#that old man loves fearne so much
anotherawkwardfan · 10 months
break time but can we have a standing ovation for my man, the myth, the legend: Travis Willingham playing Chetney this episode.
he's balancing playing the comic relief, the heart, and delivering truths bombs left and right.
the way he spoke to fearne, trying to speak her language of mischief as form of comfort and letting out steam though he may not completely understand why she said no to the shard. and when that didn't work giving her space to work it out but asking her to come back.
vs talking to ashton. breaking the image of the fool and talking to him in THAT tone. it's the fucking disappointment, you can hear the rage on behalf of fearne ("you could have HURT fearne!"). telling him to work his shit out but to not bring everyone down with them and if they couldn't do that, then leave.
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yencirilla · 1 year
chetney pock o’pea is The character of all time and i’m sorry if you do not get him the way that i do because he is so !!!!! just an old man, who has felt like he’s had no purpose for hundreds of years, finally forming a family after so long. he mentioned the family he was born into not being close, so this is probably the first group of people he’s really felt loved and safe in since he was born hundreds of years ago.
and yes he is hilarious, and he does some silly goofy things but there’s so much more to him than just that. chetney running the bath for imogen after the casino because he know how difficult crowded places were for her. chetney checking in with her after they faced her mother. chetney calling her councilwomen temult in her hometown to impress the people that shunned her. chetney listening to orym talk about his husband, telling orym that he was sure will was really happy with him, and then crafting something honor orym and will’s relationship. chetney pleading for fearne to have something to bring orym back after he was killed.
chetney telling fearne’s mother that fearne deserved an explanation for leaving her. chetney asking about nana morri, using cloth to make her dolls to play with after she learned the truth about her parents. chetney being trusted to carve the wooden box for her parents, and making it look beautiful for fearne. chetney not making fun of laudna for her puppets, and instead making them a house for her to play with. laudna hugging chetney. chetney checking on her after fcg attacked. chetney asking about laudna’s hands when she seemed upset after their reunion, and his words being the reason they got to see laudna in the fucked up version of whitestone.  
chetney comforting fcg after they attacked the group, chetney checking in with fcg about their emotions and making him a toy to better express himself. chetney always trying to protect, whether it be protecting fcg from shithead or trying to get otohan’s attention when she was headed towards fearne. chetney comforting deanna after frida refused her hug, making frida a toy that depicts frida as a protector, because that’s what they both are. i think about the line he says in episode 42 sooo often when annaline tells chetney not to shit where he sleeps, and chetney replies “guess it only matters if you care where you sleep - that’s new for me.” this is the first time he feels like he has a home and a family and he would do anything for any of them.
chetney pock o’pea you are so loved by me!!!!
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zeephyre · 3 months
???????????? im not sure where to start or end.
lets just start with how incredibly beautiful the cast looked at the live show. and how much i enjoyed seeing both brennan and aabria present (we will get to brennan again in a second)
as far as the actual episode, i think this episode is both one of the best episodes and one of my favourite episodes. dominox's visions were brutal but it was really interesting seeing how the hells handled them. chetney and dorian seemed the most affected, and honestly chetney's was the most mindfuck-y, but the way that ashton and imogen just got to the root of the manipulation, trying to reach out to dominox.... *chefs kiss*
i loved the mystery of this episode... smth abt how creepy dominox is and bells hells going back and forth on what they should do with it/him/her. dominox manifesting as a little girl was so??? creepy but also the greatest shit ever, i found it so compelling and far scarier than the big scary demon form. something something the corruption of innocence something something
it is really fucked up to give ashton that fcg vision just after sam got back to the table... like that was just twisting the knife deeper and deeper.
we NEED to lock braius up or something, i thought fearne was the most horny poly pc with chetney but GOD he really locked tf in as soon as he took bells hells in. in all seriousness i cannot wait for more braius (in like....a fucking MONTH I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE). interested in whatever the fuck he's got going on with dorian, ashton and fearne... will need him to flirt with chetney cause we didnt get around to it.
speaking of fearne... teven saying they're bound together and expressing desire to have her join him in the hells... love toxic romance idc. also him saying he's bound to a lot of people and then fearne saying SHE IS TOO??? can y;all stop the ship wars now please how much more explicit can fearne get about being poly and not wanting or needing to CHOOSE. hell... ashton literally keeps flriting with other dudes, i.e: essek, and now braius. HERE'S HOW POLY HELLS CAN FINALLY BECOME REAL.
bells hells morality in question is always my favourite bit at the table becausse like... they're good people, i guess but really they care more about each other than other people. (and then theres orym who is just a little guy with trauma... he'll match our freak eventually)
LUDINUS APPEARANCE WAS SO INCREDIBLY INSANE LIKE HE WAS WAY TOO CASUAL ABOUT IT AND THAT WAS SO FUNNY TO ME. GOD. AM I IN LOVE WITH LUDA??? (a little yeah). tag teaming dominox with ludinus is literally the greatest shit ever i am so SO sorry keyleth i know we were supposed to kill him on sight or whatever (and they did attack him immediately) but i want to ask him my silly little questions.
i have never thought that ludinus was... wrong, idealogically, as the discourse can have us going in circles, i mostly just dont like people who murder hundreds for their own agendas. however comma i do love a motivated hot old man with religious trauma.
whatever the hell ludinus found... if it shifts bells hells' reality to the point they join him (unlikely but not totally impossible) i will lose my fucking mind. regardless i WANT ludinus to do what he said he said he wanted to do -- show exandria what the gods want BURIED.
brennan... brennan please reveal your secrets to me. please. pleas.e nwow. pleae brewnan. im begging,
anyway, is it thursday yet (AFTER TWO WEEKS GOD WTF)
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pink-lightsabre · 1 month
c3 105 thoughts dump
when... are we getting new opening titles... please i wanna see more of dorian in the beginning credits...
oooooooooooooh she's gonna broadcast downfall. "it'll harm everyone." while that is true. i dont think yall can hoard that information. personally.
we really didn't do any check about that. wow. that feels ill advised!!!!!!!!
a mass poisoning???????? perhaps a little like molaesmyr?????
it could be a trap! that's true! which is why IMOGEN NEEDED TO DO A CHECK ABOUT IT!!!!!!
do not. try to bargain with fearne's bio dad. please.
oooooooooh what IS ira doing. that's a great question.
"i thought we would have A plan and now it seems like we have A LOT of plans." dorian that's so relatable
man i wish the silken squall was at this meeting. i understand that theyre not bc they're very isolationist but. i want to see dorian interacting with his parents SO bad
the judicators are still so fucking creepy. and the fact that aeor had their own arcane version FUCKS me up.
"it's pretty low... 24." LMAO
i hope someone gave vex advanced warning that dragons were gonna be there. otherwise her favored enemy ranger sense gotta be going BANANAS.
braius flirting with dorian. absolutely hilarious. 12/10 sam i love it.
"i've got my faith in you. and my finger." // "it's a pretty big finger." // "dont underestimate me." ROBBIE
pie dice!!!!!!!! i love that.
oooooooooooooooooooh who is there. WHO IS THERE!!!!!!
fearne being poly is so special to me. i love it.
robbie cosplaying as dorian with the deep necklines of his shirts. is chefs kiss.
braius sticking his nose EVERYWHERE. way to go sam.
