#that i still haven't fully made peace with yet
exsqueezememacaroni · 10 months
I've done it folks, I have listened to all of Mike*
(*so far, according to that giant playlist)
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howdoesagrapewrites · 10 months
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐰𝐬
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Plot: Imagine being the legitimized bastard of Daemon Targaryen, and having a very devoted family.
Cw: fem!reader, cisgender female reader (I'm sorry mascs and nbs, I'll make something for you later) incest/targcest implied for later, platonic and romantic yanderes, yandere EVERYONE x reader, here's a list of every character that will be featured (not all of them are romantic):Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Rhea Royce, Alicent Hightower, Otto Hightower, Viserys I Targaryen, Aegon II Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Haelena Targaryen, Daeron Targaryen, Lucerys Velaryon, Jacaerys Velaryon, Laena Velaryon, Laenor Velaryon
Notes: I go by a very strange mix of the series and the books, I haven't seen the series in a while so the timeline will most likely be a mess. I'd like this to be a series but I've been incredibly busy. Extra: at first I thought about making reader Mysaria's daughter, but this is a self insert, so it's best that you look however you like, leaving the mother anonymous. The only physical reference I'll make will be reader's silver hair
>After Rhaenyra was declared the heir of the iron throne, Daemon, insulted, flew away with his mistress, the white worm, who he would conceive a child with, even asking for a dragon egg for the prince or princess to come
>However, Viserys demanded him to go back to his home and wife, he sent Mysaria off to lys, where the stress of a storm in the trip back made her lose the baby
>Daemon never fully forgave his brother, and this left him less than eager to have another child anytime soon
>So imagine his surprise, when 7 years later, there's a rumour spreading in flea bottom like wildfire, about a girl carrying Daemon's bastard
>Many women had claimed to carry a royal child before, thinking this could give them any sort of prize, so Daemon didn't think much of it at first, but when he heard her name, he recognized her as one of his previous "favorites" who disappeared without a trace months ago
>She was said to have taken residence in Essos, and Daemon went on dragonback to find her. She was from the free cities, five years older than Daemon, and a heart as cold as a northern winter, or so they said. She was not expecting Daemon, running away to have the child in peace
>"They said I was too far along when I found out, moon tea would've only harmed me. Besides, it was lucrative in its own way" said the woman. Daemon did little to suppress the disgust on his face when thinking about her being defiled by other men while carrying his dragonseed babe
>She wanted no part in the baby's life, and Daemon, in his particular fashion, informed her he'd take the youngling as soon as it's out of her, may even pay her a few coins to make sure she won't do much as think about keeping it
>A few months passed, and he returned to king's landing with a babe in arms. Demanding an egg in honor of the birth of princess Y/N Targaryen
>This egg would later hatch into the dragon Dagahrion, the princess' bound dragon
>The court was a hot mess, according to Otto, he wouldn't be surprised if the young creature lost its left ear because of all the gossip and ill-speaking of her, just like her father. This was a scandal, considering he was still married to Rhea Royce, who he gravely dishonored time and time again, Daemon was always shameless, but this was crossing a limit, even for him, to call his bastard a princess while refusing to lay with his own rightful wife, disgraceful
>Daemon tried to use you as yet another attempt to get his brother to annul his marriage to "the bronze bitch", but even when he failed, he did everything in his power to legitimize his daughter
>Despite everyone on the council telling Viserys how foolish it'd be to do it, making enemies out of the Royce house, further insulting Rhea, and putting a whoreborn on the line of succession (no matter how far from the throne), all it took was a little yawn and the bright twinkle of your eyes to make him melt, he is fully committed to his role of uncle, even as a doting grandfather, considering his father passed long before her birth
>Viserys sent Daemon back to the Vale, saying he should do his best to give lady Rhea an heir, to make up for the slip and avoid causing the Targaryen house any more trouble. Viserys, for totally not selfish reasons wanted to keep the princess in KL, saying Rhea should not be made to raise his bastard
>Daemon said he'd rather be exiled again than to leave his daughter in Hightower hands to go try to fuck his wife. Viserys was greatly offended by the implication that the Hightowers truly ruled and schemed while he reigned
>To his outmost displeasure, he finally had to let his niece go to the Vale with her father
>Rhea loved you as soon as she set eyes on you, completely separating you from your father's actions, and seeing you as a pure angel in this horrible situation
>But it was so difficult with Daemon around, she just wanted to whisk you away and love you, she'd pray to the mother to be able to breastfeed you, crying when she heard you wail in frustration of your hunger, since it took several wet nurses to get you to drink milk
>But Daemon was always around to remind her you were not hers, that he considered her lowly, not worthy of you. He'd correct you when you learning to speak, and dared to refer to her as "mama"
>It was said the ground of the vale would shake upon them yelling when fighting over you
>But this joy to Rhea was short lived, as Daemon sent you to KL when he had to fight in the war of the stepstones, saying the "nest of vipers" was more deserving of you than she was. When you were three, your step mother had an accident while hawking, many said Daemon orderded for her to be poisoned when she was bed bound, others said the distress of your parting made her lose skill
>It was Viserys greatest pleasure when you were left at his care, his adorable baby niece was now an infant, and somehow you were even more charming, being able to speak, sing and walk
>To no one's surprise, Viserys' reaction was not generalized, with many not being keen on having a bastard running around the castle playing with the princes, by that point, Aegon was 8, Haelena was 7, Aemond was 5, and Daeron was 1, and almost all of them could see people treated you differently
>Rhaenyra was welcoming, baby Lucerys had just been born, and she was delighted to have a girl to spoil, it only helped that Jacaerys loved you as well, and would often fight his uncles for the chance to be with you
>Alicent in particular was not pleased with your presence, thinking you were an uncomfortable conversation to have with her children, especially resentful of the fact her youngest son would be attached at the hip with you
>To Otto, you were an annoyance, a living proof of Daemon's pure disregard for the norms, however, he could rest at night knowing you were ninth in the line of succession, and a girl, who would someday marry a son of a minor house and be too busy bearing children to present a claim to the iron throne
>Even though the Hightowers were tougher than the king, they did eventually succumb to your spell, and became just as enamoured with you as everyone else, in their minds, you were almost a product of spontaneous generation, completely ignoring your shameful father and prostitute mother
>Your arrival also caused the birth of Lucerys (who was again, born with a striking resemblance of Harwin Strong, just like his older brother) to be less gossiped about, after all, your case was much more interesting
>Some people in court starting referring to you as "The princess of flea bottom", this title costed quite a few tongues around the castle, ordered by Viserys, happily approved by Otto
>The Hightower hand was careful not to show too much affection to you, as it was improper and he knew how zealous was Viserys when it came to you
>Aegon was "already too old to be playing" in his words, and kept his distance from you, you reminded him to much of his sticky handed little brothers
>But as if you knew, you chased him around and praised him for his knightly demeanor (in your eyes) and how he's just like the heroes in Viserys' stories. It was not a long time before Aegon now appointed himself as your guard, watching like a hawk over his brothers and nephews when he thought they were being too rough on you
>Haelena loves you from the start, sees you as a little doll, she loves showing you her bugs, you're the only one who listens to her attentively
>Jacaerys and Daeron are only a year old, but always search for you, you think they're cute, something that spikes jealousy on Aemond, he wants you to think of him as someone worthy of admiration, like you see his older brother, he'd even accept being cute in your eyes, but he has none of those traits to appeal to you. You love him and love playing with him nonetheless, but he thinks he needs something else to win your favor
>The Velaryons dote on you too, with Laenor married to Rhaenyra and once your father marries Laena that same year, they are maybe too eager to become part of your family, and regard you as theirs
>Especially Laena, who Daemon allows (unlike with Rhea) to pamper and care for you, but still corrects you when it comes to remembering your origins, Laena may love you, but she's not your mother
>Maybe Daemon does this as a way to imagine you're only his, he doesn't care for the woman who abandoned such a precious treasure, she has been wiped away from your life and memory, you're only familiar with your father, you only belong to him
>You have his silver hair, you have his name, no matter who your mother was, you are his true valyrian heir, his dragonseed
>Unfortunately, Daemon is not the only one whose eyes light up when thinking of owning you
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patriwoso · 11 months
leah williamson x mary earps x reader
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Leah had always been a protective sister, whether it was in your football career, during school and evening your relationships.
"Got another girlfriend yet then, y/n?" Georgia teased.
Leah scoffs. "Of course she hasn't, not after last time."
You stayed quiet, sat on Leah's bed with her in hers and Georgia's hotel room, your head rested on her shoulder.
Keira found eye contact with you and knew there was something you were holding back, she knew you almost as long as your own sister did.
During your last relationship, Leah had managed to scare the other girl off after finding you both asleep in your room, in the apartment you shared. You didn't understand the fuss, you were both fully clothed?
Leah had control over you throughout your childhood, now she doesn't like to see you grow up, but it's like she doesn't want to see you happy.
"I'm gonna go bed, too tired." You smiled softly, hugging your sister goodbye and smiling towards Keira and Georgia.
"See you in the morning y/n/n. Breakfast is at 7:30." Leah tells you as you head to the door.
Instead of heading to your own room, shared with Chloe, you head 4 doors down. Room 819.
You knocked quietly, not wanting to wake anyone up who may possibly be asleep already.
"Mary? It's me!" You whisper shout, hoping she'll hear you.
The door lock clicks and opens, your girlfriend stood in her training kit still.
"Why haven't you gotten changed, training finished hours ago!?" You giggle, stepping into her room and kissing her softly. "Hmm" You hum. "And you still smell."
"Nice to see you too babygirl." She teases. "Are you okay?" She watches as you get under the covers of her bed, pulling her blanket over you.
You nod. "Yeh, tired. And I want cuddles but not with you smelling like that so go and shower please." You smile cheekily, watching your girlfriend strip from her training gear and heading into the bathroom.
You unlock her phone and start playing a game you made her download, trying to beat her high school, a way to pass the time.
"What are you doing?" You look up and see Mary looking at you. You smile brightly and show her the phone screen, the game on display. She chuckles.
When Mary returns to bed, you snuggle yourself closer into her, scared to loose her the way you lost your last partner. The comfort was too much, you fell asleep and the world left you at peace.
Until it was the next morning and your both awoken to a hammering on the door.
“Fuck that’s Leah.” You curse, scrambling to hide in the bathroom for the door to be answered.
“Hi?” Mary smiled, slightly confused to the frantic banging on the door.
“Breakfast started 20 minutes ago. You must’ve slept through your alarm. Y/N isn’t there either. Any ideas where she might be?” You sister questioned.
“No? No. Not sure, sorry Leah. I’ll be down in 10 though.” She forces a smile and shuts the door in Leah’s face.
“That shouldn’t have happened. You should’ve gone back last night.” Mary sighs.
“I know and I’m sorry! I just fell asleep.” You sighed. “I’ll see you down at breakfast.”
You didn’t plan your escape route well, opening the door and leaving Mary’s room to find Leah stood in the hall way, staring at her phone which obviously distracted her from heading back down herself.
“What the fuck? Why are you in there Y/N/N?” She raises an eyebrow slightly. “Mary said she hadn’t seen y- No..”
“Leah, let me explain…” You pleaded with her, grabbing her arm to stop her leaving. “You can’t keep controlling what I do!” You snapped.
“Dating a teammate? Is this what is happening. You should know better .” She pulled her arm from your grasp and walked away from you.
Leah was angry, too angry. She was always overprotective of you but this was unusually harsh from her. She refused to speak to you unless absolutely necessary for the last couple of days before you flew to Belgium for the Nations League game.
You started the match, played you best and scored twice in the first half. Both times looking over to Leah as the team celebrated with you. Nothing.
Halftime was nearing and you had one last corner to try to defend before heading in. You marked up their attacking midfielder on the back post. The ball came in and you headed it away, the Belgium players going for the ball too and landing on you, pushing you in to the post of the net and sending your clattering to the floor.
You lay stomach down with you head in your hands.
“Y/N! Are you okay??” Mary rushed to your side, her hand on your back gently as you lay still.
“Fuck” Leah crouched down besides you, dropping the grudge she had against you both and took charge as captain, but mostly big sister.
You lifted you head up to look at her, blood dribbling down your face. You spat out a mixture of spit and blood into the grass below you and with the help of your sister you sat up, catching the dripping blood in your hand.
It was quite the nasty look you had, bleeding after bleeding that wouldn’t stop.
It was only when you passed out that everyone took it a little more seriously.
When you woke up in the medical room, Leah had your hand in hers.
“You gave us a fright there.” She chuckled softly, kissing your forehead gently to avoid the cut.
You looked away, closing your eyes to stop tears forming.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I shouldn’t have treated you like that. I want you to know though, it isn’t because I am mad… I was just frustrated that you didn’t tell me.” She admits quietly.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, squeezing her hand to let her know you aren’t mad.
“Can I ask how long?”
“3 months.” You finally make eye contact and see the small smile on her face.
She nods. “I’m happy for you.”
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lxlsposts · 2 months
Please stop getting ALL of your shifting information from Tiktok (Shifttok). You are making your journey so much harder and more complicated for yourself without even realising it. Shifttok likes to make rules of what you can and can't do and say you have to do this and not do that in order to shift. That is all bullshit because what works for one person may not work for the next thousand. I understand how hard it is to come to terms with the fact that all you truly need to shift is yourself, intention, and faith in yourself. Trust me, I haven't fully shifted yet, and I'm still coming to terms with this. But just please, take a step back and stop over consuming things that are made up by people on shifttok. Intention is key. Everything that has ever happened happened because of intention. Manifestation happens with intention, and who is to say that Manifestation isn't shifting? You set your intention on what you want to happen or what you want. You find peace in the fact that you will know if it will happen, and then you wake up one day and it happens, right? Tell me that isn't shifting. Who is to say that this reality you are in right now is not your original reality. Look, we don't know all the awnsers, and you certainly are not going to find them from anyone else, but yourself. It is your journey, your consciousness, and your intention. Find faith in yourself, stop stressing, relax, and just enjoy. Shifting is a gift and is meant to be fun. Please find that joy in shifting and just shift. You've got this!! If anyone is struggling and needs someone to talk to, whether that is to do with how low you feel or just need help with coming up with ideas for your script. Please, don't hesitate to message me. We have got this!!!
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twstfanblog · 2 months
Hello hello, I love your manhwa au so much, it gives me life!! Plot A is my favorite, I love the angst factor, thank you for the food. I'm not the og plot G anon but I have some ideas for it that hopefully keep FL in character!
FL being so annoying when she's flirting with Yuu that the trio takes notice that Yuu hasn't been around them as much. At first they're kind of smug and happy that it's pulling Yuu away from their usual time together, thinking they can finally get some peace and quiet now. Then the jealousy lowkey sets in, because they haven't seen Yuu in a while, where is she? She was invited to the gala today, and she usually shows up early to annoy them, so why are they standing alone in this crowded room? They overhear some guests mentioning how they saw Yuu and FL at a cafe earlier this week, and how the two are rarely spotted without the other in public these days. FL seems to really like Yuu! There's gossip about if it's romantic, that's how intense FL gets even in public spaces. The trio get this weird sinking feeling in their chests at the thought that Yuu wasn't going to be by their side forever. That she was choosing someone else over them.
