#that may be considered stereotyping or anything of that nature
magicdyke · 2 years
just curious what specifically makes u say youre definitely Not autistic?
i question myself abt this a lot tbh, but i have taken a few of those extensive screening test type quizzes and i never really score within the range of it being possible. i think that's the main thing? also there are many things that autistic ppl deal with that I don't believe i do/feel/relate to in the way that is intended
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shirefantasies · 1 month
The Hobbit Characters' Favorite Body Part of Yours
Another one I did for LoTR a while back but not The Hobbit so here we go 😌 warning: slightly suggestive at times, one minor swear
Upon first asking, you might not know, may not even so much as consider your love as having a favorite. Greater thought yields memory, however, a realization. Balin has a soft spot for your forehead- loves pressing kisses there, quick bursts of reassurance when you are under stress or sick. Moments of affection for all to see, pure, loving, gentle. That would also explain his habit of playfully butting his forehead to yours or the way he keeps you connected before and after longer kisses.
It’s no secret how much Dwalin adores your legs- his eyes are ever upon you as you throw them over a saddle, bare them to wade, rest them atop his lap and give him a pretty smile when he strokes them. Straddling him is a quick way to catch his attention and earn a smile to boot, your dwarf’s hands going immediately to rub circles on your hips and his eyes completely caught up in you. Whispers of all kinds of affections make their way between you as Dwalin savors the moment, pressing your bodies as close as he can get them.
An anchor can always be found simply by looking into your eyes. A fount of trust and care, one look can take Thorin miles in calm and reassurance, especially when it feels like all is against him. Your eyes speak volumes even if your expression is kept in steel, aiding Thorin in his quest to fulfil all your desires. Memorizing every change in your eyes is his greatest goal, forging a connection so strong you needn't any words to convey it. You look to his, too, glancing at him in moments of amusement, derision, desire. All of them bonding you further and further, warming his heart to know he is the first you wish to see, just as you are the first thought in the king's own mind.
Your chest. Not so much for the stereotypical reasons, but simply because of the way it literally holds your heart. Your gentle rhythm, your very source of life and the warmth Oin seeks out again and again. He secretly loves resting his head there where he can listen to it, let it lull him to sleep. If you allow it the healer’s lips will find purchase there, peppering their love over your heart and along your beautiful collarbones in appreciation of the wonderful life you are.
His hands run over or comb through your hair about as often as they can; no matter the length of it, no matter the texture or the way you wear it you will have a guardian of your hair in Gloin. He makes no secret how proud he is of the honor he’s received to be the only one that can touch it. And alright, yes, perhaps he likes to show it off, too! If it is long enough, he braids your hair as soon as you consent to it, and he’ll bother his brother again and again for anything that helps care for it. Even the most elaborate of styles and routines will become second nature to him- soon you will not even be lifting a finger. The others say he’s spoiling you, to which he says “Damn right!”
Your hands hold a special place in Bifur's heart; they symbolize your willingness to learn, the opening of your heart to someone so many closed off to, and who closed off to them in turn. The little gestures you made chipping away at his heart and bolstering his faith. You seek his attention, wave them to show him little wonders just as he does. They form words and phrases, sometimes even capturing thoughts you wish to share with no one but him. Even when static, they can communicate much- how tightly you hold onto his, the way they rest against his chest right above his heartbeat, trace his cheek to initiate a kiss he never thought he'd earn.
Can’t resist your lips. They’re like the sweetest of candies, the greatest prize he gets to claim and him alone. Bofur never takes for granted his luck, practically worshipping your lips as he takes his sweet time with them. And who else does he have to thank for your gorgeous smile, the blessing of sunshine it brings to the world? His mission in life is to keep that smile sticking around as much as possible. And if it’s against his own smile, why he won’t complain in the slightest, simply surrendering to the wash of euphoria and thanking his lucky stars.
Your cheeks, of course! Irresistibly adorable, Bombur loves to see the curve of them as you smile, any flush that might be visible, especially if you are feeling shy. Of course he loves to kiss them, holding you steady and peppering them with sweet love at any opportunity. Even before longer, more passionate kisses he will make his way along your cheeks first. Bombur wants to be the only one to wipe your beautiful face of any tears that may befall it, his touch so gentle as he comforts you, swiping his thumb over your cheek before you're in his arms completely, enveloped in each other's lovely warmth.
Dori loves your eyes; he often describes how when you first met, he could see your heart straight through them. Windows to the soul, subtle tells of emotion and love and things otherwise unseen, he loves to gaze into them as long as you let him. There is a kindness, a sympathy to them that grounds Dori, gives him faith when his has left him, brings calm. He loves also the way they darken, the burns of passion, flames of battle, or even looks of beckoning desire flaring up from deeper within. Such is part of why he so enjoys nights where you lay facing one another, tracing every shift in those very windows, the access one can gain from study.
Obsessed with your hips. Loves gripping them to pull you against his chest, especially if they have plenty of soft flesh to dig his fingers into. Sneaks up behind you to wrap his hands around them and press kisses to your neck. Having a hand wrapped protectively around your hip or reaching into your pocket are moments of clear intimacy, a way for Nori to show off that you're his and he's yours, no one else's. The feeling of your hips against his is pure bliss, so tug him in upon the beltloops of his trousers to give him a grin nothing will wipe off!
Your entire face is his favorite, the ever-changing expressions and of course your smile. He can try to capture each and every variation, but that would take an age. As long as he wishes he could have with you. Your smile is like pure sunshine to him, your every furrow and twitch a treasure trove of information he hopes to be able to read like a book to be at your side with what you need in an instant. Your face projects your heart and soul in the most encapsulating, beautiful way, and the very sight of it never fails to bring Ori a rush of emotion.
He favors your thighs, loves the sturdy form of them and the soft skin of he can dig his hands into. Revels ever in the sensation of your legs tangling with his every time you sit together and he holds you on his lap, gesture of lifting you up onto him punctuated with a squeeze or two or three. Your shared moments of leisure are nothing short of treasure, the way you face him and peer into his eyes, one arms slung around your waist and the other hand tracing patterns on your thigh, falling into your warmth and softness like a trap he never wants to escape.
Shows a lot of love to your shoulders. He has his habit of kissing all the way up to your arm, but you also notice it when he playfully comes up behind you and lifts you off your feet, burying his head between your neck and shoulders. If your hair is long, sweeping it off your shoulder to replace it with his cheek or lips is so utterly romantic in Kili's mind. Same goes for baring them, sliding your top down or playfully unbuttoning it for access. And what better way to help you relax after a strenuous day than a massage, running his hands gently over your shoulders and kneading tension from your neck and back?
There's just something about your nose- the shape of it, the little ways it twitches and gives away the smallest expressions. Wrinkling in displeasure often shared with Bilbo himself and bringing moments of laughter amidst everything. A look shared between you two, after all, speaks volumes and strengthens your bond all at once, bringing a smile to Bilbo's face that he has one he can read so well. In your more affectionate moments the hobbit loves to pull you close, placing a kiss upon your adorable nose before moving down to peck your lips again and again, his own curving upward in contentment at your proximity.
Your hands. True works of art and their creators all in one. Purveyors of your passion, be they plucking instruments, spreading paint across a canvas, delicately turning pages upon discoveries… Lindir could watch them work forever. Not to mention the shivers that run down his spine when they fall upon him, the sparks when those very same hands that bring forth beauty and command passion caress his face, bringing him eagerly to your delicious lips. Much as he enjoys their actions in freedom, sometimes he desires to keep them for himself, holding their warmth in his, intertwining your beautiful fingers and kissing the back of your hand to display the very connection of your souls.
