#that has their guard up 24/7 by default
zenjestrr · 1 year
ok someone just made a post about how some women are treated a type of way purely off of vibes (specifically mean girl vibes in that post) and how it's fucked up to presuppose that going off of absolutely nothing and I definitely agree that's fucked up however, they also said men don't get treated this way and I was like H U U U U U U H H H H H H ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? men ABSOLUTELY get treated negatively by absolute strangers based off of Vibes™, are we living on the same planet? you know how many guys have been minding their own business but are called creepy or intimidating behind their back? this is especially common for men of color. bro someone once told me that I gave off serial killer vibes like ??????
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24hlevi · 1 month
hihi!! can i request ben (sbg) x male reader with social anxiety and bad vision? headcannons please :)
as someone with both social anxiety and bad vision i felt this was made for me, thank you for requesting 🫡
ben clark (sbg) x male!reader
warnings/tags: language, established relationship, mention of anxiety attacks
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• having social anxiety wasn't very fun, especially at school where you were constantly surrounded by other people who could judge you or say something behind your back
• thankfully, ben was very helpful with things to help calm you down if you were having an anxiety attack, while he won't say anything, his presence is enough to help you
• also with your bad eyesight, ben was helpful like making sure to bring an extra pair of reading glasses or a cleaner when you forget to bring them
• if you use contacts and hate putting them in (me) ben will totally help you put them in. did he accidentally poke you in the eye the first time? yes, but he was a master after that! however if you want colored ones like aiden he will straight up tell you no
• ben does quite a few things that help with your anxiety, especially with how perceptive he is and can notice when you're starting to freak out. his first resort is grabbing your hand and gently rubbing his thumb on your skin, which usually works when he can see the beginning of your freak out, then if that doesn't work he ends up dragging you to a private area so you can panic alone without anyone to see, if that doesn't work, well then he just sits in the bathroom with you and calmly rubs your back
• ben remembers what sparks your anxiety, he has a little note in his phone of all the things that could possibly cause an anxiety attack of some kind, so he can easily tell when it's happening
• ben understands your social anxiety, so he tries not to have aiden around you all the time since that boy is a terrible person to be around if you have social anxiety seeing as he has none, and if you're hanging out with the group ben tries to keep you as included as possible without freaking you out by aiden's insanity
• ben is 100% a nap taker to avoid stress/anxiety PROVE ME WRONG. he will totally take naps with you if you want to help with your anxiety and bro will sleep for hours if you don't set an alarm
• plus he loves spending time with you without others so it's perfect for him and you :]
• ben uses his text to speech to try and help give you calming advice when you're having anxiety, but the default voice it talks in makes you laugh every time and forget what you were anxious about. ben has thought about changing it but if it helps you, he keeps it the way it is
• social anxiety sucks at school, and the group are basically your personal guard dogs with ben beside you making sure no one even glances at you weird or else there's 6 angry teens looking 😑at them
• it's even worse if you go out in public somewhere with the group, cause if there's any slightest thing that starts to give you anxiety they all are asking what's wrong, if you need anything, etc. while ben just stands there like ☺️ cause he's so glad you're getting along with his friends
• ben is a 10/10 boyfriend and he proves that every day by reminding you to put your contacts in or take them out before bed, cooking you your favorite foods once you get home from school if it was a bad day, and spending time with you 24/7 are just a few of the things
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mediocreanomaly · 1 year
Baby Fever with Trigun Boys!
Authors Note: I’ve been so obsessed with the Trigun baby post recently it’s been filling my head with thoughts, so here’s all the Trigun boys with if they would want kids + how many kids I think they’d have! (w Livio, Razlo, and Legato because they never get enough love 💔)  
Trigger warning: hints of pocd in Legatos (his is at the very end so you can stop reading before his if it’s a sensitive subject) 
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Would Vash want kids? Yes...eventually 
•When he first thinks about having kids with you he’s over the moon excited but then the longer he thinks about it the more nervous he gets. He does want a baby but he already feels bad for dragging you along and putting you in danger, and he’s got a bit of a self loathing streak (he makes me so sad) so he’ll probably slow down and try to convince you to wait until he stops his brother to have a family
•The other thing is he’s also not even sure if it’s possible, plant and human hybrid??? it’s never been done, not that he’s not eventually down for trying
•Although once he gets it in his head that you want a baby with him he discovers a side of himself that he didn’t know existed until now, rest assured you won’t be leaving the bed anytime soon.
•If you get pregnant before Vash can stop his brother he might mope just a bit apologizing despite you not really being mad, but it doesn’t last long. Then he’s both super excited and super stressed! What do babies need? are you hot? cold? do you need him to carry you? need help reaching something? he’s there fussing over you like a mother hen
•If you get pregnant after he deals with Knives, then he’s a lot more eager right off the bat, excited to start a family after everything he’s been through (still a mother hen though)
•Vash 👏 has 👏twins 👏
•Two little girls to be exact! one for each arm, one for each parent! Double the cuteness!
• Vash is a very good dad, eager to raise his children the way he thinks Rem would want him to, plus he has you! They grow a bit faster than human children thanks to the plant genes but not nearly as fast as Vash and Nai grew up so luckily you guys get to still enjoy them being small
• As the twins grow up they are eerily similar to how Vash and Nai were as children. In fact Vash gets a bit nervous when his other little girl takes on so many personality traits of his older brother, he stresses about it a bit, not that he didn’t love Nai but he doesn’t want history to repeat itself. Luckily he has you by his side, every time he lets his thoughts run wild, he watches the way you so gently parent the twins...he takes a small breath of relief. He feels in a way...he failed his brother but this is different, this time it’ll be okay
Does he want kids? Yes  👍
•Wolfwood loves kids so it’s natural he’d want some of his own and especially if it’s with you
•Thing is slightly similar to Vash he’d be a bit reluctant to have kids right now. He’s got a lot on his plate and he also has a bit of a self loathing streak (Trigun boys x therapy) he isn’t sure he deserves to start a family with someone as good as you
•When you do start a family Nick goes from 0-100 real fast, and by that I mean he goes from being protective to guard dog mode 24/7 but can you blame him? He’s seen how dangerous the world is he’ll die before he let’s anything happen to you or his unborn child
•Your first kid is a little girl, one that grows up to be...a little too much like her father. Sarcasm is her default speech and she’s a little head strong, but very protective of her family
•Now I don’t see enough people talking about this but??? Wolfwood??? would for sure want to adopt a kid??? He grew up in an orphanage, so of course your second kid was adopted. As much as he loves your daughter he knows how much the kids at the orphanage need a good home, so you welcome in a little boy. One that's a bit timid and shy and reminds Wolfwood all too much of little Livio when he was young, safe to say it pulls on his heart strings
•The last kid is the baby! Your daughter and son are a bit older and the third was admittedly a bit of an accident, not an unwelcomed one, but not planned. Either way Nick is happy about it (plus he’s really good at taking care of babies) In all you tie off your happy little family with three kids (four if you count nick lol)
•Wolfwood is a good dad though. Also he’s the kids favorite, so expect to get jealous when after school all the kids run into his arms. Don’t expect condolences either, this man will look up at you, all the kids in his arms and give you the biggest shit eating grin too...the bastard.
Would he want kids? Yes if you take care of them lmao
•Okay so unlike Vash and Wolfwood, Knives sees himself as an apex, so he can protect you and his kids from anything, if he decides he wants kids he doesn’t feel the need to wait
•The only thing is...it’s cannon he’s got a thing for impregnation right? but you have to realize this is for Plants, plant children aren’t like human children (or in this case plant/human children?) they grown alot faster, understand alot quicker, and he’s not the most...nurturing guy in the world. 
 •So buckle up because you’ll be in charge of most the children's care! don’t worry too much though, if you ask for something he’ll provide it so you won’t ever need to stress about not having anything. 
•During the pregnancy he’s fiercely protective over you, keeping you in his private wing in a plush bed. Only letting Legato help take care of you and Conrad whos in charge of your check ups
•Now honestly I’m not sure how many kids he’d have, so I see one of two options
•option one, an only child. One that he has you raise then begins to take more under his wing as he or she grows up. A child that's, in a way, the heir of everything Nai has built, one that will grow to be as strong as their father (with hopefully a bit more care thanks to you)
•option two, lots of children. Once he sees your pregnant the first time...well he likes you like that, might as well keep you like that all the time right? Besides don’t you want to continue his legacy?
•Either way he does like love  his children, he just has a hard time showing it. He tries to show he cares though i mean you’ve seen how he is with Vash. Honestly I think it’s easier for your kids to understand their fathers affections since their half plant, gives them a better insight you know? (if you mess with them it’s literally the quickest way to die though so it’s not like that aren’t under his care still) 
Does he want children? 100% Yes!
•This man...ugh this man
•Livio 100% wants kids with you, he’s a gentle giant and a soft soul at heart. He wants nothing more than to settle down with you and have a couple little feet running around.
•This man is so patient so caring with you. He’s also a little scared he’ll hurt you once you’re pregnant I mean look at you!!! you’re so cute! waddling around all that baby weight, what if he crushes you? or bumps into you and hurts the baby? what do you mean that's not how that works?
•Despite his worries you welcome a happy healthy baby girl, who he’s still a little apprehensive about hurting at first but once you guide him through holding the little bundle of joy he’ll settle a bit
•So you have your first little girl, and after about a year you decide to try for another. You and livio decide you want to try to have one boy one girl, only thing is...you have another little girl! but that's okay! because a year after that you try again...and have another little girl. Livio accepts his fate after that.
•all jokes! Livio really does love his little girls to death, he doesn’t really care if he has a little boy or not, besides it’s endlessly hilarious to come home and see this hulk of a man surrounded by three little girls, one of which has dressed him up in a pink tutu so he can attend her royal tea party, another using her cheap kid make up to make him “the prettiest girl at the ball” while she smears eyeshadow on his face and another one yet pulling what hair he has into multiple little pig tails. 
•Now I do have one small headcannon that only applies if you are in a relationship with both Livio and Razlo. If you are in a relationship with both the boys then Razlo sees the girls as his kids but not his kids if that makes sense...as in he helps raise them as his own but he doesn’t feel like he in particular made them you know?
•Razlo will probably ask if he can try for one kid with you (if you know what I mean) and you'll end up with one more kid, your youngest and ofcourse...it’s a boy! Razlo will never let Livio live this down, he will tease Livio about this fact forever. “What like it was hard?” “Shut up Razlo” 
Does he want kids? Maybe?
•Razlos a little on the fence about kids at first. He’s spent his life training, protecting, killing. As cocky as he acts he isn’t sure he’d be a good dad.
•Once he get’s more settled into his life not constantly fighting he’ll start to consider it though, because Razlo does like kids it’s just...he spent his whole life protecting Livio he had just never really considered the fact he might one day have a family of his own
•When you’re pregnant he follows you around like a puppy, his broad form is like a large shadow keeping a watchful eye over your smaller form. Unlike Livio though he’s a little less scared of his strength, in fact he likes to use it to his advantage, why waste his gift right? so expect him to try to carry you around everywhere. Also don’t even think about lifting anything, that’s what he’s for!
•As mentioned in Livios if you are in a relationship with both Razlo and Livio then Razlo will only really try to get you pregnant once after all Livios kids born. He’s content with raising all the girls and one little boy. (Razlo also gets swept up into the parties. He puts up a bit more of a fight and complains and bit more then Livio does but he loves them so he deals with it.) 
