#that it completely shuts my brain down!! and it's WORSE with my DAD because I ESPECIALLY want to do well with him
how the HECK do I explain to my parents that I do not want bass guitar lessons from my dad, I want to teach myself from the books and videos that I have. I will literally throw away every plan I have to learn this instrument if I have to learn this way I'm not even kidding. this is why I quit guitar after two months my freshman year of high school.
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stargirllanaa · 8 months
Pretty when you cry
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Warnings: NON-CON SMUT, Dark!Rafe, Toxic relationship, Abusive relationship, domestic violence, drug-use, manipulation, lying
Summary: Heavily Based on ‘Pretty when your cry’ by Lana Del Rey, like really heavily, Your relationship with Rafe Cameron is falling apart before you’re eyes.
A/n: First smut 🫣 anyway, request are open so hit my inbox with your darkest ideas! I would definitely recommend listen to Pretty when you cry by Lana Del Rey while reading!! Enjoy <3
Wc: 2k
Your friend group had planned a fun night all together; you were all going to stay at the beach till dark and watch the stars. You had been looking forward to it; things had been rocky with Rafe, and you just wanted to get out and enjoy a night with your friends and boyfriend.
As you applied your blush, you were completely lost in thought; images of a few nights ago and your encounter with your boyfriend flashed through your brain.
You tried to focus on your makeup routine, but the bruises that were revealed on your wrist when your sweatshirt sleeve fell were a constant reminder.
“Are you serious, Rafe?” You questioned your boyfriend when you caught him in the bathroom doing a line.
“You said you were done... You said you were quitting.” disappointment filled your voice.
He looked up at you with dilated pupils, trying to wipe away the white powdery residue from under his nose.
“I'm sorry baby… I-” he thought to himself for a minute.
You signed in response.
“I should have known…” you softly said under your breath,
“No… listen…I got into a fight with my dad earlier...This is the last time...” The blonde promised you in a shaky tone.
Your eyes shot to the leftover coke on your bathroom counter; there were about two lines left, you didn't want that shit in your house, and more importantly, you didn't want him doing that shit in your house. So you moved your hand over, ready to wipe it straight onto the floor.
But Rafe saw it coming; he had been analyzing your eyes the whole time. He caught your wrist before it came close to the counter; his grip was tight and rough.
“Come on, baby, don't make this complicated.” your boyfriend threatened as his grip got tighter and tighter.
“Rafe, you're hurting me,” you said as your eyes brimmed with hot tears.
“You’re hurting me, y/n!” he pulled you closer to him; the scent of his cologne was so strong it made you nauseous. “You know I'm going through stuff and… mess up sometimes! And I-”
“You promised me, Rafe!” you cut him off. “You promised you would stop.” tears spilled over, and you smiled, lacking happiness. “But you don't care about that, do you?”
His eyes narrowed at your words, and his grip on your wrist became tighter, causing you to let out a sob.
“You clearly don't give a shit about spending time with me because you're high all the time.” you voiced between sobs. “You don't even give a shit about me…you care about one thing,” you said, voice broken as you used your free hand to point at the two remaining lines on the countertop.
Rafe said nothing, but you could tell you were spot on by how he looked around as his breathing sped up.
He dropped your wrist before leaving the bathroom and the lines he had just fought you over; he made sure to slam the door and stomp down the stairs.
You shivered as you thought about how tight he was holding on to you, but he was high, and people do crazy things under the influence. But the problem was Rafe had been under the influence a lot recently.
And every time he hurt you, it would always go the same way; you guys would argue, usually about his drug problem. He would hurt you, usually to make you shut up. Sometimes were worse than others, but it always ended in you sobbing and him profusely apologizing. He blamed it on the drugs…his dad and you would forgive him. Or he would just leave you there and text you ‘sorry’ later.
You missed the days when the two of you first started dating; everything seemed so simple and sweet… So normal.
You and your boyfriend were going ice skating together; you were excited but nervous. It was your first time, and you didn't want to fall and embarrass yourself.
As you entered the rink, you immediately held onto the railing as you tried to keep your feet in place. They were slipping and sliding everywhere, and the railing was your only hope not to fall and bust your ass.
“Baby,” Rafe said with a slight laugh as he stuck his hand out. “I got you; hold my hand.”
You took his hand, one hand on the railing, one in his. He showed you how to push yourself forward and keep balance, but you were still struggling.
“How do you do that,” you said with a chuckle as if he was a professional ice skater.
“Youre cute,” the blonde said with a smile; the truth was you were the girl he had always dreamed of; you were so naive.
You always hoped he would stop using and times could return to how they were, but part of you knew things would never be how they were; they hadn't been in a long time.
Looking back at the mirror, you realized you had been applying blush to one cheek for about 2 minutes. You needed to finish getting ready. Things would be better tonight, at least you hoped they would be.
When you made it to the beach, Rafe wasn't there yet; that was fine, though he was probably late, traffic or something. You tried your best to focus on your friends, the music, and the alcohol, but as the night went on and the stars came out, Rafe's lack of presence was very noticeable. Your friends and even his friends had asked you where he was, and you just responded with a quiet ‘he’ll be here soon.’ was that true? You didn't know. He wasn't answering texts or calls; you even dm’ed him on Instagram, hoping for a response.
But he didn't show up, he didn't come through… he never did.
And as you looked up at the stars surrounded by friends, all you could think about was when Rafe told you that ‘all the pretty stars had shined for you.’
One of your friends dropped you back home after your night out. Rafe was supposed to take you home with him, but it was apparent why that didn't happen.
As soon as you started taking off your jewelry, your phone started ringing; you looked over at it to see who was calling and quickly picked it up.
“Rafe, are fucking kiddi-” you started.
“Open the door. I'm outside,” he stated before hanging up.
You rolled your eyes at the sound of him ending the call; you were so fucking angry. The two of you were supposed to have fun tonight, not fight. He stood you up. He did this shit all the time, using stupid excuses like, ‘I lost track of time,’ ‘my dad and I got into a fight again,’ and ‘I fell asleep.’ But those excuses could only work so many times.
As you stomped down your stairs to the front door, you took a deep breath; you didn't want things to go left more than they already had, but that didn't stop you from opening the door when your gut told you not to.
Rafe pushed past you, letting himself into your house.
“Baby, I'm sorry I lost track of time.” classic Rafe.
You looked down at your phone, taking in the time, then back at him.
“For 4 hours, Rafe?” You scoffed at his words; how many times would he use that excuse?
“The ‘fight with your dad’ would have worked better this time.” you sarcastically stated as you rolled your eyes.
“Don't be like that.” the blonde spoke as he walked closer to you.
“No, don't tell me how to act! You always do this to me.” your eyes brimmed with tears as you thought about how broken your relationship was.
Rafe brought his hand up to your face, initially causing you to flinch, but he brought it closer to the top of your head and began stroking your hair.
“I'm sorry… stuff's been hard for me with my da-.” he started.
“I can't do this.” you tearfully confessed, trying to pull away from him.
His hand paused in your hair, but he still kept you close.
“What do you mean ‘you can't do this?’” your boyfriend questioned, voice mixed with confusion and anger.
“Rafe, let go of me.” you calmly stated, trying to get away before things got ugly.
The hand stroking your hair was now grabbing a handful of it; he pulled you back slightly, but only enough to make eye contact.
“I need you, y/n,” Rafe said as his eyes narrowed.
“Don't say that-” you stated under your breath, looking down at the floor.
“Don't say I need you?” the blonde asked you as he pulled your hair slightly, forcing you to look back at him.
“You know you're just gonna leave again,” you shouted through tears.
Rafe looked away from you, thinking of what he should do; he needed you; you couldn't leave; you couldn't just decide that you ‘couldn't do this.’. He had to show you how much he needed you.
You gasped as Rafe’s grip on your hair tightened as he started dragging you. The pain coming from your head was so brutal it left you screaming for him to stop. Before you knew it, he pulled you up by your hair and pushed you back onto the couch. You were terrified; when you looked into his eyes, they were darker, just like they were the night he grabbed your wrist, and every time he had ever hurt you before, but you were confused; he usually just slapped and pushed you around. This was a different level; he had never taken it this far.
“Rafe!” was all you screamed out before he cut you off.
“You don't think I need you?” he smirked before pushing your hair back so he could see your whole face. “I need you so bad you don't even understand.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, wondering how hurting you could possibly show that he needed you, but when you saw him start to undo his pants, everything became a lot clearer.
“Rafe..” you trailed off, hoping he wasn't about to do what you thought he was.
“Shhh baby... You’re okay.” the blonde says as he reaches under your skirt.
“No, I can't do this,” you said as you tried to sit up, but your boyfriend immediately pushed you back down.
“I told you to shut the fuck up.” He hissed, clearly annoyed by your words; he had already made up his mind; there was no going back now.
And when you felt him inside of you, you couldn't stop the sobs that escaped from the back of your throat, and when you glanced back at him to see him staring directly into your eyes while taking advantage of you, it made your stomach turn.
“Fuck” Rafe said with a moan, “you're so pretty when you cry.”
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ughgoaway · 10 months
i guess this would be pre teacher/reader but i saw a tiktok about baby wearing and all i can think about is matty trying it with annie when she was much younger and him just going about his day with annie strapped to his chest asleep especially in the studio with the boys 🥺
anon. this has literally been rotting my brain since you sent it. I can't stop thinking about it.
I'm envisioning new dad matty, his mum has been staying with him for a few weeks and has just left and he is so fucking overwhelmed. it's been 2 hours and he can't get Annie to go to sleep, any time he tries to put her down she just screams bloody murder. and to make matters worse, he absolutely has to be at the studio in an hour to fix this song.
matty is shushing her and bouncing her around when he remembers something carly and Adam got him before Annie arrived, some weird baby wrap thing he never thought he'd use. he quickly scavenges around her room for it (Annie is still in his arms because he values his ear drums) and manages to find it squished behind some piles of clothes he has yet to put away.
at first when he pulls it out of the box, he is fucking baffled. it's just a long strip of stretchy fabric and matty has no idea what to do with it. but the second he puts her down to try and figure it out, the screaming starts again.
so he looks up a YouTube video, props his phone up against the kettle, and tries to follow this lovely woman's tutorial. it looks easy enough, tie a knot here, loop this bit through there, and so on.
it takes him a few goes. The first couple attempts look like matty lost a fight with this fabric, but soon enough... "Aha! fuck you stupid fabric!" he says triumphantly. he had to put Annie down to really figure it out so the last 10 minutes were filled with the desperate cries of his 3 month old but he thinks he's got it.
so he picks her up and slips her in, and there she is, wrapped up against his chest. and finally... silence. no cries. no screaming. just silence.
well annie might not be crying, matty feels pretty fucking close considering how exhausted he is. but any anger or frustration just melts away when he looks down at her, Annie's eyes have finally fluttered closed and she's fast asleep on his chest.
it brings him back to the day she was born, the skin to skin he did with her just minutes after. he'll never forget the instant love and complete devotion he felt in that moment. and having her now, slightly less gross, sitting fast asleep on him brings everything back.
before he starts crying (again) over how beautiful his daughter is and how much he loves her, he gets a disgruntled phone call from George who has been waiting outside for 5 mins to walk with matty to the studio.
now with both hands free matty can grab the baby bag, his phone and his keys and run down to meet George.
when he comes out George is leaning on the wall outside fully engrossed in his phone, that is until he catches a glimpse of matty and immediate begins to crack up.
"Oh, mother dearest, what do we have here?" he teases, walking over to matty whose eyes are sunken and hair is sticking up in every direction. last time George saw him this frazzled was after he first found out he was having Annie and wasn't exactly coping well with the news, how times have changed.
"Oh shut up, will you. she wouldn't stop crying unless I held her, and I quite like having 2 arms, so I grabbed this thing carly gave me and wrapped her up. and look how cute and happy she is, George. "
matty spins around and shows George Annie's sleeping face, and he's never seen his friend just immediately melt before his eyes. George simply gasps and brings his finger up to gently stroke her cheek, Annie grumbles slightly and wiggles but soon settles back into her place in her dad's chest.
"Dude." George says, flicking his eyes from Annie to matty, "she's the cutest baby ever. don't tell Adam and carly I said that, tho"
matty just laughs and nods, both men staring with such love at little Annie Healy.
she sleeps the whole walk there and through Adam and Ross arriving, who both have similar reactions to George. After the initial teasing, both men crumble at the sight of their best friend being a dad.
"god, how did you make something so cute??" Adam jokingly says.
"Can I try this wrap thing too??? you look stupid, but she's so happy I just need to do this, " says Ross, who's rubbing her back softly through the layers of fabric.
matty agrees and says once she's awake, he's free to have a try. She stays asleep for a little bit, but as soon as mattys voice rings out of the speakers, she perks up. Big brown eyes blinking up at matty with a gummy grin to match. Once each man sees that, they all want a turn wearing her.
of course, they somehow turn this into a competition.
Ross claims he's her favourite because Annie simply stares up at him with wide eyes the whole time she's strapped to him, smile not leaving her face. he even plays bass with her still attached to him, a new skill he's very proud of. he keeps his hair safely in his bun, though, not wanting her to get a grip. (Annie does later become obsessed with Ross' hair because who wouldn't?)
George claims he's the favourite because she makes the most gargling noises when he has her. he walks her around the room, talking to her and explaining the studio. "So this is soundproof padding Annie, basically it's so other people don't have to hear when your dad does a shit take" "Oi! don't swear at my child George. and don't slag me off!!"
adam claims he's the favourite because, "I'm just a natural. look how chill she is. " Annie is very chill with him, just kinda enjoying life and vibing. no nonsense, just a happy little girl.
matty knows she's happiest with him though, as soon as she feels the rhythm of his heart and smells her dad, she just falls right asleep. the closer she can get, the better.
so needless to say, the baby wrap is a hit, and Annie becomes the hottest fashion accessory for the men of the 1975. the day she finally grows out of it is a sad, sad day for them all.
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(this is what I mean when I'm talking ab the wrap btw <3)
more blurbs for this au here!!
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graciegoeskrazy · 6 months
not dying, no, just lying
george daniel + daughter!reader
warnings: mentions of depression
a/n: slowly but surely making my way back. i read an article where he was talking about his depression and this idea popped into my head. ty to the anon who requested george n his daughter🩷
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It was something Charli was honest with you about. You had noticed it before. Although you couldn’t fully grasp the idea of depression as a whole and everything George was dealing with, you could sense a difference in him. Nothing too drastic, but the small differences led to lingering thoughts that couldn't escape your mind. School nights often looked a lot like this these days. Your mom was in the studio while George was at home with you helping with homework, and making dinner (all the typical dad duties) while your mum worked late nights. So tonight wasn’t abnormal. George was answering emails on his laptop while dinner was cooking in the background. You were sat at the counter across from him, supposed to be doing your homework.
“Dad?” He shot a glance at you. “Can you come check my work?”
He nodded and came round the corner, putting a hand on your back and pressing a kiss to your head as he looked over the math worksheet in front of him, eventually taking out his phone to use the calculator app. You looked at him. He breathed heavily, taking sharp inhales and exhales. Compared to the happy smiles he was showing off when he was with Charli yesterday, he was completely different. He wouldn't smile or laugh. Not that anything funny was happening, but he wouldn't crack a joke, wouldn’t smile, would barely look at you. It’s another thing Charli tried to explain to you and another thing you couldn’t comprehend. The way it worked in your mind is he was sad when he was with you, and happy when he was with everyone else. You were the problem. You were the thing that made your father feel like this. It was al your fault. Or at least that is what kept going through your mind.
You spoke after a moment, unsure about how to approach it. “Daddy?”
“Hm?” He kept his eyes on his (or rather your) work, only quirking an eyebrow in your direction.
You thought once more before you eventually spoke. “Are you depressed because of me?”
That caused him to turn. His face turned to confusion. “What?”
You made eye contact with him, feeling as if you had your footing for the conversation. “Are you depressed because of me?”
He turned to face you fully. “When did that idea get into that brain of yours?”
You just shrugged.
He smiled and leaned down to place a kiss on your cheek. “No, my beautiful angel, I am not depressed because of you.”
You looked away in thought. “But do I…make it worse?”
George laughed, amused that you could ever think like this. “No!”
Your face turned solum. “Are you sure?”
He sighed and pulled your bar chair closer to him. “What in the world is making you think this?”
You swallowed. “I don’t like seeing you sad, and I keep seeing you sad ever since you’ve come home from tour and have been with me. So then I was wondering if you’re sad because of me?” A tear or two had fallen by now. He whipped it away like he always had.
“Oh, my love. I’m happy because of you.”
