#that second part isn’t entirely true but none of my friends really like OC fics
cecenyss · 2 years
The best OCs fics can stand alone. When canon is nothing more than context for them, and their character has their own, individual story to tell.
This is always made easier in fandoms like the mcu or the arrowverse, which has a series of villains that are introduced and then defeated, usually within a single short show, season, or movie, and much more difficult with fandoms such as my hero academia, which has a singular “big bad” or “evil” organization of some sort that the main characters work together to overcome within the entirety of the franchise. The singular goal shared by all characters makes it more difficult for OCs to branch off and do their own thing with their own separate, personal storyline.
Of course, in something like a wartime setting this is also made easier without the separation of enemies over different installments, because there’s the understanding that this is a universal thing; something affecting millions of people across different countries or areas or wherever this war is taking place.
In stories with wartime settings, it’s also taking place over the course of several years, making it easier for your original character to go off, do their own thing, and then regroup with the main characters for the bit bad fight, usually the opposing force in the aforementioned war.
There’s no real point to me saying this, I just thought it was interesting. Also I just read The Siren by emmagnetised and it’s fantastic. I love OC stories so much and I always think it’s such a shame what a bad reputation they get; the well-written ones are few and far between and it’s a shame, in my opinion.
There’s something about reading an individual’s own story from within a universe you’re already familiar with that’s so spellbinding to me and I love it. Adding new characters and introducing new ideas, altering canon through the eyes of an entirely new person. It’s like reading an entire novel, with all the thrill of getting to know the character it’s about, but you don’t need to trouble yourself with the world or the other characters. Less to keep track of because you already know everybody else and their dynamics; you just need to focus on this person’s.
It’s the same reason I like reading fics which introduce two characters who never got the chance to meet or write out backstories for people who never got their own canon one. Even just novelizing someone’s backstory when you already have most of the disjointed details.
I prefer pre-canon type fics to future ones or fix-it ones, because to me fanfiction is about expanding on the rudimentary details we’re given. World-building in an otherwise unexplored world. Even just tiny details about what it would be like to live in this world is just fascinating to me.
This ended up as a longer ramble than I thought it would. Read more OC fics and write more OC fics I think they’re cool.
(also I am taking OC fic recommendations for the mcu please and thank you)
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lostinshawnsmemory · 5 years
Figure You Out: Chapter 3 - Shawn x African OC
A/N: This chapter is very music heavy. I’m also introducing a lot of songs that aren’t that well known seeing as they’re afrobeat songs.  All the songs used are linked in the fic playlist and while you don’t necessarily have to listen to them, it adds to the story and makes reading some of the lyrics easier as they aren’t in English (there aren’t translations but there is a reason for that) and I would highly recommend it.  They’re also just really good songs and if you’re looking for new music I got you. 
Word Count: 4.3k
Warning(s): None 
Series Masterlist
Fic Playlist
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University was difficult and it took Tolani a really short amount of time to figure that out. Looking at the course requirements she could tell that the weeks to come were going to be intense, but so far it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle. Her coursemates were friendly enough but 2 days of lectures didn’t yield any friendships and she could tell that it wasn’t going to happen so quickly.
One thing she couldn’t tell though was how she felt about Shawn. They’d talked on and off after their coffee date a few days prior, but their relationship, if you could call it that, was not clearly defined. ‘Tolani you’ve known him for five minutes, you don’t need to have clearly defined parameters just yet.’
Seated at the desk staring at some of her required reading that she was pretending to pay attention to, her mind went back to their conversation at the coffee shop and the list of songs that he gave her. She never got round to listening to them and this was as good a time as any even though there was work she should’ve been doing. She opened Spotify, searched for Lost in Japan, put in her earphones and pressed play. The song wasn't what she was expecting, the piano intro felt warm and relaxing and by the time the beat kicked in she had a smile on her face. He sang about a girl who was in a different time zone but she didn’t care about the girl, the thing that made her connect with the song was the beat. It was funky and rhythmic bass had her bopping along to the song. By the time the bridge started, she was already mouthing some of the words. When the song finished she couldn't resist picking up her phone and texting him.
Tolani: Okay sooooooo Lost in Japan is one of the coolest songs I’ve ever heard.
Shawn: Really?
Tolani: No seriously. It’s so cool and funky and I’ve also learnt half the lyrics.
Shawn: That fast? 😮
Tolani: What can I say? I really like the song. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Shawn: What about the other songs?
Tolani: Currently just Lost in Japan, but now I’m insanely curious about the rest.
Shawn: I’m expecting a full break down of each song.
Tolani: I did say I would critique them. 😉
Where Were You in The Morning, was a completely different vibe. It was more of a bluesy R&B track and a lot more in line with what Tolani usually listened to. It wasn’t the type of song she would’ve associated with Shawn, proof that there was more to him than meets the eye. She couldn’t deny that she really liked the song, so much so that she played it again when the song was done.
Tolani: Okay who is she?
Shawn: You listened to Where Were You in the Morning didn’t you? 🤨
Tolani: Yup
Shawn: And you’re not going to stop till you know?
Tolani: Of course not 😉
Shawn: I could deflect and you’ll never know
Tolani: You could, but you won’t
Shawn: How do you know? 🤨
Tolani: Call it a lucky guess.🤷🏾‍♀️
Shawn: I regret telling you to listen to it 🤦‍♂️
Tolani: That’s too bad Mendes
Shawn: You want the truth?
Tolani: Of course I do!!
Shawn: What if I don't’ tell you? 😏
Tolani: Then I’ll keep hounding you.
Shawn: I’ll take any excuse for you to keep talking to me, so it’s a win-win 🤷‍♂️
Tolani: Just so you know, I happen to like talking to you.
Shawn: First of all, thank you. Second of all, it isn’t working.
Tolani: You saw right through that? 🙃
Shawn: I did.
Tolani: So I guess I’ll switch tactics.
Shawn: How so?
Tolani: I’ll never speak to you again.
Shawn: Wooooow brutal 😳
Tolani: Spill Mendes
Shawn: Fine.
Tolani: I’m waiting
Shawn: You want an answer? 😏
Tolani: I really do.
Shawn: Honestly? She was a girl I met at a party and she made it seem like she wanted more but apparently not. 🤷‍♂️
Tolani: Not the story I was expecting 😕
Shawn: Kinda underwhelming?
Tolani: A little bit yeah.
Shawn: Well I’m a songwriter, I embellish when needed.
Tolani: Either way I love the song. It’s got the same vibe as Lost in Japan but it’s more R&B-esque.. It’s R&B adjacent!!!
Shawn: That‘s the perfect way to describe it. I’m stealing that 👏
Tolani: You may, although, I require royalties.
Shawn: Done
Tolani: On to the next one. And by the way, I really do like talking to you Shawn. 😊
Shawn: I like talking to you too T ❤️
Memories was completely different from the previous ones. It was an emotional piano ballad that made Tolani tear up more times than she would’ve liked to admit. There was something about that song that stood out from the rest and she couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was. It was the perfect blend of emotional and powerful.
Tolani: Scratch that Memories is the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard.
Shawn: Why Thank you! 😁
Tolani: How old were you when you wrote that?!
Shawn: 14/15-ish
Tolani: Excuse me while I crumble under the weight of my own talentlessness and have a minor existential crisis. 🤯😭
Shawn: Hahaha. I’m sure you’re not completely talentless. Maybe a little talentless
Tolani: I know I jokingly say I’m going to block you, but this time I really mean it, but on a serious note, this song is perfect and I love it
Shawn: Noted 😊
30 minutes and some messages later, Tolani had listened to all the songs Shawn had listed and she was surprised at how much she liked his music.. ‘He’s incredibly talented.’ she thought as she went to put her phone on the table, but before she could it started vibrating more so than usual. She’d spent the better part of the past few days deleting Instagram comments and DM’s but they just kept coming and they were all the same. Asking her who she was, and how she knew Shawn. It was getting exhausting being bombarded with questions that didn’t warrant a response. Not because she was hiding anything rather that there was nothing to talk about. ‘Shawn and I are friends, or something akin to friends anyway.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘Tell that to hundreds of fans in my Instagram comments.’ She knew she should probably say something to Shawn but it wasn’t anything that she couldn’t handle for the time being.
Shawn: Are you free tomorrow?
Tolani: Are you asking me out again already? 🤨
Shawn: After our coffee date, I said and I quote “I’ll definitely ask you out again” so this is me asking you out again.