•As for his little boy he tries to get him into more traditionally masculine things so he can have a break from playing princess but he’s actually very accepting of whatever his kids want to do. If his little boy end up liking the stuff he does? great! If he doesn’t and just wants to join his sisters? also great! I mean, he’s a little less thrilled there's now four sets of hands hastily applying lipstick to his face, but that’s life. (Jokes on him, it ends up being one of the little girls who’s a little tomboy. “papa Razlo? can we go catch bugs?” “Oh thank god yes let’s go”) 
•But!!! If you are in a relationship with just Razlo then it’s a bit different. He’ll probably end up with two kids, both boys. The first boy is alot like him, very loud, blunt, and protective. He’s also a bit of a trouble maker and it doesn’t help Razlo is a bit of a yes man which ends in both of them with their heads bowed while you scold them
•Your younger one is a bit more of a gentle soul. A lot more shy, more of an introvert and defiantly glued to you in his younger years. Razlo doesn’t 100% understand his interest as he gets older but he does try, in fact his shy nature reminds him a lot of Livio which makes him a bit protective of your youngest. in all he ends up being a great dad
Does he want kids? No.
•Now listen, you need to understand, this man did not have a good childhood, in fact he didn’t have a childhood.
•He doesn’t have any experience with kids and the way he was treated as a child...yeah he’s got a lot of trauma around the whole concept of children as a whole, and honestly it’d have to be pretty far in your relationship for him to even be willing to be physical enough with you to even have the chance to conceive a kid.    
•so no he doesn’t want kids. 
•but lets say accidents happen and somehow the two of you are a bit careless and you end up pregnant 
•oh boy are you ready? Because Legato makes me really sad. He’d be a bit distant during your pregnancy, he doesn’t really know how to feel about all this, he never imagined himself as a father and now...
•When your baby is first born (a little boy) you’re going to have to do all the care. It’s rough but honestly with his trauma? he’d be scared to death to touch his kid. He’s paranoid. He knows what he went through and he’s scared. What if he hurts his kid? What if the same thing happens to him? In reality he’d never and I mean never hurt his kid but it’s a common for this kind of paranoia in victims of the type of abuse Legato suffered.
•It’s a rough couple of first years but after some reassurance (and therapy! please get this man therapy!) He slowly comes around. No matter what though he’s protective. Like I said he knows how cruel humanity can be, and even in the first years with his paranoia he’ll be damned if anyone hurts his little boy. In fact he might go a bit over board and refuse to let anyone even touch him or pick him up besides you
•Once he settles in though...it’s not so bad. He slowly warms up to him, admittedly it’s a bit rocky at first. To your little boy Legato is a bit of a stranger living in the same house of him since Legato refuses to let himself get too close, but give it time and they’ll slowly bond.
“I’m told you like to read?” “...yeah” “maybe...I could give you some of my favorite books? would you like that?” “...okay.”
•Don’t worry!!! the two end up okay. Despite the less than ideal start, Legato gains more confidence the more he interacts with his son. Especially since they have a lot of the same interest. At the end of the day Legato realizes something, he want’s to give his kid the childhood he never got to have.
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thatphantomtroupelady · 5 months
HxH Ringtone HCs 1
even tho I seriously need to study rn- eh. also weird title but okay
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It could literally be anything
From the theme song of an old bungee gum/texture surprise commercial
To just a screeching fire alarm
Like he just enjoys catching people off guard and it's one more way to do it so why not~
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Poor guy suffers from IRS (indecisive ringtone syndrome) 😔😔
Pakunoda has tried to fix it in the past by just having him keep the default ringtone
But then he gets soo bored of it :((
He needs his ringtone to be a nice classical piece
But he also CAN'T decide which classical piece it should be
So he just ends up shuffling through a library of like at least a hundred of them
Per month
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He can and WILL yell at you for ending the call too early
Even though he just... was not picking up
Yes. He's the type of guy to like his ringtone so much that he straight up does not pick up his phone at times
And even if he does pick up he will complain about his favorite ringtone ending and yes it is your fault
Why? Because he can.
It's a problem™
It's probably just one of the default ringtones though
He's not as non-basic as he likes to boast 😔😔
yes it does, Phinks.
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Bold of you to assume he has a ringtone
He keeps his phone on silent 24/7 because otherwise it may turn out to be a liability when he's sneaking/shadowing around
Practical but... frankly boring
Even if he ever un-silents his phone, it's just the default ringtone
Why? "Because I have better things to do"
Fair enough
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Wait wdym you can change the ringtone???
What's a ringtone???
I don't even have a phone???
No??? That phone is not mine??? I've literally never seen it before????
What's a phone???
Ok boomer
Fr tho queen behaviour
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A ringtone?? Huh?? You're so basic that your phone rings when someone calls you???
Sorry but he's just built different
His phone releases a special kind of aura that only he can detect that tells him that someone is calling him
The stronger the aura the more urgent the call is
Very 🤓👆 coded
but also can't say I wouldn't want one too
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roran01 · 5 months
Stupid headcanons for NyoRomania and 2pRomania:
-NyoRomania's name is Valeria but the surname is up for debate.
-Personally I like tying her hair in a ponytail.
-She fits somewhere between ghotic and skater girl aesthetics.
-Pink, red and black colors are in her league.
-A little troublemaker but so is Ro sometimes. A little mischievous, a little menace.
-Too honest for her own good, too dismissive about it as well.
-She keeps making that stupid uwu face.
-Her sense of normalcy is as screwed up as Ro's.
-She slaughtered a pig at the age of 10.
-Makes sexual jokes to get a reaction out of people.
-If "fuck around and find out" was a person.
-Ask her if she'd fuck one of her clones, she'd say yes without thinking.
-Cause technically she had a crush on her male 2p version once. "Is that fucked up?"
-She's a bully, bully her back in self defense.
-NyoBulgaria is the only one who can stand her bullshit. 15 minutes, no more.
-She has a type for cold and distant but cool men (but that's her problem tho..)
-Technically that's how she thought NyoHungary was until she realized he was kind of a doofus.
-She's asking to catch these hands 24/7.
-Unable to detect the red flags even in 4K.
-She likes NyoBelarus and he's the only guy she's been shy about so far.
-2pRomania's name is Dragoş, again surname for debate.
-He's a redhead with blue eyes (crucify me for this if you want, idc.)
-Both him and his 1p loved archery as kids but he switched to guns as he grew up (got a collection)
-Shooting dummy targets as a hobby.
-Wears mostly blacks and grays like his soul dies inside every day.
-"Black coffee liek ma soul" :v
-His expression is hard to read, he's poker faced all the time
-And with that he can be unpredictable. So let's see what it takes for him to snap
-He'll glare at you for gifting him stuffed animals (he keeps them well cleaned in his room tho, gives some to his brother)
-He's more kind mannered with children.
-The sarcasm is on another level (He can be very unserious sometimes)
-You can give him the most inspiring, cinema worthy confession/compliment and he'll say "thanks"
-He's the type who shows his gratitude better through actions instead of words.
-He's painfully honest too.
-Can't stand the cigarette smoke.
-Also, since our honor guard uniforms are blue, I like to make him wear one as a default clothing so it contrasts with the red overcoat Ro's wearing
May update later
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rinskazuu · 2 years
rating record of ragnarok characters /10, because i can.
DISCLAIMER: i’m only rating the characters based off what the manga & anime has portrayed. i’ve done little to no research on these people themselves, which is why i don’t condone anything immoral that they’ve done. this was written before the release of chapter 73+
a/n: i think i wanna do this for every anime + genshin & val. PLS WATCH IT & LMK IF YOU GUYS LIKE IT. also i dont care abt grammatical and/or punctual errors, this is a shit post
THOR: first of all, he’s so fucking hot. his smile caught me so off guard tho, i kinda just stood there watching the screen, baffled. not much character to him, he’s just hot. 7/10
LU BU: i’m chinese, i literally feel so happy when i see chinese characters. biased, but definitely a plus. he, just like thor, has little to no character. first character i called hot, is hot, but there are hotter characters. (what, i am not talking abt hermes wdym?) 7/10
HERMES: 10/10. no explanation. my man right there. i literally scream & cream every time i see him. why is he so fine. not a single panel or clip where he looks bad. pls eat me out, sir i beg. i will serve you. ONE CHANCE. JUST ONE?? i’m in love with him. who needs real men or women when hermes.
GOLL: she is SO ANNOYING. her eng & jp voice are both annoying asl. she’s that one character, that exists in mostly every anime, used to explain background info & battle info on other characters. brunhilde is too nice on her. she reminds me of when i first saw yachi (haikyuu) on screen. yachi, too, was annoying. but i grew to love her🫶. 1/10
BRUNHILDE: SHES SO HOT. ATE. SHE ALDNAHDISKZ. yeah, what else is there to say? 8/10
APHRODITE: she truly lives up to her version in the greek mythology. hottest woman/goddess alive. ate. her boobs, i want to squish them & bury my face in them. WHEN IS IT MY TURN TO HOLD THEM? 8/10
ZEUS: idgaf what anyone says, he’s not hot. not even his younger self. he looks like mirio (mha) turned netero (hxh). love his character tho. the eyes scared me at first. he’s hilarious. 5/10
ADAM: my friend, the one who recommended snv to me, told me he’d be more my type. he was, minus the fact that’s he literally butt fucking naked. nice ass cheeks tho. def pretty boy, his wife is hot too. i want her more😋. his line abt fighting for his children made me cry. should’ve won. i say, let hermes be uncleless & fatherless. 7/10
POSEIDON: he was fs the blueprint for adam. anywho, yk hes fine. SOOO FINE. meowing for him. he doesn’t beat hermes tho. nobody beats hermes. well, look wise at least. it was rlly hard choosing who to root for in this fight. that’s a lie, i was always on humanity’s side. sad he died:( 9/10. -1 for being a little, arrogant, narcissistic, egotistical bitch. 8/10
SASAKI KOJIRO: see, zeus coulda been hot like him at that old age. man aged like fine wine. character was a W. hot, determined, good character, funny. what else can you want from a man? 8/10
HERACLES: disappointed. so disappointed. he looked better in the disney ver. this fight was so boring for me. you’re telling me i’m supposed to watch the fight instead of ogling at hot characters? no. character was okay. 6/10
JACK THE RIPPER: massive L. not supporting a murderer. next. 0/10
SHIVA: hot from the beginning. 4 arms? do what you want to me, sir. 3 WIVES? tengen (kny), is that you bro?😭 anywho, he’s cocky, def my type irl LMAO. i wouldn’t let that slide tho.. his wives are hot too😋 8/10
RAIDEN TAMEEMON: i paid very little attention to this fight. don’t remember his backstory too well (i read this fight not even 24 hours ago btw). not that good looking, not ugly either. i liked his character, upset he took 3 of shiva’s arms. why 3? why not 2? he got 1 arm left. 4/10
BUDDHA: THATS MY GOD RIGHT THERE. ate. i’m not religious, and neither are my family, but they are buddhist, so by default, i am too. i personally think buddhism is the best religion, but we’re not gonna get into that. i have very valid reasons btw. love his personality, love his looks. massive W. ofc he fights for humanity. he’s a walking W. 9/10
ZEROFUKU: precious. definition of deserved better. what made me sad, is how he was written during the fight. he’s consistently hitting, with little to no strategy. his backstory is sad, but his battle exp was written poorly. also the random ass monster possessing took me tf out. 7/10
HADES: fine ass mf. he’s so different from how he’s usually portrayed, both look & personality wise. the first W netflix has pulled. he’s hot and responsible? persephone, we can share him babes. also, the relationship between him & poseidon made me SOB. like actually. hurt so bad i made an angst edit. 9/10
QIN SHI HUANG: first off, i don’t do research on my own ethnicity’s history. i didn’t even know who tf lu bu was. my family knew tho. with that aside, PROUD TO BE CHINESE❗️ he’s so fine. SO FINE. the way his character was written, was wonderful. i loved the fight between him & hades. the tension & the lengths they went to try & win. 9/10
BEELZEBUB: his backstory was so tragic. what i didn’t like, was how they rushed his & lilith’s story. like, they kinda randomly said i love you to each other. i’d love to see their adventures tgt. lilith, leave that emo thing, and come be w me. he’s fine too. i rlly like how they introduced him. 8/10
NIKOLA TESLA: i don’t have much of an opinion on him. very chatty, which i don’t actually mind. i guess we’ll have to wait for more chapters to release before i form an opinion on him. 5/10
ODIN: the hair bro. THE HAIR. i keep forgetting he exists, but i’m not his biggest fan. not bad, but i prefer his sons. i do like the theory of him being a traitor. he looks the part. 5/10
LOKI: honestly, i liked him a lot in the beginning, but now, it’s like he’s kinda on the side. cute & hot. thor is the better brother tho. speaking of, how tf are they even brothers? moving on, i like his personality. i like his shocked, mixed w angry, facial expressions more. 7/10
ARES: the hair again. very stylish, i do like it, but it took me out. walking around looking like a school girl. i don’t like how he tries to be a know-it-all w hermes, when he literally relies on him for info. but that’s my man for you. his expressions are SO WELL. 6/10
ADAMAS: i was awfully confused, at first, when there were 3 older brothers to zeus. usually, it’s just hades, poseidon & zeus. not his biggest fan, his character was rushed. 4/10
JESUS: i was very happy to see jesus. i’m not sure why, i just was. why is he the only character, THAT LOOKS LIKE THEMSELVES? 9/10
LU BU SIMP AGENCY: 10/10. i don’t need to say anymore. W cheng gong. love that man.
