#that's enough marketing of the post I'm sure
scoobydoomistakes · 10 months
I made a post a while back about the nonexistent side of a boat.
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See, I was collecting material at the time. Just paused in the middle of things.
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Immediately after posting, I pressed play again.
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Literally ten seconds later, they cut back to a 300%-more-egregious angle.
The show knew. It saved the best material for when the coast was clear.
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dr11ft · 6 months
Me: Idk if my storyline's ready yet what if people notice that I haven't calculated the post-apocalyptic economic factors that would affect what kind of blaster rael uses. What if the sheets on kaspar's bed don't line up with their family history. I'll be hanged.
Average published comic book: Yeah theyre chasing Killer Moth in the Mothmobile. Yeah idk the car is shaped like a moth btw it's $5 if you want the print version of this. And we forgot what eye color the mc has hope that's cool
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crimeronan · 2 years
you know i post a lot about my OCs being terrible fucking people and also being terrible to each other (because they are), but i'm rereading that creative freewrite i did the other day with fresh reader-facing eyes (i.... have no memory of this place. i don't remember writing this or what i was picturing while writing it) and. actually. the OCs are so funny and cute. fuck me
it's perhaps not surprising that they're funny and cute because historically in fandom i ALWAYS gravitate toward relationships where people Like Each Other So Much , While Also Grappling With The Horrors , And The Mental Illnesses , but it's. just. i'm blinking at this silly nonsense dialogue like. why didn't anyone tell me how funny and cute they are. that seems like it should've featured on the blorbo summary. the tropes packaged on the back of this barely-realer-than-goncharov mind-book. like fucking just. look at this shit they're so genuinely unironically sweet and attentive and careful with each other what the fuck. it's actually sickening. who did this. why was this done. who allowed them to be this way. who established these themes. who penned this stupid banter. this is not my grisly psychological terror dome from my murder-snuff girlboss mindscape,
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catboyrichardkarinsky · 8 months
it just hit me that Lea Thompson being Gutenberg producer is. a possibility
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emeryleewho · 23 days
Saw a fun little conversation on Threads but I don't have a Threads account, so I couldn't reply directly, but I sure can talk about it here!
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I've been wanting to get into this for awhile, so here we go! First and foremost, I wanna say that "Emmaskies" here is really hitting the nail on the head despite having "no insider info". I don't want this post to be read as me shitting on trad pub editors or authors because that is fundamentally not what's happening.
Second, I want to say that this reply from Aaron Aceves is also spot on:
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There are a lot of reviewers who think "I didn't enjoy this" means "no one edited this because if someone edited it, they would have made it something I like". As I talk about nonstop on this account, that is not a legitimate critique. However, as Aaron also mentions, rushed books are a thing that also happens.
As an author with 2 trad pub novels and 2 trad pub anthologies (all with HarperCollins, the 2nd largest trad publisher in the country), let me tell you that if you think books seem less edited lately, you are not making that up! It's true! Obviously, there are still a sizeable number of books that are being edited well, but something I was talking about before is that you can't really know that from picking it up. Unlike where you can generally tell an indie book will be poorly edited if the cover art is unprofessional or there are typoes all over the cover copy, trad is broken up into different departments, so even if editorial was too overworked to get a decent edit letter churned out, that doesn't mean marketing will be weak.
One person said that some publishers put more money into marketing than editorial and that's why this is happening, but I fundamentally disagree because many of these books that are getting rushed out are not getting a whole lot by way of marketing either! And I will say that I think most authors are afraid to admit if their book was rushed out or poorly edited because they don't want to sabotage their books, but guess what? I'm fucking shameless. Café Con Lychee was a rush job! That book was poorly edited! And it shows! Where Meet Cute Diary got 3 drafts from me and my beta readers, another 2 drafts with me and my agent, and then another 2 drafts with me and my editor, Café Con Lychee got a *single* concrete edit round with my editor after I turned in what was essentially a first draft. I had *three weeks* to rewrite the book before we went to copy edits. And the thing is, this wasn't my fault. I knew the book needed more work, but I wasn't allowed more time with it. My editor was so overworked, she was emailing me my edit letter at 1am. The publisher didn't care if the book was good, and then they were upset that its sales weren't as high at MCD's, but bffr. A book that doesn't live up to its potential is not going to sell at the same rate as one that does!
And this may sound like a fluke, but it's not. I'm not naming names because this is a deeply personal thing to share, but I have heard from *many* authors who were not happy with their second books. Not because they didn't love the story but because they felt so rushed either with their initial drafts or their edits that they didn't feel like it lived up to their potential. I also know of authors who demanded extra time because they knew their books weren't there yet only to face big backlash from their publisher or agent.
I literally cannot stress to you enough that publisher's *do not give a fuck* about how good their products are. If they can trick you into buying a poorly edited book with an AI cover that they undercut the author for, that is *better* than wasting time and money paying authors and editors to put together a quality product. And that's before we get into the blatant abuse that happens at these publishers and why there have been mass exoduses from Big 5 publishers lately.
There's also a problem where publishers do not value their experienced staff. They're laying off so many skilled, dedicated, long-term committed editors like their work never meant anything. And as someone who did freelance sensitivity reading for the Big 5, I can tell you that the way they treat freelancers is *also* abysmal. I was almost always given half the time I asked for and paid at less than *half* of my general going rate. Authors publishing out of their own pockets could afford my rate, but apparently multi-billion dollar corporations couldn't. Copy edits and proofreads are often handled by freelancers, meaning these are people who aren't familiar with the author's voice and often give feedback that doesn't account for that, plus they're not people who are gonna be as invested in the book, even before the bad payment and ridiculous timelines.
So, anyway, 1. go easy on authors and editors when you can. Most of us have 0 say in being in this position and authors who are in breech of their contract by refusing to turn in a book on time can face major legal and financial ramifications. 2. Know that this isn't in your head. If you disagree with the choices a book makes, that's probably just a disagreement, but if you feel like it had so much potential but just *didn't reach it*, that's likely because the author didn't have time to revise it or the editor didn't have time to give the sort of thorough edits it needed. 3. READ INDIE!!! Find the indie authors putting in the work the Big 5's won't do and support them! Stop counting on exploitative mega-corporations to do work they have no intention of doing.
Finally, to all my readers who read Café Con Lychee and loved it, thank you. I love y'all, and I appreciate y'all, and I really wish I'd been given the chance to give y'all the book you deserved. I hope I can make it up to you in 2025.
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We (somewhat rightly) mock the 2000's era fansub translation notes for their otaku fixations and privileging of trivia over the media, but they should be understood as serving their purpose for a bit of a different era in the anime fandom. Take this classic:
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Like, its so obvious, right? Just say "pervert", you don't need the note! Which is true, for like a 'normie' audience member who just wants to watch A TV Show - but no one watching, uh *quick google* "Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne" in 1999 is that person. The audience is weebs, and for them the fact that show is Japanese is a huge selling point. They want it to feel as 'anime' as possible; and in the west language was one of the core signifiers of anime-ness. 2004 con-goers calling their friends "-kun" and throwing in "nani?" into conversations was the way this was done, and alongside that a lexicon of western anime fandom terminology was born. Seeing "ecchi" on the screen is, to this person, a better viewing experience - it enhances their connection to otaku identity the show is providing, and reinforces their shared cultural lexicon (Ecchi is now a term one 'expects' anime fans to know - a truth that translator notes like this simultaneously created and reflected).
But of course your audiences have different levels of otaku-dom, and so you can't just say 'ecchi' and call it a day - so for those who are only Level 2 on their anime journey, you give them a translation note. Most of the translation notes of the era are like this - terms the fansubber thought the audience might know well enough that they would understand it and want that pure Japanese cultural experience, but that not all of them would know, so you have to hedge. The Lucky Star one I posted is a great example of that:
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Its Lucky Star, the otaku-crown of anime! You desperately want the core text to preserve as much anime vocab as possible, to give off that feeling, but you can't assume everyone knows what a GALGE is - doing both is the only way to solve that dilemma.
This is often a good guideline when looking at old memetically bad fansubs by the way:
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This isn't real, no fansub had this - it was a meme that was posted on a wiki forum in 2007. Which makes sense, right? "Plan" isn't a Japanese cultural or otaku term, so there is no reason not to translate it, it doesn't deepen the ~otaku connection~.
Which, I know, I'm explaining the joke right now, but over time I think many have grown to believe that this (and others like it) is a real fansub, and that these sort of arbitrary untranslations just peppered fansub works of the time? It happened, sure, but they would be equally mocked back then as missteps - or were jokes themselves. Some groups even had a reputation for inserting jokes into their works, imo Commie Subs was most notable for this; part of the competitive & casual environment of the time. But they weren't serious, they are not examples of "bad fansubs" in the same way.
This all faded for a bunch of reasons - primarily that the market for anime expanded dramatically. First, that lead to professionally released translations by centralized agencies that had universal standards for their subs and accountability to the original creators of the show. Second, the far larger audience is far less invested in anime-as-identity; they like it, but its not special the way its special when you are a bullied internet recluse in 2004. They just want to watch the show, and would find "caring" about translation nuances to be cringe. And since these centralized agencies release their product infinitely faster and more accessibly than fansubs ever did, their copies now dominate the space (including being the versions ripped to all illegal streaming sites), so fansubs died.
