#that the gp doesn’t care about louis at all
aquarri · 2 years
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louisisalarrie · 4 months
How can there be a bbg ending? Like Louis just says ‘oh btw he’s not mine’
if u are a PR member from Louis’ team, please listen carefully, because there are a couple of ways to end it, and I will be expecting my pay check asap thank youuuuuu.
Simon Jones, or whoever you may be, welcome to the show!
(these are the sad endings where we feel bad for Louis and boost his image to the gp as a good guy):
1. fight ending in paternity test (a number of different arguments could be used for this) and then bam turns out B has been using him for money like her ex said she would do to Louis and slept with multiple people around that time. Now, you may be thinking “oh but L has publicly treated this kid like his own and he’s a nice guy surely he’d still want to be in this kid’s life” and Louis would make a statement like “if F wants me to be there still as a person in his life I will be but that’s up to him. Please respect their privacy” but we never end up seeing any more photos of them etc., so it’s essentially over. Oldest trick in the book. He’ll come out looking squeaky clean. I kinda think that’s why they didn’t do a paternity test sooner. It’s the last trick up their sleeve to end it when they were ready.
2. Louis is like “I’ve known for a while he’s not mine, but I didn’t want to announce to the world because I still care about him and it would cause a fiasco for him and B from the fans, but B and I think it’s time and I am going to take a step back from his life to not put him in the spotlight any further. Pls respect their privacy” so he looks like he’s lied for a little bit, but “known for a while” would be post AOTV, and he was just worried about his kid dealing with the media and fans and the onslaught that would bring. What a good and caring guy who’s looking out for a kid that’s not even his! Wow.
Those are just 2 that come to the top of my head. There would need to be further planning and more detail, but you get the gist. Those 2 remove his paternity completely. NOW these theories also heavily depend on the way larry wanna come out. Is it gonna be a shock tell all? Because in that case, the above doesn’t matter. Or is it going to be coming out separately and then getting together? Is it going to be coming out together and saying it’s a new thing and they “reconnected”? Well, that I don’t know. But the two above still confirm that Louis is, or was, into women and didn’t, or still doesn’t, define himself as gay. So that’s also a spanner in the works which again, I don’t entirely know the identity he aligns with, but I lean towards gay over ever being bi etc. because of his interactions with women.
So if we want to look at ways where he looks like the good guy (also not sad in a club but I guess maybe a bit??) and entirely remove him from ever being near a vagina, this is my main one:
1. Louis was a surrogate for B at the time as she is a close friend and was in a space to have a baby and he was happy to do it because he loves kids and wanted one of his own but he’s gay so he can’t, so it worked out well. The media took things out of perspective and blew it up into something different than what it was, but they ran with it because he wasn’t ready to come out. And wow… what a generous and loving guy! He loves that kid and he’s still a dad, he’s lied to us but it’s just because he was scared to come out, that’s truly both a heartbreaking and heartwarming story. (The timeline of bbg is messy as it is, so this would need some refining to work without looking suspicious).
So, how do we make him not a dad and ALSO never been into women? Well… a tell all is gonna be the best way to do this, exposing the stunts. But legally, a huge process (unless they say fuck it and cop whatever the repercussions may be). But if we’re doing a slow coming out, I think he’s gonna kind of have to be F’s dad unless it’s a paternity test or a tell all. He’s in too deep with AOTV and the Instagram posts and his family and shit. I don’t think we can have 100% gay and 100% not a dad without it being truly bizarre for the gp to swallow.
Idk im very tired but you can also go to my bbg tag and just have a sift through where I talk about this a bit more in depth.
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swagcoolcat · 8 months
Different Superstore Characters and Their Autism
(These are all headcanons)
(some have canon support)
* Strong Points
* Math
* To the point of being able to do basic math in her head
* 198+535? Give her 5 seconds.
* Math always came easy to her
* Music
* Learned guitar very quickly
* Also can play piano
* She’s a very skilled singer despite never having lessons
* Speaking
* Dina is really good at keeping her voice and her words clear. She knows how to get her point across. Even when under stress, she usually doesn’t crack.
* Weak Points
* Social cues
* She’s not bothered by this, and she doesn’t care. It’s not her fault neurotypical bitches make things so complicated.
* Pop culture
* She does, however, know the most random niche information, and is appalled when others don’t also know the random trivia she knows.
* Takes everything so literally
* Her response to Jonah’s “soon we’re gonna have to pee in bottles” during Curbside Pickup comes to mind
* She’s also bad with common phrases
* “I don’t like you spreading lies about fish!”
* Doesn’t seem to recognize how dangerous some things are
* Or how fragile humans are
* Sense of direction
* This bothers her a ton because she feels like she SHOULD have a good sense of direction, but even though she’s lived in St Louis her whole life, she still needs a GPS to get the vast majority of places.
