#that shit’s disguting man
jamminvroomvroom · 2 years
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kwnnys · 1 year
— kyle, eric, & kenny w a dirty minded reader (platonic) !
hcs : g/n reader a/n : this idea was haunting my mind and I js had to write it 😓😓 also I originally wanted to add stan but I had no ideas for him sorry 😭😭 warning(s) : nsfw mentions
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— kyle broflovski
you and cartman are the reason why hes this close to going insane
you love bothering him with silly jokes that make his face as red as his hair, bursting out laughing as he pinches the bridge of his nose
especially in public. you two would be sitting beside each other in the assembly hall when you randomly get a dirty thought. grinning evilly as you whisper said thought in the gingers ear.
his head will immediately cock towards you and he'll give you the most DISGUTING and STANKIEST expression known to man.
you only laugh it off.
you also like to bother him with 'does the carpet match the drapes?' questions, to which he always refuses to answer.
physically gags whenever he sees you staring at some person all drooly.
you draw dicks on his homework when he isn't looking. in pen.
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— eric cartman
one of the few people that actually tolerates your shitty humor.
he snorts at most of your jokes, and he considers you as his 3rd best friend after butters and kenny.
you two like tag teaming against stan and kyle whenever they get TOO close, much to the disappointment of the duo.
"I love you, kyle" "I love you too, dude" "jesus, why don't you two go and makeout at this point." "yeah, grind on each others dick while you're at it!"
usually ignores you when your gawking at some hot person, but occasionally tells you to shut up.
he does get annoyed sometimes when you're restless and joke around too much for one day.
HATESS whenever you make jokes about his mom. will literally throw hands and tell on you.
calls you a horny virgin
used to rip on you 24/7 till you 'jokingly' said you were into it.
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— kenny mccormick
the most iconic duo ever.
the only person that understands you and your dirty mind 😞
you guys CONSTANTLY ogle at random hot people, whispering and giggling to each other as said person just stares at you two in concern.
you both also exchange playboy magazines all the time. and you two are hella sketchy when doing so.
"got the goods, ken?" "yeah, got it right here"
the group thought you were doing drugs at first tbh.
you and kenny are always fueling dumb ideas and questions into each others minds
you two are also each others wingman/wingwoman 🤝
you guys made a pact a few years ago that if at 35 you were both still single, you'd get married
jokes about who has the bigger dick constantly (even funnier if you're afab)
kenny is probably the kind of guy to moan randomly during class, you both think its the funniest shit ever.
you guys like to buy flavored lube and rate it. probably also fed it to cartman once telling him it was some candy.
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bastardiary · 3 months
just watched 50 shades of garbage for the 1st time ever and Grey is a TERRIBLE PERSON AND DOM
okay get ready for the long rant ahead.
pls keep in mind i have never personally participated in a bdsm relationship or a scene so my opinions n knowledge r limited. take it with a grain of salt.
Grey is a shit dom in my opinion cuz he doesnt perform after care to Ana. he just puts her to bed and does not get her water or food or reassurance.
He's also very inconsistent n doesnt follow through with his words. he keeps giving her mixed signals and doesnt stick with one thing. a dom should be stable n safe. No wonder Ana feels confused n cries. cuz he starts to act like hes in "love" with her. but switches up and says something cringe like - with his dumb daddy dom voice - "if you were mine you wouldn't sit straight for a week" or some dumb shit.
ALSO. I hate how he doesn't explain shit. he's so vague and serial killer esque. he doesnt explain WHY he wants to inflict pain on her (i know theres 3 movies in total stfu). And I expect a dom to be straight forward from the beginning and be open and vulnerable to see if his sub can be a match and so they're on the same page. as far as ive seen they havent done anything like this. they just did stupid activities and fucked with music playing over it like a montage. no sincerity, vulnerable or anything. I know hes a shit Dom. He's a terrible Dom. because if he wasn't. at least one those 15 women would've stuck around or some shit.
I don't get why he goes to a normal girl, who's 21 at the youngest, n asks her to be his sub??? Boy, go find yourself a sub to match your freak. LEAVE HER ALONE. he's fucking rich. he has the resources to connect with communities and like minded people who do bdsm.
also, he doesn't understand boundaries, like the gift giving and flying to where she was at georgia and being a fucking weirdo abt her going to see her mum. get your shit together, manchild. OH AND BREAKING INTO HER HOUSE!!!! serial killer alert!!!!
Instead of getting therapy, he terrorises Ana. SHES A VICTIM.
he gave her a freaking car as a gift and is a top donor or some shit at her university and is a ceo and millionaire. And we dont find out his age in the movie either. super freaking weird.
Also, i had to skip all sex scenes because grey and ana have the chemistry of paper mache voodoo dolls. I don't understand what he finds attractive or appealing abt her other than she's pretty. she has no personality bro. and he doesn't either. he's just closed off and rich and traumatised. mfer was abused at 15 and STILL TALKS TO HIS ABUSER!!!!!!!!!! He's ALSO a VICTIM. Get this man fucking therapy.
This film overall is garbage and damaging to society.
dont get me wrong. bdsm is fine as long as its done safely and consensually n shit. but this movie just made me angry cuz its dangerous in its message.
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hello-nichya-here · 9 months
Do you think Alicent and Rhaenyra could have remained friends if Alicent had been honest about pursuing Viserys, Rhaenyra had not had bastards, and the whole conflict with Aemond stealing a dragon and then losing his eye had not happened?
