#that’s what puts the blame on hades
whatohitsonfirewelp · 9 months
So like,,, we’re not just going to ignore the fact that the hellhound getting into camp was a key point in the book, right?
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ibswarriors2nd · 18 days
Omg people are for real discoursing about Greek mythology shipping on TikTok. Like, fam, have any of you you actually read Greek mythology?
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ms-dead-inside · 2 months
Can we please stop making unwanted, antagonistic rivalries between Percy and the people he genuinely cares about? It's getting tiresome.
Like, some of y'all act like Percy killed Bianca and then laughed in Nico's face with how much part of the fandom likes to act like Percy doesn't care. They'll talk about how he said that he wanted to cut Nico's 'stupid head off,' like he would ever actually do that. Like the same guy who hesitated to harm Luke when he was possessed by Kronos would actually follow through on what was a visceral reaction to betrayal when Percy knew that people's lives were on the line. Like he didn't spend months and months of searching for Nico, concerned for his safety. Like he didn't hide his parentage, wanting to make sure that the other campers didn't treat him differently as a son of Hades. Like he didn't steel his resolve to be the one to fulfill the prophecy so Nico wouldn't be in more danger than necessary. Like he didn't introduce Nico when he first appears in Percy's dream in the Last Olympian as 'My friend, Nico.'
And then there's Leo. And sure, Leo was angry at Percy at first because Calypso thought he had abandoned her to her fate, and that was the side of the story that Leo heard. But some people act like he actually did so, ignoring the fact that he made the gods promise on the River Styx to free her, something that they were then bound to do. And then he was kidnapped and put to sleep for months with his memories wiped. Where on earth would he have had the time to ensure they kept their promise? Even Leo, who still didn't know the whole story, essentially went, "Damn you, you're impossible to stay mad at." Yes, they had a rocky start, but they do form a genuine friendship.
And Will. While I think it be cool to explore how Will felt during the second Titan war, and all the angst that came with it, I don't think he'd blame Percy for Michael's death. Perhaps at first, or maybe even as a little voice in the back of his head, but that isn't going to stop him caring about the campers, Percy included. Y'all act like he wouldn't chain Percy to an infirmary bed if he learned just how many times Percy has had suicidal thoughts or feelings.
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yourstruly-caycay · 5 months
A "Loving" Husband
Yan! Poseidon x reader
Woo! My first time writing a yandere version of a character, and for the first time in forever I post something ehe.
Warning: yandere behaviour incoming
Synopsis: Poseidon never have any intention to tell Atlas, his son, about the inside of the golden door under the deep sea within the darkness. But, out of impatient and curiosity, Atlas bound to uncover the secret.
The curious little boy finds himself in front of a huge golden door, a shiny one as it shines by the glimpse of the moon. He checks his surroundings once more to make sure he doesn't hear any doorstep near him as the window shows a scenery of the darkness of the sea. He sighs in relief as he's ready to find the answer that his dad has been avoiding to answer, “If this door is in this deep underground, what could dad possibly hide?” 
He tries to push the door, he keeps pushing to the point his face and hand turns red. “I can open it!” He courage himself  as it finally opened a little bit, small enough to fit his size.  
“Ha! Dad must be proud if he knows that I can open a door this heavy.” He pat his back proudly as he goes through the door. The inside of the room is exactly as he questions it, a room full of old neat treasures and artifacts on the shelves. Out of all the treasure he saw, he spotted something bigger. A beautiful and shiny marble statue of a life-sized woman sitting on a couch with a lot of jewelry on her and white silk dress, but he notices that the clothes at the waist part are ruffled, as if that part has always been touched. 
"Hmm, why does the ring seem familiar?" To get a better sight, he climbed to her thigh and sat on her. Observing the ring closer, he remembered the very same pair of rings in his dad's finger.
“But why is it on the statue? I thought mom was supposed to wear this? Perhaps I should try to give it back to her.” Carefully, his eyes focus on taking off the ring from the finger without realizing that his feets slip from the statue's silk dress as he’s hanging by the ring finger. 
Unfortunately, the ring finger cracks as his head knocks onto the floor. He rubbed on his injured head, displeased seeing the gold blood on his hand from the injured head. However, the feeling of pain is replaced by panic as he closes his mouth when he sees the ring finger shatter from the statue. In a speed, he grabs the statue's ring finger and sprints all the way to his room.
By the next morning-
The boy jolted up from the sudden loud voice outside his room, he immediately opened the door. His heart beats fast and eyes go wide seeing his father and mother arguing in the hallway with Hades and some staff hidden in the corner or running away because they’re too scared at the sight of Poseidon.
“You insolent women-” Before Poseidon’s trident even near Amphitrite, Hades held his wrist and said in a stern voice. “Poseidon, calm down,” His eyes now turn to glare at him, but Hades still has the stoic face and staring back at him, “It’s just a statue, I don't know what's so special about that. But, if you’re still determine to punish the culprit, do it, but don’t throw the blame to the wrong person.”
And so, he put his trident down, his breath steadier and turned back to his usual stoic face, yet eyes still glare at his brother, “Just a statue? That statue is a prize possession of mine, worthy of my time to care for it.”
Hades can only sigh and shake his head in disappointment, meanwhile Amphitrite opens her mouth to say something while holding in the trembling voice with knees getting weak pressing down her fear as she stares back at him. The trident might not pierce her at all, but the sharp wind from the trident is enough to cause a scratch of gold blood to flow from her face.  
"You've got to be kidding me, Poseidon, everyone already fucking know that you're protective of that precious little statue of yours. I don’t know what’s so special about it, it might be more special than me, but have you even spared a little heart for your poor wife whom you married by your own choice? Why do you marry me if you never treat me like a wife?"
"Amphitrite," Poseidon said coldly, "Since when gods married for love? Just do your own job as a queen." 
Poseidon is finally out of sight as Amphitrite clenches her fist, glaring at her husband's back. "Tch, what did the statue do to make you this crazy?" she mumbles. 
"Amphitrite, I do apologize for his manners." Hades pats her shoulder as he sees her in a trembling state, she gazes at him with tears spilling from her eyes. 
"There's no need to apologize," she wipes her tears, "It’s his fault… no, it's my fault. How stupid and naive I am to agree to marrying him in the first place. I thought that maybe… if I become a good wife; a good mother, then maybe he can at least show an ounce of love to me like any lover does… what did I do to deserve this?" 
"Don't say that, it’s his fault for being immature." 
"Immature?" she snapped at him, "No no no, it’s insanity. I saw it in his eyes, the possessiveness and madness when the part of the statue is missing, all for the sake of that? I don’t know how long I will have to bear this. I can slowly go insane too for centuries living in this lifeless marriage, Hades, especially when the son he so much loved is not my own blood-" She gasped and closed her mouth, Hades got caught off guard hearing it.
"What?" He holds her shoulder, “What do you mean? Didn’t Poseidon announce to the whole Greek pantheons about you bearing his child?” Amphitrite isn’t able to hold eye contact anymore seeing the confused but angry Hades. 
"Mom..."Her heart drops dead as she turns in horror to see him trembling, the familiar uncomfortable expression when he has to witness the familiar scene many times.
"Atlas!" She runs to hug him, "Did you just see the fight? Oh, I'm so sorry to have you see that." 
"Mom... what do you mean?" 
"W- what is it?" 
"So, you're not really my mom?" His eyes are getting glossier each time passed along with his red nose. "Then, where's my real mom? Did she abandon me?" The tears fall as his crying sound is getting louder making her feeling more guilty, she hugs him tightly and pat his blonde hair. 
“No no, of course not my dear… she’s umm… she-”
“I believe me and him deserve an explanation from you, Amphitrite.” He glared at Amphitrite like a predator caged its prey, unable to let her run away from the problem. After a long uncomfortable silence, she takes a breath first and stands up to glance at him. 
“You both deserve an explanation… but, promise me,” she continued, “Don’t tell Poseidon, at least not now, okay?” He nods as she leads them to Atlas’ bedroom and locks the door. She sits on his bed as she massages her head, trying to find the best words to explain while the two of them wait for her. 
“I already knew Atlas when he’s only a toddler, I still remember the sight of Poseidon holding him…”
~The night before the wedding~
To her younger self when she was still a naive princess, who was once frightened by Poseidon’s first sight. The way he always ignores her or glares at her when she makes a mistake. Hundreds of insults and mockery threw at her, driving her to avoid him even more throughout years staying in Poseidon castle as his fiance because her father thought that it’s a “good thing” for her to get familiar with him before the marriage.
When she’s ready to go to sleep, relaxing her tense muscles before tomorrow's marriage, the sudden strange calming sound arouses her suspicion. She opens the doors and follows the sound. All the way to the bottom of the sea floors. She found the source of the sound from one of the rooms and opened the door a little bit. Her eyes went wide at such a beautiful sight of the cold tyrant of the sea showing a small smile toward the unknown baby, holding the sleeping baby with such a gentle touch while humming a calm deep lullaby with the moon illuminating him heavenly like an angel. 
“Impossible, how can he be so cruel, yet gentle at the same time?” She mutter
“Women, what are you doing?” She jumped at his sharp tone, once warm turned icy in a split second. She slowly opened the door, welcomed by his unamused face. She clears her throat to not feel pressured by the awkwardness, “My apologies, Poseidon, I just happened to hear your heavenly lullaby from my bedroom, I can’t help but listen to it too.” 
She glanced at the sleeping baby, a smile growing wide fighting the urge not to touch the cheek, “So, who’s this baby? He’s just as beautiful as you.” 
“My son.” 
