whaliiwatching · 2 years
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did ya hear that poor dice fella’s fallen in with the DEVIL?????
redraws of my fav @askcupsandcasinos devildice asks from 2019
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anamoon63 · 9 months
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Here's a little reminder of who Terence Cho and Cynthia Vanderburg are, for those of you who have just started following my gameplay of The Cho Brothers. Perhaps their profiles will help explain what Terry and Cyn are doing in Lucky Palms and why they behave the way they do.
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Name: Terence Cho. Age: Young adult. Place of Birth: Hidden Springs. Household: Cho-Lachance. Parents: William Cho and Tera Lachance. Siblings: Tyron and Dale Cho. Status: Married. Spouse: Cynthia Vanderburg. Children: David Cho. University Degree: None. Career: Criminal. Job Level: Emperor of Evil (10). Current Place of Residence: Lucky Palms. Current Occupation: Owner and Manager of The Lucky Simoleon Casino. Traits: Commitment Issues, Kleptomaniac, Ambitious, Computer Whiz, Mean Spirited. Top Skills: Athletic, Cooking, Logic, Social Networking.
Lifetime Wish: The Emperor of Evil (Fulfilled)
Favorite Food: Firecracker Tofu. Favorite Music: Songwriter. Favorite Color: Red. Zodiac Sign: Leo.
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Name: Cynthia Vanderburg. Age: Young adult. Place of Birth: Hidden Springs. Household: Vanderburg-Lack Parents: Sebastian Vanderburg and Becky Lack. Siblings: Brandon Langerak (half-brother).
Status: Married. Spouse: Terence Cho. Children: David Cho. University Degree: None. Career: Criminal. Job Level: Bank Robber (8).
Current Place of Residence: Lucky Palms. Current Occupation: Housewife and mother by day/Burglar by night.
Traits: Handy, Hates the Outdoors, Vegetarian, Virtuoso, Hopeless Romantic, Artistic. Top Skills. Athletic, Charisma, Logic, Drums.
Lifetime Wish: Become a Master Thief (Still Unfulfilled).
Favorite Food: Fish and Chips. (Do vegetarians eat fish, though?) Favorite Music: Soul. Favorite Color: Brown. Zodiac Sign: Aquarius.
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gemwing1988 · 4 months
Heart, Soul & Mind — King Dice TV Tropes
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Warning, this fanmade trope will contain spoilers for the Cuphead fanfiction, “Heart, Soul & Mind” and possibly the sequel, “Playing With Loaded Dice”. Please read with care and enjoy.
The manager of The Devil’s Casino and the secondary antagonist of Heart, Soul & Mind. A despite being referred as a good for nothing lackey by the Devil himself, King Dice remains loyal to Old Scratch and is willingly to partake in his wicked schemes to take over the Isles.
After his humiliating defeat at the hands of the Cup Brothers in the events of the game, Dice is left bitter and determined for some revenge best serves cold. But he’s also hoping for a consolation prize when our heroines and their friends wind up on the Isles, his eyes on Lexie…
Abhorrent Admirer: He up and decided to make himself Lexie’s unwanted suitor despite knowing she is already dating Liam. And Dice as abhorrent as he comes.
Actually Pretty Funny: Or in some case, actually pretty catchy as he happily snapped his fingers to the beat of Elvis Presley’s song, “Return to Sender” as it blasted out from the card the Dreamstones send to him and the Devil thanks to a spell Natty casted. He also commented that Lexie has great taste in music.
Amusing Injuries:
And Now You Must Marry Me:
Whatever he has to pass up as a heart, he has it set on making Lexie his wife and “Queen of Diamonds”.
He attempts to do this straight once he kidnapped Lexie in the sequel.
Ax-Crazy: In the sequel, “Playing With Loaded Dice”, he becomes severely unhinged when in possession of a crown once belonging to an evil king that makes him demonic and Drugged on Power.
Berserk Button: Aside from losing a bet, Dice develop another one in the form of Liam “getting in between him and his gal”.
Big Bad: In Playing With Loaded Dice due to the Devil’s absence.
Baddie Flattery:
Brainwashed and Crazy: Under influence of the evil crown he possessed in the sequel.
Co-Dragons: With Anubis. He might be the Devil’s right hand but Anubis is the Devil’s number one Bounty Hunter, both valuable to his assets in their own right.
Crazy Jealous Guy:
Deadpanned Snarker:
The Determinator: No one or nothing will stop him from getting what he wants and that’s Lexie’s hand in marriage.
Didn’t See This Coming:
Didn’t Think This Through:
Embarrassing Nickname: Katie likes to call him “cheese cube” just get under his skin.
Entitled to Have You: Despite knowing that Lexie is dating and eventually engaged to Liam, Dice is adamant of making her his gal, believing he has the best of everything a girl could want.
Even Evil Has Standards: He might be sleazy but even he wouldn’t bring himself to spike a woman’s drink.
Evil Cannot Comprehend Good:
Evil Gloating:
Evil is Petty:
Evil is Not a Toy: The mysterious figure he paid to find the two crowns warned him that overusing the power the evil king’s crown would make go mad with power and he would never break free from its influence. Dice really should have listened…
Faux Affably Evil:
Forceful Kiss: He is pretty much prone to plant one on Lexie every chance he gets.
The Ghost: Gets mentioned a couple of times in later fanfic series, especially when he’s compared to his TCS counterpart.
A God Am I!: When he turns Brainwashed and Crazy by the demonic crown in “Playing With Loaded Dice”.
Green Eyed Monster:
Humiliation Conga Line:
Idiot Ball:
I Have Your Wife:
I Have You Now, My Pretty: He doesn’t waste time having Lexie to himself with the flirting and Evil Gloating.
Karmic Butt Monkey: While he’s still a threat to the Dreamstones and their companions, he suffers a lot of karma in the Humiliation Conga Line variety.
Karma Houdini Warranty: After several chapters of getting away with stealing Mugman’s soul, Dice faces his biggest comeuppance at the hands of the very same mug he had hurt when Mugman gets his soul back in the final battle.
Kick the Dog:
Laser-Guided Karma:
Malicious Misnaming: He enjoys calling Liam “shrimp”. He also calls Natty “pinky” because she wears a pink shirt.
My God, What Have I Done?!: After he is defeated and the crown is destroyed, the heroes couldn’t resist telling him he had carelessly said some unsavoury things about the Devil as the crown had warped his mind. To say the least, he dreads to think how the Devil would react should he ever get hear about it.
Never My Fault:
Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!:
Not Brainwashed: Subverted. Despite warnings from the figure who sold him the crown, Dice willingly placed it on, granting him dreadful powers his imagination. At first he’s pretty much in control and knew what he’s doing but he eventually grows Drunk on Power and becomes much more unhinged akin to Magnifico’s path of full on villainy from Wish
Oh Crud!:
Red Eyes, Take Warning: More like green eyes, take warning. When his eyes turn jade green when he’s at his most despicable, better get ready for whatever he has in store.
He was eager to get some payback on the humiliation he had received after the Cup Brothers had busted him up in the events of the game, managing to nab Mugman’s soul.
Again, he doubles down in Playing With Loaded Dice.
The Rival:
To Liam when it concerns Lexie.
He often alternates between Katie and Natty.
Screams Like a Little Girl:
Smug Snake:
Stalker with a Crush:
This Is Gonna Suck:
Thinking Up Portals: Much like in the game when you visit the Die House, Dice is capable of conjuring plot holes beneath his feet and jump down into them to teleport from one place to another anytime he wants. He also has portals into his own little pocket dimension on occasions.
Trash Landing: Dice gets tossed into a dumpster full of trash Tom & Jerry-style thanks to Aya’s telekinesis.
Tyrant Takes the Helm: Since the Devil is imprisoned in the Astral Planes at the end of Heart, Mind and Soul, Dice takes stage as temporarily the Big Bad as the Big Bad after he takes brief ownership of a crown that contains demonic powers. Since it was in possession of an evil king, the crown warped Dice’s mind, corrupting him into a much more ruthless and more tyrant-like until it was destroyed after his defeat.
Underestimating the Hardcore:
Undying Loyalty: Despite the fact that the Devil called him a good for nothing lackey since the final showdown in the game, Dice still stays as his right hand man. He is genuinely horrified at what unsavoury things he must have said about the Devil under the influence of the crown in the sequel after he is defeated.
Villainous Crush: The moment he laid eyes on Lexie for the first when he and the Devil were observing her in the prologue, he was instantly smitten. And is heck bent on making her his gal.
Villain Takes an Interest: Upon seeing Lexie as the Devil was spying on her in the prologue, Dice was instantly smitten.
We Can Rule Together:
You Gotta Be Kidding Me!:
You Meddling Kids!:
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hey-imma-fangirl · 2 years
Something else I did instead of sleeping last night
***TW Two characters sleeping together while not dating/married***
The worst thing about this situation was the fact that The Devil was too long to comfortably sprawl across the lounge. The second worse thing was the fact that it was pouring down rain. That’d usually be soothing to Old Scratch, but her mind was occupied by something else.
Not only was the lounge not exactly comfortable to be sleeping on, her bed was occupied by someone else.
See, Queen Dice had stayed after for a while to talk about business- Well, that’s what it started as. But soon after Dice had asked for one drink, they were talking about anything but business. And the Devil just let it happen! Just like that! Queen Dice and her captivating, smooth voice put her in this situation. It was her fault. There was just something about her voice, and the way she talked- specifically to the Devil- that was just… Charming.
Not that the Devil cared for her anymore than the rest of her employees.
They both lost track of time, and then the rain had started. It was pouring down rain so hard that the Devil didn’t want Dice to be walking or driving in the rain, as it wasn’t easy to see through.
So instead, she had the stupid idea of allowing Dice to stay at the Casino that night, in the Boss’ bed while the Devil was stuck sleeping on the lounge.
The lounge was comfy to sleep on for a few hours, but not all night. It kept her awake for hours, letting her mind wander through what had happened earlier that day.
Dice had a thing about her. Not many people or other beings have managed to make The Devil laugh. Like a sincere, genuine laugh. Not one forced by evil. Ones forced by a silly joke or a stupid exclamation.
But Queen Dice had done it.
Multiple times.
Big Dee felt something odd in her chest. A quick, even thumping. It was so loud that she thought someone was tapping her chest. Although it was odd, it wasn’t… Bad. It didn’t feel bad. Nor did it feel right though either.
There was no explanation. Aside from perhaps a beating heart. But hearts didn’t beat that fast or loud and the Devil wasn’t ever sure she had one.
Still, the more and more she thought of Dice, the faster and louder the thumping got. She felt another thumping start, this time down by her curled up legs. The Devil swiped the covers out of the way, blinking confusingly at the sight of her tail wagging.
Her tail never wagged. Unless she was being given dessert or she was causing a particularly evil deed.
But neither of those things were happening. All she was doing was thinking… About… Queen Dice.
Oh no.
She grabbed her tail, almost as if she was trying to choke it.
“Knock that off, you stupid thing!” She whispered loudly, shaking her own tail like it would stop it from wagging. She let go, her tail still wagging. A deep, menacing growl came from the Devil. “I will burn you off- “
A bolt of lightning struck outside and thunder rumbled in the sky soon after. The Devil yelped, getting knocked off the couch from her silly little frightened reaction. Her face stayed planted to the ground as she grumbled loudly.
“Boss, you alright?”
The Devil scrabbled up so she could look to who it was.
None other than Dice; in the pajamas The Devil had also allowed her to barrow. The demon’s face got warm, as if a small fire had started at her cheeks and tips of her ears.
“Dice! Wh- What are you doing up?”
“The thunder woke me up and then I heard you fall, I wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“Oh- pssh!” The Devil rolled her eyes, anything to avoid eye contact. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m absolutely fine. Go back to bed. I’ll be ok.”
Dice’s eyes wandered from her Boss to the lounge and back to the Devil. She furrowed her eyebrows, a worried look on her face.
“You ain’t comfortable out here, are you?”
“What?” The Devil chuckled. “No! I’m fine!”
“No need to lie, Boss, you’re obviously uncomfortable. I’ll sleep out here, you go back to your bed.”
“No! I’ll stay here, I’m fine.”
“No, you go back to your bed.”
“No, really, it’s fine.”
“I insist.”
“No, I do.”
The Devil grumbled, turning to a short and bitter growl.
“There has to be a way we can make a compromise.”
Dice bit her bottom lip- The Devil averting her eyes at the scene, the fire in her face getting warmer. Dice finally smiled at a thought:
“I’ve got an idea.”
The Devil ended up in her bed, though more uncomfortable than usual. Not only was she not in her regular spot, in the middle of the bed, but-
“G’night Boss.”
“Yep. Good night, Dice.”
Old Scratch kept her distance as much as she could manage. One wrong roll and she’d be off of the bed. She also had her back to Dice, as if that would make her forget that she was there.
It wasn’t weird. It wasn’t awkward.
If she couldn’t accept that she’d never get to sleep.
But she couldn’t help that both of those excuses were true. She clenched the pillow beneath her head, the thing in her chest still thumping loudly. If she didn’t know better, she’d think that Dice would be able to hear it.
She quite literally had to force her tail from not wagging. It still slightly wagged, not binging stopping that. But the concentration it took to do so would keep her up all night for sure.
Another strike of lightning and a rumble of thunder.
The Devil whimpered, rolling over and scrambling to hug a pillow for comfort-
Instead, she was hugging… something else…
“Boss? What are you doing?”
The Devil squealed, quickly pulling away and rolling back around.
“I’m sorry- I’m so sorry. I dunno why I did that.” She shielded her face with her hand, perhaps to hide the fire that had accumulated her entire face. Her chest thumped faster, her breath quickened with it, and her body tensed up as she realized what she had just done. “The thunder, it… I was… I’m so sorry, Dice.”
“Boss? Are you afraid of thunderstorms?” The woman asked behind her, the bed shifting she she sat up.
