#that's a wrap on high school ig!!!
nataliasquote · 2 months
Is It All For Nothing? | n romanoff
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Summary: You just want a friend. Is that so bad? How is it fair that everyone else gets one but you. What did you do that was so wrong?
Warnings: idk. just depressing stuff ig
Pairings: none. a small bit of Nat x reader but all platonic
wc: 1.3k
notes: I wrote this in 45 mins in one sitting. It’s written in a different pov than usual and idk if it even makes sense. I just typed and didn’t stop until I was done 🤷‍♀️ the idea just came to me and yeah :)
Frankly, being on the sidelines sucked. Everyone knew it yet no matter how many times someone engaged in small talk to be polite or proclaimed they were there to talk to everyone, somehow you were always left out.
It didn’t matter where you were, loneliness followed like a dormant disease. High school sucked, you were a nobody, but thankfully those years were in the past. But your fifteen year old self didn’t realise that your isolation would carry right on over into your adult life.
And sure, it wasn’t all bad. The nights spent chatting with new friends you’d made that day left you on an all time high, but that just made the fall that much harder. And when the low inevitably came, you could only laugh at yourself at your naivety, because why would things suddenly change? You weren’t someone people stuck around for.
Unfortunately, Shield agents were no different. Those in your cohort were nice enough to say hi in the hallway or invite you into group conversations. A couple even chatted with you over lunch. But you knew they only did it because they felt bad. You saw the difference in their demeanor; you were a spy for god’s sake. They were so much happier with their friends, and that didn’t include you, no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself it did.
There was one agent who’s attention toyed with you that little bit more. Natasha Romanoff was a couple of ranks higher, both in social and training status. But she was always kind, no matter what. You conversed whilst waiting for your training session, mainly her listening as you talked. She was sweet, despite her intimidating facade and before long she had you completely wrapped around your little finger.
For a month, you both chatted any chance you got. If you saw her in the cafeteria, you’d make a beeline for her table, smiling at the other agents as you sat down. She responded to you, her eyes holding yours as you spoke, seeming actually interested in what you had to say. She would joke with you, calling you out with a laugh which sent a flush to your cheeks. You didn’t care what she said, she was talking to you. That’s all that mattered. Maybe this was where your life changed for the better. Evenings that followed those days would be blissful and you would fall asleep with a smile on your face, feeling on top of the world all because of the redheaded Russian.
However, as the weeks went on, days would go by with no contact. At first you just thought she was going on more missions; that was her job after all. But then you’d see that flash of red hair in a meeting room or one of the agents talking about something Natasha had said earlier and it hit you sharply in the throat.
Was she just like everyone else? Playing the pity card, building you up only to leave you hanging once she got bored? Natasha didn’t seem like that kind of person, but had essentially placed her on a pedestal, so of course she could do no wrong. That was your downfall.
Emerging from a debrief with Maria Hill, you tucked a stack of files under your arm and stepped out into the hallway. And there she was, a soft smile on her lips. You reciprocated it and made eye contact, opening your mouth to speak. You hadn't spoken in a few days and you hated to admit it, but you missed her.
But Natasha clearly didn’t feel the same. Her eyes caught yours and then darted to the floor, her feet picking up the pace as she walked past. “I’m sorry Y/n, I’m busy today. We’ll talk later.”
Except she wasn’t busy. Because there she was, standing at the end of the hall laughing with another agent in your cohort. It shouldn’t have been, but it was like a punch to the stomach and you quickly turned around, retreating back into the room you’d left to avoid her seeing you watching her.
You knew that agent. They were friends, everyone saw it. And she was nice enough to you too, but jealousy coursed through your veins and turned you into a green eyed monster.
What did she have that you didn’t? Besides the ability to win Natasha over, obviously. Every single interaction you’d had with the redhead suddenly started replaying in your mind, frantically scanning to see what went wrong. Did you overstep? Were you too pushy? Too clingy? You just wanted a friend, was that so hard to understand? Was it so bad to want?
You thought about texting her, but decided against it. You didn’t want to know the answer. What if your worst fears were confirmed? That she only spoke to you out of pity, and quite frankly didn’t want anything to do with you.
It hurt. It really did. Countless times you wished that she was the one that would change your bad history of making friends. Because when you were around Natasha, nothing else mattered. The days of no contact slipped out of your mind. You’d forgive her for anything in a heartbeat… maybe that was the problem.
You thought the world of her. And she saw that. ‘Never meet your heroes’ that’s what they say, isn’t it? And maybe she wasn’t quite at hero status for you, but you looked up to her. Praising her work when she returned from a successful mission, commenting on the ingenious moves she made to lead her team to victory. She was everything you wanted to be as an agent, with one seriously important factor.
Everyone loved her.
Everyone loved her, and nobody knew you. She was the prize rose and you were behind, stuck in her shadow. They didn’t see you as anyone but the agent who sucked up to Natasha. They didn’t see how hard you worked, how many hours you trained, how much effort you put in. And they never would. Because it was too much. You were a try hard.
A try hard in a room full of effortless people.
Effortless just like that other agent was. She’d been rumoured to move up into Natasha’s ranks and onto her mission team, leaving you struggling in the lower levels. It felt almost childish, yearning after the attention of one single person. But no matter how hard you tried, or how casual you tried to be, Natasha would never see you as anything other than a fan girl.
You knew she was capable of giving you what you desired, you saw it with that other agent. The way they laughed together, developed inside jokes and anecdotal phrases that they brought up in group discussions. You saw the way Natasha’s eyes lit up at the mention of her name, how she gushed over her but also teased her at the same time. Their effortless banter had you choking back tears as you sat one table over, watching with blurry eyes.
You wanted that so badly it hurt.
But if you stopped trying, stopped reaching out, stopped lusting after the perfect friendship you so badly craved with her, would she notice? Or would you fade into the background, silently, without a word. Maybe she would be happy, now that you’re no longer bugging her.
Maybe it’s for the best.
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peachedtv · 1 year
•* Jealous Jjk Menˏˋ°
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╰┈➤ ❝overview:❞ gojo, geto, yuji, toji, megumi x f!reader (separately)
╰┈➤ ❝ content warnings: ❞ fuckboy!gojo, established relationship for geto yuji megumi, yandere tendencies, dubcon/noncon kissing, toxic, possessiveness, Satoru calls reader a whore in his thoughts, depictions of light violence (not against reader or love interests), suggestive, mentions of sex, reader is kinda stalked by toji ig??,
╰┈➤ ❝wordcount:❞ ~600 words each, total ~3k
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Satoru is a confident man, and why wouldn't he be? He knows he's fucking hot, that women fall at his feet, that he alone stands superior to so many.
And so every time he sees a nice, pretty-looking thing, he's got to have her wrapped around his finger (before having them wrapped up in his sheets)
Intentionally or not, he's unapologetically seduced one taken woman after another, fucking them nice and full before he disappears into thin air. He's got a big fat god complex, and he's got it for a good reason.
So when you come around as the newest jujutsu teacher, batting your doe eyes, your outfits hugging your body a little too well, he knows he's got his next target.
And it goes as easily as he expects. Soon, you're laughing with him at his stupid jokes and antics, ruffling his hair when he teases his students too much. You're intoxicating, and he just can't wait to see more of you, to see all of you.
He's so full of himself that he doesn't even notice how close you and your old high school friend are getting. Not until he's walking down the street, smirking to himself at the hushed whispers of how eye-catching he looks, when he sees you.
You're smiling so brightly, so pretty, yet why isn't it with him? He's seen that smile, he thought it was for his eyes alone, so why are you showing it to another guy? What a fucking whore.
He's livid, nearly dropping the bag he was holding from how distracted he became. Why the fuck is he jealous? How is he jealous?
Satoru's never been in love, and he doesn't want to be. He's never cared about a woman in the slightest, heartlessly leaving each and every one of them as tears welled in their eyes. So why does he feel his fist clenching in anger when he sees you smiling with this guy?
He watches you carefully, tilting his chin downward to see you more clearly, without his sunglasses. His hands lazily shove themselves into his pockets, gaze half-lidded with a light scowl
It's not until the guy gently pats you on the head, affectionately messing up your hair does he truly fucking loses it
Before he knows it, the guy's wrist is twisted up in Satoru's hand, fear plastered across the dude's face before he flicks his arm away. Shoving himself between you two.
'What do we have here, huh?'
And yet, even when he's protecting you, you're not even fucking thankful. Going off, asking why he would do that, confusion on your face as you comfort the guy and apologize over and over.
He sees red, harshly grabbing your arm and dragging you away to jujutsu tech. You're yelling out, telling him how much it hurts, yet he doesn't care. Thats not the fucking problem right now, so why don't you shut the fuck up?
Once you two arrive, you're thrown right against a wall, his hand punching the space next to you, rubble crumbling down from the impact. Yet that's not what truly shocked you, it's how his other hand tugged your chin up, his lips pressing right up against you.
You're gasping, and he gladly takes it as an invitation for his tongue to wrap up against yours, kissing you sloppy and rough.
Even though you're scared, even though you're trembling under his hold, you find yourself closing your eyes when he tangles his hand into your hair. Your heart was doing backflips, and you felt a sense of longing when he pulled away.
'That's right,' Satoru smiled, 'You're mine.'
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Geto was a calm man. Always speaking respectfully, never losing his cool, and smiling to you so cooly every time you two went out anywhere together. He was the best boyfriend to you, and you couldn't be any happier. He knew that you were his and he was yours. He was stable.
Thus, with his stability, he wasn't bothered when Satoru invited you both to a club. He hadn't slept too well the night before, resting himself on the couch as he waited for you to get ready. Yet when you walked down the stairs, he felt his heart completely go haywire.
He felt his eyes go to every indecent spot someone could think of, and suddenly, the apartment you two shared felt a little too hot. He couldn't keep his eyes off your thighs, off your waist, off your breasts. All of which were hugged so well in that pretty little dress of yours.
'What do you think?' You giggled cheerfully, giving him a full spin before you hugged him tightly. And it wasn't until you asked did he finally remember where you two were going.
He felt an odd burn spiral inside of him. He thought about the perverted guys that would be in the club, thought of his fuckboy best friend, and Geto started to feel a little concerned.
Yet, he didn't show it in the slightest. He trusted you, he knew you were undoubtedly loyal to him, and he was for you. He smiled, immediately getting down to one knee and kissing your hand.
'You are stunning.' He kept his eyes locked on yours, and you couldn't get how hard you blushed and stammered at how you two needed to get going.
Once the two of you had arrived, he felt his walls soar sky-high when he saw Satoru greeting you with a hug that lasted a little too long. He snaked his hand about your waist, kissing the top of your head before lightly greeting Satoru aswell.
Once you had your fill of dancing, he offered to fetch you both some drinks. You smiled to him so pretty, pecking his cheek before he left.
When he came back, he saw some guy had joined your table. The moment the guy had reached out to take your hand, he slammed the drinks onto the table and greeted you affectionately.
Geto sat right next to you, across from the man. The air was so fucking thick, and his gaze was knocked onto the guy. Geto sizing him up as he draped his arm onto your shoulders, pulling you against his chest.
The guy was so intimidated he ended up stuttering some excuse to leave, Geto staring him down the whole time as the guy shuffled his belongings.
'Was that a friend?' He rubbed his palm against your upper arm. You hummed in response, laughing lightly. 'I can tell that you're jealous, silly.' And he simply took another sip out of his drink. 'Hey, common. Of course I would be.' He whined, his hand playing into your hair as he pressed a gentle kiss upon your forehead.
'I want you all to myself.'
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Yuji was such a little simp for you. He would just start smiling while you two walked about, smiling on how lucky he was to have a pretty girl like you. He was so happy with you it fluttered his heart, even Sukuna would shit on him for how giddy he was whenever you were around.
Both you and Yuji shared a class, and even at school, he never hesitated to cup your face into his hands and press his lips against yours, sometimes if he felt a bit goofy he'd even slap your ass and run away when you chased him to return the favour. Yuji was in love.
And even though Yuji knew how great of a woman you were, he was never intimidated by it. He appreciated your entire being, and never felt threatened whenever someone was bold enough to hit on you in front of him. He'd simply smile confidently, watching you reject the guy respectfully. 'Thats my girl.'
In the end, Yuji trusted you with everything. He wasn't the type to be jealous at all, at least..that's what he thought.
It was after an especially rough nightmare when his control over Sukuna faltered, tattoos quickly spread over his body as he was forced into the back of his own mind.
Yet there you were, still peacefully sleeping as his little spoon, unaware of the beast that had awaken. Your chest rose and fell so gently, lashes delicately framing your eyes, nightdress hiking up to your thighs just enough. So how could you blame Sukuna when he gently pulled you to sleep on his chest?
When you came to, you were still wrecked with sleepiness. You lazily shuffled up to ‘Yuji’, mumbling a good morning as you gave him a peck on the lips. Yet, you were greatly surprised when a hand tangled into your hair, holding you in place as the kiss turned more sensual. A tongue slipping past your lips, a hand travelling up to rest on your hip.
His hand took your breast, twisting about a nipple as he smiled against you. ‘Yuji’ was being…so bold. Too bold.
You opened your eyes and nearly choked when you noticed the tattoos scattered across your boyfriend’s face. What happened?!
When Yuji regained control, he couldnt help but be all pouty with you. Was your baby boy…jealous?!
Before you knew it, Yuji was so clingy after that. He’d hug you lazily, and with his height and muscle, you couldn’t move the overgrown pulpy off you. Whenever you’d whine about having to get to work, he’d nuzzle his nose into your neck before sluggishly letting you change.
You couldn’t help but giggle as Yuji kept slapping Sukuna’s mouth on his cheek as a form of punishment. But what really amused you was how Yuji would slap your ass before announcing ‘See that, Sukuna? You haven’t had that with Y/N before, huh? Total score!’
Yet, everytime after that morning, you noticed Yuji become much too flustered whenever you came near. Soon enough, you saw how his eyes travelled back between the palm of his hand and your breast—and you put two and two together. He’d never felt up your tits!
You wanted to soothe Yuji’s perverted little mind. So during the next makeout session, you took his hand and pressed it right up onto your boobs. Yuji’s eyes shot open but you didn’t take it to stop the kiss, instead, laughing to yourself as you felt his curious hands give a light squeeze.
After that day, Yuji didn’t feel jealous in the slightest. He’d randomly be standing about before giggling to himself about your ‘godly tities’
God, you’ve fallen in love with a total goof.
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Ever since Toji’s wife had passed, he couldn’t help the way his morality shattered about him. He missed her. He missed her so fucking much.
Every now and then, his memory would fade back to when his son was first born, his wife gently holding the child in her arms, head tilted to the side as she cooed and giggled.
And with that repeated memory, came even more anger when he realized his wife was gone.
He’d take out his anger on one Jujutsu Sorcerer after another, eventually building his reputation as a renouned assasin. So he wasn’t phased when someone offered him a fat stack of cash in return for your life.
At first, Toji didn’t care. He was even happy about it, sharpening his blade while imagining all the casinos and expensive alcohol he could purchase after his payout. He couldn’t care less about the sentimental value of your life, he was paid for a job and he’d be more than happy to soothe his bloodlust for the day.
So, when he cornered you into an alleyway, sinking a blade down into your gut, he’d officially secured his paycheck. While he nonchalantly walked over to you, you stumbled away from him in a panic. It hurt, it really did hurt. And you tried your best to defend yourself as you ran the best you could out the alleyway.
God, you were such a boring fight, he thought. But it wasnt until he realized why you had run out the alley.
In the near street, a little boy bad ran into the incoming traffic after his ball. You yelled out to the child, using your cursed technique to slow the car the best you could before you swooped the boy up into your arms.
You panted heavily, the blood oozing from your stomach wiping itself onto the boy’s clothes. But you did your best to pat the kid’s head, smiling to him and soothing his racing nerves. You were so…motherly. Caring. Sweet. You didn’t care for the chance you had to hitch a ride on the roof of that car, to run away from your inpending death.
You went out of your way to save and cradle this stranger’s child, and Toji saw a part of your heart that softened his own.
When you turned around, gaze stiffening as you prepared for your final moments—he was gone. No where to be seen. But he wasn’t gone for long.
Soon, he was everywhere you went. God, did this guy not have a life? Was he taunting you before killing you off? Every morning he’d be on the same route of your jog. He’d be sitting at your favorite cafe, he’d be whistling at the grocery store as you clicked your tongue in annoyance.
But what really surprised you was how he’d beat up any catcallers that harrassed you, how he’d pick up your keys if you happened to drop them, how he’d accidentally tap his card when you tried paying for your coffee. You were so confused with this man.
It wasn’t long until you softened up to him too, you both would talk lightly during every morning run, buy coffee together, and he’d walk you to work.
So no duh you said yes when he asked you to dinner
He was so giddy as he walked to the restaurant you chose, stopping outside the enterance and adjusting his tie in the reflective glass before stepping in. But he became confused when you were on the brink of tears from laughing at something.
He realized that at those one way windows…he had adjusted his tie and took deep breaths right infront of you…without him knowing a crumb of it. You thought that was so cute.
