#that's not a major issue though and it's a cute song
arabela25 · 1 year
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Eurovision Song Contest 2023 countdown: 37 days left!
What They Say - Victor Vernicos, Greece 🇬🇷 [x]
37 notes · View notes
bonny-kookoo · 8 months
Princess | Intro/ Part 01
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There's more to it than what meets the eye.
Tags/Warnings: Wolfdog Hybrid!Jungkook, Showdog Hybrid!Reader, Enemies to lovers, Angst, Fluff?, Brat!Reader, Jungkook has major brat tamer energy, reader has some issues, mentions of depression
Length: 6.5k Words
-> Masterlist
Jungkook hates loosing.
And that’s especially true when it comes to bets- because he also can’t really pass up any opportunity to show off and be the best at something. So when he took on the bet with Jimin, he didn’t think anything of it- after all, even if he lost, he could still simply teach that so-called ‘puppy’ Jimin was supposed to be working with a killer choreo and make his way on top either way.
What Jimin failed to tell him, however, was that you are an absolute menace.
Not only are you spoiled to high heavens and dressed head to toe in pretty designer pieces designed and tailored just for you, no- your attitude is making him want to throw himself into a busy road to be run over by any moving vehicle willing to do so. It’s been not even thirty minutes he’s spent in the meeting room, and he already regrets his big mouth with Jimin.
But maybe it’s just a bad first impression. Maybe, you’re just having a bad day.
“So, basically, we’ve got four weeks to make it work.” Your manager says, having finished his plan as he stands at the end of the table everyone is sitting at, you included- though you clearly do not listen to the conversations happening at all, instead occupied with a game on your switch console, decorated in plastic gemstones and cute stickers, sound not even all the way down as to not interrupt anyone.
Jungkook feels his blood boiling. Can’t you at least attempt to listen? After all, it’s your career that’s on the line.
“I’ll need the possible song choices she made, and I also gotta get a copy of the guidelines and what the judges generally look for. Doesn’t have to be today, but I’d like to have it before we start making anything up.” Jungkook offers, arms crossed. You’ve not even looked at him once today.
If he just went by looks, you’d actually be quite cute- you're clearly taking good care of yourself, and you fall right into the category of hybrid girl he’d see himself interested in- but your character seems to be the exact opposite, as you stare down at the small screen in your hands, lashes long, hiding your gaze a little from him.
“We can totally do that.” Your manager says. “I- uhm.. Are you okay with that too?” He asks towards you, and you simply take in a deep breath before you sigh, shoulders shrugging and head somewhat nodding. Your eyes however never break away from your game, instead, you just adjust your seating postition a little before you become completely detached from the situation again. “I’m sorry about that. She’s.. Having a bad day.” Your manager justifies.
Jungkook smells the lie right away.
“Practice will start at 7 AM then-” Jungkook starts, and that seems to catch your attention as your face turns into a frown. “-And we’ll practice the whole week, except weekends.”
“That’s too early.” You mumble, grumbling down at your game while your legs stretch out under the table, feet brushing against his shins. You’re not wearing shoes, only your knee-high socks, having discarded the slip on’s early on for no apparent reason other than comfort.
“She usually sleeps until.. 11 so..” Your manager starts, and Jungkook has to swallow a growl.
“8.” He says sternly, staring at you who scoffs down at your hands. “She’ll have to get up earlier then.” He decides, making you lift your chin a little, before you save your game, turn off the console and put it on the table, your arms now crossed as well as you finally, for the first time, look at him.
The fire in your eyes could seriously burn someone if it was to be manifested into a real flame, he decides.
“You’ll have to wait until I show up then.” You answer him, and his eyes narrow, feeling challenged. But before he can respond, your manager seems to sense the growing tension between you two, as he dissolves the meeting quickly to have you driven back home.
Jungkook however, can’t let go this easily.
“You forgot to tell me that she’s an absolute bitch.” Jungkook growls into his phone, sitting on his couch with the TV on but on mute. “There’s no way I’ll be working with her for four weeks without committing a crime.” He threatens, and Jimin has the audacity to laugh.
“Oh Jungkookie, don’t let her fool you!” He laughs. “She’s a literal angel, believe me. She just acts all tough.”
“Or she was just interested in you.” Jungkook denies. “I’ve spent barely an hour with her and I already know She’s gonna be a handful to manage.” He sighs.
“Come on now, she’s what? Half your size?” Jimin playfully exaggerates. “Just put her in timeout, big guy, and you’ll be fine.” He jokes, very much aware of Jungkook’s rather dominant nature due to his wolfblood. And while the joke is funny, it’s also a problem.
Jungkook doesn’t know if he can really stay calm while working with you. And his career could be over in a second if he so much as lashes out at you verbally- because no way would someone work with a hybrid choreograph or dancer who can’t keep his cool. He already has issues getting some gigs due to his wolfblood mixed in- one mistake and he can surely put his career to rest.
He really regrets taking on this bet now.
Hopefully this won’t end too badly.
You really do not turn up at 8 like he told you to.
He’s impatiently waiting in the practice room, your manager and stylist and other staff already present- everyone trying to get a hold of you with no luck at all. It’s only until an hour later that another staff member informs everyone that you’ve finally woken up, and that you’re currently on your way to the practice room.
Jungkook is pissed, to say the least.
If you work like this the entire four weeks, there’s no way he can manage to push a good choreography into your head that you can pull off properly on stage. And if you fail, it’ll be on him- and he just can’t accept that. Hopefully, you’ll warm up to the idea of actually putting effort into this.
When you finally turn up, you don’t appear to be sorry at all- still somewhat asleep and in no way ready to start practicing anytime soon. Instead, you sit down and take out your breakfast to eat, while your stylist runs a brush through your hair. But what’s odd about this, is more or less that Jungkook can sense a total shift in energy right now.
It’s like they’re shielding you, giving him no access to you until they deem the timing alright.
And you just robotically eat your little breakfast, while everyone else scatters around you, rushing from spot to spot. Jungkook isn’t too sure what exactly might be happening- but then again, it’s also not unusual to see such a scene. You’re a showhybrid after all- meant to look pretty at all times and in every living moment just in case there’s a camera around. And he knows that the practice is going to be filmed occasionally for some behind the scenes content for your fanbase- which is why you have your stylist around in the first place. You’re just supposed to look like you’re not wearing any makeup at all.
No one wants to see reality, because reality is what everyone can witness if they look in the mirror. And that’s boring. That’s not entertaining. That’s not something to be jealous of, or something to admire.
In a way, Jungkook starts to feel a bit sorry for you. Do you ever have a moment for yourself?
Either way, the moment the cameras start running, you switch character almost instantly. Suddenly you’re polite, soft spoken and determined to get every step right- though your true nature does poke it’s head through on occasion, especially when you can’t get something quite right the first or second try.
“Maybe we need to work on how to keep to the beat first.” Jungkook suggests, and at that, you seem to break, sighing with an agitated groan as your tail unravels, falling limp behind you. He’s not seen this happen often- his best friend Yoongi being a dog-hybrid with a curled tail as well, who can be quite grumpy most of the time. But even he never has his tail this.. Lifeless.
It’s unnerving to see.
“I’m not lobotomized, mutt.” You groan, making the manager motion to cut the cameras for a second. “I can keep to a beat, you’re just shit at teaching.” You growl to yourself, sitting down stubbornly as you visibly try and mask the fact that you’re out of breath.
Truth be told, Jungkook isn’t technically a choreographer. He usually works with professional dancers or simply follows whatever he’s given by an artist themselves- so yes, he might actually be a little rusty when it comes to teaching others.
Do you have to be so rude about it though? No.
“Well we’re going around in circles like this.” Jungkook shakes his head. “I’ll get us something to drink. Try and calm down a bit..” He attempts to soothe your temper, as he leaves the practice room- mostly so that he himself can escape the situation for a moment.
He’s not sure what it is. Maybe your scent full of anger and fear filling the space so much that it feels like it’s drowning him in the room, or the fact that you always have to be so rude-
Alarmed by that, Jungkook walks a bit faster with the water bottles in hand to get back into the room- just to find you not there anymore, everyone looking at him as if they’re surprised to see him back already. “Where is she?” Jungkook asks, and your manager blinks a little, caught off guard.
“She went to get something to drink.” He states, making Jungkook frown.
“I said I’m gonna get us some. Why did she go by herself?” Jungkook asks. “She doesn’t even know where the vending machines are.”
“She said you were taking too long.” A stylist mentions. Jungkook pinches the bridge of his nose.
“I was gone for not even five minutes?” He growls to himself, before he hears you enter the room again, a small juicebox in hand that you punch the tiny straw into. “Don’t just run off.” He scolds you.
You roll your eyes.
“Yeah alright, Daddy.” You scoff, walking past him to sit in a corner- actually facing it for some reason, your back turned towards everyone else.
“Ah, don’t be alarmed.” Your manager explains. “She.. Sometimes does this. We don’t know either why, and we don’t really question it either. Give her a few minutes and she’ll be right back to practice.” He beams at him, and Jungkook feels weirdly played.
Something’s odd here.
But it’s also none of his business.
The next day, you’re not there on time again.
And despite the fact that Jungkook had told you no food in the practice room was allowed, you clearly disregarded that as nothing but background noise, while you take out your bag of foods in the middle of the large room.
“I said no food in the practice room.” Jungkook scolds, walking towards you to stand right in front of you, arms crossed. “and you’re also late again. Two hours to be exact.”
“You said no food.” You shrug, lifting up the small bag of puffed rice crisps. “That’s snacks.” You respond, making him narrow his eyes and clench his jaw.
“put it to the side.” He says. “You’re here to practice, not to eat.” He reminds you, able to talk freely with almost none of your staff around today.
“can’t practice on an empty stomach.” You respond however, letting yourself fall into your bag, before you take out your phone to scroll on it while you eat your snacks- crumbs already littering the floor. “Why’s your wifi so shit in here?” You mumble to yourself, when suddenly, the signal stops entirely. “Hey, your internet cut off-“ you start, before you spot him putting his phone down. “Turn it back on-“
“Since you’re acting like a brat, I’ll treat you like one.” He simply says. “wifi stays off until you practiced.” He scolds, boldly taking both your snacks and your phone from you to put it on a table close by, the act alone catching you so off guard that it has you frozen in place while you process it. “Do you want to get up yourself or do I need to help you with that as well?” He asks, and you glare at him.
“Touch me and I’ll sue you.” You threaten, and he watches you for a moment as if to see if you’re serious- before he decides you’re clearly not, with the way your tail slightly twitches, clearly needing to be consciously held down by yourself to not wag.
“Alright that’s it.” He simply tells you before he walks towards you, and much to his dismay, you let yourself fall limply down onto the ground as if you’re trying to become liquid. “You’re being ridiculous right now-“
“let me have the wifi again!” You just huff. “and my snacks. I’m hungry.” You argue.
“get up earlier tomorrow and have breakfast then.” He shakes his head, before he grabs your wrists to lift you into a sitting position. But the moment he lets go, you’ve flopped back down again, lips twitching.
Now your tail is wagging, clearly.
“so that’s what you’re after, huh?” Jungkook clicks his tongue. “too bad. I’m not playing your game.” He says, before he walks to the side where all his stuff is, changing his shoes.
“wait- What’re you doing?” You ask, watching him tie his sneakers.
“going home.” He answers without looking. “were clearly not getting anywhere.”
You sigh, groaning out lout before you angrily hit the floor-
Getting up to walk towards him, pulling his jacket from his hands before you let it fall onto the table. “I wanna practice.” You pout.
“What a bummer, princess.” He answers, taking his jacket back to slip it on. “I don’t. Now get your stuff, and then-“ He tells you, walking closer before he points to the door behind you. “-get out.” He demands.
And you just angrily huff at yourself, doing just that.
You fail to get to practice on time again the day after.
And the day after that.
But on friday, Jungkook has finally had enough of your poor excuses and frankly stupid behavior.
"Why is she late this time?" Jungkook asks your staff, jaw clenched as he's already frustrated again. You're clearly not taking this seriously, and he honestly doesn't know how anyone else has ever managed to work with you in any way.
"We're.. not sure." Your manager says, face showing his own shame about your behavior. "She turned her phone off, we can't reach her."
That's it.
Jungkook can understand a lot of things. You're used to being spoiled and having everything set in front of you on a silver platter- he gets that. Sometimes, people's minds can be poisoned by wealth and success. But turning off your phone? That's too far.
What if something actually happened? What if you're sick, in need of help, in danger? This is absolutely ridiculous behaviour, and he does not care anymore. "She said she lives in the city here, right?" Jungkook asks, and the manager nods. "Alright, where exactly?" He wonders, and a stylist of yours calls out your address.
