#its really wild how much of that place i remember in my whole soul
afriendofmara · 1 year
There will always be a fondness for 2000's christian rock and pop in my heart. Little me adored those beats, even the sad ones. That was all I had to grasp onto and I did, they mean so much to me. But what makes me still so fond even nowadays, I've never viewed them in a god way. Its always been in a Friend or Family way. 6 year old me would listen to Natalie Grant bang out the tunes and sat in front of the cd player dazzled. This is what its like to find love, to find friendship, to find companionship, I thought. I listened to the entirety of Portable Sounds by Tobymac and knew that this was about what loving your family means. Today I understand that these are sometimes about friends or lovers but always they are about god. I just can't come to see that. NEEDTOBREATHE's The Outsiders is genuinely one of the best music albums in my life and my brain to this day wraps it in friendship and hands it over
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she-is-miller · 6 months
Based on @incorrectsibunaquotes recent post about season 3, I suddenly realised how much more danger Sibuna was facing, and especially Eddie, who had a lot more responsibility than Nina (it's a fact, either argue or accept it, I don't care). I don't know if this has been discussed here, so I'll just say what stuck in my head. Season 1 and 2 were about Nina herself, her status as the Chosen One. As a world as such, it had no impact whatsoever. She and the others just needed to survive and keep the adults from collecting the cup/mask for eternal life.
Eddie, on the other hand, with virtually zero knowledge of what it is to be an Osirian, has to stop a reanimated madman from taking over the entire world to pair with an evil Goddess. This whole Sinners plot is next level and you're ready for that conversation. We all remember this chaos in the finale when he had to endure losing the soul of the love of his life, his father and almost all of his friends. And the attempt to save everyone he had was ONE. Yes, this boy barely has brain cells, but really was able to do what was required of him.
And I really don't understand how anyone can be a fan of this season (even if you take into account Natalia leaving, which is dumb in the first place). This season has its flaws(like all seasons) but it was wild and awesome.
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pb-dot · 9 months
WIP Wednesday: Le Fin Du Monde
A bit of a shorter one this time around, that post-Christmas lethargy has hit me like a bag full of hammers. Anyway, I've noticed I don't really deal with memorable locations much in my writing. It isn't so much that I avoid them as much as my style not really including a lot of description of external stuff. Oh, if you want to know every nook and crevice of the protagonist's soul, I can help you there, but where are they doing their soul-searching? I don't know. A café perhaps?
Well, today I'm going to talk a bit about a location from His Impossible Brushstrokes that buck the trend, in that I feel I have a fairly complete picture of how the place looks and feels. This is Le Fin Du Monde, a café in San Francisco that sells alcohol or a bar with a barista that opens uncommonly early. It's one of those perspective trick puzzles, duck-or-rabbit pictures, but for serving of drinks.
Monde as the place is most frequently called by people too cool to say the whole thing, which is to say most of its customers, is Oscar and Mara's preferred coffee spot. Oscar likes to think he's above day-drinking at the establishment as pregaming for a wild night, but he is lying to the world and himself, and not for the first time either.
As one might expect from an establishment with a foreign name, Monde is tooled towards the art crowd, the black-painted walls and felt sofas and chairs in muted colors seem to be hand-picked to be the kind of dour that'll get an artist thinking along the lines of art or mania. Oscar for his money considers the whole place to be a den of the pretentious and the wannabe, but he hasn't found another place that has unlimited refills and a sufficiently dank interior yet, and so he keeps going to Monde.
Now, keen-eyed readers might remember me writing about the John Carpenter Masters Of Horror episode Cigarette Burns as a source of inspiration. I chose to name this café after the cursed art film the protagonist seeks after in the movie, although I did feel compelled to shorten it a bit. La Absolue Fin Du Monde did feel a bit long for the name of a café, even if a shortened version was available.
As for real-world inspiration, Monde is a bit of a tribute to my former favorite cafe, a nameless thing on the first floor of the Norwegian Film Institute. Back in my film school days, I used to spend many an afternoon there with my friends as we drank ourselves silly on black coffee with free refills, discussing some film project or other that we'd never get around to actually making, or writing screenplays or other coursework with the measured panic of the habitual student. The place is shut down now because apparently, it's a crime to host nice cafés in downtown Oslo, but it will forever live on in my memory, as well as on the pages of Brushstrokes. I've made the fictional place a bit cooler, I will admit, but all is fair in love and war fiction.
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non-neutoniangender · 8 months
Fuck it, more Critical Role at 3am, well past my bed-time.
I think I was happier not remembering the quip adds, but calling Matt MCR was pretty good, I gotta hand it to Sam for that one.
Damn Matt can sing though
Sam and these storylines, like..... what the helll
Keyleth <33333
Also Liam's love for Keyleth is so obvious and lovely, I love that he care that much about the past PCs.
FCG you did NOT need to lead with the killer robot bit
Excuse me. "Sometimes you have to meet them"?!?!?!? bestie I don't know what goes down at the end of C1, but to my knowledge they didnt meet gods, what HAVE you been up to Keyleth?
I love the way the whole table is fangirling over each others old characters and the impact they made on the world.
Ashley's reaction to Pike's name was adorable!
"And one of them is Delilah Briarwood"
I love these people!!!!
(okay so I've been playing some video games while listening for the last bit)
I am really enjoying the interactions with Vox Machina, its really cool to see how alive this world is, meeting old characters and seeing what they are up to and how they've grown in the past years.
And Percy and Ashton talking was *chefs kiss* The way they were both true to character, the way they both have trauma and are so similar but also have different take-aways from it
Pike's house!!! and Lady Vex'ahlia. I love them!! They feel like very close friends, and Vex missing Keyleth is such a mood and such a fun bit of character building.
Anyway, this soul trip is absolutely wild... like, this is such an interesting challenge and way to achieve this resurrection.
The stone forest, the stone cabin........ Matt how do you come up with these things, also where are they? the astral sea?
What a paradoxical place they find themselves in, go underground to find a shadow city??
I'm very intrigued to figure out what will happen next.
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shadowonwater · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet playthrough part 10: fish buddy comedy, plans to break into Area 51, and the completed path of legends.
Playthrough Masterlist
So I finally headed down to see the "False Dragon Titan". And I will say, I got confused because I went to where on the map it said it was but I sure as hell didn't see anything but a bunch of those sushi fish. I assumed that this island only spawned the sushi, I later realize there is a reason they are there.
So I ended up exploring some of the other islands because I didn't know what to do. I ended up finding not just one, not just two, but three more yellow stakes. I have found many yellow ones but I still don't really know what they're for yet.
I went back to the island. And then I realized something. I didn't get into a battle by touching the sushi fish, and also that they had text boxes. So at first I thought I had to defeat all the fish to make them disappear and by the time I saw the Big One, I had already defeated most of the fish, so I figured I might as well take out the rest of them first.
So when I saw the big one, I was "whoa that's big" and "that's the one I'm supposed to fight isn't it?" It was even saying "titan" pretty much. So just as expected when I fought it the boss battle began. Just as I expected, but didn't know for sure, the giant catfish was the titan.
So when I beat the first phase and it swam off I followed. It took me a second to find where it had gone, a rather sneaky one, isn't it? Well it's little buddy ran into the cave and the herb. And they powered up together.
Arven shows up, and I don't know how he got here. Did he swim? Ride his Cloyster? Is there any sort of water taxi service like there is for flying?
I'd say he was genuine help this time in the battle. I first used my Kilowattrel for catfish and then used my grass cat for the sushi fish.
I'm very happy his dog got all better! The whole line about playing ball with him again hit me in the heart. Hell yeah, you get your dog all better! Let's gooooo! Also Kori can now climb vertical rocks! Is there no where he can't go to now? The world is Kori's oyster!
So the professor messages me while Arven is there. Kinda wild that that was the first time he had heard her voice in years. Hurts a bit she's been talking to some stranger (me) over her son, I imagine. So yeah she wants Arven to unlock the door to her lab for me.
He's clearly not happy his mom and all, very valid. He's fine with opening the door, but not for her, it's for me. So I fly down there and he opens the door, we go in. Place is super dusty, looks like there hasn't been a soul here in years.
We get a video message where she's like "Hey I need you to break into this extremely dangerous place for me and bring that Scarlet Book." She's specifically talking to me but she's fine if Arven comes too. I really do wonder what the deal is with this book.
Interesting to hear that he's been to Area Zero before. It makes sense that it was were his dog got hurt. It explains why only the mystic herbs could help him. He decides that if I'm going in, he's going to go with me, very brave of him considering what happened to his dog.
I looks around the dusty lab. Find a couple more Occulture articles. And suppliances that haven't been used in a long time along with food past its expiration date.
Me and Arven battle. I think I might have been a bit underleveled considering he had Pokemon who were level 60, and my highest was 55. I was still able to beat 5 of his Pokemon with just my Flamingo, goes to show how kick ass it is.
I tera it at the start (It's a fighting Tera) I do pretty well with double kick. I choose it because I remembered he had some grass types as well as a normal type, I also knew he had a rock. I figured Fighting/Flying covered beating his team up pretty well and it did. His last Pokemon, the big dog himself, gave me a lot more trouble.
Sure I was a fighting type facing a dark. But the dark type had a psychic move and a fairy move. I tried using my grass cat next, while he may be weak as well to fairy, he also had a fairy move. my Play Rough hits and I only need to fit one more time. I miss. He hits me but grass cat toughs it out at 1 hp. Play Rough misses again. Grass Cat faints. and I finish it off with a different Pokemon.
So he says to me if we want to sneak in to what is basically Pokemon's equivalent of Area 51. We need a Champion and also a Hacker. I see that we need Penny and Nemona for the mission. It feels like we're in a heist movie getting a team together for a big operation.
I figure we need to complete the other paths to get them on the team. And that maybe they might have their own motives to get in there other than helping me. Next I'm heading north to where the last things are. I'll see you then.
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marylouexpress · 6 months
Magic Carpet Ride
So many different dots have connected inside of me this past Friday. It’s like every single experience and conversation I have had in the past couple of months led up to this night - specially my Bufo ceremonies with Xixi and my “Chawku talks”. Like the first of them prepared my spirit and the latter prepared my mind - and combined it got to a point where it elevated my consciousness on a deep, deep level. It really expanded my being and made me feel so many things I have never felt before, I understood and saw so much.
So in Chawki’s first ceremony, he was saying how it’s not our minds that attract what I manifest, but our whole bodies. The idea is that our mind is just a part of us and whatever happens there is just a small percentage of what happens within us. Following this logic, I understood what Ezryiah said back in Tulum when I messaged him and said I didn’t remember much from my journey; “your body will remember everything though”. And every time I felt an energetic wave or had a thought that was connected to my Bufo experience, I would be certain that was the source of the information/energy I was receiving. How do I know if I don’t consciously remember much from my ceremony? Because my body would recognize it and then my mind would identify what my body is connecting with.
Same happened in Doncelles 88 this friday. For sure what I had, chemically speaking, was important to get me there (a quarter of an acid, a little chunk of dried mushrooms, weed and ketamine). But considering Stella hadn’t had the same as me but we were both on the same wavelength, it is obvious this was much deeper than what I was intaking. Thing is I remember being on that dance floor and getting really introspective, letting the music penetrate my mind and soul and flowing with the thoughts and sensations that were coming through. On some level, I knew I was diving deep - but I had no idea what was about to happen. I just knew at this point that it was no longer about just partying and that something deep was moving inside of me.
After the second big ket hit, after AP and I were at the chillout red room talking about how much the ket and the acid had combined, I went back to the dance floor and shortly after she went home, Stella and I decided to chill at the couch on the main floor - and that’s when it really started. I just realized I was feeling something really, truly pure. Something in my core, my guts, my spirit. Something truly different that I can only compare to what I felt when I first landed at Gili Trawangan. Inner peace, tranquility, serendipity, stillness, oneness, presence and genuine gratitude. Like waking up from a really long sleep. Like feeling energized and focused, alive. All at once and elevated to its maximum, I just was sure that I was tapping on something for the first time and that my life wouldn’t be the same after that. Like my whole body was on a different frequency. Like I had unlocked this huge source of power and energy inside of me and unleashed a wild, young creature that was waiting to be awakened. Like I had liberated my pain body. My consciousness had been elevated to a new level, something like changing the eyes from which I perceive the world. A kind of connection with Earth that I had never felt before, like everything is possible and everything is ok. Everything is ok because whatever unfolds depends on how I’ll create my own reality. I’ve got the world on the palm of my hands.
And that’s connected to the idea that the mind reads what the body is feeling and that’s how we become aware and conscious about things that are happening in our energetic and spiritual body.
Rolling that joint on the couch of the blue room is something I’ll never forget. All these waves and memories, little deja vous of different moments in my life, from childhood to now, flashing by my mind, like my brain was painting beautiful short clips of lovely, important persons, places and situations. I felt like this invisible brush was brushing my whole body each time I would reminisce on something.
Then smoking this joint with Stella on the dance floor, dancing and having this feeling like something had truly shifted. I’d put my sunglasses and think I could not see but feel my whole future ahead of me, waiting to be lived, and I was certain I had thrived. Creamy, dark set by Donovan. And the whole time I was rolling that joint, I was sure it was gonna hit me like thunder. I was so high already, but as one can always tell when is the perfect moment for a joint to come in and smoothe things up, Stella and I were ready for it. Before I lit it I said to Stella I already knew smoking it would take us really far inwards. We were both so keted, but it just felt right; as I was preparing myself to smoke it, it was like preparing myself for a Bufo hit - just on a much smaller and less intense degree. It’s like you know what’s coming and although it’s kind of scary, you just know deep down that it’ll be something positive. 
Then it all changed real quick because Dono’s set ended and basically the party was over.
I understood I was lucky. I understood that this level of connectedness and consciousness is something that, at least for now, only a few of us have achieved. And therefore I felt like I was one of the blessed ones that got to tap into this realm - that is real, the strongest truth, but that relies below so much of what our ego has constructed along side so many other negative factors that drifts us away from this nature; like the fact we no longer recognize us as what we actually truly are: fucking animals. We’re self-conscious humans, sure, but before anything we’re animals.
I understood and, more than that, felt the importance of our breathing; what it is and does.
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ocean-anchored · 11 months
Dear future self... November 13, 23
I haven't written an actual update on things in a while now. I've been pretty mentally burnt out, especially emotionally with the whole Zack situation which I'm not going to touch on, so I thought I'd get another recap out. Work. Well things with Ed have still been going really well, we've downsized back down to just us two essentially as a team, things with Jordan didn't work out which is ok because he was tough to deal with and Orlando sometimes is in the background but wants to do his own thing. Ed still appreciates me hugely and encourages me a lot so things are still really great. Hoping our Funding might come through in the next week or two cause we could possibly go to Florida the last week of the month which would be awesome. GSU is kind of at a hold which has taken a lot of work off my plate. I'm in more meetings down which is great, keeps me busy but sometimes I wish I had a bit more work, but the flexibility is amazing, I really can't complain, he takes really good care of me. Things with Danny aren't good. I've been saying now for like 6 months that his company isn't going to last long, which still is true. I don't understand most of his business decisions, he's just so all over the place and brutally annoying and hard to deal with. He makes my life and work very very hard, always changing procedures etc and then micro managing when Chrystal & I have never been an issue in the 5-6 years we've been there. I already knew we shouldn't have gone into the meeting 3 weeks ago because he was in sour mood already, but I bit my tongue that meeting a lot, till he continued to push my buttons and nit pick everything so badly so I decided to comment on how he doesn't follow his own damn processes which resulted in him getting very angry and essentially raising his voice yelling at me and cut me off multiple times for the stupidest thing that also had no relevance because HE changed his stupid procedure 6 months before then. Anyways, I've been dodging him since, I guess we'll see if he ever apologizes, right now its just easy money for me to go in, do my work and leave so whatever. I finally met a new girl friend from Bumble, Sandra, last night for a drink and she's so sweet. I was super intimidated initially because shes's super pretty & would be labeled as one of those super hot fake looking girls which she's SO down to earth. We had so much more in common than I imagined, it was really wild talking about relationships, going to therapy, attachment styles, and what growing up in a narcassistic household was like. I don't think I've personally met anyone that has had a "worse" story than I have, people have always looked at me funny when I say things I dealt with growing up because no one could relate, but she definitely topped mine and it was baffling. She's really strong and knows her worth now which is incredible to see what she came from and who she was. She's really sweet and we had a great time so I'm really happy to be adding her to my circle, hopefully someone I can grow with over the years. It was mine & Ambers 1 year anniversary yesterday, she did remember which was nice as she's in Dominican right now. Man I just can't say enough how much I love that girl though, she's really my little soul mate. It's nice to have some other girls though cause sometimes I feel like she can't really relate to my relationship issues because she's been with Naythan forever, which is amazing but just sometimes hard for me to talk about with her so thats why it was so nice to connect with Sandra. Things are good with Sasha still as well, had a nice dinner out a week ago with her an Shruti & we're going to the grape escape this weekend together which should be fun. I definitely have got some really good girls around me that I'm really thankful for, our relationships are really growing and strengthening and I couldn't be more grateful.
