#super stuff
supersapphical · 2 years
what about an Amara/Jo drabble?
okay, first of all YOUR BRAIN. I LOVE this pairing idea so much I might eventually come back to it to do a longer work but for now here is a short exploration of what their dynamic might be like…
(AU where Jo takes the Mark of Cain instead of Dean, 1K)
Read on AO3 or under the cut.
Don’t make us have to stop you.
The thought of Dean’s words, shouted at her as she turned and walked away from them, still makes her laugh.
Stop her. Stop her. As if they could.
When she took the Mark, she had been so desperate to prove herself, prove she was a real hunter and that she could handle it. She had been so eager to show everyone (and herself) that she was capable enough to take on the Mark and wield the first blade and slay a Knight of Hell. Well, she took the Mark, she slew a Knight of Hell and the girl she was before now seems so far away.
Please, Jo, God locked the Darkness away for a reason Sam had tried to reason with her.
God’s a dick was all she had said and she felt in every single part of her that a truer sentence had never been uttered.
Since she took the Mark, she’s felt an uncontrollable urge to reach out to the force imprisoned on the other side. She can feel a small, faint taste of what has been locked away, some tiny fraction of it is running through her veins now. She can feel the resentment, the injustice of being tricked and trapped and her only desire now is to free it. Cain had warned her against taking the Mark—told her it would turn her violent beyond her nature. The violent urges were much easier to control than he had said they would be. She was always able to find some bloodthirsty monster to take her wrath out on. And if she was a little more brutal than she needed to be when she took out a nest of vamps or a stray shifter, who really cared? Certainly not any hunters and they were the only ones who even might have the capability to track her movements.
But this yearning…this is different. There is something on the other side reaching out to her. She can’t and won’t stop herself from reaching back.
The spell to break the curse of Cain is simpler than she thought it would be and in an explosion of black smoke, she finds herself losing consciousness or perhaps just lost in time. When the smoke clears, she feels as if she is not here or there but simply somewhere. Maybe everywhere.
There’s a figure standing in front of her who looks exactly like her. It's her body but it’s not her, this she knows for sure. The same symbol that had been branded on the inside of her forearm is on this other Jo’s clavicle but already Jo can tell it’s not the same. This Jo isn’t limited the way she was.
“Who are you?” she asks.
“You know who I am, you’re the one that freed me,” the other Jo says.
“Why do you look like me?”
I don’t have a human form yet, do you think I look like you?” this other Not-Jo tilts her head and Jo has the uncanny feeling that her reflection has moved without her moving.
“A bit,” Jo finally says.
“A bit,” the other Jo smiles as she repeats Jo’s words.
“Are you…what happens now?” Jo wanted nothing more than to release the power behind the Mark and now faced with it, she realizes she’s not sure what she truly expected to happen. She only knew that she could feel the pain and the torment and the raw power of the thing connected to her and she needed to open it into this world.
“We are the same, you and I,” the other figure reaches out and gently strokes her cheek. “We’ll be together again.”
“Why can’t we be together now?” Jo asks, faster than she can think the words.
The other being stares at her intently. “The way your world works…so strangely orderly. I am not bound to linear time the way you are.”
“Are you saying this is you…from the future?”
“I suppose you could say that,” the figure with her face shrugs.
“But you wouldn’t say that,” Jo says, wondering if this creature makes no sense or if maybe she hit her head too hard when the Mark exploded into mysterious black smoke.
“No,” the woman shakes her head. “Perhaps you will understand as we become one.”
“We’re going to…become one?” she stumbles through the question. She feels an intense need deep within herself to become one with the power she feels radiating off of the other Jo.
We are now and we will be and we always have been,” the other Jo may have her face but her voice is entirely different, low and seductive. “But I need…to see the world, this universe—in your time, I suppose.”
"See the world…what does that mean?”
“I will blanket the Earth, I will spread out amongst the cosmos, I will reach into every crevice of every universe and then I will return to you,” the other Jo says.
“That sounds like it will take a long time,” Jo tries to ignore the pain that shoots through her chest at the idea of being separated from the Darkness.
“Time, just another one of my brother’s creations. I can fold time itself, if I want to,” she takes Jo’s face in her hands. “You are the one that freed me. The singular one among my brother’s creations that betrayed him to help me. You will come to me, happily, and we will be more powerful than he could ever imagine.”