“What?” The demon laughed awkwardly. “No! I’m not… I just…” She stopped, covering her face with her hands and rolled around so she was looking at at the ceiling. “Yes… The thunder scares me.” She awaited the laughter from Dice, and refused to move her hands from her eyes because of it.
“Oh, you poor thing.” Dice said, to her surprise. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I’m the Queen of Hell.”
“Right, point taken.”
The Devil dragged her hands down her face, groaning at her own stupidity.
“This is so embarrassing.”
“If it… If it makes you feel better… Or more secure I suppose… Would you like to hug me?”
“Pfft, what?”
“Well you rolled around for a reason.”
“I usually hug my pillows on nights like these.”
“Then you can hug me, I don’t mind.”
The Devil turned only her head to look up at Queen Dice.
“You don’t?”
“Of course not, if it’ll help you sleep.” Dice shrugged, sinking back down under the covers and sprawling out her arms. The Devil started to scoot over, something stopping her.
“You sure you don’t mind?”
“Yes, Boss. I’m positive.”
The Demon Queen sighed and scooted in closer, until her and Dice’s arms were nearly touching. Dice wrapped an arm around her and started playing with her curly black hair.
It was rather soothing, to say the least, despite the situation. Devil leaned into Queen’s arm and chest.
Dice took her other hand and held the Devil’s, continuing to play with her hair with the other.
The Devil’s eyelids grew heavy, as Dice’s evened breathing filled her one ear and the woman running her fingers through her slightly matted hair pulled her into relaxation. She finally closed her eyes, a small smile growing on her face as her tail coiled around the woman’s leg.
She didn’t even bother to stop herself from purring, not that it seemed to bother Queen Dice a whole lot.
Her breathing slowed and she started to snore as she drifted off to sleep on that rainy night.
The End
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fukuokadivision1 · 3 years
"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it's a matter of choice."
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Age 0:
He is born to Hachigoro and Shioko Kawanoe, making him the heir to the Kawanoe family.
Age 1:
His younger sister, Ming, is born, making him an older sibling.
Age 5:
His mother dies from natural causes, saddening the entire household.
Age 6:
His father marries Una Kikuchi, his stepmother.
They give birth to Toin Kawanoe, his younger half-brother.
Age 8:
His father starts grooming him to be the heir, forcing him to study the ways of nobility for long hours.
This upsets his stepmother, who wishes for her son, Toin, to be heir instead of Tasuku.
Age 9:
He starts spending time with Toin, being a good elder sibling to him.
This further upsets his stepmother, who tries to keep them separate from each other whenever she can.
His father starts instilling in him the meaning of 'fate' and 'destiny', starting his disliking for the terms and anything to do with them.
Age 10:
Relations between him and his father start to deteriorate thanks to his stepmother.
He deigns not to bother his father unless absolutely necessary.
Age 12:
He gets acquainted with Miho Kobayashi of Shinagawa, after his stepmother invites her to a house party.
His stepmother is thoroughly embarrassed by Kobayashi, which pleases Tasuku.
His stepmother blames him, despite him having nothing to do with it.
Age 13:
He drinks some poisoned tea concocted by his stepmother, which blinds him in his right eye.
To get rid of the pain, he stabs himself in the eye with a knife and pulls it out.
His stepmother deems him insane and orders his father to remove him from the household, which he does.
Age 14:
He, along with Ming, travel from place to place, having no one but each other as company.
He gets into an argument with Ming after she chops off her right arm, but he eventually forgives her.
The two soon settle in Fukuoka, figuring that the two of them will fit right in.
He makes some money by playing games of chance on the streets, which he often wins.
Age 15:
Tries his hand at several other jobs, but is always fired for various reasons.
Age 17:
He manages to get a job at a casino as a dealer after showing off his gambling skills.
Age 18:
Meets a strange girl who has no name.
He initially doesn't get along with her because of her attitude and distrustfulness.
Both eventually reconcile and get along thanks to Ming.
Along with Ming, they come up with a name for the girl, who settles on 'Sanyu Inouye'.
Age 19:
Together with Sanyu and Ming, they manage to unite all of Fukuoka under one banner.
They call themselves MIHANASA, which means 'forsaken'.
Though he is older, he hands control of leadership over to Sanyu, not wanting to be in charge of anything ever again.
Age 20:
Meets his best friend, Dice Arisugawa, and helps him out after he runs out of money.
The two become gambling buddies and good friends.
Age 22:
Joins the Fukuoka Division rap team, MIHANASA, alongside Sanyu Inouye and Ming Kawanoe.
12 a.m. - 1 a.m.: Working at casino
1 a.m. - 2 a.m.: Walks home from work
2 a.m. - 8 a.m.: Asleep
8 a.m. - 9 a.m.: Eats breakfast made by Ming
9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: Patrols Fukuoka with Sanyu
10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.: Naps
12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.: Eats lunch made by Ming
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.: Free time (Watches T.V.)
2:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.: Gets ready for work
4 p.m. - 5 p.m.: Walks to casino
5 p.m. - 9 p.m.: Working at casino
9 p.m. - 10 p.m.: Lunch Break (Eats dinner made by Ming)
10 p.m. - 12 a.m.: Resumes working at casino
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#Slaying in the casino
#Approach Fukuoka at own risk
#MFKB! (Motherf'ing Katame, B*tch)
Trauma Hashtags
#I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, sis
#Lost a birthright of my mother
#Evil Stepmother
Other Info
Hobby: Playing cards
Weakness: Bright lights
Trauma: "I lost my eye because I fell for my stepmother's BS."
Twitter: @OneEyedBastardofFukuoka
Drinks: Yes
Smokes: Yes
Special Skill: "I can play a mean game of cards. I've yet to find someone who can beat me!"
Intro Quote: "Live by choice, not by chance."
Trauma Quote: "This eye is the essence of my father and the blood of my mother. How can I just throw it away?!"
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ghostnebula · 4 years
Sincere and Dignified
“Eddie's twenty-first birthday + The entire Losers' Club + Las Vegas + Being in love with your best friend = Well, exactly what you'd expect.”
[read it on Ao3]
(or here)
    Eddie’s birthday is in November. Which makes him the youngest member of the Losers’ Club. Which makes him the last Loser to turn twenty-one.
    Which means they go all-out to celebrate, since it’s the first time they can all (legally) celebrate together. And because they’ve kind of forgone “proper” twenty-first birthday festivities for everyone else, so no one would ever feel left out. Finally, no one needs to be left out of it.
    They’ve all been living together for over three years now, they’re all getting close to graduating from college, and they all saved up for this one, because this is pretty much it. The last big, fun, tangible milestone in their young lives. The last “new” thing they’re earning the right to do (legally) after driving and voting. You bet your ass they go ham on Eddie’s birthday plans.
    That’s how they end up in Vegas. Several long weeks of planning, lots of money they scraped together into jars over the last few years ready to be spent, checking and double-checking every class syllabus to make sure no one misses anything important on Friday (they have to be at their hotel in time for check-in or, between Stan and Eddie, someone will pitch a fit). Then they’re all piling into Ben’s station wagon with as little luggage as they could manage to bring for a weekend trip (the station wagon is “spacious”; it is not a fucking miracle vehicle).
    Roughly ten hours later (five hours for driving, two for check-in plus cramming all their crap into the motel room and then attempting to organize it, one for figuring out and agreeing on where to even start with the partying, two more for getting ready) Eddie Kaspbrak has his first legal drink as a proper twenty-one year old, on this night of November third, and there’s no aftertaste of guilt like usual. He’s got Richie pushing shots into his hands, Mike making sure he’s eating some snacks once in a while so he doesn’t get too trashed too fast, Bev directing bartenders to make the most delicious fucking drinks he thinks he’ll ever taste in his life (Porn Stars, or something else inappropriate like that).
    He has Bill, the oldest, practically under oath to stay sober (at least for tonight) so there’s one semi-coherent Loser present to keep the rest of them safe and sane until he can drag them all back to the motel.
    He has a wad of cash in his pocket, a chunk of his savings from the past year, ready to blow on booze and gambling and whatever the fuck he wants, because it’s his birthday, so he’s allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants.
    It’s safe, and more importantly, it’s legal, and most importantly, it’s Vegas. He never thought he’d ever have the balls to set foot in a place like this -- the kind of place his mother would demonize when he was a kid. Drinking, before he left Derry and his mom and the vice grip she had on his life, was completely out of the question, let alone getting hammered in a casino in Sin City, of all fucking places, under the care of the “evil little shits” he calls his best friends.
    He more than lets loose. He lets twenty-one years of virtually non-stop anxiety unwind in one night.
    When he wakes up the next morning, hung over for the first time in his life, it’s almost worth it. Bill’s the only motherfucker awake already, being that he’s the only one who doesn’t have several bottles of vodka et al. to sleep off, and he’s draped across the ratty arm chair in their ratty motel room, channel-surfing with the television volume as low as it can get. The light burns Eddie’s eyes, still, when he lifts his head and -- instead of turning, his head just kind of lolls on his shoulders until he can look at Bill properly.
    He wants to ask him to end his suffering, which he can only assume he has yet to see the worst of. Suddenly he understands why aspirin exists. He wants Bill to pump him full of painkillers until he stops feeling like he’s made of electrified cotton. Instead, he says, articulately, “Guh.”
    Bill turns his attention from Scooby-Doo to where Eddie is half-lying, trapped under the weight of Richie’s arm and half his chest. Richie is snoring away, glasses askew on his face, a cooling puddle of drool soaking Eddie’s shoulder. It’s gross, but he can’t really complain at this point. He’s accustomed to it by now.
    “Ah, he lives.”
    “Ugh,” says Eddie.
    “I bet,” says Bill. “So, do you want a recap of the events of last night, or did you keep your promise and remember every life-altering decision you chose to make?”
    Bill’s voice, which he’s hardly putting much effort into keeping down -- owing to the fact that all his effort is being channeled into trying not to laugh, and Eddie can’t even begin to fathom what’s so funny -- is causing the other Losers to stir. His splitting headache doesn’t want him to try to figure out what’s funny. He must have fried a metric shitload of braincells with all those Porn Stars last night, or whatever the fuck sugary booze Bev was pouring down his throat before everything went hazy.
    “Life-altering?” he repeats after a few moments, as Richie’s arm finally stops crushing him. It’s the only word that really stands out to him in the jumbled mess of hangover discomfort his brain is fighting, and it should cause him anxiety but he’s more worried, right now, about drinking some water. Richie sits up beside him, yawning.
    Bill hums. He looks terribly pleased with himself, which can be good or bad depending which side of the story you’re on, and Eddie’s got this sneaking suspicion he’s on the wrong side, here. “Yeah, that life-altering thing I tried to talk you two dipshits out of for longer than the actual ceremony took?”
    “Ceremony?” Eddie asks, trying to feel back through his poor, poor brain to remember anything after slot machines and vibrant chatter and deceptively sweet beverages being passed to him. Richie’s head drops onto his shoulder as his arms wrap around Eddie’s waist. “Guh,” he says into the fabric of Eddie’s rumpled shirt. Habitually, Eddie reaches up to pat him consolingly on the head. Richie’s not one for mornings.
    “Why don’t you take a look at your ring finger, birthday boy?” Bill says, but Eddie’s already frozen, because there was a flash when he raised his hand and he’s not entirely sure he’s believing what he’s seeing, and where the fuck did he even get the ring anyway, let alone a ring as nice as this? “Or, sorry, I should say: Mr. Tozier?”
    Eddie... mostly ignores him, in favour of smacking Richie a few times on the skull to get his attention, hangovers be damned. “Richie,” he hisses, heart going a mile a minute. “The fuck did I do?”
    Richie grumbles some kind of complaint, lifting his head from its safe space on Eddie’s shoulder, and when he follows Eddie’s gaze he lets out a kind of... laugh? More of a squawk, really. His left arm jerks off of Eddie’s waist lightning-quick, and then he’s holding up his own hand beside Eddie’s to show off their matching rings. “Oh my god,” he says, quiet (for Richie). A little bit of tension melts out of him. Then, “I think you mean, ‘the fuck did we do?’”
    “Oh my god,” Eddie squeaks, and Bill loses his battle and dissolves into peals of laughter, remote slipping out of his hands and landing somewhere on the floor. “Bill, you were supposed to be babysitting.”
    It takes a while, but Bill manages to regain his composure long enough to say, “Well forgive me, but you were a man on a mission. I distinctly remember a lot of, ‘we’re practically dating anyway’ and ‘no time like the present’ and ‘Bill, if you don’t step the fuck off I’m gonna shove this ring so far up your nostril you’ll be sneezing gold until you’re ninety.’ What was I gonna do about it?”
    “Oh my god,” Eddie says again, red-faced, mortified, heart still going-going-going. They aren’t dating, though, is the problem, and yeah, he’s always had this stupid little idea in his stupid little head that they might as well be, but he’s never asked, because he wasn’t sure if he should. Wasn’t sure if it was safe. Wasn’t sure if Richie wanted something proper or to just stay very, very close friends until the grave. They weren’t dating, and now they’re married, and ohJesusMaryandJoseph why did he let himself get so drunk last night?
    He doesn’t expect Richie to be resentful or anything, but he’s also an anxious mess by default, and post-drunken-haze Eddie is a different, apparently less chill person than mid-drunken-haze Eddie, because he doesn’t remember having this freakout last night.
    He doesn’t think that Richie will be pissed about it, necessarily, but he’s terrified that Richie’s going to want to... undo this, somehow.
    He expects regret.
    He doesn’t expect Richie to slide his hand against Eddie’s so that their rings clack together, letting out a soft little, “Aw,” as he does so, or to press his scratchy, stubbly face against Eddie’s cheek to plant a kiss there, or to say, just as quiet and soft as ever, “We’re married, Eds.”
    “Is that okay?” Eddie asks, heart in his throat, wondering if he somehow forced Richie into this when he wasn’t in full control of his faculties.