Your neck, oh that gorgeous expanse, is the subject of much attention by Thranduil. Trailing kisses up its entirety before claiming your lips, even letting his teeth sink in ever so slightly. The woodland king's favorite method of distracting you while you work is to sneak his way behind you, hands reaching to your waist, head tilting, lips upon your neck. You can practically feel them smirk against you at the way you automatically tilt your own head to grant him access. Thranduil wants all to see that you belong to him, not as a possession, but as a promise he works to honor in all facets; thus, he indulges his love of adorning you with the most extravagant jewels he can find, standing you against his chest as he drapes his gift over your neck. For who but the king could provide such things? Tracing his hand over the jewels, he kisses your collarbones before his lips seek their favorite home.
There is something so alluring about your back- the way it is bared only for him, the tensing and shifting of muscles beneath flesh and the wonderful soft bits he can hold onto. Unable to resist running his hands up and down your spine when he holds and kisses you, Bard gets double the pleasure feeling the shivers he sends running down your skin. Plus such an area is a much more discreet place for love bites he may leave when he holds you from behind, placing kissed along your shoulders and neck.
Beorn admires your arms. The strength they carry, the ripple of muscle with their every motion. Beyond the practical, he appreciates also the softer moments, the times you both surrender to vulnerability, arms wrapping tenderly around each other and your head falling against him gently. Trust for so long was a rarity, and yet her he is giving it, surrendering to your arms. In pauses from work Beorn often strides over to stand at your back, his hands rubbing your shoulders and trailing down your arms as he beckons you to come rest. Your eagerness brings rare smiles to his face and the way you flex your muscles even gets a laugh out of him.
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Hi! I was wondering if you knew anything in particular about the Lincoln Park Zoo- I think it’s the only zoo I’ve ever been to that’s free/no admission! Especially considering the scale. The only thing that concerned me was that their polar bears seem to have a history of stereotypical behaviors (pacing, primarily) which I saw while I was there, but again, I’m a total outsider to the actual inner workings of the facility. Sorry if this is too vague, haha.
There's a couple city zoos like that with free entrance! It's a cool option, and indicative of the city providing enough funding for the facility to operate without the need for income from tickets. (Sometimes the way things are set up, I think they can be required to stay free). The St. Louis Zoo is another!
I don't know a lot about the Lincoln Park Zoo beyond what I've seen as a guest. I've gone a couple times and haven't seen anything that stood out to me as major red flags, but that's just from a public perspective and not a comprehensive assessment. They're AZA-accredited and have been for a long time, which is an indication of their general ethos and operations. I can't speak to more than that about their quality, unfortunately.
You're right about the polar bear stereotypies - that's a thing I've seen for myself. The thing is, with stereotypies - and especially with polar bears - they're not necessarily an indicator of current welfare or quality of life.
For folk who are new to the blog or unfamiliar with the concept, in animal care, a stereotypy is a "repetitive, invariant behavior pattern with no obvious goal or function." Examples often seen are repetitive pacing, head-bobbing, licking or chewing, and rocking or swaying. (It's important to note that not all repetitive behaviors are stereotypic behaviors - e.g. animals may pace when excited and anticipating the arrival of a keeper). Stereotypies can be an indicator of chronically poor welfare, under-stimulating enrichment, or inappropriate captive environments, but the important thing to know about that is that they often persist after the problem that caused them is resolved. So you can take a polar bear or an elephant that picked up a stereotypic behavior in one zoo and move them to another, much better situation, and they may still continue the stereotypy.
(The fact that stereotypies can be indicators of previous, but not current, welfare problems is a really important nuance that is often left out of discussions. Sometimes they're called "zoochosis", which anti-captivity folk define as "the psychosis induced by captivity"... but that's a very unscientific approach, and doesn't facilitate productive discussion or attempts to identify causes and alleviate the behavior. Zoochosis is nothing but a useless manipulative buzzword, folks.)
Bears in general seem to be prone to stereotypies in captive situations. I've seen some recent research that hypothesizes it's likely due to a lack of ability to engage in normal behavioral sequences, such as foraging. Polar bears seem especially prone to it. One 2013 study found that of the 55 polar bears in North America they assessed, 85% engaged in stereotypical pacing. It might be because they natural cover such a huge range in the wild that older, smaller exhibits haven't allowed them to move as much as they need to; it could also be due to a historical lack of appropriate enrichment. We don't really know, because there's so many potential factors, and the long lifespan of polar bears means longitudinal studies of multiple generations take a very long time.
These are both things the industry is working on fixing: newer polar bear exhibits are built to be much larger and more complex, and there's been a heavy focus in the literature for at least a decade on finding ways to reduce stereotypies by providing engaging enrichment and increasing bears' activity levels. Lincoln Park Zoo's polar bear habitat was renovated in 2016, and - while it looks rather boring to me, as a guest - it was apparently designed to allow for a lot of activity range and polar bear-specific needs.
Their current bears are both about 20 years old, and were transferred to the Lincoln Park Zoo after the new habitat was completed. It's entirely plausible the bears arrived with stereotypies from their previous facilities, given that the emphasis on improving polar bear care is younger than they are. Here's a photo I took there a couple years ago, of Talini (I think), engaging in a repetitive head tossing behavior. It's definitely hard to watch, as a guest, and I don't remember if they had signage up about it.
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That all being said, I wouldn't judge the whole zoo based on the polar bear stereotypies, because there's so much at play there in terms of history and the evolution of care for the species. What's important is how they're handling it, and what they're doing to help encourage more normative behavior from the bears. Given the amount of research and effort the zoo field has put into addressing the topic in polar bears for the last decade, it's highly probable that a lot of staff time goes into helping reduce the amount of time those bears spend engaging in stereotypies.
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letters-to-lgbt-kids · 6 months
My dear lgbt+ kids, 
An underrated health and wellbeing tool is play. 
When you think about playing, you may immediately picture little children - but by definition, play describes “any activity engaged in purely for enjoyment and recreation with no definite practical purpose” and those activities stay important throughout your whole life. 
Why are those activities important? 
Play is good for your body. Intentionally doing something just for fun helps to activate the “rest and digest” mode that is necessary to recover and heal from stress. It signals that you’re safe and helps your body relieve tension. 
It’s also good for your brain. It can stimulate your imagination, visualization and critical thinking skills, which can help you build skills like resilience and adaptability. 
Play can also foster empathy and understanding of others as it can help you see things from another’s perspective. 
Playing can make you laugh, and laughter comes with a whole sleeve of health benefits, such as decreasing blood pressure and even improving your immune system! 
Playing together can strengthen relationships. Positive, fun social interactions are important for your emotional wellbeing. 
Now some of you may think “that’s all nice, but how do I even play as an adult?”. While play is a natural behavior of human beings, many adults need to re-learn how to play - it depends on your specific environment and social circles but you may feel a lot of pressure to be productive all the time and play is by its very nature not productive. So, the first step in re-learning play is to give yourself permission to just *be* instead of *do* (and that can be a huge step!). 
Some ideas on how to ease back into play: 
Think about your childhood. (Or if you can, ask a parent, sibling or childhood friend, that can be a great way to bring back memories!) What were your favorite ways to play back then? What did you love about your favorite game? Does any particular memory immediately give you that “I wish I could do that again” feeling? (You may not necessarily find anything that you want to just replicate as an adult as-is, this is just meant to kick-start your imagination!) 
Gameify everyday tasks. Try to spot as many yellow items as possible on your commute to work. Make up a silly song about laundry while putting away the laundry. Pretend to be on a cooking show while making dinner. Do what you always do, just allow yourself to be silly about it! 
