#that is what u get for letting your child have 5 tattoos by the time she’s 18😭
bloodgutsandpussy · 2 years
my tattoos have become a constant source of insecurity because my mom was stupid enough to let me get them when I was young enough to be reading Percy Jackson while getting tatted and now I have too many to remove or cover up that I absolutely hate
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babythegod · 11 months
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Remember when I was 16 and my cousins kept getting pregnant so you woke me up out of my sleep to accuse me of being with child, beat me with a broom then called the police on me &I wasn’t even sexually active. I had to cover my black eye with make-up during thanksgiving festivities or when we actually still lived with Monterra &you hit me with a pool stick before school (for getting “smart”) so I tried to stab a knife into my wrist vein (where my ankh tattoo is now because I was sick of looking at the scar) or when nobody gaf after lil bro busted my lip wide open cause I said he “acts like our dad” or when I lost my cat and you lied and told him I was trying to assault you so he came into my room and abused me as you watched proudly from the doorway. Fun times 😻
Kinda an excerpt : from my upcoming book :
The Calling.
“I still cry for that teenager that was left with an ultimatum that would unknowingly change the trajectory of her entire life and leave me scarred and traumatized for years. When I told my dad “NO!” I didn’t want to live with him as he threw my mom out of our family home , I didn’t realize at the time that I was choosing death. I meant NO ! I want all of this to end now. NO! can we fix it ? NO ! Let’s press rewind …My innocence was killed that night &I lost everything I ever knew to be true. I had always felt the absence of love but then safety vanished as well. No one ever asked me if I was ok . No one. Not once. I began to look for home in all the wrong people and places. Both of my parents swear they did “their best” with me but the way my brothers were and still are treated , I know that’s not valid. I was denied child support my entire teenage years while everyone else received lavish new clothing &designer shoes , I would get berated if I ever tried any piece of my moms wardrobe on. I remember hearing “YOUR DAD GIVES ME $600 A MONTH, ALL FOR FAT” an innumerable amount of times. So I would walk to this bootleg cd/dvd/ women’s apparel store called “Hot Girls” every single day after school begging the owner to let me work there. It’s lowkey so funny cause it was right across from the police station and he was pirating his ass off 😹😹😹 He finally agreed and I made $5 an hour , from 4-8 , when I got off the bus I would go straight there &all day Saturday. He was closed on Sundays. $70 -$120 cash under the table every week is what helped me survive. Now that I think back , Seven was really the only father figure I had as a teen. He was a skinny weird little dude from Hollygrove. We would always fuss cause I was a product of my circumstances and he was Dwayne PONCHO Eli, I still don’t really know why people called him Seven but he always told me “you’re not country like most Kenner people, you’re different 😹” I am so thankful for him because I could’ve got lost in the streets like most abandoned young ladies do. I worked there until I was 18 &was able to find real employment. “
The main reasons I can never bond with my father still to this day; 1. Our relationship was never fostered. 2. While working at my job I purchased a white pair of shorts , that were too tight and skimpy , I admit. But I just thought they were fly at the time. I couldn’t have imagined that Instead of buying your daughter new clothes you’d rather wish rape upon her , vocally in front of our entire family in my grandparents house. No one even batted an eye. No one addressed his cruelty. My dad must be a wizard because his evil wish eventually came true in 2015/2016, my senior year in college I was assaulted in my own apartment. I went into denial, dropped out with only 6 credits left. I honestly believe; Sire &the Holy Spirit saved my life. I would not know love if it wasn’t for Christ.
The things I am still struggling to forgive, but can never forget.
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The hate u give little infants fucks everyone …
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mystifiedmess · 2 years
ok ok ok ash, i hope you’re ready for my HCs—i can’t seem them being as good as u bc u set a high and but i’m gonna give it an honest effort.
1. ambivert leaning towards introvert? u prefer having a smaller group of friends that u can let loose w & u social battery takes time to recharge.
2. not a big fan of alcohol? like—u try it, gives u the ick & the you’ll nurse the same drink for a long time.
3. u were the smart kid in school—slightly overachieving, liked sitting in the front, had the answers type
4. you’re good at like. crafts and stuff? all that DIY stuff—bracelets, jewellery, photo frames idk
5. not a big sports person but swimming is good stuff
6. u have a high pain tolerance (this has to be true bc what u told me about ur tattoo—)
7. ur parents r pretty chill w you and u get a lot of only child benefits but ur also not like. a spoiled brat?
8. a rambler!!! can talk for days about anything & everything, interspersed w so many tangential stories & events
dude you said you don't see them being as high as mine and then having the first one dead on correct is most i didn't study for test but topped class behaviour jsjdh
1- my irl friends have this ratio that is just my speaking and interacting with people is inversely proportional to the no of people. it doesn't matter if these are people i have known all my life. like at max i can stay at my bffs house for 5 hours then i Just start getting the hives and it's too much
2-ohkay so i haven't gotten hammered yet (haven't had the chance, but so far my experience was that i liked it enough, i am cautious with it tho but that's more getting caught by family ke karan wala scene)
3-i wish lmao why do people have this perception (you're definitely not the first) but i was an above average kid till like 10th. i had something of a harry scene like where he's smart but he doesn't have studious habits so it didn't really translate to grades you know. the sitting in first bench thing is slightly true (i want to sit infront at time cause i can't see past my hands without glasses,my eyesight is just the most whack thing)
4- oh yeah this is dead on like i didn't do jwellery but i did make a lot of other creative stuff as a kid loved arts and crafts. I'm that stationary friend even now my pouch is 1/2 kgs 🥲
5-ooh so i love running (like track/relay races and stuff) i love cycling just the feel of being so fast that the wind just kisses your face and you get the temporary relief from heat or the world even becomes blur i love that feeling
also love swimming as well tho but besides that don't like any games that involve balls so you're right in a way
6- yeah you're right about it, even rn i ahve a injury which i thought i was adequately describing to mom but turns out just sayin I'm okay and it's not that bad when it is bad doesn't work who knew 🙃
7- bhai so you're dead on for half that I'm not a spoiled brat (also does anyone else physically get the ick when they have to compliment themselves in any form and even if it's a very true statement)
but while i am an only child. my parents are bihari which idk if you've heard about them but they have a reputation ™
they are the strictest species to be on this planet and that's why i am Machiavellian and just like a liar ™
8- did you by chance speak with my friends cause!!!!!! i get this so so so much i can't be on a topic for more than 5 mins. i could start with history of earth and will somehow reach to the depths of feminism and it's reality in india to some meta discussion about a character
I'm that one friend that's just like- so what topic were we in again
the other friend : which one of these 18 topics are you talking about
over-all dude you've got a pretty good idea about me 🫂
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calkale · 2 years
0, 8, 11, 15, 19, 21, 38, 39, 41, 43 <3 go wild!!
(also it’s not my ask so feel free to steal AKLJSFALKF)
Omg thats so many 😳😳 omg mar hi!! fancy seeing u here🥰🥰🥰 thank u so much
0. height?
Im 5’4 :) im a little guy but my cowboy boots give me like 2-3 inches
8. Want any tattoos?
Yes!! I have 2 rn that i really want, im planning on getting a blackbird on my thigh as my first “real” tattoo (i have stick n pokes but i want them all covered up or removed theyre so ugly i was so dumb 😐) and i want “theres still time” above my left elbow. Theres a few more i want but i don't want a whole lot of tattoos rn
11. best friend?
phoenix if u see this hi ❤️ and makkie and briel (and all my tumblr besties lol)
15. Favourite movie?
Okay im giving my top 5
my number 1 is Top Gun, 2 is Top Gun Maverick, 3 is Cars, 4 is Armageddon and 5 is Speed (im reworking my list so it changes a lot but thats what it is rn)
19. A fact about your personality?
Ooo thats a good question idk how to answer this
Im pretty determined, if i want something ill get it, if i need to do something ill do it, and if someone tells me i cant do it first then even better
21. What do i love most about myself?
Okay kinda answered in the question above but i love a lot about myself im cool and funny and hot and cute and smart. Since i kinda answered it before ill say something i physically love about myself. i love my eyes, i always have, they’re green and i just noticed they have a little gold in them and that made me love them even more, i also love my height, i used to absolutely hate being so short but now its one of my favourite things about myself :) i also love my arms, i love upper body workouts but i wish i had better shoulders to go with my arms but i am cursed with them not growing as well 😔
38. My childhood career choice?
Okay its the same as what it is now but switched, my first choice as a child was a nascar driver and my second choice was a pilot (specifically a fighter pilot) and now my first choice is pilot (fighter pilot, test pilot or stunt pilot, preferably all three let me live my dream life, but ill take anything other than commercial airlines sorry but🤮) and my second choice is race car driver (id love to drive for nascar but u kinda need to be American and be like born into that world u know)
39. My favourite ice cream flavour?
Strawberry cheesecake all the way
41. Where i want to be rn?
Somewhere warm and sunny 😔 its cloudy and snowy today n im not in a good mood
43. Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately?
I don’t even have to say it we all know (its Ice)
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svtinq · 2 years
omg i love ur hs headcanons, can i request like the genshin boys but as substitute teachers? preferably childe, zhongli, itto, diluc, xiao and kaeya plss - if thats too much its fine!!
teachers? oml bloody genius
genshin boys as substitute teachers (ft. DCKZ + xiao and itto)
"good afternoon everyone"
"quiet when I take the role, I want no funny business."
probably leaves the class alone most of time bc he has "emails to send"
sighs so mf loud when the class gets too loud
sipping his black coffee every two seconds while he's typing away on his computer
established the fact that he can answer your questions at the start of the class bc he has a "literature degree" even though he's taking a physics class
looks busy and scary enough that no one approaches him w/ their "literature" questions
wearing a low buttoned black shirt and hair tied back in a low ponytail
he's the teacher u wanna get a piece of ifykyk
girls and gays be whispering about him after class
actually a really good teacher, very coherent and answers the question
"oh let me see what you guys are doing..."
the P.E teacher sub who forgot they had to be here.
turns the air con on SO HIGH and is still sweating
forgets to take the role until theres 10 minutes left of the class
let's you out 5 minutes if you promise not to "trip and die" in the five minutes left bc he doesn't want to get sued.
super chill, i promise you that you will get no work done
has those casual conversations with the class, the vibe turns grey after you figure out he has a fiance.
too dumb w/ a lack of credentials to answer literally anything so he insists the questions you ask him aren't included in his paycheck
"trigonometry? oh yeah .. no"
if you are picking subjects/university courses, expect him to give a big lecture about taking sports science or coaching
"shoosh, shush shushs sushsuuhs shhhhhh"
" you guys are giving me a bloody migraine"
the sub that everyone loves
you hear cheering when he walks into the room
sits down and rolls his eyes before proceeding with the role call - he knows he's iconic
"so rachel what's up with you and bryan?"
adopts and i mean adopts every child
will be patrolling at lunch and get bombarded
wanted to leave the school one time but the kids protested
very attractive, 10/10 teacher crush material
he's a chinese teacher with the cutest accent
zhongli is like unintentionally funny, theres just too much of a cultural difference
when substituting for an english class he walks in, stares at everyone, smiles and nods before sitting down and not saying a word for the rest of the lesson
mispronounces literally every name on the role, not just the exotic ones
will see a chinese last name on the roll and his face lights up
proceeds to have a conversation in chinese on the spot while everyone is just confused
also very attractive and always well groomed
bitch comes to teach in a suit every day
if you get him at the end of the day and he's tired, your tired, seeing him taking his suit jacket off and loosening his tie is gonna keep you awake ALL NIGHT - different kind of caffeine bro
tired substitute
studying to teach chemistry/physics cause I swear the science department is always on their last line
seeing him not be tired and smile is like seeing a shooting star bitch, you better wish you could take a picture
has tattoos and is forced to cover them up, but he fucked the system and still wears sleeveless tops and turtlenecks anyway
apprentice teacher so he's really young and seggsy ijsnvils n burnt out ig
"oh you need help with this one?"
talks in the deepest and calmest voice and leans over your shoulder to read the question
the guys don't really like him, oh i wonder why?
this sexy asian man is the standard be sure to ask a lotta questions ;)
retired athlete
he probably played rugby
the girls would be asking questions and accidently find out his athlete profile
known around the school and sticks out like a sore thumb, a big thicc thumb
doesn't care if the class if loud asf but the teachers next door always tell him off
"okay so we're gonna have to turn the volume down by like 35 okay?"
yeah no he's not gonna be able to answer any questions but he tries really hard
the younger year levels bully him while the older ones drool over him
if you come to school early enough he'll be in the school pool swimming laps or running on the track field
forgets to call the role, the administration is not happy with him lmao
"so how was everyone's weekend?"
wears tank tops and basketball shorts to school
goes wack on house spirit day - #1 contender to be voted to wear the school dress
the head of the sports department is really done with babysitting him
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swinterr · 4 years
fic rec vii ♡
this is a another new set of fic rec and i’ll probably do a compilation of genre (?) just like the first ones.
read and support the fic and authors here: the fic rec ♡
made some changes like tidying up a bit and adding summary, for those that doesn’t have any summary i’ll try my best to add my own summary (it will probably be shit tho, i ain’t making a smut summary guys, i’m not confident in my describing a fic ability but i’ll try my best. if its in italic it means i made the summary hehez )  if the summary is shit, i made it okay.
a for angst
f for fluff
s for smut
// for series or list
kpop oc/s
1. jane by @baejiyeonz
2. bee by @purpleyellow
3. lian by @nct-lian
4. taehui by @jeontaehui
1. [10:47 pm] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
1. [5:21] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
2. you’re warm by @dreamystuffers | f
- a drunk hyuck can only mean a clingy hyuck.
3. you’re short too by @pastelsicheng | f
- 5 times hyuck teases u for ur height.
4. no title by @heychan | s 
- dirty thought cockwarming haechan and johnny comes in to the room while you are trying to hide it but haechan doesn’t care.
5. wishes by @lucaswithnoshirt | a f
- standing on stage is everything you’ve dreamed of. except in the time it’s taken you to get there, you’ve been dreaming about other things, too.
1. moving in: the series by @jaehyun-ified | f
- after agreeing to move-in with jaehyun, you decided to curate a little series on your channel to both give in to your viewer’s request to have jaehyun frequently on your contents and to document your moving in process with the love of you life.
2. [8:14 pm] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam. 
3. boyfriend by @simpsiren | a 
- a relationship with jaehyun wasn’t always perfect. there wasn’t a definite label on it, which only sent the relationship down a complicated pathway as we tried to find the meaning of our love once again.
4. best part by @okayoongii | f
- don’t know how to describe this tho, just read it. also 10/10
5. can i help you? by @sugarjaee | f s
- when working an extra long shift at work, your boyfriend surprises you with a visit.
6. stages of love by @biletdoux | a f s
- a playlist for the trials and tribulations of a beating heart. 
7. [9:04 am] by @jeongvision | // f
- domestic fluffy blurb. 10/10!!