* Yums
* Sorting things, specifically by color
* Anything that isn’t sorted by color when she buys it is sorted by color no later than an hour after it’s purchased
* Eye contact
* She actually aggressively likes eye contact lol
* Socks
* Icks
* Physical affection
* She only sometimes tolerates it, depending on who it’s from
* She’s somewhat okay with being touched, but she doesn’t particularly enjoy it
* Changes in routine
* Includes things like having to buy a new Halloween costume, or having to get new pens (both canon instances)
* High pitched noises
* A lot of noises actually
* Masking
* Does not bother masking most times
* She does it so rarely that it’s very obvious when she is masking
* Stims
* Making noises vocally
* Jumping
* Waving her arms
* Twirling pens or knives in her fingers
* Special Interests (past and present)
* Birds
* Security
* Knives
* Music from the 1940s-1960s
* Coping Mechanisms
* Sex
* Hitting and breaking things
* Driving
* Yelling at people
* Other details
* Low empathy
* Strong sense of right and wrong
* Usually this is in a rule sense, but there are a few cases where her morals don’t align with rules, and she breaks them to stick with said morals.
* Biggest example in my opinion is her efforts to keep Mateo from getting detained
* Undiagnosed
* She’s the most likely to have a diagnosis, but probably still undiagnosed
* Blunt
* Cares a lot for animals
* Especially any type of bird
* Strong Points
* Vocabulary
* He has a large vocabulary and prides himself on knowing a lot of words
* (He’s so annoying about it sometimes too- he’s just like me FOR REAL)
* This exercise is teaching me I’m more like Jonah than I thought lol
* You’d think with this he’d be able to get his point across well but you’d be wrong
* Vibe Check ??
* (Sorry I couldn’t think of a better way to put it)
* He just is really good about knowing when something is off
* Does he handle the situation well when something is off? Totally depends.
* Weak Points
* Bad at reading social cues
* In denial over his struggles with reading them, thinking he’s great at it, when in fact he’s exactly the opposite
* Implying he’s bad at reading social clues will offend him
* Auditory processing issues
* Tends to give too many details
* Specifically about pieces of media, he’ll share a bit too much. He’s not good at giving a quick synopsis.
* He’s just like me for real
* He’s so fucking impulsive
* Has some insomnia
* Very bad at staying on topic sometimes
* The way he’ll just randomly start talking about something else in the series? Canon. Canon.
* Speaking in general
* If he doesn’t think very carefully before he speaks, he will stutter. Even if he does think carefully, there’s a chance he’ll stutter anyway.
* He’s. Just. Like. Me. For. Real.
* Yums
* Loves physical affection
* To the point of pushing it, and not noticing when it’s too much
* He gives hugs a lot
* He and Amy are very much the loves affection x doesn’t like affection that much.
* He enjoys changes in his routine
* He would literally reorganize an entire house if given the opportunity, he loves change
* Unless it’s initiated by literally anyone else, but he likes to initiate changes often
* Socks
* Icks
* Loud noises
* This isn’t necessarily an ick but he wants people to like him SO bad so I guess people not liking him is an ick
* Masking
* He cannot stop masking
* He doesn’t realize he’s masking, but he was raised to mask his entire life, so it’s just normal to him
* He is always exhausted because of this
* He always seems uncomfy when he’s not masking
* Stims
* Moving his hands or arms in any way
* Twirling pens
* Repeating words
* Tapping his fingers
* Pacing
* Special Interests (past and present)
* The Americans
* Politics
* Musical Theatre
* Constellations
* Horses
* Coping Mechanisms
* Comfort shows
* Talking about it
* Or yelling if he needs to
* Quiet alone time
* Cooking for others
* Other details
* Feels the need to prove himself constantly
* Out of the three, Jonah probably had the worst upbringing specifically in regards to his neurodiversity, with his parents showing very obvious favoritism to his older brothers, and with his brother, Josh, always bullying him because of his neurodiversity
* High empathy
* Strong sense of right and wrong
* Undiagnosed
* Also so in denial
* If anyone implies he might be neurodivergent he’ll be like “I couldn’t possibly be, not that there’s anything wrong, but like, couldn’t be me, actually”
* Not good at making friends
* He gets better at this over the course of the show
* He’s not good at this before the show because he never sticks with anything, so even though he knows more of who he is than he did in childhood (where he was more of an outcast) he doesn’t stick around long enough to make long lasting friends.
* Strong Points
* Details
* He’s very detail oriented and notices small things
* He’s good at recognizing when things are off center and it drives him crazy
* Weak Points
* Bad at reading social cues
* Literally the worst
* He knows this to an extent but he’s not aware of just how bad he is at it
* Especially bad at reading the tone of a social situation (whether it be serious, funny, sad, whatever)
* Generally more quiet and reserved
* With his ‘safe’ people he is literally the exact opposite
* Also this isn’t a weak point per se but this felt like the right place to put it
* Dissociates a lot
* Auditory Processing troubles
* He literally looks like he doesn’t know what’s going on sometimes and it’s always funny
* Yums
* Loves physical affection
* But he’s picky on who he’s affectionate with
* Likes to sit on the floor
* Socks
* Sorting things by color/organizing in general
* Mateo leaves Eric home alone. He comes back and the closet has been rearranged by color. This happens often.
* Mateo doesn’t mind this tbh because he likes stuff organized that way too.