The night was great, until it became a little…awkward. And Toji noticed your discomfort, asking you what was wrong.
‘The waiter, he’s my ex.’ Toji took your hand reassuringly, telling you he’d be sure to keep the bastard in check.
But when the end of the dinner came, and your ex had attached a note to your bill with his new number and a pathetic ‘You’re so sexy, call me.’ Toji couldn’t keep still anymore.
He stood right up, walking over to your ex as the guy confidently strided away, yet all that radiating glory washed away with Toji grabbing the dude’s collar and slamming him into the wall.
‘Don’t fuck with me. You’ve long lost her.’
The guy was shaking, muttering nonsensical apologies. But it wasn’t until you stepped in and asked Toji to let the loser go, that he wasn’t worth it, did Toji drop the guy into the floor.
That didn’t stop him from intimidating the fuck out of the staff and owner, eventually getting your ex fired and your dinner being complimentary.
Toji was still restless. He wanted your night to be perfect, so he dragged you two out to a bar for some light drinks to make up for the whole drama at the restaurant.
And boy was he such a gentleman. Opening doors, kissing your hand lightly, gently taking your hair to his hand—he was such a dream.
By the end of the night, you couldn’t help it when both the wisps of alcohol and your fluttering heart meekly asked for the two of you to be official. Toji merely smirked to you, grabbing hold of your chin and kissing you dominantly before whispering down to you.
‘Let’s make it official, then. Ms. Zen’in.’
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Megumi is so gentle with you, you can’t get over how much he makes your heart flutter.
Ever since you two got together, he’d meekly hold your hand like a lost little kid whenever you guys went out, a fat blush dusted all over his face when you’d give him a reassuring squeeze to tell him you don’t mind holding hands.
You loved him so much, and he loved you just so much more. Everytime he saw you he’d feel his eyes widen and heart stop, as though the world around would come to a halt just for you.
But this time, his heart stopped for a different reason.
When Gojo had decided to engage in team-mock-battles, Megumi felt dropped down when he saw you guys weren’t on the same team. You were paired with Yuji, while he was with Nobara.
Megumi knows you’re strong, but he just can’t keep himself together at the thought of trying to take you down with his demon dogs—so he decides to target Yuji instead.
It wasn’t until his dog lurged forward, jaw ready to bite right onto Yuji, did you tackle your partner out of harms way. Immediately falling right in top of him. You weren’t embarrassed, purely focused on the mission as you scrambled to get up and drag Yuji by the wrist to safer ground. But that didn’t stop the pang in Megumi’s chest seeing you hold someone else.
Yes, he knows its a mock battle, and he knows in his heart that you and Yuji would never betray him. But he can’t help but become a little more aggressive in his attacks to Itadori for the rest of the day.
When the battle ended, Megumi was panting heavily, bangs stuck to his forehead from the sweat, as he relinquished his cursed spirits. Gojo pat his back.
‘I haven’t seen you so engaged in a while. I wonder what triggered you!’ He teased Megumi, they both knew the answer, and Megumi knew the blindfolded bastard was just messing with him. He slapped Gojo’s hand away and was about to retort something back when you called out to him.
You ran to him as fast as you could, tackling Megumi into the floor with you on top of him. In that moment, Megumi saw the difference first-hand.
While you tackled Yuji with a panicked expression before scrambling up without any word—with Megumi, he noticed how you held the back of his head up to not hit it against the ground. He noticed how your other hand rested on his chest, petting him reassuringly. He saw that glint in your eyes, the glint of absolute love that resembled how he looked at you with so much endearment.
What he had with you doesn’t compare to anything else in the world. Megumi chastised himself mentally for ever getting jealous.
‘I love you, you know that? I love you so, so much.’
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keikikait · 2 months
ʀᴇᴅ ʟɪɴᴇ (ʙɪᴋᴇʀ!ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)
this is part three. for part two, click here!
pairing: biker!megumi x f!reader (au, both are early to mid 20's)
word count: 2.6k
summary: you and megumi almost had a moment, but is that all it will ever be?
warnings: SMUT! MDNI 18+, full on p in v, protection is implied but not stated, use of the word cock, kinda dom!megumi, slight sub!reader, restraining (with hands), light choking (just for like 2 scenes), SLIGHT edging, use of the nickname slut, reader is kinda dumb (good way), suggestive flirting, jealous megs, slight feelings of self doubt / self deprecation at the beginning (so ig slight angst?), not proofread
a note: might be a small delay before pt. 4 x
please reblog and like, it means a lot! let me know what you think!
He should’ve knocked on the fucking door.
Megumi enters his apartment, slamming his fist onto his kitchen counter. He felt like such a coward, he had you in the palm of his hand and he just let you run off. He was certain that you felt the same way, certain that if he kissed you you would grip onto the collar of his t-shirt and enthusiastically kiss him back. Was he wrong? Was he foolish? Was he reading this entire situation so wrong? He felt not good enough, he felt insignificant, something he hadn’t felt since graduating high school and cutting off contact with his father. He used to think he was smart, but you made him feel so naïve. Megumi knew he hadn’t always been nice to you, yelling at you over a fucking motorcycle, but normally he didn’t care what others thought. He would simply ignore them if they didn’t like him, but with you it was different. He wanted you to like him. He wanted you to pay attention to him, he would even take te constant bickering over whatever the hell it was you were currently doing.
Megumi was walking a thin, red line, a line that lead to his future, and he was hoping you would want to walk it with him. His bike gave him a feeling of independence, something he never had before moving out and living on his own. He was in and out of everyone’s life, a flash that was gone in the blink of an eye, but he didn’t feel that way with you. He wanted you to stick around, even in the platonic way, although he had to admit that he wanted to make you his. He wanted to wrap his hand around your throat and kiss you right in front of your friend, make you melt into his arms as you gripped his t-shirt and clinged to him. He wanted to fuck you dumb and leave you a drooling, cum covered mess every night. 
You were avoiding him, again, always getting into that car with that guy and his stupid fucking pink hair. He couldn’t take it anymore. You had said he was your friend, just your friend, but Megumi didn’t believe you. Even if your actions were friendly, Megumi couldn’t guarantee that your friend’s were too. Megumi wanted you, and he wanted you to want him too. He wanted to be your boyfriend, or perhaps even more. He wanted to eventually move out of this apartment complex and find a new, bigger place, but he wanted to it with you.
You, in truth, had been staying over at Yuji’s house a lot the last few days, even just hanging out at his place to pet sit for him while he was at work. It wasn't just a matter of convenience; staying over at his place gave you a sense of comfort and familiarity that you couldn't quite explain. Every once in a while, you would find yourself mindlessly petting Yuji’s boy cat, Sora, as if he would chase away the lingering thoughts of Megumi. In a way, he did, choosing to sleep on your chest on Yuji’s couch, keeping you from touching yourself while you were away.
It wasn't that you were deliberately trying to avoid him. It was more like a natural instinct to create some distance between the two of you. The memory of that night outside your apartment still haunted your mind, and you were struggling to make sense of his confusing actions. You didn’t know his true intentions, and as much as you wanted to believe that he liked you, you couldn’t ignore the nagging voice in the back of your mind that was telling you the opposite. Being with him had been plaguing your mind for the past few weeks, thoughts of him always returning to you at night while you dimmed your lights and slipped your hand between your thighs, but a doubtful part of you was insisting that was all it would ever be; thoughts of Megumi, not Megumi himself.
As you spent more time at Yuji's house, you found yourself drawn to his easygoing nature and genuine kindness. His presence provided a welcome distraction from the emotional turmoil you were experiencing, and he seemed to understand your need for space from Megumi and was always there to offer a listening ear without judgment, although he was kind of getting tired about how pretty Megumi is. 
A couple of days later, there was a knock at your door. Your heart skipped a beat. You knew who it was. He stood there, looking nervous and apologetic. He wanted to explain himself, to apologize if he had crossed any lines. He also wanted to know if you were dating that guy, but he thought that part could wait. At least for a little bit.
You open the door, seemingly fresh out of the shower, your hair wet as you carefully dry it. You smelled so good, like berries, and he felt his throat instantly dry up. He was admiring you for a bit too long, you were wearing a t-shirt and short little pyjama shorts that he just wanted to rip off of you - “Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?”
You blink, throwing your towel over your shoulder. “Sure.”
“So, um…”  His eyes linger on your shorts and thighs, his gaze passing over your body before he drags his eyes back up to meet yours. He just couldn’t help himself. “Could I come in?” You nod, stepping aside to let him in. He steps inside, making the space feel a lot smaller with his presence. 
You notice he has a faint smile on his lips, and that he keeps staring at you, but for once, it's not with irritation.  “Um, so…” he takes a deep breath. “So you know how we had a bit of a…moment a couple days ago?” Five days, to be exact, not that he was counting or anything.
“Yeah, I remember.” You say.
“Yeah…” his expression changes as he starts to feel more and more nervous. “Well... I just wanted to apologize for making you uncomfortable. I shouldn't have been so forward. It's just-”
“No, Megumi, it’s okay.” You say, interrupting him. “I wasn’t uncomfortable. Not at all.”
“What?” He asks, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “But you ran off…I assumed I had overstepped a boundary. You know, asking the…masturbation question.” He says the last part quietly. 
You suddenly realised how close you two actually were. Your apartment felt incredibly small with just you, and with Megumi there it felt even smaller. Your chests were practically pushed together as you looked up at him. You set the towel down on your desk chair, awkwardly shifting on your feet. “I wasn’t uncomfortable. I just wasn’t expecting the question.”
He nods, shoving his hands in the pockets of his zip-up hoodie. “Good. I know we haven’t always gotten along but I’ve never wanted to make you uncomfortable. I can be an asshole a lot of the time, but I’m not…like that, you know?”
You nod. “No, I understand, Megumi. Thank you for apologising.”
He smiles. “Yeah. No problem.” He sighs a little, leaning against the wall. “So can we…start over? Go back to the beginning?”
You chuckle. “You wanna start fighting again?”
He smirks. “Maybe. If it would mean you would pay attention to me again. Don’t think I’ve noticed that you’ve been avoiding me. Again.”
You blush, stuttering as you search for a response. “N-no, it’s not like that-”
Megumi chuckles. “I mean, I get it. I would always yell at you and then asked you what you thought about while you masturbated. I would avoid me too.”
Your blush deepens. “It’s not like that, Megumi.”
He smiles. “I’m glad.” You both sit there in a comfortable silence before he speaks again. “So, can I ask you something?”
You nod. “Sure. Unless it’s what I think about when I’m touching myself.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking his head. “No, it’s not that,” He clears his throat. “That guy that picks you up and drops you off sometimes. Are you two…dating?”
“Yuji? Pink hair?” He nods and you shake your head in return. “No. I’m just his friend.”
“You promise?” Megumi asks, taking a step towards you. You nod, looking up at him. You looked so cute like that, your eyes all big, practically begging him to get closer. 
He does, taking another step towards you. He reaches out, planting his hands on the sides of your arms, watching your face and body language as he drags his hands down towards your own. Your skin was so soft and smooth, and his hands felt so good on you, rough and calloused from the years of bike maintenance.
You blush, but don’t move away. You gulp, finally finding your voice. “Do you want to know the answer? To the question you asked me a few days ago?”
He feels his cock start to harden, images of you touching yourself filling his mind. “God, yes.”
You bite your lip and he feels his cock throb. “You, Megumi. I’ve been thinking about you.”
He lets out a shaky, deep moan as he grabs your hands, pulling you against his chest. He moves your hands behind your back, his grip tight but loose enough where you could move away if you wanted to. “Yeah? You think about me while you touch yourself? Do you finger yourself or rub that cute little clit of yours?”
You gasp softly, letting him restraining you. “Both.”
He lets out another deep moan of approval, gripping your wrists tighter. He feels his cock harden even more. “God, you’re driving me crazy. I think about you too, baby. I think about you and fucking your cute little mouth everytime I jack off.” Your head spins and you lean against him, unable to think straight. You just simply moan in response, nodding your head.
Megumi grips your wrists tighter, leading you up into your loft, throwing you onto your bed. He climbs on top of you, holding you down. “Is this okay?”
You nod.
“Words, baby.” He says, leaning down to kiss and bite your earlobe. “Use your words.”
Your mouth feels like cotton and you struggle to respond. “Yes, Megumi. It’s okay. Please keep going.”
He chuckles, pressing his hard cock against your thigh as he starts to grind on you. “Good girl. You even know how to say please.” You gasp, your entire body shuddering as your legs drop open. Megumi shifts his hips, slotting his cock right over your clothed pussy, grinding up against it. “You drive me crazy, baby. Every night I hear your pretty little moans through the wall and I just…think about what it would be like to fuck you dumb. To fill you up with my cum over and over, to cum on your little clit and rub it and hear you squeal.” Your mouth drops open and he takes this opportunity to sloppily kiss you, shoving his tongue in your mouth. Your thoughts are filled with him, just Megumi, the way it should be. He pulls away, a line of spit connecting your mouths and you shake, panting and squirming. He moves one hand to wrap around your throat, and is about to ask if it’s okay when you let out a strangled moan, your eyes threatening to roll back. He chuckles. “Such a good girl.”
Your brain is too foggy, too filled with thoughts of Megumi and the way he feels grinding against your pussy that you can’t speak, reaching your freehand down to pull off your shorts. 
He smirks, squeezing your neck a little bit. “So impatient. You don’t want me to eat you out, baby? You don’t wanna feel my tongue on you?”
You whine, finally pulling your shorts down. “I do, Megs, I do…but if you don’t fuck me I actually might explode.” He laughs at you and it makes your pussy clench. He leans back on his knees to pull your shorts and panties down. He grabs your legs and bends them back, pressing your thighs against your torso. He can’t help himself, leaning down and licking your clit, swirling his tongue in little circles, chuckling to himself as you squirm and grind your pussy on his face. “Megumi!”
He pulls away and laughs again, replacing his tongue with his thumb. “I know, I know. I couldn’t help myself. You look so delicious.” Your impatient whine is cut off when he starts to pull his sweatpants down, taking his boxers with it. Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head when you see his cock. Long, but not too thick, with balls that are practically begging to be drained. He grins at your reaction, rubbing his tip with his thumb. “Is it big?”
You nod, your mouth going dry again. “Really big, Megs. Might not fit inside me.”
He tuts at you, grabbing his cock at the base and rubbing the tip against your clit. “Nah. You can take it. And if you can’t, I’ll just have to stretch you out with my fingers and make you cum a few times.”
He suddenly slides in all the way to the hilt, leaning over you and gripping your hair at the root, groaning into your ear about how good you feel. He gives you a few seconds to adjust, kissing the side of your head affectionately. You can practically feel him in your throat, your eyes threatening to roll back into your skull.
Megumi starts thrusting, one hand remaining in your hair and the other going down so his thumb can rub your clit in gentle circles. He’s saying something but you can’t hear him, too full of him to pay attention, but he doesn’t mind at all. He likes how quickly he can turn your mind to mush, how quickly you submit to him. He never wants to let you go after this.
You wrap your legs around his waist as his thrusts pick up, digging your heels into the small of his back. You wrap your arms around his neck, your eyes glazed over as you moan his name over and over. Your pussy clenches and he nearly cums, burying his face in your neck, biting at the skin to keep himself from busting too soon. 
It’s your turn to grip his hair at the root, your pussy clenching around him again as he rubs your clit at a delicious angle. Your whole body shudders and you arch your back into him. “Megumi!”
“Not yet,” He whispers into your ear, his voice deep. “Not yet, you little slut. You need my permission. You can hold on a bit longer, can’t you?” You nod, biting your lip as you will yourself to focus on not cumming. You could do it easily, but Megumi was having a hard time holding out himself. The way you felt around him, all tight and wet, and the way you bit your lip was driving him crazy, not to mention the way you were following all of his orders so perfectly. You really wanted to please him, didn’t you? Megumi can only hold out for a little bit longer before rubbing your clit harder, biting your neck to keep himself from utterly loosing control. “Come on, baby. Cum for me. You can do it. You’re such a good girl…”
And you are, cumming exactly when he tells you to, your hips bucking into his as he talks you through your orgasm. You look so cute coming undone around him, your eyes watering, lips pouty as you moan his name like a prayer. You bury your face in his chest, breathing heavily.
“Thank you.” You say, and Megumi decides right then and there that he’s keeping you.
Megumi grins, stroking your hair. “You’re welcome, baby.” He kisses your forehead, looking down at you adoringly as you curl up against his chest.
You’re all his now.
let me know what you think my lovelies!
★taglist: @whereflowerswenttodie, @rosieandthethorns, @sillygoose3082, @byebibyemia, @ichorstainedskin, @myeeym, @peach-filth, @aockskcw, @phoenixmoxxileigh, @gojussybussylover (reply to this post if you want to be included in the taglist! italics mean i couldn't tag you!)
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mikobeautifulheart · 3 months
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Megumi x reader 'first date'
TW: leave if you have gojo-phobia because he's going to be anoying in this one.
eh like maybe a 100 words at mosttt
Rblogs welcomed if u were wondering. JUST NO ITS NOT EDITED.