He smiled. A real smile. “Really. You make my life worth living.”
You looked down. George knew this was a ‘big girl’ topic for you. He and Charli always did their best when trying to involve you in things, but his one seemed a bit harder. He knew you tried his be as mature as possible and he admired that. He still wasn't completely sure how to go about this. “It’s a complicated thing, love. I can’t just shut it off most days.”
Your gaze still drifted down. “Hey.” He tilted your chin up to get you to look at him. “What I’m feeling, this sadness has nothing to do with you. You make me feel better. And I’m sorry If I ever made you think otherwise.” You nodded, “I love you, okay? More than anything.”
You finally smiled a bit. “I love you too, Dad.”
He laid a kiss on your temple. “Perfect score by the way.”
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madi-writes-things · 2 months
Francesca Pt. 2
It broke Schlatt when he had to let Y/N go, But he would go through hell a thousand times if it meant he got to hold her again.
“If I could hold you for a minute… I’d go through it again.”
Word Count: 791
TW: Mental Illness, angst, ocd, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, break up, pining, feelings of worthlessness, basically a self insert without a physical description, Schlatt is Based in Texas… because so am I
A/N: This totally isn’t a vent fix based loosely upon what the inside of my brain looks like on a daily basis. This is the only way to work through it, and I this fic will probably only get more complicated and sad.
Did you know that Ted is actually teal years older than Schlatt? Reader is Schlatts age. Enjoy!!!
-Madi <3
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Schlatt’s POV
The drive home was hell, but nothing prepares me for the first time walking into a newly empty house. It didn’t look any different at a first glance… the pictures on the walls, the dirty clothes left in a hamper, the dishes in the sink.
The reality doesn’t hit until I walk into the bedroom. Her side of the room shows no proof that anyone had been living there for the last three years. I walk over and sit down on my side with a deep sigh. I hadn’t realized that I was holding my breath.
I reach over to open up my nightstand. All that sits in the drawer is a small velvet box. All that sits inside is a nearly $5,000 ring… a ring picked out for the love of my life.
I can’t help the soft patter of tears falling to the floor beneath me.
I can’t do this without her.
Three Weeks Later
I don’t even know how I found it. I was just rearranging the house in an attempt to distract myself… I was moving the bed when it happened.
As I lifted the mattress, I noticed a small pink envelope… as I moved it completely away, I was taken aback by the sight of dozens of little pink envelopes. They all had names written on them, mostly consisting of mine and Ted’s, but not limited to us.
Now I sit in the floor surrounded by a pile of the opened letters, praying that Ted answers the phone.
“Hey Schlatt, what’s up?” He sounds too happy. This will ruin his day.
“What is this?” He’s silent for a second before asking me what the hell I'm talking about. “Dear Ted, things have been getting worse… but if you’re reading this, you already know that.” I take a deep breath before continuing. “Dear Jay, this isn’t your fault.” I can practically hear the realization hit him. I hear him release a deep sigh. “Dear mom and dad… Dear Charlie… Dear Tucker… Dear Friends and Family…”
I can’t breathe. Ted is silent on the other end of the call.
“She never told you?” He sounds so calm, as if I didn’t just tell him that his best friend has a stash of suicide notes.
“You knew that she wanted to kill herself and didn’t tell me?!” My voice is laced with hurt and anger. How could he keep this from me. “You should have told me… you live almost 20 hours away, it’s not like you could have helped if she had.”
“She’s not going to kill herself Schlatt…” He sounds exhausted, like he doesn’t want to have to explain himself.
I don’t know how to respond. She obviously thinks about it, how can he be so nonchalant about this?
After a few seconds of silence he corrects himself. “She doesn’t want to kill herself, it’s just something that she thinks about sometimes.”
“How long has this been going on?” What I really want to ask is why didn’t she tell me, but I don’t know if I’ll like the answer.
Ted’s silence is deafening. It takes a good three minutes before I hear him take a long breath in. It’s ragged, much like mine.
“it’s been going on since she was like twelve… she used to tell me about it, but something happened a few years back, and she stopped talking to me.”
Twelve? That’s half her life. Why didn’t she tell me? How did I not know? Why did she shut Ted out? He was the only person she trusted.
“What happened? Why did she stop telling you about it?” I have so many questions. I have way to ask her.
Ted gets silent again, like he’s deciding if he should tell me. I stay silent, wondering if I want the answer.
Ted breaks the silence after what feels like an eternity. “After she graduated, we got a small two bedroom house together…” I can hear the hesitation, almost like he’s making sure she won’t hear him. “I was still in school, and she was working as a teachers aide at the local elementary. Not long after her 19th birthday… she… I…” Oh God. What happened? “I came home one day to one those notes on the table, and the car running in the garage. She begged me not to tell her parents… and after that she stopped telling me about her bad thoughts.”
“She’s not okay… I can’t believe I didn’t see this… you need to keep an eye on her, I can’t lose h-” I stop myself, because I already did lose her.
Ted promises that he won’t let that happen, and I hang up the phone.
@unbruisable @bernardsbendystraws @sturniolo-fann @jnkvivi @stasiesturn
@h3arts4harry @slutforsturniolos @memento-rory @memea32221 @writingsbyzuzu
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quailxcrossing · 3 months
4, 8 and 17 for RUNO...
and 24 for Goat because thinking of Runo makes me think of him inevitably.
HI NOA HIII thank you for the asks omg i am bouncing around so much <333
RUNO i am very excited to ramble about Runo!! one of my most special characters fr....
[4] How physically and emotionally affectionate they are? RUNO
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(art by the asker, @/crystalcanis!! hi!!)
Ooo this is a good one. Physically, Runo is not very affectionate. He's pretty bad at telling when exactly is a good time to be physical- is this a time for a hug? does she want me to hold her hand here? is this weird? am i acting strange? is she embarrassed of me? are my kids? do they want me to hug them? He likes being physically affectionate just fine, but ohh the timing stresses him silly. he's gotten better at it over the years of being married (its been like 20 years at this point...) but still, he thinks that his brain just never installed that feature to know when touching is wanted. so! his family usually just meets him in the middle, and lets him know when they'd like his attention :3 they also ask him first if he's okay with it (sudden touch can make him jump) but Peony has learned his nonverbal tells for a good time to hug him, just after 20 years of marriage and all.
Emotionally affectionate, yes, always, all the time, this is a shorter answer because it's YES, he is constantly telling his loved ones he loves them so so soooo much, he never wants them to forget it, and he never wants to leave them alone without making sure the last thing he said was he loves them. :') . :''') . eee.
[8] How open they are about their true feelings, both positive and negative? RUNO
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Runo has a pretty hard time shutting off his external emotional responses without completely shutting down his bodily functions, ie. shutdowns. He cries easily, gets overexcited easily, scared easily, and he shows it...so ! if there's something he doesn't want to show, he needs to physically remove himself and go calm down. usually it's not so bad, he wants to raise his kids knowing it's okay to be emotional; but if he gets TOO worked up, to the point he worries he's going to concern them, he goes away to cool down. he tries not to do this often. he is really really trying to build up a better mental fortitude!
all this this can be overridden if his kids are in danger, where his fear gets shoved aside for the sole desire to protect them, which is always stronger. just comes naturally when you're a good dad i guess
[17] What is their biggest struggle that no one around them is able to understand or believe? RUNO
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ohhhh this is a good one......really been looking forward to this one. okay. the answer is simple. runo's incapability to maintain physical self-care. this is something that has gone all the way back to his childhood, and it was made worse by his upbringing, and then young adulthood, and the adulthood, to parenthood- it's been a problem his whole life. Runo has a really hard time taking care of himself in terms of hair maintenance, grooming, etc etc etc. he will stay in the same outfit for 4-5 days without noticing. he goes way too long without haircuts, and he's overrun with split ends and rat nests and he just can't deal with it. he can't cut his hair, even for a cleanup trim- but its state bothers him immensely. he just. can't. he doesn't know why.
he hates when people act like he just CAN- just take scissors to it! just remember to shave! just wake up and change your clothes- buy pajamas! he tries- he finds ways to work around things- i wouldn't say this is his BIGGEST struggle, but its 1000% the one that people never understand about him. all that stuff about your brother? oh that really sucks, oh man. your hair is a total mess? just wash it. lmao. if it was that easy, he would.
therapy. will help. but first. therapy. getting to therapy. oh god
annnnnnd SPEAKING of his BROTHER..............
[24] How hard it is for them to not allow their emotions to cloud their judgement? GOAT
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near impossible. lol. Goat is completely ruled by his emotions, similarly to Runo, but unlike Runo, he has a hard time KNOWING when he's being clouded by his emotions. sometimes its good! when Goat is fiercely passionate, loyal, steadfast in his beliefs and sticks up for his friends no matter what- but he can also be reeeealllly selfish and difficult when seemingly "nothing" can make a mountain out of a molehill. he feels very intensely, and feelings cloud his judgment like he's a napkin in a hurricane. he's very fortunate to have friends who are willing to fish him out of the storm and set him right.
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Quirkless Advantage
Chapter sixteen: Knife
Warning: Lots and lots of cussing…..
These chapters are going to be stupid and short. Enjoy reading!
"Fuuuck, my head hurts," I say out loud. The bed that I am in is incredibly uncomfortable.
It definitely doesn't help my back at all.
I try to get up but I'm pushed back down. "Don't," a voice on the left side of me says, "You'll hurt worse if you do that." I look over to the left side and see Aizawa. "I'm sorry," I say, starting to form tears in my eyes. Aizawa sighs, "What are you sorry for? You were at the wrong place at the wrong time." "I couldn't do anything," I say, a tear going down my cheek. Aizawa lifts up his hand and wipes it away, "Don't...You got hurt... You wouldn't have been able to do anything even if you didn't get hurt, so don't...just don't cry. Please."
My vision is blurry and my head throbs.
"Please! Please! No!" I hear my own voice in my head again.
"Tsuna..what's wrong? Why are you grabbing your head?" I hear Aizawa say but it sounds like he is so far away. "Tsuna! Tsuna! Answer me!" Aizawa says standing up and grabs my hands to pull them away from my head that was gripping so hard.
"It hurts!" I say thrashing around trying to get out of his grip, "It won't stop! My head won't stop! I can't! I can't! It hurts! Make it stop!"
I sit up, trying to get away but I suddenly stop when everything is clear again. "I-I'm sorry," I say, turning my head towards Aizawa, "I don't know what happened."
Aizawa stares at the pillow behind me, "I'm going to get Recovery Girl." He walks out and I turn around to see that there is blood in my pillow. I reach behind my head to touch it but before I do, the door opens and they walk in. Recovery Girl comes over and examines me.
Apparently when I hit my head, my head busted open and cracked my skull. Luckily, I have no damage to my brain and she is able to heal my head but my skull will take time to heal completely. My back is fine but just sore from hitting the wall.
Recovery Girl leaves and I'm able to get released from the hospital.
"Finally! We're home!" I say opening the front door to the apartment and walking over to the couch, just to dramatically lay across it. "Get up," Aizawa says standing in front of me, "You have to eat. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday." "I'm fine," I say, stretching my arms over my head.
My back feels so much better now.
"Yeah, no," Aizawa says walking away and into the kitchen, "I'm going to make you something and you're going to eat it."
"What?" I suddenly get up and run to the kitchen, "No, you're cooking looks like what the dad from Coraline makes. It even tastes worse than it looks."
"I don't understand that reference," Aizawa says, turning around from the fridge.
"You uncultured swine," I say, walking over to the refrigerator and opening the freezer. "We're going to watch it," I say, taking out two mac and cheese frozen dinners, "And eat these."
"Ok, I understand that reference now," Aizawa says watching Coraline's dad scoop out food that really looks more like slime than actual food. "My food isn't that bad," Aizawa says and I take out my phone.
I ignore the notifications and open my phone. I show my phone, which has a picture of what looks like slime on a plate, to Aizawa "Ok, you're right," Aizawa admits. "But why do you even have a picture of that?" He asks.
"Oh, because I like to show it to Haru for evidence because he doesn't believe me when I say that it looks like slime."
"Really? Out of everything that you could say about me, you say that?"
"Yup," I grin.
"Go to bed Tsuna," He says getting up. "Hey, the movie isn't over! Also, it's only 8:00, you old man," I say pausing the movie. "We'll finish it tomorrow," He says, opening his bedroom door and shutting it behind him. "You are such a baby!" I yell, turning off the tv. "Oh, I thought I was an old man!" Aizawa yells from his closed room. "Well, you are an old baby!" I yell getting up. "Goodnight Tsuna!" He yells back. "Goodnight!" I yell, walking into the kitchen and throwing away the empty containers.
I go to my room and change into pajamas. I lay down in my bed and shut my eyes. Only to see darkness luring me to sleep.
"NO!" I scream running towards something. "Why?!" I yell falling to my knees. "Why did you do that?! What was the point of this?!" I yell cradling something in my arms.
All I see is red.
Why can't I see what it is? What type of dream is this?
"I'm so sorry...so..so..sorry," I say in a much softer voice than before.
I hear footsteps coming closer, "Don't worry, I'll fix this."
I look up and see-
I sit up suddenly and cry, grabbing my head.
"Stop! What is wrong with you!" I yell inside of my head over and over.
"You....It's....." I say inside of my head.
"NO!" I yell inside of my head.
My eyesight is blurry...My head is loud..All of the voices inside my head are saying the same thing over and over. It won't stop.
Suddenly everything stops when I hear a noise and see my phone light up.
I look over to the nightstand to see a bunch of notifications. Most of them were just random notifications for apps. There was a few from 'Dumb Fox' and a few from 'Gingy'.
I decided to click on 'Gingy' to get done with him first.
"Hi, I heard that there was an attack on Hosu. Were you there? If you were, are you ok?" The text says.
"Hi, sorry I just saw this. Yeah, I heard that too. I wasn't there but it does sound crazy," I say after thinking about what to say. I don't want to say anything because he will just worry and bug me about it. Instead of waiting for his reply I send, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
Now to respond to 'Dumb Fox'.
"Hiya Bunny, meet me at this location at 10:30 at night tomorrow," the text says.
"Hiya Fox, sorry I just saw this. Yeah...no. I'm not going to meet up with you when I'm going to a park at night. Also, I don't even know why I'm meeting you," I text back.
He responds back immediately, "Don't you trust me?"
I sigh and respond, "We've been over this."
"Yes, I know. You would rather trust Kugaha than me. Yeah, I get it," his text says.
I think for a minute, "Fine, but I swear if anything happens. It won't end well for you."
"Oh no, I'm so scared," he responds with a laughy emoji.
"I'm serious...Anyways, goodnight. I'm going to bed," I say.
"Goodnight," he responds.
I then get a notification pop up at the top of the screen from 'Gingy' saying, "I'm glad you were not there. Goodnight."
If only you knew...
I eventually fall asleep, hoping that dream doesn't happen again.
"Aizawa...What is this for?" I ask him, holding a knife in my hand.
After I got up and got ready for school, Aizawa decided to go into the kitchen, where I was, and handed me a pocket knife.
"It's for your protection," he says, walking over to the cabinets to get a mug. "After what happened in Hosu, I realized that you need to know how to protect yourself," he says, grabbing another mug and pouring two cups of coffee.
"Ok, fine but I can't bring it to school...You know that," I say, taking the mug away from him and putting half and half in it and a little bit of sugar. "Yes, I know but you can still have it in the car and bring it elsewhere," He says, taking a sip of his black coffee.
I don't know how he can drink black coffee.
I look down at the knife and look at myself in the reflection. I can't really see all of myself. I can only see where my hair goes over my shoulders.
I should really cut my hair soon.
Here is the link to all of the chapters
Link to next: Chapter seventeen: Tree House
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koala-fluff · 2 years
Here is a gift for @sleepysheepytea because my brain randomly got inspired at midnight.
This fic is based on two drawings sleepy made. I don't know how to make links yet, so I can't give credit. Sorry... I will edit them in when I figure it out!
Don't Mess With Chocolate Boy
Maybe Tenshi and Ichigo shouldn't mess with Reuel while he works...
Ichigo held a hand over his mouth, watching as Tenshi krept forward. The phone shook in his hands as he tried not to laugh. His body was shaking so much with silent giggles that he almost pressed the 'End Recording' button.
Tenshi turned to him, a massive grin on his face as he lifted the broom slightly to pose for the camera. He then gestured to Reuel, who was sitting at his desk working on something, and mimed hitting him on the back of the head.
Ichigo bit his lip and shook his head. Tenshi shrugged and continued on his mission.
Their idea was simple. Reuel always sat in a chair with armrests as he did his work. The armrests had a gap the perfect size to slide something into it and trap someone's legs to the chair.
