#that honor probably goes to hp
winter-parrot · 1 year
there's something deeply Right about watching myself lose my shit over les mis and esp enjolras all over again. it's like. ah yes. this. i know this. this still fits.
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darklinaforever · 9 months
I saw someone say that Severus was creepy and possessive towards Lily... We're talking about the guy who always let Lily have her own friends and left her alone as soon as she asked him to, just for information.
Oh, and also that apparently he was bullying Petunia thus probably destroying any chance of the bond between her and Lily returning. WTF ?! He accidentally dropped a branch on her when he was, what ? 10 / 11 years old ? I do not know anymore. Also, I remember that it was actually James who completely ruined Petunia and Lily's slim chances of coexisting.
Also, quite simply, Petunia was basically horrible to Lily because she was jealous. Severus has nothing fucking to do with it.
Then obviously say he linked up with bigoted racists. You know... during a period where he was experiencing misery at home, his friendship with Lily deteriorating and him essentially being a reject at school ? Like... It's pretty obvious that the guy is influenced. Are people aware that we can also join this type of dangerous stupidity through manipulation and not just by choice ? No ? All right. Because I feel like people forget that Severus is actually a half blood.
The person went so far as to say that Severus loving Lily, was like a member of the Klu Klux Klan falling in love with a black woman...
Also, to say that apparently he hoped Lily would come back to him by saving her from Voldemort and leaving James and Harry to die, which... is false ? He just wanted to save her because he loves her ? He didn't expect her to fall into his arms ? Where the fuck does this shit come from !?
Oh, and also, the funniest thing, complaining that he betrayed the Death Eaters... because then that would prove that this guy has no loyalty.
Or maybe that just goes to show that he didn't really know what he was doing in this big mess ? Just an idea like that.
And so obviously complaining that he's only faithful to Lily which is apparently very unhealthy.
Also, apparently, nothing makes him gray, his redemption is bogus. Harry naming his son after him is stupid and Lily would probably hate Severus in the afterlife.
And this all came from someone hating James & Lily as a character and romance.
Like... how can you misunderstand a character so much ? The HP Saga has many flaws for me, but the character of Snape is clearly in the top tier and an excellent gray character.
And I don't understand why a lot of people find it disgusting, twisted and sick that he did good things in honor of Lily's memory, still loves her and has the same patronus as her. Like... I really don't understand. Why do people try to blacken and pervert everything ? Oh I know. They are allergic to complexity.
Yes, Snape wasn't the best teacher in the world. Favored his house and let the Slytherin students annoy the Gryffindors but frankly with his past, we can understand why he became the way he is. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to mentally move on from the horrible things that have happened to us. Especially since adolescence has a big impact on our future life.
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st-severus · 9 months
9, 17, and 28 for the Snape asks!
Thank you for asking :) 9. One of your saddest [headcanons for Snape]? I like the idea that he got his Dark Mark for telling Voldie about the prophecy, the dark irony of receiving something he probably wanted for so long at the exact moment he wouldn't want it anymore. To be branded by his greatest regret. I also sometimes like to think that he was the one who invented the Dark Mark spell. I know canonically both Dumbledore and Voldemort invented things, but I don't buy it. They don't strike me as the hard-working types, but maybe that's not so much sad as twisted lol. 17. What rubs you the wrong way about how he’s portrayed in fanon/fan fiction? I don't read fan fiction so I don't know what goes on there, but like all snape fans I was always very irritated at mischaracterizations and/or exaggerations by snaters. In fact, that was the reason I made this snlog, to be able to look at the good stuff while avoiding the sh*t takes and insane nonsense. I'm slightly inured to it now though! But it was sad, seeing people misconstrue what is one of the best and nicest parts of HP which is Harry Potter choosing to honor the best of him and forgive the rest — part of growing up is realizing that adults were only human, but I guess that's something that a lot of people don't want to do 🙄 28. Did you make it through OotP, HBP, and DE not knowing what JKR had in store for Snape’s character? Or had those things been spoiled for you beforehand? I hated OOTP so much that I put HP away with childish things lol. I remember thinking, "Well we had a good run. I'll just pretend it ended with POA. I won't find out what's happening with and clearly that's going somewhere but oh well". So Snape killing Dumbledore was spoiled for me later, but I could not have cared less and I might even have forgotten it by the time I had nothing to do one day and picked up my sister's copy of HBP and ended up loving it so so much. I hadn't heard anything about DE by the time I read it so nothing was spoiled for me and I haaaaated it. Even some of the Snape scenes (I did not like the doe patronus, and there seems to me to be lots of inconsistencies or out-and-out errors in that book). Generally, I considered that it was obvious that Snape was going to be working on the good side because it would be a very boring twist for him to be bad, That is until HBP, when I thought there must be some third thing other than A) working for Voldemort or B) working for Dumbledore. Of course, I was wrong there but I did like most of the story especially after finally watching the last movie where I think his death scene is much improved from the book version.
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lurkingshan · 7 months
Tagged by @negrowhat to give away all my fandom secrets. I came up in the US, so most of these will be Western shows. Also be aware that I'm old and been around in fandoms for decades, some of you youths might not even recognize these ships.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Felicity and Noel. I was very into them (and very anti-Ben) when I was first watching this show at the tender age of 14, but then I rewatched it as an adult, realized Noel was a classic Nice Guy with some clear warning flags, and settled into Team Ben.
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Hmm maybe Elizabeth Wakefield and Todd Wilkins? I think I started reading Sweet Valley High at, like, age 8. For TV, I was a sitcom kid and I was obsessed with Dwayne Wayne and his flip-up glasses as a child. I loved him and Whitley. Damn now I want to rewatch.
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
The first I read? I am pretty sure the honor goes to Buffy and Spike.
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They were the first ship I remember having that classic fanfic brainrot combo of 1) captivating me entirely with their dynamic and 2) canon leaving me unsatisfied. I lost months of my life over at Elysian Fields.
In terms of the first fanfic I wrote, the honor goes to Ian and Mickey.
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I was big into Shameless for its first four seasons. But then the show went way off the rails, the fandom went with it, and I quit watching and scrubbed all my fandom activity off the internet.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
I honestly have no idea. Probably something Buffy, I was doing a lot of internet dwelling for that show.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Getting into discourse is my whole entire thing LOL. I have survived many, many ship wars and let me tell ya you haven't seen unhinged until you've been knee deep in the tags in a long-term fandom with multiple ships for the protagonist. One of the things I love about BL and nearly all Asian dramas is that we go into every show knowing who the main pairing is, so we don't have to fight about ships.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Hmm I was a big Buffy/Angel anti and that was before Spuffy was even a twinkle in my eye. I never liked that man in a romance until he got hooked up with Cordelia in his own show (but then they ruined it ugh). I was also very anti-Harry/Hermione back in the OG HP days (let characters have meaningful platonic relationships!).
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
I've been on a Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian kick of late.
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
OTPs are eternal! Like I said above, since I mostly watch Asian drama now, they're baked in. My fav of my current watches is Ten and Prem.
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
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You show me two characters who are clearly uniquely compatible, you give me a brief taste of their extremely fun and non-traditional relationship, and then you break them up and stick her with the milquetoast Nice Guy protagonist in a total betrayal of your entire narrative premise? Fuck off forever, HIMYM, I will see you in hell.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Hmm nothing comes to mind. If I decided to hate a pair in the past I am pretty likely to still be hating.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
I would like to see you try to cancel me!! I'll echo Eboni here and say Brian and Justin, though of course there were people who hated them because of the age gap back in ye olden times, too. Fandom spaces are mostly women and women in queer fandom spaces often struggle to account for the totally different culture and power dynamics between m/m pairings.