'I'll be at your dorm at 9:00, wear something comfortable' you read the text from Megumi over and over, your heart racing even faster ever time.
It was your first offical date with Megumi and he hasn't said anything about what it is. The only thing you knew was that Megumi was going to be here any minute.
You slipped out your uniform and into an outfit fit for a warm night like tonight. You and Megumi have spent hours the entire school day sending each other love sick gazes and awkward conversations. That's exactly why Gojo was sitting on top of the dormitory, waiting to catch somebody(s) sneaking out.
Gojo already knew something was up after the other night when he caught you guys in Megumis dorm, but he couldn't help but think something was up when Megumi turned red after looking at his phone.
You lied on your bed when you heard a knock at the door. It was Megumi, it had to be.
It was, you opened the door to a casual dressed Megumi holding a small handful of flowers. You could tell they were from the back of the school where plants were over grown and unkept.
It didn't bother you because the flowers were arranged and were wrapped with a blue ribbon tied into the prettiest bow. He must have looked and only picked out the flowers he thought he were the 'best'.
"Aww Megumi" you said taking the flowers he handed you and giving his cheek a quick peck.
His ears were red.
"When your done were going to need to sneak out" He said leaning in your door way as you willed a glass of water for the flowers.
"Okay" you said with a wide smile making his heart skip a bit.
When you looked at him you just realised he was holding two rolled up towels under his arm.
"Are we going to ues those" you said looking at the towels.
"Yeah." He said
You walked out the door and closed it behind you before linking your arm with Megumi's and walking down the doors hallway.
Megumi slowly opened the front door not letting it make a single creak. He held it open for you to walk through before shutting it gentely.
"So, where are we going" you whispered over the sound of crickets.
"You'll see" he said, a small smile growing
you both walked through the forest at the side of Jujutsu high and carefully stepped through bushes.
"I don't get it Megumi, where are we even going? There's nothing surrounding jujutsu high" you said looking down to try not trip over a fallen tree branch.
Just then a small gust of wind blew your hair back and you looked up to see a small beach infront of you.
You were astounded the sound of waves calmly leaving the shore made you feel like it was all a dream.
Megumi put the towels down near the forest and walked over to you holding a frisbee. You looked at it and started to walk backward with your arms up waiting for him to throw, but instead of catching a Frisbee, Megumi summoned his demon dogs that chased after you also waiting to catch the frisbee.
In the woods Gojo walked carefully hearing yours laugh and maybe most importantly, Megumi's laugh. Gojo was there for most of Megumi's life, he had been through alot, so hearing him laugh whole heartedly made him proud. Sure you weren't supposed to be out this late but he couldn't help but smile at the sound of Megumi laugh.
Fine, he'll let it slide, but not before getting a picture of you two and his dogs playing.
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AUTHORS NOTE: This is appart of my Meguimi growing up in Gojos eyes series. Don't worry most of the fics have little to no correlation, we build as we gooooo. If u have ideas or what u wanna read PLEASE REQUEST my inbox is so empty I'll die. Thanks for reading ig.
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topichoon · 3 months
Like A Summer Breeze - Lee Heeseung
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genre(s). fluff, smut, crack, and friends to lovers trope
pairing. bestfriend!heeseung x fem!reader
WARNINGS: pet names, reader shares about their insecurities, kissing, public sex (in hot tub), fingering, p in v, oral (f receiving), any more..?
a/n. I felt very in the summer mood ig sooooo I decided to write this! it was so much fun to write as well like i was enjoying it the whole time😭
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The scorching hot sun shines into my room peeking through from the window. This reminds me that it’s the first day of summer break finally. Last year was my freshmen year in college and it was quite hard to adjust since I'm not good with big changes, but overtime I got used to it. Sometimes it makes me sad to think about my old friends from high school since I haven't talked to most of them for a long time, but I honestly can’t wait for what the future will bring me. I'd prefer a healthy relationship, since that's been on the top of my list for years now. I’ve had a few boyfriends in the past, but they never lasted. I try to tell myself that I just haven’t found the right one yet but when I see all of my friends happily with their relationship it makes me doubt if someone will even love for who I am.
Just like my last relationship with Choi Beomgyu, the school's frat boy whose most known to get himself around whenever he can. I should’ve known not to fall for one, but I just couldn’t help myself. Whenever a man gives me the slightest amount of attention after I've been in so many bad relationships it makes me think they actually want me. And not just for all the sexual aspects like they’ve always wanted. Of course, I like doing sexual things with my lover but when that's the only thing they truly want from me that's where I have to draw the line.
One time with my first boyfriend back in my junior year of high school, he wanted me to give it up my virginity to him, and I did because I thought he actually loved me for more than sex. But right after I gave him what he wanted, he got up and left then ghosted me. I hadn't seen him in ages since he suspiciously switched high schools but to my surprise he applied to the same college as I did. And I always see him around campus with another girl wrapped around his finger. I wonder if he changed but to my assumptions and seeing him with a new girl practically every day I wouldn't doubt if he's still the same.
That's why I’m very thankful for my best friend Heeseung, we’ve been best friends since birth basically since our moms were friends' way back when, so we were prone to being friends as well. He’s always there for me when something went wrong and reassuring me that everything going to be okay. Every time one of my relationships had ended, he was always there to comfort me. He’s sort of in the same boat as me when it comes to relationships, but as the male he isn’t the one taking advantage of the girl, it’s the exact opposite.
He hasn’t told me much about his romantic life but when he does, I make sure not to forget it because that's usually a sign that it was bad. One particular relationship with a girl he had last year was terrible. And I’ve never seen him cry so much in his entire life, which made my heart break for him to see how much he cared about her and how she just threw him to the curb.
The girl had been cheating on him their whole entire relationship but never said a word, I guess Heeseung was too oblivious to figure out right away. But I don't blame him because he was so in love and when you're truly in love you have your full trust in your significant other, which is what happened he did trust her with his entire life, but she took that for advantage. Overtime he had grew some suspicions due to her always getting back past 12am and making excuses that it was for "work" or something stupid. But the real way he found out himself was he caught her with a guy in her car late at night when he was looking out his window waiting for her to arrive back from "work". At this point when he saw those two in his car his heart shattered completely, he couldn't believe the girl he thought he was going to marry did this to him.
When he finally opened up to me and told me what happened with his ex-girlfriend, he didn’t tell me what they were doing in the car but from how upset he was I can almost guarantee it was tragic. So, what better option is there to cope than applying for an ice cream shop job on a pier. We both applied a couple weeks ago at the same time by filling out an online application, and we finally heard back a few days ago. We made it a competition to see who would get in because they were only looking for one person at the time. But to our surprise their last employee quit, so the owner reached out to us and said we were in.
Most people would take employees quitting as a negative thing, but we were just excited that we would be doing this job together for the rest of the summer. Same time, same hours, same everything. The dress code on the other hand isn’t even bad, but the owner said that we could wear whatever we wanted to since he doesn’t really care anymore as long as we’re doing our job. So, I’ll probably just settle for a bikini paired with jean shorts on the bottom because I don’t want it to be too revealing since basically all of my swimsuits are not very family friendly and technically the real job is to be serving ice cream not dressing like a prostitute for goodness sakes.
Hee 😼: You ready for our first day on the job 😭
Me: yeah…definetly😐 bro what do i do if someone tries to hit on me??!
Hee 😼: idfk! Just go along with it…? Also did you just brozone me
Me: you’ve been brozoned your whole entire life 🤣
Hee 😼: i’m. Blocking. You.
Hee 😼: why are you begging you weirdo😟 (do it more often)
Me: okay nvm pls block me now i’m not talking to you anymore🙄
Hee 😼: you know i could never block youuu
Me: stop this lovey dovey stuff NOW my friends just asked me if we were dating.
Hee 😼: you know you wish we were dating😘
Me: ...
Hee 😼: well i’ll be there in 10 see you soon my beautiful girlfriend😜
I roll my eyes and throw my phone onto my bed and put on my pink bikini set and slid my jean shorts on. And then slide on some sandals paired with one of my seashell bracelets that Heeseung got me as a kid on our “10-year bff anniversary” or so he calls it. I always wear it no matter what even when I’m not with him.
I just feel protected whenever I wear it because I know it’s from him. And he always wears my handmade coastal styled necklace I made him everywhere he goes. I finish tying my hair back into a low braid and take a quick check in the mirror before heading to the front door. I take a peek out the front door window and see him parked in the driveway. I exit my house and go into the passenger seat.
“Hey y/nnn!” Heeseung smiles while looking over at me. I take a moment before responding because I was a bit distracted with his choice of outfit. And because he looked good. Like really good.
A white button up polo with all the buttons undone. Finished with his black shorts. He seemed to notice how long I was looking at him, so he decided to speak, “y/n~ my eyes are right here” he points to his eyes with a sly grin plastered on his face.
“Oh whatever..” I playfully roll my eyes in response to him. He laughs before backing out of my driveway. He turns and grabs my seat tightly while backing out, the grip and veins from his hand makes me think some very interesting thoughts.
But I quickly snap out of it once I realize he would think that's probably weird of me but in all honesty, my self respect is long gone just from seeing his hands if I'm going to be honest. “You look really good by the way.” Heeseung says softly, the blush on his face getting redder by the second.
“Thank you hee, you don’t look too bad yourself.” I attempt to say confidently but instead sound shy. But how could I sound confident in myself when this is THE Lee Heeseung after all. Even though we’ve been friends for many years I still get nervous around him because his aura is so damn intimidating.
My friends say it’s because I like him, but I honestly get nervous around every guy. I think it’s normal, but I guess they think otherwise. Although in their defense I did get upset and jealous when he was with another girl, but it’s solemnly because I didn’t want him to get hurt again!
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We arrive at the ice cream shop 1 hour before opening so hopefully we can learn our way around and see how everything works. The shop is pretty spacious and much bigger than I expected it to be. So, I am very thankful that we came here early because if we didn't, I would not know what to do.
“Y/n if I’m going to be completely honest with you, I don’t know how to make ice cream...” Heeseung curls his lips trying to hide his laughter.
“What?! How do you not know how to make ice cream?” I look at him with my jaw dropped and a shocked look on my face totally missing his joke for being serious.
To which he returns a loud laugh and replies, “I was just messing with you! You should’ve seen the look on your face!” He continues laughing while pointing at my still confused face.
I laugh as well while shaking my head in disbelief. I can’t believe I almost thought this idiot didn’t know how to make ice cream. I mean there could be a chance but he’s not that dumb to not know how to scoop ice cream and simply put it into a cone.
We finally get all set up in the shop and get ready while standing in front of the 2 cashier registers, one for me and one for him. “Let’s make it a competition to see who can get more people to come to their register. Okay?” I challenge him with a smirk on my face.
“Game on. I already know I’m going to win.” He pats my head gently before returning back to the register since the customers are already walking inside.
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We had already served a lot of customers and it was close to ending time but just before we were going to start packing up one more girl walked in. She had nice freshly done beach wave curls, along with a skimpy bikini. The more I analyzed her closely she had a way better body than me, she had bigger tits and a big ass.
As she walked in further, I could already tell who she was going to go to. Heeseung. I almost felt jealous. I already knew I wasn’t good enough for him but damn just seeing her hit hard enough. Heeseung got off his phone and looked at her.
I took a deep breath in and out, curling my lips anxiously. As she walked closer, I felt very insecure, I didn’t have big tits or a big ass they are way smaller, and I am just skinny. I mean I have a flat stomach and a good set of abs, but guys don’t seem to like that anymore from what I've seen.
She transfers her gaze away from Heeseung to me surprisingly. She smiled at me brightly and came to my register. I was quite startled to be honest because I wasn’t expecting her to go to mine. I was so sure she was going to go try and hit on Heeseung but I thought wrong.
“Hello! I was wondering if I could have 2 mint ice cream cones, please?” She looks at me softly.
I quickly nod and type it all up into the register getting the total. Heeseung goes to the back and starts scooping up the ice cream.
“Will that be all for you today?” I return her smile and wait for her response.
To which she nods, “yes! My girlfriend and I are on vacation here, so we decided to stop here!” She says cheerily. I nod and grab her card from her swiping it across the side and return it back to her.
Oh my god. I was jealous of someone who was already in a happy relationship. How fucking sick am I; I should’ve known not to be jealous of someone at first glance. But in this case...I was.
Heeseung brings the ice cream cones up to the front and she grabs them from his hands saying a quiet “thank you” and walks out.
When she walks out Heeseung turns and looks at me and walks over “you were jealous weren’t you?” He chuckles while shutting down the registers.
“Why are you asking?” I question him out of curiosity. Quite confused why he would ask this out of the blue. But also, I wanted to know how he knew was it clear on my face that I was?!
“It was pretty obvious y/n,” he laughs quietly in between “but just know you’re beautiful just the way you are ynnie..I would pick you over anybody else if you gave me the chance...” he walks over to my and hugs me from behind.
“And also…I love your body.” He runs his hands up and along the side of my torso. “So, if you ever are insecure about yourself, just know I think you’re fucking hot and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.” He buries his face into my neck while saying this.
“Just so you know if that girl was trying to hit on me or make any moves, I would’ve shut her down right away.” Heeseung’s warm breath hitting my neck causing shivers to get sent down my spine.
"And also...I won~" He pulls away smirking and collects his tips from the tip jar. While I just stand there completely dumbfounded from everything that just happened.
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Ever since I hit puberty, I saw y/n in a completely different way than before. I felt this romantic connection with her, and it never went away no matter how many relationships I got in. And sometimes it feels like she actually wants me, but other times it feels the exact opposite. Like she could honestly care less about me and just ditch me for someone else better than me. It's hard to understand her you know. Which is why I've tried so hard to not have feelings for her because I know it would never work out, we're best friends and she probably just wants to stay that way. Which I'm completely fine with it hurts to think that way but I would never force her into something that she wouldn't want.
I tried at least to prove my feelings for her last night at the ice cream shop by calling her “gorgeous” and “hot”, so if she does supposedly happen to have feelings for me, she would know I feel the same way. But I don’t think she got the memo and she most likely thought I was just being nice to her or something. But I’m willing to do whatever it takes if it means I can have her. Yesterday when I noticed her looking upset when that one girl walked in, I immediately felt bad. I want her to know that I wouldn’t choose any other girl over her.
It will always be her.
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It’s been about 2 months since we started the job and its now August. The last month of summer before we'll have to go back to college and go our separate ways again. Time flew by so fast, and I’m so upset that it’s almost coming to an end.
Sadly, we don’t go to same university, so we won’t be able to see each other as often. But last year we did manage to make it work as we facetimed frequently and hung out about once a month in person. If I’m telling the truth I don’t think that was enough time. But I’m glad to have the summer so we can grow back closer again before we grow apart over the school year just like last year.
Me: hee! do you wanna hangout today?
Hee 😼: yesss where?
Me: I was thinking your house? Because I know you got a hot tub recently 🤭
Hee 😼: dang I should’ve known you didn’t want to go because of me🥲🥲
Me: says who? Maybe I did want to see you as well🤷‍♀️
Hee 😼: knew you did😮‍💨 but so do I 🫣
Me: okay well I’ll be there in 5 does that work for you?
Hee 😼: anything works for me when it comes to you
Me: hmm okay then perf😩 I’ll see you soon
Hee 😼: bye ynnieee
I pull up to his house and get out of my car. Walking up to his door I quickly readjust my bikini as it was all over the place and showing basically everything from the car ride. Partially from being my most revealing bikini I have, but if I want to impress Heeseung that’s the way to go, I guess. And it's the last few weeks of summer so if I want to get his attention I don't have forever before he finds another girl on his campus.
I ring his doorbell and wait patiently but definitely not for long. Before I know it the door is already flung all the way open. Revealing a tall and handsome guy which is Heeseung.
He gestures me inside and shuts the door behind me. I catch him checking me out and it’s blatantly obvious to me. I grab his jaw and move his head up so now he’s looking into my eyes. When I get a clearer look at his face I notice his burning red cheeks. How cute…
He looks down at my lips for a split second then looks back up at my eyes. Licking his lips, his eyes are filled with need and desire. But I’m not going to give him that, yet I’ll make him work for it just like I've had to basically my whole life trying to get him to like me. I let go of his jaw and smile at his disappointed reaction.
“Wanna go in the hot tub now?” I ask him excitedly. Waiting for his answer he interlocks his fingers with mine and nods his head.
“Yeah, let’s go.” He mumbles. He leads me to his newly finished backyard.
We make it to the hot tub and he asks me, “what color lights do you want in the hot tub” he gulps before finishing his sentence “there’s blue, red—“
I cut him off before he can finish saying the colors before I blurt out “red.” He looks at me a little surprised but smirk’s instantly when he gets the memo.
He grabs the light switch cord and changes it to red and turns on the jets. I go to the stairs and slowly walk into the hot tub, getting used to the warm temperature. Heeseung walks behind me very closely.
We both sit on one of the ledges inside the hot tub and I turn to look at him. “Thanks again hee for letting me come over,” I say smiling widely.
