#that whenever tsumugi does it i just
aparticularbandit · 3 months
i see this: i think this:
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alkaloidalypse · 1 year
im too tired to make a long essay of me overanalyzing the mv so im just gonna rocket fire my general thoughts about it 
SIKE this game has me on a chokehold i can never stop overanalyzing
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no but seriously i infer its because natsume was the one who wrote their ‘happy ending’. so him having an expression like this is like a ‘4th wall breaking’ because natsume was the writer in this ending. but this ending never happened. 
alternatively, it could just be a genuine expression he would have made if they did have this ending. im not entirely sure if its meant to be negative or a positive emotion but im guessing its more positive. like a “we did it. we’re here. im happy we’re all here together and i won’t have it any other way”
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then we have this specific shot
“We want to feel your rhythm (Right here).”
do i have any idea whats going on right here? no. i just unfortunately have a lot of emotions 
the second part i want to at least talk about was the choice to change the instrumental of the animation mv. put it simply, i love both renditions but i wondered why they decided to make the instrumental different. from what i remember, the instrumental for genuine revelation was the same for the animation mv, so why the change?
im not going to guess the music direction they took but there is something i realized upon listening to both of them. 
ive listened to the original more times i could count now, and i remember how ‘happy’ it sounded until you see the lyrics and remember the story of the five eccentrics. its from there the ‘happiness’ of the song lessened to something more bittersweet in a way. the music is happy, but their story is not. they aren’t the winners, so they sing their sorrows, lament on the fate they are being pushed into but at least being able to find joy having each other, even if in the end they have to suffer for it. and as the listener, while enjoying the music i don’t necessarily feel joy (it is still a beautiful song)
but the new mix of eccentric party night, the whole music video, i can’t keep up with it. there were so many things going on on screen and the instrumental is so drastically different from the original. the build ups, the techno sounds, honestly all of that reminded me of a rave party
and that’s when i realized. that’s exactly what the animation mv was about. its a freaking party. no duh, its in the title. but they basically took that word and use it in their mv tenfold. a party is a celebration, a happy occasion, and in this ending that’s impossible to achieve, there is something worth celebrating
the lyrics are still the same, their voices are still the same. but somehow, the energy and vibe was completely changed. its like they’re hyping the crowd up to join in their party. theres birds flying, sparklers around the stage, natsume doing magic that affected the whole room, glowing balloons and said balloons being released into the air. freaking confetti everywhere, the lights changing depending on the chorus and verse and GOD there’s just so MANY things going on and it never stops. its a goddamn party and im loving it
even the group itself, they kept on jumping and twirling around while still doing the main choreography and keeping this energy up the entire time
honestly, i have not felt this hyped listening to an enstars song before. every time i watched the mv i just want to jump and join them in their dancing. i should be sad. i should feel bittersweet about it. but for some reason, im not
maybe eventually i’ll feel that same sadness i did for the original, but for now i hope there’s a full version with this mix. because i would love to dance around my room to this song
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1moreff-creator · 11 months
Happy Birthday, Veronika Grebenshchikova!
I have a confession to make. Despite my account being themed after Min and having made several posts analyzing her... I may like Veronika just as much, if not more than Min. Ever since her introduction, this Horror Fanatic has brought a smile to my face every time she comes on screen. Literally. Whenever I see her, my face immediately splits into the dumbest grin, I just adore her far too much. There's a lot we still haven't seen about her, but in honor of her birthday, I shall give a few of the reasons I love this freak to the death, and make a sort of birthday playlist as a gift.
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+The main motivation for everything she does is boredom, as stated in her conversation with Teruko on Ch 2 Ep 7. Her profile states she took on her talent to seek thrills.
+This obsession with entertainment twists her personality quite a bit. “I don't care about morals. I don’t care whether people get hurt or whether they die. I just need to be entertained”. She’s honestly such a queen.
+Her twisted morals lead to her hanging out with people based on how entertaining they are instead of, like, normal standards for hanging out with people. Arturo is example number one.
"If you become more and more irredeemable, then I'll only love you more. I want to hear all about those horrible things you did with no justification".
She would be a standard Danganronpa fan, is what I get from this line.
+She has claimed she “used to be an outdoors person”, but apparently isn’t anymore. Whether she simply got bored of the outdoors, or there was something more traumatic at play, is still unclear.
+Her profile states she likes skateboarding. I adore this fact. Why there aren’t piles of fanart where she’s skateboarding, I don’t know. Get on it, people! /j. Unless?
(Also, I like to headcanon that she used to skateboard with Whit in their time at Hope’s Peak, but she was actually really bad at it. She constantly fell on her face, but always got back up laughing her ass off)
+The upper part of her dress is black and white, colors associated with the Tragedy and horror in the DRDT universe. This is stated by Veronika herself in Ch 2 Ep 2. However, this color scheme also kickstarts what I like to call:
Mastermind Bingo! Ft Veronika
>She wears black and white, like Monokuma and MonoTV.
>She gets bored easily, and it drives her actions, like Junko and especially Izuru.
>She constantly psychoanalizes people, again like Junko.
>She has childish tendencies (read: likes the playground), which can be connected back to the Warriors of Hope and Monaca.
>"If I wore contacts, a wig, and different clothes, would you recognize me?"
So, thinking a bit like Tsumugi there.
>"That's why I liked horror for such a long time. The genre seeks to elicit base, negative emotions out of you, like fear, disgust, or sadness... That's exciting"
She is one step removed from outright claiming she likes despair! What is this?!
Also, liked, horror? As in, past tense? Is that implying she doesn't feel satisfied with horror anymore?
>"But after a while, fiction is only fiction..."
You look me in the eyes and tell me that's not something Tsumugi would say. She has aspects of every main-line mastermind! I wouldn't be surprised if she starts taking notes from other fangans, I'm half expecting her to start talking about "the resurrection of Divine Luck" or something.
>And that's not even mentioning things like her quote for Mai; "A girl who didn't foresee the consequences". Right, because Veronika would be the one to get the most ominous quote after MonoTV's "It's all your fault".
To be clear, I don’t actually think Veronika’s the mastermind. I just find it funny how incredibly suspicious she is, to the point of not being suspicious in the slightest.
+CW for self-harm for this one. It is heavily theorized her secret is "You only took on your talent to distract from your incessant need to harm yourself for fun". After all, she is one of the only remaining characters who covers her wrists and most of her body, and doing something like that "for fun"... sort of only fits Veronika, as far as we know.
+Her secret quote is: "Once something is broken, it can never be pieced together in quite the same way again. The same goes for people." Whether she's talking about herself or someone else is unclear.
+The recent Q&A confirmed the following:
•Veronika is pansexual! Congrats on getting her, pansexual community! A true win for you.
•The earing she wears (a small green triangle) was given to her by her “dearest friend”. This friend's name is apparently Alyssa Belyaeva, taking the dubious honor of having a weirder last name than even Grebenshchikova.
•Her favorite color is white with other colors, since it makes the others stand out more, and her least favorite is white by itself, since it’s “soulless”. That’s… huh. Is that meant to mean anything? Could it be she sees herself as the color white; uninteresting and boring on her own, but helps other people seem more interesting by association? Am I reading too much into this? Probably, but that’s sort of my shtick at this point.
•Her favorite ice cream flavor is funfetti. Based.
•She smells strongly like women’s perfume. I guess, why not, right? Notably, Hu smells like women’s perfume as well, but it’s apparently fainter. Doubt it means anything, but it’s there.
+Veronika can do no wrong. This is an objective truth. Slay queen (but, wait to like, chapter five. I really, really hope you don’t die at three).
And finally, like I did with Min, here's a few songs which remind me of Veronika! And as you're gonna see, my music taste sort of really aligns with the kind of songs one would assign Veronika.