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12. What was your favorite crack ship?
I don't really do crack ships, I am a canon pairing girlie.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
I don't know who the ultimate winner is, but I think it's probably a neck and neck competition between Spuffy and Wangxian as my most read pairing.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
There's actually a lot of variety in them in terms of personalities, appearance, and tropes. I think what makes me really click into a ship is the feeling that the two people are uniquely suited to each other and well matched to go through life together.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
When I don't believe they can actually make it.
Tagging @my-rose-tinted-glasses @twig-tea @imminentinertia @shortpplfedup @stuffnonsenseandotherthings @littleragondin.
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iciatheguardess · 3 months
".... I believe it's finally about time I do this."
Icia sits down by her fireplace and starts writing down the same thing on many, many pieces of paper.
This is what she writes:
"Help Wanted to reclaim Digital World"
"I am forming a party to rescue a digital world from a tyrannical AI that is terrorizing and abusing many. Due note that this will not be a safe or small feat, and there will more than likely be many perils involved that could result in serious harm and death, or possibly abstraction. All help is appreciated, but this is not for the faint of heart. I will be willing to supply more details to any and all who are interested. There will be no 'reward' other than the honor of rescuing those in danger and access to a grand, royal, fantastical kingdom that shall flourish once freed (although hopefully, all will be able to access it once saved). Transportation will be by pirates across the void, and I can introduce all who would like to meet them beforehand."
"A letter will be sent out by wind to all who are interested/ willing to fight once plans are finalized and set in stone. I look forward to working with whoever is willing to join me."
"PS: Weapons and a strong sense/understanding of self are highly advised. You may visit me at my house or find me on a walk to ask questions in person, and I will answer to my best ability."
"With my utmost gratitude and fair wishes to you all,
Icia finishes the flyers early in the morning, letting the wind carry some to varying locations and visiting other locations she knows of to post them. She posts the flyers at Candleton, the circus, the inn, Oceansbay, the bar, anywhere she can think of.
Now all she has to do is wait.
Okay so.
You heard her
Here are the basic rules and info:
I do not have definite days for any of this yet. However, I'm aiming to be ready in 2-3 weeks.
Any number of characters are allowed to join, but you will only be able to rp 1 at a time (with exceptions if you have a good reason, like how Raina and Lance used to be one person). There will be checkpoints where people may switch to different characters between sections
Ik I said you can have as many characters as you want, but please ensure you'll actually use them. I'll try and make this long enough for everyone to use their characters at least once, but really there's no guarantee. Don't just add characters because you can.
I may do what Elsie did and split the quest into two parties. In that case, you can have one active character in each party. This is unlikely, but if it happens then that's how this will go.
THERE WILL BE NO CHARACTER DEATHS EXCEPT FOR THOSE THAT ARE DISCUSSED WITH ME BEFORE HAND. Any other "deaths" (losing all HP) will just be knocked out and unable to use for the rest of the quest unless revived. This also goes for permanent injuries.
No abstraction. None. Characters can get close, but there won't be any full abstraction.
No OP moves (that should be a given).
No Kingdom characters will be allowed to participate in the quest. They are part of the objective, not the fights. Even against Hexe, no CURRENT kingdom members will be able/allowed to fight
No being a smartass and finding loopholes or questioning the rules of the dungeon (you know who you are, love you <3)
Just so yall know what to expect. There'll probably be 4 sections, maybe just 3. There'll be a boss for each, and the very final section will just be Hexe. Plan accordingly.
PLS ask me if you're confused abt something. I'm probably forgetting a couple things to add here but shhhh, yall get the idea
If yall wanna do lore drops during this too, you totally can! If they're really big and will kinda be like a side thing, do be sure to let me know first!!!
Ok I think i got everything down....
Once again, ask me if you're confused abt something or have ideas bc god knows I need those. Also, be sure to DM me which characters of yours will be joining (if any).
And I think the only big delays will be for Dusk and Jessy trying to escape the Railroads AND me being lazy but Imma try and not have that second one happy
I'll reblog/edit this with any necessary information
But for now
(BTW you don't have to participate if you don't want to, it's ok to not be interested! Also if a character IS participating, just do a really quick in-rp post (or have them send a letter to Icia) & tag me in it so I know.)
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Round 1: Fight 9
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Kokoro Aichi | Heartful Punch/Undine Wells | Alchemical Water (Sleepless Domain) vs Napat "Pat" Jindapat/Parakul "Pran" Siridechawat (Bad Buddy)
Propaganda under the cut!
Kokoro Aichi | Heartful Punch/Undine Wells | Alchemical Water:
So my Girl Kokoro has a lot of pride, she hates being seen as weak bc of her daddy and mommy issues and because of that hates it when people call her by her real name and tends to prefer to just go by HP in honor of her magical girl title, but within like TWO days of knowing Undine and hearing her call her HP she was just like '...you can call me Kokoro' and then Undine does just that all of HP's friends go absolutely bananas quoting it as 'the forbidden name' and then react even more dramatically when Kokoro just sort of rolls with it. Girl's had it bad since this waterbender pretty girl first tidal waved into her life Meanwhile Undine, whom as a magical girl struggles to kill monsters on her own since her powers are more 'support class' as it is, she's not super strong on her own, kills a HUGE monster in basically one shot when Kokoro is threatened to nearly get swallowed by it, turning her water into essentially a jet cutter. she often has dreams about Kokoro, though only realized she had feelings for her during that noted save, she's ALWAYS worried that just by being around her she's putting a target on her back (bc she's the main character so the bad guys are gunning for her) she seems really chill most of the time bc she's just a really reserved girl but like this girl can and will commit murder to keep her pink gf safe and like- they're canonically super gay end of chapter 15 they kiss for the first time it's great
Napat "Pat" Jindapat/Parakul "Pran" Siridechawat:
Prans been in love with Pat since they were kids, Pat didn't realise that he loved Pran until they met again in Uni and then fights more to keep their relationship because Pran is scared to get sent away again
Childhood enemies to lovers (except Pran was in love with Pat since at least highschool. Probably a lot longer), seperated and then met again at uni. Pat comes to a crashing realisation in like 2 days that he is in LOVE with Pran, confesses to him that same day, and never looks back. Though Pran is hesitant (external pressures keeping them apart like family rivalry, university shenanigans, and already being a secret friendship), Pat pursues him into danger and remains steadfast in his love until Pran is comfortable. He is consistently showing up and proving to Pran that while Pran has been in love for years, Pat's emotions are no less deep, and will always lose to keep Pran happy.
look Pran was out here having his gay angsty awakening as a teenager realizing that he was in love the boy he was supposed to hate because of the rivalry between their family and starts repressing shit meanwhile Pat is living the himbo life and still unaware that his bestie is a lesbian and in love with his sister. it's not until they get to college where Pran is so resigned to his feelings that he doesn't expect anything to happen and then Pat attempts to confess his feelings to his lesbian bestie to which she responds "are you sure about that?" and he suddenly has an epiphany that he's in love with Pran and goes full on "if i don't have this man on me in five minutes i stg"
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kingedmundsroyalmurder · 11 months
Tagged by @batrachised. Thank you!