And that sets him off even further- because you barely live ten minutes away from him. Which means there's not even a single reason as to why you would be late at all.
"What are you going to do?" Your manager worries as Jungkook changes his shoes and slips on his jacket, grabbing the keys to his motorcycle.
"I'm getting her myself."
If there’s one thing Jungkook hates, then it’s people isolating themselves just for their own convenience. It’s mainly due to his best friend years back doing that constantly- turning off his phone to get some quiet time for himself, until he actually did end up being in trouble.
And when someone tried to call him, and couldn’t get a hold of him, they just thought ‘It’s probably one of those days again.’
If Jungkook didn’t go against his better judgement, if he didn’t end up checking up on him despite his mind telling him that it was for nothing, Yoongi would not be alive today.
He rings your doorbell multiple times, annoyingly so to get you to stand up at some point. There’s no way you can sleep through that, especially when he starts angrily knocking onto your door. Suddenly, you open it, staring at him with eyes barely open. “What.” You ask, and Jungkook takes a look at you for a second.
You’ve clearly been asleep, but you don’t look rested at all- eyes barely open as you glare at him, and funnily enough, one of your ears is even a bit floppy- not quite entirely down, but also no standing as straight as it usually does. “You’re late.” Jungkook scolds. You attempt to close the door again, making him attempt something dangerous.
He puts his hand in between the door.
But, maybe Jimin wasn’t so wrong after all, because you immediately open the door again, now wide awake as you look at his hand, worried you might’ve hurt him. Only when you don’t find anything you push his palm back towards him, and cross you arms.
“Come on.” He says, nodding towards the hallway behind him.
“No.” You deny.
“What do you mean, no?’ he asks, agitated.
“I said no. I don’t wanna.” You answer, walking back into your apartment- and with your door left open, he takes it as an invitation to walk inside.
The second he closes the door and turns around, he’s in shock.
Cardboard boxes, trash bags, crumpled papers and wrappings all over the place. Shoes litter the entrance area, your coats are thrown over the chairs at your open kitchen which sink is filled with unwashed dishes. The windows are shut, curtains heavy as they hide the mess in your home from the outside world. It’s so dark that Jungkook feels like if he wasn’t a hybrid, he most likely wouldn’t be able to see where he’s stepping at all.
How long have you been living like this?
The apartment isn’t big, there doesn’t seem to be many rooms at all. After searching for a bit he finds you curled up in your large bed, pink bedsheets and blankets halfway on the floor while your little gaming console chimes and beeps while you play.
“..come on now, you’ve.. got the weekend off.” Jungkook says. “it’s just today-“
“I said I don’t want to.” You growl, face focused on your game. “now fuck off and leave me.”
Jungkook sighs. This really isn’t any of his business.
But somehow, as he walks back into the main area of the small apartment, he finds himself opening a new trashbag to throw away all the plastic strewn around. He puts your shoes in order, places the garbage bags in a corner to have them out the way, before he rips the cardboard apart to throw away easier later. He’s not sure why he’s doing that- maybe partially to annoy you and get you to get out of bed, or maybe because he pities you.
This isn’t just laziness. From the way you act, to the body language you scream out quietly, to the fact that you don’t seem motivated for anything at all.
This is something deeper.
“What’re you doing?” You growl from a corner, before you walk closer to rip the cardboard box from his hands, throwing it in a corner again. “I told you to fuck off.” You threaten, and he nods.
“heard it loud and clear.” He agrees with crossed arms, and you huff.
“Ears seem to be working then.” You snap. “the mistake must be in your brain.��
“I can assure you it’s working just fine as well.” He answers, and you snarl at that, distinctive canines showing.
“Then why are you still here digging through my shit?!” You bark at him, and he shrugs.
“Because no one deserves to rot away like this.”
It’s quiet at that, for a good moment. The only sound heard is the clock in the kitchen ticking, some faint rain against the windows, and a garbage bag slowly slipping a little from its position. And when it falls to the floor, he catches a short second of your eyes tearing up, before you turn around, looking away from him before you run off into your bedroom-
But the door won’t close with all the clutter, making you angrily growl at it while you try and somewhat pull it close.
Jungkook slowly walks towards you, to pull your hands off of the door handle, making you drop down to the floor in defeat, sitting right on your clothes that are laying on the floor. “leave me alone.” You cry to yourself, head low and hybrid ears even lower as you sit there, kicking away some of the clutter.
The wolfdog hybrid slowly squats down to your level, before he carefully moves a broken jar away from your leg and onto a small table close by. “What’s going on with you?” He finally asks, and you kick your leg again at that, a small box flying through the room.
“I just want to be alone!” You bark. “I don’t want anyone in here, I don’t want to go to practice, I don’t want to do this stupid contest, I don’t want anyone to look at me!” You complain loudly, and Jungkook would easily call this a textbook temper tantrum, if it wasn’t for your clearly desperate tears.
“did you tell your management?” He asks, and you scoff, sniffling.
“as if they care!” You huff. “it’s always just do this, do that, go here, eat that, smile, be nice, film everything.!” You tell him. “I want to go home!” You begin to cry now, hiding your face in your hands.
“Home?” Jungkook wonders, unsure what you mean. Isn’t this your home?
“I just wanna go home..” you continue to cry into your hands. “I wanna go see mom, and dad..” you mumble muffled into your palms, and Jungkook feels terrible seeing you like this. He doesn’t know you, but something is clearly not right. This isn’t acting, because your body language, your scent- everything tells him that you’re in genuine distress.
“Maybe you can visit them?” He wonders, slowly reaching out to put his hand on your knee, offering silent comfort that you, for now, seem to accept. “do they live far away-“
“they won’t let me.” You say. “they told them.. they told them I don’t wanna see them and that I hate them, and now they hate me.” You whimper.
“They?” the wolfdog asks, pushing some clutter to the side to sit down as well.
“the company.” You mumble. “because.. my dad didn’t want me to move away back when.. when I was still a pup.” You say. A pup possibly meaning that you were still underage. “and.. back then, I thought it was for the best. This was such a one-in-a-million chance..” you reveal to him. “I thought it was worth it.”
“Do they threaten you?” Jungkook worries, and you’re quiet for a moment.
“..They’re all I have.” You admit. “my.. my apartment. My money. My name. They own me.” You say, defeat evident in your voice as you slowly calm down again, tension leaving your body. “just.. leave me alone.”
“I cant.” Jungkook denies with a sigh. “not anymore.”
“fuck off-“ you start, grabbing at his hand, but he somehow moves it around, holding yours now instead.
“I won’t.” He sternly says. “Alright? I don’t know how, but I’ll figure something out.” He promises, and you look up at him with slightly red eyes, confused.
“Figure out what?” You ask, and he smiles.
“How to bring you home.
You’re very clearly not very happy about Jungkook currently cleaning your apartment with you.
You’re slow and sluggish, and you constantly complain about everything- and Jungkook can somewhat understand it. You’ve quite literally buried yourself in this little cave, having someone take it apart like this must be horribly uncomfortable. But it’s for the best- and you’ll soon realize that.
That doesn’t mean you don’t annoy him, still.
“Come on now, get up.” Jungkook scolds you, as he watches you sit on the couch.
“What?” You complain. “I’m cleaning.. under the coffee table.” You pretend, but he doesn’t take that as an appropriate answer.
“We agreed on one area at a time. We’re still in the kitchen.” He says. “now get over here and help me with the dishes. I wash, you dry.” He decides, making you somewhat reluctantly get up. It’s odd to have anyone in your apartment at all, since not even staff is allowed inside- you constantly find and make up excuses to keep them out at all times. This is your only safe space, after all.
The only place no one is looking at you.
“yesterday..” jungkook slowly says, putting another plate towards you so you can dry it. “..you said that the company owns you.” He remembers, and you nod. “To what degree?”
“I have an independence license.” You say. An independence license is basically a permanent permit to live on your own, and also work on your own. Basically, with it, you don’t need an owner at all. “But.. the company has full control over my finances and such. And they own my, you know, brand name.” You shrug.
“I meant it, you know?” He tells you, draining the sink of the soapy water. “I’ll try and figure something out.”
“Don’t bother.” You simply say. “it doesn’t matter.”
“It does.” Jungkook denies, drying his hands on a towel. But you stay silent as you put the dishes away in their proper places, not really sparing him any glance at all again.
Jungkook doesn’t really know yet how to help you. First, he wants to somehow get into contact with your parents and set things right again- maybe he can get their names and phone number from jimin who’s been working you for a good while now. And then, maybe they can help, too.
“I’m tired.” You complain as you sit down on the now finally somewhat clean floor, all the trash in bags and in a corner.
“You can take a nap.” Jungkook agrees, and you look at him with positive surprise.
“wait, really?!” You ask, tail wagging a little.
“sure. You’ve been working hard.” He approves. “and now that your couch isn’t cluttered, you can take a proper nap there.”
“Why not my bed?” You whine, disappointed.
“bed is for proper sleep. Couch is for naps.” He explains. “if you go to bed now you’ll just start rotting again.”
You stay quiet for a good moment, before you speak again, looking out the windows, curtains by now pulled open. Slowly, you walk over to the couch to sit down on, staring at your hands in your lap.
“I’m such a fuck up, am I not?” You sigh. “imagine if people knew how much of a failure I am.”
“You’re not a failure.” Jungkook denies, sitting down next to you on the couch. “just.. a bit lost at the moment.”
“Jungkook..” you say quietly, looking at his chest. “I really want to go home.” You admit, and he smiles softly.
“I know. And I’ll figure out a way, promise.” He offers, opening his arms. And much to his surprise, you take the invitation- even so much as to crawl onto his lap, leaning against his chest with your arms wrapped around him. It’s a lot more than he thought this was going to be, but he also can’t deny that this feels oddly comforting for him too.
And even though your tail is still limp and lifeless, at least you’re starting to open up. And maybe jimin was right after all.
Maybe you’re just acting tough.
Jungkook quickly learns that you really must’ve left home at a very young age- because you’re very much completely lost in translation when it comes to general tasks that fall onto someone when they live alone.
You’ve got no idea how to properly do laundry, you don’t know how to cook at all, and you have no idea what cleaning products to use for what. When he asked you if you had some window cleaner, you’d stared at him for a good second before you asked him why he can’t just use soap- and cooking in your book is simply boiling water for instant noodles.
It’s no wonder your apartment was in the state it was in. No one ever taught you how to look after yourself and your own home.
“Alright?” Jungkook asks while you stare at the washing machine with a determined gaze.
“put the clothes in, put the soap-squishy-thing in, close the door and then set it to that program there.” You repeat. Jungkook nods.
“But-?” He presses, and you stare at him for a second, thinking.
“But...uh..” you try and find an answer. “no colored stuff with white clothes? And no black with colors?” You try, and he grins, tail wagging.
“Good girl. See? You’re not dumb, you just didn’t know.” He praises. “now press start and then we can go laze around a little until it’s done.” He says, making you happily press the start button.
Something that Jungkook has noticed, is that the entire apartment seems oddly.. sterile almost, in that it looks and feels taken straight out of a magazine. You’ve got no thing personal it seems like, no blankets that aren’t a neutral color, no toys, no plushies despite you telling him by now that you love these things. Instead, you only really have your little gaming console and that’s it- your bedroom is mostly taken over by designer clothes and shoes, as well as all sorts of accessories. The bathroom contains shelves full of skincare for face and body, but everything else appears to be not at all to be your personality.
“You can get yourself some new blankets for the couch now that we’ve cleaned up.” Jungkook mentions, but at that you simply begin to pout next to him, legs pulled close to you as you slide down a little, slouching.
“Nah, they’ll say no.” You huff, watching the TV commercial play.
So you really meant it when you said that the company has full control over your money. He believed it might just involve big spendings, which would make sense- but it looks like it more so involves every single purchase you make instead.
“How long is your contract?” He asks, and you shrug.
“I think forever.” You say, flopping to the side, legs hanging off to the floor. “I don’t know.”
“Thats.. not legal.” Jungkook frowns. “did you never renew it?”
“Huh?” Your ears tilt towards him for a second. He still wonders why one of your ears is floppy these days. “..no. I don’t think I ever did.”
“I.. how long have you been with them?” He asks, and you hold your hands in front of you to start counting. And the more fingers you seem to add, the more concerned he becomes.
“Well, I uh.. wait, I left when I was..” you mumble to yourself. “and now that I’m.. I think eleven years?” You answer, looking at him.
The maximum contract length for hybrids is five years.
“I.. okay, can you do me a favor?” He asks, and you nod, slowly sitting up. “next time you’re at your company’s HQ, try and get a hold of a copy of your contract. But don’t tell anyone what you need it for.” He says.
