#that he gets released from lore jail
ace-apple · 6 months
does anyone else really really miss qslime and codeflippa lore or is it just me
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voidstarsanimations · 18 days
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So in this au N and Uzi are at school, and They decide to go sneak off and do stupid illegal stuff lol
The principal of said school secretly found them and called the cops
After that N and Uzi were separated for about a week and when uzi finally got to see N again he had changed. He wore a red uniform in the place they were being held at for what they had done. These are the uniform rankings
Blue : Low offense (this is where Uzi is
Green : high offense - low risk
Yellow - low offense high risk
Red - High offense High risk
Pink - release week
Orange - No home to go back to but release date passed
So N turned out to have killed a cop and was put on high offense, and now was forced to be watched most of the time
N wanted him and Uzi go be able to get out of the facility they were in so he ended up asking uzi to take his life and he takes hers. Uzi declines and starts yelling at N for what he even proposed
(oh btw in this au there's no disassembly drones, so they are all workers lol)
N pulled out a gun he had snatched and ended up shooting Uzi in the head. After that he wound up, taking Uzi's hoodie feeling bad and waited for the guards to get in, he then killed the gaurds.
He sat with Uzi until the police arrived and took him to jail. When he got to the jail they did the usual jail stuff lol(most of this here on is my experience related to jail)
They took his mugshots and fingerprints and sat him in a holding cell, they had a doctor do a checkup on him, when then they asked him. "Why did you kill her, N? And that set him off he started hitting his head as hard as he could, they stopped him and ended up taking him to the psychiatry ward (once again now it's off of experience)
From here there's no more lore as of now but stay tuned for more
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noveratus · 1 month
Ok, I finished it. Here is my review, I'll do a little rewrite in a separate post. Spoilers for season 4.
Boy, am I sad that TUA was canceled after just two seasons!
For real though. This was shit. Truly and utterly shit. And it is a shame too, because it had potential.
Let's make something clear: TUA started as a parody/critique of superhero shows and an exploration of what happens when a superhero team akin to the Xmen split up. It explores how the superhero life can break someone, either from being a superhero or being pushed away from that life. Yes, the ending of season one with the world being destroyed was beautiful. But it shouldn't have been the main take away. Explaining the lore should never have been your take away. People watch the show for the characters, not your bullshit lore that makes no sense with made up elements and trying to redeem an abuser.
Season 2 was flawed, but it was beautiful, mostly because of Viktor and his discover of himself and who he was. I didn't really care for the other characters as much, but I still had a good time. It was fun! It was colorful! And people all and all felt like themselves, broken, messy but themselves.
Then came season 3, aka the character assassination of Allison Hargreeves, and I swear this season is just there to be there to make her unlikable, do the whole bullshit with Luther, who until that point was my least favorite character and then make you feel bad to dislike her as if she could be compared to Viktor in season 1. Viktor in season 1 was flawed, yes, but he didn't make every single decision to piss off the audience, and season 2 was all about him trying to prove himself to his siblings. But no. Allison just gets a get out of jail free card and gets everything go her way, but hey, if you ignore the shit show that was Allison's you have, well, you have what could have been an interesting dynamic between the families. It wasn't. But it could have been if the Sparrows hadn't been immediately killed.
And then we had season 4 which had the exact same issues as season 3 but worse because now, it isn't just Allison who is getting ruined, oh no, it is Fives, Lila and Diego because we need that forced romance and that stupid dreaded love triangle. And this is all this season is. A bunch of montages of nothing leading to an ending that is honestly very unsatisfying and doesn't make any sense:
A- They already were in a timeline where the Marigold was never released seeing as they didn't have any powers and yet they still existed.
B- They weren't the only source of Marigold. Maybe in this universe, but I'm pretty certain that Ben didn't drink all the Marigold. What about the guy Klaus splashed in Marigold? Did he get any powers? Christ, what is this bullshit?
C- No, no, I still need someone to explain to me why having multiple timelines is a bad thing??? What the fuck do you mean 'does this feel right?' There is a tentacle monster devouring that world, does that feel right? And that's the thing, you could fix this by saying that, instead of having multiple timelines be the issue, the issue is that the Marigold being released leads to the end of the world no matter what. Multiple timelines are a widely accepted theory, and isn't timelines bleeding into each other eventually going to fix the issue you have in the first place since it implies that they are all converging into one??? Stupidest time bullshit I've heard in a WHILE
D- This really leaves a sour taste in my mouth as does any and all endings that have 'death is the answer' as their conclusion. My dude, the whole point of the finale of season 1 was how no matter what, it's never too late, how people can still be saved, that's what they do with Viktor, it is all about healing and no we are abandoning that for what??? Getting gooed?! I hate this ending. I think that this trope needs to be killed and buried just like the characters they want to kill themselves.
But the ending is not even my main issue with this series. What is this show's issue with side characters? They just hate anyone who isn't Lila and the original Umbrella Academy. Why did we have to kill Luther's girlfriend in season 3? Why couldn't Fives have another love interest that wasn't the daughter of the people he killed AND the wife of his fucking brother? Also, Five felt weird this entire season, he lacked his quips and his mannerism and everything that made him Five, he just felt like a kid who was a genius or something except he never does anything particularly smart. He is just a completely different character, an emo kid who doesn't care about his family and is more interested in getting laid? Ugh. Back to the side characters, though, they implied that Viktor was having relationship issues in this season and yet that goes nowhere. Klaus and his sexuality is treated as a joke to the point of it being insulting and finally we have the final one. The big one. Ben and what's her face? I swear she gets like 10 lines max in the show despite being integral to the plot and 8 of them are spoken to Ben or about Ben. I've seen a lot of bad cases of female characters being just objects to their male counterparts but YIKES. That one was something. I'll talk more about this about my proposed rewrite for this season, however.
Also, Reginald does not deserve forgiveness. This is a Reginald hate account. Bro traumatized his son. The take away shouldn't be "maybe your abusive dad wasn't bad" the take away should be "your abusive dad doesn't deserve your forgiveness, get the fuck away from him, you don't need him, be with the people you love who love you back." Ah, found families, how I love you baby.
Those are my overall complaints. Everything else in this season hust felt pointless. You could have written this season to be 2 episodes long without really losing anything. The jokes were too childish, the choreography was ok I guess and the music (save baby shark, whoever decided to do that bit, I'm outside your house with a shotgun, don't worry, I just wanna talk) was the best part.
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lockandkeyhyena · 3 months
SadboyCats Masterpost
What is SadboyCats?
SadboyCats is my main oc universe! It’s basically just me having fun with anthropomorphic cats :) there’s no set main story yet but characters all have backstories and exist in the same world/timeline.
What is this masterpost for?
To help keep people keep track of the lore and story!! SbC is my most disorganised story so here’s a way for you guys to actually know whats going on lol. This won’t be completely comprehensive of every single post i’ve ever made, but will cover the broad strokes so you can understand the characters and timeline before diving into the tag if you’re further interested!
Main Characters
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Angry, sad, apathetic and kind of a dickhead, Fly is content to exist scraping by with petty thievery trying to cover his monthly rent in his shitty apartment. That is, until he thieves from the mob and is caught red-handed. Instead of killing him outright, the one in charge decides to utilise his unique talents for their own ends. Now, stuck forced to commit illegal actions for a group of cats he couldn’t give less of a shit about, all Fly cares about is not dying or going to jail.
Hercules Beetle
Self-assured, aloof, intelligent and polite, this blind mob boss is in charge of the mafia. Having inherited his position from his mother when she went to prison, Hercules believes he is wholly content with his life despite having to deal with the occasional nuisance. When he comes across Fly, he sees a unique opportunity to fix a thorn in his side and forcefully enlists his talents to the mafia.
Relaxed, jolly and ever-vigilant, this cheerful mobster is Hercules’ second in hand. Despite outward appearances, Leroy hardly ever lets anything slip about his past and very little is known about him to those he is not close to. All that you need to know, he says, is to not get on Herc’s bad side.
Eccentric, impulsive, fickle and vivacious, this chaotic master thief has been a thorn in Hercules’ side for a decade, constantly stealing from him and setting his assets on fire, it seems all he wants is the blind cats’ attention. Leader of a gang of thieves, he’s always on the lookout for new recruits.
Important Side Characters
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Titan Beetle
Hercules Beetle’s mother and Goliath Beetle’s widow, she has been in jail for tax evasion for the past decade and is almost ready for release.
Goliath Beetle
Hercules Beetle’s late father and former head of the mob, Goliath tragically died when he was shot in the head five times by an unknown assailant.
Ruth Martha
Freelance detective and close personal friend of Titan Beetle, Ruth was the detective first assigned to the Goliath Beetle case back in the day.
Heather Martha
Cheeky, optimistic and friendly, Heather may not approve of her best friend Hercules’ lifestyle, but that doesn’t stop her from caring about him.