1-How many works do you have on AO3?
102. We will not discuss the number of fics posted on the ff.net account I maintained in high school.
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
298,956. Lower than I would have expected, actually. My longfic days were primarily, again, in high school, so on AO3 it's mostly shorter one-shots.
3-What fandoms do you write for?
Currently on a Blue Castle kick. Previously my main fandom was Les Mis, mostly bookverse, and prior to that I spent a decade or so as a Harry Potter girl. I have dabbled in other things, but none of them deeply enough for me to consider them actual fandoms that I am in.
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In the darkest time of year -- Hadestown, post-canon. I believe this is also the fic with the most notes on tumblr.
The Black Sheep and the Mad Muggleborn: a love story -- HP, post-canon. I really liked writing this one and, like all my HP work, now have deeply conflicted feelings about it.
And I could be enough -- Power Rangers 2017, character study. I only wrote 2 fics for this movie and I adore them both so much.
Stormforged -- ASOIAF, alternate ending. This was written for Femslash February and represents the sum total amount of time I have spent thinking about ASOIAF since reading the first four books in a week during standardized testing week back in high school.
We rose with voices ringing -- HP, alternate post-canon. Can you tell I default to song lyric titles a lot and also enjoy musicals?
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I am trying to be better about this! For a long time I didn't because I hated everything I wrote the moment I published it and the only way I could publish at all was to throw a fic out the door and never think of it again.
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
You know, I'm not sure. I haven't done full on angst in a long time. Probably either Waiting for sunrise (LM) or With nothing to remember (also LM). Honorable mention goes to Real in its consequences (still LM) which exists solely to take a ridiculous premise seriously.
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's new and still my beautiful child, so this one goes to Ties That Bind, Bonds That Strengthen (TBC).
Oh! Honorable mention to The title of citizen (LM Animates-verse). It's... it just has to be read to be understood, tbh.
8-Do you get hate on fics?
Not since the old aforementioned high school era ffn account, where I once got flamed for writing het. Ah, the good old days. (It wasn't even endgame het, lol.)
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Nope. I've played with some fade to black and a couple, like, sensuous bed scenes, but I find it boring to read so I don't write it.
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have come to love crossovers, honestly. I like putting characters into Situations. Can't think of any particularly crazy ones though.
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I've ever found or been told about, although realistically with how much I've written and how long I've been doing it I'm sure there are some out there.
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, but I can't off the top of my head remember which ones, unfortunately.
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No. I am a dreadful co-writer. I will, however, build a world with you at the drop of a hat. Shout out to @steelplatedhearts for the PoTC mermaid worldbuilding we did years and years ago that I still think about fondly.
14-What's your all-time favourite ship?
It varies. Right now unfortunately it's the two leads from the Forbidden Hugs story, which is unfinished original fiction. Fandom wise, I still like me some Logic and Philosophy.
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Anything started earlier than this year, unfortunately.
16-What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I have gotten decent at having an entertaining narrative voice without it being too distracting.
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot? What plot? Plot is when people sit in rooms and have conversations about their feelings, right? What do you mean Events must occur? I'm calling my manager, this doesn't sound right at all.
18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Mostly feels needlessly pretentious, honestly. I don't know if I've ever really even considered it.
19-First fandom you wrote for?
HP, starting at age, oh, 14 or so.
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
Again, Ties That Bind is still my beloved child, but I have a huge soft spot for both Power Rangers (2017) fics. Oh, and underdog fav status to Never go anywhere, never see anyone, the nichest of niche crossovers where Mary Bolkonskaya befriends doesn't-even-get-a-canonical-first-name Aunt Gillenormand.
Tagging @lemeute, @manyswarmsofbees, @amarguerite, @ohhgingersnaps
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akalikai · 6 months
saw @melandrops do this and thought I'd try
three ships: doorkeay, jonmartin, daisira
first ship: oh boy uhhhh probably linny or wolfstar when it came to books since i read hp when i was very young. for video games uhhh it might have actually been zelink?? though after 2012, rpg maker horror games became big and I was obsessed with dio (robin) x aya from mad father and then shiori x suga from forest of the drizzling rain. oh and aki x misao (i was so annoyed when the game only allowed male!aki to be misao's bf and not fem!aki)
currently reading: uhhh nothing in particular but i guess i can say im working my way through lord seventh by priest? I'm definitely not going all the way back into danmei but I rewatched word of honor and I need to know more about jing beiyuan and wu xi
currently watching: black mirror, specifically the ep "hang the DJ" for a media psychology class
last song i listened to: idhazin oram by anirudh ravichander from the movie "3 (moonu)" im from tamil nadu so i listen to a lot of tamil music (tamil music goes so hard)
relationship status: qpr with @too-aroace-for-this-shit 💙🔔 (i joked that our ship name would be bluebell bc my online alias used to be "aqua" and one of their online names is "bells")
current obsessions: tma, tmagp, woh/tyk/qi ye, owari no seraph
currently craving: just got hit with a random craving for bhel puri save me
fave color: hot pink-no im kidding it's blue lol
Whoever else wants to do it can try it out!!
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
This car goes very very fast it's top speed is about 800 mph who's the upgrades with the upgrades and it's one of the fastest cars on earth and they are saying hello and it is Japan and they know how to make this stuff work very well. It is a rotary engine but it's made out of steel it's an excellent way to make an engine and I'll save a lot of energy and if it has great gas mileage about 40 miles to the gallon when you're tooting around in a couple hundred miles an hour or 300 miles an hour it's really awesome and going on regular speed you'll get about 50 miles a gallon so very rare vehicle and people should respect the technology my son says it's kind of like Indian technology because right here wasn't doing his maximizing on the size and shape and materials without going and making them very expensive and using what they have and it's true too they're very good at that and they respected and they honor it and they say they do use everything too and he's learning how to do that very well and they respect that as well but it is what they're doing it's standard materials but used very correctly and variable and very well and we love it
Thor Freya
It is what we're showing people the basic design makes a huge difference and it can be on a regular car almost this is not massively expensive it's only a $50,000 car and our son can get one if he had some money quite easily if you have to have a lot of money he says that's true but it should be outlawed from him getting because it's way too fast so they have to add it to the list
Poseidon and goddess wife
I want to one of those because people can't tell us that fast
Neil and daviac
Me too and I'm still alive
Kevin Adams he says it's in the mail that's funny it's amazing car and it's not that small
We're getting into it now but I would like one of these so you have to get out of the mental hospital everyone else is because the jerk is falling for crying out loud so I guess I'll get out of here and get one of these
Your fascination with our technology is not a question and we know what you're up to
That's a praise him for knowing who he is he says valley kind of probably told me that's good
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regard-luxury · 2 years
Lamborghini Countach Lpi 800-4 2022 Pictures, Data & Specs
The further weight was compensated by utilizing carbon-fiber bumpers and skirts. By the best way, the Anniversary edition was designed by Horacio Pagani earlier than he established his personal sports activities automotive company. The 2021 Lamborghini Countach is a hybrid supercar that places out 814 horsepower and goes on to a prime velocity of 355 kph, forming a fitting tribute to an iconic model name that celebrates its fiftieth birthday this year, Pirelli said. The new automobile comes with Pirelli’s P Zero tires in 255/30R20 dimension on the new lamborghini countach entrance and 355/25R21 on the again, developed to boost car performance as well as safety, management and dealing with, Pirelli mentioned. The tire structure and compound have been optimized to succeed in the absolute best grip in all driving conditions, plus excessive ranges of traction and braking in wet and dry conditions. The V-12 engine makes 770 horsepower by itself, whereas whole system output with the electrical motor is 803 hp.
