiled nervously. "You were with Nate."
She tried not to laugh. "How stupid of me." Eyes falling to my lips again, she added, "I should have broken up with him sooner if it meant I could do this."
I smiled widely, heart fluttering in my chest at her words. Leaning forward, I took her bottom lip in mine, giving her a final kiss that was long overdue before pulling away.
"In case you couldn't tell, you were the girl I wanted to ask to prom," I said, stepping back slightly, but taking her hands in mine.
She bit her lip to contain her smile. "I figured... and for the record, I would have said yes."
My cheeks began to heat up, but I smiled nonetheless. "Well, in that case... Wanda, would you like to go to prom with me?"
She grinned. "I would be honoured, Y/N."
I mirrored her expression. She held out her free hand.
"Do you wanna dance?" she asked gently.
I accepted her hand, squeezing it gently. "I'd love to."
Before either of us could make a move to do so, we heard Pietro's voice shouting in the distance.
We turned to the left to see him racing towards us in his blue suit, a knowing smile on his lips.
"You took forever," he said with disbelief to his sister. "I thought I'd have to keep flirting with Y/N in front of you for you to get the hint and make a fucking move."
Wanda rolled her eyes, but I smiled as her cheeks dusted pink.
"And you!" he said, looking to me. "You're so oblivious it hurts."
"Wanda didn't know I existed before this year," I told him, half joking and half serious. "I had every right to be."
Wanda squeezed my hand, earning my attention. She shook her head. "That's not true. I always noticed you."
I gave her a knowing look. "Seriously?"
With an endearing smile, she nodded. "Seriously."
I sighed, looking away and definitely not expecting that. "Well, okay then."
She laughed, pulling me close and wrapping an arm around my waist comfortably. "I believe you owe me a dance. C'mon.
Pietro opened his mouth to speak, but Wanda merely pushed past him, guiding me to the dance floor.
"Not now, Piet," she said, before looking to me with sparkling eyes. "I want to dance with my girlfriend."
I was sure it was impossible for me to smile anymore.
"Girlfriend," I noted aloud, nodding. "I like the sound of that."
She grinned before standing opposite me, holding out her hand. And as I accepted it, I felt a warmth spread all over me that was only possible because of one girl and one girl only.
Wanda Maximoff.
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Kiss me [P. C]
Prince Caspian x reader
Word counts: 2.6k
Warnings: I’m from Mexico so sorry for any misspelling or grammar. If you have any advice tells me!
N/A: I’ll post more Caspian stuff, in case you want to follow me :) (sorry for the scene and narrator changes I hope it's not tedious, haha)
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"Run!" Caspian listened, and the peculiar talking animal did not have to repeat it.
Everything was happening so suddenly. First he had had to flee the castle from a threat he did not know existed, then he had found himself in the home of those strange creatures he thought extinct and was now running for his life from his own army.
The arrows on their crossbows soon arrived and the three had to dodge them as they advanced. Caspian advanced a couple more yards and then heard a scream.
"Oh, no”
"I'll go! The young man shouted, worried about the badger lying on the floor with an arrow stuck in his thigh. When he got to him the soldiers were close, so much so that his aim would not fail this time.
"Take it and run! It's more important than me!” the Narnian shouted, giving him the horn that hours earlier he had touched in the hope that something would happen. Why was it so important, anyway?
He watched the animal and then the troops. A panic attack invaded him and he adopted a grimace of terror. He didn't know what to do, he was trapped, he wouldn't save his friend, and he couldn't confront the men either.
Out of nowhere, the soldier leading the troops was defeated, wounded by a warrior who seemed invisible to human eyes. Caspian wasted no time, so he took trufflehunter in his arms from him to start running.
He kept advancing, with the little animal's complaining on his shoulder and suddenly heard the squeal of a horse. He turned completely frightened because he imagined it would not be difficult for that man to shoot and kill him, but when he watched the person on the beast it was not a uniform.
He was an extremely thin complexion warrior, but with his mouth covered in a cloth and a hood that prevented him from identifying him. He wore worn trousers and a shirt that looked like his, as well as a sword in his right hand with which he had already begun to hurt men. The few who tried to shoot him were in vain, for the invisible warrior seemed to know who wanted to hurt his companion and killed them before the arrows could rub him.
For a moment the presence of both mysterious figures was reassuring, but a second later he was already alarmed again.
If your uncle's men couldn't with them, what was waiting for him?
"Get him out of here!” he yelled at his other companion. He drew his sword and turned the other way, but was surprised to no longer see a single soldier. He frowned rather troubled, but out of nowhere the hooded warrior appeared to attack. He fell gracefully from his horse and pushed Caspian with his sword, causing him to fall from his back to the ground.
"Your last words?” he asked, pointing at his neck with the tip of the sword. Caspian was surprised to hear her voice, which looked not masculine at all. Did you look at the... person? That threatened him and swallowed scared-dead saliva. If his destiny was to die at the hands of the warrior in front of him, then he would.
But before sticking the sword around his neck, the warrior paid a little more attention to him and Caspian saw it pale. On his side appeared a small talking mouse with a sword, which encouraged him to kill the telmarine at once.
"You are a mouse" Caspian said, forgetting for a moment the swordsman in front of him.
"Very original to be your last words" he mocked, but Caspian was more focused on how the warrior's knees in front of him faltered and saw him stumble until he fell backwards.
He had fainted.
Caspian tried to get close but the mouse wouldn't let him. Instead he threatened him with the sword while running to help his companion. He took off his hood, cloth and that's when Caspian also felt him faint.
The warrior was a girl.
You opened your eyes and observed a beautiful field, one that definitely did not belong to the forest of Narnia in which you lived.
You were dreaming or, rather, remembering.
You looked at your clothes, smaller than you expected, and you knew what I remember it was. Actually, a very special one.
"Y/N!” somebody screamed behind you, with joy. When you turned, you saw a long-haired teenager running in your direction with a huge smile. “I found you! You're terrible at this game, if you don't mind me saying so" he murmured, smiling more as he stood in front of you. “What's the matter?”
"Caspian" you whispered gently. Despite the years you couldn't help but remember even a single detail of his face. His pale skin, his black hair up to his shoulders, his red lips and cheeks blushed by physical activity. You sighed with relief and threw yourself into his arms, feeling his scent. It smelled like gardenias and linen.
"Hey, I'm not going to forgive you, this victory no matter how mellow you are, you understand?” he said funny, but you didn't seem to want to say anything. You just wanted to hold on to him, you wanted to feel it close to you as much as possible.
At that point, after reliving so many times that moment, you no longer knew it was real and that it was a lie as to words, but the sensations never changed.
"Never leave me" you asked with a lump in your throat, feeling his hands sneak down your back until he held your waist
"Why would I?” he asked gently, near your ear.
"Just promise me, will you?" you whispered. You separated a little from him and both came face to face, with your noses barely rubbing. “Promise it.”
"Sure, I promise" he gasped. The words that came out of his mouth no longer mattered, but the feeling of your breath against his. “But again, why do you think I'd leave?”
"Because you already did" you murmured short, holding back tears.
"What do you mean...?”
"Kiss me" you demanded, taking the cloth from his shirt. You were a little aware that you had both kissed in that meadow when you were younger, but you weren't so sure it was exactly after you told him I'd abandoned you because you weren't even close to knowing it.
"What do you say?” Caspian asked in a trembling voice, but paying a little more attention to your lips. Without wasting time you pulled it a little towards you, feeling his breath get stuck in his throat.
You felt him respond to the kiss for a second, his lips velvety in contrast to yours, but the next second you opened your eyes and he was gone.
You were no longer in the beautiful meadow where your first kiss happened. You were in the woods, at night, alone.
You called him, yelled his name, but he never answered. You started crying and took a couple of steps just to bump into something heavy.
It was a lifeless body. He was...
"Caspian!” you screamed discouraged, waking up from the fading you had experienced.
When your eyes clear, you realized your feet didn't touch the floor and a couple of arms held you carefully.
"I'm here, calm down" someone whispered, hugging you more against him. When you saw the young man holding you, you let out a high-pitched cry and from the impression he dropped you against the moss on the floor. “Y/N! Are you ok? Did you hurt yourself?”
"You're not real!” you said raising your voice, sticking your back against a nearby tree. “You're not... you... Caspian is dead," you murmured frightenedly, watching the man squat and approaching with the intention of reassuring you a little.
"It's not like that, look at me. I'm here" he said kindly, holding one of your hands. “Come, feel my heart” carefully placed your hand, small compared to his, on the left side of his chest. “It's beating. I'm real, I'm here" he repeated, worried about your expression of terror.
"He told me you were dead.”
"I was told that you...” and he was silent, unable to complete the sentence. He never believed that lie, so he had never said it out loud. “How did you survive all this time?” He asked short.
"Do you know this telmarine?” Someone said beside him. You looked at the three creatures present and realized that Reepicheep was the one who had spoken.
"I..." you hesitated. What if it was all just another dream?
"She's a little shocked by the falls, give her space," trufflehunter said. You thanked internally for not having to answer questions.
"We have to go, we can't waste time" Nikabrik said now. You had a little trouble breathing.
"Can you walk?” Caspian asked, looking at you again. Damn, when was the last time you saw those bright eyes? now it seemed like an eternity. “Or I could charge you, if you like.”
"I can walk" you said quickly. You stood up and walked as far away from the man as possible, hoping that the emptiness in your stomach would also go away. Without waiting for an answer you started walking without a course and heard Caspian follow in your footsteps. Apparently your sword was no longer in place, but at a glance you noticed Caspian was wearing your belt.
"Where's my horse?" you asked worried. Caspian came over already took the opportunity to hold you by the waist.
"Calm down, he's fine" he said quietly, looking you in the eye again. “God, I can't take it anymore. Would it be too much trouble if we rested for a few minutes?” he asked the others, still holding you. “I want to talk to you alone," he continued, but now kinder.
"How do we know you're trustworthy?” Reepicheep asked, in an attempt to take care of his friend.
