#that is all 😂
Hello, dears! This fic was written for my dear friend @loveinthekeyofx! Alcina with a curvy stable worker 👀 There lots of gay panic, thigh riding and mold horses! It's fairly long so most will go under a cut, but I do hope some of you will enjoy it! ❤️
TW: Body issues, references to bullying.
You wiped the sweat from your brow, the last barrel of hay finally loaded into it's trough after a long day of work. You looked up to find dark eyes staring out at you from the back of the stable. 
"Come on, Spider. You gotta eat." 
You always found it rather endearing that the youngest of the Lady's daughters had insisted on naming each of the horses based on their personalities. Spider, for instance, was black, had spindly legs and preferred her days spent in solitude. Though, on occasion, she would allow Daniela, and only Daniela, to ride her. 
The moody creature huffed in your direction before walking over to her trough and reluctantly began to eat. 
"That's my good girl." You replied with a smile, pulling out a few sugar cubes from the pocket of your uniform. 
"You certainly have a way with them, Frances." 
The Lady's voice caught you off guard, causing you to squeak loudly and nearly drop the sugar cubes from your hand. 
"Shit! Ah- .. sorry, my lady. And th-thank you?" 
Your voice raised in a way that made your reply sound more like a question rather than a response. Alcina chuckled, her profound frame moving slowly through the large doors of the barn - one of the few entryways on the castle grounds she could enter through without ducking. 
“Due praise, dear. I’ve been watching you for quite awhile.” 
The look of surprise upon your face brought a prompt and melodic laugh to the Lady’s lips - a sound you could nearly get enough of. 
“I- .. You have??” 
“Mh.. you are rather hard to miss.” 
“Oh.” Your face reddened. Your reply was soft, eyes to the side. Hands tugging at your uniform before your arms quickly came over your chest as if to shield you. It was instinctual in nature. One taught and bred into you since you were a young child. And though you did your best not to give completely into the urge to cover your body, the Lady noticed. Immediately realizing her folly she shook her head.
“Not like that, little one.” Alcina paused before chuckling. “As if I out of all people would ever deem to comment on the size of another person.” 
You chuckled in turn, smiling a little sheepishly.  
“As it was…” She continued, “I find most  humans to be.. rather petite.” 
At this your face grew even hotter. Petite was not a word anyone had ever used to describe you. Voluptuous.. curvy.. thick - sure. Fat by your childhood bullies, and once by a friend.. but never.. petite. 
In fact, the thought alone that someone could view you as such made your mouth go a little dry. 
You swallowed hard, chuckling nervously. “You are too kind, my lady.” 
The Countess’ eyes flared as they locked onto yours - liquid embers boring into you. 
“I am nothing but honest, Frances. Why.. I could easily carry you and one of your stable mates around this entire castle several times before tiring of it.” 
You stood there for a moment - mouth agape and face on fire. The image of her carrying you around anywhere was… well.. 
<i> error 404, Frances not working</i>
“I.. that..” You paused, clearing your throat. “I have absolutely no doubts about that.” 
The Lady smirked, leaning down ever so slightly in your direction. 
“Yes, I’m sure you don’t.” 
At this you only squeaked, pulling another laugh from the large woman. 
Every cell in your body was on the verge of a thermal meltdown, but you did your best to breathe. 
“Ahem.. ah.. may I ask you something, my lady?”
“By all means.” 
“Well.. you said you’ve been watching me?” 
“I.. I mean, why?” 
The regal Countess before you stared silently for a moment before rising to her full height. 
“My dear… you wouldn’t ask someone in a museum why they're staring at a piece of art.” She paused, her finger coming to your chin. “They’re looking for one reason and one reason alone - to admire.” 
“O-oh.” You swallowed. 
Alcina chuckled. “Mh.. well, as much as I’m enjoying seeing how red I can get you.. I <i>am</i> actually here for a reason.” 
You were honestly thankful for having a moment to regain your composure, the Lady’s affect on you all too prevalent. 
“O-of course, my lady.” 
“As I said, I’ve been watching you… and  your connection to the animals on the grounds is something that was immediately apparent to me. Especially your connection with Al.”