All Other Characters
Main Story
Fly, having been caught thieving from the mob, is thrown into a new dangerous lifestyle and enlisted by Hercules and Leroy as a double agent to try and take down Fulgur’s gang of thieves from the inside.
Hercules, dealing with the fact that his mother has just been released from prison and back into his life, tries to distract himself from painful memories by investing in a new project- a way to take down his arch nemesis Fulgur for good.
Curious about my characters? Feel free to go through their tag or shoot me an ask about them! I’m always happy to talk!
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Repudiation - MITO
Pairing: ex boyfriend! MITO x gn! reader
Genre: angst (but with a “happy” ending)
Warning(s): mito is his own individual (no ian mentions), mentions toxic relationship, mito refuses to let you go, the m in mito stands for mad man, bonnie & clyde mentions (ifykyk), slight self harm mention
A/N: I got inspired to write this because 1. I love Mito and his involvement with The Other Side lore and 2. I read pt. 1 and 2 of Set My Wings On Fire by @nirvanawrites111
A/N: Is it fucked up that I was lowkey giggling while writing this?
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It was a quarter before midnight. The cold raindrops poured down from the sky, tapping against your black umbrella as you walked from your now ex boyfriend’s house. Your mind was racing although you were upset.. You weren’t as upset as you’d thought you’d be. It was more complicated than explained. When you and.. Him Mito broke up, you thought that hole in your heart could never be filled again. Too broken to fix. Too wounded to be cured. Even when you were in a new relationship, your mind was still in the past imagining that he was with you instead. You felt your chest start to close in on itself, your lungs burning, aching for a release as your eyes watered, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks like a waterfall. Fuck.
You grabbed your phone, smacking your teeth when realizing that it’s almost dead. You swallowed down your urge to scream and cause a scene despite the empty sidewalk you were occupying. You tried to think of a solution. Maybe call someone? Try to call a taxi? You only had 5 percent battery left. You go to phone a friend until you hear whistling through the rain. At first you didn’t think much of it until you recognized the tune of said whistling. A tune he created and would always mimic with his fingers or guitar.
It can’t be…
“I’ve been looking for you (Y/N)” his gravelly voice still gave your spine chills. You kept walking but you knew he would follow you like he always did.
“I know you hear me speaking to you (Y/N)” You sigh and stop walking with your back turned to him.
“How did you find me?”
“That’s not a nice way to greet your love now is it?”
“I love when you say my name angel” you could hear the cheekiness in his voice, making you more frustrated.
“What do you want?”
“There’s plenty that I want but I need you. I need to fix what we had” You scoffed.
“You need me? Even after everything you’ve done to me? I’d rather die”
“I visited death many times before darling so I know that’s an exaggeration from you”
“Can you just leave me alone? You’ve already ruined my life enough”
“If I really did ruin your life, you wouldn’t be standing to tell the tale, isn’t that right?”
“You’re fucking crazy.” You feel his eyes stare daggers into your back, piercing through your skin. Then he laughed but it didn’t sound joyful.
“I’d prefer the term, misguided, but I’ll play along with your game (Y/N) since I’m crazy” The air went stiff.
“Do you want me to show you crazy?” You flinched as you felt his warm breath brush against the nape of your neck, leaving goosebumps on your skin.
“Get off of me..”
“Answer my question~”
“No, I don’t”
“What a shame. I was going to show you what I did with the cunt’s body once you left the apartment” You turn around and face him, hoping you didn’t hear what you just heard.
“You what?”
“And you wonder how I always find you. A birdie told me that you had a boyfriend but I originally thought to leave you alone until I found out what the bastard did behind your back so I took matters into my own hands but I did get a little help” A wave of nausea hit you when he smiled despite saying the most corrupt thing.
“How did you.. Why?!” Mito wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you in closely.
“Because you’re mine and I always protect what’s mine”
“I’m not yours anymore Mito. You can go to jail for doing this” He smiles wickedly again.
“As if the police would catch me and as long as you don’t say a word, everything will be fine. I didn’t train a snitch, did I?” His dark eyes bored into yours, making you look away from the intense gaze.
“No.. you didn’t but this isn’t right! You killed my ex and expect me to go back to you after doing that!” You tried to push him off but it was pointless, him being twice your size in every way.
“Why would I expect something that I know is going to happen? The old (Y/N) would fawn over it”
“Well I’m not the old (Y/N) anymore, I matured”
“For the worse, you lost the fun in you” He chuckled, frustrating you.
“No, I realized that being with you would cause me nothing but hell”
“But you were happier then, no?” You bit your tongue, unable to defend yourself. You were happier with him. He took care of you when he wasn’t spiraling out of control. He loved you intensely, in ways not even a normal person can mimic. He would carve his own heart out and give it to you to prove his love for you. Though it did scare you at first, not wanting Mito to harm himself to show that he loved you but as time grew, you embraced it.
“I was happier but it only for a little while”
“So you’re saying you weren’t happy with me?”
“That’s not what-”
“Look me in my eyes when you say that.” You look back at Mito, seeing an unrecognizable glint in his eyes, instantly swallowing your words.
“Just as I thought. You’re a bad liar (Y/N). You swear up and down the street that you hate my guts and wished I left you alone but you secretly love it. You love when you’re all I think about. You enjoy corrupting my mind, you’re not innocent in this.” He hisses but his expression wasn’t anger, he was amused. You were caught, you didn’t know what to say in rebuttal. No matter how many times you said no, your heart said yes. Your heart said go back into his arms and everything will be okay. You didn’t realize that you started crying until you felt Mito’s rough hands caress your cheek, wiping your tears.
“I just.. Felt lost after we split. I didn’t know what to do”
“Neither did I, which is why I kept looking for you. You complete me (Y/N) but you kept running from me”
“Because I was afraid that everything wouldn’t be the same again” He chuckled.
“Nothing in this puny little world could make me love you any less darling. You’re my angel, the piece that makes me whole” Your heart swelled at his words.
“All I ask for is you to take me back and we try again” He takes your hand and presses his lips against your knuckle, right on the small “m” scar on your right hand.
“I want to try again” You whisper, the dead butterflies coming back to life.
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rainwingmarvel7 · 21 days
Lore Dumping About D&D Characters, Part 1
I may not be able to play all of these characters anymore, but that doesn’t mean I can’t yap about them and show them off like special little figurines!
Taura Elistacia - Half-Elf Battle Smith Artificer (Status: Retired)
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Since I lost the friends I played the campaign that Taura was in with, which was set in Wildemount, I can’t play her anymore, but she is by far my favorite of my D&D characters to date.
“Hailing from the industrial town of Hupperdook in the Dwendalian Empire, Taura was the daughter of a renowned human inventor and an elven woman. Her mother left shortly after she was born, something she never got over, leaving her to be raised by her father until she was ten, when he was murdered in front of her. After that, she was forced to live a life on the streets, struggling to survive as, all the while, she taught herself in the ways of inventing and engineering, using both her father's teachings and what she learned on her own, from watching others and figuring things out herself. Eventually, using her newfound skills, she managed to get herself out of the streets, and, alongside her robot companion, Tink, finds herself ready to explore just what's out there waiting for her.”
Fun Facts: Her prized weapon is a rifle called “The Matron’s Whisper”, imbued with the power of the Raven Queen, and whenever she gets a critical hit, she turns invisible; she is a Percy De Rolo fangirl; despite having a 9 in charisma, she had the most romantic success of anyone in the party; she cried her way out of jail; she had a prosthetic hand (she accidentally blew her hand off while testing out one of her guns); she wears a gold necklace with a red jewel in the center given to her by her father and rarely ever takes it off
Styrmiria - Tiefling Path of the Storm Herald Barbarian/Storm Sorcerer (Status: Retired)
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Another character I can no longer play without the friend group, Styrmiria was part of a homebrew campaign, and I love her very much. She is the reason Barbarian is now one of my favorite classes to play.
“Styrmiria was born into Clan Siris during one of the largest Maelstrom expansions in a century, thereby gaining the power of the storm due to the circumstances of her birth. She spent much of her youth training and honing her talents, eventually becoming a good enough warrior to be allowed to join the Unifier's Honor Guard as a representative of her clan. However, after one particular mission, in which she was charged with accompanying the Unifier into the Maelstrom to get to a diplomatic meeting in Marielen, she was exiled from her clan due to having contact with the Maelstrom, a choice she willing made knowing the consequences. Unable to return home, she instead made her way to Vandrin's Folley, where she met Cade Underbrough, a halfling scholar, and began a relationship with him. During her time in Vandrin's Folley, Styrmiria has begun having ominous dreams of the Maelstrom dying and releasing its energy somewhere, ending with visions of the storm clouds gathering over mountains in the north and the howling of wolves...”
