#that's scarier than any monster they could have thrown at me and it makes me sad they didnt utilize it more
roemantics · 11 months
TEW drives me so insane bc the foundation of STEM being ruvik’s unrelenting grief for the one person he treasured and loved in his life could have been so haunting if the writers knew how to handle villains in any other way than just slapping “psychopath bla bla EVIL” on top of them like tbh the torture and mindfuckery and lobotomy shit was enough to convince me he wasn’t like, good, so not sure why they go so ham on the psycho mental health thing (in the second game too with stefano fr??) and then try to show his genuinely upsetting backstory with unfortunately very little depth to it to.. make me feel bad? i think? i genuinely have no clue how we as the player are supposed to interpret ruvik and i. do not like that. it switches from generic sad backstory (that genuinely only has an ounce of nuance if you look at throwaway notes and the character model descriptions) straight to “actually he was always like this he looooves torturing people and having power over them he just uses his sisters death as an outlet to express his sadistic TWISTED tendencies” and then it’s back to his horrific childhood in which i cannot see any way that he would have turned out to not be bad. the game lacks nuance but pretends it has so much of it and it makes it feel so so soooo corny and genuinely idiotic. ruvik establishes a connection between himself and sebastian for a reason... y’know because of grief.. fire-based grief on top of that... and because they wrote sebastian as such a dry fucking character we dont even get to find out why ruvik thought it necessary or beneficial to do that!!! grief is powerful and the writers obviously knew that in some way when they wrote the DLCs but it’s pushed aside in favor of more corny lines trying to convince us ruvik is sick and twisted when WE KNOW. the brains in his house already told me. the monsters born from his own ass mind TOLD ME. every time i got pulled aside by that mfer in the safe room to get told how much ruvik loves torture it was so infuriating because i thought i was going to be told something i didnt already know. corny ahhh game tricked me into thinking it was going to have a haunting story about how grief affects people. where was the part where sebastian realizes that this is who he could have become? ruvik, regardless of his already pre-existing sadistic tendencies, was created because he was consumed by grief and loss. they portray his disfiguration as something to be feared (not even going to comment on this) but then describe in the character model notes how he was often plagued by seizures and other ailments because of it like... oh my god. they could have hit the nail on the head!! if they wanted the psychological elements in this fkcing game to work they could have done it.. they were so so close. regardless it’s a good action horror game or whatever but it fails on almost every department when it comes to the story.
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kvbikiri · 1 year
Wonder how it feels to fail your so called friends all those years ago, letting them become monsters.
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Demons are not just people or figures or ideas—they're impulses that live inside you, searching ceaselessly for a way out.
“You damn monster!” Sumiko Sarugaki shrieked. She kicked Hiyori in the stomach over and over again. Not once, but twice, but three times. Even at a very young age Hiyori was being called a monster, never knowing what she deserved to be called a monster. Maybe it was a curse to be born. Her mother reminded her every single day she shouldn’t have existed, that she was better off living on the streets if her mother didn’t need a punching bag to forget her own miseries. The Sarugaki household was a mess, horrendous, with strewn and littered crushed beer cans, broken whiskey bottles courtesy of Sumiko throwing them at her children for sport. It was a miracle Sumiko hadn’t choked the life out of Hiyori or her sister after they’d been born.
Sumiko grabbed Hiyori by the hair so hard she bruised her scalp. “I told you to never leave this house! What are you trying to pull over me, huh?! You’re never leaving this place you hear me!!”
“I’m sorry mama,” Hiyori mumbled before being thrown to the wooden floor, her weight cushioned by trash of crushed cigarette butts and crushed beer cans.
“I’ll kill you brat. Don’t you ever sneak out of this house ever again. “ Hiyori believed her, far as she knew, her mother never lied about a thing like that. It was Hiyori’s greatest fear. Then again maybe death would be a blessing considering the hell that was suffered in the Sarugaki household. Monster. That word was about as familiar as her gothic childhood, familiar than her own name, and definitely the biggest bruise she had carried. There was that voice crooning to her like the devil.
“Wonder how it feels to fail your so called friends all those years ago, letting them become monsters.” 110 years. 110 years ago Hiyori and her friends had been subjected to the utmost cruelty thanks to the sadistic and morbid curiosity of a man named Sōsuke Aizen. As a result of the modification, she and her friends had been cast out of Soul Society, the only home they’d known.
“I replay that night almost every day in my mind. Failure is putting it mildly, I couldn’t do anything. It felt shitty, felt crappy. Because I could think of probably one thousand scenarios that could have prevented that shit show. And you know what? We all could have easily died ten different ways on any other given day. I could have died when I was abused as a kid. I definitely thought I’d never make it. Until the bitch was finally killed and I got the biggest relief in years, yet somehow it only got worse up from shit creek. Not a day goes by I wish I could cut Aizen’s head off, rip his damn head off, set him on fire. Maybe butcher him like dear old mom. I hate that I couldn’t do a damn thing to save anyone… I wish I could have done better.”
A deep breath. Not as shaky as before.
“I'd realized there were scarier things in the world than the monsters that lived in my nightmares. Deal with all this, live with myself, you mean? I honestly don't know. I stand often enough at the abyss of my soul, asking that same question, looking down into the dark crevices where the black monsters dwell on the bottom. I’ve had my own encounters with monsters, my mother, Aizen, my sister, and even myself. That’s when I started thinking of fairy tales. But you know what? People need a good fairy tale every now and then. People invented fairy tales and filled them with monsters so they wouldn’t become monsters themselves. Because the truth can turn you into a monster. You have to become a monster if you want to withstand the truth. If I could live without this mutation, this abnormality inside of me— you bet if I was offered to get rid of this monster that’s defined me I would take the opportunity and hit the ground running. Oddly enough I think I sought some comfort? In this monster. Because I was definitely able to get stronger. Have I moved on? Never. But all we can do is look forward, just survive somehow. That’s the best we can do.”
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asmo-ds · 3 years
Can I request if your open, the demon bros reacting to MC revealing they/she's had Vampire, monster men, Siren, and Fae lovers before meeting them? Like, they're playing truth or dare and someone asks MC about their love life and MC just casually reveals their/her long list of ex-lovers, apparently the paranormal beings are not as discreet as they think they are.
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MC having non-human Ex-lovers
Warnings: Monster fucking time :^))), kind of spicy in Satan and Asmodeus’s
Summary: How the avatars of sin react to finding out MC has a long history of dating monsters and other non-human beings (and no I don’t mean MC is a furry jahdljfhakjfhdjk)
A/N: SOME OF THE EXES ARE GIRLS IN THIS AND SOME ARE BOYS !!! just a warning :) also the monster fucker in me jumped out in this 
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- MC was running late when they were supposed to be on their way home from running a quick errand 
- So he was pacing on the front doorstep like a concerned mother, watching the end of the street for the familiar face to turn and rush towards the house, running back to him apologizing for being away from him so long
- What he WASN’T expecting was to see MC turning down the street with a werewolf that appeared to get along a little too well with his MC
- When they got to the front door, still chatting and gigging together, Lucifer cleared his throat loudly
- The werewolf looked frightened, quickly saying his goodbyes to the human before rushing away
- When he drags MC inside, lecturing them on talking to such dangerous creatures and trusting so easily, until he hears them snickering
- “Yea I guess I shouldn’t trust him after how much he hurt me back then,” they say with a agitated look, clearly remembering some pretty upsetting memories, “I mean who text dumps their significant other over text after three years of dating, hmph typical boys..”
- “Significant other.... ???” Lucifer looks at them in shock. “You mean you’ve dated... monsters?” Confusion and a small glimmer of hope hidden behind his cold gaze.
- This means MC would be willing to be with such a big bad beast as himself.
- MC starts to list off multiple species they’ve dated and Lucifer feels his heart speed up knowing that MC had enough experience with monsters to even consider being with him
- If MC is that interested in monsters, then he’ll just have to prove he’s more of a monster than any of those other fools from their past
- Is much more comfortable walking around casually in his demon form, and even tries to look more demonic just to impress the human and gain their attention
- At the end of the day he does inform Diavolo of the recklessness of paranormal creatures in the human realm and how poorly they hide and urges him to ensure the those monsters keep their species hidden better
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- MC had skipped their last class with some guy according to their classmates who he questioned about the human’s whereabouts
- He headed to the rooftop of RAD, knowing if they were led by someone who was from here they were probably brought there for privacy 
- He sees them talking and giggling with some vampire and Mammon felt a pang of jealousy and a bit of fear
- “Oi! Stay away from my human you blood sucker!” Stands between MC and the Vampire defensively
- “You’re human?” The vampire smirks, “I got to them long before you, pretty boy,” Hands are about to be thrown
- When MC explains that they knew him and trust he won’t hurt them because they used to date Mammon just >:O
- But then he gets a bit excited knowing MC wouldn’t reject him for being a monster
- Still sends death glares towards the vampire extremely often to make sure he realizes that since he dumped MC he doesn’t get another chance with them
- When he realizes MC practically only dates monster his head just about explodes
- He really wasn’t expecting this from the puny human, Solomon maybe, but an average joe like MC??? 
- Warns MC about the danger they’re putting themselves in
- “Oh so you’re saying that for my own safety I shouldn’t go on a date with you tonight?” “w-W-WAIT MC THAT AIN’T WHAT I SAID!”
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- Was hanging out with MC playing video games for their weekly otaku sleep overs 
- Mid-game a siren is introduced as the villain and Levi rolls his eyes because he knows how annoying the sirens could be
- “Wow! She’s just like my ex!” Mc shouts pointing at the siren
- “How so?” Levi asks assuming MC was about to roast their ex by comparing them to the monster
- When MC responds with “because she’s a bitchy siren,” Levi almost spits out his drink
- “Haha, you mean she’s loud and manipulative?” He questions trying to find reason in their statement
- “yea that and the fact they’re a siren,” MC shrugs
- MC is a monster fucker?!?!??! Levi.exe has stopped working
- When MC starts to list of all sorts of powerful beings they’d been with he can feel jealousy boiling up inside of himself and he can’t help but want to prove he is stronger than MC’s exes
- Stays in his demon form almost 90% of the time now because he thinks MC will like it (which they do)
- If they ever see one of MC’s exes out in public he gets jealous if they look scarier than himself
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- Satan was browsing the shelves of RAD’s library when he heard hushed voices from behind the bookshelf.
- “So wait, tell me again how you know MC?” A succubi asks an incubus quietly
- “Oh we used to date,” They continue to discuss MC and how MC had dated a lot of monsters in the past apparently and he stormed home ready to get answers
- He couldn’t help but smirk a bit on his way home, if MC wanted a monster, he would give them a monster
- He walks towards their room in demon form, not bothering to knock as he slams open MC’s door
- He looms over MC who is sitting at their desk looking at him with curious eyes
- “Hi, Satan, you should really knock you know-””How many monsters have you been with?”
- MC freezes at the question, a bit embarrassed that their past had made its way into the House of Lamentation
-Satan pulls them to a standing position and pushes them against the wall, leaning into their ear and nipping it before speaking
-”So kitten likes to play with the big bad wolves, huh?” He asks the human who stared up at him with a flustered yet loving gaze. “Lucky for you, you’ve got the biggest and the baddest of them all right here, kitten~”
- Spends all night showing his power over them and letting himself be a monster around them (after ensuring they wanted it of course, he’s a monster, not an asshole)
- Makes sure all of MC’s ex lovers who reside in the Devildom know that he doesn’t plan on letting the human go and they’re happier with him than they were with any of their exes
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- They were having a sleepover and were waiting for facemasks to dry
- While waiting Asmodeus suggested they play truth or dare and MC agrees
- MC picks truth and Asmo goes for a question that had been plaguing his mind for a long time
- “have you ever been with a monster?” When MC responds with a shy little “yea” he gets super excited and squeals
- asks for all the details of who hey dated, what species they were, if it was serious between them or not
- They actually discovered they had a bunch of exes in common and had to make a timeline to realize one of the exes had dated them at the exact same time
- They spend hours going off about different lovers they’ve both had and just spend all night gossiping about different type of species and the different ways the species act in bed
- He then realizes he has an opportunity to flirt so he pushes them down on the bed and hovers inches away from their face
- “All monsters have power, but MC, do you want to be with a real monster who can give you a real taste of power”
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- Someone on his team was doing some “guy talk” with a few other guys and Beel heard them bring up MC’s name
- He tuned in, ready to stand up for them if they were going to shit talk his favorite human
- “I mean all three years of being together was rocky, fuckin’ was the only thing that really kept us going-” Beel is too shocked to keep tuned in
- MC had been with a monster for that long before their time in the Devildom?
- At home he sees MC in the kitchen and blushes at the thought of him and MC being together like they had been with that other demon- except he would treat them better and make them feel loved
- “MC, I overheard some guys in the locker room talking about how you had dated one of them for a while in the past” He’s very straightforward and casual about questioning MC
- “I’ve been with quite a few people that go to RAD,  humans are just too boring y’know?” MC giggles at the flustered ginger as he dug through the fridge, determined to fill his endless abyss of a stomach
- They just hang out in the kitchen for a while, casually talking about MC’s past with monsters and Beelzebub doesn’t judge them at all, but he knows some monsters can be cruel and feels a bit worried MC has been hurt
- I feel like in that moment of realization that MC isn’t afraid of him and his species he’d probably confess his feelings for the human
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- He was sleeping on MC’s lap while they talked to Asmo in the common room
- His sleepy self is able to make out the words “Dated” and “monster” so he tuned in discreetly
- He hears MC list all of the species they’d been with in the past and can’t help but blush at the thought of being with MC but he also is frustrated to know he has so much competition 
- Once Asmo starts to change the subject Belphie decides he’d heard enough and heads up to the attic to nap where MC and Asmo wouldn’t yap his ear off
- Has a dream about being with MC, them loving him for himself; even the parts that were meant to scare humans away
- He wakes up to soft fingertips brushing his hair around 
- “My lap got cold without you there,” MC frowns at the sleepy demon in front of them
- Belphie pulls them down to cuddle with him and asks them a question
- “How powerful were they all?”
-”Who? Oh! You heard about my exes haha... I mean they were definitely powerful but not nearly as powerful as you and your brothers,” MC responds
- He tilts their chin up and places a soft kiss on their lips, “Good, cuz I don’t want them to even think about trying to get you back. If I’m more powerful than them then they won’t even think about causing trouble.”
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firerose · 3 years
The sea
Feedback is apprechiated ;)
Percy was happy. The giant war was over, he was studying with Annabeth so
they could move to new Rome soon. He was happy….. until it happened. 
The thunderstorm should have been a warning, a sign that the lord of the sky was angry but unfortunately Percy was tired of having to deal with the gods so he chooses not to notice it. He cursed himself for that later. 
He had stood up early that morning, awoken by another dream about the hell he and Annabeth had gone through. His mom had already been in the kitchen and he was greeted by her with a warm smile.“ Bad dreams?“, She had asked softly. Percy had only needed to nod and she pulled him into a warm hug. He loved her hugs, he loved that she had forgiven him for being away for so long, he loved his mother for everything. She was the reason the sea inside him was calm.
“Thanks, mom I just wanted to get some fresh air.“, He had told while departing carefully. Percy was grateful for her but he still did not want her to worry too much. If he had only known that this was the last time his mom would hug him, he would have stayed in her arms forever. 
Percy had taken his jacket and walked outside and then………
Thunder, a white light crashing down behind him throwing him forward with the price.
He lay still on the street while people around him ran out of their houses screaming in panic. 
Percy‘s body was burning, he felt blood running down his forehead but all he could think about was his mom who had been exactly where the explosion went off.
The police later assumed that a lightning strike had hit the apartment by accident but Percy knew better. He was brought to a hospital even though his burns were only small. 
He had insisted that he wanted to stay.“Please I have to see if my mom and my stepdad are okay!“, He had begged the paramedics but they did not stop their attempts to get him on the stretcher.“The fire brigade will find them kid. Everything is gonna be okay“, One of them promised but Percy saw in her eyes that it was a hollow promise. His heart ached in despair and when the doors of the ambulance closed tears fell down his cheeks. 
The proof came when the police visited him after the doctors had checked him. They looked devastated, of course, no one wants to tell a son the message that his pregnant mother was dead. Percy took the news with a small nod. He could not do more not even cry. He had been through so much that maybe this last thing had broken something inside him. He could not believe that they would do this, that they would kill his mother after he saved them. His thoughts wander to Paul and his unborn baby sister that he has lost as well and the sea in him slowly starts rising. 
Annabeth soon heard about his suspicion  She stormed into the small hospital room, her face tear-stained. He immediately wrapped her in a hug like it is her that is going through this tragedy.“Percy…...I…..I‘m so sorry.“, She sobbed.“It is not you fault wise girl….he did this.“, Percy claimed and he is surprised by the deadly calmness in his voice.
Annabeth looked at him in confusion but then she understood. Her eyes widened in shock.“No…... Percy……..he wouldn‘t……..“ She tried to say but her unbelieving in her own words stopped her. They both know Nico Di Angelo and they both know his mother died. Percy felt the waves crashing again his chest, he felt them threatening to burst out and so did his rage.“ Come on Annabeth you know Zeus. He is an arrogant asshole who just cares about himself! I fought years for the gods, I went through hell for the gods and now they… they.“, he wasn‘t able to speak anymore, there was too much rage boiling up inside him. He finally processed what happened and the sea in him roared with a desire. A desire for revenge. Annabeth pressed herself closer to him in comfort. She is scared, Percy‘swords scare her and yet she knows that there is nothing she can say to help him. She just hoped that she wasn‘t about to lose him. 
Percy was grateful for his girlfriend but he knew that he couldn‘t stay. The longer he stayed, the more his body was trembling and the sea roared louder.“ I want to talk to Zeus. Now.“, He told Annabeth could. She let him go her eyes full of something he never saw in them before.
“ No Percy that is not a good idea! If he is targeting you then yelling at him would be a great excuse for him to…….. hurt you.“, She answers logically as always but her tone fearful. Percy can‘t help but feel angry at her words.
“I‘m not scared of Zeus and if he wants to kill me he is welcome to try! My mom did not deserve this you know that as well as I so don‘t try to stop me!“, He nearly yells and he departs from her quickly. The storm in him screams in agreement and he looks forward to setting it free, Annabeth hated herself for making him angrier. She loved Sally too so why doesn‘t she support Percy? What did Zeus or any other god ever do for her? A small voice whispers that she just wants to keep him safe but she can also do that against the gods. She gently grabbed his hand and gave him a weak smile.“Okay just let me come with you.“, She pleads and Percy feeling a warm thankfulness for her calming his waves a bit, smiled back. 
The man behind the desk looks at them in shock when they enter the building..“You shouldn‘t be here.“, he claims, his voice sounding a bit concerned. Percy felt cold amusement washing over him.
He killed scarier monsters than this old man. He takes out his sword without a second thought.“ We are exactly where we need to be now let us talk to Zeus or I will try my sword out on you.“, He threatened and did not notice Annabeth‘s worried glance.“You should listen to him! He once took down giant you are no match for him!“, Annabeth‘s voice sounded just as dark as his but she just wanted to keep Percy from doing something he would regret later. The man‘s eyes were stuck on the blade then wandered to Percy‘s eyes as if those could burn him.
He moved back a bit uncomfortable.“ Alright I‘ll let you up.“
Percy felt a sense of victory letting the water rise again. It pushed through his veins and when they entered the small elevator his body tensed from the power it made him feel. The gods would pay for taking his family. They would see what happened if someone pushed him too far. Maybe some days ago he wouldn‘t have felt this darkness but a few days ago he also had a mother. He was overtaken by memories, of her soft voice, her laugh and her hugs. He wondered if it would make her sad to see how angry he was but she certainly was also sad to be killed there was no difference anyway. The memories hurt but they also foiled his anger. 
Percy and Annabeth walked down the way to the god's council in silence. The minor gods and nymphs whispered and pointed at them, their eyes worried some even pitiful. They all knew Percy‘s story and they all feared him.
Only Zeus and Hera were in the throne room  When Percy walked in his eyes immediately landed on Zeus who glared at him in outrage.“HOW DARE YOU COM HERE?!“, The Lord of the skies shouted in fury but Percy did not even wince.  Instead, he glared back.
"How dare you kill my mom?!." Percy spat back. Zeus only looked annoyed but the others gods looked at each other uneasily. Zeus shook his head like he wanted to get rid of a nasty fly.
" My boy, there are things that you don't understand. I'm sorry about your mother but sometimes cruelty is necessary to prevent worse.", Zeus explained and Percy felt as if he had been punched in the gut. How could this all immortal god talk about an innocent woman death like that? He felt disgusted at Zeus rising and Annabeth spoke it out.
"Sally Jackson was a mortal woman! How could she have been any danger to you?", Annabeth asked her voice full of angry disbelief."Well it was more about her child than her, "Hera responded and maybe there was a hint of regret in her voice.
" Silence wife!", Zeus told her harshly but Percy's blood already froze."You.....you killed her because of me?", He asked fear numbing his fury. He hoped that he had just heard wrong but he was the only child of Poseidon so they could only mean him. Zeus sighed as if this whole situation bored him."Apollo gave me a prophecy that said that she would have a child with Poseidon that could end my sign that is all you need to know." Zeus said defensively and a dam in Percy that held back the growing stormy sea finally broke. Zeus had killed his mother because of a prophecy? 
Of course, gods always sed prophecies to harm others,
Percy balled his hands into fists his ears ringing." That is your excuse? you were scared so you just killed my pregnant mother in front of me? She was going to have a baby. She was happy and you killed just because of your god complex!" Percy accused Zeus, his voice trembling with anger. The waves were rushing through his veins and he can feel it in the veins of Zeus and Hera as well  Not as much but it was there flowing through their veins like calm waves. "I told you you would not understand now leave before I make you Perseus.", Zeus commands but that only makes Percy turn to him. 
His mother called him that because she wanted him to have a happy life...
Percy slowly opens his hand his senses searching for a certain source of water. When they find it Percy feels a tug in his fingers. He smiles darkly at Zeus."I think you underestimate what I'm capable of my lord. you really should have killed me instead of my loved ones.", Percy muses and he follows the tug by moving his hand forward, pushing back the waves in Zeus body. The god looked stunned for a moment even confused but then his body god thrown back so that his head smashed against his thrown. The stone cracked and Annabeth gasped in shock together with the other gods." Percy!" Annabeth yelled terrified at her boyfriend's power. Percy couldn't hear her. He could only focus on Zeus and how he was held in place by an invisible force his force. He wondered how much he could hurt a god.
He moved his hand to the side and Zeus growled in anger as he tried to resist the painful control he was under. Percy took a deep breath he was not sure what too now should he let Zeus go? Should he show the gods mercy? Then he remembered his mother and how she had died in a fiery explosion. He looked into Zeus blue angry eyes and he calls for the water in the god's throat, His hand makes a gesture like he was strangling someone and immediately Zeus grasps his own his gasps for breath was music in Percy's ears. He feels Annabeth shaking him begging him to stop with sobs in her voice. Hera watches the situation as if it was a very interesting movie. She was not at Percy's side but seeing the man who cheated on her so often be choked to please her too much to interfere.
Percy loved seeing Zeus so helpless, he loved when his other hand made the gods nose bleed with golden blood. Zeus looked in much pain and Percy loved every second of it." Now you know what it feels like to be a demigod. It's painful and you wish that the suffering would end but it never does. How do you like that?", Percy jokes and closes his hand a bit more. Zeus face turned red his eyes nearly popping out of his skull."Percy stop....please stop." Annabeth pleads and there is something in her voice that makes him hesitate." Sally would not want you to do this!", Annabeth said her voice shaking in horror. The words echo in Percy's mind and painful guilt helps to dim his inner flame. What would his mother say if she could see him right now? He was harming others with his powers just like Zeus had. 
His rage dies down like the sea after a long storm. He opens his hand and lets go of Zeus blood. The god nearly fell off his throne as he gasps for air. Percy still felt satisfaction at that sight. He turned to Annabeth who held onto his arm, her face pale from what she had seen." I'm sorry Annabeth.", He said and he really meant it. He shouldn't have scared her like this, he should have just told her not to come with him. Annabeth gently squeezes his hand. She understood Percy#s anger and she even shares it but she still prays that he will never lose himself to his power ever again. Zeus had regained his strength and his eyes blazed with electricity." YOU WILL DIE FOR THIS!", Zeus yells but Percy only felt a surge of frustration at those threats. After all that had happened to Zeus, he was still a god that was full of himself and would not learn anything from this. Percy looked at him coldly." No, I will not. Haven't you learned what happens when you make me angry?" Percy asked dangerously calm. He felt tired of all this talking and especially Zeus. He took Annabeth's hand and left as he suspected no one tries to stop them. The sea in his body has calmed down again but Zeus who is watching him from his throne can tell that he has changed. The sea can start raging again any moment and maybe it was Percy that the prophecy referred to. Maybe he  will be the end of the gods after all.
@emilydaughterofapollo @perseusjackson-jasongrace @incorrectinfinity, @reading0mens @fictionalnormalcy
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A night with the trapper
Hey hey, I’m cross posting on here from my Ao3 account! Hoping to build up a writing blog once again after The 2018 Incident happened and I lost my other one for overwatch.
This time, I’ve delved into the slasher fandom after picking up Dead by Daylight! This is just some good nice fun with Evan, focused on his pleasure! Enjoy!
He'd been so considerate of your needs when you approached him tentatively.
He'd just returned from a trial and was in the middle of cleaning the grime off of his hands and arms when you gingerly pulled on the side of his overalls, looking up at him with those big doe eyes he loved to see.
Barely above a whisper, the words left your lips in a rush. "Would you let me touch you?"
The words themselves weren't dirty, but the look you gave through those eyelashes of yours, a flush dusting your cheeks and the slight pout of your lower lip lent a lewd meaning behind the words.
He hadn't even taken his mask off yet, but the candlelight in his workshop was just enough to give you a glimpse of the smug grin that donned his features.
Turning back to washing himself, he let you stew in your emotions for a bit before his voice filled the room. "Lemme get this right, doll. You wanna touch me...intimately?" Despite the words being a question, it sounded more like a pleasantly cocky statement. The low hum of his voice made you shiver, his knowing and almost teasing tone had the blush spreading further on your face.
The slight turn of his head was what prompted a meek but determined nod. You'd wanted this for a long time, and even if it was embarrassing having to ask like this, you knew you wouldn't get a chance to act it out unless you did.
Any time you'd been with him, it was always him on top of you, all around you, baring down on you like he was a hunter and you were the prey he'd caught.
And while you'd been enjoying that, you couldn't deny you wanted more. Something different.
