#thats a straight line
ruthimages · 2 years
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foolsocracy · 1 month
u should draw garth and jason interacting. btw. pretty please.
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shout out to when they were on a team together for about 2 issues
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eggwishing · 3 months
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what is this guys problem
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starryluminary · 5 months
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Is his stupid chest on backwards
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viimsical · 5 months
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what if I. . .. maud. maud gaunt? what a silly name
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candyriku · 5 months
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It's still scaly since it's only a week old but I couldn't hold off posting it anymore - here's my Riku tattoo!!!!
Reference under the cut - it's that manga panel, of course :-)
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I made an edit to remove the text boxes and the rain and sent it to my artist, and she made a few more changes like giving him a fully defined mouth!
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
fuck it i did it myself
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darcyolsson · 2 years
panic at the discos three viciously different songwriting formations have accidentally created this really interesting thing in their discography where if youre familiar enough w the band you can easily tell who wrote which songs within the first 30 seconds
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de-adend-archived · 2 years
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cethvalier · 4 months
thinking hard abt elisabeth wearing the ich gehör nur mir nightgown in der schleier fällt
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silverskye13 · 7 months
Every once in a while I like to relisten to Diabolical to remind myself that RnS's source material is the silliest thing on earth.
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akascow · 16 days
i cant play on marlin airport i keep wanting to stare at the yuri plane while my teammates are fighting for their lives
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mintedwitcher · 4 months
Been on another blocking spree today because the vibes in the tags are rancid so let me just say this real quick:
No one is "getting in the way" of buddie going canon, because buddie is not going to be canon. It's already decided. They floated the idea of a Queer Eddie arc and then dropped it, the same way they dropped the floated Eddie/Maddie storyline in season 2.
This is how writing works. Sometimes you have an idea, you try it out, and it just doesn't work. So you rewrite, you change things around, you change storylines. That is how it works.
There is no singular character or actor "getting in the way" because there's nothing to get in the way of.
You don't have to like Tommy. You don't have to like Lou. You don't have to like this arc at all. But you do not have a leg to fucking stand on when you claim that Lou/Tommy is "in the way" of a ship that is never going to be canon.
And frankly, you lost any and all credibility you could've had when you started wishing violence and death on a queer character and sent hate and death threats to the people involved in bringing that queer character back.
Ship whatever the hell you want, but don't make the mistake of thinking that your headcanons outweigh or control the writers decisions. Fandom is less than 2% of the overall audience. We are not the majority here. All you're doing with your little tantrums online is giving the fandom as a whole a bad name, and making yourselves seem unhinged and dangerous. Is that the reputation you want?
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'Shoot it to me straight' was iconic for a conversation about repressed Catholic guilt. Like Eddie, Bobby can't shoot it to you straight cause hunny you ain't
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leezuhh · 5 months
sunshine court no context
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pocketramblr · 10 months
Au where quirks exist ever since the beginning of humanity but thought the last 200 years they started becoming rarer for no explainable reason
"for no explainable reason"? Not "because someone born two hundred years ago started eating them all"? Well, both can be true I suppose
1- humans have always had quirks so just go ahead and disabuse yourself of the idea that world history looks anything like ours now. Any boundaries humans have drawn between themselves or their spaces are totally different. Anyway, our story is set on the island nation of Akitsuba, which has begun to receive reports of children who are born without quirks- it seems impossible, but apparently the child born in Canton Province to two glowing parents but had no light himself was not the result of an affair. He is genetically both his parents child - just, without any unique plus alpha factor at all.
2- when the news breaks, Setsuji looks over at his twin brother. The two stay in a group home, and on the record, they have a spike quirk, just like their mother did before she died at their birth. In truth, Setsuji can take others quirks. He assumes he took his brother's in infancy, which why the boy can't use them, but now he wonders if his brother was in fact simply born without. He doesn't say anything, but his brother does- whispering it at night, apologizing for assuming his brother took it all this years ago and refused to even try to return it, but there's simply nothing to return, is there?
3- more people are born quirkless over time, and more people lose their quirk to AfO over time. Ujiko theorizes that quirks would get too strong, so both quirklessness and AfO are evolutions to prevent plus alpha self destruction. That is, sadly, a generous view- quirklessness is largely viewed as a horrible strange disability, and suddenly quirks become more important. Few people before had jobs that specifically used their quirks, but now no one wants to be mistaken for not having one. Many people campaign to treat and 'fix' quirklessness, trying to force activate one, study and prevent it, etc. Just go ahead and assume all the terrible things that can happen with this mindset, it all happened.
4- by the time of canon, however, quirklessness has been around for two hundred years, and it isn't going away- clearly the opposite. about half the population of the world has no quirk, and the number's hanging around 45% in Akitsuba when our main character, Akatani Mikumo is born. He's quirkless, and lives in the capitol of Higakyou, as schools there are required by law now to no longer require certain or any quirks. It's an election year, so his first semester of high school all anyone can do is talk about the candidates- especially Yagi Toshinori, a bit of a symbol for quirkless politicians and one people thought would run years ago. Mikumo, who helped Yagi carry groceries home one day and didn't recognize him outside of the bright suit, camera lights, and makeup, makes friends with a few kids at school. (Ochako, and the twins Tokoyami Fumikage and Kuroei- while the latter has a quirk, the former does not).
5- Then one day, Yagi is kidnapped, vanishing on live tv through a smokey warp. Mikumo doesn't know what to think about that, until he runs into the man on his way home from school- clearly in bad shape, with strange dark eyes that glow with some quirk he shouldn't have. Mikumo helps Yagi hide, and asks what happens, and how he can help. (AfO decided to end Yagi's use as a symbol by forcing a quirk on him and controlling him, but one of his brother's successors managed to break Yagi out first and give him his brother's quirk, allowing him to fight against AfO's quirk and withstand them safely. As for what Mikumo can do to help... he's done far more than he should already, a kind boy, but that answer isn't going to be good enough for him- he's determined to do more anyway.)
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