If he can get a copy of whatever slave contract you’re under, getting you out of it will be easy. There’s strict laws for hybrids in place after all- one can’t just work them like pets, there’s rules every company has to follow. And that is the same in your industry as well.
“am I gonna go to jail?” You ask, and Jungkook shakes his head.
“No no, you did nothing wrong.” He denies, reaching out to pet your head- pleasantly surprised when you visibly accept the gesture.
Because he speaks the truth. You did nothing wrong.
You were simply used from the start.
On Monday, jungkook is standing at your door, 7 AM.
And you really, really do not want to go with him.
“Come on now-“ he urges again, pulling on your fluffy sweater while you cling to the doorframe of your apartment building entrance, having just seen what exactly Jungkook uses as his preferred means of transportation.
“No, you’re not getting me on that death-trap, no way in hell!” You complain, escaping his grasp just for a second before his arms are around your middle, easily removing your fingers from the door with a smile sent towards the security guard as reassurance, before he carries your struggling body towards his Harley. “No!” You complain. “This is kidnapping! Abduction!” You cry out, before he puts the helmet he’d gotten recently on your head, hands fastening the strap beneath your chin before he gets onto the motorcycle as well, sitting in front of you.
And the second it roars to life, you’re clinging to him with arms and legs involved, resulting in Jungkook adjusting your grip a little to not strangle him.
Well- at least he’s not driving fast.
“I hate you.” You complain when he removes the helmet again in the underground parking lot beneath the dance studio, pupils still blown wide, cheeks a bit flushed.
“If you just got up yourself like a big girl, I wouldn’t have to drive you.” He easily tells you, helping you down from the vehicle. “we’ll do this again and again until you learn.” He explains, stepping into the elevator with you- still lowly growling to yourself, pissed off at his attitude.
You’re not a kid. He’s stupid.
But it does work, because at least you somewhat practice with him for a few hours, before you stubbornly lay down starfish style in the middle of the practice room, demanding a break- one he grants for once, even if it’s just ten minutes.
“I really don’t wanna go to that contest.” You huff, half of your face squished against the shiny floorboards. Jungkook slowly walks towards you, squatting down to flick his finger against one of your ears that’s again, a little floppy today.
“I know.” He answers, because he does still remember your outburst, devastating cries edged into his mind.
“Hey Jungkook?” you ask, as he absent-mindedly rubs your ear between his fingers, almost enchanted by the softness of it.
“Yeah?” He answers, noticing the way you clearly enjoy such a simple touch to the fullest. You’re constantly surrounded by people, and yet it’s clear that you’re touch-starved and just treated like a doll and nothing else. How lonely must you have been until now?
“Do you have a girlfriend?” You ask. “or a boyfriend?” You wonder, leaning into his hand with closed eyes.
“No.” He answers, unsure and most of all suspicious.
“nice.” You smile, tail wagging softly. “I’m your girlfriend then.” You decide, and he freezes.
“...what?” He asks, sitting down now, a water bottle next to his crossed legs. “You can’t.. that’s not how it works.” He explains, but you shrug.
“My mom and my dad didn’t like each other either.” You reply, staring at nothing ahead, chin on your hands. “they just.. got together out of convenience. Cause they were the same hybrid breed, and I guess didn’t have anyone else at the time.” You mumble. “love isn’t real anyways. I’m pretty- isn’t that enough for you to like me?” You ask, turning your head to look at him with a gaze so.. detached that it makes him feel pity.
Is that your view on the world around you?
“You are pretty.” He responds. “but that’s not a foundation for.. a relationship.” He shakes his head.
“I don’t mind that you’re a mix.” You shrug. “you’re handsome, I’m pretty, and I have money.” You say. “if we get together thousands will flock to your dance studio. You’ll be super successful. “ You propose to him. “doesn’t even have to be for long. You can just.. I don’t know. Spend some time with me until you get bored, and then move on.”
“No.” He denies again. You frown.
“Huh.” You huff, slowly sitting up. “whatever then, I guess.”
“Do you even like me?” he asks you, confused, and you shrug before nodding.
“You’re nice. A bit stick-up-you-ass, but overall nice.” You offer.
Jungkook just watches you for a second, in full disbelief at what had been done to you. Raised in a place of luxury, with a golden spoon in your mouth and lies fed daily to create the view you have on everything around you right now. No kindness without some ulterior motive fits your reality. Everything has to be convenient for everyone involved.
“I don’t want a relationship without love, no matter what I might gain from it.” He explains himself, and you roll your eyes, before you flop onto your back, arms crossed again as you sulk. “You shouldn’t settle for less either.”
“Yeah well I wont get that.” You answer. “no one wants me. They want.. her.” You say, while twirling the silver name tag from around your neck in your fingers.
Until he leans over you, body entirely covering yours for a second, causing you to become nervous and wide eyed at his bold move. He’s looking at your neck, and you’re sure he must’ve realized what’s in it for him- after all, everyone is out for something to gain.
His hands move around your neck, fingers warm. You close your eyes as his face draws closer, awaiting the inevitable.
When suddenly, the collar around your neck is undone, and pulled off your neck.
“what-“ you ask, eyes open again as you watch him still above you, now looking into your eyes, and no longer anywhere else.
“I don’t want her.” He says, referring to the name on the tag around your neck that’s now in his hand, pushed into the floorboards where he holds himself up.
“But I’d like to get to know you instead.”
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seraphdreams · 2 years
DREAMIN' — underground racing miniseries.
“being a pretty flag girl is more than waving around banners and wearing cute skirts.”
WARNINGS. this series contains an ungodly amount of smut. reader discretion is advised. topics explored are: gangbanging, drugs, gang activities, semi-dark content, weapons, dub/noncon. each fic will be tagged with its own warnings. 18+ only.
NOTE. finally putting out this series that i’ve been thinking about for a while now. i hope you all enjoy it. each fic is inspired by a song so listen to them!
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Bonten had somewhat of a ritual. It wasn’t anything too crazy like pentagrams or summoning the dead relatives of their victims, but something that made them, them. It was the driving force of all their operations, the sole source that kept the organization afloat. When things went awry they knew they could always count on this one thing, something minor yet major.
Money granted them connections to criminal organizations around the world. Allies established, and enemies gained. The issue here was that Bonten was bored. All the money in the world couldn’t snatch them from their odd day to day realities of being glorified hitmen, they needed excitement. Something new.
“Any ideas?” All 8 of the men sat around the large lacquered oak table with a particular noble at the forefront. He wore a black suit with a white tie that complimented the strands atop his head. His gaze was empty, as if the light had died out ages ago. There’s two standing beside him, one with a blond skunk strip and slick back hair, the other with the same style except it was platinum all around and a short beard adorned the lower half of his face.
If you didn’t know them, you’d steer clear—They looked intimidating, terrifying almost. You knew Bonten too well though; under all that hardened criminalism were just regular salarymen.
You stood next to where Koko sat. A snarky young man with low patience. It’s hard for you to get under his skin like the others do, and though he’d never admit it, he did have a thing for his little assistant. “We already do so much, I doubt taking on other projects would benefit us financially.” Koko retorts to Mikey’s query. His hands are folded under his chin, propping his head up as if he was bored of the conversation that only lasted two minutes so far.
“Look at you only thinkin’ ‘bout a quick buck. Ya never change, do ya?” It was Sanzu who spoke. Eccentric as he is, when Mikey was in the room he was loyal like a dog. He was one of the many variables that contributed to Kokonoi’s premature graying. Never have they ever gotten along.
“It’s not always about profit. We could expand territory and utilize it for something bigger like weapon trade, or women.” The eldest Haitani spoke. You favored something about him, possibly the eyes or his charismatic nature. He was a caring soul as well, he put his brother above his own life whether Rindou liked it or not. “Bouncing off Ran’s idea, what about Okinawa?” Kakucho uttered.
Usually you tuned out business talk, it wasn’t important to your job. All you were paid to do was look pretty and occasionally pass out paperwork, but the topic at hand piqued your interest. Hitto continues, “We own land in Okinawa, we could build another headquarters there, a casino maybe?”
It seemed as though Manjiro finally took his children into consideration, nodding along with the conversation. “A casino is for idiots, let’s do underground racing.” Sanzu adds. There’s silence and judgmental stares before Mikey finally allows himself to speak once more. “I like it.”
“You can’t be serious, Boss?” Takeomi asks from his spot behind. “How can we even—”
It’s Hajime who interjects this time, the wheels seemingly turning in his head. “If we combine both Hitto and his idea, we could host bets and call in racers. I’m thinking motorcycles over cars. We can’t risk importing illegal vehicles overseas.”
That was just it. The very proposal that’ll put words to action. With a seance of agreeances, Mikey turns to Rindou for finalization. “Make it happen, Haitani.” Rin nods before taking a quick glance at you and back to his leader. “A flag girl’ll be nice too, preferably a hot bimbo.”
You were too fixated on checking your fresh manicure to feel the stares of all the men burning into your frame. The clearing of Kakucho’s throat pulls you from your focus and you finally make the realization. “Hm?”
Mikey tunes his attention back to Rindou, the one notorious for his connections with about any and everyone. “Call up your best racers and fly them to Okinawa. Set up a hotel and headquarters while you’re at it. Let’s take a little business trip.”
With the meeting adjourned, the plan sets in motion.
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starlightiing · 4 months
I saw you were sad about your writing before you deleted that post. Wanna tell us about some WIPs you have? 🥺 ❤️ 💙 💜
Thanks anon I appreciate you. I kinda want to throw all my WIPs in the trash actually ahaha but uh lemme gather my documents and see what I have...
1. Car Crash fic. Pierre gets in a horrific car accident while they're in Texas a week before the GP. He and Esteban had a nasty break up and quite literally only speak for work purposes. Pierre, however, forgot to update his emergency contact and Esteban got the call at 2am. Tired and annoyed, he brings himself to the hospital with his proof of identity, expecting to hear that Pierre was stupid and broke an arm or something. It's much worse.
2. Android AU - Pierre is a very high tech android, the first and only of his kind. He's incredibly hyper realistic, so much so that he managed to fool a doctor. However, when he's debuted to the investors, they're afraid of how realistic he is. They tell the devs to turn him off and put him away for now, but Pierre was built with self preservation and he knows that means death. He runs away from them and seeks refuge with one of the mechanics that works for the company that created him - Esteban Ocon. Chaos ensues. Esteban steals this multi million dollar android and runs away with him to save his life.
3. Jurassic World AU - Pierre works at the hatchery with baby dinos. He's a "veterinarian" in a sense, and he plays with/mothers the baby dinos and makes sure they are socialized and enriched and such before they're put in their enclosures. Esteban works park security and special operations. When the park goes down, a series of events leads them both to miss the evacuation boat and thanks to Esteban losing his heart monitor in the scuffle, his security team sees him "flatline" and they think he's dead, so no one is coming for them, either. Survival AU for the boys.
1. Young Forever AU - this one is a bit odd, but it's a sort of "if you fall asleep you die" scenario, only its "if the music stops you die" - based on the line "the best of the drums keeps us alive" from the song Young Forever by The Ready Set - tying it into the beat of the drum being the beat of their hearts. If they're without music, they're without a beat, and therefore their heart stops. It sounds dumb. I promise it won't be. I'm still working out the kinks. It's going to be the strangest thing I ever write I think.
2. Soulmate AU - Don't want to go too far into this one, but Lando is a star that is humanized when he makes it to Earth. Yes, it sounds similar to the movie Stardust, no, it's actually not. Oscar has Lando's stardust inside of him, and so he literally lights up from his veins up to his heart when Lando touches him, because it's the stardust inside of him reacting to its host. Oscar has to help Lando figure out how to be human, they fall in love, there's issues, ect ect. Their bond is moldable. It's cute.
3. Flatliners AU - this one has a lot of pairings but the main focus is landoscar. Lando, Oscar, Pierre, Esteban, Alex, George, Charles, and Logan are med students in their residencies at the same hospital. Lando is focusing in neurology and has taken a special interest in "life after death" and what the brain does when the heart stops. He approaches his friends with a very casual, "I want you to stop my heart" to mixed reviews. Oscar's focus is cardiology and also he has the most sense out of them all so he highly protests such a stupid idea. Majority rules, though, unfortunately for him.
Lestappen / Galex / Landoscar / Pierresteban:
1. Angel AU - first part has been posted. Post apocalyptic world. Some humans started being born with genetic mutations: wings. Wings are worth a lot of money on the black market because the feathers have dust on them that are used for making hallucinogenic drugs. Humans are viciously hunting angels down to make a buck. A lot of underground bunkers from the apocalypse are commandeered by GOOD humans who set them up as sanctuaries to hide angels in. Alex Albon runs a sanctuary (he's also a doctor). Charles is his right hand man, and alongside Lewis, they lead raids and missions to find angels, save them, and take out hunters. Lots of subplots in this one, but it's a lot of fun. And a lot of pain.
