#that was a mixed bag of fun XD
raycatz · 6 months
I'm not including a situation where someone might be injured because in that case I'm thinking the bed goes to them by default or they are nominated for it. anyone who wants to be chatty goes to join the living room floor gang.
What are your thoughts and headcanons? Do you have thoughts on how the boys tend to approach assigning beds in inns? Who do the chain choose to sleep near when camping and why? What are their dynamics like when settling down for the night and getting ready for the day?
In "Mirror Vs Open Closet Door: Fight!" by Gintrinsic (here) Four refers to the chain's decision on how to split up between inn rooms as the "Link-per-room ratio" which I find very funny. He, Sky, and Time also talk about their thought process behind why they do or don't want to sleep in a room with some of the others which I find fun and interesting.
So! If you have thoughts and want to share them! *gestures to the post!*
#linked universe#linkeduniverse#alrighty! now for my answers-#for the ranch question I think it varies which is why I'm asking in a poll. What do you think happens most often though?#each answer is a fun scenario so it's difficult to choose#but I think they'd try to act politely around Malon and Time for the first couple visits with straws or rock paper scissors#or showing generosity by offering the bed to someone else. (I bet Malon saying they're charming is quite the incentive#for more possible compliments. The chain as a whole would want to prove her right xD )#Once they're more comfortable in the house though I can totally see Wind and Legend making a mad dash for it while Wars yells after them xD#Wind probably ends up sharing with Four a lot since they're the littles#or Wind snuggles in with Wars Legend Wild etc#Wild and Twi/Wolfie have claimed the spot on the floor by the fireplace.#For inn rooms / castle rooms / camping - I tend to group them by how they're grouped a lot already#but a lil mixed up#Time - Sky - Wars are the good rest trio. they want a good night's rest please let them get their beauty sleep. often joined by Four#Wars goes between this group and wherever Legend is depending on how chatty he is that night.#Twi - Wild - Hyrule are snuggle/proximity buddies#Legend is attached to Hyrule's hip or sets up near Warriors to gossip and gripe. I can also see him setting up near Wild#in the eye of the storm as it were or just an interesting place to be. Wild and Hyrule can get to chatting about everything and anything#so if Legend wants background noise (Hyrule and Wild podcast omg)-#or a conversation he can be half a part of and jump in and out of while getting ready for the night or in the mornings-#this is a good place to be. add Wind and things get a bit more chaotic.#Wind gravitates to Wars and Legend too when curious and chatty. He gravitates towards Time when he wants something calmer.#Four tends to be near Sky or Twi or to Legend's group for the same reasons#I can see Four and Twi having a little book club going during downtimes where they talk about what they're reading. Sky likes to listen. <3#Wind thinks they're nerds but so is he and he can't resist a good story so he orbits and sometimes settles in and peppers questions.#it's funny that Time Sky and Wars want to sleep the most but Legend follows Wars to chat (and ends up bringing people with him xD )#there could be some conflict there oooo#Twi is by Time#it's almost a circle but with clusters of sleeping bags near on top of each other and filling the gaps
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destinationtoast · 1 year
S3 has been so weirdly paced, and massively uneven in the success of various arcs for me. But the actors are amazing, and there are so many truly delightful parts. And so much I want to read/write fic about!! So I'm still mostly dwelling in the squee.
loved the Nate stuff in this episode.
loved everything about Jamie.
loved Uncle Day, and finally meeting Roy's (STILL UNNAMED!!) sister.
loved everyone's reaction to Roy's shirt!
loved Rebecca and Rupert's interactions (in a "wow, yeah, he's soooo skeevy, but can still turn on the charm so fast, and I love these glimpses of their past" kind of way -- and in a "GOOD FOR HER" kind of way when she shoved him)
And lots more! <3
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sun-e-chips · 11 hours
Do the boys fluster easy? Like if y/n ever grew a backbone and said literally anything-
Like the smallest thing or like, taped a flower to suns rays or moons headdress (does it have a specific name please tell me if it does) how would the boys react?
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I get a break because of the storm so I’m digging into my inbox! >:D
Great question! I would say yes to the boys flustering easy but they fluster differently if that makes sense.
Moon: Moon I would say flusters the easiest. Though he handles “flirts” from guests with ease, (giving a witty/charming one-liner to keep it professional and lighthearted) he knows it’s part of the job and nothing is serious, but if y/n did or said anything flirtatious to Moon he would freeze up XD
With guests this usually happens during luau’s between when he’s performing or working the bar. Moon realizes guests are just enjoying themselves and mean nothing inappropriate when they’re having fun with flirtatious banter, it’s part of his job to be engaging and pleasant so he doesn’t really mind. That’s why y/n showing any affectionate interest in him would come as such a shock, he never thought about someone being genuinely interested in him that way. Poor guy needs some time to adjust.
Sun: Now Sun is an oddball to me, I’m still trying to understand him and his emotions myself haha. Sun REALLY blurs the lines between platonic and romantic affection, he is in general a very loving guy. With guests personal space is a foreign concept to him, of course he is still very professional and can judge an appropriate situation/person, but he just has a talent for being able to connect with guests so their comfortable with his playful antics. With Y/N however his actions areeeeee a mixed bag I guess, (think of it like a magic fruit basket, Sun is giving you a variety of fruits in one package, if you choose to only take out oranges then it’s an orange basket, if you want to take out apples and oranges then it’s an apple and oranges basket, pick out whichever you like it’s all there but you don’t have to accept anything you don’t like, he’s letting you decide what you want your basket to be made up of) weird analogy I know but it’s what I thought of
Anywhoo for Sun to catch on that an act is flirtatious it has to be clear or at least catch him off guard! Little note here, Suns pupils disappear when he’s flustered from y/n. It’s a lil scary at first, in the illustrated instance this is the first time of this happening and it may be mistaken as Sun freezing but he was very much there and would have returned the gesture if not for the pool noodle -whack- lol
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teojira · 3 months
Ooooh just finished reading your koba drabble and its soooo good??? I would love to hear your thoughts how the other apes, Rocket, Maurice, Ceaser, and Blue eyes, think about Kobas' new human shadow... or the way they squabble 👀 I imagine its a mixed bag XD. Amazing writing as always ❤️
[How the rest of the colony apes react to you and Koba's 'friendship']
Summary: The other apes worry about your sanity.
Warnings: Platonic relationship with Koba (based off of my previous Koba request!)
A/N: First time writing for Maurice, Rocket and Blue eyes!!! I was so excited to see them included here 😭 I hope you enjoy anon!
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He's already warned Koba multiple times to not take things too far, that just because you've decided that you want to follow him around, doesn't mean he can mistreat you.
Keeps a close eye on y'all when in vicinity, but he knows Koba better than others do.
Koba can claim he hates you as much as he does, but he hasn't done anything to truly drive you away, he could hurt you, bite into you with his canines and do damage but at most, he growls and tries to swat you away like a fly.
Koba also in the same vein will follow you around when you're off doing your own thing, especially if you decide to leave the colony on your own.
He's not slick, telling Caesar that he's off to rest.
Caesar literally sees Koba climbing trees to trail you. It's amusing just how much the bonobo is denial that he cares for you.