Silence came again, as her mouth slightly opened and eyes wide in disbelief. Unsure what to even say, “S- so, you’ve married before, then?” she frowned when he kept silent, “Where’s your previous wife?” 
“Passed away.” He said in the usual cold tones, but she knew underneath that  there’s a slight crack and irritation as his gaze now turned to the moonlight. Of course she passed away, or else Poseidon wouldn’t even remarry. However, deep in her heart she knew there’s a small crack discovered he’s used to love a certain woman, and now the baby is the only thing left of that woman. 
“Sorry to hear that,” she continued, “What’s the name of the baby?”  
~the night after the marriage event~ 
It was a cold kiss, but she received it welcomely despite his expressionless face throughout the whole wedding, but it’s okay. “It’s really okay, he’s probably not used to me yet. One day he will!” She patted herself. Emerald eyes sparkled at the whole sea regions and the Greek pantheon of deities and nymphs congratulated them, isn’t this what she’s been dreaming of? Marrying a handsome prince and living happily ever after? 
During night time where everyone has a great time of feast, smiling and chattering. While Poseidon were discussing with his brothers and several gods, Amphitrite was accompanied by Aphrodite and Persephone having tea together as the both of them enjoyed their little chats while she quietly listened. 
“Dear Amphitrite sweetheart, may I ask why you would want to marry Poseidon? It’s clear as day that he’s hard to be swayed by love.” Amphitrie got caught off guard with Aphrodite's question, she rested her chin on her hand thinking the perfect way to explain it. 
“Well, I’m aware that a god like Poseidon is difficult to read and likes to close himself off from everyone. I’m aware too that this is a marriage for political reasons, but time itself is impossible to read too, who knows it’ll take time for him to open up to me, and maybe I can fix him.” 
Aphrodite giggled while pinching her cheek playfully, “Amphitrite, I hope you can keep your words, I’ll give you the best gift if you can win his heart.” 
“Haha, to be honest, I’m used to being scared of him too, but when I saw him holding his son gently in his arm it’s like seeing part of the real him open up. How can I not want to win his heart and show his other good side to me too ?”
“Son?” Persephone gasped and stood in surprise causing everyone to look at them, “What do you mean he has a son?” 
Suddenly, everyone is freezed, tons of eyes now peered at Amphitrtie who was surprised too at everyone’s new discovery. “I- I thought everyone know that he has a child-” 
Suddenly Poseidon touched her shoulder and leaned her closer to him as he announced to everyone, “Yes, I do have a son… with her.”
Everyone including his brothers and her families are elated by the news, congratulating the couple as they continued the feast. However, Amphitrite snapped at Poseidon who’s still avoiding her eye contact, questioning his suspicious act… head feels dizzy as she frowned at the announcement. Suddenly, Zeus wrapped his arm around Poseidon and Amphitrite in joyous, “Congratulations on having a child! So it turns out you guys already did a dirty thing before the marriage, huh?” 
“Shut up.” 
“Congratulations, I anticipate meeting my nephew by tomorrow.” Hades shook his hand while laughing, yet despite the wonderful news, Amphitrite got left confused all alone watching the crowd in line congratulate them, leaving her deep in thought of her mind.
“Poseidon, what’s with all of this? I thought everyone knew about your son.” Amphitrite sat on bed facing Poseidon who’s changing his clothes to something more comfortable, once again avoiding eye contact with her. She clenches her fist when he has the nerve to ignore her question, “Not only that, but you LIED to them about him being my son in blood? What about your previous wife? How would she feel about this?”
“Don’t remind me about Y/n, Amphitrite.” 
“Y/n? So that’s her name, huh? Don’t tell me that no one also knew about this Y/n.” 
Another silent response made her more convinced, knowing this, she slowly moved away from him, his unreadable expression made her stomach twist. “Poseidon, why would you lie?”
What are you trying to hide?
“All you need to know is that I did all of this to keep her and Atlas safe from the gods’ eyes. If they ever discover the truth about them, I’ll gouge their eyes and shred their bodies to pieces where their mouth wouldn’t spread all over to other realm,” Amphitrite shiver at his calm tone, she felt her heart skipped a beat at his eyes finally made an eye contact, the eyes that threaten her as if a trident ready to strike her if she made a single mistake, “This include you too Amphitrite, just do your job as a queen and a mother, and I’ll turn a blind eye on you. Remember that this is a marriage that’ll benefit your family.”
“That’s all I know,” Amphitrite steady her breath as she lies her head down, feeling uncomfortable with the silence, “It’s true, ever since that, I wouldn’t dare to ask him about her. I- I don’t- I don’t know why my foolish self is still trying to love him despite his undying love for his previous wife.” 
Tears spilled from her eyes, words unable to be formed as she cover her cry from them. “Why did I even keep pursuing?” She thought, but a sudden heaviness on her caught her off guard, uncovering her face to see Atlas hugging her. 
“It’s ok, mom.” Amphitrite hug him back with more tears spilled, her heart melt knowing Atlas is still calling her mom despite the truth. However, Hades is still standing across from her as he Massages his forehead, still surprised yet angry, but at his foolish brother. 
“Atlas, can you please change your clothes and go have breakfast? Your mother and I still have to discuss about… this…further through.” Atlas nods as he changes his clothes and unlocks the door to go to the dining hall, leaving Amphitrite and Hades alone in his room. 
Hades approach Amphitrite to sit beside her as his hand tap on her shoulder, “I’m sorry to hear that… I never thought he would do that.” 
“It’s not your fault.”
“It is. As his brother, I shouldn’t have been too lenient on him, he’s just using you for his own benefit.”Amphitrite shake her head, “It’s partly my fault too for not refused it and being naive, I was too scared by my own father,” clearing her throat as she jump to different topic, “But, about her…” 
“Y/n…” Hades humm, “So she’s Atlas' biological mother, why does Poseidon hide her from everyone? Out of shame?”
“Poseidon is a pride god, if he loves her that much, what makes him want to hide her in the dark? Have you ever suspected her identity and background?” 
Amphitrite put her hand on the chin as she recalled her moment when she was in the library, however it put a frown on her face, “I have try to search about her in the library, yet no books have had a record about her, so for now I’m assuming that she’s not a goddess from this pantheon nor a nymph.”
“Not even a nymph? How did you come up with that assumption?” 
“From Atlas of course, if Y/n is a nymph from certain creatures, he will have the appearance or characteristic of that creature, however none of it are in him.”
“Fair enough.”
 “How about you? Does the name Y/n sound familiar?” 
“That’s… the problem, it’s new and unfamiliar within this patheon nor any other places, never for eons have I ever heard that name,” Hades massages his head and sighs as the mystery causes a headache to him., sick of his brother’s antics, he stand up, “I will ask him right now, he’s the only one who knows the truth.”
Hearing this, Amphitrite immediately stand and holds his shoulder as she shakes her head, “Don’t! If you ask him he will immediately know I told you and will slaughter me,” she continued after steadied her breath, “Please, I’m not stopping you to research about her, but don’t directly ask him.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him about this too. He has been hiding this far too long, I’m disappointed at his oddly obsessive behavior-” 
“Hades, your shoes.” Hearing her gasp, he looked down and froze, seeing the crimson blood seeping from under the bed all the way staining his shoes. He kneels, and looks under it to discover the missing part of the statue — the ring finger — feeling the hard rock texture, yet when he touches the bleeding part, he shivers from the soft rotten meat and bone texture. 
“There’s a dead body of a mortal hidden inside a statue, how is it under his bed?” He frown, “Moreover, the ring on that finger-“
“It can’t be, that’s the same pair of rings that Poseidon has.”
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genericpuff · 4 months
wait wait wait, regarding that Minthe post, you're telling me that Rachel literally wrote the character as having BPD.....and portrayed her as an abusive mean piece of shit??? WOW. fucking WOW. sorry for being so angry, but even if she "retconned" that - it's still so god damn disrespective. as someone who has BPD it hurts so much to see my mental illness villanised :(
ugh I'm so sorry pal. and I don't blame you for being angry about it, like I don't even have BPD and I'M fucking pissed LOL like I can understand why Rachel might have wanted to backtrack from that knowing fully well that Minthe's story wasn't gonna have a happy ending, but writing her with BPD in the first place and then BACKTRACKING from it as soon as she likely got heat for it (or just realized it wasn't a good look) isn't much better because it means now all she's done is written the stigmatized negative effects of BPD into her character without showing the more positive outlooks of healing and managing. Maybe that was doomed to happen considering Minthe is someone who doesn't get a happy ending in the myths, but it begs the question of why she'd write her with BPD to begin with because in hindsight it really does seem like she just wanted to use it as a way to make her "evil".
But like, when you read the actual episode, you can SEE the potential there for character growth, you can SEE that she's aware of her actions - but doesn't understand why she's "like that" which is a VERY common feeling among people with undiagnosed mental illnesses - but it was never meant to be.
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Like jfc not only is it HEAVILY IMPLIED, but again, the episode is literally called "Splitting". And we see exactly that with Minthe, who can't seem to rationalize with herself that she messed up.
But... that leads me to another point that I failed to mention in that first ask response: she DIDN'T mess up. Like, yes, she messed up by escalating it to the point of slapping Hades, but it wasn't her fault that she didn't make it to her date with Hades. Whose fault was it?
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Continuously throughout the first season we see Thetis being an awful influence who manipulates and gaslights Minthe. They're "friends", but it's clear Thetis does not have Minthe's best interests in mind. In this very scene we see Thetis manipulate Minthe and even attempt to get her so drunk that she won't be able to show up to her date. And then of course when that plan works and Minthe freaks out, Thetis spins it around on Minthe in a very passive-aggressive way.
