#the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism
spacemancharisma · 2 months
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eldritch-bf · 1 year
Work and work alone banishes religious doubt and gives certainty of one’s status among the saved.
— The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism //Max Weber
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In fact, this desire to eat well may be a correct though incomplete characterization of the motives of many nominal Protestants in Germany at the present time. But things were very different in the past: the English, Dutch, and American Puritans were characterized by the exact opposite of the joy of living, a fact which is indeed, as we shall see, most important for our present study. Moreover, the French Protestants, among others, long retained, and retain to a certain extent up to the present, the characteristics which were impressed upon the Calvinistic Churches everywhere, especially under the cross in the time of the religious struggles. Nevertheless (or was it, perhaps, as we shall ask later, precisely on that account?) it is well known that these characteristics were one of the most important factors in the industrial and capitalistic development of France, and on the small scale permitted them by their persecution remained so. If we may call this seriousness and the strong predominance of religious interests in the whole conduct of life otherworldliness, then the French Calvinists were and still are at least as otherworldly as, for instance, the North German Catholics, to whom their Catholicism is undoubtedly as vital a matter as religion is to any other people in the world.
Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic
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infantisimo · 1 year
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morlock-holmes · 1 year
So I started reading Max Weber and it turns out that "protestant work ethic" isn't just a fancy name for the idea that hard work is good sometimes.
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maoist-mizer · 4 months
max weber and pierre bourdieu are going to pop up in my nightmares I'm so tired of these old men someone save me from this essay
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transmutationisms · 1 year
can you talk a bit more about weber (im refering to a post you made earlier today i think)? i know a bit about the protestant ethic theory but not really the historical context in which it was written nor how it's used today. thanks!
so, weber's argument is essentially that protestant (specifically calvinist and puritan) theology played a major causal role in the development of capitalism in northern europe following the reformation. his position was that protestant ethics, in contrast to catholicism, placed a high moral value on secular, everyday labour, but also discouraged the spending of one's wages on luxury goods, tithing to the church, or giving overmuch to charity. thus, protestants invested their money in business and commercial ventures instead, turning the generation of capital into a moral endeavour and venerating hard work and economic productivity as ways to ensure one's soul was saved (as the buying of indulgences was not an option for protestants).
this is a bad argument. at core it is idealist, subordinating an economic development to religious ideology. weber never explains how the actual, material economic changes he wants to talk about were effected by a set of ideas; he doesn't consider the possibility that the ideas themselves reflected in some way the material and economic context in which they were developed; he doesn't differentiate between protestantism as a causal factor in the development of capitalism, versus the possibility that capitalism and protestant conversion both resulted from some other factor or set of factors. <- these types of problems are endemic to 'history of ideas' aka 'intellectual history' because merely writing a history of the (learned, published) ideas circulating at a given time doesn't tell you jack about how and whether those ideas were actually implemented, how common people reacted to them or resisted them, what sorts of material circumstances the ideas themselves were formulated amidst, and so forth.
in the case of weber, it's very easy to poke holes in this supposed relationship between protestantism and capitalism. even in western europe alone, we could look at a country like france, which was quite catholic, never became predominantly or even significantly protestant, and yet also industrialised not long after, eg, the netherlands and england. we could also look at what historian michael kwass calls "court capitalism" in 18th-century france, which was a largely non-industrial form of capitalism that depended on the catholic king's central authority in order to ensure a return on investment. france at this time had a burgeoning luxury culture and a centralised, absolutist government that was closely entwined with the powerful catholic church—yet it also had economic development that is recognised as early capitalist, along with growing social and economic tensions between the nascent bourgeois and petit-bourgeois classes and the aristocracy. this is not even close to being the earliest example of capitalist or proto-capitalist economic development (some predates the reformation!), and again, this is within western europe alone—we could and should also point out that capitalism is not solely a european phenomenon and can and does coexist with other, radically different, religious ideology (i have problems with jack goody's work but this is something i think it can help elucidate).
weber argued that the 'spirit of capitalism' was no longer dependent on the protestant theology that had initially spawned it—but again, here we see issues with idealist methodologies in history. at what point, and how, does this 'spirit' become autonomous? what is it that has taken hold, if weber is not talking about the 'protestant ethic' itself and is also not interested in analysing the material changes that comprise capitalism except as effects of some underlying ideology? well, it's what he sees as a general shift toward 'rationalisation' and 'disenchantment' of the world, leading to an understanding of late 19th- and early 20th-century capitalism as a kind of spiritually unmoored servitude to mechanism and industry. this in turn relates back to weber's overall understanding of the legacy of the 'scientific revolution', which is another can of (bad) worms. there is a lot to say about these elements of weber's thought, but for starters the idea that europe was the progenitor of all 'scientific advancement', that it then simply disseminated such knowledge to the rest of the world (the apotheosis of the centre-periphery model, lmao), and that europe has become 'disenchanted', ie irreligious, as a result of such scientific advancement... is just patently bad analysis. it's eurocentric, chauvinistic, and simply demonstrably untrue in like twelve different ways.
anyway, when i see conservatives and reactionaries cite weber, i'm not surprised. his arguments are conservative (his entire intellectual paradigm in this text was part of his critique of marx and the premises of materialist / contextualist history). but when i see ostensible leftists doing it, often as some kind of dunk on protestantism (or christianity more generally, which is not even a good reading of weber's own understanding of catholicism), it's more irritating to me. i am not interested in 'leftisms' that are not materialist. weber's analysis is a bad explanation of how and why capitalism took hold; it doesn't even work for the limited northern european case studies he starts with because, again, idealist history fundamentally fails to explain how ideology itself creates material change. like, "some guy writes something down -> ??? -> everyone just agrees with him -> ??? -> stuff happens somehow" is not a good explanation of any phenomenon, lmao. if we are stuck on the idea that capitalism, a set of economic phenomena and real relations of production, is the result of ideology, then we will also be stuck trying to 'combat' capitalism on the ideological level. it's unserious and counterproductive. weber's analysis has retained an outsize position in the sociological historiography because it's an attractively simplistic, top-down, idealist explanation of both capitalism and protestantism that makes centuries worth of material changes to production forms into a kind of ideological coup ushering in an age of 'rationalism'. this is just not a text that tells us, leftists, anything politically useful. at best it is an explication of the internal psychological logics of (some) forms of protestantism in (some) places and contexts.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
i fucking love talking with smart people. get yourself some smart people in your life because you'll start off a discussion analyzing the bioessentialism in omegaverse and somehow end up discussing the experience of being a minority group in a religion that inherently antagonizes your existence.
i ring a pal up to have an hours long, heartfelt discussion about conflicting needs in victims of trauma within the same social space and how to adapt it to everyone's comfort and a couple hours later I'm sending him a copy of max webber's "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" absolutely unparalled experience
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drogba-prospect · 6 months
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Mercury - Tiriel
In medicine, Mercury is associated with the nervous system, the brain, the respiratory system, the thyroid and the sense organs. It is traditionally held to be essentially cold and dry, according to its placement in the zodiac and in any aspects to other planets.
Astrology, Mercury represents the principles of communication, mentality, thinking patterns, rationality/reasoning, adaptability and variability. Mercury governs schooling and education, the immediate environment of neighbors, siblings and cousins, transport over short distances, messages and forms of communication such as post, email and telephone, newspapers, journalism and writing, information gathering skills and physical dexterity.
Mars - Sébastien
Sebastian is a popular male saint, especially today among athletes.[3][4] In medieval times, he was regarded as a saint with a special ability to intercede to protect from plague, and devotion to him greatly increased when plague was active. As a protector from the bubonic plague, Sebastian was formerly one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. In Catholicism, Sebastian is the patron saint of archers, pin-makers, athletes (a modern association) and of a holy death.
Mercury - Ogun
As a father creates his tools, the children of Ogun open their own paths to what they want. They are conquerors and act quite artistically. It is curiosity that leads them to unravel things and discover the paths on their own. Ogun is the orisha of iron and war. The great warrior who gives his children a lot of will to fight for what they want and a great power of conquest. In matters of the heart, he loves to take the initiative. He rules impulsive and temperamental people.
As the “scout signs” which generate the seasons, cardinal signs govern creativity. These signs are restless, active, self-motivated, ambitious, and they often are the leaders in their communities. They can be a bit domineering, but that comes part and parcel with their best qualities of being enterprising, independent, creative, spontaneous and forceful.
Plutonium Lightning and Ice
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (German: Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus) is a book written by Max Weber, a German sociologist, economist, and politician. Begun as a series of essays, the original German text was composed in 1904 and 1905, and was translated into English for the first time by American sociologist Talcott Parsons in 1930.[1] It is considered a founding text in economic sociology and a milestone contribution to sociological thought in general.
CALEBISM Rosicrucian Fellowship (CRF) Mercury-Mars-Pluto Invocation Planetary Intelligence Planetary Heavens of Astrology Astral Body as Religion
Rosicrucianism is a spiritual and cultural movement that arose in early modern Europe in the early 17th century after the publication of several texts announcing to the world a new esoteric order. Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rosy Cross or Rose Cross. There have been several Rosicrucian (or Rosicrucian-inspired) organizations, since the initial movement was founded, including the Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross (1750s–1790s), the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (1865–present), and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (1887–1903).
The Rosicrucian Fellowship (TRF) ("An International Association of Christian Mystics") was founded in 1909 by Max Heindel with the aim of heralding the Aquarian Age and promulgating "the true Philosophy" of the Rosicrucians.[1] It claims to present Esoteric Christian mysteries or esoteric knowledge, alluded to in Matthew 13:11 and Luke 8:10, to establish a meeting ground for art, religion, and science and to prepare the individual through harmonious development of the mind and the heart for selfless service of humanity.[2]
The school's teachings hold that man is a Spirit with all the powers of God, powers that are being slowly unfolded in a series of existences (rebirths) in a gradually-improving body, a process under the guidance of exalted Beings ordering our steps in a decreasing measure as man gradually acquires intellect and will. For this purpose we live many lives[18] of increasingly fine texture and moral character. Through the "Law of Cause and Consequence" we constantly set new causes into operation which will create new destiny to balance and improve the old destiny brought from the past. All causes set into action in one life cannot be ripened in one existence but "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap".
The astral body is a subtle body posited by many philosophers, intermediate between the intelligent soul and the mental body, composed of a subtle material.[1] In many recensions the concept ultimately derives from the philosophy of Plato though the same or similar ideas have existed all over the world well before Plato's time: it is related to an astral plane, which consists of the planetary heavens of astrology. The term was adopted by nineteenth-century Theosophists and neo-Rosicrucians.