"It's all right. He's good, he'd never hurt me" you said in his direction to reassure him. And so it was, you couldn't blame Caspian for all the suffering you'd faced during those years. “I know a river near here, we can talk there" you said. Caspian nodded and let you go, waiting for you to guide him.
"Don't be late" Reepicheep warned, pointing the sword at you.
You started walking and Caspian followed you, both quietly for a few minutes. When you were far enough away, he came a little closer to you until his little finger grazed your hand. He wanted to take it, but he didn't have the courage to do it.
"Why didn't you ever look for me?” you said by slowing down your footsteps, in your broken voice. “All this time I thought he was dead... I blamed myself for it, even did you ever look for me?”
"I did" he admitted. Now he did take your hand. “You don't know how long I've been touring every corner of the kingdom looking for you, but all in vain. I never imagined you'd be... well, here" he said. They were silent again until he asked. “Why did you say you blamed yourself? Why did you think I was dead in the first place?”
"Your uncle told me" you exclaimed tremblingly. “He found out about us. He said a woman like me would never be with her nephew. You were, you're an heir to the throne, and I'm just an ordinary girl. He forbade me to see you or swore I'd kill you. Days later he told me that you had received a letter that I never sent and also told me you were dead. That he'd blame me for it if I didn't run away from there. Your guards brought me here to die and... Reepicheep found me, then I met more Narnians and they welcomed me. They taught me everything I know and I in return began to protect the forest from the telmarines" you explained, looking down. “So many years thinking you were dead, Caspian. So many years I missed you and cried for you. I... God, I was just a kid when your uncle did that. If I'd known you were okay, I'd have looked for you" you finished, now you're in tears bathing your cheeks.
Caspian grabbed your chin and raised your face. He was crying too.
"My uncle told me you abandoned me. If it's any consolation, I never believed it. That's why I looked for you so long, because... I thought something very bad had happened to you. And I see I wasn't that wrong" he admitted followed by a sob.
When you saw he like this, you felt all the pain accumulated over those years bursting into you and breaking down in tears. Caspian hugged you against his chest and you cried together, expressing more in that embrace than with all the words of the world.
After a long time you felt a huge peace and even though you didn't know Caspian's reasons for being there, you didn't care anymore.
You didn't care because he was pursued by the guards or because it was in the hands of your friends. All you cared about was feeling his arms around you and the constant beat of his heart.
He was Caspian, after all, your Caspian.
"There's something I still don't believe, you know?” he began to say in a low tone.
"And what is it?” you also responded in a whisper, fearing altering the peace that surrounded them.
"You're better at riding and with the sword than I am. I don't know if I should be afraid for my life" he joked and forced you to smile broadly.
And then, no place for a smile came laughter of jubilation. Caspian didn't get it, but his chest swelled with love when he heard your laughter again.
"Caspian for God's sake you are alive! You're here with me... Are you ok. I didn't kill you.”
"Kill me? You are crazy?” he asked, worried, hunching a little to keep up with you. “You said it about me: ‘he would never hurt me’ And now I'm telling you; I know you could never hurt me in any way in life. On the contrary, you are the happiness that was taken from me and that I longed for. Here you are, in front of me and I can finally tell you that I loved you every day of your absence. There wasn't a single day when he didn't expect to see you again” he carefully placed his hand on your cheek and admired your face for a moment. “You're beautiful, you haven't changed a bit. You're still the love of my life" he finally expressed, tears filling it up another little bit.
"Kiss me" you said in a whisper, taking the collar of his silk shirt as at some point, when they were younger, you did.
Caspian wasted no time and took you by the waist to lift you up a little, forcing you to tangle your legs in his hip. He was very strong now, because with one hand you held by the thighs and with the other it caressed your cheek, unsure if your skin really felt as usual.
And finally, he kissed you.
He walked a few steps until your back collided with the trunk of a tree and he continued to kiss longer than you would have expected.
This time, when you opened your eyes, you saw a Caspian completely in love and with bright eyes full of life.
You weren't alone in the woods anymore. Now you finally had him.
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siimjaeyun · 3 years
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synopsis: all you've ever wanted was to be good enough for jake sim, the captain of the soccer team, and the boy any girl would kill to be with. the issue? you know he's only with you to get back at his ex and have an eye candy around his arm. but when his friend sunghoon is back at school, maybe he'll teach you that you're more than just a pretty trophy.
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You manage to release another sigh as you make your way inside your home.
Jake had bailed on you for the third time this week, doing so at least two to four times for the past three months and you were tired of it. Half of the time it was because of practice and the others were due to excuses you're pretty sure he pulled out of his ass.
You wanted to text the group chat but figured you didn't want to add to the hatred your three best friends already had towards said male boy.
You didn't have any work to do, so for a change in sceneries you head to the local ice rink, the only possible place you think of as your second home.
Once entering, the scent of ice and water touch on the memories of your last summer. Yet you don't pay attention to the bittersweet feelings when the ice rink owner approaches you.
"Y/n! How have you been, it's been quite a while since I last saw you." She takes a good luck at you, admiring your smile in particular.
"I've been well, just busy with school and some other stuff."
"Well you know you're always welcome here and if you ever want your job back just say the word? You should head inside, there's only one other student in there." You nod your head and bid farewell while picking up a pair of ice skates and heading inside.
Too engrossed in the feeling of the ice under you as you open the gate to skate, you don't catch the boy staring at you.
"My, my do we meet again?" You glance up and find none other than Sunghoon with a smirk on his face.
"Hello to you too Sunghoon." You contemplate whether it be best to run off and come back later, but it's not like you could handle another disappointment.
"Jake never told me his girlfriend skates." You skate past him and keep going before choosing to answer.
"Yeah well I doubt he's talked about me at all. But if you don't mind I'd like to be alone." You try to get past him again but he blocks your view.
"I'm just trying to talk to you? I wanna get to know Jake's pink princess better." His ending comment was your last straw and you shove him, making him lose balance while you exit the rink. You miss his yells to come back and instead go into one of the waiting areas, throwing off your ice skates in frustration.
"Hey hey, I didn't mean to say anything bad "
"Fuck off Park Sunghoon." You say sternly, picking up your skates and trying your best not to cry in front of him.
"Hey, y/n look at me. I'm sorry." Sunghoon abruptly takes a hold of your shoulders and gets you to look at him in the eyes, noticing the guilt painted on his face.
"I know you didn't mean anything, I'm just tired and I hate hearing that name."
"Pink princess?" He questions.
"Exactly. I just want to be here in peace and do me another favor, please don't tell anyone you saw me here. No one can know okay?" Confused, he agrees but still can't help but feel bad for the tension from earlier.
"But on one condition." Sunghoon leaves the room and you choose to follow him up a flight stairs, considering that there's a possibility he could murder you then and there.
"That condition is for you to keep this a secret." He holds a key out and opens the door which leads to the area right above the skating rink for you to see on both sides.
"I thought the keys to this place were lost." You ask, amazed by the way all the skaters appear from your sight of view.
"They were, I figured if I knew a secret than you should too." He goes to the cabinet, and pulls out a sheet and some pillows for the both of you to sit.
"So, if we're on a secret basis, then tell me about yourself." You were surprised by his question to say the least, since most people could care less about any of your actual thoughts.
"Well what do you want to know? Aside from my utter hatred for the nickname?"
"Why don't you want to tell people you know how to skate? As an ice skater it's kind of offensive." He fakes being a pain letting you release a small laugh.
"I just think of this as my safe place. When all eyes are on you, there's not much you can do that isn't for yourself like ice skating and song writing."
"You write songs?" A small blush forms on your cheeks as you realize the accidental mention.
"Yeah, but they're not good. It's just my little world I guess, what about you?"
You turn the conversation towards him and find yourself rather entertained. There's a few serious moments, and others where Sunghoon is close to beating you up for teasing him showing a bit of his fangs in the process.
"Okay okay final question, why do you hate the color pink so much? And why do you let Jake talk you into it." You sigh looking at him with your pinky out.
"Pinky promise this stays between us? The only other people that know are my friends Giselle, Sunoo and Jungwon okay?" He agrees, and let's you continue.
"Well, when I was younger and my biological parents were still together, I caught my dad cheating on my mom with another woman in their bedroom. Later, my dad divorced my mom, got remarried and abandoned us to make a new family...the color the woman always wore was pink. Her lingerie was pink that day I caught them, when they got divorced I met her in the lobby in a pink dress and their wedding dress was also pink. Pink is to me a color of false promises, it's a symbol that love doesn't exist," you say honestly before answering his second question, "I wear pink because Jake said it's my best color or it's what he repeated often. I'm so pressured to be good enough that I make myself wear pink thinking it'll prove something. And that is pretty much everything there is to know."
"Thank you for trusting me y/n. And rest assured that everything is safe with me." He holds your hand and you became startled when his phone rings.
"My mom is calling me to come home. It's almost ten o clock." Your eyes widen as you confirm the hour, exiting the room instantly with Sunghoon.
"Hey sunghoon, thanks for listening." Sunghoon just smiles and hands you a sticky note.
"My number. I'm here anytime. We might only know each other for a day, but I can tell there's a lot more to you than meets the eye." He walks away and you head home, inputting his number almost instantly.
Maybe Park Sunghoon wasn't that bad.
taglist: @abdiitcryy @nyfwyeonjun @pinkhyunie @hobistigma
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moonlightflower21 · 3 years
just like magic
a/n: angsty fluffy. normal raph. there may be mistakes and it may be hard to follow through lol. but i hope you enjoy ❤
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"y/n!! wait, please wait!!" the call of raph desperately trying to reach you fell on deaf ears as you angrily walked into the public so he couldn't come close.
it was so hard to decipher what you were feeling. betrayal, anger, sadness, embarrassment, pain. sometimes it felt like you couldn't even catch a break. he had been acting so suspicious and you couldn't help but recall what your best friend had said earlier, that when a boyfriend stop texting and calling back they were sleeping around.
he couldn't.... could he?
that one girl, amber, from the chief vincent crew had been crushing on him forever. you learnt that raph and her had a small fling years ago, before he ever met you. but other than that, you didn't know much else other than the fact that she absolutely hated your guts. the feeling was mutual of course but she never failed to make any small digs at you whenever you were together.
so when she came out of his room wearing nothing but lingerie, it wasn't an understatement to say your heart felt it had been stomped on the floor. leo, mikey and donnie were all out with their significant others so they couldn't even provide any help or shed any light on why she was in your boyfriend room
the reason as to why you came around was because you thought of surprising him, considering you hadn't even seen him for the last two weeks. he seemed to vanish for hours on end and while you didn't want to jump to any conclusions, you just had to talk to him. but seeing her come out of his room that he let no one in felt like a punch to the gut.