Do something creative, even (and especially) if you’re not good at it. You may not think of drawing, writing etc. as playing but those are activities you can do for pure entertainment! 
Moving your body doesn’t need to be purposeful exercise (and certainly not hating yourself in the gym), it can also be playtime: Do a silly little dance to your favorite song! Tippytoe, crawl, jump, walk backward.. from your bedroom to the kitchen, just for the fun of it! 
Rethink toys. While it is fully okay for a grownup to buy, own and play with toys, and we should abolish the negative stereotypes about it (it’s creepy, it’s inherently a sign of poor mental health etc.) these stereotypes do exist and you may simply not feel comfortable. Luckily, there are a few toys that are generally considered socially acceptable for adults or are even marketed towards adults, such as board games, stress balls, adult coloring books, certain Lego sets or fan/collectors toys (like action figures). And when there are no judgy eyes watching, you may also have fun just playing with household items such as cardboard rolls! No need to go out and buy something! 
Keep in mind that play isn’t a competition to win. You can’t play wrong - that’s the beauty of it! Just let your curiosity and enthusiasm guide you. 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Dad 
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lasirenatarot · 7 months
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What makes your Future Spouse get jealous and how they express their jealousy?
Pick a picture:
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Pile 1:
(Cards: 6 chalices; judgement; 4swords; 2swords; 5 of air; 7 of earth; 8 of air; the emperor)
- Honestly, this pile’s Future spouse seems like a very confident person, very sure of themselves, there are not much things that can make them jealous or question their own worth. Because of that, normally they would not even be considered as a person who gets jealous at all. They like giving you your freedom, they don’t seem like an obsessive person, they do have their set of standards when it comes to relationships and loyalty tho.
However, they do have their moments like all of us and you should not be fooled by their detached demeanor or purposely try to make them jealous, because what can happen is that they may simply leave and never come back.
Situations in which they may feel jealousy is if they see you have a deeper emotional connection with someone else, also when you’re blindly defending someone, it can make them think something like « why does my partner defend that person if they really feel nothing for them? » and that would make them suspicious of you..
They may get slightly annoyed if you constantly post pictures of yourself with a person that has a visible crush on you or is maybe too touchy with you (Or someone posts pics with you..), but this is not entirely jealousy, annoyance is the correct word here.
How do they express their jealousy?
- They seem like a mature and confident person so they definitely won’t be throwing tantrums or being childish. This is mostly due to their pride and ego.
They will check every piece of information before they even ask you sth.. they may even go through your phone to check if there is anything they should actually worry about when it comes to you and a certain person they are suspicious of. I feel like they may be the type of person to give you an ultimatum if you’ve crossed some of their boundaries,but regardless of everything I just wrote (which may seem pretty toxic) I don’t think they will be unreasonable when they get jealous.
If someone is getting a bit too « close » to you, they will expect you to draw a line and make it known you’re in a relationship. If your future spouse feels their standards are not met and feels disrespected they may even leave you. They seem pretty cut throat when it comes to loyalty. They won’t loose time arguing with you or asking you multiple times to do something they want you to do, they may have a big ego so they wouldn’t want to feel like a beggar.
Briefly, if they feel jealous, they may check your phone and all the information available and then talk to you once or twice, if something you do is really bothering them, and expect you to keep your distance from people who are interested in you.
Pile 2
(Cards: knight of wands; ace of chalices; queen of wands; the high priestess; 10 of water;the world;the empress;7 of air;the fool)
- Right off the bat, I feel like you would be the more confident, outgoing and successful one of the pair, not your future spouse. Or at least this may be true for a certain period of time during your relationship. You may be more fiery, what I am getting for you is absolutely the embodiment of the « naturally popular girl » when we were in highschool, stereotypically they would be the « nerd » and they may feel intimidated and a bit insecure around you. Your confidence may be the main reason for their jealousy. Since you may be a person who easily attracts people’s attention, your future spouse may feel like you can have pretty much everyone and that they’re easily replacable, whether or not this is actually true..
Do not get me wrong tho, you do not need to dim your light in order for them to be less insecure- this is their own problem to solve. What you can do in this situation, is to give them compliments which can uplift them and try not to give them reasons to be jealous, reassure them that they are the one for you, this may be important to them even if they don’t admit this openly.
How they express their jealousy?
- How they would show you they are jealous is a tricky question to answer honestly. They may not show you or tell you at all, you may need to figure this out on your own. They may start asking you random questions, as well as being almost « too nice » with you and fulfilling all your desires even the ones that may be at their expense, the important thing here is to not walk all over them since they may have a people pleasing tendency when it comes to you, so they can make sure they are so perfect that you wouldn’t leave them. They may become more clingy than usual.
As we all know, perfection is an illusion and it does not exist, so this perfect partner image they try to portray for you may be tiring for them to maintain.
If you notice some of their behaviors I just mentioned, talk to them and be honest with them.
Pile 3
(Cards: tower; 3of pentacles; 8wands; death; 3 of fire; the chariot; the tower; knight of earth; the hanged man)
- You will definitely know if your partner gets jealous, they wouldn’t hide it at all, they may have fire sign energy and easily get angry if someone touches what they deem as « theirs » (you). They may find you to be really physically attractive and that may make them want to keep you to themselves and be a little posessive.
They may get jealous if someone approaches you in front of them or when someone disrespects the fact that you are in a relationship with them and makes moves on you anyways..
Another thing which can make them jealous is if someone who they find to be similar to them (when it comes to qualities and what they can offer, not looks) shows interest in you in front of them.
How they express their jealousy?
- They may be pretty dramatic to be honest. This may be a drastic change from their normal behavior, normally they may be a really calm person, but if they feel someone is a threat to your relationship they may get very defensive and may even start an argument with the person who expresses interest in you in front of them.
In moments like this they get a little « primal » and don’t think things through, they may get more aggressive because when they see a threat they feel hopeless, like there is nothing else to do rather than confront the other person directly, they feel like they have to get rid of the « threat » immediately.
If they do actually have a tendency to cause scenes due to their jealousy, try talking it out with them and making them sure you would make the boundaries known if someone else approaches you.
Pile 4
(Cards: knave of air; queen of air; the magician; the priestess; the sun; 5 of water; 10 of pentacles; 10 of wands; knave of wands; knave of pentacles; 7 of swords)
- In situations where they feel jealous they may feel really hurt, even if they do not show it, it may remind them of past experiences and kind of « open an old wound » they tought they have gotten over.
Just like in one of the previous piles, they may view you as very beautiful and confident and sometimes they may feel as if they are not worthy of being with a person like you. They may be less experienced than you which can also make them paranoid you would leave them for someone more experienced.
How they express their jealousy?
- When they feel jealousy they really feel it. This can make them look a bit closed off and they may get really quiet all of a sudden, that’s how you would know that something is affecting them.
I don’t think this person will cause scenes or throw tantrums when they feel jealous at all. They are much more rational and mature. They may get some time away from you to clear their toughts and only after that they may adress the situation which made them feel jealous with you. Whenever they feel jealous, they may distract themselves with their hobbies, go out with their friends, go clubbing in order not to overthink every bit of what is bothering them. They may also get pro-active with you, give you gifts, pay more attention to you than normal, be more romantic with you..
My only advice to this pile is to be fully honest with them and try not to keep secrets from them, as this may intensify it if they do have trust issues due to their past.
thank you for reading! Hope it resonated, comment if it did.💞 Don’t forget to follow for more.
- La Sirena💋.