CW, some of these can include topics like murder and extremely disturbing imagery.
-The Chattering Lack of Common Sense, by Ghost & Pals
-End World Normophaty, by Ghost & Pals
-Hide And Seek (English cover by Lizz Robinet), original by Ho-Ong-i
-Corrosion, by Riproducer / RIP
-Chronic Wasting Disease, by Riproducer / RIP
-The Spider and the Kitsune-Like Lion, by MASA Works (CW for this one in particular, it's really fucked up. Cannibalism, torture, necrophilia, etc)
-Hi-fi Evolution Theory, by Keu Studio (probably her character playlist song)
-What Gave it Away, by Riproducer / RIP
-Matryoshka, by Hachi
-Honey I'm Home, by Ghost & Pals
-Entomologists, by Ghost & Pals
-The Experiment, by Steampianist
-The Boy who Went to Hell, by SHUDDER
-Secrets of Wysteria, by Steampianist (CW, this one is based on real events of violent crimes)
-The Dismemberment Song, by Blue Kid
-Mad Hatter, by Melanie Martinez
-Uncanny, by Ghost & Pals
-God-ish, by PinocchioP
-I Can't Fix You, by The Living Tombstone (Veronika loves FNAF, you can’t convince me otherwise)
-Always Wanted, by MiatriSs - SayMaxWell
-The Red Means I Love You, by Madds Buckley
-Already Dead, by KittenSneeze
Alright, I'll stop there. With the final song:
-Happy Birthday! (but, like, a creepy cover or something)
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kohakun · 2 years
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title » dating hcs
pairing » natsume sakasaki & leo tsukinaga x gn!reader
requested? » yes
genre » fluff
a/n » i lied when i said id post this earlier, but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless <3
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➳ natsume sakasaki
✧ natsume can either be the sweetest boyfriend ever or the biggest menace you've ever seen. it really depends on his mood.
✧ on some days, he constantly holds your hand, helps you with your homework, buys you snacks, lets you sit in his lap while he conducts experiments and gives you compliments about every single aspect of you
✧ on other days, he's avoiding all of your attempts at kissing him just to spite you, teasing you about the smallest things and frustrating you on purpose. please smack him.
✧ he just likes to see you mad at him, he loves provoking you. most of the time he's really sweet, though.
✧ if you like to drink coffee, tea, boba, energy drinks or anything of the sort, he'll buy it for you all the time; it's practically a part of his routine now.
✧ he also likes to buy you things that remind him of you like crystals of your favourite colour or things you've been wanting for a while. can you tell i hc that his love language is gift giving yet
✧ he's not too big on pda, but when he gets jealous.. all of his reluctance concerning it disappears — and he gets jealous very very easily, especially when it comes to tsumugi.
✧ whenever you talk to tsumugi, you'll see natsume giving him the most disgusted stare you've ever seen. honestly he's like this with everybody he thinks has been hogging too much of your attention.
✧ when this drags on for too long, he'll eventually grow tired and either hug you from behind while giving the person in front of you a nasty glare or hold your hand and tug on it it while making some poor excuse to leave.
✧ he really likes cafe dates because you two can talk on and on about everything and nothing. study dates with him are also frequent but you two tend to get distracted because neither of you can shut up in the other's presence. he also loves shopping dates and refuses to let you pay.
✧ will text you at the most random times because he wants attention. you could be in class and he'd text you to come to the secret library and you're like '??? did something happen?', but he just wanted a kiss.
✧ very clingy, but refuses to admit it. he really likes to hold your hand whenever you're near him and likes to lay his head in your lap when he's tired, but whenever you bring it up, he calls those instances 'moments of weakness'. please smack him. (2)
✧ he's so soft for you. he'll never say it out loud, but his actions speak loud enough already <3
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➳ leo tsukinaga
✧ leo is a very,, energetic lover, to say the least. is he incredibly sweet? yes. will he give you a few headaches along the way? also yes.
✧ he really likes physical affection and is very clingy — he gives you hugs as a greeting and fully expects you to pick him up and spin him around. he loves giving you cheek kisses at any point in time.
✧ has no qualms about pda; he can and will glue himself to your side wherever you are. izumi is so tired of you at this point, you'll catch him looking at you two with a grimace on his face when you're being affectionate.
✧ he's very spontaneous about dates. he's the type of partner that considers all the time he spends with you as a date. however, his favourite kind of dates are amusement park dates or picnic dates.
✧ he's a horrid cuddler, i'm sorry. he can't stay still and he has to switch the position he's lying in every 5 seconds, but he clings onto you whenever he's sleeping regardless of this </3
✧ he does this cute thing where he holds both of your hands in his and jumps around when he's excited, it's so adorable
✧ whenever he has to write a romantic song for knights, he uses you as his muse. you're his muse in general, honestly. he loves having you around when he's writing lyrics — you'll see him intensely staring at you for inspiration before a grin breaks out on his face and he continues to focus on the paper he's writing on.
✧ he loves to talk to you about his day. when he comes home, you'll see him dragging you to the living room, sitting you both down and start to talk your ear off about what happened that day. if for some reason he can't come over, he'll call you instead.
✧ he texts you very often and it's mostly random pictures he took throughout the day. he loves to send these to you because he thinks that having you witness what happens throughout his day makes up for the fact that you two aren't together at that moment.
✧ your relationship is so sickeningly sweet that everyone is so tired of seeing it <3
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yandere-daze · 9 months
Hello! could I request Strength, The Star and Temperance for Tsumugi Aoba (enstars)? ty also congrats on 1400!! ^__^
Can you guys tell that I´m very slow when it comes to writing requests? kjfnsjn
I´m so sorry this took so long anon, you really had to wait a very long time, but I hope you still enjoy ^^
I haven´t written a lot for Tsumugi yet so I apologize if my unfamilarity with him makes this more ooc than your average yandere post would already be.
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! <3
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, self-deprecation (Tsumugi), mention of death, mention of Tsumugi´s home life situation
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Strength - How outwardly passionate is this yandere around their darling? 
I think Tsumugi as a yandere would definitely let you know how much he cares for and loves his darling, but I don´t think he would be crazy intense about it like say, Mika for example. He´s a bit more mellow, if that is the right word for it.
Sure, he would openly praise his darling for all of their unique and wonderful qualities and traits and often mentions you in conversations whenever the topic at hand is even even vaguely connected to them. You can definitely tell that Tsumugi is very smitten and even a bit too fixated on you, but it wouldn´t be anything obviously concerning most of the time.
I think just his general personality and maybe more reserved or gentle way of speaking prevents him from being worryingly passionate. I believe he also wouldn´t be too touchy with you, preferring to instead hold your hand or hold you close. It´s still very intimate to him anyway.
The only very concerning thing about yandere Tsumugi would be about how much he talks himself down in comparison to you. He very much does worship you and as such often throws in comments about how he´s useless or incapable or makes other self-deprecating remarks. You´re really not quite sure how to deal with it. You´re not the only person he does this with, it´s just a general problem he has, but you still obviously worry when he says things like that.
It´s just uncomfortable to watch Tsumugi put himself down to raise you even higher up.
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The Star - How would this yandere deal with their darling’s loved ones?
I think for once, your loved ones won´t really have to fear anything from a yandere. Tsumugi is not going to hurt them because they are important to you and I also don´t really see him as someone that would really try to isolate his darling just like that.
Your friends and family might think he´s a little airheaded or strange at times but all in all pretty endearing in his own way. He´s usually pretty cheerful and calm and so they wouldn´t really have any problems if you were in a relationship with him anyway.
He helps out in the library and is part of an idol group, he´s got to be pretty responsible, right? And he doesn´t really exhibit any immediate red flags like other people might. Tsumugi´s obsessiveness and strangeness is more lowkey.