8. suds by @kim-taehung | s
- first person to move does the dishes for a week. nothing is off-limits.
9. promise by @bvbyxuxi | f a
- jaehyun has loved you since you were both kids, things were going well until he messed everything up; meeting again as young adults, he refuses to let you go again but would you give him another chance?
1. one minus on plus one by @wonjaekook | f a 
- in all of the years you’ve known jungwoo, you should have figured out to not take his words at face value because, though you haven’t even met, mark lee seems to hate your guts. 
2. [12:03] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
3. pretty boy by @epinebleue | f a
- fluff, the tiniest bit of angst, the reader is two years older than mark, jaehyun makes an appearance as the reader’s fuck buddy, use of alcohol and drugs (marijuana), mentions of violence (mark punches someone), smut (protected sex, inexperienced!mark, dry humping).
4. camera flash by @morkleemelon | f
- mark taking a picture but forgot to remove flash waking up oc, pretty fluffy and cute! 10/10!!!
5. retrouvailles by @kireimarkeu | f
- counting down the days until you finally see your long-distance boyfriend.
1. [1:14 pm] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
1. man-icure by @haejunehui | f
- based on jcc ep. 26
1. reverb by @lovingonrepeat | s
- taeyong + studio sex. 
2. unspoken by @bvbyxuxi | f s 
- you had never thought to see taeyong again after your one night stand with him until this year where he takes you by surprise; turns out he wasn’t the guy you sought him out to be after all.
1. [2:32 pm] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
1. [4:31 pm] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
2. king of hearts by @raibebe | f s a
- a little bit of everything, a chef’s kiss. 
1. [5:51 pm ] by @dont-look-down-on-me | f
- based on the nct relay cam.
1. redamancy by @heavenlyhaechan | f
- this is just so fluffy! i wished to be doyong gf please. 
2. fools together by @yongiefilms | f
- two fools in love with each other? 
3. acedia by @jaeminscoffee | f
- a day in the life of yours and doyoung's love life.
4. our little secret by @haejunehui | f
- read to know their little secret. hehe.
5. caught red handed by @hannie-dul-set | f
- all you wanted to do was take a picture of the handsome law student during your train ride home. you did not expect things to end up like this.
1. i see red by @0097linersb | s
- pure filth 🥵10/10 tho.
2. addiction by @love-mi | s f
- you and jeno keep your relationship a secret to avoid backlash from your companies and fans; but keeping himself away only makes him want you more.
3. surprise visit by @nakamotonudes | f s
- you hadn’t seen your boyfriend for over a month because of his hectic schedule so when he suddenly shows up at your place one night for a surprise visit, you both have to make every second worth it.
1. the pitter-patter of the heart by @koorara | f s a //
- pieces of newlywed domestic moments with jungkook, your husband. the young film and literature lecturer and his wife, you, who works as a journalist of a web magazine. both of you managing the career, the time for each other and the new house. not to forget, chip, the cat that has been with you for years. 
2. please love me by @ahundredtimesover | // f s a 
- as the only unmarried jeon and kim children, your families propose a union to symbolize your unbreakable bond that spans generations. but despite developing an affection for jungkook growing up, he never returned it; he never seemed to like you, actually. you’re okay with the proposal, but surprise surprise, he isn’t.
3. first love, last love by @floralseokjin | f s //
- a collection of drabbles following the longterm relationship between jungkook and you... 
4. second chances by @parkhabits | a s
- work. one of the most important things to him. It kept him company at night, it was all he thought about, all he put his attention to. his work had become the mistress within your marriage. years after you left him you’re back with only one goal in mind. get him to sign the damn divorce papers. yet you should’ve known that your husband wouldn’t let you go that easily. 
5. crush by @jungxk | f s 
- jungkook woke up with amnesia (?) he totally forgets that he has a wife and child. and he totally has a huge crush on his wife. 
6. bare necessities by @gguksgalaxy | f s a
- when you ask your boyfriend for a relaxing vacation you don’t exactly expect him to take you to disneyland out of all places. luckily, jungkook knows just how to get you to relax — being needy is definitely not the way. or is it…
7. krampus for christmas by @ddaenysus | f
- when your daughter overhears your nightly activities close to christmas, jungkook takes it upon himself to convince her it was the sounds of the legendary demon goat.
8. a date with destiny by @imjustfanfictrash | f s
- you are a boss lady in the tech industry traveling to world for work. he is a chart-topping artist touring the globe to perform in front of millions of fans. In the cosmos of life, you are not likely to cross paths. luckily, fate has a different plan for you two.
9. stranded by @gguksgalaxy | f s a
- jungkook’s offer to help you study for your exam is unwelcome. his entire presence is unwelcome. you don’t want help from the guy who passes all his classes without even trying. it’s annoying — he is annoying. from the way he grins whenever he catches you staring at him, to the way his eyes shine whenever he smiles at you. oh, and let’s not forget the way his tattoos shift when he stretches or the way his jawline sharpens when he’s focused. nope, you definitely can’t stand him.
10. sprout by @v-hope | f
- after a nice evening out with your friends, you find yourself coming home to your sleeping toddler and the new hairstyle she had tried on your husband.
11. friday nights and take-out by @ahundredtimesover | // f s a
- you meet pop star/idol jeon jungkook at the café, you get close, and as hyejin says, you’re like friends with benefits without the sex. but you’re bad at feelings and so is he.
12. jealousy by @ephemeralkookie | f s a
- jungkook’s closest friend, namjoon is getting married and he invited you three to his wedding. the only unexpected thing was jisoo, his ex, and we’ll just say that you were not too happy to see her flirting with your boyfriend right under your nose
13. a quarter past us by @jjiimin | f a
- when you break up with him out of fear of losing your freedom in university, he finds himself showing you why leaving him isn’t the answer. 
14. pretty boy by @angelguk | // f s a
- alternatively known as the jock!jk universe drabbles in vague chronological order. 
15. summer solstice by @boulevardk | s
- down on your luck and desperate for a successful harvest, you pray to the gods. you figure no one in heaven was listening to your prayers when nothing happens immediately. but one fateful night, your prayers are answered. are you willing to pay the price? the sacrifice might not be what you were expecting….
16. lilac wisteria by @blushoseoks | f a 
- over the years, things change - but the one constant is your love for lilac wisterias.…okay, maybe jungkook’s been there too.or, alternatively:the first time jeon jungkook says that he is going to marry you, you are five years old sitting underneath a large wisteria tree.
17. obsessed with your ass by @kooklovesu | f s 
- jungkook has an obsession with your body he cant get enough of praising you. he wasn’t comfy showing the world his affection towards you in public because he’s a private guy, but when he finally did, good luck.
18. from home by @gyukult | // f s a
- jungkook is the youngest of five boys, the last in line to truly inherit any his parents’ money. but what if his mom suddenly cuts him off due to his current poor behavior and he’s forced to learn how it feels like to be part of the working class?
19. black card by @minsprings | // f s
- black card fic and drabbles, also a chef’s kiss.
20. oh my god, they were (quarantined) roommates by @ot7always | f s
- what do you do when you’re quarantined for months on end with jeon jungkook - s tier cuddler, workout robot, and thirst trap extraordinaire? fuck him, you guess.
21. let the games begin by @venusiangguk | s
- just another fic where oc rides jk in his gaming chair pls still read it tho lmao its hot i promise
22. the probability of us by @jiminrings | f s
- jungkook’s the son of the university’s president, y/n’s cardigan is everyone’s favorite, and adjacent walls mean shared victories. 
23. open when by @iluv-hobi | f
- jungkook likes to write letters to you, especially ones with purposes, like “open when ___”. one day, on a particularly bad day, you open, “open when you’ve had a shitty day”. 
24. good day by @ilikemesometaetaes | f s
- his motive was made quite clear once he called you out of work. he just wanted to spend a nice day with his girlfriend. is that too much to ask for?
25. calculated by @whatifyoulivelikethat | // s 
- some people would call you far too serious. some would call you stuck-up. and some would call you a bitch. but to freshman jeon jungkook, you’re the head calculus I TA noona  – and he’s determined to fuck you.
26. brat taming by @sugasbabiie | s a f
- jungkook has been your roommate for almost a year. since the day he moved in he has acted like nothing but a spoiled little brat who is used to getting anything and anyone he wants. he eats your food, he doesn’t clean, he’s loud, oh and now he has colored his hair the exact shade of blonde as you. He’ll do anything to get under your skin. you’ve had enough of his filthy mouth and his fuckboy ways. it’s time to tame that bratty little roommate of yours. think you can handle it?
27. sugarplum energy by @bymoonchild | f s a
- you know no bounds nor depth with jungkook. while your fuck buddy loves sleeping in your bed and doing laundry for you with his favourite fabric softener, you are in love with a mysterious honeyed, velvety voice on soundcloud. all’s fine, until you find out that the voice that metaphors your heart to a sweet sugarplum melody actually belongs to the boy who has been taking up a special spot in your bed and in your heart, strumming at your heartstrings all this while. or, jungkook has one braincell, but it’s heart-shaped.
28. ancient history by @moononthejoon | a s f
- there is no way to deny that you and jungkook have chemistry. the two of you used to be a couple, after all. what happens when after a not-so-amicable breakup the two of you are cast as opposite leads of a movie?
29. that’s not daddy by @nochuobsessed | f
- jungkook comes home with a new hair color and his sons can’t tell if he’s appa or not. pretty cute! 10/10
30. no title by @himbojk | s
- jk got a blowie from his oc while on a zoom class meeting, like cam on with a whole set up but his oc under the table sucking the life out of him while he sits and tries to take notes .
31. dilf jk by @himbojk | // s f
- dilf jk drabbles.
32. no title by @himbojk | s
- blond jk with full tattoo sleeve who looks like the baddest boy but is actually baby and just wants a handie in the library while studying with his oc because she aspires to have those high grades. 
33. no title by @noteguk | s
- bf!jungkook going down on the reader while they watch anime.
34. silent treatment by @blu-joons | f
- baby kook asking daddy kook to say sorry to mommy. 10/10 too!
35. getting railed by @dearlytea | s
- getting dicked by your boyfriend during a train ride.
36. the view by @koyamuses | s
- jungkook knows exactly what turns you on; every kink, every dirty fantasy that’s buried deep within your mind. he knows exactly how to make you beg for it.
37. let’s play: dirty by @jungkxook | f s
- on today’s stream, watch as the king of gaming jeon jungkook gets totally pwned by some newbie player on overwatch (he swears he was stream sniped)! to make matters worse, he can’t seem to focus anymore when you’re in the room but he promises that’s not because he’s in love with you or anything. use code ‘jungkook’ on any game purchase through steam at checkout for 25% off so that jungkook has something to feel better about! iloveyou btw!
38. more dilf!jk by @cutechim | s
- oc thirsting over jk, talk about finances, jungwoo is an innocent cock-block as infants are, disrespect towards a major film franchise. 
39. you are inherently beautiful by @ggukachuwu | f a
- when y/n and jungkook accidentally reveal their relationship to the public because she walked in on him doing a vlive and now netizens and kmedia are tearing apart her appearance because y/n is chubby from struggling with pcos. jungkook takes it upon himself to cheer her up because he absolutely adores her.
40. morning with jk by @min-arya | f
- jungkook drabble of him catching his s/o admiring him in the morning with soft sleepy cuddles.
41. even a forest fire dies out by @9uk | a s
- it became from “grab a coffee with me?” to “why should I grab a coffee with you?” too fast for your liking. you had thought the both of you were so in love with each other—only to realise it was only you who had fallen into this trap of feelings. and as for jungkook, he might have just been as confused as you are.
42. all that we had by @starlightauroras-writes | a s
- four years, two months and five days ago, you lost the love of your life with no explanation. living with a failed marriage at such a young age without knowing why was impossibly hard, and when you’re invited to your high school reunion, knowing he would be there, you really don’t want to go. what happens when you do leaves you questioning fate. 
43. aquarium by @whatifyoulivelikethat | // a
- life after jeon jungkook was grey. you had to find your own color, grow your own rainbow. but what would surprise you the most is the appearance of white cosmos, seven of them clutched tightly in kim taehyung’s hand.
44. contentment by @btsqualityy | f s 
- oc’s using jk’s card to buy rug and the rest is history. 10/10!!
45. heartbreaker with a heart of gold by  @filmflowersbangtan | a s
- love this!!! you know i love me some angst! 10/10!!!!!
46. the ikea test by @mercurygguk | f
- you and jeongguk face the IKEA test. successfully? sure!
47. before you universe by @ephemeralkookie | // a f s
- jungkook has taken a huge place in your life after he tattooed you, and you can’t even picture how life was before him. he has always been there for you since day one. but how will things change after you find out you’re pregnant?  
48. christmas cream(pie) by @smoochkooks | s f
-  a day before christmas dinner with your boyfriend’s parents, you discover another alternative way to use the chocolate cream you’re making. jungkook is more than willing to indulge in your little fantasy.
49. last minute by @moononthejoon | f s
- christmas day had gone by, and now you were back home after holidays with your family. your friends had agreed to have a late christmas party, but as always, you and jungkook procrastinated gift buying.
50. you go in knowing bros together by @blu-joons | f
- a cute fluffy knowing at knowing bros moment. 
51. no title by @v-hope | f
- the way y/n would react when someone else flirts with jk and how he’d handle the situation.
52. hair dye by @mercurygguk | f s
- jungkook got his hair dyed while at work. you lose your mind the moment he steps through the door.
53. stay gold by @yeojaa | s
- blond!jk being a good boy?
54. crystal snow by @honeyj00ns | f
- when you join Jungkook and the rest of the guys for some fun in the snow, he can’t help but feel jealous.
55. 6:21 am by @sincerelyourfangirl | f
- in which he makes your morning extra special.
56. plan b by @btsracket | s
- dressing room quickie, unprotected sex request, use of Plan b pill
57. possession by @bngtanah | s
- jungkook is your boyfriend, sometimes you have to remind him what that means.
58. puffs and touches by @mintseesaw | f s
- “Stop doing that with your face, someone else is going to snatch you up”
59. the quiet things by @btsracket | s
- sleeping bag sex.
60. good boy by @ephemeralkookie | s
- secret, read to find out AHAHAHHA.
61. make it right by @jungkxook | a s
- you’re wholeheartedly, madly in love with jungkook and yet you shouldn’t be because it’s been almost a year since you broke up with him. worst part of it all is that you know he’s still in love with you too
62. it takes two by @junghelioseok | s
- struggling with the idea of your ex-boyfriend moving on, you enlist the help of your quiet roommate in a scheme that quickly spirals out of control.
1. picking petals by @cutechim | s 
- you asked for a baby, so a baby is what you’re going to get. 
1. daddy by @btsracket | f s 
- there’s only one choice when this happens on a date out.