Fun Facts: She fought and killed a giant boar single-handedly and then sent the head to her boyfriend; her great-ax is called Scourge and it prevents anyone it hits from healing; she was the mother-figure of the party; she has the ability to charm people because on her homebrew Tiefling sub-race
Laressa Laenys - Tiefling Circle of Land (Desert) Druid (Status: Active)
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Laressa is part of a homebrew campaign with entirely different people than the others, so she is still one that I play! She is very iconic and very traumatized and I love her.
“Laressa was born to a half-elf father and human mother, Andol and Lerile Laenys in a small town located at the base of a mountain called Alryne. She was one of two children, the other being her younger half-elf sister, Londrai.
Although she was loved and accepted by her family, others didn’t share their sentiment, and she was often the subject of ridicule and resentment.
Despite her parents’ attempts to shield her from it, Laressa was well-aware of what was going on, and as a child, it made her very upset. Oftentimes, she would get into fights with other children who made fun of or insulted her for being a Tiefling, which only got her into more trouble and made things worse.
However, when she was around 12 years old, in one particular fight with a boy named Raylen Slatebane, she accidentally burned him with an unintentional use of Hellish Rebuke, severely damaging his face. The townspeople were furious with her and demanded that she be punished. Her parents managed to prevent her from receiving any serious repercussions, but Laressa never forgave herself, and neither did the townspeople.
She closed herself off, spending more and more time away from the town, in the woods beyond it. She had always had an affinity for nature, with a special connection to it that no one could quite explain. Her father believed it came from his mother, a once-famous elven druid named Zylphine Laenys, while her mother thought it was a blessing from the gods.
Regardless of where her abilities came from, Laressa had them, and she decided to focus on learning how to control them so that she would not hurt anyone else and use them for good.
For a while, she was making good progress, until an incident, when she was 16 years old that ended up in the destruction of several buildings in the town and several injured people when she unintentionally caused an earthquake in response to being harassed by a group of teenagers, including Raylen. One of the teens, Raylen’s girlfriend Zelile, ended up being killed in the earthquake, and after that, Laressa knew that she couldn’t stay anymore, as the townspeople who had so despised her would never forgive her.
So she ran away, without even getting a chance to say goodbye to her family. She does not know if they are still there or what has happened to them since she left.
After wandering for several months, crossing over the mountains, she ended up in a vast desert, where she became lost and almost died, before being saved by a caravan of earth genasi druids, who took her in and trained her in their ways. She became close with a woman named Torra, who became her mentor and maternal figure and taught her many of the druidic arts that she currently uses. She also formed a close relationship with another girl around her age named Fiara. They quickly became friends once Laressa joined the caravan, and their close friendship eventually became something more.
Laressa stayed with the earth genasi, traveling the desert and learning their ways, until she was 23 years old. It was then that the caravan was attacked by a female ancient blue dragon, Kariyth, whose hoard was located within a desert mountain the caravan was passing by. Most of the caravan was killed, and Laressa was forced to flee with Fiara when Torra sacrificed herself for them to escape.
They made it to an oasis city, Drona, run by an eccentric elven warlord called Hernelis Danorron, who found use for their druidic abilities and allowed them to stay if they swore themselves into his service, which they agreed to, ready to do whatever it took to survive.
However, a few months after arriving in the city, it was attacked by another desert warlord, and although Drona was able to defend against him with the help of Laressa and Fiara, in all the chaos of the fighting, Fiara was mortally wounded. Laressa held her as she died. And for the first time in a long time, she lost control.
After that, Laressa swore to take revenge on all those who had taken the people she loved from her, the warlord and Kariyth alike, and to protect those who cannot protect themselves, so that no one had to experience the pain and loss she had, to go through the life she had.
But for now, she wanders, offering her services to those who need it, biding her time until she can get her justice and leave the world better than when she came into it.”
Fun Facts: She has a crush on someone in the party; she barely hits anything ever lol; she prefers to wild shape when she fights (I just usually forget to do that); she has a pan flute that lets her summon an army of rats (no I am not making that up)
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marvel-television · 2 months
The X-Men: Evolution tie in comics suck, issue 1
I typically talk about the old MCU shows on this blog, but I also really love X-Men: Evolution and finally got around to watching season 4 the other day. It is far and away my favorite X-Men adaptation, and up there with the likes of Agents of Shield, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Cloak & Dagger in terms of my favorite marvel shows.
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After I finished the show, I started getting mad that there wasn't more, and that TAS got the revival instead of Evolution. Lo and behold, there was a nine issue long tie in comic series for the show, made during the second season. Of course I decided to read them, you can't go wrong with more X-Men Evolution, right?
Wrong. These comics fucking suck, and I'm gonna show you why. Let's start at the beginning, with Issue 1, "Lines in the Sand".
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The first couple of issues take place before the first season of the show, and provide some extra backstory for certain characters. This first issue starts with a couple of guys finding Logan half naked in the middle of the woods, before cutting to Xavier, who just finished a college lecture. A car crashes into a tree nearby, and Storm, who is currently a grad student, uses her powers and rescues the people inside.
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This right here shows the first issue with these comics. In the first two seasons of X-Men: Evolution, the public doesn't know that mutants exist. In the first ten minutes of the first episode of the show, the Professor erases a cop's memories when Scott got his glasses knocked off and accidentally blew up a propane tank.
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Meanwhile, several times throughout these comics, mutants will use their powers in public, and Charles just does nothing about it. Again, these comics came out during the second season, there is no excuse for the people writing these comics to not know that this is a part of the show's lore. I'll keep bringing up these moments when they happen, but for now, let's move on.
Anyways, later in the night, Professor X comes up to Storm while she's walking home, and tells her that she's a mutant, but what's strange is that he doesn't seem as though he actually knows for sure what mutants are and what causes their powers. I don't think it contradicts the show, and it's kinda interesting, but still, I thought it was worth bringing up.
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Cut to the mansion, the Professor and Magneto are discussing Storm, and he reiterates that he didn't know there were any other mutants. This is all pretty standard Charles and Erik mutant philosophy talk. Take note of the maid, she'll be important in a minute.
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Erik turns on what I guess is the TV equivalent of LiveLeak, and there's Logan, wrestling a bear and using his claws. Again, nobody is supposed to know about mutants other than the people in this room. I genuinely don't know how this got through to release.
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Erik mentions that Wolverine is in police custody, and the Professor says he's gonna go save him. As he leaves, we see the maid revealed to be Mystique, and the Professor had no clue that she was a mutant, somehow. He can literally read minds, how did he not idly sense that? Her being immune to mind reading isn't an argument, since she doesn't unlock those powers until later on, and even if she did have those powers, you'd think Charles would be able to notice that he can't read this random maid's mind.
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The Professor locates Wolverine through Cerebro, which Storm supplied the electricity for, and they head off to find him. By the time they get there, Logan's already escaped from jail, and while the cops are sent in the wrong direction by Mystique disguised as a homeless person, Storm gets him to stop running long enough for the Professor to give him his whole pitch for his ideology. But then Magneto shows up, and also starts giving his pitch.
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Logan chooses the Professor, obviously, and Magneto pretty much just leaves after that. This next page is literally the last one before a timeskip. No fight, nothing. Come on, man...
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Fast forward to a year later, the Professor has an upgraded Cerebro, and locates Scott Summers, who they're gonna recruit in the next issue.
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All in all, the first issue isn't great. The issues with mutants just using their powers out in the open really prevent me from seeing this as an actual backstory for how Storm and Logan got recruited, and the climax of the issue was very boring. It's far from the worst issue of the run, but it's sure not great, either. I'll continue this series with the next few issues whenever I feel like it, because the problems with this comic are only getting started.
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deva-arts · 3 months
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Human Vince and Sera are not on the best terms, but at least they talk to each other!
They're waiting for the others so they can take the train.
Some human au lore under the cut! it's kind of disjointed ahah
Just raising Vincent in a 'normal' environment outside a lab would change the outcome of his character a LOT.... But some parallels still stand!
He's always been a very performative and willful person (even as a kid! He's lived for the spotlight just to prove he can shine in it), so I imagine he'd still have that spitfire in him... But directed towards means and goals that aren't as destructive to himself and others.
He was the type that was categorized as the gifted child, but his talents were never really given much space to develop since Sera's birth took the forefront of their parent's priorities in an already failing marriage. He felt neglected and even replaced in many ways, trying and failing to get their attention and recognition... And suffering academically because of it, which created more rifts. He dealt with his frustrations using physical means- exercise, running off without knowing where, and spending the day roaming and doing dumb tricks with his friends. "Ooh, this makes people pay attention to me? they're looking for me? I should keep doing this!"
Vincent is a bit directionless, getting in trouble with his parents, his school, the law... Until eventually he realizes his shithead hobbies (parkour, stupid dares, sports and street racing) could get him somewhere. He becomes quite successful in this field! but he never seems to get his family's approval... Nothing he does is perfect in their eyes. Is he just a bug to them? He gets kicked out after going to jail for reckless endangerment.