Tolani: One would think that you like me 🤔
Shawn: Maybe I do. 🤷‍♂️😉
Tolani: What’s up…
Shawn: I’m in need of a good DJ
Tolani: First of all, that’s vague. Second of all, what makes you think that’s me?
Shawn: I have a feeling… I also have great intuition (You also said you like music)
Tolani: Your ego never takes a day off 🙄
Shawn: I don’t know what you mean…. I’m incredibly humble 🤭
Tolani: Only twitter thinks that Shawn
Shawn: Ouch that one really hurt my feelings 🙃
Tolani: Sorry about that
Shawn: Apology accepted.
Tolani: Are you going to tell me what’s going on?
Shawn: What if I said it’s a surprise?
Tolani: What if I told you that I hate surprises?
Shawn: I wouldn’t be shocked. Do you like surprises though?
Tolani: I don’t not like them 😝
Shawn: Are you willing to endure this one?
Tolani: Against my better judgement, I am.
Shawn: Great. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 2 o’clock
Tolani: Shawn…
Shawn: Yes T?
Tolani: You don’t know where I live
Shawn: That is true. 🤦‍♂️ What’s your address?
Tolani laughed as she texted him her address. ‘Why is he so easy to talk to.’ she thought as she stared down at her phone, a smile on her face. She got along with Shawn more than anyone she’d met since she’d moved to Toronto and she wasn’t entirely sure why. He was warm and open, something she wasn’t used to. It was like a breath of fresh air. And she welcomed it. Every conversation they’d had either through text or in-person never felt forced, even with a few awkward silences.
The next day as she was getting ready the was a knock at her door, and a few seconds later Desire walked in.
“Hey hun! I haven't seen you in a minute,” she said flopping down on Tolani’s bed. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Tolani who’d made the bed a few minutes prior. “Where have you been?”
“Oh, you know” Tolani waved her hand dismissively “Her,  there and everywhere. Mostly going to class and exploring then coming back here.”
“I feel like I haven't even seen you in the dorm.”
“I’ve been around.”
“Anway” Desire said “A couple of us are going to see a movie in a little bit. You wanna come?”
Tolani looked down at her phone, it was 1:45 ‘Shawn is going to be here soon.’ she thought. “Sorry I can’t. I’m heading out.”
“Oh. Where are you going” said excitedly bouncing on the bed, creasing Tolani’s sheets further.
“Just going to get coffee with a friend from my course.” The lie was an easy one, coming out a lot quicker than Tolani would’ve thought. Telling Desire she was going out with Shawn was equivalent to telling everyone, and she definitely wasn’t ready to do that yet.
“Sounds fun! Maybe when you’re done you could meet up with us. We’ll be at the Cineplex on Eglinton Avenue.”
“Will do” Tolani nodded her head, looking at Desire who got up to leave. Then she turned around as looked in the mirror to put the finishing touches on her makeup.  As she was putting on her lip gloss her phone vibrated.
Shawn: I’m here.
Tolani: I’ll be out in a second
As she walked outside, she couldn't help but feel nervous. Not unlike how she felt they had coffee, but there was something different about this time. ‘It could be that we’re going to be in a confined space for an extended period of time.’
Shawn was outside her dorm waiting for her. There was no way she could have missed his Jeep. Tolani walked up to the car as he wound down the window.
“Hi T.” he flashed her a smile that she couldn't help but return. ‘Why is his smile so contagious?’
“Hi, Shawn. Nice car.” She quipped leaning against the door placing her forearms on the open window.
“Are you gonna get in?”
“Well, my mum always told me not to get into a stranger’s car” Tolani tapped on her chin pretending to be lost in thought.
“Am I stranger though?” he cocked his head analysing her. “I mean we had coffee a few days ago.”
“You’ve got a good point,” Tolani replied with a chuckle as she opened the door and got into his car.
“So” she implored a few minutes later, turning to look at Shawn whose eyes were trained on the road. “Why exactly did you need me as a DJ? Where are we going?” “Well actually…” He ran his hands through his hair before answering.”We’re not actually going anywhere.”
“Huh?” she furrowed her eyebrows clearly not understanding what he was saying. “I didn’t have a reason for this drive. I just wanted to spend time with you.” Tolani couldn’t help but smile. “You saw me 4 days ago Shawn.” she scoffed rolling her eyes playfully.
“I did. And I wanted to see you again.” turning to face her, his face unreadable. ‘That was incredibly sweet.’ Tolani felt her face warming, so much so that she broke their eye contact and looked away. “How about I give you a really random driving tour of Toronto while you be the DJ?” “Well, what kind of DJ would I be if there was no music.”  “I'm trusting you wholeheartedly. You have complete control over what we listen to.” The second he said that a list of her favourite songs popped into her head. “I have the perfect song.” And seeing that she had complete control over what they listened to, she was definitely going to play some afrobeat. After syncing her phone to the sound system is his car she opened Spotify, searched for the songs in question and pressed play.
The sound of drums filled the car followed by heavy bass and Tolani broke out in a huge grin as one of her favourite artists Wizkid started sang about needing love. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Shawn bopping his head along to the song, looking slightly confused by the lyrics. She couldn’t help it and started singing loudly once the second verse started.
‘Toba gboni shakara pade
Pa’shan toh ma fi na eh oh
Oje loun jeh
Kilon se je, shakara olo’je ni’
“Hold on! What did he say? I’m pretty sure that was not English.” Shawn muttered clearly confused
At that, Tolani couldn’t control the giggle that came out of her. “That’s because it isn’t English Shawn. He’s singing in Yoruba.”
“Yuh-ruw-bah?” Much like when they first met, his pronunciation was way off but she mentally gave him points for trying but the giggle soon turned into a full-blown laughing fit. “Yo-ruh-bah.” she enunciated. “It’s one of the languages spoken in Nigeria.”
“I was going to ask about that.”
“There are hundreds of languages spoken in Nigeria and its really annoying when people ask me if I speak Nigerian.” she couldn't help the irritation that crept into her voice. Questions like that usually came from a place of ignorance and while she was more than willing to educate people who didn’t know, there was always an air of disrespect surrounding questions like that.
“And you speak Yoruba?” even though his pronunciation was a little better, she still couldn’t help but cringe a little.
“I do” she nodded her head. “Ever since I was a kid.”
“So you understand what he’s saying.”
“Every single word. Here I’ll translate for you. The song is basically about wanting sweet love and good vibes. That part of the song basically talks about people who show off. ‘Shakara‘ roughly translates to ‘show off’ or someone who brags and the song is basically saying that people who show off kill the good vibe.”
“Got it!” He turned back to the road as Tolani kept singing.
As the song came to a close she turned to him. “What did you think?”
“I loved it! I’ve never heard a song like that before. What’s it called.” his face lit and she could feel her heart swelling with pride it was an amazing feeling when someone connected with something that was important to you
“That my dear, was your introduction to afrobeat. The song is called Sweet Love by an artist called Wizkid. It’s one of my favourites”
“Do you have any more songs like that cause that was easily the coolest song I’ve ever heard.”
“You’re in luck because I do.” she bragged as she picked up her phone.
Seeing as he liked the first song so much, she decided to play something in a similar vein. Jaiye Jaiye and Sweet Love were similar in the sense that you could tell it was made by the same artist but the two songs have different vibes and wildly different lyrics.
‘Wizzy baby loke loke
Seb’Oluwa lo se o
Owo n wole wa
Seb’Oluwa lo se o ah
Lagos today and London tomorrow  
Oluwa lo se o
Omo jaiye jaiye
Seb’Oluwa lo se oh ah’
She was singing along and turned to see Shawn looking right at her. “What?” she deadpanned. Suddenly becoming self-conscious. “Nothing.” he turned away smiling to himself. “What does this song mean?”
“Jaiye means to enjoy life and have a great time. The song is basically living your best life and just being thankful for all the blessings in your life. The song is also special because it’s directly influenced by one of, it not the most influential Afrobeat artist ever.”
Shawn absorbed everything she was telling him. And it felt good to talk to someone about some of the songs that she loved and have them listen, even though they might not fully understand everything.  
There was no way she was going to play some of her favourite afrobeat songs and not play a single Burna Boy song. A day didn’t go by where she didn’t listen to at least one of his songs and today was no different. Gbona was one of those songs that could change her turn her mood around and she was really excited to play it for Shawn.
‘When the gbedu dey enter body, enter body
All the girl, them go shake body
Them go shake their body.
Oluwa Burna mo gbona feli, say mo Gbona feli
You not get money, you dey call police.