Your eyes instantly wandered towards the stable at the far end of the barn. There was no doubt about it.. Al, or ‘Big Al’ as Dani liked to call her,.. was by far your favorite. For a couple reasons: 
1. She had to be the most beautiful Fresian you had ever laid eyes on. Hair as dark as night and eyes that glistened with intelligence. She was a truly captivating creature, and she knew it 2. Due to your larger stature - She was the only horse in the barn that you felt completely comfortable riding. You could ride her with no restraints, with absolute freedom. And some days, it honestly felt like flying. 3. She was affectionately, and much to the Countess’ dismay, named after Alcina (both for her immense size and her regal stature) and you couldn’t help but think of the Lady just a little bit whenever you looked at her. 
“I mean, Big Al is a rare case, my lady." You answered.  "She is a rather beautiful horse.” 
“Mh.. that, she is.” The Countess replied, giving you a knowing look. "But the connection is still very much there with every animal I’ve seen you interact with thus far, Frances. Which is what brings me to my proposition.” 
“Ah.. propo.. sition? My lady?”
She gave you a little smirk and clasped her hands before continuing. “I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors about other animals being on the grounds, kept away and secret.” 
You couldn’t help but smile at the playful glint in her eyes but you nodded. That was one of the first stories most people heard when they arrived at the castle. It’s one of the reasons the staff is told to stay away from the forests that border the massive manor at night.
Or so people say, anyways…
“Well, then I’m sure you’ve also heard the rumors that those animals are dangerous - mutated. Kept as a secret weapon against the hunters or any other man-thing that may deem us harm. As a second defense, of course.” 
“I-I have.”
“Mh.. I’ll be honest with you, dear. Some of the animals we keep here, even Cassandra, wouldn't cross at night.” She paused, staring out at the tree line for a moment. “With that being said, we also house a rather extraordinary rare breed of horse here. One enhanced by the cadou. And that, my dear Frances, is where you come in." 
You looked at her awestruck for a minute, voice trembling slightly when you finally spoke.
"M-my lady? I.. I'm not quite sure I understand." 
The Lady sighed heavily, the years growing more and more visible within the deep lines of her face. 
"Some rather unfortunate circumstances have recently come up. Very suddenly leaving me without the servant who's been regularly tending to them." 
You swallowed hard, not entirely sure if you even wanted to know the answer. "Ah, may I ask what kind of circumstances?" 
The Countess stood silent for a moment, thinking. Her brow furrowed in the cutest of ways. 
"Mh.. I'd rather not get into specifics, little one, but let's just say the woman made the mistake of putting her hands on one of my daughters.. without their consent." 
"Ah." You shuddered, the mere thought of the consequences such a person would be fated to made you all too grateful that the Countess had spared you the details. 
“Heh.. I’m honestly a little surprised the four of you let her leave the castle alive.” 
Alcina looked down at you, a devilish smirk curling across her lips. “I don’t recall ever saying we did.” 
You swallowed. “R-right.” 
She chuckled for a moment, shaking her head. 
“Fret not, Frances. As of now Arleen is .. well, mostly safe in the dungeons. Her fate will now reside in the hands of my daughters.” 
You nodded. “I understand, my lady.”
“May.. May I ask which daughter it was?” 
“Hm.. curious thing, are we?” 
You blushed, averting your eyes. “Ah, a bit, yes.. sorry, my lady.”
The large woman’s gaze lingered over you a second before answering. 
A soft chuckle. 
It was well known among the staff that the Lady’s middle daughter was the least of the three you wanted to make angry. Under any circumstance. With Daniela being the most lenient, of course. Especially if she found you particularly funny (or cute, for that matter).The Countess rose to her full height, stretching a little as she straightened her back. And the soft moan that wandered off her lips was all it took to make your mouth go a little more dry. 
“So as you can see, Frances.” She continued. “I find myself in a bit of a.. bind.” 
Gods, the way her tongue danced over her bottom lip as she said that, wettening it. A soft twinkle of heat flickering in her eyes that quickly imprinted images of plump flesh peeking through soft white rope. 
<i>A bind, yes.</i> 
You cleared your throat. “ And.. y-you want me to fill her position?” 
The Countess nodded. 
“But.. are you sure? I mean.. I’m twice the age as most of the women here-” 
“Oh? Is that all?” The Lady gave you a smirk before sighing. “Yes, I’m quite sure, Frances, and I’m not one who’s used to having her judgement questioned.” 