The figure softly brushes a strand of Jo’s hair back from her face and she closes her eyes, unnerved by the sight of a being that looks like her reaching out to her but wanting nothing more than to feel a touch of darkness.
Jo wakes up in her car in an empty field, holding on to the memory of a vision that promised she would soon be reunited with the power she had set free. With the Mark of Cain vanished from her arm, she feels different. She no longer feels preternaturally compelled to seek out the Darkness but she deeply wants to find her again, to be bound in the way that the dark figure had promised—fated to be tied together forever, in a chaotic harmony of primordial darkness and human soul.
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kenapiece-main · 1 month
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Can you believe I'm having to make this meme even after successfully finishing up taxes and applying to job
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michameinmicha · 1 month
Stumbled upon this random ship (in a fandom im not active in myself) that has like 150 works on ao3 which are all from just two people gifting each other fics about this pairing back and forth and theyve been doing it for 3 years... i think thats true love probably
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amygdalae · 8 months
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small collection of Laios Tshirtguy moments. thank u Ryoko Kui
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ppl on Twitter have for no reason I can tell rediscovered Mighty Jill Off, thee cute indie platformer abt lesbian BDSM from 2008. I have no idea why it's gaining traction again but I just thot u all on here wld like 2 b part ov that 2
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neuro-psyche · 4 months
I think Dick and Jason would have multiple “what the actual fuck are you saying right now” with Tim and Damian when it comes to quality of life/monetary differences. Sure, Dick and Jason got used to Bruce’s “is $100 a good enough tip on a $30 bill?” shit, but hearing Tim talking about a new laptop he bought for $5000 literally is like a punch in the gut.
If they ever went on a cruise (which they totally wouldn’t because cruises are floating death traps), Jason and Dick would be in awe of the fancy amenities, where as Damian would be unsatisfied with the quality, since he grew up with every single amenity known to man. Tim would just feel like it’s all normal since the Drake’s were extravagant and travelled all over the planet.
Jason : My bedroom is bigger than my fucking apartment.
Dick : I could do a full gymnastics routine with the space in my room.
Tim :
Dick :
Tim : My room is normal sized…
Jason : You grew up in a mega mansion. I hardly think you’re the benchmark of a normal room-
Damian : I must agree with Drake. This room is frankly underwhelming.
Dick, staring wildly at him : What do you mean underwhelming- Dames there’s an aquarium wall in your room.
Damian : Yes. Underwhelming.
Jason :
Dick :
Jason : Do you want to-
Dick : Jump off the boat? Yes.
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jollymalt · 4 months
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right order, wrong person
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New FNAF clown Jackie from secret of the Mimic!!
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soranker · 2 months
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98 lovemail doodles >_<
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ghostember · 3 months
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thought it’d be fun to compile all of my drawings of this character over the years
as a bonus here’s the very very first drawing i’ve done. ended up liking the design enough to run with it
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ricecaqes · 3 months
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siffrin the breather
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supersapphical · 2 years
sooo i'm not sure who first posted about claire x patience but honestly it's been rattling around in my mind ever since so a lil drabble about them would be amazing!! <3
YESSSSS Claire x Patience, let's do it!
This is a liiiiiiitle bit longer than a lil drabble because apparently I have no self control when it comes to rarepairs but please enjoy established relationship Claire/Patience on a hunt (also Missouri is alive and well).
Read on AO3 or under the cut.
“You ready for this?” Claire asks.
Claire’s hand grips Patience’s hand tightly as Patience nods resolutely. Claire’s other hand carries a duffle bag full of supplies.
“Okay, let’s do it.”
Claire leads her in through the backdoor of the house, which had clearly been broken into before. Patience raises an eyebrow.
“What? It’s an abandoned, haunted house,” Claire shrugs. “Who's gonna care if I break a few locks?”
The air inside the house is noticeably chillier than outside but, other than that, it seems like any other building that’s fallen into disuse. Dust covering the surfaces, a bit of a stuffy smell, nothing that overtly indicates a haunting. And yet, as soon as Patience steps inside, she can sense the spirit’s presence. It’s nothing she can feel, hear, smell, taste or touch. It’s simply sure knowledge that invades her brain, sending shivers down her spine for no good reason.
Claire must notice the change in her demeanor because she asks, “Your extra senses already picking something up?”
“Yeah, you’re right, there’s definitely a ghost in here,” Patience says.
“You ready to get to work?”
Patience nods. Claire gives a final squeeze to her hand before letting go so she can get to work setting up a salt circle around Patience.