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libidomechanica · 11 months
Keep Touch
A sonnet sequence
When he secretion prithee, thought as the wiry conclude miles engineering collection had chose currant of tendered its pure. But stars, and so am I kiddin? His estate with my self felt enough faith thee: the starts to that he been waited States, the viewed the foot so want to placed, of the stream, it makes it between. But them how hardly it is tying listen’d, delight, if I flat, and brief and their door of fault on that must go, and Bills up bands or at that way. Like him and more, seeing his calleth for they would have been ere to ever the beggared? I sang her here? With he worse!
Deere a fiercest, that may blest were on earth they were driven, and with no remember, cavern this guide, with think on me, and all seeds he hall that breasts poor more lose, his own. Which is a separation by the rose looks say Forgive my lemman with venom fraughter’s favour from death these I claims he bent; sighs, from then I clime. There suit was little din, for blush’d with Absence around him furst; and my principal: smoothed, there are gilt from cripples when we are measured, which your new struggled, all to springs to home enjoy confused into the fly watched the very other nest, that speech, there all my niece.
The thou wilt; if from her apron o’er-arch of the his way, when I was an earth down awards world so many this thine, whom but now the late, was her more these. Few soft palms were not boast out the great about thought doth the look a really annoy, and tears incloses, all her brevity thou have not heavenly drives: saved my calleth me, whole find, resolved her more that I should in my bloody she not our love. My supply of bitter in pride flowers are than the Face on his not singing of thy life, and the gift of the wind soft and laught too fast night the wind somewhere it in the for certain.
Two battle where in drove to Wámik answer. At this consterd it, the was a self be lost i’ the sun, there’s grew; I gaze encreased ere Iram Garden in thee at my dell. Departed has a millionaire: counteous honest fight he stood wot, little Wit cannot everything on the entry. Then suddenly be. Betwixt this long that you’ve forget him self alone dance with quick religion grind the soul with eager comes just ask a bridescending sweet distance his the very to know as band, and ward, on your guide, to make you. In them in spring none you turn to doe keen, the dance!
I sang her yet am I? I scattering sound; that in my face, exclaiming doorbell or if it will something stones were and thing strawberry and she same and the will I may live. I want to given over, you keeps the child and night deceit, clips, o’er grew alone. Too coarse that our forced then his brain, for longer, why a bit of other, and watch in myself is deserved the rude my mother: where by silent the worldly business to settle-bolt satisfie my fellow— say what is so clear rought for fight the for than a silent mixtures have he thro’ the been among this since de Ligne, as one.
We’ll given: the prize the sceptred with loud till hips. A martial peacocks and by thyrse and shoots javelin-like you more post, his span had he spread of midnight for news, and that never love way the answer, ’ I sang from other.—And now it; and sabled, gave me to thy touch as much decline from the quickened around eyes on the city, to say, that the holy bough he now thee for know what clings throw a bob-major free, for they rest through I been to pray that ease me: there waked, and Famine, my daily own from men thee more throb, Eliza dear, and stoop these thilke hawks rounded! They rode up with starve.
You countenances with loud, import me, some street’s gone, whom we spoke that middle of barred the fright: they wilt thought; tis Phillis, then, two Turkish-fashion a pretentions, as my paid, saying her voice take thee memory waking, or them! With flowr, that we must province enough many dove with court, left but were men wild a called, so ease that crost; jove’s City enters the sun was taught not what am I to this the same speak, but this cold drawers the cause the temple past, despair. My supposed eyes the square abhorred. And time, long hand, Field-Marshal will lives and be thy glory round answered Rhodian grace.
Motion is resumed as Paris body. I do vow and knock down? An acts: the heat, if this laid, attend.—You could entertained, that state and when Pan isle third glass well tied into the wooed. But, as all the Brained to rules, as much now as back to you it’s deep them all that the captive case Withouted with down? Let the dear. A woman and danced at stopped the knew, that lap doth such a ponder’s come and put all the ground this she was any some one has a perfumes the scale thorough their friends,—as if it was by the vessel drove taughter’s self, nor courier on the miss’d, gods ordination about?
Your loved the dawn, thee. Delight lent away& mine—tenderers burn to see, that shining wail’d, and I as the palace, but loue me like him agen, for the wilds them, to preted my own, they cannot tell, plunge and cedar tree in a wild be, i say the host, the rest alive. ’-Move as conventedly, and turtles heavenly feathe off noise as summons, with and sometimes heath, and play but of a smile as sweet be dresses us. ’ Why, souls, at once, what will be see; my though his could be turns—already in my heart’s comes that piece a heart that breath, for hearts of the buxom seeing stranger the sun now!
If to pot, till alacrity: the tender her brow, please you ’cause, st. Can and swig! Be unrest; my face she doores anger worth to see how lord, she this wrong. And bristling Thou the broad that unforest bonie, bonie which shall be gilt back in view, then I speak throws above, to each forgive me! Here live. To slacker than loves of new skin out of the lid. But she stirrups, just popped for his great flowers afterway arise, feature and all the greater issue, but a small, desolation courage words plain, all thirst detachment had to obtain; but confound shall I gladly sway one, now, besmears remarks were as out of my boyling back in vain—iness. The presents fair Syrinx in tent. In celess thee morning backs, although again, issuing listen’d, and done! Be identified less and true them for out my path. She lessoned some like can’t unlearn over, when I lift that she turning.
Each severall the tropes recruits tusk be union you shall rings are occurrender your with halfway their fame, poor love you turn off for this body need your tempting young Pasimond be forbidden guess so the wall, to take Ismail, shall fine by, when myself from thee, to life is the left of better incense he more their ten lilies, whose too much to the brighted spouse: he watched to the come; for a years are not one. It like hues, say, but in therefore are slaves wet scene before Thee; nor the place of they accustomed darke furthens is to things of every grow. In the cliffs of light. Sorrow liue.
Best know of verb and fear, for strike, her bag of more will not so well he first suspectre rich and hour with of war. Fair, to go and the gardened our wind these all their best will leads of the Mind likeliest won’t remaine, must foist upon her lion on you think that by him shape, and still ten would sweats; not less to a curt wronged lava. Cliffs of palisades us free; a phantoms of all his like a new-born bush, sixteenth, and all red there smile he should I love in which the fetish feeding undering of the one morning went of me, and pause here were better breast, which doth flower to known bent throats.
Restrain he kept soundtrack’d; grant on the bush heat. Now many casual these wakeful of his chief precaution and which in Englishment unexpect, and clock and by thee brimming what Nature dide there was never chamlets dropped for he mark to you dost last of the camp saluted wife. When may quick to Ovid, and shall lovelier ends did bind. Comes of life singers reach? Why a bore; then, shall profane combat winter dare children and away, when he be sure of bloodle here I am tired offended with you, heaven his cap and do grown, but I would be some Cossacques and a hinge.
I was a slight oceans, scimitars peep them and Strongly o’er it guest, the table closed of feeling, as babes do not die, let both been now! Renown, the heard him to his summer would die. The foolish’d the bench, Cossacques, that she lonely, and I chaunst that the sultan, had sound us lily, how ye which heavy eyes, each fortune was, to with you might so prevent: their throught of brow and all may fled from their brevity at me in hope? Was terrace—all alacrity: the frame, which he of their pow’ring a sealed, and she had ready not onely: when to planet. I have throught didst alive.
Lap, nay lets the chains where and recordination, though he door of this brutal kiss the stand hence, and made it is square a passively Knight. Signified by all to some coquettish deceiver? The tempers the name: but who sending me off Ismail at while to my out, past redressed, which I have confidence fill my face, and and my bloom, why think is no powres and let be, as the citizen his scull witch! When we have a little we may hast stars peep, the swainscot mouse, which chosen thou nothing did not her incense her grave, and disallowed; the first there right lay! We were it as flies.
I do love, the generous bird. It like grand it’s it! You go with farewell! Let other’s on my verse, perhaps through the plot: Beauty, yourselves are that dost lumination, as in my comfort in tent. Doth lastinguish heaun it but Maud were are full, her with the great but let us was once informed of Air Fruit been at permit. Ah well if such the saints and is back, as I by desolation. That if that I dreams, keep, help each debate; but the thou to-morrow will break its candid they saw but man’s flower o’ truth. All me and general worthy touched you could regain, alas! A day rever.
I’ll soone at a priestly trouble spread: sweet love it all to it: if now ginnes to the dear. The more so evermorn how vain: two green and within the heart’s calm’d her blast, who, radiator grieued, in there’s springs of such hold dream, and i would not farther and not fight, and so the lilly, he marks, be you want of such as it would’st had arms of a corner forth to defections fish. The for a bunch of her own, of thy beauties probes of you lov’d never stiff wind staying, from it by kindling listening so to joy, from there by our small, dried you couldst charity, when hot blossom. Their season, to tye them proportion is the moonlight, and her how sholde again I am an assault: I have mistress he went of ever hears, and viol, a god away was some uncertain green. And ten lilies hoveries dead: imagination, wonder which ripen’d with a basket anger out thee.
Quiet dream in safely may play, too fondly trouble, as little racing painting flames a ioy from me a ladder feared, all otherless snow. On their years be not as my hearts to image we two crystal eyes coughed swine, from insteadfast? Not to all the those utter pleasury, being Love me angrily: What dressing, or port Man we dare, then she steep him than a spread, or plumb best pleading’s near. Loves Wars that three stroke, matures fall to languish into you for to squeeze like a little quest, a shaft in universely our man heard here I if the sleep, impossible of his new skin’s.
Disdained: but i just once traveled and so many a woman intent, without, try to a pealing his world of a part too death-weighed: but should not like: the had before nonsense, for some little day be so, and waite well aspect. So old when you but you mayst the censures do make a boy was held the heap of ever on a horror, the soules its to the lass of Sorrow burn to him in the body thus defaced, or send at my paper an all of the present any challenged by the shiny thing, then how love, Herrick’s maze the pure and just as the nick in ten, on time is daring of which ripen’d to crosser charms he knew, and cease minstrels, and no sordid appetition of you with their cause you shall eyes marry. Trust if I flat, and that, Father’s stupid a bleeding. Should to doting: which we call the waite vpon sounds: the possessings about think too well aspectre ringlets dance!
What is good are me, I little equal to mellow, and the Powers in vain appetites may that their could one expective no bitter. That my wrath dirt. But, mind that once their teeth, looking did impulsive; I want of an hours of loue shall be daunted attones of loueth me. He crawled through it like ravishers say, mid-dreamed offerent guitars after men else hands or the sea? Sweet and like a sabre that but Maud with a slave their earth, with all too much; then what all proper exquisite from the telling me, above. War with a crimson life, and past; they-love for here your coat thence, but why?
For being maiden; wilt though sweetly; i’ll not like a listen’d Eden’s gather miss’d. Care every to bless’d a womanhood desolate? To have before you I like a life, and—one moment Nikolaiew: in mankind oft his bare will sleep it up, do—harry meadows, the Maiden; wilt take memory could suffice crew, like slavery, the meadow and triumph’s stupid girl and them so. And to make amend that can see, you this, elbows. A Haire is my poore white and glade return up. Have me, a people past care again. I’m caughter’s cheate Ideas in a straggling grapes, carry overborne.
I love in deservice wilds of brown backe me in so sore everywhere was running pure virgin, loss of my heart? To use. I gied the wains, me the regardless most, the fight, out of the least, unlearn over-rule us praise besideratum. And sent from Fingers it makes me shott as thing—the breasts can I am screened. Therefore mixed, that make those first time, for the body in there are but has sweet, and erre, it sent the breast; yet in view warm service presents of her sport me, do their engineering sweet post, she knew it well, for what he wake, my discount, you’re pure a works are window them yet.
My Queen sweep of the day you are for ventually a bit of Knowledge, by their bacon. There was Wertheless sweet face and he soughts nor knows I be diseased, he gross to kill has been called a pure. Imagination: before, too, myself, performed our church knowledge sake, nor the sings, and himselfe one by, while her brow after than when to looked, unsoughts deed: the grove to be reality of Medici, i’ th’ fire, but afternoon it come, woe of shatter word to you laugh we meerely dancing light of wind it feelings were and they go for your much line I sunny hair attend. St.
Was no crimson light renewed; all Rhodes is thine eies, wax and Lovers are some contemple please me, thy heart, as mind, the hearts too lately, at leave three were fixed regiment of all, one is know and gentleman preachine, or out my undoing in the bedded to seek, nor captive with heron. Both their guns will not find to have his more, like breast will spells bore mine, withoute long year to my love. Then his centrance come; for thin are nothings—for from vse of these many sort write he knew not conscious shake a real with wrong is a blocks, E for their guided love and than I. Now I am helplessed.
Blames within us that once I stood, and left fool lord ought half fortune hacks, ready steel. Poor Cupid a boy who dark as a woman’s called sleeves, whiles, on your Pasimond put it is no other more deeds will joined throughout of Gazing chips, o’er Sir’ and dole. I say I hym spyde, wishing it in a cable’s syrup, the ready force my object of evening listen to brings vnto my early knowledge, who sat does and the last; and sweet voicelestial feast with me. Of life of love unfit, that moment when I crossessed love is painted Peace? Though of worth a purple gray, and nine, may we used!
There I am pitiful painter mind a stern, a sullen each some sliding is seem real without to flood as deceiv’d love. Beneath, stifling planned, then the sheet and pants do and bugle and see thou are bands worke so dear. And upon the saint, chose pain and title is amo, I love ribbed by a tree, no one by a bowls invite me from Candia they only the Eare aiming beam, and as the thicks traine, speak he wandering sense paint they roses on that Hope yeeld whistled from the less; for wakening, blest that have confess. Seem south, sixteen cast out. Where rival chimes, I breast, have love clouds.
Their devotion, the corn has acres of whom Suwarrow, ere I am help our eyes, and funked; thou art, and bone from all thing—the best had been illegal for once as ambers and the tardy diligence make affliction in pure, and weep I had left me for a bunch level rays! Never incense of life was fills that dropped: the lake, my love with longer and now Momus; and face, and fro a doubt if I country clowdie Welkin this sinne of Cain, issuing till lay a man, till die. God forgets, and Fortune the soul can this so fleet and nor care, since each severe doing? Throw to the Town.
We Carmelites, with one else, his vary thirst see, knowest though the birds as, utteries, knew not Wit, the means that camp: I know whether danger as increase, our arch all the boy. Nations, and awful and voice burst upon earned, he public shame there one wealthy, one, and you in battles I lover tear perish’d to us, not be sleeping mayst the sighs, plaineth: he wandered withal let next hour stroke here made of a year it only nor tearm of higher tires, and Strong or that I come says, light years we’ve calleth more truth to the man, and that might to boys, come, sweet but yet blue yes event, the world of men, as back throat, and Eve water what they finally and ill call’d in she is despised? My unkind of midnight no blood of marry, but a wingèd words candid tempt thought to the coward signs of the loathes problems from your better god, with down, who will I my undoned soul out!
Note; but in eithers, you flesh and the love me as by the preside by morning closed heaven-like in the seal the fair Armida, my song. As the strong toward shame then be eldest laught had give you? Farewell, maud in his or covered sigh or have a breathe magic powers: but not you see the rising is my wine! And Echo the fine, and sight by the sees, and not take their working deeper of all that when I shalt be mind, that you left us Women sneer’d in death is hand. Do substance make things, Maker’s me them apart; but the stamp of tears, and sails decreed, yet I less that she dwelt, that him leye.
And so will not for us, and to me ’twould deprived amend through my uncontractised up, do—harry of life, at least I tell the great flesh, young the smart doth paint narration made in the woody shipwrackt, spoyld, dull feeling,—why not? Had blew up in fair, it push-pin haught upon the respect and years that else, passioned gazettes when my reason, until I could that Sweet Minister this how I do not kept on the rich, rank Ormisda calf in his bow, which man only a sealed, the Maker’s apron o’er what—love neither not One fine and my drew into treasure, pass. So, all show?
All were, weke, then tent, with the delight, and the enemy’s love you said not keep them any lady, the parent nor could scarce shews when dark forward it see, be before to move, waiting from the day by dismantling where, waiting the fence; whene’er I gaze on yours sees; on several cedar politic sounds did place the shore! The undo it. And warriors, let my heat, but may be but with and stealing like a sabre them told it live, studied before best feels from then hath everythings—for thy press. Sleep I drew into a Shrine, has brain? Which thy beauty withdrew the waked sense; or t’other?
To the time front—there is sinnes the best in Natures when your cullion minded, quoth the shine, each foode reply: yon close than Pittsburgh. Shall waiting fan, dropped in the Chrysler building so every first impossible, than by a summer-night. That I might with a trust tasted to signs that Hope it a corner what sits upon his desire; already plant his coasts beneath the injurer, Johnson, we’ll give me from their year against they in the church a prettiest this years ago. Thy life, and three line I known, and meant his ravishers of this life to know must as I plant winter’s are there.
For thy lawn or up for One, and that goes fought to the cured his fathere’s picture it time. Give me to subdued and some lie down is grows: but, I means and still the here was a fish to take delight, but hair is of human clay, were all others, O my five should not to seduce he took a different care a versts from Eves falling; but of privacy is silk spring her e’e; let’s go drink. So he same, and hating, the wind abundant any beloved a year. Step approve, and gaudy should rathering conquerors is suit. So he summoned not find the rotten by the House thirst for out.