Vincent and Sera grow to be somewhat estranged; Sera thinks that he hates her for being the 'perfect child', and he thinks that she looks down on him for his rockier go at life. "She doesn't know how hard I had it. She'll never understand." His jealousy certainly doesn't inspire any bonds, even though he knows it's not really about her as a person. Their idea of the other was never dispelled with an earnest conversation, and so it continued to build until... They felt it was their reality.
Sera is the quiet, good child. She doesn't bicker, does her tasks well, and their parents even go so far as to say they learned from their mistakes with Vincent. However, she's always swallowing her feelings, and never feels secure when moving outside the lines set for her. Vincent never understood Sera's plight with always having their parent's 'approval', and so she never brings it up. If anything, he was the bad example. She somewhat envies his freedom, and resents it all the same. "Maybe if he tried harder I wouldn't have to pick up after him. "
She grows up quite alone, with few friends if any. She's always in new clubs and practices and study groups, out by six and back by nine. Sure, it's great to train your child to be multi-talented, but the pressure placed on her leads to whittling herself down into a utilitarian shell to meet her family's expectations, and she loses interest in the things that made her happy. She doesn't have time for herself anymore, nor does she make any. She has work to do, things to attend. What's the point of anything?
Sera leaves home early after a very, very low point in her life and goes to juvenile bootcamp with her highschool friend, Eric, in search of some sort of release from her life, where she'd eventually continue on until entering the Airforce under Monica Herrera's mentorship. There, she eventually meets Nathaniel.
Vincent wanders around the country a lot, likely working in fields that give him the sweet thrills he seeks without staying in one place too long. Good way or bad way, he learns regardless, like a renaissance man of risk taking. Stuntman gigs, extreme sports, racing, and competitions would be his bread and butter. It brings in the dough. And the dopamine. When things slow down, he often leaves to try the next thing and see where it takes him. His unabashed nature opens both doors and windows, while also closing many others. Maybe monotony just scares him.
It's only years later, when Sera and Vince reach a more stable time in their lives and careers, that they reluctantly see eye-to-eye.
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imperiuswrecked · 6 months
Namor & Dorma headcanons below the cut, a very long post, lol.
Answering a question on the Namor forum: Okay, lets do this, class. You have a 6 issue mini-series, the goal is to have a dramatic and impactful return of Dorma to 616 and the world of the Sub-Mariner. What do you do?
My reply is going off current continuity where Namor is sitting in a jail cell and combining my own fanfic ideas:
Issue 1 - Namor is in jail, a few panels, or maybe a page to set up history, summary of back story/current situation to get new readers up to speed, his thoughts on his past life, his love for Dorma, his people, his friends like Vashti, his regret over how things ended all those years ago with a teen Attuma, nothing too lore heavy or complex. It ends with a splash page ACTION moment of a loyal set of Atlantean royal guards lead by Andromeda to break him out of jail while explaining that Atlantis needs him. Namor's thought bubble/narration box would be "of course Atlantis needs me, and I will forever answer her call" he stands up and breaks the handcuffs holding him, proving that he could have gotten out at any time if he wanted, a prison guard tries to stop him and Namor makes him back down with a glare as he leaves with his guard following into the waiting Atlantean ship. He takes the seat at the helm and Andromeda gets him up to speed as they race towards Atlantis. The Black Tide has returned and they've been causing havoc in the seas for weeks. Atlantis is in shambles politically and literally. Namor arrives in Atlantis and there's a few panels of him thinking about how many times his people and city have been hurt, before he asks where the council members are, many of them are dead, his cousins Seth and Dara have been trying to hold the line but both are unable to run the kingdom efficiently and mount a offensive against the Black Tide. Namor asks about Vashti and is told he's been kidnapped by Attuma several months ago. He's angry no one came to get him before but ultimately blames himself for having a pity party and trying to placate the humans. He says they are going to get his Vizier back and leads a team to Attuma's last known location via their spy network, it's a trap of course, that Attuma has baited for Namor which Vashti tries to warn them about before Attuma's people emerge, lots of action/fighting, a showdown between Namor and Attuma ends with Namor holding his trident to Attuma's neck who smiles his shark smile and holds up his hands, yielding, Namor is confused, thinking it's another trap but Attuma releases Vashti to Namor to prove his intentions were to ensure that Namor wasn't a weak king because the task ahead needs strength and if he had found Namor lacking then he would have killed him here and now. What is the task? The Stone has been activated, it's warping the waters around it in a vortex of black magic and no one knows what to do to fix it, monsters are emerging from it, and something big is coming. Ends on a cliff hanger.
Issue 2 - We are at the Stone, a huge shadow emerges and Attuma and Namor prepare to face it together, not a happy team up they still insult and snark at each other but they need to face this threat, the shadow comes out and it's Ambrose, the old giant monster goldfish pet of Dorma. Both are stunned bc the creature disappeared decades ago. It indicates that Namor and Attuma should follow him into the vortex, and Namor leaves orders with Vashti to return with Andromeda and help Seth and Dara restabilize Atlantis, and give aid, and Attuma agrees to let his warriors go along to protect everyone from the Black Tide's return. Attuma and Namor buddy road trip into the black darkness of the vortex. Action scenes as they fight twisted sea monsters/people and navigate the other side of the veil they have stepped through. Throughout we get Attuma’s backstory/history of what happened to him after the Chasm people died, basically a way to mix in his other origin of being born into slavery, except he was taken as a teen into slave camps of the whatever sea people, like idk Lemurians or someone else, he spends years getting stronger until he causes a revolt and his loyal followers are the people he liberated from the camps. Attuma of course lays all the blame on the Atlanteans and Namor, and tells him once they finish this task then he will be marching on Atlantis while dragging Namor’s corpse with him as a trophy to show Atlantis their half breed false king is dead and now Attuma is the ruler. There is a presence of Great Power in this vortex world, that they are drawn to. Ends with a cliff hanger of them being confronted by the presence.
Issue 3 - Opens with a action scene as they fight the Great Power which takes the form of a shadow demonic woman, as they do they are given flashes of their pasts, their wrong deeds, their regrets, their happy memories become twisted into nightmares, their souls darken with hate and power, their bodies begin to transform like the other people/creatures who live in the Stone Vortex, cool art of the transformations as they descend into madness and evil caused by the stone/great presence. Through the haze of this corruption, Namor recognizes Dorma is the Great Power and he pulls on memories of happiness with her, their times growing up, their time spent loving each other, fighting side by side as partners, he clings to the memories even as Shadow!Dorma tries to twist them into bad memories, he shows her his mind/memories of her death, and how badly it affected him, how lost he was after she died, how he grieved for her. Namor opens his heart & mind to Dorma knowing that if he cannot reach her then she will corrupt him as Attuma’s corruption is nearly complete. Namor shares his deep love for Dorma who finally breaks free of the Stone’s influence and remembers herself, her past, she recalls all the power of the stone. Namor and Attuma shift back to normal as a swirling vortex of power and lights rotate around Dorma who’s eyes go black as she commands all the power of the stone to be stored inside herself and locks the power away. All is quiet as the vortex world is gone and they are back in the ocean having been transported into the throne room of Atlantis, where Attuma and Namor are kneeling before a newly resurrected Dorma who radiants with power, her eyes are black, and the rest of the court watches in awe at the return of their beloved queen. Namor stands and reaches for her, saying her name “Dorma… you’ve returned.” comic ends there with a to be continued cliff hanger.
Issue 4 - Dorma's issue, it begins with Dorma as a child being raised in Atlantis’s court, her seeing Namor being an outcast and befriending him, her teachings of magic, her history, her father is her only surviving family, basically this issue is a love letter to Dorma and cements her past, her death, and explains how the interaction with the stone when she was a teen created an unbreakable link between it and her soul, how the power was so great she didn't know how to use and she just figured that after the events of King in Black she lost her magic powers but it was just dormant and after Llyra murdered her, her soul was snapped back like a rubber band into the Stone where it was trapped for all these years, how she spent years learning it’s dark magic, and being lost to the darkness until Namor reminded her of who she was and the comic ends with her back in the present, with Namor reaching out to her. She has returned, the stone and her magic resurrecting her body, but she has used much of her power and she does not have the full access as she did in the shadow vortex, which means she has magic but it’s limited bc of her resurrection. Namor and Dorma have a very heavy moment of their reunion where they hug but just before they kiss the news of the Black Tide’s return causes panic in the throne room. Ends on a cliff hanger.
