#that’s cullen shitting himself on sight
libartz · 1 year
Cassandra: we need my fave celebrity to lead the inquisition
Varric: It’s not gonna go well
Cassandra: They became a leader after coming from nothing, they can help us do the same
Varric: They’ll stir up controversy
Cassandra: look here they come OMG this is the best day of my life!
Hawke: *rolls up in a carriage covered in bumperstickers that say ‘fuck the chantry’ ‘ATAB’ ‘Mountain-Father 4 life’ ‘smash the circles’ ‘being haunted is hot’ ‘mage rights or mage fights’ ‘blood magic gang’ ‘Justice is my middle name (we hyphenated in the marriage)’*
The other advisors:
Varric: I told you
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For funsies, do you have thoughts about what pokemon each Cullen would be most likely to have? Like idk why but I picture Emmett with a Growlithe
I swear to god I had answered this somewhere but since I can't find it, I doubt others can find it.
Let's do it.
Per the Pokemon universe, Alice is very clearly a psychic and while a powerful one is more or less bog-standard and less terrifying than Sabrina.
I imagine Alice would have a Kadabra and they would have great fun together as Alice communicates for them and uses them to teleport her places she wishes to go.
Bella has an Eevee, not only is it appropriately normal/non-interesting looking but it's very vulnerable looking, weak compared to its potential evolutionary forms, and has that evolutionary potential to become almost anything for all Bella wouldn't really recognize that fact.
She'd love Eevee because it's a normal type, just like her, because Bella is so normal it hurts.
"Bella, that means only fighting types are super effective against you"
"I am so average."
Carlisle has a Chansey that becomes a Blissey that is his wife Esme. See, Carlisle was working at a Pokemon Center (as one does) and one day came in a tragic Chansey that had had to run away from its trainer and in the process lost its egg.
Everyone had given up on Chansey and Carlisle, cursing himself for being a vampire and probably terrifying the life out of her, ends up taking her home.
Chansey thrives in her new environment and, as all Chansey do, becomes progressively weird the more happy she is. Chansey evolves into a Blissey, a creature that will run at lightening speeds to offer you an egg in your time of need.
It is accepted in the Cullen household that Esme the Blissey is the Cullen mom. It's so accepted, they forget it's weird.
Bella comes to their house and Edward promises she'll love his mother.
Who is his mother?
The Blissey making Italian food in the kitchen because Isaballa is Italian right? (Despite Blissey only saying "Blissey" the plot does not change at all and Bella just assumes that when Blissey goes on a long chirping rant to her it's about how great Edward is.
Yeah, Edward must be her favorite blood sucking child.)
Edward doesn't have a pokemon.
This is because as a vampire he didn't want to corrupt a good, benign, pokemon with his presence (only the fact that Carlisle and Esme are so pure prevents him from feeling too terrible about Esme). So, Edward wants to gravitate towards more... ah... let's call them tempermental pokemon such as Gengar.
However, Edward doesn't actually want a Gengar, as he wants to be a good person worthy of the world, and a Gengar also doesn't want him for that same reason.
When he meets Bella, there's a dramatic moment where she helps him accept that he too can have a pokemon like a real boy. As Bella tells him what to get, and he wants to impress her, I imagine he gets a Dragonair as it's so beautiful and elegant, just like Bella thinks Edward is (he's never allowed to evolve it into a herp de derp Dragonite).
Growlithe and Arcanine in the pokemon world I think are a little too associated with duty/law enforcement to quite be Emmett's thing. Growlithes, while dogs, are very much watch dogs and have a steadfast seriousness when it comes to protection/the law or what have you.
I'm really struggling with him, actually.
I'm going to go with Aipom, good natured but extremely mischievous (and perhaps a little short sighted) who love to live in groups and are just looking for a good time.
Emmett would think his Aipom is the shit.
Emmett also has a Magikarp because he thinks it's hilarious. Its name is Splash. He will never ever trade it.
Esme is a Blissey. See above.
Though, a happy (but weird), day might come about when coming back from doing the shopping (which Blissey happily does now without having to worry about eating people even if the towns people of Poke Forks are a little surprised that the Blissey is just out there shopping... alone... or going to parent teacher conferences and just... acting like people) and what do you know there's an egg.
"This is our egg, Carlisle" Esme the Blissey clearly pantomimes.
"Sure," is what Carlisle says because he doesn't want to disagree (and pokemon work in mysterious ways) but he did not do the thing that you know humans do to procreate.
Anyways, point being, Esme at one point might have a little Happiny.
Rosalie looks on it with envy because while she adores Esme, EsMe CaN HaVE ChiLDrEN anD isN't a VAmPIrE.
Jasper has a Houndoom from his glory days at war. He tries to tell people it's not a Balrog.
Jasper is wrong, it is a Balrog.
There's a story here.
There is great debate over what pokemon Renemsee should get as it should be as special and wonderful as she is. Edward wants to give he ran Eevee, like her mother (Bella's Eevee having since evolved into some state Bella thinks is more cool/better) and for the symbolism of potential and growth that Eevees represent.
Bella wants to give her daughter a Dratini, something that will grow up to be beautiful and elegant and otherworldly (and never a Dragonite, never, it will only stay a Dratini).
Esme of course offers her beloved daughter Happiny (but isn't that your child Esme???) as well as an egg in Renesmee's time of need.
Alice wants her with something adorable like a Pichu, Azumarill, or what have you. It will look great in pictures. And must never ever be allowed to evolve.
Emmett wants to give her a Magikarp which they will name "Splash Two" or "Splashnesmee".
Jacob, of course, wants to give Renesmee a Mightyena because it's a wolf. "It will eat her face, Jacob" Bella does not want to do this even if she admits the symbolism is touching.
In all the bickering, Renesmee stumbles across a Cleffa (stumble being that a spaceship arrived and hit her in the face). Cleffa, being extremely rare and alien, is not recognized by the Cullens who stare and wonder "what is that thing".
Alice supposes it's cute, if not what she had in mind, she can work with this. Bella, Edward, and Jacob are all still upset and trying to get Renesmee to give the thing to Esme to raise so she can have their pokemon instead.
Renesmee ends up with all the pokemon, but does not get rid of Cleffa.
I actually put Rosalie as having a Chikorita. Chikoritas are steadfast, loyal to those they love, as well as courageous. While a Vulpix and Ninetales would appeal to Rosalie's aesthetics, being incredibly beautiful, Chikorita would have all the qualities she'd look for in a friend/partner that is a Pokemon while also being able to be nurturing/help with chores and things (via the use of helpful vines versus well fire balls).
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sulky-valkyrie · 7 months
Val! Can I get "there’s nothing you could have done." for Fenris/Anders?
You know it 💜 Honorable mention to @shardsof-stars because she'd requested a wee bit of Fenders on the run after the boom, and these two ideas ended up all tangled and muddied together and it doesn't quite use the dialogue and it doesn't quite have them on the run, but I'd like to think it fits the spirit (heh, Jsutice pun) of both thoughts
for @dadrunkwriting
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Kirkwall was burning, and Meredith had gone mad.  Or maybe Meredith's madness was why Kirkwall was burning.
It wasn't supposed to end like this.  No, that wasn't right.  It hadn't been supposed to keep going after this.  No, that wasn't right either.  He wasn't supposed to keep going.  
Boom, Justice and I are free.
It was supposed to be a symbol, a spark to light the fires of the world, to force Thedas to confront its prejudices, and to remind mages they could fight back.  And fight back they had, but Anders had never expected it like this.  A summary execution should’ve been his fate, or a show trial and a chance for him to make his case for the end of the Circles before being sentenced to death.
He hadn't accounted for Meredith's paranoia.  Well, he hadn't accounted for it enough.  Or her hatred.  Bloody knickerweasels, he'd confessed to her damn face, and she'd still blamed the whole of the Gallows and called for an Annulment.
Granted, he might still die today.  Orsino had nearly turned himself into a fucking abomination in a futile act of defiance and despair.  He shuddered.  If not for Merrill and her own demon, things would've been so much worse.  And it was bad enough already.
Meredith's sword sang with an oily discordant wrongness, jangling at his nerves and setting Justice on edge as she cut down her own people.  Even half an hour ago, the sight of Templars losing their guts and screaming would’ve given him grim satisfaction, but now, it was simply grim.  They fought against her as fiercely as they'd fought with her, and died just as easily.
He threw every spell he could, even healing fucking Cullen when the statues came to life and one batted him across the courtyard, but it still wasn't enough.  Over a dozen people stood against her, but they were starting to tire, and Meredith seemed unstoppable.  At least the rest of the Gallows mages made it out through the tunnels.
A whistle caught his attention, bright and piercing as it cut through the clatter of battle.  A whistle that sounded like -
"Ancestors balls, we can't leave you alone for one minute, can we?"
He glanced down and smiled, even as his heart clenched in fear.  "Siggy, babe, you're in the wrong place."
"Nah, we've been tracking that shit –" she waved a dagger toward Meredith "– for years. Good job making her show it."
"Is that what I did?" Anders asked sarcastically.  "Jolly good for me then."
A volley of fiery boulders rained down from the sky, battering Meredith to the ground. Velanna's work, no doubt.  
The new threat was apparently enough to send Meredith over the edge.  She looked as deranged as a blood mage as she climbed to her feet and shouted, “I will not be defeated!”
As she thrust her sword in the air, the horrible jangling feeling ramped up, like it was trying to crush his skull and burst it open from the inside at the same time, Sigrun winced and gritted her teeth. Interesting.  He'd assumed it had something to do with being a mage, or Justice's sensitivity to lyrium, but Sigrun was neither mage nor possessed.  
Interesting, but a question for a later time.  Even if he’d had the time to think about it, the pressure on his mind made everything blank with pain, as bad as what he remembered of the Joining, and when he started to worry that it might actually kill him, the damn sword exploded.
Shards of red lyrium flew out, but, for once, Templars actually came in handy.  What they didn’t block with their shields they blocked with their bodies, however unintentionally, leaving Hawke and the rest of Anders’ former-comrades unscathed.  At least they’ll be alive to hate me.
"Come on, we need to get you out of here."  Sigrun's hand caught his and she started to pull him away.  
Not how any of this was supposed to happen.  He resisted on reflex, but she was a Warden too, and built like bronto.  A small one, but a bronto nonetheless, full of densely packed muscle and maddening persistence.  
"Mage!"  Suddenly Fenris was there, tearing him from Sigrun's grasp and snarling, "You won't take him!"
His vehemence was a shock.  Fenris had barely spoken two sentences to him since the Chantry had exploded, but here he was, defending him again. Fruitlessly.  Anders had always known death would be the only escape from the Wardens.  "Fenris, there's nothing you can do," he sighed.
"Venhedis!”  He put his arm across Anders’ chest and glared at Sigrun.  “You won’t take him,” he repeated.
Sigrun held up her hands, not quite in surrender, but an obvious gesture of goodwill and grinned.  “Stones, Anders, you’ve been making friends again, haven’t you?”
“Er… in a way?”  He pushed Fenris’ arm down gently.  “What do you want with me?”
Before she could answer the paving stones shattered as a tangled mass of roots forced its way up next to her and Velanna stepped out, face pinched in even more irritation than usual.  “What are you standing around for, let’s go!”
Fenris reached for his sword.  “He goes nowhere he doesn’t wish to.”
“Oh for the Maker’s sake, Fenris, please,” Anders said before turning back to Velanna.  “Where are we going?”
She rolled her eyes.  “Where do you think?  The Chantry will be baying for your blood any moment now!  You know as well as I do that the Deep Roads are the safest place for you.”
He shuddered at the suggestion, but couldn’t find a fault in her logic.  I should’ve planned for this better.  He glanced back at Hawke, still arguing with Varric.  Probably about him.  He inhaled slowly and rubbed at his face.  “Let’s go.”
Sigrun and Velanna nodded, then headed toward the docks.  As Anders moved to follow them, Fenris fell in step behind him.  “You may be a fool, but you're my fool.”  His voice was soft, but challenging.  Daring Anders to argue with him, just like old times, yet nothing like them at all.
Debate wouldn’t solve this.  He was a fool.  Foolish to believe Meredith would blame the right man.
“I’m sorry.”  Once the apology fell from his mouth, the words wouldn’t stop, a rush of everything he’d wanted to say since he’d started planning this.  “I should’ve - I’m not sorry I did it, but I wish it hadn’t come to it, and I’m sorry she made it worse, but there was nothing you could’ve done.  I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, or Hawke - sorry that I used you, that I lied about –”
Fenris pushed him to the wall and cupped his chin.  “Hush, mage.  You think there was nothing I could’ve done?  You asked for explosives: saltpeter and flammable stone.  You asked for help distracting the Grand Cleric.  Nothing I could’ve done?”  He kissed him softly.  “Anders, I did everything, not nothing, and I’m not leaving you for this or anything else, and there’s nothing you can do about that.”
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last-herondale · 1 year
"What Happens After Tomorrow?"
Jacob Black X Fem-reader
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Angst, Heartbreak
TW: small mention of blood
Prompt: An almost kiss
A/N: I've always had this long running head cannon where the reader is part of the wolf pack, and imprints on Jacob the moment she meets him. For some reason Jacob does not immediately imprint on Y/N, and continues to believe that Bella is his true love. Of course, this brings heartache for Y/N, but her bond with Jacob makes her want to be there for him no matter what. This scene is Y/N comforting Jacob the night leading up to Bella and Edward’s wedding.
Enjoy 😊
It was raining again. The fat water droplets hit in a rhythmic pattern against the sheet metaled roof of Jacob’s shed. The wind had picked up on your drive over to his house and now it whistled through the gaps between the makeshift walls filling the empty space with haunting music. He had called you close to midnight, his voice strained and rough, as if he had been crying or screaming, or both, for hours. You were there in less then ten minutes.
Now, you just sat on an empty oil barrel watching the love of your life tinker with his car. Jacob was silent once you arrived, his muscled arms at work deep within the engine of his car. This wasn't the first night he had called you for comfort.
Ever since the Cullens had returned, Jacob had been a wreck over losing Bella to Edward. You had answered his call every time without fail, playing the convincing role as the concerned best friend. You were concerned. And he was your best friend, but there was also so much more that was left unsaid.
You noticed beer bottles scattered around the shed but kept your mouth shut. His wolf blood made it difficult for him to get drunk, but by the look of the amount of bottles on the floor he was determined to numb his nerves. It wouldn’t do any good to reprimand him now. Not with what laid ahead tomorrow.
It broke your heart to see him like this. The bond of the imprint had snapped into place for you the moment you met him, and since then you had been in service of him, even if he didn’t know it. How could you tell him? How could you tell your soulmate who he was to you, what he meant to you, when he was in love with someone else?
It was an impossible task. One that threatened to rip your heart to shreds. So instead, you promised to be anything he needed. His friend. His provider. His rock. No matter what. No matter how much it destroyed you on the inside to see him ache for another. To never match the feelings you had for him.
The sound of metal clanging together snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Shit” Jacob cursed, his voice a bit slurred. He lifted his hand from the engine and you noticed blood trailing from the tip of his finger down his arm.
You winced at the sight of him. Not so much the blood, but by the nonchalant look in his eyes as he watched the blood drip down. You wondered if there were other ways that he had "accidentally" hurt himself tonight.
“Let me see it,” you command, holding out your hand to examine his wound.
“It’ll heal… I’m fine.”
“Jacob.” You say sharply.
He finally slumps his shoulders as he slowly meanders his way towards you. He places his hand in yours as you turn it over and examine the damage. He was right, it was already healing. The blood had already stopped and the finger he had cut was now just slightly swollen and red.
No matter how many times you touched him, it send a jolt down the imprint bond that always sent a chill down your spine. You shook it off, as you had for the past year, and held on to his calloused hand.
You looked at his face, his deep brown eyes seemed glazed and far away. The sight of him made tears brim up in you eyes so you quickly lowered your head. Without anything else to say, you just let your fingers trace along his hand mindlessly.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper in order to keep your voice from cracking.