But of course, the narrative has to find a way to turn this whole thing on Minthe being the bad guy. Hence we get the slap which shifts the focus entirely away from what led up to it back onto Hades who has, in a lot of ways, put her in a situation that she can't control. And of course, being in those kinds of situations does not help with mental health.
Like, sorry, I'm really going off here now, but... the slap happens in Episode 76.
When is it finally addressed again? Episode 103.
It took Rachel nearly THIRTY EPISODES to finally bring it back to Minthe, and in that time the reader has spent SEVERAL EPISODES reading about how sad and lonely Hades is, and about how cute and lovey he is with Persephone. The reader has not had ANY time to reflect on Minthe's circumstances, because it completely pivots away from her to focus on H x P as a sort of distraction from the fact that Minthe is a victim in her own right.
And when it DOES return to Minthe in 103, we get this harrowing reminder that her entire life is dependent on Hades-
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And once again, here comes Thetis to the "rescue", reinforcing the negative feedback loop that Minthe is trapped in where she's put in unhealthy situations. She drags her to a bar and the whole time Minthe is not having fun because she's understandably still reeling from what happened.
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Now we DO get some character development here, where Minthe realizes exactly what I've just finished explaining, that Thetis isn't her friend, that she'd rather not have Thetis as a friend than continue being talked down to and manipulated.
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But then, as we know, because Rachel still needs Minthe to be the "bad guy", the breakup between Hades and Minthe winds up being all about Persephone from a POV that attempts to villainize Minthe for being "jealous" (rather than focusing on how shitty Hades actually is for having an emotional affair with Persephone to begin with) and then Minthe goes right back to hanging out with Thetis anyways for the sake of having the "evil other girl" who wants to "ruin" H x P's relationship.
It's not until Season 3 that we finally see Minthe tell Thetis to fuck off for good, but by then it's too little too late, and Minthe has lost an entire character arc. Rachel tries to go "see! Minthe's life is so much better now that she's taking care of children!" but that's an entirely different solution to a problem Minthe never had. She never got treatment for her BPD. She just got away from H x P which, while is a good thing, isn't actually analyzed as such. It's treated more as a "good thing" for H x P and the readers, because now they don't have to be subjected to Minthe's evil scheming anymore, something something "the evil is defeated". And don't even get me started on this comic's problem with constantly resolving female characters' story arcs through motherhood.
It bums me out so fucking much. Minthe deserved so much better. She's one of the many characters in LO who make it so painfully ironic when they're done dirty, because despite Rachel's attempts to write a "feminist retelling" that focuses on "moving on from trauma", she's inadvertently done more damage to feminism and the stigmas around mental health and trauma through her assassination of grounded and realistic and relatable characters like Minthe and Demeter who are shown ZERO empathy or understanding for their actions (unless it can be done so by making Persephone and Hades into the heroes). It happens so often throughout the comic it almost feels like how the comic markets itself as a "progressive feminist retelling" is some sick joke that I'm just not getting.
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sleeping beauty
pairing: james hook x fem!reader (requested!)
summary: you and book have kept your relationship a secret for quite some time, or at least you think… what happens when a certain someone finds out?
type: fluff, then angst, then fluff
CW: suggestive moments
WC: 1.9K
requests are open!
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“What if someone sees us, James?”
“Don’t worry, no one ever comes over here this late at night, my love.” he whispered, leading you over to a small patch of grass to sit down. The Enchanted Lake was your not-so-secret, secret meeting spot. It was busy during the day with students swimming and lounging around, but it was like a graveyard at night. Hook sat down on the ground, grabbing your hand and pulling you down onto his lap.
You grinned, resting your arms on his shoulders. “Okay, but if we get caught, I’m blaming you.”
He put his hand to his heart, a dramatically pained look on his face. “Ouch, hurtful. I thought you loved me.” You rolled your eyes, pressing a kiss to his lips. “I love you beyond words, J.”
Hook rest his forehead against yours, his hand reaching up to cup your cheek.
The two of you had been dating for a few months, but nobody knew about it. He was a villain, you were a royal. Your relationship was the definition of a bad idea. So, it was safer, mostly for you, if the two of you kept your relationship a secret. If the rest of the VKs found out, they would make your life absolutely miserable. You didn’t mind keeping a secret, but there were definitely days where you wished that you could be with him in public.
“I missed you today, darling.”
“You wouldn’t have to miss me if we didn’t have to keep hiding around. We could be together, whenever we wanted…” You pressed gentle kisses to his neck, trying to be convincing. It worked… sometimes.
“And let Uli make your life awful? I don’t think so. I love my friends, but I love you more.”
You huffed, pulling away from him. “She doesn’t scare me, James. Her bark is much worse than her bite.”
“Listen, y/n.” He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close enough to him that your chests were pressed together. “You know how much I love you, and I would love nothing more than to show my girl off. But, she would kill you if she had the choice, and I would not be able to forgive myself if something bad happened to you. Okay?”
Unfortunately, he did have a point. No matter how frustrated or upset you got, you knew that he was trying to be protective. “Okay, okay. Fine.” you mumbled, “But, someone is going to find out eventually.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there, my beauty.”
“Uli is going to love this.” Maleficent smirked, looking at the two boys, Hades and Morgie, standing behind her. They had followed Hook to the Enchanted Lake after noticing that Hook disappeared at the same time almost every single night for the past few months. “Do we have to tell Uliana? I have Honors Enchanting with y/n, she’s really nice-”
“Morgie, honey, shut up.” she growled, nudging him with her shoulder. “We’ve seen enough. Let’s go, boys.” She snapped her fingers, walking away with the two boys following behind her.
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Uliana was sat in her lair when the group of three walked in. She sat up, “So? What did you find out?”
“He’s dating y/n! That one royal who hangs out with the nice cupcake girl!” Morgie exclaimed, earning a shove from Maleficent. “They go to the Enchanted Lake. It’s sickening, seeing them be all… lovey dovey.”
“Hey!” Hades grumbled.
“I didn’t say that we’re sickening. Why do you always have to-”
“Shut up!” Uliana got up, going over to them. “Thank you, Morgie. You.” She pointed to Maleficent. “Do you still have that spell book? I need you to conjure up something for Hook’s little beauty.”
“Like what? Turn her into a monster? Make birds peck her eyes out? Ooh, prick her with a thousand thorns?”
Uliana’s eyes lit up. “That’s it. Hook wants a beauty? We’ll give him one. A sleeping beauty.”
“I’ve got just the thing. She won’t know what hit her.”
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“Bye, Bridget! Let’s get together tomorrow to study, yeah?” you asked. “You’ve got it. Hey! Do you wanna come over tonight and help me bake?”
“I would love to, B, but I have a date-” you froze. No one can know. “I have a date with my textbooks! You know how hard those Enchanting exams are.” you laughed nervously, hoping she wouldn’t catch your fault.
Bridget just gave you a smile, unaware of your slip up. “Yeah, of course! I’ll see you tomorrow then!” She gave you a tight squeeze before parting ways.
You started to walk to your dorm building to get ready for your date with Hook that was later that evening. When you arrived to your room, there was a note waiting for you on your bed, along with a single red rose. You picked up the note to read it.
For you, my beauty. I can’t wait to see you tonight - J
You picked up the rose, cursing to yourself as you pricked your finger on one of the many thorns. Within seconds, your body felt heavy and your eyelids were begging for you to shut them. You hesitated before laying down on your bed, and within seconds you were sound asleep, unaware of anything happening around you.
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Hook was waiting for you at the Enchanted Lake. Ten minutes went by, then half an hour. He started to get worried, pacing around nervously. It wasn’t like you to be late, in fact, you were the type to always arrive early because “being on time is being late.”
When an hour went by and you still weren’t there, Hook went off to go find you. Thoughts were racing through his head, and they weren’t good ones. He made his way to your dorm room and banged on your door. “Y/n? Are you there?”
No response.
He huffed, looking around to make sure that no one saw him before going into your room. Hook let out a sigh of relief when he saw you peacefully sleeping on your bed. You must’ve been tired and just… fell asleep.
“Baby girl?” He whispered. Sitting on the edge of your bed, he gently shook your shoulder. “You know I’m not upset, right?”
No response.
Hook shook your shoulder harder. “Darling, this isn’t funny anymore.” He looked around, seeing a piece of paper at the end of your bed. He picked it up, and suddenly all of the puzzle pieces came together.
He tossed the note aside, storming out of your room. How did she find out? You two had been beyond careful. “I’m going to kill her.” Hook grumbled.
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“You think this is some silly little joke, Uli?” Hook shouted as he stormed into the lair. Uliana cackled. “Oh, Hook, did you think I wouldn’t find out? Who do you think you are? Sneaking off with a royal every night? You’re pathetic!”
“I’m pathetic? You put a spell on my girlfriend because you don’t like when other people are happy!”
“Actually the spell was me.” Maleficent said, joining the two. “Yeah, I caught you two on one of your little dates. How about next time, you pick somewhere a little more secretive, genius?”
He lunged at Maleficent. “I’m going to kill you, you witch!”
Uliana rolled her eyes, pushing him back easily with her tentacle. “Come on, James-y, we’re just having some fun. You used to love terrorizing people. She ruined you.”
“No, I think she actually changed me, and for the better. I love her, more than your cold heart could ever comprehend. Why are you so afraid of love?” he asked.
“Afraid of love? Oh please,” she scoffed, “I don’t need love when everyone fears me, Hook.”
“How do I fix it? How? How do I break the spell?” he asked, almost begging.