See where this is going?
Reuel was so intent on his task, he failed to notice Tenshi creeping up on him, until it was too late.
The blonde shouted victoriously as he slid the broom handle through the gaps, shocking poor Reuel.
"Tenshi, what the he-ACK!" As predicted by the mischievous pair, Reuel tried to stand and immediately keeled over as his legs hit the broom, dragging the chair with him. He grabbed onto the desk and twisted to the side, landing with a dramatic thump onto the floor.
It was at this point that Ichigo burst into laughter, keeping the phone as still as best he could. His fit only got worse as Reuel attempted to get up, failed, and fell back onto the carpet, his chair clacking against the desk.
Tenshi also laughed, albeit less hysterically than his partner in crime. "IhI got youhou!" He shouted, pumping his fists.
"Are you kidding me?" Reuel groaned, getting into his hands and knees. He looked up at them, a smile on his face. "You better run before I get out of this!"
Ichigo shrieked, stopped recording, grabbed Tenshi's hand, and bolted from the room. He knew exactly what would happen next.
The pair bolted down the stairs, passing Reuel's parents before carrying off into the back yard. The adults watched them go, confused.
"Should we be concerned?" His mom asked, turning to her husband.
Reuel crashed down the stairs before his dad could reply. "Be right back, exacting revenge at the moment!" He shouted, sliding by and out the door.
Ichigo and Tenshi hid behind a small wall the family had in their yard, muffling their giggles as best they could. They heard Reuel's footsteps as he searched the yard.
"Come on out, guys~" He sang, peeking behind a bush. "I swear I won't tickle you guys too much if you do~!"
Ichigo squeaked at the word, pressing the sleeves of his jacket closer to his face. Tenshi squirmed where he crouched, his eyes shut tight.
"Alright, that was a lie." The seeker huffed, crossing his arms. "I'm going to positively wreck you both when I find you."
Of course, neither replied.
Tenshi stiffened as he heard Reuel walk right by. He was so close that his next words were clear as day.
"If you two don't come out, I swear I'll find a way to tickle Tenshi's back and Ichigo's feet at the same time!"
Tenshi curled into himself immediately, small huffs of air escaping his lips and blowing his hair out of his burning face. Ichigo's ears reddened and he tucked his feet underneath him, suddenly completely aware that he was barefoot.
Much to the pair's horror, Reuel leapt over the wall landing with his hands outstretched. Ichigo shrieked and fell into Tenshi, knocking them both down.
"Gotcha." The brunette lunged, grabbing their ankles and dragging them forward.
Both shrieked and babbled out pleas as they struggled on the ground. Reuel ignored them and hummed thoughtfully.
"Now… how do I… Aha!" He shuffled around, keeping a grip on his captives, and sat on Tenshi's lower back.
"Gehet your fahat buhutt off me!" The blonde cried out, kicking his legs.
"No." Reuel stated simply, dragging Ichigo closer.
"Plehease, Rehuel!" The strawberry haired boy pleaded as his captor grinned mischievously.
"Please what?" Reuel asked as he trapped Ichigo's leg under his own and bent it at the perfect angle. "Tickle you? Cause I will gladly comply!"
Ichigo tried to protest again, but instead fell into a loud, squeaky laugh as Reuel scratched at his feet. He writhed on the ground, unable to escape.
Tenshi jumped at the scream beside him and started scrabbling at the ground, giggles flowing out of his mouth like a waterfall.
"Wahait, wahahait, Reuehel!" He cried as he felt a hand slide under his shirt. "Noho, noho, nohOHAHA!"
The blonde shrieked just as loud and fell into a bout of cackles. Instead of writhing like Ichigo, he stiffened and clutched the red head's coat sleeve as hard as he could as Reuel's hand spidered all across his back, sending tingles up his spine.
"Told you I'd get you." Reuel grinned at their 'misery', much like how his victims had smiled not even five minutes ago.
"Don't mess with me while I work!"
Well... This came out in one hour... And it's currently midnight... Brains, amirite?
I know this one doesn't have much tickles, sorry. I don't really know the characters enough to deduce a natural reaction for them. I'm just hopeful I got their personalities at least somewhat correct.
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys and you all have a wonderful day/night!
Next up: no idea. Hopefully that OC fic that's been in my drafts for two months... lol.
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amazingmsme · 2 years
OK SO... this is gonna be long one… I love the daggers with all my heart, and i could actually talk abt this for hours
- Not really ticklish at all
- Has one spot on her bicep that gets her giggling, and sometimes behind her knees can get her, but otherwise pretty much untouchable
- Only rooster and bob know about these spots, and rooster would never tell
- Bob, on the other hand, knows the one spot that can get phoenix actually laughing… but he also knows that phoenix could absolutely wreck his shit in less than a minute, so he would never tell for the sake of self-preservation
- … though he will sometimes get her there, of course knowing that she’ll retaliate
- Pretty similar to phoenix, but his few spots are public knowledge because his best friend can’t keep his mouth shut
- It’s not that Jake isn’t painfully loyal, he just says things before his brain catches up
- Javy’s ribs and thighs are middling levels of ticklish, but he doesn’t have any other spots
- Javy and phoenix make the ultimate team because they are both virtually not ticklish at all but bob, Jake, and Bradley are all TERRIBLE
- Ticklish absolutely everywhere
- Rendered completely and entirely useless when hes tickles, just curls up on his back and giggles his heart out
- Bad pretty much everywhere, but I think his tummy and ears are the worst (maybe his wrists too?)
- The cutest let when he musters up the courage, he’s flustering to the lee because he’ll just be smiling down at them all sweetly while he tickles them, which is somehow worse than outright teasing
- Gets tickled to most because he is just too damn adorable
- Snorts and hiccups almost the entire time he’s getting tickled, when someone hits a really bad spot only then does he erupt into belly laughter
- Almost as bad as bob, but not quite there
- He has enough bravado to fill world’s biggest stadium
- A chronic giggler, he squeals, squeaks, and snorts, and he is embarrassed of all of the above
- His stomach and underarms are the worst, both spots just completely incapacitate him
- Javy was absolutely the first to find out about Jake’s ticklishness, given the fact that they’re best friends, but maverick was definitely the first to find out once they joined the dagger squad
- I think Jake is so incredibly touched starved
- And mav, being rooster’s dad and knowing what chronic touch starvation looks like after a decade apart from rooster, immediately clings to the idea of giving Jake affection
- He goes to give Jake a pat on the back at the same time that Jake turns, getting him in the ribs and resulting in a squeal
- From there, everyone knows that Jake’s coping mechanism, acting like an absolute dickhead, has an off switch
- Jake is surprisingly sweet as a ler, he laughs along with them and teases, “this part must be real bad, huh?”
- He is sweet UNLESS it is Bradley
- Bradley does not get any of his sympathy, and every time he tickles Bradley it’s like he’s trying to relearn every technique and spot that tears him apart
- Tickled the second most by the daggers because phoenix, hangman, and maverick are shit disturbers on their own, but a trillion times worse together
- While Mav and phoenix can’t usually tackle rooster to get him down (which is not a problem once he’s actually BEING tickled, just a problem when trying to tickle him) hangman will just do it for them, being pretty much evenly matched against rooster
- Mav was telling a story about Bradley as a kid the first time all the daggers came over and Bradley’s face was red the entire time, but he went pale as a ghost when mav mentioned how, when Bradley was in his teenage years, he seemingly didn’t grow out of his childhood ticklishness
- The entire squad slowly turns their heads and rooster knows that he is absolutely done for
- He didn’t expect it, but Javy ends up being the first traitor of the group, tackling him so everyone else can get him, all the while maverick watches, revealing bad spots and telling them when Bradley can’t take any more
- His laugh is loud and full, and he usually just tries to curl up on his back and catch the ler’s hands, which doesn’t work when he’s getting teamed up on
- Is usually a ler to hangman or bob, but in different ways
- To bob, it’s in a little brother kind of way, where rooster will hold him against his chest with one hand and spider over his tummy with the other
- With hangman it is evil, diabolical, relentless, and sadistic
- When rooster tickles hangman he wants to hear begging and pleading, he wants tears streaming down Jake’s face until he admits that he really isn’t as tough as he acts
Everyone’s spots seem so fitting for them & their distinct personalities, & the way you described their reactions is so damn cute! Poor Bob can’t catch a break, & fucking JAKE!! WRECK THE CUTE BASTARD BOY, YEEEES! Anyone that cocky has to have an off switch! & my main man Rooster🥺 He has such a nice laugh & really cute & funny reactions, how could anyone resist? Especially when Maverick is such a sell out? Like he basically gave them all a cheat sheet to use whenever they deem necessary.
Thank you so much for blessing us with this amazing content, you’re doing God’s work sweetie
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supersapphical · 2 years
sooo i'm not sure who first posted about claire x patience but honestly it's been rattling around in my mind ever since so a lil drabble about them would be amazing!! <3
YESSSSS Claire x Patience, let's do it!
This is a liiiiiiitle bit longer than a lil drabble because apparently I have no self control when it comes to rarepairs but please enjoy established relationship Claire/Patience on a hunt (also Missouri is alive and well).
Read on AO3 or under the cut.
“You ready for this?” Claire asks.
Claire’s hand grips Patience’s hand tightly as Patience nods resolutely. Claire’s other hand carries a duffle bag full of supplies.
“Okay, let’s do it.”
Claire leads her in through the backdoor of the house, which had clearly been broken into before. Patience raises an eyebrow.
“What? It’s an abandoned, haunted house,” Claire shrugs. “Who's gonna care if I break a few locks?”
The air inside the house is noticeably chillier than outside but, other than that, it seems like any other building that’s fallen into disuse. Dust covering the surfaces, a bit of a stuffy smell, nothing that overtly indicates a haunting. And yet, as soon as Patience steps inside, she can sense the spirit’s presence. It’s nothing she can feel, hear, smell, taste or touch. It’s simply sure knowledge that invades her brain, sending shivers down her spine for no good reason.
Claire must notice the change in her demeanor because she asks, “Your extra senses already picking something up?”
“Yeah, you’re right, there’s definitely a ghost in here,” Patience says.
“You ready to get to work?”
Patience nods. Claire gives a final squeeze to her hand before letting go so she can get to work setting up a salt circle around Patience.
“Most ghosts don’t tend to be active during the day but just in case,” she says as she dumps salt around her.
“What do you want me to look for, specifically?” Patience asks.
“Anything you can pick up on that might help me see what’s keeping the ghost here.”
“You already torched the remains?”
“Cremated,” Claire grunts as she heaves the last of the salt onto the floor.
“All set?” Patience asks.
Claire pulls two iron crow bars from her bag and hands one to Patience, “As set as we can be.”
Patience takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She grips the crow bar more as a grounding technique than with any real intention of actually using it. She knew some basic self defense even before taking up the life of a hunter and she’s been taking more in depth hand-to-hand combat lessons with Jody but a deep psychic reading will require all of her focus.
“You should come spar with me sometime, I’ll show you how to actually use that thing,” Claire teases her lightly, indicating the completely unthreatening grip Patience has on the crow bar.
“Quiet,” Patience hushes her but it does give her some encouragement to realize she knew exactly how Claire was gesturing without even opening her eyes. She’s really starting to get good at projecting her consciousness outward.
Or perhaps she’s just gotten too familiar with Claire’s body language.
Patience shakes the very distracting thought of Claire’s body out of her head and tries to center herself again.
“It could be useful, you know, practicing some fighting techniques,” Claire continues.
“You really want me to come beat you again?”
“That wasn’t a fair fight! You cheated,” Claire huffs.
“Anticipating your movements and reacting to them is just what fighting is,” Patiences says calmly, her eyes still closed and breathing even. “That’s not cheating.”
“It is when you’re psychic,” Claire rolls her eyes.
“Do you want me to focus or not? Reading the energy in this room is taking longer than it usually does.”
“Maybe you just have to have some patience,” Claire smirks.
Patience groans, “Your dad jokes are getting worse than Dean’s.”
She says it mostly to shut Claire up and it works because Claire stands there with her mouth gaping open, clearly taken aback.
“You love my dad jokes,” Claire eventually mutters, her arms crossed and an offended look marring her face.
Patience tries to clear her mind again. She’s been honing her gift through lessons with her grandmother, Missouri, who assures her she’s been getting better but focusing her powers still takes her a tremendous amount of energy and concentration. She wishes all visions could come to her as easily as the unprompted ones do. She frequently wonders if she’ll ever be able to access her powers with complete ease, the way her grandma seems to do. Her grandmother tells her (without her ever saying her fears out loud) that it will come with time and practice. Until then, she guesses she just has to struggle through.
With another deep inhale and a slow exhale, she sends her consciousness outward, into the house. Tapping into the house’s strange energy, she follows along in her mind to every corner and cranny, searching out to see if any object in the house has sentimental meaning attached. Sentimental objects always have a different aura.
She startles a little as she bumps up against a strange energy she’s not familiar with. It’s something dark and dangerous. This must be the ghost. It’s strange, to try to connect with the energies of a house and suddenly be connected to a sentient spirit but she supposes it must work differently with dead people. When she connects with the energy of a space, she is feeling out the memories of all that has happened there. What is a ghost but a memory that can speak for itself?
She tries to unobtrusively follow the spirit’s energy, searching for its source in the house. Her consciousness moves through room after room, trying to feel out where this specific energy is strongest.
She’s feeling out a long forgotten upstairs bedroom when suddenly she’s hit with a powerful wave of desperation. Being in this room is torture, being in this room is suffocating her, being in this room is killing her. She tries to quickly retract herself from the room but she can’t, she’s stuck there and she’s being filled with feelings of despair and grief and pain that don’t belong to her.
In the room where her body stands, the atmosphere is changing. The temperature is dropping and a strange wind that seems to come from nowhere is picking up.
“Patience?” Claire asks, lifting up her crowbar so it's ready to swing.
Patience can’t answer. Her voice has been stolen from her. She can’t even nod to let Claire know she’s alright. She can see her own body in the salt circle that Claire had made for her, but everything she is is trapped in the upstairs bedroom.
A shaky apparition appears and Claire swings through it, banishing it but only for a moment before it rematerializes on the other side of the circle. Claire lunges for it, swinging, and banishes it again only for it to appear on the other side of the room.
The room downstairs becomes more and more hostile as Patience tries to escape the bedroom and bring herself back to her own body. Small debris starts circling in the wind as Claire works to keep banishing the apparition every time it appears.
“Patience! Are you alright?”
If Patience had the ability to speak, she’d only scream.
Claire is desperately fending off every attack with her crowbar as the wind picks up, howling louder and louder. Patience knows that Claire is in trouble, she’s a fighter but even she can’t fight off something undead forever. She can hear Claire struggling, fighting as hard as she can to keep up with something that doesn’t even have a living body to tire out. Logically, she knows she needs to move, to help but she’s so outside of her own body, she feels only distantly aware of the danger they both face at this moment.
Patience hears Claire’s frantic shouting over the sound of the roaring wind but she can’t respond. She can see in her mind’s eye that the wind is wearing away at the careful salt line keeping her safe but she’s too overwhelmed by misery and heartache to move.
Claire is wildly swinging her crowbar at any apparition that appears and Patience is no longer trying to hear she is overcome with the need to be heard. The feeling is strange, it’s such a powerful need that it fills her up until she might burst but it doesn’t feel like a part of her.
She thinks back to the breathing techniques her grandma taught her and tries to bring herself back to her physical body. It’s only doing this that she realizes that this urgent need she is feeling isn’t her own emotion, it’s the ghost’s emotions.
Tears are streaming down her face now as she finally has enough control over herself to quietly whisper to the howling wind, “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”
She projects these feelings towards the being she can sense in the house, she tries to send them all of her compassion while repeating over and over again, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
She closes her eyes tight and focuses all her empathy towards the tormented spirit. The wind starts to die down, bits and chunks of debris clattering back down to the floor. The air is less chilly now, the energy less hostile. The only sound now is Claire panting for breath, still clutching her crowbar.
“I should bring you on all the ghost hunts,” Claire says breathlessly, eyes continuing to search the room for any hidden threat.
Her eyes wide open now that she’s back in her body, tears are streaming silently down her face and she can’t bring herself to answer. Claire looks over at her in the silence.
“Hey, hey,” Claire says, walking up to her. “It’s okay, we’re both okay.”
Patience gasps in deep as if it's the first breath she’s taken since she connected with the spirit. She’s trying to remember her grandma’s rules. Ground yourself, keep yourself breathing, keep yourself calm, keep yourself aware.