At your words, his hand tensed up. “For what?”
You let out a shaky breath. “For not being able to help you. For not being able to take this pain away.”
The rain was slowing now, the moments of silence grew larger between drops. Jacob was silent for a moment, but he did not retract his hand from yours. You let your finger tips explore his palm, following the defined veins that were laid out on his wrist.
“She chose him. She will always choose him.” His voice shook as he spoke. “I keep waiting for the moment where she realizes how much I feel for her, how much I hurt for her. But I’ve run out of time… and now I’ll lose her forever.”
Jacob sunk to his knees, his head now being level with your lap. He looked up to you, his beautiful tanned face and dark eyes were brimmed with tears. “Is love supposed to hurt like this?”
Seeing him like this, knelt before you in pain, asking such a question, was a horrific blow to your heart. It took everything in your being to not flinch away from the raw emotion that you felt.
Instinctively, you placed your hands on either sides of his face and stroked your thumb across his cheeks, wiping away the warm tears that fell.
“Oh Jake,” you murmur as he rests his head on your lap. His body shuddered against you as silent sobs rippled through his body.
“I wish it didn’t,” you whispered as you stroked through his black hair, “I hate seeing you so unhappy, so broken.”
If there was a way you could offer up your heart to him on a platter, you would have. You would demolish yourself in order to bring him peace. You would do anything.
“I think,” you began softly, “you have such a great capacity to love. Such a kind and loving heart…I have watched you give yourself so completely to others that you often lose sight of yourself. You disappear and I lose sight of you. And it terrifies me.”
Tears finally fell down your cheeks. Jacob stilled in your embrace and you felt his eyes boring into you, but you could not return his gaze. It was too much.
“I don’t know how to help you,” you admit, “I am afraid that once Bella…” you couldn’t finish the sentence.
“I’m afraid I’ll lose you too. Like your heart will go somewhere that I cannot reach…”
Warm, strong fingers gripped your chin in a soft embrace. You allowed yourself to let your gaze drift back up to Jacob, tears unabashedly falling down your face.
“Y/N…” jacob murmured, his eyes searched your face with a mixture of surprise and confusion. The glaze from his eyes seemed to disappear and everything seemed to become sharper in his expression.
Jacob rose from his spot in front of you, but took in both of your hands, making you rise with him. The two of you stood only inches apart, his head tipping closer to yours.
Your heart slammed against your chest, and you knew he could feel your body react to him. Usually you were so careful around him. Careful to not let anything slip from your walls. To protect him from the truth. But this was too much. The proximity of him was almost intoxicating.
“Jake,” you let out a soft warning. His eyes continued to search yours as he inched closer towards you. One of his hands reached up to touch a tear that fell from your eye. He placed his hand on your cheek and for a moment you felt yourself lean into him.
“What would I do without you?” He whispered. For a moment you thought he would kiss you.
You’ve dreamt of kissing him for the longest time. Dreamt of his lips on yours, the feel of his mouth and the taste of his skin. You burned in those dreams. Could it finally be reality?
The space between you were mere inches, but something in your gut tightened. This wasn’t right.
He doesn’t love me. Not in the way I love him. He is grieving tonight. He will need me tomorrow. Now is not the time.
Instead, you pulled away from him. It felt like tearing a limb off. Jacob looked at you with hurt in his eyes that nearly shattered you.
“Come on,” you said, beckoning him with your hand, “let’s get you to bed.”
Jacob just blinked at you for a moment, but then took a hold of your outstretched hand and followed you out of the shed into the quiet night.
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leastdatablebracket · 8 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Joseph Christiansen
So many reasons. He's already married, he's a jerk to his wife, he's already slept with at least one of the other romance options. That romance option goes to you before a date with Jospeh and damn near begs you not to be stupid and go with him. The worst part? You put up with all this and he leaves you to "work things out with his wife". She deserves so much better than him! One of the writers even said he's a sociopath. 
Married and a youth minister.
Cheater, cringe man, father of creepy children, possibly evil cultist, left a guy feeling used which said guy also became friends with Joseph's wife who appears to be an alcoholic likely as a coping mechanism since she's married to Joseph
He cheats on his wife, has done so before, lies to you by claiming that he's going to leave his wife when he clearly never intends to (and, in one ending, will even cheerfully suggest that you two continue having an affair in an extremely sleazy way), and judging by the fact that the other guy we know he cheated on his wife with, Robert, hates Joseph and is now very close friends with his wife, it seems clear to me that this whole "purposefully mislead someone into sleeping with you and then later drop the bomb that it was an affair" thing is repeat behavior with him. Also, I just find much of his behavior to be very manipulative and controlling; there are many situations where it seems to me that he's actively trying to paint others in a negative light while still coming off as saintly himself, such as an early scene where he subtly implies his wife is a shitty mom because she *checks notes* let their toddler out of her sight... during a neighborhood barbecue in a fenced-in yard surrounded by trusted adults and other kids. Also notice how in this scene he pushes *her* to go look for their son, rather than just looking himself, all while keeping up his "long-suffering husband" act. (and in other scenes can be found letting his other young children wander off into the woods with sharp implements and visibly not caring, but whatever). He does this with Robert, too -- the other guy he had an affair with. Almost everything he says about or to Robert is a subtle jab about his personality or his alcoholism. Classy, Joseph. Meanwhile, the fact that you can't actually end up with him in the end (because he was never going to leave his wife for you) started some of the most volatile discourse in the fandom and had people calling the devs homophobic and claiming they were spreading a message about "gay men needing to stay in loveless abusive marriages to women" (just ignore the fact that there are several other divorced gay dads in this game who all have great relationships with their kids and are not demonized in the slightest). HOWEVER, if you see people claiming he's a cultist or demon or something, that's untrue and was just going to be a non-canon spooky alternate ending that ended up getting cut. So I empathize with him a little bit for getting literally demonized by some fans for that cut alt ending. But he loses all those points by cheating on his wife multiple times and showing clear intent to continue doing so.
He's still married when you start dating him. He's also got like 5 kids that are some "children of the corn" kinda shit, and all their names have "Christ" in them
You don't even get to date him he's still married to his wife who he doesn't get along with. Tragic really
Cullen Rutherford
stupid racist cop creep whose fans cry about how hes "changed" and "you can't judge him he was addicted to magic drugs" nah he still chose to be a racist cop and abuse his power over innocent people and i hate him. the writers making him romanceable in da:i after how blatantly horrible he was in da:o and da:2 is baffling but i guess they had to appeal to the part of their audience who watch those "mafia boyfriend" videos on tiktok or whatever
He's creepy in origins, though still 100% willing to kill the female mage pc he's crushing on, as well as all the other mages trapped in the circle with him. He's the second-in-command in an even worse circle in 2, listening to and defending the increasingly obviously insane meredith until literally the end. He's one of the people still pushing for the circle system by inquisition, and yes he's going through withdrawals and working through the traumas of previous games. And to be brutally honest his was the first romance i took and while i don't remember much from it, its not worth all the girls going absolutely nuts over knockoff terrible alistair.
He's basically a cop who thinks being born a certain way can revoke personhood and by Inquisition still thinks mages are monsters to be controlled, not people. He gets a fairy tale cutesy romance that focuses on his personal struggles with addiction while showing absolutely no regard to the atrocities he committed and still thinks were justified. He can be romanced BY A MAGE and his actions and beliefs are just glossed over. He believes mages are 'not people like you (Hawke) and me', but if the Warden was a female mage he canonically had a crush on her and would deliberately hang around her despite the fact that he was her *jailer*. If that Warden romanced Leliana, there is war table dialogue in which he pesters Leliana for news of his 'former' crush despite her repeated statement that she doesn't want to talk to him about her. All this shitty behavior and lack of introspection gets swept under the rug by the game, not even giving the PC the chance to really challenge his beliefs. Like damn even Fenris could apologize when he lashed out due to past trauma with mages, and if anyone has a reason to hate mages it's Fenris. If you want an ex Templar hottie Alistair is RIGHT THERE. Tbh I know Cullen is a popular romance and I'm not here to tell anyone what they can or can't do or like in a video game, I'm just saying I think he is deeply undateable
Spends the first two games as an antagonist, fervently devoted to the cause of subjugating mages, then a bunch of "character development" happens off screen and the games treat him like he's completely reformed. However he's actions make it clear he still sees mages as dangerous and lesser. Not to mention if you romance him with an elf he doesn't pay your culture more than lip service respect like most of the devout characters 
He was a total villain in the first two games who was violently prejudiced against mages and uses one single bad experience as an excuse for it (a bad experience that is pretty much exactly what he in his job subjected graduating apprentices to, mind you, but this is never brought up). Now he says he's changed, but his words and actions say otherwise. He still distrusts mages, sympathises with the rebel Templars trying to kill them, and he never owns up to the terrible stuff he did and helped others do in the past two games. He totally knew what Meredith was doing and says he doesn't, and he still tries to defend her intentions. And you have no option to call him out on it. If you romance him as a mage, he angsts about how he might have seen you as subhuman in the past but NOW you're one of the good ones, and when you ask him if he'll kill you if you get possessed, he dodges the question. And the PC is written as being almost sad that she's a mage? Like 'can you love me despite what I am??' Also if Leliana romanced a female mage PC in the first game who is still alive, he asks her creepy questions about their relationship. Fitting considering his original purpose was to be creepy to the female mage Warden. 
I hate him and want to cause chaos. Plus his VA is an asshole.
I think you covered almost everything but don't forget that beautiful moment in DA2 - Act 2 where you find out some templars had a petition to lobotomize all mages and Meredith, THE HARDCORE TEMPLAR LEADER, rejects it, but Cullen says they got a point. Despite the fact that we just found out that those templars were using lobotomy (or the threat of) to rape people and get away with it. And then Cullen in DA:I is whining that anything that happened it's not his fault because Meredith kept the worse away form him so he didn't know, but also that anyway Meredith had a point and did what she had to do. Meredith does not go mad until Act 3, before she was of sound mind and Culllen was her second in command BECAUSE he hated mages as much as (or even more) than her. What the FUCK did she even hide from you, Cullen. Oh, but he changed! Because the writers make A VICTIM OF THE TEMPLARS say so. And anyway he only says so BECAUSE HE READS MINDS not because Cullen did anything to show it. Also the narrative wants to sympathise with Cullen for his drug problems while Cullen is openly attacking the only other character with the same problem for...having the same problem. And he's the antagonist, so there were OTHER things Cullen could be mad about. But he is mad about the drug problem. Also I'm not an expert on writing characters with addictions but he is an addict only when it's time to have a cut scene where you pity him. Otherwise it has zero impacts on everything else.
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redheadjustin · 2 years
ok ok
twilight family x hybrid youngest brother like reneseme
say bella never got preggo and the boys seen a lot of shit go down, abusive and traumatized past (make it angsty)
he joins after bella, say Alice and jasper find him, take him in and the boys been on the run because hes half yk yk
eventually they get attacked suddenly but the boy uses his own abilities that hes never told anyone abt (like dr. strange magic)
ends up killing them, shocks the cullens
but ofc then the battle comes along, he meets with the wolves and I just need. a fic. where. seth. imprints on a male younger reader. BC OMGICANNOTFINDANY.
anyways that happens and the boy understands
cute gay couple
and if u want to add in the battle go ahead but I just headcanon it as they win they go home the end-
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So I realized halfway through that you ment on the run from the Voltouri. And I was tempted to start over but I wanted to finish this version. If you still want a kid on the run from the Voltouri then feel free to send another one in just with different powers and a different character.  
Seth didn’t expect to imprint on a vampire. Least of all you. You were four years old but looked eight. Seth flinched at Edward’s curious look,Alice was grinning like a madwoman, Rose’s eye was twitching, Emmett had the biggest shit eating grin in the history of shit eating grins, Bella was confused as all hell, Carlisle was trying to restore order to the gathering of wolves and vampires, Esme was sending motherly smiles to Seth and you. And Jasper was close to a mental breakdown from all the conflicting  emotions coming from the group assembled.  
Paul and Jared were rolling over, laughing which was a strange sight to see two giant wolves laughing and rolling on the ground. Sam, God bless the poor guy, was trying to restore order with Carlisle while trying to keep the headache away, but given the fact he’d be the one to tell the elders and consul members he wasn’t having much luck. Quill was doing victory laps as he wasn’t the only one to imprint on a kid anymore. Jacob was Glaring back at Rosalie to protect his brother and by God Jake wouldn't  let anyone hurt his little brother, blood or not. Leah was plotting how to kill you and every way you could imagine. Embry was glaring and growling at Leah. Who would want to kill a child because their little brother imprinted on said child? Even if that child was a half vampire.
But, we need to back up. We need to examine just how you joined the Cullen family. It’s a sad tale. Your father was a kind vampire. He only fed on willing humans. He was almost as notable as Carlisle but your father stayed off the Volturi’s radar. He was smart, he didn’t want any unwanted attention. Your mother was the exact opposite. She was loud, outgoing and hard to ignore. She was also a woman who appreciated a good drink. This is how your parents met.
Your mother was spending yet another of her nights at her favorite bar when your father walked in. Your father was not a man to sleep around as he was from the eighteenth century but your mother had the arua about her, it also didn’t help that she was wearing a very form fitting dress that showed her curves off and she wasn’t shy about showing her legs either. Given the time your father was raised everything about the way your mother presented himself should have had him running for the hills. Key word: Should’ve. But there was this pull that kept drawing your father to this woman. Soon your father was sitting next to the woman in the revealing dress and soon they got to talking and soon they found themselves in your fathers apartment and soon, well, You don’t need to know what happened after that. Oh don’t worry! You’ll find out once you're old enough for the Birds and the bees talk.
The next morning saw your mother leave your father in his bed without so much as a ‘thank you’. Your mother found out she was pregnant with you about a month after that. She tried to have an abortion but your father showed up to stop her. It’s not that he didn’t believe that abortion was wrong but this was probally his only chance to have a child and it was the thing he wanted most in the world. Your mother agreed on the condition that afterwards she was to have nothing to do with your upbringing. She was a woman who wanted to enjoy her twenties but a child would hinder that. Nine months later saw you coming into the world and your after could not be happier. It was a dream of his to have a child. Your father wanted to be exactly that since before cars were a thing. The moment you were in your fathers arms he swore to protect you till his head was knocked off his shoulders and he was nothing but ashes. Unfortunately that fate met your father sooner than anyone would have preferred.
It was shortly before your second birthday but you already looked like you were three. Your father knew what to expect when it came to your growth and development. It saddened him that you would grow up fast but he knew there was nothing to be done. It was one Hell of a stormy night when there was a knock on the door. You were already asleep so you didn’t get to meet the group of three vampires that visited, James, Victoria and Laurent. You didn’t hear the fight between your father and the other vampires. You knew what a vampire was and you knew you were a half vampire. You didn’t hear the breaking of your father’s neck nor did you smell the burning of his body outside the house. You wouldn’t find out the truth for a year or two.
What you did know was the lady with the red hair said she and the rest of her coven would take care of you after they couldn’t save your father. You didn’t know their true intentions, you didn’t know that Victoria just wanted wanted a slave, you didn’t know that James would give his mate whatever she so disiured, and you sure as hell didn’t know that Laurent was an unwilling partner. In the two years since your kidnapping/enslavement you were beaten every witch way. You were forced to drink from humans and you hated it. It was just before James and the others went to Washington state when you discovered your magic. You weren’t there when James and the others encountered the Cullens. Your abuse got worse when Victoria came back. You had massive scars by the time Victoria sent you and Laurent to kill Bella, though you didn’t know that was the mission. You simply thought that you and Laurent were stopping by forks for a quick hunt on the way to Alaska to join Laurent's new coven.
