#that is indeed her momma's mouth
cinamun · 7 months
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I can't lose | Next
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pedge-page · 13 days
Joel dealing with preggo wife where he excuses himself to go to Home Depot to get some paint and plaster (preggo you was begging him to rail her so hard in bed that he didn't realize they put a hole in the wall from the headboard slamming it so many times). And he's very surprised when you waddle over excitedly and volunteer to join him.
Which he takes skeptically only for moment. But then maybe the baby in your belly is starting to make you warm up to him, and you really just wanna spend some quality time eith your hubby because being around him makes you happy!
Very suspicious indeed, but your innocent beaming convinces him to go along with any wins.
As you two go towards the automatic door, you grab a shopping cart. Nothing he needs requires a cart, but maybe that's instinct with you and your grocery shopping. So the two of you hobble in, and you give return a warm smile and a head tilt to him.
He smirks. You're so adorable, all pregnant yet happy to walk around and probably learn some stuff about home improvement--
The moment you get into the main area, you immediately skirt the cart to the left and speedily walk away from Joel towards the plant section without another word.
He stops and opens his mouth to say something, but you're already weaving between the tall indoor trees and out of site. Instead, he just goes off to get his shit.
Less than 6 minutes later he's got his spackle and small pail. Doesn't take long to find you with a jungle filled cart as you analyze two plants that look exactly the same, weighing one and poking your finger in the dirt of the other. You continue around the pallet and shelves over and over again like a dog chasing her tail just looking at each individual plant.
It's fine, except that he's been waiting now forever as you keep filling the cart with clearance half dead plants that you insist on "saving".
"But Joel! We have to rescue them! And 3 for $10!!!!
It's the fucking Momma Bear instincts already taking over.
Then you walk away solemnly with your full cart, only to turn right back around once you get to the register because you couldn't leave the one poor guy you put back, and honestly why decide between two plants when you can just buy BOTH with your husband's card?
Now he avoids telling you when he's going to Home Depot because you've completely stuffed the house with plants and he can't take it anymore.
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seventeenpins · 9 months
pairing: stepdad!joel miller x f!reader
word count: 5.8k
summary: part three of bad girl. you decide to go out on a tinder date. joel gets jealous.
warnings: joel is an asshole, stepcest, infidelity, oral sex, somnophilia (mentioned) unsafe piv, creampie, dirty talk, fingering, daddy kink, age difference (reader is late 20s, joel is mid-40s), a bit of dom/sub vibes, smidge of role reversal (really just two stubborn people being stubborn), multiple orgasms, romance almost????, joel is sad and lost and possibly in love but mainly just wants to be wanted (but is bad at talking about real things), maybe not edited as much as it ought to be--pls tell me if there are any glaring issues you notice
a/n: finally finally actually got this finished weeks after i was certain i'd be posting. thanks to @livingdeadmaria for the jealousy angle. kinda gets away from itself, but i hope very much that you enjoy. i can't begin to express how much i appreciate your thoughtful messages and comments and interactions 💕
these past few weeks had gone by in a blur and you're hyperaware of how quickly the time is passing. joel had been taking good care of you, fucking you pretty much any time your mom was out of the house, and a couple times when she wasn't.
after casually mentioning how you'd love for him to make you feel good every minute of the day, he had laughed.
"doubt you'd want me makin' ya feel good if you're not even awake to enjoy it," he'd said.
"are you kidding me? waking up to you playing with me sounds like a dream," you told him, and he stilled, swallowing deeply.
your mom would pass out heavily after a night of drinking, and when her snores started in earnest, joel would sneak into your room, lock the door, and wake you up by dragging a palm over your tits, pinching at your nipples, rubbing a finger along your pussy, all the while telling you how good you're doin', that you taste so fuckin' sweet, god you're a fuckin angel when you're sleepin', and the one that you heard him say right as you woke up with his fingers deep in your cunt and a hand on your breast, already all worked up, and you came instantly; "you'd better hush that goddamn mouth or i'll hush it for you, baby, you gotta be quiet for daddy or your momma might wake up and then daddy won't be able to make you feel good like this-"
so no, you weren't unsatisfied with your sex life. in fact, you were more than satisfied.
it scared the hell out of you.
you were waiting, you realised, for shit to hit the fan. for joel to get bored with you. to get too busy. to come to his senses.
and, after all, the summer would be over soon, and you'll be back to your usual life. getting absolutely railed by your stepdad didn't exactly seem like something that was sustainable, long-term.
the two of you had never defined this, but you decided you needed a palate cleanser. something that'd catapult you back into the real world. if you ended up with a disappointing hookup, so be it. most hookups were, and the pornographically cinematic sex you were having with joel couldn't last forever. hell, you expected him to file for divorce any day now, and the likelihood of having any kind of relationship after he'd gone for good seemed very low indeed.
and so you decided that it was unhealthy to focus on only one person, especially when monogamy had never suited you, and the one person just so happened to be your stepdad.
you'd never deleted tinder but you couldn't remember the last time you'd opened the app. at this point, you'd convinced yourself you kept it because you thought of it as a kind of sociological study -- you endured because it meant you got to examine the extremes of human behavior and it was absolutely fucking fascinating.
so you scrolled aimlessly, appreciating the change in the pool of people that was your hometown, but quickly cursing yourself when you saw that a former student teacher of yours had just super liked you. horrifying.
you stared at your phone screen--swiping left on almost everyone, adjusting your filters to include ages 25-50, and feeling wholeheartedly disappointed at what tinder had to offer--until one face popped up. you'd almost swiped left by default, but stopped yourself just in time.
it's your old high school boyfriend, connor. not your first. not your last. but the most serious you'd had throughout high school, and definitively one of the best sexual experiences you'd had before your twenties. you'd ended things on good terms before you each went off to college.
his entire profile, you decide, is an assortment of green flags containing exactly what you need; looking for short term fun. social drinker and 420 friendly.
he's got a couple of goofy pictures, but he's aged well in the past decade, and you'd be down to find out if he's as good a lay as you remember. no possibility of falling in love; you're both only in town for the summer, nor are you looking for anything long-term. and, you add on to your mental list of reasons, he was never a creep, nor a murderer, and though that's a very low bar it's still nice to clear it. you can work with this. you swipe right and it's a match!
your mom has a girls weekend planned that you think might actually involve her and her friends, and joel told you he'll be out all weekend for his brother's bachelor party, so that's when you decide to set your date. it's nice to have the option to bring a guy back home and not have to worry about any awkward situations.
it's a friday night and you are all dolled up. your dress is tight, your tits look amazing, and the bar is lively. tonight is clearly the night to be out. there's a celebration going on in the corner with an incredibly drunk birthday girl scream-singing along to the music. pool tables packed. a group of men loudly complaining about the friend they're waiting for who's always late.
it doesn't take you long to spot connor. he's there, looking surprisingly good, leaning against the bar. a flash of dazzling white greets you when he catches your eye, grinning.
"hey," connor calls over to you, "it's been a minute! you look great!"
he gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and looks you up and down, eyes sweeping over the spill of your cleavage and cinch of your curves. you know you look good, and he knows it too.
"wasn't sure if this was still your drink," he tells you, passing you a mojito, "but this is for you."
"i can't believe you remembered!" you tell him--mojitos used to be your favorite-- "i usually go for something less sweet these days, but i still love em. thank you."
you take a sip and watch as he takes a big gulp of his beer. the condensation on the bottle drips down his thumb, a drop of moisture hanging on for a moment before falling. his arms are nicer than you remember, veins drawn in beautiful patterns, muscles tensing at seemingly the slightest movement.
yeah, you could fuck him.
he offers you a questioning half smile and you realise you've really just been staring at him, not sure how long for. "didn't realise how hot you'd gotten," you tell him, and he cracks up. any uncomfortable tension dissolves, and you relax into it. you're almost able to forget about joel miller.
you're having a great night. one drink turns to three and before you know it, you're on the dance floor, enjoying the sensation of connor's hands all over you--holding your waist, brushing your cheek, groping at your ass as you grind together, both of you hot and sweaty and feeling wonderful. you turn your face to connor and kiss him, hot and passionate, running your tongue along his perfect teeth. it's... nice. he lets out a little whimper, which you like, but where joel would've leaned in deeper, cupped your face, tangled his hands in your hair and growled into your mouth in response, connor pulls back and practically giggles. "you're so sexy, baby," he says, and that's all fine and good, but it's not as exciting as you'd hoped. it just feels bland.
but you've made the effort to come out, and you're not gonna give up just yet.
you kiss him again, trying to will a bit of passion into the exchange, but all of a sudden he's shoved aside by some asshole barrelling past and he's nearly knocked over.
"hey what the fuck!" connor shouts, and the person who shoved into him stops. turns to you both.
before you see his face, you know it's him. broad shoulders and a muscled back. patchy beard. great forearms. and his jaw is set in the most beautiful scowl you've ever seen.
"joel-" you gasp.
this wasn't part of the plan. why the fuck is he here?
then you notice the group of somewhat rowdy men in the corner, right in the direction he was heading. one of them calls over in his direction, and he holds up a finger before turning back to you.
this must be his brother's bachelor party.
connor looks between the two of you. "you know this guy?" he asks, and you nod. he turns to joel. "you need to watch where you're walking, man."
a muscle in joel's clenched jaw ticks as he stares him down, and connor takes a tiny step back.
"connor," you say, "this is, uh, this is joel. my stepdad. joel, this is connor."
"oh," connor says, "well, just be more careful next time. nice to meet you, man. joel."
he extends a hand, which joel blatantly ignores as he fixes you with a gaze.
"best be gettin' home, sweetheart," he says, tone colder than you've ever heard it before. you swear you can see a vein in his forehead pulsing. "it's getting late."
you raise your eyebrows. is he... mad? and if so, is this the best he can do? "joel, it's a friday night. i'm having a good time, and i'm gonna keep having a good time."
he stares you down.