The word "possession" is used here in its neutral form to mean "a state (sometimes psychological) in which an individual's normal personality is replaced by another". This is also sometimes known as 'aspecting'. This can be done as a means of communicating with or getting closer to a deity or spirit, and as such need not be viewed synonymously with demonic possession. In some religious traditions including Paganism, Shamanism and Wicca, "invocation" means to draw a spirit or Spirit force into one's own body and is differentiated from "evocation", which involves asking a spirit or force to become present at a given location
The Rose Cross (also called Rose Croix and Rosy Cross) is a symbol largely associated with the legendary Christian Rosenkreuz; Christian Kabbalist, alchemist, and founder of the Rosicrucian Order.[1][2] The Rose Cross is a cross with a rose at its centre, often red, golden or white[3] and symbolizes the teachings of a Western esoteric tradition with Christian tenets.[4][5][6]
Mercury (Sun)-Pluto (Moon)-Mars (Rising)
Trinity Invocation Possession: Angel, Saint, et Deity (Ex. Mercury Angel, Mars Saint, Ogun)
Caleb Faith Pendant is a beautiful reminder of faith and devotion: Crown of Life & Crown of Glory, Palm Frond; Rum; & Cigarillos, Heavenly Soldier Tudor Rose, Holy Death
Caleb Patronage: Boxers, Arithmetic Skills, Musicians, Rhum et Tabac, Painters, Chefs, Robbers, Guns, (Pain Killers) Prescription Drugs, Poverty Trap, Gold, Diamants, Potatoes, British Game Meat Deli Rolls-Waffle Sandwiches
Saints as Dieties: Because of this, saints were considered to be spiritual guides and mentors, who would add their prayers in heaven to those offered by Christians still living in the material world. In this way, they would “intercede” with God on behalf of those who asked for their aid. Intercession of the Saints is a Christian doctrine that maintains that saints can intercede for others. To intercede is to go or come between two parties, to plead before one of them on behalf of the other. The practice of praying to saints for their intercession can be found in Christian writings from the 3rd century onwards. Intercessory prayer is the act of asking a saint in heaven to pray on behalf of oneself or for others.[1]
A shrine (Latin: scrinium "case or chest for books or papers"; Old French: escrin "box or case")[1] is a sacred or holy space dedicated to a specific deity, ancestor, hero, martyr, saint, daemon, or similar figure of respect, wherein they are venerated or worshipped. Shrines often contain idols, relics, or other such objects associated with the figure being venerated.[2] A shrine at which votive offerings are made is called an altar. (Saint Sebastian)
Basilicas are Catholic church buildings that have a designation, conferring special privileges, given by the Pope. Basilicas are distinguished for ceremonial purposes from other churches. The building need not be a basilica in the architectural sense (a rectangular building with a central nave flanked by two or more longitudinal aisles). Basilicas are either major basilicas, of which there are four, all in the Diocese of Rome, or minor basilicas*, of which there were 1,810 worldwide as of 2019. (Saint Sebastian)
Mix Plantation Agronomics, Slovaj Hegelo-Lacanian (Philosophy of Spirit and Culture), Shaman Oversoul Philosophy, Five Heavenly Crowns, De Coelesti Hierarchia, St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica for a Tchad Angelology Treatise Philosophy Bible.
Aesthetics and Religion
A systematic consideration of the multiple relationships between aesthetics and religion demands a sorting-out of concepts and issues. “Aesthetics” may be understood as practice (art) and as theory. It can refer to a number of overlapping subjects, including art, symbol, feeling, beauty, taste, imagination, and perception. A theological or religious aesthetics considers any of these topics in the light of God, revelation, and the sacred. The contemporary world has seen a renewal of interest in religious aesthetics. Art has been increasingly recognized as an important theological “text” that complements the written word, and as a crucial component of communication of the Christian message. The theological consideration of art and beauty is made complex by the secularization of the contemporary world, which raises the question of the relation of aesthetics to Christian “conversion.”
Island Records Model
Each Club has a Bassline Genre
Ex. Beach Club, Night Club, and Hôtel Raves
Each Label has an Energy Drink
Prémix Vocal Auto Tune
Arpeggio Scales Melody without Highs or Lows
Syncopated Percussions
Dance EQ
Mozart Effect Audio Clips
Beat Process
Layered 808s
Saw 303 Pedal
Simple Snare
Saw 303-Arpeggio Scales
Refrain (Saw 303-Arpeggio Scales & Syncopated Percussions)
Refrain (Saw 303-Arpeggio Scales & Syncopated Percussions)
Refrain (Saw 303-Arpeggio Scales, Saw 303 Pedal, & Syncopated Percussions)
Verse (Tension Release)
Ballards (Lyrics)
Cover Art
Headshots with Graffiti Tag
Pick-up Song Title
Ex. Friends with Benefits
Cologne-Spirits Sponsored Mixtapes
Genre Influences: Sean Paul Tomahawk Technique; Unruly (Popcaan) Where We Come From; (UK) Drum n' Bass Production
The effects of dancehall genre on adolescent sexual and violent behavior in Jamaica: A public health concern
Aim: To determine the extent to which dancehall music/genre impacts adolescent behavior.
Results: Of the 100 adolescent cases (50 male, 50 female), females (40%) were more likely to gravitate to sexually explicit lyrical content than their male counterparts (26%). Females (74%) were also more likely to act upon lyrical contents than males (46%). There was no significant difference where males (100%) and females (98%) subconsciously sings the dancehall lyrics even without hearing it; as well as inspire their dreams 64% and 62% respectively. However, more females (74%) than males (46%) acted on lyrical contents of the dancehall genre.
Dancehall Culture
Donna P. Hope defines dancehall culture as a "space for the cultural creation and dissemination of symbols and ideologies that reflect the lived realities of its adherents, particularly those from the inner cities of Jamaica."[41] Dancehall culture actively creates a space for its "affectors" (creators of dancehall culture) and its "affectees" (consumers of dancehall culture) to take control of their own representation, contest conventional relationships of power, and exercise some level of cultural, social and even political autonomy.
Kingsley Stewart outlines ten of the major cultural imperatives or principles that constitute the dancehall worldview. They are:
It involves the dynamic interweaving of God and Haile Selassie
It acts as a form of stress release or psycho-physiological relief
It acts as a medium for economic advancement
The quickest way to an object is the preferred way (i.e., the speed imperative)
The end justifies the means
It strives to make the unseen visible
Objects and events that are external to the body are more important than internal processes; what is seen is more important than what is thought (i.e., the pre-eminence of the external)
The importance of the external self; the self is consciously publicly constructed and validated
The ideal self is shifting, fluid, adaptive, and malleable, and
It involves the socioexistential imperative to transcend the normal (i.e., there is an emphasis on not being normal).
Yvës’s & Delëvoix's Grigori Sin
Thorn Crown (Sin, Passion, Glory)
Raver’s Birth (Visual-Spatial—Kinaesthetic Learner Gemini-Cardinal Sign-Mars (Men) Gemini-Cardinal Sign-Moon (Women) Planetary Intelligence Birth; Chromosomes Prenatal Hormones, Sensory processing disorder (SPD) Fetus Alcohol Consumption)-Audio Clips Extended Production-Raiding Warfare Capture thé Flag (Fornication and Adultery)
Culture Theory (Esthétique Antagonique) (Hersey)
Cinnamon and Spice Speech (Fornication)
Cul-de-sac Drugs Mink Mile Warlordism
cul-de-sac est Sub-culture for Prescription Médication with After Hours Esthétique 
Solvent Levelling Effect Chemical Reaction Engineering et Placebo Effect (manufacturing), Suicide Tuesdays Levelling Effect (Rolling Tobacco, Oxytocin, Pain Killers, and Hydrocolloids Ecstasy) [Brain Receptors Dealing], Cash Back Program (Buy within 3 days of paycheck for extra Tobacco), Razor-Razor Blade C2C: Streetwear and PC Gaming (Business Model), Popcorn Marketing (Prices) Ecstasy-Opiods Singer-Dealers/Ecstasy-Xanax Producers-Drug Robbery (Rave Teams), et Hotel Chains Budgeting, Real Estate Brokerage Trust Account (Money)
Safrole Oil et Opium mixed with Soil for Flowers, meta-Chlorophenylpiperazine
Mu Receptors for Opioids et NMDA Receptors for Ecstasy
Business Model: Lean enterprise is sometimes simply referred to as "lean." Although both terms came into popular usage in the 1990s, the concept itself was devised by Toyota Motor Corporation when it introduced the Toyota Production System (TPS). Developed by Eiji Toyoda and Taiichi Ohno, the Toyota Production System (TPS) integrated socio-technical management philosophy and was practiced between 1948 and 1975. The lean enterprise philosophy was also inspired by telecommunications giant Motorola, which implemented a manufacturing principle known as Lean Six Sigma in 1986. The concept of work cells is based on the platform of lean manufacturing, which focuses on value creation for the end customer and reduction of wastage. Work cells, which are also referred to as workcells, are typically found in manufacturing and office environments. Manufacturing cells are sets of machines that are grouped by the products or parts that they produce. This type of system is used in the cellular manufacturing concept and is distinct from the traditional functional manufacturing system, which groups all similar machines together. Insurance companies base their business models around assuming and diversifying risk. The essential insurance model involves pooling risk from individual payers and redistributing it across a larger portfolio. Most insurance companies generate revenue in two ways: Charging premiums in exchange for insurance coverage, then reinvesting those premiums into other interest-generating assets. Like all private businesses, insurance companies try to market effectively and minimize administrative costs.
White Collar Sub-collar Crime 
Dark Psychology
Social Scalping
Feminist Manipulation 
Creating an External Enemy
Frame Control
Erotic Self Care
Citric Acid Pills
Seamen Volume Pills 
Hyaluronic Acid Pénis Filler
Rings Gymnastics
Weighted Jump Rope 
Capture thé Flag Raiding Guérilla Warfare
Prophylaxis: (Putting Self in an Advantage while putting Opponent in Disadvantage) and Initiative: Making Threats or Responding to Threats (Chess Psychology)
Three Circles of Emotional Regulation (Drive System, Soothing System, Threat System)
Machine Pistols et Molotov Cocktails 
Trafficking P4P and Embezzlement are my Short Sentencing Laws.
Holacracy Structure
Owner — Gold Refinery, Lapidary, Textile Mills, Foundry, Real Estate Brokerage Trust Account
CEO — Painter (Art Gallery et Artisanal Real Estate Money)
Culture Antagonique for Big Pharma avec After Hours Esthétique, Art Gallery Painters is an Industrial Subculture for Nuit Blanche.
CSO — Chef (Imports)
Culture Antagonique for Bocuse d'or avec After Hours Esthétique, Pool Rooftop Hotel Chefs is an Industrial Subculture for Québécois Gastronomique.
Marketing Director — Olfactory Arts Model
Culture Antagonique for Pitti Uomo avec After Hours Esthétique, Baisers Parfumé Festivals is an Industrial Subculture for Fougère Models.
Promoter — Synth n' Grind Artist et Tennis
Synecdoqu Argot Cul-de-sac 
Rajoux: answer my question or there is a Gun in your mouth.
Pardicé Minuit: Sensory experience and cultural expression
Cul-de-sac: I sell pills for a living.
Baisons: Fuck me tonight
Bayens: Can I have your number for a date 
Braqons: Let’s bang this out 
Calmais: I am using Fear not Trust
Garçez: Lawless Urban Youth
Martyr-Congo: Head on thé Floor or Diamant
Pécho: Gangster
Pécho is verlan for the French word ‘choper,’ which translates to grab. However, pécho takes that word to a new level. It can mean things like ‘to date someone,’ ‘to buy drugs,’ ‘to sleep with someone,’ or even… ‘to grab something.’ Use it carefully!
Bastille: Trap Artist Résidences
The Storming of the Bastille (French: Prise de la Bastille [pʁiz də la bastij]) occurred in Paris, France, on 14 July 1789, when revolutionary insurgents attempted to storm and seize control of the medieval armoury, fortress and political prison known as the Bastille.
Diaphragm Expansion Inhales
Lung Inhale through Mouth, Release through pushing down Diaphragm, Diaphragm Nasal Inhale Catch.
Paradis Minuit Nez Qui Coule Inhale: Push Down Diaphragm Hold
Penthouse Complexes as Forts Party Invite Structure
5% of Squad has Girlfriends
Girls get invitéd to parties with no Sausage Fest and Trust Barrier is Broken for Hook Ups
Girls invite Girls to Bangers
Républiqons Sensual Virginty
De Coelesti Hierarchia Raves
Pluto Planetary Intelligence
Parking Ticket Free Brabus Dealerships (Angel Status)
Pool Access Lifeguard Summer Competitions
Républiqons Dancehall
Undergarments Shopping
Oral Sex
Dirty Dancing
Esthétique Antagonique
An Aesthetic Theory et Culture Antagonism avec Industrial Subculture, Heritage Assets, et Edgy Arts.
Union Minière
Vedette Bioesthétique
Women's Cosmétiques Procédure:
Heart Booty Lift
Diamond Face
Body Etching
Blonde Wavy Hair
Grey Eyes
Barre Exercise & Hyaluronic Fillers
Interior design is both a science and an art. When designing a space, we are creatively working to evoke a particular concept or emotion. This is the same process a painter uses.