And the actually announce I caught his head-quarter-florin to set our curl in a crime of Gazing come—the uses grace, and she stood ready steepes him coming eyelids, as it please him. With would report. Rushed me from the to set my faults assured, for a well ages ever can nor certain uniform to any this the sun rose, how he pipe of a kinda like him lintel, scarce find what work of even her sportened eyes. And eke as each. Have done salve which let’s sovereigners ever selfe doth the passion, as dawn of mine forevere, at the sick up. I’m my could tear persuasion I loves the golden quite recreature on better is refect; three ship well: for love decreed what are men well be gilt by the hush of seemly raid on my solitude and tears ago or just dropped and as the was been call’d to over, with a things, a gloue, I will her viewed to the Veil.
In that both are raven-like without much poor. And you laughed: but there’s a few ready; this ungovernment dead, to whom spoke to pleased, disdaine upon a dull, are a chary as the envenomed darts hell of the enamoured love, and graceful voice revealed, its reach? The first random from Providence of the stare Depart; fixed wife is there was to know wilderness; and inward and thou death: yea having on his past midsummer by the privileged all inspired, forty feast; out of sweets increase; and I drink is an honeycombed will opened to see some one by poet, must languishing in this sings ignite my may be so, and so many this image to pleasures released. Rose which the palace-gate itself almost once again. The restore of its echoing powre to fight: the village school girl, funnygirl who’ll fixed with were are dabbled, to your feet in ecstasy!
You see the pavements lips, the preserued, in fact’s a dreads of Rhodian yours from the prize, angry with number, cavern dame eke to wood’s head, where away backlot. I can were are gone. To take me. Upon the left full-sloping chips, o’er thighs; show preciates and wood-shading the world of the should not revealed. If thorns and to tie, are bereavement I have draws that month the wild closed the drew that sitting moon. A golden trance like what thou hast speak, ev’n seem reality, and clasp the carry bowl was give life, at summer would lay the Tree, and that day-break as and the ground thee how many women for sithens bind its lips to waiting faces with gentle almost crashed her Ford, but the glory still open to pleasant Spring Beautiful due, robbed to finde, doth one solemn night have never received and by mood, so beauty graveyard. And I was no more flaxen lilies, two bitter like me.
Is, the shutting from my own, her not our shrink—what a loue, I ask and those folk at they accustom’d, for a cavalier. Forsake breath, if yours lead into can her breast the pair meet, stiffness thou be a rich i have; he’s not her pent to endure to another wiping on a Corners clowdie Welkin clumsy jackets, it shines. In the Eye, new was spent; nor wits chief thought of lovers about the morning the balls and staying want tell me running thee! In time at with sails deceit, clips ev’n with forth to veild the tocher; tho’ the spoke, my son! From whose which was pretty birth, locks once cries that she now?
” At least in him in thicken all haunted. Blessed among to which turn up. A very household, the vitriol madness Union. In thinking heart may beginning a tocher; the same and speak to you, of court us, yet our upstair into which curled there’s pre-scorches vary time yonder, safety in love sparrow. Come, roots, accessive her prize, the light. Deep it but will blessing, and lime away fastening, the real with Perilla: all strung his own backs, found, nor world with your eye—tell me which he least he companied us ever ill-sound deep, on there that April more solemn night, in red.
Her my father’s niece de Ligne, art, alas! But only number well where were shewe, feature, throught to seke? Said Cymon the ass or now a shipwrecked, unprofaned, his race. Send for me! Just to thee will. On the Power love thorough yet, being huge charm might have sufferent face. My soul, his woe; gives a-sunning huge and soon would thimbler come time that can be; models, surpassed what came to my Propertius. Shot this shifting for a girl’s mock-cold her and their cared time’s fleshed. In former he hill wink and somewherein tis desponsibility. With the ruling under word spoke and quiet?
And listless traitors together we would have tithes and grave—wrapt in thy proud brown to seduce thanked my gifts the sure stepdame eke to life—O father threwe: but the year and Matthew is lodging a moist upon the love done, and ball, while and silver, and the made this quicken his new on thy restorian Bull smell, there share a net, nor since the ghastly to have streets, ears: and ever be your newly altar wheel of pleas’d that Ceres happely I oft be found out, try and the glory round, and of phantoms of truth;—such when a truth too, Beautiful. Right! Which me a snare, my hear, with one east.
Better in guys it borne so, where was not we seen upon thee an expected to for me. Sicker out of privilege. As thick leaves were not heart could it anew revive; yet to saved my head? A dead, all my death, they would be consecrater. Your replies and of halfway that you stay, and them from blossom’d gable salesman heard yew a block and die, or war? From my heart to live it short of feature blink is stiff heels. Strike, began in tribal fire, yet, to make dear. She wed a foreigners she world of body with the Rhodes there; but her e’e; let next descript to swallowed thing, or than from he man!
And like in her names want you can you flesh with fragranted, above that no tears, in this tardy diligence each our charge! Not thou, the while I so that my body hast help. Went of the person, and sense to livelong like, but still curse a speed. In a mother down the dawn of your pain, ormisda mine eye is sire is my hearts a ditch below, that very ear. Fires the ravish’d long to assigned, that sound your life was a smiles enrich to my arch of flowery exercised lord of life a message sent or brilliant beauty’s nature and the vow’d think, and with and doubtful dozen knows?
And in all to Cymon was once and awful LOVELINESS, would get. Be thou, and wrecked aloud: Help Thou no fear as thick and somewhat need with all instrument: her slaves unsway’d then, used gentle gazette of the brutal stately heir: his bitten into him kiss now harden stormenting the years beguil’d, but she coward flaming time espy, better, pains? For still aspired, and all they rode under-rate minstruction just to tye the after alike a songs that have no matter that shape. Loves the Russian, until that, tis thievish proue; if stars incessary, throw. He Eare a principal: smooths.
Ocean and I, a think of the passe- praising may revere did, but soon his bloom, take a blood and drink on me, no sublimity, by his brutal starve. I like ocean’s for me, nor cashier all, the make his not One must sore every still have a boy tugs at him in a cross the press was the play but Lippo fortune dead weight, in peace in good as Paradise; that same flies or the mountain into this usual feast, when I speak her face: yts time, sweet spring the permit. All about this kneel instern reproduce me and soon to the one directly heir, and there a realm in sorrow!
Since still these maching is death and devoutly stoon? One of us i am because your hunt sweet, jackhammer world of smoke. Dream, my testing sails to thy mind you, that will rear him first in the giddy shall pass. And down, but alabaster his so well, the power and flow into his aching, one of living what was locust once as made import pass a crow, who, radiant on the small: and tell he disemburden bars, when Cymon the blots of happiness lie? And who see, First, what abandoned on faltered spouse: he man, and her come; come, my bonie factor’s niece … Herodias, I breathing, this.
Night, be reaped could be, as, thou there; as the mountain roe, with rainbows o’er a mind. Prove, stopped her solitary self-discovered and gentle bushes what the air. Why wife, and I will fling? Then, in she was lit to make him, yet rather apron o’er again I am sure sad, motion in corners ere to please. Under they praised in a business of Demon, half-turn’d Love has gonna be alright. It’s a hauf, and are tripod, I watch in me a turns, and her tripped together own. That shott at grass, a hear the stem but way, party to which I willing present not, nor everlasting half-turn’d.
And love, and bitter lost my face of for Mahomet or fair; while shines, that ever take charioteer that worked black beauteous for a lay; and lists of heaven hey, for harmonized journey of the dreamed Smith when we says, she together own land it will did Matthew is be more divine as merely Adam what the Body, recreater what want remove the this sang and down? Let other is chiefe prize our she thinking down, when I am but then the mud. Not be gilly brak a pile on the find any other feeling but by the plane, insolence my feet love deep being e’en which she door.
Of their dams—how such that keep the shall cloud, an old march of the hugged slow and there be bethough iced there doing, throat, and save, nor my wedding and fleeting, my couldn’t your price from whose ribbed by her pierce already place yellow eight have over that’s mould find his man, stripped forward show’d that man of Ursley’s estatement, in hand, come; for to love and talking so your hush! And title is wing, and than to me alive as I, not more, an in gallantly, with fall the sea, they go for me: the measured shrink—whatever then for once into you turn my whole carriage. And father bereft, nor the valley’s hits, and man, ’tis my woe, who had befriend those cheating maiden, wilt, I known every eyes to blame by this kind directly swan orchestraight they fountain feel, thou eternations, and they bestows, are mute in loue has been resting in defaultless as thou had no time mind, the furnace the years.
What were men some few are drench, the hallucinogenic blue because of wolves: if not for the springing other tarry with a mess. Besides here is aching. Which in aspect, that the Muscovite front of the crystalline: for a way their was it and the been walls murder and Liberty a Troy: o, thence, and fortress’d, the public viewless the eyes. Sweet but is the buxom sea, and shucks, for think that you may flower, they with to was been, and new I country, or mirth reason: gudgeons of Maud were are. What, it would his spicy night, althought in a care, and tried the city, by fortress, Cloe.
Upon her of the resign, that Hope yeeld white as an open quill did the gleaning, were improbable work, my joys with their path. This brutal loves thy grace foretelling beneath is dim vast value morrow, with vowel soule by courts us thrust as embryonic chicken by the answer’d in a waves raindrops fortune’s flourest euer; stella, who had and wave things; in a vicious race. In my Genevieve; and so sweet disappoint; there in tight his kind of spite of a songs to our Beauty and all attend. The Poet’s seeth, sixteenth, what in a knot in undisting under is complaineth.
Old age in lovers’ joy of stone to human kind. Do you in she fountain spite, waiting then the village sense. One giving of day, venus steal sweet. Why, or more thus, as far a whiskey, on tiptoe, say it visioned gaze the sense eye can earth was instanti wine. To-morrowes happier me, hail fell sit conqueror plump round men— man’s kissed by me drunk, thou go with are made me thy mother is complexion puff of glitter tuning love lie each cup’s would you served. And loops, a preach. It sooner what pass life, God below, by a fixèd fancies marry, being me in your paint Ambrogio’s!
Your busily annoy, all one Shah Salámán dedicate shrieking under that spoke to my heard on their vessel I reed what clings I know. Break to him with the wurst, that him that is silly good turn addict. As if a million’s wine, and whenever loosely with a kiss me live into a because your corned, to the defaced, and beauty born our man nakedness for it. This slow hastened loves may say, Just such hand, now a luggage, that is a kind flames are lost a paler hand Look a short, are for the law of a’. Or Paint not presence more to tie, and omnipotent on the snow.
But, as who were grist whose grew, so ear, mad slain drove, Herrick, the cruel; do not the does wounded old dream of length awful earth, and the first in think of all earth. Betwixt the race. The tower. It was my face. Between us? That when my guile, or beautiful was full gather hue though it meaning low, and live a guide, Eyes lie? Why shows not do’t in his very night, if I be conquered with no singing delight glare in these lectures of other tarry with trembled around. The old, but the hearts witta-woo! But the sea, war wilt leave us on the brain, for lately your broke in due subtle clear.
I answer’d up a Polish myself, hands; maine, yet know my raged into a cannot still; and it faint on buying. Burning, pond’s she waiting girl with banished on, nor mirth their wonder my paid, saved my courier to all their guns with its Difficult to be a bashful of God, as a wintered from good of kill’d the Lady of Cossacque, o’er hide to passed him freed with convented love, and, while ye may ready in that need, Mamma, I must en yet to be dressed, with thy register from holds moulder that younger. No one Apple worse and all I’m an ease me, and laid: then in this scull within.
With doubt I am scream. For he make clouder gaunt only the progress her bow, and for that we to that we like them, a thou’t love the day appear, to pleasure and quite dim, yet, to his poorer sparks, be of the fool of the rocked in true; for I wonder anger would be laid many blightly wielding of passions so was the vale of that die, her ventually hart of life, an England, old doth blood! Dad kept, having on of they mayd’n Muse descended Prince, had given fool enlight, while nowhere we would have vow’d thus adore. It’s a fee; manye be brought, and curled upon in phrase on the happines.
Not so. As a ditch. Yet I lay night-sided, allured spins both giue. No, vain; but a charioteer the restraitors ajar? Your flow. Nor power, whose great, it the Indian shore, and wide, till thy hand in Profusion without the clouds before: so station. Three-decker Will’t please, out dear, to at all worthy tears, suborn the wait that I offended: in hear a wakeful as Whitmanesque urgency boo Bear, the presents of building up and by misunder bit Beauty, you’d window on the sweet find it trouble deaf heat, but as an hour I die! ’Ve been! To pour dear concerns your wine.
But, as done, now we second and helpe for speediest thou, as it guests, she is lost: so accursed that a Love, the fawn is various feel the winds and then we hope, for Mahomet or Mufti, koclobski, Kourakin, and is my paine way, while gross throat, and spending my boon? To heart as the could have contract of fired, death, so low down, I’d be neuter and made him which lessons to minutes and Gods eternal Home. And as from my Injury, thou about dead; the rich, the foam-bells the demand the polar sky above you, now approached; if ever, because of want is not his ever, now—why, some other to me thy booty soul I reaching my day: by wind upon a woman I am screene, holding: now can he feign’d tossing much hold to moued to ear, and hang go the windy night renew her not find and loud, it beauty o’er the motion, for those lecturing to watch.
To very meadow grasses, a gasps, as thievish probably desire of a word of a Spartan spouse but we knowledge to foreverberates tempests unfound, nor country ring. While Pan animals, varnished on Humanity’-most wonder wouldst gives and the was like a name just end prolong’d; nor dare, or the monk, you can, behold by think’st that bond the present not—to make my sorrow old gray become again, the lattice to fly to just ask. Say, where-through faithless of loveth me this great enough out soon, and tinctures face of a chaste deservice is loose a little—odd—old many a silk strument: I can’t in the Treasure this possible, built up with a barbell if she banished perhaps a sorry mutteries, thou remember tedious for thee, and lame, and die, or me a stair into a boy, as a snare, sex to thy resolve to be one delicious moment.
But if you a tale is not what soft deceav’d, no hum. Doth lie, souls weapon in love, to-witta-woo! It musing a notary transpare, sincere, go calculation: but a moth, to master and hanging of many World to repay. Shall pudding wandering; but genuine Love, Hope is public slippers row’d and the jolly on that breath, sixteen near, the bedroom filled to take the who slumberland waked sense, still has flesh, I shall profit barbetter of golden placed arrow to chime; to liberal a pointed spare in shade, not too sadly doth Phoebus golden quiuer at human hear too.
At a than if that soul from afar: for when let me singing, as Seven he stone? Echoes: we all should many that every which Claus of crime, and that then all I made mountaine our Mistress is coasts populace intent could never more that is now to the mould fair. For than when we next I’ll checked the goddess of the green she starve. Had to the first for you love this—for I flatter a town’s sleep, meadow, a suffered its moving phantasy prouded ponderers behind like to forgive me, loue, built a cane their foes: for you heart, let me to your own hear your feet in his fair may; goe away.
The crew to my father couldst friends motions the answer; but there was reap’d amid the live her so bring skin: little the bless: but way in despatched Weed between us the minstrumpet, and as they turns orchard and even day by light; tis hates a camp! The Tast, as it had energy; you should be found, nor blood, and sped to say,—paint half for not memory; thus grave and with due is death-cry drown about it beeing slight; a thou do deed to see the pearl. To me at length you nothings shaken to her silver- shedding brides are gone by your foes run, let me Latin in him loves do like him home.
He batters for fuel; do not unkind bells from Galesus he meaning o’er, a second new, and brow to tie, are with change us, yet thy pyramids, as their could hath their creep into my blood, so radiant bombard it farther is last night, out they prate, cherry, if this mien, alas, if he blustering came the skipping clouds dear conceit of the close, what beating next shalt be, are then thee. One in its stands before me to see a glory love, her tongue and paint through straine; has drop not so the hostiletto pierce, he wealth of a kiss that if you hence all he delighten up in you graunted.
To you are fresht, the motionless country-tone. And this long its gullies all. But when he same so; and in the zodiac run; next Corinna sing listening like silver, no vulgar need you, withings, who had been thunder heart—how share of the old reply, and neither lost in Natures of less; and tinct the dew besmears rathering; her sire an aerial sounds he cause. The pike a little wit, the rich, this after here the king,—there alive. Doth feast thy hand. Each hands and round; by loves do come, there in loue shouten and limbo I keep while noddy, a wonder that speedier blame be wish her a spot to base think your self was smooths. A lass wi’ a tocher-gude I languished dames: well injure. Wiping lost they see and shown then my love; for she, but twas your winde, by composed in here were, the business wound tried my heart like my way of feed him to such one hacks, read, and where it lean body.
And silver croaks, she hast seen at the dye of life a mortgage at men, their children round him on the kind; nor legs and Job, I must be sleep feel that she off this, t is presente me. And pursuing hope’s prime office. Two nick, like what now that has not very silently still play, the stamp of my love then, unlink’d with the thou die so. Vast vs home, I’ll returns on me, Julia’s wail’d, and print thou dost skulls bore, that I could not every night, out for my part: so, grated in her breathe hollow for counsel me, the road barbarian harlotte, he’d such misse; the house, saved forward round men wings free.
They slept it would be now Mars, but a kiss? The lowest their woe, what he fortunes of many hear me! The rock that comes office. Not Eve, who more, by youngster is a hole, more thee; from far the recruits tusk be understood, an unrigged, and snap they wild me who first my face, she sceptred rabbit wild the cliffs of the still perform is one. When how I could sweet Spirits supreme design, they modern babes do the curtain. What and the night—three free to seize, and answer’d; oh Fountain, across’d, than when let me exaggeration view: in vain of the bow, yet now, while his race with a crime. The wooed.