"that alright?" you ask, a challenge.
he grits his teeth again and nods sharply, hissing out a fine, throwing one last glare at connor before he walks away rigidly.
connor frowns at you and you shrug, but you glance over at joel, watching him retreat.
now that you know he's here, at this bar, it's almost impossible not to keep looking over at him.
he looks strangely awkward over there, like he's trying to appear relaxed but is following a relaxation guide written by aliens. he's rigid. uncomfortable. a man clasps him on the shoulder (his brother?) and doubles over in a laugh, which he seems to join half-heartedly. you can see how he's holding his beer with a white-knuckled grasp. his shoulders have relaxed a little, but in a way that looks intentional. you're not sure if anyone else would notice, but you've watched joel a lot these past few weeks. you can see it. you don't know what that means.
as connor tells you all about his work, you catch joel looking at you, too. there are a few times your eyes meet and something would flash between you. if connor noticed that you were distracted, he didn't show it.
you're a few more drinks in, loose and warm, getting quite cosy, when connor's phone starts to buzz. he glances the name on the caller id and his eyes go wide. "i'm so sorry," he tells you, points at his phone, "a friend of mine's going through a hard time--i need to get this. excuse me a minute?"
"of course!" you tell him, and watch him head outside for some quiet.
it takes less than two minutes before you feel joel sidle up beside you. you know it's him before you even turn to look.
"hi, joel," you say, and he grunts in response.
you're silent for a moment.
"so," you try again, "you wanna tell me why you look like you've been chewing a lemon?"
he frowns. "huh?"
"sour," you supply.
he rolls his eyes.
"don't like seein ya with that boy."
"oh really?" you ask, "and how is that any of your business? has he offended you in some way?"
he shrugs. "just don't like it."
"i'm gonna try again, joel. what's your fuckin problem?"
he huffs out a breath. "a fuckin' kid like that's just tryin' to get his dick wet."
"i should hope so," you scoff, "that's kinda the point."
"seriously?" his voice drops to a lower register, "am i not takin' good enough care of you?"
"no, joel, it's not-"
he cuts you off, "hush, girl-" and despite the quiet of his words, now you notice the slight slur to them. "cos how i remember it," he tells you, "just a day ago you were cryin' my name, ridin' my cock."
you feel your face heat, but he keeps going- "would you let that boy fuck you raw? huh?" he doesn't even give you a chance to respond. "guess you really do take after your momma, huh? mother's a whore and her daughter is too."
"fuck you joel-"
"worst mistake of my fuckin' life getting mixed up with all this shit- with you-"
rage surges through you, shoving aside any embarrassment you felt earlier, and before you can stop yourself, you slap joel across the face.
the impact breaks something that's been building and you both reel back, deflated. you stare at each other for a moment in shock and silence. the place your hand made contact with him starts to bloom blotchy red.
joel rubs his jaw with his palm and winces. "okay, i deserved that," he huffs.
you soften just a little, "you did deserve that."
"i shouldn't be talkin' to ya like that," he groans, chastened, "not your fault. i've had too much to drink, i think. gonna stick with water the rest of the night."
"can we call a truce for tonight?" you ask. connor could be back any moment now and you aren't gonna do any of this in front of him. but as unreasonable as joel's being, you don't wanna hurt him. your anger has all but dissolved and you just want peace.
"sure," he says, "truce."
you smile, half-hearted.
"so, big bachelor party, huh?" you ask, nodding at his group still in the corner.
"hah," he breathes, "yeah. can't believe my little brother's gettin' married."
"which one is he?"
joel points. "over there. the one in th' button-down, currently double fistin' his beer."
you roll your eyes. "no wonder you're so fucked up. must run in the family," you say pointedly, and he knows he's not off the hook for his earlier jibe.
a pause.
"so, who is this guy?" he asks, and he notices you tense. "no, no, i'm not gonna- be more of an asshole."
"his name is connor. we dated back in high school. just seemed like a safe option for a hookup. no strings, any of that."
joel hums. grimaces. "seems a bit young for you, hmm? you seem to like your men old and grey, not bright eyed and bushy tailed."
you snort and roll your eyes, "oh, fuck off."
the moment falls between you.
"look, joel. i don't know what- this is between us." you gesture between the two of you, "like, it's not... sustainable. i know that. you're married to my fuckin' mom, and that's not even touching our age gap."
he sighs. "yeah. i know."
"so, what is it you want? from me? from this?"
he huffs out a breath. "truth is, i don't know," he admits.
"well, you sure as fuck had better figure it out
"he finds out his wife's cheating on him, he fucks her daughter-"
"hey, don' say it like that-"
"-and then gets jealous at the thought of her daughter fucking someone else."
"hey now-"
"am i wrong?"
silence. an awkward cough.
"no," he concedes, "you're not wrong. and i don't know what this is, but i do know what i want."
"and what's that?"
you stare at one another. he leans towards you, his voice gravelly, barely above a whisper.
"i want you to forget all about that boy. i wanna make you feel good, as much as i can for as long as i can. i wanna make you come on my tongue, and my fingers, and my cock. i wanna hear you scream my name-"
your breath hitches and you can almost taste the whiskey on his warm breath as it tickles your cheek. joel's hand is gripping your arm now and the grip is a comfort.
of course, that's the exact moment connor reappears.
"hey, there, sorry it took so long! really glad i picked up-"
you and joel pull back, and mostly manage to pull off looking casually friendly, but connor misreads it entirely and looks between the two of you.
and then he turns on joel.
"get off her ass, old man," he hisses, "she's an adult, and you're not even her dad! she can stay out if she wants to!"
joel stares at him, wide-eyed, startled as hell, and you do your best to stifle a laugh at the idea of joel being your actual dad. yikes.
"it's okay babe," you reach out to connor, patting his arm to soothe him. "joel and i were just catching up. is your friend okay?"
his eyes dart between you before he tries to catch up. recalibrate.
"uh, yeah-" he says, "yeah he was having a hard time but i think he's doing better now."
another glance to joel. back to you.
"so, uh-" he ventures, tentative, "do you wanna get out of here?"
if it hadn't been for joel turning up at this bar, you'd say yes in a heartbeat.
but you know for a damn fact that isn't gonna happen now.
"ah shit, connor, i'm sorry. i'm feeling a bit off tonight, and i think i should call it an early night."
"i'm really sorry, it really was nice to see you."
connor sighs, nods, and then flashes you one last dazzling smile.
"you too," he says, and leans in to press a kiss to your cheek. "take care of yourself, yeah? and if you ever wanna meet up again, just let me know."
you nod and watch as he walks away.
it's only a moment later that you feel joel's hand snake around your waist and hold you close to him. it's familiar and lovely, the callouses that trace across your skin.
'i think," you tell him, "you should tell your group you're heading out soon."
he looks over at the group and one of them waves at him with a confused expression on his face.
"and then i want you to meet me in the bathroom. single stall at the end of the hallway. don't make me wait more than ten minutes."
joel's mouth goes very dry very quickly, and he nods almost too eagerly. his pupils are blown and you can't get enough of the bead of sweat that rolls from his temple.
"good boy," you tell him and he gulps. turns away from you and back to his group.
you walk towards the bathrooms and catch his gaze and a brief nod as you walk by him.
you feel exhilarated. goosebumps prickle up and down your arms and your stomach flips in an excited swoop. you've inadvertently just swapped roles. you didn't tend to take the lead, at least not in this way. if anything, you tended to beg, please daddy, please fuck me.
after you close the bathroom door behind you, you take a moment to collect yourself. you adjust your hair, smooth out your dress, and wait.
a few minutes pass, and then--a knock at the door. three gentle raps; a rhythm you know so well.
you open the door, grab him by the collar, and pull him in.
he practically squeaks as he's pulled through, but then you're pressing him against the door and he melts under you. he lets out a long, throaty groan as your tongue drags along his jaw, your hands slapping his out of the way as you undo the buttons of his shirt and rake your nails down his chest.
"gonna put your money where your mouth is?" you ask. his brow furrows. "gonna make me feel good, daddy?"
"yes-" he moans and devours your mouth in a kiss. pulls away, breathless, "what do you want, baby, tell me--"
"mouth. and fingers."
"god yes-"
before you have a moment to react, he hikes the skirt of your dress up and backs you up against the sink. "get on up, baby," he says, and you do, hopping up onto the sink with your skirt around your waist and your panties on full display, damp and translucent with your slick. you lean back against the mirror and joel grabs at your thighs, spreading them wider apart.
when he sees how wet you are, he lets out a strangled moan. "jesus christ, honey-" he says, and drags his forefinger along your slit, through your panties, "you're gonna fuckin' kill me."
then he looks at you with those dark, beautiful eyes. searches your face. then drops to his knees.
he starts by mouthing against your panties, just his lips at first, but then he starts to lick and suck at you, sucking your slick from the fabric.
"cute panties," he tells you, and then he's got his fingers hooked on the waistband and pulls them down and off you, helping to lift your hips.
then, when they're off, he wraps them around his hand, buries his nose into his fist and inhales deeply.
"fucking hell, joel-" you breathe, and he turns a little pink, grinning sheepishly. fuckin' joel miller sniffing your panties. how is it that that's the hottest thing you've ever seen?
he doesn't liger too long, though. before you know it, his big hands are grabbing at your thighs again, holding you open. then he's tracing a fingertip along your cunt. prodding in, just a little. pushing your folds open and looking at how messy you already are. sloppily scissoring his fingers, opening you up
"needy little thing, huh?" joel asks and you nod.
leaving his fingers inside, he pulls the hood of your clit back with his thumb and leans in to kitten lick it. it leaves you writhing, but the grip of his other hand on your thigh helps keep you in place. he pulls back, just a little, and spits on your pussy. rubs it in with the thumb, giving you the most lovely pressure, extra slick exactly where you need it.
pumps gently, leaning back in to start licking you in earnest. after a few lazy pumps, he hooks his fingers in you and starts pressing into you with more speed, more urgency.
he pulls back for only a moment and you can see that his moustache and his bottom lip are glistening with your slick. he opens his mouth to praise you, telling you those perfect sounds you're makin' are drivin' me crazy, honey, love how you let daddy know just how good he's makin ya feel, that's it, don't hold back-
and suddenly you're coming.
despite the dullness from the alcohol, and the fact that you're propped up on a sink and just realising your back is smashed up against an uncomfortable knobby faucet--despite all that--waves of pleasure surge through you, hot and bright at your core, flowing across your entire body as you ride his fingers, practically sobbing his name.
your hips rock back up, forcing his fingers deeper into you, and he holds you tight as you ride it through.
for a moment, your vision is replaced with a million little black dots, but then the haze clears and you see joel kneeling in front of you, one hand with stilled fingers still inside you, the other, grasping your hip and holding on gently but firmly.
it takes you longer than you expected to come down from it, but after a few minutes you've gathered yourself.
joel's no longer fingering you, instead rubbing soothing circles to a sensitive bit right at the inside of your thigh. he's telling you lovely things, and you bask in the sensation of his closeness.. you notice his fingers feel funny, but you let out a giggle when you realise they're pruney from being inside you.
he notices what you're looking at and snorts. then thinks for a moment. decides.
