#the Spanish teacher can have her daughter hang out here that's fine yeah
pocketramblr · 2 years
More realism for the hell school: it's ok when All Might invites Izuku to the staff room but not when he lets Bakugo in, because teachers can't get mad when their coworkers let their families in, but any other time a student enters everyone wants that kid out of our space ASAP
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crestomanci · 3 years
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             “The Lost Princess” follows the story of Nick Sullivan, a girl that finds out, on her sixteenth birthday, that she is the daughter of a queen and is summoned to ascend to the throne as the princess of Combellmont island. She initiates, then, a difficult and dangerous journey that could put not only her life at risk as everyone’s she loves.
Chapter 1
           What do I know about my mom? What a tough question. Besides all the biological processes I’ve learned in school, like genetics and stuff, I only know some physical characteristics: she was tall, the prettiest lady my father has ever known, and she smelled like mint. And that’s all I know because whenever I talked about her, my father always was already drunk and I needed to help him out and take him from his armchair to his bed.
           I’ve never tried to pressure him in order to get information, though, since he always looked so ashamed of himself the next morning and I didn’t want to make him feel sad… Or make me sad. After all, the feelings I’ve grown towards my mom were migrating between sadness and anger. How could someone leave their child with some guy she’d only met once and then never tries to keep in touch? Okay, I was lucky enough that my dad was a cool guy and took me in, but this doesn’t make her less guilty at all.
           I wonder if she ever wanted to know where her daughter could be for these past 15 years. If she has ever asked herself if I was okay, if I went to school, if my dad treated me nicely… Nothing? Then, after a while, I started to believe that she never loved me. That I was a mistake she made during a U2 concert after tons of beer and that I didn’t matter to her.
I got up from my bed and decided not to think about her. The less I knew, the less it would hurt, and today I was supposed to be happy, right? Because it was my sixteenth birthday. “Happy Birthday, Nick”, I said to myself. My dad was surely still asleep and I would only see him at night.
           “Oh, crap!” twenty minutes late meant that I was late to school and this would be my third time this month. I ran as fast as I could and was able to catch the bus. Luckly, the driver was George and he always stopped for me, even when I was running late.
           “Andy again, Nick?” he asked.
           I nodded, not wanting to talk about it. Third delay of the month… This would make me stay in school after class and then I would be late for work at Tiffany&Thommy, which would not please Miss Picket. Will “I’m so so sorry, but today is my birthday and everything is nuts” work as an excuse? No. Everyone in town knew me and my dad, so it was known that whenever I was late it was because of him.
           George offered me a little red box with a white bow wrapping it around and a tiny card. “Hey, you didn’t think I'd forget, did you?”
           “George, you shouldn’t have! Thanks” I thanked and my cheeks turned red while I was getting the present, in a mist of hurry and happiness (after all, I was already late and he had taken his time to hand in the present despite knowing everyone was waiting to carry on the trip!).
           “That’s nothing, Nick. Tomorrow, tell me if you liked it. Have a great day and a happy birthday!”
           I thanked again while I started to look for a seat. The real bus to Abeley High School was deactivated because no one used it. Most of the students didn’t need to use public transportation since they had their own cars or chauffeurs, and so every single day I had to take the only bus that drove all the way to my school, when, in reality, it dropped me off two blocks away.  After spending a whole life in Abeley, I was already used to it, but I wished - as if I was about to blow my birthday cake candles - this year I’d get a car. Or that at least my dad would accept that I should start to study at the school he now works at.
I got up when we were getting closer to the stop and hurried up while going down the stairs, and ran to school.
Yeah, I was definitely late. And obviously I had to face Mr. William, after going to the principal’s office. I smiled bluntly, and then tried to sneak into his class.
“Oh, Nicolle! I can’t believe someone hasn’t given you a clock yet. I mean, we have been starting the classes at the same time since 1864, and yet…”
           I heard my entire class smothering a laughter as I gave Mr. William the piece of paper that allowed me to take his class, which was prior given to me by the principal, and, then, I went to my desk.
           Today’s history class was about smaller islands and countries all over the world. Internally, I kept telling myself that there was no use to learning all of that, once we lived in a small city closer to New York, so that subject should have been self-explanatory to us and, even though Abeley should be a school for rich people, the greatest part of us, including me, would never travel abroad. Like ever. Let alone stepping on a small island somewhere that was probably built to make money from tourists. Whatever. Mr. William had already had his moment of glory today and I didn’t need a lecture anyways, so I decided to loosen my hair and put on my earphones again, as I kept pretending that I was paying attention.
           Everyone’s goal in Abeley was to get into an Ivy League and, for the unlucky ones like me, the ultimate goal was to get a scholarship or a way out of this town. It felt weird not knowing what to do or what I’d like to become, but when people ask me about what I would like to be when I grow up, I used to lie and say I’d like to become a lawyer. Knowing my dad’s behavior, it would make total sense and that was enough to get me out of that subject during conversations, after being told that I should “hang in there” in order to become what I used to say.
           The truth was that it would be enough if I turned eighteen and convinced my father that we should leave this town or state. To build a new life in which we weren’t pity case or a subject to gossip spreaders.
           Tiffany&Thommy was a library and bookstore two blocks away from my school. It used to be owned by two brothers who have lived here since the city was founded, and I was a part-timer there. After Mr. Thommy Picket’s death, his sister needed help and I offered myself, as I needed money because my dad’s salary as a Spanish teacher was not something we could brag about.
           I apologized for being late to Miss Picket and she (with her always pleasing humor) told me to find my computer and sit down before her nephew could find the cash register and steal everything they’ve made so far, like he did last month,
           “Good evening, Nick. Are you early again?” I hear Rupert saying with his annoying British accent. He was sitting on my chair, staring at me with his weird brown eyes and dark hair.
           “Yes, Rupert. And thank you for keeping my seat warm. Now you can go.” The best solution with him was to use irony and sarcasm. After all, wanting or not, he was the future owner of that store and his aunt wasn’t looking that good anyway.
           “I don’t know why my aunt keeps you here. Or why did she hire you in the first place.”
           “Your aunt knows me since I was born, we live in the same neighborhood and she trusts me.” I was as rough as possible and then started to browse through the record book on the decrepit computer.
           He kept there, looking at what I was doing, as he was laying on the counter. I waited until he left for five minutes, but I was never known for my patience.
           “So? Do you want a book or something?” I asked, trying to smile.
           “Not really.” he replied and kept staring at me. Then, he nodded and left.
           I took a deep breath, trying to calm down, while I watched him leave.
           On my way home, I decided to open the present given by George when I was already on the bus. It was a little pendant shaped like a heart. Those in which you can put a picture on both sides. I loved it. I’m going to choose a picture of me and my dad, I thought as I got off the bus.