So why do anything if they don´t really seem to mind him? Tsumugi doesn´t have much of a problem with you spending time with other people as long as you still find it in you to also give him some of your attention from time to time.
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Temperance - What made this person yandere for their darling? 
First of all, I think with Tsumugi it would be a bit of a slower process for him to completely fall for his darling, it wouldn´t be a love at first sight kind of thing.
I think more than anything, he would admire someone that is very kind and helpful. someone hard-working that doesn´t mind helping out someone like him even.
As I mentioned before, Tsumgi doesn´t have very good self-esteem and a lot of that stems from his home life and childhood. He wasn´t treated very well ( remember him just casually saying that if he were to drop dead, his mother would complain for him to get out if the way? Yeah.) and that facilitated his thinking of believing that he isn´t made for achieving great things. He´s not special and he´s not worth a whole lot.
So to see someone so willingly still help him out, someone that is willing to be there for him and to listen to him, someone so truly good from the bottom of their heart (whether that is really true or not doesn´t really matter that much to him). Well, what can he do but hopelessly fall in love?
And yet, he isn´t very sure of the fact that he would be able to win you over. And that scares him. He so desperately wants to be close to you, he wants to latch on to the person that showed him comfort and love in a way no one ever did when he was still a child.
And well, he just starts to slowly lose his mind the more he comes to "realize" that you would possibly never feel the same way he does. I mean how could you when he´s so far below you, so useless?
All Tsumugi knows is that you´re the best thing that ever happened to him and he doesn´t want you to leave him, ever.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
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Something quick and very self indulgent I made last night after seeing the new Spiderverse movie. Dont look at me
... A few more details under the cut
Shuichi never wanted to be spiderman, and dislikes it a good amount, at least at first.
His "Truth Bullets" are bullet-shaped packets of energy that he can shoot, that not only electrocute whoever they hit but compel the truth.
Maki has no superpowers, she's just good at what she does as the Ultimate Assassin.
I feel like whenever Kaito eventually starts helping Shuichi out after he learns Shuichi's secret identity, he tries to join in on the ground and gets himself into Situations. I don't know if itd be better for him to be The Guy in the Chair, eventually able to fight well without powers, or gain powers himself.
Miu is doc oc because come on. Her splash art has the backpack arms as well its just perfect.
I think Kokichi and Kiibo are also likely on the "villain team" though I don't know enough about spiderman outside of spiderverse to assign them fun roles.
Usually I don't like putting Gonta on the villain team in aus like this but I think him being the researcher who was just interested in studying insects and created the radioactive spider that bit shuichi is too perfect not to do
Someone suggested to me that Tsumugi could be a green goblin copycat after the original (Junko) gets caught and I think thats perfect from what I know
Feel free to add any of your own thoughts if you want!!
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seangelfish · 10 months
red rose, forget me not, and morning glory for tsumugi please 💙💙💙
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Tsumugi Aoba
🌼 forget-me-nots: what do they do to get their s/o’s attention?
– He'll just ask for it! He doesn't get the concept of being embarrassed when he's with you, plus you always react kindly, so why should he worry about it?
– But he does kind of get embarrassed if asking for your attention will disturb you. So, he doesn't ask for it a lot of the time. He rather you initiate the affection even though he's the one who wants to do it.
As you scan the words on the pages of your book, you feel a pair of eyes observe your every move. You look up to see your boyfriend looking at you desperately, fidgeting in his seat.
You sigh, but not in the way that you were annoyed by him. "Come here," you say, beaming. You held your arms out for him. "Mugi, I wasn't that busy. You could just ask me, you know?"
He enters your arms almost immediately, snuggling into your chest. "I know," he says. "I just didn't want to interrupt you."
🌼 morning glory: what is their favorite form of physical affection?
– It's the little things he finds comforting. He likes it when you put your hands on his shoulders from behind as he works on a report. He also likes it when you braid his hair in the morning before he goes to work too. He does appreciate the hugs and kisses, but these are the moments he keeps dear to his heart.
"Oh, Mugi, let me do your hair again today too!" you suggest happily, skipping over to your boyfriend who was currently eating his breakfast.
"Mhm, okay!" he exclaims. "I wonder what it'll look like this time!"
Once you've finished styling his hair, he looks into the mirror, admiring how good of a job you've done. He thanks you verbally and also by giving you a forehead kiss.
– Overall, he just likes the way you touch him. It doesn't matter which way you do it. As long as your hands are near him, he's content.
🌹 red rose: what turns them on the most? (cw: slightly suggestive)
– To be really honest, whenever you try to seduce him, he doesn't really get the hint. You have to be explicitly clear that you want to have sex with him.
"Do you like my new set?" you ask him, showing off your new lingerie.
Tsumugi looks up from his book and nods. "It's really pretty, (Y/N). I like it a lot!"
But then he resumes back to reading.
– Following this, Tsumugi even gets confused on when you do want to have sex with him. There are times he has mistaken your actions for wanting him which causes the two of you to be utterly confused.
– Therefore, what really turns him on the most is you being upfront about it. Whether it be you saying "Tsumugi, I want your dick right now!" or just taking his clothes off, that's when he'll finally be turned on.
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist ; Enstars Plant Asks masterlist | Rules
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aranarumei · 7 months
hi kiri What’s the deal with a3’s timeloop day. you shouldn’t be surprised that I am asking this. okay I love you bye
ok this is actually a pretty simple answer! but i got rambly so here's a readmore.
A3! (which stands for Act! Addict! Actors! <- don’t ask me why it’s this. idk) is a gacha game where you play as the manager, Izumi Tachibana (I’m doing first name, last name here) and you work to revive a dying theater company called Mankai. there’s 3 Acts, each with like, 4 big stories in them. and a bunchhhh of shorter event storiess which imo are crucial to experience. The first 2 acts, along with the interceding events, have been completely localized, and were run on the now-defunct English server. There is, however, an archive—if at any point in time you are ever interested, feel free to shoot me a message. And I’m serious. Even if it’s like two years later. It’s been like almost 3 years since I started going thru a3 and I haven’t even finished act 2. I’m slow
Anyways, Act 1 deals with establishing the company—in its former glory, there used to be four troupes that rotated by season. Izumi’s dad also used to run it, and he disappeared. So that’s why there’s four big stories each act: it’s one per season. In Act 1, each story deals with gathering the members for each season troupe together, and then pulling off their first play. And it also deals with like, the issues all the characters are facing. It is like, within the yumejoshi genre so there’s definitely that vibe of like. wow look at all these pretty boys who are kind of into me!? but I think it’s pretty mild on that point and like. something I enjoy is that I can see Izumi as like. an actual Character as opposed to just a self-insert. Which is nice. but the real selling point for me is that there’s a lot of like, found family and rich character dynamics within the cast. It is even homosexual sometimes.
One thing I find really interesting about a3 is that I think it has really strong character writing and development. And it’s really good at establishing different “moods” across each troupe, which works well in creating dynamics and also because each troupe specializes in something different. So spring is like, the “classic” troupe—they tend to do lots of reinterpretations of classic works, though that’s not exclusively their thing… but anyways. they do like. nice fantastical stories in my opinion. Summer does comedy, autumn does action, and winter does drama. and winter HAS drama.
Now up until winter there’s been some wackiness in a3 but it’s been like, pretty grounded in how it’s played out. and then winter rolls around and. see the issue with winter is that unlike some of the younger members they’re all composed of adults. so they’re bad at talking about their feelings, because instead of just shouting things out loud they will just shut down and like. Leave. I love this about them and I think it’s such a good writing choice.
