#that or he's gonna be like ''don't worry bro bro you've got a chance you've got this bro believe in urself is there anything special u need'
majorxmaggiexboy · 1 year
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this man is about to either be the sweetest wingman or the vilest softspoken rat bastard to ever walk the earth and i have no basis upon which to make this claim but i KNOW
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webslingingslasher · 3 months
The amount of impact Trouble has had on the frat in general’s vocabulary
YES 😭 the way i can picture this from both sides too 😭😭😭
'not you gaslighting me.'
'tarrent, it's not gaslighting to say go to bed.'
'oh, so now we're gaslighting even stronger?'
or a classic besties moment.
'okay, besties, what are we thinking for the party?'
'nah, that just revoked your man card. hand it over.'
'what? i can't call my besties my besties?'
'hand over the draft card, too. we're submitting it.'
and on trouble's side we already know how much peter hates the bro talk but imagine there was some bonding time and you've spent a little too much time with the frat boys while peter's been busy and now you're a #bro.
'dude, dude, dude, dude! ethan was doing that mission again and guess what? he finally fucking got it, you would've thought it was sick!'
'yeah! and like, get this one, broski- wait, hi, hello, how was your day?' you push up for a kiss, peter chokes out, 'it was great, broski.' you break into a smile.
'cool. okay, so he kept failing but then i helped! i got him to pass the level and he was all "thanks dude!" and then i was all "no problem, dude." and then tarrent-'
'there are too many bros and dudes coming from your mouth. i miss the besties and babes.' you pout and reform your thoughts, then nod when they align.
'so, tarrent came in and said something like "hey besties, i'm gonna go babe it up at the gym," and asked me "any chance you wanna do a protein shot with me? it's a gym babe thing, don't worry. i like mixing it in my mouth, it's a pure alpha bestie moment."'
peter cracks a smile, 'did you do the powder shot?' you shake your head sadly, 'i did not have a pure alpha bestie moment.' 
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macsimagines · 6 months
hello 👋 are you getting questions? if not just ignore but if so I would like to order one of the kawata yandere twins, baby trap
My boys!!! Trash demons
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Yandere! Souya & Nahoya Kawata (AKA Smiley & Angry)
They love you so much. Since the day they met you in grade school you had belonged to the boys heart and soul. Or more accurately they belonged to you.
The boys had ended up fighting over whose bride you would be and your resolution had been saying that they would both be your wives.
They ended up agreeing to that with no problems, except for the fact that they took your vow of loyalty and plans of future marriage very seriously.
Now all these years later they proudly proclaim to be married to you, much to your indifference. "Ya, they're my besties. They're only joking." "Y/N, I just watched them run over someone with their bike."
It starts to become very clear to the boys that you don't intend on keeping your promise and that they need to hold you to your word. After all, you did say you'd take responsibility for them.
Nahoya comes up with the idea first. "Sex friends," he explains to you and Souya both, "I mean, we're so close already, and if we mess up or embarrass ourselves it won't be so bad. We're already best friends right?"
And Souya doesn't want to agree, he wants sex with you to be meaningful, beautiful even. But Big bro knows best and he promises the rewards will all be worth it in the end.
And You? Well you're too stupid to really find a solid argument against it. You've never had a boyfriend and your inexperience was starting to bother you. You never really got the chance to experiment or date, every time any guy even tried anything with you they'd just mysteriously ghost you.
So you all agree. Casual sex that's it. But then the sex gets.. a lot. Way more than what you were expecting. One twin always needs attention and it seems like you can never catch a break.
"Nii-Chan got to do it raw, why not me?" "I heard you rode Souya till he cried, its my turn now, right?" "I wanna cum inside, Y/N."
Of course you got pregnant. Of course they were lying when they said they'd pull out. Of course you believed them when they told you it would be fine...
"Don't worry, Y/N, we'll take responsibility." "Ya! We'll actually keep our promise." "You're gonna be the prettiest bride~"
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ne-nene-ne · 1 year
i just saw the rin as ur older bro hc and now im gonna need a sae one. i wonder how different they’d be or would they be similar? 🤔
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I haven't done a Sae one yet since I don't know his character too well (I haven't read too far into the manga) but I was thinking about writing one for him so here we goooo
Might be incredibly ooc but let's roll with it
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-> Being Sae's younger sister hcs and how he'd react to you having a crush on one of his teammates
itoshi sae x itoshi! fem!reader (platonic)
rin's version!
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Okay, first and foremost, his reaction to you liking someone would depend on your own relationship with him. 
If you don't really talk to him or keep in contact with him, he's not going to care who you like or dislike. 
But if you've always been sending him good luck/congratulations texts, asking about how things have been going with him and how it's like over there (in the country he's currently playing in), he's going to have a soft spot for you and things are going to be different. 
He'd probably send you postcards and souvenirs (of things you had mentioned that you wanted to see in your texts). If you've also mentioned that you wanted to see one of his games, you'd find a plane ticket and front row seat tickets to his game in your mailbox the next day.
He'd have someone pick you up from the airport, bring you to your hotel, and bring you to the stadium. There, you'd finally be able to see your dear brother in person and watch him flaunt his skills. 
After the game is over, you run up to him with a big hug, congratulating him for their win and that you're happy to finally see him after so long. He'll be happy to see you too, though it won't clearly show on his face and he'd probably reply with a simple "Thanks…" 
Everything was fine and jolly until he noticed that you've been eyeing one of his teammates. His eye twitched a bit. Who the fuck was this guy who was catching your eye? He looked over to where your gaze was at and saw the unfortunate soul who caught his younger sister's eye running over to them.
Now he was forced to introduce the two of you. And what was this? You were blushing? What the fuck?
Not to worry, as you and your crush began to talk, Sae would then proceed to nonchalantly bring up his teammate's flaws as a seemingly "light-hearted joke".
"Y/N, did you know that he [insert embarrassing trait]?"
"Oi Itoshi…that's foul" your crush would mumble.
That did nothing much to sway you though. If anything, it might have increased your endearment towards them. 
Sae's face might be like -_- the whole time, but he's gonna be hella irritated on the inside. 
Especially when you two walk a little further ahead of him as you were exiting the field. Your crush would feel Sae's eyes glaring daggers into his back.
Eventually Sae and your crush would need to go to the locker room, so he'd tell you to head to your ride and that he'll see you back at the hotel. So you go on ahead, waving bye to both of them.
In the locker room tho, Sae is going to be absolutely pissed if he hears your crush say anything about you. And of course, they proceed to do so.
"Hey Itoshi… I think that your sister is really nice… do you think I've got a chance with her?" 
Sae was about to strangle this dude.
"Don't think so far into it, she was just being polite."
"No no, I really think that she might really be interested in-"
"No. You're just imagining things. Don't be delusional"
Your crush stops nagging, but then mutters to himself, "I'll just text her later…"
And Sae nearly shat himself, widening his eyes slightly.
You gave this idiot your number?!
At some point, when your crush wasn't looking or had left the room, Sae would've taken their phone and would have deleted your number.
Needless to say, you never received that text from your crush later that day :(
Like, you and Sae would be having dinner and he'd notice you constantly checking your phone with a slight pout on your face. He'd be a menace and ask if you were expecting someone to message you, and you'd probably be like "I guess not... :("
Overall, I think Sae would totally Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss you if you ever liked one of his teammates
He'd be less ourtright in his homewrecking/protectiveness than Rin, as Rin would straight up drag you away from your crush and would be more clearly irritated if he couldn't do anything to separate you two (though he'd try everything in his power to do so)
Sae would be doing most of his homewrecking behind the scenes (when you weren't there).
Honestly neither Rin or Sae would care much about who your crush was (as long as they treated you right ofc) but if your crush was a fellow soccer/football player? Then they better be worthy of dating an Itoshi. (Therefore they'd have to be ay the same skill level as them or better, nothing less)
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bigwishes · 2 years
Hey could you help me out?
I've been applying to some of the frat houses, but I've never gotten invited. They always make fun of my small frame, saying I should apply to somewhere else.
Is there a way I can get back to that asshole leader. I want him to cower in front of me. I want to be taller and more muscular then any of those douchbags, so they beg me to join them.
Oh sorry you've been having trouble finding a frat to join but I think I know a group of guys who can help you. Funnily enough they made a wish too but don't worry about that.
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Brinley, Brayden and Bruce. The three had wished for some jerky jock personalities and they got what they wished for but now they also wanna have the best A lister only party. Well I've already gone ahead and asked them for a favour since I've now granted them two wishes, don't be shy and introduce yourself.
"Hey bro, you can totally join our frat" "Yeah bruh, you'll be so good for what we asked for" "Yeah, man, you'll look so good"
The three pull away to themselves and leave you standing there whilst they chat and laugh, you catch a couple bits of the conversation something about "how big did you ask for?" followed by Brinley and Bruce breaking out in that stupid bro chuckle whilst shoving Brayden between the two of them. They began to turn back and you heard "don't worry, he'll definitely listen"
"Okay bro, all ya gotta do to join our frat is....ride home in the car with us" "yeah bruh and hurry the fuck up we gotta get stuff for the party" "ye-yeah, let get going huh huh" Brinley and Bruce burst out laughing again shoving Brayden calling him a fag. You have no idea what's going on but this could be your only chance to join a frat so you follow them back to their car. You get in and the floor is covered in energy drink cans, the car stinks of stale sweat as you see three gym bags stuffed in the back. Brinley and Bruce take the front two seats whilst you were stuck in the back seat next to Brayden. Brayden stuck his hand under his backwards cap scratching his head and biting down on his lip, almost salivating looking at you. But what why was that jacked stud drooling over your average skinny frame. "Ooooh Brayden, excited about his big changes?" "Yaahhh Brayden, why don't you stick your face in the big boys pits" "BRUH SHUT THE FUCK UP" The car started, buzzing to life and you instantly felt weird like your lungs had been replaced with a void, every breath you took seemed endless. You began breathing through your mouth deeply, huffing like you'd just been running for an hour. You looked down at your body and noticed your chest puffing out with each breath, building, becoming more and more solid. Your arms tingled as they began to inflate. Your shirt rips apart around your torso.
"oh, errr here bro, have my tank top. might be a tight fit huh huh" "YOO BRAYDEN, ROCKIN A HARDY THERE MATE HAHAHA" You noticed Brayden's hard on straining against the fabric of his shorts as he threw his shirt at you. As you put it on you couldn't help noticed what happened to you in the car mirror.
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You'd some how bulked up, going from looking like a twig to a football playing jock in a matter of seconds. The tank barely covered your torso, leaving the sides of your chest exposed. Brayden sat next to you staring at your body biting his lip drooling and with all this muscle some confidence was brewing in your gut and you wanted to slam Brayden into a wall.
"oi, don't get comfy mate, Brayden asked for more" "BRO SHUT THE FUCK UP" "you're gonna be on door duty tonight big fella," Great, your first party and your stuck as the fucking door man. Soon the four of you had pulled up at a cheap looking frat house. It looked pretty run down but so did most of the houses on the block. Something still felt off, your body ached. You needed whatever this pain was to go away before the night. Even if you were just the fucking door lacky you needed to be at the top of your game for any guys who might wanna stay the night. Bruce showed you to your room and left you alone until the party. You took a deep breath and the void reappeared in your chest. Each breath your body inflated more, bursting out of your tank and pants leaving you in stretched out briefs.