Though not totally - a lot of those fansub groups are still around! Commie Subs is still kicking for example. They either do the weird nuance stuff, or fansub unreleased-in-the-west old or niche anime, or even have pivoted to non-anime Japanese content that never gets international release. But they used to be the taste-makers of the community; now they are the fringe devotees in a culture that has moved beyond them. So fansubs remain something of a joke of the 90's and 2000's in the eyes of the anime culture of today, in a way that maybe they don't deserve.
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rabbitrah · 1 year
A continuation on my post about unloved foods, specifically this is my in-depth defense of root beer.
Root Beer isn't inherently gross, it's just one of those weird local flavors that's off-putting to people who didn't grow up with it. We all like different things and also we all tend to like flavors that are similar to what we grew up with. That's okay! But honestly root beer is pretty unique and, in my opinion, delicious.
One of the main complaints against root beer is that it tastes like medicine. Funnily enough, it was originally marketed as medicinal! This is true for most OG sodas actually. Pretty much as soon as carbonated water was invented, people were drinking it to soothe various ailments. A lot of the original soft drinks were actually invented by pharmacists. I just think that root beer is especially cool because the main flavor came from the root bark of sassafras, a common North American shrub. Because it's so widespread and aromatic, all parts of the sassafras plant have been used in food and medicine by many different Native American tribes throughout history and was subsequently picked up and used by European colonists. In the 1960s, some studies indicated that that safrole oil, which is produced by the plant, can cause liver damage. Whether or not this would actually remain true after it had been boiled and added to root beer is unclear, but it was really easy to replicate the flavor, so the sassafras in commercial root beer these days is artificial. Another fun fact about safrole is that it's a precursor in the synthesis of MDMA. None of this information has stopped my childhood habit of eating sassfras leaves right off the shrub whenever I walk past it on a hike. I'm like 85% sure it's safe and also mmmm yummy leafs go crunch.
Another root beer complaint is that it tastes like toothpaste. I think this is probably because another key flavor in most root beer recipes is wintergreen. I'm assuming that the people who think this are the same people who think mint chocolate chip ice cream tastes like toothpaste. I can understand and even respect that some people don't like mint and associate it only with brushing their teeth, but like. Mint is a pretty common flavor. I mean I think it's safe to say that humans have been eating mint flavored stuff for longer than toothpaste has existed... anyway!
Other common flavors in root beer (real or artificial) are caramel, vanilla, black cherry bark, sarsaparilla root, ginger, and many more! There's not one official recipe, and root beer enthusiasts often have strong opinions about different brands. Some root beer is sharper, with more strong aromatic flavors, and others are mild and creamier.
Another thing I think is cool about root beer is that it's foamier than most sodas. This was originally because sassafras is a natural surfactant (and why sassafras is also a common thickening agent in Louisiana Creole cooking.) These days, other plant starches or similar ingredients are added to keep the distinctive foam. Root beer foam > all other soft drink foams. That's why root beer floats kick more ass than like, coke floats.
If you've never had root beer before, imagine if a sweetened herbal tea was turned into a soda, because that's basically what it is. If your first response to that is a cringe, fair enough. That's why lots of people don't like it. If your first response to that is "interesting... I might actually like it, though" then I encourage you to track down a can of root beer today, hard as that might be outside the US and Canada. Next time you see an "ew, root beer tastes like medicine/tooth paste" take, know that there's a reason for that, but also the same could be said for literally any herbal or minty food/drink.
My final take on root beer is that it would be the soda of choice for gnomes. Thank you and good night.
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vanteguccir · 5 months
sleepy | m. sturniolo
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where Matt had a busy day and just wants to sleep in his lover arms.
Warning: None.
Request?: Yes, asked by @mymoots
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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Y/N sighed in relief after closing the door to her house, locking it before placing her set of keys on the plate next to the entrance, next to Matt's car key. The girl took off her shoes, placing them up against the wall next to Chris' sneakers, making a mental note to clean them both the next day, or ask Chris to do so.
Y/N walked to the kitchen still with her purse on her shoulder, not wanting to put it on the counter, knowing that if she did she would forget to pick it later to put it in its proper place. The girl walked to one of the cabinets and took a glass of water, filling it and drinking all the contents there, before finally going to her room, which she shared with her boyfriend.
She was excited to see Matt, after a busy day at work she always loved sitting and listening intently as he recounted everything he did alone or with his brothers from the moment he woke up, her favorite stories being about what it was filming the video that would be posted the next day, or sometimes, on that same day.
And this was one of those days, when the boys left the recording of Friday's video to be recorded exactly on Friday, which made the day busier than normal and, consequently, more tiring.
Y/N quickly arrived at the room, knocking twice on the door before carefully opening it just enough to enter, before closing it again, finding the room completely dark, only lit by the low white lights that decorated the corner of the walls.
Matt was lying on the bed, on top of the covers, face down and his face turned to the other way.
The girl placed her purse on the chair closest to the door, removing her jacket and walking lightly towards her boyfriend, not sure if he was awake or asleep, and the last thing she wanted to do was disturb him.
"Matt? Baby?" Y/N whispered, bringing her face closer to the side of Matt's head, enjoying the fresh smell of shampoo.
"Are you awake?" She continued, now bringing her face closer to his, noticing his half-open eyes and sleepy face.
"I am, I haven't slept yet, I wanted to wait for you." He responded in a low whisper filled with exhaustion.
"Oh my love, there was no need. You recorded today's video during the day and you mentioned that you were going to the market, I imagine how tired you must be." Y/N spoke back, remembering the brief text that Matt sent her right after lunch, letting her know that he was going to stop by the market to buy some items that had run out of the fridge and cupboard, and that Y/N had written in the notes on his phone as it was the closest to her at the time.
"It's okay, I like seeing your face before I sleep." Matt whispered again, turning completely around to face Y/N, smiling slightly, his eyes almost closing completely.
"I love you." The girl spoke, approaching and kissing Matt's lips, without moving them, just a seal full of love and affection.
"Hm I love you more."
"Are you hungry? I can get a quick snack." Y/N asked, pulling away.
"A little, but I miss you more than I'm hungry, so lay here with me." He responded, pulling her arm lightly.
"Are you sure, honey?" He responded with just a nod. "Alright, let me just take a shower first."
"Nooo, don't leave me here all alone." He asked slyly, raising his arms. Y/N laughed at his whole drama as his blue eyes barely opened.
"It'll be quick, I promise."
"I'll go with you." He said, getting up and almot falling, what kept him from doing it was Y/N's hands on his shoulders.
The girl shook her head, knowing that asking him to lie down again would be a losing fight, so she just guided him to the bathroom, sitting him on top of the toilet.
The girl quickly took her clothes off and discarding them in the laundry basket, before entering the shower, casting a quick glance at Matt, who was half-bent over with his eyes half closed, the side of his body resting on the counter, making her smile, he was so kind to her.
It didn't take more than ten minutes and she was already drying herself, fulfilling her promise to be quick.
"Matt, go to bed, I'm almost done here." She asked, placing her hands on the boy's cheeks and lifting his face, bending down slightly and kissing his forehead, helping him to get up and gently pushing him to the room.
As she left the bathroom, her eyes traveled to the bed, smiling when she saw Matt in a half-sitting, half-lying position, with his eyes closed and his hand off the side of the bed, as if he was ready to catch her when she climbed into the comfort of his side.
Y/N went to their closet, taking fresh panties and Matt's shirt from her side of clothes, putting them both on before walking back to bed, lightly touching Matt's hand, which made him open his eyes quickly and look around, feeling a little lost.
"I'm awake, I promise." Y/N laughed, rolling her eyes at how stubborn the brunette could be when he wanted to.
"Go a little to the side, my love." She asked, pushing him away lightly with her hands, making space for herself. "When we wake up tomorrow, I want to know everything about your day." Y/N added in a whisper, getting under the covers and placing Matt next to her, before pulling him into her arms, letting he lay his head on her chest, knowing that the sound of her heartbeat calmed him down.
"And I'll tell you everything." He spoke back slowly, placing his hand around her waist before giving up to sleep.
Y/N paused for a few seconds to just watch her boyfriend's expression soften, the tension in his body giving way to lightness, and she couldn't help but smile. There was no better place for her than in Matt's arms.
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astonmartinii · 5 months
guess who? | yuki tsunoda social media au
pairing: fem yuki tsunoda x popstar!reader
wait, who is y/n's special guest?
Hello! Idk if you take in request for Yuki Tsunoda? But I'll give this a try! Pairing: Yuki Tsunoda x Popstar!YN (face claim could be sabrina or whoever you want!) Summary: yuki is caught attending yn's concert and then some of yn's fans mentioned that maybe yuki is the special guest yn has been hinting at. So, everyone on social media + the drivers are going crazy to see if YN and Yuki know each other. And then some eagle eyed YN+Yuki fans point out how one of YN's songs are about Yuki - @notesmadefromthedark
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liked by y/nstan, user1 and 12,964 others
tagged: yourusername
y/ncentral: y/n at her show in london last night. she mentioned that she had a special guest in attendance and some familiar faces in the crowd included f1 drivers pierre gasly, charles leclerc, daniel ricciardo, max verstappen and yuki tsunoda !! do you think it might be one of them?