Enter Tasuku Takato and Tsumugi Tsukioka. Tasuku and Tsumugi used to be like, the best of friends. they acted together and followed their passions together. and then they both auditioned for the God Troupe together, which is this prestigious famous troupe (it’s also evil.) and while tasuku got in and became one of the lead actors, tsumugi failed his audition. This left a deep scar on Tsumugi, who ended up kind of running away from acting as a vocation all together. now, Tasuku quit the God troupe because they were engaging in some shady stuff, and ended up joining Mankai along with Tsumugi, who coincidentally was inspired to try acting again. tsumugi’s been elected the leader of winter troupe, and therefore the person who’s meant to take the lead role in their first play. Tasuku is constantly snapping at him whenever he’s unconfident, and it’s just not great vibes. To top it all off, they’ve been issued a challenge by the God troupe, where they’ll both perform and the audience has to vote on which play they like better. Tsumugi is not really confident he can stand up to them for obvious reasons. Tasuku gets mad at him about it. Tsumugi runs into this weird doll, and the next day, they wake up in a time loop.
See, the thing is, they’re on such a tight deadline for the play, and winter is So Bad at talking about their feelings, that magic is real now. this is somewhat of an oversimplification, but it’s funny to say it like this. Anyways, there are like, seven mysteries in Mankai (have I mentioned they all dorm together! they all do! Each of them has a roommate and they all live in a big dorm that’s connected to their own theater and stage. It’s part of why they’re in such big debt and trouble at the beginning—its really hard to maintain those facilities) and one of them is about this doll that will put you in a time loop unless you become friends. essentially. And this is what happens… eventually they end up talking to each other for real due to the time loop, and each affirms just how much they respect the acting of the other. later on when Tsumugi slips back into being unconfident tasuku is able to resolve his past mistakes, because part of why he was so angry at Tsumugi was also because he was angry at himself for like. not reaching out. And telling him how much he loved him and his acting. Because their styles are very different—tasuku is loud and commanding, and Tsumugi is a more understated and subtle.
A3 is also very very cool in that parts of its plays mirror real life? so like. this play, sympathy for an angel, has two leads: Michael (Tsumugi) and Raphael (Tasuku). In it, Michael becomes interested in this woman on a list of people who are about to die, and ends up visiting the human world. He writes letters to her. His friend, Raphael, warns him against this, saying that he’s foolish for going so far for someone he can’t even meet. And each time he steps into the human world, his own soul gets weaker, and his wings begin to wither. Still, he persists against objections. Eventually, the woman recovers, gets a fiancé, and he returns to heaven. Thinking he’ll just wish for her happiness even with his unrequited love, he looks at the list and finds out that despite recovering, she’s still on the close to death list. Despite the danger to himself, he descends into the human world, and takes her place in a car accident. As he’s dying, his soul about to be obliterated because he’s been in the human world too often, Raphael descends and holds him in his arms. Michael says that he’s happy he got to do something for the person he loves, and he’s happy to be held by his best friend. Raphael says that though he’d called Michael the fool, it was him that truly was one: because he stood by, unable to protect both the person he loves and his best friend. Because he was in love with Michael the whole time of course. And then Michael dies in his arms. Now this makes me weepy as does the accompanying character song but what I really love most about it is like. Raphael’s regrets in that he didn’t protect Michael kind of directly mirror Tasuku’s own regrets in being unable to help Tsumugi when he was going through a tough time? only Tsumugi isn’t dead and so Tasuku has an actual chance to fix things, which is sweet.
It should be mentioned that one guy in the spring troupe WRITES all of these plays which is deeply funny to me bc it means that 1) he is probably gay and doesn’t know this and 2) he has precognitive abilities regarding the inner psyche of all of his castmates. and that’s a3 timeloop day. some of these a3 characters have me by the throat btw I just get beamed visions of them chatting and introspecting like constantly. I definitely haven’t explained everything but I think this is enough?
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>×> I loved your headcanons for the 3-A so I wanted to know if you had any for the 3-B as well
If we're being honest- then no!! I did not have any on hand at the time of ask. However, I did let my brain go ballistic at 3AM again so... here we go again.
General Headcanons:
Nazuna is so damn done with these people (except Kuro and possibly Tsumugi).
Kanata likes patting Nazuna on the head while talking to him. Nazuna noisily complains it but if Kanata ever stopped, Nazuna would find it pretty weird.
Tsumugi likes to sit down and sew with Kuro sometimes. Wataru often interrupts such sessions by claiming that he can also make scarves and proceeds to pull out a neverending chain of them out of his sleeves.
Once when Nazuna bit his tongue, Leo had concluded that he was a space invader and threw a pencil at him.
Nazuna likes sending "Get Well" cards with cute stickers and doodles whenever one of his (when they were his current and still when they are his former) classmates are sick.
Kanata likes to take naps on peoples' shoulders, usually Rei or Wataru, but he has slept on everyone in 3-B various times.
Leo often comes up with script ideas and askes Wataru to visualise them for him. It mostly ends up dragging everyone else into it.
Kanata likes hearing peoples' voices in conversations (Rei probably has his favourite voice, by tone) so he closes his eyes while he listens to them and then doesn't end up responding because he fell asleep.
Kuro holds leo underneath the arms like a rabid animal to stop him from causing havoc.
Nazuna has had a hyperfixation on flower language after trying to decipher the message Wataru would send when he kept on giving people different coloured flowers [There was no reason, Wataru just likes those flowers at the time]
Tsumugi likes sending out cards after important events for each classmate. They're usually something from a cornerstore like a card with a puppy on it saying "I'm PAW-SITIVELY proud of you!"
Nazuna likes buying stationery on impulse but he hates when Leo finds out because then he begs to use it and it always ends up with glitter, marker, and stickers on the floors, walls, and both of their faces.
Rei likes to use a "secret language" with Wataru and Kanata so that he emphasised certain words and is very cryptic in speech. Nazuna just looks at him in confusion, Tsumugi and Kuro don't pay it any mind, and Leo asks if he's an alien. Wataru and Kanata don't actually know what it means either, they just like playing along.
Leo jumped into the ocean after seeing Kanata walk in with his clothes on. He immediately found an unidentified creature and wrestled with it, it omitting his vision, until Kanata peeled the octopus off his face.
! era:
Leo has called Kuro mother before. It was probably after something simple as Kuro chiding him for drawing on the desks on the rare occasions Leo did show up, but nobody's letting Kuro live it down.
Rei now calls him mother to tease him, as well as Leo who now frequently does it. Kanata does it with no malice whatsoever but because he thinks it's fun. He just playfully goes, "ok, 'mother'" whenever Kuro says something to him. Tsumugi tries to console Kuro on the fact but ends up accidentally calling him mother anyways. Nazuna wants to tease Kuro but he simply can't bring himself to call Kuro mother. Wataru, on the second Sunday of May, showers Kuro in bouquets as he walks into the classroom, wishing him very loudly a "Happy Mother's Day!! "
Leo was really interested in Rei's vampirism and spent a whole week trying to act like him. Eventually, he tried to sleep upside down like a bat [Despite Rei telling him that he, in fact, does not do that.] and Nazuna walks into the classroom that day with Leo falling on top of him from the ceiling.
Kuro, after some persuasion from Nazuna, embroiders and customises different types of fabric for his classmates.
He gifts Nazuna a little hankerchief with detailings of bunnies. He makes a towel for Kanata customised with various sea creatures on the edges. (Kanata barely remembers to use it, his hair always dripping wet anyways) He gifts Rei a pillow to place into his coffin because he assumes that it couldn't possibly be that comfortable in that thing. It's victorian styled (because he asked Shu for an idea) with little bats on the sides. Tsumugi gets a blanket in a clean geometric pattern. Wataru gets a cape with doves embroidered on the sides and it's very flowy. He showingly whirls it around and uses it in some of his performances. Leo got a scarf, but in the process of making, Leo kept demanding that it would be longer and longer. Kuro argued that if it reached his feet, Leo would trup over it, but Leo would keep on insisting so kuro would shake his head as he continued stitching. Leo did indeed trip on his face when he ran outside the first time he wore it.