Decks used: ‘$£xual magic’ oracle deck by Lo Scarabeo; ‘Manara’ €rotic tarot deck by Milo Manara/ Lo Scarabeo;
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saminsecret · 2 years
How the slashers would react to a male s/o
just a little something to jumpstart this page ❤️
tw for some mentions of homophobia/outdated views
Michael Myers ('78):
He wouldn't care. He's got a lot more on his plate than worrying about whether his partner has a dick or a vagina. The fact that he hasn't killed you yet should be enough for you.
He wouldn't understand your insecurities. Why does it matter so much to you? He thinks you focus on the wrong things, but he won't say that to you. Not because he cares if he hurts your feelings, he just doesn't want to deal with your emotional turmoil at the moment. Although, if someone were to criticize your relationship, he might get irritated enough to kill them. Depends on your reaction and his current mood at the moment. Michael isn't the best at emotional support, sorry.
He'd defend you after a while. Lets not beat around the bush, its the 70s/80s, your gonna experience a lot of homophobia if your openly gay/bi. Michael knows what it's like being tormented by others, he was in a mental institution his entire life. If you end up getting discriminated against, verbally or physically, he'd kill the bully, plain and simple. He doesn't see this as an act of affection though; just something he needed to do. Still, your heart swoons a bit when he protects you. Enjoy it Y/N!
Daniel Robitaille
He'd be...confused. Daniel grew up in the late 1800s, and while being gay wasn't unheard of, it was definitely seen as a sin. He never thought he himself could ever be in love with another man.
He'd need time. He wouldn't know what to do with himself as this was entirely new territory for him. Homophobia was most definitely a value he grew up around, although he himself might not be homophobic. He was the son of a slave, a black man in the 1800s, an artist only loved for what he could make. He understands discrimination more than anyone else, so he defiantly wouldn't use your identity against you. Still, its a change so he'd be cautious to start anything with you.
He loves you no matter what. Ultimately, it only takes him a little while to come to terms with the fact that he doesn't care what you are, he loves you all the same. "We are one of the same, Y/N. Without you, I am nothing. Our pain will be told for generations. Be my victim, Y/N."
Jason Vorhees
Is this okay, mother? Pamela was a christian woman, so its pretty likely she had some outdated views on gay people. Not necessarily homophobic in nature, but she said some questionable things out of ignorance. Jason was raised with her values, so he'd have the same outdated views. He'd have to unlearn a few things for this relationship to really work. That being said...
Jason understands you. This is what really brings you two into an eventual relationship. He was born disfigured, and the world never let him forget it. And you? Well, it was the 80s, so... both of you were treated harshly for things you have no control over. Pamela would be more sympathetic towards you as well, and would eventually approve of this relationship, as you've proven you can give Jason everything he deserves. "Oh Jason, I knew Y/N was a good boy, just like you!'
He'd adore you all the same. Oh, to have someone (other than Pamela) who loves him! He would ultimately not care about your gender, and would make sure to let you know it. He loves you Y/N, don't ever doubt it!
Brahms Heelshire
Realistically... You wouldn't have been considered for the babysitting job as Brahm's parents probably only considered female candidates. That being said, you'd be hired after a slew of failed female nannies; Brahms wanted to try something new!
He'd love watching you. Oh Y/N, you may be a boy, but you're the prettiest boy he's ever seen! Seriously though, he loves to watch you taking care of doll, cooking food, moving around the estate, existing...you're just so different, Y/N! And he'd feel more connected to you because you understand certain problems...especially morning problems if you catch my drift.
He'd fall into stereotypes. Listen listen, Brahms was raised with old values, like 18th century old values, so even though you're both guys, he still expects you to fall into the "woman" role (cooking, cleaning, taking care of him, ect..). Brahms is a man, Y/N! Treat him like a king! Wait, what do you mean you're a man too? I-Its different, okay?! (You're gonna have to sit him down and talk out all those old value views if you want to be able to tolerate him).
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your-astro-mami · 2 years
notes on the 10th house cusp/midheaven
Scorpio Midheaven can be ruthless when they truly want to achieve something. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto which can truly bring out the most power-hungry, ambitious version of someone. Scorpio on the 10th, Pluto in 10th can be great for politicians, CEOs, people in a position of power.
Leo Midheaven can be very ego driven, they may seek career success due to the validation and respect from others it may give them. In many cases, Leo Midheaven's desire for professional success may stem from need for approval from their father.
Sagittarius Midheaven can be extremely lazy but very optimistic which always helps them catch the right opportunity at the right time. It can also indicate success in a foreign country.
Cancer Midheaven can be the opposite - success may come at home. Career may be connected to agriculture, real estate, architecture. In other cases, a family business or any profession connected to children (teacher), pets (vet) or helping other people (therapists). Very multifunctional.
Virgo Midheaven is ideal for a career in PR due to their meticulous and perfectionist nature. They are great at planning, making a good judgment, they have a good eye for small details, so any career which requires someone who is very attentive is fabulous for them. Journalism is also a good option. They can also make great doctors, anything in the medical field.
Gemini Midheaven can be good for any skills, crafts, anything involving different projects and variety. If that's not possible, they are likely to change careers throughout their life.
Aries Midheaven are VERY competitive, they want to be number one in everything they do. They can be good leaders, but they are impulsive and have no patience with others, so doing anything on their own may have better success. Generally they do well in anything requiring focus and competition, inner-drive. They can be good in finance due to their lack of fear and love of risk.
Libra Midheaven are the ones who do well in business. Or anything involving a lot of networking, social skills. They know how to get through life with their charisma only. Public relations, social climbing, a famous person's best friend, that will be ideal.
Aquarius Midheaven is generally considered the science, tech field Midheaven, but unless you have the other aspects for it, no. They can make progress, start something new regardless of the field they are in. They bring new ideas, they are good with people, they can be good leaders.
Taurus Midheaven is definitely the one with the approach "work smart not hard". If they weren't paid for it, they wouldnt work. The only motivation is the security money brings for them. They take things slow and are unlikely to take big risks in their professional life. I have never associated Taurus with one particular career honestly.
Pisces Midheaven are the ones who may seem lost in life, lack direction, HOWEVER. They can be the ones with great dreams and ambtions in life, they idolize and romanticize their future, so if they use their skills and take the right steps they can easily fulfill anything they set their mind to. I can say a creative career, but that would be too stereotypical. Definitely wouldn't make the best therapists as they will carry the pain of other people forever.
Mutable signs (Gemini-Sagittarius, Virgo-Pisces) are most likely to change careers, change paths in life.
Fixed signs (Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus) are least likely to make dramatic career shifts unless they are truly unhappy and dissatisfied with what they do.
Taurus and Libra can be financially motivated when choosing a career, but they MUST enjoy it.
Cardinal signs (Aries-LIbra, Cancer-Capricorn) are generally very competitive, nothing stops them when they want something.
Scorpio can be financially motivated when choosing a career and they are willing to suffer if they are satisfied with their income.
Leo and Libra are status driven when choosing a career.
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broncoburro · 4 months
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Meur (or magic) is a natural force in Vestur. Since the invention of the Andimeur Synthesizer (a device that converts it into a form usable by man), Vestur’s aristocracy has continually found new uses for it. From homes heated by red meur to nutritionally dense food aided by green meur, the Tri-Kingdom has gained the distinction of most scientifically advanced country in the known world.
Children in Vestur sometimes play a clapping game that goes as such:
“Green’s for the beans on my supper plate, Blue’s for the clean water enjoyed while I ate, Red warms my toes when there’s snow on the ground, Yellow’s how a Southern fellow steers his ship around, And if he crashes it upon the shore The Architect alone will decide his score: Black, White, Black, White, Black, White, Black If the man is slack, it’s the work of Black If he avoids the light-- Then thank goodness, it’s White!”