Mâle Cosmétiques Procédure:
Diamond Face
Body Etching
Blonde Coils Hair
Grey Eyes
Hyaluronic Acid Pénis-Full Body Fillers and V-Taper Systematic Calisthenics Gymnastics Rings with Leucine, L-Carnitine, Créatine, and Keto BHB
COUP D'PIED Hyperarch Fascia ACE Gene Type IIx Supercompensation Training: Isometric Stretching, (Deadlift Complexes) Metabolic Resistance Training; 200m-High Jump Cross Training; French Contrast Warm Up 10 Seconds Wall Sit-30 Rounds Weighted Jump Rope Superset; Isometic-isotonic Dynamic Plank; Keto BHB for Metabolism, Creatine-L-Carnitine L-Tartrate-Leucine for mTOR are my Supplements.
Shaman King Culture Boxing Hooligans: Bassline Dancehall Républiqons EDM Football Skills YouTube, FIFA Mount Hermon (FIFA Street), cul-de-sac, Tournament Clinics Retained Earnings Youtube Money, Gambling Games: Rolle Cinq (Captain, Ship, Crew), Live-Pool Betting Monopoly, Armor-type Over Soul: These O.S. are the most efficient form of Furyoku-based constructs. Armor-types represent the pinnacle of O.S. magic and are the most practical type of O.S. because of their resilient, highly dense Furyoku composition. This method makes them equally formidable in terms of raw power. Plutonium Lightning Body Armour Syncrétism Oversoul
COUP D’PIED Club Fragrance Brand Activation: Leather: A family of fragrances featuring honey, tobacco, wood and wood tars in the middle or base notes and a scent that alludes to leather. Fougère (IPA: [fu.ʒɛʁ]): Meaning fern in French, built on a base of lavender, coumarin and oakmoss, with a sharp herbaceous and woody scent. Named for Houbigant's landmark fragrance Fougère Royale, many men's fragrances belong to this family. Amber or "Oriental": Large class featuring sweet, slightly animalic scents of ambergris or labdanum, often combined with vanilla, tonka bean, flowers and woods. Can be enhanced by camphorous oils and incense resins, evoking Victorian era "Oriental" imagery. Citrus: The oldest fragrance family that gave birth to lightweight eau de colognes. Development of newer fragrance compounds has allowed for the creation of more tenacious citrus fragrances. Chypre (IPA: [ʃipʁ]): Meaning Cyprus in French, this category is named after the François Coty's Chypre (1917), which was the first modern fragrance built on an accord of bergamot, oakmoss, and labdanum. Example: Guerlain Mitsouko, Rochas Femme (MODIFIER SCENT). Aquatic, Oceanic, Ozonic: The newest category, first appearing in 1988 Davidoff Cool Water (1988), Christian Dior Dune (1991). A clean smell reminiscent of the ocean, leading to many androgynous perfumes. Generally contains calone, a synthetic discovered in 1966, or more recent synthetics. Also used to accent floral, oriental, and woody fragrances. A fragrance wheel [1] also known as aroma wheel, fragrance circle, perfume wheel or smell wheel, is a circular diagram showing the inferred relationships among olfactory groups based upon similarities and differences in their odor [1]. The groups bordering one another are implied to share common olfactory characteristics. Fragrance wheel is frequently used as a classification tool in oenology and perfumery. Brand Activation is marketing that both builds a brand's image and drives a specific consumer action through one or more of six identifiable disciplines, which help bring a brand to life by connecting and interacting with the consumer on a personal level.
COUP D’PIED Crème au Rhum Casual Fashion House: Olfactory art is an art form that uses scents as a medium. Olfactory art includes perfume as well as other applications of scent. A business incubator is an organization that helps startup companies and individual entrepreneurs to develop their businesses by providing a fullscale range of services, starting with management training and office space, and ending with venture capital financing. Olfactory Arts Festivals and Business Incubators. For the men, short-sleeved dress shirts, golf shirts, and khaki pants or nice jeans all work. A long-sleeved button down with dressier shorts and boat shoes are fine, too. Espadrilles (Spanish: alpargatas or esparteñas; Catalan: espardenyes; Basque: espartinak, French: espadrilles)[1] are casual, rope-soled, flat but sometimes high-heeled shoes. They usually have a canvas or cotton fabric upper and a flexible sole made of esparto rope. The esparto rope sole is the defining characteristic of an espadrille; the uppers vary widely in style. Slip-ons are typically low, lace-less shoes. The style which is most commonly seen, known as a loafer, slippers, or penny loafers in American culture, has a moccasin construction. One of the first designs was introduced in London by Wildsmith Shoes, called the Wildsmith Loafer.[1] They began as casual shoes, but have increased in popularity to the point of being worn in America with business suits. Another design was introduced as Aurlandskoen (the Aurland Shoe) in Norway (early 20th century).[2] They are worn in many situations in a variety of colors and designs, often featuring tassels on the front, or metal decorations (the 'Gucci' loafer). For smokers, the first cigarette of the day is often accompanied by a cup of coffee. Researchers say this may be more than a habit, finding chemical compounds in roasted coffee beans may help quell the effects of morning nicotine cravings. Sangster's Original Jamaica Rum Cream Liqueur is a rum and cream based liqueur produced in Jamaica. It was invented by Dr. Ian Sangster, who arrived in Jamaica in 1967 with a contract to lecture at the University of the West Indies. A humidor is a humidity-controlled box or room used primarily for storing cigars, cigarettes, cannabis, or pipe tobacco. Either too much or too little humidity can be harmful to tobacco products; a humidor's primary function is to maintain a steady, desirable moisture level inside; secondarily it protects its contents from physical damage and deterioration from sunlight. For private use, small wooden boxes holding a few dozen or fewer cigars are common, while cigar shops may have walk-in humidors. Many humidors use hygrometers to monitor their humidity levels. Crème au Rhum Desserts cookbook, collection of recipes, instructions, and information about the preparation and serving of foods. At its best, a cookbook is also a chronicle and treasury of the fine art of cooking, an art whose masterpieces—created only to be consumed—would otherwise be lost. Cigar and Crème au Rhum Collection Books. A plantation economy is an economy based on agricultural mass production, usually of a few commodity crops, grown on large farms worked by laborers or slaves. The properties are called plantations. Plantation economies rely on the export of cash crops as a source of income. Prominent crops included Red Sandalwood, cotton, rubber, sugar cane, tobacco, figs, rice, kapok, sisal, and species in the genus Indigofera, used to produce indigo dye. Aftershave Balm Lotion Body Splash offers you a pleasant fragrance that is not overpowering, as it is lighter and less concentrated. The fragrance of a body splash typically lasts for up to 4 hours, which is why you will need to apply it at least twice a day for ensuring that the fragrance lasts till evening.
Jardins du Festival City
Chad Jardins Quatorze Saints Assistants [Favelas] (Jardins Gomorroha; Gomorrha. / (ɡəˈmɒrə) / noun. Old Testament one of two ancient cities near the Dead Sea, the other being Sodom, that were destroyed by God as a punishment for the wickedness of their inhabitants (Genesis 19:24) any place notorious for vice and depravity.)
Synecdoqu Républiqons Language Arts Culture Antagonique for Language Arts Français avec After Hours Esthétique, Synecdoqu Argot Cul-de-sac is Industrial Subculture for Patois (Yoruba Code Switching)
Culture Antagonique for Language Arts Français avec Dirty Realism Esthétique, Synecdoqu Républiqons is an Industrial Subculture for Patois (Yoruba Code Switching)
Pocket Pita Gastronomy/Diet: Charcuterie Rolls (Cinnamon Rolls Alternative) [Meat Pastry], Corn Flour, Sheep Cheese, Yukon Gold Potato, Black Beans, Rice Pudding, Root Végétable Salt, Avocados, Bananas, Nectarines, Jack Rabbit (Éléments: Fruits and Veggies as D-asparatic Acid Carbs, Root Végétable Salt, Leucine as main Protéin, Omega-3 Dairy)
Workout: French Contrast Warm Up 10 Seconds Wall Sit-30 Rounds Weighted Jump Rope Superset et French Contrast Isometic-isotonic Dynamic Plank
Declared to be of National Tourist Interest in Andalucía, the Bread Festival is celebrated in honour of Saint Sebastian. This is the main festival day in the village, where the brotherly union is complete; there are fireworks, doughnuts, bread rings and the traditional procession of the image of the Saint.
Favela (Portuguese: [fɐˈvɛlɐ]) is an umbrella name for several types of working-class neighborhoods in Brazil. The term, which means slum or ghetto, was first used in the Slum of Providência in the center of Rio de Janeiro in the late 19th century, which was built by soldiers who had lived under the favela trees in Bahia and had nowhere to live following the Canudos War. Some of the last settlements were called bairros africanos (African neighborhoods). Over the years, many former enslaved Africans moved in. Even before the first favela came into being, poor citizens were pushed away from the city and forced to live in the far suburbs.
The cocaine trade has affected Brazil and in turn its favelas, which tend to be ruled by drug lords. Regular shoot-outs between traffickers and police and other criminals, as well as assorted illegal activities, lead to murder rates in excess of 40 per 100,000 inhabitants in the city of Rio and much higher rates in some Rio favelas.[27] Traffickers ensure that individual residents can guarantee their own safety through their actions and political connections to them. They do this by maintaining order in the favela and giving and receiving reciprocity and respect, thus creating an environment in which critical segments of the local population feel safe despite continuing high levels of violence.
Drug use is highly concentrated in these areas run by local gangs in each highly populated favela. Drug sales run rampant at night when many favelas host their own baile, or dance party, where many different social classes can be found. These drug sales make up a business that in some of the occupied areas rakes in as much as US$150 million per month, according to official estimates released by the Rio media.
The designer drug situation in Ibiza
A total of 137 urine samples and 46 serum samples, corresponding to 154 self-confessed designer drugs consumers in Ibiza island, were analyzed for the presence of designer drugs: amphetamine and amphetamine derivatives (methamphetamine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA), methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), p-methoxymethylamphetamine (PMMA), p-methoxyamphetamine (PMA), etc.), ketamine and γ-hydroxybutyric acid. Among this population, coming both from the forensic clinic and from the emergency room of a hospital, a total of 99 cases were found positive for some designer drug. This study shows the prevalence of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) among designer drug users, sole or in association with other drugs. Also, the mixture of MDMA with other designer drugs, ethanol and/or cocaine is shown to be more likely to produce toxic symptoms requiring clinical attendance in a hospital emergency room. These findings along with the consumption history, the concentrations of drugs and metabolites in urine and serum and the toxicological significance for the interpretation of some MDMA metabolites such as 4-hydroxy-3-methoxymethamphetamine (HMMA) are discussed in this study.
What is polydrug use? 'Polydrug use' is a term for the use of more than one drug or type of drug at the same time or one after another. Polydrug use can involve both illicit drugs and legal substances, such as alcohol and medications.
Music as an Element of Tourism Innovation: Types of Nightlife Premises in Ibiza (Spain)
The island of Ibiza is a western Mediterranean destination known internationally for its nightlife. The aim of this paper is to make a proposal to classify the different types of premises in the Ibiza nightlife offer. This involves making a first definition that allows to delimit which businesses are parts of the sector. The methodology used is based on the case study and specifically, on the review of the promotional actions and activities carried out, completed with the visit to the premises. The classification has been made based on the offer marketed and not only on the legal forms used, as innovation goes ahead of the existing legal classifications. Although it is a particular application, due to the international importance of Ibiza, it is a good starting point to classify the nightlife offer of many other tourist destinations. The resulting typology divides the sector into two large groups: nightclubs and other premises. While nightclubs have musical parties as their main activity declared, the other premises have accommodation or catering as their main activity, with music being an element of differentiation. Nightclubs are divided into several subgroups, depending on their size and relevance. The other premises are subdivided into Beach Clubs, Hotel Clubs, Party Boats, Lounge Clubs, Disco Pubs, among others.
