#the ancient ties that bind us by our words. the god that is in us simply doing our best for those we love
afriendofmara · 1 year
There will always be a fondness for 2000's christian rock and pop in my heart. Little me adored those beats, even the sad ones. That was all I had to grasp onto and I did, they mean so much to me. But what makes me still so fond even nowadays, I've never viewed them in a god way. Its always been in a Friend or Family way. 6 year old me would listen to Natalie Grant bang out the tunes and sat in front of the cd player dazzled. This is what its like to find love, to find friendship, to find companionship, I thought. I listened to the entirety of Portable Sounds by Tobymac and knew that this was about what loving your family means. Today I understand that these are sometimes about friends or lovers but always they are about god. I just can't come to see that. NEEDTOBREATHE's The Outsiders is genuinely one of the best music albums in my life and my brain to this day wraps it in friendship and hands it over
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shammah8 · 11 months
UNGODLY BLOOD COVENANTS AND BONDS Most of us have had a best friend or a “blood brother or sister” that we were deeply connected to at some point in our lives. Even if you did not have such a friend, you probably are familiar with the concept. These are people with whom we have entered into “soul ties.” Remember, a soul tie is a strong bond with another person involving the mind, will, and emotions.
In the ancient world, people made covenants by mingling blood. It was common for two men to puncture their wrists and then join them together in order to bind themselves in a covenant relationship. In today’s culture, covenants, including brotherhoods and sisterhoods, can be sealed in a much less dramatic way—they may simply be an agreement or bond with a friend, a close relative, a romantic partner, or even a mentor or mentee—but they are still significant.
Since such covenants can be positive or negative, we must be mindful of the vows that we make in the name of friendship. For example, I am very loyal to my friends. I am the type of person that you can befriend for life. However, this trait of fidelity, while having a positive side, has caused me many spiritual problems throughout the years. Why? Sometimes, I was loyal to things and people that were outside the will of God for me.
When I was a child, I had a very close friend, and I felt such a connection to him that I would follow him into situations and circumstances that were not good for me. I remember going to a party that I knew I should not go to simply because I wanted to support my friend. This was a disaster that opened me up to very negative spiritual consequences. Today, the two of us are no longer friends. Such experiences are why it is important to understand the nature of covenants and oaths, even ones we may not speak out loud but still establish in our hearts. How many times have we come into agreement with things without regard for their true nature or spiritual origin? Or how many times have we suffered spiritual, emotional, or even physical consequences because we were negligent in examining beforehand the spiritual implications of the agreements and relationships we made?
As long as an ungodly covenant or oath is active, the demonic realm has legal grounds to enforce the terms of that covenant or oath. Oaths keep us tethered to certain behaviors, circumstances, places, and even individuals until they are renounced and broken.
This is why some people cannot leave the town or city they grew up in. This is why some people find it nearly impossible to break certain habits or patterns of behavior. This is why some people feel bound or obligated to certain individuals—no matter what. This can be the case with fraternal oaths; people feel compelled to do certain things for their fraternity brother or sorority sister even if it goes against their judgment or the Word of God in general.
As we discussed in the previous chapter, similar unhealthy covenants can occur in romantic relationships. I have seen situations in which a woman is not able to break away from her children’s father, even after they are legally divorced or the relationship is severed prior to marriage. She finds herself unable to meet new men or develop healthy relationships, including platonic friendships. Even though the woman and her former husband are legally divorced, they have not broken the spiritual cord that binds them together. Satan uses this ungodly covenant to drive away new, productive relationships.
The same can be true of inordinate relationships between parents and children. Suppose a single mother tells her son that he must never allow any woman to come between them. “It’s just you and me, little guy! Forever!” If the son, whether knowingly or unknowingly, accepts such a spiritual covenant, it may prevent him from ever getting married or else keep him from truly cleaving to his wife if he does get married.
(See Genesis 2:24.) Behind such a situation are familiar spirits who act as spiritual enforcers or debt collectors, demanding that the terms of ungodly covenants and oaths be fulfilled.☕️Kynan Bridges
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axlna · 2 years
Holy Church of Saint John of the Column in Athens is a 1500 church build around a ancient column
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In particular, the unsurpassed athinaiographer Dimitrios Kampouroglou conveys to us the following tradition for St. John the Baptist: «During his final years he build a column and its foundation tied all diseases with silks of all colors, and he buried them there deeply, and on top of them he put the pillar and said: once I'm dead whoever gets sick come and tie up a silk in the column with three knots with whatever color his illness has and say three times: ‘‘My St. John, I bind my sickness and may thy grace to untie (unite - > solve) it’’, and he will be healed». This one (probably of pre-Christian origin) ritual has been carried over the decades by word of mouth and from heart to heart reaching («Stubbornly») until our days. It is interesting that similar, healing properties have always been attributed to this area since classical times, where epidemics (with the main characteristic symptom of high fevers – «Thermes» a second name of the church is Saint John the Thermastis) plagued Pericle's Athens, Themistocle's and Thoucidide's. It is no coincidence to the timeless belief of the people of the Capital, that the said column belonged to an ancient temple dedicated to the god Asclepius or - according to others - to the Scythian physician Toxari who was thought to have made a decisive contribution (and <<miraculously>>) the Athenians in dealing with the terrible plague during the Peloponnesian War...
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tomasorban · 4 years
THE CLONES OF ENKI (excerpt)- By J.R. Jochman from "Forgotten Ages"1979
Perhaps the most startling revelations of the advanced nature of ancient research into the manipulation of the building blocks of life come to us from Sumerian inscriptions, dated between 4,000 and 5,000 years old. Several legends speak of a time when "god-men" ruled the world of prehistory; and in order to work the mines of the land of Apsu -- identified with southern Africa -- the Sumerian deities decided to create a Lulu, or primitive worker, who would do the actual digging and other hard labor. The god Enki was placed in charge of the task to "bring about the work of great wisdom", and he, with the Mother Goddess, Ninhursag, began to fashion the Lulu. The place where the creation took place was called the Bit Shimti -- the "house where the breath of life is breathed in".
Upon entering the house", Ninhursag first "washed her hands" as any lab worker would, and called to her lab assistants to prepare the first ingredient: "Mix the core of clay, from the depths of the Earth in Apsu -- and shape it into the form of a core; I have knowledgeable young gods, who will bring the clay to the right condition."
The Akkadian term for clay is Tit (molding clay); but in its earliest spelling, ti-it, it also meant "that which has life". In the Hebrew, Tit means "mud", with its synonym "bos" related to "bisa" (marsh) and "besa" (egg). These connotations, clay-marsh-egg, hint at stages of development in the creation of the cell. First, the substance began as a clay. In 1974, Dr. Graham Cairn-Smith of the University of Glasgow's Department of Chemistry, announced a new theory on the origins of life. Dr. Cairn-Smith was not satisfied that the first threads of nucleic organic material floating in the primaeval sea could have come together by chance, but must have needed a structural catalyst within which the threads formed into the first complex DNA patterns. Clay, he believes, was the ideal catalyst.
Clay has a crystalline structure that has the ability to retain and "print" a pattern upon new material. As Dr. Cairn-Smith noted: "Clay consists of stacks thin, interlocking plates containing aluminum and silicon atoms that can be arranged in random patterns. These patterns can undergo changes as new [5]clays 'print' near old layers. This is a system capable of development by natural selection, by trial and error -- the first stages necessary to produce molecules and arrangements of molecules that would eventually form the more complex systems of early life forms."
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More recently, in 1977, Dr. James Lawless of NASA's Ames Research Center, together with Dr. Edward Edelson and Lewis Manning, of the American Chemical Society, succeeded in demonstrating that clay containing nickel will attract amino acids; and the concentrated amino acids will then link up to form chains similar to protein. Dr. Cairn-Smith stated, "In simple terms, clay therefore could have been the basis of life: the Blueprint of Man." (Which reminds us of Elihu to Job, 33:6, "I also am formed out of the clay." RHC)
The next stage of the "clay" development, according to the Hebrew-Akkadian word connotations, was that it became like a "marsh" -- that is, the clay material was mixed with simple organic material, as one find in marshland ooze. In the Sumerian texts, this is seen in the Mother Goddess Ninhursag's command that chemicals called "bitumens of Apsu" be used to "purify" or "impregnate" the clay. Bitumen is a petroleum substance made up of very complex hydrocarbon chains -- the basis of organic chemistry. What is described, in essence, is that organic chains were mixed in the clay, and the clay patterns began to "print" the chains into more complex structures, such as DNA.
That this shaping process was directed can be seen in the "young gods" or lab assistants shaping the clay into a specific mold, bringing it into the "right condition". Enki, the text states, further ordered the assistants to "bind upon the mixture the mold of the gods" -- or, carefully design the organic material into the genetic codes of a human-like creature. The result, in the last stage, was the formation of an egg or cell.
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The next major step, once a cell was produced, was to give the cell an "essence" or code of life. This was done by adding blood. The text reads: "I will prepare a solution. Let one god be bled… his blood. Let Ninhursag mix with the clay-egg."
(One would think, on reading Jochman's article on Sumerian Clones that the secret of making them had been blocked in Cuneiform script for 5,000 years, but Polish Rabbis of the 16th Century were adept at making servant Golem. Read this revealing quote from Gershom Scholem's "On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism":
"After saying certain prayers and holding certain fast days, they make the figure of a man from clay, and when they have said [6]the Shem Hamephorash over it (that is, breathed the breath of life into it, by ritual chanting) the image comes to life. And although the image itself cannot speak, it understands what is said to it and commanded; among the Polish Jews it does all kinds of housework, but is not allowed to leave the house. On the forehead of the image they write Emeth, that is, truth. But an image of this kind grows each day; though very small at first, it ends by becoming larger than all those in the house. In order to take away his strength, which ultimately becomes a threat to all those in the house, they quickly erase the first letter, Aleph, from the word Emeth on his forehead, so that there remains only the word Meth, that is, dead. When this is done the Golem collapses and dissolves back into the clay or mud that he was  . . .They say that a Baal Shem in Poland, by the name of Rabbi Elias, made a golem who became so large that the rabbi could no longer reach his forehead to erase the letter E. He thought up a trick, namely that the Golem, being his servant, should remove his boots, supposing that when the Golem bent over, he would erase the letters. And so it happened, but when the Golem became mud again, his whole weight fell on the rabbi, who was sitting on the bench, and crushed him."
(This delightful tale illustrates the dangers of using creative thought for selfish purposes. It was a warning to Cabalists of that day in Europe. It is a warning of this day to students of mind control and mind dynamics courses; and we use it in our latest talk on Psychic Self-Defense, Part III, "The Dweller on the Threshold", BSRF No. 24-M. Scholem does not include the secret of bringing such a man-made creation to life, charging the clay figure with freshly shed blood or sperm. The technique is described in detail by Franz Bardon in his book, "Initiation Into Hermetics". But Jochman tells us that the Sumerian adepts had their own variation on the technique and carried it several steps further.)
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The Akkadian texts make it clear that what was being sought in the blood was Napishtu, or an "essence" related to Shi-im-ti, the "breath-wind-life". The key is in the name of the god from whom the blood was finally taken -- Te-e-ma. According to translators W.G. Lambert and A. R. Millard of Oxford University, the name means "personality", with the further connotation "that contained within which binds the memory". This is nothing less than a description of the gene, the element which gives the cell life, and directs the cell to begin the process of reproduction.
The inscriptions tell of the delicate operation by which the god Ea "purified the Napishtu" and offered the solution to Ninhursag, who carefully held the clay-egg-cell. But it was Enki who performed the crucial injection: He blows in" the "breath-wind' into the cell, and gave it life. The injection was successful for the cell began to multiply.
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The next and final step involved artificial impregnation. Ninhursag "cut off 14 pieces of the clay-egg-cell" -- she selected 14 cells out of the newly-dividing creation. There then follows a description of the coming of 14 Birth-Goddesses to the operating table: Everything is detailed, from the shaving of the pubic hair, the preparing of the scalpels and surgical instruments, and finally the operations themselves. Within each, one of the 14 selected cells was placed in the womb, and the cells began to grow into living beings.
At the beginning of the tenth month after the first operation, Ninhursag directed surgery to remove the mature creatures. The texts tell what follows: " . . .she opened the womb, Her face brightened with joy. Her face covered with a mask, she removes. That which was in the womb came forth. She cries, I have created! By my hands I have made it!" One cuneiform picture has Ninhursag showing one of the new humanoid babies to the god Ea. On the left side is a minor "god" surrounded by laboratory flasks, bringing a carefully sealed container to a boil on top of a stool-like holder, showing where the child had come from.
Once the experiment proved successful, it appears the process of artificial impregnation was repeated again and again, the cells being used all from the original cell created by Enki, Ninhursag, and Ea. The result would have been the production of a multitude of Clones -- creatures that looked exactly alike. A scene depicted on a rock carving found,in the mountains of Elam near Sumer shows a seated god holding a flask from which liquid is pouring -- a familiar representation of Enki, A goddess is seated next to him -- Ninhursag -- and about the pair are lesser deities, very likely the birth-goddesses who partook in the great experiment of creation. Facing the birth-goddesses, Enki and Ninhursag are row upon row of dwarfish, long-haired man-like creatures who look like a multitude of identical twins -- as if they had been produced from the same mold.
Who were these dwarfish creatures? Perhaps the answer may be found in the reason for the creatures' creation: They were to become "primitive workers" in the mines of Apsu. It is not without significance that this area has turned up some of the oldest prehistoric mines in the world -- as well as forms of ape-men that have become a puzzle to anthropologists: Australopithecus robustus and agile, Zinjanthropus and Homo Habilis. These forms, instead of being so-called "ancestors" of man, are actually the result of genetic creation by unknown experimenters in the past. Perhaps someday we will find the secret when the Bit Shimti is unearthed -- the laboratory-house where enigmatic "gods" manipulated the "breath of life". . .
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
Guardian of Creatures; AU! Queen x oc female x reader Chap. 14
*Author’s note*
Well it has been awhile since I did an update with this series but I finally took some time and finally came around to do this chapter.  Now idk when I’ll do the next chapter but I hope it’ll be soon. I really don’t wanna give up on this series and I hope you all haven’t given up either. I know the Queen/BoRhap fandom’s been almost silent lately but I hope we stand strong.
Warnings: swearing, torture, abuse, animal (in this case magical creature) cruelty/abuse
Chapter 14,
Kidnapped, tortured and broken
All you saw was pure darkness.  All you could hear was the sound of your heavy breathing and you thought you could also hear the shrill of a woman’s voice.  Suddenly your vision came back to you however you found out that you were forced down on your knees with your arms behind your back.
“So this is the so called human savior that my foolish nephew Crowley found eh?” you looked up and saw the familiar crazed curly hair of John’s mother Bellatrix Deacon.  Seeing her up close and personal was like you were looking at a rapid animal.
Her pupils were so dilated you could barely see the brown color in them, hell if you didn’t know any better you’d say she could pass off having black eyes.
“Indeed it is.” The shadow wizard wearing glasses and had sleeked back black hair and piercing cold light blue eyes said.  She scoffed. “Filthy muggles. Thinking they can learn our ways of magic! The world would be better off without ‘em!”
“Madam has such a sharp sense. Clever in every sense…..” a large fat, bald male said.
“Shut up Gollum!” she snapped at the creature.  Gollum, oh yeah you remember reading about them in the Magical creatures book.  They’re basically slaves to Wizards but never mistake them for weak.  They may look fat and slow but they are able to lift things 50x their own weight, and can snap a person’s spine in half if they are ordered to do so by their master.  The Gollum submitted and whimpered fearfully at Bellatrix’s fury. “Did you find the others?”
The man snapped his fingers and soon more shadow wizards came in, coming beside them were cocoon-like shadows.  One large one stood beside you and the other looked smaller, soon enough the smaller one revealed itself to be Roger and the taller one was Thor. From Thor there was Brian and Seraffel. And from Roger there was John and Ardeth.
“Hello sweetie, you miss me?” Bellatrix said to John.
“I could say a lot of things about you and not one of them would be anything in the ties of family feeling.” She did a slight tick.
“Is that any way to speak to your mother!?”
“I think we have very different definitions of being a ‘mother’.” Her right eye twitched then she slapped John across the face, the slap actually echoing throughout the entire room.
“DAD!!” Thor and Seraffel cried out.
“You psychotic bitch! Touch him again and I’ll freeze your ass so thick that not even a blue flamed dragon will be able to thaw you!” Seraffel growled threateningly.  Bellatrix then turned to Seraffel and even gave him a slap across the face.
“You do that and you and your brother will be locked somewhere where not even the crows can land their droppings on you.” She hissed into his face.  “What of that snake beast that’s always with them?” she said as she stood back up and paced in front of you all.
“We’re taking care of him. In fact I gave him a special little concoction of my own design. He’ll be out of commission for a while.”
“Excellent. And what of little Serafina? Your brothers having their way with her?” she cackled softly with a sickening grin.
Jesus this woman….if you could just move your arms you’d sure would like to wipe that grin off her face.  How dare she speak of Serafina like that!
“She was not with us when you sent these mages to collect us.” Ardeth spoke.  Bellatrix cackled and she said.
“As if I would ever believe that, Arabic dog!” She leaned down towards Ardeth.  She stood back up and walked towards the shadow wizard wearing the glasses and continued, “Now come on enough games where is she? That little wench has been clingy to my poor excuse of a son ever since they could walk. Wherever he goes, she’s sure to follow. Like a good little puppy.”
“I’m—afraid he’s not lying.” She turned to the man.  Her facial expression in a stoic gawk.  Her eyes wide as she let out a whisper.
“She wasn’t there?” the man shook his head. Bellatrix then began to frantically pace around the nearby fireplace which was roaring with a huge fire.  
Then in a flash she raised her wand and fired a green fire blast at the fireplace which made the fire explode behind her, her hair fanning out like a deranged demon.  With a flick of her wrist with her wand, a whip came out and attacked the shadow wizard standing behind John.
“How dare you—” a female shadow witch proclaimed but she was silenced when the whip wrapped around her throat.  She was the flung out the window before Bellatrix attacked another male shadow wizard that stood behind you.  She forced him across the room, hitting the wall.
“GO! FIND HER! FIND HER YOU MONGRELS!!!!!” she roared out in pure anger.  Not even wanting to test her again, the shadow wizards disappeared all except their leader. “Corvus! Put the creatures in their cages! I want to have a little conversation with my sonny boy. Mummy to son!” She said as she went up to John and actually pulled him free from his shadow binds, pulling him right up to her face.
You as well as the others were soon being forced to walk out of the room and towards what you would assume would be the dungeons.
“Dad! No dad!” the boys called out.
“John!” you called out.
“I’ll be okay you three. I’ll be okay.” Was the last thing you heard him say to you before the last thing you saw was his mother smirking maliciously at her own son.
You were then pushed into a cage and heard it lock behind you before the shadow wizard known as Corvus walked away after sending the others into their own cages.  Already you could hear Thor and Seraffel trying to bust down their cages.
“It’s no use boys.” Brian said.
“What you’re giving up already Uncle Brian! You know who our dad’s with we can’t just leave him alone with her!” Seraffel said.
“I understand your concern for your father ice dragon. But these are not ordinary cells. These have been engraved with ancient ruins. Which means we can’t use our powers and no amount of strength can break these bars.” Ardeth explained.