No, because while all of these things damaged their relationship, the real reason for the lack of trust between them, the real reason why, no matter how many times made up they ALWAYS ended up at each other's throats again, is the simple fact that Alicent gave Viserys male heirs, that would be threats against Rhaenyra no matter what - and Alicent was going to prioritize the safety/future of her children over Rhaenyra's.
Just look at the scene of Alicent warning Aegon that he could easily end up in mortal danger if he challenges Rhaenyra's claim to the throne, and when he then says that he will just not do that and everything will be fine - to which Alicent correctly points out that he IS the challenge, just for existing.
Can Alicent REALLY trust Rhaenyra not harm Aegon (and Aemond) or his descendents to make sure she's the only option of ruler? Can she trust DAEMON not to do it to benefit himself and his wife? Can she trust Rhaenyra and Daemon's children, grandchildren and so on not to harm her family later down the line?
Can Rhaenyra trust Alicent will not scheme to put her own son on the throne when her father, Otto, who is clearly an ambitious man and that Alicent obeys blindly, found a way to make her queen, became hand of the king himself, and had Rhaenyra followed so he could get dirt on her that could make Viserys decide not to have her as his heir after all? Can she trust her siblings, especially the one that had the potential to be KING, won't conspire against her? Can she trust their children and grandchildren won't conspire against her descendents - especially against the bastards she had with Harwin, which would be seen as lesser than their siblings, cousins, nephews, etc?
Hell, considering Alicent was once so disguted with Aegon she straight up said "You're no son of mine", yet still looked at Rhaenys and went "You would have totally been a good ruler, but you're a woman, so that could never happen because women are just not meant to rule anything. Please help me guide my fuck up of a son, something neither of us will ever get any credit for, because that's just our role as women - to support the guys no matter how bad they are" it's pretty clear that even if Aegon wasn't her son, it wouldn't take much to convince her that Rhaenyra's brother should be king because that's just how their society works.
Girl saw Viserys use all of his final strength to support Rhaenyra (after over a decade of favoring her), and yet still convinced herself he wanted his SON to inherit, just because he was saying weird, vague shit about "Aegon's dream to unite the realm must come true" while so high on painkillers that called her "Rhaenyra", which Alicent heard very clearly. She also doesn't ask Aegon about said dream to "unite the realm", which sounds wildly out of character for a guy spends his days black out drunk and RAN to avoid becoming king because he did not have ANY interest in the privileges or duties it came with, just because the vague stuff she heard confirmed her bias of "The son is always the correct choice over the daughter just because he's a man".
There's only two ways these two could have ever solved their issues and House Targaryen would stay united after Alicent's marriage to Viserys:
1 - Aegon and Rhaenyra get married + all her kids are his.
Can't have a dispute when their heirs are the same, even if people would disagree on who is the real ruler and who is just the consort.
This one would require a few changes to characters though: Aegon could NOT be a drunk loser, and Rhaenyra could NOT be too proud to accept that the only way she gets to be queen and not be questioned is if she marries him AND she can't be sleeping around, and the only way she'll stay loyal is if she actually falls for Aegon.
2 - Alicent and Viserys only have daughters.
Like I said, Alicent genuinely believes that men ALWAYS being seen as superior to women is just the way things are - but if Rhaenyra is the king's eldest child, has no brothers, is married to Daemon (aka the only real rival she has in this scenario) and was even NAMED heir by Viserys, then her right to the throne is unquestionable by the laws of Westeros.
She won't be paranoid/rightfully concerned that Rhaenyra/someone who benefits from Rhaenyra being queen will kill her children because, as her younger sisters, they pose no threat to her, as trying to make any of them queen in her place is UNDENIABLY treason - both in the eyes of others, and in Alicent's own mind, meaning not only would she not try anything, she'd 100% snitch on anyone who did.
There'd still be some tension in this scenario, at least until Viserys was officially too sick to continue having kids, and possibly more if Rhaenyra still has bastards with Harwin before marrying Daemon, and when Otto inevitably keeps trying to make one his descendents marry Rhaenyra's heir, but overall I think it'd be far less hostile AND everything would eventually calm down (after all, even in the show, after all that happened, Alicent and Rhaenyra reconciled one final time before Viserys died AND were not too eager to immediately try murdering each other until Aemond fucked up and killed Lucerys).
If Alicent and Rhaenyra's friendship is to survive, then Rhae's dispute with Aegon cannot exist in the first place/needs to be solved without either of them truly losing. Anything else is just delaying or speeding up the inevitable.
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hmspogue · 2 years
The Wilds season 2 Official Trailer shot-by-shot rundown
A comprehensive post where I scream about analyze the entire trailer for The Wilds season 2 frame by frame for any clues, theories, or plot points I can possibly squeeze out of it. Just my own opinions and general tinfoil-hatting, feel free to disagree or theroize with me in the comments. 
These are screenshots from Amazon Prime Video’s trailer for The Wilds season 2. I do not claim or own any of these images.
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When does Leah ever not look like her soul is leaving her body at all times, is she okay? don’t answer that
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There’s a few of these shots in the trailer with Leah in this dress with someone. I can only assume they’re from a dream sequence she’s going to have (maybe a hallucination?) as you can see multiple copies of That Disgusting Man I Refuse To Name’s book all around her. Context would suggest the man with her is That Disguting Man I Refuse To Name but it doesn’t really look like him. maybe Dr. Faber? Please for the love of God just let her get over this horrible abuser and work through her trauma I just want her to be okay.
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They all look about as dead inside as I feel.
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Well anyways RIP Nora, I guess.