Except, Yuu isn't reciprocating FL's feelings. Originally she thought FL could be a new friend, but the things FL has been doing have been killing her vibe to say the least. Pulling her away from her other friends (the trio) at events, finding her in public and inviting herself along to Yuu's solo outings, and being really annoying and clingy in a way that stomps on Yuu's personal feelings. FL doesn't respect her opinions or care to listen to what Yuu is and isn't comfortable with. Yuu feels like FL is fully obsessed with a character she's made up in her head and superimposed on Yuu's person. Yuu starts staying home more, causing Crewel and Crowley to take notice and grow concerned. She stops accepting invites that she knows FL will likely be invited to or be a plus one of a guest to (this includes a lot of the events the royal family hosts since they invite practically every noble family). Maybe this sudden lack of desire to socialize makes Crewel so worried he suggests some pen pals Yuu could write to and that's how she befriends Leona, Idia, Riddle, and Vil in this one. (She writes to the trio too, but they don't reply to every letter and she stops soon after, thinking they're busy and she's bothering them. It's fine, they're still friends after all! Except, her new pen pals have a lot of responsibilities of their own yet still make time to reply to her... She's just overthinking it probably...)
Eventually the trio meet up with Yuu again at a gala and say some rude things, still not understanding they're jealous. Things like asking why she came back to bother them. Yuu, who has missed them a lot and pushed herself to leave the house today to be able to spend time together, is understandably hurt and upset. She snipes back at them she just wanted to spend time with her childhood friends today but she can see she's not welcome here, and she walks off to find her pen pal buddies who have been treating her better. Trio feels bad about that since they are at this point in time more accepting of there being some level of friendship between them, even if they feel it's mostly one-sided from Yuu's side. Later at the event, the trio (finally) sees for themselves what an interaction between Yuu and FL is like with Yuu visibly uncomfortable, trying to get away from FL with excuses, and FL not respecting any of Yuu's wishes or personal space. This can go two ways with trio realizing Yuu hasn't been choosing FL over them, she's been trying to avoid FL and a side effect was avoiding all of society (including them) in the process... Or a misunderstanding blooms that Yuu is being bullied by FL and she was too scared/embarrassed/prideful to tell them.
I love that everyone gives me mini manhwas about my AU!!!
Lowkey though, Yuu wouldnt change much. She'd just openly ignore FL. Because of her example of Crewel and Crowley's relationship she sees being mean to FL as also giving affection. And god forbid she's nice to her.
So FL just doesn't exist anymore. Poor thing is trying to convince Yuu that she doesnt need to stay with Malleus the whole evening and they should dance together. Yuu is just deadlocked gripping Malleus’s arm and asking him if he found any new gargoyles on the palace property.
Jamil watched Yuu completely walk away when FL fake fainted right beside her to force her to catch her. Yuu just turned away right as she was tilting.
Azul is the one who asks Yuu, after he had the tweels pick FL up and just walk away with her, what the fuck all that is about.
Yuu: Look, she's just really annoying and this is the only way I could think of her getting the hint I don't want her around.
Azul: Just be your normal horrid self. She'll run for the hills.
Yuu: I can't do that. Being mean is just as affectionate as being nice.
Azul: What???
Yuu: Yeah? It's how my dads like showing how much they love each other.
Azul: By being mean to each other???
Yuu: Yeah.
Azul: This explains so much of our childhood together.
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bridgetoesoteria · 8 months
☕👀Messy Tarot: Who wishes they could be you?
Ever wondered if you had your very own Stan? Well, now you get to know that and more for the very low price of "picking a picture and scrolling down to your pileee" *cue Price is Right song*
Left to right as per us. See you at your pile. May the odds ever be in your favor (aka I hope it resonates lol).
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I am using multiple decks so I won't be listing the cards like usual.
**TW: Substance use/abuse**
Pile 1
Off the bat: You may be aware of this person already. For some of you it is a blonde woman or man. They feel a little shady like they aren't fully trustworthy. Like the kind of person to be secretly competing with you and trying to sabotage you. You could work or go to school together.
Who wishes they could be you?
I am getting a lot of masculine energy from the first few cards I've pulled. I'm saying this because I pulled the King of Wands, the King of Swords is a few cards under the bottom of the deck, and a lot of the other cards have guys on them.
This person feels kind of bitter. This could be a scorned lover of some kind like either your ex or the person you are with's ex. I also think this person could have a bit of a temper or be quite defensive and have a fragile ego. You may have had an argument with them. I'm already getting some of the "why" but I'm still trying to describe who they are lol.
This is so weird lol. Like...the question is who wishes they could be you, not be with you, and yet I'm getting heavy ex energy. If this isn't an ex, this is someone that feels rejected by you in some way. Do people really date and person and wish to be them? I've never heard of that but I have heard of partner's who are jealous of the other partner's success and other things.
For some of you, this could be someone that envies your dating life. So in some way, they would be aware of what is going on in your love life. You could be confiding in them or they could be in a position that allows them to "eavesdrop." For example, they could be in the next cubicle over and listen when you and a coworker gossip, they could follow your social media, or they could be part of your friend group.
Finally, this could be someone that is either actively trying to get you to reconcile with them or they are trying to manifest that. They really want to reach out to you and if they haven't, its because of their stubbornness.
I pulled some cards from a nontarot deck I got from amazon and 💀.
"If you could be in a one-sided relationship, would you?"
I don't know why that one is sending me but it was on the bottom of the deck and I just could not. Like what did y'all do to this person. They feel salty and scorned af lol. Cause wtf kind of question is that. Or on the other hand, this could be what they tried to do with you. I did pull the King of Wands which can be a manipulative, man hoeish type.
So when I mentioned that I was already getting a "why," this is kind of what I was picking up on. These cards are repeating it more clearly. One, I still think this person envies how you are able to date and move about socially. You could be outspoken and passionate and they wish they were that bold. Also, if this is an ex, its not so much that they want to be you, its more like they want to be in control of you. Like say they did propose some bs like the above, "hey babe, why don't you be monogamous with me, while I run the streets?😃" You may have peaced out and now they wish they could get inside your head and be able to influence your decisions. Think of like transformers or something, where you can just hop in a robot and move it around. For the record, I think this is fucked. No one should be anyone's puppet so if you recognize this person, you def made the right choice when you rejected them.
For others, you could be really good with animals and envy that. Say you are a vet or volunteer and a shelter and you seem to just be such a natural. I'm definitely picking up the energy of somebody that envies your work ethic and material success. I also keep hearing "you're solid." So you could have a pretty stable life in some way. Maybe a good family background, a supportive social circle, and financial security. I think even if you did fall on hard times, you would bounce back. This person wishes they had the same. You may also travel a lot. They really admire that. I think this person really just wants your life. This particular energy doesn't feel as malicious, more kind of sad. Its this kind of vibe:
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Last but not least, I am also getting that they want to be like you because of how much you love yourself. You have strong boundaries and self-respect. Other people probably respect you as well. You are confident and you choose happiness and peace.
TL;DR: This could be a salty ex, someone that feels rejected by you, or a person that is observing your life/love life. The ex or rejected person is a control freak that wants to "be" you just so they can turn you into a yesman. They want to be able to control your decision making. The other people envy your life, your success, and your self love. From the outside, it seems like you have all the things most people dream of.
Pile 2
Off the bat: Either you or this person could be a busy bee. You are always on the go with a ton of things on your to-do list. Some of you could be this jumpy and hyperactive because of a mental illness, specifically I'm getting OCD, anxiety, or ADD/ADHD. This could be someone that is uptight and tends to be very curt when you speak to them. They could hold a high position like an executive director, principal, or supervisor. For others, this is younger person, may adolescent up to early 20s.
And this is so weird but for some of you...this could literally be your therapist or possibly your client.
Who wishes they could be you?
This could be someone who, in some way, is on the opposite side of whatever your current life experience is. Specifically, they could be experiencing a breakup or divorce while you are still in a relationship or you are happily single. If they are single, I don't think they are happy like that. They could be quite standoffish.
I feel the last piles energy coming through and uh uh lol nope.
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But speaking of the last pile, this could be that one energy I was getting of someone that is observing their love life. It feels like that. Maybe this person has a partner that does not respect them or their boundaries.
For some of you this episode of Bob's Burgers could be significant. Gene dresses up as Bob, after Linda compares the two of them. He has a "mid-childhood crisis." He worries about turning into his dad. So for some of you this could be someone that is under you in some way and expected to "become" you. So it could be a person that gets compared to you often, your child or younger sibling, a more junior colleague.
This person could have gone through some kind of loss or betrayal recently. For a very small amount of you, they think you took their person or they were trying to do that to you.
This mistress story line is popping back up. So this person could want to be you in order to have whoever your with. Whether they are the current or ex partner or they are a wannabe third party.
This could also be someone that feels like you have the affection of some that hates them. I think they may need to work on their self-esteem because why would you seek approval from a person who isn't nice to you. So they could be kind of broken and need to work on themselves. They could wish they had your luck or your ability to move on and be resilient.
This person could feel like you are more interesting and that you live a more interesting life. Some of them envy your youth, because they feel like you have more options that they do. This could be talking about love but it could also talk about opportunities. Going back to the executive energy that came through. Say you are a young professional so maybe you recently graduated from college or grad school. You start a new company. This would be a higher up that could feel kind of complacent in their position, have a marriage that is falling apart, and they look at you as having less that is holding you back. You could easily up and leave this job, you may even be able to choose a whole new career path without greatly upsetting your life. They could see a lot of people flirting with you or just generally flocking to you.
This person tries not to compare themselves to you but they can't help it. I think they are just in a bad place in their life and look at you wistfully and imagine how much better it must be. They could say positive affirmations and try to build themselves up. They may even attend counseling. They could bring you up a lot.
TL;DR: This is someone who is going through a rough patch in their life and looks at you life and imagines that it is much better than theirs. People like you better, you have more opportunities, you have more freedom. Its like you are living an alternate reality from their perspective. I do think they are working on healing themselves but they still have a long way to go. They try not to sabotage their process by comparing themselves to you but they can't help.
Pile 3
Off the bat: Ooo this much lighter energy than the previous piles. I immediately got a goofball/class clown energy. This person could also be a stoner. I am getting boyish energy like a tomboy, an adolescent male, or a childhood friend. Some of you may have rode bikes with this person before. So maybe you grew up on the same street or your parents were friends. Could also be a cousin. I'm just feeling happier and happier, like I smoked but I didn't lol so I know its not me. So they could make you happy or you could make each other happy. They could come have a sad family history
Who wishes they could be you?
So you may have had to cut this person off. You may have grown up together but gone down two different paths in life and you drifted apart. I think they envy your family life or something about your foundation. They could seem to be unlucky. They could get into a lot of legal trouble. They could struggle with some form of addiction or mental illness.
You could know them to always be in the center of some kind of drama. They could instigate fights or be someone that has a hard time walking away from an argument. The sort of person who can't ignore when someone brushes past them in the club. They can't just let it go, they have to confront the person. It doesn't matter whether it was intentional or just because its packed.
They are not respectful and could have a sharp, critical tongue. You may not trust them. People could find them untrustworthy. They may not even trust themselves tbh. For others, this person isn't that toxic. They may have made bad decision but they are trying to get back on their feet. People may have given up on them but I don't think they wanted it to be that way. They may struggle with maintaining progress.
I do think this could be family. You could have them on Facebook. Specifically, I am getting father, grandfather, a mother (so doesn't have to be your mom but they have kids), a female cousin. They could have gone away for some time to get better. For example, going on a social media detox, going to rehab, going to a women's shelter. If this is father figure or patriarch, they are quite overbearing. Probably more traditional and chauvinistic. If this is a female cousin, this person could have to deal with a rigid, or traditional family or society.
I'm hearing songs from the Little Mermaid. So I don't every one of these people have bad feelings towards you. I think they just think you have more freedom and fun than them. I am specifically getting for some of you, you could be of South Asian descent. You or your family may have relocated to a North American or European country. This could be a family member that has you on social media. They could see you doing things that they are not allowed to do where they are. If you don't resonate with some of your family being overseas, this could be that your cousins parents are strict but your parents are more lax.
You may have already figured this out because of the last pile, but this person could wish their lives were on track like yours. They could wish they had made better choices when they were younger, or sometime in the past, so they could be a different person now.
This person really admires you. They find you fearless and unstoppable. If you did struggle with something like an addiction, eating disorder, or something else, you may overcame it. This could also be someone that you are "sponsoring," I think that's what its called. You know how in support groups, you take someone new under your wing?
They could think you are really beautiful inside out. If you post pictures, you always look good. You always seem to be glowing. You have a definite lust for life. Word to Lana
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TL;DR: This could be someone you grew up with or a family member. This could be friend that has faced a lot of challenges. This could be a family member who has to deal with much more restrictive societal expectations. This person mostly feels like they really admire you. You are a forced to be reckoned with. You are everything they wish they could be. They want to be able to overcome challenges and be powerful like you. They also think you are gorgeous and have the best social media page.
Pile 4
Off the bat: I felt the need to play the Bing Bong remix with Sexyy Red. So I feel like this person be a little ratchet lol. Or they could be a rapper or musician of some kind. If this isn't them, it could be describing you. They could be a stripper, camgirl or city girl type. I do think this person is fun too. They have a quiet strength to them. This could also be someone's baby momma.
Who wishes they could be you?
This could be multiple feminine energies or women. Its reminding me of this messyyy ass situation I was in irl lolz. So you could be have been with someone that was a player. You may or may not have known that about them. I guess some of you could still be with this person. I don't think its them that wishes they were you. I think its the people they were talking to simultaneously that wish they were you.
There is one person who is coming through stronger than the others. There could be a specific ex that you know does not like you. They could have wanted to built something with this person.
I think this is a person who works in some kind of piscean sort of field. They are selling dreams/fantasies in some way. They could be a fashion designer or artists. They could be some kind of sex worker. They could work in nightlife as a promoter or bartender. They could sell goodies bags *wink wink*.
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They could have involvement with the law or be going through a custody battle. You could have exchanged words through text or over social media. You may not be speaking right now. They may have tried to contact you or they want to extend an olive branch. I'm not sure why I am picking up on attraction. It does feel like a feminine energy. If you are a girl then this would be a girl that's high key obsessed with you and doesn't know if they want to be you or be with you.
For those of you who were resonating with the baby mama drama storyline, they think if they were you, then they could have their family back. Like that would be the cheatcode for fixing the third party situation. I'm not sure if it even is a true third party situation anymore or if it ever was. Your partner could have totally moved on from them and this person won't fully grieve the ending of their relationship. So its definitely giving delulu...
For the people resonating with the same sex story line, may not realize that they are attracted to you. Even if they do, they may be trying to keep that to themselves. They think you are cool. It feels like a combination of admiration and infatuation. Some of them wish they could have your life. Not in a creepy way, unless you know this person is weird. But its more like, they would like to be "cookie cutter" perfect. They mean that in the best way. They want to be conventionally attractive, have a perfect family, have a socially acceptable sexuality, be talented and well liked. You may not interact with this person much because, one, it feels like they kind of blend into the background or like they are on the periphery of your social circle. Two, no one's life is picture perfect like this. Unless they are just someone who struggles with idolizing people, they must not be close enough to you to see the flaws.
On the flipside, you could be viewing someone else like this. You could think they have it all together but really they wish they could stop caring about the shackles that bind them. They want to be free and to explore something else.
This person also wishes they were you because they think you are more loveable than them. If they were you they would feel more worthy and deserving of love. Especially, unconditional love. So they may struggle to forgive themselves for past decisions. Being you would give them a clean slate.
TL;DR: This could be your current or past partner's ex. They may have had children together. This person could work in nightlife, sex work, or something that you don't exactly report on your taxes iykwim. They could also be an artist of some kind. Lastly, they may be someone who is observing your life. They aren't close enough to you to see the imperfections. So they have a much more idealized view of who you are. They believe that being you would allow them to have a clean slate and the perfect life.
Pile 5
Off the bat: You could have a lot of self-discipline. This could be someone that lacks that. This could be a previous workout buddy or accountability partner of some sort. You could be in college or have known them in college. Winter could be a significant season. Someone's name could be Jason. If you play sports this could be someone else that plays sports, they could be on a rival team also.
Who wishes they could be you?