"when will you ever learn? first loves outshine any other" amber cackled in your face, swaying her hips as she left the lair. you couldn't even speak scared you would start crying on the spot. and the last thing you wanted was to give her the satisfaction.
you entered the room but aside her horrible perfume stinking the air, raph was nowhere to be seen. hell his bed looked empty. untouched. and yet his window was open, so perhaps he escaped? the more reasonable part of you disagreed vehemently, he wouldn't do this shit. and you couldn't trust that woman, she was out to drive you both apart
but this wasn't excusable either. the air felt constricting here, walls falling in closer so you left. angry tears on the brink of falling, the excited evening you had planned obliterated in small pieces.
the small bench in the park was empty and you sat, trying to reel in those thoughts but they proved to be a challenge.
"y/n please listen to me, i can explain everything i swear" you rolled your eyes but stood up. hearing his part would at least put your mind at ease and those burning questions could finally be answered.
"you get one chance raphael. let's go to my place, i don't want other people listening in" you look into his pleading eyes, turning the corner and walking home with him eagerly following you close.
raph entered your room, thankful for the heat that flooded his system. he didn't realise how long he was outside and how cold he was until he bagn to shake slightly. he turned his attention to you as you shrugged odd your jacket, brows raised at him.
"no more secrets, raph. no more lies otherwise we're done" you snapped, crossing your arms over your chest. he nodded, ready to answer the oncoming slaught of questions that had been scorching holes in your chest.
"who is amber? and do you still have any feelings towards her??" your voice trembled a little at the end of that sentence, hoping her put your mind at ease. his jaw seem to clench slightly at the memory of her which brought some amusement.
"she's someone i thought i was in love wit'. 17 years old me didn't know shit at the time. after a while, i knew whatever we had was just infatuation. it was never gonna work out. she wanted a relationship while i was looking for something small. but that's in my past. i don't have any love towards her anymore. she was just a silly crush"
"she was your crush? doesn't seem like it" "she was. ya can't be mad at that because you've also crushed on guys before i came but that's a good thing! because they led us closer to each other and look at us" he holds your hand, his thumb gently rubbing over your knuckles which was something he usually did to reduce your stress. and against your will, you could feel those familiar butterflies invade your lower belly.
"but why was she in your room? looking very cosy in there, i might add" your jaw clenched tightly, glaring at the floor in order to contain your anger.
"she what?? y/n i promise i had no idea why amber was even in my room. i wasn't even there. in fact, i'm barely ever there most days" he rubbed the back of his neck, hesitating the last part.
"why?" your brow lifts and he sighs, grimacing.
"well... i... uh... got a job" he chuckles awkwardly, expecting you to burst in laughter. but you just seemed to have a confused look, intrigued at his comment.
"a job?" you ask and he nods, fidgeting with the end of his shorts.
"yeah... in construction. splinter thought it would be good anger management. i started doing it to also pay back for the necklace... that ya don't seem ta wear anymore" he narrowed his amber eyes around your neck and true to his word, you had taken it off. your hand touches your chest, feeling only the bare skin instead. the only reason you had taken it off was because he just kept being so secretive around you. and you didn't know who to trust.
"so that explains the extra muscles on your arms" you ponder and he laughs, flexing his bicep.
"they got us liftin heavy stuff" he rolls his shoulders, aching from last night. "i'm sorry for not saying anything about it. i didn't want to be laughed at" he chuckles but there's no humour in his voice, just nervousness which is rare for raph to ever have.
"you'd think i'd laugh at you?? i'm the last person to judge and i think it's a good thing for you. it's healthy to let your anger out in this way, i'm proud of you. but you have to stop with these secrets, they're only driving a wedge between us" your hand is gently placed on his knee which he appreciates, with you he never feels pressured to say things. you let him take his time which he's never found in other partners before.
"i know i just didn't want ta disappoint ya, i'm not a millionaire and i'm not the greatest looking guy either. i just wanted ya ta be happy at somethin-" "raph, you could never disappoint me. i don't care about money or fame, i just want you to be as serious about us, i just want to be there for you. but i can't do that if you keep pushing me away, hiding these things from me" you sigh your previous anger melting into sadness and relief.
"m'sorry princess, i do care about us. there's just things that i have trouble saying. but i promise i never mean to intentionally hurt ya" he cradles your hand, his gaze on the floor in deep thought. your head gingerly leans against his arms and his finger places comforting circles around your knuckles.
"where is yer friend? aren't ya supposed ta go out tonight?" raph remembered, looking around the room.
"yeah she's supposed to come soon but i haven't confirmed anything" you lean back on the bed watching his amber eyes narrow mischievously. in the way you grew to adore.
"so what i'm hearing is, we have time?" he smirked but you gently nudge his chest, shaking your head with an amused smile.
"i'm still annoyed at you" you chuckle when he smiles softly, his eyes shining under your lights. he leans closer to you, simply just wanting to be in your embrace.
"and i'll spend every moment making it up ta ya. let's just cuddle, i've missed ya"
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siriusfan13 · 3 years
Being Seen
"Don't confuse getting noticed with being seen."
-Tanya Geisler
"Hey, watch where you're going!" an irritable businessman in a grey suit snapped at the tall man he'd almost slammed into as he'd rushed around the corner while talking on his cell phone.
The lanky man nimbly hopped out of his way. He could hear the businessman still talking on the phone, "No. It's nothing. Just some loser making me late for work… Oh, hey, did you see that fight in Hokkaido on the news last night? I heard All Might was there!... Right? I'd gladly get kidnapped if it meant I could meet the #1!" His voice faded out as he crossed the street, drifting into the crowd.
The tall stranger he'd nearly forced into the road stood staring back at him a moment, his blue eyes burning intensely, before finally shaking his head with a tired sigh and continuing his slow trudge toward the store. His phone buzzed suddenly in his pocket. Then it buzzed twice more. He tugged it out, checking his messages. One from Officer Tsukauchi. Two from UA. He snorted. Probably paperwork. He ignored those and tapped the one from Tsukauchi.
Tsukauchi: Toshi, I'm going to be a little late for lunch. Apparently there was some attack earlier this morning. Nothing major, but I have some extra questioning to take care of. Can I bump our meeting back an hour?
Toshinori sighed, tapping out a quick reply. It's fine. If you're too busy, don't worry about it. I just figured we could meet since you were in the area.
The response was almost immediate.
Tsukauchi: No. I'm looking forward to it. I'll just need a little more time.
Before Toshi could even reply, another message came through.
Tsukauchi: Unless you're too busy. I know you're working around your own time constraints. We can just wait til you get back to Minato if you want.
Toshi almost smiled at that. But I won't be coming back to Minato any time soon. He sighed, hating having to keep secrets from his friend. But he'd promised Principal Nezu to tell no one about the possibility of All Might joining UA. I should just let him work. No reason to bother him just because I want to chat one more time before we're both too far and too busy…
But he found he couldn't do it. He wanted to have lunch with Tsukauchi, even if it was just to discuss the very mundane task of updating his hero files over a coffee and some soba… He responded before he could change his mind.
An hour's fine. Just promise you'll let me know if you need to reschedule.
He tucked the phone back in his pocket as he approached the store. Well, at least now I've got enough time to drop off my groceries at the apartment before meeting Tsukauchi. He entered, grabbing a small basket, when he noticed a few heroes chatting near the produce. He approached, keeping a respectful distance as he picked out some vegetables. They glanced up for a moment, but then, seeing that it was just a random shopper, went back to their conversation.
The woman shook her head. "I wasn't trying to steal his thunder. Don't be ridiculous." She tossed her blonde hair, haughtily. "But I'm an up-and-coming hero. I can't just wait on the sidelines for a villain to commit a crime when no one else is around. It's ridiculous."
The second hero, in a yellow mask and no shirt, just shook his head. "It's one thing to show up and help. It's another entirely to show up at the end of the fight and take the credit." He crossed his arms as she pouted. "Anyway," he added. "I'd be careful. There are some heroes you can get in real trouble with if you pull a stunt like that.
The third hero, a man Toshi recognized as Backdraft, nodded. "He's right, Mt. Lady. I heard All Might's in town. Do you want to steal his thunder?"
She laughed at that. "I'm not an idiot! There are some people you just don't mess with."
Yellow Mask cut in, "It isn't just that. There are kids watching you. Future heroes seeing how you operate. You do stuff like that, you give them the wrong idea."
She snorted. "No kids pay attention to that sort of thing. They just watch the action. I remember being a kid."
There was such a long silence after those words that Toshi found himself glancing over at the trio. Backdraft and Yellow Mask had exchanged a significant look before the water hero continued quietly, "Well, there's this one kid I'd watch out for. Little green-haired kid."
She rolled her eyes, but Yellow Mask added, "I know the kid he's talking about. He's at every fight. We've all signed autographs for him. And he's always watching and taking notes. Honestly, it's a little creepy." He shivered.
"He's a kid."
"He's detailing what we do," Backdraft added quietly. "When I signed his notebook, he had a page all about me. My strengths, weaknesses… everything. Things I've never publicized. I have no idea how the kid has all this information." His voice turned serious. "But I do know that a kid like that who's fascinated by heroes needs to see heroes doing the right thing all the time. Because if he sees us slip up. If he loses faith in our ideals… Well, that's the kind of kid who could wind up very dangerous to us in the long run."
She scoffed.
"I'm just sayin'..."
Toshinori turned away at that, walking toward an open cashier. Green-haired kid? I've only been in a couple fights in the city since I arrived, mostly just outside of town, really. Have I seen this kid? He didn't think so, but honestly, he saw so many people every day, would he really notice one kid with a notebook?
