#that lays the groundwork for whatever happens next
noosayog · 1 year
[IT'S ALWAYS BEEN YOU] - ft. knight! iwaizumi hajime
warnings/content: princess! reader x knight/personal guard! iwa. a bit of angst, a little segue into the final chapter. no reader in this part, just a bit of groundwork for the final chapter
wc: 700
part 4.5. directory here.
The next course of action is not ideal for Iwaizumi. He has no choice but to return to Aoba Johsai by himself per your orders. And upon his return, he gathers Toru, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa to debrief them on the situation.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa are quick to disparage the foreign prince, calling him a sleazy womanizer and threatening to turn him into fried chicken (a slight to his unruly hair), but Toru remains uncharacteristically quiet.
“Well,” Toru says. “It is not uncommon for royal marriages. And my sister’s marriage is exactly that. Just a union of families and a show of good faith for foreign relations.”
“The Princess deserves to be happy!” Iwaizumi fires back, genuinely shocked at your brother’s clinic response.
Toru tilts his head in confusion. “You couldn’t have not known that this was a possibility with the years you’ve spent with my father.”
Iwaizumi freezes.
“To be honest, Iwa, I’m not sure I can support whatever you’re planning. You had years to act on my sister’s feelings but you always prioritized following father’s orders. How is this any different?” 
“How can you even say that,” he yells. “This is not about me. This is about your sister’s happiness. They aren’t even married yet and the Nekoma prince already has no intentions to make her happy!”
“You could have made her happy. But you chose not to. I fail to see how this is different. Why is okay for you to hurt her but not someone else?”
“And,” Toru barrels on. “You don’t know that she won’t be happy. This might actually be a nice arrangement for her. She might finally get the freedom she has always wanted.”
Iwaizumi falls silent at this, all his flimsy excuses sliced cleanly through.
Toru lays a heavy hand on Iwaizumi’s shoulder. “I won’t help you if you’re not willing to admit why you’re really doing all this.” he says with finality, before getting up and leaving the group behind.
Iwaizumi drags Hanamaki to the training grounds to clear his head later that evening. The frustration growing a tangled knot in his ribcage shows no signs of loosening as he swings his wooden sword, Toru’s words still echoing.
What more does he need to admit than the shameful acknowledgement that he, your knight, has fallen in love with you and yearns for something above his station?
“- thinking about?” He hears Hanamaki ask.
Iwaizumi grunts, swinging again.
Hanamaki parries the weak blow. “Are you still thinking about what Oikawa said?”
Iwaizumi doesn’t respond, bringing his sword down again. Hanamaki swings easily, knocking Iwaizuimi’s weapon out of his hands.
“I’ll give you a hint. You should think about what happens after. Even if you are able to stop the wedding, what happens to the princess after? She comes back home and His Majesty finds another match for her? Would that make her happy?”
With a hard clap to Iwaizumi’s shoulder, Makki takes off for the night. 
Frustrated, Iwaizumi throws a fist to the ground. Don’t you think he’d entertained the thought of whisking you away the second he realized he loved you? Risk treason to be with you? 
What would make you happy? 
He’s sure now that being able to be together would make you happy. But how could that happen without you abandoning your family, your friends, your beloved home? And he, himself. He didn’t want to leave the knights and Toru behind either. Is it even possible to  find a solution where he could be with you and you both could be with the people you love? 
“You could talk to him, you know?” 
Iwaizumi snaps around at Toru’s voice. 
“My father,” the prince clarifies. “You can convince him of most anything. Can’t you tell by now that he values your opinion more than any of us?” Toru grins ruefully. “Guess your years of being obedient to him have paid off for this moment.” 
Iwaizumi realizes then that while he was hurt from having his value tied to Toru since youth, the King’s words impact Toru equally. His own father, constantly comparing. 
“Let’s do it,” Iwaizumi says, finding courage in the newfound camaraderie with the prince. “I want to make the princess happy.” 
Toru grins, offering his hand. 
Iwaziumi takes it.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
Hi! I just wanted to say that I like your attitude and resilience (I'm a weak man, and every toxic anti-buddie/anti-buddie-shippers/pro bucktommy idea just hits me straight in the heart).
I don't understand how people can suddenly start hating Buddie because of "crazy fans", but still be smitten by bucktommy despite of how crazy some of their fans are.
And I really hate that they have this ammunition (their ship still going, Eddie happening to be hetero) to bully us with (haven't Buddie shippers been through enough of hate these past six years? And who knows how much more of it we'll have to yet to go through...)
Ah, sorry for the rant😅
The long ass message anon from lenaboskow's asks xD
awwwww, thank you anon 😭 <3
if i’m being honest, the public resilience comes from years of being bullied and ridiculed, so at this point hate (especially anonymous hate) just rolls off my back bc atp it’s just par for the course with these people.
i definitely understand the toxicity hitting you right in the feels though. i have mentioned before but i have really bad anxiety and depression, and there are times when if i haven’t taken my meds i will start to spiral over the smallest things (just ask @lenaboskow who has been present for a lot of this unmedicated spiraling)… so i definitely understand that some of the toxicity and hate can be hard. especially when the writers continued to give them ammunition after seeing what what was happening on twitter during the premiere period of season 7.
I’ve been a buddie shipper since s2. I have put up with seeing ridicule and disrespect from the fandom for shipping buddie for years (granted i only started getting actively involved in the fandom very recently, i still kept up with cast interviews, articles, etc. and could see plenty of it there) so i understand it can be hard seeing so many people that once were hardcore buddie shippers suddenly turning into violently hateful stan accounts for this new ship is jarring and disappointing… i have seen so many of my favorite fic writers turn into anti-buddie-eddie-bashing enthusiasts seemingly overnight and it’s hard to see.
that being said, i still have not lost hope. abc and tptb see what is happening— they see screeners being harassed for talking about buddie, they see buddie shippers getting doxxed and getting death threats, they see lou stirring the pot (though thankfully it seems something has been done about that)
these creators know that stoking this kind of fandom behavior is not okay- they know that it’s a bad idea to reward toxicity and hate. they have also been the ones actively laying the groundwork for buddie for six years. a lot of the writers actually care about buck AND eddie, rather than just buck (regardless of whatever is going on in kristen reidel’s cesspool of a creative mind), and we know that queer eddie has been discussed at length before to the point where the queer storyline of s7 was almost eddie’s. these writers see what we see, the actors see what we see, tim minear sees what we see.
i don’t know what they have in store for next season, but regardless of whether or not we get buddie canon, i am very optimistic that the pilot won’t be around much longer, especially after the drama and toxicity he has stirred up within the fandom, bc the last thing a network tv show wants is bad press, and that situation has the potential to boil over into something much worse if they didn’t put a stop to it immediately.
anyway, anon, never apologize for sending a long ask, i love to yap and i love being an outlet for people to vent if they need to <3 i believe in you, that you will be able to withstand this blip in the fandom; as someone who’s had to go through similar situations in other fandoms it will not matter a year from now once everyone has moved on. unfortunately we are caught upnin the novelty of it, but once it either peters out or becomes a sort of “new normal” (which i hope it is the former and not the latter) it will be so much easier to bear with.
i hope you have a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening, sweet anon 💕💕
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jackiequick · 7 months
I’m Already Gone | Top Gun Maverick Fanfic 📄
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw & Jennifer Mitchell
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Summary: It happened in a blink, it happened in a flash, as that night ran cold and old as she had ever seen. What happened that night the papers were pulled? Heartbreak.
Timeline: Post Top Gun—Pre Top Gun Maverick
Characters mentioned: Pete Maverick Mitchell, Tom Kazansky, Carole Bradshaw, Dane Bradshaw, Austin Mitchell and etc
Song inspired fic: Already Gone by Sleeping At Last
It wasn’t supposed to end like this.
In tears.
Sore throats from all the screaming and crying at 3 in the morning.
But it did.
Here’s what happened…
…it was a cold decision based night at The North Island. Pete was out pulling an all nighter, Austin was at Dane’s house doing god knows what and Jennifer was alone. At home, getting calls every few hours from her father to see how she was doing.
To be honest, she was doing fine. It was a rare occasion for the house to be quiet that late at night, usually there was some kind of noise being heard across the halls. Either from the boys or one of her friends.
But tonight, it was pure silence. You can hear the windows cracking from the drips of water outside, the sound of the wooden floor creek every once in a while, and the rumbling of car engines driving past the streets right outside her door. In the living room, she can hear it all too well.
It felt like a odd film she was placed in but she didn’t expect to be thrown in.
Her one thoughts were about Bradley. She knew he was sorta stressing the past few days about getting into the academy and proceeded in his dreams of becoming a pilot. She knew from stories that he always wanted to fly, just like his father Goose and unofficial uncle Maverick.
But Jennifer also knew the concept of events and consequences coming into that role. Deployment across the country, flying into dangerous territory, long distance trips from home and safe housing wasn’t always the best for pilots. Usually in secure parking areas but still.
A part of her wasn’t sure if she was ready to give that up yet, not having Bradley around everyday.
She didn’t know if she wanted that for herself either. She loved the idea of being in the air, cool tricks and taking a knowledgeable look at the world from the cockpit of your plane, it was a rush you can only imagine. But she loved being on the groundwork for things too, surrounded by family and friends. Teammates.
