#cause problems on purpose for the drama of it all while still being sunshine on a biscuit
majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years
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this man is about to either be the sweetest wingman or the vilest softspoken rat bastard to ever walk the earth and i have no basis upon which to make this claim but i KNOW
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
What about our precious Bennett with anyone of your choosing
Oh shit Bennett- that precious boy I- Imma kill that adventurer who said he sucks I swear-
Also stan Razor x Bennett- U-U
While you're mostly someone of good character; always lending friends a helping hand and giving them the best of your support, your luck mechanism sort of ruins the help, and might end up turning the tables on them in a bad way.
Despite all, you're a very optimistic individual, and you look towards the light up ahead of the tunnel. Despite all odds, you push on. And that's what makes you strong.
TWST The unlucky but optimistic s/o (Bennett)
Trey Clover
Never in his life has he ever made a mess in the kitchen,
until he met you.
For some reason, no one did anything, but everything went haywire. Let's just say, you two found some trouble with Riddle, something he didn't expect.
"What on earth happened in here?! Trey!"
"No, no! Riddle, it wasn't Trey's fault..! It's... my fault.. I.. probably started the mechanism again.."
Mechanism? Trey and Riddle would soon realize that whenever you tag along with someone, bad luck would always be on your side with them, and bring the people you're with down.
Trey feels.. sorry. Like, really sorry. It must be hard whenever you try your best to help, only to end up in miserable outcomes.
But you've never gave up. You've never gave up in trying your best to do anything, especially when it comes to being a supportive friend and lover.
And he just can't leave you. Sure, you may bring about taboo for him but, you've never had any ill intentions, he know you can't control your bad luck, and you're just the sweetest cinnamon roll he's ever met, how could he just leave you?
Sometimes, you might be in doubt. Even the brightest of people can't always bring about sunshine to themselves. "Hey, Trey? Why would you still want to be with me.. I've never really brought about anything good, and we've only manage to get out of trouble by our skins.. I'm just really sorry someone as nice as you would have to go through all this because of me..."
Trey simply takes your hand, and uses his thumb to rub it in soothing circles.
"You've always been my charm, s/o. I wouldn't trade the world for you." <3
Jade Leech
He can't understand.
He's messed up so badly.
Ever since you worked in Monstro Lounge, and he was instructing you, everything drowned into chaos. And this time, it was somehow you and him that seemed to start it. Not Floyd.
The drink glasses were scattered every where, plates were broken and there quite a handful of unhappy customers.
"Jade?! You don't usually mess up your duties like this! What in sevens happened???"
"Ah! Wait, Azul! I.. well- um- it's hard to explain but- none of this was Jade's fault. It's mine! I.. probably started all this because of my whole bad luck seeping through the situation.... sorry.."
What bad luck? Apparently, it's happened to you since young. All the time when you're with someone, luck would never be on your side, and would potentially bring about hefty troubles to many.
How unfortunate, aiyah~
While Azul doesn't really know how to help you, making a potion to ease the bad luck might be something very advanced-
Jade would look out for you.
As much as you're always bringing about bad luck, you can't control it, he knows. And you have always been the sweetest little angelfish who tries your best to help him, like a true lover. Oh, such a sweet little thing you are, he can just eat you up~ Not literally, don't worry, darling-
But he would always be by your side, no matter how bad of the situation you make. He doesn't mind. It can be rather entertaining as each problem that arises is very unexpected; the way he likes. All sorts of drama can take place, and it can somehow be all resolved in the most peculiar ways by you. How fascinating~
" Jade? I was wondering... why won't you leave me? Not to say I don't like being with you! Trust me..! I really do! But.. well... am I not a problem for you to deal with?? I feel bad you're in all the troubles I stir up because of my mechanism..."
He only chuckles softly, gliding his finger on your locks as he traces and pushes it to the back of your ear. "My sweet angelfish. How could I ever leave someone who has brought me so much color in my life now, hmm?~ I could never leave someone as sweet as you~" <3
Malleus Draconia
Malleus.. doesn't quite know how to feel. But he was very much surprised.
He... well... his magic had somehow went out of hand, and now burnt paper were spiraling around the two of you, as some burnt parts of the paper became ash littered on the cobblestone floor of his room.
Lilia seemed to have stepped in with a surprised look on him as well, slightly amused by what has happened.
"Oh my~ What seemed to have happened in here?"
"Ah! Lilia-senpai! Oh no... I'm so sorry! Malleus and Lilia! None of this is anybody's fault except my own! I... I guessed I've activated the mechanism without caution again..."
What is this mechanism you speak of? Your mechanism apparently brings about bad luck to those around you, and might cause some havoc if you aren't cautious to your surroundings... though, sometimes you the mechanism can activate at any given time..
Malleus could help reduce such of the situation considering his vast knowledge of magic can help in anything.
But then again, that bad luck is natural, the best he can do is reduce it and make sure you aren't harmed.
To Malleus, there's nothing wrong with you.
You have always been supportive and kind towards him, and you've been the sweetest friend and lover for him that he could throw that bad luck of yours out of the window. You have always been the optimistic sunshine in his life who have always seen the best and worse in him and still stay by his side to care for him the best you can. It's the thought that counts
He can reduce such, but solely for the purpose of keeping you safe, and prevent such hazards that can harm you.
"Malleus, someone like you... shouldn't.. well- your the greatest wizard of them all! And I'm... just someone with extremely bad luck.. hehe... I'm not sure what I can even do for you.."
Malleus only places a hand to cover both of yours, he looks at you with a gentle gaze before softly replying, "You have given me all the love and happiness in the world. I should be the one wondering why I have someone as great as you. But.. perhaps, I've seen the both of us being a perfect fit for one another. Nothing can take over your place of being first to come to my mind" <3
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collisiondiscourse · 4 years
opinion on dynamight? :D
okokokok if ur honestly... asking—i dont have any genuine hate for the name dynamight. its cute its fun and its very 4 year old kacchan. BUT i have this theory that it isnt his actual hero name. maybe i possibly am reaching very far and will pull a muscle with all this stretching and jumping to conclusions but... here are
Farfetched Reasons Why I Think DynaMight Isn't Bakugou's Final Name (SPOILER ALERT, duh):
1. It's too similar to his previous rejected names
We all remember how in the start of the series, Bakugou's whole naming problem stemmed from the extravagance and... overbearingness of his chosen aliases. From the most famous 'Lord Explosion Murder', the written kanji version being '爆殺王' and pronounced as 'Bakusatsuo'. In comparison, we have DynaMight: The God of Great Killing Bomb—which, taking the latter part is written '大爆殺神' in kanji and pronounced 'daibakusatsu-shin'. For a name that took maybe 4 or 5 years to FINALLY get introduced, its oddly similar to all the names that were already rejected or shot down. They even use 2 of the same kanji characters which denotes that they may even be said in the same aggressive tone like how it is in English (but take this point with a grain of salt bc i am NOT formally educated in Japanese.)
2. Narrative-wise... the timeline placement of the reveal just doesn't make sense.
I dunno about you, but in the middle of the war during the deconstruction of the pro-hero society seems like one of the weirder places to put Bakugou's hero name reveal. Especially when its something that doesn't have an immediate link or visibility to Bakugou's character aside from his personality. We've already seen that Bakugou's supposedly changed a LOT ever since his first days at UA—so I find it weird that in the MIDDLE OF HIS CHARACTER ARC and not even ten chapters after Bakugou Katsuki: Rising (where *ahem* important things occur...), we get a name like this which is awfully reminisce of Bakugo's choices pre-character development. Why make us wait so long if it was gonna be something so similar? Is the only change/nuance going to be the All Might pun? Hori-sensei may give us answers soon, but for now the timing seems incredibly out of place.
3. The other characters don't take it seriously.
Most of the other characters including the likes of Spinner absolutely do not take it seriously. Iida and multiple other actors at the scene poke criticisms at it and react in the same way class 1A did when Bakugo introduced Lord Explosion Murder. The only positive reaction being Mirio, who we all know is the human version of sunshine and puppies (and also just a really good senpai). The key reactions I wanna note are Deku's and Best Jeanist's.
- On Best Jeanist's reaction
BJ (its for shortening purposes i SWEAR) is seen to depict a lacklustre, disinterested, and almost even dissappointed response. As Katsuki's mentor figure and someone that was implied to have inspired Bakugou to reconsider his hero name—I find it odd that he was depicted to disapprove of it so offhandedly. His arrival and participation at the war was something I very much looked forward to due to the amount of things that Bakugou might do now that he knew Best Jeanist was still alive a la shounen anime 'I'm empowered by my mentor figure' style. I think that if Bakugou were to do a name reveal, he would've chosen something that Best Jeanist would immediately recognize as something resultant of Bkg's character development.
- On Izuku Midoriya's reaction (or lack thereof)
I won't elaborate bc it will actually take me weeks to formulate an essay, but Deku is currently at the epicenter of a lot of Katsuki's character development. From One for All to the tear jerking panels of Chapter 285, we know that Deku inexplicably is the no. 1 person that wants to know Bakugou's hero name.
So why isn't he there?
