#it’s a tough one but they’ll figure it out
paperglader · 10 months
Back to the place where she died.
Back to the place where she has been brought back. Twice.
Still healing from that. Still not over how not too long ago she killed a man in cold blood because she lost control. Because of betrayal. Darkness. Hunger.
A little kid touched her chest and felt so much hatred that she had to run away, scared. A hatred that laudna did not put there, that is not her own but that she’s been made to carry.
Delilah. Imogen’s promise.
Ashton. Her friend. The one that’s as visually broken as her. The one that’s always got it. The one that’s enabled her behavior in the past. Comforted her. Betrayed her. Hurt Fearne. Almost didn’t make it through. Reckless. Stupid. Woke up something within her, something bad.
The shard. Delilah. Hunger. Fear. She’s gonna hurt someone again. Her old hut. Coldness.
“Sometimes you have to walk from whence you came to appreciate how far you’ve come.”
The woods. Her friends running after her again. Guilt. Shame.
Ashton’s doll.
Imogen, the one she loves, the one that gave her a reason to live, the one that has never shied away from her, that has loved her through it all. She took off the circlet that kept her away from Laudna’s thoughts– thoughts that once were musical, that truly were the first reason that drove them together– immediately told her that she was disgusted by what she now found within her, the recent state of presence of the woman that lives there. That haunts her. Her abuser, driving Imogen away.
Laudna’s not sure which of her wants or feelings are actually hers anymore.
Laudna dreams about a normal life. Sometimes. All the time..
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luna-azzurra · 16 days
How to Write a Ruthless Character
A ruthless character is all about the endgame. They don’t care how they get there, lying, cheating, using others, it’s all fair game as long as they win. When writing them, show how they can cut off any distractions or emotions, making decisions that others would hesitate over.
These characters don't let feelings get in the way. Compassion, guilt, regret? Nah, they don’t have time for that. Show how they can turn off their emotions and make choices purely based on logic. They’ll do things that seem heartless to everyone else, but for them, it’s just another part of the plan. It’s not that they don’t feel anything, they just choose not to.
Boundaries? What boundaries? A ruthless character doesn’t care about rules unless they can bend them to get ahead. They’ll do things no one else dares, crossing lines others are too scared to even approach. The more uncomfortable their actions make people, the more it emphasizes just how far they’re willing to go. For them, pushing limits is just another day.
They don’t act on impulse. Every move they make is planned, and every risk they take is calculated. They weigh the pros and cons before acting, and they’re always three steps ahead of everyone else. Writing a ruthless character means showing that they’ve already figured out how to win while everyone else is still trying to figure out the rules.
Betrayal is their go-to move when things get tough. Friends, allies, even people who trust them, no one is safe. They’ll turn on anyone if it benefits them. And the best part? They’ll sleep just fine afterward. Show how others react to their betrayals, shocked, hurt, furious, while your ruthless character shrugs it off like, “It had to be done.”
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ghostandsoap · 2 years
Call Signs
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem! “Gecko” Reader (Ft. John “Soap” MacTavish)
Tags: Angst. Gunshot wound. Blood loss. Shock. Hypothermia. Major injury. Mentions of death. 
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: So I’m not totally sure how accurate some of this is. Also, I’m not sure if parts of this are canon? Read with caution LOL. 
“Stay where you are. I’m on my way.”
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Military call signs. Clever, crafty, and specific to the person they’re associated with. 
There was one main, golden rule when it came to call signs: don’t complain about your own call sign, or else they’ll give you something worse.
Yours wasn’t exactly one that you were thrilled with in the beginning. It wasn’t as badass as you would’ve liked. If you had been given the opportunity to choose, you would’ve chosen something a little more…tough. But once the name stuck, you were stuck with it. You didn’t dare let even a single word of distaste fall from your mouth. If anybody caught wind of you complaining about it, they’d give you something to really complain about.
Over the years, you had heard some good ones — some more creative than others. Depending on the person, sometimes it was easy to tell the reason behind their given name — other times, not so much. You had some friends that you still didn’t know the reason why they were given their call sign.
For example, Soap was just Soap.  
In the time that you had known him, you had begged Soap to tell you where his call sign came from. You had even rattled and poked at Captain Price a bit to get him to give it up. But both of them always gave you the same answer.  
It’s classified. 
With that answer, you refused to tell anyone the reason behind your own call sign. If they weren’t going to tell you about theirs, then you weren’t telling them about yours. It was only fair, you weren’t telling anybody. Nobody knew. 
Well…nobody except–
“Gecko. This is Ghost. How copy?” The syrupy-thick voice seeped through your ear that was still ringing from gunfire. 
You were cold – miserably cold. You were chilled all the way to the bone to the point where your skin was numb to the touch. The sound of rain registered with you. The sky was pouring buckets, which explained why you were so freezing. There was no telling how long you had been passed out and exposed to the elements. Not a single part of you was dry, despite all your layers underneath and over. 
There was pain somewhere. Your groggy state made it difficult to figure out exactly where you were hurt. To be honest, it hurt just about everywhere. A searing sensation settled in your side, but it was migrating all over. Based on the large red spot leaking through that area, you had a really good idea then of what it was.
“Gecko, do you copy?” Another voice spoke that you knew to belong to Soap.
His voice sounded a million miles away, even though it was literally right in your ear. When your eyes opened, you were eye-level with the ground. You were met with a harsh pavement underneath you, muscles trembling with exhaustion and low temperatures. It took a few seconds for your vision to clear, and it took even more effort for you to raise yourself up even to make it onto your elbows. 
When you were able to take a glance around, it wasn’t any less unsettling. The slick streets of Las Almas weren’t very pleasant in the dead of night. Even worse, you didn’t know where Soap and Ghost were. 
It all came flooding back to you. Graves turned on the team. He tried to kill all of you. You, Ghost, and Soap managed to split up and narrowly escape. It was chaos, the kind that shaved about 15 years off of your life.
“C’mon. Where are you, Gecko?” Ghost asked in an aggravated, yet worried way. 
His question was more out loud and to himself more than anything, but it occurred to you that it probably would be nice for him to hear you.
“I’m here,” You groaned, throat dry and scratchy. “Just barely.”
“Oh shit. You’re alive!” Soap replied, and you swear you could feel Ghost relax from wherever he was. 
“What’s your status?” Ghost demanded.
You were not telling Ghost that you were hurt if you could help it. It was certainly against protocol, but you didn’t need Ghost getting all worked up when the three of you needed to find one another and get the hell out of there. You knew how he could get whenever you were hurt.
“Where are you both?” You rolled onto your knees, ungracefully managing to get on your feet.
You felt any and all blood rush from your face, an overwhelming feeling of nausea taking over your stomach. The bleeding in your side was definitely a problem. You stripped your outer jacket off, wrapping it around your waist and tying it as tight as you could possibly stand it. It wasn’t like the jacket was useful any other way, considering it was soaked.
“No fuckin’ idea. I’m in and out of these shops,” Soap grumbled. “I’m soakin’ wet.”
“Me too,” You managed to laugh, but it came out as more of a struggled exhale. “Ghost, what’s your location?” 
“The church. Soap’s finding his way here,” Ghost said. “What’s your status, Gecko?”
You knew he’d ask again. He always knew when you had dodged a question.
“Just a little rattled,” You lied. “Where’s the church?”
“It’s in the square. Navigate through the shops, they’ll lead you there,” Soap said. “Stay sharp. Shadows are everywhere.”
Survival mode has kicked in for you. You had one objective.
Find Ghost. Don’t get killed. 
“Will do. Ghost, I’m coming to you.” You announced, beginning to take the first few steps to get yourself moving. 
There was a brief moment of silence before he answered – and he gave an answer that you knew had Soap raising a brow.
“Please be safe.” 
A shudder vibrated down your back, and it wasn’t from the bitter cold rain. 
Being involved with Ghost was…complicated. It was a forbidden love in a lot of ways. There was a certain disapproval when it came to 2 members dating within the force. It caused drama sometimes, tension other times. Not to mention, it would be painfully awkward for everybody else if the two of you were to break up. 
But the connection was undeniable. It astounded you just how in touch you felt with him. He did everything he could to protect you, to make you feel safe in an otherwise dangerous world. He spent every spare moment with you. He spilled all of his most pressing thoughts to you, knowing his words of vulnerability were safe with you. Talking to him was easy, spending time with him was easier.
Loving him was easiest of all.
Despite your likeness toward each other, it was a mutual understanding that no one was to know. Ghost didn’t fancy all the teasing, and you wanted at least one part of your life to be private. In front of others, you were Gecko and Ghost. When alone, you were Simon and [Y/N]. 
In a lot of ways, the secretive aspect of it was fun. You liked sneaking around with Ghost in the late hours of the night, tip-toeing around sleeping comrades in an attempt at a moment to yourselves. The nonchalant glances…the discreet, yet lingering touches…the whispers of words of affection. It was all something you couldn’t help but get a kick out of. Anybody in their right mind would find it even a little bit entertaining.
But in all honesty, suspicions from the rest were becoming more and more. 
Price had known immediately. Not even three days after you and Simon decided to give it a try, he could sense that something was different. He couldn’t really explain it. He could just see it in Ghost’s behavior that he was preoccupied with something…someone else. Something that had been sprouting for a long time was now beginning to blossom in front of the captain’s very eyes. Price was a respectful man. He wasn’t one to get in the way of something that wasn’t his business. He kept an eye on the situation here and there, more for a status update than anything. 
It took Gaz about four months. He suspected nothing in the beginning. He managed to miss all the signs at first. Who could blame him? He didn’t know he was supposed to even be looking for them. He didn’t catch any real changes in behavior or attitude. In all honesty, if he hadn’t witnessed it with his very eyes – he might’ve never known. It had been a quick gesture. So quick that Gaz might’ve been able to convince himself that he was mistaken if it hadn’t been so blatantly clear.
Gaz had passed by a bit quicker than he normally would, catching a quick glimpse inside the room he hadn’t planned on entering. What he saw was a kiss being planted on the cheek of Ghost’s mask, and a light laugh from the man as you did so. Gaz had stopped dead in his tracks, stunned at what he had seen. He was tempted to turn around and question you, but he knew better. Gaz figured if he hadn’t been told outright, then it probably wasn’t for him to know. He kept it in the back of his mind, however, and after that, he began noticing everything.
And as for Soap, the poor lad had yet to connect the dots. He had heard some chatter here and there about Gecko and Ghost “getting it on.” Soap didn’t believe it. He hadn’t seen it or heard it for himself, so in his mind, the rumors were null. That didn’t mean that Soap didn’t like the idea of his lieutenant and one of his closest friends seeing each other. He entertained the thought here and there. He supposed that Gecko and Ghost had a nice ring to it, and it was something that he liked to snicker about. Overall, Soap didn’t think about it too much. There was no way that “LT” and the infamous Gecko were together. Almost a year into it, and John MacTavish was oblivious.
It hadn’t taken you long to develop feelings for Ghost. Suddenly, you were worried about where he was and him getting hurt more often than not. This was one hell of a career to be in when you were an anxious worrier. This job had changed for you. Before, there was no fear of living or dying. It was just you. It was all you. But when there was someone else in the cards?
That changed things. That really changed things.
That seemed to be the only fight that you and Ghost ever had. It was always the same one. One of you fell ill or became injured, it was due to defying an order, the other was scared to death that something worse could’ve happened, and most of all – you both wished that the other would be more careful. 
“Careful” was a funny word in this business. No matter how careful you were, that didn’t automatically make you safe. 
Roaming the streets of Las Almas while lethargic, unarmed, and bleeding was a definite reminder of that. You followed Soap’s advice, weaving in and out of the stores and getting whatever supplies you could get your hands on. A homemade weapon was better than no weapon, in your mind. Avoiding any and all Shadows was your main goal. There was no chance of you getting out of that alive, if this bullet lodged in your side didn’t kill you first. You hoped that Soap had made it to the church by now. It made you feel better to know that they were together.
The rain showed no signs of letting up anytime soon. You figured it was fine. It wasn’t like you could get any more wet than you already were. It at least made enough noise to conceal your footsteps, which you didn’t have much control over due to the splitting pain in your core. 
You just had to get to the church. Get to the church, get out of here, and get patched up. You’d be fine. You’d survived worse. You weren’t going to-
There was a flash of white over your vision. While brief, it was enough to startle you to a complete halt. You staggered out of the coffee shop, leaning against the back door for support. This was bad. This was really bad. 
“Ghost…” You squeaked.
Breathing suddenly became overly difficult. Every gulp of air was a struggle to get the next one. There was a significant wobble in your knees as you stumbled into the nearest alley for cover, knowing your legs were close to giving out. It was notably colder in the space between the two buildings, but the feeling of your soul being slowly sucked back into the universe made that seem minor. 
“Talk to me. Where are you?” Ghost asked.
That was when you collapsed, landing on the wet ground with a thud. A whimper escaped from your throat at the impact. Clutching your wounded side was all you knew to do. Your jacket used as a makeshift way of putting pressure on it was proving ineffective. 
“The alleyway,” You strained.  “Left of the coffee shop.”
Ghost and Soap both heard the trouble in your voice. Ghost had only heard that tone once before — and it was when something was really, really wrong. 
“What’s your status now?” Soap questioned.
Lying was no good to you now. They were going to know one way or the other.
“I’m down,” You swallowed. “Must’ve been hit at some point when we got away.” 
There was no way you were making it to the church. You were as good as gone as long as there was still a bullet in your torso. Bleeding out in the streets of a run-down town in Mexico wasn’t how you had envisioned going out. That was a conversation you had held with Soap more than once. Everybody had their preferred way of dying. You had always hoped that you’d meet your demise in a more memorable way. Maybe in a missile explosion or getting ejected from a helicopter in a hot pursuit.
Dying alone was the part and the possibility that always scared you the most.
This wasn’t what you had in mind. Bleeding to death by yourself in an alleyway in the middle of a run-down town in Mexico wasn’t what you had wished for. You knew the day would come…and the day had finally come.
But not if Ghost could help it.
“I’m coming to get you, Gecko. Don’t move,” Ghost remarked sternly, and you could hear that he was on the move. “Soap, we’ll meet you at the church.”
“Copy.” Soap confirmed.
“N-no,” You coughed. “Ghost, don’t leave your location if you’re secure.” 
“None of us are secure. I’m not leaving you,” Ghost said sternly. “Stay where you are. I’m on my way.” 
Arguing with Ghost was usually a lost cause. When Ghost was set on something, he was surely going to stick with it. It was a waiting game now, and it was one of the most helpless feelings to know that you were relying on somebody else to save your ass. You knew that Ghost would be there in half the time that it probably should’ve taken him, but when you’re dying, the minutes feel like eternity. 
This wasn’t the first time that you had been in situations like this. Everybody had their fair shares of “I almost died” stories. But this was different for you. This was the closest you had ever been to not living to tell this story. 
Panicking was most definitely not the way to handle this situation. Very rarely was panicking ever helpful in a dire, critical scenario like this. It was the most eerie feeling – literally feeling yourself dying. The blood loss was becoming less, but only because you were running out of blood to lose. Your heart was beating slower and slower by the second. Breathing was now a voluntary action. As the adrenaline wore off and the reality of the situation set in, your anxiety crept over you and infiltrated any room for collectedness that you had left. 
“G-Ghost.” You sighed, a layer of tears pricking at the base of your lashes.
Ghost heard the near sob in your words, putting an even faster pep in his step. 
“Almost there, Gecko. What’s wrong?” 
“I’m…I’m scared.” You admitted, hot tears mixing with the fresh rain water on your cheeks.
Ghost’s heart shattered into a million pieces, catapulting into every vessel near it like the strongest of shrapnel. He couldn’t stand the thought of you alone and scared. 
“I know. Just keep talking to me and Soap,” He breathed, trying to stay calm for you. “I’m coming, G.”
‘G’ was a nickname inside of a nickname. Ghost only used it sparingly, and it was usually when he was trying to be supportive or sympathetic without giving your secret romantic endeavor away.  
It felt silly to say. Generally speaking, you didn’t really have the right to be afraid. It was the pure passion for your job and your own willingness that put you in dangerous situations. It was your own free will, your own decision that you made the same choice on every single time. It was one thing to be scared when you ended up here accidentally. It was another when it was a consequence of your choices and actions. Courage and strength were supposed to be your strong suits. They were the characteristics that you were supposed to fall back on every time.
Yet here you were. Scared to death of dying – something that you had thought about and been preparing for since you started this gig.
“Simon, I-I…I don’t want to d-”
“It’s ‘cause I clean house quickly.” Soap’s voice echoed in one ear and out the other, suddenly and abruptly.
Even in a near unconscious-like state, you were still well aware of how that needed some clarification.
“S-say again?” You stuttered, the corners of your vision beginning to go foggy. 
“Soap. ‘Cause I clean house and buildings with speed ‘n accuracy,” Soap repeated. “That’s why they call me Soap.”
It made so much sense. You were almost embarrassed that you didn’t think of that yourself. You knew it was Soap’s way of distracting you – keeping your mind off of dying. 
“That’s a good one,” You nearly wheezed. “Thought it was because you were a bath man.” 
“Thanks for that image. Won’t be able to unsee that one,” Ghost piped up. “Almost there, Gecko. Hang on for me, yeah?” 
Ghost’s voice was strained as if he were running. Using every ounce of speed and stamina that he had to get you as fast as possible. He couldn’t lose you like this.
He refused to lose you like this. 
“It’s because I’m quick on my feet, and because I can scale a building faster than anybody.” You croaked.
“Ah. That’s why they call you Gecko?” Soap chuckled, and you could hear the amusement in his words.
“Came up with that one myself.” Ghost smirked.
“Some people might even say geckos are kind of cute.” You joked, but didn’t quite have the energy to laugh.
“I’d agree with that,” Ghost countered, and you could sense Soap’s internal confusion from forever away. “I have a visual on Gecko. Almost at the church, Soap?” 
“Affirmative, Lt. Meet you there.” 
Sure enough, Ghost appeared from seemingly nowhere, like a sent guardian angel. Your vision had tunneled, so you couldn’t see much out of your peripherals. He had never seen you so weak and close to going out on him. His eyes behind the mask were wide and dark, focused on getting you out alive.
“Nice to see you, Lieutenant.” You shivered.
“Glad you’re not a goner,” He returned, removing the glove from his right hand and pressing his fingers against your cheek. “Shit. You’re freezing.”
“How bad do I look?” You slurred, and you fought to keep your eyeballs from rolling back into your head. 
“Probably not as bad as you feel. You’ve lost a lot of blood.” Ghost said, working quickly to get himself arranged to carry you.
“Did you see any Shadows on the way?” You gulped, eyelids beginning to flutter. 
“They’re everywhere. We need to get going,” Ghost scooped you up effortlessly, as if you weighed nothing and weren’t dripping wet through multiple layers. “C’mon, love. Let’s get you out of here.”
The journey from the ground to up into Ghost’s arms felt like an airplane takeoff. You were close to slipping out of consciousness.
“We’ll get to Soap and get a vehicle out of here,” Ghost explained, readjusting his arm underneath your knees. “You’re going to be fine, Gecko.”
“G-Guess I wasn’t quick enough this time, huh?” You gave the faintest grin, and Ghost couldn’t help but laugh at your stupid joke.
“Shut up.” 
There was relief in knowing that you were with Ghost. Your chances of dying hadn’t changed, but if you were going to die, this was a better way of going out. 
The fog in your vision became thicker and thicker until you couldn’t see or hear a thing. The darkness surrounded you, sucking you deeper and deeper into nothingness.
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The next time your eyes opened, you weren’t met with the dim streets of Las Almas. There was no smell of rain or taste of blood and sweat. The smell this time was sterile air and cheap (but clean) bedsheets. You couldn’t taste anything due to the worst case of cottonmouth that you had ever experienced. The beeping music of an EKG reader and distant chatter was the real giveaway. 
The muscles in your legs were stiff, mainly because you hadn’t moved them in so long. A grunt was all you could manage as you shifted, a new type of discomfort erupting where you had been shot. It was all wrapped up now (professionally and medically wrapped), clean and taken care of. There was an IV in each arm, one administering fluids and the other what you could only imagine to be some kind of pain medication. The white walls and tan floors were weirdly comforting…a sign to let you know that you were safe for now. 
The best sights of all were the ones seated to the left of your bed.
Ghost’s arms were crossed, ankles crossed over each other, and his head lowered and his breathing steady. His outer skull mask was nowhere to be seen, but his balaclava was clinging to his face as always. 
Soap was also snoozing, but less peacefully and quietly. His head was tilted back as far as it possibly could go, his arms draped at his sides, legs stretched all the way out, and snoring so loud that you were surprised you hadn’t already heard it.
You were gentle as you called to Ghost, considering he didn’t always react calmly when being woken up.
“Hey…” You rasped with a dry throat. “Ghost.”
His eyes snapped open, flickering up to you instantly. A monumental wave of relief visibly crashed over him, filling his veins and relaxing his heart.
“You’re awake,” He leaned closer, taking your hand into his. “You’re okay.”
“What…how long has it been?” You asked, bits of your memory coming back to you.
“A few days…four I think, ” He answered with a nod. “How do you feel?”
Honestly, you weren’t sure. Physically you felt terrible, but better than when you were dying of shock, cold, and blood loss. Mentally you felt fuzzy and groggy from being out so long. Emotionally…well, only time would tell.
“Like shit.” You admitted.
“Not surprised.” He grinned under his face covering. 
There were a few beats of silence. You took a few glances around, getting familiar with your new setting. Ghost, though, never took his eyes off of you. They were a light shade of red, and even his balaclava couldn’t hide the dark circles under them.
“Have you slept at all?” You asked, knowing good and well he hadn’t left your side.
“A little bit here and there,” He said, motioning his free hand towards Soap. “This is the most sleep Soap’s gotten this whole time. He’s been out for about 30 minutes.”
Soap was indeed out like a light. You couldn’t imagine how tired the two of them were. There was another stretch of silence. This one lasted longer and was much more tense. This wasn’t an easy encounter. How were you supposed to act when you had barely scraped by with your life?