“S-sorry, my lady.” 
The Countess waved her hand dismissively before her large frame turned back towards the door. 
“Now.. if you would kindly follow me, dear, I'd prefer we get the introductions over with before the sun sets."
You nodded, only hesitating for a moment as the Countess quickly disappeared behind the tree line. Surely the Lady would keep you safe from whatever lurked deep within those woods, surely she wouldn't be leading you straight into your untimely death. 
"Frances, do keep up the pace. I'd rather not lose another servant today." 
"Sorry, my lady!" 
The scent of wet earth surrounded you as you entered the dark Romanian forest. Sounds of a nocturnal life slowly coming to wake as the dusk of a promised night filled the cool, crisp air.  And while the sun still shone brightly on the outside of the thick tree line, you could barely see Alcina's large silhouette in front of you. The steady swish of the Countess’ dress the only thing keeping you from getting lost the further the two of you went in.
“Just about there, little one.” 
You nodded, though the Lady couldn’t see you. The insistent shiver that was slowly taking over your body only grew stronger with each step - with each strange sound that echoed through the dark forest. Like the name of a long lost lover whispered into the night. And even with the knowledge that anything that may have been watching.. or following.. was no match for the woman that accompanied you, you were still all too grateful when the warm lights of the stables finally came into view.
You let out a sigh of relief, not even aware that you'd been holding your breath practically the entire time. The Countess chuckled. 
"Mh, these woods do tend to have an effect on people." 
You chuckled in turn. "I'll say."
"Nevertheless, this was the safest place to house them. Not that these horses are necessarily dangerous, by any means, but the sight of them always seems to make the staff a little uneasy." 
You nodded, a feeling you were more familiar with than you'd care to admit. Most of the staff had never really taken to you. You were older, bigger and probably kinder to most of them than they deserved. Making you a prime target for bullying. Something you feared you might never outgrow. But how can one change their genetics? Their age? Their heart? 
You sighed and Alcina’s gaze caught yours, looking you over once before turning to open the doors of the barn. A soft crinkle to her eyes when she turned back to you. 
"As for you, Frances, something tells me that you're the perfect person to care for these animals." 
You blushed slightly at her praise - even if misguided, you thought. Surely the Lady wasn't <i>that</i> good at reading people. Though, the way she looked at you made you feel otherwise. The way she looked at you made you feel exposed - seen. As if each lingering gaze from the Countess stripped another layer from your person. Peeling back the walls with nothing more than a look. 
Being quite a bit smaller than the main stables the Lady ducked to enter and you quickly followed. The inside of the barn was much warmer than you had expected it to be, almost humid - with even the warmest of Romanian nights still bearing a slight chill to them. There were eight stables that you could count, four on each side, with only six of which were occupied. The rather prominent mustiness to the air made your nose crinkle the moment you stepped inside.. 
“I do apologize for the smell. It is a rather unfortunate side effect given the mold.” 
You shook your head. "No worries. I can take it." 
Before you had even realized the implications to your words Alcina smirked. 
"Mh.. I have no doubts." She replied with a chuckle. 
You cleared your throat and tried to swallow back the blush that was steadily taking claim of your face. 
The Lady chuckled again, giving you a look before moving further into the barn to allow you space to look around.
At first you weren't even sure what you were looking at. The Lady wasn't wrong, necessarily - each animal <i>was</i> equestrian in nature, sure, but they were also other worldly. Skeletal. With big black eyes that glistened at you with each slow movement. And while you could understand why some may have found them to be a bit off-putting, you personally found them to be rather beautiful. As if someone had taken the skeleton of a very large horse and dipped it in the blackest glitter. 
"They're.. beautiful, my lady." You said softly. 
"In their own way, yes. The cadou can sometimes create very beautiful things." 
"Well, that's a given." 
You blushed even as you quietly said the words. A slight advert to your eyes as you did your best not to make any eye contact. Even if you could feel Alcina's gaze boring into you. 
The Countess hummed in thought. "Perhaps." 
Once you moved in a little closer to the creatures you could start to see the distinguishing features between them all. With each one being unique to itself. And much like the stables on the grounds, each one had a silver plate on their doors with a name engraved in it. Something that couldn't help but make you laugh. 