There could be something notable about the way this person smells. They could be toxic or attracted to toxic people. They could be obsessed with gaining approval from the opposite sex. So maybe you know them to be kind of a pickme, a simp, or a little thirsty. If this is a girl, she could be insecure and view other women as competitors.
This person probably uses unhealthy coping mechanisms to process their emotions. They could be a cheerleader or someone who tries to come across bubbly. They feel like they have to earn love. Again, I don't think they choose the healthiest partnerships. They could care a lot about their outer appearance. So, they could be kind of vain or hypercritical.
I think this person is apart of your social group. I think you know this person and may interact with them often. They kind of give me mean girl vibes. They could have been cut off by you or others for playing dirty. They could throw people under the bus, "steal" boyfriends, and/or say nasty things about others. Even if this is a guy, they could behave in a similar manner. Whoever they are, they are not all the way trustworthy. I wouldn't trust them at all just going off this energy.
I'm also being reminded of this girl I went to high school with. She had the same vibe. Kind of vain, a mean girl, always talking to a guy. I always felt like there was something off about her but she was "popular," so everyone was kind of dismissive about that. Well, later, my sister ends up befriending her sister and I find out that she is actually a diagnosed sociopath... So yeah, maybe that resonates. She also was bipolar. So this person could possibly struggle with their mental health and/or their ability to empathize with others.
I think they respect you as a "competitor." You know what they say, if you can't beat 'em join 'em. But its more like, you join them. If they could get you to join their clique and be a follower of theirs, it would make them so happy. It would really validate them. It kind of reminds me of one of the other piles. That person did not necessarily want to be that person, they wanted to be in control of them. I'm kind of getting the same vibe here. If they could get in your head, they could either take credit for your successes or they could get you to self-sabotage. Like they are kind of plotting on you.
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There could be something about them wanting your romantic option(s). If there was some kind of drama, you may have come out on the winning side. This person really feels like they don't like you. They envy the things you have and see becoming you as a shortcut. They could even consider adopting some of your traits. If they are trying to get into your good graces, I think they may actually be trying to get at your partner.
You could have more opportunities in life than this person. Or they think you have better opportunities. Like they may have a "grass is greener on the other side" view of your life. For some of you this person may have no real reason to envy your life, they just aren't grateful for what they have. For others, they don't want to work to achieve those things (going back to the former accountability partner). They also think you have more people that love you for you. You are a trendsetter.
TL;DR: This could be someone that is a mean girl type. They could be a former gym buddy or accountability partner. They could also be an athlete or a player on a rival team. This person chases approval of the opposite gender and may be willing to betray others to get it. They envy the opportunities you have in life and love. They could want your partner. They wish people loved them, the way they love you.
The next reading I'll post will be the last one on the poll, "Toxicity: What would have happened if you stayed?" That reading will be great for anyone that is second guessing walking away from a situation.
~ K
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lewkwoodnco · 9 months
buy me presents! - Lockwood x Reader
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A/N: jealous!lockwood, gift giving (lockwood's version), I like to think I'm funny hehhe, maybe maybe veeery borderline crack fic? this is MY christmas present to myself and I WILL indulge in my favourite tropes so if you saw me kicking my feet like a thirteen-year-old, no u didnt. (I needed a concrete holiday for this so i used christmas but its all the same hehe) I've thrown the schedule out the window, it'll be a christmas miracle if all 12 fics even get written so happy holidays!!!!! wc 2.6k!!
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She was sitting at the kitchen table, agonising over the horribly organised financial records of Lockwood & Co. As tedious as it was, she enjoyed the work the most out of the four of them, and had taken on the extra role of being somewhat of an accountant. She had lightly teased him about receiving a boost in her pay until she saw their dismal financial situation. The joke stopped being funny alarmingly quickly after that.
Lucy was hurrying through some last-minute packing, while George was trying to locate their train tickets, sporadically yelling through the house for Lockwood. She didn't have quite the heart to tell him that Lockwood had unfortunately escaped hours ago, winking at her as he had shrugged his coat on while she had been looking particularly ragged in the sea of receipts.
She hears the front door open, and after a minute or two, Lockwood walks into the kitchen, rosy-cheeked from the brisk morning air.
"How are the accounts?"
"Terrible. The only thing more astonishing that these bank statements is the fact that we somehow haven't gone bankrupt..." she presses a few more keys of her calculator. "...yet."
George yells again and they wince in unison.
"How long has that been going on?"
"Long enough. He's going to leave you here if you don't find him soon."
He sighed. The three of them were getting ready to leave for the holidays. Lucy was going back North to visit a friend, Lockwood and George were headed to George's for the holidays. She would have come to, but they were already at the max capacity and she had waved off their worries smoothly, since she had spent most of her Christmases alone as an agent. So, as much of a fuss Lockwood kicked up about it, she'd be celebrating Christmas in a cheery if empty 35 Portland Row.
"Are you sure you'll be alright on your own?"
"One of us has burnt a house down and it's not me. I like my chances."
"Still. Christmas, all alone?"
George yelled again, his voice entering a new octave.
"Christmas with peace and quiet, more like. You know, maybe they'd have space for me if you weren't bringing your mountain of hair products for you fancy hair."
He pulled his gloves off with a lazy smile.
"You think my hair's fancy?"
She rolled her eyes as Lockwood revealed a small delicate pastry box, sliding into the seat in front of her. She had had a feeling it was coming from the way he had been lingering in the kitchen.
"What's this?"
"Red velvet doughnut with those tiny candy cane sprinkles you like."
She traced the box longingly, feeling torn. "I thought Arif was fully booked with Christmas orders."
"He made an exception for you."
She raised her eyebrows.
"I might have...tipped him extra."
"You're going to be alone for the next week. It's the least I could do."
She looked at him sternly. Lockwood had the particularly bad habit of impulsive spending. She had carefully broached the topic of gift-giving with him before; namely, after the time he purchased an ornate decorative set of glass robins which she had casually expressed a vague interest in in passing. She tried to explain how gestures like that made her feel obligated to him, and he tried to explain it was the least he could do, given how much of their accounting work she shoulders. They never reached a satisfactory conclusion, and though he did tone it down afterwards, she would still come across the occasional trinket adorned with a frilly bow in her belongings.
It was this very spirit, in fact, that had inspired her to tediously and secretly work on creating a snow globe of 35 Portland Row for him. She couldn't find anything commensurate to the loving thoughtfulness behind each of his gifts, so the next best thing was one decent, homemade, meaningful present. Even though he was going away, she still wanted him to receive it on Christmas, so she had passed it to George. It had been a bit of a nerve-wracking decision, especially if she was being too forward, and she had a pair of snowmen socks at the ready for a backup, but now the snow globe was tucked safely in George's trunk and there was no going back.
"The least you could do is save your limited funds for things that actually matter." She pointedly flips her notebook close.
He reaches out towards her face but gets interrupted by Lucy yellnig at him from somewhere in the house for blocking the stairs with his bags. He scrambles off apologetically, nearly tripping over himself as her threats grow more vivid.
Their reserved cab, courtesy of George ("flagging down a cab one week before Christmas? In this economy?"), arrives and the four of them start piling way too much luggage in it. Just as they're about to leave, Lockwood hesitates and turns to her.
"It's not too late for me to stay."
She pushes him out the door, waving to the others as Lockwood stumbles clumsily down the steps.
"Lockwood? Hello?"
"Ho - How have you been?"
There's a lot of commotion at the other end of the line. She had been waiting for them to call the past few days, and was eagerly settling down to hear all about the festivities. She can hear a thousand different sounds overlapping and the thuds of footsteps criss-crossing, mixed in with some familiar threats from unfamiliar voices. Huh. Though it did make sense that of all the things George might have inherited from his family, it would be this.
"Just a moment." She hears the kerfuffle die down and the crinkle of the telephone wire shifting. "Sorry, had to find a closet. Now, where were we?"
"Sounds busy."
"Oh, it is. But it's nice, meeting George's family. Had to fight them off with a stick to get to the telephone, though."
He hears the smile in her voice. "I can see that. So what have you been up to?"
"So much. Too much. Y/N, you cannot repeat this to George but...they take Christmas far too seriously."
"We spent an entire day picking out the tree. I am sick of Christmas cookies and it's only my second day here."
She frowned. "I told you to pace yourself."
"My fingers - oh, my poor fingers - worn down to the bone stringing popcorn and cranberries together."
"What's the popcorn for?"
"Hell if I know! They make Christmas look like an extreme sport."
She tried to suppress her smile, putting on a grave voice. "You have my sympathies."
"Good. Though I suppose it hasn’t been all bad. I liked the ornament painting. Plus, Belinda’s been helping me loads.”
“George’s cousin. George’s somehow even busier than I am and I haven’t got a clue what’s going on sometimes, so she’s been a real help.”
“That’s nice,” she says bitterly. An uncomfortable silence follows.
“So, I was just saying, earlier, that I hope you're not feeling too lonely."
She lets him trail off, unhappily aware of how the only life and excitement the house had seen in the past three days was emnating solely from the telephone. She hadn't expected it to be this difficult to have a quiet Christmas.
"Oh, I'm fine." She stares at the Santa Claus figuring opposite her cynically. Saint Nicholas, indeed. "Just having a whale of a time with...Nicholas, here."
An impulse brews in her head. It's a poor one, but she's got nothing to do, and it's Christmas.
"Yeah, Nicholas. I met him at the Christmas market. He's amazing, really."
"Never heard of him."
"He's a little bit older. I wouldn't expect you to know him."
"Anyway, I've hardly even noticed you've left, since we hang out together so much."
"So, you're spending time...with him?"
"Oh, he's not here right now. He's been a bit busy today at his..." she cast her eyes around wildly, landing on a a porcelain figurine of some grinning elves. "...workshop."
"He carves wood. He's a wood carver. You should see some of the ornaments he makes. He's great with his hands."
"I'm sure he is."
Lockwood gets too irritable to continue the conversation much further and they hang up soon after. By the time they were done, the sun had set and the house was in complete darkness: the perfect atmosphere for brooding. So what if he'd rather spend Christmas with girls like Belinda? She didn't care. Good...riddance.
A few days later, she collects the mail and finds an envelope addressed to her in Lockwood's narrow, slanted handwriting. She rips it open like a kid on Christmas morning, but her smile twists when she sees the Christmas card inside. There's a picture of George's entire extended family-and-friends, and Lockwood's hunched over in the corner, next to a girl with effortlessly pretty hair. They're wearing matching sweaters. Not the whole family, just the two of them. While she had always reluctantly accepted the occasional gift from him with an appropriate amount of embarrassment, nothing could have prepared her for the sight of undeniable proof that he just might do the same for others. Picking out a present, spending his money, on her? Disgusting.
It's enough to make her jam it forcefully under the telephone. Next to it, she spies the slip of paper with George's personal telephone number jotted down, in case of an emergency. She drums her fingers impatiently while the phone rings, eyeing the clock while she adds in the time difference. She feels so stupid over the snow globe now. What on earth had possessed her? If she's lucky, Lockwood might have gone to bed by now and she just might catch George-
"H'llo?" Lockwood's sleep-roughened voice strains through the static hum.
"Nothing, go back to sleep."
"You're dreaming. Hush now. Good night-"
"Y/N." He sounds wide awake now, and she can hear him start to sit up. The plainness in his voice starts to fade as he gets steadily mroe assertive. "Is something wrong?"
"No, everything's fine. I didn't realise it would be so late for you. Listen - is George there?"
"He's helping with the caramel apples."
"Ah. Do you think you could tell him to phone me when he has the time?"
"Oh, no worries, I'll see him at dinner later. I can pass the message."
She swears internally. "Oh it's nothing. Just wanted to have a chat, see how he was doing."
"He's doing fine."
There's an awkward silence. She can tell he's barely convinced, and the discomfort from the Christmas card prickles at the back of her neck.
"Get anything in the mail?"
"I haven't checked," she lied, clenching the card in her hand. Stupid, lousy card. It was ridiculously childish but really; her acquired expensive taste was his fault for encouraging it in the first place. "I've just been so busy with Nicholas, you know."
"I see."
"Why? Did you mail something over?"
"Just a Christmas card. No big deal."
"Aw. Thanks." She wants to curl up and die. The snow globe was most definitely overkill. She should have gone with the socks.
"Did Nicholas get you anything?"
"He really only goes by Nick."
She can hear the distaste in his voice. "A nickname. How...quaint."
"We went to see The Nutcracker, and took a walk in the park, if you really must know." It had been more like her sitting alone in the park, miserably tossing the pigeons with small kernels of roasted chestnuts.
"Oh. Did he...get you a gift?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"I don't. He just sounds like a..." His voice changes and she can tell he's pulling some kind of face. "...like an interesting person."
"He is."
"Glad we cleared that up."
They fume at each other through the phone for a while.
"I talked to George, by the way. He doesn't remember a Nicholas either."
"Yes, well, that's because...he doesn't stay here. In London. No, he's part of a, whaddyacallit, travelling group with the, er, Christmas market."
"Like...a circus?"
"Well. As long you're having fun..."
"I am. So much fun." She had a white-knuckle grip on the telephone. Why was she tearing up?
"Merry Christmas, Y/N," he whispers. His voice somehow still manages to sound soft and measured over the telephone, as if he were sitting right next to her. And even through the telephone, he sounds sad.
"Merry Christmas Lockwood."
She pulls the card from under the telephone, staring at the family picture. She flips it and sees a short message scrawled hurriedly at the back.
'Thinking about things that matter. Thinking about you.'
The dial tone reverberates through her skull.
She wakes up suddenly the next morning, and she can't figure out why. It's so cold and quiet that it takes her a minute to remember that it's Christmas Eve. She has approximately two seconds to wallow in self-pity before the racket starts back up. Someone's knocking firmly at the door, loud enough to make her head pound, interspersed with some heated yet unintelligible conversation with someone else.
She opens the door and almost immediately gets the wind knocked out of her. It's Lockwood, wearing a ridiculously tinseled Santa hat, hands full of shopping bags. There's also a majorly peeved George standing behind him, carrying their bags and, surprisingly, even more shopping bags.
Lockwood hands her one of the bags, which she numbly takes, before pulling her in for a hug, and it all happens so quick it takes her a minute or two for her mind to catch up with what's happening.
"L-huhh? George? Wha- Aren't you supposed to be -"
"Surprise! Couldn't bear the thought of you having to spend Christmas all alone. Close the door behind the presents, George, you're letting the cold in."
George grumbles something about his mother never letting him live this down and where he can stick the presents. She gapes at the presents in alarm, dizzy at the sight of the avalanche of multicoloured bows.
"These can't all be for me. Right? Right?"
Lockwood bulldozes past her as if she hadn't even said anything. "Unless, of course, Nicholas is here! Is he?"
"Lockwood, wai-"
"I wonder if he got you these many presents. I'm sure he tried his best, of course, poor chap."
"Will you stop, for a minute?"
"That's his jacket, isn't it? He stayed the night, didn't he? Wait." He stops so abruptly and looks so crestfallen that something tugs at her in her chest. "He stayed the night?"
"Lockwood." A lot had happened in the past minute, but she was finally caught up. Even though she knows it's her fault for making him up in the first place, she never meant for it to get this far. "Nicholas isn't here, because there is no Nicholas. It was a joke. I'm spending Christmas all alone, I had to do something. I made him up for kicks.
George throws his head back and starts laughing, dropping the shiny shopping bags around the two of them, laughter fading as he wades his way to the kitchen. Now that he's calmed down, even Lockwood has enough decency to look slightly embarrassed.
"Dear God, don't tell me you came all the way back over Nicholas."
"I...I didn't. I had...all these presents..."