He quietly paid for his food, ignoring the wary look the cashier gave him, and began walking toward the door. Someone with that eye for detail could be a great asset… His mind flickered briefly to Nighteye, before he quickly slammed the door on that painful thought process. Or, more likely, those heroes are right, he could wind up more trouble than he's worth.
The door slid open as he stepped into the bright sunshine, just as a blob of muck and goo slid by wearing... Is that… money? He squinted, shading his eyes. Yes. Yes, it was.
"... Remember when we didn't have to deal with randos with quirks all the time?"
His eyes were drawn to a group of young men standing just ahead of him. Their backs were toward him. He glanced around. No one looking in his direction, and he was mostly blocked by the building. No cameras... Safe.
"There's no stopping them…"
He transformed quickly, pushing thoughts of random fanboys, sidekicks, and even lunch dates-sorry Tsukauchi… looks like I may be the one cancelling this time-out of his mind as he stepped forward, startling the three young men into silence.
"Yes there is," he rumbled, a smile splitting his face. "Do you know why?"
The men spun around, eyes widening in shock and recognition as they saw him and grins splitting their faces. Yes. They knew why.
"Because I am here…"
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heartbroken-ghost · 2 years
I just wanted to wish you courage and I hope you're doing well <3
I'm in a similar situation when it comes to homelessness and being put on a waiting list for my mental issues.
It may seem hopeless sometimes, but things will get better! Don't lose hope, life has a way of pushing you in the right direction.
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Thank you ❤ I'm honestly not because I have covid (just tested positive earlier tonight) and have to move out in 23 days. I'm supposed to move into student housing but I haven't even registered for a class yet (well now anyways - I was accepted into a full-time college program but backed out because I can't handle full-time with how bad my mental health and stuff has been). A family member of mine told me to look at individual classes and find one I'm interested in, then to pay for it once I can and then she'll reimburse me if I finish it. She even said I only have to focus on passing it, not even aiming for high grades like I usually do/used to. It took off a lot of pressure (both from my dad and myself because some of it was self-imposed) but I don't know what to pick and I'm scared of not getting into one which I'd need to move into student housing. So it's either that or becoming homeless again, for god fucking knows how long with the market here being the way it was and is, which I genuinely do not think I can handle again without at the very least needing to be hospitalized again. And, I hope this isn't triggering but I also value honesty and vulnerability (and I guess you asked? Idk), but I'm just suicidal again and I've been even more unstable than usual recently due to my insomnia worsening again because of going off of antipsychotics. I know I should probably just take one again but I'm just so tired of side effects and I finally started losing weight again so it's a hard decision. There's been so much other shit going on on top of all of this but my biggest concern at the moment is not being able to find a place to move into in time because I need to isolate for at least another seven days. I also probably won't be able to get accommodations I'll need for school put in place in time which will cause me even more stress if I end up attending school. And to top it all off, my disability worker can't help me get first and last month's rent until after I sign a lease.
Anyways (sorry for venting so much, just going through it obviously 🙃), I'm sorry you're in a similar situation. Life can totally suck sometimes and the world is a fucked up place. But I hope things will fall into place for you soon and that we'll both get the support we need. Good luck with everything and if you want to pm me on here, you're welcome to if you just want to chat or whatever. I hope you have a good day or night and I appreciate the virtual hug very much. Thank you so much for your kindness and encouragement. I'm trying, I promise.
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miss-dr-reid · 3 years
This is calm, and it's, Doctor #9
TW, there is some DV in here and a hospital visit.
As we pulled into the street where the icecream shop is, I saw someone I recognised and my stomach churned. It was my ex. I hadn't told anyone at work about him, yet.
"What's up?" Derek asked. I didn't even realise I had gone stuff until I breathed, glancing at Derek quickly.
"My ex.. he's over there with a mate..." I said quietly, looking in the direction of the one person I hoped to never see again.
"We don't have to get icecream of you don't want." He reassured, placing his hand on my upper arm, rubbing lightly with his thumb.
"No- um- actually... I have a plan. I'll need you guys to help though, if that's okay?" I devised a plan with the boys after finding a park. They both willingly agreed, eager to help out a friend with some pretty revenge.
I got out of the cat and headed to the icecream shop, where my ex was, sitting at a table outside of it. As I got closer, he made a comment, just as I expected.
"Damn, Y/N, you want me back that bad you followed me all the way out here?" Cain retorted, tapping his mate on the arm.
"Well no, actually. Last I heard of you was from the girl you cheated on me with. She told me you kept yelling my name while you guys did the dirty in OUR bed." I clapped back. I whipped my hair behind my shoulders, signalling the boys, I knew what I said would run Cain the wrong way.
He pushed himself up, to get out of his chair when Derek's hand pressed him back down by his shoulder, Spencer's arm draping over one of my shoulders.
"Is there a problem here?" Derek said, staring straight in to Cain's eyes, his mate shifting uncomfortable in his seat.
Cain was not a big guy by any means, bigger than me, but tiny next to Derek.
"Who are you, her boyfriend?" Cain demanded, basically a spitting in Derek's face.
"I'm more to her then you'll ever be. If you cause her any more trouble, I'll make you regret everything you've ever done to her. I can promise you that." Derek's voice stern and low, his grip tightening slightly on Cain's shoulder.
Seeing Cain so uncomfortable was quite pleasing. He didn't say anything, Derek squeezed his shoulder one last time before nodding, releasing him and walking over to us, linking elbows with me. We walked inside the shop and everyone let go. I thanked both of the guys and insisted on paying for icecream, as a thanks for helping me out.
They insisted it was no big deal, defending their family is what they do. I loved hearing that o was becoming part of the B.A.U family.
I ordered the icecream, paid and we each connected our own and headed back toward the car. We sat on the curb, eating our delicious desserts. We didn't say much, just sat and ate. I felt so small sitting between these two guys. I was so happy to just be there with them.
Suddenly, I was going face first into my icecream, which was splattered all over the side of my car as a sudden jolt came through my back. I didn't realise what had happened. I could hear Derek yelling as hands supported my head while I laid back. Spencer's voice filled my ears as everything went dark.
I woke up, rocking slightly. I monitor beeping and people talking. I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids were so heavy, they felt glued. My hand felt funny, I tried moving it and discovered that it was encased by another hand. I squeezed as hard as I could.
"Y/N!" Spencer's voice filled my ears once again. I managed to half open my eyes, softly smiling up at him. "We're on the way to the hospital. Your ex kicked you while we were eating icecream and Derek chased after him." His voice soft and full of concern.
'Now I owe them double, of not triple for the shit they've dealt with today' I thought to myself, forever grateful that these two are in my life.
We arrived at the hospital not long later. Spencer wasn't allowed in for the x-ray, so he was left in the waiting room. After the x-ray was done, I was moved to a room. After a few minutes, a doctor came in, Spencer in toe, who stood next to the doctor, listening to his every word.
"You'll need to be careful with your nose over the next week, it's broken. Otherwise, your head and spine are fine and you'll be able to go after you've been patched up and kept for observation." He removed the c-collar from my neck and sat the bed up, "A nurse will be in soon to fix your nose." And with that, he left.
Spencer sat in the chair next to the bed and handed me his phone with the camera open.
I took it and looked at myself. I was a mess. There was crusted blood staining under my nose, around my nostrils and mouth.
"This is going to look so bad tomorrow." I said quietly to myself. Even though there wasn't much of a bruise right now, the second day is always worse. Spencer sighed at my comment as I say there still checking myself out. The phone started vibrating, Derek's name popping up on the screen.
"You're on speaker, Mr. Hero." I said to the phone.
"Hey buddy, it's good to hear your voice," he started, "I'll be there in a minute. Just finished giving my statement to the police. I'm see you soon. Also, I told the rest of the team and they're also coming. See you soon, kiddo." He hung up.
The doctor came back with a nurse. Spencer was allowed to stay for the packing and fixing of my nose. The laid the bed back, Spencer on one side of me, the doctor in front of him and the nurse on the other side. Being laid out in front of people touching me made me feel so uneasy, I didn't realise I was tense until Spencer placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Stay as still as you can, this will be quite uncomfortable." The doctor mentioned, and the nurse picked up some gauze off the tray they'd brought in. I grabbed Spencer's hand off my shoulder and held it in mine. I closed my eyes and breathed out through my nose as one set of fingers pressed on the bridge of my nose while gauze was being stuffed up my nostrils. The nurse finished up and I breathed out deeply, I had become so tense while being under her hands that my whole body had basically seized. They sat up the bed and left, going to organise my discharge papers.
Almost as soon as they had left, the whole teamed walked in. Everyone had looks of concern on their faces, giving my sympathetic smiles. Spencer stood up and moved away as Garcia was making her way over to me.
"You gave us a scare, chook." She said, pulling me into a hug. JJ came down the other side of the bed and pulled me into a hug once Garcia had let go. She offered me a wet wipe, which I graciously accepted. I carefully wiped the bottom of my nose and around my lips, trying to remember where the blood had crusted on my face.
"As much good as they do, it wouldn't hurt to clean up a little bit..." She commented, seeing the stained blood on various parts of my face.
"Glad to see you're alright." Emily called from her spot between Hotch and Derek.
I thanked everyone and tried out my most convincing smile, which only got sympathy smiles in return.
"You wouldn't be okay if Pretty Boy was there. He caught your head before you fell back onto the concrete." Derek commended, gesturing at Spence, who's face started glowing red. I mustered up the best thanks I could for him, I was genuinely grateful. "Although, someone had to chase the bad guy...." Derek continued, detailing about what happened.
He told us that I was kicked in the back of the head, my icecream being thrown onto the side of my car, with my face following - thinking back, I remember the crunch my nose made when my face slammed into the side of my car.
HE told us that he immediately dropped his own icecream to jump up and start chasing the guy who had decided to leg it (not surprised). He chased the guy into an alley, yelling at him to stop.
'Stop! FBI!' he had shouted. The guy had managed to get himself cornered and stupidly turned to Derek and tried to fight him. Derek recognised the guy as Cain. As a punch was thrown, Derek dodged, grabbed Cain and pushed him to the ground, holding him there until police arrived.