Me I dey laugh you gan ni.’
She could see his brow furrow again as he tried to decipher the lyrics he clearly couldn't understand. “I need you to not focus on the lyrics so much as the song. Focus on the drums and the saxophone and how you feel when you listen to the song. It’s all about the ‘gbedu’, which is a traditional drum which is used in a lot of songs, producing a beat that makes you want to dance.”
“I can’t dance.” he turned to look at her.
“You don’t need to know how to dance per se. It’s more about vibing to the song rather than dancing.”
After she said that, she could see him relax and start to enjoy the song, it started with his head and soon his entire body was moving albeit a little off-beat which made Tolani smile.
The next song she picked was a lot slower and more suited to a drive, but still had the quintessential elements she loved. “This is one is called Damiloun. I love this one cause it reminds me of the drives my dad and I used to take around Lagos on Saturday mornings,” she stated,  eyes closed, swaying from side to side in her seat.
“So it’s the perfect song for a drive?”
“That’s why I picked it. It’s a lot more chill and reflective of another genre of music called highlife which is a lot more ‘jazzy’.”
“I’m loving your music choices so far.”
“I had a feeling you would.” she smirked.
Tolani decided to change tactics for the next song and play something that he was more familiar with.
She could see his demeanour change as he started screaming the lyrics to Better Now.
‘You prolly think that you are better now, better now
You only say that 'cause I'm not around, not around
You know I never meant to let you down, let you down
Woulda gave you anything, woulda gave you everything’
Soon enough she joined in and the two spent the next two and a half minutes screaming Post Malone lyrics at the top of their lungs, getting louder with each line practically jumping in their seats. They earned a few looks from other drivers when they stopped at a red light, but they didn’t notice, as they were too wrapped up in the song to care.
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“Have you got any requests?” She asked when the song ended.
“Nope. I wasn’t kidding when I said you have complete and utter control over what we listen to.”
When Shawn saw Tolani walk out of her dorm, his heart had started beating quicker than normal. The first thing he noticed when she got into his car was the faint smell of honey. She looked like she did when they first met, except this time her braids were in a bun on top of her head. Her demeanour was cool and collected but her eyes showed just how excited he was, and it calmed him knowing that she was just as eager to spend time with him as he was with her.
He’d been incredibly nervous to ask her out again. After her reaction to some of his songs, he really wanted to know what kinds of songs she liked and a situation like this where she picked what they listened to seemed like a good a time as any to pick her brains about her taste in music.
The best way to describe the first song she played was colourful. The way the instruments were used were completely foreign and he’d never heard anything like it. Another thing he wasn’t familiar with were the words. He could barely make out what he was saying and was pretty sure the song wasn’t fully in English. His suspicions were confirmed when Tolani started singing her voice becoming rougher to pronounce the words.‘Yeah that definitely was not English.’ And when she said as much to her, she giggled, dimples out on full display. Soon her giggles turned into a full-blown laughing fit when he got the pronunciation of Yoruba wrong, the second time she’s laughed at his pronunciations.
That was how it was for a lot of the songs she played, he knew that Tolani had barely scratched the surface but he understood what she meant when she’d said Afrobeat wasn’t something you just listened to, it really was something you experienced. He could see that in the way she sang along to each song with hopeless abandon, flawlessly switching from English to Yoruba and back while dancing to each song even though she was in a confined space. His mind went back to when they first met. He’d noticed that she was a good dancer. Regardless of the song, she was always on beat making it clear that music was a very big part of her life.
He didn’t have the same luck. While he felt the urge to dance to each song, he was nowhere near as fluid as she was and she could tell. “I’m going to teach you how to dance.”He was already shaking his head. Dancing was his worst fear and there was no way he was doing it in front of her. “Nope. I’m not dancing. Ever!”
“It’ll be fun!”
“T, there is no way you are getting me to dance.”
She turned to him, head tilted to the side. “Shawn. you cannot tell me this song doesn't make you want to dance.”
“I can’t lie. It does.” he nodded “However I’m a terrible dancer so...” ending the sentence with a shrug.
“You’ve never had me as a teacher though.”
“T I’m sure that I’ll be shit EVEN with you as a teacher.”
“Maybe” she shrugged “but it would be funny though.”
“Yeah,” he said wistfully. “It probably would.”
Tolani named each song and artist as the song started making sure he knew exactly what she was playing. Listening to her explain the meaning behind each song made each one even more special, her voice becoming rougher and her accent becoming for prominent the more she spoke. He was honoured that she wanted to share that meaning with him especially when the songs had such personal and cultural significance.
As ignorant as it sounded he wasn’t expecting such diversity. Each song was similar but different. They ranged from slower tempos perfect for driving to upbeat songs that made him want to scream the lyrics even though he didn't know or understand them.
Tolani didn’t only play Afrobeat, she had one of the most diverse music tastes he’d ever come across. While she played her favourite Drake song, they talked about their shared love of the Canadian rapper and even went as far as belting out Fake Love while at a stoplight.
Shawn couldn’t help but cringe a little as the intro to Lost in Japan started playing but that feeling slowly turned into one of pride when she started singing along word for word. He was shocked at how quickly she’d learnt all the lyrics and couldn’t help but join in smiling as she screamed the bridge. “How did you learn the lyrics so fast?”
“I told you’ she glanced at him “I really like the song.” she winked.
The next song had him scream in excitement, which completely shocked Tolani. “You like Lauryn Hill?” surprise evident in her voice. He nodded his head enthusiastically “I really do and Doo Wop is my favourite song off of Miseducation” She grinned at him. “Me too. Another thing we have in common.” By the time the chorus came round, they were singing at the top of their lungs. She had a beautiful voice and he imagined what it would be like to have her sing to him.
‘Guys you know you’d better watch out
Some girls, some girls are only about
That thing, that thing, that thing,
That thing, that thing, that thing.’
Even though they didn’t talk about much outside music, it felt nice to be in her presence. He was someone who focused on the energy that surrounded people and the best way to describe hers was enigmatic. There was so much more to her than she was letting on which made him want to know more about her, but she was also incredibly thoughtful and very funny.
After two hours of pretty aimless driving Shawn dropped Tolani off outside her dorm but before she opened the door to leave, he turned to her.
“I had a great time.” He smiled  “Your taste in music is incredible and Afrobeat might be my new favourite thing.” He saw her eyes light up as the words hit home and he knew how important those words were to her.
“How about this. I’ll make a Spotify playlist of all the songs I played for you and add in a few more?”
“What happened to you not liking me enough to share music with me?”
“Cleary I changed my mind about that.” she smirked and she opened the door and climbed out of the car.
(Credit to @mendes-shawn for the gif)
@bugheadfanatic @sean-mendezzzzz @rulerofnocountry @thotmendes @shawnssnack @momenraul @justbeingoceana @tisvanessa @mani-lifes @shawnsvalentine @pinkk-peonies @sinplisticshawn  @eve134340 @kyloreins
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consortofkings · 6 years
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I couldn’t think of a way to better enjoy Hobbit Day than to pay a little tribute to just a small sample of some of the amazing stories this fandom is lucky enough to be gifted with. There are many fics I’ve left out and will be adding to this list many times over before I’m done with it. Please feel free to let me know of any of your favorites that you think I might’ve missed as well!
It would not be impertinent to say this is less of fic rec post and more a love letter to this fandom.
NOTHING GOLD CAN STAY by perkynurples
Summary: Bilbo Baggins led a rather peaceful life, thank you very much, until an old acquaintance decided to turn it upside down, and he found himself agreeing to take a job that’s… let’s say not exactly up his alley, and might eventually cost him a little more than his treasured cozy lifestyle. Who would have thought tutoring a slightly menacing monarch’s more than slightly overbearing nephew could prove to be such an adventure? Bagginshield. Modern AU. King and I overtones. Novel-Length.
Thoughts: This was either the second or third Hobbit fic I ever read, and I honestly couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve re-read it. It was the first fic I ever added to my ebook reader just so I could read it whenever I wanted, and honestly, I could write an essay. The world building, the character study, the plot: it’s out of this world. I’ve read published novels that only had me a quarter as impressed as this story, and I wish I could pay money for it because I would buy multiple copies.
Summary:  There's a certain point where you can no longer ask someone what their name is. Thorin isn't sure exactly when that point is, but he knows that it's probably some time before the person in question saves your life. On the far side of the Misty Mountains, Thorin realizes that he never quite caught the first part of Mr. Baggins' name, and he finds that it's astonishingly harder to learn than he would have thought. Fili, Kili, and Dwalin are no help whatsoever. Bagginshield. Humor.