Like all good children’s songs, it ends in giggles about dying a horrible death. But it effectively teaches every child in the Tri-Kingdom about what each of the six meur types, or colors are, and their most common use cases.
Green meur affects the botanical world. While plants cannot be summoned into existence through green meur alone, it can be used to grow plants in conditions that shouldn’t be able to foster them. It may also alter their growth trajectory or physical properties. Almost none the of the plants grown in the Northern Kingdom could survive the nutrient-poor, hard soil without green meur. Specializing in green meur may sound tame or perhaps boring at first (and green meur users are stereotyped as such), but bring domesticated thorny vine seeds onto the battlefield and a competent green meur user will be sending barbed tendrils through an enemy’s torso in seconds.
Blue meur pertains to water. The ability to command water’s flow has several use cases in itself: powering water wheels, irrigation for agriculture, maintenance of sewerways. But this meur type takes on new complexities when you consider water’s other states. Ice can be easily weaponized, and some innovative meur scientists have been doing research into engines powered by steam. Even more mysterious, it seems water’s omnipresence on earth has lent blue meur some properties related to the flow of time. There’s more to blue meur than is currently understood.
Red meur is pure energy in the form of heat. When wielded by man, It’s most commonly seen as fire. Heat is useful for everything from keeping a forge running to warming air in houses. Red meur is (sadly) not a free energy buffet though, and has some major downsides: it’s inherently tiring and energy-intensive on the user. In addition, fine control is difficult. Red meur users have something of a reputation for being none too bright, but many of said users would rebuff this with “easy to use, difficult to master”.
Yellow meur affects air. It’s mainly used to influence wind direction and speed, leading to some of the fastest trade ships in the known world. As a result, yellow meur is an eclectic choice for anyone to specialize in besides Southerners. The current use cases are narrow... but this might be more due to lack of interest in the field than anything else. Who knows, perhaps some sort of yellow meur related discovery is around the corner....?
Green, blue, red, and yellow are the standard meur colors. Upwards of 95% of Vestur's nobility have their specialty in these four. There are two less common meur types though, and they have a lot of mythologizing around them, as well as being less understood.
White meur is usually described by laymen as “the healing one”. Say that to any white practitioner and watch him start pulling his hair out in frustration and screeching through gritted teeth, “its so much deeper than that!”. Those who use white meur must, in addition to finishing standard meur education at Vestur Royal Military Academy, score well on the White College Aptitude Test and be accepted to the College of Divine Healing, where they’ll learn about the human body, pathology, and advanced white meur for an additional two years. Only then can one be certified as a white practitioner. Without knowing what you’re putting back into place and why, it’s horrendously easy to do more harm than good when mending the human body.
All this said, white meur can’t do miracle work. Wound closure or bone refusing is one thing – regrowing a whole arm or bringing someone back from the dead is strictly in the realm of fantasy.
Black meur inflicts death, plain and simple. It is unilaterally outlawed. Its only practical use is in combat, but black meur is considered a dishonorable way to inflict suffering. Any of the standard colors can just as easily be used to kill. Only one nobleman in all of Vestur is registered as a black meur user, and the designation was given as a soft way to say, “you are disallowed from wielding meur of any color”. Though... he really is quite talented at it, as circumstance will soon reveal.
And those are the meur colors! Every noble child in Vestur goes to VRMA and gets educated on the principles of wielding each, but as a graduated nobleman in the service of your community, a person may only specialize in one.
Any given two blue meur users likely have their in very different applications: one might maintain a city’s sewerways, and another might work to provide potable water in an area where there is none. There is a lot of variation and opportunity within any given color.
(The little emblems for the meur types, as with all of Forever Gold's more graphic design-y work, were done by LSDolphin!)
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do you have any guidelines or annoyances when it comes to writing Black villains/antagonists without being stereotypical? I'm writing a story with a big cast in a modern city setting, some good, some bad. there are other Black characters who are not antagonists and play much different roles in the story.
i enjoy writing characters who are morally impure, who are criminals, or otherwise antagonistic, but i want to be respectful when it comes to potential stereotypes.
specifically i'm thinking of how Asian people can be stereotyped as thieves, or Black people can be stereotyped as aggressive. when writing an antagonist, villain, or criminal character, is there anything you wish people would *not* do with Black characters?
All right, so what I first want you to understand is this: you could write the GREATEST Black villain- the greatest Black Character- ever, and people are still going to be racist about them. 😐 They're still going to project their stereotypes and beliefs onto them.
I say that to say, unfortunately, there's no one way you could write a Black character that people aren't gonna still be foul about, and that may not be due to your writing. ESPECIALLY if they're antagonistic towards a white character. I'm sorry. I assume you're not Black so the racism's not going to hurt you as deep, but it will probably hurt.
Essentially write them the way you'd write any other antagonist! Drive them by their goals, their backgrounds, their character interactions, etc. DEFINITELY consider how dealing with the police is going to be more nuanced than "the bad guys are caught by the good!" Don't have them getting mollywhopped on by white guys who "have to 'do the right thing'! Yay!!" 🙄
Don't write us as though we're animals- avoid those comparisons to suggest that we're 'monkeys' or something. Don't fall into the trap of language that we're "natural criminals". I would suggest watching crime dramas or movies with Black main casts and/or directors- maybe American Gangster with Denzel, or The Wire. It may offer some inspiration.
Tbh, if you develop your Black antagonist well as a character, the stereotypes won't come up (often) as an issue. There's a difference between writing a criminal based off your idea of what "Black criminals" are (racist) and writing a good villain while considering how their Blackness ties into it.
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cinyemina · 14 days
you levi stans always believing that levi is still the most popular aot character. bro was surpassed by season 4 eren and now levi is just completely irrelevant. levi isn’t even iconic any longer. the anime just made him a cold badass and took everything that made him special in the manga away. everyone just thinks he is fan service and is annoyed when he appears in anything now (official arts, bad boy). aot may fade away but the one people will remember is eren and it shows. he is the one with constant interactions, likes, and google searches. honestly pretty sure mikasa tops levi in popularity by now too. levi has fallen from his high perch and turned into an irrelevant worthless loser to the masses. it’s honestly what you levi stans deserve for hating on eren all those years before the time skip.
anyways proof below along with the anime corner poll at the end of the year. https://x.com/justmeight/status/1791195643815637415?s=46&t=opIHY9xYZlEjLmRQ4bbogA
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Hey keyboard warrior,
This is a popularity poll from japan
Listen, hiding behind anonymity like a cockroach under a fridge doesn't exactly make your opinion on Levi sound profound. Maybe if you crawled out from under your rock and signed your name, your critique might hold some weight.
Here you are, complaining about a character you supposedly think is irrelevant, yet you're obsessed enough to write a hate-mail manifesto.
If you think Levi's just a "cold badass" stereotype, then you clearly haven't been paying attention. Maybe actually delve into some character analysis before you try to school others.
scarletskiesinthepaths and cosmicjoke has some good analysis. And I have written some too, and I am linking them too.
people whines about "fan service" with "Bad Boy" yet spout nonsense about Levi's popularity fading. Pick a lane, genius!
Levi fan art annoying people? Honey, the only thing getting annoyed is probably the internet struggling to render all the glorious Levi content.
Levi is Eren's mentor. Let that sink in. The guy you claim is "irrelevant" literally shaped the protagonist you idolize. And guess what? Mentors often fade into thebackground as their students grow. It doesn't diminish their importance, it's simply the natural order of things.
You are overlooking the fact that Levi is the character who is frequently written about in fanfictions within the Attack on Titan fandom.
Levi may have lost some shine in your eyes, but to claim Mikasa dethroned him? Now that's some Grade A delusion. News flash: Popularity contests aren't won by saltyinternet rants.