You'd been so scared of everything at first, the pain from being hooked and sacrificed in trials was maddening. You barely talked to the other survivors for the first week, completely thrown through a loop and reeling from the shift in your new normal.
They'd tried to reach out, to be comforting and welcoming, but you had resisted. The fear gripping your heart at all times very real and palpable.
What if the killers came to find you after the trial too? What if the time you weren't being forced to fix gens and run for your life were also plagued by the terrifying monsters that hunted you in the trials?
No soothing from any of the other survivors helped. They feared you'd break before too long had passed, having seen it before in the ones that stopped appearing after they broke fully.
It was the leader, Dwight, who had tried one last ditch effort.
While the killers didn't hang around with any survivors often, it wasn't unheard of for companionable time to be spent together outside of the trials. Some were easier to approach than others, like Bubba. He didn't do much talking, but he was always happy to see anyone and would listen to people talk for as long as they wanted.
So Dwight had gone to their leaders domain, skittishly asking if one of the killers could show the newbie some kindness outside of the trials so they'd stop spiraling out. So she wouldn't be taken like some of the others had been.
Evan had stoically listened as the survivors leader talked about that new girl who'd been so very afraid during every trial he'd seen her in. She'd fueled all the killers instincts very well, looking so picture perfect with the fear readable in her eyes. Such big eyes that always had tears just threatening to fall, or falling already.
It had probably led to a bit more brutality than usual.
He remembered you, shaking like a leaf looking like you were about to wet yourself. Your hand over your heart as you stood like a deer in the headlights when he caught sight of you.
Then you turned tail and ran, your panting had excited him. It had been a while since they'd gotten someone new to chase.
You'd managed to outfox him that trial though, your fear keeping you from most of the generators so he never caught sight of you a second time after he lost you when someone blinded him with a flashlight. The other survivors worked double time to make up for the teammate they lacked, and since he'd been so fixated on finding you again, he'd mostly left them alone unless they got just a bit too close.
He hadn't managed to hook anyone that match, having been too focused on finding that doe-eyed survivor again and hearing them scream.
So he fully understood that maybe the welcoming had been rather hard for you. "What's 'er name?"
The skittish leader seemed to let out a breath he'd been holding in, worried that the Trapper wouldn't entertain the idea of trying to calm the newbie down.
"Y/n. She's real spooked, by everything." The almost derisive laugh that came from Evan at that moment startled Dwight.
"If you're saying that, she must really be a fraidy cat then." The grin on his face was visible through the opening of his masks own garish smile.
Dwight had the smarts to not say anything more to that, but his head dipped down as his ears tinged pink with embarrassment.
"So... will you have someone come out and say hi to her? Let her know we aren't ever hurt outside of trials? She won't listen to us about it." He was rubbing at the back of his neck now, willing the blush he could feel under his fingers to go away.
Evan's arms crossed, seemingly contemplating his response before he gave a single nod. "'spose we can't have the little thing losing it. Sure, I'll come say hi to her. Might be best it's from me anyways, never have managed to catch her in trials. She's never even stepped in my traps either."
He had already started moving to leave his home, lumbering through the trees with Dwight having to jog to keep up with his pace.
"R-really? You've never caught her?" the tone was awed disbelief. He knew how many trials they all went through each day, she'd had to have faced the Trapper at least 4 or 5 times by now, and to have never even stepped in a trap was quite the feat.
A grunt preceded a small hum. "M'nope. She's a small one, slips right through everything. Not particularly fast, but she's real sneaky. You haven't noticed that?"
The rest of the walk from his realm and to the camp was filled with little questions from both of them about the girl. How many times had the Trapper caught sight of her in a trial? How did she spend her time around the fire? Did they know anything other than her name?
Upon arriving, Evan wasn't surprised that she nearly bolted upon seeing him, but Claudette and Feng had each been by her side and gently held her in place.
"He's not here to hurt us. They never are when they come here. We're safe outside the trials." Claudette's hushed voice reached his ears, and he gave a slow nod.
He stopped a good distance from them, knowing his sheer size would be intimidating on it's own, but him being one of the killers made it that much scarier for the poor girl.
"Hey there, little fox. I ain't here to hurtcha, promise. I heard from our good buddy Dwight here you were having a hard time adjusting to life in the entity's realm." He kept his arms down, trying to appear as non-threatening as a metal-bedecked behemoth like him could.
While he enjoyed the chase in trials, he understood that outside of trials it was a grave mistake to hurt the survivors. Every killer learned that the hard way through punishment, and the survivor or survivors hurt would be given a reprieve for a day or two from doing trials.
His gaze swept over the group, taking in their little camp they'd eked out in the forest.
"Y'all mind if I...?" he made a gesture towards the fire and one of the logs that had been dragged near it.
It was Ace who spoke up next. "Go for it, big guy." He was the one sitting on the other end after all.
He nodded to him, wandering over slowly to take a seat and lean forward, resting his arms against his knees. "It really ain't that bad outside the trials. Y'all stay around here until you're called next, and we stay in our realms until called." He wondered if anyone had bothered explaining that to her, as she sat there still held to her seat by the girls on either side.
The fear had lessened a little in her face, but not much. She didn't look like she'd fight to get up and run anymore at least.
"Does that make sense, little fox?" his head tilted ever so slightly as he looked at her from across the fire.
She looked unsure, fear still gripping her limbs, before a very slight nod that he would have missed if he blinked.
He sat back up a bit, no leaning as far forward. "Good. We all want to work so as to not displease the entity. And hurting y'all outside of the trial displeases the entity. So it's in our best interests too that we leave you unharmed."
This bit of information seemed to be the thing that had her relax the most, the white knuckle grip of her hands lessening as she blinked owlishly at him.
If he hadn't been listening intently and looking right at her, he might've missed her whispered "Really?"
He chuckled, leaning to one side, resting his weight on his good arm. "'course. The entity is all about rules. Do this, don't do that. And one of those rules is no harm outside of trials. You think being sacrificed to it hurts? Punishment for disobeying is much worse." He kept his tone light, easy going.
At the mention of punishment, he saw her shoulders tense again. "Now don't go worrying that pretty little head a yours. Only people who've ever been punished is us killers. Y'all can't really do anything to displease the entity, considerin' your position." Another light laugh left him as he settled in to chat the night away.
Over the course of the night, she'd slowly warmed up to those around her, and to the big man who eventually introduced himself as Evan to the group. It had been when Dwight had referred to him as the Trapper, and he waved a hand. "That ain't my name, at least not outta the trials. 'm Evan, nice to meetcha little fox." He'd smirked a bit, that long dormant charm from his past life peeking through.
After that night spent around the fire, more of the survivors sought out forging friendships with some of the killers outside of the trials. If they had to mutually please the entity, then maybe they could find some understanding with one another.
So that's how simply trying to assuage one new survivors fears led to basically all of the killers and survivors having a much more easy going time outside of the trials.
It had been quite some time since then, and that initial bond between Evan and you had been the strongest. While you had sought out others, namely Sally and Bubba since they were genuinely really sweet outside of the trials, you stuck by Evan the most.
And as time went on, feelings blossomed. You'd taken a shine to him and his slightly dated charm. He liked to use names he knew would fluster you, calling you doll and sweet cheeks and the one time he'd said sweetheart had truly been your undoing.
The silence after he'd said it had made him worry maybe he had taken his teasing too far, and that you'd turn away from him.
Imagine his surprise when the next thing out of your mouth was "Do you really think I'm pretty?"
He'd been stunned silent by it, causing you to go through your own mortification, your hands coming up to wave in front of you quickly, trying to literally brush away the question you'd ask while verbally stumbling over yourself "I-I-I...nevermind!!" the squeaky tone your voice had taken on pulled a hearty chuckle from him.
He rested his hand on your shoulder, dwarfing you in size and reminding you just how much bigger and stronger than you he was. He leaned down just a bit, looking right into your eyes, seeing just how flustered you'd gotten by the hue of your face.
"I think you're damn beautiful, y/n." He was hoping he'd read your body language right, and that that question had been because you were as interested in him as he had been with you.
The little face you'd made after that, your lips forming the tiniest 'oh' as he loomed over you. He read no fear in your posture, but even while closely observing you, he'd never thought that the timid little fox of a survivor would ever have the gumption to lean into him, resting their hand so gently against his chest while they gazed up at him.
That had been the turning point in their relationship, and he had barely been able to keep his hands off ever since.
Something in your face now reminded him of that first time. Reminded him that you really did want him.
He let the rag he'd been wiping himself off with drop into the basin, turning to face you fully.
"Mmmm, well little fox, what'd you have in mind then?" his grin had turned almost wicked as his now clean hands reached forward to graze the bare skin on your arms.
The little breath you'd been holding didn't go unnoticed by him. You must've been waiting a while to ask him, working up your courage.
Instead of speaking, you pulled on his hand you'd taken with yours, leading him towards his bed.
Amusement flooded him, enjoying the sight of you turning to pull at his overalls with a pleading look at him. "Take these off, please." Even when you were in charge, you were so adorable to him. The politeness of your request had him huffing out a soft laugh while he undid the clasps, letting it fall to the floor and kicked it off and away.
"How d'you want me, doll?" The lascivious smile had your skin heating up once again, but a pleasant thrum was going through your body now. Excitement that he was going along with what you wanted.
"S-sit on the edge of the bed. No, not like that, further out. Yea, now just.. hold on." You had him sit on the bed, and had him readjust until just his backside was on the bed and his legs spread just enough to help him keep balance and for you to fit between them while standing.
He was gazing at your face, hand coming up to remove his mask while he watched you shuffle around, disrobing quickly and then kneeling between his legs, hands gingerly resting on his knees.
A single brow quirked up. "This is what you've been wanting all this time, little fox?" He couldn't deny the sight of you licking your lips for a moment before leaning forward to place yourself fully between his legs didn't do something for him, but he was a bit surprised that this is what you'd been wanting.
You gave such a cute little nod, determination on your face. You didn't want to be denied this now that you were so close to getting what you wanted.
He hummed out, hand finding itself on the side of your face, cradling your whole head tenderly. "Well, I ain't gonna stop you, but just hold on a moment." He leaned back, reaching for something behind him before leaning forward again with one of the pillows in his hands. "Here, get up just a moment and use this. The floor ain't exactly soft. Don't want ya hurting yourself sweetheart."
You melted at his thoughtfulness and the use of one of the more tender pet names he liked to call you.
Obediently you stood so he could put the pillow down to cushion your knees, hands held together in front of you while you waited for him to lean back up again.
Once he was satisfied with it's placement, he sat up, spreading his knees wide enough for you to slip between them comfortably.
He enjoyed the sight of you gracefully kneeling so close, your hands on either thigh, looking up at him with adoration and anticipation. It wasn't something he ever thought he'd get to see.
"Look at you, little fox. You look ready to downright devour me." The lazy grin that followed had your own slight smirk appearing.
A giddy bit of delight lit you up when you noticed him hungrily staring while you licked your lips once more, hands sliding up his thigh to brush against his half hard member laying against his stomach.
The texture had you marveling at the silky smooth feel as you barely caressed it with your fingertips, a reverent look on your face as you now devoted all your attention to the rapidly hardening cock just in front of your face.
He gave a very low murmur of praise, barely breathing out a low rumble of "That feels nice, doll." as he fought the urge to let his head hang back. He wanted to watch you, see just what you had planned for him, how far you would go.
He stared, eyes fixated on your lips as you leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss at the underside of the tip, staying still for a moment, eyes closed in what appeared to be pure bliss to him. You caught him off guard when you slipped your tongue out to give a little kitten lick to the tip, sliding up to his slit and getting the barest hint of a taste of salt mixed with his musk.
The groan that slipped from him at that as his eyes clenched shut for half a moment before opening again and searching your face for any idea at what you were going to do next.
He was half worried you were just going to drag out this torturously slow pace since you had barely gripped him enough to bring the tip closer to your mouth.
His half-lidded gaze met your own as you planted another kiss directly to his head this time, a shuddering breath when you stuck your tongue out to lick a slow stripe from tip down the side to his base, leaving a small trail of wetness behind.
At least he didn't have to worry about teasing it seemed.
When you nuzzled against his balls his breath hitched, hands tightening in the blanket underneath him.
He was too enthralled to speak at this point, waiting for whatever you wanted to give him.
You gave each testicle their own little kiss, all while making hungry eye contact with him, hand slowly, languidly pumping his now pulsing member.
He gripped tighter when you licked a stripe back up to the tip, flicking it at the end and enjoying the rumbling almost growl that left him.
He lost the battle with keeping his head up and eyes open when you finally slipped the head of his cock past those perfect lips of yours, tongue swirling slowly around, getting it nice and wet before slowly pushing your head down, never breaking what would be eye contact once he pulled his head back up and opened his eyes.
He drew in a sharp breath as he felt you sinking him into your mouth, head almost spinning from the sensation after you had so expertly teased him before.
He snapped his eyes back open when he felt you keep going, taking more than half of his length already and showing no signs of stopping.
He leaned back up a bit, finally seeing the heated look you had on your face, your mouth almost painfully stretched on his girth.
You rewarded his gaze with a low moan, the vibrations making him almost lose his cool and buck his hips, but he just barely held back, the strain showing in every muscle of his suddenly flexing to keep him in place.
His left hand left the crumpled blanket, finding its way to the side of your face and gently pushing a strand of hair that had fallen in front of your face behind your ear. He ghosted his hand over the side of your head, almost petting you as he watched you keep taking him in, inch by inch.
He almost closed his eyes again when he felt your throat flex momentarily as you swallowed around more than two thirds of his length. He just barely managed to keep watching, completely at your mercy and you pushed yourself those last few bits to nestle your nose against the short bush of pubic hair he had.
A low, throaty "Fuck, you're so good baby." left his mouth, hand now making full contact with the side of your face and partly into your hair, just holding your face, not pushing you down.
His whole body was trembling just a bit, the effort he was exerting so he didn't buck his hips and potentially hurt you was enormous. The choked sound that left him when you swallowed around his whole length this time was plenty reward for you, well worth the burning in your lungs and threaten of tears pricking at your eyes.
You slowly pulled back until just his tip was in your mouth, hand coming back up from where it had moved to his thigh to steady yourself, wrapping around the base and slowly pumping up to the tip and back down to the base.
The room filled with the sound of you working him with your mouth and hands, tongue always rolling up to work the underside of his cock, leaving him to let out low groans every once in a while while you felt him twitch in your mouth and hands.
He was enjoying the attention, basking in you touch and how focused you seemed on his pleasure.
During a particularly quick press of your mouth down his length, he lost a bit of control and pressed your head into his crotch, feeling your throat tighten instinctively around him had him grunting and hips flexing as he gave the shallowest of thrusts.
He had barely gritted out a "Sorry, sweetheart" before he registered the absolutely lewd moan you'd let out at his actions, mouth still full of his length.
He didn't know what he'd done to deserve you, but he was thanking every star he had, lucky or not.
A breathless "Y'like that, doll?" left him, sounding more confused than anything else.
He watched closely as you pulled up and off him, a bit breathless yourself as you nodded eagerly and almost whimpered out a "Yes, daddy."
He hadn't ever heard you call him that before, but the look you had on your face and the way you had sounded did wonders in spurring him on.
A lazy grin split his face, head tilting ever so slightly as his grip became very present on your head, guiding you back to the tip as he coaxed you to take him back into your mouth.
"Mmmmm, yea. Just like that little fox. Take it all in again, do it for daddy." It rolled off his tongue easier than he expected it to, feeling at home in the situation.
And the high pitched moan as you pressed your face right up against his pelvis with his entire length inside your mouth was definitely a worthwhile bonus.
He watched as you almost went cross-eyed with pleasure, feeling your tongue do what little it could while he was fully seated inside.
He tugged gently at your hair, bringing you back up for a breath before pushing your head back down, gently guiding you to fuck your mouth on his length.
Honestly, he couldn't believe that this was something you were getting off to, but he was happy to oblige you. Watching his thick cock pump in and out of your swollen lips while you looked like you were in heaven was quite the sight.
You hadn't even gagged once, or caught him with your teeth. It's almost like you'd been carefully practicing taking something as thick as he was, but he'd never caught you doing anything naughty on your own. You'd always come to him when you were feeling needy, and he'd happily pinned you under him, giving you the pounding of a lifetime every time.
Maybe this slower pace was what had you so over the moon. He'd have to try that out later, pay more attention to what had you crying out for him. After all, it was the least he could do after everything that was going on right now.
Even though it hadn't been very long since you'd started, barely 10 minutes, he was nearing his climax. There was just something about the plush heat of your mouth and the noises you were making and the sheer intimacy you two were sharing that was already pushing him to the edge.
"God, baby. Just like that. Mmmm, yea, you feel so good on daddy's cock. You're such a good girl, y'know that?" His heated gaze watched as you almost unraveled on his cock from his praise, delighting in the whines that left you as you desperately pressed more and more of him into your mouth, taking control of the pace once more, quickening it in your own excitement.
Another low groan left him, his legs flexing hard as he felt the last of his self restraint slip away, seeing stars behind his eyes as they squeezed shut, a growled out "Fuck yea, baby girl, just like that, right... right there, oh FUCK" as the first jerk of his cock and rope of cum filled your mouth and had you whimpering and greedily hollowing your cheeks around his tip, milking him for all he had.
He let out a prolonged moan as you kept sucking softly through his whole orgasm. His hips bucked once, twice, then he was pulled at your hair just slightly to get you to pop off his sensitive head, his breathing jagged as he barely managed to keep his eyes on you to savor the sight of you pulling off of him, face flushed from a mix of lack of air and desire, with his seed still staining your tongue before you closed your mouth for a moment, and he saw your throat move with the swallow.
"Fuck that's hot, y/n." His hand came down to cradle your face in his palm once more, thumb swiping over your cheek once before he leaned forward and down to press a soft kiss against the crown of your head.
When he pulled back to look at you, there was fondness in all his features, a genuine smile on his face for once. "I think I oughta return the favor, since you were such a good girl for daddy." And with that, his smile had turned devious, his hands moving from your face to under your arms and lifting you into his lap, pressing a hungry kiss against your mouth before trailing to your jaw as he laid back with you straddling his hips.
The cheeky grin you were met with when he lifted you easily, dragging you up his torso until you were sitting on his chest.
"Mmm... you know, you left a nice little wet trail all along me, babydoll. Did doing that to me get you that excited?"
You were too turned on to truly feel embarrassed by his words, merely rubbing yourself against the broad expanse of his chest, letting out a loud mewl at finally getting some friction on your sensitive clit after being left for so long without attention.
He let out his own moan at the feeling of your slick leaving a smear across his pecs, excited at just how wet you had gotten from servicing him.
"Well, looks like someone's having a good time." The mirth in his voice was lost on you as you moaned from the vibrations they sent out.
"You poor thing, here. Let daddy take care of you, little fox. I know just what you need." he shifted you one last time, his brute strength sending the butterflies alight in your stomach and he move your thigh to either side of his shoulders, sitting you right on his mouth as that devilishly sharp tongue went to work right away at your most intimate parts.
Now that he knew this was something the both of you liked, he'd be taking advantage of this information any chance he got. After all, you really were such a good girl for your daddy, you deserved to be rewarded~.
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thaliagrayce · 3 years
okay so i know this post didn’t take off w y’all as much as it did with me, but i wrote a thing about it anyway because the concept wouldn’t leave me alone. i had fun :)
The gods wanted to kill Jason. The grownups never told him why, but he could see it was true in the glances he got and the extra kindness from the people wandering the streets, like sugary words would make him forget that he wasn’t allowed to leave New Rome. The gods wanted to kill Jason and that made him scary, but his dad was the biggest and most powerful god, which made him good and worth keeping around. Or maybe it made him scarier? Jason couldn’t tell, the grownups didn’t say.
When he was with Lupa, she never held her words back around him. She told him he never should’ve been born and so that’s why he was in trouble. She said his dad made a mistake. She also said that Jason was her favorite human pup, and that he was the one thing his dad had done right recently.
She was honest, but that didn’t make her less confusing. At least she talked to him like a person.
“Oh, Jason, not so close to the river!” The nice lady that ran the bakery down the block grabbed Jason’s wrist, pulling him back from the Little Tiber. He hadn’t even been that close, he’d just seen a pretty yellow flower growing a few feet from the banks. He’d wanted to pick it.
“But the flower,” he told the nice lady, pointing at it. Surely, if she understood that he wasn’t going to fall in the river, she’d let him go.
“Oh,” she said. She smiled at him, but it looked a little pinched. “How about I go get it for you?” She let go of his wrist, but moved between him and the river before he could even think about getting the flower himself. She picked it quickly and brought it back, crouching in front of him and tucking it behind his ear. Her hand lingered by the side of his face.
“There. That’s a really pretty one!” She smiled at him again, but he could still see something other than happiness. “Next time you want something that close to the river, go get someone to help you, alright? You know it’s not safe for you to go close to water.”
He nodded. He’d been told. The gods wanted to kill him, and water was dangerous. Underground was dangerous. The world outside of New Rome was so dangerous he wasn’t allowed to go out, even if he had grownups with him. He was going to start his training soon, and if he trained hard enough and got tough enough, maybe he could go as far as the borders in a few years.
Lupa was outside and Lupa drank from rivers and Lupa said he would be fine as long as he was brave, but the grownups here didn’t listen when he said that. They picked his flowers for him and smiled with fear.
Bobby had a broken arm and Gwen was exhausted almost to the point of collapse and it was Jason’s fault because the gods had a grudge against him, specifically. This was supposed to be a fairly minor quest. It was the first time he had been allowed to leave New Rome, and apparently the monsters hadn’t liked that. He crouched low in front of his friends and bared his teeth at the monster in front of them, brain scrambling for any solution that might let them out of this situation alive. He’d worked so hard for this, he’d been training for years to be good enough to survive in the outside world. He wasn’t about to let a monster—even if it was one of the furies themselves—prove him incapable.
“Where is it?” the thing snarled at him. She’d been saying that a lot. The fury had been tracking them for miles and they had almost made it back to camp when she caught up with them, demanding Jason stop and fight her. Jason specifically, even though this wasn’t even his quest, even though he was the youngest on the team.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Jason could feel the frustration in his chest. He gestured behind his back, desperately hoping Gwen remembered the hand signs they had been drilling lately. She was older than him, but he had been in the legion longer and he wasn’t sure if she’d had enough training for it to be second-nature in an intense situation like this. Take Bobby to the tunnel. Retreat. We’re so close, I’ll distract her.
“You and that Jackson boy think you’re so clever, don’t you?” Me and who? “If you tell me where it is, I might find a nice, light punishment for you—almost no fire involved!”
Jason bit back a snarl, something that he had recently realized most people—people who had spent less time with Lupa—didn’t have to do nearly as much. He readjusted his grip on his sword, which had been slipping. It wasn’t much use trying to reason with monsters, but if it bought his friends more time…
“Whatever it is you’re looking for, I don’t have it.”  He kept his voice as even as he could, hoping he sounded mature and steady instead of somewhere around ten years old and scared enough that he could feel the tears lurking just beneath his adrenaline. “Why don’t you leave my friends and I alone and go looking for it somewhere else.”
She narrowed her eyes at him and brandished her leathery whip. Tiny tongues of flame danced up the length of it, and he could see them reflected in her eyes as she took a step closer.
“How about this, son of Jupiter. Why don’t you—”
She cut herself off suddenly, narrowing her eyes and cocking her head to the side. Her face took on a distant expression, and Jason used the temporary distraction to cut a glance to Gwen and Bobby. Gwen looked back to him, mystefied, but Bobby’s eyes were tightly shut as he clutched his arm. Jason took a step back and made a much more obvious gesture toward the tunnel, to which Gwen nodded.
The fury blinked slowly and scowled, coming out of whatever trance had taken her over.
“It’s your lucky day, godspawn. You were telling the truth.” Jason gritted his teeth. “We’ve found the culprit, and I have more important things to do.” With one last dramatic crack of her whip, she dissolved in flames, leaving the three of them alone on a hillside not far from the Caldecott Tunnel.
Bobby whimpered. Jason flipped his sword back into a coin and slipped it into his pocket, hands shaking slightly now that the danger had passed. He could feel the tears from earlier pressing up, but what kind of son of Jupiter would cry in front of his companions? Even now, as the youngest in this team of three, age twelve at the most, they looked to him for direction. He swallowed thickly and pulled Bobby’s non-broken arm around his shoulders, taking his weight off of Gwen and allowing her a much needed break. She nodded at him, grateful.
The gods wanted to kill him, but they hadn’t succeeded yet. He was only getting stronger as he grew. His first quest had been successful, despite all the monsters they had thrown at him.The gods wanted to kill him, but Jason had people to protect now, friends that he needed to get to safety. A home and a family, even if he didn’t quite feel like he belonged in either.
The gods wanted to kill him, but Jason wasn’t going to die.
It was because his father had broken an oath, apparently. There was a reason that Jason had never met anyone like himself, and that reason was every war in the history of humanity. Demigods born of the Big Three gods were too powerful and too prone to argument. Jupiter wasn’t supposed to have children, but here Jason was, and the other gods were angry about that. They wanted to punish Jupiter for his mistake.
Lupa said that there had been others like him, demigods that never found her. That they had been killed for the sin of being alive, been overrun by the worst monsters available. That Jason had done well to fight and train as hard as he had been. Lupa was not exactly the comforting type, but Jason still felt much more at ease around her than back at camp. Lupa didn’t hold back, and she didn’t look at him like his father’s power defined him. He was just another demigod pup to her.
Well. He was her favorite, but that wasn’t because of his father.
He broke out of his thoughts, where he had been staring out of the ruins of the Wolf House, and brought his attention back to Lupa. She looked completely unconcerned about the information she had given him.
“That’s why everyone was so cautious about water, isn’t it. Neptune must be angry about the broken promise.”
Lupa blinked at him, a confirmation. I doubt that the cowards in charge can keep their leash on you for much longer. You are capable of defending yourself.
That was why he was there, actually. After all, he’d fought and killed the Trojan Sea Monster in his last quest—what worse could the ocean throw at him? After an encounter with a fury proved ineffective, what could the underworld send? The first thing Jason had done with permission to leave New Rome was visit the only place that had ever felt like home.
Lupa’s pack didn’t look to him for orders, or come to him with difficult questions, or ask him when he would petition for praetorship. They wrestled him into the dirt and mocked him for cooking his meat before he ate it and told him the truth about so many things in his life that people tried to hide. Wolves don’t care if a truth was ugly. Truth was truth.