“So-so we’re just gonna stay locked away down here!?” Thor asked is disbelief.  You wanted to agree with them but upon closer inspection you saw that what Ardeth had said was true.  Ruins aligned the bars; they were small and faint but you could somehow see them carved into the iron.
You sat down with your knees to your chest and thought about John and prayed to God that he’d survive whatever torture his mother was about to do to him.  You also prayed that wherever Serafina was, she’d hear him and come save him as well as the rest of you.
*3rd Person POV*
John collapsed to the ground.  His whole body trembling after being hit repeatedly and mercilessly with the Crucio curse.  He was then spun onto his back while his mother hovered over him with the very same knife she’d use on him as a child.  He once again felt like that frightened child as she held that knife right up against his cheek, allowing him to feel the hauntingly familiar steel blade.
“That wench of yours has never once left your side and now she just pops off to Merlin knows where! You will tell me where you sent that FILTHY HALFBLOOD WENCH!!” she first started off in an icy whisper before finally screaming in his face.
“Don’t know……she went……I swear! I don’t know where she is!” John pleaded with his mother.
“Oh I don’t believe you.” Without hesitating, she held down her son’s head with her left hand and with the right, she began to carve out a word under John’s forearm.  Echoing throughout the entire mansion, John’s agonizing screams pierced the air.  Mixed in with his mother’s sadistic cackling it was like being in an insane asylum.
Below in the dungeons, everyone could hear the agonizing screams of John and Bellatrix’s insane cackling and demanding screams. Thor and Seraffel shook in pure anger before they decided to hit their cages as hard as they could with their bodies. Slamming against the iron bars trying to break free (even though it was pointless).
*2nd Person POV*
Hearing John’s screams just made your heart stop and your stomach drop.  There was nothing you could do.  It was almost too painful for you to listen to John’s screams anymore, so you closed your eyes and covered your ears but you could still hear his agonizing screams.
Goddamnit Serafina where are you!? Can’t you hear your husband’s pain? You guys are already connected so you should feel it right!?
Footsteps soon came down the corridor, through whatever light could be seen from the moonbeams that shined in the dungeons, you saw that it was the Deacon’s Gollum as well as the glasses wearing Shadow Mage known as Corvus.
“The dragons, the elf and the Nokk. You four are to come with us.”
“Oh yeah? And where’s that?” asked Roger.
“Let’s just say your presence is needed—elsewhere.”
“And just what do you mean by elsewhere?” Seraffel demanded.
“That is none of your concern dragon. Just know that if you refuse to cooperate,” that’s when you felt something beginning to squeeze your heart.  Your throat clumped up and you could literally hear your heart beat ringing in your ears, “The muggle will die.”
“You sick bastards let them go!” Seraffel shouted.
“They’ve got nothing to do with this!” Thor tried to reason.
“Oh you’re right. They do have nothing to do with this, after all—they’re nothing to us. Just another, worthless, pathetic muggle born.” Corvus’ eyes turned to you.
From what you could see, his blue eyes were nothing but ice cold as the pain in your chest continued to grow and grow.  Your heart racing even faster, pleading for air. You tried to speak but it was as if your voice was silenced permanently.
“Alright we’ll comply!” Brian shouted.  Corvus turned to Brian’s cell. “We’ll comply with you. Just don’t hurt them.” Corvus’ lips turned up into a slight grin and just as suddenly the pain was in your chest, it was released and you let out a loud, desperate inhale of air.
You began coughing and felt something warm land on your lips, you raise your fingers to see just what it was only to see the familiar thick red substance of blood staining your fingertips.
“(Y/n), you alright?” Roger spoke to you worriedly.
“I’m—I’m okay.” Soon you heard the cell doors open and out came Thor, Seraffel, Brian and Roger.  The Gollum tied up Brian’s hands with rope while Thor, Seraffel and Roger were given chains around their necks.  Soon the four of them were led out like dogs on a leash until they disappeared up the stairs.
“Ardeth?” you call out.
“I’m here.”
“Do—do you think…..we’re gonna get out of this alive?” he was silent for a long moment.
“To be honest, I do not know. But we cannot allow them to break us, Shadow mages pride themselves in their arrogance. And harming others is what gives them that ego boost.”
“But what about Brian and the others?”
“I wouldn’t worry about them. All of them are clever and strong. They won’t break as easy as the Shadow mages think they will.”  You hope he was right.
*Roger’s POV*
We were lead outside the manor and saw a bunch of other Shadow Mages outside, however unlike the ones that captured us, these guys had a jaguar brands on their arms.
“As promised, four new toys to try out.” Corvus stated.  A female Shadow mage with silver hair and piercing honey-like eyes came up to Thor and lifted his chin up.
“The dragons and the Nokken will be most useful. The elf, maybe not so much.”
“As I’m sure you’re aware of Celina, Elves are notorious for their healing abilities. Perhaps he can be used to heal some of your clan members.” Celina smirked before releasing Thor’s chin and she said to Johnathan.
“Alright Corvus, you’ve got a deal.” She gestured one of her boys to come forward and he handed Johnathan a sack of sorts.  Johnathan opened it to reveal about 200 pounds. These sick, twisted Mages, they’re selling us like cattle!
“Pleasure doing business with you Felidae.” Johnathan said with a smirk before he and the Gollum walked back towards the manor. Soon each of us were pulled by our binds and forced to walk with these mages now.
My nephews and I were the ones who tried to break free from our bonds.  Chaining us up like we were no more than human dogs to them, I especially hated the feeling of being bounded by something.  Minus Serafina’s magic, having being bound by something whether it’s magic or chains it’s like—being molested by an unknown force that keeps a tight hold to you and will never let go.
For days we trudged on the open country side of jolly ol England.  I don’t know whether they were trying to break us this way or just tire us out, either way it was a foolish way.  Once I trekked the entire land that would soon become both North and South America twice without rest.  Brian’s kind, they can last several days without rest since Elves have a slower metabolism, basically they’re super human and don’t break that easy if they don’t get food or water for a few days.
And of course with Thor and Seraffel being dragons, they’ll last since Ardeth’s people supplied with a dragon sized meal for them.  But I knew their bonds must have bothered them as much as it did me.  For the Mages also decided to bind them by their backs, preventing them from spreading their wings once in a while.
You know how you’ll see birds shake themselves out by flapping their wings, well that keeps blood circulating through their wings and keeps them healthy.  When dragons are in their human form, they have to every once in a while spread their wings out for the same reason, cause if they don’t it causes them serious back pains and can even paralyze their wings if bounded long enough.
By day 5, I could already see from the lads that their backs were starting to ache them as they would shift their shoulder blades, roll their shoulders, anything to try and ease the aching muscles in their back.
It even got to the point where Thor was so uncomfortable, he actually created a thunderstorm right over us.  Not any rain but there were definitely some thunder and purple lightning flashing the sky.
“Oi Storm dragon! Yah might wanna cease this yammerin in the sky yah?!” one of the Shadow mages spoke with an Irish accent.
“He would if you would allow us to stretch our wings out you damn eejit.” Seraffel defended his little brother.  The Irish shadow mage turned around and was about to punch Seraffel across the face when he was forced to stop mid-walk by none other than Celina.
“My husband paid good money for these beasts. If any of them are harmed, it’ll be your head Seanie do I make myself clear?”
“Yes ma’am.” She freed him which made him drop to the ground.
“Keep moving, I promised him we’d be back in 6 days with his prizes.” She ordered the rest of the shadow mages.  They obeyed her with a ‘yes ma’am’ and forced us to continue walking.
The next morning I smelt something in the air.  It smelt like—brimstone? And…..horse manure? As we came over a hill that’s when we saw it.
A fortress like structure with walls well over Thor’s dragon height, steal iron and it even had runes on them.  What do I mean by runes, well I mean magical ruin, symbols that date back to the Anglo-Saxon era of man.  Serafina told me that only the witch or wizard that cast them can use their magic.  So even if you are the most powerful creature on earth, if you’re trapped within a rune binding, you’re basically a sitting duck.
We got closer and closer to the fortress, meeting some other Shadow mages with the same Jaguar symbol branding on their arms, and even the fortress walls bared the Jaguar shadow symbol on a flag.  
One shadow mage took control over Brian’s body using his shadow sorcery, 10 men came up to handle Thor and Seraffel (five shadow mages each took care of them) while 4 handled me.
I shifted into my white horse form trying to give me some more weight for them to try and drag them down but they held my chains firm.
“Open the gates!” Celina called out and when they did, we were greeted with an awful sight.
Obviously this place was bigger than it looked.  A fight ring on one side of the fortress, a corral on the other, and a stable that went all the way around the entire fortress. Dragons from fire drakes, to the peaceful Asian water dragons were kept in cages, being whipped or forced to submit to the Shadow wizards that stood at their cages.
Elves in chains forced to be slaves as they walked back and forth making weapons or potions to probably benefit Grindelwald’s followers and maybe even harm us magical creatures.   I turned around and watched as the gates were sealed shut and lit up with the runes, locking the doors permanently.
“Separate them!” the Irish mage Seanie said and soon the boys were taken towards the East end of the fortress while Brian was forcefully escorted to the upper levels of the fortress to be put to work.  Meanwhile I was forced to walk straight ahead, and that’s when my heart dropped.
As we walked along further into the fortress, I could hear the sound of thunderous footsteps.  But they didn’t come from any dragon or giant, not these steps I knew all too well.
That was the sound of a Nokken army.
And that’s when I saw them.  All of my brothers being ridden on like actual horses, all of them walking as a single unit, looking down and obeying these Shadow mages commands. My younger brothers were now slaves to these brutes.
All of them—broken.
I let out a frantic, desperate neigh as I called out to them hoping they would recognize me.  That’s when a tall, skinny black stallion looked up and nickered surprisingly.  Tommy, my youngest brother in the pod.  Back before I left the pod to join Fred and his cause, he and his twin brother Nikki were just colts.
But now he was practically a juvenile standard of Nokken. Black stallion (contrary to popular belief, we have to earn our white coats with age and experience. We’re first born as black stallions, then slowly become brown before finally we turn white).
That’s when I saw that bumping behind him was none other than his twin brother Nikki.  No just how many of my younger brothers do they have here? What did these shadow wizards’ need us for? The Shadow Mage riding on top of Tommy gave him a whip to his behind to get him back in position.
I pleaded one more time to my brothers but this time none of them even looked up at me.  They just kept marching, and marching, and marching.
Rage boiled up inside me till I just lashed out and tried to make a break for it.  The shadow mages that held onto me, tried to pull me back but I was a true fighter, I wasn’t gonna obey them.  I bucked, kicked, reared, stomped, anything I could to intimidate them.
That’s when a Bombarda spell came down just barely a foot in front of me stopping me in my tracks.  Before me was (who to me) looked like the Shadow mage in charge.
He had sleeked back dark brown hair, piercing cold blue eyes much like Johnathan Corvus did, he wore a fancy black dress suit and tight leather gloves on his hand.  Around his neck was a silver broach with (you guessed it) the Jaguar family crest.  I huffed at this wizard as I bared my teeth at him, flicking my tail angrily telling him I meant business.
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“What seems to be the problem cousins?” he spoke in a pure, rich British tone.
“We got us a wild one this time Malcolm.” Said one of the shadow mages that held me.
“Deacon and Black’s pet Nokk cousin.” A Scottish shadow mage spoke up.
“Really?” Malcolm piped in arrogantly.  He walked up towards me, took out his wand and lifted my chin with it.  “We’ve broken many stubborn Nokkens in our life time. This one will be no different.” How dare he……
I then took his wand between my teeth and snapped it in half before spitting it down to his feet.  For someone who takes their shadow abilities based off the animal of humans, he definitely wasn’t no jaguar.  Malcolm smirked at me, picked up his wand and snapped it till it was completely in two before carelessly tossing it aside.
I stomped my front right foot as a challenge for him but he looked at me as if I were nothing but a worthless dog, all bark and no bite.
“Conduct him like the rest of his brothers.”
“Yes cousin.” Just looking into this guy’s eyes alone I was thinking—sea snake.  I huffed and snarled at him, keeping my eyes on him till he left me alone with his cousins.
I was dragged towards some sort of preparation stable. They placed me between these two iron-plated gate and wrapped my chains around the poles of them.
“Alright Graham, he’s all yours.” Said another Irish shadow mage.  I reared my head downwards giving him a snarl as he jumped back trying to dodge my teeth. “Be careful though, he’s a wily one.” A deep chuckle came out from a blacksmith shop nearby.
A pudgy, fat old wizard soon came out wiping his hands of the grease and grime.  Thinning white hair and a little tache above his upper lip and he spoke with a thick Irish accent.
“See ‘ow wily he is once I’m through with ‘em.” He took out a pair of scissors.  Oh fuck no! he came right up to my mane and was about to cut a chunk of it off, but I quickly turned and bit him in the hand.  He jumped back grabbing his hand and checked it out.  I huffed and gave him my best stick eye.
No one but Serafina Deacon-Black touches this mane.
“A fighter eh?” next thing I know, my head was forced down into a bagged muzzle and I could only watch as each strand of white horse hair fell down onto the ground.  The fat bastard chuckled as he continued to cut my mane but then another idea came into mine.
They may have pinned my neck and head, but these mages sure as hell didn’t take my whole body into consideration.  So I simply just leaned a bit to the left, pinning his hand against my body and the iron cage.  The fat mage cried in pain as he tried to free his hand and fell to the ground in the process.
Once he was free, I nickered out a laugh through the bag as I looked him in the eye.  He gave me his best glare as he muttered.
*3rd Person POV*
After completing their marching exercise, two of Roger’s brothers that he had seen Nikki and Tommy took notice of their older brother’s games with the old fat bastard (as all the Nokks referred to Graham).  Nikki nickered curiously as Tommy turned and followed his older twin’s gaze.
Due to that little stunt, the shadow mages now used a spell to paralyze Roger’s whole body so that Graham could continue his work.  Now taking a small knife, he picked up Roger’s front right hoof and began cleaning out all the gunk, dirt, coral, anything that could be trapped underneath his hooves.
Now he wouldn’t know at the time, but he managed to move that leg out of Graham’s grasp and quite literally, kick him in the ass. Leaving a well deserved hoofprint on the old geezer’s trousers.  Roger laughed again through his sack-like muzzle.  From their spot, Nikki grinned while Tommy whinnied out a laugh, remembering just how much Roger loved to toy with wizards, especially the male ones.
A shadow witch came and bound Roger’s leg that kicked Graham with a chain this time.
“I told yah, good ol iron will always do the thing instead of relying on magic too much!”
“And I told you yah old geezer, we don’t know how his leg got free! No one is ever able to break our shadow paralyzing spell.” The younger witch snapped at him before leaving.  As Graham went back to work, this time hammering a new horse shoe onto Roger’s hoof.  Roger nickered softly and soon felt his back foot raise up ready to kick Graham right in the face.
“Graham watch it!” another witch called out to him but it was too late.  The second he looked up, Roger’s back leg socked him in the eye sending him onto his back.  Nikki and Tommy both let out whinnies of laughter at their older brother’s games which soon caught the attention of the other Nokks as well, including Roger’s twin brother Vince.
Graham grunted and rubbed his head before glaring back at Roger who glared at him.  This was the last straw for Graham, playtime was over.
He had all of Roger’s legs triple chained up to ensure that he couldn’t escape this time.  In his shop, Graham was pumping up the brand of the Felidae family and was going to brand Roger with that very mark on his side.
“Yah bloody wanker this ‘ill teach yah to mess with me.” He muttered.  Nikki cringed out a worried nicker while Tommy lowered his head bending his ears back so that he wouldn’t hear the painful roars to come.  
In Vince’s stable he lowered his head, many Nokks, including him have broken once they’ve been branded.  Being water creatures, any source of heat is painful for them if it gets on their skin, and this guy brands this in blue dragon fire which makes it twice as painful and more torturous than any Nokken could ever take.
Graham came onto Roger’s right side, holding the flamed poker with the brand at the end, chuckling arrogantly.  But Roger wasn’t going to go down without a fight.  He wriggled and wormed his head around until finally he got free of his muzzle, his head hovering straight over Graham’s entire body.
He let out a gasp while Roger smirked at him before giving him a well-earned, hard, painful headbutt, knocking Graham out cold.
“Graham, you alright mate?” asked a shadow mage as Roger snorted at him, claiming his victory.  Nikki, Tommy and Vince all whinnied out laughter at their brother’s play.
“This Nokken is unlike any of the others. He’s even managed to slip pass our spells.” Said one witch.  “How is this possible?”
“I don’t know.” Said another female witch as they both stared at Roger, who raised his head up high, glaring at anyone who dared try to brand him next.
“Elizabeth, Robyn, you two rally your brothers and—tell them to take this Nokk to the stables.” Said a male shadow wizard.
“Not the stables James.” Malcolm’s voice soon spoke up. The three of them turned to face the head of the Felidae shadow clan.
“Malcolm?” James asked.
“The corral. It’s time we broke this beast.” Malcolm’s final command was.  And whatever the head of the house says, the others must obey.
*Roger’s POV*
The corral huh? Break me? Heh, good luck with that.  I was taken to the corral and as if I were a normal horse, they saddled me up and forcefully tried to pry my mouth open so that I was forced to feel the touch of their shadow reins.
Let me tell you it felt and tasted revolting.  Try to imagine a thick stripped down rag being gagged between your teeth that felt as hard as steel itself.  I gave them a fight but one of them just had to cheat and give me a good, hard shock to force my mouth open.
I reared and shook my head as I felt the first shadow mage get on top of my back.  All right, you Mages think you can break me? Well come on then, let’s ride!
The second that gate opened, I bucked madly which shook the young male wizard on top of my back like a ragdoll.  I made an erupt stop and he slammed right into the back of my neck making him disoriented.  I quickly spun around before giving him one final buck, sending him flying into the air and landing right on his stomach in the dirt.
I gave him an arrogant huff before turning to Malcolm who only gave me a glare.  Next in line.
The next rider was a slightly older male shadow mage sporting both a tache and beard.  Arrogantly he thought he could last longer than the other guy, yeah right.  I took him out quicker than the last one, sending him right on his arse.
Of course as I walked away he shouted a profanity at me. Calling me a ‘lousy piece of horse shit’.  And like hell I was just gonna take that lying down, I charged head on at him to which he ran for his life.  Barely making it out of the corral before I gave him a quick bite to his arse.  From the nearby stables, I could hear some of my brothers laughing out, I turned to see it was none other than my brothers Tommy, Vince and Nikki.
I nickered to them thanking them before trotting back, my tail flicking with pride and my head held high.  Once I got back to my so called ‘kennel’ I snorted out at the witch who stood in front of it, making her reel back in disgust as I got back into place, nickering arrogantly.  Next!
“This one will break ‘em.” A Welsh witch spoke as a big Scots shadow mage came at me with a horsewhip in hand.  Please like he’ll be any different.  I threw that big lug off of me under just one second.  All it took was one good leap and he went soaring through the air, even knocked another wizard who was sitting on top of the corral fence.
Even some of the witches tried to ride me but just because they were girls didn’t mean I gave it to them any easier.  In fact I made sure to buck those bitches off of my back even harder, because like I’ve said before.
The only witch who I allow on this stallion’s back is Serafina Deacon-Black.
Now to really show these bastards I meant business.  I charged at one end of the fence baring my teeth and stomping my hooves aggressively.  I then charged towards another section of the gate, scaring the shadow mages there, even knocking some of them into a trough.  Finally my eyes turned to Malcolm, I charged head on right towards him.  
