#the adventures of pinochio
kingoftheu · 1 year
So Tom Kenny: pretty good at that there voice acting thing huh
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Lou Wilson getting a nat 20 on his constitution saving throw against being exhausted from sleeping in the rain, after Fabian's nat 1 for the pneumonia condition?
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thealmightyemprex · 11 months
Walt era queer Disney Headcanons
So I have watched all the Walt era Disney animated features and wanna revisit some queer headcanons .Now when I say Walt era ,the cut off is Jungle Book,cause I havent rewatched those ones yet .Feel free to share your headcanons b ut remember nothing after Jungle Book
Pinochio: Honest John and Gideon are gay
Bambi:Flower is bisexual
Three Caballeros:Donald is bisexual but leans to women,Jose Carioca is bisexual leaning towards men ,Panchito is pansexual
Adventures of Ichabod and Mr Toad :Ratty and Mole are in a relationship,as is Toad and Cyril
Cinderella: the Duke is gay
Alice in Wonderland :Mad Hatter and March Hare are practically married
Peter Pan:CAptain Hook is bisexual ,Smee is ace
Sword in the Stone:Merlins gay
Jungle Book:Baloo and Bagheera are in a relationship by the end of the movie ,Shere Khan is gay
Please share your queer Walt era head canons or share yyour opinions on mine
@ariel-seagull-wings @princesssarisa @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland
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Part two of my final production bible!
Here are my presentation notes!
Summary : This story is about the importance of time management, not really, its actually more about a dead guy who, despite being dead wants to go to band practice?
🐛 meet brief criteria
🐛 sharpen pre-existing skillsets and learn new
🐛 Make a film of my personal interests that can be digested and enjoyable
🐛 marketability of work/portfolio
🐛 collaboration,directing and production
Visual inspiration:
Courage the cowardly dog
Del toros pinochio
Marvellous misadventures of flapjack
Dexters laboratory
The grim adventures of Billy and Mandy
Sound/ music inspiration:
Countdown to extinction by megadeth
Terror time by sky scycle (scooby doo soundtrack)
Half alive- still feel (specifically the lyrics)
-Linkedin learning (duh)
-The 80s rock/heavy metal scene>>this includes visual studies of important figures of the timeline such as the members of different music bands, fashion etc
-Pinterest my beloved
- filmgrabs for the shot pacing /style frames such as:
- The autopsy of jane doe
- Hotdog by sodikken
- Sirene by raoul servais
- Robert morgans works (of course)
- John r dilworth shorts
Animation style:
Depending on my time management i can attempt:
-2d animation using various softwares like blender,callipeg,toonboom
-Hybrid stop frame using paper cutouts (multiplane/ alternative method)
-if i have the balls, hand drawn animation
Recording components:
+Spreadsheet time boys
+film diary (like the one guy whos mum banged the ice cream dude)
> This film may potentially involve collaborating with international people regarding the soundtrack and soundscape so i will need guidance and support with the budgeting.Ive spoken to course graduates about this and they’ve told me i can get the uni to help with payment should it be necessary.
> The last semester wasn’t as productive as i wanted to be due to health complications.Because of this I’ve decided to begin my two minute film early to leave room for error in case i end up unable to complete things on time.With this acknowledgement, i will still provide a general timetable or try to meet in the middle with the pre-existing brief plan.
> Travel time/ cost of living. I live far away from home and travelling takes a toll on both my health and my wallet, because of this I decided to limit the amount of times i show up to campus this term.Im willing to risk my attendance percentage and made up my mind for the sake of my physical/mental well-being (and money)
> Im very comfortable with working from home and communicating online through email and zoom and what not.This film is very important to me and i want to be able to make it and get something out it. I realised i was forcing myself to work with a schedule that not fit for me.
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hungry-hyena · 5 years
clint mcelroy is just geppetto irl
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fanofmickey · 7 years
Pinochio's Daring Adventure Loading Room - Disneyland
Pinochio's Daring Adventure Loading Room - Disneyland by R
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disneyphotoshare · 7 years
Pinochio's Daring Adventure
Pinochio's Daring Adventure by R
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misforgotten2 · 2 years
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Where go-go boots come from.