FORSETI: what a loser. he was so annoying. 2/10
EVE: mother? mommy? whatever. MEOW. 9/10
SASAKI SIMP AGENCY: love them as well. 10/10. walking Ws all around.
i don’t think i’m missing anyone, am i?
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raynavan · 1 year
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"Welcome to the world of Pokemon, Traveler!"
because i have seen possibly two Pokemon/Genshin crossovers, i decided to make my own! info dumping under the cut
So, as you can see from the drawing, normal in-game pokemon are around in the world of Tayvat, as are most mobs. The mobs themselves are either also pokemon, or “trainers” (hilichurls tend to befriend pokemon, but do not use pokeballs) or will simply come at you with a sword. The traveler themselves (who it is is up to you) usually defaults to swords, but after visiting monstat, will receive a few pokeballs. (yes, attacking pokemon with literal weapons happens, especially with guards that don't have visions, more on that later) and after that they can catch their first pokemon. Paimon is not their first pokemon, but acts more like a pokedex of sorts. (Whether or not Paimon even is a pokemon is up for debate. She insists she isn't though.) 
The world is split up into seven regions, claimed by an Archon, which is a particularly powerful pokemon, considered a god in their own right. It is said that long ago there was a huge pokemon war, and the Archons were the seven strongest winners. Granted power by Celestia, they were able to grant portions of power from one of their typings onto the humans themselves. These powers, Visions, allowed the wielder to learn moves of a specific type. 
Seven Archons, seven types. From Barbatos, the power of Flying types was given From Morax, the power of Rock types From Baal, the power of electric types From Buer, the power of grass types From Focalors, the power of water types
From Murata, the power of fire types
From The Tsaritsa, the power of ice types
(more on the first four in later posts)
While only these types can be used by human vision holders, there has been talk of some Delusions that hold other types…
By speaking to the statues of seven around the areas the Archons hold claim over, the Traveler can hold up to two different types at a time, at the cost of being weak to attacks of super effective types. This is the same with vision holders, while humans without visions function as pure normal types. 
Most people have at least a single pokemon partner, or, if not, pokemon that they are good friends with. How one gets their first pokemon varies greatly depending on the region you live in.
Seeing as only four areas have been released so far, I will only be talking about the first four.
In Mondstadt children usually find a partner very young, as they can leave the city whenever and the pokemon there are generally rather nice (Barbatos’ doing, it was said that he “calmed the winds and souls of the pokemon after the fall of the tyrant pokemon”) but often they will just be hanging out with a pokemon long enough and they’ll just. Bond. And then they’ve got a new partner! (Wild pokemon are often seen in the city of Mond, which is not seen anywhere else. Pokemon partners are encouraged to be out of their balls all the time, so Mond is basically crawling with pokemon 24/7. It is rare to see a child without some pokemon following them two steps behind.
In Liyue people can still bond with pokemon just by hanging out with them long enough, but it’s far more common for a person and a pokemon to form a contact and bond that way. It’s not as impersonal as it sounds- think of it like adopting a dog. You wouldn’t do it unless you really liked the dog. Often it also involves the pokemon helping the human out in a specific way, and the human taking care of them. Children often do not truly catch their first partner until their teenage years. 
In Inazuma it’s… complicated. Of course, people can bond with pokemon early on in childhood like in Mond, but to officially catch them, they will have to have a duel of sorts. Basically the humans and pokemon kinda. Tussle. It’s not a fight where you hurt one another, it's just a “I’m strong enough to take care of you” type deal. Understandably, children are not encouraged to properly catch their first pokemon while young, but theoretically they could as long as they can beat the other. 
Sumaru is a long series of tests and observations on what type would be best suited for a child’s starter, and then that’s sent to the scholars where they try and figure out what kind of pokemon children should get from that type and then they send the kid that pokemon. (Children Hate this especially when they have bonded with another pokemon first. It can be their Second pokemon, but not their starter. That’s not to say that all starter relationships are bad, the children know well that the pokemon didn’t exactly have a choice.) relationships are often tense, but unfortunately there is no refuting that the two, once they get to know one another, do work well together. (not all of them do. Though. There is a large amount of released pokemon in Sumaru, despite it being illegal) 
That's all on world building for now, as we (or, I) don't know much about the other regions. I will make separate posts about the archons later! So! Until then, have a good day/night!
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adlbeay · 3 years
Back in Ceobe's Fungimist, there was an artifact that gave +2 SP to all guard operators for each hit they dealt to an enemy. Some of us might remember that this artifact was completely busted when used with certain operators. In particular, Bibeak was considered one of the top picks in roguelike mode because of this, since each individual hit of her two hit default attack would benefit from the artifact, and combined with her low SP cost stackable skill, it allowed her to permanently stun anything in her range.
Well, Integrated Strategies #2 has added another version of this artifact, this time applying to all AOE and Chain casters.
Who benefits the most from this artifact?
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You see, Passenger's Skill 3 lightning area is not considered a part of his skill duration, meaning he can keep gaining SP for every one of those multiple hits being done to multiple targets inside the damage zone. Against a group of bunched up targets, he actually gains so much SP that it can completely fill up the SP bar and begin charging the next stack of his skill before the first zone even goes away.
Below is a Bilibili video of a streamer using this technique against a boss stage. You do not need to know Chinese to understand the utter joy and mirth contained in this man's voice as he unleases endless waves of lightning against everything on screen.
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imthepunchlord · 3 years
Y’know what’s funny? I can actually see DaB!Lila catching on that deciding to boost Marinette’s confidence is a better use of her energy than trying to turn her into Sabrina 2.0 as early as the day when canon!Marinette reclaimed her seat from Chloe. Just like you said, Lila’s an elaborate planner with an eye for detail, knowing that she needs different lies to ensnare different people. In addition, while she’s certainly not afraid to stand up to and oppose those who get in her way, especially with the bonus of Chloe already being seriously disliked, she also wouldn’t want to be the one who’s constantly throwing herself into the daughter of the mayor’s line of fire, especially with all the pressure she’s dealing with as the new LB. In canon, she also likes for people to like her enough to actually do things for her, whether that be staring down Marinette to take her new seat or carrying her lunch trays, and she’s smart enough to know that Marinette can’t be an effective main minion if she’s too mousy to do anything “of value” for Lila. Plus, thinking back to the seat reclaiming, she would probably regard it as a win-win as she gets to sit behind Adrien while Marinette finalizes her confidence boost after seeing the new LB work out as well as she thought (and after talking down Tikki when she tried to guilt trip her the night before).
I think you're overestimating Lila a bit, cause that to me is like, Felix level of planning than Lila's.
As crafty and observant as she is, she's overconfident and that leads to her being thoughtless and missing details. And certain things go over her head when she's certain of her herself, like being the new LB, the drawbacks of it hit her way too late and there's no easily immediate out for her as reporters are asking her about the previous Ladybug and the mistakes they expect her to fix. Mistakes she doesn't know exactly how to as the Stonehearts aren't moving yet and she needs that original butterfly that HM is currently still holding onto.
It's a tight spot she could've avoided if she didn't play off a want to grab attention and swiftly establish herself as THE hero of Paris.
So, she will notice that Marinette has low self esteem and that makes her an easy sheep to lead in her eyes, and with Marinette being an eager pleaser and having a high tolerance for those she regards as friends, Lila will think she'll have Marinette wrapped around her finger which is enough. By default, that usually means she has eager and ready servants who will do as she wants them to.
She's not going to shape how Marinette's confidence is intentionally. She'd do so unintentionally as having some sort is enough for Marinette to find that boost. She'll actually catch Lila off guard when that confidence as grown and Marinette sets herself up to be an equal with Lila than someone to follow her 24/7. And once that confidence is established, its not so easy to bring down as Marinette knows her strengths and capability (Darkblade was the biggest example of this, Marinette was uncertain of doing it because of time management, not with doubts in herself). Lila would be a tad uncertain but so long as Marinette stays being readily helpful, its all good in her book.
Though Marinette stepping up to face Chloe comes a little slower in comparison to canon, and Lila kind of hates it as this stirs up more trouble than she'd wants. As much as she and Marinette could easily win against Chloe, Chloe is still very chaotic and problematic and will fight back and make things as hard as she can. This can force Lila to be on her toes and be peeved as she doesn't have full control on how Marinette is going to act. She's not Chat level bad for Lila, but she does cause Lila some problems here and there. And it doesn't help that Tikki will pester her to "step up" like Marinette is.
And as for the matter of the seat, I actually haven't decided if Marinette would reclaim her seat in this au, as Lila would like the front seat more as she can turn to directly face Adrien and not just be behind him. If anything, Chloe may catch on that her old seat was better and demand that Bustier swap them. So RIP Adrien as he has Chloe to his right demanding attention and Lila behind (at his left) demanding his attention as well and he just has to constantly go back and forth between them.
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fxllensouls · 3 years
Lily {soul of kindness}
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full name: Lily Ye.
age : 14 years old.
soul trait : bright green (kindness).
date of birth : January 24th.
height : 5′1.
gender + pronouns : female, she/her mostly but okay with they/them as well.