It's obvious to Caesar that a part of Koba enjoys the attention, and enjoys your company despite everything, so he doesn't interfere.
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Actively tells you to leave Koba alone, he's genuinely not about the whole idea of you and Koba being together.
It gives him anxiety, he's not your father, he's not your family but he's concerned.
He'll talk to Caesar about it, trying to get him to put a stop to it but alas, Caesar says you're both adults, he can't control who you spend time with.
He agrees of course, and while yes Koba does show some semblance of...care for you, it doesn't change his mind.
Please you're stressing him out, give him a break and eat dinner with him and the children instead.
Koba is threatening to bite your fingers off for touching his berries and Maurice genuinely cannot tell if it's a valid threat or not.
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Rocket doesn't include himself into the situation, but is another worrier deep down, he's a father, he can't help it.
I see him as the laid back chill uncle who's like 'Hey, do what you want to do but be careful.'
He'd had to step in a couple of times when he thinks Koba is genuinely out to harm you, hooting and calling for Caesar. This ends in him and Koba squaring off against one another and you frantically telling Rocket that you're fine.
By now he doesn't interfere, but he does keep an eye out, always fighting the urge to grab you and take you away from Koba.
Tries to offer you to spend more time with his previous wives, Ash or himself.
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Blue eyes:
Blue eyes and you are kinda in the same boat, despite Koba's faults, Blue eyes does look up to his father's close friend.
Koba would never hurt Blue eyes, not without great repercussions, but he could hurt you, the tiny human that has no defensive measures against a huge bonobo, so forgive Blue if he's a little nervous at you pestering Koba.
The young chimp makes sure to check in with you after your random little fights with Koba, it doesn't matter how many times you tell him it's all in good fun, he will make sure you're okay.
He's worried, okay, he gets it from his father, Caesar has told him just how fragile humans are, how their feelings are easily hurt, it makes him treat you damn near like glass.
Side eyes you everytime you go to Koba's nest to mess with him.
Ash will try and make bets with how long it'll be til Koba tries and kills you as a joke, only for Blue eyes to choke on his spit and tell him off, baring his teeth and jostling his friend around.
"Do not make fun!" The young chimp signs frantically.
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flemingsgirl · 5 days
Enough pt. 3
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For the opening ceremony you dress in the uniform you got before you left for Paris, personally you thought you were going back to school, but you kinda liked it, causal yet significant and holds bites of your nationality. With America being second last to be presented you had a long night however your time was spent valuable as you messaged back and forth with Jessie.
As the cameras were pointed on the American boat, you packed your phone into your bag, giving your attention to the crowd around you and the people in front of the television. Smiling, you wave to the viewer as you pass them, having an arm around your best friend and jumping up in your spot. Your phone was long forgotten, so when you hit the mattress as you were ready for the night, you had a glance at the device, flooded with several notifications from your family as well as from Jessie.
Tonight, I’m an American myself. GO USA! (and Canada ofc)
Oh, wow, they mixed up the names of north and south Korea…
Damn I see red, how could they. Relieved I’m not there it’s like much and roaring. Nvm go CANADA! #1
OMG!! Look who I spotted!!
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Wow she’s kinda pretty, who’s that? Can you get me her number?
Don’t mind the Canadian athlete in the background with his outstanding tracksuit XD
Seems like you’re busy... :/ have fun and be careful. Let me now when you’re back so I know you’re safe! Good night beauty.
Here to say I’m back safe, already in my bed and ready to sleep. Nighty night.
Just moments later your phone rings and you’re quick to accept and stumble into the bathroom, not wanting to wake Avery. “Hey,” you whisper.
“Hey,” her voice raspy.
“Why’d you called?”
You could hear some rattling in the background, indicating that Jessie’s fidgeting with something. “Just checking in.”
“It’s late. I thought you were already asleep.”
“I know, but I wanted to hear your voice. Maybe I can sleep better or so I could even sleep at all.”
“Oh Jess. What’s wrong?”
The Canadian gulps. “I have troubles sleeping these past days. With all that happened. I can’t have a proper meal cause I don’t have that much appetite and I miss you like crazy and… and…” she rambles on.
“And what? Trust me, I’m on your side.”
“It’s way too soon.”
“About what? Jess, bebe talk to me.”
She stays silent a few seconds before she clears her throat. “I like you.”
“I like you too.”
Jessie tucks on her earlobe. “Like a lot.”
“Yeah, me too.” You lick your lips, rubbing your forehead. “Look, Jessie. I don’t mean it in any bad way or so. With those new standings maybe, we should wait until all the stressful and anxious days are over to take the next step.” You let Jessie assimilate the information. “Those games aren’t how you imagined them and it’s a hard pill to swallow. But I’m with you. You are enough just like you are, Jessie, don’t forget. You’re perfect in any way. If it gets too much call me, I’ll always be here. Okay?
“Yes,” she mumbles into the phone.
“I’ve got an offer.” You don’t hear any answer. “Jess?” a soft sob is audible. “Hey, hey, Jessie, it’s alright. I got you. Do you listen to me?” the line stays silent. “Jessie?” worry grows in the pit of your stomach. “Hey, hey, Fleming, you’re not ignoring me, you understand?” you chew on your bottom lip. “I suppose you lay in your bed… it’s okay if you fall asleep, yeah. I’ll take that credit. Close your eyes for me, would you?” you give her a second to adjust her position. Soft sobs still lingering in the air as she shuffles under her blanket. “I’ll lead you through the opening try to put your phone behind you at best next to your ear.” A moment passes. “Okay. So, before we were let onto the boat, we had a really dope kinda party in our village. Oh, your little shy self would’ve wanted to burry yourself in the ground. It was even too much for me,” you let out a laugh and one side of Jessie’s mouth turns up, her sobs dying. “It was so loud and there were so many people I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was there for like half an hour and it was scheduled for two hours,” your voice a soft whisper. “Fast forward to our boat tour it was so humid. I send you a pic from before, right? Five minutes later I put them into a ponytail cause they were clutched on my skin. I think we were like three hours on this boat and I’m glad we could message this time otherwise I would’ve died of boredom. I small talked with Simone Biles, LeBron James just to name some. yeah, it was great but a special someone has been missed.” Jessie doesn’t respond, the only sound audible are steady breaths. You wander back into your room and cover yourself with the blanket. “If it’s not clear. I’d like you to be here by my side. To see you and to hold you. I can’t wait to see you again Jessie. Good night until tomorrow.”
Three days later your first game in the tournament was scheduled. Your opponent was the Chinese team, a favoured aspirant for a medal. The start was rough the Chinese women pressured and lead the play. Roundabout an hour into the game your team was down two sets, only one set for the Chinese squad to win. In a matter of time the tables have turned, and the teams were tied, leading to a last set which decides the winner. At the score of 8:10 for the Chinese your coach had to switch you out. Five points before your opponent at the net crossed the foul line so that you landed on her feet and your knee twisted, a pain shot through your leg, but you kept playing. You communicated with your coach, and he took a time out for your team to discuss the matter and how you’ll switch on the field. Your heart scattered as you limp to the sideline where your roommate and best friend stepped up next to the referee and took your place. She gave you a quick hug and reassured you, drying a tear that left your eye. On your way to the bench, you exchange high-fives with the team officials. Taking a seat the physio makes his way over to you and kneels in front of you. By the time you shield your face with your hands and every now and then you dry some tears with the hem of your shirt. In the end your team is defeated which is another heartbreak for you and another wave of tears escape you. Teammates huddle around you and embrace your shaking body. Shortly after you find yourself in the changing room getting ready to shower and put on your comfy clothes for the night.