The Adventures of Pinochio  by C. Collodi - Retold by Shirley Goulden  Illustrated by Libico Maraja   1958
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soviet-medved · 6 years
Mc collage post!
Saw lots of people around doing it so decided to ... *reads from a sticky note * ...hop into the bandwagon!
Tbh eforisniya was an accident In a way. At first I started the game with a self insert, then with my oc mels but then changed to efrosiniya because mels went to Hogwarts in 1950 so it was confusing
Efrosinya ended up being a mix of all sorts of character and I love this child a lot
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Troubadour, (bremenskiye muzikanti)
It used to be one of my favorite cartoons as a kid, and I can totally see fros' being in a band full of animals and stealing a princess from he father and marrying her. I'm pretty sure fros' imagined herself as the troubadour penny as the princess.
2. Cat Matvei (newyear adventure of masha and vitya)
Fros' always feels like she's some sort of thug, she likes to look intimidating to strangers and didn't really bother when people thought she's cursed or mad after her brother, she likes to play along with it sometimes, especially with little kids, scaring little kids is one of her fav hobbies.
3. Victoria raides (local Russian witch)
Believe it or not be in Russia we actually have real witches.
Victoria was my main inspiration for fros', stong intimidating woman who's also super chill most of the times and likes a good laugh.
Also, she sends massive bi energies.
Fros' tends to prefer the traditional Russian witchcraft since that what she grew up doing, it's way more primitive than what she learns at Hogwarts but it involves more of your heart and soul in it.
Victoria really represents fros's serious side, when she's not being an obnoxious joke around her fiends.
She cares more about beasts ,creatures and such than about humans, and has more empathy for them.
4. Udav's grandma (38 parrots )
The mom friend of the group. Or more accurately, the grandma friend. She'll never leave you hungry, her dormitory is full of vegetables she pickles, kompot shes boiling, jams, homade vodka and more.
If she hears one of her friends is sick she won't leave them till they are all wrapped up in blankets, had soup, 10 pairs of socks, tea etc. Etc.
She always has a snack on her just to give her fiends.
If she's with her friends around new people she will feel like a proud mother and start telling how great they are
She will be very upset if you will refuse to eat her soup.
5.buratino. (Pinochio but Russian)
This is more of her young years, like 1St -3rd.
0 self of danger, obnoxiou, kinda annoying, preety loud. Doesn't really understand hints and thinks she's friends with everyone around and is amused by merula because she thinks they are just playing rivals
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greenflamedwriter · 3 years
(Sixteen) teen woof;
My take on nogitsune.
Possession. Stiles gets posseed and then disapears. He’s mentally in a psych ward but he’s not there the nogitsune is like a weeping angel getting closer and closer.
Psych Ward [Not Real] Summer vacation when he’s home with the threat of an alpha pack [Real]
Lydia takes them to a basment shere the dead vessiln originally is.
Stiles see’s evidence of him doing things at the school (Cheminacls and bad pranks and threats, uses a camera and finds himself sleep walking. Figures out the ward is a fake since lydia takes him there and see’s it’s desolate and run down.
[This is fake as Lydia turns into nogitusne and it’s in his face, [
This place was never real, you’ve been asleep for a while,
Stiles wakes up harshly to see his pack before him and saying he’s been missing for two weeks.
They find stiles but he admits hes possesed. Peter tells them with Lydia and scott to go inside Stiles mind to combat it.
[Fake reality with scott lydia and Stiles at the school]
Fox chasing Stiles and Lydia then Stiles sacrifices himself and they all wake up back in the real world.
Stiles is currently playing Chess. In stiles mind their in the school and it has a golden glow of sunset once the sun goes down in stiles mind thats when the nogitsune takes over. Stiles wins and suddenly its noght and they find themselves at the real school and hear police sirens, ‘stiles’ laughs “Oh, oh he’s smart-” nogitsune lost his powers “ he sacrificed himself for you. Aha but trapped me in his place!”
Stiles was cold with a harsh air of amusment as he raised his hands “Sorry, Stiles is gone. And he’s never coming back.”