Jenny decided that whatever happens with that paperwork, she will be happy for him. It will hurt to see him leave her to go fly out into the world but she loves him either way…
Jennifer cleared her thoughts turning down the lights on the first floor and headed upstairs to her bedroom, free falling onto the mattress as she climbed underneath the covers, deciding to get some rest. It was late. Midnight. And she was still awake. So laying her eyelids shut for now, she curled up against the pillows and slowly nodded off.
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
The next moment happened in a flash, gently being awakened by the sound of footsteps on the first floor and small grunts. She couldn’t tell if that was her father’s footsteps or not, but just for precaution Jenny swiftly escaped the bed and grabbed the baseball bat from behind her door as she walked downstairs.
Even though she was groggy from sleep she held the baseball bat in her grip tightly, ready to swing at the figure she found in the kitchen sipping a glass of water. It confused her as she squeezed her eyes a couple of time, trying to wake herself up swinging a hit at the tall fellow who ducked.
It took Jenny a second to realize who it was, hearing a gulp a second later.
“Bradley?!” She asked, lowering her bat a bit.
“Yes? Who else do you think it is?” He exclaimed, sounding annoyed.
“S-sorry..w-what in heavens are you doing here it..it’s 2 in the morning.”
“Couldn’t sleep. Don’t worry I’ll be gone and out of your hair soon.”
“No? You came here for something..what was it?”
“I was looking for you and Maverick.”
“Why? What did i do?”
Even with our fists held high
It never would have worked out right, yeah
We were never meant for do or die
Instead of saying a word, Bradley handed Jenny a slip of paper that seemed to be a bit wet and crumbled at the corners. It was at the same time, she noticed the look on his face. His hair was wetter than expected, patched of droplets over the shoulders of his shirt as his sweater lay on the chair next to the kitchen table and he was wearing sweatpants.
He had small bags under his eyes. His eyes were dropped onto her hands, as if he wanted to hold her.
To tell the truth, Bradley was craving from physical touch from her in the smallest way, shape or form. He has been a wreck all of a sudden after recycling that letter from the bin at home, that he grumped and threw away. He didn’t want to believe the words said on that paper, nor the fact that his suspicions were correct.
But a part of him told him they were.
He watched as Jenny read the letter, her expression changing every once in a millisecond from shock to sorrow all wrapped into one. He noticed her biting her bottom lip for a moment, as if she’s trying to take it all in with a scoff. A hint of a ever so tiny half smile was tugged at her lips, it was quickly changed but it was there.
He saw it.
Finally after a deep breath of silence waters, she looked up at him, her fingertips playing with the edges of the paper.
“I’m sorry Bradley..” She said in a soft whisper, as if she was gonna wake up a dog within the house, “..I know how much you wanted to fly..”
“I can’t do that now..” He replied with a soft haze voice, looking away for a second.
“You can always apply again, right? I mean, dad can pull a strings to have your application be seen early or maybe Ice do it?…”
“No. Don’t even mention Maverick.”
“Brad, honey, it’s not the end of the world. You will get other chances..i know you will.”
“Not with Maverick around.”
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt you now
I can't stop
He sighed and scoffed, “Jen, baby, don’t play dumb with me right now. You may be saying all of this but i don’t believe you. We both know how much you want me to stay here, we discuss it before!”
“That was a while ago! Yes it will take some time getting used to..b-but I wouldn’t stop you from flying!..wait you think i had something to do with this?” She asked, soften her gaze at the question.
“Did you? I mean it wouldn’t be the first time you pulled a stunt like that to protect me.”
“No. No, no, no! I-i would not do that. You can trust me on knowing that I wouldn’t go behind your back for that.”
“Jen..you are the closest person here to know if something that was up..d-did you have a feeling this would happen?”
“..I honestly don’t know. But you don’t get to come into my house in the middle of the night and accuse me for such a thing.” 
“Did you know that Mav would do this?”
“I..no. H-he would’ve pulled my papers too..”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he does or, he already did it and you just don’t know it yet! Maverick Mitchell has always been shown to be my biggest supporter but all of a sudden he pulls something like this? And the fact that i don’t know if i should believe you right now is what ticks me off.”
“Bradley wait..”
“I..you didn’t think i saw that little smile as you read the paper? Huh?!”
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
Jen wouldn’t admit it but she did smile reading the whole thing, she didn’t want him to leave just yet especially at this young of an age. Tears slowly being welcomed into the corner of her eyes came despite on request.
But she wanted him to fly, enjoy his life even if she left to pick up the pieces at home.
“Okay, maybe i did smile, huh? Cause i don’t want to see you go or worse, have you slip away from my fingers the second you get the green light to do so?!” She yelled, as her temper started to reach up her back.
“I’m not going to leave you!” He replies back, with furrow eyebrows.
“You don’t know that! Austin’s planning on flying like dad, Dane wants to go into engineering planes and high tech jets! You’ve been ready to fly past the 7 seas since you were 8…i just thought maybe..maybe this was a sign that we will be alright..that i don’t have to say goodbye, yet..so yeah, blame me. Go ahead!”
“..blame you?”
“Mhm. Blame me..since you need someone to yell at..”
“Jen..i don’t..I don’t know what to think, okay? B-but I’m..The Navy is my dream, i always wanted to fly..but I can’t wrap my head around not knowing if I actually really got a chance to be there..and i want you there..with me.”
“Then why have you been so busy and in a hurry to get out?..but..not once have you mentioned about it was gonna be us there..just you. You alone, Brad.”
“It always occurred to me that you would be there..”
“It occurred to you that i would just be there with you?! W-what I didn’t want to?..i love you, Bradley, i do and I understand why you feel this way about everything but..there has to be something else right? Why are you in a hurry to get out?”
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
Bradley was silent at the question being repeated. He looked down, as his eyes finally watered. The sound of his sniffles could be heard as clear as day.
She can only guess the reason.
It’s been a less than a hectic year since his mother died. Carole Bradshaw death recked everyone. Leaving a painful scar in the family’s overall built, where it still felt a fresh opened wound.
She was like a mother to Jenny. Treating her with as much love, care and compassion than anyone can ever imagine. Hugs and kisses among all of the kids as her smile can light up the whole night sky.
And her laughter bringing souls together in a lifespan, just wanting to dance around the room. From her sass, to her wit and gossipy cheer.
“..my parents.” Bradley simply said, almost choking on the words.
“..Goose and Carole..that’s why you fight to hurry and fly..to chance that wish to be there..in the there with them.” She answered, looking away.
“Is it bad..? Is it so bad i want to touch the clouds like my dad did and come home to your waiting arms?”
“No..it’s not. It’s a dream but..I don’t know how long i can take waiting for you to come home..w-what if you don’t come home? A-a-an-and i get a knock on the door from a solider with—”
“Don’t. Don’t finish that sentence, Jennifer. It’s not gonna happen! I will come home, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to take the risk to see the world and be a pilot. You know that right?”
She walked away from the kitchen and into the living room as she sighed, “Here we go again..”
“What?” He asked, followed behind her.
“Again with the whole pilot talk! I get that, you want to be like your father but there is more to life than just flying Bradley!”
Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you wanna cry
Started with a perfect kiss
Then we could feel the poison set in
Perfect couldn't keep this love alive
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You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go
He raised an eyebrow and scoffed loudly, “You’re serious? If it was anyone else, i would say you’re possibly right but you’re father is Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell. If anything you know better than anyone how important that is!”
“And what if it isn’t?!” She spin around and yelled back, with a glare having enough.
“You’re hilarious.”
“I’m being serious!”
“You don’t get it, do you?”
“No, you don’t get it. I understand you very well and i love you for everything you stand for..but what if it’s short lived? I can’t watch you die, Bradley..I understand you’re mad at my father, you’re more than hurt and you might not trust what I’m saying right now but a part of me knows I’m sure..”
“..w-what are you saying? That your right here and I’m wrong? Cause i do get it! And I’m more than mad right now, I’m furious but whatever happens next..that’s my decision to make, Jen. I need you to know that.”
“..okay. I’m just trying to protect you Bradley but I won’t be there when you yell in my dad’s face tomorrow for pulling your papers..i want you to be okay.”
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
At this point, her eyes were patchy with tears and her nose was reddish as she watched his face changed.
They were both on two different ends of the slightly aggressive disagreement. The two each had their reasons and doesn’t matter how many times they had to repeat them, until they got a point.
It was late.
They have been screaming and yelling at one another.
Their eyes were puffy and throats were dry, sore even.
Yes, they both wanted to touch the sky from the seat of their cockpits but they their reason weather or not to do so. Of course Jennifer wanted to fly just as bad as he did. But her fears and experiences from the family held her back.
The long distance trips, deployment, people she cared about dying young and old, and the navy not always living up to their truth.
She looked down at her necklace Bradley gave her months back on Valentine’s Day as a present, taking a deep breath removing it from her grasp and watching his face as she did.
Bradley’s eye furrowed in fear, annoyance and grief. His eyes flickered between every single way but meeting her gaze. He gulped, as the finger he used to point at her dropped and hesitated to raise again.
He shook his head, blinking twice walking forward in strives as his face said it all. He reminded himself at that moment how much love and respect he had for her, realizing how he basically bashed her more than once.
