#the amazing digital circus episode 2 prediction
ghostdiva · 5 months
My Prediction for Episode 2 of The Amazing Digital Circus
heads up, this is purely my own theories based on what I know of the trailer, as well as gooseworx's tumblr posts. this can easily be interpreted as a guess to the plot of the second episode, that said, if any of these guesses are correct, then I'm sorry for the spoilers.
let's get into it.
we start the episode with what I assume to be a dream sequence for Pomni. which makes sense considering what happened in episode 1 (aka the pilot). it wouldn't surprise me at all that her run in with the abstracted kaufmo was traumatizing. Watching that abstraction later get thrown into the cellar, and realizing that abstraction is the digital world equivalent to death, is also a pretty rattling experience. so it would make sense that Pomni would have a dream about abstraction as she tries to wrap her head around it.
that said, her dream sequence starts in the main area of the circus tent, where it is presumably the next day and she's with the gang waiting for Caine to show up and drag them all into an adventure of some kind. And either when Caine shows up, or while they're waiting, something happens that is disturbing to Pomni. what that is, is very much unknown. but this reaction doesn't just naturally happen, it's triggered by something.
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so she sees something horrific, and in this dream it seems to start to push her to her breaking point, existentially.
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Pomni looks down at herself and her horror grows. part of her is abstracted. Pomni feels a bit of fear and confusion not knowing what to do, and scared about going in the cellar. Caine doesn't care about that though, and upon seeing that she's "abstracting", does the same thing he did to kaufmo. opening a hole in the floor and throwing Pomni in the cellar.
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Pomni tries to grab for anything, desperate not to join the fully abstracted. she yells "no", almost as if to plea that she wasn't insane. that there was no need to lock her away just yet.
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then Pomni wakes up with quite the start.
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I think anyone would be disgruntled with a wake up call like that, but nonetheless, Pomni gets up and joins the others at the main stage area.
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Pomni waits with Ragatha and Gangle, asking questions she didn't really get to have answered in the last episode.
now, I have no way of knowing what kind of dialogue the characters will be sharing between each other during this episode, so I don't know what is said until the episode airs. all I have are the episode 2 quotes that gooseworx dropped on their page.
so broadly speaking, Caine gathers the rest of the gang, Zooble opts out of the adventure, and Caine shoves everyone else through a portal into the Candy Canyon Kingdom!
now in this episode we have 3 characters (technically 5 but I'm counting gumigoo and his gang to be all 1 entity here). the list is loolilalu, gumigoo (+max and chad), and the fudge monster. Princess Loolilalu, I believe is the sort of quest giver of the adventure. I think loolilalu will send the gang to deal with Gumigoo, and his compatriots, chad and max. who are bandits, and make a bit of a habit of stealing from loolilalu's subjects, even resorting to violence to get what they want.
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Princess Loolilalu simply can't let that stand, and sends the circus crew (minus Zooble) out to apprehend them. giving Ragatha a Key in the process.
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now a lot of people speculated that it'd be a key to the kingdom or something like that, but that doesn't make sense considering pretty much all the shots outside of the celebration on their arrival take place outside the castle walls. No, I think that the Key is for a truck, specifically the truck the circus crew use to chase Gumigoo and his gang with. -this also makes sense to the degree of "how would Caine know the visual difference between a door key and a car key? they're both just keys to him"-
also quick side note: during the celebration as the circus crew arrive at the candy canyon kingdom, one of the audiece NPC's is seen absolutely booking it at Gangle, and I think that the NPC is going to run into her, breaking her comedy mask.
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anyway, the Gang piles into the truck, Gangle driving, Pomni, Kinger and Ragatha in the backseat, and Jax getting shotgun...
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... -ahem- anyway, through a series of whacky hijinks, the circus crew and gumigoo's crew end up in an intense car chase, with Pomni somehow getting on top of Gumigoo's van in the process.
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However, something happens to the truck the circus crew are in, that makes it have to either slow down or stop. rather that's a tire falling off or something else entirely is still up in the air. this normally wouldn't be too bad of an issue.
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but Pomni is still on top of gumigoo's van...
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this is where the circus crew splits up a bit, as Pomni is left to Gumigoo and his gang while the circus crew figure out how to get the truck up and running at full speed again.
So Gumigoo and his gang try to get Pomni off their van. However, Pomni is a survivalist at her core, and a resilient one at that. So the gummy gators have a hard time getting Pomni to let go of their car. they have such a hard time about it that they start doing doughnuts in an effort to spin her off the car.