Popularity contests change faster than your bedsheets, but characters like Levi endure. Most people don't spend their days fuming about fictional characters. Maybe take a shower, touch some grass, and realize the world doesn't revolve around your internet vendettas.broaden your horizons. Look beyond internet hype and explore what truly makes a character compelling. Maybe then you'll understand why Levi remains a fan favorite, his legacy secure long after the fleeting popularity of season 4 fades like a bad spray tan. Until then, keep your uninformed opinions to yourself, and perhaps consider a rewatch of AoT with a more discerning eye.
You clutch that "Levi-is-washed-up" theory like a participation trophy, but the evidence is about as reliable as a toddler's drawing of a spaceship. Let's dissect this "proof" of yours, shall we? Someone tweeted a college of characters they think are iconic? Wow, groundbreaking. Next, you'll be citing crayon scribbles on a bathroom stall as gospel.
You have the right to dislike Levi, but whining about popularity polls is the height of internet fandom tears.
Real criticism goes beyond "your husbando didn't win!"
So ditch the temper tantrum and try constructing an actual argument. Levi might not be your cup of tea, but resorting to popularity contests is just pure embarrassing
Broaden your horizons. Look beyond the surface hype and delve into what makes a character truly captivating. Until you have that epiphany, keep your ill-informed opinions to yourself, and maybe give Attack on Titan another go, this time with an actual brain in tow.
Analysis by me:
Levi Ackerman: Why he is Humanity's Strongest Soldier
Levi and Kenny
How Levi utilizes his intellect in fighting and decision making and his leadership in final battle
Levi Ackerman (an overall analysis? My first one so it's not good)
Entire discourse:
Gojo is better than Levi:
Gojo is better than Levi because he is more popular:
People lacks individuality and follows hype:
https://www.tumblr.com/cinyemina/748344782599913472/its-sad-that-people-are-so-insecure-that-they?source=share (no discourse here)
Levi is not a well written character because he is "not popular":
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theyandereonmyoji · 1 year
Myoji-san, I'm so happy you're writing for sth :D !!! thank you for your lovely works - the quill petting one was so adorable and nicely fleshed out. Still can't get over Shadow being low-key needy for pets and finishing work earlier for it... I also hope your day is going nicely. I was wondering if I could respectfully request a love triangle hoho ( Shadow -> MC -> Silver ) ? I'm wondering how you'd write these two competing for the time & affection of another. If this is not something you'd like to write I completely understand, though I do so look forward to any of your future posts :・゚☆
Rivalry: Yandere Shadow the Hedgehog and Yandere Silver the Hedgehog
Awww thank you so much! Don’t worry, love triangles are totally allowed! Also, I have to say that a couple of people have been asking for Silver content, so I’ll probably write headcanons for him really soon. Anyways, hope you enjoy! CW: mentions of potential murder
These two couldn’t be any more different at first glance. Shadow is the overly stoic type that keeps you at arm’s length (or tries to anyways, doesn’t really work as well as he thinks it does) and Silver, a hedgehog who’s somewhat naive and wears his heart up his sleeve, especially when to come to how much he loves you. However, they do have something in common, and that’s they will do anything, and I mean anything to keep you safe. These two have just suffered too much, one watched his best friend get murdered in the past, and the other was born in a future that was ruined from the start, they just want to have someone they can hold on to in the present, and that someone happens to be you.
Shadow’s more closed-off nature makes him a bit jealous of just how openly Silver can express his feelings towards you. The fact that you two are able to share so much with each other, that he can get so close to you without a care in the world, it’s something that Shadow wishes he could do, and loathes about the time-traveling hedgehog. He has come to terms that your relationship with him could never be like that, and he’s willing to do anything to keep you safe, no matter the cost, yet seeing how Silver has the same resolve as him and can allow himself to stay close to you, he loathes it. If Silver knows any better, he should stay away from you, lest he wants to be considered a threat to your safety.
Silver is willing to admit that Shadow is the stronger one out of the two, and he can’t help but envy a bit how reliable Shadow can be towards you. It doesn’t matter how big or small the issue might be, he’s not only willing, but also able to help you with literally anything. It makes him think: If you have Shadow in your life, then how could you ever spare a single glance at him? He wants to be your hero, yet how could he ever be if you had no need for someone like him? One thing is for sure, those thoughts are not going to stop him trying his absolute best for your sake, and who knows? Shadow might be a lot more dangerous than you think, so why go to him when you got Silver? He will never leave your side, ever.
You know how there’s that stereotype that girls pretend to not hate each other in front of others while giving each other death glares in private? Yup, that’s them. It all seems so normal while you’re around, hell, they don’t seem to mind that the other is there. However, the moment you have to go to do something and leave the two, they’ll start confronting each other. Shadow will state how inexperienced he is and that how could he ever keep you safe if he can even beat Shadow in a fair fight. Silver would get angry easily and point out how dangerous Shadow can be towards you with his dubious moral compass and that out of the two, he was the one that tried to destroy the world.
Stuff would rarely get physical, and even if it did, you would never find out. Obsessed with you as they may be, they’ve silently agreed to never involve you directly into any disputes they might have, whether it is one-upping each other in their efforts to have you pick them over the other, or just throwing hands in a good-old fashioned brawl. You might notice the small signs of their rivalry, like Shadow giving off Silver a smug look when you ask him for help, or Silver giggling towards Shadow a bit when you let him hug you, but it’s rather subtle and when you try to question it, both of them will go out of their way to deny any of that, even covering for each other sometimes. 
Honestly, I see this rivalry going one of two ways. Worst case scenario, things will escalate so badly that they will eventually fight each other to the death, with the winner being able to live out the rest of their days alongside you. On the other, and most likely scenario, these two might be able to set their differences aside, and focus on what is truly important: protecting you at all cost. Rivals as they might be, they both are man enough to recognize that the other hedgehog has something they need but severely lack. They both want what is best for you, and even if still argue about who’s doing they job better, at least it’s a scenario where no one dies…you will have two overly powerful, protective and possessive hedgehogs though so good luck with that.
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traincat · 1 year
Hey, so quick question: which version of Spider-Man you consider canon? I mean, the writers SAY a lot about the character and while he’s relatively relatable, he’s ALSO a wish fullfiliment kind of person so you can imagine yourself as him.
For example: he’s POOR, so WHY the heck is he still in New York since that's a EXPENSIVE City to live on? He hadn't suffered NEARLY as many tragedies as some other characters like Hulk or Jessica Jones.
Or, he's a loser, but... that's not true at all?? I like Peter, but I can't deny that he isn't necessarily THAT much of a woobie or an overall asshole on occasion (he ain't this saint people tend to claim, if anything he occasionaly behaves like a kid??). To be honest, he kinda has it... easy? Like, he can't have relationships, he's almost NEVER not in one, yet... they claim otherwise.
So yeah, I DO like the little asshole, but Marvel's tendency to retcon and don't show, but tell is... really confusing.
(The only thing that DOES help over that is their admitance it's on purpose, that it's not supposed to be realistic, still... is annoying.)
So I have a direct answer to "which version of Spider-Man do I consider canon" and then I have a lot of more nebulous thoughts about "versions" of characters, reader interpretation, and canon.