Claire reaches up and gently cradles Patience’s face in her hands, “Patience, are you okay?”
Patience manages to nod this time.
“Good,” Claire says softly, wiping some of Patience’s tears away with her thumbs. “Are you coming back to me?”
Patience is still unable to answer, her own heart several armies worth of battling emotions.
Claire lets her forehead fall against Patience’s. Claire takes deep, slow, deliberate breaths, her hands still tenderly cradling Patience’s face and shuffles closer until the toes of their shoes touch. Patience closes her eyes again but this time, instead of spreading her awareness out further, she narrows it to only the points where Claire is touching her. The warm place where their foreheads rest together, Claire’s hands around her face, Claire’s work boots pressed up against her own soft sneakers.
She follows Claire’s breath, matching her own breathing with it until she feels like she’s entirely back in her own body again.
“What happened here?” Patience breathes out but then almost immediately says, “No, never mind. Don’t tell me. There’s a—”
She steps abruptly away from Claire and Claire’s hands fall down to her sides, looking almost dejected in the way they hang. Patiences looks around the room helplessly, unable to believe that when she first walked in here, it had looked so ordinary to her. Now she sees it for what it really is: a prison.
Patience takes a deep breath and then says, “There’s a loose floorboard upstairs.”
“Something hidden in there?” Claire asks, still eyeing Patience carefully but willing to take the cue that Patience just wants to keep working. “Well, let’s go check it out.”
Claire takes the duffle and easily walks upstairs and to the bedroom. Patience has a much harder time forcing her physical self to cross the threshold of the bedroom but she follows Claire anyway, knowing that there will be no relief for the spirit she felt if they don’t find a way to release it.
Claire gestures to the room and Patience points to the floorboard she knows holds secrets.
“Huh, actually get to use this thing as a crowbar,” Claire says happily, prying up the floorboard with the crowbar.
Patience drops to her knees, reaching into the hole to find that the floorboard holds dozens of letters, yellowed with age.
“What happened here?” Patience asks again.
“Are you sure you really want to know?”
Patience nods.
“Daughter of a family that lived here in the early sixties, she committed suicide.”
Patience takes this information in. It feels right but also…not.
“The story goes that she went insane so the family had to keep her locked up,” Claire continues. “They kept her locked in this room so she wouldn’t hurt anyone else.”
“No, that’s not right,” Patience says and she’s not even sure where the words come from, only that she’s sure they’re true.
“That’s what all the neighbors said,” Claire says. “But most of it was just rumors, I think.”
“She loved someone and her parents didn’t approve,” Patience says, her fingers lightly tracing the letters. “They locked her away so she couldn’t run away with him. These are the only things she had with her, to give her hope.”
A breeze stirs in the room and Claire is on high alert again, tightly gripping her crowbar but Patience doesn’t feel any threat in the spirit’s action, only affirmation.
“We don’t have to burn all of them, do we?” Patience asks.
Claire’s silence speaks volumes. Patience gathers the letter to herself, holding them close, her thumbs running gently along the worn in folds.
Holding the letters tenderly, Patience quietly says to them, “You must have loved him so much. It’s not fair that you have to stay here.”
Claire bows her head, hands clasped together in front of her so tightly that Patience can see bright red splotches contrasting with too pale points where the blood hasn’t been allowed to flow to her fingers properly.
“I’m so sorry this happened to you. It isn’t right and it isn’t fair. It’s also not right for you to be trapped here even after death, so it’s time to say goodbye now,” Patience says to the letters and the house and anyone else who may be listening.
Placing them carefully on the floor, Patience looks up to Claire expectantly. Claire reaches into the duffle bag by her feet and digs out the salt and matches.
“Do you want to…?” Claire asks, offering her the materials.
“I’ll do the salt,” Patience says. She takes it from Claire and carefully spreads grains of salt on to each letter, making sure the salt passes over all the folds and creases, before gently setting them down on the floor again.
“Ready?” Claire asks.
“Ready,” Patience says quietly.
Claire strikes a match and it sounds startlingly loud in the quiet of the room. The flame burns bright and illuminates Claire’s fair face in an almost ethereal glow as she bends down to let the fire catch on the letters.
They watch in silence as the letters are reduced to ashes.
“Come on, let's get out of here,” Claire says, offering Patience her hand. Patience grabs Claire’s hand and uses it to sling Claire’s arm around herself, nestling close to Claire and snaking her own arm around Claire’s waist. It’s a little awkward, Claire a little unbalanced because of the heavy duffle in her other hand but Patience needs the reassurance, the warm body pressed to her side as confirmation that Claire is still right here with her, very much alive and reachable.
“You’re getting really good at that stuff,” Claire says.
“Yeah,” Patience says, fiddling a little with the zipper on Claire’s jacket because it’s the only thing within her reach to fiddle with.
They walk back to the car in silence, still glued to each other. Patience dreads the moment when they’ll have to separate to get into the car, even if it will be the briefest of moments before they can touch each other again.
Claire throws the duffle in the trunk while still attached to Patience but then they walk to their separate sides of the car, Claire to the driver’s seat and Patience to the passenger’s seat. After they’re settled, Patience reaches out a hand and Claire’s is there to meet her. There’s a heaviness hanging over the car as they both sit silent and still.
“Do you regret coming out here, doing all this with us?” Claire asks her suddenly.
She says the word us but Patience hears what she’s really asking. Do you regret being with me?
“No,” Patience says firmly. “It’s hard sometimes. A lot of the time, but there’s no place I’d rather be.”
Claire smiles at her and starts the car.
“Me, either,” Claire says and she throws the car into drive and points it towards home.
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the-greenery420 · 7 months
1 Week of THCA with Huntington's Disease
So I've been a stoner for a long time, but primarily was smoking marijuana which is illegal here, luckily with more recent advancements with cannabis and legislature we have options here that are now just as effective. I was curious what would happen if I switched to pure THCA bud because the reason I smoke and have been smoking marijuana on and off since I was 8 was because at the time my dad said it would help with my ADHD (it did as well as my depression although I REALLY don't recommend giving it to an 8 year old lol, my dad was not exactly a "think things through" type of person though).
Over the years the constant fear that I'd get busted and sent to the pen for a completely non-violent "crime" really was hard on my mental health, and even though cannabis provided me with tremendous benefits, it was hard for me to enjoy the benefits with all the fear and anxiety from the possibility of getting locked up like a lot of my friends.
When CBD and Delta 8 got so big, I did experiment with Delta 8 but I felt like even though there was a benefit it wasn't quite "hitting the spot" where I needed to be to stop my tremors which have been getting worse from my neurodegenerative disease, I used it quite a bit at night to put me to sleep (especially edibles), and it did help more than not taking any form of THC but, I definitely needed something else.
I didn't want to take the reeeeeally synthetic forms of THC that they came out with just because I had experiences with K2 with my dad and was weary about anything blatantly synthetic (mainly because I can't know if there's going to be side-effects eventually), so I just stuck with Delta 8 even though it's a concentrate / isolate and you really have to check that the companies test them to make sure the solvents are gone.
I stumbled across THCA bud in the local headshop before it closed down recently, but it was 35$ for 7 grams so I figured I could find a better selection for cheaper online like I do with my kratom. I came across a distributor called JKDistro, and they have 1oz smalls for 50$ sometimes, best investment I ever made. Now I'm smoking in the morning and then some at night to wind down and within 1 week I've seen drastic improvements in basically every aspect of my life.
I'm not joking, it's as good as OG cannabis but now the fact I'm not always fearing the cops makes it so much easier to enjoy it. I like that I can go out on my porch and spark up a joint too since JK sends me a card to carry each time I get some bud from them so if I got stopped cops would know it's legal. Cops don't really care here anymore so much because of progress in legislation but it really helps me feel better.
Some of the biggest benefits I noticed from dosing in the morning and at night:
Sleep Quality
For people with Early Onset Dementia from diseases like mine, our brains can't shut down and typically we have a hard time going to sleep and staying asleep. I got to where I was only getting about 1-3 hours of sleep a night if at all before I started dosing like I am now. The first few days I literally slept (3 days nearly straight) and it was really nice because I know my body desperately needed the rest to heal. Now I'm sleeping 6-8 hours a night and that's literally amazing because I'm waking up feeling way better. A bit groggy sometimes if I smoke a bit too much or take too much cannabutter but, overall much better than I was feeling before.
Crazy enough I have an interview on Wednesday for a job in sales, funny thing is I HATE talking to people, especially on the phone. Once I started the THCA regimen I've gotten so much more talkative, relaxed, and social than I was. I am diagnosed with ASD, and the main way mine significantly limits me is communication and being anxious around strangers. It's amazing that I was able to get an interview and now I'm about to go back into the workforce for the first time in 12 years.
I have a big issue with getting really depressed (which apparently is very common among Alzheimer's and HD patients). Since I've been on the regimen, I've been a lot happier, more relaxed, less irritable. It's been really nice and I've felt myself smile a lot more. I know I'm a lot more pleasant to be around and I've not been near as emotional as usual.
Anger / Emotional Regulation
Once again, I have a real issue with emotional regulation. I think a lot of that goes back to ASD but then the HD doesn't help at all. I've been a lot more chill and more pleasant to be around. Not as irritable / fussy, and able to interact with people more patiently. I get frustrated usually pretty easily but I've been able to be more chill than usual which is nice. I'm also not "all over the place" as much, my mood swings are a lot better.
Pain / Inflammation / Soreness
I have a lot of issues with inflammation. On every test I get (blood test) it always shows my inflammation levels to be very high due to my body being full of a toxic protein called Huntingtin. This also causes pain in my joints sometimes and because my muscles are slowly deteriorating some they are sore a lot and I have to constantly work them out a lot to not lose muscle. I'm not in near as much pain as I was before I started up the THCA, which is huge because it's been freezing here and usually I can't get out of bed when it's this cold. My muscles aren't near as sore and I'm not near as stiff either.
Overall I feel like the THCA is doing me a lot of good, I'm excited to see where I am in a month or even a year. I have found it very useful for me. If y'all want to check out JKDistro and see if you can find something you like that would help you, you can use my link and get 20% off your purchase. They have great deals, and VERY good quality stuff. I literally swear by them, and I've been smoking for a VERY long time. You can click here and it'll take you with the link for a discount! I hope it helps you like it helped me!
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Resurgence: She hears her voice
Nyx and Rogue walked in to find themselves in a smaller apartment complex. They went numb knowing what needed to be done. The quickly joined the queen along side Quinn holding Melinoe within in front if a door all too familiar. "You're still too work up you two so stay as you are." The queen commanded the two. "So you're totally willing to let this beast stand with you in dealing with mom??!" Quinn whispered in astonishment. "Better than my heart giving her every piece of that pain verbally? ...Yes." she answered.
"You don't have to you know?! You've verbalized..." Quinn pleaded with the queen. "Once more I'll verbalize... k and then never again Quinn.. never." She answered with her eyes dimly glowing blue. The blue in her eyes gently went away as she knocked on the door quietly, enough to be heard but not enough to wake the whole place. Quinn's anxiety began to rise when no one answered, where as Nyx grew frustrated inside her wolf. "Perhaps they've all gone to bed...?" Praying they could retreat.
The door quickly burst open with a bull terrier growling. The two jumped back startled, but Rogue snarled and all went quiet. "Shar.. Sharmesha!?" Their mother said. "Hi mom." The queen said dryly. "How the hell you get here.. and Monie you don't have a damn twin." She quietly blurted out. "You didn't create us.. someone did." Quinn conveyed with her eyes glowing purple. "I'll make this quick like I did previous, show up and see me or leave me. You sound just like everybody else when you say "I don't know, or there'sa lot going on", but you will not deny 12 years of me asking the same thing of you." The queen explained.
She began getting agitated with the sight of her mother before her. And before she could bring herself to say deplorable words, she stormed off the into the mirror passing her wolf in flames. Her mother stared in disbelief as she walked straight past the wolf having the Flames fully touching her and nothing happened. Truthfully For Better or For Worse the girl she saw storm off was truthfully in fact the same little girl hanging upside down in a tree.
"Ma'am. Look... I'm the logical part of her brain. I'm part of the brain who documents all of this so when your daughter says 12 years, I've had years of writing down the same words. But there is one word that she is in fact overlooking and that's hope. What angers her so is that as your child she gave you an objective of making her feel safe secure protected. And so far the difference between you and Daddy is you Justified not completing the mission, daddy already completed it." Quinn conveyed being their mother saw the difference.
"But you all are not explaining how this is happening??" Their mother replied. "It's very simple really. She conveys to you that she needs you, you don't show up. So then she goes to dad, he makes some leeway, but nothing comes of it. And then she shuts down.. then the family takes note of that shut down, so then she conveys what's bothering her and then you guys justify it and then it goes quiet again. Her being quiet meaning her actually falling back as you guys asked her! It was only a matter of time before she allowed me to surface and put you on our fourth wall." Quinn explained with anger finally touching her, and her eyes glowing White.
With those words, their mother finally took note of how the girl speaking to her looked just like her daughter but dawning a white dress that turned purple with mood, with eyes of amethyst turning into diamond when angered. "Your objective right now is not to be sure that she can just simply get to you for your event.... Is that the bonds that you really want there for you are actually truthfully solidified because right now your daughter is telling you that they are not. And what reason would you have to have someone like your daughter around those who find her defective or don't see her at all? Right now as I stare at you whatever reason you may have is shameful." She added calmly.
Quinn turned to walk away towards the mirror they had used, she stopped just before walking through standing beside wolf still in Flames. "You did good guys.. very good." She said petting the wolf. The Wolf looked to Quinn with eyes saying thank you, and Quinn knew exactly what to say. She turned back to her mother and said "This flaming beast right here, this be your daughter's heart. And she is ANNIESCARLETT! Man oh man if only you could see how you're on her 4th wall ha!" The two walk through together with Rogue and Nyx's flames now glowing green knowing they've been protected finally.
