#the ​cancellations roll in
morepopcornplease · 2 years
nothing quite so disheartening as discovering your friends’ answer to the question, What Do We Owe Each Other, Really? turns out to be: Very Little, Actually.
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s0up1ta · 8 months
design of the one and only eater of grass beater of ass
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chelseajackarmy · 3 months
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saotome-michi · 7 months
I'm sure that this has been stated many times before, but the way Assassination Classroom begins and ends with Koro Sensei taking attendance is just writing genius.
The first roll call is loud, violent, and chaotic; it's literally all the kids shooting machine guns at Koro Sensei while he effortlessly dodges them and cheekily calls out their names, telling them to speak louder so that he can hear them over all the gunfire. It's impersonal—we don't focus on any of the kids except Nagisa, everyone else is just a figure with a gun.
The last roll call is the exact opposite: quiet, intimate, and personal. Once again, all the kids surround Koro Sensei, but now they're on top of him, pinning down his tentacles, and he is completely immobile on the ground. Now, against the backdrop of this quiet night, we focus on every student of Class 3-E, each of them getting their moment with Koro Sensei as he gently calls out their names and waits for them to say "here".
A beautiful example of connecting the beginning with the end in a way that effectively conveys the progression of everyone involved. Bravo Matsui sensei, bravo.
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Time to be cancelled.
Actually D&D is bad and sucks you guys
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giffingthingsss · 9 months
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I love that the Maquis on Voyager never actually changed their minds. They never recanted. They adapted to their situation because they had to, but they never stopped believing in their cause. When they heard about the fate of their fellows they weren't like, 'oh we realize we did something wrong now so whatever.' They just had to find a way to get through that grief and injustice because what else could they do?
Excuse me if I can't feel terribly sorry for you. I learned this morning that a lot of my friends are dead. And I've gone from being so angry that I wanted to kill someone, to crying for an hour. And now I'm just trying to, to accept it and move on.
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sepiamestus · 4 months
It always rubs me the wrong way when people characterize atsushi as too much of a sweetheart. Like he IS a sweetheart but he's also snarky and sarcastic and most importantly he's very very angry. Do not forget this.
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spoonstrek · 1 month
Somehow these final episodes of season 8 just keep getting gayer
Wilson's roadtrip-sona is tailored to cut out any parts of his personality House finds annoying, amplify the parts House likes, and also he "can drive shift" when Wilson supposedly can't and craves massive amounts of meat 👀
And I'm only 15 minutes into the episode
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dennisboobs · 1 year
my favourite thing about the always sunny podcast is listening to rcg all say something extremely neurodivergent and then agree amongst themselves and convince themselves its completely normal
#and to be clear im not diagnosing them charlie said he wasn't neurotypical#like deadass i think. the reason some of their writers just completely botch the gang's motivations/dialogue sometimes is bc at their core#these characters are all. SO autistic. which inevitably leads to them being misunderstood by others outside their group#whether rcg realizes it or not they inject this very specific vibe of neurodivergence into the gang#and its why they will just. argue over inconsequential details bc they Need to be understood completely#they can't just drop it unless they are crystal fucking clear#imo the biggest mistake other writers make is thinking that the gang is completely desensitized when its more like#they just don't react the way you would expect#which is often... adjacent to that but still distinct. and its trauma that influences this as well#the gang does not believe they themselves are 'bad people'. theyre most often oblivious to the fact that the things they do are insane#rob saying he doesnt pick up on social cues and then going on to argue in circles with glenn#i dont think last week was anything crazy but i think. rob doesn't know when to let up. which is a problem that *i* have#and while it comes across as being confrontational in an 'im right youre wrong' way i dont think its driven by ego here#just like with how as they said mac and dennis are making up while chucking bread rolls at each other#on both sides its frustration at being misunderstood#but they are all similar enough that even if they disagree over small details theyre usually on the same page. and this can be beneficial!!#thats the conclusion of the ep!!!! whether its suggesting smoking to cancel out the toxic apple skin or suggesting words u cant think of#glenn said he was upset about feeling misrepresented and picked on#dennis gets angry for those exact reasons in.... ALL of his big rage scenes#its frustration that leads to anger because youre speaking to (another) brick wall and you can't adequately explain yourself#which. glenn is clearly more competent than dennis & i think a lot of the time in sunny the gang is WAY more obtuse for the sake of comedy#but its interesting to watch the dynamic because as charlie said last week#they are mac and dennis (especially when theyre fighting)#i just think.. they are in a semi-unique position to understand this because this is how they are. while several other writers do not get i#ada speaks#untagged
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bluntloyalist · 15 days
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his monosyllabic phrasing and near permanent scowl have compelled me
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easytrooper · 1 year
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Band of Brothers: Bastogne | Dick Winters
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i have never played tech/mechnoir can a player actually only have one hurt die at a time because it feels like they aren't really doing. a lot
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nicoisastar · 1 year
i’m so ready for tsats but what i’m not ready for is looking through the tag to see [redacted] shippers criticizing & demonizing every little nico and will interaction in the book 😪
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natjennie · 4 months
I like the way he talks. silly.