“Yeah, love?”
“How close was it?”
Simon stared for a moment. No formation of an answer to your question occurred for a second or two. He didn’t like that question. He had avoided thinking about it until now. Ghost knew that he’d have to do his own mentality check in with himself in a few days. He had almost lost the most important person in his life…he’d need to deal with that. 
“Too close.” 
Another silence. Another silent thank you that you were here to see another day.
“You were…hypothermic, in shock. You lost a lot of blood before and during surgery,” He said. “Doc said if it had been any later getting you help-”
“Hey,” A groggy voice piped in, unaware that he was interrupting. “Gecko’s up.”
Soap’s eyes were just as bloodshot as Ghost’s, but Soap’s personality was wide awake.
“Happy to see you again, Sergeant. My apologies for being absent from our reunion at the church.” You grinned.
“Yeah, yeah. Left us to do double the work,” Soap chuckled. “Feels weird callin’ you Gecko now that I know where it comes from.”
“Soap doesn’t have the same ring to it, I have to say.” You fired back. 
“Agh, I’m crushed. Right in my pride!” He shrieked. 
The three of you shared a soft laugh. Nothing like Soap’s comedic relief to break the tension. You felt okay. This was just one of those things. One of the things that you signed up for with this job. It didn’t make it any less unnerving, but now you felt like you could really move on from this. 
And you were thankful that you had lived to tell the story. 
There was a sudden itch in your throat. An annoying tickle that reminded you that you hadn’t had a physical sip of water in four days. 
“Do you think that I could get some water?” You wondered aloud, nearly choking on your own words from the parched feeling.
Ghost hadn’t left your side when you were knocked out, and he surely wasn’t leaving now that you were awake.
“Johnny, could you-”
“Yep! On it.” He scurried out and down the hall without another word. 
That left you and Ghost. The man that saved your life by risking his own to come back for you. You didn’t even want to think about what you would’ve done if Ghost had gotten killed at your expense. At least you would’ve died together, but that hardly sounded right or fair. Ghost deserved so much more. 
“You scared me.” Ghost confessed, not even hiding the worry in his voice. 
“I know…I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault, doll. Just…” He sighed. “Just really thought that I had lost you this time.” 
There wasn’t anything you could say to make him feel better. You knew that because you had been in his shoes. His head wasn’t in the best place. You knew that even better. But if there was one thing you knew for sure, it was that you loved him more than anybody else ever could.
“Thanks for coming back for me.” You whispered, a sudden set of tears slipping down your cheeks.
Ghost raised his balaclava. The material stopped just under his nose, his bare lips coming to press a kiss to the back of your hand. He made a solemn swear to himself in that moment that he’d never take you for granted again. He’d never get too comfortable with having you around and at his disposal.
Because fate was far too cruel for that.
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majikkulu · 11 days
♱ 𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘 by majikkulu ♱
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━━ ❝ masterlist ❞
these are my personal observations and may not resonate with everyone. please take them with a grain of salt, as i'm not a professional astrologer! :))
(i don’t know much about greek gods and goddesses, but i joined a top model contest where i have to dress up as a greek deity. it landed on hecate, and since she represents witchcraft and spirituality, i felt inspired to do an asteroid hecate lmaoooo. i hope yall will like my interpretation ;pp.)
asteroid hekate (100) is a greek goddess who rules over witchcraft, crossroads, and the night. she represents the deep, hidden parts of life, like the mysteries of life and death, and changes that happen in the dark or behind the scenes. think of her as a super-powered flashlight that helps you find your way when you’re lost in a dark forest. hekate helps you tap into your inner wisdom and guides you through tough times or big decisions.
where hekate is in your chart it points to areas where you might face crossroads, big changes, and hidden truths. it’s like having a special ability to understand things that aren't obvious right away. hekate also helps with personal transformation, helping you move from one part of your life to another.
𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖓 1𝖘𝖙 - they have a really cool, mysterious vibe that makes people curious about them. their intuition is super strong, and they might even have psychic abilities. this gives them a natural wisdom that others find fascinating, especially if they’re into spiritual stuff. while they might be drawn to spiritual practices, fully embracing them could be challenging. they’re very sensitive to their surroundings and trust their instincts. their journey involves listening to their inner voice and following their gut. people feel there’s more to them than meets the eye, and their powerful presence can be very magnetic. however, they might struggle with knowing exactly who they are and what path to take.
𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖓 2𝖓𝖉 - they’ve got a knack for making smart choices with their money and possessions through their intuition. their financial situation might go through a lot of ups and downs, but these changes help them figure out what’s truly important to them. they might find themselves deciding what to keep and exploring new ways to earn money. they probably value items with special meaning. over time, their priorities might shift, and they’ll rethink what’s worth holding onto. they might be drawn to earning money through spiritual work like astrology or tarot. even though their finances can be a bit unpredictable, they should remember that their true worth comes from their spiritual and intuitive gifts, not just material things.
𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖓 3𝖗𝖉 - they speak in a way that’s intense and full of insight, often using metaphors and talking about deep topics like psychology or mystical themes. they might have a natural understanding of what others are thinking and feeling. advising their siblings or close relatives might come easily to them. however, they might find it tricky to clearly express their own thoughts and feelings, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.
𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖓 4𝖙𝖍 - they might go through major changes related to their family and home, like moving or shifts in family dynamics. their home could feel like a special, mysterious place that they protect strongly. they might discover deep truths about their family or even uncover secrets. they could be someone others rely on for emotional support, which can be a lot of pressure. they might have inherited spiritual abilities from their family, and these could be a big part of who they are. handling strong emotions and family conflicts might require them to take a step back for some introspection and healing. it’s important for them to set boundaries to take care of themselves while still being there for their loved ones.
𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 ����𝖓 5𝖙𝖍 - they’re drawn to exploring spiritual themes through their creativity. creative activities help them express their deep, hidden truths. when they date, they look for strong emotional or spiritual connections and are often attracted to people who share their mystical interests. their intuition makes these connections intense and transformative, helping them understand themselves better. they use creative outlets to connect with their inner self and explore spiritual practices that make them happy. they’re also great with kids, understanding them intuitively and guiding them with wisdom. they might face creative blocks, but these challenges often lead to new insights or breakthroughs.
𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖓 6𝖙𝖍 - they might be drawn to careers with a spiritual theme, like healing or counseling. their job situation could change a lot, and they’ll likely know intuitively if something is wrong with their health, which might lead them to holistic practices like energy healing or meditation. emotional or spiritual issues might show up as physical symptoms. their daily routine might include spiritual practices like meditation, and they might naturally organize what feels right to them. helping others could be fulfilling, especially when it comes to understanding their personal and emotional struggles. however, this placement might also lead to stress or dissatisfaction, causing them to overthink their path or daily tasks.
𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖓 7𝖙𝖍 - they form deep, transformative relationships and attract partners who are intense and spiritual. these partners might push them to explore new sides of themselves and their relationship dynamics. they have an intuitive understanding of their partner’s needs and desires. they might be drawn to mysterious partners who reveal hidden parts of themselves or their relationship. some connections could feel significant or even karmic. this placement can also bring challenges related to control and emotional conflicts, similar to having pluto in the 7th house.
𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖓 8𝖙𝖍 - for them, intimacy can be intense and revealing, bringing up psychological and spiritual truths about themselves and their partners. they might be interested in exploring hidden or taboo aspects of sex. their intuition is strong when it comes to shared finances. they might face fears and psychological issues that lead to personal growth. they could be interested in mystical practices like astrology or tarot. working through past traumas and unresolved issues can bring healing and a sense of renewal. however, they might encounter issues with control or power in their intimate relationships or financial dealings. despite these challenges, they could do really well in business.
𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖓 9𝖙𝖍 - they might experience changes in their beliefs and how they view life's purpose, often leading them to a more spiritual perspective. they could be drawn to esoteric or occult philosophies and approach learning with their intuition. traveling might bring transformative experiences and new insights. they might be attracted to places with spiritual or mystical significance, prompting deeper reflection. exploring the universe and its mysteries could fascinate them. their deep knowledge and intuitive understanding can make them a great teacher.
𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖓 10𝖙𝖍 - their career and goals might go through changes, and they could be drawn to roles that involve mystical practices. the public might see them as someone who brings a unique, transformative energy with innovative ideas. their strong intuition can help them make decisions that lead to success. in their work, they might take on a mentoring role. this placement can bring intense or challenging experiences, and they might explore hidden aspects of society.
𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖓 11𝖙𝖍 - they might experience deep and transformative friendships and interactions. they often attract friends who are intense or spiritual, bringing significant changes into their life. they might be drawn to groups with mystical or esoteric interests. their long-term goals might involve spiritual themes, and they have an intuitive sense of their dreams and aspirations. they could experience intense dynamics within their social circle, like power struggles. they might take on a leadership role in their group, providing guidance and support. their aspirations have a spiritual purpose, leading to a fulfilling journey.
𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖓 12𝖙𝖍 - they might go through inner changes and transformations, exploring hidden parts of themselves. this can lead to self-discovery and healing. spending time alone can offer them growth and spiritual insight. they might be pushed to confront and address shadow aspects of themselves, which can be intense but also healing. they may need to work through self-sabotaging tendencies. their path involves deep inner work and exploring hidden realms, so trusting their inner guidance and intuition is key. this placement can bring healing, inner peace, and insights from unknown sources.
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queenofvelaris · 1 month
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Steve Rogers x fem!reader
Word count: 9.7k (don’t look at me)
Contains: ANGST but with a happy ending, mentions of abuse, self-deprecation, Tony’s stupid quips, fight scenes (its age of ultron duh), tooth-rotting fluff, minor character deaths
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters in this story. Everyone except for the reader and her family belongs to Marvel.
Author’s Note: hiiii so I wrote this in 2021 when I was going through a really dark time. It brought me so much peace to write it and I figured it was time I share it with the world. Reblogs, likes, and comments are much appreciated and I would love to hear your thoughts (such as if I should post more cause I got more 🫣) anyways I hope you like it!!
Worthy. What a ridiculous word. A hypocritical one, too. There are those who believe with everything they’ve got— even to the point of being prideful— that they’re worthy. Others hope that they are. And the rest feel, deep down inside, that they’ll never be worthy.
“I bet it’s a trick,” Clint commented, spinning drumsticks between his fingers. He was sat next to Maria, and on his other side, Bruce and Natasha were deep in conversation. Tony and Rhodey sat on the futon. Dr. Cho was asleep.
Thor chuckled and handed a newly opened beer bottle to Steve. (Y/N) was on the carpet, her back against Steve’s strong legs. Thor shook his head. “No, no. It is much more than that.”
“Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power,” Clint mocked in a Shakespearean voice that made (Y/N) snort. “Whatever, man!”
Thor grinned and indicated his hammer, propped up on the coffee table. “Please, be my guest.”
Tony smirked at Clint. “Go ahead!”
Clint raised his eyebrows. “Really?” He leaped to his feet.
“Oh, this is gonna be beautiful,” Rhodey remarked.
Steve leaned down and whispered in (Y/N)’s ear. “Five bucks says he gives up after five seconds.”
“You’re on,” (Y/N) shot back. “I say ten seconds… gotta give the man a little credit.” She smiled to herself as Steve tickled her shoulder. If she were on the same level as him, she’d tickle him right back.
From the very beginning of the Avengers initiative, after that whole mess in 2012, Steve has always been the one (Y/N) was closest to, Clint being a very close second. It was an instant click. They loved the same movies, traded jokes and sarcastic comments, trained together, and even fell asleep next to each other on the couch on days off. Three years later, they are as close as ever.
Clint approached Mjölnir, a swagger in his step. Tony leaned forward in his seat. “Clint, you’ve had a tough week. We won’t hold it against you if you can’t get it up.”
Everyone chuckled at that and Clint ignored them, eyeing Thor. “You know I’ve seen this before, right?”
He reached for the handle and tugged, grunting as he did so. About five seconds later, he gave up, shaking his head. “I still don’t know how you do it!”
“Smell the silent judgment?” Tony jeered at Clint as (Y/N) grudgingly handed Steve five bucks.
Steve made it better with a flash of his perfect smile and a wink from his pretty blue eyes. Beaming, she rolled her eyes and focused on the petty ones in the room.
Clint held out his hand. “Stark, by all means.”
Tony shrugged and stood, earning a chorus of “Uh oh”, “Mmm-hmm”, “Oh here we go.” He practically strutted over to the hammer. “Never been one to shy away from an honest challenge.”
“Yeah, but how often do you win ‘em?” (Y/N) muttered and Steve laughed so hard he choked on his beer. Rhodey and a couple others went “ooo!”
Tony shot her a playful glare and looped his wrist through the loop on the top of the handle. “It’s physics.” He glanced at Thor. “Alright, so, uh, if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?”
Thor nodded benevolently. “Yes.”
Tony grasped the handle and put one foot on the table. “I will be reinstituting Prima Nocta.” He grunted and pulled, but the hammer didn’t move at all. He removed the loop and cleared his throat. “Be right back.”
He stormed away and came back not one minute later with an Iron Man glove from his latest model. “That’s cheating!” Maria called.
Tony put it on and grasped the handle. “And I’m Tony Stark.” He yanked on the handle, but the Asgardian weapon remained unmovable. He turned his hand and little turbines came out of the arm, acting like a rocket. Still, Mjölnir stayed still as a rock.
(Y/N) shook her head, grinning as Tony struggled with the hammer. “Give it a rest, pretty boy, you can’t lift it.”
“I can and will, sugar lips,” Tony retorted good-naturedly. He waved Rhodey over and the latter put on his own hand gear from War Machine. Watching them try and lift it together was hysterical and (Y/N) could barely breathe, she was laughing so hard.
Next up was Bruce, who climbed on the table and screamed when he couldn’t lift the hammer. Everyone stared at him in amusement and he flushed pink, embarrassed.
(Y/N) had her head on Steve’s knee when Maria tried and failed. The former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent turned to (Y/N). “Alright, you’re up.”
She lifted her head, chewing on her lip. “Oh, no. I, uh, I’m not doing it.”
Tony whined. “Come on! After Capsicle and Shakespeare in the Park, you’re the strongest one here!”
He wasn’t wrong. That’s another reason she and Steve were both so close-- they were the only enhanced beings in the tower. Her super strength and cat-like agility earned her the nickname of The Leopard, only she wasn’t experimented on. Her mom had been a chemist for S.H.I.E.L.D. when (Y/N) was young, and one day she came to work with her mom and there was an explosion that resulted from the leak of a new serum designed to replicate the one inside Steve. She and her mom both got struck. The result? She got powers and her mom was killed.
“I’m not lifting it, Stark,” she said firmly. She held his gaze. Normally, she’d sigh at the sight of those puppy dog eyes and grudgingly give into whatever task he wanted her to complete. But this… this was different.
Thor boomed, “It is not about strength, Stark. It is about worthiness.”
And I’m the least worthy person here, she said silently.
Steve petted her head for a second before patting her shoulder. “I’ll try.”
Grateful, she shuffled to the side to let him stand. She took his place on the couch next to Thor and watched as he rolled up the sleeves of his button-up. His blonde hair glowed in the light and his arm muscles flexed as he gripped onto the hammer.
Clenching his jaw, Steve tugged on the hammer… and it moved slightly. Thrilled, (Y/N) stole a glance at Thor’s face and nearly pissed herself. Thor looked so shocked. Stifling her laughter, she watched as Steve pulled on the handle once more before letting go, holding up his hands in surrender.
Thor audibly blew out a sigh of relief, a small smile returning to his face. (Y/N) shoved his arm. “Don’t worry, no one’s coming for your throne, Thunder.”
Steve chuckled at that and sat back down next to her. Everyone looked at Nat, who smiled and took a sip of her beer. “Oh, no, no, that’s not a question I need answered.”
Tony raised his bottle. “All deference to the man who wouldn’t be king, but it’s rigged.”
Clint clapped Tony on the shoulder. “You bet your ass.”
Maria piped up, “Steve, he said a bad language word.”
“Did you tell everyone about that?” Steve demanded, glaring at Tony as (Y/N) buried her face in his shoulder to smother her laughter. Steve wrapped his arm around her instead of pushing her away, and when she lifted her head, she had to look away from Natasha, whose smirking expression was directed right at her and Steve. Nat has caught them curled up together on the couch before, and each time (Y/N) has told her “Steve is my best friend.” Even though I want more.
Tony leaped to continue his previous train of thought. “The handle’s imprinted. Like a security code. ‘Whosoever is carrying Thor’s fingerprints’ is I think the literal translation.”
“Yes, that’s a, uh, very, very interesting theory,” Thor replied, standing with his Asgardian ale in one hand. “I have a simpler one.” He lifted the hammer with ease and flipped it, catching it gracefully. “You are all not worthy.”
(Y/N) shook her head with a small smile on her face, Steve and Clint laughed, Rhodey and Bruce scoffed, Tony groaned a “Come on!” and Maria and Natasha exchanged looks with the now awake Dr. Cho.
Suddenly, a loud feedback whine pierced the air and everyone reacted, some stiffening and the others covering their ears. Tony frowned and pulled out his transparent pad that controlled everything in the tower.
A voice that sent chills down (Y/N)’s spine came to their attention, as well as the clanking of metal. “Worrrrrrtttttthhhhyyyy.” A tattered, roughed-up-looking version of one of Tony’s suits lurched into the living room, leaking oil. It turned to face them. It flourished its hand, and when it spoke next, its voice was clearer, more masculine, and much more sinister. “No. How could you be worthy? You’re all killers.”
At that, (Y/N) stiffened as dread rooted deep down in her gut. Steve let go of her and stood, his stern eyes fixed on the robot. “Stark,” he challenged without looking at the billionaire.
“J.A.R.V.I.S.,” Tony called.
“I’m sorry, I was asleep.” The suit turned his head, the lights in his eyes flickering. “Or I was a dream.”
Tony tapped on the pad. “Reboot. We’ve got a buggy suit.”
The robot in front of them shielded his face. “There was this terrible noise, and I was tangled in… in…” he looked down at the wires and spare parts keeping the frame together. “...strings.”
(Y/N) and everyone else who had been sitting set down their drinks and stood, all of them tense. The suit flourished his hand again. “Had to kill the other guy… he was a good guy.”
“You killed someone?” Steve asked, serious and condescending.
Those words and his tone made (Y/N) feel a little sick, but she willed herself not to react and instead focused on the terrifying suit, which glanced at the floor. “Wasn’t my first call. But… in the real world, we’re faced with ugly choices.”
“Who sent you?” (Y/N) asked calmly.
The suit straightened up as the sound of a tape rewinding filled their ears. “I see a suit of armor around the world,” Tony’s voice came through.
Tony’s face paled. Bruce stared at him. “Ultron.”
(Y/N), Steve and Thor shot a bewildered look at Tony, while Natasha, Rhodey, and Clint all looked at Bruce for answers. Maria cocked her gun and Thor’s grip on his hammer tightened. (Y/N) clenched her fists and exchanged a look with Steve.
“In the flesh,” the suit answered. “Or, no, not yet. Not this… chrysalis. But I’m ready. I’m on a mission.”
Natasha tilted her head. “What mission?”
Ultron jutted his chin out, and if he had a real form, (Y/N) was sure he would be smiling. “Peace in our time.”
Three of Tony’s suits burst out of the wall, concrete and plaster raining down like hail. Almost everyone dove for cover. Steve flipped up the coffee table just in time for a suit to collide with it, sending both (Y/N) and Steve over the couch.
He immediately reached for her, his eyes wide. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” She scrambled to her feet at the same time he did. She ducked as one of the suits flew straight over her head and watched Thor smack it with his hammer.
She hurried over to the bar, where Natasha and Bruce were hunkered down, the assassin using her gun. Maria was also firing her gun, Clint was nowhere to be seen, and Rhodey tumbled through the glass window onto the landing below.
Grabbing a long skewer, she leaped onto the back of a suit that was towering over a terrified Dr. Cho. (Y/N) tried to impale the skewer in between the helmet and neck, hoping to dismantle some of the wires, but it threw her off and into the grand piano with a great crash. The impact barely hurt her, but it certainly knocked the air out of her lungs. She tumbled onto her back, winded, and her eyes widened in fear when the suit faced her.
Unbeknownst to her, Ultron cocked its head and turned his attention toward her. “Interesting.”
Natasha and Bruce hurried up the stairs, Clint barely missed a shot from a suit, Tony hopped onto the back of another one, and the suit looming over (Y/N) got distracted by Maria.
Her heart in her throat, (Y/N) watched as Steve got slammed against the wall on the second landing. He fell to the ground hard, groaning. Thinking quickly, she twisted her head and saw his shield. It was heavy as all hell for everyone else, but for her, it was nothing.
“STEVE!” She yelled, gripping onto the shield.
Steve bolted to his feet and at the same time, (Y/N) threw it to him like a frisbee. Thor dismantled one suit, Tony took down the other, but the third remained. With a spin, Steve threw his shield and it tore the suit in half.
It was over as fast as it had started. It was quiet for a second, the only sound being everyone’s panting. (Y/N) rubbed her neck and gripped onto the wall for support.
Ultron shook his head. “That was dramatic. I’m sorry, I know you mean well, you just didn’t think it through.”
Steve took a few angry steps forward and (Y/N) stiffened. Ultron continued. “You want to protect the world but you don’t want it to change. How is humanity saved if it’s not allowed to... evolve?” He bent and picked up the destroyed head of one of the suits. “With these? These puppets.” Ultron threw down the head and surveyed the room. “There’s only one path to peace. The Avengers’ extinction.”
Thor grunted and threw Mjölnir. The hammer smashed Ultron into pieces against the wall before flying back to Thor’s hand.
The lights in Ultron’s head sparked and flickered. In a sing-songy, raspy voice, the suit murmured, “I had strings, but now I’m free… there are no strings on me…” Then, it flickered and died.
Everyone remained frozen for a second as the tower’s lights flickered. Some went out. Steve rushed over to (Y/N), his intense fury softening as he looked at her. He reached to inspect her neck. “You okay?”
