#that's just my opinion
babytrapperdiaz · 3 months
also if tuck actually happens in ANY capacity i'm telling y'all right now that buck also had relations with connor at some point like if one is true so is the other I DON'T MAKE THE RULES
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untherapized-eddie · 2 months
btw not that anyone asked but i had an epiphany a few days ago and figured i might as well share. that i think i was predisposed to not care much about buck/tommy because of the setup. meaning i don't think i've EVER gotten super into a non-established pairing (canon or non-canon) that was just oh we met we're attracted a few days later we kissed now we're dating let's live happily ever after. i need some drama some spark some push and pull before they ever get together.
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crown-ov-horns · 8 months
Bridgerton men are mediocre.
Bridgerton ladies are to die for.
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swallowtailcherry · 7 months
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I should try drawing them at some point ^
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I think my most unpopular ExR opinion is that I'm not particularly enthused about seeing them kiss on stage. idk to me the les mis musical is a source material (in a different way from the brick) and it just feels kind of weird to be playing around with canon like that. this is why we have fandom/fanfiction after all!!!!
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radio-ghost-cooks · 7 days
okay before the whole "killing the whole Atreides family" thing happened i would argue that Paul is very mucha daddy's boy
he leads more with his heart than with his brain. he loves everyone dearly. he wants to be enough and he's scared of falling short. he would rather befriend the Fremen than fight them. he's so close to being his father and it hurts
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writingsbymo-mo · 6 months
I wanna see how many people hate Takeomi enough to slap him for what he did to Sanzu or not...like I'm sorry, I don't like him 😅
You got one week to slap him
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sunnylunacy · 1 year
I’m sorry, but I can’t forgive Anne Rice for not showing the fight between Marius and Arjun, and for not showing the reconciliation between Armand and Marius in Blood Communion. This is especially true for the latter, but I would’ve loved seeing (reading about) Marius dusting Arjun. You know, instead of hearing about how cool the fight was afterwards. 
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itslookingback · 11 months
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“part of the guidance may be unlawful” really?????? wow are you sure that a guidance that bans already vulnerable children from being safe and happy is unlawful??? are you sure?????
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
so i was based on the pretty woman movie to create my mc tho mine is a tomboy but still has vivi's free spirited personality who isn't used to be a proper woman and her rich man would probably be diavolo any thoughts??.
Well, anon, I have not watched Pretty Woman in many years lol.
However, I do think it'd be pretty cute to have Diavolo fill that role of the rich guy. I mean, in the movie, she's actually an escort, right? So the guy is paying her to be with him in the beginning. But if we're talking about Diavolo and an MC, I don't know about that. If MC was reluctant or didn't want to actually date him, then I don't think Diavolo would just buy MC's time. However, if it's not about that part, but really just about a rich guy teaching an MC how to act more like a rich lady, well, that's a little different.
For instance, Diavolo also has Barbatos. And I can't imagine Barbatos not being like, let me deal with the lessons Young Master. It's gonna be learning about etiquette and how to dance and blah blah blah.
Then Diavolo is buying MC pretty clothes (though Barb probably also has some input on this) and sparkly jewelry and so on.
Then if she has to accompany him to a dinner or something with Devildom nobles (kinda like the dinner in the movie), suddenly she knows exactly how to do everything. Even so, they can still kinda tell, but it doesn't matter because she's stunning.
Right? I mean, this is kinda based on how I think it'd go with Dia specifically because again it's been a long time since I've seen that movie lol.
But I think Diavolo would be more likely to spoil her and give her everything she wants, so he might need to rely on Barb when it comes to the teaching her how to be a proper woman part.
Anyway, those are just my general thoughts on the idea!
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cartoon-lovers-world · 7 months
Ok, so I'm here to talk about the last poll I pulled
Starting with: Mirabel
Ok, so, we all know her deal. My girl literally didn't get a gift like the rest of her family, and for that, she was obviously treated differently, heck, Antonio was scared of not getting a gift because he saw how she got treated! And if you ask me, that's definitely messed up.
And it gets worse with her and Isabela drifting apart, and Luisa being busy with the village, along with her cousins, making her alone with no way of entertainment other than sewing and embroidery, which we see how good at it she is. And eventually, she grew up feeling left out, especially due to Abuela's treatment.
However, on the other hand, she wasn't completely alone. I mean, sure, she was left out and drifted apart from her sister, but at least she had Julieta and Agustín, who never mentioned her lack of gift, and probably also her tia and tio, along with Dolores and Camilo, who didn't seem bothered by it, if anything, they never brought it up to her.
To sum up, Mirabel had a tough childhood, but her parents, tio and tia, and cousins, along with Luisa, were always there for her, never comparing or treating her different, which at least makes it better.
Now with: Branch
Now, in the first movie, Branch was obviously the left out one, always gloomy and stuff, but it was only halfway through the movie when we figured out why he's the only grey, probably colorless, troll. He was literally a kid, doing what every troll liked to do-singing, when next thing he knew, his grandmother was being held by a bergen in front of his eyes, and that's some serious trauma right here.