Check our detailed Ferrari price record to see precisely how much every mannequin cost. But, if you’re one of many select few with tons of money to spend on a Lamborghini, why not get an original Countach? Or one of many other V12-powered automobiles that truly helped Lamborghini turn out to be a trailblazer? It could be a good idea to look into these as a end result of all 112 models of the new Countach are probably accounted for. Outside, blending new tech with traditional style, the Countach LPI has 20-inch front and 21-inch rear "telephone fashion" wheels, wrapped in Pirelli P Zero Corsa tires. With such a propensity for pace, it has carbon-ceramic brakes to deliver sanity to all this madness.
The Lamborghini Countach 2022, in easy words, is the translation of excellence from front to back. The general shape, although it's model new, Countach somehow still mimics the unique Countach. The carbon-ceramic brakes are so highly effective that they can sluggish the car from sixty two miles per hour of speed to 0 in nearly 98 feet. If you keep the dry weight of the car in thoughts, which is 3,516 kilos, this performance may be very spectacular.
The Miura, Countach, Diablo, Murcielago, and Aventador all played their very own roles in serving to the world of supercars attain new heights. Out of all of Lamborghini’s V12-powered supercars, the Countach performs the most important position. It’s the one which new lamborghini countach solidified the Italian automaker as being the craziest of the crazy with its out-of-this-world design. At a time when nostalgia is in with the Ford Bronco, Jeep Wagoneer, GMC Hummer EV, and Toyota GR Supra, Lamborghini sees a gap to convey back the Countach.
The wedge-shaped mid-engine coupe created the template for the trendy supercar and launched the world to scissor doors when it debuted a the LP500 idea on the Geneva Motor Show in 1971 and was produced from 1974 to 1990. Unveiled throughout 2021 Monterey Car Week, the Countach LPI was built to have fun the fiftieth anniversary of the Countach’s debut. Its styling is a modern interpretation of the long-lasting wedge-shaped unique Countach, but the LPI is predicated on the outgoing Lamborghini Aventador, and features a hybrid powertrain producing 803 hp. The new Countach is being recalled due to rear glass panels which will detach from the automotive, based on the NHTSA. Lamborghini blames a provider error, saying in a recall report that the supplier didn’t accurately bond the glass panels to the engine covers of affected automobiles. The new Lamborghini Countach comes with plenty of components inspired by the enduring mannequin, including the sharp strains, creases and the 'wedge-shaped' styling.
Unveiled in the course of the prestigious main occasion at Monterey’s Car Week at Pebble Beach this week, the supercar returns to honor the fiftieth anniversary of the unique launch. The LPI seems like the quintessential one-off showpiece, however Lamborghini truly plans to construct a limited run of 112 examples, with deliveries to begin in early 2022. Its announcement does new lamborghini countach not include pricing data, however Bloomberg reports that the automobile's combination of heritage styling and Sián hybridization will command a value of $2.sixty four million. We imagine getting on the unique reservations listing will also require some pretty tight Lamborghini connections or up-to-date worldwide superstar standing.
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You wrote your opinions on the Order of the Phoenix, what about the Death Eaters? That's another way of saying Lucius, Bellatrix, and anybody else. I honestly feel that we're running out of HP characters for you to write your opinion and reasoning about, so yeah~
We honestly are. When people start asking me questions about Harry’s nameless and faceless classmates I feel like we’re scraping the bottom of my barrel of Harry Potter opinions.
Though, that said, this is still a very large ask if you want me to analyze very Death Eater ever or even the Death Eaters as a whole (which is worthy of its own post).
So, we’ll compromise, and I’ll just look at the two you name dropped.
Lucius Malfoy
To me, Lucius is by far one of the more intelligent Death Eaters. He’s the guy who makes them almost look classy. I say almost, because Lucius is still a racist domestic terrorist and as the series goes on Tom gleefully drags him into being less classy by the minute (his house becomes a POW camp and housing for the dregs of society, Lucius just sobs, trying to be thankful he’s somehow still alive).
Lucius is rich, sophisticated, and is probably the most politically powerful man in the country. He has a beautiful wife he has... a son (sorry Draco, but you do not live up to your father) the guy has it all.
Which makes it very surprising that he got dragged into this mess. But you see, Lucius is paying for that tragedy we call youth.
Also, as a caveat, I’m about to headcanon hard and will not bother to get into the details of why I think x, y, or z in this post.
Ten years prior to the start of canon, Lucius is a very young man, probably very charismatic, certainly believes he’s intelligent and probably gets decent grades, but nonetheless the kind of stupid you see in men ages 15-25.
He’s likely chafing under his aging father’s strict guidance, knows he’s not going to be Lord Malfoy for years yet, wants to get out there, prove himself, and make a difference for his country. More importantly for Lucius, there’s this hip, exciting, new thing that all his cousins and friends are getting into called “The Death Eaters” (yes, I don’t believe the Knights of Walpurgis/Death Eaters 1.0 ever happened, I think it’s ridiculous that fandom and JKR does, I could go into why but not in this post). 
The Death Eaters are led by the single handedly most beautiful, charismatic, man in Britain. (Yes, I headcanon Tom’s still blindingly attractive at this stage, because it makes much more sense to me but we’re not getting into that here.) A mysterious man by the name of Voldemort, Salazar Slytherin’s long lost heir, who has come to resurrect the wizarding world’s true heritage and purge the land of the muggle stain. (Yes, I do believe that no one, not even Lucius who is later given the diary, knew who Tom really was. I believe Regulus’ had only the vaguest idea, informed mostly by Tom’s use of Kreacher to place the locket.) This is the most exciting thing to have ever happened, the rallies probably consist of rich kids drunk out of their minds and maybe even high on a little wizard cocaine, and Lucius is down for it precisely because his father says “Lucius, this is stupid, please don’t embarrass the family.” WELL LUCIUS IS GOING TO EMBARRASS THE FAMILY, DAD! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?!
And for a while, it looks like Lucius made the right choice. Things are happening, they’re actually going out and killing the mudbloods! Unlike Regulus, Lucius never has that “wait a minute” moment as he realizes that Voldemort’s actually far more efficiently eliminating pureblood families and sowing dissention in what was once a unanimous force among the Wizengamot (the other pureblood lords aren’t necessarily pro muggleborn, per se, but they get a bit queasy at the thought of blowing them up or Merlin forbid actually blowing up their own public venues wizards use). 
And then October 31st, 1981 happens, and it all comes crashing down. Lucius has to desperately lie his ass off, having only the flimsiest lie to rely on, has to hand out a shit ton of bribes, and manages to squeeze his way out of being imprisoned in Azkaban. 
I’m sure Abraxas looked at his son, with his tattoo on his arm that makes him another man’s slave, at the utter destruction of the Black family, and just shook his head going, “Clean up your mess, Dumbass Son”
And Lucius does to the best of his ability. While some will always suspect him of being a Death Eater, while some know it, he’s able to climb very high in influence in their ridiculously tiny community. Granted, I do think he messed up, and could never for example run for minister given everything (if Crouch can’t rerun then Lucius certainly can’t). He also shows us that in some ways he is not above the law, he’s very afraid his house will be searched without warrant in The Chamber of Secrets, and this is in part why he dumps Tom Riddle’s diary off onto Ginny.