Maleficent snickered. “You love her sooo much, you’ll figure it out. Eventually.”
“Now, shoo. You’re no longer needed here. Oh, by the way, this isn’t over.” Uliana said.
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Hook made his way back to your dorm, silently racking his brain on how to break the spell. He wasn’t the smartest, but he had to figure out something. “Stupid Uliana, stupid Mali…” he grumbled.
“Hook? James Hook? What’re you doing here?” a voice asked. He turned around, locking eyes with Bridget. “What do you want?” he sneered.
“Um, I went to y/n’s room to see how her studying was doing? She said she had a date with…” She trailed off, mentally putting the pieces together. “She had a date with you! You two are together? That’s sweet!”
Hook rolled his eyes. “Okay, okay! Yes, we are together. Yes, it is sweet. But, it doesn’t really matter, because she was put under a sleeping spell and I don’t know how to break it-” he rambled on. Bridget giggled a bit, watching him pace around.
“Do you think this is funny, you prissy pink princess?” he snapped, getting in her face.
“No, no! You don’t know how to break a sleeping spell?” she asked.
“You don’t know how to break a sleeping spell?” he mocked, “Of course I don’t know how to break a sleeping spell! Who do I look like?”
Bridget giggled again, taking his arm and leading him back to your room, where you were still peacefully asleep. “True loves kiss. Everybody knows that. Okay, um, I’ll leave you to it. Tell her to meet up with me tomorrow.” She gave him a wave before skipping off.
He sighed, sitting down next to you. “If this doesn’t work, I’m killing that girl,” he mumbled, referring to Bridget. He moved your hair out of your face, just admiring your soft features for a few seconds. He truly thought that you were the most perfect girl ever.
Leaning down, he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, a wave of nervousness hitting him as he pulled away. What if it didn’t work? What if he wasn’t your one true love? He sat there, his heart dropping into his stomach when you still were asleep after a few seconds.
You suddenly sat up, your eyes shooting open. “What happened?” you asked, looking around with confusion. Hook tackled you in a hug, peppering kisses all over your face. “Oh my god, I missed you! I missed you so much!”
“Where did I go?” You leaned into his touch, wrapping your arms around him. “It’s a long story. I’m just… I love you so much, darling, and I don’t want to hide you anymore. I love you. I love you. I love you. You are my true love, and I am so sorry for ever taking you for granted.”
“Did I die or something?” you joked, looking up at him. There was nothing but sincerity in his deep brown eyes. “I love you too, J… Does this mean that you’ll finally wear the sweater that I made for you?”
“No, but I’ll tell people that you made a sweater for me.”
“I’ll take it!” You kissed him sweetly, running your fingers through his hair.
“By the way, Bridget told me to tell you to meet up with her tomorrow.” he mumbled against your lips. You pulled away, your brow raised. “You talked to Bridget? Are you okay? Do you have a fever?” You pressed the back of your hand to his forehead.
Hook rolled his eyes, slapping your hand away. “Like I said, it’s a long story. Now, where were we?” He pulled you into another kiss, reaching over to turn your lamp off that was sitting on your nightstand.
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a/n: thank you so much for reading! i’m sorry if it seemed really rushed, i was racking my brain trying to figure out the plot
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Jumping on to the Danny the ghost king reincarnation vacations prompt. Danny is reborn in the PJO universe as Sally Jackson's Uncle.
-When Sally's parents die when she is young she goes to live with her eccentric Uncle Danny who actually cares and loves her. Because of this Sally didn't dropout of high school and went on to college.
-Sally still gets pregnant with Percy at 23, Danny is not happy about the father not being involved or Sally getting involved with the Gods but he supports Sally's decisions. Up until she decides she is going to marry Gabe for his monster repealing scent. Danny puts his foot down he will not have his niece marry such an abusive/ misogynistic asshole.
-Danny talks Sally out of marry Gabe and moves in with her to help raise Percy. Also while Danny might not have any of his powers, he still carries an aura/scent of someone powerful and that keeps monster away and masks Percy's powerful halfblood scent
-Percy grows up calling Danny Grandpa. Danny finds the incidents that keep happening to Percy that keeps getting expelled from school hilarious. Reminds him of his luck when he was alive the first time.
-When Grover meets Percy's Grandpa for the first time, he is scared out of his mind. He is not sure what he is smelling but it making all his instincts say run.
-Danny is in the car with Sally, Percy and Grover as they are racing to camp halfblood being chased by the minotaur. Danny dies protecting them from Zeus bolt of lightening. Everything progresses the same after that with Sally being captured/ transported to the underworld, Percy defeating the minotaur.
-Since Danny died technically his vacation is over, but he decides to stick around for a little bit longer to take care of unfinished business. While Percy is asleep in the halfblood infirmary, Danny decides to presents/disguise himself as a new teen halfblood camper.
-He make sure makes friends with Percy and supports him when the camp ignores him when they find out he godly parent is Poseidon. He barges his way onto the quest, ignoring Chiron's advice about 3 people being the best number for the quest. No way is he not supervising Percy's first quest especially after so little training and knowledge.
-When the four get to the underworld, Danny tells Percy to take Sally and leave. Percy is very reluctant to leave Danny, but does as Danny asks. Hades was against this but as Danny stares at Hades, he knows instinctively not to stop them. When the group leaves, Danny unleashes his aura as the Ghost King and goes off on Hades for kidnapping his niece. While Danny is not the technically Hades boss, he is more the more powerful deity.
-After Percy's quest is over and he is reunited with Sally, Danny meets up them and comes clean that he is Grandpa/Uncle Danny. He wanted to say some final goodbyes to both of them. That he would be watching over them and they were both welcome to join his realm when they died. That due to his status as Ghost King, he was limited in how he could interfere with the living realm, but would be keeping an eye on them.
-Also before Danny totally leaves, he makes sure to appear before the other Olympians. To give Zeus a piece of his mind in how he goes about blaming innocents with out looking at the facts. Also he gives Poseidon a belated shovel talk about Sally.
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golvio · 4 months
Some spoilers for Hades 2 early access regarding Chronos below the cut.
He did not look or sound at all like what I expected, but I now immediately understand why all of his adult children are Like That, as well as why they’d quickly drop their previous squabbles and band together to try to get rid of him when he tried to force himself back into their lives. I instantly recognized every single trick he tried to pull on Mel when he first met her to try to manipulate her or put her down to “put her in her place” from other people’s descriptions of their own shitty, appearance-obsessed control freak parents with untreated personality disorders. I think the more understated delivery really works for him, particularly with that underlying paternalistic edge of absolute certainty and treating his enemies like misbehaving children who need to be reminded who’s in charge, even if they’re grown-ass adults. I also feel absolutely terrible for Hades, given that dear ol’ dad is trying to reassert control over him by “taking away his toys” and trashing everything he’d worked so hard to build in order to force him back into his original position of childlike dependency. It’s been almost 20 years and he *really* hasn’t finished “renovations” and fixed up the throne room? He doesn’t give a shit about actually maintaining the realm, just punishing Hades for trying to emancipate himself and be an independent adult by asserting ownership over all of Hades’ stuff and forcing him to watch as Daddy Dearest destroys everything he loved. He pretends to be absolutely rational and objective, but he’s actually a pathetic, emotionally immature piece of shit who throws manipulative tantrums and breaks things to bully his own children into compliance, and I can’t believe Mel has to waste her life fighting this loser who’s got nothing better to do than bully his barely-adult granddaughter. Kudos to Supergiant for making one of the most skincrawling depictions of an abusive dad ever.
But, also, now it makes a bit more sense for Hecate to have raised Mel in isolation—it’s easier to blow off an abusive relative’s appeals to authority when they’re a complete stranger to you. However, it’s also interesting that her early meetings with Chronos are the first time polite, deferential Melinoë has just straight-up told an adult trying to pull rank to fuck off. But that might be because she’s got no memories of him or fondness for him, so there’s no sense of filial piety or family obligation that would otherwise make her blame or second-guess herself. She has a slightly harder time with her, uh, more assertive Olympian relatives who she has more of a personal connection to and are slightly more subtle and “nice” about trying to goad her in specific directions. However, I also think Mel meeting Artemis and Hermes first and them warning her in advance about how overbearing the rest of the family can be might’ve inoculated her somewhat, even if she’s more like her dad in that she lacks the more intuitive way with people Zagreus has and isn’t as certain how to use her own charisma as leverage.
Anyways, I hope Melinoë kicks her Peepaw’s ass, but, given the type of real-life personality he has, I’m not sure if that’s actually going to make him stop or change short of a White Diamond-level epiphany where he realizes what a piece of shit he’s been to his own children and willingly fucks off out of his grandkid’s life forever.