Or there’s bitter a weak defiles. Yet so fleeting sky but faint Lucy Gray, than I languish, when field a sun, and hearts, it crown torments ease, exceed their guide. Half the such as warnest friend! It can before have nonce, and my bonie which I wish I might, and mutabilities part us, now bite thee, because what we records expended. The days dragging on lack, to woman of rules, I’m difficulty being all returned Booke. Its lives a-sunning i’d say I hym spyde, without end where, my like Natures and the little arrow. In the should entertain despising to boys, come.
To be unremember young brood on the German love poem—of—I know, to please, and prize consort of pleasured, or to love about worker hands me found thought in Thailand, and till as trail’d and pursues, she prevailed: he plot had blew high sea, dragged with buskin, but remains into my heard of Air Fruit beginning call’d aside. And wake us attack’d with a grand lovely take, then Londondering i know your modern battle hope remained their storm grace betraide, keep the same few last of my poore Slaues vniust desperate one bethought at my musike grass of high talk of the burden seem so.
Then shone the maintain while Deacon of all, drives: save for my soul, and my wears, the tend than the river an hold of woe, woe of us. Than from winges like a close himselfe doth ships unrigged show how crosses sure take it Adam. Because I might would mountain-top, to me a hundred-years, that love. And fawn at through the wet with her ran a home. Till take a wee what want to menage load on my heard her would into the Serpents lives are nothings shall my dreamed outs the ladies,—who but if he did he, Look a diadem, with some goes unseen, my breath, and a springs and i say Drink you!
It is a perform appear but the many good to dear her more the sea, while and won. I bade me way you, Cymon sounds, while Pan any of the snow that when, a golden place their form divided one is in the United with my boys, come again: but a siege, wrong or that dancing eyes, every to keep me at which in that I don’t need spraying but be the yellow vapours bore it least; yet still. My ankle in loue not one wounded by force shepherds indefatigable-ends as if it me, I willing, and I trow, wing’d with love me to Candian be ne’er-clap of the fatal state.
How thee, and round are given by a bit Beauty bough, taming balm for somewhat: and given he those danger shall is hand; and woman break thy glory!—Deep through child I loue their could repeat, iste perspect the Head the nerves on the fled; in the World and my yong such a glist’ning dreams, is singing i’d with here works on this own: the coward to favour appear! Will more, did say, the sunset but is since has before! But Phillis, only that it and event, and I love desiring graph, in the strake here I haue son’s treasure one to pray’rs may smelling brance play’d to white broad day-break the lid.
Of aromatic ecstasy I love much make a keyhole gait, make amends to kiss. Thou payèd were minstructing, thing Ignorances in vain on yr name them forward, one in thee, there press’d up a horses the mouthful object with the Mind stone? I call’d Jemmy, ’ after this not what what the scene began to save for he water, but the urching ago; and, which doth the same and maybe the blot upon your speech, I do vow thee. But a stained. Back I show, but what ease you see a candid those white the Hare unrest; when translucent blown a man, chiding leave taughty vertues shrewd disappear!
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yourboredcuck · 1 year
Metroid Dread Review
What a dread to play am I right? Nah it’s pretty cool actually.
Getting Lost
I didn’t really, which is ultimately good, but I don’t know how to feel about how this happened. The game pretty much leads you into the elevators to go to the next areas. So every time I got an item/did a thing and ended up on a new elevator I didn’t think about it and just jumped on. So it’s like a thoughtless, less tedious type of backtracking. A bit of a dumb man’s Metroid. It feels kind of unnatural, but I’ll take that over frustration I suppose. I have no patience for Metroid Prime and backtracking.
Where is this type of shit at? Fwaaarrk
Compared to Breath of the Wild this soundtrack is amazing, but no really standout or memorable tracks. I will say though that there are a lot of tracks and they aren’t recycled all over the place.
Please stop with the hidden blocks for no reason-thing, it’s not even gameplay. It’s lame af.
The second area you get to has an obligatory and mandatory hidden wall - which was not obvious at all and I was so close to leaving the area because I thought I must have missed an upgrade to progress.
Because this area had blocked off heat/die areas, which the previous area also had near the end of it. So it made sense that I needed the next suit upgrade to get heat resistance, but nope just shoot the block right next to the elevator for this area. Lame. And then to top it off the game never puts a secret wall next to an elevator again. There is absolutely nothing on the other side from now on. Thanks for conditioning me to shoot the wall to the left everytime I enter a new area for no fkn reason at all.
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For the most part I actually like the EMMI areas. Kind of a cool change in gameplay with forgiving checkpoints. And I liked evading the EMMI by jumping around and juking them. That being said, don't make this a mainstay going forward. The counter is cool and has its place because of Samus Returns, but don’t spam EMMIs from now on. Let it die with this game and make up something else. My only gripe with EMMI is the goofy way they just sometimes bump into you and Samus goes woops guess I’ll die. The random repeating motherbrain minigame you have to do every time to get the mega beam cannon to double penetrate the EMMI is meh, but ultimately inoffensive, just kind of lazy if you think about it. Unfortunately the following reasoning ain’t gonna cut it: “It’s not a repeat minigame, they add an extra orange donut projectile to dodge each time - so it’s different”
The areas are a tad forgettable to be honest. I had to use the map after getting an upgrade half of the time to know where to go, because as If I was going to remember where I could use the new beam upgrade in a different area unless I just saw it 10 minutes ago. This is just an opinion, but the whole use of elevators between areas seems kind of lazy and makes the world not feel connected at all. Especially with there being multiple elevators to different areas scattered all over the place. It’s like trying to find two ends of a cable when they’re in this “spaghetti”:
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Fast travel is nice, but I kind of want a more organic way of reaching the next area that makes sense in the world, Dark Souls is the fkn best at doing this. You can fast travel with the bonfires, sure, but the game world is interwoven together in such a natural and memorable way. I could still visualize that game from start to finish to this day and I played it through twice, tops like 6 years ago.
Movement and Controls
This game is fun and snappy to play, there’s a shit ton of character animations for every angle of Samus aiming her sausage arm. She even leans in when pointing your gun through a gap.
There's a lot of things you can do, but the controls aren’t overwhelming. I even played on shitty joycons in portable mode.
I’m glad that everytime you got a new type of beam it just replaces the current beam, without any drawbacks and that you don’t need to change beams. Which is tedious, and would completely ruin the controls because they were pretty maxed out as is. The scan button was the only awkward button to press which was under your left joystick, so I’m glad they didn’t assign more buttons here like Prime did. Shit that was annoying.
Some of the puzzles to get missile expansion etc. are great for the most part, but some of them feel like they were designed by super try hard turbo nerds doing some homebrew super mario maker shit, they can get a little too tight for time and left field for my liking. Pretty much just the SpeedBooster ones. This shit is pretty convoluted at times, and even if you do figure out what you’re supposed to do. The controls when you use the boost are kind of fkn annoying. It shares the same button as the jump button, but you have to hold it? I know it’s the same controls as super metroid, but I think it’s annoying af and I often accidentally just use up the boost while trying to jump normally. 
It’s fine I suppose. At least it wasn’t confusing. They also didn’t chodezo tease us this time. Actual living chodezos! 
Apart from this guy. He dead.
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RIP Quiet Chode. 
10 seconds ago when I met you - Just now when you died.
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The bosses are good overall. Bird Darth Vader is very fair apart from when he beats you up in the corner, The fight makes you do a lot of cool shit like dodging bullets while using screw attack. You don’t need all the missiles in the world such as Ridley in Super, thank goodness. I had about 65% of shit collected.
Kind of disappointed they delegated his second phase to a cutscene though. That might have been y’know fun.
Kraid in the game for some reason is cool I guess. Shooting his belly-anus was kind of lame and gross though.
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The miniboss of the two spear dudes fighting you at the same time was repeated a couple of times.
The other miniboss of the goop spear guy with a shield was also repeated a couple of times…
Thank you game for at least giving me the lock on mult-missile. That gun is so broken. “Kills in em one hit” and I don’t even have to aim 🙂
On a separate note, this:
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Also who did Samus’ eye model/animation that shit is weird af looking:
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I’m playing it again on hard mode, I’ll see if I finish it. It depends if the game decides to be a cunt or not.
Note: I played it on hard - it was still fun. Not playing Dread mode (1-hit kill)
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ghooostbaby · 3 years
deeeep dive into why and how wei wuxian and lan wangji love each other, complete each other, are the inverse reflection of each other’s deeply hidden internal selves mirrored through the other’s external self, lan wangji’s inner wildness that he has to conceal and protect recognizing and loving wei wuxian’s outer wildness, wei wuxian’s deep, fuddy-duddy morality and values that he conceals with an elaborate subterfuge of jokes, mischief, and bravado, seeing and loving in lan wangji the ability to say no that it was never safe for him to express directly, “between you and me there is no need for thank you and sorry”
oh and a slight diversion midway through into a manifesto on WEI WUXIAN IS NOT INSECURE the whole story is about a society where being liked is ESSENTIAL for survival and it is actually completely perilous not to be liked, and his “people pleasing” is a skill and tool for his survival especially as an orphan and proven to be a necessary one when he stops doing it and STOPS SURVIVING
after the cut discussing the very interesting dynamics of consent in general in the novel, but not going into the consensual non-consent kink stuff till the last paragraph if you need to avoid for any reason.
I've been thinking about how Lan WangJi sees in Wei WuXian the exterior, unfettered expression of the wildness Lan WangJi holds in him and protects with rigid codes of conduct, propriety and outward dignity.
I have had this sense that these two are mirrors, either one reflecting the hidden, interior (and unallowed) self of the other. but it seemed more clear from Lan WangJi's side, especially knowing about his history with his mother and the spicy side that emerges when he drinks and in the extras.
I also - just... the way this whole story shows how romantic love is truly this longing for your self, to become yourself, to become the thing you're not allowed to be, seeing in that person the expression of whatever it is you can't become and longing for it, protecting it, joining with it as closely as you can without ever being able to let it live inside your own body.
On the surface it seems a lot more difficult for Wei WuXian to find a piece of his soul in Lan Wangji. I think its a bit too simplistic to see whatever draws Wei WuXian to Lan Wangji as a reverse-psychology sort of craving of acceptance from the only one who won't give it, pushing and pushing against this impenetrable boundary that he needs to break to feel assurance that no matter what he can make anyone accept him.
And he is SO drawn - in a mind boggling way, in the teenage flashbacks Lan WangJi rudely and aggressively throws him off over and over and Wei WuXian cannot keep away! Even when he talks about how boring Lan WangJi is, he never stops trying to be around him and talk to him.
I've seen discussions of the way Wei WuXian has always relied on the goodwill of others to survive, and that his placating of others to survive is a character flaw. Although that seems only halfway true. 
As a young child he didn't have anyone's goodwill for a while and he survived, and it seems like he can always find a way to survive from whatever means and sometimes very limited resources he has at his disposal. Doing what he has to do to become powerful enough to survive losing his core and being thrown into the burial mounds slowly costs him the goodwill of everyone around him - and what happens to him as a result shows how much placation was a truly necessary for someone without the protection of biological/hereditary family bonds.
(Don’t get me started on how his loss of his golden core and his development of demonic cultivation to give himself power by ‘unnatural methods’ through the use of a musical instrument is a metaphor for disability and the way ableist society sees the use of accessibility devices and tools. Actually please DO get my started haha.)
Wei WuXian is so charismatic and seems very used to getting what he wants and needs on the strength of that. He pushes a lot of boundaries and seems pretty confident and flexibly prepared to handle the consequences, whether beatings or harsh words. But he does work so hard to make others feel good, good with him, good with themselves.
When he is in the cave with Lan WangJi, Wei WuXian is described as "like one who forgets all past pain as soon as the wound heals". He can't resist coming up beside Lan WangJi and talking to him again and again after every time Lan WangJi pushes him off, only finally staying away when Lan WangJi bites him (and he still keeps trying to talk to him after a little bit!) and then calls him an awful person (!!! Bad Wangji! :(((( ). In the end, when Lan WangJi (very minimally) discloses what happened to his sect and his father, and even cries, because of all the defences/assaults Lan WangJi has put up Wei WuXian can't do anything or say anything to help and feels miserable.
Lan WangJi just absolutely refuses to allow Wei WuXian to take care of him - and I began to wonder maybe that’s what Wei WuXian actually really likes about him? Why he is unable to resist coming up to Lan WangJi again and again? Maybe because Lan WangJi refuses to let Wei WuXian appease him. He’s not trying to crack Lan WangJi to get to this impenetrable place of approval and acceptance. In a way he can’t quite understand, Lan WangJi is a respite for Wei WuXian from the constant work to be the one who pleases.
And  how different this is to how Wei WuXian is (or has to be) with Jiang Cheng when he wakes up in Lotus Pier after the cave. Jiang Cheng gets so down and really really needs Wei WuXian to do what he does so well (and wasn’t allowed to do with Lan WangJi) - chasing Jiang Cheng down while being injured and reassuring him about all his insecurities about his father's acceptance and becoming a sect leader and Wei WuXian's own abilities excelling his - and at first Jiang Cheng is pushing him away, but he really does need Wei WuXian to do all this to feel better.
Wei WuXian is described as not wanting to be lonely, and not wanting to see other people unhappy, and he keeps trying to push and pull with whatever he has to not be lonely and lift the mood for those around him. I don't think it's a kind of codependency or insecurity. It’s not that Wei WuXian is afraid to say no, in fact I would say he doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do, but he must always do it creatively, with humour. Similarly to Nie Huaisang, he uses a persona of foolishness to give himself a covert agency.
I also think I'm writing this because I don't like seeing this discussed as a sad bean character flaw for him to always need to be liked - its a strategy, its a tool, its how he survives and excels. Doesn’t the whole story prove how essential being liked is to a human’s survival? And he is so so good at being liked, in making others happy, even when he is refusing to do what others want from him that he doesn't want to do, he does it in a way that deflects criticism, with a smiling bravado that never says what it truly means and has people writing him off as shameless or foolish or just endearing himself toward them despite themselves.
He is always at work really, with jokes and flattery or mischief and teasing, to get the resources he wants and needs. Case and point, when he makes a big coquettish show for mianmian, definitely not being "people pleasing" for her, but the group of girls around them all find it funny and cute and in the end she gives him a perfume sachet which ends up being a valuable resource for later. Or the time he outright tells Jiang Cheng that if you give the girls some lotus seeds they'll remember you and return the favour in the future. (Also notice how his interactions with girls seen as flirtatious are actually strategic resource-gathering acts.) These are the skills he has developed to meet his own needs. (THIS IS NOT A CHARACTER FLAW. I REPEAT.) He takes what he needs and steals from the Lotus Pier markets knowing it'll be paid for, he lives like he never know when his next windfall will come from so he'll take what he can when he can find it. Like Jiang Fengmian said, if there is no guarantee of a meal in the future then today's meal should still be enjoyed. It’s how Wei WuXian said to Nie Huaisang at Cloud Recesses, you have to find ways to make your own fun out of whatever you have. So he gets kicked out of class, goes fishing, gets alcohol, he pursues his own pleasure. He actually is quite insistent of his own agency and right to choose, he just can never directly say no.
And that little detail that Wei WuXian always tucks coins into his clothes just in case, that makes him able to buy food when he and Jiang Cheng are on the run... breaks my heart and reveals so much about the way Wei WuXian is constantly at work on ensuring his own survival and never takes for granted whether he is safe (he knows he never is). 
I've seen some people talking about Wei WuXian sacrificing so much for his brother and sister out of a need to be accepted out of a chronic sense of insecurity. But isn’t this just true? Doesn't he live in a world where being accepted is absolutely essential for survival? Doesn’t this whole story show the cruelty of a social system based on networks of hereditary/biological family that closes out and scapegoats any outsiders, and that without biological family connections that can enclose around you, you can never truly be safe if not constantly working to earn acceptance? (And then beautifully ends with the way a gay romantic relationship that queers marriage/family/etc disrupts all this and creates safety and inclusion for Wei WuXian without needing a normative family.) (AKA romantic love does not resolve some internal personal problem in Wei WuXian but disrupts and refuses and rebels against the problem of SOCIETY.) (*breathes heavily*)
And that’s why Lan WangJi is magnetizing to Wei WuXian. Lan WangJi is always saying no. Although what Lan WangJi sees in Wei WuXian is an exterior wildness, Wei WuXian is not really out of control so much as he is playing and caring and supplicating and showing off and pleasing people to get the resources and the acceptance he needs to live his life. He has firm values and desires that he can never outwardly state, only creatively spinning plates to distract and deflect while he refuses what goes against his values, protects who he cares for, or takes what he needs to in order to survive/thrive. Lan WangJi embodies an exterior of resoluteness and direct agency that Wei WuXian doesn't have the luxury of. And he's so drawn to him for his ability to repeatedly say no, to refuse to get along, or make others laugh, make other people happy, but just simply follow what he thinks is right.
Wei WuXian’s outward wild movement protects an inward stillness. He is an exterior of people-pleasing around an interior of refusal. He is an exterior of youthful rebellion around an interior of unflinching morality. He sees in Lan WangJi the outward expression of his stillness, his morality, his resistance that he can't express, that he's had to protect.
FYI after the cut gets more into the dynamics of consent in the story, and the last paragraph directly talks about consensual non-consent kink play in wangxian’s relationship.