DORIAN'S DAD IS THERE?????????????????????????
i need to run laps around my house. i cant handle this.
oh no cyrus looked like their mom. D;
"i'll shake it off."
FIRE ASHARI!!!!!!!!!! robbie gets to know the feeling of a character he voiced being there! i love this for him.
related to that. i cannot w a i t for the robbie daymond c4 permanent cast member announcement.
zone of truth cast by a fucking dragon!!!!!!!! my god that's so cool. but jesus christ what is the DC on that. 20 apparently!
robbie calling himself the rizzler. hate that. LMAO.
it's not bolo. and that is a TRAGEDY. LONG LIVE BOLO.
people being upset that vm gets to take down the malleus key and m9 gets to take down the weave mind while bh takes down ludinus. understandable i suppose but COULD NOT be me. i love how interconnected c3 is to everything and i love the other heroes getting to take other shit down.
"time is short." // "and so am i."
"ash. just for a few minutes. lock it up." THAT'S RIGHT DORIAN.
ashton i swear to god... do not blow this...
PHEW thank god braius can lie. my god. SPECTACULAR work braius. way to fucking go.
saint graham... sam what the hell
travis peer pressuring his wife into using her abilities. i fucken love it.
LOVE the contingent from the matron's temple supporting laudna. absolutely wonderful.
i want. the first thing. that dorian's father says to him. to be about dorian wearing gold.
ashton going to talk and EVERYONE going "no no nonononono!!!!!" hugely relatable
okay okay that wasn't bad actually!!!! way to go ash!
magical girl fearne in her titan transformation. amazing.
a bard with performance anxiety! truly i love that so much. robbie ur mind. absolutely genius.
orym can you step up and talk about all dorian has to offer
"orym totally blue screens" oh so relatable. a HUGE mood. i've also been that horny.
chetney reminding everyone that he's old... old as balls...
all the speeches were so good. i am. of course. absolutely biased towards dorian's.
does chetney have A KID
liam GLARING at matt while he's playing dorian's dad. EXTREMELY relatable.
"word of cyrus's passing has reached us." O U G H E "we wanted to make sure you were properly aware." excuse me whilst i sob on the floor.
oh no. oh no this is not how i thought this was gonna go. oh no i'm gonna cry. dorian "locks up with physical affection" storm. my favorite for a reason.
OH NO SAM WEARING THE FRIDA HOODIE. I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE. frida still doesn't know what happened to fcg....
aaaaaaaaaaand there's the other shoe dropping! "those willing and capable" because you think dorian ISN'T?
y e a h this is more how i thought this was gonna go. oughe my heart.
there's dorian's anger! oh it is so precious to me.
i'm gonna throw up dude. oh my god. matt and robbie i love you. IS THE ZONE OF TRUTH UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a deeply revealing question!
"a smile and a look in his eyes you've been chasing your entire life. pride." O U G H E
"you made my favorite toys growing up." HAHA I KNEW IT.
THE C-POPPERS!!!!!!! chetney has a fan club this is so great.
"can i get a painty." m a t t h e w
chet calling imogen his assistant. what a throw back to dorian and imogen at the masque in jrusar.
braius you silver tongued motherfucker.... god that's so good
that's so funny. oh my god.
HOW MUCH HE LOVES DORIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! liam obrien i am kissing you on the mouth
dorian and orym having so many conversations AROUND how much they love each other. never actually saying it. or talking to each other about it directly. makes me want to chew concrete.
oh ashton....................... i love u. i really do.
"i think what she said was trustworthy" AGAIN YOU WOULD HAVE A BETTER IDEA IF YOU DID A CHECK ABOUT IT
imogen and keyleth... kiki saying imogen reminds her of a younger her... saying she's gonna need to convince the rest of vm to do this malleus key mission... oh i am sick
matthew.......... why the random d20 roll
oh if we're going back to nana morri does that mean SOMEONE will FINALLY ask orym about his not new anymore magic and how/why/where it came from. or if there's a conversation between orym and nana morri about the state of his deal since fcg died.
chetney you dumbass. that was NEVER gonna happen. HER CALLING HIM A YOUNGIN. amazing.
the BQILF lmao
y'all simply HAVE to be more careful with ashton and the worshippers of the luxon. this is how people get kidnapped and experimented on in underground layers.
oh the tragedy of ashton only getting to be okay and not in pain when he's in the titan form. ugh that makes me so sad.
god i love callowmoore so much!!!
chetney is so excited about having a fan. i love this for travis so much LMAO.
"he made me a beautiful toy boat! i gave it to a street urchin." LMAO
this is truly so funny. i relate to this man so much.
"this is the room you're gonna die in." // "i'm okay with that."
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paperglader · 10 months
Back to the place where she died.
Back to the place where she has been brought back. Twice.
Still healing from that. Still not over how not too long ago she killed a man in cold blood because she lost control. Because of betrayal. Darkness. Hunger.
A little kid touched her chest and felt so much hatred that she had to run away, scared. A hatred that laudna did not put there, that is not her own but that she’s been made to carry.
Delilah. Imogen’s promise.
Ashton. Her friend. The one that’s as visually broken as her. The one that’s always got it. The one that’s enabled her behavior in the past. Comforted her. Betrayed her. Hurt Fearne. Almost didn’t make it through. Reckless. Stupid. Woke up something within her, something bad.
The shard. Delilah. Hunger. Fear. She’s gonna hurt someone again. Her old hut. Coldness.
“Sometimes you have to walk from whence you came to appreciate how far you’ve come.”
The woods. Her friends running after her again. Guilt. Shame.
Ashton’s doll.
Imogen, the one she loves, the one that gave her a reason to live, the one that has never shied away from her, that has loved her through it all. She took off the circlet that kept her away from Laudna’s thoughts– thoughts that once were musical, that truly were the first reason that drove them together– immediately told her that she was disgusted by what she now found within her, the recent state of presence of the woman that lives there. That haunts her. Her abuser, driving Imogen away.
Laudna’s not sure which of her wants or feelings are actually hers anymore.
Laudna dreams about a normal life. Sometimes. All the time..
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crystal-lillies · 11 months
OH MY GOD that was certainly A Critical Role Episode of All Time
We had Laudna trying to heal from her traumas but oops leaning into them, feat. The Witches and Guest Starring Delilah Briarwood.
We had Orym giving the ghost pirate spyglass to Fearne and telling her how wonderful and full of love she is and how much he is grateful to have her around and how she has blossomed and (screams and cries).
We had SLEDDING IN WHITESTONE!!! BOO YEAH!! (bonus: "respect your fucking elders!!")
We had Imogen finally getting a reason to want to save the gods!! Save the cheerleader Laudna, save the world! She went to the Dawnfather temple and actually PRAYED!! (And The Matron of Ravens is Definitely Looking)
We had Orym getting potions and baked goods!! A whole apple pie!!
We had CASSANDRA DE ROLO!!! and MORE Allura and Percy!! Percy and Allura's meat packed illusion army is so fucking cool and Galaxy brain thinking. And old man Percy lighting up like a kid at Christmas getting to design devices to take down the mechanisms at the Malleus Key!!! And that glee turning into absolute "your secret is safe with my indifference" level of grumbling Percy upon giving FCG a solid gold jeweled encrusted baking tin.