2. love me or we both go down by @gukyi | f s a
- after going through with an arranged marriage to please his parents and secure his inheritance of the family business, kim taehyung thinks he’s got it all figured out. he doesn’t. apparently just being married to you isn’t enough, not when everybody and their mother can pick up on the fact that the two of you absolutely loathe each other. but taehyung wants his inheritance one way or another, so he decides that desperate times call for desperate measures: the two of you need to fall in love, and you need to fall in love fast.
3. saudade by @jiminssthetic | a s f
- a demanding idol lifestyle was something taehyung and yourself were all too familiar with. it wasn’t so hard when considering your unconditional love for one another, but lately, taehyung wasn’t the same anymore; and you decide it’s time to find out why.
4. ineffable by @99liners | f
- boyfriend taehyung takes care of his sick s/o.
5. tease by @caiuscassiuss | s
- you knew you were hot. you saw how the guys looked at you, how their eyes were drawn to a tight t-shirt or short skirt. and maybe this would fail epically—crash and burn like a failed experiment—but you wanted to get under kim taehyung’s skin the only way you knew how.
6. aquarium by @whatifyoulivelikethat | // a
- life after jeon jungkook was grey. you had to find your own color, grow your own rainbow. but what would surprise you the most is the appearance of white cosmos, seven of them clutched tightly in kim taehyung’s hand.
1. yugyeom as you boyfriend by @sunshinekookie | f
- i need more yugyeom fics in my life.
1. rainy say saviour by @imsarahbum | f a
- upon seeing you getting bullied after school for being short, dongmin can’t help but step in and defend you - despite both of you not really knowing anything about each other.
anyway, thank you again for the writers please take care and be safe!
please free to recommend your favorite fic that i haven’t feature yet.
if the links won’t work and i labelled some fics wrong please let me know and i’ll try to fix it as soon as possible!
support the fic and the writers!
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onemillionvolts · 2 years
what if i told you every single question in the ask game should be answered, that or WHO IS THE SEXUEST PERSIN THAT COMES TO MIND IMMEDIATELY
GOOD MORNING HI HI. BET. im gonna do all of them you bet i wont but i will. youre the best for this btw
0. height
i yam 5 foot 6 (and a half)
1. virgin?
what the fuck did you just call me? /lhj
anyways in my head yes i am and thats what matters isnt it
2. shoe size
i wear 11s and god i wish that thing people say about shoe size was true 🤙
3 + 4 + 5. do you smoke/drink/do drugs
no and i never plan to <33
6. age you get mistaken for
i.. honestly have no answer to this tbh
7 + 8. do you have (and/or want) any tattoos?
i don't have any, i'd like one/some but i'm not really sure what i'd get
9 + 10. do you have/want any piercings
no to both PFFFF i think like... a clip on lip piercing would probably be my personal limit
11. best friend
...ego stroker much, tumblr user wangshu? /t PFFFFF
12. relationship status
harem with fake 2d men single. yeah uh. single
13. biggest turn ons
tbh... i cant think of any off the top of my head that aren't painfully obvious
14. biggest turn offs
ducklips iykyk
15. favorite movie
i'm not kidding when i say step brothers. but if you want a more respectable answer, nightmare before christmas
16. i'll love you if
you aren't an asshole??? i mean ik it's hypocritical of me to say but cmon
17. someone you miss
i've lost a lot of family over the years so probably someone there tbh
18. most traumatic experience
when my ex lived with me and i wish i was joking it was that fucking bad
19. A fact about your personality
which one /hj
i do think.. i overcompensate a lot by trying to be funny bc i dont feel like i HAVE a personality so there's that about me
20. What i hate most about myself
mm thats a toughie it could be the appearance or the voice or the attachment issues or the codependency issues or the jealousy issues or the mood swings or the weak immune system or the several mental illnesses or holy shit this is turning into a pity party
21. what i love most about myself
im an alright writer i guess? and id like to think i'm a good friend
22. what i want to be when i get older
i just wanna write man idc what
23. my relationship with my sibling(s)
i have 0 of them
24. my relationship with my parents
my moms cool but the less said about my dad the better
25. my idea of the perfect date
literally just staying in and watching a movie with snacks and stuff... honestly never thought about it much
26. My biggest pet peeves
UM UM um people who think the world revolves around them people who don't know the difference between their there and they're um people who Unironically Capitalize Every Word Like This oh i could go on
27. a description of the person i like
big hat dumb bowlcut open kimono /j
28. description of the person i dislike the most
um literally jusr my dad so. narcissistic explosive annoying abusive etc etc
29. A reason i've lied to a friend
only time i'm lyin is when i say tiggy ain't best boy 💯
30. what i hate most about work/school
it kinda semi interferes w my night owl ways but otherwise i'm chill
31. what your last text message says
gonna use actual texts cause using disc is too easy 👹 it was just me asking my mom if she wanted a drink from mcdonalds from last sunday
32. what words upset me the most
does this mean like. just words you hate or a phrase/sentence that upsets u...
uh i'll do it both ways. the word bussin makes me want to fall down an abyss a la childe ajax tartaglia
and uh. i hate being told i don't do enough, specifically by people who don't do jack shit in the first place. AGAIN iykyk
33. what words make me feel best abt myself
oh it was the second thing. honestly don't hve an answer to this but i just hold onto any compliment i get for actual years so there's that about me
34. what i find attractive in women
eyes its eyes
35. what i find attractive in men
sense of humor tbh
36. where i would like to live
somewhere close to a big city so that it isn't massively crowded and loud and overwhelming all the time but i'm close enough to stores and hospitals and all that stuff
37. One of my insecurities
i feel like this has already been asked in like 6 different ways.. prolly my body tho
38. my childhood career choice
honestly i've.. always been kinda laughably indecisive about this type of thing. i never wanted to be like, an astronaut or fireman or any of the cliche stuff that kids talk about i.. don't think i ever thought of it actually
39. my favorite ice cream flavor
cookies n cream 👹 specifically like a cookies n cream cheesecake blizzard from like dq or culvers.. that shit is unmatched
40. Who i wish i could be
a mentally stable person or cyno genshin (real)
41. where i want to be right now
in bed <///3
42. the last thing i ate
leftover pizza <3
44. a random fact about anything
all odd numbers contain the letter E
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zontiky · 4 years
au where the apocalypse was never a threat or a concept to begin with
*cracks knuckles* now i could make this a decent upbringing au OR i could make it EXTREMELY COMPLICATED and you know me you know exactly what im about to do ;)
reginald THINKS he’s prepping them all for the apocalypse but reginald is a child-abusing FOOL and an alien BASTARD and there’s no apocalypse there never was there never will be. the world is safe and sound but the hargreeves children aren’t.
five runs away from home and gets thrown into april 1st, 2019. the world is thriving. he did it. he tries to get home but he can’t because he’s stuck and im now realizing that everyone reading this post has seen a million fics with this exact concept but FUCK YOU THIS IS MY CITY NOWWW
so he’s stuck in 2019 and he’s like ah fuck ah SHIT what now! and goes to the academy and it’s not like he was super far away from it in the first place. he didn’t even make it a mile away it’s like a 5 minute walk back home lmao
now because reggie thinks there IS an apocalypse he still killed himself and i hate him a lot so cough ahem anyway
five shows up on the mansion and expects dad to be sitting there in his office, doing his evil dad evil villain thing yk the drill
but instead he comes in to an empty house. mom is unresponsive. he cant find pogo (dont ask where pogo is. hes doing monkey butler things ok). and diego is climbing in through the window
so they try to beat the shit out of each other for a second and by that i mean five tries to beat the shit out of diego whos gained his senses by now and is trying to convince his brother (his BROTHER) that technically he lives here too please stop punching me
luther comes downstairs.
they manage to calm him down when five catches sight of diegos tattoo
so five lands in april, goes to the house, and by then the hargreeves have cleared out and are back to doing their own thing more or less. he comes up to the door and grace (pogo has fixed her by now because i said so) welcomes her son back home like he never even left
she gives him a hug
reginald is gone and she hasnt seen her sun in years and dammit, he deserves that hug okay? she gives him a hug.
five pulls away. mom hasnt hugged him for years because he stopped letting her and he’s not about to change his mind now
“where’s everyone?” he asks. he doesn’t even consider that everybody is gone, because where would they go? or maybe it just hasn’t hit him exactly which time he jumped into, maybe he still hasn’t made the connection exactly what age his siblings are now, maybe he has but he still hopes he can deny it for a little while longer
grace wants to hug him again but she refrains. she calls his siblings
one by one, in the span of the next week, she gets ahold of them and calls them back to the academy. “important news,” she says. “you’ll want to -- you’ll need to be here,” she says. “your brother,” she says, and her children listen and come back home
luther is at the academy when five gets here. because, where would he go? he can’t go back to the moon, and dad is gone, and he’s never even been on a bus alone before, where would he go?
when five sees him for the first time he almost cries, because he’s so much bigger and taller and older and what happened to him??
this is his new reality. this is the new luther
but it isn’t, it can’t be, because five is going to get back home and he’s going to fix it, he’s going to fix this and he’s going to grow up just like his siblings did, and it won’t even be long before he’s back home almost two decades ago.
vanya is next to arrive, and five almost -- almost -- smiles at her and gives her a hug and teases her how she’s still shorter than him, but she has such a blank expression on her face and the way she looks between the portrait of him (he hated that portrait from the beginning, he wanted to burn it because hes back now, isnt he? and he’ll go back home and not leave again, but pogo didnt let him) stops him. it will only be a couple of days and he’ll be going home already, he tells grace, so maybe the others dont even have to come here. she nods and smiles and says nothing
diego comes a day or so later, dragging klaus along, and five is stunned by how they look once again. diego looks battle-hardened and angry like he never did just last week, five’s last week, but now he scowls and doesn’t stutter and dresses himself in black and he lives alone and diego looks so lonely but five doesnt think about it because its not his business and he knows better and its diegos own damn fault for cutting contact, isnt it? and even if it weren’t five will go back and fix it all
five knows klaus has been doing things for a good year or so know, but this -- living on the streets, giggling even as diego forces him inside, making lewd jokes with his eyes out of focus -- he couldn’t have even imagined. he stamps down the feeling of i should have been there to help stop him and doesn’t think how sad and angry at their father seeing klaus like this makes him feel, instead he forces thoughts of it’s his own fault he ended up this way and i’m going to get back and fix this (but that’s not a thought he has to force. he will. he has to. it won’t even be another week before he figures out how to get home)
allison gets there next. she took the first plane she could get on to get home and pushed off all her appointments but she had a family emergency just last week and it was hard to get away and she looks so sad even when she opens her arms for a hug and five cant help but relent and give her one. diego scoffs and allison lets loose a dig thats more of a barb thats more of a sharp sentence splitting the air and hitting her brother square in the chest. five doesnt say anything but his stomach twists. just a week or so and he’ll fix it because even as children they never said things like that to each other
he waits for ben to come last. he must be the most adjusted of them all, right? ben read a lot last five saw of him, and hes one of the smartest of them, and secretly five always thought that ben deserves to have friends that he doesnt live with
ben doesnt come
he asks mom and she smiles and he asks the others and they look away and he asks again and someone -- and it doesnt matter who because his ears are ringing and hes stumbling back and falling onto the couch -- says that ben died. ben died years ago.
ben died four years after five left
fives head is spinning and he needs to get back, he needs to stop it he needs to fix it he needs to make it all better because it was never supposed to be this way
(you thought this would be a happy au didnt you?? haha bitch think again)
(it is but they have to get there smhhh)
klaus laughs and elbows the air next to him and five asks, he doesnt beg, he asks him if he can summon ben
everyone scoffs. rolls their eyes. klaus is high as a kite and hes holding a bottle of whiskey and he looks like he hasnt been sober in days. weeks. years. and he’s a liar and ben is gone for real, im sorry, five. i know this must be hard for you
that can’t be right. five wasnt there for all of klaus’ lies and stealing and drunken sobbing. five remembers klaus rolling a joint at the breakfast table like it was last week -- and it was, it was, he’ll fix it still, but to five klaus is still just his brother. just klaus
he asks, not begs, five doesnt beg but he comes damn close in this moment, to tell him the truth
and klaus looks around and ben whispers please, klaus, just try and five is looking at him with wet eyes and he’s thirteen he’s so young and -- he can’t say innocent. none of them have ever been innocent, not since reginald hargreeves adopted them all those years ago. but five...
he tells the truth. and five believes him
so anyway five cant get back and then they decide well ok five while youre staying here we might as well buy you some clothes. ones that arent literally 20 years old. jesus these uniforms are ugly
my jaw is clenching so hard and im cold asdflksdh so im gonna end this here and maybe rb it and continue lated idk 😳😳
WHOOP this is getting away from me i know u didnt come here for quote poetic unquote bullshit but weihfsdkjdhskf THATS WHAT UR GETTING I GUESS XX <3
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bts-ficrecs · 4 years
hey!! can you recommend a few series (any member)? thank you very much!
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“a few” hAHAHAHA you’re really funny.
Bro, why’d u have you make ur request sooo broad 😂 i tried to reign in the crazy and failed. I decided I’m going to give you a list of series that are sitting impatiently on my to read list! Making this list makes me want to devour them all right now lol.
Feel free to go through my archive to find series that I have read, cause there are plenty of those too :”) So without further ado…
Note: please be aware several of the ongoing series are either on hiatus or discontinued or just haven’t been updated in 17392 years lol. I know some people can’t deal with that so do make sure to check if the writers are still active and/or when the last update was! And don’t pressure the writers about updates kthxbai ❤
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Aristocrat by @itskimtaehyung
Genre: angst, smut
Parts: 3/4
Summary: In which Namjoon pays you for your *ahem* services.
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A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning by @therealredraven
Genre: angst, smut
Parts: 4/? (discontinued)
Summary: Love comes in many shapes, but does not always have a prosperous fate. However, whereas parents might have found it, all the children can do is live in kalopsia. Forbidden yet denying the mourning of the path chosen for them by Fate.
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Blood Princess by @mintchockookie
Genre: angst
Parts: 9/?
Summary: Choi Y/N is one of the most dangerous and feared members of Papa Choi gang. But she doesn’t want to be. Kim Nam Joon is the leader of the biggest gang in all South Korea and craves revenge for having his godfather being killed by Papa Choi. When their paths cross, nothing can hold them.
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Untold Stories by @interludemoonchild
Genre: fluff
Parts: 8/?
Summary: A series of drabbles based on Namjoon owning a bookshop in a small town.
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What Am I To You? by @honeyedhoseok
Genre: angst, smut
Parts: 2/?
Summary: To Namjoon, she could make the salt taste like sugar on her hands. But in the end, she isn’t as sweet as he believed her to be. 
Best Friend!Namjoon by @lamourche
Genre: angst, fluff, smut 
Parts: 3/3
Summary: “I locked the keys in the car.”