She nodded, though she was far from it. Ultron’s words about them being killers and his creepy disappearance… it unsettled her. She had a feeling they hadn’t heard the last of him.
She was right. Down in Tony’s lab, they realized Ultron had taken all of the Iron Man suits, Loki’s staff, important files, and hard drives. He was in the internet now and was most likely downloading everything he could about each and every one of them. The thought of that robot looking into her file made (Y/N) feel sick. Only Nick Fury had access to her file, but it was clear that Ultron could bypass that.
They also learned that Ultron could access anything he wanted, like nuclear codes. They all figured out that J.A.R.V.I.S. was the person Ultron killed. Tony revealed that he created Ultron because of a vision the female Maximoff gave him when they seized the scepter. He saw what he called “The Endgame,” and he didn’t believe the Avengers would be enough to save the world. Steve assured him that even if they lost the war, they would do it together.
That night, when all was quiet in the tower and everyone was asleep, (Y/N) began to toss and turn. She couldn’t get Ultron out of her head. The monstrosity followed her into the depths of her nightmares and made her feel trapped. Images of him infiltrating her file terrified her to no end.
She sat up and ran a hand through her hair. It was no use. She needed water, or milk. She climbed out of bed and padded to the elevator. It took her to the kitchen.
She was a few footsteps away from the fridge when she heard it. “(Y/N).”
Ultron. She spun around, her fists out, but there was nothing there. Shocked, she lowered her fists. But then, she heard it again, much more sinister. “(Y/N).”
“What do you want from me?” She tried her best to keep her tone harsh.
“Do they know?” Ultron’s voice was quiet and menacing.
(Y/N) stood at attention. “Do they know what?”
Ultron chuckled darkly. (Y/N)’s eyes darted every which way, but she couldn’t see him, only hear him. “What I read in that file of yours… how many years has it been since the “accident”? Or should we call it what it really is?”
She felt her blood go cold. He wasn’t talking about 2012. He was talking about when she was seventeen. Her breathing got more shallow.
Ultron continued. “I’ll ask again… do… they… know?”
“Please.” Her voice was nothing more than a whisper as her mouth dried up. Her hands began to shake.
“It’s the reason you’re not worthy to lift the God of Thunder’s mighty hammer.” The sarcasm in his voice made her heart beat faster. “You will never be worthy. How could you be? You’re a killer. Imagine how your closest friends would react. Just think of God’s righteous man seeing you for who you really are… ”
“No.” She covered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut. “No, no, no.”
His voice, his words… it didn’t stop. Monster… murderer…
The kitchen got darker and more confined, until (Y/N) felt like she was in a cage. The words got louder and louder until she screamed…
Drenched in sweat, (Y/N) jerked upright, panting. Her hands wildly felt around her. She was in bed. It had just been a dream.
But there was a truth to it that shook her to the core, a fear that she hoped and prayed would never come true.
A knock at her door nearly made her jump out of her skin. The intruder spoke up, their voice gentle. “(Y/N), it’s Nat. You okay?”
“Fine, Nat. Just a bad dream,” the girl lied. She fought to take deep breaths and slow her racing heart. “Sorry I woke you.”
She could tell Nat was hesitating so she forced more conviction into her voice. “Seriously, I’m okay. It’s not so bad tonight. Sorry again. Just… don’t mention it to anybody, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.”
As the only girls in the Avengers, they shared this floor together. Unfortunately, nightmares were a common occurrence for (Y/N), and every time she accidentally woke up Natasha, guilt steadily consumed her. She never once let Natasha see her pain, her terror. No one could see. She was the “strong one”, the bold and cheeky (Y/N) that everyone knew and respected. Not the pathetic, shriveling mess that screamed herself awake in the middle of the night.
(Y/N) breathed a shaky sigh of relief when she heard Natasha’s footsteps recede. She was alone. Tears stung her eyes. Always alone.
She curled up in a ball and muffled her sobs, so as not to wake Natasha again.
It wasn’t long until they got a tip. Ultron had teamed up with Wanda Maximoff and her twin brother Pietro and were going to make a deal with an old weapons supplier of Tony’s. The rumor was that he had just come into a large stock of vibranium that Ultron wanted to get his hands on.
Pale yellow streams of light poked through the window when (Y/N) woke up. It was the morning of the raid. Silently, she climbed out of bed and suited up. She wore a dark blue leather coat that had leopard print on the inside-- courtesy of Stark. She also wore a blue leather top, black leather pants and boots, and her hair was done in a simple french braid down her back.
She crept into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee, like normal. On a regular day, she’d wake up before dawn and go for a run with Steve. Sometimes they raced each other, sometimes they just walked and talked. But last night, she’d barely gotten any sleep, and she had a feeling Steve would skip the run, too.
After she sat at the bar with her mug, Steve walked in, fiddling with one of his gloves. He was in full Captain gear, and the sight of him made (Y/N)’s heart flutter. He always looked handsome, but his uniform and cropped golden hair along with his gorgeous face and eyes always made heat rush to her cheeks. He was just as handsome as he was good and kind. She definitely didn’t deserve him.
Steve wordlessly made his own cup and sat next to her. His thumbs traced the sides of his mug. “You look tired.”
“Thanks,” (Y/N) muttered. She rubbed her temples. “Just didn’t sleep well.”
“You haven’t been sleeping well since Ultron attacked.” Steve peered at her with his signature mom expression. “You’ve been having nightmares again, haven’t you?”
(Y/N) stiffened and met his gaze. “Nat told you?”
Steve shook his head. “Last night I couldn’t sleep so I went for a run in the stairwell. When I reached your floor I heard screaming so I went to check on you, but Nat came out and stopped me. She told me you were okay and to just leave it.”
(Y/N) was quiet for a second. She felt a little guilty for thinking Nat would betray her. Steve covered her hand with his. “You know you can talk to me, right? I may not have gone through what you and Clint did during 2012, but I’ve seen my fair share of horrors.”
“You haven’t done what I’ve done, Steve,” she whispered, her voice hoarse.
Before she joined the Avengers, (Y/N) worked closely with Clint and Natasha at S.H.I.E.L.D. She was the only enhanced agent, and everyone fought to keep that a secret. Then, Loki arrived. He turned his scepter on her and Clint, forcing them under the control of the mind stone. It was then that Loki came to notice (Y/N)’s strength and agility. He used her as his prized second in command and ruthless assassin. A lot of the human lives lost in Stuttgart, on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Quinjet, and during the Battle of New York were because of her.
Steve sighed. “(Y/N), what’s it gonna take for you to forgive yourself? You were under mind control.”
She shook her head. “So was Loki, but everyone blames him.” She interlaced her fingers with his. “Controlled or not, I have the blood of innocents on my hands.”
For a moment, she imagined what it would be like to tell him about the accident, to share the overwhelming amount of guilt of murdering innocent people in 2012. Would he still be here, holding her hand? Or would he hate her as much as she hated herself? No. She couldn’t tell him. Not till she was ready.
Steve said nothing, just kept holding her hand. He changed the subject, much to her relief. “Are your nightmares about Ultron?”
“Sometimes.” (Y/N) took a sip of her coffee. “I don’t wanna face that Maximoff girl. You heard what she did to Tony.” The thought of someone infiltrating her mind again made her want to throw up.
“I won’t let her near you,” Steve said firmly. He gently placed his index finger under her chin and turned her face toward his. “Do you hear me? I’ll keep you safe, sweetheart.”
She smiled softly, transfixed by his baby blue eyes. His gaze flicked to her lips, and for a split second, he leaned forward—
“Lady (Y/N), are there any Strawberry Pop-Tarts left in the cabinet?” Thor called, trudging into the kitchen in full Asgardian armor.
Looking away from Steve, (Y/N) couldn’t ignore the disappointment washing over her. “Should still be a box on the top shelf, Thunder.” She let go of Steve’s hand, but she didn’t see that he looked crestfallen at the missed opportunity, too.
An hour later, they were all assembled on the Quinjet and headed toward the African coast. Everyone was pretty solemn during the trek, the silence only being broken by Thor’s ramblings and Tony’s jokes. But even the God of Thunder and the sass master himself were more grim than normal.
As they snuck into the salvage yard and the hatch of the Quinjet opened, (Y/N) exchanged a look with Steve. He reached for her hand, squeezed it once, and let go. She didn’t need to hear him speak to know he was telling her he’s got her back.
They ran into the building, finding the discarded bodies of workers all along the floor. Tony in his Iron Man suit led the way, followed by (Y/N), Steve, Thor, Clint, and Natasha. Bruce hung back on the Quinjet-- they didn’t need The Big Guy just yet.
They all split up inside the salvage yard just as Ultron yelled, “Don’t compare me with Stark, he’s a sickness!” He had forged a new suit for himself. The robot was now about seven feet tall with red eyes and a shiny metal body. His back was turned to them.
“Aww, Junior,” Tony called, his voice filtered through the Iron Man helmet. “You’re gonna break your old man’s heart.” He landed down with a clunk on the metal bridge, facing his creation. Thor and Steve were behind him. Natasha and Clint were sneaking in from the sides, and (Y/N) was coming in from the back. Their goal was to box the enemy in.
Ultron turned to face them, flanked by Wanda and Pietro. (Y/N) allowed herself a brief moment of wariness before putting her game face on. She was armed with batons about the length of her arm, coincidentally made of vibranium.
“If I have to,” Ultron drawled, his voice powerful and menacing.
“No one has to break anything,” Thor warned.
Ultron and the Maximoffs approached until they were a few feet away from the three Avengers. “Clearly, you’ve never made an omelet.”
Tony tilted his head. “He beat me by one second.”
(Y/N) shook her head at his almost proud comment. She delicately ducked behind the door behind the Maximoffs and Ultron, peering out at them.
“Ah, so this is funny… Mr. Stark,” Pietro remarked, his Sokovian accent thick. “It’s, what… comfortable?” He glanced down at the missiles and other weapons. “Like old times?”
“This was never my life.” Tony sounded much more serious now.
Steve took a step forward, his eyes on the twins. “You two can still walk away from this.”
Wanda cocked her head. “Oh, we will.”
Steve didn’t back down. “I know you’ve suffered.” They’d heard about the twins losing their parents and nearly dying themselves in the process.
“Ah… Captain America.” Ultron gazed at Steve condescendingly. “God’s righteous man.”
At that, (Y/N) flinched. Ultron had called him that in her nightmare. However, when she saw Steve’s familiar haunted look appear, her fear turned into anger. She withdrew one of her staffs from its sheath.
“Pretending you could live without a war,” Ultron continued. “I can’t physically throw up in my mouth, but-”
“If you believe in peace, then let us keep it,” Thor cut him off.
Ultron took a step closer. “I think you’re confusing peace with quiet.”
Tony was over it. “Yuh-huh. What’s the vibranium for?”
“I’m glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan,” Ultron drawled.
Suddenly, he pulled his metal fist back and the energy sucked Tony forward. Ultron blasted him back against the wall and everyone sprung into action.
Tony and Ultron went head to head as suits-- clearly designed by Ultron-- came pouring out of a doorway. Pietro was a blur as he went around, trying to attack the Avengers. His sister was more successful and managed to blast Steve back.
(Y/N) launched out from the doorway and used her strength and one of her batons to knock the head of a suit clean off its body. She leaped over the railing and landed on the bottom floor. A small grin worked its way onto her face as two suits came down to meet her, tall and strong.
She swept the legs out from under one and started to attack the other, but it dodged her heavy blow. She was grabbed by it but twisted her body, ran along the side of a crate, and flipped up and over the suit, tearing its head off.
Meanwhile, Natasha and Clint took down a lot of the weapons dealer’s crew, who were shooting at both the suits and the Avengers. Steve forced Pietro to the ground a little ways away from (Y/N). His eyes flicked over to her, watching her battle Ultron’s minions. He’d been keeping his eye on her, and he was relieved and proud that she was holding her own. He smiled and went back to fighting.
Then Wanda struck.
It was Thor who went down first. A quick tendril of magic infiltrated his mind and turned his eyes red.
“Thor! Status!” Steve barked.
Nothing. He saw Thor falter and freeze in place on the second level as if he was frozen in time.
Immediately, he knew it was Wanda. He spun around, eyes wide and filled with worry. Before he could warn his girl, he was knocked backward by Pietro and witnessed his worst fear with a flick of Wanda’s wrist.
(Y/N) had no idea what was happening. She was easily taking down suit after suit, barely breaking a sweat. She heard static crackling in her earpiece but figured that was just a result of everyone’s efforts.
She was about to deliver a fatal blow to the largest of Ultron’s creations when it spoke. “Were you this talented of a fighter at seventeen, Agent (L/N)?”
(Y/N) froze in her tracks, her baton raised over her head. The suit climbed back onto its feet, its eerie eyes peering straight at her. When it spoke again, its voice bore a significant resemblance to that of Ultron’s. She felt like he was directly talking to her.
“That was your first kill.” It wasn’t a question… the suit knew. Ultron had examined her file.
(Y/N) swung at the suit, but her nerves made her sloppy. The suit grabbed her baton, locking her in place. “Did you enjoy your first kill as much as you enjoyed taking the lives you took in the Battle of New York?”
With a shriek, (Y/N) twisted her wrist and tore the baton free. She attacked the suit with both batons, her viciousness masking her vulnerable state of mind. When she’d backed the suit into a corner, she finally let up on her onslaught, panting. “I didn’t enjoy it. I didn’t enjoy it then, and I didn’t enjoy it in 2012. I’m not a killer. I was under mind control.”
“Not the first time. You became a murderer of your own accord.” The suit stood again, looming over her.
“Stop it.” (Y/N) shook her head violently.
The suit took a step forward. “How did it feel, watching his life slip away? How did it feel, realizing that you took a life and it was all for nothing?”
(Y/N)’s hands tightened around her batons, trembling. “Stop it.”
The suit was relentless. “How did it feel to be completely and utterly alone?”
“I SAID STOP!” (Y/N) screamed and lunged, but she never reached the suit. A flash of red was all she saw and then the room shifted.
She stumbled and dropped her batons, trying to grasp onto a crate, but she grasped onto a railing instead. It didn’t feel metallic; it was sleek and smooth. She turned her head and realized she was gripping a wooden railing.
She looked up, expecting to see the metal landing and the rest of her friends in the midst of battle. Instead, she saw a carpeted staircase with walls on either side.
Instantly, she felt cold, like someone dumped a bucket of ice water on her head. She was back home, back in the memory that haunted her sleep without relief.
She could hear the thumps from where she stood, tears already springing to her eyes. “No. No,” she choked out and sprinted up the stairs.
Even though she already knew what she would find at the top of the stairs, she still screamed. There was her dad, hovering over her baby brother, beating him bloody. It was obvious that Bobby was having trouble breathing. He was practically lying in a pool of blood.
Dad hated both (Y/N) and Bobby, but once (Y/N) got her powers, he couldn’t take out his aggression on her like when her mom was alive. Instead, he turned his attention to Bobby.
“Stop, you’re gonna kill him!” (Y/N) screamed, echoing the words she spoke when she was seventeen.
“Stay out of this, freak!” Dad roared, giving her a snarl that looked like a dog baring its teeth.
As if on autopilot, (Y/N) gripped onto his shoulders and ripped him away from Bobby. Unlike how it happened all those years ago, she was forced to watch his stumble in slow motion. She stood with her jaw dropped as he tumbled down the stairs and straight into the wall, his head colliding with the plaster so hard that a loud crack split the air. Blood seeped out of the wound, and he lay perfectly still. He was dead.
(Y/N) stared at her hands in revulsion. But tears began to fall when she realized what would happen next.
She whirled around and knelt next to her baby brother, whose chest was heaving and shuddering. This. This was what she saw almost every night, the image that never seemed to escape her. “Hey, hey, Bobby, please. Please. Stay alive. Please, don’t go. Don’t leave me alone!”
Bobby’s innocent eyes met hers briefly before closing. His chest rose once more, but it did not fall. He, too, was still.
“NO!” (Y/N) screamed, scrabbling at his body.
Bobby’s body disappeared in a cloud of smoke, and (Y/N) covered her face with her hands as she cried. She was too late to save him. She tried, but in doing so she killed her dad. He was a menace, but she’d never wanted to hurt him. She never wanted to hurt anybody.
But the nightmare was far from over.
“(Y/N)?” A familiar voice spoke. However, instead of the normal softness and affection in his voice, this time his tone was laced with disapproval and disgust.
(Y/N) leaped to her feet and turned around, wiping her eyes. Steve stood there, his helmet off. Behind him was Tony, Natasha, Clint, Thor, and Bruce. They all looked horrified and furious.
“You just killed your dad,” Bruce said in a hushed voice.
(Y/N)’s hands began to shake. “I didn’t mean to. It was an accident. I-I just-”
“No, no, no, you don’t get to justify what we just saw,” Tony snapped, holding up his finger.
Tears burned (Y/N)’s eyes. “I was a kid. My powers weren’t under control yet! You have to believe me!”
Natasha and Clint looked disappointed. The former Red Room assassin shook her head in disbelief. “I was trained to become a killer. You became one on your own.”
“I didn’t mean to kill him.” (Y/N) couldn’t stop the stream of tears as they steadily dripped down her cheeks. “I was just trying to save my brother.”
“And how’d that work out for you?” Clint scoffed. “How many more dads did you kill in 2012? No wonder Loki chose you-- you’re wicked, just like him.”
(Y/N) couldn’t breathe. She clutched her ribs, desperately forcing air into her lungs. “It wasn’t my fault. It wasn’t my fault. Guys, please.” She looked at the people she saw as her siblings. “Clint? Nat?” They’d said they understood about 2012… but they were looking at her with pure venom.
One by one, her team turned their backs to her and walked away, disappearing into vapor. The only one who remained was Steve, whose head was lowered.
“Stevie?” (Y/N) tentatively approached him, reaching for his hand.
He ripped it away like she’d burned him and she recoiled. Steve fixed her with a cruel glare. “Now I know why you refused to pick up Thor’s hammer. You’re not worthy, and this is why.”
(Y/N) felt her heart shatter into a million tiny pieces. “Steve-”
“I thought the world of you. I wanted the best for you. I wanted a future with you.” Steve’s voice was low and dark. “Now… I don’t want anything to do with you.”
A sob escaped her lips before she could stop it and she fell to her knees. “Stevie, please!” She grabbed his hand and he pulled it away, walking away from her.
“Stevie, please, come back!” (Y/N) begged and pleaded, but she received no response.
Convulsing with sobs, she curled up on the floor, crying her heart out. Her worst fears had just been realized. The Avengers hated her as much as she hated herself for what she did, and Steve, her Captain… he hated her, too.
“It wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t my fault,” she whispered brokenly, wishing she could turn back time and reverse everything. “It wasn’t my fault.”
And that’s how Steve, the real Steve, found her.
When his vision cleared, he hauled himself up. Clint gave him the status report that he took Wanda out of the running, at least temporarily, and the archer went to look for Natasha.
Steve’s mouth went dry. Where was his girl? He reached for his earpiece, ready to command her to tell him where she was, when he heard it. The sobs.
He ran faster than he ever had in his life. It took him only a second to find her, curled up on the floor and crying.
He fell to his knees beside her, tearing off his helmet and setting down his shield. “(Y/N)... hey, hey, hey.” His hands fidgeted, longing to touch her but afraid of how she’d react. “Sweetheart, look at me. Open your eyes and look at me.”
(Y/N) obeyed him, but her mind was still trapped in another world. Her eyes darted lazily around, the flow of tears never ending. She met his gaze and he flinched when he saw the raw brokenness in their depths. “It wasn’t my fault... it wasn’t my fault.”
Steve frowned and this time, he touched her. He ran his fingers through her hair, which had fallen out of its neat french braid. “What’s not your fault, sweetheart?”
“Please, you have to believe me,” she cried. “It wasn’t my fault, Stevie. You have to believe me. You have to believe me.”
“Hey, hey, shh. It’s okay. I believe you.” Steve’s tone was soft and gentle as he cooed to her, trying to calm her down. Frankly, he was freaked out, too, by her state and what he saw in his own vision. And he was angry. He’d been complacent. He promised her he would keep her safe, that he wouldn’t let Wanda infiltrate her mind. But he was careless, and now his girl was a wreck.
(Y/N) locked eyes with Steve, a bit of hope returning to her (e/c) depths. “It wasn’t my fault.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” Steve confirmed, forcing a smile.
Clint’s voice comes in on the earpiece. “All the tin men are down, but the Maximoffs are gone. So is Ultron. Tony said the Big Guy escaped and he’s fetching him. I think we need to head back to the jet. Tasha’s in bad shape.”
Steve pressed his own earpiece, looking down at the sweet girl who was crying silently next to him. “So is (Y/N). We’ll meet you at the jet.”
He placed his shield on his back and gathered (Y/N)’s weapons, placing them in his belt loops. He gently worked his arm into the crook of her knees and wrapped his other arm around her back. He stood, cradling her in his arms. “C’mon, sweetheart. Let’s get outta here.”
She curled into him, and even though her tears had stopped flowing, she was still looking around blankly, like her mind was still adrift.
He carried her out of the warehouse, through the salvage yard, and onto the Quinjet. Natasha was slumped in a corner, pale and trembling. Thor looked tense and bewildered. Clint was unaffected vision-wise, but he was pacing the floor of the jet and scratching his head.
When Steve entered the jet, Clint turned and stiffened. “Oh, shit.”
Steve ignored his comment, clueing the archer into how worried Steve was. He followed closely as Steve sat down on one of the seats, arranging (Y/N) so she lay comfortably across the seats with her head in his lap.
“What did she see?” Clint asked quietly.
Steve shook his head, his eyes trained on (Y/N)’s face. His fingers gently combed through her hair, and his other hand traced light designs on her hand. “I don’t know. She wasn’t making much sense. She kept saying something wasn’t her fault. I’ve never seen her like this.”