“Anytime, I love seeing you as much as I can.” Heeseung fidgets with his fingers nervously. Of course, I notice this, so I decide to scoot a littl closer to him. Maybe he’ll get what I’m implying, I hope.
And to my surprise he does notice, and his cheeks feel like they’re on fire. “You know if you wanted to sit on my lap, you could’ve just asked?” He builds up the courage to ask.
I look at him with a small smirk and get on his lap like he said. His hands almost instantly go on my thighs massaging the inner corners. No man has ever taken their time to touch me like this, they just fucked me raw. But Heeseung…I’m determined to figure out how he fucks.
Our lips connect and move together at a perfect rhythm. It’s almost as if our lips were made for each other. Heeseung continues rubbing my inner thighs making me moan in between kisses. He inserts his tongue in my mouth, roaming all around. He tastes so sweet I’m addicted to his lips at this point. His lips so soft and plush and they work absolute miracles.
His hands working their way dangerously close to my throbbing core. Fuck I am so into this, I know this is wrong and this will ruin our friendship. But I could care less, the way he’s teasing me with his every movement makes me want him even more.
“Do you want this...?” Heeseung asks carefully before going further. I nod quickly but that doesn’t faze him. “Words yn.” He waits for me to actually confirm verbally.
“Yes, I want this so bad hee!” I whine desperately. He wastes no time before removing my bikini bottoms and starts rubbing my clit. Starting at a slow pace then working the speed faster overtime.
He takes one of my tits and wastes no time before taking it all into his mouth. He sucks on it likes it’s his last day on earth. His free hand playing with my other nipple making sure it doesn’t feel left out. He softly bites down on my nipple that’s in his mouth making me whimper in return.
My head drops back into his shoulder from the pleasure. His fingers felt so good, almost too good to be true. Along with his mouth working wonders his tongue licking all over my tit. The way he was doing so much to me at once made my eyes roll back.
He continues these movements before inserting one finger in. The feeling of his finger going inside me makes me go insane. A fleeted moan exits my body as he plunges another finger in.
“Doing so good ynnie…” he says in a dark huskily voice his voice vibrating on my tit. Thrusting his fingers in and out while my moans get louder. His fingers going deeper inside of me at a quick tempo makes my mind wander to how his dick would feel inside me.
“Fuck! I’m s-so close heeseungie..” I cry out my body squirming all over his clothed cock. Heeseung's swim trunks suddenly becoming 3x too tight from how painfully hard he is getting just from hearing these beautiful sounds come out of my mouth and the feeling of my warm walls clenching against his fingers.
“Oh yeah? Come on cum all over my fingers...” he whispers darkly in my ear.
Those words made me cum right away, immediately coating his fingers with my sweet juices. Part of me can’t believe I’m doing this but the other part of me wants to discover more.
He removes his mouth off my tit while placing one last peck on my nipple and says, “did so good f’me fuck, can’t wait to see how good you’ll feel around my cock.” He takes off his swim trunks and grabs my hips.
He lines me up and I slowly sink down onto his cock. His long shaft going further into me and going places no other man could ever reach. I wait for my gummy walls to adjust to his big size and length before I do anything.
“Okay I’m ready.” I breath out giving him the okay to start going.
He wastes no time before gripping tighter onto my hips and making me ride him. I grab onto the sides of the ledge inside the hot tub and grind my body along his lap. This throws him over the edge, and he moans.
My tight hole clenching down on his cock tightly that he just can’t get enough of. He bucks his hips up making me whine, “sorry baby you just feel too good...” his noises become more audible as I start bouncing up and down on his long cock.
“F-fuck..I’m going to cum if you keep doing that yn.” His head throws back his hands traveling all around my body. Once he says those words I speed up, his thickness stretching me out, but the pleasure gets rid of all the pain.
“Shit— I'm going to cum yn.. cum with me,” Heeseung grunted while his fingers dig deeper into my skin sure to leave marks the next morning.
“How about me make this a little more exciting,” he pauses building the anticipation “let’s do a countdown...” he growled bringing his face closer to my revealed neck. Placing love bites and hickies all over my collarbone.
“5….” Heeseung’s thrusts becoming rougher and reaching undiscovered spots.
Wet moans release my mouth from the way his tip is hitting all the right places. From the way he is breathing and groaning I can tell this countdown is as hard for him and it is for me. “4...come on you can do this yn” his eyes shut close at the extreme pleasure.
The way I’m clenching so tightly on his cock makes him go feral. He doesn’t know if he can even last 5 seconds because he needs to cum now. “Fuck— 3…” moans and grunts filling the area that the neighbors can for sure hear.
But we could care less the only thing we’re focused on is trying not to cum. Thank goodness his parents weren’t home today because they usually are since Heeseung has to go back to university in a week.
“2.... we're so close just keep holding on baby...” he rasps his voice low and dark.
“1...” the moment this leaves his voice is when I completely come undone onto his cock. Along with his warm seed spreading all over my insides.
Our breaths heavy and clothes gone if anyone looked out their window, they would now what just happen. But thankfully no one did, and we stay like this for a couple more minutes before we start collected our swim pieces.
He helps me tie my bikini top on along with my bottoms so we can look at least good enough to walk back in the house. Before getting his swim trunks back on he places a small kiss on my neck.
"Holy shit...I can't believe we just did that— but that was the best sex I've ever had in my entire life..." he chuckles while tying his swim trunks.
"Yeah, me either...but I do have to agree with you that was fucking amazing." I nod agreeingly watching him adjust his trunks and shake his wet hair.
"Here we should probably go inside so I can clean you up..." He grabs my waist and helps me get out of the hot tub since my legs basically feel just like Jello. That was most definitely the best fuck I've ever and probably ever will experience. And I am more than thankfully I had this opportunity before it was too late.
We walk in the house together to our relief his parents weren't home since they were on a business trip for a month. So, we went into the bathroom and undressed ourselves once again like earlier. I would love to do that again but I'm not quite sure if he can handle it.
He turns on the water and waits for it to get warm enough before we walk in. I immediately spot a ledge inside the shower and sit on it. I lean my head back and close my eyes. It's not long before I feel something wet lapping at my clit. So, I quickly look down and see a needy Heeseung desperately sucking on my clit. I smile and put my hands in his hair tugging slightly to give him a sign that I see him doing this. When he feels me pull on his hair he goes faster. Eating me out like it's his last meal but I am not complaining because this man is pussy drunk at its fullest.
The shower filled with echoes of my moans and whines making Heeseung proud to know he is making me feel this way. He is so determined to make me cum again and from the way he is sucking on my swollen clit and inserting his tongue in my entrance makes me almost positive I will.
"Pussy tastes so fucking good..." he groans while thrusting his tongue in and out of my hole. The vibrations of his voice on my clit makes me let out a wet moan.
"Fuck— f-faster! Heeseungie please..." I grip his hair tighter and start riding his face desperately. Heeseung smirks and tongue fucks me just how I asked for.
"I'm gonna c-cum!!" I whine bucking my hips upwards and slamming my eyes shut tightly.
"C'mon darling...cum on my face." His slurps and words being the only thing I can focus on at the moment. Everything around me feels like it's spinning from how good I feel.
I let out a breath and do as he says. Cumming all over his pretty face with my warm juices. "So good f'me..." he licks around his lips where some of my cum landing. Trying not to waste a single drop because he is so addicted to the taste.
We finished the rest of the shower washing each other's bodies off making sure not to miss any spots. But we ended up going for a round 2 anyways due to him getting hard and horny from washing my body. Later that night he had asked me to be his girlfriend and expressed his feelings he had for me ever since he was a kid, and I of course said yes. At last, we understood our feelings towards each other, and I was almost certain this relationship was going to last.
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Ever since then work has been so much funnier and enjoyable when working together because we both had finally realized our feelings towards each other. We spent more time together outside of work and slept at each other's houses very often. Which was basically every single day, it's as if we were making up for all the lost time we could've spent together if we had expressed our feelings sooner. But in all honesty, we were just so in love that we didn't want to go without one another.
But of course, with every good that happens there is always a bad that follows with it. Summer break ends in a week which would mean we would have to separate for an entire school year. I knew it would be hard, but I was determined to make it work and so was he. I just hoped that it wouldn't be like last year when by the end of the year we barely talked to each other at all. But I have higher hopes this time that it will work out since we are actually official now.
Because I will always love him the first time and the last time. Forever and forever till death do us apart. I know he is the one for me which is why it took me a bit to realize it was him. Lee Heeseung. My one and only love. He has proven so many times this as well, he is such a gentleman and we even told our parents, and they were so happy for us. They had told us they knew this moment would come eventually which made me laugh because I had heard their conversations before about me and Heeseung and this topic was definitely brought up more than once.
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The week had already passed, and it was now time to get back to college. I cried the whole day and Heeseung did as well, it felt as if it were too soon for us to leave each other. I knew it wouldn't be forever but it made it even harder knowing our colleges are very far apart so we couldn't just visit each other in person on a regular daily basis.
The first to go was Heeseung since his college was the farthest away, so he had to get going earlier than I did. It broke my heart seeing him load away his luggage's into the trunk because it made me really remember that we're separating. This whole summer we had grew so close, closer than any summer we've spent together. And to know that we're just going to grow back apart anyways.
I feel a small tear roll down my left cheek, the saltiness of it burning my skin. There was so many emotions I was feeling at once which made me so overwhelmed that I just was numb. What I do know for sure is that no matter how tough it will be to keep this relationship going I won't stop trying to make this relationship work.
He slams the trunk door shut quite loudly making me bite my lip realizing it was because he doesn't want to leave either. And is trying to take out his anger on regular things that have to be shut hard in his attempt to try and disguise it. But instead, I see right through his actions.
He walks over to me with tearfilled eyes and immediately wraps his arms around me hugging me tightly.
"I can't leave you..." He sobs into my neck. It hurts me to see him like this and I wish I could do something about it but I really can't.
"And also...I have something for you yn," he grabs out a necklace and places it in my hand, "don't open it until I'm gone, okay?" he waits for me to answer and I return him a quick nod.
He gives one last tight squeeze and long kiss before he has to leave. While opening the door he turns and waves at me while blowing a kiss. He turns back around and sits down into the seat. His driver slowly backs out of the driveway, and I see the faint outline of Heeseung's hand in the tinted window and I give a small wave back.
Since he is gone, I take out the necklace he gave me and take a further look at it. It's a heart shaped necklace and it has an opening; I open the heart and see a photo of us together from a long time ago.
But I notice something about the photo it's the summer of us when we were kids, but the specific day is when he kissed me. I now remember it all so clearly, the memories of us when we were out swimming in the ocean, and he "accidentally" kissed me.
I went out to deep in the ocean and couldn't swim very well so he had to swim out and rescue me. While bringing me back to shore he pressed a soft and short kiss on my lips he claimed that he "slipped on one of the rocks" but I always knew he was lying. Which I found super cute and adorable of him and it's also how I realized my true feelings and really understood who they were for. And of course it was for Heeseung.
I look next to the photo on my necklace and spot some writing on it. The words say,
To my one true love, who made me realize what love is actually like. I’ve always liked you more than you ever knew. In the end I’ve always wanted it to be. I love you so much yn. It’s you, it’s always been and always will be.
From: Lee Heeseung ♡︎
He went in and out of my life just like a summer breeze.
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kissingfinelines · 11 months
High School! Nanami headcanons
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(ac: mineco000 on twt!)
(emo nanami x gn! reader)
A/N: If no one else is gonna pump out emo kento content ig I’ll do it :/
Gets teased constantly about being emo (mainly by his peers Gojo, Geto, Haibara, etc.) It’s all in good fun and it doesn’t really get to him but when he catches feelings for you it makes him wonder if he’d be your type.
He wonders if you’d like boys like him because he’s noticed that outgoing fun guys like Gojo are typically seen as more attractive.
You’re oblivious to his crush on you because he’s always quiet unless he has something worth saying. But Haibara noticed immediately because…
Nanami is usually quiet but does small gestures that show his true feelings towards someone. Like whenever you talk Nanami gives you his full attention but when you look at him he immediately turns away and just nods. Haibara notices this and giggles about it.
He’s always telling Nanami to shoot his shot w you!
H: “C’mon I’ll set up a date and everything! We could go to a cafe [as a group of 3] but then I’ll lie and say I left my stove on or something. Then I’ll leave and it would just be the two of you!”
Nanami says it’s the stupidest idea he’s ever heard (but he considers it for days.)
He doesn’t try to flirt with you because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable (but he practices what to say to you in the mirror and Haibara caught him one time 💀)
NK: “So um, Y/N, what… kind of music do you like?” He mumbles to the mirror, awkwardly fixing his hair. He tries to imagine your response in his head.
“Oh, I love the same music as you, Ken! Take me to a concert so we can rave and make out!” Haibara teases from the doorway, making his voice high pitched. He wraps his arms around himself and makes kissing sounds.
Nanami threw a pillow at him and jumped him.
But when he is alone with you…
For example, if it’s just you two on a mission, he’ll try to make small talk even though he hates it.
He’ll bring up anything he knows you like (shows, movies, music, etc.) because even if he knows nothing about it, he likes watching the way you light up when you talk about your interest.
If you’re walking next to each other and your hands touch he won’t visibly react but he will scream internally.
If you flirt with him even as a joke, he won’t know how to react and he will blush like crazy. His face will be so red you’ll ask if he’s having an allergic reaction.
Constantly fights the urge to look at any part of you
Finally confessing…
If you confess first:
He’ll ask if you’re joking. Even if you confirm that you’re not, he’ll ask 10 more times.
He’ll start to smile but quickly cover the corner of his mouth with the neck of his uniform jacket.
He finally makes eye contact with you and softly says “I like you too.”
He’d like to kiss you on the spot, but thinks it’d be more romantic to wait for the first date.
Instead, he asks to hold your hand. When you accept, he holds it tightly, wondering how he got so lucky.
If he confesses first…
It would probably be after a long mission. It’s late at night and you’re both pretty beat.
You’d be covered in scratches and cuts, bleeding lightly. But to Nanami, you’re still the most beautiful person he’s ever seen.
Without thinking, he’d reach forward and wipe a drop of blood from your chin.
When you ask him why he did that, he’d just shrug and give a small tired smile. He’s usually stoic, but how could he not smile after a job well done?
And in all honesty, he’s just glad he didn’t lose you.
It’s late and you’re both exhausted, so he suggests going to a local bakery he loves and insists that he’ll pay.
It doesn’t matter if you order a pastry or a sandwich, he’s happy to treat you.
On the walk back to campus, he watches as you eagerly chow down on whatever he bought you. He decides to use whatever adrenaline he has left to confess his feelings for you.
NK: “Hey, there’s something that’s… been on my mind for a while. I’ve tried to ignore it but, it’s pretty difficult to do when it’s about someone like you.”
He rambles on how about how much he likes you. His words sound like a poet but they’re basically verbatim with the lyrics of his favorite song.
Once he’s done he goes quiet and looks at you. “So… what do you think? I don’t expect you to feel the same, but if you do…”
When you tell him you feel the same, his knees go weak. He can’t even believe the words you’re saying.
“I’ve always liked you, Kento.” You laugh, placing a hand on his arm.
“You’re lying.” Nanami’s eyes are wide with surprise.
“I’m not, I swear! I thought I made it obvious. Even Haibara noticed.”
“He what.”
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supermarketbae · 1 year
dom billy punishing you’re being a brat flirting with other guys at a party, he grabs you and shoves you into a closet. It’s really rough hot , and ur both so sweaty and he’s rails his huge thick cock in you. Degrading and praising you. After it’s done you both collapse, cus ur so tired. And he places huge sloppy kisses on your face telling you what a good girl you are, whilst your still shaking from your orgasm.
HEM HeM seeing as it's my **FAVORITE LITTLE REQUESTER**(if there was a way to make 'favorite' more emphasized believe me I WOULD) ig i just have to do a quick little somethin on it (by quick i mean never ending- soul consuming-sending all my brain cells that are in commission to work on it-perhaps multiple chapter-fic) again, I don't make the rules I just work here. (shoutout to @billysbot for literally being the sweetest human!! It's too fun talking to you while i write these funny little fics! (even if you are a tad distracting😏) HAVE THE BEST DAY BB !!) guys please read🙏i went on a half an hour journey to see if the word 'simp' was used back in the 80's
Naughty and Not so Nice
a series
warnings: secret!relationship, P in v smut, degradation, praise, jealous!Billy, Whiny!Billy, Loud!reader, Hopper!reader, choking kink, breeding (ig), semi public sex, idk this whole fic again lmao.
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"Tie me up?" you smile as your boyfriend, Billy's hands ghost up your back ever so slightly teasing. "Hargrove, I swear to god don't make me regret liking you!" you laugh as he nimbly tightens the strings of the black corset you wear. "I could never, I'm too amazing." he chuckles coming to nuzzle you from behind breathing in the sweet aroma of your perfume, arms wrapping around your waist possessively. You tsk feigning annoyance, "so cocky baby" you smirk pressing a kiss to his now blushing cheeks. "Shut up." he groans hiding his face in your neck. "We'd better get going darlin'" Billy mumbles to you making no moves towards the door of his room. You groan audibly, "Do we have to?" you whine. You had agreed to go to Tina's Halloween party with Billy. He'd practically begged you to go with him, and who were you to say no.