We don't get to see Deku's reaction to Bakugous huge name reveal because he's too far and too busy fighting. You'd a thunk that if it was so significant and powerful, Deku's reaction would come out. While it IS possible that Deku's reaction is on another chapter entirely bc he's just THAT excited about it, I highly doubt Bakugo would announce such a thing where Deku could not hear.
But Codi! you say, arms sore and floppy from reaching so far with me. Why? Why would Bakugou make and announce a fake name then?
Well. Prepare your ankles because I am about to jump to some even FARTHER conclusions.
First of all, they ARE in the middle of a war. Bakugou, while heavily injured, still is smart enough to see what's happening and be able to parse when they're on the losing end. Mans is a 4/5 on the intelligence rank if I'm not mistaken, and it's pretty obvious the heroes are losing. The whole hero society has been absolutely turned up on its head with the Todoroki Family Drama, and I think that Deku jumping back into the fight is the best indication that Katsuki will follow suit. I think that Deku knew about the hero name DynaMight before hand, ESPECIALLY because it sounds like something only he and Kacchan could come up with (the All Might pun is just TOO good ok). I think that there's a reason Bakugou's okay with Deku being so far away when he reveals it
But what of it?
I think that to understand Bakugou's decision to name reveal now involves taking a look into the actual name DynaMight/Dynamite.
Dynamite, as we know, is an explosive made from nitroglycerine and stabilizers in 1867. The reason it became so popular was that it helped with a lot infrastructure projects to speed up construction and mining. It was available soon as well in the civillian market because of its powerful but controlled explosions. Instead of a fiery explosion that burned for extended periods of time, nitroglycerine was more of a one and done kind of explosion.
Later, it was used as a military weapon that caused mass destruction and a sudden interest for innovations in explosives. Alfred Nobel, who's name you now might recognize, was ashamed of his past inventions and alias as 'The Angel of Death' (Bakusatsuo, anyone?). He hated the fact his explosives had been used to cause war and death and thus created the Nobel Peace Prize so that his name would be associated with Peace and Hope instead.
If you're picking up what I'm reaching really hard for... then you already know.
The reason I think Bakugou faked DynaMight as his hero name is to act as an actual sort of Dynamite in the tide of the war. I think this was, in actuality, a code word or even tactic of some sorts for an actual plan he had with Deku. Now that he's both revealed his name AND joined the fight again, the attention of all the villains and actors (including us, the audience) are on him and him only. Because 'Dynamite' is a controlled explosion. Because 'Dynamite' works once nefore its done its job. Because Bakugou mfing Katsuki does NOT wanna be associated with his past decisions and history of destruction and wants his name to be a symbol of winning and saving.
A symbol of peace.
Or. maybe its actually just DynaMight. idk. who knows? Maybe Im just really really really really deep in denial.
Thanks for reading!
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bellamioneotp · 4 years
Bellamione Fic Master List
Making a list of Bellamione fics to guide the poor innocent souls into temptation organize stories based on AU type. 
Bellatrix isn’t a bright ball of sunshine, but rather than have a story where she becomes a better person, Hermione becomes like her, or even joins her side. This AU type isn’t limited to only that, but also to general dark themes in the story such as violence, war and ‘wtf this is so wrong but yet I can’t stop reading’. 
Reign Down Like wow. A whole world built around what if Voldemort survived and used Hermione in his evil schemes and had Bellatrix engaged to her. Very detailed and the author doesn’t hold back on aspects of the new world that can be somewhat unsettling. 25/10 this will leave you wondering just how sexy dark magic can truly feel. 
The Dark Corners of the Earth This one is dark in an entirely different sense. Bellatrix and Snape are pitted in an ancient war against one another and Hermione is caught in the middle. The romance moves a bit too fast paced for me but the lore and detail in this will have you really thinking this story over the next few days, trying to figure out just wtf is going on. 45/10 will have you hoping your nightlight can keep Cthulhu away. 
Haunted This story won’t leave you haunted, but it is pretty good even with it’s short chapters and all. It tells the story of Hermione sort of losing her marbles but I won’t get into too much detail. Just read it for yourself; it’s a quick easy read. 10/10 is poetic as fuck. 
I Dream of Sin Takes place in a sort of canon world in which Hermione is an American teen being bullied. You can imagine how well that goes for the bullies especially when she learns she has magic and is taught by Bellatrix herself on how to use it. It gets progressively darker each chapter. 16/10 don’t want to mess with magical nerds ever. 
For whom the Bell Tolls is an interesting look into how Hermione’s actually a death eater and Bellatrix is not. While Hermione is not bat shit insane, she is a murderer and Bellatrix is the sane one. Nice to see things switched up. This story is not necessarily as dark as the others but it gets brownie points for making the usually good Hermione evil right off the bat. 9/10 come to the dark side, we have cookies. 
Staring at Nothing is just...wow.  A very powerful one shot about Hermione’s descent into darkness as told by Harry’s perspective. 10/10 for who needs friends anyways, when you’ve got black leather. 
Visions of You in which Hermione is a depressed youth after the war and has to deal with hallucinations of Bellatrix. Hermione isn’t dark here so much as she is gray type, and the story has a permeating tinge of sadness to it, given the circumstances. 8/10 for maybe Bellatrix isn’t a hallucination? 
Deep Below what’s more awful than being accused of Harry’s death? Being falsely accused of it, and having to deal with trying to prove your innocent. This is a situation Hermione ends up in. But will she get out of it? 8/10 for this gets deep. 
How to Love Bellatrix captures Hermione and sort of indoctrinates her into the world of darkness. Hermione is mad at first, but then she realizes how sexy Bellatrix is and is like, ‘alright fam, sign me up’ and boom Bellamione. 8/10 you love this story but not it’s update schedule. 
Basically, what it says on the tin. Someway or another, Hermione goes back into time to stop Bellatrix from ever becoming evil. Drama and romance ensue. 
Future Shocks A good time turner fic with a more modern take on war. It’s pretty long and it is the slowburn of all slowburns. But it’s a very interesting story and the ending will have you definitely shook. 8/10 will shock you awake from that boring lecture you’re reading fanfic in. 
Time Heals all Wounds Hermione gets sent back in time to ‘redeem’ Bellatrix but not in the gift card way, more like saving the future type way. They end up, you guessed it, falling in love and changing the future somewhat. 6/10 is a young teen romance that will have you reliving your adventures as a young sapphic witch. 
Mirror, Mirror Not exactly a time turner fic, more like a parallel world, I suppose. Hard to explain but has good amounts of mystery and trying to understand what is happening. Focuses more on Bellatrix’s POV which is a nice change of pace. 8/10 will have you looking in the mirror and summoning Bellatrix like she was Bloody Mary. 
Let the Light Come and Take me A time turner fic that ends up with Bellatrix time traveling but to the future and the chaos her arrival there causes for those who are acquainted with her devious ways. Looks at the growth of our two ladies relationship into something more. 5/10 if it’s not slowburn romance is it really Bellamione?
The One Within the Other this story is about, you guessed it, time travel! Hermione goes back on purpose to stop Bellatrix from achieving her evil potential and in the process love blossoms. 7/10 for never enough time to read Bellamione in peace!
Caught in the Time series this is a series of three full length stories about Bellamione stuck in different times and universes. So much happens in them it’s kind of hard to summarize so the best thing to do is read them. 8, 8.5, 7/10 I’ll let you figure out which score goes for which series.
Just say When started off as a time turner story but then it ended up becoming something more of an espionage tale. It’s a good read and interesting to see how Bellatrix aims to save Hermione from a dementor’s kiss (spoilers!) in order to save their future together. A good mix of romance and action. 8/10 The name’s Black. Bellatrix, Black. 
The Broken Wand It all starts with a wand and then before you know it, boom, time travel happens. Featuring Loki and adventure all around, this fic has interesting plot points to keep you engaged despite the slower update times. 7/10, will break your wand too. 
Hourglass basically, a young Bellatrix is brought into the future and consequences abound from that mishap. The plot is a bit wonky and there are some logic mistakes, but if you can get over it, it’s a decent time travel story. 5/10 for it must be canon that Bellatrix has a lovely hourglass figure. 
Times they are a Changing where Bellatrix travels back in time to save her wife, Hermione. Nice to see a story where Hermione isn’t the one doing all the saving. Unfortunately there’s only six chapters to this story and it’s unlikely it’ll ever get finished but it’s a nice fresh concept. 6/10 for that’s how many chapters there are. 
Destined in this one, Hermione experiences some wonky times after the battle at the department of mysteries. Hermione has to find a way back home, but perhaps she might find love along the way? 10/10 for this is destined to be an interesting read. 
Let’s be real, Bellatrix has got a lot of problems and these authors try to solve them, with sex. And you know, medical help. But sex definitely helps a lot. 
Portrait of a Tragic Woman Not a typical healer type au, because Hermione is a therapist whose helping Bellatrix with her mental disorders. Focuses a lot on the relationship between the two and really makes you try to figure out what exactly is up with Bellatrix and what is her past, etc. The ending chapters will leave you shooketh and wondering what even is real anymore. 50/10 because it feels like an acid trip, man. 
The Healer is only one chapter but still worth a read. Hopefully the author will have some time to get back to it because it has a huge potential. 6/10 because I need some healing. 