“Most ghosts don’t tend to be active during the day but just in case,” she says as she dumps salt around her.
“What do you want me to look for, specifically?” Patience asks.
“Anything you can pick up on that might help me see what’s keeping the ghost here.”
“You already torched the remains?”
“Cremated,” Claire grunts as she heaves the last of the salt onto the floor.
“All set?” Patience asks.
Claire pulls two iron crow bars from her bag and hands one to Patience, “As set as we can be.”
Patience takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She grips the crow bar more as a grounding technique than with any real intention of actually using it. She knew some basic self defense even before taking up the life of a hunter and she’s been taking more in depth hand-to-hand combat lessons with Jody but a deep psychic reading will require all of her focus.
“You should come spar with me sometime, I’ll show you how to actually use that thing,” Claire teases her lightly, indicating the completely unthreatening grip Patience has on the crow bar.
“Quiet,” Patience hushes her but it does give her some encouragement to realize she knew exactly how Claire was gesturing without even opening her eyes. She’s really starting to get good at projecting her consciousness outward.
Or perhaps she’s just gotten too familiar with Claire’s body language.
Patience shakes the very distracting thought of Claire’s body out of her head and tries to center herself again.
“It could be useful, you know, practicing some fighting techniques,” Claire continues.
“You really want me to come beat you again?”
“That wasn’t a fair fight! You cheated,” Claire huffs.
“Anticipating your movements and reacting to them is just what fighting is,” Patiences says calmly, her eyes still closed and breathing even. “That’s not cheating.”
“It is when you’re psychic,” Claire rolls her eyes.
“Do you want me to focus or not? Reading the energy in this room is taking longer than it usually does.”
“Maybe you just have to have some patience,” Claire smirks.
Patience groans, “Your dad jokes are getting worse than Dean’s.”
She says it mostly to shut Claire up and it works because Claire stands there with her mouth gaping open, clearly taken aback.
“You love my dad jokes,” Claire eventually mutters, her arms crossed and an offended look marring her face.
Patience tries to clear her mind again. She’s been honing her gift through lessons with her grandmother, Missouri, who assures her she’s been getting better but focusing her powers still takes her a tremendous amount of energy and concentration. She wishes all visions could come to her as easily as the unprompted ones do. She frequently wonders if she’ll ever be able to access her powers with complete ease, the way her grandma seems to do. Her grandmother tells her (without her ever saying her fears out loud) that it will come with time and practice. Until then, she guesses she just has to struggle through.
With another deep inhale and a slow exhale, she sends her consciousness outward, into the house. Tapping into the house’s strange energy, she follows along in her mind to every corner and cranny, searching out to see if any object in the house has sentimental meaning attached. Sentimental objects always have a different aura.
She startles a little as she bumps up against a strange energy she’s not familiar with. It’s something dark and dangerous. This must be the ghost. It’s strange, to try to connect with the energies of a house and suddenly be connected to a sentient spirit but she supposes it must work differently with dead people. When she connects with the energy of a space, she is feeling out the memories of all that has happened there. What is a ghost but a memory that can speak for itself?
She tries to unobtrusively follow the spirit’s energy, searching for its source in the house. Her consciousness moves through room after room, trying to feel out where this specific energy is strongest.
She’s feeling out a long forgotten upstairs bedroom when suddenly she’s hit with a powerful wave of desperation. Being in this room is torture, being in this room is suffocating her, being in this room is killing her. She tries to quickly retract herself from the room but she can’t, she’s stuck there and she’s being filled with feelings of despair and grief and pain that don’t belong to her.
In the room where her body stands, the atmosphere is changing. The temperature is dropping and a strange wind that seems to come from nowhere is picking up.
“Patience?” Claire asks, lifting up her crowbar so it's ready to swing.
Patience can’t answer. Her voice has been stolen from her. She can’t even nod to let Claire know she’s alright. She can see her own body in the salt circle that Claire had made for her, but everything she is is trapped in the upstairs bedroom.
A shaky apparition appears and Claire swings through it, banishing it but only for a moment before it rematerializes on the other side of the circle. Claire lunges for it, swinging, and banishes it again only for it to appear on the other side of the room.
The room downstairs becomes more and more hostile as Patience tries to escape the bedroom and bring herself back to her own body. Small debris starts circling in the wind as Claire works to keep banishing the apparition every time it appears.
“Patience! Are you alright?”
If Patience had the ability to speak, she’d only scream.