The impact of global nightlife in Ibiza: Youth tourism
The promotion of the island’s image through its parties with the release of record labels, elaborate shows (Bensa, 2002), and the transformation of buildings into large entertainment businesses (Rosa, 2002), made it possible to return to the already known name of Ibiza and to catapult it as a symbol of entertainment and partying (Allemand, 2010). This development was something that occurred not only at the national and international scale; rather, it was something that transformed the island into a global icon (Amirou, 2000). The process of reinterpreting the hippy alternative image in a contemporary global context (Jauréguiberry, 1994), came from local businessmen (from the island and from elsewhere). They were the actors who understood the authenticity of the island to convert it into a unique product that went beyond tourism. Given the party reputation of the island, the traditional sun and beach tourists began to stay away, which made it possible to attract visitors who were willing to spend large sums of money to experience the nightlife in Ibiza. There was a shift from tourism to the experience of shows and culture. In this manner, by the mid-2000s, Ibiza had become internationally renowned in the electronic music industry (its own record labels and invited DJs) and for its nightclubs (Goulding, 2011) (such as Space, Privilege, Amnesia, Café del Mar, Pacha, Ushuaia, and Esparadis); it also has become one of the most sought-after stages during the summer in show business (with parties organized by the Matinée group, La Troya, Supermarxé, and Circuit). Simultaneously, from the cultural perspective, the construction of the image of the island had a minimal physical impact and, on the contrary, made it possible to emphasize the natural Mediterranean environment of the island and the libertarian heritage of the reinterpreted hippy movement (Perrot, 1997). With its network of nightclubs (Sönmez, 2013), Ibiza began to generate an entertainment niche that attracted record labels and international DJs, which transformed Ibiza into not only one of the destinations in the global circuit but also a destination with international renown, almost exclusively during the summer period (Fontaine, 1996). The dissemination of the reputation of its parties crossed borders, attracting people from all over the world to Ibiza. Simultaneously, it became a world-renowned destination through the dissemination of its parties through video, the Ibiza-based record labels, and the lyrics to songs that include Ibiza as an icon and that have been emulated in other parts of the world, such as “Ibiza’s Party.” This highlights the island’s own style, which is defined by freewheeling parties and a relaxed environment that goes beyond labels or conventionalism. We find ourselves with the case of one of the few non-urban destinations that has managed to concentrate and attract nightlife (Fig. 5), even going so far as to displace some of the international record labels and entertainment events in the main cities.
Urban economics is broadly the economic study of urban areas; as such, it involves using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance. More specifically, it is a branch of microeconomics that studies the urban spatial structure and the location of households and firms (Quigley 2008). Microeconomics studies the decisions of individuals and firms to allocate resources of production, exchange, and consumption.
Upper-tier Municipal Government, Urbaneconomics, et Microeconomics. An upper-tier municipality is one formed by two or more lower-tier municipalities. Municipal responsibilities set out under the Municipal Act and other Provincial legislation are split between the upper-tier and lower-tier municipalities. A county is a geographic region of a country used for administrative or other purposes[1] in some nations. The term is derived from the Old French comté denoting a jurisdiction under the sovereignty of a count (earl) or a viscount.
Festival Métropolitain for Culture Theory, Tourism, et Religion Theory; City dedicated for Culture.
Advisory Textbooks
The Grammar of Romance: A Comparative Introduction to Vulgar Latin & the Romance Languages (History), Art Gallery Sponsored Class, The Parisian Field Guide To Men's Style, Aesthetic Theory (Fashion), The Drugtakers: The Social Meaning of Drug Use by Jock Young, Surveiller et punir : Naissance de la prison, The French Connection in Criminology: Rediscovering Crime, Law, and Social Change (Law); Québécois Mirrors of Princes Literature De Administrando Imperio ("On the Governance of the Empire") et De ordine palatii (On the governance of the palace), Game Theory Network (Life Studies), Solvent Levelling Effect Chemical Reaction Engineering (Science), Blue Océan Strategy, INSEAD Knowledge, est Parisien/France Nouvelle Influenced; Lacanien Triad et Tableau Économique (Art Financing), Larousse Gastronomique, Institut Paul Bocuse Gastronomique: The Definitive Step-by-Step Guide to Culinary Excellence (Gastronomique), St. Thomas Aquinas: The Summa Theologica, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Bible Studies) are Advisory Textbooks
By asset size, the largest four banks in the world are Chinese, according to the 2023 annual rankings by S&P Global Market Intelligence. They include the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, the China Construction Bank, the Agricultural Bank of China* Chad AgFund (Agriculture Central Hedge Fund) and the Bank of China, holding more than $19.87 trillion in combined assets.
Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited, or simply Temasek, is a global investment company owned by the Government of Singapore. Incorporated on 25 June 1974, Temasek has a net portfolio of US$287 billion (S$382 billion) as of 2023, with S$27 billion divested and S$31 billion invested during the year.
Agriculture Central Hedge Fund, Mining Unions, Conservation Peninsula Agronomique Engineering, Commodities Options Exchange (Credit Spread Options, Farm REITs, Crop Production; Fertelizers and Seeds; Equipment; Distribution and Processing Stocks, Ag ETFs and ETNs, Ag Mutual Funds), Tableau Économiques, Farmland REITs, Mardi Gras-Basiers Parfumé Art Financing (Visual Arts, Culinary Arts, Olfactory Arts)
Chadian Gastronomy (Masculine Neuroprotective Gastronomy)
Purple Food: High Carbs et High Fat with Fatty Acid Protein
D-Asparatic Acid Food Testosterone
Frog Legs
Mollusks (such as clams, mussels, oysters, scallops, octopus, squid, abalone, snail).
Lobster rolls
Clam cakes
Clams casino
Fried clams
Stuffed clams
Crab cake
Fried oysters
Oyster stew
Raw oysters on a halfshell
Moules-frites/Mosselen met friet: mussels cooked or steamed with onions and celery served with Belgian fries. The recipe has often been referred to as the country's national dish[3] but is also popular in the neighboring Nord region of France.
Purple Sweet Potatoes
Gaufres/Wafels: Belgian waffles, sometimes eaten as a street snack and sold by ice-cream vans. Among the better-known styles are the Gaufre de Liège or Liège waffle, Brussels waffle, and the stroopwafel.
Citrus Fruit Estrogen Detox
Heating Process
Starch Thickening Agents Sauces
Buttermilk et Clam Juice Flavor
Cooking Wine
Sautée and Breaded
Salads and Dressings
Raw Seafood
Spinach and Egg
Sautée Fruit Salad
Fruit Vinaigrette
Cuisses de grenouille Salade Rollé Grill
Pocket Pita
Beurre Rouge
Soaked in Wine
Bread Bowl
Héritage Asset
Farmer's Market
Auguste Escoffier Mother Sauces
Hollandaise, Tomato (Sauce Tomat), Bechamel, Espagnole, and Veloute.
Publishing Imprint Movie Company
Attrape-moi si tu peux Motor Vehicle Theft, Défense Lawyers, Planetary Intelligence (Démons et Angels) Impure Aesthetic Thrillers
Literary Device
Film Literature
in establishing the limits of both the novel (Newspapers) and the film, argues that novelist and film director meet in the attempt “to make you see”, the former through the mind; the latter through the eye.
“impure” aesthetic, one tinged with the markings of society, ideology, and sexual desire.
Capitalism, Betrayal,
Poetic Réalisme
Poetic realism films are "recreated realism", stylised and studio-bound, rather than approaching the "socio-realism of the documentary". They usually have a fatalistic view of life with their characters living on the margins of society, either as unemployed members of the working class or as criminals.
Self-destructive Escapism
Escapism is mental diversion from unpleasant aspects of daily life, typically through activities involving imagination or entertainment. Escapism also may be used to occupy one's self away from persistent feelings of depression or general sadness.
Surréalisme-Synecdoqu-Métonymie Screenplay
Surrealism is an art and cultural movement that developed in Europe in the aftermath of World War I in which artists aimed to allow the unconscious mind to express itself, often resulting in the depiction of illogical or dreamlike scenes and ideas.[1] Its intention was, according to leader André Breton, to "resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality into an absolute reality, a super-reality", or surreality.[2][3][4] It produced works of painting, writing, theatre, filmmaking, photography, and other media as well.
a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in Cleveland won by six runs
the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant, for example suit for business executive, or the track for horse racing.
a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
Suspense is created by withholding information or revealing it slowly, creating a sense of mystery or uncertainty about what will happen next.
A thriller generally keeps its audience on the "edge of their seats" as the plot builds towards a climax. The cover-up of important information is a common element.[2] Literary devices such as red herrings, plot twists, unreliable narrators, and cliffhangers are used extensively. A thriller is often a villain-driven plot, whereby they present obstacles that the protagonist or hero must overcome.
Slavoj Žižek Lacanianism or Lacanian psychoanalysis is a theoretical system that explains the mind, behaviour, and culture through a structuralist and post-structuralist extension of classical psychoanalysis, initiated by the work of Jacques Lacan from the 1950s to the 1980s.
Non-Fiction Movie
Prequal TV Série
Fictional TV Série
Black Separatism
Black separatism is a separatist political movement that seeks separate economic and cultural development for those of African descent in societies, particularly in the United States. Black separatism stems from the idea of racial solidarity, and it also implies that black people should organize themselves on the basis of their common skin color, their race, culture, and African heritage.[1] There were a total of 255 black separatist groups recorded in the United States as of 2019.
Black Separatism: I chose Street Culture, French Culture Antagonism, Pharmaceutical, Bioesthétique, Dancehall, Artisanal Plantations, Public-Private Sectors with Intrapreneurship, Market Extension Mergers Joint Ventures, BioTechology Economy, and Mining Union (HOW DO AFRICANS IMMIGRATE?)
Chad new Identity
République Paradis d'Couronne avec Antilles Dutch Drapeau but avec Cinq Couronee Christianity
Demonym est Républiqons
Holy City are Grigori Cities
Sun Angels and Church Homes
Religious Names for Favelas ex. Sodom and Gomorra, Mount Hermon, and Garden of Eden
5 is thé National Team Captain's Number for Cinq Couronee Christianity
Host diplomacy can be defined as diplomatic events hosted or initiated by a country that has the ability to set and execute agendas, which other participants find attractive and are willing to support
Festival Métropolitain for Culture Theory, Tourism, et Religion Theory; City dedicated for Culture.
According to Butler (1980), under destination life cycle, an area undergo an evolutionary cycle of six stages. These stages are exploration, involvement, development, consolidation, stagnation and decline. Mostly all tourists' destinations passes through all these mentioned stages.
A heritage asset is an item which has value because of its contribution to a nation's society, knowledge and/or culture. Such items are usually physical assets, but some countries also use the term in relation to intangible social and spiritual inheritance.
Monégasque Joint Venture Plantations et Market Extension Mergers avec Incubators Enterprise.
Paradis d’Couronee Waves
Level 2 Temple Drop Fade
≠ Head and Eyebrow Part
Pencil Mustache
Waves Products
Wave Butter
Wave Shampoo
Sea Salt Spray
Shower Brush Method
Detangle Hair with Comb
Soak Hair for a Couple Minutes
Scramble Wash
Create Thick Lather and Shower Brush #1
Training Pattern
Create Thick Lather and Shower Brush #2
Training Pattern
Lather and Lay Down Pattern with Hands
Put on Durag and Rinse
When hair is dry use Wave Butter, Pomade and Sea Salt Spray
Chadian Social Class Structure
Monopoly Families (Monégasque Joint Venture Plantations et Market Extension Mergers avec Incubators Enterprise)
Upper Class
Middle Class
Cul-de-sac Favelas Socioeconomic Status Socioeconomic Development Centres: Agronomics and Real Estate Economics
Holy Rosary
The word “Rosary” means a chain of roses and the roses are prayers.
Delëvoix Holy Rosary with Raphaël.