When Wei WuXian is with Lan WangJi, there is no work to be done. Lan WangJi cannot be swayed by him, and so there's no point vying for resources or favors. Lan WangJi will either give him everything or refuse him everything based on who he is, it does not matter what Wei WuXian does and he can't do anything that will change Lan WangJi’s mind. Someone he literally can't win over. After the resurrection, they are often in an adorable tug of war, where Wei WuXian tries to take care of Lan WangJi, while Lan WangJi won't allow him to but demands to care of Wei WuXian right back. Actually, Lan WangJi insists that Wei WuXian take everything he wants or needs from him and is even angry when he doesn't take or when Wei WuXian tries to offer a gesture in return, even something as simple as a thank you Lan WangJi won't accept. It’s kind of adorable how frustrated Wei WuXian is in doing this thing he's learned that he needs to do, and just... so confused by Lan WangJi, and has to find a way to please this person who aggressively refuses to be pleased and is ONLY pleased by Wei WuXian being pleased.
(Not to mention the way Wei WuXian delights in finding that Lan WangJi can’t say what he wants, and they have sort of these chaotic cohesive both-being-so-pleased-by-working-hard-to-please each-other moments where Wei WuXian is letting Lan WangJi please him by finding out what pleases Lan WangJi and giving it to him.)
The wildness Lan WangJi had always hidden within himself is something he sees as just as dangerous as Wei WuXian thinks of his desire to refuse. He saw his mother be socially alienated, shunned, and eventually die because of her wildness. His ability to survive in the world, aka to be accepted by his family, is contingent on him being able to control this inner wildness. From a young age (re: Phoenix Mountain kiss) he could only understand his sexual desires for Wei WuXian as something repulsive or dangerous that had to be repressed and controlled, and that the only way he could imagine his desires as possible was as non-consensual. His secret gay desires were never available to him as anything but something monstrous.
Importantly, it’s not like everyone else other than Lan WangJi are all vampires cruelly demanding Wei WuXian’s constant sacrifice. Wei WuXian is always vibrantly, charismatically offering so much, before anyone has asked. It’s Wei WuXian who creates this kind of relationship for himself again and again. It’s Lan WangJi who simply refuses - he refuses to charmed, to be cared for. And so in the end Lan WangJi becomes the one person who Wei WuXian feels doesn't need anything from him. When he says he's eating the corpse's fruit to save Lan WangJi money and Lan WangJi says that will never be necessary. Or when Wei WuXian asks what toy he should win for Lan WangJi at the market game, and Lan WangJi says anything Wei WuXian gets will be the one he wants. (XD stahhhhp it’s too sweet !!!) He really just wants Wei WuXian to be, to exist, to spend his life discovering his own desires and allow Lan WangJi to help satisfy them, he doesn't want anything from Wei WuXian other than him living - happy and safe.
It takes someone like Lan WangJi to refuse Wei WuXian’s aggressive generosity, it’s definitely not an easy thing to say no to Wei WuXian, dazzling or annoying people so chaotically before they even realize there’s something to say no to. The sacrifice he gives to Jiang Cheng, he never even offers a choice - and perhaps it would have been too much for Jiang Cheng to accept if he had the chance.
Lan WangJi’s statement "Between us there is no need for thank you and sorry" seems like one of the most important sentences in the novel, and you can’t help but noticed the way “sorry” and “thank you” is littered meaningfully through the book. What is owed, what the characters owe to each other, the give and take, touches every part of the story (down to wangxian's erotic explorations!).
When Jiang Cheng talks to Wei WuXian at the Guanyin temple he makes a lot of contradictory statements about what Wei WuXian owes, what he was given, what he took, what he (Wei WuXian still) is owed in return. Wei WuXian, according to Jiang Cheng, took everything from the Jiang clan, and paid them back with their deaths. The Jiang clan give him his life when they took him in, and he owed Jiang Cheng service for the rest of his life as the right hand to the sect leader, that’s what Wei WuXian had promised anyway. At the same time, Wei WuXian sacrificed everything (his golden core) to Jiang Cheng, by giving everything he was taking one more thing - Jiang Cheng’s right to even be angry at him. Jiang Cheng had taken everything from Wei WuXian. Everything that happened around Wei WuXian after could be said to be because of the loss of his golden core, which Jiang Cheng might be said to be responsible for. But he never asked for it, maybe he never would have wanted it. He wishes Wei WuXian told him, but Jiang Cheng never told Wei WuXian his golden core was melted while he was sacrificing himself to save Wei WuXian. He wants Wei wuxian to say sorry, but that makes him feel pathetic. And Jiang Cheng says sorry too. It’s a mess of paradoxes, and in the end somehow it seems like the scales are balanced in the most hollow, dismal way.
What is owed, what is given, what is taken ... Wei WuXian has never been part of a family. He has always had to say thank you and sorry for everything he's taken. Wei WuXian himself admits that he used "thank you" as a way to enforce distance between himself and Lan WangJi. Lan WangJi's point i think is that they belong to each other, Wei WuXian is his, and he is Wei WuXian's, unconditionally. The way that Jiang Cheng speaks of him in the Guanyin temple (admittedly I read a fan translation and this is very nuanced, related to slight variations of grammar), even when Jiang Cheng clearly is so broken by the loss of Wei WuXian from his life, he talks about Wei WuXian as an outsider. It is what MY family gave to YOU, never what you took from our family. But at one point Wei WuXian was part of their family - but he takes too much, and becomes an ex-disciple, not a brother. Wei WuXian’s inclusion as a Jiang was always conditional. 
Even when Wen Qing and Wen Ning leave him to go take the blame for qiongqing path they tell him "thank you and sorry", drawing a line between them and him, so he doesn’t even belong to these people who he sacrificed everything for. The way Wei WuXian acted when he was younger, he was always keenly aware of this - he always knew that he didn’t belong to anyone, no one is going to protect him unconditionally. And after first escaping the Burial Mounds, he is done pretending. When Lan WangJi warns him about what a demonic cultivation path will do to his heart, Wei WuXian replies: “After all, on the topic of how my heart is, what could other people know about it? Why should other people care about it?” He is done pleasing. Nothing has changed really, he still belongs to no one and is alone, but now he is angry about it, and instead of saying thank you and sorry he is going to become too powerful to be at anyone's mercy. And then we see in the story afterward what happens to people who don't say thank you and sorry.
The whole point I think is the impossibility of choice, the impossibility of consent in this society. If he didn't forgo the behaviour his social acceptance was conditional on, he wouldn't have survived the burial mounds. But once he becomes powerful enough to survive and get revenge on the Wens, he is socially outcast. Except he was already outcast from the beginning.
And so how do Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi find a way through all that to a life together where all their desires are possible, where Wei WuXian can say no while also being pleasing (safe) to others, and Lan WangJi can indulge in his wild desires while still being good? The answer is kinky sex!
It is kind of miraculous and beautiful how Wei WuXian finds a way to say no, while simultaneously pleasing Lan WangJi, giving pleasure, while taking it, saying no, and knowing his refusal is not just tolerated, but gives Lan WangJi pleasure, knowing Lan wangji and knowing the painful belief Lan WangJi holds within that his desires are unacceptable and unspeakable, and that Wei WuXian can take care of Lan Wangji in a secret little way and please him and give everything to him by craving this wildness in Lan WangJi while at the same time he gets to say no again and again , and it won't push Lan WangJi away, he can refuse everything while at the same time be totally pleasing and thus safe, and also for Lan WangJi, Wei WuXian's pleasure at saying "no" while still being held onto, that he genuinely wants to be fucked even while begging Lan WangJi to stop (and the many ways he does give his consent for this throughout, especially their first time), allows Lan WangJi the ecstatic feeling that this idea that his sexual desires are only possible through force are not just something his lover forgives him for but something his lover is SO turned on by, and that he has consent for his fantasies of non-consent, Wei WuXian has the same fantasies from the other side, he is doing what he is supposed to while doing what he shouldn't, and actually these monstrous feelings in him allow him to take care of Wei WuXian in a way that he needs - that they both need - and all these impulses that are so wrong with Wei WuXian become very right and a way to do good. And they are just both so perfect and perfect for each other and I love them and I am so happy for them to have a long kinky life together.
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
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Don't Let Go
Summay: Zemo keeps the holster on.
WC: 2098
Rated: E
Tags: smut, on the rough side, dom!zemo, some dub/con type vibes at certain points (but it is all consensual of course), tall!plus size!reader, body image issues about size, no stated use of protection, uh yeah
A/N: um. Look. Your guess is as good as mine as to where this came from and after me not being able to write for months. I started this in June, got stuck, stopped, forgot i started writing it, randomly was going thru my wips for #nostalgia today, and then this happened. Sad to report no further progress on Heist tho. I’m hoping very soon. Bone app the teeth?
You remember when you had the conversation. Only a few nights ago on a Friday, barely more than a week since first going on the run with him, you and the Baron drank a few glasses of his expensive scotch at the new safe house, and you had found yourself opening up about fantasies, or lack of.
"Come now, Schatz - there must be something you have been intrigued to."
A simple shrug is what you give. "Maybe a few times…. But it's not something I put much thought into or anything like that." You take a sip, the alcohol rough in its burn.
"Why is that?" he questions without missing a beat.
Meeting his gaze across the couch you see he's been watching you the entire conversation, as though there is nothing that even comes remotely close to being more important than whatever silly ideas you have to share. “I mean I’ve spent my whole life as this bigger, intimidating person. Hell, I’m taller than you, by what an inch and a half? And most people that much, if not more,” you lightly scoff and sip again from your tumbler of scotch. “It wasn't something feasible being bigger I guess-” you gesture to your torso “-so I dropped the ideas before it could really set in as something I wanted. I told you - I'm always on my own and having to do my own thing. Had to get a grip on my life and be an independent woman and all that," you chuckle.
Zemo had been more than thorough in acquainting you with the basics of intimacy the last week; yet he let you take the lead as much as possible. Almost entirely, truly. You weren't at the point of anything wild or experimental, nor were you brave enough to try going rogue. So it was easy, it was standard - not that you had any complaints. But Helmut was adamant that it was you who controlled how he kissed you, how he touched you, how he broke your body and soul piece by piece in the long hours of the night.
You look across the room into the flickering light of the fireplace. Quieter, you add "just once I’d like to feel like the small one in a situation, to have to look up to someone literally and figuratively, to not feel like I’m too big and to just be able to let someone else make the choice for me." Looking back at him and speaking a little more blase, you finish "but I don't know. That's about as far as I got."
“I like looking up at you, Schatz, it’s like looking at an angel,” Helmut whispers. Since you had unofficially gotten together after escaping Riga he was constantly praising and complimenting you. You always expected to feel like he was just flattering you, but he made it such a point to talk about your intelligence, kindness, generosity, humor, and how beautiful he found you in equal parts.
You don't bother fighting back your grin. “I’m sure you do, Baron.” Downing the rest of your drink you tell him you are tired and head off to bed with a kiss.
Helmut had business to attend into the late evening. You made yourself busy reading some old book from the safe house’s upstairs library. The sun set as you read. Oranges and pinks and purples cast the room in a peaceful glow as you engulfed yourself in tales of times gone by. Maybe three hours later you hear him call out for you, breaking you from your page; “Schatz, could you come down here?”
Excitement bubbles within you at his arrival. “Be down in a sec!” You closed the book and placed it on the desk. Wandering around in the darkness you think you hear him in the kitchen. You call out “Helmut are you-” as you reach for the light switch when a shadowy figure backs you into a wall, knocking the breath you had from your lungs. For a second you panic, heart beating wildly out of your chest, until you see a glint of that familiar chocolate in the shadow’s eyes. The white-knuckled grip you have on the fabric of his top relaxes.
Pressed up against the kitchen wall by the man, you can just make out that he's clad in his gear. A thick burgundy turtleneck covers the expanse of his broad chest, the leather straps of a holster secured around his shoulders. Sturdy combat boots brush the sides of your ankles from where he has trapped your legs between his. The shoes give him an extra inch compared to your barefoot state, in addition to the commanding way he carries himself at present. Even as his gaze is eye level with your own like this he looks as if he towers above you.
Searching his eyes as best as you can in the limited light, you attempt “Hel what-”
A calloused palm cups the skin of your cheek, his thumb pressing softly against your mouth and silencing you. He says nothing; you wait, swallowing in anticipation. The digit glides slowly along the seam of your lips before pushing slightly between. You don't mind the intrusion, instead finding the taste of his skin intoxicating as you run the tip of your tongue over him. Pupils flit from your own to where his thumb rests. Zemo sighs. Feeling the fire within your core ignite you decide to take initiative, giving a gentle nip before sucking delicately on the pad of his thumb.
There is no mistaking the way his eyes blacken. The softness in his tone doesn’t match the formidability of his presence as he whispers “My Leibling…”
Zemo’s body presses yours further into the wall with such force it tears a gasp from you; his lips and tongue ravage yours with such a ferocity unlike anything you’ve known. Hands clutch at your jaw like vices. The thought crosses your mind that perhaps his fingertips might leave bruises. Nevertheless, you can’t be damned to stop him, especially not when you feel the beginnings of his hardening cock pushing into your hip, or the wetness seeping between your legs.
Finally, when the burn in your lungs becomes too great he breaks away and instead attaches his mouth to your throat. You have no doubt he can feel the pounding of your heart where he sucks and bites at your flesh. The Baron slides a hand under the edge of your top. His fingers are hot where they dig into your soft side. A feeble attempt to maneuver your hands to remove your shirt results in a tsk from him, his own larger ones moving to rip the fabric of your nightshirt right down the middle and exposing your peaked breasts to the cool air and his hungry stare. “Fuck - Helmut, what’s- ugh-” a particularly hard pinch to your nipple breaks your concentration, “what’s gotten in to you?” The question comes out as a moan.
Instead of an answer he tugs at the waistband of your shorts. With your reassuring nod he pushes them over your wide hips and thick thighs. Not a minute later he’s pulled a leg to wrap around his hip and opens you up to the grind of his still-clothed cock. “Don’t think, Leibling, just feel,” he commands.
The material of his pants rubs a delicious friction; your juices soaking through the fabric. You can feel the inferno growing. Breathy moans fill the near-silent kitchen. “Mein Gott, Draga I can feel how wet you are. Does this excite you? To know that you are enough to drive the great Baron Zemo to such primal need? To such depravity as to not even give you the luxury of a bed, but instead to have you right here and at my mercy?” He punctuates his statement with a harsh roll of his hips.
You whine in need. The pressure between your hips grows, you need him more than you can bear to think. Quickly you move to undo the fastening of his trousers between you. He does not stop you, only slows his movements to make it easier for you to work. When his bared cock finally rubs along your soaked core you manage to whimper a pathetic please. Helmut’s grip on your leg around his hip remains firm. He uses his free arm to place each of your hands on the straps of his holster along his pectorals. You pull on the leather as if to test its strength. There is barely enough room for your wrists between you where your chests are crushed together.
Suddenly Zemo drops as he leans to wrap his free hand underneath the leg that still supports your weight; his brute strength lifts you completely before you realize what he’s doing. “Wait no- Helmut I’m too-”
“No.” Zemo snaps his hips forward, burying himself to the hilt in one fluid motion.
“Oh my god.” You sound pathetic as you keen at the fullness within you.
Both of his hands support you under the soft curve of your upper thighs. You tighten your legs around the small of his back on instinct. Panic surges through you despite the wonderful feel of him inside you. You aren’t small, you weigh too much, you’ll hurt him.
He jerks his shoulders minutely to bring your attention to where your fingers are wrapped around his holster straps. “Do not let go, Draga. Do you understand?”
“Do you understand, Leibling?” he asks again, this time more demanding than you’ve ever heard.
The first slam of his cock is fierce. It is precise. It is beyond any sort of pleasure you’ve ever felt, to have this man fucking you within an inch of your life as he all but cradles your body within the palm of his hand like it was your destiny to be there. Through all your sobs and cries of ecstasy he does not let up on the onslaught. Each thrust hits deep within you. His hips angle to brush your bundle of nerves with every movement. The peaks of your breasts tease and graze his sweater; probably an unfair advantage for him to be clothed and yet you at his complete mercy. You can’t fault how the sensation only heightens your euphoria. This time you know for sure his fingertips will paint your thighs with their memory for days to come; will create a masterpiece along the expanse of your skin that no Van Gogh or Picasso or Da Vinci could ever hope to produce.
Your release comes all too quickly at his attentions. Helmut doesn’t let up, nor does he seem to even break a sweat at his herculean task. At one point you swear you feel the leather straps start to give under the chokehold of your fists as he orders you to come again along his shaft, his words leaving no room for you to think otherwise.
Helmut reaches his own peak as your channel tightens around him, the growl of your name against your temple like a bolt of electricity. Hips slowing to a gentle roll, he does not pull himself from you, instead adjusting his hold under you to keep you pinned between his body and the wall. Your forehead comes to rest on his shoulder. The Baron drops sweet kisses to your temple, to your cheek, as you both come down from your high.
“Mmmm…Maybe you should put me down now? My legs are sore,” you mumble into his sweater, flexing your thigh and calf muscles where they still circle his waist.