When it became clear why you were brought along you were disappointed. But Laurent kept a firm grip on your shoulder and led you to the poor girl. You knew that Victoria wanted to get revenge for James’ death but you didn’t think she’d go after the girl who James tried to kill. Most vampires would go for the one that killed their mate. You were brought along to kill Bella from a distance should the girl put up a fight you weren’t going to do that. You weren’t going to kill a girl who was an innocent bystander. Laurent had Bella pinned down and you were about to intervene when howls reached your ears and you forze. Your father had told you stories about the shifters and you, while scared of them,  you knew they would smell your human side but would be wary of you because you're a hybrid.
You watched with morbid fascination as the wolves tore Laurent to pieces. You were the one to light Laurent on fire with your magic. You heard his cries for you to help and you worried that if Laurent was given time to heal he’d come after you and you might be able to do magic but you knew you wouldn’t be able to defend yourself from a fully grown, full blooded vampire. But, in killing Laurent you brought attention to yourself from the giant wolves. You took a step back. You were terrified, you knew that your short life would end and the sad thing was, you weren't necessarily saddened by the prospect of your death. You stood still as a large, black wolf stepped closer to you. He got closer and closer till you could feel the breath from the wolf’s snout. You closed your eyes and braced for the teeth. But they never came. But, what did come was a wet wolf nose and tongue licking your cheek. You giggled at the touch and you opened your eyes slowly and you saw all the wolves looking at you with looks of love and understanding.
The wolves stayed for a few minutes until the black one nudged you over to Bella. The wolves gave her a look that said ‘we’ll look for a vampire caregiver for him but until we do please look after him’ Bella looked offended but before she could argue the pack was gone. The girl glared at you as you stared at the ground. You weren’t aware of what Bella told Charlie but the man was a lot like your father and he took care of you while Bella was with Jacob. Speaking of the alpha, he thought of you as a little brother and sometimes he’d insist Bella bring you over when the two would hang out. In fact you were with Jacob when Bella was forced off the cliff. When you all arrived back at Bella’s house.
When Alice saw you her motherly instincts kicked in. She adored you even though she couldn’t see your future. But, that was due to your magic. For some reason you went to Italy with Bella and Alice to save edward. Alice only realized half way through the flight that You could be mistaken for an immortal child and that could lead to major trouble. But, Alice figured that if it was explained that you were a hybrid then any future hybrids wouldn’t be harmed. You liked Alice’s driving. It reminded you of your father. Edward heard your thoughts and knew you were the proper child for Alice and Jasper. You stayed close to Alice. You don’t why but you felt safe with her. You were aware of the glares from the Voltouri guards. As you were brought before the kings you wanted disappear.
The one named Aro was the nicest to you. He waited to see your memories to give judgment. “Amazing, Mother magic has blessed a hybrid. This child is no threat and shall be allowed to live and shall be placed in the care of Alice and her husband.” And that was that and the four of you headed home which was when Alice got Edward to promise her a porsche. You giggled at the thought of being in the fast car again.
Jasper was surprised to meet you but he immediately took the role of your father. Carlisle and Esme took to you like a duck to water and dubbed you as their grandchild. You, of course, loved the idea of grandparents. Rosalie was just as motherly to you as Alice although Rose taught you about cars as opposed to fashion. Emmett was your second dad, especially when Jasper had to be away due to emotional overload and blood lust. Emmett was a teddy bear and never had an issue with cuddling you. He also loved teaching you about sports and you loved it when he called you ‘champ’. Edward was the one to teach you about music. He also kept Bella away from you as he knew what happened from your memories.
When you figured out Victoria was coming after both you and Bella you were more afraid than you’ve ever been in your short four year life. You were brought to the training session just because you were the other one Victoria was after. You were the only one allowed to cross the border and each of the wolves gave you an affectionate lick on your cheek. Then you locked eyes with a wolf with brown fur on top and white on his belly. You knew the pack had expanded in the months you had been with the Cullens. But, the second your eyes met you felt a pull, the pull that was the kind that mates experienced. You didn’t know it but Seth was explaining the same but with imprinting. So while the chaos was happening around the two of you Seth approached you slowly with only Edward, Bella, Carlisle and Sam notice. You looked at the wolf with apprehension. You were friends with the wolfpack but you haven't met Seth, Leah or Quill. So, as far as you knew Seth could be the one wolf who would hurt you. But as soon he was close enough Seth nuzzled his giant wolf body into your side and for some reason you petted the fur and the more you did the more you felt at ease. But, you felt the chaos and arguing around you and felt angry when you heard one particular sentence from Rose.
“You know what? It doesn't even matter. Y/N cant even be alone in the forest anymore. They’ll be mates in name only. We just won’t let Y/N be anywhere the mutt.” You turned your head to the blonde vampire with a glare that shocked everyone in the clearing. You were not a very angry child. You were quiet and reserved and made sure to not anger anyone as to keep yourself from being abused but now? No one would keep you from seth. Vampire or Wolf.
“You will NOT keep me from my mate. And if you try then I’ll leave with the wolves right now and never return to forks.” You saw Alice and Jasper as well as Emmett glare at Rose. they’d finally got their wish to be parentes any god help anyone who tried to get in the way of that. “Sam feels the same. No one will keep the two apart and if anyone tries they will have to deal with the elders.” Edward translated for Sam and Leah backed down a bit but she was still pissed. After the initial argument it was decided that the Cullens would be allowed onto the Reservation with a guard of at least four wolves at all times. You were happy that you could see Seth whenever you wanted.
The days until the attack passed by with a lot happening. You and Seth got to know each other. Seth adored you and made sure you had ANYTHING you needed. Animal blood? You got it. The best muffins or cookies ever? You had an open invitation to Emily and Sam’s house. Over the few weeks till the attack of the newborn army it was decided that Edward, Bella, Jacob, Seth and you would head up into the mountains to try and hide and with two wolves your and Bella’s scents would be hidden.
You always Loved the snow. And to be in a tent with just you and Seth was special. It was late at night as you leaned into Seth’s warm chest. You were trying to stay awake but failing horribly. ‘Why not let yourself sleep, bud?” Seth asked as he tried to keep the amusement from his voice. “Cuz, If they attack overnight, I wanna help.” You couldn’t see the smile on Seth’s face but just know it was huge. “Bud, if we're attacked I’ll wake you up. I promise.” Somehow this convinced you and it wasn’t long till you fell asleep. Seth held you tight the entire night.
The next day Everyone was on edge as they waited for the battle to end. The tension between Jacob, Edward and Bella was thick enough to cut it with a knife. You and Seth just wanted this to end. Seth visablay flinched when the battle began. you leaned into his fur knowing any touch from you would calm him. And you would always make seth Feel better. It wasn’t long until Riley and Victoria showed up. It all happened so fast that you didn’t realize what had happened until Victoria had you pinned down. You were scared to die this time because you’d be leaving Seth. And that thought gave you a sense of angger that you never had before.
“I should’ve killed you with your no good father.” The redheaded snarled which angered you even more. You pointed your hand at Victoria’s ribs and your eyes glowed gold as you felt the magic pulsed to your hands. This gave you a confidence that you never had and you smirked huge. “Yeah, you probably should have. Now it’s gonna be the death of you.” The shock on Victoria’s face was the greatest reward ever. You see Edward brace himself behind you two and you used your magic to blast Victoria off of you as Seth ran over to you placing himself in front of you and you could hear Jacob ripping Riley to bits. You sent a smile to Seth as he Lowered himself to the ground for you to ride on his back.
The group of you five headed back to the Cullen house and you smiled as Edward ruffled your hair. “You’re very lucky Seth. Y/N is truly magical.” Edward said with a smirk as You, Jacob and Seth groan. You kissed Seth’s wolf forehead. “Bad pun aside, he’s Right Sethie. You're lucky you imprinted on me and I’m lucky you’re my mate.” You said honestly as Seth managed to lick your cheek and you smiled as you fell asleep on Seth's beck and you knew that you would be safe and loved. And your father smiled down on you from whatever afterlife vampires had. And the Cullens would make sure you grew up into someone your father and Seth would be proud of.
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shannaraisles · 7 months
Idiot. - for @threeletterepithet
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A comissioned piece for the patient and lovely @threeletterepithet, who requested a little interaction between her OC, Velthei, and Cullen Rutherford. Thank you, lovely, it was a delight to work with you!
“Healer! We need a healer here - the commander!”
Velthei’s head snapped up at the sound of that cry, her eyes narrowing their focus to take in the sight of Commander Cullen Rutherford being half-dragged, half-carried into the medical tent where she had been working, with Varric Tethras bobbing along behind him like a particularly motherly tugboat. Of course, most tugboats don’t have a shit-eating grin on their face as they watch their charge tipped bodily onto a cot in front of the harbour master, but Varric could hardly be described as most anything. 
“What happened?” Velthei demanded, hurriedly dousing her hands in alcohol to disinfect them as she made her way to the commander’s side. 
“Curly here decided to show his army how it’s done,” the dwarf informed her, staying out of the way as the soldiers removed Cullen’s dented and scratched armour as carefully as they could. 
Not carefully enough, though - for all his stubborn stoicism, Cullen couldn’t quite hold in the soft groans of pain as various cuts and bruises were brought forth into the shining light of Velthei’s critical eyes. Even she, without the sharpness of sight brought about by years of mundane medicinal training, could tell that the armour had done little to prevent several broken ribs at the very least, and one particular gash on his temple had seemingly been bleeding for a significant amount of time, if the state of his quilted padding was anything to go by. 
“It was ...” Cullen paused to bite down on another groan, one hand weakly waving away the soldiers before they managed to get the padded shirt off him. “It was a necessary action.”
“Yes, I can see how very necessary it was.”
Her drawling response to his noble comment was met with a wince that was definitely not inspired wholly by physical pain. Velthei knew only too well - better than most, in fact - Cullen’s tendency to throw himself into combat he could not possibly prevail in out of a sense of guilt over sending others under his command to do something similar. She had absolutely no doubt this was a result of exactly the same guilt that had had him forcibly removed from Haven all those months ago, all but kicking and screaming in an attempt to go down with his proverbial ship. He hadn’t had much opportunity to be a flaming idiot in recent months. After much debate between the two of them, it had been decided that Adamant didn’t count; there was a small but significant contingent of the Inquisition that maintained they had all been flaming idiots to storm the Grey Warden fortress, and it was a little difficult to argue with, however well it had turned out in the end. 
But here and now, Cullen was beaten to the Void and back yet again, and it was, yet again, the result of his own daft decision to lead by example without actually letting anyone follow his example and help him in the moment. Possibly the best part of this situation, however, was the sheepish, slightly cornered expression on his face under the stern gaze she levelled in his direction as Varric was shooed out of the tent.
“I know what you are going to say,” he began, but she wasn’t having it, shaking her head before he could entrench himself in a ridiculous excuse for this behaviour.
“How many times have I told you that one man does not make an army?” she said, her tone perfectly calm.
She knew that was the worst part of it, too - Cullen was braced for angry words and tempers; he crumbled easily in the face of calm disappointment. Perhaps it was a little mean to wield that knowledge as a weapon, but given the state of him and the way he had got there, it felt like a fair weapon to wield right now. He visibly deflated in the face of that calmness, not even flinching when she sat down on the cot beside him and began to untangle him from what remained of his armour’s padding. 
“I maintain that in some instances one man can be an army,” he managed, the words muffled half by quilting and half by pain as he contorted through the action of raising his arms above his head. 
“Hawke doesn’t count,” Velthei said, but there was a smile playing about her lips as she said it. She knew she had already won this argument, if there was going to be one. The man was already backpedalling, and she had barely said a word. 
Cullen glowered at her, just a touch petulantly, at the mention of Hawke. That individual had been somehow both a thorn in his side and his deliverance in Kirkwall, and he still vacillated between gratitude and resentment for it. It did not help that Hawke was possibly the most impressive person either of them had ever met. Impressive; not necessarily likeable from certain perspectives. 
“Are you finished making excuses for being a hero yet?” she then asked, tilting her head as she let that smile loose to shine through her face and voice. “I’ve treated about twenty of the soldiers whose retreat you covered all by yourself in the past hour or so. You may be an idiot, but you’re an heroic idiot.”
To her delight, a very faint flush of rose flooded his cheeks at her complimentary words, whiskey-warm eyes awkwardly glancing away before returning to examine her face even as she let her gaze lower to examine the mottling that betrayed just how much damage he had sustained before his own people dragged him bodily out of harm’s way. All it took was a barely whispered request, and he gave his permission to be touched, allowing her the freedom to trace the edges of bruises and cuts with feather light fingertips, cataloguing the injuries he had so willingly taken in defence of the people he lead without hesitation. 
“Better an idiot than a coward,” was his soft reply, shortened only by the sharp intake of breath as the barest pressure on his side drew pain flaring to the foreground. 
“Cullen ...” Velthei bit her lip, glancing across the medical tent to where the mundane healers were still working on their charges. There were other spirit healers too, but this was a question that could only come from her. “I can heal you with magic, if you will allow it. You know how long broken ribs take to heal on their own.”
He hesitated, as she knew he would. No matter how close they were, how many times he had allowed her to do just this in the past, he would always be wary of magic and those who wielded it, with good reason. It was a decision to be weighed up between his traumatic past and his unknown future - was revisiting a memory filled with pain and torment worth being ready for the future that might bring with it more danger for him to face? For as long as she had known him, he had always had this moment of consideration, and he had never chosen to run from his past. 
He did not run from it now.
WIth a short nod, he assented, settling himself on the cot in as relaxed a fashion as he could muster.
“If it is you, Velthei, then heal me,” he said, fingers twitching toward her own ever so briefly before falling back to the rough linen beneath him. “Idiot though I may be, I trust you.” 
“I really don’t understand why,” she said, relaxing herself now the consent had been given. “I am, after all, a filthy Dalish mage with no manners whatsoever.”
He groaned at the reminder of how she had been described in Kirkwall, rolling his eyes under her grin.
“Yes, thank you, I am aware that I was not the most courteous in my welcome,” he pointed out, wincing just a little as she laid her palms gently over his right side to begin channelling the icy heat of healing magic into the bones that lay cracked beneath his flesh. “You were not particularly charming yourself.”
“Oh, I was horrible,” she agreed cheerfully. “But that’s why you love me, isn’t it? My irrepressible bad humour.”
For a moment, there was absolute silence, Velthei’s focus pouring into Cullen’s injuries to knit and soothe in that same cool heat of magical healing. Then she felt Cullen’s chest jerk beneath her hands - not in pain, but in a strange huff of laughter - and heard words that she could not have said with any confidence that she had no longed to hear.
“I suppose it is, isn’t it?” he mused, “But there is far more to love about you than just your bad humour.”
She froze, wide eyes flicking to meet a gaze that was somehow impossibly soft and also guarded with stone-like shields, wary of her response but achingly eager for it as well. Her heart thumped painfully in her chest; was this really the time or the place for this conversation? Would it ever truly be the right time or place for it? She’d spent so long not putting a name to this closeness between them, not labelling it or hoping for anything, acutely aware that they were not a couple that would be willingly accepted by the circles either of them moved in ... but now she had said it, entirely without thinking, and he had not corrected her. 
“Cullen, I -”
His lips crooked into a faint smile as he raised his hand, one finger gently touching her lips. 
“Now who’s the idiot, hmm?” he asked, biting down on a grunt as he eased himself to sit up, only his ribs yet healed at this point. “It may still be myself, waiting to know if you feel for me as I feel for you.”
It was her turn to hesitate, almost afraid to break the silence now with a confession after she had almost forced his from him with her unthinking words, unconsciously turning her face into the curve of his palm as his fingers traced from her lips to her jaw. 
“Do you think I’m like this with just anyone?” she heard herself ask, inwardly cursing the way she had not truly answered. “I mean ... that is, I ...” She sighed harshly, trying to force the nerves from her throat, daring to hold his gaze with her own as she finally gathered her own courage. “I do. I’ve loved you for a long time, Cullen.”
“Then, with your permission, I will do something that not even you could call idiotic,” he answered, the scar on his lip pulled taut as he leaned close to her, his breath playing over her lips. Waiting for her consent. 