1k is a one shot, featuring Hermione as a therapist and Bellatrix as her patient. Can’t say too much without spoiling it, but despite it’s short length, the author paints a vivid look into Bellatrix’s mind if she was just an insane muggle. 1k/10 because that’s one patient I would never like to meet.
Darkness Underneath I mean, Hermione runs a team of healers, so technically it’s kinda a healer au fic, right? This story looks more in depth at the Death Eaters and dark magic surrounding them. 9/10 is that a dark mark or are you just happy to see me?
We all know this is the holy grail au of this fandom and yet there’s only a couple of long stories for this. Someone, write some more!
Fractures A long fic, that has a sequel. Basically, Bellatrix is Hermione’s teacher during a very trying time for Hermione when a competition goes very wrong and dark truths are revealed. Lot’s of action, Bellamione interactions, and overall interesting plot. 8/10 will leave your heart in fractures when you find out the sequel is unfinished. 
In the Dead of Night Hermione asks Bellatrix if she can teach her some.....magic and things end up becoming very magical indeed. Bellatrix is the teacher in this story (because who wouldn’t want her as a teacher). It’s a WIP with only a couple of chapters out. 7/10 time to learn some real lessons, Granger ;)
Just a Brand features not only Bellatrix as a professor, but a magical soul mate bond between Bellatrix and Hermione that leads to much deliciousness. There’s a lot of chapters to this story but they’re pretty short. An updated and revised version can be found on a03 for those who like longer chapters. 7/10 Bellamione is branded on my soul. 
It Just Felt Right is another fic with Bellatrix as the professor. Hermione starts off hating her and then it evolves into liking Bellatrix. The fic leaves off before any real progress can be made so if anyone is up for reading an unfinished fic from 2012 then go for it. 6/10 for this story feels right but not write because it’s abandoned :(
Because there is never enough crime involved even with Bellatrix, these authors amp up the trouble and make it double. And gay. So very gay. 
Two Sides of the Same Coin where Bellatrix is basically an auror. It’s only five chapters and it hasn’t been updated in a long time but it’s an interesting concept worth checking out. 9/10 wish there were more sides to the coin. 
Murder Most Horrid A crime story, where Bellatrix is a magical cop and Hermione is a murder suspect. Bellatrix interrogates Hermione by banging her and then the two of them proceed to basically get married the day after. A bit ooc for Bellatrix but very in character if you consider this world not from the canon. -89/10 for how badly your vision will deteriorate if you try to read this all in one night. 
The Mysterious Department Technically Bellatrix and Hermione are both magical detectives and they go and solve crimes and shit while also possibly trying to prevent the world from ending. You know, just casual stuff. 10/10 for the perfect crime, would commit again. 
Darkness is Falling A story that has Hermione as an auror who replaces Bellatrix’s old partner. They butt heads, they solve cases, and naturally, begin to fall in love. 7/10 for this case is closed. 
Some Things Aren’t Seen Hermione investigates Bellatrix’s crimes and past and ends up over her head. There are two follow ups to this finished work, all in the same vein. It’s all a good bit of fun watching Hermione try to take on the criminal Lestrange. 7/10, no, this has no relation to the musical Wicked. 
In one way or another Bellatrix and Hermione have a special bond in between them that destines them to be together. Angst, love, friendship, all abound in this au type. Features a combination of other factors thrown in, but the stories put in here are largely advertised in the blurb as more focused on the bond. 
Lotus Flower Hermione finds out after Bellatrix’s death that they are bound together and that because Bellatrix is dead, Hermione is dying as a result too. This begs the question, will Hermione go back in time and save Bellatrix, or will she willingly submit to the bond’s curse? 8/10 I think we all know what Hermione chooses.
Our Mercurial Selves ever wonder what it would be like to have a murderer share your mind? In this one, Hermione and Bellatrix can communicate telepathically with each other, creating a bond that draws them together. Features evil schemes by Voldemort, a flying horse, and Narcissa beating the ever loving shit out of Bellatrix for even daring to breathe in Hermione’s direction. 9/10 will leave you with warm fuzzies for the Malfoy family before the ending crushes you. 
The House Ring Bellatrix sends Hermione a magical ring that engages them and basically makes them wives. Prophecies abound about how Bellamione is meant to be the one and only true pairing. 7/10 for that ring better come with diamonds.
Demons AU
As if Voldemort isn’t scary enough, there are demons and scary things in this au type that will leave you and Voldemort both calling for mommy. 
Unsteady Precipice technically also a time traveling fic, except Hermione ends up in an alternative universe. where she tries to change things from happening in the canon world like they did. But will it work? Who knows! Only a few chapters are out so it’s hard to tell where this story will go, but one things for sure, it’ll be good. 9/10 if you don’t pray after reading this the demons will get you. 
A Demon in the Mist is also about, gasp, demons! Dangerous things are afoot in this story and Hermione is caught in the middle of it all. It takes part in the same universe as the caught in time series by the same author, but with slight alterations. Unsure if the story will be finished as the author has contemplated leaving fanfic writing. 7/10 can you find the demon in the mist?
Technically a category, right? Let’s pretend it is, because there are some stories out there that pit our two ladies as other than human and it’s fun to read about it. 
As we Chase the Sun Very Black family centric and features Bellatrix as a big fluffy wolf. What’s not to love? Cuddles, and hair balls, and good times all around. 9/10 would tame that wolf. 
Sing to me Your Insanity in which Hermione and Bellatrix are both sirens and will basically die if they don’t do the ol’ frickity frack. This is a long story and the slowburn feels like hellburn but it’s worth the read. 56/10 but you will need earplugs so those sirens don’t seduce you too. 
Metamorphosis in which Bellatrix is also a wolf and doesn’t like being stuck with Hermione but gets used to it and basically they’re house wives of London and don’t know it. 8/10 for your mind with undergo metamorphosis from slightly obsessed with Bellamione to even more obsessed. 
This Poisoned Blood of Ours vampires, vampires everywhere! Two parts to this series and features a confused Bellatrix and a changing Hermione. 7/10 do you think vampires like steak rare?
Cursed Doll Pretty self explanatory title. Someone ends up as a doll and shenanigans ensue. Won’t say more because it’s only two chapters, but it’s well written and worth a read. 10/10 Chucky? Is that your sister? 
Liquid Measure these chapters are thicc boy. Only two chapters but such a good set up and everything. I hope the author is able to update at some point. 10/10 makes me thirsty for more!
My Demons in the Dark Hermione is a ghost. That’s it, that’s the plot. Boo/10 for this not so spooky spirit. 
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rjalker · 4 years
I always love it when people accuse me of “randomly deciding to hate a character for no reason” like. why would I do that?
What earthly reason would I have for doing that?
You think I like having male characters constantly creep on and assault women?!?!?!?
You think I wouldn’t ADORE Adrien Agreste if he ACTUALLY were the adorable sunshine child we’re supposed to believe he is even though he literally harasses and assaults Marinette in almost every single episode and blackmailed his slave with letting over two million people drown because he wasn’t getting his way???
You think I wouldn’t LOVE for there to be more John Crichtons out there????
You think I just randomly point at characters who are genuinely good people and go, “yeah, I’m gonna hate him to cause drama”.
Literally what kind of sense does that make????
Even if Adrien stayed exactly the fucking same, if the only thing that changed was how the narrative portrays him, I’d love him!!! He makes a fantastic fucking villain!
The problem isn’t that he’s a bad person! The problem is he literally threatens to kill over two million people and the narrative portrays this as the correct decision and he is in the right and we should be happy that he gets rewarded for making this decision.
The problem isn’t that Adrien is a bad person. The problem is that he’s a bad person, and the writers still want us to believe he’s a good person.
Chloe? Is a horrible fucking person. She is a liar, thief, blackmailer, bully, and literally crashed a train on purpose so she could take the credit for “rescuing” it.
And I love her. Because while the narrative does keep trying to fucking woobify her and make us feel bad for her, it’s not even remotely clse to the extent to which they woobify Adrien, and unlike Adrien, when she purposefully puts people in danger, she gets called out on it and we’re supposed to be angry with her.
Same goes for Lila. She’s a bad person, and that’s okay because the narrative never pretends otherwise.
Seriously. If Adrien Agreste were ACTUALLY the good person the writers keep insisting he is, I’d love him. I’d kill for him.
But I can’t think of a single episode where he didn’t harass Marinette. I can’t think of a single episode where he didn’t treat at least one person like shit. If he’s not treating Marinette like shit, he’s mistreating Plagg, and if he’s not mistreating Plagg, he’s siding with Chloe, liar, thief, blackmailer, bully, and if he’s not siding with Chloe, he’s putting literally everyone around him in mortal peril because it’s convenient for him.
Bubbler, anyone?
It might have been in the first season, but this show isn’t being told in chronoloigcal order. By the time Nino got Akumatized, Adrien already knows everything he needs to about Akuma and how Hawkmoth works.
His “best friend” got fucking victimized and brain washed and put everyone of his so called “friends” in danger and held them hostage, and he, who knows exactly what’s oging on, decided, “yeah, this is bad, but I’m gonna take advantage of the fact that all my friends are in danger to have fun first.” 