You knew it was risky wearing semi matching costumes, both of you clad in all black, but what could you say, you longed to be Billy's girl. You wanted everyone to know. Everyone to see that your his. See, the only problem with everyone knowing was your father, Jim Hopper. Needless to say If anyone wanted to get back at you for anything, all they would have to do is tell him you were Hargrove's girl, and you were fucked. You knew the minute that happened you'd be grounded till 55. rolling your eyes at the thought, Billy sighs "I know darlin' but I'd promised some people I'd be there and I'd hate to disappoint." He smirks. "By 'people' do you mean half the high school girls?" you prod giggling "You know me well madam." Billy replies grin boyish. "Attention whore!" you laugh as his hands tickle into your sides and you fall back into him smiling still. "little minx." Billy grumbles kissing your cheek and pulling you to the door.
The party was somewhat fun.However, Billy had disappeared to god knows where. Either way, the food as always, was delicious. The drinks were abundant. It was loud, chaotic, and lively all at the same time. You lean towards Robin to hear her better. "I said," comes her raspy voice. "Do you know if Nancy and Steve are still a thing?" the slight blush on her face makes you smirk "Somebody's intrestedddd in Nancyyyyy" you tease watching her yelp with indignation "Bold of you to assume but ok!" she bites back eyes glittering with amusement "Ohhh you have it bad!" you sing watching Robins face glow deeper red "Shut it! I'll find her myself" she grumbles rolling her eyes at you lovingly. "Good luck!" you shout to her giving her an exaggerated wink and kissy face. You snort as she flips you off, stalking away to find Nancy.
Grimacing at the bitter taste of alcohol in your spiked lemonade you sit back on the couch content, that is, until Jason Carver comes sauntering over. You groan as he smiles down at you scooting the closest he possibly can to you. "What's a pretty girl like you doing by yourself?" he slurs gently to you. You cough aggressively , he positively reeks of alcohol. "Hoping to be near people like you." You state back prettily. The stupid smile on his face only spreads as he lays an arm around you. "We should go out sometime baby, I'd promise I'd make it worth your while." He winks at you cheekily and you giggle swatting him on the arm "You don't mean that!" you say lightly smacking a hand to your mouth to cover your simpering. "I do-" he is leaning closer to your face when he suddenly is yanked away "Get the fuck away from her Carver." Comes the animalistic growl you've come to recognize as your boyfriend.
"Whats'it to you, freak." Apparently, Jason had a death wish today,choosing his words most unwisely. A few people, yourself included gasp as you watch Billy throw Jason off the couch with ease, combat boot coming in contact with the burnette's chest, holding him down. "If you even look at her again. I'll fucking kill you." Billy snarls, voice poisonous. He turns to you possessive gleam evident in his eyes, "get over here." the command sends a shiver down your spine as you get up following him through the crowded room to the upstairs. "The fuck were you playin' at" Billy bites the minute he shuts the door, locking you both into to a tiny bathroom. "You left me. I was bored. He flirted," you say calmly feigning innocence "I don't see the problem, Baby." you say voice seductively low as you inch your hands up his strong frame.
"I guess I have to remind you who you belong to then" he rasps mouth harshly coming to bite at your neck. blatantly marking you. "B-billy-ah-my friends-" You moan as licks a stripe of your neck ferally groaning as he humps into you. "Shut the fuck up-god sweetheart I'm already so hard for you- shoulda-ah-should've fuckin thought of that when you were whoring out for Jason huh?" You mewl at his words eyes rolling back into your head as he clamps a hand over your mouth "c'mon darlin' shut that pretty mouth of yours, d-don't-goddd-don't w-want your friends to hear you moaning my name like a slut huh?" You whimper out muffled as he bends you over the small sink counter, other hand coming to knead into your ass before giving it a rough slap. "Billy~ ohmygod-please babyyy!" you whine as his hands come to play with your hardened nipples. He tsks eyes trailing over your wiggling figure,
"begging me to rail you already love?" Billy mocks as he slowly removes your panties moving your short skirt higher. "So wet already darlin'" Billy keens fingers coming to rub at your swollen clit, you whimper, jolting from the sudden spike in pleasure as he unbuckles his belt, the small clinks of metal sending a shiver down your spine. "Gonna take all of me huh? Pretty fuckin slut. g-good-oh godd-"
You cry out in unison as he thrusts into you, yours loud and perfectly pornographic. "Such a-so tight sweetheart-pretty slutty thing for me yeah?" Billy grunts as you clench around him hand snaking to your hair to pull you back. "Or is it for Jason hmm? you think-ah-fuckin take it darlin' justttt like that- you think he could fuck you like this?" you whimper shaking your head vigorously spasming as he grips your hips slamming them back onto his. "Words, darlin'" Billy huskily mumbles to you. "Nonono j-just you-ah godd Billy so good-just you baby-feels so-ohhh" You cry out, his hand is doing little to muffle your wanton moans now. "Such a slut yeah?-fuck you're milkin' my cock so good baby-good girl such a-ah fuck-good girl." you sob at his words pretty tears streaming down your cheeks "Billy-'m soso sorry baby pleasee I can't s'too good." you slur, you feel like your coming apart at the seams as he rams his thick cock into you. "Awh is my dumb little whore crying for me-such a pretty little thing." He groans as your sobs spike in volume "You can take it darlin', I-oh god baby squeezing me so fucking tight-I know you can take it-so gooodd for me!" Billy purrs to you whimpering.
"Suck 'em, Angel," Billy's fingers hold your mouth open as you moan gratefully, tongue swirling around his digits. "Gotta keep your slutty mouth quiet somehow darlin.'" he chides to your already reeling figure. "f-fuck me Billy P-pleaseee" Your mewl comes out breathy and intelligible as you choke on his fingers. "Ohmygoshd-Billy-mph-Pleaseee-wanna cum!" Billy chuckles as you drool around his finger thumb pad coming to wipe against the bottom of your lip. "droolin'-ah- for me baby?-so-goddd too tight so fuckin tight-such a precious thing." You cling to him as he pushes you closer to the edge. Billy groans tilting his head back, and you wail when his hand comes to play with your already overstimulated clit. "B-Billy~ S-so ohmygmf-I needa cum pleasee-" Billy chuckles darkly "All mine baby-ah-good girl- all fucking mine- so good!" you whine when his thrust grow sporadic, turning your head back, you lock eyes with him, your cock drunk ones coming in contact with his blown pupils, blue completely hidden. "please." you whimper to him. Billy's eyes roll. "God yes, darlin cum for me- all-oh shit darlin' cumming too-oh Goddd." Billy rambles to you pulling you closer as you bawl out his name a final time spasming a final time around his cock, feeling his cum fill you up.
"sosoSO good for me baby, did so good, all mine, all fucking mine darlin'" Billy moans into the shell of your ear softly as you come down from your high. A warm blush fills your cheeks at his praises. You collapse, falling into him. Billy holds you up pressing kisses to your flushed cheeks as you shake, positively scorching from your orgasm. Billy is clinging to you mouthing at any skin he can reach. "love you so much- so fucking much." he slurs out kissing your cheeks again and again. "mmmm love you too baby" you sigh out completely blissed out. Cuddling closer into him. Unaware of Robin searching for you outside...
JUAHIHSIWUHWWUIDH AGAIN THIS GOT OUTTA HAND!! MbMB (this is the start of a tiny mini series idk bro) THANK U BB FOR READING!!
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hwabang · 9 months
When the First Love Returns - Sim Jaeyun
Summary: After Jake starts giving all of his attention to his first love from high school, you start to pull away leaving the boy absolutely miserable.
Genre: angst + fluff ending
Warnings: fem!reader, established relationship, jealous reader, mentions of breaking up, mentions of insecurity, jake is kinda clueless in the beginning, ig you could say this is set a couple years in the future? in the sense that jake is close to proposing to y/n
Author’s Note: jake is not one of my three biases so tell me why i have two works for him before ANYTHING about heejay😭 (jungwon stans are eating well tho yw)
Word Count: ~ 4.2k
NOTICE: (the names used for side characters are fake names, with the exception of the enhypen members. the fake names don't represent any real life characters.)
(gif not mine!)
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You were in the kitchen finishing up the dishwashing when you heard lots of rustling by the front door. Drying your hands you walked out to the main area to see Jake walking into your shared apartment with shopping bags in his hand and the biggest smile you'd seen in a while.
Jake quickly yet gently put the bags down and beckoned you over. Smiling, you walked over and wrapped your arms around his neck. "What's got you in such a good mood?"
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pecked your lips. "Guess what? My high school friend group is coming to Korea for a vacation!"
You widened your eyes in excitement. "Really? Jake that's great!"
He eagerly nodded, picking up the shopping bags again and walking to the table with you following behind. "I know right! I'm so happy 'cuz I haven't seen them in a while yeah, but we really haven't spoken in forever too. For some of them it's their first time coming to Korea so I can't wait to show them around. I worked around my schedule today so I'll be able to give them enough time."
You nodded along as you took out the takeout from the bags he brought, setting the table for the two of you. "How long will they be here?"
"Two weeks. It feels short for me honestly but it's fine, I'm gonna make the most of it."
"Yeah you definitely should. Invite them for dinner as soon as they get here. I know you probably want to take them out for dinner, but I haven't met them yet and I cook well."
Jake's smile got bigger if it was even possible. He was so happy to hear you suggesting to cook dinner for his friends. If Jake loved anything more than you, it was showing you off. And what better way to do that than bringing his friends into your shared home to see how well you keep it?
He walked up behind you and kissed behind your earlobe. "Thank you baby. I can't wait for you to meet them... Uh, one thing I wanted to talk to you about though."
You turned around to face him, seeing him biting his lip nervously. "What's wrong honey?"
"Well, uh.. they're gonna be here for two weeks so I might not be able to give you all the time that I want to.. so I just wanted to apologize in advance," Jake admitted blushing.
You cooed at the sweet gesture and kissed his cheek. "It's okay honey, I'm fine with that."
– – –
You were definitely not fine with that. Well, not a couple days in.
As soon as Jake's friends landed, they took a taxi to their hotels and after they washed up, they all came straight to yours and Jake's apartment for dinner.
As they walked into the apartment Jake introduced all of them to you; Alex, Cynthia, Taesu, Ben, Leo, and Minji. The 6 of them were so happy to meet you, saying they felt as if they knew you so well just because Jake constantly talked about you.
The dinner went well; you tried to get closer to the girls and the boys went with Jake to have "guy talk" (whatever that is). They were both really nice and genuinely seemed interested in you.
"Hey Y/N, where's the restroom?" Cynthia asked?
"Ah down the hall to the left," you replied. Cynthia quickly excused herself as you turned back to Minji. "So Minji, you said it's been a while since you've been back in Korea right?"
She hummed. "Yeah, I think last time was about 6 years ago? I remember nothing," she laughed.
You responded with a slight laugh as well. "Yeah, a lot has changed in the past couple years I've been living here too."
"Yeah.. you know I'm so happy Jake found you."
You gave her a genuine eye smile, feeling warm from the compliment. "Thank you Minji! That means a lot, really."
The warm feeling was gone as soon as it came when Minji said a sentence that made you halt.
"I mean, from the way he cried when we broke up, I was sure he'd never get over his first love."
You didn't know much from Jake's pre-debut life, having met him well after ENHYPEN debuted. You two also weren't the type to be jealous of previous relationships since you're both really loyal, so you never asked him to tell you all the details about his past relationships.
But the girl who was his first love being in your shared apartment right now? Left a bitter taste in your mouth.
"Did you not know?" Minji asked when you were quiet. "He didn't tell you?"
"No I–"
"I'm back!" Cynthia said. You were relieved, thinking Minji wouldn't bring up the topic in front of Cynthia but boy were you wrong.
"Cyn!" Minji called out. "Y/N didn't know Jake and I were a couple!"
Cynthia eyed her friend as she sat in her chair. "I mean.. that was so long ago and she's been dating Jake for the last 3 years so.. I don't think it matters anyways."
Minji was clearly taken aback but quickly shook her head. "No no no, it's weird isn't it? How could he not tell his girlfriend about his first love?"
"Maybe because he's over it?" Cynthia said matter of factly. "And you should be too." She gave a stern look to her friend and turned back to you giving you a sweet smile. "Sorry.. anyways, back to the Hello Kitty Cafe!"
After his friends had left for the night, you were contemplating asking Jake about it. It didn't really matter because again, you were in a 3 year long relationship with Jake and you guys were really committed to each other. You don't have to ask him right? Right, let's just not ruin his mood.
But Jake noticed. Jake notices everything when it comes to you; he blatantly admits his life revolves around you and that that's a 100% his choice. So after you guys got ready for bed and laid down to cuddle, Jake decided to ask you.
"I'm fine, what are you talking about?"
He squinted his eyes in disbelief. "Nah baby, you know better than to lie to me. I can see right through you," he said booping your nose. "Now tell me, what's going on in that pretty head of yours?"
"No it's just.. I didn't know your first love would be coming here."
Jake looked at you confused for a bit for a light bulb lit up in his head. "Oh! Minji?" You pouted, making Jake laugh. "Baby, she's just part of the friend group. I don't really talk to the girls in a private setting. Well, sometimes I talk to Cynthia privately, like rarely, but I haven't talked to Minji privately since I moved to Korea."
You nodded. "No I know.. I'm not upset she's your friend necessarily but it would've been nice to know your first love was coming to our apartment."
"I understand... I'm sorry. I should've mentioned it but to be honest I'm pretty much forgetting our previous relationship, which is why I didn't really think about it. But don't worry, that relationship from high school will never effect our current relationship."
You believed Jake; of course you did. Jake had shown you nothing but pure raw love the last 3 years of your relationship. You two were also talking about marriage a lot recently, so you had no reason to doubt Jake's love and loyalty towards you.
But that doesn't stop the gut wrenching feeling you started getting real soon.
Jake had already told you he'd be spending time with his friends a lot these next two weeks. You were completely fine with this but it started irking you when he was going to hang out with just Minji.
"Babe, Minji lost her luggage and needs a ride to the airport, I'll be back soon."
"Hey love Minji asked me to drop her off at her grandmother's. It's kind of far so I'll be like 2-3 hours."
"Minji is really sick so I'm gonna drop her off at the hospital."
"Minji asked me to pick up meds for her."
"Minji wants to go to a cafe."
"Minji is visiting a friend but asked me to pick her up since it'll be really late by the time she's done."
Minji this, Minji that, almost everything coming out of Jake's mouth recently was about Minji.
You were already annoyed but even more so when you found out Minji changed her hotel room to a solo room from sharing one with Cynthia.
"She's my friend," Cynthia said on the phone. "and I love her to death. But girl has a hard time letting things go. She talks about Jake a lot to our college friends which is weird because they don't even talk?? I don't know Y/N, I don't wanna rat my friend out but I do care about yours and Jake's relationship and I would hate if my friend ruined that. Jake's a little clueless as you know so just mention to him that it's bothering you yeah? He'll stop I'm sure."
But you couldn't. It was so embarrassing for you to even think about admitting to Jake you didn't like him being with Minji so much. You weren't usually jealous, you weren't ever controlling, so this whole feeling was so new to you and you hated it. You knew Cynthia was right; if you mentioned that him being with Minji bothered you even the slightest, Jake would stop right away. But it's just two weeks, you can handle it right?
The two weeks passed by in a breeze. Most of the times Jake saw Minji was in a group setting when everyone hung out together and you were always invited. The group hang outs were always a blast with no drama. Jake was always sitting next to you and one of his male friends. Cynthia would make sure every time Minji was next to her and not near Jake at all. But even if she was, you don't think it would matter much; as mentioned before, Jake was obsessed with you, absolutely infatuated with you. He constantly had a hand around your shoulder when sitting or waist and continuously would kiss cheek forehead or lips. He'd feed you, move your hair from your face, call you pretty in the middle of conversation. This man had absolutely zero shame showing PDA in front of his friends which silently consulted you.
But the hardest part was when you two would get back to your apartment, and not even an hour later Minji would hit Jake up for a favor or just because she was feeling down and needed a friend. Even though she had 5 other friends in the same hotel floor as her...
So the two weeks passed and you were feeling a bittersweet feeling. You actually really enjoyed the company of Jake's friends, especially Cynthia's, so you were sad since you'd miss them. But you were also reassured knowing Minji would be leaving.
But she wasn't. The day they were leaving she abruptly announced she extended her ticket another MONTH, something about not wanting to waste her summer break in Australia when she was enjoying Korea so much.
Annoying, yes. But you know what was even MORE annoying? Infuriating, even?
"Hey baby.. uh, Minji is asking if she can stay with us for the rest of her trip."
You momentarily halted but quickly caught yourself and continued typing on your computer. "Oh, yeah that's fine."