Consent given with near-shy enthusiasm as her lips brushed his, tasting with tenderness, mindful that he was not as hale and hearty as he wanted to believe himself to be. He gave her no chance to pull back and spare his injuries, sliding arms about her waist to pull her ever closer as his kiss deepened, savouring the mouth that teased him constantly as much with words as with smiles and laughter, embracing the woman who had become so much a part of his life that he could not now imagine a future without her. She squeaked at his boldness, laughing into that kiss even as he grinned, daring to wrap her arms about his neck and shoulders, falling into this newness with the familiarity of old friends who might always have known this was coming. Pressing closer, needing to be closer still, until ...
“Blast it all!”
Cullen dragged free of their embrace with a hiss of pain, his back arched, eyes squeezed shut, one hand pressing to the sizeable bruise on his shoulder that her fond ministrations had not yet had the chance to attend to. Velthei couldn’t help it, not even trying to bite down on her laugh at the pain their shared eagerness had given him anew. 
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nirikeehan · 1 year
Hap Fri!! “Forbearance - Withholding response to provocation” for Dorian and Cullen the chess-playin besties?
THANK YOU RO I love them and haven't had much of a chance to write them. I got very excited and combined this with two other prompts. From @syrupwit:
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And @highwayphantoms:
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Though I definitely cheated and made that thin ice figurative.
Anyway here's a few glimpses into their friendship for @dadrunkwriting
WC: 1514
“Forbearance, Commander,” Dorian says with smug triumph. “You must have forbearance. Withholding response to—”
“I know what ‘forbearance,’ means, Dorian,” Cullen says, scrutinizing the board. The Tevinter mage has a tempestuous playing strategy, all flash and pomp — much like his performance on the battlefield, Cullen suspects. He’s trying to provoke Cullen into a trap, that’s plain as day. Cullen takes a more conservative move, causing Dorian’s brows to knit in confusion. 
“Fascinating,” Dorian mutters, pressing a fist to his mustache, elbow propped up on his knee. “You and your intellect always are a delightful surprise to me.”
“I assume that’s a delicate way of saying you expected me to be a meathead,” Cullen comments blithely. 
He looks up from the chess table in the garden rotunda and catches sight of Thalia entering from Skyhold’s Main Hall. The late afternoon sun catches the auburn in the plait she’s coiled around her head, making it glow like a halo. His mouth feels dry as he watches her, unseen, head to the herbalist to discuss the current potted crop. 
“Meathead? Hardly,” says Dorian, oblivious. “I assumed the Inquisition wouldn’t let an idiot run their army. Now — uncultured? Well, you are from the wilds of…” 
He looks up and trails off once he sees Cullen’s face. He turns and follows the Commander’s gaze. “Ah. My, my. The Inquisitor, eh?” 
“What?” Cullen shakes his head to clear it. “Er, no, of course not. I’ve no idea what you mean.” 
A wide grin spreads across Dorian’s face. Shit-eating is what some of the crasser Templars Cullen has known would call it. “Methinks he doth protest too much.” He chuckles. “I encourage it, my friend. I’m sure she’s lonely, after I had to let her down gently.”
“You?” Cullen cries. “She tried to—?”
“Girlish flirtation only, I assure you,” Dorian says, holding up a hand to calm him. “I got the impression she’s not got much practice, shut away in the Circle all those years. Though who can blame her? I am so devilishly handsome, after all.”
Cullen snorts, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.
Dorian’s tone turns serious as he once again contemplates the chess board. “But you ought to take the initiative soon, I reckon. The moon eyes she makes at that brutish Grey Warden when we’re in the field together are quite unseemly.” 
Cullen stares, unsure if he’s joking. Dorian puts Cullen’s king in check and smirks. “Your move.” 
“What must one do to get a decent glass of Minrathous red around here?” Dorian grumbles at the diminutive barkeep. 
“Pay for importing costs,” grunts Cabot, unimpressed. 
With a tragic sigh, Dorian opts for a local pint of what looks like nug urine and resigns himself to the depths of Herald’s Rest. The tavern is bustling this eve, full of off-duty soldiers, mercenaries, pilgrims and the like. Skyhold has become quite the tourist destination — though given the limited options this far into backwater country, no wonder people are flocking here in droves. 
Dorian has brought along an esoteric tome on the principles of time magic and plans to tuck himself into a nook and read until he comes too drunk to continue. Unfortunately, his journey to the desired alcove is blocked by several large soldiers bearing the Inquisition’s crest. They are deep in their cups, and, Dorian can sense from a lifetime spent in the cutthroat circles of Tevinter elite, out for blood. 
“Since when d’we let Vints have the run of the place?” demands the first lout. 
“Since this one was invited here by the Inquisitor,” Dorian responds brightly. 
“’S not right,” says the second barbarian, even drunker than the first. “Vint, Venatori — I see no difference. You lot always thinking you’re better’n us.” 
“And the dark magic!” Chimes in the third. 
“Yeah, yeah. Damned sorcerers just runnin’ about, uncontrolled, unrestrained—”
“Ah, yes, social mores you’re unaccustomed to in this neck of the woods,” Dorian cuts in, smiling. “Good thing, yes, that your Inquisitor freed all the southern mages as well? So that we can all run about unrestrained together.” 
The thugs pause, too inebriated to sort out whether they’ve just been insulted. Dorian considers a small controlled burn of their breeches to prove his point. A little fear of the power of free mages might keep them in check. He sets down his drink, holding up his bare palm to conjure a flame. 
“Good evening, soldiers.”
The wastrels stand to attention upon hearing the Commander’s voice. Cullen strides into view, hand resting on the hilt of the sword he’s deemed fit to bring with him to dinner. Cullen arches a brow at at his men. “I trust you are not giving the esteemed Lord Pavus any trouble?” 
“No, ser,” grovel the unfortunate degenerates. 
“Glad to hear it,” Cullen says lightly. “It would be a shame if you three were relegated to cleaning detail twice in one month for insubordination.” 
The grunts give their apologies and shuffle away, imaginary tails tucked between their legs. “Where on earth did you come from?” Dorian asks, taking a sip of his subpar ale. 
“The corner right over there.” Cullen points to a round table laden with the tedious paperwork that must take up most of his day. “It has the best vantage point in the tavern.”
“Implying you were watching me since I entered?” Dorian narrows his eyes. 
Cullen shrugs. “You dress so sharply, it’s difficult not to notice.” 
Dorian lets out a guffaw; the Commander’s sense of humor takes him by surprise sometimes. “I appreciate the concern, but I had those ruffians under control.” 
“What was it you said about forbearance?” Cullen sobers. “Don’t let them provoke you. They’re just looking for an excuse.” 
“Mm.” Dorian feels a strange gratitude tugging at him. He takes another swig of ale. “Well, right now I am looking for a place to sit and read this dusty tome. Do you perhaps have room for me, Commander?”
“I suppose I’ll have to move a few stacks of reports,” Cullen quips, a smile tugging at one side of his mouth. “but I think I’ll be able to manage it.”
Cullen misses one chess appointment, then another. Dorian tries not to take it personally, until he does. 
“I understand you are a wholly busy man,” he announces as he strolls into Cullen’s office, “but it is polite when one must cancel an engagement to at least—”
He stops. Cullen stands in the center of the room, holding aloft a philter of glowing cerulean. Easily recognizable: no mage is a stranger to lyrium and its properties. But the way Cullen stares at it, like a desert-choked man stares at his last gulp of water, is unsettling. 
“…Are you quite all right, Commander?”
Cullen jolts, as if freeing himself from a trance. He glares in Dorian’s direction. “Have they not yet invented knocking in Tevinter, Dorian?” 
The enmity in Cullen’s voice surprises him. The Commander is a man of measured tones and biting subtext; direct aggression seems beneath him. Dorian crosses his arms over this chest, struggles to let logic win out over worry. The sheen of perspiration stands out on Cullen’s brow in the dim office’s candlelight. Dark circles stand prominent under his eyes, which are — feral is not quite the correct term, but not too far off, either. 
Dorian licks his lips, considering his next move. He recognizes what’s happening, even if he does not understand why. 
“Ah, no. You see, doors are not a necessity in my homeland. We simply go where we like, when we like, and enjoy a nice warm breeze in the process.” He keeps his voice light and conversational, inching closer — slowly, so as not to startle. “Might I ask what it is you are doing?” 
“I should be taking it,” Cullen mumbles, confirming Dorian’s suspicions. Cullen presses a palm to his forehead, wincing. 
“Why have you stopped?” Dorian asks quietly. 
“Because… because.” Cullen takes a ragged breath. “I cannot be beholden to them anymore. The Templar Order… I want to owe them nothing. But I… I need… the Inquisition needs…” The bottle shakes in his hand. 
“I see.” Dorian takes a breath. Crisis intervention? Not his strong suit. Charm them or mock them — or kill them, that he could do. He thinks of Alexius, of poor Felix, and he feels quite tired. “Then I think we are on thin ice here, Commander. That is the phrase they use in the frigid south, isn’t it?” 
Cullen blinks a few times, as if seeing Dorian for the first time.
“You take the lyrium, and you believe you are fulfilling your duties to the Inquisition, yes? But if you do, you are giving up something it does not seem you want to give.” Dorian tilts his head. “Am I right?” 
“I was told… the lyrium would make us stronger, better. Holier, even.” Cullen shivers at the memory. “They were lies.” He holds out the lyrium bottle, eyes pleading.
“Forbearance, Commander. Remember?” Dorian takes the bottle, relieved that Cullen releases it easily. He holds the Commander’s gaze, nodding. “Don’t let the bastards win.”  
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ofxlilac · 2 months
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(nicholas galitzine) [THE FIREBRAND]. Please welcome RHYS BENNETT (HE/HIM] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [29]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [BARTENDER AT SAMMIE'S PLACE]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive
NAME: Rhys Bennett AGE: 29 BIRTHDATE: April 15 SIGN: Aries LABEL: The Firebrand - a person who can be quite dogmatic and typically rebels. they stir up conflict and can be considered the troublemaker. GENDER: Cis male ORIENTATION: bisexual, bi-romantic PROFESSION: Bartender at Sammie's place LOCATION: Huntsville
HAIR: dark brown, can appear lighter in some instances EYES: hazel HEIGHT: 6’0″ MARKINGS: a tattoo of an ace card on his right forearm.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single   SIBLINGS: none PARENTS: deceased (because they are dead to him)
PHYSICAL PROWESS: he’s athletic and muscular, he can kick ass if you really test him. likes to run a lot and kickbox. ABILITIES: pretty good at being stealthy, he has a bit of a con artist background. often gets in trouble. he can pickpocket really well. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, French, and Italian. HOBBIES: he has a habit of visiting the gardens, and looking at architecture and landscape. he would also be one of the people that looks for supplies, food, and equipment.
POSITIVE: cunning, intelligent, adaptive, loyal NEGATIVE: assertive, impulsive, indifferent, blunt
COLORS: mostly neutral colors, dark grey, black, navy blue. SMELLS: the scent of woodchips, cigarettes, and the smell of baked goods. DRINKS: any alcohol FOOD: tries all kinds of food.
FUN FACTS:  likes to see a mess of a storm, or when the weather calls for advisory. BASICALLY DESTRUCTION. he’s not the type to easily be swayed, so any attempt to impress him won’t work. unless the person is really wild like a daredevil. favorite color is navy blue.
MOVIE CHARACTER: Twilight - Emmett Cullen Spiderman - Eddie Brock The Punisher - Frank Castle TRIGGERS : none
BIO  - TW mentions smoking and hunting.
Growing up in the household of his family was not easy, it was a well-structured and concise family. He grew up in Missouri, Kansas city. Nothing was out of place, nothing could be said wrong of the member of the family. However, what goes behind closed doors, remains within. Rhys was the only child, the prime example of what not to have. Every day his father would make notes to remind him that he was nothing compared to him. While his mother was for appearances, his father only showed command, and strict rules. His childhood consisted of discipline. He wanted a son that was educated, smart, and poised. All things that Rhys was not. he was in fact rebellious, smoked cigarettes, and failed in all his courses. He was considered weak in his father's eyes.
it was as if rhys had to prepare everything, his mother was nowhere in sight and she ended up having an affair leaving them. rhys was just 10 years old. he practically raised himself after that. the tension and anger for his father built up over the years. high school was more for him to just let off steam. he'd have flings, hang out with the wrong crowd. college wasn't something he was going to go through with.
Not to mention hunting, a passion of his father to hunt animals and make a scene. There would be sounds of howling, of animals dying almost. One could say his father trained him to hunt, however that was not in the cards for someone like Rhys. So instead of staying in a town that was not for him, he wanted to travel away from his father. He hitched a ride and left town for good. he spent most of his time traveling from state to state. there he learned how to take care of himself. by any means, he would pickpocket, steal, con people. he liked to live a little on the wild side. he did get involved in a group of bikers, spent some time picking up on how to fight, and just not take shit from people.
eventually this landed him in huntsville, and now he can't escape.
  Wild friend- open- someone that completely changed his life, for the better or worse? he does not know, nor does he care. the life he had left behind was forgotten, and he moved forward. this person would become someone he found himself confiding in, no matter their differences.
Enemy - he fights with this person, maybe enemies to something more? i'd like to see the tension, angst or just anger hash out?
Fling - no emotional attachment whatsoever, he does not seek a relationship. he merely uses your muse. Whenever he feels like it really.
Warm soul - perhaps your muse has something special about them that somewhat reminds rhys that people can be good. he may find himself showing something, a smile, but that is brief.
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hmspogueobx · 1 year
Everything to me (Paul Lahote)
Chapter Seven: Wrath and profanities 
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Numbness is all anyone in the Clearwater household felt for a while. Leah was the first to feel anything else: bitterness and resentment for having to share a mind with Sam. So not much better. Seth had phased shortly after Leah, not being able to cope with such a huge loss. Our pack was now up to 9. The biggest the tribe has had in awhile. But with the return of the Cullens, we were glad to have the extra help. It seems Bella went chasing down her suicidal vamp boyfriend halfway across the world. Leaving Chief swan an even bigger mess, losing his best friend and then his daughter. She brought back a whole family of vampires with her though, leaving me an official member of the 'Bella is the worst' club.
Paul barely left my side anymore. Seeing me this sad was clearly tearing him up inside, but I think not being with me would tear him up more. The only thing that's been keeping me tethered to reality is feeling him sitting next to me; feeling his arm brushing up on down my own.
It's been a few weeks now, and all of Uncle Harry's belongings have been put away or donated. Aunt Sue can now walk into her living room without breaking down at the sight of her husband's favorite armchair. And Seth seems to be coping by trying to make everyone feel better with his bubbliness.
But Leah... She's gone sour. She's rude to everyone else, and doesn't say a word to me for a while. It's not until an unusually sunny day that I'm sat outside reading, that she plops down next to me.
"Paul's gonna kill Embry one of these days." I let out a snort, knowing exactly why.
"I was a sobbing mess, and all he can think about is boobs. I mean has he never seen a naked chick before!" I glance up at Leah and see a sliver of a smile. I am not at all shy about stuff like that usually, but it was a bit uncomfortable the first time the whole pack was in wolf form and Embry let his mind wander to when he'd seen me completely naked. The worst part may have been seeing Paul battling between taking in what he was seeing, and beating the living shit out of Embry. Seth had ended up being the one to tackle Embry, effectively cutting off his wandering mind.
"Boys... They really are the worst." Leah says leaning into me. We sit like that for a while until the sun sets and we hear Sam howl in the distance. Shifting into our wolves, we take off at a run into the forest.
"What's going on Sam?" I say.
"The damn redhead is back. Meet us by the ravine!" Sam orders.