The mages around him backed up but he stood firm with his hands behind his back and his eyes narrowed with hate as I growled right in his face, my breath even making parts of his short hair flow freely from its sleeked back form.
I stood face to face with Malcolm panting heavily.  My eyes piercing red at this point, my blood boiling and my heart racing.  You have proof yet you cocky little shit?  I don’t go down without a fight.
“Celina!” Malcolm called out.
“Yes Malcolm?” the woman who brought us here stood by Malcolm’s side.
“Take this Nokken down to the boiler dungeon. No food or water. 2 weeks.”
“With pleasure my darling. Plus with a little more fire power from those fire drake’s we got, the boiler room will be extra hot for this one to—cool down.” She said with a sadistic smirk.
Next thing I know I was trapped within a cell and all I could feel was hot air surrounding me.  It was also strange that I could feel that my legs weren’t chained up at all, nor was my snout or neck.  But still it was scorching hot in here.
I laid down in my cage, smacking my lips already starting to feel my mouth growing dry.  I huffed and nickered softly.
Damnit Serafina where are you? And Freddie, what happened to him? Was he here with us or was he still at the manor with John, (Y/n) and Ardeth? And just what the hell was this place exactly? Why would the Shadow mages want all of us creatures for?
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kaiju-z · 3 years
“Moonlight Tryst Under The Eclipse”
Right! So! A little clarification is in order! Um. So like. There’s this D&D show called “Role With Me”/”The Ties That Bind”. And the party have recently reached a high-tech Elven city and are learning all kinds of things about the society there. Including that they found fucking God fan fiction. Fan fiction written about Arkanos, God of Magic, who is also the elves’ God. And of Solomon, the God of Undeath. Who is basically enemy to all elven kind, after he convinced a group of them to worship him, in exchange for “immortality”, which is the secret origin of the drow in that world.
So like. It’s them. As like. A ship. They found shipfics and were reading them.
So this is basically inspired by that. And it’s a fic, “as written” by a writer in that world, that city. That internet. So yeah. It’s a fic, within a fic. ó ____ ó;;; That’s it. That’s the joke.
Also yes, you should watch Role WIth Me. Very Dark Souls/Witcher-ish. With a flavor of Bloodborne. Also lots of funnies between the rough stuff that our heroes go through.
An Arkanos/Solomon fanfic by RainbowRunner899
It was meant to be a distraction. A simple. Basic. Get your mind off the ear-splitting screams and wails distraction. A honest to yourself one. And yet here you were. Hours after the fact, still locked in an embrace with the long eared boy scout!
Arms around your body, you can easily feel his fingers trace every smooth pattern and ridge of your back as the stars shimmer and shake under his dexterous touch. Unlike your dark dealings in your domain beyond mortal comprehension, here you are incapable of hiding your intents and secrets. Or at least, the ones you can gesticulate.
Damn him! Damn this know-it-all paragon that bewitched you with his soft voice and alluring eyes! His words, his face, his everything! It drives you to madness! Like that’d mean anything to you, anyways. You were already unhinged. By some slight you yourself perceive as such. You blame your makers for it and have stated it as such to him, many a nights.
Many, upon many, for centuries, long since after he took his foolish followers and ran off into parts unknown, leaving you with your defiled flock of sycophants! You hate them, for they fell so easily and thus, you send them to do all sorts of cruelties. Just to test how far they’ll go for you. When they’d snap. Break. You figure that is why he had come out of hiding the first time, since your conflict. And confronted you.
The two of you had fought for dominance, throwing stars and supernovas at one another, frightening the populace around you. And, had it not been for his quick thinking and raised defenses, you two surely would have exterminated all life in the vicinity.
‘Damn him.’ you think, your face flushing as his hands move to your front, caressing the 8 pack. Damn him for seeing through your ruse that night. Through to the very core of who you were and why you did what you did! All that cruelty and anger! All of it, creating a Seeming of unseen proportions, hiding the broken man in need of help underneath.
Only he saw it! Neither Vanderen, nor Fleetfoot. Nor the old man and the revelry wench got even the slightest idea you had this secret pain! They were too stupid, too blind to see. But not Arkanos. He knew and he punished your body so with the palms of his hands. Your breathing growing heavy to his actions and you contemplate evasive maneuvers.
He reaches for your pa-aaand you grab his wrist. “No.” you go, hissing at him with a glare of pure death. Or undead. As is your aspect.
He looks at you with those gentle eyes. Those honest and wise eyes. “No?” he repeats, questioning you with his pretty little face. You’d bite your lip, if you had one. Then shake your head.
“No.” And you’d get up and try to make way out of the room, specifically by him, to protect you both from prying eyes. “I’m leaving. Going back, I-I have work to do. Monsters to raise. Many dark biddings to be made, Arkanos.” You growled, pitifully to show aggression. But he’s unmoving, unperturbed by your behavior as you struggle to put your robe back on. Damn thing! Did you start putting it with the wrong sleeve forward?! You’d struggle and huff and puff as you forced your head through a familiar opening and then flinch backwards, bumping into the wall.
“You’re having those thoughts again, aren’t you, Sol?” he asks you directly, his voice peaceful, like a river during summer. Disgusting. And beautiful, damn it! So beautiful! You think that as he had been standing right to face you once you put your head through the clothing. “Don’t lie to me. My eyes cannot be tricked, my ears cannot be lied to… and my heart- And he’d reach for his chest, tapping the left peck, before reaching over to tap your own.
You had no pulse. Not that it mattered. You were a god and who honestly cared about pulses, when you would live forever! Or unlive. Or-aaah, fuck it! You’d look away, scowling a boney scowl. “This game ends here, Arkanos. You’ve seduced me many a times before, but this ends now. You know you could never beat me in a fair fight and I know that you can’t backstab me like some mortal rogue under the pale moon light.” you scoffed, grabbing the door handle.
Twisting it, turning it. Opening the entrance and, in your case, the exit from his awkward situation. But right before you’d leave, the door would shut, without you even taking a full step ahead. You flinch, step backwards and bump into his frame. Then you have to straighten yourself as you attempt to prevent flushing of the cheeks. Straightening yourself and your clothing, you scoff. “Of course, right. Your wards.”
“Yes, Sol.” He’d smile a little smile your way and you feel your spine shiver. That cute smile that drove you crazy. After everything you did. All the people you killed and brought back as your meat and soul puppets! And he has the gall to smile at you like that.
“Well, undo it!” you try to regain footing. To find your equilibrium and tower over him, make yourself bigger, like one of those bear things that roam Fleetfoot’s forests. But intimidation does not work on him and you know it. He’s too brave. TOO STUPID, you try to think, but you know he’s too smart for you. Of all of them, even you, with all your dark and vile magicks, he was always the superior intellect.
He’d sigh a light sigh and glance over to the nearby window. It had been darkened off with the Darkness spell, which you made sure to cast, in case one of your flunkies or one of his randomly popped their head through. And he’d walk over to it, tapping it gently with a finger, dispelling. The sky appeared an odd mix of colors. It was familiar. Reminded you of your many birthdays. Yes, even the one good one you had all those millennia ago.
He’d wave a hand to you to step on over and join him at the glass separating you two from the outside. No words were needed. He had prepared the right set of movements, didn’t he?! A pregnant pause. And you go over, though you dare not look upwards at what the sky would be like. You just look down, no head in the clouds. Only down towards the muck.
“There is no shame in what you feel, Sol. You know that, right?” he’d say, side-glancing you every now and then as he faced the sky, while you watched the passerby folk, well, pass by. Wordlessly, you listen to him. And then have to find yourself blinking as the silence became deafening. Like he wanted a direct answer from you.
You’d grimace and cant your head some in a direction of your choosing. “I’ve killed and converted and had them kill… so many people. And you’re trying to psychoanalyze me, Arkanos. Don’t you find the flaw in that?!” he’d sneer. “The daddy of the elves meeting with the step dad of your little traitors. In secret and for centuries now. Isn’t that a little-Don’t you think that’s kind of fucked up?!” he’d not even raise a brow over your foul mouth. He was used to it.
He was used to keeping it occupied, too. Hmph!
“Is it really so crazy, Sol? Is it, though?” he’d smile again, resting a hand on your shoulder. “You. And I. Have such a history, spanning many a lifetimes of many a people. From the short-lived to the ancient. Friends. To rivals. To enemies. To friends…” he’d giggle and your face would change shades. It was a whole galactic party on your features. “To so much more.”
“Fuckbuddies.” he scoffed at your phrasing. He was used to the cussing, but that sort of direct crassness gave you a bit of an advantage… every now and then.
“Call it as you want, Sol. But I know the truth. I peered through your actions and your thoughts and I saw the real you… And I saw the broken pieces. They were there, inside you. Calling, screaming to be reshaped.” He spoke to you with such determination and passion. You’d mistake him for one of those new-fangled “bards”. “Is it honestly that big of a surprise that once you reached out as you did, I would reach back in turn?”
You look away. “After everything I put you and your kids through, how is that a surprise, Ark-“he has a hand on your cheekbone, slowly turning your face in his direction, as you sought to glance away in your shame and woe. “I-I mean-“
No time to finish the sentence. He pecks your face with his lips. Quick and focused. Your spine shivers at his advance. But you don’t really fight it, though you hate him pulling away.
“You are a lonely man, shrouded in a darkness of your own making. Unwilling to show the pain to those around you, fearing their response.” He’d say softly. “But I saw and I felt and I knew that day…”
“You knew…?” you asked.
He’d nod to you with a, well, knowing smile, his cheeks turning pink. It really didn’t take you that much to figure out what he meant.
“O-oh. Oh!”
“Ohhhhh…” it was all you could say, while he glanced back out the window and you followed his gaze to the sky above. Where the moon had gone before the sun, creating a rare masterpiece that the mortals found fascinating as all hell. But to you? To you this was your birthday. Again, damn it, you’d bite your lip if you had that.
You feel his hand on your person. Fingers entangling with your own. You look to them. And you look to him. His eyes took that “look” again. A familiar one that the two of you would act upon  whenever the opportunity struck.
He walked back. And headed to the bed that faced the door, light step after light step, pulling you along. One knee on the bed. A creeking sound. His other knee on the mattress. A repeat. Shifting of weight as he pulled you on over.
You’d open your mouth to speak. “I-“
And he’d answer. “I know.”
Wordlessly, the two of you would lock faces and commiserate as he helped you take off the robe again. This time much slower and to the point than in a simple moment of passion. There was more feeling there.
As he’d undress you and you him, a thought would crawl into your mind.
Perhaps it was possible. Perhaps it was, yes, that the shattered insides of your soul could be put together again. Perhaps he could do it.
To Be Continued.
Author’s notes: WONDERCRAK! Thank you, dear readers, for all the well wishes and kind words about the last story! Even you, KnuckleTucker3000. I appreciate the criticism on my grammar and took it to heart o w o! Wow, like, wow! So like, I was really excited to get to this part of the story, ‘cause, obviously I finally got to reveal what kinda day Solomon was born on u w u Next week’s continuation’s gonna get extra spicy, tho, so I have to bring back the reminder >8( This one’s for the grown-ups and it’s gonna be tagged NSFW! Don’t read if a Lemon Fic isn’t your thing! I’ll drop the hidden lore bits I’ll be putting in that one!
Stay tuned u w u, RainbowRunner899 out!
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dreamingthedoe · 4 years
Beltane: The Special Quarantine Edition
Beltane is the Celtic sabbat of fertility, celebrated from sunset on April 30th to sunset on May 1st, meant to mark the full flush of spring and the rising heat of summer. Beltane has its roots in how ancient Celts worshipped a solar deity named Bel, and celebrated his victory over the darkness of winter. In many pagan, duotheistic religions such as Wicca, Beltane recognizes a God (the Green Man, the Oak King, Jack in the Green), and Goddess (May Queen, May Bride, Flora). Beltane is the final consummation of the God and Goddess, who have been courting since the first stirrings of spring. Their union invokes summer and all its bounty. This sabbat is traditionally centered around fertility, represented by flowers, phallic/yonic imagery, and fire. I personally believe in queering up these traditions and celebrating the powers of creation in less cishet ways - honoring the cycles of the land and seasons, but using less literal interpretations of God/Godess and binary/gendered genitalia, etc. Beltane is also the halfway point to Samhain, a twin sabbat that shares the same thinness of the veil between the world of the tangible and the intangible, physical and spiritual. Magic is powerful at this time, but it also means taking more steps for personal protection while practicing magic, and it’s a good time to ward against unfriendly spirits or energy.
Consider the following correspondences when setting up you altar, making an offering, or doing spellwork! Deities: Bel, Cernunnos, Flora, Brigid, Dagda, Xōchiquetzal, Dionysus, Demeter, Persephone, Amun, Bastet, Isis, Inanna, Astarte, Freyja, Freyr (avoided added ones from cultures that have been and are still actively worshipped to this day to the best of my knowledge, such as Kokopelli, as opposed to “dead” religions that have neo-pagan revivals) Colors: green, white, light pink, blue, and yellow Herbs: Honeysuckle, St John’s Wort, rose, lilac, oak, dandelion, hawthorn, foxglove, clover, violet, mint, thyme, mugwort, almond leaves, rowan, marigold, daisies, and lavender. But we’re quarantined, so you can use herbs/flowers from tea sachets, or even fake flowers! If you have some flowers blooming nearby and really need something, only take a tiny amount so that pollinators can have the rest (or better, take naturally fallen flowers. The good intent for the environment goes a long way with the gods and nature). Incense: Frankincense, jasmine, rose, lavender, patchouli, vanilla. No incense? A scented candle is fine, or essential oil on a warmer! Or make a stovetop potpourri with tea bags or vanilla extract! Food: Grain foods like oats and wheat (bannock/bread, oatcakes, oatmeal), honey, salad greens, strawberries, cherries, rhubarb (COOK THAT SHIT OR IT’LL KILL YOU THOUGH), eggs, cheese, and any aphrodisiacs such as chocolate, pistachios, oysters, asparagus, and hot chiles (and cook with aphrodisiac herbs such as fenugreek and saffron). Even a bowl of cereal works! The gods understand that you’re quarantined, and as always in magic: where there is a will, there is a way. Drink: Honeyed milk (dairy or non-dairy), mead, rosewater, herbal teas like jasmine tea, white wine, alcoholic beverages made with egg Altar symbols: cauldron (often filled with and surrounded by flowers), candles, mirrors, floral wreaths, ribbons
Potent Magic on this Sabbat:
Sex magic – Beltane is the premiere sabbat for celebrating sex – therefore, it’s the perfect time to practice sex magic. This can be done through solo sex or partnered sex (whether involving physical contact with a partner or joining intentions together across distance)! Sex magic can be results-oriented or practiced as a kind of “mysticism”. Sex magic practiced for manifesting a specific result keeps in tradition with Beltane, as the Celts were believed to have used sexual ritual on Beltane as a way to increase crop yields for the year. As it goes with all types of magic, everyone practices sex magic differently. In my practice, I use it as a way to simply increase my personal power, strengthen a magical bond with a partner, or exchange energy with a partner to gift each other our qualities and talents for a period of time (this is strengthened through repeated practice with the same partner). With partnered sex magic, be sure not only to have your usual consent talk, but also a consent talk about the ritual/magical aspect. This is not only because consent must always be informed and your partner may not be comfortable with having sex this way; it also ensures that your intentions are aligned and that energy exchange is balanced (otherwise, the manifestation might not succeed as you’d like, or one partner may be left feeling drained or otherwise unfulfilled). I can attach links to resources or write a little more in-depth about my personal experience if you are comfortable with that!
Fire magic - Using flame of some sort in your rituals is especially powerful right now! This can mean using fire in rituals to manifest a goal, such as burning a scrap of paper that you’ve written your intention on. I tend to stretch this definition to include heat, such as charming my tea as I add hot water to my tea sachet, or making magical stovetop potpourri. In my seiðr magic, I often stare into flames to achieve a trance state. I can write more about using fire for trance and divination as well!
Ecstatic dance - Pretty self-explanatory! Ecstatic dance can be used as a form of worship, manifestation, or simply for inducing a trance or “shamanic” state, depending on your personal beliefs and practices. If you are celebrating Beltane with others, one participant can use an instrument such as a drum for the others to dance to. Otherwise, playing music from speakers or headphones is fine as well! The important thing is to either focus on your intention, or clear your head and let the music bring you to a trance state. I can also send links to good resources for practicing ecstatic dance,
           Spellwork: - Glamours - Divination (especially with mirrors!) - Protection - Spells to increase libido and creative powers - Manifestation/increase - Blessings for self-love - Blessings for partners and relationships
If you’d like ideas for spells, charms, and enchantments involving these subjects, let me know! I have some good ones in my grimoire.
Decorating a Maypole – This tradition involves “maidens” (but literally whomever, fuck the binary fr) dancing and weaving around a pole while holding ribbons that had been fastened to the top, creating a beautifully woven pattern of ribbons down the structure. Don’t have a 20-ft pole to wrap copious amounts of ribbon around? Decorate a small stick with whatever ribbon-like materials you have about, and put it on your altar or centrally in your home!
Washing your face in morning dew – Not really something we can do in Phoenix, unless you are planning on camping somewhere north overnight! A good substitute is using water charged under the moon, or even just water purified with a spell or purifying crystals. I like draw a bath and purify the water, and focus on cleansing my energy while I take the bath.
Making a bonfire – This is especially difficult to achieve in quarantine. Just having a fire in the fireplace or a simple candle burning is enough! Traditionally on this day, all other fires would be put out save the community’s special Beltane bonfire, but turning off all of your other lights is just fine! Many Beltane traditions involve leaping over the bonfire/candle… I don’t really recommend this, because, you know, getting set on fire.
Handfasting and jumping over a broomstick – Probably highly irrelevant for most, but Beltane is traditionally a time of many marriages. Couples become handfasted when the officiant ties their hands together with a cord, usually woven from three ribbons, usually as the couple take their vows or exchange their declarations of love and devotion. Many couples would jump over a broom as well, to signify the leap from one stage of life to the next (this tradition was borne from couples being unable to afford formal ceremonies, and at one time leaping over a broom together could be seen as legally binding a couple in marriage).
Fertilize – If you have a garden or even a small plant, tend to it witch extra care! Fertilizing is recommended for a Beltane activity, but if your plant would suffer from being fertilized right now, don’t do it. Just speak encouraging words to your plant!
Explore your property – If you have the energy, explore around the outside of your home, or even just make some studied observations of your home interior. It’s your “land”, and it’s a good time to walk around and offer blessings and gratitude to your environment. If you’re able to drive somewhere deeper into nature, it’s a good time to go out and revel in the vibrant life being created all around us. As a Norse pagan, I personally make offerings to the landvættir (roughly, nature spirits) of the desert whenever I go out into nature to thank it.
Make special Beltane recipes! – Such as bread (I’m baking an iced lavender loaf myself), salads with berries, honeyed oatcakes, egg custard, an herb-y chicken stew, etc.