We had the FUCKING ZIGGURAT. and Oh my GOD everything that happened there. Fearne and Ashton at the top, Ashton knowing Fearne doesn't want to take the shard so they say fuck it just let me have it!!! The kiss!!! The 10 fucking rounds of constitution saves and ALMOST JUST EXPLODING (thank you @quiddie for everyone's sanity and Ashton's life with that ring of temporal salvation)!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Holy FUCK what a whiplash episode
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grigori77 · 4 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 94
One Shot Wonders? This should be interesting ... oh ... right, Robbie being RIGHT THERE is ... interesting ... we know full well what a chaos gremlin he is, we have been missing that ... and then there's Laura who can't even BEGIN to hold it together long enough to become a problem ... XD ... that was ... a STRANGE skit, to be honest ... but interesting ...
Wow ... that was the most thinly-veiled dig at Youtube I've EVER HEARD, Travis ...
Bells Hells live show? Intriguing ...
I swear, though, seeing FCG on the title sequence is ... INTENSE. We miss you already, Letters ...
It already feels SO GOOD that we got Dorian back, though ... and I mean it, I love having Robbie back at the table ...
Given the mood, I can't even get enthusiastic about any possibility for Ashton x Fearne stuff ...
Laudna: "What's harder? Expecting the worst, or being surprised?" Dorian: "Good question." Oof ...
Ahston (to Fearne): "Dou you want some company tonight?" HOLY FUCK ... I'm Travis right now ... he's all of us ... oh yeah, ANYTHING is good with these too, I'll take the crumbs ... and it's sweet. It really is ...
Oh yeah, so Orym TOTALLY heard all of that ... XD
LONG REST!!! LONG REST!!! Gods, they need this SO BAD ...
Travis rolls AGAIN ... oh shit, how do I keep forgetting about that? Is Chetney dead?
How is Fearne arranged wit Ashton in theit sleep? Why is this a WORRYING question right now, MATTHEW?!!! O.O
Okay ... what the hell is THIS thing? Why is this more creepy than cute right now? I don't trust this shit ... be careful, Fearne, please ...
33 Passive Perception ... fucking hell, Orym ...
How DOES she squeeze through that? Wildshape? A cockatiel with a peach plume? Awwwwww ... Ashley doing the wobbly birdwalk ... :3 ... oh wait ... so it's leading her AWAY? Yeah, I really DON'T trust this shit right now ...
Yes. Keep following her, Orym ... do not lose that bird ...
She's going to continue following this INCREDIBLY SUSPICIOUS critter becausde it's cute ... yeah, classic Fearne ... I just can't with her ...
Floating IN THE AIR? How the fuck? Yeah, that definitely can't be a good sign. A DARK ARMOURED GAUNTLET? Fuck's sake ... damn it, it's FUCKING Zathuda. FEARNE!!! Gods damn-it!
She's just PANIC FLAPPING. Of course she is ...
The whole time Ma\tt does this character I'm just seeing Sean Connery in Highlander ... it really doesn't help to create the menace due the moment ...
Crap ... he intends to use Fearne to unlock Predathos' prison ... yeah, that's not much of a surprise ...
Yeah, there's NO WAY she's gonna come with you, you Scottish CREEP ... but she wants his wyvern ... yeah, of course she does. LOL ... oh boy ... he's actually really taking that as encouragement, isn't he?
Yes girl. Insight check this asshat ... WHISPERS!!! Cue Beacon plug by Travis ...
"Fearne Zathuda?" Come ON, you evil fuck, don't you dare ... YES FEARNE!!! School the man ... Calloway all the way ...
A MIRROR? Oh balls ... please not THAT shit again ... last thing we need right now is Dark Fearne ...
Bollocks ... it really IS happening ... damn it, I saw that shit coming ... fuck ... fuck fuck fuck fuck ... she's loose, she's free, this is SO BAD ...
Wait ... SHE'S MULTIPLYING?!!! Fuck, that's not good ...
Orym messages Dorian through the Sending stone ... PLEASE let this work ... talk about a desperate Hail Mary ... PLEASE PICK UP, DORIAN!!! Oh thank fuck that worked ...
Laura has to roll for everyone to see if this WAS a long restor not ... YES!!! Thank fuck ... so only Fearne and Orym are still short, at least ... but that's not so good right now ... balls ...
YES!!! Chentey's nose! Sniff them out QUICK old man!
Ashton says: "Find. Them. NOW!!!" with SUCH exquisite intensity, I love it ...
Over the wall! Quickly!
No guards? No help? REALLY?!!!
Roll initiative! Uh-oh ...
Shit! A Battlemap! Bollocks ... this means he's SERIOUS ...
Yes! Orym! Bait & Switch for the win like always! Way to go, Wee Man!
Earthbind? Hmmm ... could she fuck this up for them before it even starts? That would be helpful ... yes, stay put, Fearne ... be careful ...
Boy, Faux-Fearne is SO CREEPY ... SHADOW CLAW attacks? Oh fuck ... COLD DAMAGE?!!! Ouch ... wait ... oh, so Fearne can become RESISTANT to Cold damage? Nice ... plus Psychic damage? Argh ... not so good ...
And now the extras ... I really hope they're pale imitations ... balls, looks like they might NOT be ... shit ... a NAT20?!!! Come on Mercer, PLEASE play nice ... O.O
Orym pulls another Bait & Switch ... okay ... oh, is he planning on invoking Nana Morri? Yeah, do it, any port in a storm ... meanwhile GET SWINGING, Fighter! HOLY SHIT, Liam, you are rolling ROCKS tonight! Keep THAT up, please!
Fearne activates the Spark! Yeah! She'll pay for it later, but right now ... SO BADASS, I swear ... and here comes Mister! Yay!
Oh, they take Fire damage when they hit her? Nice ... Voice Thief? What the sweet FUCK?!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaargh ... 17 poijnts of damage? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck ... it cuts her throat, with no blood ... BUT HER VOICE IS JUST GONE ... fucking hell ... oh fucking fuck ... she is just getting SO MESSED UP right now, I hate this ...
Come on, Orym, fuck these bitches UP!!! Nice! Nat20! But it's A SHIT damage dict roll ... balls ... Second Wind! Yeah, right now he really needs it ... yeah, he's done what he can ...
All that Fearne has left is VERBAL spells ... fuck ... Mister takes some shots with his flaming shit gun instead ... she's going to DROP her flaming form? REALLY?!!! That was the ONLY ADVANTAGE she had right now ... but it does cause a big BOOM so maybe it'll work ... yeah, at least it gets TWO of 'em ... 41 points of damage! YEAH!!! Wow, and she just TAKES THOSE TWO OUT entirely ... yes! And now she's at FOUR POINTS OF EXHAUSTION ... oof ...
Dark Fearne jumps up on one of the rocks ... what's THIS SHIT?!!! Oh nice ... BOTH HITS MISS ENTIRELY?!!! Sweet ... but the third hits ... 6 points ... AND SHE'S DOWN?!!! FUCK!!! Another hit while she's DOWN? Fuck!! Autocrit means TWO FAILED DEATH SAVES!!! NO NO NO NO NO!!!
Orym pours a healiong potion down Fearne's throat for 17 HP back, then crouches over her to protect her, shield up and ready ... ORYM!!! Sweet ...
At least Fearne's got her voice back ... SCORCHING RAY!!! GO QUEEN!!! Four attacks ... roll good, Ash! 2 hit, but she rolls BALLS on the damage ...