The weather was terrible as always and the fog made me put on my hood. When I was close to my building, I saw a man wearing a suit leaving and getting in a luxury black car that was parked on the other side of the street. I had no idea someone in town had something to do with the White House, I thought, trying not to laugh as I passed by the lobby.
The elevator was, once again, being fixed and it would take at least forty-eight hours return, so I went up the stairs hearing some of my neighbors complaining about the elevator like that would fix it faster.
After finding my keys, I saw my dad sitting on his armchair that, this time, was facing the door. He looked more tired and sadder than usual and was holding a letter.
“Dad?” I called, leaving my backpack in the hall and getting closer to him.
“Oh, Nick, you’re here” he answered and I could see that his eyes looked swollen and red. He has cried. I sighed and looked at the table, but I didn’t see any beer bottles there.
“What happened?”
“I need to talk to you. And I ordered pizza, so you don’t need to cook today. Change your clothes and take a bath, I know you must be tired.”
“That’s okay, dad. I’m fine” I claimed, feeling a little bit afraid.
He didn’t say anything else, just stood up and went to his room. I kept staring at him while he closed the door.
Ordering pizza on my birthday was almost a habit, but the conversation part… I started to bite my upper lip and picked up my backpack on the floor, but refused to take a bath. I felt nervous and anxious and waited to hear if his bedroom door would open so that I could leave mine.
When I left, he was in the living room. He had opened and served himself with a pizza slice and soda. He looked a little better as he smiled, so I sat down.
“Happy birthday, kiddo.” It was all he said, giving me a sad smile. We started to eat after that.
After I finished, I felt like something bad was about to happen and I realized he was looking at me, God knows for how long, and that the letter he was previously holding was still there, in his hand. I stopped and looked at him, wanting to know for how long he would stare without saying anything.
A couple minutes had passed, but it felt like an eternity to me. Then, he finally started:
“Nick, did I talk about your mom yesterday?”
I took a deep breath and felt a little bit relieved to realize that it wasn’t something that important after all. I was used to that kind of conversation, even though it made me sad, since he usually stood up for her in the end.
“Yes, dad, but just the usual, you know, blond, tall, smelled like mint” I remembered while I was taking my dish and got up.
“Nicolle, sit down, please” he stared at me with his blue eyes and it looked like it was an order.
I had no idea what was going on, but if it was serious enough for my dad to boss me around…
“Okay.” I agreed, sitting down again.
He looked like he was trying to control himself so that he could continue his speech.
“Nick, you know your mom handed you in when you were only six months, right?” he asked and I nodded, leaning on the couch. “Child, what I have to say is serious and I need you to handle it until the very end.”
He paused. The pizza I ate started to move around in my stomach, bothering me.
“Your mom didn’t leave you here because she wanted to, but because she needed to keep you away from the place she lived in. She had to leave you here, with me, so that I could take care of you and make you a good person. When I met her, we spent the whole week together. She told me about her world and I realized it wasn’t easy. Our story wasn’t just a concert and a single night, and I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner. Actually, I’m sorry about everything I have to tell you today… You can’t imagine how much it hurts to tell everything like this. But the point is: she loved you, as much as I do love you. And last week, I discovered that unfortunately your mom has passed away.” He told me with every strength he had, even though he let some tears roll down his cheeks, which he cleaned fast. Then, he took a box from the table, one I haven’t seen before, opened it and showed me everything that was inside.
“I thought that it wasn't a good idea to tell you, dear. You always seemed hurt about your mom, but, then, today I received a message and now I have no other choice but to tell you the truth. The man that came here earlier wanted to wait for you, but I begged him to let me speak with you first. I needed to tell you the whole story. You’ve probably already studied about Europe and must know that there are a lot of small countries there. Your mom lived in one of those countries. Actually, your mom ruled one of them. When I met her, she had just received a convocation to claim the throne of Combellmont and, like any 18-year-old girl, she wanted… An adventure before her real life began. Like in the romances she used to read.
“We met when I went to live in New York. She came on a trip, running away from her hotel, and we met in the middle of Central Park. It was love at first sight and we had the best week in the world. Nine days, to be exact, but she always needed to go back and sleep at the hotel, so I left her on the street corner so that the guard that escorted her would be aware of me. Until the last day, when her sister saw and denounced us. She was grounded after that and I got beaten up by her guards. And well, I thought I’d never see her again, so needless to say it was a surprise when she came back, fifteen months later, knocking on my old Brooklyn apartment with you in her arms. She asked me to take care of you, keeping you safe and sound, away from her world. She asked me to give you a normal life until the day she would come back and explain everything. That she would do it once you turned 18… I wished she had time to do that…
“Ever since, I could only watch you grow and kept collecting everything that I saw about her. Her marriage with an ambassador that was twice her age, her coronation as queen, the birth to her first child for the media, the death of her husband and, most recently, her own death, not long after giving birth to her second child. Oh, Nick, I would have loved to tell you all of this at the right time, but it so happens that you need to know it now. This afternoon, your mom’s kingdom counselor came in and brought this letter to you. You see: with her death, it would be pleasing if her oldest royal child ascended to the throne, but she’s only a kid! And as you are, in fact, the oldest of them all… They demand you there for some kind of training. And, being crystal clear: you are obligated to do this, or they will appeal to judicial measures to make you do it anyway. They can even take you by force, Nick.”            After hearing all of that, I ran to the bathroom. My head was spinning, my face was wet with sweat and tears, and I wanted to throw up every slice of pizza I ate. My dad didn’t even dare to chase me, he just let me go.
I was overwhelmed, to say the least. My head was exploding with the wave of information I’ve received and I’ve never been so shocked in my entire life. I don’t know how long I’ve stayed there, hiding, puking, crying. I was hugging my knees against my chest, just hearing my heartbeats. How come my life turned upside down in less than one hour? My mom, a queen. Country, children, baby, my dad, kingdom… Those words were spinning in my head and making me dizzy. How come my father hid everything from me? How come my mom found it better that way? And, mainly, what was I supposed to do now? I had no clue how someone could actually obligate me to do something, after all, besides taking care of my father and the house, I’ve never had to lead, or been a leader.
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avenging-fandoms · 5 years
could you do a blurb where peter is dating Tony’s daughter and he has to keep it a secret but one day flash takes his phone and his lock screen is a picture of them together ??
“alright, i’ll see you later?” peter whispered and you smile, nodding and kissing him sweetly as he hangs outside your window. 