He didn’t mean to be this way. But watching her remove that single piece of jewelry he gave her the year before his mother died, the one was supposed to be used as a promise to her.
Well, it hurt.
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
I'm already gone
Already gone
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
“W-what are you doing? J-Jen don’t. Please, don’t.” He said, standing in front of her glancing at the clock, “..i love you. Don’t do this.”
She sucked in a breath and held out the necklace, “I know you do. But I can’t hold you back. As much as we love one another, and will always be in each other’s lives..right now, we can’t.”
“I want you!”
“You want to fly.”
“I want both!”
“You want to have it all but it can’t happen right now. I can’t be the one holding you back..”
“Jen please..I’m begging you. I’m sorry, we can work it out!”
“Not with your anger and pride taking over..”
“T-think about this! You’re making a mistake here, Jen. I can’t let you be gone.”
“I’m already gone.”
“You’ll regret this!”
“And so will you.”
I'm already gone
Already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone
Already gone
Already gone
Ooh, oh
Already gone
Already gone
Already gone, yeah
Bradley didn’t say another word, closing the gap between them as he looped a finger underneath her chin and pressed a kiss onto her cheek.
He felt a salty tear run down her cheek and reach his fingertips wiping the other way. The other hand took the necklace from grasping palm, fumbling with the chain for a moment.
Jennifer wrapped her around his middle and pressed her face against his neck huffing, holding back a sob as she ran her fingers across his golden brown curls.
She kissed his cheek and then forehead gazing softly into his eyes. He half smiled, leaning into her touch and hummed.
She didn’t want to say goodbye either, but she could bare to witness this any further than what thoughts appeared in her heard. The hint of his cologne entered her nose as she sighed deeply.
Both didn’t want to pull away from another’s light grip.
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
Bradley was the first to pull away noticing the white letters on the coffee table, one being addressed to her as he picked it up.
He signaled for her to open it. He knew she didn’t like to open mail late at night but he couldn’t leave without knowing she got in or not.
Either way, he will comfort her.
She hesitated for a moment, shaking her head but her actions speaker louder than words as she ripped opened the letter to expect something different yet familiar.
Her eyes ran across the page, handing it to Bradley as she gasped, hovering a hand over mouth. He read it quickly, eyesore scanning the sheet of paper to only sigh.
Same as him. She didn’t exactly get in.
The only thing he did was held Jenny in his arms, rubbing her shoulder as she let out a sob she was holding back. Tears rolled down his own face, baring his face into her hair mumbling a few things as they both sucked onto the couch.
No words were said, just soften noises escaped their lips. Resting her head against his chest, as he hummed staring at the wall.
Once again, their throats were sorely lacking as their faces remained dried up with fallen tear stains.
3 am.
They have been doing this for an entire hour.
Closed to almost 3:29am when Bradley stood up from the couch, resting a blanket across Jenny’s body.
Her eyes were nodding off as she whispered a soft, “..i love you..”
“I love you too..” He replied pressing a kiss to her forehead, “..get some rest.”
“You too..please?”
“I will..”
Without a second later, he walked out of the house with a small sigh and looked up at the sky that shined only a few stairs.
She reached over to the small lamp turning it off as her eyelids finally dropped, nuzzling against the throw pillow with a slight sigh.
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
-> Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the fic tell me what did you think about in the comments below.
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s7-evermore · 1 year
Ch. 3 - Terms and Conditions
This is The Boyfriend Contract series, Chapter 3. Inspired by The Love Hypothesis and The Business Proposal. Azul Ashengrotto x fem! Yuu (reader). You can view this on ao3.
Ch. 2 | Next chapter
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Terms and conditions, in contracts, refer to the contractual rights and obligations of a party to any contract. Also known as that long list of word vomit you skip when downloading a new game or app— but when it comes to Azul Ashengrotto, one must lay down some sort of groundwork.
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A lot of unexpected things happen in Yuu’s life. A good example is suddenly waking up in a new world after accidentally falling into a nearby river upon seeing a carriage pop up behind her.
Not a fun story.
Aside from that, one of the most unexpected things she had done her whole life was what she was doing right now.
Standing in front of Azul’s office.
Floyd willingly escorted her there but left as soon as they reached the door. He gave her a toothy grin, wishing her luck before leaving her alone. Weirdo. But then again, that word alone wasn’t enough to describe Floyd Leech.
(As a magicless student, Yuu was at the very very bottom of the chain. This made her a consistent target of whoever felt like messing with her, fellow freshmen or upperclassmen. Today, however, people seemed too intimidated to do or say shit to her face, and she was sure that it was thanks to a certain rumor that spread like wildfire throughout the school.
During a joint class with a second-year class in Potionology, some students stopped stealing her vials and ingredients when she wasn’t looking, and none of them tried to put the chemicals she needed on higher, unreachable, shelves (which was a common prank they liked to pull on her, all thanks to her five-foot-three ass).
In Gym class, when one of her classmates accidentally hit her with a soccer ball, he apologized so profusely that Yuu almost felt guilty for getting hit.
In Sam’s store during a free period, when she wanted to get the last pack of her favorite Gummy worms, the student who took it from right under her nose had generously given it to her when he realized who she was.
And during lunch, no one dared to cut in front of her when she lined up, they wouldn’t touch Grim or her friends either.
“Damn, seems like being friends with a housewarden’s girlfriend comes with some perks,” Ace grinned as he took a bite of his lunch. He managed to snag one of the good items on the menu before they sold out, all because those in the line with them were too afraid to mess with Yuu.
“Guess Yuu dating Azul isn’t so bad after all,” the ginger boy added.
She felt a little guilty exploiting a huge misunderstanding, but this was Night Raven College. She will take what she could get.
And maybe… just maybe… this would help her out.)
She took a deep breath and flexed her fingers before knocking on the door.
“Who is it?” Azul’s voice, muffled by the door, called out.
“Um, it’s me. Are you busy?”
She heard a little bit of shuffling from the other side before hearing him say: “No, not too much. Come in.”
She took another breath before twisting the doorknob. He was seated behind his desk, and from the looks of it, he must have been working on some documents. He had a small stack of them on his left, indicating that they were done with, and on his right was a sheaf of papers.
“Take a seat,” he gestured to one of the couches before standing up to sit in front of her. “I take it you came here to talk about last time?”
Straight to the point, but then again, she wasn’t planning on stalling either.
“Uh, yeah. I thought about it for a bit, and…and it might actually be a good idea.”
For several reasons, the contract would get a lot of people off her back, persistent admirers, and bullies. Her friends didn’t seem to be as strongly against it as they had been during the weekend, and if they had their suspicions, they kept it to themselves.
Whatever happened during the weekend, Ace simply said that he and the others were willing to accept whatever she had with Azul as long as he wasn’t holding her hostage with a contract. They didn’t press for an explanation either, only saying that she could tell them and the others when she felt ready.
They may be troublemakers in their own right, but she loved these boys to death.
Azul had a small smile on his face, very professional, but it had a little something in it that Yuu couldn’t pinpoint, “Very well. Shall we get to the details?”
He stood up momentarily to pick up a sheaf of papers from his desk before settling back into his seat. He placed a piece of paper in front of her— the first page of their contract.
“I’ve written down the basic terms and conditions of our agreement after you left,” he said.
She tilted her head, “Did you already expect me to say yes?”
“To be honest, not really. But my foresight allows me to be prepared for any eventuality,” his face had its usual modest expression, it was as if he wouldn’t care at all if she decided to discard the whole fake dating idea.
To be fair, since it was Azul she was dealing with, she was sure he would have found another way to get the deal he wanted one way or another.
She picked up the paper and read it carefully. After dealing with his contract in the past, she learned to read all her contracts properly despite how long they might be. She made sure to look for fine prints that she might miss, just to be safe.
Once she was sure that the conditions were written correctly with no elaborate wording that may cause misunderstandings, she nodded and placed the paper back down.
“Is it sufficient for you?” He asked, “If you wish to add more to our terms, you may do so, but keep in mind that I might have to make some changes of my own as well, you know, to keep the balance.”
“The conditions are fine, and… actually, I would like to set some ground rules, my own terms, if you will.”
There was a hint of a smirk on his face, “You seem to have thought this through more than I expected you to. And here I was thinking you would thoughtlessly sign this one.”
She shrugged, “it’s standard protocol when it comes to fake-dating relationships.”
He raised a brow, “standard protocol?”
“Have you done something like this before?”
“The contracts or the fake-dating?”
“The latter.”
“Nope. I just know the trope.”
He blinked, “The what..?”
She ignored his confusion and shook her head, “Okay, first of all, you will not use our agreement as an incentive to lure my friends into a contract.”
He sighed, “I suppose I expected that. You’re strangely attached to those boys.”
“You’d know how it feels if you had people you consider precious to you, outside of business that is,” she said, waving his remark off. That seemed to shut him up. “Anyway. Second, before making any relationship-related decisions, you will always, and I mean always tell me first before deciding anything. Ask for my consent, and I’ll ask you for yours.”
“Third rule,” it was going to be weird, but it was necessary. She braced herself, “No sex.”
His eyes widened as he stared at her with parted lips. He didn’t move, not even a single inch save for the way his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. His reaction made her heart sink to her stomach, was he… was he expecting to…with her… at some point…? Was it…? Did he…?