Issue 5 - Namor, Dorma, and Attuma are once again reunited in battle, a call back to their time together from King in Black. Dorma tells Namor her magic is spent but she picks up a sword and is still ready to fight, Namor picks up his trident, and Attuma has his own sword. They are joined by Attuma’s people, Andromeda and the castle guard, Lord’s Seth and Dara, and… Warlord Krang. He steps forward and takes Dorma’s hand, kissing the back of it, slimy as a eel and with a glint of hunger for power in his eyes he compliments Dorma, saying he’s missed her, and how he would lay his life down for her, pledging to be her guard and friend. Namor is not impressed but he has to deal with that later. Dorma is suspicious but accepts his sword arm for now. This will play into later issues/comics where Krang is loyal only to Dorma, and slowly tries to influence her to betray Namor & get with him, but for now he fights alongside them as they go to face the Black Tide. Big showdown page. As the sorceress Sycorax uses her powers to make dead sea people’s skeletons rise and fight against the heroes, each character, Namor, Dorma, Attuma, Seth & Dara, Krang, and Andromeda have close up fight shots as they battle the Black Tide. Andromeda saves AttumaÂ’s life, citing that she only did that because she needs him to help save Namor and not because she thinks of him as her father in a kindly manner, the tension between father and daughter is there but Attuma compliments her strength and says if she had been born a son she would have led his own armies. She is hurt by the rejection even though she thought she was over it but she turns her back on Attuma and gets back into the fight. Cliff hanger on Namor facing the Black Tide’s leader Kharsa.
Issue 6 - The Black Tide wants the Stone that is currently laying dormant in the center of the throne room (later it would be revealed the stone cannot be moved from its place and it becomes a constant reminder and a centerpiece of the throne room, suspended floating in a force field that no one can touch) and they want Lady Dorma because she now the key to controlling the Stone. Namor says they’ll never touch her and he would die to save Dorma because he cannot lose her again. Fight scenes, Fight scenes, and then Dorma is stabbed in the stomach, Namor screams Nooooo, thinking he has lost her after only just finding her again, he gathers her in his arms, and she touches his face, saying that she’s always loved him but she wasn’t ready to die just yet, she had so much to live for, she “dies” her eyes closing and Namor grieves again, but then her eyes shoot open, black power with cool effects fill them and she heals herself, and she cannot control herself, as she directs all her power towards her enemies, but even as she drives away the Black Tide who fear her power and flee, she still cannot stop her destruction, she is floating with a lot of power around her, and she could kill everyone around her if she isn’t stopped. Attuma screams at Namor to kill her, but Namor refuses, instead he throws himself at Dorma’s power, it eats away at his flesh as he swims closer to her, and he yells out for her to remember herself, she sees the harm she is doing to Namor and remembers him and herself. She cries out as she shuts down the power and collapses. As she recovers she states she cannot trust the power within herself but will work towards controlling it. Wrap up the story with Namor, Dorma, and Attuma saying their farewells, Attuma promising Namor that their temporary truce is over and the next time he sees them he will kill him. Dorma is welcomed back by Vashti, Seth, and Dara, and other court members, while Andromeda stands next to Namor and comments on her return, asking Namor if it’s really her, and he says it is. Namor thanks her for being a friend and for for keeping her duties as the captain of his guard, and comments on Attuma, she says that her father will never change no matter how much she might wish for it and she’s given up trying to get his acceptance. Andromeda then asks him if he will kill Dorma if she loses control again and he says nothing. Ends with Namor joining Dorma in the center of the court and taking her hand to lead her up towards his throne where they will take their place as the ocean's rulers, a wide shot on the court, celebrations ensue, and then a pan away to one of the court members slipping away, turning a corner, and transforming into Empress Llyra, she holds up a mirror and speaks into it, saying that her plans are just beginning. The shadow figure in the reflection laughs. Ends with the promise of Court intrigue and drama, Namor and Dorma slowly re establishing their romance, and dark high fantasy adventures.
And that's how Marvel should do it imo. Anyways I will be writing this more in depth for my fic someday.
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the-astral-idiot · 3 months
Timepiece, Time-Bending Thief
Clocking in from Vietnam, the gentleman thief Timepiece bends time itself to push fights in his favor. Whether he’s rushing it forward to move his team ahead or slowing it down to halt his opponents, he’ll get any job done smoothly. 
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Another Valorant OC! Made this guy when Iso was revealed and I was desperate for Viet rep. He's a time-bending Initiator all about altering speed and gameplay momentum. Posting now because he's fun and I made another with the release of the new episode. Voice lines come tomorrow when I have the time to port them here.
abilities lore and more under the cut:
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Callsign: Timepiece
Real Name: Lý Mạnh Thuận
Role: Initiator
The 26 year old Vietnamese thief was once a high-class heir with a disdain for the excessiveness of his peers and too much time on his hands, not aided by his mild Radiant power to manipulate his own reaction speed. One day, on a random solo trip, he found himself at an ancient site and stumbled upon a special necklace which resonated with his radiance. It attached to him and enhanced his power, giving him the ability to warp not only his own reaction time, but time itself. With his new power and his access to high places due to his family status, he began a life of crime, becoming the luxury thief Hourglass. Later, he was tracked down and caught by the Valorant Protocol. With a little convincing, he was recruited as their newest agent, Timepiece.
Timeline (hah)
2024: Thuận is born to a wealthy fashion designer and a shareholder. From an early age, perhaps his pre-teen years, he develops an extreme distaste for his upper-class life, due to a mix of disliking the excessiveness and attitudes of his peers, the frequent absence of both of his parents, and the stress of being the sole heir of both family lines.
2039: First Light, Thuận is 15.
2042: Thuận develops mild Radiant powers after a brief illness from Radianite exposure, granting him the ability to manipulate his reaction speed.
2044: Thuận, on a solo trip in the nature of Vietnam, finds a small, secluded ruin. Inside, he finds an Artifact necklace, which resonates with his already existing Radiance and promptly snaps around his neck, amplifying his powers greatly, resulting in him gaining the power to manipulate time.
2045: Thuận gets into a massive fight with his family due to the strain that had grown in their relationship. As a result, and due to his dislike of his social class, Thuận decides to do something against those of his class, mostly out of spite and boredom. With his access and knowledge of high places and his Artifact-enhanced radiance, he began a streak of thievery as the luxury thief, Hourglass.
2050: By this point, Thuận had become an infamous thief with an incredibly high bounty, known for his mysterious methods and grand thievery jobs. This caught the attention of the Valorant Protocol. With some research and recon, they tracked him down and discerned his powers. Sending out a strike team to capture him during his greatest heist yet, after a long battle, they managed to finally capture him. Brimstone then offered him a new job: being an agent protecting Radianite from Omega Earth. He readily accepted the change of pace and out-of-jail-free card, becoming the agent Timepiece.
C - Just A Moment
IMMEDIATELY remove 5 seconds from the round timer and shorten any nearby timers, including ally ability cooldowns, enemy ability durations, and effect durations.
Q - Wind Up
EQUIP a temporal charge. FIRE to grant a firing and reload speed boost to all nearby teammates.
E (Signature) - Waste of Time
EQUIP a temporal charge. FIRE to throw it out. Any enemies it touches while mid-air are slowed greatly. If the charge hits the ground before touching someone, it’ll stay on the ground as a destructable trap that slows nearby enemies when triggered.
X (Ultimate) - Beat The Clock
EQUIP a charged temporal core. FIRE to freeze time for a few seconds after a brief wind up. For the duration of the Ultimate, the round timer is frozen, and all active abilities are slowed immensely, as well as the speeds of all enemies, including movement speed, firing speed, reload speed, switch speed, and ability casting speed. Timepiece and his teammates can move freely and are invincible the duration of the ultimate, and for a few seconds after, but cannot act otherwise.
He likes time puns.
Incredible with sleight-of-hand.
Gets along with the other artifact users (Astra, Harbor, and Yoru).
Voice Lines
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jrjeremy · 11 months
what if... Gorillaz at their most worst in which phase album-wise ((from what Ive thought about!!!))
Murdoc – Wish You Wear Ear (Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez), originally I was gonna go for Plastic Beach but that album was already the point of where the band was at their lowest.. it's a tad tricky but Song Machine had Murdoc acting up unusual from his character, youve seen that man crawl up into a ball and cry which was from the assumption of him thinking the band left him for good, to him going absurd over portals in Kong...
If all honestly Song Machine was him being at his most strangest timez (get it..? strange... timez, heehe), I would've said for him he was at the absolute worst during his childhood if only it was composed into an album, wouldn't really want that though.. Broken was already sad enough to hear coming from him :c
Noodle – Escape To Plastic Beach (Plastic Beach), phase 3 was definitely something huge for Gorillaz that I would've just about put Plastic Beach for almost everyone in the band, for the most part though, Noodle had definitely went through a tad too much during Plastic Beach... know that Noodle is pretty as chaotic as Murdoc is but in a good way unlike Murdoc
Though in Plastic Beach.. see the lore behind the whole phase is already huge enough, but as for being separated and taken away from the people you were supposed to be with, accidentally releasing a demon that you then had to hunt down by yourself, only to then having to deal with a cyborg version of yourself that tried to attack someone close that you know aka. the exact person who built that cyborg replica of you....