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journalofsorts2 · 2 years
i was thinking about this just now, i think my communication issues stem from my dad (my mom too but i'm focusing on my dad rn cause it's more fresh in my brain). but every time i actually like open up about something that's bothering me it goes one of three ways with him. 1. is he turns it back on me with some backhanded comment about how the problem he's creating is actually caused by a problem i'm creating for him, this one's most common when i tell him about something that he did to upset me (which i rarely do nowadays). 2. is he goes on some long winded spiel about something that has nothing to do with my problem and ultimately makes me shut up because i just want the conversation to be over with and it makes me feel like opening up was pointless. and 3. is it turns into an argument and i feel worse than i did before. but i feel like the backhanded comment one happens the most because i'll try and tell him something that he's doing that's causing me stress in some way but i'll try to mention it subtly because if i tell him 'hey i want to talk about an issue i'm having with you' then it's guaranteed to turn into a fight with him yelling at me (despite the fact that i try my hardest to keep my voice level and i've told him numerous times about his yelling and my ptsd, but hey me crying because the overwhelming stress of trying to communicate with him wears me down makes him feel like i'm manipulating him so it's totally okay for him to yell, he's not in the wrong don't worry.) but like tonight he was like 'oh are you cleaning up your cat's trash?' (it was lighthearted and she likes to tear up cardboard) and i was like 'no actually i was plugging my ears cause the sound of *sister* taking out the trash is too loud for me and then you turn up your duolingo to out-do that sound and it's a little much' and then he was like 'well actually i turn it up because you two are right here fighting (he likes to say we're fighting a lot but we really don't and we've explained that to him numerous times) and i'm trying to actually listen to my lesson' and it's like jesus christ i'm sorry i brought it up at all, like sorry i tried opening up a little about my problems. when i broke down sobbing one time to him because the noises downstairs were too much he was like 'well why don't you just ask me to wear headphones? and i'm trying to fix my allergies sorry' (he has a really bad problem with heavy breathing and allergies and it really overwhelms me sometimes but like ik he can't help it, just like i can't either) but he basically came at me with a 'why didn't you tell me sooner' attitude when actually i did tell him like a year prior and his response was yelling at me to the point where i had a panic attack and then he continued yelling at me until he realized what was happening and provided as little support as possible. but like every time i've opened up to him about an issue i have with him lately that i discussed with him before he has a completely different attitude. and maybe it's because i've been better about keeping my cool, i've been better about not crying while trying to get my point across, maybe it's because pushing down my emotions has only gotten easier over the years, and so i don't start crying when i talk to him and so he doesn't see me as my mom, he doesn't see me using tears as a weapon of manipulation, cause she does that, and it's valid for him to have a bit of trauma with that because she's an abusive person. what's not valid is for him to take that anger he has with her out on me. that's not okay and i know that. and so just like he has to walk on eggshells to talk about serious stuff with her, i have to walk on eggshells to talk about serious stuff with him. idk to summarize this rant, he has problems communicating and that's made me more capable of withholding my true feelings about something when they aren't exclusively positive. okay rant over
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Lady Gaga - Alejandro (Official Music Video)" on YouTube
The Hudson Bay incident revealed the location of the ship it revealed that Tommy F had kidnapped him and he used his matrix in Australia signals were traced there by billium. Cherry cheese been hurt him and it was Terry she's been hesrd my husband. They found their bones in Alexander and they were fierce enemies they were down there too and Tommy F took over their stuff and save my husband's life from them and he says it too he says it to me sorta. But Tommy f is worse it's much bigger and his people organized and during the Hudson Bay incident Galactus was fighting the robots that were run by that particular ai and had a tough time of it and tell me I didn't shut it down tell me after you shut it down on purpose he was told to no the computer was out of robots and is out of robots and would do the same thing next time it said I can't seem to stop them completely but it did stop several of them and it has not been seen as to happen that way in the past and that's where everything went Topsy turvy for Tommy from vino no but it should have now Joe watts is covering the bases it is eliminating when it could be and he's trying to clear his name and he said that he assaulted Tommy f but Max says you're assaulting us too and it's true he's doing it on his own and it is him doing it they did catch them and interviewed them and they have human brains so they're in trouble as well but Tommy F did murder David audette and there's something in the letter and we're not sure what it is it does make sense as it seems that David our dad had planned to do that to the morlock in order to defeat the clones and said that I don't like you either Joe wants and he meant my husband too and he said it's a selfish pig and doesn't know what it's like and you never said anything about it it didn't do anything but help him for the most part and it's really weird the guy is very very greedy and self-centered and is a pig and tries to act and can't hold it and all the sort of stuff he's just as weak as the rest of you this doesn't seem it is this smarter the only problem is he starts swearing on them his dad couldn't take it either. Kept swearing and all sorts of stuff about him. My husband said we've been around for a long long time it'll differences I'm right here and he goes wow that's bad and it says this nobody knows this they've been around for the beginning and everyone knew and they're giving him a hard time and he knew what to do and started fighting them and told Dave once he didn't listen. So this is new information for a lot of people and they're going to Chicago they're going to have a big fight and they're going to Iran and they're going to try to get information on Jimmy d and his computer and a different approach that more so on the common Empire ship it is about 500 miles in diameter that's very big but it's not like the humongous one that was gigantic and it used my husband's new tech and everybody was just stealing his stuff it wasn't really new tech it was the clans. It wasn't even Bill and will. And after that technology. And yeah Tommy f is not building them that's what we say cuz it's not and he's not stealing them but we might be taking them out of the common Empire ship ships actually and soon they'll be empty of the lasers and will and Bill might be able to replicate it if they can see it but he can't see it if it's not there
Hera Zues
He says aha and it probably starts at the video and series where my husband supposed to be in trouble and doesn't affect him at all and then after that company because it's so huge. Today it sold 200 octillion bikes in the area most of them are the hand of God the regular size double motor and all of them are high performance for the most part but 95% and the remaining 5% bought kits. And these are global sales each and every area a lot of sales in areas minorities control yes and the same colors. They're all seeking the original hard knock kicker 5150 and he wants to change the memorial and he just wants to put what is he says on it there and corine sees. She weeps a little now.... He says to the memorial should be placed in Alexander. And he has designed it looks like part of the ghwb tomb and that's where Lady Gaga does the song and it looks like the Tom Cruise but it's not he's actually captured by clones and it sent teams in to pull her out and they get her out. It's a large memorial and the way it's designed the strange is when it rains the water will go down into it and it flows into channels and it is designed by our people as well as a matter of fact we're sending in the design that we have because it's from his brother on the inside there's nothing no names and there's no carvings and no imagery cuz that's what people will see and feeling for years just a cold blackness and a mystery. And the computer didn't do it it was Tommy f and he didn't have the answers and they're mad at him because he's wrong. And the computer is saying that it's him because he's using the same language as Joel Watts. But in the memorial there is a place where you see the two and in it are the bones of Jesus Christ and that's where it is and the bones are recovered and they'll be placed there as soon as it's done it's very strong concrete no it's made out of the strongest stone that you guys found you can see that it was cut and it has Chambers in it and it has rooms it's very spooky. And in the chambers that his wife as well my sister and it does say something and it's in Yiddish which is their language they made up and it is somewhat of a rebel statement and it's something they always used to say it does have their names it says in here they shall rest for eternity
Hera Zues
Oh God it's real we see it. But okay the tomb memorial could be made from the movie video and we see that. It is located in Alexander from what I understand and it's nearby the actual tomb of Alexander the Great and we shall see him one last time and put him to rest and there should be a ceremony in Florida in the town where he killed himself by hanging. A lot of people agree and Lady Gaga's not to blame for what happened to him not at all
Mac Daddy
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bratdesire · 4 years
Your Dad, My Daddy
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Pairing: Ukai Keishin x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, age gap, older man/younger woman, barely legal, squirting, rough sex, daddy kink, alcohol mention, questionable ethics, d/s dynamics, overstimulation, degrading language, touch of subspace, unprotected sex, breeding kink, slight dubcon if you squint but it’s all consensual, Ukai’s dick is pierced, exhibitionism(?)
Genre: Smut, just so much smut
Word count: 9.4k
Author’s note: Here is my contribution to the new HQHQ collab!! You can find the masterlist right here! Big big thank you to @sempiternal-amour and @inaflashimagine​ for beta-ing this monster fic, ilysm <3 This is so incredibly self-indulgent, I even inserted my nickname ~for spice~. Anyways, enjoy my incoherent screaming uwu
Summary: When you go over to your friend’s house for a study session you don’t anticipate meeting her very attractive father, and you surely don’t anticipate the very same man fucking you over their couch.
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“Hey, I apologize in advance for anything weird my dad says or does. You know how dads are,” Hitomi explains as she pulls into the driveway of her house. 
It’s small but nice and well-manicured, situated in the cul de sac of a middle-class suburb.
“Dad, we’re here,” she shouts up the stairs, setting her keys on the small table next to the front door. Hitomi’s gaze drifts to the tall, dark haired man sitting at the kitchen table and your own gaze soon follows. “Oh, there you are.”
She quickly pecks the man on his cheek before walking over to the shiny silver fridge, pulling out a couple bottles of water. “Dad, this is Bunny, Bunny this is Dad,” she gestures between the two of you. 
When her father glances up from his phone to give you a nod of acknowledgement, you’re taken aback by how handsome he is. 
You can tell from the slight wrinkles around his lips and the crinkles by his eyes that he’s definitely a much older man, but other than that he’s flawless. The angle of his jaw is sharp but soft, lower face darkened by his five o’clock shadow. His chocolate brown eyes are complemented by plump, pink lips that would look even better swollen and shiny with saliva. Dark, shiny locks are gathered into a low ponytail and you wonder how they would feel fisted in your fingers. He’s gorgeous in a rugged, mature way that boys your age aren’t and could never hope to be. 
Hitomi never told you her dad was hot but then again, why would she? 
“Mr. Ukai, it’s nice to meet you,” you greet him.
He waves his hand in the air dismissively, “Ah, you can just call me Keishin. No need to be so formal.”
Hitomi mutters a frustrated “shit” under her breath and it takes you a few moments to tear your eyes away from the man in front of you. 
“I left my textbook in the car, I have to go grab it,” she sighs then turns to her dad. “You, don’t scare off my friend, please.” 
Keishin puts a hand on his heart, a falsely serious expression on his face. “I won’t, scout’s honor.”
She just rolls her eyes, exiting the kitchen the same way you entered. The front door slams shut, leaving you alone with your friend’s very hot dad.
Keishin looks up at you then quickly looks away, unsure how to interact with his daughter’s friends. “So is, uh, Bunny your real name?” he asks, nervously rubbing the back of his head.
Leaning against the table he’s seated at, you fold your arms across your chest, fully aware of how low cut your top is. You don’t miss the way his eyes briefly flicker down to your cleavage then back up to your face. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” you challenge, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I… I’m just trying to make conversation,” he laughs nervously.
“Hm, well, the short answer is no. You’ll have to get to know me a bit better before I give you the long answer.” 
He snorts, pushing his chair back and rising to his full height. “What gave you the confidence to speak like this to your elders?”
Taking a step towards him, you twirl a piece of hair around your finger and shyly peer up at him through your lashes. “I don’t know, but maybe you can teach me how to behave.”
A light blush colors his cheeks and his eyes widen with surprise. “I-I don’t know what you’re implying, but it’s not... appropriate,” he stutters, taking a step backwards to try to put some distance between you.
You sidle up to him, reaching out a hand to caress his well-muscled arm. When he makes no move to stop your petting, you bite your lip and get on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear. “Who said we had to be appropriate?” 
His mouth is slightly agape, lips moving every so often, as if he wants to say something but doesn’t. “I—” he starts.
The sound of the front door slamming open makes you both jump apart, trying to appear as casual as possible. 
“I got it! We can go study now,” Hitomi proclaims, waving the book around in her hands. She glances at you, then at her father and notices the way you’re completely turned away from each other. “Oh my God, Dad, what did you do?” she groans.
He holds up both hands in surrender, shaking his head emphatically. “I didn’t do anything! Why do you always think I did something?”
Your friend strides over to lightly punch his shoulder, a disapproving but loving expression on her face. “Because you’re weird and lame. Besides, between you and Bunny, I’m always going to assume that you’re the guilty party.”
You find yourself chuckling at their banter, touched by how close they are. It’s evident that Hitomi and Keishin care a lot about each other, regardless of how much they tease each other and guilt twists in your gut when you remind yourself that you were flirting with him. She likely wouldn’t forgive you for trying to sleep with her dad and it would cause a great deal of damage to their relationship, possibly beyond repair if she knew he was into girls her age. To make matters worse, you’re two years her junior. What man would sleep with a girl younger than his daughter?
But your morals are tossed right out the window when you take in the sight of Keishin’s radiant smile—all straight, white teeth and eyes that shine like pools of dark honey. It’s in that moment that you decide you’re going to seduce that man if it’s the last thing you do.
Sorry, Hitomi. Kind of.
“Okay, so L-Tyrosine is one of the twenty amino acids used by the body to synthesize proteins. It is also an aromatic amino acid derived from phenylalanine by hydroxylation in the para position—oof!” Hitomi’s droning is cut off by the pillow you send hurtling towards her head.
You sit up on her bed, squealing obnoxiously as you stretch. “Hitomi, I love you, but please shut up. My brain is melting. We’ve been at this for three hours now, can we take a break?”
She closes the textbook in her lap and pushes it to the edge of her desk. “Fine, fine. We can take a twenty minute break, but we have to go right back to studying because finals are this week and I cannot afford to fail,” your friend warns, despite how she whips out her phone at lightning speed.
Picking at a stray thread on the comforter, you gently try to get her attention, “Hey, Tomi?”
“Hm?” she responds, barely glancing up from the video she’s watching.
You’re not sure how to broach the subject, but you’ve never been one to beat around the bush so you just come right out and say it. “Has anyone told you your dad’s kinda hot?”
That makes her stop, her head jerking up from her phone at lightning speed. “What!? That old geezer?” She sounds dumbfounded, incredulous at the prospect that someone would be interested in her father.
“Yeah girl, he’s a total DILF,” you confess, making a little fanning motion with your hand like you’re burning up inside just thinking about him, and it’s not that far from the truth.
Hitomi makes no effort to hide her feelings, disgust clearly evident in her delicate features. “Ew! You have to be joking. Please tell me you’re joking.”
“I’m not joking! He’s really sexy,” you muse dreamily.
She claps both hands over her ears, yelling at the top of her lungs to drown you out. “I never want to hear you say that my old man is ‘sexy’ ever again!”
You childishly stick your tongue out at her. “Hey! I’m just speaking the truth. You have to have had friends say the same thing.”
Removing her hands from her ears, she brings one up to stroke her chin, seemingly deep in thought. “Now that I think about it, back in high school my friends were a lot more enthusiastic about coming over once they met my father.”
You feel vindicated by her personal testimony, even if she thinks you’re gross. “See? I’m not the only one who finds your dad ridiculously attractive.”
Hitomi gags dramatically as if she’s going to puke and judging by the look on her face, she just might. “Please, no more, I’m begging you.” 
“Fine, fine I’ll stop, but don’t act surprised when I become your new stepmom,” you tease, wiggling your eyebrows at her.
“You’re younger than me, don’t even joke about that,” she shudders in horror. “Okay, with that we need to get back to studying amino acids and proteins.”
“Whatever you say, future stepdaughter.” You muster your best motherly voice, sickeningly sweet and a touch passive aggressive.
This time, it’s Hitomi’s turn to throw a pillow at you.
Since the day you met Keishin, you haven’t been able to get him off your mind. Even when you’re in class trying to learn about the sodium-potassium pump, you find your thoughts drifting to his hands, his lips, him. He’s simply become too distracting to ignore.
More times than you care to admit, you’ve fucked yourself with your fingers to thoughts of how his fingers would feel pumping inside you. You fantasize about how his hand would feel around your neck, squeezing with just enough pressure to make your vision hazy. His name is always on the tip of your tongue when you orgasm and when you finally let yourself moan out ‘Keishin,’ you know enough is enough. A man his age has to know exactly how to make a woman scream and writhe in pleasure, but you need to experience it for yourself or you’ll die trying.
You’re not oblivious to the way he looks at you with hunger and longing in his eyes, you know he wants you too and you’re not above using dirty tricks to show him just how much you want him. 
If he’s too proud, too noble to give in to his urges, you’ll just have to break him. His resolve may be strong, but yours is stronger.
Your efforts begin innocently enough, gently probing him for more information about himself so you can get to know him better.
“I’ve noticed you don’t wear a ring. Is there a Mrs. Ukai in the picture?” you ask innocently.
Keishin clears his throat a bit too loudly, refusing to meet your questioning gaze. “Nah. It’s just me and Tomi, always has been.”
“Any… future Mrs. Ukai in the picture?”
The corners of his lips twitch slightly, the barest of smiles tugging at his handsome features. “Can’t say there is. Between the store and coaching volleyball, I don’t really have the time to date.”
You nod and make a noise of acknowledgement, relieved by the confirmation that he is in fact very, very single. You’re a lot of things, but you’re not a homewrecker.
On another occasion, you’re seated on their plush leather couch and Keishin’s in the well-worn La-Z-Boy recliner to your left. You’re watching some Adam Sandler movie on Netflix, but it’s paused while Hitomi is in the bathroom.
You take your alone time together as an opportunity to question him more, toeing the line of what would be considered proper. “So, Keishin, how old are you? I know Tomi’s twenty-one so you must be…” you trail off, hoping he’ll humor you.
He takes a swig of the beer in his hand and your eyes instinctively flicker down to watch the way his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. “Old.”
You roll your eyes and prop your chin up on your hand, readjusting your position on the couch so you’re leaning closer to him. “Obviously, but just how old?”
“Why do you want to know so badly?” he asks, head tilted and a well-groomed eyebrow lifted questioningly.
“I was just wondering if you’re older than my dad,” you tease. 
His shoulders shake slightly as he chuckles, amusement dancing in his eyes. “I’m forty-four. Do I have him beat?”
“He’s forty-two, so just barely.” Your steady, unwavering eyes lock onto his own, which are glassy and unfocused from the alcohol. When he brings the bottle to his lips once more, you nonchalantly add, “Maybe I should call you Daddy instead.”
Keishin coughs and sputters in surprise, causing him to choke on his beverage and a spray of sticky beer splatters across your face. 
Apologies tumble out of his mouth as soon as he realizes that your cheeks and hair are dripping with the craft IPA he was drinking. “I-I’m so sorry! I’ll get you a towel,” he blurts, shooting up from his chair. 
In his panic and embarrassment, he rushes toward the linen closet and you can’t help the giggles that escape your mouth at how uncoordinated he is, now several drinks in. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s not that big of a deal,” you reassure him, wiping your face with the back of your hand for emphasis.
He returns from the rummaging around the hall closet, a dark blue towel in his hand, which he offers to you with a nod of his head.
No matter your protests and assurances that you’re fine, Keishin is even more insistent in offering you the towel to clean yourself up. When you refuse to take the towel from him, he kneels down next to you and leans in to dab at the foamy liquid that has soaked into your hair. 
Your breath hitches in your throat when you feel his fingers on your jaw and you almost squeak at his close proximity. He hasn’t let you near him since your first encounter and now he’s right in front of you, so close that his breath curls around your cheeks, smelling of malted hops and the slightest hint of peppermint. You can map out the slight freckles on the bridge of his nose and each long, curled eyelash that brushes his cheeks each time he blinks.