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You couldn't believe how fucking incredible you looked and you were now so fucking horny. You had to find Brayden, he seemed to be drooling over you before so surely he'd wanna feel your massive arms now. You bit down on your lip thinking about shoving Brayden's head down on to your waste and skull fucking him.
You called out for him asking for help with moving something, but when he appeared in your doorway you grabbed him by the shirt and stared to undress him. He wrapped his hands around your torso and dug his fingers into your newly formed back muscles but the pleasure didn't last long before the aches and pains were back, but this time instead of just the feeling of your muscled getting bigger it felt like your spine was snapping. You dropped Brayden on the floor and watched as him and the floor seemed to be getting further and further away. You felt your arms move outwards from your body and your shoulders and lats got wider. Your body became thicker and thicker. You looked at the doorframe it looked like you wouldn't even be able to get through without turning sideways at this point.
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Now standing at 8.6ft tall and wider than the door frame you were shocked and what you'd become.
"DUDE WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU GUYS DO TO ME" "oh fuck, when I wished for a large door man...I really got a large door man huh" "WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN" "Bro relax, you're huge and fucking stunning" "Look, It'd be hot if I wasn't at risk of crushing the guy" The other two appeared in the doorway "LETS FUCKING GO BOIIIIS" "HAHA Brayden when you wished for a big door man you really a man..whos a door AHAHAHAHA" "I'm not gonna be your fucking door man, I'm taking this body out on the fucking town boys, not standing in a doorway all night" "OOFT, nah, sorry mate we wished for you so we get what we want" Brinley snapped his fingered and it felt like firecrackers in your head, a moment later your head was hung slack and drool poured out of your mouth and onto your chest. "Okay big man, time for some adjustments, FIRST you'll always be our doorman, personal bouncer and do everything you're told" "OH OH OH, AND SECOND YOU'RE BRAYDON'S PERSONAL FUCK MACHINE HAHAHAHA" "DUDE YOU FUCKING IDIOT, WHAT DID YOU JUST DO" "relax man" "No you fucking idiot, we only got 2 braincells to give him" "huh?" "Jesus fucking Christ Bruce, you always fuck things up like this" "What are we gonna do with this animal now?" "hmm, I've got an idea, but I'll explain after the party"
The lads first party wasn't exactly the A lister only they wished for but, it was good enough to spread the word and Brinley had the bright idea of opening their own mini nightclub in the basement. People would come from every corner of campus just to try and get in, but they had to get past you. The enourmous fucking door man blocking the entrance to the house every single night for hours on end, sometimes not moving for up to 8 hours at a time. But surely there was atleast some part of you left in that empty head because every night when the leaders of other frats came to party you picked them up by the scruff of their shirt and threw them on the street and non of them ever tried to fight back, one even pissed his pants when you caught him sneaking in through the window.
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This is you now, from skinny lil bloke looking for a frat to massive brainless hulk who does exactly what he's told and has frat leaders begging him to let them through to the best party on campus.
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vylithscat · 1 year
coming to meet your parents - obey me! hcs
trying to be a little more consistent with posts, so here's a couple thoughts that came to mind when discussing families with a friend! {also, don't mind any format changes, trying new things!}
prompt: you've got a visit with your parents coming up, but you're not sure who'd be a good choose to bring.. genre: general, you/your pronouns, gn!mc pairings: bros + dateables (minus luke)
You were visiting home soon, very soon actually, and your family wanted to meet these new brothers. After you said that you met them on an exchange program, they were all very sweet towards you.. And who knows what else you spurted out when rambling on and on about them. Your parents always gave you weird looks when you talked about how good they were, and you never realized when you talked about it until they cut in, “Are you sure they’re everything you say they are?”
With a pounding headache creeping up at the thought of all seven of them coming up with you and causing chaos in your parents home, you snapped your pencil lead and cursed under your breath before looking through your bag for your sharpener, only for a familiar hand to appear beside you with one in his palm.
“How’s my favorite student doing?”
“Oh, haha,” You dryly responded, your nose scrunching up at Solomon as you took his sharpener, “You only said that because I snapped my pencil, huh?”
“You were also staring rather intensely at your paper beforehand.” You let out a sigh and began explaining your situation to him, his face beamed and you couldn’t help but worry at the look of pure joy on his face as the two of you approached..
He didn’t like the idea when it came from Solomon
But then he saw your pleading eyes,, He can’t say no to you,,
When going up, he goes by Lucien around family
He doesn’t need to act any different really, but he doesn't exactly go with the flow, so..
But for the most part, you’re fine sending yourself up with Lucifer!
Don’t stumble over his name though, he might correct you incorrectly
Your parents will most likely enjoy your time with him
Well spoken, good manners, and looks put together when he first steps in the house
I mean, have you seen his outfit in the human world? C’mon..
Bring him along for some tea, lunch, really anything involving food and drink and a quick chat, he shouldn’t be a problem
Just be sure somebody will be able to check on his brothers while you’re gone
He doesn’t like being called Mason
But if it’s you, he might give it a chance..
Don’t go out somewhere, he’ll somehow end up blowing his money and setting a bad first impression
Leave any money at home, seriously..
Away from gambling, he’s a great time!
Good humor, really chipper and generally a good man
Just don't let ANY bets get on the table no matter what, please..
Keep your time busy with eating and chatting
Follow it up by some board games or card games if you’re up for it
You could be up late at night, fucking around, and your parents would get a nice impression
As long as you keep bribes and bets out of the photo, you’re fine
Unlike everyone else, he didn’t need to go by anyone else, so slipping up wasn’t a worry!
But getting him to even come with you?.. Good luck
He’ll be practically begging you to think it over, invite someone else
Literally anything to get out of it.. He loves you, but not other normies
He’ll be beyond nervous meeting your parents
You don’t have much to worry about unless somebody brings up anime or TSL
Really quiet, nervous shuffles while you eat
Find a way to include games into the bonding, one that he could pick up as easily as any other game
Although he might get a little ramble-y in his explanations, it shows he’s very passionate!
Your parents most likely will find him sweet, a bit on the quiet side though
And, praise him afterwards.. That was a lot for his shut-in otaku self..
If you call him ‘Sully,’ even for a joke, he’s gonna lose it. So, Samuel it is! (please..)
He’s well spoken and usually doesn’t cause problems, unless he’s pissed, so really do anything
Best bet would most likely be a café, cat themed, maybe with books and actual cats
He’ll be in absolute BLISS
But save it for the end, especially if your parents like cats too, just to end it off on a high note
Will be fine with giving book recommendations to your parents
He can do most other things though, that’s just your best bet
Parents want to have a chat over some coffee? Sure, about what?
A dinner? Fine by him, he’ll try anything
As long as they don’t get under his skin too much, he won’t have a problem
And your parents didn’t have a problem either, they find him knowledgeable and friendly
And if they saw him with cats, they believe he’s more gentle when alone with you, so they're happy
He finds his human name of Atlas to be very alluring
So he doesn’t mind, but you need to make it up to him
Fuck, good luck with him though..
He’s really bad at holding his tongue about you and anyone who’s attractive to him
Not to mention he’s an influencer, so he may care about photos before touching any food
And you can’t really take away an influencer’s phone..
But, if your mom enjoys makeup and nails, they’ll get along fine
And if you’re dad’s open minded, they’ll get along fine
It all depends on what your parents are like, really
For the most part it can go super well, or super bad!
Not saying to not to pick him, just,, know it’s a dice roll
He didn’t understand the whole human name thing,,
Beel isn’t a bad name is it? Regardless he’ll go along with the Bryan thing
There’s no way your parents can hate this gentle giant
I imagine he looks terrifying but then he starts talking and you can’t feel anything but safe
Just be careful on the food wait and how much he eats, or he might get bad looks from your parents
But for the most part he’s a safe choice!
Big ol’ sweetheart, you can’t go wrong if you’re careful
If you’re ever nervous about how he might react to waiting, bring a few snacks
Just explain he’s a sports guy and maybe they’ll look past the absolute speed at which he eats
Overall, your parents will probably feel good about Beel
Just,, warn them if he’s coming, so they can cook some extras or cancel the outing plans,, please.
He was half asleep when you explained meeting your parents and the whole him being called Beau for the day..
He shrugged, “Okay.” Slept again.
When he realized how soon it was coming up..
He didn’t get enough sleep for him to stay awake really
Best to go to some sort of observatory with stars so he can point out anything he knows, either directly or indirectly to your parents
He is practically falling asleep on you though, so good luck
When he is asleep, just explain he’s been working hard and must’ve exhausted himself
Parents will be concerned, but understanding (hopefully)
When he is awake though, let him enjoy the stars and the silence
You may need a few more visits for your parents to form a proper opinion, though..
A chance to go to the human world and avoid his work!?
Sign him UP!.. Oh, a new name? Damien? Okay!
He’s gonna accidentally introduce himself of Diavolo, no matter what
Your parents are,, confused to say the least
I mean, you’re with a man who owns a HOTEL? Definitely hit high, kiddo..
Good news, you don’t have to worry about stumbling over things!
Bad news, Diavolo wants to experience so many new things in the human world that it may slip he wishes he had it back home
Even simple things, like certain fair foods,, like hot dogs.
It confuses your parents beyond belief but you can play it off that he was sheltered (I mean, he was..)
Overall, they have a fun time! Taking him to an amusement park was a great idea
They saw a great man who was willing to experience new things, aside from thrill rides..
Bring the man back, he really wants to experience that again :(
His duties should take priority, but Diavolo gave him permission to go for the day
With a cleared schedule and a carefully picked out outfit,, fuck does he make a good impression
But, he’s stiff and really wants to help out, especially with things like teas
To a point your parents are furrowing their brows at you
And you aren’t about to force Barbatos to not be a butler, it’s in his nature by now
Once he does sit, he doesn’t answer much about him
But he always smiles when he responses, is quick to refill drinks and checks on you often if you seemed stressed or tired
It’s a great impression, showing he deeply cares for you
And that he comes off as hardworking or at least caring for others
So, you really can’t lose unless your parents have problems with not knowing everything at once
Just,, know if you fall asleep at all, he may lightly tease you with your parents
Seriously, how can you fail with bringing him?
When he found out from Solomon you needed a plus-one, he offers to join you if nobody else can
Accept on the spot or later, he’ll manage to bring something for your parents
Usually some food, like his sandwiches, or something Luke made with proper praise of the boy
Your parents do accidentally assume that Luke’s your son though..
Consider dismissing that before Simeon starts joking at having kids
Aside from the first-first impression, he’s overall very sweet
He can talk about anything for a good amount of time, and always has honeyed words about you
If your parents manage to bring up TSL, slip in that he wrote it
It’s good praise, albeit a bit embarrassing for Simeon
But if your parents enjoy the series, meeting the author would be nice!
They feel blessed to have him in your life,,
(Regardless if they know he’s an author or not)
Yeah, this was his idea, but after all the trial and error..