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Why does Shelby look so horrified help me???????
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I cannot for the life of me figure put if the person on the stretcher is Dot or Martha. I really want to say Dot? Her hair is much shorter? But, I could be wrong (let’s just be honest here, I probably am).
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Same dream sequence as before (clearly a dream since she’s not dirty as hell and also wearing a dress. Also, upon further inspection, this looks like the dress she was wearing the night that she uhhhhh met up with That Disgusting Man I Refuse To Name ): which is so sad.
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To say that this trailer stresses me the fuck out would be the understatement of the century. 
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“Got a great story for you. Once upon a time two plane crashes were staged.”
I assume this is Leah speaking to Dr. Faber AFTER she finds out what the fuck is going on from Rafael (WHICH WE ARE GETTING TO DON’T YOU WORRY, QUEEN).
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“All of the victims were dosed...”
Here is a little fun fact about me, I’m a slut for visual and thematic parallels in TV shows so when I tell you I am going to be absolutely eating this shit up this season-
(Disclaimer: I know that there are very, very strong opinions about the introduction of the boys group. And I completely understand the reservations behind it. So, before anyone comes for me, yes I absolutely still want the heart and soul of this show to be about the girls the same way it was season 1. But, I do trust the writer’s enough that when they say the introduction of the boys will not take away from the female-centered story they seek to tell, I choose to believe them. I’m going into this season with an open mind, excited to see what kind of conversations and parallels they can draw from having the boys experiment on the side. Two of the actors who play the boys have even made comments on how the content of season 2 is just there to deepen the story and plot and in no way meant to take away from the girls. The girls are still everything to me and I want to see them front and center. I am just very interested with what they’re going to do with this development. Thank you, soap box over, back to the rundown).
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“...and stranded on two islands.”
Perhaps the most horrifying shot of the trailer why he standing like my sleep paralysis demon? 
Okay this bitch...I really still am buying into the theory that Alex is going to be the Lihn of the boys experiment? Especially since a) there were only 8 boys cast and b) when Lihn was prepping to go to the girl’s island this sallow skeleton man was nowhere to be found, it was just Thomas, Lihn, and Gretchen that we saw.
(I also recall Gretchen making a comment about Alex that he should go to check ont he girls because he “knows the island better than anyone” ??? okay so are there two islands or are they on the same island because if that’s the case why is Alex familiar with this one???)
spoiler alert this entire post will be me spiraling about if the boys and girls are on the same island or not I cannot figure this shit out because its LEAH that’s doing this voice over so what is the trutH MOVING ON
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“Eight on one...”
Them getting rescued? Martha looks Very Unwell???? WHERE ARE TONI’S SHOES???? HELLO???
Also this adds even more confusion to my Alex theory because-
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“...eight on the other.”
-no, there weren’t supposed to be 8 girls on the other island, there was supposed to be 9 unless Gretchen is even more fucked than we originally thought and Lihn was meant to die all along but I digress. So, were there just 8 boys in total and the idea of Lihn/an adult present was only in the girl’s experiment?
(I already have a bone to pick with Snapback aka Kirin because why is he sitting like that. I just want to know). 
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“Though, that number was subject to change.”
Aw! They’re going to add more! Surely this doesn’t allude to anyone dying! Nope! How exciting!
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Same dream sequence shot as before. 
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Scotty and Bo, from what I understand. The besties of the boys group.
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Also this is me actively choosing to ignore the blood on Fatin’s legs in the background. Maybe from helping Rachel? Honestly in this show who even knows anymore they be bleeding all willy nilly and I can’t keep up.
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Yeah, me too girl.
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“Have you noticed any new vibes?”
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“Between some of the people here?”
Sweet, sweet Martha. Bless your cotton socks ( @eye-of-the-storm)
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Someone get this girl some therapy I stg what do I have to pay Sarah to just let her fucking breathe?
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“I’m sorry, but I’m done with her.”
No, but seriously I- who is she talking about? Leah? Please no?
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I know y’all are not about to put my girl through the trauma-
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“We all started wanting to be things. We wanted to be men.”
Yeah, fully convinced the boys experiment goes completely Lord of the Flies with deep commentary on toxic masculinity and I am terrified. 
Also, yes, the fire transition slay me. (still only counting 8 boys in this shot hmmMMMMMM...)
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Respectfully what the fuck is this? And why was it left open?
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“But the truth is...”
Hey, fuck you. (it looks like Gretchen is in one of their rooms with Dr. Faber behind her. Possibly Shelby’s after she has her reaction?)
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Maybe the same scene as Rafael running up on something looking shook from the beginning of the trailer, but this show is literally impossible to decifer anything with costuming since they’re stuck with the same damn things all the time I have stopped trying. 
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“...some of us we were becoming monsters.”
I have...so many thoughts and GOOSEBUMPS LIKE DAMN THAT’S A GOOD LINE. The first one being I am either going to want to die for this boy or murder him because he will be revealed to be said monster, there is no in between I just got that vibe. The second is that every voice over with him, it looks like he’s in the room talking to Leah. It could be the interviews like that the girls have had (and looks like will continue to have), but the camera angles (and later shots in the trailer) as well as how transparent he sounds like he’s being make me think otherwise. 
Also, how fucking interesting would it be if most of the boys story is being told to us through Rafael telling Leah about their time on the island? And we as the audience have to decipher along with Leah if we can really believe this kid or if he’s an unreliable narrator and sort of not telling her the whole truth. They’re either going to be in kahoots to get the hell out of that bunker or he’s working with Gretchen as the confederate and will completely betray her. Like, come on this is going to be so ihgygjgygBIASDUBODBC.