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user2: can one of the f1 girls give us a quick run down on these men?
user3: quick fire. pierre - slag but has a gf. charles - homie hopper but has a gf. daniel - goofy. max - serious on track but goofy off track. yuki - lilttle cinnamon roll (do not listen to his radios)
user2: thank you for your service - who should i root for to be with y/n?
user4: if she's dating max at least she'd be dating a serial winner?
user5: but i feel like her and daniel would such a fun couple like?
user6: but yuki is a king and i honest to god hope it is him
user7: can this be fake news? my wife is at home with our kids?
user8: the way i know this trip was yuki's idea
user9: ???
user8: yuki mentioned in a marketing video a while back that he loves her music
user10: + pierre said the best thing about no longer being teammates with yuki is that he doesn't have to listen to him blast y/n's music
user11: + in a q&a he was asked who he'd most like to meet at a race and he said y/n or jason statham?
user12: the more i hear the more i want it to be yuki
user13: i need it to be yuki so that all the y/n fans can be yuki fans and we can become unstoppable
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liked by yukitsunoda0511, danielricciardo and 1,341,788 others
tagged: mysteryman
yourusername: london you were beautiful :)
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user14: WHO WHO WHO are they from 😭😭😭
user15: daniel 🤞
user16: yuki 🙏
yukitsunoda0511: wonderful show y/n :)))))))))
yourusername: thank you lovely, great to see you again x
yukitsunoda0511: safe travels !
user17: he's such a dork i love him
user18: i just stalked his page it needs to be him your honour
danielricciardo: sick set y/n but i think being a superfan of you just comes with being an alpha tauri employee
yourusername: i didn't see you complaining buster
danielricciardo: obviously i have welcomed this period of enlightenment in my life
yukitsunoda0511: you said you enjoyed karaoke :(
danielricciardo: i did !! but i was under the impression that it would be more songs than just y/n ones
yukitsunoda0511: :(((((( i had fun :(
yourusername: i'm sure you have the voice of an angel
yukitsunoda0511: :) x
user20: i don't know what the hell is going on but if it's not yuki then i think he might get his heart broken
pierregasly: i think yuki saw god that night
yukitsunoda0511: and god is a woman :)
yourusername: 😊
user21: i've seen enough - Y/N PLEASE MARRY THIS MAN
liked by yukitsunoda0511
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liked by pierregasly, yourusername and 603,498 others
tagged: yourusername
yukitsunoda0511: best concert ever ! thank you y/n :)
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user22: for my sanity i need them to be together
maxverstappen1: thanks mate. it was actually a group trip to london, glad to see we made it to the post
charles_leclerc: we're nothing to him compared to y/n
yourusername: as he should
pierregasly: what about his beloved friends who slaved away to get the tickets?
yourusername: 🤷‍♀️
yourusername: also i sent you those tickets ???
pierregasly: shush they don't need to know that
yukitsunoda0511: thank YOU for the tickets y/n, sorry i had to bring along these stray cats
maxverstappen1: ugh i'm literally a pedigree bengal but whatever 🤷‍♀️
yourusername: their little arguments are quietly endearing
yukitsunoda0511: as long as you liked me the most they can endear you all they want
yourusername: of course you're my fave yuki :)
charles_leclerc: 🙄
user23: very much enjoying y/n getting involved in all of these tussles between the grid
user24: okay but the real question here is when are we getting the y/n x xnda collab?
danielricciardo: do OUR sushi dates mean nothing?
pierregasly: you're only just realising that we're nothing to him
yukitsunoda0511: you guys are so dramatic
liamlawson30: i was the first victim of yuki. you think you're special to him and then BAM
yukitsunoda0511: they weren't sushi dates. we went as pals. of course i wouldn't post that
pierregasly: so it was a DATE? 🤨
user25: we need investigator gasly on this immediately
yukitsunoda0511: as if the baguette man could do anything
pierregasly: SACRE BLEU ?!
yourusername: 😭 😭 😭
pierregasly: you have changed yuki-san and GASP! y/n i expected better of you
yourusername: why are you typing your stage directions ???
pierregasly: i am EMOTIONAL
user26: yukierre found dead in their la mansion
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liked by taylorswift, pierregasly and 1,320,566 others
tagged: mysteryman
yourusername: a soft launch suitable for my soft boy
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user28: you might want to soft launch but we don't want to
user29: the suspense might just kill me
pierregasly: inchresting, very INTERESTING
yourusername: you got something to say buddy
pierregasly: maybe now i know where the little man gets all his sass
yourusername: or maybe you are just slayphobic
pierregasly: as if ! have you seen this hair, that is a serve. my gf told me so
yourusername: i have also seen your hairline
kikagomes: oop.
pierregasly: blocked.
user30: the way this little scuffle just proved the soft launch invalid cause it has to be yuki - only he would know the hairline blow
user31: golly gosh this is all very dramatic
user32: the way we know yuki was feeding her all these insults.
user33: i know that hairline comment cut deep
yukitsunoda0511: that sunset is almost as pretty as you
yourusername: you're so sweet yuki!
user34: f1 girly here - is this how y/n flirts or is she just being nice
user35: it is in my professional opinion that she is down bad
user36: plus they've clearly been together a while if y/n is able to playfully argue with his friends like this
charles_leclerc: as the intellectual on the grid, what is your current read?
yourusername: before the coffee gets cold - recommended by the REAL intellectual on the grid
maxverstappen1: INTELLECTUAL MY ASS
danielricciardo: stop trying to look good in front of the pop star we're all freaks
yukitsunoda0511: speak for yourself daniel
user37: not to be the real freak here but before the coffee gets cold is a japanese book so more evidence of mystery man being yuki !!
user38: do NOT threaten me with a good time
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 1,034,742 others
tagged: yourusername
yukitsunoda0511: i've been quiet too long, look at my girlfriend !!!!!!!!!!
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user39: wake up babe new mum and dad just dropped.
danielricciardo: worst kept secret of all time
yourusername: we've been together for over a year, dan.
danielricciardo: WHAT
yukitsunoda0511: aren't you proud of me daniel? i'm sorry i didn't tell you but you've got a big mouth both figuratively and literally
danielricciardo: i am SHOCKED. why did you just gag me so bad?
yourusername: you saw the show. i have sass. he has sass. together we are unstoppable
pierregasly: run daniel you saw how they came for my hairline
user40: wait it was so obvious it was yuki based on the london nonsense outro: my baby be screaming down the microphone, with me you don't have to watch your tone, i just want to come and sit on your throne
user41: the microphone? as in the radios? the iconic yuki radios?
user42: "with me you don't have to watch your tone" EAT MY MASS HELMUT MARKO
user42: wait NOT LIKE THAT
maxverstappen1: for all of our sakes please do not analyse the throne line
yourusername: it's a throne fit for a queen ❤️
yukitsunoda0511: hehehehehehee
maxverstappen1: SHUT THE FUCK UP
user43: living for yuki and y/n terrorising the grid
pierregasly: also don't think i didn't see you said OVER A YEAR - are you kidding me right now ???????????
yukitsunoda0511: nope.
pierregasly: i am HURT
yukitsunoda0511: why? you have an even bigger mouth than daniel, y/n and i just wanted privacy
pierregasly: i would NEVER
yourusername: you once commented on a public instagram about liking doggy
pierregasly: well..... when you put it like that....
yourusername: i love you yuki, thanks for the best year ever and for the best forever with you
yukitsunoda0511: i love you too, i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my soulmate
yourusername: my muse ❤️
user44: i just got called single in like ten billion different languages :(
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liked by maxverstappen1, yukitsunoda0511 and 1,623,077 others
tagged: yukitsunoda0511
yourusername: f1 and all that jazz 👍
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user47: when two queens come together to maximise their joint slay
yukitsunoda0511: can you always be there when i get out of the car?
yourusername: i wish i could :(
yukitsunoda0511: not even if i say pretty please 🥺
yourusername: i don't think i can ever say no to you baby
user48: your favourite bite size couple
pierregasly: guys don't make fun of them they will try and bite your ankles
yourusername: you're literally 5'5
yukitsunoda0511: only real men can be short kings, you're a short peasant at most
pierregasly: actually y/n you're now banned from the paddock
yourusername: you're too busy watching out for your ankles when you should be watching your mirrors
pierregasly: are you threatening me?
yourusername: i have full faith in yuki, it's a promise
yukitsunoda0511: thanks babe x
user49: i love when a couple don't play about each other
user50: yuki has publicly been in love with y/n for years and landed his dream girl, he's standing on business
fernandoalo_oficial: yuki-san! you've done well, you and y/n are a wonderful couple
pierregasly: so they weren't mean to you?
yourusername: we respect our elders
yukitsunoda0511: and we love fernando!
fernandoalo_oficial: wait. i'm not old
yourusername: we meant wise!