You invited him instead of the demons, for your own sanity
His title carries some weight, so there’s no doubt he’s known by your parents
But you assure them he’s not as bad as the rumors say
Get used to him intentionally trying to embarrass your ass, because he will do it ALL the time
If you’ve told your parents about your training, he’ll non-stop praise you and your skills
If not, he’ll praise your general learning skill and how you’re a great listener
In any sense, you’ll be very embarrassed by the end
Your parents will give you many smiles and laughs about it too
He does say some stuff weird, and dances around personal questions, but that's about it
He’s not a bad choice at all, just a little odd for a human
Your parents will get a good impression of him and (hopefully) change their views about him
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oceansprompts · 1 month
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adjust pronouns, names, and details as needed… assorted quotes taken from marvel ultimate alliance 3: the black order. part 2 of ???
❝ Your pocket is not safe place, space-bro.❞
❝ Really?! Come on, man, I only to make speeches like that once, twice a year tops! ❞
❝  That may be true, but a war is won by fighting one battle at a time. ❞
❝ As long as we have each other's backs along the way, victory will stay without reach. ❞
❝ I have seen my fair share of dark futures. What I have learned is that no fate is sealed until we choose it to be. ❞
❝ If the ending you saw is not the one you desire, then we will fight for a better one together! ❞
❝ Took you long enough. Good thing I charge by the hour... ❞
❝ Just look for the ancient ninja temple of top of a skyscraper. You can't miss it. ❞
❝ Oh, you know me. I just love this superhero stuff… ❞
❝ Oh, did I mention that the ancient ninja temple is guarded by actual ninjas? If not, I probably should've… ❞
❝ Whatever it is, they're sneaky little jerks. So watch out! ❞
❝ Stick to the shadows or you'll never make it to the temple… at least not in one piece. ❞
❝ Way to go. You've been made. Why not just announce you're here? ❞
❝ You don't really seem like the "super-team" type... ❞
❝ Oh, I'm not. Spandex is my arch-nemesis. ❞
❝ Someone's gotta keep the streets safe for normal people while all the other heroes are busy fighting giant squids on the moon or whatever. ❞
❝ You gonna tell me how you got through all that without gettin' caught? ❞
❝ Nope. Gotta keep the mystery in our relationship alive somehow, babe. ❞
❝ The soul is eternal, but the flesh is weak. Allow me to show you, as I rend it from your bones! ❞
❝ After all, I make killing an art. ❞
❝ Do me a favor and die already. ❞
❝ I have a reputation to maintain! ❞
❝  Heh. You think you won, but you really missed the mark. ❞
❝ When the big man gets done with you... you're gonna wish you'd let me put outta your misery. ❞
❝ I'm no defender of the innocent. What use could you heroes possibly have for an assassin? ❞
❝ Why so glum, chum? ❞
❝ All of this is so much bigger than us. I mean, I can barely do my own laundry. Stopping cosmic annihilation is a bit outside my comfort zone. ❞
❝ Sure. At least for today. Go ahead. Say it. You know you want to. ❞
❝ Avengers Assemble, baby! ❞
❝ You are such a nerd. ❞
❝ Which leads me to an extremely important question... Can I keep 'em? ❞
❝ Suddenly less worried about external threats and more concerned about the ones in here. ❞
❝ You bet. Not even a ripped seam. Which is a good thing, because I just spent a fortune redesigning this costume!❞
❝ It's...complicated. But let's just say he's from the side of the family that isn't invited to be in holiday photos anymore... ❞
❝ There's no chance I'm jumping ship now, even with an evil robot army ripping up our home! ❞
❝ Would you mind if I include this conversation on my latest Avengers fanfic? ❞
❝ I'm scrapping it after this and putting in a Zen garden! ❞
❝ You are the wind beneath my wings. ❞
❝ Just hold back that oversized Iron Man knockoff and clear me a place to land! ❞
❝ Almost there, team... and I'm headed in hot! ❞
❝ How come giant robots always attack on my day off? ❞
❝ You gave it your best shot, bolts-for-brains... Now I'll take mine. ❞
❝ Oh, you know. Just grappling with a synthezoid the size of a skyscraper. Typical day at the office. ❞
❝ Seriously, who stores a giant killer robot in a warehouse in New Jersey? ❞
❝ Umm, Couldn't you have asked me that, like, twenty punches ago? I mean, REALLY! That totally would have made everything so much easier! ❞
❝ Were you guys having a party without me? ❞
❝ You know… I'm not so sure they meant that as a compliment… ❞
❝ Guess it wouldn't be Earth if New York wasn't under attack by giant robots… ❞
❝ I bet you've seen way stranger stuff in space, right? ❞
❝ Well, we're half way there… …ahem… Seriously? How do you not break into the chorus of an '80's rock anthem after that set-up? And you call yourself a hero… ❞
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witch-of-bears · 1 year
In retrospect, "The Limo" feels both like a good and a disappointing episode
It's good on its own. It's disappointing when you look at it in the bigger picture.
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Something that was set up at the beginning of the series (both in the show and in some author's posts) was that Panda was NOT a great person and as such he didn't deserve a girlfriend "at least not yet". He's selfish, his obsession with romance and girls is unhealthy and sometimes creepy, he initially doesn't consider others feelings when he can gain something for himself. Through all the series, he wasn't in his best behavior with Lucy, so to me it's honestly a good thing he didn't end up with her, because he didn't deserve it. And the conclusion of their story in "The Limo" has also the potential to teach that it doesn't matter how much time and how desperately you've pined over someone, you're not entitled to them and they can make their own choiches. Sounds cool, right?
The problem is that Panda barely develops though the show.
He was supposed to learn how to become a better person but he was just... Stuck to repeat the same lesson. Panda acts selfish -> bad things happen -> "oh I shouldn't have done that!" -> he's forgiven and everyone is happy -> he still acts selfish and inconsiderate next time.
At the end of "The Limo" Panda should have finally gained a healthier approach to girls and romance. I'm not saying he should have got a girlfriend (to be honest I was really worried that the wbb movie would have paired him with a random girl just because it was the last occasion, glad they didn't do it) but at least, I think, they should have showed that he learned something from his experiences.
Yet in "Bros City", a bunch of episodes later, he's doing the same stuff: he crushes hard for a stranger, he feels entitled to her (does the whole "I saw her first" and "you stole her from me" to Tom), he acts uncomfortable around them and sabotages Tom's chance. He learnt nothing. So... What was the point of Lucy's character and story then?
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WBB has amazing episodes on its own, but they kinda fall flat when you look at the series in its entirety, because some characters arcs just go nowhere or get resetted and I mostly have this problem with Panda (I know the series was cancelled, but with four seasons there was enough room for that).
((ok, I have big problems with how Nom Nom was handled too but he's kinda his own peculiar case lol))
Someone could say that a slice of life show doesn't need continuity and characters development, but I don't fully agree with that. We got amazing modern slice of life cartoons with well done character development and well... Of course when you don't have a real plot, the characters and their interactions are the heart and whole body of the series, what would shine the most, so /of course/ it will eventually be frustrating to watch them being stucked with doing the same things over and over... And I mean... If wbb was really meant to be a show to watch with no expectation because the universe just resets at the end of every episode... then that would have been fine, sure. But they clearly tried to set up lot of small overarching subplots and developments so, what's the excuse?
I adore this show to bits but I'm not gonna lie to myself and say there aren't some flaws and wasted potential there and there (let's be honest, discussing what you love is usually more exciting than focusing on crappy stuff lol)
Anyway stan T-Pain
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coffeecat1983 · 1 year
Even a Hero has his Secrets (Mario Movie AU One-shot)
A prompt from a friend set me onto writing this out. Enjoy!
  Luigi looked up from his book as the bedroom door opened and Mario shuffled in. His older twin's shoulders were slumped, and he looked worn out. Glancing at the clock, Luigi saw it was only ten-thirty.      "Hey, you're back early." he said. Mario didn't reply, he just began changing for bed. Luigi sat up, feeling worried.      "Mario? Why're you home so early?"      "It's nothin', Lu, we just decided to call it an early night." Mario said softly.    Luigi looked away, giving Mario a moment to change. After he finished, the 18-year-old turned on the TV and grabbed one of the NES controllers, taking a seat on the bed.      "What happened?" Luigi pressed, still concerned. "You were really looking forward to tonight. Did something bad happen? I mean this isn't the first date you've called off early, and it just-" he stopped as Mario grunted in frustration, pausing the game.      "Lu, can we not do this?!" he snapped, "We called it a night, I'm home, it's not a big deal!" He immediately regretted his tone when he saw the look on Luigi's face. He set the controller aside and sighed, running his fingers through his hair.      "Sorry, it's just I already got the third degree from dad tonight."    Luigi came over and sat by him, putting an arm around his shoulders. "I didn't want to upset you." he said gently. Mario leaned into him.      "It's okay, I know you're just worried."    They sat there in silence for a while, until Mario spoke, his voice low.      "Hey Lu?"      "Hmm?"    Mario pulled away, sitting upright. He stared at the floor and Luigi could tell he was thinking hard about something.      "What if..." Mario hesitated, "I mean;" he stopped and took a deep breath. "Luigi, what would you think of me if I was 'different'?"      "Different?" Luigi parroted, tilting his head. "Different how?"    Mario looked lost. "I, I mean," he seemed to lose his nerve. "Nothin', nevermind."    Not knowing what else to do, Luigi just hugged him with a soft "Love you, bro."
5 years later, in the Mushroom Kingdom...
   It was late evening as the Bros returned to their little mushroom house. Going in, Mario listened as Luigi chatted excitedly.      "Never been to a garden party before, that was fun!" Luigi said as he pulled off his boots. Mario smirked as he hung up his hat.      "Was it the party you liked, or was it Princess Daisy? You two seemed to hit it off."    Luigi turned bright red, nearly matching his brother's shirt. "I um, well she's nice and didn't mind talkin' to me and I kinda, I was thinking of asking her out." he mumbled as he followed Mario into the living room. Mario raised an eyebrow at him, his smirk growing.      "Well look at you, mister ladies' man," he grinned. Luigi flopped on the couch with a groan.      "Don't tease! I'm nervous enough as it is!" He looked at his older bro. "Hey, what if you ask out Peach and we make it a double date? I'm pretty sure she likes you, 'Mustache'."    Mario froze, looking trapped. He sat on the other end of the couch.      "Yeah, Lu, I don't think that's gonna happen." he said softly.    Luigi felt a pang of guilt when he saw the lost look in his eyes.       "Woah, Mario, I was just kidding around there. I mean yeah she does seem to like you, and there was talk at the party that you two would make a good couple. I mean, maybe give it a chance? You haven't been on a date in forever."    Mario got up and silently went to the bedroom. More than worried now, Luigi followed and stood in the doorway as his brother curled up on the bed, his back to the door. Not wanting to take the hint, Luigi sat beside him.      "Mario? Please, what did I say?" He grew more alarmed at the tearful reply.      "It's not you, Lu, it's me."    Mario sat up; arms folded around himself as tears trickled down his face. He pulled away as Luigi tried to put a hand on his shoulder.      "Please talk to me," Luigi said gently. Mario let out a shuddering breath.      "You ever wonder why my dates almost always ended early? Why I've never gone steady before?"    Luigi paused; what his brother said was true, none of his dates seemed to work out, and he hadn't even gone with anyone to their high school prom.      "I, I kinda just thought you hadn't found anyone you liked," Luigi finally replied, "but then I saw how you are with Peach, and figured, you know."     "I do like her," Mario said, "just not like that."    Something tickled the back of Luigi's mind and it hit him. "Wait, does this have anything to do with what you said when we were teens? About being 'different'?"    His words brought a fresh flood of tears as Mario nodded. It didn't seem possible, but he curled up tighter, drawing his knees to his chest. He whispered something and Luigi felt his heart break.      "You think I'd hate you?" Luigi pulled at him, coaxing Mario into a warm hug as he pressed their foreheads together. "I'd never hate you over this," he whispered, "you're still the best brother in the world and you always will be."    Moving so his face was buried against Luigi's shoulder, Mario clung to his little brother's shirt. After a while his breathing evened out as he calmed down, and he sat up, rubbing at his eyes.      "Thanks, Lu." he sniffled. He then felt worried. "Mamma mia, what are mom and dad gonna say? Dad already thinks I'm a disaster as it is."      Luigi folded his arms. "Dad can keep his opinion to himself. Mom however, that's easy." Mario looked at him, curious.      "She'd ask when are you gonna find a handsome prince to bring home to the family." Luigi smirked.    Mario couldn't help it, he burst out laughing. "Lu, I love you!"      "Love you too, bro."