He watched two wolves tumble over each other, playfully bearing their fangs and growling in a way that meant “friend” instead of “back off”. It had been a long time ago, but some of his earliest memories were those teeth and that tone of growling. It had taken a lot of effort to stop trying to bite people he liked when he got to New Rome.
“Will it ever stop? The attacks?”
How should I know? Lupa got up from where she had been laying. As long as you are strong, it doesn’t matter.
Jason watched as she lumbered over to the two playing wolves, jumping into the middle of their game and immediately establishing herself as the wolf in charge.
The problem was, Jason wasn’t sure he wanted to be strong. He would be, he had to be in order to survive, but he thought ahead to a life of constant vigilance and constant training, of a life lived within the ranks of the legion for his own survival.
He was tired, but what other choice was there?
There was a partial prophecy in the Sibylline Books. They didn’t have the full wording, because the books had burned with Rome, but one of the fragments concerned him. Jason had taken to staring at the place where it had been carved into the floor of the temple to Jupiter. He passed it on the way to give tribute to his father, and it always made the back of his neck prickle.
Written, it didn’t make much sense, but it called to him nevertheless.
A half-blood of the eldest gods
Shall reach sixteen again—
And see the wo—
The hero’s soul, curse—
A single choice shall end—
Olympus to preserve or raze
Had it come to pass already? Jason didn’t think so, Octavian had become obsessed with these bits of verse lately. He would have been crowing his theories to the entire legion if he’d thought he solved one of the ancient prophecies.
There’s no saying that it hadn’t already come to pass, but Jason was still nervous. Nobody else brought the prophecy up, but Krios loomed. The titan’s seat of power was growing in the west, and the legion was preparing for war. If anything in his lifetime was going to possibly raze Olympus, it wold be soon. If this prophecy was going to happen within this lifetime, it was going to happen soon—Jason was the only demigod in New Rome it could possibly apply to. The other gods had kept their pact. Jason was the only child of the Big Three.
The problem was, he had no idea how old he was. He didn’t think he’d reached sixteen once, let alone again, but nobody could be sure without knowing his birthday. He could realistically be anywhere between fourteen and sixteen, so maybe he didn’t have to worry about it.
Then again, if he was already sixteen, maybe he was due for a second sixteenth birthday soon. If that prophecy was about him. It could be any day now. It might or might not be about him and it might or might not bring about the downfall of Olympus and it might or might not be happening today, or tomorrow, or the day after that.
Jason trained harder.
He wasn’t alone. There was a boy at camp now who said he was an ambassador of Pluto, that he was Pluto’s son, that he had brought his sister—another child of Pluto, another demigod like Jason—to train here. How was that possible? The Big Three were forbidden from having children, and yet.
Hazel’s wide eyes and the way she gripped a sword told Jason right off that she was new to this world, but Nico had a sword hanging off of his belt, blacker than any metal Jason had ever seen before and scratched with heavy use. As Jason watched, Nico took it out and moved it slowly, a demonstration for his sister. Jason could see the years of training behind it. Nico didn’t use a style that Jason was familiar with, but his motions were clearly practiced. For a moment, he glanced at where Jason and Reyna stood side by side, observing the children of Pluto. It was only a moment, though, before he went back to gently correcting his sister’s grip, smiling when she got it right, murmuring praise too soft for Jason to pick up.
All his life, Jason had been respected, admired, and feared in equal measure. The gods had wanted to kill him, but he had proven unkillable. He had faced a fury, felled the Trojan Sea Monster, and toppled the throne of Krios. He had been raised on a shield after the battle at Mount Tam, but he had been raised on a pedestal even before that—he’d been separated from his fellow demigods because of his parentage and the power he never asked for. He’d had more attention than he’d ever wanted since he first came here.
The Ambassador of Pluto gave the impression that he was unimpressed when he had first met Jason. He hadn’t even reacted when Jason was introduced as the son of Jupiter.
Frankly, it was a rush. Jason had never wanted to get to know someone so badly before. He wanted to ask Nico how he survived out there on his own, wanted to ask how he trained, how freedom felt.
He had to warn both of them about the prophecy. Jason wasn’t alone anymore, and if he died before his sixteenth birthday— his second sixteenth birthday? Was he already sixteen?—one of them would inherit. It wouldn’t be a fun conversation, but Jason was more and more sure by the day that this prophecy was about their generation. The peace of the world was so fragile right now.
He would do it in the morning. Nico usually stayed for a few days before disappearing again, and Jason didn’t want to interrupt his time with his sister. He would take the two of them to his father’s temple in the morning, show them the fragment of prophecy on the floor. Maybe Nico knew more about it, with how often he was around his father.
Jason would find out tomorrow.
He woke up on a school bus somewhere warm and dry with a prickling on the back of his neck that said he shouldn’t be here. The outside world was dangerous, and he had to be vigilant. He had to prepare.
Outside of where, he didn’t know. Vigilant against what, he didn’t know.
He was running out of time on a clock he couldn’t read, and he was afraid.
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Steve//can’t make it all alone
hey! oof, third part already. and happy 2nd christmas! i hope all of you had a wonderful day yesterday!!! and i hope you’re all having another lovely day today! stay safe everyone!  
“So, do you want me to drop you off at home?” Officer Powell asks. 
Christmas is officially over, but for Steve it was over as soon as you walked away. He watches the sun rise over another day...another day that you’re still out there somewhere. 
Another day wasted. 
While Steve was sat in a dingy room, with cream walls and ageing furniture, being asked the same three questions over and over again, he hoped his friends were out looking for you. 
But when nobody interrupted the little chat he was having to let him know you’d been found, he slowly lost hope, until there was just a hole where his heart used to be.
You’re somewhere out there by yourself, instead of lying beside him in bed, already reminiscing about the previous day and ignoring calls from your parents to get up. 
“Can you just take me to The Wheelers?” He mumbles, staring down at his hands. His finger nails have been chewed down to as short as they can. It’s a habit Steve picked up from you. 
You’ve always been a nail biter when nervous, and Steve tried everything to get you to stop, he even learnt how to paint nails so he could do yours in the hopes it would stop you from chewing. It was also just an excuse to spend more time with you, even if it meant he had to listen to Robin complaining about being used for practice. 
But instead of stopping you from ruining your nails, he ended up developing the same coping mechanism as you did. Now he’s surprised there’s any finger left at all. 
“The Wheelers?” Powell asks surprised and glances at Steve through the mirror. He doesn’t bother to look back at him, but he can feel his eyes on him and he knows for a fact as soon as he gets back to the station he’s going to tell everyone that’ll listen. 
“Yeah.” He nods and leans his head against the cold glass, his eyes scan the houses as they pass, hoping he’ll catch a glimpse of you. A clue as to where you’ve gone, where you’re hiding.
You’ll be standing outside The Wheelers, in your bright red jumper with your arms crossed and an annoyed expression on your face, but you’ll be safe and alive and that’s all he wants. He doesn’t care how upset you are with him, he just wants you back. 
Instead he just see’s people twitching their curtains and spending far too long putting the bins out, in order to see what’s happening. News of a missing girl travels fast around town, especially because of its history, and by now, everyone will know about you and you’re broken necklace. 
He knew coming back to Hawkins would end in disaster at some point. He always thought of it as taunting it, like he was saying ‘we’re back but you can’t get to us’, well now it has, whatever it is, and he hates himself for letting it happen to you. 
He doesn’t know what’s scarier though, if it’s something thats crawled out of the Upside Down, or if it isn’t. There’s every possibility that an actual person could have taken you too, and neither of those options fill him with hope.
The first person he see’s when they pull into the drive is Joyce, stood outside with a cigarette in her hand while she paces. She lifts her head up at at the sound of car and quickly drops it.
He’s only seen Joyce once since he’s been back, and that was before everything went to shit. He remembers Dustin telling him over the phone, that Will and El were coming back home to spend Christmas with everyone. And that because of Nancy and Jonathan, The Wheelers had told Joyce, Will and El they could stay with them over Christmas. 
The months leading up to Christmas, everyone was so excited, you included.  The whole gang was going to be back together, even if it was just for a week. And he remembers how happy you looked when he told you, you didn’t stop talking about how perfect the week was going to be. 
You couldn’t wait to tell them the good news going on in yours and Steve’s lives, but now within a night it’s all been snatched away. Instead of celebrating, Steve feels like he’s mourning, despite you not being dead.
“Here you go.” Powell says and Steve forces a small smile while opening the door. “Don’t go too far.” He warns and Steve looks away, slipping the car.
Joyce pulls him into a tight hug and he feels himself breathe a little. She smells like cigarette smoke and lavender and it fills him with the tiniest bit of comfort, but the way she’s hugging him, like she’s holding something back, rips it away almost as quickly as he feels it. 
“Are you okay sweetheart?” She asks and looks him over. “Of course you’re not. Come on, we need to tell you something.” She says and guides him into the house and down into the basement.
He passes Karen and Ted, both of whom are busy doing who knows what. Karen is sat at the kitchen island, sorting through a stack of papers, her hair is messy and Steve thinks its the first time he’s seen her in her pyjamas. Ted stands on the other side of the room, talking quietly into the phone. He looks just as stressed as his wife, but they both stop what they’re doing when they hear footsteps and force a smile at Steve. 
“I’ll bring you down some food sweetie.” Karen is the first to break the tension and he gives her a grateful, yet crooked smile. 
“Thank you.” He mumbles and looks back at the floor. Karen and Joyce share a look before Joyce continues to guide him down the stairs. 
The last time he came down the stairs, his head was too full  to actually take anything in. Now though, it feels too busy and empty all at the same time, and so he takes a minute to actually look around. 
The basement hasn’t changed since Mike moved out. Old toys are still strewn about, Dungeons and Dragons sit open in the corner, now with about twelve other things piled on top of it, but it’s still there. 
It feels like he’s walking into a piece of history, frozen in time. The sleeping bags and blankets have been rolled up and thrown in the other corner of the room, and any traces of alcohol from Christmas Eve have disappeared.
The whole party is crammed into the space. Chairs have been stollen from upstairs so everyone has a place to sit, but as soon as they hear floorboards creaking they’re all standing up. 
Nobody knows what or how they’re going to say it.
They thought they were done fighting monsters and losing loved ones. But it seems no matter how far they run, it always follows. Maybe its their own fault for coming back. They thought Starcourt was the final battle, but this seems like some sort of hidden ending and they’re hating every single second of it.
“Steve.” Robin starts gently and everyone, including herself hates it. Robin never speaks to Steve like that, she never even calls him Steve. It’s always dingus or some variant of it.
But the tone in her voice and the look on her face makes everyone realize just how bad this is.
“Sit down.” She says and tries guide him to the chair closest.
“I’m fine.” He shrugs her hands off him. “Have you found her?” He asks, his voice rising with each word and they look at each other.
“No, we haven’t.” Mike continues and takes step towards him. “We went out looking, and well...”
“We found goo on a tree near where her necklace was found.” Dustin sighs.
“Goo?” Steve asks, staring straight at him.  
“A portal.” Jonathan says and even he’s unsure of how to say it nicely.
“To the Upside Down.” Eleven pipes up. It’s the first time she’s spoken to anyone since Steve, Robin and Annie turned up this morning. “She’s there, I can feel it.”
Everyone looks at her, their worst fears being confirmed and Steve feels the air being ripped out of his lungs. 
“Are you sure?” He asks, the question surprising himself and El nods slowly. 
For four years she’s worked on getting her powers back, but she’s never longed for them more than she does right now. You may not have been in her life for very long, but you certainly made an impression on her, and you’re always there when she needs you. 
She can’t see you, but she knows you’re there. She can feel it and she’s never been more certain about anything. But she can also feel something else, she can’t quite place it, but something is wrong. Something isn’t quite right about you disappearing. 
“Yes.” She says, louder than before and he sits down and runs a hand through his hair. “Okay.” He nods slowly and looks around. “Lets go.” He stands and starts towards the stairs. 
Everyone moves at the same time, all of them not wanting him to do something stupid. 
“Woah!” Dustin grabs his arm and pulls him back. Robin blocks the stairs and he gives her a look she’s never seen before. His eyes narrow and darken and his jaw clenches as he stares at her. 
“Move out my way Robin.” He mutters. 
“No.” She replies and crosses her arms. Annie stands beside her, also crossing her arms and they give him the ‘steve’ look making him huff in annoyance. 
“Move.” He says once again forcing it through gritted teeth before trying to push past her, but she stands her ground, and suddenly he feels himself being pulled away from her. 
Dustin and Mike hold his arms tightly and he quickly pushes them away. He knows they’re trying to help, but he knows where you are and it’s like they’re trying to keep him from saving you. 
He also hates the way they’re looking at him, at least with Robin, it’s a look he’s used to seeing. But everybody else’s is new. It’s all sympathy and pity and he doesn’t like it. It makes him feel like they know something he doesn’t, like you’re gone forever and he’s doesn’t know yet. 
“Steve.” Joyce says sternly. She holds his shoulders, forcing him to look at her. “If you go in there with nothing, you’re not going to come out again, and then what?” 
He knows she’s right, but it does little to comfort him. 
“So what? We just sit around and wait for he to get out herself or to just die.” He snaps back but it doesn’t seem to bother her. 
“No.” She shakes her head. “We figure out what it wants. We go in prepared and we get her out.” 
“But-She’s in there alone.” He cries and she wraps her arms around him, pulling him into another tight hug. 
The group exchange glances, none of them know what to do. How do you comfort a friend who’s girlfriend of 4 years has been dragged into an alternate dimension that creatures pulled from hell call home. 
It’s also the first time they’ve seen Steve cry, some of them ever, and its a weird sight. They all have a silent conversation, trying to get somebody to say something useful, but its no use, Steve’s sobs echo off the walls while everyone stands around awkwardly. 
The top step creaks but Steve doesn’t seem to notice, Nancy shakes her head at her mom standing by the door with a plate full of food, and she nods before quietly leaving again. 
“I’ve been in there, and it’s not that bad.” Will pipes up and everyone stares at him, eyebrows raised. “Okay, maybe it is that bad.” He sighs, and sits down. “But, think about it, I was only a kid when I was there and I’m fine.” 
“Debatable.” Dustin mumbles and everyone glares at him. 
“Shut up.” Max slaps the back of his head. 
“Would you like me to tell your mom what really happened to Mews.” Will retorts, and Dustin pauses rubbing his head to stare at him. 
“You wouldn’t.” He narrows his eyes at his friend. 
“I would.”
“Guys.” Lucas interrupts and stares at each of them. “Not the time.” 
“Yeah, get to the point.” Mike adds annoyed. 
“My point is.” Will continues, making sure to glare at Dustin before looking at Steve. “I came out of there alive, and I was just a kid. Y/n, is a grown woman, who’s dealt with much worse. She’ll be fine.” 
“She’s probably made whatever took her, her bitch by now.” Lucas says and forces a laugh. “You saw how she took down that demodog that was trying to make Steve it’s lunch.” He adds, and for the first time in three days Steve feels himself smile. 
It’s a nice break in the tension, the entire group sharing a smile and laugh as they think of you. The story is famous in your group, even Joyce knows it. 
You saved Steve’s life without knowing what was happening. And how when you’d finished beating the crap out of it, you called it a bitch and then apologized.
“Yeah, she’ll going around smashing the place up and then saying sorry afterwards.” Robin says, placing a hand on his shoulder and he feels himself relax a little. 
The little moment of joy is soon gone though. Every single one of them have the same thought. 
What if that’s a story no longer told with happiness. What if it’s told out of grief, as they stand around a casket all dressed in black, clinging on to the memories of a life that should have been way longer.  
A very, very short life. 
Steve clears his throat and moves away from Joyce. 
“Okay, what do we know?” He asks, looking at each of them individually. He doesn’t want to think about what’s happened to you, what could be happening to you an-
So does the only thing he knows how to. He gets ready to fight.
“We know that something must have happened in order for it to wake back up again.” Joyce replies and gives him a reassuring smile. 
“Why wake back up? Why not just come back?” Max asks. 
“Because how can it come back after Starcourt.” Will replies. “We blew the whole mall up. Whatever took Y/n must have been hiding and healing. I’ve been there, I know what it’s like.” 
“Okay. So something disturbed it?” Mike asks. “What though?” 
“Us?” Nancy asks. “No.”She shakes her head, answering her own question. “We’ve been here countless of times, so what’s so different this time?” 
“Y/-” Steve starts but Jonathan interrupts him, and he feels himself shrink. Maybe its a good thing he didn’t tell them, it just doesn’t feel right without you.  
“Nothing has happened here in years.” He says. “Or maybe it has, and we just haven’t noticed.” 
“My mom says the only difference is the weather.” Mike shrugs. 
“Yeah, my mom says the same thing.” Dustin agrees and Steve sends him a confused look. 
“What do you mean the weather?” Annie asks. 
She’s still piecing together the story that Robin and the rest of the gang told her while Steve was at the police station. The words Upside Down and mind-flayer keep coming up, and don’t get her started on El and her lost powers. That’s something she’s locked in a box for future her to deal with. 
“Really? Out of everything I’ve told you, you’re confused about the weather?” Robin teases, and she rolls her eyes at her. 
“Shut up.” She nudges her ribs gently. “Has anyone else’s parents noticed a change in the weather?” She asks and slowly, everyone nods their head. 
“It does seem a bit windier.” Joyce says. “I’ve lived here my whole life, I know what winter is like here, but this time...its different.” 
“Could that not be because you moved though?” Dustin asks. 
“No. I know this town like the back of my hand. Something’s off.” 
“Listen.” Steve snaps. They’re getting absolutely no where with this conversation and he knows it. “I don’t care about the wind or the rain or the snow. I don’t care what’s taken her and why. I just want to get her back.” The effects of not sleeping for 48 hours seem to be catching up with him. Tiredness hits him like a truck and he feels it settle in his bones. 
“Steve.” Robin starts.
“What?” He mumbles annoyed. 
“Why don’t you go to sleep.” She suggests gently but he just glares at her. “Or have something to eat.” 
“No.” He shakes his head. “The quicker we come up with a plan, the quicker we can get her back.” 
“True.” Robin starts. “But we don’t know how long it’s going to take. And you’re going to be no help if you’re falling asleep and starving.” She finishes and he hates that she’s right. But the need to save you far outweighs the need to eat or sleep. He’d go for years without if it meant getting you back. 
‘its all your fault’ The little voice says again and with each day it grows louder, Steve sometimes feels like its the only thing he can hear. 
It is his fault. It’s all his fault, and whether you do come back or not, he’s going to carry this guilt around with him for the rest of his life. 
“Please Steve.” She says, she’s clearly worried, not only about the friend that’s missing, but the one sat right in front of her. 
“Have some rest and while you’re asleep we’ll keep planning.” Annie finishes and places a hand on Robin’s arm. 
“We’ll even go out looking again.” Mike says.
“We’re not going to give up just because you’ve fallen asleep.” Dustin smiles. “We promise. We love Y/n, just as much as you do.” He thinks about it for a few minutes, before finally agreeing. 
“I’ll eat, but I’m not sleeping.” He says and everyone lets out a collective sigh of relief. 
“Okay.” Joyce nods, her motherly instincts kicking in again. “Why don’t you go sit over on that sofa, and I’ll get you some food.” She smiles kindly and he nods, before pushing himself up and towards the sofa. 
Everyone moves around him. Joyce goes upstairs, and is quickly followed by Mike and Jonathan. 
Dustin, Lucas, Max and Will huddle in a circle, dragging their chairs with them and Steve listens to their quiet mumbles about the upside down and the mind flayer. 
Nancy, Robin and Annie stay by the staircase, he know’s they’re hanging around just in case he tries to make a run for it, and their not to subtle glances at him don’t make it any less obvious. 
And El sits alone in the corner closest to Steve. She stares at a picture of you smiling along with the rest of the gang and Steve’s heart aches at the sight. Everyone is grinning at who he assumes is Joyce, and Steve stands beside you, his arm slung over your shoulder, his smile as bright as yours. 
Steve watches her close her eyes as she desperately tries to find where you are. But no matter how hard she tries, she can’t seem to focus. It’s been four years since she lost her powers, they’re not going to miraculously come back. 
He can feel the fatigue settling even deeper into his bones making him feel heavier than he already does. But every time he closes his eyes, all he can picture is you, scared and alone and calling out for him. 
Upstairs, he can hear Joyce and Karen talking quietly as they walk around the kitchen and every so often he hears Jonathan and Mike join in. 
Steve just sits. 
He sits and stares straight ahead, imagining the worst. 
You could be dead, or dying, or even worse you could not be you anymore. You could have turned into whatever Billy was. That thought alone is enough for him to loose his breath and he chokes on a sob, his head falls into his hands as he quietly cries. 
He’s never going to see you again. 
Tears stream down his face and stain his jeans, but he doesn’t bother to wipe them away, what’s the point. He’s been wearing the same clothes since Christmas Eve, they already smell like the stale coffee thanks to the police station, so what’s a few tears? And it’s not like he hasn’t had worse on his clothes, blood and puke come to mind. 
“Steve?” Nancy’s voice is quiet as she sits next to him. 
Robin and Annie have moved to sit with the kids to talk about what to do. And Nancy was going to join them, but as soon as she looked at Steve, she decided she could try and be helpful elsewhere. 
You would never forgive her if she let something happen to him while you were gone. After the events of 1984, you and Nancy became rather close, despite what had happened between her and Steve. All of you knew what had happened between them, however painful, was in the past. 
Or at least that’s what she thought. Of course she knows Steve feels nothing for her other than a platonic love, but it must have hurt to be called the name of his ex. Especially when everyone knows how messily that ended. 
Nancy can’t help but share some guilt with Steve. It was her name that caused you to storm off in the first place, and even though she knows she can’t go back in time and un-do everything, she really wishes she could. 
She hands him a warm mug of coffee and he takes it but doesn’t look at her, he just stares at the brown liquid and feels himself sink deeper into his thoughts. He didn’t even notice her leaving to get one, too wrapped up in his own guilt and depressing thoughts. 
“She’ll be okay.” She tries her best to comfort him but he just scoffs at her and takes sip. 
“How do you know that? She’s in there, with god knows what running around.” He seethes. “And what are we doing? We’re sat around drinking coffee and talking about our feelings.” 
“We’re not talking about or feelings Steve.” She sighs and watches Dustin draw on an old map. 
“I know, but I know you’re going to talk about yours.” 
“I’ll let that pass under the circumstances.” She rolls her eyes. “But when Y/n comes back...and she will come back. I will kick your ass.” 
“I don’t doubt it.” He replies and a small smile twitches at the corner of his lips. She feels the weight in her chest lighten a little, but his only gets heavier. 
He shouldn’t be sat here laughing with his ex girlfriend, while his current one is lost out there. 
‘its all your fault. she wouldn’t be in there if it wasn’t for you’ 
“Do you think it’s my fault?” He asks and everyone pauses what they’re doing. 
“No.” Nancy shakes her head and forces a smile. 
“It’s not your fault Steve. You didn’t ask for her to be taken did you?” Robin asks. 
“Well no, bu-” 
“And did you tell her to go in there?” Dustin interrupts. 
“No, but I-” 
“And did you know what would happen to her before having that argument?” Jonathan adds while walking down the stairs. It’s the first time in what feels like a long time he’s said something remotely nice to him, and it does make him feel a little better. 
“Well then it’s not your fault.” He finishes and hands him a plate of food. 
“Thanks.” He mumbles and stares down at the very late Christmas dinner. 
This isn’t how he imagined he’d be eating his Christmas dinner this year, he imagined you beside him. Both of you in matching jumpers and paper crowns, telling each other stupid jokes out of crackers that no one but the two of you find funny. 
“I miss her.” Robin says out of no where and everyone looks at her. Steve watches in shock as her lip wobbles and tears form in her eyes, he’s never seen Robin cry before, and when you come back, he’s so going to tell you that you made The Robin Buckley cry. 
“Me too.” Dustin nods, giving her half a hug. Annie sits on the other side of her and leans her head on her shoulder. 
“Yeah. Me too.” Everyone else agrees, sad smiles taking over their appearances.  
“What am I going to do without her?” Steve sighs and places the plate on the floor. 
“You’re not going to have to do without her.” Jonathan replies. 
“And, I think you’re doing pretty well right now.” Robin adds and he lets out a bitter laugh. “Okay, maybe you’re doing okay then. But that’s still better most.” She finishes, sending him a toothy grin and a small smile flickers on his lips. 
“Thanks.” He rolls his eyes. 
“No problem.” She replies. “Now eat your food.” She adds, giving him a stern look. 
“I will in a minute.” He slumps down in the sofa, his back hits the soft furniture and he lets out a sigh. Everyone goes back to talking quietly amongst themselves, although this time, they’re talking about you and he feels himself smile. It’s both happy and sad, but it’s real, and thats all that matters to him. 
His eyes flutter shut as he hears Will come down the stairs, and the last thing he hears before he falls asleep is Robin...
“Okay, what do we do?” 
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ghostiewriter · 3 years
62 or 147 for jiara 😘
So I decided to make my life a little harder and use both🤡hope you like it, Liv!
Word Count: 1.5K
Prompts: “I warned you. He warned you. Your freaking mum warned you.” // “Zombies aren’t real, I promise.”
“I told you sooooo!”
Kiara let out a small huff, ignoring the smug voice on the other side of the phone. In any other situation she would’ve retorted with her own wee snarky comment, but her focus was currently preoccupied with finding the four year old that had disappeared from her vision. She was right there and now she was gone, just like that.
“Sarah, I really don’t have time for this.” She whined lightly, scavenging through the mess of the living room and hoping that maybe Amelia was hiding under one of the toy boxes.
You see, Kiara may be perceived as this badass who says whatever she wants whenever it’s on her mind. And that is true. But she also happens to have this finnicky little habit of not being able to say ‘no’ when she really should. The Barton children were notoriously known around Figure 8 for being a pain in the ass, having scared away every single babysitter they had ever received. Kie knew that and yet when Mrs Barton was telling her the sob story of how she had no one to look after her children on the day of her anniversary, Kie still found herself agreeing to take on the job for the night. And boy, did she regret that now!
“I’m just saying—” Sarah started, but the brunette quickly cut her off.
“Yes, yes! I get it! You and JJ and everyone else I fucking know said it!”
“I warned you. He warned you. Your freaking mum warned you.” Sarah deadpanned. “You really need to get better at saying no, babe.”
“Sarah,” She let out a small huff, standing in the middle of the kitchen now, her cheeks flushed from the last hour she had spent trying to find these children. “Really not helping.”
“Is JJ not there yet?”
“He said he would be here like forty minutes ago but—” Just then, the doorbell rang and Kie could’ve screamed in relief. “I’ll talk to you later, bye.” She quickly hung up before she rushed to the door, never having been more happy to see the blond on the other side.