Leo once shot an arrow into the classroom and used the rope attached to it to slide in through the window from the tree that he just happened to climb that morning, scaring the shit out of Tsumugi who was already in the classroom.
They held a puppet show in their classroom for funsies!!!
Leo had tought of it and ended up manifesting a script out of nowhere. Wataru looks it over and encourages everyone to participate to bring the vision to life. Tsumugi helped with the stage and Kuro made the puppets. Rei said that he was doing important work by supporting them (which just meant he wanted to watch it and do nothing) Kanata didn't know what everyone was doing but he likes putting the puppets in his hand and wiggling them around. Nazuna becomes the second unpaid actor forcibly. After the rehearsal, they do, in fact, force 3-A to watch it.
Nazuna likes to doodle on his notes when he gets bored, and Tsumugi when he notices, made Nazuna little charms that resembled his doodles and gifted to him.
Tsumugi did not find the need to mention his birthday, but when everyone pried, the class found out and Wataru pulled out party supplies, streamers, and balloons out of a hat he just flourished out of nowhere and strings them across the classroom so they can celebrate.
Wataru likes to enter the classroom in various different ways.
Once he jumped out of jack-in-the box set in the middle of the room and knocked Nazuna on his ass.
Tsumugi keeps a first aid kit on hand in case his luck acts up again, but he ends up lending it to Kuro a lot of the time, when he pricks his hand on a needle working with them in class again.
Nazuna forced Kuro to sit in the front with him because he was too short to see from the back and did not want to be alone.
Rei simply suggests that they stack books on a chair for him to sit on and Nazuna scowls (Rei doesn't even go to class!!)
Rei, in an attempt to outdo Eichi's 3-A field trips, suggests places for the group to go to, but ends up dying when it comes to actual event because he's in broad daylight.
Wataru likes to hold scavenger hunts throughout the school by leaving clues and leading everyone along. Nazuna ends up being the most invested.
Nazuna wanted to paint his nails in a cute style when he saw nail decals in a store window. He attempted to get Kuro to do it for him, but Wataru insisted he do it instead when he found out. It turns out surprisingly well, and Nazuna hesitatingly asks him to do more.
Kuro refuses to get his nails painted in any colour but black and runs away when Wataru points a glitter coat bottle at him.
Leo once asked Nazuna if he could be in charge of one of the broadcastings. Nazuna relented and that morning everyone could see Leo messily vlogging his day.
Like, "I climbed a TREE this morning, guys!! And thennnnnn I had a bagel--"
Tsumugi likes holding little trivia games in the classroom when they're all present (rare! also they don't do actual classwork I refuse to believe)
Kuro wins all the time. Tsumugi is the host but when he taps in, he only gets a close second surprisingly. Wataru, Rei, and Kanata always fail the pop culture sections. Leo answers the same thing to every single question and gets frustrated when Tsumugi shakes his head and tells him that's not the answer.
!! era:
Rei keeps on asking Nazuna how his phone works and Nazuna feels like he's talking to his grandpa.
Wataru still likes leaving cryptic notes in his old classmates' belongings and encourages them to finish the quest.
Kuro complains about being too old to do scavenger hunts anymore but still plays along. Nazuna doesn't want to show he's invested but curiosity gets the better of him.
Tsumugi somehow flounders and Rei and Kanata are the first ones at the end of the quest where Wataru holds a party. Wataru has to guide Leo specifically so the guy doesn't get lost.
Nazuna formed the groupchat when he was sitting in college, bored. He often gets frustrated when he doesn't get a response in the next 0.001 seconds.
Tsumugi usually responds first and Kuro follows with them asking how Nazuna's day was. Wataru likes entering the chat with a bunch of sparkle emojis. Rei misspells things frequently and accidentally sends random gifs. Leo just likes sending random voice and text messages about what he sees in his day, ignoring any logical progression in the chat.
Leo usually contacts Wataru when he wants to do some cool (vandalism) pieces on the walls of ES for the sake of art (and mostly so Eichi would be less mad).
Kanata asked Nazuna to puka puka with him in the pond. Nazuna didn't feel like saying now so now he spends the rest of the afternoon getting algae out of his shorts.
Rei likes to collapse on the floor during little meet-ups they'd have in a cafe or similar space for attention. Nobody really seems bothered by it and he usually cries out that the kids of this generation have no heart.
Nazuna once accidentally smacked Tsumugi with a door. He profusely apologised but became more erratic when Tsumugi simply responded that he was used to it.
Kuro has the same instincts to call his old classmates out on thing (like a mother hen-)
He sees Leo run around and wants to grab him by the scruff of the neck. He sees Nazuna biting his nails, he wants to swat it. He sees the Oddballs goofing around he wants to comment.
Kanata takes everyone on a trip to the aquarium.
Leo likes pressing his face against the glass. Nazuna keeps on pointing to cute fish that he sees while Tsumugi talks about little facts about them as Kuro listens. Rei fell asleep so Wataru drags them across the floor by the shoulder, loudly exclaiming at all the fish.
Nazuna wanted to get matching bunny keychains and decals for his phone with Kuro but Rei heard it and begged to be included. Nazuna didn't think he'd still have it but when Rei pulls out his phone in Rhythm Link meetings and Nazuna sees the bunnies, he gets psyche damage.
Aahhh. This class is interesting. In the way that none of them show up to classes and their interactions would be. stagnated somewhat. But I like them, they're eepy.
Thankies for the ask!! I love asks, they make me think more than I ever have in school- More Enstars Headcanons: Class 3-A Headcanons || Marine Bio Headcanons
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kaveuh · 2 years
knights + natsume (or just natsume and leo) with a minecraft streamer s/o! idk i think it’d be funny :9 <3
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"MINECRAFT" leo tsukinaga + natsume sakasaki
author's note — help me how do people come up with titles im so bad at them LITEEALLY I JUST PUT “minecraft” AND RAN WITH IT.
warning(s) / notes — very unfunny jokes, dnf joke abuse (i dont even like them dawg…), goofy
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100% your most supportive twitch subscriber. he's always early in your streams, it doesn't matter what he's doing. whether that'd be composing, running around outside, bothering izumi… the moment he hears that twitch notification, he's joining your live. (he's literally only subscribed to you.)
leo spams your chat most of the time! your subscribers know him as the "[name] fan ever" and they are correct. he is your #1 fan and supporter, and that will remain until the day he dies! if anyone ever tries to take that title from him, they'll have to personally assassinate leo. (/j)
he doesn't play minecraft often, but when he does, he's always either building bases, chopping wood, mining cobblestones, or making the farm. bro also puts his minecraft bed to yours and overuses the "dnf" joke whenever he sees anything green and blue in the game.
your subscribers love him. he's always playing with those noteblocks, especially when he's in creative mode.
i mentioned that he never really does any fighting or deep mining, so imagine, when you're sweating your ass off protecting a village from a raid, he says shit like: "go, go, [name]! if you win this, i'll give you a smooch!"
it catches you so off guard that your chat eventually teases you since you end up so red afterwards. (also started to try hard in a blocks game .. he did give you a kiss and flowers after, though.)
also promotes his unit by building bootleg knights members in minecraft LMFAO.