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Passionfruit by @joonbird
Genre: smut
Parts: 4/4
Summary: To you, matters of the heart have always been simple. You’ve always lived by three rules: you don’t do emotions, you don’t do attachment, and you don’t do love. That is, until you meet the enigma that is Kim Namjoon- a man who shakes your entire world upside down.
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Piercings by @personawife
Genre: smut
Parts: 2/2 + 1 (feat. Yoongi)
Summary: “What’s that sticking through your shirt?”
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Rumor Has It by @jjungkookislife
Genre: smut
Parts: 2/2 + drabble
Summary: After hearing a rumor about your best friend, it's all you can think about.
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Tear by @polaritae
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 3/3
Summary: Getting the attention of your crush seems impossible. Good thing your best friend is always willing to help out!
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Dame-De-La-Nuit by @cyphahobi
Genre: fluff, smut
Parts: 2/?
Summary: First night on the job turns into a week long adventure of business and pleasure. Landing business man, Kim Seokjin as your first client, turns your whole world upside down.
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Evanescent by @jinletgo
Genre:angst, smut
Parts: 1/?
Summary: You’re a journalist-aspiring secretary to Kim Namjoon, the CEO of Telescope, a leading lifestyle and culture magazine. One night with a handsome and charismatic stranger ignites a passion and excitement that you didn’t know you had. When that stranger turns out to be Kim Seokjin, the print journalist of a rival magazine, the simple life you take for granted and dream career you’d been working towards are left in jeopardy…
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King of Hearts by @thecozywhaleshark
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 9/10
Summary: You are a famous writer who can’t exactly show up to an event alone… so you hire an escort… his name is Jin.
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The City Comes Alive by @minflix
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 1/2
Summary: Being a street performer, Kim Seokjin sees many nameless and forgettable faces each and everyday. But there is this one girl that he can’t seem to forget. Maybe it’s because his heart seems to fall in love with her a little more each time she passes him by.
Aperitivo by @bangtanbetchfics
Genre: smut, feat Jungkook
Parts: 2/2
Summary: On the heels of a breakup, you fall hopelessly in lust with two pastry chefs on your vacation in Venice.
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Burden by @neonlights92
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 8/8
Summary: After the death of his wife during childbirth Kim Seokjin is unable to hold his baby daughter without grief taking control. Just three weeks after the love of his life is taken from him so suddenly, Jin is expected to marry somebody new. You are foolish and have spent your whole life pining after Kim Seokjin from afar, even after he marries your best friend, Seul.  But suddenly Seul is gone and you are expected to marry Jin and raise his child. You know your heart is already in it, but what about his?
Alt. Summary: A marriage to Kim Seokjin was all you ever wanted.  But not at the cost of your best friend’s life.
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Don’t Wanna Fall by @9uk
Genre: fluff, smut
Parts: 4/4
Summary: After your boyfriend breaks up with you, you are in need of company. Strangely enough, you get more company than you had initially wanted.
Alt. summary: His world revolves around wealth, power and most importantly—women. He’d spoil every one of them by his side or on his bed, with limited edition bags and expensive heels. So why is the CEO of kim corporations currently buying you a pet bunny?
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In The Bleak Midwinter by @pcyheartgirlx
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 25/25 + 2 different endings
Summary: We’re all whores, we just sell different parts of ourselves.
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Peach Parfait by @jamaisjoons
Genre: fluff, smut
Parts: 2/2
Summary: You and Seokjin have always been at odds as the top two chefs at Big Hit Academy of Culinary Arts.
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The Devil Wears Armani by @floralseokjin
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 5/5 + drabbles
Summary: You never imagined accidentally attempting to sell your soul to the devil would lead to this…
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Addicted by @yoongiandchiminie
Genre: angst, fluff
Parts: 4/?
Summary: Suga, the Stealth and Weapons guy of Bangtan meets his Soulmate with a bang. He’d grown up believing in the idea of finding the person he was destined to be with and won’t let her get away. Even if she’s addicted, he’s determined to help her. He just wants to save his Blue girl.
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Choices by @btsiguess
Genre: fluff, smut
Parts: 4/?
Summary: You didn’t think that when you woke up this morning you were going to go out and buy a hybrid. But really, ending up with this stupid cat might be the best thing that ever happened to you. Much to both you and Yoongi’s chagrin. 
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Grey Area by @blushoseoks
Genre: angst, smut
Parts: 13/?
Summary: And just like that, your fate was sealed - because min yoongi was absolutely going to destroy you. But hell if you weren’t going to let him, or bask happily in the flames as he did so.
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Reputation by @mindayss
Genre: angst, smut
Parts: 1/?
Summary: Min Yoongi’s got quite a reputation. As do you.
Di piano e forte by @justoneday-namjoonii
Genre: angst, fluff
Parts: 6/6
Summary: Piano; A keyboard of cypress, played with soft and loud. Was it the ivory and onyx keys that let you escape from your reality…Or was it the man with sable hair and ivory skin.
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Errantes by @cno-inbminor
Genre: fluff
Parts: 2/2 + Epilogue
Summary: Yoongi accidentally gets spiked pumpkin juice, but it’s not by alcohol. More like it was spiked by a Love Potion – Beguiling Bubbles, to be exact – and Sora may or may not have had a hand in this. The point is, she’s hoping Yoongi will never find out and she’ll be alive to take her N.E.W.T.’s.
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Fragility by @writtenyoongi
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 3/3
Summary: “There are a lot of fucked up things about me, you know? And there’s a lot of fucked up things that have happened. But when I’m with you all of those things, yeah they still exist but it’s like they’re a lot further away, I don’t feel as if they’re eating me alive.”
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Long Time Coming by @an-exotic-writer
Genre: fluff, angst (?)
Parts: 6/6 + drabble
Summary: In which it’s been a long time coming since you’re meeting Min Yoongi once more.
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Private Lessons by @baeseoul
Genre: smut
Parts: 2/2
Summary: “I have an idea,” Once he saw how you straightened in your seat, your gaze flaring with aggravation, he continued quickly, “For every question I get right, you tell me something about yourself.”
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Skin Deep by @aquaminwrites
Genre: fluff, smut
Parts: 10/10
Summary: Yoongi has never—and presumably will never—like tattoos.
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Bygones Of The Sun by @scriptaed
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 3/?
Summary: Jung Hoseok was once the sweetheart of the school, the dance captain whom every girl, including you, can’t help but fall head over heels for. But like the force of the ever-glowing sun, everything that rises must also set. A year of inactivity later and he’s now the school’s resident bad boy. You’re a firm believer of allowing the past be the past, and yet you can’t help but wonder where the rises sun has gone into hiding- because perhaps its shadows have out-shines its own radiance.
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Euphuistic by @guksthighs
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 2/?
Summary: Hoseok’s delivery of flowers does not go as planned when it starts raining and someone mysertious gives him an umbrella.
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Plant A Kiss On These Tulips by @honeyedhoseok
Genre: fluff
Parts: 2/?
Summary: After your boss, Jisu–head wedding planner at Ornate Events–develops a ragweed allergy, you are put in charge of working with the florist company In Bloom. But instead of their top-notch flower arrangements, their incredibly radiant owner Jung Hoseok proves to be what catches your eye over the course of the months that follow.
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Salted Caramel by @your-miss-right
Genre: fluff
Parts: 9/?
Summary: She liked him…a lot and she just wanted to get the point across. Too bad the wrong guy got it. Note to self: Check orders before writing little notes to the wrong customer!
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Starfire by @readyplayerhobi
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 6/?
Summary: The schism that broke the galaxy began, as it usually does, over a disagreement. The resultant civil war has raged for hundreds of years. When a ragtag group of travellers discovers something that could turn the tide of war, for good or for worse, the bonds of friendship and love will be tested.
Note: ok but basically just read all of Tali’s Hoseok series sdjfakjaf
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Wall to Wall by @winetae
Genre: smut
Parts: 1/4
Summary: Temporary popularity is the biggest threat to your career right now. Without a solid core fan base you’re doomed to be forgotten. If not now, then in a month or two, and if not then, surely by the end of the year. That’s how quickly the adult film industry cycles through their actors, especially when you’re a woman. Your agent comes forward with a proposition to help put you back on the map.
By Its Cover by @crystaljins
Genre: angst, fluff
Parts: 8/8
Summary: Your annoying little brother Jimin accepts a dare and summons a demon into your living room. There are multiple problems with this. 1) Demons are the most hated species on earth. 2) That demon happens to be Jung Hoseok, the most popular guy on campus 3) The fact that Jung Hoseok is a demon is his biggest secret and 4) Jung Hoseok hates your guts. You’re in for a wild ride.
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Life in the Fast Lane by @sugaxjpg
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 1/3
Summary: Hoseok was not someone who expected to find love, even less under the conditions he met you—bleeding to death in an alley, unable to go to an hospital without being recognized by the ones who did such thing to him. Though, he would soon learn that the best things in life are the unplanned, kind ones. Especially the kind ones.
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The Black Book by @honeyedhoseok
Genre: smut
Parts: 9/-- (discontinued)
Summary: Being personal assistant involves doing a lot of different tasks for your boss Jung Hoseok–including setting up his rendezvous with his black book clientele.
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The Gentlemen’s Club by @brookelegend
Genre: smut
Parts: 15/15 + Epilogue + author’s note + drabbles
Summary: You’ve been in a dating drought, more specifically, a sex drought. Your best friend has the perfect remedy for your problem: The Gentlemen’s Club.
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Contraband by @leadermon
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 11/?
Summary: If you had known what you had known now, would you have gone? If you knew who you would meet, the boy with the bright orange hair, and how getting wrapped up in him would tear all your brother had built to the ground, would you have gone?
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Crossroads by @honeyedhoseok
Genre: angst, fluff
Parts: 4/?
Summary: You summon Park Jimin, the crossroads demon who rather than taking your soul and granting you wish, wants to become an extremely annoying life companion.
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induratize by @hobiwonder
Genre: angst, fluff
Parts: 5/?
Summary: Prince Jimin had grown up despising people from your empire and vice versa. When your father weds you to the crowned Prince of Haelyra, your kingdom’s sworn enemies, as a form of alliance to fight a greater evil, you struggle to make sense of your new life as the future Queen to be and deal with a husband who cannot stand you.
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Jealousy Games by @avveh
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 3/?
Summary: You decide to play a game of push and pull with your ex Jungkook, bringing Jimin along for the ride.
Handyman by @drquinzelharleen
Genre: angst, smut
Parts: 5/5
Summary: Jimin is your landlord’s son. After one stressful day he comes to fix your shower for you. You find yourself constantly thinking about him. Could he be the perfect submissive?
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I’ll Never Be Her by @anon-luv
Genre: angst, fluff
Parts: 5/5 + Epilogue + drabbles
Summary: You loved him with all your heart, but he could only give you half of his. Jimin was the love of your life, your night in shining armor when she wasn’t around. She was his ex girlfriend,  his first love, actually she was his many firsts and she kept coming back. He had warned you she was his weakness, but you didn’t listen, because to you having him even if it was only partially was better than not having him at all. At least for now.
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Neighbors by @jkeuphoriadreamland
Genre: angst, smut
Parts: 7/7 + Epilogue
Summary: Finally achieving your successes in life you never expected the distraction that came with your new hot neighbor. He however, had been trying to get your attention for a much different reason.
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Nine One One by @yminie
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 2/2
Summary: When murder and crime threaten the city of Seoul, there’s a team in place to help keep the public safe, but just what do you do when all your training is to help others, and the one that needs help is actually you?
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Limerence by @jiminscenarios
Genre: angst, fluff
Parts: 14/14 + Epilogue
Summary: He was a coldhearted asshole and the leader of South Korea’s most wanted gang, whereas she was an innocent and kind college student. They were polar opposites, yet he was so infatuated with her. But opposites are supposed to attract after all, aren’t they?
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Love Yourself Trilogy by @threeletterslife
Genre: angst, fluff
Parts: 3/3
Summary: Excelling in every school subject, acing every math test and conquering the academic world is something you do as easily as breathing. As your residential social outcast nerd, you live rather as a recluse, talking to almost no one except for your dear ol’ cousin and that sweet boy in a few of your classes—Jungkook? was that his name? Befriending your ʰᵒᵗ AP stats teacher was the last thing on your high school senior agenda… but when life throws you curveballs, it is what it fucking is.
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Begin Again by @writtenyoongi
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 4/?
Summary: Things had been tough since your divorce from yoongi, you were still heartbroken over losing him whilst trying to balance being a single mother and providing the best you could for your daughter. When Kim Taehyung enters your life you start to learn how to love again, but the beautiful man is not without his own source of heartbreak.
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The Client by @jungkookiebus
Genre: angst, smut
Parts: 2/?
Summary: Your services applied to many types of people and you were good at what you did, delivering sexual fantasies. This particular client happens to be your personal favorite for more reasons than one.
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Van Gogh by @btsjeonjazz
Genre: smut
Parts: 1/?
Summary: Who would have guessed that Kim Taehyung, honorable student and your tutor, had some dark secrets?
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V2 by @honeyedhoseok
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 9/12
Summary: This series is reader-insert revolving around Taehyung and his long-term surreptitious relationship with Y/N. 
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When You Least Expect It by @johobi
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 12/15 + drabble
Summary: You’re in love with your childhood friend, Taehyung. The problem is, you treasure your friendship with him far too much to ever risk losing it. Oh, and he’s quite the Casanova. At your wits’ end with feelings you can no longer hide as diligently as you once did, you ask him to set you up with someone, anyone, in a last ditch attempt to avoid a heartbreaking conversation.
Change by @junghelioseok
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 9/9 + Epilogue
Summary: A kind, handsome stranger makes you question your deteriorating relationship. 
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One Good Purr (Deserves Another) by @jinpire
Genre: fluff, smut
Parts: 4/4
Summary: Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to visit Taehyung just before your heat. (Or to ask if his best friend was available.)
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Summer Love by @analovegirl
Genre: angst, smut
Parts: 3/3
Summary: It was Summer when he lost his whole world, his family and his identity. And it’s summer again when he comes across the girl he swore was his enemy. Join Taehyung, as he tries to find his true identity– as a human and as a merman, along with the mystery of his parent’s demise.
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The Chrysanthemum Effect by @rosaetae
Genre: angst
Parts: 10/10 + Epilogue
Summary: Keeping your flowers, keeping your pain— it’s already everything you need to move on. How do you move on from things if you’re not willing to accept them?
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Yarn by @dreamhimcloser
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 2/2
Summary: The mere idea that someone will kiss you while you slept made you shiver with disgust, but your educators promised you time and time again that this is exactly how you reach true love.
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Block Party by @minlucent
Genre: smut
Parts: 2/?
Summary: Moving into your new apartment brings back memories of your biggest mistake.
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Employee Perks by @chiminiemoans
Genre: angst, smut
Parts: 3/?
Summary: Sure, the employee perks at your job were bonuses, life insurance, sick leave, health benefits etc. etc., but the best employee perk of all was working with a man known as Jeon Jungkook.