“You’re a lifesaver, Jay!” She sighed, opening the door for him and his…pizza boxes? Though he seemed to pick up on her confusion on the wee knickknacks he brought and only grinned.
“This isn’t my first rodeo, Kie.” He said with a grin, placing the pizza boxes down on the kitchen counter, along with a bag which with a quick glance Kie discovered was full of rented movies and some snacks. “I actually babysat a few times for some extra cash. Kooks pay absurd amounts when they are desperate.” He said with a shrug.
Kie wasn’t even sure what to focus on: the fact JJ was a babysitter or that she hadn’t even thought of bribing the kids with pizza. She had tried board games and even dress up, but of course pizza would’ve been the smarter option.
Suddenly, two pairs of footsteps came running from opposite directions and the kids were running into the kitchen, eager and completely uncaring of the fact JJ was definitely not here before. Their focus was on the food and the exciting promises that JJ made about watching a ‘big kid movie’ after dinner.
She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t notice JJ was standing next to her until he was sliding a plate with a few slices in front of her. “Veggie supreme, your favourite.” He said, seeming very proud of himself for remembering. “With pineapple, as well.” He added, watching as Kie grinned in response, happily taking the plate.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” She commented before shoving a massive bite into her mouth, this was the first time she had actually felt relaxed since Mr and Mrs Barton left a couple of hours ago.
“A few times, yeah.” He responded with a grin, arm thrown over her shoulder as he indulged in his own pizza slices.
Once the kids were done with dinner, Kie cleaned the kitchen up while JJ took the kids into the living room to play a game of ‘who ever can clean up the most toys in three minutes gets a prize!’. It was gobsmacking how good he was at this whole thing, truly.
Soon enough, a movie was playing on the TV and the kids had finally settled down on the couch. Little four year old Amelia found herself happily sitting on JJ’s lap whilst her older brother was sitting beside Kie, making little comments that Kie couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at.
“How can the dog talk? Can I get a talking dog?”
“Scooby should be the leader of the gang!”
“Zombies are much scarier than ghosts! They eat brains! They should use zombies instead!”
Time flew by and soon enough it was time for their bedtime, and Kie couldn’t have been more thankful for that. She gave JJ the job of helping Andy to sleep while she took care of Amelia, however, the young girl seemed reluctant. Kie assumed she was just used to one of her parents tucking her into bed and assured her that they would be back soon to say goodnight, but then she started crying and whining and Kie didn’t know how to make her stop.
The commotion alerted JJ and soon enough he was rushing into the room, eyebrows furrowed slightly when he noticed the panicked look on his girlfriend’s face before he looked over at the distressed child. He lightly nodded his head towards Kie, telling her that he had this covered before he crouched down beside Amelia’s bed.
“Hey, shhh, it’s okay.” He cooed gently, reaching out to gently wipe away Amelia’s tears. “Just breathe, you’re okay.” He whispered, taking deep breaths with Amelia. Kie watched closely from the doorway as the young girl slowly calmed down until she was letting out small pants.
“That’s good!” JJ praised softly and smiled at her. “You wanna tell me what’s wrong?” He asked gently. The young girl looked hesitant, fingers fiddling with the stuffed giraffe on her lap instead. But JJ didn’t push her, he let her take as long as she wanted until she eventually spoke up.
“I-I don’t want my brain to be eaten by zombies!” She cried softly, her chest starting to heave slightly like she was about to start crying again. JJ quickly shook his head, calling out to her so he had her attention.
“Hey, no zombies will be eating your brain, alright? Zombies aren’t real, I promise.” He told her, but she didn’t seemed awfully convinced. “And even if they were, you don’t have to worry. You want to know why?”
Amelia stared at him with wide eyes and nodded.
JJ leaned in a little closer, his voice having dropped to a loud whisper so Kie could still hear him. “Because me and Kie are actually secret spies. We stop monsters and keep them away from good kids like you. But you can’t tell anyone, got it? Our secret identities can’t be revealed to the enemy!”
Amelia nodded quickly, seeming much more assured and excited than she was moments ago. “I won’t tell anyone!” She said.
JJ’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Pinky promise?”
She quickly intertwined her pinky with his. “Pinky promise!”
“Good. Now get some sleep, we will be here to protect you.” He grinned as he stood up from his position.
“JJ?” She called out before he left.
“Can I be a spy one day too?”
“Of course you can, just gotta be a brave girl.” He said with a grin. “And listen to older spies, and this spy says sleep!” The girl wasted no time in nodding her head and quickly closing her eyes, arms wrapped around her teddy as she fell asleep.
Once they were sure the two kids were fast asleep, Kie and JJ found themselves sitting on the living room couch, helping themselves to some leftover pizza while they waited for the Bartons to returns from their anniversary outing.
“I know I’m gorgeous but this staring is excessive, even for me.” JJ commented jokingly as he turned to look at his girl, her eyes narrowed slightly as though she was analysing him. “What?”
“Nothing,” She said with a shrug before reaching for another slice. “You were good today.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, you were.” Kie said with a grin before she leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Thanks for helping me out.”
“Hm, no problem here if your thanks include more of these.” JJ retorted as he leaned in for another kiss, and Kie didn’t stop him. It wasn’t until a few minutes passed that Kie pulled away enough to look up at him.
“You’re really good with kids,” She whispered, almost like she wanted to keep this comment between them. “You’ll make a great dad one day.” For a second, she regretted the comment, maybe it would be something that hit a little too close to home for JJ.
But JJ only grinned in response. “You think so?”
Kie grinned back. “Yeah, I do.”
He didn’t say anything for a few moments, basking in the comment a little longer before he looked at her with a smirk. “Wanna start trying now?” He teased.
“Ouch, woman! I think you nipped my nipple! My nipple has been nipped!”
“Kiss it better?”
“You wish, Maybank.”
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Part 3, of Malon’s secret friend ‘s other part I did, normally by @randomly-a-fan ^^
Pairing: Jason Voorheese x Malon, Aquarius x Archie, MJ x Malon and ?? x Malon and Archie
Warnings: violence against children and adults, gore, kidnapping, small angst, fluff, censored curse words
This might not be so good since I haven’t got the motivation to write lately, so no Pennywise! D:
Don’t hesitate to tell me if I did some mistakes(probably did but, I’m lazy... heh)👉👈 It’s the longest thing I’ve ever written >:) hope it was worth the wait
(I loovvveee doing crossovers with other slashers)
Oh, god no. Jason felt so bad right now.
He said he was going to protect her... but he didn’t.
He couldn’t face MJ and tell her that her daughter is gone again, he couldn’t. So, he continued his search and tried even harder, following the big footprints on the forest ground, his pace faster than before.
Malon let out a small cry when she felt herself being thrown into the back of a vehicle, her head colliding with the hard ground with a whimper. She didn’t know if Archie was still with her, but she hoped.. Because if not, then she was screwed. She would probably never get back to her parents and—
“Mal?....” Hearing the boy whispering softly, a shaky sigh escaped her lips. “A-Archie.. I’m scared......” Trying to feel around with her hands behind her back, she felt his hand squeezing hers the best he could before he started working on her binds. “I won’t let them hurt you...” Even if she didn’t really believe him, after her father telling her almost the same thing and she’s here right now—
No. She couldn’t put it on her father. It was her choice to meet with Archie in secret, it’s her fault. Seeing the girl’s face in the small light, the boy frowned. “It’s not your fault... It’s nobody’s fault.” She still didn’t believe him, but right now she couldn’t do anything other than nod. To calm the atmosphere and appease her mind, the purple haired one nudged her with his foot, abandoning his mission of getting the binds undone since he couldn’t and getting her attention as small sniffles escaped her, the movements of the van not helping him see her. “Count with me, okay?... My mom told me that it helps when you’re scared.... it makes the monsters go away..” Seeing her nod again, he smiled softly at her and tried to tame his wildly beating heart, starting to count in a whisper as his friend did the same. They did that until they felt the vehicle stopping, stopping their counting between 270 and 300. The muffled voices of their kidnapers could be heard, but they couldn’t clearly hear what they were saying. When the noises stopped and they could hear the voices more clearly as the clanking of the doors opening could now be heard, they the furthest they could. It didn’t show, but they were scared out of their minds. But their fathers are serial killers, so they can’t be scarier. Thinking about her father made her cry, but Malon still couldn’t do anything about it until they got out of their ropes.
Aquarius was really scared for the first time in her life. She paced and walked around the sewers as she tried to tell herself that her child was fine, that’s he would come back any minute now and give her a big hug while apologizing for making her so scared. Deep down, a part of herself was telling her that it was a lie and that something bad had happened, but she didn’t want to believe it, not until she knew where her baby is. It was fortunate that her husband wasn’t here, or she’s sure he would have destroyed everything and living persons in his path. Trying not to think about it, the blue haired clown tried to occupy herself with cleaning.
“Get them the fck out—!” Glaring at them from his corner, Archie looked at the four males getting in the back, the one who’s clearly the leader on the ground and waiting for them to execute his order. As two neared him, he let them... only to snap his teeth around one’s throat. “AAH-!!!!GET THE LITTLE FREAK FCKER OFF ME—“ While the other one who was going toward her friend and one of the two that was going toward her went to help the guy, Malon kicked the only one that was left in the knee before she got knocked to the ground by the guy that was outside. “Get them inside.” With the simple order, the three that weren’t bleeding knocked Archie to the ground after punching him, ignoring the girl’s cries as she looked at the bloodied nose of her friend. They then took them like potato sacks on their shoulder before they walked toward a big house that looked like the ones the children saw in the movies and books their parents would show them, a mansion more precisely. It looked old and abandoned and had a gate, but what really made Malon curious was the lively garden, like someone really put their self in it.
Still moving in their hold, now having a piece of tape on her mouth, Malon almost gasped for air as they entered. It was evident that there wasn’t anybody inside with all the dusty furnitures and the clean carpet. “Search the place, if there’s anybody you kill them.” The men then searched the place like asked, finding a first aid kit and stopping the small bleeding from the neck of the on who got attacked. The kids smiled when they saw fear in his eyes as he looked toward Archie. That’s when they hears noises... coming from the walls? With a sigh, the leader groaned and walked toward the walls, banging on it a couple of times, the noise stopping. “Freakin’ rats....”
Only for gunshots and something breaking to be heard with two set of screams. Rushing forward and forgetting the two child behind him, he ran toward the man that went alone as the other two that went together were probably injured or dead. The one who’s hurt then appeared, sweat dripping down his face as he screamed something in another language to the boss, the latter putting his gun up as they hear clanking, the sound of something metal hitting the ground. They were in such a haste to enter that they didn’t even open the light, so the outside light lightening only a little a... porcelain mask...?
The figure wearing it is tall, thin but muscular, dark curls on their head/chin and the same on the part of their chest that isn’t hidden by his shirt. He was obviously a grown man. But what shocked everybody was the high pitched childish giggle that escaped his lips behind the mask as he jumped on the hurt one, smacking him hard in the head with a bloodied metal rod as he turned back and smacked another impaling him with it. The supposed leader, probably the only one alive, could only look at the tall man as he towered over him, 5 seconds away from beating him too with the metal stick. A shot was heard as the man groaned, his voice dropping in octaves as he dropped the rod, looking back to see one of his victim standing and holding their gun, looking like he’s bleeding to death. He collapsed as the masked man turn toward the leader and tossed his gun away, tackling him to the ground and punching him in the face, his nose making obscene noises as it shattered and probably broke into freakin’ pieces. Malon could only watch in terror as their masked saver killed him, his fist getting bloody and his knuckles splitting as blood seeped through his cardigan and tank top. Archie had finally got her binds off, almost done his, but it’s not like she could look away from the massacre. With macabre fascination, her green eyes were fixed on the stranger as he looked around at the bodies, another groan escaping him as he put a hand on his wound. He was going to go to the bathroom to take care of his wound, but he stopped in his steps as he saw the kids, tilting his head as the one with the clown face looked up at him with a serious face. The redhead behind him was looking at the man he just ended, her eyes wide open as he approached them with fascination.
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It’s been a long time since he saw people, especially young people. So with a tilt of his head, almost forgetting that he’s gotten shot, he stopped before them. Why did the boy have a clown makeup?? And why was the little girl looking like she’s seen a ghost? With the curiosity of a child, he stopped and bent down, the boy frowning at his movement and looking up in fear. “Are you... are you hurt?” Malon snapped out of it as she heard his voice, strangely the voice of a child. When she saw that it was a question, she shook her head as Archie did the same. “Good.....” He then walked away, going to the bathroom as he put his hand on the wall, holding himself up.
After helping the man the best they could, learning that his name’s Brahms and this is his house, the two friends sat on the couch, telling Brahms things about themselves, the bodies completely forgotten as he took care of them. When Archie told him that he was the son of supernatural beings and that’s why he looks like a clown, Brahms was fascinated. Childish giggles left the man as the two laughed with him, feeling like everything was normal at this moment, like they were talking to a long lost friend. They liked him, and he liked them, so it was really nice being in his company. They told him about their lives getting a few comments but not getting his story in return. Archie understood, some people didn’t want to talk about their past. Malon was really curious, but she had the politeness to not ask, especially when he told them that he got into an ´accident’ when he was a kid and that’s why he wears a mask.
Jason was almost giving up when he saw the abandoned mansion before him, having followed the tire marks all the way there. If the person that took her was better at what they did, they would have put the car outside the forest. But no, they had to drag it all the way behind the shed and be stupid and make marks in the dirt with their freaking tires. Walking slowly and silently toward the building, deciding that he would check before going back, Jason opened the door and frowned at the faded blood on the ground, like someone had dragged something bloody on the ground.
When Brahms heard the front door opening, he panicked a little. He didn’t know what to do, he thought he got them all. So with a sign to be quiet, the tall man-child got up and walked toward the door, the only light being the lamp on the table beside the couch. The bigger man didn’t have time to react as Brahms jumped on him, knocking him to the ground as he tried to strangle him, but obviously failed as the undead man turned the roles around and pushed him to the ground. He was going to get his weapon from behind him until he heard the voice of the person he was here for. “Daddy!!-” Her small body jumped on him as happy tears streamed down her face. He couldn’t believe it, having finally found her. He couldn’t be more happy than right now, hugging his daughter tightly as he buried his masked face in her hair. Behind him, Brahms was going to intervene until Archie put his small hand on his arm, a sad smile on his face as he shook his head. Seeing him sad, the dark haired male gave him a small hug, feeling the boy returning it. After releasing from the hug, Jason looked at his daughter, then toward the boy that looked familiar and the masked stranger. “Brahms saved us daddy.... don’t hurt him.” Hearing the small whisper of his daughter and that he saved her, he nodded gratefully at Brahms, the latter returning it as he got up. Jason took Malon in his arms, hers wrapping around his neck as she started to drift into his neck. “Goodbye Brahmsy.... I’ll come visit you.” Hearing a chuckle, he saw the male nodding carefully, wrinkles showing at the side of eyes, showing that he was smiling. He would have said a lot more, being very sad to see them go, but he was intimidated by Jason. So he kept quiet and waved to the three, going sadly we will never know where. Malon wanted him to come with them, but he told her that he couldn’t. So she didn’t argue anymore, feeling that it was personal. “Can we... Can we get Archie back at his house......?”
He frowned, now remembering the boy before them. A glare came to his face as he thought about it, only to nod. He couldn’t say no, especially after seeing the cleaned cut on his nose, as if someone had punched it. He didn’t seemed to mind, which made the undead man curious. He knew he was the son of Pennywise, but he didn’t care right now. His mind was set on the thought that Malon was coming back home, and that he would never let her out of his sight. Now, he had the mission to get the kids back to their homes, and he would do it without any complain. Archie didn’t harm his daughter, and they seemed very close, so the people who are friends with his daughter are his friends too.
“Archie—!!” Aquarius tan toward him, feeling him jump on her and wrap his arms around her the best he could. He was so happy to be back, and his mother was too. They both cried as they hugged and sat on the ground, saying nice things and telling each other about what happened today, Archie being the first one evidently.
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keep quiet ~ emmett;a quiet place part ii
word count: 1707
request?: no
description: after being alone for a long time, you finally find a partner to help you through the apocalypse
pairing: emmett x female!reader
warnings: swearing, sort of mention of violence? (you’ll understand when you read it)
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I wasn’t sure how long I had been alone. It felt like an eternity. I was too afraid to even try to leave the cellar. However, when my food supply started to run out, I knew I’d have to leave. I just had to keep absolutely quiet.
That’s how I started hopping from one abandoned house to the next, raiding whatever was left in grocery stores until there was nothing left, then the survivors had to do whatever they could to survive. I ended up finding seeds to grow vegetation and only hunted occasionally as to salvage whatever wildlife was left.
I never came across any other survivors. I knew they were out there, but we all steered clear of each other. It was the easiest way to survive. You could ransack a house, jump a fellow survivor, attack a group, all just to get supplies and risk being killed, or you stayed away and survived. It was an easy choice for everyone.
I walked on a dirt path in the woods, trying to be as silent as possible. My stay at the most recent house came to an end and I had been travelling for hours in search of the next place, and the sun was overwhelmingly warm. I felt as though I was going to pass out at any minute.
Maybe that’s why I didn’t see the bear trap until I stepped on it.
The pain shot through me so suddenly I nearly cried out. I had to bite down on my knuckle to keep quiet. I was sure my foot was gone and that I’d bleed out there in the middle of nowhere.
I bent over the best I could to try and pry the trap off my left, but it was no use. It was stuck tight, I was stuck tight.
Tears ran down my face as I used a hand to stifle my sobs. There was no reason for me to try to not make noise right now, considering I knew I was going to die anyways. But I refused to let those sons of bitches have the pleasure of killing me. I’d rather bleed out in that damn trap than to be killed by one of them.
Suddenly, there was someone in front of me. I tried not to yelp in surprise as he knelt down at the bear trap. He looked up at me. There was a bandana over his mouth and he had a baseball cap on his head, the only thing visible being his bright blue eyes. He put a finger where his lips would be, indicating for me to stay quiet. I nodded and put my hand over my mouth.
My sudden savior pried the bear trap off my leg. I could’ve sobbed at how mangled my leg looked. I was almost too afraid to walk thinking my foot would just stay in the trap.
My savoir took his bandana off of his face and wrapped it around my ankle, immediately coating it in blood. He easily picked me up in his arms, holding me to him as he silently made his way through the woods.
Normally, I’d start to feel panic in this moment. I didn’t know this man, I didn’t know where he was taking me, and really I didn’t know if I was going to live, but the combination of the hot sun still beating down on me and the loss of blood made me too woozy to care. Before I knew it, I was unconscious.
I wasn’t sure how long I had been out, but it was certainly long enough to feel like I had caught up on any sleep I had lost since this whole thing started.
When I opened my eyes I saw that I was in a small room, lit only by some candles. I was laid down on an old mattress with a few blankets thrown over it. I rubbed my eyes, fully waking myself up, before sitting up on my elbows to inspect my leg. It was clean and wrapped in gaze. The pain had subsided, but I could still feel a phantom feeling of the bear trap on my leg.
“I wouldn’t put any pressure on that for a long time. That trap got you pretty good.”
I looked up suddenly at a man sat on the other side of the room. It was the man who pried me out of the bear trap, now with his face fully exposed and wearing only a white shirt, stained with dirt, and a pair of jeans. He looked up at me, seeing my terrified look at his guts to speak out loud.
“This place is basically soundproof,” he told me. “It’s an old bunker I found not too long after everything went to shit. You don’t have to worry about talking down here.”
I looked around the room. It did remind me of my parents’ cellar that I had been in for so long. That place was soundproof, too. I was free to make as much noise as I wanted down there, and yet of course I had been alone with no one to talk to.
I tried to speak but ended up coughing instead. My throat felt so dry, and I hadn’t used my voice in who knows how long. I almost wasn’t sure if my vocal chords worked anymore.
He passed me a bottle of water. If I were in any other situation, I’d probably ask where it came from and if it was safe to drink, but I felt as though I could trust him. He did save my life after all.
I downed nearly half the bottle in one gulp before passing it back. “Thank you,” I managed to croak. “For the water, for the shelter, and especially for saving me.”
“You’re welcome,” he responded. “I figured that would’ve been a pretty shitty way to die, bleeding out while also waiting for one of those monsters to kill you.”
"Yeah, yeah that’d be pretty shitty. I’ve managed to keep myself alive for so long, the last thing I want is for a stupid bear trap to take me out.”
“You’re on your own?” he asked me.
I nodded. “I am. I have been since the start.”
“I’m so sorry.”
I shook my head, trying not to dwell on the thought of the people I lost without even getting to say goodbye. “What about you? You have anyone?”
He shook his head. “Nope, it’s also just me. I was travelling with a friend for a while, but we went our separate ways. I’ve been holed up down here for a while, leaving occasionally for food and water and to get outside so I don’t go totally insane.”
“I hear you on that,” I sighed, resting my back against the wall behind me.
It felt good to talk again, to have someone to talk to. It felt normal, like the world outside the bunker wasn’t a scary place, made scarier by any accidental noise you may have made.
“My name’s Emmett, by the way,” he told me.
“(Y/N),” I told him, leaning forward to shake his hand.
As he took my hand in his, I noticed his eyes linger on my ring. “Did you have a husband?”
I shook my head as I pulled my hand away, looking at my diamond engagement ring. “Fiancé. He was working when everything happened. I was visiting my parents when we heard the first attack happen. They brought me down to their cellar and told me they’d be down soon, that they were going to call my fiancé to tell him to come over as soon as possible. And then...they never showed up.”
Emmett stood and crossed the room to sit next to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”
I shook my head, effectively shaking out the lump in my throat. “No, it’s alright. I’ve kind of gotten over it. It’s just hard. I was down there for so long before I realized they weren’t coming. I had no concept of time, I thought maybe it was just hours and hours, not days and weeks.”
“My wife died when it all started,” Emmett told me. “I didn’t even get a chance to see her, or to call her or anything. Myself and my friend, we went into hiding right away.”
“It all came out of nowhere,” I said, mainly to myself. “No one really got to say goodbye. Anyone who got to go into hiding with their families, they’re the lucky ones.”
We sat in silence for some time. Emmett was rubbing my shoulder with his thumb. He moved his hand onto my other shoulder and pulled me to him, allowing me to lean against him. For the first time in months, I allowed myself to relax, to feel normal. It felt good not to constantly have to be on alert.
“You should come with me,” I told him, lifting my head off of his shoulder to look at him. “I’ve been staying in abandoned houses and growing my own food. It may not be as secure as a soundproof bunker, but you could stay in a real house again. Just once, if you feel safer being here you can come back and we’ll never cross paths again.”
Emmett tilted his head, looking at me confused. “Why would you want me to come with you?”
I shrugged. “I figure you saved me life, the least I can do is offer you company for some time. I’ll be here with you until my leg completely heals, and who knows how long that’ll take, but once it’s over I’ll be on the move again. I’d like for you to come with me.”
I expected him to say no, or to say he had to think it over. But to my surprise, he sighed, almost with relief, and responded, “I’d love that. I’m tired of dealing with this situation alone.”
I smiled a little and put one hand on his. He looked at me with his bright blue eyes, taking my breath away. “You won’t be alone, as long as you’ll have me I’ll be by your side.”
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"Screw people.”
Title: “Screw People.” Requests:�� Could you please do a shy hunter reader that’s a bookworm and doesn’t talk much with both him and the reader starting to get crushes on each other - @hford0311 and also; Dean request, if you want. In a bar/club, protecting the reader from jackasses, goes wrong when Dean gets kicked out, expects reader to go back into bar. Reader leaves with Dean? If you want to that is :) - @brokencasbutt67-writer Pairing: Dean x Reader Warnings: alcohol mentions, cursing, canon-typical violence, sexual harassment Word Count: 3.5k
note; i loved both of these requests and saw them fitting well together, hope u guys enjoy !! (also i was listening to this version of ‘iris’ by the goo goo dolls while writing the ending in the Impala, could be cool to listen to while reading if u want!)
alsoooo sorry this has taken so long to get up, thank you so much to the people who requested this for their patience!!!! xxxx
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Finally, you were alone.
The mood was set, scented candles wafting lavender smoke into the air as you settled back onto the bed, a coy smile carving your expression as you turned down the fresh sheets. A blissful sigh fell through your parted lips as you stretched out your arm, fingers grasping and searching until finally, they found it - the object that had been at the back of your mind all day, tinging every thought, spurring every movement...
You pulled the hardcover edition of your favourite book into your lap, a grin splitting your face as you snuggled beneath your duvet and ardently threw open the novel to the page you had marked all-too-long ago. The tantalising rustling of pages paired with the familiar musk of a well-loved book served to eagerly drag you into the story’s depths, and suddenly you felt like a child again; tucked beneath your blankets well after bedtime, eyes straining in the dim light as you hungrily devoured a new story, pages flying as you frantically read, drinking in the fresh plot and bubbling with excitement over the adventures of the characters as you escaped into a fantasy world all your own, if only for a few hours.
The hunting life allowed little time for the simple pleasures of life - between the constantly switching monster of the week, paired with the looming threats that always overshadowed those associated with the Winchester brothers, you’d barely had a moment to yourself in weeks. And so, the moment the boys declared it was time for a break, you were snatching your favourite book from where it had been gathering dust on your shelf, bracing yourself to forget the outside world and the troubles it held, to escape into a world where a happy ending was guaranteed, where you weren’t destined to lose all those you cared for.
That was the beauty of books, you reasoned. You near always knew what to expect. Heroes meeting and facing adversaries, learning lessons about themselves and their relationships, and by the end of it all, finding some semblance of fulfilment or at the very least, closure. And of course, you weren’t one to complain about a touch of romance thrown in along the way.
Life had no such guidelines, especially the hunting life; no promises of happiness, of even making it past the next week. People were even less predictable; at least books were easy to read. Life’s characters were far less easy to understand. Perhaps that was why you insisted on avoiding them as vehemently as you did - books were your comfort, and all people had given you thus far was grief.
“Hey, Y/N, you busy?”
Well… maybe not all people.
You held up your book wordlessly, nose still buried beneath the pages as you ignored Dean Winchester’s query. He chuckled, leaning against the doorway.
“Whatcha reading?” he asked, peering at the cover as he sauntered into the room. You sighed, keeping your page with your thumb as you let the book fall shut around your fingers.
“Old favourite,” you explained. Dean nodded appreciatively.
“Cool. Well, just wanted to say hey - you did a great job on the hunt today, by the way,” he informed you, flashing you a proud smile that had you fighting to ignore the butterflies in your stomach, the slight acceleration of your heart. 