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Okay king go off I guess.
(If they are somehow on the same island, can you imagine if the “animal sounds” the girls hear are actually just the boys and vice versa? I still have no idea where I fall on the they’re on the same island/they’re not. I think if Gretchen put them on the same place, it would be because she expected the groups to eventually find each other to help prove her hypothesis that, if they integrated, the girls would still lead. @whitetrashjj season 3 plot anyone???).
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Omg she’s a retired queen. 
Maybe that teaser of Dot asking Fatin what date it was and looking all shook is because her birthday is coming up? Please that would be so cute. (also where the hell did they get that bottle of alcohol and the sparklers and the sash from I just...) 
I saw someone point out in this post the parallel between the photo Dot gave her dad in s1 with her holding the sparklers and this shot. I choose to ignore that and not start weeping on this Sunday afternoon. 
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Someone is getting their shit rocked and I kind of hope it’s that Emo Man Bun Kid (Henry), no I will not be explaining this statement in any way shape or form, next frame.
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Miss Girl is really just...going to be going through it this season, huh? Lost a sister and a hand, shit’s rough. 
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“We couldn’t see them...”
They’re on the same high rock as before where Martha was looking unwell. I wanna know what makes them decide to go up there. Could this be where Shelby maybe falls, hits her head or something, and we end up with Shelbald after she’s gotta have fuckin’ brain surgery?
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“...but, we could hear them.”
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This looks like Bo the Florida Bestie and I hope he’s doing well and screaming in joy in this shot he’s not.
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I don’t know if most of the boy’s shots are spoilers and that’s why they can’t show too much or if the boy’s experiment is going to go horribly wrong so Gretchen has to call it early and they just aren’t on the island that long...but I stg they put this fire scene in the trailer no less than 89 times.
Also, it looks like the girls are getting a new camp this season not on the beach. Probably has something to do with the crippling trauma of watching your friend die on the beach in front of you but, what do I know?
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“The boys were the perfect control group.”
Actually they’re fucking children you vile wench, but go off 😃.
(There’s someones picture on her phone...Rafael? I can’t really tell. The boys experiment really must have started first because I’m wondering if something did go v wrong and that’s what prompted her to send in Lihn as an adult for the girls).
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Looks like all the boys going towards something with their little stabby spears and Ivan being like “oh shit-” your honor just tell me what is going on.
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“We’re not alone here.”
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New drinking game: take a shot every time the boys fight in this trailer alone.
I already know there’s about to be a big huge power struggle between Kirin and Seth and it’s either going to end up being so interesting or grate on my motherfucking nerves, bro. @whitetrashjj and @brizzlovesyou and I were talking about this last night, but we really want to have high hopes for Kirin. The asshole jock trope is so tired at this point if they do anything nuanced with him, it’ll be a breath of fresh air. After the incredible character work they pulled off in season 1, I do trust them to do something layered and different with his character like please I’m exhausted by that character archetype. 
ALSO an interesting note from @whitetrashjj ...if you really watch this clip, Kirin almost looks more like he’s holding Seth back from something rather than attacking him. His face is not necessarily aggressive in his clip, and (this is probably some clown shit but whatever) for just a milisecond in the first clip, you can see Seth almost leaning around Kirin like he’s looking at someone else. So, this could be a “whoa, okay calm down, take a breath” scene. Take that how you will 👀.
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“What’s wrong with me?”
New reaction picture.
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“You just care is all.”
Fatin is so good to Leah and she needs that so badly it’s going to break my fucking heart if they make them have another falling out this season. I think they are by far my favorite friendship in the show (followed closely by Dot and Fatin). I don’t personally romantically ship them, but I can 1000% see why people do I JUST WANT THEM BOTH HAPPY.
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“I know, it’s disgusting.”
Okay, but also Fatin and Martha friendship supremacy this season, yes???? Martha needed more relationships expanded on from s1 I love to see it.
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“There is...”
Fun Fact about me, I’m actually on the other end of the phone telling her she has to take a long walk off a short pier.
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Here we see them moniotring the boys experiment again. Idk if this means anything but on the right screen we can see Raf standing very much apart from the other boys. 
(one thing I have noticed that may support Different Islands is the beach? The girls island is the iconic sort of black sand beach and from the shots we’ve seen from the boys beach it’s all white sand? Unless it’s just on the other side of the island I doNT KNOW but in general I think the more I see of this terrain the more I think it looks like just a different island).
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“...no question they imploded.”
Take another shot. It looks like Kirin tackling someone (maybe Seth?). Ivan is already on the ground, Rafael is jumping in, Josh is jumping away, and someone needs to get these fellas a Xanex because y’all-
(Can we also talk about how fucking disguting it is how gleefully Gretchen is talking about this? Like, she sends these children out to die the same as she did the girls, only this time HOPING that they fail miserably. I could kill her-)
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.....why is she crying and how do I stop it?
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“She is gone and it’s my fault!”
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Like I said, rip Nora, miss you queen. 
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I was going to make some form of analysis about Ivan with his silly little spear but all I can think is that it just looks silly and I am giggling, thank you.
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Can the season please just be the gals having a big pool party thanks. 
(Looks like they moved camps as well away from the beach and by the water source. Which I guess is what happens when you have to uuuhh watch your friend die in front of you at the other camp you should probably move to a less traumatizing area).
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“You deserve every good thing in this world.”