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In Debt by @ichirakukpop
Genre: angst, fluff
Parts: 2/?
Summary: All your life you’ve been taken care of by your rich father and his money, but when a someone named Jungkook barges into your home demanding for his money back, your life is turned upside down.
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Serendipity by @rohobi
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 10/13
Summary: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. After forgetting to click out of his pornhub incognito tab last night, you find yourself shoulder-to-shoulder with Jungkook at 3am watching the rest of it.
Anima Meaology by @arckook
Genre: angst, fluff
Parts: 4/4 + Epilogue
Summary: Your best friend was never supposed to know that his name was on your wrist.
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Falling Skies by @fortunexkookie
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 6/6 + drabbles + spinoff oneshot
Summary: Jeon Jiyeon was your childhood best friend; her brother, Jungkook, was something else entirely.
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Goldilocks by @perpetually-jungshook
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 10/10 + drabble
Summary: After getting evicted, your two best friends Jimin and Taehyung offer you a place to stay until you get back on your feet. Needless to say, with a part time job and a mountain of student debt, that’s not happening any time soon. Eventually, they DO become really fond of having you around, helping with chores and even splitting rent. So when you come home one day to find someone has been sleeping in your couch-bed, well… it’s something you won’t take lightly.
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Oath by @bangtan-yeonghon
Genre: angst
Parts: 33/33
Summary: What if one day everything you ever wanted is taken away and your whole world comes crushing down? If you were to forget today, who would you be tomorrow?
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Watch Me Babygirl by @lunarimagines
Genre: fluff, smut
Parts: 20/20
Summary: Jungkook is your brother’s annoying best friend. You can’t stand him but he just can’t resist teasing you. How far will he actually go?
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Will You? by @jungee
Genre: angst, fluff
Parts: 2/2
Summary: Jungkook + you = prom dates??
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Bangtan Crossing by @mintedmango
Genre: fluff
Parts: 4/?
Summary: You step off the train in the quiet of dusk with a relieved sigh, just looking at the awakening of some stars and the bottoms of trees of this countryside town in awe. It was so different from the city, so dark at night, not lit up by thousands of street lamps and buildings turned on in the wee hours of the evening.
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Lifeline by @forgottenpasta
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 6/?
Summary: What happens when a witch curses seven vampires to share one fated mate between them?
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Lueur De Lune by faery_kth (AO3)
Genre: fluff
Parts: 5/?
Summary: Your recent move has caused a lot of stress and you decide to take a stroll by the little lake behind your house only to find the moon and her fallen star.
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Over the Moon by @threeletterslife
Genre: angst, fluff
Parts: 6/8
Summary: You feel isolated in the vast American country with no one but your older brother and your six rowdy friends to keep you company. But when they disappear without a trace, you’re left with nothing. Nothing until you become dragged into the world of the mob. The mafia world promises glory, fame and big bucks. But that comes with backstabbing, pain, regret and vengeance behind the veils. You’re not ready for that alone. Are you?
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Potions, Magic, And Otherworldly Charmers by agentlemanshat (AO3)
Genre: fluff
Parts: 3/7
Summary: Have you ever imagined Namjoon as a high-end witch? Jungkook as a werewolf or Jimin as a merman? And a magical world full of possibilities? Well, look no further! Because here is where it happens.
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Twisted Tails by @kmseokjins
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 4/?
Summary: After the death of your older sister, you're suddenly entrusted with her two hybrids. Who knew that following your sister's wishes would eventually turn your life upside down.
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Void by @btssavedmylifeblr
Genre: angst, smut
Parts: 6/?
Summary: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all.
A Fairy Tale’s End by @bangtan-dreamland
Genre: angst, fluff
Parts: 8/8 + Epilogue
Summary: You wanted, for once, to be someone important, someone needed- to be wanted and appreciated, to love and be loved. Well, you should be careful what you wish for.
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College by @btslibrary
Genre: smut
Parts: 7/7
Summary: A 7-part BTS smut series.
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Hybrid House by @hollyhomburg
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Parts: 3/3 + Epilogue
Summary: To Seokjin, Home consists of his human partners Namjoon and Hoseok as well as their Hybrids; the pups- named Taehyung and Jimin, their black cat- called Yoongi, and their foxboy- called Jungkook. Together they have the happiest family possible, everyone loves everyone equally. So what happens when Namjoon finds you? A cat hybrid, beaten close to death left alone in an alleyway on the coldest night of the year? He takes you home, shows you his family, and together they teach you what love can be like.
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 congratulations you made it to the end....lol. enjoy all these fics and give the authors lots of love, okay? 🧡
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Favs of 2020 (Guys edition)
A/N: This is just personal opinion, everyone has the right to disagree. Also all title tracks are linked!
Girl’s Version
TOP 10 of 2020: 
1. Spin off - ONF (Sukhumvit Swimming) 
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All the songs on ONF’s ‘Spin off’ album are really fun. But ‘Sukhumvit Swimming’ is definitely my song of 2020. ‘Cactus’ is my favorite b-side though. The amount of happiness this song brings me is absolutely insane. Even though I severly misheard what they were saying (I LIKE IT STUPIDDDD SWIMMING) the first time, I love the song and the mv concept. Very fresh, very happy, sparks a lot of joy and very Onf. 
 Onf is one of my favorite discoveries of 2020. 
2. Treasure Epilogue: Action to Answer - Ateez (Answer) 
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The end of Treasure era and well one of my favorite title tracks like ever. ‘Answer’ hits a nostalgic nerve in me and I love it so much. The ending always makes me emotional and I think this was the era everyone served their best looks too. My favorite b-side was most definitely ‘Horizon’ because it also hits that nostalgic nerve. 
Ateez hits different and I was supposed to see them live this year so in the words of Hwasa: “Corona... fuck you.” 
3.  So, 通 - N.Flying (Oh Really) 
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Okay, N.Flying has really become my favorite band this year so I couldn’t not mention this album. Especially not with how many times I have played it. This whole album is really good but ‘Flower Fantasy’ definitely takes the cake for me. I love a good power rock ballad. Also Kim Jaehyun has made his way to share Johnny’s ult bias position. 
I love N.flying so much. 
4. Hey, Go Smile - Bloo (When I smoke) 
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(this is a gif from Nae Tat, I’m aware. Couldn’t find one from the actual mv) 
Bloo’s song ‘Downtown Baby’ blew up this year and rightfully so. However the song he released this year is sooooooooooooo much better (in my opinion) The way ‘When I smoke’ starts remind me of a movie, the song is so good throughout and also makes me weirdly emotional alot like ‘Answer’ does. ‘Let it Go’ is also such a good b-side. 
I am even considering getting ‘Go smile, it’s your time’ tattooed. 
I hope Bloo returns soon. 
5. So Beautiful - DPR Ian (So Beautiful) 
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A piece of art from a man I deeply, deeply respect. Christian Yu created an absolute masterpiece with this one, not only visually but also for the ears. The classic music and jazz elements in it make it such a fun trip to listen too. I’m so glad this was his long awaited “debut” I can’t wait to see what else he brings out. 
I’m also painfully whipped for him but that’s besides the point. 
6. From Home - NCT U (From Home)
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This song on their 2020 compilation album is by far my favorite. I love the mixing of Korean, Japanese and Chinese in the track. The lyrics are phenomonal and their voices are absolutely lovely. I’ve listened to this every day since it came out and it’s just so pretty. It gives me a lovely comforting feeling and makes me all warm and gushy. 
Maybe my favorite NCT U unit and I want another song like this. 
7. Mayday - Victon (Mayday) 
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Victon is also one of my favorite finds of 2020. When I tell you I listened to this song daily since it came out. It’s just such a good track and I love the build up and also how the music demonstrates the chaos around like a mayday. Very good song also, all of them looked phenomonal. So this definitely made my top 10 this year, I preferred it over ‘Howling’ immensly. 
8. Neozone: The Final Round (Punch) 
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The song that gave everyone temporary memory loss. I loved ‘Punch’ so much, from the concept to the styling, to the song. It was soooo good. It made me kind of regret not waiting for the repackage and buying the ‘Neozone’ album. But it seemed my man’s is slowly getting his time to shine and it was about time. This song gives me those nostalgic future vibes. Like what people in the 70′s thought the year 2020 would be like. 
9. Chocolate - MAX (Chocolate) 
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The legend who dropped an album and got married. Changmin’s album is absolutely amazing and the title track ‘Chocolate’ makes me feel like I stepped into a luxurious ceo’s office. I fully, fully love this album as well. ‘Piano’ is definitely my favorite b-side and I hope to own this album some day. 
Also congratulations getting married Changmin! You deserve the very best. 
10.  Zero: Fever Part 1 - Ateez (Inception   Thanxx)
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The start of Fever era. Although this era is bittersweet, the songs are absolutely amazing and I have listened to them nonstop. Aside from the double title tracks, I loved ‘Good little boy’. I remember when the tracklist was released and the fandom was like “the fuck is ‘good little boy’” But yes this album the diary film, the music videos. It was grand. 
Favorite boygroup debut: 
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Now ‘Magnolia’ was a song I didn’t quite like at first. I thought it was just another dark concept boy group and it didn’t really speak to me. But then they released ‘Count 1,2′ and they got me. They really got me. That song and album were both contendors for my top 10 this year. BEcause of that song I revisited ‘Magnolia’ and ended up really enjoying it.But still I hope they do more songs like that ‘Count 1,2′ in the future. 
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Okay... another group I didn’t enjoy the song from at first. But ‘Sorry Mama’ got back on my radar recently and I really, really, really enjoy it. But their most recent release ‘Work hard’ is soooooo good. Look I’m completely here for concepts other than dark lately. The world is dark enough so let’s bring cute and happy concepts back please. ‘Work Hard’ is just sooooo much fun.
Favorite solo debut:
It’s a tie between Wonho and Seungwoo from Victon
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This whole album was really good and I’m just really proud of Wonho and I don’t have much else to say about that. (Open mind) 
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I love Seungwoo’s album so much surprisingly! I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it as much as I did but it really caught me by surprise. I loved ‘Child’ and ‘Sacrifice’ is also just so good. 
A/N: Keep in mind these are just my favorites, your favorites may differ as they should! Let me know what your top faves are this year!
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solitvdcs · 3 years
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* kathryn newton, cis female + she/her | you know zoey simon-archer, right? they’re twenty-three, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, eight years? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to a little wicked by valerie broussard like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole black clothes and black coffee, dark under eye circles barely covered with concealer, might put a hex on you thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is august 10, so they’re a leo, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
basic info
full name: zoey tallulah simon-archer
birth date: august 10, 1997
pronouns: she/her
hometown: boston, massachusetts
sexuality: bisexual
height: 5’1”
eye color: blue
hair color: blonde
build: slim
tattoos: one of her younger siblings doodled on her arm and she said ok i see u and made it permanent
piercings: basically every piercing you can get on your ears split between both (no piercing is in the same spot except maybe the earlobes, she thrives on the chaos), septum
style: if it’s black and shapeless then yes
favorite color: black
favorite food: whatever she can find in the house while scavenging at 3am
zodiac: leo sun, scorpio moon, capricorn rising
mbti: istp
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
enneagram: type 4 wing 5
temperament: choleric/sanguine
alignment: chaotic neutral
bio bullet points
CHILD ABANDONEMENT TW it’s unclear how zoey came into this world, but what we do know is that she was dropped off on the doorstep of a fire station before her birth mom disappeared into the night. no note, no keepsakes, just two week old zoey wrapped in a nondescript blanket that was probably the one the hospital wrapped her in. the rest of her childhood was a blur of failed adoptions and shitty foster homes across the country (east coast especially), leaving her with no ability to fully connect with anyone and, okay, maybe a mild anger problem. rage blackouts weren’t uncommon, but in one foster home they had an old nintendo 64 and she learned to channel her anger through video games instead END TW
along came the archers, a lesbian couple that already had twelve other children. zoey was fifteen already and had fully expected to age out of the system and end up another statistic. for a good year after the adoption was finalized, zoey still didn’t trust that they wouldn’t send her back, so she acted out. she wanted to give them an excuse and get it over with, but her tactics went unnoticed in a cheaper by the dozen-esque household. her new moms couldn’t give her the attention she craved with so many bodies, but her older siblings stepped up and tried to make her comfortable. it sort of worked, but being smack dab in the middle of so many kids meant she faded into the background more often than not
at school, she thrived without trying, a natural aptitude for math and science and mechanics landing her a place on the robotics team, but because her many siblings had already made names for themselves, the archer name was almost like a curse for her. she didn’t want to be known as another archer adoptee, so she went by the name she’d carried with her from birth: simon. zoey simon could be her own person, whoever the fuck that was
one day, the robotics coach brought in their old computer for anyone who wanted to tinker around with it, and wanting an excuse to stay out as long as possible, zoey jumped on the opportunity. over the course of the semester (with the coach’s guidance) she took apart and put it back together again, upgrading it with some donated parts from a local electronics store. the best part? coach let her keep the computer after she was done
obligatory at some point she cheated on frankie with both sutter and ziggy ✌️😗
anyway we’re onto college, where she got hella scholarships and grants for being a girlboss and ended up at university of michigan, studying mechanical engineering. money was still tight, though, so she spent her first year trying to balance studies and a part time job at the local superstore, but her mental health and grades started suffering to the point that she almost lost her scholarships for her second semester. Between semesters, over a night of video games with her roommate, she offhandedly suggested zoey start live streaming her playthroughs. it may not make all that much, but a few viewers and subs would be better than nothing
but oh boy did she do better than a few viewers and subs
using a digital rendering of a random avatar and a voice modulator, psychozomatic was born, and they blew up. popular streamers started inviting her to their servers, and she made enough to cover all of her extra costs and then some — she graduated summa cum laude because of streaming, but she couldn’t stop after graduation; she was doing something she loved and getting paid for it. that’s what people always hoped for in a job, right? so after graduation, she fabricated a job to her friends and family to explain the income, moved into her own apartment with a soundproofed second bedroom (that she kept under lock and key for whenever anyone came over) and kept up the facade. it’s been five years and nobody even knows she’s a girl — female streamers get so much shit, she’s not sure she ever wants to do a face reveal. she’s perfectly content for the time being having everyone think “zo” stands for “lorenzo” or “vincenzo” or whatever, and being a faceless streamer means she gets the weird blend of notoriety and anonymity that she craved her whole life
personality wise, zoey is a mash-up of deadpan humor and snark. she’s never been good at face-to-face communication, which is why streaming works so well for her. she’s never known how to flirt and has been known to tie someone’s shoelaces together in an attempt to get their attention, which has obviously not worked out for her. once showed a person she thought was cute the computer she built and well...they were impressed but nothing came out of it. she’s probably a lost cause, but she can just play a dating simulator if she’s that lonely
is big on first person shooter games — the main reason she keeps her identity hidden, because people get nasty in those lobbies. also absolutely loves horror games, currently doing a playthrough of resident evil village on her stream
wanted connections
fans of her stream !!! obviously they wouldn’t know it’s her but it’ll still give her a lil smile and maybe even a blush if she hears someone talking about “zo”
other gamers she’s played with ???
people she met in the foster system
someone who has a crush on her and she has no idea bc she can’t read people (and vice versa)
friends of her siblings that had no idea she was one of them (i’m mean to her bt i think it wld be funny)
i’ve been working on this intro for like a week this is all i got pls take it and run <3
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loved-lefthaunted · 4 years
What are your thoughts on all the evermore songs?
oh my god. this is such a hard question for me so brace yourself. it’s taken me nearly 2 months to write this out and i still don’t think i’ve managed to encapsulate all my thoughts.