“i’ll see you tomorrow at school” you whisper and he covers his face with his mask, you kissing his mask before he swings away, you watching him until he was out of sight. you close your window and lay down in bed, holding peter’s sweatshirt close to your body. 
a soft knock on your door makes you turn over, your dad, tony, walking in and smiling. “lights out, sugar. i love you”
“i love you too dad” you go over and hug him, tony rubbing your back and kissing your forehead. “always and forever”
“forever and a day” he whispers and you smile up at him, tony smiling down. he kisses your nose and you squeeze him tighter. “alright, get some sleep, school tomorrow” he pushes your forehead and you laugh. 
he leaves and closes the door, you flopping on your bed and smelling peter’s sweatshirt. you slid your legs under your blankets, plugging in your phone. just as you were about to fall asleep, you get 2 text messages. you look at your screen and smile. 
baby: the shirt you gave me smells like your perfume and i can’t stop smelling itbaby: *picture*
you smile as the picture is of him snuggling the shirt, his face buried in it. you smile, biting your lip. 
yn: the sweatshirt you gave me smells just like you and i never want to take it offyn: goodnight bub. i love you
baby: i love you more
you lock your phone and fall asleep, cuddling into peter’s sweatshirt with a smile on your face. 
“alright, angel face, get up! school time!” tony clapped as he entered your room, you groaning and rolling over. 
“i don’t wanna” you whine and stretch, tony laughing and sitting next to you in your bed, patting your back. 
“i’ll give you a ride to school. not happy, not mom, me. we’ll stop for breakfast. up and at ‘em, baby” he kissed your cheek and left your room, making you smile. you sit up and stretch, checking your phone and seeing the usual ‘good morning’ text from peter. you smile and text him back, getting up and getting ready for the day. 
you slide on your sunglasses, looking in the morning and sliding over your shirt. “good morning, miss stark”
“good morning, friday”
tony knocked on your door. “ready to go?”
“yep” you grab your backpack and you both walk down the stairs. you kiss your mom goodbye, your dad holding open all the doors for you. the two of you buckle in and he drives to your favorite breakfast place to eat with your dad. 
you two laugh and talk as you eat breakfast, talking about how you two were going to work on your suit when you get home. “so, how are the other avengers doing?”
“like who?” 
“uhh, steve?” he looks at you, making you frown. “i miss him. i wish you guys weren’t fighting. thor?”
“haven’t heard from him in forever, i hope he’s doing well”
“peter?” you take a bite of your waffle and he laughs. 
“still the awkward dork you knew before”
you smile, sipping your coffee as you agree with your dad, knowing peter is still an awkward dork. “alright, pops it’s getting close to school starting, we gotta go” he paid for breakfast, the two of you heading to the car. he opens your door and closes it, going into the driver’s seat. you lean over and kiss his cheek. “thanks for breakfast, i’m glad we did that”
“me too, doll”
you walk into school with your headphones playing music, looking down at your phone as you read the news. you feel someone grab you and you gasp, taking out your earbuds, smiling when you see peter. 
“hey beautiful”
“hey babe” 
“god i really wish i could kiss you right now” he whispers as the two of you walk down the hall, your hands hitting each other’s. 
“believe me, peter, after last night i can’t stop thinking about kissing you” you whisper and bump your shoulder with his. you two walk into spanish, you sitting in the behind him in the next row. all the students put their phones on the wall in the slots, something the teacher thought would help the students pay attention, but it didn’t. 
during the class, you couldn’t stop staring at peter, studying him, loving when he leaned his chin in his hand. “alright class, you guys can grab your phones”
“i’ll grab yours” peter knocks your desk and you smile, thanking him. he goes up and you stare at him, peter grabbing your phone but his phone not there anymore. he comes back and hands you yours, confused. 
“you put it up there, right?”
“yeah it was right next to yours”
“class, i need to take this call, i’ll be right outside” she leaves and closes the door, flash standing up and holding peter’s phone up, friday showing you peter’s phone had a text on it, from you, telling him how you love him and couldn’t wait to see him. you sigh and bow your head, wanting to hide under the desk. 
“flash, give it-”
“well would you look at that! penis parker and the daughter of tony stark are a thing! but wait, the text isn’t the only thing” you peek up and he clears the message, peter’s background a picture of you and him kissing on top of a building. 
“give it back, now” peter said and hopped over the desk, you sitting up. flash laughs and hands it back. 
“how did a dork like you, end up with a fine girl like that? especially tony stark’s daughter?”
“he works for my dad, he has an internship” you say and flash laughs. 
“this dude?” he points to peter. you stand up and hold peter’s hand, smiling at him. 
“yeah, he’s my dork. him and i are best friend with spider-man”
“you know spider-man?!”
“my dad’s tony stark, of course”
the bell rang and you and peter walk out, flash calling out to you two and asking if you two could talk to spider-man for him. you and peter laugh, walking out into the hall still holding hands. people stared and you smiled. 
“well.. i guess the cat’s out of the bag” peter put you against the wall, your hands on his arms as his hands rested on your hips. 
“but we still have to tell your dad. do you think he would tell us to break up?”
“i don’t know, but for right now, i just am so happy to be able to kiss you” you smile and peter holds your face, kissing you sweetly. “i’ll see you at lunch?”
“see you then” you kiss him again, the two of you smiling at each other. peter pecked your lips again before he walked away, doing a little jig as he walked. you laughed, walking to your next class. as you walk down the hall, you see people’s text messages 
you kissed peter before getting off the train, smiling at him. “love you”
“love you too” he hums. “see you tonight”
you get off the train and head down the stairs, only to be met with your dad. “friday”
“yes miss stark?”
“why didn’t you warn me that he was going to be here?”
“mr. stark told me not to tell you, miss stark”
“i thought we were friends, friday!”
tony looked up, opening your door for you. you knew something was wrong, or that he knew something, because he never picked you up from the train. you got in and he shut it, getting in the driver’s seat. you take out your phone and text peter. 
yn: i think he knows about us. that or something went wrongyn: but i have a feeling he knows about us
baby: oh god. just don’t say anything and have him bring it up
yn: well, i’m scared. i’m scared of my dad sometimes, he’s too powerful
baby: whatever happens, i love you
yn: i love you more, baby
you put your phone down and looked out the window, the car ride silent. he parks in the garage, the two of you getting out. your heart raced as you two walked inside, your mom sitting at the table with her laptop in front of her. you walk over and hug her, kissing her cheek. 
“hi mama”
“hi baby, i made you a snack, it’s in the microwave” you smile and put your bag on the ground, grabbing it and setting at the table, kicking off your shoes and sitting back at the table. 
“mama” she looks at you and you swallow your bite of the snack. “do you know?” 
“of course. do you know how happy i am that you two are together? you two are like the same person. when you two first met, i saw a spark. you two are perfect for each other”
“and dad?” 