But it was JUST enough to finally take out Dark Fearne? Oh thank the fucking GODS ...
Mister shoots more flaming shit at thew remaining copy ... and hits it! OKay ... come on, you sweet flaming monkey ... meanwhile Ashley gets stuck reading rules and Laura gets REALLY upset with her about it ... NERVES, PEOPLE!!! And it WORKS!!! That last bitch is DEAD!!! Thank fuck ...
Is it over? Thank fuck ... oh for ... NOW what? Gloamglut? Fucking ZATHUDA!!! You fucking ASSHAT!!! Just piss off already!
The NEXT LESSON? Oh, I hate him so much ...
NOW the alarm's raised? As he's already leaving? IS HE leaving? What's happening?
Thank fuck that's over with ... yeah, NO MORE solo nighttime excurstions, ANY OF YOU ... you're making me go grey here ...
Cure Wounds? Yes. Thank you, Dorian. Heal Fearne ...
Yes. Seriously, Fearne, NO MORE FOLLOWING CUTE CREATURES ... I agree, take a buddy next time! Smarter, at least ...
Ah, yes ... because Dorian REALLY DOESN'T know a whole lot right now, this is true ... seriously, time to fill our poor boy in!
And now for a break ... yeah ...
Creeeeepy Beacon ad ... hmmm ...
An uneasy morning, clearly ... salvaging what's left of the mirror ... is that really a good idea?
Yes, indeed ... what ARE WE going to do now? What's the plan? Decisions need to be made ...
Kayleth first ... yeah, smart.
Okay, big meeting. Time to unload all the information ...
Oh, is Fearne going to fill them in on the WHY that all just kicked off? This should be interesting ...
So ... the Hallowed Cage rings a bell? Interesting ...
Yes, I figured Evoroa would be a valuable teaching resource for this lot ...
Growing discord from Ludinus' propaganda across Exandria? Great. Just what we need right now ...
Oh yeah, the machinery ... the piece of Malleus Key tech ... okay ... so it's definitely Arcanum era technology ... all of it keeps pointing back to Aeor ...
Someone who knows Aeor? Who's that, then? They're on a mission? Hmmm ...
A mission for US, then? Okay ... so they're going to meet with this individual? And potentially stop Ludinus, if he IS out there too? Sounds smart ...
Yeah, I mean Dorian does have a particularly fresh and unique perspective on this right now that's bound to be useful ...
"Scrappy fuck-ups"? I mean, he ain't wrong, but ...
Whoa, Chetney ... O.O ... HEAVY WORDS, man ... careful ...
Laudna: "He was just a snow Ludinus!" Um ... yeah ...
Chetney's like a "fart in the wind" ... XD ... cute ...
Imogen tries to show them what the Five Minds looked like ... okay ... yeah, Chetney's right, there's definitely some serious POWER in their Psychic game compared to ours ...
Weeks? I really doubt we actually HAVE that much time ...
Sent by a WIDOGAST? What?
Seth Domade? An archivist of the Cobalt Soul? Interesting ... so he's one of the Aeor experts? Cool. He's actually BEEN THERE? Even cooler ...
The furniture? What? Chetney ...
Finding an individual? WHO?!!! He'll tell them on the way? Damn it ...
The globe! Cool ... XD Keyleth finds it somewhat terrifying. As she should ...
Laudna's fetuses in jars ... yeah ... calm down, Dead Girl!
So, off to find this mysterious Assembly member first, then ... yeah ... and they're going to be using Domade as the means of transport? Teleportation? Hmmmm ...
Imahara Joe? Yeah ... he really should know what happened to FCG ... best to wait until they can tell him themselves, then. Yeah ...
So, to Zadash first, then ... oh, war chest funds? Yeah, that'd be really helpful too ... 10,000 gold pieces? REALLY?!!! Wow ... that's ... IMPRESSIVE ...
Yes. Ashton's giant magic Hole ... oh yeah, Dorian's not seen that yet ... Chetney: "Are you turned off by our dep dark Hole?" Well I mean it does STINK or rotting corpses right now ... oh, they're just cleaning all the nasty stuff out of it RIGHT NOW? Holy fuck ... LOL
Wow ... this conversation just became surreal and oddly unpleasant ...
Domade is intrigued by his first impression of this group and I don't blame him in the slightest ...
Yes. Fearne IS exhausted. FOUR TIMES right now ... yes, Keyleth PLEASE help her right now ...
She took away TWO WHOLE POINTS of Exhaustion? Cool ...
The Champion of Asmodeus? Oh boy ... O.O
Yeah, Keyleth continues to be awesome, like always ...
Wise words from Orym, yes ... and some advice from her to him, too ... oh boy ...
Dorian likes the Mythtaker. Yeah ... :3
Okay, heading out with Seth, then. Introductions all round first, though. Yeah ...
Oh right ... this looks like a SERIOUS Teleportation spell ...
Yeah, Liliana was able to STOP TIME. It was very intimidating.
Ah, so where ARE THEY then, Matthew? The Sprawl in Zadash. Okay ... interesting, it seems that something has been amiss recently ... oh, recent BATTLE? Hmmm ...
So Chetney's been here before, long ago ...
Ah, the Tri-Spires, yeah ...
Invisibility? Yeah, that's viable for some ... yea, timely indeed since they're being followed ... yeah! Do it now ...
Oh, so they're gonna BLUFF IT, are they? Group Stealth check ... great ... NAT1?!!! Ashley NO!!!
Smells like deer shit ... XD
Dodge the guards? ANOTHER Stealth check? Oof ... oh, yeah, MUCH better ...
Walk with confindence ... Chetney just starts Connor McGregor-swaggering ... LOL
The Gilded Willows? Nice ...
"Do not panic"? So that's the keyword to GRAB ... okay ...
Chastity's Nook? REALLY?!!!
Oh boy ... this is gonna be WILD, I can already tell ... yeah, Dorian finally gets it ... XD ...
Iva: "How can I help you?" Imogen: "Oh, we're here for the ... uh ... PORN."
Ah yes ... ye olde sex shoppe ... LOL
Erma? ERMA?!!! SHE'S the target? Really?
Blood Cursxe of Binding? Wow ... straight to it ... meanwhile Imogen casts Command and tells her to: "Freeze!"
Oh, nice grapple, Ashton ... if he pulls this off it's gonna be SWEET ... 23? NICE ...
Laudna Counterspells before Erma can work her magic ... 21? YES!!! Nice one! Success! Unsettling Presence ... YEAH!!!
Dorian puffs Ruby Dust in her fast and casts a 7th Level Forcecage on her ... WHAT?!!! Holy fuck, bard! She tries to Counterspell it ... and it works? BALLS ...
Orym glues her hand to the wall with Sedling's Grasping Vine ... meanwhile Ashton just grabs her arm ... and Imogen tries to hold her in place with her mind ...
Seth pulls something that just deadens LL MAGIC IN THE ROOM ... oh, nice, I see what he did there! Yes, sweet move, Cobalt Soul! That';s perfect. Time to just dogpile her, then ...
Wait ... no more illusion for Seth, then ... HOLDY FUCK!!! YES!!! I KNEW IT!!! Essek fucking Thelyss! YAY!!!
She's fucking ASTRID?!!! Seriously?
And THAT'S where we're calling it? I mean FUCK but also NICE! I mean it's kinda perfect, really. MY BOY IS HERE!!! YES!!!