So, I have very strong feelings about evermore. I immediately loved it three times as much as folklore, for a variety of reasons. I can do a song-by-song breakdown alongside my general thoughts of the album below:
Firstly, I want to preface this by saying that I do not disregard the impact that folklore had on me prior to evermore’s release. I am not oblivious to the fact that folklore likely primed me for the sound that evermore had and that my mind was set up for a similar sounding album so was willing to receive it with more open ears.
That being said, I think that evermore is the superior album. The overall emotional range and sonic variety of the album is wider and more thought out. The different songs provide a more well-rounded listen in my opinion and give me much more emotional investment than folklore. Each individual song feels strong and there are far more songs with single potential than folklore.
So let’s get down to it:
1. Willow - iconic. The big sister that cardigan deserves. The song that I wish the Lover album had been. A song so fully devoted in such a soft and sweeet way without feeling sickly. A mature way to dedicate a song to the person that you can’t live without but in a way that doesn’t throw pink confetti at your face and tell single people to fuck off. TAKE MY HAND? OKAY TAYLOR. WRECK MY PLANS? FOR SURE BABES. THAT’S MY MAN? 100% FEEL U GAL.
2. Champagne Problems - LOOK. I AM CLAIMING THE NAME SAMPAGNE PROBLEMS FOR ALL FUTURE CONTENT. I want to be proposed to just so that I can reject them and then get wildly drunk on overpriced alcohol. It’s heartwrenching in a way that Taylor hasn’t been since the likes of Treacherous. It doesn’t throw sadness at you, overwhelm you with tears. It hides heartbreak within a soft piano riff and gorgeous imagery.
3. Gold Rush - a sapphic daydream. i cannot believe this is real. The return of a heart-thumping drumbeat and the most lovely, pure song that just describes the infatuation with someone beautiful and how you can wonder about them and be so happy about them and jealous of them all at once.
4. ‘Tis The Damn Season - this christmas song makes me wish i had a boy next door in my hometown that i could randomly sleep with. why don’t i have a fluffy hallmark holiday film based upon this premise? why isn’t there a christmas music video to show me how their interactions work during the holidays and how it differs so vastly with their normal lives? Why can i feel both the distance and the closeness that these two people feel? the cutest dedication to a very un-cute casual relationship. a bittersweet shout out to the people who make us happy for a few fleeting moments spread out over the long haul.
5. Tolerate It - i have very VERY strong feelings about this one. it feels like it both encapsulates romantic and non-romantic love so perfectly. It pairs perfectly with the likes of Closure (more on that later). We all deserve to be celebrated. In a world of people settling for less than they deserve, we should reach for those who deserve us. We are worth it. Find someone who will show us how worthy we are. It’s aching and slow and painful and just....everything. Just because someone has always been there doesn’t mean they deserve to continue to be there. Tolerating you is not the same as deserving your loyalty.
6. No Body, No Crime (feat. HIAM) - IT TOOK 14 YEARS BUT TAYLOR FINALLY MURDERED A MAN IN COLD BLOOD AND I AM HERE FOR IT. MEN ARE TRASH, LADIES. REMEMBER THIS. ENGRAVE IT INTO YOUR TOMBSTONES. TATTOO IT ON YOUR FOREHEADS. MEN AS AN ENTITY DO NOT DESERVE US. MURDER THEM. A YEEHAW DREAM. (I have no strong feelings about HIAM but the existence of Este’s name is a blessing in itself, their backing vocals are a lovely addition and a true testament to their friendship as we know how protective Taylor is about mixing business and friendship through collaborations)
7. Happiness - this song is HURTFUL. a song about growth, a song about finding yourself amidst the loss of a partner, a friend, a family member. a loss so deep that it will hurt you for years to come and take a piece of you away forever. but a loss that you have to be resigned to and grow from and let go of. the slow build of the backing is something i haven’t heard since Holy Ground. Both songs talk about loss and moving on in such starkly different ways but still encompass the feeling of reminiscing on something good and pure and perfect whilst battling the knowledge that it’s over and trying to be happy for the person now that they’re gone.
8. Dorothea - the sweetest girl in the neighbourhood. a childhood friend that we all miss having. a person we watched grow into something massive and successful and we’re so genuinely happy for them. the song encompasses the feeling of a distanced joy. a joy that has nothing to do with you, everything to do with this person that you’d be happy to accept again with open arms but will be equally as happy to watch succeed from a distance. a bouncy backing track and lovely vocalisations that really build a sense of a warm hug and the feeling of soft morning sun on your skin.
9. Coney Island (feat. The National) - alright. so i’m sat on a bench in the cold, wrapped up in a winter coat and a hat and gloves and a massive scarf that covers half of my face. i can see the air when i breathe out. there’s an empty ferris wheel at a deserted fairground and i can remember when it was alive and bustling and when i was surrounded by all of the people closest to me on a late summer’s day. and i miss them. i yearn for that to be back. the way we yearn for a time before covid, before masks and elbow touches and sanitising everything. a time when you could sit around a table with your friends and welcome someone with a hug and visit your family for the holidays. a time of joy that was so overlooked until it was gone. The presence of The National is also a breathtaking addition and truly deserved after Aaron’s input on both folklore and evermore. I’m glad they saved it for this song.
10. Ivy - this song just radiates GREEN. Am I in a forest? Am I just in a greenhouse, watering the plants? The guitar/banjo sounds make me so horrifically nostalgic for Speak Now era. The male backing vocals remind me that Taylor has evolved so far from the girl we used to exclusively listen in conjunction with Caitlin Bird and Liz Huett. 
11. Cowboy Like Me - one of the only songs I don’t really care about? it’s not bad, it’s just not great. it’s yeehaw without the accompanying passion. It’s the end of a sad, sad wild west movie. It’s a backing track in a scene of a TV show when someone is going on a journey alone to find themselves. But it’s nothing special.
13. Marjorie - the loss of a grandparent is always a lot. i’ve lost 2 due to Covid and it’s cut me deeper than I ever imagined. Marjorie is the 50′s sepia toned daydream that sends you flying back to being a child and being taught life’s most important lessons when you were far too young to understand them from someone so much wiser than you. It feels like I’m being taught to live again. Another build up backing track, but in such an uplifting way? A way that makes you think of the sun slowly coming out of the clouds. Of the end of a rainstorm and the start of a new day. Optimism and innocence. Peace and hope.
14. Closure - right, the return of sadness. The use of the clatter and discord in the background. The death of a Big Machine (subtle and perfectly done). She’s doing better. We all are. It reminds me of the friends I’ve lost and crave to have back but know I’m better off without. We have to let go of this. Close the chapter. You don’t even need the epilogue, it’s over. The production makes me so uncomfortable and it’s SO NECESSARY because lack of closure is UNSETTLING. It’s horrifying. It’s devastating. But the lyrics and the power of the song show how strong you can be and how important it is to push through the discomfort and continue to live.
15. Evermore (feat. Bon Iver) - the titular song. The return of Bon Iver’s vocals and the lone piano background are truly something to be commemorated for years to come. Although it lacks the painstaking hurt of Exile, this is one of her most simple pieces of artistry on this album and it’s BEAUTIFUL. Something that feels bare and raw. A song that cuts deep and shows us the true core of what she’s currently feeling right now: that although pain might feel forever, it’s not. all pain, much like joy, is fleeting and we have to feel it but we need to remember that it’s only a piece of our experience and place it into context. The song veers on self-pity and wallowing in hopelessness until the latter third, where suddenly hope rises out of the ashes alongside a slightly padded out production from Bon Iver’s vocals. A strong end to the album. This song sets us up for future albums on a note of optimism. It’s a new dawn. 
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG Info/bio: @/justjenw1n | 220k followers | Fashion | just a LUVer who owns a lovely blog that you’re more than welcome to check out here... astoldbyjenmarlowe.co.uk 🪞🛍🪄
22 (24) (25 in 2021) years of age
From London, England
Her family has French origins
Tends to visit once a year mainly with her family
For her 18th bday, her parents also sent her to Paris with her bf that she’s been dating since she was 14
they broke up since he wanted to stay in Paris to pursue his dreams and she felt like she needed to be back home...which she felt Paris was not
Extremely close to her parents, some may say a little TOO close...
See, I feel like jen comes from a family that spoils her where her parents did everything and took care of everything for her. She had the privilege and didn’t have to work too hard to get things she wanted so that made her a little bit different than a few of her friends, hell—even her bf
Didn’t have to work until she reached her twenties
She also didn’t have too many friends because her parents felt like her cousins and/or her sibs were really only allowed to hold that title
However her parents had some sort of a soft spot for her when they allowed her to date her bf at 14 since he came from a nice background...
And to have at least 1-2 best friends...
I can’t decide if I see her having 3 other sibs with her being the second eldest, or her being the eldest with a younger sister? I can also see her being a only child too? Idk y’all can decide
Because her family is a tight knit one, she values everything they say and do...which is canon/evident
She got her thigh tattoo in Paris and even thought about asking her parents permission but her bf talked her out of it
she later showed them that night while he was in the shower. Her mother openly disapproved saying it was, “unladylike or unclean” while her father was more lenient towards it 
Her mother even scheduled her for laser appointments but this was one of the things jen was sure of, she loved her tattoo and she didn’t want to erase it from her body which led to her mother not speaking to her for about a month—even tho they live in the same household
I feel like she looks more like her dad with her mom’s hair and smile
Got into fashion due to her maternal grandmother who seemed to live a extravagant life as a old time actress, she always had and owned the finest of things
Jen loved having sleepovers there, it felt like she had her own personal Liz Taylor inside of her nan...but better!
Definitely found inspiration through Liz Taylor, Kate Moss, Victoria Beckham, and Naomi Campbell
she had no clue what she wanted to do in life (she never had to think too hard about it until now, it’s true what they say about your twenties) and she made the choice not to continue thru with uni & I’m not going to make her out to be the stereotypical “dumb blonde” I think she did well in school—so she kinda just chilled after it was all over
Her first job at 20 was probably working in retail where she learned all about the bs you put up with but she loved clothes! That never changed
So she decided 6 months into her job that she was going to make a fashion blog
she made one separate from her tumblr but kept it under construction since she needed to brain storm what exactly this blog would entail
It didn’t take too long to her to figure it out by how she wanted the blog to look then discussing pieces from celebs/models then slowly discussing her own wardrobe + advice
She didn’t immediately gain success for it —altho she did have a good 1k people follow her thru her tumblr where she also provided the link to her separate blog... but she worked/works hard at it, hoping one day it’ll get her somewhere and that maybe she can get paid for it too?
Retail fucking sucks and people are horrible twats so when she was approaching 21 she deff quit with her parents still hammering...more so her dad on what she needs to do with her life but she found happiness in her blog and no one was going to take that away from her —not even her parents
‘What’s the use of working if it doesn’t make you happy?’ She thinks but again! she has the privilege of living under her parents roof and not having to pay bills so she didn’t have to worry too much rn she knows they’d never kick her out right?
she has two bunnies named “bugsy” and “Lola”—u know the reference right?
I feel like she values the flinstones & jetsons because it was something her dad loved watching as a kid and still does , probably has the dvds showcased in her room that she watches when she feels sad
Seems like a smiley person but when she’s sad? It kinda sucks to see cause she turns into a whole different person and she always seems happy with a smile so wide that turns her eyes squinty
If she disagrees with something, she’s 100% giving her opinion whether you like it or not? Wrong is wrong. But when the shoe is on the other foot? She hates being wrong LOL or doesn’t view herself being wrong. Doesn’t take accountability well...at all!
She’s also showed her ass by being a gossiper and fake as hell with Allegra about mc with the whole, “let’s pretend like we’re there for her” if you’re not fucking with somebody just say that or SHOW it sis cause that snakey shit will come back to bite you in the ass (I forgot about this lol as I’m replaying)
she’s all “mega resting bitch face” until she breaks out into a large smile
Libra sun? + Virgo moon? + Gemini rising?
I feel like she only knows what she wants when it comes to relationships but not with the rest of life?
Lol she was very determined with levi in the beginning, explored shit with jake, (I can’t remember if that was after you/mc showed a interest in him or not in that route? I’m doing a talia/Rohan route rn But that’s kinda foul if she’s smiling in ur face and then boom goes and does what she wants but hey that’s the game right? Fck that tho) and then stood by Tim after only some time?
She wasn’t feeling him in the beginning either cause he thought she was too posh for him and snakey which he’s right to some degree but she’s also right if she finds him too immature for her liking
To you jim? Ten? Stans— Idk what their ship name is but it probably wouldn’t have worked out in the long run either because I don’t see both of them wanting to change themselves completely to satisfy the other. (Tim tried) Sure if you’re showing unhealthy behaviors and are open to diminishing that for yourself then trying to work on your relationship then that’s great! But they already started from the jump not liking each other’s personalities/characteristics....
And hey! Ofc I know people grow to like things they might have disliked about you in the beginning but you can also find yourself not fully accepting it in a relationship and that doesn’t mean you didn’t try
+ it’s been hinted at that they’re not endgame & if you love yourself some Tim not platonically then this works in ur favor. if not? Then you can keep them endgame by all means! For me? That endgame shit is a no! For those that don’t gaf about either of them that’s fine too lmao
YES I feel like they were both hurt over the breakup and it probably happened right around the holidays or either a couple of months after Christmas/New Years 2019
Jen is probably the type to keep checking up on her ex, not necessarily talking to them but finding out who they’re with now
and if it’s Tim with mc she’s definitely gossiping about the shit with erikah and Allegra or making shady tweets or posts on IG for sure
“5 outfits to wear when you run into your ex” type posts on her blog looool
She hopes if she runs into Tim, she’s looking her best and she would 80% go up to him & mc/his new girl if not mc and be all huggy with him and holding conversation before she even thinks to acknowledge mc/new girl and when she does it’s a shady convo with fake smiles
Absolutely loves watching housewives so she was prepared for that moment if it ever does come
Her parents openly didn’t like Tim which made him feel like shit since it seemed like jen never defended him in front of them but again, she values her parents opinion and always wants their stamp of approval that’s just the way the girl is/ was brought up
She owes them everything but deep down knows that in her relationship with Tim she could have been a little more understanding of his needs like he was with her love for her parents...but she’ll never admit that
Doesn’t get over breakups as easily as it may seem like her exes do in her opinion.