Panic rose in her heart as she tried to stand up, “Um, I’m sorry, if you were expecting us to, uh, do that, then I’m afraid I can’t—“
“No!” Life returned to him in an instant, “No, no it’s nothing like that. I was just... surprised. I didn’t think it would be important enough to bring it up.”
Oh… then maybe she was the weirdo here.
“S-Sorry… I was just—“
He shook his head, “No, it’s alright. You’re straightforward. I wouldn’t want to do anything that made you uncomfortable. Terms like that are important for setting up mutual agreements after all…” he coughed into a gloved fist. “My apologies.”
His awkward movements weren’t hard to miss, the professional persona he had built up in front of her crumbled, and all that was left was an awkward teenage boy.
He then nodded firmly, “Okay, no sex.”
And, well, it is awkward, because she’s sitting in his office alone with him, talking about sex. Of all things.
“Yes, no sex,” she repeated.
Okay. Don’t think about it. Back to the rules.
“Anyway, uh fourth rule— or whatever. It’s not really a rule, but you can hold me accountable for it: during the duration of our agreement, I won’t date anyone else. Like real real dating. You know, to make it believable. I don’t do real dating anyway.”
He simply stared at her.
“Uh! But you can date others if you’d like!” She hastily added, “Just— just not on campus or anywhere anyone can see. It’ll look…kind of stupid.” I’ll look kind of stupid.
He shook his head, “No, it’s fine. I won’t.”
“Awesome! And if ever you do end up dating someone else, then—”
“I won’t date anyone else either.”
“Oh,” she said, rather dumbly. Well, what did she expect, honestly? If Azul was interested in someone else, he wouldn’t be asking her to fake-date him for a potential business contract. “Okay…cool, cool.”
“Anything else?”
“One last rule,” and the most important one.
He nodded, staying silent to let her continue.
“We must never fall in love with each other.”
Something changed within Azul when she said that. She couldn’t exactly pinpoint what it was, but even though the only thing that changed outwardly was the way his eyes widened a fraction, something with his aura, his being, wavered.
It’s like the way the music changes-- when the vibe of the song changes the atmosphere. It’s the way the air shifts when you realize it’s going to rain soon. It’s… well, it’s the way the look in his eyes changed into something she couldn’t comprehend.
It’s weird, but it’s there.
“Pardon?” He finally spoke.
“I know it sounds weird, but… well, I feel like it’s necessary to say it, as unlikely as it is to happen,” she replied.
It wasn’t as though Azul was unattractive, the complete opposite actually. He was handsome, intelligent, talented, ambitious— he’s probably a lot of other girls’ dream boy. Maybe in the future, he’d find someone for him, but they weren’t there yet. They were right here, right now.
Right now isn’t the time for her to fall in love, not when she has to go home, to the world where she belongs.
Right here isn’t the time for him to fall in love. No… he was ambitious, and she knew that he knew the time wasn’t right for him yet. Not when he’s chasing too much.
Right here, right now, isn’t the time for the both of them.
“Don’t fall in love with me, and I won’t fall in love with you,” she continued. “If any of us starts feeling anything similar to love for each other, we must terminate the contract immediately.”
“Understandable,” he said, pushing up his glasses. They reflected the light well enough that she couldn’t see his eyes for a moment. “No falling in love.”
“No falling in love,” she nodded.
“Are those all?” He asked.
“Yup! All five of my terms. Well, if you can even call them that… uh, is there anything else you want to add?”
“No. I’ve already put down what I wanted, which is everything you’ve initially read.”
“And you’ll consider my terms?”
“There’s no consideration needed. Your terms are reasonable, so I must comply.”
“You’re…weirdly compliant with this.”
“It’s a mutual contract, is it not?” He said questioningly, “While I don’t need to use my signature spell, a contract is a contract.”
And he stays true to them… 
“Alright! Then I must keep up my end of the bargain. So how should we go about this? Should we start getting coffee together or something?”
“Coffee? Like coffee dates?” He asked.
“Oh? So you’re familiar with them? Have you ever had a coffee date, Azul?” She asked teasingly.
He frowned, “You know full well I haven’t.”
“I know. I was kidding,” she giggled, “it’s nothing to be ashamed of either. Well, unless you were me on my first date.”
He raised a brow, looking rather interested, “Oh? Sounds like a nice conversation topic--" he smirked, "--for a date."
“Well too bad, there are other more interesting topics,” she rolled her eyes, “when are you free? Since you’re a housewarden, your mornings must be packed.”
“We can have coffee and breakfast together in the cafeteria on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Occasionally Fridays too, but I will have to contact you on that every now and then,” he explained.
“Tuesdays and Thursdays then,” she said with a smile, "And maybe Fridays."
“Is that a deal?” He extended his hand.
With a deep breath, Yuu took his hand. His fingers wrapped around hers like tendrils, and he shook them, firmly and gently.
She noticed they were warm, big, and...... gloveless.
“It’s a deal.”
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alienpossession · 1 year
The Pagon Prologue: Laying Out the Groundwork
Both men wanted to achieve what their elders too weak to push for, which is to force human, specifically Fury, to take action on the fate of the Skrulls on Earth. So while Gravik focused on establishing their various operatives across the globe, Pagon specifically tasked by him to ensure that they have base of operation. Russia is selected both for its near-frozen temperature in the Arctic Circle and also the remote radioactive-heavy nuclear power plant and disposal areas scattered across its sprawling 17 million kilometres of land mass. The directive was clear, Pagon should be the one setting up the plan in motion for New Skrullos while Gravik negotiated with sympathetic councilmember and also restless young Skrulls wanting to live freely away from the shadow
All the experience working under Fury proven to be very effective for the Skrulls Young Brigade like Pagon. The rather young yet wildly experienced master manipulator and infiltration specialist easily outmanuevered several local drunk teen in the early morning and with that, he dragged those bodies into the makeshift fracking pod. He took the likeness of one of them and then started his rendezvous around town when the sun already came out.
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So, posing as a local teenager in the city his boss already directed him to be, his luck turned out to be founded quickly. Heading to what he assumed to be a morning shift is a Russian soldier that clearly lost in his own thoughts.
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He followed the private when he walked out from the bus and right next to an alley, he pushed the private to get inside the alley. The private didn't see his assailant at first and when he turned around, he's surprised beyond belief to see himself smirking with fist already mid-way pummeled and would land square to his face. He summoned his boys to take care of the private's body and then headed to the base while directing the boys to remain alert of any possible notification or escalation directive from him.
Just like a domino effect, once an alien like Skrull already blended in, it's just too hard to detect without any physical evidence and Pagon utilized it to his advantage to gain more shells for his people. He's aware that he need an upgrade to make the infiltration process easier so he aimed at the private's own Sergeant for it.
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From there, it was a breeze work for Pagon as he simply called for a one-on-one session with the soldiers he targeted that ranked under him. Unable to resist a Sergeant order, they fell victim to the ambush that Pagon already set with the fellow Skrulls that already awaited them, and within no time, these soldiers already replaced by their Skrull impostor
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These impostor soldiers, in turn, started to terrorize the rest of their own comrade and even the cadet in the academy located within the same military complex. Several soldiers missing temporarily during odd hours, cadets went out beyond their curfew only to return as if nothing happened.
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As the time goes by, the heavy military activity in the complex turned into a more intensive laborious work to set the Skrulls latest base while also conducting research on the proper locations. Also, with more Skrulls populating the base rather than actual human, even a broad daylight takeover happened as the Skrulls posing as soldiers realized that only a handful of them are still human.
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They choked, they pinned, they do whatever possible to just simply take these soldiers out and put them in the fracking pod to be used by other Skrulls.
Not even a week and the entire base minus its General already wiped clean from humanity, and it's only a matter of time before the Skrull can fully move back and forth between the base and the rejuvenated town that they already set to change as New Skrullos.
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When the General returned from Moscow, as expected, line of soldiers already waited from the gate to the main office entrance in very straight posture to welcome his arrival. What the General failed to notice is the smirk plastered on each of the soldier's faces as the welcoming banquet for the General would be the end of the journey for General Mikhailov and his entourage, and nothing he can do to stop that
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albatris · 11 months
Wait wait I'm new here (this blog), what's rentalcar?
hi!! :D
rentalcar is my current writing project! it's a campy queer horror trilogy about a freshly-turned body-horror vampire and an equally monstrous human bastard on their quest to murder the giant vampire hivemind god known as "the Garble" :3c
book one is called "A Rental Car Takes a Left Down Rake Street and Disappears" and book two is called "There Is Nothing to See in Lot 17, Foxtrail Lane". book three has no name yet ahaha
a little description is as follows:
schizotypal hermit Nat Finch leaves work one afternoon, and the next thing he knows he's waking up on the side of the road in his rental car, covered in mud with no memory of the last nine days. all attempts to return to regular life are quickly thwarted - whatever happened during his blackout has left him morphing into something distinctly inhuman. when his new condition reaches a bloody, ravenous breaking point, a human stranger steps in: Quinn Cooper, powerful and dazzling manipulator with a cruel streak, here to mitigate the damage and offer Nat safety under their wing... as long as Nat does exactly what he's told and doesn't ask questions
the story in book one is mostly Nat trying to solve his little mystery (What Happened During His Blackout And Why He Got Vampired) while slowly uncovering the grim secrets Quinn is hiding. book one mostly lays the groundwork and foreshadowing for my "vampirism as a condition is just one giant hivemind" worldbuilding, while books two and three rip it open and explore it properly :3
other MCs include Alexis Anders, rigidly moral vampire lawyer having ten existential crises at once, Yvonne Tozier, cheery video game fanatic full of barely-contained simmering fury (she works customer service, you get it), and Zeke Cunningham-Warwick-Lâm, romance novelist by day and vampire hunter by night, who desperately needs to stop burning herself out every other week and practice some self-care
and that's about it!