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cthoniccompanion · 5 months
ok I can't sleep so hades 2 thoughts so far:
guys, I really love melinoe. She is such a darling protagonist and so easy to root for. I love all the ways she contrasts zag and all the ways she so clearly takes after him despite never knowing him. I want nothing but the best for her. My dorter
hecate is a babe. That is all
I gave a Nectar to hypnos and got the dialogue where he aaaalmost said a sentence in his sleep, and now I'm convinced the only way we're going to get him up is by giving him 10 Nectar. Funniest possible outcome. Man's not under a curse he's just eepy
I want to put Achilles and odysseus in a room together so unbelievably bad. Would KILL to see them have a conversation in this game (has anyone written patrochilles/odysseus hatefucking yet or)
I'm distressingly obsessed with moros. What do you MEAN Doom Incarnate is cute and articulate and soft spoken. What do you MEAN he bows at the waist when you salute him. What do you MEAN he gets flustered from offerings. I need Mel to peg him yesterday
I can defrost Nemesis. I believe in this. I also really love that Mel calls her "Nem" even though there's clear animosity, it's very sweet (and I'm Dying to know what their history is like)
GAM GAM HESTIA IS MY FAVOURITE OLYMPIAN. She is serving cookies and sending you off to war. Hephaestus is my favourite for the new boons since he's so far gotten me the furthest but I just fuckin love this sweet old wartime grandma
Also Artemis as our Thanatos is so clever! Such a cool way to evolve her role and to let Apollo step into the traditional boon-giving role. I wasn't expecting that but it's my favourite gameplay addition so far
I'm REALLY bad at the game so far. I'm partially blaming the framerate but also I feel like the difficulty spike at the beginning is worse than with hades og. Maybe that'll be curbed by unlocking more weapons?? Only time will tell
I miss zag so much that after I logged off I went and read a bunch of my fics from his pov :(
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pumpkinbxtch · 5 months
thrill me &
i'll take you to a ride ✷
— leo valdez x daughter of hades!reader
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summary: Sometimes things happen when you let yourself get excited and you are a daughter of Hades. Warnings: none
Your relationship with Leo was very new. You were in that awkward stage where both of you blushed constantly when your fingers tried to interlace or one of you longed for the other's hug, that phase where you couldn't express your desires and hesitated when it came to showing them. This was most evident when you kissed.
However, for you, it involved a bit more than just worrying about appearing clumsy; sometimes, your powers could play tricks on you. Being a child of the big three already made things messy due to strong emotions, now being a daughter of Hades like you, where you spent your time repressing your emotions to avoid bringing the dead to the surface or ending up in China like your brother Nico, made everything even more complicated by itself.
It would be simpler if only your palms sweated, and you could be enjoying being with your boyfriend on a beautiful day in the strawberry field while Leo and you were having a kissing session on a picnic blanket. While both were craving for touch everything was going wonderfully.
The big deal was when Leo put his hand on your waist to pull you closer to him, that simple move made your heart race and lose control, that's when you felt your surroundings change and the overwhelming sensation of being sucked into darkness.
You panicked, felt embarrassed, but you clung to your boyfriend's hand tightly. If it weren't for the spins and Leo feeling like he had just been thrown from a first floor, he might have plead you to let go of his hand before you broke it with the force you were holding it. Although to be honest, you wouldn't have done it even if he begged, you couldn't let anything else happen to him because of you. Amid what seemed like an imminent darkness, another hole opened up, and gravity forced you to fall face-first into an alley.
Your boyfriend's groans made you blush, you wanted to disappear, but if you thought about it for a second more, it probably would happen, and you were tired of that shadow travel already. You rolled onto your side and avoided facing Leo, still lying in the street feeling like a loser, you didn't even have an idea of where they were.
— baby, are you okay? — Leo crawled towards you, and you bit your lower lip. You would have bothered to run if it weren't for your tiredness. You yawned and slowly sat up, hair falling in your face and hands covered in dust. With a slight breeze, the climate change was noticeable to you.
He took you by the shoulders, helping you sit up completely, him squatting and you sitting on the pavement. He sighed seeing you unharmed but curiosity lingered in his gaze. You hugged yourself, hoping it would give you strength to speak. You already felt your cheeks burning and your face forming a grimace of discomfort.
— Sorry, did I... get carried away?.— Leo grinned like an idiot, and chuckled while shaking his head slowly. He fixed your hair and tucked some strands behind your ear, his sweet touch made you sway sleepily. He noticed.
— Did my girl overdo it? — Despite the obvious teasing in his voice, the words comforted you, making you feel less guilty because that's exactly what Leo wanted, he didn't blame you for anything, he wasn't even upset, he was just taken by surprise.
— Sorry — you repeated with pleading eyes. Leo gently took you by the back of the neck and pressed his lips against your forehead, barely touching your skin.
—It's okay, amor. Let's see where we are — he murmured and helped you to your feet, holding your body tightly so you could put most of your weight on him.
Your eyes widened, and sleep left you for a second when you noticed that the signs seemed to be in another language, the streets were too different and narrow.
— I've been here — he said, admiring his surroundings, reaffirming his grip on your hand. You raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to continue, and he began to walk with you down the alley until you reached the widest part. You admired the architecture in better detail, the blue sky, and the people. You were no longer in Long Island Sound.
—'ll tell our kids that you kidnapped me to go on a trip together to Italy — Leo joked, and you felt your ears burning.
He looked at you with those chocolate eyes that turned gold in the sunlight. You silently admired how his tanned skin shimmered or the small wrinkles that formed when he smiled, everything about him seemed perfect. Of course in the future you would want to have his children.
— Dork — you accused him, unable to hide that typical way of yours of disguising embarrassment, he let out a small laugh. Leo loved that about you. He cleared his throat, it was a little dry from yelling.
— Well, but anyway, after we take a walk and enjoy this nice place because we would be idiots not to. I wonder... — He leaned towards you, teasingly, his thumb rubbing your palm. — How will I have to 'thrill' you to come back?
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kaciebello · 6 months
Sibling rivals, sibling allies
Nico Di Angelo x Hades! reader (platonic) Summary: Nico was aware his sibling loved him, to the point that lectures were inevitable. Warning: Angst, Siblings written by an only child, no use of y/n Author note: English is not my first language so I am sorry for any mistakes beforehand. I am not very good at angst so I hope I did this some justice. I also tried to make it gender-neutral as the request did not specify, however, this is my first time writing like that so I am sorry if I missed anything. All right to the artist of the fanart, I could not find them, but if you do, let me know and I will tag them.  Proofread by me and me only (T▽T) request: Yes word count: 1,3k Song: Lean on - Major Lazer ( ft. MØ, DJ Snake )
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 Sibling rivalry was something everyone expected when having more than one child. And who especially expected it were the Greek gods. They even encouraged it. Sadly, for Hades, his children got along and refused to fight each other.
Usually, Nico would play mythomagic with them or just lazily exist in the camp. Only a few people would talk to him. But he is used to it now. That's why he was confused when they ran into the Hades cabin and suggested training with said two. He agreed nonetheless, not wanting to disappoint his last older sibling, and he also thought Percy was okay-ish.
That is why he was standing in the area, watching them absolutely beat Percy's ass. Annabeth was standing beside him but did not look very happy about what was happening. He can't blame her, he would not be either if the roles were reversed. Also, the Hades children weren't really known for their good temper, so it made sense.
So when Percy tapped out, he wasn't surprised. However, the girl next to him made her way to help her friend up.
“Close your mouth, flies gonna take it as an invite.” They said, slightly tapping his chin to close it. Nico glared at them but did not argue. they were covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Nico was sure it was from the sun, not the fight, as he dubs Percy would give it much. If anything they more likely only tickled each other with swords. Although he was warned, that activity can cause accidental stab wounds and immediate visit to the infirmary.
The other two campers joined them. Percy bleeding from his scratches and Annabeth frowns on her face. He knew it was his turn now. That's what they agreed on. He did not think putting him, a child of one of the 3, against Annabeth was fair. Granted, were it a few months back when he thought he had a crush on her, before releasing he had a crush on Percy, it would have been harder to fight her.
“Come on whip, it's our turn.” Says Annabeth and gestures her knives at him. Nico can only tighten his hold on the sword he was holding. He takes a few steps to face her.
“Annabeth.” Sounds behind him warningly. The girl in question just huffs before charging at him. He moved out of the way, but it was like she already knew his steps before him and stuck him in the leg.
He winced but kept on his feet. She charges again, but this time he manages to avoid and block her from sighting him. Annabeth did not like that. Not only she was a fast thinker, but Nico would also forget she had been trained by Luke, one of the best swordsmen in the last couple of hundred years. Annabeth strikes again and Nico has no time to even register what is going on. She slashes his Achilles. Nico yelps and falls, having no strength to put weight on his leg. Annabeth manages to get hold of his sword. She was not standing above him with the tip of his sword at his throat.
“Get up,” she says with a sinister smile. He won't admit it but he was scared for a moment. That was before Annabeth got slammed by his sibling and rolled away. Percy yelped in surprise and went to help Annabeth while the siblings helped each other. 
“What the fuck was that for?” Argued Annabeth once she regained her composure.
“You immobilized him! What the fuck do you mean get up!” His sibling yelled still kneeling next to him. Nico has sat up now, trying to move his leg but when pain shot up he decided against it.
“Monsters are not gonna hold back just because he can't stand!” Annabeth was now making her way to them. Percy was trying to stop her but was very unsuccessful.
“Monster my ass Annabeth. You knew very well what-” A roar cuts her off. All of them freeze in their spots. A rustling in the trees got their attention. A distant yell is what got them moving. Nico felt four arms lifting him.
His sibling and Annabeth were trying their best to get his limping ass away from whatever there was. Percy was surveying the area when he saw it.
“Fuck.” Was all that left him. there stood, an automatic bull, as big as the house. All of their eyes widened as they tried to hurry up. unfortunately, the bull has seen them and charged at them. Nico could feel his weight bearing but only on Annabeth as his sibling went to aid Percy in trying to distract the beast. He wanted to stop them, but he was no use at the moment.
Annabeth stops and props Nico on a tree.
“What are you doing?” He hisses and she just rolls her eyes.
“I'm going to help them.” She says making sure Nico is comfortable.
“You can't leave me here.” Nico could see that she took that as a challenge. before she could leave him however they both heard Percy yell. turning their attention to him they can see a giant boulder heading their way. Nico makes eye contact with his sibling before he feels something tackling him on the ground.
“NICO” Was all he heard before the world became black.