1. Crown of Life
2. Crown of Glory
3. Praying Hands
4. Fleur-de-lys
Chadian Milk Filtered Cigars Example
British Joint Venture Plantations et Market Extension Mergers avec Incubators Enterprise est Tabac Afrique
1. Tabac
2. Cacoa
3. Nut Oil
4. Cinnamon
5. Banana Milk Crush Balls
6. Banana Rolling Leafs Wraps
1. Tabac
2. Cacoa
3. Strawberry Oil
4. Tropical Fruit Milk Crush Balls
5. Mint Rolling Leafs Wraps
Tradwave is a Chad artistic style using synthwave and vaporwave art to promote traditional catholicism and promote Venice cultural antagonism. Tradwave usually uses traditional catholic paintings, sculptures, or photographs of saints, given with vaporwave effects, often with a bible verse or quote about catholicism. The art usually tries to convey a resurrection of catholic spirituality in the modern atheist world. Figures often depicted in Tradwave art include Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, Ven. Fulton Sheen, Cardinal Robert Sarah, and Mother Angelica.
Tradwave music often takes the form of two main styles. One of them is catholic hymns with vaporwave effects and traditional Vaporwave/Lo-Fi music. It can also have quotes from modern prolific Catholic figures, such as Ven. The other theme is Fulton Sheen and Cardinal Robert Sarah.
My International Finance Model
High Export and Stabled Party Cities
Macroeconomics Theories
**The 0% Effect: this is an interest Rate analysis. This allows devaluing in country's currency through carry trade which allows for higher global exports, with currency value low this allows for greater exchange rate for wealthy travellers to purchase country's currency and spend money, common currency pairs with foreign governments currency can increase goods trading, through high frequency low volume exchange rate and tourism; foreign currency reserve can grow, if country's business owners sets up shop overseas this allows for mercantilism, This lowers unemployment rate because business can spend and take loans, lower interest allows for more borrowing which allows for more spending, For Quantitative Easing & Open Market Operations the country that does this can print money and short own currency against foreign currencies to fix exchange rate against other country's currency to increase trade, Build Foreign Cash Reserves and This gives central bank opportunity to purchase corporate & government bonds to increase money supply.
**The Multiple CIR Effect (Currency & Interest Rate): the hedging potential for foreign governments by adding a second currency on tax havens with high interest rates, Tax Haven governments with higher interest rates increase saving potential which leads to more off-shoring of foreign bank institutions
**Ports Currency Theory: what if countries had port currency; import and export currency. This helps with global trade regardless of geographical region. This eliminates the need for currency pegging because currencies can just be matched. This can be beneficial for building global cities regardless of geographical region. This also helps with political parity.
**Multiple Currencies, Multiple Locations Model: This studies that having a Port Currency Basket with multiple foreign currencies around the world and matching the continental geographical region currency value. This allows for more sustainable trading with trading partners and cash reserves in foreign banks of the nation's currency. This also creates a safety blanket for foreign investing for citizens and aids diplomacy.
**Tax Replacement Industries Effect: What if for example instead of paying a 10% tax rate the hospitality and adult entertainment industries had a 15% Retained Earnings Rate. If Retained Earnings Rates were mandatory over taxes in certain industries these industries can set the global standard because of the amount of effort and financial support being put in. This also has an effect on tourism
Foreign Direct Investment Theories
**Offshoring Capital Raised Model: Privatization of oligopolistic companies (Cartels/Monopolies) in collusion with the government creates Brand Popularity, Brand Association, and Brand Awareness with companies and domestic countries. If raising capital was only granted to international locations, funds for expansion will be easy to raise and dominance in foreign markets is easily access. This will be easily achieved with a stable economy and currency value. Only putting International Divisions/Subsidiaries on the stock exchanges will give financial backing to companies. With giving business owners this model as expected in return building direct products for government or military will be easier.
Belgium Monetary Zone
Belgian rule in the Congo was based on the "colonial trinity" (trinité coloniale) of state, missionary and private-company interests.[9]
Union Minière du Haut-Katanga primary product was copper, but it also produced tin, cobalt, radium, uranium, zinc, cadmium, germanium, manganese, silver, and gold.
A currency based on the gold standard was created for the Congo Free State in 1887. Banknotes were issued from 1896 in the name of the General Treasury of the Congo Free State (Trésoire générale de l'État indépendant du Congo) payable to the bearer, until the annexation of the Free State in 1908.[1]
After WWII, the Congolese and Belgian francs continued to form part of the "Belgian monetary zone" under the Bretton Woods system.
As a result of the confused legal definition under Article 11 of the 1908 Colonial Charter, it has been argued that that the Congolese franc did not exist de jure as a currency between 1908 and 1960 and was instead merely a token representing a claim on Belgian francs.[2] It did exist, however, as the sole de facto currency in the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi.
Heavenly Jérusalem Kraljic Matrix Raw Material Rural Économique Primate City with Bioeconomy Vertical Farming
Revelation 21:19-21
19 The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, 20 the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. 21 The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass.
Rural Économique
Rural economics is the study of rural economies. Rural economies include both agricultural and non-agricultural industries, so rural economics has broader concerns than agricultural economics which focus more on food systems.[1] Rural development[2] and finance[3] attempt to solve larger challenges within rural economics. These economic issues are often connected to the migration from rural areas due to lack of economic activities[4] and rural poverty. Some interventions have been very successful in some parts of the world, with rural electrification and rural tourism providing anchors for transforming economies in some rural areas. These challenges often create rural-urban income disparities.[5]
Rural spaces add new challenges for economic analysis that require an understanding of economic geography: for example understanding of size and spatial distribution of production and household units and interregional trade,[6] land use,[7] and how low population density effects government policies as to development, investment, regulation, and transportation.[8]
Raw Material
Raw materials are materials or substances used in the primary production or manufacturing of goods. Raw materials are commodities that are bought and sold on commodities exchanges worldwide. Businesses buy and sell raw materials in the factor market because raw materials are factors of production.
Raw materials are the input goods or inventory that a company needs to manufacture its products.
Examples of raw materials include steel, oil, corn, grain, gasoline, lumber, forest resources, plastic, natural gas, coal, and minerals.
Raw materials can be direct raw materials, which are directly used in the manufacturing process, such as wood for a chair.
Indirect raw materials are not part of the final product but are instead used comprehensively in the production process.
The value of direct raw materials inventory appears as a current asset on the balance sheet.
Biobased economy, bioeconomy or biotechonomy refers to economic activity involving the use of biotechnology and biomass in the production of goods, services, or energy. The terms are widely used by regional development agencies, national and international organizations, and biotechnology companies. They are closely linked to the evolution of the biotechnology industry and the capacity to study, understand, and manipulate genetic material that has been possible due to scientific research and technological development. This includes the application of scientific and technological developments to agriculture, health, chemical, and energy industries.
Primate City
A primate city[1] is a city that is the largest in its country, province, state, or region, and disproportionately larger than any others in the urban hierarchy.[2] A primate city distribution is a rank-size distribution that has one very large city with many much smaller cities and towns and no intermediate-sized urban centers, creating a statistical king effect.[3]
Many primate cities gain an increasing share of their country's population. This can be due to a reduction in blue-collar population in the hinterlands because of mechanization and automation. Simultaneously, the number of educated employees in white-collar endeavors such as politics, finance, media, and higher education rises. These sectors are clustered predominantly in primate cities where power and wealth are concentrated.
Vertical Farming
Vertical farming is the practice of growing crops in vertically stacked layers.[1] It often incorporates controlled-environment agriculture, which aims to optimize plant growth, and soilless farming techniques such as hydroponics, aquaponics, and aeroponics.[1] Some common choices of structures to house vertical farming systems include buildings, shipping containers, underground tunnels, and abandoned mine shafts.
Mixed-use skyscrapers were proposed and built by architect Ken Yeang. Yeang proposes that instead of hermetically sealed mass-produced agriculture, plant life should be cultivated within open air, mixed-use skyscrapers for climate control and consumption. This version of vertical farming is based upon personal or community use rather than the wholesale production and distribution that aspires to feed an entire city.[16]
Kraljic Matrix
Peter Kraljic studied metallurgy and obtained his master's degree. He holds a doctorate from the Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-University Hannover and an MBA from INSEAD. He was director of the Düsseldorf branch of the consulting firm McKinsey & Company .
In supply chain management, the Kraljic matrix (or Kraljic model) is a method used to segment the purchases or suppliers of a company by dividing them into four classes, based on the complexity (or risk) of the supply market (such as monopoly situations, barriers to entry, technological innovation) and the importance of the purchases or suppliers (determined by the impact that they have on the profitability of the company). This subdivision allows the company to define the optimal purchasing strategies for each of the four types of purchases or suppliers.
The Kraljic matrix defines the following types of articles:
Non-critical items: components that have a low impact on the company and that are found in abundance and / or in low-risk markets (e.g., office stationery). For such items, the goal should be to maximize efficiency of the procurement process to reduce the administrative burden, for example by delegating purchasing to local managers, or using catalogs.
Leverage items: components that are important for the company but sourced from low-risk markets with an abundant supply. As the name suggests, the optimal management of these purchase categories is essential to ensure a satisfactory business result. For this type of component, the company tends to make the most of its bargaining power and the abundance of the offer with frequent negotiations.
Bottleneck items: components with a low business impact in economic terms but where supply continuity is at risk. The management of these components should be aimed at creating relationships of collaboration in the medium-long term between customer and supplier to guarantee the supply, with less emphasis on the cost.
Strategic items: components that are important for the company both in terms of economic impact and for supply conditions from complex and / or risky markets. In this field, the horizon is medium-long term with a continuous monitoring of the economic situation of the market, technical evolution, evaluation of "make-or-buy" options (the choice for a company between developing and manufacturing a product itself or outsourcing it from another supplier),[2] creation of alternatives and development of stable relationships and maximum collaboration with the suppliers.
In its original form, Kraljic's matrix is used for the mapping of purchases, not suppliers. However, the matrix works equally well to distinguish different categories of suppliers.
A grande école (French: [ɡʁɑ̃d ekɔl]; lit. 'great school') is a specialized top-level educational institution in France and some other previous French colonies such as Morocco or Tunisia. Grandes écoles are part of an alternative educational system that operates alongside the mainstream French public university system, and take the shape of institutes dedicated to teaching, research and professional training in either pure natural and social sciences, or applied sciences such as engineering, architecture, business administration, or public policy and administration.[1][2]
INSEAD, a contraction of "Institut Européen d'Administration des Affaires" (lit. 'European Institute of Business Administration'),[8] is a non-profit graduate business school that maintains campuses in France, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, and the United States. Its degree programs are postgraduate-only, taught in English and include a full-time Master of Business Administration (MBA), an Executive MBA (EMBA), Master in Management (MIM), Doctor of Business Administration, Executive Master of Finance and executive education programs.
Polytechnique's historic engineering graduate program has a highly selective admission process consisting of written and oral examinations, following classes préparatoires or a bachelor's degree.[6] French engineering students undergo initial military training and have the status of paid officer cadets.[7] The school has also been awarding doctorates since 1985, masters since 2005 and bachelors since 2017.[8] Most Polytechnique engineering graduates go on to become top executives in companies, senior civil servants, military officers, or researchers.
The Beaux-Arts de Paris (French pronunciation: [boz‿aʁ də pari]), formally the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, is a French grande école whose primary mission is to provide high-level fine arts education and training. The art school, which is part of the Paris Sciences et Lettres University, is located on two sites: Saint-Germain-des-Prés in Paris, and Saint-Ouen.
A business incubator is an organization that helps startup companies and individual entrepreneurs to develop their businesses by providing a fullscale range of services, starting with management training and office space, and ending with venture capital financing.