It's a lame excuse, and even he realises it when he looks at her face. He stands there for a very long minute, and then very suddenly walks to his room, leaving her surrounded by the sea of bags and frenzily wrapped presents. He turns stiffly at his bedroom door with a mildly stern, completely unabashed expression on his face. She has to bite the inside of her cheek to stop from grinning.
"Merry Christmas."
TAGLIST: @mischivana @dangelnleif @avdiobliss @mitskiswift99 @elenianag080 @houseoftwistedspirits
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
4 𝑆𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑛'𝑡 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑆𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙
; this is my submission for fluffvember by @maehemthemisfit!
; Tighnari x Reader, fluff, romantic
; When Tighnari was gifted a Kamera by the Traveler, after taking a photo of you by accident, decided how he'd put it to good use.
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"Hey, you haven't touched your food!"
"I will in a second."
Already at your wit's end to keep your hunger at bay, you finally bit into the delicious pita pocket Collei had packed for your patrol today.
While Tighnari continued to tinker away at the device in his hand as the cuisine next to him sat neglected. It was a gift from the Traveler from their recent trip to Fontaine, an enhanced(?) version of the Kamera that has the ability to both print the captured photo immediately as well as store the image in data form.
Naturally, scholar that he is, the forest watcher had been poking and pinching the device to fully understand it.
He even brought it with you during your patrol together, it capturing his attention even as you sat on one of the picnic tables scattered around the forest to eat your lunch.
... heh, capturing, captured, Kamera. Oh no, Cyno's infected you -
CLICK. And a flash after almost made you drop your food on the table.
"What the heck?" Desperately rubbing the white spots in your vision, you briefly saw a surprised expression pass by Tighnari's face as his attention still stayed on the device.
"My bad, I guess that's what that button does." He seemed content, you can tell just by looking at his tail that wagged enthusiastically behind him so openly. You were about to groan a complaint at him when the sound of gears and grinding caught you both off-guard.
Leaning close, you both watched as the Kamera began sliding out a piece of white paper. And there in all its glory is your face:
Pita pocket held near your chewing mouth as your cheeks were stuffed, your gaze off to the left signifying your preoccupied thoughts beforehand as a breeze gently swept your strands. Despite the impromptu shoot, somehow it turned out really well.
"Ohhh, that's some high quality print." But before you could take the photograph, his deft hands picked and pocketed the thing. Tighnari was already pulling away from the table as he cleaned up the place.
"The film for this is expensive and exported, every print is precious." He watched as you huffed to yourself, gathering your items into your bag as he reminded you that break time is over. Perfectly oblivious to the cheeky smile he dons as he decides how he would use his new toy.
The patrol continued as usual with the occasional small talk, but it relatively stayed in peaceful silence without much to say. His mind was elsewhere, you can tell by how his brows furrowed and his attention fleeting here and there.
His fingers twitched again when you spoke up. "Sooo, why did you bring the Kamera with you?"
"I was thinking of updating the field guide, perhaps a less comprehensive version, a digest with accompanying images."
Tighnari bit back a smile at the sight of you perking up at the idea, watching you copy his movement earlier to inspect the forest floor for any interesting floras to add into the digest. Flowers, flowers is a good start, can't go wrong with them.
You were always so eager to help, your companion shook his head endearingly as you started mumbling local flowers under your breath, completely enamored by the new task.
Patrol soon became a foraging trip as you lead the way with Tighnari following behind, Kamera already in his hand but not yet taking a photo of anything. Instead, he would point at a flower that looked to be the healthiest in the bunch which you would carefully pluck to join the bundle growing in your arms.
Lotuses, Viparyas, Sumeru Rose, Mint, Padisarahs, huh there's not really a lot of flower variations in the Avidya Forest actually.
"I think I got all of the flowers? Well, I added the mint despite not being a flower." Tighnari looked up from the mushroom he was inspecting to see you grinning at him, flowers overflowing in your arms. "You think we should add mushrooms into this -"
"Can you hold that pose for a second?" His eagerness seeped through his request as he raised the device. Even his ears twitched with excitement.
Nodding, you made sure that all the flowers (and mint) could be viewed in the shot. CLICK!
"Nice, did the flowers look good? I thought it would have been better to lay it out instead." You don't see the printed photograph this time as you focused on bunching up the flowers for an easier hold.
"Yeah, the flowers..." Yet when you looked at him, his attention was on the photo again with a soft and satisfied smile.
The patrol was thankfully uneventful after that. Something as engaging as a spinocrocodile or rishboland tiger encounter wouldn't really be good for a fragile Kamera in hand. You wouldn't be much help to Tighnari if you want to maintain the quality of the flowers you gathered either.
Some of the forest rangers already went back to Ghandarva Ville after their respective patrols well into the early evening, making the place livelier than it was that morning.
Stepping up to the platform, you were pleasantly surprised to see a familiar figure sitting under a lantern outside.
"Ah, Master Tighnari, (Y/N)! Welcome back from your patrol!"
"Why are you out here?" Placing your haul on the table, you took a seat next to Collei while the Forest Watcher sat across. "Studying?"
"Yeah, I can't quite grasp some of the concepts still so I thought a change of scenery would help." Leaning over as Collei tapped her pencil on her notes, Tighnari leaned his cheek to his palm, watching the two of you talk animatedly about the topic at hand.
"Oh, I remember this! Tighnari LOVES to make this topic difficult in his tests," the man in question scoffs and rolls his eyes. "But if you look at it this way -"
Eager to get some help, Collei passed the pencil to your awaiting hand as you started writing a new section in her notes. The way the trainee forest ranger presses against your side to get a closer look, how you make eye contact when emphasizing an important note to which Collei earnestly nods to, when you smile when you sense her progress -
CLICK. The both of you looked up from the study session with wide eyes, just in time to see Tighnari lower the Kamera with a smile.
Shaking your head, you kicked his foot under the table gently. "Precious print, my ass."
"A section highlighting the forest ranger's mentoring capabilities could be good." Was his immediate response, which you scoffed at with an easygoing smile.
"Don't worry about it, Collei." Your attention shifts to the younger female to ease her confusion on the matter. "He's just being a goof. Where were we? Right, so..."
The next day started beautifully for the Chief Officer, happier than when he finished his research, happier than when he ate his favorite mushroom.
How could he not be extra enthusiastic of the day when it started with him looking at the pictures he had taken, now tucked neatly on his table for later perusal. It looked better seeing it under the natural lighting of the morning, almost as if the image sparkles.
And when he saw you waving at him first thing in the morning, the day just got significantly better.
"Good morning, Master Tighnari." His eyes followed the hand that cards through your nicely dried hair. "Oh, you're taking more pictures today?"
"Yes." Eyes flickering between your form and the Kamera in his hand, a bright idea popped in his head. "Actually, can you stand there for a second?"
Confused but compliant, you watched as Tighnari placed the Kamera on a tree stump nearby, adjusting the angle and distance as he looked at you through the lens.
And when he was seemingly satisfied, he left the device there to join you where he left you.
Before you could ask, his lean arm snakes around your waist securely. "I found out that there was a timer option." That wasn't the question in your mind anymore tho!!
It wasn't until he started leaning forward did you finally realize his intention, hand grasping at his sleeves as the feeling of his warm breathe tickles your waiting lips. Your eyes closed with the distance, the gentleness reminiscent of a good morning kiss.
Just as soft as the flower petals you plucked yesterday, as filling as an afternoon meal, as sweet as the happiness of being with him —
CLICK! Your eyes flew open at the sudden flash.
Oh, that sneaky fox! But before you could comment on it, Tighnari leaned over to chase another kiss, his triumphant smirk melding with your lips.
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@maehemthemisfit @sonder-paradise @96jnie @komiyaa @scaramouchenumber1fan @linn-a-a @wisteriaflowersss @ineriris @yesntforno @serramii @shadowmist0706 @jmgrule @imeanwatever @c00kie-cat @xtodorokismistressx @ieathairs @endlessmari @strawberryclumsy @serenity-ren-bliss @scarasbaby @1eaf-me-alone @ireallylikehamsters
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got-ticket-to-ride · 9 months
Wanted to know your thoughts on this, but for what I've reading on John it really looks to me he really got worse post Paul and post Beatles, like his saddest songs match the moment he started to have issues with Paul, he wasn't really having much contact with anyone outside Yoko, he wasn't doing much music, he wasn't being that funny either, he even died without being able to fully overcome his heroine addiction (addiction that started in the Beatles fall out right?), and idk i believe his involvement in the whole peace/art movement looked more like an escape (like some people do with religion) than actual interest.
So what you think, was John at his worst after he got out the band and cut his relationship with Paul or was it was always like that?
Hello @lord-pain
thank you for this ask! I hope I'll make sense. I think the White Album was definitely the start of John's "sad songs". Happiness is a Warm Gun, Yer Blues. Subsequently, Dig a Pony sounded so desperate to me and Because which is yeah, post India, post breakup?
There's so many different accounts during that period. Some narrators might be unreliable because you never know who these "historians/journalist/"acquaintances" have their allegiance to.
During the 70s it was said that John was miserable, became a violent drunk (who believed in astrology). He was quite unhappy with how things turned out in his life due to his choices but he was too proud to admit it.
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About drugs, Fred Seaman said John stopped with heroin in the last half of the 70s in this video.
Due to differing accounts that are out there, I just concentrate on John, what he wrote lyrically and how clearheaded he was during his last interview. He was trying to be better. I think that is the most important detail despite everything that went down. Also the part where he was going to work with Ringo and had booked a studio with Paul for January 1981.
His activism was partly a distraction for him. Beatle John dabbled in it, but he became very aggressive about politics after the break up. He was anti-religion when he released Imagine (1971). But went back to believing in god when he wrote "Grow Old With Me" (1979?), which I have so much thoughts about but I haven't even had the courage to voice out.
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While there are glimpses of John's mental anxiety visible in his song "Help!" (1965)
"Help me if you can, I'm feeling down, and I do appreciate you being 'round",
he was trying to be positive about it as seen in "Strawberry Fields Forever" (1966):
"It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out, It doesn't matter much to me".
And was still holding on during the conception of "Across the Universe" (in February 1968) with his mantra:
"Nothing's gonna change my world",
which I think might've been a result of Paul's engagement in December 1967 to Jane.
Across the Universe (February 1968) > believer God (1970) > anti-religion Imagine (1971) > anti-religion (he made a satire song which I did not include here) Grow Old With Me (1979) > believer
During his alleged break from music from 1975, he was still making home demos and was writing Skywriting by Word of Mouth.
I think John and Paul being apart was just not good for them. The general opinion was that Paul left John and had moved on. (I don't believe that's true). It was John who made the decision to leave, it was this push and pull thing, and Paul continued to reach out to him (and we don't know what happened during all those times they've met up). Some accounts say that John was practically begging for a reunion but then again Paul never stopped reaching out to John (see 1976) so I personally think, regardless of all these details that are out in the open, there is still a missing piece we have not considered yet and that can only be told by Paul himself.
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To summarize it, John probably had depression (since his teenage years) but Paul was a constant positive thing in his life that he needed and that had helped him through it, "the girl who came to stay" until something happened...
John Lennon was definitely at his worst without his buddies by his side in the 70s.
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haziwritesstuff · 8 months
My little rose, part 3
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"You are meant to be the love of my next life."
Pairing | Aemond and Aegon x reader Wordcount | 4.2k Warnings | Medieval misogyny, Aegon isn't the nicest Previous chapters | Part 1, part 2
You make your way to Dragonstone, landing on the stone steps of the castle. Your family isn't there yet. It's quiet as you approach alone. You feel like you're walking into an empty castle, with nothing but your own footsteps echoing in the vast halls. The air is still and you feel like you're walking through a desert of stone and silence. You find it oddly peaceful and tranquil in a way, despite the solitude. The change in environment was refreshing and cleansing, after the tense atmosphere that you've just exited. You feel like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders, a sense of calm and contentment wash over you as you look around at the vast halls and empty rooms.
You find yourself wandering through the gardens, your attention being drawn to the roses as the vivid colors and sweet smells fill the air. You feel your heart skip a beat as you take in the sight of the lush foliage and vibrant petals, and you can't help but feel a jolt of nostalgia. These were the roses that you've always loved, the ones that used to bring you joy and peace when you were a child. Bittersweetness washes over you as you remember those years growing up in solitude, with only Silverwing and the roses for company. You feel like the roses were like your faithful companions, always there to bring you comfort and joy during those times when you felt lonely and isolated. The  roses remind you of those comforting moments of companionship and the bittersweetness you feel is a reflection of the mixture of feelings that those times brought to you. You feel a bit of anger and resentment towards your father for keeping you hidden away from the world for years. You feel like he robbed you of a proper childhood, leaving you alone and isolated with no real friends in your life, he deprived you of so much, he was selfish and callous in his treatment of you. Although you made peace with it, you haven't forgotten it either. You've learned to accept and come to terms with your past, but you haven't let go of the bitterness and resentment that you feel towards Daemon for what he did to you. You've learnt to live with this injustice, but the anger and hurt still remains deep inside your heart.
You've been so deep in thought that you haven't realized someone else has joined you in the gardens. You're startled by Rhaena's sudden appearance and you feel a surge of relief as you realize it was her. "Where have you been? We almost started a search party!” "I'm sorry, I was just..." you stop short, realizing that you don't have an explanation for your absence. You feel like Rhaena's sudden appearance has caught you by surprise and you feel a bit embarrassed to explain why you were away. Rhaena’s staring at you and she’s not willing to let this matter go. There is still more to be said, but there is a certain level of awkwardness and tension and between you two right now. You didn’t want to make a bigger deal out of it than it already has been, so you keep your answer brief and simple. "I just flew alone, I wanted some time to be alone with my thoughts..." Rhaena nods her head, seeming to accept your explanation and she doesn't press the issue any further. “So what did you think of King’s Landing? And what did you think of your other family members?” "Well... it was certainly an experience..." you respond nervously, not sure exactly how to answer the question.
“Mmh. Did you manage to fix your issues with Aegon?” You feel a wave of awkwardness wash over you as Rhaena brings up the topic of Aegon. You're not sure what to say, or how you would even begin to explain the situation between the two of you. “Sort of.” You whispered, feeling like you haven't really fully resolved your issues with Aegon. The two of you still have some things to work out, but the tension is not as bad as it was before. Perhaps kissing him wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Rhaena's observant and perceptive, noticing that you're holding something back when you give your answer. You're not sure if you should give more details to her, you wanted to. You wanted to scream that you’ve kissed Aegon, that you hugged Aemond. That you were utterly confused. This was your first ‘experience’ with the other sex and you weren’t sure what to do now. You wanted to tell her everything that’s going on inside your head, but you decided against it.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
It's been a couple of weeks since you had your experiences with Aegon and Aemond in King's Landing. A lot has happened since then, and things have shifted and changed in your life. Viserys is dead and they have crowned Aegon as King, stealing Rhaenyra’s throne.
"You're going to King's Landing and you're going to give Aegon this.” You are caught off guard by the sudden declaration of your father. You're not sure what he's referring to, but you feel your heart beating faster at the prospect of meeting King Aegon and giving him something. You struggle to contain your anxiety as you look at your father, wondering what he has in mind for you. You're being thrown into a dangerous situation, and you're not sure if you can handle it. There are so many ways this situation could go wrong, you're being pulled into a situation that is bigger than you are ready for. “I don’t think I’m ready… For th-“ his eyes narrow and his voice becomes more demanding. "You must go. It is your duty as my daughter." He stares at you intensely, his eyes sharp and piercing. He's not giving you a choice, you must do his bidding. Daemon's eyes narrow even more as he glares at you. "I am not giving you a choice," he says harshly, "You will go to King's Landing and you will give Aegon this." He leans forward and holds up a small black pouch. "This is the message that I want you to deliver to him. Do you understand?" The intensity of Daemon's gaze leaves you feeling scared and intimidated, as if he's determined to not let you refuse or refuse his demands. You realize that you have no choice but to go, and are left feeling like a pawn in this game of power and politics. “Yes, I understand." you say softly, having no choice but to comply with his orders, since he is your father and you have been raised to obey him. Daemon doesn't respond. Instead, he hands you the small black pouch and begins to walk away, his walk slow and measured.