Charged with a hatred for this bitch, Leah and I take off faster than we've ever run before, joining the pack in no time. We're right up on the treaty line now, and I can see the Cullen's on the other side of it, pushing her towards the middle. The way she moves is flighty and gymnastic. I get the sense that we're playing a game with her. She seems to duck out of the way at the last second every time. She's taunting us and everyone is frustrated. She's on the Cullen side right now and the big burly one is hot on her heels. I can see she's about to make a leap across the water onto our side and I brace myself to grab her. She's soaring through the air and so am I, opening my jaw in anticipation of her meeting me in the middle of this leap. All of a sudden I'm knocked sideways by a brutal blow. Landing in the water I dart upright to prepare to fight whatever hit me, but I'm met with the sight of Paul's silver form launching himself in front of me. A vicious snarl rips out of his chest. I peer around him to see who's on the receiving end of it. I can hear Paul screaming profanities in his mind at the big burly leech in front of us. I let out a growl of my own, seeing the attack stance this guy is in.
"Emmett! Let's go!" the blonde one calls to him. Emmett hesitates a bit but eventually disappears in a blur.
Paul turns around in a frenzy, checking me over for injuries - which are long healed by now - and nuzzles into me.
"Baby are you ok? I just about killed that asshole."
"I'm ok Paul. I'm ok." My heart skips a beat at the pet name. And while I see through the mind link that she's evaded us again, it's hard to feel anything but the love emanating from Paul as he checks me out for injuries.
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Series Candidate #5: Dragon Age Fandom
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The Inquisitor and The Lionheart
Cullen/Inquisitor mage Lin'diranae Lavellan pairing. Currently 20 chapters are planned (can change). This one will follow the games storyline with some changes of my own and unique aspects to magic and the story/characters that I've added. It'll include mutual pining, canon typical violence, fluff, smut, angst.
Cullen watched as the glowing lines of red lyrium began to dwindle until the color was soft, no longer the roaring flame but instead a crackling ember. He stared for a moment longer, mind reeling at the knowledge that red lyrium branding was real, that it was even possible and at the horrifying truth that came with it. Her chest stuttered for a moment, drawing him back to present, back to the herald curled up against him with her chest nearly exposed.
How did that happen? A hot blush rose from his chest immediately as the memory of his hands roughly forcing the fabric apart resurfaced. I tore it open. He tried to remind himself that it was strictly to help the Herald cool down, but a tiny part of his mind reveled in the memory of the fabric tearing, at feeling her overheated skin beneath his fingertips, at the soft gasp she'd let slip from her lips. Makers breath.
He tore his eyes away from her skin and met her weakened half lidded gaze. She looked so fragile, so scared. At least she was awake again, Cullen thanked the Maker he wouldn't have to endure the fear that had hit him upon seeing her limp body in his arms again. A shiver tore through her body and instinctively Cullens arms tightened around her, pulling her in closer to him. She hummed softly, fingers curling into the base of his armor, her fingertips ghosting the skin of his neck causing a shiver to run down his spine.
A small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth and in a weak, raspy voice she finally spoke. "I didn't burn anyone did I?"
Cullen couldn't help the way his lips turned upward in a wide grin, nor the quiet chuckle that vibrated through him. "No, everyone came out scorch free."
"Good," she replied with relief.
Footsteps beside them alerted him to the others presence. He quickly twisted his body slightly to further cover the Heralds exposed position as Varric stepped into view. The dwarf took one look at the sight and openly smirked. "She alright under there Curly?"
Cullen blushed even harder but forced himself to move past the underlying insinuations of the dwarfs tone. "She's awake and talking. The water seems to have cooled her down."
"We should leave this place quickly. I doubt this Elder One will take kindly to the Inquisitions involvement in yet another of his plans." Blackwall said wearily looking at the surviving Templars.
Varric nodded in agreement. "I know how comfortable you are, but Hero has a point."
Cullen held tightly to the Herald and stood, sloshing through the fountains water until he reached the edge. Blackwall helped steady The herald into a sitting position allowing Cullen to climb out of the fountain and turn his attention to the waiting crowd of Templars. Stealing a quick glance at Lindiranae, who though conscious still seemed dazed, before making the decision to save her any further turmoil and address his former brotherhood himself.
Blackwall's hands on my shoulders held me upright as the sting of the lyrium began to fade. It was all still so hazy, my head throbbing and vision spinning. Varric appeared by the wardens side and placed a cool hand to my forehead. "Shit she still feels hot. You think another dip would help?"
"I'm not sure, but we don't have time for it anyway. the longer we remain the more we risk a fight on our way out."
"Damn. Think you can stand?" Varric asked offering me a hand.
"I'm alright," I insisted softly. I took his hand and let him and Blackwall steady me as I rose to my feet. I tried to keep my breaths even, tried to take sure footed steps forward despite the whole world spinning around me. Tried and failed. Four steps and I slumped forward, slamming down to my hands and knees. My body shivered violently as I heaved, gulping down all the air my lungs could handle.
Varric knelt beside me, a comforting hand on my back and his and the others muffled voices echoed around me. Suddenly warm, heavy fabric draped over my shoulders and course hands lifted me up. Cullen carefully pulled the fabric, his cloak, around the front of my body before he scooped me up into his arms and stood. I protested, halfheartedly as he followed Blackwall, but he simply held me tighter.
In the commander's arms I felt safe. His warmth radiated around me as we made our way through the ruined fortress and back to the horses. The black and red fur tickled my cheeks as he moved, the rich brown of his eyes flickering down to my face constantly. I gave him a smile, my fingers tapping against his chest plate. "Relax, Commander, I've been in worse condition."
"Somehow that does not make me feel better," he admitted, his fingers curling deeper into where he held me. "Rest, Herald. I'll ensure we get far from here."
"I know you will."
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hiddens-eden · 3 years
The Last Tune (Emmett Cullen x Male!Reader) Pt 1
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Paring; Emmett Cullen x Male Reader + Cullen Family x Male Reader (PLATONIC)
Warning: Cursing, Abuse, Tramua, Angst
Pronouns; He/Him
Spelling checked; No
Summary; Y/N is a quiet boy that's had his fair share of physical and emotional trauma, so he loves to keep to himself. He barely interacts with anyone unless needed and prefers to listen to music and sketch in peace. So imagine his surprise when some of the most popular kids in school want to be around him! They heard him singing along with his music and were immediately entranced. One of them in particular has his eyes set on him. Though, they are not the only ones who have an interest in Y/N.
A/N; Hello, my little Otaku's! Welcome to my first fic! I hope you enjoy, and feedback is always appreciated! Just be kind! I'm sorry if it seems at all rushed! On my next stories I do plan on switching PoV's so it'll be easier to write and more entertaining. Enjoy!
"Who are they?"a dark haired girl asked her friend that was sitting just across from their lunch table
"Those are some of the most popular people in school, the Cullen's. Not only are they hot as hell, but they're charming to boot! They do disappear for long periods of time, which gives them an air of mystery."
At the Cullen's table, they softly chuckled at the description the new girl was given. After all, it's only natural considering what they are. They are a being talked about in many fantasy tales. Known for their taste for blood. Vampires, a creature of the night that feasts on humans. However, they in particular don't drink human blood
They went back to softly talking to each other, but a few minutes later something caught their attention. A soft voice echoed in their eardrums. It was enchanting and beautiful, it was like nothing they've ever heard of. They all simultaneously started looking around for the source of the pleasant sound when the new girl asked about someone else.
"Who is that?" she asked, pointing to a table where a boy sat by himself
"Oh! That's (Y/N), (L/N)! He doesn't talk much, but when he does, you can't help but feel so tranquil and at peace!"
That caught the vampire's attention, and they whipped their heads to where the brunette was pointing. Noticing that that was where the sound is coming from.
"What do you mean?"
"His voice is so soft, like silk! But it has a sort of firmness to it! That's not the only thing, though. He is so kind, adorable, and smart as well! He even helps who ask for him to tutor them. His personality makes everyone want to be around him!"
That rose some questions in the vampires heads. If he is that well-liked, why is no one sitting near him?
"Then why is he alone?"
~The vampires will have to thank the new girl for asking so many questions~
"Well, whenever people come near him, he gets anxious and tries to get away as soon as possible. Someone grabbed him on accident, and he started having a panic attack, falling to the ground, and hyperventilating."
The Cullen's were a little shocked when they heard this. That wasn't normal for sure
"Holy shit. Was he okay?"
"Yeah, he was sent home early. But, some students saw his face as he was leaving and said that he looked terrified. We think something is going on where he lives, though we can't know for sure" she shrugged
"Once he came to school the next day, he was wearing long-sleeves. I thought it was weird considering he never wore them before, but the rest of the school shrugged it off as it being in the winter months making it reasonable. The person apologized the next day and (Y/N) just said it was fine, and he just likes being alone, so now that's what we do"
Right when the girl finished, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Making everyone get up and start to throw away their trash and head to class. All except one person...
"I don't think he heard the bell" Emmett said
"Gee, none of us would've guessed!" Rosalie responded, causing the other Cullen's to chuckle
Suddenly, Jasper's sight shifted to his wife Alice because he felt her stiffening up, a tell-tale sign of her power activating. The other vampires looked at her as well, waiting for her to relay what she saw. After a little bit she came to and, slowly, turned to Emmett grinning
"Emmett, why don't you go over and tell him class is about to start? Maybe even ask him to tutor you! We all know you need it." she remarked, still grinning
Starting to understand why she was acting like the way she was, Emmett sighed, wanting to protest, but he knew Alice's visions almost always came true, or they would end at the same conclusion.
He made his way over to where the boy was sitting
"Remember not to grab him!" Alice semi-shouted from where she was standing
Emmett waved her off, still approaching (Y/N)
He gently tapped (Y/N)'s shoulder, making the smaller boy jump in surprise and what Emmett can only assume is fear
(Y/N) turned his head around fast enough to give him whiplash and that's when he met the golden eyes of the person that startled him
He took his earbud out before speaking, "I-Is there s-something I can do for you?" (Y/N) asked shakily
Emmett stood there for a moment. He had never seen someone so hot and cute at the same time. The girl was right, too. His voice is the embodiment of angelic. Emmett took this chance to take in all the boys features, from his soft (S/C) skin that reflected the light of the cafeteria. To his intoxicating (E/C) eyes that he could get lost in over and over again. Emmett felt a small pull to (Y/N), and he knew exactly what it meant.
“H-hello? Are you alright?” (Y/N) asked
“I-I um…class is about to start…”
(Y/N) looked at the time and blushed
“So it is…” (Y/N) stood up and started collecting his things “T-thanks for letting me know” (Y/N) stood to leave but was stopped as Emmett stood in front of him
“I was wondering if you could help me study for chemistry? I’m currently failing” Emmett chuckled, rubbing the back of his head
"I-I don't mind, where should we meet?"
"How about the Library after school?"
(Y/N) smiled the slightest bit "Sounds good, now if you don't mind I need to get to class" and with that (Y/N) left the cafeteria heading to his next class. Emmett slowly rejoined his family, still in awe from the recent interaction.
Jasper grinned from the emotions Emmett was emulating
"It seems Emmett is very interested in that guy"
"Hell yeah I am! Did you see him?!"
"We did" Edward answered him, "But"
"But what?" Emmett asked
"I can't read his mind, same with the new girl"
"Does that mean they're a supernatural?" Rosalie asked
"No, they aren't. The new girl is a weird case, but (Y/N) seems to just have fantastic mental walls and barriers. Which is concerning..."
"Then I'll have to break them" Emmett smirked
The rest of the Cullen's let out a collective sigh as they made their way to their respective classes. Still wondering what was going on with the mysterious (Y/N).
The final bell rang, indicating the end of the school day. Students started to funnel out of their classes and into the hallways. Emmett was waiting outside (Y/N)'s classroom, ready to head to the library.
After waiting awhile of waiting, (Y/N) came out of the classroom books and binder in hand
(Y/N) jumped and turned around to see Emmett, a look of relief claimed his face
"You ready to go?"
As they made their way to the library, they made some just talked about their interests and things of that nature, eventually arriving at their destination. After they settled in their seats with the necessary books, they started the study session.
Emmett found it cute, they way (Y/N) would nervously try and help him understand the complex formula's and equations. After a few explanations, (Y/N) sat down and started to work on his homework. Unconsciously, (Y/N) started to sing to himself, making Emmett perk up and look at him.
"You're a good singer"
(Y/N) blushed, "Thanks...but others don't think so..."
"Are you kidding me?!" Emmett stood up, causing (Y/N) to jump a little, "Your voice is amazing!"
(Y/N) blushed at the praise he was given. He'd never been complimented before, so this was new to him.
"Thank you" (Y/N) smiled, making Emmett's cold and dead heart swell with something he's never felt before
"N-no problem" Emmett said before sitting down, and starting to work again, still thinking of that cute-ass smile
Soon, the sun started to set and that was their cue to wrap things up.
"Could you tutor me again tomorrow? If you're free, that is" Emmett asked
"Sure, I should be open. Meet here after school?"
"Then I'll see you tomorrow" (Y/N) smiled at Emmett before walking to his place
To say Emmett was giddy is an understatement. He was over the moon. Not only did he get to be tutored by his adorable mate, but he also got him to open up and be more relaxed around him! He made his way back to his own house and entered with his head still stuck in the clouds. Unaware of the fact that the whole family was sitting in the living room
"It seems that Emmett had an amazing time" Jasper couldn't help but let out his own smile from Emmett's emotions
"Something good happen, Emmett?" Carlisle asked, intrigued by Jasper's comment
"I think he's the one"
"The One?" Esme questioned
Alice snickered, clearly happy that her vision seemed to have came true
"My mate" Emmett replied, still thinking about the fun time he had studying with (Y/N)
"Congrats!! But, make sure you claim him before anyone else!" Esme explained
"He's not an object, Esme" Carlisle chastised
"I know, but humans may not understand their feelings"
"I just have to take things slow. I don't want to scare him off"
~Next Day at School~
"Hey (Y/N)!"
"Hmm? Oh, hey Emmett!" (Y/N) smiled sweetly
As Emmett got closer to (Y/N) he noticed a very distinct smell coming from the boy. "(Y/N) are you alright?" he asked concern lacing his voice
(Y/N) visibly tensed and started to shake slightly. "U-um ye-yeah? I'm f-fine"
Emmett was less than convinced. He needed to know who or what hurt his mate, so he could end it's pitiful existence, then and there. Though, he decided not to add anymore fuel to the fire...yet.
"If you say so. We should head to to class"
"Are we still on for tonight?"
"If you still want to, then yes" (Y/N) smiled at Emmett causing him to absolutely gush at his adorableness
"Yep! Totally!" (Y/N) chuckled at Emmett's response
While heading to class they just talked about whatever was on their minds. Well, mostly Emmett since (Y/N) is a closed off little bean <3. But, that didn't stop either of them from enjoying themselves. Even once they where in class they softly whispered to each other. Their teacher didn't care much because (Y/N) is a model student and Emmett is a popular kid (you know those teachers that try and get in with the cool kids? Yeah, that's their teacher). When they went their seperate way's for their second block (Y/N) though that was it, like all of the other people he's tutored. He just thought Emmett was being kind and he'd see him after school for their study session. But he was proven wrong at lunchtime.
(Y/N) was eating by himself at a table listening to music and singing along softly when he felt vibrations coming from next to him. He looked over to not only see Emmett, but the whole Cullen entourage in tow. He was shocked to say the very least.
"Can we sit here?"
Collecting himself he responded with a soft "Yeah". The Cullen's then sat down, Emmett sitting on your right and Alice on your left. She squealed and looked twoards you "I've wanted to actually talk to you for a while now! Emmett talks about you and your singing too! I hope I can hear you one day!" This, this was how (Y/N).exe has stopped working. You where an embarassed blushing mess while looking at Emmett in mock betrayal. 'He talks about me?' you thought. He just smirked enjoying your cuteness.
"Ahh!!! He's soo adorable!!" Now you were a even darker red. Only provoking Alice more as she got slightly closer to you. You were about to curl in on yourself when you felt that you were being griped by the waist and pulled into a solid chest.
"Alice, your going to make him explode" Emmett said slightly, just slightly defensive
She laughed "My my what about you then?"