+ playing minecraft bedwars with leo… oh, what a mess. and inviting the rest of knights, as well?! you're in for a ride… they are tryhards! TRYHARDS! except maybe tsukasa. and leo protects the bed while he lets you do all the pvp shit. he's your personal supporter ♡!
he's a gamer.. me thinks. he looks like he plays league in his free time. and minecraft, occasionally. his diamond luck is insame, you'd think he's using x-ray. probably got banned at a server for finding diamonds within 15 minutes of joining.
natsume's the type to rage in bedwars LMAO. he played with tsumugi once and he almost murdered him for letting the bed get destroyed after looking away for 2 minutes. he's so good at the game though, it's scary. (tryhard!)
like leo, he's also your #1 subscriber! he donates every single time, even if you tell him not to and that his support is enough. natsume doesn’t listen, because it's… natsume sakasaki, do you really think he'd listen? didn't think so. he definitely also got tsumugi and wataru to donate without even meaning to.
he watches your stream no matter where he is! if he's in the middle of practice and knows that you're streaming around this time, he will sit down in a corner and watch it on his phone. sora joins him, as well, while tsumugi's just letting him be knowing that he'll probably get murdered if he even tried to take natsume's phone away… especially if he's watching his beloved stream.
your chat 100% finds natsume hilarious (you don’t). he occasionally joins your stream on a discord call and will play either skywars, bedwars, or just a regular survival world you two made. he's always dying in the world, though. it's almost pitiful LMAO.
HE PLAYS SWITCH SONGS IN THE STREAM TOO!! and you let him because their songs are bangers. + chat loves them, so who are you to refuse?
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narumika · 2 years
*gasps* requests are open? can i request cuddling ibara, ritsu and tsumugi? thank you!
ibara, ritsu, tsumugi x gn!reader | no warnings
a/n; ibara is so neat tbh
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— he lays next to you and wraps his arms around you, before laying his head on your chest. he finds the warmth and closeness comforting after a long day.
— he cuddles only in private. will not cuddle or do much pda in general (aside from the typical hand holding). he thinks things like that should be shared in private rather than out in the open for everyone to see.
— he definitely enjoys them though, long stressful days are definitely the days he wants cuddles the most though. pamper this man
— someone who cuddles anywhere and everywhere, will happily cuddle on a park bench in the shade if it means he gets a bit more sleep and he gets to hold you.
— his grip is deadly strong, for no reason. he just squeezes you in his sleep. at the most random times. you could go to sleep with him cuddling you and suddenly you’re awoken to a death grip around your body and a dead asleep ritsu smiling in his sleep.
— he cuddles whenever wherever and does not care about the consequences. sena coming up and yelling? he just moves you. he thinks of you as a personal teddy bear that he so happens to love
— he doesn’t cuddle much, he prefers to hold hands when he sleeps. he’s just afraid of accidentally hurting you.
— the one time he does cuddle with you though, he passes out almost immediately. his arms are wrapped around you, one leg thrown over yours, glasses falling off his face. he had a really long day. let him indulge.
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torahoes · 1 month
(IDOLiSH7) Torao Mido - An Idol's Daily Life Rabbit Chat: Part 3 - Ways to get drunk
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Torao Mido: Just got done with work.
Torao Mido: I feel bad declining the invitation, but it doesn't look like I can make it today after all.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Good work today, Mido-san! I appreciate you letting me know; thank you.
Tsumugi Takanashi: This is regarding Sougo-san and Inumaru-san's drinking party, right? So you won’t be able to make it... > <
Torao Mido: Yeah, even if I go now, I might dampen their excitement. Plus, I came by car so I can't even drink.
Torao Mido: Did you drop by already?
Tsumugi Takanashi: Yes! I just brought in some snacks to go with their drinks earlier. Both of them seemed to be enjoying watching an artist's concert DVD!
Torao Mido: I received some photos from Touma too. I warned that guy not to do anything rude, but he ended up taking selfies with his arm around Sougo.
Torao Mido: What's with the toy microphone looking thing in their hands? What are they doing?
Tsumugi Takanashi: The one with Ramune inside, right? The IDOLiSH7 members bought one at a candy store before, so it might be from then.
Tsumugi Takanashi: I'm glad they seem to be having a lot of fun!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Torao Mido: Both of their faces looked red, so they might be quite drunk.
Tsumugi Takanashi:
1) Did you receive any other photos?
Torao Mido: For some reason, he sent me a photo of Sougo wearing a cat-ear hairband. I’ve also been shown a photo of Nikaido wearing it before by Mitsuki Izumi. Is it a staple at IDOLiSH7’s drinking parties or something?
2) Do you often drink alcohol with Inumaru-san?
Torao Mido: Yeah. When the four of us go out to eat, we usually don't drink, but when I'm alone with Touma, we drink moderately. He tends to turn red quickly when he drinks, but I don't think he's a lightweight.
3) Does Mido-san often drink alcohol?
Torao Mido: I often drank in social settings out of necessity. I'm good at discerning the quality of the alcohol just based on its taste. Once you're able to drink, I wouldn’t mind teaching you this skill as well.
Torao Mido: Ah, hold on a second.
Torao Mido: I’m getting a barrage of texts from Touma.
Tsumugi Takanashi: I wonder what happened? Perhaps he noticed you weren't there and wanted to check in.
Torao Mido: No, it was something more ridiculous. He asked, "Do you know why tomatoes are red?"
Torao Mido: He's definitely hammered.
Tsumugi Takanashi: He's right! Why are tomatoes red... I've never really thought about it...!
Torao Mido: You don't change either, huh. Aren't you curious why he'd send such a random message out of nowhere?
Torao Mido: It's completely out of context, isn't it?
Tsumugi Takanashi: Now that you mention it…! Perhaps he was having a conversation with Sougo-san about it?
Torao Mido: Probably. After a quiz show style countdown, he texted, "It’s red because! It contains a carotenoid pigment called lycopene! ※ Sougo told me."
Tsumugi Takanashi: I see…! I learned something new today.
Torao Mido: Whenever he gets drunk, he always sends messages like these. "Why doesn’t water run out?", "Why is there no oxygen in outer space?" and so on.
Torao Mido: I would explain things in detail at first, but since he forgets most of it the next day, I’ve started to just go with the flow.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Maybe Inumaru-san just wants to talk to you, Mido-san! I’ve heard some people become needy when they’re drunk.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Sougo-san also seems to be the type who tends to get lonely and wants to be pampered when he drinks.
Torao Mido: Sougo does?
Torao Mido: I heard from Nanase that he gets all wobbly when he drinks, but I didn't know he gets lonely...
Tsumugi Takanashi: It seems he’s not particularly weak to alcohol, but I hear such stories from time to time!
Torao Mido: Speaking of which, Touma did say that when they drank together before, Sougo gave him a peanut shell as a present.
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Torao Mido: Ah, sorry, Touma sent another text.
Torao Mido: I wonder what it is this time.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Maybe he has another quiz for you…!
Torao Mido: No, he's asking me to come pick him up on my way home.
Torao Mido: I told him to call a taxi.
Tsumugi Takanashi: In that case, I can arrange one for him!
Torao Mido: Yeah, that would be great. Thanks.
Torao Mido: No
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Torao Mido: I think I'll go pick him up after all.
Torao Mido: He insisted that he prefers my driving. Says it's more reliable and safer than a taxi.
Tsumugi Takanashi: He must really like your driving, Mido-san!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Torao Mido: He's probably just flattering me again, but I'll go get him just this once since it's on my way home anyway.
End of Part 3.
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keicordelle · 1 month
Idolish7 sexuality headcanons because my head is full of cotton balls and anime boys today
Iori is quietly gay. Mostly closeted but not really trying to hide it, he just doesn't really want to talk about it. Secretly crushing on Riku, but has convinced himself it's just teenage infatuation. (A conviction that helps in no way whenever Riku does something cute or asks him for help)
Yamato is straight but open-minded. Get him drunk enough and he's ready to kiss whoever's at hand. Would be willing to swing the other way for the right person, but so far isn't really interested in anyone at all.