Next day, Noah drops of Stiles at Dereks and tells him to watch him, since the demon is weak as a human just not his son and can’t stand to look it him.
Derek takes in the imposter and as soon rises ‘stiles wakes up.’
Swarm chapter (Tails) Void finds the tails and reclaims each one reminiscing that he was close to eight tails until the oni killed him.
Knight takes Rook. (Possess boyd)
Checkmate. Finally all the pieces where in place everyone stiles had ever loved was taken hostage by an oni,
Scott, noah, dereck, mellisa, kira lydia, Alison Issac deaton,
Pawn, queen, king bishop bishop rook rook knight knight
he placed his hand onto the oak tree and placed the knifes of the oni by each point.
Then he suddenly uses mountain ash trapping himself inside. And talks of the japanise folklore and reveals that the nogitsune cant leave unless the body is changed.
Asks his family to snap the knives as the chest pieces to absorb the tails unti himself they obviously dint tryst him until.
“Do it, if you snap them I’ll bite of my own tongue and make you watch him die.” He slat clawing against the barrier pushing against it.
“Give them to me, and I wont kill him. “ it looked panicked until Derek remembered what peter said before.
“Chess is Stiles game,”
“It could be a trick-”
”no, the nogitsune always llays something else- I trust you.”
They snap it and the nogitsube splits apart like ink and tar fetting ripoed of stiles body Stiles falls away and yelps as he slips back of the tree stump with a roll and the black fox with intricate white lines and red eyes disapears into a puff of snoke, Stiles warily dtabds up and leads at te log to see the inage of the fix imprinted into the oak.
“We’re not done yet.”
“Hey spoilers for the ending this is basically ferngully”.
Absorbing the tails within himself does that. Stiles then devoits himself to the inari fox and becomes a kitsune himself changing his body it wasnt enough hence the tails turning into chess pieces.
The oni along woth Stiles at the god Kanima
“And thats, checkmate.” It burns out the Nogitsune like smoky tar pooling out of his chest it skitters and tries to escape the mountain ash but the chess pieces intercept and it explodes in a flash of light the inky picture of a inverted fix with red eye painted in the centre if the (tree).
Stiles panted staring down at the image, it alnost looked like the horryfying black rabbit from watership down.
“H-Asks deaton to trap the inky nogitsune into the tree. It grows leaves with japanise paper and red threads hanging through the tree branches the leaves blossoming.
Then stiles wins the last game.
Void is empty is sadness what feeds it?
He’s still a void kitsune but instead of anger chaos and strife its love peace family.
“But how is that a bad thing?”
“I need constant emotions of it or I’ll die.”
“Needy bitch arent you.”
Tarot structure. Exposition: The world Card. false sense of security, for now a repreive a sense of accompkishment and achievment and started the ball rolling of his next quest without realisung it. Prepares to take the first step of his next adventure.
Rising Climax :becoming himself like pinochio hes becoming a real boy. His transformation is complete and yet isnt. He wants to do something more serve somthing greater than himself he wants to share his gifts with others,
Like posses boyd cora etc
Climax do it yourself, turn trash into treasures create as much comfort and beauty in the world and pay attention to the smallest details.
Reciding carefully assess your work and invest wisely value good work but dont purchase above your means.
ending small but heartfelt acys of kindness can change the situation, accept the gift without suspicion
Stiles can see threads. And he is freaking out.
The nogitsune possesion affected his eyes.
He touches his dads thread of fate and Noah starts crying Stiles feels terrible but Kira’s mother (Forgot her name) Tells him his gift and it might fade with time. Instead it became stronger he became a kitsune like Kira but his ability is the void he can take things away and make them his own. But the nogitsune took away strife horror and agony. (Nogitsune only wanted angst) while stiles slowly figures out that love and trust and re tying his connections with the others. Erica Boyd Issac (Hell he even sorted their drama out tha hey scott issac was abused and now you’re flinging him around FU.) And finally goes to see Allison in hospital.
Everything was going great then Derek arrived with a red string attatched to stiles finger...Shit....along with the alphas.