It sure didn’t take long with Tim to date mc/new girl months after they broke up! Which was like a slap in the face
The ex bf she spent time w in Paris who looks like Matthew Noszka is now engaged, lives in AMERICA—& of all places??? California to be exact, and just released his debut album!! She knows which songs are probably about her, it’s a nice album she screamed about it for hours into her pillow and cried for what felt like weeks
Lost her voice over that breakdown too
Her mother even went as far as sending a nasty letter to this ex bf’s new address...since ya know? jen’s dad is a private investigator & all!!! but dad had no knowledge of this being done
She’s still fond of Levi and jake but not like in love with them? Like she thought/felt she was with Tim but she still considers them her mates
Maybe in 2021 she’ll be open to dating again and hopes erikah and Allegra will be her wingwomen when the time comes BUT she’s focusing on her blog rn and it’s the best it’s ever been!
She had the show to thank for that now that she has a manager and is getting paid for running her blog now! That’s right this girl is officially employed!
“At least one good thing came from the show ;) 🧽🥐🥂” type of tweets
There’s never not a moment where she’s not connecting her posts whether thru ig or Twitter to her blog: astoldbyjenmarlowe.co.uk!!!
Both erikah and Allegra talk a little shit about that together...WHEN they DO talk, the pair only really socialize when jen initiates it but if one pisses the other off?? they’re going to gossip about it with the other forsure
She doesn’t look that tall to me? Taller than erikah? 5’2-5’5 the 5 is pushing it for me? Maybe? lol I’m still deciding between her and Allegra far as height and I’m too lazy to go back and see what I put for her
Hates straightening her hair, that pin straight look is not cute to her. She loves having waves and body to her hair
Get her eyebrows micro bladed since she doesn’t have much hair up there to begin with
Adores French cuisine, always has since she was a little girl. Bisque used to be her fav back then and all that she would eat
Loves spring season especially pastel colors when it comes to her wardrobe
The type to say one thing and do the complete opposite
I feel like she probably has a little bit of lisp and it’s not really noticeable until she says some words, she’s insecure about it and thought it had something to do with the structure of her teeth and begged her parents to get them fixed but it literally had nothing to do with them
Yet she still got colorful braces in middle school even tho her teeth were pretty straight. She didn’t have to wear them for a whole year, thank goodness
Went to speech therapy to help
Has stacks of fashion magazines even from the early 90s all over her room: her night stand, her vanity, her closet, underneath her bed etc...
Adores the Hadid sisters, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, & Georgia May Jagger
Makes the best white chocolate chip (that’s right, white not just regular chocolate) banana bread but cooking/baking? Isn’t really her thing
Early riser
Loves yellow: yellow phone case, yellow laptop, yellow room, yellow tulips, yellow shades, etc...
Getting Prada shades was probably one of the best things that happened to her, s/o to her nan for granting her this wish
Words of affirmation is her love lanaguage, this girl is a talker and a bit of a thinker too I mean duh? She runs a blog
Likes bright colors on her toes but nude and clear polish on her hands?
Loves a good mascara but she also loves magnetic lashes but is trying her best to grow her lashes out rn! Thanks to erikah for sending her some good ol’ coconut oil!
Smokey eyes? Set her up
Gets a belly ring, and two more tatts one in between her boobs and the last on her ankle & that one she shed a tear over!
Maybe she’ll start changing her physical attributes more so than the way she carries her life at first? (Or ever) She’ll cut her hair below her collarbone to the top of her chest, and maybe she’ll try a light light LIGHT brunette (she loves being a natural blonde) with blonde highlights? Who knows
loves espadrilles and wedge sandals
Loves going wine tasting and visiting vineyards, if she’s vacationing? You can bet ur ass she’s looking for a vineyard to visit
Deff a lightweight
Here’s her unpopular opinions on s2: Thought Felix was a wannabe Tim and hates the fact that he follows her, thought graham was unattractive and said so to Allegra who snickered, thought marisol’s clothing choices were rather boring,
didn’t feel 100% bad for Hannah but disagrees with the way Gary and noah spoke about her + the way Gary tried to slide back over to Hannah on her comeback episode
but doesn’t feel like Lottie is wrong for choosing Gary after Hannah left
isn’t a fan of priya but is glad she’s doing fashion since jen strongly believes in if something isn’t making u happy then u need to let it go
Thinks Hope should have won and cannot tolerate Bobby. Feels he’s WORSE than Felix,
would be open to dating Ibrahim or Carl from that szn
has spoken to Harry from s3 due to his drunkenness and actually made a friend out of him? But low key wants to get to know seb? Take that info as u will 👀
Her anthem: Michelle — SUNRISE
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love-amihan · 3 years
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amihan's note: this is just self-indulge i can't get enough of them 😭 i got this random idea wherein i showed my mom + friends the following pictures of my faves and what are their first impressions. i may also include some first meeting w/ my mom scenarios and more of what i think they will interpret them as. modern au of course, happy reading!
lil side note: my friend questioned me after sending all these pics, she was like "mimi u do realize these r lines" but ma'am u don't understand they r attractive lines!
info; aunt is what u call ur close friend's mother. mano is a sign of respect/greeting to elderly wherein you take their hand and bring it to your forehead i honestly don't know how to explain it
✨ jjk masterlist ✨
self insert, it's mimi x her faves!
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-gojo satoru
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mom said he reminds her of someone from slam dunk because of the art style, kinda brings back memories for her
most likely to be part of a cult
++ will invite u to join (i swear my friends r something)
yandere vibes
as i quote from my friend "cross my fingers, hope to die"
he will get along with my group of friends i swear
ngl, i'm 100% sure that gojo flirted with one of my friend before
gojo and mimi are gonna meet her group of friends for the first time, "shit" he curses under his breath, mimi turns her head to him and slightly tilted her head to the side "what?" gojo takes a deep breath before saying it in one breath "i may or may not have flirted with one of your friends before"
mimi was about to ask him to repeat again when she heard her friend "satoru?!" gojo gave a sheepish smile "heyyyy" he slowly distances himself with mimi afraid of her "oh let me guess, you're one of the victims?" mimi excitedly pipes in while laughing, her friend laughs along with her while shrugging "you think im surprised anymore you hoe?" mimi teased patting gojo's arm
he's the type to join in on our pamper night, i just see it clearly. also my mom tolerating his childishness
mimi and her mom are having one of their pamper night after having a long week, mimi was applying the mask on her face carefully while humming a tune. gojo who just got in their house saw the bond between the two "auntieee~ i want one too!" he whined while pointing at the masks.
"come here sato" mimi's mom coos at him, clearly babying the man. mimi crosses her arms finished with her mask looking at her so-called man with a smile adoring her lips "you know i wonder sometimes if i got myself a man or a child" gojo let out a dramatic gasp "auntie she's bullying me" mimi's mom played along and playfully glare at her, mimi giggles at this "also shut up you love me~" gojo added.
-okkotsu yuta
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that guy who laughs at uncertain situations (if u only know what he's really like ✋)
class clown
softboi (yes he is ma'am!)
happy go lucky
lowkey yandere vibes
i feel like my friends already loves him because they were the one who introduced him
mimi and her friends are hanging out at their usual bench chatting away until one of them noticed the small group of guys passing by. "hey!" one of her friend shouted waving her hand before gesturing for them to come over.
they soon arrived where mimi and her friends are, a young boy with a sweet smile caught mimi's eyes. she gulps looking back to her friend who's introducing the group, "and he's yuta" she finishes with her arm around yuta her other hand giving his chest little pats. mimi nod to herself trying not to forget his name.
definitely met my mom before, helping her with her grocery or something. mom took a liking of him because he's kind and polite
yuta knocks on the door nervously chewing his bottom lip, mimi opened the door and smiles at him, the raven head returning it with shaky breath "come in" yuta politely comes in and to his surprise saw a familiar face "oh you're that sweet boy" mimi's mom exclaimed softly smiling as yuta gave his greeting taking her hand bringing it towards his forehead.
"you met before?" mimi chimes in looking at the two "i helped her carry her things since she's having some trouble" yuta explained his nervousness slowly fading away, mimi's mother turns to her daughter "i love him already! you're definitely marrying him" mimi's mother then welcomes yuta to their home with open arms "mom!" mimi shouted in embarrassment. yuta lets out a chuckle, relieved that he was welcomed right away.
-fushiguro megumi
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cold type
major daddy vibes (all i can say is megumi's their type-)
cool aura
doesn't give a fuck type of guy
my friends probably heard of him because of me
mimi was walking around the campus together with a friend of hers, they were talking about usual school stuffs. sharing all the stress and pressure they're feeling having to be the leader of their own respective group.
mimi came to a stop when she noticed the quiet preserve guy who's walking towards the elevator hands on his pocket. after pushing the button, he cracks his neck side to side his hand soothing the crook of his neck. "let's go use the elevator" was all she said before dragging her friend.
the three walks inside the elevator without a word, mimi and her friend stayed behind as megumi stands in front of them pushing the button of his classroom's floor. mimi's friend can't help but snicker, mimi pinches her side telling her to stop.
megumi turns and gesture at the floor buttons "which floor?" his low voice making mimi's knees weak in the knees, mimi's friend was having fun seeing her friend malfunction in front of a hot guy. she giggles not wanting to embarrass her more than she did "oh we're in the same floor, it's all good"
mom likes him when i showed his pic! *cough* one of her fave *cough*
got nervous with meeting mom for the first time but soon relaxed with mom's calming and friendly nature, all in all mom still likes him
-inumaki toge
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crazy type of guy
gives off the always sleeping guy
playful type
"oh wow its hot in here" seductively lowers his collars
daddy- (i- ma'am-)
bad boy!!
mom said rock 'n roll but let's forget that
i'm gonna be honest, i feel like he's gonna be part of my friends, my "kapag tropa lang tropa lang rule" (basically translates to: if u're friend just stay as friends rule) will be broken just for him;
toge and mimi was known to be touchy with each other in their group of friends. toge trusts mimi more than the others, he shows this by doing simple things such as leaving his id with her if ever he goes somewhere or do something.
their friends mostly find them leaning in each other's shoulder whenever they are given a break or during their little talks. "you know i saw this new.." their friend started explaining, all of them listening. toge gets into a more comfortable spot leaning his head on mimi's shoulder busy with scrolling on his phone. once in a while showing mimi something funny or interesting.
mom will likely take time to warm up to him. toge will do his best to get on her good side, shows his charms. once he gets mom's approval there's no turning back. he gets treated like he was her own son.
toge smiles at mimi's mother sweetly, "what's your name?" as toge took her hand making mano with her (stop i dunno how to phrase it) "inumaki toge, auntie" mimi's mother let out a soft gasp, "the inumaki toge?" toge looks at the direction where mimi disappeared, a little confused by what's happening. he looks back at mimi's mother about to ask why she knows him.
"mimi won't stop talking about you!" mimi's mother informed as toge's mouth left agape, mimi who happen to get back at the right moment grumble "mom why did you tell him?!" she said through gritted teeth. mimi's mom have a sweet smile on her face faking a surprise.
"oh i wasn't suppose to? oops?" mimi grumbles more standing beside toge who now have a smug look on his face, "you talk about me huh?" he began, mimi gave him a playful shove "shut up."
-ryomen sukuna
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most likely to kill me
unique looking
mom really likes him!
thinks his tattoos and aura is cool
if my friends saw a picture of him they will immediately question me
he's a snitch, i hate his snitch ass ugh
mimi's mom did not like sukuna from the picture at all, she doesn't have any problem with people who have tattoo but he got it all over him. we can say that mimi's mom is kinda looking out for the both of them because their relatives are just too traditional and doesn't like the looks of tattoos.
however, sukuna soon got her approval! how you ask? well the mf snitched without knowing. sukuna nudges mimi's side lightly, trying to start conversation "how's the piercing?" mimi's eyes widen looking at sukuna hissing, "kuna no!" mimi whisper yell at him. mimi then felt her mother's glare, "is that why you've been wearing your hair down often?"
sukuna got confused then looks at mimi's mom "care to explain?" he took this as a chance to get on her good side "yeah mimi, care to explain?" mimi looks at her significant other not believing what's happening, mimi looks back and forth between the two 'this mf a snitch' mimi thought.
mimi then explained herself blaming sukuna since he's the one who pushed to get her cartilage piercing "don't blame sukuna, you should have told me" mom defended him, mimi gasp as she looks at sukuna who's smirking at her with the 'i won' face that mimi wanna punch off his face.
a lil bg; i already told my mom b4 that i want cartilage piercing but then she got wary with the news of someone got in a coma after getting it so in the end sadly, she only allowed me to get the lobe piercings.