Daemon's words leave you feeling scared and uncertain about your upcoming trip to King's Landing, where you are expected to deliver a message to the new king. You don't know what the message contains, and you feel a sense of anxiety and unease about the situation, as well as a sense of trepidation about the journey ahead.
It turns out you weren't the only messenger. You learn later that same night that Rhaenys, Jace, and Luke were also sent off with messages of their own. Thinking about the message you're carrying, you can't help but wonder what it could be. It's a heavy burden, with your life potentially hanging in the balance. Every step you take on the road to King's Landing is a step closer to danger and potential confrontation with the new ‘king’. The gravity of the situation suddenly sinks in, and you feel like you're walking into the unknown. Aegon wouldn’t hurt you, would he?
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
It's a long journey to King's Landing, but after countless hours of flight, you finally make it to the city. You land in one of the city's landing spots, feeling both relieved and exhausted as you finally made it. That sense of relief and exhaustion is quickly replaced with a sense of anxiety and uncertainty as you realize that you still have the task left: to deliver the message to the new King, Aegon II.
You make your way to the castle in King's Landing, walking up to the gates. There are guards stationed on both sides of the gate, who keep watch over the castle grounds. You feel anxious and fearful as you approach them, they keep an watchful eye on you as you draw closer. Eventually you find your way to the throne room of the castle. Aegon is sitting in his throne, his piercing eyes looking down at you. He is flanked by a handful of guards and advisors, forming a circle around him. As you enter the room, the quiet conversations and whispers stop instantly, and all attention is focused on you. His gaze is like a blazing flame, his look burning into you as he waits for you to speak. The guards and advisors stand close by, as if they are ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. Everyone in the room is watching you intently, and you feel the pressure of everyone's eyes bearing down on you.
“I brought you a message from Queen Rhaenyra.” Your voice sounds small and strained as you speak, the weight of so many eyes upon you is overwhelming. The atmosphere in the room is thick with anticipation. After a pause, Aegon speaks, his voice calm and measured. "And what is the message?" "The message is personal and private, and it is to be delivered only to you and no one else." Aegon’s eyes narrow and his expression becomes more intense, as if deep in thought. He's silent for a moment, before finally speaking. "I see. If the message is personal and private, then why are you delivering it instead of Queen Rhaenyra herself?" The tension in the air increases as he speaks, his tone is stern and his face is fixed in a serious expression. He's awaiting a good reason for him to accept this message as legitimate and not a trick or ruse. "There must have been some reason for you being sent here, rather than Queen Rhaenyra coming herself," he says, "Is there a reason why she wouldn't have come here herself? If this message was so personal and private, why didn't she come herself to deliver it?" “I’m not sure.” Aegon raises an eyebrow, his expression becoming even more skeptical. "You're not sure?" He asks in a skeptical tone, "That's a rather unsatisfactory answer, don't you think?" After a few moments, you finally speak again. “My father sent me as the messenger.” “And why would he have done that, I wonder?!”
Aegon stares at you for a few more moments, with a stern and intense expression, before finally speaking again. “Well, I suppose we shall just have to read the message for ourselves, and see what Rhaenyra has to say.” He finally reaches for the small black pouch in your hands, and begins opening it. He removes the message inside and examines it, reading what is written on it. After a few moments, he looks back up at you. "That cunning bitch," he mutters under his breath. His fury seems to be reaching a boiling point, as he speaks again. "Everyone out!” As the room falls silent, you look at Aegon, who is now standing in front of you, still clutching the message in his hands. His face is contorted with fury, and his expression is like the face of a raging bull, ready to charge at a moment's notice.
After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, he speaks again. "How dare she send you here with a message like this!" He shouts, his voice full of rage and anger. "She thinks she can tell me what to do? Who the fuck does she think she is!?" He stares at you for a few moments, his eyes narrowed and his face full of rage. "And does she think I'm just gonna let you walk away after this?!" "Pardon me?" Your face began to grow darker. "I will not let this pass. I will not let her disrespect me in such a manner. And I'm not going to just let you walk away either. I will not let you go. You're going to be my prize of war, and you'll stay here with me, where I can take my time with you." The threat of violence is now very evident in the king's tone. He continues to stare at you, his expression growing darker and more intense.
This was probably a big mistake. You can feel the weight of his glare digging deep into your skin, and you feel like he's considering what he's going to do to you even more seriously now. After a few moments of silence, Aegon takes a deep breath and starts to speak again. "You're going to stay here with me, and I'm going to take my time with you. Your queen might think that she's being clever and making a request, but I'll show her just how foolish she is." "The fuck I am! You can't keep me captive!" Aegon takes a deep breath and nods his head slowly. "Oh, can't I?" He responds calmly and politely, but his tone is one of pure menace. “I can keep you here for as long as I like, and there's nothing you can do about it.” His face grows even darker, and he slowly steps towards you. He moves in closer and closer, getting right into your personal space. He's so close that you can feel his breath on your neck, and it's an unbearably intense feeling. His face just a few inches away from your ear. You feel his breath tickling your neck, and it sends a shiver down your spine. His voice is like a whisper, but it's a whisper of pure threat and power. "You're mine now." His breath tickles your skin, you feel like you can't move, like your body has frozen up and you can't even scream.
Aegon’s breath continues to tickle your skin as he pulls you close to him, his lips just brushing against your skin. You feel powerless to move, as if your body has been frozen in place by the fear he is instilling in you. "Worry not sweetling, we'll have a good time." He whispers into your ear, his voice is like a snake slithering its way into your head. "N-no..." His breath continues to whisper into your ear, and his voice is full of a predatory kind of sensuality. "Oh, yes.." He replies slowly, dragging his next words out for a long time. "You are mine, there’s no running from me now. I’ll take good care of you..." You try to break free from the his grip, but it's hard to get away from him. He holds you close to himself and his hold on you is tight. He seems to be enjoying himself far too much at the prospect of taking you for his own. Your body is filled with fear and trepidation, but you also feel a strange sense of excitement and arousal. Your body is responding to his touch in a way that is both terrifying and pleasurable at the same time. Aegon’s hands are caressing your skin softly as he pulls you closer to him, holding you even tighter and not letting you go anywhere. You let out a whimper as the caress of his touch sends a tingling sensation down your spine. You're being consumed in a very intimate way, your body being overwhelmed by his presence and you feel yourself melting in his grasp. Your attention was completely focused on Aegon that you didn't notice Aemond entering the room.
Aemond sees the two of you, and you can tell from the look in his eye that he is absolutely furious. He walks up close to you, and you feel the heat of his anger radiating off of his presence like a fire. Aegon finally notices Aemond's presence and looks over at him with a dark expression, his mouth curled up into a sneer. His grip on you becomes even tighter, and you can feel the heat coming off his body like a furnace as he stares at Aemond. He seems very protective of you, and he is not going to let anyone interfere with his plans. Aemond's eye was burning with fury, staring down at Aegon, his voice is a low and menacing growl. "What do you think you're doing with her?!" Aegon looks up at Aemond with a dark and menacing expression, he continues to hold you close to himself. "I'm taking her for my own." He replies in a cold voice. Aemond's eye is still fixated on Aegon, and the two men seem to be locked in a fierce staring contest. You can feel the tension in the air increasing as both men glare at each other, their hostility and aggression rising even higher. Aegon’s grip on you tightens even more, and you feel like you're being smothered.
"I will not let you touch her!" Aemond snaps, and you can tell he's barely holding back his anger. His face is a mask of fury, his body is tensing up, as if he's preparing to attack at any moment. He seems absolutely determined to protect you, and you can feel the raw power and aggression coming off of him like a storm of fury. Neither man wants to back down in this stand off, and they continue to glare at each other with a sense of simmering fury. You're trapped in the middle, with all of this tension and hostility growing around you. Your body is being overpowered by Aegon’s grip and you can't move away. "Please let me go..." Your voice is completely being ignored by both men as their confrontation becomes more intense and heated. You try to plead with both Aegon and Aemond to let you go, but they both seem to have lost all rationality and their sense of logic. Now all they're focused on is fighting over your possession. You’re trapped, scared and helpless as you continue to plead with him to let you go. But his resolve is like iron, and you can't help but feel like this is the endgame for you, and that you're going to be carried off in the king's arms at any moment now.
Aegon finally releases you from his grip, and you fall to the floor at his feet. You can feel him looking at you with a cold and menacing glare, but you're also relieved to be free from his grasp. You have a few seconds of hesitation and fear before Aemond pulls you behind him. You cling onto his back as he faces Aegon and you can feel his anger overflowing like an overflowing cup of wrath. "A-aemond..." you whimper, clinging onto him for support. He's the only thing in this room that seems like it could protect you right now. You feel like you're safe with him, but you still can't help but feel terrified at what might happen next.
"I am going to escort her to a guest room and then I’ll deal with you, Aegon." Aegon stares at Aemond with a deadly look of fury, but he doesn't resist. He lets Aemond lead you out of the room, and you're still clinging onto him for support. You feel safe and protected in Aemond's arms, but you still can't help but feel a bit of hesitation and uncertainty. Aemond's tone is stern and authoritative as he leads you out of the room. He doesn't look back at Aegon, and he keeps his eyes focused on the task of safely getting you away from him. You can feel him breathing softly next to you, and you can feel his muscles flexing slightly with each step he takes as he leads you out of the room. He leads you through the halls of the castle. Your body still clinging onto him as a source of protection and comfort, and you’re slightly trembling with fear and nerves. Despite being stern and authoritative, he's also being very gentle and careful with you.
The two of you finally arrive at a room, and Aemond closes the door behind you. He turns to face you, and you can see the intense look in his eye as he stares at you for a moment. You feel like you're being scrutinized by that penetrating gaze, and it makes you feel a bit uncomfortable. He's not smiling or being friendly like before, but instead he seems to be assessing you in an oddly intense way. Aemond stays silent for a minute, continuing to look at you with that intense gaze. You feel like he's looking at you like a stranger, and you feel like he's judging you based on what happened back there. You feel a bit nervous under his intense stare, and you feel like he's not being friendly at all. You have no idea what sort of reaction he is going to have to this situation, and you feel very vulnerable as a result. You still feel like a trembling nervous mess under his stare. After a minute of silence, he finally speaks in a stern voice. "So...what happened back there?" His tone is very serious and stoic, there's no hint of friendliness in his voice. His eye is penetrating, looking into your soul. You don't know what to say, and you feel like your words are being scrutinized heavily. "I, I gave him a message from Queen Rhaenyra." Aemond’s face remains stoic and unchanged, and he waits for you to say more. His face show no hint of a reaction to what you've said, and he continues to stare at you with that piercingly intense gaze. "I have no idea what it says... But I can only imagine... Aegon isn't the rightful king." His face still remains expressionless, studying you intensely. He still seems very cautious and distrustful. He seems suspicious of your reason for delivering the message in the first place. "So, you're trying to steal my brother's crown?" Aemond finally spoke, and your heart skipped a beat when you heard his voice. His tone filled with a suspicious kind of disdain. His words were loaded with malice and anger as he accused you of trying to steal his older brother's crown. You could not help but feel your heart beating in your throat at his accusation. "Your queen is a usurper, and a thief. She is trying to steal my brother's crown."
Your heart skipped a beat when Aemond moved closer and caressed your cheek gently, your body shuddering slightly at the touch. You could feel the heat of his breath and his touch on your skin, and your whole body felt like it was trembling under his grasp. "I'm afraid your our prisoner now, dove." His touch made you shiver and tremble in a way that you found both thrilling and frightening. The way he caressed your cheek with his thumb was so tender and gentle, his touch was like a gentle caress sending butterflies through your whole body. "My father will have your head for keeping me hostage!" Your words seem to be have a profound effect Aemond's stance as he stops caressing and backing away slightly. His eyes are filled with a sudden flash of anger and hostility, and he seems to be glaring at you with a mixture of distrust and fury. He then speaks in a harsh and stern voice. "My brother will also have your so called queen’s head for being a traitor to the throne! You should be grateful that I have chosen to keep you safe." His sudden outburst of anger and hostility took you off guard, and you had no idea how to handle his sudden change of mood. You felt like a small and powerless creature facing off against a giant beast. His tone was menacing and he seemed so much stronger and more frightening than you remembered him to be. As he spoke, his anger and hostility made you feel even more vulnerable and scared. This was not the gentle and friendly Aemond you remembered, this was a whole different beast entirely. "I am protecting you. Your so-called queen would never treat you with such care as I have." He took one step closer again, his tone sounding more insistent and authoritarian than before. You could feel the heat of his breath and the intensity of his gaze, and your heart was beating out of your chest. "I will take care of you. I will protect you." He spoke softly this time, almost sounding like a whispering voice. You felt like your whole body was trembling with fear and nerves, but you felt a strange sense of comfort underneath the intensity of his gaze. You felt like a small animal being held tightly in the grip of a predator, but in this predator's eyes you found a hint of kindness and tenderness. "Do you see how I am treating you? Like a precious jewel. Like a delicate flower. Like my little rose."
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w0lp3rtinger · 5 months
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@biolover9 <3 eeeehehehehe - @lambpaca and I have talked about this. Like, even outside of the parameters of Shadow and Amy getting together. This is just general conversation.
I've mentioned this a bit about it before on the sideblog, but I just... never could see Shadow ever wanting biological children. Truthfully, I don't think he could have them even if he wanted to, not without a massive amount of medical intervention.
Like... if you're making the ultimate weapon, the ultimate life form, why would you ever give it the ability to make more of itself? That lessens your control over it and runs the risk of causing your enemies to get their hands on a weapon of their own. You don't want that.
(I'm saying 'it' because like... that's how GUN viewed Shadow. 'It'. Even Gerald viewed Shadow as 'it' in the end in his diary. What Shadow wanted didn't matter to them. )
Beyond that though, I can see Shadow looking at their own biology and not wanting anyone else to have to endure it. Especially working off of the idea that they're still young and all the ramifications of genetic testing and mutation on them haven't really come to fruition yet (looking at you, 'immortality'). Why would he be selfish enough to pass a potential curse like that along?
That's not to say Shadow doesn't like kids. We've seen them be extraordinarily patient with characters like Cream, Tails, and Charmy both in-game and outside of game. I think for them to want kids though, they'd need to have certain needs met. They'd need to be free from GUN, they'd need to feel safe, they'd need to make a lot of peace with themselves and grow as a person. Essentially, they'd have to go through hell and then also a lot of soul-searching before reaching the conclusion of, 'I want to be a parent.'
But Amy? Oh without question, I think Amy wants kids. Doesn't matter if they're hers or someone else's. I've joked about her having a vision binder listing out three kids and names and everything. Amy also has been shown to want a domestic future after she's defeating Eggman. She wants to enjoy the peace and the every-day magic of just existing to exist. I think a lot of people agree that Amy would want kids to be a part of that domestic bliss.
Personally? I think there's also this idea that kids are hope for a future. Amy has spent her entire childhood fighting. There's no way to get that time back, no way to undo that which she has seen and had to experience. She forced herself to grow up quickly in order to protect both herself and the world. Amy wouldn't have kids unless she felt safe enough to do so.
I also think Vanilla being Amy's main parental figure that we see in almost every iteration of the Sonic franchise helps. Vanilla is, by all accounts, a loving, kind parent. That would have made a positive impact on Amy not only in regards to who she becomes as a person, but also, her own expectations on what being a parent entails. Seeing someone who wants to be a parent, who likes being a parent, who likes their kids (both their biological kids and the ones they pick up like a wet cat off the street), that means something, you know?