    “More than okay,” Richie says. “Is it okay with you?”
    Eddie nods dumbly, staring at their rings again, wondering what the fuck possessed them to make such a rash, life-altering decision like this, yet understanding all too well that his love for Richie is too big to contain and it has to spill out in little doses like this, or it’ll probably kill him, or make him go crazy. “Yeah,” he says finally, nodding perhaps too fast. “Yeah, Richie, it’s more than okay.”
    He turns in Richie’s arms to kiss him properly, apparently not for the first time, and just the action brings a couple snippets of last night’s escapades abruptly to the surface.
    “$25 Weddings,” a pink neon sign outside a squat white chapel proclaims, “Sincere and Dignified.” And below that, in smaller, baby blue lettering: “Can provide: Flowers, Rings, Witnesses, Transportation, Attire...” The list goes on. It’s a wonder Eddie is coherent enough to read it, let alone comprehend it, but he’s rounding on Richie, whose arm he’s hanging off of, with the best fucking idea already leaping from his lips.
    “Ffffffuck Kaspbrak,” Eddie slurs as a reluctant Bill helps him slip on a suit jacket, fiddling with the purple clip-on bowtie Richie threw over the divider at him. “Fuck Kaspbrak, right, Rich?”
    “Right,” Richie says enthusiastically -- probably too enthusiastically -- from the other side of the thin wooden divider that separates their “changing rooms.”
    “Fuck that name,” Eddie decides, nodding to himself. Bill takes the bowtie out of his hands with a sigh, and Eddie lifts his chin to let Bill fasten it to his shirt, grumbling all the while about how stupid they both are. “And fuck my mom.”
    “Fuck your mom!” Richie shouts. There’s a beat of relative quiet, then, “Not, like, fuck your mom, obviously. Fuck... you, maybe?” And then Bev’s raucous laughter echoes through the whole room.
    Eddie can’t help laughing with her, even though Bill’s insisting he stay still “so you can at least look semi-presentable for your pictures, c’mon, Eddie, this is a big moment for me, too.”
    “How are you the bridezilla, here, Bill?”
    “Could you please just work with me here, I swear to-- agh!” (More laughter from Bev. Stan saying something incomprehensible but loud and boisterous. Mike trying to shush them.) “I’m just trying to make sure this is actually special since you absolute buffoons refuse to just wait and do this right.” Is Bill fucking crying?
    Richie’s tongue down Eddie’s throat, over and over and over: in the chapel; in a bar; in front of the bar; just before Bill drags them away from the casino they’re trying to sneak back into and instead towards the station wagon he’s doing his best to herd the Losers to; in the station wagon; in front of the motel.
    Bill prying them apart with minimal assistance from a piss-drunk Ben who insists he’s “helping,” telling them once again that they are not allowed to consummate their fucking marriage in public, and especially not allowed to do it in the motel room all seven of them have to sleep in--
    He hears Bev’s little “aww” behind him somewhere as he and Richie break apart, and Stan’s grief about how fucking early it is “for this shit.” Eddie can hear something like a smile in his voice, if not just plain old amusement.
    “We’re married, Rich,” Eddie repeats incredulously, and Bill is saying something about their marriage license in his wallet because neither of them can be trusted, but Eddie couldn’t care less about licenses or whatever, because Richie’s smiling down at him in that way that makes his heart feel too full. And he doesn’t mean to, but a choked noise bubbles up out of him, almost a sob, maybe a laugh. Tears burn in his eyes.
    But that’s alright, because Richie’s crying already, and he wraps himself bodily around Eddie, rolling them over so he’s squishing him into the mattress while he kisses all over his face and his throat until Eddie’s squealing with laughter despite his agonizing hangover. He almost feels too good to care about it now, but he’s definitely getting some water and painkillers into his system the second the weird high he’s feeling subsides.
    “Okay, okay,” says Stan, standing above them suddenly, swatting at Richie’s shoulders. “You’ve had your fun. Noisy assholes. We were too drunk for proper congratulations last night. Move over.”
    All the Losers squeeze themselves onto the queen bed, somehow, and water bottles and aspirin get passed around. At some point Bill gets up to start the coffeemaker and comes back with (good fucking lord) their “wedding photos” in a crisp manila envelope. They’re just as gaudy as he expected. Leave it to Richie to find the ugliest possible outfit for his literal wedding.
    Eddie gets hugs and shoulder-squeezes and cheek-kisses from everyone, over and over, and Bev actually cries for about ten full minutes while she holds him, then at least ten more while she holds Richie, and then Ben cries, and... well, they all end up crying all over each other, but it’s awash with joy. “We’re happy for you,” they keep saying, and Eddie’s happy for them, too. He didn’t expect to accidentally do things this way, but he has to be glad it happened.
    “God,” he says a while later, shaking his head as he sips sugary coffee from the mug he and Richie are sharing (this room is meant for four people, max, not seven, and is equipped accordingly). He’s still examining a picture of Richie attempting to give him a piggy-back ride out of the chapel. Bill is visible in the background, eyes red and puffy, a wad of tissues clenched in his hand while Mike tries to console him. Eddie has been making fun of him for about half an hour now. “My mom would flip if I told her about this.” But the thought doesn’t scare him. He doesn’t get scared of her anymore. Not like he used to. Not when he’s so far away and he feels so safe with these six idiots who bring so much joy to his life.
    Richie’s thumb rubs over the skin of his lower back where his hand has crept up Eddie’s shirt. “Good thing you don’t have to,” he says, and that familiar mantra of “You never have to see her again,” bleeds through, plain as ever.
    Eddie hums. Passes the coffee back to him. “I know. But... I kinda want to. Just to watch her head explode,” he says with a shrug and a grin, earning a chorus of easy laughter from his friends. He stares at the ring on Richie’s finger as Richie throws back the rest of their coffee, something warm and familiar blooming brighter in his chest.
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cuphead-exorcistsau · 4 years
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ONE HELL OF A TIME: Lucifer (Devil)'s past
I want to clarify that none of this is canon, it's just a fanfiction that I invented the characters Devil Belongs to MDHR ------------------------------------
The Devil, Satan, the prince of hell, the lord of darkness, the supreme demon, etc. Those are the position that can only be inherited by the highest ranking and most powerful demon family. The devil Luzbel, the king of hell at that time, had been engaged to Belladonna, the queen of the Succubus in Gomory (a place in the underworld, kingdom of the succubus). Belladona seemed to be the only one who didn't feel forced into the relationship, but Luzbel did. Belladona was the only one who seemed happy about the commitment, because she seemed to be attracted to Luzbel; since they did it so that the succubus were finally part of hell (as they had done with the Incubus). However, Luzbel fell deeply in love with an angel named Cassandra. But she was not just any angel, she was a protective warrior. An exorcist with the purpose of casting out demons that would disturb the balance of good and evil in the world. Cassandra met Luzbel when he approached her disguised as a mortal human, Cassandra also seemed to have fallen in love with him and yes, she knew he was Luzbel. They both knew that relationships between demons and angels were highly forbidden, but they simply saw each other secretly. Luzbel had not broken the commitment he had with Belladonna, but it was simply to keep his romance with Cassandra a secret and not get her in trouble. Belladonna discovered them showing affection, In the end everything came to light, and Cassandra was expelled from the celestial legion. She took her sword and other possessions that she used to converse, they also removed her wings and halo, transforming her into a fallen angel. While the engagement of Luzbel and Belladona was broken. So Cassandra and Luzbel got married and both had a son, whom they named "Lucifer". However, Cassandra couldn't live for long, as hell deteriorated her health and that caused her to pass away when Lucifer turned 11 years old. When Lucifer turned 15, despite being a teenager, he already fully mastered his powers and was very powerful. Luzbel had an idea, to resume the deal with the Succubus, committing Lucifer to the current princess of the Succubus. Lucifer refused, but he couldn't do anything about it, when they reached Gomory, Lucifer seemed to be very attracted to the princess of the Succubus, daughter of Belladonna: Persephone. They both became friends, but as time passed, it couldn't be again, as Belladonna suddenly objected and broke the engagement. Years later, Persephone met Lucifer again, who had now inherited the Casino from his father Luzbel from him. Lucifer was still attracted to Persephone, and they both had a night of passion, from which Persephone became pregnant. And since they were both not married, the baby Persephone was expecting, was undoubtedly going to be the next Devil, so as soon as he was born, Lucifer would have to take care of the baby properly in hell as it should be. Persephone went through a dangerous birth in Gomory, but she managed to survive, and she was born a girl whom they named "Lydia". Lucifer at first took care of Lydia out of commitment, but little by little he became more fond of her, since she was his daughter. When she was 10 years old, Lucifer sent his daughter Lydia to Gomory for a weekend to live with her mother. Time where the events of "Don't Deal with the Devil" occurred. When Lydia returned, Lucifer had already lost a horn, but nothing to worry about. The only thing he cares about now is his daughter (even though she lost 21 valuable souls). -----------------------------
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
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TSB Week 23!
But first, congratulations to Juulna and sharkie335 for earning your Participation badges, and to Chel for earning your Bingo badge!
We are closing in on the end of the bingo!!!  Our last Discord party is THIS WEEKEND, and all fills should be posted by the 30th.  Masterposts are due by July 4th. Let’s make these last couple weeks AMAZING!
You can start by perusing the fills from last week and leaving the creators some love!
Title: Winter Tony and Iron Bucky Collaborator: journeythroughtherain Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S2 - Wearing each other’s clothes Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: fandom craft Summary: Fridge magnets in polymer clay for my @tonystarkbingo square S2: Wearing each other’s clothes (card 3058). It’s Winter Tony and Iron Bucky! They probably did it for Halloween or something. (Bonus word cloud of things that apply to them both.)
Title: Poker Night at the Casino Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R2 - Poker Night Ship: Tony & Bucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Moodboard, Gambling Summary: Poker Moodboard Word Count: N/A
Title: Do You Love Me? Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A1 - Secret Admirer Ship: Starker Rating: Gen Major Tags: College Student Peter Parker, Professor Tony Stark Summary: Moodboard Word Count: N/A
Title: Squad of Two Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - Holding Hands Ship: IronWidow Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Natasha was worried about telling Tony she was asexual, but it turns out there was nothing to worry about.  Word Count: 586
Title: Untitled Collaborator: chel Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A4 - Tony Stark/Bruce Banner Ship: ScienceHusbands Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Moodboard Word Count: None
Title: Bot Shaming - Part 1 Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K3 - Writing Format: Breaking the Fourth Wall Ship: Tony & Dum-E Rating: Gen Major Tags: Moodboard, Bot Shaming  Summary: Dum-E broke the fourth wall, and Dad is shaming him on social media. Word Count: None
Title: Hot for Teacher Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - AU: Teacher Ship: Stony, IronBros Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mutual Pining, Getting Together, Humor Summary: Tony is the established physics teacher, Steve is the truly terrible new guidance counsellor. It's not quite love at first sight (but it's a pretty close thing). Word Count: 10,660
Title: The Problem with Almost Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - Flashbacks Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Nightmares, Pepper Potts Needs a Hug, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Summary: Pepper accidentally wakes Tony up after a nightmare. Word Count: 1846
Title: Twelve Months - 13 Collaborator: RiaRose Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Soulbond Ship: Stony Rating: E Major Tags: None Summary: 23,443 Word Count: The story of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, told in increments, month by month. "It's been a hell of a year."