“O-oh. Thanks, but… I don’t think it was anything too spectacular,” you protested weakly, a nervous chuckle escaping you as you fiddled idly with the pages of your book. Dean shrugged.
“Hey, you got the job done - Sam and I woulda been toast without you,” he said. “You should give yourself some credit.”
You allowed a smile. “Thanks,” you tentatively replied, voice small. Dean held your gaze a moment longer, eyes heavy with an emotion you couldn’t quite place, before he cleared his throat and ducked his head.
“Look, uh- Sam and I are headed out tonight. Nothing fancy, just headed to the bar, some celebratory hey-we-killed-a-nest drinks, you know the drill. You can- you can come with us, if you want,” he invited. You laughed dryly.
“Thanks, but… I don’t think that’s really my scene,” you said. “Being surrounded by people? Not my thing.”
Dean shook his head in amusement. “I can’t believe how shy you are - you just took out those vamps like it’s nothing, Y/N. That’s pretty damn impressive,” he commended. “You have nothing to be shy about - you’re a total badass. If anyone has the right to be a cocky son-of-a-bitch, it’s you.”
You hid your smile as you glanced down to the book in your lap, fingertips nervously rubbing over the paper, curling it beneath your touch.
“I think you have enough cockiness for the both of us,” you said, sending him a shy grin. He snorted.
“Yeah, maybe. Well, offer still stands - Sam and I are leaving in fifteen,” he told you, straightening up and casting you once last, lingering glance as he headed towards the door. Your awaiting novel itched in your hands, eager to be read, but you paused as Dean hovered uncertainly for a moment by the doorway, as if locked in an internal debate.
“Hey, Dean?” you asked quietly, the words flying from your lips before you could halt them. That was the thing about Dean - talking to people wasn’t always easy for you, but something about the eldest Winchester set you at ease in a way no one else could ever hope to. He turned around immediately.
You tore your gaze from his jade eyes, though you felt the raise of goosebumps along your skin as he kept his soft stare trained on you. You flushed, tucking your hair behind your ear, cold fingers discordant against the heat of your cheeks.
“You ever think… sometimes monsters are easier to deal with than people?”
Dean frowned, ambling over to your bed and perching himself at its edge, only a few feet away from you. He shrugged. “Sometimes, sure - but people… people you can reason with. They have… morals, you know? A code. Means they can be scarier, sure, when they decide not to care - but when they do care, it’s…” Dean’s eyes flickered from yours to the ground, and he licked his lips as he chuckled breathlessly. “When you find someone to care about… I can’t imagine anything better,” he said, his eyes darting up to your own. You found yourself locked under the vice of his gaze, his expression softening with a flicker of vulnerability before he cleared his throat and broke the trance. “Why’d you ask?”
You released a breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding. “I dunno. I guess, just- what you were saying earlier, about being a good hunter? It’s because monsters are easier. I get monsters - most of them don’t think too hard - all instinct, y’know? But people are… people are manipulative. They judge and they hate and they hurt, I just… with monsters, I know what I’m getting. People are a lot harder to trust,” you explained. Dean nodded slowly.
“Yeah. Yeah, I get that, but… ah, you’re probably right. Screw people,” he said with a cheeky grin. “But it’s not like you need to stay in contact with everyone you meet. Sometimes fun can just be… fun. Doesn’t need to be serious,” he told you, though there was a trepidatory edge to his playful tone. “You should come out tonight - let loose for once. You deserve it.”
An amused hum fell vibrated in your throat. “I dunno, I’m an all-in kinda person,” you mumbled, and you saw a small smile tilt the corner of Dean’s lips.
“Yeah. Me too.”
You scoffed. “You, really? Mr Different-Girl-Every-Night? You’re a serial flirt,” you teased, and he smiled, shaking his head.
“Yeah, but there’s a difference between a fling and actually getting to know someone - I dunno if you’ve noticed, but sometimes it feels like I care a little too much.” His smile died, and he quickly shook his head, throwing up another grinning facade. “Well, I’ll let you get back to your nerdiness.” He cast a pointed glare at your book. “Seeya later.”
Dean left, the bedsprings jumping back into place as he picked himself up from the seat, traipsing through the door and leaving you with sweaty palms and a stomach full of butterflies. You watched as he left, eyes lingering a moment too long on the empty doorway before you turned your attention back to the novel in your lap.
You wanted to read, you really did - but it seemed no matter how hard you tried, the words would blur into an incomprehensible mass that your eyes instinctively skimmed, only for you to reach the end of the page without having understood any of it at all. After a few failed attempts at reading the same few lines over, you sighed in defeat, setting the book aside as you leaned back against the headrest.
Maybe Dean was right - maybe you should give ‘people’ another chance. Maybe it was time to put your incessant shyness and distrust behind you, to ‘let loose’, as Dean had so aptly described it. 
You thought of the warmth of his smile, the vibrant ringing of his laugh, the coy smiles he’d shoot you when no one else was looking… the idea of going out was sounding more and more appealing.
And so, you decisively marched to the library, where Dean was grabbing Baby’s keys as Sam shrugged on his jacket. The sound of your footsteps had both their eyes jumping towards you, and you could’ve sworn you saw a flicker of hope in Dean’s surprised expression.
“Hey, uh, I was thinking that I might take you up on that offer, Dean,” you said, extending a wry smile. “Mind if I come?”
Dean’s mouth opened and closed silently, before he finally nodded. “I-uh- yeah, of course!” he exclaimed, just as shocked at your decision to step out of your comfort zone as you were. “What changed your mind?”
You shrugged, looking down at your feet as you scuffed the floor with the toe of your boot. “Maybe I should give people a chance - you’re right, I should let loose every now and then,” you said, tone clouded with false certainty. Dean frowned, but let your uncertainty slide as his concerned expression was replaced with an encouraging smile.
“Great, finally a drinking partner who can keep up with me,” he quipped, shooting a glare at Sam, who rolled his eyes.
“Hey, someone has to drive you home when you’re plastered,” Sam countered. You laughed, the uneasy atmosphere dissipating as the three of you walked to the car. Dean shot you a wolfish grin, and the warm sensation that buzzed in your chest had you certain that you were making the right choice.
What was the worst that could happen?
Turned out, the ‘worst’ had a name - it was Brandon. You knew this only because he refused to let you forget it.
“Come on, sweet cheeks, let me buy you a drink,” he coaxed, words stumbling into one another as his hot breath rolled over your face, reeking of beer as he leaned in uncomfortably close on clumsy feet. 
“Uh, I’m good, thanks,” you replied, throwing him a distasteful, uncertain glance as you took a step back. Your eyes flitted over to the bar, where Sam was talking to a girl and Dean was grabbing drinks for the both of you. Catching your glance, his brow furrowed, eyes narrowing as he noticed your company.
‘You okay?’ he mouthed. You managed to give him a tight-lipped smile and a short nod before Brandon was dragging your attention back to him.
“Oh, come on, don’t be like that, baby,” he slurred, leaning forward so that his face was inches from yours. “It’s just one drink.”
You took another step back. “Like I said, I’m good,” you insisted, though your voice came out small and hesitant. You gritted your teeth as he snorted scornfully, and your hand balled into your fist at your side as he sauntered forwards once more. Though you weren’t necessarily one for confrontation, you had no qualms about putting this asshole in his place. Barely twenty-four hours ago you’d single-handedly taken on three vampires - you were pretty sure you could handle an overeager drunken bastard.
Before you had the chance to put him in his place, however, Brandon was being shoved away from you by a familiar pair of toned arms. 
“They’re not interested, jackass,” Dean growled, taking a protective stance over you that you comfortably settled into. The drunk stumbled back, mouth falling open in outrage.
“Who asked you, huh?” he challenged, and Dean chuckled, shaking his head as he ran his tongue along his teeth. You could see his hands curled into white-knuckled fists at his side.
“I think a better question is; why can’t you take no for an answer? They said they’re good, man. Give it a rest,” Dean spat through clenched teeth. Brandon snorted.
“Mind your own fucking business, dick,” he snarled. “You want ‘em all to yourself, huh? Selfish prick.”
Dean scoffed, shaking his head with a grim smile, and for a moment you thought he was going to turn away… until he slammed his fist into your harasser’s jaw with a hard crack that made even you wince.
When Brandon arose, he was nursing a red jaw and a bleeding nose, but the red fluid trickling across his lips and staining his chin did nothing to mask the pure hatred etched into his expression as he lunged at Dean. The eldest Winchester blocked him easily, grabbing his wrist and slamming his face into a nearby booth table. There was a flurry of movement and shouts as Dean landed another punch to the man’s cheek, pressing him into the table with his arms locked behind his back.
“Apologise,” Dean demanded, and Brandon gasped for air.
“I’m sorry, man, I’m sorry!” he exclaimed. Dean kneed him, and the man grunted in pain.
“Not to me, idiot. To them,” he hissed, nodding towards where you stood with wide eyes and brow half-cocked in appreciation at Dean’s strength as he held the bulky man down like he weighed nothing. 
“I’m sorry! Christ, let me go, please!” he said frantically. 
“Dean, what the hell!” Sam’s voice interjected from behind you, and suddenly a bouncer was peeling Dean from his bruised and bloody opponent.
“Time to go,” he said in a gruff voice. Sam stepped forward, and the bouncer shot him a look.
“He with you?”
“Look, we don’t want any trouble-” Sam began, but Dean made a sound of angered amusement.
“Speak for yourself, Sammy,” he muttered, still glaring daggers at Brandon. Dean caught your eye as the bouncer dragged him outside, and the last you saw of him before he was tossed outside was his cocky wink. You chuckled to yourself as Sam quirked an eyebrow.
“What the hell happened?”
You shook your head, walking to a window and watching as Dean paced before finally heading towards the parked Impala. 
“Guy was a dick - he deserved it,” you said, watching as Dean wiped his bloody knuckles on his jacket. “Look, I think I’m gonna head off with Dean,” you added, and Sam cast you a concerned expression.
“Do you want me to come?” he asked, though you could hear the reluctance in his tone as he glanced back at the girl he’d been talking with, who was still waiting for him by the bar. You smirked.
“Nah, I’m good - you go have some fun,” you teased, giving Sam a playful smile that he sheepishly returned.
“Alright. Seeya later, Y/N.”
Sam left, and you braved the cool night air as you walked to the Impala. The tail lights were on but the engine was off, the car sitting perfectly still in the parking lot. As you approached, the music from the bar echoed distantly behind you, captured by the walls and bouncing hollowly into the darkness, fading into nothing but a thumping bass and a vague suggestion of guitar and vocals.
You tried the passenger door. Locked. You tapped on the window, and watched as Dean leaned across the seat to unlatch it. The moment it swung open you slipped inside, the familiar scent of leather overruling the pollution and alcoholic odour the car park carried. The door fell shut with a heavy click, blocking any lingering traces of music from your ears. 
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, hearing only the haggard sounds of one another’s breathing and the light static of the radio. You glanced over at Dean.
“How’s your hand?” you asked. Dean laughed darkly.
“Fine,” he told you, but extended his hand towards you when you raised a quizzical brow. You tenderly took his palm against your own, turning over his fist to look at his knuckles - red and raw and tender, but nothing serious. Instead of releasing him from your grip, you gave his hand a gentle squeeze, and Dean tentatively raised his gaze to yours. 
“I could’ve handled that guy, y’know,” you told him sternly. Dean ducked his head guiltily.
“Yeah, I know, it was just… the way he was treating you…” He trailed off, a weighted sigh heaving from his lips as he shook his head to himself. “You didn’t deserve that. No one does, but… especially not you. I… got angry.”
You smiled wryly. “Bit of an understatement,” you said, and he laughed, genuinely this time.
“Yeah, maybe,” he allowed. “Look, I don’t think I’m welcome here tonight - I’m gonna head home. Just… give me a call when you wanna be picked up.”
“Nah, I’m ready to call it a night, too,” you said, leaning back into the seat. Dean looked at you in surprise.
“What? What happened to getting loose, giving people a chance, all that crap? Seriously, I don’t think you need to worry about that jackass - I doubt that dickhead will ever approach another person in his life,” he said seriously, and you laughed.
“Yeah, I doubt it - but I don’t think I’m really in the mood to let my hair down,” you replied, amused.
“Wait, what? But we were having such a good time!” he countered, and you met his eyes again, nodding.
“Yeah - we were. Screw other people, Dean. I thought I needed to act like someone I’m not to be happy - someone I thought I should be. But… partying? Being around a whole bunch of strangers? That’s not me, Dean. I… I don’t need to surround myself with people to be happy, it’s not in my nature. I just need… a few people I really care about,” you said, giving him a tiny smile and a pointed look.
“Yeah, you’re right,” he murmured. “Y/N… sweetheart, you never need to make yourself uncomfortable because you feel like that’s how you ‘should be.’ You… damn, Y/N, you might be shy, but it’s frickin’ adorable,” he said playfully, and you laughed, elbowing him gently as you ducked your head in embarrassment, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“I mean it, Y/N - you’re… you’re fucking amazing,” Dean breathed, and your laughter died as his eyes found yours again. He held your gaze, and you felt his eyes burning into your soul, piercing through your quiet front and seeing you for you in a way that no one else ever had.
And suddenly, he was kissing you.
His breath was warm as it blended with yours, and he tasted of whiskey and moonshine as his large hand found your cheek, cradling it as though you were something easily broken. His chapped lips bit into your own and your leg cramped up as you twisted to press closer to him, but none of that seemed to matter as you lost yourself in the bliss of kissing Dean Winchester.
You pulled away, catching your breath and taking a moment to soothe your racing heart as you ran your hand along his jaw, his stubble grazing your fingertips as he closed his eyes beneath your loving touch. 
“So… you’re sure you don’t wanna go back in?” he checked, and you giggled, shaking your head.
“Definitely not,” you breathed, your breath fanning over his lips as you leaned your forehead against his. Dean melted against you, his arms looping around your waist and bringing you close to his chest.
“Good,” he murmured, “because I don’t think I can let you go until I get another kiss…” he said, raising a cocky eyebrow. You grinned.
“I think that could be arranged…” you purred, sealing your mouth against his.
Screw people, you thought as you lost yourself once again in Dean’s reverent touch. You had all you needed right here.
Forever tags: @babygirloreo​ @calaofnoldor​ @lmpala97​ @sebastianshoe​ @81mysteriouslyme​ @castieliswatchingoverme​ @kina666​ @liviaolivia​ @simplyxparker​ @helpmeluci​ @demonsofhunting​ @bee-happy-buzz-on​ @lilulo-12​ @amandatar-06​
Dean tags: @polina-93​ @justagirlinafandomworld​ @coupleofgoons​ @justanotherwinchester​ @shadowkat-83​ @teenwaywardasgardian​
If you want to be added to any tag lists just shoot me a message!
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 13: The One where WWX’s Gaydar is Completely Nonexistent
But in case you don’t know, I’M GONNA TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT
So we start off with wwx offering to carry lwj
Lwj, being the Repressed Gay that he is, flatly refuses: “how boring”
Pretty sure the thought of wwx touching him gives him vapors
Also? LWJ, You gotta come up with some new stuff; this line’s getting old
And wwx is completely immune to it by now
Wwx: *internally* such a stubborn fool!
He’s annoyed that lwj isn’t letting him help him in any way
And, like, i get that
I understand, wwx
Okay, moving along now
And ~Their Song~ starts playing as soon as we see the paperman appear
Wwx sends it floating over to wen qing
Paperman!wwx: plz find a way for lwj to get some rest
Actual!wwx: *hovers at lwj’s shoulder TOTALLY READY TO CATCH HIM IF HE FALLS*
WQ pulls through like a BOSS and everybody takes a break from walking near a river
Poor lwj looks so tuckered out here as he sits down on a rock
Wwx: i’ll go get you some water lan zhan! *runs off to get water*
Omg wwx, you are not subtle
How do you not realize what you’re doing wwx. How.
Ewww, now wc is talking, double ewww, he’s talking Plot Things
Gross, now his gf JiaoJiao is talking and is annoying and unfortunately necessary for a future wangxian moment so we have to acknowledge her existence
I know it hurts guys, but i promise you it’s worth it
She’s all “alright losers, go find us that cave with the cave monster thing”
Wwx releases a talisman (no Dramatic Twirl tho) which then locates the cave
Right, the cave.
The very important cave
The cave that will give us lots of quality wangxiantics
That cave.
And now we’re in the cave!! The best cave!! I mean, it’s way bigger and way scarier than the other cave, but still! (Dancing Fairy Cave, who??)
Plot stuff happens, wc is being an asshole, nothing new or exciting here
Then we see everyone find a cliff within the cave!
Wwx: wow, that looks like a bottomless pit
Wc: let’s see if that’s true! *yeets wwx off the cliff* (WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WEN CHAO)
Lwj: Wei Ying!! 
he not-quite shouts this, it’s more of a startled yelp than anything
Be grateful bc when he starts yelling his name for realsies in this show IT’S NOT GONNA BE FUN
ALSO if wc was not at the top of lwj’s shit list before, he’s definitely there now
So now that wwx confirmed that the pit is NOT bottomless, the hostages i mean visiting disciples throw down some rope and start to climb down
Uh, why didn’t they use that BEFORE chucking wwx down like a bag of trash?? Oh right bc wc is an asshole
Once they reach the bottom, lwj ALL BUT RUNS to wwx’s side
I’m gonna give JZX a moment here bc this episode is chock full of wangxiantics and jzx was in snark-master mode
Wwx: well, i know why LWJ and JC came down to check that i wasn’t eaten by a monster, but why are you here, jzx?
Jzx: i’d rather fight an unknown monster whilst weaponless than listen to wc and jj talk for another minute
Lol, everyone is like yeah, that makes sense
More stuff happens and eventually wc and his flunkies catch up with everyone else at the bottom of the cliff and want to lure the monster out
Wc: lets bleed some of this cannon fodder as bait bc i’m an asshole
Jj: i pick mianmian
And of course everyone loves mianmian so they jump to her defense 
Now there’s a showdown between the wens and the hostages, i mean visiting disciples
While he’s doing all that, wwx is completely humiliating wen chao by reciting some of the wen clan rules
WC: stop talking shit
Wwx: uh, i just quoted the wen clan rulebook sooooo you actually just insulted your ancestors
Wwx: what did the rulebook say was the punishment for insulting the ancestors…? Oh yeah, EXECUTION. Prepare to die!!
Wwx proceeds to take wc as a visiting disciple, i mean hostage on top of a giant rock in the middle of a pond inside the cave and we’re at a standstill
It probably could’ve gone on forever except 🐢🔪🐢🔪🐢 SURPRISE MURDER TURTLE!! 🐢🔪🐢🔪🐢
LWJ, being the clever boy that he is, notices that the Murder Turtle has bad eyesight
Lwj: quiet, don’t move! It can’t see us *🎶jurassic park theme plays🎶*
Maybe i should call the Murder Turtle something else. It looks more like a loch ness monster tbh
A distant cousin perhaps?
Nessie: oh, that guy? We don’t really talk to that side of the family
Murder Turtle: *is murderous*
Nessie: yeah, he makes family dinners awkward…
Ahem, anyway
Wen chao is a coward and instead of staying quiet and still like lwj says, he starts screaming like the world’s ugliest baby for wen zhuliu to save him
Murder Turtle does not like this noise coming from it’s shell so wwx and wc end up leaping off of it and landing back on shore and all hell breaks loose
In all fairness to the Murder Turtle, I too hate listening to wc
Murder Turtle starts, you know, murdering. And the hostages i mean visiting disciples don’t have weapons and the wen flunkies are awful
Shit’s happening is what i’m saying
And while all this goes down, jj shows us that she is the MOST AWFUL DUMBEST PERSON ALIVE
She has two of the wen flunkies hold mianmian in place and is about to stick a wen crest branding iron on her face (WTF, JJ)
But oh, WWX TO THE RESCUE!! He shoots an arrow in jj's arm and she ends up throwing the branding iron at mianmian but wwx dives in to stop it!
(and we’re just gonna ignore how terribly fake that dive looks, okay?)
Anyway he dives and blocks the branding iron but oh no, it somehow manages to hit him square in the chest with enough force to burn through his clothes and into his skin!!! 
(we’re not gonna question this, just roll with it)
And he drops the Medicine Bottle he hid away to use on lwj eventually
(we’re gonna also ignore the fact that it somehow fell out of where it was securely hidden in his robes even tho he was literally just thrown off a cliff and the Medicine Bottle manages to stay with him and not break at the time)
(look we’re ignoring a lot of things bc we've already determined that special effects are not a high priority in this show AND all this is gonna lead up to great wangxiantics and that makes all of it worthwhile)
Okay so all that happened and then the wens FLEE LIKE THE COWARDS THEY ARE and totally ditch their hostages i mean visiting disciples
Then the bastards not only run away, but cut the ropes leading up the cliff and THEN block off the cave entrance WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU WC
The hostages i mean visiting disciples start freaking out. Like oh no, we’re stuck in here forever, WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE
Wwx diffuses the panic by being like, hey CANNIBALISM LOL I’M ALREADY PARTIALLY COOKED. i am a snack FOR REAL LOLOLOL
After all this, AFTER ALL THIS PLOT-ISH NONSENSE I HAD TO EXPLAIN, we get a little bit of wangxiantics. As a treat.
Mianmian is crying her heart out and apologizing profusely bc she feels bad for getting everyone trapped in this cave EVEN THO IT’S NOT HER FAULT AT ALL PLZ DON’T CRY MIANMIAN ILU
Wwx obvs agrees with me and goes to comfort her. Which he does in a weird way
Wwx: mianmian, why are you crying? I was the one that got branded! It hurts so much mianmian, won’t you stop crying and say something nice to me to make me feel better??
If jzx had tried this, he’d have sounded like a douchebag BUT WWX? WITH HIS SUNSHINE SMILE?? HOW COULD ANYONE RESIST THAT???
(apparently mianmian can, bc she keeps crying and doesn’t say anything nice to wwx)
Lwj takes one look at wwx & mianmian being all cozied up to each other and you know, spilling feelings everywhere and turns away in a snit
Lwj: *internally* what am i willing to put up with today? Not fucking this.
Jc: lwj, where are you going??
Lwj: to the pond bc it has a way out not bc i can’t stomach the sight of wwx flirting with mianmian
(if you hadn’t been so proud earlier, lwj, you could’ve had wwx carrying you lovingly in his strong arms i’m just saying)
And now we get another example here at how well lwj and wwx work together
So obvs wwx zooms to lwj’s side as soon as he realizes lwj’s going somehwere without him (again!!) and he’s all “there’s a way out??”
And all lwj says in response is “maple leaves”
That’s it. Two words.
Wwx: oh, yeah, the leaves couldn't possibly come from the cave so there must be an opening in the pond where the leaves are floating in!
Now everyone’s coming up with a plan to escape the cave and the Murder Turtle
Details don’t matter here
Skipping that
Nearly everyone escapes the Murder Turtle Cave!! Because of teamwork and the buddy system!! It’s very heartwarming and inspiring AND WE DON’T CARE BC IT’S NOT WANGXIAN
But oh no, at the last minute when lwj and wwx are oh so conveniently the only ones left in the cave, the Murder Turtle notices them!!
It tries to attack wwx!!
Wwx notices right away and goes to grab lwj and pull him to safety now
It’s nice having partners willing to share duties like that
Like, oh, you washed the dishes yesterday? I’ll do them today!
Except, you know, at a more intense level what with the whole “barely escaping the jaws of death” thing they’ve got going on
But same thing basically
So now our wonderful injured boys are in a different part of the cave that the Murder Turtle can’t reach.
Wwx: lan zhan, it’s fine now! The Murder Turtle is asleep or smth
Then shoves the tattered robes around lwj’s leg out of the way to get a better look at the wound, and he’s got his worried expression on!! WHILE ~THEIR SONG~ PLAYS IN THE BACKGROUND
Wwx: wait here!!
Lol, where do you think he’s gonna go wwx, it’s not like HIS LEG HAS BEEN MAULED AND THE ENTRYWAY IS GUARDED BY A MURDER TURTLE OR ANYTHING
Wwx comes back with a branch that he turns into a makeshift splint
And now he steals lwj’s SACRED FOREHEAD RIBBON to tie the splint on properly
Wwx: chill out about the ribbon, we have MORE PRESSING MATTERS, like how your LEG IS PROBS GONNA FALL OFF IF WE DON’T TREAT IT
Wwx: oh hey, Medicine Pouch! Wait where’s Medicine Bottle?? I saved it specifically for…*meaningful look at lwj* uh, never mind
what’s the matter, wwx?? why so shy suddenly???
are you embarrassed to show how much you think of lwj?? is that it?
Wwx: *internally* gotta find a way to get lwj to spit out that bad blood he’s so obviously choking down
Wwx: the only possible way to accomplish this is by STRIPPING BOTH OF US OUT OF OUR CLOTHES
Wwx: hey lan zhan, take off your clothes!
Lwj: you want me to what now??
Wwx: strip! Both of us! Since we’re all wet from the pond
Lwj as you might guess, does NOT start stripping in front of the Love of His Life
Wwx notices that lwj is not stripping even tho he himself has already divested his black outer robe and is clad in only his red inner robe
Wwx reaches over and starts tugging at lwj’s robe
Wwx: BEING HELPFUL!! But i guess if you don’t want my help, i’ll finish getting myself naked
Lwj: *turns around and pukes out the bad blood from the sheer strength of his Gay Panic*
Wwx: haha! My plan worked! Now all the bad blood is out!
Lwj: oh. Right. That. 
Lwj: thanks
Wwx: noooo, don’t thank me! I can’t handle it when ppl thank me!!
After THAT PHENOMENAL STRIP TEASE, wwx goes back to tending lwj’s wounds
He applies stuff from the Medicine Pouch bc Medicine Bottle is gone forever now
He does this very carefully and is very focused on his task
Then lwj snatches a bit of the medicine and presses it into the burn on wwx’s chest
Wwx: owww, that huuurts
Lwj: you’re welcome
Lwj: *internally probably* omg i just touched wwx’s chest, be cool be cool bE COOL
Then they have this cute little exchange where wwx tells him how he got injured all the time bc he was a rambunctious tyke (no, surely not you, wwx! I’m shocked!) so he doesn’t need much medicine and lwj’s injury is more serious so he should get more medicine anyway
Lwj: if you know you’re gonna get hurt, don’t be so rash all the time
Wwx: it’s not like i got myself injured on purpose!!! 
Wwx: I had to protect mianmian! She’s so pretty 
(he says distractedly while staring at their campfire and COMPLETELY MISSES LWJ’S LONGING LOOK) 
Wwx: what if she’d gotten her face all scarred up?