All the Sonic Gang solidify that family is what you make it, family is a choice, but Vanilla shows that parenthood is also a choice, and one that can be done with joy.
How does Gigi factor into this? Well, I kinda touch on it in The Home You Make, and then I show it in Late Evening Talks, but effectively- Amy and Shadow both make each other feel safe, they help the other grow, they help the other be their best selves, and in the moments they struggle, they're there for one another. This creates an environment for the two of them that allows them to entertain and discuss the notion of being parents. Without question, I can see them covering it before they even really start dating. Shadow in particular, not wanting to mislead Amy, would make his stance/circumstances abundantly clear, but now, fully committed and comfortable with one another in a way they were not previously, the subject would come up again not as a nebulous 'well maybe' but as a 'are we gonna do this?'
And they decide, 'yes.'
They'd take the adoption process slow, looking. They’re not really looking for a hedgehog- the species doesn’t matter. It’s the kid that does. I don’t even think the two of them really know what they’re looking for when they start. I mean, how do you put parameters around this sort of thing? Ultimately, Gigi wins them over. She’s funny, she’s creative, she’s sweet even if she’s a hellion, she’s protective, she gets into fights- she’s them. They see her in them. They get this kid. The child care staff warn them about her being 'stubborn and standoffish,' and overall ‘difficult to work with’. That pisses Shadow and Amy off royally. Not like that's unfamiliar territory- they’ve been this kid, frankly. When they meet Gigi, they’re smitten, and frankly, them coming from a place of understanding with her helps her warm up to them. When they fully decide to go for Gigi, they take the process slow, letting her get to know them, letting her decide if their home is the place she wants to be.
And she decides, 'yes.'
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deathbxnny · 1 year
YQ's Mother Requestor Anon here! I see the calling of angst so I am here to give! Can I request Mother!Reader and Baby Lai getting attacked with Reader almost dying bc they tried to protect our beloved baby but somehow survived, just in a coma? Yanqing managed to save them by unaliving the attackers like a madman [then Jing Yuan gets flashbacks about Jingliu's rampage on him] and only regains his humanity bc of his sister, then they run to a hospital!
Reader still lives (bc its fun to watch them slowly be traumatized) and heals, both physically and somewhat mentally!
A/N: Hey there! Thank you for this great idea and sorry it took 50000 years for me to get to it. Life genuinely hates me lately and I've been extremely busy even on the weekends rn, so yeah... forgive me.
Content: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, murder, mentions of murder, injuries, child endangerment, violence, near death, good ending
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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You just wanted to take a quick walk around the Luofu with your baby, as you haven't been able to move around much after her birth. You smiled gently down at her, your hands keeping her close under your cloak, a soft hum of a tune leaving your lips, when you looked out into the distance. The sun was starting to set, bathing the world in a warm, orange hue. It was peaceful... until it wasn't.
In an instant, you were suddenly attacked by some Mara-struck soldiers, your body scrambling backwards, as you tightly clutched onto your baby. You had accidentally wandered out of the safe zones, completely distracted by the beauty of the area to really notice where you were going. You should've been more careful and yet, it was too late to regret everything now, when a next attack came swinging at the direction of your child.
You quickly turned away, taking the hit fully, your body skidding across the floor violently. But you still made sure that your child wasn't injured, even when she began to cry. Your head hit the ground, disorienting you, as the injury began to bleed. And whilst you were struggling to lift your head, your hands still so desperately holding your baby close to you, familiar swords suddenly appeared in your blurry vision. You could barely hear anything anymore, but when you saw the rough outline of your son, you let out a relieved sigh and just finally passed out, knowing that you and your baby were saved.
The enemies however stood no chance against Yanqing's wrath, as he practically ripped them all apart, even ditching his swords at one point. He was angry, beyond enraged. The thought of someone hurting his mother and little sibling was making him delirious and it took 5 cloud knights and eventually Jing Yuan to drag him off of whatever was left of the attackers. Jing Yuan was irked by how familiar the sight was, a memory of a distant, dark past flashing through his mind, before he quickly forgot it at the soft cries of his infant child.
It also calmed down Yanqing, who slumped in the cloud knights hold and finally just concluded that he had gotten his revenge, before he allowed himself to be taken away. You were brought to a hospital quickly after as well, having taken the brunt of all attacks, which left you quite injured. But the mental scars were arguably worse. It took you a while to be able to go outside again, the paranoia over something like that happening once more being always on the forefront of your mind. Your child also never left your eye sight, as you kept her in arms reach at all times.
Jing Yuan and Yanqing supported you greatly through your recovery journey, making you heal in no time again, for the most part. The scars and fears would always stay... even if they just lingered now in the back of your mind.
A/N: God... I'm so sorry again for how long this took. I hope it's somewhat okay and that you can forgive me lmao-
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sergeantgoggles · 5 months
kiss prompt: 🧡 kissing in bed / lazy kiss / cuddling maycrosswzer 🙏
Okay, I really leaned into the cuddling part of this prompt. There's, uh, definitely kissing, but probably not the kissing that you were wanting lmao
Also this one ended up kinda long? I just ran with it lol
Anyway, I am weak for these three and so are you so lets be weak about them together on the internet.
VERY slight spoiler for the finale for those who haven't watched it yet, but it's like, if you blink you'll miss it.
Just because their battle was over, didn’t mean that they were free from the nightmares that still plagued their sleep. Even life on the peaceful island of Pabu, waking up to the sound of rolling waves on golden sand, the smell of tropical fruits and freshly brewed caffe, and the warmth of being surrounded by two strong bodies wasn’t enough to chase away the terrors that lingered in the dark of night. Sometimes one of them would jolt awake, take in their surroundings, recognize that this is safe, that they are safe, and fall back asleep.
Other times, like this time, Mayday screamed, tearing his partners from their slumber and on full alert, looking frantically for the danger that was coming for them only to find that the enemy was invisible, all in his head. Not that it made the situation any less scary, especially for Mayday, who screamed louder when Howzer’s hand fell on his shoulder to try and gently wake him.
“It’s no use,” Crosshair said quietly with a frown. “He’s too far in.”
Howzer nodded, agreeing, but they couldn’t just let Mayday suffer. He laid back down, fully prepared for Mayday to reel his elbow back and fight him as he put a firm arm around his middle. A pained grunt fell from his lips, but he didn’t budge, keeping hold of him tightly even as Mayday tried to thrash.
“No! You can’t take him! Crosshair!” Mayday screamed out a sob and fought against whatever invisible force was holding him from getting to where he wanted to be.
Crosshair sighed. Mayday always blamed himself for what happened on Tantiss, for Crosshair being tortured, for losing his hand, later. He blamed himself, even if he rarely vocalized it. The metal on Crosshair’s replacement hand was cool to the touch this early in the morning as he touched Mayday’s cheek, caressed it softly. So much pain was etched into that handsome face, pain that he usually hid so well. He was the backbone of their little polycule, always holding them up, getting them involved in things around the island, insisting that they live their lives to the fullest now that they were free from the Empire’s grasp. It hurt Crosshair to see such a sturdy, resilient man crumble in his arms.
“I’m okay, Mayday,” he told him as calmly as he could. If there was still a bit of panic in his tone, he couldn’t help it, and Howzer didn’t call him out on it. “Mayday, can you hear me? Open your eyes. We’re safe. We’re home, with Howzer on Pabu.”
Another wretched sob ripped from Mayday’s chest as he lurched towards Crosshair, seemingly drawn to his voice, but not quite able to shake the night terror that gripped him like a vice. Tears spilled from his eyes as he pressed his face into Crosshair’s chest.
“You kept him safe,” Howzer whispered in his ear. “He’s alive because of you, Mayday. You saved him.”
In reality, it was half-truth. Crosshair would always insist that Mayday was the one who saved him by forcing him to confront what the Empire was doing to clones and opening his eyes to their malicious intent. However, it was on Tantiss, where they’d found Mayday imprisoned, that Mayday had fought alongside Howzer and the others to free Crosshair from being tortured again.
Howzer’s words sunk in and kept breaking through the restraints that were keeping Mayday in his nightmare. He repeated them for as long as Mayday needed to hear them, until slowly the thrashing ceased, the screaming became silent sobbing, and Mayday was back with them, back in the bed they’ve shared for over a year, back with the partners that he vowed himself to quietly one night last month. No rings, they’d decided, it wasn’t for them, but instead they had matching tattoos that bound them together. It was permanent, something that couldn’t come off while they were washing dishes or tending to the garden that Mayday kept in the backyard, glued to their skin like scars and something they wore with pride and dignity.
“Crosshair,” Mayday rasped heavily, finally allowing his body to relax and lean into the bodies around him. “Howzer…”
“Hey there,” Howzer greeted with a soft press of lips to his neck, the hand around him rubbing small, calming circles into his bare chest. His fingertips grazed the spot where Mayday’s tattoo was, just over his heart, and he could feel the rapid pulse start to slow to something more regular. “It’s okay, we’ve got you.”
“…Sorry,” Mayday apologized pathetically into Crosshair’s chest. Sorry, for making a scene, sorry, for waking them up, sorry, for not being strong enough.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for,” Crosshair soothed and dragged his fingers through the thick hair that was just starting to steak with silver.
Mayday grumbled but didn’t argue, choosing to take the comfort instead of fighting it. That was progress. Before, Mayday would double down and tell them that he should be sorry, that he needed to show constant remorse for what he allowed to happen to himself, to his men, and to them. Crosshair is glad that they’ve come as far as they have. Every small step is a victory, and it took even him a long time to come to terms with that.
He whined a little when Howzer shifted to grab a cloth to wipe his face and hid it again after Crosshair had given him several soft, reassuring kisses on his cheeks. Overall, though, this was one of the tamer outbursts any of them had.
The morning sun started to rise over the horizon, turning the sky outside of their bedroom window a deep shade of red and orange, and it blanketed their bed in a comforting light. It was a reminder that this was real, this was their reality. Soon, the sun will have risen over the water, the birds will start singing, and Batcher will be barking down the beach during her morning walk, usually with Omega, but more recently, Hunter has been the one to get up with her and watch the sun rise over the island. They would go about their days, working, contributing to the island however they could, having dinner with their family, and it was nice. It was real.
“…’M still tired,” Mayday yawned into Crosshair’s chest as they watched the morning roll in.
“Go back to sleep,” Howzer yawned into Mayday’s shoulder. It was true what they said about yawning being contagious.
Crosshair offered them both a soft, understanding smile. It was rare that Mayday slept in. He liked to be an early riser. Howzer was the opposite. This was far too early for him, and he’d only come to bed a few hours ago.
“I have watch,” he said, running a hand through Mayday’s hair, then Howzer’s, who kissed the back of it as he pulled away. “Get some more rest.”
As they drifted off, he heard Mayday murmur a quiet, “Love you.”
Howzer’s reply was much sleepier and more garbled, but Crosshair could only assume the sentiment was returned, because Howzer pulled him a little closer buried his nose in the crook of Mayday’s neck. Long after he knew they were both asleep and the sun was now fully exposed above the sea, Crosshair gazed upon them and breathed a sigh of contentment.
“Love you, too. Both of you.”
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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五 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗘𝗦 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧: 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 [+18] - 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏 𝚊𝚍𝚞𝚕𝚝! 𝙸𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚊 𝚄𝚛𝚢𝚞𝚞 𝚡 𝙵! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
✦ request: anonymous asked: hi sashi! I couldn't find any fic of uryu on your masterlists, so I thought I could request one for him. For the prompt if it's not taken yet, "watching you in silence" with female reader, please! Thank you and congratz for 5.5K! 🤍 ➜ hi love!! yes, indeed this is my first time writing for him! it turned out a little bit longer than expected so I divided it in to two parts! Hope you like it! 💖 ✦ tw: part 1 is completely sfw! be careful if you haven't read the last chapter of manga! Uryu is already a doctor (28 y/o) so he isn't a minor anymore. (the image used for the banner is him now) Will post part 2 in the following days :3 that one includes +18 content! ✦ masterlist ✦ part 2
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Watching you in silence the reflection on his glasses; your body dancing underneath the night lights.
Never once he dared to confess. Never once he dared to touch your face even if you fell asleep on his shoulder so many times. If there was something Dr. Ishida Uryu was for you, it was your safe place.
But his heart ached for you, his body claimed yours; that sweet young boy that has now bloomed into a mature man, has loved you since high school days.
Karakura town seems, as always, a peaceful place to live. You walk through the streets of the city centre with a bag full of bread. Inoue-san made her dream come true, and now, she has her own bakery. So, whenever you visit her you come back with much more than what you went to buy.
As you yawn you take a look at the big, white building ahead of you. It shines with the sun, and the blue details on the walls always shine much more. Ishida clinic, your workplace, it’s always been a very sophisticated place.
You were on guard last night, and now the weekend awaits for your tired mind to enjoy it, fully. Yet, even if sometimes you wish you never put a step into that place, you decide to pay a visit to the floor you’ve been assigned since you get the job.
“I have too much bread in this bag, I will visit the guys and bring them some” you murmur, smiling as you get inside the doors of the clinic.
As you enter, the security guard waves at you with a big smile. And after giving him a choux filled with chocolate, you take the elevator to floor 6.
“I bring you bread; I bring you calories!” you chime right at the entrance of the nurses office. Everyone of your workmates jolts from their seats and others come when their duties are over. Everybody enjoys the delicious pastries from Kurosaki & Inoue Patisserie.
Soon, you decide is time to leave. Today is little Kazui’s birthday, so, you need to get ready for the night as you are going to have dinner with them.
“Bye bye!! Have a good guard!!” you salute your friends, and as you turn around -carefree and a little violently- you bump into a man wearing glasses.
His slender fingers and unpolluted white coat receive you in their embrace, holding you not to fall on him.
Your eyes reflect on his glasses, even if his black bangs cover half of his right eye.
“Dr. Ishida…” you murmur, in awe. When you were still in high school you always saw him like a cute boy, who later on showed how strong and amazing he could be. Yet, his handsome looks were never important to you until that deadly situation that involved a war on the skies…
“(Name)! are you ok? Why are you here in your free day?” he asks, surprised and worried. He never misses your schedule, for some reason he knows it better than you.
You slowly walk back. Just a few steps. Feeling your cheeks burn, you apologize for bumping into him. “I’m sorry, Ury- Dr. Ishida. I didn’t see you were behind me! I am good, I just passed by to give some bread to the guys. Inoue gave me a lot; you know how she is”
Those words sound like a deeper truth to the Quincy. Of course, you never noticed him being behind you…
“It’s ok, (Name)” he sighs, fixing his glasses with his ring finger over the bridge of his nose. “Are you going to Kazui’s birthday party tonight?” Uryu asks, walking outside the nurse office and into the hall with you.
You nod, with a bright smile that makes him gasp and immediately after hide behind his onyx hair. He is still a shy guy, after all.
You show him the contents of one of your bags, two boxes with blue and white paper wrapping and a big bow on top. “One from me, one from you. I knew you would be working late today so naturally you wouldn’t have time to buy your nephew a present” you tell him; professionalism is only used when there are more people around you two.
He lets his straight shoulders fall. His head does the same. Of course, he forgot. “Thank you, (Name). You need to tell me how much is i-“
“ISHIDA URYU, IT ISN’T NECESSARY! You are gonna come pick me up tonight, thus, there is the payment” you cut him off. He didn’t say he was going to pick you up; you just ordered him to do so.
He smiles, softly. “I was going to pick you up either way. See you at nine, ok?” he says, quickly as his beeper starts ringing. A new patient, or some kind of emergency awaits for the best doctor.