* Lily understands not everything turns out the way you want and the world can be a sucky place. She is a realist first and foremost, and she tends to look for the worst in people so she can steer clear if she catches any bad vibes. However, if you seem genuine, she’ll lower her guard and be more open. She just likes to keep her distance from any sort of trouble, you feel?. Additionally, Lily can be pretty blunt. Coupled with her Resting Binch Face, a lot of people find her intimidating and mistakenly believe she’s some inverted kindness soul since she isn’t radiating Sunshine Energy 7/24. Trust me, she really is chill even if her default expression is ‘Looks Very Annoyed’. When it comes to difficult people, Lily won’t let anyone walk all over her or her friends and she tries to match the energy of whoever she’s talking with. If they’re snarky and mean, she’s snarky and mean. Of course, she’ll be civil at first, but if you continue to be an issue, she’ll drop the act and give it to you straight. No sugarcoating anything. She isn’t physically aggressive by any means, but she can give you one heck of a verbal beatdown if she’s pissed enough. As you may have guessed, Lily’s kindness shows in a slightly different way than others. She is not an anxious but sweet pushover who moms her soul group. Sure, she sorta cares for them, but she isn’t super motherly towards them. The most she can really do is offer advice and maybe a shoulder to cry on if they want, but she never approaches first if she sees someone is upset. They have to come to her. In all honesty, seeing other people upset just makes her feel awkward. She does, one some level, feel obligated to help, but she also feels she can’t do a good enough job with helping. Like she’ll mess it up somehow. Thankfully not everyone wants advice. Sometimes they just want to vent. People need someone to listen to them and she’s...mostly okay with that. Listening is something she can do. Mostly. If it gets Too Much and if she can help it, she’ll push them off to Amelia, which she also feels bad about but... Amelia is better at this than she is. Lily can try if she has to, but Amelia is better at dealing with Emotions(tm). But yeah. She kinda cares for them <3. She may not show it by being affectionate and being sugary sweet, but if you mess with any of them, Lily will be there to give you a cold look and a stern talking to...unless they deserved what was coming to them, then she may just watch. But if you’re being mean to them for no good reason, she’s gonna have a problem. And while Lily can totally come across as scary to outsiders, she really is chill most of the time. She’s headstrong, compassionate, and somewhat protective, but she’s also not a doormat. To sum up, Lily is a polite and somewhat friendly child, capable of genuine kindness when she or someone needs it, but she’s also not afraid to (metaphorically) whack some sense into a binch if she feels it’s necessary.
HP 0/29 | LV 1 | ATTK 3 | DEF 4
* Burnt pan [EQUIPPED] : You don’t think you can cook on this anymore. It’s horribly burnt. Still good for swinging though!
* Stained apron [EQUIPPED] : A gift from your best friend. It used to be pretty, but falling down a mountain made it super dirty..
* Monster candy wrapper : A little tart but good. You wish you had more.
* Nice cream wrapper : Monster ice cream tastes better than the stuff you have at home for some reason.
Extra facts –
- AU versions of Lily not only have flower nicknames but her hair clips and hair style change each time.
- While she mostly used the pan for blocking attacks, Lily would sometimes get impatient and try to escape instead of waiting to spare. When that didn’t work, she’d whack the monster before running off.
- Her favorite candy is peach rings.
Bio –
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sereina-archive · 3 years
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▌ 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 : Serena Yvonne Bellegrade
▌𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍 : Engaged by default
▌𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐑 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒: Extreme proficiency in Mega Evolution and bonding with pokemon, aura abilities she has yet to hone, ability to ‘hear’ mega stones nearby, being able to ‘feel’ how strong a bond is between a pokemon and their trainer.
▌𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑 : Silver
▌𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑 :  Blonde
▌𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐒 : Grace, Yveltal, Xerneas, Dani, Xavier, Paulo, Volkner
▌𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐒 : She.... doesn’t really consider her pokemon as ‘pets’ but more her companions and friends!!
▌𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 : Team Flare, pokemon abusers, honestly any evil team lbr
▌𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 / 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 : Traveling/adventuring, battling, modelling, pokemon rehabilitation
▌ 𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 : I wanna say fox but I also wanna say crow/raven.
▌𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒 : Bottling up her problems and refusing to talk about them/let them out; she worries too much about being a burden to those around her despite the people in her life being more than willing to lend an ear/hand when she’s down bad. She just thinks she’s a nuisance 24/7.
▌𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐒 : At one point in time, when she was young, before her journey, it was Diantha and Cynthia. Now, it’s Cynthia, Nessa, and Elesa.
▌𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 : I sure hope she likes marriage given she’s engaged.... but she has honestly always wanted to get married to someone, but always has that fear of them just... up and leaving despite that? Marriage feels like a ‘forever’ thing but she knows people can still get fed up. At least with Red she knows that likely will not happen. As for kids, she LOVES kids and would absolutely adore to have some of her own someday. Her goal is to be as good of a mother as Grace was to her.
▌𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒 : Dark colors, reds/blacks mostly, skirts, long sleeved shirts/sweaters, thigh high stockings, and boots/hightops. Other times she will totally switch it up and catch you off-guard by wearing pastels and soft colors.
▌𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 : Red, her family and friends, her pokemon.
▌𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐎 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐒 : Serena is actually a lot more awkward than you might believe. She just tries to keep the conversation feeling natural and doesn’t try to force it if it feels awkward. If you bring up a topic she enjoys though be prepared to sit for literally 2 hours straight. She is so sorry.
▌𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊 : She really enjoys blended berry smoothies!! Something about them just hit different, especially if she’s been out all day running around.
▌𝐅��𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐀𝐓 : The Anistar Sundial. Something about it, whether it be due to Yveltal/Xerneas’ aura irradiating it, or the breathtaking effect at sunset, is immensely comforting to her, and she really never realized it until she took Red there a while back for the first time.
▌𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍 : I feel like she’s fine with either? She’ll let herself get battered around by the waves and laugh about it. Lakes are a bit calmer which she can also appreciate, and the water is much fresher and feels less gritty to her. Either way, she gets to swim so she’s fine with whatever is presented to her.
▌𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄 : Red eyes.... black hair.... powerful trainer..... seeing the picture yet
▌𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐒 : She’s definitely biased towards camping, since 99% of the time on her journey she set up camp in the wilderness instead of staying in a center. The amenities of the indoors are nice, but camping is just comfy to her.
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kbstories · 4 years
“It’s not like Kirishima had come all this way to U.A. to immediately break the promise he made to himself upon arrival.
It’s just that Bakugou is as feral as they come, and the moment Kirishima recognizes it’s fear he felt crawling up his spine that day, he makes it his personal mission to face it head-on until it’s gone.”
(Or: Being friends with Bakugou Katsuki is anything but a linear experience. Kirishima Eijirou would have it no other way.)
Tags: Kirishima POV, Developing Friendships, Kamino Arc, Kidnapping & Aftermath, Hurt/Comfort, Bakugou Gets A Hug
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Content warning for kidnapping, aftermath of violence. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9.
Nitro!! (Baku 💣💥)
i’m gonna die (sent 19:08)
no seriously i’m this 👌🏻 close to losing it bro (sent 19:08)
aizawa’s voice is so zzzz and it’s like sir,, i’m begging,,,, (sent 19:09)
a little bit of energy. just a little bit (sent 19:09)
A nudge to his side, somewhat urgent.
shit brb (sent 19:10)
Kirishima keeps his voice down to a hiss, shooting a glance at Aizawa’s turned back just in case. Hidden behind his pencil case, his phone shows Bakugou has read his messages – near-immediately, as always – before Kirishima locks the screen. His own face is reflected on sleek, innocent black.
Next to him, Kaminari is looking at him like he’s lost his mind. “Don’t dude me, dude”, he whispers back. “Texting in Aizawa’s class? D’you have a death wish?”
Next to Kaminari, Mina leans over her desk, clearly curious and uncaring of her notes crinkling quietly under her elbows. “You? Kiri, paragon of wholesomeness and sunshine, breaking the rules? Lemme guess, it’s because of Bakugou.”
Next to Mina, Sero joins the fray with a muted headshake. “So brave yet so reckless. Truly inspiring.”
“You can say that again. That guy’s scary, man.” That’s Kaminari again. He leans in conspiratorially, nodding at Kirishima’s phone. “You got Blasty’s number? How? He almost bit my head off when I invited him to the 1-A chat.”
“Uh, yeah? We’re besties. But guys…”
If they were anywhere else, Kirishima would let out a whine. All he wanted to do was keep himself awake by texting his bro, is that such a crime? Especially since Bakugou’s the only one of ‘em who is actually allowed out there, where the fun stuff is happening. It’s downright cruel to have a new challenge dangled in front of their eyes like the juiciest steak only to be dragged away to the equivalent of plain steamed broccoli. Or something.
Point is: Kirishima’s bored enough he could cry and Aizawa, bless his insomnia-plagued soul, is making it about a thousand times worse with his monotone mumbling while he continues to write whatever-the-fuck in chalk to illustrate his point.
Three mouths open simultaneously in what Kirishima knows will be a too-loud bout of teasing – a frantic gesture of his hand to shut up, shut up, shut up has identical grins bursting on his friends’ faces.
Grins that disappear the instant the familiar sense of Aizawa’s quirk washes over them. Uh oh.
Aizawa doesn’t even have to say anything. Not even a brief pause registers in his lecture yet Kirishima snaps to attention so hard his buttcheeks clench as he furiously scribbles down what’s on the board. Some sort of… diagram? (It’ll make sense later, Kirishima hopes. And if it doesn’t, there’s always his equally draconic tutor-slash-best-friend he can poke into helping him eventually.)
After a semester at U.A., everyone in 1-A is whipped enough that not a single word is breathed between them for a good fifteen minutes. Aizawa talks, they take notes.
Then the adrenaline wears off and Kirishima finds himself drifting once more, fingers automatically flicking the home button. There, over Crimson Riot’s confident grin, three new messages.
Nitro!! (Baku 💣💥)
pay attention (received 19:14)
ffs (received 19:14)
hope aizawa murdered your ass (received 19:16)
No surprises there. Well, the fact that Bakugou has deigned to reply just before a training exercise kind of is, and he even triple-texted which makes a sappy part of Kirishima’s brain think he must’ve rubbed off on him over the past months. The day Bakugou Katsuki discovers emojis can’t be far off now and it will be Kirishima’s greatest achievement to date.
He bites his lip to suppress an amused noise at that. Ignoring the incredulous stare from Kaminari to his right, Kirishima types.
Nitro!! (Baku 💣💥)
haha! i lived bitch (sent 19:32)
minus the bitch askdjfhsk sry (sent 19:32)
i’m just tired af lol (sent 19:32)
how’s things on ur end tho? (sent 19:34)
no asses left unkicked i’m sure (sent 19:34)
👊🏻💥💥 (sent 19:35)
Kirishima gets about a solid second to feel good about furthering his pro-emoji agenda before his phone is snatched away by rigid, white cloth. Wide-eyed, his gaze is met by a flat expression that exudes more exhaustion than any human should rightfully have to feel.
“Kirishima”, Aizawa says, as calm as ever. “How kind of you to lend me your attention.”
Lord have mercy. Whichever hell Aizawa is about to unleash on him, Kirishima will be in it for a while. And when that’s over, it’ll be Bakugou’s turn to have a field day with it.
Somehow, Kirishima is actually looking forward to that last part.
Then, a voice rings out in their heads. Aizawa jumps into motion. The villains strike.
Afterwards, all Kirishima can do is stand there and watch the forest burn. His phone is silent, held between fingers that won’t stop trembling no matter what he does. He unlocks, checks, locks, only to do it all over again a few minutes or seconds later.