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5lazarus · 4 years
after the nightmare
The desert strips his throat and leaves him cold. He is very close to the town where he was born, buried under eight thousand years of dirt. Lavellan has sent Blackwall, Vivienne, Sera, and Cassandra back to Skyhold, after the battering they took in Emprise du Lion. Things are tenuous, tender, and he feels raw under her gaze. They all see him now, what he is and what he has been, and it is odd to be himself, all at once. During the long, slow healing in Suledin Keep, they all trickled in, to talk and to blame and to ask, and months later the Inquisition has adjusted to the new normal, as ever they do. A Dalish mage bearing the mark of their human prophet? They can accept it. A darkspawn magister ripping open the Fade? With enough trebuchets, they are certain they can face it. An ancient elvhen trickster god attempting to rip the world apart and, in the raw chaos, forge it into what it was supposed to be? They forgive him. He can hardly accept it himself, but they forgive him, and that, he supposes, is the most just revenge. He hates himself worse, because of the magnanimity of his companions. He denied their personhood, and they prove their worth over and over again, as they give him room to grieve and move on. But where?
He almost died of thirst here, he remembers, in the first empty days awoken from uthenera. He had expected the cool, quiet woods he had roamed as a child, before the war. Now, though, he has enough of himself restored to appreciate its austere beauty. The stars remain unchanged, he reminds himself. Both moons are full in the endless night. It is cold and the sand gets into his footwraps, no matter how tightly he ties them, but Lavellan is incandescent in starlight, and one night, she takes his hand when they sit by the campfire, listening to Varric’s stories, and it is the first time she has touched him in front of the others, since before the Nightmare, and it is the first touch since the Nightmare that does not feel desperate. He laces his fingers between hers and holds on tightly. At this age, he knows grace when he sees it. Wisdom told him to endure, that he would find what he was looking for. He had never known forgiveness to come so easily; perhaps it is because their worlds are so irreconcilable, that the only way forward is to endure.
Their clasped hands garners nothing more than a raised eyebrow from Dorian and a sudden, agitated move from Cole. But Varric keeps speaking, weaving his own tale: a story about his friends Fenris and Isabela, hunting slavers in the desert, and Isabela looking for a lost ship.
The heat edges into the night and they separate into their own tents--Bull is too big for the communal one they used in the early days, when it was only him and Varric and Cassandra and Lavellan roaming the Hinterlands. Dorian slips into Iron Bull’s, making a face at the smirk Lavellan sends him. Varric takes off his shirt as the sun comes up and pulls out a leatherbound book. He wants to finish the story as if Isabela had found the ship. Cole begins to hum. Solas closes his eyes slightly: he knows it, it matches the pulse of the lyrium he and Mythal had found in the Deep Roads, uncorrupted. The stone sings, and Varric writes it into the sunlight.
As the dawn melts the waves of the dunes, Solas reaches for Lavellan. He has never been good at self-abnegation, and recently he has learned not to punish others for drawing out his desire. It is a lesson he should have learned as a much younger man. In the daylight, he hold her close, and though she is surprised, she does not draw away.
“Let’s go to bed,” she says, and he follow her to their tent--because, somehow, between eight thousand years and reality torn asunder, from their worst nightmares reenacted to the cold corrupt torture of Imshael’s red lyrium farm, they are them again, he is Solas first and Fen’Harel as well, as she is Lavellan and the Inquisitor too. They strip, and she helps him with the bandages on his left leg, checking the new scar, where Dagna had ripped the red lyrium from his flesh. It is angry, and the cold has been making it ache, and the incipient heat will make it worse, but it does not sing. He continues to live, still Solas, still Fen’Harel.
They curl up together, and Lavellan traces a frost rune onto the canvas above them. They are too tired for sex, they are comfortable enough with each other to admit it. She flexes her left hand, the Anchor flaring, and Solas pushes himself back up. “Is it hurting?” he asks. There is not much he can do until they retrieve the foci. He is afraid it will kill her before they find it.
“Just stiff. Go to sleep, Solas. It’ll be a long ride tomorrow.”
“Mm.” He lays down and pulls her toward him, and she sighs and rests her head on his chest. He does not understand how this is happening. Nothing is as it should be. Lavellan, as always, proves his worst assumptions wrong. He tells her idly, as her breathing slows, “I was born not too far from here.”
Her eyes snap open. She pauses and thinks before she speaks, “I had assumed you were more...formed than born.”
“I had a mother and a father,” he says, amused. “Procreation has not changed particularly much in the past eight millenia, I assure you. Though I am glad the People has abandoned our practice of binding curious spirits to our children’s souls. I might be an easier man, if not for Mythal’s Pride.”
“I cannot imagine you ever being easy.”
He laughs shortly. “True. But this place was Mythal’s, once. We called it Durglas Durgen’len--the Valley of the Children of the Stone, where they found us and we traded with them. She had me at her temple here, and gave me to my father to raise. A forest used to tower here, until the sand ate away at its roots. She needed the wood for the mines.” He sighs. “And then nothing could take root.”
“Is there anything left?” Lavellan asks tentatively. “Something of her temple?”
“We can look.” He presses a kiss to her temple. The heat is coming in, despite the spell she has cast, and Solas is curious to see what time has made of these wastes. It is new, to be eager for tomorrow: to see what is left. “I love you,” he says suddenly, in Common. He does not know if the Dalish is different than his Elvhen, and he is trying. How does one prove to their lover they will not burn the world down? He is figuring it out.
Lavellan says, “I love you too, ma’ishan. Dream well.”
He wants to say, I will dream of you, and see the hope in those enslaved elves’ eyes when you came flashing in, sending them to their freedom. I will see your legend born, and if you manage to sleep, as now you seldom do, I will show you my father’s studio, and the woods where I played when I was a boy, before the war. I will give you every dream, if you just say the word. But Lavellan rolls onto her side and pulls a blanket over herself, despite the heat, and he knows she will not sleep.
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forgottencoffeemugs · 4 years
“Your own blessings stem from nothing so noble,” the angel carries an expression so other that it morphs the fire of her beauty into something that burns rather than dazzles. “Good and Evil are of the dreams of mortals; they explain the unknowable with the only words they know, but there is no God here to cast righteous judgment on those who stray. There is only the eternal struggle of order and chaos. 
“We are bound to this destiny by ties too far beyond your mortal comprehension that the words to explain them simply do not exist. It is an unspoken rule that mortals are to be avoided as bargaining chips in this war of ours.” The angel seems to consider the bustling streets so far below where they stand, hundreds of said mortals carrying about their day, oblivious to the ancient creatures in their midst. “But, as with every rule, there are exceptions,” those beautiful, horrible eyes land on her once more, “you, my dear, are such an exception. As blood of my blood, even in such distant terms, you are forfeit. Your luck, your fortune, it comes at the cost of becoming a tool. It matters not how I use you, for anything done in the name of victory over the demons is permissible in the eyes of the ties that bind us.”
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luthcrbornarchive · 4 years
Tumblr media
𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑓
                             𝒦𝒶𝓇𝒶 𝒵ℴ𝓇-ℰ𝓁 & ℒℯ𝓃𝒶 𝒦𝒾ℯ𝓇𝒶𝓃 ℒ𝓊𝓉𝒽ℴ𝓇
                                                                                        (Ceremony under cut)
                                          Written by; @luthcrborn​​ & @kryptcnborn​ ( on 6.22.19)
Finally, the Ceremony was set to begin, the guest began preparing themselves just an hour before, arrived thirty minutes prior to sunset. The setting was beautiful, a small simple wood arch way with a white chiffon hanging off of it, sat on the sand of the villa’s private beach. Lanterns lined up all down the sand towards the arch on each side of the aisle. Three chairs on either side of the aisle. Each one of the friends they considered family seated, Winn, Brainy and Nia on one side; Eliza, Alex and Lillian on the other. James, standing as he captured pictures, J’onn and Arakan El in the middle of the arch way. Arakan El, the small white samoyed puppy with a black bow tied to his collar, sits patiently for his moms. The fur son that had been the first steps in Kara and Lena’s life to becoming a family here to witness the two making it official, watched in awe with everyone as both woman came down the aisle one at a time.
Both women meeting at the bottom of the aisle, caused the small ball of white fluff to tug forward towards his parents earning a small chuckle from the blonde bride and a couple of their guests. The small laughter had Lena’s eyes finally move from it’s long gaze on Kara to upon the fur ball. Watching as Kara bent down to take his lead running her fingers through his soft fur her extremities tease at the little bow tie straightening it on his collar then tapping the floor. Lena’s smile never left as her attention shifted back to J’onn, the samoyed sliding forward on his front paws to lay between his mothers in the middle of the aisle as Kara come to stand beside Lena once again she offered J’onn an apologetic smile allowing him to start conducting the ceremony he was overjoyed and honored to be officiating.
With a smile, J’onn begins,
❝ Today we gathered together to bare witness to the binding of Kara Zor-El and Lena Kieran Luthor. With great reverence, came together to celebrate the love and devotion shared by these two children of the stars, Kara of Krypton and Lena of Earth, who stand before us. We are especially blessed to be joined today as a family, we may be of different blood, different planets but we all share one thing, our love for these two souls before us. Who I speak for in this moment of saying are honored you could be here to participate in this most important moment in their lives. May I say how grateful I am to be able to share this day with the two of you, honored to be  the one to bind you both together today and for all eternity under the watchful eyes of our gods both yours and mine.
In the past traditions of these ceremonies were conducted to bind one to another without love, we are lucky enough to break those traditions with ones who are no more deserving than these two before us, who couldn’t be in more love with each other. It is this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony. Blessed be this binding with the gifts of stars. Communication of the heart, mind and body. Fresh beginnings with the rising of each sun. The knowledge of growth found in the sharing of silences. Blessed this binding with the gifts of the sun. Warmth of hearth and home. The heat of the hearts passion. The light created by both to illuminate the darkest of times. Blessed to be this binding with the gifts of the moon. The deep commitments of the lake. The swift excitement of the river. All the encompassing passion of the sea. Blessed be this binding with the gifts of the earth. Firm foundation on which to build. Fertility of the fields to enrich your lives. Stable home to which you may always return. Each of these blessings emphasizes those things which will help you build a happy successful binding. Yet they are only tools. Tools which you must use together in order to create what you seek in this binding.
Over the course of their relationship, Kara and Lena have developed a strong bond based on shared values and mutual respect. With a solid foundation from which to grow. They have made the decision to take the binding oath and spend the rest of their lives together.
Let us revel in the joy and love on display here today. May we treasure these memories as Kara and Lena, under the sun and moon, get set to begin their new life together.
Binding is a sacred and serious tradition, it is also cause for tremendous joy. Married life is full of surprises, adventures and memory-making –all made possible by the enduring power of love. When Kara and Lena finalize this binding, they will begin a new life of partnership, one defined by shared hopes, dreams and successes.
Kara and Lena, as you learn to live as one; you will encounter many challenges that can help you grow. Spend time doing things that make life precious -cooperate with each other, always make time to laugh together, and never lose appreciation for the love that you share. Remember, too, to adhere to the vows that you will make today. They say love can build bridges and climb mountains –and they’re right. You will find that as it grows and matures over time, your love for another will prove both fulfilling and empowering. Seek strength in each other, give hope to each other and let your trails help you grow. Always remember, El Mayarah, stronger together.
There will always be challenges in life, but the strength of your bond will offer you protection against life’s storms. Always make your relationship a priority and continue to nurture each other. Through a commitment to love, and with the power of faith, together you will be able to navigate obstacles that come your way.
Under the sun and the moon, I solemnly bear witness to these matrimonial proceedings. I will now finalize the sacred covenant you both enter into on this day.
The rite of binding is an ancient institution, an important ritual that binds two people together for the rest of their days. Today, as you form this union, you’re choosing to take a vow  that is as sacred today as it was to your ancestors.
Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other. Now there will be no loneliness, for each of you will be companion to the other. Treat yourselves and each other with respect and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. Give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves. When frustration, difficulty and fear assail your relationship; as they threaten all relationships at one time or another, remember to focus on what is right between you, not only the part which seems wrong. In this way, you can ride out the storms when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives, remembering that even if you lose sight of it for a moment, the sun is still there. And if each of you takes responsibility for the quality of your life together, it will be marked by abundance and delight.
Kara and Lena, I invite you to express your sacred vows to another. please face each other as you declare these vows before the stars and in the presence of your family. ❞
Kara took a deep breath as the man she saw as a father indicated for her to speak, she had been secretly rehearsing this moment in their bathroom mirror for weeks going over and over in stolen moments when her fiance had been at the office or even sleeping in their bed. She would recite the words in the hope that this exact moment would be perfect yet now as her shining moment arrived Karas’ heart thumped hard enough she believed it could burst through her chest. Hands trembled as her vows ran wild in her head knowing she needed to try and get them out in a way that would be coherent enough for the woman who stood beside her and all of their loved ones to hear and understand clearly.
tears had already started to well in blue eyes closing them for only a second her gaze returning towards J’onn who stood before them giving a reassuring nod that she was ready. Turning towards the love of her life, the woman that was starting this new journey of their lives with her. Eyes had only just dried from watching Lena walk down the aisle the straightening of Arakan Els’ bow tie barely enough time to allow herself a little composure before allowing J’onn to commence with the ceremony. Her heart twisted as the fear she had felt for weeks instantly lifted from her shoulders ‘she was here and they really were doing this’ if this was a dream Kara never wanted to wake up. gulping back the lump in her throat as her gaze locked on bright greens, emeralds sparkling in the natural hues of bright orange and shades of pink filling the sky from the setting sun above them. trembling hands reach out for dainty extremities teasing their fingers together her nerves more than obvious to the brunette she tried to find comfort in their connection to calm her nerves. Closing her eyes once again she allowed herself to take in another deep breath, she could feel the warm sand below her feet and between her toes slowly counting to three then opening her eyes once again meet the gaze that she loved show much really taking a moment to get lost them in. confidence growing in her stomach as all of her fears and nerves slowly lift becoming replaced with excitement.
❝ I may be a writer but i’m not really good at this. ❞ she laughed softly the statement bringing a smile to her lips that had previously been worried by her teeth. she could hear a couple of laughs following her words and a soft sniff but her full attention stays locked on Lena offering her a playful smile as her thumb traces lines across porcelain skin.  ❝ let me start by saying thank you for showing up. watching you walk down the aisle took my breath away. ❞ Kara words were shaky and honest. ❝ I am really happy that you didn’t leave me standing here alone as that would’ve been really awkward. ❞ she beamed with a bright hopeful smile at the now lighthearted joke her grip around her soon to be wifes’ fingers giving a reassuring squeeze pausing for a moment her bright features falling into a more serious expression Kara found herself lost in Lena’s gaze.  
❝ Lena, when my planet was destroyed i was the last daughter of house El. I spent 24 years in a pocket of space where time stood still, i was completely alone. I didn’t know if I was ever going to leave and the feeling of being stuck there for the rest of eternity scared me. I longed for my lost home, for the family that i had left behind. When i arrived on this planet i’d never have thought i would be where I am today. As you know I was adopted by a wonderful family and everyday I thank rao that they were so kind to me. it wasn’t easy, i wasn’t easy yet they never gave up on me or stopped trying to make me feel like I belonged on this planet, with them. Even with their efforts and kind offerings I still felt lost, felt like a part of me was missing and that I didn’t belong here on this planet. ———  I was wrong. The moment I stepped into your office I was dumbstruck, mystified by the strongest, most brilliant, kind hearted, beautiful soul i had ever seen. It felt like every star in the sky had aligned when I first saw you and from then on i knew that I would never feel stuck or alone again. I found my best friend, my soulmate, the woman that I knew I wanted to share the rest of my life on this or any planet in all of the galaxies with. my planet was destroyed but that wasn’t the end of Krypton or house El it was a new beginning a new adventure and future that needed to be explored and I can’t wait to explore them with you. ❞
there is a shake in her voice and Kara pauses as a tear rolls down her cheeks, she feels naked like she is laying her soul bare for Lena and their closest friends to see.  ❝ Lena Kieran Luthor, I promise that no matter how many times I go off to save a kitten from a tree, stop a bank robbery or save the city that I will come home to you. I promise you that no matter how many times you may find yourself falling i will catch you. that even in our toughest moments i will love you. I can’t promise you that this planet will always be kind to us but I can promise that anything it throws our way we will tackle and fight it together because even though we have the most super friends and family, you and I are our own team. There is no one I would rather have stood by my side than you. I love you. Surrounded by all the people we love in our lives i am thankful to be making these promises to you. to have you become my wife, my bounded partner. thank you for choosing me and agreeing to share this journey with me. ❞ It takes every ounce of self control not to launch herself into the crystal clear ocean or run back down the warm sandy aisle she can’t fight the tears that have been threatening to drown her cheeks since the moment she laid her eyes on her fiance.
      Lena had been in awe since the moment she saw her soon to be wife at the end of the aisle. How she seemed to beam so elegantly with the gentle breeze brushing through her hair and the way the setting sun hit her so beautifully. It was difficult to take her eyes off her, so she didn’t. Not for a moment. As the beautiful words fell from the blonde’s lips, their hands in each others. Emerald hues once holding in tears finally over flown, allowing tears to stream down each side of her cheeks. For a moment her fingers slipped from the other’s wiping the falling tears from her cheek, slipping extremities into Kara’s once more, tightening the hold of their hands. A heavy breath fell from behind her lips in attempt to collect herself.
Every word had been more beautiful than the last, it left the Luthor speechless she nearly forgot it had been her turn to speak. Suddenly her heart felt as it was beating a million times a minute and there were butterflies in her stomach. She was a good speaker, spoke in public often but this was nerve wracking.
Her bottom lip curled under her teeth biting against the flesh, the moment of silence between them had grown longer than anticipated before finally she allowed her lips to part, eyes to focus only on the woman in front of her as if she was the only one around.
❝  Kara Zor-El……from the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were special, and I don’t mean the abilities you have or the planet you are from but the simple fact that you have the kindest of hearts and see the good in people even when others don’t, especially for a Luthor, from that moment I knew I needed you in my life.  ❞ There was a crack in her voice, finding it hard to remember the words she had written over and over again. The words she had rewritten countless of times trying to make it the best she knew her fiance deserved. ❝ Before you, I have never felt true love and I had been surrounded by lies and manipulation but from the moment you stepped in to my life I finally knew what it meant to love. I learned how to trust people and what it meant for people to trust me. I have learned to respect myself outside of a family name, to believe in myself and allow myself to feel where in the past I feared what those feelings would do. You have always brought out the best in me, it’s what I love about you. You bring out the best in people without compromising yourself. The passion you have towards the world and those in it speaks volumes and I can not help but stand in awe how someone with such a big heart can love all of me. There is not one part of you I would change, from the way your blue eyes light up when you smile, to the crinkle between your brows when you are so focused on a task or to the way you laugh, truly laugh with amusement. I love the strength you have when fight for something you believe in. With or without your powers I love you, I know I can not bring back those you lost when Krypton fell but I promise for as long as I live I will make sure you never feel that pain again. I promise when you face the world I will be right at your side facing it with you. I promise to always love, respect, honor and trust you, and give you the best of myself, for I know together we will build a life far better than either of us could imagine alone.❞ In this moment, she felt her heart swell with over loading emotions for the woman in front of her. Wanting nothing more than to lean forward and share a kiss with Kara. It had truly been the longest time she had gone without kissing her fiance when the need arose.
❝ I choose you Kara Zor-El, I will choose you over and over, without pause,without doubt. I’ll keep choosing you. I’d give up everything I have if it meant being by your side. ❞
A breath between her words needing them to sit, soak in the air. She had meant every word she written in her vows. Promises she would never take back even during the ups in their relationships and especially during the downs.