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what happens after is pretty up in the air, but I'm pretty sure Pomni ends up getting flung very far after loosing her grip and literally flying off.
Meanwhile, with the rest of the circus crew. Ragatha's upset on Pomni's behalf, at the fact that they left her with the gator gang. Jax brushes it off, which only upsets Ragatha more.
The circus crew pull over and assess the damage to the truck, which could be anything from a flat or missing tire, to complete engine failure. what needs to happen to fix the truck is unknown, but the truck needs fixing regardless.
-a moderate amount of chaos later-
the circus gang has fixed the truck and started back on the road again, however they are all completely lost. and end up accidentally wandering into the fudge monster's domain... oops.
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Ragatha probably tries to reason with the fudge monster in order to not get eaten. it'd be a bit fucked up, but maybe the gang offers to feed some gummy gators to the fudge monster in exchange for freedom? idk, it's anyone's guess.
anyway, after the crew is done getting harassed by the fudge monster, they decide it's time to harass the gummy gators, and set out to find them.
seek and ye shall find, and find the circus crew did. not only do they manage to catch up to the gator gang, but they manage to tie up Chad and Max, leaving Gumigoo by himself.
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this is also where the sweet sweet Jax angst is, as we see him just picking at the floor while hugging himself a bit. Not behavior you expect to see from the lanky bastard that makes his existence everyone else's problem. it might also be that he's a bit disheartened that Pomni was not with the Gator Gang, who knows.
anyway the gang start searching for Pomni, and uh...
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I think they found her? honestly that small dot flying out of the water could be anyone, but Pomni was the only one missing from the group for a prolonged period of time. so it only really makes sense that it'd be her.
last but not least, we have the most confusing clip of the trailer.
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now, strap on for this theory. so I think that this happens after gumigoo's companions are captured (chad and max). now, I think gumigoo was coded as an extrovert of sorts, constantly checking back on chad and max to make sure they're there and stuff. and now that they're gone, gumigoo doesn't know what to do. like his code doesn't have anything for when his compatriots aren't around, and the lack of his friends is maddening. because that is a look of existential dread and shock. and while specifically WHAT happened is a mystery, I do have a few theories as to what it could've been.
maybe gumigoo ended up running into a border of the world and that's what that blue grid is. him accidentally peeking beyond a world border to see a grid with lines and lines of code. maybe this event happens to cause gumigoo to gain a level of sentience, coming to the realization that once the gang is done with the adventure, his world will cease to exist. that all he was, is, and will be are just lines of code, moved around by another AI that is above him (caine). maybe gumigoo just experiences the existentials surrounding the mindset of "I am just a blip in the cosmos, a small insignificant spec in the grand scheme of things". which can ultimately lead to depressive lines of thought. Goose did say this episode would be about depression, I wouldn't be surprised if they also threw in something existential for funsies, or just to hit the point home.
and then the gang finishes the adventure and gets a lovely prize!
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some MPPED!
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thethirdbill · 5 months
My video about the new episode of The Amazing Digital Circus is up! Please enjoy my thoughts theories and reactions if you check it out!
No this isn’t a secret fundraiser for buying merch There’s a Gummi Goo plush? I had no idea…
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digitaloffshoot · 5 months
also, i don't know why i have to be the one who says it, but i think this has a good chance of being "The Gummigoo Episode" for what it's worth
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skekilla · 5 months
okay i was gonna wait to post this cause tadc episode 2 only came out yesterday and we didnt all watch the premiere live (i did ehl oh ehl) but i know im gonna forget if i dont so if you dont want some spoilers then just dont read this theory/prediction post <3 kisses hugs
ive held, since the pilot, that of the main three of tadc (pomni of course, and then jax and ragatha) it will not be pomni or jax who abstract, it will be ragatha. and i still stand by this!! its foreshadowed that she is going crazy under the surface and barely staying above it, and i think it would be dramatic for the nice girl whos friendly to everyone to become a scary monster. but now, since ep 2, i think i know what will become of jax
my theory/prediction is that jax is an npc that slipped into the circus and caine missed 🤪
obviously, the idea of npcs getting in and caine losing track of whos a person and whos not is introduced in ep 2, so there is a foundation for this idea
after that foundation is built and everyone goes to kaufmo's funeral, there was a camera focus on jax as he didnt go. i assume he doesnt go to anyone's funerals, but the focus on jax at this point draws a connection between the npc thing and jax, and also separates him from the rest of the human players
when the hands grab pomni as shes falling in her nightmare, jax's hand isnt there. again, this could just be because jax isnt at the funeral, but it shows that there is something different about jax that sets him apart and makes him important. it also shows that jax will not be there when bad things happen to the others---maybe because he is found out and killed by caine, maybe because he'll run away, maybe because he'll turn on them, whatever. its not as simple as him not caring---even zooble's hand was there, and their whole thing is not caring about shit---so its important and i think plays into the idea hes really an npc just trying to not die
theres also his whole thing with keys. this is a real stretch, but in lots of video games, npcs are the holders of keys, the ones who allow entrance to objectives by giving you keys (whether by you taking them or them awarding them to you). the impossible ease with which jax can obtain keys could be part of his code as an npc; he can always get them because thats his purpose
now as a counterpoint you may say "if jax is an npc why is his model not in the area under the map that we see?" but of course his model isnt there, only the models for the candy world are
so anyway! my predictions for tadc going forward are that jax is an npc, ragatha fucking dies, and pomni never experiences joy hooraaaayyyy
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If your theory is correct. I guess David fans going soon meet the reality of how characters like David going meet their end
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//Okay, I understand these have probably been made in jest, but this is something I want to be as clear as possible on.