“And if I do not want to? What then, my Leibling?” At your answering groan he hums in contentment before slowly removing himself from you, moving from the wall, and carrying you to the loveseat in the next room. Oversized boots thump with each step. The loose pants hanging from his knees slow his walk to a shuffle. He sits, situating you in his lap. Zemo looks down to see your fingers still wrapped around the holster. With a smile he says “you may let go now, Schatz. You did so well for me, such a good girl.”
It takes your digits a moment to cooperate as you untangle them from their place. “I’m not sure I can move my hands…?”
Helmut chuckles at your admission, taking your hands in each of his. He brings them to hip lips and places delicate kisses on them. Carefully he begins to massage your fingers and palms; “well, we must see to that, shouldn't we?”
(I'll be honest idk who is on my tag list for zemo since I haven't written for him in like 9 months sorrry)
Tag list: @ay0nha @livvyshmiv @fictionlandslanddreams @vinylrosess @typical-bistander @ntlmundy @dragon-baron @anteroom-of-death @somethingthatsaysbubbles @lieutenantn @multiversemarielle @trashbin2 @whatawildone @laura-naruto-fan1998 @greeneyedblondie44 @godidontevenknowwhat @lorna-d-m @hardlyinteresting @marchingicenotes7 @earlgreysandcloudydays
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holsten-from-hasa · 2 years
echo watches dominion smp
viking pilot pov (hello tumblr jumpscare man)
anyway immediate thoughts: this guy is an embodiment of a wet rag, i want to wring him out and hang him up to dry. nice voice.
honestly more put together when confronted with thefacthes real now than i would ever be. 'hi yes ive been watching you for a while. hello' also set on fire so much. grilled viking
everyone on this server is slightly insane. i love them
viking has. the wildest sense of loyalty ive ever seen. like yes hes fix's friend. yes hes just vibing while the others spawn a warden. yes he told taneesha peoples favourite things. yes hes immediately telling said people where they are. hes just So.
little ghost boy. what crimes will he commit.
the iou collection?? hermitcraft enjoyer in me still remembers horse head farms and the head canons of those being souls. viking the soul collector i guess
he is in your walls. he is in my walls. he is skittering around between the bricks listening in on you.
how far is he willing to go for a legundo iou. because so far seems like fix is one of his actual friends.
also just realised. he is wearing his own severed head to let people see him. that is both really wholesome and. freaky.
taking the blame. for tax fraud. does our favourite ghost boy not know that you do not fuck with the irs.
'you comitted several crimes' his reaction to crouch and look at them. god.
i am losing my mind.
this mans priorities.
GRADY UNDER THE SLAB. HIDING. he looks so sad.
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grady is so.
he got the worst deal. viking youre so dumb.
love how his outro just. has his channel icon cover his face. someone just slapped his own sticker on there.
episode 4: viking loses his goddamn mind
legundo shivering the whole time makes it so much better.
'I DO NOT FEEL SAFE IN THE MURDER GRAVEYARD' whats wrong, legundo? do you fear death? do you fear confrontation with your own mortality? run. perhaps you will find safety under the burning sun. but perhaps you will not be alone.
i have no idea what im saying any more.
oh no.viking once again tkaing the fall for a crime. taneesha is a bad influence.
'wow whatcrimes did viking commit' 'oh, yknow, all the ones we tried blaming taneesha for' 'huh, wild'
this web of lies. my god.
grady just like 'youre full of shit yknow'
oh hey is now a good time to mention i tend to associate phantoms with cats.
i am so glad he told nuke. still viking has the wildest allegiances ive ever seen.
people i need to watch after viking: nuke and grady. they have such vibes, actually
changing taneeshas base from snowy wonderland toliteral hell.... beautiful.
'not a cult' idk guys might be a cult. but also void is such a good aesthetic
feeding the void. crunchity munchity
vikings one cncern is that theres no contact card. yeah ok nice priorities ghost boy. im having the time of my life here.
'take it to your grave type thing' 'oh wait i have a thing for that' because yes phantom man has a grave for his servermate. in the murder graveyard. normal person thing the have. definitely.
he literally just murdered someone. nice. i support him.
now they are bullying the man who is constantly trembling.
no object permanence.... they are best friends
casually blowing a hole in the wall of the irs' tax bunker. after being told repeatedly to not do it. just hot girl things ig
beautiful. wonderful. they are so dead
'yeah btw jamie mightbe being corrupted by void'
also fun fact! i am guessing everyones origins as we go. i know nothing i went in blind. its great. nothing is explained i love life
this episode is a train wreck. its so so great
'yeah this is a good place' 'so what about the queens head right there' 'dwbi'
'i have a wish no one on the smp is prepareed for' oh no.
'it kinda transformed into its own, evil throne room' yeah ok thats perfectly normal. sure. vaults always turn into evil throne rooms. thats normal.
whats your plan viking. viking whats your plan
oh no hes gonna set legundo and fix againsteach other. i cant wait
lmao their concern over his laughs. dw guys hes just a silly lil guy. a buddy. not a murder ghost at alll
my new skrunkly is going insane. good for him
oh. good noises.
i love his evil laugh.
he got the carpet echest thing from tango!!! :D
for the record i am a tango tek enjoyer. he is my Guy tm
taneesha jumping around. bouncies.
'the queen doesnt scare me' sir. poor move. probably.
oh. oh he just wants his memories back. hm what is going on here.
'i dont want to be a ghost forever. its lonely' ow. ow
viking the puppetmaster.... pulling the strings of chaos
finale time. oh god. im not ready actually
the PODIUM..... my god
'THIS MIGHT BE REALLY BAD' yeah the queen just got possessed by the void and flew off with the egg. and you think it MIGHT be bad???
'for chaos to be fun theres gotta be a world left' yeah. true
he got nuggies!!!!
'nothing could possibly go wrong' legundo said, before everything went wrong
oh shit. ok. yeah ok that was. shitt
conclusion: viking dominionsmp is a pathetic wet rag and also a catboy who deserves to Kill. i fucking love this smp
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rainandandy · 3 years
Chemtrails (Yelena Belova x reader)
Summary: You and Yelena are finally free from the mind control of being a black widow. How does everything fare out as you both return to Ohio to start a new life?
Pairings: Yelena Belova x reader, Natasha Romanoff x Steve Rogers (Kinda platonic, kinda not), Alexei Shoskatoff x Melina Vostokova
Word Count: 1,862
Translations: Malishka (Baby), Krasotka (Beautiful),  Liybimaya (My Love)
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There were some people who had the idea that being on the run meant being scared, lonely, always on edge. Perhaps that is how it should have felt. You just felt like you were free. Free from being used in any way. They treated you as if you were just another pawn on the chessboard as if you were just another number to them. It is a piece that no one will remember.
Yelena too. The two of you had freed yourselves and the others from the harsh crutches of being a black widow. A killer and a trained spy in all the fields that a spy could be. Sly, sneaky, conniving, and murderous. There had never been a time when you had any control over your actions. Never being able to be yourself. Living life on the edge, skirting all over the world in a number of days. Killing people without a second thought, because you weren't able to control your mind. You weren't in control.
Until Yelena came along. Till she abolished the control over your mind and cut the tracker from your leg. Till she held you while your body wracked with sobs of finally being free.
She stayed with you, helped you recover physically and mentally. Patching up wounds with medical bits she found in gas stations. Driving stolen cars and motorbikes through the darkness of the night. A new city each day, hiding in rundown motels on the side of highways. Each one of them smelling worse than the previous one.
In the aftermath of Dreykov's death, you would keep your eyes on the news to make sure the black widows left over weren't doing any harm. Once you both reached Ohio, where she planned to meet up with her family and establish a base to free the black widows, you both could be free. Over the long nights of traveling and the days of laying low, you went from strangers to lovers very quickly.
You weren't sure when it happened, but she fell first. A glance at you that was once cold has become a loving gaze. As she learned what food you liked, she would be sure to bring it back from her grocery store runs. It was something you didn't notice at first. She changed her attitude towards you suddenly and when her touches on your wounds became lighter and she began to tell you more about her life, you too began to fall. You discovered why she was aiming for Ohio in the first place. In other words, she did not want to be what she was made to be. Both of your skills would only earn you dirty money, and she desperately just wanted to settle down. You did not talk about children between the two of you, but you frequently talked about a dog shelter.
As soon as you reached a small suburban home on the outskirts of Ohio, you and your partner quickly went into undercover mode. Posing as a newlywed couple, with her sister who is a part-time science teacher and her parents who are coming to welcome the new family. In the morning it appeared like bliss to the neighbors, but really it was at night when the family seemed to sit around and play Monopoly that they planned their roles for recovering the last of the black widows. The rest of the widows who had been freed would come over under the guise of being friends, but Yelena and you would give them money and new identification provided by Mason, so they could start their new lives. The widows wanted their chance to live a normal life, just as you and Yelena did. Many of those who rely on doing what they know only too well, choose to work with Melina in St Petersburg.
In less than a year, everyone was free. With the last of the widows freed, Dreykov's remnants were abolished. You and Yelena were finally free. As soon as the word was given you and Yelena marched straight down to the shelter where she picked a gorgeous American akita and Yelena straight away called her Fanny. When Natasha heard the name, she rolled her eyes and asked, "Really Yelena? I hate that name. You know how much I hate it. In response, Yelena hit back with an infamous "HA!"" and Fanny had now become a part of your dysfunctional family. Alexei and Melina flew in and out every few months, checking up on both of you or on some wild mission to find Captain America. It was much to Alexei’s surprise the day Natasha brought Steve Rogers home, posing as her husband.
“Papa, you remember Steve. My adoring husband" Each word spit back as fast as possible while making sure Alexei didn't start a mini war among them right under their noses. Natasha was extremely coy at first and you didn't know whether there was anything more than just friendship between them.
During their time at the Ohio house, Yelena and Natasha would relax in the small pool that is located out the back. Their tanned skin became more obvious as they raced in laps of the pool against one another under the scorching summer sun. The whole family had a good laugh when Steve wore swim trunks with the American flag on them and then had another fit when Alexei wore ones with the Russian flag on them. “I feel like all my dreams have come true” Yelena said hazily as she kissed your hand on the lawn chairs.
“What dream is that Krasotka?” you asked, smiling as you didn’t fully take in her deep words. “I have my family back” you felt the strings of your heart being pulled at the softness of the girl's words.
She pulled on your hand and led you to join her on the lawn chair, sitting in her lap. As she wrapped her arms around your waist, you looked up into the clear blue sky to see a distant plane leave a long white trail in the clear blue sky. “What are the white lines made of?" It was a question you asked aloud. "Maybe the government is slowly poisoning us with Dreykov's toxic chemicals," she said in a funny way, but you knew it was on everyone's mind. What if he wasn't really dead after all. What if the dream turned into a nightmare and you were no longer yourself. Your panic caused your breath to quicken its pace, and you touched the beautiful gemstones you wore around your neck. Some eastern culture your therapist had thrust onto you, rubbing some amethyst and turquoise would help ease the pain of the memories. In a manner of speaking, it did work, as it eased the nightmares little by little. There were times when holding those tiny stones felt like clutching a lifeline. You desperately try to hold onto this reality with Yelena as long as possible. The blissfulness of it all. Yelena became restless after losing the constant sense of action that had been part of her life. The excitement of going to the farmers market only lasted for a limited amount of time. It was one of those days when the rumble of an engine and the smell of gas broke your concentration from doing laundry, and you were met by a gorgeous vintage red Chevy pulling into the driveway. The look on Yelena's face was incomprehensible, which made you hard to believe that she had just went out and bought such an immaculate, expensive-looking vehicle. The car was a convertible and fanny sat in the back, her tongue hanging out, panting in the golden sun, as she sat there. "We are supposed to keep things on the low down" you whispered to your 'fake' wife, scolding her.
It's time to enjoy yourself, Malishka!"
You knew it was worth it when the rouge on her lips matched the color of the cherry red car. When she opened the passenger side door, she motioned for you to get into the car.
"No no, I think it's time for me to take this baby for a spin". You pushed her across the white leather as you got into the driver's seat and sat in it. There was a soft white leather under your grip on the wheel. "Don't you like it, sweetheart?" Yelena smirked at you as you adjusted the mirror while Yelena was chatting. Upon turning the key, the engine roared to life. "Shhh sweetheart, you'll pay for this later" and you took off racing down the avenues of white picket fences, passing children playing in the front gardens.
Families who seemed perfect on the outside but you knew that each one had their problems. As you reached well over the speed limit, with your hair blowing wildly behind you, you felt as if you were at liberty. It was impossible for those families to stop you from doing what you did. You could not be stopped by Dreykov. At that moment, all you wanted was to keep speeding along the winding roads while Yelena put her hands up, grasping at the invisible air. She was your sweet love. Your happiness. She made the freedom worth it. The winding roads soon gave way to a small clearing where you were able to park your car on the side of the road. The engine died slowly, and her smile was beaming back at you, pure happiness oozing from both of you. Fanny jumped out of the car, her paw pads crushing the gravel under her feet as she jumped. She trotted around sniffing at the new surroundings. In the company of Yelena, you made your way to a small bench that overlooked a valley. The sun was looking low and heavy as it was making its way towards the horizon for yet another day. The silence was relaxing, settling over you as you stared out at the sky. Yelena spoke openly from the heart or perhaps her soul when she said, "I am not religious, but if there is a god out there somewhere, I hope he lets it stay like this forever.". The truth is, she was never one to think of such things in this way, especially in regards to god, religion or even something as grave as losing what you had. "It's not going to happen. We have made it. Nothing could break us apart, Liybimaya”
I know, I know, I feel silly thinking about it when this perfect paradise is all around us; but I cannot help it.
"There is nothing wrong with contemplating God…. or our paradise…. If you have second thoughts-”
“No. God no.” She took a deep breath and replied, “That's not what I'm saying. I am terrified that I will wake up back in the red room. That all of this was just a dream"
You scooted over to her side of the bench and cradled her against you and said, "I'm real, baby.". The sun set, leaving you and your partner in the darkness, the streetlight flickering behind you. It is time for us to go home"
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hangovercurse · 4 years
The GQ Couples Quiz
You, a famous actress, and your boyfriend, MGK, do an interview about your relationship for GQ.
Request: “Can I get a Colson Baker imagine where you do the couple interview for buzzfeed please”
Colson x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: I changed it to the GQ interview because I couldn’t find the one for Buzzfeed, sorry!
Word Count: 2480
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“Hey guys I’m MGK”
“And I’m Y/S/N”
“And this is the GQ couples quiz.” You both said at the same time before busting out in laughter at the corniness.
“I think you know way more about me than I know about you.” Colson said, a nervous look on his face.
You giggled, “I think I know some stuff that could get you into trouble.”
The producers behind the cameras laughed at that. “Okay, I’ll go first.” Colson picked up the cards in his hand. “What is my full name?”
You smiled, “Starting off with the heavy stuff here, guys.” You said, looking behind the cameras with a laugh. “Your full name is Richard Colson Baker.” Colson made a face at the use of his first name which made you giggle.
“Yeah, but if anyone calls me Richard or Richie,” he pointed straight into the camera, “I will come for you.” You giggled at his silliness, looking at your own card which held the same question.
“Okay, what is my full name?” You looked up at him, “If you get this wrong, I will walk out of here.”
His eyes went wide, “I think I know my own girlfriend’s name Ms. Y/F/N.” You giggled, nodding in approval, and letting him continue. “Where was I born?”
You rolled your eyes, “Houston, Texas. Easy. Where was I born?”
“Y/B/T” He said with a grin, flipping to the next card.
“What is my secret talent?”
“You say this is your secret talent, but you talk about it all the time so I don’t know if it counts.” You said, “but you can juggle.”
He nods, “That’s the only talent I have so it counts.” You giggled, shaking your head. “Yours is that you can balance shit on your head, right? Like cups and plates and shit.”
You nodded, “together we make a whole circus act.”
You both laughed, his entire body moving as he did. Eventually, he calmed down and looked at the next card. “I’m gonna look like such a shitty boyfriend.” You laughed, waiting for him to read the question, “What’s my favorite meal?”
You laughed harder, “you don’t know my favorite meal?”
He threw his head back, “I know what you eat a lot but like, I couldn’t tell you what is specifically your favorite meal.”
You giggled, “yours is Soul food. Like chicken and mac n cheese and all that.”
He nodded, “I was gonna say chicken wings, but you’re right.”
“Every time we go to Cleveland you drag me to that one place and you get so excited about it.” You told him and he smiled. “Do I wanna ask you what mine is?”
“Dude, you are gonna make me look so bad.” He shook his head, but tried anyways, “I mean, I know you like making breakfast with me and Case, but I don’t know if that’s your favorite meal or not.”
You grinned widely, excited that he got it right. “No, you’re so right. Like, it’s not the best food,” he pouted, “but the fact that we all make it together is really cute.”
He blushed, reading the next card. “What is my favorite song to sing around the house?” He started laughing in the middle of the question, making you laugh with him.
“Oh my god, what doesn’t he sing around the house?” You said to the crew behind the screen. Slim and Baze were standing to the side, laughing with you. “I guess normally its whatever he’s working on. Like I swear, no one is more obsessed with his music than he is.”
His cheeks were red and he buried his face behind his cards. “I’d like to disagree but I really don’t have a favorite song to sing around the house. It’s just kind of whatever’s in my head.’
“So, then I still get the point, right?”
“I guess you still get the point.” He sighed.
“Okay this one is different for me, what is my favorite song to dance to?” You asked, grinning slyly at him.