First Date Completion For Pickup Artist
Show her the tip
study lots of things and tease your knowledge by starting conversations on different topics
The In and Out
try and get her number in 5 minutes. This mentality will cut down long conversations being filled with sikence
End on a high note
if you see the end coming during a good conversation say you have an appointment to get to and ask for her number
Actually talk about those things
Currency, Oil, & Gold Commodities Candlestick Charts
Swing Trading: Use mt4/mt5 With Heiken Ashi Charts, Setting at 14 or 21 Momentum Indicator above 0 as Divergence Oscillator and Volume Spread Analysis as Reversal Oscillator and Trade when bullish candlesticks above 200 exponential moving average and/or 20 exponential moving average (EMA) on H1 (Hourly) Time Frame; use H4 (4 Hours) and D1 (1 Day) as reference.
UK, Singapore, and Monégasque Boxing
A system of Social and economic organization in which financial profit is valued above any other criterion or consideration. 
Weight Classes Teams-Boxing Clubs: Promotions (Solo) and Relegation (Teams) Tournaments and Exhibition ex. Team A Welterweight vs Team B Welterweight Relégation Exhibition and Boxer 1 from Team A vs Boxer 1 from Team B Promotions Tournaments
Remove Boxing from the Olympics 
Create own Drug Testing labs & Substance list 
Pay athletes from they are young
U-17 et U-20 Exposure
Conceptual Model 
Divine Status* 
Masculine Epitome* 
Adult Entertainment~ 
Multi-international Corporation~ 
Cultural Industry~ 
Cultural Diffusion~ 
Cultural Continuity~ 
Cultural Politics~ 
Consumer Culture~ 
*Brand Identity 
~Stakeholder Appeal 
Crowning (Term) 
The sport of Boxing is a form of class Interaction. The goal of the Boxing Bodies is to make this sport a gateway to becoming a Billionaire (avoidance of another Mike Tyson). To take someone and crown them as a billionaire and put them in boxing royalty is the mindset. Yes winning is important but you don't fight forever.
Events & Tournaments 
Boxing Heritage Classic (BHC) Host City Rotates
Different Location than Tournament; Global Locations; Round by Round Locations Change 
Tournament Sponsors 
Oil Companies; Good Publicity For Them; Larger Prize Money 
Title of Pre-tournament Weekend 
Boxing Heritage Classic (BHC) 
Traditions of Events & Tournaments 
Weekend Schedule 
Friday and Saturday 
Casino Jam 
Cigar Lounge 
Invitational Poker Games; Fixed cost buy in 
High Profile Guest 
Corporate Executives 
Royal Families 
Sunday Night 
Art Auction 
Athletic Banquets 
Placement of Bets (Televised) 
High Profile Guest 
Corporate Executives 
Royal Families 
Boxing Version of Olympics (Physical Test Olympics) 
Host a Series of Physical Test before Tournaments 
Weight Lifting 
Military Bodyweight Competition 
Mix Isometric Stops in Both Competition 
Aerobic Circuits Races 
Have regression versions of physical test for youth to perform 
By Having a Physical Test Olympics this Grows the Sport. This Event is Going to Start Off With A Few Competitive-Events But As This Event Grows the Sport Grows into a Society 
With each Country Creating its Own Event this Grows the Sport 
Host a Tournament once every two months 
Create Boxing Fantasy Leagues for Tournaments 
Fan's Dream Card 
All-Star Game Resemblance 
Fan's vote for every weight class Two dream matchups (2 fight series is an option)
No ducking fights stigma 
Corporate Tournament 
Teams a build through representation of weight class 
Teams are owned by companies
Salary cap is imposed to keep things fair 
Algorithm to determine player's salaries 
Player's fees are percentage value not dollar value 
Example if The tournaments salary cap is $100 million and a boxer had 35% value he would get $35 million 
Physique Tournament 
Celebrity Female Judges 
A mix of runway and bodybuilding competition 
Increase female fan base 
Open the sport to modelling industry 
Make the Masculine physique and masculine Frame a boxer In the female's eyes. This will lead to more mother's putting their kids into the sport 
Male models aren't even close in competition to female models 
This sport naturally develops an aesthetic physique 
The World Class Invitational Tournament 
The top 3 boxers in their respective country are invited to compete 
Model of the Masters in Golf 
Winner gets custom gold gloves with diamonds 
Champions Invitational 
Boxing has lots of titles (which is a good thing.) 
At year's end host a tournament for each weight class 
Add more titles to increase cards 
Each title must be defended prior to entering tournament 
At the end of the event you will have multi-belt champions 
The sport will have the most multi-belt champions 
Whoever wins tournament for their respective weight class gets a crown
Winners choose one title they want to defend; the rest be vacant 
Bracket Invitational 
Top 32 fighter are invited 
There are two Brackets 
1-16 & 17-32 
Placing top seeds in same bracket to ensure there’s always a chance for upset in championship 
Constant changes in rankings do to this system and more international superstars
Exposure for fighters outside the top 10
Reference Style Chav Boxing by Caleb "Lightning Slaps" Hughes
This is a derogatory British slang word for a young hooligan who normally starts fights and makes trouble. “Chavs” are usually seen as lower class.
Training Gear
Focus Mitts
Punching Shield
Reflex Bag
Double End Bag
Heavy Bags
Naoya Inoue Influence for Chav Shell (Bladed Half Guard)
Wide Stance with Weight Forward
Inverted-V Target (Solar Plexus, Liver, Spleen, Obliques) opens Head as a Target
Centerline connection opens Flanks
Multiple Jab Triggers Own Counter Hooks Combo
Front Power Hooks over Jabs for Single Punches
Warm Up Workout: Systematic Calisthenics Warm Up 10 Seconds Horse Stance-30 Rounds Weighted Jump Rope Superset with Yoga Recovery, Systematic Isometic-isotonic Dynamic Plank and Cobra Yoga Pose Recovery, and Sauna for Relaxation
Resistance Loop Bands
Gymnastic Rings
Sledgehammer and Tires
Battle Ropes
Force-Velocity Curve
The boxer-puncher possesses many of the qualities of the out-boxer: hand speed, often an outstanding jab combination, and/or counter-punching skills, better defense and accuracy than a brawler, while possessing brawler-type power. The boxer-puncher may also be more willing to fight in an aggressive swarmer-style than an out-boxer. In general the boxer-puncher lacks the mobility and defensive expertise of the pure boxer. They are the most unpredictable among all 4 boxing styles. They don't fit in the rock-paper-scissors theory, so how the fight plays out between this style and other styles tends to be unpredictable. A boxer-puncher's ability to mix things up may prove to be a hindrance to any of the three other boxing styles, but at the same time their versatility means that they tend to be a master of none. (Example Naoya Inoue and Teófimo López)
Workout: Systematic Calisthenics Warm Up 10 Seconds Horse Stance-30 Rounds Weighted Jump Rope Superset with Yoga Recovery et Systematic Isometic-isotonic Dynamic Plank and Cobra Yoga Pose Recovery
Equipment: Resistance Loop Bands, Gymnastic Rings, Sledgehammer and Tires, Battle Ropes
Double Guard (High and Chav Shell: Bladed Half Guard)
Geometry Head Movement
Footwork: Cross step; Apply Pressure by stepping Diagonally forward; L-Step; The L-Step is a quick step to the outside and is effective for cutting off your opponent or can be used to take you out of a negative position. GGG is a good example. An orthodox boxer would take the step to the right and a southpaw to the left.
Combos: Ends combos with a jab; Better defence; Creates space
Chav Shell Four Lines of Defense
Distance Control
Guarding Inside of Striking Center Line
Chav Shell Boxing Key Fundamentals
Off-center Head Straight Punches
Intelligent Pressure
Power Shots
Combination Themes (Time Interval)
Hand and Foot Speed
Guard Ripping Strikes
Chin Tuck to Shoulder While Striking
Chav Shell Boxing Strategy For Studying Opposition
Balance after striking
Are they to off balance to defend
Aggression zone
Where in the ring do they explode
Can they knockout their opponents with their front hand
What area are they concerned about
Triangle Defense
How do they guard the corners and ropes
Do they like space or clenching
Do they have the balls to just swing and sacrifice getting hit
Chav Shell Boxing Physics
Basic physics tells us that punch force is dependent on the Impulse-Momentum relationship (the change in momentum experienced by a body under the action of a force is equal to the impulse of the resultant force). Use Impulse-Angular Momentum and Kinetic Energy.
This formula creates heavy hand feeling when done properly
Reverse Rotate Punching Hand Hip for more Torque
Pronate Rear Hand
Pronate Front Hand
Boxing Stance 
Kinetic Energy
The kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion. 
When throwing punch firm front leg
Lean to front foot
Impulse Kinetic Chain
Open kinetic chain as “a combination of successively arranged joints in which the terminal segments can move freely”. Thus the distal segment of the extremity is free to move in space
Regular Chain (Diagonal)
Glutes-Lats-Rear Delt-Tricep-Forearm-First 2 Knuckles
Abs and Obliques for stabilization
Heavy Hands or Power Shots
Imagine you are an elastic band wrapped around a pole with the ends out. When the front end is tugged, that's your front hand and reverse front hip rotation. When the back end is tugged, that's your rear hand and reverse back hip rotation. Remember to use Obliques and Lats
Think of this motion as a coil-flex-release
Closed System
A closed system is a physical system that does not allow transfer of matter in or out of the system
Torque is the rotational equivalent of linear force. It is also referred to as the moment, moment of force, rotational force or turning effect, depending on the field of study. The concept originated with the studies by Archimedes of the usage of levers. 
impulse is the integral of a force, F, over the time interval, t, for which it acts. Since force is a vector quantity, impulse is also a vector quantity. Impulse applied to an object produces an equivalent vector change in its linear momentum, also in the resultant direction.
One of the biggest benefits of shadowboxing is the fact that you don’t need any equipment to do it. This makes it super accessible to anyone who’s looking to learn boxing or just wants to get in a low-budget yet effective workout.
You don’t need to invest in a standing bag, boxing gloves, or full boxing gym membership. All you need is enough space in your room to throw a few punches, and maybe a mirror to watch your form as you go.
You’re constantly moving when you’re shadowboxing. It’s not just your fists that are flying but you’re staying light on your feet, squatting in your boxer’s stance, and engaging your core. Everything is activating from your legs to your glutes to your abs to your arms.
This is why if you’ve ever shadowboxed before you know that it doesn’t take long for your heart rate to elevate, your breathing to speed up, and your sweat to start pouring. It’s such an effective cardiovascular activity that a 185-pound person can burn over 370 calories in less than 30 minutes of shadowboxing.
This full-body exercise strengthens your heart and lungs as your body demands more oxygen and blood flow. And the stronger your heart and lungs get through exercises like shadowboxing, the more efficiently they can deliver oxygen and blood throughout your body. In other words, the more you shadowbox, the more endurance you build.
Sky Box Office is Sky's pay-per-view (PPV) system operated in the United Kingdom and Ireland. There were three branded divisions of Sky Box Office – Sky Cinema Box Office, Sky Sports Box Office and Sky 3D Box Office. Until 1 February 2011, the system ran under unified Sky Box Office branding. On 4 January 2017, all Sky Cinema Box Office channels ceased broadcasting, with only Sky Sports Box Office remaining available.[1]
Sky Sports Subsidiaries
Magazines Owned Gyms as League Franchises: A franchise agreement is a contract under which the franchisor grants the franchisee the right to operate a business, or offer, sell, or distribute goods or services identified or associated with the franchisor's trademark, Ex. 250 Gyms for 5 Magazines 50 per Magazine.
No Closed Doors Super Series: Bi-monthly Six Fight Multi Locations Series with Behind the Scenes between Two Boxers
Box Raw Bi-weekly Boxing Economy Newspaper and Monthly Biography Magazine
Box Raw Fashion Label and Equipment
Box Raw Boxing Science Corporate Education
Box Raw Streaming Daily Fantasy Sportsbook (Options Trading Turf Accountant)
Boxing Gloves as Kit Rivals
Target Audience
Gamblers and BioEngineers
Turf Accounting Model
Python Programming Gaussian Distribution
Exotic Options Trading Live Betting
Parlays Minimum for Round Robins
Daily Fantasy Rakes
Street Culture
Street Food
Street Photography
Street Workout
Café Culture
Children's Street Culture
Block Party
Savile Row: A street can often serve as the catalyst for the neighborhood's prosperity, culture and solidarity.