It was only when his “friends” started getting so upset they couldn’t hide how scared they were anymore that he was forced to fucking act, because it wasn’t fun for him anymore if they were all gonna fucking mope and cry.
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purrincess-chat · 4 years
Obviously the majority of the blue stans are so disturbingly EXTRA and like to view him as Diet Sunshine and honestly really need to chill the FRICK out, but I'm kind of curious..... If the blue himself was given more character traits than a slightly moist towlette, do you think you could like him? Rather, if the fanatics weren'tpart of the equation, what would it take for you to like him as a character?
So, that was initially the start of the birthday discourse.
When CH aired the first time, I went into it wanting to like him and ship the blue ship. Honest, I did. I don't advertise it much lately cause I've been working on a lot of love square stuff, but I was a huge rare pair shipper at the time. I think that was the first year I hosted rare pair month (in March) and I had a ton of rare pair stuff going (dig back on my ao3 you'll find them). So I wasn't bothered by the possibility of the blue ship "disrupting" the square or whatever cause like I literally ship shit like Alyanette and Sabrinadrien.
Anyway, I think part of the problem initially was that certain BNFs hyped him up before his episode and said he was cute and charming and had depth outside of just being a love rival, so I was like okay, okay, cool. But then when CH aired and we got...that I just wasn't impressed, but I was open to seeing what they did later on with him. And my friend Kaylee had made a post basically outlining how she felt (which was basically the same way I did for the same reasons) about it and I reblogged it cause I was like, yeah, I agree.
Which you have to understand the fandom climate at the time. There was a big surge in people sticking up for Marinette because a lot of people were shitting on her and comparing her to Chloe, so one blogger (possibly more but one in particular) made a post basically saying that anyone who hated the blue boy or that ship was slut shaming Marinette? Because "she's allowed to have other options besides Adrien god forbid" basically which, at least for Kaylee and I, was not even our issue with it at all? Which that post wasn't exclusively directed at either of us, it was just general cause I'm sure OP saw something that set them off, but anyway, that's where that part of the original ask that sparked the birthday discourse came from.
But I think for both Kaylee and I we were both open to the possibility of him getting more development in the future, we just weren't wowed by what we got initially, but were both like ehh we'll see what happens, and then the birthday anon struck acting like we had sworn him off forever (at this point CH was still the only episode we had of him) and so because of that discourse I was like um, I was indifferent to him, but now fuck him? And Kaylee was mortified because it was her post that started it so then she was like fuck yall and him for attacking someone on their birthday what the fuck? And then just over time his stans have just been like that, so we are both like ya know, fuck all of this in particular.
I think he has been ruined for me as far as I'm concerned, and I don't think I will ever truly like him or that ship because what's canon is canon and tbh he hasn't gotten much better or deep since his debut so even the "wait and see" people come off looking a little foolish because now we have waited a season and a half (which was as long as Adrien had been around in CH) and he is still the same as he was in his debut. So our overall canon opinion of him hasn't changed, but our aggravation with his stans has certainly grown since then.
That being said, I did/do have plans to write the blue ship in a better way in a fic I have. The very first fic I wrote for this fandom when I came in right when s1 ended was basically a "this is how I'd continue the story" type deal and I worked on it for a while then decided I didn't like some stuff about it and then s2 started airing and introduced new characters and so I've just been in a constant state of revision with it, but I do have super cute plans for them in it which mostly consist of: giving him his own character outside of Marinette, developing their affection more gradually, giving the poor boy a personality outside guitar, and having their interactions not focus on how sad she is about Adrien. Which like his stans don't deserve my fluff, but for the purposes of that fic I'll do it eventually. I don't think I'm gonna include the blue ship in dogrien at all. Idk haven't decided. Might write him out entirely or just leave him as Juleka's older bro who is mentioned but never really seen. Haven't gotten that far in my plans yet though.
So yeah, basically if I could undo the damage and have him written in a way that would have made me like him from the beginning, that would be the way. Decouple him from LS drama, make him his own character with motives outside of winning the protagonists affections. (Does he want a career in music or does he just play in his little sisters band? Does he have any real thoughts besides strum strum Marinette?)
Tldr: I wasn't opposed to him at the start but stans ruined him for me overtime and that can't really be fixed.
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Serendipity (C.B) | Chapter 14
Summary: Serendipity: (n) the chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way
Popular youtuber Isabella Hart, known as Bella to her audience, bends over backwards to separate her youtube life from her private life. Known for her overall clean content and her bubbly attitude, Isabella has a wild side to her that only those inside the youtube community know about. When Bella meets Colby during one of the trap house parties she finally meets someone she can be her genuine self with. When trouble arises after their meeting, will Bella be able to hand the pressure or will she destroy her relationship with Colby as well as herself in the process. [This starts in 2018]
Written: 2019
Word Count: 2,639
Warnings: swearing
Serendipity Masterlist
After talking to me for a bit the nurse decided that it was best to keep me for to go home. They kept me overnight to be safe, but even that was hell. They kept me in my room stuck to the bed, just in case I faked my mental clarity to get out. Even though I'm old enough to discharge myself they made me wait until someone could pick me up. Lucky for me, Colby was already on his was over. Which worked out because when the nurse finally handed me my phone back, it was dead. They said it kept going off all night with phone calls and texts from unsaved numbers. Someone decided that I had too much privacy and leaked my phone number. Thankfully my address is still under wraps.
When I first saw Colby, my heart ached. His eyes were puffy and red. He looked paler than usual and his hair is messier than usual. I can't tell if it's because he didn't sleep, was crying, or both. It hurts me to know that I caused this. He probably was crying and didn't sleep. I made him worry. I made him see me like that. And he still came to the hospital early in the morning to pick me up. I don't deserve him.
"Where do you want to eat?" Colby doesn't take his eyes off the road.
"I'm not really hungry. You can just drop me off at my apartment."
"Drop you off? I was thinking that you'd stay with me at the trap house for a little bit." I stare at Colby for a second.
"Colby, I was thinking while I was in the hospital. I think we should take a break. Just until I get my shit together. It's not fair that you have to deal with all my baggage." I wait for Colby to answer or do something. Instead, he pulls the car over into a random CVS parking lot. He puts the car into park and turns to me.
"Isabella, I get it. A lot of unfair and messed up shit happened to you in the past few days. I know it can be overwhelming. But you don't get to shut me out. You want to break up with me? Fine, we're done. But that's not going to change how I feel about you. I want to help you. You help all of us. You make sure we drink enough water and take aspirin before a night out so we don't have a hangover in the morning. You pack snacks for any outing we go on because you know that's the last thing on our minds and you don't want any of us to go hungry. You help all of us with our videos before you even finish doing your videos. For once, put yourself first. You need help and I want to help you. You just have to let me." He stares at me for a second, waiting for my reaction. I have no idea how to react. A tornado of emotions whirl inside me and I don't know which one is the in charge.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm fucking things up. I'm sorry." This is all I'm able to come up with. Colby just poured his feelings that he's probably been holding in for months and all I can do is apologize. I look out the window before Colby can see me crying.
"Shit, look, I didn't mean to make you upset—"
"I'm not upset, I'm just overwhelmed. I get where you're coming from. I don't want to break up, but maybe just a pause on the relationship stuff? Just until I'm in a better place."
"Whatever helps you get better."
Colby was right. I do push him away and take care of everyone first. It's not that I do it on purpose, it just happens. Maybe I'm projecting the abandonment I felt during my shitty childhood and even shittier teenage years. Maybe the feeling of having no one to care for makes me subconsciously and annoyingly take care of others. Hell, I didn't even tell Colby that I was allergic to peanut butter until way after we started dating. I didn't even tell him when he was chasing me around the house with peanut buttery fingers the day Gabby came. It wasn't until I let Colby make us a snack and I bit into the sandwich that I realized I never told him. That was a fun experience, which included a quick trip to the hospital before I went into complexly anaphylactic shock. I told him that it used to be worse, which it was. My mother couldn't even have any in the house because one sniff would end me. Luckily, I kept my EpiPen and allergy pills in my bag. I kept the pills just in case we got Chick-fil-a or Five Guys for once because they use peanut oil.
The thing is, if I couldn't even tell my boyfriend that one tiny, insignificant peanut could end my shit right then and there, how could I tell him all the dark scary stuff? I told him one major dark, traumatizing thing about my life already, and it was terrifying. Even then, I only told Colby that so he wouldn't think I was a complete psycho after he experienced my shit show of a family first hand.
Colby is as perfect as any single human being could be. At least, he's perfect compared to me. I wanted to preserve that perfectness any way possible. Whatever he's been through in life, it hasn't been as messy and fucked up as what I've been through. I want to protect him from all that, I want to protect him from me. From my drama and my overall bullshit. His life was better before I was in it. He didn't have to deal with my parents or me being an emotional wreck. So maybe it would be better for Colby if we were to break up. He could live his life like it was before and find someone else to love that actually deserves it.