He’s truly a beautiful man, all sharp angles and rough stubble and you can feel your cheeks warm when you realize that he’s right there. If you leaned forward just a little bit more, your noses would brush against each other. 
A deep, rumbling voice interrupts your daydreaming. “Kid, are you even listening to me?”
You blink a couple times, coming to the realization that he’s been trying to talk to you for the last few minutes, but you were too busy admiring his beauty.
Keishin shakes his head as he leans back on his heels, using one hand to rub his face wearily. “As I was saying, you can’t just… say things like that. I know young girls sometimes have fantasies about older men like me, but I’m telling you now that it’ll only end badly,” he sighs. “I’m not a righteous man, I have my vices. God, do I have lots of them, and I don’t need another one.”
He mumbles the last sentence, barely loud enough for you to hear, despite how close you are.
Another one? Is he admitting that the attraction is mutual? You have to know, you just have to. Your body practically aches from how badly you want him.
“Keishin, I—” you start, reaching out to touch his arm, but he stands abruptly and quickly turns to shuffle away from the couch.
“This just isn’t a good idea, kid. Just forget about me, alright?” he says, his back to you. A tinge of regret and hesitation seeps into his words, as if he wants to take back everything he’s said.
After the beer incident, the man is even less receptive than he was before, making every effort to avoid being alone with you.
Even still, you’re not discouraged because he never outright rejected you. If he had, you would’ve stopped your pursuit weeks ago, but he only seems to be trying to maintain his composure as a righteous man.
Righteous men are wolves in sheep’s clothing, always putting on a facade so they can claim plausible deniability when they’re caught with their pants around their ankles. But no matter how honorable or virtuous a man tries to be, none of them can resist a wet, willing pussy laid out in front of them and Keishin is no exception.
That’s why you’ve shown up to their house the last few weeks in skirts far too short to be considered decent, flashing little peeks of your underwear each time you move too much or bend over too far. Each time you bend over to grab a pencil or a piece of paper off the floor, Keishin is always conveniently positioned behind you so he gets an eyeful of your pretty lace panties and the little dark spot where your wetness has soaked through the fabric. 
After you retrieve your item from the ground, you look over your shoulder to make direct eye contact with him and say ‘oops,’ without a hint of regret in your voice. You revel in the clenching of his jaw and the way he exhales loud and heavy through his nose, frustration mounting each time you try to provoke him.
When your ass and clothed pussy are on display for him, you make sure to wiggle your hips a bit, an open invitation to fuck you the way you both want to. It never fails to elicit some sort of reaction from the older man, ranging from a few groans and a choked cough, to making a very hasty exit, a book or some other object held over the front of his jeans. 
Without fail, Hitomi expresses her concern each time her father storms out of the room, red-faced and breathing heavily. He just waves her off, telling her he’s not feeling well, but you know the truth. He’s painfully hard, painfully hard from you, even if he doesn’t admit it.
Truthfully, if you weren’t trying to get him to fuck you so hard you can’t walk you would applaud his self-control and restraint. Even after weeks of teasing and provocation, the man refuses to give in to his desires.
That’s okay. If he’s not going to come to you, you’ll just have to take matters into your own hands.
It all reaches a tipping point when you’re unable to go home for winter break and Hitomi offers you their guest room to stay in for a few weeks. 
Apparently she never asked her father for permission, if Keishin’s shocked, slightly panicked face when you walked through the door with your suitcase was any indication. When he tried to question Hitomi about whether or not it’s such a good idea for you to stay, she wasn’t having any of it and told him that you’re a friend in need. 
Hitomi’s so sweet and caring that you feel a twinge of guilt for plotting to seduce her father in her house when she’s none the wiser. She just wanted to lend a helping hand by letting you stay with them, oblivious to your true plans, but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.
Now that you’re under the same roof, all you really want to do is ambush Keishin as soon as possible, but you have to plan around Hitomi’s schedule so you have bide your time. What’s the saying? Good things come to those who wait?
And wait you do. You wait for two whole weeks, in fact. But then the stars align so perfectly that some otherworldly force must be looking out for you.
Hitomi is gone to work and won’t be back until the middle of the night when her shift is over, while Keishin is home reviewing footage from his team’s latest game. 
He told you he does this right before a big game so he can tell his players what they need to improve on and get in that last bit of refinement before the day of. When he clued you in on his strategy you just nodded and hummed, not really listening, mostly focused on ogling his muscles through his thin t-shirt.
Your nerves have been buzzing since you woke up this morning, sensing the heaviness in the air. You’re wearing your prettiest lace panties and its matching bra and frankly, you’re feeling pretty damn confident. You look good and you know you look good. If you were trying to seduce any guy your age, they’d drop their pants as soon as they got a little glimpse of your underwear, but Keishin’s not any guy your age. He needs a little convincing, a little push in the right direction, and you’ll be the one to help him.
You’ve flitted around the house all day, just trying to find the right moment to pounce. 
Currently, Keishin is sitting in the living room watching the recording on the big flat screen in the living room. He looks preoccupied with taking notes on the notepad in his lap, but it’s now or never, you suppose.
Before you try to talk yourself out of it, you stride over to where he’s sitting and put your hand on his shoulder to get his attention.
“Hey. Did you need something? I’m kind of busy analyzing my team’s last game.”
Not wanting to lose your nerve, you wordlessly swing one leg over his, then the other, planting yourself firmly in his lap. His entire body goes ramrod stiff, hands jerking away from your body as if you’ve burned him.
“W-what do you think you’re doing?” he stutters, alarm evident in his voice.
When he makes no move to throw you off his lap, you wrap your arms around his neck and lean into him, pressing your chest to his. 
“What we both have been wanting to do since the day I met you,” you purr, lips barely brushing against the shell of his ear. He shivers when you gently nibble on his earlobe and your confidence only grows as you discover that he wants this just as much as you do.
“I d-don’t know what you’re talking about. This isn't right. I’m your friend’s father and I’m... old enough to be y-yours,” he mutters, running a hand through his already messy hair, conflicted with how to proceed.
You can’t tell whether he’s trying to convince you or himself, so you decide to give him a little encouragement.
Leaning back slightly, you run your hands down his chest and bite your lip. “Are we going to keep playing games or are you gonna fuck me? Because if not, I’ve got several guys back at college who—”
You’re cut off when Keishin’s hand wraps around your throat, the other braced against your back to pull you flush against him. 
“You think your little stunts are cute, don’t you?” he growls, his minty breath washing over your face.
“What, you don’t think so, Daddy?” you pout, batting your eyelashes at him innocently.
His eyes flash with something hot and primal and you can feel the gush of wetness between your thighs. “I’m getting a little tired of them,” he growls.
“This,” you palm at the bulge straining against his pants, “Tells me otherwise, you know.”
The hand around your throat tightens, cutting off whatever bratty remark you were about to make. “I’ve had enough of you prancing around my home in tiny skirts and flashing me your panties when my daughter is around. It’s unbecoming.”
“Then t-teach me a lesson,” you gasp, struggling to speak with Keishin’s fingers so firmly wrapped around your throat.
The way he grins is downright sinful and it stokes the fire already raging inside you. “Careful what you wish for, little girl.”
With some manhandling on Keishin’s part, you’re shoved toward the couch then pulled back onto his lap, but this time you’re on your stomach and both your wrists are pinned behind your back.
“Before we go any further,” he starts, trailing his fingers down your spine and leaving goosebumps in their wake. “I have to ask… How old are you?”
You twist around to look him in the eyes, a defiant smirk on your face. “Old enough.” Your mischievous giggle is cut off by a swift, firm slap to your ass.
“Watch the lip, brat. I need a little more reassurance than that.”
“Since you’re just so concerned, I’m nineteen. Perfectly legal and more importantly, legally fuckable,” you say, punctuated by an enticing wiggle of your hips.
“Jesus, you’re two years younger than Tomi. What am I doing?” He seems lost in thought as the honorable side of him fights a losing battle against his baser, carnal instincts. Whatever reservations he has are thrown aside when you start to wiggle in his grasp, maneuvering yourself over his crotch to grind yourself against his hardness.
Keishin gathers your hair around his fist, harshly jerking your head so far backwards that your spine aches from the unnatural angle.
“Stop fucking squirming. You just don’t know how to behave, do you?” It’s phrased like a question, but he shoves two of his fingers in your mouth so you can’t respond. 
You knew Keishin would be the perfect dom, but the ease with which he settles into the role makes your head spin and your insides throb. Latching onto his digits, you lick and suck like the good girl you are, coating them in saliva as he hums in appreciation.
“Foo wans tuh behav wen thith is wutt I ge fo bein ba?” you ask, garbled and muffled by the fingers massaging the back of your tongue. 
A series of harder, heavier spanks make you squeal and squirm even more in his lap. He gently rubs his hand over your warm, stinging flesh as he speaks. “Such a troublemaker. Just what am I going to do with you, hm?” He tries to sound admonishing, but you can tell he’s smiling behind his words.
His hand leaves your ass, no doubt raised to spank you again, but before he can, you bite down on his fingers. Not too hard, just enough for him to jerk them out of your mouth. “You can do whatever you want to me, Daddy.” 
You jolt when his thumb rubs against your pussy through your panties. They’re soaked with your slick, the material clinging to your skin uncomfortably. The barest touch has you gasping and pushing your hips back for more. You’re so sensitive from the teasing and you’re so turned on you just might pass out if you’re not filled up soon.
Keishin just laughs darkly at the pathetic humping of your hips and you can feel the rumbling in his chest. “This is what I love about girls your age. So sensitive…” He pulls your panties aside and gently eases a finger inside you, then another as you moan and shake in his lap. “And so reactive. I bet you’d cum just from me putting my cock inside this tight, wet cunt, wouldn’t you?”
He speaks with a hint of condescension that has you clenching around his digits, coating them in sticky, syrupy strands of your arousal as they pump in and out of you. You’d almost be embarrassed at how worked up you are if you had more self respect, but you don’t. All you can focus on is the way his fingertips curl into the little spongy spot inside you that makes you whine.
“Why don’t you try it and find out?” The challenge in your voice is severely dampened by how breathless and wrecked you are even though you haven’t really even done anything.
His fingers pull out of you with a lewd squelching sound and you can hear him suck them into his mouth. “You taste even better than I imagined, but I want to taste that sweet pussy of yours. Up, little girl.” He coaxes you from his lap and onto the couch so your back is nestled into the cushions.
Sweat is making hair stick to your forehead and you’re breathing so heavily you’d think you just ran a marathon, but Keishin is looking down at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world and it nearly steals what little breath you have left in your lungs.
Oxygen is the last thing on your mind when his lips slot themselves between yours, soft yet demanding as they suck and lick. The movement of his lips doesn’t falter when he pulls your shirt over your head to reveal your light pink bra. Keishin pulls back to kiss along your collarbones, neck, and chest, his teeth occasionally nipping your sensitive flesh and leaving goosebumps in their wake. He expertly removes your panties with one hand so you’re left in just your plaid skirt, exposing your heated flesh to the coolness of the living room. 
You’re nearly naked but he’s wearing far too many clothes for your liking, so you blindly grab at his shirt, but your fingers are shaking too much for you to get a good grip. Once he realizes what you’re trying to do, he puts his hands over yours and helps you take off his shirt. You nearly start drooling when all of his hard, rippling muscles and smooth, tan skin are finally revealed to your greedy eyes that can’t seem to settle one thing. You don’t know if you’ll get this opportunity again and you want to remember everything in painstaking detail, especially Keishin’s gorgeous body.
He momentarily disentangles himself from you to remove his jeans, leaving him in just his Calvin Klein boxer briefs. The outline of his cock is evident as it strains against the blue material and you reach out to stroke it, but he just takes your hand in his.
He brings it to his lips, then kisses up your arm until he reaches your lips. “All in due time, sweet girl. I want to taste you first.” Your mouth is claimed in another hungry, bruising kiss and you squeal when Keishin takes your lip between his teeth and bites, blood rushing to the surface of your skin. 
His head dips down to leave featherlight kisses and teasing licks down your chest and stomach before he’s resting between your thighs. You whimper pitifully as he spreads your legs, awaiting the feeling of a wet tongue or his fingers against your folds. When he doesn’t move for several beats, you come to the realization that he’s just watching the way your cunt twitches and clenches around nothing and the wetness that drips onto the couch each time your muscles contract. You quickly bring your legs together to hide yourself from his scrutinizing gaze, but he simply pries them open with little effort.
Keishin grabs your chin so you’ll look right at him, squirming from the intensity of his gaze. “Don’t you dare hide this pretty pussy from me, do you understand? I am going to devour you until I’ve had my fill and you’re going to just lie back and take it.”
You nod obediently, your impudence quickly dying, giving way to the burning ache between your legs that can only be sated by a long, hard fuck.
With a satisfied hum, he settles at the apex of your thighs and licks a long stripe from your quivering pussy to your swollen clit and your hips jerk from the contact. Strong hands pin your hips to the couch as you writhe in his firm grip. He gives your clit a soft, quick kiss before he takes it into his mouth and sucks. You grab fitfully at his hair, back arching and hips pressing into his mouth as you gasp and groan from the incredible feeling of his tongue on your sensitive flesh.
His tongue teases your entrance and your cunt twitches, anticipating the first thrust of his warm, wet muscle inside you. He occasionally dips into your hole, but never breaches your entrance and you think you might go mad if he doesn’t give you more.
“I-I need more, give me more,” you manage to gasp, grabbing a fistful of the pillow underneath you as the tightening in your belly gets stronger.
Keishin removes his mouth from your cunt just long enough to admonish you for your lack of respect. “You need to have more manners if you’re going to demand things of me,” he says, before latching back onto your swollen, twitching clit.
“Daddy, pleeease I need more. Ah! I want to cum!” Your voice is so high-pitched and whiny you almost don’t recognize yourself, but you’re nearly delirious from pleasure and your impending climax that’s been dangled over your head for what feels like hours.
“Now who am I to deny you when you ask so sweetly?”
He thrusts two of his digits inside you, reaching deep inside you and rubbing against your g-spot as he sucks your clit back into his mouth. You’re almost screaming at this point, clawing at his hair and humping your cunt against his face. The familiar tightening in your belly signals that you’re about to cum and your moans and cries get faster, louder as the promise of white hot pleasure is just within reach—
It’s almost embarrassing how fast you’re teetering on the edge of climax, as if you’re a virgin school girl that’s never touched herself before. But maybe that’s the difference that years of experience can make. 
Not that you care. You just want to cum.
“Fuck, Daddy, I—I’m close!”
Sensing your impending orgasm, the man uses his free hand to slap your cheek then grabs your throat. “Uh-uh-uh,” he tuts, “Ask Daddy for permission to cum.” You’re clamping down on his fingers impossibly tighter as he fingers you even deeper, and the way he sucks on your clit renders you incapable of speech. Each time you open your mouth to try to speak, more desperate, wanton noises escape your lips.
You’re about to fucking burst at the seams and you feel like you’re on fire, but you want to be a good girl for your daddy, so you use the last bit of brain power you have left to ask for permission.
“P-pleaaase Daddy may I ahhh! May I cum!” you ask, but you can’t even hear Keishin give his approval from how loud the blood rushing in your ears is as you finally cum.
You try to muffle your cries with the back of your hand, but he grabs your wrist and wrenches it away from your mouth.
“Don’t do that. I want to hear you scream.” His tone is clipped and short, not caring how rough he is with your delicate flesh.
If you weren’t already cumming, you would have from the pleasure that’s so intense, it’s almost painful as your body is wracked with tremors. Your legs snap around Keishin’s head and you grip his hair even tighter as wave upon wave of your orgasm washes over you. You hear someone screaming and wonder what’s happening, when you realize it’s you, you’re the one screaming as you ride out your climax.
He greedily slurps and sucks up every single drop of your release that you can give him, as if he was stranded in the desert for a thousand years and your juices are the first sip of water to hit his dry, parched tongue. Your cunt is already so sensitive, painfully clenching around his fingers, but he just. Doesn’t. Stop.
“Fuck, K-Kei, wait ‘s too much,” you weakly protest, but your body is too spent to resist so you just lie there, twitching and gasping as he keeps sucking on your overstimulated clit.
His lips detach from your poor, abused bud and you almost sigh in relief before the fingers inside your cunt pump faster, stimulating every inch of your gummy walls.
Keishin leans over your sweaty, exhausted form, one hand braced on the couch, the other buried inside you. His fingers are hitting a spot inside you that makes you feel the urge to pee, so you try to push his hand away but it’s futile with how much stronger he is than you. 