Claire is desperately fending off every attack with her crowbar as the wind picks up, howling louder and louder. Patience knows that Claire is in trouble, she’s a fighter but even she can’t fight off something undead forever. She can hear Claire struggling, fighting as hard as she can to keep up with something that doesn’t even have a living body to tire out. Logically, she knows she needs to move, to help but she’s so outside of her own body, she feels only distantly aware of the danger they both face at this moment.
Patience hears Claire’s frantic shouting over the sound of the roaring wind but she can’t respond. She can see in her mind’s eye that the wind is wearing away at the careful salt line keeping her safe but she’s too overwhelmed by misery and heartache to move.
Claire is wildly swinging her crowbar at any apparition that appears and Patience is no longer trying to hear she is overcome with the need to be heard. The feeling is strange, it’s such a powerful need that it fills her up until she might burst but it doesn’t feel like a part of her.
She thinks back to the breathing techniques her grandma taught her and tries to bring herself back to her physical body. It’s only doing this that she realizes that this urgent need she is feeling isn’t her own emotion, it’s the ghost’s emotions.
Tears are streaming down her face now as she finally has enough control over herself to quietly whisper to the howling wind, “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”
She projects these feelings towards the being she can sense in the house, she tries to send them all of her compassion while repeating over and over again, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
She closes her eyes tight and focuses all her empathy towards the tormented spirit. The wind starts to die down, bits and chunks of debris clattering back down to the floor. The air is less chilly now, the energy less hostile. The only sound now is Claire panting for breath, still clutching her crowbar.
“I should bring you on all the ghost hunts,” Claire says breathlessly, eyes continuing to search the room for any hidden threat.
Her eyes wide open now that she’s back in her body, tears are streaming silently down her face and she can’t bring herself to answer. Claire looks over at her in the silence.
“Hey, hey,” Claire says, walking up to her. “It’s okay, we’re both okay.”
Patience gasps in deep as if it's the first breath she’s taken since she connected with the spirit. She’s trying to remember her grandma’s rules. Ground yourself, keep yourself breathing, keep yourself calm, keep yourself aware.
Claire reaches up and gently cradles Patience’s face in her hands, “Patience, are you okay?”
Patience manages to nod this time.
“Good,” Claire says softly, wiping some of Patience’s tears away with her thumbs. “Are you coming back to me?”
Patience is still unable to answer, her own heart several armies worth of battling emotions.
Claire lets her forehead fall against Patience’s. Claire takes deep, slow, deliberate breaths, her hands still tenderly cradling Patience’s face and shuffles closer until the toes of their shoes touch. Patience closes her eyes again but this time, instead of spreading her awareness out further, she narrows it to only the points where Claire is touching her. The warm place where their foreheads rest together, Claire’s hands around her face, Claire’s work boots pressed up against her own soft sneakers.
She follows Claire’s breath, matching her own breathing with it until she feels like she’s entirely back in her own body again.
“What happened here?” Patience breathes out but then almost immediately says, “No, never mind. Don’t tell me. There’s a—”
She steps abruptly away from Claire and Claire’s hands fall down to her sides, looking almost dejected in the way they hang. Patiences looks around the room helplessly, unable to believe that when she first walked in here, it had looked so ordinary to her. Now she sees it for what it really is: a prison.
Patience takes a deep breath and then says, “There’s a loose floorboard upstairs.”
“Something hidden in there?” Claire asks, still eyeing Patience carefully but willing to take the cue that Patience just wants to keep working. “Well, let’s go check it out.”
Claire takes the duffle and easily walks upstairs and to the bedroom. Patience has a much harder time forcing her physical self to cross the threshold of the bedroom but she follows Claire anyway, knowing that there will be no relief for the spirit she felt if they don’t find a way to release it.
Claire gestures to the room and Patience points to the floorboard she knows holds secrets.
“Huh, actually get to use this thing as a crowbar,” Claire says happily, prying up the floorboard with the crowbar.
Patience drops to her knees, reaching into the hole to find that the floorboard holds dozens of letters, yellowed with age.
“What happened here?” Patience asks again.
“Are you sure you really want to know?”
Patience nods.
“Daughter of a family that lived here in the early sixties, she committed suicide.”
Patience takes this information in. It feels right but also…not.
“The story goes that she went insane so the family had to keep her locked up,” Claire continues. “They kept her locked in this room so she wouldn’t hurt anyone else.”