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astralleywright · 23 days
character meme, you know im gonna ask ludinus
well yes!
First impression
My first time actually meeting him in canon was in Yios, so it was very much fear and curiosity, partially because his reputation preceded him, and partially because of him throwing around spells so casually, 20th level wizard style. He knows Liliana! He casually Feebleminded Khadija Sumal right in front of Imogen and Fearne bc he knew they couldn't do anything to stop him! Great villain introduction.
Impression now
There's that same fear and respect-love some high level spellcaster bullshit-now tempered by having a better insight into his humanity. Both in the sense that he's a much more sympathetic, tragic villain now, and also that he's easier to laugh about bc he's more of a real guy.
Favorite moment
His intro is a strong contender, but I think it might be his appearance during the Dominox battle and the lead up to Downfall for me. And only partly bc i was at the liveshow. And only partly bc of the looney tunes visual of a geriatric werewolf gnome flying past him.
Idea for a story
I would be really interested to learn about him growing up in the shadows of the ruins of Aeor and that era directly after the Calamity! Or about his first contact with Ruidis and the Weave Mind. Or Molaesmyr. this guy's got a lot going on.
Unpopular opinion
lol. lmao. i wrote several versions of this that all just amounted to "i don't think wholly incompetent and insincere"
Favorite relationship
him and Bells Hells is so interesting to me bc like! pov you're an ancient ass wizard who has both seen and done things no one else has seen or done before. there is nothing that can phase you or distract you from your goal. and then the freaks enter
maybe he really just needs Fearne and/or Imogen, but the suggestion was that any Exaltant will do, so? by the time you get to their encounter in Aeor you would think Ludinus would just say fuck it and kill them (and based on his exit that may be what happens next time), so the fact that he continously tried to appeal to them is so interesting to me. What does he think of them. In what way has he framed their underdog status, their complete lack of social power vs their vital impact on his life's work in his mind. tell me your secrets old man
Favorite headcanon
You know what, that probably wasn't the first airship he's thrown at him.
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lunarrolls · 1 year
uhh 27 with the little robot guy and the old one from the retirement home that u told me about
i took care of a TASK and now i can WRITE! liz i love you thank you for referring to chetney as the retirement home one <3 it’s what he deserves <3 27 is the modify memory spell!!
Modify memory is a 5th level enchantment spell on the bard, warlock, and wizard spell lists.
You attempt to reshape another creature’s memories. One creature that you can see must make a Wisdom saving throw. If you are fighting the creature, it has advantage on the saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes charmed by you for the duration. The charmed target is incapacitated and unaware of its surroundings, though it can still hear you. If it takes any damage or is targeted by another spell, this spell ends, and none of the target’s memories are modified.
While this charm lasts, you can affect the target’s memory of an event that it experienced within the last 24 hours and that lasted no more than 10 minutes. You can permanently eliminate all memory of the event, allow the target to recall the event with perfect clarity and exacting detail, change its memory of the details of the event, or create a memory of some other event.
If a suggestion is illogical, the target’s mind smooths out any gaps. This effect can be ended by a remove curse or greater restoration spell.
Chetney really thought ignoring that demon would work, but eh, whatever. He tried. They won the fight. Whatever the fuck it was, it’s gone now, and he and Grass are striding behind the rest of their friends, lagging a little because this stupid forest didn’t seem to take their wheel and his old-ass joints into account. Which is fine, because at least they’re still walking together, so if anything pops out at them, Chetney can stab it immediately and F.C.G. can alert the others. If they even need to be alerted. Not many things can withstand the ol’ one-two from C-POP himself.
Chetney glances to his left, where F.C.G. was just rolling, and does a double take. The chipper yellow robot is gone.
Fuck. Ashton’s gonna string his guts out and wear them like a necklace.
Chetney spins around, scanning the mildly terrifying underbrush for any glinting metal. He’s not gonna call out for anyone else just yet, in case it’s a false alarm (and because he likes his guts right where they are, thank you very much), but he’s preparing the breath to do so.
A twig snaps off to his right.
Chetney whips around to face it, scrutinizing the impenetrable shadows. “Grass?” he hisses, hopefully not loud enough for anyone else to hear. “That you?”
“What was that, Chet?” Orym calls. Chetney flinches, glancing to the halfling currently leading the party’s trek. Of course Orym’d hear.
“Uh,” Chetney says, “I’m not really super sure where F.C.G. is.”
“What?” Imogen says. “Weren’t they just walking—er, rolling, next to you?”
“How do you lose a robit?” Laudna asks incredulously.
Fearne mumbles something like, “you forget to cherish them,” but Chetney’s preoccupied, because—yeah, Ashton’s going to murder him. They shoot him a truly terrifying look, no hint of their usual mirth when threatening him, and start calling for their friend, caution thrown to the wind.
Chetney turns to keep searching with the rest only to spot a glint of familiar yellow and silver farther back on the path.
“Grass!” he yells, taking off toward the figure. “Hells, don’t scare us like that, man, we thought—“
His words trail off. F.C.G.’s eyes are the closest to unfocused they can get without pupils, their little hands preoccupied in nervous fidgeting. His body almost seems on the verge of those jitters he gets when he freaks out and goes all murder-y.
“Hey, hey,” Chetney soothes, staring up into his friend’s lenses, “what’s wrong? What happened?”
“I have to leave,” F.C.G. says, and they truly sound petrified, conflicted. “F.R.I.D.A. messaged, they sent a sending, they’re in trouble—“
“What? Already? Really?” Chetney exclaims, perplexed and concerned. “They—they did?”
“Yeah,” he says, sounding on the verge of robot tears, “they—they said they needed my help, that Deanna had been hurt and Prism didn’t know how to fix it with the spells she had, and—and they needed me to get there fast.”
“Shit, Letters,” Chetney says softly. “Okay, we can tell the others and talk about how to get you over there. I’m sure Imogen could use her new staff, right? Did F.R.I.D.A. say where they were?”
F.C.G. shivers. “Yios, somewhere in Yios. I gotta—I haveta help them, Chetney, I—“
“I know,” Chetney says, “yeah. We’ll get you there. C’mon.”
Chetney starts towards the others, but he hesitates for just a moment. “Isn’t sending still malfunctioning?” Chetney asks, his brows furrowing. “And—F.R.I.D.A. can’t cast sending, can they? They’re not a spellcaster.”
F.C.G. nervously rocks back. “Huh. Yeah. Well, sending must be working again, then? We could have gotten lucky. And—and Deanna must have sent it then—or, F.R.I.D.A. had that telepathy like Imogen, right? That could have been it.”
Something’s weird about this. Chetney frowns. “Imogen’s telepathy has a short range on it, and the only sending spells we’ve been able to get through have been close ones. They’d have to be really close by for any of this to work, definitely not in Yios.”
“I must have misremembered, then,” F.C.G. responds faintly.
Chetney doesn’t think they’re trying to lie to him. F.C.G. isn’t the best of liars, and he’s not sure what they’d get from it. They want to help Keyleth and the injured Ashari as much as everyone else. But something’s going on, here—something must have happened while Chetney had his back turned.
There are all sorts of weird creepy-crawlies wandering this fucked up forest. Something could have grabbed Grass and messed with his wiring in the minute Chetney wasn’t looking.
“Hm,” Chetney says, “F.C.G., you got a spare spell?”
