#poor woman is not doing ok
paperglader · 10 months
Back to the place where she died.
Back to the place where she has been brought back. Twice.
Still healing from that. Still not over how not too long ago she killed a man in cold blood because she lost control. Because of betrayal. Darkness. Hunger.
A little kid touched her chest and felt so much hatred that she had to run away, scared. A hatred that laudna did not put there, that is not her own but that she’s been made to carry.
Delilah. Imogen’s promise.
Ashton. Her friend. The one that’s as visually broken as her. The one that’s always got it. The one that’s enabled her behavior in the past. Comforted her. Betrayed her. Hurt Fearne. Almost didn’t make it through. Reckless. Stupid. Woke up something within her, something bad.
The shard. Delilah. Hunger. Fear. She’s gonna hurt someone again. Her old hut. Coldness.
“Sometimes you have to walk from whence you came to appreciate how far you’ve come.”
The woods. Her friends running after her again. Guilt. Shame.
Ashton’s doll.
Imogen, the one she loves, the one that gave her a reason to live, the one that has never shied away from her, that has loved her through it all. She took off the circlet that kept her away from Laudna’s thoughts– thoughts that once were musical, that truly were the first reason that drove them together– immediately told her that she was disgusted by what she now found within her, the recent state of presence of the woman that lives there. That haunts her. Her abuser, driving Imogen away.
Laudna’s not sure which of her wants or feelings are actually hers anymore.
Laudna dreams about a normal life. Sometimes. All the time..
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idk guys but i think "black lady making a parody campaign of an overrated kid's book written by a transmisogynist where they mock the original book and its writer at every given venue and it barely feels like the original" is not nearly equatable to "white guy making a joke about an asian trans woman having a dick in her intro, immediately calling attention to it by laughing at his own joke, and not developing that poor trans woman as anything more than a mildly antagonistic force/love interest for another trans person"
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thesmokinpossum · 8 months
I can't believe y'all almost made me pay to go watch po*r th*ngs in theater without telling me that the whole thing revolves around a hardcore born sexy yesterday trope with a side dish of pseudo necrophilia where a woman with the brain of a litteral foetus who don't have periods or body hair (but do have boobs!) find joy and freedom by having a lot of sex with a bunch of men, shoving a apple up her vagina for some reason and joining a brothel (but it's a cool socialist brothel and all the girls looove being there, don't worry guys), all of that written and directed by two men, I'm never gonna trust you guys after this one lmao
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bunnihearted · 6 months
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brightlydim · 1 year
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a state of constant paranoia
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@b0nkcreat @localvoidcat @mythicandco @gardnwater
this isn’t fanart of anyone’s ocs but I thought the meme would get the point across XD
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mrsmiroir · 7 months
if ursa has a million fans, then i am one of them. if ursa has ten fans, then i am one of them. if ursa has only one fan then that is me. if ursa has no fans, then that means i am no longer on earth. if the world is against ursa, then i am against the world 😔
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aceofwonders · 1 year
ok imma just pop off about one of my dnd ocs...
the way that maizakeen is heading for a break down has me Screaming
she had the Horrors (voices of the dead/dark thoughts and strange magic) dropped on her at age fucking twelve....she overcompensated with intense optimism and kindness to beat it all back (also training relentlessly to control her magic so she could help herself and others)
she grew up so privileged and sheltered that is was working, life was good in her little bubble.... and then it shattered when her grandfather died and further more when she went out into the world
session after session she is seeing how bleak the greater world is and it is fracturing her hold on her literal inner demons ever so slowly
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bitchesgate3 · 6 months
mizora fans are the only safe side of the fandom for me
#from most safe to less safe#mizora tag i can enjoy evil woman and the occasional hate post#but she deserves that and it doesnt overrrun the tag#m*nthara tag is ok but some fans see her as more evil and more masc than i see her as#weird to me - cant relate#love Lae but the shadowzel hatef*cking ruined my engagement with other fans of hers#mystra tag i instafollow mystra-defenders#instablock mystra haters#literally on sight#because i read the whole post in the tag and i deserve compensation#mystra aint on the same level as c*zador#shes a pompous bitch who withholds blessings not a fcking p*mp/ tr*fficker#love shadowh*art but shes disrespected constantly and stripped of personality in the fandom to be: the woman#i dont follow the tags of the male characters anymore because the amount people will woobify them is legit unsafe#man puts a bomb in his chest because he couldnt take no for an answer#but people want to say “poor baby girl” the fuck?#man is just stupid and a tad scary#honestly sexy but i would be mystra 2.0 if i got with him#larian woobified ast*rion by removing the nuance on whether or not he deserved redemption#fandom performatively “likes” w*ll only when someone makes a big enough stink about him#i feel bad for actual fans because they love something that isnt actually there#his writing literally removes all agency for him#larian infantalized a grown ass black man to constantly be humiliated and removed the rightful anger he had in EA#i need people to admit that the writing is bad and IS racist and enables people to be racist in being dismissive with him#sometimes i do dip into the ast*rion tag tho because those artists know how to draw s*x with women#like those girlies have had s*x before and know what they want and they are so right for it#the wlw art in this fandom has no idea how s*x works#or its so male gazey and prnified it legit makes me squeemish
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bhaalsdeepbat · 8 months
You see the thing about DC Comics is that the comics don't matter and they're gonna just pick and choose their Canon every new run anyways so you might as well live a little and pick and choose YOUR preferred canon.