Lwj: but now you’re scarred for life!
Wwx: that’s different!
(bc he has issues with self worth and ALWAYS RISKS HIS LIFE FOR OTHERS AT ANY GIVEN OPPORTUNITY)
Wwx: i’m a guy. Scars are cool for us!
(that too, I guess)
Wwx: besides, it’ll be a reminder of the time i saved a pretty girl who now will remember me always~!
Lwj: *bitchy* oh, you’re sooo sure she’s gonna remember you, huh
Wwx gives him a wounded look, like, sincerely confused and hurt at lwj’s tone: “why are you mad?”
And, good god, lwj sees that expression and can’t keep looking at him. He has to turn away, like FUCK i’ve hurt his feelings, shit, i’m getting my feelings all over him
It’s actually kind of painful to watch, POOR LWJ
So he looks away and says: if you don’t mean it, you shouldn’t go around flirting with people
Wwx: *pouts* it’s not like i was flirting with you
Remember how i said wwx is dense? Here’s another example
Wwx: *teasing* ohh, you like mianmian~! 
Like, really teasing. It doesn’t sound like he believes what he’s saying either
Lwj gives him an incredulous look and we get some slo-mo here WHILE ~THEIR SONG~ PLAYS IN THE BACKGROUND AND THEY GAZE SOULFULLY AT EACH OTHER FOR A SOLID 10 SECONDS 
Wwx’s face gets this befuddled look and after staring at each other for 10 continuous seconds he says much more seriously, “oh...you really do like mianmian?”
Why do you sound so disappointed wwx? WHY ARE YOU SO CONCERNED ABOUT IT, HUH?
And omg guys, i will NEVER get over the expression LWJ gives him after he says this
It’s an expression that says R U FUCKING SRS RN
Then wwx laughs to diffuse the situation (it’s so cute, my heart bursts with rainbows)
And we’re winding down now
Lwj: why should i talk about these meaningless things with you here?
Wwx: you don’t have a choice pal, it’s just you and me stuck here in this cave
Wwx: hey, lan zhan, i think this is the longest conversation we’ve had!!
Omg why’s he keeping track of that? How did he even notice this??
WWX: even after all we’ve been thru, you still don’t talk much. You lan clan types--
*awkward silence*
Wwx realizes he’s stepped in it and taps his mouth as a reprimand for being insensitive
Then he changes the topic about how long they can survive without food/water and how long it will take for help to arrive
And here we have lwj verbally acknowledge what’s happened to him for the first time
He explains that they won’t get help from gusu
Lwj: the cloud recesses has been burned. Uncle is badly injured, brother is missing.
His tone is so matter-of-fact but HE ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE HE’S ABOUT TO CRY!!
And then lwj is like, welp, that’s enough Emotions for the day! And falls asleep.
And that's the end of the episode
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spookyboywhump · 4 years
*leaves this here before fucking off again*
TW: mentions of child abuse to a minor/very clear child abuse of an adult (if that makes sense), arachnophobia, exploiting a phobia
He’d never liked bugs.
 Insects, arachnids, anything with too many legs and especially wings made him stressed at the best of times and break down completely at the worst. 
 As a child he’d run to his mom over ants or flies, not that they were much of a problem in their pristine home but no amount of cleanliness could rid the outside of them. Beetles and centipedes and crickets made him cry, spiders and bees and even butterflies and dragonflies made him scream and panic and he’d be on edge for the rest of the day, even after his mother assured him the “threat” was gone and he was okay. 
 His mother was kind and understanding of his fear, she had no problem checking his room for bugs when he was nervous, shooing them away when they were outside, assuring him he was okay and they wouldn’t hurt him. His father was a different story.
 His father kept tarantulas. In his office, several small glass tanks held various kinds of tarantulas, spiders that his father cared for more than he probably cared for Cain. He avoided the room as much as he could, he hated to be in there, in general if he was in there he was in trouble, it was just a bad room. The spiders made it worse. His father was never understanding of his fear, he would mock him for it, intentionally bring him near the tanks in order to scare him, chastise his mother for babying him. He seemed to hate that his son had a phobia, almost as much as Cain hated him.
 It didn’t get better after his mother disappeared, abandoning him to be raised solely by his father, and among the other parts of him he wanted to get rid of, he wanted to do something about his fear. He was lucky to spend most of the year away from his father, locked up at an expensive boarding school, but when he was home it was hell, and a visit never passed without some terror being followed by a punishment.
 At thirteen he’d caned his knuckles for crying when a wasp got too close to him outside.
 At fifteen he was whipped ten times for fainting at the sight of one of the tarantulas outside of its tank.
 At eighteen he’d been shocked over and over and over again for refusing to set foot in that goddamn spider infested office. It took every ounce of courage he had to say no to his father, he never said no to his father, but he was an adult now, legally anyway, and he wasn’t scared of him anymore.
 Except he was. He was so fucking scared of his father and that office and those spiders. 
 On his twentieth birthday his father called him into his office, and he went willingly and without complaint because by now he had learned no matter how old he was, he still belonged to him. It didn’t mean he was any less nervous though, his father never remembered his birthday. If he remembered, if he had something planned, Cain knew it would be anything but a pleasant surprise. 
 “Sit down.” He ordered him when he arrived, and Cain obediently did so, watching him anxiously as he stood near those fucking spiders. The collection had shrunk and grown over the years, never to Cain’s satisfaction, never to completely zero. He’d never feel safe in this room as long as all those spiders were around. He wanted to ask what he wanted from him but he knew better than to speak before his father told him to, he’d just have to wait patiently and silently. 
 “You’re twenty years old now, yes?” His father asked, Cain’s heart hammering in his chest as he watched him take one of the spiders out of the glass tank.
 “Yes- Yes sir…” he said softly, wincing as his voice wavered. His father wouldn’t like that. He couldn’t stand seeing how the spider settled on his hand, it was like a palm sized monster to him. The thought of letting one of those things on him made him nauseous, he wanted to get up and run but he knew better, forcing himself to stay in place despite the clear fear on his face. There was no use hiding it from his father, he could pick him apart easily, he always knew when Cain was uncomfortable or nervous. 
 “You’re twenty years old, and you’re still scared of these?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. Cain glanced away from him.
 “I… I’m not scared…” He lied. “I just… don’t like them… that’s all…”
 “Oh, so you're not scared?” Cain almost jumped out of his seat when he stepped towards him, gripping the armrests of the chair tightly.
 “I’m not.” He said with a nod, eyes trained on the tarantula though, watching it move up his father’s arm. He didn’t know how the man could stand it, the feeling of something crawling on him. He was sure he’d told him before but he couldn’t remember if tarantulas were actually dangerous, if they bit or stung or anything. It didn’t quite matter, they were all dangerous to him, they all needed to stay far, far away from him. 
 “Hold out your hand then.” He ordered, reaching up and taking the spider from where it had made its way to his shoulder. For a moment Cain just stared at him with wide eyes, the word “no” on the tip of his tongue but unwilling to go any further. He had gone deathly pale, and though he tried to breathe evenly he felt like he just couldn’t, going lightheaded as he tried not to hyperventilate. “I gave you an order, Cain.” His father said sternly, and finally he held out one trembling hand. 
 His father placed the spider in the palm of his hand and the only thing that kept Cain from flinging it off him was the knowledge that his father would kill him for it. He was gripping the armrest so tight with his free hand that his knuckles had gone white, he needed to hold on to something though, focus on something because if he thought too much about the spider in his hand he would have a complete meltdown.
 But then the fucking thing moved.
 “Get it off!” He shrieked, looking desperately at his father with big, tear filled eyes. The spider slowly made its way up his arm and he swore he was just going to die, even if it didn’t kill him the fear and panic would. It was halfway up his arm and he couldn’t hold back his tears, even as his father watched disapprovingly. For just a moment, there was something scarier than Charles Whitaker though, it was hairy and had eight legs and was absolutely going to be the death of him 
 “Honestly, Cain, you’re twenty fucking years old. You should be over this by now.” His father sighed, sounding exasperated.
 “I-I know- I know, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I- I’m scared, I’m sorry just please get it off of me!” He sobbed, all too aware of the spider on his neck, and if it made it to his face he was sure he would die, or at the very least faint, and the last time he fainted his father was so angry but right now he would much rather his father be angry and take any punishment than let this go on for a moment longer. He could hardly think straight, all he knew was the spider crawling up his neck and the sharp pain in his chest and shiver that went up his spine. 
 He practically wailed the moment it was on his face, body shaking from the intensity of his sobbing. If he was going to die he wished it would just happen, this was nothing short of torture, being forced to endure one of his biggest fears like this. He squeezed his eyes shut, because if he saw even a little bit of it he feared he would vomit, god if he vomited in his office his father would murder him.
 He was so deep in his panic that even as his father finally, carefully, got the spider off his face he couldn’t stop crying, hands going to his face to frantically wipe away tears, wipe away the feeling of it on him. He tried to stop crying, he knew his father hated it when he cried but he couldn’t calm down no matter how much he wanted to, his whole body was shaking and he felt weak and cold and just sick.
 After returning the little demon to its home his father came back to him, roughly grabbing him by the hair. Cain had no choice but to face him, struggling to hold back the onslaught of tears so he wouldn’t look as pathetic as he felt.
 “Don’t you ever lie to me again, understand?” He said sternly. 
 “Y-yes- yes sir…” He whimpered, a cry forced from his throat as his father yanked hard on his hair, forcing him to get to his feet. He was used to this, it was unfortunately familiar but so much better than a spider on him. He was more or less dragged from the office, roughly thrown to the floor outside the room, his father slamming the door shut now that he was satisfied with torturing him. 
 It took all his strength to get to his feet, he still felt sick and dizzy and he couldn’t stop crying, but he needed to get out of the hall, carefully making his way to his room. He shut the door behind him and collapsed against it, taking slow, shuddering breaths. He reached up to wipe at his eyes again, the spider was gone but he swore he could still feel it on him, feel spiders all over him, his stomach in knots at even the thought of that. 
 He was twenty years old. He still hated bugs.
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huntertales · 4 years
Part Two: Wicked Witch of the West. (Slumber Party S09E04)
Episode Summary: The reader and the boys call in I.T. expert Charlie Bradbury to help track fallen angels with technology found in the Men of Letters bunker. However, they soon discover something more in the form of the one and only Dorothy from Wizard of Oz. Everyone joins forces to take down the Wicked Witch and her evil plans. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 5,020.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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There was nothing more you loved than curling up with Dean in bed to enjoy a little bit of TV and enjoying one another’s company. Sam offered up his room for all of you to stream the show, you took a wild guess that it was because the man was afraid to step into his brother’s room to see a wild assortment of leftover food growing new forms of mold. You reassured him you made sure all half-eaten meals were thrown away and everything was kept in a tiddly order. He reminded you that his room was the one with the TV. And your bedroom was a mere disaster of still unopened boxes from your house and clean clothes thrown around in a manner you swore was organized. All of you settled on the offer and enjoyed a few episodes of the TV series you had heard so much about. 
The bowl of popcorn shared between you and Dean had nothing left but kernels after munching through the episodes that kept your attention with its enjoyable plot and characters. You sipped the remaining mouthfuls of your beer as Dean slid his hand from around your waist and reached for the remote to pause the screen after nearing the end of the final episode on the DVD. 
"Wow. That Joffrey's a dick." Dean felt the need to declare his hatred for a character you had grown to despise yourself from his childish and downright horrific behavior. You didn't think you ever had more of an urge to jump through a TV screen and strangle a fictional character more than you had for that blonde headed bastard.
"Oh, you have no idea. Wait until he—" Charlie smiled at the upcoming plot details you and Dean might want to hear about that would happen in the next season. Before she could get a single word out, the young Winchester promptly stopped her from spilling any details.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Spoilers." Sam warned the redhead. "I haven't read all the books."
"You're gonna read the books?" Dean asked his brother. He didn’t see the point of wasting one’s time reading a fictional version of the same media you could consume in a live action version, no mental imagery required on his part.
You shook your head from the point the older man was missing. Books were not always like the live adaptations. The plot might have been the same from the beginning, but TV versions often strayed from the original material to make their own spin and give the characters new journeys. The reader was able to picture the characters described by how the author saw them and not how the actors were chosen for the role. There was no greater disappointment to a reader when someone chosen turned out to be the opposite of what you spent pages imagining in your head. Not to mention the author was still writing the novels as the show aired. You tried getting yourself into the book until you ultimately failed trying to find interest. You gave the first one to the younger WInchester in hopes he would enjoy them. 
"Yes, Dean. I like to read books—you know, the ones without pictures." Sam shot back with a sarcastic comeback to strike his brother silent. 
You took it upon yourself to finally relieve the ache in your back that started to creep up on you while you were halfway through the fourth episode. You let out a long, drawn out sigh of relief after you got back up to your feet. “Ooh. I have never loved you for talking to me into getting that memory foam mattress more than I do now.” You said to your boyfriend. The price tag made your eyes widen from how expensive it was. In reality you didn’t spend a single penny. And you slept better than you had in a long while. You rubbed your lower back and stretched slightly to make yourself stop feeling twice your age. “I don’t know how you sleep on that thing Sammy.” 
"You're not kidding. This bed is about as comfortable as a brick." Charlie got up from the chair she had been sitting on and switched to the edge of the mattress. She bounced a few times to discover it was painful as it looked. You smiled and leaned against the desk to change up the scenery. Charlie glanced around the room, taking notice of the fifties style attire with not much updated touches to make it personal. "Any plans on moving in anytime soon?"
"I am moved in." Sam said. "This is just my style."
"Yeah, this is style. Old man." You agreed. You took a look around the room yourself to see he didn't do much to give it the Sam Winchester touch except for cleaning out the several decades of dust. He didn't even try to put any effort to make it his own. "You would've really fit into the fifties aesthetics, Sammy. Fifty shades of brown and endless plaid."
"Well, I'm sorry I haven't hung up the 'Hang in there, kitty' poster yet, Y/N. Feel free to redecorate." Sam didn’t like the sarcastic jokes you were saying on his behalf. You rolled your eyes from how he was behaving all of a sudden. "Tell me again how your moving process is going.”
"I'll get there eventually. At least I'm making some kind of effort to make it mine." You said. It was Sam's turn to roll his eyes from your half-hearted excuse. "Are you saying our home's not good enough for the 'Hang in there, kitty' poster?"
"This isn't our home." Sam corrected you. "This is where we work."
You tightly furrowed your brow from the way he was acting. "What's the difference?"
You waited for Sam to give you a reason why he didn't think the bunker was just that, a home. He was the one who helped you persuade Dean into staying here permanently after discovering it for yourself. You thought he would have embraced it with open arms from everything this place had to offer. For once he had a home to call his own. Something that fits him perfectly from the life all of you lead. No one to take it away, no real chance of a monster sneaking in here. You hoped he might have been able to find some sort of comfort here. But it seemed the younger Winchester didn't feel the same way you and his brother did. To say it came as a surprise would have been an understatement. 
Charlie looked between you and the younger Winchester when the both of you did nothing more than stare at one another for a few seconds. It was as if the two of you were waiting for the other one to say something to keep this conversation-turned argument going. You and Sam remained silent. The redhead didn't realize she had triggered such a touchy subject. She shifted her gaze and mumbled something underneath her breath, a weak attempt at trying to relieve the brewing awkward tension.
“All right, well, I'm gonna go get us some more beers.” Dean said, getting himself up from the bed and making his way to the door. ”How about that?”
You polished off your beer when Dean shut the bedroom door behind him, leaving the three of you alone. You set the empty bottle down on the desk and quickly spoke up, not wanting the mood in the room to shift into a subject you didn’t want to discuss while your friend was staying here. 
"So, Charlie," You struck up a conversation you had been meaning to bring up since you heard about the redhead's solo adventures. "what was that all about how hunting isn't magical?"
"Saving people, hunting things, the family business? I am down. But..." Charlie trailed off, making you and the younger Winchester share a curious expression to her hesitance about seeing what hunting was really all about. "I was raised on Tolkien, man. I mean, where is all of this?" She held up the DVD she grabbed to make her point about what she had really been searching out there for. "Where are my white walkers and my volcano and magic ring to throw in the damn thing? Where...Where's my magic quest?"
"Magic, quests...suck. Trust us." Sam scoffed. You had to agree with the younger man about that point. Both of you dealt with your version of fate and quests. It all mapped out to a miserable ending. "They're all dead ends.”
Charlie's shoulders slumped at the possible reality she might have to come to terms with. The few times she had been able to work on a hunt with the three of you had turned out to be sort of fun,  minus the physical and emotional trauma she endured. Charlie was searching for a spark that steamed from a childhood daydream of fighting dragons and saving the princess. An urge that didn’t come along in this kind of lifestyle. 
The supernatural and magic might be real like it was in the books she read, but it was vastly different from the fictional counterparts. It was darker. Scarier. Charlie couldn’t help but find the light in every bad situation. You had a feeling she was going to keep looking for her quest. You were a firm believer everyone had a role to play in life. She had yet to find hers. 
+ + +
The four of you decided to check on the progress of the files Charlie had been downloading to her tablet after giving the progress more than enough time. You made your way down to the control room to see everything was how you left it at first glance. It was when you made your way closer to the outdated machines was when you noticed something was strangely off. You slowed down your pace and looked straight ahead at the strange substance on the wall behind the shelf. You knew for sure it hadn’t been there before. 
“What the hell?” Dean muttered under his breath. The boys approached closer to the shelf as you stayed behind near Charlie as she reached for her tablet to check on things. "Sam give me a hand."
You placed your hands on your hips and watched as the brothers pushed away the shelf out of the way, revealing something you had never seen before. Almost the entire wall was covered in a grayish color cocoon. You were tempted to poke at the substance to see what it felt like in order to figure out what it might be, but your squeamish disgust kept your feet planted where they were. Dean took out a knife from his pocket and slid the blade through the substance, cutting deep enough of a makeshift entrance to discover what might be hiding inside. You weren't exactly sure what you were expecting to find in there. A human arm falling out was not one of them. 
Dean stepped back from the possible danger he was standing next to. You and Sam didn’t waste a second pulling out your guns and pointing it in the direction of where the arm was. The older Winchester waited a moment to see if anything else crawled out. But it seemed you were safe for the time being. Dean opened up the flaps of the makeshift pod wider. A fully grown woman tumbled out and to the ground in doing so. Charlie let out a soft gasp as Dean swiftly grabbed for his weapon if the stranger decided to try and do anything stupid as a way of greeting you all. You slowly made your way forward as Dean leaned down to push the woman on her backside to get a better inspection of her. 
She appeared to be human at first glance. What you found most odd about her was the taste in clothing. They weren't from this decade, or from this century for that matter. You were a little bit tempted to slightly nudge her with your foot when she remained on the ground with no sudden movement. After a few more seconds she started to come around to consciousness. Her eyelids fluttered open as she inhaled a deep breath for the first time in God knows how long. The first question that popped in your mind was who the hell she was. 
You and Charlie did a little digging in the archives to discover the mystery visitor was someone you thought was a fictional character in a movie and book series you remembered fondly from your childhood. You made your way back to the control room with the file in hand to see Dorothy was recuperating from her well over seven decade slumber. She sat on the floor with a blanket Sam had provided for her as he tried to get some sort of information out of her. You dropped the file to the computer and briefed Dean with what you and Charlie learned. You stared down at the sepia toned photograph Dorothy sitting on her motorcycle. She sure wasn’t the Judy Garland version you had pictured in your head when you read the books as a child. 
"Holy crap! The first case invested in this bunker involved Dorthy. She and the witch came into this room, and they never came out." Charlie read off the details of the file she hadn't gotten a chance to go through in finer detail. You let out a quiet sigh from how excited she was getting over the hunt you stumbled upon. "This will never stop blowing my mind!"
"Okay, pace yourself, Toto." You whispered to her.
“Oz is real!” She exclaimed with too much eagerness for your personal liking from the situation you were dealing with. You shook your head from the way she was handling all of this. She nudged you with her arm, trying to get you amped up as she was from the things you were learning. “It’s part of the fairy world.” 
“We have to find her.” Dorothy stated. You knew damn well who she was talking about, the wicked witch. Didn’t explain who put her in the glass bottle and left her on the shelf undisturbed for all these decades. The same bottle Dean must’ve accidentally spilled over when he was trying to take off the back panel of the computer.
“No, we have to talk before anyone does anything, okay?” Sam tried to get the woman to focus on the questions she ignored just moments ago. She remained silent, tugging the blanket closer around her body. “Dorothy?”
“Talk? Typical Men of Letters, standing around, having a nice little chat with your noses buried in your books while your little secretaries take notes.” Dorothy rolled her eyes when she glanced in the direction of you and Charlie, thinking standards for how women were only capable of being nothing more than glorified paper pushers. You scoffed at her presumption that was the farthest thing from the truth. She had a lot to catch up on. 
“We’re hunters.” Dean told the woman. 
"And who are you calling a secretary?" Charlie came to both of your defenses at the sexist title. 
“You’re not secretaries? You’re Women of Letters?” Dorothy looked surprised much as she sounded when she asked a question that felt almost impossible. You nodded your head, only making her become more baffled about her surroundings. "W—How long have I been out?"
“That’s why we need to talk. Look, you’ve been gone for over seventy-five years. Now, according to our file, you came here to kill the wicked witch and then you disappeared.” Sam gave the woman a quick refresher to help jog her memory in hopes it might fill in the gaps of information that the file couldn’t provide. “What happened?”
“We couldn’t find a way to kill her. So I did the only thing that I could.” Dorothy explained to all of you that led her to the demise, and how you found her the way you did. “A binding spell that came at a price—her soul with mine.”
“So you’ve been frozen with the witch for all this time?” You asked. 
“Yes.” Dorothy answered. She pushed off the blanket and got up to her feet, growing frustrated from all the precious time you were wasting on silly questions that weren’t going to lead the search for the witch any faster. “Look, the witch cannot be killed. If I am awake, then so is she.”
“Wait, if she’s here, why didn’t she kill you?” Sam wondered.
“She can’t.” Dorothy explained. 
“You’re protected by the witch of the North’s kiss.” Charlie jumped into the conversation and told you the reason why. She smiled from her knowledge that she had a feeling was going to come in handy. "It was in the books."
“Oh, forget the books! They’re not important. I’m protected. You aren’t.” Dorothy turned the focus onto an important detail that couldn't go without saying from the danger all of you were under. ”Now, the witch came here looking for something. I have no idea what it is. But we have to find her before she finds it.” 
“All right, all right. Charlie, dig into the files. See if you can find anything that puts a dent in a witch.” Dean instructed a set of plans to somehow get this situation under wraps. “Sam, Y/N and I will have a look-see. Come on.” 
“I’m helping.” Dorothy declared, clapping her hands together. 
"Yeah, I don't doubt it. But for right now, why don't you rest up and help the smartest person in the room?" You suggested to the woman. You glanced over in Charlie’s direction to catch the smile that began to creep on her lips from the subtle compliment. The young woman admitted about her longing for magic and all sorts of adventures, you had a feeling Dorothy could provide some during her stay. “Have fun, girls.”
You and the boys searched much of the grounds as you could together. Neither one of you wanted to take a chance at splitting up and going up against the wicked witch alone if you were unlucky enough. You didn't know how long it had been after she escaped or where she was hiding. You went through several different locations before making your way to the dungeon shortly after, wanting to be sure your other house guest was still locked up tight. The wicked witch and the king of hell teaming up together wasn't how you wanted to spend your night.
Luckily for you the king of hell was exactly where you had left him earlier today; locked up tight in the chains that secured him from trying to make a foolish escape. But he wasn’t innocent as he looked slumped back in the chair. Crowley was all too causally whistling a familiar tune from a movie you had seen several times in your lifetime enough to recognize the reference. It was the song. “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” Dorothy sung it before she was swept away to Oz by the tornado. You cautiously looked around to make sure if the wicked witch wasn’t here, and when she wasn’t like how you suspected, you dropped your gun back down to your side. 
"Wow. If it isn't Dorothy and her pals, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man. Your new houseguest—so misunderstood." Crowley informed you of what you already were about to deduce on your own. He waited a moment for either one of you to get the reference he slipped in, but when he was left hanging, you responded with silence. “Neither one of you saw 'Wicked'?"
"Sorry. I haven't exactly had the chance to visit Broadway lately. I'll make sure to get right on that after we wrap all of this up." You said, rolling your eyes. "What did she say to you?"
"Something along the lines of..." You weren't sure if the demon was trying to be cheeky with you when he hissed, bearing his teeth and all. 
"All right, well, I'm gonna get some holy oil and a lighter, dick bag." Dean said to the demon, not even the least bit impressed by the childish behavior that meant nothing to you. 
"I know what she's looking for." Crowley said. He tried to use his knowledge for leverage to get something out of you. You narrowed your eyes on the demon as he raised his brow, wondering if you were going to play long to hear the answer.
"What does she want?" Sam questioned the demon. 
"I'd be happy to tell you, as soon as I get to stretch my legs." Crowley gave you a smug smile you wanted to smack off his face. The demon knew he had you backed into a corner, the only thing you could do was give into his petty demands. Or continue chasing your tails.
You let out a frustrated sigh. The boys weren't too pleased either as to what the demon was asking. But you gave in with a nod of the head. Dean approached Crowley with the key to unlock the chain around the demon's neck, all while holding the knife to stab him with if he tried anything stupid. Crowley behaved the entire time. He slid off the collar and let it drop to the ground, you and Sam never lowering your weapons as he did so. He let out a groan of relief from being freed for the first time since you forced him down here. 
You gave the demon an impatient look as he took his time enjoying the freedom that wasn’t going to last for too long. He moved around his stiff neck and finally pushed himself up to his feet to stretch his aching legs. Crowley even had the audacity to let out a chuckle and smile at his victorious win.
"All right." You spoke up, wanting to get the demon back on track to the reason why you were even letting him off his leash. "What does the witch want?"
"Give me a mo.” Crowley said. “I still need to air myself out."
You pointed your loaded gun at him and shot off a round straight into his chest, showing him you weren't in the mood to keep playing his little games. "I think you're out enough." 
“Rude.” The demon muttered, taken back by your hostile behavior.
Crowley inspected the bullet wound in his meat suit and shook his head, you ruined his outfit even farther as well. You were about to warn him where the next bullet would go, the demon compiled before you could get a single word out. He reached for the crumpled piece of paper at the edge of the table and unfolded it to show you a single word written down. You furrowed your brow slightly, not sure what to make of it.
“Key?” Sam read off the word. “What key?”