My Peter Parker is always going to be 616 Peter, from 1962 through to ugh. Probably about 2014, that's when I personally think the steady downhill slide in characterization that started around Brand New Day entered into irrevocable character damage territory. And I've talked before about how I think, despite what various creators may have said and despite different movie interpretations and the kind of fanon that shows up when you have an extremely large fandom with various levels of interest in actually reading the original-original source material, 616 Peter has traditionally remained a remarkably consistent character. Like yes you have to allow for different writers having slightly different takes, and no superhero who has been written by different creators over decades and decades is ever going to be 100% consistent, but given those factors, and given the character's growth -- like, these are all things that just apply to superhero comics by their very nature, but Peter Parker went five decades where he was a character who just made sense. When I call him fully realized, I really mean it. He feels real and completely fleshed out.
Which is why I kind of feel like the rest of your inquiries veer into more of a discussion on reader interpretation vs actual hard canon fact. And when I say reader interpretation I'm talking about the people who write the comics, too, because again we're working with a medium where fans often become creators, and bring all their own previous interpretations and related baggage with them into the story. Which has pros and cons! I don't mean to make it sound all negative.
I've talked about the relatable trap a lot and that I think there's been a troubling cultural shift from "this character is relatable because he relates to the basic human condition" to "this character is supposed to be relatable so he has to be exactly like me and have all of my exact problems" which feeds back into what you're saying re: "IS Peter a loser? Does he have troubles with girls?" Because it's like, if he's supposed to be a reflection of the Average Comic Book Reader (which I don't think he is) and if the Average Comic Book Reader is a Stereotypical Nerd (insulting implication) then obviously he has to be a loser who has problems with women. But like you said, that's not actually what's reflected in the comics. So what we're up against is this conglomeration of various reader interpretations all kind of tossed together and competing for attention and drowning out the actual comic character. Which is also the problem with calling him wish fulfillment -- whose wishes are we fulfilling? (My wish is to just read good Spider-Man comics currently, so obviously not mine.)
I also think it's a trap to go "well he's poor so obviously he shouldn't live in New York City" when the comics themselves go into this. His aunt and uncle lived in that house for a long time; most likely it's paid off. When he's lived in trendy Manhattan neighborhoods, it's often been in apartments owned by Harry Osborn. Mary Jane pays their bills a lot of the time! We have canon explanations for these things, we don't need to be having arguments about how they're not realistic because at the end of the day, Peter Parker is a fictional character -- writers have the ability to make these things make sense. He's in New York because he is New York; I don't see people jumping at the bit for him to move to Boise, Idaho, or for him to move back to Portland.
I think it's easy to say Peter hasn't had as many tragedies, or has suffered comparatively less than other major comic book figures, but that's opinion. His parents died! His uncle died! His aunt being in ill health in his youth meant an incredible about of responsibility was foisted on him much younger than his peers, leading to a sense of isolation! His girlfriend died! His best friend tried to kill him! Repeatedly! His best friend died! He was cloned! He was convinced that he was a clone and that his whole life was a lie and that he wasn't the real him! His clone, who he viewed as his brother, died! His baby died! On the same night! He thought that his aunt died but actually she'd been replaced by an actress and so he suffered through that grief and loss and tried to move on and then it turned out she wasn't dead! The world assumed his wife was dead for months and his friend group tried to force him to move on! The entirety of One More Day hinges on his inability to move on from the fact that when he instinctively saved his wife from gunfire, he left his aunt in the path of it! Like it's ALL tragedy, it's tragedy all the way down. Spider-Man is a tragedy. But because Peter Parker has earned this false title of being like, a funny little guy who is perpetually in high school and only ever cracks jokes and never engages in Serious Violence or whatever, that gets lost in translation. But for me, that's not a "version" of Peter Parker. That's just misinformation that's unfortunately become popular on a cultural scale and now it's impossible to get away from it. It's not an honest reflection of the source material.
Show, don't tell is the basis of a lot of writing -- whether or not you think that's good advice -- and I think a lot of these issues come down to people looking at small slices of a very large story and thinking that because it doesn't tell them everything in a huge Star Wars credits info dump at the very beginning of the each individual installment of the story that the whole thing doesn't make sense and that they need to "fix" it by declaring that if Peter is poor, he can't live in New York. If he's ever joked about having women troubles, he must be a total loser, so it's not realistic because he's actually always dating someone. Because a bomb didn't go off in his face, he's suffered less than other heroes. But that's not how long running superhero stories work, and sometimes it is necessary to look at the big picture to grasp the smaller details about a character.
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rainytypology · 9 months
Enneagram Type 3
An overview of an enneagram type. Not an expert. May change later.
Center: Heart/Image/Shame
Other triads: Competent, Assertive, Attachment
Basic motivation: To be successful, be admirable
Basic fear: Being a worthless failure
Wings: 3w2, 3w4
Disintegration/Stress: 9
Integration/Growth: 6
- Strengths -
Hard working
Ambitious, doesn't give up easily
Supportive and encouraging
- Weaknesses -
Deceptive, very image conscious
Needs to be impressive all the time
Can be arrogant
Detached from their feelings; does not understand their own heart
- 3w2 -
With 2's need to be loved, a 3w2 is often very charming and likeable. They can shift their image and personality to suit the preferences of others. Is good at making others feel seen and valued.
- 3w4 -
The 4 wing makes the 3 core more introverted, usually. A 3w4 is more focused on work and success, always working towards their goals. They have a push and pull of wanting to put a perfect front while valuing authenticity.
Disintegration: 9
Disintegration to 9 causes a 3 to slow down and become passive. Their ambitious nature is dead and they often give up on doing anything. Even if they are still keeping busy, these tasks will not spark any life into them. They will not bother to accomplish much, only needing to numb themselves with distractions.
Integration: 6
Integrating to 6 shifts a 3's competitive mindset to a more cooperative one. Becomes more considerate and more of a team-player. They learn to become more comfortable with who they are instead of wearing a mask all the time. They learn to be vulnerable.
Subtypes of 3
- Sp 3 -
The least stereotypical 3 subtype. This subtype tries to avoid their vanity. Usually the most workaholic subtype, tries very hard to reach success and build the life they want. They want to be genuine in what they do and how they present themselves, not just do and have things just for the sake of it (e.g wanting a nice car bc it shows they worked for it, not to show they're rich and cool).
- Sx 3 -
More focused on their relationships (family, friends, and partners usually). They want to help others be successful, are very supportive; basically like to be people's personal cheerleaders. If their close ones are successful then they too consider themselves successful. Having this sort of power can allow them to have some control over others. They want to seem perfect and valuable to close ones, so they will shape themselves to fit their expectations and preferences.
- So 3 -
Probably the most typical 3. Often an outgoing and charming type that can network with anyone. They care about social hierarchy and power, they want to be influential. They enjoy the spotlight and work hard to cultivate an admirable, successful image to impress others.
Enneagram list
Side blogs:
Kpop astrology @rainy-astrology
Kpop fanarts @rainy-artworks
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spoczkotszcz · 5 months
If you ever find yourself in a situation where someone is trying to use a checklist to impact your life and freedom, the below might be useful.
PCL-R is widely used to assess individuals in high-security psychiatric units, prisons and psychological screenings. This decides who should be detained and what sort of treatment you'd receive.
The checklist is a constellation of traits which you need to be aware of so as to not score them. Simply. This impacts your life. This is important. Do not allow people to box you in. You may be branded with a label that has a very real very tangible impact on your ability to access resources if you are not careful. It can have financial and social repercussions which will affect the quality of your life. In extremis you may lose your liberty. Avoid at all cost being labelled ASPD NPD or anything of the like.
Narcissism - this one is easy to avoid. Pretend you are shy talking about yourself. Pick a trait, such as having difficulty making eye contact that is easy to fake and easy to spin into a narrative wherein you are so concerned about what others think, but not in a positive or self obsessed manner.
Superficial charm - this one is also easy. Ties into the counter-narcissism narrative quite neatly. Make it so your fictitious trait is prominent (don't overdo it!) In your conversation. This can be shaking hands, unsure eye contact, a nervous twitch. Whatever.