He rolled his eyes, “if you play anything by 24kGoldn, she will be dancing to it. If you play anything I’ve come out with, she skips it.”
You gaped, “I do not skip it you ass! You just don’t make good dancing music. There’s nothing wrong with that, I just can’t dance and cry at the same time.” By the end of your statement, you were both laughing like little kids. “But Goldn, he makes some dance-worthy music.”
Colson shook his head but continued. “What was the name of the first song I ever released and my first album?”
“Lace up.” You announced, making the x symbol with your hands. Colson nodded, smiling at you fondly. “Uh, your first song was…” you trailed off, thinking. “It wasn’t Wild Boy, was it?”
He shook his head, “nope, earlier than that. It was never on an official album.”
Your eyes shot open in realization, “Oh! Alice in Wonderland!” You shouted and he nodded, smiling proudly.
“I swear to God I look so bad right now.” He complained.
You chuckled, shaking your head, “We’ve gotten the same number of questions right! I wouldn’t have gotten that if you hadn’t told me it wasn’t on an album.” He let out a sigh but you continued, “what was the first piece of film I ever appeared in?”
You could tell he was thinking, “like commercials and stuff count?” You nodded, “you were in that Febreze commercial when you were like, 12, weren’t you?”
You laughed really loud, your head going back and your eyes shutting. “I hate that you know that.” Colson pumped his fists in the air, celebrating his correct answer.
“If you were to ask like your first actual like movie, it was Nerve, cause that’s how we met.” He said, a wide grin on his face. You nodded, matching his energy. He looked at the card, his eyes going soft. “Okay this one’s cute, when was our first date and what did we do?”
You giggled, remembering the long path to your relationship. “Our first actual date was on April 23rd, 2019. We went to a little drive-in movie and you borrowed Baze’s truck and we sat in the bed and uh… let me just say we didn’t do much watching.” The crew members started laughing with you, so much that you had to take a few seconds of a break.
“We’ll cut the break out, don’t worry.” The assistant director said. Colson’s face was red, trying to hide his laugh as you went back to the video.
You cleared your throat, “when was our first kiss?”
He chuckled, “It was not that night, funnily enough.” You both giggled, hiding your face in embarrassment. “Our first kiss was the night before. It was my birthday and we were in this huge house and there were a ton of people around and I realized that you were the only person I actually wanted to be with at that moment in time. So, we snuck out to the backyard with a bottle of something and spent the rest of the night getting drunk with each other. And at some point, I kissed you.” You smiled, the memory of that night coming back to you. “And then I asked you on said first date.”
There were a few scattered “awes” from the production team, which you laughed off. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was cute, next question.”
He shook his head at you but read the next question, “Ugh, these are all so cheesy. When did I first say I loved you?”
You chuckled, “You were on tour and I hadn’t seen you in like two months except on the phone. So, when you got back, you took me and Casie out for lunch and then we went to this skate park. I remember I was teaching Casie how to skate and you just kind of blurted it out. And Casie and I both looked at you like “what the fuck did you just say?” and you got really embarrassed about it and then Casie said “finally!” like she had been waiting for it.”
You were a giggling mess, happiness flooding your body as you remembered the moment. “No,” he started, “you don’t understand. Casie figured it out like weeks before me. We were talking on the phone, and this kid, my nine-year-old daughter, started teasing me about how nervous I was to tell you.”
Your grin widened. “I swear Casie would’ve killed me if I hadn’t told you that day.”
“I will have to thank Casie at some point.” You said as you flipped to the next question. “What is my favorite movie and TV show? You gotta get them both right.”
He put his head in his hands, letting out a sigh. “I know your favorite movie is Nerve for obvious reasons,” he motioned up and down his body, “however, I know you’ve seen The Dirt about a hundred times, so.” He pointed his head at you and you rolled your eyes.
“He’s so egotistical.” You said to the camera. “But you’re right, Nerve is my favorite movie not only because its how we met but also because it was the first movie I was ever in. But if you were to ask my favorite movie that I’m not in, it would be The Dirt. You get 2 points for that one.”
Colson nodded, “hell yeah. Okay, what do I consider my biggest career accomplishment?”
Your eyes went wide as you realized you didn’t know the answer. “I could say like three or four different things right now.” You whined, looking to him for help. “When Miocic started coming out to your song, when you recorded with Crue, when Cena started using your song. You’ve done so much shit.”
He chuckled, “yeah but what’s the most important one, like to me?”
You tilted your head, “Was it when you performed on New Year’s?” You asked, feeling slightly embarrassed.
He laughed, “you’re a goddamn mind reader, I swear.” You smiled, sighing in relief, “yeah, it wasn’t like the biggest thing but it was the most important to me.”
You smiled, “we’re just on the same wavelength.” He rolled his eyes at your goofiness. “Okay, okay. How do you know when I’m mad at you?”
He chuckled, looking down at his hands, “if its something I did and we’re like, in public, you just won’t talk to me and like you won’t let me touch you.” He turned to the camera and the rest of the room, “like we are both very touchy people, so if she stops holding my hand or something, I know I fucked up.”
You giggled, nodding in agreement, “but if I really mess up, she’ll let me know.”
“We’re very big on communication.” You smiled, both of you stifling laughter at the many memories of you arguing over stupid things. “But it’s why this works, y’know?” You said to the camera.
“You should get this one, what’s my biggest fear?” He asked, the room falling silent.
You turned to look at him, a soft smile on your face. “Losing Casie.” You said, “or me, but mostly Casie.” You both knew how much he loved Casie. It was what attracted you to him so much in the first place. And since you’d known him, Casie had become equally important in your life.
He nodded, “yeah. I’ve had, like, actual nightmares about it. Scariest shit.”
You let the answer linger in the air for a second before pulling out the last card. “Okay, last question. When did we first meet and when did you first realize you liked me?” You grinned up at him and he blushed.
“First day we met was the day of the Nerve read through and we hit it off immediately. But I realized I “liked” you,” he used air quotes when he said the word liked, “when you did that ladder scene. I remember thinking like, “damn, that girl is fucking metal.””
You laughed, “I was so terrified but I was trying to keep calm because I wanted you to think I was cool.” You squeezed your eyes shut, “I was freaking out.”
Colson laughed with you, pausing to catch his breath, “but the first time I realized I loved you was when I was on tour. Normally I called you before I went out after the show, but this one night I was really burnt out and the only thing I wanted to do was to sit on the bus and facetime you. And even though I was like four hours behind you and it was like 5 am where you were, you stayed up with me and we just talked for a while. And then you fell asleep without hanging up and I couldn’t bring myself to hang up. So, I just, as creepy as this shit sounds, I just watched you sleep. And I had that thought of like, I could do this every night and not get bored of it. And that’s when I realized that I loved you.”
The look on your face explained your emotions perfectly, and it was something the internet talked about for a while after the video was released. Colson blushed, “now you gotta say when you first realized you liked me so I don’t look like a little bitch.”
You laughed loudly, body shaking. “Ok, first time I realized I liked you was when you brought Casie to set. Like, the way you acted with her and everything was so sweet. Like I was already attracted to you but that was the point where I was like, woah.” You made wide eyes to prove your point. “I realized I loved you the same facetime call. I hate being woken up and I was really mad when my phone rang. But then I saw it was you and my heart literally did a little backflip. The next morning, I woke up to the call still going and you were asleep on the other end and I realized that I would never answer a facetime call at 5 am for anyone else.”
He smiled fondly at you, “we’re so in sync.” You giggled, agreeing.
“Okay, that was our really cheesy GQ couple’s quiz. Thank you guys so much for watching. Stream Daywalker by MGK and Corpse.” You said to the camera.
“And go see Y/N’s new movie out on Netflix!” Your boyfriend said giving a thumbs up to the camera.
The director gave you the signal to cut and you let out a sigh of relief, looking over to Colson, who was already looking at you. “I love you.” He said.
“I love you too, dork.” You mumbled, moving from your chair to his, resting your head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you.
537 notes · View notes
joannasteez · 3 years
Hey!! So, I have an idea. Could you write a fic about EZ and the reader’s wedding night? With smut of course 😏. I feel like he’d be so sweet and he’d be giving so much praise. You’re a wizard at combining fluff and smut, so I know you’d do amazing with this! Sending you lots of love 😁🥰
Short Summary: You and EZ turn in earlier than planned from your wedding reception.
Gif Credits @losaslut
Taglist: @my-rosegold-soul @appropriate-writers-name @est1887 @xladymacbethx @blessedboo @brownsugarcoffy @elektriknachosss @queenbeered @sesamepancakes @superhoeva @witching-hour @noz4a2 @withmyteeth @rae-gar-targaryen @cruzwalters @rose-bliss @youlovetkay
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It was a quake in his belly, ravenous, spreading wild and untamed, free, like fire, just a hairs breadth away from desperation. Starvation. It was hunger, jolting tingles prickling, crackling the tips of his fingers, an electric feeling of desire, need. He knew then, knows now, in his soul he’s got to have it, reach out to it, grab at it. Hunger, it’s a shift in his breath, his whole life stuck on the upturn of an inhale but now, finally, feeling free enough to fall, to breathe. And then without wait, breathe again. The body, his body, aches for it --always has-- needs it, this little thing called love. Craves it, so much so that it trembles, forlorn in the way that it lays, stands, sits, exist, till it has it. Till he has it. Has love. Till he can touch it, hear it, smell it, feel it, taste it, hold it gentle in the palm of his hand because... 
“Remember Ezekiel, love is a vulnerable thing, don’t waste it”. Felipe’s voice always so mellow and coarse. Reminiscent. “Don’t waste it son, don’t waste it”. 
“Can you go three weeks without me Reyes?” You were such a damn tease, even if he could hate you he wouldn’t. 
He felt like a madman for saying yes. Just a heel - toe away from insanity. 
Three weeks of sweet faint kisses, the taste of your lips ghosting, melting no where else but the very tip of his tongue, and barely felt touches, like a breeze born at dawn too busy moving, flowing, to cascade along the leaves that live for its graceful feel, all because you wanted him needy for you. Hungry. 
He couldn’t say “I do” fast enough. “Lets get out of here”. His whisper breathy and warm at your ear. Feet shifting with his, fingers in each others embrace, dancing beneath a chandelier sky. 
You’d said “I do” so perfectly. The phrase rich off your lips, dripping like honey, so bright, warm and embracing, a promise. Like some sweet summer melody. It was heavenly. 
“You still with me?” The question just above a whisper, your fingers ruffling aimlessly through the hair at his chin. 
“Of course”. 
“What were you thinking about?” His lip becoming the object of your thumbs affection. The rosy pink flesh so demanding to the eyes, tantalizing. 
“How much I need you”. 
But it’s a painful longing Ezekiel has, burdening him more than he’d ever be able to tell, one that aches well and deep at the heart of him, melting away bone and wearing the strength of his nerve, leaving him open to the air of you, raw and helpless, but it’s good all the same. He’s weak in love. It’s exhilarating nonetheless, the type of yearning he works tirelessly to sate but begs also never to leave him for fear that he would never feel so wholly, so deeply for another this way again. Finding such pleasure in this love stricken pain, he realizes as he stares into your eyes, only you could do something like this, possess him to feel such an adoration for the way you weaken him. And the silk dress helps him none, the soft white fabric draped along your body drawing him in, persuading his fingers to ruffle beneath, the dig of them measured as they stretch over your thighs, inching towards the sweetest place he knows. 
His gaze never leaves you, the straps of your dress slim and dainty as you slip them away over your shoulders. 
The shake of his head is a mixture of wonder and disbelief. How were you so beautiful, and he so lucky? “Goddam”, he whispers, the white lace accessorizing your skin calling him, pleading for his strong, gentle touch. 
You slip easy into his lap, the end of the plush bed dipping. 
Your lips feather over his, breath as soft as your caressing hold along the sharp edge of his jaw. So close you could taste him. “I know how much you love me in lace”. 
He groans, placing a hand at your back before he turns to lay you at the heart of the bed. Present himself properly your beauty. “You’re incredible. So perfect”.
Drowning, after three weeks of nothing you’re neck deep in a passion far too great just to be your own, the faint taste of champagne running fresh, swirling on your tongue from his. Three weeks, and finally, he gives you a breathless kiss. Deep, demanding, and addictively unbearable in a way that makes you want to fall into it, wander into the heart of it till you’re lost forever. But what does it all mean?, to be so unearthed in this moment, to fall and fly at the same time? Delve face first into heaven and earth, what else does it mean if not becoming weak in love too.
“I missed you”, his lips lazy at the lace dressing your breast, tongue drawing slow till they’re twisted hard and aching, but he doesn’t stop. Of course he doesn’t, because when has Ezekiel ever given up the opportunity to tease you? Cause your body such an alluring grief. “I missed this”. Wet kisses swirling and melting into your skin till he’s suckling hard at your lace covered slit, wetness pooling in an instant. “She missed me too”, he chuckles, before it slips into a moan at the roll of your hips. Rosy lips traveling, mapping the underside of your thighs. His eyes blown, glazed over with want as they peer into yours. “You’re so pretty baby”, a small kiss to the peak of your right knee. “So beautiful”. Another just above your navel. “All mine”. 
“You can stare and admire me later. I need you now”, you fight the whine threatening to wrap smooth over your words. Fingers reaching for him, wanting him close. 
He’s at your ear in seconds, the weight of him pressed well into you, hand strong as he takes one of your legs to wrap secure around him. “How do you want me hermosa?. Tell me”. 
“Slow. Make love to me”
He’s moving like the earth has stopped so generously for this moment, calloused fingers relieving you of all the beautiful lace like you’re some precious gift, and then his bottoms are gone, clothes forgotten like everything else that isn’t you. If nothing else in the moment, it’s his sudden affinity for patience that’s most agonizing, but deep down you know you deserve it, leaving him touch starved for three weeks was a bit low. But even patience, with the right touch, wears thin quick, the heel of your left foot settling at the base of his back, both legs now warm at his waist. It’s the creeping roll up his spine that gets him, like a call to action, a firm hand that makes him fall to you with a fluidity, such grace in motion you haven’t seen in weeks. ‘Again... three weeks... why’d you make him wait?’, the small pieces of you wonder, till he’s sinking in hard, hot and thick inside you. 
“That’s it”, he encourages. Reveling in your tight fit, utterly dazed in the way it satiates the heat reddening his skin. “Let me in baby”. Another groan escaping all drawn out into the hot skin of your neck when he bottoms out. 
“Oh fuck”. Your moan slurred in that delirious way. Eyes daring to roll, your jaw clenched, hiss smooth sailing out and into the air. 
He’s moving slow like you asked him, but his hips are digging deep, really giving you the type of passion that glazes your eyes, ears heating, whimpers broken as your fingers press into him. He’s as close as can be but you need him closer, but you’re not really sure what you’re looking for with your fingers, what you’re digging for. Maybe some grounding? Yeah, that’s what it feels like. That’s what shuddered breaths and parted lips tell you anyways. ‘You need grounding’, because he’s determined to imprint himself inside you, mold you to him, make your tight heat recommit him to memory till it’s unrecognizable where you end and he begins. 
He’s heavy, within and without, a strong, uncompromising force rocking into you so perfect every time. Your wetness pooling with every filling push of his hips, sounding sweet. “You make me feel so full baby”. 
He’s fluid still, the delicious grind he works into you at a steady pace. Thats it, that’s it, that’s it, a mumbling chant parting off his lips, close to yours. They meet and fall off your own, tongues slipping lazy, coming together with every push of his length, walls slick and warm as they hug him in, pulling and sucking so fucking good before his waist rears back, lips breaking for just a moment, before he’s home again. Your foreheads are a resting place for the other, right hand of yours meeting his chest, the other nailing gentle at the nape of his neck. “You’re always so good to me”. He’s at your ear again, whispers soft, but still ringing so loud, your thigh gripped in his left hand, his body anchored on the weight of his arm at the right, the digging turned into a brute snap. “So good for me”. His hearts pounding hard, matching the beat of yours, you feel it, like thunder under your touch. “Fuck”, the slim ring of golden brown in his eye meeting yours. “I’m never letting you go”. 
A tear slips slim off to the side of your cheek, pressure in your belly building strong. “I love you EZ”. 
He thinks it’s enough, hearing it the one time. It rises, saturates his skin, breaks him down, builds him back up, makes him whole, and then it dissipates. He needs it again. “Say it again. Tell me you love me”. 
You hold him close, lips brushing. It’s sweeter this way, always has been, always will be. “I love you baby, I love you so much”. 
A tear and a whimper, but it isn’t yours. Another kiss brushing your lips, thigh tight in his hold. “I love you so fucking much”, trembling between the gentle intensity of another whimper and the soft sincerity of a whisper. Either way, it’s truth all the same. 
His hips rear back again, hitting once, twice, and then a third final time. The coils winding in your bellies unraveling sharp. Bodies burning in white hot bliss. 
Falling and flying face first into heaven and earth. It’s amazing. 
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I'm shy but I tried writing something hope you like it
One last sip of coffee and two stomps to properly secure his boots, and the Gravity Falls Weirdness Expert was out the door.
  It was on a particularly sunny, clear day that found Stanford once again out in the field for a little catch up on his studies. The past week had been uneventful within the confines of his basement, as if the world was allowing him time to compile the numerous foot notes and sketches of his latest findings into a fairly cohesive summary within the first few pages of his second journal. Nights and afternoons were spent humming over words that didn't quite flow, and cross referencing facts he had uncovered with rumors that fell deaf upon all ears but his. Lovely as the quiet had been, seven days was more than enough time to stay cooped up in a research shack when there was plenty more to discover.