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babygray · 8 months
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Menu items from Japanese Restaurant Gintama-tei (Gintama x Prince Hotel, Sunshine City collaboration).
Gintoki: Sugary Sweet! Luxurious Japanese Strawberry Parfait (甘糖!豪華ないちごの和パフェ)
Shinpachi: Shimura Family's Salmon Set Meal (志村家の鮭定食)
Kagura: Plenty of Eggs! Oyako-don (卵たっぷり!卵かけられ親子丼)
Kondo: The Great Honey Strategy Cheesecake (ハニー大作戦チーズケーキ)
Hijikata: "Those who cannot decide on the No. 1 Mayo will commit seppuku" Assorted Skewers (No.1マヨを決めないと士道不覚悟で切腹だ串盛り)
Okita: "When a fat pig is lying on the ground in front of you, it gets eaten by wolves" Set Meal (目の前に豚が転がってんなら食っちまうのが狼よ定食)
Yorozuya’s September Limited Item: Greedy Stylish Fried Rice (強欲スタイリッシュチャーハン)
Shinsengumi’s October Limited Item: Shinsengumi's Luxurious Barbecue (真選組の豪華バーベキュー)
Gintoki's Birthday Cake (銀時バースデーケーキ)
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sometimes looking at like Self Help Strategies lists for the symptoms I'm having is always just like:
thing that I already do
thing I have tried 10 times
thing I already do
thing that I don't have the money to do
thing I already do
thing I've been doing since I was 10yrs old to no avail
thing that is impossible given my situation
thing that doesn't apply to me
thing that I already do
thing I have already tried
hrmm, oh wait, maybe finally- OH, yeah.. okay. thing that I already do but it was just phrased slightly differently
thing I have already done
#I think maybe productivity tips help less if the reason you're unproductive is partially like.. physcial health and other extenral things#out of your control. rather than just like having trouble paying attention or spending too much time on tiktok or whatever#all the strategic to do lists in the world are not going to somehow prevent me from waking up with a debilitating migraine or whatever#or having external stressors or lacking resources and connections or other Productivity Essentials etc.#especially many tips involve stuff like 'cut off from social media' since thats the modern day time waster for so many poeple#and it's like.. lol.. i can hardly even maintain a blog even thuogh i actively WANT TO DO SO. 'shut off your smart phone!' already#done babey i fucking hate smart phones i shall never use an app unless i am forced to. 'delete tiktok' yep. already covered. tiktok and#all of those thinsg are my enemies. 'save money by cancelling some of your services' cool. already ahead of you.#who the fuck is out here paying for like 10 different subscription services. pirated videos uploaded to google drive and youtube to mp3#my beloved. etc. etc. and so on. 'socialize less' .........LOL.. if only you knew.. mr.writer of the article. i can barely muster#talking to friends more than once a month and even less if I'm actively sick (often occurence) etc. etc. ... hewoo#I think maybe instead of generic productivity tips I need more like.. how to refocus and be productive anyway even if you have a headache#or are nauseous or etc. Not that those are always things to ignore. and of course you should let your body rest and etc. But plenty of peop#e have mild physical symptoms and just work through them. Ithink something about the way my body/mind is SOO hyper attuned to all#sensory information just makes it like... constantly 'GRR well I cant focus on WRITING right now because my lef#t ear feels weird and my socks are too itchy and my back has a strange pressure and I'm vaguely warm and my eye feels some ssort of#way it doesnt normally feel and I'm hyperaware of my breathing and also nauseous for no reason' and like half of those things I#think '''normal''' people wouldnt even notice or at least would be able to just live through. but for me it's like.. nealry impossible to i#gnore and soooo distracting always. like 'wahh.. nooo we can't draw or get anything done.. my legs feel slightly heavy or something!!'#like............. ok......... who cares. thats not even a PAIN sensation it's just something weird. but it's just like.. NO. constant#mental alerts about the 'heaviness' of your legs be upon ye. Though Imean like.. yes.. 70% of the time I am in genuine pain#or having some sort of actual ailment with trackable physical symptoms. but sometimes it's just like... we could totally be working right#now and ignoring this silly thing but my brain is fixated on it for no reason uncontrollably. etc. etc. I guess it's the same way that like#most people can go to a grocery store without the whole experience being so overwhelming and so much stuff going on at once#that they have to rest afterwards but like.. in my own HOME doing NOTHING i feel like I should be able to not get overwhelmed lol. ANYWAY#Rolling my bastard little rock up a dumbass hill and so on and so forth
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