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hedonists · 11 months
fucking beats me dude, how people manage to create shit out of thin air, work themselves up into a frenzy of rage over it, and then end up making that your business.
I don’t get you straight people
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milfbro · 1 year
there's this woman in the train who is clearly at her freaking limit with her son who keeps wailing and she's resorting to name calling and you know insults cause she's clearly past tired rn
but then there's this other woman who started to talk about her Own son like 'my son is 25 now' and the woman with the child is like. not having it. she does not give a shit about this woman's immature manchild son
this is surreal she's talking right over her. i don't know what to do here
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itlswhatltls · 1 year
I've always known Vini Jr is a big fat loser and this past week he's been treading through a seriously disgusting path already, but he really just hit an all-time low with his twitter post. Like fuck him man. What a piece of shit.
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dendrochronologies · 1 year
god willing this will not be the start of me sincerely sharing Opinions on tumblr dot com but the thing about Kindness and Empathy being paraded as easy breezy & effortless by some is that those posts are often written by very young people who have age-limited experience with the diversity of thought & expression that exists. knowing "there are people out there who think radically differently from me" =/= collaborating with those people in total sincerity and with unwavering compassion.
empathy is a skill i always always have to practice not only because i've had to sit in front of people who genuinely, sincerely hate women as a class of people because of specific lived experiences, and i still had to (and had to want to!) give them therapy, and had to work to the best of my knowledge and creativity to help them break isolation and make friends and not kill themselves, because i don't get to decide, actually, whether or not they deserve to live in misery and die alone - and anyway, building relationships can dismantle prejudices for some people -
but also because the more conversations i have (the number only ever increasing, as you get older), the more likely i am to hear a completely batshit take like, "all victims of intimate partner violence have borderline personality disorders, otherwise they wouldn't stay with their abusers," which i heard this evening. and i would humbly posit that any decent person would need to have a really, really deep well of patience to not promptly smack the person saying that with some sort of rolled newspaper, or perhaps a door.
it is easy to say things or set intentions or wtv when you have little to no chance of encountering situations where those intentions will be challenged. don't expect sainthood from yourself or others. all of it's hard. just try your best!
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lyrasjordan · 2 years
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a-very-fond-farewell · 6 months
I’m back at it again folks. (*inhales k/im g/o-eun content like kirby*) I’m fine. time to write 😔🏳️‍🌈💅🏻
#sneaky niki#lamb loose liveblogging#it’s women loving hours in the club and I can’t get over how pretty and charming she is#I can’t watch the big scary movie she’s in now bc:#I’m a scaredy cat (*dpr song playing in the background*) + it’s not available where I live#but believe me I am /this close/ to make a ‘do it for her’ poster with her face on it#anyway#topic of the day is (*checks notes*) divorce#listen I’m no expert on relationships and I can honestly say that HDS’s wife should demand one#will she get it? would she even want to get a divorce? that’s beside the point#but I want to truly honor Hye Young’s character and put myself in her shoes as I write this part of her story#bc what /i/ think she should do has nothing to do with what /she/ wants to do#also marriage and companionship and relationship are very complex IRL??#ik we’re all on board on this nemesis-living-together-while-giving-one-another-blue-balls train of a fic#believe me I get it. but I feel so much for Hye Young. her husband turned into a horrible person. 3 years have gone by. poor woman#so. since these are the vibes for today. I plan to take a small break from ch16 (that detestable chapter >:0 bad chapter! headache-inducing#)#and focus a little bit on Hye Young for the time being.#she will make an appearance later on (possibly after ch 20)#but today feels like a good day to listen to her#nobody listened to her in the show. now it’s my turn to let her talk#ok so. confusing omens aside.#have a very good day folks :)
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justaholeinmysoul · 9 months
Men(all men all kinds ) on tumblr 🤝 non men(all ) so called open minded liberal feminists
Hating on Cis het women
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