“What did they say about your knee?”
“It shouldn’t be something serious, but they want to give me a break the next game and maybe the one after.”
“That’s promising.”
“Kinda. Hopefully it works out. If not, they want me to get examined.”
“Reasonable.” You just nod too exhausted and gloomy, only wanting to be in your bed and talk with a special Canadian.
“Hey gorgeous, how are you? You played so well.” You burry your face into the cushion, hiding the blush that grows. “Hey, hey, no hiding here, show me your pretty face.” Her chuckles fill the air, and your heart skips a beat. The past days Jessie’s quite outgoing, charming and offensive.
“Thank you I tried my best, but it didn’t work for us. I’m okay, I think.”
“It’s the thought that counts. Next time will be better. Oh Y/N.” Jessie’s eyes dart over your face. “Tell me.”
“Yeah hopefully.” you stop, a shaky breath escapes your lips, “I... it’s…”
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“It’s my knee.” You let out a sob. “It just happened and it.”
“But you played on. Were you already in pain?
“Not much, it was kinda unstable and stiff. I don’t know what you’ve seen.”
“At some point you were on the ground and then you stood up and played on. After a few points your trainer took the timeout.”
“For tactics. He sorted the team with the substitution he was going to make. The other player crossed the line and I landed on her foot and mine gave in twisting, and I fell, that was embarrassing.”
“Nothing about it is embarrassing. It’s not your fault and things like that can happen to anyone… I mean the falling, not the injury. How many times am I thrown to the floor or challenged?”
“But it’s part of your game.”
“Are you trying to make my argument unreasonable?” she lowers her eyebrows. “I dare you.”
“What if I do? Try me,” you giggle afterwards as she gives you an evil eye.
“You wouldn’t want that,” she winks at you while she licks her lips, a smug placing itself on them afterward. The heat creeps into her cheeks but Jessie ignores it, holding the stare at you.
You are the first to break the eye contact covering your face with your hands. A grunt finds its way out of your mouth, and you claps your pillow over your head. “Hey, hey, hey shooow youuurself,” the Canadian drags out and you can hear how she pokes her screen.
“Stop it,” you groan and roll your eyes when your face comes to display again as you set the pillow down.
She beams at you, eyes closed, and her nose scrunched. “What do you mean?”
“You being cheesy. A whole new side of you.”
“Oh, stop complaining. I know you like it.”
“How so?”
“Cause you’re still talking to me.”
“I really like this new confident, keep it Fleming.”
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
16 Asks! thank you!! :}} 🦦
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If we're going with the order I got them in the games.. then yes! I imagine that the team started out with Midori meeting Gloria and it built up from there :))
Though I wonder.. I feel like Gloria and Midori are both the shy and quiet type.. perhaps it could be that Bonnie, being a social butterfly, was the one that started and even grew the group? :00
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Thank you!! And yeah, poor Emmet <XDD
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Is that skibidi toilet???
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I will never be the same after having read and imagined this
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Oh hey! Well you know what they say, great minds think alike! XDD
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XDD Okay, I'll tell him-- wait are you good what you mean the horrors--
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They have not.. :((( If I knew more about that Pokémon I would have drawn an interaction.. <XD
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I have not :(( though after googling it, it does look like something I'd like 👀👀
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(I cannot remember what post this ask is referring to :(( Sorry! Maybe to was this one..?)
What I got from that is that Gengars ground pound to show affection XDD I love it!!
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:DDD Thank you so much! And I totally encourage it! I've been having a blast drawing mine, maybe you'll have fun with yours! :))
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Nah.. <:/ sorry!
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(Post in question)
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@neo-metalscottic (So many Joltiks post)
My day is going well, thank you! I hope you can say the same! :)) And thank you! I'm glad you've been enjoying my submas stuff! :}}
Hmm.. now that I think about it, Anastasias shiny status would probably cause a lot of problems for her. Since she isn't her natural colors, its probably harder for her to blend in like normal Kricketot do.
Being that bright shiny gold color would make her stand out like a sore thumb, so running and hiding from poachers/shiny hunters proobably wouldn't work.. I can see the group running into shiny hunters and having to stand their ground.
Thankfully the team are all pretty tough and are decently diverse in their typing. So that shouldn't be too hard for them..
As for pokeballs and humans.. that's a good question. I STILL haven't fully decided if my team has a trainer or not. I'm kiiiind'a going off of the theme that they're all wild..? But even so, I'd like to think the team doesn't have a bad view of humans and caught pokemon-
I can imagine the team, mostly Gloria- understands that not all humans are bad. They've seen the bonds that Pokémon share with humans and understand that they just happen to encounter the uh.. unpleasant humans.
I'd also like to think that if a Pokémon wants to be with a human, they probably aren't bothered by pokeballs too much. They probably see it as an odd tool that helps humans and their partners stay together.
Of course though, knowing all that they still get the bad end of the stick with both.. humans usually are loud and aggressive. Trying to catch the pretty Gardevoir or shiny kricketot.. its a mixed bag <XD
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late-draft · 6 months
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My larger projects include #atla social media AU, #last air keyholder AU, (which is a sci-fi AU meant to be like an entire story) ; planning on doing a review of NATLA (sneak peek: I think its biggest problem is not writing, it's the directing. But generally I like it)
Hi guys, I'm super new to ATLA fandom, started watching in March 2024. for the first time. If I make any stupid mistakes or spelling errors, please feel free to correct me! I'm sorry for any mistakes I make.
I love the show, I'm also looking forward to watching NATLA too to see how it is. update WATCHED IT! Mixed bag but I'm glad it exists - I'll create posts to explain my thoughts!
I love worldbuilding and character-building and this show has a lot, but it also drops the ball in some areas or moments in writing, I feel (that's unfortunate but it's a normal thing that happens in writing)
I see there are fandom wars, but I hope I won't bother anyone. I am however, not averse to discussing Discourse topics (narrative), as I find them interesting! I just don't intend to attack anyone.
I'm a student of animation at a film school so I have a professional interest in this as well as simply for fandom (aka please colleagues, don't bully me for wanting to make animated shows, animation isn't just for children T_T)
My blog's title is a joke about how much worldbuilding I end up contributing to the cursed Fire Nation xd I don't actually cheer for the Fire Nation, I hope that's obvious. I just find that area of worldbuilding very fun
Heads up, if you can't take criticism of your favourite character(s) or are a hardcore maiko or kataang stan, this blog might not be for you, but you're always free to like/reblog anything from me that you like!
Please remember you can use Tumblr's tag mute feature and mute any ship or #anti ship/character tags, #atla discourse tag, and # critical tags of your choice!