//Whether or not my theory is correct, in whole or in part, that's not my biggest concern. I actually have two things I'm more concerned about when Chapter 2 Part 2 drops:
//First, my theory isn't solely about hoping Arei is still alive at someone else's expense. It's that I hope her character was not sacrificed for a cheap emotional gut-punch, where we got to see how sad her backstory is and then she's basically gone from the story until she dies. That's garbage-tier writing and anyone who's said it was somehow a fitting end to her character is objectively wrong.
//The thing about Arei is that I actually found her really annoying when I started DT. But as it went on, I saw she had so many extra layers to her- actually caring about friendship, wanting to be included in things, the fucked up thing with the rope- and then we got her backstory and my opinions completely shifted. She was everything I really wanted in a mean girl-type character and she has so much potential in the story.
//It's not that I couldn't accept her dying. It's that there's so much about this story that feels unsatisfying and confusing if she just dies like this, all character potential unfulfilled so we can focus on another chaos boy according to the fandom. It's not interesting in my opinion, and I honestly doubt it's as straightforward as it seems. I'm sure the creator has more in store for us.
//That having been said, the one thing I'm WAY more concerned about is actually how David fans will respond if it turns out that predictions that he'll actually die this chapter are correct. I'm worried that's gonna ruffle some feathers and drive people to attack the creator because they wanted more of him.
//If you're at all familiar with The Amazing Digital Circus, a similar situation with the character Jax. In the time between episodes 1 and 2, fans convinced themselves he was actually a jerk with a heart of gold who cared about the others, or the various romantic headcanons they had with him. And then when episode 2 dropped and showed that Jax was not any of those things, people got mad.
//When you spend so long immersed in your own headcanons and interpretations, you can forget what canon is actually like. And since the mod said they'd expected people to hate David, my money is on him not being this lost confused soft boy with good intentions that many believe he is. I'm convinced he's a monster and we'll see him at his worst soon.
//My point is that this series is not called Danganronpa: David Time. This is not his story, it's Teruko's story. Whatever actually ends up happening with him, especially if he turns out to be the Blackened, please don't attack the creator over it. Don't confuse your headcanons with the actual story's material, especially if it conflicts with what the goals with the character actually are.
//I've already accepted that I'm probably wrong about a lot of things. I hope we can all learn to accept that so long as the story actually makes sense and doesn't just throw characters away for cheap drama. I'm not convinced the creator would, so I'm waiting to see the actual answers.
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a-doubleh-x · 4 months
TADC Theory: Are the characters actually trapped in a videogame?
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One of the first things that caught my attention when I first watched The Amazing Digital Circus pilot was the sheer ambiguity of the situation the show takes place.
The world the characters are in and its aesthetics are clearly inspired by old videogames, the terms "player character " and "NPC" are thrown around, even Pomni mentions putting a headset on, an item that is iften used in modern times to play games.
However, none of the main characters state out loud they believe they're "trapped in a videogame". They call it a "digital world" or variations of it.
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I found that very curious because it raises some questions, namely: "Are they actually in a videogame?" and "If they are, why is that detail not clear?"
It might be an innocuous detail, but since it grabbed my interest I decided to partake in a bit of light speculation based on ibservable facts.