yukitsunoda0511: no we didn't old man
user51: yuki was patient zero of the sassy man apocalypse
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 802,884 others
tagged: yourusername
yukitsunoda0511: couldn't be happier, oh p5 was pretty good as well
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user52: i love how he got alpha tauri's best points finish of the year so far but he's like no my hot gf is more important
user53: he is what all men should aspire to be
yourusername: couldn't be prouder, racer boy x
yukitsunoda0511: had to put on my best performance for my love
yourusername: i'd be proud no matter what baby
yukitsunoda0511: do i still get a reward?
yourusername: about to inspire a whole new nonsense outro
charles_leclerc: okaY THAT'S ENOUGH
user54: the way yuki was practically bouncing off the walls in the post race interviews
user55: his smile was impressively wide when he was asked about any extra motivation this weekend
landonorris: yuki-san when were you going to introduce me to y/n? i'm the only one who willingly did nonsense karaoke with you - i sang about your dick with you? does that mean nothing?
yukitsunoda0511: lando !!! we love you and your willingness to sing about my dick
yourusername: what he means is that i'm doing an acoustic session and would love to invite you. he got cornered by max after the race and has had far too many gin and tonics
landonorris: omg count me in, yuki i love you and i love your girlfriend
yukitsunoda0511: NOT MORE THAN ME
landonorris: no buddy, i'll let you have that one
yourusername: love you too baby @maxverstappen1 no more g&ts
maxverstappen1: whoops 😬
user56: drunk yuki you have my heart
user57: i will do anything for an invite to the acoustic session I DESERVE IT
danielricciardo: can you two stop being so cute, you're making me look bad
yourusername: no can do, i wanna treat my man the way he should
yukitsunoda0511: i was put on this earth to worship y/n 👍
yourusername: * and slaying in f1
yukitsunoda0511: and slaying in f1
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liked by danielricciardo, yukitsunoda0511 and 1,409,387 others
tagged: yukitsunoda0511
yourusername: the boy who made me a certified sap :)
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user61: so like can we start counting down to the new album yet
user62: ready for a full album with the energy of nonsense
yukitsunoda0511: not the jacket picture
yourusername: but it's so cute, you playing rugby does something to me
yukitsunoda0511: the guys said i was pretty good
yourusername: no no no just for my eyes your face is too handsome to get mashed up
yukitsunoda0511: why thank you, but no one will ever be as beautiful as you
user63: yes they are mother and father, but they also need to shut the fuck up i am too lonely to read this stuff without being institutionalised
user64: so real of you
alexalbon: faves. but also. i can't believe i'm so good at photography that i made yuki look TALL
yukitsunoda0511: it's not how tall you are but how you are tall
yourusername: exactly
alexalbon: what the fuck is that supposed to mean
yourusername: some people are tall and act like they're short whereas some people are short but have taller energy
alexalbon: is this just a riddle about how big yuki's dick is
yourusername: you said it not me. i wasn't lying when i said i sit on a throne
yukitsunoda0511: hehehehe
alexalbon: i started off being nice today. but you people have pushed me too far it's already bad enough that whenever lily blasts your album that i know it's about yuki
yourusername: sounds like a you problem
user65: y/n really out here like oh you think yuki is JUST a cutie pie ?
note: thanks for reading, i hope you enjoyed and this is what you were looking for. yuki is so underrated and that rugby video did actually change my life. also if you didn't see, i'm starting a small business for my dumb f1 art - if you want to follow it's @badlydrawnf1cats on instagram xx
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love🥺🫶🏻I click at my notification so fast when I saw your posting again adfkgk you have no idea how much I like your writing! also I'm new to your blog but if anyone trying to hurt you I'm......going to give them a really bad time... 😤💪//hj
Anyway 🥺🫶🏻🫶🏻can I request a reaction of wrio and neuvillette with a darling who has a habit of looking at the price on menus...like why worry your silly little head? when you're with them those silly little numbers mean nothing. it's one of your habit that's hard to let go but he find them really cute so it's okay!
Awwww thank you so much, dear!!!! You'll be happy to know that I've got nothing but love on here which I'm so so grateful for ♡ but I appreciate you so much for your protection ♡
And what a lovely idea!! This is so something I struggle with so it was interesting to write about and imagine what our favorite boys would say!! I hope you like it ♡
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✧˖° you're worth all the mora in the world⋆.˚✧
Wriothesley & Neuvillette x gn!reader (separate) II fluff!
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"You're not allowed to order water."
He slides the drink menu over to you with a stern, "Pick one."
"...but I don't need—"
"It's not about needing. I took you out to spoil and indulge you, don't deny me that pleasure."
You've been dating Wriothesley long enough for him to find your cautiousness when it comes to his funds an issue.
On the first few dates you two shared, though he'd rather have pampered you with lavish meals and treats, he decided to look the other way when it came to how you'd always miraculously choose the most inexpensive dishes on the menu.
"I guess that's only polite...", he reasoned with himself, weighing whether or not he should mention to you that money was not a problem for him; but eventually, he thought it better to just give you time.
"Once we get more comfortable, it'll change."
And once you two did get comfortable, and he found that your behavior, in fact, did not change, his patience wore thin.
Why were you still so uncomfortable with him? It was almost an insult that you thought so little of him to assume he'd find paying for you a burden.
So, he takes to ordering for you. He knows what you like, and he knows if he lets you choose for yourself, the price will play a factor into what you order—even subconsciously.
Until you start choosing the most expensive meals on the menu, you're not allowed to make objections or requests without grounds like allergies or dislikes; which you won't have, because he knows you too well by now.
If you try to lie and tell him you don't like something he's picked for you, you will fail. Miserably, so.
"I don't like crab.", you argue—peeking over your menu at him in an attempt to hide your tells that he's become much too familiar with. He could read you like a book, and you have no idea how he's gained so much expertise in the field of you.
"Uh huh, sure, doll.", he doesn't even look at you, his attention on the waiter as he orders. "That one—", he says, flicking his finger to point at you, "is going to have golden crab.".
"And the crab will be market-priced. Will that be all right with you, sir?", the waiter feels the need to confirm, as market-priced foods are often quite expensive.
You jump in, "How mu—"
"That's fine.", Wriothesley interjects, giving you a stern look as he plucks the menu from your hands, revealing your red cheeks (a symptom of your fibbing), and passes it to the waiter before handing him his own. He doesn't need to hear the price, it's just a number, and you're worth more than all the mora in his bank account. No matter how ardently you can try to protest, he's committed to giving you what he knows you want—even if you hesitate to ask for it.
And watching from across the table how your eyes glimmer and beautiful cheeks turn rosy pink as the opulent flavors hit your tongue is more than enough compensation for him to recieve in return.
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Neuvillette finds your financial prudence to be a quality of yours he actually quite admires. Too often, he sees thoughtless individuals land themselves in his court with grave, unsettled debts due to gambling or overspending, so your conscientiousness is to be commended!
However, when he is the one footing the bill, he sees no logical need for you to apply this virtue. He knows what he can afford, so you need not worry about it; and to see that telltale crease between your eyebrows as you worry yourself over what to choose on a menu with nothing priced less than ˙✧12500 mora, simply crushes him.
He can never sit right with himself when you have that anxious look on your face, it makes him feel like he’s failing as your partner. And over something so small as a handful of mora! He finds it necessary to talk you through the logic of the situation rather than your—for lack of better word—illogical fixation on a metaphysical number.
“Sweetheart,”, he calls in that soothing, deep vibration of his voice that feels like resting in the coolest, calmest waters of Fontaine, “I am the Chief Justice of Fontaine; as such, I’ve been entrusted to oversee both criminal and civil trials due to my ability to apply sound judgement to otherwise complex situations, unrivaled by anyone else in the nation.”
“…”, you sit quietly with your hands in your lap and blink at him, tongue-tied as his explanation begins to make perfect sense.
“…don’t you think I would have the discernment to manage my own finances?”, he concludes, hammering his claim into you with one last strike.
You have no rebuttal. He’s pinned you so effortlessly, it’s embarrassing. Sometimes, it’s a challenge to date a man with such vast practice in rhetorical argument.
Your worries being soothed with such tact actually makes you quite flustered, your cheeks and nose turning a soft shade of red as you pout in defeat.
The way your expression graduated from nervous to sheepish with just a few sentences of reasoning makes him chuckle, reaching out to lift your chin with the knuckle of his index finger with a cheery, but reserved smile on his face.
“Darling, I’ve brought you out tonight to spoil you. Do me the honor of having some fun while we’re here? There’s nothing more I want right now than to see your beautiful smile.”
You find it’s impossible to hold back the simper that blooms on your face from that remark, to which he smirks with pride.
This was the most fulfilling trial he’s held in a century.
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emporium · 1 year
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Pants are important (and on sale right now for $40)
Pants are important. They are the foundation of human civilization. They are the only thing that separates us from animals. Have you ever seen a Panda Bear wear pants? What about a fish? Didn't think so.
Pants not only keep us warm but out of trouble. Today, go to work or school or outside without pants and see how long it takes for someone to get upset and try to get you in trouble.