1. Soulmate AU that I have not decided on yet.
1. Soulmate au with soulmarks. Featuring Pierre being rejected by his soulmate which causes the biggest downward depressive spiral when his soul make disappears and another doesn't manifest in its place. Lots of angst here. Yuki saves the day.
1.Inception AU - this can also fall under Pierresteban and Landoscar. It is literally just the dumb boys in the universe of Inception, invading dreams and doing very illegal things while dressed up in very fancy expensive clothes. Also they have guns.
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rooksamoris · 5 months
I just read your thoughts about Scarabia and Leona's arc development in game, and I got very interested.
There's very little info on Arabian culture online, at least that I've seen, and also African. A thing that makes me very curious is about their mythologies, folklore, and also music. We know a lot about food, since it's something so universal, but the rest is hard to get info on, unless it gets popularized or romanticized by someone else.
The scarabia arc is one of my favorites for a reason, and that is because I'm very sympathetic with Jamil, and very sad how his and Kalim's story together got so "twisted" so fast (ehe). Honestly there are so many layers to it that it would take many many chapters, and events, to close the situation. But I think it's good they left the future open like that, since it's something that can't be fixed overnight.
And also, *gets down* PLS PLS PLS PLS 🙏 I love the fluffy fics, are you going to also add Bolllywood songs? They are so good seriously it's so dancing and fun! I love Jamil so much and I MELTED with the headcanon short fic where we are taking care of him. I wanna hold his precious handsome face and just kiss it all over! He is so cute I will go FERAL-
hey qamar 💕 this was a pleasure to read! honestly, i feel like both the scarabia and savannaclaw chapters were too short? of course, we were introduced to the themes and then the whole conflict—resolution mountain for stories, however i just feel like they could have done more with the both of them.
also, i think the reason why the southwest-asian and african themes aren’t covered is because the source material is literally disney films 💀 like we get a warning before rewatching aladdin since they just now realized it was kind of racist (still a major part of my childhood though 😭 “a whole new world” in arabic is delicious). based on how yana has written other characters that are meant to be from south asia, there’s a big chance it would have been disappointing anyways.
plus, with scarabia in particular, there’s too many cultures trying to be represented due to how colonizers deemed all of the countries to be the same thing in different fonts 💀 you’d never confuse a nepali with an omani, but winston churchill sure did not care.
the original aladdin movie was meant to take place in baghdad, a city in iraq, but due to political conflicts at the time (george bush a war criminal regardless of saddam hussein’s crimes. the usa literally gave saddam weapons to kill kurds and then turned around and invaded when he wasn’t convenient anymore 💀). baghdad became agrabah—but the culture is still an amalgamation of west asian, south asian, north african, and like eurasian/turkish culture. im sure they’ve got stuff from central asia too 😭
the issue with this is that from ethnic group to ethnic group/country to country, the culture varies a lot. yemenis and palestinians are both arabs, but our cultures are vastly different, with yemenis having more eastern african influences and palestinians having mediterranean influences. i personally headcanon the scarabia duo as arab, but honestly, they could be from anywhere. for all we know, kalim is afghan and jamil is tunisian—it’s all up in the air due to the original source material. but i digress!! i rambled a lot 😭
ON THE BOLLYWOOD NOTE! omg this brought so many good memories back. we used to watch bollywood films with shitty arabic dubs 🥹 i miss those days. i love that idea and ive always wanted to write bollywood inspired fics, like based on the crazy and unrealistic romantic moments in bollywood. it’s just so much fun lmao. honestly, i think that’s a great idea especially when so many bollywood songs just lead the listener through a story anyways. im so glad you enjoy my fics!!! that’s very sweet 💕 have a great day, qamar, and take care of yourself
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kyrieeleisonelise · 9 months
Ruby the Actress (major Manga spoilers!)
Ruby is probably my favourite character in Oshi No Ko. She’s someone who at first seems really simple and straightforward, but as the story progresses it becomes more clear she’s more complex than that.
In the current arc, a lot of parallels are being drawn between Ruby and Ai, Ai is central to Ruby. As Sarina, Ai was her escape and her idol. As Ruby, Ai was her mother (and still her favourite idol). Ruby both loves Ai, wants Ai to love her and wants to emulate Ai. Ruby is borderline fanatical about Ai. 
But how similar are they?
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The narrative has portrayed Ruby both as one of the more honest/straightforward characters, but also asserted that she has been lying/acting this whole time, so what’s the truth?
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Ruby isn’t a step-ford smiler and doesn’t have any issue with expressing negative emotions. Whether it’s her initial hostility towards Kana or her nerves before a big show or throwing a childish tantrum about a song. 
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It’s hard to imagine Ai being comfortable being this emotionally open around someone. Even when Ai was insulted by a friend on B-Komachi she hardly had any outward emotion, compared to Ruby in the same situation.
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Ruby also values honesty even to her own detriment, wanting to honestly do the work out YouTube challenge with Pieon, even though they could of just edited it. Compared to Ai, who felt that being a liar was intrinsic to being a good idol and felt unable to stop lying.
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But if Ruby is a sweet, honest and straightforward person, how was she able to change so quickly into someone who was willing to manipulate those around her for the purpose of revenge? Is it a sudden character change or something that was building in her all along?
Even before she was Ruby, Sarina is shown to be a sweet and cheerful girl. I don’t think this was completely an act, but she felt she had to hide her more ‘ugly’ emotions in order to keep her parents love and affection. Even to Gorro she never showed the extent of her hurt and anger about being abandoned by her parents. Crucially, she also lied to herself, unable to face reality that her parents didn’t love her the way she wanted them to. She is unable to face this reality even as Ruby, until she can’t deny it any longer. 
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Even though Ruby is ‘cute and honest’ the circumstances of her life necessitated her to lie about important parts of herself; She kept being reincarnated a secret from Ai and everyone around her. She even kept the details of her past life a secret from Aqua. When Ai was killed she had to keep it a secret from the world. This increased her reliance on lies, as in order to protect her own secret and Ai’s, she has to play a ‘role’ and continue to pattern of cutting off unwanted parts of herself. 
Although Ruby was able to overcome Ai’s death to an extent and is able to grieve in a more healthy way than Aqua, she’s obviously still traumatised and harbours a lot of rage and hate for the perpetrator in her heart. Which she keeps mostly hidden. 
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Ruby has shown to cope well with Ai’s death, but the fact she is unable to speak to any of her friends about major traumas in her life (one mother abandoning her, another being murdered) probably limits her ability to come to terms with her feelings. The only person she can sort of speak to- Aqua- has his own stuff going on. 
One of the first things Ruby says post time-skip is that she has two big secrets, showing that hiding things have remained central to her life. Whether she wants to or not. 
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  Ruby remains cheerful and straightforward post time-skip, and I really don’t think this is all an act. She builds genuine friendships with Mem and Kana, unlike Ai who struggled to make connections with her teammates. Ruby really enjoys being an idol. She wants to fulfil her own and her mother’s dream and be a pure-hearted idol. 
And for a while things are fine. 
Until they’re not and Ruby realises that the person behind her mother’s death is still out there, and they killed the doctor who supported her more than anyone in her previous life. 
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It feels like a complete character change. But is it?. Ruby is someone who feels love very strongly, but she also feels hate too.
She begins to be motivated by hate instead of love. With the same single-mindedness she displayed aiming to be an idol, Ruby aims for revenge for both Ai and Gorro. Ruby has always felt incredibly strongly about those she loves; Ai goes without saying. For Gorro, Ruby wanted to become an idol partially to meet him again, even though that was completely improbable. She can be fanatical with things she loves.  
So she is able to cross her own morals in order for revenge. Ichigo agrees to introduce Ruby to Ai’s old contacts if she becomes famous. So motivated by vengeance, Ruby manipulates those around her to become more famous. She’s surprisingly adept at it, because she was already used to having to hide things and put on an act to an extent. She isn’t ‘made of lies’ like Ai felt she was, but Ruby has always been cutting off the uglier and more complicated parts of herself in order to fit the role she wants to play. 
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 Ruby becomes super popular. Her personality starts to shift but it’s she hasn’t completely left behind her childish traits. Being a manipulator is another role for her, but there are hints she still isn’t as calculating and serious as she maybe wants to be.
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The pedestal Ruby put the idol world on starts to crack, and she starts to confront the ugly part of show biz beneath the glittering veneer. She realises that Ai probably had to lie too to be successful. She starts to realise the truth about things she’s lied to herself about. Idols aren’t always pure and perfect and the world they live in is brutal. Ai was the ideal to Ruby/Sarina, she always tried to emulate her. She wanted to be a pure and innocent idol like she thought Ai was, now she thinks she needs to be a liar like Ai. 
The happy lies Ruby made into part of her identity start to crumble.
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Then, Aqua tells the world Ai’s secret in order to save Kana. Ruby see’s this as the ultimate betrayal. She thinks Ai is no longer first in Aqua’s heart and she feels totally alone in the world. Even though she has others around her, Aqua is the only one who can understand the reincarnation and Ai’s death.
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All her core beliefs have been squashed; The Idol world is cold and brutal and lead to her mother’s death, Ai wasn’t a perfect innocent idol and had to lie constantly, and now she thinks Aqua has stopped caring about Ai, and loses the bond with the only person who could really understand her. She also has to confront that as Sarina she wasn’t loved by her mother.
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At this point she begins questioning her own identity and falling apart. She no longer enjoys being an Idol but feels she have to get revenge. Ruby doesn’t know who Ai is, so she doesn’t know who she is herself. The entanglement with her own identity and Ai’s gets more confusing as she’s playing her in a movie.
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She can’t be the perfect innocent idol- nobody can- but she doesn’t enjoy being the liar and manipulator she feels she needs to be to avenge Ai and Gorro.
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We see how fragile her sense of identity is; she’s able to convince herself she became an idol to avenge Ai, forgetting that it was her dream across two life times.
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It’s only when Aqua reveals who he is and reminds Ruby of who she was prior to her path of vengeance that she’s able to start rebuilding her identity. Finding out Aqua is Gorro helps tether her and bridge the gap between Sarina and Ruby.
Crucially, he reminds Ruby that she is not Ai. She doesn’t have to be her, she’s her own person and she’s good enough a herself.
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Ruby still has a lot of struggles to come in the movie arc, but hopefully she’ll continue down the path of becoming her own person; realising she can’t be perfect and she will have dark feelings, but that doesn’t mean her naturally cheerful upbeat personality is a lie either. 
Is Ruby like Ai? I don’t think so. But they both struggle with identity. Ai feels like she’s never been able to form or connect with an identity, Ruby has had so many thrust on her (Sarina, Ruby, ‘Ai’) that it’s confusing to her.
They’re their own people with completely different backgrounds, personalities and quirks. But I do think Ruby’s emotional journey will leave her best placed to understand Ai; Ruby is starting to realise that Ai neither a perfect ideal idol, nor a mysterious master manipulator. She’s more than her idol persona. Ai is a complicated human with her own motivations, fears and issues just like everyone else. 
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eepop-stuffs · 6 months
Btw here's some dope ass images and assets from the Fulla website
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The polished and fancy heart swirl borders are from the reboot era version of the site. Anything with the wide heart and pastel pink/purple is from the reboot era. Before then the aesthetic was much more vibrant and more focused on a butterfly and flower motif. During the older era she used more hot pink and magenta, as well.
Still really want to know who the artist for Fulla is, maybe I could look for the rest of their possible work for the brand that way.
These are all that's left of the website since the website is mostly inaccessible through the internet archive, and almost every image asset is hard to find. The more modern website versions are extremely broken, and the most clear archive of it from the wiki is from 2006, and from the US version. The 2006 US version does have a lot of important things in it, however. It has a catalog from that time frame, one or two of the music videos, and an English translation of her theme song (which means we now have two confirmed translations, Indonesian and English)
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(Above is an image of the Fulla mission statement from the website archive)
Fun fact about the mission statement: in Arabic it actually translates to "Every Arab Girl's Dream" which may be a little off bc I used Google translate but it seems simple enough that It shouldn't be too far off.
The website was advertised to have games from around 2010-11 and are labeled as "funs" on the website according to the site map URLs. None of these "funs" links lead to anything at all, as it says the website wasn't archived. I'm actually not sure whether there were actually flash games or some other type of interactive thing, but the controllers that pop up during the ad for the site leads me to believe they had at least something.
It is confirmed that they had coloring pages, though. Once again, according to the URLs that are not archived and do not function.