Around him, everything is spinning out of control. Reality is too loud, too bright, already overwhelming where it waits to be acknowledged beyond the soothing green interface of his chat with Bakugou.
The messages are still there. Marked read until they aren’t, and Kirishima stares at that subtle difference like it’s the last thing tethering him to the ground. Blue tick, his best friend is fine. Grey tick–
Bakugou let Kirishima take a photo of him, once. Kirishima had complained about his profile picture being that creepy default silhouette, especially once they started texting on a daily basis. So Bakugou sighed and leaned over the tiny table of the café, his chin propped on one hand and his coffee in the other. He’d kept still just long enough for the shutter to go off and called him a clingy bastard right after.
In the soft morning light, there’d been something warm in his typical glare. It’s still there, tucked away in the top left corner of the screen. Fond, red eyes, looking straight at Kirishima ever since.
Higher and higher, the flames reach for the sky with greedy, cobalt fingers, bright enough to take the stars with them. And Bakugou?
Bakugou is gone.
Nitro!! (Baku 💣💥)
hey (sent 23:01)
it’s a long shot but (sent 23:03)
are u there? (sent 23:03)
these are going thru so ur phone is on and i thought (sent 23:08)
idk (sent 23:08)
please respond man (sent 23:37)
please (sent 23:58)
katsuki? (sent 00:40)
Nitro!! (Baku 💣💥)
fuck (sent 3:24)
Bakugou Katsuki
um (sent 6:13)
the pros asked for ur number to track it and stuff so i gave it to them (sent 6:13)
turns out almost nobody has it?? so like (sent 6:20)
if u want a new one after all this it’s on me (sent 6:21)
pls don’t be mad haha (sent 6:21)
fuck that actually (sent 7:05)
be as mad as u want baku (sent 7:06)
u can do whatever ok? when u come back (sent 7:09)
free pass. i won’t guard this time (sent 7:09)
just come back (sent 8:00)
they’re looking for u so u gotta come back (sent 8:02)
Baku 💣💥
sry i just (sent 19:55)
ok still going thru (sent 19:55)
that’s good right? (sent 19:57)
i need it to be good (sent 20:05)
yeah (sent 20:06)
Baku 💣💥
it’s saturday (sent 2:33)
please be ok (sent 4:46)
i miss u (sent 5:00)
Baku 💣💥
we’re on our way katsuki (sent 12:45)
just hold on we’re coming for u (sending…)
wait (sending…)
oh (sending…)
Bakugou is quiet.
When all is said and done, injuries patched up and police statements given, Kirishima waits and Bakugou looks… tired. Small. Glancing back at the precinct with eyes a little too wide, a little too hesitant to truly belong to him.
Whatever he’s searching, if he finds it or not – Kirishima can only guess as Bakugou’s shoulders slump further and he mutters, “Let’s just go.”
In retrospect, he was probably talking to his parents. The Bakugous came for their son in a car as expensive as they come, white with chrome highlights and an interior clad entirely in tasteful, beige leather; it’s an aesthetic that’s the antithesis to Katsuki’s. Their expressions are full of love, though, brows drawn in concern carefully left unspoken. His father opens the back door for him first, going for his own in the front, while his mother ruffles Bakugou’s hair within the one-second-window he allows for the touch before shrugging it off.
“Welcome back, brat. We missed ya.”
Familiar phrases laden with far too much weight. From the outside in, it’s just that: Mildly exasperated parents picking up their kid after some school thing that dragged on into the night, or perhaps a late hangout with a friend. No one acknowledges the nightmare-ish three days they’ve left behind by the merit of time passing and the world spinning on and nothing else – the countless people injured or dead, an entire district torn asunder in a conflict much bigger than any of them, especially Bakugou.
Bakugou, who shuffles onto the backseat without saying much of anything. It’s only after Kirishima trails after him and Bakugou’s eyes meet his own over his shoulder that Kirishima realizes that’s what he’s doing.
Then Bakugou’s gaze softens and he kicks the door of the car open wider. “Um”, Kirishima pipes up, the noise of keys clinking together drawing his attention to one Bakugou Mitsuki. “Is it okay if I…?”
She snorts and ruffles his hair, too. “Kid, after what you did tonight, a ride home is the least I can do for ya. C’mon.”
Kirishima bows politely, a mumble of “Thanks, ma’am” waved away immediately. A moment later, Kirishima’s hand is being grabbed and he’s dragged inside. “Get a move on”, Bakugou mumbles, staring pointedly until Kirishima rights himself and digs for the seatbelt with his free hand. The click of the clasp snapping in is oddly loud in the ensuing silence.
It doesn’t last. The moment the engine purrs to life and the lights go off, a heavy guitar riff screeches from cleverly hidden speakers in perfect surround sound and Kirishima jumps. He’s the only one in the car to do so.
“Whoops, my bad”, says Bakugou’s mom as she turns the music down the slightest amount, her smirk – so familiar and yet not – clearly visible in the rear-view mirror. Next to her, Bakugou’s dad chuckles and shakes his head.
Bakugou himself is turned towards the window, the hand against his chin barely hiding the tiny smirk there. Kirishima lets him have it. Anything that’ll replace that lost expression from earlier is good in his books.
“So. Eijirou, right? Nice to finally meet ya.” Mrs. Bakugou checks in with him via the mirror. Her hand rests on the gear selector. “Where to? We’ll bring you home first. I’m sure your parents are worried.”
And oh fuck, Kirishima hasn’t even thought that far ahead yet. When he snuck out of the house a lifetime ago, all his mind was able to process was getting to Bakugou, saving Bakugou, bringing Bakugou back. As much as both his mothers are angels in their own right, they’re also easily worried and twice as buff as him. There haven’t been many occasions which called for them to throw down for their son but they totally would if given half the chance.
If they catch wind of even a fraction of what Kirishima got up to tonight, someone will have to pay. Kirishima’s willing to bet his most prized, limited-edition Crimson Riot figurine that that someone will end up being all of U.A., nationally famous pro heroes or not.
Before any of that can make it out of his mouth, Kirishima’s hand is squeezed and… Oh. Bakugou’s still holding it. Their skin isn’t touching; Kirishima’s sleeve has been pulled down to prevent that.
(It’s one of those things Bakugou does, tracking who and what gets in direct contact with his sweat and how to neutralize it in time. It makes Kirishima’s chest ache that, despite everything that happened, he is still aware of small things like that.)
“He’s crashing at ours tonight”, Bakugou tells his parents rather gruffly. Still looking out the window like there’s nothing unusual about that at all, and Kirishima gapes at him in complete and utter surprise. Bakugou’s grip only tightens.
“Got a problem with that?”
Just like that, Kirishima finds himself able to process speech. “Nope! Not at all. Uh, that is– Mrs. Bakugou, Mr. Bakugou, can I?”
Bakugou’s parents look similarly caught off-guard. To their credit, they merely blink and look at each other, shrugging. Again, it’s the mother who speaks. “That’s Mitsuki and Masaru to you, kid. Let’s go home, then.”
And that’s that. They set off, the car’s movement a quiet thrum that’s drowned out by complicated drum solos and vocals barely scraping past outright growling. Any other day, Kirishima would’ve been ecstatic to finally get to meet the Bakugous. He’d hoard bits and pieces of knowledge about them – such as the fact that Katsuki’s taste in music runs in the family, what the hell – like a dragon does gold coins. The notion that Bakugou invited him to their first sleep-over ever would be the biggest treasure on that pile, for sure.
Because Bakugou Katsuki is anything if not cautious: with his quirk, with his time, with his trust. Because, after days of pacing his room and worrying himself sick and crying until exhaustion took him out, their plan worked.
They pulled it off, Bakugou is back and alive, and Kirishima’s allowed to stay by his side a little bit longer.
He’s here because Bakugou wants him to be and that… feels better than Kirishima can properly put into words. So, no, he doesn’t boast about it, he doesn’t have the energy to – but Kirishima notes and appreciates it nonetheless, relief forming a ball of warmth and light that radiates within him like a tiny sun got stuck between his lungs and his heart. Bit by bit, it melts the tension off Kirishima’s bones until all he can grasp is the steady presence of Bakugou’s hand in his and how heavy his eyelids feel.
Kirishima could sleep for a week straight and still crave a nap afterwards. Probably.
There’s something he has to do before he crashes, though. With a gentle squeeze, he frees his hand to grab his phone and winces at the dozens of unread messages and missed calls that greet him. Both the group he has with his family as well as the one for 1-A have been running hot most of the night, reducing his battery to a pitiful 12%.
Opening up the chat with his moms, Kirishima scrolls to the bottom of the increasingly worried barrage of texts and hesitates, his fingers hovering over the keypad. Once he starts typing, he’ll have about a minute before shit really hits the fan.
💪🏻Kirishima Power 💪🏻
guys i’m so sorry!!! (sent 21:58)
i know ur worried and stuff and i swear i’ll explain later ok?? (sent 21:58)
 just wanna let u know i’m safe!! staying over at baku’s tonight (sent 21:58)
he’s here and safe too (sent 21:58)
🙏🏻🙏🏻 (sent 21:59)
He pauses then, reading that last part over and over again. Safe. Safe, safe, safe. A smile cracks Kirishima’s lips apart and it remains there, steadfast through the flood of new messages rolling in.
Bakugou’s room is both everything Kirishima expected it to be and at the same time… not.
It’s huge, for one, the typical bed-wardrobe-desk setup expanded by a couch and a beanbag, a TV with a variety of game systems hooked up to it, a handful of shelves filled to the brim with books and manga and oh, a whole freaking drum set taking up a corner by itself. The walls are plastered with band posters and signed set lists and – less blatant but still there – the odd All Might merch Kirishima knows Bakugou would strangle him for mentioning, so he doesn’t.
What comes out of his mouth is: “Dude! I didn’t know you played drums. That’s so cool!”
Everything is kept in the triad of black-orange-green Kirishima recognizes from a certain hero costume. A few discarded shirts aside, it’s really tidy. So much so that Kirishima feels ashamed of the state of his own room just by seeing this.
The feeling is compounded by Bakugou picking up those shirts and throwing them in the hamper first thing, a quiet tch indicating he’s annoyed by it. Kirishima isn’t up to outing himself as an unrepentant walking mess in comparison – instead, he makes a beeline for the bookshelf with the manga, eyes drawn to a row of covers he’d recognize in a heartbeat.
“Wha– I’ve been looking for these for ages! They’re sold out every time I try to catch up on ‘em.”
A short glance at Bakugou is answered with a shrug and an eye-roll: It’s Bakugou-speak for do whatever the hell you want. Kirishima pulls out the volume he stopped at and leafs through it.
It’s meant as a distraction for Bakugou, a space for him to drop the put-together façade and breathe without people constantly fussing over him. It’s honestly what Kirishima would rather be doing right now (exploring his best bro’s room be damned) but it’s not what Bakugou needs. Well, what Kirishima thinks he needs.
It’s hard to get a read on him without the constant snark and pointed glares. With some dinner in their bellies and Bakugou’s parents now safely downstairs, the expression that fits nowhere on the Angry Bakugou Face catalogue is back. Kind of uncomfortable and so… absent.
Kirishima is really starting to hate that expression.
It’s entirely accidental that Kirishima actually gets into reading. One chapter turns to three, turns to five, and the troubles and worries whirling ever-tighter in his chest ease for a bit until–
Woosh. A soft, balled-up something knocks against the back of his head. Kirishima startles and almost drops the manga, a vaguely alarmed noise stopped short by the sight of Bakugou in sweats and a well-worn, black shirt. His hair is wet. Wild as ever. At Kirishima’s feet: A similar outfit including a towel.