By "CC"
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revasserium · 11 months
Also saw that your favorite tropes are retellings. What specific ones are your favorite? I feel like a lot of tropes work well with sports anime etc. They're already so emotional.
Is haikyuu the only one you watch?
Also, do you ever feel like you write one trope too much? Do you worry about it feeling repetitive?
so it depends! i think in my mind "retellings" is like a myth or a fairy-tale or even a folktale retelling -- so song of achilles is a retelling of part of the iliad. becoming jane is a movie that tries to reimagine jane austen's life and her relationships with the people in it in an attempt to contextualize her inspiration for the novels she wrote.
i like fairy-tale/myth retellings specifically because chances are, the reader already knows how the story goes. right so -- cinderella retelling -- you know off the bat, main character's probably gonna have a shite lot in life, there will be at least one step parent involved and step siblings. a shoe or shoe-adjacent thing will be lost at some point in time.
so you have the advantage of writing a story knowing what your readers already know about the original fairy tale. and then. the fun is the actual details -- how does your retelling differ? does it attempt to turn some of the stereotypes on it's head? do the stepsisters actually rock? perhaps prince charming suCKS and is super vain and cinderella kicks off her shoe to throw him off her scent as she tries desperately to flee the palace?
i think the fun of retellings is the same kind of fun the poets of old had with traditional poetry forms -- you have a set of rules (rhyme schemes, meter, etc) but within those rules? the world is ur fucking oyster and the sky is ur clam.
in terms of TROPES in animes though -- i think found family is my cincher. like. fuck bro.
idk romance makes me flail but like. FRIENDSHIPS?!?!?!??! sad lonely people finding other people who undersatnd them or taKE THE TIME TO TRY????? fINDING A PLACE TO BELONG??? to call UR OWN????
TEAMWORIK?!?!?!??! FUck me the fuck up.
i think that's what i love about sports animes SO MUCH (and no, it's not just haikyuu -- free!!, kurobas, most recenlty TSURUNE!!!) because it's BUILT on teamwork right. like U GOTTA. it's like THE ONETHING THAT MATTERS IN IRL SPORTS. PRINCE OF TENNIS??? bro. BRO.
yeah so that gets me the most. the TRUST. UGH dont even get me STARTED i will SCREAM.
(when i tell you my bf thought i was FUCKING DERANGED when i re-watched haikyuu and the ep where asahi comes back to the team came on and he screams "sUGAA!!!!!!" and suga is like "ah -- the ace is calling" and i was FULL BODY-HEAVE SOBBING MY EYES OUT)
like i joking say #PowerOfFriendship is like all shounen anime but like i am truly the biggest simp for this trope. the last ep of naruto shippuden when naruto asks iruka to COME TO THE WEDDING AS HIS FATHER?? BAWLING.
yeah. that. sry -- LMAO i got emotional there for a sec.
as to if i feel like i write one trope too much -- not really? my bf tells me that my "style" is pretty ubiquitous and he wants to see me try new styles, and i agree. i've settled into my writing style p comfortably and i like it the way it is.
but for tropes... i guess if there was one "trope" i say i write a lot if it's a nonlinear narrative? idk if you've noticed but i like to play with timelines A LOT. and i like to jump around.
i also like things coming back at the end bc that's #TheCircleOfLife y'know. and do i think i use it too much??? mmm maybe occasionally i'll be like damn i did that a lot. but i like it enough where i'm just gonna keep doing it cause it makes me happy :)
i guess i don't worry about feeling repetitive because in the grand scheme of things (and i REALLY like to think big picture cause it rly just gives u the perspective to not give a single fuck), every single story has already been written.
the hero's journey has been documented since time intinium. the anti-hero's journey almost as well documented (judas, anyone?). every romance, every friendship, every heartbreak, every war that's ever been fought -- has been fought before and will be fought again.
in the words of sarah kay "the universe has already written the poem you were planning on writing" and nothing under the sun is new.
so. if nothing is new anyway -- why worry yourself over it?
all you can do -- all any of us can do, is try to tell the same story in a way that's true to ourselves. in a way that speaks to us on a particular day, in a particular mood, under a particular climate.
and if you did that? then fuck. u did a good job! and im very very proud of you <3
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shinrakotls · 7 months
Editor's note: While Mafuyu is in a pinch, Natsuki comes to his rescue!! Signage: Diorama Corner Shin: Seba..! *Osaragi who was frozen lets out a breath of air*
*Osaragi de-freezes* Osaragi: *exhales* *Natsuki's invisibility wears off and he shows himself to Osaragi*
*Osaragi was shocked seeing Natsuki who just appeared out of nowhere* Osaragi: Gh- Ghost..? Natsuki & Shin: !!? *Osaragi got the chills & is shivering from the cold + also seeing Natsuki who can appear & disappear* Natsuki & Shin (thinking): She doesn't understand that it's an invisibility suit. Natsuki (thinking): This is our chance..
*Natsuki covers everyone with some sort of invisibility cloak(?) and they all disappear from Osaragi's view. Osaragi got really shook again lmao* Natsuki: Later~ Osaragi, in disbelief: They disappeared! Osaragi: So cold...
Shin (?): Mafuyu.. Mafuyu, waking up: Shin-kun... Big brother... Kaji...? Shin (?): Don't get up yet! Mafuyu: Why are you here, big bro..? Natsuki: Those guys can't disarm the bomb on their own even if they found it. And Kashima-san can't come here either as they can identify him. So that's why he contacted me. Shin: That deer.. can be helpful at times... Shin: He could have just told me you were coming. Kaji: First things first, you owe me an apology, Mafuyu...
Natsuki: Mafuyu, listen carefully. Right now, I'm going to remove the bomb from your body. Natsuki: Kashima-san has already shared with me how to dismantle the bomb, so you don't have to worry. Natsuki: But we can't leave the museum for the time being due to the tight security. Natsuki: So we can only do it here... Natsuki: It will hurt a little.. You can endure it, right?
Mafuyu, enduring the pain: ..!! Kaji: A bit further inside, it's somewhere behind the tendon. I can hear electronic sounds coming from there. Shin: Hurry up! Reinforcements incoming within a 30-metre radius! Mafuyu: Sorry, big bro... Natsuki: Hm? Mafuyu: I couldn't defeat the Order. Natsuki: You're such an idiot...
Natsuki: Why do you even need to join the Order? Mafuyu: ? Natsuki: I was gonna come and get you after I finished my studies. Natsuki: We're gonna run away from that house. Let's open a crepe shop or something. {Ref to volume 4 extra comic} Mafuyu: ...! Mafuyu: But.. what if Dad comes after us? Natsuki: Come on... Mafuyu: Huh?
Natsuki: What do you think I made the invisibility suit for..? Natsuki: It's so that we can shake ourselves off a third-rate assassin (like him). The us of right now at least. {Kanji was third-rate assassin but furigana says oyaji = dad} Mafuyu: Huff... You're right. Mafuyu: Huff... Mafuyu: So I don't have to fight anymore, right? Mafuyu: Why am I suddenly feeling sleepy (now)?
Natsuki: Nonetheless, you've done a good job till now. Mafuyu: You're annoying, stupid big bro.... *Shin & Kaji look at the siblings and just smiled softly* *The small bomb has been dislodged from Mafuyu's body successfully* Carolina Reaper: But then... *Kaji suddenly realizes something & he looks alarmed*
Carolina Reaper: Will the bombs implanted in those brats blow up as expected? There's no point if they die while they're far away from the Order, right? Slur: It doesn't matter. What's important is that the explosion takes place in the museum. Carolina Reaper: ? Slur: The bomb has already been modified to ensure that it definitely does its job. I won't let Kashima get in our way.
Kaji, screaming: That bomb is still ticking!! Shin & Natsuki: !? Natsuki (monologue): I'm pretty sure I deactivated it... Kaji (?): Run– Shin (monologue): Mafuyu is in danger...!
*Shin quickly wraps the bomb using his hoodie and then he also takes one of Seba's ice bombs* Shin: I'm borrowing this, Seba! *Shin freezes the whole thing – his hoodie + bomb inside* {The ice bomb helps to freeze the bomb – this helps delay the explosion so Shin can buy some time to plan and make his exit. Great thinking Shin!} Shin (monologue): Those walls lead to the outside of the museum... Natsuki: Hey! What are you trying to– *Shin getting ready to punch through the wall*
Pg.14 & 15 (double spread)
*Shin broke through the wall with his punch and he's outside the building in mid-air right now together with the frozen bomb* *The bomb then explodes mid-air* Civilian: Arrggghhhh!!! Civilian: What the?! Was that an explosion?! Natsuki: SHIN!! *Small panel shows Shin guarding himself with his two arms up, from the explosion. But it's not certain if he makes it alive or not* Editor's note: Shin risked his life, broke the wall and threw the bomb outside!! Is he safe?!
{This week chapter is 15 pages long again.}
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iamasimpingh0e · 2 years
heyyo got a euphoria request
about the reader being fezcos sister/sibling and she's/they're in a relationship with elliot (maybe an addict reader)
Words: 2198
Characters: reader, Elliot, Fezco, Ash, Rue
Warnings: drugs
"So what we gon' do today?" You asked your boyfriend as you passed the blunt to him.
"Dunno, you tell me." Elliot said as he looked at you.
"Heard Maddy's throwing a party today. We should go." You proposed, taking the blunt back from him and slowly inhaling the smoke.
"Yeah, we should definitely get our mood up before that though." Elliot said, now looking at you.
"What you got on your mind?"
"You still got some of the pills left?"
"You mean Molly, or what?"
It was easy for you to get those pills, not even gonna lie.