“Sure, why? Do you need healing? Are you alright? D’you think—oh, you must mean for F.R.I.D.A., they’re gonna need all the healing I can give them, and what if Deanna and that shady elf are hurt, too—“
“Slow down,” Chetney says, gently taking their fidgeting metal hands in his. “I’m gonna have you cast something on yourself, okay?”
“What? Why?”
“Just humor me,” Chetney says, “I have a hunch. And my hunches are never wrong, are they?”
He waits for the impending dissent. It, surprisingly, doesn’t come. He shrugs. “Right. I need you to do a greater restoration on yourself. Just to remove anything that mighta fucked you up while I wasn’t looking, okay?”
“Okay,” F.C.G. says, “but what if I need the spell for F.R.I.D.A. or Deanna?”
“Fearne can help us out, then,” Chetney says firmly. “You saw what she just did to that shadow thing. She’s kicking ass out here.”
“Okay,” F.C.G. mumbles, placing their hand across the coin inlaid in their chestplate, “okay.”
Their hands glow softly, eyes flaring a holy white, as they mutter an incantation reverently, and it does warm Chetney’s heart slightly to see them so comforted for a split second in commune with their goddess before their eyes blink back to their usual bright blue.
“So?” Chetney prompts. “Anything weird happen?”
“What?” F.C.G. stares at him. “What’d’you mean? We’re just walking through the forest.”
Chetney pumps his fist through the air. “Yeah, baby, I’m always right!”
“The fuck are you doing over there,” Ashton growls from behind him, “where’s Letters?”
“Found ‘em!” Chetney crows proudly, skittering to the side to gesture to his robot friend. “Something weird had tried to mindfuck him into leaving. I saw right through it, of course, but the rest of you’d better be careful! Can’t have another slip-up like that.”
Imogen frowns. “Weird. You two’d better walk closer to us, then. Don’t want anyone getting abducted like that again.”
Chetney nods and joins the group, F.C.G. wheeling close behind him. The urge to be a little shit about this is very present, but for once, he suppresses it. He’s not going to be rude about F.C.G. being subjected to something so stressful as thinking their loved one was in danger. If he hadn’t seen through the weirdness of their account, he might have been similarly freaked out about Deanna, honestly. So, for once, Chetney keeps his mouth shut, and they continue their way through the forest.
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Obviously were all very excited about the empire sibs showing up but I just feel like on that we're forgetting that this isn't their story anymore. It's the conclusion of a story we saw parts of but we have missed so much and it's not about then anymore, about their personal vindications and grudges. It's all part of a larger works so of course they're here but at the end of the day whether they deserve to curb stomp ludinus into the next millennia is... Irrelevant.
It's about Imogen getting to confront her mother, her powers and all that those mean for her, all the questions she's had and finally getting some answers.
It's about Laudna getting to confront the woman that killed her and take control of her life and her death, to face that fear and all it means and finally feel like the choice is hers and it matters
It's about Orym getting to stop the forces in motion that killed his family, to honour his sense of duty and grief and to do what is right by them and the world
It's about Ashton getting to be part of a family that they chose, that won't run, that won't abandon him, that when confronted by impossible odds they will stand tall with these people and do something good
It's about FCG getting to make this journey, with people that love them and see their personhood and all that means and figuring out that their life and his choices matter and that's scary but it's okay
It's about Fearne who went without family for so damn long for this effort, her parents were part of this, through whatever means, to whatever ends, and she gets to see it through and protect the people she loves
It's about Chetney and being able to be a part of something with people that care, because for a very old man he's awfully lonely and doesn't seem to have people except for these dumb fucks now
It's about these 7 people, looking at all the ways that they have been wronged, and all the ways that people have been hurt by whatever is going on, recognising that it is bigger than them and stronger than them and that they are fucked. But saying that's fine, if no one else is coming, if no one else knows, we know and we will stop this because it matters.
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Critical Role Double Life AU
So this would be the player characters and Essek in the world of Double Life (Minecraft Series)
The Pairings (randomized)
Beau & Tary - Daddy Issues
Veth & Ashton - Alcoholics
Fearne & Pike - Hot Girl Shit
Essek & Jester - Everyone has a Crush on Them
Grog & Caleb - Brains and Brawn
Fjord & Dorian - Shy Charisma Boys
FCG & Bertrand - Old Ass Man & Older Ass Robot
Laudna & Mollymauk - Back from the Dead
Vax & Imogen - Loves a Marisha
Percy & Yasha - Oh, So you have White Hair and Trauma?
Scanlan & Caduceus - All or Nothing
Vex & Orym - Keepers of the Brain Cell
Chetney & Keyleth - Animorphs
So same rules as double life, each couple has 3 lives and they share hp, last pair standing wins!
Beau and Tary take a minute to get along, but eventually they work together okay after bonding over their shitty dads. They spend quite a bit of time with Percy and Yasha. I think they would set up a thoroughly trapped base. I think they build a mansion and winery for their base and make a load of potions. They have an enchanting table for sure. Beau is very much the up close and personal fighter whereas Tary is a little more distant. He sends tnt minecarts and squishes people with anvils.
Veth and Ashton are both suspicious of each other at first, but they still get shit done. They get on better as they spend more time, realizing that at least the other won't stab them in the back. They make a bunker for a base, and stock it with booze, bolts, and fireworks. Veth traps the shit out of it. They are a terrifying combo in battle with Ashton up front and center taking hits and destroying people with his hammer and Veth picking off people from a distance with her crossbow. Veth does still spend a bit of time with Caleb on the side though.
Fearne and Pike get on fairly easily. They are both iconic and get shit done. Fearne loves to spy on everyone else and comes home with drama. She is also an arsonist and we love that for her. Pikey is more restrained in her chaos, but she is still out there causing problems. She sets off more traps than she would like to admit, but miraculously survives most of them. She is a bit better in combat than Fearne is but, they are both very good at surviving fights, even if they don't get the most kills. I think they build up a bakery and hide a bunker underneath it. They also just have several lava traps and fire pits around their home to defend it.
Essek and Jester already know each other and get on well. Together they build a beautiful tower, like the one in Tangled. It has several secret entrances and passageways. Jester seems like the type of person to have an army of tamed wolves. So she absolutely does, they all have special collars and are all named. They are both distance fighters as well so their towers works well to keep them out of harms way whilst they shoot arrows and throw fire charges as well as splash potions. Essek is a fancy lad and I fully believe that he has loads on end crystals and obsidian that he uses as his main weapon. Jester somehow got her hands on a trident (she stole it) and is wreaking havoc with that from the tower. Jester also keeps several bees just because she wants to.
Grog and Caleb get on okay at first, Grog is pretty friendly for the most part, but Caleb is wary of him. I think their base is a tower, but this tower has a bunker at the bottom that serves as a quick restock point for Grog since he is out on the battlefield with his axe wrecking shit. Caleb stays up in the tower mostly, shooting his fire charges, flame arrows, and pouring lava down the sides on the tower. Grog is very excited about all the traps that Caleb cooks up and happily uses his supply of end crystals whenever he can. They work well together.
Fjord and Dorian get on well, but is takes a minute for them to actually trust each other. Their base is a ship sat in the sky floating on clouds. These two are quite versatile in battle. They are good at both ranged and close combat. Fjord has several puffer-fish that he uses in close combat as well as his sword. Dorian uses his axe when in close combat. When at a distance they use their tridents and arrows. Fjord can be impulsive at times, but overall these two are some of the more peaceful members on the group. They don't have many traps set up, but they do have several alliances. They are allied with Beau, Tary, Essek, Jester, Orym, Vex, Caduceus, and Scanlan.