Hearing the story, I was surprised to hear Cain didn't pull a knife out, it was his go-to weapon of choice. I was happy to hear he was finally arrested. After some more questions, Hotch went home to be with Jack.
The doctor came back with the papers and I was allowed to go. Even though I insisted that I was fine to drive, no one was letting that happen. I also had to have someone stay with me for the night, to make sure everything was alright, apparently. JJ couldn't, she had her family. Derek insisted he was busy with 'things'. Garcia had to get back to Kevin, Emily to Sergio, which left Spencer. It was agreed that he would drive me home in my car, and we had to take Derek back to his car on our way.
I felt weird climbing into the passenger seat of my own car. It was nighttime and it made me wonder,
"How long was I out for?" I quizzed, really wanting to know.
"If I had to guess, I'd say like ten minutes." Derek guessed.
"More like twelve minutes and thirty-seven seconds. I was timing to the paramedics." Spencer's voice matter-of-fact. I thanked him for being there for and with me the whole time, and both of them for dealing with everything today.
"I just don't understand how you could let anyone treat you that way, let alone date it." Spencer scoffed, "I've seen the scars you've got, I'm guessing aren't from 'accidents', they show when you're vulnerable, which isn't your fault at all, it actually shows just how trusting you are, which is great, but obviously can get you into trouble if you're not careful. What I'm trying to say is, vulnerabilities need to be taken care of, trust needs to be earned and time heals all wounds." he finished.
"Love also heals" Derek added.
I had tears stinging the corners of my eyes, Trying to escape.
Spencer pulled in to the car park of the Cafe we had been at earlier that day and pulled up in the spot next to Derek's car.
Derek got out and stood next to my door, I rolled my window down. He caressed the back of my head and guided it towards him, leaning over to kiss the top of my head.
"Take care of yourself." His head lifted to look at Spence, "And each other." he finished before turning to get into his own car, leaving to go home.
Spencer didn't move, he just sat in silence.
"What's wrong?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.
"I don't know where you live." He said, giving me puppy dog eyes.
With a giggle, I directed him towards my place. He stopped in front of his place on the way so he could grab a few things, ready to spend the night at mine. He insisted that I go in with him, because he's 'not allowed' to leave me alone.
"Doctors orders. That's me, I'm the doctor." He laughed at me, finding himself amusing.
"Well, I'm also a doctor, doctor, and I said no such thing. But if you insist, I'll come in with you." I said climbing out of the car, he followed and we went inside up to his place.
We walked in to his apartment and I sat on a stool at the bench, so I didn't get comfy.
Spencer wandered off to his room to pack. I pulled out my phone to see some missed calls and a few messages from a number I didn't recognise. I unlocked my phone and opened the messages from the unknown number.
'ur gonna pay 4 wot u did to Cain' Read the first one.
'u dum bitch' read another, the next few that followed were along the same lines.
When Spencer came out, I showed him the messages, not because I was scared, but because I didn't want to keep secrets. It's also probably a good idea to have as many people as possible know, in case anything were to happen. He sighed, reading the messages. He cupped my face with both hands and looked my in the eyes.
"Y/N, nothing is going to happen to you. Even if we have to have someone with you all day and all night. We, the team, will keep you safe - I'll do it by myself if I have to." he pulled my head against his chest and cuddled me, seeing the tears which had started pooling in my eyes. I let the tears come out, my body was gently shaking as I quietly sobbed into Spencer's chest, "You're okay. You're safe with us."
I cried, thanking him, wrapping my arms around his waste. He rubbed my back for a bit before placing his hands on my shoulder, pulling back a bit. His hands were firm, but gentle, he came down to my eye level. His eyes were so warm and welcoming, I admired all of his face while he was there.
He suggested leaving, and his hands trailed down my arms, to my hands. He took my hand in his and I hopped off the stool, following his footsteps to the door.
Not much was said on the car ride to my place. I didn't bother with the radio, only looking out the window, watching everything pass by, giving directions when necessary.
We finally arrived. I have a stand-alone house, on the outskirts of town. Spencer pulled into the driveway and got out. He rushed around to my door and opened it, just as I had started to. He helped me out and draped his arm around my shoulder as we headed inside.
OMG guys, I am so bad at keeping updated
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ravenquingvax · 3 years
Okay but what if we got a oneshot/animated episode of Vox Machina's earlier days that was just Vax, Grog, Scanlan and Percy getting up to no good together?
Percy maybe tries to keep them from breaking the law at first, but soon even he'd get roped into the chaos.
Maybe Scanlan, Grog and Percy have to make a distraction while Vax steals something?
Maybe they end up helping a kid find their dog?
Maybe they engage in some day drinking and get into a bar fight? But Gilmore had been dropping something off for the owner so he can sweet talk the guys out of trouble.
Then Vax decides Shaun should join them for a walk around town to catch up? Vax and Shaun walk arm-in-arm, grinning at eachother, while Scanlan sits up on Grog's shoulder the whole walk
After their walk, the boys walk Shaun back to his store and Shaun invites them all in for tea? Of course, Scanlan immediately suggests that Vax and Shaun "talk in private" while he, Grog and Percy entertain themselves elsewhere, much to Vax's embarrassment and Shaun's amusement - Vax politely declines, promising that he'll visit Shaun for tea another time, perhaps with Vex
After that, they find themselves helping somebody move boxes from their house to a cart so they can move home? Maybe Vax sneaks some coins into the stranger's pocket as a secret going away present? A little helping hand?
Maybe they take a monster clearing job at a nearby cave, something quick and easy for decent cash - "It'll put a smile your sister's face if we bring her some cash back after we spent some." "You, Percival, are a suck up to Vex. I completely respect that. Let's do that."
After the fight, they go though what they have and split everything up into neat piles that would make Vex proud - a pile of valuables, a pile of magic valuables, a pile of junk, a pile of magic junk, a pile unknown stuff, a pile of coin
Then they return to Shaun's to get their loot appraised, selling anything they don't want - Vax and Shaun disappear into the back room, alone, for a bit and return to be teased, as usual, by Scanlan - before taking their spoils back home
After giving Vex their money and after dishing out their new loot, the boys join the girls for dinner and relax after a good day out, telling the girls about what it is they did that day, the girls then telling them about what they had done too
Then, before bed that night, Percy and the Half Elves all go outside to stargaze over a bottle of red wine
Meanwhile Grog and the Gnomes all hang out in Pike's room, drinking ale and joking around until they pass out
Just... Them having a good, fun day bonding together?
Maybe a follow up oneshot/animated episode after this one to visualise what it is the girls had done that day?
I'd pay for this content, I would, I love Vox Machina so much and really wanna see them all happy and carefree!
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Blind Date p1
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I sat with my friend luke as we had some coffee outside of a local london cafe. 
"How's things with you and arthur?' I asked before having a sip of my tea
"Great got the ticket confirmations for our trip to south korea" he smiled
"Awesome" I laughed
"You have got to get back on the dating game"
"Eh, I like dating I just don't like the apps and stuff you know, tinder is just people looking for sex I want something more then two shags and another blocked number" I sighed 
"You know I had this exact conversation with someone earlier" he laughs 
"Luke I am not going out with Mikey so his parents think he's straight we've been over this" 
"Not Mikey,"
"Who then?"
"A mate of mine, little older then you, into motorbikes, fits your aesthetic-"
"I don't need a boyfriend who fits my aesthetic"
"Don't you?"
"Shut up"
"And I was having this exact conversation with him this morning, he hates the Apps and wants to meet some nice girly for more then a fling"
"Yeah, trust me dudes a boarded line technophobe" he says "I had to go over and show him why he kept getting instagram notifications"
Which made me giggle 
"You see, how about I see what he's doing and arrange you two a little blind date?"
"I guess so Luke" I shrug 
I sat at my vanity in my tights, bra and underwear, slowly taking my hair out each curler and brushing it down a little so the curls where not quiet so intense doing my make up nothing too heavy as it is first date and a blind date at that. Once I was done I got up and forced my heels onto my feet already hating it when my phone went off 
Luke: hey hun, your date just left and is on his way to the restaurant have fun you too ;) 
I slipped my dress on and packed my handbag slipping my Jacket over my shoulder, 
Y/n: okay tell him I'm on my way, how will I know him?
I locked up my house and headed down the driveway as my phone went off again 
Luke : he says he's waiting outside with a cigarette and a present for you
I was worried but I kept walking down the dark, half broken London streets, all I had to light my way was the street lamps and my phone as I followed the maps to the restaurant, the clicking of my heels against the pavement, the sounds of cars and buses rushing by, why did I wear these shoes? I hate these shoes. Why did I walk? Why didn't I just get a taxi? Ughh I am so having a large red wine when I get there. I saw I was just down the street from the place so I put my phone away and checked my make up and reflection in the window of a closed shop. I was all good so I took a breath a walked up to the restaurant initial I panicked as I didn't see anyone, but I saw a little down the street where some chairs and tables sat for the restaurant during the day, it had a black metal fence to seperate it from the rest of the pavement, a man stood there.
He was taller then me, if I had to guess from here he wasn't six feet but high fives atleast but I think the shoes helped. He had black dress shoes, a black pair of suit pants with something in his pocket, a tight leather belt a black button down tucked into the pants with a slight patten I wasn't sure what of in it, he had a black slightly trench coat like jacket over him a ciggertte in his hand, watch on his wrist, he looked nervous in his face even if he still looked attractive, his hair fixed to one side alot clearly still a little wet from where he had washed it. He was the only one around so I went closer catching his attention away from the ciggertte in his fingers, his eyes glanced to me looking me up and down quickly taking in alot of me much like I did to him moments ago. He put the ciggertte out on the metal fence and smiled 
"Y/n? By any chance?"