After all, your brother was the town's drug dealer and you had full access to all the stuff he sells. That doesn't mean you're allowed to use his stuff and if he found out, you'd probably be dead the next minute.
"Nah, the other one."
"No I don't. Not gonna grab them for some time now. Fezco gon' notice, some are missing and ion want that." Taking another hit and blowing the smoke straight into his face caused him to laugh.
"Okay okay. I still got some of mine left. We can use those."
" 'aight" You stood up to grab your bag as Elliot spoke again.
"Where you going?"
"Home to change. Can't go to the party like this. You gon' pick me up later?" You asked as you gave him a kiss.
"Yeah, text me when I should come. Love you."
"Love you too." You gave him one last smile as you left.
As you entered the small apartment, you were met with Fezco waiting there for you.
"Where you been sis?" He asked you.
"Just over at Elliot's, why?"
"Cause you've been gone since yesterday, without a single text. We've been worried. Ash was ready to call the cops" You could sense that he was furious, even though he stayed calm.
But while getting high, you must have forgotten to text him. And you didn't really wanna text him, while Elliot and you were kinda busy showing each other's love.
" 'm sorry. I'll text ya next time."
"No, someday will come, where there ain't a next time, y/n. I did some research, turns out your lil boyfriend used to buy from a friend of mine. You know, he's an addict?"
Of course you knew, you were one too after all, but Fezco didn't have to know that.
" 'm sure he changed. No illegal substances near him, everytime we see each other."
Fezco just wanted to answer you as Ash appeared in the living room.
"Bro, we got a problem." He said, ignoring you as he looked at Fezco.
"We're kinda busy right now Ash." Fezco told him but it was no use.
"No bro, Mouse lied to us. He scammed us."
"What you mean?"
"We didn't get what we paid for. Got less stuff for the same amount of money dude."
You couldn't believe that Ash had noticed the missing pills, but how dumb could you be? Of course he would notice eventually.
"How much is missin'?" Fezco suddenly asked.
"At least 1k worth of different pills"
Have you really stolen that much?
"We'll continue talking later." Fez told you with a stern look as he followed Ash out of the apartment.
'Shit' you thought as you went to change. You never wanted to get your brothers into trouble.
You quickly changed and texted Elliot to come and pick you up.
Meanwhile Fezco was sitting in his car together with Ash.
"You really think Mouse scammed us?" Ash asked his brother.
"Ion know bro. He's able to do a lot of things but I don't think he would scam us."
"So how did the pills vanish then?" Ash asked him.
"Maybe you just didn't count 'em right." Fezco was now looking at Ash.
"I did though. Counted them three times at least."
There was a moment of silence between the two brothers.
"Fez?" Ash suddenly asked.
"Ya think someone stole 'em from us?"
Fezco looked up at his little brother.
"How could they? Ain't no chance to get into the store while we're there, also not no one knows where we hide our stuff." Fezco told him.
"Y/n knows." Ash softly whispered, more to himself but Fezco heard it anyways.
"Hell nah man, that ain't cool. Y/n's our sister, she got none to do with 'is."
He couldn't believe that Ash would think so low of his sister.
Y/n stealing their drugs, never.
"They're about to find out." You said as you nibbed at your fingernails out of anxiety.
"Finding out about what?" Elliot asked you as you two drove to the party.
" 'bout me taking the fucking pills, El." You were nervous because it was about 1k of pills.
"Nah they won't suspect you. You don't do drugs, at least they think this way."
"Yeah you're right. But Fez knows you do."
This made Elliot look up to you.
"What you mean?"
"Ion know. He said he asked around somewhere. Found a dude that sold you drugs a while ago."
"Doesn't he know, that's none of his business?"
Elliot didn't like people sticking their noses in other people's businesses.
"You know him. He's just tryin' to protect me."
As you two arrived at the party, Elliot's hand directly took yours in his as he led you through the house into the empty laundry room.
"Okay, I know Fezco got on your nerves today, but I still got us some stuff."
He pulled out a small plastic bag with a white powder in it.
"Heroine?" You asked him.
"Yes ma'am."
"Ion know El. We never did Heroine." You weren't really sure if you should try this.
"Yeah that's why we should try it together. Also I read that it's not worse than Coke." He suddenly started stating facts and showing you this statistic online, of which drug's the most harmful.
"Okay" you said as you saw him smiling at you.
You sat on the floor with your back to the washing machine as Elliot snorted another line.
Suddenly the door was opened and your eyes met Rue's.
"Oyee lil sis, what are you doing here?" She suddenly asked you.
"Ya know, the usual. Just repairing the washing machine."
Elliot tried to hide the drugs from Rue's view but the girl was smart.
"What were you snorting?" She asked Elliot with a smirk.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Elliot answered.
"Oh come on dude, I can still see the powder on your nose."
This made Elliot try to clean up his nose.
"Gotcha. If you tell me what you been taking, I'll tell you what I've been taking." The girl said which resulted in you three taking drugs together.
After a while, Rue said she had to go search for her girlfriend Jules, so she left you and Elliot alone.
"Eyoo Fez, my friend." Rue greeted Fezco as she saw him sitting on the couch.
"Waddup Rue. How you been fam?" Fezco asked the girl.
"Been great ya know?"
Rue sat down on the couch next to Fezco.
"Didn't know your sister does drugs " she suddenly said which got his attention.
"What you say?" He was now looking at her.
Rue took the change in his behavior in and regretted what she said only seconds later.
"Nothing." She simply answered before she stood up again.
But Fezco quickly grabbed her wrist.
"Doesn't work like that. What'd say Rue."
"Nothing really. Probably only was a misunderstanding. Just saw some chick looking like y/n smoking. That's all."
Rue knew you were in deep shit now so she tried to brighten up the situation a bit.
Fezco let go of her wrist and Rue took the chance to leave the scene.
"Let's dance." You said to Elliot as you took his hand and guided him to the dance floor.
After a bit of dancing you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder, turning around, you were met with Fezco's worried stare.
"We gotta go, emergency." He only said and mentioned for you to follow him.
You gave an apologizing look to Elliot as you went to follow your brother to the car.
As the three of you stepped into the apartment, a thousand questions rang through your mind. None of the boys have spoken the entire ride and you grew worried.
"Aight what is this about? You guys are worryin' me." You looked at your brothers.
"Since when are you doing drugs?" Fez suddenly asked you.
"What? Ion know what you're talkin' about."
"Cut the shit y/n." Ash suddenly chose to be a part of this conversation.
"Since when have you been using huh? For how long have you been stealing pills from the shop?" Fezco took a step closer to you, trying to intimate you.
"Why do you think that?" You asked, tears forming in your eyes.
You didn't want to seem like a crybaby but through the drugs in your system, your emotions were all over the place.
It broke Fezco's heart to see you like this and for just a short second he thought he made a mistake in believing Rue. That was before he took a greater look at you and noticed your wide pupils and slightly red eyes.
"You're high right now sis? You're seriously askin' me why I think you're using, when you're standing in front of me fucking high?"
He was angry and worried at the same time.
"I want you to sober up. You ain't leaving this place till you're sober and clean. Ash and I will make sure of that. Got it?"
He turned around, giving Ash a small nod before disappearing again, probably going back to the party to continue selling.
The whole evening, Ash looked at you like a hawk and to your luck, you forgot your phone in Elliot's car, which means you had no chance to contact your boyfriend.
"Why'd you do that huh?" Ash suddenly asked you from the couch opposite to yours.
"Do what?"
You didn't feel like you owed him an explanation.
"Starting to do drugs. That shit destroys your life, you've seen Rue, haven't you?"
"Ash" You looked at him.
"Y/n" He looked back at you.
"I don't owe you an explanation." You said.
"But I deserve one."
No, if you were completely honest, Ash didn't deserve any of this.
Not that his mom never came back, or that he got sucked into this drug business. Nothing, nada...
"Listen y/n. I lost my mom to this kind of thing, yeah. She might didn't die, but she left me for the drugs, aight. Ion wan' lose you too. You're ma sister and I need ya."
"I'll try my best, yeah?"
You didn't want to promise him to stop. You started taking drugs in the first place, to forget about the shitty world you live in and in reality, you couldn't promise him, because you knew you wouldn't be able to stop. You needed the drugs. Being high was the only thing you were still able to feel. And after being stone cold and numb for so many years, you just welcomed this feeling with open arms.
Some people might say that nothing of this would have happened if you never met Elliot, because he was the addict after all, but you taking drugs wasn't Elliots fault.
You started taking them way before him, but no one ever knew.
It started after school like two years ago. First it was only weed with some of the cool kids, but weed didn't really give you the high you wanted anymore, so you tried Molly, after that amphetamines and so on.
You weren't proud of it by any means but who really gives a fuck.
"Okay" He gave you one last smile before you two continued watching the movie that was playing on TV.
A few hours later you were woken up by Fezco walking into the living room. You must have fallen asleep, but so did Ash.
"Here" Fezco said as he threw your phone onto the blanket next to you.
"Your little boyfriend gave it to me, said you left it in his car. Told him to stay away from you" Fezco said angry, ready to walk to his room.
"You did what?"
"That boy was a bad influence. I told 'im to keep his distance. It's better for ya, sis."
"Fez you can't do that. You ain't ma dad." How dares he interfere in your private life.
"I can do whatever I want if it means my sis is safe."
You were angry, no furious, as you stood up and walked into your room.
"I hate you" you yelled as you threw the door close behind you.
Quickly you texted Elliot that even though Fez said such mean things to him, you would never stop wanting to be his girl.
'I love you' he texted back.
"I love you more' was the last text you sent that night.
Fezco didn't have any control over your life and you would show him that you were able to make your own choices, he just needed to wait.
A/N: please tell me your opinion, reblog, like, comments etc...it means a lot, thank you:)
Also feel free to send requests
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beigehearts · 3 years
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BRO IVE BEEN WAITING FOR A POLY ASK: AND A YANDERE ONE??? THIS IS A GOLD MINE Thank you so much butterscotch princess😭
CW: mental/physical abuse, kidnap, fighting
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Of course you love the both of them, if not you wouldn't be here. Or at least you did love them. They were a couple and you weren't particularly interested in being a home wrecker. Yet, you can't hide anything from these two, they're definitely not stupid. To be honest things were becoming stale for Hisoka, and that's when they invited you into their relationship. Everything seemed so perfect at first, two men that you loved dearly who provided a balanced life. You could go to Hisoka for something exciting and new, but sit down with Illumi and relax. The three of you made a power throuple. But if it seems like it is too good to be true, it is. It really was too good.
It had been a few months into the relationship when there were red flags. Illumi and Hisoka never fought for each other, they never had to. You made sure they had their own time with each other. It was when it came to you that there was a problem. Constant arguing and fights over who gets to spend time with you and enjoy your company. Your idea of all of you hanging out was shut down, they each wanted their alone time with you. It went on like this for a few months. Until one day, it all stopped.
Suddenly it seemed as if your boyfriends had never fought in the first place. They never argued over spending time with you, they just knew when they could be with you one on one. At first you thought it was great. You were worried about their relationship for one another, and if it would last much longer like this. They must have talked about it civilly, otherwise it couldn't be so easy for them.