This all really frustrates me because the ad never showed what the website even looked like, and the only other place that possibly (like super possibly, I don't even know if it is of the website) could have a screenshot, the fulla house playset, changed the computer sticker graphic before release, along with a lot of the other stickers being turned into random product photos instead of cute detailed artwork (which is a decision I actually despise like omg)
The only things we have are what are saved in the internet archive's dumps of archived images. Any other file doesn't really work at all.
As of now, the fulla website, no matter what time frame you pick up until 2021, had a flash loading screen that you can't get past using normal means.
I am actually so mad that I can't find anything about this. Any other major doll website is completely able to be accessed, even the winx club one which has a similar issue with the loading screen. From past experiences before the winx site's arcive apparently just stopped doing it, the loading screen would lead to a pop-up window of something else which I forgot the contents of. So that may be the issue here, but I wouldn't know what's causing it or how to fix it.
All I want is a SINGLE SCREENSHOT OR RECORDING and i will die happy...😭
Because I'm a poor little high school child I sadly do not have the means to purchase a VPN. Maybe I could just do a free trial and cancel it after I've got what I needed, but there's not even a guarantee there will even be more if I look with a VPN.
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spotlightlowlife · 4 months
Helluva gaslight
Cresent Full moon.
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Literally sat typing as this opening song plays. The first two minutes should convince anyone who isn't open to this show receiving criticism that they atleast missed something.
Why is Blitzø so enthused to hook up with Stolas?
Or is this simply what people expect because the ship comes before characters, ignoring the power imbalance and losers discomfort?
Well we get a simple answer. Blitzø is horny. Blitzø who easily hooks up with others is horny for Stolas, why, because it's been a while, a couple of months of Stolas passing up their usual transaction and simply offering him the book instead, which is conveniently something we have never been shown, which is a massive miss Blitzø is our main character and we couldn't see his first and second reaction to this major change and how it spilled into his daily life? All that matters is the drama that comes from him not giving Stolas his perfect answer?
On a lighter note, the cherubs are back.
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So are DORK, they now work together and blend into a singular non entity, but they have potential atleast, they're all rather cute in their uselessness. Turns out DORK are actually high up in government, they send priests and little child soldiers out to work these, have access to teleportation portals and generally a load of freedom and power, when previously they simply lived up to their company name?
Somehow though, they manage the miracle of achieving even less.
Team Rocket manage to look more professional and menacing, and I don't mean the competent team rocket from pokemon black and white, I mean the classic forks who's plans literally blow up in their face 99% of the time.
We are outright told that Blitzø now has freedom with an asmodean crystal but at the same time crystal owners are infact is under Ozzie's jurisdiction, something I wondered a while ago.
What are these rules and regulations?
Is there really no way he's now working for Ozzie?
Doubtful since anyone who is supposed to be liked can't do wrong, dispite this being hell with a hierarchy that we're reminded of but have yet to see in practice, despite Verosika using her crystal to cause debauchery amungst youth on earth and being responsible for a monster attack, despite Barbie using her crystal to market in the drug trade when even hell sees drug use as something bad. Where does Ozzie fit into this?
Another big miss because Blitzø now being in another sinister deal only this one being a contract he didn't subscribe to in any way could be a good storyline.
Then again, looking at the casual soul ownership in parent series Hazbin Hotel, maybe not.
Getting back to the only issue to manage to hold any weight
• Blitzø is horny
• Blitzø and Stolas power imbalance
• Stolas refuses sex
The episode seems framed in a way to have us believe that Blitzø has power here simply for having a sex drive?
He is interested in trying out new things, so what, let us not forget what the arrangement is, in exchange for a vital tool that allows him to work, to support the family he has made and give himself a bit of a break in his miserable life, he has sex once a month with horny prince Stolas who initiated this, gets to let lose and be satisfied, got a ticket out of his dreaded marriage (that was forced on him and he had nothing to lose in getting out earlier).
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We move forward with Blitzø discomfort at Stolas's perversion and general lack of interest in being around him being fine yet Stolas's mood changes we must follow this shift in his direction. Blitzø is invalidated for being open to sex on this occasion, despite all of what we have seen, dispite making his feeling clear on that occasion he had the option of initiating their out of agreement date to go further chose against it, dispite learning that this is now atleast the third occasions that Stolas has not wanted sex so it simply hasn't happened.
In a moment Stolas presented Blitzø with a gloomy mood, abruptly altered their agreement for good, presented him with an unexpected and game changing gift and cornered him with a complex decision to be made about their future, but not long after Blitzø manages to communicate how he feels back but dispite this being their allotted time together, Stolas teleports Blitzø out the house because he doesn't like what he's hearing. Blitzø said something similar prior, Stolas in all his preparation had time to plan that uncomfortable conversation. Again, who has the power here?
To add to power imbalance, there is another glaring issue...
Blitzø also got yet another shallow, dismissive and ignorant opinion on his predicament, this time off Loona who smugly suggested Stolas was simply getting bored with Blitzø.
Now hold that...
Remember Fizz, who had fallen out with Blitzø many years ago, in one of their first sensible conversations since they were youths decided that Blitzø was so bothered by Stolas because he cared.
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I'm not saying it isn't possible that he cares but what is highly HIGHLY HIGHLY common is someone who is mistreated heavily focusing on their mistreatment and those who mistreated them. Not many can just switch off and not think about it, especially if it is current or continues to have a lasting impact. Blitzø ranting about how cheated he us in the social structure and being nothing but a plaything for someone powerful are things adults tend to empathize with and it's insidious to meet this triggering topic 'clearly you care'. Atleast Fizz doesn't really know any better, Loona has little excuse.
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This was honestly step one in cheapening Ozzie and Fizz's relationship because even though it was obvious from their introduction that they served to be what Stolas and Blitzø could have, this notion should be a notion alone because it disregards their inappropriate exchange and Blitzø's evident discomfort, so they're not the same and comparison makes Ozzie x Fizz a quick shortcut.
Cobined this suggestion that Blitzø was overreacting with the suggestion that he of all characters is boring and what do we get? Another setback.
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No doubt all these messages are leading up to Blitzø needing to be the one to change his ways not for himself then ho on to prove himself.
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caracalsimp · 1 year
Glamrock Bonnie x Reader Headcanons
I personally see Bonnie as the take-it-easy one who is always calm and relax, never ever losing his temper, even in the worst situations. Ever since you've been dating him, you never saw him angry, nor upset, and his soothing presence is what made you fall in love with him in the first place.
Bonnie is very attentive to your mood swings and has the magic ability to calm you down almost instantly. Whenever you experience negative emotions, he likes to gently hug you while caressing your hair and even humming a tune for you.
If you're sad, he will get his guitar and play a little song for you until you're done crying and ease your mind. He loves playing the guitar for you, and when he does, his melody always manage to soothe you. He thinks music is one of the best medicine there is.
You're his main inspiration to each and every songs he created ever since he met you. Before singing it in public at Bonnie Bowl on his mini-stage, he likes to sing it to you so he gets your feedback on it.
Whenever he's performing on stage and you're around him, he loves staring at you when he sings and plays the guitar at the same time. Major bonus if this makes you blush and immediately look away from his pink eyes.
Bonnie is not the kind of person who will make decisions. Whenever you guys wants to spend time together, he lets you choose where you want to go. When you ask him what does he want to eat at dinner, he will let you decide which dish you want make, or which kind of food you want to order. Everything suits him, as long as you're happy. You find it cute in some way, but sometimes, you really want him to choose with you.
Bonnie is an extremely good listener. If you need to vent to him about stuff that happened to you, he will carefully listen to you and make sure you let all your negative feelings out until there's nothing else in your mind but clear water.
He likes it when you steal his guitar from him, even if you don't know how to play. If you try to play it, he won't say a thing but will gently reposition your fingers right so you can play proper notes. Bonus point if his metallic touch makes you blush.
[BONUS, TRIGGER WARNING: BONNIE'S DEATH, MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES, GRIEF] His sudden disappearance filled your whole soul with anxiety. Bonnie would never disappear like that out of the blue. It doesn't sound like him. You looked and searched far and wide for him but you never found him... until you did. You were the one who found his lifeless metallic body ripped into pieces. Your scream could be heard through the entire Pizza Plex. You hyperventilates and all your anxiety flush your entire mind with panic and denial. You don't want to believe it's him. You don't want to believe that someone was monstrous enough to do that to him. And Fazbear Entertainment won't repair him. You cried so much you didn't have tears anymore. After this incident, nightmare of his dismantled body haunted you every night. You couldn't sleep, you couldn't eat, and every single day you were unbearable with everyone. Each day you had to isolate yourself so you could manage all these traumatic emotions and fighting against those panic attacks as much as you could, trying to remember the times when you could hear is soothing music, trying to remember when he tucked you in his arms while gently running his metallic hand through your hair. Why. Why did it happened to him. You couldn't imagine yourself without him. And yet, he was gone. And wouldn't come back. Just like Freddy you don't even come up to Bonnie Bowl anymore, the weight of grief on your heart being way too heavy. And even though you knew Bonnie wouldn't want you to be sad for him, you couldn't help yourself. You were sad. You needed to cry and let this feelings out. And with time, you managed to cry less and less. Thinking about Bonnie would not make you cry anymore, but would actually ease your mind whenever you try to remember the sound of his voice, the glitter in his bright pink eyes, the feel of his soothing aura. And one night, you decide to go back to Bonnie Bowl, and you could feel his presence. Bonnie's spirit was still there. And now, whenever you feel down, you always come to this area while singing the tune he used to sing to you. It's a different kind of presence, but somehow, he's still here. And that's when you finally moved on from Bonnie's disappearance, making peace again with his spirit, who still wanders around the Pizza Plex regardless.
And that's it! I hope you liked me adding some little drama to my BonniexReader headcanons ♥
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strniohoeee · 11 months
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Pairings: Nick Sturniolo X Female Reader, friendship🥰includes Chris and Matt as well😋
Synopsis: After Y/N has a messy breakup with her boyfriend. Nick and his brothers are always there for her ready to kill for her🥹
Warnings⚠️: mentions of heartbreak, slight mention of abuse, but nothing crazy. The three boys ready to kill for Y/N. It’s just so cutesyyy and a little sad nothing crazy
Song for this imagine: The Worst by Jhené Aiko
And don’t take this personal, but you’re the worst, you know what you’ve done to me
I had been dating my current boyfriend since I was 17, and I’m 21 now, but lately we’ve been rocky, and not well for one another. Last year we were constantly on and off, something that pissed Nick off so much.
“I’m not even sure what you see in him like he’s so fucking toxic, and literally hates us because we’re your guy friends” Nick would tell me in a fit of frustration as I would run into his arms crying over him breaking up with me.
“I know Nick, but I love him so much it hurts when he keeps playing this cat mouse game of wanting me then pushing me away” I would say wiping my tears
“He’s hurting you so fucking much you’re always sad, crying, never eating and your smile doesn’t shine the same anymore” Nick would tell me hugging me as I weeped
“God you’re right. I need to leave him, or figure this out” I would say
“I vote to leave him” Matt chimed in as he walked into the kitchen. I looked up and gave him a weak smile
“Like J Cole said you’re killing yourself to find a man that’ll kill for you” Chris added trying to lighten the mood
“Ew Chris shut the fuck up that was so embarrassing” Nick said giving him a dirty look
“Yeah that was really fucking gross” Matt said laughing at him
“Even though that was cringe I appreciate you trying to make me laugh” I told him as I laughed wiping my tears
Flashback over
That never would happen though. We would break up, I’d cry and say I’m leaving him, and then two days later we were back together like nothing happened. A pattern I know was pissing the triplets off, but he was my first everything I couldn’t leave him.
We were really good for three months, and then all of a sudden our issues came back. Constantly fighting, yelling, anxiety and trust issues came rushing back in.
I was so tired of having to tiptoe around him, scared that it would cause another crazy fight. He stopped coming over to the triplets house because Nick banned him after we got into yet another screaming match and he embarrassed me in front of them. Even after that I still stood with him like an absolute idiot, but man love will make you do crazy things.
I hadn’t seen my boyfriend for a few days, and I wanted to surprise him by taking him on a cute picnic at the park. It was what we did for our first date, so I thought this might make him reminisce and change how he was treating me. When we had good moments they were really great, and when they were bad they were really fucking bad. But I really wanted this date to help us fix our issues.
I had Ubered to the park because even though he agreed to the date he said he couldn’t pick me up. Which was weird, but I figured he was still mad at me over our argument.
The whole date he was being super dry and barely laughing at my usual jokes. He was constantly checking his phone, and when he was done answering his messages he would place his phone screen side down. Which was not his usual behavior, and this was giving me major anxiety, and I was starting to worry that he might be cheating on me.