Ring Fundamentals Workout
Top position hold: 5 sets of 15 seconds, 30 sec. rest
Ring dip: 5 sets of 8-12 reps, 1 min. rest
Reverse row sit-back: 5 sets of 10-15 reps, 1 min. rest
Tuck/L-sit: 5 sets of 15 seconds, 30 sec. rest
Ring chin-up or pull-up: 5 sets of 8-12 reps, 1 min. rest
Dynamic/Isometric Superset Workout
Ring dip: 6-8 reps of dip, with a 15-sec. top position hold in between each rep. Do this for 5 sets with 1 min. rest between sets.
Reverse row sit-back: 6 to 8 reps with a 15-sec. tuck/L-sit in between each rep. Do this for 5 sets with 1 minute of rest between sets.
Ring chin-up or pull-up: 5 sets of 8 to 12 reps, with 1 minute of rest between sets.
Street Culture
Street Food
Street Photography
Street Workout
Café Culture
Children's Street Culture
Block Party
Bloor Street: A street can often serve as the catalyst for the neighborhood's prosperity, culture and solidarity.
Boxing Gym Culture
Urban Fiction (Crime Newspaper Articles, Movies, TV Series) Caleb's Rise International Film Festival Genre: Street Literature Henriad Shakespeare Adaptation Thrillers
Contracts and Investments 
Share Appreciation Right Plans (SAR Plans)
Under SAR Plans, the corporation grants plan participants share appreciation rights. Each SAR entitles participants to receive, on vesting, the net value of the increase in the market value of the corporation’s share between the grant date and the vesting date. Share Appreciation Right Plans are similar to stock option plans in some ways, and to RSU Plans in others:
Value. Share Appreciation Rights function much like stock options in many ways – but unlike stock options, participants aren’t required to pay the exercise price when they exercise the SAR. Share Appreciation Rights start with a nil value at the time of grant, so will have no value at vesting if the market value of the shares has decreased between the dates of grant and of vesting.
Plan Terms. Share Appreciation Right Plans typically contain provisions similar to those of RSU Plans in respect to plan administration, maximum shares reserved for issuance, grant agreement, market value, employment, share capital adjustments, change of control and shareholder agreements.
Vesting. Like RSU Plans, vesting provisions in SAR Plans can also be based on time, performance or both. Performance-based SARs are sometimes called “performance appreciation rights” or “PARs”. Once vested, the plan participant can settle the SARs in cash or in an amount of shares that equals the amount payable to the participant divided by the per share market value
Deferred Compensation 
Deferred compensation refers to that part of one’s contribution that is withheld and paid at a future date. Retirement plans and employee pensions are examples of deferred compensation. Employers usually withhold a fraction of employees’ compensation every month, accumulate it over time, and pay the lump sum amount on a date previously agreed upon in the employment contract.
Real Estate Joint Venture (JV)
A real estate joint venture (JV) is a deal between multiple parties to work together and combine resources to develop a real estate project. Most large projects are financed and developed as a result of real estate joint ventures. JVs allow real estate operators (individuals with extensive experience managing real estate projects) to work with real estate capital providers (entities that can supply capital for a real estate project).
Farmland Investments
Age 16-19
Bond Funds 
Farmland REITS
Real Estate Brokerage Trust Account 
Age 20-30
Farmland Recession Proof Stocks (AgTech, Ag ETFS, AgETN)
Incubator and Startup Accelerators
Age 30-40
Farmland Blue Chip Indexes w/ Credit Spread Options
Street literature is a literary genre set in a city landscape; however, the genre is as much defined by the socio-economic realities and culture of its characters as the urban setting. The tone for urban fiction is usually dark, focusing on the underside of city living. Profanity, sex, and violence are usually explicit, with the writer not shying away from or watering-down the material. Most authors of this genre draw upon their past experiences to depict their storylines.
Caleb's Rise International Film Festival Genre: Street Literature Henriad Shakespeare Adaptation Defense Lawyers Impure Aesthetic Thrillers
Literary Device
Film Literature
in establishing the limits of both the novel (Newspapers) and the film, argues that novelist and film director meet in the attempt “to make you see”, the former through the mind; the latter through the eye.
“impure” aesthetic, one tinged with the markings of society, ideology, and sexual desire. 
Capitalism, Betrayal, Nostalgia, Resplendent Anarchy
Poetic Réalisme 
Poetic realism films are "recreated realism", stylised and studio-bound, rather than approaching the "socio-realism of the documentary". They usually have a fatalistic view of life with their characters living on the margins of society, either as unemployed members of the working class or as criminals.
Self-destructive Escapism
Escapism is mental diversion from unpleasant aspects of daily life, typically through activities involving imagination or entertainment. Escapism also may be used to occupy one's self away from persistent feelings of depression or general sadness.
Surréalisme-Synecdoqu-Métonymie Screenplay
Surrealism is an art and cultural movement that developed in Europe in the aftermath of World War I in which artists aimed to allow the unconscious mind to express itself, often resulting in the depiction of illogical or dreamlike scenes and ideas.[1] Its intention was, according to leader André Breton, to "resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality into an absolute reality, a super-reality", or surreality.[2][3][4] It produced works of painting, writing, theatre, filmmaking, photography, and other media as well.
a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in Cleveland won by six runs
the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant, for example suit for business executive, or the track for horse racing.
a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
Suspense is created by withholding information or revealing it slowly, creating a sense of mystery or uncertainty about what will happen next.
A thriller generally keeps its audience on the "edge of their seats" as the plot builds towards a climax. The cover-up of important information is a common element.[2] Literary devices such as red herrings, plot twists, unreliable narrators, and cliffhangers are used extensively. A thriller is often a villain-driven plot, presenting obstacles that the protagonist or hero must overcome.
Slavoj Žižek Lacanianism or Lacanian psychoanalysis is a theoretical system that explains the mind, behavior, and culture through a structuralist and post-structuralist extension of classical psychoanalysis, initiated by the work of Jacques Lacan from the 1950s to the 1980s.
Drill Producers watch the film and then get a scene to Score
Non-Fiction Movie
Prequal TV Série
Fictional TV Série 
Caleb Hughes Tudor Rose Welfare Recipe Gastronomy 
Baked Goods
RumChata Pound Cake Loaf
1 stick butter, room temperature
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup RumChata Liquor
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3 large eggs
1 tsp teaspoon vanilla extract
Cinnamon Rolls
2 and 3/4 cups (344g) all-purpose flour (spooned & leveled)
1/4 cup (50g) granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup (180ml) buttermilk
3 Tablespoons (43g) unsalted butter
2 and 1/4 teaspoons Platinum Yeast from Red Star or any instant yeast (1 standard packet)
1 large egg, at room temperature
3 Tablespoons (43g) unsalted butter, extra softened
1/3 cup (67g) packed light or dark brown sugar
1 Tablespoon ground cinnamon
Cream Cheese Icing
1 Teaspoon Espresso
4 ounces (113g) full-fat block cream cheese, softened to room temperature
2 Tablespoons (28g) unsalted butter, softened to room temperature
2/3 cup (80g) confectioners’ sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Caleb Rolls
2 and 3/4 cups (344g) all-purpose flour (spooned & leveled)
1/4 cup (50g) granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup (180ml) buttermilk
3 Tablespoons (43g) unsalted butter
2 and 1/4 teaspoons Platinum Yeast from Red Star or any instant yeast (1 standard packet)
1 large egg, at room temperature
Rosemary Scrambled Eggs w/ Cheese
Bacon Bits
Cream Cheese Icing
Egg Wash
Fish and Chips
4 large potatoes, peeled and cut into strips
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 cup milk
1 egg
1 quart vegetable oil for frying
1 ½ pounds cod fillets
Deep Fryer 
Tuna Cake Breakfast Sandwich
2 eggs
2 teaspoons lemon juice
10 tablespoons Italian-seasoned bread crumbs
3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
3 (5 ounce) cans tuna, drained
3 tablespoons diced onion
1 pinch ground black pepper
3 tablespoons rendered duck fat
4 Slices of Cheddar Cheese
Deep Fryer
Mozzarella-Stuffed Crispy Portobello Burgers
2 Marinated-and-Roasted Portobellos
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (2 ounces)
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon ranch dressing mix , such as Hidden Valley
2 large eggs , beaten
1 cup panko Japanese-style breadcrumbs
Neutral-flavored oil ,for frying
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
3/8 teaspoon black pepper
2 hamburger buns of your choice
1/4 cup Thousand Island Dressing
1/4 cup dill pickle chips
1 cup shredded iceberg lettuce
1 medium tomato ,cut in 4 (1/4-inch-thick) slices
Whipped Cold Brew
Whip Cream
All Spice
Granola Smoothie
All Spice
Rum Milkshakes
Sangster’s Rum Cream
Coconut Milk
Vanilla Essence
Chocolate Ice Cream
6 scoops
Coun'riad Criminal Unionism
Coun'riad: Counting money in the County through a Count with Henriad Shakespeare Impure Aesthetics
Real Estate Licenses over Diplomas
Craft unionism refers to a model of trade unionism in which workers are organised based on the particular craft or trade in which they work. It contrasts with industrial unionism, in which all workers in the same industry are organized into the same union, regardless of differences in skill.
Industrial unionism is a trade union organising method through which all workers in the same industry are organized into the same union, regardless of skill or trade, thus giving workers in one industry, or in all industries, more leverage in bargaining and in strike situations.
As an anti-statist ideology, social anarchism opposes the concentration of power in the form of a State.[19] To social anarchists, the state is a type of coercive hierarchy designed to enforce private property and to limit individual self-development.[20] Social anarchists reject both centralised and limited forms of government, instead upholding social collaboration as a means to achieve a spontaneous order, without any social contract supplanting social relations.[21] Social anarchists believe that the abolition of the state will lead to greater "freedom, flourishing and fairness".
As an anti-capitalist ideology, social anarchism is opposed to the dominant expressions of capitalism, including the expansion of transnational corporations through globalization.[10] It comprises one of the main forms of socialism, alongside utopian socialism, democratic socialism and authoritarian socialism. Social anarchism rejects private property, particularly private ownership of the means of production, as the principal source of social inequality. As such, social anarchists typically oppose propertarianism, as they consider it to exacerbate social and economic inequality, suppress individual agency and require the maintenance of hierarchical institutions.
Monopoly, real-estate board game for two to eight players, in which the player's goal is to remain financially solvent while forcing opponents into bankruptcy by buying and developing pieces of property.
“Mirrors for Princes” designates a literary genre in which political ideas are expressed in the form of advice to a ruler.
Count (feminine: countess) is a historical title of nobility in certain European countries, varying in relative status, generally of middling rank in the hierarchy of nobility.[1] Especially in earlier medieval periods the term often implied not only a certain status, but also that the count had specific responsibilities or offices. The etymologically related English term "county" denoted the territories associated with some countships, but not all.
A county may be further subdivided into districts, hundreds, townships, or other administrative jurisdictions within the county. A county usually, but not always, contains cities, towns, townships, villages, or other municipal corporations, which in most cases are somewhat subordinate or dependent upon county governments. Depending on the nation, municipality, and local geography, municipalities may or may not be subject to direct or indirect county control. The functions of both levels are often consolidated into a city government when the area is densely populated, and are generally not when it is less densely populated.[b]
An upper-tier municipality means a municipality of which two or more lower-tier municipalities form part for municipalities purposes.
County Speech Accent
Glottal Stops Consonants
Ex. T is Eigh'een, G is Jar'on, L Ho'y; How are you amon' us Ho'y Shi'?!
Made up Verbs, Nouns, and Adjective with Schwa Endings: ER=SCHWA
Ex. Punch is Pover: Do you want a Pover to the Chin!