We get to the trap house after Colby makes me eat something. We decided on just getting breakfast at McDonald's. I didn't even realize how hungry I was until we got our food. I guess Colby knows me better than I know myself. When we got to the trap house I ended up taking a nap in Colby's bed, whatever drugs they gave me yesterday are still doing their magic on me. I refused to even lay down unless Colby was laying next to me. I fell asleep in his arms almost instantly. I woke up what feels like an hour later to an empty bed and room. I roll over to find my phone plugged in and a cup of water. Colby's probably somewhere in the house or out because he needs a break. I don't blame him.
I sit up and drink some water and stare at my phone. I carefully pick it up and turn it on. I don't know why I have a hint of what's going on. My number was most likely leaked because I deserve not a single shred of privacy in my life. That or my email is going crazy with brand and companies terminating my contract. After sitting for a second the notifications start flooding in. A mixture of emails, phone calls, voicemail, and text messages attack my phone. Stupidly, I decide to read the messages and listen to a couple voicemails. I throw my phone across the room in frustration. I don't even know what I expected.
A few seconds later I hear a small knock and the door creak open a little bit. I look to see a familiar patch of blond hair and concerned blue eyes peeking through. When we make eye contact, Sam pushes the door all the way open and stands by the door. I quickly scan his face but I can't read it.
"Are you my babysitter?" I close my eyes for a second and slightly shake my head. That comment came out bitchier than I intended.
"I just happened to be staying home today editing and Colby asked me to keep an eye out."
I can tell by looking at his eyes that he wants to ask me something but can't figure out how.
"Sorry, I didn't mean for that to sound rude. He told you, didn't he?" Sam comes in the room completely and shuts the door. He sits on the couch.
"He did, but only because I ran into him when I came home last night and he needed to talk. He didn't tell anyone else and neither did I."
"I'm not mad that he told you, Sam. I'm actually kind of glad he's not pulling a 'me' a bottling everything up. Where did he go?"
"He's at your apartment to get some things. You're staying here for a bit is what I heard."
"Yeah, I only agreed to stay because I didn't want to hurt Colby anymore than I already have. Even breaking up with him."
"You broke up with Colby? When?"
"This morning. I told him that I need a break so I get back into a better head space. But I really broke up with him because I can't keep doing this to him."
"Do you want to talk about it? About yesterday I mean?"
"Are you asking to be nice because that's what we're supposed to do or do you actually want to know?"
"I'm kind of hurt that you would ask me that. You should know me better than that by now. You can tell me if you want to, but don't doubt that I won't be here to genuinely listen." Sam and I have had several conversations about social cues and questions that are always asked but nobody actually wants to hear the answers to. He's right, I should know him better by now.
"Sorry, you're right. How much has Colby told you about me? Like, family-wise."
"Nothing other than you having family problems and you aren't close with them. Other than that I know nothing." I hesitate for a second. I can trust Sam, I've gotten really close to him in the time that I've dated Colby.
"Well, to keep a long and complicated story short, my relationship with my mom isn't the best. She texted me a few days ago saying that she wanted to talk. With everything that's happened in the past few days, I thought that maybe something good was coming out of it. That maybe she wanted to help or give the support or something. She even said we should meet at a diner where she took my brothers and me when we were younger. However, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, it was an ambush. She told me that I am no longer a member of my family. That I constantly bring shame to the family name. Like she didn't call me out of the blue a few months ago and asked me to visit her under the guise that everything was going to be better just so she can lie and ask me for money. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. What does it say about me if I get fooled a third time?" I bite my tongue to keep myself from crying. I've cried too much already and I don't want to make Sam anymore uncomfortable than he already is.
"Look, I don't get it. I'm not going to pretend to understand what you're going through. I will tell you that your family and whoever leaked all those things about you are the ones at fault. If I didn't know you first hand, I wouldn't necessarily agree with what everyone else is saying but I wouldn't give you much sympathy. But I do know you and I know that everyone is judging you based on one side of the story. And that your family is just a bunch of assholes who don't know what they're missing out on."
"I know, I keep telling myself that. It's just... the people who are supposed to love me most in the world abandoned me twice in two of my lowest points. At this point, I have basically nobody. I don't have a family. Let's face it, if Colby and I really broke up or if we never even met in the first place, then the friendship that I have with all of you won't be or wouldn't be a thing." Sam gets up and sits next to me on the bed.
"You're probably right if you didn't meet Colby none of us would be friends with you. I can't say anything about what would happen if you two broke up, or officially break up for that matter. But unless you do some insane thing like cheat on Colby or Colby told us not to hang out with you then I might not. But trust me, Kat, Devyn, and Xepher would still be your friends. But you know what? We're your family. Actually, fuck it. I'll adopt you. As of right now, you're my little sister. Might as well change your name to Isabella Golbach, because I'll take you in." I can't help but giggle.
"Okay, Sammy I get it. I'm stuck with all of you at this point unless there is a major reason not to be. Thanks for listening. I really mean it."
"Don't mention it, little sis. And I won't tell anyone, not even Colby."
"Don't worry about that. I'll talk to him when he gets home. I'll let you get back to editing. I'm going to take a shower and do some thinking." Sam and I give each other a quick hug before he leaves.
A few minutes later Colby comes in with food and a backpack. He puts everything down before taking a bag and a drink and disappearing into Sam's room. He comes back sits next to me on the bed. He almost goes to kiss me out of habit but stops when he remembers that we're technically not together anymore. I know it's hurting him even more and it's hurting me too.
"I got you a burrito because you say it's like eating a hug and I think you need that hug," Colby says as he hands me a Chipotle bag.
"Thank you. Hey, can we talk for a second?" I place the bag down on the bed and pat a spot next to me for Colby to sit.
I tell Colby everything I told Sam but in more detail. I told him what my mom said and apologize for putting him what I put him through. And then I tell him that I changed my mind. That I don't want to be broken up or on pause. That I just don't want to do anything major relationship-like for a little bit. Just because someone out there in the world decided that I no longer deserved privacy, I don't have to make Colby and I suffer. I also tell him about my number being leaked and how I possibly broke my phone by throwing it.
Being the understanding boyfriend that Colby is, he hugs and reassures me that everything is going to be alright. He gives me a few more comforting words before letting me go take a shower. When I get back we crawl into bed and watch a few movies while we ate. Colby falls asleep about halfway through the 3rd movie. I cover him with the blanket and clean up the food trash before going back into bed next to him and watch a few more movies with headphones in.
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remarriedempress · 6 years
Alternate ending to Mr Sunshine
KES built a fantastic world, in a fascinating period, full of fvcking beautiful characters. And I’m so thankful for this drama. 
But you know what? She killed all my faves. Now normally I have no problem with character deaths because narratively, they can be very powerful; like how Gunner Jang’s story came full circle, trusting that Ae Shin, and soldier boy, will carry on and lead the fight. However, there is something frustrating, and quite frankly, deceitful, about the way each of our four main characters were killed off. I understand how we got to each point but I still feel cheated. No matter how neatly the story lines were tied up, I would think most readers/viewers don’t want to get to the end of a story and see their heroes die. 
So here’s how I would have rewritten the finale BUT still maintain the glorious and hopeful ending KES envisioned in which our mains pass on the mantel to the next generation with AE SHIN at the forefront. 
Let’s start with our QUEEN HINA. The hotel still blows up. No matter what, I strongly believe that needs to happen. It’s the removal of their last bastion. But this time, they plan it a LOT BETTER. The day the military academy is attacked, Hina is out there in the streets shooting up the Japanese troops like a BOSS. As she heads home, she spies a familiar body among the dead. It’s Guidan. She feels a pang of regret. After all, they were close for a time, even with the betrayal. And no one deserves to die on the streets. Hina starts to turn away but then she gets an idea. 
She hires a rickshaw driver to take Guidan’s body and heads to the pawn shop to buy explosives. As she leaves, Ae Shin drops down from the rooftop. She’d overheard Hina’s request and offers to help. With both their mighty brains at work, they manage to get all the troops good and wasted and the employees far away with enough time for BOTH OF THEM to make a run for it. The hotel explodes in flames. Several bodies are found the next morning, including an unidentifiable woman’s corpse in what used to be the hotel owner’s room. The only thing they could make out were the red shoes on the corpse, tailor made for Kudo Hina just a week before the explosion. 
The chief of police is still a spineless, incompetent weasel so he accepts the corpse as Kudo Hina. The king still receives Hina’s letter from Sumi. And so “Kudo Hina” still takes the blame for attacking the Japanese troops and her name is dragged through the mud. Meanwhile, “Lee Yang Hwa” is long gone. AS put her in contact with some RA members heading east, towards the coast. There she adopts a new name, Mae Hwa. She purchases a humble home for herself and spends her time at the orphanage across town. Her home becomes an occasional base for RA members laying low in between missions or waiting for the next boat out of Joseon. It’s a modest life. She makes jewelry and paints, and sells them on the side. She never does meet a nice man. But she’s often visited by a surly looking pirate wearing dark robes with flowing sleeves. 
DONG MAE: He stops being so damn ready to die. After he saves AS in Japan, she still tells him to be back in Joseon in three months to receive the money from her. DM still says “And just like that you give me hope,” but get this - HE DOESNT LOOK FREAKING MISERABLE AT THE THOUGHT. And when Ae Shin leaves with the court ladies, he DOESNT walk in plain sight on the beach for all to see/capture. Instead, he goes back to the shadows. It’s easier than he thought. But rather than making him feel like this is where he belongs, it makes him realize just how far he’s come. He can adapt to this world but it does not define him. He lives pitifully for a while. The Mushin Society is still after him so he can’t do much in the open. But he has some allies here who still owe him a favor. They’re able to get him out of Japan via boat. Though the ride is more miserable than when he first traveled to Japan. 