“Bathroom’s that way. Leave your clothes out by the door, I got special detergent for the nitro. Shampoo and shit’s in the shower, there’s a toothbrush for you by the sink. Use it.”
Kirishima opens his mouth.
Bakugou sighs. “It’s just a fucking toothbrush, Kiri. Wreck it for all I care.”
Kirishima closes his mouth. He nods. His phone is quickly dug out of his pocket and set aside, then he slips out to shower.
A good fifteen minutes later, he opens the door to let out a gust of steam and sees his clothes are gone. The hallway is empty, half-lit by the light coming from downstairs. The Bakugous have been as nonchalant about their spontaneous guest as Bakugou himself; even so, Kirishima tries not to linger or make too much noise as he sneaks back to Bakugou’s room.
“Baku. I’m back.”
Bakugou gives him a grunt of acknowledgement from where he’s fitting some sheets over the couch, folded out to provide a decently sized bed. There’s a pillow and a pile of blankets next to him, wrapped in fresh linen as well. It’s unlikely he’s stopped doing stuff since Kirishima left and if he is about ready to crash in five to ten minutes, he can’t imagine how Bakugou is doing right now.
Y’know, the guy who just survived being kidnapped by Japan’s newest and most notorious villain menace. No amount of pretense can make that simple fact undone.
Kirishima pads over to help, the offer to take over already on his lips but– Too late. The last corner is already being tucked in and laid flat with grim-faced efficiency. Left with nothing else to do, Kirishima sits down on the very edge, eyes downcast and fingers fiddling with the hem of his borrowed shirt. There’s some sort of band logo on it, an English word written in that typical death-metal-font that looks like someone dumped a bunch of white sticks in a pile and called it a day.
It’s soft. A little loose and frayed around the edges.
“Hey, Baku?”
Taking the blankets, Bakugou dumps them in Kirishima’s lap. “Mh?” He makes to step away and Kirishima doesn’t think, just reaches out and catches the back of his shirt.
“Dude, seriously. Just… sit down for a minute. Please?”
And Bakugou… listens. He stops, he frowns at Kirishima for a moment like he’s trying to figure out what his deal is, he sighs like he’s been presented with the world’s most aggravating puzzle – and then he tells Kirishima to scooch. “What? I’m not gonna sit on the fucking floor”, he says.
Kirishima can’t keep the relief off his face as he gladly makes room on the couch, leaning against its arm and tucking his legs in. Once Bakugou has settled, cross-legged with an elbow propped on the backrest, Kirishima throws the blanket over both of ‘em. Might as well get comfortable while they still can.
“Okay.” He steels himself with a long, slow breath. “I know you hate this kinda thing and we’re both tired and… stuff. Still, though: Are you okay?”
Bakugou gives him a look, which– Okay, fair. It’s a dumb question with an obvious answer. Kirishima doesn’t back down, though, humming to buy himself some time to rephrase.
“Like… It’s fine if you’re not. Okay, I mean. And if you’d rather go the fuck to bed and not think about this for a while that’s fine, too. But that was pretty rough and you’ve been, um, quiet. And stuff. So, I’m kinda worried. Y’know?”
Kirishima pauses. A bit lower, he mumbles: “And I missed you. So yeah.”
At some point, he dropped his gaze to his hands, limp and useless in his lap. Kirishima swore not to be a coward anymore but it’s hard, to speak and ask about things in full awareness he has no fucking clue what he’s doing.
All he wants is for Bakugou to be okay. That’s all that matters, at the end of a day like this.
“I’m not”, Bakugou says, tentatively. Like he’s making up his mind as he goes. “I’m not gonna waste your time with ‘I’m fine’. I’m not. This shit’s fucked up.” And again he sighs, sounding so fucking tired Kirishima’s heart squeezes in sympathy.
“I haven’t slept in three fucking days; my shoulders are killing me from using my quirk and sitting chained to that stupid chair and whatever the fuck else. The League scouted me specifically because they thought I’d make a good villain and fuck them for that. Fuck them. But it’s just… It’s whatever. It doesn’t matter.”
Whatever Kirishima expected, it’s not that. He looks up and into Bakugou’s eyes and–
He can’t mean that, can he? Kirishima searches his face for evidence to the contrary, traces the tension around Bakugou’s mouth and the exhaustion smudged under his eyes and the line between his brows, growing deeper under Kirishima’s scrutiny. It all reads defeat. It hurts.
They won, right? A childish voice within Kirishima can’t help but cling to that even as he looks back down. They won, and things are supposed to get better when you win.
“People got hurt. People died, Kiri. Heroes, too.” Bakugou takes a shaky breath, a hand going to his hair and rubbing it roughly. “Fucking… Best Jeanist was there and nobody at the precinct wanted to tell me if he’s alive or dead or what. All of Kamino Ward is fucking gone and All Might–”
Bakugou’s voice cracks right down the middle and it hurts. Like there’s a beast tearing through Kirishima’s chest to rip out his heart and throw it to the floor, stubbornly beating as it bleeds out.
Kirishima wants to say something. Anything. All he can hear is Bakugou’s breathing but it’s all wrong, off-rhythm and thread-bare and upset, and any doubt what that means is erased as Bakugou’s hand clenches on the sheets and he sniffs, wet on the exhale.
“Don’t. Kiri, don’t–”
He’s always been like that, ordering him around and demanding things when politeness dictates to ask for them instead. His tone is as close to pleading as Kirishima’s ever heard from Bakugou, though, and it twists him up inside to the point he feels distantly nauseous.
“Don’t look.” Bakugou isn’t supposed to sound like that. Not now, not ever. “Okay? Don’t f-fucking– Don’t look at me right now.”
“Okay”, Kirishima says. “I won’t.” His own voice is a mess as well, trembling all over the place. “I won’t, Nitro. I won’t.”
You’re safe, is what he wants to tell him. It’s okay, you’re safe now. That’s not what Bakugou is asking of him. Kirishima can’t stop himself from crying because it’s always been hard not to when the people he loves are doing it, but… He tries. For Bakugou, he’ll always try.
Through eyes heavily clouded by tears, he sees Bakugou’s hand tighten, knuckles going white and bloodless. Painfully tense, and Kirishima can’t stand the sight of that, either.
He shuffles a little closer to place his hand over that fist, careful to only touch the back of Bakugou’s hand. Kirishima whispers, “I’m here”, and Bakugou audibly swallows. He lets him slip his fingers in-between his own.
Holding on, just as he did in the car and when they met in mid-air, that desperate instance that decided whether he would make it out alive or not.
Bakugou holds on even as he breaks for good and his shoulders shake with his sobs. As he continues to breathe in gulps of air that sound strangled and desperate, through tears that leave a pattern of uneven dots on the blanket. By morning they will be gone without a trace: The sun will come up, the world will continue to travel around it, and time will reveal the road they walk on as they walk it, step by step by step.
Just because it’s meant to pass doesn’t make this moment any less real. Any less important. Kirishima sits there and listens to his best friend cry. He remembers days spent without him and the mad dash to save him. He thinks of dumb questions and obvious answers.
It’s hard to tell if this is one of them, so he gathers all his courage and asks: “Katsuki. Can I hug you?”
Just like last time, Bakugou doesn’t say anything. He laughs, a watery, humorless thing – and he pulls at Kirishima’s shirt to crush him to his chest. His arms wind around Kirishima’s neck, Bakugou’s face pressing against his hair where Kirishima won’t be able to see him.
It’s fine. Kirishima’s great at hugs; he can totally work with that. Clenching his eyes shut, he adjusts his grip around Bakugou’s waist so he can rub his back, following the bumps of his spine. Up and down, over and over. Bakugou goes boneless in their embrace, not about to let go anytime soon and neither will Kirishima.
Eventually, Kirishima tucks his head against Bakugou’s shoulder, blinking sleep from his eyes. Safe. He doesn’t fight the sharp-toothed smile on his lips. Bakugou mumbles, “Fucking sap”, nearly drowned out by their collective sniffling.
It sounds a whole lot like thank you. Kirishima’s smile only grows.
>>Chapter 5
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xplrvibes · 4 years
yknow what I was realized? I'm very protective of Colby in a way that I'm not with Sam. And I love Sam!!!!!! I just feel like the #1 protector place has already been filled by Colby. Sam would 100% die for Colby, but in a protective sense he gives off very chill vibes? He's well aware of his loved ones' resources and strengths, so he's not on-guard 24/7, but maybe Colby can be more.... anxious and overthink-induced so his default mode is defense. So I've come to the conclusion that in ambiguous situations Colby is defensive of Sam and we, among Sam, are defensive of Colby
TW: frank discussion of Anxiety and Depression
This is a very interesting perspective, anon!
I've never gave much thought to it, but I do think it has to be said that there are a couple other factors that go into some people feeling more protective of Colby than Sam, besides what you mentioned above (which are extremely valid and truthful perspectives).
1. To put it plainly, Colby gets a lot more shit than Sam. I've never heard of Sam receiving a death threat, or even outright hate. His relationship is supported, he is quietly and steadfastly supported by the fans, there is very little, if any, drama that surrounds him. There's simply not a real need to be protective of him, for the most part.
And, to be totally honest, Sam has proven that he can take care of himself in situations where he is being attacked, or may be otherwise in need of "protecting." He has "clapped back" as the kids say, when the situation has called for it. He has been able to rise above, resolve, and move past things that have come up that we may have wanted to protect him from. He isn't afraid of a little confrontation.
2. Expanding on Colby's anxiety a bit: I think, especially for those of us who suffer from things such as anxiety or depression, that it is far more readily apparent when something has upset- or has the potential to upset- Colby than Sam. He has a lot of tells, if you know where to look for them. He wears his sadness and anxiety a lot more openly than Sam does, and those of us who relate to how he is feeling immediately go into protective mode because we know the deep and dark and scary places anxiety and depression can take you.
Additionally (and related to anxiety in a way), Colby is just- not good with confrontation, at least when it comes to defending himself. I've seen him get involved in things that pertain to his friends here and there, and I think he would absolutely walk in front of a train with a smile on his face for Sam, if need be. But, when it comes to himself- he just doesn't do it. I actually think that can be traced back to a combination of anxiety, not liking confrontation, and a bit of trauma from the ridiculously toxic nature of his fandom, but that's another story for another time.
Essentially, flight or fight kicks in and Colby, I think, chooses flight.
Sam usually chooses fight.
Therein lies the difference.
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03/01/2021: About Me
Hey. So, I’ve kind of already done something like this before, but figured I’d update. This isn’t your traditional “get to know me”/ “about me” post so if you want to make one yourself, feel free to copy. While I do not intend on going into any graphic detail, I will put a Trigger Warning/Content Warning here.
 Who are you? Tell me about yourself
I go by Star
32 yr old, cis female, United States
Currently a veterinary assistant at a spay and neuter clinic
Currently going to school for Health Information Management so I can eventually become a medical biller/coder
In a relationship; boyfriend of 7 years [and yet it is complicated]
I have two orange male tabby cats that, while they can be little kitty brats, do give me a sense of joy in life.