❝ I spent countless days, countless hours within the four walls of my office. Through holidays and summers dedicating my life to work never truly enjoying what life would bring yet with you, I forget that’s how I once spent my days, not really living and I couldn’t imagine going back to that not when you have shown me the world and what it could bring. Falling for you wasn’t falling at all –it was walking into a house and knowing you are home. Today seems like it’s the start of a new adventure, but I have always belonged to you. Kara Zor-El, I will always be yours and you will always be my hero.  ❞
Tears of joy and happiness swelled her bright green eyes, the nerves that caused her muscles to tighten loosened just a bit. Everything felt lighter now that she had expressed what she had wanted to say since the moment she wrote them and even before they came to light. Every moment, that lead up to this moment held every emotion from the first day she laid eyes on the woman she stood across today. Here in front of everyone, expressing their love was something they’d do over and over again if they had to and even if they had to do it alone between just the two of them she would.
Kara held her breath, awe stricken as she hung on each and every beautiful word that emotionally passed her fiance’s lips filling the air between them. Her heart swelling, throbbing in her chest wanting nothing more than to take Lena into her arms and press a passionate kiss against her lips. Hands trembling, bright blue eyes sparkling filled with a thousand and one feelings but the one she understood the most was the love she had for the woman that she stood hand in hand with. No matter what would become between them Kara knew that they were forever the love they had for one another was special.
J’onn ran a finger quickly across his cheek hoping that it had gone unnoticed. His eyes glazed over, bloodshot from his own tears that had fallen from the words both women had lovingly shared with not only each other but with himself and everyone else that they considered to be their family. Clearing his throat of the lump that had formed he nodded ❝ Right. Yes. Please take each other by the right hand. ❞
Both women still very much emotional from their shared words hold out their right hands extremities twining together they share knowing looks and warm smiles the intense nervous that each of them felt only minutes before lifting as they already fell into an almost newlywed bless.
❝ These are the hands of your best friend that are holding yours as you promise to love each other all the days of your life. These are the hands that will work together as you build your future and make your dreams a reality. These are the hands that will comfort you in illness and trails and share the joy and happiness of life together. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through all your years may you always hold each other and give strength to each other to hold on during the storms and stresses of life. ❞
As J’onn continued Kara takes in his words her gaze instantly falling to the hand she held in her own, it was small, dainty yet seemed a perfect match for her slightly larger, stronger hand. Lena’s eyes stared at their hands, her grip tightened just slightly for a moment as if to reassure the other and herself that this was all too real.
❝ Kara and Lena,I bid you look into each other’s eyes. ❞ as if they were in sync blue and greens lock on each other ❝ Will you honor and respect one another, and seek to never break that honor? ❞ J’onn looks serious as he holds the cord above their joined hands. ❝ We will. ❞ their voice chime together in unison, their eyes falling away from each other to take in the woven red cord placed over their hands. The cords that were going to be used to bind them were made from Kryptonian fabric, the fabric of Kal-El’s baby blanket. Choosing a fabric made from Kara’s home planet had been something both women had set their hearts on. A fabric, here on earth stronger than any, ensuring their bond everlasting.
❝ And so the first binding is made. Will you share each other’s pain and seek to ease it? ❞ As the question filled the air. Both women seemed to be in a bubble that only they were inside, their gaze returning to each other blues locked with greens smiles curve at each of their features. Even through a smile, there was silent words. Words that between anyone else would go unnoticed yet between each other could say a thousand and one things. In this moment, feeling where mutual. The feeling of caring so much sharing the pain seemed as if was too much for the other. Wanting nothing more than to take it all but knowing well enough that would never be the case. Tangled extremities grip a little tighter. A small reassuring gesture to show the other that whatever would come their way that they would overcome it as long as they have each other. If anyone was watching, truly watching they’d notice the soft subtle changes in the gaze both women held upon their features as if in an unspoken agreement before saying in unison ❝ We will. ❞
The Second cord was carefully draped over their hands just as J’onn continued with the next words he had prepared. ❝ And so the binding is made. Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this union?❞ Lena circled her thumb gentle along Kara’s skin, she would gladly share any of her burdens but the ones she bore weighed heavy on her. The weight would take her down most days, she couldn’t possible share that with Kara. The woman who was the personification of sunshine. It was as though Kara knew. She knew Lena more than anyone, she would catch herself staring almost studying the features of the other. How even the smallest of changes in her expressions could mean a hundred different things she took pride in being able to differentiate between those small expressions, different rhythms in Lena’s heartbeat. As she felt dainty extremities circle her hand she knew the exact thoughts that were troubling her soon to be wife in that moment. Kara would do anything to take the burdens that Lena felt and have them as her own. She needed to find a way to reassure Lena that no matter the burden big or small she would always be by her side always in her corner. Bringing their left hands together Kara teased her fingers with Lena’s a never wavering smile affirmation that Kara was in this with both feet and zero regrets. Bringing their left hands to meet their right. Nodding at the gesture a silent plead for Lena to not be scared and to trust her wholeheartedly.There was that moment, where it felt as though the world stood still, when the fingers of their left hand intertwined with each other. The small gestures of reassurance made an already curled smile on Lena’s face to grow as if it could get any bigger. If she hadn’t known just moments ago she knew now even more that Kara was her everything and she wanted nothing more than to spend all of her life with her. As if they had practised beforehand their voices harmonized ❝ We will. ❞ collectively, while J’onn placed the third cord over their joined hands.
❝ And so the binding is made. ❞ For a man as stern as J’onn J’onzz to smile anyone could tell this emotional cord binding part of the ceremony was near its end. His voice seemed to express a little more then it had just moments ago as he finally began with the final question.  ❝ Will you share each other’s laughter, and look for the brightness in life and the positive in each other? ❞ That question, the last question. It was a no brainer. They had already shared many laughs together. Always saw the positive, especially when they were in the equation together. Looking for the brightness in their lives seemed easy when one of them radiated the sun a brightness that bled from one to the other, bringing out the best in each other. The final question the easiest promise of all. Unlike before, where there was a slight pause between the question and the answer, they found themselves almost immediately answering ❝ We Will ❞ as J’onn had finished speaking. The last and final red cord had been loosely draped over their hands and the first three that laid upon them. ❝ And so the binding is made. ❞ With only a single step left and a few words the first earth binding ceremony had began to come to an end. A ceremony in which had honored those from the past and had become a beacon of hope for the future.
❝ Kara and Lena ❞ J’onn began once more, extending his hand to gesture towards both their tied hands. ❝ Your hands are bound together now, so your lives and spirits are joined in a union of love and trust. Above you are the stars and below you is the earth. ❞ Each hand motion towards the sky and stars above them and then again downward towards the sand below them before colliding them together intertwining his own fingers into each other.  ❝ Like the stars, your love should be a constant source of light, and like the earth, a firm foundation from which to grow.❞ The four cords in place where they were meant to be, J’onn delicately took the ends of all four cords finally tying them all into one large knot,each one had been taken and intertwined between another tightly ensuring each one was tied together. A knot tight enough that the bind would be everlasting although space between each cord for both Kara and Lena to easily slip their hands free after the ceremony had finished without disturbing the bind. Both women more at ease, the intense nervous feelings they had been feeling long gone as they watch the cords around their hands being tied, knowing that now with all four cords tied together that there was only a few moments until they would finally be bound.. J’onn’s words seemed to drag on, speaking of the bond they were to share, in such a beautiful manor he had become a poet with his words. ❝  As this knot is tied, so are your lives now bound. Woven into this cord, imbued into its very fibers, are all the hopes of your friends and family, and of yourselves, for your new life together. With the fashioning of this knot do I tie all the desires, dreams, love, and happiness  wished here in this place to your lives for as long as love shall last.❞ Here as he spoke his words of hope for their future, in this moment they were just minutes from being promised to another for as long as they both should live.
❝ In the joining of hands and the fashion of a knot, so are your lives now bound, one to another.❞ J’onn placed his hand upon their tied hands as if to emphasise his next words, with a gentle smile placed upon his lips he continued  ❝ By these cords you are thus bound to your vows. May this knot remain tied for as long as you both continue to love another.❞ J’onn’s voice had become more like white noise to Kara since the cords had been bound and their vows had been brought to light. Her interests no more than Lena in that moment. A moment where Kara felt completely intoxicated by the woman she could in a few minutes call her wife. Blue eyes taking in the features of her face, each tiny movement expressing something different, her ears hearing nothing more than the heartbeat she come to listen out for everyday being able to tell the exact emotion Lena felt at the time just by how her heart beat in her chest. J’onn’s speech, the last few lines he was to speak continued on. ❝May these cords draw your hands together in love, never to be used in anger. May the vows you have spoken never grow bitter in your mouths. As any child discovers when they are learning to tie their own shoes, the first move is to cross the ends. As your hands are bound by these cords, so is your partnership held by the symbol of this knot. May it be granted that what is done before the gods be not undone by man. Two entwined in love, bound by commitment and fear, sadness and joy, by hardship and victory, anger and reconciliation, all of which brings strength to this union. Hold tight to one another through both good times and bad, and watch as your strength grows.❞ Lena swore she was a good listener but in this moment she heard nothing. Not the hopes poured into every sentence J’onn had spoke to them and those who attended. Nor anything about the love that was what bound their cords, no her attention had been only locked onto those blue eyes she got lost in from day one. So focused on the details of her face that the smile was stretched on her lips, turned holding in the need to laugh. She knew well that the woman across from her who was about to be her wife, much like her. Had her attention anywhere but upon the man who was conducting their ceremony.
J’onn hadn’t needed his powers to tell that the two women stood in front of him were no longer actually listening to his words. Both women seemed lost in each other like they had both been caught in a magical trance and the only thing that they could have their attention fixated on was one another. His voice raising an octave or two his next statement in the ceremony the most important of all. ❝ May your gods and mine bless this binding and with the power invested in me, by the Sun and the moon I pronounce you, Kara and Lena as wife and wife, bound before the stars. ❞  There it was, the very last words of the ceremony. After what seemed to be a very long drawn out day it had come to these moments. Ones they had almost missed, the line they both had been waiting for, the very one that made all the planning of the binding, reception and this whole trip that everyone had taken worth it. They were married, bound to each other for the rest of their lives. Wife and wife for as long as they both shall live.
❝ Kara, you may now kiss your wife. ❞ J’onn beamed a smile in the direction of the kryptonian bride knowing only too well that this was the part that she had really been waiting for.
It was the words that Kara had been waiting for J’onn to say since he had tied the four cords around their hands binding them together as one. They were married. Lena was her wife and if Kara was being honest with herself it felt as though all of her dreams had come true, this was their new beginning. They had already overcome so much and were all that more stronger for it and now this was a fresh milestone in their lives. They had ascended were starting a new chapter of their lives which Kara knew going to be the best years of her life and she could only hope that Lena felt the same.
Taking in a deep breath with a bright smile in the setting sun, her left hand slipping free of the binding her a sense of loss from the lost contact but stepping closer to her wife teeth nipping at the flesh of her lower lip the nerves and fear she felt before the ceremony had been washed away replaced by unadulterated excitement, happiness and love. Kara had kissed Lena thousands of times yet this time it seemed different. Wrapping her free arm around Lena’s waist using their bound right hands to pull the love of her life closer bringing their joint hands to her lips pressing a small kiss to cords that bound them. ❝ Mrs Zor-El ❞ the name rolled off her tongue with ease her stomach a flutter with wild butterflies. In a single motion Kara had brought their bound right hands around the base of Lena’s back dipping her into a dramatic kiss. Soft pink lips pressing against those painted red as a giggle escaped between them. She could hear the whoops, awes and comments of them getting a room but in that moment Kara didn’t care allowing herself to press their lips together that little bit more passionately the grip of her left hand on the curve of Lena’s hip holding her in place sure of the fact that she wouldn’t slip from her hold. Allowing the kiss to go on just long enough for her wifes’ change in heartbeat to echo in her ears, lifting her back so both feet were firmly back on the ground a mischievous knowing grin widening across sunny features.
Since the very moment she saw her down the aisle, she had wanted to kiss her. Now, they were finally married, though the engagement had been short it seemed as if it had dragged on. It seemed as if this day was never going to come with everything that had happened prior to this day. The struggles she faced alone and the ones they had endured together, this was the happy moment they needed, she needed. To know that with the many more days to come she had been promised to Kara who would always remain at her side through the many happy moments that had been yet to come and the many struggles she knew was to follow.
The moment the single lined sentence had her heart pounding into her chest yet before there had even been time to react she found herself within her wife’s grip causing a soft chuckle to pass from behind rose painted tiers this time unable to hold it in as she had countless times during the ceremony. Digits tightened around the fingers already intertwined between her own as her other hand wrapped loosely around her wife’s neck. Lena starred, truly looked into those bright blue eyes with love and hope. Her mind had been clear, no fear or pain to cloud it, pure bliss as her newly appointed last name rolled off the blonde’s lips so easily as if it were one she was always meant to have Her lips connected so easily with Kara’s it was as if they were made for each other. The first kiss as newlyweds had been exhilarating full of passion and lust. In this public moment, the connection made the world go silent like they had been the only two in it. There were cheers and comments but the little soft howl from Arakan El who wanted to join in had a soft laugh falling once more from Lena’s lips as they slowly parted from another. Pressing her forehead to Kara’s, she smiled with laughter a soft ❝ I love you, Mrs. Zor-El .❞ had been whispered against the kryptonian’s lips.
❝  Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honor that I officially present to you Mrs. and Mrs. Kara and Lena Zor-El.❞
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that-yandere-life · 5 years
Loki’s Most Glorious Purpose
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Anon Idea: So I've had this idea brewing around in my head since that ask about the yandere's s/o aging: since Loki's an expert at magic maybe he could find some sort of spell that would bind his s/o to him, like a sort of soul/heart bond thing that has the added effect of making the s/o's lifespan match his since they're now bound together. Maybe it could even make it so that if one member of the bond dies the other does as well, making his s/o even more dependent on him. It'd be perfect for a yandere. (Part Two of idea) I've just thought of another possibility with a bonding spell, it could also kind of act like a tracker, maybe it could give him the ability to know where his s/o other is at all times through the bond. I honestly feel like there's so many possibilities with the idea for a yandere. And of course you could decide how much of it goes the other way too, or if it's just Loki who could manipulate the bond since he's the one who can wield magic
Loki had been feeling down recently when he caught you looking in the mirror poking at your face thinking you saw wrinkles appearing. While you were perfect to him, he understood what you were secretly fearful of. That was that he was going to stay young and beautiful for near eternity, while you would eventually grow old and leave him in death.
It mattered to him that he would only have a short time with you, not that your appearance would age. So he decided that since he was a magic user he should be able to find some sort of solution to this apparent problem.
Going into the library to do some research in the words of old, he was looking for any way to extend your life. Part of him wanted to ask his mother, but he felt like she wouldn’t approve of him using magic on you. Plus if there was some kind of way to make it happen, he was sure it wouldn’t be an easy or pleasing task.
Pulling book upon book out, there was nothing he could find that would accomplish what he wanted. Thumbing page after page it was only furthering to frustrate him that nothing seemed to exist to keep you young forever. Tossing the most recent tale against the wall he was sighing, pinching the bridge of his nose.
While giving up never crossed his mind, that didn’t mean he was enjoying the process. Sighing he stood up again heading over to the ancient magic section, ones that held the more barbaric types of magic available. The title of one stood out to him, even though it seemed a little out there even to him. “Blood Magic?”He whispered softly to himself in contemplation. Shrugging his shoulders he decided it was at least worth a try to see what it held.
At first it seemed like a lot of crazy mumbo jumbo until he came across a ritual in it titled ‘Bonding Ritual.’ Sitting up fully he gazed down reading the words carefully to see what it entailed. Mumbling softly his eyes moving across the page, a smile growing on his face more and more as he continued.
“This is it, this is what I was looking for!”He exclaimed jumping out of the armchair that had been his home for the past two days during his search. “It will take a little planning but it is definitely doable!”He added taking a piece of parchment out of his pocket writing down the required items to perform it.
The ritual he had discovered would bond your souls together, keeping you alive until he perished. It was a very old ritual, one that had mostly been performed by old world witches to keep their objects of affection tied to them for eternity. Now he had to figure out where he was going to set this up in secret, and whether or not he was going to tell you he was going to do it. Either way he wasn’t going to give you a choice, but he would rather not force it upon you unless he absolutely had to.
Remembering an old storage area he used to go to hide from Thor and read without ridicule he decided to put his plan into motion there. Grabbing the required items in a plain brown satchel he snuck them into the space without getting caught by a single person. Setting up the circle he pulled out the seven candles, five for the elements so the Universe to watch on. Two to symbolize the two souls that were about to be bound.
Then there was a ritualistic knife that had never been used to spill blood previously. Wrapping it up in a velvet cloth he set it aside on a table nearby. Using pure sea salt he outlined the edge of the circle around the candles. It was at this point he realized that you would never agree to this dark magic in a million years. Always trying to get him to be better, but this time it was for your benefit too and he wouldn’t or couldn’t back down.
So as he made you, your bedtime tea he mixed in a potion used to promote sleep, only using a little extra to keep you in deep slumber. Wrapping his arms around you he teleported to the space, the only light coming from the candles burning brightly in the center of it. Laying you down in the middle, making sure that nothing could catch on fire he exhaled sharply. Pulling the book out of his pocket he went over what was to happen next.
Grabbing the blade he inhaled slowly closing his eyes to call upon the gods to bless it. Lightly he cut the end of one of your fingertips, letting the blood flow freely. Then he did the same to his own before holding them together tightly. “Universe, life and mother earth, witness this bond, and allow it to be heard. Blood mixed, magic connected. Never make broken this bond."He chanted as it described.
A bright red aura circled your joined fingers, and then the candles blew out by themselves signifying the success of the ritual. Using his magic he relit them so he didn’t have to leave your side for a moment. Removing his hand from yours he quickly healed both of your wounds so that they didn’t continue to ache the next day. Watching you still asleep peacefully in his arms he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty that he didn’t really give you a choice in the matter.
However it was far too late to consider that, and there was nothing he could do to break the bond without dying. Carefully he teleported you back to your shared bedroom tucking you in between the black silk sheets making sure you were comfortable. Then he went back cleaning up all the evidence that the ritual had ever taken place. Now he was wondering how in the Hel he was going to tell you what he did without you absolutely getting enraged.
Sighing he got into bed next to you trying to close his eyes and rest, but sleep was going to evade him for the night he was sure of it. The next morning you woke with a yawn seeing Loki next to you, his hair a tangled mess like he had been pulling repeatedly on it. Confused you snuggled into him, causing him to stir with the feeling of warmth. “Good morning my love.”You breathed out slightly.
“Good morning.”Loki replied his voice husky and a little hoarse from the tiny amount of sleep he had gotten.
“Is everything alright? Are you feeling ill?”You asked with obvious concern sitting up to look him in the eye feeling his forehead.
“I did something last night, but I am afraid it will anger you so. I know you have been worried about leaving me when you grow older… so I took it upon myself to try and solve the problem. I used an old form of magic to bond our souls together. We will eventually age together, and die together.” Loki started to explain seeing the shock on your face but letting him go on. “It’s an ancient ritual comprised of blood magic.”He added cautiously.
“How did you do all of that without me waking up during it?”You asked still not quite understanding fully as you had just woken up yourself.
“Well I used a little sleeping elixir in your tea to put your body at ease.”Loki hesitantly answered afraid of what your reaction was going to be.
“So you drugged me, then performed blood magic on me all without my permission?”You asked to clarify that you were getting what he was saying finally.