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And she was correct. (Maybe finding out about Toni and Shelby officially? Or comforting if they break up somehow?)
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Leah? One of the boys? Running away from one of Gretchen’s men on the stairs. Could be Dr. Faber?
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“You ever feel like you were up against something...”
Okay, this may be reaching like the entirety of this post is, but the assumption about this scene is supposed to be Scotty is in his interview with the agent guy and Dr. Faber. But, the wording is a little strange to me. It almost sounds like he could be talking to Leah or one of the other girls about what they went through on the island. “You were up against something…”. It even could sound like they cut off a “did” at the front of it. “Did you ever feel…”
Just an interesting note.
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I’m going to assume this is another Leah dream sequence based on...the man...wearing a suit on the beach? I did notice also that if we’re going with the Two Different Islands Theory based on the geographical differences of the two beaches we’ve seen, this one looks a little more like the boys beach to me. 
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Once again, I think this is Dot and I absolutely hate it. 
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@yellowlaboratory and I agree. This is probably one of the boys (maybe one of Gretchen’s people) cutting the wires to one of the cameras. Does one of them figure it out while they’re still stranded pre-bunker?
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Thanks to @brizzlovesyou editing skills and lightening the picture, this is Seth alone on the beach. Maybe I’m just hella suspicious of everything in this show at this point, but there’s something so ominous about any of them being there alone. Also idk who the hell that shelter they build is for, it may just be my poor depth perception, but it looks like it was built either to hold a toddler or one boy at a time laying in the fetal position.
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2 Dark 2 See Because They Hate Me should be the alternative title to this trailer.
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I’m just going to send up a prayer now that this is an animal he’s stabbing especially since that shot of Ivan and the boys running away with spears in their hands looks like it could be from the same scene.
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Same scene as “I’m done with her”? Fatin, queen, I’m sorry you have to keep destroying your clothes. 
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Leah’s dream sequence pt 3.
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Kirin, Raf, Seth, Henry. They’ve got some food is what I think that box next to Kirin is. At least they’re laughing for now.
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“I am you...”
Talking to Rafael, same as before. @brizzlovesyou​ pointed out these could potentially be two separate occasions with her in his room based on how healed the cut on Leah’s forehead looks between this and a shot we will see later. Hearing them compare notes is going to be so fucking interesting oml.
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Yoikes, Kirin looks exponentially worse in this shot than he does in the others. Clearly deeper into their time being stranded because this boy is crispy.
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Leah’s Dream Sequence pt. 4?
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Two people swimming out to that rock in the middle. Looks more like two of the girls to me.
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“...everything you have been through the same thing happened to me.”
The way I would be shitting my pants. 
Feeding into the actual wild animals being on the loose plot line. After they got mentioned the first time in s1 I was so mf clenched just waiting for them to show up and, for the boys at least, it’s really making it seem like they will be a much bigger issue in s2. 
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My original theory based on the shot of Seth alone was some kind of exile situation. But, this clip shows the same tiny ass shelter and behind the hand (Leah’s?) I counted at least 5 of them walking around. So, this really must just be their camp and their tiny ass shelter. 
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I’m going to choose to focus on the Martha s1 parallel of this shot and not how horrifying it is out of context and most likely even within, thank you for understanding. 
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The fact that I know this shot is going to be in like the first 5 mins of the show keeps me awake at night. I’m so confused as to what’s going to happen to Nora where she can get Rachel to shore but not herself. Was this meant to be the extraction? Though it is a bit unclear if Helena’s departure from the cast recently caused them to have to make some narrative changes and Nora really is going to be gone. 
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Same scene as the spear moment, just him throwing rocks. They really, really want us to think Kirin is going to be extremely aggressive and antagonistic this season which just makes me want to think he’ll actually be the opposite or have some insane character growth.
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The difference between the next two shots is honestly the height of comedy to me. 
(But, also what is Raf doing here just sitting with his eyes shut I am fr questioning everything with these guys-)
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“Don’t. Scream.”
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Holy shit it has been a long time since I’ve been this antsy for another season. I need answers and I need them now. 
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straykats · 2 years
kat omg tell me more about your gay panic experience (if you want of course!) i want to hear more about them!! and glitter blush oh my god that’s so CUTE
CLOVE I CANTTTT THIS SHITS SO EMBARASSINGGGGGGG so ill put it utc so i can feel less embarassed
and then in tiny too.
im ljke. screaming into pillow type of mood rn like this is so disgudtingly embarassing (i will use embarassing and disgusting a lot) and like if this was a show or a book or smth i would be oointing at the screen/page and yelling (endearingly) 'DISGUSTINGGGG' bc thats how ive been reacting to any romance these days
im just gonna go w using she/her 😭
like. i remember thinking that her outfit was fricken AMAZING like it was giving maniac type vibes w the black/green scheme (not even going to let myself think about the whatifs rn) but like ider what she was wearing man i 😭😭 her hair was green !! this is so much unnecessary info okay but BUT
yes glitter blush !! she was so. ray of sunshine excited puppy type of NJVILSDBKJVILFBHVHFS i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here im gonna scream again DEEP RBEATHS most endearingly cute person i've ever served in my entire life (which isn't saying a lot given that most of the customers/patients are older people) BUT also the most endearingly cute person i've 'met' besides maybe like. kids who i worked with on prac BUT THATS A COMPLETELY DIFFERNT TYPE OF ENDEARINGLY CUTE obviously
UM UMMMM um :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( may never ever see her again though im so sad. not that seeing her again will do anything.