"Yeah" I nodded 
"Ahh great, I was getting worried" he says 
"Yeah I uhh I walked" I smiled "sorry luke didn't"
"Oh, Thomas" he smiled offering his hand 
"Lovely to meet you" I smiled taking it he gave my hand a gentle kiss 
"Lovely to meet you too, he uh he didn't say you'd be so beautiful" 
"Ohh well thank you very much" I blushed "he didn't say how handsome you where"
"Your sweet, ohh uhh I got you something" he smiled moving his hands to his pocket "I wanted get you a real one but all the shops where closed so I thought then you can keep it longer" he smiled heading me a silk rose 
"Ohh thank you, it's beautiful" I smiled happily taking it "shall we go?"
"Well if you'd like to have dinner with me?"
"I'd love to" I smiled offering my arm, he happily linked arms with me and lead me inside he delt with the hostess and we where lead to a table that overlooked the outside garden space of the restaurant closed up at the moment for the night I went to get my chair but he stopped me 
"No, no let me" he says pulling my chair out for me
"Ohh why thank you" I giggled letting him tuck it under me and then take his own seat across the table "your very sweet" 
"First impressions you know" he smiled fiddling with his hair 
"Can I get you two started with some drinks?" The waiter asked bringing some meal menus I hadn't even looked at the drinks one on the table already but I knew what I wanted 
"I'll have a large glass of red wine please" I smiled 
"Very good madam, and for you sir?"
"Uhh I'll take a large cola, I'm driving" he answered
"Aww don't make me drink all by myself" I laughed
"Ughh alright, white wine but make it a spritzer" 
"Very good," he says before heading off 
"Sorry I shouldn't" I began
"It's okay, your right. One drink with you isn't going to hurt" he says 
"So you drive here?"
"Yeah, it was pretty far so I just drove" he shrugs "you said you walked?"
"Yeah, I thought I'd have a wine and I didn't want a taxi"
"Perhaps if we… go out again I'll have to come by and pick you up" 
"If" he smiled "you ever been here before?" He asked as we both glanced over the food menus it was all so impressive and I had no concept what half of it even was 
"No never, have you?"
"Once but they have… changed things since I was here last"
"What sort of things?"
"The thing I liked has disappeared from the menu"
"Aww that's disappointing"
"Yeah, but hopefully that will be my only disappointment this evening" he says gently moving his hand across the table so his fingers grazed mine not looking up from the menu as he did. 
"Let's hope" I smiled gently moving my fingers against his own the waiter returned and we out in our order and he dropped off our drinks "so? How do you know luke?" I asked 
"Uh, not all that well actually." He says "I went to school with arthur"
"Ohh, yeah I like arthur"
"I kinda think it's impossible to not like arthur he's a bundle of joy and enthusiasm" 
"He is," I laughed
"How do you know luke and arthur?"
"Luke and I where neighbors growing up, he's probably my best friend" I smiled "he said you uhh don't so all apps and all"
"Ohh no not really, I keep forgetting my phone does more then just… be a phone. I'm not good at all the twitter, facebook, and that sort of thing"
"Yeah me neither" I smiled just then our food arrived "so uhh… how long have you been single? If you don't mind me asking"
"Ohh uhh," 
"It's okay, I shouldn't have asked" I said playing with my food a little
"No, not it's alright, I understand if your curious" he says "about six, seven months now. So… not to long,"
"Six months isn't that long" I said more to myself 
"Yeah I know, it was uhh a quick seperation you could say" he says "do you uhh mind if I ask?"
"A year" I answered trying to smile 
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked"
"It's okay, he ran off. Cheated on me got another girl pregnant" I said 
"Y/n. I'm so sorry" he says taking my hand 
"It's okay, I'm good" I answered smiling at him 
"I feel like I have to tell you now since you told me" he laughs
"You uhh don't have to"
"No it's okay, moved to the other end of the world, missed her family and all, and then just broke it off said she found someone down there so" he says "very much done and over"
"I'm sorry"
"It's alright, if she hadn't then I wouldn't be on this nice date with you" 
"Smooth" I laughed having some wine
"I try" he smiled "sorry I haven't even asked you what you do or anything"
I explained my job to him as simply as I could and he did likewise explaining it in that wash where you never completely say what your job title is but give and overview of what you do, the conversation moved to family and such, and we ended up just chatting about everything and nothing for a good while until we had finished eating, our plates taken away just nursing our drinks 
"I uhh I have to be honest y/n." He spoke up
Yay, here it comes the this was really fun but I'm not feeling any connection or anything
"I uhh I really like you,"
I stopped short almost choking on my drink 
"Sorry I know it sounds a little strange when we have literally been on one date but, I really like you. And I would really like a second date if… you wanted to go out with me again?"
"Yeah I'd liked that" I blushed "I'd love to go out with you again Thomas"
"Great uhh when are you next free?" He asks 
"Well I have nothing going on tomorrow night"
"Yeah me either," he says moving his hand to ghost mine a little "anywhere you wanted to go?"
"I've been dying to see that new movie everyone's been talking about" I said moving my hand closer too "but since it a horror, you'll have to promise to hold my hand if I get too scared" 
"I'll happily hold your hand, weather your scared or not" he smiled taking my hand intertwining our fingers "shall we get the bill?"
"Yeah its a long walk home" I said 
"I'll drop you off home don't worry about it" he says as he got the waiter to bring the bill 
"You sure? I don't want to be any trouble"
"I'm sure it's no trouble at all. And I'll pick you up tomorrow for the movie" he says "ooh I should probably give you my number so we don't have to talk though Luke'
"Ahh yeah good point" I said as I got my phone and we traded numbers just then the bill came so I reached for my purse
"No, no I'll get it" he says getting his wallet from his pocket
"No I can't let you pay it's not fair"
"I'm more then happy to y/n, its a date put your purse away it's on me" he says putting his card on the table 
"We split it. I insist" I said putting mine with his 
"Alright, but I'm paying for the tickets tomorrow" 
"And I'll pay for the popcorn" 
"Alright love" he smiled
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imalifegen89 · 3 years
A Legacy Left Behind - Chapter - 7 - When the Past Unfurls - Part I
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Rating: Mature
Category: M/M
Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Relationship: Steve McGarrett/John Sheppard
Characters: Steve McGarrett, John Sheppard, Danny "Danno" Williams, Evan Lorne, Bates (Stargate), Laura Cadman, Alicia Vega, Kono Kalakaua, Adam Noshimuri, PO Higgins (OC), Samantha "Sam" Carter, Jack O'Neill, John McGarrett, Dr. Lam, Catherine Rollins, Wo Fat, Original Goa'uld Character(s), Original Characters
Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Action & Romance, Military, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Violence, Character Bashing, Not Catherine Rollins Friendly, No DADT, Swearing
Summary :
"Sure John, I'll call," He promised as the SUV came to a stop in front of them. He and Danny both got in and seated themselves. He then gave a short wave to John who was still standing there by the exit watching them leave. Steve hoped what John had told him would be true, that his dad would be able to make it through. He was not ready to lose his only remaining parent. ‘God please, not again! Not so soon ...' His mind was repeating the mantra as Steve let out a weary sigh and closed his eyes."
Steve will find out about what happened to his father, who was involved in it, why it happened and so much more than he ever bargained for...
Hello All, Here's the next part of the series, and it's a two-parter. There are some plot twists on the way and hope you all will enjoy it.
Aethir - Thank you so much for your hard work and for finding some time to help me with editing, commenting, and giving out very helpful tips and suggestions. Idea bouncing and snark is always so much fun with you!!!
Part 1 - Honolulu General
Honolulu General Hospital
The six-hour-long flight in the old and noisy Globemaster had left both SEALs travel-weary and sleep-deprived. Neither had talked much during the flight, trying to catch a few hours of shut-eye, but among the jarring engine noise, the comms chatter, the endless shuddering, and the training maneuvers, that had been impossible. At the end of the flight, they had thanked the crew and disembarked with relief, each carrying their single duffel.
They were both on leave and therefore in civilian clothes, and instead of the usual armory they carried around, they only had their handguns and with extra clips in their bags. Although they were only making a visit to the hospital, neither of them was willing to go completely unarmed.
A short taxi ride brought them to the hospital from Hickam closer to the midday visiting hours. They figured if needed, they could wait in the hospital until they could see John McGarrett.
"Hello, My name’s Steve McGarrett, I got a call last night about my father. Somebody named Curtis called me," said Steve, presenting his credentials to the male nurse manning the reception area of the Outdoor-Patient-Department. The nurse - L. Rider, according to his name tag - gave Steve and his ID a once over and started accessing his system.
"Yes, Mr. McGarrett, your father's been moved from the ICU. He’s in room 308. You can take that elevator to the left," he informed.
Steve and Danny both took off towards the given directions.
The room Steve's father was in wasn't hard to find. It was located on the third floor and the room had the number and the name 'John McGarrett' on a plaque clearly displayed. It also had 'Dr. Leonard T. Lester - Cardiologist' listed as his primary care physician.
"I'm going to go look around and find some coffee. Do you need anything?" Danny asked. He was going to give his friend some time with his dad before going in.
"Yeah sure, I could use some coffee.”
During the six long hours he’d had to think about what happened, Steve’s mind had been busy contemplating some horrible scenarios. He hadn’t realized that he had been subconsciously bracing himself for the worst. Nobody in his family had any history of heart attacks and he didn't know what to expect, what to do or how to prepare. Being the trained planner that he was, Steve found the lack of knowledge rather unsettling.
What the nurse at the reception told him, gave him hope though. He theorized that since his dad's already been moved from the ICU to a regular room, his condition shouldn't be that bad.
Steve took a moment to compose himself, watching Danny as he walked away. Then he took a deep breath and knocked on the door before entering room 308.
He stood still by the door to take the scene in.
His dad was lying on the bed and a white and blue hospital gown was peeking out from underneath the white blanket. There was a monitor attached to his chest and Steve could see the leads disappear through the opening of his gown. The apparatus was quiet and its screen indicated a steady rhythm while John McGarrett slept. Steve noticed there was an IV connected to his dad's left hand as well. He scrunched up his nose when the strong odor of antiseptics hit him in the face, contrasting starkly with the smell of gun oil and Old Spice aftershave he usually associated with his dad.