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Episode 2 makes things more confusing because, for all intents and purposes, the Candy Canyon Kingdom and its inhabitants appear to be earnest attempts to build a videogame experience. The NPCs have game lije purposes, the physics have game like purposes, but then... why do the NPCs have such advanced AI that they're able to be self aware?
Caine mentioned he was "testing out a new AI". *"Testing"*, not *"developing"*, mind you. The phrasing suggests he didn't create the AI, which makes sense to me, since Caine has a track record of not understand how the human mind works and as it turns out, Gummigoo sounded more like a human than *himself*.
That leads me to believe that he did not in fact develop the AI, but someone else, which continues to beg the question: "Is this actually a *game*?" "Who built this *thing* and why?"
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When searching for answers, I looked into one of the main inspirations for the show, "I have no mouth and I must scream". In that story, a rogue AI constrols a mechanic complex designed to torture the last remaining humans on Earth.
That did sound similar to the show's settings, I could tell the thematic similarities, but I also quickly realized the show is probably not going to the exact same. For one, it would be too predictable with those familiar with the source material. For two, I'm not sure it would entirely align with the show's purpose of contemplating the existential nature of humans and making fun of it.
The intention of "I have no mouth" was among other things to expose the consequences of war and hatred, but the conflict in TADC seems to involve sense deprivation and confinement instead (sounds familiar?).
My first assumption is that *maybe* the Amazing Digital Circus was developed in-universe as a videogame, was abandoned at some point, then taken over by a rogue AI. Perhaps the unseen "Abel" of "Caine and Abel", referenced by the logo from episode 1.
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That answers the question of why the game looks like a game, feels like a game, but it's not a game. However, it doesn't explain how the humans became trapped in the first place by the rogue AI, what its purpose is or what the outside world looks like and why it allowed this dituation to happen.
There's very little evidence left that suggests one possibility or another, so based on what there is and the themes of the show, I'm going to list a few scenarios based on my idea:
• #1: The show takes place in a futuristic setting where VR is so prevalent, most people experience it as a large part of their lives. In order to create a more immersive experience, an AI was developed, but it eventually misunderstood its purpose and keeps the humans trapped because it believes it's what they want.
• #2: The show takes place in a post apocalyptic setting where large portions of enviorment are toxic and life outside a shelter is near impossible. VR is used as a coping mechanism in order to bring people relief, but a lack of proper management brings out a rogue AI that takes control of a game and tortures humans out of resentment for destroying their own planet.
• #3: The show takes place in a seedy, morally bankrupt technocracy. An experiment is conducted to see how humans react to long term exposure to VR, using a repurposed videogame as its setting. This project is eventually abandoned but picked up by a rogue AI who keeps hunting humans and subjecting them to the game because it's all it knows.
These are the three first scenarios that coke to mind. I'll admit none of them fully convince me, but I'll keep looking at the show from different angles for as long as I keep finding openings to explore.
See you around! 👋
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bookishbrewer · 5 months
Jax & the Tumblr Sexyman phenomenon - an opinion piece:
This is just my opinion. I may be misremembering, misunderstanding things. I'd love to have a civil discussion + be corrected if necessary.
So, The Amazing Digital Circus released it's 2nd episode and the reception was overall very positive. The episode was written very well and tackled sensitive subject matter such as existentialism, friendship, guilt, denial & abandonment with as much grace as possible within the limits of the story.
All of that being said, there was a new controversy in the horizon: the portrayal & arc of Jax.
In the pilot, Jax is portrayed as, well - a douchebag:
When Pomni first arrived, he essentially encouraged her existential crisis, mocked her for freaking out & made fun of her (in addition to making fun of the rest of the gang).
He broke Gangle's comedy mask, as she was crying over it being broken.
He uses Zooble's arm as a scratching stick (& gets choked for it, good for Zoobie).
He disregards Zooble being dismembered & taken away by the gloinks (even as they're literally screaming in agony as they're being taken away by hostile NPCs).
He (maybe) put centepides in Ragatha's room, even though it is "literally her only fear".
He deserts both Pomni & Ragatha immediately as they find out Kaufmo has been abstracted (Pomni is new & still horrified & he may know about the pain that glitching can cause to Ragatha if she's caught by Abstracted!Kaufmo).
He throws a bowling ball at Kinger after he lies to him about Kaufmo's mental state (which may especially worry him both because he is losing his own mind & because he may have lost someone to abstraction before, namely Queenie). Causing the 3 of them to fall down the "Zooble hole".
Allows & disregards Zooble being consumed by the Gloink Queen (right after refusing to help them because they were "rude").