How could you say no? What was your reason? Your first love is flirting with you clearly and you're fucking clueless so no?? You didn't wanna be that girlfriend.
Jake came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your sitting form. "Are you sure baby? I don't want you to be uncomfortable.. I can tell that you've been a little bothered ever since you found out I dated her."
You felt guilty. You tried so hard to hide it but turns out you weren't that good at it. You turned in your seat and smiled up at him. "Jake, it's okay. I would feel bad having your friend stay at a hotel for a month when we have a perfect place to accommodate guests."
jake kissed you passionately, loving how kind and caring you were. "Thank you angel, you're truly the best thing to ever happen to me."
No matter how many sweet words or loving touches he gave you, you were still letting the voices in your head get to you. Minji was now staying with you, but you were noticing things that irked you.
You know, the things that a girl does that another girl would notice and know her motive but guys would be absolutely clueless about?
It started with what she did the last two weeks; constantly needing Jake to take her somewhere or do something for her which coincidentally (not, the bitch knew what she was doing) aligned with your work schedule so you couldn't ever join them. But then it got weird for both you and Jake.
One night before bed Minji asked you if she could make breakfast for the three of you the next morning and you happily agreed, happy you could sleep in the next morning. So you did, waking up with Jake wrapped around you as usual. You quickly got dressed in his t-shirt and some shorts and headed down to see if Minji needed help but were shocked when you walked into the kitchen.
There she was cooking in a cropped tank top and really revealing sleep shorts. You poked the inside of your cheek with your tongue, slightly annoyed that she was walking around your place like this but like the mature person you are, let it go and helped her by setting the table.
Jake was calling for you as he woke up and you yelled out saying you're in the kitchen. He walked in and halted as his eyes landed on Minji. "Baby I thought we were gonna sleep in– oh, uh, h-hey Minji."
You glared hard at Jake, hating how he blushed as he immediately looked to the floor.
His eyes quickly landed on you and his eyes widened, realizing how that looked to you. "No wait babe I–"
"Grab the orange juice from the fridge please. Minji's done cooking."
He reached out to you but you moved out of his way and took the dishes that were done to the dining table. Jake felt dejected but he followed your orders and sat down after getting the juice and glasses.
You started conversing more with Minji during the breakfast, basically ignoring Jake who had a permanent pout on his face. You were being petty, yes, but you needed to get a little revenge.
But Minji wasn't making it easy for you.
"How's the food Jake?" she asked. "What do you like the most?"
"Huh? O-oh uh, yeah it's good. The banana bread is really good."
She squealed and clapped. "I knew it! Do you not remember? This is the banana bread I used to make for you when we were dating!"
Both you and Jake paused. He was clearly flustered and looked to you for a reaction but you were looking at your food and enjoying it. "Uh I-I don't remember sorry."
"Really Jake? I made it for you all the time! When you first told me you loved me, when we celebrated our one year, when we first slept togeth–"
Jake started violently coughing and you just pushed the water jug towards him, not bothering to pour him some. He looked at you shocked as he continued hacking. Immediately Minji got up and gave him water, rubbing his back while subtly pushing her breasts in his face. He noticed and backed up but she continued getting closer.
Having had enough, you stood up with force from your chair and gave them a petty smile. "I'm done. Thanks for the food Minji it was great! I'm gonna go now, I have plans."
"Wait where are you going?" Jake asked. "I thought we could hang out today since you're off."
"I have plans with Jay."
"Wait what wait why?? Alone? You don't hang out with Jay alone??"
You shrugged as you grabbed your plate and glass to go wash. "Well there's a first for everything."
Jake shook his head. "We'll come with you guys. Jay will get along with Minji I'm sure."
She tugged at his hoodie sleeve, fucking bitch. "Jakey! We have plans to go to Lotte today remember?"
You scoffed at the nickname. "You two go to Lotte. I wanna hang out with Jay alone anyways."
You missed the dejected look on Jake's face. "O-okay.. Take my card."
"It's good Jay actually offered to take me out for the day, but I have my card just incase."
Now that you knew would irk Jake to the max. Jake NEVER let you spend your own money let alone let another man spend money on you so he always always gave you his card. You denying to take his card definitely sparked some anger in him.
You quickly left after that, not wanting to stay there with them any longer. This was the first time you left the two alone in your apartment but you had utmost trust in Jake so you knew nothing would happen.
That night you came home later than expected; not too late but 9pm. Honestly you have no idea how the day passed. You were closest with Jay in ENHYPEN after Jake so anytime you two talked it was for hours and hours.
As you walked into the house it was quiet. You thought maybe they weren't back yet but then you heard muffled voices in the basement.
After putting your things away you walked down to see Jake sitting on the couch with his head in his hands and Minji sitting next to him rubbing his back. You stayed behind the door, wanting to hear the conversation.
"I just don't.. get it.." Jake said sadly. "Anytime we go out without each other.. we always text and call the other letting them know we're okay."
Ah fuck, you thought. By any means you didn't mean to not text or call Jake, knowing fully well this is a rule between you two. You completely forgot to charge your phone last night, and by the time you had met up with Jay your phone was dead.
Minji hummed. "Maybe she's just having a lot of fun? I'm sure it's nothing."
"But still.. h-how can she not answer my calls? I know, I know I haven't been the best boyfriend recently but.."
"Jakey.. what if she just doesn't love you anymore?"
No. There was no way she just put that into Jake's head.
He snapped his head towards her. "What are you saying Minji.. I–I'm not in the mood for jokes right now."
"I'm not joking! You know I've been noticing she's been kinda distant from you recently. I thought you two fought but if you're also confused then it might just be her."
"Minji, you don't know anything about Y/N and I. We have a love that's hard to find anywhere else.. respectfully you don't know what you're talking about."
"But I do! Girls notice these things. Trust me, something's off."
"Thanks Minji, but I'm done with this conversation." He tried standing up but she pulled him back down even closer to her.
"Jake why can't you see clearly?! Why can't you take a hint?! I've been here for over a month just because of you! I came back to Korea for you! I never got over you, how could you easily forget me! I still love you, and if she can't give you that, be with me!"
Jake snatched his hand away from her and stood up. "Minji you're crossing the limit. You came here to win me back knowing I'm proposing to Y/N soon? That's really low. She loves me and I love her. Don't get involved." He turned to walk away and saw you standing by the doorframe and his eyes widened. "Y-Y/N.."
You gave him a sad smile. "I was coming in to ask if you guys had fun.. seems like you did."
Jake shook his head as he walked towards you. "How much did you hear?
"Everything I needed to. I didn't talk to Jay today about how distant we've been, didn't think you'd run to your friend about it either."
"Baby I–"
"I'm going to bed. Goodnight Minji."
Being tired from today's emotional events you passed out as soon as you got to bed, not giving Jake a reason to apologize. He knew it was wrong of him to go to his ex about his relationship problems, knowing you were already insecure about her being here. He decided tomorrow would be the day you guys finally talked about it.
Tomorrow came and Jake had dropped Minji off at her grandma's for the day. On the way home he picked up breakfast for you two and a bouquet of your favorite flowers. When he got inside he called you down to eat and as you two started eating the tension was thick.
Jake offered to clean up after the silent breakfast and you hummed, letting him do it on his own. You headed back to your shared room and started putting away clean laundry. Soon Jake came up and sat on the bed as you walked around. "Hey baby.. we should talk."
"I'm listening, go ahead."
Jake sighed. "Baby please," he pleaded. "Just come sit with me for a sec."
Reluctantly you went and sat a good couple inches away from Jake much to his dismay. "Okay, now go ahead."
He sighed before starting to apologize. "Look I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have gone to her with our private problems. I should've kept it to myself and talked about it when you came home."
You shook your head. "That's not even the biggest thing Jake. The past month and a half you've been spending the most time with Minji. Tell me, when was the last time you and I went to bed at the same time?"
Jake was quiet as he thought back to the last time and he couldn't remember. "I.. I don't.. remember."
"Exactly. I've barely seen my own boyfriend since Minji got here. And I wish I wasn't jealous but I am. And honestly Jake.. after the conversation you had with her yesterday.. I don't know where we stand."
Jake widened his eyes. "Wait, babe hold up. Don't say that, what are you talking about? We're fine, we're good. We talked it out. I'm gonna make my friendship with Minji very clear and we'll get over this."
"Jake it's not as simple as that. I've felt so distant from my boyfriend for the past 6 weeks! The guy who has to constantly be around me all of a sudden wasn't because his first love came back!"
Jake looked hurt. "I don't love her anymore... y-you don't think I do, right? Right Y/N? Say something please."
You ran a hand through your hair. "Jake, listen to me." You looked him right in the eyes hoping your message would be clear. "I love you. I know you love me too. I want to be with you forever, but right now we need to take a step back."
"W-what do you.."
"Jake, I want to take a break."
Jake's eyes widened and he grabbed your hands tightly. "Wait, what? What are you talking about?"
"Just for a little bit, we need to be separate. So we can gather our feelings–"
"I know my feelings!" he wailed. Jake had tears in his eyes as he tried to not let them fall. "I love you and only you! We don't need a break, I can't be without you."
You patted his hands. "Just for a little bit.. I'll stay with a friend for about two weeks and we'll come back and try to fix this."
Jake shook his head. "W-we can fix this now. We're talking about it, we'll fix this now." Jake let the tears fall and he engulfed you in a hug. "Please Y/N, please.. d-don't go.. d-don't leave.."
You let him sob as you silently cried, holding him tight as a way to calm him down. "Okay.. okay.. calm down... we won't take a break okay? Hmm? We won't."
He let go of the hug and looked at you with wide glossy eyes and a pout. "P-promise me.. when I come back from picking Minji up, promise me I won't see your things gone."
You shook your head. "No no, I'll come with you to pick her up. And we'll go out and enjoy a nice dinner with her.. and when she leaves tomorrow, you and I will sit and talk every single thing through okay?"
Jake nodded and sniffled. "I'm so sorry. I really should've taken your feelings into consideration.. I guess I just felt a sense of responsibility to do things for her since I'm the only person who can do anything for her here since I've got the car and stuff.. not a good excuse I know. But still, it's the truth. And I'm really fucking sorry."
You accepted his apology with a kiss on his lips. "It's okay Jake.. I forgive you. I love you so much."
"I love you too wifey."
– – – –
honestly this isn't good but i'm posting it anyways :')
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tomsparkyr · 2 years
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
summary: forbidden love from opposing teams was never one to stop mason, especially when it’s y/n he’s got his eyes on.
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mason mount x footballer!reader
mason mount x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, pinning, small sexual references i think, nothing major? football ig
note: men and woman play on the same team in this !
word count: 1K+
please don’t steal any of my work, thank you!
𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃𝐍’𝐓. 𝐇𝐄 knows he shouldn’t. The underlying weight of that thought lingering at the back of his mind 24/7 urges him to resist. He can’t, borderline. Most likely get fined, slammed in the media, and at risk of his reputation at Chelsea. But that’s what happens when you fall in love with a girl at Arsenal.
But it’s you, for God’s sake. You. Arsenal’s sweetheart, the face of the team. The fan’s favourite, Mason could name about every Arsenal supporter who has your name on the back of the shirt; chanting your nothings as you step a foot on the pitch. They worshiped the ground you walked on. And so did he.
As he warmed up on the pitch and relished in the noise of Stamford Bridge, the fans clamouring in and always one for an interesting match; Mason felt a nudge on his upper arm, looking beside him to see Raheem nodding his head towards the tunnel, shooting him a wink doing so. Mason turned his head to see what the fuss was about, and then he saw you.
He stood up from his lunge and swallowed harshly at your presence. You strutted out onto the ground you’ve scored countless goals at, suffering loses and multiple wins. Your hair was pulled into a high ponytail with a hairband supporting the stray hairs; Mason had never seen a more beautiful sight.
Straightening his posture, he ran his fingers through his hair and raised his eyebrows to Ben asking a quick ‘Do I look okay?’ in which the young left back nodded with a smile on his face.
Everybody in the squad knew about Mason’s boyhood crush on you, even the new head coach Graham Potter had caught onto the why Mason had coincidentally clicked on the same match highlights in which you scored a hattrick in multiple times. They all teased him, of course; Why wouldn’t they? Mason Mount, Chelsea’s starboy has fallen smitten for Arsenal’s leading lass, Y/N Y/L/N.
Mason made his way over to you tying your laces for the warmup before the London head-to-head match, not before Reece wolf-whistled causing Mason to snap his head back to his squad with a look making them all topple over in fits of laughter, Kai holding onto Trevor as they broke into smirks.
You perked your head up at the forthcoming presence, assuming it was Bukayo or Aaron, but why would they be wearing blue?
“Hey, Y/N right?” The british accent stuck out, your head tilting upwards to make eye contact with Mason, his brown eyes sending a wave of nervous bubbling in your stomach the more you realised just how much more attractive he was in comparison to seeing him on screen.
You smiled up at him, “Yeah, you’re that Mount boy aren’t you?” You teased back, causing Mason to start blushing furiously under your gaze; feeling like he was a school boy all over again. He swallowed harshly before finishing what he started. “I just wanted to wish you luck on todays game.” He blurted out before realising what a complete idiot he must of sounded, cringing when he saw your brows furrowed and head tilted.
You laughed lightly, “Aren’t we literally playing against each other in a London Derby?”
Mason licked his lips and looked you up and down, breathing in heavily before raising his brows and shrugging his shoulders, brushing off the embarrassment. “Just being nice before you lose to the best club in London.”
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell agape, causing Mason to laugh loudly and lean into your body slightly. He swiftly wrapped his arms around your shoulders, making you a blushing mess, before giving your left shoulder a tight squeeze and whispering, “Good luck.” Before he let go of you and waddled back to his team, a bright smile adoring his face when he realised just how close he has gotten to his childhood crush.
The match ended 90 minutes later, you and Mason neither subbed off; unfortunately you getting the shorter end of the stick as Chelsea secured the win with a 2-1 to the home fans, the away Arsenal fans already leaving the second Mason scored the extra time winner.
You sighed into your hands and crouched onto the pitch, breathing heavily as the full time whistle sounded. Sweat trickled from your forehead, hands clammy now the equaliser goal from yourself seemed worthless now.
Feeling a figure crouch down in front of you allowed you to lift your head with a fake smile, before seeing the brunette with a sympathetic look in his eyes. He whispered a small “Hey,” causing you to sniffle in the cold weather, Mason held his hand out for you to get up, you obliged.
Once you stood up, you pulled the under layers down to your fingertips feeling the adrenaline wear off and the breeze start to hit you. Mason looked you directly in your eye and admired you. He thought you couldn’t look more perfect.
“Good game.” He nodded. You smiled at him, not fake this time, and squinted “Good goal, Mount. Screwed up my winning streak.” You laughed, seeing Mason chuckle make you jitter.
He shrugged his shoulders, “I tried to warn you!”.
You and Mason swapped jerseys afterwards, Mason’s younger self internally freaking out that he had a hold of the jersey’s owner who he occasionally plans out their wedding and how well her name would fit with Mount. And also the fact he saw you take off your shirt.
Mason jogged into the Chelsea changing rooms, swinging your jersey around his head and cheering. The other boys looked over and begin jumping up and down, throwing empty water bottles around and all over the love-sick boy, and how he had gained atleast some progress on Arsenal’s golden girl.
It wasn’t until later at night when Mason got a notification, that maybe, he had made a bit more progress than he had imagined.
hi mase, fun seeing you at todays match. had a great time talking to you!
wanna go out for coffee tomorrow morning?