BUT LIKE this is so embarrassing like just thinking/remembering about the way she nods (im not even gonna try to explain. like. round eyed small smile determined nod with like this really bright FUCK THIS IS SO EMBARAASING SHUT UP KAT SHUTUPPPPPPPPP) makes me all NFJDISVDSVKSV and i know nodding is such a weird thing to kind of pick up on but 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
but yeah after i tried to compliment her hair and make an absolute fool of myself (SEE!!!! THIS IS DISGUTING!!! THIS IS WHAT THEY SAY IN ROMANCE BOOKS!!!!) i was just like. internal war. do i make eye contact do i not make eyecontact (wearing masks so smiling was not a problem) BUT COULD SHE TELL I WAS LIKE. trying not to smile too much FRICK i hope my ears werent red god i hate it here i hate it i hate it i hate it
anyways 10/10 experience i hope to never be subjected to this again because thats just sad man like im never gonna see her again and if i do it's not like we're gonna become friends or anything 😭😭
and this doesnt even matter but i looked so tired and probably a mess bc i'd worked like. 7hrs where i had to run/walk really fast back and forth and my hair was probably loopy (idk if you wear glasses but i do and my hair on the sides/where the glasses go over ur ear ??? uh. yeah that. they kinda get all loopy idk why) and i was probably definteily speaking way too fast GOD first and last time this is happening i want to quit and hide in a hole
anyways lmk if u need a vomit bag or smth bc this was so disgusting and embarrassing
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discount-ripley · 4 years
I'm just going feral thinking about that Caleb quote from Critical Role, "These people changed me. These people can change you. You were not born with venom in your veins. You learned it. You learned it. You have a rare opportunity here, Thelyss. One chance to save yourself, and we are offering it."
The fucking, the "you were not born with venom in your veins. You learned it. You learned it." Legit. Comforts me. That shit slaps. That shit is true, and so fucking true for trauma survivors in particular. Going through trauma can leave you with enormous feelings of self hatred, to the point that one of your core beliefs can be 'I am not a good person'.
This. This fucking quote sums up so much. You did nor have this venom in you always, you learned it from somewhere, you learned it somehow, you learned it. You learned it. You are not inherently a monster, you are a person, and you were not born with venom in your veins.
It doesnt matter if the venom of self hatred came from bullying, if it came from a survivor tactic, guilt tripping, gaslighting, unfair power, abuse, or anything else. It is learned.
That goes for trauma survivors who are angry, or self destructive, or destructive in general. It goes for all of them. You learned this venom. The venom is a metaphor- whether that venom drives you to pits of self hatred you didnt know existed, or to scream and punch and kick, or to fight until nothing is left, you learned it.
And fuck, in the context of that scene? The power of one traumatized man saying to someone who he could've easily written off as 'evil and awful and disguting' that Essek is not that, or that if he is, its learned? Fuck. Yes. That slaps. Saying that Essek didnt account for good people in his life, didnt account for change- it's so good. Because you dont account for those things. You dont plan for them. And in the context of this scene, the words about venom are amazing and beautiful, because really, they could've written Essek off as another villain, but they didnt. They told him, 'no. Come with us. Unlearn that venom. Replace it with something else, something better.' UGH.
I'm just. Feral over this quote.
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Saw McCreep tweeted “thinking about how melissa has 23 pics of chris by himself but he only has 4 of her and one is to promote idontmind…” yeah that’s cause assholes like you made Chris extremely cautious about what he posts on social media because every move he makes comes with a wave of hate from people with lives that are so insignificant, they scroll through all the photos of a man they claim to hate so they can count how many he has of Melissa. Pathetic. Why are you so obsessed with Chris, McCreep? You hate looking at his pictures so much that you examine his social media to make a shit post, and you couldn’t even have the decency of censoring Chris and Melissa’s names so they wouldn’t show up in the tags. Get a life. (I was scrolling through Chris and Melissa tags on Twitter when I saw his tweet, I thought I had him blocked but guess not. He’s blocked now.)
I remember how Chris commented on some insta Mel's live aboy BLM and they screamed how he stole the spotlight from her, promoted himself etc, while when he doesn't like or comment something they immediatelly moan how he doesn't support her. Dude can't win.
Beside that, it's quite sad how they don't get how the relationships work. The less couple is on social media, the better for the couple. What really means is the support the couple give each other in private. And that's McCreep and other weirdos don't know a shit.
Of course we can speculate how Chris was with her during her Beautiful era or how every people who know MW personally say how good they are together, also Melissa doesn't complain and from the pics of the set and hearteyes we can conclude that things are fine, but well, we talk about brainless zombies who look only for negative stuff - good for them, I sometimes wonder how it feels to swim only with negative energy your ass produces ALL day.
I think it's quite obvious that McCreep is having a super wet and gross fantasies abou Mel and smeltie. He also has disguting online personality so probably he is like that in real life too, or even worse. Add to that his small dick energy and probably ugly face and we have the answer aka mr McCreep is simply jealous of Chris and grew an inferiority complex. As a typical online creep who subconsciously knows that Mel would not spare him a single look, because her husband is like 1000 times better than him (sorry Mr Wood for comparing you to that piece of crap) and here he is with his totally mindless hate. I kind of think he considers himself as a knight and Mel as some trophy princess and damsel in distress who waits to be saved by some teen online creep.
Boy, already feel sorry for any person who is going to be his crush in real life. That stalking skills, YIKES.