"you got any plans tonight?" joel asks you.
"just connor," you laugh, and joel glowers, unimpressed.
"but no, this was much better. and i have no other plans tonight. got something in mind?"
he nods, and suddenly looks almost bashful. "i've got a hotel room. technically part of the bachelor party, but my room's at the opposite end of the hallway from the rest of the party."
you grin.
"i know-" he starts, "i know we hardly ever have a chance to sleep in a bed together. but this could be a chance. if you want?"
for the second time this evening, you grab him by the collar and pull him in for a kiss.
the hotel is really only ten minutes away, but it feels like about five million hours.
you're trying not to look recently fucked, and joel's trying not to let his enormous hard-on look visible through his jeans.
you both sit rigidly in the back seat of the cab. neither of you know if you're being too cautious, or not cautious enough, but you both want to keep whatever you're doing between just the two of you.
despite the distance, though, you can still feel the tug between you. you could cut the tension with a knife. it's only when you arrive at your destination do you feel like you can breathe again. you don't know how, but you know joel feels it too.
there was always the risk that joel's brother could, potentially, run into them in the elevator.
so, all things considered, it was a really, really stupid idea to fool around on the elevator ride to the tenth floor.
"think they have cameras in here?" you ask, and joel snorts.
"if they do, they'll be getting quite a show, huh baby?"
"yes daddy," you agree, and joel groans at your words, closing his eyes, his head tilting back to rest against the cool metal wall behind him. he feels you undo his zipper, unfastens his belt and the button of his jeans. then the wet warmth of your mouth is wrapped against the head of his cock and his groan turns into a shudder of absolute pleasure.
his pants are still up at his hips, cock hanging out impressively. you drag your nails along his thighs all the same, providing enough pressure so he doesn't lose sensation through the fabric.
his hands are tangled up in your hair as you pull his hips towards you, encouraging him to fuck your throat. he's getting frantic, when the elevator suddenly dings!
you break apart instantly and for a moment your stomach flips as you're certain someone else is about to walk into the elevator, but then you realise you've arrived at your floor.
joel composes himself, slicks his sweaty hair back and pulls his pants back up, pretending to ignore the enormous hard-on straining against the fabric.
"this way," he tells you, and you follow him.
any initial reversal of your usual roles becomes a rhythm of give and take. you're barely through the door before joel's grabbing at the hem of your dress and pulling it up and over your shoulders. unhooks your bra and tosses it to the floor.
he stands there and stares at you for a moment, mapping out every curve, every angle, every stretch mark. you're completely bare for him, your panties still in his pocket.
then he's on you, hands gripping your waist, your jaw, stroking over your breasts, fingers dragging over your bellybutton, cupping your pussy-- the sensation is overwhelming, almost too much. if someone told you he'd grown extra hands, you'd believe them; his touch is all over you.
"you feel so good baby," he tells you as his hands slide down to grab at your ass, "you sweet thing-"
you work at unbuttoning his shirt, shoving it off his arms. you pull off his belt, too, which he never rebuckled. shuck his pants down, drop to your knees.
but then he pulls you back up. "uh-uh," he shakes his head, "get on this bed right now for daddy. i wanna taste you while you taste me."
you scoot back onto the bed and lay down, your head near the pillows. joel walks around the bed and kisses you once more, deeply, and then he yanks off his socks and straddles your face.
"this okay baby?" he asks. his cock is thick and heavy and hanging against your cheek.
"yes, daddy-" you tell him, and move to take a tentative lick of his swollen head.
"good girl," he groans and stretches out. you grab his cock with one hand, gripping onto his hip with the other. you guide his cock in your mouth, relaxing and opening your throat just how you need to for this angle. the salty tang is perfect, and you can feel his body tremble.
then you can feel his breath on your abdomen as he trails kisses down and down and down and then his lips meet yours, his hands grip your ass, and he's pointed his tongue in the most delicious way as it flicks over your clit and then inside you. you're doing your best to stay focused on sucking his cock--you know he hasn't gotten off once yet tonight--but the sensation starts to build and build and build and it's all you can do to at least keep your throat open for him to fuck into as he brings you towards another climax.
he holds onto you as you come, as if any distance would cause you to disintegrate. you ride his tongue, dazed by the sensation, the brush of his beard, the way he's gotten loud and feral as he licks up the slick of your release. your thighs are wet, both from your own arousal and his spit, and as you come back to yourself, you know you need him to fuck you.
"joel-," you say, and he ignores you, continuing to lick at you.
"joel, please-," you beg, "need your cock so bad. need you to fuck me, to fill me up-"
he pulls back, "try again," and then dives in again.
"daddy, please!", you cry, and it comes out almost as a shout.m
"there's my good girl," he tells you, and swings his leg back over you so he's no longer straddling your face. he holds his dick and slaps it a few times on your cheek. "need this cock filling you up?"
"better beg for it, baby girl."
you fucking love when he makes you beg, but you hate it too. he walks around the bed and then kneels on the foot of it. hooks his hands under your knees and pulls you towards him.
"need it, daddy. use this pussy, use me, please-" your begging has turned to whining, and joel's eyes are blown black, hard and beautiful as he looks at you.
"fill me up with your cum, take your pleasure from me, daddy, let me be so good for you."
in a single fluid motion, he yanks your knees up onto his shoulders and fucks into you in with a single long thrust.
you scream out, it's so much and so good.
"such a good girl, huh?" he asks you, cupping your jaw as he pounds into you. it's not soft, not languid, not gentle. he sets a brutal pace, his hips stuttering, cock ramming into you again and again and again. "sweet little toy for me to use, aren't you baby? keep that pussy open wide for your daddy, huh? so wet for me, you just wanna make daddy feel good, don'tcha?"
the sensation is too much, his coarse hair grinding against your clit as he fucks so deeply into you, sending sparks flying through you at the thought of it. he presses a palm into your belly, just below your navel, and the pleasure increases beautifully.
you've lost the ability to form coherent sentences, just "yes, yes, yes, so good daddy, so fucking deep, you're so big, such a big fuckin' cock, fuck!"
his moans have turned into strangled grunts, all his focus on getting himself off in you. you adjust your hips just a little and the angle allows him to press in just that little bit deeper.
"you love feeling me in here, don't ya?" he asks, pressing his fingers harder into your belly, pulling a moan from you you weren't expecting. his eyes flicker back to your face and his eyes crinkle, "takin' daddy's cock so nice."
then he moves his fingers back down to play with your clit again.
"gettin' close, baby," he tells you, "but i need just one more from ya. can you do that, pretty girl? come one more time on daddy's dick?"
you whine and writhe but you know you can--it's already building--and you tell him so.
"that's my good girl," he praises, his fingertips slick and teasing as he coaxes another orgasm out of you.
it hits you like a freight train, and suddenly you're spasming around him, sucking his cock almost deeper inside you, exploding with waves and waves of pleasure. you scream, and he lets out a strangled cry before he spills inside you.
it takes a few minutes before either of you move again. he pulls himself out gingerly, and you wince at the lack of fullness.
"took it so nice, baby," he tells you, and cupping a soothing hand over your pussy, being careful to avoid your clit or anything too sensitive. he pulls his hand away and looks at the mess on it, your come mixed together and dripping out of you. "so good for me."
then he kisses you, gentle, sweet and deep.
he runs a shower for the both of you and scrubs you both clean. it's possibly the most tender moment you've had with him, as he tucks a wet lock of your hair back, kissing you again as his softened cock presses against you and you let yourself savour the sensation of your bodies inhabiting the same space.
joel sorts through the linens and changes the sheets before you go to bed. it's unnecessary and oddly thoughtful, something you didn't really expect.
he wraps his arm around you, pulling you close as you snuggle in together. you can feel your eyelids growing heavy, but joel brings you back to him before you can drift off properly.
"you asked what this is between us. what i wanted."
you stay silent, waiting for him to continue.
"i-" he falters, "i still don't know. but i know that i care for you."
"and i know there's no place i'd rather be right now."
you let that sit for a moment. then turn and kiss him.
"go to sleep, joel."
"okay, pretty lady."
he pulls you close and you drift off in his arms.
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nmakii · 2 months
Ok so another part to your yandere alastor series?! Im like obsessed with them, i love the way you write Alastor!!
So an idea i guess? I love the idea Alastor slowly corrupting his kids and reader trying her best to correct them? Obviously she can’t. Idk, i can see Al wanting his son carry on his legacy while his daughter is becomes a sweet but strong woman who can probably destroy your life in a matter of minutes. I just want his kids to get corrupted to become like him!! 😭
[hold up! read the rest of the story first!]
— day by day, alastor ruined your children with his malicious thoughts, while you set them straight. it’s as if evil and good decided to fight their battle in your house.
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every day in this house was a headache. sleeping beside the monster called husband every night, him cuddled up to your side as if he hadn’t broken your hopes for years. acting in front of your children as if everything was fine— that they had parents who were madly in love with each other. and, raising your children. of course, raising them in itself is difficult, but alastor seems to just enjoy making your life a hell on earth.
implanting evil thoughts into your babies’ minds, and there was no one else but you to fix his mess. to instill morals in their minds, and to make sure they grow up to be diligent and kind.
sitting down at the dinner table seemed to grow harder and harder each day. resisting the urge to vomit as your son told you and alastor of how he found a rat at school, and how he had cut its’ tail off to see if it’d regrow like a lizard. the image of your little boy being so cruel made you sick to your stomach. and, alastor, he’d done nothing but laugh. “oh, my! quite the experiment, my boy!” he chuckled as he took another bite of his food. “now, dear… that isn’t very nice, don’t you think?” you frowned. “mmh, but dad said that i should feed my curiosity!” noah pouted.