 When Nico came to his senses, he thought that perhaps, Dad pulled him aside, that maybe travelledow travelled. And Brehabs a small hope of seeing Bianca was there. However, when he heard his sibling absolutely destroying their vocal cords from the yelling, he knew he was mistaken.
Opening his eyes, above him stood a well-known Apollo kid, his name was Will or something like that. The light from his hands makes Nico turn his face away and to the side. Only to be faced with a comic view. Annabeth sitting on a bed having her hand looked after by a different Apollo kid. Percy is next to her, holding her other hand. And his sibling, going off on both of them, mostly Annabeth by the looks of it.  Annabeth's head was hung low, it was apparent that she got an earful from Percy beforehand.
Nico is enjoying the situation. Not only is he not getting reprimanded, but he is also getting taken care of by a cute guy. His freedom is shored, however, as Percy nudges the other Hades kid and points to him.
His sibling turns to him at lightning speed, when they see he's awake, they rush to him kneeling by the bed. He can see they are worried even when all of them are out of immediate danger. When they saw he was okay they jumped in for a hug. Will jumped back startled and Nico could only groan in pain. Letting him go just as quickly as they hugged him
“Sorry, I just. I just thought I would have to bargain with Dad.” They say with a smile on their face. Although tears were streaming down their faces making them look a little bit hysterical.
Nico smiled at them.
“I'm fine, I did not even see Dad.” He says, trying to reassure them that he in fact did not die and came back. They just chuckled and nodded.
They all sat in silence for a few minutes before Annabeth with Percy walked up to his bed.
“I'm sorry.” She says. Nico expected her to continue but she didn't. So Nico just nodded, taking in that they were all still startled by what happened.
Next to him, his sibling stood up. It was like a switch turned in in them. Manually they made both Percy and Annabeth sit down at the end of his bed. They took a deep breath before starting.
“I am lost for words!...”
And despite being lost for words, they continue to yell at them for the next 45 minutes. Nico would not want it any other way.
Tag: thefallensacrifice
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bomber-grl · 7 months
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Nico Di Angelo x Child of Hades
Pairing(s): Nico Di Angelo x Gn!Reader (platonic/familial)
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It was difficult being a child of Hades
I mean everyone seemed to hate you and for whatever reason you were put into the lotus casino
You spent decades there and unbeknownst to you- your half siblings also stayed there during the same time
Well that was the past- you were currently in the underworld and because of your fathers liking towards your mortal parent you’ve been getting spoiled
Especially since you’re one of few children of his
So while walking around Hades palace you were called upon by your father
I mean sure, you hadn’t done anything bad in particular but the constant bickering from your step mom really got on your nerves
So maybe hades sensed that- who knows
Well what you do know is the reason you were called upon
That reason being your half sibling that you were currently made aware of
His name was Nico and now you were gonna be forced to hang out with each other on part of your father
It is a hassle, but Nico's chauffeur Jules Albert ended up driving you to wherever you were going in the end
You two were practically glued to the opposite sides of the car but once you got to your destination (a mall) you were left to “bond” or whatever
You half expected Nico to immediately leave your side but he surprisingly didn’t and actually walked around with you
You both went by stores (and he was weirdly obsessed with hot topic) but whatever
It wasn’t until you both sat at the food court that you guys finally started talking the same language
You learned of his background (when he was born and that he stayed at the lotus casino) which you ended up revealing was your backstory
You two bonded over it sorta but only really when you both ventured across the underworld
You don’t remember how it happened but you were suddenly attacked and even if you’d hate to admit it- you really didn’t think Nico’d have your back
So when he suddenly attacked and slayed the monster with zero hesitation it took you by surprise
I mean it’d be a lie to say you two haven’t been getting closer and closer but there was still a barrier and obvious distance Nico kept you at
This instance made a thick tension and while you two were setting camp while in the underworld he began to talk
He was pleased to know that you’re from around the same time period and the evening (if you can even call it that, the whole underworld is basically pure night) was spent with you two chatting away with the troubles of having to go back into modern day society
It was nice for Nico- I mean when he was first introduced to you he thought the worst
Which can you even blame him?
Well regardless, knowing he has another sibling is nice
I mean you’re obviously not all that close but lately he’s been relating to you and the two of you had made jokes about your dad and old lives
Which in a way is nice, especially since most people get uncomfortable when he just wants to talk about how he feels
Well eventually the conversation turns to the attack he had launched on that monster that was going at you
You took note of how panicked he seemed to protect you and you voiced that
He seemed stiff and when you reassured him you didn’t need to know more he said it was fine
And explained the whole ordeal with Bianca and the lotus casino and how in a way, you’re really his sibling now
I mean actually
You two have fun but argue and it’s never too much
Not to mention how you just get each other
He voices that and when he’s done he’s grateful you don’t take it as weird or awkward and just listen
After that you two are definitely more close and if you chose to vent too then he’d be there for you too
On a lighter note, you two end up realizing you have a lot of your powers in common
I mean you can raise the dead, shadow travel, etc so you two definitely compare and improve together
On a lesser good note, you’re introduced to camp
Everyone’s shocked to see you since they didn’t expect hades to have another secret child
You get pretty much the same treatment as Nico unless you’re more extroverted and approachable
Which makes things worse because you two start being compare
Which is absolute butt cheek
I’d imagine that if you meet when Nico’s younger then he’d be a bit hesitant to get close to you
Especially since it might feel like a betrayal to Bianca but he soon realized you were your own person and his love for you as his sibling wouldn’t be a crime
Anyway I’d imagine you’d be the first person he’d come out to
He’s definitely buzzing with nervous energy but if you reassure him and if you’re queer and tell him too, well he’s glad to know you trust him enough and that you basically gave him collateral in case you ever betrayed him
Either way he’s glad that you support him and becomes a bit more confident, even if by a little
Eventually Nico gets with Will and you’d probably you are the first person he told about it and introduced you two if he didn’t already
Either way there’s some ups and downs with Nico as a sibling but he’s overall pretty cool as a brother
Just a bit emo
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lowkeyrobin · 12 days
Hi! Sorry to annoy you, but can you maybe write a story about Maleficent and Hades's other child? She ( or whatever gender ) is Mal's sister, and they genuinely have a good relationship, but she grew up with Hades. She and Hades were like best friends. She had black and blue hair to match him and her mom. She was neglected by Maleficent, because Maleficent always paid more attention to Mal and in turn it caused a lot of arguments between her and Hades, causing their split up. Fast Forward, the reader, Chloe, and Red go back in time, and the reader sees her parents so in love and happy. She is filled with bitterness seeing them, but also longing, cause she never really got to know her mom. She tried keeping her distance and helping Chloe and Red. Little did she know, she caught her parents attention, who were trying to figure out the confusing person with dark black and blue hair. But the reader mostly got the attention of Maleficent. I don't know what else, except maybe make it angsty, but in the end make it sweet. Again, I kept saying 'she' but it could be gender neutral, if you want of course! I've never requested a story before, so this feels weird. But thank you! :)
this is definitely a long one but it's okay lol ; also dw about sending long reqs (that goes to everyone) but maybe use the small font cause I do go back and look over when I'm writing / it's a bit of a scroll for others but it's totally okay!! ; but I can definitely try to do this, this seems really cool! ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; this is kinda one run-on sentence but I really don't care 😔🙏
HADES & MALEFICENT ; a sense of belonging
summary ; as you go back in time to stop qoh's coup, you see your parents at merlins academy and catch attention of them, though they don't know who you are
warnings ; language, mentions/talk of parental neglect / arguing / stuff like that
track ; lonely is the muse, halsey
word count ; 1.2k
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You didn't go a day without blaming yourself for your parent's breakup. You were never enough for your mom. Never evil enough. You never listened. You were your father's kid, you guessed. Thankfully, you and your sister were still close, your parents never having put a hole in your relationship.
Though, seeing them here, like this, before you and Mal, it made your heart shatter. They were highschool sweethearts. You never knew that.
They seemed so in love, they seemed happy. It was like your entire existence ruined them entirely. Forget the underlying issues between them, you were the problem. You'd always be the problem.
You shouldn't have come. You couldn't fix history. You didn't even know why you lunged at Red while she tried to disarm Chloe. You saw that pocketwatch, you should've assumed it would do something. Though, you wouldn't blame Red, she had good intentions to stop her mother from becoming a tyrant. Messing with time and history would come with consequences, though, you just didn't know how yet.
But it didn't matter in this moment.
As you stand before Maleficent and Hades next to Red and Chloe, all you can feel is the numbness inside your heart. You could feel your heart constricting inside your body, like it was actively shattering here and now. They stand behind Uliana, her hand held in his.
It didn't matter to you that you were one of the first VK's to attend Auradon Prep, or that you helped outsmart Uma and save the king, or that you helped Mal's final decision to open up the Isle for good, you'd forever be a windchime in the window, catching mean, snarky comment that was thrown your way. You would always reassemble yourself to fit the perfect view of how your parents saw you. To Maleficent, a gift from Hades himself, sadly. To Hades, the best kid he could've ever asked for, even if he didn't agree with every decision you'd made in life.
You would just exist to decorate every miserable moment of their lives, including the past now, apparently. You were the muse to their world-renowned painter, the lonely muse who would forever be forgotten after being discarded, ar least to your mother. You couldn't begin to process what awful time paradox you were creating here.
As you walk away, following Chloe and Red back to the dorms to plan, your head hangs low. The past few minutes of actions had been erased from your kind as you blacked out, trapped in your thoughts. Your eyes has glazed over entirely, blindly following the duo you'd been dragged to the past with.