“he knows”
“and i’m guessing he doesn’t like us together. he picked me up today, and he was silent. he didn’t say ‘hi sugar’ like he does. he doesn’t like us together, mama”
“who said that?” his voice was quiet behind you but it still made you jump. pepper closed her laptop, grabbing her mug and leaving the kitchen. tony walked over and held out his hand. “come with me” 
you take his hand and walk with him to his office, standing in front of the wall with photos of you, you and him, and the 3 of you. “dad..?”
“i remember when you were this tiny. you would always come in the garage and help me build. you were just like me, stubborn and creative. you’re still like that. but when you were born, i vowed to kick your boyfriend’s ass when you got one. but, your boyfriend’s peter. and i don’t want to kick peter’s ass”
“i don’t you to kick his ass either. i love peter and would not like to see him dead” 
“love? how long have you two been seeing each other?”
“uhm.. almost 8 months?” tony looked at you, and you looked at your socks. 
“and you kept this why?”
“because of your vow”
“i would kick your boyfriend’s ass if he was a douchebag to you. and i know peter’s no where near a douchebag. does he treat you well?”
“like a princess, dad. he’s so sweet”
tony looked at you, a smile on his face. “my little girl’s growing up” you laugh and hug him, tony kissing your head. 
“i’ll always be your little girl, dad. i promise”
“mr. stark?” 
you two turn around and you smile at nervous peter. “hello, peter”
“mr. stark, i’m sorry for lying to you and sneaking around, it wasn’t a nice thing to do, but i love your daughter so much, and i’d do anything to protect her”
“peter” tony stood in front of your boyfriend, and you laugh and roll your eyes as peter gulped nervously. “call me tony, please”
peter smiled and shook tony’s hand. you walk over and kiss peter, the both of you smiling. “alright alright, ew, not in front of me, will you?”
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parkersharthook · 6 years
Stupid Protective Fathers
(Lucas Friar x Maya Hart)
Warnings: fathers may not say the right thing but they’re trying their best
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Even more protective father Shawn Hunter with the adorable lucaya.
“So how was school?” Maya was taken back by the question, it wasn’t one she was used to. Dinner was a lot different now that Shawn lived with them in a whole new apartment. One that didn’t have holes or leaky pipes or ferrets coming in from the floor.
“It was fine.” She answered casually, the answer usual kids gave when this question was presented, “Actually it was really good.” But Maya wasn’t a usual kid. “In English we didn’t do anything but watch To Kill a Mockingbird and in math we just reviewed a test we took, which I actually didn’t fail. And we just went over notes in Chemistry so it was really easy and relaxed. Lunch was great, as usual ever since they got that new lunch lady. And Mr. Wistry, my history teacher, is sooo laid back so I just did my homework during his class and then I finished it during study hall so I don’t have to do anything tonight. Also, Spanish just seems to get easier for me.”
“That’s so good to here, Babygirl.” Katy said with a smile, also happy to now have family dinners.
“Oh, I’m also hanging out with Lucas tomorrow after school.” Katy just nodded at her daughter but Shawn’s eyebrow quirked up.
“Lucas? Why are you hanging out with him?” Shawn picked at his food and stared at Maya. Maya just snorted and looked back at him.
“What? We’re just hanging out, maybe watching a movie. What’s the big deal?” Shawn just shrugged.
“Nothing. I was just curious. Are you going to his house?” Maya nodded her head and hummed in agreement. “Are his parents gonna be there?”
Maya snickered, “Aww Shawn, are you being a protective father?” Katy suppressed a laugh as she watched the two of them bicker playfully.
Shawn stuttered, “N-no. I was just wondering. Just trying to keep you safe.”
“That’s sweet Shawn but I can handle my own boyfriend.” The words slipped out of her mouth before she could actually process what she was saying. Her mom had known since Lucas asked her out a few months ago, the two were close.
“Your boyfriend?” Shawn leaned forward, his hands flat on the table.
“Shawn, honey calm down.” Katy rubbed his arm trying to calm him but failed.
“Calm down!? She’s sixteen and she already has a boyfriend… and it’s Lucas.”
“Yeah, it’s Lucas. He’s the kindest person I know, next to Riley of course.” Maya said calmly, defending her new boyfriend.
“Wasn’t he dating Riley?” Maya’s face fell at his words.
“Not really. They dated for like a week in eighth grade, I don’t think that counts.” Maya was picking at her food, not making eye contact with anyone else.
“What about that whole triangle thing.” That was a low blow even for Shawn and tears stung at Maya’s eyes.
“We figured it out Shawn, why can’t you just be happy for me?”
“Because Maya, I know kids like Lucas. I was a kid like Lucas.” Shawn said loudly, “One of those kids that dated any girl that looked his way.”
“No Shawn! I was a kid like you. Craved attention, tough, from a broken home. Lucas is none of those things! He is someone who makes me better. Just like my mom does for you.” Katy’s eyes widened at the mention of her.
“You can’t compare the marriage between two adults to a high school fling between two sophomores.” Shawn now stood up and Maya did too, trying to match his intimidating height.
“Shawn, come on! You know Lucas, you like Lucas.”
“I liked him when he was your friend, you deserve better!” Maya scoffed and rolled her eyes. “I don’t want to do this but I forbid you to see him.”
“Shawn! You can’t do that! You do not get to tell me who I like or don’t like or who I date!”
“I’m doing this to protect you Maya!” Tears spilled from her eyes.
“No, you’re not! You are doing this because you think he is a bad guy, which he’s not!”
“Maya, you cannot see him anymore!” Maya whipped her body around and ran to her room. “Maya!” Shawn sat down in exasperation and looked to Katy who was shaking her head at him. “What?”
“You can’t tell a girl who she gets to date especially when he is a good guy. He’s a gentlemen.” Katy then picked up her voice, “And how dare you bring up the triangle, that hurt her. It was hard on her and her friendship with Riley! That was a hard time for her and you brought it up again.” Shawn didn’t realize what he just did.
“Shit.” He whispered harshly to himself, “I’m gonna go talk to her, apologize.” Shawn quickly moved from the dining room to Maya’s but found it empty. “Katy, she’s gone!” Katy came rushing in worry present on all of her features.
“She’s gone!? What do you mean she’s gone?” Katy rushed past the door into her daughter’s room and saw the window open, “Where do you think she went?”
“Either to see Lucas or Riley.” Shawn said angrily, hoping it was the latter.
“I’ll call Topanga.” Katy rushed to her phone that was in the kitchen but it wouldn’t matter. Maya had just left her house, she wouldn’t be there yet even if she was going to Riley’s house. But she wasn’t, she was headed straight towards Lucas’s face, tears still streaming down her face. She made her way up the fire escape and finally to his window. She saw him sitting at his desk, his back to her. She knocked on the window and he turned around quickly in surprise. He made his way to Maya and opened it for her.