"I see Dani's gift for naming things continues on."
"Mh.. whether it’s a gift or a curse remains to be seen, dear." 
And while the Lady's tone remained neutral, the soft adoration in her eyes only spoke volumes for how much she loved and appreciated each of her daughters. She gave you a small wink before moving even further into the barn, the quiet swish of fabric following her graceful migration. 
“Take a moment to familiarize yourself. I’ll need you3 to start here first thing in the morning.” 
“Yes, my lady.” 
You couldn’t help but find yourself ever more fascinated with each step you took closer to the stables. And you were almost certain that the creatures before you seemed to be just as enamored with you. Their eyes gently stalking your slow and steady movements. Of course in true Dani form, each animal was named after a defining characteristic, and most having some sort of play on the word ‘mold’. You almost laughed out loud when you came across the nameplate of a rather ornery looking one, one with an insufferable air around it and eyes that seemed to judge your very existence. 
“Moldranda?” You snorted, “I’m sure the High Priestess wasn’t happy about that one.” 
“Mh.. bold of you assume I would have told her.” The Countess chuckled.
“Hah, fair enough.” 
You continued down the first row, coming across a one-eyed horse named ‘Moldyclops’ and an exceptionally beautiful one simply named ‘Athena’. With the last stable empty you turned to make your way over to the other side of the barn, immediately noticing the rather large wings two out of the three creatures sported. You felt your eyes widen as you walked closer to them, a slight flutter to their wings as you did. A curious tilt to your head as you read the first nameplate. 
"Donut?" You chuckled. 
"Mh.. Daniela said that one’s brain is ‘filled with holes’." The Lady chuckled. "He was one of our first in the trial and not very bright." 
"Ah." You replied, walking over to the next one whose name perplexed you just as much. 
"And Moldred? Was this one named after someone Dani knew?" 
"Actually, no." Alcina replied. "Take a closer look at her, little one." 
You took another step closer and even within the low lighting of the room you could see the small red dots that covered the otherwise flawless black mold. You immediately shook your head and laughed. 
"Red mold.. mold red.. Moldred." 
As for the last horse in the row's name - it was perfect and honestly, you would have expected nothing less of the youngest Dimitrescu. With long black tendrils that wove around her head like snakes, Moldusa gave you a friendly huff the moment you stood in front of her. 
"Well, hello to you." You said, holding out your hand which the horse quickly nuzzled into. The sensation was not what one your were expecting, though. Similar to stroking over a moss covered rock only not as slimy. You couldn't help but smile when she allowed you to continue to move your hand upwards, petting the tentacles that sat on her head only to message them gently. 
"Does that feel good, sweet girl? Having your tentacles messaged? Hm?" 
From over your shoulder you could feel the Countess watching you, an unreadable emotion burning within her gaze. Immediately you blushed, turning to face your employer with a stutter. 
"A-ah.. I m-mean.. I'm sure it's relaxing! Er.. having them massaged that is.." 
The Lady smirked, only fueling your inner panic. 
"Oh geez! Not like that!  I mean.. I'm sure if you let me massage yours, you'd find it relaxing too-!" 
And just like that, you wanted to die. 
Alcina remained very still, her eyes lingering over you ever so slowly before she spoke. 
"Mh.. I'll be sure to keep that in mind, sweet thing." 
<i>Yep, kill me now.</i> 
You were almost certain that for a single moment your brain completely flatlined - a radio wave of nothing but static and impure thoughts. Surely the Lady had to know the effect she was starting to have on you. Surely the smug smirk painted over her crimson lips told you exactly that. 
You cleared your throat before taking a steadying breath, the pink flush across your cheeks deepening. Though the Lady held her gaze, eyes drinking you in as if you were a bottle of her favorite vintage. You gave Moldusa a final stroke over her nose and took a step back. 
“So, ah.. yeahh...” You said before pausing, which only made Alcina chuckle. 
“Mh? Yes, dear?”
Gods, how indulgently smooth her voice was.. how utterly teasing. Before another wave of gay panic had the chance to come through and render you completely brainless, you quickly changed the subject. 
"So, uh.. am I safe in assuming these horses don't just eat regular hay?"
"You are. Such a clever little thing, hm?" 
You swallowed hard. This woman was going to be the death of you. 