“Uh...yes that is what I did. However I did it for us! So we can be together forever, I never want to be without you. I understand that it was probably not the right way to go about it but my heart is in the right place I promise!”Loki tried to justify.
“It wasn’t your choice alone to do that.”You whispered shaking your head trying not to cry. While you appreciate the thought he put into it, it would have been good to at least talk to you about it first. Hopping out of bed you put your bed robe on hastily leaving the room needing some fresh air, and space.
“Please don’t leave! I’m sorry!”Loki called after you fumbling around for his own clothing which had been spread various places around the room in the middle of the night. Upon leaving into the hallway he couldn’t see where you had gone at all. Unfortunately the maids didn’t see which way you went either, leaving him to frantically search high and low for you.
A million thoughts crossed your mind as you continued to run as fast as you could, unable to think of where it was you eventually wanted to end up. Somehow you had made it to the waterfall Loki had brought you to when he proposed to you. Collapsing onto the ground you watched the rushing water crash again and again. Twisting the ring he had given you not that long ago around your left ring finger. Of course you wanted to forever be with him, but you didn’t think it was going to happen like it did.
The two of you weren’t even officially married and now you were technically married by the universe. Somehow it happened when you weren’t even aware of it, and now you were stuck with him for the long haul. No matter if something happened and you no longer wanted to be with each other. Although you didn’t exactly feel trapped either, you just felt upset that you were asleep the entire time.
That you missed something so special in your relationship because he was afraid of your reaction to what he wanted to accomplish. There was nothing he could do to take that back now, and you would have to remember it forever. “I know I messed up, but I just couldn’t take the chance to lose you in anyway.”Loki admitted sitting down next to you looking where your gaze was directed.
“I don’t mind that you want to be with me forever, or that our souls are now tied together. I’m upset because I wasn’t really there, it was you alone. That was something we should have done together, something we should have felt together. Now I just feel like I missed out on something so much bigger than just ourselves.”You sighed placing your hand on his much to his surprise.
“We can do it again, although admittedly it was dark magic that I used. I didn’t think that you would approve of that, but I would like to share it with you. If you will allow me to try again to show you my true intentions.”Loki offered squeezing your hand slightly.
“I will agree if you tell me how you found me so quickly.”You inquired looking to him with a slight smile on your face.
“Uh well part of the bond means that I kind of know where you are at all times, and it also means that eventually once it settles in more you will likely be able to do the same with me. There is no more hiding from anything, you will constantly be able to find me.”Loki explained holding the book out for you to take and read if you wanted to.
“So you basically put a tracker on me too?”You asked slightly annoyed but after all it was Loki, leave it to him to get what he wants in some way, shape, or form.
“Well unintentionally yes, but I am not sorry it happened. It will allow me to further protect you from harm really. If I can find you no matter what just by the pull from my heart to yours.”Loki sheepishly responded turning to look you in the eye. “My love for you will never end, and I wanted to prove it to you. I still do.”He added making sure you could tell that he was being truthful.
“All I ask is that next time you include me in your plans, especially you know if they involve me too.”You replied shaking your head as you felt all animosity towards him slowly dissipate. “I love you too Loki, even when you go off half-cocked on some hair brained scheme.”You laughed leaning in pressing your lips to his feeling him smile into it.
“I promise to never again to do anything of the sort without your permission first, my love.”Loki smiled pulling you into his arms keeping you in his tight embrace. “Forever as one, is what we will be.”He whispered into your ear feeling the happiest either of you had ever been.
[Thank you so much for the idea Anon lovely! I’m so sorry it took me so long, but I really hope that it is worth the wait!!!! <3 <3 <3]
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rosy-night-sky · 5 years
Of Treasure and Adventure
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Genre: Treasure hunter/Indiana Jones AU
Pairing: Ot7 x reader
Summary: Your grandmother gave you a gift that she won in a game, so naturally you are curious as to the origins of it. A decision was then made that you should seek the answers to your questions. However, you never expected your decision to lead you on a treasure hunting quest.
Tag List: @sevenincubistolemyheart
Chapter 2
Boom. Boom. Boom. Your throbbing head was what brought you back to reality. At first, you had no idea what was happening or where you were. You originally thought that you were back in your temporary flat sleeping in your comfy bed, but your aching neck, back, and arse made you realize that you weren’t in a bed at all. Perhaps you fell asleep in a chair once you got back to your room?
A groan escaped your lips as you tried to move your arms into a more comfortable position. However, you soon realized that you couldn’t move your arms at all. You persisted and pulled at them again and again, but you noticed that something restricted your movement.
Your e/c eyes fluttered opened, your first sight being your wrists tied tightly to the armrests of the chair. Suddenly, your mind went into hyperdrive, recalling your last moments before you fell into unconsciousness. You met with Dr. Kim and his student, Jungkook, and then after that you met...
You remembered his last words to you. “Sleep dreams, Y/n...”
That bastard! You gritted your teeth in anger and panic as you began to thrash around in the chair you were confined in. Once you got out of there, you were going to give that bastard the arse whipping of his life before reporting him to the British Royal Guard!
Unfortunately, your bindings were securely tied well, not giving you wrists much movement. The chair was wooden though, maybe you could break it somehow? It seemed to be old enough that with a few abuses it could fall apart.
Before you could even try, however, the sound of the door opening and bouncing off the walls caught your attention. You snapped your head toward the source of the sound, but the dark room impaired your ability to see who it was. Your mind instantly went to the tea seller from before, but you weren’t ready to start throwing accusations at him yet.
There was a slight pause before the quiet rooms was filled with the sound of heels clicking against the concrete floor. You then heard a slight switch being flicked on before a light bulb spring to life. You groaned at the brightness it emitted, your eyes stinging even when you slammed them shut.
The heel clicking became louder as you observed that he was getting closer to you. You cracked open you eyes and looked up at your captor, expecting it to be Hoseok, but you surprised to see that it wasn’t the tea merchant.
The man before you wore a pristine suit that cost more than probably half a year’s salary for you. He was devilishly handsome, as if chiseled by the gods themselves. You couldn’t help but stare into his beautiful eyes, and, for a very brief moment, you had forgotten that you were kidnapped and tied to a chair.
The mysterious man looked down and gave you a small, soft smile, as if seeing an old friend after many months of separation. “Miss. Y/n,” he greeted with a velvety voice.
You snapped out of your daze and hardened your stare at him, trying to show that you were strong and wouldn’t be broken easily. “Who are you?” you demanded, venom dripping from your tone.
He tilted his head to the side, his smile growing as if he found what you said amusing. “You may call me Mr. Kim... Kim Seokjin...” he introduced himself, digging his hands into his pockets.
You paused your gaze at his resting hands, wondering if he was about to pull out a knife and threaten you. But as luck would have it, his hands remained deep in his pockets. You returned your gaze back to meet his eyes. “Okay, Mr. Kim,” you began, saying his name with contempt. “What the bloody hell do you want? I’m guessing you don’t need money. So what is it?”
Mr. Kim let out an airy laugh. “Even if I did need money, I wouldn’t go around kidnapping women who can’t even afford a nice apartment.” So this guy broke into your flat. For once, you were glad you weren’t there to witness all of it. “No, what I need from you is a little more personable.” One of his hands left his pockets and, with it, pulled out your tapestry.
Anger flared within you and boiled in your veins. You jerked in your bindings, causing the chair to squeal against the floor. “Give that back,” you snarled ferociously.
“And I will, but I need for this for a period of time... along with you as well.”
You furrowed you eyebrows in confusion, although your hardened glare never stuttered. “Why me?”
The rich man rolled back on his heels and paused, as if thinking about how he should word this. “You probably now remember the little legend that Hoseok told you, no?”
Images of Hoseok pouring the tea that must’ve been drugged flashed in you mind as you slowly nodded, he then continued, “A group of my people fled the Chinese to hide one of their most valued national treasures, and I intend to find it and return it to its rightful place in Korea.”
You pressed your lips distastefully. “I’m not going to help you go grave-robbing,” you declared.
Mr. Kim released another airy laugh. “A British person who doesn’t want to go grave-robbing? Why, that seems rather contradictory, don’t you agree?” he chuckled. “But what I’m doing I don’t consider to be grave-robbing. You can’t rob what was once yours.”
“But it isn’t yours,” you argued, leaning forward in your strapped chair. “It was your ancestors.”
“But I have a right as a Korean to reclaim it.”
“So it’s going to sit in your vast collection, I take it?”
“Oh, of course not!”
“Then why not inform your government and let them handle it?”
“I don’t know if you quite understand, Miss. Y/l/n,” he began, speaking as if he were talking to a child, “but Korea is currently taken over by the Japanese government. If they were to find out I was reclaiming an object of Korean identity, I would get executed.” He then sighed tiredly. “I’m not doing this for selfish reasons, Miss. Y/l/n. I’m doing this so that bad people don’t find the Dragon of the Stars first and destroy it.”
Your anger subsided as Mr. Kim explained himself. Why, the situation in Korea didn’t sound that much different from what the British were doing to the Indians, if not worse. You would be a hypocrite if you said you didn’t agree with his cause. If you were in his shoes, you would leave at once on this quest to search for a national treasure.
However, you couldn’t just abandon everything and help him. You had a job, a home, your pet cat, Florence! You had a life back in England! You don’t even how you could help him. You were just a reporter, not even a famous one at that. You had no skills to help him with such an expedition.
“I don’t know how I could help you, Mr. Kim,” you explained, fasting you gaze down to the floor. “I’m not educated in history or ancient languages, and I don’t even know anything about excavating. I’m not an archeologist, I’m just a reporter.”
Mr. Kim grinned broadly. “On the contrary, a reporter is exactly what we need. Reporters have influence. You can get into areas that even I can’t go. Not to mentioned you are skilled with a camera.” He tilted his head to the side. “We might not be putting our findings in a newspaper, but it would be good to document our expedition. Besides, we are using your tapestry as a guide. It would be rude not to include you.”
You thought over what he said before asking, “What about my job?”
“Already sent a letter explaining that you will be gone for a few more months in order to document the inner goings of the independence movement. Don’t worry, the report and pictures will be completed by the time we return.” He then chuckled at your shocked expression. “I like to tie up loose ends.”
“My flat in England?”
“Paid in advance.”
“My cat?”
“Already hired someone to take care of her. Florence is really adorable by the way.”
You sunk into your chair, overwhelmed by how proficient Mr. Kim was. He was also very confident that you would accept this offer. “You’re not giving me much of a choice,” you remarked, looking back at him.
“Something tells me you’ll accept either way.”
He had you cornered. There was no way you could back out of this. “Alright, I’m in.”
Mr. Kim had released you from your bonds hours ago. You had gone through an excessive series of papers to sign, from agreeing to go on the expedition to saying you won’t sue if anything goes awry. As you left the room where you spent signing hundreds of papers, you rubbed your cramped wrist and grumbled to yourself. Mr. Kim was right, he really liked to tie up all loose ends.
Speaking of which, the rich man was standing in the hallway, waiting for your arrival. Once his eyes landed upon you, he smiled cheerfully and joined your side. “Glad you got all the paperwork filled out. Wouldn’t want any negative consequences that weren’t already expected, now would we?”
“Of course,” you agreed, “but did you really need me to sign a paper about camera insurance, Mr. Kim?” You couldn’t believe it yourself when you read that contract, but signed it anyway just to get it done and over with.
He waved his hand in the air as if he were brushing your complaint away. “Ah, ah, call me Jin. We’re all equal partners on this trip, Y/n,” he corrected, saying your name for the first time. “And we can’t be too careful. So the paperwork is there to ensure every possibility. This will be dangerous after all.” He then clapped his hands together excitedly. “Now then, time for you to meet the rest of the team! I figured it was for the best to meet them as soon as possible so we can start on the team building and bonding.”
A deep part of you expected to see old men and maybe one other person your age as you entered the room. However, you were pleasantly surprised to see six other young men already chatting with each other. The men paused their conversations to see who came in, and one of them gasped in excitement. You turned your attention to him and were faced with the man who got you into this situation. Hoseok.
“Y/n!” he called out with a wide smile. “So glad you could make it!”
You gritted your teeth. “You bastard,” you snapped, watching the smile slip from his cute lips. “You didn��t have to drug and kidnap me!” You were ready to smack him for all the panic he put you through.
Hoseok raised his hands in surrender, eyebrows slightly raised in shock. “Whoa, whoa, that wasn’t my call. I was given simple instructions, and I simply followed them. Besides, it was actually for the best that it was me who drugged you. Anyone of these guys would’ve accidentally killed you.” He then grinned again. “Especially Namjoon, guy can’t even cut an onion properly!”
Namjoon. You know that name.
You turned your head to face where Hoseok was pointing, you eyes landing on the very historian you met earlier in the day. Dr. Kim Namjoon. You groaned exasperatedly. “You were in on this, too?!” you demanded in a almost whiny tone.
Namjoon laughed sheepishly, realizing he was in a tight spot. “Um, yes, I was the one who notified Jin that the tapestry you had was authentic,” he explained, choosing his words carefully.
Hoseok then added, “And then Jin sent me to... collect you.”
You sent a cold glare at Jin. He caught your gaze and slightly flinched. “What? I had to get you away from the public eye, and I highly doubt that you would accept an offer to meet up with me concerning your tapestry!” he explained, his pace of words becoming faster and faster by the second. It was actually rather impressive that he could spit out that many words in such a short time.
You sighed and then turned back to Namjoon. “So what about your students? Did you send them back explaining you had ‘important business’ to attend to?” you questioned.
“The whole ‘professor on a trip with students’ thing was just a ploy to avoid causing suspicion with you,” he corrected, taking off his round glasses and placing them in his breast pocket. You knew he was handsome, but, damn, the way he took off his glasses was really attractive.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “But... Jungkook...?”
Suddenly, you someone tap you on the shoulder, you turned your attention to whoever did it and was faced with the so called student. He smiled adorably at you, like a child who managed to pull a successive prank on you. “Hello, again, Y/n.”
You then pinched the bridge of your nose, your aggravation growing by the second. “So all of this was a set-up to get me to join this?” you asked, your tone getting more irritated.
“Yes, and I do admit it all went rather smoothly,” Jin commented, feeling quite proud of himself for managing to pull it all off.
You sighed again, thinking that you have been taken advantage of and played like a fiddle. “I’m such a bloody idiot.” You couldn’t believe that you were so easily tricked.
“It happens to the best of us,” Hoseok said, trying to make you feel better, but you’re not sure if you wanted him to say it of all people.
Throwing your arms in the air, you said, “Alright, I guess introductions are in order.” You straightened yourself out, trying to appear at the very least presentable. “Hello, my name is y/n y/l/n, although you all probably know that from all the bloody stalking you’ve done. I’m a reporter from England, and I’ll be working as the photographer and I suppose the go-between to getting us into hard to go places.” Geez, you felt like you were back in school introducing yourself to the class.
There was a chorus of people saying hello to you politely. Scratch that, you felt like you were in one of those alcohol group therapies. After an awkward pause, Namjoon cleared his throat and spoke up, “Hi, my name is Kim Namjoon. I’m the head archeologist and translator for the team. Basically, I take care of all the boring stuff.” He laughed, while the others quietly agreed with him.
Next, a man you never met before, who looked like he spent the entire night staying up and working, mumbled, “Hello, I’m Min Yoongi, and I want to go home.”
“Don’t we all?” you commented, feeling like a deep bond with Yoongi was already forming by how much you both didn’t really want to be here.
He nodded in agreement with you before adding, “I’m the field technician. I mostly fix the things that Namjoon breaks.” The archeologist cleared his throat awkwardly while the others chuckled at memories of Namjoon breaking various things.
Hoseok then piped in, bouncing next to Yoongi. “Hi! I’m Jung Hoseok, and I work as the team doctor, which is why it was best that I drugged you.” He pointed at you with a smile. “Better a professional than an amateur.”
“And apparently a professional actor, too,” you added, rousing a chorus of chuckles.
Hoseok shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve been taking some notes from Jin. He actually went to school for acting.”
Jin sighed wistfully. “My acting career unfortunately didn’t get far.”
The next man smiled at you charmingly, he was smaller, around Yoongi’s height. However, the size of his arms and legs told you that, despite his height, he was not to be messed with. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you!” he greeted. Your heart clenched at how adorable his greeting was. “I’m Park Jimin, and I’m the pilot, navigator, and team survivalist.” He chortled when seeing your raised eyebrows. You were impressed with the many skills he had in his utility. It made you feel rather useless compared to him.
A deep voice snapped you from your thoughts about Jimin. “Hi, I’m Kim Taehyung, and I’m in charge of removing structural obstacles with the method of discharging a series of fulminations,” he explained with an innocent grin.
Jungkook scoffed and rolled his eyes. “He means he likes to blow stuff up. He’s our demolition expert,” he clarified, earning a playful punch from the older man.
You gave a concerned glance to Jin. “Is blowing stuff up really necessary?” you asked, imaging the spectacle of the authorities arresting you all because Taehyung blew up something he wasn’t supposed to.
Jin reassured you, “I expect the Dragon of the Stars to be heavily fortified, meaning we might have to demolish some things in order to get there. Besides, Taehyung has been doing this type of work for years, and I trust him wholeheartedly not to make a mistake.” He then grinned and added, “You might say he’s flameous for his work!” He then burst into a seal-like laughter, earning a series of groans from his horrible pun.
Before Jin could make another horrendous pun, Jungkook decided to step in and save the day. “You already know me, but I’m Jeon Jungkook. I’m considered to be the muscle of the team, just in case anyone wishes to harm us along the way,” he informed you.
Taehyung remarked, “Yeah! He could probably bench press you no problem, y/n! Kookie is a muscle pig!” He pinched the youngest’s chubby cheeks, while the others began to coo about how adorable he was.
You watched the whole scene develop before you. Jungkook getting all embarrassed with all the compliments he was receiving before trying to brush it off onto someone else. It would work for a few seconds until someone brought the attention back unto Jungkook. You realized that this team, although you didn’t know how long they knew each other, was like a weird family, a family that you would be joining very soon.
What have you gotten yourself into?
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brent-sunborn · 5 years
The Hunt Begins
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(( Follows Harboring Shadows Pt 1 and Pt 2 / Co-written with @kidcatgemini​ / @kaiekasunwhisper​, @nepenthea​ ))
There was a loud cracking sound as Kai’eka’s blade hit the target dummy, snapping it in half and sending the top part flying across the training yard. The warrior-woman growled, teeth clenched as she caught her breath from her vigorous workout. It was a workout that ended much too soon as she’d gone and destroyed the last target available. With a frustrated cry, she threw the rune etched blade at a nearby tree.
Thankfully, there was no one to witness her little tantrum. The training grounds had emptied as she’d begun her workout. It became obvious very quickly that the muscular woman had a lot of frustrations to work out.
Part of it was due to the Alliance and Horde victories in Nazjatar. The freeing of N’Zoth was good, but the loss of Azshara didn’t bode well. Things were reaching a critical point. Cultists couldn’t afford to scatter now…
Of all the times for Alteris to make one of his famous dumbass moves! Kai’eka figured he’d make a stupid attempt at Nepen’thea sooner rather than later, but she would have never thought he’d manage to succeed! She even hoped… foolishly… that giving him more freedom to do as he pleased would bring him around.