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snail-studios · 21 days
It’s “appreciate yourself” hours! Pick five pieces of writing/art that you’ve done that you love and talk about them! ❤️❤️❤️
Umm ok!!! 🥺🥺
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I really like this picture of mipha specifically!! I feel like the emotion is shown really well and even tho there are a lot of things I can't do with her to make crying more realistic (nose to go red and run, ect) I think I've shown it as best as I can ^^ I also love the way her top showed up and am proud of the little star <3
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I really like this sketch. My first miphlink kiss I've drawn :D the hands look better than usual and I like the green/pink gradient. I like the looseness of the lines, too. I was really just having fun with it and not putting too much pressure on myself
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Even if this didn't turn out as I'd hoped it would in colour I like how mipha turned out :'^) still disappointed with the overall outcome so won't be sharing unless prompted, sorry T.T
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This animation still impresses me when I look at it XD I did that????? What???
Mipha dropped her bag onto the table with a thud. Her hands trembled on the sink as she poured herself a glass of water. She bit her lip hard, choking down a sob as she lifted the glass to her lips. She wiped her mouth, her hand coming back red with a spot of blood, mixed with lipstick. Her eyes burned with tears and she let them fall, shoulders shaking with each quiet cry. Oh, she’d messed everything up, she’d let everything fall apart and now everyone was in danger.
In the dim light of the empty safehouse it was hard to see. The window above the sink stared out at a concrete wall, a cruel mockery of what she could be looking at instead. Even from deep underground she could hear the hail thundering onto them, a constant pitter-patter with the occasional thud as a particularly large ball of ice fell.
She faintly heard the door upstairs open, multiple pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs until Gaddison, Bazz and Rivan burst into the kitchen, rosy cheeked and smiling fin-to-fin. They chatted amongst each other for less than a minute, before seeming to realise Mipha was standing at the sink and turning to her.
“Oh, Mipha. Hey.” A gentler smile curved Bazz's lips, and he picked the bandage on his cheek. Her heart rate picked up. He was, like Gaddison and Rivan, absolutely covered in bandages. A thick one was wrapped around his bicep, a blood soaked gauze was taped on Gaddison's knee, and Rivan was covered in small, shark patterned band-aids. 
“What…” She gulped, reaching backwards to steady herself on the kitchen bench. She was used to the sight of blood, but that, coupled with her exhaustion and the way they had messily covered their wounds sent a wave of light headedness to her head. “What happened…?”
Im proud of how quickly I wrote this Fisheye Lense snippet :> I really enjoy writing Mipha with a lot of people who love her and am excited to show that more in the fic 😌
Thank you so much for this! I really needed it and it made me realise how much stuff I've created recently that I'm proud of!!!
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shygirl4991 · 8 months
okay okay i remember a lot of people talking about how they would get confused on what color SMG3 text is cause it would change color well this new episode made me remember that post @mushrooming3 did about the color change
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here we have the usual color that people know SMG3 for but at this moment he is lying acting playing a character he is pretending to hate SMG4 when we all know he cares about him but here he lies and puts that rival character "yeah i hate him, he deserves to be dead!" all because he wants to impress his old friends yet again a moment of him trying to find his place to belong.
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but look at the start of the episode he isnt playing a character he is being himself having fun and being stress at running his cafe. Here he is natural he isnt putting a front to impress anyone so when do we see a color change in this episode?
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boom when he is trying to prove he is still evil trying to belong he put up his walls putting on the evil persona he created over the years (which he is rusty at since its been years since he was a villain). Its interesting to know that the closer he gets to the crew the more we see this new color a light blue makes you wonder if his color was always meant to be light blue but got all mixed up when zero zapped his usb turning him purple well whatever the reason the text color for sure lets us know when Three is acting and when he is being his true self.
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here he accepts himself and is happy with who he is and realizes he found where be belongs somewhere he can be himself, showing that maybe this new light blue color is going to be his new color (of course he needs to stop being a tsundere for that to happen xD)
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heck when coffee n bombs first open you can see the color change to! here he is acting and showing four he so has running a cafe in the bag its easy he can do anything and do it better then him after all he needs no help. But Four (and i already talked about him) he over did it and push SMG3 to far
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he breaks character he panics the real him shines through and funny enough thats when Four notices he went to far
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he has known Three long enough to know when he slips and shows his true self which from what i can find Three seems to show more to four then anyone else which might explain why he giggles at SMG3 tsundere act since he knows the real SMG3 now after its gotta be perfect. (still my man you need to be a better friend to three please)
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In short the color change in the text is on purpose its to show us the viewers the two sides of SMG3 the one he created over the years of being alone, and who he really is a man that just enjoys being a trouble maker with a big heart. He feels cozy with SMG4 so he shows this side more with him but he has used those walls for yeeears so while the light blue will at some point in time be the color we see more that doesn't mean his iconic color will go away we might just end up seeing it less over time.
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aralezinspace · 1 year
Combining two slightly tweaked requests, from Anonymous and @fangirlmary: Morpheus with single mother who is worried about introducing him to her daughter, kid gets lost and ends up gravitating toward Dream
A/N: This was so fricken fun to write- I work with tiny humans so I drew inspiration from some of the things they've said to me xD God I love Dream and kids, enjoy!
~~Requests are open!~~
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“Come on, mom!” your six year old daughter called, trying to tug her coat on, not realizing the sleeve was inside out. You chuckled and fixed the sleeve, helping her slip her arm in.
“Hold your horses Bridget,” you scolded with a chuckle. Once her coat was on and zipped, you grabbed your own jacket, Bridget’s bag of tricks, and went out to the car. The two of you sang along to the radio for the entire ten minutes it took to get to the park. When you got there, Bridget could hardly contain her excitement, short auburn waves bouncing as she squirmed and wriggled in her car seat.
You took a deep breath of the crisp spring air as the two of you walked over to the playground. Raising Bridget on your own hadn’t been easy, and you couldn’t remember the last time you hadn’t been bone tired. At least, the last time before a few weeks ago: you had been visited by a terrible nightmare, one worse than any you could remember, but it had been waved away by a man too ethereal and ancient to be a human, or a figment of your imagination.
He had introduced himself as Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, and a whole other world you hadn’t believed existed opened up to you. He came to you every few nights in your dreams, and the two of you would just sit and talk, casual, about nothing important. Or, he would read to you in that soothingly hypnotic voice of his that no mortal could hope to replicate. He had asked several times why you were always so exhausted, and you had a feeling he knew the answer, but was waiting for you to tell him of your own volition. Whatever was between you was growing into something more than a casual acquaintance, and while Bridget was wonderful and amazing, you knew how easily a relationship could sour once a child was brought into the mix.
You would tell Morpheus about Bridget, in time. Just… not right now. Not while you were still enjoying his company, not when you didn’t feel ready to risk losing it.
You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you hadn’t noticed your daughter leave the playground and head for the large expanse of open grass dotted with the occasional bench.  
Bridget had always been too curious for her own good; her teachers often commenting on report cards that she almost never stopped asking questions, both to their amusement and annoyance. Most of them began with “how” or “why”, and she was rarely satisfied with the answer. Bridget had the intuition that most children had, the little feeling in the back of their heads that tingled to life when an adult wasn’t being completely honest with them. Unlike most of her peers, she was not at all afraid to act on that intuition, and continue questioning until she was satisfied with the answer.
