#thats a lot of uchihas
moon-trees · 1 month
kinda funny how fugaku calls itachi a kind child, and then 5 minutes later, itachi tortures his 7 year old brother.
fugaku: itachi, you truly are a kind child. take care of sasuke...
itachi: don't worry father, i will.
also itachi: tortures sasuke twice, manipulates and abandons him, and literally ruins his life.
fugaku, mikoto, and the entire uchiha clan:
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noushienoushnoush · 3 months
It just hit me that they really had to keep Sasuke out of Naruto The Last movie as much as possible in order to shoehorn Naruto and Hinata's relationship. Like, if that man got even a second of genuine interaction with Naruto, the supposed chemistry of NaruHina would've been lost completely because Naruto wouldn't stop talking about Sasuke and Sasuke wouldn't stop staring at Naruto. And the rest of the gang would be third, fourth, and fifth wheels (yes, I'm looking at you Sakura).
Like, can you imagine the magic water portal thingy scene if Sasuke was there??? I'm sorry Hinata but that's game over right there for you my gal. You might as well have been dismissed from the mission even though technically the whole thing kinda supposed to revolve around you in this movie.
Can you imagine instead of Hinata, it was Naruto and Sasuke getting to spend some alone time together in peace, in old, dusty, abandoned houses... reflecting on their childhood or the future?? Naruto looking at Sasuke as his thick black hair was caressed by a gentle breeze????!!!
I need to sit down.
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So basiclly they just put Sasuke on the poster and gave him a few frames to acknowledge his existence and note what he's up to but they very deliberately kept him out of the story as much as possible because they knew. I feel like deep down, they just knew they couldn't have Hinata and Sasuke in the same room with Naruto if this was supposed to be a romantic movie above all else.
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atoriv-art · 6 months
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
Thoughts on baby sasunaru, like academy days where Sasuke realizes ‘shoot, I like this idiot’ after Naruto is carried into the class room laughing by disheveled ANBU who had to chase him around the town for 3 hours.
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Anon I've been thinking abt this all day
#listen. i love sasuke a lot. and i see a lot of hate for him and i cant stand it#im obsessed with how sasuke sees naruto. he looks at naruto and naruto makes the world feel less terrible#that is literally canon. but at the same time their dynamic in the academy is so weird bc like they do not talk but they gaze#longingly at eachother. its so weird. so i think to make sense of this i would say that sasuke thinks naruto is fun#he likes his sort of carefree off the walls nature which is something he feels he cant show. i also dont understand sasuke's intelligence#like were told hes smart but he also struggles with the same stuff as naruto. thus i must assign him auditory processing issues/maybe#dyslexia. bc i like to inflict dyslexia upon my faves. and i like the idea of iruka seating them together so that he can give special#attention to naruto and to sasuke with sasuke having to speak up abt it. but thats just me making stuff up. i also like the idea that#sasuke just like blank faced glares so much to cover the fact that he has no idea wtf is happening. like he's super smart but his brain is#on a delay lmao. anyway i just love the idea of sasuke wanting to be a dumb kid doing dumb kid stuff with naruto to the extent that he#forgets his anger. and being 100% on board for narutos stupid ideas#uzumaki naruto#uchiha sasuke#hatake kakashi#umino iruka#haruno sakura#is this the 1st time ive drawn sakura? maybe. i have complcated feeling abt her for obv reasons. bad writing i mean#naruto#also i say sasuke thinks naru is fun. im looking past the fact that they feel eachothers pain. more why do they vibe together personality#wise. does that make sense? maybe idk. i just love them a lot#oh god i wish i could edit my tags at the start to clarify what i mean. but god i dont wanna rewrite this
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spooky-kakashi · 22 days
the funniest thing about the uchiha and senju beef is that these bitches have been beefing since the first ever uchiha and senju (indra and ashura) AND THEY STILL CHOSE TO BE FUCKING NEIGHBORS
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lecliss · 7 months
Why is Obito's height and weight listed as 182cm/70.3kg while Tobi is 175cm/55.9kg. THATS THE SAME FUCKING DUDE HOW DID OBITO SHRINK HIMSELF?????
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anubisthe1 · 9 months
Like 10 times a day I get the urge to say affectionate words about sasuke in my native language. And every time I try to translate them I have to erase the whole sentence because it makes no sense.