Safe to say, Y/N did not stay a red for too long. Maybe it was her boyfriends influence to come to Chelsea. Only if Y/N could handle to constant messing from Mason’s teammates; but in fairness, Mason got the girl. Football’s Romeo and Juliet. Mason and Y/N.
this is ugly af but i miss mason so
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amaranthdahlia · 4 months
i hnstly thought id make a solo post dt to each one of these, but i dont think ill ever come around to do that so fuck it heres every ofa au i came up on a whim on twitter (though im pretty sure one of these alrdy exists but whatever)
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middle/high school au
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gone bad au
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paranormal twins au
(infodump ab everything below hahdjs)
anyways soo first one is just . like. a middle school au. or highschool. im not sure which one is better lol. basically its just a roles thing: afo is the student council president (that pretty much has his school wrapped around his finger), yoichi is just some student (that gets into fights with bullies) and kudou is a deliquent (that became one just cus of afo) i wanted to expand this more but im procrastinating so nvm
2nd one is well, again, an au i made out of the whim. i just entertained tbe idea of (forced) villain yoichi and rolled with it and only drew it just so i can design yoichi ahsjskg ... and kudoichi there is well . ig a hero/villain pair? and you could say theyre just unfortunate people forced to play a role (also ignore the quality in that part i rushss to draw it haha)
now last one, self explanatory? mama shigaraki lives, afo and yoichi shared their nutrients and their quirk ( where it functions as afo cant give away the quirks he attain, only yoichi could((and only yoichi can receive the quirks his brother takes)) he also cant take the quirks from the user without consent. yoichi is the same but vice versa, but he himself also couldnt give away quirks unless the user consents 👐) everything is semi-normal for the most part. also. first pic is kinda outdated.some of it anyways....... also also i tried my best to make sure afo and yoichi rlly do look like twins despite the hair difference
now i wasnt able to attach the ofa bad end au and the "theyre happy" ending au bc image limit but the 1st is smth i actually wanna work on (but not fuly expand and actively post about, its just smth i gave more thought than the others here haha) and the 2nd one is just ab designs and basically everyone lives nbd dies au (maybe afo only tho)
so yeah. thats all the ofa aus i came up? yall already saw the other aus liek demon/angel au, the childhood friend au.... does the fankids i made count as an au.....? the mlp one......? holders grow old one????
fuck theres so much aus i need to relax hahdhsjf
anyways yeah thnx for reading allthat . entertaining questions wouldve been fun if i actually put enough thought into these aus💔 the hfx just went behind the wheel for these
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that-one-p00k1e · 4 months
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Muichiro x Fem!Reader, lil High school AU
Warnings: none just fluff Ig Idk bro
Note: Wowzers!!😱😱 I'm still alive!!😱😱 This was a bit rushed because I wanted to post something after so long and bcs IT'S MY BIRTHDAY WHAATT🤯🤯 crazy amirite anw pls forgive the grammar and how boring this is
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Nothing felt better than hearing the last bell of a school day ring, knowing that the days after were the end of the week. The heavenly images in your head of finally being able to lay in bed, cuddled up in a warm blanket after taking a good relaxing shower.
However, instead of immediately going home, you decided to head to the park near the school to have a breath of fresh air. Fortunately, it seems to be vacant with no one on sight occupying it.
The rustling of leaves blown by the wind, the smell of fresh grass and dirt, and the silence that brought the feel of peace and tranquility. But the one thing that had always caught your attention, was the cherry blossom tree planted at the center of the park. For you, it was the most beautiful sight in the park. Almost never has its beauty failed to captivate passersby.
As you decided to take a seat underneath the tree, you noticed a familiar backpack laid on the ground. Thinking it could be anyone's and not just the specific familiar person you know who owns that exact same object, you reluctantly and carefully looked to the back of the tree to see who the mystery owner was. ‘Probably a random stranger’ you easily thought. But oh how wrong you were as your heart dropped the moment your eyes settled on the known figure.
Under the falling petals of cherry blossom he sat; beautiful mint-green eyes fixated on the strings of his guitar, fingers carefully strumming a melody that could soothe one's nerves. His long black hair gently swayed in the wind, coloured ends that matched his  irises. You've always admired him since the first day of high school; managing to get a few interactions here and there through group work. As much as you wanted to get to know him better, the charming and attractive classmate had his own walls built when it comes to the social environment. Not even the guys in your class could make him crack a bit of a smile. Thus, you've accepted such defeat ever since.
But seeing him being so peaceful right now, enjoying himself in his own world, made it hard for you to bat your eyes away from him. You couldn't help but just gaze in awe at the sight of such beauty.
Until his fingers suddenly stopped playing through the guitar strings.
The moment he perked his head up, you immediately hid yourself behind the other side of the tree; heart almost stopped working. You hear him getting up, walking closer and closer to where you once stood. As your breath hitched, you tried to act cool in case the both of you went face-to-face. You hoped you wouldn't, but fate unfortunately had its own plan.
“Y/N?” a deep yet gentle voice called out to you from the side of the tree, making your heart race faster than it already had been. He looked at you with a gaze oh-so empty; making it difficult to look through that stoic disposition of his.
“Oh! Uhh… yeah, it's me. Fancy seeing you here,” you greeted awkwardly, fidgeting the hem of your shirt from the embarrassment you felt deep down.
You thought he would be reluctant to engage further in the conversation, but to your surprise, he proceeded to ask another question.
“It's your birthday today, isn't it?”
The moment his words entered your hearing, it felt as if your organs were rearranged.
“I- uhh… How did you know?”
“Heard your friends mentioning about it. Forgot to give you this.”
He rummaged through his bag, before pulling out a box wrapped in gift paper and handing it to you with that blank stare maintained.
“For you. In addition to your birthday,” he said reluctantly.
You hesitantly took the gift from his hand, internally debating if this was a dream or not. Before you could word out your gratitude, he quickly picked up his belongings and threw a short “My bus is here, gotta go,” leaving you on your own with your thoughts; trying to process what just happened. You looked down at the gift he had given you, then pinched yourself to double check reality. Yet there was one thing you didn't put your mind into.
If he recently knew about your birthday from your friends today… How did he forget a gift regarding something he had never known about in the first place?
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cutiepatootie62782 · 5 months
What you do to me ~ M.S
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warning: PURE SMUTT minors do not read dom!matt (for most of it)
i’ve been best friends with the triplets since freshmen year of high school when i was seated next to nick in math class and me and him grew into inseparable friends and along with that i made friends with his brothers well more like brother. me and chris bonded well he was like the older overprotective brother i never got to have and well matt he just hates me i think he’s still holding a grudge since i broke up with his old best friend at the end of freshman year .
the only conversations i’ve ever had with matthew ended in an argument and sometimes it hurt enough for me to cry i just can never grasp why matt can’t move on and me and him can have a normal friendship together i know we could cause we have a lot in common more than me and nick and i think that makes me like him much more than i already do. i know matt’s a great guy and having him looking at me with his angry eyes is just so much hotter than knowing he’d be a perfect boyfriend but it makes the fact he hates me hurt much more.
nick🤍: come over let’s watch a movie we miss you!!
me: we as in you and chris
nick🤍: give him time y/n trust me when he caves you guys will be perfect together
me: i wish anyway i’ll be over in like 20
nick🤍: perfect! pick up some mcdonald’s otw?
me: was already planning on it!!
nick🤍: your the best
I started putting on some makeup more than usual i had already curled my hair this morning so i decided to leave it be and i put on my new white langerie set then black leggings that hold my butt just right i never wear tight clothes but i’m feeling different today so i’ll make an exception. i put on a blue fresh love hoodie and headed to my car
little time skip
when i pulled into there drive way i saw nick step out of the house and run towards my car helping me bring the mcdonald’s inside to the boys
when we walked in i saw matt laying on the couch on his phone his hair was a little longer obviously in need of a cut but i liked it long like that, a little stubble and to my shock a light blue fresh love hoodie and black jeans we were.. “twinnin i see” chris says knowing it would piss off matt
matt rolled his eyes and got up and walked toward his room “where are you going matthew?” i asked confused
“i’m going to change” he said annoyed god his voice was so deep i loved it i could feel a wetness between my legs start to form
“anyway y/n i’ve never seen you in leggings your bod looks great #bodgoals” chris said while sticking out his tongue and holding up the peace sign i just rolled my eyes and opened my happy meal
matt’s pov
god i love it when she calls me mathew makes me wanna cream myself right there on the spot and we were twinning unplanned that has to be like a sign i don’t know what i’m saying that’s not true but the one thing i know is true was the statement i just heard Chris yell y/n looks so good with those leggings wrapped tight around her perfect legs and ass anyway i can’t take too long so i throw on a pair of fresh love sweats and a t shirt ik she loves i always see her staring at it and when i’m done i head back out
y/n pov
after a bit we decided to watch the conjuring right before it started matt walked out with a bright pink hershey bear t-shirt and grey fresh love sweats the one outfit that gets me turned on the most is ofc the outfit he decides to wear
“you almost missed the movie we were gonna start without you” nick says
“well i’m here aren’t i? just start the fucking movie” matt says
“ooo tough guy matt has arrived” chris yells but i don’t care abt what there saying all i can think abt is how good he looks i can’t help but stare it’s not even a glance it’s a full blown stare
“y/n stop eye fucking matt” chris says
my cheeks flood with heat “i wasn’t i was just - uh idk - zoned out ig?”
matt chuckles at this “not funny matt” nick says
“it’s kinda funny” matt says
“okay guys wtv i just like that fit” i say i mean it wasn’t a lie i just didn’t include the fact that it turns me on
“yeah okay y/n” matt says
i finally try and focus on the movie but i can feel matt’s stare burning through me probably just trying to make me nervous cause i know he knows i like him
matt’s pov
i knew this shirt would turn her on it pisses me off that i can’t do shit abt it cause we’re in front of my brothers and she doesn’t know how i feel about her so i just stare at her eye fucking her worse than she was earlier but no one gives 2 shits to call me out for it cause they think i hate her which makes this even better on my behalf
y/ns pov
he’s still staring and it’s the only thing i can focus on i don’t even know what’s going on in the movie and i’ve watched it 20 times before all i can focus on is him and the feeling between my legs the only thing i can do at this point is sit up and rub my thighs together but i want him so bad i can’t even think straight
“bro when’s this movie gonna end” chris says annoyed
“like 15 more minutes be patient” nick says
15 more minutes and i’m going to matthews room and convince him to stop hating me i need him to atleast not hate me i also need to be alone with him.
matt’s pov
i see y/n rubbing her legs together she must think i’m an idiot i know she’s horny right now trying to get more friction. it’s probably swollen by now and just the thought of it gets me so..hard. fuck i’m rock hard there’s no way i can fucking hide that without something on my lap so i grab a blanket and pull it on me hoping it will go away soon but near the end of the movie it’s worse it’s so bad it’s physically hurting me so i run to my bedroom hoping to relieve the pain
y/ns pov
matt went to bed early but no one really noticed theres about 5 minutes left of the movie. suddenly nick gets up to go to the washroom
“y/n you sleeping in my room tonight?” chris asks
“no i’m gonna hangout w nick and watch rupaul i will tomorrow night tho!” i say knowing damn well i’m not going to either of there rooms
“okok but can we build lego tmr night then? i bought some lego car sets” chris asks
“bet” i say back
we finish the movie and soon realize nick also went to bed early and not to the bathroom so i peeped my head in the door “hey nick i’m going to build lego’s with chris crash in his room just letting you know!” i say
“okay y/n! see you tmr” nick says
that’s when it’s time to go see matt but i hear some unusual sounds coming from in their “ngh- uh- fuck” it sounded like moans i stuck my head in the room “matt” i say softly
“Y/N FUCK GET OUT” matt yells covering himself under his blanket
“shhh let me talk to you please i’ll be quick” i say
“okay whatever” he says i close the door to let him get dressed and when he gives me the green light to come in i go and sit at the edge of his bed and take a deep breath “matthew why do you hate me look i get i broke up with brayden but that was freshman year! please get over it i wanna have a good friend ship with you please” i say
“you think i’m holding a grudge since you broke up with brayden? i could care less about him he was a major dick and he only got with you cause i liked you.” he says in the softest tone i’ve ever heard
“what? i-“
“i never hated you i just hate the way you make me feel i never felt this way about a girl and i hate it i can’t control myself around you so i act like i hate you so it hurts less. y/n you don’t know what you do to me.” he says cutting me off
“what do i do to you matthew?” knowing exactly what he means
he reaches his hand over to grab mine and brings it to his sweats where i feel his giant bulge i don’t think i’ve felt a dick that big before so my jaw is practically on the floor i give it a squeeze “fuck y/n” he whimpers “i was hoping this was what you were referring to” i say with a little smile before smashing our lips together i pull back so i can get up and straddle his lap then connecting our lips again matt tries to open my mouth with his tongue which i eventually open my mouth our tongues fighting for dominance which matt eventually wins so he flips us over that’s when he bites my bottom lip causing me to moan against him “matt i need more” i beg
“wdym princess” he says playing dumb
“i need you down there” i say
“all you had to do was ask baby” he says smirking
he lowers himself down on the bed and grabs the waistband of my leggings i nod as he pulls them off slowly then throwing them god knows where in his bedroom leaving me in a hoodie and my white lace panties “god y/n your so wet for me” he says smirking
“don’t flatter yourself matthew” i say back
he quickly take off my sweater now leaving me in panties and a bra he slides my panties down and shoves them in his pocket
“wait matt” i say
“what is it do you wanna stop?” he asks concerned
“no it’s just i’ve never exactly done this i mean my fingers but that’s it but don’t be so gentle i can take it” i reply
“oh i’m so glad you told me that i’ll try not to hurt you but i need to stretch you out before is that okay ?” he asks
“okay” i nod
he puts his pointer and middle finger in my mouth i start swishing it around with my tongue until he takes it out and inches it toward the place i desire him the most slowly inserting them both and moving in and out at a good pace
“matt faster please” i managed to get out
he speeds up his pace curling his fingers and hitting my g spot
“your taking my fingers so well baby” he praises
i clench down from his words i start to feel a knot tighten in my stomach i think matt can tell cause he starts speeding up his pace
“cum on my fingers princess” he says
and i do just that he rides me through my high with his fingers and then licks all my juices from them aswell
“as much as i want to cum in your mouth i need you now” matt says
“please” i beg back
matt pulls his pants and boxers off in one swift movement and taking his shirt off after when i finally get a good look at his member i swear my mouth was on the floor “i don’t think that’s gonna fit” i say worried
“hey it’s okay it will it’s just gonna hurt you can still back out now if you want too or if you want to atleast try we can make a code word just in case” he says sweetly
“banana” i say back chuckling at myself
“banana?” he says back confused
“that’s our code word now hurry up i need this please” i say
matt nods and lines himself with my entrance slowy pushing in i wince at the pain but he keeps going half way in until he stops
“your doing so well i’m gonna go in fully and let you adjust it’s gonna be okay” matt assured me
“thank you matt” i say
“what for doing the bare minimum? you deserve it baby” he says back
matt pushes in fully and let’s me adjust “matt i wanna be a sub i want you to be rough i don’t care please” i ask nervous
“i was hoping you’d ask that i’d love to see you be a sub for me” matt says smirking
“whatever” i say back
that’s when matt starts moving not to fast but i wince at the pain and
i scream “MATT FUCK -“
“you know you like it” he reply’s
he wasn’t wrong i loved it
“it’s your fault for being a bitch and giving me attitude” he adds
matt continues these semi-fast thrusts still making me moan out and kissing me from time to time
“faster” i say needing more of him
matt picks up his pace to one making my legs almost shake
“FUCK OMG MATTHEW” i scream again
he grabs my throat pinning me down more to the bed
“stfu your gonna get us caught do you want my brothers to walk in on us?” he says
i nod my head no
“that’s what i thought” he says again
matt still has a hold of my throat and continues to pound into me at an ungodly speed he’s holding my throat enough for me to breath but it’s still so hot seeing him over me like this and that’s when i feel a familiar knot in my stomach wanting to come undone
“you about to cum pretty girl? i can feel you clenching fuck it feels so good cum on my cock like the slut you are” he demands
and just a few seconds later i do as i’m told he rides me through my high and he soon does the same
“oh fuck y/n” he says that and stays in me for a bit longer before pulling out
“omg y/n are you okay did i hurt you at all” he asks
“no i loved it omg” i say back
“okay good baby we’re not going so rough next time i’m sorry let’s get you cleaned up” he says
he picks me up bridal style and carries me to the bathroom to clean me up when we’re done we cuddle and fall asleep in him bed
time skip
“WTFF” chris yells
me and matt jump out of bed
“what we’re you guys doing?” nick asks concerned
“i think we all know the answer to that question” matt says back
“so does this mean you guys are finally together” chris asks
“i’m down if your down” i say to matt
“bet” i reply
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swiftsgirlfriend · 5 months
‘𝗍𝗂𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗆𝗇 𝗌𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗈𝗇.
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𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌&𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌.i started writing this at the beginning of this month but i never ended up finishing it so i thought i would post it anyway as a wip. one last holiday post before i become obsessed with summer ig! jake seresin x reader, no use of y/n
Texas is big on Christmas. Jake is very much reminded of this as he drives through his hometown.
It seems that the smaller the towns get, the more the people love to celebrate. That certainly rings true when he thinks about the cities he’s lived in, how big they were, and much Christmas seemed to go unappreciated in them.
This is why Jake is very excited to be returning home for Christmas for the first time in years.
For a couple years now, he hasn’t had the opportunity to come back for the holidays. Always deployed, on a mission or forced to spend it with a girlfriend’s family.
However, this year, no mission, no deployment, no girlfriend. And now, he’s here, being reminded of just how much he himself he loves Christmas.
As an aviator, Jake is stone cold. Frigid, unforgiving, known to leave people hanging - hence his callsign. Despite how he acts as a pilot wherever he is stationed, coming back to Austin, brings back the old him. The sweet Jake. The family-man Jake, who loves his mother and sisters. The Jake that is still in love with you. Though, the more he thinks about it, the more he thinks he’s always at least a little bit in love with you.
You were Jake’s first love. His high-school sweetheart. Although you were young when you were together, it felt like so much more than just puppy love. It was more than that. Anyone could see it. You were infatuated with eachother. Until, Jake left for college. And you didn’t.
Unlike Jake, you weren’t restless. Unlike Jake, you hadn’t been aching to leave town, and move on to something ‘bigger’. Unlike Jake, you were content where you were. It was the hamartia that destroyed your relationship from the inside out.