However, he wields total control of the Prophet, has a seat on the Wizengamot, has the ear of the current Minister, is on the Hogwarts’ Board of Governors, and has his hands in pretty much every pie he can.
I imagine during this period Lucius grows up. He brushes the indiscretions of his youth under the carpet, gleefully leaving it all behind him, and the only real friend he maintains contact with from that period is Severus, the least zealot like of all of them. (Crabbe and Goyle Sr aren’t friends, they’re minions). 
Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a racist slime bag, and I don’t think he really regrets the domestic terrorism. He just regrets nearly getting caught and putting his entire family’s security on the line. He witnessed first hand what happened to the Blacks.
And then the worst thing happens: Tom Riddle rises from the dead. He rises, impossibly, from the dead when Lucius has his own hand caught in the cookie jar.
Lucius has been living a life of luxury and influence while his great master, the man he had pledged everything to, was dead. Worse, Lucius took what was described as a treasured item to be protected at all costs, and not only threw it away but sent it to Hogwarts where it caused massive havoc and was ultimately destroyed. 
And Lucius, I imagine, no longer wants to serve a master.
But he has no choice. And so begins Lucius’ descent into misery and hell as he’s given an increasing set of impossible, horrific, tasks in punishment that involve him watching as his wife and son are put through hell.
I believe Tom holds a special place in his cold, black, passive aggressive heart for Lucius Malfoy.
First, Tom makes Lucius’ house his headquarters. Oh, Lucius, you have a very nice, very large, estate? Why don’t you host your beloved, mad, cousin, her equally mad husband and brother-in-law? Oh, Bellatrix threatened to cut off your ear? Well, she’s just so passionate! 
Second, Lucius is told to go get the prophecy. Well, this is easier said than done. He nearly succeeds but then it all turns into the world’s largest clusterfuck that ends in two notable things. First, the prophecy is lost forever, shattered. Second, the government admits that Voldemort is truly resurrected. Both of these things are very bad in Tom’s book. And the blame can easily be put on Lucius’ head.
In response to this, Draco is now given an impossible task that Draco is too stupid to realize is designed to cause him (and his family) as much misery as possible. Draco is to assassinate Dumbledore. 
Likely, Tom was already informed by Snape that Dumbledore was dying. The blackened hand was too obvious a tell coming from too obvious a source for the pair to have hid it. I think trying to hide such information would have immediately blown Snape’s cover. So, Tom knows the man is dying, and doesn’t see fit to tell Draco this.
Instead, he tells Draco, “Kill Dumbledore as soon as possible or I deliver you to Fenrir Grayback.” Draco, however, is young and stupid, so he honestly thinks he is doing this to restore the family honor, earn glory for himself and for the cause, and is expected to do this entirely by himself. As a result, when Narcissa begs Snape to aid Draco, Draco blows them both off and only accepts help from Bellatrix because HE CAN DO THIS ON HIS OWN! DRACO IS A MAN.
This, of course, doesn’t work out either. Draco doesn’t deliver the killing blow, Snape does, but Tom decides to give him a pass.
Instead he moves on to his next plan which is making the Malfoy manor his torture chamber and POW camp. Even Draco, at this point, realizes this all kind of sucks. 
And then Voldemort finally dies a second time, and I’m sure Lucius just stares numbly at his malformed corpse, wondering if it will really take this time.
So that’s Lucius for you, paying always for his mistakes, and pretending he’s just as much of a nutcase as Bellatrix to fit in.
Bellatrix LeStrange
God, compared to the novel that is Lucius’ ridiculous life, I really don’t have much to say about her because I feel like there’s not much too her.
Bellatrix reminds me a lot of the Manson family, she gives off those same vibes. Point being, I think even before Azkaban (while Azkaban certainly didn’t help), she was insane and a little too worshipful of Voldemort.
I guess I can start there, I don’t think Bellamort is a thing, at all. 
Tom may have, probably did, have sex with her before he died but afterwards? In that body? Forget about it.
That said, I’m sure Bellatrix both wanted to have sex and is convinced she did have sex to produce whatever the hell Delphi even is. It just wasn’t with Tom, and probably was Rodolphous with a Halloween mask on his face as they got a little too into role play.
And there we go, I suppose, I can’t take Bellatrix seriously. You often see her portrayed as sexy femme fatale Death Eater, the most competent of all of them, if a bit of a sadist.
Oh she might be a very good duelist but she’s... Bellatrix.
She prances around in corsets, shrieking madly, and just what part of that is supposed to be femme fatale? I literally cannot take her seriously on any level. When I even try to write her seriously, in very serious stories, I end up with lines like the following:
"My lord, if there's anything you need… Anything from me, specifically, as a woman…" 
- Bright Eyes
That was my best attempt. That was the best I could come up with. It’s still something that belongs in a comedy.
So, I don’t think Tom really corrupted her. I think without Voldemort she still probably would have been blowing up Diagon Alley, just in a much less organized manner.
Even in canon she does ridiculous things. For example, Bellatrix, frankly, could have easily avoided prison.
For weeks after the dark lord fell neither she, her husband, Barty, nor her brother-in-law were arrested. Bellatrix in grief and utter disbelief that the dark lord could ever do something so mortal as die, said “remember that other house our lord mentioned, THEY MIGHT HAVE INFORMATION, LET’S GO MURDER THE LONGBOTTOMS!” They torture and kidnap Frank, demanding he tell them where their master is, THEY KNOW HE KNOWS. He doesn’t know. They go too far and torture the man into being a vegetable. “Shit, GET THE WIFE!” They go get the wife, do the same thing, with the same results.
They now have no information on the dark lord, two well regarded aurors tortured into brain damage, and are quickly caught and brought before the court with absolutely no “I was imperiused” excuse they can give out. 
How am I supposed to take her in any way seriously?
I mean, to end your life killed in a duel with Molly Weasley. That just says it all.
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rigelmejo · 3 years
Audio Immersion Loop
I’ve read this suggestion by Nukemarine before, and I think its quite a good idea - especially for improving listening skills and reinforcing what you know into a more immediate-understanding. https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/886lfg/does_your_japanese_listening_ability_lag_behind/
The core idea is: a mix of ‘audio seeds’ (audio you’ve studied before and therefore understood before) and ‘other’ audio (ideally things you’ve watch/heard with english subs or directly in your target language before - so your mind ‘likes’ the material). He suggests 30% audio seeds and 70% other, though any combo may be useful and he’s not sure if another % split would be more effective.
The idea is your mind understood the ‘audio seeds’ before in study, so as you listen to it regularly without pause your mind practices understanding it quicker and without concentrating as much, then over time you hear words/phrases/sentences similar in the ‘other’ audio material and your brain latches on and starts trying to comprehend them too and practices. 