FCG and Bertrand get on alright, not the closest, but they do alright together. They do have the most accessible base out of everyone. It isn't trapped at all, but they are mostly left alone, well, their base is. Bertrand is a tricksy guy and manages to rile up many of the other folks. They don't dislike him, but they don't trust him either. FCG on the other hand is pretty well-liked and trusted. They are not the best in combat, but they seem to come out of it alive. Bertrand does know his way around a sword and FCG has an affinity for his crossbow.
Laudna and Mollymauk get on like a house on fire. They have the cutest home on the server. It is a cottage with a patchwork tent attached to the side. It is cozy and colorful. They have matching friendship bracelets that they made for each other and everything. They of course spend time with Imogen and Vax as well as Yasha and Percy. They spend quite a bit of time together as they wander the land together. If you spot one the other is likely somewhere nearby. As they get closer they swap stories about walking up from death. Molly is their close combat expert whereas Laudna is their sniper. Molly goes around with his swords and Laudna shoots from from far away with a bow.
Vax and Imogen are wary of each other at first, but eventually get on pretty well by the end. They share a house atop a hill where they have a pretty good view of several other people. Imogen has a stable of horses as well. They often ride into battle together, striking fast and retreating before people know what hit them. They often visit Vex and Orym, Keyleth and Chetney, as well as Laudna and Molly. Imogen is more of a distance fighter, but Vax is good either close up or at a distance.
Percy and Yasha eventually grow to trust each other but it starts out a bit rocky as they are both quiet around people they don't know or trust at first. They have a nice castle. Yasha has a beautiful garden and Percy has trapped the land around the castle thoroughly and has made several escape passages. He is already paranoid enough coming into this. Together they build makeshift graves to those they have lost after spending a lot of time together. Percy also makes a load of snipers perches around the map. Yasha goes with him and hides little caches of stuff by each hidden perch so that they are always ready for a fight wherever they are. She also stashes some food in his perches so that he doesn't run out of food. He often helps sharpen her blade and makes her a bunch of little things to help in battle.
Scanlan and Caduceus get on well enough. They respect each other. Caduceus is pretty calm and lives in a small cabin by Scanlan's mansion. Cad keeps a small mushroom garden and makes a load of potions that he shares with most anyone. They don't have any true enemies as they are just kind of vibing. There is usually music playing at their base. Scanlan gets a load of fire charges and end crystals from people just by asking. This man has a silver tongue and he knows how to use it. They don't have many traps, but the ones they have are weird and effective. They have several animals just roaming around their base. Scanlan is ruthless once the get into battle and so is Caduceus, after all, death and violence are very much parts of nature. They are oddly terrifying because of how fast they switch from being welcoming to just killing.
Vex and Orym get on pretty well. They work together extraordinarily well together. They make plans and stick to them. They are another ranged and close combat duo. They share a regular keep, nothing super fancy but it is nice and functional. They have several traps as is to be expected. They know what they're doing. They are good at using terrain to their advantage. Vex perches with her bow and Orym slips through battles causing damage as needed and catching hits on his shield. Vex keeps a few potions on her at all times just in case. They are prepared but not overly so and adapt as needed. Orym respects Vex and she is just happy to have someone who will actually follow the plans she makes, but will make ideas on the fly by himself as needed. They compliment each other, especially in battle.
Keyleth and Chetney take a minute to warm up but they get there, eventually. They have a base that is a huge oak and their basement is a hollow surrounded by roots. They are a bit worried about how flammable their base is as the days pass, but they store most of their better stuff under the earth anyways. They are an absolutely terrifying combo in combat. Chetney is always a wild card and an absolute menace, whereas Keyleth is terrryfying in her raw power and switch from being her more socially awkward, charming self, into a lean, mean, killing machine. These two often talk about their lengthened life spans what that means for Keyleth on top of Chetney's experiences. He gives her a bit of confidence she didn't have before and his rough edges have been softened a bit. They trust each other in battle completely. Sure Chetney will spy on people, dig tunnels under others bases, and steal from people, but he is her ally and they work well together.
Randomized Death Order
Vex & Orym
FCG & Bertrand  
Percy & Yasha
Essek & Jester
Grog & Caleb
Fearne & Pike 
Grog & Caleb  
Fjord & Dorian  
Essek & Jester  
Chetney & Keyleth  
Beau & Tary
Vax & Imogen
Fjord & Dorian
FCG & Bertrand
Laudna & Mollymauk
Grog & Caleb
Vax & Imogen
Scanlan & Caduceus
Fearne & Pike
Scanlan & Caduceus
Laudna & Mollymauk
Chetney & Keyleth
Veth & Ashton
Vex & Orym
Chetney & Keyleth
Laudna & Mollymauk
Scanlan & Caduceus
Vax & Imogen
Fjord & Dorian
Beau & Tary
Veth & Ashton
Percy & Yasha
Essek & Jester
Fearne & Pike
FCG & Bertrand
Vex & Orym
Percy & Yasha
Veth & Ashton
Beau & Tary - Winners!
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yencirilla · 10 months
cr fans that say they love when a character acts selfishly and does bad things but then when Their Favorite character does it, it's "well they hate themself" "he has abandonment issues" okay? nearly all of bells hells has abandonment issues, does that mean they shouldn't be held accountable for their actions?
some of you were saying that us defending fearne was "coddling" her, and then you turn around and coddle ashton and say "oh well, he did it because xyz" they were being Selfish. that's okay to admit. they were thinking of themselves, they feel awful and they apologized. clearly ashton knows what he did was wrong, so i don't understand why his fans are saying that he doesn't deserve repercussions for Selfish actions.
if ANY other member of bells hells did what ashton did, and caused so much trauma for fearne and laudna especially, there would be paragraphs saying how horrible that was. god, if chetney had done that? "oh he's a selfish old man who just wants power." if imogen had done that? "ugh imogen wants to be the main character so badly." all of this talk about how "mean" chetney was actually makes me wish he was meaner. because ashton got the lecture from fcg, the disappointment from imogen, but i think what he really needed to truly understand how badly they fucked up was someone communicating with anger, because ashton knows anger. and chetney did that, and he made his point.
anyways - having a horrible past and going through horrible things doesn't mean a character should avoid repercussions. if you do something selfish, you face consequences. and the more excuses some of you come up with as to why ashton shouldn't have had to face the consequences of their selfish action, the more clear it is that you only care about consequences if it doesn't involve your favorite character.
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masterqwertster · 1 year
🫂🐺❓ for the tidbit prompts your aus are just lovely and I could read about them for days
Thank you 🥰 They're a lot of fun to play with.
🫂 Chetney actually gets to meet Bertrand in this one! It’s hate at first sight on the old gnome’s part to the tune of "There can only be One!" in regards to a silver fox on the crew.
It's also very one-sided. Bertrand holds only Chetney’s attempts (successes?) at stabbing him against his fellow worldly, experienced adventurer.
But Ashton encourages the feud because it keeps the feral old man from picking on Dorian. Also, they think it's funny to watch the pompous old man have to guard his knees and ankles
🐺 Fearne and Chetney tried biting each other to see if they could become double-cursed super werewolves.