“Maya? What are you doing here? It’s like seven thirty.” Maya didn’t answer as she hugged him tightly, her arms wrapping around his waist as she buried herself into his strong chest. She was too busy being upset that she didn’t notice that he was shirtless, or how his muscles stood strong against her. She sniffled loudly and felt his arms wrap around her, one hand landing in her hair and stroking her head. “Shortstack what’s wrong?’
She sniffled again, “Shawn said that I can’t see you and brought up the whole triangle incident. I don’t know, it just made me really upset. It’s stupid and I shouldn’t have come here, I’m sorry.” Maya tried to pull away but Lucas held her to him.
“Maya, I’m happy that you can come to me when you’re upset. That really sucks that he brought it up, it really was an awful time.” Lucas said and kissed the top of her head.
“Yeah.” Maya rested her cheek against his heart and listened to the steady rhythm, “Why did you choose me?”
“What?” Lucas asked stunned.
“Why did you choose me? Like, why not Riley?”
“Maya…” Lucas said softly, “Why do you want to know?” Maya just shrugged, “I don’t know what you are looking for Maya. I chose you because I like you Maya.”
“But you liked Riley also.” Maya argued but she didn’t move her head and he didn’t loosen his grip.
“So? I liked you more, I like you more.” Lucas said confidently.
“Do you still like her?”
“What? Of course not, Maya! Why would you ask me that?” Lucas pulled away from her and stared at her, her eyes still red and wet.
“Because she’s Riley! She isn’t someone you just stop having feelings for.”
“Well then I must be a first because I don’t have feelings for her, if I did I would be with her. But I’m not, I’m with you. And I know I truly like you because if I didn’t then I never would have liked you in the first place,” Lucas let go of her completely and was getting passionate, “You stole my heart Maya. And you didn’t steal it from Riley, it was never hers. Sure, maybe I had some feelings for her but that’s only because she was the first girl to ever really put an interest in me but then you came along. When you admitted your feelings for me, I felt like I couldn’t breath but I also could at the same time and it scared the hell out of me. And then when you backed out of the triangle at the ski lodge, it was like I was suffocating all over again.
“I didn’t want to choose Riley, I was gonna choose you but you didn’t let me. And when you did that, I felt like you didn’t want me anymore so I went ahead and chose Riley, against my better judgement. But obviously that didn’t work out because I didn’t put the effort in, I was too busy focusing on you and watching you talk to other boys and go after Josh. That fucking killed me Maya and then when you didn’t talk to me because I broke Riley’s heart, that was the worst time of my entire life. Maya, I couldn’t stop thinking about you, all I wanted was to hold your hand and push your hair behind you ear and kiss you but I knew you couldn’t. I when Josh broke your heart, who do you think went to beat him up because I just can’t fathom the idea of anybody hurting you or not wanting you. And then finally you talked to me and we finally admitted our feelings for each other and I was over the moon. I was so happy, you don’t even realize the feeling I got when you didn’t reject me. Then we got the okay from Riley, and I was free to be with you with no regrets and I wouldn’t take it back for the world.” He rushed to her and held her face in his hands, new tears were stinging her eyes but now out of happiness.
“I chose you too late Maya, I should’ve fought for you earlier on but I didn’t and I do regret that.” He moved his hands to her shoulders and took a small step backwards, “I chose you because I want to be with you Maya. I chose you because I love you Maya.” Her mouth fell open and she was speechless. After four short months of dating he already said that. He noticed her silence and dropped his hands completely from her body. He turned his body away from her but her small hand grabbed his bicep and turned back around. Before he could think her hands were on his cheeks and their lips were pressed together. Lucas tentatively put his hands on Maya’s waist and slowly kissed her back. Maya eventually pulled away, her lips slightly swollen. Her eyes fluttered open to meet Lucas’s.
“That was our first kiss.” Maya said quietly. He ducked his head in shyness and smiled.
“That was a hell of a first kiss.” He said back.
“I love you too Huckleberry.” Her words seemed so sure, it caused his heart to swell. He picked up his chin and looked at her, a small smile still present on his lips. He pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. “I’m feeling much better, thank you.”
“Of course. Come on, I’ll walk you home.” Lucas took her hand in his and led her to the window. Lucas crawled out first before helping her through and shutting it. He followed behind her as she went down the fire escape and watched her blonde curls bounce around her face. When they both put their feet on solid ground he slipped his arm over her shoulders and they walked to her apartment. As they were going up the elevator Maya turned to him.
“Shawn will probably yell at you.” Maya warned.
“It’s nothing I can’t handle.” Lucas waved it off as if it were nothing but secretly he was terrified of the father figure. The elevator dinged and the two stepped off, walking down the hall until they got to her door. Maya opened the door and stepped inside, Lucas cautiously trailing behind her. Katy shot up from her seat and instantly hugged Maya.
“Oh thank god you are alright babygirl. I was so worried.” Katy smoothed down her hair.
“Mom, I’m fine.” Katy nodded at her daughter.
“That’s good because you’re grounded. We’ve talked about sneaking out before, you’ve gotta stop doing it.” Maya nodded, knowing she wouldn’t stop. She squeezed Lucas’s hand once before beginning her trek down the hallway. She turned around.
“Night, Lucas.” Lucas lifted his hand in goodbye and turned through the door. He was fiddling with his phone when Shawn walked into the hallway.
“Lucas?” Lucas stopped walking and turned around to look at the man. “Um… thanks for walking her home.”
“Uh… no problem Mr. Hunter. It was my pleasure. Have a good night.” Lucas awkwardly turned back around and left the apartment building, a smile happily gracing his face.
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Chapter 8: Bridge Bricks and Babysitting
Becoming The Mask
The Museum of Arcadia was very different during its hours of operation. Much more brightly lit. Much less filled with the uneasy feeling he might run into Bular at any moment.
Jim veered away from his scattering classmates to loiter near their history teacher and the museum curator.
Eli was peppering Ms Nomura with questions and Mr Strickler was watching with poorly-concealed amusement as she indulged the boy's curiosity about Renaissance-era pottery. After a few minutes she sent Eli off to the exhibit in question and fixed Jim with a piercing stare.
Jim flashed his eyes and Nomura's shoulders relaxed, though her expression remained sharp. She flashed her eyes back at him. They were green in both her human and troll forms, but when she was in human form they lit up gold and red like every other Changeling's.
"At least one of them was actually interested in the lesson plan this year," Ms Nomura said to Mr Strickler. "So few of your students actually appreciate the history of ceramics and how they influenced the build-up to the Industrial Revolution."
They casually walked through a partially roped-off doorway and disappeared behind a hanging tarp. Jim glanced around to ensure no witnesses – all his classmates were elsewhere or actually focused on the displays – and followed the other two Changelings.