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The Vengeful Professor Crane: Chapter 2 Snippet
A lot of people have been asking for a second chapter for the fic where Jonathan gets vengence for a student who suffered when he was a professor. I’ve warned people it’s going to be bad, but I still get requests. After all, the first chapter was pretty damn tame.
This is a snippet of the second chapter I’m working on for the fic. It’s mostly to get people to know how graphic it’s going to be so they won’t have to read the entire thing only to skip the second half. Also, I just want to write some disgusting shit.
I’m warning you right now, this isn’t going to be pretty. It’s going to contain lots and lots of maggots. Because my computer is still packed, I can’t put in the “read more” option, so please, just skip this if you’re not into these things. I’ll put it in when I get my computer back out.
I warned you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Honestly, I don’t understand how people could be afraid of such tiny creatures,” Scarecrow confessed, bringing the maggot-covered glove over to his victim. The lesser monster screamed through his gag in fear, trying desperately to move the chair he was strapped to away from the beast, but it had been bolted down. Scarecrow pulled up a chair to sit across from him, facing the seat the opposite way so he could rest his arms and chin on the backing. He picked up a maggot between two fingers and rolled it as though it were a ball. “They’re rather cute, if you ask me. It’s always amazed me how something so small could have a beating heart and thrive in this world. Then again, we were all small once.”
Scarcrow looked his victim over before tossing the insect at him, watching him lurch and try to refrain from vomiting when it landed on his lap. The beast just chuckled in amusement, before utilizing his maggot-free hand to lift up the mask so his face and tufts of thatch-like red hair were visible for the other to see. The dark professor had a stolid look as always, picking up another maggot. “When I was in middle school, I had a couple of students force me to eat bugs once. Horrid time indeed. However...” He looked his victim in the eye before popping the maggot into his own mouth. He crushed it between his teeth without hesitation. “It’s not that bad, really,” he confessed, swallowing it down with ease.
Immediately the man in front of him vomited through his gag, chunks of undigested food slipping through any openings past the gag they could find. “Once you get used to the burst of juices in your mouth,” Jonathan continued, popping another maggot into his mouth and speaking as though he were unaware of the recoil his test subject had, “it’s rather quite dull. It’s nothing I would ever find disgusting, anyhow. I’ve come to quite enjoy how the innards spill out of the skin like squeezing a tube of toothpaste.”
As Crane ate another, he watched the man wretch even more, his gag soaked in his own stomach acids. The professor rolled his eyes in annoyance when he heard the man begin to actively choke on his own bodily fluids. He stood up with a sigh and went over behind his victim, waiting for the fear of death to set in before cutting the gag and allowing the man to cough up the rest of his stomach lining and breathe again.
“I don’t find insects disgusting,” Jonathan repeated, leaning over the man’s shoulders from behind and wrapping an arm around his neck. “No. I find people like you disguting. Monsters who would go out of their way every night to hurt those who can’t fight back. Those who harm the very souls they were supposed to protect. Don’t get me wrong; I’ve never exactly had a thing for children, but we all feel pain the same way. You hurting her as you did hurt me far more than you can imagi—“
“I told you I don’t know what you’re talking about!” the former father screamed, tears running down his cheeks as he tried to pull any sort of mercy he could from the Scarecrow.
Without warning, Jonathan pulled a knife from his boot and slammed the blade into the man’s hand. “DON’T YOU INTERRUPT ME!” he snapped, his voice rising over the screams of his victims.
Scarecrow was quick to calm down, however, soon pulling the blade out and tossing it to the side. “But... I suppose your interruption did serve a purpose; I didn’t realize I had begun monologueing! We were on the subject of maggots, weren’t we?”
He pulled away to come back to standing in front of the sobbing man. “Although I don’t find them disgusting, maggots are apparently your worst fear; lingering remnants from the time you were a child and found a beached dolphin on at the beach, if what I’ve gathered is to be believed.” He beganto brush the maggots off of his glove, collecting them carefully in one hand. “But I can’t have you starving because you keep upchucking your food, and I’ll have to keep you alive long enough for you to lose your fear of death. Which means I will have to feed you myself.”
He counted exactly fourteen writhing maggots in his hand, finding that to be sufficient enough. “So I’ll allow you to have a small meal before I retire for the night.” His other hand suddenly lunged at his victim, forcing him to open his mouth by hooking his thumb inside the other’s lower jaw. “Eat up!” Jonathan chirped, shoving the handful of writhing insects into his victim’s open mouth. “After all, we’ve only just begun!”
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hp42000 · 6 years
I feel like i need to share?