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valkyrie138 · 21 days
A Court of Ice and Shadow - Chapter 2
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Pairing: Half-Seraphim/Half-High Fae OC x Azriel
Summary: After the war against Hybern, Astrid, a young half-seraphim half-high fae, is struggling with a growing power with little to no answers of how or why it's happening. After an incident at her home in Cretea, Miryam and Prince Drakon send her to train with Rhysand.
With the threat of Koschei looming, Azriel has been running himself to the ground, trying to find more information. The search has been a helpful distraction from a certain Archeron sister, but what will happen with the new guest in the house of wind that he seemingly can't stay away from?
Overview: Astrid meets Rhysand and learns troubling news.
Note: We're off to a slow start, but I really wanted to lay the groundwork before we get into the meat of everything. I just need to finish editing, so the next few chapters might be coming over the next few days. Again, I'm open to constructive criticism!
Word Count: 1.8k
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The court gossip of the High Lord’s striking appearance proved true. He embodied the night sky with sleek black attire, dark wings, and violet eyes that sparkled like stars. Despite his near-perfect appearance, Astrid felt a low panic beneath his cool exterior. The panic had been steadily growing throughout dinner, and as a result, so had her headache. She had to hand it to the male; if she couldn’t feel his outward panic, you wouldn’t be able to tell that anything was troubling the High Lord. He was vivacious and had Prince Drakon and Miryam howling with laughter more than a few times over the meal. The dinner was full of news of how the other courts and the Night Court were fairing after the war against Hybern. Despite the emotions he was pushing onto her, she was trying to focus on Rhysand’s report that the Illyrian legion had taken significant damage but was recovering well enough. She had been quiet most of the evening, only uttering a few words here and there while she tried to separate her anxiety from Rhysand’s. 
“The Seraphims are still recovering; there were many wing injuries, some are still rehabilitating but hope to fly again. But we have been focusing much of our attention on the warriors that lost their wings.” Drakon said, his voice low. 
Astrid’s throat tightened, her white wings fluttering slightly, a small reminder that hers were intact, that she hadn’t them like some, like Lucy. Her heart squeezed at the thought of her friend. The low thrum of pain in her had now grown to a sharp pounding; whatever anxieties Rhysand had were increasing by the minute. Astrid looked to Miryam, her sapphire eyes catching the Lady’s green ones. Astrid gently let her fork down on her plate before moving her fingers up to her temple and tapping. Miryam replied with a slight nod. With that, Astrid let a soft knock on the door to Miryam’s mind. 
“Yes, Astrid?”
She had to approach this with tact. Astrid didn’t want to cause Miryam alarm over the fact that it felt like her head might explode at any moment. 
“While the High Lord is an exceptional conversationalist, his anxiety is beginning to give me a headache.” Miryam didn’t need to know that he had felt this way all dinner or that it had affected her the whole time. She smiled at the Lady before she retreated from her mind and picked up her fork; Miryam answered with a slight nod.
“Rhysand,” Miryam said, turning her attention toward the High Lord, “You know we are delighted to see you, but I believe if this were a social visit, your lovely mate would be accompanying you. What other news of Prythian do you have to share?’  
The High Lord let out a sigh as his shoulders caved in for a moment. Astrid could see how exhausted Rhysand’s eyes were for just that one second. 
“Feyre is pregnant.”
“Oh, Rhys, that’s wonderful,” Drakon beamed, Rhysand only nodded. Drakon’s smile faltered. “That is wonderful, is it not?”
“The babe has wings, with Feyre being made Fae, she doesn’t…” The High Lord trailed off as if trying to find the right words. 
“Her pregnancy is proving dangerous for her,” Astrid deduced, looking at the High Lord with sympathy. 
        “I am doing all the research I can to help, but birthing the baby is likely…” Rhysand couldn’t quite utter the last few words, as if he couldn’t accept the reality of them. She had heard whispers of the High Lord and Lady’s love affair, one of the ages it seemed. But Astrid knew what those unspoken words meant. The babe was likely to kill her. “I came here to inquire if you knew of anything that could be of assistance.” 
Astrid let the High Lord’s words wash over her. The pain in Rhysand’s eyes was evident; he was losing hope of finding anything that would help his mate. Drakon spearheaded the conversation from there, speaking of Seraphim's birth techniques, new methods, and the anatomy involved in safe births. In short, her Prince and Princess knew nothing that would be useful to the Night Court’s High Lady. Miryam began discussing far away places that Astrid had never of that might have more information. In the selfish part of her mind unease began to spark, they couldn’t ask the High Lord for help when his wife, his mate, was in such distress. To ask for his assistance when her lack of control of her abilities was significantly less dire would be insane. Her mind began reeling. Her palms quickly became slick. 
“Fuck,” she thought to herself. She was back to square one. There would be no training and no help, and she now had to find a new way to fix this stupid mess she was in. She felt sharp talons graze her mind before she could dive further into her rising panic. Her eyes shot toward the High Lord, his violet eyes meeting her sapphire ones. He raised a brow at her, almost as if he was curious. She brushed gently against his mind, and then she was in. 
“Can I help you with something, High Lord?”  
“It’s Rhysand or Rhys if you’re feeling particularly friendly, and while I adore how loud your thoughts are, they are beginning to give me a headache.” She tore her eyes from him as heat rose to her cheeks and ears. It was clear that he had heard her before, her shields not strong enough. She took a moment before she responded. 
“One might say it’s rude to eavesdrop on a host.”
“I suppose you would be right if your thoughts weren’t so loud. Even so, I am interested in what you think I can help you with.”
She could feel his eyes on her, assessing her. She met his eyes with that same evaluating stare.  Miryam and Drakon had told her that he was one of their closest friends, someone they both trusted. Even so, it was hard to grapple with admitting her failure at mastering her daemati skills. She was about to reply when Miryam interrupted, “Would you two like to share what you are speaking about.” 
Astrid sat there, her eyes burning into Rhysand’s, waiting for him to reply. “I was just asking Astrid what she needs help with. Her thoughts are rather loud.” There it was. The High Lord didn’t take to sugarcoating things, she supposed. She looked towards Miryam and Drakon, eyes pleading for some help. There was a pregnant pause where no one said anything. Astrid let out a sigh. 
“In terms of being half High Fae and half Seraphim, my powers are quite…,” she paused. Astrid didn’t have the words to describe what her powers had become. Everything was so simple till about twenty years ago. “Unique,” she finished. Glancing towards Drakon, her eyes pleading for some assistance. She had no clue how to continue this conversation or express to Rhysand something that she didn’t understand herself. Thankfully, Miryam watched her scramble that pathetic excuse of an explanation and stepped in. 
“Astrid’s power is something we don’t have any answers for either. Her powers changed a few decades ago. She’s mostly mastered her powers, but her daemati ability has been cumbersome for her.” Rhysand glanced at her as if urging her to pick up where Miryam left off. 
“I can enter and leave minds rather easily. I can shield my thoughts,” a small chuckle left Rhysand. She glared at him before she continued, “Most of the time, but I’ve started to feel the emotions of those around me. The part I am struggling with is that I can’t figure out how to shut them out.” Astrid’s eyes fell on the potatoes on her plate, and she didn’t want to see Rhysand’s reaction to her admission and her failure. 
“What other powers do you have exactly?” Astrid didn’t miss the curiosity in Rhysand’s tone and how he offered no advice on the matter.
“Besides being a daemati, ice and winnowing,” she replied. The High Lord seemed to enjoy the news like he almost found her entertaining. Miryam then launched into an explanation for the first time Astrid accidentally slipped into her mind. A slight cough tore her gaze from the High Lord. Drakon’s eyes slid to hers, his fingers touching his brow. Message received. With a soft tap on Drakon's walls, she was in.
“You could be of assistance to them. Your powers are growing every day. We all feel it. If you were to train under Rhysand, you might be able to help in some way.”
Astrid tried to keep her face neutral at Drakon’s suggestion. She would have to leave Cretea and go to those courts her mind often wondered about. She pondered his comment for a moment.   
“I’m not sure I’m what Rhysand desires to help his mate. And I am no healer, so what assistance could I provide?” She replied, raising her eyebrows at the prince.
“Rhysand’s court is made up of…what was that word you used? Unique. His court is made up of uniquely powerful individuals. If there was any place that could help you and tell you more about your powers, it would be there.”  Astrid bit her lip as she pondered the thought before nodding her head.
“Rhys, its important for you to know that Astrid is one of our best soldiers, stronger and faster than any of her peers. She could be of assistance in training others or at least another set of eyes to help research Feyre’s condition while Astrid trains and looks into answers of her own.”