You beam back. Trying to read the message on the tiny screen of his calling device. But he doesn’t allow you to do so. “It’s your free day. I can do it. Go”
“Oh… ok, Doc ~” you jump to kiss his cheek and purr, for you to then leave with little jumps playfully through the halls of your workplace.
As you walk away, and Uryu still remains where you left him, he takes his soft hand to his equally soft cheek. He feels like it burns, but a good type of heat. And his heart, beats faster than what he could probably consider healthy.
“Dr. Ishida!! Code blue!” one of the nurses wakes him up from the dream of your lips crushing against his lips instead of his cheek the next time.
“Code blue?? CODE BLUE!”
As you pick the dress you are wearing for tonight, you think of him. Your Quincy friend has been in your mind a lot lately. Why? Well, you aren’t still very sure.
“I’m going for the yellow flowery one, I think is not gonna be that chilly tonight” you lie to yourself, you know you will end up asking Orihime for a coat since the guys are gonna be hosting a barbeque at the rooftop.
You let your hair lose, you are tired of having it up in a tie ponytail every day of the week for work. A little bit of makeup, perhaps a little more than usual.
The packages with your present next to Uryu’s one rest on the coach next to the door, ready for when he rings your bell.
As you wait for your Quincy friend, you think about him. You see him like a star; not only handsome but also extremely successful. There is no woman that blushes whenever he asses them, and still, he doesn’t seem to notice.  You always asked yourself why, being as intelligent as he is, Uryu never left to the big city nor got married…
The bell makes you jump from the coach. You were so deep into your thoughts -and the photos you took last summer with him- that you got pretty scared.
“I’m coming Uryu!” you chime, spraying some sweet perfume while you look into the mirror one last time. With your purse and the present bag in your hands, you open the door.
The breeze of spring kisses your cheeks and plays with your lose hair as you watch an all-white dressed Uryu stand on your porch.
His blue eyes open big and swallow your beauty entirely. His pale lips separate, and even if there is plenty of air around not a single molecule of oxygen gets inside his body.
“Hey! I’m glad I have such a good-looking friend to pick me up! Thank you, my neighbours will finally stop thinking I’m becoming the crazy cat lady” you joke, closing the door behind you.
However, Uryu isn’t laughing. He actually isn’t reacting. He is standing there, with no signs of life whatsoever.
You tilt your head to the side; he is either being abducted by the shadows again or he worked that much he is sleeping with his eyes open.
“Ishida Uryu? Earth calling Uryu-chan?” you snap your fingers in front of him to catch his attention -even if you had all of it-.
He softly shakes his head and blinks back. His cheeks become as red as tomatoes, but he plays it cool. Uryu turns around quickly to cover his blush; a blush you saw either way.
“You wanna walk? Or do I took the car?” he asks, since the Kurosaki family’s house is pretty near yours.
“I think we should walk, the spring breeze will ease someone’s blushed cheeks…” you murmur, so low he didn’t hear.
“Come again?” “Walking. I feel like enjoying the spring breeze!”
Both begin to head towards North. The moon shines brightly above your heads and there isn’t much sound around the neighbourhood. Some buzzing neon lights of ramen places tint puddles of rainwater from last night. And the beauty of the pink kisses of millions of buds of sakura flowers fill your eyes.
“What a beautiful night! No wonder it has to be Kazui’s anniversary!” you comment, taking your phone to snap some pictures and walking a little bit further than him.
“It’s really beautiful, (Name)” Uryu whispers, with his hands inside the pockets of his white pants. He seems a lot more silent than always, as if something was happening to him.
“What is it with you tonight, U-chan?” you call him like when you were in school, making him gasp behind you. Turning around, you notice a miserable man that’s normally your friend and colleague.
He sighs. Looking at you with nostalgic eyes. As if he had the sensation of having lost too much time in life.
“Nothing at all, (Name)… it’s just th- CAREFUL!” he suddenly screams, pouncing into you.
You freeze. His arms around your waist have you trapped. Noses almost touching, breathing hastily, dilated pupils fixed into each other’s.
“W-what?” you stutter. “You- you were about to hit your head with that pole” he whispers, and soon you notice that right behind his hand that is now over your temple there is a big pole of a street light.
You close your eyes. Yet again, he saved you from your own clumsiness. But, why isn’t he letting you go? why are you still grabbed to his clothes? Why your skins are so joyful of being one against the other?
“Th-thank you. I’m an idiot” you mumble, looking down, discovering his lips being so close to yours.
“You… you aren’t an idiot. You were – asking- me… uh…” he tries to keep talking, but he is unable to do so. His brain cells aren’t connecting, his tongue doesn’t want to talk it only wants to kiss. His lips are burning, itching, getting dragged like a magnet to yours.
You swallow and blink slowly. It feels like the movies. You are sure he is exactly feeling the same way… You close your eyes, waiting for him to plaster the so wanted peck.
And just, exactly when the warmth of his mouth close to yours feels so hot, the sound of his phone breaks the beautiful moment.
Both quickly separate. Acting as if what was just about to happen never did. Uryu lets go free from his hug, your hands unclench to his clothes. Both cheeks burn but soon you turn around acting silly to brush off the tension.
“Kurosaki? What?” Uryu answers the phone with quite a bad mood. “Yeah, mhh. Nothing happened to me. We are about to get there. Mhh, yes. Bye”
You watch him slip his phone back into his pocket, and waits for you to turn around.
“It was Kurosaki. He said Kazui was asking for you and me” he says, all serious, acting as he always does at the hospital. “By the way, are you ok? Did you get hurt in any way?” he asks, making sure you didn’t suffer any injury from his “saving movement”.
You smile sweetly. That little boy is always as sweet as his mom. “I’m fine, U-chan. You saved me, thank you… now come on, my sweet little tangerine is waiting for us. Auntie and uncle are going!” you chime pulling Uryu from his hand. You want to act as normal as possible, just to categorically avoid even thinking of the almost kissing situation from before.
The doctor flinches when he hears “auntie and uncle”. Perhaps it is his heart wanting that to be a reality or maybe all of this has become unbearable for his shyness.
In any case both walk in silence the couple of streets until you get to your friends house. Inside, you can already hear Ichika’s screams followed by Rukia’s scolding.
“Ah… the pests” you giggle. You love the Shinigami kids, but the Quincy joke has to be told as Uryu and you aren’t soul reapers but the opposite.
Uryu let a little smile slip through his lips, and it’s enough for you not to keep pushing any other type of conversation.
Soon, the beautiful ginger Inoue opens the door, letting both of you enter into her home. For your friends, you are an already married couple, even if you haven’t ever shown any signs of romantic relationship. Yet, going everywhere together, working one next to the other, and the looks in your eyes when nobody seems to be watching are enough proof for them.
And as soon as you reach the living room, two little pests attack you. Kazui and Ichika jump over Uryu and then you. On a much more far position, you found little Nemuri standing, watching in awe everything that happens.
Chad, Rukia, Renji, Ichigo, Byakuya and his new wife, Urahara and Yoruichi, and Ichigo’s family are already at the rooftop ready to enjoy a delicious barbeque.
Uryu goes upstairs first, carrying the kids with him. Nemuri gets shily closer to him, but soon gives him a soft smile. The doctor, that once met an older version of her, pats her head with sweetness as they walk.
You accompany Inoue towards the kitchen; she needs to take some food upstairs, so you help her. However, you wait for Uryu to fully disappear to speak to her.
“Orihime, I need to tell you something that just happened” you whisper.
The ginger beauty turns around excitedly; “Don’t tell me you are already dating?” she asks, excitedly. A lot more than any other person.
You frown in confusion. “Dating? I- Uryu and I?” you stutter, she didn’t even name him, but you knew. And she did too.
“You aren’t? But… I thought he was going to t- nevermind… what was it?”
You aren’t allowed to tell her, as the kids have already come downstairs to drag you up. “Mommy, Auntie!! The meat is ready!!!”
The night seems like any other where you all have fun and eat delicious food all together like a family. However, Uryu seems more silent than ever. There are times where your sights cross, but he immediately looks down and fixes his glasses to avoid the eye contact.
You try to brush off that feeling of having done something bad. Because it is exactly what you think you did; perhaps offering your lips have only upset him… after all, you were ready to ruin a friendship of more than 20 years.
“Honey, do you know what’s happening to the Quincy boy?” Isshin Kurosaki asks you, looking at who could have been more than his son’s friend if the past events turned a little different.
“I… I’m not sure, Kurosaki-san. He has always been a serious man” you lie…
Soon, music starts to play, and the kids want to dance. Of course, Rukia, her sister-in-law, Kisuke, Yoruichi and Orihime join the dancing, while Ichika tries to pull his noble uncle to the “dance floor” to do the same.
Kazui comes straight to you; “Auntie (Name), come dance with us?” “Of course, honey! You are the birthday boy so let’s dance until our feet hurt!”
There seems to be something magical that cannot be described when you enjoy the love of family. The soft breeze of late April plays with the hem of your yellow flowery dress and for some seconds you forget about Uryu.
The fairy lights that warmly light up the rooftop, look beautiful contrasted with a dark night sky.
With bare feet you dance, while Uryu watches you in silence. You are reflected on his glasses, with blurry tiny dots of light around. He loses his serious frown; his expression has now softened. Everything, absolutely everything seems to disappear when he looks at you… always from afar, always so mute.
“Ishida… ISHIDA!” “What?!” “When are you gonna tell her?” Ichigo asks, this time pretty worried because his friends seems miserable.
Uryu sighs, taking off his glasses and wrapping his forehead with his hands. He rests his chin on his palm, trying to search for a reason, for a single excuse beside being scared of rejection.
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship, Kurosaki. I… what would happen if she rejected me? We work together, we are like family” he murmurs, in between the laughter of the kids and the women dancing.
“Do you know who my wife is, Quincy?” Renji chimes in. “I- YOU KNOW WHO HER BROTHER IS? KUCHIKI TAICHO, YOU WANTED TO KILL ME WHEN YOU KNEW?” he asks his captain and now brother-in-law.
Byakuya looks at his empty glass of lime soda and sighs. “I wanted to kill you multiple times. Yes. But Rukia loves you, who am I to tell her not to marry you?”
“Taicho… -.-”
Ichigo starts laughing at Renji, hitting his back. Uryu smiles and softly chuckles; even Byakuya does.
“Really? Kurosaki what about you? You dork! You married Orihime but you had to wait until I got married to ask her out!!” Renji spits, pushing Ichigo to the side. “What I am trying to say is that by confessing to her I almost got slayed in two by Senbonzakura, Ishida! You shouldn’t be afraid! Go tell her” he continues, being absolutely serious and fair.
“Kids, Uryu… listen here, take your time and you will see that you will become the bravest of men when it’s time” Kurosaki Isshin intervenes, and there is no braver man than him. After all, he give it all for love.
Uryu nods. He perfectly understands what he meant. And with a candid smile from all of them, and some more cans of beer opened, the topic gets settled.
Soon, the time of blowing the candles arrive. Kazui is turning five today, but it seems to all of you that it was barely yesterday when you all were teenagers saving the world.
“Happy birthday Kazui!!”
You all take photos with him, first, aunt and uncle Abarai, the Kuchiki and their plushie of Wakame Taishii too. Yoruichi, who had become a cat by express request of the birthday boy, and Kisuke do too. Chad, who gifted Kazui his first pair of boxing gloves appears on a tik tok Orihime makes playing with his kid and lastly Uryu and you.
“Smile!” the ginger woman chimes, pointing her phone towards his son and you two. Kazui asks her mom to wait, and instantly stands up to hug you two. “My auntie and uncle!! When will I have a new cousin to play with? Is he gonna be a Quincy too?”
You gawk, looking at Uryu. He does the same, and in between giggles Orihime snaps a picture that will forever remain in your memories. Your eyes met, your lips separate, and the time, as well as in the photo, also seems to stop.
“Oh, the sincere looks of love…” Inoue whispers to his husband, who sighs… when will his friend realize how much they love each other?
Inside you, there is a mix of feelings… have you ever thought about a kid? With him? You aren’t sure, but, the idea seems both scary and beautiful.
When it’s time to go, and you salute everybody, you bite your lower lip. It’s time to walk back home, next to him. His car is parked right by your entrance, there is no way you could avoid his company… not that you wanted to avoid it, either way.
As you begin walking, not a single word is being spoken. Your shoulders feel cold, your legs too. So, you, as in a cliché romantic movie, hug yourself to try to get a little bit warmer.
And of course, Uryu notices.
“Have my coat” he says, taking his long white jacket off and putting it over your shoulders.
You wish to say no, but you simply can’t. Instead, you snuggle to it, allowing his soft perfume to reach your nose. A little smile garnishes your lips, a smile you try to hide. But a smile he notices looking at you with the corner of his eye.
A few blocks ahead of silent walk and you are already by your door. And it’s time to say goodnight… but does any of you wanted to say bye?
You put a foot on your porch, while he stays still at the very entrance of it. For some seconds, both look at each other. Swallowing, waiting for something else to happen.
“Uryu I-“  “(Name) I-“
Both speak at the same time; and both stop at the same time as well. “I- please, go ahead” you say, knowing very well he won’t take the opportunity.
“You can go first…” he shyly murmurs, now absolutely unable to say anything else.
You take a deep breath; you are freezing. “U-chan, would you like to come inside and have some coffee? It’s still pretty early… unless you are tired and I will understand and so- uh-” you start rumbling, you need to fill the silence he is giving. But he stops you with simple words…
“(Name), I’m in love with you” “Uryu…”
continues in ➡ part 2
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marsipaniscool · 8 months
I have to ask about your thoughts on how kars was radicalized because i've seen the wham post and now I'm curious
:D! okie dokie! 1.7k words of young kars angst is served hot and ready! also slight esikars in part 2 ! :) TW: brief description of violence [1/2] under the cut for length
(I will be assuming that Kars' former tribe is the only pillar tribe on earth, I simply haven't thought about other tribes :,) ) SO let's start with just a general overview of Kars' life. He's 103,000 years old, according to the wiki. It's mentioned several times, both directly and indirectly (Wamuu and Santana's ages now vs. when they were shown to have been taken at infancy), that the pillar tribe was only slaughtered by Esidisi and Kars 10,000 years ago. So, that's 93,000 years Kars spent with his tribe being abused and chastised.
The pillar tribe was a small and tight-knit community with few distinctions politically, economically, or socially. This social wealth fostered an attitude of peace towards nature, humans, and themselves. The tribe had long made peace with their inability to bask in the sun, fostering a story similar to that of Abrahamic Adam and Eve. A group of pillar people upset the sun god, and, as punishment, their people were banished from the sun for all eternity. Surviving the night of life was necessary for the light of the afterlife.
Kars, when he came of age, followed in his family's footsteps and became an apprentice to his father in natural philosophy, with a focus on medicinal alchemy. He didn't mind, having had an interest in science for as long as he could remember. His parents, masters of the subject, lovingly fostered this interest. Every star and constellation, every planet, every asteroid band, everything in the night sky he knew. He knew the clouds too—that odd shade of grey. He wasn't fond of them very much; they blocked out the stars.
It started with irritation at having to rush miles into the forest surrounding the temples at dusk, just to hope to get to the blossoms he needed for his latest project. He often failed, the flowers long since pruned by the creatures of the light. Even a scrap of a petal seldom remained for Kars.
That irritation became anger when the humans who worshiped them would have sun-kissed skin, and the children would still smell of the ocean waves. They'd laugh and tell stories of how warm and lovely it was. He rushed out into the evening one day, as soon as it was safe, only to feel heat boil in his chest as the air around him grew colder, no longer warmed by the sun. To indulge in the sun, all of it, to be able to feel the warmth on his skin and to be burned, if even for a moment, was all he desired. He wanted to pick the flowers and the fruits that flourished during the day and feel the life flow through them—life given by the sun.