“I haven’t the foggiest. Had to send her off on a merry chase before she could melt me.” The demon said. He gave you a smile from the corny joke you once again didn’t find the least bit funny. “Told her you boys kept the keys in the kitchen. You do have a kitchen in this crap hole, don’t you?”
You had the first potential lead at finding out where the witch was before she could get her hands on this supposed key. You and the boys quickly made your way to the kitchen in some kind of hope that you might be able to catch her, but you were too late. All she left behind was the mess she left trying to find the damn key she was doing everything she could to find. 
The witch tore every inch of the room apart; pots and pans were scattered all over the floor, food you had left out to enjoy later laid spilled on the counters. It looked like a tornado blew in here. You let out a groan of frustration and dropped your arm holding your gun back down to your side. Not only did you have this mess to clean up after you solved this Wizard of Oz, the wicked bitch was still on the loose and most likely tearing apart another room.
"Damn it, I just cleaned in here." Dean grumbled in frustration.
"Really?" Sam sounded like he was in disbelief at hearing his brother was capable of cleaning up after himself. 
"Surprisingly, yes. He's become very domestic since we started living here." You said. You made your way into the kitchen when it was made clear your problem was long gone, but still lingering about and causing more chaos in her path. "Looks like we got a witch problem." 
You took a moment to examine the damage the witch left behind and how long it was going to take for you and the boys to clean up. You were still on high alert, nearly shooting at the person who came into the kitchen from one of the few doorways. You dropped your gun back down when you saw that it was just Charlie and Dorothy back from their own tasks you hoped had been more successful than your dead end. 
“Sorry. We raided your gun range. Made us some poppy bullets.” Charlie explained to all of you. She showed off the revolver and shoved a hand inside her pocket, pulling out the one thing you had against the wicked witch. You raised your brow in curiosity and reached for one to inspect it for yourself. “They won’t kill the witch, but they will stun the crap out of her.” 
Dean examined the bullets for himself Charlie had made on her own. He had to admit she did a good job on figuring out a potential weapon against the witch. She always managed to impress him from how she could handle herself in stressful times. “That’s my girl.”  
“There was only enough for five bullets, so…” Charlie told you the downside about her genius invention. You dealt with worse circumstances as you loaded the bullet into the chamber for the moment you might need to use it. “Make each shot count.” 
“Now we just have to find her before she finds whatever the hell’s she’s looking for.” Dorothy said. 
“She’s looking for a key.” Sam informed the two women. 
“How do you know?” Charlie asked. 
“Little birdie told us.” You said, leaving out the source where you found out on your own. You really didn’t have time, or in the mood, to explain the reason behind having the king of hell chained up in your dungeon. “Ring any bells, Dorothy?”
“Unfortunately. It’s the key to Oz. There are magical ways into Oz—tornado, eye of a hurricane, whirlpool—but this key will turn any locked door into a portal to Oz.” Dorothy explained what made this one in particular so special. And why the witch wanted to get her hands on it so badly.  “Insert key, twist, and presto, you’re in Oz.”
“How did the Men of Letters get the key?” Sam asked. 
“I have no idea, but if she finds it, she’ll go back and finish what she started. She’ll destroy all that is good in Oz. She’s got armies of witches, flying monkeys.” Dorothy painted all of you a grim picture of what the future might look if you weren’t faster than she was. “Many will die.” 
"What's this key look like?" Dean asked her. Dorothy pulled out a small leather bound journal from the inside pocket of her jacket and flipped to a sketch of the key. You furrowed your brow slightly when it looked familiar to you. "I've seen that key. Found it when Y/N and I were doing inventory." 
“Where is it now?” Dorothy asked. 
“My room. We got to get that key. Alright, Charlie and I will go look in my room.” Dean formulated a plan before all of you split up to go your separate ways. “Why don’t you guys buy us some time?”
You nodded your head in agreement. You watched as Dorothy and Sam made their way to the more open area of the bunker to get a better chance at finding the witch. You lingered behind for a moment as you called out for the redhead’s attention before she could get too far. Much as you trusted her ability to take care of herself, there was still a part of you that wanted her out of danger. You were dealing with a powerful witch and no real means to stopping her. 
“Safest place in this joint is the dungeon.” You informed her.
“You have a dungeon in this place? Of course you do.” She smiled at the new room she learned about, wondering exactly might be hiding in there when given the chance to explore it one of these days like the rest of this place. 
“So maybe you should…” You hinted around what you were trying to say without coming right out with it. You wanted more than anything to make sure she was safe. But you should have known she wasn’t going to back down from the very thing she admitted to you about stumbling across again. This hunt was her dream come true. 
“I am not hiding, especially in a dungeon. Wicked witch, a key, a quest? Did you not listen to anything I said before?” Charlie was walking on cloud nine from the adventure she stumbled upon. She broke out into a grin and playfully punched the man standing next to you in the shoulder. “Let’s do this, Dean.” 
You shook your head in annoyance as the woman made her way to Dean’s room to find the key, ignoring your last attempt at calling her name. You knew at this point all of your warnings fell upon dea ears. You let out a sigh of defeat and made your way to wherever Dorothy and Sam ended up, Dean quickly catching up with Charlie before she could get herself into too much trouble while snooping around his bedroom.
[Next Part]
Rewrite Taglist:
@deansquirreljerkwinchester // @everything-i-tried-was-taken // @starswirlblitz // @supernaturalismydrug // @we-are-band-sexuals // @angiewinchestercas // @kaylinfayezink  // @owhatshername1 // @kgbrenner  // @cleo-is-my-doggy // @eeyore1988 // @dakota-dream // @lilylovelyxo // @timetravelingginger // @holahellohialoha //   @quicksilver123456 // @natashacamillas //@lexi-anastasia //@kaylinfayezink //  @deanwnchstr @albot-eh // @rashinyx2002 // @shellybeans //  @icantfindacreativeurl //  @becs-bunker // @oreosatmidnight // @bands-and-shietz // @fabulousmustachesonapolarbear // @clarewinchester // @releasethekracko // @alex-zeppelin // @mega-mrs-dean-winchester // @theskytraveler // @notmoose94 //@assassinofmasyaf // @caswinchester2000 // @savannah-m-99 // @sunlight-dean // @strayrosesbloom // @that-slytherin-over-there // @1000roughdrafts // @its-medeanwinchester // @simplyhemmings // @dream-believe-and-love
Message me if you would like to be added!
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rosecorcoranwrites · 4 years
Writing Inside the Lines
There is a certain type of poem called a sestina. I've written two of them, and let me tell you, they are tough. Rather than relying on rhyme and meter, they employ a pattern of six words that end each line in the first six stanzas, and then end or are contained in the final three lines. The six words also change which line they appear in in each stanza. If that sounds complicated, that's because it is. However, sestinas are a great form because they force you to write a good poem. You have to end the lines on those words, which means you must construct your sentences carefully. Also, if you don't want it to sound repetitive, you had better play with the meaning and connotation of those six words. You can't noodle around. You can't slack off. If you're going to write a sestina, you really have to care about it.
I think this idea of writing with certain rules can improve most stories. Especially in a world oversaturated with shock-value, twist endings, and an anyone-can-die mentality, writing inside the lines, so to speak, forces writers to be careful. When writers must practice restraint, their stories are prevented from going over the top, flying off the rails, and all that other awful stuff that our media is so glutted with recently. They have to care, and their stories will be better for it.
One example of this is the storytelling in traditionally animated films or those that use practical effects versus that in CGI. While some CGI films do have heartfelt storytelling, there are hundreds more that are a waste of the data used to make them. And while there are some weird or awkward 2-D films, I feel like the ratio of good to bad is far higher than in CGI. As for practical effects, they almost always work better in their tone and feeling than slapping up a bunch of ritzy computer graphics because you can. Why this discrepancy? Because traditional animation and practical effects are more expensive and time consuming than CGI. Thus, the creators have to be darned sure that their movie really needs a specific scene or character or monster. These elements can't just be thrown in with CGI. The creators have to self-edit, which leads to a tighter story with less fluff and kibble crammed on.
Another example is in scary stories made for children instead of adults. Because there are certain expectations--like you can't have gore, or killers running around murdering extras left and right--writers are forced to come up with more detailed monsters and worlds, which leads to creepier or more in-depth stories. Compare, say, Coraline, to 90% of monster movie for adults. The Bel-Dame is similar to a classic folklore monster, in that she seems to have limitation--she has to actually lure children and coax them in, rather than just grabbing them and sewing buttons into their eyes. She isn't your typical semi-omnipotent adult movie ghost who can go anywhere and kill anyone for no reason, but that makes her scarier. We know what she's capable of, and it's way worse than just killing someone in the bloodiest way possible.
Knowing how a story ends is also something that's been on my mind lately, due to two shows in particular: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Tangled: The Series. Both of these shows are part of larger franchises. Not only must they use the previously established characters and settings of those worlds, but both have a previously established ending. So how does that affect what the writers are allowed to do in these stories?
We all know how the Clone Wars end: Order 66, the fall of the Jedi Order, and the establishment of the Empire. This knowledge, however, adds to the tension of the series rather than detracting from it. Every time there is a scene of the clone troopers bonding with their Jedi generals, in the back of your mind you can't help but think of the Order 66 scene in Revenge of the Sith. It adds a nice, thick layer of angst to what would otherwise be a normal military adventure show. We also know that Anakin goes to the Dark Side and why he does, but now (unlike in the movie), we get to see that slow progression toward it. We really get to like him as a character, but every so often, he'll be a little too ready to force choke someone, or flip out about slavery, or freak when those close to him are in mortal danger. It's fascinating getting to see his gradual growth into a more Vader-like personality. And, finally, there is Anakin's apprentice, the fan-favorite Ahsoka Tano. She's in the show from its pilot episode, but she's not in the movie. So the question of what happens to her, and where is she when Order 66 goes down, is always present just offscreen. That's suspense! That's drama!
You also have Tangled: the Series, aka Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, which is sandwiched between the movie and the short film "Tangled Ever After", where we see Eugene and Rapunzel get married. Thus, we know that her hair is going to get cut short again (it regrows magically in the pilot); so we can wonder and speculate as to how that's going to happen, now that her golden hair is back and unbreakable. We know that the main cast all lives, so the drama comes not from anyone-can-die, but from interpersonal relationships: Can this person be trusted? Will these people remain friends? Could any of these fallouts have been prevented? Perhaps the best part of this show's being a spin-off is what it does for the romance. Eugene and Rapunzel are in love at the beginning of the show, and they're in love at the end. We know this. Thus, we don't have any stupid "will they or won't they" or love triangles or anything. The drama comes from Rapunzel not feeling ready for the responsibilities of marriage (or princessing, for that matter), and Eugene wanting to settle down but still being patient and supporting her. It's one of the best romances ever written, and it's in a show for children. Maybe it's one of the best romances because it's in a show for children.
So the next time you are strapped for how to make your story more compelling, maybe impose a rule on yourself. How can you evoke horror without showing violence? How can you create a tense situation if you're not allowed to kill characters? How might showing the ending of a story first change how the audience experiences the rest of it? It might be a fun exercise, and it will almost certainly produce something better than mere shock value or twist endings could.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
An All Hallow Queen’s night; AU! MONSTER Queen x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Hey all well I tried to get this done yesterday but some things came up and I just couldn’t but after putting you all through some haunting Hallowqueen fics throughout last month, I thought I might make it up with a more fluffier fic than my mini series turned out.
I hope that everyone had a good and safe Halloween last night and as we approach the 1 year anniversary of the movie Bohemian Rhapsody coming up in the next day or two (some in England or Europe might’ve already celebrated it, however in America we get some things a week later than ya’ll lucky ducks) anyways I hope that everyone had fun and if weatherwise it didn’t work out for anyone I hope you all still got candy and treats.
Now for this fic there is some haunting elements because this is an AU! Monster fic as you can tell and I first want to give credit where credit it due. Ever since seeing the beautiful Hallowqueen artwork that was done by @amedvleec​ in honor of the first ever Hallowqueen celebration (and I hope we have more of this in the Halloweens to come, cause this was honestly a LOT of fun for me, hbu?), I was inspired to try and write a fic based off your artwork and what you had made the guys in your drawing. It was hard to figure out where to take it but I finally came down to it. So I want to THANK YOU FOR CREATING SUCH A BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF ART AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEE WHAT ELSE YOU COME UP WITH :)
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It was that time of year again, the time of year where kids can wear their costumes and run amuck.  The time of year where houses are done up all horrifying and you can scare the living shit out of some people, yep I’m talking about Halloween.  And this year was gonna be the best Halloween ever.
Especially since this year I was hosting the yearly Halloween party for Team Queen.  The roadies, sound techs, and of course the band members themselves were all gonna come over to my place and we were gonna have ourselves a little ‘Spook-a-poloza’.
I was putting the final touches to the outside of the haunted ‘maze’ that would be down in my basement and my cousins were putting on the last touches of their costumes and makeup.  Once the webbing looked good I stepped back and observed.
“Ohh yeah. Very terrifying.” It was then I heard a clank at my window, almost like someone had thrown a pebble at my window. I walked over towards the living room but I saw no one there.  I shrugged it off and went over to check on my gummy ‘cockroaches and caterpillar’ Jell-O cups when I heard the clank at my window again.
At this point I was getting a little scared as I walked right up to the window and turned on the deck light.  All was quiet when suddenly someone jumped out and literally scared the shit out of me.  I then heard the familiar chuckles and laughter and there dressed in his normal concert all black attire with two black gloves both imprinted with diamond claws, and wearing cat ears on top was Freddie Mercury.
“Damn it Freddie!”
“Did I scare you darling?”
“What do you think you bastard.” He chuckled before heading over to my front door.  I opened it up and allowed him in.  He grinned and opened his arms out for a hug.  I accepted his hug and allowed him inside. “So why so early Fred? Usually you’re the last one to arrive.”
“Well it’s Halloween, plus if it’s your party I’ll always be the first one to arrive. Especially if I get to spend more time with you.”
“Ohh I see, you were just trying to beat Deacy from coming over first.”
“Oh okay fuck it yes that’s the reason why.” He said bluntly to which I laughed.  
“Well since you’re here, care to be my taste tester for my ‘cockroaches and caterpillars’?”
“If it’s anything your cooking darling, count me in.” I led him into the kitchen and allowed him to test out my Jell-O creepy crawlies.  As he tried a caterpillar I heard the doorbell ring. “Okay get back to me with your answer when I get back. And don’t pig out on them like you did at the Christmas party.”
“No promises darling.” He said as I left the kitchen and went to the door to reveal some of the roadies.  I welcomed them in and that’s when I heard a voice cry out.
“(Y/n)!” I turned and soon coming out of the car was Brian along with Roger.  I smiled and waved to them.  As they got closer I saw that Roger had added what appeared to be spider eyes in a triangle shape on his forehead and he had in fangs and from his fingertips to a couple inches past his wrists were painted black.  He also had spider webs wrapped around his arms so I began to think he was a half human half spider creature.
White Brian was dressed in a poet’s shirt (chest exposed of course), black silk pants, and around his eyes was smoky black paint along with some raven feathers.
“Let me guess. Uhh…..Edgar Allen Poe’s ‘the Raven’.” I said pointing to Brian. “And…..a spider of some sorts?”
“A drider, but minimized without the legs. But yes. And how could you get Brian’s costume?”
“Because unlike you, (y/n) is well educated in English literature, unlike you uncultured swine.” Brian said as he came up and wrapped an arm around me.
“What can I say? I had a Poe phase my middle school year. Hey do you guys know when Deacy’s said to come over by?”
“He told us he’d be here my sunset. Wanted to ‘get into character’ as he said.” Roger said doing air quotes.  “Why you ask?”
“Just wanted to know.” Truthfully Deacy had called me earlier this morning telling me that he needed to tell me something.  But it was the tone in his voice that got me worried cause it wasn’t his usual cheery self that he usually uses around me.
“But until then, your second favorite it here.” Roger said as he came up and twirled me into his arms before wrapping me up in his arms.
“Yeah. He’s inside being my taste tester.” I teased. He gaped his mouth open before tickling my sides which made me shriek and squirm in his embrace.
“You take that back you little minx or the tickling continues.” He threatened.  I kept squirming before I finally managed to get out of his arms and said.
“Rog you know I hate it when you do that!”
“Exactly why I did it. Now get back into these arms you cheeky thing.” I shrieked and raced back into the house with Roger chasing after me.  I soon met up with Fred in the kitchen and immediately hid behind him then just before Roger could grab a hold of me, Freddie stood between us and he said.
“Hold it blondie! No one messes with my darling witch but me.”
“Sod off Fred this is personal.” Roger teased as he eyed me playfully.  I stuck my tongue at him.
As the night grew darker there was still no sign of Deacy but most of everyone I had invited was now in my house.  While I was getting some ‘blood red punch’ Peter came up to me and said.
“Someone at the door for you.” I walked my way through the crowd and opened the door but saw no one there.  I raised my brow and stepped further outside.  I looked around but still couldn’t see someone, that was until I felt two hands grip my shoulders and I squeaked and turned to see Deacy.
“Aww c’mon poppet you’re not already scared are you?”
“I’ve already been spooked by Freddie and my dick cousin Cody earlier today, at this rate I’m gonna have a heart attack at the tender age of 16.”
“Well it’s a good thing I’m here then. You know that I’ll always protect you, right? I’m way more scarier than any monster or person that tries to do you harm.” I giggled softly and said.
“I doubt that.”
“Why not? I could only show you my loving side for a reason. But then again you always make me go soft for whatever reason.” He said as he leaned his forehead against mine, a common trait he and I did to show a sign of affection.
I got a better look at his vampire costume. Like Freddie, he wore the very outfit he wore last November at the Rainbow theater, the famed all black suit with white under shirt that exposed his chest.  His long hair seemed more wilder than it usually was and he had on fake nails that resembled claws almost.
“Love the vampire look. Seems Fred isn’t the only one sporting his Live at the Rainbow attire.”
“He kinda suggested this outfit would make my vampire look more authentic.”
“Well I like it. Please come in, let’s get out of the cold.” He followed behind me and with that all the guests had arrived. I then got my microphone and had the DJ cut the music as I got everyone’s attention. “Alright if I could have everyone’s attention. Just for a second.” And of course most of the people ignored me.
“Oi listen up you fuckers!” Freddie’s voice cried out throughout my house. He turned back towards me and winked at me.
“Thanks Fred. Okay first I want to thank you all for coming to the 1975 Halloween party. Now I want to avert your attention to the cards you all were required to get the second you all walked through the door. This year’s party will also be centered around a Murder Mystery game. Based on the card you have received, you have been chosen to either be a villager, a police officer, a witch/warlock and finally the werewolf. Now the werewolf, police and villagers are very obvious characters, but if you have been given a witch or warlock card. You have the option for saving a victim or like the werewolf, you can create more werewolves.”
I could already see people getting intrigued, especially the guys.  I smiled and continued.
“Now this game will go on for the rest of the night and whoever can guess who the main werewolf is by midnight is the winner. So as the party goes on, be sure to ask questions as your character. Any questions?” Brian raised his hand and I pointed to him.
“So if the villager is attacked by the werewolf, how long should it be for the villager to die?”
“I’d say give it 3-5 minutes. And werewolf don’t go overboard with the killings. Otherwise that’ll make you more obvious. And the way you attack is just tickle their palms for a brief second, but make sure it’s noticeable for your victim to get it.” Peter raised his hand next.
“When the villagers die, where do we go?”
“Excellent question. You have the option of becoming a wondering spirit. I’ve got some sheets prepared those that want in on the fun. You can wonder around but you can’t tell the name of the werewolf who killed you. Any more questions?” No one raised their hands. “No? Great, enjoy the party everyone and remember—be careful out there for this werewolf hunt begins…..now!” The party continued on.
The night went one and soon within 10 minutes, we heard the first scream and the first person to die was Johnathon, Roger’s roadie.  And it was then the investigation began.  I looked down at my card and saw that I was a witch.  So I got into the mindset of my character and just lurked around debating on what to do.
It was then Deacy came up to me and said.
“Excuse me Miss. Just a quick question, you wouldn’t happen to know just who was behind the recent killing would you?”
“I may or may not officer. But you know I think I saw Brian looking a little suspicious. I did notice he was the last one to shake Johnny’s hand before he died.”
“Thank you ma’am.” I grinned as he walked away and I walked the opposite way.
The murder mystery continued on and so far most of the roadies and Peter ended up on the dead list.  I looked around and that’s when Freddie came up to me and he said to me.
“Have you any idea who killed all those lovely dears?”
“I wish I knew Fred. I’m sorry about Peter.”
“Yes, I swear whoever killed him will pay for this barbaric betrayal.” We shook hands and that’s when I felt him tickle my palm. Ohh cheeky Freddie, very cheeky. I walked away from him and looked at the time to see that it was 9:25pm.  Maybe I could make this even more interesting and maybe do an outside death scene.
I walked out of the backyard but kept the back door opened so that people could hear me over the music playing.  I walked along the hay maze my cousins helped me set up when I heard the sound of rustling.  I stopped and looked around.
“Whose there?” I asked.  I didn’t see anyone else come out here, so either it was those damn squirrels or the neighbor’s dog again, then someone’s snuck onto my property. I grabbed the closest big stick I could find that still had a bunch of branches at the tip to make it look like a daggered stick.  It was then coming around the corner was a man.
I quickly grabbed my torch and shone it on him and to my disgust I saw that it was Paul Prenter.
“What are you doing here Prenter?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m here for the party.”
“Well there were two invitations I sent out. One to invite, and one not to invite. And I know I put you on the latter list.” I sneered at him.
“On the contrary love, I think I was put on the former list.” And I know this sounds crazy but I swear to god I thought I saw his eyes turn pure black as he grinned at me. “And I think it’s time I gave the hostess my profound gratitude.” He then lunged right at me as he roared an animalistic type roar.
Soon my screams could be heard from miles away. To one who could hear it, it sounded like I was literally getting murdered.  I raced through the maze trying to escape from Paul.
*3rd Person POV*
From inside the house, only four people could hear the screams over the loud music.  Freddie, Brian, John and Roger all met up with each other and Roger said.
“Was that (y/n)?”
“If it is, then that girl’s got a skill in acting.” Admitted Brian.
“No my darlings, I don’t think this is part of the game.” Freddie said wearily.  Deacy sniffed the air and gasped before growling lowly exposing his fangs.
“What is it Deacy dear?”
“Prenter!” he hissed.  At hearing his name the other three were in alert.
“That son of a—I’ll kill him I swear I’ll fucking kill him!” growled Roger.
“No Roger dear, leave him to me.” Freddie said as his demeanor changed from stoic to dark on a dime.
*My POV*
I kept running as Paul seemed to be getting closer and closer to me.  I could hear his rabid snarling and maniacal, haunting laughter.  As I ran a corner and tried to push on, I suddenly tripped and felt this sudden pain in my ankle.  I cried out and turned to see Paul finally leap towards me.  I ducked away but it was then I heard another snarl and soon hay just shot right over me as part of the wall exploded like a bomb going off.
I could hear what sounded like a tiger’s roar mixed in with either a lion’s or leopard’s low growling.  Slowly I lifted my arms away from my head and just lay there in shock.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n)!” It was then Deacy came in from behind me and he knelt down beside me. “Oh poppet, are you alright?”
“Paul—he…his….I….AHH!” I screamed as I felt Deacy take my left ankle into his hand.
“Well thankfully it’s not broken. Just a little sprained. C’mon let’s get you some ice and heal that up.” He picked me up bridal style and turned back the way he came but my eyes were just glued to the broken up wall in the maze.
Back inside up in my room, Deacy was bandaging up my ankle before taking one of my bathroom mini-towels and placing the bag of ice in it before finally placing it on my ankle.  I hissed and he said.
“I know it hurts for a while, but it’ll help decrease the swelling.” I really wanted to say something about what happened in the maze, but I knew I would only sound crazy.  “(Y/n), poppet are you sure you’re okay?” I look up at him and said.
“I—I probably watched the Exorcist one too many times. That—that didn’t happen, it couldn’t have happened.” I said in denial. But looking up at Deacy, he didn’t look at me with sympathy or like I was crazy.  In fact he looked—understanding.
“Poppet, remember when I said I had something to tell you?”
“Yeah. But—what does this have to do with what just happened?!”
“I promise all will make sense, but first I want you to answer me this.” He sat down close beside me, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and continued, “What exactly do you know about monsters?”
“Please (y/n) just—just answer my questions.”
“Well they—they aren’t real. I mean that’s what my auntie always said to me when I was little. Deacy what’s going on? Why ask me about that?”
“I promise you everything will make sense. Now tell me; what do you know about vampires?” At this point I was growing not only impatient but more confused. Why was Deacy asking me these questions?
“Deacy please just tell me what’s going on!? I’m not only still shaken up by—well whatever the hell was going on with Prenter out in the maze but these questions aren’t making any sense!”
“Listen to me (y/n). I’m…..trying to ease you into this delicately. Hell we vowed to never tell you this but now—not only with what just happened but we finally came to an agreement that you deserved the truth.”
“The truth about what? Are—did you guys commit murder or something?”
“No, no nothing like that at all. But please just answer my question and I’ll answer yours.” He stroked my cheek softly.  I looked up at him before sighing heavily.
“Well—my knowledge of vampires only limits to Dracula and other films regarding Vampires.”
“And what are those things?” he asked me.
“Well they—only come out at night.”
“Well truthfully it’s just no sunlight. Cloud days or stormy days they can come out.” Okay how the hell would he know that? “What else?”
“They uhh—drink blood. And they live forever.”
“Yes. And in a way they can, yes. Anything else you can think of?” I thought about it before saying.
“They have fangs? I don’t know! Deacy please enough questions what the hell is going on!?” I said panicked.  He takes a deep breath in through his nose before exhaling and turning fully towards me.
“Okay poppet. I—I want you to look into my eyes.”
“Okay.” I said wearily.
“I mean really look into my eyes.” He emphasizes as he cups my face in both his hands and leaned in very close to me, so close that our noses kept brushing against one another.  I kept my eyes on him and that’s when they changed from the bluish grey tone, to blood red.
At that point my heart just stopped and my body tensed up in fear.
“Tell me I’m not dreaming.”
“No, you’re not. And these aren’t special contact lenses either.” At that point I began to panic and it was then as Deacy took out the fake fangs, longer more realistic fangs grew out as he hissed and groaned. “Bloody hell my fangs have such bad timing.”
At this point like anyone should, I began stammering.
“Y-So—so y-you’re…..a-a-a real…..”
“Yes poppet. I’m a vampire. A real one.” And cue the panic and trying to get away.  I tried to get off the bed but Deacy caught bot my wrists and tried to calm me down. “No, no please (y/n) don’t run. You’re going to damage your ankle even more. Don’t. Don’t it’s okay. Stop struggling. Please relax.”