Thoughts: This is not a long drawn out romance, but rather a short humorous getting together story and honest to god it is unfathomable how many times I have read and re-read it at this point. I could almost quote it word for word.
Summary: In the years since Bilbo left Erebor, he has lost his respectability, gained a nephew, and gotten on with life at Bag End. He'd left aside adventure for the comforts and peace of his little Hobbit hole, and for the love of a child who needed him. Though perhaps, adventures can yet find him. Bagginshield. Cannon-ish compliant. Shire courting.
Thoughts: One of the first Bagginshield fics I ever read and most definitely one of the first to make me fall in love with the pairing. A tinge of angst sprinkled upon piles and piles of fluffiness like you’ve never seen before. The pining is above and beyond and the conclusion is so satisfying it’ll leave you feeling smug for days afterward.  
Summary: Bilbo Baggins isn't sure about this. Not one bit.
Frodo is definitely too young to enter into an arranged marriage with a dwarven king called Thorin Oakenshield. It's a good thing that Bilbo is there to chaperone him through their courtship.
After all, there's no chance that a fussy hobbit bachelor would ever catch the eye of a king. Bagginshield. AU. Erebor Courting.
Thoughts: In my slightly snobby opinion, very few Bagginshield fics get Frodo right. This is not one of those stories. The juxtaposition of Thorin and Frodo’s relationship with Thorin and Bilbo’s is fantastic, and the way they just can’t not be intrigued with each other makes this one of my favorite Bagginshield stories.
Summary: Take a dragon and get rid of it, take a Kingdom under the Mountain and let it thrive under Thráin’s rule, take the King’s eldest son - as proud and arrogant as you can picture him - and then send him to the Shire in order to refine his diplomatic skills. Or, as his sister puts it: to grow them at last. Now, throw in the Master of Bag End playing host for the dwarf prince: you’ll get a clash of cultures, an ill-advised bet about educating a certain hobbit in the dwarf-lore, and all the pride and prejudice business you could hope for, plus Khuzdul.
A retelling inspired by My Fair Lady. Bagginshield. AU. Shire & Erebor love. Novel length.
Thoughts: Thorin is such a shit in this story, and you can’t help but love him. The way they come together is slow and fraught but so believable and it romances me every time I re-read it. Great story to read if you love fleshed out characters who you want to hit over the head and smoosh their faces together at the same time.
Summary: "My dear Mr. Baggins," she replied, "how can you be so tiresome! You must know that I am thinking of one of these unmarried king or princes marrying at least one of our Bagginses, and why not my Bilbo? He’s the prime of the lot."Smaug is defeated without the recruitment of a burglar, and several delegations, including one from the Shire, are invited to Thorin's public, official coronation. Bilbo, scribe, and bachelor, travel to Erebor with fourteen other Hobbits, embarking on an adventure that will change not only his destiny but those of many in Middle-earth. Or, the attempted Hobbit / Pride and Prejudice mashup that nobody asked for. Not to worry, knowledge of the plot of Pride and Prejudice is not necessary to understand this story. Bagginshield. AU. Courting Fic. Erebor Courting Fic. Lots of Hobbits.
Thoughts: I was very leery of this fic at first because I thought it might be just a standard Pride and Prejudice remake. To paraphrase a certain dwarf, I had never been so wrong in all my life. It blends the Regency life so well with the world of Tolkien that I was swooning. It seems to hit every single one of my favorite tropes of the bagginshield fandom (Bamf!Bilbo, enemiesToFriends, fleshed out OC’s, and MadBofurRespect, etc) but in a new and lovely light. It’s very Hobbit dense as well, which was refreshing and fun to read. I just can’t recommend this story enough.
COMES AROUND AGAIN by scarletjedi
Summary: Gimli closes his eyes, an old Dwarf on the brink of death in the home he had built with his husband in the Undying Lands, and opens them again as a young Dwarf in his childhood home in Ered Luin. He's returned to the tumultuous week before The Company set out to recruit their Burglar from his cosy hobbit hole. Gimli, once again an impetuous teen in the eyes of his family, must get into that Company--the lives of his loved ones, and the very fate of Middle Earth--depends on it. Gimli/Legolas. Bilbo/Thorin. TimeTravel-fix it.
Thoughts: I’m a big sucker for retellings of cannon, and this one is just lovely. I’m always leery of established relationship tags, but this story does the pining so well it feels like you get both for the price of one. Scarletjedi is also one of those authors who I would recommend reading through their entire catalog as well because there is not a dud amongst them.
Summary:  "Dis often chided her older brother for being a misanthropist. She did it so often it had become a term of endearment. It was true that Thorin struggled with people; he struggled to form and maintain relationships. Dr. Grey had diagnosed him with this and Thorin hadn’t the heart to tell him this wasn’t a symptom of his PTSD, it was a symptom of his personality. He exercised a sense of apathy with almost everyone he met… But Bilbo was different. Thorin actually found himself wanting to know more about him." Bagginshield. Novel Length 300k+. Modern AU.
Thoughts: A long story, that is going take up a week or two of your life, beat you up and wring you out, and you’re going to enjoy every minute of it.
Summary: There are many trials for a hobbit attempting to make a life among dwarves. A hobbit wants a garden. A hobbit wants to eat regular meals. A hobbit wants friends, good books, and comfortable chairs. Bilbo does his best to carve out a little hobbit life for himself in the mountain. If only there were not one final obstacle. For a hobbit heart wants love, and among dwarves that is a sticky subject. Bagginshield. Post BOFTA-fix it. Erebor Courting.
Thoughts: Oblivious pining idiots? Misunderstood courting? A fleshed out post-Bofta Erebor? Mushrooms?? What more could you want?
Summary: After a life dominated by a strange form of sickness, Thorin is sent to the Shire to seek a cure only Bilbo Baggins can offer. Bagginshield. AU. Shire.
Thoughts: Pretty much all of HildyJ’s stories are a must read, but ‘Oak and Mistletoe’ remains’ my favorite. It’s a perfect rainy day read, that I’ve read so many times it’s become almost a habit. It’s a very deep character study into both Bilbo and Thorin and it’s impossible to not fall in love with both of them each time I read it.
SECOND CHANCES by authoressjean
Summary: Sebastian Moran can't pull the trigger on John Watson to save his own hide, and what the hell is it with the doctor, anyway? Then Gandalf shows up, meddlesome wizard, and reminds him none too gently of his past life: as Thorin Oakenshield, leader of a company that had once included a small hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. One that looked decidedly like John Watson. And this would be the perfect chance to make things right with Bilbo the way he really hadn't been able to before he died, and that's when Gandalf tells him John doesn't remember being Bilbo, and to leave him alone.
Right. Like that's going to happen. Bagginshield. Modern AU/Sherlock crossover.
Thoughts: I’ve never in all my 15+ years of fandom, ever, enjoyed crossover fics. It’s just not my bag. Which is why my love of this story completely caught me off guard. Even if you’re like me and you can’t stand the thought of it, I still recommend you give this a shot.
BURNED TO CINDER by  ferretbaby
Summary:  A Cinderella-esque AU. Bilbo, a lonely hobbit of the Shire in the valley outside Erebor, gets a job as a cook in the dwarf kingdom to pass the time and keep himself occupied after his mother’s death. One day he meets a regal dwarf, who he thinks is a thief and trespasser, and throws an apple at his head, never knowing he’s just assaulted the dwarven Prince. Thus begins the antagonistic and somewhat odd courtship of a hobbit and the next King of Erebor. Bagginshield. Cinderella AU. Erebor & Shire courting. Hidden Identity.
Thoughts: Unf. Just a superbly fun little AU that cannot be skipped over. The last chapter is missing but you really don’t need it to still feel satisfied at the ending. Has some extremely hot moments and some extremely lovely ones as well. Thorin is an absolute cad, but he eventually comes into his own.
Summary: ““This is a trinket I was given at your birth. I have never shown you it as the time was not right before now.” Thrain opened his palm to reveal a golden band. It was smoothed by touch and unadorned. Not spectacular, but Thrain would hardly hold onto such a trinket if it was not worth something.
“The wizard who gave it to me was quite adamant that you should have it when you were of age.” The king held it out to Thorin. The metal was cool to the touch, but quickly warmed up in the heat of his hand. He ran his fingers along it and nearly shuddered. He could feel it throbbing, nearly vibrating with a strange sort of energy.
