#that's not to say /censor/ yourself
madwheelerz · 1 year
Since there's already a meltdown happening, I will calmly express my opinions on Mike's sexuality and leave y'all with a message.
So, if you've hung around enough, you probably know that I think Mike is gay. I'm going to highlight some of my points that I've been wanting to talk about for a while, but didn't because of well *wildly gestures at the meltdown*.
1) The entire fiasco with comparing Mike's reaction to the ladies store with his reaction to the fleshflayer and the comment about him being scared.
2) This is actually what I came to think about. The reason I don't think Mike likes girls has to do with a variety of things, but outside of Will he's the only one of the party that doesn't mention how hot Phoebe Cates is.
They removed his crush on Jennifer Hayes, which I always find odd because we wouldn't even be having a debate if that was there. El is the only girl he's shown to date, but their portrayal is so...juvenile ig?
Like the contrasts between byler and mlvn start immediately from the season that they get together. The sheer difference in his reaction between getting dumped by El vs. his reaction to Will yelling at him.
You could also argue that Nancy and Steve didn't have a particularly deep connection, but we don't doubt he likes girls. He flirts with the customers, and he gets a date to the pep rally. We see him with other girls.
Jonathan is the only character we see who has eyes for one person. We don't doubt his feelings for Nancy, though. We hear him and Nancy go on about the traits that they love about each other.
I know Mike has a girlfriend, but so do Dustin and Lucas. An offhand comment about how great Phoebe Cates looks or an implication of him having a crush on Jennifer Hayes would go a long way.
3) His realization when he kissed El. I think he definitely realized something at that moment.
4) Meta stuff - "boys only", finds a girl in the boys' locker room and is upset, kicked out of the girls' bathroom.
Anyway, who's to say for sure anyway. I will not be interacting with the tag for a bit. Parting message in the tags. Above all, stay safe y'all.
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kihteyu · 8 months
If you write fanfiction please just say “kill” and “die.” Everytime I read the word “unalive” it does irreparable damage to my brain
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northernflame · 3 months
btw just so y'all zionists pieces of shit know, democratic countries aren't supposed to pass laws that ban news channels that contradict the state power (x)
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lobotomizedlady · 7 months
hearing people use tiktok censorship versions of words irl gives me a rage response so strong i go through what I can only describe as a werewolf transformation
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engagemythrusters · 11 months
“Neurospicy” lends itself to those who are able to be viewed as “quirky” by society. By using it as a replacement for “neurodivergent,” you are alienating a large population of the people who fall under that category.
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gravitasmalfunction · 6 months
*pauses episode to deconstruct the themes of gender, professionalism and patriarchy and the implications of the FL's whorephobia*
I mean seen from another perspective, her obsession with the idea that he's a sex worker and her reaction to that belief seems to indicate an ego-protective mechanism at work, a cognitive dissonance that allows her to avoid confronting her feelings about how she was treated in her previous job, where she was ostensibly employed as a legal professional and then expected to entertain handsy clients after hours. And the irony that it was overhearing *his* conversation in that same restaurant with a client who wanted sexual favours from him, and how he flatly rejected those advances, that gave her the courage to walk out and resign on the spot - but even that inspiration was ultimately whorephobic because her takeaway from that scene was if he, a mere sex worker, can assert his right to walk away from a deal he doesn't want, then she, a highly educated lawyer, ought to have even less qualms about leaving an undesirable job. But then again her whorephobia is integral to this narrative tension that's being established, where she has fundamentally mistaken the power dynamic between herself and him, her accidental temporary roommate. She's being set up for a grand reversal when she realises he's not a sex worker, he's her new lawyer employer and named partner in the firm she's just taken a job with. But is the narrative going to punish her for assuming he was a loser/traitor under the patriarchy, a man who inverted the power dynamic by serving women's sexual needs, rather than the other way around? Or is it going to take her to task for the way she treats sex workers?
*browses tumblr, sees the ML actor's shirtless bathroom selfies*
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wiredalienvampire · 23 days
I cant stop thinking about a post I saw like forever ago that used "sewer slide" instead of suicide, it never left my head since. I'm obsessed.
Sewer slide.. that's not an alternate word for suicide, that's the name of a ninja turtles playset..
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zosonils · 26 days
the way tic tac kids censor words gives me a headache
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cogentranting · 9 months
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. Sorry im ranting its been a weird day gonna go clean now
#i try not to betray too much of myself (selective overdisclosure)#BUT#it makes me FURIOUS on that post about rap haters being racist (chill and good) that people are getting accolades for shitting on country#because like#there is some weird stuff#as there is in any genre! remember kanye and marilyn manson?#but by and large as a genre? there's so much variety in it#and so much feeling and heart and relatability#poetry that makes you cry etc#i am never able to listen to it in the presence of others#because some fucker has to be like 'uhuhuhuhuh white supremacy' 'uhuhuhu bad music what even is a truck'#im like go fuck yourself#im not saying this belongs next to the conversation about rap;#both are a problem of classism and one has intersecting racism that makes it a far more serious cultural phenomenon#but it makes me fucking furious people cant see their own hypocrisy#and im just leftover bitter because i have to self censor because of that in the culture i relocated to#i can laugh at the ridiculous shit#but you know#arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#it also a little bit feels less when i'm displaced#which then makes me even sadder and feel more and MORE pissed off#idk#im sad im so far away from my home and it hurts to see people pissed off about something they don't know#emotionally anyway#im not trying to make everything about me also. like. others have it worse and i know this#i just came here on a dream of money and joy and im here and i have friends which is lovely but im broke and starving etc#and sad and randomly yelled at all the time by upset homeless people#didnt know what i had smh
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buggybestfriend · 1 year
"K word myself" babes what
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destructix · 10 months
one other thing thats more on a like. personal note. im mutuals with younger ppl on on a side twt acc and i see them talk about going on witch hunts for proshippers (heavily paraphrased) and im like my god arent you tired. block them and move on those people will never change their minds
source: that used to be me ten years ago im twenty siiiiix
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lesbianwillbond · 9 months
sometimes you say something that is so graphic I have like a protestant grandma clutching my breast moment. but then I look deeper and realize it's just jealousy. you are brave for saying such things. I wish I had an ounce of your courage.
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i honestly forget that other people aren’t like. as vulgar as me. i wouldn’t call it brave i’d just call it forgetting other people in the world exist
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fiapple · 1 year
everyone acting like the fact that some detr*ns people join transphobic movements after de-tr*nsitioning is a phenomena that’s the fault of trans people not supporting them enough & not, oh, i don’t know, their own choice to become a literal fucking facist, owes all trans people $1,000,000 each actually. usd too.
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ukulelekatie · 2 years
me examining my post trying to find which words are preventing it from showing up in searches because tumblr dot com has arbitrarily decided that there are bad words it doesn’t like
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morallygay · 2 years
I hate when people try to make ‘how [tumblr] works’ and ‘tumblr etiquette’ guides it’s like they’re just telling any random person walking into the saloon which floor boards are creaky
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