* Sometimes when he’s at Amy’s and he’s playing with her kids, he’ll get distracted and sort their toys
* Icks
* Dislikes changes in routine
* Loud noises
* A lot of clothing textures
* Velvet is the worst of these
* Strong perfumey smells
* Masking
* He does mask
* However, he unmasks around his safe people (Mateo, Amy, etc)
* He doesn’t really have the proper terminology for it but he’s sort of aware when he needs to put up a nice face or where he can just be stoic
* He’s good with eye contact and doesn’t hate it
* Stims
* Biting/Chewing
* Clicking pens
* Anything he can busy his hands with actually
* Whistling
* Repeating words
* Rapidly blinking
* Pacing
* Special Interests (past and present)
* Plants
* Specifically succulents
* Trains
* This one is literally so self indulgent but I don’t care lmao
* Baking
* Giraffes
* Filmmaking
* (Because of a line where Mateo says he’s using Eric’s projector)
* He definitely still has a VCR player and a good amount of VHS tapes, and you can pry them from his cold dead fucking hands
* Weather
* He likes thunderstorms in particular
* This one is also self indulgent but I also just think it’d be kind of funny for Mateo to have severe storm anxiety and for Eric to be one of those bitches that would stand outside and watch the tornado if given the chance.
* Coping Mechanisms
* Rocking
* Hugging his giraffe stuffy
* Baking
* Sorting things
* Other details
* High empathy
* He Must be wearing jackets
* He can be without one, but he tends to have a shorter social battery when he’s not wearing one
* He doesn’t know why this is, he just is like “hm, I don’t really like being upset all the time in public places, guess I’ll just wear jackets all the time”
* Short sleeve jackets are okay, it literally just has to be an extra layer
* It’s an extra weight thing but he does not know this
* Undiagnosed
* Ron Sosa is also aggressively neurodivergent so their family is just like “ah, so the men in our family are just fucking weird, carry on then”
* Blunt
* Less so than Dina but it is definitely there
* Most of his close friends are people he’s known for a long time
* Basically saying he’s not great at making friends that he hasn’t known since he was in school
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twopoppies · 9 months
Talking about signaling to us that maybe turns more to be a way to get us involved than telling us they’re still together - I get it from Louis because most of his fanbase are larries but in H’s fanbase we are in minor thanks to H’s god of sex image made up for gf harries so he doesn’t really need larries get involved because if we make an exodus he’ll still be okay with his (gf) harries fanbase and gp attending his shows because he’s trendy. So that’s when I appreciate it even more when H does something and only larries understand what he’s doing. Hope you understand what I want to say - imo Louis needs larries to get involved but H doesn’t really and so it’s more important for me if he does so. But otherwise I get Louis’ songs choice after the show as from him telling he’s in love more than a signaling to larries. But why would H dig up Umbro shirt from Louis’ wardrobe and in the evening Louis smirk while signing ‘you still like to wear my jumper’? That was wild because the smirk was genuine from him and I love we got this moment 3 months ago.
I loved that moment, too. So funny.
Do you think most of Louis’ base is made up of larries? I feel like the majority of larries are Louis larries (as opposed to Harry larries), but it feels like he has lots of solo fans who don’t care about Harry or Larry at all.
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gracefullou · 3 months
I’ve been thinking about this and looking at peoples reactions on the setlist and the biggest problem to me is not 1D songs but the fact that there’s THREE 1D songs and like genuinely if I went to the festival and I saw him then afterwards I’d left with a feeling of “he doesn’t have enough solo songs”& “he’s still stuck on 1D” when it’s not true and we as the fans know that but the gp doesn’t.
Also I do understand him putting the songs that the gp knows and blah blah blah but well the gp knows jho (or at least some people) so he could’ve sang it instead of another 1D song or a cover which no one knows anyway. But overall I think Louis is stubborn and he won’t listen to us (esp since we’re such a small group of people lol) buuuut I’m really glad to see that the fans are saying very loud that they want more solo songs on the setlist because Louis deserves to know that his solo songs >1D songs and that people love them more so I hope he sees all the complains lmao
Hi, anon. I agree with everything you said. No matter the angle you see it from, it's not looking good. At first, i was disappointed solely for the fact that all these covers are taking up the place that fitf songs should've had. Simply bc i believe in its potential, i believe that every fitf song is so much better than any one direction song. I believe that no cover (one direction or not) is the key to win people over, but fitf is. Not in i'm a solo louie only his solo songs are good kind of way but bc it's the truth. Everytime the transition between a fitf song and a one direction one happens, i feel the dip in the quality. It's frankly striking. Fitf is my favorite album ever but also, i always make all my family and friends listen to Louis' music (usually not in an obvious fangirl way) and never has anyone said that this song is bad or that they didn't like it. On the contrary, most are now casual fans/ listeners and get excited along with me when a new release of his aporoaches. I also know what i felt/ thought when i heard fitf for the first time and that's why i have no doubt in my mind that an artist could not ask for a better representation. Fitf is EVERYTHING. I just wish Louis believed that too 😔. Anyway, the more that i think about it, the more obvious it becomes that Louis is waisting a lot of potential with his setlist choices. First of all, it doesn't send the message of a solo artist that is confident in his work. It can frankly paint him as the ambitionless loser from a dead band who can't move on from the break that the media (and some of his so called fans) try so hard to make people perceive him as. When in reality, he's