He arrives in Jemulpo’s harbor. Beaten, hungry, and pale...but alive. He makes his way to the temple. He’s not sure why. Just a feeling. The same badass nun is there but she receives him warmly this time. AS told her what DM had done for the rebels and so the nun allows DM to recuperate there. They explain his presence as a monk in training. He adopts the name Haneul. 
AS drops in one day with a letter from Manchuria. Yujo and Hotaru are doing well. They started a little tea shop where Hotaru reads tarot cards for customers. The shop does really well but with 20 mouths to feed, they had to find other jobs for the boys. Most of them found honest work in farming, fishing, mining. A few started up a collection agency. They send him good fortune and a wish to see him again some day. DM smiles before burning the letter. Knowing they are safe eases the burden on his heart. 
By day, he helps lead visitors across the temple grounds, preserving the last remnants of Joseon Buddhist culture. By night, he helps to train new RA members in the cover of the forest. It started with a request from AS. She wanted to learn how to handle knives and swords, in case she ever found herself without a gun. She was good. But DM was still better. And AS knew him well enough at this point to know that he would need a purpose, to keep him going. So she asks him to train the new recruits. And whaddaya know? Within months, they see better success rates on their missions and raids.
When the hotel blows up, and he thinks he lost his friend HINA on top of everything else, he’s devastated. But it just makes him more determined to expose the Japanese’ cruelty. He’s brought in to the police station for questioning. He’s beaten up real bad but makes it out alive with a major bribe from dad. SEAMSTRESS and mom fuss over him till he recovers. Then, he sets out again to uncover the truth, but this time it puts his family in danger. And it scares him enough to consider stopping. But he knows his soul would never be able to bear the guilt if he turned away now. 
So he becomes smarter about his printings. Thankfully, both the chief of police and the Japanese minister who were catching on to him end up dead. The first was rumored to be murdered by a dark shadow reeking of incense and dirt. The second was shot from across the market square by some masked figure, leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Free of suspicions now, HS goes back to playing the rich noble fool by day. While he and FEMALE JOURNALIST (cause KES can’t be bothered to give her side characters some names???) operate an underground printing press. HS makes extra copies of everything. Burying it in multiple locations so that their history and deeds are never forgotten. 
When AS comes to him asking for funds to purchase train tickets or gun powder and bullets, he gives it to her, no questions asked. Coincidentally, these funds come from the Japanese government; rent money on the multiple properties the Residency General leased out from the Kim family. 
He never quite falls for the SEAMSTRESS and she understands that his affection for her is just that. She’s grateful that he’s extended his protection to her family and works with him to collect evidence of the rebels and the Joseon people and their fight against Japan. But the little brother really grows on him. He convinces his parents to adopt him as a Kim, to have him be the one to carry on the family name. The ticking clock still haunts him. He’s not sure the Kim blood should be passed on. But if the Kim name can save just one more person, he’ll suffer as many tick ticks as it takes. 
Eventually, he and Mae Hwa are reunited. He bursts into tears and she apologizes for not being able to tell him the plan. He kisses her in relief and thanks her for staying alive. They share a smoke and talk about the good old days. They wonder about their favorite swordsman and that annoying foreigner. They talk about all the trouble blackbird has been up to. And make plans to meet up, another day, in the far future, for pool and drinks. It takes some time for this to happen again. But when it does, the swordsman, the American, and the blackbird are there too. HS kisses DM/Haneul just because and hugs AS tightly. EG gets a pat on the back. And that’s when he suggests a photo, to commemorate this moment, CAUSE NEVER BEFORE HAVE THEY CONVERGED IN ONE SPOT BEFORE. 
EUGENE...He spends some time following around the RA, protecting AS on and between missions. But he sticks out like a sore thumb despite his best efforts and is forced to go into hiding numerous times. Eventually, he has to call on Kyle to get him out of Joseon. His face was exposed on a mission and since he was dishonorably discharged, he can’t call on the embassy for help. He ends up back in America and runs into Ahn Chang Ho again. EG makes use of his old military connections and language skills to spread word of Joseon’s struggle. They make it back to Joseon a couple more times but never for very long as they both become very high profile activists. 
AE SHIN: Girl keeps doing what she doing and kicking ass. She becomes a little bit of her grandfather, Gunner Jang, Miss Haman and Mr. Hangrang to the next generation; receiving the occasional support from her original friends and allies, OUR VERY-MUCH-ALIVE HEROES. Those brief moments when they get to see each other again are bittersweet cause they never know when the next time will be or who will make it to that date. But they’ve each proven themselves to be FIGHTERS. And though they don’t know what the future holds, they leave each meeting a little more hopeful, till the next SEE YOU AGAIN. 
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A Primer on Curses
Cursing may be one of the most controversial types of magick among witches and other magicians.  There are magickal practices that outright forbid it, while others embrace it wholeheartedly.  Truthfully, it is a grey area where powerful magick meets justice meets moral quandary.  While there are times that a witch will be required to curse someone, it should never been done so without serious consideration and forethought.  
It can be very tempting for a witch to use her power to curse when emotions are running high, especially for the novice.  But one of the fundamental lessons of witchcraft is patience; we cast our spells, release our energy into the universe at large, and wait for it to come to fruition.  Cursing is no different, it requires forethought, planning, and the quiet reserve of power that a witch develops though time.
It's important to understand the nature of curses--how they work, how they are structured, their effects, and their purpose.  The best way to study them is as it is with many forms of magick--to look at history mythology and to see how curses operate.
First and foremost, it is essential to understand the purpose of curses.  Curses are not vehicles to wreck ones vengeance upon the world.    Indeed, this is the most reckless use of curses and is why the practice is often forbidden in various forms of witchcraft.  Often they cite the rule of three or the law of return or use the modern definition of "karma" (as opposed to its traditional religious definition which is entirely different). These rules aren't arbitrary, they represent a fundamental truth at the core of magick: that intent matters and it affects the caster as much as the target.
In fairytales, we often see the wicked witch who curses the hero in either jealousy or spite.  The wicked queen in Snow White curses Snow White to death-like sleep, in turn she is punished harshly at end though how varies by story.  She is forced to wear hot iron shoes and dance or in some versions she is simply killed outright.  The queen doesn't bear the curse herself, but suffers from the consequences of it.  Her suffering is a direct consequence of the curse she cast.
One of the first spells I did as young witchling was against an ex-boyfriend in high school.  This was before the ubiquity of the internet. Barnes and Noble and Borders were fairly new stores, I didn't live near one, and I had yet to work up the courage to buy one of those shiny new books on Wicca.  Most of my knowledge on witchcraft was from stories my grandmother told me about a local witch, books published in the 1970's on the occult from the local library, and television shows like "In Search Of".
We complain today about uninformed witches, but oh boy was I messing with forces I really had no idea about.
I thought I was truly in love with my high school boyfriend.  I had the biggest crush on him, was thrilled when started dating. He was my first kiss, my first sexual experience.  I thought it was true love and I would go on to marry my high school sweetheart and everything would sunshine.  Did I mention I was really naive?
When we broke up, I was devastated.  I thought I would never find love again (which led to a whole other slew of problems). I was also angry...how could he destroy my only chance at happiness?
After all, it wasn't like there was another woman.  He didn't date anyone after me.    Well, if he didn't want me, I would make sure no one would ever love him again. So, I cast a very dramatic ritual during a storm, complete with a drop of my own blood.  I cursed him so no woman would ever love him again.
Believe it or not, it worked.  He and his husband have been married several years now.
Now before you get all huffy, I am not saying I cursed him gay.  That's who he was.  That's why he broke up with me (also because high school me was a bit of an immature drama queen).  My curse probably did help clear his way up a bit, help nudge him down a path that he was going to down anyway.
However, the curse did rebound on me.  I couldn't get over him for the longest time.  I felt unworthy of love because he didn't love me, so I believed no one would love me.  I rushed into a relationship with the first person who seemed to worship me--who turned out to be possessive, manipulative, and controlling.  I suffered through years of misery on several levels.
Now to be fair, even if I hadn't cast the curse, it still might have all gone the same way.  People can get stuck in unhealthy emotions without the aid of curse.  However, casting a curse in that state will only go to strengthen those unhealthy emotions. Curses cannot heal the caster. Magick feeds on emotion and amplifies it.  If you are in a unhealthy place, a curse will only take those emotions and send them back to you even greater.
This is not to say that a curse will necessarily rebound on the caster, but rather that the casters intent can invite the curse to affect them as well.  To see a successful curse, we must look to those who cast them successfully such as the gods, spirits, and the fey.  Myths and legends abound with mortals who are cursed by higher beings and the higher beings suffer no ill effect.  This not because they are immune but they understand and demonstrate the elements of a well crafted curse.