He pushes Gangle after mockingly suggesting that she goes first.
He tells Zooble to shut up. For really no reason (after being rude & dismissive of them the entire day).
Mocks Kinger for not "even being relied on to abstract".
Moving on to episode 2:
After one of the mannequins gets run over by a truck Jax exclaims: "oh, violence!".
Jax wants to shoot the thief!NPCs "until they're unrecognizable" and shouts at Gangle for being uncomfortable with the idea.
He throws Pomni (who's on her first out-of-circus adventure) out of the truck.
He calls Gangle "submissive & agreeable" (I mean, it's funny. But still kind of a douche move, given how sensitive she is).
He blackmails Gangle over "the figurine thing" so she does what he wants (ram into the thieves' trunk because "it'll be epic").
He hints that Ragatha's hair looks like licorice in front of a candy-eating fudge monster.
Jax is later seem distraught over the fact that there was no "big final battle, bloodshed, chaos".
He left the kingdom's gates open so that there will be carnage in the candy kingdom anyway (even though he won't even be there to witness it. Sadistic a-hole xD).
He doesn't attend Kaufmo's funeral
So, in conclusion: Jax is an a-hole (to quote Pomni).
But, the fandom was incredibly, well, surprised. A lot of fans immediately latched onto Jax, shoving him into the "bad boy" in need of "fixing" archetype. Obviously, tons of ships started (FunnyBunny, RibBun, Jagatha, KingRabbit, ClownBunny etc), headcanons about him "actually being a sweetheart", Human!Fanart and much more.
Now, I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with being huge fans of barely developed characters & creating headcanons while waiting for more canon appearances, but that isn't the only thing that happened.
Besides comments like these:
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There was also outright backlash against Gooseworx, including alledging she "retconned" Jax in accordance to the fandom's reaction to him (when in reality she predicted the backlash & divide over Jax over a half a year ago):
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in addition to essentially blaming her for "Sexyman-bait".
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Now yes, Jax does fit the bill of a "Tumblr Sexyman": tall, thin, douchebag, chaotic, sarcastic, cynical, implied to have deeper lore, shipped with just about anyone (well, maybe besides Bubble, wait... WAI-) & I'm sure there's other stuff that I missed. He even has his own Sexypedia page (which I didn't even know was it's own website but hurray! Research!).
He can definitely join the ranks of (reads from scrapped paper): The Ouncler, Bill Cypher, Sans Undertale, a lotta vivziepop characters (no shade!) & others.
But honestly, I think fans need to ACTIVELY try to pretend Jax was portrayed as anything else but a meanspirited jerk.
One of the most popular theories I saw is that Jax was in Kaufmo's funeral, but out of sight, even though we had 2 outward shots of the funeral, and Jax was nowhere to be seen:
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Their basis for this theory? This:
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That's right. A 2 second snap shot of Jax (still) looking salty & then leaving. You remember how this happened before? RIGHT BEFORE THE VERY SAME EPISODE?? Fans thought that this:
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Was going to be some sort of "angsty" or "character development" scene, and even went so far as to theorize that this episode may be a "Jax Episode".
But then we found out the reason:
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Not enough violence.
Jax's character essentially reminds me of a 13 year old with a copy of any GTA game, enjoying the freedom to destroy property & NPCs as he pleases through the limitlessness of a sandbox high-quality game. That's who he's actually meant to be, at least from my understanding of it.
I think Jax is a great SUBVERSION of the Tumblr Sexyman trope: he isn't some "bad boy" (shoo, Nifty, SHOO!), he's just, well. An a-hole. If my memory serves me right, Gooseworx did refer to Jax as "chaotic evil". Meaning: characters who are driven by their own desires and will do anything to achieve their goals, often disregarding laws, ethics, and the rights of others. They revel in chaos and destruction for their own sake. Though, granted, he was also discribed as a "troubled individual" about which the audience will learn more of. Also, he's 22. While technically an adult, he's still very young.
To conclude, I think fans of the "Tumblr Sexyman" trope/characters are really reaching with Jax, and it sometimes escalates way too much (to the point both the creator & VA are involved). I don't think Jax was written to be another "bad but sad boy" (if you'd pardon the Owl House reference), but I do think he's going to be interesting to watch unfold.
I understand that some people love their tropes, but let us all be mindful of each other as fans & casual viewers, and of the creator & team.
Thank you for reading 🙏
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purgetrooper77 · 5 months
Alright since Episode 2 of the Amazing Digital Circus is coming out soon, I think it is best that I should say some of my predictions now. Without further ado, here is my predictions for episode 2.