Mitsuki, my ace star! My boy has got no interest in sex whatsoever. He makes a great wingman though, always happy to tag along and talk up his friends. Iori comes to him for advice sometimes, and he always has the best responses to give him. Not aro tho, he wants to find someone(s) to settle down with someday who'll have just as much love to give him as he does them.
Tamaki : this boy is gay and doesn't even know what the closet is. Has never had any compunction about it, no worries, no revelation or coming out, he just is who he is. It's no big deal to him, and he's super perplexed as to why it matters to some.
Sogo spent the first 20 years of his so far in the closet that he's still not comfortable with himself. Only comes out as gay after he joins Idolish7 where he's surrounded by supportive friends. Is slowly starting to accept himself -- Tamaki is a hugely helpful influence with that.
Nagi is the most queer-friendly straight man in existence. An honorary queer. Very much a ladies man but frequently jokes(?) about how it's a shame that he deprives an entire half of the population of his charm. Very staunch trans ally and will hit on trans women just as readily as cis
Riku... I don't think even he knows what's going on inside his head. Had a gay awakening during puberty and straight up forgot about it. An oblivious gay, much to Iori's eternal despair. (Actually Iori's probably fine with it because it means Riku's less likely to notice his crush)
Gaku is bi but fem-leaning. But he's so head over heels for Tsumugi that it hardly even matters. He's Tsumugi-sexual now. Was never really into casual relationships anyway, and really rather hates that people think he's that type.
Tenn has known he's gay since he was very young and is really kind of resentful every time he's required to play up the sexy straight boy act. He's polite to the women he's paired up with of course, but he definitely bitches about it behind closed doors.
Ryu, aroace king. Please free him from the role of sexyman he just wants to go fishing and chill with his friends. He's running out of ways to politely turn people down. Gaku and Tenn come to his rescue whenever they're around, it's practically a routine now.
Momo came to terms with being gay some time ago now. Was a bit conflicted about it in high school, but being gay as an idol is a lot easier then being gay as a soccer player, especially with his partner up on stage with him.
Yuki is the most extremely pansexual man on the face of the planet. Attracted to anyone and everyone, but the attraction feels different from one gender to another. Has had way more casual relationships with women, but both people he's fallen in love with have been men. Maybe fem-leaning sexually and masc-leaning romantically. Or maybe it's just coincidence.
Haruka is a baby gay and still a little awkward about it. Still experimenting, and may or may not land on the gay label. Looks up to Minami for guidance and advice. Could stand to learn a thing or two from Tamaki, but whether or not he will...
Toma is a bisexual disaster. Everyone is pretty and he doesn't really know what to do about that. Thankfully he's got more important things to worry about so he just doesn't really think about it more than he has to.
Minami is cool, calm, collected, and fairly openly gay. Is perfectly content to take on the interest of their male fans. Knows what he wants and is entirely willing to go after it.
Torao : aggressively straight. Maybe a little homophobic about it. Definitely makes Haruka a little nervous. Minami just doesn't care. Will probably lighten up eventually, but things are a bit tense at first.
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natsmagi · 3 months
i am absolutely obsessed with how you've been drawing mugi recently she's perfect i
although natsume deserves a shoutout too, i know we all simp for mugi here but natsume looks so good too even if we're collectively less vocal about it <3
WAHHH THANK U SO MUCH!!!!! 🥺❤️❤️❤️ that makes me so happy!!! i love all mugis so much, but i feel ive reached a point where i think the way i draw her is both suitable to her character and also fun for me to draw!!
AND YEAAAAAA I LOVE NATSUME SOSO MUCH!!! i think ppl are less vocal abt her bc tbh. she does kinda just look like regular natsume with a skirt 80% of the time AUSHFUAHSD BUT STICK-SHAPED GIRLS DESERVE LOVE TOO!!! oh and im pretty sure a large percentage of my followers are tsumugi yumes that get blinded by their lust for that guy whenever i post. which like is so real
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hyenahunt · 6 months
Saga: Rivals - 14
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Hiyori, Tsumugi, Jun, Sora
Proofreading: moricchiichan (JP) & hyenahunt (ENG)
Translation: kotofucius
Sora: Onii~san, is something wrong? Your “color” tells me you’re hurting somewhere, y'know?
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Front Gate
Hiyori: Excuuuse me~? It's a wonderful thing to be so close and chummy, but I'll have you know I don't take getting ignored too well, yes?
Tsumugi: Ah, I’m sorry! I’ll take you to the dressing room… Er, a waiting room that will also double as a place for you to practice in, so please come this way~♪
Hiyori: Thank you, that will be a considerable help!
I do have a good grasp of the ins and outs of Yumenosaki as I was once a student here myself, but it certainly seems like Eichi-kun has invested quite a bit in renovating some areas, didn't he~?
It’s strangely unfamiliar in some parts.
Back when we visited for Summer Live, you and student council staff were strategically stationed here and there to block off various pathways… All so we couldn’t wander about so freely, isn't that right?
How rude! Unlike Ibara, you wouldn't catch me sniffing about like some sort of spy, alright?
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Tsumugi: Ah, so you did notice? I’m sorry about that. You see, it seems we had an information leak some time around spring…
Our security became stricter, and we were told not to let students from other schools roam about.
Hiyori: Well, I do suppose that’s an understandable arrangement. I’m sure you have some skeletons you’d rather keep in your closet — not that I’m one to criticise that, as a former member of fine myself… Oh?
Jun: ………
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Hiyori: Jun-ku~un? Whatever is the matter? First thing in the morning and you still look so glum! I’ve told you over and over, but you really ought to learn from me and keep a smile upon your face!
Sora: HuHu~♪ But whenever he's around, your brightness becomes just about right!
Hiyori: Is that so? But what does that mean? You’re a rather strange child, aren't you…?
Sora: Sora gets that a lot!
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Sora: Onii~san, is something wrong? Your “color” tells me you’re hurting somewhere, y'know?
Jun: Sorry? Oh… No, I’m alright. Thanks for your concern.
Tsumugi: Fufu. It’s been a while, Sazanami-kun. You wouldn't happen to remember me, would you?
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Jun: Ah, Aoba Tsumugi-senpai, from the former fine — good morning to you!
Thanks so much for taking care of Ohii-san and everything else back during Summer Live. We're looking forward to working with you once again!
Tsumugi: Wow, you're just as polite as usual despite your rough appearance.
Hiyori: Heh-heh, all as a result of my excellent training, of course ☆
Well, Jun-kun has always been a strangely civil boy since the day I first met him.
And here he really could afford to be a little more haughty, too~ In order to bestow hope to the people, those who are successful ought to act showy to a certain extent ♪
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Jun: Goddamn. It's because you always run your mouth that I have to play up the politeness in order to balance it out, yeah~?
Well, whatever. It’s freezin' at this time of the year, so we’ve gotta stop standing 'round talking out here and hurry on inside.
Feels like I’m gonna catch a cold any second now. I've been shivering like crazy for a while now, y'know~?
Tsumugi: Whoa, are you feeling alright? I’m so sorry, I’ll take you two inside right away! Please come this way~ Hidaka-sensei should be already here ♪
Hiyori: Ah, so it seems he really has started teaching here as an interim lecturer, hasn't he? Of course, that's the reason we were invited here to begin with..
(…I do wonder just how much of this is all according to his calculations. I'm not a fan of being a pawn for him to use at his convenience.)
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Hiyori: (Well, no matter. After all, facing off against Sagami-sensei should be able to give closure to yet another one of Jun-kun’s concerns…)
(As long as the script tells an enthralling tale, then I shall dance according to it.)