First, the punishment must fit the crime.  A well crafted curse doesn't simply wish harm to its subject, rather it takes the wrong the target has done and turns it in on themselves.  Midas is cursed with a golden touch because of his greed which causes him to lose everything--a curse he chooses in guise of a wish.  Erisychthon wishes a grand feast and cuts down Demeter's sacred grove in order to fulfill his desire.  In turn, Demeter curses him with a never ending hunger; he must eat anything that is consumable but yet will always feel hungry.
Second, it's important to understand that, like all magick, curses will unfold with time.  Sometimes you will see the effects immediately, but more often the curse will start slowly and build with time.  The best curses start out as mere annoyances and continually build until the subject is crushed by the weight of it.  The reason for this in part, is that best curses are often crafted with an out.  If a curse is intended for punishment for an undesirable behavior, it only makes sense that if the subject stops the behavior, the curse can be lifted.
Recently, I felt the need to curse someone again, a "politician".  I saw this person as someone destructive, who if elected would cause great harm to the world around him.  He was elected and I felt the curse was merited, that this man had already harmed many people and that would continue to do so.   The nature of the curse is simple: for every lie he tells, three of his truths will be revealed.
This curse is simple, but its punishment fits the crime, it will  build over time, and it even grants the subject an out.  I wasn't the only such witch to cast this type of curse on the individual and indeed he's lied so much that it was inevitable that some of his truths would be revealed eventually.  However, I will say that I feel it is becoming more and more effective.
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ideahat-universe · 4 years
Bad, Good, Grey entertainment
Okay so there’s been a lot of pedo talk about various forms of entertainment and I want to set the record straight on what we are dealing with here. 
Toddler’s and Tiaras/Dance Moms/Little Miss Sunshine/ and Honey Boo Boo probably:
No one with empathy for children or just humanity in general liked those shows. Those shows were popular and went on for several seasons because the production costs were low and the reality television audience is very passive, very addicted to drama, and love watching freak shows. 
You can’t find a audience more entertained by human suffering than the people that love watching reality shows. 
The success of those shows is not an indictment of America, especially Little Miss Sunshine which is a movie that no one has seen. If you defend Cuties by saying that Little Miss Sunshine had something like that in the third act I have to respond with “No one who isn’t a hipster douchebag or a film reviewer has seen the ending to that film”
Normal people don’t watch shit like that. Do you even remember the trailers? I do! I saw a review for it either and it looked like the cure for insomnia. 
The average person thinks Honey Boo Boo was the worst, they think dance moms is for sociopaths who like seeing little girls cry, and they think Toddler’s and Tiara’s are for pedophiles. 
Big Mouth: 
Big Mouth is a coming of age show for adults and it seems mostly like a thinly veiled excuse to watch westernized lolita and shota soft core porn, it might be that but the big problem with calling Big Mouth fans pedos is that big Mouth is basically like every other raunchy adult comedy, including the sacred cow South Park. 
There’s not a lot of stuff that Big Mouth has done that South Park hasn’t also done and in standard American fashion the art style is more repulsive than endearing and good hentai lives and dies on how well the human body is drawn. 
You have to have a strong understanding of the human anatomy just so you can bend those rules for unrealistic proportions and still have people invested in the quality of your work. It’s real fucking work drawing good looking pornography. 
Big Mouth isn’t drawn like a show that loves the human body. It’s drawn like a show that kind of sees the body as something gross and it’s half played off for laughs while the other half is reassurance that you’re relatively normal. 
If you were going to make a show about a subject matter like this, you probably can’t do worse than Big Mouth and you probably can’t do any better either. 
Cuties exist supposedly as a way to spark a conversation about how we sexualize young girls. It’s from France so it’s probably more relevant there than it is here but not many people are making that argument. I would make that argument though. After all, France is where the infamous novel “Lolita” was originally published (although to be fair it was written by a Russian). 
French culture is extremely sex positive and the plot is about a Somalian girl acclimating to a dance group that would only exist in the western world and would have the most acceptance in France. 
The mass immigration of people from the Middle East created a culture clash in France and other places where people who abandoned religion have to butt heads with people for whom religion is basically everything. 
Sexuality is condemned in fundamentalist Islamic culture, especially the sexuality of women. I could go on for awhile talking about my theories why and how it speaks to a series of social, emotional, and mental disorders hidden within the members of the Islamic faith but that’s a conversation for a different subject. 
America has problems with sex and sexuality but lets face it, if the Somalian girl was Christian instead of Muslim and set in America there wouldn’t be a film or alternatively there would be a film but it would just be Mean Girls. 
Most stories about sexuality and coming of age is usually about riding that line between being liberated but not so far out that you fall in with bad people who want to exploit your sexuality for profit, physically abuse you for pleasure, or give you a disease that will forever lower your quality of life if not be the lead cause of your own death. 
Many stories of sex are about the regret of even having it or having had it with the wrong people or refusing to have it with the right one until it was too late. 
The real question is “Is Cuties truly a satire of french culture?” 
It can’t be satire of American culture because the abuse of children is met with public derision and disgust when it’s brought to their attention. America is still very religious and the inherently conservative nature of islamic culture can fit within America with only modifications to how it views the concept of punishment for breaking religious rules. 
In order for Cuties to be a commentary on how America sees the sexuality of girls it would have to be pro pedophilia because the antagonist that’s being criticized would be the religious faith and not the hedonism of the Cuties. 
This can however be an critique on how France’s sexual openess is just an excuse for debauchery and sexual exploitation. 
Only the French can say for sure or not, I can’t say if that’s a fair critique, my investigations has led to people affirming that French people are “More honest about romance and sex” which is distressingly vague given the subject matter but I don’t know where the french draw the line so I’ll leave it at that. 
In any case the production of the film regardless of intent is child abuse. Either they exploited the pre-existing sexuality of young girls or they sexualized young girls specifically for the film. Effectively grooming them to be sex pots for the purposes of authenticity. They had hundreds of kids tryout for this as well. 
How many of those children have been raped before or during the production of the film? Even when a child is being hired for a G rated kid’s film or show there’s still a high chance that someone on set, in the studio, or in Hollywood has sexually touched the kids, sometimes with the consent of the parents (I mean the parents get all the money, if you were a selfish prick willing to make your child famous so you could get rich, would you care if Dan Schneider touched your daughter?) 
It’s massively irresponsible at best and at worst, part of the film’s message relied on throwing actual little girl’s into the lion’s den to make a point about how immoral and corrupt french people are. 
It got an award at Sundance. The co-founder of Sundance is a confirmed pedophile. If the intent of the film is to oust french people and non religious people as nonces and nonce enablers well mission accomplished I guess! 
I’ve never seen a film throw everyone that liked it under the bus. 
Well. Does Freddy Got Fingered count? I digress. 
That’s the conversation one is supposed to have about Cuties. I get really fucking annoyed when people say “we need to have a conversation about this.” or “it’s a conversation starter.” but they don’t really initiate a conversation and they use that phrase to end the conversation they are currently in so it’s a lot of bullshit. 
We’re done talking about Cuties but we’re not done here yet. 
Some person named Brittany made some video where she took shots at Shark hololive girl. Said the person was Lolibait and that she had an audience of 40 year old men. 
Where does one begin?
Apparently this person has done this before. I keep thinking of Jessica Valenti which is another person so clearly what this person did or does has been lost to me. I can only assume it involved gamergate or Donald Trump because all roads lead to those two subjects for some bizarre reason. 
But that’s the past. Right now is what matters and right now you can’t just make a video saying that someone makes content exclusively for pedophiles which is what she did. That was some Keemstar level shit right there and I’m under the impression no one will make her regret that choice. Everybody always talks about actions having consequences but it appears like only certain people suffer from the consequences. 
But we’ll see. 
She talked about Hololive like it was another Project Melody. Unfortunately for her it’s not, It’s a real business and a real business is designed to deal with defamation in a serious way so things could get ugly if Yagoo actually thinks his ladies are being threatened by drama mongers. 
These vtubers are doing really well. Pokimane deciding to become a vtuber that is just her normal self but animated is boomer level imitation and extremely funny. 
The appeal isn’t that they’re animated by the way, the appeal is that they’re fun people doing streams. The animation works by letting the audience create a para social relationship with a fictional character of sorts so that the actress can have a private life while still maintaining a streaming setup that’s very personable for the audience. 
This is a meaningful evolution of an online persona.
The only real downside is that anyone who wanted to have an animated avatar in general will be defined as a vtuber when that may not be the intention of the streamer. 
I’m just waiting for one of these girls to be part of an ARG. 
Okay so to wrap up:
Reality shows are trash and always have been.
Indie Films are also trash and only pretentious douche bags like them. 
What happens in France should stay in France. 
and Hololive is GOAT but tragedy of the commons is still a thing. 
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rainstormcolors · 7 years
Rivalship for the meme if you haven't been asked already. :,D
Thank you! Obviously these areonly my interpretations. And I wanted to be thorough in my answers.
What they watch during movie dates and what kind ofsnacks they get from concessions.
I don’t think Seto watches much television or movies. What happensis Yugi turns something on and leans against Seto, who’s busy on his laptop andyet still here in the room and on the sofa in front of the TV system. I thinkYugi has pretty broad tastes in movies and also likes shonen anime. He tends toavoid slapstick movies and shows though because those annoy Seto. But it’s warmand cozy there on the sofa together.