Now Thea was dead. It wasn’t the first speaker, nor the first friend Kai’eka had lost in her long life of servitude to the Ancient Ones. But the fact that her own brother landed the killing blow cut deeper than any blade ever could.
“... We need to talk.”
The familiar voice stuck out in the now-quiet training yard, despite being barely above a whisper. The shadows of a large nearby tree shifted, taking form. A familiar form. Brent stepped out, over a piece of training dummy, into the fading sunlight. His expression was, per usual, unreadable. The mask he wore served its purpose well. And yet despite all that, the air of anger was thick enough around him to betray his thoughts and feelings. And rightly so - after all, Alteris’ latest victim was the woman Brent loved more than anyone or anything in this world. Or the next.
“Where is he?”
“Hell if I know…” Kai’eka grumbled as she made her way across the training yard to pick up her weapon.
Brent’s appearance didn’t surprise her. She figured he would show up sooner rather than later. She found she couldn’t make eye contact with him. To say she felt partially responsible for Thea’s demise wouldn’t be inaccurate. She hadn’t approached Brent after learning the news. The Blackened Blade has secluded himself almost immediately, and she respected him enough to give him the space he required.
Like she had with Alteris…
She sighed.
“I’m sorry, Brent.” 
Odd words for her to say. Not easy ones to utter. But words that needed to be said nonetheless.
“Spare me.” the Ghostblade scoffed. “I’m not here for consolation. I’m here for information.”
He crossed his arms, tone thick with his anger. It wasn’t all directed at Kai’eka… but enough of it was to hint he held her partially responsible. After all, Alteris wouldn’t have even been alive if she weren’t so insistent that Nepen’thea bring him back. And for what? Familial ties? His eyes narrowed at the berserker.
“It’s useless to try and protect him, Kai.” he all but threatened her. “I told you what would happen. I told you bringing him back was a horrible, horrible idea. You know what’s coming next for him.”
“I fucking told you. I. Don’t. Know.” She growled back, turning her head to narrow her gaze at him “He didn’t exactly tell me where he was going. Took forever to find him the first time. If he doesn’t want to be found, we won’t find him.”
She huffed, sheathing her blade. Her frustration grew as she realized Alteris still didn’t trust her. Everything had been going so well, she thought. They were bonding, finally… and now he went and threw it all away, leaving her alone, just as he had all those years ago.
“It’s useless to go after him. He’s gone for good. We need to stick together now. With N’Zoth free we need to be ready.”
He silently regarded Kai’eka, for a moment. She wasn’t lying… he knew her well enough to tell. He recalled the story, of course - Brent had heard it a time or two after getting the brutish woman to open up and share. Those moments were few and far between, to be sure. So when she told him about Alteris and how he’d left her all those years, never to be found until it was far too late… it stuck out well enough to the rogue.
“... Hmph. Covering his tracks well.” Brent huffed. “Not to worry. I’ll find him, one way or another.”
He uncrossed his arms, and turned from Kai’eka. It was clear Alteris wouldn’t seek refuge with Kai’eka. So it only made sense to start looking wherever she wasn’t. He stepped off for the training yard’s exit.
Until a large sword struck the ground in front of him, blocking his exit.
“I said, you stay here,” Kai’eka’s voice was commanding, not asking, “Leave him be.”
She stepped towards him now, the apologetic look gone and her usual intimidating presence returning. She drew her second blade, obviously ready to fight him on the subject.
“What part of ‘stick together’ didn’t you understand?” She growled, “You’re mind’s clouded by anger. Snap out of it or I’ll knock some sense into you myself!”
“--My mind’s clouded? What about yours?” Brent scowled. “Your brother came to be thanks to you and your fucking emotions! You wanted your precious little brother back… and now it’s cost us our Speaker, Kai!”
He turned, glowering at the warrioress. How typical… of course she would try and defend him now. Spare him from death after working so hard to get Nepen’thea to bring him back for her. And how did he repay the favor? By taking a semi-successful attempt on her life! How did she repay the favor? 
By letting it happen. 
“Your brother betrayed us! Betrayed all of us, Kai! You’re right; we need to make sure things go well now that N’Zoth is free.” he scolded the woman. “And your brother’s proven he aims to disrupt the Old Gods’ plans! Why don’t you find some sense, and realize that your idiot brother needs to be put down, before he causes any more damage to our plans?”
If there was one thing Kai’eka hated, it was being told the truth. She snarled, reaching her free hand forward to grab Brent by his leather jerkin, pulling him face to face with her. The fact that he wasn’t backing down and was standing up to her was pissing her off all the more.
“I won’t let you kill him,” she spelled out, plainly, “This is your last warning. Let it be.”
“... You won’t let me?”
Brent’s eyes narrowed, piercing Kai’eka’s own as they darkened. He brought one hand up to grip her wrist - the other slammed up against her neck. They stayed there for only a moment, before he pulled them back and let the fall to his side… leaving in their place shadowy manacles. Chains emerged from each of them, the one at her hand pulling her off and to the side. The one at her neck pulling her back and down. He simply stepped back, as his shadowy incantation took effect to bind the berserker to the ground beneath her. As much as she struggled, the chains hardly budged. Brent was more than prepared to subdue Kai’eka if necessary. This was but one tool in his arsenal to satisfy that necessity.
And thankfully, for now… the only tool he needed to use right now. His blades stayed sheathed at his hips.
“You don’t get a choice, Kai.” he scowled. “The last time you made that call… whether your brother lived or not… he took my Thea from me.”
He turned quickly, as the tensing of the chains became audibly strained.  Nothing could fully stop Kai’eka… that he knew better than anyone still living. But this way, he’d at least slow her down enough to leave her well in his dust. The shadows swirled about his feet, spiraling up his body, before engulfing him entirely. By the time they dissipated… he’d be long gone.
Kai’eka tugged violently at the shadowy bonds, enough so to bruise the skin beneath. She couldn’t do anything but gasp for breath with how tightly her neck was bound. She was more than familiar with Brent’s shadow links. He’d used them on her enough. Their strength would fade over time, and she’d break free when they would.
By then, of course, it would be too late. Brent was already gone. Like Alteris. She wouldn’t be able to find him unless he wanted to be found. Like Alteris, he was abandoning her. 
Kai’eka closed her eyes tightly. She hadn’t felt this alone in a very long time.
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drsilverfish · 5 years
The Scapegoat - Speculative Musings on S14′s end (Moriah)
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The Scapegoat by William Holman Hunt 1854-5
As we know, the final episode of S14 (14x20) is titled Moriah, which, in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) is the place (possibly a mountain and possibly a mountainous region) where Abraham (as set out in Genesis) took his son Isaac as if to sacrifice him to God. 
@mittensmorgul @profound-boning and @prairiedust have already been talking about the significance of Moriah here:
One of the fascinating things about the Akedah (the Binding of Isaac) is that it has been interpreted in several ways, two key ones for SPN being:
1) Abraham testing God 
(putting pressure on God to intervene to save an innocent)
2) God testing Abraham’s faith 
(that God would intervene or would resurrect his son)
Both of these are of interest to the narrative of Supernatural. 
14x17 Game Night specifically stages a conversation between the angels, Anael and Castiel, about God’s intervention, or non-intervention, in human affairs.
Anael castigates God for being non-interventionist, whilst Castiel wishes to point out that, sometimes, God has intervened, even as he directly seeks God’s intervention (for help with his adopted Nephilim son) via Joshua’s copy of the Samulet to (it would as yet appear) no avail.
I’ve been musing on why the quote from the New Testament, which poor old whammied Donatello rasps out, whilst being messed about by Nick as a kind of prophet-radio conduit to Lucifer in The Empty, is, anachronistically, in Ancient Hebrew, rather than Greek (which scholars agree was the first written language of the New Testament, as opposed to the Biblical Hebrew of the Old Testament):
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour…” (Peter 5:8 King James Bible)
Perhaps because SPN has always, more overtly, drawn on the Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament, and apocrypha like The Book of Enoch, whilst leaving its (abundant) Christ imagery largely in subtext. 
And Moriah, and thus the story of Abraham and Isaac, is very much a story of the Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament.  
Let’s back up a bit, and consider the Jewish tradition of the scapegoat, as set out in Leviticus. 
Here is a discussion of this ritual, from a Jewish perspective:
God tells Moses, to tell his brother Aaron, to approach the Ark of the Covenant (but not to get too close or he’ll die) and to bring two goats, as part of a sacred act of ritual cleansing and worship. 
@shirtlesssammy should be excited about this, as they were discussing Castiel in relation to the Ark of the Covenant here:
From Leviticus:
16:7.         Aaron shall take the two he-goats and let them stand before the LORD at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting;
16:8.         and he shall place lots upon the two goats, one marked for the LORD and the other marked for Azazel.
16:9.         Aaron shall bring forward the goat designated by lot for the LORD, which he is to offer as a sin offering;
16:10.     while the goat designated by lot for Azazel shall be left standing alive before the LORD, to make expiation with it and to send it off to the wilderness for Azazel.....
So, one goat is a blood sacrifice for God, and as for the fate of the other goat?:
6:21.     Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat and confess over it all the iniquities and transgressions of the Israelites, whatever their sins, putting them on the head of the goat; and it shall be sent off to the wilderness through a designated man.
16:22.     Thus the goat shall carry on it all their iniquities to an inaccessible region; and the goat shall be set free in the wilderness....
Some Jewish scholars, apparently, see one goat (the blood sacrifice) as for God and the other (the scapegoat) as for Satan (Azaezel), indeed some argue Satan IS the scapegoat. Whilst some Christian scholars see the scapegoat, cast into the wilderness to carry the sins of the tribe, as an allegory for Christ.
One goat for God and one goat for Satan - we can see how that can be mapped onto the supposed “destinies” of the Winchester brothers, as sacrificial humans on the altar of the Apocalypse - one for Heaven (Dean as the Michael vessel) and one for Hell (Sam as Lucifer’s vessel). 
This is really interesting, in relation to Moriah, because in fact Abraham had two sons (who were half brothers) Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael was sent into the wilderness (like the scapegoat) where he and his mother encountered an angel, whilst Isaac almost had his blood ritually spilled for God (like the blood sacrifice goat).
Cain and Abel are sometimes mapped onto these two goats too  (Abel as the blood-sacrifice goat and Cain as the scapegoat).
And Dean and Sam have themselves been mapped by the SPN narrative previously, during the Mark of Cain narrative of S10, onto Cain and Abel. 
Dean was, after all, told by John Winchester (sometimes a narrative mirror for God) that if he couldn’t save Sam, he’d have to kill him. And indeed, when Sam was in the Pit with Satan (after the events of 5x22 Swan Song) Dean was effectively “in the wildnerness”; his year of lost grieving trying to live “a normal, apple-pie life” with Lisa and Ben. 
Sam as the blood sacrifice goat and Dean as the scapegoat. 
However, because Dean has also, since Mary’s death, been a substitute parent to Sam (parentification) we can also view Dean as mappable to Abraham and Sam as mappable to Isaac. 
This parentified relationship was foregrounded, once again, in 14x17, when Sam almost died from a bloodied wound to the head (thanks to Nick) (i.e. he took the role of the blood sacrifice goat) and his (almost) last words to Dean were, “My whole life, you put me first,” (acknowledging Dean as the scapegoat, who has had to bear the weight of the sins of others, namely of their parents).
With me, thus far? Sam and Dean, sacrificial goats, fathers and sons, God and Satan, faith and doubt, sin and expiation? 
Now, how does all this map into the story of Jack the Nephilim, as well as the Jungian themes of the season?
Jack, we know, functions as a mirror for all of Team Free Will. 
He is the son of Satan by “blood” and he is the son of Castiel, Sam and Dean by love. He now contains within him elements of Heaven (AU!Michael’s grace) Hell (Lucifer’s parentage and, possibly, Lucifer’s control from beyond the grave via Nick’s blood spell) and Earth (his human parentage and soul from Kelly Kline).  
He is a trinity: Heaven, Hell and Earth; Castiel, Sam and Dean; Father, Son and Holy Ghost; a hunter, a Winchester, the son of Lucifer.  
Jack is also now the embodiment of the question of fate vs free will which epitomises Supernatural.  Is he “fated” to be evil, as the son of Lucifer, or does he still have the free will to choose his path, thanks to his Team Free Will adopted fathers?
Now we come to the two goats - Jack looks as if he is being set up to embody both - the blood sacrifice goat (he has now been explicitly linked to his father Lucifer via a blood spell) and the scapegoat, because the Winchesters all seem to be reaching the assumed conclusion (without unequivocal evidence) that Jack no longer has a soul.
Here’s where the Jungian themes of the season kick in. 
This season has been a season in which TFW have been confronted by their shadow-selves, meaning, in a Jungian psychological sense, the repressed (both negative and potentially positive) aspects of themselves.
Dean has been confronted by AU!Michael wearing his face  (representing his repression/ control).
Castiel has been confronted by The Shadow wearing his face (representing his sense of worthlessness).
Sam looks as if he is going to be forced to confront Lucfier, who has worn his face before, once again (representing his isolationism and rebelliousness). 
Control (power), sense of worthlessness (anxiety about being loved) and isolation/ rebelliousness - we can see all of these manifesting in Jack the Nephilim, adopted son of TFW.
Now, one of the psycholgical consequences of NOT confronting one’s shadow self, is projection, or the scapegoating of others (see how this all ties together?):
“When we scapegoat, we project what is dark, shameful and denied about ourselves onto others. This “shadow” side of our personality, as Carl Jung called it, represents hidden or wounded aspects of ourselves, “the thing a person has no wish to be,” (Collected Works, Vol. 16) and acts in a complementary and often compensatory manner to our persona or public mask, “what oneself as well as others think one is.” (Collected Works, Vol. 9).”
It looks as if a whole lot of projection is about to go down amongst Team Free Will (4x18 Absence promo) at least, in as much as we can take anything too concrete from next week’s promos, given how partial a picture these can paint!
Dean, Sam and Castiel have each travelled down the road to darkness, which they fear Jack is travelling now, themselves, in the past. Dean has been a torturer in Hell, on his way to demonhood after selling his soul. He has also been a demon enslaved by the Mark of Cain. Sam has been addicted to demon blood and on his own way to demonhood as a result, and he has been soulless (having been resurrected without his soul by Cas and Crowley). Cas has imbibed  the Leviathan from Purgatory, become Godstiel and Levi!Cas, and slaughtered many of his angel bretheren in Heaven.
If they cannot acknowledge their shadow-selves, they will end up projecting them onto one another and onto Jack. They will scapegoat one another and their adopted son. 
So the question is, who will be sacrificed on metaphorical Mount Moriah?
Will it be Jack, embodiment of them all?  
Will it (finally) be the parentification between Dean and Sam (as it needs to be for their both their psychological growth)?
And how will God answer all his wayward sons? 
Added editor’s note: Here is a good article on the idea of “The Adversary” (who later developed into Satan) in the Hebrew Bible:
You can read my previous Jungian-themed meta on the season here:   
1) The Shadow 14x08
2) 14x09 The Spear (Jungian Decoder Ring Edition)
3) Jung and Dean’s Journey Towards Self-Integration in 14x11 Damaged Goods
4) Ouroboros in Prophet and Loss (14x12)
5) A Pearl of Great Price - 14x13 Lebanon
6) The Serpent and the Egg: Snake and Eye Symbology in 14x14 Ouroboros
7) Another Alchemical Easter Egg in 14x14
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lenfaz · 5 years
For @sambethe and @kliomuse, who’ve encouraged me to put this idea to paper
“I’ve only loved two people in my life, Catalina…. The first wasn’t meant to be. He went on with his life and married your sister.”
“And the second one?” She was almost afraid to ask, as the air thickened between them and his eyes met hers. The façade was gone and there laid Augustine in all his humanity. The sheer agony she saw there took her breath away.
“It’s ironic, isn’t it? There’s only one way to be immune to your magic and it seems I have been able to acquire that particular skillset in the past few years.”
She tried to reach for him, but he pulled back.
“No, darling, don’t. I know my place. I know that this is preposterous. I’m all kinds of wrong for you. Connor would beat me to a pulp, and with all reason. Your mother would shoot me. Your cousin would dispose of me in the most efficient way.” He quirked an eyebrow at her. “I know my boundaries and I know this is not meant to be. That’d never meant to be.”
“I beg you do not pity me. I’m the Head of a very powerful house and I will get over this feeling. I will. You, in the meantime, will go live your life. Marry your count, Catalina, and do not give this another thought. I’m too old, scarred and jaded for you.”
10 years later
She looked like a vision. The years have been good to her. She looked poised, intelligent, strong. She looked - was - like everything a Prime should be and still maintained that bright eyed kindness that had driven him to her more than a decade ago.
Sagredo was an idiot to let her go.
“What brings you to my office, Miss Baylor?” he asked
“Why the formalities… we’re practically family, aren’t we?” she adjusted a crease on her black pencil skirt, and his eyes couldn’t help but roam over her figure. Gods have mercy on him. Connor was going to dump a building on his head. And with reason.
“They haven’t made it official yet and until he puts a ring on her finger and the contracts are signed, we are not family.”
Besides, I’ll never be able to look at you as a sister.
“A Montgomery marrying the Beast of Cologne… I hope your brother is ready for temper tantrums.”
“You’re being awfully harsh on your sister. She’s grown up to be a lovely young woman. She’ll bring nothing but joy and dignity to House Montgomery.” He leaned in, because he couldn’t help himself now that he had her so close after all these years. “Although I do fear the day they take over MII and House Montgomery.”
“If you’re so worried, Augustine, you can easily fix that by taking a wife and producing offspring, like a good Head of House.”
He closed his eyes, sighing. Not a chance of that happening.
He could hear the clicking sounds of her heels as she came closer, her scent enveloping him. It was torture, and yet he didn’t want it to end.
“Open your eyes, Augustine.”
He drank her features, allowing himself this one moment of weakness after all these years. “Why are you here, Catalina?” He let threads of his illusion go, letting her see parts of the real him, hoping that his vulnerability will push her away.
She gave him a lopsided smile. “Ten years ago, you had a proposal to make to House Baylor.”
He chuckled. “You mean when I tried to arm twist you into becoming my vassal?”
She bit her lip and he almost groaned. She was too close. “That is one way to look at it…. You remember what I said to you?”
As if he could ever forget….
“You told me that you - that House Baylor - needed to stand on its own. That our relationship would be unbalanced and that I would crush you under me. That you’d lose yourself.” Her words had been clear and concise. They were not equals. There was an unbalance. And she didn’t want it. It was a statement on the impossibility of an agreement as much as it was on the everlasting impossibility of them. Of why they would never be.
She shifted and for a moment he thought she was going to sit on his lap. But she wouldn’t, would she? That’d be preposterous.
“That was the reality then, Augustine. But it’s been ten years.” She leaned over him, her fingers tracing a pattern on the sleeve of his suit. “Things have changed. I - our house- it’s more mature. We stood on our own. We survived. We succeeded. We thrived.”
She’d done all those things and more. He knew it as he hadn’t been able to resist the temptation of keeping tabs with her. Silently, in the shadows, he rejoiced in every one of her triumphs over the last decade.
“You’re a success, Catalina. House Baylor is a success. You’ve done it. But that still doesn’t answer my question.” He needed her out of his office before he made the biggest mistake of his life. “Why are you here?”
“Because I have a proposal for you.”
“For me? Or for House Montgomery?”
“Aren’t they one and the same?”
No, they aren’t.
She stroked his hand and he lost what was left of his sanity. He almost growled at how great her fingers felt on his skin.