That insatiable curiosity was what had led her to abandon the playground and her favorite monkey bars in favor of walking over to a bench in front of the park’s lake. It looked like a shadow was sitting on it, but shadows couldn’t sit… could they? Was it a shadow? If it wasn’t a shadow, what was it? Why was it on the bench? She just had to know.
With that conviction in mind, she walked purposefully to the bench, hands stuffed into the pockets of her purple coat. Her palms were sweaty, curious but apprehensive. Mom had always told her not to talk to strangers, but the closer she drew to her sitting shadow, the less he felt like a stranger. Odd, for a shadow to feel warm and safe.
Slowly, carefully, she approached the shadow on the bench. Upon closer inspection, she learned that it wasn’t a shadow, but a man. A man with black hair, black clothes, pale skin, and half a loaf of bread in his hands. He seemed sad, which to Bridget, made him look more out of place in the park on a gorgeous spring day than his dark clothes. How could anyone be sad when the sky was bright blue and the sun was shining? Bridget frowned. She had to know what was making this warm shadow so sad.
“Excuse me?” she asked in a small voice, stepping closer and remembering her manners. “I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, but can I ask you a question?”
Morpheus had heard the small footsteps approaching him, but had been too absorbed in his thoughts to pay them any mind. But then the footsteps changed to a voice, one that clearly belonged to a child. He turned, bright blue eyes focusing on the girl in front of him. She couldn’t have been more than six or seven, if his understanding of human aging was still correct. Her auburn hair shone in the sun, earthy eyes sparkled with curiosity and wonder. His fingers clenched slightly into the bread- while he would much prefer to be left alone, it would take more than Dream had in him to refuse a child.
“What is it, little one?” he murmured back, turning his body to face her, show her that she had his full attention. There was something about her eyes and the way she fiddled with her fingers that was strangely familiar.
“Um…” Bridget bit her bottom lip, trying to piece her words together. That gesture too seemed familiar, but Dream couldn’t place it. The girl decided to clamber up onto the bench and sit next to him, her feet in their light up sneakers dangling in the air. Dream settled back into his original position, arms resting on his legs, fingers pulling at the bread, eyes turned to the girl next to him. Bridget asked, “Are you sad?”
Morpheus’ eyes flickered to the ground between his feet. Slowly, he replied, “Yes, I suppose you could say that I am… troubled.”
“Why?” Bridget’s hands were folded in her lap, almost as if she were a counselor and Morpheus her patient. Dream sighed; how to explain to a child the woes of the anthropomorphic personification of dreams in a way she could understand, but that also wasn’t insulting to her intelligence? A small voice in the back of his mind taunted that he was out of practice talking to children, and this thought made him even sadder.
“There is a lot on my mind, little one,” he finally settled for, throwing a piece of bread to the impatient ducks in the lake. “More than I wish to trouble you with.”
Bridget nodded sagely, watching the ducks gobble up the bread. “My mom says that too when I ask why she’s sad. And why she looks sleepy all the time. How much stuff fits in a grown up’s head?” Morpheus let out a little breath through his nose that just may have been his attempt at a laugh. How much stuff indeed.
“But guess what,” she continued, “I know what to do when people are sad, mom does it for me when I’m sad. She combs my hair and tells me stories. She said I have to ask first if I want to touch someone’s hair, so can I comb your hair and tell you stories?”
Dream blinked, his mind went blank. Whatever he had been expecting this girl to ask, the question that had come out of her mouth wasn’t it. When was the last time anyone had offered him comfort? When was the last time had had allowed himself to accept it? His grip tightened on the bread, fingertips digging into the crust. The ducks quacked angrily at him as his mind whirred. He could feel Bridget’s eyes on him, waiting for consent.
“Yes,” he choked, “Alright.”
Bridget let out a little squeal of glee and shifted to stand on the bench, using Dream’s shoulder as a support. Now she stood over him, leaning against the back of the bench as tiny fingers threaded themselves into the strands of Dream’s hair. He flinched slightly, but forced himself to release the tension in his shoulders so the child didn’t feel rejected.
“Your hair is really soft,” she commented as she continued to run her fingers through his hair, trying not to pull on it. “How do you get it so soft?” Bridget didn’t wait for him to answer, she just continued jabbering away. Her meandering train of thought almost reminded him of Delirium, back when he knew her as Delight.
Soon enough, he found himself chuckling softly at some of the things she said. It was always amusing to see where a child’s thought process took them. It was hard, not to let her joy suffuse within him and take root, even if its light was just a tiny flicker. Dream was almost surprised to find that he felt better after almost ten minutes of her talking and playing with his hair.
“Child,” he interrupted gently when Bridget paused for breath, “Should we not find your mother? I’m sure she will have noticed you missing by now and be worried.” Bridget huffed with a smile and continued combing his hair with her fingers.
“I have a name.” She would have sounded positively indignant if she hadn’t been smiling. “My name’s Bridget.” Morpheus chuckled low in his throat, almost too soft to hear.
“My apologies, Bridget. We should probably find your mother.”
“What’s your name?” she asked, completely ignoring the second half of what he said. Morpheus sighed; he knew he’d have to answer her question before she’d listen to anything else he had to say.
“My name is Dream.” He turned his head so his eyes met hers, effectively pulling her fingers from his hair. “And we should find your mother. I’m sure she is worried.” Bridget frowned, but jumped down from the bench with a “Fiiiiine.”
Morpheus stood as well and let her take his free hand, grubby fingers firmly wrapped around the meat of his hand. Bridget continued her chattering as they walked back to the playground, and Morpheus couldn’t help the tiny smile that refused to leave his face. As they approached the playground, he could see a woman frantically walking about the play structure; he could only assume she was looking for Bridget.
“Mama!” Bridget yelled, letting go of Dream’s hand to sprint over to you. Your heart still racing with frantic worry, you got on your knees and let your daughter barrel into you, almost knocking you down with the force of her enthusiastic embrace.
“Bridget Marie!” you scolded, trying to hide your worried tears, “Where on earth have you been? You need to tell me if you want to go somewhere else, I was so worried!”
“I’m okay mom,” she assured you with a smiling eye roll. “I made a friend! He was sad so I did the thing you do for me, and I made sure to ask first this time.” You frowned, not noticing Dream approaching you with his hands in his pockets.
“Bridget, what did I say about talking to strangers?”
“But he’s not a stranger!” she protested, “I knew I knew him I just couldn’t remember, but now I know his name so he’s not a stranger.”
At this you finally looked up at the figure behind your daughter, and jolted to your feet. Your eyes were wide in disbelief- of all the people for your daughter to run into, and he wasn’t even technically a person!
“Morpheus?” you gasped, your heart frantically beating somewhere between your stomach and your throat. You felt the blood rush out of your face. This was not how you had anticipated introducing him to your daughter, and definitely not so soon.
“That’s not his name,” Bridget corrected you, smiling at the Endless. “He said his name was Dream.”
“I think he goes by both,” you replied, somewhat breathless. That tiny smirk was still tugging at Dream’s lips when he greeted you with a slight nod of his head.