A melodic chuckle trickled off the Lady's lips. 
"Adorable." She added with a pause. "But yes, these horses have a very special mixture made for them each day by a local butcher. If you're familiar with a common bait fisherman use for larger fish called 'chum', it's similar to that." 
"Ah… should I even ask what sort of meat goes into it?" 
"Mh.. not if you're of weak stomach, no." She smirked. 
You chuckled nervously. "Heh.. noted." 
"The food will be here for you in the morning by the time you arrive. I pay extra to have it delivered promptly by five am and I expect you to be here no later than six. Is that understood?" 
"Yes, my lady." 
The Countess nodded before turning back towards the door. The world that laid outside the warmth of the barn nearly pitch black. 
"Unless you have any other questions, little one, we should really be heading back to the castle. It's already quite a bit later than I would prefer to have my staff out in these woods." 
"I think I'm good for now, thank you. But if I think of anything else, I'll make note of it." 
"Good. Right, then." 
The Lady began to lower her large frame as she prepared herself to duck through the semi large doors of the barn but stopped short and turned back to you. A single finger tapping her bottom lip in thought. 
"My dear.. would you be opposed to me doing something to quicken our journey back to the grounds?"
Considering you could barely even make out the trees that surrounded the stables, you shook your head. 
"Not at all. What did you have in mind?" 
Without a single word of response, the Countess swiftly stepped forward and lifted you into her arms, earning herself a sharp cry of surprise.
"M-my lady-! Wait! You shouldn't- .. I'm too-" 
Before you could even finish your sentence Alcina had you positioned in a full bridal carry, her large arms cradling you safely against her bosom. 
"You're too <i>what</i>, little one?" 
You blushed deeply, biting your bottom lip. 
"A-ah.. h-heavy, my lady." You answered, averting your eyes from her obvious glare. 
And while you were almost expecting a stern response, the Lady only laughed. Loud and boisterously - a laugh that made her whole body - as well as yours - jiggle. 
"Oh, sweet thing." She paused, still laughing. "Why, you're light as a feather. Barely even noticeable in my arms at all." 
"Oh, I'm.. erm.." 
You could feel your face growing hotter by the second and without much thought, you buried your face into the softness of her chest. An act you were sure would get you a reprimand, but the Lady only held you closer. 
"Mh.. I take it that's not something you're accustomed to hearing." 
Half muffled in your reply, you answered. 
"Truthfully? I'm more accustomed to hearing the exact opposite. My size has never really been.. well, you know.." 
Your voice trailed off, heated tears now threatening to stain the fine fabric of Alcina's dress. She let out a large sigh, fingers coming to softly stroke your hair. 
"I am more than familiar with how cruel the world can be if one does not fit into society's view of what is considered attractive." 
You looked up at her in surprise, the steadiness of her walk casting moonlit shadows across the deep lines of her face. 
"But.. but you're gorgeous!" 
And though it could have easily been wishful thinking, you could have sworn that trapped within a single sliver of moonlight was the subtle dusting of pink upon Alcina's cheeks.
"Nevertheless.." She cleared her throat, "My reputation does tend to precede me. A beautiful disaster, as it was. A monster." 
With the forest far too dark to see much else, the only thing clear enough to make out were the broken shimmers that seemed to haunt the otherwise warm embers within the Countess' eyes. 
“Pft. Well. at least they got the beautiful part right.” 
The heat of her breath tickled your face as she chuckled. “Charming little pet.” 
You opened  your mouth and then quickly shut it, your fluster stopping your brain short.  
Alcina chuckled again. 
“Mh.. seems as if we’ll just have to come to terms with the fact that, regardless of what the small minds of society think, we both find the other quite beautiful… won’t we?”
As soon as the two of you broke the tree line, the Countess’ illustrious body basked in a wash of silver, you could see the want in her eyes. The desire that slowly stoked beneath her heavy gaze and the hunger that burned within it. There were no falsities to her words, no flattery. Her tongue licking over her bottom lip as she leaned in a little closer, step slowing ever so slightly. 
“M-my lady?” 
“Apologies, little one… but you smell divine. It.. would probably be best if I return you directly to the servants quarters, lest I lose my control.” 
You swallowed hard, heart beating faster than it had in the entirety of your forty some odd years. 