Your mother hissed at the audience who'd witnessed Uliana's fall into the enchanted fountain, something she did to scare you. Thank God she was a lizard now. Hades held his ember tight, his eyes fixed on you as you walked away.
Lonely is the muse.
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You didn't know how or why, but you'd caught the attention of your parents.
The following afternoon, you decided to separate from Red and Chloe while they went to visit Bridget in her dorm, needing to borrow some powerful cookbook. You needed some air. You felt so heavy and held down here.
You run a hand over your navy blue and black hair, sitting in front of the fountain alone. You wanted to cry but there was no effort, no amount of emotion, left to do so.
You hated your mother because of how she treated you. You hated because you grieved the fact that you never knew her. She didn't tell you bedtime stories of her wicked past, she didn't teach you spells or how to be evil, you didn't know the damndest thing about her. You were always just a figment of her life to be tossed aside for her golden child, Mal. You spent years trying to become everything she'd ever wanted, and failed. Over and over. You were never enough for her.
You'd caught her attention here though. You were perfectly out of place for her to finally bat an eye to your presence. How ironic.
She slowly approaches from behind, her head slightly tilted, one arm crossed over her chest, her other hand held close to her face. She didn't know what to say, she just wanted to know who you were. You seemed so distantly familiar.
You quickly look over your shoulder, sensing her presence. She always felt like that, she always gave you that sixth sense. You walked on eggshells your whole life because of her. Her presence alone sent shivers up your spine.
"May I ask who you are?" she asks. "Where are you from, exactly?"
You blink, knowing you can't answer wholeheartedly. You couldn't tell her you were her kid, Y/n, one of two that she had with Hades on the Isle of the Lost.
"My name's Y/n. I'm... a transfer student. Far away place" you nod, quickly finding an excuse to give her, hoping she wouldn't see through you.
She slowly nods. "Your hair... I've never seen one of you with such a unique color. It doesn't look very... hero-like"
You glance back at Hades, who leans against a wall out of earshot, tossing his ember about. "Uh, yeah," you awkwardly chuckle. "I wouldn't say I'm a hero."
"Oh?" she smirks, quickly thinking to recruit you for whatever reason.
"I'm not staying for long," you quickly reply.
She nods, her smirk fading away. "Nice meeting you, I guess"
You nod, watching as she spins on her heels, returning to Hades, their hands intertwined as they depart, leaving you at the fountain alone again. You watch as they walk away, feeling the last fragments of your taped-together heart ripping apart.
All you wanted was to save that picture in your mind forever. To see them so content, to see them so proud of themselves. You really did ruin them. You'd ruin them in every timeline, and you couldn't fix it. You'd forever live knowing you broke them apart.
You did that to them.
And all you did was watch.
You knew you belonged with them, you knew you were supposed to be evil and follow in their footsteps. But you failed the moment you were born. Something just threw you off to her.
She couldn't ever love you.
At least she could pretend for Mal.
But what did you get? Nothing. Not even a thank you for trying to give her a second chance in that coronation hall. Not even a glance. You were invisible to her.
But here, you weren't invisible.
She wanted to know your name.
That was the most you'd ever gotten from her in your twenty years of life.
But you couldn't do anything. You couldn't ruin this for them so early on. You couldn't change their story to try and fix yourself. It doesn't work like that, you knew that. But something deep down inside wanted you to just reach out and make the most of it while you could.
You just wanted to know her. You just wanted to feel the warmth of her cold voice congratulating you for stealing candy from a baby or for scaring someone away, or lighting them on fire. It didn't matter. You wanted to make her proud. You watched on for years as Mal was her center of attention. Nothing you did was worthy for her to be proud of.
But here? You could make a difference.
A difference that wasn't worth making.
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A little Birdy told me you are taking Clarisse requests 👀. Little idea: Clarisse x child of hades reader who is like a lava girl? Aka she has hair that can turn into fire, can breath fire and can shoot lava from her hands?
When reader gets angry hair air bursts into flames. (And when she gets pouty she creates a fire circle to sit in the middle of to sulk) lol.
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Clarisse la rue x daughter of hades!reader
A/n:sorry it's so bad and late.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️:fluff
Summary: clarisse comforting you after someone says something mean to you in capture the flag
Today was capture the flag as always you were very happy but at the same time not cause you knew your girlfriend was very competitive last night she spoke to you about the game "look, don't take anything serious, okay?" She knew you like the back of your head cause she knew you were hot-tempered you didn't say anything to her you didn't want to lie to her.
Not even five minutes into the game you've already fallen flat on your face you got up and dusted yourself off people tripped you over by accident they all say their sorry but then go off laughing your try so hard to not take it to heart but then someone trips you over again you thought 'what the hades is going on here, did I make someone angry or something?"before he muttered in your ear "the daughter of hades but out all his children, your weakest." You looked shocked at what he said your hair literally burst in fire you got off the floor as he tried to run away you shot a ball of lava out of your hands and shot it at him he was severely burnt on his back and you walked up to him and pushed him on the a breathed fire at him he ran away probably to go snitch or something you were told off by the teacher you sighed upsetting.
Sitting near the lake you bring your knees near your chest for comfort tears falling down your face you sniffled your team did not win because of your outburst everyone blamed you for it but tried truly to not cause a scene sobbing and a big ring of fire surrounded all around you clarisse asked everyone where you were nobody knew she truly thought and figured you would be at the lake she wondered towards the lake looking for you only to hear you sniffing and a sobbing "y/n?" She spoke softly hearing her you quickly wiped your tears away from your face and tried to calm down so the fire wouldn't show anymore it worked you "hello, rissey what you doing here bubs?" You said quietly your eyes are still glassy from your tears looking down clarisse responded "I was looking for you, sweetheart, why are you crying?" She said putting her hand on your arm for comfort you broke your silence "it's just I lost my temper I didn't mean to like I really did but he sai-" you stopped on your words and just choked out tears you always thought you were a burden and now you know it "I always thought I was a burden to my father know I know it's true.." clarisse sat there shocked "am I hearing this right?, you mean to tell me someone like you is a burden to your father?." y/n looked at clarisse and then she held your hand together "look to me your perfect, my love." She said kissing your forehead.
Clarisse: "honey, cool down before you burn something!"
Literally hair on fire and a big ring of fire around her Y/n: *mumbling about the boy that tripped her*
But then the boy was actually put on life support.
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genericpuff · 3 months
(Hello, I posted a comment about this topic in your ask box a while ago, but I don’t know if it went through or is just in ask box limbo. So, if this comment sounds familiar, it’s because I might have already asked this, I just wanted to make sure that it went through this time.)
So, in one of your posts, I noticed that you compared Hades from LO to Bojack Horseman from the Netflix show with the same name. And it made me think back on a video by Dazzling Kate that I ended up commenting on, regarding Hades’s past relationships with Minthe and Leuce. Something that I think the fans (And even Rachel) tend to overlook with Hades is his sexual history with women and the power he has over them. Much like Bojack, Hades from LO has been in many relationships with women where he had significant power over them. He then either used those women for sexual pleasure, or to get some kind of favor from them to better himself. There are plenty of examples of this! Example 1: Minthe – He initially engaged with Minthe when she was flat broke and struggling to make ends meet. He ended up giving her a job at his company where he was the boss, allowed her to live in an apartment complex which he owned and was paying rent for, and even set up a bank account for her at a bank he controlled (Which he did the same to Persephone). He then later develops a sexual relationship with her and bribed her with expensive gifts to keep her in the relationship, but doesn’t fully commit to making her happy by standing up to his family when they trash-talk her nor does he consider her feelings.
Example 2: Bank and pawnshop – He threatened the owner of the pawnshop where Persephone had to give up the comb Hades gave to her so she could make money. Sure, you could argue he was hurt she had to sell a gift he gave her just for the money, but you can’t deny that puts him in a position where he abused his power over a woman and did not talk to Persephone about selling the comb first before threatening to get it back. He also threatened a worker at the bank when he was setting up Persephone’s account (said worker was a woman as well), and even though she was doing her job, she was forced to bend the rules because Hades was threatening her with his eyes.
Example 3: Hecate – Hades learns about the tabloid photo because of Hecate and learns that Hecate is an aunt to Persephone. And while it seems she is on the same level as the King, Hades ends up using Hecate to track down Alex, kidnap the photographer and torture him with Hades. This event is made to make Hades seem like a hero for Persephone by taking out someone who hurt her image but this only isolated Persephone at her college more and just confirmed what everyone was thinking. On top of that, Hades is excused for his behavior and not even Persephone sees how disturbing that is. (Now that I think about it, I wonder if this incident could be considered an act of wrath considering harm was caused to a person by a god who did not have a permit to commit said act. And I also wonder that if this got back to Hades, would he throw Hecate under the bus by claiming that she was the one who brought up the idea and did most of the dirty work? I wouldn’t be surprised if he did put the blame on Hecate, which just further proves his power over women by forcing her to take the fall to get out Scott free.)
Example 4: Hera – He consulted Hera during her breakdown when she discovered an affair Zeus was having, which ended up resulting in Hades having an emotional and physical affair with Hera for at least a century. He basically used her insecurities to have her go against her title as “goddess of marriage and faithfulness”, using her doubts about her relationship with Zeus to gain some intimacy. This also ended up snowballing into Hera beginning to feel more guilty about Hades’s status about wanting someone by his side as his queen. It’s probably why she decided to play matchmaker with Persephone to be with Hades, so he could have the kind of woman he wanted. Hera put her own niece with her brother-in-law, who was much older and unstable, just so she could move on from her feelings and be rid of the guilt of the affair.