been up to SO much since the pandemic. People respect ambition, they respect hunger for success and validation so why put yourself in a position where you can seem to not care enough? Larries and ot5s are horrible we know that (see how they're celebrating fucking seven of all things and then they have the audacity to claim that they love him and it's the toxic solos who don't respect his previous work 😬) but i can't help but feel that somewhere, sometimes Louis is responsable as well. Fans take cues from their "idols" and Louis is not helping with the three covers. I don't even know what he's trying to achieve with it 😭. Bc he does sing an awful lot of covers even at the tour shows when he knows the crowd is mainly his fans. Like the directioners that do show up now will show up even if he reduces the number of covers to one (and everyone will be happy then ☺️). He also needs to stop thinking too highly of 1D and assuming everyone is a fan. A lot of people are not. A lot of people don't even know their songs. It's been nine years, people move on. Today was the first time that i was left feeling a bit underwhelmed and not on a high after his set. It's one thing to sneak 4 covers on a regular tour set (it used to be less rip 💔) it's a whole other thing to fill it with those and leave your own beautiful songs off in a tight set like he has on those festivals and he needs to understand the difference ASAP. And it's not that he doesn't have "popular" songs under his belt. Back to you, just hold on, miss you are more than enough familiarity for any audience. Also, as much as he cares about "popularity" when it comes to 1D songs, he doesn't seem to care for the same for his own. Hello always you has over 100M streams on Spotify with no promo or playlisting and it's not even a single. Hoth, Chicago, angels fly, bigger than me are the most popular fitf songs after waoyf but they're nowhere to see on the setlist 😃. Instead of wdbhg why not reward fans with a favorite? Megamix is a clear fan favorite. Or defenceless as a nod to the fans' dedication and effort in 2020 for example? Or maybe he does reward them... With one dead songs 😭😭😭
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alarrytale · 8 months
I have hundreds of ideas of how to keep fans engagement up without shitting on your fans or stunting. I have hundred of ideas of how to improve Louis' shows and get a more likeable image that attracts the gp.
Marte can you share some of this ideas? I would love to read them.
Hi, Louis' team!
I bet you would. You seem out of ideas and in need of free advice. I've talked about this many times before, over several asks. I'm going to give a few examples of the hundreds of ideas i have lol.
Know your audience/fandom and who you should spend your time catering to
It’s larries, females, 20-30 years old, former 1d stans. It's not chavs living in their mothers basement in Doncaster...
How to do it: Ditch the lad image, the athleisure wear, the toxic masculinity, the Liam Gallagher impersonation and the punk/anarchy/indie image and sound. Stop taking fan favourite songs off the setlist ffs. When you don’t know the lyrics of your songs or the order of the setlist, you can’t afford to change it up. Have one set list and learn it!
What to do instead: Cater to the 37 million followers that already know and love you. Find ways to engage them again. 1d nostalgia always works. Post an unseen pic from the 1d days. Start taking proper care of yourself! The grey's got to go. Make pop/rock songs that's radio friendly, choose the right singles (see the response of the fandom!), dress up for shows and occations (so we can drool and look forward to your outfit), be yourself on stage and interact more with the audience (bond with us!). Show us some personality. Dare to be sexy and show us your ankles! Spend more time showing your personality on social media. Start using tiktok. Make yourself look interesting. It doesn’t have to be much.
To attract the gp and keep your fans loyal you need to act professional
Know your lyrics, be on time, use transparent communication and keep your promises.
How to do it: When you say soon it should be soon, when you say the 28 of each month, that's once a month. When you cancel a leg of tour or change a show in the nick of time, say why it's being done and why it's done so late. Act your age. Don't sweep things under the carpet and let things go unaddressed if the fandom is reacting negatively.
What to do instead: The gp or concert reviewers attending shows will demand that you know your lyrics to have a good experience. So rehearse and keep to one setlist if you have truble remembering lyrics. Hell, use prompters if neccessary. Learn to apologise properly and heartfelt. If you can’t, hire people to do it for you. Nip discontent in the bud. Either distract from it, address it or apologise for it.
Trust is important
Read the room, don't lay blame on fans (it's never the fans fault), don't EVER shit on fans and don't make promises you can’t keep.
How to do it: Monitor fandom. Constantly. 24/7. Keep up with the discourse of the day, fandom reactions and discontent. Feel the fandom pulse so you'll know when the timing is right for announcements etc. You'll learn what needs to change and improve things to make the fandom thriving and content. A happy fandom = free engagement and promo.
What to do instead: If you need to remind people you have a kid and larry isn't real, do the heavy lifting yourself. Don't throw fans under the bus. Do a tabloid denial or post a pic of F and yourself. Don't say the queue system changed because you listen to fan demands. That's bullshit. Stop lying and be transparent. Don't say you love all your fans and call out conspiracy theorists in the same breath. Both can't be true at the same time.
Don't do PR relationships for promo. Bad press isn't good press. It's bad press that's harming your image and growth.
How to do it: Stop doing PR relationships with lesser celebs. No one is buying it. Everyone is laughing, and the only one remotely interested in taking you on are 10 years your junior. It won't give you the promo you need either. Stop shitting on larries for press. Larry talk will always get you press because it's tabloid, but don't do it on fans expense. Do a denial or an interview if you must.