UK Class Structure
Monopoly Family
Upper Class
Middle Class
County Speech Accent Vertical Farming Real Estate Socioeconomic Status
County Shilling
Ex. Welfare is £5000, it is now öS‎25,000 Schillings (50 Pence).
County Speech Pover Football
County Speech Accent Stylistic Biomechanics: Dribbling Foot To Ball Contact (Balls of Feet and Arch of Feet); Knee for Direction; Foot Drags; & Hip Angle, Crescent Moon Running Mechanics, and Laces Pover.
County Speech Accent Training: Metabolic Resistance Training; 200m-High Jump Cross Training; Keto BHB for Metabolism, Creatine-L-Carnitine L-Tartrate-Leucine for mTOR are my Supplements.
County Speech Accent Literature Circles
During literature circle time, students read together, then have discussions in which each student performs a specific role. Roles include the discussion director, vocabulary enricher, literary luminary, and checker. The teacher conducts mini-lessons before and after the literature circles.
Person A reads Chapter 1 and Person B reads Chapter 2.
The Financial Times Essential Guide, Blue Ocean Strategy, Contagious, The Project Revolution: How to Succeed in a Project Driven World
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archaeostudies · 1 month
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today we discussed a lot about cultural areas in South America lowlands. its an ethnography 101 course, so we don't start with Lévi-Strauss lol - we are starting with an overview of the 20th century anthropological theory.
for my archaeology of capitalism seminar, i'll start reading the protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism by Max Weber - this week readings were basically some introduction on the history of capitalism.
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ink-stained-clouds · 11 months
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Read in October ↴
favorites: ★
The Fragile Threads of Power by V.E. Schwab (5/5) ★
The Spare Room by Andrea Bartz (just okay)
Why Marx Was Right by Terry Eagleton (4/5)
The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake (sigh)
Oona Out of Order by Margarita Montimore (reread. Forever a fave) ★
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Marx Weber (just glad to be done with it tbh)
Scholarly articles
Hay, Carter and Ryan Medlrum. 2010. “Bullying Victimization and Adolescent Self-Harm: Testing Hypotheses from General Strain Theory.”
Martineau, Harriet. 1838. “On Marriage.”
Erikson, Kai. 1986. “On Work and Alienation.” ★
Van der Linden, Sander. 2022. “Misinformation: susceptibility, spread, and interventions to immunize the public.”
Nan Xioali, Yuan Wang, and Kathryn Thier. 2022. “Why do people believe health misinformation and who is at risk? A systematic review of individual differences in susceptibility to health misinformation.” ★
Wright, Caroline, Philippa Williams, Olga Elizarova, Jennifer Dahne, Jiang Bian, Yunpeng Zhao, and Andy S. L. Tan. 2021. “Effects of brief exposure to misinformation about e-cigarette harms on Twitter: a randomised controlled experiment.”
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Counter/Weight 27: An Animal out of Context, Liveblog
(It has come to this, I've got to do reaction posts, otherwise I shall explode)
We're in the past! Austin and Jack are building a religion/history/myth/origin story!
JACK: … And on this planet, things are very, very bad … because something is telling these people exactly how much timber they need to cut, and every day that number is going up, and already we have a name for this thing– JACK: … –and it is called Rigour and we built it. … It’s really, really bad, and we want more than anything else … we wanna chop down trees. We wanna keep producing, but more than anything else, we want to throw off the yoke that Rigour has us under.
So the villain is actually the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism?? Or more precisely, something like if Taylorism (my beloathed) and the Protestant Ethic were taken to an extreme and had a very ugly robotic child
AUSTIN: … The relic is a mapping system. … See, normally, your maps are controlled by Rigour. You see where you can go, and normally … your personal lumberjack rigger only can have a zone of operation inside of zones that Rigour determines. … It automatically, like an automated car, drives you to a place. … Now you can move wherever you want. … [T]his is the Liberty in the Liberty and Discovery system. I am the Divine of Liberty and Discovery.
OK, so there's probably a lot to say about metaphors of divinity as they apply to Divines. It's not super clear to me to what extent the Diasporan culture at the time of the Chime imbues Divines with actual godhood, or whether religions even exist as the kind of cultural practices that we would recognise, separate from veneration of big-ass machines.
However, it's clear that, when the events of this Tower game occur, the only Divine that's existed up until now is Rigour, and he is not even called that. It would seem like the only thing framing Liberty and Discovery as divinities is the framework of the game itself.
And yet, one of the first actions that Liberty and Discovery perform is, in effect, world-making. The Pilgrim's world up until now was defined by Rigour, but now he has a map - and in a literal sense, the map doesn't simply describe a different place, it creates a new world for him. In this way, Liberty and Discovery do what divinities do.
AUSTIN: Okay. The Divine names the pilgrimage. This is the Pilgrimage of the Opposite of Alone.
Fuck, that's beautiful and weird, and a little sinister. What's the opposite of "alone"? It's not "together", because for the Pilgrim there's no sense of togetherness.
And in one room, you see a– a single… screen on with a sort of logo on it, an L and a D. The D is holding the L close. They are intimate for a logo.
First of all, what a descriptor to choose for a logo.
Second of all, are Liberty and Discovery separate selves? Or are they a composite self, Liberty-and-Discovery? Is AuDy going to be a triad when they wake up?
AUSTIN: The name, by the way, that it gives you, starts to feel good in your mouth. It’s Chital. C-H-I-T-A-L.
This is interesting. At first I interpreted this piece as him re-discovering what he was called before he was named for his Juggernaut. But no, actually. He doesn't claim a name, the name is still coming from the Divine. He is named, and accepts it.
JACK: [T]o pay off my saw blade… I have a detachable saw blade. So … my ability to chop down trees goes up significantly more. I chop down four times as many trees. … AUSTIN: And this is how you honor my– my relics. Okay.  JACK: I don't know anything about you. AUSTIN: You know a couple things. JACK: Well, you’ve given me a saw blade. AUSTIN: Mm.
Ooof, the world of disappointment and judgement in this exchange. If my deity said "mm" to me in that voice, I might lie down and have a cry
AUSTIN: I think that the way space months work– one of the ways they work here, at least– is that most people don’t know what all of the different seasons are on all of the different major planets. But everyone knows one or two special things about one or two planets, right? And so, you know, everyone knows about the beautiful winter month on the planet of Garden where, for nine months out of the 10-month year, it is this beautiful spring. And then there’s this one month of just fierce winter storms for a week, and then it’s just a beautiful winter playground for the remaining three weeks. Everybody knows the name of that month. No one knows what the third spring month is like, but everyone knows what that one is.
See, here's the reason I fucking love this show. You have to think deeply about human cultures to notice that a calendar is not just for marking the progress of a year, but is a collection of specific meanings entangled with particular cultural circumstances, and what the natural world is doing is only somewhat related to what a month is collectively understood to mean.
AUSTIN: [Rigour] comes across like austerity does now for some people. For those who already have a great deal of power, they hear it, and they go, “Oh, yes, those people do need to be more rigorous, don’t they?”
Let's take a short break to all say "fuck austerity"
AUSTIN: If you’re curious about what the inspiration for Rigour is, it is– JACK: Is it Henry Ford? AUSTIN: –Taylorism and Fordism. It is those practices. Scientific management.
~Mako's interlude~
AUSTIN: Maybe this is the way you do that, technically you’re in your Larry form, moving around Mako’s memories, you know? I think Larry form just has his hair parted the other way. … KEITH: … Whatever color Mako’s hair and shirt are they match, but for Larry, they match in a slightly different way.
Hold your horses! Is Larry just here now? Hanging out in Mako's brain with Ibex/Righteousness's avatar/whatever that was? AuDy is two Divines (who are maybe one Divine), and Mako is hosting a friendly virus on top of his Evil MIT software?
I'm also extremely here for the Orth/Mako dynamic we discover in this segment, where Orth sets him Tasks and Duties, and Mako acts like a petulant child about it, and both of them are right, and neither of them is right. I daren't go on AO3 because spoilers, but god, I hope somebody has explored this.
Back in the Tower, Chital has installed Righteousness on the L&D mech. Is it now 3 robots in one? Or 1 complex robot?
~Cass's interlude~
AUSTIN: What’s Cass interested in right now? ART: Uhh… I mean, I think, on one sense, Cass is interested in nostalgia right now
AUSTIN: So what’s the meal that Cass had that comes to mind while cooking. ART: I… I think there was a banquet at the beginning of the war … I imagine that [Cass's parents] look… just glorious, right? All five of them, probably. These are their best clothes. … The monarch is wearing a fantastic crown … and all of the family are wearing finery, and they sit and they talk”
The texture of Cass's nostalgia is so interesting. They're grieving for their parent, but the parent was a monarch who'd waged a war of conquest. They'd recently spent a fair amount of time watching a memory in which Sokrates works to prevent mass death from a weapon that their parent had deployed. When they wake, the parent is dead, and Sokrates has taken apart the monarchy and is reigning over its pieces.
Cass flies the mech bequeathed to them, and uses their hereditary cookware to make sad space pasta with fake squid ink, and reminisces about the last time they spent time with their parents and siblings, and it's a huge fucking state banquet.
I'm worried for Cass; they need a hug.
Back in the Tower, Rigour is here :-D The rest of the episode baffled the fuck out of me in terms of mechanics of The Tower. I went back and listened to it twice. Jack drew a Joker, and things became Bad? And then they drew another Joker?
JACK: Yeah. But I don’t think you can judge me based on the presence of the Adversary. AUSTIN: Is that what you think, or is that what Chital thinks? JACK: Oh, no, that’s what I think. I don’t think that you can judge me. I don’t– AUSTIN: Did you live up to your own laws? Did you find loopholes in your own laws? Did you break your own laws? AUSTIN: Did you honor my relics? Did you covet them? Did you disavow them? Distance yourself from them?
Ok but why is Austin so menacing, though
AUSTIN: Did you. Oh, Jack. Oh, Jack. Oh, Jack.
You know things are bad when Austin starts regretfully saying your name like a disappointed school teacher.
Anyway, RIP Chital, you disappointed your judgy mech suit one too many times.
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kelly-danger · 4 months
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber is kinda making me go "wow he gets it" cause my deep seated hatred for reform calvanistic theology goes all the way back to when I was like 9 at a anabaptist christian camp and they hired a bunch of nazarines for some reason and they were all like, strict and boring losers!!! They beleived in predestination which anabaptists arent about and also I feel that the music that year was lacking as well for that reason. Also id bible quiz againt nazarines and they just like, were taking it way to seriously. Im Like bruh fr lighten up, acting like youre gonna get paddled of you dont know the answer to a situation question (who said it...and to whom? "Feed my lambs") but they probably would. Thats just the vibe of the nazarines
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The Puritan wanted to work in a calling; we are forced to do so. For when asceticism was carried out of monastic cells into everyday life, and began to dominate worldly morality, it did its part in building the tremendous cosmos of the modern economic order. This order is now bound to the technical and economic conditions of machine production which to-day determine the lives of all the individuals who are born into this mechanism, not only those directly concerned with economic acquisition, with irresistible force. Perhaps it will so determine them until the last ton of fossilized coal is burnt. In Baxter’s view the care for external goods should only lie on the shoulders of the “saint like a light cloak, which can be thrown aside at any moment”. But fate decreed that the cloak should become an iron cage.
Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
Weber's "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" did incalculable damage to the scientific socialist movement by (at least seemingly) tying the preconditions of Capitalism to a determinate cultural instantiation
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howieabel · 2 years
“Today's capitalist economic order is a monstrous cosmos, into which the individual is born and which in practice is for him, at least as an individual, simply a given, an immutable shell in which he is obliged to live. It forces on the individual, to the extent that he is caught up in the relationships of the "market," the norms of its economic activity. The manufacturer who consistently defies these norms will just as surely be forced out of business as the worker who cannot or will not conform will be thrown out of work.” ― Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
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