“No, that’s not right,” Patience says and she’s not even sure where the words come from, only that she’s sure they’re true.
“That’s what all the neighbors said,” Claire says. “But most of it was just rumors, I think.”
“She loved someone and her parents didn’t approve,” Patience says, her fingers lightly tracing the letters. “They locked her away so she couldn’t run away with him. These are the only things she had with her, to give her hope.”
A breeze stirs in the room and Claire is on high alert again, tightly gripping her crowbar but Patience doesn’t feel any threat in the spirit’s action, only affirmation.
“We don’t have to burn all of them, do we?” Patience asks.
Claire’s silence speaks volumes. Patience gathers the letter to herself, holding them close, her thumbs running gently along the worn in folds.
Holding the letters tenderly, Patience quietly says to them, “You must have loved him so much. It’s not fair that you have to stay here.”
Claire bows her head, hands clasped together in front of her so tightly that Patience can see bright red splotches contrasting with too pale points where the blood hasn’t been allowed to flow to her fingers properly.
“I’m so sorry this happened to you. It isn’t right and it isn’t fair. It’s also not right for you to be trapped here even after death, so it’s time to say goodbye now,” Patience says to the letters and the house and anyone else who may be listening.
Placing them carefully on the floor, Patience looks up to Claire expectantly. Claire reaches into the duffle bag by her feet and digs out the salt and matches.
“Do you want to…?” Claire asks, offering her the materials.
“I’ll do the salt,” Patience says. She takes it from Claire and carefully spreads grains of salt on to each letter, making sure the salt passes over all the folds and creases, before gently setting them down on the floor again.
“Ready?” Claire asks.
“Ready,” Patience says quietly.
Claire strikes a match and it sounds startlingly loud in the quiet of the room. The flame burns bright and illuminates Claire’s fair face in an almost ethereal glow as she bends down to let the fire catch on the letters.
They watch in silence as the letters are reduced to ashes.
“Come on, let's get out of here,” Claire says, offering Patience her hand. Patience grabs Claire’s hand and uses it to sling Claire’s arm around herself, nestling close to Claire and snaking her own arm around Claire’s waist. It’s a little awkward, Claire a little unbalanced because of the heavy duffle in her other hand but Patience needs the reassurance, the warm body pressed to her side as confirmation that Claire is still right here with her, very much alive and reachable.
“You’re getting really good at that stuff,” Claire says.
“Yeah,” Patience says, fiddling a little with the zipper on Claire’s jacket because it’s the only thing within her reach to fiddle with.
They walk back to the car in silence, still glued to each other. Patience dreads the moment when they’ll have to separate to get into the car, even if it will be the briefest of moments before they can touch each other again.
Claire throws the duffle in the trunk while still attached to Patience but then they walk to their separate sides of the car, Claire to the driver’s seat and Patience to the passenger’s seat. After they’re settled, Patience reaches out a hand and Claire’s is there to meet her. There’s a heaviness hanging over the car as they both sit silent and still.
“Do you regret coming out here, doing all this with us?” Claire asks her suddenly.
She says the word us but Patience hears what she’s really asking. Do you regret being with me?
“No,” Patience says firmly. “It’s hard sometimes. A lot of the time, but there’s no place I’d rather be.”
Claire smiles at her and starts the car.
“Me, either,” Claire says and she throws the car into drive and points it towards home.
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ale-arro · 1 year
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been going a little bit insane about this sentence from Ace by Angela Chen for the past week
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pangur-and-grim · 18 days
I had to go to a different veterinary clinic this weekend because my usual place is only open weekdays, and the vet was so rough with Grim, for no reason 🥲 like Grim was purring and trying to headbutt this lady and doing cute little meows (despite being so ill that she was gagging and mouth-breathing), and then this lady SCRUFFS HER to get her onto the scale. and continues to use excessive force in pinning her down for the examination. I've been to 12 years worth of vets with Grim, and I've never seen someone act this way. it was so stressful.
on the bright side thought, this vet was obviously component in other areas, because the meds are already working. she's on antibiotics and something to help her airways open (because the throat infection triggered pre-existing asthma), and it's obvious she feels so much more comfortable.
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tench-art · 2 years
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I dedicate this picture to one very tired argentinian dad I saw this morning
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frogcroak · 2 months
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"If anything had been different, I might not have had my life with Barley. I have been happier than I could ever have imagined a cat could be."
why bother with endless border conflicts and the risk of starving when you can have a peaceful life with a roof over your head?
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