What to do instead: Use platonic female friendships as promo. Go parachuting with Florence Pugh and call the paps or film the whole thing and post on social media. Go visit Perrie and walk your dogs together. It will help rid you of the toxic male image, get you press (two celebs for one) and make it seem like you have a life besides partying. Stop being antagonistic to journalists and hostile to fans on twitter. Start building a relationship and a bond of trust.
Bonus: Start doing charity again (openly), let us back in your life (even if it's fake. I want to know which colour you're considering for your kitchen walls), i want social commentary on social media (what does he think about spitgate, the number of bins in England, and if he'd ever queue for a Stanley cup). I also want (and need) him to speak up against genocide. He's got an anarchy tattoo. Have some balls. He'd get good press from it too and kudos from his target group and the gp. I also need him to tease us more. I want something he's got in the works to look forward too, something not stunt related. Is he signing up for Soccer aid again? Is he doing a big interview? Post some lyrics on twitter. Engage us. Make things exciting and encourage a positive environment. It's not that hard to improve things tbh. The bar is that low.
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Do you want to hear something funny? Katie Waissel believes Louis is a father (She was in the xfactor) . First of all who cares what she thinks? (Stan's Twitter probably) And has she read all the things about babygate like us? She knows nothing. And they create a space? to talk? about whether Louis is the father or not? whaaat? whether an artist is a father or not become the business of gp or ex-xfactor people?Since when? This makes it more clear that Louis is not a father that they are trying so hard to prove it
Oh, this is really hard to listen to. This conversation isn’t held at eye level at all.
But I’m not surprised Katie Waissel doesn’t question Louis’ paternity (why would she?). But I’m curious why this space happened at all? I don’t get it. Also it’s such a messy discussion.
Waissel obviously uses the One Direction fandom, Larries, Ziam, and Zarries for her own cause and the misunderstanding here is that these fandoms think Katie Waissel is out there for their cause. Guess you got fooled. 🤷‍♀️
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izacore · 1 year
People complain about bmg that didn’t put it on Netflix but tbh this all seems to be Louis’ will. Bc Lewis made the doc with bmg and that came out on Netflix cause they’re associated with that platform but Louis didn’t want a bmg production and kept going with Charlie and now he chose veeps for 48h. What’s the sense with this docu seriously 💀 it doesn’t want to be known among the gp or he lives in delusion thinking that gp would care?? Making a documentary, including the child and…this is it I’m so I don’t even know what to say it’s confusing and stupid lmao
Louis is not like other girls 🥸
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goongiveusnothing · 2 years
I agree with your take on Louis like I’m a louie but some louie taking it too far with blaming everything on Harry and his team to the point that it becomes some weird conspiracy. You’re right about the industry and the gp “choosing one”, unfortunately it was always this way.
but this -“and do i think of course that harry would love to see louis be a total failure and for harry styles alone to look like the most talented successful member of one direction? of course. “ - is so true like I just know Harry was sitting and laughing at all the hate that Liam was getting after that Logan Paul podcast, he’s just that kind of person. Sometimes I truly think that he doesn’t know what empathy is because he just seems so calculated and cold. He probably was like “see, I’m the best thing to come out of 1D, look at Liam embarrassing himself”.
i think we can also see how this works in the industry with how angry harry clearly was that zayn left first, because he knew zayn was a direct rival. zayn is better looking and a better singer. and it was true, his first song was more popular than harry's first song. the industry was going to make zayn the star of the band, but unfortunately whatever zayn's gone through and his own refusal to do public performances just really limited him.
and there's no doubt in my mind that every single time one of these guys has fucked up, harry has been eagerly reading and laughing and lapping it up. i do believe he's like that. some don't, i definitely do. remember the louis/zayn weed tapes? how right after there was a major sun exclusive about how harry had nothing to do with it and how he frowned about it? that was from harry and his team, making sure harry got away from that, but that louis and zayn looked bad. he was orchestrating already at that point to be a solo star, and didn't want the others to hurt him.
he even basically confirmed it all with that weird interview where he goes on about how he didn't want to do drugs IN the band because he didn't want to mess it up (like those others messed it up, like lous/zayn fucked it up, he was basically saying), but did want to do them in his own solo career, which he seemed to feel for some reason was better and cooler? so we can see how harry's PR works and how he'd throw the others to the dogs.
also remember when those fans attacked eleanor and he was defending her and got arrested at the airport, within days harry was at the airport taking photos with random fans. again, he's never like that, he doesn't do that often, but suddenly he is? it reminded me of the prince william/kate middleton empty commercial plane flight stunt they did right after all the talk about meghan/harry using private jets.
i think honestly, that even though louis's career is not the highest selling artist, and he's not on the top of all the lists, i do suspect harry is STILL jealous over it, because he has fans, he's looking like he's having fun, he's selling out, and i think harry had hoped and really expected, that louis would be total wash and nobody would care. so that anyone cares about him and niall at this point i suspect is an annoyance to him.
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releaseholiday · 2 years
I feel you... the only thing that kept me going was his album and they had to ruin it with all the melittlelad talk. Holivia ruined Harry content for me that I had to take a break from him and I hate that I'm used to them kissing eachother and normalised it now. I wish I could say that Harry's house album and promo didn't have a stunt mention but it didn't help when he was literally spending everyday with her around that time. Louis was my safe place and i was so excited to see the new era after leaving syco and indie artist stuff and it gets worst. Just free that kid !! nobody fucking cares and it doesn't do anything good for him anyways. What are they expecting ? Do they expect the gp to like him and buy his album as he talks about his son?