All of the red flags had been lowered and it was back to the honeymoon phase. The three of you got to cuddle at night while you could still have coffee with just one of them in the morning, or they could together. Honestly you weren't so sure about a polyamorous relationship in the beginning, but now you wouldn't change it for the world. Well, at that time you wouldn't have.
Suddenly the atmosphere changed, and you did not see it coming. Whenever you planned to go out, Hisoka and Illumi seemed to be on the same page about you not leaving. ----
"Hey, I'm gonna go hang out with some friends, I'll see you guys later!" You called out as you tied your shoes.
Illumi began taking off your coat and now you were very confused. "You shouldn't go out." He stated.
Hisoka chimed in from the kitchen while he made coffee, "It's going to rain, we don't want you to get caught in a storm."
"I'll just bring an umbrella, and anyway, Daisy will just drive me home." You responded.
Illumi shook his head and hung up your coat, "The news said it would be really bad today."
Hisoka added, "You guys may not even be able to drive in that kind of rain."
---- Everytime it went like this, there was always an excuse. It even got so bad that you were fired from your job. You spend every day at home now. Any time you even mention leaving anymore now, it isn't just excuses. "You won't be able to protect yourself." "Fine, if you get hurt it's your fault." "You can't apply to another job, you really think you can get another one after being fired?" Always something, and it's really starting to get to you. Soon enough it only escalated at it had been. You got dressed to leave and ignored their excuses, opening the door and stepping out. That's when it happened, that's when everything really changed. As you went to shut the door behind yourself, it slammed shut. It slammed shut right on your fingers.
Illumi came out and carried you back inside while you gasped and cradled your hand to your chest. "This is what happens when you don't listen to us. You'll get hurt." That's when you realized how bad things really had gotten. You were pretty sure that three of your fingers were broken, but Illumi wrapped them up with a splint and called it a day.
You just can't do this anymore. If they aren't going to let you leave, then you're going to have to sneak out. Or devise a plan. Of course Hisoka went through your messages, but that would be perfect for your plan. You managed to create a text chain with your 'sick older sister'. She asked that you come to see her ASAP because she is not doing well. This is something that they would allow you to do since it would be a one time thing.
As you laced your shoes and shrugged on a jacket, Hisoka and Illumi watched. Hisoka's hand was wrapped around Illumi's waist, and you could see his anxious grip on him.
"Okay, I'll be back at 4 pm." You had learned to lie through your teeth like a pro.
Hisoka forced a smile and nodded, "Illumi will be there to pick you up."
You give the both of them a quick kiss on the cheek and trot out of the door while waving. "See you soon!"
The sound of the door clicking closed behind you was the sound of jail break. You couldn't help it... You skipped down the hallway while giggling, until your skip turned into a run. And when you turned around? No one was there.
Killua and Gon were a god send. They accepted you as a person and your friendship became unbreakable. Each day when you woke up, you were excited to face the day. Most of your free time is spent with these two goof balls. If not with them, you're working.
They swung by your workplace when your shift ended so you guys could hangout. While these two are younger than you, they're very mature. Sometimes. And all of their friends are your friends, Kurapika and Leorio who are closer to your age. You would hang out with them too if it weren't for the fact they were always out of town for work.
The three of you make your way to the convenience store. Killua had been begging for the past two days that you guys go get Choco Robots.
Gon checks his phone and announces, "Kurapika and Leorio will be back tomorrow! Leorio said they got a hotel room for the night and would be back to travelling by tomorrow."
You and Killua know that means they're sharing a bed, but Gon is oblivious. And it's really not important for Gon to know at the moment.
Killua throws his arms in the air and yawns, "You always get off work so late. Why can't you work any earlier?"
"Tell that to my manager, she's the one in control of that." You retort.
An idea pops into Gon's head and you can tell because his eyes light up. "Instead of going all the way home, you should sleep over with us tonight! Alluka would love to see you again!"
"You know that her place is closer to us right now than ours, right?" Killua asks.
Gon's eyebrows furrow and he puts a finger to his lip, "Oh yeah..."
The convenience store's doors slide open and make a quiet 'ding' sound. Killua makes a bee line for the Choco Robots and begins putting the whole stock into a basket. You and Gon look at the drinks section and he settles on some strawberry lemonade. Besides the sleeping cashier, you three are the only ones perusing through the gas station sized mart.
Gon is pointing out the condoms and asking what they are when the soft 'ding' of the door sounds out. Killua is blushing and telling him to put the box back while you hold back laughter.
"Gon! Stop it! Just- just put them back!" He stutters out. They may have seemed mature for their age at first, but moments like this make you question it.
You feel a hot breath on the back of your neck and the voice to follow shakes you to your core.
"So this is where you've been hiding."
You whip around and push Hisoka away from you, it doesn't do anything but he does step back. Next to him is Illumi, eyeing not only you but his little brother. You knew they were brothers because Killua told you, but you never expected to see them in the same room together.
Killua's eyes go wide and Gon is already in a defensive position.
Ilumi takes his attention away from Killua and he leers at you instead. "That was a long trip to the hospital. Did you get lost leaving the building?"
"Hey! Why don't you just leave y/n alone?!" Gon barks at them.
It all happens in seconds, if you had blinked you would have missed it. Killua is slammed into the floor and his head makes a hard 'clunk' sound. Before Gon has the chance to attack, he's throw into a display rack, and tumbles to the ground. Killua is too dazed to react. Hisoka makes sure Gon can't get back up by stomping on his stomach, making him cough up blood.
Your last moment of freedom is spent by watching your friends be beat up. A cloth is pressed against your mouth and nose, and your arms are held behind your back. It smells heavily like cleaning supplies, potent ones. It takes a few breaths before you get dizzy, and until you begin losing control of your body. Hisoka is bent down in front of you and he places a kiss to your forehead.
You wish you knew what he said, but you've already succumbed to unconsciousness. Your freedom is relinquished once again.
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tinkerbellwoo · 3 years
Broken Wings - J. Wooyoung
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Synopsis - You take a nasty tumble after going flower picking in a meadow far from home, that's when you meet a sweet fairy boy, Wooyoung.
Genre - Fluff
AU - Fairy AU
Pairing - Fairy!Wooyoung x Fairy!Reader (F)
Warnings - Swearing and mentions of cuts/bruises
Word Count - 1,400+ oopsies
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Minutes ago, all was well. You were gliding through the sky, weaving between trees as you clutched a collection of freshly picked flower buds to bring back to your den. Until one of your flowers fell from your grip, causing you to lose concentration and accidentally flying directly into a branch. 
You fell through many sticks and leaves as you failed to regain control, hitting your head against the rough bark on a tree before landing roughly on a large leaf where you lay motionless for a little while.
You’ve now managed to regain consciousness, sitting upright as you attempt to adjust to the situation, your head remains fuzzy but you seem to remember where things went wrong and how you ended up here. Examining your surroundings, you catch sight of your flowers, scattered beneath you and beaten by the tumble you took moments ago.
“Ah shit, my flowers...” You groan to yourself. Your knees and elbows sting due to the scrapes littering your skin. Fluttering your wings in an attempt to stand, you feel a sharp pain shoot through them to your spine, causing you to fall onto your hands and knees. “Fuck. You’ve got to be kidding” You hiss through your teeth at the pain.
Tears begin to stream down your face, partially because of the pain but also because you were so excited to go flower picking today and now your once-delightful outing just feels pointless. “What am I supposed to do now? I can't fly-”
Suddenly, you hear the light fluttering of wings. You look around in confusion, knowing full well it couldn't be your own pair due to the damage they received just moments ago. The surface of the leaf dips slightly as you look behind you. 
At first you’re fearful, what if you fell onto another colonies territory and they're angry? What if it’s a large bird coming to eat you? But all of your worries subside when you’re met with the sweet smile of the boy standing behind you. His wings are a shimmering gold, glowing against his pretty, tanned skin. His black hair frames his face beautifully as the blonde underneath creates an admirable contrast.
“Looks like you took quite the tumble there” He giggles “Are you okay?” He asks. You can't respond, you're far too focused on how attractive this stranger is. “Sorry, I should’ve introduced myself. I’m Wooyoung” He smiles, holding out a hand to help you up from the floor. You gladly accept his offer and dust the dirt from your legs as you find your feet.
“Hi uh- I’m Y/N and... I think I’m fine” You reply, slightly embarrassed that this gorgeous stranger has just witnessed you take the tumble of your life. “How embarrassing...” You whisper to yourself as a harsh blush spreads across your cheeks.
He giggles at your adorable state but your face burns more due to the feeling of his gaze on you. “Hey, it happens to the best of us” He comforts you with a hand on your shoulder. “Are you hurt? Your wings are damaged and it looks like you've got a few nasty cuts” He says, concern laced in his voice. 
“It hurts when I try to fly, the scratches don't bother me but I’m so far from home I just don't know what I’m going to do if I can't use my wings” You respond, gazing down at the floor in disappointment as you pull small twigs from your hair.
Wooyoung watches your sad expression, feeling unbearably sorry for you. He’s not one to take much notice of strangers but, when he saw you in the meadow his heart skipped a beat, his glittery aura flickered pink and his pointy ears twitched. He knew he may never see you again so he secretly followed you to find out where you came from. Right now he's doing his best to act like finding you was an accident.
“I don't live too far from here. If you come back to my den, I can give you some bluebell syrup. You’ll be healed by tomorrow and you can be on your way!” He says, hopeful that you'll accept his offer. “Sure, what other choice do I have right now” You laugh shyly. 
“Great! I-I’m going to have to carry you though... for obvious reasons” He blushes lightly. You giggle at the sweetness radiating from him, noticing the pink tint to his wings and the tips of his ears. A wave of confidence pushes you to wrap your arms around his neck as he holds you against him in preparation to take flight.
--------- Time Skip --------- 
“Feeling any better?” Woo asks as he disposes of the wet towels he used to clean your scuffs and scratches. “Mhm, thank you again for this. I really didn't know what I was going to do” You reply after sipping the last of the bluebell syrup he had prepared for you. “Of course!” He smiles.
“So I wanted to ask you something-” He begins with a serious tone before getting cut off by the door swinging open and rebounding off the wall. “YO BRO GUESS WHAT I JUST- woah who? what? when? how?” The boy practically yells followed by a string of questions upon noticing you.
Wooyoung pinches the bridge of his nose as he sighs heavily in disappointment. “You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend- OW!” The guy chuckles, slapping Wooyoung’s shoulders but yelping when he receives a tug to his wings as a sign to stop his teasing.
“Y/N this is San, my best friend. San this is Y/N, she's not my girlfriend. She's hurt so I’m helping her” Wooyoung introduces you both. His aura flickers pink again, causing you to avert your gaze out of shyness. “Ohhhh I see! Wooyoungie has a crush!” San cheers before being chased out of the den by an embarrassed and slightly angry Wooyoung.
“I’m sorry about him. You should get some rest if you want to be able to fly well tomorrow. Is there anything you need?” Wooyoung asks softly. “No I should be fine, thanks. Where should I sleep?” You reply. “Sleep in my bed and I’ll stay on the couch, comfort is the key to recovery!” He smiles. 