Easily you can get a lot of things wrong in the lore of Plastic Beach, but there's no doubt that Noodle had a pretty big experience in Plastic Beach than the rest of the phases, if none other, a really huge impact on her too!!
2-Dee – No More Unicorns Anymore (The Now Now), alright this one is definitely obvious, never have I heard 2D sound this sad in an entire album, add on with the fact that The Now Now was entirely written by him is just heartbreaking :C
To summarise, you basically had Murdoc being thrown in jail for drugs far far away from the rest of the band, and so without Murdoc, you have the first track in The Now Now, which is Humility, upon from the music video a lot of people gotten the thought that 2D was happy because Murdoc was in jail... now see, that would've been the case, if ONLY the rest of the WHOLE album hadn't had the saddest songs you've ever gotten out of Gorillaz, andd cause of that, I've gotten the thought that Humility was 2D just having some time by himself free of charge with the rest without Murdoc because he had the thinking of "He'll be back soon" only to realise that later on it'll be a lot more longer than just soon, I have no evidence of this so it's only up to my assumption, but MIGHTY is the rest of the songs just... really real sad..
((three sections of out of topic talk about the songs in The Now Now below))
One of the songs I heard before listening to the whole album was Souk Eye, and that was the end track of the album according to the listing, I thought it was already the saddest song or at least the most heart inducing song ever made from Gorillaz, and you just never really expected these songs to come out of Gorillaz... so, that was for Souk Eye, UNTIL I for once heard the rest of the album
This was a song I REALLY REALLY least expected over the name of the song itself, and IT REALLY, REALLY MAKES MY HEART JUST..... FEEL WAY TOO MUCH, that's not even the only song, in fact the rest of the album has it's songs in this really... really heavy, heartfelt, heartbreaking impact, but bet on me that Fire Flies is ultimately the song that had gotten me feeling the most from the entire album, to the point it made Souk Eye look happier than a song named FIRE FLIES...
If all, Humility really felt like a break for the least expected only to be hit right in the face right after that, from how I perceive the album along with through it's lyrics, it showcases just how 2D has been feeling through for however long he had been all while Murdoc wasn't around, and these songs just show that 2D really wasn't doing well..
From the track listing, The Now Now seemed like it was... this will sound insane but representing the five stages of grief for 2D, youve already gotten denial from the start, onto the rest which in some was pretty hard to tell that you might have to feel it through the song in order to tell it's there, for such like you could probably tell there's bargaining in Kansas, then you have anger in Sorcererz which isn't necessarily supposed to be an outrage in order to know that it's anger, and then there's some songs that sort of feel more to the type of thinking back to the past like memories, those being like Idaho and Magic City... and boy did the depression stage really kick in, Fire Flies and One Percent just really touches your heart in the worst way possible, especially with the fact it's coming from our boy 2D it makes it even more worst.....
This is why I said Souk Eye sounded a lot more happier, as to it's like the very ending which leads to the last stage of grief, didn't really know what happened after The Now Now like right after Murdoc got back to the band, but Souk Eye does still touch your heart, except it's a lot more comforting than the previous two songs you've heard, no doubt it's still really sad though.. but it's also just really warming too, the songs in the album itself really just explains how this phase was the worst for 2D to had ever been
Russel – Celebrity Take Down (Gorillaz), this one's a really tough one, again could've said for Plastic Beach as all that happened to Russ was that he tried to off himself only to mutate into a huge godzilla size of himself, though in the first album.. well before the album itself, Russel wouldnt have gotten any chances to be in the band if only he wasn't kidnapped by Murdoc himself, just as bad as how 2D joined the band
Though that might not count, in the debut studio album Russel was first introduced with a ghostly friend possessing him which lasted until or before Demon Days came in, even when it didn't really seemed that bad while Dell was around taking over Russel's mind, it was definitely the most interesting version of Russel since other than the first album, you kind of have Russel not really taking in the worst in the other phases, really didn't really got anything from Russel out of Cracker Island since he was just hypnotised by a television static for the entire album
know that I haven't covered everything that was made or confirmed by Gorillaz!!! So far I'm only giving my thoughts based on the albums I've listened to, so I may not be too keen on the entire lore of Gorillaz, neither do I know much about the books too!! c:
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
what was your view of coney island when it was released and what is it now?
because with all the new information we have about that relationship I honestly think this song is kind of the mother of midnights. the reference to old relationships in the bridge and knowing that he wrote or contributed in some way today makes me think that that reflection on the song was about them
idk, for me there is a bridge between coney island -> most of the tracks of midnights -> dear reader -> hits different -> ttpd
makes sense to you? I thought about asking about this song when you were talking about cold in some other song that I don't remember which one it was, but it reminded me of “and it gets colder and colder when the sun goes down” 😂
OK so one thing to know about me is that despite the fact that I've been listening to Taylor casually since Debut, was a huge fan of 1989, and consider myself a pretty serious fan since at least Lover (as in that's when I started following her more online and not just for the music), I really didn't know much about the personal lore until after folklore 😂 I loved her music, but I wasn't the type to be like, "omg this song is about this person!! Or this event!!" when I'd listen to it. Obviously, some of them were obvious to me (e.g. LWYMMD, Paper Rings, Bad Blood, etc.) but what I'm saying is that I didn't dissect the muses or inspiration as much as I connected with the lyrics.
And the next thing to know about me is that even though evermore is my favourite album... Coney Island is not a song I think about a lot 😂 I know, that's going to send me to Swiftie jail. I don't dislike it! It's just not one of the ones I gravitate towards generally unless I'm listening to the album in full. So when evermore came out, I honestly just thought it was a complex story about a relationship breakdown that she wrote with the dudes from The National. 😂 Obviously I knew a lot of Taylor's music was personal, but I was also of the belief (and still am tbh) that while she may have taken emotions and situations she's experienced and put them into her songs, the actual details/circumstances aren't always factual. (Hence, folkmore. I clocked that before it was cool haha.)
So back to Coney Island. I would say that when it came out, I didn't think of it at all in terms of her personal relationship. I could certainly believe some personal feelings infused in it, because like I said that's what writers do. But it wasn't a song that, like, gave me pause. (As opposed to, say, False God, which immediately sent red flags up to me when Lover came out.) And tbh, I still don't know, precisely because it was written collaboratively. I think I see it sort of like The Alcott -- you can certainly see where her influence is, and can infer what inspired it, but I'm not sure how much of the story is hers and how much is Aaron/Bryce/Matt?/or Joe's writing. Looking at the credits, I don't know if Taylor wrote it all and the National dudes just got credit because of the music as is often the case when they get credit, or if they all wrote it collaboratively or what.
Reading the lyrics now, like really reading them, it's kind of a lot tbh lol. "And if this is the long haul, how'd we get here so soon?" is a lyric that has always stuck with me, like suddenly coming to an impasse you didn't even know was on the horizon. I'm actually like, processing this song for the first time I think, which is a little scary four years down the line lol. So thanks for that I guess? 🥴 j/k.
I guess it's hard for me to really deconstruct in this context just because I'm not entirely sure where it falls on the inspiration line. But I do think that it may be quite telling and I can see the pipeline to Midnights you mention. And, um, the quiet resentment. "The question pounds my head, 'What's a lifetime of achievement?' if I pushed you to the edge, but you were too polite to leave me," is ooooooooof. Like. Yeah. Because that's kind of the crux of a lot of Midnights, which culminates in TTPD. The golden age coming to a whimpering end before you know it, the distance, the miscommunication, the misunderstanding, the lack of consideration, but still the kernel of love underneath it all that makes it so hard to let go.
Thanks for this! It definitely gave me something to think about! What was your line of thinking on it?
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m00ngbin · 5 months
hey......... itd be a real shame if you started ranting about the demolition lovers and the stories and lore behind the mcr albums.........................
Ok so everyone already knows that mcr like originally started in September of 2001 because Gerard Way and his brother Mikey Way were living in New Jersey when the twin towers fell and Gerard saw it happen because allegedly he was meeting with Cartoon Network executives about a cartoon idea he had and he was like "this was super traumatizing I'm going to start a band where I can vent everything out through songs." (Great idea)
So he starts the band with his brother, (bass), Ray Toro, (main guitarist and backup vocalist), and Matt Pelisser, (drummer), (mainly Matt Pelisser), and in 2002 they release their first album, (MY FAVORITE), I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love. (Eventually Frank Iero, (backup vocalist and rhythm guitarist), joins the band but he wasn't there when they formed. He WAS featured on two songs in Bullets though, Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For Both Of Us and Early Sunsets Over Monroeville).
The first song they ever wrote, Skylines and Turnstiles, is about Gerard's feelings about 9/11. It's technically the seventh track on the album but yk. STILL THE FIRST.