Title: Show Yourself (It’s Your Turn) - Chapter 2 Collaborator: chel Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - Shawarma Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff and Crack Summary: Where Tony Stark refuses to let Bucky Barnes catch him doing "uncool" things, Rhodes thinks he's an idiot, and Bucky finds out anyway Word Count: 1909
Title: A Momentous Occasion Collaborator: periwinklepromise Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Tony Stark/James Rhodes Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Teen Major Tags: None Summary: James Rhodes is introduced to his soulmate by his vomit. All over Jim's shoes. Word Count: 565
Title: These Things I’ll Never Say Collaborator: chel Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - Confessions in Desperate Situations Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Gen Major Tags: Implied/Referenced Abuse Summary: 5 times Rhodes confessed his feelings to Tony, and one time Tony did it for him Word Count: 1343
Title: Beauty and the Beast Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A4 - Labyrinth Ship: Starker Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Peter is in his armor. Fighting the Minotaur. Only when he’s about to kill him, after having fought and nearly vanquished him, he sees a human glint in his bull-raged eyes. And he kisses the bull instead. Turning into the beast into a handsome man covered in the wounds Peter dealt him in their fight. Word Count: N/A
Title: The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 2 Collaborator: Fighting for Creativity Link: AO3 Square Filled: A1 - Spy, Secret Agent, Assassin, or Hitman Ship: Bucky & Natasha Rating: Mature Major Tags: Hydra, Red Room, brainwashing, trauma, child abuse Summary: The girl—Natalia, the Asset remembered—was there every now and then. She was there with her green eyes, watching. She was there, so small in front of his prison-like quarters, talking with him. But the Asset knew he wouldn’t be staying much longer. He never did. Word Count: 2150
Title: A Cat’s Curiosity Collaborator: hddnone Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - Cat!Tony Ship: James “Bucky” Barnes & Tony Stark Rating: Teen Major Tags: Animal Transformation Summary: Tony has been turned into a cat and dumped in an unfamiliar place. He's finding life difficult, until a strange man with a metal arm picks him up out of the trash. Word Count: 1843
Title: those arms saved my life Collaborator: peachy Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - Sharing Body Heat Ship: Stony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling for Warmth, Fluff Summary: It takes Tony nearly getting hypothermia to tell Steve how he feels, but it's fine, it's worth it. Word Count: 933
Title: neither of us dares bleed vii Collaborator: Simi Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Skrulls! Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: Not Team Cap Friendly, Post CW AU, 616/MCU Crossover, so much salt Summary: Some people would think that it starts off when Tony touches an infinity stone and gets transported to another universe.No, it doesn’t.It begins when the Rogue Avengers come back to the United States, and Tony is forced to put out a welcome party. Word Count: 32,256
Title: The Gods of Culinary Chaos Collaborator: tinydragontony Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Wealth as a Disadvantage Ship: FrostIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: culinary au, Asgardian Tony Stark, prince Loki, referenced sexism, friends to lovers, Tony is a pastry chef, the avengers are all cooks in the royal kitchens  Summary: Odin decides it's time Loki finds another outlet for his chaotic energies and figures the royal kitchen is as good a place as any. Thankfully the pastry chef seems to agree. Word Count: 4025
Title: Shiver Collaborator: FestiveFerret Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T2 - Psychological Horror Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Torture, Ambiguous Ending Summary: N/A Word Count: 906
Title: Hail Hydra Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A5 - AU: Hydra Won Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Moodboard Word Count: N/A
Title: Cookie Crumbs Collaborator: FestiveFerret Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Image: Iron Man and Pepper Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Steve didn't want to be a work friend, he wanted to be more than a friend, but some of the walls between him and Tony seemed impossible to break down.Still - he looked down at his lumpy cookies - he had to try. Word Count: 3594
Title: Antici-Pation Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S3 - Anticipation Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: None  Summary: Moodboard. Manip in square 7 by tabbystardust Word Count: N/A
Title: CEO’s New Assistant Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - AU: Nonpowered Ship: Tony Stark/Maria Hill  Rating: Teen Major Tags: None Summary: Maria was offered a great job at Stark Industries. She didn't really want to bring up things from a lifetime ago, but Ms. Potts was the CEO, and what were the chances that she'd even see Tony?  Word Count: 1183
Title: In Body, In Soul Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Physical Therapy Ship: Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Past Breakups, Scars, Pre-Slash  Summary: Tony had 2 soulmates: one that he had dated a couple years ago and gotten dumped, and one who was in love with the first. When they do a little rotational bodyswap, Tony manages to work it out where he doesn't have to deal with it. Until 3 years later when the happily married couple comes in to be part of the prosthetic limb trial that SI is doing.  Word Count: 4964
Title: A Space Romance Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Kink: Aliens Made Them Do It Ship: Tony Stark/Gamora Rating: Mature Major Tags: References to Rough Sex Summary: Making intergalactic booty calls would've been ridiculous if Gamora wasn't the best person Tony had ever been with. Besides, he wasn't on active duty, and space was pretty cool.  Word Count: 3110
Title: The Works Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - Hydra Won (Exchanged) Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature (for horror) Major Tags: Hydra Won, Ambiguous Ending, Incomplete Summary: It had been his last act, getting the sleep-pods onto the ship and launching it, the whole time, holding Hydra at bay, keeping her here, keeping her distracted.And then she’d struck, casting some evil magic over him, over--He couldn’t remember. Word Count: 2346
Title: One Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T2 - Time Travel (To the Future) Ship: Tony Stark & Morgan Stark Rating: Gen Major Tags: Canonical Major Character Death, Angst, Time Travel Summary: Time travel is real, and Tony has to make a choice: to ignore this chance to restore the Dusted, or to risk all he has gained since. Strange had told him that there is only one future in which they succeed; he needs to know if this is that one. But… he has a time machine. Word Count: 170
Title: espresso yourself Collaborator: peachy Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - AU: Coffee Shop/Bakery Ship: Stony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Getting Together, Fluff Summary: Bucky's been telling Steve to tell Tony how he feels forever, but he hadn't planned to actually be there when it happened. Word Count: 886
Title: Used up Good Collaborator: HogwartsToAlexandria Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - Slave Fic Ship: Starker Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Shameless Porn, Master/Slave, Dom Peter, Sub Tony, Implied Public Use, Verbal Humiliation, Don't Like Don't Read (and I mean that) Summary: Peter fucks his slave within an inch of his life and Tony loves it. That's it. Word Count: 825
Title: The Other Side of the Coin Collaborator: FestiveFerret Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: Stony Rating: E Major Tags: BDSM, Subdrop, References to Painplay Gone Too Far Summary: Tony's a brat. It's just the truth. There's always that voice in his head that tells him to push, refuse, disobey. And that means no dom has the time or patience or skill to take him down into the subspace he craves.That is, until he meets Steve Rogers. Word Count: 9866
Title: The Plague Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T4 - Writing Format: First Person Ship: Starker Rating: Teen Major Tags: POV First Person, Autobiography, Reminiscing, Post-Endgame, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant Summary: So there I was, having made it through my entire life—What age? That doesn’t matter. You’re just supposed to sit there, take dictation, and get the royalties from sticking your name on my autobiography even though you’re not gonna write a word. Pepper insists you be here. Now shut up, let me ramble, and write it down. Word Count: 529
Title: Parachute Collaborator: FestiveFerret Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R1 - Music Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Angst, Mutual Pining Summary: Fanvid Word Count: N/A
Title: Gift of the Universe Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S4 - Resurrection Ship: Tony Stark & Infinity Stones Rating: Gen Major Tags: Moodboard, sentient infinity stones, resurrection Summary: Tony Stark. We see you, we know you. Everything comes with a price, but you – our champion – have paid enough. Accept our gift, and wake!  Word Count: 150
Title: Breaking Up is Hard to Do Collaborator: betheflame Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - Journals/Diaries Ship: Stony, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker Rating: Gen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Fluff  Summary: Peter's at summer camp, Tony and Steve are at home, and we hear about Peter's summer camp romance via letters to them and a diary to his A.I. Word Count: 939
Title: these violent delights have violent ends Collaborator: simi Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - AU: Alpha/Beta/Omega Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: ABO AU, Omega Tony, Alpha Steve and Tony, Infertility, Fertility Issues, Explicit Sexual Content Summary: It’s the third pregnancy test that Tony’s taken in six months, and there were fifteen before that, over the last two years.It comes back negative, and Tony throws it at the wall in a fit of fury, covering his face with his hands.There’s a knock on the door.“Tony, is everything okay?” Bucky’s voice is soft, as it comes through.Tony’s eyes are stinging, and when he raises his head, stares at the image of him in the mirror, all he can see is abject failure.His eyes are swollen, his face wan, his brown skin sticking to his muscles and bones.He doesn’t look like the sort of omega that someone would want to have children with. Word Count: 5627
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jarel-dot-thepoet · 5 years
Excuse the typos Character Asks
Character Asks
Choose a character and a question
Indy - sorrowful, wealthy writer
Sage - chipper, eccentric barista
Nova - mischievous, astute activist
Charleut - intelligent, sharp lawyer
Claud - sly, wise police officer
Neal - silent,  spontaneous movie director
Lora - sassy, correctional actress
Gray - informational, caring talent agent
Gemini - quirky, strong pet store manager
Havin - easy going, comical interior designer 
Gwen - shy, analytical banker
Patches - innocent, wild real estate agent
Doc - practical, blunt attorney
Harry - self-absorbed, glutton realtor
Loa - logical, stringent automotive engineer
Chief - philosophical, misunderstood politician
Jack - gentle, follower gardener
Deuce - mysterious, leader chemist
Roy - lying, nerdy bandmate 
Olivia - serving, fiery housemaid
Consuela - altruistic  firm casino co-owner
Constance - powerful, creepy casino co-owner
Joy - perky, pragmatic talent agent
Mrs. Feathersby - grandmotherly, assertive cafe owner
Dr. Whyte - optimistic, spiritual surgeon
Jensen - passive, generous nurse
Angeliica - feminist, tactical nurse
Stone - unexpected, remorseless police officer
Atticus - conversationalist, innocent bartender
Admiral - disciplined, sexually busy retired  veteran
Mr. Peru - soundful, pacifist butler
Daz - impervious, 
Fighting urges horned up searching for meaning feeling breathing living God please forgive these flesh feelings keep dealing me a strain in my pants my brain likes to dance I feel afraid sometimes without Lord I pray your Kingdom come evil need be delivered me from i feel bottom of ocean scum always comes with repercussions dumb didally down fiddling these emotions floating to my head crazed dazed in a hazed Hayes estate
Josiah - trustworthy, there landscaper
Doctor Profit - heartless, gassy teacher * Waiting is a new covenant, so wait patiently and you will see the return of Jesus Christ. * The killer of Casanova Hayes * the unexpected english teacher witha bold moustache piercing blue eyes takes brown skin elegant afro hair nice smile a kind voice whispering elegance peaceful harmonies bird talking chest as proud as the cockatoo merciful tattoos of kazoos and coconuts lustful legs that stood high enough to see the tempest shelf in southern creek high water soloist for sure team player and dauntful 
Dawn Delaware fifth sister  the child Karen Delaware was pregnant when she disappeared that hot day in Australia critic to town if Ostrasizer England smokes cigars piercing red eyes devilish tongue fierce brutality of the hands southpaws swearer of Osvits Germany ta I want to thank you for being my son my Lord my savior my grace mercy My Redeemer what treasure my everything my all amen
George Carl Bigsby - judgmental, prejudice grocery store owner
Z'riya Turner - affable, southern comfort Mexican store owner
Ashlee | Hectic - smarter than you, has to be right confidently beautiful curves radio talk show host producer
Lefwhich Greenfield - destined Turner of the turntables championship Dr. Profits twin cousin cornball hornball 
Nessie - grits thrower, angsty photographer
What do you do for a living 
Where's your money go most on
Least on
Where do kids come from 5 year old answer
Topic of the day
Wheres your worst kiss from
Best kiss
Who saw you running naked that one day down the street
Is the cat out if the bag secret bonus
Sandwich ir taco
Spaghetti or hamburger
Waffles or pancakes
Listen to music on low listen on high
Destined to live destined to die
Whi gets to watch what they want you or your spouse nobody who wins the argument
Do stacks stack best left to right or right to left
If I were atop a mountain and u wanted you to hold me would you cry ir ask why
If a donkey had a really bad smell but a really great smile would you hug it
Can you kiss an elephant and remember it
What causes reflections looking within or without
Do stalls needto he further apart or many more single bathrooms
West coast hemisphere easy coast hemisphere
If you could live anywhere and why
 Rigamortus would you prefer the body seen or sunseen
Truth be told what's your worst secret
Truth be told who do you live the most
Marry me yes or no after three years
Do the stanky leg or the waltz
Fishing or bowling 
Dog sitting or cat sitting
Miscues or misshapes
Music or reading
What do you di when you first wake up
Is there anything to wear in here jeams or slacks for gals dresses or pants
Austin texas or Atlanta georgia
Fila or fubu
Red wine or white wine
Questions or answers
Chess or checkers
Pig or cow
People watching or tv watching
Yes person or no person
Balanced or imbalanced
Perfect or flawed
Half full or half empty
Shark or lion
Chicken or egg
Basketball or football
Softball or baseball
Soccer or rugby
Do you stand tall or stand with a hunch
Breathe in breathe out ornbreathe out breathe in
Angry or happy
Sad or content
Joyful or hateful
Peace through war war through peace or peace through peace
Victory or fail
Thumbs up or thumbs down
Do you talk more or listen more
Effortless or thoughtful 
Faithful or hardship
Constipation or diarrhea
Jokester or serious
Golf or nascar
Do you believe in ghosts
Do you believe in werewolves
Do you believe in God
Flying ir driving 
Stay at family's house for the holidays or at a hotel
Do you walk in with confidence or doubt 
Day person or night person
Early to bed early to rise ir stay up late and ahh *stretches* after 12 pm
Wake up with a hangover dude I cant believe we did that or dude I cant believe we did that!
Lefty or righty
Sauce mixed in with the meat or sauce mixed in with the noodles
Bacon cordon bleu or bacon and eggs
Fitzgerald Jones or Fitzgerald Hawkins
What day do you clean your house
Check mail now when you come from home or later
Dinosaurs did they exist
If we could meet a celebrity who would it be
Why them
Where would we go
If we could meet Jesus without dying what would you say to Him
Beach or mountain
Fiasco or calm
Tupac or biggie
Elton John or Michael Bolton
Lois and Clark or lois and clark Kent
venice or Rome
How much would could a woodchuck chuck
If your brothers  dad died and your brother was left alone what would you say
Earthquake or sandstorm
Hurricane or fire 
Get shot or get stabbed
Art or home economics
Understanding or pigheaded
Left alone or social butterfly
Apples or bananas
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sab-teraa · 3 years
LOL omg I didn't even think she could be the same character! I thought either I can't tell these women apart or they intentionally cast the same person bc he found himself a lookalike. I think I might just watch only the Bahkar, Efley, and Efkar scenes bc I'm lost on everything mafia related and the significance of these murders.
Hey hey <3
Omg. I struggle to binge dizi’s lol 😭😭. I have to keep up weekly!
If you’re keen, heres a little cliff note on the m*afia people lol:
1. The first mafia person we are introduced to Mesut, who is a bit lower on the hierarchy and is involved in casinos + gambling. At the start, Mesut is in charge of doing Nezih dirty work + Kartal is his biggest rival since he is also in the casino business.
2. The second and super powerful mafia person we meet is Nezih (my absolute fave <3). He is Bahars father, and Mesut + Kartals boss. Nezih is super high up on the hierarchy. His right hand guys is Atilla <3 (rip).
The Nezih-Kartal-Mesut story:
Basically, Nezih is adamant on k wording Kartal bc of money stuff + the fact Bahar is married to him. Bahar being married to Kartal is a massive problem, not only bc of their class differences … but also bc Bahar was promised to be married to Nezihs bosses son … and if Bahar doesn’t marry the bosses son it’s gonna be a whole drama.
In order to protect Kartal, Bahar tells Kartal about ‘Baybars’ - who is Nezih boss. In order to be in the best of terms with Baybars, Nezih was responsible for managing a zoo which was owned by Baybars - see the zoo as a trust test.
Mesut was responsible for the zoos daily running, but the position was taken from him and given to Sahin. As such, Mesut was unhappy.
So, when Kartal high jacked the zoo … he formed an alliance with Mesut against Nezih + Sahin. Now, till date, Mesut and Kartal have a great work friendship lol. It’s beautiful tbh 🥺.