Clint’s gaze was soft as he looked at her. “I was with her when Loki’s spell lifted. She barely spoke after.” He glanced at Steve. “Actually, it was you who got through to her. You got her to talk again. What Loki’s magic made her do… it damaged her. Being mind-controlled once is no joke, but twice?” He sighed. “Poor kid.” He stood and walked over to the pilot’s seat.
Steve’s heart was heavy, but at the same time filled with warmth. Had he really been the one to help (Y/N) come back to herself after 2012? As he gazed down at her, he decided it would be his job to bring her back this time, too.
So he kept stroking her hair, whispering to her. “(Y/N). Come back to me, sweetheart. It’s me, Stevie. If anyone can fight back against the power of that vision, it’s you. You’re strong, so strong. Stronger than all of us. I’m here. Your family’s all here. Just come back. I’ve got you, and I’m never letting you go. I promise. You’re safe with me.”
Though (Y/N) didn’t respond, her eyes flicked to meet his gaze and he could’ve sworn he saw a sparkle of recognition return to her eyes. Encouraged, Steve kept talking.
He lost himself in his quiet affirmations and gentle words to her, so much so that he didn’t notice Thor, Clint, and even Natasha watching. Thor and Clint smiled slightly, and Natasha, as shaken as she was, felt emotional watching the tender display. It was really obvious to everyone except Steve and (Y/N) that they had fallen for each other.
The three of them were so moved that when Tony and Bruce returned, Clint went out to meet them and warned them to keep their voices down and not make any comments-- with that bit being directed at Tony-- about what they were about to see.
All Tony said when they walked onto the jet and saw Steve with (Y/N) cradled on his lap was a grumbled, “Finally.”
They decided that it was too dangerous to return to the Tower. Ultron was everywhere, and after the whole Hulk incident they needed to lie low. Clint guided the jet toward a location he refused to tell the others about, and spoke quietly with Tony. They were the only two who hadn’t been hit with a vision at the salvage yard.
Thor was acting a little gruffer than normal, Natasha was quiet, and Bruce was weary, but the one they were really worried about was (Y/N). For the entirety of the Quinjet ride, her head rested on Steve’s thigh as she slowly came back to reality. It was Steve’s gentle touches and grounding words that eventually brought her back. But even then, she was uncharacteristically quiet and withdrawn.
“We’re almost there, sweetheart,” Steve whispered. “Just keep your eyes on me. Don’t slip back into your head.”
She nodded once, her face lined with sadness and a hint of fear. It made Steve’s heart ache. He kept his blue eyes locked with her (e/c) ones. “Do you remember Clint and Natasha? They’re like your brother and sister. We’re your family. You’re safe with us.”
He kept having to repeat these statements in order to keep her present. He did so without complaint and with a heart full of affection and concern for his girl.
At the mention of Clint and Natasha, the fear grew on her face and Steve moved his hand from her hair to her face. He gently tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears. “We’re not gonna hurt you. We all love you. I-” He swallowed. “… care about you so much, (Y/N). You’re safe with us, okay?”
“Okay, Stevie.” Her voice was small and quiet, reminding Steve of his mom after getting her ass handed to her by his dad. He hated it, and wanted nothing more for (Y/N)’s smile to return. So, he kept forcing a smile for her sake and continued anchoring her with his words and touches.
After a few hours, Clint landed the jet next to a farmhouse. Steve stood and held out his hands to (Y/N). “Can you stand for me, pretty girl?”
She nodded shakily and stood, taking his hands. He wrapped his arm around her protectively. The other Avengers watched with a mixture of worry and awe on their faces.
He and (Y/N) trailed behind as Clint helped Natasha walk and led Bruce, Tony, and Thor inside the house. When Clint’s pregnant wife appeared, who the Avengers had no idea about (except for Natasha), they all were stunned. Laura and Natasha caught up and Clint introduced them all to his kids and explained why he kept their location a secret.
(Y/N) tried to smile and hesitantly shook Laura’s hand. The yelling of the kids and the chatter of the others made her tense up. Steve rubbed her arms and made eye-contact with Clint.
Having seen (Y/N) go through something like this once before, Clint strode over to them and kept his voice low. “Tasha’s gonna sleep with Laura. Me, Tony, Thor, and Bruce will sleep in the living room. You two can take the guest room.”
(Y/N) was too in her head to fully process what he said, but Steve’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth to question why he and (Y/N) should share a room and protest that it wasn’t appropriate, but Clint rolled his eyes. “Just take the damn room. Go. You’ll thank me later.”
Wordlessly, Steve took (Y/N)’s hand and-- after hearing Clint’s directions-- guided her upstairs. He entered a small but quaint room and shut the door. (Y/N) silently sat on the bed, her eyes on her hands.
Steve exhaled deeply. He walked to her and crouched in front of her, taking her hands in his. She met his gaze, her expression clouded. Steve squeezed her hands lightly. “Talk to me, sweetheart. What did you see? I want to help you.”
“You won’t once I tell you,” she whispered, tears pricking her eyes.
Steve’s tone was gentle but firm. “Try me.”
(Y/N) took a shaky breath. “Did… did I ever tell you how young I was when I joined S.H.I.E.L.D.?”
Steve frowned, concentrating. “You said you were seventeen. You were one of their youngest recruits.”
(Y/N)’s hands fidgeted in his grip. “Did I say why I joined?”
“You said you didn’t want to go to college, that you wanted to work there to honor your mother.” Steve sounded puzzled.
She chewed on the inside of her cheek. “That-that was-um… it wasn’t the whole truth.”
Steve looked at her encouragingly, and that just made it harder for (Y/N). She swallowed. “After I-uh… after I got my powers and my mom died, my dad… he became more violent. He was violent before, but losing Mom just… it just made him snap. He knew he couldn’t hurt me anymore, so he started taking it out on my baby brother. He was only twelve.”
“Go on.” Steve’s eyes were narrowed, but he made an effort to keep his voice soft.
The stinging tears made it difficult for her to see. “One-one day I heard my dad beating my brother, and when I found them, my brother was barely breathing. I yelled at my dad to stop, but he wouldn’t listen.” Tears trickled down her cheeks, one by one, and Steve let go of one of her hands to brush them away. “I eventually grabbed his shirt and shoved him away, but… but I-I shoved him toward the stairs.”
Steve closed his eyes and (Y/N) shook her head. “I couldn’t revive him. The fall killed him. I killed him.”
Steve’s eyes opened and he stared at her. “(Y/N), that was an accident. You didn’t kill him.”
“Stevie, I was too strong for him,” (Y/N) cried. “I should’ve-”
“Stop, stop, stop.” Steve cupped her face. “Sweetheart, you were a kid. Your powers weren’t under control yet. You didn’t mean to hurt your dad; you were just trying to save your brother.” And that monster doesn’t deserve your guilt and shame, he added silently.
(Y/N) sobbed once and Steve moved to sit next to her, pulling her onto his lap and encasing her in his arms. She cried into his shirt, staining it with her tears.
They sat like that for a minute, and he quietly shushed her and whispered words of reassurance. Once her sobs had died down, she pulled back a bit to look at him. “You… you believe me?”
“Of course I do.” His tone was matter-of-fact. Steve cupped her face again. “What happened to your brother?”
(Y/N) shuddered. “He broke a rib and it punctured his lung. I tried to give him CPR… but he was already gone. He’d lost too much blood.” The streams of tears continued to pour down her cheeks. “He was twelve, Stevie.”
Steve’s soul hurt for her, for that little boy he’d never gotten the chance to meet. He gently wiped her tears with his thumbs and kissed her forehead before pressing against it with his own. “I’m so sorry.”
(Y/N)’s small hands grasped onto his wrists as if they were her lifeline. “After that, I found Fury. He’s the only one who knows the whole story… other than you.” Her tone wobbled. “I asked him to lock me up. He gave me a job instead. He took a chance on me.”
Steve pulled her to him and his nose brushed her ear as (Y/N) continued to shake. “I’d managed to redeem myself in my mind. But then 2012 happened. When I realized what I’d done, what I’d been made to do… I was back in that house, with blood on my hands.” She gave a broken laugh. “It’s ironic, really. The girl with super-human strength and agility is weak in the head. She breaks everything she touches. She makes a fucking mess wherever she goes.”
“Stop, stop,” Steve pleaded, pulling back. “You’re strong, (Y/N). So strong. You’re stronger than me, that’s for damn sure, both mentally and in your heart. You don’t break everything you touch; you bring light to the darkest places. You gave a lost super-soldier a reason to smile again, inspired him to be the best hero he could be, which would never be half as good as you. When you make a mess, you own up to it. But you’ve never once willingly put someone in harm’s way. You’ve never once willingly allowed an innocent person to suffer. You love everyone around you with your whole heart.” Steve’s own eyes were brimming with tears now. “Everyone but yourself.”
(Y/N) stared at him. Steve took her hands in his and pressed kiss after kiss to her hands. “You’re a good person. It hurts me to hear you talk like you’re not.” He made eye-contact with her. “I have a feeling I know what you saw in that vision. You saw your dad and brother dying, right?”
“That’s… that’s not all.” Dare she speak the cursed words aloud? If she did… would that make it real? She covered her mouth briefly, looking anywhere but Steve. “You and the others hated me for what I did. You looked at me with pure disappointment. You-you told me… you told me that-that you didn’t want anything to do with me anymore.”
If it was even possible, Steve’s heart broke even further. “Oh, sweetheart.” He lifted her chin with his index finger, gently forcing her to look at him. A tear rolled down his cheek. “I could never hate you for what happened. Neither could the others. I’m sure if they found out, they’d all feel nothing but compassion for you. What happened? It wasn’t your fault. We’d never blame you. We all love you.” He moved his hand up to run the backs of his fingers against her cheekbone. She unconsciously leaned into his touch. Steve’s tone held sincerity when he said, “I love you.”
(Y/N)’s breath got caught in her throat. The flow of tears slowed, and Steve noticed. A small, watery smile tugged at his lips. “I love you, sweetheart. Have for a while now.” He shook his head. “And you don’t have to say it back—”
(Y/N) cut him off with a gentle whisper. “But I want to.” She wiped her cheeks and moved to cup his handsome face in her little hands. “I love you, Stevie.”
Steve gazed at her with softness and adoration. He leaned forward and kissed her chastely. The kiss was delicate, but for both of them it felt as if sparks were flying. When he pulled away, (Y/N) pouted and Steve laughed. He rubbed his nose against hers. “Trust me, sweetheart, when you’re feeling better, I’ll give you all the kisses you want. But I don’t wanna take advantage.”
(Y/N)’s heart fluttered. Whether it was because he was from the 40s, or because he was just a true gentleman, he was the most considerate man she’d ever met.
She scrubbed her face, stifling a yawn as she did so. Steve noticed. “I think someone’s tired. Lie down.”
She could hear a tiny bit of his Captain voice as he spoke, and that made her smile. She was exhausted, it was true. Barely sleeping for the past couple weeks on top of the emotional baggage of today was more than draining.
She climbed under the covers of the queen-sized bed, and before she could ask Steve to stay, he shuffled over to her. “Scoot over, big guy coming through.”
(Y/N) laughed softly and did as he asked. Pretty soon, her back was against his chest and his big arms were encircled around her. He sighed, content.
She felt herself falling asleep already, but curiosity nagged at her. “What did you see in your vision?”
Steve sighed again, but this time, she could practically hear the resignation in it. “I saw myself going back to the 40s and dancing with Peggy.”
A bolt of jealousy and unease struck her. “Why did Wanda show you that?”
Steve buried his face in her hair, lightly brushing his lips against her ear and making her shiver. “Because she wanted to show us all our biggest fear.”
The unease faded to confusion. “Why was dancing with Peggy your biggest fear?”
“Because she wasn’t you,” Steve said simply. She felt his embrace get a little tighter. “I still care deeply for Peggy, and I try to visit her as much as I can, but I stopped dreaming about a life where I had been with her once I realized my dreams were now about you. I stopped loving her the minute I fell in love with you. Dancing with her… it was a picture of the life I don’t want anymore. It was empty and lifeless because you were gone. You’re my best girl.”
Tears sprung to (Y/N)’s eyes once more. He seemed to sense this and moved his lips from her ear to her temple. He kissed her hair and brushed his nose along her cheekbone. “Let’s go to sleep.”
(Y/N) nodded, and when she spoke she was half teasing, half serious. “Dream of me?”
Steve chuckled. “Always, pretty girl.”
They fell asleep minutes later, the super-soldier holding his girl securely to his chest. They didn’t hear the door open a crack, nor did they see Natasha peek her head in.
She smiled softly when she saw them and shut the door. She turned to face Tony, Clint, Thor, and Bruce, who all eagerly awaited the report.
“They fell asleep cuddling in the bed.” Natasha grinned at Clint. “They finally exchanged their “I love you”s.
Clint had a huge smile on his face, and he turned to Tony and held out his hand. Tony grumbled and handed him a twenty-dollar bill. “You rigged it by giving them the same room.”
“Hey, I did that so he could comfort her in private.” Clint smirked and pocketed the money. “Them finally admitting their feelings was just an added bonus.”
Bruce glanced at Tony. “So if Clint betted they’d admit their feelings, what did you bet?”
“That the Leopard and Capsicle would break the bed,” Tony muttered nonchalantly.
Natasha thumped him and Bruce facepalmed himself. Thor beamed. “No, no. The Captain is far too chivalrous for that. The courting ritual back in Asgard--”
“We can hear you guys,” Steve called, his tone a mixture of tiredness and amusement.
Natasha grabbed the boys and shoved them away from the door. She apologized to Steve and (Y/N) and walked away, muttering, “I swear, men are idiots.”
Thanks for reading!!!
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gatorbites-imagines · 4 months
Can I request John Constantine fic where the reader is a eldritch or an angel that's known the league for a while or they capture them but John knows them.
I'm a literal whore for that man 👹
John Constantine x Angel male reader
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Reader’s bit of a black sheep amongst angels, cuz I feel like Constantine would go great with a bit of a rebel.
its honestly taken me too long to realize that lucifer from the show is the same lucifer as in the DC comics.
You had a bit of a past with John Constantine, with you being a bit of a rulebreaker amongst the angels and all. I mean, you still went to visit your brother Lucifer on the regular, even if you had been told not to.
Michael had scolded you more times than you could count, telling you not to pop in and out of hell as you please just because you want too, or to not just teleport to earth willy-nilly when Lucifer relocated there for a while.
It was at Lucifers club that you met Constantine for the first time. You didn’t really speak to him, but you did see how he seemed to truly get on your older brothers’ nerves, so you already liked him for that alone.
After the blonde Brit left, Lucifer would give you the whole spiel about him, complaining about how many times he had sold his soul, and all the trouble his actions caused in hell, and how much paperwork the blonde gave him.
After that you bump into him in other places. You like to party, you like to fight, you like to be a nuisance. And its not like anybody can stop an angel as powerful as yourself if they wanted. They’re lucky you just like to be annoying by nature and that you aren’t actually evil.
It ends up with you getting mixed up in some of the things Constantine get up too, even if its by accident because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. You always just know that Michael is gonna be on your neck when you get back to heaven after each time, but hanging out with John is worth it.
Hes tried to get you drunk so many times, but it never works no matter what kind of stuff he pulls out of his coat. Being angelic doesn’t really allow you to be weakened by something as small as alcohol. But its fun to see him try anyways.
In the eyes of your siblings, even Lucifer, Constantine is a bad influence, and they’ll scold you for spending so much time with a mortal, especially someone as twisted on the ledgers as Constantine. You just always shrug, flutter your wings, and fly off to do whatever it is you do. Being the youngest has its perks, since it means you get away with quite a lot.
It was also this carefree attitude that got you caught and locked up by the league. They hadn’t dealt with many angels before, so in the beginning they think you are something else. Be It a mutant or a spirit.
You could easily escape if you wanted too. Something as weak as a man-made structure wasn’t gonna hold you, but you had been bored for weeks now, so why not see what happens. You do get pretty annoyed when they talk about you like you cant hear them. They don’t know you can hear them, but still.
Zatanna easily spots that you are of divine descent, but just how far up in the hierarchy you are is a bit lost to her, since they still believe you can be captured by human means. This is why they’re forced to call in Constantine, since hes the only one they know who regularly interacts with an angel.
The Brit has a good laugh when he sees you sitting on the floor in a cell pouting, your wings wrapped around you like a cocoon. At this point you just phase out of the cell to flick Constantine in the temple for laughing at you.
John is the one that has to explain that you could have escaped the entire time if you wanted, you were just a dick that got bored easily. The dick comment makes you huff and smack him with your wing.
After all that is cleared up, the two of you go out to drink like usual. I could imagine the league trying to figure out if you’d be willing to help them when times are tough, but to their dismay you just shrug and give a “if I feel like it”.
Constantine will later explain to them in passing, mainly to roast you, that you are the youngest, which means that you aren’t used to real work and can just do whatever you want, cuz all your older siblings baby you.
His chair disappears from right under him for that comment, so the league takes it with a grain of salt. In the end you help out if there really is no other way, since angels shouldn’t interfere with minor issues.
Most of the time on earth you spend with John though, since he matches your wavelength and isn’t freaked out by the whole angel thing.
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luxaofhesperides · 10 months
We Are Robins meeting to Signal apprehending Danny ; requested by @zylev-blog!
“Hey, Danny. How are you feeling?”
Danny gives Duke a tired smile, his head falling back against the wall. He’s sitting up today, which is good. It’s definitely an improvement from the many days Danny was unable to do much but lie down and grit his teeth through the pain as Duke checked on the gunshot wound. It’s a good thing Danny’s a meta with a healing factor, or nothing Duke could have done would have saved him.
As it is, the wound was severe enough to keep Danny vulnerable and unable to move on his own without making it worse. Though Duke has looked, he hasn’t had any luck in finding whoever did this to Danny. He hasn’t brought it up to the rest of the We Are Robin gang, but only because Danny only let him help if he kept it between the two of them.
What’s another secret? If it lets him stay close to Danny and make sure he’s healing well, then he’ll keep quiet and carry on the search by himself. He’s got plenty of practice in doing things on his own.
“Busy out there?” Danny asks as Duke sits down next to him, dropping his backpack onto the ground. 
“Yeah, it’s tough with the cops after us, but someone needs to help Gotham and with Batman gone…”
A pained expression crossed Danny’s face. Eyeing him carefully, Duke opened his backpack and pulled out a few protein bars and sports drinks for him. Once Danny takes them and began eating one, Duke takes out the first aid kit, always kept at the bottom of the backpack, and sets it in front of Danny.
The most he can do is offer supplies and company at this stage of Danny’s healing. He gets twitchy and tense when Duke tries to tend to his wound, and seems to have plenty of practice in patching himself up. 
He didn’t answer when Duke commented on it once, so Duke let the matter drop. 
Metas may have legal protection, but that doesn’t stop people from targeting them. Duke has no intention of pushing Danny into remembering unpleasant things while he’s already wounded, hiding out in the upper corner of an abandoned warehouse taken over by a group of homeless people. Most aren’t inside during the day, choosing instead to be out with the rest of the city, which leaves them alone. 
Duke keeps an eye on the ground floor of the warehouse, making sure no one comes in while Danny tends to his wound. When he peeks back, he can see that it’s much smaller than it was the night Duke found him, crawling down an alley with one hand clutching his side, tears slipping down his face. There had been so much blood that Duke was sure he had just stumbled upon someone dying and froze, horrified. 
And then a shout down the road prompted him to move, hauling Danny up and helping him into the warehouse to hide. 
For a normal person, if it didn’t kill them, the wound would still be raw and bleeding, larger than any gunshot wound he’s seen before. But Danny’s wound is closing up quickly, no longer bleeding, the edges a healing pink.
It doesn’t look like it’s going to scar, either. 
“Think it’ll be all healed up by the end of the week?”
Danny glances up, then continues covering it with new bandage, large enough to cover the entire wound. “Hopefully,” he says. “Then I’ll be out of your hair and can figure out a way to get home.”
“Your folks gonna look out for you?”
“Probably. I’m not planning on telling them, though, since they’ll get way too overprotective. The only reason they’re not tearing Gotham apart looking for me is because I came here with my godfather and he told them we’d be gone for two weeks. Can’t believe he tried to kill me on day one…”
“Your godfather tried to kill you?”
“Yeah. Not personally, or anything, but he definitely hired the guy who shot me. Though he also yelled at him for shooting me? Not sure what that’s about, but I never trusted the guy and he didn’t try to help me afterwards when I ran away, so. You know.”
Duke wants to have a conversation with Danny’s godfather. Maybe bring the other Robins along to make sure the message sinks in: Don’t touch Danny.
But Danny, acting so casual about his godfather trying to kill him, would be unhappy about it, and Duke would really rather be able to take care of him than be shut out for trying to take control of the situation.
“Shit, man, that sucks,” he offers, instead of prying for details so he can hunt down his godfather. “You want a hug or something? I can’t really do much else, but if it can make you feel better about all this…”
Danny brightens and shoves the first aid kit away, his shirt (one of Duke’s old ones he offered up to replace the bloodstained one) falling to cover the bandage. “Please. I would love a hug, dude, I don’t remember the last time I felt so lonely.”
Carefully, Duke wraps his arms around Danny, leaning back so Danny could relax fully and not worry about holding himself up. Danny sighs into the hug, going fully limp as he drops his forehead onto Duke’s shoulder.
“Thanks for this. And everything,” Danny says some time later. He doesn’t move to pull away, so Duke stays as he is, watching the weak sunlight slowly move across the warehouse as it spills in from dirty windows. 
“You don’t need to thank me. I mean, I’m a Robin.” He brings up a hand to tap a finger against the R embroidered into his jacket. “It’s what we’re here for.”
It’s been years since he saw Danny. After he was fully healed, Duke helped him get to city limits, watching as he boarded a bus and disappeared down the road, leaving his life just as suddenly as he entered it.
After spending so much time together, quiet hours of stillness just looking out for each other, his life feels emptier without Danny in it. He knew it wouldn’t last, that Danny would go home eventually, but it didn’t make the parting any easier.