"It's more than halfway done?" he gasped in amazement.
Killahead Bridge was mostly under sheets, but the shape was distinct, as was the gap where they hadn't yet finished building the arched form.
"Hidden in plain sight as an upcoming exhibit," Stricklander boasted. Nomura rolled her eyes at his pomposity. Jim sat on one of the wooden crates and started toying with the stones and bricks in the open crate beside him.
"I anticipate full construction within three months, if the latest rumours lead to the final stones," said Nomura to Stricklander. "But just in case they don't … In the interests of growing Gunmar's legion, we're bringing in someone new." Nomura glanced sideways at Jim. The most recently-planted Changeling sat up with an attentive expression. "Any suggestions for their cover?"
Damn Toby for not being young enough to send to safety.
"What about the Nuñez baby?" Jim suggested. The question had been directed at Stricklander, but Jim wasn't sure Claire Nuñez gushed about her little brother to the teachers the way she did to her peers. He rolled a rounded stone thoughtfully over his palm. "Mrs Nuñez is involved in local politics, right? Might be useful to have an eye on the inside."
"It's a good thought," Stricklander agreed. "Now, Jim, Ms Nomura and I have more classified information to discuss. You'd best rejoin your class."
To some Changelings, that would be practically an invitation to spy. Jim tossed two of the three rocks he'd been toying with back into their crate and slipped the third, smallest one up his sleeve as he gave Mr Strickler a casual salute with his other arm.
I'm not ready. I need time; to think; to plan. We can't finish the Bridge yet. I haven't convinced anyone that Mom needs to stay alive.
It was selfish and petty and treasonous and he was being ridiculously foolish and he knew it. Gunmar would not reward the loyalty of a Changeling who delayed his escape.
But Gunmar didn't need to know. No one needed to know.
Jim would sneak the piece back into place once he had a guarantee of Barbara's safety. It should only take a short while longer to wrangle Stricklander into it. Otto might not even be back in the States until afterwards, with or without the Eyestone. Stealing a piece of Killahead was just a momentary fit of harmless foolishness for Jim's peace of mind. He'd give it back.
He slipped it from his sleeve into his pocket.
That night, in Trollmarket, he hid it behind one of the many bookcases in Blinky's library.
"Claire, I'm sorry, I can't babysit tonight."
"But you promised! Mom and Dad have that charity thing, and I have a Papa Skull concert – Papa Skull! I, like, live in their t-shirt!"
"Sorry, C-Bomb, but Dean finally asked me to a movie – and then Hank invited me out for ice cream. Tight Jeans Hank! Love can't choose, Claire!"
"But Mary, I need you!"
"I can babysit," Jim offered. Both girls jumped, having not noticed Jim and Toby listening in on their drama. Toby gave Jim a surprised look. Jim and Claire had worked on class projects together once or twice, but they didn't exactly know each other well.
"You can?" asked Claire excitedly. "Wait, have you ever babysat before?"
"Uh, yeah," Jim lied, and then added, truthfully, "Plus, my mom's a doctor, so I know infant CPR and everything."
"You're a lifesaver, Jim! Come to my house around seven? No sooner."
"Got it."
"I wrote his routine on the fridge – after playtime you can just put him down. He's a good sleeper. And he'd rather play with his food than eat it. He loves games. Peekaboo, hide and seek. What am I forgetting?"
"We'll be fine," Jim promised Claire. Enrique burbled delightedly and bounced in his swing.
"Here's the emergency contact numbers." She pressed a paper into Jim's hand. "Whatever you do, do not call my parents first."
"Because they don't know you're going to the concert, do they?" he teased.
"They'll be back late-late, and I should only be a couple hours. Three max. Um, help yourself to anything in the fridge … and if you eat babies, now is the time to tell me."
He forced a laugh and shook his head and tried not to think of Bular.
There was a honk from outside, presumably her ride.
"Hey – thanks for this." Claire smiled shyly and sweetly at Jim. "You're my hero."
"Have fun," he told her. Once she was gone, he lit his eyes red and gold. "So, Enrique, how's it going?"
The baby changed into a small green troll. It took a while for human vocal chords to develop enough for speech. "Fine enough. Pretty cushy assignment, even if I can't eat the cat."
"I brought some old argyle socks," Jim offered.
"Oooh, gimmie-gimmie!"
The smaller Changeling unbuckled himself from the swing while the bigger Changeling got the bag of socks from his backpack. They settled onto the couch. Jim switched forms as well. The couch felt strong enough to hold him.
"Yummy," Enrique mumbled with his mouth full. He'd bitten right into the zip-locked plastic bag like it was a calzone.
"Enjoy them while you can. After a few years in human guise, they start to lose appeal." Jim crinkled his nose. Even in his trollish form, he hadn't eaten cloth in years. At least plastic, glass, and metal still tasted good.
"Bossman send you to check up on me?"
"Nah. I just had a free evening." He scratched idly at the stub of his horn. "Plus I wanted to know how things have been on the other side, and you've got the latest news."
"Eh, what's to say? Still dark, gloomy, boring. Nobody knows how to have fun."
"What are the numbers looking like? There were thirty when I left, counting you."
"Down to twenty-three now."
Six Changelings lost was not an ominous death count for a fifteen-year period, Jim reminded himself, willing himself to keep breathing evenly. That averaged out to one death every two and a half years. They sometimes went decades without a death only to lose several in the same week.
"Hey, funny story," Enrique continued. "Somebody from this side's been sending blankets and candy and stuff through the Fetch once in a while."
Good; the Changelings left behind had been finding Jim's 'care packages'. He kept his expression mildly curious.
"They send books sometimes, and Dictatious hoards them if he finds them first." Gunmar's advisor was notoriously selfish with reading material. "But here's where it gets good. I've got some of those same books in the nursery here. They're stories for fleshbag kids! And he's been puzzling over the 'code' they're written in!"
Jim cackled at the mental image of Dictatious trying to 'decode' Dr Seuss or Robert Munsch.
His options for what to send had been limited to his own old things until a couple of years ago. Maybe he should print out the photographed pages of A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore and send that through, in case he needed Dictatious to do him a favour at some point. On the other hand, his 'care packages' were sent anonymously, and this was comedy gold.
"Hi, Mr and Mrs Nuñez!" Jim, sitting on their living room couch, plastered an I'm-trying-to-look-innocent-but-know-I'm-in-trouble grin on his once more human face. "I'm Jim; Claire and I go to school together. She –" was sneaking in behind them. "She's just in the bathroom. We were doing homework together, and Enrique started fussing, so we took a break to play with him."