“well, dad is true on that. but, you shouldn’t feed your curiosity if it hurts other people or animals.” you said, lecturing him. “au contraire, my love.” alastor interrupted. “id say that curiosity is one of the most important human emotions! how else do you think mankind discovered to hunt and cook chicken, pork, beef…” he rambled. “they are good for the body, aren’t they? they give the body protein so that they’re strong and so they can protect the people they love! don’t you want our little boy to protect his friends and family?” he raised an eyebrow. “yeah, momma! so that i can protect you and emilia!” noah said.
you felt your heart crack at his words. it seemed as if there was no hope in undoing what alastor had done. as if the little boy you worked hard to raise died. but, maybe there was still hope for your daughter.
“oh, and dad!” noah said excitedly as he looked to alastor. “my friends think its so cool that we go hunting, and they wanna join too! can we bring them, please?” noah begged, bringing alastor’s amusement. “aw, they want to join us? hm, i suppose we could, but only if they’re as well-behaved as you!” he hummed, to noah’s delight. “really?! you’re the best, dad!” noah grinned, running to alastor to loosely hug him by the neck. “yes, yes… now, go finish your meal. your mother worked hard to cook that, and it won’t taste so good when it’s cold.” he said, patting his son on the head.
you zoned out, staring at your daughter in her chair, playing with her food, and scratching the bowl with her little fork. she giggled and talked to herself, before blood started flowing from her nose. “oh, dear…” you muttered under your breath, running to the kitchen to get a tissue paper. “eww! momma, emilia is drinking her own blood! yuck!” noah called out, scrunching his face in disgust. and, when you returned, emilia was, indeed, drinking her own blood— licking her top lip as the blood leaked, and smiling at the metallic taste in her mouth. “oh, emi, sweetie… don’t do that. blood is yucky.” you scolded your daughter as you wiped the blood from her nose.
“yummy!” she shouted, licking her lip for the remains. alastor grinned at her comment, “i couldn’t agree more, baby!” he laughed, swaying the water in his glass. “not right now, alastor. emi is bleeding.” you huffed out in a frustrated manner. “ah, i suppose you’re right, darling. emi, baby, are you okay?” he cooed to your daughter across the table. “i’m okay, daddy!” she grinned, going back to eating as per usual, despite the roll of tissue in her nostril.
“are you okay, my love?” alastor asked, his eyes moving to you. “i’m alright, just exhausted today.” you let out, keeping your emotions and intentions to yourself. “hmm, then why don’t you rest after dinner, dear? noah and i can wash the dishes.” he assured you. “wah?! but, dad, i wanna go play!” noah huffed and pouted. “now, son… protecting also means to help others when they are tired. don’t you wanna help momma?” he asked your son. and as noah thought it over, alastor spoke again, giving him more of an incentive. “now, i hate to do this… but, if you don’t help your mother, i won’t bring your friends to hunt.” noah’s eyes widened at the unfairness. “what?!” he frowned. “guh, fine, ill do the dishes!” he pouted, gathering the cleared dishes and bringing them to the sink. “hmph, good boy.” he grinned. “go rest now, dear.”
and, as you went up the stairs, that moment finally dawned on you. that hunting with his friends and father meant so much to him, he was willing to do household chores. it shattered your heart as tears filled your eyes— why couldn’t you go back to a simpler time? when it was just the two of you. when all you had was each other.
“momma, i missed you!” noah said hugging your legs as you returned from work. “aw, i missed you too, baby!” you smiled at your precious boy. “c’mon! i wanna play with you!” he said, attempting to pull you by your wrist. “in a second, sweetie! momma has to take off her heels!” you laughed.
that memory was 6 years ago.
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heavyhitterheaux · 10 months
First babies fighting with jack.
"Ax, come on and get your shoes on so we can go see Grandma and Grandpa so daddy can go to his meeting."
"No. I want to go with mommy."
Jack immediately sighed because he already knew that Axel was going to put up a fight since he's been extra attached to you as of lately.
"Mommy is not here. She had a few things to do so you'll see her when she picks you up."
"So, she just left us with you?" Autumn said while turning up her nose and crossing her arms.
"You three were sleeping when she left, Autumn. Lose the attitude and get your shoes on."
"I can't go because mommy didn't do my hair."
Jack simply looked at his youngest and her hair was indeed done because he had done it last night.
"Autumn Danielle…. I did your hair last night before you went to sleep and it looks fine."
"But I want bows!" She exclaimed while looking at Axel fiddling with one of his shoes.
"You…. Last night you didn't want them!"
"But I want them now!"
Just then Ivy came downstairs ready to go with her little pink backpack and all smiles.
"Can we see Grandma now!? You two are slow."
"I want mommy."
"Daddy won't put bows in my hair."
Ivy gave both of them a blank stare before rolling her eyes.
"You two are such babies."
"Ivy, we're all babies. We're four." Axel said and Jack stifled a laugh.
"No, you two are like baby babies. Daddy has something to do and I wanna see Grandma and Grandpa and you two are keeping me from my cookies she made me."
"Don't make me call your mother." Jack then said and the three of them immediately shook their heads no.
"On second thought, my hair is cute without the bows." Autumn quietly said while sliding on her backpack and grabbing one of her dolls.
"Daddy, can you help me tie my shoe?"
"Of course Ax, sit up here."
When Jack was finished, he looked at all three of them as they made their way to the door.
"DADDY, I CALL SHOTGUN!" Ax said once they were all outside in front of Jack’s Jeep trying to reach the handle to the passenger side door.
"AX! You are sitting in the backseat like everyone else. And no crawling out of your car seat this time!"
"You looked lonely in the front by yourself and Autumn was throwing popcorn at me."
"Nuh uh! You asked me to so you could catch it in your mouth!"
"Daddy, aren't you happy you have at least one child that is a perfect angel?" Ivy asked as he snapped her in her car seat and Axel and Autumn made a face at her.
"Ivy, you put makeup on daddy's face while he was sleeping last week." Axel said and she looked at him in disbelief.
"Ivy, call him a snitch and you will not get a single cookie."
All she did was cross her arms and held up her fist towards him when Jack closed the door so he didn't see her.
"Well you did ball up your fist at him. So same thing." Autumn added while shrugging.
"You three better be on your best behavior starting now." Jack said while rubbing his temples as he started the car. But what they didn't know was that Jack had called you on facetime and heard the entire exchange between the three of them.
"Now babies…." You said and they immediately got quiet.
"Uh oh." Autumn said as her eyes went wide.
"Are you three giving daddy a hard time?"
"No mommy!" You heard only Ivy and Autumn say.
"Mommy, can you come get me? My sisters are bothering me."
"Momma's boy." Ivy whispered and Axel stuck his tongue out at her.
"What the? IVY! I heard you!" You said with Jack quickly saying the same thing.
"Ivy! Where did you even hear that!?"
"Grandma called you that, daddy."
"I…" Jack started to say, but you busted out laughing.
"Yes it is because it's true! Anyway, all three of you be on your best behavior and I better only hear that you were for your grandparents when I come and get you later."
"So, mommy is that a no?" Axel asked again.
"No, Ax. Later. I promise."
"Mommy, daddy forgot to feed us!"
"Feed us what, Autumn? Daddy can't cook."
"OKAY! ENOUGH WITH THE DADDY SLANDER! And I did feed you!" Jack said as he was pulling up to his parents house.
"Daddy, you would be in big trouble if mommy wasn't your wife."
"I couldn't agree more, Ax." You said while laughing.
You said bye to the triplets and Jack as he told you that they were finally there and suddenly got a text from him.
Baby Daddy- Expect to get punished for that later
You- Can't wait 🤭😏
Baby Daddy- I guarantee you won't be laughing once I get through with you
You- Once you drop them off, call me back on facetime so I can get a preview 👀
Baby Daddy- Give me ten minutes
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girls-alias · 4 months
Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester P10
Title: Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester Part 10
Words: 1,621
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader
Taglist: @deans-baby-momma , @qinnroki @moldyorange @creative-writing92 @lokischickadee , @take-it-on-the-run @daisy-the-quake @ilikw @selfdestructionandrhum
Part 9
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Dean smiled at me as he approached the seats beside me. "Hey, baby," He groaned as he sat down.
"Hi baby," I mocked as I rolled my eyes and looked away. Dean chuckled so I turned to glare at him.
"You're cute when you're jealous, you know that?" He asked so I rolled my eyes again looking away. He grabbed my chin to turn me to look at him. I looked at him with puppy dog eyes. When he's better he's going to leave with some stupid blonde. "Is she looking?" He whispered so I looked at him confused but indeed saw Layla sitting in the row in front of us and was looking at us. I looked at Dean confused as I nodded softly. He just smiled and grabbed the back of my neck. We sat making out in a church tent for a good couple of minutes, everyone there must have had their thoughts on us. Dean pulled away to whisper in my ear. "I'm yours," He whispered, his breath fanning my neck and sending a shiver down my spine. I practically melted in my seat. Dean smirked seeing the effect he had on me. He continued to smirk as he paid attention to the blind man on the stage.
"Each morning, my wife, Sue Ann, reads me the news. Never seems good, does it?" He asked rhetorically making me smile as I held my laughter. What would he know about the bad things going on in the world? "Seems like there's always someone committing some immoral, unspeakable act." He continued, Dean looked at me before rolling his eyes. He also thought this guy was ridiculous. "But I say to you, God is watching." Everyone seemed to murmur an agreement.
These people are so easily persuaded to believe anything. I bet if I stood up right now and claimed God was talking to me they'd all believe me. "God rewards the good, and he punishes the corrupt," He added and I scoffed. The only noise that wasn't a laugh that I could make. Dean smirked at me finding me as his entertainment. "It is a lord who does the healing here friends, the Lord who guides me in choosing who to heal by helping me see into people's hearts." Everyone seemed to agree with him but Dean leaned in to whisper to me.
"Or into their wallets," He commented making me laugh. I pretended I was coughing when everyone looked at my sudden outburst.