“Goodnight, Wooyoung” You call out. “Goodnight!” He replies from the next room. You pull the wool blanket to your chin, blushing profusely as you recap the events with Wooyoung today. Your pointy ears twitch as your wings turn pink before you drift off with a smile.
Waking up to the smell of freshly baked goodies, you climb out of bed and walk to the kitchen to find chocolate chip cookies and an elderflower drink to compliment the treats. “He’s so sweet” You whisper to yourself with a smile. He left a note next to the meal which reads: “Y/N, I hope you slept well and are feeling healthy! I’ve had to run some errands but will be back before noon. Please hang around until I return! - Woo :)”
You polish off the plate and wash up the dishes as you wait for him to get back, it’s the least you can do for him after his kind gestures. 11am rolls around and the gorgeous boy walks through the door with his hands behind his back. “Hi Woo, where did you go?” You ask, curiosity overcoming you due to his actions. 
He approaches you as the pink tint decorates his wings and his cheeks once again. “These are for you” He says as he holds out an array of colourful flowers and some buds of the flowers you had dropped during your fall. 
“I felt bad seeing how upset you were when you dropped your flowers yesterday so, have these! Also, I wanted to ask you yesterday but for obvious and unfortunate reasons, I didn't get the chance-” He says causing you both to giggle. “I was going to ask if you wanted to go on a date with me-” He starts before being cut off by you wrapping your arms around his neck in a tight hug.
“Of course I’ll go on a date with you!” You accept with a smile. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in for a sweet kiss. Both of your wings flutter as you embrace each other, a light dusting of glitter falling from you both as you swear you hear the light sound of bells ringing in your ears.
You knew from the moment you met him, he’d be the one for you.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A/N - Okay sooo, this is way longer than I wanted it to be but its cute so we’re gonna stick with it and pretend like it ain’t as long as it is okay? okay! Lol I had fun writing this, I felt really creative and I definitely want to write different AU’s in the future. Thanks for reading :3 💙
Tag List - @simphwa @yunhoiseyecandy @jonghoisababie @multidreams-and-desires
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We Met Within This Screen (chapt. 5)
[Donnie x fem reader]
sfw, chapt. 4 here
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Just as Donnie had predicted, the night air was cold on his scales. Right upon leaving, Mikey brought up to Leo going in pairs this time, to cover more ground, he said. An extra thorough patrol. Donnie honestly couldn't make up his mind and so by then he was flying by the seat of his pants, not objecting to Mikey's plan, but also not agreeing. He doubted Leo would be convinced, anyway. They didn't do duo patrols that often. 
"I was thinking we could split up this time, you know, me and Donnie, you and Raph?" suggested Mikey, closing the manhole behind himself.
"I thought you liked it when we're all together," Leo commented. 
Donnie shot Mikey a look, trying to tell him to cool it, but he shrugged, "Come on, it'll be like some kind of training or...something," Mikey went behind Leo and shook his shoulders, "aren't you into that?"
Internally, Donnie facepalmed. Unless he actively tried to stop this, it was going to happen, wasn't it? One way or another, probably; it all depended on how Leo was feeling that night. Raph was indifferent. He didn't care whether they were all together or in pairs, just that he got to flex his combat skills some. If he could, he'd go out and do it on his own, even. 
Leo looked around, considering Mikey's suggestion. "Okay," he agreed, eventually. "You and Donnie take East, Raph and I will cover the usual route and then—" 
"No," Mikey interjected. Both Leo and Raph's brows furrowed as they stared at their brother. He motioned toward Donnie, "Me and Donnie can take that, you guys just go on ahead," he smiled. "You know I like checking out the skatepark!" 
"No skating," Leo said. 
"I'll just watch whoever's there, then." He pouted.
Raph snorted. "Yeah, make sure he actually pays attention, Donnie." 
"As usual," Donnie sighed, and looked at Leo. 
"Well, what do you think, Don?" 
The decision is up to me? 
Turns out it was his all along, but he wanted to feign innocence in saying that Mikey was the one to drag him through it. Easier to not take responsibility and let life happen at you rather than making a conscious effort, at times. 
"I guess we can do that," Donnie answered reluctantly. He could have said no. Why didn't he? In the corner of his eye, he saw Mikey beam, giving him a discreet thumbs up. 
"Alright, meet back here by four AM, and if either of you run into big trouble, call. We'll come," Leo said. "Same for us."
"Yeah, we'll holler for ya," added Raph dismissively. "And nah, a big dog doesn't count as trouble, Mikey." He sounded gruff, but in actuality, he was still chuckling to himself over that years later. After they got over being annoyed that he had called them from that far while they were on a supply run. Chased by a junkyard dog—some of their least favorite parts about visiting those places. 
"Hey, it was mean! And way fast!" Mikey protested as they parted ways, them taking to the East and red and blue the opposite way. 
As per course, Donnie and Mikey took their normal route, and his heart skipped a beat when they met the scene of their last run-in with criminals. Not because of them, no, but because of the familiar apartment building that was now more intimidating than he'd expected. They circled the area like they normally would have, but Mikey came to stop them on a roof just opposite of the complex, eyes searching each window. Obscured by the height of the building, he sat on the edge. 
Donnie didn't know what to do with himself. He stood back a good ten feet, somehow paranoid of being spotted even though he knew it was not possible from their angle in the complex. Mikey was comfortable, and weirdly at peace as he sat there quietly on the edge, assumed to be waiting for his brother to make a move. But Donnie was stuck in place. 
"What are you waiting for, D?" 
The sudden question broke him from his stillness. It was true; he didn't know what he was waiting for. 
"I—I don't know what you want me to do, what are you thinking?" Donnie asked in return, stepping back a little further as he noticed movement behind the curtains of a lit window. 
"Get your phone out and talk to her," Mikey told him, waving his hand at the apartments. "What did we come out here for if you aren't gonna make it right, bro? Do some smooth talk, tell her you're sorry and you wanna get to know her better…"
"This is absolutely a ridiculous plan," Donnie said, though as if his hands had thought of their own, they reached for his phone, and a moment later he was looking at the messages. Still nothing. Radio silence on both of their ends. How would he approach it? "I'm sorry I went from hot to cold so fast. Please talk to me again." Too strong. "Sorry, can we get a redo?" Too casual. "I'd like to apologise for being a jerk." Okay, that's just not good. Reconciling was going to be as difficult as he'd thought it would be. 
Mikey came over and looked at his phone screen and his brother floundering, thumbs stuttering across the keyboard, deleting the text, retyping it over and over again for perfection where he wasn't going to find any–
"I got this, let Love Doctor Mikey handle it," he said, taking the phone right from Donnie's hand. 
"You've never been in a relationship, not even talked to anyone, how would you—" 
Mikey shushed him. Donnie was going to snatch the phone away but he spun around, draping himself over his shoulder.  "Just let me work my magic, dude!"  
Donnie couldn't watch; he had to turn away. How sure he was that Mikey was going to say something uncalled for, something weird or bone-headed, and the wait was killing him. What if she didn't even respond? Was that better than doing damage control for Mikey's shenanigans? For someone usually decisive, he could not for the life of him make up his mind about what he wanted at that very instance. 
The phone vibrated. 
Mikey cheered. "Got her on the line, now you just gotta reel 'em in," he grinned, handing the phone back to Donnie. 
"Hey :/
I thought you wanted to stop?"
Mikey kept trying to lean over to catch a glimpse of the screen, but Donnie felt that it was a personal moment, so without skipping a beat, he activated the electric current in his staff and poked it behind him into his brother's plastron. 
"Fine," Mikey whined. He stepped in one last time, "But don't hold out on me here!" 
Trying to find an graceful way to patch this all up, Donnie replied: 
"I apologise for that, and I know you probably want an explanation, but it's hard to explain
Moment of weakness? 
I guess... 
Anyway. I'm not expecting you to suddenly be cool with it, if you don't want to talk to me I understand 
Mikey noticed Donnie's dismal expression and he mellowed out accordingly, standing close but not putting a hand on him, nor saying anything. He didn't watch the phone, but Donnie's face and slumped shoulders. He'd thought it would have been going better by now. 
"I won't lie, I'm still confused 
But if you're going through something, I'm right here for you
Don't worry about it. Just don't give me a spook like that again, I thought it was me  
Okay it's not funny but this is a little awkward" 
Donnie's heart sank reading that. He'd made her feel bad, even question herself over his problem. Never had he wanted to make her think it was her that drove him off. 
"No, no, it was never you 
Again, I can't really explain…
Is it okay if we just try this again? 
I understand if not."
"Jeez Bo, I already said it's alright 
I WANT to keep talking to you, you're cool
So let's forget about it, yeah? 
Friends again :) "
And like that, his heart took a leap. A smile slowly spread across his face, and without looking away from the screen, grabbed Mikey by the shell, pulling him toward. "Look at this!" he exclaimed. 
"You see it too?" he quirked, pointing at the apartment complex across the road. 
Donnie paused and looked over his shoulder at him, "What?" 
On one of the balconies sat a lone girl, on her phone, and if Mikey looked hard enough, he could see a smile. Definitely a smile. 
"Ah!" yelped Donnie quietly. He scurried back against the wall of the attached building behind him, as far as he could. 
"Dude! Come on, this is perfect!" Mikey nudged him, and when he didn't hop up onto his feet, dragged his brother near the edge of the roof. Donnie was boneless but unwilling, his mind stuck on the fact that she thought he was cool. Him, cool. Was he? She didn't know even the half of it. She didn't know he was a martial artist, technically a genius, and that he'd gone against some of the worst the city had to offer. And without that, she still thought he was cool, as an average guy. 
As average as what my circumstances will allow me to be. 
Feet dragging all the way, Donnie's stomach did a flip as they met the ledge, peering carefully over it in a crouch. They were prone, watching the girl who was completely unaware of their presence. He was, simply put, enraptured, for a second there, studying her features as much as he could from where they were. The details of her face were not distinct due to the distance, but he could tell she was both nothing like he'd imagined and so much more. For once, he didn't immediately question the validity of the situation; there was no "it could be a coincidence", or "it's too unlikely that she would be out just as they were". Not right away. But it hit him when Mikey spoke. 
"You're so lucky, D," he said wistfully. "Really." Head rested on his forearm, his gaze fell on not one thing, but the whole scene, a somber smile gracing him. He was excited, happy for his brother. But deep down, Donnie knew that though Mikey wasn't envious of him in a resentful way, it had to have stung to witness such a thing unfold for someone not himself. Their youngest had always craved connection the most. He looked away from the girl, "I wasn't gonna let you throw away an awesome chance, was I?"
Releasing a heavy breath, Donnie crawled away from the edge, but his eyes remained on that balcony. It was weird to watch someone who didn't know they were being watched. Not in that context. 
"I...guess I may be," Donnie responded. But it would only get more complicated from there. His phone vibrated, breaking his trance, and the message he found read:
"Anyways, with that out of the way, what are you doing?"
Just watching you from a roof, nothing much, Donnie thought. 
"Currently out enjoying the night" 
"Isn't it kinda cold?" 