They still looked suspicious, but now it was 'a strange boy was alone with our daughter' suspicious rather than 'we found a stranger in our house holding our baby' suspicious. Claire gave him a grateful look and ducked behind a door, closing it quietly and opening it loudly.
"Mom, Dad, hey!" She gave them the same nervous smile. "I, ah, see you met Jim."
"I should get going." He handed Enrique to Claire and grabbed his backpack from the coffee table. "I'll see you at school, Claire. Gracias for your help with the Spanish review. Let me know if you have more History questions."
"Bye, Jim!"
Jim ducked past her parents and bolted like – well, like a teenage boy who had just been caught in a teenage girl's home by her presumably-protective guardians while she was supposed to be home alone.
Damn it, his cover did not need this. He'd hardly ever get to compare notes with Enrique now.
Claire approached him at school the next day.
"Hey. Listen, I'm sorry about last night. I would've called to warn you they were headed back early but my phone died just after Papi texted me. But you were great. That was some pretty quick thinking. I owe you."
"Hey, no hard feelings. Did they buy it?"
"Mm. Sort of." She readjusted her backpack. "I'm still in trouble for having a boy over, but at least they think I was there the whole time. You might've even convinced them we really were studying. You should've tried out for the play."
"Ah … no, I'd never have found the time. Last night was … I've usually got a lot going on. But if you need a babysitter again, I could make time. Enrique wasn't too demanding; I really did get homework done."
Claire kissed his cheek. Jim was not sure how to react to that.
"Or maybe we could have a real study date sometime," she said.
He stared blankly after her as she walked away. Toby elbowed him in the gut and said something congratulatory.
Jim felt awkward and a little gross. Claire didn't know how much older than her he was, but he did, and her kissing him felt … not okay.
It was an innocent and unsolicited gesture indicating affection not necessarily of a romantic nature, he decided. As long as he didn't say or do anything to suggest he was flirting back, Claire flirting with him was no more inappropriate than Toby's crush on Dr Lake. And that was assuming she even had meant it flirtatiously. Platonic kisses and study dates were a thing.
Previous Chapter (Jim expresses affection through food and protective oaths)
Table of Contents
Next Chapter (Toby gets suspicious of Jim’s recent behaviour)
This was originally imagined as two chapters, 'Grand Theft Bridge Piece' and 'Grand Theft Baby'. But I couldn't stretch the theft of the Bridge piece out; it was more plausible for it to be an impulse decision on Jim's part, rather than having him sneak into the museum later for premeditated treason. 
As for Enrique, there would be too much risk of being caught if Jim were directly involved in stealing and swapping him, rather than letting the goblins handle it as they do in canon, so the Changelings wouldn't have sent Jim along on that mission. If he were already scheduled to babysit, they might have planned the swap to take place that night, but Jim babysitting was a very last-minute substitution on Claire's part which the Janus Order couldn't have planned for.
I hope Not Enrique being referred to as Enrique didn't confuse anyone. From Jim's perspective, they're both Enrique, because Changelings assume their Familiars' names. Not Enrique won't actually be called Not Enrique until non-Changeling characters find out that he's a Changeling.
Jim actually has no objection to troll-human romance. But he is an actual adult, if a young one (the troll equivalent of being in his early-to-mid twenties), so having an adolescent flirt with him is uncomfortable. If they were in college instead of high school, the ‘age difference’ would not be an issue. (Instead the main issue would be that he’s more attracted to trolls than humans, which, like his relative age, hasn’t come up in-story yet.) Jim’s relationship with Claire in this AU will ultimately be a platonic friendship ... assuming she ever forgives him after she finds out he had her brother kidnapped.
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Of all the people you could have pissed off
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Fandom: Spider-Man: Homecoming
Request: Can you do a peter parker x reader where the reader is tony stark’s daughter and she’s new at peter’s school. And so like he tries to get Ned to talk to her, but she doesn’t like Ned so he has to talk to her himself and he’s very nervous. And when he meets her dad, he gets scared af. Sorry it’s so long!
Warnings: Cussing, using google translate for Spanish, overprotective dad, scared af Peter
Hope you like it!
“No dad I don’t need a backpack that can turn into an Iron Man suit. This is just school.”
“Exactly, I don’t want anyone to mess with you!”
(Y/n) rolled her eyes “Dad, my last name is Stark, no one’s gonna mess with me, and if they did, I can handle myself.”
“Yeah, about that. Your name won’t be Stark at school. You’re going as (Y/n) Smith.” Tony explained.
“How original”
Peter was on his way to Spanish when he saw her. The most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. She had her bag hanging loosely on her shoulder, and she was talking to a teacher with a piece of paper in her hands.
When the teacher pointed down the hall where Peter was standing, he immediately turned around and walked the other way, a blush fresh on his face.
It was at lunch when he saw her again, and when Ned discovered his best friend wasn’t listening to a word he said, he knew something was up. Following Peter’s gaze, he saw a girl, a very pretty one. 
“Peter” Ned said, repeating himself for the fifth time.
“Y-yeah. That’s great Ned. Really cool.” 
Ned smirked “Ok, what was I talking about?”
“Y-your new comic book?” He guessed
Ned laughed “No. Dude, if you like her go talk to her.“
Peter stared at his friend, a shocked expression on his face “And embarrass myself? I don’t think so. I’d probably scare her off before I could say hi.” then as he thought, an idea popped into his head “But, you could.”
“You could talk to her for me. Say good things about me or something.”
Ned started laughing, but when he realized Peter wasn’t, he stopped, “Wait, you’re serious?” 
Peter nodded “Please?”
“Fine, but you owe me.”
Ned had her in his math class an hour later. When she walked in, the teacher introduced her as (Y/n) Smith, but when she sat down in the desk next to him, he could see that she looked familiar. Like he’d seen her before.
“Do I know you?” he asked.
She looked over at him “No, I don’t think so.”
“No, I’ve seen you before” he said causing her to look back up again.
“I really don’t remember you. I’m trying to work here, if you don’t mind.”
But Ned didn’t give up “Nope I’ve definitely seen you before”
“Maybe I look like someone you’ve seen before or something, but I’m trying to do my work and it’s kind of hard to do with you constantly talking.”
“But you just-”
She glared at him “You know, it’s not that hard to not talk.”
That’s when he remembered his promise to Peter.
“Did you do it?” Peter asked at the end of the day.
“Do what? Oh, talk to her. Yeah, about that…” He trailed off “I don’t think she likes me all that much.”
“What! What did you do Ned?!”
“Well, she just looked so familiar, I just - You know what, that doesn’t matter, what does is that you are gonna have to talk to her yourself.”
The next day was very stressful for Peter. All throughout the day he looked for her, even in classes she wasn’t in. He was so anxious, waiting for the right moment to approach her, that he almost forgot about his Spider-Man duties. 