It bothered him greatly that he came from the flesh of the earth, the same as any creature, yet he and his people are the only ones to be cursed like this. He doesn't understand why they're so complacent or why they're so accepting of their fate in the darkness.
First, he goes to his father, the man who spoiled him and loved him his entire life. He paces around frustratedly, hands running through his hair, horns fully protruding, and lets out centuries of buried anger. His father stops him mid-sentence with a hand, laughing loudly.
"The sun isn't a friend, nor is it a foe. It's not something to be feared nor conquered. It simply is not our dominion. While the moon doesn't hurt the humans that worship us, many fear it and the darkness it heralds. They tell stories of monsters, of horrific demonic creatures in the night. The sun is their dominion, as the moon is ours."
Kars went to the elders, only to be met with recommendations to visit the tribe's shaman and to be induced into a lengthy meditation with their moon goddess.
He was infuriated now. Why didn't anyone understand? Whenever he brought up concerns he deemed worthwhile, they were dismissed with, "This is just how things are!"
Word spread quickly among the small tribe, with the older men coming to mock him every morning and evening when he would head out to see the last rays of the sun peaking over the horizon. It escalated to outright mockery wherever he would go. At meals: "Is this food as warm as the sun?" Whenever he would wear jewelry of the sun, he was boisterously, cruelly laughed at, and had it ripped off of him. He used to love wearing gold, the colour of the sun; it complimented his hair and complexion so well, he thought. His tribe laughed at him and dirtied his garments with mud, rotted meat, and whatever vile fluids and liquidy things that were within reach. Black was the colour of the night, and it didn't show the stains. He started wearing his hair up, first in braids, then in buns, then in his wraps. He was tired of it getting mucked up, tangled, yanked, and abused.
One night he entered the galley, and as he stood on the stone pedestal overlooking the table, he realised there was no seat for him. He left as silent as he came.
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heartilywrites · 3 months
hello!! can I request a kuvira x fem!r where reader worked for kuvira but was apart of team avatar like bolin and a prompt "I know that this is not what you want to hear..." thank you!!
،، 𝓐lways Forever ; Kuvira
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resume: where you were Kuvira's right hand but... are you really?
content warning: Kuvira x metalbender and fem!reader ; s4 set ; baatar jr jumpscare (i don't like him, sorry-) ; no use of y/n
wc: 3.2k
a/n: HI HELLO 👋🏼 i feel that I'm missing stuff in here, but at the same time i think it's good how it is??? HOPE YOU ENJOY :D
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“ Don't make me cry, though I still got love for you and haven't got over you yet.
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Hands covered with white gloves moved around the map to corroborate your binnacle.
Northwest, near Zigan Village... wait, didn't the military already helped that village...? No, you would've registered it when—
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “HEY, MISS GEOGRAPHY!” Bolin screamed walking to you, giving you a tiny heart attack. “Watcha doin'?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Fucking spirits, Bolin...” you said out of breath, turning fully his way. “Do you need something?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "The boss wants us all reunited, we are close to the town." your friend let his arm rest on your shoulders. "Should we go reunite with Mako and Asami while we are there?"
A sound of consideration vibrated in your throat while your face made an expression of thinking. “I don't think they can, Bo, Mako is occupied being a detective and Asami has a whole company to run, remember?”
You felt how your friend got discouraged after that, a small sigh left his lips.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Maybe you're right..” he said in a small voice.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “But maybe we can reunite with them after the coronation. Who knows? Korra could be back in the city by now too.” you tried to encourage the lavabender back, poking his side. He smiled.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh! I wish! She hasn't answer any of my letters to her, you know? And I wrote to her with dedication.” Bolin ranted making you laugh.
After the avatar left Republic City to heal in the Southern Water Tribe, Bolin had found out Kuvira's plan to save the Earth Kingdom from chaos herself and he decided to walk in the team as he really wanted to have his and his father's nation back to peace. One week later, he came to you talking you into joining too, assuring it would be to have the nation united until the new king took possession of his place.
You did take a couple days to consider his proposal and ended up showing to the train with your stuff, being met with a big hug from your friend and a welcome speech from the leader.
The team was small when you joined, so you had the honor to see Kuvira recruit more people for the good cause... At least that was what she made everyone believe, even you.
You were able to take a good position in Kuvira's circle, you managed the villages reports for her and that made you be close to her. She remembered you from the team's visit to Zaofu where you would be kind to everyone, she taught you some new metalbending moves you didn't know and that was also part of the reason you joined: Kuvira herself.
Having to be almost every single hour of the day by her side gave you the opportunity to meet her in more depth than how it happened back in the metal clan's city and in a blink of an eye, there wasn't a way anyone could see one without the other. Everyone started to notice how important you began to be for the young leader. Unofficially, you were her right hand, but even with such a high rank there were stuff Kuvira kept from you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Everyone has a room assigned, we'll take the presidential suite.” Kuvira informed, pointing at you and then back at her. “We'll meet outside before the event.”
Baatar looked at you with narrow eyes before walking behind his new roommate Bolin. The metalbender and you made your way to the suite and began to settle; since the presidential suite had two connecting rooms she took the principal one and you the small one.
After leaving your stuff, you walked to her room and sat on the bed while she was getting ready for the coronation.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Are you sure to go on with your plan?” you asked after a small talk took place about the room being pretty, her sharp eyes looked at you from the mirror.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Of course, this new little king they want on the throne is nothing but a buffoon.” she answered, her eyes went back to her reflection. “And the Kingdom needs someone strong and respected to keep it together.”
You sighed and nodded with a little 'I guess' coming out of your mouth. The black haired walked to you, sitting by your side she took one of your hands.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Trust me, this is for the best. The new Empire will be stronger and far better than the previous Earth Kingdom.” her eyes searched for yours and when they met, her gaze softened. “You trust me, don't you?”
A sweet smile began to creep in your face, your head nodded once more. “I do, I trust you blindly.” your free hand reached for her cheek to leave caresses on it.
The door opened without any warning and the engineer walked, freezing after seeing you two close. He cleared his throat making the two sets of eyes turn his way. “All set, we need to go.” and he left.
You looked back at Kuvira with a funny smile, she shook her head. “Let's go, new leader.” A quick kiss on her cheek was left before distancing from the girl and walking to the exit.
At the coronation, everything went like you thought it would: People opposing, people showing support and Wu looking defeated at the border of a tantrum.
Bolin looked at you confused and you shrugged a little bit, like saying he needed to talk to her directly about it and that's what he planned to do after the ceremony.
When you came back to the room after having lunch with some of the soldiers to make time, you saw Suyin leaving the same, she looked at you and shook her head almost with disappointment before continuing her way.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Hey, what happened? I saw Suyin leave.” you asked directly coming in, Kuvira was standing with her arms crossed.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “We are leaving to Zaofu.” she limited to say, going to her room for her stuff.
You knew what was going to happen, she have been thinking about getting Zaofu into the new Empire for quite some time now, it was almost all she spoke about while talking about not letting the king rule.
Near the city, Bolin was called and told to be of company to both her and Bataar in a negotiation reunion with the matriarch of the city and her family, you were requested to stay on camp to keep working and that's what you did.
While looking through some paperwork that you knew got mixed up with Bataar's in his tent, you found blueprints for weapons you've never seen before, notes on the weapons about them being deadly and how each one could help in different areas. Your brow frowned and then, the dots connected.
Trying to look calmed you took your papers and walked back out like nothing. Bolin was also walking out of Kuvira's tent with a pale face, when he spotted you his feet almost ran your direction and took you by the shoulders.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Kuvira is not what we think she is!” he screamed in a whisper, your eyebrows raised, he knew too.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “What? Why–” he pulled you to your tent so you could talk. “What are you talking about, Bolin?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “She just threatened me,” your eyes widened. “She wants to take the city by force, that's what we have been doing all this time! Taking cities by force and apparently making them work like slaves too!”
You blinked to all of the information. “Holy fuck, so that's why...” your sentence stopped, now you understood why there were documents with censored information being delivered to you instead of the official ones.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Yeah, holy fuck that's why!” he backed up, pulling down his face. “We need to do something, there's no way we'll leave it like this.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Let me... Let me talk to her, you need to go for Varrick, I know he can help us, he was captured because of the vines I heard.” you said, spaced out on your spot, you looked back at him. “Try to get out of here with him and talk to the team, I know they can help us, Korra will help us.”
The guy nodded before going out like a man on a mission, you stayed to clear your thoughts and try to come with a way to persuade her. After collecting a couple of documents that needed approval, you made your way to her tent, Baatar was there.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You can leave.” she said to him, the man left with a grimace, you rolled your eyes at him. “Hey, I was about to look for you, want to eat dinner?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh, sure.” you smiled, standing still with your folder, Kuvira raised an eyebrow.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Is... something wrong? Something happened with the reports?” she asked meticulously, almost like fearing any discoveries you had made.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "No, sorry, I just... I feel tired." you walked to her and handed the folder. "I need your approvals here so I can send these."
The girl nodded and took the paperwork to start the process, you bit your bottom lip before breathing in deep.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "Listen, I talked to Bolin..." her hand stopped and she froze. "Kuvira, I know you want to have the whole Kingdom united, but taking the city by force is not a good idea."
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "Sometimes you need to do whatever it takes to make a greater good." her response left a bad mouth taste, she looked back up at you. "I know this is something you don't want to hear, but we need to make them join to our cause so we can move forward as a nation together. I'm doing this for us."
You stood in silence, that was definitely a different Kuvira talking and it scared you a little bit.
It took you that conversation to come up with a plan, you'd stay with her to try and stop everything from the inside and fortunately you weren't alone. Zhu Li had a similar idea with the canyon they were building and so you relied on her, both had meetings from time to time to discuss progress, but it was until the Beifongs were freed and she left with them for her safety that you were all alone. You trusted she would tell everything to the team.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "Okay, you can look now." your own hands moved from your eyes, confused you looked up to see a giant robot and now both eyes were wide open. "Do you like it? It's to take Republic City back."
Your blood froze in your veins at the view you were having, it was not only the giant robot, it was the fact that you could see a canyon on its right arm. "I thought... I thought we were going to do a big canyon."
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "That was the first plan, but Baatar came up with this new model and it would be easier to mobilize around the city." you nodded still hypnotized by the weapon.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "I think this is going to be such a great idea." you said what she wanted to hear, Kuvira smiled satisfied. "What will I do?"
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "You will be with me on the main control room." your mind was running miles trying to devise a plan to let the team know.
With the luck against you, you found yourself at the control room without being able to warn anyone about anything. Horrified at the sight of the canyon destroying everything in just seconds, you were grieving silently what had been your home for all those years alive.  When the president surrendered the city, you felt your soul fall to your feet, but her instructions to them gave you an idea.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "I'll go!" you almost screamed at her, she turned your way confused. "With Baatar, Korra is my friend, she trusts me, I know she won't try anything with me there. You'll have the city, the army and the avatar." You nervousness made your hands twitch a little bit, you hid them in your back.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "Okay," she said after a few seconds of silence, Kuvira walked up to you and cupped your face in her hands.‍ "Be careful, I'll wait for you so we can rule together." She left a kiss close to the corner of your lips.
A soft smile was your response while your eyes scanned her face one last time, trying to burn the image of her in your brain and after that, you left to meet the engineer.
The first half of the journey was quiet, both of you were walking towards his office, but with healthy distance between the two.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "She likes you, you know?" he spoke out of the blue, catching your attention, you looked up from the floor and back at him for a second.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "What...?"
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "Kuvira, she likes you." he continued, you stopped a second in your steps, confused.‍ "We were trying something at the beginning of all of this, but after Bolin got you on the team she had been distant to me and this morning she said we needed to talk after this is over, I know she likes you, I've seen the way she looks at you."
You blinked in awe to what was said, that explained why he always looked at you with some type of resentment, you laughed a little bit to the thought of him hating you for ruinning his 'chance' with the leader.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "The destiny is such a funny thing." you murmured, it was almost relieving to know that maybe you did had your chance with the metalbender, you wished the situation was different so you could maybe be with her dispite all, but now you had one mission: stop her.
Once at the door, you unlocked it and walked in, as soon as Baatar walked you heard him grumble. In an automatic way, you adopted a defensive position, however when the avatar looked at you, a smile as big appeared on your face.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "Korra!" you exclaimed walking towards her to embrace a hug, she giggled.‍ "I'm so glad to see you here."
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "I'm glad to see you too," she said smiling, a couple seconds later, she distanced herself.‍ "Zhu Li told us everything, we're taking Baatar, are you coming with us?"
Without a second thought you nodded and followed the girl out of the airship.
Once at Asami's factory you greeted everyone with joy, feeling like a weight was lifted up your shoulders and when you saw Bolin your eyes watered a little bit.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "I thought you did die!" you said while hugging him with a little strength, he was giggling with pauses.‍ "I didn't have any way to communicate and then Zhu Li left and I was all alone."
The older woman patted your back with a comprehensive smile, while everything went down you stood at the back with your friend, waiting for a conclusion. When the engineer talked to her, your stomach felt fumbling and it didn't get better listening to her answer him. She asked for you and the man told her that you were with him, they had taken you too.
Seeing how the leader shoot at the factory without considering if any of you two would make it out alive somehow made you feel sad, but there wasn't time for any of that as everyone got to action trying to stop her. Lin had given metal string for you to move around and a quick tutorial on how to use it, it took you a couple of falls for you to have the transportation managed.
The fight was intense, there were times were you thought you would not make it alive in one piece. All your muscles were aching in pain at the overwork with your bending, sweat was dripping off your face, but when everyone got into the suit you took the time to rest a little bit with Asami by your side when you went to look for her after she was ejected from the hummingbird suit. Your arms were around her, giving her comfort in her now grieving time.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "I hope they can defeat her." she said, resting her head in your shoulder. You looked to the robot's way and saw fire reflecting, a tiny smile appear.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "I'm sure they will." you said back.‍ "I just wish things were different... I don't recognize Kuvira anymore."
Asami was attentive to you, she gave you a comprehensive gaze.‍ "Things happen for a reason."
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "I know that, but-" your talk was interrupted by an explosion, Asami and you covered your head with your hands and looked up afterwards.
The giant robot was halved by the vines power, with no time to waste, you ran to the scene. Before you both arrived, another explosion took place, Asami was quick to pull you to a train entrance for cover. When that one settle, your eyes shined with the new spirit portal in the heart of the city.
A small call for Kuvira left your mouth unconsciously, so you joined the rest of the group to look for the avatar while also you looked for the leader. Your mind was going a thousand per second until you saw the southerner walk out of the portal with the metalbender by her side, you sighed.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "Wait," you called to the Beifongs before they could take her farther.‍ "Can I... talk to her? It will be quick."
Lin and Suyin took just a step back, always vigilant to the leader.‍ "I'm sorry," she started, not allowing you to say anything.‍ "For everything, I'm so sorry for making you go through all of this."
One of your hands look to get one of hers, a melancholic smile was drawn in your face. "You'll do better from now on, I can feel it."
Kuvira let a couple of tears fall from her eyes, you took a step closer to her and your lips met hers in a delicate kiss. The leader was shocked, but tried to reciprocate as fast as she could. You could hear a couple of gasps at your back, but that wasn't your main focus at the moment.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "I'll wait for you." you told her, trying to sound calm. Kuvira's eyes shined with concern.‍ "Just know, I have always loved you... Always."
She smile a little bit and murmur a little 'I love you too' before she was taken away. Turning around to your friends, they all had a shocked face.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ "So! Korra saved the city!" you tried to sound as happy as possible for your friend, Bolin gave you back up and cheered for the avatar.
The whole team did a group hug as a celebration, knowing you could also need a hug from them, things will get better with time.
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