Charisma / outward attractiveness -do not bother with this one. The innate human desire to trust and believe those they perceive as clean/attractive/healthy etc will only help you
Seductiveness -don't try to fuck the psychiatrist
Promiscuity -see above
Lack of empathy - ironically the easiest tell on this one is over exaggerated reactions. Do not grin broadly. Mute yourself. Go for a natural look. Do not overdo the shy/nervous/etc gestures
Feeling of emptiness -do not discuss the void. The void stays in the void.
Sadism- do not discuss. Bonus points if you organically introduce a narrative wherein you express that you feel horror at another's pain with very subtle body language and facial expressions to match.
Paranoia- if it weren't for your paranoia you wouldn't be reading this, and I wouldn't be writing this. By virtue of it being paranoia you won't talk about it with a head snooping doctor anyway.
Self harm
The suicidal x self harm traits are the ones you need to focus on and outwardly display so you may be diagnosed with a depressive disorder, if you are in a situation where they need to diagnose you with something. A depressive disorder will be much less impactful on your life. Of note is that the way you experience self harm and suicidal ideation is different than that of a depressive person. You need to be keenly aware of this. A depressed person does not get sexually excited by the prospect as an example. You will need to do research.
Female presenting people will also have an easier time with this and can afford to get a lot more lax and creative as femininity inherently signals emotional caring etc. in many cultural contexts. Obviously play it by ear, but do consider how you present outwardly. This includes other physical characteristics such as height and build. Try to be an inoffensive stereotype they can easily box in and feel smug that they've identified your "issue".
All other traits must be masked. Do not avoid discussing your past, but do lie about it.
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peonycats · 1 year
I had a question regarding your China post but was too shy to reply to it. I'm not Chinese and don't really know all of the cultural information/cultural differences and what all of the aspects of being masc vs femme entail. What parts of his character/how he's portrayed by Hima and/or by the fandom considered feminine? I just don't know what things would be considered femme by a Chinese POV. For example, long hair is considered femme in the West... But from what I understand it's more normalized and there's more historical precedent for men having long hair in China. I also HC that he cares a lot about his skin and uses a lot of natural skincare, would that be considered a femme trait? In America it certainly is, but some other cultures have different standards and view personal hygiene and taking care of your skin.
I hope this doesn't come off as rude or anything! I'm asking out of genuine curiosity, I hope I haven't phrased anything in an insensitive way. Thank you for reading!
Hi, I'm happy to answer! And I would say that you are correct when it comes to long hair, historically that was not considered a feminine trait in Chinese society.
What is the issue I see with Himaryu's portrayal is that Yao is demasculinized compared to the other Allies + Axis, even compared to N. Italy who was raised a girl. He's constantly put in female clothing against his will, his androgyny is the basis for many of the jokes, his childish demeanor and lovey-dovey attitude towards Japan in the earlier comics ("why did japan betray me omg 🥺🥺 it's not like we literally fought several wars before this"), as well as getting sexually harassed by Korea. He's essentially a male version of the Anime Chinese Girl Trope, which is rooted in the history of Japanese fetishism and exoticism of Chinese women- you can read more about it here:
Of course, Chinese people are free to reclaim Yao's femininity and androgyny- I know for me, Yao's androgyny is something that means a lot and is important to me. Many people have taken my prior post on the topic as me somehow condemning masculine portrayals of Yao as somehow pro-west and something I want to stop, which couldn't be further from the truth. For many reasons, some of which I have described above, I do understand why people may want to make Yao more overtly masculine.
I only ask that you consider why you are either choosing to make Yao more masculine or feminine, especially if you are not Chinese yourself, and what standards are you making him more masculine or feminine? Who is this more masculinized and feminized yao being contrasted against? Does any of the above fall into Orientalist tropes that dehumanize and stereotype Chinese people?
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oftlunarialmoon · 4 months
Top 5 Hobbies for a Kawaii Lifestyle
Originally posted to www.onlyfunthings.org on January 11, 2019
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Ciao lovelies! Today here’s 5 “Kawaii Lifestyle” Hobbies!
Now before I begin, I want to say that these hobbies are NOT the only hobbies that can be included in a “Kawaii Lifestyle”! You could do anything for hobbies and still lead a kawaii life. These are just some hobbies that may be considered “Kawaii” traditionally/stereotypically.
So now, let’s get into this super cute hobby list!
#1- Toy Collecting! Many Kawaii Lifestylers that I know of, myself included, collect toys! Some collect vintage toys, some collect modern and some collect both! Toy collecting can be very fun for many reasons. For one, if you have a more childish nature/if you’re an age regressor, you can play with the toys! For two, your toy collection can make great kawaii décor! Toys come in all shapes and colors and sizes, so you can carefully select what you want to display! Some Kawaii toys to collect that I recommend: Num-Noms!
As well as: Calico Critters (also known as Sylvanian Families), Shopkins Lil Secrets (Which are a lot like old school Polly Pockets), Squishies, Molang figures, Monster High Minis….ect! 
And going right along with toy collecting is…
#2- Toy Photography / Doll Photography! Another super fun and “kawaii” hobby is toy photography! Toys and dolls can be easier photo subjects (sometimes) than humans in my opinion because you can pose them exactly how you imagine, and you can take many shots while they hold the same pose! There are many highly poseable kawaii dolls like Monster High, Ever After High, Made-To-Move Barbie, and even BJD!
#3- Crafting/DIY! A big part of Kawaii subculture which isn’t really talked about enough in my opinion is the amount of crafty kawaii lifestylers! I’ve seen so many crafty kawaii lifestylers who make their own clothes, jewelry, accessories, décor… but yet I don’t see much discussion about it, and it can be hard to find good craft tutorials online for that specific niche! But crafty-ness is a big part of kawaii culture! I’ve even recently discovered a good place to get some kawaii stickers and beads for cute resin and jewelry projects, Blippo.com ! Blippo has many very kawaii items for pretty cheaply, just the other night I ordered a BUNCH of stuff for under $12 and free shipping, as well as a free mystery welcome gift! (my full review of Blippo is coming soonish, my orders are still in post). Another great place to find kawaii craft supplies is Aliexpress using search terms like “Kawaii Cabochon” and others like that. Just remember that Aliexpress is similar to Amazon/Ebay and you should always check the reviews before buying anything! (Note- this post was not sponsored by either of these sites, this is just my own opinion).
#4- Baking! Baking can be so much fun, and you don’t even need to make things from scratch to have a good time! Want to know a secret? Some of the best cakes I’ve ever made were with a modified box mix! One of my best tips is: “To make a boxed cake mix really amazing, follow the directions on the box EXCEPT: add 1 more egg than what it calls for, instead of using oil use melted butter (and double the amount), instead of water use milk!” This tip I found on Pinterest, and I’ve used it several times to make some of the best cakes and cupcakes I’ve ever made! ….So I bet you’re wondering how this hobby is particularly “kawaii”? Well, the decorating of course! Decorating cakes, cupcakes, cookies and more is one of the best parts of baking! You can make the baked good as kawaii as you want!
#5- Journaling! I know I mentioned this briefly in Wednesday’s post, but let’s talk quickly about how to make this kawaii. Again, you can use sites like Blippo.com to find cute stickers, washi tape, pens and pencils! You can also doodle in your journal and draw cute things like flowers, animals, and chibis! You can also press flowers in a journal for extra cute-ness. 
What do you think of our suggestions? What do you consider to be “kawaii” hobbies? Let us know in the comments!
Remember to Stay Awesome and Love Yourself!
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