The moment came when she was outside her locker, which just so happened to be near Peter’s. 
She was getting her backpack, loading it with books and homework, getting ready to leave when he walked up to his own locker. She turned and smiled “Hi Peter”
He was shocked that she even knew his name “H-hey (Y/n), h-how are you?”
“Good” she laughed “Busy with a history paper, but luckily it’s due in a few days, not tomorrow.”
He took his chance “Me too. W-we can work on that t-together on that, i-if you want, I-I know this really good sandwich shop-”
“Of course Peter! Is tomorrow good?” She grinned, making Peter blush.
“Y-yeah that’s great!”
“Hey honey, how was school?” Tony asked as his daughter came through the door.
“It was great. I’m gonna be late coming home tomorrow, I’m meeting a boy from my class, we’re going to work on a paper.”
This made Tony’s head shoot up “Like a date?”
(Y/n) turned around pretending to get something out of her bag to conceal her blush. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t like Peter, he was cute, smart, and adorably awkward. “No dad, it’s not a date. We’re just working on some homework.”
“That’s not what he’s thinking, I guarantee it. Maybe if I just-” 
But she read his mind “I swear if you have Natasha or Clint follow me, I will never speak to you again.”
“It’s not like you would know they were there.” he said under his breath, not expecting her to hear.
“Yeah I would dad, you send them so much, I can spot them without a second glance. You think I didn’t notice them following me to school this morning?”
He sat down defeated “Fine, but no funny business.”
“Kinda hard to do that in the middle of a sandwich shop”
When the bell rang the next day, (Y/n) and Peter walked over to a sandwich shop in Queens.
“Hey Mr. Delmar” Peter waved as they walked in.
“Hey Peter, the usual?”
“Yup, a number four, with pickles, and can you smoosh it down real flat? Thanks.”
Then he looked at (Y/n), who just looked down from the menu, “I’ll have a number 6, please”
“Coming right up” 
As (Y/n) went to sit down, Mr. Delmar turned to Peter “te gusta esta chica?” (you like this girl?)
He blushed, but tried to pull it off “sólo estamos para trabajar en tareas“ (we are just here to work on homework)
Mr. Delmar nodded unbelieving “Mmhmm” and handed him his sandwiches.
By the time they were done, both Peter and (Y/n) had laughed more than they had done any work, meaning it had taken twice as long as it should have. But neither of them minded.
As they were packing up, (Y/n)’s phone went off, but she answered it before Peter could see Tony’s face pop up on the screen.
“Hey dad”
“Yes, we’re done”
“Yes, you can pick me up”
“Ok, I’ll meet you there.”
“Well, I had fun today, maybe we could do this again sometime.” she said as she packed her stuff into her backpack.
“Y-yeah, definitely. S-say, would you l-like to g-go o-out-”
Seeing how nervous he was, (Y/n) answered quickly, “Yes Peter, I’ll go out with you” then she kissed his cheek, leaving him a blushing mess, before going to meet her father.
When his daughter got in the car with a huge smile on her face, Tony knew what happened “So, not a date, huh.”
She blushed “Shut up.”
“It’s just, you do know I’m going to have to keep an eye on whoever this kid is right? And it would be easier if I knew his name.”
“Well, I’m not telling you if you’re going to scare him to death by showing up to his apartment in the middle of the night in your Iron Man suit, saying in some deep voice ‘You shall not hurt my daughter’”
Tony scoffed “I would not show up in my suit-”
“Yes, you would.”
“You don’t know-” he muttered under his breath, until he caught sight of a nodding Happy in the front seat. “Ok, but I still want to meet the guy”
(Y/n) looked over “Do you have to?” but seeing his ‘dad look’ she sighed “fine, I’ll tell him.”
When (Y/n) said her father wanted to meet him, Peter would be lying if he said he didn’t freak out. This was completely internal, of course, but (Y/n) could see his face as he said “O-okay”
“Don’t worry, I can handle him if he gets to out of hand. He is the biggest drama queen to ever walk this Earth, but I’ll be there to glare at him.”
Peter laughed nervously “O-okay, great”
She smiled “Cool, I’ll see you after school then.” and gave him a quick kiss before running off to class.
What Peter certainly didn’t expect was to walk a few blocks, then to get picked up by a fancy car.
Another thing he didn’t expect was to hear what sounded like the faint voice of Happy Hogan from the front seat. But he told himself he was just imagining his worst nightmare. 
Peter would take anything over getting lectured by Tony Stark for dating his daughter. Peter knew he had a daughter, everybody did, but no one had actually seen her.
Tony was also freaking out, hoping more than anything that his daughter wouldn’t bring home someone awful. Yet even after Natasha’s lecture, he was still preparing to chew someone out if he needed.
He was having Happy meet him at one of his daughter’s favorite restaurants, a room to themselves, of course. He didn’t want to risk meeting them at the tower, that would completely ruin the surprise. He knew he would be less intimidating if they already knew that Tony Stark was her father, and he didn’t want that by any means.
But whoever he was expecting, the last person he would have ever guessed, was the one to walk through the door.
“Parker?” Peter heard Tony’s voice echo through the room “You’re dating Parker!?”
(Y/n) looked at both of them, her dad, who’s face was a mix of shock and anger, and Peter, who looked like he was going to shit himself. 
“H-hey Mr. Stark” he was surprised he even go those few words out. He was living his worst nightmare. Mr. Stark was absolutely going to kill him. He was definitely wishing he had said goodbye to Aunt May.
“Don’t you ‘hey Mr. Stark’ me, Parker. Of all the women you could’ve gone out with, you choose my daughter? What happened to that ‘Liz‘ girl. I swear-”
“DAD!” (Y/n) yelled to get his attention, and when she had it she continued, “First off, I was unaware you two knew each other, and I’m going to need answers on that later. Second, dad, you don’t need to yell and scare him to death. Even though I’m proud of you for not bringing your suit” Peter gulped at the thought
“You don’t need to do this. And stop with the whole speech thing. Peter is a great person, who isn’t going to hurt me, if that’s what you’re worried about. There, problem solved.”
Tony walked up to Peter and whispered in his ear “If you do hurt her, me taking away your suit will be the punishment you wish you had”
Peter gulped, “I-I won’t. I-I promise”
“Good, now how about dinner? I’m buying.”
“Dude” Ned said “You’re dating Tony Stark’s daughter. That’s so cool.” Then he paused, a sudden realization hitting him “THAT’S WHERE I SAW HER! Someone posted a picture on some website saying they thought she was a Stark! Oh my God.”
“Yup, and she thinks you’re annoying.” Peter laughed “Of all people you could have pissed off Ned…“
“Oh, shut up Peter”
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