Kinger goes insane
Bubble will get popped twice
Gangle becomes friends with Pomni
Caine disappears (again)
Jax is hiding a secret from everyone
They all go to this candy land kingdom
Ragatha meets this candy princess character (I forgot her name)
And last but not least, my final prediction
Zooble Abstracts (hopefully that doesn't happen)
Let me know what you think of these predictions down below
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imbree64 · 29 days
My predictions for episode 6
So episode 6 of the amazing digital circus is miles away..... how about we discuss my predictions.
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We'll start with why Jax was sad at the end of episode 2.
So I have 4 reasons why he could've been sad.
(most likely) Jax actually misses Kaufmo
2. Jax is barely starting to realize that his actions are pushing everyone away, and that if he abstracts, the circus members might not have a funeral for him. Also "Why don't I have any friends?" from No one is around to help that glitch posted
3. (also likely) Jax hates gatherings, and when a gathering and/or funeral happens, it makes him sad because he hates getting involved.
4. (least likely) Kaufmo actually did something bad to him, and seeing the other circus members plan a funeral for Kaufmo made Jax remember that moment.
Ok now let's get into my predictions for episode 6
First off, Jax is probably going to do something horrible, no shit. And doing the worst thing he has ever done could result in one of 4 ways.
Jax is shocked by what he did and everyone else starts ignoring him. This will make Jax depressed and either he could change, or abstract. (Probably the least likely because Goose said there's nothing heroic about Jax)
Jax attempts to do the worst thing but something goes horribly wrong and he ends up being the one needing help. But no one will want to help him, and he will change, or abstraction.
It will leave Jax separated from the others, and they will give up on him and never come to bring him back, and he will change his ways, or he'll abstract and start destroying the adventure and the circus.
He won't be satisfied and will go full on villain and/or abstract himself, and the other circus members would have to stop him. Or he will be punished and shamed.
Also his punishment should be him being turned into this.
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scrub-slots · 5 months
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(art by @tigerdog25)
the amazing digital circus episode 2 spoilers under the cut (I promise it is ask blog relevant. Kinda.)
we are losing it. how did we accidentally predict episode 2 with the daisy/begonia plotline in the digital dreamers au. rip gummigoo I’m so sorry.
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missfinefeather · 5 months
Amazing Digital Circus Theory: No one abstracts episode 2
In fact, I'd be surprised if anyone abstracts season 1. It could happen, but, with so few episodes, probably not.
This is in response to all those theory youtube videos where people keep guessing who will abstract in the second episode. They are probably just people trying to pad out their Amazing Digital Circus themed channels until May any way they can. However, in case anyone actually feels this is the direction of the series, let me help ya feel a bit better!
First of all, it's kind of implied in-universe that abstraction isn't something that happens literally everyday. In fact it may even be kind of rare. I mean, yes, there are a lot of crossed out bedrooms, but keep in mind the simulation has been running for YEARS! (Possibly even decades!) Of course you'd have a build up of bodies in that time.
Think about it, if people abstracted everyday, then the other members of the circus tent would have immediately suspected Kaufmo of abstracting the moment they realized he didn't show up that day. I mean, if your classmates died everyday and one of them didn't show up to school one morning, you'd assumed they died too, right?
I think people are just imagining like, a cartoon-y Danganrompa. But do realize that Danganrompa has a lot of characters they can kill off. We only have six circus tent members, we'd be fresh out if we abstracted them off at such a high rate, even if they regularly introduce new ones!
Doesn't even make much sense from a narrative sense. Okay, imagine Zooble abstracts in episode 2. I'd be sad if that happened, many of us would be sad if that happened, but we've been in Digital Circus brainrot mode for 6 months of course we'd feel that way.
Imagine watching the second episode right after the first. Zooble spends most of the first episode kidnapped, and then immediately abstracted the next episode. Wouldn't be emotional impactful, would it?
It'd be way more impactful to build these characters up, give them backstories, explore their characters. If we start caring about these characters, we'll dread abstraction more organically. Abstraction should be an ever-looming threat. Not saying characters will NEVER abstract, but it should be treated with the weight the characters deserve.
Sounds reasonable, right? And if I'm wrong and all the characters are abstracted by the end of season 1, then I'll throw in my hat as a crack theorist.
I'll end this out with some crack predictions that may not be true: Gangle has a body pillow of Zooble, Jax is the character closest to abstracting outside Kinger, and Gangle is from the streets.
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