Big fucking mood.
Literally just saw there was another interview about the kid today, new wave of promo yay, let’s kill the hype for the new single before it even starts lol. I’m honestly so lost why they’re doing this bc it doesn’t do anything for his career, it doesn’t help him in any way but they keep pushing and they keep driving people away bc all of this is gross af and I’m not blaming people at all for not wanting to deal with this.
I’m just so😩 I’ve been waiting for an album like this from Louis for so long and I can’t even properly enjoy it. I should be excited with the singles and the album roll out but all I keep thinking is “yeah yeah whatever, just release the music already so I can listen to it and forget about everything else”.
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caralara · 2 years
Ok. I can't make sense of your theory. Let me explain why.
First of all if bbg is ever gonna end then it will end up with Louis being a victim and not knowing he had been fathering someone else's child. He would get all the sympathy. So instead of portraying him as poor soul who can't get over his "fake" child and a broke 10 year old relationship why would they portray him as het Louis partying his ass off in mexico, going to 10 bars a day and getting a young hotty as gf? That's baseless for me.
Second why do you think bbg will ever end? They could have Louis look straight as a stick by giving him tons of beards. Like they did with Harry. Harry made it clear he's not straight or cis even then people believe that he's straight because....tons of beards? So if they took such a big step by giving him a whole ass human being as a fake child, then this is huge huge step towards closeting him for forever in an iron closet. Why do you think that babygate was a contract for like 6 or 7 years and then he can be free? It makes no sense to give him a damn child if he can be free after some short years. Babygate was meant to put him in an iron closet for long enough to destroy his plan of coming out especially with harry if he had any. It makes perfect sense. Harry and Louis can come out if not for babygate. And you really think that sony can let harry come out anywhere in next 10 years? He's a cash machine. He just signed a huge deal marvel. I don't think anything is happening anytime soon. Do you really think they said to Louis just give this child your name for seven years, try to adore him in the last year and boom you are free.
I read it on a blog. I forgot where but it was about how after 25 years Mia Furrow just revealed that Ronan may not be Woody Allen's son and Woody was like yeah even I am not sure but I am shocked. AFTER 25 WHOLE YEARS. A fake child cannot be given to someone for 6 or 7 years. That's what I believe.
I had to read it three times and it still doesn’t make a lot of sense to me what you’ve sent anon
I think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick. I don’t believe there’s a “contract” that says Louis has to do babygate for x amount of time, I don’t even believe there’s any contract for the bbg. It’s all covered in the image clause. And that’s done and over with, he’s out of those contracts (the only thing that’s prob left over is that he can’t talk ill of them (Sony) probably indefinitely, but that’s standard for any work contract).
I also don’t think bbg was ever meant to last this long. I’m also entertaining the idea that they didn’t even plan to have Louis play the father to the actual child after it being born, hence belfast.
I think he’s been trying to end it for years, and the reason he couldn’t is
a) he had to focus on himself for a while after his mum and fizzy passed away and he didn’t have the capacity then, which is why bbg went dormant during those years
b) it’s been built up so much in the fandom that they had to create a lot of lies in order to try and convince fans and gp that it was real and now they had to come up with an intricate plan to undo the huge pile of lies without damaging his career and image
C) considering he’s with H or at least cares for H to a point that he doesn’t want to damage his career, too, he has to take into consideration what’s happening with his image at the time
D) he’s been trying to end it for a while but then pandemic happened and the timing wasn’t right anymore. It’s a huge, complicated plan if they want to pull it off without career suicide
E) i don’t think this was ever supposed to be a forever iron clad closet. Hardly anyone is outright homophobic that way - they (pr and management) look at the numbers and say based on experience that you’re more successful if you seem available for your female audience than if you’re gay, hence the stunting. It’s not to punish anyone. It’s just that they don’t care that it’s bad.
Again. I don’t believe that there’s any contracts involved that force Louis to do this rn, those image clauses expired with him leaving Sony. It’s just that if he would just let it all crash down and tell the truth it would be career suicide.
Like really anon? Think a little and don’t just come in my inbox claiming I believe or think things that I never said I do.
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louisisalarrie · 6 months
wow there is an insane amount of Larry articles now holy moly and even if some of their info is incorrect, well, it still brings attention to them.
to be fair, Louis could appease a lot of people by saying “yes, Harry and I dated very briefly during the early 1d days, but we didn’t go public with it and then broke up because of the pressure and I met me gf Eleanor” to literally:
1. not out all the stunts
2. somewhat out him and Harry as potentially still being queer
3. seeding a future coming out by “rekindling the romance” so it’s gently introduced prior to the GP as opposed to a denial
4. let antis and solos believe Larry isn’t real anymore so they don’t feel lied to
5. confirm larries’ beliefs
6. Receive public sympathy if the statement says “we were young and scared and it didn’t work out” or something along those lines
This strategy would make his life easier, his promo bigger, help with the fact people think Harry is queerbaiting if he’s actually seen as queer, make Louis not seem like a homophobe but a vulnerable real person, and would cover all bases.