Most of Bullets is ab the band members' lives growing up and their experiences watching 9/11 but it's also where they start coming up with the storyline for the Demolition Lovers. ANRJSHEKRJ I LOVE THE DEMOLITION LOVERS
Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge/Demolition Lovers
Ok so the Demolition Lovers storyline is a little confusing and mostly up for interpretation. MY interpretation is that in the song Demolition Lovers, (from the Bullets album), the Lovers are running away from unknown people in the middle of a desert, where they're both shot.
The Demolition Man dies and goes to hell, while the Demolition woman ends up in a coma. (I THINK SHES IN A COMA BC OF THE DRAWING IN THE LINER ART FOR REVENGE WHERE SHES IN THE HOSPITAL).
Then the Revenge album picks up where Bullets left off and we learn that the Demolition Man is told by the devil that if he goes back to earth and kills 1000 evil men he'll be allowed to see the Demolition Woman again.
Of course the Demolition Man is so desperate to see the Demolition Woman again that he says yes, so he goes back to Earth and Give 'Em Hell, Kid starts the story.
He starts in New Orleans and takes a train to an unspecified other place to begin the task. He's really remorseful about it, but he gets super drugged up to stay awake while he finds these 1000 evil men. Atp the Demolition Woman starts feeling kind of abandoned bc I guess she never realized that he had died and she has no clue what he's doing.
The next song, I'm Not Okay, is supposed to touch on how the Demolition Lovers' relationship was kind of toxic and ALLEGEDLY this was originally supposed to be the last song on the album, where it ends with the Demo Man's suicide. Obviously we knew that the Demo Lovers didn't have the most stable relationship but this song was supposed to highlight how bad it was
In the song Ghost Of You, the Demo Man starts reflecting on his actions and how much he misses the Demo Woman. At this point he's worrying that either he won't be able to kill enough people or he'll just never be able to see her again.
Jetset starts with the Demo Man finally getting out of jail and finding a new partner for his killing spree. She wants the relationship to be more, but the Demo Man is still hung up on the Demo Woman. (Obviously, if he wasn't he wouldn't be doing all of this.) Both the Demo Man and the partner are addicted to drugs at this point, the Demo Man mainly so that he can stay awake and cope with what he's doing.
In Hang 'Em High he starts doubting that he can go through with killing all of these people and starts thinking that if he fails, the Demo Woman should go on without him. In Fashion Statement/Deathwish, he regains his confidence and gets much closer to his goal. He realizes though, that even if he does succeed death will eventually bring the Lovers apart again.
In between Fashion Statement/Deathwish and Cemetery Drive the Demolition Woman gets out of the hospital and kills herself. (Helena doesn't technically fit with most of the story but I like to think that it's the Demo Man going to her funeral).
In Cemetery Drive the Demolition Man visits her grave and finally gets to 999 evil men. It's at this point that he realizes that he's been tricked by the devil. He'd killed 999 evil men, but since the devil made him a murderer, he was the 1000th.
In For A Living the Demo Man accepts that he'll never be able to see the Demo Woman again and kills himself. He finally reaches 1000 evil souls and so he actually IS able to reunite with the Demolition Woman in hell.
ARKAHSGFJS. I LOVE THE DEMOLITION LOVERS STORY SO MUCH YOU DONT UNDERSTAND I LOSE MY MIND THINKING ABOUT THEM EVERY DAY. Also like. Disclaimer you don't want a relation like the Demolition Lovers had. I didn't get super into it but their shit was FUCKED UP. Every time I see someone say that they wish they and their bf are just like the demo lovers I have a "hm." moment bc like. Did you even listen to ANY of the songs mentioning them?? Did you read ab their lore?? Do you know ANYTHING about them???
I'm not a gatekeeper or anything I swear I just don't think people should be saying that they want a relationship just like that
OH I TOTALLY FORGOT, during the Bullets tour era Gerard had a faux leather jacket that he wore so often and didn't wash that it literally disintegrated because of his sweat. I think most people know that but what they don't know is that there were TWO leather jackets that he disintegrated. One of them completely fell apart and the other one just lost one of the arms
Ok listen I love the back parade but I'm not going to say AS much about it bc I spent most of my time hyperfixated on the Demo Lovers story and Danger Days so I don't know everything. (REMEMBER EVERYTHING I SAY IS AN INTERPRETATION DONT YELL AT ME IF YOU THINK SOMETHING ELSE)
Ok so the album starts with The End, where we learn about The Patient. He's dying and he probably won't be missed, and we get a reflection of his life and his fear of dying.
In Dead!, we learn about The Patient's diagnosis and prognosis. He has cancer and he doesn't have very long to live, maybe two weeks at the MOST. The first verse of the song, ("Did you get what you deserve? The ending of your life," (not said by him)), suggests that maybe The Patient is kind of a piece of shit and he deserves to die. The Patient is deep in denial atp, he's refusing to acknowledge that he's dying but he also wants it to be over.
This Is How I Disappear has The Patient reach out to a past lover, letting them know that they'll be the only one to remember him, and he begs them to keep his memory alive. It's mentioned again that this guy has done horrible things, but we still don't know what yet.
In The Sharpest Lives, we see The Patient start trying to distract himself from his imminent death by partying and drinking. He wrecks what's left of his life and it ends up dragging other people down with him.
After this song, he sobers up and goes to the hospital, where the rest of the album takes place
WTTBP is where he starts reflecting on his life again and accepts that his life is about to be over. Death comes, but in the form of his favorite memory: a parade The Patient's dad had taken him to when he was younger. The Patient's dad had told him that he wanted him to grow up to be a good person, (whoops), and that he can't be by The Patient's side forever.
I Don't Love You has The Patient desperately trying to break off his relationship with his current partner. He knows that his death will be painful for both of them and he doesn't want his partner to have to watch him rot away. (He's being selfless?? Shocker)
In House Of Wolves we get a description of how he sees hell, where he knows he'll end up. Despite everything he doesn't want to burn for eternity. He knows he's a bad person, but he spends the song INSISTING that a lot of people aren't better than him. (Dude🧍)
In Cancer, now that his treatment has started, he feels ashamed of how the chemo is making him look. His hair is falling out, his lips are chapped and faded, he's pale and gaunt, etc etc. He looks like shit pretty much. He already feels dead. He starts thinking selflessly again, trying to say goodbye to his loved ones in a short heartfelt way so that it doesn't have to be long and drawn out and painful. He doesn't want to leave them behind but yk. Life's not fair and he knows it.
Mama FINALLY gives us what he did, and guess what it is. War crimes. He was involved in a war where he committed terrible acts. Things so bad that even his own mother rejects and disowns him. At the point he's at in Mama, he decides to write her a letter where he admits that he's a terrible man and a terrible son, and since he's dying he would like it if they could reconcile and talk.
In Sleep The Patient says that he doesn't regret what he's done, but he wants to leave it all behind and end his life on a high note.
Teenagers is a song that doesn't really fit with the rest of the album, and I'm pretty sure Gerard Way says that it's not the most relevant to the story. There's a couple lines about how The Patient was an outcast in highschool, but most of the song is ab the system trying to control kids and get them to conform.
In Disenchanted, his life starts flashing before his eyes and he reviews it like a movie. He gets really disappointed about his life and how it's ending. He talks about how he could have changed things and that honestly his life was pretty worthless bc he just waited for death.
In Famous Last Words, The Patient is supposedly talking to a loved one, but he's not sure if he's dreaming it bc he doesn't know if he's dead or alive atp. Either way he has accepted that he's dead or about to be and he's at peace with it. (Or as at peace with dying of cancer as you can be)
NOW HERES WHERE IT GETS SUPER INTERESTING. THERES A SPLIT ENDING. Blood is the one that Gerard Way considers the ACTUAL ending, but they also wrote Heaven Help Us as an alternative ending that's technically just as correct as Blood
In Blood, The Patient chooses to stay alive, even though he knows that there's no way he's going to get better. The doctors and nurses that are taking care of him pity him and are only keeping him around for the money.
In Heaven Help Us, he DOES end up dying. Atp he's waiting in purgatory for the verdict on whether he's going to heaven or hell (it's going to be hell)
Danger Days
So in the album, the first half basically talks about fighting in the desert and recalling the events of the Helium wars (The Only Hope For Me is You). Pretty upbeat.
Then in the middle of the album (Traffic Report) Jet Star and Kobra Kid are apparently killed, leaving Party Poison and Fun Ghoul alive?
The second half of the album deals with more serious themes of sacrifice, the "message", desperation, and, (obviously), sticking it to the man. Vampire Money is the only track set in the "real world," which gets proven by the use of their real names in the opening.
The EP, The Mad Gear and Missle Kid, contains three songs by this fictional band that the Killjoys would have listened to while driving around. The three songs on it are: 1. sex with porno-droids, 2. hooking up with older men in punk clubs, and 3. makes a reference to drinking juice while killing, which is what Val Velocity says in the comic. She might have been copying Party Poison but idk.