"What do you mean?"
"Look down, bonehead" Rosalie butted in amused
Emmett did what she said and saw you an absolute wreck. If a cherry was a person it would be you at this point-
Now he was trying to compose himself. The sight of both of you made everyone at the table start chuckling. After that whole fiasco you got to know Emmett's family and started to enjoy their presence. Something you never really had the pleasure of experiencing...
Over the next few weeks, Emmett did everything he could to be even remotely close to (Y/N). They would do studying sessions at the library, and after they would get something to eat. Well, only (Y/N) did. He thought it was weird Emmett never ate anything, but Emmett assured (Y/N) that he was eating well. They would often go to parks and just have fun too. However, all fun things come to an end. When one day (Y/N) didn't show up to school. Emmett just thought (Y/N) got a cold, but soon days turned to weeks and he was getting worried. He didn't know where (Y/N) lived so he couldn't go to his house and see if he was alright, but one day Carlise came home a little later than usual which was not unnoticed by his family.
"You're back late" Esme commented
"Well there is a teenager in critical condition. He came in with severe lacerations all over his body and what seemed to be marks of repeated tramua as well. He came in a couple of weeks ago and was in a coma until he flatlined earlier this morning" Carlise took off his doctor coat and placed it on the chair making his way to Esme. As he stood next to her he looked over to see his "children" with wide eyes
"Is something wrong?" Carlise asked a bit worried
"When did that patient come into the hospital?" Emmett asked urgently
"(Date). Why?"
With that all of the vampires stood up and started to get ready to go to the hospital
"What's wrong? Where are you guys going?" Esme asked
"That's most likely my mate" Emmett replied, making it clear he was irritated
"Well then what are we waiting for?" Esme rushed everyone out the door and to the hospital
At the hospital, they made their way to the room (Y/N) was at. Once there, Carlisle motioned for Emmett to enter first. Emmett went in and was shocked by what he saw. (Y/N) had many tubes attached to him. His body was wrapped in bandages and his breathing was hitching. Emmett walked over to the resting (Y/N) and reached out for his hand, grasping it softly. He rubbed his thumb over the boy's knuckles in a reassuring manner, then sat down next to the bed, still holding (Y/N)'s hand. He could only think about how much he failed his mate. How could he let this happen? He knew there was something going on, but he did nothing? He turned a blind eye to it all. How can he face (Y/N) when he wakes up? Emmett's thoughts were interrupted by someone's voice
"Who are you?"
"I should be asking you that" Emmett replied
"I'm (Y/N)'s boyfriend"
With that, Emmett's world stopped. Boyfriend? How? Why? Was I to late? Emmett turned to (Y/N) conflicted, but that's when he saw the heart monitor. His heart rate was not that high a while ago.
"Can you leave me with my boyfriend?" (B/F/N) asked harshly
Emmett reluctantly stood up and made his way to the door, but not before taking one last look at (Y/N). Once he was out of the room, Emmett started walking down the hallway back to his family.
"Who was that guy that went in there?" Rosalie went up to Emmett
"Apparently, he's (Y/N)'s boyfriend"
The Cullen's looked at Emmett in sadness and pity, but they noticed something
"You don't seem that bothered about it" Jasper said
"Well, before he came in, (Y/N)'s heart rate was normal, but when he spoke his heart rate rose"
"So, you think-"
"Yeah, his 'boyfriend' must've done that to him"
"That's awful" Esme covered her mouth in shock
"We can't really do anything if we don't have proof though" Alice said irritated
"Then we'll just have to get some" Emmett smirked, making the other Cullen's nod
They made their plan's and put them on hold until you were sent home. In the meantime, Emmett came to visit whenever your 'boyfriend' was never there and if he was, Carlisle was keeping a closer eye on you than normal. He also noticed that (B/F/N) would only ever sit in the chair across the room and when he would glance at you a look of disgust would be present on his face. This further solidified his resolve to get you out of that situation.
~A few days later while Emmett is visiting you~
"We're going to help you (Y/N), Everything will be better soon" Emmett reassured the sleeping male whilst holding his hand. He then felt (Y/N) clench his hand and looked up to see those beautiful (E/C) orbs opening
"Shh, don't strain yourself yet" Emmett stood up and pressed the 'call' button just above (Y/N)'s head before sitting back down
"The hospital...can you tell me what happened to you?"
After a brief pause, (Y/N) shook his ever so slightly
"That's fine, just tell me when you're ready" Emmett smiled sweetly. He saw (Y/N)'s face contort into sadness as he started crying. "I-I'm sorry f-for worrying you" (Y/N) choked out between sobs. Emmett couldn't see him cry like this, so he started to comfort and reassure the other male. "You'll be okay...I won't let you get hurt anymore..."
A/N: I really hope you liked it! Please tell me your thoughts! Sorry it took way longer than I said! I will now be working on the requests I have gotten and a new series I've conjured up ;)By my little Otaku's!!
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maxx-the-queer · 3 years
Since there seems to be some transphobia lurking around in DA tags on tumblr rn, I'm going to list characters who are trans allies and would kick the shit out of transphobes:
The Iron Fucking Bull. It'd be on sight, lemme tell you.
Dorian Pavus
Varric Tethras
The Warden.
Carver and Bethany Hawke
Lord Woolsley, that special ram from that one quest in Redcliffe
The Warden and Hawke's Mabari
Probably Corypheus himself
Even crusty dusty Solas
All of the Chargers. All of them.
Maevaris Tilani
Krem Aclassi
Maryden the Bard
The Iron Bull, again
Flemeth again, but in dragon form
The Fereldan Frostback
Brother Genitivi
Loghain probably too, why not
Sera. Sera. SERA.
The Nightmare Demon from the Fade
The fucking Hinterland Bears
Felix Alexius
The Arishok
Master Dennett
The entirety of Clan Lavellan
The Valo-Kas Mercenary Company
Sebastian Vael
The Archdemon
Madame de Fer, aka Vivienne the fucking badass
Malcolm Hawke
The ghost of Mythal
Bianca Davri
The Requisition Officers
All of the Inquisitor from all of the backgrounds
Dorian, for a third time, Fucking Pavus.
In short: Transphobia has no place in the Dragon Age universe
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peculiarpatches · 3 years
𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 - 𝘫𝘢𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘹 𝑓𝑒𝑚 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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I’m republishing this since it hardly got notes the last time and I’m ~ crazy ~ and need validation that my stories are good. Out of all the Twilight ones I’ve been working on, this still is one of my favorite’s because it’s the first one I’ve ever written. It’s the first one that got me inspired to write for the other characters, too. So, as much as I love this one, I hope you love it, too.
A/N: This story includes smut. If this makes you uncomfortable, don’t read. Simple as that. 
 There’s not much other than oral and dirty talk, however. Either way, I hope you enjoy.
Centuries — that's how long Alice and Jasper have been together for.  The two were simply inseparable; Stuck to each other like glue. It'd take millions of weapons  and hundreds of people to try and tear them apart, no matter what happened or what went on in their crazy, immortal lives, it didn't matter, no, because they lived for each other. 
Their lives were better, happier, because of that other person.  
And nothing - nor, nobody - was ever going to change the fact.   Jasper wasn't one to express his feelings (though, he could control other people's emotions,  ironically enough) but that small grin you  see every now and then across his face  was all thanks to Alice.
 The smile belonged to her because she was the one that brought peace, happiness, and love back into his life, even when he swore he'd never find it. Hell, he swore he'd never find any of those listed off again, if he was being honest here. But... she somehow did it. She brought all of those into his life along with hope and faith.  (Alice told him that very saying too upon their first encounter  together - the moment she took his hand with her own, she felt hope. And she hadn't felt that in centuries. He never met the gal before, not having a single clue as to who she was. Here he was, sitting in a  diner in  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, trying to figure out where he planned to go afterwards, where his next stop would be within the states when an attractive woman walked up to him, letting a happy, relieved sigh fall from her lips. "It's about time." She announced, the grin growing across her face as she slid in the opposite side of the booth, guiding her hand out to take Jasper's hand within her much smaller one. She gave his fingers a squeeze and explained the situation, the happiness on her face only growing wider and brighter as she continued to talk. Jasper was  confused, to say the very least;  But her emotions overwhelmed him so much, in his gut and in his heart, he felt as if he could trust her, right then and there. 
Even if they have only have met that day, she spoke about the future and to others, they would have laughed and called her crazy. But the way she spoke, so open, so generous, loving and kind, all these feelings directed towards him, he felt it, too - love. Love at first sight, if you will. And Jasper had ever only felt that once and it lasted briefly.  But this time, as he continued to listen to her speak,  a tiny grin found it's way across his lips. In-love, he was. As absurd, and as crazy as it may sound, he could feel it. They belonged together. And the gal - Alice - was exactly like him, too. Of course, she would be, having a power like that and all.  Alice saw them in the future, had seen Jasper plenty of times in her mind but didn't know exactly when she'd be meeting him.  She admitted today, however, she knew.  Jasper even said he felt something today, too. He just didn't exactly know what it was. But he felt it. The emotions were difficult to ignore. He laughed and leaned close, whispering to Alice he assumed these feelings he felt within him were nothing but hunger. "You won't have to worry about that, either." She told him. "I know a way of keeping not only you safe but me, as well. To keep your hunger satisfied without harming or needing to hunt humans." Alice continued. Jasper cocks his head to the side, confusion written across his facial features, as he wondered what she meant by this. Instead of asking, as he figured he'd understand more of the situation later, he chuckled and gave her hand a squeeze which she happily returned. "Well, now you have me and I promise you, I won't ever let a pretty gal like you go, either." He said, making the smile on her face somewhat bigger than what it was before. "I wouldn't let you lose me, anyways." She responded. "Besides, I see the future here, don't I? None of that will be happening. You're stuck with me, Jasper." Jasper laughed gently, "I'm more than perfectly fine w'tha, darlin'." He commented, his accent  drawing out as he spoke.)   (Love - Jasper never wanted to look for it. Never sat down and thought about having a significant other.   He assumed he'd be alone, forever. And as dull and as depressing as that may be, he was content with it. Who could love someone as broken and as damaged as he? His past was fucked up. Surely, his future was going to remain the exact same, too. So, to Jasper, he figured it'd be best to be alone. He didn't want to put his baggage onto another person for them to carry and haul out. He'd do it himself, without a doubt or without a care in the world; he'd drag his own baggage behind him.
 Not once, did he ever think or want to allow people to see what secrets he held within the case, within himself.  But, life is amusing and love has a funny way of revealing itself. Though, so secretive and mysterious, hardly ever speaking a word to strangers, let alone any other vampires, a girl who saw the future and saw him in it, already knew all the secrets he kept hidden away from the world. 
Alice knew what Jasper's past was like. And she still accepted him. Still loved him. "If you're broken, you don't have to stay broken." She said, that same very night. "I won't let you be, neither. We'll fix each other's broken, shattered pieces, we'll place them right back together. Fit the two of them together like puzzle pieces. 'Cause, I believe that's what you are to me. You are the piece of the puzzle I've been searching to find. Been waiting centuries to come across.  And now that I finally found you, I have hope and faith once more - that everything is okay. And I hope that you believe me, too, when I say these words but; I love you, Jasper.. and again," she joked, a goofy grin playing out on her cheeks, "I see the future and therefore, I know you believe me, too. I also know you love me as well." 
And Jasper said nothing. He only chuckled deeply and nodded. He met her then and there, not once meeting her elsewhere before but  he loved her, too. And he didn't need to say those three words out loud because she already knew how much she meant to him.) (His future was brighter, better, because of Alice. And he couldn't thank her enough for showing him that life was better when you found that special someone by your side.  He found both - happiness and hope - within not only her but the Cullen family. Alice along with a man named Carlisle, even helped Jasper with his hunger and taught him how to remain strong and fight his urges.
 As Alice mentioned beforehand, back at the diner, she was going to help him. And she did. Not once did she ever break her promise to him.) However, that's when everything falls back onto him. When everything starts breaking. Decades. Centuries. Years and years together. It was bound to happen, eventually, right? Boredom. Falling out of love. Finding someone better to fulfill her needs and satisfy her. You get the idea. Jasper was afraid that Alice would announce she no longer loved Jasper, for whatever reason that may be, he didn't know. But he was going to find out today.  *~* Even if he hadn't been watching Alice,  it wouldn't and didn't matter because he could feel her emotions with as much as a second glance and a look in her direction, an overwhelming sensation would flood over him instantly. So, even if he wasn't watching her, he could feel everything she was attempting (but failing) to hide.    The typical, loving and affectionate gaze she would always give him was no longer there.  If it was, it  lasted a millisecond before she'd drop her head, strands of hair falling in front of her face and a frown would replace the look.  Of course, this was not only concerning but worrisome for Jasper. Had he done something wrong? 
If so, what did he do? What could he do to fix it? He didn't want to sound like Edward before he met Bella — dull and depressing and nothing but those but it's exactly how he felt and he hated every aspect of that. 
He and the rest of the Cullen’s made fun of Edward for being so gloom and grey but now, alas, here Jasper was, feeling that exact way. 
Oh, how the tables have turned.  Even Edward, the petty little shit he always was and will forever be, even made a joke about it.  Luckily, he had Bella beside him so Jasper couldn't abuse Edward's emotions and make him feel what he was feeling because she could put up a shield and block it out, protecting Edward.  "Just go and talk to her." Edward said once he saw the look on Jasper's face.
  "Trust me, I'm the mind reader out of all of us here. I know what I'm talking about and I know what's going on. And no, before you ask, I will not give you the answer as to what exactly is going on. You just have to go and find out yourself." He said, tilting his head back as laughter left his lips. 
 Bella scoffed and gave a playful hit to her husband's shoulders before giving Jasper an apologetic smile. The two then had left, going to go and find their daughter, leaving Jasper all alone with his thoughts and worse of all - his feelings.  Taking a deep, shaky breath, Jasper decides it's now or never.  He creeps up the stairs, and the closer he gets to his and Alice's room, he hears her angelic laughter and can practically see her, smiling from ear to ear as the giggles erupted her and hung into the air. Jasper loved her laughter, loved seeing her smile even more. 
He just hated the fact he wasn't the one who was the meaning behind it. If not him, who was?  "Darlin'?" He walks in front of the bedroom door, giving a gentle tap across the frame of it. He rocks back and forth on the heels of his feet as he anxiously waited for an answer. The loud laughter he once heard died down quickly which makes him feel even more anxious. 
Biting his lip, he shuffles and rocks his body back and forth as he still continued to wait until the door was to be answered, not wanting to walk in and upset Alice more by invading her privacy. 
The laughter is replaced now, however, with faint giggles and muffled, hushed whispers. He hears some shuffling and the bed squeaking before finally, Alice is pulling the door open. She stands there, giving Jasper a sheepish, yet shy smile. "Hi, baby." She cooed, leaning up on her tippy toes as she plants a gentle yet adoring kiss on Jasper's cheek.  This took him by surprise because not only did she call him 'baby' but she kissed him and it felt like she hadn't kissed him in years. So, this being said, it brought a smile to his lips. 
 Her upcoming sentence  brought the sides of his lips upward even more, the grin growing and his nerves and anxiety, slowly, dying out.  "You know, I've been expecting you. Wondered when you'd come up here." She said as her feet came back to touch the floor. Alice reaches over, taking Jasper's hand within her own and walks into their bedroom, closing the door behind them as Jasper walks in.  There, on the bed, was another female. She glanced up and smiled shyly, the same way Alice did when Jasper knocked at the door and she saw him behind the frame of it. 
 "Jasper, you remember (Y/N), right?" She asked, dropping his hand as she makes way to the queen sized mattress and makes herself comfortable on the bed, next to (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N). They've only met a few times and even then, it seemed so long ago, Jasper had to rethink of when and where they met at.   The graduation party they held and then Bella and Edward's wedding. 