Now, why would louis not want to do that? Well… there’s a couple of reasons, but I think the main ones are:
1. If they come out about it, he doesn’t want to lie. He doesn’t want to say he and Harry weren’t closeted and that they didn’t fight for their love, and not expose Simon and the industry executives for their awful behaviour
2. Harry and him are still together, they want to come out together, and they’re waiting for the right time (post stunts ending)
Now some of you may say “but… Louis doesn’t want Larry to take away from his career that he’s building, he wants to do it separate from that” and okay, fair point, but not after this denial. This proves 150% that his team, as a last resort, will bring up Larry to boost his promo. If he really was bothered by it, he wouldn’t bring it up. It wouldn’t connect them back together. And you wanna know something?
His denial would have had to be approved by Harry and his team.
Yep, this isn’t just Louis spouting a denial for promo off his own back. This is in collaboration with Harry’s team. With Harry’s fame and this linking them together in a way that will affect his fandom and bring him a large amount of publicity that he may not want, it needs to be approved by his team.
This isn’t just a random person claiming to have slept with Harry, it’s not a random person spouting some bullshit about Harry… his team don’t care about a lot of rumours. They let them slide because some of them just aren’t big enough or scandalous enough to care about, and it keeps him in the headlines. But the Larry thing goes waaaaay back. It makes people become larries and dig into it when this shit is online. It jeopardises Harry’s current stunt. It threatens to out him and a long line of massively important music industry professionals. It’s been an ongoing thing for like 13 years now.
Harry doesn’t comment on it, because he doesn’t need to. He doesn’t need more promo. He doesn’t want to jeopardise his image that hints that he’s queer. It doesn’t affect Louis’ image to that degree due to previous stunts and denials.
So… yeah.
Harry’s team approved the denial. Louis approved to be asked about it and released it as edited and pre recorded for promo as soon as he left LATAM. It’s rehearsed. Let’s push on and keep this all in mind.
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
i love that i found your blog, we think the exact same 95% of the time!
i knew ppl shipped louis and harry since 2012, but i had no idea it was a full on conspiracy until i joined 1d fandom and fell down the rabbit hole at the beginning of pandemic. i remember being shocked so many times, it was so different than other fandom pairings i’d consumed during my adolescence such as camren, fack, etc. so i really dived into it for 3 months (there were just never ending content and life was uncertain at the time, lol), but i could never fully decide whether to believe it or not because it never made complete sense, so i stopped looking into it and settled for admittedly not understanding shit for a while. then, at some point in 2021, i came across an elounor body language masterpost, and, right after, those limited edition tpwk socks had blue and green hearts on it. that was it for me. larry was never real, and worse, H and L consciously mislead fans through baiting. i thought overall their relationships with their girlfriends had too many details to be untrue and there were many people close to the boys who wouldn’t have to deny larry and defend eleanor so much, especially if the closeting hurt them a lot. however, i did still admit there were many unexplainable things like, idk, the entire msg night 2, i think ultimately it was just easier to believe the public narratives and not think too much about these little things.
randomly, last month i decided to learn dan and phil’s story, what made people believe they were together and how they dealt with the speculation. i did it for two or three days, maybe, and when i finished i thought… “my God, larry’s been real all along.” 😂 listening to someone’s sexuality journey and reflecting on others that i already knew, like freddie mercury who had mary, or mick jagger and david bowie, expanded all the possibilities. maybe H and L weren’t contractually closeted, maybe they and their families were close friends with some of their public girlfriends and cared about them, maybe not everybody knew they were together, maybe not all stunts were stunts. there were so many things that could easily be the same case for larry as it was for phan, so many things that did not need to follow the main larry conspiracy narrative. the traditional belief is very romanticized, and that’s why it doesn’t work. it always puts effort into painting H and L as saints and refusing to believe they could be with other people. it always needs their public girlfriends and sony/management to be the villains, all so that they can make sad edits about how much they suffered, and have the purpose of expecting their coming out so that one day antis can all be proven wrong. since i realized all of this, things have never been clearer. i still don’t know shit, but larry evidence is still there and real life is morally grey, filled with dynamics we can’t fully grasp by watching from afar. particularly i believe they’re somehow involved to this day, but they’ve gone through difficulties/breakups enough for Louis to be a father and Hamille to have been real. L and El are good friends and as of 2023, larry is not out because they don’t want it to reach the GP, although i do think they intentionally signal to their fanbases. these are the lenses through which i watch everything that happens and it fits well enough. when i found out about “ed in manchester”, my only reaction was “this obvious???”, no surprises though. i’ve finally encountered peace. 😂
This was a ride.
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twopoppies · 2 years
hi, just wanted to give my opinion on the anon about how louis seems to have changed.
i definitely understand where they’re coming from, and where your answer is coming from, because i see it too. but i think the public image he has now is (in part) some sort of overcompensation on louis’ part to protect himself. we all know he hasn’t had an easy go of it in the media and with the gp so i honestly think a lot of the “don’t give a fuck and i’m a bit of a dick” thing is really him trying to not care/act like he doesn’t care/convince people he doesn’t care so maybe he’ll just be left alone. because he DOES seem much more himself when talking with and meeting fans. i think it’s because he feels safer and less judged with us, which he’s said before. so he lets that guard down. it’s like the act falls away around those he’s comfortable with. i could be totally off base but just from my own observations of WHEN he acts certain ways, the louis we all remember seems to come out around people he KNOWS are fans, while the… harder side (?? idk how to describe it) seems to come out when he knows people outside of his fanbase may see it, like with an interview. so it seems like a defense mechanism to me. just a thought! hope you’re having a good day!