“Wha- what the hell are you doing here, in my world?” you asked, incredulous. So confused were you that you didn’t notice how Bridget’s eyes darted between you and the Dream Lord, confused, but then joyous.
“I had intended to sit with my thoughts, but then this young lady decided to join me.” He quickly glanced down at Bridget.
“Oh.” Your thoughts toppled on top of each other as you processed everything: Bridget had wandered off. Bridget had somehow bumped into Morpheus. Morpheus, the ancient being you were kinda sorta seeing and interested in. Morpheus, who had surely figured out by now that Bridget was your daughter. Fuck.
You swallowed hard, fiddling with your fingers and gnawing on your bottom lip. It finally dawned on Morpheus: Bridget doing those things seemed so familiar because she had learned them from you.
“I-“ you swallowed again, your tongue feeling like wool in your mouth. “I was going to tell you, in time. Whenever we figured out whatever this is.” You gestured vaguely at the space between yourself and Dream. “Um- Morpheus, this is my daughter Bridget. Bridget, this is Morpheus.”
Bridget frowned again. She knew now, rather she remembered, that she knew Morpheus from her dreams, watching over her as she slept. But if he was from her dreams, how did her mom know him?
“Wait, how does he know you if he watches me sleep?”
The subject of the question shouldn’t have surprised you, but her delivery stole any response from your mind. You gaped at your daughter like a fish while she stared expectantly at you, waiting for an answer. You looked at Dream, begging him to rescue you. Dream chuckled, easily slipping back into the roll of a father standing united with his partner.
“I watch over everyone who dreams, little one,” he replied softly to Bridget, his eyes only returning to you when he said, “Including your mother. I happen to enjoy her company very much.”
While Bridget seemed satisfied with this answer, you were absolutely mortified, wishing the ground would swallow you whole. “Bridget,” you choked, “Can Morpheus and I talk alone for a moment? I’ll come get you when it’s time to go.” Bridget rolled her eyes, knowing you were going to talk about grown up stuff, but headed over to the playground anyway.
You sighed heavily, fiddling with your fingers again. “I did mean to tell you,” you murmured bashfully again, “I was just worried, I know how a kid can complicate a relationship, or whatever it is with us.”
Dream took your hands in his, gently untangling the web your fingers had woven themselves into. “I understand your hesitance,” he replied softly. He looked down at your hands, gathering his thoughts, and (it seemed) his courage. “I had a son once. A long time ago. It seems… I have recently learned that I have very much missed being a father.”
Your breath caught in your chest, but Dream easily stole it as he took a step closer to you. God he was gorgeous, his eyes sparkling and swimming and a shade of blue that artists would kill to have at their disposal. He seemed lighter, somehow, less burdened than you had ever seen. “I would like to know your daughter, with your permission.”
Your response was cut off by Bridget yelling to Morpheus from the monkey bars to look at what she could do, which was hang upside down from the metal bar with her knees, her hands and hair swinging gently in midair as she laughed. You chuckled as well, squeezing Dream’s hands.
“I think she’d like that.” You gave his hands another squeeze and amended your answer: “I would like that.”  
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nocturius8015ficore · 5 months
**UPDATED VERSION September 21**
Nocturius: Oh? What is it? A fanfiction on tumblr, how quaint!! :O
I did that one for the 1 month anniversary of my Fi-Core facebook page. I was pleasantly surprise to have the beginning of a community and nice interactions with other -Core pages. English is my second language (after French) so I was very insecure about writing actual fanfiction but after a bit of RP with some of my followers, I decide to try it anyway. It's just fanfictions, not a 5000$ writing contest...
So, I wanted to celebrate that anniversary with my followers, the story is a little bit 4th wall-breaking meta but roughly, it's just a sweet moment between Parja and Fi.
PS: The ''comlink party'' was just a Fi-Core facebook page thingy of us sharing ''glimmik music'' posts and talking osik around it. XD
tagging: @the-rain-on-kamino (tell me folks if you want me to tag you in the next one!)
Fandom: Star Wars Republic Commando books by Karen Traviss
Characters: Fi Skirata and Parja
Rating: Family-friendly ** Fairly accessible to people who don't know RepCom **
Topic: Slice of life, anxiety, romance
Pitch: Fi is missing her wife after a few weeks of busy work. He fear she might be losing interest about their relationship.
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It has been weeks since Parja got back from town. She has been busy at her workshop while Fi stayed with the aliit.
‘’ I should have gone with her. ‘’ said Fi to himself.
During winter, there wasn’t a lot of back and forth between locations. Clan Skirata lived in a hidden base called Kyrimorut. This was his home now. A real home. With family and friends. Everything Fi’s ever had dreamt for.
Well, almost. Niner, Darman and Delta squad were still stuck as Imperial Commandos. Still no news of Sev.
Fi was getting nervous, Parja was about to come back in any minute. He made an effort to look his best. Freshly shaved, tooth brushed, combed his mid-long haircut. However, his nervousness turned into actual anxiety.
‘’ Fierfek…What if she is getting bored of me already? ‘’
Parja and him were married since nearly the day the Republic turned into the Empire. But he was still injured back then. Nowadays, he technically didn’t need her to nurse him anymore. Getting better gave him very mixed feelings though. She used to take care of him like a devoted mom when he was in his worst state. Unable to walk, talk nor feed himself. It wasn’t the kind of love story he had imagined for himself. He was torn between his longing for attention and his wish to be fit for her. Be seen as a real man. He didn’t want pity-love, but would have taken it anyway. Clones usually weren’t that lucky.
Then she arrived. In full Mandalorian armor like most Mandalorian women did it for traveling. Fi looked at her and didn’t even try to hide his smile.
‘’ Don’t stand like this, help me with the grocerie’s bags! ‘’ she said, mildly amused, taking off her helmet.
‘’ Yes ma’am! ‘’
He was distracted by the sight of her thick braids and the cute kama around her thighs but snapped out his mind to help her.
‘’ What have you done while I was gone? ‘’
‘’ I’m… I’ve been useless. I only wrote and shared memes on my datapad... ‘’
‘’ No need to worry about it, that’s ok. Did you have fun? Did you make any new friends? ‘’
‘’  Mhh, yes actually! ‘’ said Fi, grinning. ‘’ I didn’t expect much at first, but the Facebook Star Wars coremunity is quite nice! I met other clones, kept in touch with Atin and Scorch on their -Core-pages.  Met sweet civilians like Jack, Amanda and Lacy who liked my post daily. I even met friendly Imperials! One of them was kind enough to share a comicbook with us. Another one sent us a barrel of spotchka and did a thingy with my avatar's face and his as a token of friendship.’’
‘’ That’s great! I couldn't be there for your comlink private party you threw the other day, but I brought something for you and your friends. Look in the box.‘’
Fi looked on the table and saw a big white box which smelled very nice.
‘’…Is that what I think it is? ‘’
‘’ Yep. Uj cakes with cinnamon and honey! You may share it with all your followers and the ones who are yet to come when they read that fic.‘’
She took one of the cakes, took a bite and fed the rest playfully to her overjoyed husband. Then she kissed him on the nose.
‘’ Happy 1 month anniversary to your Fi-Core page! ‘’
He kissed her on the forehead as she hugged him. His heartbeats went even faster when he felt her fingers unstrapping his armor plates.