Even now, as Signal, taking a break from going on missions with the Outsiders to spend some time with the Bats, his thoughts drift towards Danny, wondering if he’s alright. In his darker moments, he wonders if Danny’s godfather has tried to kill him again, if he’s succeeded. In calmer, happier moments, he remembers Danny’s quiet stories about his family, his town, all his dreams and hopes for the future, remembers the easy company and how Danny didn’t look at him with pity when talked about his parents, just quiet and contemplative. 
Sometimes, he can’t resist the urge to look him up, but there are so many Danny’s out there that he doesn’t know where to start. He never got Danny’s last name or learned when he came from.
It’s not like he can just ask the Bats for help finding a guy he knew for two weeks before he ever joined them. They’re all busy with their own missions, and definitely don’t have time for Duke’s reminiscing. 
“Just caught sight of the truck entering city limits,” Oracle says in his ear. “It’s heading towards the Coventry.”
“On it. Any movement from the mobs?”
“None yet. I expect this to change soon. Red Hood and Black Bat are patrolling nearby if you need backup.”
“Got it. Signal out.”
His comline shuts with a little click, and then he’s grappling over the roof tops, keeping an eye on the roads in search of the truck. He doesn’t have time to think of Danny anymore, not when a shipment of new, experimental weapons is passing through Gotham. Spoiler had heard a few whispers of it and Red Robin helped find more solid details; the mobs are all looking to take the shipment for themselves in an attempt to get the upper hand in the nonstop fight for control of Gotham’s streets. 
It’s passing through during the day, visible and a good move to keep from being ambushed at night, but it’s not enough to stop mobs hoping to take out their competition with new weapons. Duke enters the Coventry just as his comline beeps once and Oracle begins giving him specific directions, along with a brief description of what the truck looks like. 
Apparently, the weapons are being moved in a U-Haul rental truck. That is… certainly a Choice™ to make for moving weapons around the country.
He follows it from the rooftops, but nothing happens. The truck passes through the Coventry without incident and takes a turn that keeps it away from Crime Alley and the Bowery. It gets to the middle of East End then pulls to a stop in the parking lot of a diner. 
Two people get out and stretch, then head in to get something to eat.
It would be the perfect time for someone to break in. Duke pulls the light over himself, manipulating it to make him disappear from sight as he looks down from the edge of the rooftop, tense and prepared for anything.
He almost doesn’t see it at first. It’s just a flicker, a flash of color, a shift in the shadows across the street. But he does see it, even if he can’t find it again, and drops down from the roof, creeping towards the truck.
Duke waits, holding his breath, off to the side of the parking lot. 
A minute passes. And then a figure materializes out of thin air, floating right behind the truck. All Duke can see is white hair and a black body suit; they’re either a meta or an alien, but either way, Duke is ready to take them down.
The figure lifts their hands and a bolt of neon green energy hits the truck, melting the back and leaving a large hole that gives them direct access to the weapons. And then they shoot again, destroying the weapons.
“Phantom!” someone shouts, and the truck driver comes tearing out of the restaurant, a white gun in his hand. His companion follows, her gun also out, and the begin shooting. 
Phantom dodges the blasts, then vanishes from sight. He reappears behind them a moment later, tackling back of them into the side of the truck. 
“No you don’t!” Duke say, rushing forward as he pulls at the shadows around him then sends them racing towards Phantom, restraining them. The driver and his companion collapse onto the ground, groaning weakly, and Duke grits his teeth. “O, send someone to look after the people moving the weapons. Apprehending an attacker now.”
He doesn’t wait to hear a response, tightening the shadow’s grip on Phantom, who struggles fiercely.
“We can do this the hard way, or the easy way,” he says, pulling Phantom closer to him.
Phantom doesn’t answer. They just scream, the force of it making Duke fall back. His shadows dissipate, and Phantom flies up.
“Get back here!”
Duke gives chase, dropping in and out of shadows, throwing some at Phantom in the hopes of catching him again. But Phantom is fast and it takes all he has to keep up as they cross Gotham.
He thought Phantom was flying around blindly, but the way they move across the roofs and then through the streets are too confident, too focused to be anything other than someone with a destination in mind. But where? Where could they be going? If they’ve been in Gotham, then Duke would have heard of them.
A flying, powerful meta with a multitude of powers? Yeah, he would have known about them.
Phantom flies through a wall and Duke curses, going onto the roof and looking around, waiting to see them fly out. But they don’t and Duke finds a broken skylight to drop in from, landing on the support beams of the warehouse, well above the ground.
He knows the warehouse, he realizes suddenly. It’s the warehouse Danny hid in while he was healing. Duke hasn’t been back in years.
“Just listen to me, please,” a voice says behind him, and Duke tense, spinning around to face Phantom, floating just out of reaching distance. “Those weapons are dangerous. No one should have them, it’s why I had to destroy them. Please, you can’t let them get those weapons out.”
Duke stares. Something about Phantom is familiar. The shape of his face, maybe. His voice. Maybe it’s just because he’s in the warehouse again, with someone pleading for his help.
Maybe it’s all in his mind.
Phantom flinches, floating back a few inches. “What— How—”
“What happened? Is it your godfather again?”
“My— Duke? Is that you?!”
He definitely shouldn’t be doing this, but Danny’s here. Danny’s here in front of him, needing help, and he doesn’t need the Signal. He needs Duke.
He pulls off his helmet and lifts his bare face to Danny.
“Oh,” Danny breathes. “Well. I guess I should have known you’d be a hero. Can you help me one last time?”
“Yeah, of course Danny. Tell me what you need.”
“Those weapons, they were first made to kill me and others like me. It’s a whole thing I don’t have time to explain. But they’ve been changed to affect humans, all types of people, as well. I can survive a few hits from those weapons, but for most people, it would kill them instantly. I need to destroy all of them and stop any further production before the rest of the world gets a hold of them.”
“That’s why you—”
“They have to be destroyed,” Danny says. “And the people making and selling them need to be stopped. I can’t do it on my own. I’ve tried, but…”
“I’ll help,” Duke says, “I’ll help. This is a big enough problem to bring the Outsiders into it. Or the Bats, but they like to stay in Gotham.”
Danny floats closer, looking painfully relieved. “Really? They’ll be able to put an end to this?”
Duke reaches for him. “Yeah. they can do it. I’ll make sure of it.”
Danny’s feet land on the support beam as his hand meets Duke’s. They balance above the rest of the warehouse, drinking in the sight of each other. Duke rubs his thumb over Danny’s knuckles in soothing circles and watches as the tension begins to fall away from Danny’s shoulders.
“Duke,” he whispers, “I’ve missed you—”
The door below is kicked open, and a gunshot rings out. 
Moving on instinct, Duke tackles Danny, wrapping him up in his arms as they fall off the support beam. They hit the ground hard, rolling a bit, and Duke tucks Danny into his chest, bodily protecting him.
The Red Hood stands over him, menacing, a gun pointed at him. 
“Hood?” He loosens his grip on Danny. “What the hell was that for?” 
“Thought you needed back up. You chased after our guy and lost your helmet, I think I’m right to be a little worried about you. So, who’s this?” There’s a hard edge to his voice, and Duke realizes with a sinking heart that all anyone else sees is an aggressor, a meta who attacked a truck full of weapons, attacked two people, and had to be chased down by the Signal. Jason’s seeing a threat and acting accordingly, putting Duke’s safety first. 
And with his helmet off, identity clear, Danny’s even more dangerous now that he has this knowledge.
“I’m sorry,” Danny whispers to Duke. He doesn’t have time to ask for what? before Danny’s shooting another beam of green energy at Jason then taking off, flying through the roof and out of sight.
“Shit,” Jason mutters, straightening up from where he ducked to avoid being hit, then puts his gun away and kneels next to Duke. “You alright? Why’d you let him go? I thought you had him.”
“I’m fine. He’s not… He wasn’t going to hurt me. He just needed help.”
“Sure. And what are you not telling me?”
“I knew him. He’s a good person, but he’s been in danger for a long time. This was him trying to protect others from what he went through.”
Jason takes off the helmet and stares at him. Then he sighs and reaches a hand down to help Duke to his feet. “Alright,” he says, “Let’s head back to the truck. You have until then to convince me that they’re the problem, and if they are, then I’ll help you blow up more of their weapons.” He claps a hand on Duke’s shoulder, then pulls his helmet back on. “Grab your helmet. We’re wasting daylight, Narrows.”
There’s nothing else he can do, no way to search for Danny when there are other leads to chase, so Duke grapples up to the catwalk where his helmet landed and grabs it.
Just before he puts it on, he sees a flicker of white just outside the window he’s facing. He ducks his head to hide a smile. It’s almost like he’s stepped back in time; Danny’s here in Gotham, needing help and asking for it in the warehouse. 
And though so much has changed in those years, there’s still one thing that Duke will ensure never changes: he’s Danny’s hero. Above Robin, or Signal, or anything else, Duke is Danny’s hero.
This time, he has the power to actually help Danny. He’s going to make sure no one ever hurts Danny again.
“Let’s go,” he says, jumping back down to Jason, helmet on. “I’ll tell you everything you need to know.”
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whereisloe · 2 months
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“Like a .38 made out of brass” ꗥ arthur morgan x fem reader
a lil dutch x reader action cuz i’m just that girl - warnings n/a
𓆝. 𓆟
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“You have my condolences for your father. He was a very valuable man” You watched Angelo Bronte carefully from your black fan that covered half of your veiled face. You had to really sell this mourning look if you wanted to fool such a powerful man so, that you did. Getting all dressed up in your black attire everything matching from the black, layered ruffles of your petticoat to the lacy parcel carried by your escort. “Because of his loyalty, I will extend my offer of protection onto you so as long as we still do business together, hm?” He took a sip of his glass before leaning back onto his loveseat with his legs crossed.
“I thank you, truly, Mr. Bronte. But, the extra protection won’t be necessary. We’ve got our own guns for hire on our land” You maintained a harsh stare onto the man across from you as he savored another sip from his wine glass. He laughed amused with your simple answer before tipping his glass to you. “Ha, your father says the same thing. Like daughter, like father then”
“Mr. Bronte, I am no fool to business. With all due respect, I did not come here to reminisce nor, have you invited me here to, no?” Bronte gazed up at you from across the table. Eyes narrowed and unreadable as though he couldn’t figure what to think of you. “You are a very…smart girl” You felt your mouth twitch as he continued his speech. You couldn’t stand the man’s voice, how degrading his words were as you feigned oblivion to obvious exploitations that were about to leave his mouth. “Your father received 10% of all government related endeavors. Whether it was busting criminals or busting vaults, didn’t matter to me just so long as I got 20% of his business.” He paused as he licked at his lips. “Your father did not remain in good standing with me for the money. Instead, he wanted security. Security, that nothing would happen to him or his precious daughter while he worked with me, and security I provided” This man reeked on lies, your father had been shot doing a job for this man but only after he demanded a raise in his cut.
“I can assure you I am not my father. I am here for money, security is something I may provide myself” You gestured over at the guns you hired not too long ago before this meeting. “Daddy was never too smart when it came to funds. Thinkin’ our oil plant would be enough with no back up money to lean on” You lightly began to fan your face as you felt yourself get worked up. “Then we was robbed, Daddy may have turned a blind eye to it but, I ain’t one to show weakness”
“I take it you want my help with this” He gestured to the air before pulling a cigar from a tray. “this show of strength” You nodded and carried on with your story.
“Those boys you’re in good spirit with robbed us good and as a long devotee to your cause, Mr. Bronte, I don’t take too kindly to it”
“My dear, as much as I appreciate your kindest regards, you must understand this business. If I was worried about my clients opinions of one another I’d be the poorest man in Saint Denis. The most I can do is keep them out of your business but, they’re fickle men…not to be trusted” He blew the the smoke of his cigar off to the side as your foot tapped rapidly. You were ready to lay your cards out, prove a point that your father raised woman fairly gifted in her trade. “I completely understand, I just request that I may also be in kahoots with these outlaws”
“Why? So you can get them arrested?”
“Precisely, Mr. Bronte. Of course, on your word. But, if I get in good standin’ with the law they’ll send some men over to the plant. That way we produced more, with less risk” Your foot halted its tapping pausing as the man in front of you thought carefully of your words. On paper, the plan was foolproof and a win-win. “So, whaduya think?” You attempted to expedite the man’s response but was only met with another deafening silence.
“I think I’ve been doing business with the wrong (l/n)” Angelo stood from the loveseat before offering you a hand to follow. You smiled, accomplished with the reaction you received before resting your freehand in his. “I must ask one favor of you, though” You nodded before lifting yourself from the seat. “I need you to host one of my official parties. To test if these men can be trusted, I’ll give subtle hints about your booming business.”
“Are ya fixin’ these men to rob me?”
“I’m fixing you an opportunity to meet these men…” He took your silence as compliance before continuing on. “The plan is, you catch these rats red handed and negotiate, later you tell me if they’re treacherous. If not then I’ll set up a meeting for you and the boss.” He scoffed at word as though he was amused by the thought of it. “And do not worry, I’ll have men everywhere for this event”
“You’ve got yourself a deal, Mr. Bronte” You both shook on it before he walked you up to the front gate. The sun beamed down on you the second your foot met with the cobbled path of the front patio. Your escort was quick to your side with your parasol before you could even muster the words to complain. “The details will be delivered shortly, a presto, miss”
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Today was the day.
You could finally put the face to the name that robbed you. Van der Linde Gang. You sighed at the name, as you fixed the headdress adorning your maintained curls. You still kept your attire relatively dark as your father’s death was still fresh in the press. All you had to do was briefly preside over the party from your balcony, allowing Bronte enough time to present you to his friends new and old. Maybe you’d commute down to your gardens to briefly acquaint yourself with your guests.
“Are you ready, Miss” Your maid questioned from your balcony doors. You adjusted yourself one last time before standing from your seat. “Ready as I’ll ever be, I suppose” You promenaded your way towards the doors as your maid rushed behind you as to raise the dragging silks of your skirt just enough to hover the dirty concrete of the balcony but not enough to reveal your petticoat or bustle. You stood straight presiding over all your guests that took it upon themselves to socialize. None of these men meant anything to you except two.
You noticed Bronte with two men, who cleaned up well considering their circumstance, as they prattled on about god knows what. That was until one of seemed to motion up to you.
Nice shaven beard, tall and broad, with a subtle slick to his hair. None of these men would be able to tell but, you’d been admiring the man from afar staring down at him with shameless eyes. “Miss, your stares could be noticed as rude” Your maid whispered to you having you straighten yourself out before giving the man one last glance. Now, the other one had looked up at you but only briefly. He wasn’t too bad himself.
Perhaps, you wouldn’t mind going downstairs and acquainting yourself.
“My goodness” You spoke breathlessly to your maid. “Aren’t they some neat lookin’ fellas?” She hid her smile as she giggled at your unserious behavior.
“They are quite the sight—”
“Ohh, I bet you were lookin’ at the boss, Mr. Van der linde, hisself, huh?” You waved for the older lady to follow you inside as you teased her with your antics. “Well” She began while she laid the train of your dress neatly against the wooden boards fixing the bunched up silks that rested on your bust, “I won’t deny such a thing” the maid smiled softly as you laughed, briefly allowing yourself to calm down.
“Shall we get acquainted with them?” You turned to your maid, fixing her cascading curls as you waltzed past her. “C’mon, this is excitin” By the time you and your maid made it down stairs you could practically feel your heart beating out your chest. You hadn’t the slightlest clue why you were so nervous like some young faced girl talking to a boy for the first time. “Goodness, I’m nervous” You turned to your maid with a hand resting on your cheek.
“It’ll alright, miss. Just remember, you’re here for business negotiations not suitors” She chimed amused with your rather inappropriate reaction. You laughed to yourself as her words hit you. “I’m actin’ ridiculous…alright, cmon”
“Ah, There she is, the woman of the hour” Bronte was quick to call as you approached the men now facing you. You felt your nerves burning you up inside as you grabbed Bronte’s forearm and greeted him with il bacetto, an Italian courtesy you’d learn amongst the time you’ve spent with Bronte. Once you pulled back your attention was instantly on this so called boss standing off to the right of Bronte.
“Missus (l/n)” The man held out his hand as his eyes never left yours. You smiled, masking the slight in embarrassment you felt as you corrected him. “Miss, is just fine.” You placed your hand in his allowing him to kiss your knuckles. Amongst all the intense eye contact, you would think with how you felt moments ago, you’d be a flustered mess just right about now. But, your gut was telling you something serious was up about this man. You’ve been played a fool by many before, and you’ve caught almost just as many amidst their schemes. That glint in his eye, even the courteous gesture was a warning. This man was plotting and it all began with buttering you up.
Subtly, you recalled your hand before carrying on conversation. “I take it, you’re the one that runs things. Mr. Van der Linde, if I’m not mistaken”
“You wouldn’t be, miss. And here my…consort, Mr. Morgan” You noticed the slight pause in his speech before motioning over to the other man. Your head was quick to turn as you stared over at him. Eyes widening as you noticed his attractive features now closely. You smiled and nodded as a greeting to the man. “Ma’am” He returned your gesture with his slight acknowledgment. Couldn’t really hear it in the boss’s voice but, with Mr. Morgan’s you’d instantly picked up on the western candence.
“You don’t sound local, Mr. Morgan. You all from the west, I take it?”
“We’re from all over, Ma’am” He was short with you and rather mysterious, more than likely to hide his western drawl. But, they’ve got something greater to hide, you could feel it. “Mr. Bronte, may I ask a favor of you?”
“Anything, dear” He took a huff of his cigar before you suspiciously looked around for any ‘peering eyes’. “I’ve got the money but, there’s been talk of some group of boys runnin’ around robbing folk—You boys wouldn’t know anything of them, no?”
“No, we certainly do not. Saint Denis is new to us as well as its crime” Van der Linde was quick to respond. You nodded and grabbed his hand with a feigned concern and furrowed brows. “You all stay careful out there. They’re robbin’ houses and coaches from what I’ve heard. I could lend you both a couple of escorts, tonight as well”
“We appreciate the concern but, we’ve got ourselves handled” He reassured with a palm covering your hand.
“Alright, alright” You turned your attention back to Bronte. “The money’s in Daddy’s old office, I a-ain’t know what to do with it—”
“Calm down, the money will be fine. Go on, enjoy yourself.” Bronte played along with your little performance you put on. “What should I do with it? I ain’t never ran a business before.” Bronte tutted his tongue before leading you further into the gardens where all the officials rendezvoused.
“We’ll be back, boys. Help yourselves to some drinks while you’re here” Bronte spoke back to the men as the both of you, alongside your maid, disappeared in the crowd.
“Go find out where that money’s at, Arthur” Dutch wasted no time before turning to Arthur and bringing his voice down to a whisper. Arthur looked over toward him with a practical disbelief.
“Jesus, you ain’t serious? The girl’s daddy just died, now we’re robbing her of her own inheritance”
“Her daddy just died. Meaning that other people are gonna to rob her and, I’m not too sure about you but, I’d rather it be us that gets that money” His voice stained against the low volume he attempted to maintain before lighting a cigar. “I need you to trust me, Morgan, now…” Dutch backed away before tipping his hat to the man. Arthur sighed and made his way inside where the more quiet and intimate conversations took place.
By the time, Mr. Morgan had snuck his way upstairs you’d already been sitting in your father’s office chair shotgun light in your grasp. You had snuck your way around toward the back entrance of your estate which led straight up into the room. You double check the chamber making sure that you were sure to shoot if needed. Growing anxious with nothing but the drowned out voices from outside to distract you, you placed a cigarette to your lips before striking a lonesome match against the underside of your heel.
You’d get through half your cigarette before the soften floorboards creaked from the other side of the door. Quickly, you smothered the stick with the ashes of previous cigarettes your father burned through.
The door crept open and you were slowly met with the deadly end of a revolver and soon after an arm. “I’d put that down if I were you, Mr. Morgan” You stared down the barrel of your shot gun as the man slowly crept from behind the door. “Nobody has to get shot, I’m here to negotiate. Come sit with me, Mr. Morgan”
“Arthur.” He said curtly, clearly fed up with this whole event. He slowly holstered his weapon before seating himself in the chair sat on the opposite side of your desk.
“Arthur Morgan” You let his name slip your lips as you tested it. “You’re quite notorious, you know that?” You spoke clearly and watched him with your gun pointed toward him as you figured him out. “I’ve got family, down in Blackwater, sir. Say, they know all about you.”
“Do they now?” You nodded, slowly as your heel tapped against the wood. “What exactly are ya lookin’ to negotiate, Miss”
“I want to hire your gang as some guns and in turn I’ll keep this and your relation to the Blackwater massacre secret. And, if things play out as I’ve planned, I could probably get those Pinkertons off ya, for a moment anyway” You leaned back into the leather chair before setting your gun off to the side. “I’m tired of listenin’ to these men talk, empty promises followed by another all they is. Leviticus Cornwall for one, Angelo Bronte for another”
“Don’t you have your own men to escort you, why us?” Arthur questioned before leaning back as well, in his wooden seat legs spread and arms crossed. “I ain’t hirin’ y’all on a babysitting job. I need money, gold. I’d be sending y’all on robberies, I need experienced men not no, rich cat on a high horse” You licked your lips before getting desperate. “I’m tryna to buy off an oil plant from Cornwall but, I can’t do that without Bronte keeping the police distracted off of my daddy’s debts. With my daddy dead and me being a woman, my percentages have taken a hit. I can’t pay ‘em both”
“You sure are in a situation—”
“So are you. You need Bronte to trust you and the Pinkertons to fuck off. You need me.” You both stared at one another for a moment before letting your eyes soften. Even though, you’d been mid negotiation, you couldn’t help admiring his blue eyes, warmly lit from the lantern in front of you. God, what you would do just to be able to hold his face in your palms as your thumb rubbed the rosy blemishes of his cheeks.
“You ain’t wrong.”