“This ring is not meant for you to wear, of course. It is too small for you. This ring is made to fit only the person that will be your Sanzeuh. You have thirty days in which to find him.”Thirty days. Thirty days to find something as ridiculous as true love, or he'd have to marry a beardless, nagging dwarrowdame. Thorin Oakenshield didn't think it could happen.
And then Bilbo Baggins popped into his life. Though, Thorin could have done without the cats, shoes, and girly bits. Still, the course of true love never has run smooth. And the peppers were delightful.” Bagginshield. AU. Erebor Courting.
Thoughts: Such a fantastic courting story. I’m always initially leery of AU’s but this keeps them so close to their actual personalities to make it exciting and new while still letting you bask in their familiarness. It’s such an original idea touching so close to the tip of so many other cliche’s while missing them enough to be something totally new on it’s own. Not to mention, Bilbo’s and Thorin’s flirting is top notch in this. Can’t recommend enough!
Summary: Bilbo Baggins was a desperate Hobbit.
Well, he was several things. Short, funny, hungry, and tired for starts. Desperate was at the forefront of his mind at the moment.
He would never be at Oakenshield Manor otherwise. Still, they needed a gardener, and as much as he didn'tknow about dwarves, he did know about plants.
Bilbo expected it to be difficult. Dwarves were hardly known to be the most accepting and open of races after all. He expected the garden to be in terrible shape, the dwarves to be loud, and secretive.
He could never have expected Thorin. Bagginshield. AU.
Thoughts: While the author has stated that this was not specifically a Jane eyre-Au it definitely has a similar feel. It’s just as haunting and just as lovely. There are constant surprises to keep you on your toes, and Thorin and Bilbo are both absolutely delicious in this. I’ve re-read it an untold amount of times.
LOVE-IN-IDLENESS by perkynurples
Summary:  Taking Bilbo Baggins, a successful movie actor who is only just getting used to the perks and intricacies of becoming A Face People Want To See, and putting him together with Thorin Oakenshield, with his very traditional (read: slightly backwards) ideas about what constitutes Real Art and Real Talent, might very well be viewed as just some clothead’s idea of a joke. But there are jokes, and then there are carefully calculated risks the size of controversial reproductions of classic Shakespearean plays - for Bilbo, it is the chance of a lifetime to prove himself to all those who have ever deemed him too one-dimensional to even attempt stage, while Thorin has the opportunity to get out of the rut that’s been hindering his career for so long now, and shine in a role worthy of his talent once again. That is if the two learn how to share the same space for more than ten minutes without wanting to tear each other’s hair out. The course of true love never did run smooth, after all… Bagginshield. Modern Au. Novel Length.
Thoughts: I feel like every fandom in the world has that one Modern AU that boils down that pairing to its very essence and then wraps it up into an entirely new package and delivers it gift wrapped to you. This is that story. It has nothing to do with Tolkein’s world, but instead gives you an entirely new plot set in the real relatable world. Still, the characters, their motivations, and even the plot are so close to the real story that it feels like an honor getting to read it.
A DRAGON’S TALE by vtforpedro
Summary: Bilbo Baggins has been a hobbit for many long years and he should very much like to keep it that way, thank you very much.
An old friend drops by Bag End with the offer of an adventure and despite Bilbo's refusal, the idea of only thirteen dwarves and a wizard facing a dragon may just convince him yet. After all, he has experience with the Great Dragons of the North. Once upon a time, he was one. Bagginshield. AU. BilboIsADragon!
Thoughts: First Dragon!Bilbo story and still one that I re-read again and again.
Summary: "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." - Galadriel
In an attempt to get the Arkenstone back for Thorin, Bilbo discovers the ring he's been using is the One Ring. Seized by a need to destroy gold, especially gold with the ability to ensnare creature and king alike, he sets out alone for Mordor. Anything to forget about the love that gold cost him. What he doesn't know is that Thorin is no longer under the thrall of gold, and is desperately racing to catch up with him to keep him safe. They may have just started on another adventure, but this one may not end as well as their first quest. Bagginshield. Post Bofta-Fix it. Lotr re-imagining. Novel Length.
Thoughts: These boys break my heart in this story with their palpable pining, but it’s so worth it to see their romance drawn out from the small words of Erebor and the Shire and basically become this grand epic love story that spreads all across Middle Earth.
THE RIVEN CROWN by The_Kingmaker
Summary: ‘We may have won the battle, but I fear the war with winter is just beginning.’
The aftermath of war is no laughing matter. Those who died must be honored, those who are wounded must be healed, and those who remain need food and clothing, peace and sanctuary. With Thorin's life hanging in the balance, it is up to Bilbo and the rest of the Company to rule the rag-tag remnants of Erebor in his place.
Then there is the matter of the gold...
Can Bilbo save both king and kingdom, or is Erebor destined to fall deeper into ruin?  Bagginshield. Post-BOFTA. FakeMarriage. Novel Length.
Thoughts: This story really hits all my spots.  Pretend Marriage, politics, in-depth story, oblivious and pining idiots. It’s my go-to read after finishing BOFTA to help heal the suffering and give me hope. I love the way they fully utilize the entire cannon world to tell a truly epic romance. Please read this if you get a chance.
Summary:  An extended version of "the acorn scene." Bilbo sees his chance to snap Thorin out of his madness, and takes it. Bagginshield. BOFTA-fix it.
Thoughts: This was one of the most emotional porns I’ve ever read and I loved every second of it.
Summary:  Thorin marries Bilbo after the Battle of Five Armies, a marriage of convenience, not love. Slowly, they must come to make the best of it, Bilbo resolves. After all, he's a Hobbit. They make the best of things. Bagginshield. Post-Bofta. Pretend Marriage.
Thoughts: Short read and an absolute classic that’s undoubtedly included on every rec list, but I couldn’t not include it. The obliviousness and mutual pining are so delicious you could put in a plate and charge $100 to eat it, and you wouldn’t regret it a bit.
Summary: Bilbo has heard fairytales of the lost prince of the dwarves, Thorin son of Thrain, who disappeared the day Smaug attacked the Lonely Mountain. But he does not believe in fairy tales until he comes across the dwarf sleeping in the depths of Erebor, and kisses him back to life.
Now Thorin - a hundred and fifty years out of his time - has to confront a world in which his city is empty, his people scattered, his baby brother Frerin is king, two nephews he's never met are missing in action, and a war is brewing right on his doorstep.
And as if that wasn't complicated enough he's trapped in the body of an old man and falling stupidly in love with a gossipy, grudging little hobbit. Bagginshield. AU. Novel Length. Battle of the Five Armies retelling. Angst.
Thoughts:  I put this one off for a while, but it lived up to every promise that the summary and multiple recs had made for it.  Young Thorin is definitely a joy to read, and both his and Bilbo’s struggles never stop being so very painfully  relatable.   Prepare yourself for the angst though, as it’s almost palpable, but it’s definitely a must read.
Summary: Twisted by the effects of dragon sickness, Thorin banishes not only Bilbo but the entire company from Erebor. Days pass with no word from their missing leader and, fearing the effects the gold may have on the other dwarves, Bilbo decides to enter the mountain alone in search of Thorin.
What he finds may not be Thorin for much longer.
Or: In which the dragon sickness is slowly transforming Thorin into a dragon, and Bilbo must save him before it is too late. Bagginshield. BOFTA-Fix it. Angst.
Thoughts: This fic was made to hurt me when I need it the most. If I could draw, the cover of this story would just be Thorin stabbing me over and over again in the chest. It also has inspired me so much I ended up writing an entire DnD campaign because of it. Please read it if you have not.
GARDENING by The Feels Whale (miscellea)
Summary: Bilbo Baggins arrived home late one afternoon in the middle of the week and the entire west Farthing is still talking about it.
Poor Mister Baggins. He was doomed to be a nine-days wonder no matter what and is it any wonder after a year-long adventure? Even the Tooks haven’t the influence to hush that up, but Mad Baggins seems to have managed to silence every tongue in the Shire on that subject which would be awe-inspiring ...if not for the way he decided to go about it.
OR: That one where Middle Earth seems to be unclear about where baby Hobbits come from. Bagginshield. M-Preg-ish.
Thoughts: To say that I’m not a fan of M-preg is a bit of an understatement, but the way this story handles it never squicked me out once. It’s heartwarming and angsty all in one and I enjoy it every time I re-read it.