  Drakon’s words were still echoing in Astrids mind as she turned toward the High Lord. He was already looking at her, more like weighing her, seeing if she was, in fact, worth the risk of bringing her around his pregnant mate. She would normally say he was being an overprotective territorial bat because of the gaze he had on her. But given his mate’s current predicament, Astrid understood the worry of bringing an unknown variable like her around. She would be a distraction more than she would be of help. His eyes moved from her eyes up to the diadem on top of her head, he raised a brow as he examined it. Despite herself, Astrid wanted to impress him, and ease the anxiety that she felt boiling beneath Rhysand’s surface. With a feather-like touch, Astrid brushed against the walls of the High Lord’s mind for a second time. His eyes snapped back to hers. She only answered with another feather-light touch to his mind. 
“I understand your hesitation, Rhys. I would not fault you for declining. Feyre’s health is more important and it should. I would be happy to stay here and do more research for anything that could help…and when Feyre does survive labor, we can reevaluate.” With a small smile towards the High Lord, she retreated from his mind. 
      The High Lord regarded her for another heartbeat and then simply nodded. Despite herself, Astrid felt something profound within her deflate.
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@rcarbo1 @annamariereads16
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nanomooselet · 8 months
Episode Six: Once Upon a Time in Hopeland
After last episode's cheerful and uplifting conclusion, it's Wolfwood's turn to suffer! Heh, implying it's ever not Wolfwood's turn.
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Okay, sometimes it's Roberto's turn. The boys doing a synchronised shrug in the truck's backseat was such a funny way to demonstrate their weird camaraderie even when they're freezing each other out. They looked like a pair of brooding teenagers.
Did anyone actually believe that the reporters had left the story, or that Vash didn't consider them friends?
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Anyway, before we get into it, and because I've complained discussed this extensively elsewhere: Legato, Livio. These panels are from flashbacks to earlier in their lives. The further changes to their designs seem to have them more directly contrasting Wolfwood. So we have Livio, neat and professional, to this sockless loser scruffy untucked Wolfwood, as well as white/blue Legato to black/red Wolfwood.
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After yesterday's rehearsal in Rollo, it's time for opening night on Nick's backstory as the "undertaker" assumes centre stage - no doubt against his will. For the moment, Vash is somewhat relegated to the background, but it is by no means a coincidence that early in the episode he starts to openly prod Wolfwood about what's motivating him. Also, Wolfwood interrupting his own cantankerous rant about "babysitting" Vash to save him from getting shot makes me laugh. Sorry, dude, you're still not fooling anyone.
Enter Zazie, Livio, Legato and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad plan. With this, uh, interesting choice of camera angle.
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I doubt Knives was consulted about any of this. All other instances of threats against Vash have ended very badly for the threat. Do you want to imagine what would have happened to Legato if Livio had succeeded in carrying out his orders, and Knives found out who was responsible? Having read the manga since, I don't have to. And that's apart from Wolfwood's need to protect being all that's keeping him going. I think this episode and the next are laying down groundwork both for the actual season climax and for whatever comes next.
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I said before that Nick was in a bad place, and it's in this episode that we learn just how bad. Leaving aside that his innocence was ripped away and he's been forced into an alien, too-adult body before getting shot and wadded up like bubble gum, he's been coerced into working for the cult holding everyone he loves hostage to his obedience. If he acts out, they're worse than dead. If he escapes, he's replaced. If he dies, he's replaced, so even that's off the table... but judging by the way he reacted to Rollo, he's still got inclinations in that direction. Now his mission's actively being sabotaged by the guy who mocked and tortured him, then coerced him into serving. It's no wonder he doesn't believe in God, or in the cult's angel, or in Vash's good intentions.
Faith means having hope, and that's something he simply cannot afford to have.
And of course it ends on a cliff hanger, so I'll just post these clowns and their stupid axolotl helmets.
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Incidentally, axolotls are amphibious lifeforms capable of regenerating limbs, and one of the shapes taken by Xolotl – dog-headed Aztec god of fire, monsters, misfortune, sickness... and twins.
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spade-riddles · 5 months
Honestly all the talk about how TTPD is Taylor laying the groundwork for Kaylor & fam's future make perfect sense, the only thing that's iffy to me is the timeline for putting the plans into action, whether it'll be this year or next year.
Robin makes me think that the girls might go with the 10/18/25 lotto ticket and act like it was the plan all along because they want the 👶🏼 to have relatively normal lives for as long as they can even though what they have to do to provide it to the 👶🏼 is beyond painful, but then Taylor talking about how the whole farce is literally killing her/making her want to die on so so so many of the other tracks on the album is making me think that something happening this year is possible too because it wouldn't do the 👶🏼 any good for the already considerable mental health issues that the farce has been causing T&K for years to keep getting worse and the girls almost certainly know this.
Whatever the timeline for their plans are, I'm rooting for them.
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yokai-girlie · 1 year
Okay but…who GAVE Gabriel the Amnesia?
I would like to preface this theory by saying a few things.
1. This is all a THEORY
2. This is all based off of ~5ish minutes of footage we have gotten of season 2 so far (actually more like based off of a single sentence and a frame of footage)
3. I am going to be saying an awful lot and it’s not all going to make sense because I am a tad stupid.
4. I have never posted on Tumblr before. I usually just lurk on this app so if I broke any posting etiquette or something please forgive me.
5. This post is mostly just for me to reference when I finish watching season 2. It’s not really intended for the masses lol
With all of that being said, i am REACHING with these theories. I am stretching farther than an elastic band. I am probably wrong!! But if I am not then omg. (i’ll post an update after Season 2 comes out to see if i was even SLIGHTLY right lol)
Let me start off laying my groundwork for this theory. I sincerely believe that when Gabriel says to Aziraphale “you know what it’s like when you don’t know anything at all and yet you’re totally certain everything will be better if you are near one particular person” he means Aziraphale.
Why? Because Gabriel HAS NO CLUE who he is, who Aziraphale and Crowley are, or where he is. Something happened to him and his conscience is telling him the only person he can go to that might have ANY clue as to what is happening is Aziraphale. If Gabriel is subconsciously trusting Aziraphale and Crowley- the two people in this universe who he HATES the most- that means he literally has no where else to turn. WHICH MAKES ME THINK that whatever happened to him is someone in Heaven’s doing. 
My money is on Michael. Why? Because in season 1, she went behind Gabriel’s back and spoke with Hell to get some dirt on Aziraphale and Crowley (at that point in the show, Gabriel still had full faith in Aziraphale and stuck up for Aziraphale even after Michael had pulled pictures of Aziraphale and Crowley being with each other from the ‘Earth Observation Files’)
And I DO have proof. I have paraphrased but this is pretty much how the conversation went in episode 4
Michael: *shows pictures of Aziraphale and Crowley talking*
Gabriel: I’m sure there is a perfectly innocent explanation for this
Michael: sure…would you mind if i used backchannels
Gabriel: there are no backchannels,
Michael: :) *proceeds to use backchannels in an empty stairwell*
Michael is also the angel that went down to hell to personally deliver the holy water.
“Cooperation with our old enemy” -Dagon, Lord of the Files (i’ll come back to these two points late don’t worry)
My question I have is what is Michael’s motivation for trying to get rid of Gabriel? The only thing I could come up with is that she feels as if Gabriel is incompetent in some way. Aziraphale and Crowley are THE reason Armageddon did NOT happen. So Michael’s motivation might be a “we would never be in this situation if I was in charge” sort of thing.
One thing that is in the trailer that makes none of this makes sense, however, is Muriel is shown to be having a briefing with Uriel and Michael about Muriel’s success (or lack thereof) in finding Gabriel on Earth. Why would Michael- who is actively trying to get rid of Gabriel- be trying to find him?
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It could be a wild goose chase. I would not put it past Michael to use a naive and people pleasing angel like Muriel to locate Gabriel. Michael is probably assuming that Muriel will fail but knows that as long as there is SOMEONE attempting to look for Gabriel, nobody will suspect that Gabriel’s disappearance was on purpose.
That pretty much concludes my theory as to who I think is responsible for Gabriel “going missing”. But if we are going to ask what’s up with Gabriel, we might as well be asking what’s up with Beezlebub too.
I would like to say that I have significantly LESS evidence towards this next theory and it is even MORE of a stretch in my opinion simply because i lack the reasoning. I just think it’s fun :)
It is very apparent in the trailer and the teaser that Beezlebub looks VERY out of place. Some people have pointed out that their mouth has been sewn shut and they seem to be trapped in some sort of room in Hell.
This means that both of the leaders of Heaven and Hell are out of the picture. For what reason? I do not know. But I might have an idea of who is responsible for Beezlebub’s predicament.
Let’s take a look at this SINGULAR frame of footage from season 2.
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Beezlebub appears to be sitting (in my opinion very defeated and fed up) in a room by themselves surrounded by stacks and stacks of paper.
(this is the part where you can SEE i am reaching lol)
You might be asking yourself, what does this have to do with anything at all?
I think this is Dagon’s doing.
If we take Dagon’s title (Lord of the Files)VERY literally, it is safe to assume that Dagon probably does the paperwork in hell. (omg look- stacks and stacks of paper in the place Beezlebub is being held prisoner. how convenient) Being doomed to file paperwork for eternity actually sounds like a nightmare lol.