Nezih-Kartal kept fighting back and forth. Nezih felt a ton of pressure to get Bahar divorced … and he couldn’t.
Anyway, Leyla was kidnapped by ferhan. Kartal presumed it was Nezih doing … despite Bahar saying that’s defo not how her father does things. Kartal refused to listen to Bahar, and stabbed Atilla.
Atilla retaliated by kidnapping a bunch of guys from the neighborhood and k wording an innocent guy - in front of Kartal. Kartal had enough … and even tho knowing it was gonna start a war … decided to k word Atilla and get back together with Bahar (who had left to protect him but her father lied).
Atillas death sparked a war as expected. Nezih felt extra pressure form Baybars to fix the Kartal situation and get Bahar divorced. Anyway Nezih fails (thanks to Bahars genius) and is k worded by Kartal.
We also find out that Baybars was the guy who tortured ferhan and Kartal. Anyway, Kartal and efe then wrap up Nezih body in a carpet and throw it at Azades door… with the hopes of climbing up the ladder. (CAN I JUST SAY THIS WAS NOT A POWER GRAB MOVE BY KARTAL .. HE WAS PUSHED BY EFE BC EFE READ SOME DIARY THING)
3. The third mafia person we meet is azade. She is Nezih rival and a close person to baybars. Plus she and Bahar go way back … and are ENEMIES! Anyway, kartals dumbass starts working with her bc he is upset with B and stuff goes downhill.
Kartal tries to bring her down … but yeah doesn’t work out. Plus, she isn’t allowed to hurt him bc Baybars forbid her too. She found out about Kartals scar from Izzet … who was there when Kartal and ferhan were tortured) and used this info against Kartal.
4. The fourth mafia person we meet is cetin…he is baybars son (no body knows that) and he doesn’t get along with his dad … so he forms a team with ferhan, efe and Kartal to bring baybars down.
5. The fifth mafia person we meet is my THE MAN, THE LEGEND HIMSELF, my BABES … KORKMAZ! He is baybars right hand man and his most trusted person + he is such a gentlemen 😭😭 and defo super evil when need be 🥵🥵.
Azade-Korkmaz-Baybars vs Kartal story
Azade sets Kartal up and in order to save Kartal , efe k words Korkmaz brother. All the evidence given by azade point to Kartal being the murderer … so he had Kartals dad kidnapped and tortured him in front of Kartal.
He is kartals biggest rival atm. Not only bc of him torturing his father … but also bc Korkmaz is in love and I mean LOVE LOVE LOVE with Bahar lmao. And since BahKar had a falling out … Korkmaz upset him even more.
Baybars finds out Kartal and ferhans intentions from Korkmaz (which was told to him by azade who heard from izzet). It was at this point that Baybars freaks out and begins to take Kartal down.
So Kartal steals Korkmaz d*ug shipment … with the hopes of becoming partners with him (again mostly to impress Bahar lmao … what a dummy). They end up setting up Kartal with the help of sahin … and Kartal is framed and sent to jail for 3 years. They also k word Semah abla.
The significance of these m word:
All the people ferhan k words had a direct involvement to his mums death. This could be those that were physically there for to those who were paid off etc. to keep quiet about it 😭
This is the basis of it lol. I could have defo missed a bunch of stuff lol. I hope this helps.
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prinzenhasserin · 6 years
AU Exchange
Dear AUex creator!
I am very excited about most AUs, especially if they feature alternative explanations and use the canon dynamics to add something different, so if one of my tag combinations lead you towards an idea, I'd be pretty stoked to receive it, even if you don't use my prompts.
My AO3 name is Prinzenhasserin, and you can find some more of my exchange letters here.
In the grand scale of canon divergent AUs and setting change AUs I happen to love both! And if you want to combine the two, I'm also happy to receive them :D
If you want something more to base your ideas on, here's a non-exclusive list of things I like:
General likes:
odd couples!
found family, dysfunctional families that nevertheless love each other
historical stories for same-sex pairings that aren't unhappy but that fit with the society of the time (so like, spinster ladies living together; bachelors-for-life)
cultural differences! age differences! height differences!
heists, rescue missions
character driven narratives
dragons, fairy tales, magical realism, urban fantasy
Space AUs
competent characters
people not realising they’re the most competent at their job/hobby
people failing their way to success
happy endings, earning your happy ending, open yet hopeful endings
cynical humour
mutual pining
everything is better in suits, corsetry, fancy dresses
Identity shenanigans (secret identities, mistaken identities)
Blatant Lies
Enemies becoming friends and/or lovers
outsider POV
epistolary, poetry, unusual narrative formats
orange/blue morality (that is, not entirely human morality); grey/grey morality
non-verbal expressions of affection
breaking up requested pairings, 
permanent death of the requested characters (if they come back from death, they shouldn’t come back wrong but they can be ghosts), 
pregnancy as a main plot point
Legally Blonde
Fanfiction (Medium)
Elle Woods
Group: Vivian Kensington/Elle Woods
ALL: Starfleet Academy AU
ALL: Space Opera AU
ALL: Regency-Inspired Science Fiction AU
All: Space Privateers AU
ALL: Hyperspace test pilot AU
ALL: Character comes into an inheritance with strange conditions
ALL: Organized Crime
ALL: Marriage of Convenience AU
DNW: breaking up requested pairings, permanent death of the requested characters (if they come back from death, they shouldn’t come back wrong but they can be ghosts), pregnancy as a main plot point
- so I really have wanted a Starfleet Academy AU for Legally Blonde for years now. There are a few really awesome picture sets here https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/cosmically-blonde, if you want the inspiration...
- otherwise: Elle Woods goes into Starfleet with her great SAT scores ("what, like it's haaard?") I can give or take the romantic subplot of the first movie (but I really ship her with Vivian Kensington, who can come from a family of starfleet captains, or engineers or whatever)
- I take even just a snippet of her application! or the way she gets accepted. or how her sorority sisters react to her wanting to go to Starfleet?
- I'd love the entire plot translated into a space setting! Space law Harvard, why not. (I hope there's at least a few aliens, and space affirmative action, but I'd also take plenty of robots)
- really, go wild.
- does Elle have to  go to space-Harvard to get back her boyfriend, and then it turns out she really wants to go to space-Harvard instead, and there's a comedy of errors because apparently it isn't explicitly forbidden for women to go but there's not really any space for her?
- also good: her parents not understanding why she needs to get her boyfriend back/to go to space-Harvard, but supporting her anyway
- Vivian Kensington who dreamed to go to space-Harvard feeling betrayed that someone like Elle got in on a whim; and then slowly realising how she was hiding her hard work behind a facade and slowly falling in love with her with added SPACE REGENCY, somehow, idk
- the boyfriend dumps her to go space pirating like his parents always wanted for him, and Elle gets a commission of war just so that she can hunt him down, and then along the way decides she rather wants to stick with pirating (because it's more lucrative, and also she has fun doing it)
- Elle follows her boyfriend to hyperspace test pilot academy, only to find hyperspace test piloting much more interesting than him.
- if this involves tentacles in any way, or transformations into cyborgs to pilot hyperspace ships, I'm game
- Elle's parents belong to the mob, and Elle studies law to become a mob lawyer? i'd buy this if her enthusiasm for fairness was a front, but I'd also buy this if there's a corrupt government and the mob is the slightly better option-- or if the boyfriend was actually in the mob, and Elle joins to get him back, and takes over while she's there, that works too
- (I have no problem with either assassination or murder, but I'd rather not see the longterm consequences of drug addiction though if you want to mention it that's fine.)
- Elle or Vivian need a scholarship and/or a dorm room and the one they can get is only open for married couples, and Vivian/Elle agree and then they fall in love (or not)
- if you want to add more or different tropes, really, I'd love it
- yes please.
- Elle needs to marry before she can get her trustfund/access to her property? or exorcise the ghost, and she talks it into leaving instead?
- or maybe it's Vivian whose wacky aunt wants her to experience life to the fullest, and she needs to go on a roadtrip to Vegas with a friend, and Vivian only has Elle since she dumped Walther?
Ocean's 8
Fanfiction (Medium)
Debbie Ocean (Ocean's 8)
Group: Lou Miller/Debbie Ocean
ALL: Space Pirates AU
ALL: Regency-Inspired Science Fiction AU
ALL: Regency AU
ALL: Character comes into an inheritance with strange conditions
ALL: Marriage of Convenience AU
Oh god, don't remind me of these twos sexual tension! (Except please do.) I loved all the outfit changes, the sheer outrageous gumption of doing the heist like they did (but tbh, also the sheer outrageous way Debbie lived her entire life, so if you rather want to focus on that, that'd be great too)
I know I did not want you to break up requested pairings, but I don't mind if the Debbie/Lou thing is tumultuous and fucked-up? Like say, sleeping with whoever Richard Armitage played. I like them best at their grumpy movie-selves, but any other dynamic is great also.
I'd love to see how that translates into a different setting, like say space pirates, or a regency inspired AU, or a combination of both :D
- how does Debbie built her crew? how does the MET gala translate into a space setting--casino planet? rich tourist spot? a fundraising drive to fund the museum of culture in outer space?
- are any of the women aliens that Debbie hired with abilities that lend themselves well to subterfuge and theft?
- Debbie and Lou in a small space craft, sharing their bunk because they needed to fit in Daphne Kruger into their ship and there are no other bunks left?
- Debbie playing up her "I'm only a woman, what could I have done"-look, and robbing the entire aristocracy blind-- tbh, I'd love an appearance by her brother Danny if only to have someone appreciate her genius properly. (And so that she can tell him to stop stealing his marks, probably)
- what's her usual trick to get money fast? does she sell powdered mummy? fake glass as diamonds? does she have an empire of shell companies that lure in investors by promising stuff? selling islands that are either uninhabitable or don't exist?
- Debbie and Lou settling together with a house full of riches and a harem of young admirers after their biggest con?
-YES! i don't know quite what I want from it-- the thumbing at class differences? the problems with authorities Debbie is going to have?  a Debbie/Lou relationship that is really most blatant and very private at the same time?
- aliens! in corsets! and suits!
- Debbie gets an inheritance from Danny, but first she has to get back at someone/steal a diamond/bankrupt an enemy
- or! it leads to Debbie finding out about the curse put on her family, that their love-life will always lead to them getting caught, and before she can marry/move in with Lou, she has to take care of the curse
Crossover Fandom
Fanfiction (Medium)
Group: Buffy Summers (BTVS) & Anakin Skywalker (SW) & Ahsoka Tano (SW)
Group: Buffy Summers (BTVS)/Ahsoka Tano (SW)
Group: Cher Horowitz (Clueless)/Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Group: Jane Marple (Miss Marple) & Hercule Poirot (Poirot)
Group: Jyn Erso (Rogue One)/Amilyn Holdo (SWST)
ALL: Character makes an SO up and SO turns out to be real person
ALL: Character comes into an inheritance with strange conditions
All: Space Privateers AU
ALL: Space Florist AU
ALL: Time Travel
Star Wars has slowly sucked me into its sphere again, and I just think pairing Ahsoka (and Anakin) with the Vampire Slayer who defeats Evil sounds like the most fun. I don't care if they meet because of Time or Dimension Travel, or whatever, or because Buffy manages to open a pocket dimension in Sunnydale-- though I would rather read space adventures than Anakin Skywalker in a coffeeshop, trying to fend off vampires.
Does Buffy make up an alien she has fallen in love with, and then Ahsoka stumbles out of the pocket dimension and is exactly how she described her, headtails and all?
Or maybe it's the other way around, and Ahsoka gets a talisman from her grandmother for a summon when she desperately needs help, and she uses it (when she leaves the Jedi Order? during a fight she almost looses?) Buffy comes out of it?
Or maybe, instead of making Ahsoka and Anakin join the Clone Army, the Senate gives them a letter of marque with which they travel through the galaxy, fucking up slavers, and finding Buffy who coincidentally is also fucking up slavers?
Or maybe an AU in which Anakin didn't become a jedi for whatever reasons and instead became a space privateer, hunting slavers, and he finds both Ahsoka and Buffy and they become a team?
Or perhaps Anakin starts a flower business with his mother, except they run into trouble with the flower smuggling business, and while he's being interrogated somewhere Buffy rescues him (because real flowers in space is where the money is at, obviously)
- Character comes into an inheritance with strange conditions: either one of them! they have to find a macguffin! they need to marry to get the deed to the property! they find out that their great-grandmother was an alien and need to do some quick intergalactic diplomacy!
- or! there's Cher and her father is really worried about her since she broke up with Josh, and so she makes up this awesome lawyer that only exists in her brain, except then she meets Elle...
- look, in my mind Space Florists are really in demand-- the 1% like to have extravagant things, you see, and importing real flowers from far off corners of the universe is probably the most extravagant thing ever. There's an entire smuggling industry around getting fresh flowers fast and fresh to where they need to go. If you want either one of them to own a flower business, that would be interesting! or, Cher is an environmentalist who tries to curtail the flower industry, and Elle is the lawyer helping her?
- Space Privateers!
Jane MARPLE & Hercule POIROT
I feel like they would not like each other at all. Or maybe they would, but they'd despair of each other's affectations, and would only barely be able to talk with each other before getting annoyed by the other. Or perhaps, they might even be acquaintances who met during their adventures, and were suspicious of the other's motives until they found out about their investigations-- of two different crimes that maybe turn out to have the same perpetrator?
- I'd love Jane as an immortal being, but I forgot to request something for that, but I'd also love her as a timetravelling hero who is quite happy to be seen as just a tottering old woman. Does Poirot notice her real self?
- Poirot gets notice of an inheritance from a woman who he never met, who thinks she has been murdered, and then he starts seeing her everywhere... (she could be a ghost? or it's part of the inheritance? or maybe she leaves a diary) This is against my DNW, but I'd like it anyway.