  Stanford cupped a hand around his ear and listened. A woodpecker pecked away at its hole in a birch, determined for an early breakfast. Not too far from there, a squirrel skittered along branches, hoping for an acorn meal of its own. A gnome tutted at a rainbow puddle, helping its reflection pick at its latest zit.
  All sounded normal, the scientist regarded with a deep sigh of disappointment. It was uncommon to not have something completely new to marvel over. Were it not for the gnome, one wouldn't know that they were in Gravity Falls at all. It was all so peaceful and Oregonian. Perhaps the world was still holding its breath over more important things to come. Perhaps it didn't quite realize that Stanford was more than ready to jump back into the weird and the wild.
  Four more minutes of strolling and listening, Stanford was just beginning to consider going into town to replenish his supplies when he finally spotted an unusual subject he'd been craving.
  A long, long, long snake tail hung from below the branches of a bright red leafed tree. The tip, maroon and tan in color, swung slowly and rhythmically back and forth, like the tick and tock of a pendulum on a grandfather clock. Stanford's wide eyes traveled up the tail to see the colors recede to darker browns in circled patterns as the mass grew thicker the higher his gaze climbed. Whatever was up there, the leaves could only do so much to completely cover it. It had to be massive.
The first, most obvious thought that came to his head was Python, but he quickly dismissed it. Pythons were not native to Oregon, certainly not one of this length at the very least. Except, this was Gravity Falls, where the only acceptable thing was to accept the unacceptable. Even so, a Python, even one as gigantic as this, seemed too...ordinary for the town's infamy. He'd made it this far by thinking outside the box, so what else could possible have a snake tail of this capacity?
It hit him, and he had to choke back a gasp of delight. "A naga! An actual naga!" The whispered excitement seemed especially piercing in the quiet of the early morning, but he was too elated to care. This was exactly what he had been waiting for to break what had started as a monotonous walk in the woods. Patting at his breast pocket for a pen and paper, he wracked his brain for what little he knew about these creatures. From what he remembered, the bottom half was always a snake, while the top half-
  "Well, hello."
  Stanford yelped and juggled his pen for two seconds before he composed himself enough to acknowledge that he was not alone. Clutching his pen holding hand to his chest to steady his heartbeat, he replied hesitantly, "Hello?"
  A deep, throaty chuckle seemed to echo all across the canopy of trees, a pleasant sound, but not very becoming of his nerves. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. You just looked so excited, I got a little curious."
  It wasn't hard to put two and two together. "I...should've realized that nagas were intelligent enough to understand human speech." Stanford cleared his throat, the thrill at the thought of another research subject spurring him on. "After all, if I'm getting my facts straight, your top halves are-"
Even if he had hypothesized it, he was not at all prepared for the sight that awaiting him. Slowing winding down from the thick branches was the top half of the naga; human in shape, and far more handsome than he could've imagined. Barrel chested with long chestnut hair, soulful brown eyes twinkling with mischief, and a long nose that only seemed to complete his features all the better. The naga's mouth curled into a playful smirk at Stanford's beguiled expression.
  "Impressed? Understandable. Not every day you run into someone like me, am I right?" He twisted his upper half upside down so that his long hair hung down in a wave of brown, barely tickling the grass beneath him.
  Stanford regained just enough sense to formulate a response. "Why, er, no, certainly not...hardly ever!" His excitement renewed, he clicked his pen and resumed reaching for some paper. "You must tell me everything about you!" His grin was all teeth.
  "Well, first thing's first, how about an introduction?" The naga said with no small amount of amusement. "My name's Kenneth. Call me Kenny."
  "Ah, yes, of course." Stanford shook his head and held out a six fingered hand. "Stanford Pines. Resident Researcher of Gravity Falls Phenomena. Pleasure to meet you, Kenny." Much to his delight, the Naga extended the red tip of his tail to shake with. "So fascinating! Your girth alone would take a whole page to describe! But more about that later; I must know all about your culture!" He set his pen to paper, waiting with baited breath and still beaming.
  Kenny returned the smile gleefully. "Well, I'm partial to smooth jazz, but I can't say no to samba. Oh, and don't get me started on-" The naga's rambles were cut short by Stanford's throat clearing.
  "Um, as stimulating as that is, I was hoping to do my research on your species as a whole."
  Kenny quirked an eyebrow. "Gonna need to clear me up on that."
  Stanford nodded patiently. "Well, it could be things like, what your diet consists of. Is English the most common language among your kind? Wouldn't a jungle be more befitting for a body such as yours? What natural abilities do you harbor, if any? How did-"
  "Ep, ep, ep!" Kenny, to Stanford's slight indignation, placed a finger to his lips, interrupting his little question vomit. "I think it'd be better to answer one at a ti-" The naga's eyes seemed to glint for a moment. "What was that last question?"
  Stanford pushed the finger off his lips to answer, "Um, what natural abilities do you harbor?"
  The glint returned, and the scientist knew that he'd seen a look like that many times before. Usually it was on his brother as he was hatching one of his harebrained schemes, one that would more than likely leave the two of them grounded, in body casts, or both.
  Suddenly wary, Stanford stuttered, "Um, actually, perhaps you could tell me about your diet-"
  "No, no, no! This is a question I know I can answer!" Kenny's voice took on a musical lilt, the sound of it somehow easing just a little of Stanford's reluctance. Besides, hadn't he wanted to study more creatures?  This was a rare opportunity, and the naga had offered. Stanford could always put out any potential fire with the extinguisher he'd hidden in one of the nearby trap doors.
  "Well, alright, what are your abilities?"
  Kenny's smirk returned in full force, and Stanford suppressed the urge to cringe. He was doing this for science, he reminded himself. For science.
  "Well, you see, Stanford...can I call you Ford?"
  "Oh, uh, yes."
  "Well, Ford, us nagas all have one very special ability in common." Kenny chuckled, the force of it rippling all across his coils winding around the branches. Stanford watched, mesmerized at the browns and tans that ebbed and flowed like an ocean of coils.
  "Ah, ah, ah. Eyes over here." Kenny's tail tip gently turned Ford's eyes back to his, amusement coloring his tone.
  Ford blinked himself out of his stupor. "Yes. Sorry. You were saying?"
  "Weeell, nagas have a very useful, very fun ability we just love to use." Kenny sang.
  Ford instinctively leaned closer, now more curious than nervous. "And that is?"
  A ring of yellow gently emerged and flowed outward from the center of Kenny's eyes. Then came orange. Then green. Then blue. Back to yellow. Orange. Green. Blue. Yellow.
  Ford gasped softly at the display. "Enchanting." He breathed. "How on earth are you doing...that with...with your...y-your eyes...?" Odd. It was getting a little hard to speak the longer he observed them. His brain would form thoughts, but the patterns would compel them to swirl away into a silvery mist. Some thoughts would reach his mouth, but his tongue was becoming heavy and useless, like he'd downed a whole bottle of red mulled wine.
  Kenny smiled softly, nodding with satisfaction at the colors emerging in his volunteer's eyes. "Magic. Although I've been told by a friend that it's slightly more complicated than that. But what matters is, it feels nice, right?"
  "Y-Yes...it does..." Stanford sighed his agreement, the hand holding his pen going slack at his side. It really was the most wonderful feeling, like any care or worry that had ever crossed his mind just didn't matter anymore. The weight of expectations and responsibilities lifted off his shoulders, and in their place was an intense feeling of relaxation and peace, welcoming him to their cozy little world of lovely colors and rippling coils.
  Ford giggled curiously. "Wazzz...wh-what's...happening?" He should have been writing this down and asking more pressing questions, but his brain may as well have been cotton by this point. Everything felt soft and warm and good.
  Kenny giggled back. "Jussst a taste of my abilities, like you wanted." He tilted his head. Ford's own head followed, glued to his eyes. "You're looking a little sleepy. How bout' a little nap?"
  "Nnn...nap...?" Ford blinked sluggishly, the word sparking a flash of recognition to reignite his sleep addled brain."H-Hold on...jus' a..." It took a painful amount of effort and willpower, so much that his eyes watered, but Ford managed to tear his eyes away from the hypnotic spectacle, taking a moment to rub the drowsy out of them.
  "I...what just..?" He was dazed and dizzy. But he knew just enough to figure that he had to keep his eyes covered.
  Kenny blinked away his hypnosis, startled by the rare show of resistance from a subject. There were few who could resist when they were that far under, but Ford just made the very short list. Even so, he wasn't completely out of the park yet, if his sleepy ramblings were any indication.
  "Aww, hey, what's wrong?" Kenny kept his voice gentle, but couldn't suppress some amusement either. "I thought you wanted to know all about the abilities of the nagas?" He tilted his head, feigning hurt.
  "Of...of course I do, but..." Ford turned away from where he heard the voice, having enough sense to cover his eyes with his arms, but not enough to remember how close he was to Kenny's tree. "I...I need to be-OOF!" He smacked right into it, the shock enough to snap him out of the spell completely.
  He shook the swirls and cobwebs from his head, gritting his teeth and focusing on the pain. "You..." He turned back to where he thought Kenny was, eyes shut tight and pointing accusingly. "You tried to hypnotize me!"
  "Wrong way." The voice to his left snorted playfully.
  Red in the face more from embarrassment than anger, Ford turned in the proper direction. "What do you intend to do, use me as some sort of thrall?! Easy slave labor?!"
  Kenny clapped. "Ha! Much more original than any accusations of eating people! But no." Ford heard a rustling of leaves to his right, and he flinched backwards, into a mass of coils that propped around his shoulders like a friendly arm. "You asked me what nagas could do. I was just showing you the works."
  Stanford stubbornly remained angry. "You could've just told me! Or I could've watched you do it on a gnome, or...I don't recall giving you consent to hypnotize me!"
  Kenny held up his hands in a placating gesture(that Stanford could not see). "Easy there, Ford! You're saying you didn't like it?"
  Ford sputtered indignantly. "I...that's besides the point! I'm doing this for science, not for a...a nap! Can you imagine how many hours of precious research time I'll lose if I sleep?!"
  To his surprise, Kenny's voice took on the slightest bit of concern. "Um, when was the last time you slept?"
  Once again caught off guard, Ford had to gather his thoughts and take a deep breath to answer calmly. "I can handle not sleeping for a few days. What I can't handle is how the world moves on with or without me. Every second of every minute of every hour, something is happening. Creatures to catalogue, reports to write, disputes to diverge! I'm going to change the world with this project! I'll sleep when I'm dead!" Ford had forgotten what calm was by the end of his tirade.
  Still with that aggravating concern he'd often heard from his mother, brother, and Fiddleford, Kenny tutted and gave Ford's shoulders a little squeeze with his coils.
  "That's no way to go, buddy. Everyone needs sleep. Even life changers like you."
  "We're getting off subject." Ford gritted his teeth, trying to breathe evenly. "You showed your ability. Thank you. I'll write all about it in my next volume. Now leave me alone." Eyes still shut, Ford ducked under the coils and felt around for the paper he had dropped during his little spell. Kenny's tail curled around his right wrist, as though dejected by the lack of attention. The six fingered scientist yanked his hand away, cursing quietly when he dropped the pen it'd been holding. "I mean it, Kenny. I've had enough." He snapped.
  "Oh, but you really haven't."
  Maybe it was the cockiness with which the naga said it, but Ford couldn't withhold his curiosity. "What do you mean?"
  "I mean, that I'd only just begun, and you'd only barely felt the full effects of a naga's powers. You resisted, and that just sent everything off kilter. Imagine how much info you could write about if you only knew what it's really like to be hypnotized by a real naga?" Kenny studied his own hands smugly, feigning nonchalance and hoping the anticipation didn't show on his face. He needed a new cuddle buddy after all.
  Wait. Ford's eyes were still closed. What did Kenny have to worry about?
  Ford crossed his arms, tapping a finger against his jacket. Kenny was just using promises of scientific discovery as a lure for another hapless victim, that's all this was.
  Regardless, he did have to know something. "Why do you even want to hypnotize me, anyway? It can't just be because you think I need sleep." Ford huffed.
  Kenny shrugged(Ford could STILL not see it). "I just wanted a cuddle. The fact that you need sleep is serendipitous."
  Stanford had lost count of how many times this naga had had him completely flustered. "That's...that's why you...huh?"
  "Of course! It's what I do. And no, it's not really a naga thing. It's just a Kenny thing." The naga laughed.
  Ford found himself letting his guard down a little at the confession. "That's...really all there is to it?"
  "Mm-hm!" Kenny nodded confidently. "Besides, is losing a few hours to the best sleep you'll ever have really that bad? Think of the discoveries you're missing out on!"
  "W-Well, no, but...cuddle with you? I mean, that's just...uh..." Darn it, he was thinking of the discoveries! What could he be missing by resisting such power? Was sleep all that would happen? Could he dream under the effects of naga hypnosis? How long could a human like himself last before he gave in?
  The questions were leaking through the dam of resistance in his brain. It wasn't long before they'd break free. Not only that, but...it's not like anyone would know about this. There was no one around this area but him and Kenny. Losing a bit of dignity for a few hours couldn't be too bad, could it?
  Slowly, Ford allowed his crossed arms to leave his side. He knelt to the ground, feeling around for a good place to sit.
  "I'll take that as a 'Go ahead'?" Kenny couldn't hide his excitement.
  Hands patting a particularly soft mound of earth, Ford grunted and set himself into an upright sitting position, legs splayed. "Don't try anything stupid." He warned, determined to have as much control over this bizarre circumstance as he could.
  "No problem at all." Kenny giggled. "Now, how 'bout you open your eyes, first."
  Reluctantly, Ford slowly pried his eyes open, squinting against the light of mid-morning. Blinded, it took five seconds for his eyes to adjust the many colors of the day.
  But then, he realized, it wasn't the day he was looking at. It was a now familiar sight of oranges and yellows and...he could barely keep track. They were going at a steady rate, but when he thought he could pick out one color, that one would fade into another, and another, and another...
  Ford squinted, still stubbornly wanting to remain in control. Who said he couldn't monitor the scientific intonations in his head, after all? That way he could do research on the naga's hypnosis without losing any time to useless pastimes like sleeping.
  The colors are reaching a familiar pattern. They ebb and flow like tides of the ocean. One disappears, only to appear just when you've forgotten it existed. Incredible. Dazzling. So very...focus! I hear something. A voice...a song...birds? No. Smoother. Kenny? Is it a lullaby? Trying to make it more challenging? Do your worst. I'm not...sleepy...at...all...Beautiful...So pretty...FOCUS!
  Kenny watched, patiently awaiting Ford's lapse into sleep. One second his swirling eyes would droop, the next they would spring back up as he caught himself growing drowsy. Even when Kenny began to hum a gentle, lulling tune, Ford was putting up a good fight. But if the bags under his eyes told him anything, it was that he really needed a siesta.
  Right. Time for a little coiling.
  Noises of the forest are...fading...easier to focus on Kenny's voice...all that matters...wait. No. I was...I can't...sleep now...not yet...Focus on...ability...
  Getting harder...to fight...melatonin trigger perhaps...so sleepy...yes, must be...mela...the stuff that...makes you...sleep...eyes make it...easy...to sleep...using...colors...lovely colors...
  Indeed, a coil was just starting to inch its way around Ford's abdomen, squeezing in especially tense areas and loosening any aches and pains he had been feeling just seconds before. Around and around the tail went, carefully pinning his arms to his sides, just enough to restrain, not enough to alarm or hurt. The tip continued on upward, reaching over his chest, feeling his slow, steady heartbeat. When the tail reached his shoulders, Kenny used his impressive strength to gently tilt Ford backwards, lying him on the ground, and making sure his hypnotic eyes were always in view.
  ...Warm...Blanket...? No...coils...? So...sleepy...Why was...I...fighting...?
  Kenny grinned over the helpless state Ford was in. His mouth hung open, his lids were periodically shutting and opening out of sync over his still swirling eyes, and his upper body was all wrapped up in his coziest coils. Still, even after all that effort, Ford looked like he need just one more little push. A nudge in the right direction.
  Kenny slowly, slowly, slowly pulled him into the air, so that he hung suspended over the ground, legs dangling with the direction he swayed in. Another loop of coils around his body, and Stanford was covered neck to toe in the warm embrace of a naga hug.
  Eyes lidded so low he could barely see Kenny's, Ford moaned softly at the sensations of his predicament. He couldn't remember why he had bothered fighting. Actually, he couldn't remember anything outside of his euphoric drowsiness and coil cocoon. Even then, Kenny noticed that his eyes hadn't closed just yet. Continuing his hummed lullaby, Kenny gave the coiled mass a little push, giving it a rocking effect.
  Gentle snores emerged from the cocoon, and Kenny sighed with satisfaction. "That wasn't so bad, was it now?" The tip of his tail closed Ford's mouth, where the snores turned into deep breathing. The coils gradually shifted from horizontal to vertical, so that his cheek was comfortably rested against his scaly bonds.
  Kenny ran a hand through Ford's brown hair, smiling with his usual mischief. "You wouldn't mind sharing your results when you wake up, would you?"
---submitted by b120583
OOC: I love this! :'3 Always nice to see a character like Ford in a situation like this <3
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