Our sweatpants were overpriced. We paid too much for them (cough, cought, custom woven tag) which pushed the retail price too high. That won't happen again.
I'm sure there are those among you saying I'd never buy those, they have the word "tumblr" on them. I'd say if people are staring at your pants that carefully, carefully enough to read that it says tumblr you need to get the heck out of there.
I've put the pants on sale for $40, which is basically our cost. I'd much rather see them out in the world keeping your phone safe and warm than on my shelf judging me for being such a terrible marketer and not being able to sell them.
Edit: Here is the sizing chart, sorry for not including it. HT to @cursedbekoi for finding a sizing chart was was actually useful instead of the one I originally posted.
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depths-of-escapism · 2 years
July monthly numbers post! except not really. uh yeah, no numbers post this month. honestly this month was just uh, weird content wise. i think? I'm uh, done making "content" how i used to. honestly i think I'm done with making "content" in general lol. like, i think I'm at the point where i just kinda wanna live my own life away from thinking about making content, and don't get me wrong i think my life will always have at least some level of making art to it. but i don't think i want to focus on the art itself anymore. i think i just wanna, yknow, be me? so uh, yeah, please, don't expect any art/content on most of my social media, ill post when it feels right but that's about all. ill still be active on my twitch channel though! I've been playing through a ton of retro games and its been really fun! i'd like to see yall over there! https://www.twitch.tv/depths_of_escapism and then uh, i started a twitter! i uh, i send the tweets now!,,, idk how to use twitter,,, https://twitter.com/Depths_Escapism
#also like ive been doodling a lot without posting lately and ah it just feels so nice to not feel any pressure to make like art#like i can fuck up literally every line and its like who cares! its chill and i love that#and yeah ik yall also love bad art but I'm talking about like#art that doesnt fit what i was going for yknow?#also like#not having to stress about what other people think of my art has been really nice honestly#like to this day everytime i post on tiktok there is a 50% chance of people just being highly confused in general about my art#its that or people view my art as a creepypasta.. and like i get why and fair enough but idk its always felt weird#like when i make art trying to capture the emotions of my depression and everyone is just confused or like haha so spooky#and its just like.. idk.. it just feels off having people view your life as entertainment yknow? like sure find it interesting and relate#to it thats cool and i love that.#but like.. im not a tv show. im a human. please view me as such#that and honestly the older i get the more i just feel disconnected from the people who view my art. like all of yall are children it seems#and its like. theres nothing wrong with being a child but im not interested in marketing my art towards children yknow#idk. it just feels nice having an audience that i actually relate to. and at this point in time i dont feel like tiktok/Instagram/tumblr is#what im looking for#idk. tldr: i want to be viewed as more human. and i want to relate to my audience.#oh also despite all of that i still do plan on posting everywhere. just.. its not my focus
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moviecritc · 4 days
strawberry shortcake ⋆ carlos sainz smau
pairing: carlos sainz x reader (fc: various from pinterest)
summary: everyone is surprised about the woman that carlos is dating, knowing how classy he is
warnings: some hate comments
a/n: i'm blonde and i'm planing to do pink highlights for this summer, so this seemed fun to do <3
masterlist | wattpad | letterboxd
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yourusername just posted!
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liked by carlossainz55, alexandrasaintmleux and 1,409 others
yourusername 9 to 5 🌶️
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yourbff stop being so cool you're making others seem lame
user1 is this carlos new gf?
user2 i think she is! they were seen together two weeks ago, he soft launched a dinner and now she's posting watching the race, so they probably are
alexandrasaintmleux ohh gorgeous 😍 liked by author
user3 girl you're like 27 what are you doing dying your hair pink
user4 nah some people are allergic to having personality
carlossainz55 🥰🌶️
user5 pls tell me that he's just being friendly user6 no bc what is he doing with a girl like that... she looks so messy user7 that's exactly what i was thinking! nothing against her, but she's not the type of woman for carlos
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user1 i'm sorry, but she's a no for me
user2 she works in fashion????
user3 ultimate cool girl frr
user4 ok i've stalked her and she is GORGEOUSSS, and effortlestly cool?? i would die for being half cool of her
user5 dying my hair pink rn
user6 i can't believe there's people saying that she's not enough for carlos?? girl, carlos is not enough for HER
user7 FRRR she is THAT GIRL, in capital letters and bold
user8 i've dig a little and i found a few things: she was born in ireland (irish queen, i can't imagine how cool is to hear her talk), studied marketing at trinity college and moved to london a few years ago, she was a month in madrid last march (probably when she met carlos)
user9 i mean cool, but please go touch some grass
carlossainz55 just posted!
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and 32,654 others
carlossainz55 So excited to race in Australia this weekend 🔜 🇦🇺
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yourusername 🤞🏻🔜
user1 SHE'S COMING TO A RACE? user2 honestly i would be embarrased to go to a gp with her
user4 carlos you have to update your taste in women bc wtf
user5 imagine calling yourself a carlos fan and hating on his gf who literally did nothing
user6 we're not hating, she's just vulgar, that's factual
user7 i can't believe people is making this post all about his relationship
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user1 her outfits are in another level
user2 Carlos couldn't stop touching her, he's DOWN BAD
user3 she looks so sweet, i don't understand the hate
user4 she's iconic, you guys are just boring people
yourusername just posted on her story!
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[caption 1: gettin ready for the race 💋] [caption 2: thank you for this @scuderiaferrari]
carlossainz55 c'mere i need my good luck kiss
carlossainz55 i mean you ARE the prettiest and i'm the luckiest
user1 ok you actually look nice
user2 first time i see one of the wags being grateful with the team
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Carlos interview after quali
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f1 just posted!
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and 23,0129 others
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user1 SMOOOTHHH 🌶🌶
user2 and this man doesn't have a seat?? be ffr
user4 and that podium>>>>>
user5 YESSS his gf was there and looked so so happy user6 omg i saw it!!
yourusername VAMOSS ❤️💛
user7 oh hi y/n user8 you speak spanish? user9 i love her. i don't care you guys don't, but she's da best
carlossainz55 just posted!
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 72,102 others
carlossainz55 Unforgettable weekend ❤️💛
tagged; yourusername
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yourusername Beyond proud of you darling ❤️🥹 liked by author
carlossainz55 Te amo ❤️ user2 AAAAHH I LOVE EM user3 brb im taking a bath with a toaster
user1 so we're hard launching now?
user2 she's his lucky charms, 100% sure
user3 bro casually hard launches in his race win post
user4 carlos and y/n picture was a jumpscare. but like a good jumpscare, and not scary at all im actually in love with them
user5 looking for a third?
yourusername just posted!
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liked by carlossainz55, yourbff and 9,427 others
yourusername Left the office to support this handsome fella 💞💞
tagged; carlossainz55
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carlossainz55 Te amo, hermosa. My lucky charm 🍀👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
yourusername Can't wait to the next one 😊😊 user2 I CAN'T THEY'RE TOO PRECIOUS user3 there's nothing better than private but not secret but also not too private relationships
user1 I thought i was early but carlos' already here
user4 and they've been dating for over a year, if i had to wait so much to post carlos sainz i would've died
user5 ugly as fuck liked by author
user6 not y/n liking it- user7 LMAO I ADORE HER
alexandrasaintmleux Coolest ❤️
yourusername i'm afraid that's you hun ❤️ user8 this is so cute ngl user9 wags that get along with each other >>>
user10 y/n, do you speak spanish?
yourusername Un poco, Carlos me está enseñando 🥰 (a little bit, Carlos is teaching me)
elleuk and carlossainz55 just posted!
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and 12,012 more
elleuk He was the only non-Red Bull Racing race winner in last season in Formula 1, and the first one this year. And althought his place in F1 is still unknown, it is certain that Carlos Sainz has already left a legacy in the sport.
The April issue of ELLE UK is out March 28. Read the interview at the link in our bio.
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user1 Oh we all know who edited this pictures
user6 and he even changed the pfp to the first one, he's obsessed
carlossainz55 Thinking of pursuing a modeling career after this
yourusername You should. I'll edit your pics 🤝 user3 i'll tell my kids they were adam and eve
user2 the pictures are fabulous
user7 we all say together: thanks y/n
user5 why is anybody talking about the interview?? he's the CUTEST talking about her
user8 YESS, i read it and i died of sweetness user9 they're so wholesome i love them
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wileys-russo · 5 months
Alanna kennedy "did you just call her babe?" Café
secrets out II a.kennedy
you woke to the sound of your alarm, blinking tiredly and reaching out blindly for your phone. smacking around on the nightstand for a moment you eventually found it, tapping stop and exhaling deeply.
you draped an arm over your face with a wince as there was a gust of wind through the open window causing the blinds to swing and a ray of sunshine to hit you right in the face.
blinking a few more times and rubbing at your eyes you let out a large yawn as the body in bed beside you shifted, a long tanned and tattooed arm stretching over your stomach where your shirt had ridden up.
you glanced beside you with a smile seeing the blondes eyes closed as her nose twitched every now and then, lips parted ever so slightly as she breathed steadily in and out, not even stirring at the sound of the alarm to your amusement.
pushing the duvet off you a little with a stretch your fingers absentmindedly traced the little pieces of art sporadically scattered across the defenders arm. you could tell she had started to awaken as her grip tightened and you continued your tracing.
you knew she was properly awake as her arm accidentally moved upwards, her knuckles grazing your naked chest as you shook your head.