“I know I ain’t. Now, would you escort me down to your boss, Mr. Arthur Morgan” You spoke sweetly before making your way over to his side and grabbing his arm. You would be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying every second of holding this man. With your one hand wrapped around his elbow and the other gently gripping his bicep, you followed his lead as you both left the room. “You know, you had me fooled back there…playing all helpless” You looked up at the man with a curious gaze mostly because you hadn’t heard the first half of what he was saying to you. “That was a set up, right? There ain’t no money.” You shook your head and smiled up at the bachelor to keep up a friendly appearance as you passed up some guests of yours.
“Bronte wanted to see if y’all were worth trustin’. ‘S nice to know if you lot like robbin’ helpless women” You winked before laughing at the matter only to get a rather dry chuckle from Arthur in return. “It’s alright, I won’t tell a soul, I promise” You placed a reassuring hand to his chest before letting it fall once you both reached the garden. “You know, you’re a handsome fellow, Mr. Morgan. Are you married? I can’t imagine that bein’ easy being in a gang and all.” You started up some small talk as the two of you walked around in search of Dutch.
“I ain’t married, no”
“What about your boss?” You urged.
“Well, he ain’t neither. Got a woman, though…back at camp” They had a woman traveling with them? You held back questioning about her before carrying on. “I take it you don’t, then? No women waitin’ on ya at home?”
“Not in that sense, no” Arthur said plainly as he maneuvered the two of you through the crowd carefully accommodating for you. “Y’all got more women traveling with you boys?” Your eyes brighten with the assumption you made. He nodded and watched as your face lit up. “You should bring ‘em over if this conversation with Mr. Van der Linde goes over well” You spoke outwardly not even thinking about what context the two of you were in currently. “You’re quite odd, Miss” Arthur chuckled before waving Dutch over with his freehand.
“Arthur. Miss (l/n).” Dutch greeted the both of you before visibly growing curious of the atmosphere. Your smiled faded as you grew more serious with the other male.
“Mr. Van der Linde, how would you feel about bein’ business partners?”
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maximoffcarter · 2 months
Bad idea.
Pairings: Casey Novak x reader.
Warnings: SMUT.
Summary: The moment reader joined the squad, she knew she was lost the moment she laid eyes on ADA Casey Novak. After a tough case, they decide to celebrate it at a bar on a crowded Saturday night. There might be a turn of events.
A/n: And the winner is here, as promised😏 Spicy Saturday Night (or maybe morning for some of you or afternoon…) So…not gonna confirm or deny that this was a personal request? It was an idea I got for something I read, and couldn’t help myself but to write this and share it with all you beautiful people cause I know yall love some spicy times with Casey Novak😌 I’m working on your requests guys, I’m slowly coming back to writing and they’ll be posted as soon as I finish them. Thanks for the love and for keep reading my stories🥹 Keep the requests coming you guys! Enjoy and leave your comments, reblogs, hearts, whatever you'd like, will be very much appreciated🫶🏻
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*not my gif.*
One thing about working at SVU was the exhaustion that they felt after every single case. So, for the first time in a while, they all had agreed to go to a bar to celebrate a win after days of stress. The problem? It was Saturday night, so of course the place was going to be crowded, and they even felt somehow weird to be surrounded by younger people, but they still decided they’d have a great time. They found themselves a nice place -in the very corner of the bar-, but at least they had some place to sit. As soon they found the table, they started ordering some drinks and some snacks, soon enough they started chatting and joking around, wanting to forget about the job for at least that night.
As they engaged into conversation, Olivia was soon to push y/n to talk to Casey. Since y/n joined the squad, the very first moment she had laid eyes on Casey, y/n had been in awe of how beautiful and gorgeous Casey looked that day. Since that day, y/n was a mess whenever she was around Casey, of course, she was professional when she needed to be, but she couldn’t help but be a bundle of nerves whenever Casey stood beside her, or sat beside her, anything Casey did, and y/n was melting. But tonight, the squad had planned to give them a little push, hoping that their little plan would work.
It was after Munch and Fin arrived that they had figured out that they had grabbed a small table with obviously not enough chairs, and there was only one left. Olivia took this opportunity to look at y/n and then around the table and put out there her idea.
“Guess someone will have to share because there is no way we’re getting an extra chair with this crowd.” Olivia chuckled softly as she looked around the table, but specifically, to y/n.
Fin turned to look at Munch as he laughed. “Wanna sit on my lap?”
Munch scoffed as he took the seat before Fin could even think about. “In your dreams.”
“I’m good here in the booth. It’s comfortable and spacious.” Melinda shrugged as she took a sip of her drink.
“Oh, I could move to the booth, but one of you guys have to move.” Olivia grinned as she looked at y/n, who was looking at her confused.
“You want me to move? To where?” Y/n shook her head, the alcohol making her mind take its time to process things.
“You can sit on my lap.” Casey simply said, a small smile on her face as she looked at y/n.
Y/n’s eyes widened slightly as she looked at Casey. “W-What?”
“There you go! Problem solved. Fin, take my chair, I’ll take y/n’s place but let me get beside Melinda so you guys can easily get up.”
Before y/n could finish registering what was happening, Casey took her hand and stood up with her so Olivia could go ahead and sit beside Melinda. Casey sat back down and didn’t even hesitate to pull y/n with her and soon enough, y/n was sitting on her lap. The squad soon engaged back in conversation, completely ignoring the fact that y/n was now on Casey’s lap, and had her arm wrapped around her waist as if Casey was trying to stop her from leaving. Y/n tried to focus on her drink, her mind spiraling with thoughts as she tried to process the fact that this was even happening. For a moment she thought the alcohol was making her hallucinate. Casey noticed how quiet y/n had become, thinking that maybe y/n had been drinking enough and it was getting to her.
Casey tilted her head slightly, enough to be able to look at the side of y/n’s face. “You okay, y/n?” Casey asked gently, her eyes searching her face to make sure she had heard Casey.
Y/n turned her head and offered a smile. “W-Why wouldn’t I be? Just…focusing on the conversation.” She chuckled softly as she patted Casey’s thigh without even thinking about it.
Casey raised her brow but didn’t say anything about it anymore. But then, something inside her mind clicked. She grinned softly as she nodded, grabbing her drink, and taking a sip of it. “If you say so, princess.”
Y/n’s breath hitched when Casey called her princess, she felt her cheeks heating up as she stared at her. She scoffed as she shook my head, trying to play it cool to not show her the effect she had on her. “I’m fine. Just focusing on Fin’s conversation.”
“I wasn’t even talking.” Fin snapped as he looked at y/n, suddenly all of their attention was on y/n.
Y/n turned to look at Fin. “You were.”
“I finished like 10 min ago.”
Munch grinned. “Someone is distracted I see.”
“I…” Y/n looked at him and shook her head, huffing a chuckle. “I’m not. I really thought he was still talking.”
“And you also seem to be a bit drunk. You’re all flustered there. Or are you blushing because you’re sitting in Novak’s lap?” Melinda teased as she smirked.
If stares killed, Melinda would surely be gone by now. She sighed and offered a fake smile to her, cursing inside her mind as she saw her laughing at her reaction. “I’m fine. I won’t drink anymore if that’s what you’re worried about.” She shrugged as she finished her last shot and looked back at them.
Casey chuckled at her stubborn nature - finding it both adorable. She rolled her eyes, not believing a single word that came out of her mouth. “Right, because you’ve been soooo good at sticking to your word so far.”
They let it die for a while, returning to their conversation, but Casey was still amused by y/n’s reaction. She had been acting differently before she had sat on Casey’s lap, and if Casey didn’t know better, she’d say that she was uncomfortable sitting there, but she knew that she didn’t actually mind, more so because she knew about y/n’s crush on her. She tried to hide her smirk behind her drink but couldn’t help the thought that this was her chance to tease her a bit. A tiny teasing was no harm.
Casey gently placed her hand over y/n’s thigh, lightly squeezing it, the alcohol was definitely making her bolder. She leaned in close to her, her breath lightly hitting her ear. “You're so cute when you're blushing like that, princess. You know that?"
At first, sitting on her lap didn’t seem like such a bad idea, now, it just seemed to be the worst/best idea she could’ve had. And this was when she thought it was the worst; as she was having a sip of her drink, suddenly she felt Casey’s hand on her thigh and her breath hitting her ear, making her choke on her drink. She swallowed hard as she heard Casey’s words, slightly turning her head to look at her, her lips parting slightly as she tried to suppress the moan that was stuck in her throat. “I…t-thanks.”
Casey chuckled at her reaction, seeing the way when just her hand on her thigh and her breath on her ear affected her so much. She decided to have a little bit more fun with her, just to see how she would react, and maybe get a better look at that cute face of hers when she blushed. She gently gripped her chin, turning her head to face her now. She smiled, her eyes staring into hers. "Can I tell you something princess?"
Y/n’a breath hitched slightly as she looked into Casey’s eyes. She licked her lips nervously as she nodded. “S-Sure.”
Casey leaned in again, her lips brushing against y/n’s ear as she spoke, not wanting anyone else to hear what she was going to say. “You know, you've been driving me absolutely crazy, sitting on my lap." She whispered as she smirked, her hot breath teasing over her ear again.
At that point y/n felt like she’d have some sort of heart attack or that she’d simply stop breathing at some point. Her eyes never left Casey’s, the whole time she spoke. Did she know? About the crush? She had to; she knew she couldn’t lie to Casey. Her words made her whole body shiver, cursing under her breath on how she had such an effect on her with simple touches and words, her face just inches apart from hers, and she wanted to just lean in and-
“You guys should definitely get a room. It’s getting so hot in here.” Melinda chuckled softly as she high five Olivia.
“You have our girl dying over here, Novak. Her little crush is full on showing.” Elliot smirked.
Y/n rapidly snapped her head to look at Elliot. “What?! I do not have a crush on Casey. Casey and I are good friends. That’s all.” Her voice wavered as she spoke, a hint of shakiness.
Casey had to hold back a laugh at y/n’s sudden response to Elliot, at the way her voice went up a pitch and how defensive she was. Instead, she chuckled softly, continuing to smirk, knowing that there was some truth to Elliot’s statement. She lightly squeezed her thigh, giving her a little warning to not get overly defensive. "Oh, don't deny it. Anyone can tell that you're obviously in denial about your feelings for me."
Fuck. She knew. She fucking knew. Y/n turned to look at Casey for a moment and then turned to look at Elliot and the squad. She was so going to kill them for doing this. She chuckled nervously and shook her head. “I do not have a crush. You’re reaching.”
“She’s got you on her lap and you’re one breath away from passing out. C’mon, y/n. You’re not that good at lying.” Munch chuckled.
“Or maybe they’re really just friends, let it go, guys.” Fin joked, chuckling with Munch.
Casey smirked once again as the squad started going in on y/n for having a crush on her, knowing good and well that she did. She gripped y/n’s thigh a little tighter, seeing how she was getting slightly flustered and tried to deny it all once again. She decided then to chime in, leaning down and to her ear, whispering while squeezing her thigh again, her tone slightly cocky. "You sure you don’t have a crush on me, princess? You’re getting awfully defensive.”
Y/n was slightly startled as she felt Casey squeezing her thigh, a small whimper leaving her lips. She was starting to regret wearing a skirt that day. “N-No. I mean…I’m not defensive. It’s just the alcohol.”
“Ah, the alcohol. So, it wouldn’t do anything to you if Casey just started kissing your neck or something like that.” Olivia raised her brows as she smirked.
Casey’s smirk only widened as she heard that small whimper escaped her lips, taking that as a good sign that she couldn’t hold back her reaction to her anymore. Her hand kept gently rubbing up and down her thigh. "Yeah, would it?"
Y/n sighed as she stared at Olivia, wanting so badly to slap her right on the face to wipe off that smirk. She was pushing, and she knew it. “Why don’t you drop it, Benson?” She faked a smile as she grabbed her other drink.
Once again, the squad dropped it, and started chatting again, but Casey was amused and slightly annoyed by the whole situation, seeing how she was trying to deflect the question and avoid further discussion. She couldn't just drop it the way y/n wanted her to. She watched as she took another sip of her drink. She leaned into her ear again, her breath lightly brushing over it as she spoke. “You didn't answer the question, princess."
Y/n almost choked on her drink again as she spoke in her ear once again. She felt her chest heavy, and it was getting harder to breath. She tried to play it cool, pretending like she was listening to the squad’s conversation. She licked her lips softly and cleared her throat, looking down at her drink and placing the glass on her lips just so she could cover them, and the squad couldn’t see that I was answering Casey. “No…it wouldn’t.” She whispered softly as she took another sip of her drink. But of course, that was a lie, and she knew that she knew it.
Casey chuckled upon hearing her answer as she knew that she wasn’t really being honest with her response. Her hand continued to rub up and down her thigh, gently squeezing it every now and then. “And if I just started kissing your neck, what then?" Casey smirked.
Y/n’s breath hit her at her question, feeling shivers running down through her whole body as she tried to remain calm or at least put together. She sighed softly as she shook her head slightly. “You wouldn’t.” She whispered back.
Casey smirked even wider, loving the way she was shaking just at her question. She continued to gently squeeze her thigh, her hand occasionally shifting a little further up and then back down. She gently placed her chin on her shoulder, her lips getting inches away from her neck. She gently bit her earlobe, gently speaking against her skin. "And what makes you think I wouldn’t, princess?”
Y/n gasped quietly as she felt her biting her earlobe, the way she kept gripping her thigh, the way she kept whispering in her ear. She was driving her insane. She swallowed hard as she tried to focus on both Casey’s words and also the squad’s conversation. “Casey, you need to stop…” She whispered softly, but her voice wavered again, betraying her because she knew deep down that she was dying to feel her.
Casey chuckled against her ear once again, thoroughly enjoying hearing the way her voice wavered. She pressed a light kiss to her neck, her hand gently shifting even further up on her thigh, getting under her skirt, getting so close to her underwear. “But why should I stop, baby?” She continued the gentle kisses on her neck, moving to her pulse point, licking it softly and then nipping slightly.
Y/n bit her lip and swallowed back the moan that wanted to come out, closing her eyes for a slight moment but remembering where they were, so she tried to keep her eyes open. She placed one of her hands on the side of Casey’s thigh, gripping it tightly, not sure if it was to stop her or to encourage her to keep going, or just to hold onto something. She licked her lips slowly, trying to calm her beating heart. “Casey…” She whispered softly, a moan getting stuck in her throat again.
Casey couldn't help but chuckle enjoying the way y/n’s hand instinctively squeezed her thigh. She continued to kiss and gently suck on that sensitive spot on her neck, wanting to hear her make those delicious sounds. Her hand finally reached the spot where she knew she so desperately needed her, gently rubbing against the fabric of her underwear. She hummed against her skin as she spoke. "Yes, princess?"
She gasped as she felt her fingertips brushing against her underwear, and the way she kept kissing and gently sucking on her neck. Her eyes widened slightly and were filled with desire as she instinctively bucked her hips, wanting to get friction, anything that would help her with the throbbing between her legs. But just as she was about to answer her, the squad had brought their attention back to them which made her grip Casey’s thigh to stop her.
“You looking a little nervous there, y/n. What is Casey telling you, huh?” Olivia teased as she smirked.
“It would be so much fun to see how you definitely do not have a crush on Casey.” Melinda smirked as she kept pushing.
Casey wished Olivia and Melinda wouldn’t have interrupted, she wanted y/n to keep bucking her hips against her, but she pulled her hand back, but she didn't stop the kisses on her neck, enjoying the frustrated groan that she tried to hold back. She glanced up at Olivia and Melinda, seeing the smirks on their faces and the way they were trying to push the issue further. “Oh please, she's fine. Just a little flustered right now." She retorted, shaking her head in disbelief. She was about to continue with her teasing, but she was cut off by her phone ringing in her pocket. She quickly pulled it out to see who was calling.
“Boyfriend calling, Novak?” Elliot teased as he raised his brow.
Casey chuckled at Elliot’s comment, clearly amused by it. She pulled the phone out and quickly glanced at the caller ID before returning her attention to them. She realized that it was the perfect opportunity to tease her as she noticed y/n tensing up at Elliot’s question. It was just too perfect to pass up. “Actually, it’s my girlfriend,” Casey said, nonchalantly. “She’s probably calling to check up on me.”
Y/n felt her heart dropping at the mention of a ‘girlfriend’, suddenly feeling butterflies in her stomach but definitely not the good kind. She felt sadness take over her and she felt sick to her stomach at the thought that even right now, she had just been teasing her, touching her, and kissing her neck, it could mean something, but it didn’t. She suddenly shut down and looked down at her empty glass and going quiet.
“Girlfriend?! And you didn’t tell us?!” Munch asked surprised, and suddenly the squad, especially Olivia, were staring at y/n before turning their attention back to Casey.
Casey internally cursed at herself as the squad erupted in shock at her 'news', realizing that her plan to tease y/n, backfired big time. She should've known better than to play with her feelings like that. She was distracted from her thoughts by the noticeable distance now placed between the two and she immediately regretted opening her mouth. Casey quickly realized that she needed to try to salvage the situation somehow, and so she did the only thing she could think of: she lied. “Yeah, I’ve been seeing her for a few months now,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
It seemed like time had stopped right in that moment, and suddenly, y/n was completely sober. She licked her lips anxiously as she kept her stare to her glass, not wanting to look at Casey, and suddenly feeling uncomfortable on her lap. Why would she be like that if she had a girlfriend? Why would she do all that if she was seeing someone else? It was painful. “I’ll go get more drinks.” She said before she stood up quickly and walked to the bar.
Casey’s heart stopped entirely as she saw y/n walking away, wanting to slap herself from trying to tease her with that. What was she even thinking that she’d get? Maybe she wanted to see her get jealous, maybe she just wanted to see how far she could go before y/n actually confessed that she had a crush, but she had taken it too far. And then, she heard Fin saying something about a guy, and as she turned to look at the bar, her heart shattered witnessing the interaction between y/n and some random guy, feeling a wave of jealousy wash over her despite having no right to because she had caused this. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself grounded, hating the way her mind began to race with ‘what-ifs’.
As she forced herself to look back at the team, she was met with the sight of Olivia giving her a knowing look, a smirk forming on her face. Melinda couldn't help but stifle a chuckle while Munch silently mouthed 'damn' at Casey. “I know, okay? I fucked up.”
“Then, go and fix it before you actually lose your chance.” Olivia raised her brow as she elbowed Casey.
For a few more moments, Casey remained frozen in her spot, watching the way y/n laughed and joked around with the guy. She watched for a few moments, before she noticed that she had said something to the guy and then made her way to the bathroom, but then Casey noticed how the guy looked around and followed behind. Something inside her snapped, and she found herself standing up, making her way towards the bathroom too rapidly.
Casey made sure to hurry up before the guy could even think about walking in the bathroom, bumping into him and looking at him with a fake smile. “Sorry, girls' bathroom.” She shrugged before she walked in and closed the door, locking it. She watched as y/n leaned over the sink, the sight of her like that only making the heat in her body flare even more. She waited a few moments before stepping up behind her, her hands gently resting on her waist, the heat of her skin now transferring to hers. She gently pressed herself up against y/n’s back, her body pressing against hers, her voice a soft whisper in her ear. “You didn't think you could just walk away after that, princess?"
Y/n had been so distracted, her mind was entirely in another place that she had not heard Casey walking into the bathroom. She let out a gasp as she felt her hands resting on her waist, looking at her through the mirror as she pressed herself against her back. I took a deep shaky breath before I could actually get my words out. “What are you even doing here?” She whispered softly, my eyes not leaving hers through the mirror.
Casey felt good knowing that she still had a reaction to her touch, that maybe there was still a way to salvage this. “We need to talk.”
Y/n scoffed as she pushed Casey away and turned to face. “We don’t have anything to talk about. You can clearly see I’m not drunk, and I perfectly am conscious of what happened back there.”
Casey’s gaze darkened at her stubbornness. She stepped closer to y/n, closing the already small distance between the two, her eyes locked with hers. It was clear that she wasn't going to back down. “You don't have anything to talk about? Really?" She let out a humorless laugh as she shook her head. “You don't have anything to say to me after I saw you with that guy and he was following you here?”
Y/n furrowed her brows, confused as to what she meant the guy had followed her, but then she scoffed, taking a step back without noticing that her back was almost hitting the wall. She shook my head and then shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t know what I have to say about that. I wanted him here. We were going to have a good time. And either way, why do you care? Don’t you have to go home to your new girlfriend? I’m sure she’s missing you terribly.” I grinned sarcastically.
Casey felt the pang of jealousy hit her, her heart clenching at the thought of that guy coming in here to fuck her. She clenched her jaw, her eyes narrowing as she stepped closer to her once again, her body almost pinning her against the wall behind her. “You really think I don’t care?” She took another step closer, her voice low and intense as she spoke. “You don’t think I care that I had to watch you smiling and laughing like that with someone that isn’t me?”
Y/n furrowed her brows as she stared at Casey, swallowing hard as she stepped closer to me, her heart beating faster with anger and sadness too. Why was she doing this to her? Why was she torturing her? She had someone back home and she still wanted her to just stay behind and do nothing for myself? It hurt. “And why would you care? You should care if your girlfriend does that. You and I are friends. Why would you care if I decide to take him home and fuck him?” She raised her brow as she defied her, not wanting to give herself up and let sadness take over her.
Casey’s eyes darkened at her defiant tone, her heart breaking at the thought of y/n with someone else. There was a desperate pang in her chest, her hands clenching into fists at her sides out of anger and frustration. Casey suddenly lunged forward, closing the distance between them, and pinning y/n against the wall, her body pressed against hers. “Because I can't stand the thought of you being with someone that isn't me," she snapped, her voice dripping with possessiveness.
Y/n gasped loudly as she felt her back hitting the wall, her eyes widening slightly as Casey pressed her body against hers. She looked into her eyes and her breath hitched slightly. If there was any alcohol left in her system, it was completely gone now, she was more sober than ever. She swallowed hard at her words, and then they hit her, her lips parting slightly. “You…don’t have a girlfriend, do you?” She whispered softly as her eyes darted all over her face. “You said that to get a reaction out of me.”