Now what would Dagon’s motivation be for holding Beezlebub captive? I would assume that they feel some kind of animosity towards Beezlebub the same way I assume Michael does towards Gabriel.
I searched, and I could not find any real hard evidence in season 1 though. Another thing is I don’t even know if Dagon WILL be in Season 2. I haven’t payed close attention to the casting. This is where my theory kinda falls apart but whatever. I’m just having fun :)
Now the next question is, are Michael and Dagon working together then?
I DO think that if my theories are true, Michael and Dagon ARE working together! Like i said before, Michael DID go to Hell to deliver the holy water and Dagon DID deliver the “cooperation with our old enemies” line (i told you that would be important later :)) They have obviously worked together before so what is stopping them from consorting in the future? Nothing.
Okay but what is the ‘Big Picture’? What are they trying to accomplish?
I don’t know. That is something we are just going to have to wait and see on. It might have something to do with “The Big One” (Heaven and Hell still want their war after all), what they feel is best for both Heaven and Hell, or simply just for their own personal gain.
That concludes my theories as to WHO is responsible for the situations Gabriel and Beezlebub are in. WHY they are in those predicaments I am ENTIRELY clueless about. If I am right in ANY capacity when Season 2 drops I will be SHOCKED.
I absolutely LOVE Good Omens. It is my favorite show and no matter what Season 2 is about, I know I will love it. More likely then not, I am wrong and that is perfectly okay. I really just wanted to break out the red yarn for a day lol.
Even if I AM wrong, Neil Gaiman DID say he was planting seeds in Season 1 for Season 2 and I can’t wait to go “OHH so that’s what that was”. It’s my absolute favorite feeling when watching TV :)
Here are some memes depicting how I felt while writing this theory. I felt absolutely bonkers.
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coraniaid · 1 year
I don’t think the mere fact that Angel comes back necessarily undermines the ending of Becoming, which I can attest myself still holds up on rewatch even knowing how the rest of the show will unfold. And I think the writers will do some interesting things with his character after his return, both in Season 3 and more generally.  But I do think the manner and timing of his return does leave a lot to be desired. 
Just three episodes into the new season, and Angel’s back for no obvious reason and indeed no clear reason will ever be provided.  “Somehow, Angel returned,” the writers tell us, and aside from a few vague and contradictory hints from the First Evil later this season that’s pretty much all we ever get.  (Please don’t tell me to go and rewatch Season 4 of Angel for more answers: watching that season once in my life was more than enough.)    
Furthermore, although we’re assured Angel likely spent “centuries” in a hell dimension (which, given his age, means that for the rest of his run on this show and on his own spin-off, more than half his life must have been spent in hell), the lasting long-term psychological effects of this horrific experience are, being as generous as I possibly can be: absolutely none. By the end of this episode he’s speaking Buffy’s name.  A few weeks after his return he’s come entirely to his senses and acting just like he was before, and (as far as I can remember) he’ll never really refer to this little sojourn into a demon dimension again.   So, while I appreciate the way Anne lays the groundwork for the idea of time passing more quickly in other dimensions, it ultimately feels a bit hollow.  It appears to be a fairly transparent attempt to assure the audience that Angel’s time in hell matters in a way it evidently doesn’t. 
I think the one thing the show does right here is having Angel come back only after Buffy starts to persuade herself that she’s come to terms with his death – by making Angel’s return something that serves to disrupt her efforts to rebuild a more normal life, rather than something that happens while she’s still dreaming about Angel and refusing to move on – but even then I think it would work a lot better if there was more of a delay.  If Angel had come back in the second half of the season, rather than the end of the third episode.  If he’d come back only after we’d seen enough of Scott Hope to make the possibility of the show pairing Buffy with him ever feel like it could be real, like we weren’t just spinning our wheels while we pretended we hadn’t spotted Angel in the opening titles.  Or if we’d even seen enough to make anything about Scott himself seem real (mid-way through this episode Scott jokingly assures Buffy that “I hope you realize I don’t actually know these people” in reference to his friends Debbie and Pete … which, given that we’ve never seen them before and they’ll never be mentioned again after their deaths, seems a lot more plausible than it should).  While Scott won’t break up with Buffy until the next episode, it seems that the writers have already lost whatever interest in him they had.
But, that being said, in the context of this episode we don’t know that that’s how things are going to play out – we don’t know that Angel will recover quickly, or that Scott Hope is about to break up with Buffy, or that Angel’s mysterious return will ultimately never be satisfactorily explained –  so I don’t think that’s really why I don’t like this episode.  
Nor, on reflection, do I think the problem is with the episode’s obsession to keep introducing more suspects for the latest string of Sunnydale deaths (first Oz, then Angel, then Debbie, then Pete), or with Mr. Platt’s untimely death (just a week after Mr Trick pointed out how overwhelming white Sunnydale is), or the fact this seems to be the first time since Season 2’s Phases, half a year ago, that anybody in the show has remembered that Oz is a werewolf, or that so much of the plot depends on a string of unlikely coincidences and random meetings, or that the werewolf costume/prosthetics themselves look terrible, or that Pete himself seems thoroughly unlikeable even before the big reveal, or the slightly bizarre decision to have the episode framed by Buffy reading fromJack London’s Call of the Wild.  
It’s not even the fact that this episode ends with a teenage girl being beaten to death by her abusive boyfriend – Debbie here playing the third alternate Buffy we’ve seen this series, after Lily in Anne and Faith in Faith, Hope & Trick – after our heroes conclude that she’s “broken” and not worth wasting time saving.  All these things are bad, yes, but I don’t think fixing them would make me enjoy watching the episode any more than I currently do.
No, I think the problem is more fundamental than that.  This isn’t something like Dead Man’s Party, where you can point to a specific point of failure or suggest simple, specific improvements that would make the episode better.  Beauty and the Beasts just sucks.
(However, the good news is that from here on out this season is pretty thoroughly great.)
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thedragonagelesbian · 23 days
@hexblooddruid replied to your post “hey you know what fucked up part of in hushed...”:
Ahhhh do you think she’ll get a chance to talk to her about that before her daughter leaves? (Also lmao the disapproval from Solas)
obviously in-game solas does not know about the dead daughter situation, but getting a full -5 disapproval for being upset about what you saw in the future is still wild to me... dahlian pls you could do so much better...........
at this point, theneneria is still with clan lavellan, despite agitating to travel to haven to be with her mother, because between the breach & the chantry fanatics, dahlian thinks it's too dangerous. but the moment dahlian returns to haven after redcliffe, she sends a letter to theneneria inviting her to travel south. she can't wait any longer, she misses her daughter too much and needs to see her again, alive and healthy. she doesn't know what's going to happen after she closes the breach or who this elder one is, but she wants theneneria to be within her sight for whatever comes next
but um. it doesn't come up. dahlian is already sufficiently mortified that a prancing tevinter altus remembers this immensely private moment of vulnerability. she snaps at solas about it when he's going on about this 'amazing gift' she was given. but she has to force herself to move on from it as quickly as possible, just to be able to function long enough to get the breach closed. and when they finally reunite in skyhold, dahlian's mental partitioning just intensifies. she doesn't want theneneria to know how scared she is, and that means acting like it's fine. everything is fine.
(ironically laying the groundwork for the distance between her & theneneria that leads to theneneria leaving & joining the wardens, bc. tragedy. and pain.)
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wingedclouds · 6 months
FF 7 Rebirth Theory
Major spoilers for the end of Rebirth, if you haven't played that far yet and want to avoid spoilers, don't read this.
I'd also like to ask people who reblog this to keep the tags spoiler free so no one gets accidentally spoiled.
This is just how I see things, it doesn't mean I think it's a fact, please take it with a grain of salt.
Before I can start the actual theory I need to lay the groundwork so bear with me for a little while.
"When the boundaries of fate are breached, new worlds are born."
That's what Sephiroth tells Cloud when they're viewing events from Remake as well as other worlds in Rebirth.
The boundaries of fate are everything related to how the OG timeline would play out. Aerith dies, Sephiroth gets the Black Materia and summons Meteor. You know the gist.
I strongly believe that Sephiroth came from the Post Advent Children timeline and that Aerith got memories from her future self bestowed upon her once future Aerith noticed that Sephiroth was up to something.
They're both already breaching the boundaries simply by existing like this and doing everything they can in getting the other to stop whatever they're doing.
We know the Whispers have been taking memories from Aerith whenever she touched them. I would wager the guess that they started with future events in order to keep fate in place.
We also know that Sephiroth wants to defy fate, preferably with Cloud at his side.
Sephiroth goes on to explain to Cloud that when worlds die, they return to the planet.
He clearly seems to have an interest in the Lifestream and I assume that is not because he wants to ride around the cosmos.
Sephiroth had the real Black Materia in his hands several times and probably still has it in his possession. [I have another theory lined up about the ending scene too that touches up on this]
Yet he didn't cast Meteor, which is something the OG Sephiroth would have done. So he clearly has a different plan in store this time around.
Now onto the real theory: Aerith's death scene has three outcomes.