Hi sweetheart. Yes, I totally get what you mean. And you’re probably right, to a certain extent. He knows his fans totally accept him and adore him, so he doesn’t have to put on any act with them. Journalists and interviewers and the GP often have a preconceived notion of who he is based on years of shitty press.
I just feel a bit like he’s doing the “well, if you already think I’m a dick, I’m going to be a dick around you” kind of vibe. I get it, but I guess I wish there was more of a focus on proving everyone wrong, because we’ve all seen there’s so much more to who he is. And to me, those aspects of Louis are so unique and so wonderful. But, I’m just one fan. Louis seems to be making all his own decisions, so one has to assume there’s a purpose for this image. I just… feel disconnected, I guess.
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statementlou · 2 years
I just came across one of the older asks about Louis’ shows selling out in Paris and other places, but that’s not true. There are plenty of tickets available in Paris. I see tweets about this too and imo it’s not helping Louis if fans/gp think tickets are not available. It’s obvious that venues are holding back tickets and releasing them piecemeal (I know you thought Louis’ team wasn’t doing this but it’s common practice in UK/Europe). And like others said, he doesn’t need to sell out venues.
The back and forth! I suppose me fact checking this could end it once and for all but alas I don't really care enough to to do all that so oh well I guess. Well: I hope you're right! Like I said before, if his shows WERE sold out a year in advance and before his album release it would mean he was doing a terrible job of booking venues, that they were turning away new fans and their ticket money and having him in way smaller places than he could be playing, so great. As for ticket trickling out, well good for them I guess, make that dough (sigh); if true we should all make a note of it and stress less about getting day of sale tickets.
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alarrytale · 6 months
Hi Marte. So I'm probably completely wrong here but I'm just theorizing. Harry and Louis have talked about wanting kids since they were young and Harry mentioned it again in HH promo. If they had plans to eventually CO and start a family then would they get involved with beards who stipulate in a contract that they can't CO? Would they agree to that? Harry would be digging himself into a hole by adding more and more beards and making it increasingly harder for himself. There is probably something in the contract to say that either party can't CO until 5 or 10 years after the relationship ends, or that they have to keep up with the pretense that the relationship was real. But I can't imagine Harry would agree to a contract knowing he could never CO. So there are 2 options here. That they plan on never CO or they agree to a contract knowing that they will be able to CO at some point. The only thing is that I wonder if they were to CO if there were some grounds that the other party could sue them for damage to their image but maybe they can come up with a way that does minimum damage. In Leo and Bradley's case with Gigi, I don't get the impression that Leo and Bradley want to CO so it might not matter so much to them. But I can't imagine Harry and Louis wanting to be closeted forever. If that was the case then wouldn't they shut down any speculation about their sexuality? It would be so easily to do a written interview or in depth IG post talking about how harmful the speculation has been, or they even could get fake married. On the other hand, speculation about their sexuality is good publicity for them. But I'm not sure they would welcome the speculation if they planned on never CO. Wouldn't that be like queerbaiting? What do you think?
Hi, anon!
I don't think kids are a priority for them right now. They're a celebrity gay couple, kids will basically mean the end of both their careers. I don't see either of them wanting to be the primary care taker while the other one's on tour. That wouldn't be fair either. So they will both have to be there and be present for their kids. I think they'd both want that too, in 7-10 years or so.
I don't think H or L would go into a contract willingly with a beard, stipulating that they can't come out. But all this started in 1D when they were young and impressionable, and i'm not sure if they knew the consequences of what they were forced/pressured/convinced into by Sony. Bar TS or Kendall maybe, i think H's team has been the one in power and written the contract stipulations. I don't think H would have put himself in a situation where it would be neccessary to agree to such a term. So i don't think that's what's stopping him from coming out. Bg is a bigger hindrance for them.
I agree if they never plan to come out all the queercoding, fights with management and bargaining they've done have been pretty pointless. It doesn’t make sense as a theory based on all we've observed over the years. I'm pretty sure they both would come out this second if they could. H and L have always given attention to and praised people who have come out. Like L with the rainbow apple t-shirt for tim cook and H with the michael sam football shirt. They so badly wish it was them having that opportunity.
If they never plan to come out, because they can't or because they don't want to, we would have seen a totally different behaviour from them. What on earth is the point of singing i love him i hate it if you don’t want the world to know you're gay and in a relationship, because you'll never be out? It's not queerbaiting, it's queercoding and wanting people to see beyond the stunts and lies, and see the truth. Speculation about their sexuality isn't good publicity if you have to go on twitter and shut it down, making yourself look like a right douche and a homophobe by doing it. It's harmed Louis' image and popluarity immensely, both among fans, the gp and journalists.
Since they want out, there must be a way out. Louis wouldn't be all faith in the future if there never was a way out for them. Harry wouldn't be jumping from stunt to stunt if he's in this for life. He'd find a more permanent solution. If there weren't a way out they would have given up the fight long ago. They're still fighting.
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