I’ve very roughly followed this article’s advice before, and it started helping. So I’d like to make a proper list of what I could use for a full on Audio Immersion Loop that meets all these needs:
Audio Seeds: - Core 2k Pimsleur (audio directly from Nukemarine’s LLJ decks and because of that it should be mostly things I’ve studied before, or you could study using the Nukemarine LLJ Memrise Courses): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8cWM0WNU3s4eFdSMzk5Vm9HR1E?resourcekey=0-KVCnBQh3SJxhn2oCUC-SiA - JapaneseAudiolessons.com (not ‘pure’ audio seeds idea since this includes english, but would count as comprehensible audio). Link for meL https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qoJ7B002ZEgyDvCnGyFXUS1u8S_qgoG2 , General link for you: https://www.japaneseaudiolessons.com/ - Clozemaster Radio Mode for Japanese - Well suited for this, since you can have it play audio of sentences you already studied!
Other Audio: - Lets plays of any game you have familiarity with/like - for me that’d be Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X, Ratchet and Clank, etc. Also any ‘video game movie’ since it goes directly through parts you know. - Condensed audio of FFX (perfectly suited for this): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1M5jdUQCM7O12r1X8np5y4ofkzBKMSdJo - Condensed audio of Death Note: https://www.paliss.com/episode/death-note-1615919536511x465432008057248060 - anything from this site if you’ve seen the anime: https://www.paliss.com/ - general condensed audio files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EMBr5yskSiBTZ-LUQtMY-r4AihRIJczJ
What I’d do: listen to Clozemaster Radio Mode Japanese, and FFX condensed audio.
Audio Seeds: - Chinese Spoonfed Audio (not ‘pure’ audio seeds because there’s english, but when I played this in even just the background regularly I saw listening skill improvements): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MCKgOxzW9cd1u9cWjzGwWrpxnL5pDz0w - Clozemaster Radio Mode for Chinese - again, well suited for this, as you have the option to play only sentence audio you have already studied. 
Other Audio: - Guardian audiobook! by Avenuex: https://music.163.com/#/djradio?id=791802378&order=2&_hash=programlist&limit=100&offset=0 - Sherlock audiobook: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVyDH2ns1F757P-m8MHckuIFqWapl6y-1 - Guardian audiobook by wheat (I really like their voice): https://music.163.com/#/djradio?id=794964371 - Silent Reading audiobook (note this is the same version as ximayala so if you have that then just search ximalaya this version has some sentences/paragraphs skipped): http://www.6ting.cn/books/59641.html - Silent Reading audiobook unabridged (UPDATE I am listening through this one while following the webnovel and YES this version actually matches the text): part 1 - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1b5411N7aa?share_source=copy_web part 2 - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1SX4y1G7z7?share_source=copy_web part 3 - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tU4y1p74y part 4 - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cy4y1t7cC?share_source=copy_web - Silent reading (on music.123 by 景喵- , I tend to prefer this site because you can still listen to it in a mobile web browser with it minimized)  https://music.163.com/#/djradio?id=349361634&order=1&_hash=programlist&limit=100&offset=100  - Silent reading (on music.123 by  栗煜子)  https://music.163.com/#/djradio?id=792725710&order=1&_hash=programlist&limit=100&offset=100 - Guardian condensed audio (my link, will not work for others, u can ask for a copy if you’d like I just basically ran the episodes and subs through subsrs, mainly to make condensed audio): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11J2qADG9rHSK_45rKpvVIpzXn8YYWhA_ - Silent Reading audio drama: https://youtu.be/DsdmeQBMD_M - Word of Honor audio drama: https://m.missevan.com/sound/2853120 - LiuLi audiobook: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH_aGSaKXFeHSofRd4LF1Hl8fpCSREVBW - HP audiobooks: https://music.163.com/#/djradio?id=526222636&order=2&_hash=programlist - general condensed audio link for chinese if anyone would like (it has The Untamed): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LtZEKe9ItVg-H5q-G01YITLyfrWpOZR-
What I’d do: listen to Chinese Spoonfed Audio or Clozemaster Radio mode Chinese (whatever I could get myself to), then other percentage split between any audiobooks I’d want to listen to Guardian/Silent Reading/Sherlock.
Audio Seeds: - Francais Par Le Methode Nature (literally made to be comprehensible, even if its brand new then Still just like chinese spoonfed audio files, it should be fine to just play repeatedly until you pick stuff up): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf8XN5kNFkhdIS7NMcdUdxibD1UyzNFTP - Gigafrench audio files (specifically if you have studied the related lessons already): http://gigafrench.com/construction/ - Clozemaster Radio Mode for French (however I’m not a big fan of my phone’s french voice)
Other Audio: - Dracula in french: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0hdBpzGpYY - Frankenstein in french: https://youtu.be/8AP02iALr5A - Carmilla in french: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpOWTYUar6NK8Qn7niKNw7Vp0z5YE5t7Z - Buffy francias: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x42mdjh - Merlin francais: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2crj9t
What I’d do: listen to Francais Par Le Methode Nature on repeat, spend other portion of time going through Dracula audiobook tbh (unless anyone knows an audiobook I’d enjoy more that’s easy to find). 
As for me specifically, realistically what I plan to do for a while:
Listen to Clozemaster radio mode Japanese and Chinese more often in down time (make the most out of the fact I have the radio mode option lol)
Listen to more chinese audiobooks, in the background, any time there’s nothing playing otherwise. (Since I really could LISTEN more often, its super easy to do during work I just don’t do it).
Actual other materials in japanese and french I probably won’t get to for a while. But if and when I do, above is a good plan for ways to include more listening practice.
Overall, my main July (to maybe mid-August) study plan right now:
Listening to chinese audiobooks (so more listening in general)
Listening-Reading Method Guardian or Silent Reading (or honestly anything), just doing it when I feel like it or can. (so more listening and reading in general, along with getting through more of Guardian). This activity eats up the most study time.
Reading more chinese chapters (so more reading in general, I want to up the amount I’ve read)
Trying to use Clozemaster (Listening Mode and/or Radio mode) for Japanese more. (and chinese optionally, if I want) So more basic vocab/grammar for japanese. *italic is lower priority
Lower priority, but I’m also doing these:
Reading through japanese grammar guides (specifically finishing reading Sabuki https://sakubi.neocities.org/, and my Japanese in 30 Hours book). So enough of a grammar base to read more. This should take like 4 hours max to finish if I just sit down and do it. 
Small amounts of japanese immersion (mainly reading) - right now its been playing KH2 in japanese, and reading Guardian’s japanese translation.
Translating Guardian print novel into english (so mainly reading skills, translation practice). This is much slower going than reading, so I probably won’t have much time for this project until I’m finished reading it regularly. 
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birlwrites · 3 years
the general tag for all of my writing is #birl writes - whenever i post a piece of writing on tumblr or post a link to my writing on ao3, i’ll use that tag. i also have a much more detailed page with the tags for all of my stories/ideas/aus and short descriptions of what they’re for!
i have a lot of wips at any given time, so this is just what i’m most likely to be working on:
drafting bloodfinch (original story): secondary world fantasy with a side of horror. ever since finch can remember, she’s been raised in the palace for a single purpose: to be ritually sacrificed after 20 years of preparation so that her death can strengthen the royal family. it’s a great honor and a duty that only finch can fulfill. but she’s entering her last year of preparation, and she’s horrified to realize that actually, she doesn’t want to die.
sporadic posting to the dark lord (HP fic): canon-divergent and regulus black-centric. aren’t you tired of regulus becoming a death eater and sacrificing himself to get one (1) horcrux? don’t you want him to build a third side in the war between voldemort and dumbledore and go after both of them with the power of love dark arts? wouldn’t it be fun if he did this while also juggling quidditch, high society, and preparing for OWL exams? read the series here!