Casey felt her own heart racing in her chest as she finally had y/n pinned against the wall, the proximity making her feel alive. Her gaze remained fixed on hers, her body pressed firmly against hers, as she spoke in a low, almost inaudible whisper. “I lied," she admitted, her voice barely audible above the bass of the bar music that leaked through the bathroom door. “It was a stupid move, and I shouldn't have done it." A sad huff of laughter left her lips.
Y/n’s whole body shivered, her heart now pounding in her chest as she let her words sink in. She licked her lips softly as she stared into her eyes, suddenly her stomach was filled with butterflies, and this time…they were good ones. The sad huff of laughter that left her lips, it made her realize how she had regretted saying that. Casey had shown so many signs that she wanted her just as much as y/n wanted her, and she had been blind. She placed her hands on her neck, keeping her head up so she could look into her eyes. “Then show me that I belong to you.” She whispered softly.
Casey’s breath hitched at the feeling of her hands on her neck, the words leaving her lips igniting a fire within her. Without a moment's hesitation, she leaned in, her mouth crashing against y/n’s in a fierce and passionate kiss. It was a kiss filled with months of unsaid words and pent-up desire, her body molding perfectly against hers, leaving no space between the two of them. Y/n felt her breath catch in the back of her throat, she let her eyes flutter shut as she felt the passion and the fierce feeling on the kiss, it was finally happening, letting herself completely melt against her, wrapping her arms around her neck, pulling her closer. She didn’t care about how needy or desperate she might’ve seemed. Y/n let her tongue swipe against her bottom lip, asking for entrance, making Casey gasp at the feeling of her tongue against her bottom lip, and she willingly parted her lips to let her in, her own tongue immediately coming out to tangle with hers.
Casey pressed her hips against y/n’a, trapping her against the wall, her hands roaming over her body, desperately wanting to feel more. She broke the kiss for just a moment, her breathing heavy and her voice low and husky. “You have no idea how badly I've wanted you, princess... ever since the first moment I laid eyes on you..."
Y/n bucked her hips against hers to find any sort of friction. Her hands moved up to her hair, trying to keep her closer, but then she felt shivers running down her spine at Casey’s words, her lips parting in surprise as she stared into her eyes.* “Really?” She asked softly, not believing her words, and thinking maybe it had been the alcohol talking.
Casey leaned in, her lips brushing against her ear, her fingers caressing the exposed skin of her thigh, slowly trailing up higher under the fabric of her skirt. She nuzzled into her neck, her voice low as she spoke. "Yes, baby…you have no idea how much I’ve wanted to touch you, to feel you, to taste you…”
Y/n let out a shaky gasp as she felt her fingers caressing her thigh once again, making her whine quietly. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, giving Casey more access to her neck, her fingers ran through her hair, gripping it to keep her close. “I-I’ve wanted you too…so badly. God, I need you so badly, Casey.” She breathed out as she moaned, her hips bucking more into hers.
Casey smiled against her neck, she trailed her fingers a little higher under her skirt, her teeth gently biting down on her neck, marking it with a small bite. Her voice low and husky as she responded. “Mmm…I can tell just how badly you need me."
Y/n moaned louder as she bit down on her neck, thankful that the music was loud enough for her moans to stay in the bathroom. And when she felt her fingertips tracing her inner thigh, she couldn’t help but breathe heavily. “Please, Casey…I need you…” She moaned out as she moved her head to stare into her eyes, her hands gripping her shoulders.
Casey moved her leg between hers, her thigh brushing against the sensitive spot between her legs, the only fabric separating their bodies were y/n’a underwear and her pants. She moved her hand further up her thigh, her fingers gently tracing along the edge of her underwear. "Please what, princess?"
Y/n wrapped on of her arms around Casey’s neck to support herself while the other stayed gripping her hair, feeling like her knees where about to give up because of the pleasure she felt. As her fingers traced the edge of her underwear, she let out needy moan, her hand gripping her shirt. “F-Fuck, Case. I need you. Please, just touch me.” She whispered softly as she stared into her eyes.
Casey leaned in, her lips right next to her ear as she whispered. "Is that what you need, princess? For me to touch you?" Without waiting for an answer, she pressed her leg even harder against her center, her hands moving to lift up her skirt, which was now rucked up around her waist, one of her hands moving back to her hips and the other teasing her inner thigh, getting so close to where she needed her.
Y/n gasped loudly at her sudden moves, the pressure her leg was putting against her center and the way her hands rapidly moved to lift her skirt. Her hand gripped Casey’s shirt and the other moved to her neck, bringing their faces close, their lips brushing against each other as she bucked her hips against her leg and hand. “Please stop teasing me and fuck me. I need you now, Casey.” She groaned softly, desperate to feel Casey’s fingers inside of her or any sort of friction at this point, her underwear surely ruined.
Casey leaned in, her lips brushing against her, chuckling darkly. "Mmm…desperate, are we, princess?" she teased, a sly smile on her face. She moved her underwear aside and her fingers finally moved towards her pussy, gently she ran them between her folds, feeling the wetness that has accumulated, a soft moan leaving her lips.
Y/n chuckled softly against her lips, blushing slightly at her words. “Can you blame me?” But then, she felt her fingers, a shaky gasp escaped me as her body arched against her. She let out another moan. "Oh god…please, that feels so good…" She whimpered softly, barely able to get the words out.
Casey moved her fingers in gentle circles, moving through her folds, to her entrance but avoiding her clit. Her lips moved to her neck, leaving a trail of gentle kisses and bites along the sensitive skin. "Mmm…I love the way you moan for me, princess..." She smirked before she slipped two fingers inside her and began to slowly thrust her fingers in a slow motion.
Y/n moaned loudly, and rested her forehead against her shoulder, small pants leaving her lips as her fingers moved inside her, her hips instinctively moving with her. “F-Fuck, Casey…” She moaned as she buried her face into the crook of her neck.
Even though they were in a public place, Casey didn't care at all if anyone heard them or what they would think. Casey started a quick rhythm, adding a third finger and curling them inside her with each thrust. She then pressed her thumb to her clit, so she could push her closer to the edge with each thrust. Her lips were attached to her neck, nibbling, and licking every inch of her neck. Y/n tried so hard to stay quiet, knowing perfectly they were in a public place, specifically, in a bathroom, but she couldn’t keep her moans inside when Casey was making her feel so good. It was becoming harder to breathe, her body trembling and her hips thrusting more into Casey. Her brain went blank when she felt the way she was fucking her, the way her lips kept nibbling and licking her neck. She was close, she could feel it. Y/n grabbed Casey’s face and crashed their lips together.
Y/n could barely kiss her, panting more than anything, moaning loudly, she felt her body begin to melt. “C-Casey…I…I’m close…”
Casey’s fingers continued their quick and relentless rhythm, the kiss messy and sloppy at some point. She crooks her fingers into you, rocking them in and out with a wet squelch. She broke the kiss as she panted, biting her lip, and pulling on it before she stared into her eyes, grinning softly. “Come for me, princess. I want to hear you…” She curled her fingers and leaned down to nip on her neck.
It became almost impossible to speak, y/n’s words becoming broken and shaky, her breath getting more and more labored as she got closer and closer. “Oh God…I’m…I’m gonna-“ She gasped out, her body trembling and her knees shaking, her hips moving against her fingers, trying to find the release she desperately needed. “F-fuck…” The feeling of her fingers and her words were enough to bring her right to the edge, gasping and trembling. With a final push, her back arched, her moans getting louder as her body literally twitched as her climax hit. “Casey! F-fuck…!” She couldn’t stop herself from screaming her name, her grip tightened on her as she came.
Casey continued working her through her orgasm, her fingers not stopping, wanting to prolong her pleasure for as long as she could. The feeling of her body trembling against her was a feeling she never wanted to forget, and she didn’t stop until her body finally relaxed. She slowly pulled away, her heart racing as she stared at her, completely in awe at how beautiful she looked at that moment. “God, you’re gorgeous…” She whispered as she pulled her fingers out slowly, bringing them to y/n’s lips. “Open…”
She couldn’t help but feel a mixture of emotions swirling inside her, her entire body on a high after experiencing such intense pleasure. As she heard her calling her gorgeous, her cheeks turned beet red, she couldn’t help but bite back a smile, panting heavily as she tried to calm down. She grabbed Casey’s hand, wrapping her lips around them, licking them clean, her tongue swirling around her fingers and moaning at her own taste. She pulled her fingers out of her mouth with a pop, her eyes meeting Casey’s. “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”
Watching y/n clean Casey’s fingers off like that, seeing her taste herself, it was absolutely sinful. Casey was absolutely enraptured by her, and she found herself unable to take her eyes off of her. With her free hand, she brought it up to her face, brushing back her hair, gently caressing her cheek. “God, you’re so beautiful…so perfect…”
Y/n leaned against Casey’s hand, turning her head slightly to kiss her palm, her breathing slowly coming back to normal. “So are you…I’ve wanted you for so long.” She chuckled softly as she stared into her eyes.
Casey smiled, her heart swelling with affection. Her hands moved to y/n’s waist, gently pulling her closer, wanting to be as close as possible. “I’ve wanted you for months. You were all I could think about. And…I am so sorry about the girlfriend thing. I thought I’d tease you about it and now I know it was a fucked up thing.”
Y/n smiled softly as she shook her head, her hands going to Casey’s neck and traced her jawline with her thumbs. “I mean…it was a fucked up thing but…it’s alright. You made up for it.” She grinned as she chuckled, leaning in, and placing a chaste kiss on her lips.
Casey sighed softly as she leaned her forehead against hers, chuckling softly too as she shook her head. “You know the squad won’t stop teasing us about this, right?”
“Oh, that I am sure of. I’m already preparing myself.” Y/n chuckled again as she pulled away enough to look at Casey, running her fingers through it. “So…can I return the favor?” She bit her lip softly as her eyes darted down to Casey’s lips and then back to her eyes.
Casey chuckled softly at her words but smirked, her hands moving to fix y/n’s skirt, pulling it down but not before she squeezed y/n’s ass. “How does going back to my place sound? I think we would be way more comfortable.” She raised her brow as she leaned down and kissed y/n’s jawline, trailing her kisses down to her neck.
Y/n felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought of going back to Casey’s place, nodding her head a bit too eagerly. “Sounds perfect.” She then pulled Casey’s hair and made her look into her eyes, smirking as her fingertip traced her jawline and down to her neck. “I definitely want to take my revenge on all the marks you left on my neck.”
“Thank god winter is here. Turtlenecks won’t be such a pain in the ass.” Casey laughed softly along with y/n before she took her hand and pulled her with her out of the bathroom.
As soon as the squad noticed the girls walking back to them hand in hand, they started cheering and clapping, Munch looking at his watch and then back to the girls. “Record time, less than 15 min. I’ve heard the record is 20.” He teased as he laughed with Fin.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she grinned and grabbed her purse. “You guys are the worse.”
“Oh, but it worked, didn’t it?” Olivia smirked.
Y/n stared at her for a moment, now understanding why she had been so pushy about her wearing a skirt and sitting beside Casey. She could only shook her head and smile. “Thank you I guess.”
Casey nodded as she smirked. “Indeed, thank you. We’re gonna leave, though. Thanks for the drinks, and next round is on me.” She said as she left some money on the table and grabbed y/n’s hand again, pulling her to the exit.
“Your neck looks so pretty by the way, y/n!” Melinda yelled as she laughed with the rest.
“They’re really not gonna leave us alone.” Y/n said once they left the bar, standing outside and looking into Casey’s eyes as they stopped to wait for a taxi.
Casey chuckled softly as she put a strand of hair behind her ear and leaned down to place a chaste kiss on her lips. “Let them talk. At least everyone will know that you’re mine.”
Y/n smirked as she leaned in and kissed Casey again, squeezing her hand. “It was definitely not a bad idea to wear this.” She whispered softly, chuckling with Casey.
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mischiefandlies · 12 days
The cold feels like home
Loki x Reader
Notes: Just felt cute, it's all floofy and comfort. I'm holding out hope that we might actually get some snow where I live this year.
Warnings: Nilt.
Come here. Now.
Loki never texted you like that. Was he mad at you? What had happened? You'd left him downstairs loading the dishes when you went to bed. Why hadn’t he just called up the stairs? Was he hurt?
Your phone pinged again.
You jumped out of bed, bolting down the stairs two at a time. Running straight down the hallway and into the kitchen, you burst in the door, only to find…
He wasn’t there.
Where was he?
You did a lap of the house in record time. Not in the living room, not in the dining room, not hallway, not bedroom, bathroom, spare bedroom, where the fuck was he? It was by pure chance that you saw the outside light flare up. It was motion censored, so the foxes would set it off at random points. But it just so happened to illuminate the figure at the end of your garden, gazing up into the winter sky. Loki.
You went back down the stairs and wandered down the garden. It was a freezing night, so much so that snow had just started to slowly drift down from the sky. And there, in the middle of your lawn, dressed in only a pair of cotton pajama trousers, was your husband. The snow settled on his cold skin, turning him blue piece by piece. His eyes were closed, and you could see the little snowflakes had settled on his lashes. His skin had begun to change, it had more ridges and patterns adorning it, like some kind of beautiful tapestry. There was snow in his hair too, more noticeable because of the contrast between it and his dark locks. He looked so tranquil, so completely at peace, it was unlike you’d ever seen him before.
You reached out to take his hand. He was colder than usual- he was always cold, but when he was in his asgardian form it was far less noticeable. You were able to trace the markings on his hand with your thumb, look at how detailed they were. It wasn’t often he let you see him like this so when you do, you always try and make it count.
“I wonder if this is what it’s like on Jotunheim.” he says, breaking the silence. His eyes are still closed, his face still pointed skyward.
“Have you ever been?” you ask.
“Wouldn’t you like to go?” you say, wondering what it would be like to not know where you came from.
“And to what avail?” he replies. “There’s nothing there, as far as anyone could tell. When Asgard too their power supply, they had nothing to keep their society running. All it’s been since is savagery. It was barely civilised before; I dread to think what it’s come to now.”
You stand there in silence a little longer. “What if it’s not like that?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” he says “They’re all savages. They aren’t-”
“How do you know that Loki? How can you say that about your people?”
“They’re not my people.” he spat.
“Perhaps not. But you are one of them. You are their rightful king. Maybe they are savage, I certainly don’t know. But haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like? To look like how you are now and to just.... be?”
He doesn’t respond. You stand by him, watching the world slowly get painted white. Snow really did make everything look beautiful.
“Would you go?” he asks. “If you were in my shoes?”
“Yes. If nothing is gained, at least you know where you came from. And if you did go,” you add, “I hope you go and realise you don’t have to hide this part of you. I hope you realise how beautiful you look in your own skin.”
“Do I really look beautiful to you like this?” he says, looking down at you with those beautiful ruby eyes.
“But I'm a monster.”
“Loki,” you chide “you are not a monster. You couldn’t be. You keep out everyone because you’re scared they’ll realise the same as I do- that you’re actually not the cold-hearted villain. Easier to play the bad guy that make the tough decisions trying to be the good guy.”
“You really believe that?”
You ponder it. “I have to. I love you. I married you. I want to be with you forever. How could I possibly tie myself to you if I thought you were evil?”
He smiles. “Ok. Maybe I'm not a monster.”
“You’re either my husband or a monster. You have to pick one.”
“Oh, monster obviously.” he teases. You just slap him playfully.
“C’mon slimer, lets go to bed.”
“Slimer’s a ghost, not a monster.”
You huff. “Well, your both perpetually covered in green.”
“I’m actually blue right now.”
He chuckles. “If this petty arguing is all I get for being a monster, I should’ve picked husband.”
“Too late now.”
He spins you around and gives you puppy eyes. “Pretty please? I promise I'll be a good husband.”
you smile back at him. “You’re already the best,” you say, pressing your lips to his.
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Can u write a rhysand or azriel or maybe both in which there both in a ddlg relationship where they give reader princess treatment and and she just wants to be good for them
Ddlg poly!Batboys x reader
A/n: I thought we’d throw Cass in there too bc I simply couldn’t resist 😂
Warnings: ddlg, pet names, nsfw themes, and slight violence
Being with all 3 of them is amazing but tough at first
Rhys Cass and Az would all be so competitive for your attention
Eventually you guys figure out a routine and are comfortable with each other
The first time you call them all daddy they’re so happy bc all they want is to keep you safe and happy. They love the deep trust you have with them
Sometimes for fun or when you want their attention you just call out “Daddy!” From whatever room your in just to see which one of the boys will get to you first
Rhys cheats and winnows to where ever you are while Cass and Az basically fight each other to get through the door first
There are times when you want to be around one of them more than the others
You always feel bad bc you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings but they’ve told you a million times that they don’t care as long as you’re happy
You spend a lot of time with Rhys since Cass and Az go away a lot
When they come back you get very clingy with them
Cass can be the clingiest out of the 3 especially if he’s been in Windhaven for a while
He will carry you around the house and keep you on his lap all day
“Need my sweetheart with me. I missed you so much I can’t get enough of you.” He’d say when you ask why he’s carrying you
It’s rare that they have a bad day. Stressful, yes, but they can always bounce back
They do confide in you and you love being there to comfort them
Az is usually the one who can be down sometimes after a mission and you always make him feel better
Azriel would be brooding in one of the big Illyrian arm chairs in a sitting room no one else uses in the house of wind when you find him
He’d be so lost in thought he wouldn’t even hear you come in
You’d be a little shy, worried you’re bothering him
Approaching Az you lay your hand gently on his shoulder. He looks up at you with tired eyes and a small smile, “hi daddy,” you whisper. “Can I sit with you?” Azriel pulls you onto his lap and buries his face in the crook of your neck breathing in your scent
“I know this mission was hard for you Azriel, but I’m here for you. In whatever way you need me.” Azriel hugs you tighter to his body. “Thank you princess. I feel better already.”
You two just sit there and you play with his hair as you whisper sweet nothings to each other
When Rhys and Cass find you, you’ve fallen asleep holding on to each other
If you’ve had a bad day the boys drop everything to tend to you
Your typical bad day remedy is a nice bath, Cassian massaging your shoulders, wearing their comfy clothes, cuddling with Rhys as Azriel reads to you
Cassian will make you hot cocoa (I’m convinced he’s a good chef, anything he makes is delicious and he has a great hot chocolate recipe you can’t change my mind)
If you’ve had a really bad day and your crying they immediately want to know who or what made you so upset so they can take care of it
You came home crying your eyes out one day after you had hung out with your friends bc someone cat called you on the way home and Azriel was ready to murder the male
Rhys reigned him in while Cass held you on the couch
They did find the male and beat him up
The boys each have a different nickname for you
Rhys calls you darling (obvi), Cass calls you sweetheart, and Az calls you princess but when it comes to sex I think they all call you bunny
The 3 of them give you nothing but princess treatment all the time
They wait on you hand and foot and buy you whatever your heart desires
They’re always gentle with you too. They’ll never raise their voices at you, they never get mad at you, or manhandle you (unless you want them to)
They hate being strict with you
When they are strict with you they either punish you or give you a stern talking to
You try not to be a brat, that gets you the worst punishment
Yes, you have rules and you rarely break them. You do like to push their buttons sometimes by saying no and stomping around the house when you’re in a bad mood. Rhys, Cass, and Az hate when you don’t tell them what’s wrong
Your typical punishment differs on which bat boy is in charge. With Rhys he shows you memories of when you’re being pleasured by them until you’re so needy you’re on your knees apologizing and begging them to touch you. Cass favors cockwarming or spanking until you’re practically crying needing them. Azriel uses his shadows to tie you up lightly touching you, leaving you in bed all day until they think you’ve had enough
All you want is to be good for them but sometimes you just can’t help yourself
When you are good they always reward you with your favorite dessert or take you shopping or new books
Rhys loves to give extravagant surprises like romantic dates or vacations
Time with each of them is different bc they each like different things
Rhys loves to take you out to eat or walk in town
Cassian will always work out with you, he was hell bent on training you when the relationship first started so you’d be able to defend yourself on the off chance none of the boys are there to defend you
Azriel is happy to do whatever you want to do. Usually you like when he reads to you cuddled up on the couch
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cal-flakes · 1 year
hi!! i love your account 💖💖💖 i was thinking about a scenario where dealer!rafe tries to impress your parents/meeting them for the first time and he's trying to be tough but he's lowkey so nervous LOL!!
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╰┈➤ dealer!rafe meets y/n’s parents
warnings: mentions of a gun, mentions of drug dealing, light swearing.
summary: rafe’s a little nervous meeting y/n’s parents for the first time.
“baby, you look amazing, stop stressing..” she cooed as she cupped his cheeks with her warm hands. “i know- i know, i just want to make a good impression, y’know?” he sighed, exhaling deeply as he adjusted his collar in the mirror.
“of course rafe, but they’ll love you, you don’t need to worry” she stated assuringly as she stroked the back of his buzzed head, trailing her hand down his clothed back. her forehead creased and her brows furrowed slightly as she felt a unfamiliar bulge in the back of his waistband.
lifting the back of his suit jacket, she gasped disapprovingly as she pulled out the tucked object. “seriously, you were going to bring your gun?” she huffed, exasperated as she placed it carefully in the draw of the hallway dressing table. shrugging, he turned to face her with an amused grin. “just incase..” he hummed, rounding her frame to grab the car keys.
“just incase what? incase my dad comes at you with a steak knife?” she yelled, half serious. “you never know sweetheart” he stated, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek before guiding her out the front door and to the car.
the car drive to y/n’s parents’ house was comfortably quiet as rafe rubbed circles into the exposed skin of her thigh, humming along to the tune of the radio.
“okay, we’re here. any questions?” she asked, turning to face him. his face twisted in thought as he drummed his fingers against the steering wheel. “what did you tell them i do for work?” he queried, the thought crossing his mind last second. “you took over your fathers development company” she claimed, exiting the car as she spoke. nodding along, he followed suit. “not a complete lie i guess..” he muttered to himself.
following her to the front door, he snaked a gentle arm around her waist confidently, masking his quivering insides. “you’ll be fine baby, m’kay?” she whispered as she rapped on the door with her knuckles. humming in response, his eyes flitted between her and the figures closing in on them behind the glass of the door.