“Why do you keep looking at your phone” I asked him eating a strawberry
“Can’t I look at my phone?” He said giving me a dirty look
“I mean you can, but I did this date for you, and you haven’t looked at me once, nor laughed at my jokes” I told him still looking at him
“No one told you to do this” he said nonchalantly
“What the fuck is really going on right now? Like I’m trying to fix our problems, and you’re being such a fucking dick” I told him starting to pack the food away
“There’s nothing wrong with our relationship, you just don’t know how to act, and you piss me off, so I get upset” he said looking down at his phone again
“Wow! You start about 85% of our arguments” I said laughing, hoping he was just joking with me, but to no surprise he’s still looking down at his phone texting someone
“I wouldn’t start them if you weren’t so fucking annoying” he said looking at me with a smug face
“You’re such a dick. I'M TRYING TO BE NICE” I told him getting a little loud, and he just ignores me looking down at his phone again
“Holy shit who the fuck are you texting” I said as i grabbed his phone, and looked down at the screen
I miss you so much when are you coming back?
Soon baby I’m just waiting for my homeboy to finish, so i can bring him home
My heart dropped to my stomach, and immediately I felt like throwing up reading these messages of him cheating on me. As tears welled in my eyes I looked up at him, and he seemed annoyed??
“What the fuck is this?” I said keeping my composure as my tears fell non stop
“Can’t you just mind your fucking business” he said snatching his phone away
“Mind my fucking business? I’m here trying to fix what we’ve had for four years, and you’re texting some other girl? And not only that but you’re lying to her! At least be a man and fucking own up to it. At least fucking break up with me, so you can be with her” I told him packing my purse up so I could leave
“Yeah I was planning and breaking up with you” he said still so calmly
“Yeah? And when were you going to do this? Whenever you want? Leave me stringing onto you, and having this false hope that we could actually work out” I told him as I wiped my tears.
“I was going to do it today” he said looking down
“Yeah sure you were. You’re such a fucking asshole” I said
“See! This is why I’m over you. You’re so fucking boring the same person since we were 17. You bring nothing good to me. I prayed day in and day out that you’d just leave me alone. Can’t you see my anger towards you I don’t love you anymore, and I haven’t loved you since we were 18” he said to me
“SO THEN WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU KEEP ME STRINGING ALONG FOR SO MANY YEARS” I yelled at him not caring if someone looked over at us
“Calm down” he said looking me dead in my eyes
“Fuck you, don’t tell me to calm down you piece of shit” I told him standing up getting ready to walk away
“Yeah well fuck you too run away just like you always do” he said also standing up
“We’re done. Don’t ever call me. Don’t ever come looking for me. I fucking hate you” I said wiping my tears
“I’m good off you. You don’t come looking for me because I know you can’t live without me” he said laughing in my face
I picked up some fruits and threw them at him, but before I could stomp away he grabbed his cup of wine and threw it at me. Splashing my face and all down my white shirt. I just looked at him as my face dropped, I threw some fruits, and I get a half of a cup of wine thrown at me completely destroying my makeup and my white shirt
“Go run away you whore” he said as he threw the cup in my direction
“Fuck you” was all I could say. I walked past him and brush past him, and as I did that he grabbed my arm harshly and shoved me away from him. Causing me to loose my balance, but not enough to throw me down
I just looked back at him. Truly trying to comprehend that he just put his hands on me. Tears just ran down my face as I stormed off
I ordered an Uber and texted Nick
-hey can I come over?
-of courseeee we’re actually so bored just watching a movie in the living room, and we miss you 😚
I hearted the message, and as I locked my phone the Uber pulled up. I gave her the address and she drove me there. Every so often taking glances at me, but seeing I didn’t want to talk as I had my eyes closed trying to control myself from having a breakdown
After a 20 minute drive I was at the triplets house. I hopped out and took my phone out of my back pocket. Nick had texted me he left the door unlocked for me, so I went to the front door, opening it, and then locking it.
I walked up the stairs and when I turned into the living room Nick practically jumped off the couch
“What the actual fuck Y/N” he said standing up. I looked at him and started sobbing
“He fucking cheated on me” I said as Nick grabbed me and took me to sit on the couch with them
“HE DID WHAT?” Chris said also sitting up
“He…he was cheating on me, and we broke up. He told me I was fucking boring and he hasn’t loved me since we were 18, and that all I do is run away from my problems, and I’m a whore” I said ugly sobbing into Nicks arms
“I got so fucking pissed at him I threw some fruits at him, and then he threw his cup of wine all over me” I said looking down at my soaked shirt
“What a fucking dick. I’ll fucking kill him I fucking swear” Matt said starting to stand up in anger
“The whole date he was on his phone and wouldn’t let me see, and he told me he’s been planning to break up with me, and that he didn’t care about the date because it wouldn’t fix anything. I should’ve known because he didn’t even pick me up for the date” I said as I started to slow down my crying
“He didn’t pick you up?, Y/N why the fuck would you even waste your time trying to go on a date” Nick said rubbing my back
“Because I loved him. I wanted us to work out so badly he was my everything” I said looking at Nick
“You shouldn’t have to beg for someone’s love” Chris said looking at me with a weak smile
“I know, but I hoped he would see why he fell in love with me” I said, wiping my eyes. Nicks eyes traveled to my arms, and suddenly he grabs my arm and looks shocked and saddened
“What the fuck is this?” He said, looking at my arm. I looked down and saw fingerprints bruising my skin from where he grabbed me harshly
“He fucking grabbed me and shoved me when I went to walk past him” I said looking down
“He fucking put his hands on you” they all said in unison, and to this I nodded my head
“Y/N I will fucking beat his ass. I’ll knock him out and send him to the fucking hospital” Nick said standing up in anger
“He’s done stuff like this before! Whenever we would argue he would grab me and shove me sometimes to the ground and other times just a small shove” I said looking up at them
“Y/N, I’m going to fucking find him. I’m going. I’m going to bash his fucking teeth in” Chris said looking for his keys
“Guys no please calm down. I’m done I really need you guys here with me” I said looking at them again
“No man should ever put his hands on a woman especially a woman he loves” Matt said
“Well he doesn’t love me” I said
“Doesn’t matter” Nick said
“I know. I appreciate you guys so much. I love you guys, and I’m so sorry I didn’t leave him sooner. I’m so fucking sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. We love you so much, and we’ll do everything to get you to forget about him and feel better” Nick said
“Thank you guys” I said giving them a smile
“Would a kiss help” Matt asked giving puppy eyes
I laughed and shook my head yes. They all came in giving me a big group hug and kissing me on the cheek
“Go shower kid, so we can watch a movie and forget about that small dick loser” Nick said giving me one last tight hug
“Small dick loser is right” I said getting up, and we all laughed at that
I showered and changed into a pair of Nick's pajama pants and shirt. We all sat on the couch and decided to watch a comedy movie while eating some snacks. Occasionally they would throw in extra commentary to make me laugh.
“I love you guys so so much. You have no idea how much yall mean to me” I said looking at them
“We fucking love you too” Nick said giving me one big hug
“You’re gonna find a man that’ll kill for you” Chris said laughing
“Chris enough with that corny joke” I said laughing
“There goes that smileeeeee” he said teasing me
We ended the night just joking and watching movies till we all eventually fell asleep in Nicks room.
I loved these kids so much<3
The End🥰
I loved writing this! Can’t wait to write some more, and if you have any recommendations on what you’d want to see next lmk in the comments🫶🏽 thankssss
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ninadove · 1 year
fav french media? (films, books, shows, games etc)
I’m sure I’ll forget a lot of things and smack my own forehead in shame afterwards, but this is what comes to mind right away:
Anything ever written by Victor Hugo is a masterpiece. This dude was a terrible human being, but he sure knew how to write, and he contributed to major changes in the social conscience of his contemporaries on many important topics (including but not limited to the death penalty and child labour). To give you a taste, here is my favourite poem ever, which he wrote, because of course he did.
My favourite piece of literature across all categories, though, is and forever will be Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand — the story of a man who convinced himself his unusually long nose makes him monstruous. The concept sounds so silly, I know, but this play is a masterpiece and a wonderful love letter to the French language.
Which brings me to my favourite comic series: De Cape et de Crocs by Alain Ayroles and Jean-Luc Masbou! Basically a twelve-volume-long fix-it fic, disguised as a tribute to French literature. Also, a beautiful bromance.
Visual arts:
Basically everyone in France can quote at least one line from Kaamelott, a comedic (?) series derived from the Arthurian legend. It is so well researched and hilarious — until it isn’t.
I’m sure there’s like, a very obvious movie choice that will come back to me in a minute, but I was raised on Disney and Scooby-Doo, so these are clogging my brain at the moment. Just give it time.
When I was very young, I would watch TV at my grandparents’ and enjoy Les Hydronautes, an animated series about an extraterrestrial explorer documenting the Earth’s marine wildlife in an effort to learn how to better protect her own planet (Aka There Are Many Benefits To Being A Marine Biologist: The Series), as well as C’est pas sorcier, a series of very fun documentaries on a plethora of subjects, from lavender farming to volcanic eruptions.
Obviously, Miraculous gets a place on the list too! 🐞🐈‍⬛
EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT: Fantomette the animated series! This show is single-handedly responsible for my taste for smart women with amazing hair who ride motorbikes and kick ass. It even had Egytpology as a key part of the plot.
For me Formidable by Charles Aznavour is a classic, a very cute song, and a great place to start if you want to learn French!
A few other favourites include Fanny Ardant et moi by Vincent Delerm, Le Dîner by Bénabar (extremely funny to listen to while thinking about the Diamonds’ Dance) and J’ai cherché by Amir (This one is… Borderline when it comes to grammar, but cute enough that I grin and bear it. Also, it got us an honourable ranking at the Eurovision a while back, which is rare enough to be celebrated).
ALSO. I complain too much about bad translations and poor writing (see previous bullet point) not to show you kids how it’s done with Je vole from Aladdin (a genius play on words which delves into the two significations of the verb “voler”: to fly or to steal).
Video games:
Long ago, before I discovered the wonderful world of Nintendo, I would wait patiently every month for the new issue of Toboclic. This game had everything: cute animal mascots, stories, mini-games, arts-and-crafts suggestions, catchy songs, interactive documentaries… I’m sure my parents still have the CDs somewhere, but they probably don’t run anymore, which is a shame. I miss my friends.
Thank you so much for the ask, this was so fun to write!
@dragongutsixofficial please do this too so we can compare notes! 👀💖
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dartheclipse0816 · 10 months
Trolls Band Together
Hello once again, everyone.
At this point, I’m sure you all already know why I’m not as active as I used to be.
But if some of you need a refresher, in Layman's terms, being an adult, with the responsibilities that all comes with being an adult, has left me very busy, and it just caused me to lose interest in Tumblr and only come back for short periods of time, from time to time.
But now, now that the newest Trolls movie, Trolls Band Together, has released, I figured I’d write my thoughts about it.
But before I begin, I must give you all a heads up: There’s going to be major spoilers with what I’m about to talk about, so if you are reading this and haven’t seen the movie yet but still want to see it, if you don’t want the movie to be spoiled, then don’t read this any further. It’s going to have major spoilers.
But, for those who have seen the movie, well, here’s what I have to say:
I loved it.
I loved the music, the animation, the voice acting, as well as the all the new characters and the chemistry between the new and returning characters.
I appreciated that the movie started acknowledging the Bergens again and gave them a more prominent role in the movie after they mostly went ignored for a long time after the first movie, Trolls Holiday, and the first few seasons of TTBGO (even though it and Trollstopia aren’t canon to the movies). Seeing Gristle and Bridget finally getting married and contributing significantly to the plot was nice to see, and cute, I'd say.
I also thought it was cool seeing that Branch also once was part of a band with his four older brothers, and him going through the movie trying to reconnect with them, while difficult for him after they left him in his childhood, was still nice to see, especially with Floyd. It was nice seeing Floyd comfort Branch when he was a baby, and be the most supportive of him throughout the movie next to Poppy, after seeing Branch being the one who always got the short end of the stick for a long time throughout TTBGO and Trollstopia. It really made me smile.
I also liked Camila Cabello as Viva. Seeing the singer who sung Havana voicing Poppy's secret long lost sister, it was cute.
And, of course, seeing *NSYNC appear in the movie and collaborating with Justin Timberlake again after over 20 years, was awesome! Their new song, 'Better Place', gives me the same feeling of joy when I listened to 'Green Light Ride' from Crush 40 when they reunited with the Sonic series after a long break for Team Sonic Racing. It was awesome to hear them back together again in both instances.
I also especially loved seeing the combined band of Branch, his brothers, and Poppy and Viva all singing together for both a remix of 'Better Place' and 'Family', and it made me realize why the film was even titled Band Together, because they were literally banding together!
Now, with all that being said, I did have some issues with the film as well.