In the music videos, (Na Na Na and Sing), the Fabulous Killjoys run around the desert with The Girl, killing dracs. Korse eventually catches up to them and there is a shootout where the Killjoys get stunned and The Girl gets kidnapped.
Then the Killjoys go on a suicide mission into Battery City to try and get her back. They find The Girl who has been held by The Director and fight to escape. During the fight, Party Poison realizes that there are actually people under the drac masks, (one is implied to be Cherri Cola, who was played by Jimmy Urine (ew)), and he freaks the fuck out.
Korse kills him first, and the other three are also killed while trying to escape. The Girl is rescued, (by DJ Hot Chimp? I think?), and goes back out to the desert.
The Killjoys are wrapped up in body bags, but there was supposed to be another music video after Sing (which was cut due to budget issues), and Gerard mentioned in an interview once that he thought the Killjoys never really die because they would sort of spontaneously regenerate like in a video game or something.
There are three parts to the comics. The first is about The Girl, and reveals that the reason the Killjoys protected her was that they believed she was like a messiah. The Killjoys are all long dead by now. This group of teenagers, the Ultra V's, has decided to model themselves after the Killjoys, and the story talks about The Girl's interactions with them and coming to terms with her destiny. It's a coming of age type thing.
The second part talks about two android prostitutes from Battery City, and how they escape.
The third part has Korse as the main character, and reveals that he is gay and he has to hide this from Battery City officials. It's mainly ab him trying to get freedom and escape as well.
The Foundations Of Decay
NEWEST MCR SONG OMFG. It came out in 2022 following MCR's 6-7 year hiatus and URGAHDHFJS ITS SO GOOD. From just the lyrics
"He was there the day the towers fell
And so he wandered down the road
And we would all build towers of our own
Only to watch the roots corrode"
I think at least that part is about Gerard and a callback to why he started the band in the first place.
The whole song is kind of about the band and their history and everything and URGAJHDHFISSH I love this song so much you don't understand. It's very reminiscent of the Bullets era but it's a lot more mature I think.
Our Lady Of Sorrows is on the Bullets album and it's the best song from any era imo. It's about how far someone will go for their friends and it's a really aggressive way of basically saying that you would die for someone and that you would stand with them against anything.
The song was originally a demo called Bring Me More Knives, and it only had Gerard, Ray, and Matt playing on it. Allegedly Mikey loved the song so much that he managed to teach himself to play the bass decently enough in four days just to join the band and play it.
Some of the demos from (mainly) the Bullets era were called the Attic Demos because they were recorded in the Matt's attic
Matt got kicked out of MCR in 2004, (just after the Revenge album came out), because apparently he was caught stealing. He was replaced by Bob Bryar, and currently Jarrod Alexander is the drummer for MCR
Oh I feel like I should mention that nothing was glamorous ab any of the tours or the band members while they were touring before the hiatus. These were like traumatized 20 something year olds touring the country and doing drugs and becoming alcoholics and it pisses me off so badly when people try to make that era seem so great. There was an entire chunk of the Life On The Murder Scene documentary about Gerard Way struggling with alcoholism and how his hygiene was so bad bc he couldn't take care of himself. That's part of what that jacket disintegrated. Ofc it was also bc touring is disgusting and you don't get a lot of chances to shower and stuff but nothing ab any of that is glamorous
Oh but they're all a lot better now I think. Obviously I don't KNOW bc idk any of the band members but from what I've seen they all at least look better
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Hey!! Five Nights at Wyatt's is a western themed FNAF fan project me, @mewroticworker , and another friend have been working on. (I do concepts and ideas. I've made all but one of the characters and have worked on most of the lore. @mewroticworker is the artist, and Anne (she doesn't have tumblr. god.) is our programmer.)
We have a lot to share, but introducing the characters is the first and most important.
(All art, including these drawings, are made by @mewroticworker unless stated otherwise.)
The face of Wild Wyatt's Western Round-Up, Wild Wyatt.
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A vigilante and honest ranch-hand, Wyatt is the main attraction. He tells tales of his time traveling the west and plays a harmonica. His rivalry with The Bandit goes way back, and he's quite close with the sheriff.
Wyatt's best friend and right-hand man, Fran.
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Francis "Fran" the Sheltie is the barkeep at the Dusty Dog Saloon. He serves (non-alcoholic) drinks to the kids, and his bar also serves as a prize corner.
The other Dusty Dog resident, Cal the Coyote.
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A gambling fanatic, Calithan "Cal" the Coyote plays poker with any kid who comes to sit at his table. His attraction is the main reason for the prize corner, along with The Bandit's.
There have been many parents with issues related to the Dusty Dog Saloon. Apparently they don't like the promotion of gambling and alcoholism.
The honse, Horus.
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The town's lazy sheriff, Horus the Horse. He leaves most of the work to Wyatt, and rewards him greatly for it.
His sheriff's office jail cell is a playpen for younger kids (infant-6) and kids often make a game out of trying to wake Horus up.
Last but not least, The Bandit.
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A dark and mysterious outlaw with some unfinished business and long history with Wyatt.
His attraction is an outlaw camp that functions as a game center. Each tent (aside from his own) is a carnival game, and you can take the points you win there to the Dusty Dog prize corner.
That's it for characters. We have more to release, but this feels like the most important to get out.
Also Matt Stone and Trey Parker are the restaurant owners canon and real
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rockstarsoldier · 1 year
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i'm just here thinking about vivi's lore in her hsr verse.
vivi is the older sister of two siblings, a girl and a boy.
their parents died bc of natasha's brother's (forgot his name) dangerous experiment.
she is not really close to any of the wildfire and she prefers to stay by herself. natasha is the only one she confides in and that's when she actually needs someone to talk to. she is still friendly to the group, she just isn't close to any of them (except natasha) (maybe Luka, i feel like they would get along well but i will wait until he is released from jail).
vivi learned to play the guitar by herself.
she is... secretly became a fan of serval after going to one of her presentations after the events of jarilo-vi.
she is a jack-of-all-trade. if you need something repaired, delivered and stuff like that, vivi is willing to help.
her weapon, a mechanical big ax was made by herself.
her element is imaginary and her path is harmony. she would be a 4 star.
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rostomanologist · 2 years
New to your characters, so it's your pick! 1, 3, 4, 19.
oah thanks for asking!! ig ill go with all or most of my gw2 chars, theres not rly much of them :) ill also leave the links to them in text so you can get acquainted a bit (though i post very little info about them, sorry. i should make a roster)
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
i usually come up with the name or personality/backstory concept first but for most of my gw2 ocs everything started from appearance :D except for one, i think? i've recently made a new plant boy and haven't shown him here yet but he started with the "i want him to be puss in boots inspired and also wear a hat" concept and only then appearance and name, as i struggled with both
3. How did you choose their name?
fantasy name generator/behind the name + "yeah this sounds pretty oh fuck its taken"
exception: naohiro. his surname, fetch, was suggested by my gf and actually has a reference to irish mythology and mayhaps i can say eina astera is an exception too. i struggled with choosing her name and just made almost first what came up to my mind. and thought it would be fun to give her surname like the copy from human tradition
others r under the spoiler!
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
pheanois: tyria's freedom of movement, maybe? :D he's literally an adventurer mostly
noereen: the revenant lore. i love mists, i love their story flexibility, i love legends concept and their connections with, um, hosts. noereen has a long and quite tragic story tied tightly to her profession; she roamed through mists for years, suffered from mallyx influence and her life as a revenant is mostly a test of her willpower
caeinthe: wyld hunts! i adore this element. basically, cae is a failed valiant, she fucked up her hunt and that made her life a menace
naohiro: problems of human society in tyria, i think. bro was a thug rebelling against the queen and nobility (not a separatist tho)
eina: none for now, she's mostly a draft of a character, though some details are closely connected with wyld hunt (she's a valiant) and mesmer's lore/mechanics(?), as she's a duelist in some kind. also i know elona and kralkatorrik play big part in her story
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
pheanois: he had a love triangle back in the days that is based on fukin last shadow puppets music videos. and it turned catastrophically bisexual and homoerotic
noereen: she was bit in the side in mists by a monster and this nearly killed her but she survived and now thinks she has a cool scar. also i love the fact that she has been a menace most of the time but finally got therapy
caeinthe: despite being an asocial disaster, she has a friend, an inquest. and this friend released her from the jail in the grove though she absolutely didn't mind being there lmao
naohiro: he has a lot of soft spots! he's a tough man, strict and disciplined and a fukin assassin BUT also very affectionate towards kids and animals, can deal with them perfectly and isn't afraid to show them love
eina: she made herself a surname copying from humans and unironically thinks she now sounds extra sick and exquisite with it
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