“Hold onnn, I’m g-gonna—” you slur, panicked, but it’s as if he didn’t hear you.
His digits are relentless, rubbing and stroking and you’re a fucked out mess. You don’t know what he wants until an uncomfortable tightness shoots through your cunt. You cry out as clear liquid gushes out of you, splashing all over you, the couch, and Keishin. If you were more coherent, you might be mortified because you just… pissed on him—
To your surprise, he’s laughing as he removes his hand from inside you, ignoring your halfhearted groans. “I was hoping you’d do that,” he says, holding up his hand, shiny and dripping with your juices. 
“D-Do what?” you pant, unsure of what just happened and why Keishin seems so smug.
He uses his discarded t-shirt to wipe his hand off, then dabs at your stomach where a sizable puddle accumulated. “Squirt,” he responds. When he sees your confused expression, he follows up with, “It’s not piss, if you’re worried about that.”
“Ooookay.” You’re too dazed and exhausted to argue with him or question him further, so you just flop into the sofa and close your eyes.
“C’mon, little girl, don't tell me that’s all you’ve got. You were talking so much shit earlier and I have so much more to give you.” Despite how tired you are, his words spark new arousal in your belly and defiance revitalizes you, movement returning to your limbs.
You slide a hand down your stomach and spread the puffy lips of your cunt, sliding a finger through your wetness. “Of course it’s not. I’m ready to take that hard cock of yours, Daddy.”
“Attagirl, that’s what I like to see,” he praises, dropping his underwear and sliding them somewhere you can’t see. 
His cock is gorgeous, but that doesn’t come as a surprise, considering the man it belongs to. It’s thick and curved in a way that you know will reach the deepest parts of you.
What you weren’t expecting is the many piercings adorning the shaft and the one that goes through the head. A long curved barbell enters through the tip and exits through the underside of his glans. Three evenly spaced rings are embedded in the skin where his shaft meets his balls. You’ve never seen so many piercings on one man, let alone in such a sensitive place, so you gawk at the smooth metal rings that shine in the overhead lights.
“You’re… You have…”
He grins widely and it’s so devilish you think he might swallow you whole and honestly? You’d let him. You’d let him do whatever he wants to you. “Haha, yeah I get that reaction a lot. Never seen a pierced cock before, huh?”
“No, but there’s a first time for everything. I’m dying to see how those,” you point to his piercings, “Feel inside me.”
Keishin wordlessly climbs on top of you and rubs the head against your wetness, spreading it along his shaft to ease his entry. “They’ll feel fucking incredible, but you’ll have to beg for it.”
You scoff, reaching to grab his hips so he’ll fuck you already, but he scoots backwards so you can’t touch him.
“Naughty girls that misbehave don’t get fucked, so you’d better smarten up quickly,” he warns, making you gasp as he thrusts his cock against your clit.
He lazily nudges the head over your flesh, occasionally letting it catch on the tight ring of muscle around your hole. When he slots between your pussy lips, you try to wiggle and hump your hips in his direction, in hopes that he’ll slide right in.
But he doesn’t, and you’re about to go mad with his cock so close, but so far away.
“Please fuck me Daddy. I need your cock so bad!” You’re on the verge of tears, the buildup of the last few weeks overwhelming your senses.
Making a noise of sympathy, Keishin pets your hair affectionately and kisses your cheek. “All you had to do was ask.”
His hips pull back, then he’s thrusting inside you, sheathing himself to the hilt in your tight heat. You whimper and whine at the sudden intrusion, but any pain you feel is overshadowed by the way that his cock is filling you so full. The burn and stretch hurts so fucking good that your orgasm hits you like a freight train, fast and hard and blinding. Keishin fucks you through it, his cock touching all of the sensitive spots inside you and the pleasure is so strong you have to screw your eyes shut as you cry out and fall apart around him.
When you open them again, the man is staring down at you with the most shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen. “See? I said you’d cum as soon as I put my cock inside you.”
Using all the strength you can muster, you slap his arm. “Shut up and just fuck me.”
“You still haven’t learned your manners, but I just can’t wait to shoot my cum deep inside this cute cunt of yours,” Keishin groans, pulling almost all the way out before burying himself back inside the hot, welcoming clutch of your pussy. 
You can feel each of the metal rings on his cock, foreign and strange, but the odd feeling soon fades to little shocks of ecstasy each time they brush against your insides.
The lewd slapping sounds of skin on skin are all you can hear besides the occasional moan or hiss from the man fucking you within an inch of your life, not that you can focus on anything else right now.
You nudge at Keishin’s shoulder and he stops the rapid pistoning of his hips, an almost annoyed look on his face.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, but you just smile and push him backwards onto the couch, just like you were. He grunts in surprise as he falls backward, but he quickly quiets down when you climb on top of him and sink yourself back down on his length.
You both moan in unison as he fills you once more, the tip of his cock pressing against your cervix each time you force your cunt back down on him. His hands wander to your tits, grabbing, squeezing, and pinching the sensitive buds of your nipples. 
Ever the troublemaker, you can’t resist making a jab at him now that you’re on top. “I wonder what she’d do if she knew you were with me right now. What would your daughter say about you taking advantage of a young, helpless girl?”
Keishin takes that moment to pull you against him, thrusting hard and rough into your gummy walls that never stop pulsing around him. You’re shaking and gasping, your tongue lolling out of your mouth in your pleasured delirium. “With the way your greedy, sloppy cunt is clenching around me, I wouldn’t say I’m taking advantage of you,” he points out, only slightly out of breath. “But you get off on this, don’t you? Letting an old man like me fuck you. I’m old enough to be your father.”
“Like you’re any b-better,” you bite back.
You cry out when Keishin starts rubbing your swollen clit in tight little circles, your third orgasm fast approaching. 
“Fuck! I can—urgh, I can feel your pussy pulsing around me. I’m g-gonna cum,” he grits out, thrusting impossibly deeper inside you. He's pressed so far into you, he’s just thumping the head of his cock against your cervix. You scream and write in his arms, seeking to relieve the sharp burning in your womb just a little bit, but he has you firmly locked in his clutches. “Be a good little girl and cum for Daddy.”
Almost on command, you shake and moan, loud and long, as you cream all over his cock and coat the base in milky white. “Oh fuck, oh god! D-Daddy I’m cu-mming!” you wail with the last of your energy.
You’re so exhausted you go limp against him and let him use your body as a fuck toy until he reaches his climax. Keishin follows soon behind you, his thrusts growing sloppier and less coordinated as he mumbles obscenities under his breath. “Shit shit shit, fuck I’m cumming! I’m gonna—fuck!”
With one last thrust into your fluttering, over stimulated cunt he orgasms, his legs shaking as he shoots rope after rope of cum into your quivering womb.
You both lay there for several minutes to catch your breaths. You’re so sore and boneless you can barely move, but you manage to extricate yourself from Keishin’s long limbs. Leaning into the arm of the couch, you let your eyes flutter closed and allow sleep to take you.
You’re awoken by a warm, wet washcloth rubbing against your sensitive folds and you whine, sleepily wiggling your hips to get away from the discomfort. “Kid, I know it doesn’t feel good but, uh, it’s kind of a mess down there. You can go back to sleep, just let me clean you up.” Keishin’s familiar timbre comforts you so you settle back down, still half asleep.
“Mmm, Keishin?” you mumble, making grabby hands at the man.
He takes one of your hands in his. “Yeah?” he responds as he wipes the washcloth between your legs with his other hand.
You rub your face against his hand before placing a sloppy kiss on top of it. “Thank youuuu,” you slur.
Keishin just chuckles and rubs his fingers over your knuckles. “Yeah kid, you’re welcome. Just get some rest, alright?”
You’re asleep before he even finishes the sentence.
When you awaken it’s dark, most likely the middle of the night. There’s a blanket thrown over your unexpectedly clothed body, which is now covered in a worn, oversized shirt. It smells like fabric softener and musk, so you figure it must be Keishin’s.
Looking around, you bolt upright when you realize you’re not on the living room couch anymore, you’re now in a large, comfortable bed.
The sound of a deep, rumbling voice draws your attention to the bathroom connected to the room you’re currently in. “Oh, you’re finally awake,” Keishin says sheepishly as he emerges from the bathroom, then points to the nightstand next to you. “There’s some water and ibuprofen, you should take it. Even if you’re not sore now, you will be later.”
You chuckle tiredly as you stretch your overworked muscles. “I’m already sore, so I’ll definitely be taking these.”
He sits awkwardly on the side of the bed, unsure how to treat you after your little encounter. His brows are furrowed, a deep frown on he’s seemingly deep in thought.
“Whatever you’re thinking, just spit it out.” His head immediately snaps to you, eyes guarded and unreadable.
“What we did downstairs, it’s… not right. I’m supposed to protect young, impressionable girls like you. I’m a father—I would die if Tomi was after a man more than twice her age.”
You pull the blanket off of you and climb over to where the older man is seated on the mattress. “Keishin, let me ask you something.” He lifts his head, expectant. “Did you enjoy what we did? Because I did.” He nods slowly, still unsure what you’re getting at.
Taking his face in your hands, you tell him what you’ve been thinking for weeks. “At the end of the day, we’re two consenting adults who partook in consensual activities. Even if someone wants to clutch their pearls because you’re older than me, who cares?”
“Yeah, I get that, but… It has to be some sort of ethics violation on my part. You’re younger than my daughter, Bunny.”
“Even if it is, you have to allow yourself to live a little. Life is too short to deny yourself pleasures the world has to offer, and I don’t know about you, but I was very pleased by our… tryst.”
A cute blush spreads across Keishin’s cheeks as he remembers everything he said and did to you. “Aha, I was too. So, um… Would you want to do that again, sometime?” he asks, running a hand through his hair like he always does when he’s nervous.
You giggle and tackle him on the bed, wrapping your arms around him and squeezing. “Of course I do. We can even do it now, if you’d like…”
A couple hours later, just before Hitomi comes back, you limp across the hallway to your room and pass out, falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.
And that is how your little arrangement begins.
Most of your time is spent with Hitomi, mostly shopping and going out to eat when she has the day off, or just watching Netflix in her room when you’re both too tired to go anywhere.
However, in the wee hours of the morning when you’re sure that she’s asleep, you sneak up to her father’s bedroom and get fucked so hard and so good you can barely make it back to your bedroom before the sun rises.
It’s a good arrangement, you think, you both get what you want and your friend is none the wiser. You figure no harm, no foul. At the end of the winter break, Keishin will likely want to cut things off with you and you’ll go back to your college dorm as if nothing happened.
But the winter break isn’t over yet, and you plan on making the most of it.
Keishin has been fucking you into the mattress for so long, time no longer even makes sense anymore. 
You’re sweaty and exhausted, muscles so sore and shaky, but the thrusting between your legs shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. The harsh grip on your hips will likely bruise, but luckily you can hide them, unlike the few close calls you’ve had with poorly-placed marks on your neck.
Despite your exhaustion, you continue to meet Keishin’s thrusts by humping your hips back at him.
He gives your ass a harsh spank and fucks into you harder, making you whine and clench around him. “You’re an insatiable little thing, aren’t you? So fucked out and dripping with my cum, yet you still want more,” he says, but all you can do is gasp in response. You’re too far gone to produce any meaningful response. “What am I going to do with you?” If you had the energy, you’d tell him whatever he wants, but you don’t and the familiar tug of an orgasm is too hard to ignore.
“Fuck Daddy, I-I’m—”  
Suddenly, his phone comes to life, Hitomi’s face lighting up the screen as it vibrates. The pistoning of his hips slows, then stops completely as he reaches over and grabs it off the nightstand.
He suddenly pulls out of your sore, abused cunt and you almost whine at the loss before he buries himself back inside you. The way your face is pressed into the mattress makes it difficult, but you manage to turn your head to see what Keishin is doing behind you.
Your eyes widen and you try to wriggle out of his grip when you figure out that he’s going to answer his phone as he keeps fucking you.
A hand wraps around your neck, lifting you up from your position on the bed and you have to follow its movement to prevent your windpipe from getting crushed. You’re pressed against Keishin’s hard chest, and his cock is nestled right against your cervix. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll just stay still and take it like a good little girl.”
The harsh grip on your neck releases and you’re shoved back into the bed, falling onto the comforter.
Keishin sounds completely normal when he answers his phone and it almost pisses you off—how can he be so unaffected when you’re at your wit’s end? 
He chirps into the phone, “Hey sweetheart, what’s up?” The only indication that anything is amiss is the slight breathlessness in his voice and the occasional curse under his breath.
He forces himself even deeper inside you so forcefully that you’re afraid he’ll punch straight through to your womb. You know it’s not possible, but with Keishin, it just might be. He’s always full of surprises, especially when it comes to your body.
“Oh yeah, sure I can drop it off to you later. I’m just a little… preoccupied at the moment,” he says with a sharp thrust of his hips and you can’t help the moan that escapes your lips. Keishin stiffens above you, waiting to see if Hitomi heard you through the phone.
“No, Hitomi, I’m not watching porn! But hold on a second, I think someone is at the door.” He sets the phone on the bed, muting the call as his cock hits your g-spot and you’re shaking, practically shivering in his arms. A couple of hard, coordinated rubs of your engorged clit and you’re cumming, gushing around him and keening as your muscles clench uncomfortably. You scream silently and fall limp onto the bed, unable to hold yourself up any longer. 
You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve cum, but it’s to the point that each successive orgasm borders on the edge of pleasure and pain.
“Better keep quiet, wouldn’t want my daughter to hear you getting your pretty little cunt stuffed full of my cock,” Keishin snarls into your ear and you feel yourself clench painfully around him. Your body is just so worn out, but you know he won’t stop until he’s satisfied. “Or do you want her to know what a slut you are for her father?”
You shake your head vehemently, but the man inside you just chuckles as he keeps fucking you.
“Oh my god, oh fuck I-I…” You’re babbling nonsense to no one in particular.
“Ahh it was just-fuck, it was just some dude trying to sell me security cameras. Anyways, I’ll see you later honey, I love you.” His last few sentences sound rushed, urgent and you can tell from the twitching of his length that he’s close. The moment the phone is hung up, Keishin cages you between his body and the mattress. “Your cunt feels so fucking good, I’m gonna fill you up with my cum. Would you like that?”
You try to nod and make a noise akin to ‘mhm,’ but you’re not sure what it sounds like. You’re not really sure of anything right now, but what you are sure of is you want him to cum inside you.
“I could never deny you anything, sweet girl,” he groans.
Keishin fucks into you harder, faster, and it feels as if he’s quite literally rearranging your guts, he’s so deep inside you. He reaches down between your legs and pinches your sensitive bud between his fingers. “Think you have one more in you, hm?” he asks, but he doesn’t wait for your answer. Of course you do.” He rubs your sore clit the way he knows will have you shaking and coming apart around him.
“Fuck Daddy, fuck I’m cumming!” you squeal, writhing and squirming from the painful, aching tightness of your orgasm as it builds once more. 
“Ergh, fuck yeah, cum on Daddy’s cock as he fills you up. You’re such a good fucking girl for me, I love this sweet pussy.”
You shriek as you cum, your climax so strong that your vision blurs at the edges and you convulse, sore muscles twitching with overuse. 
“Daddy’s gonna breed his sweet little girl, fuck, feels so fucking good!” Keishin groans, burying himself as deeply as he can inside you and shooting his cum into your quivering hole. You sigh in relief at the feeling of his warm cum flooding your womb, thankful he finally came because you couldn’t have lasted much longer in your state.
He flops next to you on the bed, sweaty and exhausted from your hours-long fuck marathon. Throwing an arm over your waist, he pulls you to his chest and buries his nose in your neck. 
Hitomi’s not supposed to come back for several hours, so you both deem it safe to fall asleep as you are. Just when you’re about to drift off, your phone buzzes from the bedside table.
You reach for your phone, expecting it to be some spam email.
Your heart stops, the whole world seems to freeze when you open the text message.
From: Tomie <3
So when were you going to tell me you’re fucking my dad?
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
peaches & cream || soft!dark Jake Wyler x reader
for @stargazingfangirl18​'s 5k challenge! I used the prompt, "the town golden boy isn’t as sweet as everyone thinks."
word count: 3.6k
warnings: smut (noncon), stalking/obsession, some degradation/negging (but lots of praise during the actual smut), kinda yandere vibes?, touch of breeding kink at the end, definitely flirting with the boundary between soft!dark and regular dark but I like to think it’s a fine line
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“Sorry, but that’s a seasonal flavor,” the girl at the counter explained in a snarky monotone.