"good morning alanna." you spoke with a knowing smile as the taller girl rolled over a little more hiding her face in the pillow as you knew her own lips would be curled into a smile of their own.
"lani!" you laughed as her hand moved now definitely on purpose, slipping even further up your shirt and squeezing your left boob.
"mm i'm still sleeping, this is shaping up to a fantastic dream." the defender sighed rolling onto her side again and keeping her eyes closed but sure enough there was a smirk on her lips as she repeated her previous action and you pushed her away.
"very charming kennedy." you pushed at her shoulder as she cracked one eye open, arm wrapping around your waist again and pulling you into her, embracing you properly as your nose tucked into her collarbone and you placed a gentle kiss to the warm skin.
"good morning." the girl mumbled and you laughed as her hands moved again, this time to squeeze teasingly at your ass as you pushed away from her.
"you're insatiable its eight am." you tutted, sitting up and running a hand through your hair pushing it to one side of your head. "yeah and? perfect time for a morning quickie." the australian grinned now properly awake as she moved you on top of her.
"not when we've got plans at nine lans." you patted her chest with a condescending smile as her own grin was wiped off her face. "what! since when?" she propped herself up a little on her elbows with a frown.
"brunch and the sunday markets with the girls, and we need to drive separately so you have to take me home first." you reminded as the blonde let out a long and tired groan. "you did hear me say quickie right? emphasis on the quick." she tried again, tattooed hands sliding slowly up your thighs which straddled her hips.
"mm nothing quick about anything with you lani, your pace is terrible on and off the pitch." you smiled teasingly, grabbing her hands right before they could dip beneath the waistband of your underwear and pushing them away.
"excuse me!" the australian scoffed in offence and before you could blink she'd effortlessly flipped you so you were now pinned beneath her. "what i might lack in pace i make up for both in strength and stamina, you'd know that better than anyone babe." the blonde grinned wolfishly as her lips ghosted yours and you shook your head.
"i told ras to pick me up for breakfast, she'll be at mine in half an hour." your hand pressed against her chest as she chased your lips for a kiss, apologetic smile on your face as the blonde flopped down on top of you, face buried in your shoulder with a groan.
"well why would you do that!" she huffed rolling off of you and sitting back up with an annoyed glare. "because my post game plans didn't include waking up not in my own bed and we organised breakfast on friday!" you laughed in defence as alanna let out one final long and loud groan, throwing off the duvet and slipping out of bed.
"you and your little social battery are killing my sex life i hope you know that." alanna sighed dramatically with a shake of her head and a stretch. "oh sorry was the six orgasms last night not enough for you kennedy?" you raised your eyebrow in challenge as she padded back over toward you.
"only two of those were mine, pillow princess." the defender smirked teasingly, leaning over you to grab her phone and stealing a kiss as she did. "pillow princess!" you scoffed in disbelief as the australian shrugged.
'hey, i didn't say i was complaining about it babe."
"whats that on your neck?" hayley frowned as you slid into her car, trying not to let the shock register on your face and silently cursing a certain blonde defender you'd just kissed goodbye about ten minutes earlier.
"nothing, just a birth mark." you flipped your hair to the side she was inspecting as the older girl hummed, slight smile on her lips as she decided not to push too much and changing subjects as she pulled out of your driveway.
"of course she's late." alex sighed with a shake of your head as you, hayley, esme, chloe and ellie sat around waiting for alanna who was yet to arrive.
"i'll go order, no help all of us being grumpy and caffeine deprived." you smiled, the coffee dates all too regular among your group of friends as you knew their orders mostly off by heart.
"how is it you can't remember your shorts but you remember the entire teams coffee order?" ellie teased as you stood, shoving her head to the side as you passed her and headed for the counter.
the shorts issue in question was once again alanna's fault. waking up after one one of the first times you'd fallen into bed with her you both realised you'd overslept and were running late, hurrying to get dressed and look half presentable as you zipped off to training, separately of course as nobody but the two of you were aware of your arrangement.
not having planned anything out you had to steal clothes off the blonde aussie which given your glaring height difference was easier said than done, alanna's kit shorts more like jorts on you you'd had to abandon any at all and go with a pair of bike shorts instead.
whatever that arrangement was though both of you seemed to be too scared to ask. some days it was merely a text at three in the morning, manchester blurring past as one of you zoomed over to the other and you'd spend the night together but gone again by the time the sun rose.
other days you'd spend nearly every waking hour messaging back and forth, sneaking off for dinners together or catching a movie after training, dismissing invitations to hang out with your friends with half assed excuses.
"well well well, look who finally decided to show up!" chloe started a slow clap as alanna arrived, rolling her eyes and bowing sarcastically. you gestured to her coffee which sat beside yours as she took the empty seat on your left, smiling gratefully.
"thanks babe." she subtly squeezed your knee under the table but the nickname was not as easy to hide. "did she just call you babe?" ellie was right onto it with a raised eyebrow as alanna paused mid sip, eyes darting to yours apologetically at the slip up.
"yeah, so? she's an aussie they're far too friendly!" you joked to try and cover up but it didn't seem you were going to get off that easily. "mmm but i don't call you babe? am i not aussie enough for you?" hayley smiled smugly as alanna glared at her from the corner of her eye.
"you can call me babe if you like ras, didn't know you'd be so hurt!" you quipped back teasingly as alanna's hand again squeezed your knee but you knew this meant something different all together.
"right. so the matching hickies is just another friendly aussie tradition we've missed out on then?" alex smirked at you from the other end of the table as you winced.
"and the sharing clothes? lani i too would love to have a browse through your wardrobe if you're in such a generous giving mood." esme grinned tugging on the string of the hoodie you wore beneath your puffer vest which was in fact not yours.
"AK...hm those don't seem like your initials now do they?" ellie flipped your wrist over and traced the letters embroidered on the sleeve as alanna let out a deep sigh from beside you, both of you well and truly caught out.
"you will need to save all your questions for the incoming press conference after we've had a coffee and some food!" the australian warned sternly, but her arm wrapped around your shoulders protectively pulling you a little closer as whistles sounded around the table and your face blushed bright red.
"see i told you they were together, you owe me fifty bucks greenwood pay up!"
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joelscurls · 6 months
a heart for melting
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pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
words: 2.7k
warnings: post-outbreak, implied age gap, themes surrounding child loss and grief, some angst but mostly festive fluff, grumpy x sunshine dynamics (Joel is a grinch & reader loves the holidays), reader is described as having long-ish hair
summary: Jackson's first annual Holiday Market brings about more than just cheer.
a/n: Merry Christmas @thetriumphantpanda; I'm your pedrostories secret santa! I hope you enjoy this lil festive take on grumpy!joel x sunshine!reader — I had lots of fun writing it 🤍🎄 🥧 🪵 🦌
Joel doesn’t want to be here — surrounded by garland and ribbons and so much unadulterated joy, it’s nauseating. No, he was forced to be here. 
Please, Ellie had begged, it’ll be good for you to do something other than patrol or drinking with Tommy. Plus, they’re too good to keep to yourself.
They, being wood carvings — the tiny sculptures of deer and bears and birds, tufts of hair and bunches of feathers drawn out of driftwood with the tip of his blade. It was only ever meant to be a hobby, a way to busy his hands after they’d been wrapped around the cold metal of his rifle all day. Something lighter, creative rather than destructive, an act of giving rather than taking. 
But sharing them with other people? He hadn’t been interested. Maybe he’d make one for Ellie or Tommy. Wrap it up in a piece of cloth and offer it as a gift for their birthday.
Not that he thought they were any good, really.
With the announcement of Jackson’s first annual Holiday Market, though, came Ellie’s pleading. “I’ll help you,” she’d bargained. “You don’t even have to give me anything!”
“Who said I would anyway?” he’d grumbled, digging his spoon into the bottom of his bowl of stew and sifting out a chunk of meat.
Joel despises the Holiday Season. He’d welcomed its disappearance with the end of the world. Because he had no reason to celebrate, with Sarah gone. Her absence stung like salt in an open wound on any normal day. But on Christmas, memories of her hanging her favorite ornaments on the tree and sneaking one of the cookies baked for Santa burned behind his eyelids. Left him heaving through hot tears.
The holidays had no place in his world, but they certainly had a place in Jackson. The first time he and Ellie had strode through those gates, they’d been met with that damned Christmas Tree, towering over the settlement like a beacon. And he hated it, hated the way it brought about that pounding in his chest and that spinning in his head. 
How could anyone find any good in such a poignant reminder of loss? 
Tommy says it’s about new beginnings, finding ways to be happy again. And what’s happier ‘n Christmas? God damn Santa Clause, hot chocolate, children singin’ carols?
Still, Joel isn’t convinced — not yet.