“And.. if I wanted you to lose control?” You asked softly, head tilted back. 
The next few minutes were nothing but a blur of haze, as if the thick fog that slowly crept it’s way across the castle grounds had wrapped you in it’s cold embrace. The Lady’s lips crashing into yours as she pulled a soft moan from your body. You weren’t even sure how you had gotten back inside the castle so quickly, let alone how you ended up inside her bedroom with your back against the wall and her thigh between your parted legs.
Your chest heaved as you panted, Alcina's gaze all but a smolder of lust as it lingered over you. You knew that she could smell how aroused you were, how badly you wanted her - with her firm thigh flexing against your core just because it could. And when she slowly unsheathed her claws to cut your uniform from your plump body, you couldn't even stop the needy whimper that fell all too eagerly from your lips. 
"Mmh.. <i>exquisite</i>." 
The way her tongue curled when she spoke - a faint aroma of wine still lingering on her palate so divine that you could almost taste it. And you wanted to. You wanted to taste every inch of her. You wanted to feel her large body pressed against your own and her lips claiming yours. 
“My lady.. plea-” 
A single claw against your lips - smooth, cool to the touch. 
 “Hush, now, pet. Allow me the honor of worshiping you properly first, hm? You’re quite the feast and I’d prefer to be able to savor every second of you.” 
You only nodded - not that you would’ve been able to articulate any words after such a statement anyways.
"Mh.. that's a good girl." 
The remaining fabric of your uniform fell to the floor in a single fluid motion as Alcina ripped the rest of it from your body, exposing to her every supple curve that you had to offer. A hunger in her eyes that you had yet to see before. Nostrils flaring as she breathed in your scent and leaned in even closer. 
You swallowed hard, feeling her warm breath as it skated over your skin. Your body tingling with anticipation, filled with an unhindered heat the moment her lips pressed against you. Tongue swirling over sensitive flesh and she sucked on it ever so lightly. And of course you moaned - needlessly, wordlessly - the slight scrape of the Lady's fangs across your skin slowly building that subtle throb between your legs. 
Each kiss followed closely by another, each claim of your skin - of your eager body - only leading to the next as Alcina's lips danced tangentially across you. They were softer than you imagined them to be, yet rough to the touch. A single finger trailing up your inner thigh as it inched its way closer to your core and forced you to buck in need. 
"Keep your hips still until I say otherwise, pet." 
You whimpered. "Yes, my lady. Sorry." 
"And you will address me as Mistress from here on out. Is that understood?" 
You swallowed hard, face overcome with heat. 
"Y-yes, Mistress." 
She hummed against your skin, willing a wave of goosebumps across your body so strong it made you shiver. The silk of her dress between your fingers as you grabbed onto her, pulling the Countess even closer to you. 
“So needy.” 
A single phrase followed by a nip at your skin… followed by another, and another. The sting of her teeth becoming ever more prevalent with each one, a rush of blood marking each spot as her large frame moved over your body. And oh, how she claimed you, claimed you like you were a world to conquer and she a war general. With every touch calculated - every caress focused. From your thighs to your belly, to your breasts to your shoulders and neck. You knew her thigh beneath you had to be soaked, the subtle throb between your legs now a deep ache. 
“H-harder.. please.. Mistress.” 
Alcina pulled back for a moment and looked at you, teeth a mere inches from the supple skin of your neck. 
“I’m not certain you’re fully aware of what you’re asking me to do, little one. Once I break the skin, I won’t be able to stop.” 
“I-I’m.. I’m aware.” 
The Countess hesitated and you lengthened the column of your neck. 
“Please, my lady.. I want you to” You added softly. 
Her pupils dilated, breath tickling your skin as she breathed you in an almost primal nature. Her fingers slowly moving - inching closer to your core. And it took everything in you not to buck, not to grind down onto her when a finger came to rest directly against your clit. 
“Mmh.. indulgent little thing.” 
In an instant your hips were raised, moaning outright as soon as you felt it -  Acina’s finger sliding into you the moment her teeth sank deeply into your supple flesh, forcefully breaking the skin.
You lowered your hips slowly, allowing the width of the large digit to fill you. A subtle swirl of the Ladys’ tongue over your skin as she drew your very essence into her mouth, moaning sinfully as she did. 