Like in my head I'm like:
"Cte paska qendisur zoti" - God has stitched you well
"Te marrca te keqen" - take all the bad things from you
Etc etc etc
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chainlinksunset · 1 year
theres so much abt me / some of the others thats like. lol the second any of us says shit online were getting dogpiled
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waffliesinyoface · 2 months
a fun thing in the naruto universe is how names work
because like, in japan, the polite thing to do is call people by their LAST names, with given names being like. a friends/family thing?
except, in the naruto universe, they had the clan wars, which went on for GENERATIONS before the hidden villages were formed. And clan tensions were so tight that if you introduced yourself by your last name, someone might just try to kill you because your clan is allied with a clan thats allied with another clan who is an enemy of the person you're talking to.
obviously, this was a hassle.
so, there was like, an unspoken rule of only giving your first name, as seen with Hashirama and Madara. Because if you didn't know for a fact that someone was a senju or an uchiha, you could just treat them as another ninja and mutually decide not to kill each other. Things like the sharingan or any notable techniques would be a dead giveaway, but as long as you're not fighting, everyone can just. Politely not ask questions.
but also, because clans are important, they still want to have something which ties the clan together, if last names are omitted from conversation with outsiders.
This is less important in the modern era, but it's still present - everyone in naruto's academy class, even students who aren't friends, exclusively use their classmates first names. Even the teacher isn't immune, he's called Iruka-sensei, not Umino-sensei.
Which is why most clans have first names with common, repeated elements, especially where the main line comes in.
Ino/Shika/Chou is the obvious one, but you also have things like the Hyuuga having a history of the first-born having their name start with Hi (Hizashi, Hiashi, Hinata, Himawari, etc.) or the senju having -rama (Hashirama, Tobirama, Kawarama), the Inuzuka being named after animal body parts (Tsume - claw, Kiba - fang, Hana - nose), all sorts of stuff like that.
It works both in universe (clan loyalties and traditions) and out of universe (group similar characters together)!! its really neat!!!
kishimoto did a lot of dumb things with the Lore and consistently forgot details he'd written about earlier on, but when he DOES have a consistent worldbuilding thing it's super cool to think about.
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ayyyez · 1 year
Hello! If you're still open for hcs can you do what kind of girl Naruto and sasuke would like personality wise?
a/n: Hello! Yeah sure thing, thanks for sending in a request :)
Tags: dating headcanons, fluff
Characters: Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha
Naruto Uzumaki
I think Naruto is pretty flexible with someone he likes/dates. He's got the kind of warm complimentary personality to bring out the best in you no matter what. He can sort of be with with anyone as long as they weren't 100% a carbon copy of him (similarities are okay just not exactly the same)
If you're someone who is more shy he holds the kind of warmth to naturally bring you out of your shell. Does so much talking without feeling embarassed or anxious so it takes the pressure off you. Is super encouraging when it comes to getting you to open up about yourself too.
He can be a little insensitive about certain things sometimes but it's never malicious or intentional. As long as you can call him out on his shit or understand, the two of you will flow well. He does learn, albiet it takes time. Makes the effort!
Naruto becomes a bit more sensitive and considerate around you the more he learns about your likes and dislikes. At first it was all about taking you to things he liked. If you enjoy them then great! More things you have in common but if you don't he wants to find out what you do like. Bugs you about it until you tell/show him. Makes it a fun time no matter what.
If you're more bubbly like him then the two of you are chatterboxes bouncing off each other, all laughs and energy. He's a competitive guy so if you are too then you can make a game out of who pays for the bill at dinner.
Didn't have money growing up so isn't into fancy food places. Is a local ramen man still. Ichiraku has his heart after all. So he's not going to be a fan of being dragged around to fancy venues all the time. If thats your thing then count him out. He's a street corner, local business kinda guy. Fancy places for anniversaries maybe.
In general he's just going to want to be with someone who supports him and who he can support in return. Naruto isn't super fussy. Compassion is a big thing for him in a partner. Also someone who strives to understand people.
Everything else is simply an added bonus that comes with being you.
Sasuke Uchiha
I think for Sasuke it's less about what he looks for in a partner and more about who will stick it out and be with him for him. He's a very complicated guy and not a lot of people can handle that. You have to be patient and understanding, that's for sure.
Like all Uchiha he feels things very deeply and with that depth comes a lot of pain and trauma he's held onto for years. Someone who is willing to stick around and just be there for him goes a long way.
Just be a shoulder to lean on, cry on and listen to him when he is ready.