- space privateers
- space florists are the people the most crimes happen to in space; it is Known (I'd love an AU in which for some reason they have a space flower business together! or maybe there's a case a space florist is involved in, I'm really not fussy :D)
Miss Marple
Fanfiction (Medium)
Jane Marple (Christie)
ALL: Character comes into an inheritance with strange conditions
ALL: Character is slowly turning into an eldritch creature
ALL: Forbidden magic exists that can be used to raise the dead
ALL: Space Florist AU
ALL: Space AU
ALL: Organized Crime
ALL: One character is a dragon
- Miss Marple inherits a dragon hoard, because what the dragon hoards is... unsolved crimes? small-town happenings? detectives? and the dragon feels like Miss Marple is the ideal recipient of that hoard
- Miss Marple's great-great-grandmother happened to be an eldritch creature, and sometimes it skips a few generations, but now that her grandmother vanished, Miss Marple has to deal with it instead
- Miss Marple inherits money, but she needs to solve a murder to get to it
- Miss Marple's great-great-grandmother happened to be an eldritch creature, and sometimes it skips a few generations, but now that her grandmother vanished, Miss Marple has to deal with it instead
- There's always been a Miss Marple at St. Mary Mead's. Sometimes, there needs to be a new one.
- Miss Marple knows who murdered all of the people because she's the one arranging all the hits and bringing her contesters into jail is a nice plus.
- or! Miss Marple is a fixer who is hired to bring light into the mob's many betrayals, and she does so because it reminds her of the cutthroat nature of her knitting circle and the mob boss asked nice and politely, not like the local inspector.
- Miss Marple likes to chat with dead people, and that's how she knows so much about murders. Of course, since she's a nice old lady, and necromancy isn't exactly on the up-and-up, she doesn't mention that.
- Miss Marple is from a small town in Coruscant, or wherever, and solves space crimes.
- So I do know that Miss Marple doesn't have a job, canonically. But it would be really funny if she had a flower business in space, and everyone always underestimated the trouble florist have. But there's many additional dangers to the flower trade in space: some people (aliens) like to send each other flowers from far off worlds they know are poisonous to breathe for that species, some people get high on flowers, and trading flowers involves some serious money (so there's a lot of smuggling of poisonous, maybe illegal flowers going on)
- either way, i'd love adventures involving space flower trade
Grace and Frankie
Fanfiction (Medium)
Group: Grace Hanson/Frankie Bergstein
ALL: Regency-Inspired Science Fiction AU
ALL: Space Florist AU
ALL: classical musicians AU
Grace and Frankie: Grace and Frankie marry each other
All: Character has a secret identity
ALL: Organized Crime
ALL: Character comes into an inheritance with strange conditions
I am here for it, and if it involves my favourite old lesbian couple, then even better!
Grace and Frankie are obviously still living on a beach somewhere, but instead of investing in a dildo manufacturer, they invest in a local flower shop--maybe one with sex pollen to encourage the sex drive of older women? 
Grace and Frankie feel like they need to collaborate now that their husbands are collaborating, and their respective fields compliment each other well, so it would be ideal (since their husbands were their usual collaborators) but Frankie’s approach is so free-style, and Grace’s approach is so very technical and they need time to arrange themselves.
I don’t care for when, only that they do. Would also read an AU, in which they married each other instead of their husbands :D
- Grace is secretly a superhero? or perhaps a voice actress for romance novels that Frankie likes to read
- Frankie was the girl Grace slept with in college, but only one of them knows
- One of them is a mob boss
yes please.
- Grace and Frankie have to marry to fulfil the conditions!
- Grace and Frankie have to fulfil a ridiculous request, and fall in love?
Fanfiction (Medium)
Group: Dai-nana-han | Team 7 (Naruto)
Group: Yamanaka Ino/Haruno Sakuro
Group: Maito Gai | Might Guy/Hatake Kakashi
Group: Nara Shikamaru/Uzumaki Naruto
Group: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
ALL: Time Travel
Naruto: Uzushio wasn't destroyed
Naruto: Sasuke is possessed
Naruto: Sakura is a necromancer
ALL: Character's love interest is actually a tentacle monster
All: Space Privateers AU
ALL: Canon Character can see ghosts
ALL: Character comes into an inheritance with strange conditions
I really love these characters and I’d love anything about these freeforms. (And I hope to add more prompts tomorrow, but feel free to not use them!)
yes! time loops, groundhog scenarios, dimensional hopping, making the past work out differently, fix it fics -- I’m not so much a fan of dark endings, but Sasuke travelling back in time to, idk, murder Itachi, and failing, and becoming something resembling a human being with feelings would be great too.
I’m still bitter we didn’t get a story line about the Uzumaki clan. Or like, the diaspora of the Uzushio people. Or like, anything about the village it had been, and why nobody remembers it.
look, it’d be cool? also, it’d explain a lot.
how will this change the way Team 7 operates? does Orochimaru want to kidnap the entirety of Team 7 (and does he succeed?)
I don’t care who, but omg, yes please. (You can’t tell me that this doesn’t fit the wacky Naruto worldbuilding, come on, there’s ninja that fight with bubbles. and paper. and fucking Kisame with his shark dicks)
Instead of ninja getting their permit from the daimyo, they’re pirates who get their permit from a shadowy government?
yes please! does Ino have to prove herself in mind arts? does Sasuke get a ghost sword he can only use to restore people back to life, but only if he first manages to climb a mountain? does Naruto inherit a ton of money, but only if he travels to Uzushio?
Sasuke is haunted by the people he killed. Naruto is haunted by a lot of red-heads who teach him pranks, and like to see him eat ramen. Kakashi sees the people who he killed, and they generally seem to prefer his dogs. Sakura’s ghosts teach her stuff she wouldn’t normally know. Or something else, maybe?
Harry Potter
Fanfiction (Medium)
Group: Regulus Black/Harry Potter
Group: Sirius Black & Harry Potter
Group: Nymphadora Tonks/OFC
Group: Nymphadora Tonks & Regulus Black & Harry Potter
Group: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
HP: Regulus Black lives
HP: Tonks becomes Lord Black
HP: Sirius survived the battle in the Department of Mysteries
HP: Time Travel
HP: Harry is the Master of Death and thus immortal
HP: Sirius never goes to Azkaban
HP: Sirius is exonerated after POA
ALL: One character is a time traveler from a different era
ALL: Character comes into an inheritance with strange conditions
ALL: Marriage of Convenience AU
HP: Voldemort's end is early and anticlimactic
I love the magic, and I love cracky takes on this. I have read so many HP time travel AUs and tropey magical crack, but I cannot get enough of it, and there’s especially always a lack of my favourite characters, even though there’s so much fic already.
Basically, what it says. Does he time travel? Does Kreacher manage to go back to save him? Does he schlepp himself out of the cave and wakes up with a case of amnesia?
So, I really think that this is an underused trope, because it would be so great-- the House of the “Always Pure”, gloomy Grimmauld Place with bubbly, pink-haired Tonks as its figurehead? Sign me up.
Perhaps she inherits because Sirius is in prison, and everyone else presumed dead, and her mother is the oldest? Or there’s a loophole for metamorphmagi to inherit? (Does she need to prove that she can morph a fully functional dick?)
Also great would be Tonks opening her house for Harry for the summer. Or tricky ministry politics by the Malfoys who want the Black House for themselves?
Pretty self-explanatory. Does he time-travel? Does he kidnap Umbridge and torture her explain that she’s overstepping her bounds? Does he make Crouch eat it? Does he rescue Harry from the Dursleys/boredom/Mrs Figg?
Omg, really. This is the opportunity to go really wild. I hope there’s lots of magical circumstances, and perhaps vows or magical traditions. It’s kinda canon, too, with Dumbledore and his snitch, book, and deluminator, but I’d also appreciate a story in which they have to fulfil someone’s last will.
yes please! Tonks needs to prove that she intends to raise children, and finds a friend who needs a place to live so they can cheat the Black Inheritance Rituals, or something? I read this for contrived reasons, or for friends just living together, or for slowly developing romance, but all pairings I asked for are great for this!
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Fanfiction (Medium)
Group: Ahsoka Tano & Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker (SWST)
Group: Amilyn Holdo/Leia Organa/Jyn Erso (SWST)
Group: Ahsoka Tano & Luke Skywalker (SWST)
ALL: Space Pirates AU
SWST: Leia did become a Jedi and goes after the New Order herself
SW: Luke turns to the Dark Side and Leia has to learn her powers and bring him back
SW: Leia and Luke raised as Jedi
ALL: Robot Revolution
SWST: General Leia Organa time travels back to the Tantive IV at the start of ANH
ALL: Canon Character can see ghosts
I'm requesting all these things under the Sequel Trilogy, because I really like things set in the future, and I'd love to see the continuation of the OT-- if you want to set it during the ST that's great! But I'm also interested in the 30 years between OT and ST.
So, the new republic took time to built probably, and I can see every single of the requested characters taking the time out of their busy schedules to start (and finish) a war with any of the pirates blocking the trade routes (and trading slaves); possibly even without permission from the New Republic.
Or, if you want to recreate the Trilogy with a space pirate dynasty, instead of a Jedi dynasty, that would be grand too.
- ‘Canon Character can see ghosts’, ‘Leia becomes a Jedi and goes after the New Order herself’, and ‘Luke turns to the Dark Side and Leia has to learn her powers to bring him back’ are pretty self-explanatory, I feel? but to reiterate, I’d love all those groups, together or apart.
I'm all for droid rights, and I feel like the droids are definitely under-utilised in their usefulness of bringing down the New Order. Or the New Republic. Or sneaking into ships and casino's to retrieve stuff.
- General Leia Organa time travels back to the Tantive IV at the start of ANH
Does General Leia try to resurrect the New Republic? Is her younger self aware of her? Does she steal a flotilla for herself and wage war on slavers/the order/politicians who blackballed her when she was younger? Maybe she sacrifices herself to take out the Death Star leaving her younger self more time to get the rebellion going?
look, I'm not sure this request makes entirely sense within the sequel trilogy, but what would the far-reaching consequences be if Luke and Leia had been raised as Jedi? would they have had a relationship with their father's padawan? would Leia have noticed Snoke? would she have been tempted to go dark, or have gone dark, and what kind of impact would that have made on Luke? would he have felt as responsible as with her son, or would he have dragged her back the same as what he did with his father?
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Fanfiction (Medium)
Group: Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader (SWPT)
group: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker (SWPT)
Group: Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker (SWPT)
ALL: Robot Revolution
ALL: Different First Meeting - Captured by Slavers
SWPT: Force Ghost Qui-Gon trying to influence events
SWPT: Qui-Gon survives the battle with Maul
ALL: Time Travel
ALL: Space Florist AU
All: Space Privateers AU
ALL: Hyperspace test pilot AU
(Space Florist, Space Privateers, Hyperspace Test Pilot, Robot Revolution)
Any of these sound great, and I love any of those with or without them being set in the Star Wars universe (but they could conceivably all be set there too!)
I like spontaneous time travel, or closed loops, or dimensional hopping, or going back into the past!person, or force ghosts influencing the past, or groundhog-day scenarios
-Yes, please. This could also be combined with space florists, space privateers, hyperspace test pilots or robot revolution, depending on who was captured and who freed them, and where this happened. What if Padme gave Anakin a letter of marque? or the opportunity to go to space pilot academy? what if Anakin started the robot revolution by trying to rescue Padme (or Obi-Wan?) from slavers? what if Padme gave Anakin (and Shmi) a flower business to manage after she was rescued by Anakin?
or maybe Padme is the one to rescue Anakin? and sets him up with her family's flower business because he has no other skills?
Dude, wouldn't it be great if a force entity could tell them who the Sith in the senate was? I always thought so, and I'd think Anakin would appreciate Qui-Gon's help with both Obi-Wan and Padme too. Or simply with not, you know, going dark-- or successfully freeing all the slaves, and the clones, and Shmi and while we're at it a robot revolution would be cool too (or just one of these things, I'm simply very greedy :P)
Qui-Gon actually teaching Anakin the way of the force (and possibly doing something about Shmi) would be great, too. Or simply seeing the change alive!Qui-Gon had on future!Anakin
Gentleman Bastards
Fanfiction (Medium)
Group: Locke Lamora/Jean Tannen
ALL: All Characters Genderswapped
ALL: Ocean's 8 AU
ALL: Ocean's Eleven-esque heist
It'd be so cool. Jeanne Tannen, the big-hulked butch who could break Locke Lamora in half? Yes please. You could also swap every single character in the entire series--I'd love to read it. Would also read it as an Ocean's 8 Fusion, or an Ocean's Eleven-esque heist, or like, simply chilling out after canon things happened.
(Sadly I forgot I could request art, because this would be very awesome to look at, but I'm equally ecstatic about having actual descriptions of Locke being a little shit but also a woman.)
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now-watching · 7 years
New-to-me Films of 2017
2017 was a wild year for me personally, a lot of ups and a lot of rough and stressful downs. But I've somehow managed to survive all of it and these are the 360 movies that I watched this year that helped keep me afloat while life came at me.