‘’ ...and let’s have that private party! ‘’ she whispered to his ear.''
Fi-Core/Nocturius 5th of February 2024/ updated 21 September
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laufire · 5 months
could you talk more about Harvey/Jason? Vibing with a man Bruce's age would fix Jason I think
bruce no tiene vela en este entierro. this ain't about him xD
the thing about harvey is that (almost by default tbh) I consider him one of, if not the most compelling of batman's rogues. it's less about what canon does with him (it's a mixed bag, ime), and more about the potential he has because he can change, for the worse or for the better. recently I read batman chronicles #16 (part of no man's land), and the first story in that one has me thinking a bit about it.
that's what I mean when I say out of those old*-man-villains (*not old, just comics-old), I'd ship him with my favourite above the rest: they bore me, and he doesn't. the fact that they share a backstory (two-face was a person of interest in willis todd's death) makes it more interesting.
the capacity to change for the better, or at least attempt to even if he fails, is key to me because with jason as he is, in his new earth incarnation (aka the one I write about)... I almost exclusively ship him with characters in the heroic spectrum. it offers a better contrast -not because I think of him as an outright villain lol, but because he has that ~edge that means it's more entertaining to me this way. I get a lot from these ships, because it can breed conflict and because it allows the other character a sense of freedom that can be fun with more reined-in types.
so like, if I were to do something with the ship, it'd be in a period where harvey is clinging as hard as he can to sanity, trying to stay on the side of the angels. I'd say during the one-year-gap after utrh, but I would NOT include the surgery. his face is staying as it is and he has to untangle that on his own, okay? plus jason would legitimately not give a fuck about the scars and I that would be huge for harvey.
so basically yeah, I'd be interested in a story where both are trying to do good in gotham, finding their own ways to do it that have nothing to do with batman. there would be a lot of endless philosophical arguments. willis would come up (harvey likely doesn't even remember the guy). that's where my interest rests.
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fitzrove · 3 months
Shamelessly stolen from seeing it on someone else's blog... Create a fanfic tropes tier list
Here's mine:
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Some thoughts under the cut xD
All of these come with the caveat that it has to be well-written, basically. The older I get the less patience I have for stuff that's low-effort or just not to my taste hshhd. However, I see the tiers as something where I can pretty easily be convinced to read fic with tier S tropes, whereas getting me to enjoy a tier D fic would be difficult... Anyway, comments on individual tropes:
pwp - The best kind is where it's unapologetic kinky sex but a somewhat plausible scenario that's deeply in-character (or at least tries to be) >:))
a/b/o - This is a very very mixed bag for me... Contrary to what many people say, I don't actually enjoy plotty longfics (or the idea of reading longfics) talking about the societal aspects/worldbuilding implications of it. Also, the more focus there is on um... animal traits.... the less into it I am HFDHFHHJ. BUT I've sometimes liked the work of mandarin language todolf oneshot fanfic writers on ao3... I have no idea what the fuck is going on half of the time because google translate is imperfect, but those sure are some Fics with Stuff Happening in them xDD my favourite ones are rudolf x stephanie ones though because they're pretty much the only rudolf x stephanie femdom fics out there.........
soulmate au - I know this is super controversial for how it portrays relationships, but I actually find it okay :D When I read them I always interpret it as taking place in a much more deterministic world than our own... and I actually think that pure angst fics about the premise are rather interesting too. But I do think it has to be done quite well to work!
Royalty au - I'm such a whore about historical research so this has the potential to really irritate me xDD And for my current main fandom activities it's redundant... But idk, it's fine I think.
Fluff - This is one I've changed my mind on quite a bit over the years, namely in terms of actually kind of disliking pure fluff nowadays. I really prefer hurt/comfort and other fics where there are some stakes at play, or fics where the "fluff" is actually straight up emotional abuse HSDHDSHDHFSH (it's ok you can say todolf<33). It's just a lot more exciting to have setup + payoff vs pure fluff. I don't really experience the urge to read fluff fic as a response to the original media being emotionally charged/sad, I want fix-it fics to start from the standpoint of that negative emotion and have ups and downs before getting to the happy ending!
Crossover - hate crossovers where characters from multiple unrelated media interact, do sometimes enjoy crossovers where characters from y are in the universe of x (or experience a phenomenon from x). I mean, I've written a tdv au ahshshsh so I can't complain too much xD
Pregnancy fic, baby fic - no. This is a very hard if not impossible sell for me. I've written a longfic where the main characters have kids during it, but I never focused on the pregnancy and baby parts per se. I just don't like it haha
High school au, fairytale au, college au, coffee shop au, amnesia fic - I do NOT understand the appeal of any of these lmao
Humor, crack fic - Has to be done really well to work and most of the time it just doesn't for me ajdjjsjd. Humor is so personal and individual, and a conscious attempt to be funny as the main point of a fic falls flat so easily...... I like witty writing, but crack fic per se doesn't work for me unless it's crack treaten extremely seriously (implausible tropes and scenarios can be fun!! Buuut I do have pretty high standards for suspension of disbelief hshsdjdj. So it needs a lot of work put into it basically)
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moodymisty · 4 days
I didn't know you like warcraft, have you consider to write about it? What are your thoughts on the game btw?
so a very long story made very short, but i got massive addicted to the game as a teenager. I made a bunch of friends, ended up becoming a top 20 monk on my server, but ending up quitting about... seven years ago?
The game was a huge part of my life, and my only emotional support. I have very complicated feelings about it XD I do love the game and it's a TON of fun, but there's obviously some story issues with the current writing, and gameplay just keeps changing so much. So mixed bag.
Also because of my genuine fucking addiction to it, i vowed to never touch the game again. I love to talk about it! but i never want to get back into it cause i am genuintely nervous i woudln't leave
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raevenlywrites · 8 months
Raev's Fic Masterlist
Since tumblr can be a little allergic to links, I thought I'd take a second to ramble about all the various little (and not so little) fics I have up on Ao3
Den of Shadows
Jaguar's Midnight: Currently a single chapter of me exploring ideas of a Midnight that is more blatantly BDSM and less human trafficking. Maybe more to come? Who knows
Unpublished Turquoise thing about her time with Daryl (pester me about if it you're interested)
Ties that Bind (ongoing, 30 chps) A queer, polyamorous, Romeo and Juliet with shapeshifters set on a backdrop of the first tentative peace in a thousand year war. Canon's hotter cousin. Not currently explicit but plans to potentially get there
Frayed Knots (ongoing, 20 chps) The place where all the scenes I thought would go in TTB but didn't wind up. Some one offs, some deleted scenes. A mixed bag of spicy adult stuff and just fun character exploration. Iirc spicy chapters are marked as such
Dasi High (abandoned, 4 chps) Highschool AU of Maeve and Kiesha and Co, if their story was on the CW
Forbidden Skies (hiatus, 2 chps) Crossover with Forbidden Game. Julian is a falcon and Jenny and co are avians and serpiente. Basically FB's chars and plot cosplaying as K'r
Forbidden Game
Forbidden Skies, see above
Holy Fire (one off) A sort of song fic where Zach thinks way too hard about Jenny and tries to become a magician
Hearts Desires (ongoing, 2 chps) Still playing with Zach the magician, this one is meant to be a fairly short exploration of magic/runes, Zach's obsession with Jenny, his inability to readjust after the game, and coming out to himself. And tree sex. It's a weird one.