Tamâmebrulu Id-Mudtu (Lullabies of the Heart) by rutobuka
Summary:  As it turns out, even kings catch colds. After the reclamation of Erebor, Thorin finds himself confined to his bed. Luckily, his dear friend Bilbo Baggins is on hand to ensure he complies with Óin's strict orders for rest. (A multi-chapter Bagginshield comic). Bagginshield. Comic.
Thoughts: I doubt there is anyone in the Bagginshield fandom who has not seen ruto’s art or stories, but just in case you need to go check out everything of her’s right the heck now. Her art is basically Bagginshield cannon, and her fem!Bagginshield stories are the best ever written.
Summary: Thorin realizes he has gained weight since moving to the Shire, and tries to hide it from Bilbo out of shame and uncertainty of whether it will damage their relationship.Of course Bilbo finds out and, far from disappointed, he’s fairly certain he’s never been so turned on in his life. Bagginshield. Smut. Shire living.
Thoughts: I’m not sure is ruto’s art or this story were the beginning of my obsession with Chubby Thorin, but it definitely had a hand it.
BLESS YOUR SOLES by freakylemurcat
Summary: Feet were sacred to dwarves, and Thorin had always done his best to adhere to the rules and keep his feet to himself. And then comes along Bilbo Baggins with his ever bare feet, and Thorin suddenly finds he can't think of anything else. Bagginshield. Smut.
Thoughts: Just the best little smutty store that we all need but don’t deserve.
LADY IN RED by  windchijmes
Summary: Dwalin and Thorin are traveling together, and they find themselves in a ridiculous situation where Thorin has to disguise himself as a woman at a tavern. The effect is more interesting than they both expect - Thorin is openly leered at and propositioned and he fumes about it, while Dwalin enjoys himself playing the big, bad protector of his lady's innocence. But of course, the tension gets too much, and Dwalin drags Thorin away, hikes up his skirt, and fucks him against a tree. Thwalin. Pre-Journey. Smut.
Thoughts: Lovely little Thwalin smut fic that I can’t get enough of. Short, less than 10k, but I bookmarked for a damn good reason, and that reason is that it’s HOT and you should definitely give it a read.
Summary: Bilbo and Dwalin have two things in common: an appreciation for good meals and a case of unrequited love for a certain oblivious king. The only sensible thing to do is form a supper club. Bilbo/Thorin/Dwalin. Short.
Thoughts: After reading a thousand bagginshield fics there was nothing that I craved more than a good, solid, OT3 fics with these three and this one always hits the spot. The pining is on point, and Dwalin is so fantastically done. Even if you’re leary of reading an OT3 you should still give this bad boy a chance. And then hopefully you’ll fall in love with this pairing and write it because good god I need some more of it.
Summary: Captain Dwalin - a privateer for the Crown - is in love with beautiful, sweet, innocent Lady Norine.
His main rival (whom he is most definitely not in lust with) is the cockiest little man he ever met - Captain Vulpes, a pirate with a fast mongrel of a ship and a bad habit of stealing his targets out from under his nose
....it's going to take him a while to realize they're the same genderfluid person.
Thoughts: If this story doesn’t make you fall in love Nori/Dwalin, you’re just absolutely doing something wrong with your life.
LITTLE INDULGENCES by sam_ptarmigan
Summary:  Dwalin is not entirely certain how he ended up propped up against a tree with his trousers down and Dori kneeling in front of him, but he's pretty sure good things are about to happen. Dwalin/Dori. SMUT
Thoughts: To call this a rare-pair is pretty self-evident but the porn is 11/10 and deserves to be read by everybody.
SANSUKH by determamfidd
Summary: The battle was over, and Thorin Oakenshield awoke, naked and shivering, in the Halls of his Ancestors. The novelty of being dead fades quickly, and watching over his companions soon fills him with grief and guilt. Oddly, a faint flicker of hope arises in the form of his youngest kinsman, a Dwarf of Durin's line with bright red hair. (Follows the story of the War of the Ring). Bagginshield. Gigolas. Cannon Compliant. LOTR retelling. 500k+. Not finished.
Thoughts: I don’t know what I could say about Sansukh that hasn’t been said a million times before but I just can’t repeat enough how much this story needs to be read. I know that seeing 500K words and WIP is going to scare a lot of people off - as it did me for a long time - but you’re just gonna have to put on your big girl panties and dive on in anyway and you will not regret a second of it. It will honestly raise your standard of what you think fanfiction can be for the rest of your life and this is not a bad thing. If you’re still not convinced, here’s a very impassioned post that will help give you that final push: here.
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sxs-fanfics · 5 years
My Not-Fic sort-of sequel to I Solemnly Swear
I’ve had this idea rolling around in my head since ISS finished, and I tried to write it, but I don’t think I have the time or ambition to do an entire HP rewrite. I thought about just doing scenes with the major points I wanted to hit, but I didn’t like that idea either. Then I saw this post https://sapphywatchesyousleep.tumblr.com/post/184624746272/wip-not-fic-amnesty
and I decided, fuck it, I’m getting the idea out and if I never flesh it out, at least people got to hear what I wanted to do. So thanks @sapphywatchesyousleep for the idea!!
There are a few references to ISS that may not make sense if you didn’t read it, but for the most part, this can be read as a standalone.
So, we all know that Remus and Sirius are together and so very in love by the end of ISS. So the war rolls around and everything that we know happens in canon happens EXCEPT Remus and Sirius don’t mistrust each other as much, and so Sirius has already told Remus that they switched Secret Keepers. Thus, when the shit hits the fan, Remus fights for Sirius’s innocence and he doesn’t go to Azkaban, even though Peter is nowhere to be found. Even though they know that revealing that Peter was an Animagi would help in looking for him, they’re afraid that they would have to reveal Sirius as an Animagi too, and that he would then be arrested for that. They keep their eyes out for him, but haven’t found anything yet.
Anyway, the point is, they get custody of Harry and raise him out in the country. They have plenty of money to support themselves, between the Black and Potter estates, but Sirius still works as a magizoologist just for the hell of it, and Remus does freelance work here and there for Dumbledore. Remus’s cousin Ernie (an OC from ISS) takes Harry during full moons to keep him safe. Harry grows up loved and supported like we all know he deserved to be, and it’s all hunky dory. 
On top of that, Andromeda has decided to try and bring together what little family she has left, and invites Sirius, Remus, and Harry to her house, along with Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco. The first time they go it’s very uncomfortable, but Harry and Draco have fun together, oblivious to their families. This happens a couple more times before the start of Harry’s first year, so by the time he gets there, he and Draco have an acquaintanceship.
The first two years at school go pretty much according to the books, except that Draco is involved here and there and acts a bit differently. He respects Harry much more and because Harry doesn’t reject first year, he likes to brag about knowing Harry like a brother. Harry can get kind of annoyed by this earlier in their friendship, but eventually it becomes true. This also means Draco doesn’t want to mess it up and have Harry take him down a notch, meaning he is a bit more influenced by Harry’s example. He’s still arrogant and proud, but he’s not as prejudiced. He isn’t buddy buddy with Ron and Hermione, but he doesn’t insult them the way he does in the books. There’s none of the polyjuice potion mess in second year and Draco even defends Harry against people saying he’s the heir just because he’s a Parselmouth (he says it kind of in a ‘he’s too goody goody to be the heir’ and other left-handed ways of defending him, but still). Basically, Draco is like a satellite of the Golden Trio.
Fast forward to third year. Even after all this time, there’s always been speculation about Sirius being the true spy because Remus is really the only one who was able to vouch for him, and everyone now knows of their ‘disgusting’ relationship. Legally, he was cleared with Remus’s testimony (including memories he had of being told about the Secret Keeper change), but the rumors still circulate that things were fixed and that Sirius and Remus having custody of Harry is dangerous to his safety if one day Voldemort were to return (it’s not a majority of people, but there’s always going to be some who don’t believe). It hurts Sirius, reminding him of what it was like to be judged for being a Black at school. The only possible proof that would completely exonerate him would be finding Peter, and there’s been no sign of him for ten years. That’s why, when Sirius and Remus see the paper with the Weasleys before third year, they are determined to find out if Scabbers is really Peter, and Remus takes the DADA job. When Scabbers/Peter sees Remus on the train, he freaks out and stays as out of the way as possible most of the year. Remus only has proof that it’s him once he recovers the map from Harry.
With the Dementors not being at the school, and Sirius not being wrongly imprisoned, there’s no need for all the time travel. Also, Draco not being a prick means that the Buckbeak thing doesn’t happen either. Peter unfortunately still escapes, though, because the confrontation scene is essentially still the same. Remus saw Peter on the map and rushed out of the castle without taking his potion, so he transforms, and Sirius can’t wrangle him because the wolf has been held back for so long it’s going crazy. Snape corrals the trio back into the castle safely, and finally believes that Remus and Sirius aren’t in league with Peter.