If you are someone who is kind but not a push over (doesn't take shit from anyone) then that's perfect for him. There are days he needs kindess but there are also days he needs a kick in the ass. Someone to remind him of his priorities, that there are people who care about him and that you care about him.
He gets inside his own head a lot. If you're a bubbly person who can pull him out of that—he really needs it.
Even just someone who can make silly jokes and tell fun stories that make him laugh. Take him on mini adventures through the village. Little things to bring him back to life and get him out of his natural mopey state.
Sasuke will say he doesn't want to them but it's up to you to know better—to know he really just means he's afraid of leaving the comfort of his brooding.
He actually ends up enjoying himself. One day he does admit that to you (in the form of a gentle whisper in your ear).
If you're the kind of person who has a natural inclination to take care of him, he will appreciate you so much. Whether it's cooking him food or taking him out to eat, making sure he's sleeping or holding him while he sleeps to make sure he feels safe. All the little things to give him comfort.
Someone who can talk to him easily! He's not very good at opening up about certain things. If you start off the conversations and lean into certain topics, even by offering up certain vulnerabilities about yourself then he will feel safe to eventually do the same with you.
He needs someone he can talk to and trust but he's not good at establishing those boundaries and opening himself. He needs your help and comfort to do it.
Sasuke just needs someone who is willing to be open and vulnerable so he knows it's okay to be the same. He needs love.
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usuratongaychi · 2 months
lol im finally making this post😭😭I’ll add and update things as i think of them.
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ok Naruto first
- has definitely gotten sick from only eating instant ramen for a while.
- used to steal A LOT, he got pretty good at it and stopped caring abt it.
- has a lot more foxlike features than what is shown. his nails are probably sharper/stringer than most peoples, has a considerable amount of body hair, a high pitched laugh (like a fox’s call) and a high jump.
- i feel like hes very ADHD coded.
- one of those people that thinks everyone is bi, or at least a little gay. “wdym you dont wanna kiss your male friends??”
- would be one of those guys that argues about which rapper is the best..idk he just seems like the type.
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- tbh i feel like he has a lot more mental effects from the uchiha massacre than is shown in the story. I can see him being thinner than naruto and sakura, just bc he’s always anxious.
- or having traps set up at his house, things like that.
- he probably sees things out of the corners of his eyes and jump a lot. (most of these im getting from when i had ptsd💀)
- he cuts his hair short to avoid looking any more like itachi than he already does.
- he’s probably one of those people who cant STAND processed food. he gets on naruto all the time about only eating junk food.
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- she was definitely really friendly as a kid. totally the type to invite quieter kids to play and stuff like that. she never wanted anyone else to be excluded.
- she was hinata’s first friend, since shes so quiet.
- she’s the type to buy everything in pink too.
idk i got nothin
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- definitely owns rabbits, maybe hamsters too. she would be such a good pet mom😭😭, esp because rodents are so finnicky and need quiet environments.
- has a mega sweet tooth.
- likes collecting things. charms, dried flowers, pretty rocks, stickers.
- definitely has an anxiety disorder, tho im sure they don’t have antidepressants in the ninja world💀
ok thats all i have the energy for now, updates later!!
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possessmeplease · 4 months
I dont wanna make too many, so heres a few!! None of these personalities are canon, these are all just made up. If you dont like when people put totally different personalities on characters, I recommend you dont read this! 🫶
-Sasukes family is full of police, and they run a police station
-The Uchiha family is also some kind of mafia shit
-Yes they abuse their police power
-The Hyuugas are also mafia, and are rivals to the Uchihas!
-Sasuke and Neji were forced ‘rivals’, because they were the same age
-Sasuke almost killed Neji
-Later became friends, now repeatedly visits Neji in the hospital because he got in a coma
-Naruto is Sasukes real rival, but only in academics, girls and strenght (from Naruto’s pov)
-Sasuke sees Naruto as a rival, somehow
-Minato and Kushina are alive, very chaotic but happy couple
-Minato is the mayor, and Kushina is a judge
-This is how Sasuke sees a rival in Naruto, because Naruto is on the ‘good’ side and hes on ‘bad’ side
-They were rlly good friends in childhood tho
-They made out as practise hehe
-Knew they weren’t attracted to men after that
-Naruto wasn’t exactly hated when growing up, but he accidentally murdered someone in his teens so lots of people hated him after that
-Wasn’t actually the murderer
-He got away with it anyway because of his parents :)
-Seen as ‘weird kid’ in school
-Trained his body from a very young age, and does martial arts!!