Unpublished pre-canon Jenny thing where she's kind of aware of something (Julian) watching her at night (spicy, pester me about it if you're interested)
Longer descriptions under the cut
Ties that Bind: A queer, polyamorous, Romeo and Juliet with shapeshifters set on a backdrop of the first tentative peace in a thousand year war. Anticipated f/f, m/m, and many other shapes of m/f/m and/or f/m/f, potentially kinky if I ever get it there. Also potentially ace/qpr stuff if I can ever figure out my MC and what is true in this fic vs what belongs in side projects. Canon's hotter cousin with more magic, more setting development, A LOT more romance, and a distant relation to the original in the way that Vaporeon resembles Eevee. It wants to still fit in canon's clothes but really needs to admit its grown too big for that.
This is the big one. I realized revisiting my favorite childhood series that the big epic romance I always remembered was mostly in my head. So I decided to get it out of my head and onto paper. That is... not what happened XD It follows the basic Romeo/Julietness of Hawksong, but I decided to really explore the world and characters and so made a lot of executive decisions bc there actually isn't that much about the world/characters in the original. It's diverged wildly, spiraled out of control into a 30+ chapters novel (lets be honest) and isn't ending any time soon. It's the one I most want to work on so send me asks and encouragement about it so I can get working on it again :P
Basically, Zane and Danica are still deeply dedicated to peace. They think the idea of getting married to achieve it is ridiculous, but they're desperate enough to keep it on the back burner. Dani gets to know Zane (and Adelina) as friends. She explores her relationship with Rei. She struggles with bureaucracy and a well-meaning mother that doesn't always support her in the way she needs. Also there's a bit more magic, a lot more setting, and a bunch of characters I kinda made up to help flesh things out (hello Vasili's made up cousin). Current plans include finishing it with some sort of marriage, but I haven't decided if Zanica is endgame or not (the dynamic currently in the lead in my head is Dani takes Adelina as her Alistair, Zane takes Rei as his Nag, and the four of them all kinda co-rule. We'll see. Everyone is going to kiss everyone else before its done that's for sure)
Frayed Knots (ongoing, 20 chps) The place where all the scenes I thought would go in TTB but didn't wind up. Some one offs, some deleted scenes. A mixed bag of spicy adult stuff and just fun character exploration. Iirc spicy chapters are marked as such Current offerings include: abandoned TTB starts, some BDSM scenes with Z/D/R/A, Dani getting herself off and thinking too hard, an alternative Snakecharm opening from Kel's POV, some Oliza stuff, some Marus/Urban stuff, and some Dasi High stuff. Really, Frayed Knots is a great place to start if you wanna read TTB but are kind of intimidated by its scope. Most FK entries are 1-3 chapters. A sampler platter of my nonsense basically :P
Dasi High (abandoned, 4 chps) Kiesha and Co Highschool AU, basically what if the Dasi was a show on the CW. A fun idea, but not actually my cup of tea. Would probably be more fun to ramble about in discord than actually write
Forbidden Skies (hiatus, 2 chps) Crossover with Forbidden Game. Julian is a falcon and Jenny and co are avians and serpiente. Basically FB's chars and plot cosplaying as K'r. I really loved the idea, but I don't know if it grabbed me enough to make want to wrestle it into submission like I do TTB. With TTB, I don't know the story yet, so I can trick myself into working on it bc I wanna know what happens. With FS, I know what my intended plot will be, so this one would need a lot of outside hype to get me working on it again. But I think it could be really really cool if I did. If this crossover sounds like your cup of tea, pester me for more
Forbidden Game
Forbidden Skies, see above
Holy Fire (one off, post canon what if) A sort of song fic where Zach thinks way too hard about Jenny and tries to become a magician. I have these ideas about Jenny half light faerie, hence Julians obsession with her. In this fic, Zach is trying to learn magic to protect Julian so FB doesn't happen again. He winds up getting the attention of a light faerie, who tasks him with being Jenny's knight until they're ready to come bring her home. Basically, the song Holy Fire by Seeming wouldn't leave me alone one day and this fell out.
Hearts Desires (ongoing, 2 chps, post canon what if) Still playing with Zach the magician, this one is meant to be a fairly short exploration of magic/runes, Zach's obsession with Jenny, his inability to readjust after the game, and coming out to himself. And tree sex. It's a weird one. Basically, I woke up one morning with the ending of it circling around in my head, wrote that, and am now trying to build up the beginning so the ending has anything to jump off of for impact.
Unpublished pre-canon Jenny thing where she's kind of aware of something (Julian) watching her at night (spicy, pester me about it if you're interested) This one I do have plans to publish, I just need to get it (and myself) ready to show to the world. It asks the question "What if Jenny kinda like the idea of feeling watched all the time and deliberately got off for her imagined (or so she thinks) Shadowman?"
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 5 months
I just feel like I always see one of these posts of yours right after I've taken my own edible. XD I spent all day working out in my garden, so for the ask: what's your favorite flower -- cultivated or wild -- and what are some cool facts about it? (I especially like the folklore or folk knowledge about plants, so if you know anything like that, please share!)
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To me, they have always represented joy, childhood, laughter, summer, sunshine, and fun. They come in soooooo many different varieties too!
I remember someone mentioning that my love for daisies will attract Freyja. No idea if it was my love for the flowers or not, but she showed up in 2020 and has been a delight. Most of the time. I wanna make a devotional wallhanging, and her block will have a cat as the feature, with daisies in thr background.
I miss having clothes with daisies on them, but finding any that aren't made for children is difficult. Someday, I'll make my own clothes. I just need in-person lessons. A daisy dress, a big flower daisy shirt to wear with leggings, wide leg daisy trousers, Hawaiian print-style daisy shirt, and definitely a daisy hat. I do have a daisy purse my mom made for me! I was soooooo happy when it arrived. Some folks are all about shoes (I own a single pair of shoes), I happen to be that way about purses (my mom had given me sooooo many she has made, and have only purchased one purse/bag in the last five years and that one is a Dragon Age messenger bag). I would love to get a daisy slipcover for my sofa.
I make a point of getting a bouquet of daisies at least once a year. A nice fancy one made by a professional florist.
Here's a link with some lore:
Here's a website to purchase wildflowers native to North America. I want all the daisies. My goal is to destroy the grass by composting it all. How...is the tricky part. I need to dig a lot of plants I don't want: monks hood, *Himalayan blackberries, English ivy, and dandelions. Once that's done, lasagna style compost for a couple years so the grass dies. Then plant all the seed and let it go wild! It'll reseed itself, attract all sorts of fun things, and make me stupid levels of happy.
*If you're in Oregon, and are willing to literally dig up the roots of the blackberries, dispose all of them, and pour vinegar over anything that was missed, I will pay you with a twin size quilt. I'm physically Disabled and need serious help removing all this fuckery. There are businesses dedicated to removing blackberries, but they don't work in trade.
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