Blue:Trust Green:Family Red: Soulmate Yellow: friendship White: New beggining : Black: Ill intent (Palm)
Plot story for both: Druid teacher lady did the sacrifices but wasn’t revealed yet for everyone to find the nemeton and she escaped to the other town with her magic to defeat the alpha’s both weren’t in beacon. Stiles deals with the nogitsune which happens faster than the series promised. Stiles switches through dreams and realty while both Scott and Allison deal with their own problems, the eichan house ward is not real it’s the (crying angel) Nogitsune that comes closer and closer it symbolises how close he is to posses styles the eissary deatons sister is the only one who can reach out to stiles in the ward along with lydia who founds him in the basement trapped alone.
Hotel translyvania.
Jhonny and Dracula get togetsr based on the first movie.
Everythings the same except
Mavis meets the vampire hunter vanhellsimg (who is teblling) at hawaii.
They adopt dennis while fighting against vladmir who is unaccpeting of Jhonny and the hunter.
And of the grandfather who fights against mavis for being a vampire
Nineteen: Little Mermaid.
Ursula (image of her holding up ariels chin with her finger telling her the deal)
Ariel starry eyed “On second thought) her finger stroking ursula's palm “Forget about Eric, I’d rather spend some time with you.”
Ursula + flotsam and jetsum (huh?)
Its like a beauty and the beast type deal.
Ariel goes out with her, but ursula said no- then yelled at her to leave. when flitsom and jetsum go with ariel and tell her how amazing ursula is (though she’s not)
“Instead of having these guys sitting there being useless and grabby how about you turn then back to normal send them to antlantica and have them be spys and report back.”
Ursual opens her mouth… then closed it. She did have her crystal ball to do that though.
Ariel waved her hand “Sure you can only watch one thing at a time on this though.”
Ariel talks to couple from song “You liked her before she changed.” He nodded “Yeah, i just thought if I wasn’t so wimpy and scrawny looking-”
“I like how you look.” The woman said her eyes tearing.
Ariel smiles l think you’re both beauitful. Everyone in atlantica is ‘perfect’. But there the same… you guys are different but beautiful.
The mermaid that saw beauty in everything.
Ursual takes ariel up top for a date the sailors watch these strange beautfiul sisters arrive Ariel and Vannesa.
Ariel has the vouce if an angel but ursual.
“Cannit two legs!” She snaps sounding the same making the sailors go nope. One had the voice of an angel alright but the other had the voice of a hag.
Ariels legs hurt from dancing and walking and vannessa sighs and tends to her legs. (Kisses her leg and Ariel flushes as scarlet as her hair)
Then they talk by the lake and ariel admits how her father destroyed her grotto and urusala. Is. Pissed.
“How dare he do that!?” She scowled “How would he like it if i came into his palace and destroyed his shit- fuck it we’re going right now!” Ariel stared then gasped “What no- Ursula you’e rocking the boat! It’s fine it’s okay!”
“Its not okay!”
She seethed her tenticles coming out and ursula saw ariel stare her mouth opened in shock.
Ursula reeled back in horror “Sorry- do they scare you?” Ariel’s face flushed bright “No-” she sounded breathless “No- I...like them.” Ursula blinked oh...oh!
She leaned forward on the boat “You like them?” Ariel leaned back “Yea-ah!” The boat tipped and they fell into the lake.
Ursula changed back from vanessa her form growing larger and saw Ariels face, Ursula looked away she never thought anything about her looks before, she was comfortable the way she was...but seeing ariel she felt rotten.
Ursula sighed with ariel cuddled against her in the lair.
“I’m sorry.”
“Hmm what?”
“I know you prefer my other form- that I’m not perfect.”
Ursula was fat and ugly and how Ariel was here had to be some joke from Tritan.
Ariel snuggles closer “Nonsense, your other form is nice but this is better- youre big and can hold me like this and your arms are so,” ariel breath leaning her head back “So big and your-” she flushed thinking of ursuala backside how it moved fluidly and her low cut back.
“My what?”
“Your ass.” Flotsum said snickering ariel flinched “No-”
“You’ve been staring at it everytime she turned around.”
Urusla only stared as ariel covered her face with her hands.
Ursula smirked holding ariel tighter “So you only like me for my body- i see how it is.”