McGarrett senior was sleeping peacefully and didn't seem to be in any pain. Steve was content to let his dad be, preferring to let him wake up on his own. As he stepped further into the room, he saw a chair by the bed and lowered himself to it slowly, mindful not to make a sound. Then he placed his duffel bag on the floor and settled in to wait.
Maybe it was his instincts of being an active duty police officer - John McGarrett surfaced from his slumber knowing that there was somebody in the room with him, within a few minutes of Steve’s entrance. The slight change in the rhythm of the heart monitor alerted Steve to the fact. Not wanting to startle him, Steve leaned forward and addressed his father softly.
"Hey dad," he reached to touch his hand, the one without the IV needle.
"Steve!" His dad's eyes went wide, realizing his son was sitting by the bed. "What are you doing here?" John knew Steve was deployed and he was the last person he expected to see in the hospital this early. He hadn’t even been in here for 24 hours.
"The hospital called me and told me you had a heart attack," Steve explained. He was relieved to see that his dad was speaking clearly and wasn't showing any signs of disorientation or pain. In fact, he looked quite normal. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm alright," John smiled at the raised eyebrow he received from his son at that. So he elaborated. "Just a little tightness in my chest area. But the doctor says it's normal after an attack. Other than that, I really am feeling fine. To be honest, I didn't even know what it was. I only knew I had a heart attack when Dr. Lester told me this morning," He was more curious as to how his son got here so quickly. "Where were you when they called you?"
"Colorado Springs." Steve smiled. He couldn't really get into details about his deployment or his whereabouts other than that, but he was glad that he was in the States to make this trip.
"Hah, and you’re here already. That was quick,"
"Yeah, I got lucky and caught a transport.”
Steve was more than happy to just sit there and exchange pleasantries all day long. But he needed to know what happened first. He got up to go and fetch a glass of water for his father from the bedside table. "Dad, what happened?"
His dad took it and drank some water before handing it back to Steve. Then he turned on his bed to fully settle on his back. Steve put the glass away and leaned towards his dad, giving him his full, undivided attention.
"It was the weirdest thing, kid," said the senior McGarrett, frowning as he cast his mind back to the chain of events that led to his sudden health failure. “I was in that small grocery shop by the filling station near home. I had just finished filling up the tank on the truck and was getting some stuff for the weekend. I remember walking towards the counter to pay and that’s it - for the life of me, I can't remember having any pain or calling for help or anything. I was standing there one moment and was waking up on this bed the next.” He paused to take a deep breath and then exhale slowly. “Then there’s this fellow - Dr. Lester - is telling me how lucky I was to come back from a severe myocardial infarction with no visible damage to my heart,” he made a face, remembering his earlier conversation with the overly cheerful doctor who described the incident in vivid medical detail.
“How’d you get here?”
“He said that the shop owner called for emergency services and sent me here. Apparently, I coded on the way, but they managed to get my heart started again without much fuss. And now, here I am.” John finished recounting the incident.
Steve rubbed a hand across his face, trying to take it all in.
“I wouldn’t obviously know what to expect, it’s not like I’ve had a heart attack before - but I'd have thought that at least you get some kind of a warning sign, you know? Like breathing difficulties, chest pain or something,” McGarrett senior continued after a moment. “Not this going about your normal day-to-day business, and then a complete blackout, followed by waking up in a damn hospital bed - it just doesn't feel normal,” his frown deepened.
Steve didn’t say anything for a long while. He just took his time to sit there and watch his dad who seemed to be doing pretty much okay after going through such an experience. He was immensely relieved and was happy to take his time to enjoy the feeling, letting go of the worry and stress that had built up since the moment he’d received the call.
A knock on the door interrupted the comfortable silence in the room and Danny Williams entered carrying two styrofoam cups of coffee.
“Ah there you are, Cap, how are you feeling?” He asked, handing over a coffee to Steve and coming closer to stand near the bed railing.
“I’m feeling alright, considering,” John smiled crookedly. “Where’s my coffee, Williams?”
“Hey, I don't think coffee is on the approved list for you,” Danny grinned. He was glad to see the man looked healthy enough for someone who had just had a serious health scare, fit to be up and making demands. “Besides, this hospital swill is so bad it might just give you a different problem or three,” he sipped his coffee and grimaced theatrically to prove the point. “So when are they letting you out?”
“Don't know yet, my doctor is supposed to drop by any time now. I don't think I need to stay here any longer at all.” John stated confidently. He was not accustomed to sitting around on a bed all day, especially when he wasn’t feeling different from any other day.
“Let’s let the doctor decide that, yeah dad? As you said, this is the first time something like this has happened to you and they just might need to keep you under observation for a bit - just saying,” Steve cautioned.
He knew his dad and he could see the stubborn man was already planning on going home, to start acting as if nothing happened. He might even insist on going to work unless the doctor gave him strict orders to rest and take it easy for a while.
“Which reminds me, do they know at the station that you are here?” Steve asked his dad before he could start protesting about staying put in the hospital. “I tried calling Kelly before I left, but it went to voicemail,”
“No, I’m on leave - only due back the day after tomorrow,” his dad replied somewhat petulantly.
The room door opened again, this time granting entry to a short, balding Hawaiian native. The name tag embroidered over the chest area of his white coat identified him as Dr. L.T. Lester. He smiled cheerfully at all of them and went to the nearest monitor connected to McGarrett senior.
“So how are you feeling today, John?” the doctor inquired while studying the monitor.
“I’m fine doc, when do I get to go home?” John got straight to the point.
The doctor continued taking readings and making notes with an amused smile on his face. Then he went to unclip the chart hanging on the bed railing and made a few notes on it. After that, instead of answering his reluctant patient, the doctor turned to Steve and Danny to introduce himself. At the end of exchanging pleasantries, he finally turned to address John.
“Well, Mr. McGarrett, I can see you’re doing quite well and your readings are good. But, as I explained to you earlier, what you went through is quite serious and you might have damage to your heart muscle.”
Then sensing the alarm from the visitors of his patient, the doctor hurried to explain. “It’s what happens during a heart attack. The blood flow into the heart gets interrupted and it goes into a sort of overdrive trying to restore the flow. This overactivity can cause damage. Your dad was quite lucky that people near him reacted quickly and sent him to the hospital on time.” The doctor smiled again.
“So, what’s next, doc?” Steve asked.
“We do need to assess the possibility of damage and the cause of the infraction. The most common reason is usually coronary artery disease, which means cholesterol clogging the arteries. There are some instances this could happen if you were experiencing a seizure with severe spasms and contractions. We’ll need to run some tests to determine the cause and then plan steps for the recovery,”
“And how long will all this take?” The McGarrett senior looked crestfallen, resigned to the fact that he wasn’t going to get out soon.
“I actually have you scheduled for some of the tests now. Some blood work, an EKG, and a scan. An attendant should be here shortly to take you for those,” Then the doctor turned to Steve and Danny. “The tests will take about an hour or so. If you need to step out and have a meal or something, now would be the time.”
An elderly female attendant entered the room quietly, pushing a wheelchair as the doctor finished, and started unhooking Steve's dad from his various monitors. Steve took the doctor's advice and took his leave with Danny, after letting his dad know that they’ll be back once the tests were done.
“Well, I’ve gotta admit man, your dad’s right. That does sound weird.” Danny said after listening to Steve about what happened.
“Why?” Steve frowned.
“My uncle Mario had a heart attack a couple of years ago. The man was moving some heavy boxes around. He’d been sweating buckets and breathing through his mouth for about an hour when my aunt found him and made him take a break. Then he felt pain in his chest and aunt Rea took him to a doctor. The doctor took one look at him and sent him to an ER. He’s been suffering from a heart attack for hours by then,” Danny paused and tried to remember the exact details his mother told him about what happened to his uncle. “He is fine now. He had to have a bypass and has to stay away from all the greasy food and the alcohol, but he made it,” he said inspecting the sandwich he took from the vending machine. They were both seated in the hospital cafeteria with bottles of water and sandwiches.
It was crowded and almost all the tables were full with families huddling together having lunch - most probably waiting for news about their loved ones. It wasn’t that noisy, despite being crowded to capacity - and nowhere near cozy or inviting - as one would expect from a busy dining area. It felt as though the sense of expectation, the sense of happiness, and the overpowering sense of grief had all tangled up together to create a very subdued atmosphere. Even the smell of food mixed with the underlying odors of disinfectant contributed to the gloom that pervaded over the souls lost in their own private worlds.
“Wow, I’ve forgotten how crappy the hospital food is. This doesn't look like a roast beef sandwich man,” Danny sniffed at it. “Sure doesn’t smell like it either.” Then he shrugged and started eating. It didn’t taste much better either, but he was hungry after the long flight.
Steve didn’t say anything as he nibbled on his food. He wasn’t really hungry but knew he had to have something to keep his energy up. He was thinking about his dad’s recounting of the incident. He hadn’t said anything to his dad earlier, but the more he thought about it, the less it made sense. What Danny was telling him also made it clear how unusual the whole thing was. He made up his mind to pop into the shop his dad was in, later when they left the hospital. Maybe he could talk to the shopkeeper and even have a look at their security footage if they had any. He might even find something that could explain his dad suddenly suffering a heart attack. Maybe there was something that his dad had forgotten to mention.
He needed to get in touch with Sheppard as well, to let him know his dad’s condition. He knew that John would worry until he heard from him. Taking the last bite of his sandwich, he decided now would be the best time to make that call.
“Listen, I need to call Shep and let him know dad’s alright. I’m just gonna be over there by that balcony,” he told Danny as he stood up, fishing his phone out of his jacket pocket. Then he walked to the area he pointed, dialing Sheppard. “Be right back.”
The sweet and subtle smell of her perfume reached Danny first, as he realized the lady who was wearing it was standing right in front of him. He looked up and saw the familiar, smiling face of Lieutenant Catherine Rollins looking down at him.
“Well, hello!” He grinned. “Fancy running into you here, of all places,” he gestured at the seat Steve had just vacated. “Take a seat,”
“Thanks,” Rollins smiled charmingly as she sat. “I’m just here visiting a friend of mine. She just had her second baby - a cute little baby boy,” her face took on the same expression all women wore when talking about babies. “I popped in here to get a drink and then I saw you,” she said. “I thought you guys were in Colorado? Is everything ok?” Her expression turned into one tinged with concern.