The movie's villains, Velvet and Veneer, they felt kinda one-dimensional and shallow. I thought they could’ve spent more time with them to develop their backstories a bit more and make them a bit more fleshed out.
And also, what’s the name of the species of Velvet and Veneer? They never appeared in any of the previous movies, holidays specials, or non-canon shows, and were never implied to or hinted at before, but that we do know about their existence, why don’t the Trolls or Bergens know about them? And also, they have advanced technology that can suck out a Troll's musical talent? And apparently Wi-Fi and social media exists in the Trolls world? What the heck?
Okay, okay, I know most of that doesn’t bother a lot of you guys, but to me, it highlights an ongoing issue I’ve always seen within the Trolls series: Inconsistencies with regards to its world building. I know a lot of you guys have seen it in the non-canon shows, but I also saw it in Trolls World Tour, since that movie introduced Trolls tribes that all have their own unique musical genre. As cool as I thought that was, it also made me think: Do those other musical Troll tribes know about the Bergens? Do the Bergens know about those other Troll tribes?
And speaking of those other Troll tribes, I was also disappointed that they aren’t even seen or mentioned in this movie. It left me very disappointed, since there’s a lot of potential you could do with those other Troll tribes, like make some kind of new evil threat that could threaten the entire Trolls' and Bergens' species, and have all the Troll tribes and Bergens band together (pun intended) to stop that evil threat. That could’ve been awesome!
Oh, and the Snack Pack got reduced to extras, which, like my disappointment with the absence of the other Troll tribes, left me feeling a bit disappointed, since they could’ve done something more with them in this movie.
Other than those things, I really loved the film!
And for all you Trolls fans out there, I think it’s time that I mention the elephant in the room with regards to Broppy.
After waiting over seven long years since the first movie…
And seeing a far away version at the end of World Tour…
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Now, unfortunately, unlike with Trolls World Tour, Trolls Band Together is still in theaters, and I didn’t find any leaked screencaps in time for the writing of this review, but trust me, I’m not kidding, this actually happened in the movie!
And I couldn’t have been more overjoyed to finally see it happen officially, front and center, on screen, and made me cheer in the theater!
And I thought I’d let you all know after being silent for a long time!
Because after waiting for over seven years, after all that waiting, I couldn’t be happier to see that the kiss was well worth the wait.
As a big Trolls fan.
Thank you all for reading this.
And I’ll talk again next time.
Maybe when there’s a new Trolls show or movie?
I guess we’ll just have to wait and find out!
Thank you all once again, and have a wonderful day.
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bonny-kookoo · 10 months
𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Part 1
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For every beginning, there has to be an end first.
Tags/Warnings: Punk!Jungkook, strangers to lovers, Stereotypes, description of Unrequited love, romance, accidental flirting, some angst, major fluff
Length: ~3k Words
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Jungkook’s apartment is surprisingly clean, and most of all.. Bright.
His shelves are filled with trinkets, pictures and little things that seem to value for him. LED lights roam around the white walls, while soft music playing in the background- all while he cooks in his open kitchen, singing to the song currently filling the apartment. It feels oddly comforting to just watch him like this, hair a bit wild on his head, casually dressed, everything domestic and without any force at all.
“Do you like yours spicy?” He asks, and you shrug.
“Not really.” You answer, resting your head on your arms on the kitchen counter. “I enjoy.. Bland foods. Like chicken ramen, with just an egg.” You giggle softly. “I know what to expect from it every time I make it.”
He looks at you for a second, before he smiles knowingly. “But where’s the fun in that?” He chuckles. “Gotta have some.. Variety every now and then, no?” He asks, but you shake your head.
“I’m not the kind of girl for.. Variety. And fun.” You answer.
“Well you were certainly up for something fun last week.” He mentions, making you roll your eyes as you sit up, leaning back a bit as you look at the countertop your hands rest on.
“That was.. Kind of just because I was tired of it.” You mumble, while Jungkook turns off the stove to fetch some bowls and cutlery to plate up the food.
“Tired of what?” He asks as he puts the food into appropriate portions.
“Being a virgin.”
Jungkook’s entire body freezes at that, even the chopsticks he holds stiffening as he stares into nothingness for a moment, eyes wide. He slowly puts everything down, before he looks at you.
“That was.. Your first time?” He asks, and you nod, not seeing the issue with it at all.
“My first kiss, too. In the car.” You mention, and at that, he dramatically turns around, hands on his face.
“Oh my god, what?!” He whines towards no one, and you can’t help but laugh at his misery. Why he’s so invested in that you’re not sure of- but it’s oddly cute almost, how it seems to affect him. “No, no no no I’m not letting that stand!” He denies, shaking his head as he braces himself on the countertop opposite from you, looking at you with a serious expression that holds no harsh feelings however. “We’ll rewind the whole thing, I don’t care.”
“What, are you going to sew up my hymen back together and try again?” You ask, making him laugh at your blunt words, unable to keep a straight face at the way you so dryly ask that.
“I-no, but I can, I don’t know, give you such a good experience you’ll forget the club-incident altogether.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, making you laugh. “So no sex and no kisses until I took you out on a proper date, got it?” He playfully threatens.
“You’re weird.” You tell him, but he just shrugs with a grin, leaning over to kiss you- just to slap the counter and yell to no one-
“Ah fuck!” making you laugh once more.
Amused that he can’t seem to follow even his own rules when it comes to you.
“Alright, so I kind of have a little rule for you.” He tells you as you both finally sat down in the restaurant a few days later, surprisingly fancy and way out of your usual price range. “There’s.. Probably gonna be a guy coming to our table as soon as I order food. Do not, under any circumstances, take anything that comes out of his mouth seriously.” He tells you with a dramatic expression, making you furrow your brows a little- though you nod.
“Okay?” You answer, getting a bit nervous at the prices on the menu.
“By the way, just order whatever.” He chuckles, watching you- before he leans forwards. “Trust me, don’t look at the price.” He urges, and you nod, though still a bit uneasy.
After ordering something for the two of you- deciding to share a large steak and some side dishes just in case you can’t finish it on your own, something happens that Jungkook spoke about earlier- a man walking from the kitchen into the restaurant, seemingly searching for something or rather someone- making a beeline for Jungkook as soon as he spots him.
“Jeon Jungkook, I can’t believe this!” He barks out, but instead of greeting him, he straight up walks towards you- smiling as he bows politely, and reaches out to shake your hand. “This isn’t true is it? A date?” He asks, now looking at him- though Jungkook is busy hiding his face, looking down and shielding his eyes with his hand before he glares at him.
“Can you maybe talk a bit less like you’re at a fish market?!” He hisses at the man, before he looks at you with a sigh. “You’re free to kick or bite him, I’m sorry he’s being weird.” He apologizes, but you just laugh it off, amused by the whole interaction.
Well, Jungkook is a little odd. So it’s not surprising his friends are just as unusual.
“I’m not weird, you’re weird for not introducing me to her!” The man whines. “Kim Seokjin. I’m so glad he finally got over his weird crush-”
“Jin please-” Jungkook complains, and you feel a little sorry for him.
“What? That harpy lived off of your paycheck for months if not years! Was about time you pulled your head out of that situation.” He mumbles, crossing his arms. “Anyways, I’ll make sure your food comes out right away. You two just relax and enjoy your night yeah?” He smiles. “And don’t worry about the check. I’ll cover it for you.” Jin winks at Jungkook, who runs a hand over his face as his friend leaves.
“I’m so sorry for that.” He chuckles a bit embarrassed, but you wave him off.
“He seemed nice.” You say, and he nods.
“He is. My best friend, really- but he can be a lot.” He explains. “He was worried about me for quite some time.” He admits a little shameful, but you just shrug it off.
“Understandable.” You simply answer. “I hope he knows I’m not here to use you.” You say, as the food finds its way to the table.
“I know that you’re not.” He tells you softly, smile warm as he looks at you. “And that’s more than enough.”
A few days later, you’re staying over for the first time.
He’s busy washing the dishes with you when someone knocks on the door however, making him excuse himself to go check who it might be- just for someone to enter right away, the person quickly stopping however at the sight of you at the sink in his kitchen. “didn’t know you had a friend over, kookie.” She says, waving at you in a friendly manner-
Though there’s a strange sharpness in her gaze, like an animal snarling more than someone smiling.
“Why are you here?” Jungkook asks, and he looks oddly.. strange to you in this moment. Like he’s internally fighting with himself, unsure what to really do. Like he’s cornered, pressured to pick a side, like a child asked which parent they love more or less.
“Its kind of private?” she meekly says, wringing her hands a little. “I’ll just text you later, maybe we can hang out tomorrow after work?” she wonders, and Jungkook looks at her.. very oddly. Even she seems to notice, sensing something off as his gaze changes, becomes softer, but not in a way she was most likely hoping for.
“Lucy, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He denies gently, taking a deep breath. “I.. I can imagine what you’re going to ask me, and I can’t keep doing this.”
“You don’t even know what I’m gonna ask you-“ she defends herself with an uneasy chuckle, and you feel like you’re witnessing something you shouldn’t be. But you’re trapped- you can’t move, can’t escape, because they’re having this conversation right where you’d need to pass to get out the open kitchen. “Kookie come on, is it because of that night with-“
“If you think that’s what bothers me, how come you never mentioned it?” He asks, but it’s without any bite. It’s more.. disappointed, if anything. Like he’s exhausted. “You knew all this time that I liked you. You knew it.” He tells her, and she sighs, looking away.
“It was just awkward, okay?!” she defends herself. “after I turned you down that one day at the Cafe, I regretted it. And then I felt like.. I missed the chance. I didn’t know that you like me still.” She offers softly. “I.. Jungkook, I’m sorry for how it went. Let’s talk about it properly tomorrow okay?”
You feel out of place. You really want to leave.
You don’t want to witness any of this, or what’s to come.
“No. “ He however answers, catching her off guard, clearly. “You’re.. too late. I’m sorry.” He shakes his head, before he walks to open the door.
“ju..” she looks at you with both devastation, and something akin to both jealousy and envy, strangely enough. “Well, if you change your mind, I’ll be there.” She says while looking at you, before she walks past Jungkook- her attempt to hug him denied as he gently pushes her away by her shoulder. “right.” She simply sighs, before she leaves- his phone vibrating multiple times after the door closed, probably with texts she’s sending him.
The device is promptly thrown onto the couch- though it misses the furniture, and clatters to the floor harshly, vibrating somewhere under the coffee table before it becomes quiet.
You carefully move to walk out the kitchen, give him space- but instead, you feel him hug you from behind, arms around you holding onto your body as if you’re a lifeline. You turn around to hold him too, unsure for a moment what’s wrong-
When he takes in the first shuddering breath, sniffling from trying to not make it obvious that this just hurt him. It must have- after all, he’s been after her for such a long time, just to have her basically confess days after he’s started to get involved with you instead.
Does he feel regret?
“You can meet up with her tomorrow.” You tell him. It doesn’t hurt you as much right now- after all, you haven’t had enough time yet to get emotionally attached to the point of no return yet. “Maybe this was all just.. one big misunderstanding.” You shrug, but he holds you tighter now, shaking his head that’s still hiding in the crook of your neck.
“I don’t want her.” He denies, voice awfully fragile. “I hate her.” He even tells you, while you run your hands over his back. “Please stay..” he mumbles into your skin, and you nod.
“If you want me to.” You offer. “but don’t feel like you have to choose me right now. I’ll be fine.” You make sure he knows, but again, he shakes his head.
Instead, he removes his face from you to show himself vulnerable, tears still falling from his eyes, emotions boiling over as he moves to kiss you, the gesture desperate. Maybe he needs to convince himself he made the right choice. Maybe he’s imagining her instead? Has he ever kissed her at all?
“no-“ he whines, complains like he can read your mind, hands on your cheeks as he looks at you with frustration. “What’s wrong?” He asks, but you just look at him confused.
“What do you mean?” You ask, because you’re genuinely not sure what his problem is.
“You’re not kissing me.” He explains, but you just frown.
“What? I am.” You respond. “not right now, obviously, but I was.. you know. Kissing back.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “not like you did before.” He denies. How can he even tell? “is it because of her?” he asks, carefully so, as if he’s afraid of the answer. “I promise I’ll delete her number-“
“Jungkook you’re really emotional right now.” You tell him. “You’re not thinking clearly-“ you try and make sure he doesn’t rush things, but he shakes his head.
“I am.” He denies. “for the first time, I feel like I actually am.” He tells you, hands moving to rest on your shoulders now instead. “but, if you want to go home . now, you can. M-maybe that’s a good idea? I don’t know..” he tells you, confused.
And it just underlines you statement that he’s not very clear in his head right now to make any kind of decision.