“And such an exquisite taste.. So <i>robust</i>.”
You could see the blood trickling off one single fang as she looked up at you with a smirk, a quick sweep of her tongue over her bottom lip before her teeth were back inside you - her finger thrusting in. 
The duality of sensations was almost overwhelming. The slow thrusts of her finger, the long pulls of blood from your neck. Both heated, both a perfect mix of pleasure and pain. Each arousing you just the same. The cool tip of her fangs an exquisite contrast to the heat of the bite as she drank from you. 
She allowed your hips to rock, matching in perfect rhythm to her finger. A needy whimper falling almost all too breathless from your lips when she pressed her body into yours, forcing the chilled walls of the castle against your back. 
A final moan against the crook of your neck before Alcina took her final sip of you, licking drops of crimson from your skin with an indulgent sigh. 
"Wouldn't want you passing out on me now would we, sweet thing?" 
Her breath smelled slightly metallic - sweet - lips stopping just short of your own as she rose to face you. The soft pulses of her finger steadily coaxed your arousal higher as the Countess leaned in for a kiss. Gaze lingering over your supple curves before her body was pressed even more firmly into yours. The fine fabric of her dress cool against your heated flesh and your hands placed gently over your head. 
"Such a sweet girl.. taking me so well." 
Intoxicating praises whispered sweetly into your lips, the length of her finger driving in and out of your dripping core at a teasingly slow rate as her tongue began to dance over yours. It was a dance of lovers came to met, a swirl of succulent sweeps as she kissed the breath from your body. You moaned earnestly, hips picking up their pace as you did your best to take in as much of her as you could. Her dress soaked beneath your trembling legs. 
"Mh.. be a good girl and come for me, hm?"
Sinful words punctuated by a single sweep over your clit. And that was it, that was all you needed - a soft command and a Lady's touch - to will the stars behind your eyes to collide, to force universes to touch and your whole body to convulse. A prickling heat spreading over you like an inferno as your core clenched around the width of her and forced your desire out, coating her wrist and drenching her upper thigh. 
For a moment all you could do was shake, riding out the orgasm until the last shudder fell from your body. The Countess holding you close, allowing you the time you needed to come down from your high before she slowly slid her finger out from under you and placed it to your lips. You blushed, opening your mouth. 
"Obedient little pet." 
You nodded, dutifully cleaning the taste of yourself from her skin. 
Though, as soon as Alcina's finger fell from your mouth a wave of exhaustion quickly began to take residence across your body. You yawned, making the Lady chuckle. 
"Mh.. seems I've worn you out, little one." 
Another yawn. 
"M-maybe a little." 
Alcina held you in place as she grabbed the remnants of your uniform off the floor and wrapped them around your still naked body. A soft kiss coming to your forehead and the strength of her embrace holding you close as she began to carry you. 
Where to, you weren't certain. Though you were sure it likely wasn't her bed. You couldn't imagine the Countess letting just anyone share her bedside- 
Another yawn. 
"Sleep, my dear. I've got you." 
With that you felt safer than you had in your entire life and snuggled into the crook of her arm. With your needs and wants perfectly tended to and your body more relaxed than it had ever been. You wondered if you'd think it was all a dream come the morning. You wondered if you'd believe it even happened at all. But the reddened marks that adorned your body would quickly prove to you that it had, and everyone in the castle would surely be aware of Lady Dimitrescu's claim on you by lunch.
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my-darling-boy · 4 months
Convinced the husky that lives in the house behind us is just a sentient stuffed toy or the other way around
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danijaci · 2 months
Childepool at your service ‼️
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ohhnn my god ohhhhhoohohh i just, ,,, my pen.s, ohm yog,,ggg,,,,,,,,,,,,,, y,.ss,e,s,,,yes,,...,,, he,hehhhhehhh,,ehehehh..h.hhehhe. mypeeis , so ,. ha.rd.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, bust
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greykolla-art · 6 months
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💕Can you even CONCEIVE how much I suddenly love them???💕
I think they were strolling around town after having a drink together. And that ends in a little cuddle!😂💕💕💕
Dialogue from The Aristocats, of course.💗💗💗
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mobius-m-mobius · 5 months
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#there are two types of actors 😂💖
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lylahammar · 7 months
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Falin isn't comfortable in these kinds of clothes but I'm a big fat Falin kinnie so I had to draw her in some of my outfits anyways ✌️😗
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chrissy-kaos · 2 months
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Lego and chill?