Example 5: Demeter – Hades had a pretty good relationship with Demeter, but ended up betraying her so she wouldn’t become queen of the Earth, all because he allowed his brother to manipulate him. While Zeus is to blame, Hades fell for it and let Demeter be thrown under the bus just because he wanted to keep the volcanos, even though he could have just talked with Demeter over it. He also calls out Demeter with derogatory names and claims that she is isolating Persephone and abusing her by asserting her authority over her daughter. However, Hades is just as guilty of doing the exact same thing to Persephone: Belittling her with titles such as ‘little goddess’, ruined her reputation at school, controlling her finances, and even manipulated her into things she didn’t want to do by taking advantage of the situation. (Like how Persephone wanted to take their dating slow, but she agrees to get married only after the fallout with her mother.)
Example 6: Leuce - ….Okay, Hades didn’t technically do anything wrong here, other than not confront Leuce right away about this arranged marriage. Zeus was the one who wanted her to marry Hades, and Persephone was the one to really have her moments with. Seriously, fuck Zeus and Persephone for this.
Example 7: Persephone – I kind of already said my point in Example 5 (Belittling her with titles such as ‘little goddess’, ruined her reputation at school, controlling her finances, and even manipulated her into things she didn’t want to do by taking advantage of the situation.) Basically, everything that Hades did to Minthe, he’s pretty much doing the same thing to Persephone. He doesn’t see Persephone as an actual partner to be his equal, he sees her as a sex icon that he can control and he takes advantage of her (maybe not sexually, but in other means). And all the things Demeter did to her daughter, Hades is doing the exact same thing, but again he wants to get a sexual relationship out of Persephone for it!
My point is that throughout LO, Hades clearly displays how toxic, power-hungry and predatory he truly is. It’s ironic that Rachel wanted to make Hades seem like the best of the three brothers, but his personality is no different than Zeus or even Apollo for that matter. Rachel only made Hades worse in LO than in the original hymn and Greek Mythology. I don’t mind these tendencies of Hades or any characters that have such traits, but they should be called out on it! At least BoJack was exposed for his toxicity and power over women, which the show clearly tells us is not a good thing that he or anyone else should be proud of! BoJack also suffered the consequences of those actions and tried to get better. But here, LO makes it seem like this is normal behavior for Hades and that he’s a desirable bachelor who just needs to find the right woman to work through his issues. Even though Hades’ track record with women is a massive red flag.
And the depressing thing that we have to ask is… if Hades acts this way with every woman in his life, then what’s stopping him from pulling the same crap on Persephone? He may “love” her now, but who’s to say he won’t pull a Zeus and get a concubine later down the road or have multiple affairs? After all, he didn’t fall for Persephone because of her personality, he fell for her because of her body and what she can give him and the control he has over her.
(Sorry for the long post, but I was just curious to hear your thoughts on this topic because I don't think too many people in the LO community really pay attention to this detail about Hades)
i swear i thought i had responded to this ask the first time you made it so that's my bad ahahfhdasklsaj but i probably assumed that because yes, we've talked about the similarities between Bojack and Hades before, and they really are fucked the more you think about them \(º □ º l|l)/ to the point that you could deadass replace Bojack with Hades in that "second interview" scene where the interviewer asks Bojack about the power he has over women and he denies it as if he hasn't constantly abused women and girls who trusted in him on the basis of being a well-known celebrity.
There's a lot of delusion and lack of accountability there on Bojack's part, especially because it's following the first interview where he admits to the flaws that he finds easy to swallow and twist into his own "I'm the victim" type story, but then cowers away from the stuff he DOESN'T want to admit because he still doesn't think he did anything wrong and was trying to use the "woe is me I'm a sad struggling celebrity :(((" angle from the first interview to get himself off the hook.
So of course as soon as he's asked some actual hardball questions and realizes he's up shit creek for being directly responsible for Sara Lin's death as well as other incidents involving women he took advantage of / directly harmed, he pulls the "I'm an addict" card, which is yeah, sure, a reason for a lot of his past transgressions, but it's not getting into his real issues that are feeding into his addictions and it's still being used more as an excuse to try and get himself off the hook on the virtue of "well yeah I'm a bad guy but we already talked about that didn't we??? can't you see how regretful I am ??? let's just move on already!" rather than actually taking accountability.
And who does that sound like? Oh right, the "misunderstood" King of the Underworld, Hades, who has done nothing to actually prove wrong all the claims and statements made about him. Like, we're supposed to believe - according to the narrative - that Hades is misunderstood and that people only assume the worst of him due to his association with the Underworld...
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... but then he goes and pulls shit like this and it's like "Wait, maybe his reputation precedes him" LMAOOO
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Now it could be a "which came first, the stigma or the reputation" type thing, where Hades started off with good intentions and then slowly morphed into a tyrannical piece of shit because most people already assumed he was gonna be like that anyways just for being the King of the Underworld, but the comic never really explores that or makes that clear. It's just constantly at odds between Hades being "poor misunderstood rich guy :(((" and "powerful king who will destroy anyone who tries to touch his cinnamon roll qween >:3" and yeah it makes for really shitty characterization, especially when reading in hindsight and realizing, "Wait, maybe Minthe was right to be upset about what Hades was doing and Hades was in the wrong".
Shit, this is a bit off topic, but you wouldn't believe the amount of people who don't realize that this scene-
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-is literally a bribe.
Now, most people assume it isn't because it's not taking the form of the usual "I'll pay you whatever sum of money to make sure this all goes away" but... it's still a bribe, the exact kind of bribe that permeates larger industries where women are often forced into silence at the hands of a rich powerful man who has all the power (cough people like Bojack Horseman cough). It's a lot quieter and designed to make the woman look "ungrateful" if she doesn't take a deal that really only benefits the perpetrator (in this case, Hades). In this situation, Hades has all the power - he's her employer, the guy who pays for her apartment and other bills, and as much as he can claim he put "the two of them" in the position of financial co-dependency, it was really only her. He's the one who owns banks, after all - she's the only one who stands to lose everything and clearly all he's losing is a woman who he's not even interested in anymore in lieu of the new 19-year-old intern who he's more attracted to now.
So he tries to make it sound like all of it is for her benefit. She could go back to school. Take a management position with better pay. All of these offers, while on the surface seem like a "good faith" apology to "make up" for the loss of the relationship, are really just their own form of bribe to get Minthe out of the picture, under the guise of being for her own "benefit".
Now don't get me wrong, Minthe absolutely 100% deserves to get the fuck away from Hades, but it bugs the shit out of me that the narrative never focuses on Hades' own role in this relationship and how he's contributed to its issues. And not only that, but he's continued this cycle through Persephone, who was also vulnerable in many of her own ways, from her age, to her lack of life experience, to her lack of finances (aside from her inheritance of the Barley Mother fortune which she clearly doesn't have access to throughout S1), to what she's going through as an SA victim. Sure, the narrative props them up as a perfect couple, but Persephone is still just another naive girl who was lovebombed by an older and richer man and slowly turned into an accessory of his own design, covered in all the trappings of wealth and continuing the cycle of abusing the lower class (which we see her doing constantly throughout S3).
And if all that isn't proof enough that Hades is an exploitative piece of shit who takes advantage of women, look no further than the pilot episodes:
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And yeah. Minthe was absolutely right that Hades has all the power and privilege of being able to come across as the responsible one when she's the one who stands to lose so much more.
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
I keep seeinglike, how the RoR world reacts to the pjo work but like
How would the pjo world react to Percy in the RoR world?? 😭😭 what would be their reactions with the yanderes n stuff and how percy is considered the Greeks Angel baby who could do no wrong??? 😭👩‍🦼
Imagine their reaction to percy pulling godly bitches from other pantheons, not minor gods but them MAJOR gods🧍‍♂️🛼 krazy
they would be put off by how the pjo gods behave, especially towards humans. because yeah the pjo gods see humans as inferior, but a lot of them DO actually like humans and some even fall in love and have children (demigods) with them. a lot of them see humans as inferior, but they still like them so seeing how much the ror gods hate them to the point of multiple genocides and then eventually wanting to wipe ALL of them out puts them off. they'd be like "holy shit, you guys need to calm down wtf is wrong with you people"
cuz sure they may have been fucked up back in ancient times, but they clearly mellowed out, meanwhile the ror gods only got crueler over time 💀
now as for percy, some would be entertained at the thought of those gods mistakenly believing her to be an innocent angel while the gods who don't like her (zeus, hera, ares, etc) would be all scowls like "are those ppl stupid, she's CLEARLY devil spawn wtf"
and her godly rizz??? yeah they'd be baffled too 😂😂😂 look, when percy was just a young tween and preteen, she was an awkward loser girl but then she started hitting her teens and BAM she got hit with the biggest glow-up ever and started pulling ppl left and right (i 100% believe like half of the camp was crushing on canon percy), she's just stupid and oblivious lol. but it's one thing to get mortal bitches, but GODLY bitches?????? from different pantheons??????? who are POWERFUL GODS???????? yeah they might as well make her the goddess of rizz at this point 😭😭
ok ok now onto the serious stuff....... when the see the yandere action, the possessiveness, the obsessiveness, the RAPES that poor girl suffers through....... even the gods who don't like her would be horrified, but it's the counterparts who are ESPECIALLY sickened. poseidon, hades, and apollo would be genuinely disgusted by their ror counterparts actions, especially since they genuinely care for percy too so this is just double the pain for them. they would 1000000% hate their ror counterparts for hurting percy that way. this sorta thing would damage them since they know percy wouldn't be able to look at them the same way if she were to ever get home, and they wouldn't blame her either.
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