“oh my little love! we missed you sweetie!” y/n’s mother cooed as her father stood tall behind the smaller woman, smiling at the pair. “i missed you too momma!” y/n grinned, wrapping her arms around her mom as she smiled at her father.
y/n’s mother stepped closer to rafe as her daughter passed by to hug her dad. “you must be the infamous rafe! we’ve heard so much about you, it’s so nice to finally meet you!” the woman beamed, quickly engulfing rafe in a gentle hug, to which he returned. “it’s great to meet you too miss y/l/n, it’s been a long time coming..” he smiled charmingly.
y/n watched the interaction in delight as she cuddled into her fathers side. “so you’re the one who’s stolen my little girl away from me?” the man spoke gruffly, a playful tone sneaking through his contrasting words. “my apologies sir, i just can’t bare to part with her” rafe joked, playing into his words.
the two men shook hands while y/n’s mother guided her through to the sitting room, offering her a drink. y/n’s features couldn’t contain the ear to ear grin breaking through, so much more in love with the man.
she was quickly followed by rafe as her parents disappeared to the kitchen, fetching drinks and continuing the preparation of the nights meal. “okay, so your dad doesn’t hate me..” he breathed in relief as he stepped closer. “i told you! he just wants to see me happy, and you seem to do a good enough job” she teased, planting a gentle kiss to his lips.
“are you saying i could do better?” he gasped, feigning offence as he pulled away from her. “just teasing baby, you make me the happiest girl alive, and they know it too..”
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fire-bugged · 1 month
The mercs reaction to being handed a kitten!
Mercenaries Are Handed A Kitten
- He’s never been around cats before. Never had any as a kid, and the base isn’t exactly a great place to keep pets.
- But the moment that little ball of fluff starts purring in his arms, his heart is melting. It’s just so cute!
- He has never felt anything so soft before, and he can’t stop smiling. Ends up trapped on the couch when they fall asleep in his lap. He doesn’t want to move and accidentally scare the little guy away.
- Also finds out the hard way that he’s allergic to cats. Cannot stop sneezing after only five minutes of petting the kitten. Worth it.
- For the most part, he’s indifferent about cats. They’re cute, but beyond that he doesn’t have much of an opinion of them.
- But when the kitten starts play-biting him, he has the biggest grin on his face. He didn’t know cats could be so ferocious!
- Soldier now has a new favorite cadet. He trained the cat to attack ankles and leap down from high places to claw people. The only problem is that they can’t distinguish between teams very well. No one is safe from the feline terror. He’s still trying to figure out how to fix that little issue, but he’s incredibly proud nonetheless.
- The cat also gets along very well with Lieutenant Bites and the other raccoons. Maybe a little too well… they’ve learned how to sneak out of the base and tend to come home smelling of sour cream and garbage. Frequent baths are a must.
- Absolutely ECSTATIC! They’ve always wanted a cat!
- They are immediately in love with the kitty. They spend SO much time getting cat supplies, alongside a ton of cute little cat toys, a cat tower, and a scratching post.
- Their cat is super chill. Completely unbothered by anything or anyone. Pyro uses this to their advantage to put the cat in cute little outfits sometimes. They have an entire cork board filled with photos of their cat in adorable costumes.
- The cat is allowed to freely wander the base, and Pyro loves to just follow them around and watch them do cat things. Whether it’s climbing up onto shelves, bathing itself, or just lounging in a sunbeam, Pyro enjoys hanging out with their cat.
- When you hand him a kitten, he’s a bit hesitant at first. It’s far too dangerous to have a cat running around, the wee lad is going to be blown to smithereens!
- But to his surprise, the cat proves itself to be a fairly tough little guy. They’re able to stay out of trouble, mostly keeping to themselves and not getting into anything they shouldn’t. They’re also a skilled hunter, and single-handedly got rid of the base’s mouse problems.
- Demoman quickly took notice of how well the cat keeps rodents out of the base, and he gained a lot of respect for them. He’s a man who appreciates hard work.
- The cat is very food motivated. If anyone has food, they’ll follow them around yowling loudly until they’re given some table scraps. Demoman is the biggest sucker when it comes to this, and is the sole reason why the cat has gotten a bit fat. He can’t help it, they’re just so cute when they want something!
- After being a mercenary for so long, there isn’t much that surprises Heavy anymore. However, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t expecting you to suddenly hand him a kitten out of nowhere.
- The little ball of fur fits perfectly in the palm of his hand. He knew cats were small, but this thing is absolutely tiny.
- Refuses to feed it kibble. Heavy’s philosophy is that if he wouldn’t want to eat it, the cat shouldn’t be expected to, either. The cat’s diet mostly consists of various cooked meats, instead.
- The cat ends up being the type to perch on his shoulders. Whether Heavy is spending time in the rec room with the others, reading, cleaning Sascha, the cat will always leap up onto his back and curl around his shoulders and neck. Heavy will always reach up to gently pet the cat before returning to whatever he was doing.
- He’s always been a dog person, but he’s familiar with cats thanks to how often he came across barn cats back in Texas. So when he’s handed a kitten out of nowhere, he’s got a fairly good idea of how to care for it.
- The kitten is a bit timid at first, but with a bit of patience, gentle encouragement, and tasty cat treats, Engineer is able to get the little guy to come out of their shell.
- The cat is an absolute cuddle-bug. They love to sit on his lap while he writes out new blueprints for his buildings. They like to swat at his pencil while he’s trying to write.
- The cat also likes to lay on top of the dispensers around the base. It’s one of their favorite places to nap.
- Medic is a bird person, not a cat person. The moment he’s handed a kitten, he immediately becomes a bit nervous. He doesn’t mind cats, but he doesn’t want them anywhere near his birds.
- He’ll likely find a new home for the cat with one of his teammates. So long as the cat is kept far away from his surgical ward and private quarters, then he’s fine.
- He may be able to cheat death in countless ways, but he hates the thought of his doves getting hurt. He’s not going to take that chance.
- When he’s initially handed the kitten, he has no idea what to do with it. He’s never had a cat before. The only pet he’s ever had was a Spotted Python he had as a kid.
- The cat is very timid at first, running and hiding whenever someone comes close. Sniper can’t help but sympathize with the poor thing. It’s clearly scared and doesn’t understand what’s going on.
- He starts trying to gain its trust by leaving food in places close to where it likes to hide, and keeps his distance from those places. He never tries to approach the cat, not wanting to scare it away. As time goes on, the cat eventually starts to realize that Sniper isn’t a threat, and becomes curious instead. Sometimes, it even creeps up to him and gives him a cautious sniff, only to immediately run away the moment Sniper notices it.
- Progress is slow, but eventually Sniper is able to pet the cat for the first time without them being scared. They even begin to purr, and Sniper cracks a smile at the sound. All it took was a little time and patience.
- He had a couple of cats in the past, and he loved them very dearly. He hasn’t had a cat in years, but the moment the little kitten is in his hands, he can’t help but immediately fall in love with it.
- He’ll pretend he didn’t and act annoyed about having to look after it. But when you come back a couple hours later to check on him, that cat is melting in his lap and purring louder than a chainsaw.
- Absolutely spoils this cat. Only the highest-quality wet foods for them, as well as the plushest of cat beds to sleep on. However, the cat still prefers to sleep in his lap. Good thing he keeps a lot of lint rollers handy.
- He is also allergic to cats. He does have medication to help with it, though, so it doesn’t bother him as much.
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kakiastro · 1 month
Saturn Aries-Training your dragon
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Saturn- the planet of structure and discipline, how to be responsible and respectful to others. How you portray yourself to others is important to Saturn. Being practical and taking your time is treasured.
Aries- the sign that’s ruled by Mars. Aries are the go getters, the ones who don’t mind taking the risk. They will rather epically fall than not try at all. They have a physical impulse that drives them. They don’t mind starting over if it feels right.
The planet that takes its time and the sign that’s a risk taker is a tricky relationship to be in. These natives struggle with wanting to go for but also waiting it out. They have the passion and desire of an Aries but they have to learn the patience of Saturn.
-these natives grew up having parents that taught them independence at an early age. “You got knocked down, now get up and fight!” Was a mantra that was taught to them at an early age. These natives had parents /guardians who were practiced tough love on them. Think training a warrior and how they had to grow up quickly. “All my life I had to fight” is a quote these natives are all to familiar with. They may be close to the Martian family members, those with Aries or Scorpio placements. Those family members understand that intense energy so it’s easier to be with them.
-they were taught about the harshness of the world at a young age and life isn’t fair. You have to fight and go after what you want. They developed the ambition trait early on in life
- many of these natives could’ve grown up in a home where there was fighting or lots of discussions and debates. This may have caused them to not want to deal with confrontation as they get older. They will start to learn starting age 27 on how to stand up for themselves without the use of pure anger that they grew up hearing.
- many of these natives could’ve of grew up in a military, law enforcement, firefighter/working with fire burn victims, criminal/gangster, entrepreneur, boxer/fighter, butcher, welding/mechanics, medical phlebotomist (blood draw) type of families. Look back on your life and see if you notice any Aries themes
- due to the high expectations on them placed on them by their families, they may struggle with self identity issues and trying to figure out who they are. They knew it when they were children but adults told them different. Their whole identity may have been what their families want them to be instead of trying to figure out who they really are. As they get older though, they’ll know exactly who they are and who they always should’ve been.
With Chiron currently in Aries and their returns approaching , they are rediscovering and doing lots of healing
- they could be named after someone who’s seen as a hero to there parents such as a grandparent or another relative, or a heroic public figure. They could also have a unique or different name compared to other family members. Their names could be “one of the new popular ones.”
-since Aries is the physical body and Saturn is discipline, they would do well in martial arts or yoga. Stretching their bones and or doing any movement can help.
-they may be prone to depression when it comes to their physical body and not liking it due to not exceeding their expectations. Write down 3 things you love about yourself. Then 3 more the next then 3 more the next. Practice them in the mirror everyday if you need too. When you start embracing all of you, including your flaws. your confidence will be unmatched.
- these natives will be the type of parents that will teach their kids to go after what they want but plan thoroughly because this is something they’re mastering themselves in this lifetime.
- they will have their kids be involved in all types of physical activities that they didn’t get to do growing up. They have to make sure they’re not living through their kids and not have too demanding expectations like they were put under. They have to let their kids discover who they are themselves and they are there to catch when they fall.
- Saturn Aries and Saturn Capricorn would understand each other because there’s a lot of similarities between the two.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post!
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httpsjeonglvr · 1 year
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tsukishima. k x fem reader
chapter warning: pregnancy,angst,freaky tsukishima,let me know if there’s anything else. I also might’ve mixed up the characters because im stupid
After your families figured out the two of you were expecting, both of you quickly got a private home away from them. This definitely had gotten to Tsukishima’s head, but he did forget that not only were you both expecting, but another little thing had decided to be with you both every step of the way.
“Are they kicking yet? Shouldn’t they be kicking?” Hyori bounces around you as you eat, the child’s words making you more anxious then they should have.
That was the problem, they should be kicking by now. Kei had been gone every day from sunup to sundown, barely able to escape work since it was getting closer for him and his team to start playing agains You knew he was going extra tough on him because he was your fiancé ,but the fact you both barely had time to spend with each other alone made you more emotional than your pregnancy hormones.
You inhale shakily, biting into your food as Hyori pauses, sitting next to you. “It will be okay, Y/N! The babies will be here soon!”
It was a guess that you were having twins, your tummy was bigger than both Hinata’s wife pregnancy was with their children. You didn’t know if you were having twins, you couldn’t even feel them, and it terrified you.
“I hope they do, Hyori,” you giggle half heartedly, stroking her hair with a sigh. “I truly hope.”
Her face scrunched as she looked up at you in confusion. “Why would you hope? They’ll come, I promise! And then you will have two babies!”
You laugh sadly, looking away from her to wipe your eyes from the onsetting tears. You were doing everything you could to believe her, but something felt wrong, and you couldn’t think if it was truly because something was wrong or you were making yourself feel that something was wrong.
“Why are you crying?” She whispers, trying to console you as much as she could as she hugged you. “Don’t cry, Daddy will be back soon!”
“I am not crying! Do not worry, I am fine,” you continue to rub your eyes, sniffling lightly as Hyori pouts. “Besides, your dad should be here soon, so it would be time for you to go to bed.”
“I don’t want to go bed, I want to stay up with you!” Hyori pulls away, sitting down with a pout before she gets picked up, yelping as Kei pulls her over his shoulder.
“What if mommy wants to sleep? You never let her sleep peacefully, you are going to bed,” Kei walks out of the living room , Hyori fighting him by banging on his back. “Say good night to mommy!”
“No! I don’t want to leave, mommy!” She calls to you for help, but you giggle lightly and wave at her disappearing form.
When they’re finally out of view, your smile falls quickly as you start picking up your area, putting up your food before moving to your room. You inhale deeply, letting your fingers trail over your stomach softly before sitting down on your bed. You lay back, closing your eyes as you let your fingers shape your tummy, feeling and trying to find some sort of sign of your baby, or babies, moving.
You didn’t hear Kei walk in, slowly coming behind your form to sit near your head, stroking your face. You open your eyes, sighing shakily as you lean into his large palm before he leaned down, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Is there something wrong?”
“They are not kicking,” you whispered to him, moving one of your hands to grab his. “My mother said they should be kicking by now. It makes me worried.”
Kei shakes his head, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. “You need not to worry. There are plenty of reasons for a child not to kick, especially with a mother as stubborn as you.”
You cracked a smile at that as he leaned down, placing a hand on yours before letting his fingers dance along your stretched belly. “They will be so active when they come out of you. That is what they are saving for.”
Your eyes water as you lean into him, shaking your head with a shaky breath, whimpering softly. “I hope so, Kei. This… this does not feel right, nothing feels right anymore.”
Kei moves to go over you, kneeling over your calves as he shaped his hands over your stomach, pressing soft kisses from your throat, over your necklace to down between your chest before kissing firmly against your belly button. You let your hands intertwine with his, sighing heavily as he lets his tongue trail over your stretch marks.
“You need to make some movements for your mommy,” he mumbles, nuzzling his nose against your pale blue skin. “She is scared that you are a little sleepy in there. I get it, she’s all tight and warm-”
“I wanted to be inside of her every day too but-”
“You better stop talking like that to our children, Kei.”
“But you gotta give your mommy some signs. You gotta give us a little bit of movement,” he pressed a kiss to your rib, mumbling something only he could hear. “Come on baby, just give us a sign. Just give us some signs, please.”
His voice was breaking as your fingers went to his head, your head tilting back as tears filled your eyes. He exhaled heavily against your skin, a gasp escaping your lips as something slams into your side. You yelped, Kei shooting up as two pains pressed into each side of your ribs.
“Kei! Kei, they are kicking!” You take his hands, moving them to each place where they kick again. You whimper as they push into your muscles, Kei laughing as he massages your sides.
“There we go, darling, they’re there. I promise you, they’re there,” he kissed your jaw as he rises, pecking your lips softly. “I think they like it when their daddy talks to them.”
His hand trails to your side, their kicks following as you hiss, the children obviously excited with their fathers touch. “I think they just like their daddy, Kei,” you whisper as he smiles, pressing his lips onto yours all over again as you wrap your arms around his neck. You wince, pulling away when they kick the center of your stomach at the same time, almost trying to push Kei away from you. “Or they do not like you touching me.”
Kei rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “I am going to believe that they like me.”
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“They’re monsters,” Kageyama says, child in his arms as Akaashi bobs the other up and down slightly, your oldest son already asleep. “That one specifically!”
He points at your youngest, the other young boy sitting peacefully as Hinata plays with the middle child, bouncing him and down. “He just does not like your ugly face.”
It was almost on cue when he got slapped in the face, Akaashi laughing as Hinata sits in front of your youngest, offering him a small stick.
“Hinata, what are you doing?”
“I want to see what he does with it,” he explains, taking his own stick and offering it. Your child is confused for a second, Kei watching from behind you, stirring the tea he had prepared to ease the headache you had. He sits down behind you, slowly placing the warm cup into your hands before your youngest softly poked Hinata’s nose. The older man makes a face before the child drags it up to his forehead, slapping his skin softly. “That was… odd.”
“Maybe he just likes Hinata,” Yachi explains, sitting next to her friend to take the child Kageyama was fixing to throw hands with. “And that one does not like Kageyama.”
“Let me see that one!” Kageyama points at Akaashi who flips him off, holding Jin closer to his form.
“No, find another one!”
Yachi yelps as Nico begins to cry in her arms, Kei quickly standing to scoop up the child. “I’m sorry! I do not know what I did!”
Kei shakes his head, laughing lightly. “You have no need to worry. He is most likely just tired.”
He gives you your child, watching as he calms down immediately and nuzzles into your chest. Your youngest, Taro, continues to hit Hinata’s stick, Hinata blocking his attacks so that they wouldn’t hit his face. “He’s going to be good with defense,” you tell Kei who nods, laughing as your child slaps Hinata in the cheek. “Very good with defense”
Hinata hissed in pain, the child’s eyes widening and tears filling his eyes before a loud cry filled the room. It was like a chorus, the sobs that followed afterwards from your two other sons, Akaashi gasping in surprise from the previously calm child. Hinata curses as he scoops up the baby, and Akaashi quickly brings your child to Kei as Hinata bounced him up and down. You lean back, kissing the child’s temple as Hinata quickly calms down Nico who begins to laugh.
“You little faker!” Kageyama screeches.
“I will see you later. Coach wanted to send me to the court to get a special sort of technique for the game tonight,” he squeezed your shoulder as he flicked the child’s head lovingly. “Have you both come up with names?”
Kei nods, smiling. “We have.”
You push him away by his forehead, Hinata walking over to hand you Nico. “I will be going with him. We will see you both later, good luck.”
You smile, nodding with a giggle as Hinata grins at you, Kageyama cursing. “I guess I’m going with them so I don’t seem like I do not want to help.”
He leans down, pressing his palm to your forehead as you push him away. “You are as much help as all of them. Thank you.”
“See, Y/N thinks I help,” he sticks his tongue out at his friend who pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
“She doesn’t see you fooling around when we play,” your partner responds as you giggle, the rest of them saying their goodbyes as you lean back against him, sighing heavily at the children in your arms.
“Did you like my name suggestions?” He whispers into your ear, his fingers running up and down your arms. “I thought Tamaki was a pretty good one.”
“Oh, thank God you did not get your father’s naming skills,” you mock him as he rolled his eyes playfully. “No, I did take some inspiration. Would you like to know?”
“Am I allowed to know before the game?” He whispers against your temple. “I want to know if one of my names made it on the list.”
“They did not but,” you look back and smile. “Their names are Shota, Taro, and Nico. Is that okay?”
His eyes widened, watering as he leaned into your neck. “They’re lovely. Beautiful, so so beautiful my darling girl. And boys.”
“I love you, Kei.”
“I love you too, Y/N.”
With those few words, everything else was set. He pressed a kiss to your lips, shifting Shota, cupping your face as he leans over your body. His thumb parts your lips, holding your chin as he slowly pushes himself up, standing. He pulls away, smiling at you before taking the Nico from you, arranging the children to grab Taro.
“Let me go lay these boys down and then I can give you a nice gift before the game, hm?”
You giggled as he walked off, slowly standing as you walked to your shared room, Kei laying the children down in their own shared room before coming in. He slowly kneeled next to your body, pressing a firm kiss to your tummy as you lean your head back, holding his head. “I want to put another baby in you.”
“Let’s wait a little while you horn dog” Kei hummed kissing you tummy again before pulling the covers on you two.
I didn’t know how to end it 🤷🏾‍♀️
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jpitha · 11 months
You have to understand.
At least at first, I didn’t mean to do it. I had just gotten out of College, a kid with a degree in History and an eye watering amount of debt. I made the mistake of telling the professor I did early 21st century historical reenactments for my summer job and he let me take on a titanic amount of debt for historical realism. I’m not sure who I owe the money to, since we live in a post scarcity society, but I sure worry about repaying it, so I have that going for me. Extra points for realism.
After I graduated - with an ulcer from stress worrying about the debt, another point for realism! - I was bumming around the orbital looking for a way to earn some quick cash and I realized how I could put my degree to use. Everyone has everything provided for them by the government because - after the Unpleasantness - we figured out that was easier and cheaper than giving everyone on the planet a gun.
But that means that everyone has mostly forgotten how to keep an eye out for scams. Who is going to scam you anyway when you all have the same access to cheap and easy housing, food, and Space Cocaine?
People who have mountains of debt due to historical accuracy, that’s who.
I set up shop right outside the exit from Customs on the station. Rubes-er People from all over the Galaxy would come, hellbent on seeing the sights of my planet and before they could hit up the Cøffee Haüs they would find me.
I started small; ran a couple of three card monte tables, but without a partner, convincing people they could win without them actually winning was tough. I hacked a janitorbot into being my assistant and soon enough I would have a crowd watching.
This, while effective was incredibly boring, so I changed to my plan B and just started making fake supplements. For maximum compatibility across all of the galactic species, mine were pure carbon (to absorb toxins you see). This increased who I could sell too without worrying (too much) about inadvertently poisoning anyone.
A few people were sad I moved away from scamming people with cards, but they became my first ‘partners’ in selling my supplement. I had to actually explain how a Ponzi scheme worked though, nobody remembered. I told them about how so long as they found more suckers underneath them, they wouldn’t be left holding the bag and it took off like an oxygen accelerated fire.
There was also an oxygen accelerated fire, but that can’t be traced back to me.
Three weeks later, I was the richest human in the Galaxy. Honesty, I didn’t even know where everyone even got the money, I thought we had eliminated it, but here I am, rich as hell. I feel a little bad about it, but if I admit the whole thing was a ploy to pay off my student loans, I worry that they’ll turn on me.
I still haven’t paid off my loans either. I don’t think I can swing the payments and the payments on my Super Dreadnought. Did you know they’ll build anyone one so long as you put the deposit down?
Anyway, do you want to get in on an incredible deal on the low effort world of supplement sales?
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