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Standing across the mess hall, at your table piled high with baked goods, you are far too cheerful. You’re humming some song with a jovial beat, absentmindedly swaying as you rearrange rows of gingerbread and muffins and scones — all of which are draped in white icing, like flocking on Christmas trees. You pause to wish a happy holiday to everyone who passes through. 
Joel knows he’s seen you before, flitting in and out of the community’s kitchen, always with that signature smile scrawled across your face.
And god, you’re so bubbly, taking to everyone you meet like a bee to honey, letting them in without a care in the world. Popping from table to table, making sure they have enough to eat. That they’re doing well.
It shouldn’t surprise him that you’re so…spirited, too. You seem to find the good in everyone and everything, after all.
It infuriates him, nonetheless.
Joel groans to himself. Stuffs his hands in the pockets of his jeans as an elderly couple rounds on him. 
He grumbles a hello to them when they approach. They offer him half-smiles in return, beginning to pick up some of the carvings laid out on the table — turning them, inspecting them.
“This one’s nice,” the man says to his wife. She hums in agreement. 
“You got any tigers?” the man asks.
“Yeah — I used to love ‘em as a kid.”
“Got what’s on the table,” Joel grumbles. 
“You make ‘em custom? I can offer some homemade jam in return — elderberry.”
Joel sighs in annoyance. 
“Don’t make ‘em custom. Got what I got.”
The man seems defeated, nodding and walking off without another word. The woman follows closely behind.
Just as they leave, Ellie appears. She sidles up to Joel and shrugs her jacket off. Pulls a chair up next to him.
“There’s so much cool shit here!” she exclaims, too loud. A judgemental set of eyes flit her direction. She glares right back at them.
“Do you mind?” Joel huffs, jaw ticking.
“Jesus, who pissed in your Cheerios?” 
“How do you even know what Cheerios are?”
“Don’t,” she admits. “I read it in a book.” 
“Of course you did.”
Ellie leans back in her chair, pulling an apple out of her backpack and biting into it. She shuffles some of the carvings around on the table. “Gotta fill in these gaps, man,” she says, juice dribbling down her chin.
Joel ignores her. He sneaks a glance at you; finds that you’re already looking. Your expression is unreadable, gaze unmoving as he studies you.
Despite your upbeat disposition bothering him, he can’t deny that you’re gorgeous: bright, beckoning eyes, siren-like smile — it’s like you’re peering into his soul. 
He didn’t think he still had one of those.
“Dude.” Ellie nudges him. He peels his eyes from you reluctantly. “I asked how many takers you’ve had.”
“Uh.” He pretends to think. 
“You have no fucking idea, do you? Too busy staring at that girl.”
“Wasn’t starin’,” he clips defensively.
“No? Well she’s coming over here, man.”
Sure enough, you’re striding right toward him, abandoning your post. Joel barely has time to prepare for impact.
He unconsciously straightens up and pulls his hands out of his pockets. He brushes them on his jeans just as you stop in front of his table.
“Hi there,” you say.
“Hi!” Ellie chimes.
You pick up a carving of a two-headed deer. His favorite.
“This is beautiful,” you coo. “The craftsmanship is lovely.” You’re running a finger along the grooves in the wood, holding the piece delicately in the palm of your hand — as if it’s made of glass, not wood. “You have a real gift…”
“Joel,” you repeat. He ignores how sweet his name sounds coming out of your mouth. You tell him your name, and it fits you, he thinks. It’s pretty.
“How long have you been making them?”
“Just since I got to Jackson. ‘ts somethin’ to pass the time.”
You nod. Continue scanning over the intricacies of the deer. “I was never much of a baker before I got here, either,” you joke, gesturing back toward your table.
“Good one,” Ellie laughs. “You’re funny — isn’t she funny, Joel?”
In his head, he’s glowering at her. Outwardly, he feigns amusement.
“Real funny.”
“I’d love to see how you make these sometime,” you say, then, placing the deer back on the table gingerly. “Do you have a workshop?”
“In our shed,” Ellie pipes in before he can say anything. “You should come by tomorrow! Joel’s off patrol.”
He shoots her daggers. She pretends not to notice.
“I’d love that! I have to work in the kitchen, though. I could come by after?”
Joel starts to shake his head no. Ellie’s hand wraps around his arm like a vice grip. He stills.
“Sure,” he grits.
“I can bring some pastries, if you’d like.”
“Don’t like sweets.” 
“Oh,” you say, a little thwarted, but you’re undeterred. You shift on your feet. Chew your bottom lip. “Well, how about something not sweet, then?”
Your brows lift, narrowed eyes on him as you await a response. Joel still isn’t thrilled about the prospect of a visitor. Really, he doesn’t like anyone on his property that isn’t Ellie, or Tommy and Maria if he’s invited them. But you don’t seem so bad, offering to bring him food. 
He can probably deal with your sunny disposition in exchange for a full belly. Lord knows he went too long without that luxury, and he’d be a fool to deny himself of it ever again.
So, he agrees, the garbled sure less than enthusiastic leaving his mouth. Still, you don’t seem too offended. In fact, you smirk at him, wordlessly sauntering back to your table, sneaking glances at him every so often for the remainder of the afternoon.
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Sure enough, the next evening, while Joel is whittling in the shed, you show up.
You’re wielding a basket of savory hand pies, as promised, and Joel has to stop himself from drooling. They smell incredible. And they’re still warm, somehow, steam wafting off of them even after your walk here.
“Come in,” he gruffs, his nose following the scent like a dog’s as he trails behind you inside.
His set up is minimal: a rocking chair next to a bench, a couple stools he made for when Tommy comes by to play poker. But his works are scattered throughout, every surface in the small room cluttered with little carvings.
He settles atop one of the stools as you begin to wander around the room, plucking sculptures off shelves and awing at them with such genuine admiration, it causes something to pull in his chest.
Every so often, you make a remark about the details in a piece, how the fur on the deer looks real, how you can practically smell the replica evergreen in your grasp.
And something shifts — carried by your kind words through the stuffy shed.
Taken by the slight lilt in your voice when you speak to him, the almost-shy smile that pulls at the corners of your lips — Joel is attracted to you.
He’s following the line of your neck down to your collarbone, ogling at the exposed skin there when you pick another carving up off the shelf. And he feels guilty — he shouldn’t be looking at you like this. You’re just being nice, being neighborly, and he’s gawking at you like you’d have any interest in him.
No; you’re young, beautiful, could do a lot better than an old grump like him. 
He averts his gaze quickly when you suddenly set down the tiny, carved bird that had been in your palm, round the workbench and perch yourself atop the stool next to his. You retrieve a handpie out of the basket and pass it over to him. 
“It has braised rabbit and carmelized onions in it,” you explain, taking a bite and letting the steam roll out. 
He follows suit and — it tastes just as good as it smells, if not better. He’s salivating again, letting the dough melt in his mouth before swallowing. 
The two of you eat in comfortable silence, getting through the entire basket in mere minutes.
When you’re finished, you ask him where he’s from. 
The question shouldn’t feel like such a shock to the system. But after a year of being in Jackson, successfully avoiding conversation about his life before the outbreak, it sets off a panging between his eyes, a dull ache in his viscera. 
“Texas,” he tells you plainly. “From Austin, originally.”
You nod. And you must be able to tell that he’s not used to talking about himself — by the tick of his jaw or the lack of eye contact — he’s not sure. Because you don’t pry. Instead, you say, “you can ask me something.”
He nods. Thinks on it for a moment.
“When did you arrive here? To Jackson?” 
Unlike him, you do not grimace at the intrusion. Instead, you tell him: about your parents, their untimely deaths, the harrowing road that led you here. You do not cry, but Joel can see the pain in your shiny eyes. 
It’s inevitable; there isn’t a single person here who hasn’t been dealt a bad hand. But you wear your past like a badge of honor, like you’re still grateful, after it all, to be alive.
Joel envies your tenacity.
So when you ask him about Ellie, if she is his daughter, he lets the walls around him down — just an inch. He doesn’t get upset when he stumbles over his words while telling you about Sarah. He finds comfort in confiding in you, in the way you so attentively listen, quietly nodding along as he recalls his version of the end of the world.
“Thank you,” you say when he’s done, burying his hands back in his pockets.
“For what?”
“For sharing that with me. I know it can be difficult to relive it.”
“I relive it everyday,” he admits. “Everything reminds me of her in one way or another.”
“I understand,” you nod. He believes you do.
So sweet, gaze like honey, you are an enigma to him. He hasn’t met many people who are kind just for the sake of it — not in a long while. Maybe that’s why he’d been so bothered by it at the market. It had felt almost unnatural to him, bound to be laced with an ulterior motive. 
He’s still learning how to trust people again. It doesn’t come easily after twenty-odd years of rationing it like the pills he’d stowed. Still, there is something innate about baring his soul to you. Letting you in through the cracks in his battered being. You are safe, he’s sure of it; benevolence radiating from you like warmth.
It drips off your tongue when you ask him to show you how he does his craft — slips down your fluttering lashes. No longer can he deny you of anything — he’s accepted this swiftly — and so he obliges.
A half-whittled fox materializes from his coat pocket, along with his blade. He passes both to you and pulls his stool closer to yours.