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the-vengeful-demon · 8 months
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oblivionsdream · 4 months
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Oh hey I get to share another commission- this one is for an ACOTAR inspired puzzle for Reverie Puzzles!
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janedoeaart · 7 months
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wip from today!
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ahhrenata · 2 months
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* flirt mode activated *
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katnissandpeetamellark · 10 months
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More random Incorrect quotes 🫶
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danijaci · 3 months
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elitisim · 1 month
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so, i hit 1k sometime in the beginning of June ✨🥳. Which means my incessant yapping about absolutely nothing on every post I make and multiple months-long unannounced hiatuses didn't scare all of you off yet, so thanks for that y'all.
No, but for real tho, I genuinely want to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for putting up with me and all my BS, so my 1k+ gift exclusively consists of hairs requested by YOU!  Which is totally about giving back to the community that has supported me and NOT just an excuse to dump all the requests that have been sitting here piling up for months.
there are only 7 hairs in the preview image but a bunch of these are from sets, so all-in-all you're getting 17 female hairs!
None of this is my original work! All mesh credit goes to @sheabuttyr, @ebonixsims, @daylifesims, @simstrouble!
Set contains 17 hairs for for Teen ➤ Elder Females
due to how the meshes where made the Poloma Passion Twists and Monae Beads don't have root/tip controls so they’re only 2 channels the rest are 4 like normal.
credits, preview pictures, links to originals, poly counts and individual download links for every hair is under the cut.
polycounts are ALL over the place. Lowest hair is +10k, Highest one is +32k. Please reference the list under the cut before downloading!
Files comes in two flavors: Merged and Unmerged
Both types contain the exact same type of stuff (package file and preview images) except version one is one big merged file and the version has individual files.
Tagging list: @pis3update, @naturalhair-sims3, @xto3conversionsfinds, @kpccfinds
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@simstrouble Adeline Braids//22.2k poly// requested by @paigeywaigeyy
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@sheabuttyr: London Locs // 16.2k Poly //requested by @thesirensims
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@daylifesims: Honey Sun Clover Dreadlocks v1// 10.8K Poly //requested by anon
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@daylifesims: Honey Sun Clover Dreadlocks v2// 10.9K Poly // Under hats // fully recolorable// 1 channel// requested by anon
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@ebonixsims: Monae Beadset V1//32.7K Poly! // Under hats // Recolorable beads 4 channels//no tips or root controls due to mesh//requested by anon
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@ebonixsims: Monae Beadset V2//30.5K Poly! // Under hats // Recolorable// 4 channels//no tips or root controls due to mesh//requested by anon
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@daylifesims :Honey Sun Alfalfa Braids v1// 10.1K Poly // Under hats // fully recolorable// 1 channel// requested by anon
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@daylifesims :Honey Sun Alfalfa Braids v2// 10.1K Poly // Under hats // fully recolorable// 1 channel// requested by anon
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@sheabuttyr: Daija Dreads V1 // 28.6k Poly //requested by anon.
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@sheabuttyr: Daija Dreads V2 // 30.8k Poly! //requested by anon
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@sheabuttyr: Paloma Passion Twist V1// 25k Poly//requested by @paigeywaigeyy
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@sheabuttyr:Paloma Passion Twist V2// 25k Poly//requested by @paigeywaigeyy
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@sheabuttyr:Paloma Passion Twist V3// 25k Poly//requested by @paigeywaigeyy
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@sheabuttyr:Paloma Passion Twist V4// 25k Poly//requested by @paigeywaigeyy
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@sheabuttyr:Paloma Passion Twist V5// 25kPoly //requested by @paigeywaigeyy
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@sheabuttyr:Paloma Passion Twist V6// 25kPoly //requested by @paigeywaigeyy
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@sheabuttyr:Paloma Passion Twist V7// 25kPoly //requested by @paigeywaigeyy
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@sheabuttyr:Paloma Passion Twist V8/ /25kPoly //requested by @paigeywaigeyy
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st0neymal0neyx0 · 5 months
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devilart2199-aibi · 7 months
Fishy Business 🐟
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