"What about you?" 
He knew what he meant, because he was there watching her as a chilled breeze rolled through, but she told him she wasn't doing anything. Only relaxing and talking to him. 
It took him a few minutes to get his bearings. To know that he now had tangible evidence that she was a girl, an ordinary person, and that said person really thought he was cool. Worth the effort. He felt exceedingly difficult for not being able to give her a rightful explanation, but comforted by the fact that he wasn't being demanded of one. He felt light. Almost weightless, with Mikey next to him instead of his other cynical, skeptical brothers. For a moment, he had nothing to worry about. 
From across the roof, he could still see the yawn escape her mouth. Probably an indicator that it was time to wrap things up. He didn't want her to stay up too late; it was already odd that she was up at such an hour, almost two AM, but glad nonetheless. 
"Are you tired?"
I think I'm gonna hit the hay
So goodnight, Bo
Talk to you later (☞゚ヮ゚)☞" 
She got up, leaning on the railing which faced them. 
"I want to stay up with you but—"
Donnie sucked in a sharp breath as she looked up, just barely able to see from underneath the balcony above her. He snagged the strap on Mikey's shell and yanked him back with him away from the edge of the roof, taking cover behind the wall. 
"Shit," hissed Donnie, "do you think she saw us?" 
These shells, they make us look so big! 
"Relax, bro, even if she did, it was only a little bit. Besides, we could be anyone from this far, they don't have pigeon vision." 
"You mean 'eagle vision'?" 
"They're both birds!"
Donnie deadpanned and peeked over the wall. She'd gone in. Three minutes later, he hadn't gotten any texts yet about something weird on the rooftops, so he could finally relax, groaning lightly. "Too close," he breathed out, "Mikey, we need to go, Leo's going to notice we're not back in time if we don't hurry up and get the rest of this route done."
"Already on it," he whooped, vaulting onto the next roof.
As Donnie was scaling the wall of the attached building, he felt his phone vibrate, and curious, he checked it one last time before getting on his way.
"One question before I go
You ever see stuff you can't explain but even if you did you'd sound crazy?"
Oh, no.
"No, I don't."
Chapter 6
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Ocean Eyes - Part 10
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A/N- Another update??? What is going on??! hope you all enjoy this part 💕 Please like/share/reblog.
Within days of being back home from our weekend at Chris's the lockdown was announced and I spent a day packing up some of mine and Masons belongings that we might need while staying with Chris. While i was feeling very nervous about having to spend this time with Chris, Mason was over the moon! He was so excited that we had to go stay with Chris and Dodger.
Chris arrived early with Scott and they loaded our things into Chris's car.
"This is gonna be so much fun!" Scott said happily.
"Are you staying at Chris's too?"
"I am!"
"Oh god that means you're gonna be trying to get me drunk!"
"Well duh!" He laughed shrugging like it should have been a given.
"God help me you two are gonna be trouble" Chris said shaking his head as he helped Mason into his carseat.
"You knew what you were getting yourself into".
While Chris and Scott started bickering i turned and saw Brian coming out of his house, he stood and watched us and then started to walk towards us.
"Oh shit.... quick lets go, Brians coming over!"
"This guy!" Chris said through gritted teeth shaking his head and looking a little pissed off.
"Morning neighbour!" Brian called out, i turned and gave a quick wave.
"You and Mason leaving?"
"Yep, we're gonna ride this out with family" i nodded and felt Chris wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him.
"Come on sweetheart we should go"
"Yeah sure, take care Brian"
"Wait, you look so familiar...." Brian suddenly said looking more closely at Chris "where have i seen you before?"
"I just have one of those faces, i get that a lot" Chris shrugged casually opening my door for me.
"Yeah maybe..... hey Y/N, i was thinking after this lockdown is over maybe you and i can get dinner...."
Was he serious right now??
"Dude really??!....." Chris snapped looking at Brian shaking his head.
Chris closed my door and stood towering over Brian as they exchanged words i could no longer hear. Chris was soon strutting round to the driver side of the car while Brian stood there looking pissed. I turned to look at Chris as he got into the car, he was fuming. He started the car and pulled away onto the road, his grip on the steering wheel so tight his knuckles went white.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked him quietly.
"I will be knowing you and Mason are away from that creep"
"What did you say to him?"
"We'll talk about it later, i don't want Mace to hear"
"Okay, but can you please try and calm down....."
"Im Fine"
"Tell your face that, plus you're kinda white knuckling the steering wheel there....."
"Sorry.... sorry. Im fine really...." he loosened his grip and gave me a tight lipped smile.
"Always so protective" Scott chuckled from the back seat earning him a glare in the rear view mirror.
"Scott i swear to god...."
"Come on boys behave, this lockdown hasn't even started yet and you're bickering"
"You sure you don't wanna go stay with Ma....." Chris muttered at Scott making us all laugh.
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The first week of lockdown quickly passed, there was no news on when the lockdown would let up so we were all just enjoying our time together.....It was just like old times. I called my mom and Hannah everyday just to check in and have some female conversation but other than that it was just me and the Evan's boys in our little quarantine bubble.
I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Chris walked in sporting a new haircut..... the buzzcut was back!
"Wow...... you've shaved your hair...."
"Yeah" he run his hand over his head blushing a little "fancied a change, its been a long time since i can just cut my hair when i want"
"Right, Marvel owned it before"
"You know i'm right" i shrugged "i always did like the buzzcut look though"
"Yeah i remember....." he smirked.
"Morning family!" Scott said loudly walking into the kitchen "What happened to your hair??"
"Fancied a change, plus now i haven't gotta worry about my hair everyday"
"You know that actually sounds kinda smart..... have you seen my bed head??"
"Kinda hard to miss Scotty" i snickered behind my hand looking at his hair that was sticking up left, right and centre.
"Maybe i should do it too"
"And me!" Mason said smiling big at us "i want hair like dads too!"
"Oh my god Chris what have you started..."
"No its fine, its only hair. It'll grow back right.... i guess now is as good a time as any for a haircut".
After breakfast Chris took Mason for his hair cut while i showered and dressed for the day. The next time i saw them all three were sporting buzzcuts and i had to admit it was very cute!
"Let me get a photo of you three, this is just too cute to pass up" i smiled grabbing my phone. I snapped a few photo's and forwarded them to Chris and Scott before setting one as my lock screen and slipping my phone back into my pocket.
"Oh my god i love this.... i'm gonna get this blown up and framed on my wall" Chris smiled looking at the photo.
"Let me get one of you three" Scott jumped up and pulled me towards the sofa where Chris and Mason still sat.
"Oh.... we dont have to do that....."
"Come on, it'll be nice to have at least one photo of the three of us" Chris said looking up at me with those damn ocean eyes of his that always made me week.
"Okay, sure" i nodded taking the seat next to Mason.
"Move in a bit closer....." Scott said trying to get us all in frame, we both leaned in closer to Mason and smiled while Scott took the photo.
"Oh i'm good..... this is great you guys" Scott said before both our phones were receiving photo's from Scott. I couldn't help the smile on my face when i saw how lovely the photo had come out.
"Okay you did good, i love this"
"This ones going up too by the way" Chris looked at me with a huge smile.
"You don't have to do that...."
"You kidding me? I want to"
"Fair enough, its your house. I just don't think your girlfriend will appreciate it much".
"Okay..... who wants lunch??" Scott asked loudly interrupting, it had suddenly got a bit awkward at the mention of Lindsey so i just got up quickly and followed Scott into the kitchen.
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Once Mason was in bed for the night the alcohol came out. We watched some old movie (that Chris found hilarious) played some card games which somehow led to childish drinking games and before we knew it we were all pretty wasted!
"Right you guys i'm going to bed, i physically can not drink anymore" Scott said getting to his feet and stumbling making Chris and I laugh.
"Dude you're such a lightweight" Chris rolled his eyes at his brother.
"Shut up. Goodnight.... love you both"
"Night Scotty, love you" i smiled up at him from where i was laying on sofa.
"Night bro, love ya".
Chris and I sat in silence for a few minutes, just the sounds on the TV playing in the background.
"You want another beer?" He asked getting up from the armchair he had been occupying all night.
"Sure, i'll have one more before bed".
While Chris went to grab the beers i sat and reached for my phone to make sure i hadn't missed any messages from my mom or Hannah. There was a photo from Hannah that made me laugh just as Chris walked back in with the beers.
"Hannah just sent me this photo..." i said to him turning my phone to show him a photo of Lucas who now had a buzzcut.
"Haha! Oh god i really started something didn't i?" He laughed looking a bit guilty.
"I sent her a photo of Mason's new haircut earlier, she said Lucas wouldn't shut up about wanting the same.... looks like he got his way"
"You gotta admit it looks cute though?"
"Yeah okay i'll give you that. Mason is like your little mini me, even more so than usual"
"He’s just missing the beard"
"I think we've still got some time until that happens" i laughed "you definitely have strong genes Evans.....that boy literally inherited none of my looks"
"No but he's got your attitude and sass"
"Im kidding.... mostly"
"Ass" i muttered shaking my head at him before taking a mouthful of my beer.
"He might look like me but his personality is all you sweetheart... he's an amazing kid"
"Yeah he is, id be lost without him"
"I kinda love having you both here" Chris added avoiding eye contact with me.
"Its been nice, just remember its not permanent...."
"I know, i know" he nodded quickly "you know when i came in and saw you laughing at your phone, my first thought was that it might've been Derek.... i hate that guy and i don't even know him" he scoffed "how sad is that?"
"I know, its none of my business who you date or whatever"
"You're right it is none of your business. But just for the record, there's nothing going on with Derek, we were gonna go for dinner before this lockdown stuff but i haven't spoken to him since"
"Can i ask you something?" I turned to face him, he looked up and nodded finally looking at me.
"Why isn't Lindsey here?"
"Why isn't Lindsey staying with you? I mean you guys are obviously serious if you came looking for that divorce but she isn't here....."
Chris looked away again coughing to clear his throat.... was he nervous??
"Lindsey isn't here because i ended it"
"What?... when?"
"When i found out i had a son. When i saw you again and realised anything i thought i felt for her was a lie"
"Are you fucking with me right now?"
"No. Im just being honest. Y/N, i know i fucked up when i ended things with us.... it was the biggest mistake of my life and i regret it everyday.... but i never stopped loving you. Not for one god damn second...."
I suddenly felt very sober, my heart pounding in my chest.
“You’re just saying this because you’ve had too much to drink...” i muttered shaking my head.
“You’re probably right, doesn’t mean its not true. Ive just been keeping it to myself” Chris suddenly got up and came to sit next me taking hold of my hand “i know my timings sucks but i just needed you to know..... and i just need to know if there is any chance at all that you’d give me another chance.....”
“Chris i really don’t think now is a good time to talk about this.... we’ve both had too much to drink..... if you’re serious about this i think we need to have this conversation sober”
“But you’re willing to have that conversation?”
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow” i nodded pulling my hand free and standing up “i’m gonna go to bed.... goodnight”.
I had to put some distance between us before i did something id regret in the morning.
It was safe to say i wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave
@jakiki94 @torntaltos @buchanansebba
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