Instead of Ireland playing Bulgaria in the World Cup, it’s England, which is the team that AJ plays for (another OC from ISS). She’s an aunt to Harry, and they don’t get to see each other often because she tours the world playing Quidditch. She gets Harry, Remus, and Sirius great seats for the match, and they wind up not sitting too far from Draco and Lucius, so Harry and Draco chat during the match. 
Fourth year, Remus and Sirius are absolutely livid that Dumbledore allows Harry to compete in the Tournament, but they know that there really isn’t a choice because of the contract. They’re at every task, and use as much of their knowledge as they can to help guide him. Sirius is actually involved in bringing the dragons for the first task, so he’s the one that tips Harry off about them. Ron still fights with Harry, so he turns to Draco, and they start to become closer. Draco winds up being the one that Harry saves from the lake instead of Ron, and Ron is jealous at first until Hermione quietly explains to him the significance. She won’t tell Harry, though, wanting him to figure it out himself. Draco is sort of coming to the realization though, and he is jealous when Harry dances with Parvati. He makes a point of dragging him back to the dance floor later in the night and they enjoy a little time together, though they don’t slow dance. The rest of the year goes basically the same, and Harry winds up in the graveyard. He sees Lucius and is shocked because he thought that the man had changed, but can also see the fear in his eyes. He doesn’t really want to be there.
When he comes back, he doesn’t know whether or not he should say anything, but eventually decides that he should tell Draco, in case he doesn’t know. Insulted, Draco refuses to speak to him for the entirety of fifth year. Harry is devastated, and he tries to make up, but he’s also distracted with all the other problems going on. Draco doesn’t become part of the Inquisitorial Squad, though, because he knows what Harry is doing, and even though they aren’t speaking at the moment, he still likes him deep down and doesn’t want to get him in trouble.
The Order still uses Grimmuald Place as HQ, and Sirius and Remus being Harry’s legal guardians, they have the authority to tell Harry whatever they want. They tell Harry about the prophecy, so by the time he sees the vision from Voldy, he already knows what’s going on and where. The whole Umbridge thing still plays out basically the same, except that as Harry and company are running off, Draco happens to see them. He demands to know what’s going on, and Harry is all sassy (’oh, now you’re speaking to me?’) and Draco is just like, I know you’re going to wind up dead so I’m going too, and tags along. This results in him seeing Lucius there as a Death Eater. He’s so upset about it that he runs away from the battle, refusing to fight his father.
Obviously, Sirius lives. During the battle he still gets stupefied, but Remus is ridiculously triggered just seeing this, and uses his wolf speed to save Sirius by snagging him and tossing his frozen body away from the veil. He nearly rips Bellatrix in two, but she runs off giggling. Harry follows while Remus checks on Sirius.
After the battle and everything, Harry returns to Hogwarts to find Draco waiting for him outside the Gryffindor common room. He’s got tear stains on his cheeks and his eyes are red, but right now he’s just silently sitting and staring out at nothing. Harry sits down next to him and doesn’t say anything, and Draco just leans into him and apologizes for not believing him. He tells Harry that he should have known that his father couldn’t truly change, even though he seemed like he was better. He doesn’t know what to do. If he goes home, he knows that his father is going to force him to follow in his footsteps, but he could never do anything that would hurt Harry. Harry tells him that he has a choice if he wants it, and if he needs a place to stay, that he would have him in a heartbeat. Touched, Draco kisses Harry, making his decision.
Draco stays with Harry, Remus, and Sirius for the summer, leaving Lucius to 'disown' him, but he doesn't officially remove him as heir, hoping he'll change his mind and just come home safely. He thinks Draco is in too much danger being friends with Harry, because the Dark Lord won’t spare him if he gets in the way. Narcissa is beside herself with worry. Instead of Draco being assigned to kill Dumbledore, Voldemort simply plans the invasion, and Snape is assigned to repair the Vanishing Cabinet that allows everyone inside. During the invasion, Draco is confronted by Lucius again, demanding he comes home, but Draco refuses to be a part of the mess. Dumbledore still dies, Lucius is the one that disarms him instead, and Harry still decides to finish his work on the Horcruxes.
Harry shows Remus and Sirius the fake locket, and Sirius recognizes it as the same one that he threw into Regulus’s face years ago (an ISS reference). When he hears about what Regulus did from Kreacher, he is moved and heartbroken over the loss of his brother all over again. AJ hears the story too and she finally finds it in her heart to forgive Regulus. Some part of her still wishes they could have had a chance, but she knows it’s not fruitful to pine after the dead. Instead, she gets together with Ernie, who has been crushing on her the whole time, and who she thinks is cute, and they swear after the war to travel together.
Remus and Sirius are not at all happy about Harry running off, but they trust Dumbledore’s plan, and they know he’s more than capable of taking care of himself. They still worry constantly, and do their best to get in touch with him when they can.
Harry tells Draco that he’s going to leave and find the Horcruxes, and that it’s not his problem to fix, but Draco is definitely not having that. He tells Harry he loves him and isn’t going back to Hogwarts without him. He joins him, Ron, and Hermione, meaning that when they are caught by the Snatchers, it's very easy to tell that they’ve found Harry. Lucius and Narcissa are horrified, however, knowing that if Voldemort comes for Harry, he’ll kill Draco too because of his betrayal. They delay Bellatrix from calling him for as long as possible, hoping that they can convince Draco to change sides before he shows up, but he still refuses. Their stalling, however, inadvertently leads to the sword still being found and Dobby coming to help, etc. Harry disarms Lucius while they’re there, so that he’s still the owner of the Elder Wand.
The rest of DH is pretty much the same, just with Draco around, and they live happily ever after.
If you made it to the end of this, then thank you for reading and you have a really good attention span. XD
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margridarnauds · 6 years
6, 7, 10, 21, 23
6. Answered here 
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in. 
Let’s have the SALT. (Mandatory disclaimer that my own personal feelings towards the SHIP does not inherently extend to the shippers, that I ship many dynamics that some people would call “abusive” given the ongoing debate over what “enemies to lovers” means, and that some dynamics here are things that I might have shipped under other circumstances, but things just...didn’t work out that way.)
Cats - I hated Plato/Victoria before I even knew that it was POSSIBLE to hate a ship that much. I always went with the Plato = Macavity theory to get that little skeavy dudebro off my girl. (Also, I’ll be honest, the whole “mating dance” thing is...such a fucking weird sequence anyway. Like, my ship preferences aside, ALW WHY DID YOU HAVE TO HAVE A SCENE WHERE THE CATS FUCK?) 
Pirates of the Caribbean - Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth. 
Harry Potter - Ron/Hermione. I never saw it, tbh, and they seemed to be pretty bad for one another, even in the books. The films just took it up several notches. 
OUAT - Captain motherfucking Swan. I hated that smug, greasy little motherfucker so much. So much. 
Star Trek Ds9: Jadzia/Worf. THERE. I SAID IT. Both sides brought out the absolute worst in each other, leading to an absolute trashfire of a ship that obliterated all in its wake. AND THEN WE HAD TO DEAL WITH THE FALLOUT OF THAT. EVEN AFTER THE SHIP WAS *DEAD*. Don’t mind me, don’t mind me. I’m cool, I’m cool. 
Carmilla - Tbh...Laferry. Never my thing. I know that her character development’s a BIG part of Perry’s arc and I fully embrace character growth, but it just. Left a bad taste in my mouth. And the way shippers used to treat Laflashdrive shippers back in the day. As if shipping a nonbinary character and a flashdrive somehow makes it hetero. (#LetLafBeaRobotfucker2k19). 
Les Miserables - You know what? While I’m on the Salt Train...
Enjolras/Grantaire. Now, there are plenty of ships that are probably more deeply annoying to me, but none are as prevalent as this one. And I might like them a lot more if they WEREN’T so prevalent. But as it is, it’s like a black HOLE that’s devoured the fandom, so that you’d think the entire fucking novel/musical is about these two. And. Maybe I shouldn’t talk given what I ship, but it isn’t even like they’re THEM at this point, they’re just two generic white guys in an “uwu” relationship. And I’m not speaking for EVERY single thing given that I have neither the time, concentration, or will to read every. Single. Thing. Made about these two, but it’s something I’ve noticed, though I’m not saying that I haven’t enjoyed SOME things made about them and the whole “You believe in nothing.” “I believe in you” is...good content. 