“I think we’re ready to enter that agreement in equal footing now and considering the ties that will bind our families, it wouldn’t be far fetched for us to enter such agreement. The Montgomery-Baylor International Investigations. It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
If she leaned any closer she was going to collapse into him. He should stand up, put distance between them and yet all he could do was intertwined his fingers with hers and pulled her until her legs touched his.
She shrugged… “If you’re worried about them taking over, let’s build something so strong that even they cannot ruin. Think about it, we could even be bigger than House Rogan if we set up to it.”
Considering House Rogan was busy raising several offspring that have burst with the most unexpected magic combinations and enjoying every minute of it, he didn’t have any doubts that he could one-up his best friend business wise. But not all in life was house business.
“Your proposal does bring a lot appeal. As Head of House, I’d be an idiot not to consider it.”
“And as Augustine?”
“Why would I feel any different?”
“Because you love me.”
Sharp and to the point. Like the daggers he knew she carried around and were her favourite weapon.
He averted his eyes. “That’s ancient history, darling. I got over it a decade ago.”
“Look at me,” she commanded. And the final pieces of his facade dropped and he looked into her eyes as anything but Augustine Montgomery.
Her hand reached for his face and he wanted to recoil, but he was weak to her touch. He leaned into her palm, savoring the moment. “Catalina… don’t do this. I’m trying to do the honorable thing here. Not to mention, preserve my physical integrity. You can’t illusion a corpse.”
She chuckled and the sound was like music to his ears. He was in his forties and he felt as giddy as a teenager whenever she was near. “You foolish idiot… you really don’t have feelings for me?”
“I don’t.” He was going down a rabbit hole with his last piece of sanity.
“Take a closer look, Augustine.” She closed her eyes and hummed briefly. The air around her started to shine as if tiny twinkle-twinkle little stars surrounded her. And suddenly he could see it all: her wings spread wide around her, bent and cocooning the both of them, threads of her magic weaving through him. It was mesmerizing.
“Catalina,” he rasped.
She opened her eyes, her smile wide and almost childish. “I picked up a few tricks here and there in the past few years. And I’ve been hitting you with all my magic since I walked into your office, Augustine, so don’t you dare tell me you don’t love me.”
As if I could have ever stopped.
The words were out of his mouth before he could catch them. And finally - finally - she did what he’d been hoping she’d do since she leaned into him. She lowered herself down and sat on his lap, her arms circling his neck.”You once told me you knew your place. That you were too old, too scarred, too jaded for me. And you were. Perhaps you still are. But the reality is… I would have never wanted you any other way, Augustine.” Her lips brushed his. He didn’t stand a chance. He crushed his mouth into hers, giving into a decade of wanting, of longing, of loving.
“Your family is going to kill me.”
“Ffft, I’d like to see them try. My sister married the Scourge of Mexico, for crying out loud.”
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updcbc · 5 years
July 14, 2019 - “Deliverance from Darkness: The Demon-Possessed Man” Mark 5:1-20
Click READ MORE to read the full sermon.
We have a common Enemy whom we have taken for granted. Satan, the devil, is real and alive and at work relentlessly to deceive the world and destroy the people of God. As the master of deceit, Satan appears as angel of light, but inwardly he is a roaring lion bent to devour anyone.
Throughout the Scriptures as written in the gospel narratives, it was during the earthly ministry of Jesus that recorded the staggering presence and intensified activities of Satan and demons. We firmly stand on three fundamental reasons. First of all they knew that Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God to neutralize the domain of darkness. Secondly, they knew who really Jesus is. The poor carpenter from a remote village in Nazareth was not an ordinary human being.  Satan and his demons knew that Jesus the Messiah is the incarnate eternal Son of God in heaven, the Almighty Creator of the universe and the sovereign Lord of all creation. This great mystery was hidden from mortals as Jesus dwelt with human beings. And thirdly, Satan and his demons knew that Jesus came to redeem people from the powers of darkness and usher anyone who believes and repents into the kingdom of God. The Devil and all his demons used all their powers on every front to derail and destabilize the redemptive work of God in Christ. Yet, as light cannot be overcome by darkness, so Jesus rules above all authorities and powers of darkness. The encounter of Jesus with a demoniac (Mk. 5:1-5) showed his dominion over demons (5:6-13) and delivered a man from the grip of Satan (5:14-20). We now enter the territory of the Enemy. In our faithful study of the Scriptures may God protect us from the Evil One.
A.  The Demoniac in Gadara (5:1-5)
The encounter of Jesus with a man in Gadara was a direct confrontation with demons. Such encounter was beyond natural realm for mortals to comprehend and handle. The graphic power encounter unveiled the presence of evil spirits on earth to deceive and destroy human beings.
 1. The Region of Gerasenes
In the earthly ministry of Jesus, he had traveled in the province of Judea teaching the kingdom of God and making miraculous wonders as a great crowd followed him. Jesus told his apostles that they would cross over the Sea of Galilee. While they were on the boat a violent storm hit them. The disciples feared for their lives. Jesus spoke to the wind and the waves and all was calm. The apostles were filled with wonder. The disciples have yet to comprehend that Jesus is God and Lord over nature. Having crossed over to the other side of the sea, the apostles have yet to internalize that he is the same God and Lord over spiritual and demonic beings. The gospel narrative gave this account, “They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes” (Mk. 5:1). The region was also called Gergesenes or Gadarenes.
The locality where Jesus had crossed over Galilee was Gadara. This was a city about six miles (10 kilometers) southeast of the Sea of Galilee. Gadara was primarily a Greek city of the region of the Decapolis and the capital city of the Roman province of Perea. The ruins of Gadara, present-day Um Qeis, included two theaters, a basilica, baths, and a street lined with columns. Gadara was an ancient large and beautiful city. Jesus had a clear purpose coming to the city of Gadara.
2. The Demon-Possessed Man
On the seashore at Gadara, Jesus encountered a demon-possessed man. Mark wrote in his gospel account.
“When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones.” (Mk. 5:2-5) 
Luke wrote in his gospel record.
“They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee. When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs.” (Lk. 8: 26-27)
Matthew gave a parallel account.
“When he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way.” (Mt. 8:28)
It can be observed that both Mark and Luke spoke of one demon-possessed man while that of Matthew cited two demon-possessed men. The difference on the same historical account should not be taken as a contradiction. The variance upholds the freedom of the gospel writers based on their intent of the particular event. It appeared that in the gospel narratives of Mark and Luke, they have focused on the one man because of his significant role in the ministry of Jesus in the Decapolis.
In this biblical perspective, we focused our study on the man recorded by both Mark and Luke. The Scriptures gave weird descriptions about the man. First of all, he was demon-possessed. An evil spirit took control over his body, mind, emotion and will. This meant that the man greatly suffered for while he remained conscious of his personal being he was powerless to act on his own volition. Secondly, the demon that possessed the man was hyper violent. The violence of the demon was contained to the possessed man inflicting harm to his own self. The man daily cried out aloud and cut himself with stones. Thirdly, the demon that possessed the man was very powerful. No human being could subdue him and he easily broke chains tied on him. And fourthly, the demon had possessed the man for a long time. In such woeful state the man lived in the tombs naked and the people were much afraid of him. For sure the demon-possessed man was known throughout the region.  
B.  The Encounter with Jesus (5:6-13)
The encounter of Jesus with the man was phenomenal. It revealed who Jesus is and demonstrated his divine authority over demons. The eyewitnesses were filled with awe and dread.
 1. The Demoniac Trembled Before Jesus
The demoniac trembled at the feet of Jesus. Mark and Luke gave a similar account in their gospel narratives.
“When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, ‘What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me!’For Jesus had said to him, ‘Come out of this man, you evil spirit!’” (Mk. 5:6-8; cf. Lk. 8:28)
Matthew, in his parallel account, made a record of the pleading of the demons to Jesus. “What do you want with us, Son of God,” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?” (Mt. 8:29)
Two astounding revelations were written on this biblical account. First, Jesus is the Son of the Most High God. The evil spirit recognized Jesus and he prostrated at his feet. The Scriptures teach that demons, together with Satan, are fallen angels who rebelled against God and cast out of heaven. Secondly, demons tremble at the word of Jesus. The evil spirit was filled with dread when Jesus commanded him to get out of the man. And thirdly, demons are certain of their eternal doom. The evil spirit pleaded to Jesus not to torment him before the appointed time. In light of the teachings of the Scriptures, the appointed time for the final judgment of all demonic powers and human evildoers will take place at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Satan himself is fully aware of this. It is written in the Book of Revelation that the devil “is filled with fury because he knows that his time is short” (Rev. 12:12b). So he works without rest.
 2. Jesus Asked the Name of the Demoniac
The encounter of Jesus with the demon-possessed man unfolded a horrible fact beyond human comprehension. Mark gave this record.
“Then Jesus asked him, ‘What is your name?’ ‘My name is Legion,’ he replied, ‘for we are many.’” (Mk. 5:9-10a)
Luke wrote a parallel account.
“Jesus asked him, ‘What is your name?’ ‘Legion,’ he replied, because many demons had gone into him.” (Lk. 8:30)
The word “legion” as understood in the time of Jesus was a principal unit of the Roman army, consisting of 3,000 to 6,000 infantry troops and 100 to 200 cavalrymen. In this particular case, the biblical record speaks of the literal meaning of the word legion in a strict military sense. The poor man in Gadara was inhabited with many demons—not dozens or hundreds but of thousands! Imagine a man possessed by a thousand demons. This staggering truth is inconceivable for us human beings.
 3. The Demoniac Pleaded with Jesus
The demoniac trembled before Jesus and made his desperate plea. Mark wrote in his gospel narrative, “And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area” (Mk. 5:10b). Luke gave a parallel account, “And they begged him repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss” (Lk. 8:31). The word of the evil spirit gave us a glimpse of the spiritual world. In the scriptures, the word “Abyss” is also known as the bottomless pit or chaotic deep. Abyss is the prison of disobedient spirits. When Satan rebelled against the Most High God in heaven, many of the myriads of angels followed in his rebellion against their Creator. Multitudes of the fallen angels were cast out of heaven. And many of these fallen angels were imprisoned and tortured in the Abyss. An angel from heaven ruled over the demons in the Abyss. The name of the angel of God in charge of the Abyss is Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek, which means “Destroyer” (Rev. 9:11). The legion of demons knew of this dreadful prison and they desperately pleaded with Jesus not to order them to be cast into the Abyss. At the Second Coming of Jesus, Satan and all fallen angels, including those imprisoned in the Abyss, will be thrown into the Lake of fire and they will be tormented day and night forever (Rev. 20:10). The legion of demons knew of their eternal doom. They begged Jesus of their temporary freedom on earth.
4. Jesus Cast Out the Demons
Jesus had given the order for the demons to come out of the man who had become their dwelling place for a long time. Now they were filled with dread if Jesus would cast them out to the Abyss. They made a desperate plea which Jesus granted. Mark wrote in his gospel narrative.
“A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. The demons begged Jesus, ‘Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.’ He gave them permission, and the evil spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.” (Mk. 5:11-13; cf. Lk. 8:32-33) 
Matthew gave a parallel account.
“Some distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding. The demons begged Jesus, ‘If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.’ He said to them, ‘Go!’ So they came out and went into the pigs, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and died in the water.” (Mt. 8:30-32)
When Jesus commanded the evil spirit to disclose his name, he was compelled to tell the hard truth about his true identity. The name of the evil spirit is “Legion.” Look closely at the number of the herd of pigs. The poor man—and the other man—were inhabited with “about two thousand” demons! We give a careful thought on this dreadful account. Jesus allowed the legion of demons to go into the pigs than for them to indwell a human being. The rushing of the pigs into the lake was not merely a commotion among the herd being possessed by the multitude of demons. Rather, it was an intentional, communal and outrageous movement of the legion of demons that showed their true evil character bent to destroy primarily human beings without sparing animals.
In her book, The Beautiful Side of Evil, Johanna Michaelsen speaks of the devil as the master of deceit. Likewise, demons are deceiving spirits. What is the beautiful side of Satan and demons? They appear as angels of light to deceive and allure people on what seems to be true and good. Inwardly, however, they are roaring lions looking for victims whom they can devour. This calls for utmost vigilance. The utter destruction done by the demons to the herd of pigs is the ultimate end Satan seeks to inflict on any human being in any corner of the world. Whom should we anchor our faith and entrust our life? Jesus Christ alone whom the demons recognized as the Son of the Most High God can save us from our sinfulness. And Jesus Christ alone can deliver us from the powers of darkness. This was true to the man whom Jesus delivered from the legion of demons. What Jesus did for the poor man—he can do it for us.
 C.  The News in Decapolis (5:14-20)
The breaking news about the demon-possessed man spread like a wildfire. The peoples in the Transjordan region were gripped with fear.
 1. The Breaking News in Gadara
The people in the city of Gadara were dreadful. Mark wrote this account.
“Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man—and told about the pigs as well. Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region.” (Mk. 5:14-17) 
Luke made a parallel narrative.
“When those tending the pigs saw what had happened, they ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. Those who had seen it told the people how the demon-possessed man had been cured. Then all the people of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with fear.” (Lk. 8:34-37a)
Matthew gave this gospel record.
“Those tending the pigs ran off, went into the town and reported all this, including what had happened to the demon-possessed men. Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region.” (Mt. 8:33-34).
Based on these three gospel narratives we can see the bigger picture. The flash report was done by the caretakers of the herd who witnessed the event. The whole community rushed into the scene. They saw the man dressed and sane seated at the feet of Jesus. And they also saw the thousands of pigs floating on the lake. What was their response? They were overcome with fear and pleaded Jesus to leave their place.  Why were the people overcome with fear and pleaded to Jesus to leave their region? For sure they were not afraid of the man who was delivered from demons for his deliverance made them safer in their community. They were afraid of Jesus whose power to cast out demons could spell economic disaster for them as a community. Hog-raising was their primary livelihood. Around two thousand pigs lost instantly. At present average value of hogs cost them a staggering loss of eight million pesos! Out of dread the Gadarenes pleaded for Jesus to leave their place.
2. The Command of Jesus
Jesus never forces himself on anyone. He made his decisive and graceful exit in the sight of the people. Luke wrote in his gospel account.
“So he got into the boat and left. The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, ‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” (Lk. 8:37b-39a).
Mark recorded a parallel narrative.
“As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. Jesus did not let him, but said, ‘Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.’” (Mk. 5:18-19)
This is the most touching part of the story. The man begged to go with Jesus in deep gratitude of his deliverance and his wholehearted devotion to Jesus. But Jesus forbade him to do so. Instead he sent him away home to be with his loved ones and share to them the great wonder and abounding mercy of God on him. This brought indescribable joy and peace inside his family. Indeed, Christianity begins inside the home.
 3. The Good News in Decapolis
The man took Jesus at his word. “So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed” (Mk. 5:20; cf. Lk. 8:39b). The man became the first Gentile missionary whom Jesus had sent to preach the good news of the kingdom of God. And the name of Jesus our Lord and God was made known among the Gentiles in the region of the Decapolis. 
The encounter of Jesus with a demon-possessed man in Gadara reveals the dreadful reality of Satan and his demons actively at work in an unsuspecting world. It is inconceivable on our part that a certain man was possessed by a legion of demons! Jesus cast out the demons. The man was delivered from demonic possession. He went home and became the first Gentile missionary who shared the gospel of Jesus Christ to his own people. We give a careful thought on the spiritual world.
Demons know Jesus and they tremble before him. In light of the Scriptures, we enter the world of spiritual beings. Among the creatures of myriads of angels, Satan and fallen angels made an irreversible decision and irredeemable rebellion against God. They were cast out from heaven down to earth. When the legion of demons saw Jesus they recognized him as the Son of God and they trembled at his feet.
Demons are evil spirits bent to destroy human beings. A legion of demons inhabited a man to destroy his life. Satan and demons masquerade as angels of light but inwardly they are ravening wolves in sheep clothing to deceive and destroy individual persons. Their primary agents are false teachers and scheming evildoers who are experts in twisting the Scriptures and turn away peoples from the gospel truth.
Jesus alone can deliver us from any foothold of demons. Jesus delivered the man from legion of demons and he proclaimed the gospel of Christ to his family and countrymen. The Enemy can have a foothold in our unbelief, pride, bitterness, hypocrisy, greed, covetousness, indulgence, lust, infidelity, insincerity, indolence and occult activities. From any demonic influence we come to Jesus for our wholesome deliverance.
I grew up from a religious family surrounded by so called spiritual powers at work within our clan. From my father’s side I had an aunt who was known as a medium who communicated with spirits. From my mother’s side I had a close relative who was known as a faith healer who had a direct contact with spiritual beings. Our family had no conscious involvement with these spiritual powers at work within our kin. My father had much reservation on mediums and faith healing and he did not entertain their existence. Such worldview on his part was unsettled when a crisis hit our home.
I was then in my second year in college. Religious as I was, yet my father and mother noticed that I could hardly concentrate in my studies and bewildered with my failing grades. Such unusual development disturbed them because I had excelled in my studies on primary and secondary levels. I had nothing to explain to them. Then one morning my aunt who was a medium unexpectedly arrived in our house. To my surprise she went close to me and held onto me with a glaring look in her eyes. She told my parents that a spirit closely accompanied me day and night and caused much disturbance in my life. Out of desperation my father decided that I would go through a spiritual cleansing rite.
Inside our house, our relatives prepared a sacrificial altar laid on the floor. On it were lit candles, a chicken, boiled eggs, cooked glutinous rice, cigarettes and wine. I stood before the altar. I was surrounded by at least four relatives led by my aunt. She offered a prayer and they fell into trance. Her body shrieked and started singing and dancing around as she touched me from head to foot. She was accompanied with the other relatives doing weird movements as they feasted on the offerings laid on the altar. The neighborhood watched in silence. My parents stood nearby in bewilderment. And I had no idea what was really taking place.
Then my aunt stopped and gazed at me with fiery eyes. And she spoke before the crowd. Obviously, a spirit was speaking through my aunt who served as a medium. The spirit claimed he saw me when I came to a resort in our hometown for a day of outing with my friends. The spirit took a special notice on me. Since then the spirit accompanied and watched over me day and night. Then the spirit warned that he will take my life should I pursue my dream to become a priest. Yes, it was on my fourth year in high school that I was qualified and enlisted to a vocation of priesthood—my childhood dream. My father, however, did not give his consent. Instead of entering the seminary, I enrolled in a university.  
Then the spirit gave a final demand before he would leave at that given ritual. The spirit spoke, “Bring to me the shirt he wore when he came to the resort so I can bring it with me.” I could hardly recall the shirt which I have used. Several shirts had been brought to my auntie but she rejected them one piece after the other. When a certain colored shirt was brought to my aunt, she grabbed it swiftly, wrapped it hard around her body and danced around rejoicing. Then she ran outside our house toward the foot of a coconut tree at our front yard. There she passed out.  
After the cleansing ritual did I feel better? No it was not. I became more religious and struggled a lot with my studies. I was utterly desperate and cried out for deliverance from my sinfulness and restlessness. In 1980, on my fourth year in college, the gospel truth spoke in my heart, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life” (Jn. 3:16). I received Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. At last, I found peace and rest in God! I sealed my loyalty to God with a simple ritual. In solitude I took a lily flower. Then I vowed, “Satan, this flower belongs to you. But from now on, my whole life belongs to Jesus alone.”
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