"You think so, young man?" The preacher asked, I slid down in my chair a little hiding my mouth with my hand so no one could see me trying not to laugh. Everyone went silent, and even the pianist stopped playing, only making me want to laugh even more.
"Sorry," Dean announced so everyone could hear him. I saw Layla smiling to herself which only pissed me off. Who does she think she is? I should lean over and pull on her scraggly blonde hair.
"No, don't be," The preacher replied grabbing my attention again. "Just watch what you say about a blind man. We have real sharp ears," He joked and there was a stale laugh like everyone was trying to please him. Idiots! "What's your name, son?" He asked and Dean seemed confused, he looked at me like he was afraid to say.
"His name is Dean," I answered for him and the preacher smiled.
"You must be his girlfriend," The preacher smiled before nodding. "Dean, I want you to come up here with me," The preacher announced and suddenly I smiled. Dean looked uneasy and looked at me for guidance. I nodded showing him to go. Everyone clapped for him. He looked around for a second before shaking his head.
"No, it's okay," He commented so I looked at him concerned. What's he thinking about?
"What are you doing?" Sam asked thinking he had lost his mind.
"You've come here to be healed, haven't you?" The preacher asked and everyone was silent as they waited for Dean to speak.
"Well, yeah, but, uh," Dean stammered looking at me for guidance, I smiled at him. Everyone clapped for him again. "You should heal Y/N, she was struck by lightning, she's clearly in pain but she doesn't want to say anything," He commented wincing slightly like he was afraid of how I would react. I smiled knowing he cared for me. He's dying and worrying about the scars and pain that I will live through.
"Oh-ho, no. I didn't pick you, Dean. The Lord did," The preacher explained and everyone cheered a little louder.
"Get up there," Sam exclaimed but once again Dean looked at me for the answer, I smirked with an idea. I leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"If you go up there I'll take a shower with you when we get to a motel," I whispered seductively. Dean smiled as he pulled away and gestured for Sam to get out of his way. I chuckled knowing exactly what he wanted. He climbed onto the stage and looked back at me with a smile. I smiled back but it instantly faded when Layla straightened up and fixed her hair probably thinking Dean was looking at her, I was going to bite her. Dean and the preacher seemed to have a mumbled conversation.
"Pray with me, friends," The preacher announced. Everyone bowed their heads and raised their hands but when Dean looked at me like a deer in headlights I knew he needed me. I nodded with a smile. Sam and I watched intently as the preacher placed a hand on Dean's head. Dean looked like he was in pain, his eyes rolling around his head. I jumped up instantly but Sam stopped me. He only let me through when Dean fell to his knees. I wrapped my arm around his back holding him steady, His eyes rolled again before his body went limp and I held all of his weight.
I wasn't as strong as I used to be so struggled a little, the wounds on my back instantly stinging and feeling tight. I tried breathing through the pain but struggled.
"Sam," I called out and he was instantly at my side helping me hold Dean up. Everyone cheered and I looked at them like they were crazy.
"Are you okay?" Sam asked shaking Dean trying to wake him. I placed a hand on his cheek instantly worried. "Say something," Sam almost shouted as Dean gasped for air and held himself up a little. Dean's eyes widened as he looked at the preacher. I quickly looked but saw he was just smiling. I focused on Dean.
"Are you okay, baby?" I asked grabbing his attention, he looked at me a little dazed. It seemed like magic, colour sprung to his cheeks, the bags under his eyes faded and his lips looked plumper. I shook myself thinking I imagined it but there he was, a colourful man in a dull world. I smiled when I noticed him smiling at me. "Are you okay?" I asked softly. His answer must have been on the tip of his tongue as he grabbed me roughly and kissed me. I was shocked but happily accepted it. This kiss was different, it was like he was the happiest man in the world. He kissed me so rough and passionately that I wondered if he was only so gentle in the past because he was in pain. He didn't want to pull away from the kiss even as everyone was watching us and he just kept pulling me back for more.
I giggled as I pulled away, Dean's eyes searching mine, the smile plastered across his face never faltering. Dean's eyes seemed to be brighter, the once subtle but beautiful green eyes now vibrant and piercing. I chuckled realising that Dean did what I always seem to do with him, and answered a question with my actions. I chuckled just thinking.
"Come on," I added as I helped to pull him up. He stood and grabbed the sides of my face to kiss me again, I giggled as I pulled away. Dean took my hand and helped me climb off the stage, I started leading us to the back to exit the tent. Dean looked at me confused. "I want a doctor to check you over," I explained as we exited the tent.
"Baby, I feel great," He cheered but I smiled as I rolled my eyes.
"I just want to check," I explained but Dean grabbed my hand to stop me. I looked at him confused. "He might heal you next," He said hopefully.
"He only heals one a day," A random person close to us added. I smiled triumphantly continuing on my way and approaching the impala. I turned to face Dean when we got to the car and was pleasantly surprised to feel his lips on mine again. I giggled into the kiss but pulled away. "What happened to the rule of no PDA in front of Sam?" I asked rhetorically but Dean scoffed.
"He doesn't mind, do you, Sammy?" He asked looking at Sam over the car. Sam just chuckled as he climbed in. Dean smiled thinking that would make me reconsider.
"I just don't think it's something he wants to see every day, we can kiss but PG when Sam's around, okay?" I explained not asking a question. Dean sighed as he nodded making me laugh. I kissed him, and his hands instantly roamed me wanting more I laughed pulling away again.
"What he's in the car," Dean joked making me laugh. He gave me a wink before climbing into the car.
Working On
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ctitan98official · 5 months
Anonymous: can we please get momma donna nursing y/n after a tantrum (it seems so cute 🥺)
Hell yes! Mama Donna is so soft for me. Let’s get into it!
It had been a bad day. You weren’t feeling your best because you had a sore throat and a stuffy nose, but you didn’t want Donna to worry so you kept it to yourself.
You were teetering between head spaces all day but couldn’t seem to fully stay in one or the other.
Donna was busy with a big project so she left Angie to watch you, but all Angie did was make fun of you.
“I can’t figure out if you’re actually stupid or you just like watching stupid crap!” She cackled as she made fun of your cartoons.
You grunted angrily and tried to tune her out as you watched, but at one point, Angie stole your favorite stuffy (One that Donna had made you) and ran off with it.
You were heartbroken. You jumped off the couch to go chase her, but you landed wrong and twisted your ankle. You hollered in pain and finally, out of exhaustion and frustration, you shifted into your little space.
You began weeping hard and cried out for your Mama.
Luckily, Donna was already coming to find you after she heard the loud thud from you falling.
Donna walked in and immediately scooped you up. “Oh, my poor baby.” She said and rocked you gently. “What’s wrong, Y/N?” She asked and kissed your cheek. She sat down with you on the couch and bounced you softly as she held you.
You were still mad at Angie and angrily chewed on your fingers as tears rolled down your cheeks, too little to tell Donna what happened.
“Oh, careful, baby. Don’t hurt yourself.” Donna said and gently pulled your hands away from your mouth.
Your sobs only got louder and you needed something to calm you down.
Donna hummed sadly and gently brushed some hair out of your face. “Can you tell mama what happened?” She asked.
You just kept crying, you felt horrible.
Thankfully, though, your tummy growled just then. Donna smiled as she realized what might comfort you.
“Oh, Y/N. Are you hungry, baby?” She asked you.
Your crying lessened at Donna’s question. Maybe that would help? You might have fed your breakfast to a few of the dolls earlier (When Donna wasn’t looking) because you felt too sick to eat.
Donna shifted you so she could unbutton the top of her dress. “My little baby. This will make you feel a lot better.” She said. Donna unclasped her bra and exposed her heavy, swollen breasts. She had been aching while she was working and hoped you would want to eat soon, anyway.
You latched on and realized that this was indeed what you needed. Donna’s milk was warm against your scratchy throat and made it stop hurting so much.
Donna sighed in relief as you suckled and she smiled at you in adoration. “So good, baby.” She praised and kissed your forehead.
The chill that had made you feel so sick all day was replaced by warmth and love. You shivered as you felt the ickiness wash away.
Donna cooed at you and reached behind her to grab a quilt to wrap you in. “Hmm… I had a hunch you might be getting sick this morning, my darling. I should have stayed with you… But don’t worry, mama is going to warm you right up.” She told you and held you closer. She always knew when you didn’t feel good. No use trying to hide anything from her.
You hummed happily and breathed in Donna’s flowery scent. It had always calmed you, but now that you were in your little space, it brought you even more security.
Donna leaned back into the couch and enjoyed being able to bond more with her baby. Her brain was now flooded with the most intoxicating cocktail of oxytocin. She loved nursing you, it truly made her feel better.
Donna saw movement out of the corner of her eye. A blur of white told her it was Angie. She pulled the quilt up a bit and hid your face from view to give you some privacy.
Donna called out to the little doll and Angie sauntered over. She looked guilty.
Donna raised an eyebrow suspiciously and Angie immediately began trying to make excuses.
Donna shushed her gently, so she wouldn’t disturb you. “What did you do, Angie?” She questioned in a knowing voice.
Angie sighed and held up your stuffy.
Donna gasped. “Did you take that from Y/N?” She asked, quite disappointed.
Angie nodded her head.
Donna gave her a stern look before holding her hand out to take the toy.
Angie sheepishly gave it to her and apologized.
“You don’t need to say sorry to me, but later on, Y/N deserves an apology. Go up to my room and think about what you did. I’ll come get you soon.” Donna scolded.
Angie nodded sullenly and walked away.
Donna sighed and looked down at you. “Did Angie upset you, baby?” She asked.
You look at her with big eyes and nod as you eat.
Donna tuts and shows you that she has your stuffy. It warms her heart that you love it. She made it just for you, after all.
You babble excitedly and take the stuffy, holding it close.
Donna giggles at your cute reaction and nuzzles your face with hers. “You bring me so much happiness, Y/N. I don’t know what I would do without you.” Donna confesses and rubs her soft fingers across your cheek.
You begin to yawn and Donna knows you’re getting tired. She gently rocks you and hums a melody to lull you to sleep.
It works like a charm. You’re asleep within seconds.