(the full series is titled a taste for hard victories. if you’re interested in spoilers, or want to avoid them, you can check out or filter the #atfhv spoilers tag, and there are also tags for #atfhv worldbuilding and #atfhv art!)
sporadic posting you know it’s your blood that i bleed (HP fic): also canon-divergent and regulus black-centric. regulus survives the cave and desperately needs a healer, so he goes to the only one he knows: sirius. but regulus’s dark mark was damaged in his escape from the cave. voldemort knows what that means, and he’s not inclined to indulge betrayal. read it here! (very slow updates)
if wips aren’t your thing, i have a completed works tag! i’m not going to list every completed fic here because i have a lot of ficlets out and about, but here are the big ones.
fanfiction set those ghosts alight (HP, 129k): canon divergence where regulus black (who by all measures probably should have gone into slytherin) argues the sorting hat into putting him in gryffindor. chaos ensues. nonlinear narrative with a focus on regulus hunting horcruxes as a member of the order post-graduation from hogwarts. lots of marauders, aroace reg, and a shitload of arson! read it here.
original rainfall (ya/na fantasy, 69k): humorous ya/na fantasy about a blacksmith’s apprentice whose twin brother is the chosen one. he runs away, and she decides, fuck it, i’ll lead the revolution. features found family, wlw, a bladesexual with horrible gremlin energy, and fun magic! you can get a copy here. (i don’t think that page shows it on overdrive but you should be able to get it on overdrive as well) additionally, check the rainfall extras tag for short stories i’ve posted on tumblr. official author blog is @miriambrookler!
fanfiction evocatio (HP, 20k): regulus-centric, no voldemort AU - as payback for james dumping him, regulus decides to fake date evan, his #1 quidditch enemy. obviously there’s no way this will go in any sort of unexpected direction for regulus!!!!! purely platonic fake dating!!!!!!!!! definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!! read it here!
fanfiction lachrimae (HP, 116k): a seer!regulus au in which regulus is forced into the death eaters right after finishing his fifth year at hogwarts. he doesn’t want to be there, but voldemort is very, very invested in keeping his new seer around. making matters worse, while regulus has been seeing visions of his own death for his whole life, his sight is starting to act strangely... read it here!
Writing Advice
i reblog a lot of writing advice but i also post my own! look at the #birl original tag for my posts.
check out the hyperlinks for my tags, and if my askbox is open, feel free to ask me about whatever! i’ll edit this post as necessary to keep it up-to-date. and if you’d like to leave a tip or buy me a coffee, here is my ko-fi page!
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mutant-ninja-anole · 3 years
Deltarune Challenge: How few times can you ACT and still recruit all characters? Or: Let’s do a Batman Pacifist Route.
So something that I’ve pondered since Undertale was FIGHTing as many enemies as you can and still sparing them. This was partly born out of “People are wrong on the internet” annoyance as people implied if you pressed fight at all, you failed the pacifist run. Not only does this lead to confusion when fighting Asgore and Flowey, it’s just wrong. You can spare most non-boss enemies by just lowering their HP by fighting until they are yellow. I thought of calling this the “Batman Pacifist” route in honor of Batman, who beats villains to a bloody pulp but still holds onto his strict no killing rule.
Deltarune has a similar system, except it requires the use of Ralsei or Noelle’s spells. In fact during the Dummy tutorial battle and early on after Susie joins the party the game explicitly states that you can make enemies tired (the name turns blue) by fighting them. The challenge is that if you miscalculate and hit too hard, their HP goes to zero, they run away, and you lose out on them as recruits. Technically Chapter 1 gives you a “mulligan” on missing out on characters if you clobber anyone but another poster on reddit gave a helpful guide on how to get a “pacifist” run, including Jevil, while acting a mere 9 times (8 of which are C. Round!).
For Chapter 2, when I get a chance to play through it again, I think I’m going to try this myself. Right off the bat I can recall you start off without Ralsei for the first fight, which means a few ACTs there. Then I’m thinking the dance fight can be won with 1 act by letting Kris get knocked out. Then probably avoid fights for the brief time Kris is alone before picking up Noelle. It strikes me that you don’t actually “Recruit” Berdly so perhaps technically fighting him shouldn’t count against your run anyway. Not sure if you can make Spamton tired by fighting him. When i get the chance, I’ll follow up on this post but I thought I’d mention it on my blog because it intrigues me a bit.
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phatphrog · 4 years
Zuko would be a Gryffindor and no, you can’t change my mind.
Tumblr media
helloooo tumblr. I’m back from my lil hiatus- for now ;) but most importantly, I offer you this as I crawl out of my cave:
so, brief intro. This is based off of my original comments on Pinterest (pictured above), but hopefully written to be a bit more coherent. That comment section had some intense debates, but it was fun seeing everyone’s takes, so I thought I’d bring it over here. I saw lot of people on the Zuko=Slytherin side but, as you can see, I have some strong opinions to the contrary. You guys don’t know this about me but I was obsessed with Harry Potter for a longgg time. I may not be as actively into it now, but once a Potterhead always a Potterhead. That being said- this is all for fun! Reblog/comment your thoughts. What do you think the characters houses would be- let me know :)
Mm yes delicious literary parallels- the stories and characters of Zuko and Sirius Black mirror each other in a lot of ways. That shared angst? Family trauma? Yessir. (And bonus points for being considered heartthrobs haha) If we’re translating Zuko’s story to the HP universe, him having a similar situation to Sirius would make total sense from a literary standpoint. For those of you unfamiliar with the story, Sirius Black is from a long prestigious line of pure bloods. (All wizard ancestry). His family is well off and highly respected, in *certain* circles. Most notably though, they’re all Slytherins. It’s a huge part of their identity- they pride themselves heavily on carrying on the tradition of both being a Slytherin and more or less being part of the bad guys. No one really can choose otherwise. Sirius however, gets sorted into Gryffindor, and allies with people that stand for the complete opposite of what his family believes in. He ends up fighting against his own family in order to help defeat Voldemort. Sirius is literally burned off of the family tree tapestry- he’s an outcast, a disgrace to his own family. Sound familiar? Zuko being sorted into Gryffindor while his whole family had always been Slytherins (Azula would 100% be top off her class in Slytherin), having to grow from their bigotry, struggling with his identity and being shunned from his family, and eventually joining the good guys? Yeah, that adds up. Take out the Hogwarts houses and that’s basically his story already. 
Honor!!! Okay, this ones pretty short. Basically, Zuko’s actions mostly come from a place of wanting to do the right thing and honor. (Granted, what he did in Seasons 1-2 wasn’t the right thing, but he thought it was at the time). Just the idea of being obsessed with honor (again, the Fire Nations idea of honor is warped but let’s think of it as it’s neutral meaning here- think of chivalry, good reputation, respect, etc) of is more of a Gryffindor thing to me, and again, trying to do the right thing is very much a Gryffindor trait.
Determination aka one of the main Gryffindor traits. Bravery, determination, passion, all define a Gryffindor. Passion is pretty self explanatory, Zuko’s a passionate person, period. Bravery we’ll get to in the next bullet. You cannot tell me my man Zuko is not determined. Some argue that much of his actions were out of ambition, which I’ll get to later, but the way he goes about all of his tasks (capturing the avatar, joining the Gaang, getting Katara to forgive him) is very much Gryffindor. He simply does not give up. He keeps going forward, no matter what- no matter the difficulties, Zuko will keep going. He’s determined, always.