Which one gets in to a fight with the other’s parents.
All of Seto’s parents are six feet under. Yugi has hisgrandfather, mother, and a largely absent father. In the case of Sugoroku, Iactually take the idea of him being forgiving towards Seto, with him in turntaking the idea of trusting Yugi’s judgement. In practice I think Sugoroku’sand Seto’s exchanges would be on the curt side but it would generally be congruent.Yugi’s mother isn’t defined in canon well but I get the idea she might be a bitnosy. Seto is not a sociable person but I think he’d tolerate her for Yugi’ssake. I’m fairly sure Yugi and Mokuba would be friends and enjoy spending timetogether. I don’t really imagine there’d be much discourse honestly.
What kind of street performance they’d put on to raisemoney if they were stranded somewhere.
I like the-cryptographer’s idea of Seto finding a streetvendor and showing them how to improve their business, balancing their budgetsand demonstrating tactics to make more sales. I feel like on the Yugi side, hemight offer little services for free in the hope of garnering tips (since helooks so harmless and seems so friendly and also because this is an anime world,he might get a few takers).
How they’d be as parents if theyhad-a-kid/someone-forced-a-kid-on-them.
As I’ve said before, I think Seto would be profoundlyuncomfortable at the notion of having and raising children. I think he’d bedeeply and darkly afraid of becoming Gozaburo, and likewise be terrified of hisown lingering emotional struggles when faced with the notion of raising achild. Comparatively, I have the idea that Yugi would hope to have children.He’s so down to earth, warm, and social. I think he’d want to have a family.And he might bring the topic up with Seto a few times, but as he realizes just howuncomfortable the subject makes Seto feel he’d drop it, and instead findhappiness in spending time with the children of his friends and Mokuba.
So how does a child come into their care? I can only thinkof one very tragic circumstance, and this child would be the orphan of Mokuba.(Comparatively, if it was Jonouchi’s child who was orphaned I feel Shizukawould be the one to take them in.)
There would be a period of bleak depression and transitionfor all three parties in this, but I think Yugi and Seto would make a verygenuine and heartfelt effort to raise this child. Yugi would be a warm parent, instigatinggame and movie nights, probably a bit too soft on discipline. Seto would strugglewith how much pressure and discipline to apply on the child (his damnGozaburo-complex…) and I think he’d end up on the softer side with these thingsas well, but have times where he’ll lose his temper and have to abruptly leavethe room to calm down. Seto would be a quieter parent than Yugi, and he’llforever be a workaholic, but he’ll share meaningful moments and gestures (this is his dead brother’s child). Ipicture Yugi and the child deciding to bake a cake for Seto’s birthday, Yugiand Seto bringing the child to the park on the occasional weekend. There’s achance a maid or chef or butler might be involved in raising the child as well.I think Mokuba’s child—really Yugi’s and Seto’s own child—would be wellloved and well cared for in the end.
Who would cause the most trouble during a camping tripand how.
I don’t think these two would go on very many camping trips.It’s hard to come up with a scenario where they would. I feel like Yugi mightgo off with Jonouchi, Honda, and Ryo on a camping trip for a few nights andbring back a pinecone to give Seto, telling him about all the antics and how brilliantthe stars in the purple-black sky were.
Maybe Yugi and Seto would take the occasional walk through aforest though, see the glowing silver sky between the bare branches, or watchthe birds flitting through the emerald leaves. Yugi might recount a story fromhis childhood and Seto would listen as spots of sunshine shatter through thecanopy over them.
What they would give each other as both a serious giftand a troll gift.
In the beginning, it’s Yugi who gives little gifts from timeto time. Bringing snacks, bringing two new packs of Duel Monsters cards and givingone to Seto for them both to open one at the same time.
Seto might bring Yugi to a tailor to have a high-qualitysuit fitted for him “to make you properly presentable for business,” but reallyit’s a gift.
Generally, I think it would be small gifts exchanged, withthe gesture itself being the truly meaningful thing for the both of them (Isuppose that’s the case for most of us out there).
Who moves in with them as an unfortunate third wheelroommate.
I actually picture the scenario as more like Yugi and Setogo on a vacation somewhere only to discover Jonouchi and Honda “just so happen”to also be vacationing in that exact same place at the exact same time as them.And Jonouchi and Honda crash the vacation on and off, but Yugi and Seto alsostill have their alone time together. Yes, Jonouchi and Honda did this onpurpose but they aren’t actually trying to sabotage anything. They just thoughtit’d be fun and funny.
Yugi’s friends and Mokuba’s family may stay overnight at thecouple’s home from time to time. Jonouchi and Honda might be teasing about it(in a playful way) while Anzu and Ryo would be very polite and courteousguests.
How they feel about handholding and sudden kisses in theear-cheek vicinity.
I firmly believeSeto despises public displays of affection. They make him uncomfortable, feelfar far too exposed. In private however, Yugi gives tender touches and it’s notunpleasant at all. It might even be rather nice.
Who’s always snapping photos and who’s pack-rattingclutter.
Yugi is the guilty party for both, though “always” is toostrong of a word. He’ll take surprise photographs of Seto to play-annoy himsometimes. He’ll keep a scrapbook of when Seto and Kaiba Corporation arefeatured flatteringly in the media. Seto rolls his eyes to all this, but insidehe’s charmed.
Yugi collects games and some memorabilia, while Seto doesn’tbother with small material items too often. Except–! Except for Duel Monsterscards! Yugi really can’t fathom why Seto needs 36 copies of Hyozanryu.
Who hogs the bathroom in the morning and who causestoothpaste related drama.
I feel like the two are about even in their bathroom timeand maintenance. They’re both the type to keep the door shut, to keep thecounter tidy without being neurotic about it. Yugi might be a bit messier whileSeto returns things to their exact place, but it’s not a big deal. I kind ofhave the idea that if they lived together, given Seto’s mass of wealth, theirhome would have multiple bathrooms so hogging isn’t a problem either.
What their matching costumes were for that one party.
Seto is a stick-in-the-mud asshole who refuses to dress in acostume (well, a real costume anyway… those spinney trench coats with oversizedshoulder pads that Seto doesn’t wear anymore…). Yugi might dress up in a simplecostume; I don’t see him going all out with it. But if Yugi gets it in his headthat they must be dressed up as a couple, I think he’d steal one of those oldspinney coats, draped to the floor and sagging from his shoulders. (Seto mightthink, “You look ridiculous,” but then have a realization of just who used towear that coat all the time.) Yugi would joke to his friends, “He’smid-twenties Seto-kun, and I’m teen Seto-kun.” And at some point Seto mightintentionally step on the coattail as an awkward half attempt at flirting.
If I think they’d get married and why or why not.
This is in the realms of longterm Rivalshipping. I don’tthink the idea of marriage is too present in Seto’s mind in this case. I thinkin time it might appear in Yugi’s mind however, that idea of declaring theirbond to the world. I think Yugi envisions marriage with a romantic lens and assomething to mark the significance and depth of their relationship. For him it’sabout the symbolism, not the legalese. Yugi might bring up the subject a fewtimes, and eventually Seto may agree to it to make Yugi happy and it’s not likemuch will change anyway. It would be a small private ceremony; friends andfamily only. I think Yugi would understand this is more for pleasing him thananything else and yet he’ll glow because thisis still a gesture of love.
Who has over a thousand unread emails in their inbox orfive hundred icons on their computer desktop and how the other reacts to thisgross mismanagement.
Seto is a CEO of a mammoth corporation, so I think it’s fairto wager he has a lot of crap on his computer. Yugi doesn’t care; Yugi doesn’tknow what half of those icons even are.
What their hidden artistic talents are and howappreciative the other is of these talents.
They have pretty blatant creative talents within canon: bothare/aspire to be game creators. Seto is very good at drafting blueprints, and Ithink sketching blueprints for things he doesn’t actually intend to build mightalso become a coping mechanism for him to clear his head and heart on theharder days. And Yugi collects these discarded blueprints, and he thinks they’rea kind of wonderful treasure. Maybe Yugi writes short stories sometimes and he’skind of embarrassed and thinks they’re not very good, but Seto reads them andhe can see the reflection of Yugi inside them, the honest emotion and thosethings that really mean something to Yugi, and Seto thinks there’s something ofvalue here even if he can’t say so aloud. But Yugi notices how Seto alwaysreads what Yugi shows him, and how Seto will tell him to cut the crap when he’sdown-talking his own stories.
What they consider each other’s most attractive qualityand/or their favourite thing about the other.
I think Yugi admires how headstrong and goal-oriented Setois, how hard he strives and how many things he’s accomplished, how despiteanything else his creations have brought so much joy and so many personalconnections to the world.
I think what I hope for Seto, inside or outside of aromantic context, is to understand that Yugi does see him as a person ofworth—not monetary worth, but emotional worth. To understand that he meanssomething to someone else. (That knowledge can get a person through a lot.)
For Seto, I think he has trouble even comprehending how Yugican be so warm and kind, and it’s something so alien and powerful to him. It’sa strength he doesn’t have, and he can’t say it aloud but it’s beautiful to himhow Yugi is the embodiment of it.
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