It didn't work☹️
❓No one's really asked for an Accidental Ascension AU tidbit, so...
😇 When Vasselheim figures out/gets word of what happened with Ashton, Fearne, and Imogen, their assessment of who's most dangerous/threatening goes:
They assume Imogen to be the most dangerous because she was an Exaltant Ruidusborn, so they fear she may have picked up traits from Predathos. Like trying to eat other divinities to work her way up the food chain to full god/god-eater. Or its resistance/immunity to divine magics, making it very difficult for Vasselheim to seal her themselves if/when they decide she has to go.
Ashton is second because titans are walking natural disasters, but they have been felled before, if at great cost.
Fearne is last because Archfey just haven’t made themselves existential threats like a minor deity or titan have in Exandria's history.
Essek (and thus the allies), on the other hand, would swap Imogen and Ashton in that threat assessment because the genasi is hooked up as a dunamantic source. He’s fairly certain under the right circumstances/motivation, that dunamancy can be tapped to accelerate Ashton’s growth as a titan or simply bend the odds of reality into their favor, making them much more difficult to put down than initial assessments would indicate, if not more difficult than the titans of old in general.
Meanwhile, very simple tests reveal that Imogen does not have divine resistance/immunity. And the wizards' investigation and holy people's questions to their gods make it seem unlikely that Imogen inherited any god-eater status. So she's not considered any more threatening than any other minor deity or idol.
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numbfandom · 1 year
I really wanna redesign Bell’s Hells… cause I draw them differently every time and I wanna nail it down.
I’ll comment or reblog this whenever I have a new idea for their designs cause yeah.
Bertrand - I’ve literally never drawn him!!! Which is so crazy to me, cause the group is named after this old man. I don’t know if I’d change much about his design, aside from making his colors more diluted/purple toned, and changing up his boot situation. I’ll have to rewatch some clips to get a better feel for him.
Dorian - He is perfect. But I do feel like his blues clash a bit, and it’s difficult to get the gradient right on his hair, so I’d probably lean into the teal memo, and emphasize the silver feel. I always draw him with a little bit of facial hair (usually a goatee) because it’s so hard to keep him baby faced.
Laudna - I prefer her outfit in her first design, but likely with an updo, and her gloves, which I’ll have to figure out. Pâté nests in her hair. Her colors are more black and purple centric, because of Delilah, and she has gold and red jewelry. Her eyes are almost all black. Tree imagery is still there.
FCG - He has a tongue. And eyebrows. I like his new coat, but it doesn’t look like it comes off easily, so I’d have to figure out a way to make it removable while still having his shoulder pauldrons there. I might move his changbringer coin to his wheel.
Fearne - She has an elongated face, more goat-like, with patterned fur framing her face and her shoulders. She has white freckles, like a deer. Her leg fur is brown but it fades into the same light green as her hair. She is more uncanny, now that we know her background in the feywild. Maybe goat eyes.
Imogen - She has blue and orange/gold vibes, with her gray clothing blue tinted, and golden accessories. Her hair is lighter, and the same color as her scars before they fade to red. She has glasses for reading. Her hair is wavy and very messy.
Orym - Little guy! He has a tail, because I love that for him. There are little white flowers all over his armor, and leaves tucked into his clothing. Keep the fingerless gloves. He has claw marks over his right eye from Chetney. This is probably gonna stay close to canon, aside from the tail.
Ashton - Probably gonna make their colors more vibrant, expand on the weirdcore glass head, and give their dark punk aesthetic some neon blue. He needs some knuckle rings. And more piercings. Tits might be out. Golden top scars. Black fingernails. Eyebrow slits. Eyebrows are more gemstone-y.
Chetney - idk how to fix him. More wolf like, probably. All scarred up. His wolf form is tiny.
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nochi-quinn · 1 year
campaign 3 episode 68: I'm not making the 'nice' joke about next episode bc last time I did that someone died
okay let's see if I can get through this one without having a panic attack ten minutes in
(that's why there wasn't a liveblog last week)
I was making a sandwich during sam's ad and came back to Suddenly Bear
and then I saw "Baldur's Gate 3" in the subs and it all made sense
"that is your wife" which wife, laura, marisha or liam?
a teensy weensy little demon pact
oh, we have that autobots shirt sam's wearing
kiddo wears it to school for jersey days :D
throw it in the hole
talking weapons: not even once
ashley what
per spoilers in the group chat, Sword Bad
that thing is twice his size isn't it
ashton has the brain cell
"I don't care about you" letters
King of Fuckingwhere
travis' face
but who's on the council
ashton: please hold
grizzly man
ashton is the best narrator in this moment
yeah yeah hell yeah
fcg in his mind palace
matt doing the mass effect codex voice
prince fruitoftheloom
s a m u e l
both of you
fresh cut "I can fix him" grass
fcg: the vibes are rancid
nigerian demon prince
"you can eat my ass, this is my card right now"
king butterknife
oh hell
hate THAT
"he barely listens to us"
liam :(
how fuckin old is ludinis
kiki :(
keyleth pace urself
I love that cloak so fucking much
the Hand of the Tempest does sound really fucking cool
liam you can't make me cry that's illegal
everybody hates the raven queen but keyleth especially hates the raven queen
(okay they don't all HATE the raven queen, I'm just saying)
liam: that winged man, that beautiful angel, that absolute specimen of masculinity -
matthew so help me god not the tr - I HATE YOU
"those who call themselves gods" dang
it must be nice, it must be nice, to have asmodeus on your side
but no dogs. no dogs on the moon.
they just run right off the damn thing
just do dark moon magic in the room of the head of state who just recovered from an assassination attempt, nbd
until her what now
travis and marisha
"I've got wind chimes where my name should be"
"fuck off, ghost!"
oh y'all were gonna get blood fountain'd
vox machina road trip
"there was an accident and here I am"
ashton lore ashtON LORE
travis: that was me! :D
oh we got chair perch
"vast and frightening"
the key is to stop trying to apply logic to your friends
I'm assuming this is the blight tree from - IT IS THE BLIGHT TREE
"the enemy of my enemy is a dick"
marisha: you KNOW what I'm saying, just TELL ME
"all our allies are dead or doin' stuff"
what IS dorian doing. give me my boy back.
liam and his tea
keyleth's BEEN elementals. several of them!
"how are we gonna make fun of that name, it's too hard to pronounce"
oh kiki :(
stop saying entities
quick go find milo
cut ludinis off at the root
highlander the bitch
"you battled an earth titan" "I mean TECHNICALLY"
delilah alarm weewooweewoo
fearne would be a choice chaos deity
milo-joe dream team
"don't tell him I said that"
"he is a brilliant mind with specific limitations"
"I can feel my heart rate rising!" and then he went into cardiac arrest
I fully recognize ashton's tone re: fcg trying to contact dancer, that is a parent's "redirecting a child away from an inappropriate choice" tone
I feel like it's dancer tbh
it's time to d-d-d-d-duel
"oh changebringer, what the FUCK does that mean"
it IS dancer
"the changebringer…..sucks"
listen, I remember some of those vm planning sessions, this is high strategery
marisha: leave me aLONE
you're gonna carry that weight
oh no I'm gonna cry again
oh shut the fuck up
just put me in the fucking ground
can laudna get a tattoo? would the skin just kind of. fall off?
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