(But if it turns out to be not to my taste, then I'll beleaving. Dear me, I'm really not fond of Hidaka-sensei…)
(It’s not as if he’s gloomy, or unpleasant as a person, but any words you say to him feel like they never quite reach him, and only reflect right off like light on metal.)
Tsumugi: Hiyori-kun? What’s the matter? We should get going~
Hiyori: Ah, yes, I'm coming… Unfortunately, my dislike for winter seems incurable. It's ever so cold and dark — simply the worst.
Tsumugi: Ahaha. Winter just has that image for us in particular, huh?
Oh? Come to think of it — er, Lilith, was it? …Hiyori-kun, shouldn’t your temporary unit have four members?
Sora: That's what Sora heard, too! Ba-barrier is the same way~
Project-Saga units usually have a teacher, a third year, a second year, and a first year… So four members in total!
Tsumugi: Umm… In that case, you should have a first year, right?
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Hiyori: Hmm~ Well, the strange thing is…
Even I have no idea who our last member is. In fact, I heard the boy who was originally meant to join us has already quit our school.
In that case, why don't you join our unit, Tsumugi-kun? I believe you’ll do far better than a random fill-in ever could ♪
Tsumugi: Oh no, I don’t have the energy for that. I’m all worn out from having to prepare the stage in a hurry…
You see, I've been helping with this show as a part-time campus job.
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Sora: HeHe~♪ As Switch, we spend a lot of money on our unique stage productions, so we’re almost always in the red~ But it’s great fun to do part-time jobs together!
Tsumugi: It really is. Not to mention, due to Sora-kun's involvement I’m not a complete stranger to Ba-barrier, either. So I thought I should try to be of some help…
I also wanted to see you, Hiyori-kun, as it’s been a while.
Hiyori: Well, I'm delighted to hear that ♪ AAll the same, it feels oddly poignant seeing just how much you've changed from the Tsumugi-kun I used to know
Tsumugi: …Have I been able to change, too?
Hiyori: Of course! And not just in appearance — but as a person, too!
While I can't say if it’s a change for the better or worse, I think it’s wonderful just how truly alive you seem!
Tsumugi: That goes for you too, Hiyori-kun. You’ve become a lot kinder and more attentive than you used to.
Hiyori: Is that so? Well, I do have an unruly boy who is an absolute handful… My hardships must be showing♪
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Jun: 'Scuse me? You can’t seriously mean me~ That description suits you way better, y'know?
Tsumugi: Ahaha. The two of you seem close~ I’m so glad to see it ♪
Sora: Yes! Senpai, the two of them feel like you and Master somehow, don't they~?
Tsumugi: Really? Then I’m really glad to hear that. It looks like Hiyori-kun's also found a new place where he belongs…♪
[ ☆ ]
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bambuwu-writes · 2 years
Hi boo! 💕 Whenever you want and can think you could do a hc for (let's act surprised) Tsumugi, Omi and Tsuzuru when they are super whipped for their s/o?? like, i want them to love us so much ugh no shame asdfgh take care as always and sending you a big muah! 💕
Emi my bestieeee! <3
come get your man he’s legit talking to the flowers about you
“I’m so excited for you all to grow up big and strong :))) Once you’re all ready I’m gonna take you to meet someone :))) They’re very nice, I hope you like them!” BABE THESE ARE PLANTS,,,,THEY ARE NOT COGNISCANT OF THE FACT THAT THEY ARE GOING TO BE IN A MINIATURE BOUQUET
he is SO precious tho… i feel like in terms of love languages he’d be really into gift giving and quality time
so at least once a week you two either go out for coffee or make some at home and cuddle up in the garden for a nice and slow morning
he also has this really cute habit where, instead of giving you a kiss on the cheek or something, he’ll just kinda softly smoosh his face against you..what a weirdo [read: what a cutie :”””)))]
if you happen to dislike alcohol he absolutely doesn’t mind, but if you do like having a sippy sip every now and then, he is a great person to drink with
azuma and homare loving bringing home nice wines for the adults at mankai to sample during nights in, and guy is always willing to mix a drink or two for his friends
as much as he loves verbally expositing essays about theatre when he’s tipsy, he also becomes a TOTAL cuddlebug its vv cute <333
if you have to get up to grab some snacks or hop into the bathroom real quick, you will come back to tsumu looking the sliiightest bit mopey
he j wants to keep his hands on you :((( make sure you’re still right there with him :((( uk he loves you soooo muuu- OOO you brought pretzels yaaay :D!!!!!! [SILLY BABY,.,.HOLD HIM PLEASSSEEEE]
makes you really nice fluffy omeletts the morning after to make up for anything embarrassing he might have said the night before…. if you give him a little ‘good morning’ peck on the cheek he will brighten up considerably tho.
He,.,he’s kinda obsessed with giving you forehead kissies.,,
Like, he will not leave the dorms, nor let you leave without a forehead kiss, makes him feel safe :)
if you do it back to him he will go to the akigumi groupchat and literally tell them he’s found his future spouse. they cant bring themselves to clown on him. [banri clowns on him the tiniest bit but thats just bc he knows omi is being so honest rn that it makes the kid tear up a little. fuck man, you cant just go and prove love is real to me like this? ewwww???]
he has,,, ok DONT laugh, but…he has burned food bc he was thinking ab you…EMBARASSING right???? [he’s so cute wtf i cant even write this with a straight face ]
not a day goes by where he doesnt either text you or tell you in person how handsome and pretty and cute you are [EURGJK,,,he’s sooooo…]
you will find yourself wondering if he even knows what he’s doing to you…[answer: he DOES WTF WAUUUUGH,,.,]
ok he does this little thing…where like, when he hugs you from behind he’ll always say this precious little ‘hey :)’ so he doesnt scare you [SOBBING..GIMME A MINUTE…], and then he runs his hands up your back, over your shoulder blades, and down your arms before snuggling into the crook of your neck [im gonna SCREEAMM,,,HOW IS HE LIKE THIS…]
loves playing low romantic music while he’s cuddling with you [i’m currently back on my hozier kick and wauughg,.,good music..] and if you start singing along? god help this man i dont even think he’ll be breathing so he could hear you better..
gets all smiley and giggly when you baby him :”) turns out he really melts when someones taking care of him… he will pull you in for cuddles and you will not escape [he will begrudgingly let you go if you really want to, or need to get work done]
Gives you kisses on your temple! It just felt so right the first time he did it and it stuck!
Ok ok, i swear this isnt creepy, i promise i swear i pinky promise!! He really likes just snuggling his face to the nape of your neck, his lips pressed against your shoulder bc he really likes how you smell. It really calms him down.
Like he has stolen your clothes before so he could have you around even when,..,uk,,You The Person weren’t around
he is so used to being in a household of siblings so he thought sharing hoodies and stuff would come natural-WRONG WRONG WRONG DEAD WRONG
he looses his fucking marbles when he sees you in his clothes he is fucked up fr, god spare his SOUL if you swipe a pair of his shorts or sweatpants…he’s gonna have to actually turn away from you for a second to collect himself
like woaaaoww,.,.,.mine?,.,,mine??? like,,not in the objectify-y way but,..,,.omg mine???
cooking for you. 25/8. it will never end. so much yummby food,.,.,thank u tsuzu,.,.
fr like every single time you see him you’re getting fed SOMETHING like if you’re hanging out in the dorms? apron ON stove ON pan BUTTERED. if you meet somewhere outside? you’re either going out for a snack or he came with some food packed w him
he’s such a little weirdo too, like, if he’s in an affectionate mood there is a 62% chance he will lean in as if to give u a kissie and then fucking noms on your earlobe
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