 No, really…tell me about yourself
292 pounds at 5 foot 6 inches tall (this is the heaviest I have ever been in my entire life. It is not a good feeling)
Harmer of self since the age of 15, with periods of recovery/non-injury
Hating my body/self since I was extremely young [maybe 7 years old; I remember writing in my diary “I need to go on a diet” or “On Monday, I start my diet”; without any realization of what it means. But always felt like the ugly duckling and was always about 20 pounds heavier than the other girls in my class/age-range] 
Wasn’t really allowed to date while living with my parents [I lived with them until I was 24 so you can do the math there….didn’t have my first kiss until I was like 22, didn’t have an actual intimate relationship until I was 23/24] 
Never been officially diagnosed with anything; despite an episode of harm which landed me into the emergency room and then to a mental health facility (you’d think they’d diagnose me with some kind of *something* while I was there but…nah. It was basically, show up to group and be nice/quiet and if you want to leave you can since you voluntarily came here. I stayed for a day and a half, expecting to get help but didn’t really get it other than “you need to learn to communicate with people and people need to take the time to hear you speak”. And that day and a half cost me almost $5,000 and I don’t have insurance so ofc I’m not going to stay longer. I was lucky that they had a financial aid type thing and that I qualified; they basically wrote off the debt and all I was responsible for was the ER visit and paying the doctor to patch me up). Still, it would be nice to know EXACTLY what’s going on with me mentally [Am I bi-polar? Do I have an anxiety disorder? Am I on the spectrum? Do I have BPD?]
What’s your trauma?:
Emotionally neglected child who grew up into an angry and depressed teenager
Essentially forced to become a third parent/default babysitter to my siblings [one older sister, two younger Autistic brothers] at the age of 8, as my parents didn’t feel they could trust my sister to care for us, but trusted me.
Harmer of self since the age of 15.
Ideation of disordered eating between ages of 13-16 [again, I remember looking into Ana and Mia and writing in a diary that my goal was to “become Ana”]. 
Sought approval from father by being a “good kid” and never getting into trouble and trying to get nothing less than perfect straight As in all my classes from 10th grade [sophomore year in high school] onward. 
Sought attention from older men, since boys my age didn’t like me and were terrified of how intimidating my father was (like I would be 16-18 and chatting with guys 20-28 years old; one guy coerced me into phone s3x at the age of 16, he was 26 and a member of my church who has had a reputation for doing this to young girls but nothing was ever done about him). 
Currently an unhappy, socially awkward, adult who is trying very hard to make a 7 year relationship with an alcoholic work but am also talking with another man who lives over 1,000 miles away [it started off as very “mature”/”adult” talking and has now regressed back to “get to know you”/”being friends first”; he has stated that he is not interested in pursuing women or a relationship because of his own hurt and break ups but also is not opposed to the possibility of a relationship at some point – seems very indecisive about what he wants or is trying to appear guarded but it’s starting to weaken the more often we talk]
I’m basically chasing after external love and approval that I’ve never properly received while also not loving myself.
 Why are you here on Tumblr?
To vent, like most people here. To express my thoughts and feelings that no one else really cares to listen to. To get better. To get worse (it’s kind of weird, like….I want to write down my thoughts and feelings so that I don’t keep it bottled up and end up hurting myself again and yet….I seek out triggering things; maybe because deep down I think that maybe if I get really really bad someone will notice….someone will finally care about me…..) To maybe help someone so they don’t end up like me. To be a “big sister” or other type of support to those who need it.
 What do you want to say to the people reading this/following you?
You deserve better and I’m so incredibly sorry that the people in your life have let you down so much. You deserve to have the hurt in your heart and in your mind fully healed. You deserve a chance at life. You all are so young and you do have potential to live a good and interesting life. I know it’s hard to believe, I know it’s hard to see your self-worth or to even think you have any worth beyond what people can take from you; but you ARE worth it. If you want to recover and heal, I hope you’re able to do so and offer my support and wish you the absolute best. If you’re not ready to recover (I’m sure as f not), then I can at least sit with you as we slowly work on bettering ourselves. I know I’m just some old random bish on here, but I do worry about you guys – especially if you go offline for days/weeks/months or if your account is no longer active. I want you guys to be safe and happy. I want that for myself too. And we will have it….one day…..someday.
 And just so we’re absolutely crystal clear: I will NOT be your coach. I will NOT encourage you to get worse [and any and all negative content or “meanspo” is directed towards me and ONLY me]. If you’re looking at my blog and thinking that you can ask that of me, I’m very sorry but you are wrong. I like to live by a certain motto: “Do no unnecessary harm unto others, be it Man or Beast.” And if you can’t get on board with that, then maybe it’s best you move on past my blog here. Don’t get me wrong, I offer you much love and support and hope you take the chance to get better and live a good life; but I will not enable you. I will not degrade you nor encourage you to get worse. I will not look at your young life and think “Hm, ya know, I had to suffer with some unnecessary bullsh*t; time to spread it around! Let’s toughen these kids up! If I had to suffer, so do you!” Seriously, F that mindset. That’s not my deal, that’s not the vibes I’m trying to send out into the world.
 If you’ve made it this far, thank you. I hope that I can be an ally and source of support for you. If you’ve read this far and feel like maybe my blog isn’t for you/it’s triggering or upsetting or whatever, you’re absolutely allowed to unfollow. I want you to do what is best for you. I’m not about that “tumblr fame” or whatever bullsh*t.
 I’m just a broken person trying to make a broken world a little less broken.
 Thank you for reading.
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"All That Glitters" Version 1.3 Update Details (Part 2)
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Dear Travelers,
Below are additional details of the Version 1.3 update.
〓Bug Fixes〓
• Quests
1. Fixes an issue affecting the PS4 version whereby during the story quest "Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land," Stanley's movements during cutscenes are erroneous.
2. Fixes an issue whereby two Tea Master Liu Sus will appear under certain conditions.
3. Fixes an issue in the Story Quest "Traveler Observation Report" whereby some of Paimon's voice lines are missing.
4. Fixes an issue with the archon quest "A Long Shot" whereby there is a small chance of triggering a Plunging Attack during the aerial battle with Stormterror.
• Domains
1. Fixes an issue whereby when temporarily leaving a Spiral Abyss challenge, Statues of The Seven can revive characters that have fallen in the Sprial Abyss.
• Co-Op
1. Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby during the second stage of the Childe boss fight, some of his Skill DMG may not be attributed to the correct location.
2. Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby there is a small chance that the Anemo Hypostasis and Geo Hypostasis are unable to be defeated.
3. Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby the ice crystals that form after the Frostarm Lawachurl sprints do not appear properly.
4. Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby when another Traveler joins a world, the ability of some character skills to break monsters' shields becomes inconsistent with Single-Player Mode.
5. Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby when another Traveler joins a world, some Ruin Hunter attacks may be unable to land hits.
6. Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby when another Traveler joins a world, some Ruin Hunter skills are unable to be displayed properly.
7. Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby when another Traveler joins a world, interacting with a Statue of The Seven and accepting a Domain challenge invite cause the game to freeze.
8. Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby the blocking effect of Anemoboxer Vanguards may not be displayed properly.
9. Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby if voice-over audio is being played on the Character Profile screen when another Traveler leaves the world, the interface will not be displayed properly.
10. Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby after the host disconnects and reconnects, the constructs of other Travelers' characters may not disappear.
• Monsters
1. Fixes an issue in the Childe boss fight whereby during the second stage of the fight, Childe's attacks may not be able to apply the Riptide effect to the character.
2. Fixes an issue with the Anemo Hypostasis whereby when it casts its butterfly wing-flap skill and blows the character into the air, the character may get stuck in mid-air when falling back down.
3. Fixes an issue with the Geo Hypostasis whereby Basalt Columns may be ousted by characters' Geo constructs, causing them to disappear.
4. Fixes an issue with the Geo Hypostasis challenge whereby after the energy cube has been broken and the shield has formed, switching characters within the range of the shield may cause the character to take DMG.
5. Fixes an issue during combat with the Anemo Hypostasis and Geo Hypostasis whereby the effects of Barbara's Elemental Skill, Qiqi's Elemental Skill, and Klee's Elemental Burst may unexpectedly disappear.
6. Fixes an issue whereby the Ice Shieldwall Mitachurl cannot block attacks normally when buffed by an Elemental Node.
7. Fixes an issue whereby after a large slime jumps, it still takes DMG if the location from which it jumps is attacked.
8. Fixes an issue with Rock Shield Hilichurl Guards and Ice Shield Hilichurl Guards' resistance to interruption when holding shields.
• Weapons
1. Fixes an issue with the weapon "Deathmatch" whereby the weapon affix "Gladiator" incorrectly counts nearby animals when calculating the number of nearby opponents.
2. Fixes an issue whereby if a character gains a shield, the ATK increase effects of the weapons Vortex Vanquisher, Summit Shaper, The Unforged, and Memory of Dust may be affected by a short delay.
3. Fixes an issue with the weapon "Raven Bow" whereby the icon and the weapon model are inconsistent after the weapon ascends.
• Characters
1. Fixes an issue with Kaeya whereby under specific circumstances, casting his Elemental Skill "Frostgnaw" at a body of water causes him to be pushed underwater by the ice layer.
2. Fixes an issue whereby casting some characters' skills can be incorrectly interrupted by sitting.
3. Fixes an issue whereby some effects are incorrectly affected by the CD Reduction attribute. The affected effects are: Barbara's Lv. 6 Constellation "Dedicating Everything to You"; Qiqi's Lv. 6 Constellation "Rite of Resurrection"; Kaeya's Lv. 4 Constellation "Frozen Kiss"; Noelle's Passive Talent "Devotion"; and Fischl's ability to summon Oz back to her side with her Elemental Skill while he is already on the field.
* CD Reduction should only affect the CD of Elemental Skills and Elemental Bursts.
4. Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby the effect of Jean's Lv. 6 Constellation "Lion's Fang, Fair Protector of Mondstadt" may not properly take effect on teammates.
5. Fixes errors that may occur with the effects of Tartaglia's cape.
6. Fixes an issue with Tartaglia whereby after continuously attacking enemies in his Melee Stance, an error occurs with the CD of his Elemental Skill "Foul Legacy: Raging Tide" after he returns to his Ranged Stance.
7. Fixes an issue with Zhongli whereby after activating his Lv. 1 Constellation "Rock, the Backbone of Earth," casting his Elemental Skill may cause Stone Steles on the field to erroneously disappear when the maximum number of Stone Steles has not been reached.
8. Fixes an issue whereby Zhongli's weapon model may not be displayed when performing Plunging Attacks.
9. Fixes an issue whereby Zhongli's Jade Shield effect upon taking hits is triggered too frequently (the effect of his Passive Talent "Resonant Waves" remains unaffected by this fix).
10. Fixes an issue with Zhongli whereby when the Jade Shield is active, the AoE Geo DMG dealt by holding the Elemental Skill "Dominus Lapidis" cannot trigger the DMG increase of the Elemental Resonance effect "Enduring Rock."
11. Fixes an issue whereby if Zhongli jumps while performing a Normal Attack, consequent attacks may be unable to be infused.
12. Fixes an issue whereby after Fischl uses her Elemental Skill "Nightrider" to change Oz's location, her Passive Talent "Undone Be Thy Sinful Hex" cannot be triggered properly.
13. Fixes an issue whereby Kaeya's Passive Talent "Glacial Heart" may not take effect properly.
14. Fixes an issue with Razor whereby triggering the lightning caused by his Lv. 6 Constellation "Lupus Fulguris" and casting his Elemental Skill within a short time of each other causes an error with the number of Electro Sigils received.