Brave, brash, and a not so small sprinkle of self-sacrifice In their constant efforts to do the right thing, Gryffindors often act recklessly, simply crashing forward in earnestness to do the right thing, to save the day, etc. This is very much Zuko. I love him, but let’s be honest, he can be a bit dumb at times. He’s very brash and can get caught up in the moment. He tends to just run ahead, often acting without thinking, except maybe about his end goal. Not to mention, he’s incredibly brave. I could use countless examples, but the first ones that come to the mind are the Agni Kai with Azula, and leaving to join the Gaang during the eclipse. Zuko literally throws himself in front of lightning for someone. Without a second thought, he sacrifices his own life for someone else. Now if that isn’t reckless Gryffindor bravery in its purest form, I don’t know what is. Zuko leaves behind his throne, his family, girlfriend, honor, home, everything, with the very real possibility of never returning, to join the Gaang. He leaves it all behind, to do the right thing. That is most definitely not a Slytherin move. Maybe he could act as a double agent, giving information to the Gaang while retaining his throne, if he was Slytherin, but that blind all or nothing sacrifice for the greater good is simply out of character for a Slytherin. Not to say they’re evil by any means, but they’re cunning. Your average Slytherin just wants to ensure their well being, and is clever about doing so.
Ambition & Cunning (or not really) One of the most popular arguments for Zuko being a Slytherin is that his quest to capture Aang, was done out of ambition. I would argue that yes, he was ambitious in pursuit of the Avatar, but ultimately his actions were not fueled out of self interest, but for acceptance from his father. He wants to be welcomed back home, he wants love and acceptance. Secondly, Zuko really isn’t that cunning. See all of the above points for more evidence, but he’s simply not. He thunders ahead without a second thought. He doesn’t achieve his goals through meticulous planning, or manipulation and deceitful actions, he just goes for it. Let’s look at Azula, who I think we can all agree is a Slytherin through and through. Many of her most valued traits by Ozai, what makes her so formidable, and what Zuko tries again and again to be more like, are in turn her most Slytherin-esque traits. Azula is the definition of cunning and calculated. She plans every step. She analyzes her enemies weaknesses, their strengths. She’s incredibly powerful, but she doesn’t go full force all the time, she’s meticulous in when and how to use that power. Try as he might, Zuko can never be like her. It just isn’t in his nature. He’s not calculating or manipulative, he’s painfully brash, passionate, and straight forward. Take season 2 episode 8, “The Chase.” While Aang is fighting with Azula and Zuko, he gets to the second story of a building via airbending that doesn’t have a floor. In pursuit of him, Azula almost falls through, but quickly realizes and deftly jumps off to the side. Shortly after, Zuko runs through with a determined yell, but doesn’t notice and crashes straight down. This, is the perfect example of them as characters and their dynamic. Azula, always on guard and calculating, Zuko, full steam ahead, all passion and bravery, no hesitation.
Not everyone’s a hero! A common misconception is that Slytherins are the bad guys while Gryffindors are the good guys. I’ve seen this argument as evidence for Zuko being a Slytherin- he wasn’t a hero for most of the story, so he can’t possibly be a Gryffindor. First of all, Zuko has never truly been evil. He’s constantly had the conflicting ideas of good and evil, i.e- Roku and Sozin, within in him; it just takes a long and difficult journey to become a hero. And again, his actions were fueled not by selfish intent, but by a need for acceptance, and that’s all he knew. By merely going through that incredibly painful journey of growth, he ultimately proves his bravery even more, and his determination. He went through all that hardship, but kept going, kept fighting, and came out a good person in the end. I want to stress this point though- not all Gryffindors are these dashing heroes, especially not straight away. Look at Colin Creevey or Neville Longbottom- both Gryffindors, and both untraditional heroes. Sure, they were never ‘evil’, but they did start off unassuming, anxious, and awkward. Many, including themselves, doubted their status as Gryffindors, but by the end of the series through their growth and hard work, ended up proving themselves as the heroes they always had been, even if they didn’t know it. Heroism comes in many different forms and from many different places.
I could probably go on, but I’m sure you get the idea. Let me know what you think! I’m very much team Zuko=Gryffindor obviously, but I’m not sure about the other characters. I’d love to hear everyone’s ideas or takes on my argument :)
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Writing Stuff
Thank you lovely people for tagging me, @catewip , @maraudorable and @wanderingbandurria I appreciate all of you so much.
Name: Míša
Fandoms: I dipped my toes here and there when I first started experimenting with writing fics but now I write HP only. I do read other fandoms though (currently obsessed with Word of Honor)
Most popular multi-chapter fic: The only multi-chapter I have is What’s up star boy and coincidentally it’s also my most popular fic. 
Actual worst part of writing: Wanting to express a strong emotion I’m feeling or describe a place I can vividly see in my head but not finding the right words. The infuriating feling of having two finished scenes but not being able to think of a natural way to connect them. Also wanting to write but not having the motivation/dedication. Basically, the worst part of writing is writing. 
Best part of writing: When I genuinely like what I have written and enjoy reading it. 
Do you outline: I outline-ish. I usually have certain scenes, pieces of dialogue or feelings and concepts I want to have in the fic so I write them down together with random ideas that occur to me whenever. But then I usually let the story guide me on how to connect them. 
Fic ideas you probably won’t get to but wouldn’t it be nice: Way too many lol. Here’s a few:
I wanted to write a sequel to  What’s up star boy about Remus and Sirius’ new relationship, explore Regulus and Sirius’ managing the café together more (all the while pushing my Kingulus agenda of course) full with baking pastries and maybe meeting the parents and just being soft and having fun
Crack-ish fic where Remus is a famous movie director and Sirius is a famous actor whom Remus keeps casting as his lead actor in almost all of his movies. The public ships them like crazy but they always deny it. (They’re already dating in secret but shhh.) One evening Remus discovers that people write fanfiction about them and he’s all “what the fuck” at first but then he gets into it, sort of like a guilty pleasure read before bed every day. Sirius makes fun of him for it. When they finally announce their relationship to the public because othey got engaged, Remus posts a pic of his ring on his Instagram with a caption that goes something like this: “Y’all better start on those wedding fics, I need ideas.”
Overly complicated Doctor/patient AU where one of them (I haven’t decided who will be who yet) is a psychiatrist who gets assigned a new patient at the psych ward who talks about magic, people changing into animals and other crazy things and seems to know way too much about the doctor to be a mere stranger. In the end it turns out that Dumbledore fucked up some very stong Fidelius that was supposed to make all Marauders forget magic exists and hide them in the muggle world for a bit but the one who is the patient didn’t forget anything.   
So many more...
Callouts @ me: Too many ideas, not enough dedication to make them happen. Doubting my writing and being insecure about it.
Best writing traits: I like to think I have unique ideas? Also, being a typical cancer (aka emotional mess) and drowning the story in feels which I really enjoy lol
Spicy opinions: Nothing makes me nope out of a fic faster than seeing no capital letters, no punctuation and no paragraphs separation. What also annoys me is when one character is portrayed as a normal, flawed human being but the other as this perfect, never-wrong god.  
Tagging: I have no clue who hasn’t been tagged yet?? @kattlupin @goodboylupin @kittycargo
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