Stiles and his dad have been moving alot since he was a teen and stiles had to mature a bit quicker because of it since he was smart he was able to keep up in class and managed moving around fine.
The only issue was both he and his father noah having to ask permission to te head alpha of the area for permission to stay there but thankfully that wasnt the case of beacon hills since there was no alpha to ask.
Being a werewolf was another thing stiles adapted to like a duck to water but then he met laura hale and saved her life from peter and now he has to deal with scott who was hitten as leter sees laura and derek as pack since stiles as an omega he doesnt count now stiles is helping scott with being a werewolf freaking out over allison helping derek who got shot pretending hes a hunter with the argents trying to stop gerard from sniffiing out the place while nervously asking lydia to the prom only to find his past catching up with him but this time he finally has a strong back including argents a fox and a banshee to help him and a druid, hi ms blake.
Derek slanned stioes against the wall and distrusts him and stiles is like itsyour uncle! If anyone should be slamming people into Walls it should be me wait- thats not right laura helps him out.
Stiles goes to peters alartment and asks to join his pack and stiles tells him his plan.
Sees noah get get shot by gerard and completely wolfs out and becomes a true allha to save him stiles went from omega beta to alpha now deucaln has his trail and stiles has a pack to follow him now as peter loses the allha power. Malia comes out the fold so now peter is chill they make erica issac and boyd into werewolves derek is naive to think that they were sick or alone and needed help stiles says its because if they disapear or die no one would care about them.
Exposition: hierophant
Rising emporer
Climx empress
Descending high priestess
Ending magician
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thealmightyemprex · 8 months
Pick a VHS for me to review
Alright mutuals ,heres how we roll ,pick a movie A VHS from this list and I will reviiew it ,please add 3 points you want me to discuss
Tapes to choose from (everyone gets one)
Dr No
From Russia With Love
You Only Live Twice
On her Majestys Secret Service
Diamonds are Forever
Live and Let Die
Doctor Who :Tomb of the Cybermen
Doctor Who:The Chase(claimed by @themousefromfantasyland)
Doctor Who :Battlefield (Claimed by @theancientvaleofsoulmaking)
Evil Dead
Lord of the Rings:Fellowship of the Rings
Lord of the Rings:Two Towers
Lord of the Rings :Return of the King
Independance Day
Star Trek:Where No Man Has Gone Before /Mudds Women
Star Trek :I Mudd /Trouble with Tribbles
Star Trek:The Menagerie
Star Trek :Galeio Seven/Court Martial
Star Trek :Amok Time This Side of PAradise
Star Trek :Metamorphasis /Operation Annhilate
Star Trek:Balance of Terror/Naked Time
Star Trek:Space Seed /Return of the Archons
Star Trek:Tomorrow is Yesterday/City on Edge of Forever
Star Trek:The Apple /Journey to Babel
7th Voyage of Sinbad
Finding Nemo
Old Yeller
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Pocahontas 2
Homeward Bound 2
Hunchback of Notre Dame 2
Sword in the Stone
Robin Hood
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Lion King
Alice in Wonderland
Beauty and the Beast
Return of Jafar
Fox and the Hound
Secret of NIMH
Adventures of Pinochio
Richard III
@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @minimumheadroom @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @princesssarisa
@angelixgutz @amalthea9
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I was just looking over the old Donald Duck comics I have and I found one where Donald and Pinochio are fishermen together and after some adventures they start a whale sight-seeing service.
I don't know who thought this was a good idea, but I have to thank them!
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misforgotten2 · 2 years
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They used the wood of his body to make his coffin. They only ended up burying his nose.
The Adventures of Pinochio  by C. Collodi - Retold by Shirley Goulden  Illustrated by Libico Maraja   1958
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misforgotten2 · 2 years
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“If you don’t shut the hell up I’m gonna eat you.”
The Adventures of Pinochio  by C. Collodi Retold by Shirley Goulden  Illustrated by Libico Maraja   1958
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misforgotten2 · 2 years
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“If you’re so hungry why don’t one of you eat the other? There, problem solved.”
The Adventures of Pinochio  by C. Collodi - Retold by Shirley Goulden  Illustrated by Libico Maraja   1958
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