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cover: one piece's baby 5
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leavetwn · 4 years
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* KAYLEE BRYANT, CISWOMAN + SHE/HER  | you know SUZIE TANAKA, right? they’re TWENTY-ONE, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, EIGHTEEN YEARS? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to VALENTINE BY HOPE TALA like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole ROLLERSKATES SCUFFED FROM YEARS OF USE, STARTING A JOURNAL ENTRY TWO YEARS SINCE THE LAST ONE, A SIGH OF RELIEF ONCE YOU'RE FINALLY ALONE thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is NOVEMBER 28TH, so they’re a SAGGITARIUS, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( claire, 22, est, she/her )
it’s me again ! bringing a character who i’ve played for a while now, just switched up & such for every rp, and now , i’m bringin her here. :^) i hope you enjoy her as much as i do! tw: mentions of mental illness (anxiety)
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 .
full name: suzie tanaka. nickname(s): su, anything your muse wants to call her tbh. age: twenty-one. date of birth: november 28th. zodiac sign: saggitarius. gender/pronouns: ciswoman, she/her. sexual orientation: bisexual. romantic orientation: biromantic. hometown: san francisco, californio. current residence: irving, north carolina. occupation: part time waitress at cutie pie’s thanks to her skills on skates. full time student at the local college in her junior year as a creative writing major. she minors in film pro eye color: brown. hair color/style: dark brown, upper-mid back length & she usually just wears it in a simple ponytail. it’s more manageable when she’s out. however, when she’s at home, she’ll leave it down. height : 5′3″. clothing style: you can’t really put suzie’s style into one category. it’s inspired by several different eras & many times she pieces it together. some might call it a bit tacky at times, but she thinks it looks cute. to her, that’s all that matters. tattoos: none. probably could never attempt to get one cause she’s seriously afraid of needles lol. piercings: her ears and that’s when she was fairly young. reference the tattoos portion for reasoning.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 .
when you were around six years old  , you first realized that you were lonely. it wasn’t like you weren’t around other people. it was just that those people were mostly your mom and dad. occasionally your cousins would come over sometimes, but they were all older than you by at least four years. your parents were kind of eccentric, and for that, they experienced how harsh other kids could be very early on. they decided they didn’t want you to experience the same things, so since both were felt they were prepared enough to do so, they homeschooled you to keep you sheltered from those types of things. 
you’re sure they had good intentions. that’s not something you questioned, but you wished they’d at least find another kid you could be friends with or have another kid. you found yourself bored by yourself, so you immersed yourself in things like books or whatever movies they had around the house. this is where your love of fairytales began, and you’d fantasize about living in one while you read or watched the stories unfold.
you lived in your head, and you still pretty much do. you’re an idealist, even though you haven’t seen much of the world. perhaps it’s the fact that you haven’t ventured very far from your home that makes you so, and while life could still be boring, you always had another book or movie to keep you company. you grew content being on your own, and the more that you were, the more you began to enjoy your own company.
that didn’t change the fact that you longed for friends. in all the stories you read or watched, the protagonist had one other person along with them for much of their journey. sure, you had people that you were friendly with, but it was never to the extent that you wanted. it was never a best friend or a close group  —  just someone you saw on few occasions. it also didn’t help how you felt when you were around others. the way you monitored every step you took, the way you crossed your legs, or going over the way you would speak to someone in your head over and over. you figured for the longest time it was because you were shy, but a diagnosis of anxiety gave you a lot more clarity and almost a sense of relief. those things started to make more sense.
being alone helped a lot when it came to academics. you spent a lot of your time studying or looking up random ass facts on the internet, and because of this, you’d call yourself fairly smart. you know your shit. it also helped a lot when getting into colleges. you didn’t aim too high though, not yet comfortable being all the way on your own. so, you chose the nearby university to attend. 
you move out. you’re excited, and your parents are nervous but prepared. they’re not oblivious to the fact that this day would come. you’re ready to go out and face the world, but most of all, you’re ready to make friends. you’re ready to go out and experience the world, every small step at a time. you’re convinced at college you’ll become a brand new person, find yourself, and make plenty of friends. 
it doesn’t go like that at first. of course it doesn’t. it’s a new environment, and it takes getting used to. but soon, people loosen up and warm up to you. you’re quick to make a couple of friends. it isn’t at all like the stories you’d read or watched when you were younger. it is happy and fun and joyous, but you realize that friendships take work. it’s a bit exhausting, as someone who had become such an introvert, but you manage and form close bonds. 
as of now, you are working on your degree and managing life one step at a time. you’re doing pretty well, and things are looking up. you keep your head in the clouds still to this day, imagining what the future will be like. you’re still idealistic and optimistic, not that that’s a bad thing.  
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 .
i was being exaggerative with the ‘being at home’ stuff rip. i mean, she did spend a lot of time at home, but she wasn’t always there. her dad would take her out to rockin’ and rollin’, and i mean, she fuckin rocks when it comes to skating. it was kind of freeing to her as a child. she def got a pair of rollerblades as a christmas present, and she probably was the kid skating down her neighborhood road and shit from sunrise until her mom told her to take her ass inside. 
maybe seems like she’s ditzy and she’s probably somewhat naive, but she’s definitely not stupid. she’s also a fast learner. she is, however, too nice for her own good. she’ll learn eventually, but she’s hopeful and an optimist at heart 💔
loves her dad but tells her mom everything. she doesn’t recognize it, but her mom was probably her first best friend lmaoo. they have a really good relationship. she has a good relationship with her dad too. he’s a bit more closed off than her mom, and she recognizes that but understands.
has an irrational fear that everyone’s like,,, staring at her & thinking she’s weird. really wants everyone to like her but she’s not sure how to make that happen (news flash, it won’t)
her fam is actually from san francisco but when she was 3, her dad got a better offer in irving so that’s how they ended up here. she knows this & she wonders what life woulda been like if she stayed back in san fran. probably wouldn’t have changed but she literally lives in her head and imagines shit like that’s her job at this point so yehhh 
dreams of being a screenwriter and maybe even a director one day. she saw how film and books influenced her life as a kid & she wants to have the same impact, yk? v cute to me i love that. maybe she’ll write a book one day too who knows
i’m feelin like she has a ton of online friends cause she was seeking connection /w people so it makes sense. shout out to all her online pals who kept her sane & shit, but it wasn’t enough for her cause she really wanted those kinds of things irl.
is a hopeless romantic rip to her. just wants someone to sweep her up off her feet and give her butterflies but this aint no damn fairytale so let’s make it chaotic
character parallels: lily (dash & lily, 2020) , amélie poulain (amélie, 2001) , belle in some ways lmao (beauty and the beast, 1991) more to be added.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
*  friends, best friends, etc.  — literally any friends at all. this is the connection she craves the most tbh. platonic over romantic periodt ! she just wants people to braid her hair and have deep, personal convos with about literally anything while legally blonde is on the television. 
* a bad influence  —  i mean, she stayed inside mostly & is kind of an introvert. didn’t have tons of friends either, so she didn’t really have time to go to parties, etc. BE A BAD INFLUENCE SHE NEEDS TO LET LOOSE LMAOO. it’ll prolly take a lot to get her out but hey 
* good influence  — someone she’s a good influence on & who she helps in some way. i could see it happenin’. if you see it happening, i mean... hmu you know where i am mwah 💖
* crush  — someone she’s head over heels with. i mean, it probably wouldn’t take a lot. in my head she be catching feelings way too fast. it’s just a thing, but yeah, it could go either way. maybe your character is into her too or she’ll end up getting her heart broken which is lmao bound to happen one day. could also be someone who’s crushing on her but she’s way to busy focusing all her romantic attention on someone else to notice? idk i’m just here for all the plots.
* annoyance  — someone who finds her ass annoying/does not like her. she wants everyone to like her so it would be so confusing and upsetting and she would be like wtf did i do but i want it cause i love angst. sorry to all my muses out there luv yall but i’m just bein real
* again, anything at all  — if you have an idea that you love, pls don’t hesitate to hmu and lemme know. i promise i will 99.9% of the time be down. the same goes for any wanted connection doodads that i reblog like if u see it and ur like omg i luv that... PLEASE hmu i luv u all already & just wanna have plots and write with you srsly
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border-spam · 4 years
Leech Lord AU - Char Breakdown
Seifa A’rosk / Seifa Ur-Machina / Saint of the God King’s Mechanica
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Bless u @nikyri-art​ and @lazulizard​ for the art! List of character traits and world-building facets for this character within my story. The Leech Lord Au is the one all other twins content I’ve written is set in.
Troy’s is HERE Tyreen’s is HERE
Note, ye asked and ye received. Literally my first OC ever, no clue what I’m doing, constructive feedback is 100% welcome.
Physical Details:
Right handed.
Very short, 4′11″, and rarely seen out of heeled boots.
5 years older than the twins, in her mid twenties when she came across the scabby looking rat who introduced herself as Tyreen.
Long auburn hair she usually wears in waves.
Right side shave, warm blue eyes, septum/eyebrow/labret facial piercings
Average bodyweight, hourglass shape.
Saint sigil tattoo between her shoulderblades.
Couple of small scars across torso, stab wound near navel, nicks across left ribs. 
Visible facial scar is paper thin and streaks across her right brow into her hairline. Tells everyone this was from a knife fight, but was actually from an echodevice she was trying to scavenge components from blowing in her face a decade ago. Figures she might as well try and get some intimidation points out of it.
Relaxed punk aesthetic she carries into her engineering uniform.
Usually covered in homemade jewelry.
Sei is a migrant junker/mechanic, and has been running a solo career as one since her late teens.
She has no memory of family, and doesn't care in the slightest. Figures she was probably sold into child labor before she was old enough to remember who they were. Loses no sleep over this and rarely gives it any thought.
Grew up traveling with her "Boss" (head of the scavenging ring who managed herself and the other skinny little kids she was raised with) between different rim planets including Pandora, scrapping and repairing tech while scavenging the thousands of ship husks dumped during the corporate wars.
Spent her formative years constantly surrounded by other children and teens who helped each other get each other through what should have been a relatively lonely existence, and developed a close family bond with many.
Retained contact with a lot of them in adulthood. They operate a network of mechanics and engineers across the system, a few of which come to work within the COV Mechanica when they realise she can offer safety.
Spent her childhood and teens learning the art of the deal from her boss, accompanying him on trade runs, market dealings, debt collections, anything and everything he figured would help her in the long term. Learned everything she could while accompanying him as a kid, like a filthy little sponge in too-big overalls and a runny nose.
Engineering and mech skills have been honed from years of pulling apart and crawling into junked ships, repairing and reselling on components for profit.
At 19, she had saved enough to purchase a shitty little rehashed transport ship from her Boss, and set out to start her own trade. They've kept in touch and are on friendly grounds. Still calls him Boss. Never actually learned his name, it didn’t matter.
Seifa spends years migrating between outer planets, building a reputation with her bartering and trade skills. Playing idiot traders like instruments, flirting her way into high profit deals, and starting bar fights. She doesn’t take part in them mind you, she’s a lady. She just starts them. 
It’s an easy way to get a group of “eager investors” to weed out the lesser competition, and leave you able to playfully manipulate yourself into the good graces of someone who’s too horny and pumped up on the hormonal rush of the fight to realise that they are the mark.
Moves to the next planet once she's outstayed her welcome, but always makes more friends than enemies.
At 25, finds a terrified and not remotely intimidating girl in a Pandoran junkyard, who pulls a gun on her. Tyreen tries to mug her with a shitty SMG that's clearly out of ammo, has a jammed trigger, and gets laughed at in response. Gets called a weird, stupid kid. Gets interrogated about how she is too old to be on Pandora and still alive if this is how clueless she is, so what’s going on? 
Ty breaks down into tears and begs to please, please get her some medicine. Her "Brother is so sick” and he's “all she has now”, and they've “no money, no supplies. It wasn’t meant to go like this, it shouldn’t have gone like this but they didn’t know what it would be like.." and in a rare moment of empathy likely routed in years of being around kids this stupid, and clueless, and dumb ... Seifa helps.
Traits: ✓ Positive x Negative:
✓ Confident, both in her appearance and knowledge.
Sei is a jack of all trades, master of none. Her range of knowledge is broad and useful, and her confidence stems both from her well maintained physical appearance, and general competency in most situations where she needs to be.
✓  Socially skilled, fast learner, adaptable. 
She’s been learning on her feet as long as she can remember, and is highly socially skilled, though a lot of her “nice” interactions can be a veneer. She holds people at arms length without them realising she’s not being as open and friendly as she appears.
✓  Self sufficient, reliable, trustworthy.
An adult lifetime of needing to rely solely on herself has left her highly sufficient, and very dependable. Seifa is the kind of person you call when you need something done, and don’t need to ask questions about how she gets you your results. You’ll get what you need.. just don’t hassle her about how she achieved it. You’ll be told to piss off, very clearly.
✓  Excellent negotiator, skilled in controlling conversations and manipulating others from years of trading for a living.
Seifa has been learning how to argue, shift conversations towards her own goals, and turn competitors on each other since she was barely able to carry a wrench. She’s an excellent dealer, and can drop into one of her many characters instantly when they’d help shift a contract towards her gain. Floozy giggling newcomer? Got it. Clueless naive big spender? No problem. Trade baroness about to crush your knuckles? Game on.
It’s something the twin strays she rescues are very interested in learning from her.
✓  Naturally friendly, and deeply caring for those she bonds with.
Sei is generally easy to get on with, between her decent set of social skills and ability to quickly read people, she comes across as quite friendly and overall pleasant to most people. She’s very slow to become genuine around others or show her caring side, an understandable side effect of the kind of life she’s lived, but her close friends are very close, and see her as one for life.
✓  Lawful Neutral.
 Morals are decent ( for a Pandoran) , and is always willing to help someone if it's not too much hassle or won’t put her out. Like the majority of people living on this rock however, she won’t put strangers before her own safety or wellbeing.
x  Very vain.
Sei will sacrifice functionality for style in the Mechanicum without a second thought, and will become frustrated and snappy if unhappy with her appearance and forced into social situations. She’s had a lifetime of curating her looks and using them as a tool, and hates being seen “out of character”.
x Self focused. 
She won’t risk harm physically or to her reputation for someone she has no stake in. Fact of life on Pandora is that people who do that don't tend to live very long, and she’s highly aware of that. Close friends and children are about it when it comes to who she’d take a risk for, and bandits slaughtering each other or ransacking towns is unlikely to be something she’d be very phased by. It’s not that she doesn’t care, she just doesn’t allow herself to.
x Irritable, easily brought to frustration or insulted. Holds grudges badly.
Seifa manages her collected and cool outer demeanor by pushing it over her emotional state. It’s a defense mechanism she’s learned from a lifetime of being in situations where emotion = weakness. Her high personal opinion of herself and pride in her skill means she takes to being insulted very easily. A subordinate who doesn’t show her respect won’t stay in her department long, and an equal who treats her like an underling? She will Never. Let. It. Go.
x Snappy and unpleasant when stressed or overworked, unable to handle emotion based arguments.
Seifa’s response to stress or frustration is to become overwhelmingly in control of the situation, and fiercely logical. Her social niceness evaporates and she defaults to the simple level of “Get this shit done NOW, and don’t question me” when it comes to dolling out required tasks. This is a bad thing to couple with arrogance. She is also completely incapable of arguing with someone who uses emotion instead of logic as their drive, and so while she is able to communicate with Troy very well even in heated times as they both default to logic, arguments between herself and Tyreen can become vicious, as neither is capable of expressing themselves in the other’s language when frustrated.
x Loyalty to close friends can overpower her better judgement in situations.
She’s completely aware of the hypocrisy of this weakness considering the front she likes to portray, being cold and unaffected by problems, but has never been able to stop herself from making this same mistake. Over and over.
x Noticeably arrogant, no respect for the chain of command.
Relying on her gut for survival through her life left her with an inflated sense of worth for her own opinion, and she finds it very hard to really convince herself that others may be the better option, or have more value than her own. This means she can also easily forget her place if she thinks a superior is in the wrong. Has earned her a stab to the abdomen and a broken wrist in the past. Both healed, both scarred. Her arrogance towards the twins, being that they are younger and far less experienced than her in general life, has caused multiple confrontation. She know’s it’s a problem, and she’s trying to get better. She really is.
Personal freedoms.
Self reliance.
Feeling admired and appreciated.
Close companionships with friends who see her as an equal.
Her advice being heeded.
Growing plants.
Tinkering with smalltime tech and gadgets.
The safety of the COV meaning she can finally settle in one place.
Being wanted, physically and emotionally.
Gaming, watching movies, appreciating art. 
Crafting jewelry from scrap
Having her gentle, caring nature be valued.
Bullshit. Can't stand people who don't communicate logically.
Being spoken down to.
Her appearance being mocked or intelligence belittled.
Social sycophancy.
Being lied to, having her trust broken when she so rarely gives it.
Unfairness, aimed at her or those she feels protective over ( friends, underlings )
Pointless violence.
Risk taking.
Most things considered *edible* on Pandora.
Men. -
Asks are Open!
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