He guides you, taking your hand in his, encouraging the press of the blade into the wood. Shows you how to round out a corner with a subtle twist of the knife. You’re a fast learner, Joel notes, attentive, taking every instruction like gospel.
The slow drag of steel, your fingers wrapped tightly around the handle; you’re so focused that you jump slightly when he places a reassuring hand on your knee.
“Doin’ great, darlin’,” he says, and your lips pull around pearlescent teeth. Joel feels as enraptured by you as you do the carving — the loose tendrils of hair that drape over your shoulder, the clinging of cotton to your soft curves. Though he hardened into stone a long time ago, he feels smelted in your presence. So he cannot help it when his fingers begin to drift up your leg, settling at your side as he turns his body toward yours.
The blade stalls, tip still stuck into the wood, puncturing the fox’s non-existent spine, and your face lifts. 
“Is this okay?” he whispers. You nod, gaze flickering between his eyes and his lips.
You’re so close like this; Joel can smell the floral perfume dappled along your neck, can feel your warm breath fanning his face. He has half a mind to stop himself from sealing the sliver of distance left between you. But then you’re sighing, placing the blade and the wooden fox on the tabletop. And it’s your turn to guide him — winding your delicate fingers around his wrist and settling his hand at the small of your back.
The air in the tiny workshop grows heavy with unspoken desire, a longing to disrupt; to create. Your body forms to his languidly, arms interlocking behind his neck, fingers weaving in his hair to pull him closer to you. And then your lips press to his — hesitant at first, then not. You drink from each other until you are drunk, breathless and giddy when you separate. 
“That was nice,” you whisper, and Joel chuckles. 
“Just nice?”
“Great,” you amend. “It was great. Better than I imagined, even.”
“You imagined this?”
“Yes,” you smirk. “On a loop since I first saw you at the market.”
He pulls you back in. Gives you another chaste kiss. “For good measure.”
“Joel,” you say then, “will you and Ellie come by mine on Christmas? I could even cook — it’s just-”
“Yes,” he’s accepting before you can finish. “I’d love that. As long as you make more of those,” he gestures toward the empty basket on the workbench. 
“That can be arranged,” you grin.
As soon as you leave that evening — sent off with a goodbye muttered between slotted mouths — Joel starts on your Christmas present. 
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end notes: thank you for reading! Please consider reblogging or leaving a comment if you enjoyed <3
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racinggirl · 2 months
furthest from truth
Lando Norris fic - requested
My inbox for requests
a/n: I'm baaack! It's been a while, I have to admit. But after having 3 new requests today, I got motivated again and I decided to write the ones that were yet to be posted on my page. I hope you like it! I've added some spice to the end of the chapter 👀 Don't forget to follow me so you won't miss my other stories! 🫶🏼
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Sun. Beach. Sand. Friends.
It might look cliché, but it’s what filled your hearts with joy.
‘’Norris! Give me a hand, will ya?’’ Your lips pulled away from those of your boyfriend the moment he got up to help one of your friends with preparing the jet skis.  
‘’Finally,’’ your best friend, Ava, laughed as she took a seat next to you. ‘’Now that your lips are no longer glued to his, what do you think of grabbing a drink, I’m in a desperate need for a Frozen Daiquiri.’’
She pulled you up on your feet after you agreed on getting drinks. It was your holiday, after all, and even though it was just your first day of the 3-week holiday here in Dubai, you were planning on making it the best holiday yet.
You and Lando had been together for a little over 5 months now, the two of you bumping into each other at last year’s Christmas Market in London. You spilled your bottle of water over your shirt, and he was determined to win you a teddy bear so he could make it up to you.
After that Christmas Market, you went on a ton of dates. In London, but also in Monaco, as that was where he lived. You attended 3 races before he finally asked you to be his last summer, and obviously you said yes, otherwise this story is kind of weird, isn’t it?
Anyways, you knew who he was when you met him, having watched a few races here and there, along with your friends.
The moment you told your friends Lando had asked you out on a date, they couldn’t contain their excitement and practically forced you to go out with him. So, you did. And here we are, almost a year later.
‘’Two Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri, please.’’ Ava ordered the drinks for the two of you and once you felt the cold glass in your hand, you immediately took a sip.
‘’Urgh,’’ you groaned, your eyes closed. ‘’Best drink ever.’’ You giggled.
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‘’Lando! Oh my god watch out!’’ Your grip on his life jacket was tight as he was riding the jet ski with you on the back. ‘’You idiot!’’ You laughed, hands gripping his shoulders firmly when you felt him go even faster – if that was even possible.
‘’You’re riding a jet ski with an F1 driver, love. Did you really think I was gonna go slow?’’ You groaned at his reply, and you simply held onto him like you could fall off any moment, which was probably the case.
Everything sport related was a game to him, and he was very, very competitive. He hated losing, which is why he tried his hardest to make you his, with success.
‘’Okay, okay, enough speed for me, let’s go back to the shore and have dinner, I’m starving.’’ You breathe, Lando’s hand moving over your leg slowly. He lifted his hand till it rested on your outer thigh, whilst still steering the jet ski with one hand. Slower, though, thankfully.
‘’We will, love, we will.’’ He said, but you could hear the amusement in his voice, his tone, teasingly with a smirk.
‘’Lan-…’’ You couldn’t even finish your sentence before your boyfriend pulled the right handle towards him, the two of you flying over the water. He made sure to keep an eye on you, but he knew you enjoyed this, and he wasn’t wrong.
You might tell him to stop going fast, heck, even in the bedroom you’d tell him to stop, but it was always with that flirty and teasing tone. He knew that tone, and he knew it meant you did not want him to, in fact, stop. So, he kept going.
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‘’I should have thought better before signing that contract about us.’’
You were fully drenched, Lando obviously pushing the strings too hard which caused you to fall off the jet ski. Nothing harsh, it was all playful, and the two of you were laughing when it happened.
‘’You’re an idiot.’’ You smirked, rolling your eyes playfully as you squeezed the salty water out of your hair.
‘’I know, but you like it.’’ He teased, slapping your ass lightly as his hand moved its way towards your hip, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. ‘’I love you.’’
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Dinner, which was absolutely insane – mostly because you were starving, but definitely because it was one of the best restaurants here in Dubai.
‘’Ehm..’’ Ava shoved you her phone, and you immediately let your eyes wander over the tweets, the Instagram posts, and the articles.
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Lando saw the worried look on your face, so he cut off the conversation with his friends and pointed his attention to you, causing his friends to do the same.
‘’What’s wrong, love?’’ He asked, his thumb drawing small circles on your knee as his gaze went from you to the phone, back to you.
You showed him the articles, and a heavy sigh escaped his lips. You could see his jaw clench, the apple in his throat bobbing as he swallowed thickly. ‘’They really need to make rumours about everything, don’t they?’’ He sighed and pressed a kiss to your temple.
‘’Don’t worry, Y/N, I’ll fix it, we’ll post a statement on Insta, alright?’’ He said, his arms wrapping around you which caused you to relax.
You felt guilty, because you were aware of the eyes that were on him now that his contract with McLaren was coming to an end. You knew his contract was getting renewed, but the world didn’t, and you didn’t want to cause issues.
People blaming McLaren for not renewing his contract, and how this. People blaming McLaren for forcing Lando to be in a relationship with you, a PR relationship, which was the furthest from the truth. You loved each other so much, and McLaren had absolutely nothing to do with the two of you.
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‘’Come here.’’ Lando’s arms made his way around your shoulders, his strong arms pulling you even closer to his chest. The bed was comfy, soft, but the tension in your face was apparent, especially to Lando.
‘’I just, I feel so stupid for saying that.’’ You sighed but Lando reassured you immediately.
‘’Babe, it’s not the first time we say this, it’s our joke, and people don’t get it, apparently. You know how the media is, they exaggerate everything to get those views and clicks, so they probably overheard you saying that, but did not see the look on your face, or your beautiful smile when you said that.’’ His voice was soft and calm, like he was not stressed at all about this.
‘’But the image McLa-..’’
‘’No, baby, no. That’s not your fault, okay? They should have probably announced the contract extension sooner, yeah, but that has absolutely nothing to do with whatever you said at the beach, okay?’’ He said, stern, but gentle. And you believed him. Of course you did, you believed everything he would tell you because you knew he was right.
‘’Now let’s make that post so people will stop complaining about things that are the furthest from the truth. That, and so I can take you tonight because I really, really want to.’’ He whispered the last thing with a voice so deep, you felt chills all over your body.
landonorris added to his story
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landonorris & yourusername
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liked by user1, user2, user3 and 1,273,710 others
I love you more than anyone imagine. Nothing can stop us, I promise you. Best decision I've ever made 🧡
view all 39,264 comments
user1 I feel ashamed
user5 as you should user3 we all should. how could we think it was just a PR. they are in love in love.
user2 You are so so so cute together!
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‘’Lando, fuck, stop!’’ You breathe, hands pushing against his chest as he looked into your eyes, his bright ones a few shades darker than usually. He smirked, wetted his lips before thrusting even harder… Just how you asked.
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