15. Fixes an issue whereby if the Traveler (Anemo) immediately jumps or sprints after using the Elemental Skill "Palm Vortex," Elemental Particles will be unable to be generated.
16. Fixes an issue with Diona whereby clipping occurs with the character and weapon model on the Weapons section of the Character Screen.
17. Fixes an issue whereby if the game reconnects to the server after Lisa uses her Elemental Skill "Lightning Rose," the ground effect will not function properly.
18. Fixes an issue affecting Barbara's Lv. 6 Constellation "Dedicating Everything to You" and Qiqi's Lv. 6 Constellation "Rite of Resurrection" whereby the CDs of these constellation effects do not reset when starting the Spiral Abyss.
20. Fixes an issue whereby Klee's Charged Attack incorrectly causes DMG numbers to be displayed under some circumstances.
21. Fixes an issue with Klee whereby reconnecting to the server after casting her Elemental Burst causes errors with the duration of the effects of her Lv. 4 Constellation "Sparkly Explosion."
22. Fixes an issue whereby if Xiangling teleports or steps onto the crystallized platform created by Solar Isotoma when she uses her Elemental Burst "Pyronado," the effects of "Pyronado" will not be shown properly.
23. Fixes an issue with Ganyu whereby if the game disconnects and reconnects while her Elemental Skill is being cast, or if the connection is poor while switching to another character immediately after Ganyu casts her Elemental Skill, the number of times that her Lv. 6 Constellation "The Clement" takes effect is incorrect.
24. Fixes an issue whereby when the crystallized platform created by Solar Isotoma raises a character, certain operations will cause the character to be raised up very high.
25. Fixes an issue whereby after Diona uses her Elemental Skill "Icy Paws," quickly switching characters causes Elemental Particles to be unable to be gained.
26. Fixes an issue whereby in certain situations, the number of Stone Steles existing at one time can exceed the maximum.
• System
1. Fixes an issue within the Character Screen whereby characters' expressions may appear incorrectly.
2. Fixes an issue with the Bounties part of the City Reputation system whereby some 5-star Ruin Hunter targets are missing weak spot descriptions.
3. Fixes an issue whereby consumed Artifacts may incorrectly be displayed on the Artifacts filter screen.
4. Fixes an issue when using a controller on the Party Setup screen whereby if many characters are owned, the first row of character icons may not be displayed fully when switching characters.
5. Fixes some issues in the Travel Log section of the Archive whereby text is missing or is inconsistent with the audio.
6. Fixes an issue whereby the hint window does not display correctly when attempting to use a revival item while revival items are in cooldown.
7. Fixes an issue whereby after changing the Quest Navigation button under Settings > Key Bindings (PC) or Settings > Controller Setup (PS4), the game UI still refers to the default button in on-screen guidance.
8. Fixes an issue whereby character idle voice-over may play when a wish is being made.
9. Fixes the issue of controller users being unable to skip the Battle Pass animation.
• Audio
1. Fixes some issues with the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and English voice-over.
2. Fixes issues with some character and environment sound effects.
3. Fixes an issue for controller users whereby some interface sound effects do not function properly.
• Other
1. Fixes an issue on iOS devices whereby certain Dragonspine environments are not displayed properly.
2. Fixes an issue whereby Plunging Attacks do not function correctly under specific circumstances.
3. Fixes an issue whereby the camera angle is incorrect under specific circumstances.
4. Fixes some errors with environment models.
5. Fixes an issue whereby some revival items cannot be added to the gadget NRE (Menu 30).
6. Fixes an issue whereby casting some characters' skills can cause errors with weather conditions.
7. Fixes spelling errors in some descriptions.
8. Fixes an issue whereby the character model may fall into the ground after teleporting.
9. Fixes an issue whereby once the shards created by Crystallize disappear, their visual effects are still visible for some time.
10. Fixes an issue whereby if wooden crates in the Dragonspine region disappear due to Burning, they still diminish Sheer Cold.
11. Fixes an issue whereby some effects triggered by switching character are incorrectly triggered by actions such as teleporting and entering domains. (Example: effects caused by the catalyst "Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers")
13. Fixes errors in the description of the food item "Suspicious Tianshu Meat" (the actual effects of this item in-game are not affected by this change).
14. Fixes an issue whereby some clues for Bounties are suspended in mid-air.
15. Fixes an issue whereby unlocked Teleport Waypoints briefly appear red when loading.
16. Fixes an issue whereby characters can climb in mid-air in certain situations.
17. Fixes an issue whereby under certain conditions, an elemental reaction cannot be triggered even though the target is still affected by one of the elements involved. This fix takes effect for all units (both characters and monsters).
* Example: A monster who is affected by a relevant element is hit by a Geo attack, causing the Crystallize reaction. As of Version 1.3, providing the monster continues to be affected by the relevant element (i.e. the effect has not worn off), additional elemental reactions can be triggered by attacking the monster with corresponding elemental attacks. (In previous versions, it was sometimes impossible to produce additional elemental reactions after the initial reaction.)
18. Fixes textual errors and display issues in some languages and optimizes the localization of text. "Note: Related in-game functions have not changed." (Travelers can view the changes in different languages by going to the Paimon Menu > Settings > Language and changing the Game Language.)
Text-related fixes and optimizations in English include:
◆ The NPC name "Troubled Lillian" is revised to "Troubled Lianne."
◆ The names of the weapon forging materials "Northlander Sword Prototype," "Northlander Bow Prototype," "Northlander Claymore Prototype," "Northlander Catalyst Prototype," and "Northlander Polearm Prototype" are revised to "Northlander Sword Billet," "Northlander Bow Billet," "Northlander Claymore Billet," "Northlander Catalyst Billet," and "Northlander Polearm Billet" respectively.
◆ The name of the character level-up material "Dirty Mask" is revised to "Stained Mask."
◆ Corrects the description of the weapon affix "Sky-Piercing Fang" belonging to the sword "Skyward Blade." The original description reads: "...increases the DMG of Normal and Charged Attack hits by XX% for 12s." The revised description reads: "...Normal and Charged hits deal additional DMG equal to 20% of ATK. Skypiercing Might lasts for 12s."
◆ Corrects the wording of the tutorial "Elemental Reaction: Superconduct." The original wording reads: "Superconduct deals AoE Cryo DMG and significantly decreases DEF for the affected being." The revised wording reads: "Superconduct deals AoE Cryo DMG and significantly decreases Physical RES for the affected being."
◆ Corrects the wording of Diluc's Lv. 4 Constellation "Flowing Flame." The original description reads: "Casting Searing Onslaught in sequence greatly increases damage dealt. Within 2s of using Searing Onslaught, casting the next Searing Onslaught in the combo deals 40% additional DMG. This effect lasts for the next 2s." The revised description reads: "Casting Searing Onslaught in rhythm greatly increases damage dealt. 2s after casting Searing Onslaught, casting the next Searing Onslaught in the combo deals 40% additional DMG. This effect lasts for 2s."
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Inspiration hit me hard so more headcanons!
The Sides as DND Classes (based off my limited but passionate knowledge of DND)
Everyone has at least a little bit of hard, because this is Thomas were talking about it'd be a crime if they didn't sing.
Virgil: Rogue. He just goes ghost at any time he pleases. Awkward conversation? Rolled a 7, that's 16 for stealth he's out. Said "you too" at any point ever? 24 he's outta there. Epitome of fight or flight, when he wants to be he's a nightmare. He'll outrun you after he stabs you in the gut. Also, super edgy, fits his aesthetic, and generally just makes sense.
Patton: Cleric. Healing! He wants to make sure his kiddos are doing a-okay, so he knows quite a bit about healing. Don't be fooled, though, he's got some tricks up his sleeve that hit hard. He may be the default healer but he is by no means weak. Surprisingly strong, and has moments of great wisom but also cries over baby birds. A sweetheart that doesn't want to hurt anyone but if you hurt his famILY first you're dead.
Logan: Wizard. He studied so damn hard to come this far, you bet his nerd butt is learning magic. Very practical spells, more buffs and defense than offense, but his methods are unusual. Fight on a beach? Control water to give the enemy a bubble that they drown in. Fight near on a cliff? Aims at their feet to knock them off. Epitome of "work smarter not harder, he does a little that goes a long damn way. He chooses very simplistic spells that most would scoff at, but uses them in ways never thought of before. Always a slut for bookshops and libraries, and may or may not be creating (discovering?) a whole new type of magic because he can.
King Creativity: the Bardiest Bard to ever Bard. Incredible voice, can heal you with his song, or can make his voice crack so bad the enemy takes damage. Charisma is high, and he abuses that fact by trying to sleep with anything and everything (man shaped). Once successfully fucked a dragon to let the party escape. No shame, and he's got game. A truly killer combo.
Roman: Paladin. The closest to a knight you can get. He's royalty, and had to learn the hard way that you shouldn't flaunt it everywhere. Got mugged by a guy he hit on in a shady bar. Swore to never do it again (he still does sometimes, but he's more wary of it). Heart of gold and sword of steel, he can and will cut a bitch. Talk shit get hit describes him kinda well. Could be dying and still look hot. It's honestly infuriating. Leans more heavily into the Bard than the others, and constantly singing in exchange for things. Has a crush on a guard in every place he goes.
Remus: Warlock or Druid. On one hand, warlock would be very chaotic of him, he'd have a pact with a demon to get neat spells that can kill people faster. But on the other hand, druids can turn into animals and I know no one more feral than the rat man. Either way, he looks like a noodle but is actually pretty strong, constantly getting into fights and glad about it, would start a bar fight because he's bored. Has died several times, and his party is so used to it they have a bag full of med stuff and diamonds just labeled "Remus did it again". He thinks it's hilarious. Probably has a bag of holding filled with limbs or severed penises.
Deceit: Monk. Follows a strict code, but that code is personal. Tries to root out corruption in governments and businesses, relatively successful. Ignores the irony of being part of an organization that polices other organizations. Knows a lot about healing because he befriended Remus. Is a slippery snek, very wily and good at getting out of situations. Master bullshitter, has a stupid good persuasion and deception (duh). Has an ear on everything, finds out dirt on anyone he possibly can. Prefers not to fight if he can help it, but can hold his own just fine.
Remy: Mage. Not a Cleric or Warlock bc no one can tie him down. Favorite spell is sleep, does it as often as he can at the most inconvenient times possible. Has gotten out of situations by knocking people out and leaving. Really good charisma, and uses that to his advantage. He hates getting into fights, so he will do as much as he can to either knock you out or make you fight for him. Charm person and sleep, he loves them. Also pretty good at alchemy and potions, makes himself ones all the time so he's gotten pretty good.
Emile: Ranger. Has a really good relationship with nature, and does his best to protect it and those he cares about. Loves animals, can be found talking to any creature around him at any time. Disney princess vibes, because all animals just adore him. Because of this he knows a lot, and the creatures tell him all sorts of stuff. Good perception, good wisdom. He usually likes to heal, but will fight if it comes to it. He usually doesn't want to but he also doesn't want to die so he does what he must. More defense than offense, and helps with the aftermath. He's met and helped a lot of people, so he knows what he's doing.
Orange: Barbarian. This guy just wants to burn every place he can to the ground, and his first reaction to anything is violence. Ally? Stabbed. Key NPC? Decapitated. Hotel? Trivago.
Thomas: the poor, poor DM. Joan also helps out with a lot of it, because they're awesome like that.
I hope this all makes relative sense and is at least kinda accurate! I have many many thoughts about this, and will probably be sharing more.
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