Donna continues staring at your precious face and doesn’t want to let you go… She figures Angie needs a long time-out anyway, so she sits back again and enjoys the feeling of you in her arms.
You both comfort each other and fall even more in love.
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thegamingcatmom · 5 months
‘Tis I.. Mommy Ghost! 👋🏻 Here to stink up your ask box with my annoying lady stench once more! 😘
I hope that you are taking good care of yourself today 💖 and that Momma is giving you plenty of brain worms to inspire you. Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say.. brain maggots. 😉🪱
I return to your ask box today with more of my nonsense, this time in the form of questions with regards to Momma’s delicious mouth. 💋🥵
At the end of your most recent update of the shenanigans experienced by us, Momma’s little Drama Queen, you gave us the beginnings of an attempted kiss from Momma. And so, now seemed like the perfect time for me to hop into your inbox to broach your ideas and details of kissing our beloved Maggot Mommy. 😻😘
I am certain that any little maggot who is a slut for Momma must have at least considered what it would be like to kiss her.
I know damn well that we all took note of that tongue when Momma attacks poor Bridget. The exquisite length of it. The colour of it.. black as coal. The way that it was dripping with thick saliva. 🤤
Also the visually obvious fact that, for the majority of the film, Momma’s mouth is covered in a mixture of dried and congealed blood, and also frequently dripping with fresh blood from both her victims and her own wounds..😻🥵
With your version of Maggot Mommy, the body of Ellie being used as a vessel is strung somewhere between dead and alive.. undead, if you will. Yes? So, surely that must give the taste of her kisses a certain.. je ne sais quoi? 🙊😅
Also, despite our beloved Maggot Mommy being an unholy Goddess whom we absolutely adore.. I have a feeling that she isn’t exactly too concerned about her dental hygiene, even though her powerful mouth is used to rip and tear and consume flesh. And so that breath, and that tongue, and the potential remnants of slaughtered foes still stuck in those teeth.. it all must add up to a unique flavour? 🥲
So, my dearest Cat.. what do you imagine our experience of kissing your Maggot Momma to be like? Tell me, what does Momma’s mouth taste like? 🤤
Spare NO details. I want to hear it ALL! 😻🤤
~ Kisses from me x 💋🖤
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Hey there, mommy! 🤗
You´re most welcome to stink up my askbox with your novels (my goodness 😅) whenever. 😘
Plenty of brain maggots these days, indeed. Still catching up on everything that´s been going on these past few months, but I´m determined. 💪😤
"Most recent update" would be about...6 months ago, yes? With Momma sticking her tongue down holes that are absolutely not meant for tongues? 😅
Like that will stop her, puh-lease.
(Sweet Momma was legit making an effort though, with every sinister fibre of that rotten being. That´s all that matters! 😔✊)
So, first of all: Yes, when Momma opens that maw of hers, it´s safe to say that it is not pleasant. (Depending on her most recent meal too, obv.) It smells as you would expect something that´s rotting to smell: rotten. As for the flavor-
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Excuse me.
You got the visuals down to a T here (don´t get me started on that tongue, though-), so I think yall can imagine the absolute...interesting taste of that. You also very correctly stated the (very obvious) lack of dental hygiene...which, no, nope, absolutely not-
Like that will stop her, puh-lease.
I´m not sure how yet, but we will find a way to handle this, handle Momma. Even if it means we gotta strap her down, pry those nasty-looking jaws open with a crowbar, and brush those knife-like teeth ourselves-
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And lose an arm or two in the process.
Listen, our Drama Queen will fight tooth and nail, ram yet another pair of scissors through that skull if she has to, hell she´d be willing to negotiate on that one, too.
...Negotiating as in: Our Drama Queen is not gonna jump out of the nearest window and to her certain death, if those stained lips land anywhere that isn´t the mouth.
Well, that´s alright, Maggot Momma´s more than happy moving those stained lips of hers further down-
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...BUT, I digress. You´re here for the actual taste. 😏
Okay so, if I had to describe the taste of that, I´d say it´s a combination of both spicy and salty, mixed with foul eggs, a metallic note, and a hint of something sickly sweet - a bit like cotton candy, actually. Then there´s the added bonus of getting to share bits and pieces of-
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All in all, it´d be a rather sticky matter probably. 🫠
How can you say "No" to that face, though?
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Thanks a lot for that ask. ❤️
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inhibitionfreewriting · 10 months
dad ludwig + "[Parent], can we play?" "No baby I need to finish this thing for work." ??? :)
i hope this is good ;v; ludwig and his lil duck and you
it's cute when the little duck watches lud record videos because she sits very quietly and they came up with a system for when he was done recording. unfortunately, today was NOT a good day in the household and she was needy.
she was bouncing on her feet, doing her best to stay patient for him to do the "outro", whatever that word really meant, she clung to her tiny duck plush. ludwig stopped the recording and turned his chair to face her.
"well hey there," he reached down and picked her up and she immediately went to grab his face, dropping the duck plush between the two of them.
"i wanna play," she started, squishing his cheeks the way he would see her mother squish them, only momma needed one hand and she needed two, "can we play? pwleeeeeeease?" he made kissy noises at her before covering her cheeks in kisses, holding her tightly to him. "NOOOOOOOO!" she squealed, trying to wriggle out of his grasp.
"ow duck, your quackin is gonna blow my ears out." she giggled and covered her mouth.
"so can we play?" but ludwig frowned and she frowned in return, lip already quivering. he leaned his face against hers, nuzzling his slightly scruffy cheek against hers causing her to protest but at least stop frowning.
"i'm sorry baby, i can't play right now, i have to finish recording for work."
"but i wanna plaaaaaayyyyyyy!" ludwig snuggled her tighter, kissing her cheek and forehead mumbling that he knew and he was sorry and he was the WORST dad in the world, which only caused her to yell NOOOOO at the top of her tiny lungs.
"okay okay okay, shh shh shh, how about this? i get through one more video and then we can do whatever you want, we can even ask mommy if she wants to play with us too, huh?" she sniffled, playing up that she was indeed very upset at this development, but after a moment she relented, with a very quiet okay. "if you sit real quiet next to me while i record, you can sit right next to me." she nodded again and ludwig put her on the loveseat a few feet away (just out of camera view) and nestled her in with a blanket and her duck plush.
recording the second video took a few tries which bothered him but he could see her out of the corner of his eye, smiling at him and just enjoying spending time with them. it couldn't have been more than 30 minutes, but when he clicked stop recording and looked over, she was asleep. instantly guilt ran through his body, taking his headphones out and trying to sigh as quietly as he could. scooping her up in his arms with little protest from the sleepy toddler, he left the stream room and headed towards where you were, curled up in the corner of your couch with a book.
"well there you- oh look at her."
"i think i put her to sleep talking about a recent chess tournament." you laughed, of course, he was always good at putting her to sleep. he sat down gently, leaning most of himself into you. "we were going to play but..."
"you know if you wake her up, she'll be ready to go." he looked at you, incredulously.
"and wake up the princess? never. we can play when we get up."
"yeah, scooch, i'm napping with her." you rolled your eyes but stretched out so he could nestle easier. "g'night."
"goodnight, duckies"
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psychospore · 1 year
Curling Up and... Dying???
Summary: Loki flies up straight to their home to find out about a mischievous misunderstanding with their daughter
Word count: 960
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Days like this when Loki feels so bad for leaving home. Rogers called in for an urgent mission in Romania, apparently, their personal data was leaked by a hacker and norns know what could happen if they let it be any further. He had to leave when the kiddo was fast asleep because the kid really knows how to throw tantrums whenever one of them leaves.
Kiddo was left together with y/n in their cozy home in New York. She indeed bawled her eyes out when she realized her dad was nowhere to be found after checking all of the rooms.
Instead of leaving the kiddo with a babysitter, y/n called her hairdresser to have her appointment in their home. It took her months to schedule the appointment and it would be a waste to cancel it but she feels she'd be more comfortable and her kiddo too to have each other.
As soon as the hairdresser arrives, y/n instructed her kid to go play in another room, close the door as the fumes might get too strong for her, and just in case her dad calls, not to have a video one as she wanted to surprise him with a new look when he gets home. Kiddo nods as she scampers off with her mom's mobile phone in hand and carefully closes the door, but still making sure she hears her. She wants to make sure momma doesn't leave her like her dad did.
Meanwhile, Loki was scanning the debriefing file Rogers handed to him. Seems like the problem was more intensive than it seems, he was fidgeting with his phone wanting to calm his nerves before the operation as he's been overthinking about the thought of bad guys infiltrating their home. He knows y/n is capable of fending for herself but he doesn't want to subject their kid to a traumatic experience.
Thor noticed his discomfort and assured him all will be well but still in a brotherly fashion, he made Loki call y/n to ease the tension
As soon as the phone rang, the kiddo jumped up and saw it was his dad calling. She started crying again, which y/n did not notice from the noise of the blower blasting near her ears.
"Hello, darling?" Loki's voice rang through the phone
"Why did you leaaaaave meeee?" Kiddo complained in between sobs
"My heart, daddy's got an important mission but I'll be home soon. Where's mommy?" he assured
"She's in another room, with a strange person. She told me to hide here in the playroom and handed me her phone," still sobbing
"what's mommy doing? Can we do a video call?" Loki asked
"Mommy told me not to, I heard she was curling up and.. dyeing... I tried to peek earlier and saw the strange person with a gun near her head," she whispered in sobs.
" Stay there for me darling, I'll go home as soon as possible," he mustered before the lines cut off.
Loki went into full panic mode with the rest of the Avengers holding him back from wreaking absolute havoc.
Thor assisted Loki going home by calling out Bifrost to easily transport them back to New York.
The house doesn't seem to be in disarray as he entered but he walked through the room where y/n is to find her all dolled up - her hairdresser bouncing her new curled hair in a different color in front of the dresser. His mouth dropped, both in relief and awe at how beautiful her wife is.
Y/n looked at them both with curiosity, "I thought you won't be back until tomorrow?" She asked
Thor, "well, that explains it - where's the cheeky little monkey?" He chuckled going to the playroom.
"I called earlier and our wonderful kid told me you were curling up and dying with a strange person in the room and there's a gun to your head!" he sternly remarked. Visibly pissed and shaking his head with his arms folded.