The Conspirators (1944)
See You in the Morning
The Man Who Could Work Miracles
No Blade of Grass
Tortilla Flat
The Dark Tower
Ocho apellidos vascos
Cannery Row
Fingers at the Window
Hidden Figures
Agatha (1979)
Madness of the Heart
The Ref
The Seven-Per-Cent-Solution
Marriage on the Rocks
Pennies from Heaven
Ben-Hur (2016)
Make Way for a Lady
You Got to Move
Freedom on My Mind
Mr. Lucky
Zero Motivation
Cabin in the Sky
The Terminal Man
Cousin Bette
House of Women
Hell or High Water
The Dressmaker
Condemned Women
Tin Men
Blazing Saddles
Days of Wine and Roses
Tokyo Drifter [Tôkyô nagaremono] (1966)
Get Out
The Mosquito Coast
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Two Weeks Notice
The Legend of 1900
The Cosmic Man
The People vs. Fritz Bauer
The LEGO Batman Movie
Little Men (2016)
O.J.: Made in America
I Dream Too Much
The Edge of Seventeen
Queen of Katwe
An American Werewolf in London
A Country Called Home
The Witness
Come What May
Ocho apellidos catalanes
Ahora o nunca
A Dangerous Woman
Tenemos que hablar
Woman in Gold
Il a déjà tes yeux
Gone Too Far
The Daughter
20th Century Women
Wild Oats
The Break-Up
King Kong Escapes
For Pete’s Sake
Middle of the Night
Christopher Strong
Summer Magic
Laughter in Paradise
Village of Daughters
Wonder Woman
Little Miss Thoroughbred
Steel Against Sky
At the Circus
Banjo (1947)
Convicts 4
Bad Little Angel
Love (1919)
Sunnyside (1919)
The Connection
Midnight Mary
The Madwoman of Chaillot
The Secret Life of Pets
The Opposite Sex
The Children’s Hour
All That Heaven Allows
The Small Back Room
Indiscretion of an American Wife
The Old Man and the Sea
Death in Venice
Desire (1936)
The Seventh Sin
The Song of Songs
When in Rome
He Ran All the Way
Rancho Notorious
The Sign of the Ram
Isle of Fury
The Boss Baby
Seven Keys to Baldpate
I Am Not Your Negro
Withnail & I
My Name is Julia Ross
Il rosso segno della follia
Flamingo Road
Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell
Tea and Sympathy
Dementia 13
Places in the Heart
Come September
So Well Remembered
The Window
Magnificent Obsession
Secret People
They Won’t Forget
The Rain People
Freebie and the Bean
Portrait of Jason
Song of the Sea
Hide in Plain Sight
Daughter’s of the Dust
Oh, Hello on Broadway
Torch Song Trilogy
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
The Year of Living Dangerously
Nobody Lives Forever
The Search for General Tso
Amore tra le rovine
Pretty Ugly People
Miss Firecracker
America America
The Emigrants
Everything Must Go
Tour de Pharmacy
The Best of Everything
Ladybug Ladybug
Two Weeks in Another Town
Thirst (1929)
Clive of India
The Light that Failed
Their Finest
Friends and Lovers
That Old Feeling
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Alias Nick Beal
Panic in Year Zero!
A Life of Her Own
What Every Woman Knows
The Incredible Jessica James
Tropic Thunder
Let’s Do It Again
Born to Kill
The Blackbird (1926)
The Naked Jungle
The Girl From Missouri
The Unguarded Hour
Uncle Vanya (1957)
The King Steps Out
Five Graves to Cairo
Today We Live
The Wife Takes a Flyer
Between Two Women
Until They Sail
Romanoff and Juliet
Fast and Furious (1939)
Brother John
These Wilder Years
Doctor, You’ve Got to Be Kidding!
Tight Spot
Twenty Million Sweethearts
Something of Value
Star of Midnight
The Sea Gull
So Big!
The Purchase Price
All I Desire
The Beautiful Cheat
Young Catherine (1991)
The Feminine Touch
No Time for Comedy
Kind Lady
Biography of a Bachelor Girl
Desire Me
Scandal at Scourie
Her 12 Men
The Law and the Lady
Eyes in the Night
Pretty Baby
The Hard Way
Strange Lady in Town
Two Guys from Milwaukee
Gunman in the Streets
Term of Trial
Guns of Darkness
Hearts Divided
The Fixer
Viaggio in Italia
The Bride’s Play
Little Evil
Lost in Space
The Electric Horseman
Finding Vivian Maier
The Five Heartbeats
The Scapegoat
The Hippopotamus
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Mum, Dad, Meet Sam
Walking with the Enemy
Cézanne et moi
The Shining
Yves Saint Laurent (2014)
Jackie Brown
The Dracula Saga (1973)
Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
The Big Sick
My Father the Hero
The Squid and the Whale
The Two Faces of January
Dracula’s Dog
What We Do in the Shadows
Inside Man
Kumu Hina
Flash of Genius
Nono, het Zigzag Kind
Count Dracula (1970)
The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected)
Is That You?
Wedding Doll
Seven Sweethearts
Blade Runner 2049
Madam Satan
Madchenjahre einer Konigen
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping
Design for Scandal
Give a Girl a Break
Long Lost Father
Slums of Beverly Hills
Begin Again
Broadway Ballyhoo
The Monster (1925)
Packed in a Trunk: The Lost Art of Edith Lake Wilkinson
Honolulu (1939)
Willard (1971)
Ben (1972)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
The Salesman (2016)
Donnie Darko
It’s a Great Feeling
One Of Us
Little Dieter Needs to Fly
I Was a Communist for the FBI
Blast of Silence
Loving Vincent
Scent of a Woman
Ah-ga-ssi (The Handmaiden)
Tender Comrade
Fehér isten (White God)
Florence Foster Jenkins
The Limehouse Golem
Made in Dagenham
A Serious Man (MY 4,000th FILM!)
Ann Vickers
Cinderella Liberty
John Garfield (2002)
Kiss Kiss Fingerbang
Night Mayor
Green Fire
Jeopardy (1953)
Luna Park
The Dead
Bernice Bobs Her Hair
Saturday Night Fever
Shield for Murder
The Black Balloon
Consolation Marriage
Period of Adjustment
Married Bachelor
Ask Me, Don’t Tell Me
Akeelah and the Bee
The Tenth Man (El Rey del Once)
Feu Mathias Pascal
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Beatriz at Dinner
Keep Your Powder Dry
The Shape of Water
The Best House in London
Latitude Zero
Tall Story
Any Wednesday
Cass Timberlane
A Scandal in Paris
Peyton Place
The Prodigal
Bachelor in Paradise
A Big Hand for the Little Lady
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slamsams-blog · 4 years
You Only Live Twice - #24WeeksofBond
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This weeks installment in the 24 Weeks of Bond marathon continues with 1967′s “You Only Live Twice” where Bond DIES....then comes BACK TO LIFE...then becomes JAPANESE...then has a WAR INSIDE A VOLCANO.  If someone who hadn’t seen this movie was given that description of this film, that person would’ve dropped everything that they had in that moment and found a way to see this movie.  While that description makes this movie sound like a great cinematic experience, it ultimately falls flat with every bit of the plot being rushed to hell.  But that’s just my opinion, read on and see if you agree.
Sean Connery is back for the 5th time as Bond, and only because the producers agreed to bump his salary considerably.  Sean was getting tired of the grind that came with Bond and was having a hard time finding other film work with the hectic schedule of filming and promoting...(life sure must’ve been tough, eye roll.)  But they showed him the money, and with it, we get a checked out Sean Connery on a mission to find out who is causing chaos in outer orbit?
Let’s start with some positives...the pre-title sequence is fun.  We start out with a couple of American astronauts in space, and one of them goes out to check to make sure everything is working fine, but we see a mysterious spacecraft approaching undetected until it’s too late and swallows up the Americans, but in doing so, cuts the said astronauts lifeline.  That scene always made me cringe as a kid.  Then we see the American’s blaming Russia for the abduction, but Britain disagrees and think they saw something coming out of Japan.  Cut to Bond in bed with a lovely young lady...(who makes a quiet cameo in Daniel Craig’s Casino Royale).  She surprises Bond and traps him with the fold up bed they were sleeping on for some evil bad guys to open fire, KILLING JAMES BOND.  I mean, there was blood and everything!!!
I must admit, they got me with this when I first saw this movie.  I was legitimately shocked and sad when I saw this.  I thought to myself “how can this be??”...well, turns out it was all a stunt to fake his own death so his enemies all write him off - giving MI6 a little breathing room for Bond to do his job.
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The job is to figure out where this unidentified spacecraft is coming from.  M has intel that there was some fishy stuff going on in Japan, so that’s where Bond is sent with the code “I love you” for his contacts to identify him.  Basic, but humorous. Moneypenny gets a great line out of it, “repeat it please, so I know you have it”. Bond gets to Japan where he meets Aki (Akiko Wakabayashi) who is NOT his contact, but will be bringing him to his contact who is Mr. Henderson (Charles Gray).  This is sort of a wasted role for Charles Gray.  A very brief conversation with Henderson ends with him getting stabbed in the back through his paper walls.
Bond catches the guy, kills him, steals his clothes and goes to the get-away car that is being driven by none other than Peter Maivia.  Who is Peter Maivia you ask?  Well he is the father of Ata Maivia, who had a son who would go on to become THE ROCK.  Yes, Peter Maivia is Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Grandfather.  No wonder Bond has a rough time handling this one. The Rock has said before that he would love to land a Bond Villain role one day.  Maybe to avenge his grand daddy?
Aki bails Bond out by getting him out of harms way after taking out Peter Maivia and stealing some documents from a chemical facility and she takes him to Tanaka (Tetsurō Tamba) who works for the Japanese secret service.  I would love it if my office had a slide attached to it.  Bond and Tanaka talk business over Sake at 98.4 degrees fahrenheit, then what follows next is a rather uncomfortable scene that really doesn’t age well.
Tanaka takes Bond to his personal spa where his massage and bathing slaves wash them both while Tanaka says “In Japan, men come first - women come second.”  ugh, some things about Bond that make you wish you could forget.  We also get close to seeing Connery’s junk.  If you look close enough while Bond is in his hot tub you can really see pretty far down through the water...not that I was looking...ok I was, I do every time. 
But now suddenly, Aki joins the party taking over for the girl who was giving Bond a massage and she acts like they have been long lost lovers - whispering sweet nothings, and kissing his ear as he turns around and yells AKI, longingly.  I’m sorry, when did they suddenly fall for each other?  This is a very rushed relationship, we don’t have any time to get to know Aki before we are supposed to accept her as Bond’s love interest.  Have I mentioned this movie was written by the man who wrote Matilda, and James and the Giant Peach??  Roald Dahl, swings in and writes the screen play after having no screen play writing experience.  Apparently he and Ian Fleming were buds.
Anyway, there seems to be a lot of danger surrounding this chemical facility as the document Bond stole said that a picture of this boat had been taken by a tourist, and that the tourist was liquified.  Bond goes sniffing, enlists the help of trusty ole Q and his “Little Nelly” toy helicopter with missiles and flies by the coast of where the boat in the picture was at.  But one simply cannot go to the coast as an englishman, no no.  In order to get there, Bond MUST become a Japanese ninja who has a wife and goes undercover as a poor worker.
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Enter Kissy Suzuki (Mie Hama) who is another Japanese agent, picked to pretend marry Bond who is made up as the worst looking Japanese man ever.  Seriously, this is just so goofy and ridiculous where it really takes away from the movie.  Aki ends up getting poisoned accidentally and Bond has a hard time giving a crap about it.  Thank you for your service Aki.  But Bond now has to find where this spacecraft is coming from and fast, otherwise it’ll be Bond’s ass.
Kissy says there was something going on with the volcano.  So they go hiking and discover that that is where the spacecraft is coming from.  Man, Blofeld has an impressive collection of headquarters and hide outs.  You have to wonder how long it took Blofeld to construct this volcano lair, it is very impressive.
Bond gets to work infiltrating the volcano while Tanaka sends his ninjas, and now we have a war.
This is the first time we get to see Blofeld’s (Donald Pleasence) face and also the first time we get Blofeld as the main henchman.  In the previous movies Blofeld was just a voice and a cat who deployed his empire to be the Bond villains, but Blofeld is alone here with only Hans, Mr. Osato, and Helga Brant as his backup.  Not exactly the “A” team.  After a pretty intense battle, Bond manages to destroy the Spacecraft, sent out to create a world war between America and Russia, and escapes...mission complete.
While “You Only Live Twice” has it’s moments - The pre-title sequence, the Volcano fight, and the Peter Maivia easter egg.  “You Only Live Twice” is a rather forgettable film in the series.  Connery had enjoyed incredible success in his first 4 films, and even this movie was touted as a major success when it opened - but this just comes up short in flavor and substance.  The whole movie is just about Bond looking for the spacecraft in Japan, and running into all sorts of vanilla characters along the way, making me have to think twice about watching this again. (pun intended, unfortunately).
Connery would exit the franchise after this film to be replaced by George Lazenby, but after George decides to walk, Connery will come back again for one more film - but you can definitely see the writing on the wall for Connery here.  You Only Live Twice is at best, a passable Bond film that lacks depth and void of any creative passion, but gets by because it’s a Bond movie.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it, what did you think?  Let me know!
Reviews from Friends:
Jake Benrud
I enjoyed this movie. Although the spaceship "eating" the other spaceships was comical by today's special effects standards. Watch out for the piranha pool. I've always enjoyed this theme song. I don't know why. It always gets stuck in my head.