When Cloud aims to prevent Sephiroth from stabbing Aerith as he comes down from above, a spark of light with rainbows can be seen. As we already know, this rainbow light thing indicates that something has happened in regards to fate.
Cloud has effectively created a new world where Aerith doesn't die. At least not in the way we would think she'd die.
Sephiroth knew this would happen because the man had been putting that inside Cloud's head since the end of Remake. Most likely because he actually wanted this to happen because it meant one more world that would eventually return to the planet.
The next scene is blood suddenly pooling on the ground and when Sephiroth pulls Masamune out of Aerith, you can once again see the rainbow light in the background.
So this makes outcome number two as well as another world for Sephiroth.
While this scene was confusing at first, what we see in the end is the back and forth switching between the two worlds.
Now comes the third outcome that might be a bit far fetched, especially because the rainbow light never left the scene.
Sephiroth kills Cloud and Aerith.
The only reason I can imagine him doing this is because it adds another world to the Lifestream.
After Sephiroth kills them the static sound can be heard and while I usually view that as an indicator that Cloud is hallucinating or remembering things wrong, I don't think it's the case in this scene.
Especially because the sound continues while it switches between the two worlds so I do think it's possible that Sephiroth did that for the sake of creating another world.
Because Aerith is dead so it adheres to the OG timeline. But Cloud isn't meant to die there, we don't know when and how Cloud dies but it certainly isn't while holding Aerith's dead body in his arms.
So it would once again breach the boundaries of fate and since Sephiroth knows this I honestly wouldn't put it past him to do it.
The only question I'm asking myself is: Why does Sephiroth do this?
I'm not even questioning why he tells Cloud that. It's just a little bit of bait dangling over Cloud's head. A vain hope that there is a way to save Aerith and that events can indeed be altered.
Which obviously plays right into Sephiroth's hands because he wants this to happen. He really is sneaky with his manipulation.
As for why Sephiroth is doing that world creating stuff? I have multiple theories but none are really fleshed out because I honestly feel like we don't know his motives.
He could be trying to not die again at Cloud's hands like he does in the OG. Or he wants to make the Lifestream strong again so when it erupts to stop Meteor, there's more that he can poison. Maybe he's feeling a bit funny and wants to mess around to see what happens.
I don't really see a motive behind his actions yet other that he probably wants things to play out differently.
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Admin's commentary: I don't think this one is going to be particularly tense, I am just waiting for the match 1 of the next round, which is going to be SPICY.
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I.Béla (Belo I.) 1060-1063
stole the throne from his brother, who died in battle with his forces, which is a dick move, but also honestly typical Arpád dynasty behavior
during his reign, there was a pagan uprising apparently?
he ordered that town markets be held on Saturdays instead of Sundays (something something christianization or whatever, honestly this is like his most lasting contribution to Hungary and it's not even close)
he divided duchies of Nitra and Bihár between his sons or something, honestly I don't care and neither should you
he apparently died when his throne collapsed under him, no I am not making this up and no I don't know why, I am just reporting what our professor said I swear-
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I.Lajos (Ľudovít I.) 1342-1382
ruled for the impressive 40 years and spent 30 of it in war - around Neapolitan succession (don't ask, it's High Middle Ages, Angevins are EVERYWHERE), invasion of Wallachia, against Venice, crusade against Lithuanians, fending off Mongolian invasion of Moldavia
but I guess that's what happens when you have a country at its peak - you can afford to go to wars; to be fair, his dad already took care of the whole "consolidation" part of the process, so he could get into the expansion, during his reign Hungary at its peak extent territorially
founded the first Hungarian university in Pécs
made some minor provisions to the Golden Bull, namely forbidding the kidnapping and forced relocation of peasants by nobility
made important administrative reforms, like founding of the Secret Chancellory
also king of Poland, @rulers-of-poland-tournament said about him: "Lajos, or Ludwik Węgierski is often held responsible as the ruler who begun the tradition of Przywileje Szlacheckie - those being economic or judicial privileges of the nobility granted in exchange for loyalty. in the long term they led to drastic inequalities and ineffectiveness of royal power, but of course, Ludwik could not have known what he was laying the groundwork for"
@majowajutrzenka said about them: "He recognized his daughters as heirs to the thrones. He also have nickname the great. He wonderful king, son, husband and father. He familly dude. Lajos declared war on Charles of Luxembourg, when he insulted his mother (Elizabeth of Piast, big sister Casimir the Great)"
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lavenoon · 2 years
For those of us who may want to write fics including Robin but are too nervous... Can we have some tips for how to characterize them? What are their vibes, are there some things to think of/remember when writing them?
I once described them as "tryhard, repressed trust issues, craves connection. aloof with anyone who poses a (perceived) threat to them, kind of awkward when not" (not on here, so no one needs to look gfhdj) but I'll go into a bit more detail!
First, I wanna state that while I left their family situation vague for self insert purposes, they way anything AU related is written, they aren't close with their family. The duplex is inherited, but they don't grieve the previous owner by the time they move in. I won't specify when this person died or who it was, as it's really just to set up the premise, and you can invent whatever for your purposes!
They're still distant, laying the groundwork for Robin's inevitable loneliness. They live alone, in a city they didn't grow up in, where they don't know anyone. When they first move in, they're excited for the possibilities! The world's their oyster and they sure are nonbinary (/ref), so they set out and explore. Happen to get scouted by a private intelligence firm, and hey, why not! (Better than getting in trouble for technically trespassing, oops).
They've always enjoyed spy movies and series, they do parkour, so of course they enjoy the secret agent life. They get a kick out of finding the craziest, most impressive way to do something - think macgyver in the sense that they like to work with what they have, but also kim possible in that they love highly specific gadgets too. Bonus points if personalized
With time, they start internalizing that enthusiasm more and more when it isn't met in kind by the people around them. That's when they start to withdraw socially, and the isolation really kicks in. After having their energy be met with scorn they start mistrusting people, refusing to really show themself, and stick more to the star agent role they earned. No one can take that from them, even if they make fun of their methods.
And so they lean into that, extremely so. They work hard, they aim higher and higher, until they feel like no one can take this success from them. But they also don't care to talk to anyone anymore, having been burnt too often, and they pretend they're fine with it, really.
Robin falls into a monotony, chasing after happiness at work because that's their only source for it, not realizing just how damaging this lifestyle is to them in the long run. They're completely isolated after years of this - and then they gain a rival, and a few short months later, a neighbor (and later, both <3)
With their rival, Robin is not on good terms before ever even speaking to him. There's a rookie, who after just a few short months gains such a reputation to be considered almost as good as them, after putting in years of work? They don't know him, and if he's another one of those stuck up idiots who ridicule them for what brings brought them joy, then they have no interest in humoring him, either. That's why they react with hostility, and take a while to warm up to their respective rival (mostly once they see his quirks, too. Dusk and his gimmick and playful attitude, Dawn and his flashy suits and flair for the dramatic). Then it's on (in Dusk's case. rip rival Dawn, you could've had it all) and they enjoy the banter and the races and the bets <3
With their neighbor they basically scramble for anything. "Nice person living next to me. My tenant? I don't know how landlords act there are no cool landlord movies. Uhhhh okay no neighbor is close enough. Offer eggs or sugar? Wait, animatronics don't eat. What do I do?" So they don't have any scripts for this situation, because they can't counter it with just polite small talk like you'd do with the cashier of the grocery store, or the aloof attitude they keep towards other agents, and those are the only types of socialization they get. They do try to be nice, and don't mean to overstep, but when faced with friendly, civilian contact? They crave that more than they even know, and get just a bit clingy among the awkwardness. It helps that their neighbor seems just as awkward, but in the end nice - so they feel reassured, and safe enough to continue trying, until they figure out again just how exactly friends work <3
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albatris · 4 months
Saw your post about rentalcar on the story share post!!! I’m intrigued tell me more tell me moreeeee
Hiii hello hi!! I'm glad it's piqued your interest :D!!!
I've been working on rentalcar for two and a bit years now, and recently finished my first draft :3 I was planning to have a second draft done and ready for betas by July but I don't think I'll get there ahaha :')
Here is a little more of a detailed summary!
Schizotypal hermit Nat Finch leaves work one afternoon, and the next thing he knows he's waking up on the side of the road covered in mud with no memory of the last nine days. All attempts to return to regular life are quickly thwarted - whatever happened during his blackout has left him morphing into something distinctly inhuman. When his new condition reaches a bloody, ravenous breaking point, a human stranger steps in: Quinn Cooper, powerful and dazzling manipulator with a cruel streak, here to mitigate the damage and offer Nat safety under their wing... as long as Nat does exactly what he's asked and doesn't ask questions.
The story in book one is mostly Nat trying to solve his little mystery (What Happened During His Blackout And Why He Got Vampired) while slowly uncovering the grim secrets Quinn is hiding. Book one mostly lays the groundwork and foreshadowing for my "vampirism as a condition is sentient and just one giant hivemind spread through many people" worldbuilding, while books two and three explode it open and explore it properly :3
Other MCs include Alex, rigidly moral vampire lawyer having ten existential crises at once, Yvonne, cheery video game fanatic full of barely-contained simmering fury (she works customer service, you get it), and Zeke, romance novelist by day and vampire hunter by night, who desperately needs to stop burning herself out every other week and practice some self-care.
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