“Well, yeah, but isn’t it still… the season?” you pressed; normally you weren’t the sort of person to argue with a cashier over a milkshake, but the look she was giving you made you feel like she was holding out on you— especially when the promotional poster for the very thing you were trying to order was just behind her head, and said the flavor was available for two more days.
“We’re out,” she answered firmly, but then her face suddenly shifted to a much more pleasant expression as you heard the chime of the front door opening behind you.  
You felt his body hovering behind yours just as his hand laid on the counter beside you, caging you in.  It was even more unsettling with the context that there was a whole line of people waiting behind you already.
“I’ll get your usual,” the girl promised to the man beside with a flirtatious smile as she disappeared to the back, returning almost instantly with a shake in her extended hand.  “Peaches and cream milkshake— extra whipped cream, no cherry.  Enjoy!”
Your eyes widened at the reading of your own order.  “I thought you were out!” you protested, going completely ignored.
"If you were my girl, this sort of thing wouldn't need to happen."
You recoiled from Jake's voice in your ear, and he smiled in spite of your snarl, bringing the straw to his lips slowly.  With a shudder you walked away, deciding it was probably better to forgo a milkshake anyways— especially if it was a chance to avoid everyone’s favorite senior, the football king who basically owned the whole town for no other reason than being good-looking, athletic, and allegedly “charming” or whatever.
Of course, he followed you, sitting across from you in a booth and silently shooing his posse of fellow teammates to go off and give you two some space.  If only he would give you space.
“We can share,” he offered as he held the milkshake out towards you.  “I know it’s your favorite… it’s mine too.”
“I’ve lost my appetite,” you explained quickly as you pulled a book out of your backpack, intent on ignoring him since you couldn’t physically force him to leave.
He shrugged and returned to sucking on the straw, watching you unwaveringly as you tried to read your book— staring at the page was going well, but you couldn’t seem to actually get any words down.  Had you forgotten English as a written language or something?
“Could you leave?” you finally asked as you groaned and looked up from your book.  “You’re distracting me.”
“I’m literally just sitting here,” he reminded you.
“And it’s distracting!”
He smirked proudly.  “My presence tends to have that effect on people.  Nothing to be embarrassed about.”
You rolled your eyes, burying your face back in your book.  “You know, you may have everybody else fooled, but someday you’re gonna have to leave this pathetic little town and go into the real world where throwing a ball isn’t a career and nobody fawns over you just because you have the audacity to be attractive.”
He chuckled lightly.  “Right, because you have those big city dreams of yours, but believe it or not some of us like this ‘pathetic’ little town.”
“Well, of course you would,” you snorted.  “Your dad’s the mayor and your girlfriend’s the head cheerleader.”
“My ex-girlfriend,” he corrected, finally getting your attention enough to make you shut your book.
“What?” you blurted out.
“Yeah, she dumped me,” he explained plainly.
“Why would she do that?” you asked, making him look much too proud of himself again.  “Finally snapped out of the brainwashing, huh?” you added, effectively killing his smug expression.
“I guess you could say that.  She met some college guy from out of town… I think her parents liked me too much, she needed a bit more rebellion.”
“Well, my condolences to you,” you smiled, “and my congratulations to her.”
“I thought you hated her,” he scoffed.
“Well, now she and I have something in common: a complete lack of interest in you!”
“I mean, I wouldn’t go that far,” he smirked, “she still comes over every now and again to suck my cock.”
You choked on nothing, face getting warm at his crude language.  He didn’t talk like that with anyone else; it was so cruel the way he kept everybody in town under his spell except you, the way he let you in on his real darkness with no one else to confide in or believe you.  
It was so fundamentally lonely, being the one person who wasn’t in love with Jake Wyler.  It was even worse being the one person Jake Wyler loved.
At least, that was the word he used multiple times in his semi-anonymous letters, his incessant calls and emails, his speeches outside your window.  He’d actually cooled off lately, you wondered if maybe he had finally let go of this ‘the one thing I can’t have’ obsession and learned to appreciate his girlfriend (who, for all her personality flaws, was objectively gorgeous, and seemed to at least be nice to him if nobody else).
But now that she left him (which you were still trying to process, honestly), you were surprised he hadn’t already moved on to the next best wannabe model and/or reinstated his campaign to win you over.
Then again, the look in his eye kind of made you think you were about to witness the second one.
“You know, when she does come over, I can only ever finish because I’m thinking about you,” he revealed in a low voice.  You grimaced and slid out of the booth, stuffing your book into your bag and barely managing to throw him a goodbye before you dashed out.  
It wasn’t like you really thought you could get away from him— he had made it clear over and over that you couldn’t— but the idea of being crammed in that booth with him, surrounded throughout the diner by his adoring fans who somehow didn’t manage to overhear him when he said those awful things, made you feel nauseous.
What you should’ve considered was that, fans or not, those people were witnesses, and now that you were running out into the dark streets of the town and he was chasing after you, you didn’t have any.  It was just you and him, and when you turned into an alleyway to try to get home faster, even the dim glow of the streetlights couldn’t see you anymore.
“Hey,” he stopped you with a tight grip on your arm, pulling you back into him.
“Let me go!” you whined, trying to tug yourself away but only ensuring that his hand would leave a bruise on your arm.  
“I will when you just hear me out, okay?” he hissed, spinning you around to look up at him.  "Why don't you just give me a chance?  Don't you wanna be popular?" 
"I don't want to be anything that requires being within ten yards of you!" you spat.
He seemed bewildered, but you knew he wasn’t actually that stupid.  "Why?"
"Because you know why!"
He sighed, slumping his shoulders a little.  "Are we still on that, really?  I told you, you should take it as a compliment.  You know how many girls would kill to catch me jerking off in their panties?"
"You're sick, Jake,” you sighed, “and you're really good at hiding it from everyone else but I know what you really are.  You told me you needed help with algebra and I actually believed you, for months you were lying to me to get close so you could perv on me when you already had a girlfriend and two side chicks anyways— god, Jake, you're crazy!"
You yelped when he pinned you to the wall, blue eyes darker than ever.  "I really, really hate that word."
Against the wall, your back straightened as you felt the tone shift completely for a moment before he was back to his jovial self again, giving you a somber but almost-genuine smile.
“The only kind of crazy I am is crazy about you,” he defended with a laugh, leaning in a little closer.  “Why can’t you see that?”
As his eyes moved from your own to your lips, a renewed sense of fear shot through you.  “Jake…” you mumbled, apparently your feeble attempt to ask him to stop.
“Just one kiss,” he bargained, “and then I’ll let you go.  Okay?  That’s all I need.”
“N-no,” you whimpered, turning your head away as he leaned in even further.  “Stop.”
“Come on, it’s just a kiss, baby,” he cooed.  “Then you can leave.  Hey, you might actually like it.  You know, I think that’s what you’re really scared about… and I get it!  When I first realized I was in love with you, it was scary for me, too— I mean, I’m the most important guy in town and you’re just some bookworm, it’s sort of social suicide for me so I had a lot to worry about.”
There he went with his negging again, trying to bring you down to his level.  Your brain knew that, it saw right through it, but your gut still sank with doubt.
“But I know now that love is nothing to be afraid of,” he concluded.
“No, Jake,” you whispered, feeling tears well in your eyes, “I’m afraid that you’ll hurt me if I don’t do what you want.”
“Well, that is something to be afraid of,” he replied with the coldest laugh you’d ever heard; you didn’t hear any agreement, but the lack of denial was deafening.  “So just be my good girl and let me kiss you…”
You swallowed dryly, your eyes wide open and searching for anywhere to look but up at him.
He was so close now that his lips brushed against yours with his command: “say it.”
You stammered over your breath, not sure exactly what he was asking for, and you winced as you felt his grip tighten on your arms.
“Say, ‘kiss me’,” he clarified in a harsh whisper.  “Say, ‘please’...”
“Please,” you repeated awkwardly, hearing it in your voice but so clearly not your own words, “kiss me.”
He let his mouth intertwine with yours and your eyes were still wide open as he let his own fall shut, moving his hands to clutch your face gently instead as you gave a weak effort to kiss him back.
Objectively, he was good at this.  A lot of things were objectively true about Jake: as much as you forced yourself not to see it, he was handsome; as much as it didn’t really matter to you, a boycotter of all things sports, he was talented; and, as much as no one else realized it, he was completely deranged.  For every word of kindness from him there was another of anger.  For every love letter in your locker, there was a threat left scrawled on crumpled paper inside your bedroom, just so he could remind you that your parents would let him into the house if he asked and never question it.
Which was why it was extremely important that you did not enjoy this kiss.  You needed to hate the way his fingers traced over the pulse in your neck, the way his tongue tickled yours, the way his teeth just barely grazed your lip until your knees went a little weak.  
But wow, there was something primally satisfying about melting into his arms, feeling his strength support you like it was nothing when he held your waist and pulled you closer.
You could almost forget that it was him.  But then he mumbled your name into the kiss, nearly moaned it in fact, and it pulled you back to reality.  With a gasp, you pushed him away and blinked your eyes open, not even realizing you’d closed them; hating how quickly you’d started to give in to him.
“There, one kiss,” you mumbled, wiping your mouth with the back of your sleeve.  “I’m gonna go home now—”
“You can’t be serious,” he laughed incredulously.  “You’re gonna kiss me like that and tell me you don’t feel this, too?  We’re so meant for each other— we even order the same milkshake!”
“That doesn’t matter!” you denied.
“I love you!”
“That doesn’t matter either!”
You turned to leave but he grabbed you again from behind, covering your mouth with his hand when you opened your mouth to scream.  “Don’t fucking talk to me like that,” he hissed in your ear, “and don’t walk away from me.”
Fighting against his grip did nothing but exhaust you: he only needed one arm to hold you back as he dragged you deeper into the alley.  Your legs swung wildly and landed a kick to his shin, and he plugged your nose while he was covering your mouth so you couldn’t breathe.
“Listen to me, you stuck up little bitch,” he growled.  “I’m really sick of this ‘hard to get’ act.  I know you want me.  So shut up and let me show you what you’ve been missing out on, okay?  You gonna be good?”
In that moment, you would’ve agreed to anything for a chance to fill your lungs with fresh air, and so you nodded, the back of your head rubbing against his chest.
“You gonna be nice and quiet so nobody catches you getting fucked like a whore in this alley?”
Another nod, more feverish than the last, ended with a sharp inhale as he let go of your nose.  But he was still covering your mouth, his arm around you now feeling less like restraint and more like an embrace.
"I've wanted you for so long, you can't even imagine," he explained softly as he leaned down and kissed your neck, gripping your waist tighter.  "You and this perfect body of yours.  This smart little head that thinks too much…"
You swallowed dryly as his hand trailed lower.
"This pussy you've been hiding from me for much too long," he added darkly, roughly shoving his hand up your skirt.
You whined behind his hand but he didn’t seem to care; he pulled your skirt up and grinned at the sight of your panties— because he recognized them.
“I remember these,” he purred.  “They look good on you, baby, but they looked better covered in my come.”
Your cheeks burned with shame— you already hated yourself for still wearing the pair he’d tampered with, but it was harmless after a few runs through the washer, right?  You weren’t going to stop wearing your favorite panties just for him, that would mean he won, in a sense; or, that’s what you told yourself to justify not burning them.
“Don’t worry, they’re gonna be soaked by the time I’m done with you,” he purred, slipping two fingers between your legs and growling slightly.  “Well, actually, you’ve already done a lot of the work for me.”
He pulled the fabric aside and explored your pussy instead, tightening his grip over your mouth as you made little muffled yelps.  The rough pads of his fingers found and targeted your clit instantly, that megawatt smile pressed against your ear as he started to rub your bud harder.
“Mm, feels good, huh?” he taunted, moving even faster as your hips jolted unintentionally.  He stopped only to bring the fingers to his lips, humming at the taste of you which he sucked off of them.  “So sweet, babygirl— better than any peaches and cream milkshake, that’s for sure.”
The wet fingers trailed down your body again, finding your entrance that he suddenly pushed into; it was a little too much without any warning and it made your eyes shoot wide open, a squeak barely escaping your throat.
"Just as tight as I imagined, baby,” he sighed, “all those times I used your panties, or hooked up with somebody who almost looked like you from behind.  You’re gonna feel so good on my cock, I know you want it so bad.”
He took his fingers out of you to reach back and open his belt with one hand, the sound of the buckle matched in upsettingness only by the sound of his jeans sliding down to his thighs.
You heard your own breath loud and heavy against his hand as you felt his hard cock press against your thigh, a drop of precum smearing on your skin.  Your breathing halted suddenly, though, when he slid himself between your legs to rub his cock over your exposed and swollen pussy.
“Oh, babygirl, you really are too good to me,” he grinned, kissing your ear tenderly.  “So fucking wet and ready for me, huh?  You need it that bad?  You’re gonna get it, baby, ‘m gonna give it to you so good…”
Bracing yourself as best you could, you felt the head of his cock push against your entrance before he slammed in all at once, making you hiss in pain.
“Oh god,” he groaned, “fuck, you’re so warm…”
Already he was fucking into you roughly, pumping faster and deeper, paying no mind to your choked sobs of pain from the wide stretch.  Even when it stung it felt oddly good, and the underside of his cock seemed to slide perfectly over your g-spot with each movement until your eyes began to roll back in your head.
“So fucking good,” he moaned hoarsely as he braced you against the brick wall for leverage, reaching back down with his free hand to rub your clit again.  He chuckled when your legs quivered, and he must have felt your walls tighten around him, too.  “I wanna hear those pretty moans, baby, if I take my hand away are you gonna be good?” he asked darkly.  You nodded, enjoying the brief feeling of freedom that came from not having his hand over your mouth anymore.  But then again, it was humiliating that now he could hear your panting breaths, your desperate mewls that you failed to swallow down.
He made a sound that was almost like a laugh as he watched you squirm in his arms, one more way he had to lord this all over you, as if forcing you to take him in an alley wasn’t enough on its own.
His breath against your ear was hot and strained, each meeting of your hips to his accentuated with a little grunt from him.  It didn’t help at all that his fingers were rubbing you just right, with so much skill that you wondered if he’d somehow figured out how you touched yourself when you needed to get off.  Honestly, you wouldn’t put it past him to have spied on you before, even if you couldn’t figure out when or how.
The hand that used to cover your mouth slid up under your shirt and pulled your bra down, a large, rough hand groping each breast and pinching your nipples until you bit down on your lip to stay quiet.  For all the mocking and teasing he’d done before, he was pretty direct now— like he was trying to make you come as fast as possible, overloading your body with sensation.  
And did he have to be so fucking good at it?
“I know you’re close, babygirl,” he whispered in your ear, “just let go…”
“Jake, please,” you sobbed, too far gone to appreciate that no begging would make him stop now.
“Come for me,” he demanded roughly, fucking you even faster as he sucked a mark onto your neck, and finally it all came crashing down with a choked-out cry of his name and a gush of warmth dripping out around his length.
“Ohh fuck, there you go, fuck it feels good when you come for me,” he grunted, thrusting even faster.  “You’re gonna milk my cock with that pretty pussy, babygirl— you’re gonna make me come…”
“J-Jake, not inside!” you interjected, getting his hand back over your mouth in return.
“Shh, it’s okay,” he soothed, “waited too long for this to pull out now.  Feels too fucking good.”
Behind his hand, the difference between whines of hatred and moans of pleasure was irritatingly subtle.
“I love you,” he reminded you in a voice exhausted yet heavy with desire, “so fucking much…”
A few more erratic, brutal thrusts accompanied by heavy pants and he was gone; you could feel his cock pulsing with each rope of come that filled you, so deep that your head fell dejectedly with the realization you had no hope of washing it out now.
His hand fell from your mouth but he didn’t pull out for another few moments as he caught his breath, gently peppering your neck and cheek in slow kisses.  “Baby,” he finally sighed, breaking the crushing silence, “you’re so fucking perfect.  I knew you were made for me.”
I hate you, you wanted to cry out, but words escaped you as he hugged you tightly and pulled your panties back into place, soaking them with his come as it leaked out of you just like he’d promised.  He stuffed his cock back into his jeans and helped you adjust your clothes back to looking almost presentable, finishing it off by turning you around and smiling at you with serene pride before kissing your forehead.
"You're gonna make such a beautiful prom queen," he cooed, “especially if you’ve already got a nice little bump showing…”
His hand rubbed beneath your belly button for emphasis, making you whimper and force your eyes shut as tears rolled down your cheeks.
"Shh, don’t cry, baby,” he soothed, kissing your cheek softly.  “Trust me, you're gonna love being my girl."
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