24 Weeks of Bond will return next Monday with - 
For Your Eyes Only
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send me a 💖 and I’ll randomly generate an AU/scenario for our muses 
1.) Our muses are serial killers
2.) Your muse kidnapped mine and forces them to be their partner in crime
3.) 80′s high school AU
4.) 70′s roller disco AU
5.) 60′s hippie AU
6.) 50′s greaser AU
7.) My muse is an alien and your muse is a galactic explorer 
8.) Your muse is my muse’s manager at McDonalds
9.) Your muse is a Satanist and brings mine to your commune
10.)  Our muses live in a home for troubled teens
11.)  Summer camp AU
12.) Cheerleader camp AU
13.) My muse wakes up in the hospital with no memory of who they are. Your muse could be a doctor, family member or investigator 
14.) Your muse just won big at the casino and my muse is a Vegas gold digger
15.) My muse was murdered and is now a ghost trying to get your muse to solve the case 
16.) Your muse is a rock/pop star and my muse is a groupie
17.) Your muse is an evil spirit who promises to make my muse’s dreams come true, but first they have to prove their loyalty... With blood
18.) My muse is the spoiled son/daughter/spouse of a mob boss. Your muse is from a rival mafia and kidnaps my muse as leverage in a dispute
19.) Our muses are kidnapped while hitchhiking
20.) Your muse bets their friend they can find my muse a prom date
21.) My muse is a prince/princess and yours is a revolutionary tasked with holding my muse prisoner and turning them against the royal family
22.) Your muse adopts mine but my muse has evil supernatural powers
23.) Your muse is an undercover agent who must convince mine to marry them
24.) It’s Halloween and a curse on our town makes it so that everyone slowly becomes what they are dressed as
25.) My muse disguises themselves as the opposite sex to join a sports team and your muse finds they are attracted to their new teammate 
26.) Phantom of the Opera AU
27.) My muse is a late night 7-11 cashier and yours is an armed robber
28.) Your muse is marrying my muse’s wealthy parent for their money
29.) Your muse is a demon that can invade my muse’s dreams
30.) My muse is a waiter/waitress and your muse comes in every day to see them (can be played as creepy or romantic)
31.) My muse is recently discovered talent and your muse is tasked with making them over to be more marketable 
32.) Logan’s Run AU
33.) Little Mermaid AU
34.) Wizard of Oz AU
35.) Our muses are a married trailer park couple 
36.) Our muses are in a rock band and find out the record company has been putting subliminal messages underneath our music to brainwash the masses
37.) Our muses are kidnapped my aliens and forced into their intergalactic freak show 
38.) Your muse is an alien who forces my muse into their intergalactic freak show
39.) My muse is a ghost and you’re muse has been called to excorsise them
40.) Our muses team up to kill our abusers, whoever they may be
41.) Film Noir AU
42.) My muse is a super villain and yours is a superhero
43.) My muse is a trauma induced mute and your muse is a psychologist desperate for the glory of curing my muse
44.) Beauty and the Beast AU
45.) Your muse orders a male order bride/husband and my muse shows up
46.) My muse is a YouTuber and your muse is their stalker
47.) Your muse is a Roman emperor and my muse is their slave
48.) Your muse is a photographer and mine is a model
49.) in the 1950′s your muse hosts a teen dance show and my muse goes on just to mess with them
50.) My muse is a sheltered rich kid who finds themselves in the bad part of town. Your muse is a street-wise delinquent who takes pity on mine, saving them from a group of thugs
51.) X Files AU
52.) Simple Life AU
53.) My muse is a nature spirit and your muse is a land developer
54.) Your muse is a reaper here to take my muse to the afterlife 
55.) A less poetic re-telling of Romeo and Juliet 
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opisasodomite · 8 years
There's an amazing post going around about the horrors of pregnancy and like the coercive rhetoric girls and women are subjected to more or less demanding they reproduce and like, that's the exact story my mom went through. My mom married and got pregnant at 19, barely out of high school and her first husband was an abuser. So bad in fact that her Uncle Vito offered to put a hit on him. (Yes there are multiple mafiosos in my family) She married my dad a while later after their, unsurprisingly fast divorce, and had me and my other sister. The thing is, though, she has thoroughly fucked us all up in ways that she doesn't even understand. Like she knows she's done wrong by all three of us but I wonder if she realizes what I've come to realize. She never should've been a mom. She can't handle responsibility, either that or she was one way too early and it fucked HER up, which is also an equally valid idea. But all I know is that once my alcoholic verbally abusive father was out of my life, it was just my mom and then step dad (who's also a verbally abusive man child but at least he's not AS bad, messed up as that is) and ooh boy did that screw up my last few years before moving out. They would waste all our money, which there was never much to begin with, on gambling at the casino. She refused to listen to me talk about my interests, and more or less removed herself from my life, only giving a damn when I excelled in school so she could brag. And she couldn't even handle a fucking Yorkie. His name was Blake. Yorkies bark a lot right it's just part of their breed. They also can't hold their bladders or waste for very long and nobody walked him. It didn't take long until she started beating him and caging him all day. This otherwise sweet dog turned into a mean nasty one real quick. I walked out once after hearing him screaming and found her beating him through his cage with a broom, and she had the gall to get mad at ME for pulling the broom out of her hands. They sent him to a shelter soon after. It's been a few years and I've managed to maintain a semi-cordial relationship with her, but the truth is if she can't even handle Blake she could never have handled us. We were all separated by six years each, so my adult half sister was never big in my life but I know she still semi resents her. My middle sister who's closer to my age knows she's downright crazy sometimes. I know she's paranoid, hostile and domineering and only wants her own way and will lie to my face even when I've been living as a completely independent adult for four years now just so she can keep me coming home. The worst part is that I can't even blame her. Something broke in her, and I suspect she's even more mentally ill than I am, but she refuses my suggestion to see a psychiatrist because they already have so many doctors bills. She's not evil, and she's not a complete deadbeat like my dad or stepdad. She tries her best. But I don't think she was meant for parenting. But that's just how it is I guess. Im making this post mostly so I don't hijack the other one with complaints about the effects on children, especially given I'm a man who will never experience these pressures. But also because I think it's important to note the psychological destruction this brings to unwanting mothers. Sure my mom is in favor of legal abortion, but she'd never get one herself. Unfortunately, she probably should have for her own sake. I know she was probably not in a position to do anything else though. There's a reason she and I talk, whereas I mostly get into verbal spars with my stepdad because he's an ass, and why I've cut my dad off completely.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Peacock: NBC Streaming Service Release Date, Shows, Price, and News
The streaming service field is becoming more fractured, as more and more media companies break from Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu in favor of creating their own streaming services.
While Disney’s Disney+, HBO MAX, and Apple’s TV+ may be the most talked-about right now, NBCUniversal—the Comcast Corp. division that owns NBC, MSNBC, USA, and the Universal Pictures movie studio—is also planning to launch its own streaming service. Here’s what we know:
Peacock Release Date
Peacock was made available to Comcast’s Xfinity X1 platform subscribers on April 15, 2020. The service will officially roll out to the rest of the country on July 15, 2020. NBCUniversal has plans for an international release of the service but no timeframe has been announced yet.
Peacock Price
What is Peacock going to cost? Well…that’s complicated. NBC is deviating from WarnerMedia, Disney, and Apple by incorporating pricing tiers into its service at launch. Peacock has three potential pricing options: free, $4.99, and $9.99. Here is what you’ll get at each price point:
Peacock Free includes next-day access to current seasons of freshman broadcast series, a handful of unspecificed film and TV options. It will also feature advertisements. 
Peacock Premium (with ads) is the $4.99 option and will include everything that the streaming service has to offer…but also dumb old commercials. 
Peacock Premium (without ads) is $4.99 for Comcast subscribers and $9.99 for everyone else. It will include the full spectrum of Peacock content with no ads. 
Notably, both versions of Peacock Premium will include live NBC sporting events. That is something that none of the major OTT streaming services other than CBS All Access offer. 
Peacock Shows
NBCUniversal has revealed the first batch of original programming coming to the service:
The Adventure Zone 
“Based on the McElroy Family’s wildly popular Dungeons & Dragons podcast and No. 1 New York Times best-selling graphic novel series, The Adventure Zone is a side-splitting and heart-filled fantasy animated comedy series that follows an unlikely, poorly equipped trio and their beleaguered Dungeon Master as they reluctantly embark on a quest to save their world.” – Per THR.
A.P. Bio (Season 3)
“When disgraced Harvard philosophy professor Jack Griffin loses out on his dream job, he is forced to return to Toledo, Ohio, and work as a high school Advanced Placement biology teacher. As he comes crashing in to Whitlock High School, Jack makes it absolutely clear he will not be teaching any biology. Realizing he has a room full of honor roll students at his disposal, Jack decides instead to use the kids for his own benefit. Eager to prove that he is still king of the castle, Principal Durbin struggles to control the force of nature that is Jack Griffin.” Read more about A.P. Bio season 3 here.
Angelyne (limited series)
“Limited series based on The Hollywood Reporter feature that explored the identity of L.A.’s mysterious billboard bombshell.”
Battlestar Galactica
“Battlestar Galactica returns to television with Sam Esmail producing.” Read more about this reboot here.
Brave New World
“Based on Aldous Huxley’s groundbreaking 1932 novel, Brave New World imagines a utopian society that has achieved peace and stability through the prohibition of monogamy, privacy, money, family, and history itself.” Read more about Brave New World here.
Clean Slate
“Old-school car wash owner, Henry (George Wallace), is thrilled that his estranged child is returning to Alabama after 17 years. However, Henry has a lot of soul searching to do when the child he thought was a son returns as the determined, proud, trans woman, Desiree (Laverne Cox).” – Per THR.
Division One
“Division One is a coming-of-age comedy about an underdog women’s collegiate soccer team that gets a new female coach — a former professional soccer player who’s fallen from grace — and must decide whether or not they’re going to take the risk of trying to be great.” The show will be produced by Amy Poehler and soccer star Abby Wambach. – Per THR.
Dr. Death
“Based on Wonderly’s hit podcast, Dr. Death tells the terrifying true story of Dr. Christopher Duntsch (Jamie Dornan), a rising star in the Dallas medical community. Young, charismatic and ostensibly brilliant, Dr. Duntsch was building a flourishing neurosurgery practice when everything suddenly changed. Patients entered his operating room for complex but routine spinal surgeries and left permanently maimed or dead. As victims piled up, two fellow physicians, neurosurgeon Robert Henderson (Alec Baldwin) and vascular surgeon Randall Kirby (Christian Slater), set out to stop him. Dr. Death explores the twisted mind of a sociopath and the gross negligence of the system designed to protect the most defenseless among us.”
“Ellie, a fiercely independent but perpetually single music manager, has always wanted a family but never found a man worthy of the role of ‘father.’ That is, until her 39th birthday, when she decides to ask her gay best friend and co-worker, Jonathan, if he’ll be her sperm donor. When Jonathan surprises himself by saying ‘yes,’ it sets off a chain of events that turn Ellie and Jonathan’s personal and professional lives upside down as they try to turn their ‘chosen family’ into a biological family. Mindy Kaling will executive produce.” – Per THR.
Hatching Twitter
“Through exclusive access and exhaustive investigative reporting, New York Times best-selling author Nick Bilton draws on hundreds of sources, documents and internal e-mails to tell intimate true stories of companies behaving badly and technology gone awry. The first installment of this anthology series will be based on Bilton’s acclaimed book Hatching Twitter, a tale of betrayed friendships and high-stakes power struggles that accompanied the meteoric rise of the infamous tech company. 140 characters and a few lines of code changed the world, disrupting the very fabric of the way people communicate. This series will explore the real masterminds behind it all, how it was done, and the colossal ramifications the technology will have on our future.” – Per THR.
After rotting in prison for over a decade, America’s ultimate hero and uber patriot MacGruber is finally released. His mission: to take down a mysterious villain from his past — Brigadier Commander Enos Queeth. With the entire world in the crosshairs, MacGruber (Will Forte), Vicki and Piper must race against time to defeat the forces of evil. Only to find that evil … may be lurking within. – Read more about MacGruber here.
One of Us Is Lying (pilot)
“Based on Karen M. McManus’s best-selling novel, One of Us Is Lying is the story of what happens when five strangers walk into detention and only four walk out alive. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide.”
Psych 2: Lassie Come Home
“Santa Barbara Police Chief Carlton Lassiter is ambushed on the job and left for dead. In a vintage Psych-style Hitchcockian nod, he begins to see impossible happenings around his recovery clinic. Shawn and Gus return to Lassie’s side in Santa Barbara and are forced to navigate the personal, the professional, and possibly the supernatural. Separated from their new lives in San Francisco, our heroes find themselves unwelcome in their old stomping grounds as they secretly untangle a twisted case without the benefit of the police, their loved ones, or the quality sourdough bakeries of the Bay Area. What they uncover will change the course of their relationships forever.” – Read more about Psych 2: Lassie Come Home here.
Punky Brewster (pilot)
“In this multicamera/hybrid continuation of the iconic ’80s sitcom about a bright young girl raised by a foster dad, Punky is now a single mother of three trying to get her life back on track when she meets a young girl who reminds her a lot of her younger self.”
Rutherford Falls
“Ed Helms portrays Nathan Rutherford, the eponymous denizen of a small New England town, who is having difficulty facing the inevitable changes to his way of life.”
Saved by the Bell (reboot)
“When California governor Zack Morris gets into hot water for closing too many low-income high schools, he proposes they send the affected students to the highest performing schools in the state – including Bayside High. The influx of new students gives the over privileged Bayside kids a much needed and hilarious dose of reality.” – Read more about the Saved by the Bell reboot here.
Straight Talk
“Straight Talk examines what happens when two opposing ideologies are forced into an odd coupling. The main characters will be challenged by one another, making the moral lines at which they once stood harder to define.”
Peacock Library
As the official streaming service of NBC Universal, Peacock will have plenty of existing TV shows and movies to include at launch. Here are some that have been confirmed for the service. 
– The Office
– Parks and Recreation
– 30 Rock
– Bates Motel
– Battlestar Gallactica
– Brooklyn Nine-Nine
– Cheers
– Chrisley Knows Best
– Covert Affairs
– Downton Abbey
– Everyone Loves Raymond
– Frasier
– Friday Night Lights
– House
– Keeping Up with the Kardashians
– King of Queens
– Married…With Children
– Monk
– Parenthood
– Psych
– Royal Pains
– Saturday Night Live
– Superstore
– The Real Housewives
– Top Chef
– Will & Grace
– American Pie
– Bridesmaids
– Knocked Up
– Meet the Parents
– Meet the Fockers
– A Beautiful Mind
– Back to the Future
– Brokeback Mountain
– Casino
– Dallas Buyers Club
– Do the Right Thing
– Erin Brockovich
– E.T. The Extra Terrestrial
– Field of Dreams
– Jaws
– Mamma Mia!
– Shrek
– The Breakfast Club
– Bourne franchise
– Despicable Me franchise 
– Fast & Furious franchise
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