Additionally, in the third movie 'Trolls band together', we know that it's not the first time he's been left alone, more likely abandoned. He was a baby when he saw his brothers drift apart, and he probably didn't know that they were never coming back, till eventually, he decided to move on, living with his grandma, only for her to leave him as well.
So the thing is, he stopped doing what he loved, and it gets worse because he grew up alone, completely alone, with no one sharing his pain or being there for him, and he grew up thinking his brothers leaving was his fault, and also his grandmother's death, which, in my opinion, is a heavy weight for a child to carry.
Note: I'm not forcing my opinion, I'm just expressing it, and I know both a had tough childhood, I just wanted to talk about it, see what you guys think
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daisyvramien · 4 months
Idk who needs to hear this but-
It's totally, absolutely, 100% okay to write about those folks who've done you wrong. Yep, you heard me right ! Whether they're exes, frenemies, or just that one person who cut in line at the coffee shop and ruined your morning vibe: they're all fair game for your writing musings. Yes, even if it seems petty. Even if it feels like you're stooping to their level. Even if you're the self-proclaimed queen of pettiness.
We've all been there, right ? You pour your heart out to someone, only to have them stomp all over it like it's a crumpled-up piece of paper. Or maybe they flake out on plans, talk behind your back, or just generally act like a certified jerkwad. Well, guess what ? You're not alone, my friend. If they didn't want you to write about them, they shouldn't have done the things that inspired you to do so in the first place. It's as simple as that. Call it poetic justice, call it getting even, call it whatever you want, but sometimes, putting pen to paper is the best revenge.
Now, I'm not saying you should spend your days plotting elaborate schemes or concocting evil-genius-level schemes of literary retribution. (Although, if that's your thing, I won't judge and honestly pop off your Majesty, that is genius and hilarious🤣🤣 .) What I am saying is this: if writing about that ex who broke your heart, that friend who betrayed your trust, or that random stranger who cut you off in traffic helps you heal, helps you process, helps you find a little slice of peace in this crazy world, then by all means, my friend, WRITE ON !
Sure, some folks might raise an eyebrow or two. Some might furrow their brows in disapproval, while others might clutch their pearls and gasp in scandalized disbelief. But there are those who nod in silent solidarity, their hearts whispering, "Preach, Bestie !". There are the ones who offer virtual high-fives and fist bumps, cheering you on, because emotions are humans and we ALL went through some (excuse my french) f*cking shit and it's okay to be angry, annoyed, petty and wanting payback when it comes to people who wronged you.
You're not writing for those people disapproving a bit of poetic and writing justice. You're writing for you. To turn what happened in something beautiful, maybe even funny (if you want to have a character that looks and sounds a bit too much like your backstabbing ex-bestie and have her getting eaten by a dragon, or that cheating ex getting a taste of his own medecine then PLEASE DO GO AHEAD FRIEND !!) Hell, some of my most poetic writings ARE about people who wronged me and I absolutely ADORE them and the way they sound !!
How many artists throughout history have painted portraits of backstabbing friends, crooned about their exes, or penned ballads about their problematic families ? Um, pretty much all of them !
So here's the million-dollar question: why would it be okay for them to spill their guts on canvas, in song lyrics, or in the pages of a novel, but not for you to talk about the emotions and situations you've been through ? Artists have been turning their pain into masterpieces since, like, forever !!! Not everyone will get it, and that's okay !!! Last thing I need you to know : wanting to get even on paper doesn't make you a problem babe – not even a tiny bit. It's more than okay, it's your story and you do whatever you wanna do with it. If you want to write that song, poem, story and make references to what happened to you, make characters similar to those who wronged you, then go the f for it. Write it out babe !!!
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kerryweaverlesbian · 5 months
Cas!!! He back!!!! Dean and Cas should kiss.
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hatchetverse · 5 months
I think tgwdlm has the bet pacing (i mean damn the jokes NEVER stop).
I think black friday has the best music (made in america!!take me back!!! feast or famine?! BOTH of angelasS songs, i mean even the chris kringle songs kinda slap).
I think nerdy prudes is infinitely rewatchable and has all the fucking lords in black in it!!!!
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My thoughts about season 3
The season would have been so much better if it was about
resurrection ig-11 and exploring mandalore with him.
Bo-Katan realizing her mistakes and prejudice against clones/boba and apologize (maybe team up to help Din)
+ realizing she doesn't have to rule to be there for her people
Letting Din see the Mythosaur
Din beeing the one who walks "in both worlds"
I'm Team Mand'alor the reluctant and i stand by it, but at least let him explore the possibility. Why he might be the right choice even if he doesn't think so
Use actually Mando'a during the adoption scene
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joy-girl · 1 year
Tbh I don't know what's happening in chainsaw man anymore.
Like if you asked me how did we get to where we are, I deadass don't know how to answer 🤣
I'm sorry because I like the characters but the narrative is so confusing. It feels like something is missing from one chapter to the next.
Maybe it's just me being dumb, but most of the times I'm like "Wait what? What is happening? Have I missed a chapter?" and the answer is always "no, you didn't, it simply is like that"
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