-Really powerful
-He had a crush on Sakura until he found out from his parents that she was included in some sketchy shit
-Sakura is very smart
-Like very
-She knows the Uchiha are mafia, because of a certain happening
-Popular in school
-Became really strong after she started dating Sasuke, because Sasuke trained her really well so she’d be able to protect herself!
-Hinata is a shy cutie, but when you get to know her shes kind manipulative with her shyness, and clingyness
-Didn’t know she was manipulative though, because she just picked up behaviours from her mom
-The hyuugas are not a happy family/household
-Didn’t wanna be involved with mafia, since it included being more ‘close’ to her family
-She only likes Neji and Hanabi in her family
-Became stronger so she could protect Hanabi
-Dislikes Sasuke for what he did to Neji.
-Ino is a whore
-That sounded bad mb
-She doesn’t like it, but her family is poor so she sells herself
-Is trying to use Sakura for money
-Thats why theyre friends
-Shikamaru is smart, but ignorant
-He ignores everything that goes on around him, because its too ‘bothersome’
-Choji follows what Shikamaru does, not hesitant. Theyre best friends, right? Shikamaru wouldn’t do anything to hurt him, right?
-Kiba has a fake personality, and is only himself around his dog
-He doesn’t wanna be involved in anything, but ends up being involved anyway
-Nobody notices Shino. He does that want to be noticed, anyway. Or?
-TenTen clings on to Sakura and Ino like a leech, she just wants friends.
-Lee is super sporty! Too bad he got a really bad injury that made him unable to do what he loves.. Hope this doesn’t make him *too* depressed!
-Does Gaara spare his siblings? We dont know. Will Naruto be able to save Gaara in this timeline? We dont know.
-‘Sensei’s like Kakashi are teachers or workers in shops
-Itachi does his best to keep Sasuke out of the spotlight. He likes when the attention is on him.
hehe i put some images that i found that fit this!! 😽
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denialcity · 2 years
hashirama despairing at winter 3pm in the office when mdr walks in. hashirama whining like i wanna go homeeeeeeeeeee madara help meeeeeeeee and mdr is like hmm ok thats a lot of papers, i'll play you for them >:3 /holds up playing cards/ and hashi goes ✨ youre on
and they gamified the work and had a lot of fun and did a good amount and then mdr is leaving first to go to the bar bc hashi is nearly done and working soooo fast now bc last stretch and madara noooo wait for meeeee and right outside the door tbrm is there glowering like uchiha sama thank u for ur work but could u not increase his vices and addictions and mdr is like id like to see u do better Mr fun police
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oldgrowthcedar · 7 days
for the “top 5” ask game:
• top 5 characters / relationships
• top 5 smells
• top 5 things you’re most proud of
omg so many lets get started >:3
Top 5 Characters/Relationshps:
HAN SOOYOUNG FROM ORV most normal girl of all time. by extension her relationship with yoo joonghyuk and kim dokja.
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) i have been horribly into naruto for almost a decade of life now and its all his damn fault. honourable mention is sasunaru literally relationship of all time.
Donna Troy (DC Comics) my dear darling i love her so bad
Bokuto Kotaru (Haikyuu) thats my little guy :-) i love nothing more than characters who are so dedicated and kind they mean everything 2 me
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) oh my god. when i read htn after gtn i was gobsmacked. shes literally a lesbian nun in love with the creature who will destroy god in some of the most catastrophic situationships to ever grace the galaxy
honourable mention: sanji from one piece but especially the 4kidz dub version
Top 5 smells (this is wonderful bc i am a perfume girlie at heart <3):
The Ocean <3 i have a brand and i am not afraid to lean into it. I love going to the beach on a cold day and smelling the salt and kelp
Crushed orange peel
My mom's caldo verde
my everyday perfume (link)
Top 5 things im most proud of (tysm for sending this, it was very nice to reflect on!!):
My research!! I went through the fucking trenches for it but i recently was able to present a project at a major conference and it was a really magical moment
This might sound weird but my athletic ability. I'm disabled w chronic pain but I've put so much time and effort into being able to still play rugby/lift weights and im very proud of myself for figuring out how to do that :-)
My cooking! I can cook most anything if given a recipe for it and i love cooking for other ppl
My dedication. Mama didn't raise a quitter. I try really really hard to not give up on things I care about, even when it gets rough, especially when I'm supporting other people
My introspection. I've been a person I didn't love for a lot of my life but I have worked really really hard to take a look at myself and improve my ability to be there for myself (and others) and forge a more positive future for myself :'-)
ask me my top 5 anything!