Of course, he remembers now.  Jasper and Alice both would even bump into her while taking a stroll into town every once in awhile and in high school, they shared a few classes together.   ("You two enjoy walks in the rain too?" She had gushed, laughing as she held the umbrella above her head, trying her best to ignore and dodge the rain that fell from the sky above them. Alice and Jasper looked at each other and Alice giggled and nodded. 
"Yes. It's our favorite thing to do. One of our favorite things to do... Would you like to walk with us?" She asked. (Y/N)'s face bled a crimson red and she shook her head before mumbling about how sadly, she couldn't, though she wishes she could. She had to go back to work. She was only walking to grab a quick bite to eat, one that wasn't at the place she worked at. 
"Next time then." Alice said, the smile never dropping from her face. "Of course." (Y/N) replied before waving goodbye to the both of them and walking in the opposite direction.)  Now, coming face to face with her, after a few years of not seeing her, he wouldn't deny the obvious fact; (Y/N) was as beautiful as Alice.   Alice, though, she wasn't the jealous type, he'd never admit that or say it.  Jasper preferred to keep that thought to himself. (Y/N) was human. Jasper remembered. His smile was quick to fall down into a frown as he looked at Alice, wondering why she brought a human into their home. 
She, so easily, could expose our secret too! He thought, the frown only increasing and getting deeper as he furrowed his eyebrows together, trying to come up with an answer as to why she could be here.  And right as that thought popped into his head, Alice gave a nervous giggle and shook her head from side to side. "I'm no mind reader like Edward is but I know what you're thinking, Jas. Come, sit down with us. We've got to talk." And as confused as he may be, - especially with what she just said in front of a human, no less -  Jasper obliges and sits in the middle of them both, the mattress sinking beneath his weight. "What's going on?" He asks,  crossing his arms over his chest as a mixture of emotions paint itself across his face.   Alice, taking a long and deep breath, begins to speak. "Jasper," She began, "It's obvious I haven't been myself lately. I know you've been noticing it. Everybody has, I'm sure."  "Yes," He replied, chuckling lowly as he chewed on his bottom lip, still not piecing two and two together.  "I'm very aware of that, doll."  "Well, I don't know how else to tell you this but that reason is because of (Y/N)."   Once the sentence leaves her, Alice reached over and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, squeezing it tightly.  Jasper blinked. Once, twice. He didn't understand. Alice and (Y/N) both looked at each other once they took notice of his expression and they erupted into a storm of giggles. 
Almost as soon as it started, however, they stopped and their expressions were quick to change. They went from laughing to a deadpanned glare, both girls wearing masks of seriousness.  "I've been having visions. Of this exquisite, gorgeous and oh, so wonderful girl. And, well, Jasper, some of us don't just have one love but we have two. Maybe even more... but in this situation, in this scenario, it's you two." She explained.  Jasper went from watching his girlfriend to giving a quick glance to (Y/N)'s direction. 
She sat there, silent, but her cheeks spoke another story. One of which, Jasper easily could read and make out.  Her cheeks, like the day they bumped into each other in town, were as red as a rose and she was biting her lower lip as she fumbled with her hands, twisting and twiddling with them as Alice continued to speak.  "I know you feel the same way about her as well. Don't even try to lie or deny it. I've been seeing the visuals everywhere, they play out like scenes in a movie. The feelings for her are the same you have for me. You gained them at the party we had a few months back, the same way I did." And Jasper sat there, feeling dumbfounded but more importantly, he felt foolish too. Of course, he couldn't get away with his thoughts or actions. Alice could see everything. Even before it happened. "That's why I've been distancing myself." Alice continued. "I didn't mean to, my love. It has nothing to do with you, either. You're as perfect as you were when I first met you. So, do not fret and think you have done something wrong because you haven't. However, I had to have you come to me before I could tell you what was going on and why I was acting the way I was. Or... well, come to us, I should say... So, we could show you how this all would work. Us, three, together." Alice's tongue darted out of her mouth as she wets her lips, a look of seduction rising behind her eyes.  "Besides, isn't it every man's fantasy to have two, beautiful women beside  him?" "Or, perhaps underneath him?" And that was the first thing (Y/N) had said during this entire conversation. Jasper would be a liar if he said  both women's words didn't go  straight to his cock, causing it to twitch against the zipper of the pants he wore.  "Come on, Jasper. Admit it. Don't lie to yourself. You've been wanting her for some time, yes? Wanting - no, craving for this for awhile. Now, is your chance. Today and every day, you can have us." Alice purred. She leaned upward, standing up on the tips of her toes as she had done earlier and her tongue comes within contact of Jasper's neck, setting soft but wet and seductive kisses over the smooth, cold surface.  Jasper grunts in reply, eyes fluttering shut as he gives a weak, timid nod. "Hm," He mumbles. "Today and everyday?" He asked, a smirk finding its way on his lips. "I can live with that, darlin'." "Heyyy." (Y/N) mewled, her bottom lip jutting out into a pout. "If she's darlin', what's going to be my pet name?" She asks, the pout only growing bigger yet both Alice and Jasper knew she wasn't truly upset by it. "Considering you just mewled like a kitten, that's what you will be. Now, kitten, why don't you and darlin' both come here and show me a good time, hm? After all, I have been wanting this for some time." Alice tssked, slapping Jasper's chest playfully as he - finally - admitted those words.  (Y/N) said nothing but watched the two with love and fond written across her face.  How did she get so lucky to be involved in this relationship?  She'd never know. Maybe, some things are better unanswered, (Y/N) thought.  She's quick to snap out of her thoughts and standing to her feet, her eyes never leave her now boyfriend and girlfriend's gazes.  (Y/N) strips down to nothing but a matching pair of panties and bra. She watches how Alice and Jasper lazily yet hungrily kiss one another.  Jasper's hands were on Alice's waist while Alice's hands were tangled in between his golden curls, tugging it every now and then as the session grew hotter and as the two grew more sexually frustrated with each other. 
(Y/N) didn't know what to do, truth be told, she didn't think this would have ever happened.  Luckily for her, Alice pulled away and shot her a lovingly glance before their own make out session could get any hotter (and before (Y/N) could get wetter, untouched). 
"C'mere, beautiful.  You're part of this, too, silly." She giggled as she taps Jasper's shoulder, telling him to get off of her with a movement of her finger.  Jasper chuckled lowly as he rolls over, undoing the belt of his jeans and zips them down as he shimmies out of both that and his shirt. "Who would you like to pleasure and please first, lovely?" Alice asked once (Y/N) sat down on the bed. Her face was still the same exact shade of red, it never seemed to vanish or go elsewhere. It seemed to be permanently there, only growing deeper and darker by the second. Both Alice and Jasper loved it. Loved having this kind of power and effect on her. It was a turn on to both vampires.  "Personally, I think you should  pleasure Jasper first." Alice turns to face Jasper who lay beside her  wearing his birthday suit, stroking his cock, eyes fluttered shut as complete bliss and satisfaction takes over. "For me, however, I am enjoying myself. I would very much rather see you two, touching." He said, opening his eyes as he glanced over at Alice and (Y/N).  "I'm happy with that." Alice giggled  as she's quick to lay upon the mountain of pillows behind her,  stripping her shirt over her head and allowing it to fall down the floor.  Oh, she's so filthy.... such an eager slut. She truly has been wanting this for some time. God only knows how long...  He says this - well, thinks it, anyhow - because the woman didn't wear a bra underneath her shirt and the moment she slides out of her skirt, Jasper notices she wasn't wearing panties either. "Touch me, please, (Y/N)." Alice moaned. She  lay back against the cushions as she spread her legs out in a starfish position, her hand resting at Jasper's thigh, fingers sneaking up and curling at his genitals, softly brushing her fingertips across his groin. Her pussy was slick with juices, (Y/N) and Jasper noticed. She was already so drenched, as was (Y/N).  Jasper's cock twitched, knowing both women were as hot and as bothered as he. "Go on, kitten. Don't be scared. I give you permission. We both do. From this moment on, you can touch us and hold us and whatever you please-" "Cause you're ours, as we are yours." Alice finished, shooting Jasper a smile before returning said smile to (Y/N). (Y/N) chewed on her bottom lip, fluttering her lashes and lids shut, she bends forward and presses her mouth on Alice's core, earning a quiet, low whine proceeding to fall from Alice's lips above. "Oh, (Y/N).... please." Alice whimpers, bucking her hips against (Y/N)'s touch. (Y/N) craved nothing more than to please both Alice and Jasper. As of this moment, however, her main focus was pleasuring Alice. All the girl wanted to do was get Alice  to cum, no matter which way it was. (Y/N) could use her fingers, her tongue or Hell, even both, she (nor Alice) didn't care as long as the short haired gal came with a cry of her name and soaked her fingers as she reached her orgasm. That is all (Y/N) wanted. She wanted to be good - be a good girl, for both significant others. Realizing both vampires were hers to love, to hold and to cherish, really just everything in between,  it sent a chill throughout her entire body and caused her cunt to tingle at the realization. The air in the room was bitter and both Alice and Jasper were cold, too. So, really, that could play a huge part together as well.  But (Y/N) knew her cunt was throbbing because of knowing they were hers, as she was theirs. Not because of their icy touches or the harsh, bitter air but because of them. They, all three of them, were together and happy. And just like when Alice found Jasper and him, finding her, (Y/N) really didn't know what happiness was until she met these two. "(Y/N), babygirl, please..." Alice's frustrated voice brings the girl back into reality, allowing her to leave her thoughts. She giggled, sending  little waves of vibrations to  shake against Alice's clit.  She pulled back, much to Alice's disappointment. "Sorry, I got lost in my head. 'M just happy is all. Can't believe this is happening." She admitted. But before Alice or Jasper could answer, (Y/N) is bending back forward, letting her head fall down and her lips capturing Alice's clit once more.   She gave Alice a few kitten licks, gentle, soft and sweet ones before slipping her tongue  in between Alice's folds, licking away as if this was her last thing she was to do on Earth. And really - if they were to die in their sleep or some random meteor hit, (Y/N)  would much  prefer dying while she's buried between Alice's legs and  her mouth would be full of Alice's pussy, her mouth full of her juices as Alice rode her high out on her face. It sounds like a perfect way to go, if she were being honest. Well, that was one option. The other idea and preference was with Alice riding her face, shifting her weight back and forth, grinding her pussy against (Y/N)'s tongue and lips while (Y/N) laid back against the bed, her legs spread in a "V" shape as Jasper slid his cock back and forth, deep inside her pussy, hitting her spot over and over again. All three of them, moaning in perfect harmony. Alice would cum over and over again, nearly drowning (Y/N)'s face  (which, (Y/N) wouldn't be upset at) with her juices as Jasper shot his load deep within her walls, filling her up with his cum. That was also a fantastic way to die. Alice, above, giggled and squirmed as (Y/N) ate her out. "Don't worry." She murmured, hand coming down to intertwine with (Y/N)'s hair as she pulled her girlfriend closer to her womanhood. "You'll have a piece of Jasper, right here, right now. Isn't that right, baby? You want to be a dear and go up behind (Y/N) as she's eating me out and fuck her tight, little, pink pussy? I can tell she needs it. Can feel her, leaving a puddle by my feet. Think - ah, fuck... (Y/N) - think she needs it. I wanna see it, too. Want to see you, fucking her as her face is full of my cunt." Jasper groaned as he fisted his cock, listening to his girlfriend speak while watching his other girl, eating his other lover out. He could have came right then and there. He was quick to get up and walk up behind (Y/N). (Y/N) was, in fact, soaked. Which was a given. It was obvious, even someone without vision could see that just by the high pitched, muffled noises she was making in the back of her throat. You could tell the poor thing needed a cock stuffed deep inside her hole, stretching her out and all. "Jasper, please, just... fuck me already!" She cried. "More than happy to." He replied. Being the fact she was so wet and aroused, the head of his cock pushed inside her, slipping in easily and comfortably. Even though, Jasper isn't (Y/N)'s first, the girl still needed to adjust to his size and the stretch that was his large and thick cock. Out of all the men she has been with (which wasn't a lot, neither. Only four or five.) Jasper was the widest and fullest. Jasper pauses, letting her adjust for a moment or two and it’s only when he hears a faint, "Go ahead, move... You can move," does Jasper push deeper, his cock sliding deeper within her walls, her juices already sticking to his cock as he slowly rocks his hips back and forth against the human. go ahead from you that he pushes deeper. You do open remarkably well for him, and although he takes his time, he’s awed by the fact that it isn’t unbearably long for either of you. You wonder if maybe it’s the fact that it’s him and you’ve done this before that makes it less stressful for you and lets you relax enough and so relatively quickly, too. While Jasper is behind, (Y/N) is stuffing her face full of Alice's pussy, and not a second later, the human girl buries her index and forefinger into her awaiting cunt. "Oh, fuck! Yes! Oh, yes. Oh." Alice chanted, her voice growing higher and higher as her hands curled at the comforter, nails digging into the fabric. "Oh, (Y/N), fuck me just like that! Fuck me, (Y/N)! Fuck me with your fingers, oh, yes. Oh, yesyesyesyes!!!" Alice squeals in delight, eyes closed as she gets closer to her orgasm. "Look at that," Jasper purred, his accent thick as he spoke. He only got like that when he, himself, was close to an orgasm. 
"My girls. My two beautiful girls. You both going to cum? You want to cum for each other and for me, don't you? Go on then. Be my good girls and cum. I'll cum with you." And just like that, both (Y/N) and Alice moaned loudly, Alice shouting her girlfriend and boyfriend's name in a pattern-like style as Jasper growled, fucking into (Y/N) so roughly the frame of the bed smacked against the wall so harshly, all three  knew it was going to leave a dent in the walls. But they couldn't care less. They were enjoying themselves way too much. (Y/N)'s moans were muffled, as she was being drowned by Alice's cum and like the good girl she, oh so badly, wanted to be - she happily swallowed every last drop that Alice squirted at her. (Y/N wanted to make her cum, sure, but didn't even think about the possibility she could make her squirt.)  
"Oh, fuck~ I'm cumming. Oh, fuck....!" And right as she was done, licking up every drop of Alice's pussy juices, her own pussy is being filled up by Jasper. This causes (Y/N) to moan again, an ear piercing scream more than a moan, actually. Which, truth be told, she was embarrassed by it - knowing other people were in the house but she tried not to think about it. All she could actually focus on was Alice and Jasper. That, and her coming down from her peak. Slowly, with a hiss leaving his lips, Jasper pulls out and plops down onto the bed, next to both of his lovely women. "That was fun." Alice said, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Jasper's cheek.  "So, you aren't mad at me?" She asked, pulling back as she reached over to pull (Y/N) into her arms. 
"Not at all, darlin'. I love you. You know that. Nothing in the world could ever replace or erase my feelings towards you, Alice. It was... unexpected, sure, but I'm happy." Jasper looked over at Alice and (Y/N). "I'm happy with the both of you. And, (Y/N)? I love you, too. I promise, I didn't forget about ya." He said with a low laugh. He kisses Alice first before bending forward and kissing (Y/N) sweetly. "I only have one question left... how does she know about us? About what we are?" "It's kind of obvious." (Y/N) replied, looking up from playing with Alice's fingers and shot Jasper a sheepish smile. "Like Bella did beforehand, I put everything together and it made a lot of sense the more and more I looked at it. That and Emmett told me. Well, I take that back... he didn't exactly tell me but I knew something was odd when I saw you lot at the cafeteria and saw him, carrying a random plastic baggie of eggs. It isn't the most human thing in the world to eat like that. 