“Let go of me! Let go! Let go! Let go! Let go!” I begged and pleaded as I kept thrashing around.  Deacy kept hold of my wrists and kept trying to soothe me.
“(Y/n) please calm down. Relax. Shh, shh. I’m not going to hurt you. I wouldn’t dream of hurting you. Look into my eyes.”
“No! You’re going to use that freaky mind control and make me your blood slave!”
“Okay you don’t have to look into my eyes but just—look at me. Look at me.” He cups my face again, his thumbs gently stroking my cheeks.  “I’m still the same Deacy you know and love. Please love trust me.” I looked at him still in a panic but he kept looking at me with the same warmth and loving look he’s always given me.  Even though now his eyes were red.  “Breathe for me love.”
I took in a deep breath as he did the same.
“That’s it love. Let’s get your heartrate down. In for three, out for five.” We continued the breathing exercises until I was finally calm. “Good girl. That’s my girl.” He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead.  Okay, getting a kiss from a vampire, never knew that would happen to me.
“So—all this time you’ve been…..”
“And the guys….are—are they—vampires too?”
“Oh god no. You’ve seen our arguments and fights right?” I nodded. “It’d be—absolute hell if we were all vampires. No I’m the only vampire. But—the guys are also creatures of the night too.”
“What are they?”
“Well. Brian is a shapeshifter, but he mostly prefers to transform into a raven. Freddie is a familiar.”
“A what?”
“A familiar. They’re companions to a witch.” I thought about it and suddenly it clicked.
“So wait is—is Mary?”
“A witch? Yes. But don’t worry, she’s a good witch. A white witch, that means she only dabbles in light magic compared to what most witches are known for.” Okay so the few times I met Mary I’ve been talking to a real witch. “And roger is a drider.”
“A rider?”
“No love a drider. D.R.I.D.E.R. And—you may not like it when I tell you what that means.”
“I might as well know what it is so just tell me.”
“Basically you’ve got your half man half animals right. Like werewolves, mermaids, sirens, all that. Well a drider is a half man, half spider.” At that I shuddered.
“Spiders. Of all the things why did he have to be a spider.”
“Well, be thankful he’s not a naga.” He plainly suggested.
“I’m afraid to find out what that means.”
“Half person, half snake.”
“Oh fuck no! No, no, no, no!” he chuckled, even with the fangs, I could still see that sweet tooth gapped smile he’s always had. “So—monsters are real?”
“Yes. We’re all around. We can blend well with human society, but on All Hallows Eve, our true forms slowly come out till the stroke of midnight when our true forms take full shape.”
“So you—” I trailed off.
“I what? C’mon love don’t be shy. I know this is a lot to take in but don’t be afraid to ask me all the questions that are probably running through your mind.” He stroked my cheek gingerly with the back of his index finger.
“You’re—not going to eat me?” he let out a disbelieved chuckle.
“No. Well I mean…..”
“Deacy!” I whined fearfully.
“I’m kidding poppet. Of course not. I’ve told you time and time again, that I’d never let anyone hurt you. That also includes myself, come here.” He held his arms out to me.  I looked at him cautiously but he assured me with those red eyes of his that he wasn’t going to try anything.  
So I slowly leaned in and leaned against his shoulder like I always do whenever we hug.  I felt his arms wrap around me and he rubbed my back comfortingly.
“Of course I would never eat you. And neither would the lads. We all care about you too much.”
“How long have you been like this?” He hummed and said.
“Wow, never thought I’d be asked that. It seems so long ago, I don’t know if you’ll like the answer. But—I’m around 537 years old, give or take.” I gaped at him.  537 years old? Holy shit!  “Compared to the others I’m still the youngest. They’ve been around for millennia’s. Freddie of course is the oldest out of us. Then Bri and then Roger.”
“What else can vampires do?”
“Well, think of us as basically superhuman. We can lift things normal humans can’t. Our senses are sharper, and we can shapeshift our forms. Brian helped me gain control of that ability shortly after I met them roughly 196 years ago.”
“You’ve known them for that long?”
“Yes. Hard to believe isn’t it. Especially when we formed the band just recently. But I was living with them at the time as Queen was being formed.”
“But something doesn’t quite make sense. I thought vampires only drank blood, but I’ve seen you eat cheese of toast. And steak and shrimp. I thought vampires couldn’t eat human foods?”
“Well just because I’m a vampire doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a human meal every now and then. While I can eat it, I can’t taste them as you humans taste things. The only thing I can taste is blood, but that doesn’t mean I have to live solely on blood. I don’t know where that came from.”
“Blame pretty much every vampire movie made.” He bopped my nose playfully and that’s when I grew nervous.
“What is it poppet?”
“Have—have you ever…..and I don’t mean this to be offensive but, answer me this. Honest and truthfully Deacy. Have you—ever bitten anyone?” he sighed heavily and said.
“I think what you’re asking is if I’ve killed anyone?” I looked down shamefully. “What would you think of me if I did? How would you feel if I told you that I—stalk my prey? That when I feed, I drain every last ounce of life out of them?” I grew pale and pushed back from him. “Love don’t worry. I get my blood through a blood transfusion program. It puts less suspicion on us, and saves more of my kind. But I won’t lie there are vampires who freely kill wherever they go. That they see humans as no more than blood bank pets.”
“Do they—live here in London?”
“Afraid so. But like I said before, I’ll always protect you. So will Freddie, Brian and Roger. In fact I’ll let you in on a little secret, come closer.” I lean a bit closer to him but keep a good foot away from him. “Closer.” I lean closer and that’s when he meets me halfway and whispers in my ear. “Vampires are afraid of driders.”
“For real?”
“I’ll admit I was afraid of Roger myself when I first met him, but he—sorta grew on me as the century went by. So you’re well protected especially if Roger is by your side should a vampire try to do anything to you.”
“Guess I’ll need to apologize to him telling how Fred was my second favorite Queen member.”
“Nah let him believe he’s in last place.”
“You are so cruel!”
“They don’t call me the kind of the one liners for nothing.” He bragged.  “And you know, I’m quite surprised you never figured it out at least with me. Why did you think I never let you in the loo whenever I was getting ready?”
“So wait, Vampires really don’t have a reflection in the mirrors?”
“That’s the one gag that’s actually 100% true. Due to the silver material mirrors contain, we can’t be shown. That’s why I ask you for final looks before I go on stage on how I look.”
“So all that stuff about garlic and wooden stakes?”
“Completely false. Garlic just smells bad so that means anyone can be killed by garlic just because of the smell, and a stake can’t even pierce through a plate of ribs all the way through, so how the hell is it supposed to kill us? You would need to do repeated stabs in order to even attempt to get to our dead hearts.”
“And staying in during the day?”
“That is true to a degree. It’s only sunlight we can’t stand. But if it’s a cloudy morning then we can survive. But nighttime is the preferred method because our eyes are so sensitive. Driders have the same effect we do when it comes to sunlight.”
“So that’s why Roger’s always wearing sunglasses inside and out.”
“Exactly. Clever girl.” He said as he gently ruffled my hair.
“Now I have to ask. What happened outside with Paul, he’s—is he a monster too?”
“The worst kind of monster there is. A demon. He’s been poking around near us as a way to gain human souls for hell. But you don’t have to worry about him anymore, Fred took care of him.”
“You—you mean that—thing was Freddie?” he nodded. “But he—he didn’t even look human.”
“Familiars in their true form look more like goblins. They have some knowledge of magic but not a lot. And they’re the only creatures that can actually kill demons.”
“And that’s what Freddie did?” I asked.
“Prenter had it coming when he decided to attack you. Especially on All Hallows Eve when our powers are most strong.” I leaned back against his shoulder and asked the million dollar question.
“How did you become a vampire?”
“Hmm, never did I think I would tell that story again. It’s pretty long.”
“Well I’m sure the guys probably sent everyone home so the party’s cancelled. I’ve got all night if you’d like.” He stroked through my hair and he explained.
“Well; long before I met Veronica. Centuries before she was born. I—had another love. To me—she was everything, but to her I was nothing but a pet. A blood bank that would sustain her.”
“Ohh Deacy.”
“I mean—I knew the signs that she was a vampire. Because back then people weren’t as skeptical as they are today. So just from the signs I knew who she was, but—I didn’t care. I loved her. Anyways, one day there was a fire. Our house was in full blaze. A beam fell from the roof and, went right through my chest. I still have the scar to this day, you can even see it today.” He pushed back the left side of his attire aside and there I finally saw the faint lining of a scar that looked like something had stabbed him. “I guess—in her final mercy. She fed me her blood. The next thing I knew, I woke up stronger, condemned, my senses were sharper.”
“And—what happened to her? Did you ever find her again?”
“No. She—disappeared. I never saw her again, even to this day I’ve never found her. Best bet is that she probably got herself into trouble and ended up getting killed by humans. So…..ever since then I’ve been completely alone. Till I met the other three, then Veronica. And finally you.” He softly grinned down at me before brushing my hair aside.
“Is—Is Veronica a vampire too?”
“No. She’s like you. A mortal.”
“Does she know? About you and the guys being….you know.”
“I told her last year. She—caught me in the midst of my transformation. I—I was so afraid she’d leave me and see me as a monster instead of who I was to her. But……god or whoever above bless her, she still accepted me for being what I am. And now we’re raising our own little family together. Sure it may seem wrong for humans and monsters to be together but I don’t give a fuck.”
“I was told that vampires couldn’t procreate, is that also a lie?”
“Yes. In fact—vampires are basically the reigning kings and queen of creating actual life.”
“So you’re quite prolific then, aren’t you?” he laughed and bowed his head shyly.
“Yes you could say that. And at only 537.” He stroked the back of my head and he said, “Are you still afraid of me? Of the guys?”
“Honestly. Not of you. But then again I’m still shaken up at the fact that everything my grandpa said before he and nan died about monsters not being real is a lie. And due to the fact that I was almost killed by a demon. It’s—all too much for me to try and process.”
“And that’s understandable love. Brian said straight up as soon as you got close to us when you became our assistant that we should tell you the truth as soon as possible. But Fred and Roger said we couldn’t do that to you. You were so young, we wanted you to keep that innocence for a little longer. Plus we—didn’t want to lose you because of what we are.”
“I get why you guys kept this from me. But knowing everything now, you guys maybe monsters in a literal, physical sense. That doesn’t mean you’re monsters in the figurative sense. But it—it’s still gonna take time for me to completely accept that the famed band Queen are creatures of the night.”
“Again, I understand. Just know that—even though we are monsters, we are still the same four boys you know and love. And we still love you just as much. We can still love and care just like humans can, we have flaws, we feel lonely. Sometimes even more than what you humans go through when it comes to loneliness. But all the same emotions humans go through, we go through them too.” I nodded and he smiled and hugged me close to him.
He nuzzled the top of my head before pressing a few kisses on top of it.
“How’s the ankle now?”
“Still a bit numb, but I think it’s just due to the ice. It doesn’t hurt as much as before.”
“Let me take a look at it.” He scooted downward and removed the rag from my foot and quietly observed it.  He gently placed his hand over it and my cold skin mixed with his slightly cold hand, it sent shivers up my spine. “Well it’s coming along fine. We’ll just need to keep it propped up and iced and you should be able to walk again in the next few days.”
“Thanks Dr. Deacon.” He grinned before turning towards my clock.
“It’s nearing midnight.” I turned to my clock and saw that he was right.  It was now 3 minutes till midnight.  Damn where did the time go?  “Shall the lads and I see ourselves out?”
“Well I mean, if you wanted to, you guys can stay here for the night. My cousins probably long went home by now so it’s just me in the house now.”
“Well I—we wouldn’t want to impose.”
“You’re not. I love having you guys here. Plus I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep tonight after what just happened with Paul.”
“No worries poppet. We can protect you.” He said as he stroked my cheek gingerly. There was a brief moment of silence before Deacy continued, “The guys are on their way up here.”
“Wait—how did…..”
“Telepathic connections love. Anyone that’s close to a vampire can be connected through a telepathic link between each other. So that means I can connect with the guys, Veronica, my children.” ‘And now you.’ I gasped as I suddenly heard his voice in my head.
He chuckled softly as he grinned and I heard his voice again say.
‘Can you hear me poppet?’
‘Yeah. I can hear you.’ I answered in my head. He touched my forehead with his and brought me closer to him when a voice spoke up.
“I see you just extended your telepathic bond with our beloved (y/n).” We looked up and there stood Bri, Rog and Freddie. Bri then spoke again, “How’s the ankle love?”
“Getting better.”
“So—Deacy told you everything huh?” Roger said as his eyes showed nothing but pure shame.
“Yeah. I know the truth about you guys. It’s—a lot to take in but….I think with time I can accept this.”
“And that’s all we can ask for darling. Just as long as you never change your mind about us. See that what we were doing around you was just for show wasn’t an act. That’s who we really are.” Freddie said as he came up to my other side and placed his chin on my lap.
“She’s allowed us to stay here for the night while our full transformation begins.” Deacy told the guys.
“Are you sure lovie? You—may not like what you see from some of us.”
“As long as you don’t destroy my house then I have no problems Rog. Besides sooner or later I’m gonna have to see your true selves. You all have already seen mine when I told you about my parents about to sell me in the black market for drug money had it not been for my grandpa.”
“She’s right Roger dear. It’s only fair.” Freddie said as he sat up and rubbed my back comfortingly.  It was then my grandmother’s mini Victorian ‘grandfather clock’ chimed away signaling that midnight had arrived.
Fred and Deacy both got off my bed and it was then the boys began to morph.  Deacy’s hair grew longer almost down to his mid back, his fingers grew longer and his nails more sharper to a point.  Brian grew about a foot taller and his skin changed from that slight tan color to a greyish tone, his eyes went from hazel blue to purple.
But the biggest change came from both Fred and Roger.  Roger’s lower half began to stick together as now 6 spider legs started spurting out. A spider body began to consume his lower half and the three eyes that stood on his forehead finally began to come alive as they moved around till they locked right onto me.  And Freddie—well his entire human feature almost disappeared as his legs disappeared into the tentacle like tail that I saw earlier in the maze.  His fingers grew longer and longer, and his head morphed almost into an alien shape like bulb.
His eyes went from brown to an amber-like orange, but what was almost haunting was the fact there was this black, magic smoke surrounding him, as well as moths that fluttered around him as he stood there. Another thing I began to notice was that in this form, he had no mouth.
At the last chime from my clock, the guys stood there in their full forms right before my very eyes.
“(Y/n), you—okay?” I’ll admit I’m stunned to see them like this, hell there’s still a part of me that wants to flee for the hills (and I hate to admit it that it was mostly because of Fred and Rog at this point. Out of the four of them, they take the prize for being the most horrifying to look at).
‘If it help darling.’ In this form Freddie’s voice was more like a haunting whisper of the wind. ‘I can change into my other form.’ Other form? Oh god what would that look like.  Then almost at the snap of a finger, a black cat stood in Freddie’s place.
He was pure black much like his hair was in his human disguise, and he had the orange eyes.  He was pretty lean in his cat form and he meowed as he came up towards my bed.  I smiled as he hopped up gracefully onto my bed and walked up towards me.  He meowed again before making a trilling sort of meow as a motorboat purr came out of him as he nuzzled me.
I picked him up and held him close to me as he licked his lips.
“I guess I can see why you and Mary have so many cats back home. Can you speak to them?” he meowed before nuzzling my cheek and even licked it.  I went ahead and took that as a yes.
“He says yes, and they keep him company most of the time.” Explained Deacy.
“So you guys can understand him in cat form?” I asked as I scratched under Freddie’s chin.
“Yes. Soon in time you’ll be able to understand him too.” Stated Brian.
“Dick move Fred, you know that I can’t turn into a cuddly cat or animal to ease (y/n) into this.” At that point I heard Freddie growl.  Now I didn’t need to understand familiar tongue to know a growl like that.
“Hey now don’t be ugly Freddie.” I warned him as I adjusted him in my arms.  He then squirmed a bit wanting me to set him so I obliged and he rubbed up against my leg before plopping down against it, exposing his tummy.  “Okay you’re forgiven.” I then rubbed his stomach like a dog and I heard his purrs grow louder. I think it’s clear to me that he’s the only cat that ever likes belly rubs and scratches.
“Are there—anymore questions that are on your mind about us?” asked Brian.
“I think I’ve been filled enough for one night. I’m still trying to process Deacy’s backstory but in time I’ll ask about you three later.”
“Understandable lovie. We’re sorry again that we never told you in the 3 years you’ve known us. We just……”
“I know Rog. Deacy explained it to me. And to be honest if I were in your shoes I’d probably do the same thing. But…..” I trailed off sadly.
“What is it love? C’mon tell us.” Deacy said as he came up to me and placed his hand on top of my shoulder and gave it a soothing rub with his thumb.  I took a deep breath and sighed.
“Are the three of you immortal as well?” At hearing my question Brian answered.
“Yes. We’ve been around for millennia’s.”
“So—that means you four will have to watch me grow old, wither and then die.” At hearing that, the four of them grew solemn that was until Deacy spoke.
“Well love, there—there is one way. But it requires the greatest sacrifice.” I turned to him and at that point Freddie took his leave and morphed back into his true form. “One night during the Sheer Heart attack tour, we all sat down after you went to bed. And we talked about this matter very deeply. Out of all our years of living, you have been the one that made us feel what it meant to be—human. You’ve given us so much that—that we can’t bear to watch you slowly wither and parish with time.”
“You’ve always been there for us. Taught us that it was okay to not be okay.” Brian added.
“To not let the growing media put you in a spotlight that is not true.” Added Roger.
‘That it’s okay to have flaws and insecurities. That you don’t always have to be perfect to everyone.’ Freddie added.
“So—the question I have for you is this.” He took both my hands in his, he looked deeply into my eyes and said the four most dangerous, most trusting words that a vampire can say to anyone. “Let me turn you.”
At hearing those four words, my heart stopped and I stared at him in shock.
“I know it’s unfair for me to ask that of you. We’d be asking you to give up everything you’ve ever known. Leave the remaining family you have and having his curse upon you. But there’s no other way.”
“Isn’t there some magic spell that Mary can use?”
‘Magic can be used to increase a witch’s life force but putting a mortal. A pure mortal like you under one, could have serious consequences. I would not risk it even if Mary were to find a spell to do just that.’ Freddie said.  I nodded and thought long and hard about it.
“Will—will it hurt?” There was silence in the room till Deacy asked.
“Is that a yes?” Before I could reply, he cupped both sides of my face and said in a serious tone. “I need you to be 100% certain that your answer is yes. Because if it is, there’s no going back. And there are no do-overs. Once you are turned, that’s it. Now I’ll ask again. Will you let me turn you?” I kept silent as I thought about this long and hard.
Yeah I mean I would leave my cousins behind but we hardly ever saw each other since they are legally adults and have their own lives.  I just call them whenever I need help with something or they help keep the mortgage on my grandparent’s mansion since I couldn’t afford it yet.
Plus I don’t want to die while the boys kept on living.  I wouldn’t dream of putting them through that grief after all we’ve been through together, what we could go through together.  So I gave Deacy my answer.
“Yes.” He exhaled nervously before suddenly embracing me.  At first I thought he was going to bite me right then and there, but all he did was stroke down my hair and rock me from side to side.
“I promise love, I’ll teach you everything I know. I can officially be your ‘brother’. I won’t let you fall off the wagon. I’ll take care of you I promise.” Wow I mean I knew Deacy was sensitive but never did I think this much.  I actually kinda liked it.  At least I knew I wouldn’t be abandoned like he was when he was turned.
A little bit of time passed by and Bri and Fred left the room leaving Roger, Deacy and I in my bedroom.
“So—how exactly is this going to work?” I asked.
“Well there are many ways that a turning can happen, but it all has to come to one common denominator. The turnee has to be at the brink of death.” Deacy explained.  Why didn’t that surprise me? “And since I wouldn’t dream of doing something like shooting or stabbing you, I think it’d be more humane to go the traditional way.” I nodded but didn’t say a word. “(Y/n), something’s on your mind love. Tell me.”
“I—I don’t know I just…..”
“Do you regret saying yes?”
“No it’s not that Deacy it’s just…..”
“Just what?”
“What if—what if something goes wrong? Like you find my blood so tasty that you can’t stop. That you just forget about turning me and just kill me right here on my bed.”
“That’s why I’m here lovie.” Roger said as he stepped towards me.  He placed his black-clawed hand on my other shoulder and he continued, “As I’m sure he probably told you. Vampires fear nothing except for one creature. Driders. If for whatever reason Deacy’s primal instincts take over, one stern word from me and he’ll immediately back off. Because throughout history our venom is so potent, that it has the ability to kill other immortal creatures, including vampires.”
“Especially since his species of drider is the most dangerous and the kings and queens of all. Roger is a black widow drider.” I turned towards Rog and he merely shrugged.
“I don’t like to brag.”
“Oh please every year you like to show off the famed red hourglass you’ve got.” Deacy rolled his eyes.
“Watch it bat boy just remember who you’re talking to.”
“Okay guys, guys, guys. Human female in the room remember?” They ceased their arguing and Roger apologized.  Deacy brushed the hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear and he said.
“I’ll try my best to not go overboard. I’ll only drain just enough to where you can still drink my blood. And like Roger said, he’ll be here in case anything does go sideways. But I promise I’ll try to control myself.” He kissed my forehead and had me lay down on my bed.  He hovered over me and he asked me. “Are you ready?” I swallowed hard and exhaled a nervous breath.
“Yes.” He stroked my cheek and whispered in my ear.
“Just relax love. It’ll feel like getting a shot, then some numbness. I’ve got you poppet.” I felt his nose go from my cheek down to my neck.  He stopped at the middle section of my neck where probably my veins were more noticeable. “I can hear your heartbeat, and I can smell it too. Relax love. It’ll be more painful the more tense you are.” It was then I felt Roger’s hands take my right one and he gave it a comforting squeeze.
“I’m giving you permission to squeeze my hand as tight as you want to. If you feel afraid or any pain, you can squeeze my hand. You won’t hurt me.” I nodded briefly.  I felt Deacy place a kiss on my neck before I felt his fangs graze against my skin.
Then just like getting a shot at the doctor’s (however unlike a little needle, these were two hypodermic fangs) I felt a prick at my neck.  I gasped and squeezed Roger’s hand.
“It’s okay lovie. Just look at me, look at nothing but me.” He cupped the side of my face and stroked my left cheek so that I wouldn’t look at Deacy.  “Just focus on me lovie. I can share with you some drum solos I’ve had in mind for the Christmas concert we’re scheduled to do.”
I hummed and as he spoke, I felt myself getting lightheaded.  Roger was going in and out of focus and my mouth was now gaping out.  I felt numb and tired and that’s when I heard Roger say.
“Deacy stop. She’s ready.” But I heard an animalistic growl coming from Deacy.  It sounded much like a lion’s growl, maybe even a bear I don’t know.  My vision was growing black and I heard Roger snarl. “Deacon enough! You’re going to kill her!” At that point I heard what sounded like a lion mixed with a snake’s hiss as Deacy jumped back from me and I saw the blurry figure of Roger standing over me. “ENOUGH!!!”
I then felt light, faint strokes around my head and Roger’s muffled voice said.
“(Y/n), lovie can you hear me?” I faintly groaned and that’s when Deacy came back into my blurry vision and I heard him say.
“Oh god love I—I’m sorry I-I-I didn’t mean to go overboard I….”
“Just quickly give her your blood before she passes out.” Roger told him.  It was then I saw Deacy bite into his wrist and I felt it touch my lips.
“Here love, drink.” I placed my lips over it and at first gagged at the taste of his blood.  It was like licking 1000 pennies all at once. “I know love, I know it tastes bad but it’ll pass. Please love you have to drink or else you’ll die.” He cups me behind my head and much like a baby, places his wrist back to my mouth and I slowly began drinking his blood.
It tasted revolting at first but like he said, it soon turned out to be the most delicious thing I ever tasted. Kinda like—my favorite milkshake at Kenny’s ice cream parlor.  I don’t know what came over me but I found myself gripping Deacy’s forearm and greedily drank his blood.
“Now, now, not so fast love. Easy. Easy poppet.” He cooed as I let him stroke my hair.  I kept drinking and drinking until I had my fill.  I separated from his wrist and exhaled. “You messy little thing.” He cooed as I felt a wet rag wipe away my probably bloody mouth and chin.
“Shhhh, just rest now.” He whispered.  Suddenly feeling exhausted I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep.
*3rd Person POV*
As John looked down at her, he couldn’t believe he almost ended her life.  Even though he’s had human blood thousands of times from the blood transfer program the hospitals do with vampires, it had been centuries since he got it from the actual source.
It was like—he had been taken over by centuries of natural instincts and he just needed to keep drinking from her.  But thankfully Roger was there to stop him. He would’ve never forgiven himself had he killed her.
“Thank you Roger.” He nodded.
“Just don’t scare me like that again. I was literally seeing the life drain from her eyes. Don’t ever put me in the position again.” The two rhythm players of Queen looked down at the young newborn vampire about to be born.
“You can leave now Roger. I’ll stay with her.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. I know what it’s like to not have the one who turned you leave you. I don’t want to damage her psyche like that. I am her brother now. And she deserves to see me when she first awakens.” Roger nodded but before he left, he stroked (y/n)’s hair and nuzzled her head before giving her a soft kiss to her forehead.
Once Roger left the room, Deacy lay down close beside her and held her close to him.  He allowed her head to rest on his chest and he protectively wrapped his arms around her.  Rubbing her back and stroking through her hair, he knew touch was crucial to her at this point.
About an hour and a half later, she began to stir and the first thing she felt were back rubs and scalp massages.  She moaned and curled deeper into Deacy’s chest.
“Morning sister.” She looked up and as he looked into her eyes, her normal (e/c) eyes were now blood red.  Her nails were more pointed but not as long as Deacy’s were.
“Yes sister mine. It’s me. How do you feel?”
“Needy. Why do I feel needy brother dear?”
“Because sister mine, much like newborn human babies, newborn vampires need to have the skin to skin contact with the one that turned them. Unlike the wench that turned me, I won’t abandon you.” She buried her face into his neck and buried her hand into his suit and stroked around his shoulder and even went down his chest to touch the scar he had shown her earlier.
Deacy did the same thing as he nuzzled her head like a lion nuzzling their pride mate and tucked his hand under her shirt so that his hand was now touching her bare back, rubbing soothing circles.
“That’s it poppet. Just cuddle against me. It’ll all be okay. I’m here, I’m here.” He whispered as he continued to bury his face into her hair.  
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