So you broke up, both of you knowing deep down that long-distance would never work.
When Jake came back for holidays during college, you would always find your way back into each-others arms, each-others beds. You never put a label on it, but it still ripped both of your hearts out when he left again, again.
But now, it’s been years since he’s seen you. As he gets closer to his home, his mind falls down a rabbit-hole, of you. He knows you still live here, through the grapevine. He wonders if you still hang with the girls you did in high-school. He wonders if you still live with your parents. He wonders if you miss him, like he misses you.
Suddenly, he turns a corner, and the familiar, old house that he grew up in comes into vision. It is already clad in colourful lights and copious amounts of Christmas-themed decor. He smiles to himself and parks the car.
He swings his car door open and is engulfed by the harsh, Texan winter. Should’ve brought a hat, he thinks to himself, as he walks to the boot, to retrieve his suitcase. He slams the boot shut, almost as a pre-warning to his family to get ready, Jake has arrived! He knows, just mere feet away, his mother and sisters are scrambling to tidy up the last remnants of wrapping paper, toys, and all the other delightful messes that come with family, kids and Christmas.
His boots trudge through the thick snow as he makes his way to the front door. He notices the wreath, obviously made by his nieces and nephews. His heart breaks a little bit when he is reminded of how long its been since he’d seen them last. He hadn’t even been here for his youngest-older sister, Lucy’s, first child’s birth.
He knocks on the front door, with all the strength he can muster whilst being so cold, and immediately the heavy door swings open, and Jake is greeted with the faces of everyone he loves. However, he can’t look at them long, as he is soon swept inside and into a bone-crushing hug. From everyone, at the same time it seemed.
He hears a chorus of ‘Oh Jake, we’ve missed you’ and ‘It’s been so long’ and ‘Hi Uncle Jakes!’ and his heart swells about 10 sizes. He feels a bit like the Grinch right about now.
His bags are swiftly snatched from his arms by his sisters, and he is lead into the kitchen by his mother. In his house, being the man never meant being in charge, necessarily.
He takes a minute to revel in the scent of homeliness. The scent of something always baking. The scent of the pine tree. The scent of fresh linen and moth balls from the old sweaters dug out for Winter.
“Oh Jakey…” his mother began, as he sat down at the kitchen island. “It’s been so long baby.”
“I know momma.” His southern twang creeping back. “I’m sorry. But I’m here now. So let’s play catch-up.” There was bound to be a plethora of situations he’d missed out on.
“Well… obviously Lucy had her baby. Baby Charlotte is upstairs sleeping now, you can meet her later. What else… Oh Your father got a job at the market, it’s much better on his back, he’ll be home soon. Leonard’s son, Tom, finally divorced that gold digger. Always knew she was no good.”
Jake chuckles, remembering his mother’s long-term distaste for Tom’s now ex-wife.
“Anything else?” Really, he just wants to know how you are.
“Nothing important, just small-town drama really.”
“So nothing’s changed?”
“I don’t suppose it ever will.”
Some nights, when he gets homesick and can’t sleep, Jake struggles to remember why he left. Right now, surrounded by the beauty of the country, his family, the cosiness, he was struggling to remember why he left. That snapped him back. Nothing will ever change here. Maybe when he was a kid, that was good. Simplicity. Consistency. But the older he got, the more he longed for something more. Maybe the town had always been small, and he was only just noticing, maybe the town had shrunk over time, most likely it was Jake who changed, who got bigger, and found himself desperately trying to keep fitting in with the town, like trying to fit into an old t-shirt.
Usually, from around the age of 16, when he had sleepless nights, trying to find a way to fit in, trying to fathom reasons to stay, he had you, cuddled up next to him, to ground him in the moment, to keep his head screwed on. And when he was 18, and told you he was leaving, and that he wanted, needed, you to come with him, he’d lost that. Because you’d said no.
“Cookie?” His mother offered, ripping away from his gut-wrenching thoughts.
(top gun) mutuals
@sebsxphia @roosterbruiser @roosterforme @teacupsandtopgun @hangmans-wingman @mak-32 @southpawbitch @notroosterbradshaw @floydsglasses @sunlightmurdock @its-dee-lovely @tongue-like-a-razor
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redmelawashere · 3 months
Alright I got woken up at like 3 AM with FORBIDDEN MEMORIES™️ and remember that MelloNear literally had a fandom video game. What other fucking fandom has SHIPPING VIDEO GAMES.
I think it just hit me since recently I've been thinking a lot about how fandom spaces shift over time (especially as we have re-boots, live-actions, or other media that helps reinvigorate fandoms like currently with A:TLA) and honestly, MelloNear has had so many ups and downs and like…as someone who was in this fandom WAY too young and grew up with it I want to see how many people on tumblr, who were there in ye olden wild west days, remember the stuff I do and also for those of you who weren’t around back then but are big now, here’s the insane history that I remember:
1 - LiveJournal (LJ) and the LOST FICS LJ was initially one of the better places to find fics – but a lot of authors jumped ship when FF.NET started to take over and for other reasons that were before my time. Finding fics on LJ that haven’t been deleted was/is hard and their UI is trash I never could get a grasp on it. (The irony of FF.NET now being dead and people jumping ship to AO3 and Tumblr lol.) Astyzia_ii used to write really fucking good MelloNear stuff there. She was one of the first people I ever read that had insanely good Near characterization. Unfortunately, her account no longer exists. But some of the things she wrote were things like:
Near being a total brat (at the time, no one else was really writing Near like that. Including Near lying to Mello about being assaulted by other children at Whammy's, just generally putting him in his place, etc.)
Mello painting Near’s nails black (then this trope just went off on FF.NET and everyone was writing fics like that - I really like when stuff like this comes out of fandom)
Mello finding out that Near, despite being in love with him, thought Mello was so unapproachable he had sex with someone else (implied Giovanni) and Mello is basically confronting Near about it at a time when Near was treated as a prudish virgin in fandom
Finding each other in the apocalypse AU
Mello and Near being like high school sweethearts (salthearts?) and Mello wanting to go to a University in the BIG CITY but would ignore the offer if it meant staying with Near (and super tragic fic too. They pull over on a freeway after an argument about it and then Near just straight up gets hit by a car after pushing Mello out of the way 💀 and you don't know if Near survived)
And obviously, many more really creative AUs
2 - KurosakiAkane and VIDEO GAMES Akane, as Spanish artist and the original “cursed moons” drew some of the most viral and prolific MelloXNear doujinshis and EVEN MADE FANDOM VIDEO GAMES. Like I can’t believe I forgot about this. Akane literally made fandom yaoi video games and they were SO GOOD. What other fandom has shipping video games you’d think it’d be the norm I can barley wrap my head around it
Pretty sure her website (www.cursedmoons.com) is down so you can’t download them directly from there or see her full doujinshis anymore
Her DeviantArt account is still live so you can see some stills and teasers from her doujinshis.
Her LJ account is also still live but more so as an archive.
Her first game “D.nD Poisoned” can be downloaded here if you scroll to the bottom (but I haven’t checked the link so be wary…) but it was basically taking place during Whammy’s days, and yes, Mello has a knife cause he’s unhinged since those were just the times ig.
“D.nD Infection” was her second, unfinished game, which would have been when they were mid-Kira investigation post Mello blowing up the base. I found a website that hosts the short demo she released.
Her games literally inspired a new wave of AUs for the fandom in the fic department and she was just a titan who kept everyone together on all corners of the internet. When she decided to leave the fandom in like 2011 after 2010’s great FF.NET purge of M rated fics it kind of felt like the beginning of the end.  
3 - Doujinshis (fandom comics) Most doujinshi artists had their own websites and MANY were Japanese / Chinese translated into English (pretty sure Akane was the first one to create them exclusively in English...). There are so many archived on YouTube that I used to watch all the time. You can even still find some of Akane’s doujinshi’s on Youtube like:
Lost Innocence
The Last Birthday
Game Over
Chocolate Kiss
One of the ones that was most impactful on me was this one that I cannot remember the name of, and it wasn't by Akane, but basically Mello, freshly 16 trying to stay alive, resorts to prostitution, and the big revealer at the end is he’s just kind of left there, alone, opens up his hand and there’s a little white puzzle piece he stole from Near and pretty sure the last line was something along the lines of “no one else” and I just 😭
4 - Lost Art and the Famous Water Colours
A lot of that water-colour MN art you see floating around was from, if I'm not mistaken, a Chinese MelloNear artist and their website I think was just "w" or something and she had created 100s of MN art.
5 - ForbiddenSoul562 and FF.NET Beef and Fan Fic Rap Battles
Soul was one of the BIGGEST creators on FF.NET (and luckily, she’s still active both on FF.Net and here on tumblr!) I remember when she had like a fic battle with another creator FragilePuzzle (who is also on tumblr and active – but they post M-ll-M-tt stuff now and pretty sure they deleted all their MelloNear fics... Their active handle on tumblr is mizzmellos I think? Anyways, they’ve also switched from writing to art and its really good!) And there was like a whole “vote who you think wrote the better fic” and it was like Clash of the Titans. Shame that Fragile, as they used to go by, doesn’t like MN anymore since they also wrote a lot of really good stuff. When Fragile stopped posting and Soul went on an extended hiatus that also felt like another beginning of the end loooooool (pretty sure Soul and Mzz had an interaction here on tumblr reminding each other of each other and I had so much social anxiety I was like headbanging watching this interaction go down and if I'm remembering correctly it started cordial but didn't really end well but I could be 100% misremembering the tone of the interaction but if you dig through Soul's tumblr you can probably find it or mzzs for that matter.) 6 - Kids Writing Dark Tropes
I feel like I should make another post and just…describe how Mello and Near were portrayed individually and in a relationship during that time since it was honestly insane. Very toxic, very star-crossed lovers who revolve around each other but are devastating together and are healthier a part, and so much more. I’m much happier with where their characterization and how the fandom has evolved currently from those times lol. But I think over the years I’ve also realized how fucking young all of us were (I was literally like…13 consuming all this media which retroactively, I’m like YIKES 18+ is 18+ for a reason and I even realized some of my favourite authors / creators who I thought were way older than me or like “cool teenagers” were also close to my age and not that much older so no wonder we were all writing crazy unstable relationship shit like that - which can be fun! - but this was literally all. the. time.).
Honestly that’s all I can remember for now but what a wild ride. I know FF.NET is like, a super hard platform to use now (and just gets worse every day 🙃) but if anyone wants some MN fic recs from the vault lmk and I’ll make a post about it.
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amwife · 1 year
Aj Shabeel.
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Really short 😭. Mainly just a little opening to my acc ig?
You hadn't seen Aj in a while, having seen him more regularly before you guys started dating. Once you guys did become a couple, it was really just the conformation that you both had each other to go to in the end. Which meant neither of you guys felt the need to be as persistent as you were in your friendship. Neither of you had really been in a serious relationship before, yours only had been in your early years of high school, and Aj only had a 'girlfriend' for about a fortnight, if he had one at all.
Aj couldn't lie if someone asked if he was missing you, because he very clearly was. So it was a race to the door when you showed up at the Beta Squad house to film a quick clip for Niko's channel.
"Y/n, baby." He said, dragging out the 'y'. He pulled you into a sweet hug, wrapping his arms around your waist with yours around his neck. Since you were only a couple inches shorter you could lay your head on his shoulder.
"I've missed you, Aj." You said as you pulled away from the hug to take your shoes off.
As soon as you bent down to undo your shoe laces he started walking away, leaving you confused and thinking he was mad because of his abrupt departure.
You started making your through the house in your black socks, heading to the living room, when you saw Aj come out of it smiling.
"Love?" You said as he approached you and planted his hands on your waist.
"I just made a deal with Niko so we could spend today together instead of you filming something for him." He said while pulling away and dragging you to his room with a big grin on his face.
"You could've just texted me you wanted to hang out you know?"
"Yeah I know but this way means we get to be together right now." He said as he flicked off the lights and pulled you onto his bed.
"What are we doing Aj?" You said as you sat up on his bed to pull off your jacket.
He said nothing as he positioned himself against the headboard with you in between his legs, pulling you back into him as he put the remote on your thigh and his hand on your other. He spent the rest of the day constantly falling asleep while watching B99 with you, but always had to have been touching you in some way. Wether it was just holding your hand and lying on your side, or pulling you into a bear hug you can't escape.
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itsstrange · 1 month
Teenage Years
Fandom: Marvel
Relationship: High School Tony Stark x Reader
A/N: Something short that I’ve posted on my IG account a few weeks 2 Months ago, enjoy some BBY Stark while I finish the rest of my drafts! 🫶
Summary: Popular Rich Boy Tony Stark. Aka, Your Boyfriend, Aka The One Boy Who Can Make You Bend a Few Laws.
Words: 943
Warnings: (No) Pure Fluff, High School Years, Senior Tony Stark, Senior Reader, Romance, Romantic Tony Stark, Cute, Kisses, Rebel Years, Happy Cute Ending,
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It was April 15, 1987. A warm, bright, sunny Friday afternoon. Feeling the way the heat began making its way towards New York as its winter began melting away, bringing beautiful colors all around, sunflowers and chirping birds will soon be coming out of its hiding.
A wide smile spreads on your lips at the thought of summer, but also due to the boy who leaned against his Baltic blue 1987 Porsche. Both his hands were in his Jean pockets, as he had one ankle crosses over the other. A smirk shaping his face as he watches you run down the steps of the school with an excited skip.
“You know my father already doesn’t like you,” You start to say as you reach him, arms immediately wrapping around his neck as you continue, “And making me ditch class won’t help the situation,”
It wasn’t a lie, your father indeed did not like him, claimed he wasn’t fit for you, just another arrogant Stark who only thinks about himself and will one day break your heart, or worse leave you pregnant. But you didn’t believe one word because your father simply didn’t know Tony, he didn’t know his story, his struggle at home, his distant relationship with his father. He didn’t know the real Tony Stark, and he never will.
“Well you like me right?” Tony asks, eyebrow raised as his light brown eyes look into your own,
You smile at him, soft chuckle slipping past your lips, “Yes. Yes I do,”
“Then that’s that’s all I need,” He comments with a smirk before closing the gap between you two, feeling the way his lips softly latch onto your own, carefully and gently kissing you,
You melt against him, sighing against the kiss as you let your fingers slip into his hair, massaging his scalp as you slightly deepen the kiss. The moment doesn’t last long since he breaks it first, smiling at you he leads you to the passenger side, opening the door and allowing to slip in the far before closing it behind you and quickly making his way towards the drivers side where he drives out of school grounds. Burning rubber on the way out.
Music played loudly on the speakers as he drove down the streets, fresh wind blowing against your hair and skin, making a large smile spread on your face as you close your eyes, relishing the feeling of the weather since you missed the heat. While one hand was interlocked with Tony’s, your other extends out to your right, past the passengers door as you move your hand up and down in the air. At one point while driving down the road, Tony happened to turn around to glance at you and boy was it a goddamn sight. Your eyes shut, faint smile on your lips, head slightly bobbing to the music as the wind blew against your hair, sending your beautiful (H/C) strands to fly in all kinds of directions. You were an absolute work of art and he couldn’t have been happier to have you in his life.
Smiling at you once more he brings your interlocked hands towards his lips where he places a peck at the back of your hand before continuing in driving down the road.
In less than 30 or so minutes, you arrive at your destination. Parking in an empty lot, straight ahead was the beach where some people walked or relaxed in the sand where others swam in the water. It was barely three in the afternoon but people were already sunbathing and enjoying the beautiful weather. Which you rather be doing than being in a classroom watching movies or taking notes of the film. Since you basically only had two months left of school, most of your teachers spent their class period relaxing and letting the senior students enjoy their time with friends before graduation, knowing it’ll be the last time anyone will be in touch due to everyone parting ways.
The future did scare you—you won’t lie. Scared what will happen in the upcoming years, scared what will happen to you both. Would it last long? Would you two part ways? Maybe and that’s the truth. It hurts, but that’s how life is. You get hurt and you learn from it to get better. But as of now, you’re going to not think of the future and just enjoy right now. Enjoy him.
You two sat on top of the convertible, having ate a hot dog and soda to wash it down and now you both sat there. Talking to one another about anything and everything, neither caring if you both were skipping school. You two remained there, next to each other. Enjoying one another, because you both were making it memorable for as long as possible.
“Should probably take you home,” Tony whispers, large smile on his face as he stares into your (E/C) eyes,
“Yeah, you should,” You respond, sharing the same smile as him,
You both remain staring at each other for another good minute, knowing neither one was ready to say goodbye, not just yet.
“Wanna get some ice cream?” He asks as your hands cup his face,
“Thought you’d never ask,” You tell him with a wide smile before gently latching your lips with his,
The question that hovered in the air was, will you end up being grounded until you graduate for skipping school and for getting home late? Most likely. But not once will you ever regret this day, because these are moments that are worth making and worth remembering. They don’t call them ‘Teenage Years’ for a reason.
-Hope Y’all Enjoyed This Short One!! Been a Minute That I Wrote About Stark!
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