Especially with them, being spoiled and rotten, which they were, by the way. You all tried to be secretive and hide who you were but.. you didn't do it exactly well. And again, I did what Bella did. I straight up asked her too if you guys were what I thought you were.  And having known Bella since we were kids, I could tell when she was telling the truth and when she was lying." (Y/N) took a deep breath before continuing. "Plus, I knew things were, uh... supernatural, I guess is the right word here.... anyways, it was when Bella drastically changed. Not only in personality but in everything else. So, I just... kind of figured it out and placed everything together. And like I said, Emmett and Bella practically told me." "Edward truly married a girl who made an oath to keep us and what we are a secret yet easily announced what we are to an old and dear friend... No offense, (Y/N)." "None taken." "I still say I should've snapped her neck at her birthday party then." "Jasper!" "Wait, you tried to do what?" "Anyways, all that matters is we have each other and there isn't any secrets between us." He said, quick to change the subject. "I love you, gals." Speechless and flabbergasted, (Y/N) says she loved him too, Alice following along. Sure, they were vampires and they could easily kill her at any given moment but (Y/N) trusted them. Not only them but the Cullen's as well. (Although, Jasper and Alice, of course, were her favorites out of the bunch.) (Y/N) was now happily part of the Cullen's and was dating the two most wonderful people in the  world and she couldn't want it any other way. (Of course... she did want to be like them. But that's a conversation for another day.) (Little did (Y/N) know, however, Alice already had seen the both of them - her and Jasper - taking turns and turning her into one of them. For obvious reasons, she never brought this up, though. Alice was just happy to know in the end, they'd all be together, forever.)
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little-diable · 4 years
Kinktober Day 13 - Carlisle Cullen
Feedback is very welcomed, my asks are always open. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Day 13 - uniform 
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“Love?”, his voice fell from the speaker of her phone, the panicked undertone in his voice was hard to miss, “are you at your office?”, she stepped out of the car,  eyes hooked onto the makeshift bandage around her left hand. 
“Yes, I am, are you alright?”, she’d never call during his office hours, (y/n) never wanted to distract him, to keep him from focusing onto his patients, but it seemed like she’d have to take on that role today. 
“Alright”, she hung up the phone, not giving Carlisle any further informations, without even saying ‘hello’ to the kind girls at the hospital reception, she walked straight down the hallway to his office. “Come in”, his voice brought a smile onto her lips, “hey”, (y/n) mumbled as she stepped into the room. He suddenly stood in front of her, untying her bandage, hissing as his eyes fell upon the deep cut, helping her down onto the chair.  
“I can’t even leave you alone for a few hours”, the doctor chuckled, sewing the wound together, kissing her forehead as she kept on groaning in pain. “Can’t even remember how I did it”, she had been chopping up some onions, eyes focused on the tv, not noticing how she was about to ram the knife into her hand. “Of course you don’t”, Carlisle pressed his cold lips against hers, smiling at the gasp, that spilled from her lips. 
Her eyes ranked up and down his frame, “always wondered how’d you look in your uniform”, she mumbled, right hand moving up the button border of his gown. The white fabric made him appear even paler, combined with his blonde hair his skin seemed to truly sparkle, even without any sunlight to shine down on him. 
“Did you?”, his chuckle made her lift her head, eyes finding his as (y/n) bit down on her lip, “when do you have your next appointment?”, her eyes wouldn’t leave his. Carlisle smirked down on her, cold hand moving along her jaw, “here? Are you sure?”, he didn’t need Edward to be able to read her thoughts, her body language was telling him enough, by now he was able to pick up on all the signs, no matter how small they’d be. 
Before she could even answer his question he had pulled her up from her chair and sat down, with her in his lap. She caught his lips in another passionate kiss, hands unzipping his trousers, grasping his throbbing length, “leave it on”, she whispered, stopping him from shrugging down his gown. Carlisle breathy chuckle echoed through his office, he would have never thought, that she’d get that worked up by his uniform. 
The vampires head fell back, biting down his moan, she had a tight grip on his length, pumping it like she had done so many times before, adding just the right amount of pressure. Carlisle noticed the way her hands were trembling in anticipation, eyes focused on his white shirt, reading the “Dr. Cullen” over and over again. “Love”, he softly pushed her hands away, set on pulling her trousers down her legs, thumb circling her clit through her damp panties. 
“Shit”, (y/n) pressed her forehead against his, hot breath fanning over his cold lips, “fuck me, doctor Cullen”, she moaned, her sounds got stuck in her throat as he pulled her panties to the side, length slipping right into her wetness. Her nails were clawing into the fabric of his white gown, giving her something to hold on to. He kissed her swollen lips, hands massaging her behind, no words were shared between them, careful not to attract any attention. 
His hips met hers, Carlisle thrusted them upwards, burying himself deeper, hands helping her build a steady rhythm, supporting her weight. Her legs were dangling off his black office chair, toes reaching the ground just enough to give her the strength to bounce on his length. Carlisle could tell, that his mate was close, her walls were tightening around his member, moans and gasps left her, eyes squeezed shut. 
The sight was something he’d never get tired of, he’d probably take his uniform home from now on, just so that he could make love to her all through the night. (Y/n) seemed to loose her strength, her eyebrows were pulled together, lips parted, another moan rumbled through her, hands fisting his shirt as she gave into her orgasm. 
(Y/n) cried out, teeth piercing through her lower lip, shaking from the immense pleasure, that was flooding through her, just enough to push Carlisle over the edge. She could feel his release filling her up, spreading through her, extending the tiring wave of her orgasm. 
“Thank you doctor Cullen”, she chuckled as he pulled out of her, helping (y/n) clean herself up, pulling her in for another kiss. “Be more careful at home, please”, concern filled him, he’d always find himself worrying about her. 
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vampiric-daydreams · 4 years
Jasper x Reader
Summary: You had been happy to quietly like Jasper from a distance. But when he and the Cullens start acting stranger than usual, you begin wondering if there’s more to it.
Word Count: 2,372
Tags: @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @eggmettcullen @scuzmunkie
A/N: Felt cheeky and wrote something after a year and a half of hiatus that nobody asked for. Sorry not sorry. Might do a part 2?
It had crept up on you. It wasn’t something you wanted.
“I’ll go fir-” you started, as your right hand brushed against your English partner’s. The pen between you rolled off the top of the desk as you jolted from his icy touch. Jasper Hale’s cautious eyes met yours. You suddenly grew conscious of every part of your body and how it might appear to him. Your mouth dried up.
From that touch, those feelings manifested in your fingers; a lingering chill that had lasted for hours. From then, your throat tightened whenever you spoke to him. You stuttered between words, and the mere thought of meeting his honeycomb gaze made you feel sick. Reminiscing that first graze of physical contact and back to your first meeting with him, you accepted that those feelings had always lived within you; dormant and waiting. When hadn’t you liked Jasper?
What drew you to him wasn’t something you could pinpoint, at least nothing that wasn’t shallow. You hardly knew him and you only spoke to each other in English class when you had to. Even then, it was a routine ‘hey, how are you today’ and little more unless you were paired together for a learning task.
“… the dance.” That was all your friends had been talking about and it was still months away.
“I’m asking him to the dance,” Jason was hyping himself up, “I’m just going to do it.”
You had every intention of giving him a slap on the back before he went to lay his heart on the line. But all it took was the sight of Jasper crossing the asphalt with some papers in his hand to make you cease and admire him instead. Sometimes you just wanted to march over to him and confess your feelings.
“Oh shit, that’s not good.”
You snapped out of your lover’s trance and looked at Eric’s face flushed with uncertainty as Jason dropped his head. Rejection. He was biting his lip on his way back to your group. Every time you thought you could be gather courage and tell Jasper how you felt, you saw somebody else receive decline from their own attempt. The world around you gave constant reminders to stay in line. This is what will happen to you if you try to break them up.
“He wants to go with Angela.”
Jason’s obstacle was a cute girl with glasses, and yours was Alice Cullen. Dressed immaculately in designer clothing, Jasper’s girlfriend was not somebody you wanted to rival for his affection. Everything about her was perfect and polished and a clear winner against the likes of anyone who stood beside her. How could he ever look at you, let alone accept you?
However, there didn’t seem to be any sign of Alice today. Or Emmett. Edward and Rosalie were standing by the bottom of the stairs leading up to the school. Jasper descended them, his hands now empty and stuffed in his pockets.  As your group comforted Jason, you felt a burning stare on your back; and when you turned around, you met the perturbed frown of Edward Cullen.
 Jasper sat beside you. He had joined the class seven minutes late; citing to Mr. Evans that there was a minor family issue. He didn’t greet you as he took his seat; he didn’t pull out any pens or open an exercise book. Something was wrong. An unkind corner of your mind hoped he had broken up with Alice and that was why she wasn’t at school today; or at least that they were having relationship problems. You shook the nasty thought away, not noticing that you had shaken your head until his voice pierced through you. “Are you okay?”
His voice sounded strained, but his expectant gaze pulled at you. Your tongue felt like it had doubled in size. “I… um.”
“Excuse me, is my teaching disrupting your conversation?” Mr. Evans was frowning at you both, and a few classmates snickered.
“We’re sorry, Mr. Evans.” Jasper’s voice was smoother. “I was asking (Y/N) something that I should have saved for later.”
Mr. Evans crossed his arms. “Indeed.”
Both of you were silent. It wasn’t until the bell rang when Jasper started a rare non-essential conversation with you. “What are you doing this weekend?”
Your pulse quickened. Had you somehow intrigued him? You took a shaky breath and focused your energy on not stammering this time. Sound available. “Nothing, why?”
Was he actually going to ask to see you outside of class? You fought to reign in the blush that threatened to give you away. He was smiling. “Oh, the rest of my family are going camping again.”
You hung onto his pause for dear life. It lasted only for a split second, but it was enough time for you to imagine a study date at his place. Sitting side by side, perhaps a little too close, so that your arms would brush. Growing tired of studying and resting your head on his shoulder. Jasper craning his neck lower so his face was close enough to yours that you could feel his breath on your face. A moment of weakness as thoughts of his absent girlfriend slipped away as his lips found yours…
His next sentence cut through you.
“So, Alice and I will have the entire house to ourselves again, which is always a pleasurable time.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to look up at him. Was he still smiling? Why did he feel the need to add that second part? Was he bragging to you?
“S-sounds fun for you guys…”
“Yeah! Our house is always so packed so it’ll be nice to have some alone time.”
Why was he suddenly alluding to his physical relationship with Alice? Why was he bothering to talk to you at all?
 For the following week, Jasper interacted with you more and more. Yet each interaction left you with a hole in your chest. How could something you had wanted for so long turn out to be so awful?
“Our anniversary is coming up so my parents helped me book a romantic weekend away for Alice and I.”
“Even my sister gave Alice a gift for our anniversary. Our family just love us together. They’re always saying how perfect we are for each other and that they couldn’t imagine us with anyone else.”
“Alice and I are skipping school tomorrow for a date.”
Awkward silences turned into deafening info dumps detailing his adoration for his girlfriend; daily reminders that you had no hope of ever being with him and that his family would hate you for hurting Alice if you did. By the time Monday had rolled back around, your light was fading. Jasper had gone from your secret obsession to the last person you needed to see. You dreaded the last class of the day where he’d force you to listen to more of what you least wanted to hear.
Perhaps it was better this way. Each new insight to his relationship made you want to stay further away. Maybe you liked the idea of Jasper more than Jasper himself. Still, if your disillusion stemmed from his relationship, perhaps you’d be reacquainted with your earlier passion for him. A hard bump on your left arm pulled you away from your thoughts.
“Sorry-” you started apologising to Edward Cullen, who you had collided with. You felt hot under his burning gaze. It was a knowing look, one that was brimming with disapproval. Saying nothing, Edward brushed past you in the direction he came from; other students jumping out of his way as he charged through the crowd.
In the cafeteria, the aura surrounding the Cullen’s table was inconsistent. Throughout lunch, you caught each of them watching you one by one. Rosalie’s hostile eyes sent daggers through you, while Emmett seemed apologetic—but not for his girlfriend’s behaviour. An overwhelming sense of dread washed through your body, making you shudder. Edward’s look hadn’t changed since your exchange in the corridor. His gaze was unsettling. It was as though you were under his microscope and he could see everything about you. Had Jasper caught on to you crush on him and told his family? You found your answer when you locked eyes with Alice, whose devastation was clear on her smooth features. He had definitely figured it out, then. Jasper didn’t look at you once. Alice looked at you the most. Up and down. Left to right. She was frowning, but her forehead didn’t wrinkle, and she suddenly seemed miles away.
“I guess they don’t appreciate the threat of an outsider?” Jason glanced at their table and then back at you. “At least I’m not the only one being sidelined.”
“It’s not like I broadcasted it all over school. How did they even find out?” A well of anxiety formed within you. By the second it grew darker and deeper, blacker and blacker, and you were in danger of slipping in and being consumed by it.
“Do you want an answer?”
“No. Not really.”
 And just like that, Jasper’s entire demeanour changed for a second time. His incessant mentions of his girlfriend turned into a bitter distance in which he ignored you entirely. Two more days passed. Your self-worth was diminishing. How could your crush on him be such an insult? Were you so dreadful that he was this repulsed by you?
He was about to walk through the classroom door when you stalked over to him and pushed him back out and to the side of the corridor. His voice interrupted you before you could even speak. “I know you have feelings for me, (Y/N). You don’t have to say anything. But I’m in love with Alice. I love Alice. Not you. I will never leave her for you so you need to accept that and stay away from me.”
“I didn’t mean to fall for you like this. I’m trying to let it go, but none of this gives you the right to be so rude all the time!” Hot tears burned your cheeks as they fell. “I know you won’t leave Alice! I never asked you to! But what is so disgusting about me that is making you treat me like this?”
“It’s not like you’re entirely innocent, (Y/N). If it remained the innocent crush it once was, I could accept it. But fantasising about us cheating behind my girlfriend’s back? Wishing every day that she and I would break up for your benefit? That’s selfish.”
Bile rose in your throat. He was right. There was something worth his repulsion. You should have apologised and promised to leave him alone. You wanted to tell Jasper that you never wanted things to get so out of hand. But you said, “What, so you read minds now?”
His hesitation was brief, but you noticed it. The subtle way his citrine eyes widened as those words left your mouth made you wonder if you had an edge you didn’t recognise. As awful as your thoughts about him and Alice were, how had he known about them? “You still haven’t denied it, (Y/N). Isn’t that what most people who love someone unattainable think?”
“You don’t know a thing about what I think.”
“I know a lot more than you’d expect me to and-” Before you had time to blink, Edward’s hand clapped on Jasper’s shoulder.
“What he means to say is that he—we—don’t appreciate your meddling in his relationship,” said Edward.
You gritted your teeth. “I haven’t meddled! I haven’t said a word! Who do you think you are, with your whole family death-staring me? With all these assumptions about my thoughts and intentions?” Your volume grew louder. People were staring and whispering to each other.
“Regardless of the decisions that have and haven’t been made, I think it would be best for everybody if you and Jasper stayed away from each other from now.” A strange, soothing sensation surrounded you. Your broken, shaky breaths grew steady. You unclenched your jaw and your fists, and you realised that Edward’s suggestion was best for everyone.
“But we sit together in English. Mr. Evans is very fond of his seating chart.” The sharpness had left your voice.
“I’ll change my classes.” Jasper still sounded uncomfortable; he still didn’t look at you.
“Fine.” His dismissal of you caused the embers of your anger to spark and reignite, but it felt like somebody was throwing water on them. You cooled back down.
 The first week with an empty space beside you hurt the most. Knowing it wasn’t because of a camping trip, or even a date with his girlfriend; but that he no longer wanted anything to do with you made you feel faint. You would never brush his hand with yours again or feel the lingering touch of his alabaster skin. He would never smile at you, or greet you, or ask about your day—even if it was only to be polite.
But something niggled in the back of your mind, and over time it bothered you more than losing Jasper’s acquaintanceship. How were they so right about my imagination? How did they figure things out so quickly?  You had told no one about how you wished Jasper would abandon Alice and leap into your arms instead. It was a huge assumption on which to base that level of animosity and disdain.
Something was definitely off about all this; and if you had to sacrifice even your feelings for Jasper, you at least wanted to figure out how the Cullens were so on the mark. A stupid idea popped into your brain, one that was ridiculous—but you were so worn down that you allowed this concept to spread. What if, somehow, your thoughts weren’t safe?
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