hey, sorry for this, this is very personnal and i know it might be the right place to do that but i want to get everything out. so sorry for the long post, my english, and the mess that is this story, it’s kinda hard to tell everyting important at once so sorry and if you have the courage to read all, thank you 
So to give context and to finally get everything out let's start from the begging i'm sorry if it's a mess there's a lot to talk about, so i'm the 3rd and last child of my familly, got two brothers (K and D). my parents came from broken familly, (you'll get why i explain that later) so my mother was beaten by hers and her father ignored it, my father was taken away from his alcoolic parents into an orphanage, then was unofficially adopted by a nurse that gave him a distant education. They met, got a child, D, all was going well, got a second one, K, things started to go wrong, unnable to have "control" over two kids my mother started beating them, my father working and not very close to his children didn't know about it. D took a lot more than K cause he was the most "curious" trying things then getting "scolded", K was emotionally abused, both got scars to this day, bad scars. then here i come the “almost abort but nah it's a girl", my brothers took care of me since day one they knew what it was to live in this familly, so my first memories are with them, teaching me everything like biking or to not do shit so i won't live what they had to go trough. it was so normal for me, i did not notice that soon only my brothers would take care of me, but let's not forget they were just kids only 7 an 9 years older than me. so when they couldn't be with me i was alone listening to the story cds my parents bought to save time on bedtime story. then i created a bubble from these stories, my familly loved me and everyting's normal, mother beating D? don't pay attention it's normal he must've done something he shouldn't. things were "good" for a while then one day i was 6, friends of my mother at my house, they had a kid who was 11, A, A was kinda troublesome he had innapropriate attitude with girls at school, but why should this worry his mother or mine if we play together? alone in my room? this day he touched me sexually, i didn't realize then and fuck i regret not punching his face. so i blocked it in my head (we'll go back to that later). so i keep growing up, at 8 i start to realise that what my mother does is wrong, that my father not knowing his children is wrong, so i try those 8 years old method to, first, get myself "safe" and maybe, when i could, speak up, i start to get out of my bubble, to look for a way to stop it all. one of them was to tell them i found a poster with the number of an organization who protect kid, i was sooo dumb, got the response "like i did anything wrong to you" from both parents, still they were "cautious"? idk why i like to think i scared them but we all know i didn't ^^ fast forward a little to when i got 11, damn from this things escalated quickly! D was kicked out of the house, K exploded when my father and mother joined their forces to destroy him mentally, he snapped and hit my mother on the shoulder. in the same time my parent divorced, i followed my mother who was all affective before we left to get me to "prefer" her. and shit started for real. 2012 first year of hell; my mother started taking antidepressant, and got more and more scary, having moodswings, insulting me, threatning me, then going back crying, apologizing, yes i bought it FOR A LONG WHILE. till things started to get bad at school too, got sexualy assaulted again by a classmate, didn't tell anything to anyone because i was disguted by myself not being able to defend myself, every morning looking in the mirror wanting to break it, to break me, getting to school, seeing him telling me "we should do it again", getting home taking whatever my mother would throw at me that she "shouldn't have chosen to have kids", cry a bit, sleep rinse and repeat. it was like that for a year then i got bullied at school lost my "friends" then we moved, different school, new life and yes, it was now that i look at it, it was. but my mother she never stopped, got back with my father a while and conviced (was not hard tho) to take his side, so got both on me for a while, these times i spent a lot of time with D, we got even closer it was so great we just had to look at each other to know what the other was thinking. but we had a arguement that led him to take everyting i told him against me, he blasted me to the ground cause i trusted him. that's the turning point to were i am now i think, every time i got home, when i was alone i had incontrolable burst of anger and felt like i had to hit something, got myself a punching ball and started beating the shit out of it bare hands, till i looked at my hands and saw them red and x2 their original size, what happened at this moment was one thing that terrified me a bit, i looked at my hand crying, laughing thinking "damn now you lost your mind", from this point i changed my way to view my life i started to think "why did my parents gave birth to me? why did they reproduced to fucking destroy their childrens? how can i go back?" i didn't think about dying at first, just i regreted to be born, because now that i was i lived, there was still good things. but things that i wouln't have experienced if i did not exist, the "nothingness" appealled me and i got stuck like this for a while. next come high school, my mother got with someone and wanted to live with them but to month later we left this alcoolic man and his house, homeless for a while i go to my grandmother's (side of my father)  then choose to try to live with him, at this time i had two dogs (the nice thing in my familly is that we could have dogs! and i don't know what i'd do without them!) so one gave birth to 4 or 5 puppies and i sold them and got some money. so, i go live with my father who just moved with his new gf, i had high hope, in the 4 first month he borrowed me 1700$ to seem like a prince to his belle, was all nice to get it but then started to say the same things as my mother, i started to smoke and skip school to get some pressure i fest off i guess, this year i met incredible friends who helped me a lot but at the end of 1st year of highschool i got back with my mother who acted like she changed. i met my current girlfriend, the person that keep me alive till this day because the best is yet to come, so month after month i see she has not changed; she got crazy due to her medecine even worse then before, and i start to give up on highschool a little more every day, thanks to my gf L, i keep it together, kinda. then my mother starts to see her friend from when i was six and i realise what happenned there so i tell my mother, i got absolutly no reaction except "my uncle did it to me" she didn't ask me if i was fine or shit so one month later my mother's friend call her; her fucking son is banned from the region they live in for playing "jizzcuit" replacing the biscuit by A FUCKING CHILD, so my mother goes "oh i have a room he can live with me" this lasted 6 month i saw his face every day acting like nothing happenned and to this day even thought i tried my mother still don't get what's wrong. fast forward a little crying and shit and comes the final exam of my high school, since i skipped a lot and slept at classes due to my insomnia, i cried a lot wondering what i was going to do, then i got the most stupid idea, i just didn't try, i thougt that after it i'd be able to leave this place and start again. So i failed my exams then left again to my father's camping car this time (would be crazy to let me live in his house but i'm fine) it was supposed to be 3 month, the time to work and get enough money to live by myself, or i thought, i got fired at the end of my two month trial. reinforcing the idea that i fucking shit and right now even tho i have L, my friends, i'm tired of fighting, the frequancy of thought about suicide grow, and i think i need help, anything, if some of you guys have tips on idk how to be productive, how to live, i'll gladly accept anything. once again i'm really sorry, it's messy and it's not fun to read but i wanted to share... thank you for your time
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lesbianakaashi · 4 years
The protests in berlin rn are fucking disguting. Did u see the man with the usa flag assembly ??? Get that shit outta here
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