It’s like...you’re walking in the woods (there’s no one around and your phone is dead) and you see a brightly colored pink tree. At first, it’s great. A pink tree! You’ve never seen one of those before. You wander further into the woods, and there’s another! And another! And soon enough, you’re surrounded by pink trees, in a technicolored horror realm. Where’s the sky? Where did you come in at? You think you remember seeing the sun once, but NO, it’s another fucking pink tree blocking your way. There is no God, there is no ground, there is only a technicolored nightmare blocking your every move, drowning you in visions of Barbie-esque horror. 
Terra Nova - Skye/Lucas. WHY GOD WHY? Look, we KNOW I have terrible taste in ships, some of which have...questionable dynamics. BUT EVEN I CAN’T GET INTO THIS ONE. There’s no...mutual spark between the two of them, just Lucas creeping on Skye and Skye trying to get away. Also, since I’m here...Skye is estimate to have been born in ‘32-33, making her approximately 16-17 by the time the plot kicks into gear. Let’s be very generous and bump her into 17-18. Lucas? 2124, making him...oh, 25. Not the WORST age gap I’ve ever seen in my lifetime...but....questionable. Very questionable. And I know the series wants to have us believe that people grow up faster (see: The fact they actually think Maddy’s old enough to GET MARRIED. TO A SOLDIER. WHO IS REALISTICALLY IN DANGER OF MAKING HER A WIDOW,) but NO. Like, at my CURRENT AGE, with less than four years separating me from that age gap, I can’t see it. That is still at least 7 years of experience in the “real world” that she doesn’t have. He still saw someone with THAT MUCH of an age gap with him and WANTED something, whether or not she wanted it or not, and tried to PURSUE that something while calling her “sister”. Like, I can’t stop anyone from shipping it and I have a firm “ship and let ship” mentality, but....EW. EWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWeWEEWEWEW. 
B5 - I’m in the same boat as you as far as...on one hand. Byron/Lyta makes me want to vomit, but also...our Teep OC does owe her existence to her weird, hetero white goth uncle. 
Star Wars: Han/Leia. Because, as we all know, cornering a woman before you kiss her is the love story of the generation. Han would have been better with Luke and Leia with Holdo. 
The Pirate Queen - Tiernan/Gráinne. I. Hate. This. Ship. 
His Dark Materials - Torn between Ruta Skadi/Asriel and Lyra/Will. Tbh, leaning towards the latter because while the former is AWFUL and signifies the quite frankly terrible writing decisions that distinguish the second and third books, at least it didn’t involve a badass, feral girl child becoming a dainty, submissive 50s housewife in the body of a 12 year old. “Oh, Will, I’ll do whatever you say, I promise. I won’t use my awesome powers unless you say I can, you’re so fantastic, Will.” Gag me. Also...they’re twelve. This doesn’t HAVE to be an epic, tragic romance, and the fact that their “kiss” (WHAT THE FUCK PULLMAN, WHAT THE FUCK, I’M NOT A PURITAN BUT WHAT THE FUCK) is the key to saving the universe? Really? Basically, they should have been friends. 
1789 - Danton/Solène. (I KNOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT I WOULD SAY, BUT NO. MY HATRED FOR THIS ONE MANAGES TO OUTSHINE IT.) “But Rachel,” you might say, “You’ve been very, very open about preferring anything to Ronan/Olympe” and that’s TRUE. But the Toho version managed to push my hatred of this one with The Scene, AKA “Go back to the kitchen, Solène and let the menfolk take care of this.” The French version didn’t even really have it as A Thing, he was just a customer. And the amount of time Danton spends with Solène is always directly proportional to the amount of spinal surgery she’s going to have. Now, I can’t exactly BLAME the two Japanese productions for doing what they did, because they have to appeal to a Japanese audience in the way they see fit. It’s an ADAPTATION of 1789, not a tour of it. But that doesn’t mean I have to LIKE it. And. Like. You know there’s no way THAT one’s going to end in a way that’s good for Solène. Either (1) he’ll set her aside for his family or (2) If they SOMEHOW stay together...the Reign of Terror’s looming. 
Also: Danton/Charlotte. No. No. Just. No. There are so many reasons why. But no. 
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
We’ve both discussed a lot about how...DIFFICULT it can be to write fic for something. There are a lot of things I love dearly but just don’t have it in me to write fic for. Ace Attorney is an obvious one, Mozart l’Opera Rock, Elisabeth (though I’m trying to work on that one), Les Miserables, Star Wars, Star Trek, B5....a ton more that I could mention but it would honestly take too much time. Words hard, reading still hard but slightly easier. 
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? 
The first thing I ever wrote, when I was five years old, was (very heteronormative) fanfiction for The Stinky Cheese Man, where he finds The Stinky Cheese Woman, which now, of course, I recognize as my own attempt to write myself into a narrative from which I’d been excluded. Or something. I think my mom still has it buried someplace, lurking...
Also, @theocraindora at some point managed to get me to write at least one full Carmilla AU during the second season, when we both must have been about 17-18-ish, if my math’s not too dubious, and that was the first thing I ever actually finished for a long time, even though it didn’t ever meet my personal standards for publishing and is likely to stay buried. For awhile, at least. 
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Since I talked about PLP’s tragic backstory, time for something happier. Paradise Lost, which I’m actually pretty damn happy with because it was my first time working with something that’s not a historical piece, and it was honestly a treat working with Mira’s voice. I think that Mira really “clicked” for me as a character here. Like, “Yes, this is why she’s like this, this makes sense.” There are some times where you can really feel a character’s voice when you’re writing and you can get things out, and this was one of those very rare times for me. Not saying that it’s going to happen NEXT time, but this time, it was rather relaxing. 
It was honestly one of the smoother writing experiences I had? Like, it only took me about a day or so, from when we exchanged PMs to publishing it, which is pretty impressive, all things considered. I’m still not tossing out doing anything more with this world in the future, tbh. That and Goosefic were probably two of the easiest to just...get out. (WHICH. 92 HITS. GOOSEFIC HAS 92 HITS. THAT IS INSANE FOR A ONE-SHOT IN A SMALL FANDOM. HOLY SHIT.) 
(From your other ask!)
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
I’ve been WRITING fanfiction since I could hold a pencil and make scribbles.  When I was younger, I could write that kind of thing easily, the shame came later. 
Finding out that fanfiction EXISTED...was probably when I was about 9-10 and found Balto x Harry Potter crossover fanfiction. Which. In hindsight. Was pretty horrible, but my young self was CAPTIVATED because Balto and Harry Potter? In the same universe? IT WAS LIKE MAGIC. 
Astonishingly, I did not read M rated stuff until I was at least 15-16-ish. I kept myself remarkably sheltered and only looked into it when I became curious. And got over my weird hyper-religious phase. 
When I was about 12-13, I started to toy with writing myself, writing my own OC crossovers for Phantom Manor (the gother, European version of Haunted Mansion that was my special interest for. Ages). Carmilla when I was 17-18 was one of the first things I wrote a full, complete Thing for, even if I never published anything for it. And from there, I’d try to write things for both The Pirate Queen and Dracula, though both projects proved to be too ambitious and I ended up cutting them off, tragically, but they gave me the confidence I needed to get into 1789, which I DID publish something for finally, on the day I was taking my GRE because. Well. I had something else I feared more than a flame. 
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
I don’t know if this is one thing or five separate things in a trenchcoat, but here you go. 
I love how we can explore things that could never be explored in canon, for one reason or another; I love that we have an experience that we can filter according to what WE want, including trigger warnings, which is honestly a godsend to me. We talk a lot about the transformative nature of fanfic, and it IS, but also, the level of empowerment that comes with being able to take back a narrative that says “hey, you’re not supposed to be in this narrative” or “You’ll like what we put out and you’ll stick with it” or “Well, if you don’t like it, create your own” and say “Okay, I will.” And, obviously the comments are lovely, having that kind of instant encouragement, and in the small fandoms in particular, it’s VITAL, but I also don’t feel like they’re inherently mandatory or that readers should feel FORCED. But I do love that, no matter what, something you write can connect with someone from the other side of the world. Like, people can argue all they want about fanfic being valid or not, but MOST people who want to be professional writers never get that. And when you stop and think about how we’ve been changing the narrative for as long as we’ve had oral stories, that this is how storytelling was ORIGINALLY done...that’s very humbling. 
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