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scrivenger-grimgar · 8 months
plot bunnies abound apparently. Kean, Kalira, blaccat, is this contagious? h
n e way
it's the same idea as before, where Orochi fucks up the Edo Tensei during the crush bc Tobira put his Hiraishin notes directly next to Edo Tensei and encoded tf outta that shit, and Orochi was just slightly more distracted than in canon.
except this time he uses a blood component to lessen chakra strain and the kunai he cuts himself with has Sasuke's blood on it.
so it ends up resurrecting a fair amount of Hatake (bc thats what you are orochi) and a few Uchiha. additionally, though none of them know it at the time, it also creates a beacon to call Hatake and Uchiha to that location, (a lot like Uzushio calls him home)
Izuna, Madara, Hikaku, Shisui, Kikiyo (Mada's aunt and spymaster), Kagome (Mada's younger sister), and Haruhi (Hikaku's grandchild), are the Uchiha that were brought back from Sasuke's blood.
Tobirama, Touka, Itama, Nawaki, Kawarama, Zaisha (butsuma's elder cousin imprisoned for cannibalism), Keigo (Akimichi grillmaster), Yoruichi (Nara assassin/spy), Kyouya (straight-up Hatake brawler, Sakumo's cousin), Tsurara (yuki defector and rogue), Mizuiro (Nara spymaster-in-training, Shikaku's uncle), Ozakura (Hatake hunter Zaisha's friend/cousin), Ise (Shiranui iryo-nin), Kurao and Okuro (Hatake's infamous plague and pestilence twins), Takami (Yamanaka kenjutsu master), Renji (Uzumaki tattoo artist), and Rukia (branch Hyuuga half-sister of Hiashi/Hizashi's father Byakuya) are the ones with Hatake blood who are resurrected.
That's 18 Hatake and 7 Uchiha. you'll notice that the Hatake blood will always add a slightly manic edge to a clan's previously established traits, with an emphasis on extremes. a Hatake's morals only apply to their pack.
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sassykinzonline · 17 days
Since you are Sasuke uchiha, what’s your universe like? Is it like the canon ones? Or is it different?Whats the “relationship” like? Are you with Sakura, or with someone else?
If boruto went to the past(shippuden) and for some reason fought Naruto, who would win? If boruto was older.
If you were to spend time(the whole day) with only 2 people, who would you chose, and why?
everything's the same, i guess more modern than you expect because the manga doesnt really focus on our more "casual" moments. for example, people seem to be under the impression we didnt have computers and internet. we did. its just that in the age of war it's not the most secure thing so at the time, a lot of people didnt have them in their homes. there was an internet cafe, and there are computers in the hokage tower. i spent time at the internet cafe when i couldnt sleep until i left konoha. i had a tv in my room too, and thats how im aware of a lot of shows and stuff. i had it on in the background when i was working out or studying.
right now im with naruto. i hope it stays that way. sakura and i currently dont speak beyond work matters because we had a...disagreement. we live together, we're mostly like you see in the manga and some of the anime fillers (yes ive read the manga and seen the anime, i was curious 😒). we get along way more than you expect, naruto is a bit quieter and im a bit more...social? lighthearted? than you would expect, but i understand they needed to play up the "rivalry" element to our relationship. naruto works as something like a diplomat, and i work as something like his advisor. so i get to stay home most of the time. i didnt really want to see combat as much after everything, and neither did naruto. we're focusing on our ambition to fix the shinobi world. oh also, after the naruto manga ends, things aredifferent for me than the light novels and boruto manga show. all that stuff i think is just what the studio/publisher wanted to make money off of.
i dont see naruto having a response to uzuhiko. maybe because his chakra rotates in both directions, uzuhiko is less effective? im not sure but either way if he gets hit by uzuhiko, unless he manages to KO boruto first or get him to deactivate it, naruto will have to tap out. removing uzuhiko from the equation, if naruto was able to tie with me, then he could probably tie with or beat boruto off pure tenacity. from what ive read of boruto, seems like hes smarter than naruto but a bit weak in spirit.
itachi and naruto. they get along, i like them both, im comfortable around them. just thinking about it makes me....happy.
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