Y/n was forced to hold in a laugh as she heard this. "I was having my hair done and she might have seen them blowing my hair with the blower," she hugged Loki by the waist and assured him everything is alright. "I was planning to surprise you with my new look but it seems you were in for a different surprise," planting a kiss on her worried husband's cheek. She then thanked her hairdresser before showing them out of the house.
Thor was picking up kiddo as they emerged from the playroom, "here's the little culprit that caused all the mayhem" as he sets her down.
Loki wanted to reprimand his kid but seeing her running towards him and hugging him, he seemed to forget all his worries as a wave of relief washed his fears away.
"I missed you, dad" the kid clinging to him.
"I missed you too, darling." He hugs her back tightly.
"What should we tell Rogers?" Thor interrupted.
"Tell them, all is settled but I'm staying with my family for the meantime" Loki responded.
" Should we tell them what happened here?" Thor asked
" Don't bother. Rogers will have my head after I almost destroyed the ship" Loki answered.
" Oh god - you did?" Y/n surprisingly responded
" Long story, for now, let me have this time to be with my extremely mischievous daughter " as he picks her up, kiddo responding with a resounding giggle.
" He was a total wreck, thinking something bad might have happened to you both," Thor whispered to y/n before seeing himself out. "I'll be going back there to help out but I'll be visiting again soon" Thor nods and winks as he closes the door behind him.
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
I wanted to know since it seems penny takes a liking to swearing is baby Wayne the same way or does he take to putting money in the sweat jar seriously Like momma is running around the house getting ready for work and she lets a swear and Wayne’s cute chunky smile drops and doesn’t it let it go until she makes up for her crimes of letting the bad word slip out
baby wayne isn’t big on talking, he prefers to point at whatever he wants, get it himself or simply wait until Eddie or his mom gets it for him when they finally realize what he wants (though he gets frustrated). he does talk though and he’s had his potty mouth moments, but once he learned they were bad words he doesn’t go saying them willy nilly.
he does indeed run to get the swear jar when you slip up though lol, or anyone in the house for that matter. he doesn’t know or care what the money is for but he still knows if you say a bad word, you gotta put money in the swear jar and he’ll pester about it, following eddie or you around and nudging the jar against your leg until you give in 😂
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obsessedfluffbutt · 3 months
Second to last @glowweek prompt!
Day 6: Vacation
Beach Day
Beach City in the summertime! Sun shining, barely a cloud in the sky, people and gems mill about with their ice cream, or slushies. Families gather together on the beach, enjoying the warm sand, basking in the sunlight or splashing around in the water.
On a single blanket with a large umbrella to protect them from the sun's harmful rays sits a new, young family. Majority of the fellow tourists steer clear of the small family with their giant pink umbrella, mostly because of the equally pink lion sleeping next to them. Though that doesn't always stop some of the more adventurous children from indulging their curiosity when their own parents' attention on them wanes.
Steven huffs as he discourages yet another kid, this one barely 4 years old, from trying to climb into Lions mouth. He and Connie know Lion would never hurt anyone, but the last thing they need to deal with while on vacation is panicked parents who, upon finally noticing their absent kid, see them inside the mouth of a massive predator!
“Try to relax hon,” Connie says as she smears a little sunscreen on the face of the small child in her lap, “Lion wouldn't bother opening his mouth for those kids anyways, let alone let them try to climb in!”
“I know, I know, it's just I want you to be able to enjoy your time off without dealing with angry parents.” He slumps onto the ground and gently pats his furry friend's head.
“Thank you, but really, don't worry so much.” She smiles at him, then hands the baby to Steven.
“Here, hold Amie for me while I put sunscreen on your back.”
Steven takes his favorite little bundle of joy from his wife. While he enjoys a light shoulder massage from Connie he plays with Amie, blowing raspberries and making her giggle like crazy.
“Steveeeen! Stevenstevensteven Steven!! And Conniiieee!!” A short green gem screeches as she zips across the sand towards them.
Peridot slides towards them, doing a perfect hook slide, and Steven quickly lifts Amie up and away from the impact zone. No sand is getting in his baby's eyes, not today, not on his watch! Peridot jumps up, dusts off some sand and stands proud, hands on her hips, giant grin on her face.
“Finished your gardening lessons for the day?” Connie asks.
“Indeed I have and I'm the first to arrive! Yes!” She cheers and leaps against Steven to give him a tight hug.
Connie takes Amie so Steven can hug her back, “You humans and this whole “growing up” thing! I can't even get my arms all the way around you anymore! Stop that you clod!” Peridot complains.
“Pretty sure I'm done growing now, Peri.” Steven snickers.
“C-mmm… cwrod!”
The two adults and Peridot freeze, all three heads turning towards the small human in Connie's arms.
“Did… did she just…?” Steven mutters, stunned.
“Her first word!!” Connie practically squeals with joy! “Wait… isn't clod a kind of… gem insult?” Connie asks.
Steven looks to Peridot, “You're the only one I know who regularly says clod… Peri did you… basically teach my daughter a gem swear word!?”
“YES!” Peridot shouts with glee, “That's right little Amie! Clod! Cl-od!”
“Cwod!” Amie says, then blows a spittle bubble. Peridot giggles like a little gremlin, positively delighted. It's obvious to her that Amie doesn't understand what that means just yet, but it won't be long before she does if Peridot has anything to say about it, and much more!
“Peridot. I can tell what you're thinking. No more teaching Amie bad words!” Steven scolds the green gem.
Amie just keeps giggling from where she sits perched on her momma's lap in the shade of their umbrella.
Later that day Pearl nearly faints when she picks up her sweet little Amie and she calls her a clod.
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chaotick-musings · 1 year
Sett's marriage proposal to Qadira
(This Drabble was originally written by me almost 3 years go, but I've never posted it. Since @thegoldentigress mentioned it, I thought I'd put it here too so I can properly save it. I thought of changing some things, but I decided to post it as it was so it can be properly archived I hope you like it)
“Mommaaaaa she’s going to laugh at me!” Sett was squirming inside of his tuxedo, truly finding a tailor that could do a proper suit for him was a half of the hassle, and the other half was trying not to destroy said suit while he put it on. Black and White, like his Momma recommended, with a golden bow tie and gold rings, and finally the braid decoration that Qadira had done for him.
“Oh nonsense my dear! You’ve been planning this moment for almost half a year!” By ‘he’ has been planning; his mom meant ‘she’ had been planning based on the information that Sett had given her. The usual procedure was Sett mentioning something that Qadira liked, his momma giving him an idea, and then Sett finding the expert and putting in the money for it. And indeed, a lot of money was put forth for this little, as well as a lot of planning and talking to the rest of the fighting ring.
As far as Qadira was concerned, today was meant to be a special exhibition match on the beach in the middle of the night, with some ‘high profile moneybags’ coming to watch and throw money. Sett told her to come in her best dress, since she wasn’t fighting, and that she had to be punctual, so as the clock was reaching 12, he had to make sure that everything was in place.
His Lieutenants (that his momma thought where just co-workers), were making sure that everything was in order, talking to the musicians he brought from Kumungu (he couldn’t find her specific tribe, but thought that perhaps those were enough), to the people in charge of the fireworks, to the flowers…it was a small army moving around and working their way all over the beach getting ready for--
“Here she comes Settrigh!” His momma screamed, giant ears, did wonders for listening in. Everyone went to their positions as the silhouette of Qadira started forming from the horizon. The first thing that happened was the music, a small orchestra building up her entrance, as they played the song he had selected. “Ode to the Ocean Queen”, seemed fitting for the occasion of a water-controlling tigress.
When she was 20 metres away, the fireworks began, filling the night sky with a vast array of colors, especially gold, orange and crimson Their colors, before exploding in a sea of teal with a huge golden heart on it. He can see her face of confusion, and she’s about to stop, when his momma (bless her soul) walks up to her and gives her a hug. Locking arms, they walk forward together into the ‘path’.
Plumerias and Hibiscus on the edges, and a golden teal carpet mark the way towards an extremely nervous wolverine, who can only think of how absolutely gorgeous her girlfriend is as his lieutenants begin to throw flowers onto the path. A pack of Stellacorns are commanded to fill the sky, dancing on top of them with the fireworks, while other elementalists dance in rythim with the music, fire, water, ice, earth, sand, seem to tell a story, about a wolverine finding a tiger in a beach…and their travels together.
All of that was an explosion of color that filled the beach all around them and then…
She’s here.
Right in front of Sett.
His momma let’s go of her and gives her a little push so she is only a few feet away.
Time freezes, the beach goes quiet as everyone waits for him to talk. Clenching his fist to steel himself, he kneels down, the moon reflecting from the sea behind him filling him with a silver glow, the only sound being that of the tigress gasping in shock and covering her mouth.
“Qadira… when I was a boy…I didn’t think I could ever love anyone that wasn’t family…I was beating blue and black so many times, that eventually I only knew how to beat people back.” Sett’s voice was very soft, almost quivering and doubting, as if remembering his childhood was that painful. His mom was sniffing and holding back the tears of happiness from behind Qadira. “When I grew up…I learnt to care for people aside from my Momma. I learnt what it meant to have … ‘coworkers’ you have to defend and protect, but…I can’t honestly say I love them, I care for them deeply but not that way…”A small glance to his Lieutenants who all gave an understanding nod before he continued.
“Specially you…god, how I hated your guts when I first saw you, you acted and sounded exactly like the type of person I hated, and honestly I could not wait for you to be gone and then…” A small chuckle escaped his mouth, looking at the ground for a bit, before locking eyes with her “And then we spent that night together just…talking. Enjoying our company. Slowly you’ve taught me more and more about life, that there’s more to it than it just being  a giant ring where you beat people up or you get beaten up.You taught me to love….you taught me to love you…”
“I love you, Qadira” Slowly he produces a small box, opening it to reveal a gold ring with a beautiful diamond on top. He can feel some tears escaping his eyes from his eyes and he thinks how foolish he must look. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to make you happy, and I want to be happy so….”
“Will you marry me?”