So you do it for him instead, packing your little bag to go home on your own tonight-
Though he pays for the cab, no amount of words from you able to change his mind.
You slept way too long- phone telling you its pretty much the middle of the day as you accept the call, mumbling something incoherent.
“Good morning.” Jungkook chuckles on the other end of the call. “Could you like, let me in maybe? Your neighbor keeps asking me if she should call the cops on me.” He tells you, and you frown to yourself, slowly walking out your bedroom and to open the front door- where he actually sits, right in front of it, back having been resting against the door. “thanks.” He tells you, getting up to stand in front of you now. “can I come in?” He wonders, and you sleepily nod, letting him in before you close the door behind him. “damn it’s cold in here!” He laughs, and you rub your eyes.
“I sleep better when it’s cold..” you mumble. “What’re you doing here?” You ask, yawning.
“have been thinking.” He tells you, hands in his pockets after he takes off his boots. “like you told me to.”
You’re not really sure what to expect now- but then again, you did tell him to really think about it once he’s had a good night’s rest and all, so you can’t really complain now if his answer is not one you’d like to hear. “I’m sorry that.. you had to witness what happened yesterday. Both her visiting so unannounced and.. well, my slight mental breakdown after.” He tells you, rubbing the back of his neck a bit before he straightens his posture again. “and I’ve made my decision. Properly, this time.” He promises.
“Oh, okay.” You nod. “you.. gonna meet up with her later?” You ask. He shakes his head.
“No.” He denies. “though I did call her to tell her I don’t want to stay in contact any longer.” Jungkook says, and you look at him for a moment. “I really meant it. I don’t want her any longer. I.. you kind of made me break free.” He shrugs.
“Oh uh.. I’m glad then.” You nod. “You’re.. you deserve that. The freedom, and stuff.” You say.
“I still want you, just to be clear.” He chuckles. “if anything, I really kind of.. fell for you yesterday.” He bashfully confesses.
“What? How?” You wonder, sitting on your small sofa with him next to you.
“You.. technically had me. Right in the palm of your hand.” He says, looking at your bare legs. “And yet you chose to step back, and let me catch myself. You made sure I didn’t just.. rush into things without thinking, and I’m very thankful for that.” He admits. “You were looking out for me.”
“I.. did what was right.” You shrug. “or what felt right to me at least.”
“You’re very kind, you know?” He says, smiling softly. “I’m.. it’s kind of scary just how quickly I’m becoming attached. It’s ridiculous.” He complains with a laugh, shaking his head. “But at the same time I can’t really bring myself to care.”
“Do you still feel bad for taking my virginity in a club?” You giggle, but he just rolls his eyes.
“I’m still gonna erase that memory from your mind one day, just so you wait.” He points a finger at you playfully. “but also no. You said you’re okay with the way things happened, so I accept it too.”
“so..” you mumble, moving your legs up to have your feet rest on the couch. “what now?” you ask.
“whatever you’d like.” He shrugs, resting his head on the backrest just like you do, looking at you with a warm gaze.
“What do you wanna do?” You wonder, and he grins.
“How about we fall in love?” He asks-
And you can’t help but smile too, as you look at his eyes sparkle, much more than the silver piercings decorating his lip and ears.
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avocado-writing · 1 year
Hellooooo! First off, love u bunches you are awesome ❤️ secondly, I will now put this in the request. Either crowley or Azi, or both separately, either way, slow dancing with reader, where like Old Fasioned by Bruno Major is mentioned but not in the actual fic? Just all the fluff bc my heart can’t handle angst atm… K… well… once again, love u, i fan girl over your work 🫡❤️
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notes: cute and short one! and MWAH ilu2 💕 pairing: aziraphale x reader
rating: G
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Sometimes he lets you put your music on, even though he grumbles and complains, and sometimes, when the outside is gloomy and rainy and the lights in the shop are low, he’ll dance with you to it.
“I feel like you’re trying to imply something with this song,” he mutters, fondly, as Bruno Major’s Old Fashioned gently thrums through the speakers and ricochets around the books. His hand grips one of yours gently, while the other has alighted on your hip. He’s not much of a dancer but can hold you and sway well enough. 
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” you sigh, happily, and bury your head into his chest. He presses his lips to your crown, an intimacy without quite being a kiss. You think you could stay in his arms forever. You’re safe here, protected from the outside world; though he may not have his wings out to cocoon the two of you in this moment together you feel like you’re the only ones in the world anyway. 
Something occurs to you, and it must make you pause for just a second, because Aziraphale notices.
“Sorry, it just occurred to me that you don’t have a heartbeat. It’s very strange is all,” you hum, though snuggle into him deeper so that he doesn’t think you have an issue with it. It’s just something you’ve noticed. It’s hard to ignore something so biological when you’re aware of your own one thumping in your chest, pumping the blood which is allowing your cheeks to warm up.
“Ah, I see. Hmm, hang on.”
His hand leaves yours for a moment to pull something downwards from the air, something you can’t see, and suddenly you begin to hear it - the very obvious ba-thump ba-thump in his chest. It’s a beautiful rhythm, in time to the song, and your eyes grow wide. He’s smiling when you look up at him.
“Oh, Aziraphale. It’s lovely.”
“Anything for you, my darling,” he whispers, and presses his lips to yours for a welcome kiss.
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taglist: @angiestopit@dazed-soul @@foolishprincipalitee@smile-eywa@staygoldsquatchling02@underratedboogeyman@cool-ontherun-world@emilynissangtr@cool-iguana@this--is--music @ilyatan @lxsm2@clarina04@wtfhasmy-lifecometo@mrgatotortuga@wereallbrokenangels @night-affiliate @silcosmoke@kimqueenofhell@chewbrry @bajablast23 @h3k3t@am-i-obsessed---maybe
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nerdazzler · 1 year
✨What I think you act like based on your favorite twst dorm✨
(This is all for shits and giggles people. None of this is meant to be taken seriously it’s just my opinion.)
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You either simp for riddle, Or kin him. No in between 
You’re a pretty upbeat and cheerful person
You’re really cheerful and yet are also pretty shy and don’t talk to a lot of people, you have good friends though!
Okay I get it you like riddle 🥲 (god damn 😭)
50/50 y’all can bake (teach meeeeee)
Y’all can be pretty weird sometimes (dw me too 😌)
How them mommy issues workin out for ya? 😀
Ayo…any..any deuce kinnies looking for an ace kin wanna hmu 👀🤙 (jk jk…unless 👀 we can be friends 👉👈)
I’ll take a trey kinnie too (he says in riddle and cater kin ☺️🫶)
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Either Leona simps,Stans, or kins
Where tf are all the jack ppl?!
Y’all think ruggie is a skrunkly and you love him to bits
Y’all are the more cool laidback type (funny considering the amount of jocks in the dorm)
Very knowledgeable and wise about things, I like that about you guys!
You guys are also pretty funny, I like y’all!
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you Kin azul. No questions.(Me too, bestie. me too.)
I love you guys, y’all are like SUPER chill.
You either have at least some knowledge of a random sea creature or have an interest in marine biology 
How many of you ship JadeAzul? Because I’m sensing a good majority
Jade fans y'all in there too.
I like y’all, you’re really laidback yet funny as shit
Some of the octavinell fans need to calm tf down (they are Minors 😨!!)
Wut you planning 🤨
Y’all be weird as shit sometimes (love it tho 🫶)
Show me ur art 👀
If you kin Floyd I as a riddle kin automatically fear you /j
Any jade kins wanna talk? (*poses in azul kin*😎👌)
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I love y’all too! You guys are so fun to chat with
Y’all are the deep thinking type or the impulsive idea type
Jamil or Kalim. pick one, and you can’t say both. 😡
Y’all can sometimes be a lil unhinged I will admit-
How many Jamil apologists and defenders y’all got up in there? 🤭
#letkalimbesad fr 
Where my fellow Kalim kin’s at!? (Dm meeee I wanna be friendsss 😚✌️)
…I’m also a Jamil kin too,,,(but more of a Kalim kin ☺️)
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I barely see y’all wtf 😨 (I Have literally never met a pomforie fan in my life so all of this is from observation)
You like vil. That’s all ima say.
Yeehaw boy fans stand up.
You definitely have a cute looking artstyle. It’s cute but is hella well detailed.
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be my friend pls 🥹🙏
Y’all smart 
You guys are so sweet 
Can you share some of ur snacks pls 👀🤲 (I know you got a snack hoard.)
How many plushies you got🤨?
Y’all either actually like gaming, drawing. Or both (Mainly drawing tho.)
I’m assigning all the idia fans the song “Emo Boy” by Ayesha erotica (I do not support her) and you can’t tell me I’m wrong. BECAUSE I KNOW HOW SOME OF YA’LL BE ACTIN 🤨
Ortho fans where 🤔 (no I don’t mean simps*nastyass-* I mean people that genuinely like ortho’s character)
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y’all shy or really chill and barely talk to people and yet are some of the most interesting people to talk with 
I don’t see a lot of you! Where y’all at?!
You either like malleus a lil too much or Lilia No in between.
Sliver Stan’s idk where y’all at 😟
You. Nice, Amazing, Beautiful, Talented Human Being. Gimme a hug 🫂 
I can be the Kalim to your silver *lip bites* /j
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ye4gerism · 1 year
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the new episode of the bachelorette just gets crazier (HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS???) ! let’s hear from some of the contestants!
EXCLUSIVES WITH THE BOYS (questions submitted by the viewers!)
“where do u see urself in 5 years?”
ARMIN ARLERT: i’m a magazine editor, so i’m hoping that one day i can have some sort of leadership role. only if my boss thinks it’s my time in five years!
EREN YEAGER: i’m hoping i can be a senior partner at my law firm within 5 years! it won’t be easy and it’s probably impossible but what an achievement that would be!
“what do they think of taylor swift/what's their favorite taylor swift song? (it tells you a lot about a man💀)”
ONYANKOPON: taylor swift? i’m not too fond of her. i hope that doesn’t get me kicked off the show.
JEAN KIRSTEIN: i’m not a big swiftie…i’m not a swiftie but her song ‘cardigan’ makes me think of my first high school love. obviously i’ve grown from that relationship but that break up was so hard and those lyrics match us so well. coming back and ending things. so, fuck you, taylor swift.
“how do you feel about marriage and kids?”
REINER BRAUN: i’m already raising a niece. luckily, i got to skip the baby stage but raising kids is already hard as is. i don’t mind having more though. it’s a learning experience. as for marriage…when you know, you know. maybe i will meet my wife on the bachelorette.
CONNIE SPRINGER: marriage has to happen. it’s been apart of my parents’ plan before i was born! all jokes aside, i’d like to get married, which is why i’m on the show! i have 2 siblings who are much younger than me, so i feel like a dad already. kids are cute, so i wouldn’t mind having some!
“Is Eren a hoe ?”
EREN YEAGER: i feel like i’m being targeted????
A LITTLE BIRDIE TOLD ME…: dirt on the cast
“Zeke has a monkey plushy he sleeps with at night”
If I were hit with human rights violation accusations, I’d hug onto my plushy too! Let’s let’s hope the accusations are just a joke. I don’t think they allow plushies in prison!
“Eren is uninterested”
I think have to disagree with this one. I don’t know why but I feel it in my soul that Eren wants y/n real bad.
“Jean has an STD and a bunch of bumps on his d*ck”
HELLO??? The last bachelorette dropped her pants once on the show. Let’s hope y/n is safe about it and that this isn’t true. Would hate to watch that go down. 😬
“eren and armin hooked up last night.”
Would this count as cheating? I mean, be who you are but remember what you’re on the show for.
“I think Zeke is trying to get y/n to pick eren”
After last week’s episode, it’s starting to look like it. And Eren got the best date too! No weird parenting game, no lack of care during a date. Mf went to DISNEY!!! Favoritism much??🤔
only two episodes in and the bach is taking quite a turn! until next time!
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hey again! i’ll take a few more votes and responses before closing the poll and posting the chapter. i will try and get on my zoom again!😭 all my school stuff is starting up again and i’m much more dedicated to that.
i do want to address the poll! in regards to the questions, i’m looking for these answers:
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not these:
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the majority of the bachelorette is reader based. you write the stories! just wanted to address it bc i think we all got a little confused 😭
anyways, here’s the poll! if you already answered the written answer questions, feel free to skip (just let me know in the poll!). until next time :3
taglist: @katestrophes @taylarxse @invisible-mori @tanakaslastbraincell @mrsharuchiyo @parkerluvsu @conniesbbymama @444ctrl @gabbadabbad00 @cvberidiot @maliagurl @greeniegreengreen @teanica @illgrrl @asymetricstar @llovesero @haitainiwhore3 @durag_tanaka @crazychaoticizzy
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