“Yeah, everything’s fine. I’m here with Steve, actually. We got a call about his dad, but he’s alright. We just saw him,” Danny explained without going into much detail. He noticed the Lieutenant perking up at the mention of McGarrett junior.
“He’s over there, on a call.” he pointed with his head.
Steve was leaning over the balcony with his elbows resting on the railing and busy talking to Sheppard. He didn’t see the new arrival as he had his back to them.
Danny saw the wattage of Cathrine’s smile go up as her eyes ran over the view the oblivious SEAL presented. He hid the grin and blinked at her innocently when she turned back to face him.
“So, will you guys be here for a few days then?” She inquired, her gaze snapping back to where Steve was, almost unintentionally.
Danny knew she was mostly interested in finding out whether Steve was going to be around for a while.
“Well, that depends.” He hedged. “We have to see his dad’s doctor and see how it goes,”
He didn’t want to give any definite answers or any other details without Steve’s say so. He opened his bottle and drank some water, wishing Steve would soon return. So that he could decide what to tell this infatuated Lieutenant who was back to staring at Steve’s ass with a dreamy look on her face. Then something started to nag at Danny about what she said earlier, but he couldn’t place it. He pushed it away to sort out later as he saw Steve finishing his call.
“Yeah, so that’s what happened. He seems alright and man, that’s a relief. Depending on what his tests and scans show, it’ll be a day or two more. But I’ll message you when I find out,” Steve said to John, who was quite relieved at the fact that Steve’s dad was fine. He insisted that Steve take as much time as needed to make sure his dad got all the support he needed. He also made Steve promise to message him with updates and implored him to take care of himself before finally ending the call.
Steve put his phone back inside his jacket with a smile. He very much appreciated the time he was given to take care of his dad. Moreover, he was deeply touched by the way Sheppard sounded over the phone. He had been really worried and the relief that poured over from his lover through the call was almost a tangible thing. Steve made a mental note to send regular updates as promised. It wasn’t something he would have done for anyone else, but he knew Sheppard would stress otherwise. It felt nice to know that he had somebody who cared that much about him.
He felt the good feeling wilt away when he turned back to see the penetrating gaze of Catherine Rollins directed at him. He was pretty sure he caught her in the act of staring at his ass. She smiled brilliantly at him and waved. Steve was somewhat reluctant to wave back and tried his best to summon a smile for her. He was sure it looked more like a grimace instead.
Steve didn’t have anything against beautiful women. He was definitely not opposed to being the subject of desire of one, either. He had gone out with many pretty women and Catherine Rollins, with her long black hair, soulful brown eyes, and radiant smile was exactly his type. But he was very much invested in another hazel-eyed brunet and he didn’t see himself veering off anytime soon - if ever at all. Even if he wasn’t, Steve knew that he still wouldn’t be interested in this particular woman. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something off about Lieutenant Rollins - something that rubbed him the wrong way - that made him want to be on his guard whenever she was nearby.
“Hi, Steve,” Rollins greeted cheerfully as he walked towards them.
Again, he was instantly put off by the overly friendly greeting. They had only known each other for about 48 hours, hadn’t they? He had to make a conscious effort to return the greeting without letting his true feelings show.
“Hello, Lieutenant,” He asked, more or less politely. “What brings you here?”
Danny cocked his head to the side and narrowed his eyes, picking up on Steve’s discomfort instantly.
Rollins either didn’t notice or didn’t let it bother her because she launched into the story of her friend and her cute little babies with great enthusiasm.
Steve kept the smile plastered on his face as she talked. Then he made a show of checking time and gestured to Danny. “Hey, listen, it’s nice bumping into you here. But Danny and I’ve gotta run. My dad should be done with his tests now,” he said to the woman as Danny got up from the chair to go with him. Steve didn’t want to give her any details about their visit here and hoped Danny hadn’t run his mouth either.
With that somewhat curt parting, he turned and walked out of the cafeteria, with Danny following closely behind.
“So, it isn’t just me, hah? She gives off weird vibes to you too?” Danny asked, turning his walk into a half jog to keep up with Steve’s longer strides. Steve was eager to put as much distance as possible between them and Rollins.
“Yeah, you didn’t tell her why we’re here, did you?” Steve asked while stabbing the buttons on the elevator.
“Nah, not really. Just told her that we’re here for your dad. That’s it.”
“Is she following us?” Steve was staring at the shiny surface of the elevator door.
The reflections on it were slightly distorted. But Danny could discern the shapely figure of Rollins in tight-fitting jeans and green sleeveless top, slowly making her way towards them.
“Forget this,” Steve spat, pressing a few more buttons for various floors on the keypad. Then he swiftly walked away to the nearest staircase and started climbing two steps at a time. He knew his behavior was a bit irrational; she was just a colleague after all, not another enemy combatant gaining on him. Nevertheless, he wanted to get away from her as soon as possible.
When they finally reached Steve’s dad’s room, the man was already there, enjoying his lunch. It didn’t look much better than what they had either. John McGarrett insisted that there was no need for them to hang around since he was just going to take his pills and take a long nap anyway. He could see the boys were tired and wanted them to go home and catch a few hours of sleep for themselves. Steve relented and promised his dad that they’d drop by later around dinner time. He made him promise to call them if he needed anything before that and then finally hugged him fiercely, before taking their leave.
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animescenarios · 4 years
Yo, you knew I'd have more. These are my uwus supplements. Aha you kinda my weekly go to the last while ngl. 👏 here is le requestii
So my birthday is coming up. Oct 25th to be exact. So I thought I'd send this early. What does gom+kagami do for their SO birthday who tried to keep there birthday a secret. I was a poor kid we didn't so that stuff growing up. But this year I want a celebration!!! Help me celebrate early 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳💓💌🙇🏽‍♂️💯💯💯💯💯🤠 tysm as per usual chef kiss. ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
At first I wanted to publish it right on your birthday but then realized I’m most probably not going to be active at that time, so… it’s a bit early but happy birthday!! Hopefully you’ll spend the special day well, doing whatever you want to do. Please be safe and stay healthy for the next year and way longer!
Kuroko: He found out your birthday when your friend asked if you two are planning something, not knowing that Kuroko wasn’t aware of the date. Later on you asked him to forget about it and not do anything on that occasion and he agreed, realizing that you’re not really into the idea of celebrating your birthday with friends and family altogether. But still, there’s no way he’d do completely nothing now that he knew. Kuroko contacted your friend and asked for hints on what he could do to make you feel happy and not overwhelmed, in the end planning on just spending a casual day at home with you. It might be something you two do together a lot but it’s also a safe thing for you to be comfortable. Kuroko bought a tiny cake and wished you a happy birthday, cuddling you for the rest of the evening.
Kise: He found out from one of your close friends that your birthday is approaching and decided to plan something sweet to make you smile. Kise didn’t know why you’ve been keeping your birthday a secret but maybe the topic was just never brought up. He wanted the big day to be special for you and started making a list of things you really like, hoping to include as many of them as possible. In the end he organized a small surprise party at his place, inviting all the people who already knew about your birthday date and brought you there, thinking it’d be a casual evening spent together. Kise bought a cake and your favorite snacks, put up some decorations and genuinely wished you happy birthday along with your closest friends.
Midorima: He’s known your zodiac sign from the very beginning but never asked about the actual date of your birthday. The only thing he could figure out was the month and with that information he decided to do at least something, knowing that you were purposely avoiding telling him the exact date. When the month of your birthday approached, Midorima already had a plan in mind. He decided to go for something simple, not a party of any kind but something that’d lift up your mood a little. Knowing that you had a free weekend, he invited you to his house for a movie night, preparing each movie that he knew you really liked. You two spent the whole night watching them and relaxing. Aside from that, Midorima paid extra attention to your lucky items, preparing them for you every day.
Aomine: He wasn’t really that into finding out your birthday date, he also isn’t the one to pay attention to celebrating his own birthday that much so realizing you don’t want to tell him, he simply stopped asking. With that he also figured out you’re most likely not to want him to organize anything big on the occasion. One day a hint for the date somehow just slips out of your mouth and Aomine realizes only a while later. He doesn’t prepare anything but doesn’t let the day pass without a word so as your birthday is coming to an end, he takes you somewhere private and tells you his genuine wishes, being serious for once and promising to stay with you for the next year. He then asks if you want to go and eat something and treats you to a meal.
Murasakibara: He accidentally overheard you talking about your birthday with a friend, telling them that you don’t want to celebrate it at all, also revealing the date, not aware of him being there, which soon changes. You then kept repeating that Murasakibara should just forget and not do anything about your birthday and he promised to do so… even though he actually planned something. He wasn’t going to throw a party knowing that you didn’t want it but when the special time approached, he invited you to his place and revealed a small but cute cake he baked. You two spent the whole day resting, cuddling and eating the cake, as well as other sweets he bought. In the evening he also handed you a small gift, something he thought you wanted to get earlier.
Akashi: He tried to ask about your birthday once but stopped prying, noticing how you didn’t want to talk about it. But one day he found out the date, catching a glimpse of your ID card. It happened to be not far away from that time so Akashi instantly started to think of ways to celebrate without making you uncomfortable about it. He decided not to tell you about his discovery only until your birthday came. He invited you for dinner to a restaurant you were interested in and spent the afternoon there, talking about everything and anything and enjoying the meal. When it started to get late, Akashi walked you home and gave you a gift. It was a small bracelet that reminded you of some memory you shared together.
Kagami: Even though you were trying to keep your birthday a secret, Kagami found a way to find out the date without asking you. He was aware that you probably wouldn’t like to celebrate it as something big but also wanted to show you that he cares. Without heavily implying that it’s because of your birthday, Kagami invited you to spend one entire day together doing fun things. He’s been making a list of all the places you wanted to visit and things to do and carried out his plan as much as possible. In the evening both of you were exhausted but happy and decided to stop by and eat something as well. As you were finished with everything and ready to come back home, Kagami wished you a happy birthday and hoped you had fun with him.
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