Silence. Eternal silence as she begins to cry, her hand moving towards the ring and…
Laughter, cries, music, fireworks, and much much more fill the night sky. But Sett can only pay attention to the woman around his arms. The woman he loves so much. The woman he’ll marry.
Qadira Marmoris.
His fiancé.
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elbasanluis · 2 years
august 2005
“How many times have I told you to–”
At the shrill voice of her mother, ten year old Elba leapt to her feet. Her mouth was stained pink, so there was no hiding the evidence that she’d gorged herself on the summer fruit. But it was not the lack of strawberries her mother’s furious eyes burned holes through, no, it was the bright white bunny that began scurrying back into the thick brush and bushes of their land. The rough and calloused hands of Lori San Luis grasped at her daughter’s tender shoulders, “Where did you find that rabbit, ladybug? Where did it come from?”
“I–” Elba was caught off guard, but the pet-name brought comfort. Her body went as soft as her brown eyes were, “She was napping in the rows. I think she ate one too many strawberries, like me.” She felt awfully tired herself after all the snacking underneath the beating sun with a new bunny pal.
“Ira!” Lori screeched from their backyard, “It’s happened again!”
Her mousy dad appeared at the screen door of their porch, shovel and bag held in hands. After that, her parents' voices dropped to whispers. The last thing she heard her mom say with great clarity was, “We don’t need that anymore.”
“What’s happened, momma?” They didn’t hear the curious voice of their daughter during the intense conversation, but Elba was sent to her room moments later, as expected. It’s what she preferred. She really did feel protected when her parents chose to argue in private rather than in Elba’s presence. She supposed she was taking too long to get to her room, because Lori closed her daughter’s door shut behind her abruptly. But on the other side of the door with chipping paint, her mother reminded her, “Stay out of my damn bushes! You know they’re rent.”
Mom was right. Without those berries, she might’ve not had the headphones that got her through afternoons like this. Elba snapped the oversized headphones on her head, hit play on the disc player, then laid back into the air mattress to enjoy the music.
She dozed off after her favorite song of the moment, My Girl, played and was awoken in time for dinner, her pops sitting at the end of her bed. He was always the one to come check on her. He always relayed the news that they were having her favorite for dinner. And Elba’s brows would shoot up in surprise, “You were able to make pineapple salsa for the–”
Ira’s grin almost fell, but he couldn’t let the tears shed in front of his only daughter. In front of his true saving grace, “For your fish tacos, indeed. Get washed up. It’s already on the table.” And up she was, first throwing her long arms around her dad in a tight hug. Mom would pop up after dinner, mid-dessert, with kind eyes and kind hugs, too.
“My girl, my girl, my girl Talkin' 'bout my girl My girl,” Lori would sing before bedtime, brushing out Elba’s hair.
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givsmn2k05 · 2 months
Little Birdie
785 word count
triggers: animal cruelty, animal harm, animal death
"Gianna! Gianna, come look!"
The auburn raised her gaze from her book to her kid sister of 7 years, her mane of flaming red like a halo in the sunlight. The child's face was alight in excitement as she bounded across the yard, grass stuck on her clothes.
"What, Gemma?"
"I found a baby birdie." The girl exclaimed excitedly, bouncing on her bare feet now as she stood at her sister's bent knees.
Gianna hummed, returning to her book. "Let it be. If your scent lingers then the momma won't take it back."
"It won't fly though. I think its wing broke."
Gianna paused at that. A moment, then she closed her book and set it on the bench, coming to her feet. "Show me,"
Gemma took her sister's hand and guided her to the pond behind their home. At the base of a towering oak was a collection of Gemma's rocks and sticks and a chick, about the size of a toddler's palm, cocooned by one of Gemma's shawls.
"See!" Gemma declared, startling the bird, which let out a chirp and flapped one wing, the other twitching at its side.
"Not so loud, Kid. You'll scare it." Gianna said, coming to a knee. Carefully, she scooped up the hatchling. It flailed hopelessly in her palm as she examined it. "Looks like a hummingbird." Looking up into the limbs of the tree granting them shade, she spotted what looked to be a nest, quite a ways up. "Must've fallen out." She returned to her examination and realized that the flittering wing was indeed broke. "Doesn't look broke," She said, petting the warped limb, "Just some residue on the wing, likely bearing her down."
"So she'll be okay?" Gemma asked, leaning in over her sister's shoulder to watch.
"She'll be fine. Go and retrieve me a rag, would you? We can get her cleaned up."
The seven-year-old ambled off towards their house, a skip in her step. "I'ma tell Momma we rescued a birdie!"
Gianna hummed in acknowledgement, enthralled by the creature flipping back and forth. It's feathers were green and blue and brown and shined almost iridescent under the noon sun. "Aren't you a pretty little one," She crooned, bopping the top of its head with her finger. It chirped up at her, tiny malleable beak opening and closing to snip at her. Gianna laughed, amused, and moved closer to the shore of the pond. "Feisty,"
Reaching down, she dunked the chick into the shallow water, fist closed about it, a tight pressure on the creature. She pulled back and it chirped again, so she submerged it into the water once more, longer, rubbing it into the water's soil. She felt a crunch. When she raised it above the surface, its chirp was weaker, choked.
She opened her fist and both wings flapped, equally futile now. "Aw," She doted, "Both your wings broke now, little birdie?" It flopped in her hand, trying to run over her fingers, but she clutched it tight. "Silly thing."
She admired it a moment longer before pinching its head between her two fingers and squeezing. The chick shrieked, writhing, trying to escape. Gianna took her time, gradually increasing the pressure until a sweet snap rang through and the bird went limp in her hold.
"Hm," The girl hummed, "Kinda like cracking an egg. Apt." She suspended the body by its head, turning it left and right, before reaching into the water for a decent sized rock. She set the body into a dip in the water's soil before covering it with the rock, insuring it wouldn't rise and be found. Sure it was secure, she rinsed her hands.
"Gianna! I've the cloth!"
Gianna turned at the waist and looked at her sister, remorseful. "I'm sorry, Kid."
Gemma slowed in her approach, gaze moving from her shawl nest at the base of the tree, then to Gianna and her empty hands. "Where'd the baby birdie go?"
"Her wing really wasn't broken. I sprinkled some water on her to get her cleaned up and she hopped out of my hand and flew off."
Gemma's mouth pulled into a deep frown, "But I wanted to clean the birdie."
Gianna sighed, reaching out, "I know, Hon. I'm sorry, c'mere." She embraced the girl and pressed a kiss to her shoulder, "But at least she's okay. She went up into the tree, so she likely just went back to her siblings."
Gemma sighed but nodded, relenting. "Okay. That's good. Maybe I'll see her again."
Gianna laughed, ruffling the girl's curls, "Most likely, Hon. Wanna go for a swim."
The seven-year-old perked up at that, "Yes! We can play frisbee!"
"Sounds good to me, Kid. C'mon,"
0 notes
imraespace · 6 months
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── ABOUT ME .ᐟ
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actually this is about imrae ! (totally not bc i have a carrd now i changed up this post!)
in the old about me i did mentioned that the name imrae is from an oc ive made and indeed it is!
imrae's full name is Imrae Armgo shes an oc i made when i started playing baldur's gate 3, a game based off dnd(dungeons and dragons) and ever since ive grown to LOVE IMRAE HAHAHA so much i used her name for my blog help. (i also use imrae when im playing dungeons and dragons with my momma hehehe)
ik no one really cares BUT THOSE WHO DO!! this is what imrae is:
Imrae is an albino drow(dark elf) her class is a bard but she isnt like your normal bard(basically the mouth of the crew) i made imrae personality almost based around my own, shes soft spoken and kind. imrae isnt shy and timid like myself thats the only difference. your normal drow is mean, jealous and will wish on your downfall yk the normal!! but imrae is a seldarine drow, meaning shes a good drow she doesnt follow the teachings of lolth.
uh imrae's whole backstory is really long no one really cares abt that but uhh shorten version of imrae's story is imrae WAS a noble, she was born in a noble family, since shes an albino drow being different from others her momma, mean nasty normal drow, used imrae as a spy to get intel from above so she can find ways to be better than other drows, one day on above imrae fell inlove with a normal elf!! his name is amalaf btw hehehe. BUT THAT ELF WAS THE ELF IMRAE NEEDED THE INTEL FROM! omg!!! before she fell inlove imrae wasnt the MEANEST drow but she wasnt nice either(she was rasied by them anyways HELP though, albino drows think differently than normal ones so thats why i made her like that). she befriended amalaf but with the days she spent with the elves above the more she felt like she belonged there and BOOM fell inlove but girl isnt used to that she thought it was from being above there for so long that she was getting sick!! imrae finished her mission but didnt went back but soon.. she did ha! she told amalaf abt her past and to forget her and she went back, he didnt judge ehr bc amalaf is a nice calm elf(he also loved her). she lied to her mean mommy but mean mommy wasnt HAVING THAT!! she got angy dawg and imraes siblings being the normal mean drows was like HAHA and wanted to do better than imrae becos being albino drow meant imrae was BOOM better than them from birth! amalaf had disgused himself as a drow and came underground to get back something of his and guess who stole it??!! YO MAMA GOSHH. your siblings found amalaf and imrae's family all gather around to witness the death of a traitor and imrae witnessed the death of her first love. imrae was supposed to be the head of her family(being albino n stuff) but after what happened she dipped and decided to live on taking inspo from amalaf, he was a bard so she trained to become one(per say her household sepciality was magic so it worked out.), he was nice calm and kind so she decided to be nice calm and kind, learning the path of a good drow in memory of wanting to live a calm kind lif with amalaf.
the shortened version makes imrae look like your typical "y/n" oc but I promise she isn't😞 firstly you have to understand how drows work and the difference between albino and normal drows. I made imrae albino just by reading up on it. originally imrae was supposed to be a normal and noble drow like how it's in there but I also read up that albino drows are typically born in a noble household! I needed to make imrae different from the normal drows and think differently to make her story even better and how she changed her personality from mean to calm and my answer to that was an albino drow so that's where my choice in making imrae apart of that small 3% of an albino drow😊
maybe one day I will share her full story to those who maybe wants it
one day i hope to learn how to draw and draw her i love imrae.
those who actually read this hope you enjoyed it those who didnt then ok loser
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